<MichaelRaskin> If you want to unpack a .deb, it could be negotiable, but full apt…
<gchristensen> do you have a particular goal that we might be able to help with, simpson, where "fhs" is just a solution?
<simpson> gchristensen: Yes, my goal is to have an environment on my laptop which is sufficiently Debian-like that I can run a few Debian-specific commands and install a few Debian-built binary packages.
<simpson> I mean, I *might* have a different goal, but that is the current goal as I know it.
<simpson> I just don't have any Debian/Ubuntu machines; they're all NixOS now. (Yay?)
<Ralith> it sounds an awful lot like like your real goal is to have particular packages available
<Ralith> repackaging debian packages isn't particularly hard
<simpson> I don't want to repackage weird vendor-specific binaries today and this isn't going upstream. I planned to use debootstrap and was looking for maybe something like lib.otherInferiorDistros.debianTools.debootstrap {};
<gchristensen> ah
<gchristensen> uhh... nixpkgs can launch debian VMs, do they need internet access or to be persistent?
<MichaelRaskin> Well, we do package debootstrap
<simpson> Or maybe $(nixos-container create-with-debian-for-some-weird-reason-i-dunno-man)
<simpson> Wait, we *do*!?
<simpson> I did not even consider that possibility!
<Ralith> faffing about with a debian chroot seems like way more effort than patching a few runpaths to me
<MichaelRaskin> Hey, we package dpkg anyway
<MichaelRaskin> nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A debootstrap
<MichaelRaskin> (and we cannot avoid packaging rpm and dpkg, because they are needed for extracting contents of the binary packages)
<simpson> MichaelRaskin: Okay, so $(nix-env -i debootstrap) is pretty funny. I think that you win.
<MichaelRaskin> I think I actually used it to bootstrap an _ARM_ Debian chroot on an x86-64 Nix laptop
<simpson> Also, I think I've said it before, but I am so damn impressed with NixOS's commitment to making man pages available.
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<MichaelRaskin> It's probably a side effect of actually using make install provided by upstream whenever feasible
<Ralith> <3 man pages
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<gchristensen> I'd be happy to cut that short and just say "I am so damn impressed with NixOS"
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<crzyp3ck> if I change anything in my nix config file how should I appy it to my system. what is the command?
<crzyp3ck> and sorry Hello all <3 :)
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<dash> "nixos-rebuild switch"
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<crzyp3ck> dash: what option besides switch would the command nixos-rebuild would accept?
<crzyp3ck> and thanks
<dash> crzyp3ck: try 'man nixos-rebuild' for a list :-)
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<simpson> gchristensen: Still on the clock?
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<toppler> Ack. Any idea what happened to emacsPackagesNg.override in latest unstable?
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<toppler> nvm. It's now emacsPackageOverrides.
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<hyper_ch> where in the configuration.nix would I add a directive that runs: ip rule add fwmark 0xffff table 101 ?
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<hyper_ch> would that be network.firewall ?
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<toppler> hyper_ch: Yeah. network.firewall.extraCommands
<hyper_ch> hmmm, I'll have to test, thx
<toppler> There's a corresponding entry to remove the rules when you stop the service.
<toppler> extraStopCommands
<hyper_ch> I was just wondering, since it's not "iptables" but the "ip" command if it also belongs there
<unlmtd[m]> is the rpi3 usable with nixos for an easy low power nixos ?
<Dezgeg> yes
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<toppler> hyper_ch: Ah sorry. Missed that. In that case, I'm not sure.
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* sudoreboot[m] sent a long message: sudoreboot[m]_2017-05-03_07:36:27.txt - https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/DlGqZsJSFEuxXOhjteMzhMvx
<sudoreboot[m]> Shit, the formatting
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<sudoreboot[m]> I hope the formatting looks okay on IRC. Anyway, is the syntax okay in my expression? Is the error actually in wrapper.nix? If it is, can I get a pointer on how to fix it?
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<sphalerite> 09:37 * sudoreboot[m] sent a long message: sudoreboot[m]_2017-05-03_07:37:17.txt - https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/WVTiLvNeWEvthJOZpUGHzoZP
<sphalerite> That's how it looks :p
<sudoreboot[m]> Ah, too long..
<sphalerite> What's the issue that you're having?
<sudoreboot[m]> I'm considering making a post on reddit about it
<sudoreboot[m]> It's about services.xserver.desktopManager.plasma5.extraPackages
<sudoreboot[m]> I am trying to declare packages in a list there, but I get an error about nixos/pkgs/build-support/kde/wrapper.nix missing the "unwrapped" attribute
<sudoreboot[m]> Since I am not yet comfortable with the nix syntax I am unsure as to how it works. I'm still trying not to read it as Haskell lol
<sudoreboot[m]> Anyway, I made a post about it on the subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/NixOS/comments/68z08c/adding_packages_in_plasma5extrapackages_gives/
<sphalerite> I think the issue is that those aren't KDE packages and it expects only KDE packages
<sphalerite> well, specifically redshift
<sphalerite> try removing redshift from the list
<sudoreboot[m]> sphalerite: what about the plasma applet?
<sphalerite> I'm not sure, I don't use KDE. If removing redshift alone doesn't fix it, just try adding them one by one and see which one breaks it I guess
<sudoreboot[m]> Wish I could test more but I have to get to work. Removing only redshift still produces the same error.
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<sphalerite> simpson: what's wrong with buildFHSUserEnv for that purpose, rather than a debian chroot?
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<c0c0n3> hi guys, I need I Python environment with Pillow < 3.4 (NixOS 17.09 ships with 3.4.2) what should I do?
<c0c0n3> should I copy & paste the current expression in a separate file and tweak it?
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<sphalerite> Probably use an override
<sphalerite> python.withPackages (ps: [(pillow.overrideAttrs (o: {src = ...; version = "yourVersion"})])
<c0c0n3> sphalerite: cool beans! will try that, thanks a million!
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<hodapp> hm. My RasPi 3 isn't running NixOS, but I forget why
<hodapp> it probably is somehow rooted in my laziness
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<hlavaty> hi on 17.03 is firefox java icedtea plugin supported?
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<DutchWolfie> Anyone ever did anything with Drupal in nixops containers, or point me to some info?
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<sphalerite> hlavaty: looks like it, by setting the nixpkgs option firefox.icedtea to true
<sphalerite> hlavaty: so for example put { firefox.icedtea = true; } in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix
<sphalerite> or if you want it systemwide, nixpkgs.config.firefox.icedtea = true; in configuration.nix
<sphalerite> DutchWolfie: nixops containers?
<DutchWolfie> archh, i mean virtual machines
<DutchWolfie> trying to get my head around all this stuff....
