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<nh2> clever: do you understand why it works currently? looking at the wrapper script it generates, I have no idea why it should work, the entries are not in it
<nh2> clever: # cat $(dirname $(readlink -f /run/current-system/sw/bin/gluster))/../share/glusterfs/scripts/
<nh2> #! /nix/store/86blj9iqyxwmdgkn3dyrpib1gkbmz91v-bash-4.4-p5/bin/bash -e
<nh2> export PYTHONPATH="/nix/store/x2ak8xnkarxrwgfrh0i32bxbf942z4zv-glusterfs-3.10.1/lib/python2.7/site-packages"
<nh2> exec -a "$0" "/nix/store/x2ak8xnkarxrwgfrh0i32bxbf942z4zv-glusterfs-3.10.1/share/glusterfs/scripts/" "${extraFlagsArray[@]}" "$@"
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<Guest89871> Hey
<clever> nh2: and what about the first line of
<clever> nh2: oh, i think i see the problem
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<clever> nh2: yep, there it is
<nh2> clever: ah I see, the first line is a shebang to a script that contains `export PYTHONHOME="/nix/store/3c598gvxavyiv2h0n2lbxgq7sf0rxf1p-python-2.7.13-env"`, that's how the deps come in
<clever> nh2: you have python2 AND python2.withPackages in the buildInputs
<clever> nh2: and it takes the first python it can find to patch into the #!
<clever> nh2: and nativeBuildInputs is scanned before buildInputs, thats why it had a higher priority and fixed things
<clever> removing the duplicate python2 from buildInputs should also fix it
<Guest89871> I'm about to Download and install nixos, is the minimal like standard arch Linux for installation?
<clever> that pythonhome should also entirely eliminate the need to set pythonpath
<clever> Guest89871: the minimal iso had no xorg, while the graphical iso has kde on startup
<clever> Guest89871: both of them will produce the exact same thing when installed to the system, given the same configuration.nix file
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<clever> nh2: oh, i think python2 was providing toPythonPath
<clever> so that has to go after the withPackages
<clever> if thats still needed
<nh2> clever: lol I was just typing this question
<clever> do most of the programs try to load deps even with --help or --version?
<clever> need a simple way to test them all
<nh2> clever: I just hope you never retire from this channel ... I think I wouldn't have figured this stuff out in the next year
<clever> hmmm, glusterfind currently fails with no args, cant import glusterfind.main, checking...
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<clever> ah, because it wants a python library from $out/lib, not from its inputs
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<nh2> clever: I just post that entire thing into a terminal and scroll up to see if anything has import errors
<nh2> clever: for me all but `glusterfind` are working now
<clever> i'm using nix-build so i dont spam grub up with 200 revisions of testing
<clever> 62 wrapProgram $out/bin/glusterfind --set PYTHONPATH "$(toPythonPath $out)"
<clever> 18 (python2.withPackages (pkgs: [ pkgs.flask pkgs.requests pkgs.prettytable ]))
<nh2> clever: I think that last one fails beacause it wants $out/libexec/glusterfs n the pythonpath
<clever> nh2: ive moved most of the deps to the python env
<nh2> clever: let me also upload what I currently have
<nh2> I'm trying now with adding `$(toPythonPath $out/libexec/glusterfs)`
<clever> nh2: oh something else you can do, just run the python scripts directly in postFixup
<clever> and if they return a non-zero code, the entire build will fail
<clever> then hydra cant ship broken builds
<clever> and nix will stop and not let you boot with a broken glusterfs
<clever> it will keep the last working build as active
<nh2> clever: then let me add a couple --help flags so they all exit with 0
<clever> nh2: this is how nixos does the initrd generation
<clever> it will copy every library and executable from a set of inputs to $out
<clever> and then re-patchelf them to all use $out/lib/
<nh2> clever: hmm doesn't accept a --help flag
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<clever> so they are still dynamic, but they are missing share and other fat files, and the closure has been flattened down to 1 directory
<clever> it will then use nuke-refs to literaly sed out all storepaths except $out
<clever> and then run everything to confirm they still work
<nh2> with sufficient shell scripting and `sed` everything seems possible :o
<clever> except, its running sed on compiled ELF files, lol
<clever> correction, it was using sed
<clever> it was changed to perl at some point
<clever> that explains why i dont remember it having an exclude option
<clever> ImportError: No module named xattr
<clever> oh wait
<nh2> clever: "its running sed on compiled ELF files" - what can possibly go wrong
<clever> yeah, ran the unwrapped one by mistake
<clever> substituteInPlace is written purely in bash
<clever> its not using sed to apply pattern changes
<clever> nh2: harder to use the diff's on a gist when you keep renaming the files
<nh2> clever: I don't rename them, I add new ones. Should just have edited but I wasn't sure it kept gist links stable. Apparently it does (I guess that's the only thing that makes sense)
<clever> mkdir a;touchb; a b
<clever> this returns 0
<clever> oops, with a space between touch and b
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<clever> and if stdin isnt a tty, it also needs a dir that it will chdir into
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<clever> oh no
<nh2> clever: where's the cd needed?
<clever> if stdin is a tty, it wants a <dirpath> and a <filepath>
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<clever> but if stdin isnt a tty, it wants a <dirpath>, 2 other things it doesnt appear to use, and then takes filepaths on stdin
<nh2> clever: you mean like `echo "" | (mkdir -p a && touch b && $(dirname $(readlink -f /run/current-system/sw/bin/gluster))/../libexec/glusterfs/gfind_missing_files/ a b)`
<clever> testing something on this end
<nh2> gives `Invalid arguments` and then prints usage information that is apparently a lie
<clever> it asks for 3 arguments when stdin isnt a tty
<clever> double-checking things
<clever> oh, that not in the if
<clever> it wants 3, including argv[0], when stdin IS a tty
<clever> and 2, including argv[0], when it isnt, just <dirpath>
<nh2> clever: hmm, but this doesn't work for me:
<nh2> echo "a" | (mkdir -p a && touch b && $(dirname $(readlink -f /run/current-system/sw/bin/gluster))/../libexec/glusterfs/gfind_missing_files/ a b)
<nh2> ah I misread
<nh2> ok it's working
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<nh2> what an effort. clever, thank a boatloat. Do you go to nixconf?
<clever> nope
<nh2> clever: shame then I can't buy you lots of beers
<clever> heh
<dash> also shouldn't it have been called "conference/default.nix"
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<clever> /tmp/nix-build-glusterfs-3.10.1.drv-0/glusterfs-3.10.1-runner-log/xlators/storage/posix/src/posix.c:351: warning: lchmod is not implemented and will always fail
<clever> Making all in protocol
<clever> dash: might want to look into that warning also
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<clever> nh2: oops, wrong name
<philipwhite> Anybody have experience developing with ocaml and nix? I'm trying to get stuff set up, but I'm having a little trouble.
<nh2> clever: did you need `touch b` and `echo b` in the end? I don't seem to
<clever> i think if you lack the echo, it will just check 0 files
<clever> and then b wont need to exist
<nh2> clever: but won't it still import, which is what we're testing?
<clever> yeah
<nh2> maybe it's even better if it does as few actual things as possible
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<nh2> clever: great, I will PR this after testing that it works in operation for a while
<nh2> and I will finally go to bed
<clever> :)
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<nh2> clever: you may be happy to know the important fact that our effort will eventually fix an error message sounding `Unable to end. Error : Success`
<clever> lol
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<Havvy> nh2: Are you the one breaking Hydra right now?
