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<nh2> iMatejC: I find the string-substitution-in-foreign-code also very dangerous. I think the best way is to pay the time, and upstream all the changes
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<nh2> iMatejC: I filed the /sbin problem here, please comment/CC if you also care about this topic:
<nh2> oh well, the hardcodes for /usr/bin/ are even worse
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<Profpatsch> Need a function :: Map k v -> Map [v] -> k
<Profpatsch> err :: Map k v -> Map v [k]
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<nh2> Profpatsch: wrong channel
<Profpatsch> nh2: Ah, right, sorry.
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<nh2> Profpatsch: anyway, I don't think you can do better than `fmap reverse $ M.fromListWith (++) $ fmap (\(k,v) -> (v,[k])) $ M.toList m`
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<mtetreault> Is anyone developping Android here? I'm trying to install androidenv without any luck. When using nix-env -iA nixos.androidenv the compilation fails due to a collision between two /bin/aapt installation? and when adding it to my nixconfig file I have the error cannot coerce a set to a string. I'm not sure what would be the right way to fix those issues.
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<spinus> metaphysician: 2 ways
<spinus> 1. nix-env has a command to set a priority for a package, so you can set for both different priorities
<spinus> 2. you can use buildEnv function and there is ignoreCollisions options (or something similar)
<spinus> I was developing using only androidsdk and kinda worked, didn't try androidenv yet
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<mtetreault> spinus: So I guess the conflict isn't really an issue and I can simply ignore the collision without causing other issues?
<mtetreault> when you said it kinda worked, would I be better off setting up a virtualmachine to do my android dev?
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<spinus> no, what I meant is, android sdk is not designed to be installed by the system, like nix. It's designed to be installed/refreshed by android studio (or their own package manager)
<spinus> most stuff works find, but when you download sdk to separate directory (because let's say you need newer version, or sth) there is bin directory with some tools
<spinus> and I was linking this directory from nix tools becasue 3rd party binaries does not work with nix straight away
<dmj`> if I have a nixos configuration, how do I build it in a vm
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<dfranke> Does anybody have a 2x2 monitor arrangement (or other arrangement of monitors other than all side-by-side) working under NixOS?
<dmj`> nixos-rebuild build-vm doesn’t let me specify a .nix file
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<spinus> dfranke: was using different configs (2 and 3 screens)
<spinus> dmj`: look at nixpkgs/nixos/tests
<spinus> dmj`: btw, any error or what?
<spinus> dfranke: I'm using xfce tool to configure screens
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<spinus> dmj`: ah I see now
<spinus> NIXOS_CONFIG=./your_config.nix nixos-rebuild build-vm is the way (I'm not 100% sure of the env variable name)
<dmj`> yea, saw that, tried it
<dmj`> no dice as well
<dmj`> spinus: ah, hardware-configuration can’t be found
<tilpner> Did you try setting NIX_PATH=nixos-config=$PWD/your_config.nix ?
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<dmj`> tilpner: we’ll do it live
<mtetreault> spinus:okay great, thank you for your time!
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<chreekat> Am I crazy, or do the docs not once describe what "sysconfdir" might be? Default value, how it might be set, and so forth
<chreekat> I have correctly guessed that it is "/etc", but the point stands
<chreekat> i take that back, i'm not even sure i'm correct :)
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<joepie91> chreekat: I have a vague recollection of this being something autotools-y that's really poorly documented
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<chreekat> yeah, maybe the the idea was auto-whatever would do a string replacement in the docs... anyway, I opened an issue
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<pie_> hi guys, i installed grub and now i cant figure out how to boot into windows 10, bootmgr is complaining about not finding the system files or something, what im doing is:
<pie_> set root=(hd0,gpt4) ; ntldr /bootmgr ; boot
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<pie_> bootmgr gives me the 0xc000000e error
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<inflames> I'm reading this article on nixos and his talking about nvm/rvm and how they try to solve the issue of immutability and you can shell into an isolated environment, amazing
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<dash> inflames: yeah, nix is basically rvm/virtualenv for... everything
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<inflames> yea, it makes me warm and fuzzy inside
<inflames> I am trying hard to really dive into nixos, but I'm having trouble finding enough time
<inflames> hoping to setup a dev environment this weekend and get to coding in it
<inflames> I gotta learn how to drop into nix shell
<inflames> well, and a million other things
<inflames> i've been on linux for like 5 years, arch for the last two, but nixos is a new paradigm for me
<simpson> $ nix-shell -p pythonPackages.twisted
<inflames> simpson, and I can replace the argument with a config, right?
<simpson> inflames: Yeah, you can have nix-shell run your choice of expression.
<inflames> ^ like under 'thinking in nixos' at the end
<inflames> very cool
<inflames> I keep having moments where I realize I still don't grasp the power of nix
<inflames> like I was trying to install NVM and docker...
<inflames> heh
<unlmtd> pondering to setup shop for an alpinixOS
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<unlmtd> migrate nixpkgs to musl builds
<simpson> unlmtd: Patches welcome.
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<Drako365> hey
<Drako365> Just wondering, about how useable is nixOS for, say, a general purpose laptop?
<inflames> Drako365, so far, very...
<inflames> I think it's less about the daily usability, more of the learning curve
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<Drako365> Good to hear, learning is basically the only reason I went past ubuntu
<unlmtd> I install nixos for computer newbies, with auto update on unstable
<inflames> Drako365, I've been on Arch for 2 years and I find nixos fascinating. I'm excited to not only do dev in it, but to also deploy servers
<unlmtd> no problem so far. I tell them they cant install anything so they cant break it
<Drako365> lol
<inflames> lol unlmtd
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<unlmtd> some grandma is running nixos unstable to browse the web
<Drako365> installed arch (properly) just last week, peeking at this as my next little project
<simpson> Drako365: I've been on NixOS apparently for a year or so. I have zero regrets at this point.
<Drako365> Honestly though, one configuration file sounds great, but what happens if you want to configure, say, the settings for your window manager?
<unlmtd> inflames: my .02 - I would have setup nix on another distro first, and setup my whole user space with it - if I did it again
<unlmtd> that way you can carry your workspace with just nix
<unlmtd> for someone who uses a different keyboard layout thats very handy
<inflames> I'm confused by what you mean, say setup nix on arch, then switch?
<unlmtd> install nix in all the places
<unlmtd> exactly
<Drako365> Yea, I keep hearing that you can plop the nix package management system ontop of an existing system
<inflames> Drako365, you can run it on mac even (not sure windows has been graced yet...)
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<Drako365> which sounds possible considering how it isolates itself in a seperate root directory
<unlmtd> ya im using it on alpine and its great
<inflames> Yea, nix is a neat idea, definitely will make other distros more stable and managable
<unlmtd> I want to make nix more portable
<simpson> Drako365: Yes, I use Nix on Ubuntu at work.
<inflames> simpson, I was thinking about doing that, but I'm hell with it, nixos all the way
<unlmtd> I want nix on my phone too
<Drako365> everyone wants everything on their phone
<inflames> I wonder if IT will notice if I replace homebrew with nix on my work machine...
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<Drako365> and we'd have it too, if phones had f*cking keyboards...
<unlmtd> Drako365: well nix *is* everything
<inflames> unlmtd, I would plug nix directly into my body if possible. maybe it could organize me
<Drako365> GG
<Drako365> :P
<inflames> I'd crash less...
<Drako365> I just imagined what would happen if people's brains crashed like computers do...
<Drako365> Thank you so much for that image...
<inflames> they kinda do sometimes
<unlmtd> they kinda do
<unlmtd> :P
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<MP2E> I feel like nixos can be a bit 'user hostile' in the sense that sometimes you need to dig through nix configuration files and package things yourself. But the developer experience is smooth, writing packages in it is a breeze relatively speaking. when you get a working configuration, it will continue to work. Even if you update and it breaks everything, can just roll back to the generation that worked with
<MP2E> little effort
<MP2E> overall I like it a lot and it's my daily driver for my desktop
<MP2E> I run off the latest git master lol
<Drako365> Excellent...
<inflames> MP2E, I kinda felt that with arch, but I guess I have no idea what a user is anymore :/
<inflames> Arch does have an amazing wiki though...