<hlavaty> sphalerite: hmm i have that and it doesn't work. How is it actually supposed to work, when firefox doesn't support it anymore?
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<sphalerite> hlavaty: I don't know. Does the plugin show up at all in about:plugins?
<hlavaty> it does not
<hlavaty> the only one is OpenH264 Video Codec provided by Cisco Systems, Inc.
<sphalerite> oh right firefox is completely dropping support for it
<sphalerite> well as it says on mozilla's help site, you could try using the ESR
<sphalerite> nix-env -iA nixos.firefox-esr
<hlavaty> yeh, but i would need to package it for nixos
<sphalerite> (or nixpkgs as appropriate)
<sphalerite> it's already packaged :)
<hlavaty> is it?
<gchristensen> simpson: fwiw I work 9am - 5pm America/New_York
<hlavaty> sphalerite: found it thank you!
<gchristensen> simpson: I never got back to you b/c I never got in to my router :P I'll go reboot it here soon.
<DutchWolfie> Never mind, back to reading
<Criena[m]> Hi there. I heard that grsecurity changed their policy and only provides their patches for (paying) customers.
<Criena[m]> Does anyone know what costs this would involve, getting a license? Is the nixos community interesteed in purchasing such?
<Criena[m]> I would be willing to donate a monthly amount in order to support nixos for this.
<ikwildrpepper> Criena[m]: I am not familiar with grsecurity and its licenses, but it might prevent us from distributing the patches
<Criena[m]> It's still open source. So I doubt that.
<Criena[m]> Would this be something nixos might consider though? I'm more than happy to speak with the grsecurity project what the legal framework would be and which costs are involved.
<Criena[m]> I was just wondering if that is an option at all and if maybe someone is checking this already.
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<gchristensen> Criena[m]: I think we would be interested in that if someone did the leg-work of organizing it :)):
<sphalerite> AFAIU anything that results in the patches being public won't work.
<gchristensen> that is my understanding too, but I might be wrong and I certainly won't say don't try
<Criena[m]> Ok, let me check that with them. :-)
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<makefu> gleber_: thanks for your contribution in the nixos-users wiki :D Just saw the notification bot in #krebs to mention your edit
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<usoban> Hello, anybody had issues with external monitors? My laptop is T460s, and connected to external full HD monitor, I can only get one of the screens (eDP1 or HDMI2) to work at the same time; and the one which works is always the left-most one; the other one does get turned on, but picture is mirrored and frozen. Anybody experienced similar issues?
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<goibhniu1> makefu: which wiki is that?
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<goibhniu> cool, cheers!
<gchristensen> simpson: here is my router's config: https://gist.github.com/grahamc/15f73122e4b7605f7b747d16af82ca06 it is messy (straight from the box) has a few CHANGEMEs and doesn't enable 5GHz on the wifi b/c I never figured it out :)
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<grinv> Can I use nix-env -i to install nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/window-managers/lemonbar/xft.nix
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<makefu> you can build the package with `nix-build --no-out-link -E '{ path }: (import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage path {}' --arg path ./default.nix` and then install it with `nix-env -i /nix/store/...`
<grinv> It is so complex, is there any documents to explain that?
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* gchristensen submits hopefully fire-lighting PRs: https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-org-configurations/pull/30
<makefu> grinv: http://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-quick-start might be a good start
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<grinv> makefu: Thanks, I have a look
<gchristensen> niksnut: helping me stir the pot? :)
<niksnut> :-)
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<gchristensen> niksnut: is it easy to dump the wiki's database in some useful way, without having user information?
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<niksnut> dunno
<niksnut> there probably is some mediawiki magic for that
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<gchristensen> <3 copumpkin
<goibhniu> gchristensen: I guess you know about https://nixos.org/wiki/Special:Export ... perhaps that format is importable by other wikis too (if that's what you're looking for)
<gchristensen> I don't
<gchristensen> can I somehow do "all categories"?
<goibhniu> as in, every article which has a category?
<goibhniu> I don't think we use categories much
<makefu> gchristensen: Mic92 has set up a fresh and new "inofficial" wiki for the time being. he might not have annouced it yet but it is already making good progress. the github wiki engine is currently used for this ( https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/wiki )
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: my XPS 15 just arrived!
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<gchristensen> sphalerite: yay! nic!!
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<unlmtd[m]> the coolest moment of nixos users is getting a new machine. "Wow nice setup!" "I just booted it for the first time!"
<gchristensen> haha
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<gchristensen> NixOS wiki dump, if anyone wants a copy: http://next.gsc.io/Nix+Wiki-20170503130016.xml
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<DrWaste> Hi all, does anyone know how to modify the keyboard layout for gdm login screen in 17.03 ? Normally via gnome-control-center -> Region & Language -> Login Screen it works but settings disappear systematically in my case.
<DrWaste> Although settings for my user are persistent, only login screen settings disappear
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<sphalerite> Does anyone know how to use aspell from the commandline? Specifically, how to get it to find dictionaries?
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<DrWaste> symphorien: yes thanks, il already have services.xserver.layout = "fr"
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<sphalerite> Wow, first thing I do on the windows system, which is a stock application, fails to draw crisply on the high-DPI screen
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<gchristensen> sphalerite: :(
<sphalerite> (first and only :D )
<sphalerite> It also spends a whole minute on one of those indeterminate progress bars without telling me what it's doing
<sphalerite> Then when I click on the Create button, the window just disappeared. Started over, seems to be working right this time (but I had to go through the wait again)
<sphalerite> You'd think that Microsoft would have UX engineers who would not be cool with that.
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<sphalerite> Anyway, enough ranting about OSes that suck. I will shortly be installing NixOS :
<sphalerite> :D *
<gchristensen> :)
<gchristensen> "the os we all think sucks the least" :)
<sphalerite> seriously though, I thought windows might have made some progress in the last 4 years since I last used it (and that was still XP because lol high school IT, so really in the last 15 years)
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<rcschm> hi, i am installing a utility tool and would like to have a start script to execute the program and point it to a custom configuration file. i tried using writeScriptBin but i keep getting errors. is there an example on how to do this somewhere? thanks for any help.
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<sphalerite> rcschm: What's the expression that you're using, how are you using it, and what are the errors?
<rcschm> i didn't have that in front of me at the moment. but it goes something like $out/<program/bin $out/program.conf in postInstall.
<rcschm> this is in the writeScriptBin.
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<rcschm> is there an example to do this in general? i just guess there should be as this would allow customization.
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<simpson> gchristensen: Nifty, thanks.