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<nh2> Havvy: no, I haven't pushed anything anywhere
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 134dd8c koral: ncmpcpp: 0.7.5 -> 0.7.7
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7120c66 Tristan Helmich: emby: ->
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 25a3563 Maximilian Bosch: activator: remove package from package-set...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f2e100c Franz Pletz: Merge pull request #25616 from Ma27/package/activator/remove...
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d43a2ef Franz Pletz: Merge pull request #25593 from mimadrid/update/languagetool-3.7...
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<sellout-> copumpkin: So, since your name’s on it … what exactly should I install to get docker on Mac? “docker-distribution”?
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<copumpkin> No idea! There's no open source package for their background Linux VM app and I haven't looked at packaging only their client tooling
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<rcschm> hi, i like to read a conf file into nix-store and reference the file in a wrapped exec start up script. is there any pointer to how to do that? thanks for your help.
<rcschm> i do have conf = import ./conf.txt; in let and reference the file with ''${conf}'' but that is not compiling.
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<mdash> Import is for nix expressions,I believe you want readFile
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<mdash> Or even just ${./conf.txt}
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<mdash> Stringifying a path copies it into the store
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<rcschm> mdash, let me try that.
<rcschm> thanks.
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<rcschm> mdash ${./conf.txt} throws an error.
<rcschm> mdash: builtins.readFile seems to be reading in the content as expression as well.
<rcschm> it is complaining that it can not build because bind is not valid expression. bind is found in the file. it is the script command.
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<rcschm> mdash: i figured it out. we need to use builtins.toFile to write the string to file.
<rcschm> and reference the path from the result of toFile.
<rcschm> tks.
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<matthewbauer> i don't know if everybody's heard already, but the NixOS wiki has been shut down
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<dash> matthewbauer: hooray
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<rcschm> hi, i have been able to bring in a git file into nix-store using fetchgit. how do i reference that git in the conf file that i have a wrapper on? thanks for your help.
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<dash> rcschm: this the conf file you're writing from your nix expr?
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<rcschm> i import the file from a txt file.
<rcschm> dash:
<dash> rcschm: sure. so make the text file in your package be or such, then in your build phase put "@my_git_path@" or whatever in the config file, then do 'substitute ./ ./myconfig.json --subst-var-by my_git_path ${path_from_fetchgit}'
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<rcschm> it is the other way around i think. i do have a plugin folder which is a git files which i did fetchgit.
<rcschm> i do have the reference to the fetchgit. but i am not able to reference that in the conf file that i am trying to write a variable referencing that git folder.
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<makefu> matthewbauer: i saw your contribution to the nixos-user's wiki :D thanks for linking to it in the post-mortem wiki page
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0a4da64 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.octavius: init at 0.2.0...
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<DrWaste> Hi all nixos devs and users, does anyone know of a solution to this issue: ? Thanks
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<magneticduck> I don't suppose there's any way to make nix treat an attrset as a function by adding some special attribute?
<magneticduck> { _call = x: x + 1; } 1 == 2
<makefu> magneticduck: like in lua?
<magneticduck> sure
<magneticduck> I had an inkling that this was possible in nix but I might be confusing things
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<makefu> not that i am aware of. you could wrap it into a lambda of course. but maybe some of the nix grand wizards have some arcane knowledge about this :)
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<clever> cant merge a lamda and an attrset with //
<magneticduck> heh
<magneticduck> okay, I guess I'll be recursively mapping on a attrset with a library-order number of values
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<soraminazuki> Hi, does anyone know how to get the include path to the C/C++ standard library? I'm having trouble getting C/C++ completion with vimplugin-youcom
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<soraminazuki> I mean, vimplugin-youcompleteme.
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<matthewbauer> try: $(nix-build -A stdenv.libc '<nixpkgs>')/include
<matthewbauer> or maybe $(nix-build -A '<nixpkgs>')/include
<clever> that will overwrite the result symlink in the current directory
<clever> --no-out-link can stop that, or -o libc to rename it
<soraminazuki> Thanks, I'll try that once I get home.
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<sphalerite> Do we have a detailed stock response for questions to which the answer is "use nix-shell" anywhere?
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<goibhniu> AFAIK we don't ... I guess that can be fleshed out in the manual
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<sphalerite> Because it's probably the most common question I see around nix/nixos, "why is my compiler not finding these libraries I installed"
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<clever> yep
<clever> i answer that at least once a week
<clever> the last time, it was because a setup hook adds the pkgconfig dirs to the pkgconfig path
<clever> and once you install it, even though the files are in the profile, pkgconfig cant find it
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<sphalerite> Yeah, and it's pretty much always variations on that theme
<clever> and half the time, they want to ignore my advice and just install it anyways
<clever> let me find that old convo
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<toppler> Do many nix folk use nix-shell exclusively (as opposed to using nix-env -I?)
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<sphalerite> toppler: you mean nix-env -i? I doubt it, as it's still a lot more convenient to have some software available in every shell.
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<toppler> I remember someone on this channel recommending moving to nix-shell for everything last year.
<toppler> I went with it, so yeah, I've forgotten the exact flags for nix-env :)
<regnat[m]> magneticduck: You can have a `__functor` attribute in your attrset
<regnat[m]> It does roughtly what you want
<goibhniu> sphalerite: nice! Perhaps the wiki even needs a separate page on "developing software with nix"?
<regnat[m]> `{ __functor = self: x: x +1} 1 == 2`
<sphalerite> goibhniu: yeah, potentially. But it definitely is a frequently asked question so I'll just stick it there for now.
<magneticduck> regnat[m]: right, that thingy! that will be helpful
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 5 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 3b6adc3 Patrick Callahan: fish-foreign-env: git-20151223 -> git-20170324
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 e302239 Patrick Callahan: direnv: add fish shell hook for NixOS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 085a292 Patrick Callahan: fzf: add fish hook for NixOS
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<sphalerite> What's the best way to write a shell.nix? Something like with import <nixpkgs> {}; stdenv.mkDerivation {name = "env-name"; buildInputs = [a b c];} ?
<toppler> Mine is an attribute set of derivations, rather than a single one.
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<toppler> Otherwise, yeah. Each is given just by a name, buildInputs (maybe also env-vars and shell-hooks).
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0054865 Patrick Callahan: fish-foreign-env: git-20151223 -> git-20170324
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 855ae68 Patrick Callahan: direnv: add fish shell hook for NixOS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3d37af3 Patrick Callahan: fzf: add fish hook for NixOS
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<sphalerite> Also, does nox have any maintainers other than madjar? I've got some PRs that I'm sure other people would find useful too, but they've just been sitting around for a week
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] flosse opened pull request #25669: opencv: remove myself (flosse) from the maintainers list (
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<sphalerite> and am I the only one who always presses Ctrl-C on the prompt it displays after the search results and prefers a non-interactive interface like with nix-env -q or most other package manager searches?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 82a9c93 Domen Kožar: doc: builtins.attrNames returns alphabetically sorted list
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<sphalerite> Would it be possible to have buildEnv warn the user if libraries are being installed that that is probably not what they want?
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<nil> Hi. Just installed nixos. How do I go about setting up a user specific config file? I'd like to have a user-specific configuration file for declaring packages.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 opened pull request #25670: cups: mount private /tmp (master...cups-hardening)
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<lewo> Hi. How can i assert the version of nixpkgs?
<goibhniu> nil: if you just want to manage a user specific set of packages you can use `nix-env -ir`
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<sphalerite> lewo: The version is available in lib.nixpkgsVersion, but why do you want to do that?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cpages closed pull request #25669: opencv: remove myself (flosse) from the maintainers list (
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<nil> Thanks goibhniu!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e338485 Jörg Thalheim: systemd-boot: document reasoning behind syncfs(2)
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<unlmtd> is bash a hard dependency for nix?