<Drako365> I'm sold, even though I won't have the time to get serious about it for another two weeks
<Drako365> the wiki is why I opted for arch over gentoo in the end
<MP2E> Arch's wiki is fantastic
<inflames> I've still never played with Gentoo
<MP2E> I still use it as a reference sometimes for problems in NixOS tbh
<MP2E> haha
<Drako365> that, and I realized that self-compiling doesn't actually help that much
<inflames> Arch's wiki is good for general linux use, Canonical should invest in it, modify add Ubuntu support to it and finally have some decent documentation
<Drako365> One question, what is the package name in arch for the nix package system
<inflames> MP2E, exactly, haha
<MP2E> I used Arch as my daily driver for a number of years but ended up customizing a bunch of the PKGBUILDs to add patches or configure flags for specific projects, ended up having a fairly custom OS which became a bit of a pain to manage
<Drako365> ubuntu has the benefit of an ubuntu Q&A session for just about anything
<MP2E> so then I went to gentoo because I figured, well if it's designed from the perspective of building from source, should be easier right?
<MP2E> it did help but I felt gentoo's infrastructure was based off of old tools
<MP2E> nix kinda feels like a more updated gentoo in some sense
<Drako365> ^THAT
<MP2E> senses*
<MP2E> it has less work power behind it because our team is smaller, but you can help with that! :P
<MP2E> hehe
<Drako365> I also like the idea of writing a system as if it were a program
<MP2E> it's very nice :)
<inflames> MP2E, I hope to slowly incept the idea that the corporation I work at should switch to nix. It'd do wonders for our deployments.
<inflames> Also, I want to contribute once I can grasp enough to help.
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<Drako365> Oh, another question, I see the immense benefits with regards to portability, but are there any other significant benefits from a more typical, non-developer (I want to develope, but I just don't know enough (or don't think I do) yet)
<Drako365> *develop
<MP2E> that would be great! the nix pills(a blog series on nix) are a good way to get started with packaging with nix
<Drako365> poor buggers really need documentation don't you...
<MP2E> well it's rather convenient to be able to have multiple versions of the same program installed too, but the tree doesn't package too many duplicates of versions to keep eval time down
<MP2E> but I've used that with an online game i play to manage both the beta and stable versions
<MP2E> and keep their dependencies seperate
<MP2E> yep we really do Drako365
<MP2E> probably the biggest sore point atm :P
<MP2E> sometimes the only way to solve things is literally reading through the nix code and figuring it out x.x
<MP2E> i've had to do that a few times
<MP2E> thankfully it's not too bad to read
<MP2E> but still not ideal
<Drako365> Really looked like it when I did my research
<Drako365> I need to update my pacman stuff...just enabled multilib for wine stuff...I think I threw it into a circular dependancy
<Drako365> whoops
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<Drako365> "The nixOS wiki has been shut down"
<pie_> god i hate windows
<Drako365> 0.0
<pie_> also the primary issue was havint turned off uefi boot
<pie_> *having
<Drako365> what do you need windows for?
<pie_> this was the reason the windows boot loader boot menu entry didnt work
<pie_> Drako365, too much pain, cant talk
<pie_> linux doesnt seem to be doing too wlel these days either though...
<Drako365> wlel?
<Drako365> well?
<inflames> Lol, listening to Rok Garbas say nix needs to add ascii art and emojis...
<inflames> I'll be honest, I liked the little pacman character in pacman :/
<pie_> nixos needs to be in a die hard movie
<inflames> pie_, it can be the os that some leet hacker rules the world with
<Drako365> yes, but then the other linux people would freak SO bad
<Drako365> (not that we'd care)
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<Drako365> Oh, another question, when you modify your nix.config, does it reconstruct the ENTIRE system, or...what?
<MP2E> depends. There's a system level one in which the answer to that question is 'yes' but there's also modifying a config that only affects local uses of nix
<MP2E> I use both
<MP2E> this would be the system level one
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<MP2E> symlinked to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<MP2E> on a user level you can install packages imperative style using 'nix-env -iA packageName' but if you'd prefer it to be declarative you can create an environment of packages in your ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix (which is the 2nd file I linked in my case) and install that using nix-env
<MP2E> an example is haskellEnv
<MP2E> in my config
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<inflames> MP2E, someone suggested to learn nixos, start by reading nix manual, then nixos manual, then perhaps a thesis or two, agree?
<inflames> I'm reading the nix manual right now to start
<inflames> I should be studying for my final exam, but nixos is more interestibng
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<inflames> I should be studying for my final exam, but nixos is more interesting
<MP2E> yeah that sounds good. That's exactly what I did, then jumped in and gave it a try
<inflames> I jumped in first, rofl
<inflames> then I didn't have wifi working for 2 days, lololol
<inflames> It works now...
<unlmtd> inflames: you should quit school and start a business
<MP2E> haha :) oh I know the pain though, the first few weeks I had a lot of missing functionality
<MP2E> there were a few weird bugs affecting me then that have been fixed since (this was 2015)
<inflames> unlmtd, I work full time, I just took a class this semester to pretend I'm working towards a degree even if I'm just lying to myself
<MP2E> like systemd would just randomly crash if I didn't blacklist the backlight module :v
<MP2E> no idea why that was... it's fine now though...
<unlmtd> inflames: youre being fleeced
<unlmtd> its a racket
<Drako365> nix be xompiling...
<inflames> I was losing my mind figuring out how to get kde networkmanagement widget working, rofl
<unlmtd> you can buy a degree nowadays
<inflames> a full rebuild and it worked, not sure how I missed it, but oh well.
<Drako365> and yea, if you're not actually going to get a degree, just buy some books and self-educate
<inflames> unlmtd, I can afford one, I just wanted the education for myself
<inflames> I am kinda going backwards, good career, now getting a degree for myself
<Drako365> honestly, if you're this deep into linux, you can self educate
<inflames> perhaps, I'm not sure I'll ever finish
<unlmtd> which you can get a lot cheaper by yourself
<inflames> Drako365, I've been self educating for 15 years :]
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<inflames> just mostly tech, rofl
<Drako365> but if you CAN afford it, there are certainly worse ways to spend your money
<unlmtd> I spent way too much time in college. what a waste of very precious time
<inflames> unlmtd, the time is my concern as well
<inflames> I value education, I just don't value a company that only values it
<unlmtd> I woulda done better moving to taiwan to learn mandarin
<unlmtd> anyway, good luck
<inflames> My ex loved living in Hong Kong, maybe you should still move there
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<eacameron> computer crashed while I was installing stuff into the store. Now all nix commands that try to touch the store db say: database disk image is malformed
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<eacameron> I've tried sudo nix-store --verify --check-contents --repair but it gives the same error
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<eacameron> I copied db.sqlite from a old snapshot of my VM and then ran the nix-store repair command.
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<pie_> SX$bM\
<pie_> da32424
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<pie_> whoops
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<eacameron> There's a password to something!
<eacameron> ;)
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<pie_> not much
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<unlmtd> has anyone started writing 'fetchpijul' ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8aa756b Michał Pałka: gitlab service: fix uploading artifacts from gitlab-runner...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 53a8634 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25726 from michalpalka/gitlab-runner-fix...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 3b8dd4b Michał Pałka: gitlab service: fix uploading artifacts from gitlab-runner...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4338f09 Daniel Ehlers: nullmailer + service: init at 2.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ae12ded Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25381 from sargon/nullmailer...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f016fa3 Jörg Thalheim: iana-etc: 20170417 -> 20170512
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<Fare> how do I add e.g. an openssl dependency to an otherwise simple stdenv.mkDerivation? How do I tell the local compiler about libraries?
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<Fare> also, how come nix-env doesn't use the same nixpkgs tree as nixos-rebuild ?
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<Fare> apparently buildInputs = [ openssl ]; magically worked
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<sphalerite> unlmtd: what if the studies are free of charge, courtesy of the state? :p
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<sphalerite> Fare: nix-env does use the same nixpkgs tree as nixos-rebuild, unless you've configured it otherwise.
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<Fare> I have a NIX_PATH, does that count?
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<Fare> it says go look into /root/nixpkgs-channels but when I use nix-env it tries to build from the unmodified source without my changes.
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<sphalerite> Fare: yes, the NIX_PATH might be affecting it. I'm not sure though.
<sphalerite> Try passing the NIX_PATH to it explicitly, i.e. nixos-rebuild -I $NIX_PATH …
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<Moredread> is there any way to know how much needs to be downloaded for a given nix command in advnace (e.g. nix-shell -i or nixos-rebuild)?
