<dash> anything i need to do to enable core dumps during nix-build other than 'ulimit -c unlimited' before starting?
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<riclima> Hi
<riclima> I’m looking for the Nix channel for macOS?
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<johnw> ##nix-darwin
<riclima> Thanks!
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<nh2> in the default mkDerivation, do built executables have any PATH set? In particular, do they have the `bin` of their own derivation set in their PATH?
<nh2> if not, how can I achieve that e.g. `gluster` can simply itself, like `execv("gluster")` ?
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<tilpner> gchristensen - I fixed that part, I think I learned not to do PATH manipulation in activation scripts
<tilpner> There's still a lot of weird things going on, I can't even do a clean reboot on 17.03
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<gchristensen> tilpner: scary! :o
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<tilpner> Is there anyone who managed to get Nvidia Optimus running on 17.03? There's this long disappointing issue [ https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/24711 ], but maybe people who got it working wouldn't see that
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<mtetreault> Hi, I am trying to install androidenv in my nix config file using environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ androidenv ] .. which gives me "cannot coerce a set to a string...but if I try to install using nix-env -iA nixos.androidenv it works. I'm not sure to understand what's the difference between both approach. If anyone can help that would be appreciated :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c684c0e Peter Hoeg: mu: add checkInputs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9MAO
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9394314 Jörg Thalheim: xf86-video-intel: 2017-02-05 -> 2017-04-18
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d5861fa Peter Hoeg: wkhtmltopdf: -> 0.12.4
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9MxD
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bd831b4 Dan Peebles: flamegraph: 182b24fb -> 6b2a446d...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9MpM
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 83970f5 Peter Hoeg: usb_modeswitch: remove unneeded dependencies
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9Mh2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 408d06f Peter Hoeg: terragrunt: 0.12.15 -> 0.12.16
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<Jaakk0> Is it easy/possible to make commercial binary-only packages for NixOS? The NixOS will install automatically the mentioned dependencies?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9Mh1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 295a23a mimadrid: htslib: 1.3.2 -> 1.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9073e67 mimadrid: samtools: 1.3.1 -> 1.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8d1bebf mimadrid: bcftools: 1.3.1 -> 1.4
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9Mh7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e22ccad Aneesh Agrawal: salt: Add minion service module
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ad67c28 Jörg Thalheim: salt-minion: link to configuration documentation
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ea031fe Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25696 from aneeshusa/add-salt-minion-service...
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, we have a teamviewer expression
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9Deq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fb0410c Sophie Taylor: proofgeneral: 2017-03-13 -> 2017-05-06 (#25695)
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<MichaelRaskin> Jaakk0: and Oracle JDK etc.
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<Jaakk0> Ok, I am just thinking, if this is _the_ linux that could be used widely, and if I should install and try it. The other interesting linux is Gobolinux.
<LnL> you have to patch the dependencies yourself including glibc
<LnL> but it's pretty straight forward
<Jaakk0> I think it would be nice, if NixOS packages could add also repositories automatically. (if it does not yet) So commercial companies could support their application dependencies.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9DvB
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6fef322 Ole Jørgen Brønner: sgtpuzzles: fix broken gtk3 file dialog (#25694)...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #25691: kdevelop: Fix shell integration (issue 25559) (master...kdevelop-shell) https://git.io/v9Mwt
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9Dvr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0157ffe Balletie: emojione: Fix typo in meta.license attribute name...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a856d47 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25682 from Balletie/fix/emojione-meta-license-typo...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #25697: kdeApplications.ktnef: init at 17.04.0 (master...p/ktnef) https://git.io/v9Dvp
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9DfR
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cd8088b Peter Hoeg: tnef: clean up
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<manveru> tried packaging cockroachdb 1.0 yesterday... but couldn't get it to find some header of protobuf library :(
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<manveru> "pkg/storage/engine/db.cc:19:48: fatal error: google/protobuf/stubs/stringprintf.h: No such file or directory", i made a package for protobuf 3.3 and added it to the nix-shell, it's at /nix/store/v79sgz3c48gp8ksmr35r6j3s312vr71r-protobuf-v3.3.0-src/src/google/protobuf/stubs/stringprintf.h
<manveru> it's used in the db.cc like "#include <google/protobuf/stubs/stringprintf.h>"
<manveru> any clues how C++ finds its stuff?