<unlmtd> or can is use ash, mksh or what have you
<unlmtd> is/it
<LnL> bash is part of the stdenv if that's what you mean
<lewo> sphalerite, because in a script (out of nixpkgs repo) I use python.withPackage which is not available in 16.03. I would like to assert that in order to provide a clear error message
<unlmtd> LnL: I see
<unlmtd> nix is pretty bloated atm
* peti is having a weird moment. I cannot install into a nix-env profile and I don't have the slightest clue why that is.
<peti> The following command succeeds: ls $(nix-build --no-out-link "<nixpkgs>" -A
<peti> So clearly exists and contains the header files I want.
<lewo> sphalerite, thx
<viric> gchristensen: what dcc send were you doing?
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<viric> gchristensen: 00:12 DCC SEND from gchristensen [ port 1337]: " [0B bytes] requested in channel #nixos
<LnL> peti: I'm pretty sure there's a bug with nix-env that ignores the output (always installing the default)
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<peti> When I run "nix-env -p tmp -iA", however, the command says: "installing ‘openssl-1.0.2k’" -- which is the wrong derivation.
<peti> And sure enough, the "tmp" profile contains no headers. :-(
<peti> LnL: Is there a github issue about this?
<sphalerite> lewo: Why would anyone still be using 16.03?
<sphalerite> unlmtd: I don't think it's a hard dependency of nix (not a runtime dependency at least), but it is for nixpkgs
<unlmtd> sphalerite: thanks. ya LnL already mentioned it
<sphalerite> lewo: anyway, make sure to use lib.versionAtLeast or lib.versionOlder to compare them :)
<sphalerite> unlmtd: there has been some talk about using oil shell [] once it's production ready. It certainly looks like there's some really solid design work behind it
<unlmtd> crazy never heard of it
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<unlmtd> its a new language
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<LnL> peti: don't think so, nix-env used to just install every output before 1.11.8 like vcunat mentioned here
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<sphalerite> yeah
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<LnL> peti: I think that's why something like that seemed to work before
<LnL> nix-env should probably look at drv.outputName for derivations with multiple outputs
<lewo> sphalerite, just because they never needed to upgrade... until my assert :)
<lewo> sphalerite, yep, i have used versionAtLeast. Thx
<sphalerite> lewo: but they do! 16.03 hasn't been getting any updates, including security updates, in over a year now
<lewo> sphalerite, (they only have tryied a bit nix on archlinux)
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<LnL> peti: this should work a workaround, nix-env -p tmp -i "$(nix-build -A --no-out-link)"
<LnL> since that avoids meta.outputsToInstall
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<avn> silly question -- if I have [ { keyFile = ./foo.key; } ... ] how to convert it to [ { keyFile = ....; identityFile = "identity_0"; } ... ]
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<LnL> avn: something like this? map (attrs: attrs // { identityFile = "identity_0"; })
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<avn> LnL: main part of question -- how create sequental { identityFile = "identity_0"; } ;)
<LnL> ah you want "identity_0" "identity_1" ..
<avn> yep, I want to generalize and submit my fetchPrivateGit ;)
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<LnL> then you want something like imap (i: attrs: attrs // { identityFile = "identity_${toString i}"; } )
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<avn> LnL: looks like proper answer, TY ;)
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<gchristensen> viric: I'm never going to live that down :)
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<gchristensen> viric: someone attacked my client with a DCC which crashed the version of weechat I used, then they took over my nick and started DCCing other people
<gchristensen> niksnut: one more deploy on the homepage, when you have a moment --
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<viric> gchristensen: ah o
<viric> k
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<gchristensen> I've since enabled nick protection and updated my client
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<utdemir> Hey. Anybody spawning a NixOS machine on EC2, without NixOps? Somehow mine is always stuck on "Booting the kernel".
<nil> Hey, does anyone know where I'd find my awesomewm theme file?
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<makefu> nil: it comes with the package
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<makefu> nil: for this i have a custom module which overrides the awesome configuration to set my configuration at startup without relying on the state in my home dir
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] lheckemann opened pull request #1380: nix-shell: use appropriate prompt terminator (master...prompt-terminator)
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<gchristensen> is it suspicious that's SSL cert is by StartCom?
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<Isorkin> Hi. config - services.lshd.enable = true; - service lshd not started. How to fix error?
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<gchristensen> Isorkin: I ran `man configuration.nix`, scrolled to `lshd`, and found a few hints.
<gchristensen> "Note that this key must have been created, e.g., using "lsh-keygen --server | lsh-writekey --server", so that you can run lshd." for example. have you read through them?
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<Isorkin> gchristensen: key founded /etc/lsh/*. sudo systemctl restart lshd - not work. sudo /nix/store/....-unit-script/bin/lshd-start - work.
<Isorkin> need fix lshd.service ?
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<gchristensen> you ran nixos-rebuild switch?
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<Isorkin> yes
<Isorkin> Reboot tried
<gchristensen> anything in journalctl -u lshd
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<hyper_ch> gchristensen: I switch to unstable-small now and finally the errors went away ;)
<gchristensen> which errorss?
<gchristensen> ohh this is about getting a channel update :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gebner pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8da31b0 Gabriel Ebner: fstar: ->
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<hyper_ch> gchristensen: well, the perl error and unstable-channel not wanting to update :)
<hyper_ch> saw that unstable-small got updated :)
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<gchristensen> nice :) great!
<hyper_ch> vbox recompiling just takes like forever
<Isorkin> gchristensen: май 10 14:56:21 test1 systemd[1]: Starting GNU lshd SSH2 daemon... / май 10 14:56:21 test1 systemd[1]: Started GNU lshd SSH2 daemon...
<gchristensen> hehe, yeah, that one is a doozy :)
<gchristensen> Isorkin: gosh ... I don't know ... I've never heard of lshd before today
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<hyper_ch> lshd -> list harddisk?
<gchristensen> a GNU ssh2 implementation
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ac15999 Shea Levy: hackage2nix: Pull haskellSrc2nix from the final package set
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 8c90757 Shea Levy: hackage2nix: Pull haskellSrc2nix from the final package set...
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<sphalerite> What do people think of stuff like this, for having a single canonical source of version information?
<gchristensen> sphalerite: mixed
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<gchristensen> sphalerite: I'd feel better if the version didn't need to be crudely parsed out of the .cfg file
<gchristensen> like if ./version was a file that could just be read and only contained a version
<sphalerite> Yeah
<sphalerite> but upstream basically doesn't want the expression if it's going to duplicate version information, which is understandable
* gchristensen breaths deeply
<FRidh> isn't this also import from derivation?
<sphalerite> FRidh: I don't think so, as these expressions ship with the project and live in its source dir rather than actually fetching it
<sphalerite> I'm not entirely sure though.
<FRidh> Yes, you fetch and thus build first.Then you ask the evaluator to read what was build, and continue with that. It "works", but isn't allowed in Nixpkgs at least.
<sphalerite> Yes, obviously this wouldn't be for nixpks
<sphalerite> nixpkgs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mdaiter opened pull request #25672: openmvs: init at current master (master...openmvs)
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<gchristensen> sphalerite: for openclonk I'd consider omitting the version
<sphalerite> Oh yeah, that would actually be sensible. Potentially the same should apply for nox, because in both cases it's not actually a build of a release
<gchristensen> yeah
<sphalerite> The version information will still be included in the build, and the sources can be found through the derivation, so that does make the most sense I suppose
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<gchristensen> that way you aren't sending scary looking nix to third party projects who might already bee skeptical :P
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<sphalerite> Well one of the people installed nix to try out the expression, so not too skeptical :D
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<gchristensen> nice :D
<FRidh> I could just cherry-pick changes from staging into master, right? Or would that give trouble with merging? It doesn't look like staging will be merged anytime soon.
