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<Nobabs27> yo
<Nobabs27> angeldude: maybe you want #git? idk im no expert, the peeps are on at diff times.
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<joepie91> note to self and others: patchShebangs will fail to patch shebangs if the file it's patching is not +x... quietly
<angeldude> joepie91: patchSebangs will fail silently if it finds a file who's executable is not a dependency.
<joepie91> angeldude: that wasn't the problem here
<joepie91> angeldude: packaging a game (RimWorld), and it came in a zip for some reason, so the +x flag on the start.sh was missing
<angeldude> That's the reason I'm trying to make a patch
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<joepie91> and the /bin/bash shebang didn't get patched... but it *did* get patched if I +x'ed the start.sh first
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<angeldude> The reason I asked here is because collision resolution is usually a repo-specific procedure. Have any of you had similar problems making patches to NixPkgs?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #25565: nitrokey-app: 0.6.3 -> 1.1 (master...nitrokey-app-1.0) https://git.io/v9wmQ
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #26136: nixos/tests: add tests for the LDAP stack (master...test-ldap-stack) https://git.io/vHZPx
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #26070: nss-pam-ldapd: 0.8.13 -> 0.9.7 (master...nss-pam-ldapd) https://git.io/vHYCR
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHn3Z
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b20f20d Martin Wohlert: libopus: 1.1.4 -> 1.1.5...
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<angeldude> Something different: how do I install flash for my browser (vivaldi)? Can I just install the version in the repository and have it just work, or is it more involved?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vHns0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 5600895 Franz Pletz: geolite-legacy: 2016-07-08 -> 2017-05-26...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 9f4a102 Thomas Tuegel: spotify: ->
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<siddharthist> hi, i'm trying to build a python application that uses pygtk. it builds properly, but when i try to run the result, I get "ImportError: No module named gobject". Any ideas? I'm happy to post a gist of the .nix file
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<iMatejC> siddharthist: you are probably missing python2Packages.pygobject2 (or python2Packages.pygobject3)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lukeadams opened pull request #26144: Gnuradio update (master...gnuradio-update) https://git.io/vHnc2
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<siddharthist> iMatejC: thanks for the tip, but it looks like neither of those helped when I added them to propogatedBuildInputs
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<dash> propagatedBuildInputs only affects other packages that depend on yours
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<dash> -- oh, i forgot buildPythonApplication treats it special
<dash> siddharthist: problem is that you spelled it wrong, you need "propagatedBuildInputs" instead of "propogatedBuildInputs"
<nixy> I have done that many many times
<iMatejC> angeldude: havent tried to use it, but url at vivaldi://flash said that if found flash
<iMatejC> anywayz, isnt flash a bit "deprecated"?
<angeldude> :iMatejC: Thanks, I'll check it out. Yes flash is outdated, but twitch still uses it.
<iMatejC> ouch
<clever> i have flash disabled and twitch works
<clever> at least in chromium
<iMatejC> dash: propagatedBuildInputs do affect current package and every package that has current package as dependency
<iMatejC> dash: btw.. nice catch, I would never found that spell..khm..bug..
<angeldude> by default, twitch says "No supported video backend available; Flash is not installed"
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<angeldude> I'm going to have to leave to test the script.
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<iMatejC> am, it does not work
<iMatejC> the second one is more promising: https://gist.github.com/matejc/a2b09c01fea7a6521855a21f0ebc0e41
<iMatejC> ah he left
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<boomshroom> Hello, I'm back
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<boomshroom> Vivaldi reports that Flash is installed, but twitch couldn't load the plugin
<iMatejC> yes
<iMatejC> look at the same gist I previously pasted and use the second file
<iMatejC> different flash :P
<iMatejC> you need to use pepper
<iMatejC> :P
<boomshroom> thank you. I thought NPAPI was fishy
<boomshroom> bye again!
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<dash> iMatejC: in stdenv.mkDerivation it doesn't directly change anything about runtime behavior, it's the python stuff that does shenanigans to make it matter
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<boomshroom> back again. Twitch works now! :D
<iMatejC> :D
<boomshroom> goodbye, Firefox. I hardly knew yee.
<iMatejC> dash: I am not saying that python stuff is not doing something special, but the similar thing is working for mkDerivation, I should know, I have hacked a bunch of packages that way :P
<boomshroom> All this to watch Jonathan Blow demo his WIP compiler.
<boomshroom> JAI-hype!
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<boomshroom> "One of the reasons [Linux] has so many problems is they have this dual bad idea of we're gonna use dynamic libraries and then we're just gonna update the dynamic libraries, so we're gonna update your libc and you're not gonna know. Well actually in reality that brakes things" from the livestream.
<boomshroom> I don't think he's the only one who noticed that problem. ;)
<boomshroom> "You test exactly the configuration the configuration that ships" I'm pretty sure he hit most of the points that Nix stresses.
<boomshroom> oops, only one "the configuration"
<siddharthist> @dash Thank you so much! Such a silly mistake :)
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<tywkeene> Anyone else not able to start Xorg with nvidia drivers? Just did a nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade to 17.03 and i have permission denied on /dev/tty0 in my xorg log, and starx returns no screens found
<tywkeene> Yet the nvidia module is installed and loaded
<clever> tywkeene: are you manualy running startx?
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<tywkeene> Not by default, display-manager failed
<clever> ah
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<clever> tywkeene: what does "journalctl -u display-manager" say?
<tywkeene> Failed with result 'exit-code'
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<tywkeene> oh sorry, looked further up, getting no screens found there too
<clever> not sure then
<tywkeene> Think im narrowing it down, there seems to be a syntax error in the xorg config
<tywkeene> Section is not a valid keyword in this section
<clever> can you gist the xorg.conf and the configuration.nix?
<tywkeene> if you tell me how from console lmao
<clever> are you able to ssh in from another machine?
<tywkeene> oh duh
<tywkeene> yes
<tywkeene> one seconds
<clever> there is a gist command in nix
<clever> so you can gist -p /etc/nixos/configuration.nix /nix/store/foo-xorg.conf
<nixy> Does man -k not work in NixOS?
<clever> nixy: makewhatis isnt being ran, so that might be to blame
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<clever> tywkeene: the .deviceSection string is inserted into an existing section "device" block
<clever> lines 109 and 113 have to be deleted
<clever> and line 111 is a duplicate, 631 of xserver.nix already sets the driver
<clever> 110 as well
<tywkeene> So take out the whole deviceSection from configuration.nix then?