<gchristensen> simpson: yeah, lmk if you have questions
<gchristensen> LnL: do you remember the link I read about fixed point combinators where it finally made sense?
<LnL> gchristensen: no but pretty sure you posted it to twitter
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<gchristensen> I delete my tweets after two weeks :P
<gchristensen> grepping for "fix" "gchristensen" and "http://" I found http://www.parsonsmatt.org/2016/10/26/grokking_fix.html
<LnL> oh, didn't know that
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<jophish> What's the idiomative way to write a nix string to a file during a build?
<jophish> idiomatic*
<jophish> where the string could contain anything
<gchristensen> writeTextFile maybe?
<jophish> gchristensen: and then `cp` that to $out
<gchristensen> no just writeTextFile
<gchristensen> it'll return a store path
<jophish> gchristensen: ah, I'd like this file to be in $out in a derivation
<gchristensen> like not $out, but in $outv ?
<gchristensen> like not $out, but in $out/ ?
<jophish> yeah
<gchristensen> in with other stuff too, or on its own?
<jophish> I have an existing derivation, and I'd like to write some text alongside the output at the end of installation
<gchristensen> oh
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<gchristensen> lol just echo to the file :P
<jophish> gchristensen: yeah, that's what I've got so far
<gchristensen> yeah do that
<jophish> glad I'm in tune to the great minds of #nixos
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: did you ever get messages about PCIe bus errors on your XPS 15?
<gchristensen> sample?
<sphalerite> ummm hang on
<sphalerite> http://ix.io/sAy
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<sphalerite> apparently adding pci=noaer to the kernel commandline fixes it, but as far as I understand it that only disables the error reporting mechanism
<gchristensen> yeah that seems not great
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<sphalerite> wait this is a beta 17.03 installer... I should probably try with a newer one
<arnm> hello :) Im on macos, how can I build and install nix pkg manager with libsodium?
<arnm> im tired of building packages from source, I would like the signed binary cache support
<sphalerite> Have you installed nix yet?
<arnm> yes
<gchristensen> nix comes by default with signed binary cache support, arnm
<sphalerite> Then just build whatever software you're using libsodium for in a nix-shell with all the other dependencies, i.e. nix-shell -p libsodium cmake ...
<sphalerite> Unless it's included in nixpkgs
<arnm> download-from-binary-cache.pl: Nix was not compiled with libsodium, required for signed binary cache support at /nix/store/w1c96v5yxvdmq4nvqlxjvg6kp7xa2lag-nix-1.11.9/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.22.2/darwin-2level/Nix/Manifest.pm line 479.
<arnm> this is what I keep seeing https://pastebin.com/kD0BTZEf
<simpson> arnm: I think that there's a reason why libsodium's not built in cache; I have to build it from source on Linux too.
<gchristensen> this is evidently a different problem
<sphalerite> oooooh. huh.
<gchristensen> arnm: how did you install nix?
<arnm> macos sierra 10.12.4
<gchristensen> arnm: can you run & paste the results of `nix-env --version` and `nix-instantiate --eval '<nixpkgs>' -A lib.nixpkgsVersion` ?
<gchristensen> weird ...
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<arnm> im using this too btw: https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin
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<LnL> arnm: you have to install the nix version from nixpkgs first
<sphalerite> gchristensen: the issue doesn't seem to occur on an up-to-date installer, so all good!
<arnm> the error message does not arise on all package installation only on some. e.g ruby_2_0 causes the error
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<arnm> LnL: I installed nix via the curl first then I installed nix-darwin
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: actually never mind, it's back.
<gchristensen> :(
<sphalerite> Any ideas for what to do? I don't know how to work out if it's a hardware or software issue... Windows didn't complain about it though
<kykim`> I'm seeing a lot of "could not download ‘https://caches.nixos.org/nix-cache-info’ (Curl error 51)", which i think might be related to this https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/5349 - am I correct or is there something else going on?
<sphalerite> I'm reluctant to install nixos before I'm sure it won't be problematic, because I want to have returning the laptop for a refund remain an option.
<sphalerite> As long as I'm not sure it'll work perfectly
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<gchristensen> sphalerite: did you make a backup installer?
<sphalerite> I did, but I'm not sure what they'll accept as "the condition I received it in" software-wise.
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<iMatejC> hey, do we have somewhere in Nix a function to convert Nix code straight to string or even better, to file? I would like to create "json/yaml code to nix file" converter, I need it for kubernetes, I have this right now and is dirty as hell https://github.com/matejc/helper_scripts/blob/master/dotfiles/yaml2nix.nix
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<iMatejC> s|json/yaml code|json/yaml file|
<sphalerite> iMatejC: builtins.fromJSON
<iMatejC> yeah? and then?
<iMatejC> :)
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<gchristensen> you mean you want to convert a json to a .nix file?
<iMatejC> yes
<gchristensen> huh
<iMatejC> I know
<LnL> arnm: yeah, I enabled signed-binary-caches by default. but apparently the version of the installer doesn't support that
<sphalerite> Any particular reason for that, rather than just accepting JSON in an existing expression?
<sphalerite> or rather, passing a value created by builtins.fromJSON into an expression?
<arnm> LnL: thanks that workaround works
<LnL> if you run nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nix once, you'll get the version from nixpkgs that has libsodium support
<sphalerite> Does nix do some sort of prioritisation of binary cache downloads, so it can start building anything that needs to be built as quickly as possible?
<iMatejC> pierron: havent you worked at nixos sprint in ljubljana on something that converts nix attrs to string? do I remember wright?
<pierron> iMatejC: I worked on the Nix secret implementation, and on the options.json.
<pierron> iMatejC: do you know builtin.toJSON ?
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<pierron> iMatejC: I used toXML to dump options for nixos-option before that.
<iMatejC> aha
<iMatejC> I would like to create yaml/json to nix.. and missing nix code to nix file, I have this so far, but I do not like it: https://github.com/matejc/helper_scripts/blob/master/dotfiles/yaml2nix.nix
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<pierron> iMatejC: there is nothing to serialize Nix code.
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<iMatejC> pierron: hah ok, thanx
<sphalerite> iMatejC: I think the problem is that nix has functions, which are complicated to serialise.
<iMatejC> json and yaml does not have functions, but yea, builtins.toJSON also does not handle functions
<iMatejC> there was a project or idea of NixON, I wonder what happen to it
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<sphalerite> NixON?
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<simpson> "Nix Object Notation" presumably.
<sphalerite> Not a great name for it IMHO :D
<makefu> tried google ... seems there was a president with this name
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<makefu> ;)
<makefu> About 101.000.000 results
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<dash> makefu: he's on twitter too
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<yorick> does anyone else have very slow dns resolution after enabling systemd-resolved?