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<gchristensen> FRidh: should be fine, master is never "fast forwarded" to staging
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<rcschm> hi, i am trying to simulate intalling tmux plugin using nix. i would need to git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm and reference that folder by having run '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm' in the conf file. i managed to download the plugin using fetchgit but i have an error referencing the plugin. is there any pointer as how to accomplish this? thanks for your help.
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<LnL> FRidh: careful with that, that might cause large rebuilds that are still different form staging
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] drdaeman opened pull request #25673: Pycharm 2017 -> 2017.1.2 (master...pycharm-2017.1.2-master)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c8301a8 Johannes Bornhold: pytestcov: 2.3.1 -> 2.4.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e6f5021 Johannes Bornhold: freezegun: 0.3.5 -> 0.3.8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0afb6d7 Johannes Bornhold: pytest_xdist: 1.8 -> 1.14
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<FRidh> LnL: I know. I'm cherry-picking some smaller Python changes. A couple of package updates that in retrospect should have just gone to master.
<taeradan> hi, I've got troubles with jetbrains products, the wey they are packaged in NixOS allows only nixpkgs JDK, but I need to allow the IDE to use the bundled JRE (recommended by upstream)
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<taeradan> the bundled JRE is present in the derivation output, but can't be selected because the nix build hardcode a JAVA_HOME value
<LnL> FRidh: ah, nevermind then :)
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<sphalerite> rcschm: you'd probably need to build your tmux config using nix as well for that to work, and then wrap tmux to use that config file.
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<sphalerite> I wrap tmux with my config like this: but given your more complex setup you'll probably want to build the config as a derivation, using writeTextFile or so
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<rcschm> sphalerite: that is what i did. i built it up using nix's builtins.readFile.
<sphalerite> rcschm: could you show me the expression that you have so far then?
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<rcschm> definitely hangon.
<rcschm> i need to boot up the image.
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<rcschm> i have this in the postInstall postInstall = ''wrapProgram $out/bin/tmux --add-flags "-f ${tmuxConfFile}"'';
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<sphalerite> Could you show me the complete expression?
<rcschm> and building ${tmuxConfFile} i do have the git loaded for the plugin manager:
<rcschm> tmuxPluginManager = (import ./tmux/tmux-plugin-definition.nix);
<rcschm> which is
<rcschm> with import <nixpkgs> {};
<rcschm> stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
<rcschm> name = "tmux-plugins";
<rcschm> src = fetchgit {
<rcschm> rev ="c8ac32a085d382c43190bda4fb5972e531f501fd";
<rcschm> sha256 = "0rf5316s4css9mda568zvq879h4vm2dvn4z2wcij1c95m2wwmrpm";
<rcschm> };
<rcschm> builder = builtins.toFile "" ''
<rcschm> source $stdenv/setup
<rcschm> mkdir $out
<rcschm> '';
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<rcschm> }
<rcschm> the problem i have is i can't reference tmuxPluginManager at all in the tmuxConfFile.
<rcschm> it craps out.
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<rcschm> do you follow so far?
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<LnL> rcschm: you should use a paste/gist for code snippets that are longer the one or two lines
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<rcschm> ok. sorry bout that.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] kamilchm opened pull request #25674: vimplugin-vim-elixir: 2017-04-12 -> 2017-04-26 (master...vim-elixir)
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<LnL> not sure if tpm makes sense in the context of nix because it will try clone plugins itself
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<rcschm> it can be referenced.
<rcschm> and all that will be needed is just to clone the plugins and reference them in the conf file.
<rcschm> all will be in nix-store which i think makes sense. all immutable.
<rcschm> just not sure why it doesn't allow me to reference the thing right now.
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<LnL> yes, you could probably do something similar to the vim plugins in nixpkgs
<LnL> but I don't think you need tpm itself anymore then :)
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<rcschm> i do have some need for the tpm plugins and i think they should just be reference like vim like you said.
<tabaqui> hey all
<tabaqui> I'm trying to install nixos instance on vbox machine
<tabaqui> but it cannot start sshd service after manual install
<tabaqui> here:
<tabaqui> could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
<tabaqui> it's an empty file
<avn> Folks, I cloned one nix machine (kvm), and on clone when I rebuild updated conf, I got few messages about invalid store paths. Any ideas why it can happens?
<tabaqui> in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, there is just services.openssh.enable = True
<tabaqui> what can cause it?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lheckemann opened pull request #25675: cmake setup hook: allow other build types (staging...cmake-build-type)
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<freusque> hello, is there anyone here using opam2nix?
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<tabaqui> hm, looks like it missed sshd-keygen
<tabaqui> arch linux has special systemd service for it
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<avn> tabaqui: it can be done in activation script as well
<GetalMear> Hi. I don't know how to read Hydra jobset pages. I wanted to find out why there hasn't been an update to unstable/master for a week, but I don't know whether the 'Evaluation errors' tab tells the whole story
<rcschm> sphalerite: are you still there?
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<tabaqui> avn: yeah, but it didn't
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<sphalerite> rcschm: yes
<sphalerite> like LnL said, I don't see how tpm fits in there.
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<rcschm> but i think it should be in the nix-store.
<rcschm> just any idea why the git clone can't be referenced in ${tmuxPluginManager}?
<rcschm> how do we git clone something and get its reference? basically that is the question i am having at the moment.
<rcschm> any pointer?
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<sphalerite> Because it's impure, it requires network access
<sphalerite> it's probably best if you use fetchgit to get each plugin and go from there
<rcschm> i am not following.
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<LnL> you should fetchgit each plugin and put in in the place that tpm expects
<rcschm> yes that is what i will be fetching.
<rcschm> and each will be referenced in the conf file.
<rcschm> right now i can't reference the plugin manager itself.
<LnL> or skip tmp entirely and shource the plugins yourself
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<rcschm> i like to try the pure way first you see.
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<rcschm> how do we git clone and reference to that cloned?
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<rcschm> that is basically the question i am having.
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<rcschm> any pointer?
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<sphalerite> Using fetchgit.
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<rcschm> any pointer to some example?
<rcschm> i did use that and i am having an error basically.
<GetalMear> LnL: Thanks. I have three questions: 1. Shouldn't this be linked to from in nixpkgs? 2. Does this mean that I should switch channels? 3. Is it all because of nixos-ova-*?
<rcschm> i want to reference the cloned like run '${tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm}' in the conf file.
<rcschm> let me go there
<GetalMear> Okay, I probably don't want to switch channels.
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<rcschm> yeah, i am using that. is there a complete example anywhere do you know?
<sphalerite> rcschm: lots in nixpkgs. None specific for tmux AFAIK though
<rcschm> any particular on on the top of your head?
<rcschm> if not i will go thru them.
<sphalerite> pkgs/tools/misc/tmux :p
<LnL> GetalMear: 1. maybe don't even know who created that :) 2. don't use nixpkgs-unstable for a nixos-rebuild things might be broken 3. yes looks like it
<rcschm> no i mean cloning and using it in reference.
<rcschm> putting the reference in a file or something.
<LnL> GetalMear: you can easily import a single package from unstable/master if there's something specific you want from there
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<rcschm> i can clone. but i can't reference it.
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<sphalerite> rcschm: let some-plugin = fetchgit {...}; in writeFile "tmux.conf" ''source ${some-plugin}/init.tmux''
<sphalerite> or something like that
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<rcschm> uhhmm, i never saw that. let me try that tonight.