<clever> BusId is the only part that could remain
<clever> but thats probably not needed if you only have 1 card
<clever> so yeah, just nuke that whole string
<tywkeene> Bang
<tywkeene> all set
<tywkeene> Thank you, you're a neat guy
<tywkeene> lmao
<clever> line 125 of the gist is also of no use
<clever> isNormalUser auto-sets home
<clever> and line 4 might be a problem, if you import nixpkgs with {}, it will load config.nix from $HOME
<clever> so root's overrides will randomly come and go
<tywkeene> so nuke that whole line too?
<clever> import nixpkgspath { config = {}; };
<clever> that will override the config, and make it more reproducable
<clever> and 125 can be nuked
<tywkeene> I think that was back when i was failing to build a custom package
<tywkeene> the pkgpath part
<clever> ah yeah, nothing references it
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<tywkeene> thanks for your help again, everytime i come in here i learn something new and get my problem fixed quickly
<clever> :)
<tywkeene> if i ever run into you irl, im buying you a beer
<clever> heh
<tywkeene> nixos is the best linux experience i've ever had
<tywkeene> of course i brought most of the bad stuff on myself running debian, gentoo and then arch
<tywkeene> especially gentoo
* tywkeene shudders
<clever> i ran redhat9, ubuntu, gentoo, and LFS
<clever> roughly in that order
<boomshroom> clever: You actually used LFS as a daily driver‽
<tywkeene> i remember installing ubuntu around the... 14.04 release? i dont remember, around 2012
<clever> boomshroom: i used LFS as my router for several years
<tywkeene> then thinking it was for 'scrubs' and moving on to a 'hardcore' distro, archbang
<tywkeene> i was so dumb back then
<nixy> Isn't LFS like the polar opposite of NixOS? What caused that leap
<clever> the LFS system was mainly a toy to learn, and i stayed mainly gentoo after that
<boomshroom> I made one LFS and then restarted in an attempt to have manageable packages.
<clever> but the internals of linux you learn in LFS also apply to all of the edge-cases nix hits
<nixy> Nix does hit a lot of really linuxy edge cases
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<tywkeene> I think that's part of the appeal, really
<clever> and LFS did fun things like building an entire toolchain based under /tools/
<clever> including the interpreter and libc
<boomshroom> I was essentially making a NixOS lite in LFS.
<boomshroom> Then I actually installed NixOS.
<tywkeene> that's quite an undertaking if you stop and think about it
<tywkeene> but i'm sure most people here have considered writing a package manager and slapping it on lfs to see what would happen
<tywkeene> at least i have
<clever> i have looked at how the stdenv bootstrap works in nixpkgs
<clever> and if i pulled up the lfs docs, i could probably recreate it ontop of bare nix
<clever> here is an example derivation that doesnt use the stdenv
<clever> as a bare minimum, every derivation must have system, name, builder, and args set
<clever> 99.99% of the other arguments just pass on to the environment of the build, and bash scripts in the stdenv handle them
<tywkeene> i should probably learn nix at some point a little more in depth
<clever> and stdenv.mkDerivation provides a default builder
<boomshroom> My "package manager" for LFS was 2 bash scripts, one generated the folder to contain the package, the other to link it to the global filesystem.
<clever> and this script handles the bulk of that
<clever> i never once updated a single package on my LFS system
<clever> it was one massive imperative heap
<clever> and the hdd failed one day, but i luckily had a backup image
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<boomshroom> whoops, closed the wrong tab
<tywkeene> that reminds me, i need to start doing backups
<tywkeene> i can never decide on a solid backup strategy
<dash> tywkeene: LTO-4 tapes
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<tywkeene> "800GB uncompressed"
<tywkeene> neat
<clever> my nas is a 3 drive raidz1 with nfs
<clever> the desktop is a zfs mirror
<dash> clever: how do you back it up
<clever> dash: no real backup plans for the nas or desktop
<clever> only protection against a single failing drive
<dash> clever: yeah this is my problem too
<tywkeene> does anyone even sell drives for those tapes?
<boomshroom> One of these days, I'll get a harddrive for backups.
<dash> tywkeene: you might have to steal one
<tywkeene> shit
<clever> i think i have 2 or 3 scsi tape drives
<clever> and a decade ago, i had a working tape drive that connected to the floppy drive ribbon
<tywkeene> my ex took my hockey mask when she left
<tywkeene> guess im boned
<tywkeene> A while ago i started writing a backup solution for myself in Go. it runs in the background, automatically distrubutes files to multiple nodes at once. Started writing caching for it so it wouldnt have to index everytime a node requested a file listing but caches are hard
<clever> tywkeene: have you seen what nix-store --optimize does?
<tywkeene> I have not
<clever> tywkeene: it hardlinks every file in the nixstore to /nix/store/.links/<hash>
<clever> so if 2 files have the same hash, they wind up hardlinked to eachother, via the .links/<hash>
<clever> that does file-level dedup
<tywkeene> so basically you have a file in two places? or am i misunderstanding?
<clever> same contents in 2 different places, potentialy with different names
<clever> and neither is writable
<tywkeene> i did find it kind of jarring not being able to write to a lot of files in nixos
<clever> in some cases, you can temporarily cheat by copying
<clever> for example, copy the contents of /etc/nix/nix.conf to a new file, delete the symlink, and rename the copy
<clever> next time you boot or nixos-rebuild, that will be undone, and the symlink restored
<clever> or in the case of some scripts, cp /run/current-system/sw/bin/foo foo; chmod +w foo; $EDITOR foo ; ./foo
<clever> to test a fix out
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<clever> as an added benefit, you cant forget to undo debug stuff and leave the system in a weird state
<tywkeene> never stops surprising me how different nixos is
<clever> tywkeene: another fun thing i did recently is this
<clever> this collection of nix expressions will compile down to a ~250mb .tar file, upload it to any linux machine, unpack to /, and /kexec_nixos
<clever> and within 2 minutes, its running nixos from a ramdisk
<clever> ssh back into it, and either do a normal install (fdisk, nixos-generate-config, nixos-install)
<clever> or run "justdoit" and let the script do it all
<boomshroom> "the root block device that justdoit will nuke from orbit and force nixos onto" The clever man who wrote this clearly has a sense of humor.
<clever> :D
<tywkeene> ^
<clever> line 37, it will use dd to wipe the old partition table and boot sector
<tywkeene> i always liked that phrase 'nuke from orbit'
<tywkeene> i recall seeing something similar but with an ubuntu image
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<tywkeene> i love me some stargate
<tywkeene> i remember waking up when i was still in school, at about 2am everynight because they'd play stargate atlantis
<clever> :D
<tywkeene> became a routine and my grades suffered because of it lmao
<clever> i remember having to visit my uncle, because i didnt have the space channel
<boomshroom> Huh, the TV show has the same birthyear as me.