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<niksnut> I have slow DNS resolution since enabling network-manager...
<niksnut> for some reason, it insists on adding IPv6 local addresses to /etc/resolv.conf, even though our network is not IPv6 capable
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<dash> niksnut: ipv6 is the future, you know
<dash> ;-)
<niksnut> absolutely
<niksnut> sadly our ISP has been promising IPv6 within the next few months for years now
<dash> same here
<dash> there's no cost to making that promise, and no cost to breaking it either :-[
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<cemg> hello guys, this is my first haskell app, what do you think ? how can i improve the code quality or any suggestions ? https://github.com/dyrnade/smallDockerImagesTool. It uses nix behind the scenes.
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<simpson> cemg: Cool. Seems like more work than just writing the relevant Nix, though.
<jophish> cemg: the case expressions all on one line are oddle indented
<sphalerite> gchristensen: on "doesn’t scroll?" for the touchscreen: it works in GNOME applications for me
<jophish> oddly*
<simpson> e.g. here's an example of generating Nix in Nix for Docker: https://github.com/monte-language/typhon/blob/master/nix-support/monte-script.nix#L37-L45
<jophish> It's not often one sees {} and ; used in haskell code
<gchristensen> sphalerite: oh neat
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<sphalerite> I can even pinch to zoom in epiphany!
<cemg> jophish: it seems more work yeah :D but it was cool experience to deal with Haskell :D
<sphalerite> and both of those things work in Chromium too, even better than in epiphany
<cemg> jophish: i learnt that case expressions structure from a guy on haskell channel
<cemg> i didnt know that exist though :D
<jophish> cemg: perhaps that was just for ease of expression on IRC
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<hodapp> achievement unlocked: figured out how to run things at startup, 6 months after I started using NixOS
<hodapp> should have done this 6 months ago...
* hodapp slinks away sheepishly
<bennofs> hodapp: what's the resolution? use a systemd service?
<hodapp> yes.
<hodapp> it's dirt-simple.
<hodapp> I feel silly for having it on my to-do list this long.
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<jophish> hodapp: I thought you meant 'software startup' and I got all excited that you've found some agile replacement
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<hodapp> jophish :P
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<IndustrialRobot> I've a problem using opengl with the 'nvidia' driver. glxinfo, mpv, etc try to use swrast_dri.so (and can't find it) and I can't figure out what's wrong
<jophish> domenkozar: did you ever figure our if ElvishJerricco is on irc?
<IndustrialRobot> I've set services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ]; do I need something else?
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<tilpner> How can I add something to system.activationScripts in my nixos-config without mentioning it? I assume I can somehow call a function defined elsewhere, but it didn't seem to be global. Do I just pass the input "config" argument?
<tilpner> Instead of some.thing.key = { ... }; I want addStuffToKey ... somewhere in my configuration. Is that possible?
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<sphalerite> what do you mean? You want it merged with another set? That's the default behaviour
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<steveeJ> sphalerite: I'm testing the toolchain from the other day, qemu-arm can run the output binaries but I can't get them to run within qemu-system-arm. I'm using the vexpress-a9 machine, any chance you've tried that too?
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<steveeJ> I've inspected the binary files, they have some specific ARM instructions from what I can tell: https://gist.github.com/steveeJ/95e643d5e4ed1acc7def4758456e89ef
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<sphalerite> I honestly have no idea. I've only targeted my e-reader. Sorry!
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<tilpner> sphalerite - I want to add something to system.activationScripts without using any of the other predefined options. I can't write foo = 42; and can't call a function from nixos-config without it being part of the value for an option
<tilpner> (I know this description sounds weird, I'm not sure how to explain it)
<steveeJ> sphalerite: I'm not sure whether I have a library problem or CPU instruction problem. have you copied the dynamic linker and libc shared objects to your reader?
<steveeJ> tilpner: maybe try the other way round, instead of explaining what you don't want, explain what you want
<steveeJ> I'm referring to the "without.."
<tilpner> Yeah, I might be XYing. This is once again about the old problem of user home management, and I'd like to run to a script on every activation to link and copy some files around, instead of having to execute something manually every time
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<sphalerite> steveeJ: yeah, I just copy the full closure of the resulting executable across
<sphalerite> which includes the libc and the loader
<steveeJ> sphalerite: wohoo, I needed to enable thumb extension support in the kernel config 8-)
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<tilpner> I can build that script from an input set, and pass the output file to system.activationScripts, but I don't want to even specify that
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<steveeJ> tilpner: what do you want to specify?
<steveeJ> what do you want the script to do?
<tilpner> steveeJ - Does it still matter if I already have the script?
<tilpner> steveeJ - Depending on arguments it will merge, copy and link files into my home directory
<tilpner> Sometimes delete them too
<steveeJ> tilpner: runtime or buildtime arguments?
<tilpner> They're fixed after evaluation of nixos-config
<tilpner> So probably buildtime
<steveeJ> tilpner: this is how far I've used activationScripts: https://gist.github.com/steveeJ/3026118162ff9a6258b0126dffb679c2#file-configuration-nix-snippet
<tilpner> :/
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<aswanson> does anyone have much experience working with the R-Modules wrapper? One of the packages I'm trying to install has a dependency on 'nlopt' which is marked as broken when installed from "<nixpkgs>" as outlined in the nixpkgs manual, but I can install nlopt just fine from the nix-unstable channel
<jluttine> why gitflow doesn't have git and getopt as its propagated build inputs? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/version-management/git-and-tools/gitflow/default.nix
<jluttine> it doesn't work without them
<kykim`> f
<jluttine> or aren't runtime dependencies set at all?
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<bennofs1> jluttine: runtime deps != propagated deps
<bennofs1> jluttine: see how its done for getopts in postInstall
<bennofs1> jluttine: you should patch the script to refer to `git` and getopt via absolute paths or use environmnet variables + makeWrapper
<dash> jluttine: propagatedBuildInputs are things that other derivations need at _build_ time
<jluttine> bennofs1: but how can it use getopt in postInstall if there's no getopt package installed..?
<jluttine> dash: ok. so runtime dependencies aren't set but users should just know what other packages each package needs in order to run properly?
<jluttine> and then they add them manually to the list of installed packages?
<bennofs1> jluttine: no, the package needs to refer to getopt by absolute path. Nix scans the output for references to store paths and adds those to the deps of the package
<jluttine> bennofs1: ah, ok! didn't know that nix does that scanning. clever.