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2ef92f0 Peter Hoeg: fix build
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<dhess> Dezgeg: around?
<dhess> or anybody with some armv7l experience?
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<sphalerite> Any weechat users around who could provide their opinion on this? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/25274#issuecomment-300173047
<tabaqui> I'm stilly deploing on EC2 from other provider
<tabaqui> yesterday, I've fixed region in pre-installed boto package
<tabaqui> now I get such error:
<tabaqui> "I don't know an AMI for region ‘croc’ and platform type ‘x86_64-linux’"
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<tabaqui> nixops has some predefined ami images for different amazon regions
<tabaqui> dunno, maybe I should create new template, or use amazon AMI for this "croc"?
<ikwildrpepper> tabaqui: croc, that's a russian datacenter thing right?
<tabaqui> ikwildrpepper: yes
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9DU2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 33acfb8 Andrew Kelley: cmark: 0.23.0 -> 0.27.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2dcc5bb Jörg Thalheim: cmark: cmake in nativeBuildInputs
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e2a807c Jörg Thalheim: cmark: enable tests
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<tabaqui> croc has compatible ec2 api, there is just AMI creation left
<ikwildrpepper> tabaqui: you can build your own AMI's, see nixpkgs/nixos/maintainers/scripts/ec2/create-amis.sh how we build and upload them to ec2
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<tabaqui> ikwildrpepper: I just uploaded nixos installer cd, and can move further
<tabaqui> now I get "error: time data u'2017-05-11T07:49:38Z' does not match format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z'
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #25622: osmo: 0.2.14 -> 0.4.0 (master...osmoupdate) https://git.io/v9Ks7
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<tabaqui> and yes, I keep this url open too)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9Dkn
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6fedc9c koral: {lib}mediainfo{-gui}: 0.7.91 -> 0.7.95
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b22c629 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25688 from k0ral/mediainfo...
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<MoreTea> domenkozar, thanks for pointing out https://github.com/mayflower/nixbot. There must be dozens of nixbots by now...
<domenkozar> I moved mine there
<domenkozar> since they will maintain it :)
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<MoreTea> oh lol, I opened an issue there already :x
<MoreTea> I thought it looked familiar already :)
<MoreTea> Unfortunately, I know just enough haskell to reverse lists, implement quicksort etc. I'm quite interested in your work on Hercules.
<domenkozar> :)
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<MoreTea> I bought it yes.
<domenkozar> :D
<MoreTea> before the release, I should probably re-download it sometime.
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<sphalerite> Is there a particular reason that the stable nvidia driver isn't updated to 375.66 on master?
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<domenkozar> sphalerite: usually it's waiting for someone to do it
<domenkozar> otherwise you'd find the PR open/closed
<sphalerite> domenkozar: right. Guess that's me then :D
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<sphalerite> what's the correct way to build a 32-bit package on a 64-bit system?
<sphalerite> passing system = "i686-linux" to the nixpkgs function?
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<FRidh> there is an attribute set for i686 somwhere
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lheckemann opened pull request #25698: nvidia stable: 375.39 -> 375.66 (master...nvidia-375.66) https://git.io/v9D3c
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<FRidh> sphalerite: pkgsi686Linux
<sphalerite> ah right
<sphalerite> thanks
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<sphalerite> Also, is there a way to prevent a configuration from being bootable, i.e. only allow switching to it in an already-running system?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Taeradan opened pull request #25699: idea.pycharm-professional: 2017.1 -> 2017.1.2 (master...master) https://git.io/v9Ds4
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<FRidh> niksnut: is the following expected with fetchTarball with a sha256 and nix 1.12pre error: imported archive of ‘/nix/store/p76kkardbk3jynwpfih24np3l2pjcwyq-9c90ff7e7df9ceadc7335bb43cc67ba92e171d53.tar.gz’ lacks a signature
<niksnut> don't think so
<niksnut> can you make an issue?