<rcschm> thks.
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<rcschm> one question. after writeFile, would ${tmux.conf} be available for reference as well?
<LnL> writeText creates a file in /nix/store that you can reference
<sphalerite> no, but you could put that in a let binding as well. So let some-plugin = fetchgit {...}; tmux-conf = writeFile "tmux.conf" ''source ${some-plugin}/init.tmux''
<sphalerite> then you can refer to tmux-conf in later stuff
<sphalerite> and yes, sorry, I meant writeText and not writeFile, thanks LnL
<LnL> and you can use wrapProgram to create a package for tmux that alway uses that config file
<rcschm> cool, let me try that.
<rcschm> tks,
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<sphalerite> LnL: is there actually a function in nixpkgs for creating trivial wrappers? because with wrapProgram you then need to use stdenv.mkDerivation and specify a bunch of other stuff. I usually end up using writeScriptBin instead.
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<LnL> not that I know of, this is what I did for nix-darwin
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<sphalerite> would be nice to have something like wrapProgram {original = "${tmux}/bin/tmux"; env = {SOME_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE.prepend = "a"; SOME_OTHER_VAR.set = "value";}; args.prepend = "-c ${tmux.conf}";}
<LnL> yeah
<sphalerite> just a rough idea of what it could look like, but I'd find something like that vevry convenient
<gchristensen> that'd be neat, sphalerite
<sphalerite> just to expose the wrapProgram functionality in nix rather than having to write shell script manually
<LnL> it probably doesn't exist because the most common usecase is to wrap something in $out/bin after the installPhase
<gchristensen> in nixpkgs yes, but most common case for me is little wrappers for my userspace
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<LnL> true, runCommand ... is pretty inconvenient for that
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<kykim> newbie nix-shell question: currently, i have a file named `` that basically consists of a command `nix-shell -E <...some expression...>`. Can i basically take the "<...some expression...>" and put that in a `shell.nix` file?
<FRidh> sphalerite: we could write a function that uses buildEnv to symlink all paths in a (a list of) derivation(s) and then takes such sets to create wrappers for the specific paths the sets refer to. There are a lot of places it could benefit from it.
<GetalMear> LnL: The "tests" page is linked to from, so it's halfway there. The explanation at the top of howoldis did help, though
<sphalerite> LnL: yeah, it's inconvenient enough that I just don't bother with wrapProgram and use writeScriptBin instead
<sphalerite> kykim: pretty mumch
<sphalerite> FRidh: I'm a bit confused as to what you mean there
<LnL> FRidh: yeah, vim_configurable only has a vim binary for example
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<FRidh> sphalerite: The set you've shown before, you would want to have a function that takes a list of those. It would (optionally) symlink all paths in those derivations. And the wrapped paths it would replace with your wrappers.
<sphalerite> ah right
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<FRidh> python.buildEnv could use it, the kde/plasma wrappers I think as well
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<FRidh> LnL: with python.buildEnv you're often only interested in setting pythonpath, not symlinking all the paths.
<GetalMear> 'error: changing ownership of path ‘/build/root/nix/store’: Invalid argument' – huh.
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<Isorkin> how to mount /nix/store +rw ?
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<gchristensen> Isorkin: that sets off alarm bells of "danger danger! something is wrong!" why do you want to do that?
<LnL> ^^
<Isorkin> gchristensen: edit lshd.service
<gchristensen> (LnL, can you help? :/)
<LnL> Isorkin: you do this by editing the nix expression and running nixos-rebuild switch
<LnL> the store is readonly for a reason :)
<dash> Isorkin: you can't edit stuff in the store because it's stored by hash; changing the data will change the hash and break stuff. So, you edit it _before_ it goes in the store.
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<Fossi> hi. i try to install python3 alongside 2 and i get "collision between [...] use ‘nix-env --set-flag priority NUMBER PKGNAME" but when i try "nix-env --set-flag priority 1 python3-3.5.2" i get "error: selector ‘python3-3.5.2’ matches no derivations"
<Fossi> i already tried "python3" and "nixos.pkgs.python3" and many others i could think of, but i don't get what PKGNAME is refering to here
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<goibhniu> Fossi: you can only set the priority on stuff you've already installed
<goibhniu> ... so you can set it on python 2 instead
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<goibhniu> if you're using it for development, consider using nix-shell instead
<Fossi> oh
<Fossi> that was very unclear to me :D
<goibhniu> yeah, it's not at all obvious
<Fossi> it worked
<Fossi> thanks
<goibhniu> cool, np
<Fossi> it's weird how setting it to anything then makes something the default too
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<Fossi> like basically, if i want to python3 2to3, i need to set the python2 to 1 and then install and then set the python3 to something?
<LnL> Isorkin: what's the problem exactly? maybe I can give a better example
<Fossi> apart from the fact that i still not know if higher or lower numbers are "first" in priority :D
<LnL> I use nix-shell to instead of installing stuf in a profile to avoid conflicts like this
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<FRidh> Fossi: I tend to forget that as well. From the manual: If there are multiple derivations matching a name in args that have the same name (e.g., gcc-3.3.6 and gcc-4.1.1), then the derivation with the highest priority is used. A derivation can define a priority by declaring the meta.priority attribute. This attribute should be a number, with a higher value denoting a lower priority. The default priority is 0.
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<sphalerite> Fossi: yeah, nix-shell is really the best way to go. See especially if you're going to be using python libraries as well
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<goibhniu> Fossi: `nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -p python3Full`
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<Fossi> yes, it's a pain
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<Fossi> i thought i'd get rid of the mutable state ;)
<joko> Hello, what would be the best way to transfer all the closures to a new NixOS machine?
<gchristensen> nix-copy-closure?
<joko> and how would I specify that I need everything?
<MarcWeber> joko: copy the whole /nix directory? ..
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<joko> MarcWeber: /nix/store is ro, is ok to remount is as rw for that? I promise not to do anything else while transferring stuff :P
<gchristensen> why would you need to?
<gchristensen> ohh no no no
<gchristensen> can you describe more about what you're actually trying to do?
<MarcWeber> joko: if you nix-copy-close the main sytsem /run/current-systme link you should have most packages transfered
<MarcWeber> joko: No ida what happens if you do that while both systems are up and running. THere is /nix/store and state (database with depednencies) which should be in sync.
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<joko> Well, I had an issue with my Hydra baremetal machine, its RAM is too low to handle big files, so I would like to move it on a VM
<MarcWeber> So either copy all or use the tools.
<Fossi> so, about nix-shell: i get "Can't locate /root/.nix-profile/lib/perl5/site_perl/ Permission denied at /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin/nix-shell line 3." when i try to run it (or nix-env) as non-root
<Fossi> i don't really get why it runs something inside /root/ when i'm su'd in as another user
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<goibhniu> Fossi: what does `which nix-env` say ... and `nix-env --version`
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 28154f4 Linus Heckemann: cmake setup hook: allow other build types
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging fc873b6 Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #25675 from lheckemann/cmake-build-type...
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<acowley> Could anyone interested in LLVM and/or clang take a look at this PR?
<acowley> I'm not sure who to tag.
<Fossi> goibhniu: "/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin/nix-env" and "error: Nix database directory ‘/nix/var/nix/db’ is not writable: Permission denied"
<Fossi> "nix-env (Nix) 1.11.4" when run as root
<Fossi> ah, nix/var/nix/db is indeed only writable for root
<goibhniu> ah, I presume you're not using nixos and don't have multi-user set up
<Fossi> i do use nixos, but for other reasons i use X as root and su in a terminal
<Fossi> maybe it's time to change that, but i guess it wouldn't matter for not being able to use nix-env
<sphalerite> eeeeech, nixpkgs's use of bash makes semantics so much harder to make sense of :(
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<Isorkin> LnL: not start lshd.service with systemctl. sudo /nix/store/....-unit-script/bin/lshd-start - work.