<jluttine> still nix didn't install getopt for me automatically when i installed gitflow
<bennofs1> jluttine: but the found dependencies will still not be added to the user environment's path, so you'll have to refer by them with absolute paths into the nix store
<jluttine> so something didn't work then
<jluttine> hmm.. ok
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<jluttine> flags:WARN /nix/store/m6yvaai1hdijfy52f544nw2fxc5sq27a-gitflow-1.10.2/bin/gitflow-shFlags: line 739: getopt: command not found
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<jluttine> and i fixed this by manually adding getopt to the list of installed packages
<jluttine> so is there a bug in gitflow nix or this just how it's supposed to be?
<fresheyeball> so I am trying to use subsonic as a service on nixos
<fresheyeball> and its not working out
<steveeJ> sphalerite: would you mind checking if your cross compiler can find libz like so? armv7a-linux-gnueabihf-ld -lz
<fresheyeball> I'd like to debug and mess about with the expression
<fresheyeball> but I don't know how to do that, given that this is not a package, but a service defined in configuration.nix
<fresheyeball> how can I mess around with this so I can debug it?
<jluttine> hmm.. it seems that it's just a problem with my FHS user env. works with normal nix-shell
<sphalerite> steveeJ: yep works
<sphalerite> in nix-shell -E 'with import ./toolchain.nix {}; stdenv.mkDerivation {buildInputs = [ zlib ];}'
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<steveeJ> sphalerite: so you use the crossPkgs mkDerivation?
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<sphalerite> yes, if I use nix-shell -p it'll use nativeBuildInputs rather than buildInputs
<steveeJ> sphalerite: I'm using nixpkgs mkDerivation and add crossPkgs's packages
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<steveeJ> sphalerite: something like this nix-shell -E 'nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; crossPkgs = import ./toolchain.nix {}; nixpkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {buildInputs = [ crossPkgs.zlib ];}'
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<steveeJ> untested and probably broken, but it should deliver the essence
<sphalerite> no, you use the cross stdenv
<steveeJ> sphalerite: what if you add other tools that are supposed to be built *for* the host, say, vim?
<sphalerite> steveeJ: put them in nativeBuildInputs
<marc__> hallo i installed nixpgk in my home folder in university but while starting nix-shell an error shows up http://paste.debian.net/930527/ while building sharutils can you help me?
<steveeJ> sphalerite: can't I somehow build a derivation and include it in the buildInputs of a native derivation?
<sphalerite> I don't know really.
<steveeJ> sphalerite: I'll try. because I might want a native compiler and cross-compiler in one shell
<sphalerite> good luck :)
<steveeJ> sphalerite: thank you, for your help also! ;-)
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<steveeJ> sphalerite: I think I basically want to nest nix-shells with the inner one(s) targetting differnt hosts
<steveeJ> it should somehow be possible to have the gcc wrapper take care of the library paths
<copumpkin> how can I get nix-push to push all outputs of a given package?
<copumpkin> I guess .all on the nix-build call
<gchristensen> I think maybe an xargs with nix-store to fetch its dependencies
<nixy> copumpkin: I don't think the .all syntax works rn, but I may be mistaken on that
<copumpkin> it seemed to
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<nixy> For what package? What nix version too? This didn't and doesn't work for me with 1.11.8
<copumpkin> I just tried nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A binutils.all
<copumpkin> or terraform.all
<copumpkin> 1.11.8
<nixy> My bad, I got a little mixed up. It works for building them, but you can't install the outputs with nix-env using that syntax
<nixy> So my problem was/is different
<copumpkin> oh, yeah, I don't use nix-env
<nixy> ? How do you install packages then
<simpson> nixy: I don't know the context of your problem, but you can always do $(nix-env -i /nix/store/...) directly.
<nixy> simpson: For context this was my issue https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/24717
<nixy> I have since worked around that, but the semantics for installing outputs with nix-env seem a bit weird to me
<copumpkin> how does the recurseIntoAttrs stuff help hydra?
<steveeJ> sphalerite: this is crazy stuff :-D I can now see how you appreciate nixpkgs's cross support!
<simpson> nixy: Certainly, nix-env is the odd one out in the toolbox.
<simpson> It's got the most weird flags and arguments, it's the only one that isn't fast, it's the only one that's hard to manage statelessly, etc.
<MichaelRaskin> nixy: I just use nix-build on expressions with buildEnv
<MichaelRaskin> More declarative, more direct control
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<marc__> hallo i installed nixpgk in my home folder on university PC Pool but while starting nix-shell an error shows up http://paste.debian.net/930527/ while building sharutils can you help me?
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<Mic92> marc__: do you use nix-user-chroot?
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<marc__> Mic92: no i use the the bootstrap way
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: why do you store the encryption key right next to the partition it encrypts? Doesn't that somewhat defeat the point?
<steveeJ> sphalerite: would you mind checking if "arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc --print-file-name=libz.so.1" works too for you?
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<gchristensen> sphalerite: the encryption key is encrypted on disk
<sphalerite> gchristensen: oh wait nvm I just made sense of it
<gchristensen> so I decrypt the key then use that partition
<sphalerite> right
<sphalerite> steveeJ: it says libz.so.1
<steveeJ> sphalerite: so that doesn't work. mh
<sphalerite> what's it meant to do?
<steveeJ> for some reason I could compile against the library, readelf --all displayes it as NEEDED
<steveeJ> sphalerite: print the full path to where it's stored
<sphalerite> well yes, that's normal
<steveeJ> I'm assembling an initrd for arm
<steveeJ> sphalerite: It works for other libraries
<sphalerite> if you link against a library, it becomes necessary for running the executable
<sphalerite> so of course there will be a NEEDED entry..?
<steveeJ> sphalerite: right, which means that the linker could find it to produce the output binary
<steveeJ> first I have compiled/linked it, now I want to copy the so files that are needed
<sphalerite> if you just put include $(nix-store -qR result) in the initrd that should do the trick
<steveeJ> sphalerite: this is an excercise for students, they shouldn't just use nix-store. they should learn the basics
<sphalerite> then maybe nix isn't the best tool for this
<steveeJ> sphalerite: it might not be the best for this case, but for many others and in the middle I can't cherry pick ;-)
<sphalerite> Well, you clearly think nix is a promising option. So maybe it should just (briefly) be included in the course ;)
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<steveeJ> sphalerite: pkg-config --libs zlib displays the correct path. I wonder why gcc doesn't find it
<sphalerite> the dependency closure isn't a complicated concept
<sphalerite> Are you using the weird setup with the native nixpkgs included?
<sphalerite> If so, that might be to blame
<steveeJ> sphalerite: if I included nix, they would have to write a derivation
<steveeJ> sphalerite: no, I've opted for your suggestion. it's OK since I only need one cross toolchain per nix-shell
<sphalerite> oh right :/
<sphalerite> If you're going with my suggestion then I have no idea why it wouldn't find -lz
<sphalerite> although...