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<Fare> nixos-rebuild sees the NIX_PATH, but seemingly not nix-env
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9237fdd Jörg Thalheim: openbrf: fix build
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<sphalerite> Moredread: use --dry-run
<sphalerite> oh wait, for nix-shell and nixos-rebuild... --dry-run works for nix-env, not sure about those other two but probably
<sphalerite> works for nix-shell (although it throws up an error message), but not for nixos-rebuild
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] changlinli opened pull request #25758: Fix git annex: fix sha256 hash (master...fix-git-annex)
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<clever> Fare: nix-env does see $NIX_PATH, but it doesnt try to use it by default
<clever> Fare: it uses the ~/.nix-defexpr/ dir
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<Moredread> sphalerite: thx :) nixos-rebuild dry-build shows it too
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<LnL> Fare: you can use nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' ... that will use NIX_PATH instead of ~/.nix-defexpr
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<Fare> LnL: thanks
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<clever> gchristensen: have you seen what scopedImport does?
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<clever> gchristensen: this code allows me to mutate the nixpath for a subset of the expressions
<domenkozar> while evaluating the module argument `config' in ":anon-2:anon-1":
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<domenkozar> do I need to do some magic to get positions in custom modules?
<domenkozar> I remember there is something to be done
<domenkozar> clever: first link is 404
<clever> domenkozar: ah yeah, you do, one sec
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<LnL> domenkozar: that looks like a module that's defined in an imports
<LnL> as in imports = [ { ... } ]; instead of imports = [ ./foo ];
<domenkozar> LnL: good point
<clever> the file needs _file and key added to it, to help things figure out where it came from
<clever> or if posisble, moved to its own file
<domenkozar> yeah I better do the latter
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<sphalerite> where is callPackage actually defined? I haven't been able to find it, and I was curious about what magic allows calling a function that accepts e.g. {a, b} with the set {a=...; b=...; c=...; d=...; e=...;}
<sphalerite> ooooh, it's in lib!
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<sphalerite> aaah, the magic is builtins.functionArgs
<sphalerite> thanks clever !
<clever> sphalerite: yep, and i believe that returns an attrset of a=bool; b=bool; c=bool; ....
<clever> the bool says if it has a default or not
<clever> there is also a minor issue, if you make a default.nix that returns an attrset of derivations
<clever> the .override callPackage adds is on the attrset, not the derivations
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<clever> and if you then inherit the derivations into all-packages.nix, you loose .override entirely
<clever> but callPackages should deal with that
<sphalerite> ah right
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<domenkozar> sometimes nixos can be really hard to track down issues :)
<domenkozar> there's no local paths in traceback
<domenkozar> just blows up in middle of evaluating nixos
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<domenkozar> because a module is a function instead of a set
<clever> domenkozar: can you gist the traceback and the inputs that are non-standard?
<domenkozar> I'll track it down, it's just painful
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<clever> yeah, that is a tricky one
<clever> would need nix to trace the path a value took to debug that
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<simendsjo> I cannot update nvidia drivers. Looks like it relies on a patch from archlinux, which gives an 404: Does anyone have a workaround for this or know when it will be fixed?
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<gchristensen> clever: your gist 404's
<LnL> check the second link :)
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<gchristensen> clever: very interesting!
<LnL> simendsjo: do you know the drv of the patch?
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<clever> gchristensen: basicaly, every <nixpkgs> gets translated to __findFile calls on __nixPath and "nixpkgs"
<clever> gchristensen: and scopedImport lets you inject things into the global scope of a given import
<gchristensen> domenkozar: I was going to gripe about the tag "idea" on my nixop issue, since a patch is in the comments, then realized I should just make a PR to make it obvious :P
<gchristensen> clever: yeah, very cool
<MichaelRaskin> clever: what scopedImport gives over just «args: with args;» in the imported file?
<clever> MichaelRaskin: not sure, would need to experiment and see
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<MichaelRaskin> Because it has everything I was criticised for when overusing args: with args; in builderDefs, and it is also less convenient for the evaluator
<gchristensen> clever: does scoped import change my nixops patch?
<clever> MichaelRaskin: scopedImport isnt even used in nixpkgs, and the nixops case is fairly special, wanting to import many different files, each with their own view of <nixpkgs>
<MichaelRaskin> But the files you import are also nixops-special, so «with» would seem natural there
<clever> gchristensen: i believe the patch in that PR changes it from using <nixpkgs> to using nixpkgs + "/nixos/eval-config.nix", so the initial pkgs it loads for nixos will be affected
<clever> gchristensen: but if the users deployment file later re-imports <nixpkgs> it wont be
<clever> gchristensen: and scopedImport would get any <nixpkgs> the user may add down the road
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<MichaelRaskin> For the record, I have used NixOS configurations dependent on multiple NixPkgs checkouts
<gchristensen> oohhh
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: were they vastly different checkouts that couldn't be merged?
<MichaelRaskin> We-ell
<gchristensen> (thinking about my "import nixpkgs, but with some patches..." thing)
<gchristensen> clever: is scopedImport a "do not use" function? it is undocumented
<MichaelRaskin> For example, it was about installing a vastly older version of some package
<samae> hey where's nix in nixpkgs?
<MichaelRaskin> Easier just to pin everything for that package
<clever> gchristensen: ive not seen anything saying not to use it, i just saw it in the source and used it:
<gchristensen> samae: ./pkgs/tools/package-management/nix
<samae> thx
<clever> yeah, just a testcase for it and no uses anywhere
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<MichaelRaskin> Show me a usecase and I will show why args: with args; is simpler there
<clever> MichaelRaskin: i wanted to generate the <ssh-config-file> with pkgs.writeText
<clever> MichaelRaskin: to eliminate a step the user has to perform before nix-build
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #25740: dosfstools: fix build on darwin (master...dosfstools/fix-darwin)
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<MichaelRaskin> clever: sorry, it is a tryEval usecase, no?
<MichaelRaskin> tryEval is something I have written and I _still_ don't know how to replace it in a good way
<MichaelRaskin> (although I have conceded that it has more problems than I expected)
<simendsjo> LnL: Thanks
<clever> MichaelRaskin: when the tryEval fails, it just spits out a better error, but id need to modify private.nix directly if i wanted to add support to take the config in as a string
<clever> i was more going for a way to alter how private.nix behaves without having to edit it directly
<MichaelRaskin> clever: I mean, you don't have scopedImport there
<MichaelRaskin> Why isn't changing private.nix a good idea?
<clever> that gist was more of a one-off example on one possible way to solve the problem
<gchristensen> clever: o.m.f.g. with scopedImport I can not only override nixpkgs, but allow setting arbitrary components, for more flexible canaries
<clever> :D
<MichaelRaskin> Hm
<gchristensen> this might be too powerful :)
<MichaelRaskin> Ouch
<MichaelRaskin> So scopedImport combines _two_ things?
<MichaelRaskin> Local overriding of builtins.nixPath/<> search _and_ mangling the local environment?
<clever> i believe it will import a given file, and alter the global scope for that file, and everything it imports
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<clever> and in my instance, i prepend an extra entry to __nixPath
<MichaelRaskin> Yes, I see
<MichaelRaskin> My question is more whether you can alter builtins.nixPath in any other way at all
<clever> i dont know of any other way
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<MichaelRaskin> Ouch ouch ouch ouch
<MichaelRaskin> Well, basically you can set __nixPath
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<MichaelRaskin> Using let __nixPath = …; in
<clever> yep
<MichaelRaskin> And it will work
<clever> but the let block only effects the expression after "in", and wont transfer to other files
<clever> i would just edit that expression directly
<MichaelRaskin> That's true; I am not sure that passing an argument is a bad idea here
<MichaelRaskin> Otherwise, why is scopedImport tied to to import?
<samae> Why is `nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system -q` not showing anything?
<MichaelRaskin> If having dynamic-extent variables is what we get, why is it not dynamicLet?
<gchristensen> samae: the system profile may not have anything installed via nix-env
<clever> samae: nixos doesnt use a manifest.nix file to manage the profile
<clever> [root@router:~]# nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --list-generations
<clever> this does work
<samae> ok,
<samae> how can I find the out-path of a package installed on system via configuration.nix?
<clever> those will wind up in the sw/bin/ sub-dir of a nixos build
<clever> lrwxrwxrwx 4 root nixbld 65 Jan 1 1970 /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/sw/bin/bash -> /nix/store/4khqw7lhpwj0b3cxzf1j2h5911rr981x-bash-4.3-p42/bin/bash
<samae> it's a package with no bin subfolder
<clever> samae: only these subdirs of a package will be symlinked under sw:
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<mark-willem> Hi all, I am getting a bit further with my reboot problem. Found a kernel version with which the reboot does not hang.