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<clever> :O
<clever> stop making me feel old!
<tywkeene> I was also pleasently surprised one day much later on when i found out there was originally a movie
<boomshroom> TODO: Watch stargate.
<tywkeene> i had no idea, i then pira... errr... bought the dvd and watched the shit out of it
<clever> heh
<clever> i have the entire sg1 series on dvd
<clever> it now sits in storage and i just netflix it
<tywkeene> also, clever, redhat9 already showed your age a while ago
<tywkeene> lmao
<clever> tywkeene: well, i used redhat9 in 2004 :P
<clever> it was already out of date by then
<clever> i think that had a 2.4 kernel
<tywkeene> and i was in 4th grade :O
<clever> i remember one day trying to figure out why my server cpu usage was all going to a weirdly named program, i think it was pipes
<clever> turns out, i left xorg up, with screensavers
<tywkeene> oh. wait.
<tywkeene> the first time heard about linux i was at my middle school girlfriends house and a neckbeard guy was installing it on their computer
<clever> lol
<tywkeene> he asked me if i knew what linux was and i was like uhhhh
<clever> i only really got into it in late highschool
<tywkeene> i got into it after dropping out, had a bunch of free time
<clever> same, was kicked out in 2004, grade 11
<tywkeene> kicked out 09 or 10
<tywkeene> 9th grade
<dash> clever: heh, and _you_ feel old
<clever> dash: 30 years old :P
<boomshroom> I started using it full time near the end of highschool too, but I think my dad exposed me to Ubuntu years earlier.
<clever> dash: and i have yelled "get off the lawn"
<tywkeene> oh you only got 7 years on me
<tywkeene> dash: what was linux in the 90s like
<clever> dash: i found my dad driving a jeep on the front lawn one day, shining the headlights in the livingroom windows
<boomshroom> Now I'm the one trying to convince him to switch
<tywkeene> :P
<clever> boomshroom: one thing i have been thinking about, using nixops to manage nixos on machines for family members
<clever> setup a vpn, and just remotely update it
<clever> and i could also make a usb stick that boots directly into nixos, with my vpn and ssh key pre-configured
<clever> so if you ever break it, shove the stick in and call, i can remotely wipe and reinstall
<tywkeene> i had to fix my coworkers home computer one day, i mentioned linux then had to quickly switch the subject when he seemed interested
<tywkeene> i just dont have the energy to convert
<tywkeene> plus im not a qualified linux priest
<clever> yeah, installing it is one thing
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<dash> tywkeene: it was great, we still had netscape navigator
<clever> teaching them how to use it and helping to maintain it is a whole other beast
<clever> dash: i remember when you had to install winsock
<dash> tywkeene: javascript was just a curiosity, and college computer-lab machines would boot from flopppies
<tywkeene> clever: yeah, i had visions of 'what the hell is grub and why isnt it working i think i have a virus'
<tywkeene> lmao netscape
<dash> tywkeene: i did my homework with emacs and LaTeX
<boomshroom> Sometimes I wish I got to live through the good ol' days of computing.
<dash> boomshroom: they are ahead of us
<tywkeene> dash: dude
<tywkeene> neat
<tywkeene> i mean emacs
<tywkeene> but still neat
<dash> boomshroom: we just gotta get out of the current lake of bullshit we're submerged in
<dash> tywkeene: emacs is love, emacs is life
<dash> i mean yes it's also terrible in very specific ways, but
<dash> so is linux in general
<tywkeene> i can just never wrap my head around lisp
<tywkeene> like i start to
<dash> tywkeene: have you used python
<tywkeene> but then it just slips away
<dash> or ruby
<dash> or javascript
<tywkeene> i have
<tywkeene> python and ruby
<dash> it's basically the same
<boomshroom> I've heard emacs is a great operating system, but I'm not quite sold on the text editor.
<dash> just without classes
<dash> boomshroom: that non-joke was old when i installed debian 2.0
<dash> boomshroom: I recommend Alan Kay's _The Computer Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet_
<boomshroom> Goes to show how reliable information is when hearing it third or fourth hand.
<clever> i have also made a custom distro based on nix/nixos, that is about 47mb installed
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<dash> clever: :-D
<clever> custom stage-1 script in the initrd, runit for an init system, squashfs rootfs
<tywkeene> i never really felt super confident or useful with lisp
<clever> and while it has no persistant storage, i do have nix-daemon working, and it can be a build slave
<dash> tywkeene: i used emacs for like three years before i learned any
<dash> tywkeene: it's way way easier to do it in emacs than in any other lisp since it's so interactive
<tywkeene> well my original thought was 'i dont want to use a text editor i dont know how to configure'
<dash> tywkeene: that's why i don't use vim much
<tywkeene> i then switched to vim and i still only have it partially configured
<tywkeene> pretty much just how i want it but i don't know it as in depth as i ever want to
<tywkeene> its just one of those classic lazy programmer dilemmas
<dash> tywkeene: try spacemacs, vim keys _and_ a less forbidding config system
<dash> tywkeene: are you familiar with optimization problems?
<tywkeene> ?
<dash> in the math sense
<tywkeene> i am not
<dash> tywkeene: ok. optimization problem is basically like you have some inputs (say x, y coordinates) and an output you want to maximize/minimize (say, height)
<tywkeene> alright
<dash> tywkeene: the idea is figuring out what kind of algorithm you use to search the space to find the optimal inputs
<dash> tywkeene: so in the case i described it's like trying to figure out how to walk to the highest point in an area while only looking at the ground right in front of/next to you
<tywkeene> so really you just have to justdoit (tm)
<tywkeene> right
<dash> the simplest idea is that you just start walking uphill and stop when you get to a spot where everything around you is lower (i.e. the top of a hill)
<dash> but this fails in the case where there might be a bigger hill on the other side of the valley!
<clever> dont recreate the graph in #1445 above
<tywkeene> i think i get what you mean anyways
<dash> the point of this analogy is that sometimes you have to get to a place that's less effective/efficient for a while to get to a higher level of productivity later
<dash> therefore switch to emacs today, qed
* dash should not still be awake
<tywkeene> lmao
<tywkeene> yes, go to sleep
<tywkeene> the church of emacs gathers in the morning
<tywkeene> and i have a goat sacrifice to get to
<tywkeene> _vi_ _vi_ _vi_
<clever> i'm also a vim user
<dash> i'm also a vim user
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<dash> or i was until i switched to nixos, which has nano installed by default instead
<tywkeene> i ended up binding it to f12
<tywkeene> i actually bound a lot to the f keys, write file to disk, open file, open file tab, open file split
<dash> i should do that, i only bound f12
<dash> to "display git interaction buffer"
<tywkeene> now i hit esc f1 (write to disk) automatically
<tywkeene> kind of annoying when im on a box without my setup installed
<dash> (magit is reason enough by itself to use emacs)
<tywkeene> clever: ninja?