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<FRidh> niksnut: there it is https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1381
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<niksnut> thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9DZF
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6c79df3 Peter Hoeg: libkcddb: init at 17.04.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b07e048 Peter Hoeg: k3b: 2.0.3a -> 17.04.0
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<niksnut> strange, I get a hash mismatch
<niksnut> even though the hash is correct
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<FRidh> that I get with an older version of nixUnstable as well
<FRidh> fwiw, my system is still running 1.11 and I had just installed unstable in my profile
<niksnut> oh
<niksnut> that's relevant :-)
<niksnut> so the daemon is 1.11?
<FRidh> yes
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<domenkozar> nixops PR that adds deployment.keys.<name>.keyFile as a way to set path to key contents: https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/pull/661
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] michalpalka opened pull request #25700: xen service: Fix removing netfilter rules while stopping xen-bridge (master...xen-bridge-stop-fix) https://git.io/v9DCT
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fadenb opened pull request #25701: elasticsearch service: remove postStart script (master...elasticsearch_postStart_script_removal) https://git.io/v9DWK
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9DWP
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9498f5c Peter Hoeg: krusader: 2.4.0-beta1 -> 2.6.0...
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<Infinisil> How can I disable the install phase in a nix build?
<sphalerite> Infinisil: overriding, or modifying?
<Infinisil> My own package
<Infinisil> I just need the buildPhase
<Infinisil> I assume it's something like phases = [ buildPhase ]; but that doesn't work
<sphalerite> I think you just need to quote it
<sphalerite> phases = [ "buildPhase" ];
<Infinisil> Ohhh, right
<Infinisil> Thanks
<sphalerite> or just installPhase = ":" :)
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<nixy> Why are symbolic names and attribute names ever different? It seems like they have the same limitations
<gchristensen> what is a symbolic name vs. attribute name?
<Infinisil> Wondering the same
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<FRidh> gchristensen: symbolic name is the name part of the name attribute
<nixy> symbolic name is the 'name' attribute in a set, where attribute name is what the expression is bound to in top-level stuff
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<magneticduck> so the symbolic name is the name attribute and the attribute name is the name of the symbol :D
<gchristensen> heh
<FRidh> so when we have { name = `foo-1.2.3`; } and here foo is the name part or symbolic name
<gchristensen> can I see some code showing an example? :)
<FRidh> "foo-1.2.3"
<nixy> Example I am looking at is bash-interactive, which has an attribute name of BashInteractive
<LnL> oh you mean an attribute name that's different from the package name?
<FRidh> Different guidelines for each, right?
<nixy> FRidh: Are there? It seems like they have the same limitations for valid characters and having them be different seems wonky
<LnL> yes, package names are not important inside an expression
<gchristensen> nixy: can you link me to actual code, instead of describing code? that'd help me really understand the context & questio
<nixy> gchristensen: Yeah sorry, give me a sec
<FRidh> nixy: 2to3 could be a valid symbolic name but its an invalid attribute
<gchristensen> no worries, thank you
<symphorien> symbolic name may have collisions but not attribute names
* gchristensen RTFM's for "symbolic name" and "attribute name"
<nixy> I am now realizing bashInteractive is prolly a bad example, but here
<nixy> I wonder how many symbolic names actually have collisions in nixpkgs though
<FRidh> nixy: likely only packages that are overridden. The larger package sets typically include some indicator of the set
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9DRa
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 48192c6 Peter Hoeg: partition-manager: init at 3.0.1...
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<gchristensen> nixy: hmm do you have a follow-up question like "why do we specify it twice" or something?
<nixy> My main question here, which has been answered a bit, is why there doesn't seem to be consistency between the two names
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<gchristensen> I think there are conventions in all-packages.nix that make it sometimes impossible
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<gchristensen> in the case of bashInteractive, it is called that because it is bash + the interactive flag
<gchristensen> should we take that flag and add "interactive" to its name? maybe
<nixy> Well in this case it calls appendToName to add interactive to the symbolic name, but this ends up with you having bashInteractive and bash-interactive
<nixy> This leads to a bunch of confusion when interacting with packages using nix-env too
<gchristensen> ah ha! now I see why you're interested in this
<magneticduck> uff, I need some advice on my project
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<tabaqui> well, it is not working still
<tabaqui> can I download AMI for nixos somewhere without amazon account?