<goibhniu> Fossi: oh, but then somehow you're not using nix-daemon
<Fossi> i think i already had a problem with that at some point, yes
<gchristensen> by default, root doesn't use the daemon
<Fossi> ah
<Fossi> i started it and it works as non-root
<Fossi> how is that supposed to be started?
<Fossi> i guess i miss some setting in my config?
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<Fossi> ah, now nix-env --version works as non-root
<Fossi> but nix-shell still doesnt
<Fossi> still complains with the line about /root/.nix-profile
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<LnL> acowley: I forgot about that one, I can look at it in an hour
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<LnL> Fossi: export NIX_REMOTE=daemon
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<LnL> unless you have a single user install
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c8b4b44 Thomas Tuegel: Revert "Merge pull request #25628 from mdorman/emacs-updates"...
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<Fossi> i did that
<Fossi> after that nix-env --version works
<Fossi> nix-shell doesn't
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<dtz> acowley: I'll take a look later today! Looks simple at first glance so hopefully won't be much trouble :).
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<acowley> Thank you dtz!
<acowley> LnL: Thanks! We've also got the rtags libclang PR hanging about persuant to possible changes to the clang derivation itself.
<LnL> yeah, all the clang builds timed out in my jobset :/
<LnL> gchristensen: ^ do you have restart powers?
<LnL> want to make sure there are no strange issues
<dtz> Haha I'm wearing my llvm dev meeting 2016 shirt presently, can't deny llvm related code review today! :D
<gchristensen> "785 builds have been restarted" LnL
<LnL> thanks <3
<gchristensen> you're welcome :)
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<Fossi> gtg, thanks for the help so far
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<judson> Is there a decent idiom for dealing with the absence of fields in a {}@named attrset?
<judson> e.g. I've got { ruby ? defs.ruby, ... }@args in the thing I'm working on.
<judson> I want to use args later, but I keep getting caught out by "attribute 'ruby' missing"
<judson> So where I'd like to use args, I wind up needing to { inherit the world; }
<judson> Is the latter just better practice, or is there syntax/idiom for what I want: "args, but after defaults have be set"?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] armijnhemel opened pull request #25677: lzip: 1.18 -> 1.19 (master...lzip)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d80d08d Armijn Hemel: lzip: 1.18 -> 1.19
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1fe6df8 Peter Simons: Merge pull request #25677 from armijnhemel/lzip...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master c5f23f1 Eelco Dolstra: Replace readline by linenoise...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 1fd5944 Eelco Dolstra: Typo
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<gchristensen> niksnut: mind merging that second wiki.html PR? :)
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<niksnut> done
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<gchristensen> thank you!
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<eacameron> Anyone else notice that nix on WSL is suuper slow?
<zraexy> Is it just a coincidence or does nixos:trunk-combined:nixos.ova.x86_64-linux only succeed when built by packet-t2-0? Is that machine set up differently?
<gchristensen> zraexy: probably a coincidence, how does it fail on other machines? t2-0 is a big machine, can do many simultaneous builds
<LnL> the packet machines are awesome :)
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<zraexy> error: changing ownership of path ‘/build/root/nix/store’: Invalid argument
<gchristensen> humm
<LnL> you're the second person that posted that error today
<LnL> not sure what the context of the previous one was
<gchristensen> there was a change to nix recently, that hasn't yet been deployed to the t2-0 yet... niksnut ^
<gchristensen> the build root IIRC was changed from /tmp to /build
<LnL> maybe /build doesn't exist on the build machines
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #25307: llvm: Add the LLVM OpenMP components (master...llvm-openmp)
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<dtz> Woo, guess I'm off the hook. :) Thanks LnL
<LnL> dtz: one comment for the llvm packageset, shouldn't cmake, perl, etc. be nativeBuildInputs?
<dtz> Are they not? Yes they should
<dtz> (sorry I'm on mobile so significantly less able to investigate myself, haha but will be home in a bit :))
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7fada5c Kamil Chmielewski: vimplugin-vim-elixir: 2017-04-12 -> 2017-04-26
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6fc56fa Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25674 from kamilchm/vim-elixir...
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<dtz> Also 4.0.1rc1 is out.... Hehe
<LnL> no I noticed it in that pr, but clang/llvm don't do it either
<LnL> cool, but we probably don't want to update to rc releases now that clang 4 is the default for darwin :)
<dtz> Yeah. Python as well, I'd expect. Wonder how cross compilation is working these days, these things would break pretty badly on a host/target pair that weren't compatible like x86->arm
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<dtz> Ah and yeah mostly meant for testing anyway, so anything borked can be fixed upstream perhaps before actual release
<dtz> Some activity on clang support for reading from a config file for flags, that will be AMAZING for our purposes I think
<LnL> oh!
<LnL> ^ copumpkin
<copumpkin> Ooh
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<niksnut> zraexy: interesting
<niksnut> probably a qemu issue
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<tabaqui> can nixops deploy project in not-Amazon EC2 cloud?
<tabaqui> there are some providers that offer the same api
<MichaelRaskin> I think it can even be convinced to work on bare-metal NixOS instances
<tabaqui> it looks like, nixops connect to "amazon.<region>"
<LnL> hrm my builds aborted again :/
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<simpson> tabaqui: I use nixops on GCE. Zero AWS required.
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<tabaqui> simpson: after "nixops deploy..." I've got "Please Go to the following URL and sign in:
<tabaqui> ...
<tabaqui> it still tries predefined url
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<simpson> tabaqui: Ah, yes, you have to get your keys set up.
<tabaqui> simpson: I don't want to deploy on google servers
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<simpson> tabaqui: Oh, I see, you want the EC2 API but on non-Amazon. I didn't even know that this was a thing.
<tabaqui> yeah, right
<simpson> I suspect that you will have to add to nixops.
<tabaqui> I'm afraid of
<LnL> that's a thing?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #25668: pythonPackages.django: 1.11 -> 1.11.1 (master...update_django_1_11_1)
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<tabaqui> ok, I've just added new record in boto/endpoints.json
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah closed pull request #25077: pulseaudio: match nixpkgs.config.pulseaudio and hardware.pulseaudio.enable (master...master3)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej opened pull request #25679: zstd: 1.1.3 -> 1.2.0 (master...zstd)
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<bb4kk3r> Does anyone know how slurm and munge work on NixOS?
<bb4kk3r> Does that mean you can configure the whole thing with nix scripts?
<andrewrk> how do you set an environment variable in a nix-shell?
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<andrewrk> I want to do nix-shell foo.env and then I'll be in a nix-shell with CC=clang CXX=clang++
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<matthewbauer> Just do CC = "clang"; in a new line
<matthewbauer> it will be passed to the builder script
<andrewrk> matthewbauer, that didn't work. echo $CC in the nix-shell gives gcc
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<andrewrk> I'm not making a package, I just want an environment
<dtz> andrewrk: shellHook ?