<mark-willem> Seems that the kernels 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11 all have the problem, but kernel 4.4 works without problems.
<mark-willem> Looking at the commits on the nixpkgs repo I found a commit were for the three problematic kernels a cgroups V2 patch is pushed.
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<mark-willem> My installation USB has release 17.03.1033, which includes the 4.9.24 kernel which does not have this patch. And that one does not have any problems with rebooting.
<mark-willem> I suspect that one of the modules loaded on my system, does not work well with the patched kernels. How can I figure out which module it is, without black listing them one by one.
<clever> mark-willem: id start by comparing lsmod on each system, and seeing what differs
<gchristensen> I suddenly "get" why "$" is a nice operator in haskell.
<mark-willem> One more thing I found is that systemd seems to lag debug-shell.service
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<LnL> yeah, I miss that in other languages. same with (.)
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<MoreTea> gchristensen, true, but those nice operators make it harder for beginners to start with nixlang.
<MoreTea> I would like to see |> in nix ;)
<gchristensen> great point
<MoreTea> I recently looked at
<MoreTea> (and other re-implementations of that)
<mark-willem> clever: Done that for installation USB boot and the present profile. Blacklisted the modules in two blocks, but resulted in no result. So my guess is now that a system specific module is causing the problem
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] georgewhewell opened pull request #25760: fwup: init at 0.14.2 (master...fwup)
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<mark-willem> Is there a way to monitor the shutdown in more detail. Can one change the output level of systemd to the screen
<manveru> my current issue with 17.03 is that once i suspend, sometimes it turns off USB :(
<gchristensen> why is builtins.seq named seq?
<MichaelRaskin> I guess it sequentially evaluates for side effects.
<clever> mark-willem: about all i can think of is a serial console, which requires a non-usb serial port
<MichaelRaskin> I think modern kernels have network dmesg support, too
<clever> oh yeah, but the nic may be shut off mid way thru the shutdown
<clever> and cut your logs off
<manveru> is there a way to use mkDerivation without src?
<clever> manveru: pkgs.runCommand is probably better suited, depends on what you want to do
<MichaelRaskin> I know there is support for saving panic dumps to UEFI storage; I wonder if you could save a normal log there
<clever> a panic kernel may also help there
<clever> nixos has partial panic kernel support
<clever> it can re-run itself as the crash kernel, but it wont do a kdump from that
<clever> so it will appear to kexec reboot upon crashing
<clever> i think it will also have less ram on startup, and can manualy kdump the original kernel
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ma27 opened pull request #25761: i3lock-pixeled: init at 1.1.0 (
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<gchristensen> clever: if I do (builtins.scopedImport { __nixPath = [ { prefix="nixpkgs"; path="/foo/bar"; } ] ++ __nixPath; } <nixpkgs/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix> {}) will the eval-config be resolved before or after the __nixPath changes?
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<clever> gchristensen: before i think
<clever> gchristensen: but as MichaelRaskin mentioned earlier, you can also use a let __nixPath = to mutate the search path
<clever> that would give identical behaviour in both cases, so if /foo/bar is missing, both of them try the next thing in the path
<gchristensen> hmmm I'm not seeing that work
<clever> maybe this: (let __nixPath = [ { prefix="nixpkgs"; path="/foo/bar"; } ] ++ __nixPath; in builtins.scopedImport { inherit __nixPath; } <nixpkgs/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix> {})
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<gchristensen> hmm
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<gchristensen> if I have two entries with the prefix nixpkgs, does it go in order of first to last?
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<mark-willem> clever: I will have a look into these options. Thanks
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<clever> mark-willem: oh, and gpu drivers often get upset by the kexec used by a crashdump kernel
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<clever> mark-willem: so it may only be accessible over ssh
<apostolis> hello, I have a wireless Atheros pci card. Do I need to install a firmware?
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<clever> apostolis: i think hardware.enableAllFirmware=true; will get it
<apostolis> ok
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<gchristensen> clever: hehehe I end up with a `let ... in let ... in ...`
<clever> heh
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<gchristensen> it does seem to work, though
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<gchristensen> I'm guessing that I can't get this patch in with a let in let in, heh, but I don't know how to clean it up
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<LnL> why do you need multiple let expressions?
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<gchristensen> I'm referring to __nixPath when setting __nixPath
<clever> oh
<clever> try builtins.nixPath for the reference
<clever> that should have the same value
<MichaelRaskin> Except you cannot let/scopedImport it this way
<gchristensen> oh?
<clever> let __nixPath = [ { prefix="nixpkgs"; path="/foo/bar"; } ] ++ builtins.nixPath; in
<MichaelRaskin> ou need __nixPath, builtins.nixPath is more read-only
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<clever> every variable under is also available as __foo
<MichaelRaskin> (I wouldn't mention it if let builtins.nixPath=[…]; in … would fail — it doesn't fail, it just does nothing)
<gchristensen> oh no I'm reading builtins.nixPath and setting __nixPath
<gchristensen> clever, MichaelRaskin:
<gchristensen> if only I was one issue later...
<clever> lol
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<gchristensen> clever: thank you for the help & suggestions :D
<clever> yep :)
<gchristensen> ok, I'm heading out for some breakfast. I fear this PR will never merge. :(
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<nh2> iMatejC gchristensen clever: wow, in presence of these bugs, glusterfs packaging is really tough:
<clever> heh
<MichaelRaskin> Ouch
<nh2> and that is why packaging should not work by string substitution on source code
<clever> i would have used a -DFOO=bar flag to gcc
<clever> so if it somehow gets omited, the build just fails
<nh2> clever: the autoconf also substitutes paths in python and bash scripts
<clever> yeah, those ones wont have the same option
<nh2> clever: and it *does* substitute things, but doesn't fully expand them
<clever> ah
<nh2> for example, in the generated Python code there is now the line `m = MountbrokerUserMgmt("${prefix}/etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol")`
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<LnL> does anybody know where PATH is set by the nixos modules?
<clever> LnL: the global default value of PATH for shells?
<LnL> yes, I find some stuff that extend it but not the initial one
<LnL> like how do your environment.profiles end up in there?
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<LnL> yes, I assume those are used to set/extend PATH somehow
<LnL> but I don't see that or NIX_PROFILES used for that anywhere
<clever> LnL: i believe line 33 of the last file goes into here
<LnL> oh
<LnL> that might be it
<LnL> yes, I thought PATH wasn't configured it
<clever> i think its line 167 of setEnvironment
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<LnL> indeed, thanks
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<obadz> /clear
<obadz> oops
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] obadz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d88faa2 lassulus: weechat: 1.7.1 -> 1.8
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<apostolis> It seems that I need to add a module in my kernel. boot.kernelModules = [ "ath9k" ].
<apostolis> Will this overrride the modules specified by hardware-configuration?
<obadz> yes you should just edit the list in that file
<obadz> hmmm actually no it might just append
<obadz> but best to edit the file just to be sure
<apostolis> Well, the file is autogenerated, so I would prefer if I appended to it.
<clever> apostolis: boot.kernelModules is basicaly just a list of things that get modprobe'd at bootup, so you should be able to test if "modprobe ath9k" fixes things first
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<obadz> i believe that, while the file is auto-generated, it's meant to be edited. not sure if everyone agreed?
<gchristensen> the file says not to edit it, but I do
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<clever> it depends on if you plan to use nixos-generate-config to rebuild it or not
<clever> i usualy just delete it, and embed the contents into configuration.nix
* avn prefer clean hardware-configuration file to be empty ;)
<apostolis> Unforturnately, the interface is not present with ifconfig.
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<clever> apostolis: what about "ip link"
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<apostolis> No it is not
<clever> apostolis: anything interesting in dmesg?
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<apostolis> I don't know
<clever> can you gist the entire dmesg output?
<apostolis> I see msgs about my ethernet interface
<apostolis> lspci returns this : Qualcomm Atheros AR9287 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)
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<clever> apostolis: what about lspci -nn?
<apostolis> I think that it is the same.
<clever> it will add a number at the end of each line
<apostolis> Network controller [0280]: Qualcomm Atheros AR9287 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) [168c:002e] (rev 01)
<clever> ath9k/hw.h:#define ATHEROS_VENDOR_ID 0x168c
<clever> ath9k/hw.h:#define AR9287_DEVID_PCIE 0x002e
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<apostolis> So ath9k is the correct module, right?
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<clever> apostolis: i think so
<apostolis> maybe I need to reboot.