<magneticduck> I'm trying to use nix to make a "ricing" system of sorts, that lets users just specify what they want their wm / dm / terminal / etc to look like and have nix take care of the rest
<magneticduck> I want this to work on distributions besides nixOS
<gchristensen> nixy: good point & question. maybe open an issue? another thing is I recommend nix-env -iA, where the A makes it use the attribute nome
<gchristensen> attribute name*
<tabaqui> nixos/download.html provides GCE blob and VBOX images, but all EC2 by links
<gchristensen> tabaqui: why would you?
<magneticduck> I'm having a hard time figuring out what exactly it is I should target -- just generating an xinitrc file and hoping for the best means that a lot of Xorg configurion is out of my control
<nixy> gchristensen: Yeah I prolly will. It has been discussed a bit before. The main thing stopping me from using -iA is that the package names given by -q are all symbolic
<tabaqui> gchristensen: I want to deploy on other providers with amazon API
<tabaqui> it support it, but all your scripts use hardcoded amazon urls
<magneticduck> but it seems difficult and unreasonable to just clip off the portion of nixOS related to x11 and plopping that in a startup script ... right?
<gchristensen> nixy: -qaP
<tabaqui> I get access to provider's console, but cannot build and upload nixos ami
<nixy> -qaP gets you both, which is usually fine but can be confusing when they different. I feel this is mostly a pain point for newer users tbh
<tabaqui> btw, nixos has virtualiSation option, while it is virtualiZation
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<gchristensen> nixy: I agree :)
<gchristensen> tabaqui: virtualisation is a valid way to spell it
<tabaqui> gchristensen: it comes from French, right?
<gchristensen> "it" = "virtualisation"?
<tabaqui> yes
<gchristensen> I dunno, maybe? :P but I researched this too: http://www.zdnet.com/article/virtualisation-suites-compared/
<tabaqui> okaay
<gchristensen> tabaqui: anywho ... you could make your own AMI and upload it... what provider is this, out of curiosit?
<tabaqui> croc.ru
<tabaqui> I *can* build it with some hacks, but cannot upload
<magneticduck> my question is -- what is a reasonable vector to configure all the x11 services with, that doesn't get in way of the user setting up their video drivers and adding options manually in /etc ?
<gchristensen> what hacks, tabaqui?
<tabaqui> because create-ami.sh works with amazonaws.com
<tabaqui> boto/endpoints.json - added records "croc" : "cloud.croc..." into sections ec2 and s3
<tabaqui> nixpkgs/scripts/create-amis.sh - remove "regions" and use "regions=croc"
<gchristensen> this seems good
<tabaqui> nixops/backends/ec2.py:306 - change time format from "%S.000Z" to "%SZ"
<tabaqui> Cannot access/create bucket: nixos-amis : com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException: Unable to execute HTTP request: nixos-amis.s3.croc.amazonaws.com
<gchristensen> ok, and it doesn't workk?
<tabaqui> I went through all bash scripts and got this
<gchristensen> gotcha
<tabaqui> "${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" ${EC2_JVM_ARGS} ${cygprop} -classpath "${CP}" "com.amazon.aes.webservices.client.cmd.${CMD}" $EC2_DEFAULT_ARGS "$@"
<gchristensen> are you trying to make a Instance Store AMI or a EBS Backed?
<tabaqui> how?
<tabaqui> I've tried the script ec2-run-instances
<gchristensen> I'm asking which one you want to end up with
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<gchristensen> do you want the AMI you end up with to be Instance Store or EBS Backed?
<tabaqui> uh,
<tabaqui> uhm
<tabaqui> actually, I don't know
<tabaqui> let me see
<gchristensen> when you shut down the VM, do you want to lose all your data, or keep it?
<gchristensen> (usually this question is a pretty easy one to answer ;) )
<tabaqui> keep it of course)
<gchristensen> ok
<tabaqui> so?
<gchristensen> you're getting caught up by the calls to ec2-upload-bundle and ec2-bundle-image I think
<gchristensen> so change stores="ebs s3" to stores="ebs"
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<gchristensen> this means you want an EBS Backed instance, Instance Store machines lose all their data when you Stop them
<gchristensen> hmm you might still stumble on ec2-import-volume
<tabaqui> S3 means Instance Store?