<clever> tywkeene: its like make
<dash> if make were good
<boomshroom> goodnight, guys.
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<tywkeene> interesting
<clever> cmake is also able to generate ninja files
<clever> so you can try it out on any cmake project
<tywkeene> i did like cmake when i used it for a few small projects that went nowhere but i never had any extensive experience with it
<tywkeene> definitely easier than make and friends
<clever> yeah
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<tywkeene> Anyone here live in the denver area? seirously wanting to move up there from albuquerque and start my progrmaming career for real
<clever> i'm way up in canada
<tywkeene> sorry
<tywkeene> :3
<clever> it was snowing like 2 weeks ago, lol
<tywkeene> we got some recent snow here too
<tywkeene> its the end times, i tell you
<clever> "2017-05-27 02:53:19 bedroom temp: 23.00c(73.40f), kitchen: 22.44c(72.39f), living room: 21.75c(71.15f), outdoor: 8.38c(47.08f), server: 23.69c(74.64f) VCC: over 4.5 volts portb: 00000000"
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<tywkeene> wew
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<tywkeene> whoop first message of the day
<tywkeene> ayyy
<clever> its 3am here
<tywkeene> yeah well, not all of use can be in the future ok
<tywkeene> lmao
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHn4N
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fa8ee5d Frederik Rietdijk: Python: update script for packages...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dcc6a69 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #25583 from FRidh/updatescript...
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<simpson> Ooh, exciting.
<jluttine> i have a nix expression for a (python) application (not module). the problem is that it also adds its runtime dependencies to path (and python path) when i install the application. i don't like this. i would only like to have that particular application executable in path, none of its dependencies. any ideas how i could easily achieve this? with some kind of wrapping?
<danbst> jluttine: perhaps split binaries to separate output and install `package.bin`?
<danbst> jluttine: for normal derivations this should be as easy as `outputs = [ "out" "bin" ];`, not sure for python derivations
<simpson> jluttine: A wrapper sounds about right. Nix already generates a wrapper for Python entrypoints, though, I think?
<jluttine> simpson: i guess it does but it seems to add all the dependencies into my environment. i don't like that and i think that is against the "application" idea (vs "module" idea)
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<simpson> jluttine: Well, I guess you can patch the package to not do that.
<Filystyn> guys last nix update broke my kde 5 ;-)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHnBA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 522c16b Jörg Thalheim: systemd-nspawn: fixes evaluation error...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 08dd677 Jörg Thalheim: systemd-nspawn: relax PrivateUsers check...
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<sphalerite> Why did nixos-16.09 update the other day?
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<makefu> sphalerite: sometimes critical patches get backported to oder revisions
<nixy> Yeah but I thought 16.09 wasn't even getting backports anymore
<sphalerite> ^
<sphalerite> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/25f4906da6387e132823417bc54ea86040fb9bd5 and this is the only commit that's been added. Doesn't say anything about why
<sphalerite> maybe it was just an accident
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<nixy> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 9 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHn02
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bf09054 Peter Simons: liquid-fixpoint: patchShebangs is no longer required in version
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2c2965c Peter Simons: liquid-fixpoint: disable shared executables to fix the test suite...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2670838 Peter Simons: hackage2nix: clean up required extra-versions for aeson
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<nixy> Anyone have a guide on statically configuring my IP? I am following the NixOS manual, but I am a little lost on it
<nixy> My interface is named eth0, but when I do an ip a I get the whole enp0s4 thang
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHnEu
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0989178 Frederik Rietdijk: python36.pkgs.networkx: disable tests
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 3 new commits to staging: https://git.io/vHnE6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging f71b83a Vladimír Čunát: libdrm: 2.4.79 -> 2.4.81
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging b4bb396 Vladimír Čunát: libdrm: support valgrind suppression via a lighter version...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 76a020e Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'master' into staging
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ekleog opened pull request #26147: dkimproxy: init at 1.4.1 (master...dkimproxy) https://git.io/vHnEH
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHnuL
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 66deb18 Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.pytestdjango: remove duplicate expression...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dce1c26 Frederik Rietdijk: Python: fix update script...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 959842a Frederik Rietdijk: Python: add pname attributes to libraries...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHnuM
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f717118 Pascal Wittmann: fsql: init at 0.1.0
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<srhb> Is this behaviour normal? I have a haskell package with some symlinked modules. If I nix-shell and cabal build, everything is fine, but if I nix-build it, it fails to load the interfaces for the symlinked modules. I could swear I've done this before with no issue.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHnzU
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f06f4a0 Pascal Wittmann: pandas: remove outdated comment...
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<srhb> If I copy over the file, everything works fine. This seems very weird.
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<manveru> zimbatm: you saw the npm update? apparently they support symlinks now...
<srhb> Am I missing something? Are symlinked files in src simply not copied over?
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<bennofs> srhb: symlinks are copied as a symlink, but not followed
<srhb> bennofs: Huh. :( I could have sworn this worked earlier, but I guess not.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] offlinehacker closed pull request #26131: docker tools: fix pull image function (master...pkgs/build-support/docker/pull) https://git.io/vHZ8g
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHngQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0786bb0 Armijn Hemel: cifs-utils: 6.5 -> 6.6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 233716f Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26135 from armijnhemel/cifs-utils-6.6...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] akamaus opened pull request #26150: user-local config.nix path fixed in docs (master...master) https://git.io/vHn2k
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #26150: user-local config.nix path fixed in docs (master...master) https://git.io/vHn2k
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar opened pull request #26152: wine: reorganize packages (master...wine-reorder) https://git.io/vHn23
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #26151: nbstripout: wrap the executable (master...wrap-nbstripout) https://git.io/vHn2L
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHn2C
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ef54727 Jaakko Luttinen: pythonPackages.Nikola: init at 7.8.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a50b61f Jaakko Luttinen: pythonPackages.ws4py: git-20130303 -> 0.4.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7d95431 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #25849 from jluttine/add-nikola...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #26139: go: disable failing tests on arm (master...armv7l-go) https://git.io/vHZAS
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #26153: cc-wrapper: propagate outputs (staging...cc-outputs) https://git.io/vHnaw
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 9 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHnVt
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 97f67d1 Frederik Rietdijk: buildPythonPackage: do not keep checkInputs...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0d43420 Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.astroid: 1.4.9: 1.5.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6cd52fa Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.llvmlite: 0.16.0 -> 0.18.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #26142: mkPythonDerivation: obey a dontWrapPythonPrograms attribute (master...dont-wrap-python-programs-flag) https://git.io/vHnqg
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vHnV3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 77b7fca Frederik Rietdijk: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into HEAD
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #26154: wxGTK30: 3.0.2 -> (master...wxwidgets- https://git.io/vHnw8
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<romildo> I need help making a PS printer to work on NixOS.