<steveeJ> sphalerite: ld does, but gcc doesn't
<sphalerite> ooooh yeah
<steveeJ> honestly to me it's unclear how gcc --print-file-name works internally
<steveeJ> some libraries are found, others are not
<sphalerite> wait yes it does, for me
<sphalerite> I just tried it with gcc rather than arm-...-gcc >_>
<steveeJ> e.g. armv7a-linux-gnueabihf-gcc --print-file-name=libc.so.6 works
<steveeJ> this works. but armv7a-linux-gnueabihf-gcc --print-file-name=zlib.so.1 doesn't
<sphalerite> it could be related to how the wrapper machinery works
<sphalerite> not sure htough
<sphalerite> maybe the output with NIX_DEBUG=1 could be helpful
<steveeJ> sphalerite: I've looked at that already, it includes the correct paths
<steveeJ> at least it lists them as extra{Before,After}. I haven't checked if it actually executes with these set
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<steveeJ> sphalerite: this must be a generic problem, doesn't work for native nix-shells either
<jesper> Hi. I got the hang of installing packages from other channels (specifically unstable) than the nixos one in configuration.nix, but how do I do the same for a nixos module? Are there docs for that?
<jesper> Also, what's the process for getting something backported from unstable to the current stable?
<pie_> hey guys, anyone know which package has exiftool?
<dtzWill> pie_: perlPackages.ImageExifTool, apparently
<dtzWill> pie_: via 'command-not-found exiftool', fwiw
<pie_> oh, thanks
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<aswanson> when I run a command like 'nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -iA rstudioenv', what is "<nixpkgs>" referring to? How is it different than just the bare nix-env command?
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<Infinisil> Good evening
<hodapp> howdy.
<tilpner> aswanson - I was told nix-env uses nix-defexpr to use channels, instead of NIX_PATH. Since <nixpkgs> should be taken from NIX_PATH, your command honors the value of NIX_PATH, while the default ignores it
<tilpner> (By nix-defexpr I mean ~/.nix-defexpr)
<hodapp> aswanson: are you using the rstudio code I just committed a few days ago?
<hodapp> (not relevant to your question, just curious)
<bennofs> Yeah, the bare nix-env looks in ~/.nix-defexpr, and -f '<nixpkgs>' looks up nixpkgs in NIX_PATH
<aswanson> I am, but now one of the packages I'd like to use has a dependency marked as broken :/
<hodapp> what package?
<aswanson> caret
<hodapp> that's the broken dependency, or the package?
<aswanson> the package. The dependency that is broken is nlopt
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<aswanson> it has something to do with a change in octave
<hodapp> o_O
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<hodapp> and it definitely won't build for you?
<aswanson> I can install nlopt from the nixchannel because someone submitted a fix that bypasses the octave dependency?
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<hodapp> oh, huh
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<aswanson> if I allow broken packages in the config.nix file it will give me a traceback, nloptr is the last thing with a failed dependency, with nlopt failing to install, exit code 2
<aswanson> with a lot of other text about octave above that
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<simukis> how can I make a "custom" package available to `nix-shell -p ...`? I’ve added a packageOverride in my /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and that seems to not be picked up
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<bennofs> simukis: nixpkgs overrides in configuration.nix apply only to the build of the system configuration
<bennofs> simukis: to override for your user, use ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix (or ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix for the xdg-compliant path iirc, but that was only added recently)
<simukis> so what can I do to make nix-shell -p be able to see these? System-wide hopefully
<bennofs> simukis: there is no system wide way
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<simukis> damn
<bennofs> simukis: except setting NIXPKGS_CONFIG to a file containing the nixpkgs config
<bennofs> simukis: you could set that environment variable system wide
<Infinisil> May I ask what terminal everybody here is using? I'd like to have one that works well with powerline fonts, of which I haven't found many..
<MichaelRaskin> I use urxvt and mlterm, but my main font is DejaVu Sans Mono
<bennofs> i use urxvt
* simukis fish and gnome-terminal, although any VTE-based one is the same as long as the VTE version is recent enough
<bennofs> but I'd really like a more sane, minimal terminal emulator with clean code
<simukis> there’s alacritty
<bennofs> i really need to test termite, but iirc it had some font rendering issues as well
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<Infinisil> Don't want to use web based ones (alacritty), because one of the main reasons I'm using terminals for many things is battery life
<MichaelRaskin> Sometimes I actually use fbterm
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<Infinisil> Ohh alatritty is not web based, I switched it up with something else, alacritty is written in rust and with GPU acceleration, that was so off by me heh
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<Infinisil> I tried urxvt but it too had issues with powerline fonts, I'll try alacritty now
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<simukis> alacritty is not web based?
<MichaelRaskin> No, Rust people do want to keep some things native
<Guest17101> Is there an expression for alactritty now?
<simukis> MichaelRaskin: that wasn’t an actual question, rather a reaction to a implication above
<simukis> > Don't want to use web based ones (alacritty),
<Guest17101> alacritty
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, there is a PR but it looks work-in-progress
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<Guest17101> Huh. I'll have to look into that
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<judson> Uff. Once you set enforce, don't ignore NickServ
<Infinisil> Installing rust via mozilla's overlay: jhttps://github.com/mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla
<Infinisil> Hopefully I can get alacritty working..
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<Infinisil> Alright the build failed, oh well, gonna go to bed, see ya
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<aswanson> modapp-I figured my problem out, turns out I had managed to switch my user profile channel to nixos-unstable but not the root channel, so the root channel did not have the nlopt fix to get around octave. Everything is compiling just fine now
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<bennofs> simukis: alacritty seems really nice, thanks for mentioning it! now I only need scrollback :)
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<sphalerite> tmux?
<bennofs> yeah... but I don't like double tiling (my window manager can already do the tiling, no need to tmux for that)
<bennofs> and alacritty seems to take longer to start than urxvt with urxvtd
<gchristensen> is alacritty finally packaged?
<bennofs> gchristensen: no. i'm using arch :p
<bennofs> gchristensen: need to work with the cargo people to get git dependencies properly supported in cargo vendor and then I can rewrite the rust packaging in nixpkgs to use it and then we can package alacritty :D
<gchristensen> ah :)
<zgotsch> Hey, I'm just trying out nixOS for the first time today. I am setting up fonts and in my arch install I have my windows fonts symlinked in /usr/share/fonts to an ntfs-3g mount with windows on it. In my NixOS setup, I have the windows partition mounted, but I don't know how to declaratively say I want to use them. Anyone have any ideas?