<dtz> andrewrk: but probably just adding clang as builtInput will make 'cc --version' show clang
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<andrewrk> dtz, thanks
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<dtz> but also all attributes in "mkDerivation" become environment variables (not 100% why but it's true :)) so you can also just do CC="clang"; or something but given the cc-wrapper and such usually requiring setting CC/CXX is unusual/rare/bug-in-package
<andrewrk> I see
<dtz> tbh I'm not sure why it's a good idea to have buildInput on clang -> cc on path, seems like that should require a new stdenv (perhaps using overrideCC) but shrug, quirk :)
<dtz> rutting it all is a big difficult so don't mean to disparage the current situation hehe
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah opened pull request #25680: openmpt123: don't build pulseaudio driver (master...master2)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Balletie opened pull request #25681: pharo-vm: Add third-party libraries to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (master...pharo-library-path)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah reopened pull request #25077: . (master...master3)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah closed pull request #25077: . (master...master3)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Balletie opened pull request #25682: emojione: Fix typo in meta.license attribute name (master...fix/emojione-meta-license-typo)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #25683: souper: 2017-03-07 -> 2017.03.23 (master...update/souper-2017.03.23)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] andrewrk opened pull request #25684: cmark: 0.23.0 -> 0.27.1 (master...update-cmark)
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<philipp[m]> As soon as I have cmake in my buildInputs of my default.nix file, I have qt58 in my environtment, even when I do nix-shell --pure. How can I avoid this?
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<bkchr> Hi, can I add a second channel to my configuration.nix and wherever the package is never (second or first channel), the package is grabed from?
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<LnL> you want to update a specific package?
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<bkchr> LnL: Would like to have that done automatically
<LnL> not sure what you're looking for packages from unstable will always be >= stable
<bkchr> I have a local checkout of the unstable channel
<bkchr> And modified a package (updated it)
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<bkchr> Would like, that the local is preferred before the upstream
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<LnL> ah, so you basically want to apply a set of patches over nixpkgs?
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<gchristensen> I've wanted this too :)
<LnL> I did something like that a while back
<LnL> but it only works for packages
<MichaelRaskin> Do you have many localk packages?
<MichaelRaskin> Because for almost any operation you can easily specify which source to use
<MichaelRaskin> nix-env -iA nixpkgs-local.package
<gchristensen> being able to specify nixpkgs + a list of patches (that can be fetched from github) I think is a pretty powerful thing
<MichaelRaskin> By the way
<LnL> yeah but for modules you would need to happen before those are evaluated
<MichaelRaskin> If you only change a single package, installing other packages from your local copy will still use binary cache
<MichaelRaskin> Are you sure this is not what you want?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bkchr opened pull request #25685: Upgrade lxd (master...upgrade_lxd)
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<LnL> let me make an example for packageOverrides
<MichaelRaskin> Nix model is not formulated in terms of channels (like apt repos), it is in terms of hashing instructions to reproduce from scratch
<MichaelRaskin> And binary cache is build-instruction-hash-addressed, so if some package is not touched by your local changes, you still get a cache hit
<gchristensen> fwiw I think I understand the tradeoffs
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: you probably do, but bkchr probably isn't sure what are the actual options
<gchristensen> great point :) I shouldn't have jumpde in
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<MichaelRaskin> By the way, if you have looked in the manual and haven't found the description of what Nix is about, it was probably the NixOS manual, as opposed to the Nix language and package manager manual (there is also NixPkgs package collection manual)
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<LnL> a wrapper around nixos-rebuild that builds a patched nixpkgs and calls it with -I is probably an accepable solution
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<acowley> What's the approach to rust versions in nixpkgs?
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<acowley> Or, another way, is 1.15.1 that we have as the default considered more stable than the subsequent releases?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 b962831 Ryan Trinkle: gi-webkit2: fix gi-javascriptcore dependency...
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<c74d> acowley: aiui, nixpkgs means to keep the latest version from each release train (stable, beta, nightly), but its nightly is almost always behind (there are better ways to get a nightly nightly), and its stable and beta are currently behind pending someone getting rustc's new build system to work with Nix
<acowley> c74d: I see, thanks! I think current stable is 1.17, which would make our stable release more than 3 months old.
<acowley> But if the build system isn't cooperating, that I can sympathize with.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dd70ff2 Robert Helgesson: svtplay-dl: 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4
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<magneticduck> I'm interested in taking the modules of nixos related to x11 and adapting them, under a new interface and with many extensions, to usage on other linux distributions for "ricing" with nix
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<magneticduck> does this sound very hard? I'm going through the relevant modules slowly and am trying to get a sense for how I could do this
<magneticduck> my output from nix would be a custom systemd service that fills in the normal role of startx
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<MichaelRaskin> Except systemd really doesn't like how startx is supposed to work
<magneticduck> x)
<magneticduck> well I'll figure something out on that front
<MichaelRaskin> It is relatively easy to get xorg.conf as generated by NixOS
<magneticduck> I'm worrying more about how involved it will be to make, say, fonts work
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #25687: souper: 2017-03-07 -> 2017-03-23 (master...update/souper-2017-03-23)
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<MichaelRaskin> fonts.conf and fonts/conf.d are also easy
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, I currently run something which does not have systemd running, uses only NixPkgs packages, NixOS-generated xorg.conf and fonts.conf and does support a lot of Unicode in the terminal window I currently use for IRC
<magneticduck> I'll probably forget about systemd for now
<MichaelRaskin> Well, you probably can just rip out the necessary systemd modules and run them as-is
<magneticduck> uh, with systemd?
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<MichaelRaskin> Yes
<MichaelRaskin> Start a display manager in exactly the same way NixOS does it, etc
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<magneticduck> so what does nix produce in this scenario? a host of systemd service configurations for the user to load into the appropriate directories?
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<MichaelRaskin> Yes — and as long as these service files exist, Nix also maintains all the necessary support stuff in the beckground
<MichaelRaskin> I guess some things like fonts.conf will need to go to /etc, though
<magneticduck> would it not be possible to just run Xorg with config directories in the store specified via program arguments?
<MichaelRaskin> 5B
<MichaelRaskin> Well, if you don't have systemd, it is possible
<avn> MichaelRaskin: may be time to add some indirection between systemd and nixos? ;)
<magneticduck> it's not possible if I have systemd?
<avn> MichaelRaskin: btw, I have wine update pending, can you review please? ;)
<MichaelRaskin> If you use systemd, you need to mess with systemd unit files, and probably with display manager
<MichaelRaskin> not that hard
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<MichaelRaskin> avn: well, for my needs it is enough to have easy export of systemd units as shell scripts for starting services (NixOS does have that)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1ce951e Alexander V. Nikolaev: wineUnstable: 2.6 -> 2.7...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f3c1965 Alexander V. Nikolaev: winetricks: 20170316 -> 20170327
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 42bf19c Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #25629 from avnik/wine-update...
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<magneticduck> MichaelRaskin: what prevents me from taking whatever systemd-less standalone X startup script and transcribing it verbatim as a systemd service?
<avn> I am feel it interesting as abstract task, personally I am ok with systemd (at least as nothing more cleaner solution not coming yet)
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<avn> MichaelRaskin: ty, I feel new update will come in mid of next week (I wait staging before update)
<ambro718> How to find which package contains a program with some name? I don't use channels.
<MichaelRaskin> For me, systemd makes running multiple X sessions significantly more annoying
<avn> MichaelRaskin: I play with xrdp+xorgxrdp actively now, so feel it in full blown fun ;)
<magneticduck> ambro718: grep :p
<ambro718> magneticduck: how would grep possibly help, grep what?
<ambro718> the program name might never appear in the nix expression
<matthewbauer> oh! that reminds me of my pr
<avn> Folks, what is better name for function like `fetchGitFromSshWithCustomConfig` (as well as branch name in nixpkgs.config...)
<ambro718> bennofs1: looks nice but "nix-env -i nix-index" doesn't work ;)
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<bennofs1> ambro718: yeah... that's due to rust packaging in nixpkgs not working very well with git dependencies and one of my deps is `hyper` master (still waiting for the release on that one)
<bennofs1> ambro718: so I opted to keep the default.nix in the repo for now.