<romildo> It is a RICOH Aficio MP 2851 connected with the IP address on the LAN.
<romildo> Using the CUPS web interface I have configured it with the Generic PostScript driver. The connection is ipp://
<romildo> The print self test page works.
<romildo> But the print test page does not. The jobs state is stopped "Filter failed".
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<romildo> Any clues?
<symphorien> did you download the ppd and gave it to cups yourself ?
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<symphorien> filters are binaries which are declared in the ppd and called to modify the input given to the printer I think
<symphorien> if the ppd expects the filter in a place like /usr/share.... it won't work on nixos...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh opened pull request #26155: Python: add buildPythonPackage.overridePythonPackage method. (master...override) https://git.io/vHnrC
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<romildo> symphorien, I am using the "Generic PostScript" driver, which comes with cups, if I am not wrong. I am not using (yet) a more specific PPD.
<symphorien> ah, no idea then, sorry
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<romildo> symphorien, Looking at the log I see the message "Unable to execute pdftops program: No such file or directory".
<symphorien> ah interesting
<romildo> symphorien, It looks like some ghostscript tools is not being found.
<symphorien> a message from the cups daemon ?
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<romildo> symphorien, yes, from journalctl -b -u cups
<spinus> this message also can appear when the binary has wring rpath or sth like that
<spinus> s/wring/wrong/
<symphorien> then you should fix the cups nixos module
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<symphorien> or you can add something similar to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/release-17.03/nixos/modules/services/printing/cupsd.nix#L78 in services.printing.extraConf to add the path to pdftops
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<symphorien> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/release-17.03/nixos/modules/services/printing/cupsd.nix#L37 : strange: ghostscript is providing pdf2ps but no pdftops
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<symphorien> ah its provided by poppler_utils
<symphorien> then maybe add popplet_utils to services.printing.drivers
<symphorien> *poppler_utils
<romildo> symphorien, I will try that.
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<jluttine> i managed to get Conda working on nixos so i wrote a blog post about my solution and thought i'd share here because it might be relevant to some people here: http://www.jaakkoluttinen.fi/blog/conda-on-nixos/
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<FRidh> jluttine: nice work!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ma27 opened pull request #26156: WIP: allow bgSupport for windowManagers as well (master...25978-refactor-bg-image-module) https://git.io/vHn6t
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<FRidh> jluttine: as to your last line. I think there's definitely interest from others to being able to use Conda.
<FRidh> jluttine: did you try whether Qt5 applications work?
<manveru> yay, finally found a way to build my image without root :)
<BlessJah> module I'm writing requires set of third-party config (rules) that may be updated few times a day, which is why I want it to be updated via cron
<BlessJah> where is best place to store them (on NixOS fs layout)
<LnL> I think most things on nixos put their data in /var/lib
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<sphalerite> I believe I've discovered a minor security issue with nix, how should I report it?
<ben> hypothetically, what if the security issue revolved around illicit edits to security.html?
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<sphalerite> hehe
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<manveru> then good luck
<manveru> you can check https://github.com/NixOS/security as well, it might be an issue there already
<LnL> I think only 2 or 3 people can change that page
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<ris> is anyone else able to do a successful local build of python35Packages.django_hijack on current master?
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<ris> suspect it's broken
<BlessJah> django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Requested setting AUTH_USER_MODEL, but settings are not configured. You must either define the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE or call settings.configure() before accessing settings.
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<BlessJah> is this expected result?
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<Drako365> does nixOS use udev?
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<Drako365> I'm trying to set up bcache and it's not showing up in /dev
<sphalerite> Actually not nearly as minor as I thought at first, I believe I can escalate to root with the bug D:
<sphalerite> Drako365: it does
<sphalerite> systemd's udev
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<sphalerite> Drako365: ask your question in the channel, you're more likely to get help that way and it could be useful for others (public logs)
<bennofs> Drako365: see https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#udev (udev.extraRules and udev.packages)
<ris> BlessJah: yes thats what im getting too thanks
<ris> think im going to have to disable the checks - on py27 the only reason it "passes" the checks is it subtly skips them all
<sphalerite> Drako365: URL for logs is in the topic. Please stop PMing
<ris> on py3 it tries to run them & fails
<FRidh> then the checkPhase should be fixed
<FRidh> regarding django_hijack. If I recall correctly you need to override it to use an older Django version.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nh2 opened pull request #26157: tinc: Mention in docs that the host name may not be used verbatim. (master...tinc-docs-hostname) https://git.io/vHnP8
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHnPV
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2ff488c Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.django_hijack...
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<sphalerite> do build substituters run as build users in a multi-user setup?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHnPF
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 19c298e Niklas Hambüchen: tinc: Mention in docs that the host name may not be used verbatim. (#26157)...
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<bennofs> sphalerite: they should. network access as root sounds like a bad idea
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<equalunique_> Has anyone left their NixOS machine running for awhile, come back to it, and saw X is no longer running? I experience this when I leave two of my NixOS systems. It affects my ThinkPad E465 and my SuperMicro SYS-7038A-i. It never happens while I'm using these, only when I've left them alone for a while. I have not seen this behavior on my ThinkPad T420 running NixOS.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] montag451 opened pull request #26158: simpleproxy: init at 3.5 (master...simpleproxy) https://git.io/vHnXr
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHnXj
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4760869 Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.urllib3: disable tests...
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<Drako365> how would I add udev rules to the installation enviroment?
<equalunique_> Drako365: I have udev rules in my configuration.nix to allow my FIFO tokens to be accessed by chrome
<Drako365> I need them on the live enviroment though, because I'm setting my system up with bcache
<equalunique_> Drako365: I guess I'm not sure what you mean by live environment. Like, do you not want to reboot the machine in order to have the udev rules take effect?
<rnhmjoj> Drako365: you can generate an iso with a custom configuration
<Drako365> Can I do that from the installation ISO?
<equalunique_> Drako365: Also good luck with your bcache testing! :)
<equalunique_> Drako365: In theory you could create a custom ISO. There must be a way to do it on a live system...
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<Drako365> equalunique_: thanks
<jluttine> FRidh: i think i just used matplotlib with pyqt5, but didn't try any other qt5 applications. any suggestions what application to try?