<gchristensen> yeah
<tabaqui> and yeas, it still breaks
<gchristensen> Instance Store AMIs are stored in S3
<tabaqui> *yes
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<gchristensen> you might need to patch the ec2_ami_tools package
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<gchristensen> do you know how croc.ru wants you to upload AMIs? through the AWS-compatible API?
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<tabaqui> it is compatible with amazon aws, but I cannot find exact instructions
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] FRidh opened pull request #1382: Document fetchTarball can take a sha256 (master...patch-1) https://git.io/v9Dun
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<tabaqui> here is a list of supported functions of Simple Storage Service API
<tabaqui> I see word "bucket" here
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<gchristensen> this is pretty advanced stuff, tabaqui, you might should contact their support to ask how to do this
<marc_> garbas: I want to hack on qtile, which is the easiest way ? pypi1nix fails on cairocoffi, nix-shell -p pythonPackages... doesn't get dependencies ...
<tabaqui> gchristensen: I'm not sure, they ever heard about Nix)
<gchristensen> don't mention nix, just say you're trying to upload your own AMI
<tabaqui> but I still have no AMI
<tabaqui> I can upload .vhd and .iso using web interface
<tabaqui> not .qcow2
<gchristensen> oh
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<tabaqui> okaay, it converts qemu image to vhd
<tabaqui> I found this files in /var/run/...
<tabaqui> croc even agreed with .vhd file as new image, but it cannot boot
<tabaqui> *these files
<gchristensen> I don't know, then -- sorry
<gchristensen> I'd say yes download our AMI but an AMI is just a VHD until it is uploaded to AWS
<tabaqui> just VHD? looks like I should tune some options
<tabaqui> dunno
<tabaqui> thanks anyway
<gchristensen> good luck :)
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<steveeJ> sphalerite: hey, the cross-compiler method you have outlined a while ago has some serious drawbacks. I'm curious if you're aware of them or even expected that to be so. CC is set to the cross gcc and PATH contains cross-entries
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<magneticduck> when the nixOS modules are compiled along with a user configuration, the object that results contains a derivation -- system.build.toplevel -- with everything needed to activate and run the machine
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<magneticduck> can anybody suggest an analogous target if I wanted to use nixos modules only to configure x11 on a arbitrary linux distro?
<magneticduck> "a arbitrary" -> "an arbitrary"
<clever> magneticduck: systemd.services.display-manager.runner
<clever> magneticduck: this attribute will contain a perl script that runs the systemd unit without relying on systemd
<magneticduck> wonderful
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<ikwildrpepper> anyone in NYC next week btw, wanting to talk about NixOS, or just drink a (beer)?
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<gchristensen> ikwildrpepper: how long will you be there?
<ikwildrpepper> gchristensen: sunday-friday
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<ikwildrpepper> May 14-19
<ikwildrpepper> gchristensen: are you anywhere near NYC?
<gchristensen> ikwildrpepper: I like a ~2hr train ride north, and my job's HQ is in NYC... I was just there for my quarterly visit, but I'll see if I can arrange an extra couple days.
<gchristensen> I live a*
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9DaM
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 45d7b1a Eelco Dolstra: LocalStore::addToStore(): Check info.narSize...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 6f245bf Eelco Dolstra: Change the meaning of info.ultimate...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 1a8e150 Eelco Dolstra: Don't allow untrusted users to set info.ultimate...
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<gchristensen> ikwildrpepper: are you coming to visit a client?
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<magneticduck> clever: well it worked
<magneticduck> but I wasn't able to use my keyboard, clearly more work needs to be done :p
<clever> magneticduck: yeah, its unknown how much of it depends on things being in /etc or /run/current-system
<clever> the xorg logs may say
<clever> they probably went to stdout
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9DVQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 18bad38 Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.callPackage to make it easier to call expressions that take many python packages
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<magneticduck> funny story, I had to reboot because I couldn't even switch to a tty
<magneticduck> where are the logs printed? they don't seem to be in /var/logs
<magneticduck> uh /var/log that is
<clever> the runner script just prints them to stdout/stderr
<clever> so youll need to redirect it somewhere or run it over ssh
<clever> it probably needs the pam modules in /etc/pam.d/
<clever> for the login to work
<magneticduck> are there any nixos-generated /etc files that I definitely shouldn't be linking?