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<dualinity_> hey all
<dualinity_> does anyone have a kickstarter config for a macbook?
<dualinity_> just looking for something to get started
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<dualinity_> this is the most related tut I could find so far .... https://robots.thoughtbot.com/install-linux-on-a-macbook-air
<dualinity_> but it seems outdated
<dualinity_> (strange title for nixos heh)
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<gchristensen> dualinity_: the installer worked nicely out of the box for me
<gchristensen> zgotsch: I don't know for sure, we can try something
<dualinity_> you mean like that? graphical?
<gchristensen> zgotsch: try adding fonts.fonts = [ "/path/to/your/fonts/mount" ]; fonts.enableFontDir = false;
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<gchristensen> dualinity_: nixos doesn't have a graphical installer, but if you're comfortable making partitions it should be easy
<dualinity_> not without a step by step tutorial
<dualinity_> I meant the graphical installer image (just with some gnome or kde or whatever display)
<dualinity_> but yea ... the steps from having a bare configuration
<dualinity_> to having a well functioning OSX
<dualinity_> to having a well functioning macbook
<dualinity_> I'm afraid there is more to it?
<gchristensen> so that thoughtbot post looks good
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<gchristensen> after that, it should work and then we can work on anything you're having trouble with / would like improved
<zgotsch> gchristensen: That worked! What's the reasoning behind fonts.enableFontDir = false;?
<gchristensen> zgotsch: cool! so right now you probably have an environment variable with paths to fonts + the path to your mount
<gchristensen> enableFontDir copies all the fonts from all those paths in to one dir instead
<gchristensen> _however_ with nix's isolation, the path won't be available when doing the copy, so you won't have your mounted fonts.
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<zgotsch> gchristensen: That makes some sense now but will probably make more sense in the future :) Thanks for your help!
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<gchristensen> :) zgotsch
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<nh2> can somebody give me a hint why I can't `nix-env -i texmacs`? It should be right here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/62665b519ea1e29b838b55f78e4f86a1cce56d51
<nh2> I can install the package right below it (ttf2pt1)
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<sphalerite> I'm about to install NixOS on my new laptop. Is using zfs for the root filesystem a good idea, given that I've never used zfs before?
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<taktoa> sphalerite: yes, I think so
<taktoa> snapshots are pretty sweet
<taktoa> zfs is actually not too bad to set up as long as you don't try to do the full stack of zfs + lvm + luks
<sphalerite> Yeah, that's the main reason I want to switch
<sphalerite> I'm doing luks+zfs
<taktoa> the nixos wiki has a still-working tutorial IIRC
<zgotsch> nh2: it seems to be TeXmacs
<taktoa> luks was the problematic element when I tried to do the full stack for a friend IIRC. on the other hand I did finally get it working by making my pool name "rpool" instead of "pool"
<taktoa> like I had to install nixos probably 6-7 times before I figured that out
<zgotsch> nh2: The capitals seem to matter to nix-env
<taktoa> yeah that's the guide I was going off of
<sphalerite> so what's the deal with "legacy" mountpoints?
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<taktoa> nh2: btw, you probably want `nix-env -iA nixos.TeXmacs` (s/nixos/channel-name/g if your channel is different)
<nh2> zgotsch: how did you find out? I can only see lowercase in that commit and in all-packages.nix
<sphalerite> ""-o ashift=12" to create your ZFS pool with 4K sectors
<sphalerite> " do I want that?
<taktoa> I think it's a slight performance improvement
<gchristensen> no
<gchristensen> you want it if you have 4k sectors on your drive
<sphalerite> it's an SSD, so does it even apply?
<taktoa> nh2: `nix-env -i foo` will evaluate the name of every nix package to find one that matches the regex "foo", whereas `nix-env -iA nixos.foo` will evaluate exactly one nix package
<gchristensen> sphalerite: it does, though they're not sectors :)
<nh2> taktoa: thanks, finally I understand why `nix-env -i` always takes so long!
<gchristensen> sphalerite: you _probably do_ want ashift=12 as you _probably do_ have 4kB "sectors"
<taktoa> yeah according to this there is a slight perf improvement on intel ssds with 4k sectors http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/memory-and-storage/000006392.html
<sphalerite> How do I find out?
<taktoa> "Most operating systems provide optimal system performance when using the larger physical sector size."
<gchristensen> this isn't a blanket statement for all underlying storage medium, taktoa
<taktoa> of course, if you have a hard drive based on microwave delay lines it will be different :P
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<gchristensen> "when using the larger physical sector size [matching the underlying hardware]"
<gchristensen> taktoa: "cat /sys/block/<name>/queue/hw_sector_size"
<gchristensen> sphalerite: ^
<sphalerite> 512
<sphalerite> zfs has so many scary options that I don't know what they do D:
<gchristensen> it is fairly likely that the sda firmware is emulating 512 but I'm not sure how to change it on the xps
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<sphalerite> fwiw smartctl also says that the "Namespace 1 Formatted LBA Size" is 512, not sure if that has anything to do with it
<sphalerite> Do I care about the altroot option for zpool create?
<gchristensen> I'm not sure what those options mean :P
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<gchristensen> sphalerite: fwiw this is how I install it on packet.net: https://github.com/grahamc/packet-provision-nixos-ipxe/blob/aarch64/install-tools/bin/type2.sh
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<gchristensen> (using zfs)
<gchristensen> (for commands you're not familiar with, they're likely defined here: https://github.com/grahamc/packet-provision-nixos-ipxe/blob/aarch64/install-tools/bin/tools.sh)
<taktoa> sphalerite: don't bother with altroot
<nh2> taktoa: there's something I don't get yet. When I use `nix-env -iA`, what is the argument? The mkDerivation `name`? E.g. `TeXmacs-1.99.2` in this case?
<sphalerite> I'm guessing with zfs compression nix-store --optimise also won't be necessary?
<nh2> I mean `nixpkgs.TeXmacs-1.99.2`?