<equalunique_> Drako365: What if you added your udev rules to a .nix file, then executed that with nix?
<equalunique_> Here's what I'm using in my configuration.nix:
<equalunique_> services.udev.extraRules = '' ATTRS{idVendor}=="1050", TAG+="uaccess" ATTRS{idVendor}=="2581", ATTRS{idProduct}=="f1d0", TAG+="uaccess" '';
<FRidh> jluttine: maybe spyder. I recall there used to be issues with conda that they provide qt5 libraries that are of a different version than the system ones.
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<Drako365> Actually, the bcache-tools package seems to be on the graphical install, so it should work more or less without issue.
<Drako365> I saw on an ubuntu questions thread that there was a way of manually registering devices with bcache, but the paths they used don't exist on the installation enviroment
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<equalunique_> Darko365: I have to go but would definitely be interested in learning more how bcache went for you. Later m8
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<rnhmjoj> i have a FHSUserEnv to run games and binary only software. glib 2.25 broke some programs: is there a way to override it inside the environment?
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<rnhmjoj> adding glibc-2.24 to multiPkgs doesn't work. glib-2.25 is still symlinked to /usr/lib/libc.so
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<Drako365> equalunique_: Aye, will share
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] elasticdog opened pull request #26161: pythonPackages.pywinrm: 0.1.1 -> 0.2.2 (master...pywinrm) https://git.io/vHnDC
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<BlessJah> is it possible to easily check why a derivation was built? I was surprised to see aws-sdk-c++ built during build-vm with absolute minimal config
<pikajude> aws-sdk-c++ is one of nix's build inputs, lol
<pikajude> that'll be why
<BlessJah> can I trace such dependency (without grep wizardry)?
<pikajude> hmmm
<pikajude> there's a nix-store you can run to get a .dot file of the dependency graph
<pikajude> i don't remember what it's called
<pikajude> i think it's just nix-store -q --graph {path}?
<pikajude> or you can use nix-store -q --tree to just get a textual representation
<pikajude> i prefer the graphical one but it does require graphviz
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<BlessJah> I prefer text, and answer like "X because Y asked, Y because Z asked and you enabled Z in config.nix" or "because user W installed it"
<pikajude> oh ok
<pikajude> nix-store -q --tree if you pass it a path will show a textual tree representation of the dependency chain
<pikajude> no generic way to figure out if things have been enabled in config.nix
<pikajude> because there's no generic way to enable things
<BlessJah> pikajude: nix-store --query --referrers is the answer
<pikajude> hmm
<pikajude> ok
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] proteansec opened pull request #26162: libvmi: init at 3e4114 (master...pkgs/libvmi) https://git.io/vHnSO
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<Drako365> Alright, unless someone has a truly preposterous idea, I'm concluding that bcache simply doesn't work from the nixOS instalelr
<Drako365> installer*
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<Filystyn> guys with nixshell you can use older glibc versions?
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<rnhmjoj> Filystyn: i was asking the same question earlier
<rnhmjoj> i couldn't find a way so i'm rebuild the system with 2.24 but this will take a while
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26158: simpleproxy: init at 3.5 (master...simpleproxy) https://git.io/vHnXr
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<evangeline> hi, how can I specify that particular dependency in nixpkg needs to be at least of specific version?
<pikajude> er
<pikajude> you change the vwersion
<pikajude> in the derivation
<pikajude> sorry, accidental early return
<simpson> evangeline: You might be able to justify `assert`? Which package are you working with?
<evangeline> simpson: https://drakvuf.com/ it requires xen 4.8 (at least)
<simpson> evangeline: ISTR that there's something specific for hypervisors but don't know the details. Grep for other Xen users in nixpkgs, I guess?
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<evangeline> btw: why is .git directory removed when pulling the source from github with fetchFromGitHub ?
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<mdash> It's an exported zipfile rather than a git checkout
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<katyucha> Hi. The Travis test failed on my pull request : It say : py.test: error: unrecognized arguments: -n ... but I don't modify python or thing like that .. is it normal ? (PR : 26130 about vault)
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<rnhmjoj> travis is not much reliable, which PR?
<rnhmjoj> ah, 26130, sorry
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<Infinisil> God, my university wants us to do a project with Java and some libraries which weren't updated in a decade, sparse documentation. And the other members of my team write the ugliest imperative non-understandable code ever, it's horrible
<mellowmaroon> Infinisil: I had a class like that too... :(
<Infinisil> So many if's, for loops, it's the worst
<bennofs1> Infinisil: do they require you to use BlueJ as IDE as well?
<mellowmaroon> bennofs1: Never heard of BlueJ, in high school I had to use JGrasp though
<Infinisil> Eclipse is recommended
<bennofs1> that's what they use for teaching at my university, although luckily we can use whatever we want (bluej doesn't even have a "compile all" button, you have to compile each class manually by selecting it and clicking compile ... lol)
<mellowmaroon> the worst part of my university assignment like that, was that the prof just extended later classes from earlier ones for little reason
<mellowmaroon> so assignment14 extends assignment13, which extends 12, etc... it was very annoying to debug
<Infinisil> They actually make us use a whole Ubuntu OS in a VM because they can't get the environment to work any other way
<bennofs1> wow
<mellowmaroon> That would've been a better approach for us, honestly. It was a nightmare getting things to work right
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<mellowmaroon> I use Linux, and my prof's code distribution was Windows-based, so I had to spend an extra weekend messing with junk
<mellowmaroon> That is, there were dll's called through JNI and some other weird things
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jbarthelmes opened pull request #26163: factorio: 0.15.1 -> 0.15.16 (master...factorio-0.15.16) https://git.io/vHnQ1
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<mellowmaroon> be back in a bit...
<Infinisil> They should've used nix or docker
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<katyucha> mellowmaroon: in a lot of work ... windows is the standard workstation ... it's really ugly
<drakonis> when's deterministic vms
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<Infinisil> I spent about 2 hours today looking at the code my collegues wrote (they started with it), and I still don't get what's supposed to do what
<Hoolootwo> join #esoteric if you like that feeling :P
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<Infinisil> yet it's only about 1000 lines
<Infinisil> Sometimes I fear I'll have to deal with an imperative code base when I finally start working
<Infinisil> Nightmares
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<simpson> Are you normally in Prolog? Datalog? Kanren?
<simpson> I've always dreamed of doing logic programming for non-small stuff but can't imagine how it must be.
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<mdash> simpson: doesn't Make count? ;)
<Infinisil> I have a lot of experience with functional swift, been coding pretty much all the time when I used macOS
<Infinisil> I'd love to use more Haskell and Idris, which I both have learned the basics of
<Infinisil> Also Rust would be very much appreciated
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<BlessJah> is there easy way to generate yaml from nix?