<garbas> marc_: you can not mix pythonPackage from nixpkgs and pypi2nix
<clever> tricky question, you really need to strace the runner to see what its trying to read
<clever> which needs some ssh access from a 2nd box
* magneticduck checks the contents of system.activationScripts.etc
<marc_> garbas I know, which is why I asked which is the best solution -> tell pypi to find pycairo stuff - hack nix-shell to include dependencies - maybe I missed an option.
<clever> magneticduck: that just runs setup-etc.pl on the etc derivation
<clever> magneticduck: which sets up symlinks in /etc for every enrivonment.etc entry
<magneticduck> oh, then I'll check .. system.build.etc
<garbas> marc_: ok, there is -E option which you can use to make some packages available during pypi2nix time
<garbas> marc_: would some examples help you as well?
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<garbas> marc_: https://github.com/garbas/pypi2nix/blob/master/examples/Makefile few package also some more complicated one
<marc_> -E option is not an option because each time you use pycairo you need the same depednencies ..
<marc_> So you're doing the same work over and over and over again.
<marc_> What about outsourcing obivous C dependencies so that they can be shared for both tools?
<marc_> pycairo requires pkgs.cairo as buildINputs -> pycairo in nixpkgks 'get-deps-for "pycairo", pycairo @ pyp2nix -> does the same. Done.
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<marc_> I want to say something is missing -> a package registry all packagers can use.
<magneticduck> clever: I'm sort of considering just peeling off the x11 stuff from nixos and simplifying everything for my purposes
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<magneticduck> I wonder if that's "very hard"
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<marc_> But -E worked kudos to garbas :-)
<marc_> pycparser fails ..
<FRidh> marc_: That's a topic that's looked into. In any case, this is why curated package sets exist. Even though there is nice tooling out there to automate, it doesn't catch everything. And "storing" such values you means you should also couple it to versions again.
<FRidh> because such dependencies may change over time
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<garbas> marc_: if you get stuck please create an issue and i'll look at it when i have some free time
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Taeradan closed pull request #25699: idea.pycharm-professional: 2017.1 -> 2017.1.2 (master...master) https://git.io/v9Ds4
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<ikwildrpepper> gchristensen: visiting the office of the company LB is now part of (Infor)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9Doz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e281e59 Robert Helgesson: eclipse-plugin-autodetect-encoding: init at 1.8.3
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<magneticduck> why is the `imports` module attribute not used in the nixos modules? just a standard to make modules easier to disable individually?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gebner pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9Doi
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 93f4755 Gabriel Ebner: cutegram: add missing qtwebkit dependency
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<gchristensen> ikwildrpepper: cool, my HQ is nearby, by Broadway & E 21st St. Hardings is a nice bar, and there is a Cafe Grumpy near Infor with great coffee.
<ikwildrpepper> Cafe Grumpy sounds like a place for me, they call me Mr Grumpy at work
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<gchristensen> no wonder we get along :D
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #25679: zstd: 1.1.3 -> 1.2.0 (master...zstd) https://git.io/v91QL
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<sphalerite> steveeJ: for CC being set to the cross compiler, yes, I'm aware of that and it's the correct behaviour. It's necessary for builders to work as normal. And PATH including the cross-derivations is potentially useful too IMO, as that allows scripts like sdl2-config to work (I think).
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<qknight_> clever: how to use a private git repo in hydra again?
<clever> qknight_: is it a hydra input or a normal fetchgit?
<qknight_> clever: not sure if you handed me an example the last time but we were speaking about it
<qknight_> clever: a fetchgit
<qknight_> via ssh
<qknight_> i'm using gitoloite on nixs
<qknight_> s/nixs/nixos
<nh2> FRidh: can I directly use the python wrapper functionality, for example the thing that sticks the path-setting header in front, as bash functions?
<clever> qknight_: and you need to ensure that the ssh agent is running on the build slave that hydra tries to do the build on
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<qknight_> clever: can't i just add a .ssh/config and .ssh/id_rsa for the hydra user or something?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9DXL
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 641c411 Peter Hoeg: kdiff3: 2016-04-20 -> 2017-02-19
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<clever> qknight_: fetchgit runs in a nix sandbox, so it cant use the stuff on the hydra user
<qknight_> clever: i want hydra to checkout the repo all 60 seconds
<qknight_> clever: makes sense
<clever> qknight_: if hydra is doing the checkout itself (an input to hydra), then you can just run ssh-keygen as hydra
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9DXD
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 510bc17 Eelco Dolstra: Add an option for extending the user agent header...