<clever> apostolis: one sec
<clever> apostolis: what does this output: sudo lspci -d 168c:002e -vvvvvv
<apostolis> It is very big piece of text but at the end it says that the module should be ath9k
<clever> that would imply the module is loaded correctly and already driving the card
<clever> can you put that lspci output and all of dmesg into a pastebin?
<apostolis> ok
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<obadz> well it generates garbage for ecryptfs mounts so I definitely have to edit mine
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<clever> apostolis: some poking around in the source finds that all firmware fits the "ath9k-eeprom-%s-%s.bin" pattern
<nh2> this is really a horror to package. Found another bug:
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<apostolis> clever : What do you mean:
<apostolis> ?
<clever> [ 2.977577] ath9k 0000:26:00.0: Failed to initialize device
<clever> [ 2.978172] ath9k: probe of 0000:26:00.0 failed with error -12
<clever> apostolis: line 1024 of the pastebin you just linked
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<clever> apostolis: its not entirely clear, but i think the wifi card believes its in china, and the firmware isnt written for use in china?
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<apostolis> ?
<clever> [ 2.976422] ath: Country alpha2 being used: CN
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<apostolis> lol
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<MichaelRaskin> nh2: ouch
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<MichaelRaskin> Back when I was actively using GlusterFS I was only using the simplest cases, these advanced python parts you describe do look painful
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<clever> apostolis: oh, and i just noticed, i think you have an asus eeepc, and mine also has an ath network card
<clever> 01:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Qualcomm Atheros AR242x / AR542x Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) [168c:001c] (rev 01)
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<clever> Kernel driver in use: ath5k
<clever> not a 9k on my end though
<clever> [ 2.976986] ath: phy0: dma_mapping_error() on RX init
<clever> apostolis: this might be important
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<apostolis> ok
<clever> apostolis: how much ram in the system?
<apostolis> 16g
<clever> cant be a shortage of dma-able ram then
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<clever> apostolis: try just doing "rmmod ath9k ; modprobe ath9k" and then check "dmesg | tail -n20"
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<clever> doesnt fix the issue, but it can recreate the error msg
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<clever> i think its a problem with the driver upstream, see what google can find on this error
<apostolis> ok
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<SplitFire> Hello everyone!
<apostolis> According to this I need to set iommu = soft in grub.
<apostolis> I have uefi, so I am not use that I use grub.
<clever> ah, that could be it, that would be boot.kernelParameters = [ "iommu=soft" ]; for nixos
<apostolis> Nice, let me try iy.
<clever> boot.kernelParameters will just automaticaly go to whatever bootloader your using
<SplitFire> anyone have problems with /bin/bash? I mean there is no /bin/bash :)
<clever> SplitFire: everything should be patched to use the absolute path of bash at compile time
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<SplitFire> clever, :( so I need to patch 100+ make files
<SplitFire> in a decentt project
<MichaelRaskin> Hardcoding absolute path to bash is not even protable to FreeBSD
<MichaelRaskin> Is it about #! lines or about makefiles?
<clever> SplitFire: if its in the Makefile, you can run sed or substituteInPlace over them at the postPatch hook
<SplitFire> #! stuff yeah
<clever> for #!'s, you can just run patchShebangs on the directory
<clever> and it will fix them for you
<MichaelRaskin> patchShebangs shell function does that
<SplitFire> who can explain why is it so?
<clever> i believe tis already in the stdenv
<clever> SplitFire: /bin is an impurity, it might contain a different binary tomorrow, and cause your perfectly working script to not work because somebody updated something else
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<MichaelRaskin> We want upgrades to be reversible
<clever> SplitFire: and the entire design of nix is to avoid things breaking like that
<SplitFire> and why I have /bin/sh and not /bin/bash for example?
<MichaelRaskin> And we want to let different users to choose to be on the different sides of the upgrade
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<MichaelRaskin> Because /bin/sh and /usr/bin/env is hardcoded in _too_ many things
<clever> SplitFire: the system() function in libc requires a /bin/sh
<MichaelRaskin> Starting with glibc depending on /bin/sh depending on glibc
<clever> SplitFire: and you cant just make libc depend on bash, because bash depends on libc, because libc depends on bash, because bash depends on libc, because libc depends on bash, because bash depends on libc, because libc depends on bash ....
<SplitFire> ok, i see
<SplitFire> so where I can find atchshebang?
<SplitFire> *patchshebang
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<clever> i belive its already in the stdenv, so you can just use it
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<SplitFire> okay, I tried to type patch and 'tab' but there is only patch ex
<SplitFire> *executable
<apostolis> thanks clever. It works, hooray.
<clever> what shell did you try to tabcomplete in?
<clever> apostolis: yay
<MichaelRaskin> patchShebangs is in the build environment
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<SplitFire> hmm, standard nixos shell
<MichaelRaskin> Not in the user shell by default
<SplitFire> in gnome terminal
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<MichaelRaskin> It is user shell, not build environment
<SplitFire> okay, so i need to download that script to buenv and execute it, right?
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<clever> its already in the stdenv
<clever> you can just use the command in your derivation
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<nh2> python36 is broken. I shells out to `ld` at run-time, which is not in PATH
<MichaelRaskin> Well, ideally you install the script via Nix
<LnL> nh2: euh? :/
<SplitFire> what the name of that script in nix?
<MichaelRaskin> LnL: nh2: FFI is complicated
<MichaelRaskin> SplitFire: I mean, you make a package to install your script via Nix
<MichaelRaskin> patchShebangs is a shell function available during the package installation
<nh2> LnL: find_library() shells out to `ld`
<MichaelRaskin> nh2: does it fail if ld is not found? Because Julia does the same, but falls back on LD_LIBRARY_PATH
<nh2> and of course it fails silently: except Exception as e: pass # result will be None
<nh2> MichaelRaskin: ^
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<MichaelRaskin> Wait, this would ignore LD_LIBRARY_PATH even when ld is present?
<MichaelRaskin> SplitFire: in reality, NixOS does install /usr/bin/env not just /bin/sh
<nh2> MichaelRaskin: I don't understand that question
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<MichaelRaskin> So if you want to keep your script in a VCS, you can just use «#! /usr/bin/env bash» which is expected to work everywhere
<nh2> MichaelRaskin: Python 3.6 uses `ld` to look up whether a library like `m` is present in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I don't know if that answers your question
* ToxicFrog tries to figure out how to buildPythonPackage
<MichaelRaskin> nh2: find_library is supposed to fail for everything not accessible via LD_LIBRARY_PATH
<clever> MichaelRaskin: i dont think the nix build sandbox has /usr/bin/env
<MichaelRaskin> From Nix point of view
<MichaelRaskin> clever: nix build sandbox doesn't
<MichaelRaskin> clever: but SplitFire has a script to run from a user shell anyway
<SplitFire> I have build scripts fot openelec
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<SplitFire> I dont want to batch process every file :)
<ToxicFrog> Argh. I'm just trying to build something with nix-build following the instructions on
<SplitFire> on github nixos issues page recommends using #!/usr/bin/env bash
<clever> SplitFire: patchShebangs must be ran on a directory, and it will get every file in it for you
<ToxicFrog> But I get "value is a function when a set was expected" with no further information, not even a line number
<clever> SplitFire: and the fixupPhase automaticaly finds all "#!/usr/bin/env bash" in $out/bin and patches it to "#!/nix/store/hash-bash/bin/bash" for you
<SplitFire> clever, but i honestly dont understand how to invocate that script :)
<clever> SplitFire: that script it sourced by in the stdenv, so you can just "patchShebangs ." to patch every script in the current dir
<SplitFire> patchShebangs: command not found
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<clever> it must be done by a nix expression, not by hand
<nh2> MichaelRaskin: "find_library is supposed to fail for everything not accessible via LD_LIBRARY_PATH" - what makes you come to that conclusion? If it is true, then Python 3.6 has a bug, and you should comment on that bugtracker:
<SplitFire> clever, but i dont want to build nix package
<clever> SplitFire: then run "nix-shell -p hello" and you should get patchShebangs
<SplitFire> i just want to build these
<MichaelRaskin> nh2: I mean, on NixOS
<MichaelRaskin> Ah right, the bug you link _is_ a bug
<MichaelRaskin> On NixOS the missing functionality is _the only_ functionality supposed to work
<nh2> MichaelRaskin: I'm filing a nixpkgs bug currently, will ping you when done so you can comment
<MichaelRaskin> I agree that Python is broken in this case
<nh2> how can I make a nix-shell that has LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to `"${pkgs.binutils}/lib"`? I want to make a minimal reproduction of the bug
<nh2> must be something involving `nix-shell -E`
<MichaelRaskin> Why not just export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(nix-build --no-out-link -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).binutils')/lib"
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<SplitFire> #!/nix/store/fi3mbd2ml4pbgzyasrlnp0wyy6qi48fh-bash-4.4-p5/bin/bash and now make says "nothing to be done"
<MichaelRaskin> 5B
<clever> SplitFire: it says that if the outputs are newer then the inputs
<SplitFire> clever, nope
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<nh2> MichaelRaskin: thanks
<ToxicFrog> Argh, what is this
<ToxicFrog> I set propagatedBuildInputs = with python27Packages; [pillow numpy];
<ToxicFrog> And it dies on this command: gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -g -O2 -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -I. -I/nix/store/2r7iirb4h95rnvvf4cns7471gkibnpsv-python2.7-numpy-1.11.3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include -I/nix/store/83xv5vjqs8qxzdsqs8dmni23wfkbx43a-python-2.7.13/include/python2.7 -c overviewer_core/src/main.c -o build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/overviewer_core/src/main.o
<ToxicFrog> -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Werror=declaration-after-statement
<ToxicFrog> Because it can't find Imaging.h, becuase for some reason only the numpy paths are getting added to the -I, not the pillow paths
<ToxicFrog> And looking at /nix/store, pillow isn't even getting downloaded/installed
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<ToxicFrog> Hmm. Ok, it is getting downloaded, it's just called Pillow instead of pillow
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<MichaelRaskin> Maybe Pillow uses a top-level subdirectory?