<sphalerite> nh2: no, the attribute path
<taktoa> nh2: the syntax is `channel.attribute-path`
<gchristensen> sphalerite: i've never used --optimise anyway
<sphalerite> gchristensen: I have on my other laptop, often saved a bunch of space
<gchristensen> nh2: the argument is how it is found in nixpkgs' all-packages.nix
<taktoa> nh2: you can find attribute paths with `nox` or by running `nix-repl '<nixpkgs>'` and tab-completing (usually the latter is much faster)
<gchristensen> sphalerite: also I ~suspect~ you probably don't want to enable dedup on your system
<taktoa> yes you don't want dedupe
<taktoa> it uses a lot of ram and can cause big problems
<sphalerite> ok
<taktoa> `nix-store --optimise` covers most of the dedupe you want
<gchristensen> (there _are_ cases where you want it, but my understanding is usually not on a home system)
<taktoa> HOWEVER compression is very different from dedupe
<taktoa> you probably want compression unless you are regularly CPU-limited
<gchristensen> (I mean, there are home systems that could benefit, but likely a primary laptop workload)
<nh2> ah so these 2 are identical: `nix-env -i TeXmacs` and `nix-env -iA nixpkgs.texmacs` (because my channel is called `nixpkgs` in `nix-channel --list`)
<taktoa> my nix store is compressed by 2.4x because of zfs compression
<taktoa> nh2: precisely
<taktoa> I'm using LZ4
<nh2> taktoa: cool, then your nix store is only ~50 PB! (https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1310)
<taktoa> lol
<sphalerite> I still haven't come up with a good name for the new laptop :/
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<pascal> hi
<taktoa> I'm actually running a `nix-store --optimise` to see how much I'm saving with zfs compression + hardlinking
<nh2> sphalerite: is it a nixos laptop?
<sphalerite> almost :D
<sphalerite> as in it will soon be
<nh2> sphalerite: then call it ENOSPC
<sphalerite> hahaha
<nh2> to remind yourself why your programs don't work
<nh2> saves debugging time
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<taktoa> :O "hard linking saves 19757 MiB"
<taktoa> my nix store is 40 GB, but without hardlinking and compression it would be 120 GB!?
<gchristensen> how much did it save according to zfs? (as, obviously, nix's impression of what it saved is wrong)
<pascal> that's 19 GB
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<nh2> should `Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to cache.nixos.org:443` still appear?
<taktoa> usually just requires running the program again
<taktoa> transient network issue
<taktoa> oh I just noticed the word "still"... idk then
<nh2> yes, rerunning works, but it fails suspiciously often, and I only get that with nix downloads
<taktoa> maybe your internet is throttled?
<nh2> taktoa: (I'm also not quite sure what you mean with throttled, but) that wouldn't explain why it's failing apparently only with nixos binary cache downloads, would it?
<taktoa> idk, network shit can be really weird
<taktoa> are you using `-j <n>`?
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<taktoa> you might want to use `-j 1` instead
<sphalerite> wouldn't only --cores affect downloads?
<taktoa> no, it can download multiple derivations at the same time
<taktoa> with -j
<taktoa> unless something has changed recently
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<nh2> taktoa: yes, I am; it's possible I set it too high for this connection; maybe "Unknown SSL protocol error" can also mean "timeout establishing SSL connection"
<taktoa> yeah makes sense
* hodapp makes Yet Another Pull Request for $package_with_a_thousand_compile_time_options
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<nh2> awesome that nixpkgs has texmacs! Debian no longer has it, so I'm really glad nix saves me from having to install its deps manually
<taktoa> indeed, the best part of using nixpkgs is that it doesn't matter very much whether or not nixpkgs has it :P
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<MP2E> that sums up exactly why I use/like nixos :p
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<nh2> I mean, the concept of debian that each package should have an active maintainer is also a good thing
<hodapp> taktoa: ...that looks vaguely like a Zen koan
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<nh2> but I guess the github PR workflow makes it very attractive for random people to share this work
<taktoa> hodapp: thanks, I just came up with this :)
<taktoa> *it
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: you say in your writeup that you edit hardware-configuration.nix. Isn't that a bad idea?
<hodapp> mleh. maybe I should just expose *everything* in gdal and make most of it optional
<hodapp> how does one handle a package that has so many build-time options?
<nh2> can I use `nix-env` to install a derivation expression? I mean, what is the equivalent to e.g. nix-repl's `:b texmacs.overrideDerivation ...`?
<clever> nh2: not directly an answer, but you can nix-env -i /nix/store/foo-bar to install something already in the store
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<sphalerite> nh2: nix-env -iE 'expression goes here' IIRC
* nh2 goes to try that
<noexcept_> question, why is it "fix' = f: let x = f x // { __unfix__ = f; }; in x;" rather than "fix' = f: let x = f x; in x // { __unfix__ = f; };" or "fix' = f: (fix f) // { __unfix__ = f };"?
<sphalerite> nh2: nope, that doesn't work. But nix-env -i $(nix-build --no-out-link -E 'expression goes here') works
<sphalerite> a bit of a mouthful...
<nh2> clever: sphalerite: I'm trying this:
<nh2> ➤ nix-env -iE 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; pkgs.texmacs.overrideDerivation (old: { configureFlags = "--with-qt"; })'
<nh2> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at undefined position
<sphalerite> 01:28 < sphalerite> nh2: nope, that doesn't work. But nix-env -i $(nix-build --no-out-link -E 'expression goes here') works
<nh2> sphalerite: should it work? (trying your alternative currently)
<sphalerite> yes
<sphalerite> at least it worked for a simple expression I tried just now
<clever> nh2: main issue with all of these methods, is that you loose the expression, and when you want to upgrade or recreate a year later, have fun!
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<clever> nh2: i solve that by making a mystuff package in config.nix
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<nh2> clever: for now that's OK for me, I don't even know if that `--with-qt` flat will do anything
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<clever> nh2: i can then list everything i want installed, and any overrides they may need, and just nix-env -iA nixos.mystuff
<nh2> clever: nice
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<nh2> which flag was the one with which I can force that packages are only downloaded from my ssh substituter host, and not the binary cache?
<clever> --option binary-caches "" i think
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<nh2> ah this also does: --option use-binary-caches false
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<nh2> something really hates IPv6; can I tell `nix-channel` not to use it?
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<clever> nh2: maybe with $NIX_CURL_OPTS or something related
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<nh2> clever: sphalerite: and another question: I have now added a second channel so that I have both nixos stable (called "nixos") and nixpkgs unstable (called "nixpkgs"). How do I have to modify my expression to import the texmacs from "nixos" instead of `import <nixpkgs>`?
<clever> nh2: rename it to unstable and try <unstable>
<nh2> clever: it seems to use the unstable `nixpkgs` already by default; I want to use the stable one instead
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<clever> nh2: <nixos> should refer to the channel called nixos
<sphalerite> How do I mount an existing zfs filesystem from the installer?
<nh2> clever: if I do `-E 'with import <nixos> {}; ...` I get
<nh2> error: file ‘nixos’ was not found in the Nix search path
<clever> nh2: what does "sudo nix-channel --list" say?
<nh2> clever:
<clever> nh2: ah, you called it stable, so you want <stable>
<nh2> clever: I renamed to `stable` just now, from `nixos` before
<clever> oh