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<qknight_> clever: yes, hydra does the checkout (for the input)
<clever> in that case, you can just run ssh-keygen as the hydra user, not encrypt it, and put an ssh url into the hydra config
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vdemeester opened pull request #25703: vndr: 20161110 -> 20170511 (master...update-vndr) https://git.io/v9D1g
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: typo-wise, what actually happens to me more often due to the bug is that a letter gets repeated after the following one. e.g. git pupsh
<gchristensen> same
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel closed pull request #25693: Automated emacs package updates (master...emacs-updates) https://git.io/v9M6m
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<qknight_> clever: that is not in the hydra docu right?
<qknight_> clever: after i got it running i should add it
<clever> yeah, its not in the hydra docs
<clever> but hydra just runs nix-pretch-git as the hydra user, to fetch each input
<clever> so you can just make a key on the main hydra user
<FRidh> nh2: is this still regarding glusterfs?
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<koserge> good day!
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<nh2> FRidh: yes
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<nh2> FRidh: I'm currently trying another thing that might make my question unnecessary, but would still be good to know in case it fails
<koserge> is it a bug, when mere act of switching nixpkgs version breaks 'nixops-deploy'?
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: do you use the nvidia chip at all btw? Or just stick with the intel?
<tabaqui> gchristensen: back to ami. I've tried virtualbox with converted image from qcow2
<tabaqui> and it is not working with the same behavior
<tabaqui> qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O vdi nix.qcow2 hvm.vdi
<koserge> in my case, switching from 'master' to 'release-17.03' made 'nixops-deploy' bomb out with 'assert self.private_ipv4' being violated in the 'libvirtd' backend
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<koserge> 'nixops-destroy' + 'nixops-create' fixed the situation, somewhat disturbingly
<tabaqui> create-amis can build image with paravirtualization, but it fails with an error
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<FRidh> nh2: the wrapPython package contains several shell functions. You can use them, but whether they work in your case is another question.
<sitwon> I have the nix package manager installed on an Ubuntu system using the curl line from the website. I have installed docker with `nix-env -i docker`. How do I start the docker service?
<goibhniu1> hi sitwon: I don't think you can run the docker service (or any NixOS services) with nix
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<hyper_ch> damn, now I have 1gbit at home but my router can't handle more than 320mbit
<nh2> sitwon: but you might be able to invoke the docker daemon manually. For example, `dockerd -H fd://` on my system (as root)
<nh2> hyper_ch: I can recommend you 2 routers that alleviate this problem. Do you live in Switzerland?
<sitwon> goibhniu: are you saying I can't have the system run any services that were installed by nix? doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose of nix then?
<hyper_ch> nh2: I do, why?
<goibhniu> sitwon: yeah, nix can't manage system services or configuration outside of NixOS
<nh2> hyper_ch: I do too. This router will deliver you the full gigabit speed, as long as you connect it via ethernet cable: https://www.digitec.ch/en/s1/product/ubiquiti-erlite-3-edgerouter-lite-routers-2483670
<goibhniu> sitwon: it's still great for installing software and development environments
<hyper_ch> nh2: fiber7 recommends that one as well I think
<hyper_ch> or maybe another ubiquity
<sitwon> nh2: I got this error: no sockets found via socket activation: make sure the service was started by systemd
<nh2> sitwon: goibhniu means you cannot use the convenient nixos service definitions (that configure systemd services) to run on Ubuntu. But you can still install the daemon software, and run it yourself, or via Ubuntu's init system
<nh2> hyper_ch: The Erlite-3 is good, I have 2 of them. If you care about open-source a lot, you can also buy https://omnia.turris.cz/en/ which is probably even better. That router was crowdfunded and it is fully open-source and open-hardware (the Ubiquity is not, but it is 3x cheaper and has no wifi)
<hyper_ch> ah, that's the one they recommended
<hyper_ch> must have wifi
<hyper_ch> :)
<nh2> yes they newly recommend that. I would love to have one, but the price is still significant. I currently use the Erlite-3 and older Wifi routers behind it to get me wifi. If I want the full speed, I have to plug in the ethernet anyway
<sitwon> I guess that's ok, it just seems like a pain in the rear to have no tooling to manage services installed by nix. Maybe systemd has that tooling and I'm just not familiar with it yet. It doesn't seem there's any way to tell systemd to look in a different directory for .service files, so I tried symlinking ~/.config/systemd/user -> ~/.nix-profile/etc/systemd/system and then starting it with `systemctl --user
<sitwon> start docker`. That produces an error about 'Unit docker.socket not found.'