<simpson> Infinisil: Well, isn't Haskell "the best imperative language"?
<simpson> Infinisil: I'm just imagining that maybe the problem is your company's style guide and not the language of choice, if 1000 lines is a problem.
<Rotaerk> Infinisil, enjoy haskell all you want, it's a nice language, and great to work with
<Rotaerk> but as a programmer you need to accept that existing code-bases aren't always going to be written in the best language, or in the best style within the language of choice
<Infinisil> True
<Rotaerk> and just do your best to infer intent
<Rotaerk> learning to read others' code is a skill in and of itself
<Rotaerk> it's usually badly written and hard to follow; that's the norm
<Infinisil> You see, this project, it uses multiple libraries nobody has a clue about, is written in Java 6 (!), and the code is just barely working, just enough so that the assignment can be fulfilled. I really hope in an actual job the circumstances are not as bad
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<Rotaerk> don't get your hopes up too high :P every codebase I've encountered where I work is cringe-worthy to varying degrees
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<simpson> Infinisil: A dirty secret of the industry is that there is no such thing as non-bad code.
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<arian_> how am I supposed to read the output of exportReferencesGraph ?
<katyucha> rnhmjoj: I go backward in my branch to put the last version which compiling successfully (to test, to be sure it's my modification which make travis fail)
<arian_> what do the numbers mean?
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<tywkeene> ayyy
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<justelex> Hi, how can I activate a broadcom driver for bluetooth? I asume this is what I needhttps://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/master/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware. Am I right? How to activate it in the config?
<katyucha> rnhmjoj: same error on Travis with the branch, it compiles successfully yesterday :/
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ryantrinkle opened pull request #26164: Slience lndir output in symlinkJoin (master...lndir-silent) https://git.io/vHnFN
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<rhon> hi
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<rhon> I'm trying to get spotify, but I'm stuck with this error : https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/26141 which seems fixed btw
<rhon> is there a way to force nixos-rebuild to fetch expressions from github instead from some cloudfront cache ?
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<katyucha> rhon: install nixpkgs on local https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html#ch-development ? and rebuild from it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar opened pull request #26165: grub installer: remove old kernels before copying new ones. (master...grub-clean) https://git.io/vHnbB
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<LnL> the channels only update when all the nixos tests are green
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<LnL> rhon: you can do something like this to get a single package from another channel https://gist.github.com/LnL7/7027a16168d4554aec166c8dd21ccccd
<rhon> LnL: didn't know that, thx
<LnL> and when the nixos channel updates you can remove it again
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHnNI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a50315d Joachim Fasting: tinycc: 0.9.27pre-20170225 -> 0.9.27pre-20170527...
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<gchristensen> clever: ping?
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<mellowmaroon> Is there a package/config option to get the Rust source code?
<mellowmaroon> It looks like the racer package defines RUST_SRC_PATH, but Spacemacs' racer doesn't see it
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<bennofs1> mellowmaroon: nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A rustc.src
<bennofs1> mellowmaroon: should give a result link that has rustc's source code
<mellowmaroon> bennofs1: awesome! thanks :)
<mellowmaroon> so when I run 'rustc --print sysroot', it gives a different rustc dir
<mellowmaroon> is that why Spacemacs might not be seeing the right one? that one you had showed a different rustc dir
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<bennofs1> mellowmaroon: I don't think sysroot is supposed to be the src dir
<bennofs1> mellowmaroon: afaik, racer requires you to set RUST_SRC_PATH manually
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<mellowmaroon> bennofs1: ah ok
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<bennofs1> mellowmaroon: (for the record, even on archlinux with rustc installed through rustup, the sysroot does not seem to contain any sources)
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<mellowmaroon> bennofs1: Interesting. I'm actually very new to Rust, if you couldn't tell haha
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<Infinisil> I just set up rust too and had to download the sources separately as well
<c74d> hm, I don't install the sources separately; I'll see what I do
<Infinisil> How are you gonna get them otherwise?
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<mellowmaroon> I didn't use rustup, I just installed the packages through Nix
<bennofs1> on non nixos, you can do rustup component add rust-src
<c74d> oh, Nix wraps Racer to set RUST_SRC_PATH="/nix/store/zlsjkviczwqj8wg6b081pxi4kjv9r1bc-rust-021bd29/src"
<Infinisil> Rustup is available on nixos?
<bennofs1> Infinisil: that's why I said non-nixos :)
<mellowmaroon> Infinisil: Don't think so haha
<Infinisil> Ahh
<Infinisil> Misread
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<Infinisil> I still don't really get the difference between the mozilla overlay and the packages in nixpkgs
<mellowmaroon> Infinisil: I got the impression the Mozilla one was for beta/nightlys
<mellowmaroon> Infinisil: But, does NixOS have beta/nightly for rustc?
<drakonis> but does nixos have a large overlay database
<drakonis> this is important
<c74d> Infinisil: the nixpkgs packages are built on Hydra and update only as nixpkgs packagers update them; the Mozilla packages are built by Mozilla and update as frequently as the Rust project makes releases (which is much more frequently than nixpkgs can keep up with)
<Infinisil> Yup, pkgs.rustBeta.rustc, pkgs.rustNightly.rustc
<mellowmaroon> In that case, not sure
<Infinisil> c74d: OHh that makes sense, thanks
<Infinisil> Then I'd rather use the overlay
<c74d> or at least, one can update them that frequently, in theory, but it would be a lot of rebuilding and produce a lot of garbage in the store
<c74d> or maybe not, I may be thinking of Sonarpulse_'s packages
<c74d> whereas the Mozilla packages either can be or must be pinned to a given date
<Infinisil> Well it would just update at maximum once per nixos-rebuild --upgrade
<c74d> ah yes, I forget that not everyone has that run every night
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<c74d> bennofs1: why do you say that Racer needs RUST_SRC_PATH set manually? it seems to me that that variable is set with wrapProgram
<Infinisil> Well, daily is the default if you have autoUpgrade.enable = true
<Infinisil> Which I have, so I guess it would kinda clutter the store
<bennofs1> c74d: ah upstream requires it, if it is wrapped then it is not required on NixOS
<mellowmaroon> bennofs1: I had to set that manually for Spacemacs, at least
<Infinisil> mellowmaroon: The very same for me, I just did that like yesterday
<Infinisil> I downloaded the rust source manually, probably should use fetchFromGitHub in my configuration.nix though
<Infinisil> And then something like environment.variables.RUST_SRC_PATH = rustsrc.out
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<c74d> mellowmaroon: Spacemacs may (as the vim-racer plugin does) require the variable to be set because it thinks it needs to be set for Racer, when Nix's wrapper Racer doesn't care and will ignore the environment variable
<mellowmaroon> c74d: yeah, that makes sense
<c74d> mellowmaroon, Infinisil: try setting RUST_SRC_PATH to some arbitrary directory (I use `/run`)
<c74d> s/wrapper/wrapped/
<Infinisil> Maybe later, doing something else now
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<mellowmaroon> c74d: Yep, setting 'environment.variables.RUST_SRC_PATH = "/run";' works as well
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<Infinisil> I'm kinda proud of myself, I just wrote an override expression without looking it up and it compiling on the first try!