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<magneticduck> ambro718: if you have a binary in your $PATH and you want to know where it came from, find where the link points to and grep the store for the derivation name if necessary
<magneticduck> "store" -> "nixpkgs"
<bennofs1> oh yes, if you already have the program you want installed it's much easier
<bennofs1> can also just find /nix/store -name "*prog*"
<magneticduck> well that might not work if it's a fairly generic name
<ambro718> maybe I should be more specific, does anyone know where is "kioclient5", it's some KDE stuff
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<bennofs> ambro718: kde-cli-tools.out 50,496 x /nix/store/1w6yhhpn2lvjywz4x52vys9vh3gaxhi2-kde-cli-tools-5.9.4/bin/kioclient5
<gchristensen> the test framework I built for work is about to get in the pipeline for release ... :D excited to be public about it, nervous to have the nix community see it P
<gchristensen> :P
<ambro718> bennofs: thanks!!!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] k0ral opened pull request #25688: {lib}mediainfo{-gui}: 0.7.91 -> 0.7.95 (master...mediainfo)
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<LnL> gchristensen: cool, is that the expect thing or am I thinking of something else?
<gchristensen> LnL: it is many things ... but it does use expect in some places
<gchristensen> it is ~2,000 lines of nix
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<LnL> yeah, I think you posted a snippet of a test a while back
<gchristensen> yeah
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<sphalerite> philipp[m]: Even in nix-shell --ppure?
<sphalerite> --pure*
<gchristensen> sphalerite: do you make a lot of those typos?
<sphalerite> gchristensen: I do suspect it might be the keyboard.
<sphalerite> I do remember reading something about issues like that.. I don't encounter it often enough to be sure that it's not my fingers
<gchristensen> sphalerite: I have that problem too.
<sphalerite> OH. That double dot was definitely the keyboard.
<gchristensen> :( domenkozar do you?
<dtz> (does everyone making such typo's have an xps15? lol :( )
<sphalerite> yes
<sphalerite> I believe so
<gchristensen> I heard whispers of a bios patch that might fix it, but I don't have windows to install it.
<dtz> (+1 here, although I think I've "trained" myself to either notice it less or type more slowly to accommodate it haha)
<dtz> hmm, bios update fixed similar issue AFAIK for the xps13 a few years ago, haven't heard anything for this year's XPS15. runs to check the update page and changelog
<gchristensen> let me know, and then let me know if I can install it without windows
<sphalerite> Why can't they just make the keyboard firmware free software
<sphalerite> I'd really like to be able to remap the F8 key to send something other than Super+P
<dtz> lol last time I looked into this, ended here: "support doesn't know there's a problem and replacing keyboard doesn't fix it" QQ
<dtz> oh FFS, the irony: no results found, lol GDI
<dtz> ("keyyboard" instead of "keyboard")
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<LnL> :/
<sphalerite> A bug that prevents you from searching for it? It's like antibiotic-resistant bacteria!
<sphalerite> They're evolving through natural selection D:
<gchristensen> (I _mostly_ type with an external keyboard, so I'm not crippled by it too much)
<dtz> lmao sphalerite
<dtz> :/
<sphalerite> I type almost exclusively on the laptop keyboard so it's more of a problem for me. Luckily it doesn't occur very often, but still
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<sphalerite> Why can't they just free the BIOS and let someone else fix it :(
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<dtz> at this point I'm just "hoping" it's indeed a BIOS issue, so it can be fixed, instead of a more innate design failure that can't be fixed without replacing the keyboard (I'm not optimistic they'd do a mass recall unless someone big forced them to lol)
<sphalerite> Considering that BIOS updates have affected the frequency of the issue I guess so.
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<sphalerite> It's rare enough for me though that it doesn't really bother me. I find the uselessness of some of the top keys more annoying
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<philipp[m]> sphalerite: Yep
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Admasnd opened pull request #25689: Android Studio Version Bump 2.2.3 -> 2.3.1 (master...master)
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<sphalerite> philipp[m]: that's weird
<philipp[m]> my default.nix
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<sphalerite> philipp[m]: Hm, my best guess is that the problem is with qt56.qt{declarative,quickcontrols2}
<sphalerite> I don't really know though, sorry
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej opened pull request #25690: uwsgi: 2.0.14 -> 2.0.15 (master...uwsgi)
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<dtz> philipp: how are you observing that qt58 is on your environment?
<dtz> philipp: (I'd like to repro/investigate but looking at 'env' with your nix expression, I don't see anything qt58-related)
<dtz> uh, well I /can/ say that using 'nix-shell' with that creates some strange nix_qt5 directory
<dtz> err that should be ..nix_qt5.. without the dots, lol
<dtz> oh ffs matrix
<dtzWill> (╯°□°)╯彡 ┻━┻ table flip
<dtzWill> * "__nix_qt5__"
<dtzWill> that causes an error for me when using nix-shell repeatedly, and presumably contains some... you know.. qt5/nix related contents.. so maybe if you were using a previous expression that referred to qt5.8 it got cached there?
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<philipp[m]> I always delete that folder.
<dtzWill> well anyway, how are you seeing qt58? What's making you say it's in your environment? Is there something I could do to try to see the same behavior?
<dtzWill> what i'm trying currently is: rm __nix_qt5__ -rf && nix-shell test.nix --pure --run 'env|grep "5\.8"'
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<dtzWill> (as compared to same with 5\.6 instead)
<dtzWill> and where test.nix is what you pasted previously, or sure should be :)
<avn> dtzWill: __nix_qt5__ it was my invention, because before it was $(mktemp -d)
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<philipp[m]> Why is your solution superior?
<avn> dtzWill: It ugly, but idk how make it better, w/o propagating impurity from mkdtemp to built packages
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<dtzWill> avn: I'm not sure what problem(s) are being solved, don't mean to be critical (table-flip was not at the __nix_qt5__ but rather at my IRC client om-nom-nom'ing important characters)
<avn> dtzWill: ahh ;)
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<dtzWill> avn: hmm, okay. besides being annoyance for nix-shell, does it otherwise work pretty well? Don't think I've seen problems stemming from it outside nix-shell O:). If so, sounds good to me! Could probably kludge-fix its use for nix-shell if that was a big deal for someone anyway..
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<avn> dtzWill: well, it actually stuff inside setup-hooks
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<avn> dtzWill: Not sure what is proper solution, may be dedicated derivation for each set of qt stuff
<dtzWill> :( blargh. I see your dilemma I think. Could we "just" attempt to nuke the __nix_qt5__ directory on shell exit/cleanup? O:)
<dtzWill> oh, we already do that in the postInstall, so it's just nix-shell that sees that directory beyond the build. Hmm.
<dtzWill> shrug, anyway don't mean to fly-by armchair-analyze this haha O:). Just an interesting technical detail...
<avn> dtzWill: actually I am uncover it meditating on rebuid/switch ;)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ambrop72 opened pull request #25691: kdevelop: Fix shell integration (issue 25559) (master...kdevelop-shell)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ambrop72 opened pull request #25692: kdevelop: Fix shell integration, version bump (release-17.03...kdevelop-shell-1703)
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<tilpner__> Hi, I just ran nixos-rebuild switch and broke all my previous generations too. I'm currently on a NixOS live system and running nixos-install with added paths outputs
<tilpner__> Any ideas on how to fix this? I don't know why it wouldn't have hostname... :/
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mdorman opened pull request #25693: Automated emacs package updates (master...emacs-updates)
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<gchristensen> hi tilpner, yikes!