<MichaelRaskin> Like Pillow/Imaging.h
<bennofs> how does that even work in python? does python somehow propagate -I flags from dependencies, or is there a standard location where a lib can put headers?
<ToxicFrog> In this case, it's using and calls os.path.join(get_python_inc(plat_specific=1), 'Imaging') to get the PIL includes
<ToxicFrog> And calls `import numpy; numpy.get_include()` to get the numpy include paths
<ToxicFrog> So the former is failing
<ToxicFrog> Also, the pillow header files aren't included in the nix pillow package
<ToxicFrog> So that might be th eproblem!
<clever> but also keep in mind, nixpkgs uses a non-standard cflags (NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE) to inject -I's without allowing dumb makefiles the chance to overwrite it
<clever> and the above code cant append /Imaging/ to those -I paths
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<MichaelRaskin> clever: well, if pillow headers do not get installed (and they don't)…
<ToxicFrog> Yeah, I need to fix that before I can even worry about being able to find them
<clever> ah
<betaboon> is anyone else running into the 4MB-log-limit on travis-ci ?
<MichaelRaskin> Everyone all the time, I guess
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 549a9df Ambroz Bizjak: kdevelop: Fix shell integration (issue 25559)
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0442676 Thomas Tuegel: Merge pull request #25691 from ambrop72/kdevelop-shell...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 5b1b690 Ambroz Bizjak: kdevelop: 5.0.3 -> 5.0.4 (#23788)
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 d77a2cf Ambroz Bizjak: kdevelop: Fix shell integration (issue 25559)
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 22da5d0 Thomas Tuegel: Merge pull request #25692 from ambrop72/kdevelop-shell-1703...
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<alphor> can't find it in lib/trivial.nix or lists.nix .. is there a cons for lists? putting stuff in singletons and concat feels wasteful
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<ToxicFrog> Does buildPythonPackage discard files or something? The headers are definitely in the tgz that gets downloaded for Pillow, but they never make it into /nix/store
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<MichaelRaskin> I think it asks setuptools to install
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<obadz> what do other nixers use for cron/at?
<obadz> I'd like something that can be edited without root
<obadz> Maybe it's just cron+at…
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<clever> obadz: ive just been using systemd timers in configuration.nix, but that would need root
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<ToxicFrog> MichaelRaskin: AIUI that should just do the right thing. Argh.
<obadz> clever: yes am looking for something a bit more userlevel I guess
<obadz> maybe that's just services.atd.enable / services.cron.enable
<MarcWeber> What is requireX = true? Is it supported? Some code is there but I didn't find a usage.
<MarcWeber> pyautogui requires X when building.
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<clever> obadz: services.cron.enable will probably work
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<obadz> clever: yes or fcron
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<tilpner> What's the best way to manage several systemd units myself? Put them into /run/systemd or as root user units with lingering enabled?
<ToxicFrog> Filed a bug for pillow not including headers.
<ToxicFrog> In the meantime I guess I could try downloading the source and setting PIL_INCLUDE_DIR ...
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<viric> the new firefox, with kde or gtk3 pieces (whatever that is) works really bad here
<viric> (nixos 17.03)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] armijnhemel opened pull request #25765: WIP: atril: init at 1.19.0 (master...atril)
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<nh2> under what circumstances can processes lose their environment?
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<nh2> I'm quite sure that glusterd spawns gsyncd, but in the end in htop gsyncd is child of init, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set in its environment even though it is set for glusterd
<MichaelRaskin> Well, they can intentionally reset the environment
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<nh2> MichaelRaskin: but can they do so without explicitly using one of the `exec*e()` style functions?
<MichaelRaskin> Well, it is impossible to execute another executable without execve syscall
<MichaelRaskin> (strace should show clone+execve)
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<avn> MichaelRaskin: if you not implement own elf loader ;)
<MichaelRaskin> Well, you could do better
<MichaelRaskin> You could just do a creative use of dlopen/dlsym
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<blogle> just tried to rebuild one of my nix environments and ran into this: "curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 error: cannot download nvidia from any mirror"
<blogle> how in the world do I fix it?
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<dfranke> blogle: I just ran into that the other day. Hang on...
<dfranke> It's already fixed in master but apparently hasn't been ported to 17.03.
<blogle> I see, it seems to me that its just a dead url. is there a way I can patch locally?
<dfranke> Yeah, the workaround is to get the file and then add it the store using nix-prefetch-url.
<dfranke> I'm just trying to dig it up.
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<dfranke> Run that and then just run your build again and it should work
<blogle> thanks, going to give it a go now
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<blogle> Cudatoolkit is now building so looks like a success!
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<dfranke> blogl: btw, looks like vcunat ported the fix to 17.03 yesterday, so it should resolve itself the next time the channel updates
<blogle> dfranke: thanks for the help!
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<nh2> MichaelRaskin: ah, I see what happened. I deployed with nixops, but the gluster process didn't want to shut down when systemd told it to, and systemd didn't kill it. It kept running with the old environment. `systemctl kill -s SIGKILL glusterd.service` did the trick
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] armijnhemel opened pull request #25766: samba: 4.5.3 -> 4.5.8 (master...samba)
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<gchristensen> niksnut: ping?
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<kaPOWme> vcunat around?
<gchristensen> kaPOWme: vcunat doesn't spend much (any) time on IRC. what's up?
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<kaPOWme> broke...
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<gchristensen> hmm would you like to send a PR fixing it?
<kaPOWme> broke stable & unstable...
<kaPOWme> don't have my pass on my machine... on the road...
<gchristensen> kaPOWme: looks like maybe it has been fixed, but not yet released:
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<gchristensen> oh hmm
<kaPOWme> follow the link... that commit doesn't fix it
<gchristensen> kaPOWme: can you open a github issue?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc force-pushed unstable-aarch64 from f239bde to 8898f15:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/unstable-aarch64 b6e44a1 Graham Christensen: qemu: support qemu-system-aarch64 in the system wrapper
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/unstable-aarch64 08d6fa1 Graham Christensen: kernel: delete fewer files, which are necessary on aarch64
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/unstable-aarch64 7ed5369 Graham Christensen: netboot: don't appear to neeed syslinux / grub
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<kaPOWme> can't open an issue without my pass :D
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<seanparsons> Is there any tool for burning an audio CD in NixOS that works.
<gchristensen> can you write an issue and pastebin it for me?
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<simpson> seanparsons: I used wodim the other day without incident.
<kaPOWme> it's really trivial... follow the original link and see the missing patch
<simpson> Oh, audio, not data.
<gchristensen> kaPOWme: I just can't do anything about it, but if you can write a good issue I'll post it
<seanparsons> k3b is being an ass about libmad and brasero just locks up.
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<seanparsons> Good times.
<fresheyeball> afternoon nixers
<gchristensen> (I can't do anything about it right now, I mean)
<simpson> Ah, GUI tools. I have no good opinions on those.