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<mellowmaroon> Infinisil: nicely done :)
<bennofs1> i probably spend too much time trying to automate writing expressions so that I never wrote enough expressions to manage to do it without looking up :D
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<Infinisil> I feel like configuring everything like I want it is still going to take ages
<mellowmaroon> I like the NixOS approach though, transfers very well
<Infinisil> What do you mean by transfers well^
<Infinisil> ?*
<mellowmaroon> Sorry, my laptop and desktop have similar configs
<mellowmaroon> So I find it much easier to reuse things than, say, Arch Linux
<Infinisil> Ah yes
<Infinisil> Right now I have nixos on my laptop, just recently got nixos properly running on a server, and i plan on installing it on my current windows machine. Gonna share as much nix files as possible :D
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<mellowmaroon> Anyone here try the Kakoune editor before? Looks interesting
<drakonis> it is, yes.
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<pie_> hi guys will nix run on windows subsystem for linux?
<pie_> (WSL)
<mellowmaroon> pie_: Don't know why it wouldn't
<Infinisil> mellowmaroon: Interesting, just watched the demo, it's closer to AST editing
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<mellowmaroon> Infinisil: Right. Combining that with modal editing looks very promising
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<ben> yo my font size in gtk suddenly got way smaller
<LnL> pie_: it should work similar to installing nix on a regular linux distro
<Infinisil> mellowmaroon: I may be doing my bachelors thesis on building an AST editor, so this is certainly worth looking into
<ben> what did i break
<ben> D:
<pie_> whats this about ast editing?
<pie_> just curious
<pie_> LnL, mellowmaroon thanks
<mellowmaroon> ben: not sure, never heard of that problem
<Infinisil> pie_: Kakoune editor: https://vimeo.com/82711574
<dash> Infinisil: what's your plan for handling invalid syntax?
<Infinisil> Is closer to AST editing than traditional editors, I believe AST editing might be very powerful
<dash> Infinisil: or are you doing structure editing operations only?
<mellowmaroon> I think IDE's like IntelliJ either try to figure something out with syntax errors or just choke
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<ben> oh god it's actually too big in another gtk app
<mellowmaroon> ben: are you using Gnome/KDE?
<ben> no
<Infinisil> dash: There is a concept in Idris (and others I'm sure) which is holes: Parts of the program yet unspecified, but the compiler accepts it as this. An example: add = foldl ?plus 0 list, where plus is not declared yet. The editor could just never even allow invalid syntax by inserting holes when necessary
<ben> p much just openbox
<mellowmaroon> Infinisil: I think Haskell can do something like that as well
<Infinisil> mellowmaroon: Ah, makes sense, Idris draws a lot from Haskell and is even written in it
<mellowmaroon> ben: no idea. If you're using NixOS, I'd look up some fontconfig options
<dash> Infinisil: yeah, the language i'm a developer on has hole syntax
<ben> yeah i am, ive been fiddling with fonts.fontconfig.dpi but not restarting my session to no avail
<Infinisil> dash: Which is?
<dash> Infinisil: Monte (http://monte-language.org/)
<dash> Infinisil: Never thought of using it that way though.
<Infinisil> dash: Idris is a very good fit for this, since there is almost no distinction between types and values, this means you can use holes in a type as well
<mellowmaroon> dash: Looks cool, almost feels like a functional Python
<simpson> dash: I have! My first AST editor thoughts were around this sort of thing, using holes to do type-directed abstract interpretation.
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<simpson> Infinisil: In Monte, both guards (value types) and auditors (structural types) are plain objects, following a plain object protocol.
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<Infinisil> Uniformity is always nice
<Infinisil> What are you guys thoughts about AST editors? Things you have thought of, problems, projects that implement it, etc.?
<simpson> The biggest problems IMO revolve around *navigation* in the editor and *presentation* of unfolded AST fragments.
<dash> Infinisil: The main thing I think of is stuff like Scratch
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<Infinisil> simpson: That's one of my main thinking points too. I believe for both of these things there should be a protocol specification for interacting with the backend. For navigation I'd choose a vim-like default implementaion, while presentation maybe would be best as text initially, but with visual indication of AST nodes
<dash> Infinisil: what existing structure editors have you tried?
<Infinisil> None yet, but I have 4 I wanna try out
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<dash> Infinisil: paredit is the main one i know of that people use
<Infinisil> dash: Yes I'll try that one out, seems to be getting a lot of praise
<mellowmaroon> I personally prefer smartparens, but I didn't really try paredit
<dash> ah i knew there was a new one
<mellowmaroon> I think it can do a bit more than paredit. But for Lisp, they're both solid
<Infinisil> I had this discussion once before already, I think auto completion is a crucial part of fast development
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<mellowmaroon> Infinisil: I certainly find it necessary
<Infinisil> And by that I mean actually smart auto completion, which you can use to discover options, check types, and more
<dash> Huh, wow,never saw this before: https://github.com/chrisdone/structured-haskell-mode
<mellowmaroon> Structured Haskell Mode looked very cool, but I couldn't get it to work with Ubuntu
<Infinisil> dash: Interesting
<Infinisil> mellowmaroon: NixOS ftw
<mellowmaroon> Most definitely. I had Ubuntu to expedite setup, but NixOS wound up being far easier
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<Infinisil> Good night!
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<Ralith> NixOS is great except for the large parts of the GUI stack that are unmaintained
<Ralith> makes it a bit dicey for desktop use by non-experts
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<mellowmaroon> Ralith: Which parts? Like GTK, or do you mean GUI programs in general
<Ralith> pretty much every major upgrade so far has broken my display manager
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<Ralith> the only one that's really fully implemented is unmaintained upstream
<Ralith> and has been for years
<Ralith> the Qt infra also has some somewhat serious bugs though that's a considerably more obscure problem
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<Ralith> (Qt programs are impure)
<mellowmaroon> I see
<clever> gchristensen: pong
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<mellowmaroon> There are a few kakoune bindings that I keep tripping over. But so far, I like it
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