<fresheyeball> I have a super annoying problem
<kaPOWme> aww... well, someone will figure it out sooner rather then later I guess :D
<gchristensen> kaPOWme: :( sorry, I'll save the links, and hopefully I'll find a bit of time to open an issue & post it / maybe fix it
<fresheyeball> when my computer starts things like glxgears work perfectly
<fresheyeball> but after a while, I get this error
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<fresheyeball> when starting glxgears (and other apps)
<seanparsons> I tried bashburn and that looked like it was mangling the command line options to xorriso, so this was a bit of a failed attempt all round.
<fresheyeball> if I restart the problem goes away
<kaPOWme> here's the upstream file move commit log where the say they moved the file:
<fresheyeball> I have no idea why xorg is doing this
<kaPOWme> it's what you see clicking commit :P
<fresheyeball> mostly because xorg is not something I know much about
<fresheyeball> anyone know what could cause this?
<simpson> fresheyeball: Which GPU driver?
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<kaPOWme> anywho, thanks for taking notice :
<kaPOWme> gn :)
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<MichaelRaskin> fresheyeball: What's in dmesg about GPU
<fresheyeball> simpson: here is my configuration
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<fresheyeball> MichaelRaskin: what is dmesg?
<simpson> fresheyeball: Oh, nvidia. Sorry, no idea.
<MichaelRaskin> dmesg is a command that prints the kernel messages
<tilpner> Is there any reasonably way to write my systemd units myself *and* depend on system units?
<fresheyeball> MichaelRaskin:
<tilpner> I can't figure out how to do that. I considered putting them into /run/systemd, but that's a tmpfs, having them as root user units, but those can't depend on system units
<simpson> fresheyeball: Your GPU crashed and you got lucky that the driver kept your system from locking up.
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<fresheyeball> simpson: I don't know how to reason about that. What does that mean? I need new hardware?
<fresheyeball> Can I restart my gpu?
<simpson> fresheyeball: Oh, this happens reliably? dmesg indicates that a crash log was written; I think that you could send that in to nVidia.
<MichaelRaskin> Well, it restarts on reboot. Not sure about less invasive options
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<fresheyeball> simpson: it does, it just kind of happens after a few hours (3-20 hours)
<simpson> fresheyeball: Yep, nothing more that we can do here, sorry. This is the wages of unfree drivers.
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<MichaelRaskin> Is your card supported by nouveau, by the way?
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<fresheyeball> MichaelRaskin: not sure, I just thought the nvidia driver would be best
<fresheyeball> I remember I tried nouveau back when this box was ubuntu
<fresheyeball> and it worked, but games didn't work
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<nh2> fresheyeball: graphics drivers are bad; you can pick between open-source low-quality drivers that don't work, closed-source high-quality drivers that sometimes don't work, and working drivers that work but which power weak hardware. You can only wish for something better to appear eventually
<MichaelRaskin> nh2: you are describing the situation wrong. The choice is between drivers written by people not sure how GPU works (because it is secret) and drivers written by people not sure how kernel works (because most of NVidia proprietary driver is shared between Linux and Windows)
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<Gravious> Hi
<Gravious> is it strictly requires that all new pkgs for nixos must be based from a release?
<gchristensen> "it depends"
<Gravious> *required
<Gravious> on?
<gchristensen> the package and what the releases look like
<MichaelRaskin> Can you provide a good reason why package an unreleased version of this specific package?
<Gravious> in this case because i fixed this pkg's build system to be more nix friendly :)
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<gchristensen> which package?
<arcetera> has anyone set up some form of arduino/embedded development on nixos without use of the arduino ide?
<MichaelRaskin> For example: if upstream just doesn't get the idea of «release» and never does them, but has a good reputation about never breaking master, it is one situation…
<nh2> MichaelRaskin: I agree with the first part, but not sure about the second. Surely nvidia has a team of competent people by now to write their diver
<arcetera> looked into platformio etc but it's both out of date, depends on downloaded binary packages, and just seems to be acting strange
<Gravious> i could probably ask them nicely to make a new release, but i wondered if this is actually required
<clever> arcetera: heh, i was just thinking about getting back into some avr programming
<gchristensen> Gravious: we would much prefer a release
<Gravious> gchristensen, okay
<arcetera> the arduino ide itself works fine, but only so long as you never update boards through the ide (as it downloads the avr toolchain as a binary...)
<clever> pkgs/development/misc/avr-gcc-with-avr-libc/default.nix: description = "AVR development environment including binutils, avr-gcc and avr-libc";
<MichaelRaskin> nh2: but most of the driver is shared between OSes so it has to be unsure about OS expectations. Qualified kernel people only work on the compatibility part, because NVidia wants to be able to claim that most of the code is not derivative on Linux kernel in any wya
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<clever> arcetera: this looks important
<gchristensen> but it depends :) and sometimes it is okay too use a release + a set of patches with a comment of "remove these patches after next release"
<arcetera> clever: i'm aware and have it installed
<MichaelRaskin> arcetera: avr-gcc and avrdude worked last when I tried
<arcetera> platformio doesn't seem to have an option to point it somewhere else
<arcetera> i know, i'd just prefer not to go that "raw" per se
<arcetera> at least have a makefile or some sort of build system
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] armijnhemel opened pull request #25767: gimp: 2.8.20 -> 2.8.22 (master...gimp)
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<MichaelRaskin> We do package gnumake!
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<arcetera> also
<arcetera> where do i actually learn how to package and update stuff for nix/nixos? most of the documentation seems to be on the "outdated" wikimedia wiki, and the only reference i've found for the language has been in a general purpose context
<arcetera> kinda feels like i'm firing shots into the dark
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<MichaelRaskin> There is a dropdown on
<MichaelRaskin> You want to look at Nix page and NixPkgs page
<tilpner> arcetera - Looking at nixpkgs for examples is really helpful
<MichaelRaskin> And read the manuals there, in that order
<gchristensen> anyone registered on someone is looking for nixos help:
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: well, I have an account, haven't used forever
<gchristensen> if you want to dust it off, ... :)
<MichaelRaskin> Hehe. I stopped using LQ approximately when the reputation system was being rolled out
<MichaelRaskin> So I do have some reputation, but not much (compared to the post count)
<LnL> so, is that nixos-users wiki going to be the official one? or is there not really a plan at the moment
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<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: do you monitor LQ for NixOS questions?
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<arcetera> when installing python3.5-setuptools and then attempting to install a package via pip, pip cannot import setuptools
<arcetera> i also can't do it in a python repl
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 473a9be Moritz Drexl: purescript: remove pinned dependencies in hackage2nix config...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7b208ab Domen Kožar: Merge pull request #25399 from themoritz/rm-purs-pinned-deps...
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<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: I monitor all the tweets for nixos, and saw it posted:
<MichaelRaskin> Oh
<clever> gchristensen: until we see an answer to post #4, there isnt much we can do
<MichaelRaskin> Well, he wrote to make sure someone writes #4 !
<gchristensen> clever: MichaelRaskin posted that :)
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: thank you!
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<clever> ah
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<dash> LnL: maybe wikis were just a mistake
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<mpcsh> hey all, new to the community, curious about nixos. quick question: is it rolling release?
<domenkozar> it's both
<gchristensen> LnL: I have no idea, my inclination is to let a hundred flowers bloom and settle in on something if a "best one" becomes clear
<mpcsh> domenkozar: could you explain a little more?
<dash> mpcsh: there are stable releases, but you can follow current updates as well
<dash> mpcsh: similar to debian stable vs debian sid
<gchristensen> mpcsh: welcome to the community :D you can pick a stable release (which receives updates for 6mo) or choose to follow "nixos-unstable" if you want rolling release (it is fairly well tested, though, so unnlikely to break something.)
<mpcsh> nice, so it's possible to be rolling release?
<LnL> just wondering since I noticed some outdated stuff
<dash> mpcsh: the "unstable" release is whatever version of the packages tree that has most recently passed all tests
<mpcsh> dash: lovely, thank you
<mpcsh> I have to say nix has really piqued my interest, this seems really cool
<dash> mpcsh: if you're crazy you can run directly from git master but you will not benefit from the binary cache as much. :)
<dash> (also stuff may break all the time ;)
<mpcsh> dash: yeah no idt that sounds smart. I just really love arch, and would want a similar release model
<dash> mpcsh: this may be a handy guide:
<LnL> you can do that for packages, but I wouldn't recommend it for nixos itself
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<LnL> gchristensen: that reminds me, maybe howoldis would be a good place to put that gist about channels you made a while back
<domenkozar> what gist?
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<gchristensen> oh! I get it, LnL
<gchristensen> mpcsh: here is some information about picking channels:
<LnL> yeah that part
<sdll> Team, could you please tell me how I can imperatively declare to install packages from the main nixos package database and from nixpkg in configuration.nix?
<sdll> Thus, it would be great to have some packages installed from the nixpkg db, and some from nixos
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: do you have any feelings on
<LnL> not sure what you mean by that
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<MichaelRaskin> mpcsh: note that rolling back a bad upgrade has a near-zero chance to be easy in some distros, and 19 out of 20 in NixOS, so you can take more risks
<MichaelRaskin> And this doesn't include the cases where an upgrade fails to build a complete configuration, these just fail without creating any problems except HDD consumption
<dash> sdll: you want package definitions from different channels?
<MichaelRaskin> sdll: note that nixos-unstable and nixpkgs-unstable are usually just a few … well, OK, days apart
<MichaelRaskin> But in principle you can have multiple repository checkouts or multiple channels and take packages from them
<MichaelRaskin> For example, you can explicitly import
<orbekk> gchristensen: sitwon: I wrote about my LXC NixOS setup here:
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<domenkozar> gchristensen: I'd love to have that, but I'm unsure about implementation
<gchristensen> whoa,... nice orbekk
<gchristensen> domenkozar: oh yeah?
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: I don't care about implementation, hehe, anything that makes nixops usable for me, I'll make happen
<gchristensen> right now I've been running with basically this patch for a month
<gchristensen> domenkozar: (did you see this patch is different -- a PR -- compared to the issue you tagged 5 days ago?)
<domenkozar> yeah it's simpler
<domenkozar> we need a sign-off by eelco
<gchristensen> and rob no doubt
<domenkozar> it's a useful feature :)
<domenkozar> btw, do we have a way to say in module system: don't conflict if two options are set
<gchristensen> hmm I don't know
<domenkozar> I guess I'd have to modify the type
<domenkozar> so it's not using types.uniq
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<MichaelRaskin> I think type describes how the merge happens
<clever> yeah, there is a merge function on the type definition
<MichaelRaskin> Don't conflict: ok, but do _what_?
<MichaelRaskin> Otherwise, there is mkForce
<domenkozar> Maybe I should just set different priorities
<domenkozar> that will do, but it's a bit hacky. Would rather have mkDontConflict
<clever> mkOverride takes a priority number, i have been curious as to how exactly it works
<clever> nixos/modules/services/editors/emacs.nix: EDITOR = mkOverride 900 "${editorScript}/bin/emacseditor";
<domenkozar> well it gets all values
<domenkozar> and takes max()
<domenkozar> or min(), I always forget
<clever> something must be doing that, before it gets passed to the type merge
<domenkozar> yes
<clever> ah, and mkForce is just a priority 50 override
<clever> and mkDefault is priority 1000
<domenkozar> then it uses the merge func
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<clever> and this reminds me, there is a boolean option in nixos somewhere, i forget where now, that lacks a type
<clever> and the default for booleans is just the or operation
<clever> so if you try to both enable and disable that thing, it silently ignores the disable
<clever> i keep meaning to open a pr and forget about it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] m3tti opened pull request #25768: ecm-tools: init at github master (master...ecm-tools)
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<domenkozar> TIL: we have mkOrder
<LnL> yes, you can use mkBefore or mkAfter for list options
<clever> ive seen that used in the activation scripts
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: can you add a comment of support for the feature on that PR?
<clever> nixos/modules/config/shells-environment.nix: system.activationScripts.binsh = stringAfter [ "stdio" ]
<clever> ah, this one is a bit different
<clever> lib/strings-with-deps.nix: stringAfter = deps: text: { inherit text deps; };
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<clever> nixos/modules/system/activation/activation-script.nix: system.activationScripts.stdio =
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<domenkozar> aha mkDefault doesn't conflict \o/
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<mpcsh> gchristensen MichaelRaskin thanks for the info earlier, was afk for a while :)
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<gchristensen> you're welcome
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<gchristensen> again, welcome to the community :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] periklis opened pull request #25769: Fix #25723: Remove old GNU libstdc++ for qtbase (master...topic_fix_qt58_qtbase_stl)
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* Gravious ran nix-collect-garbage by accident ;.;
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, things that have explicit references to them, including nix-build -o, should not have suffered
<Gravious> :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] m3tti opened pull request #25770: nodePackages.lumo-cljs: init at 1.5.0 (master...lumo-cljs)
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<sdll> Team, strangely enough, in my nixos-unstable instance ~/.bashrc is not sourced
<sdll> And shellInit does not work
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<sdll> Could you please tell me what the root of the problem might be?
<sdll> In shellInit I explicitly source ~/.bashrc, to no avail
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<clever> sdll: programs.bash.shellInit winds up in /etc/profile
<clever> sdll: and there is also the difference between normal shells and login shells to keep in mind
<sdll> So how can I make bash source ~/.bashrc?
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<clever> sdll: id check first to see if .profile or .bashrc is being ran
<sdll> How can I do that?
<sdll> They do not seem to run at all
<clever> put an echo statement in each
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<sdll> right, so .bashrc indeed runs, but it does not set "set -o emacs"
<clever> sdll: in my machine, xterm's shell runs .bashrc
<sdll> Same
<clever> sdll: try putting a set -x in .bashrc
<sdll> Before "set -o emacs"?
<sdll> What does it do?
<clever> yeah
<clever> it makes bash print every command it runs
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<sdll> It runs set -o emacs several times (from all the places I have put the command)
<sdll> However it still does not work
<clever> does it work if you manualy run that in a shell?
<sdll> Yes
<clever> strange
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<clever> and no other conflicting set's show up afterwards?
<sdll> It seems no, since set -o emacs executes, as shown on restarting xterm, the one before last
<clever> cant think of anything else that would be doing that
<sdll> Thank you very much, clever
<sdll> clever, do you have your configuration.nix published anywhere?
<Gravious> ah, are there any really basic examples on how to use nix-shell as a kind of virtualenv? i think this was something i saw on the wiki but i can't find it anymore
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<clever> sdll: i have some fragments of it in various gist files
<Gravious> i'm surprised to find for example that if i request the nixshell with pythonPackages.requests the python interpreter within this shell cannot import requests
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<Gravious> perhaps i have to write a derivation that depends on requests and invoke the shell on that derivation?
<clever> sdll: for example, this is the configuration from one of my raspberry pi's,
<sdll> The same is true for jupyter, Gravious, it seems
<sdll> Thank you, clever, for your help
<sdll> Is this related?
<tilpner> Gravious - I can't reproduce that. Are you running "import requests" in python2?
<clever> Gravious: what if you got a shell with python2.withPackages (pkgs: [ pkgs.requests ]) i think it was
<MichaelRaskin> 5B
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-shell -p '(python2.withPackages (pkgs: [ pkgs.requests ]))'
<clever> Gravious: this is able to import requests
<tilpner> $ nix-shell -p pythonPackages.requests --run 'python2 -ic "import requests"' works too for me
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<clever> yeah, that works here too
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<Gravious> yes, i think i was using -A instead of -p, looking at the man page again, i probably want -p
<Gravious> sorry
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<sdll> clever, there was a conflicting config in .inputrc
<sdll> Thank you for your time
<clever> ah
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<alphor> so I've got a python app (and its deps) working with nix-shell locally, and sending it and the archive, it builds, but running it causes import errors.
<dash> alphor: how are you running it?
<alphor> dash: I've tried putting it in env.syspackages, and in a service file. both error out.
<alphor> sorry, running it on a remote nixos machine.
<dash> pastebin the expression you used to build it?
<alphor> sure.
<alphor> msgpack is in nixpkgs, but was added recently. cachecontrol is not. they are both deps of my program.
<clever> alphor: i'm thinking add this to the start of buildInputs, (python2.withPackages (ps: [ ps.requests2 cachecontrol msgpack ])
<clever> alphor: and then make sure the script uses something like #!/usr/bin/env python
<clever> though i would have expected buildPythonPackage to handle this for the user
<alphor> clever: python2? I'm using 3 here exclusively
<clever> should work the same with python3.withPackages
<alphor> okay I'll try both. I suspect it's the 2nd suggestion.
<dash> yeah lack of withPackages was my first guess
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<alphor> hm adding the file headers didn't work. not really understanding what the 1st suggestion does, but reading through here for now
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cb245f2 Tuomas Tynkkynen: stepmania: 5.0.10 -> 5.0.12
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