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<hyper_ch> nh2: already sped up my asus... it had traffic analyzing enabled
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<nh2> sitwon: if you want to run dockerd, you most certainly have to run it as root, so putting things into ~ and using --user won't do for you
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<hyper_ch> nh2: directly connected (notebook -> tp media link -> fiber) http://www.speedtest.net/result/6289228212 and through router (notebook -> rt-68u -> tp media converter -> fiber) http://www.speedtest.net/result/6289268254
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg closed pull request #25697: kdeApplications.ktnef: init at 17.04.0 (master...p/ktnef) https://git.io/v9Dvp
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<sitwon> If I were using NixOS, would I still have this issue or does it work more seamlessly on NixOS?
<nh2> sitwon: on NixOS, you could use nix to configure the services
<nh2> sitwon: If you want to try it, I recommend doing so in a VM
<nh2> hyper_ch: looks like your Asus is already doing pretty well
<hyper_ch> well, first I turned of qos
<hyper_ch> now I turned of that traffic analyzer
<hyper_ch> seems it kept track what used how much traffic
<hyper_ch> and now I get those speeds
<hyper_ch> I can life with them :)
<hyper_ch> office needs now also to switch provider
<hyper_ch> one problem I'm still facing is how to setup my static ipv6 /48 block
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<clever> sitwon: if your on nixos, you can just services.docker.enable = true; and it runs
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<sitwon> I'm guessing most people here are using the full NixOS stack and thus never have to deal with this issue
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<goibhniu> sitwon: plenty of people also use nix on other systems ... just not for services
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<magneticduck> my lesson today is that half a nixos stack is hard to work with
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<nh2> sitwon: I also use nix on Ubuntu, don't use NixOS on my laptop
<goibhniu> (but it sure would be awesome to be able to run nix managed services outside of NixOS!)
<sitwon> goibhniu: but aren't services where the benefits of a functional package manager would matter the most? what other usecases do you find compelling for using nix over the system's package manager?
<goibhniu> system rollbacks are also a killer feature for NixOS IMO
<nh2> sitwon: there are many other things that nix does well, for example on my Ubuntu, I use it mainly for obtaining softwre that isn't available on Ubuntu (newer versions etc), and for developing sotware
<goibhniu> sitwon: the reason I switched to nix (on debian at the time), was because I was sick of having to choose between having recent packages and a stable system
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<nh2> hyper_ch: what's the problem with the IPv6?
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<orbekk> goibhniu: You can run NixOS in a container to get the benefits of services, etc.
<hyper_ch> nh2: how to set it up :)
<sitwon> is there a vagrant image for nixos?
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<goibhniu> orbekk: ah, that's a good idea
<gchristensen> you can, orbekk?
* goibhniu doesn't know anything about containers outside of nixos-containers >_<
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<sitwon> orbekk: do you mean using LXC?
<orbekk> gchristensen: at least that's what I do... I have an lxc container with nixos
<orbekk> sitwon: yes
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<goibhniu> is it hard to set up orbekk? ... or documented somewhere?
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<ben> are there derivations available for puppet?
<orbekk> I followed the regular installation guide, but it's a while since I did it, and I had to tweak some things
<orbekk> Looks like there is an issue about it: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/9735
<orbekk> goibhniu: I'll try to see if I can reproduce my setup, and if it's successful I'll post an update to that issue
<goibhniu> orbekk: nice! if you could add that to the manual or the nixos-users wiki that would also be excellent!
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<nh2> hyper_ch: I simply get my IPv6 via prefix delegation. My router automatically gets an IPv6 prefix from fiber7, and then my machines get addresses under that prefix from the router
<clever> i do similiar, i have radvd running on my nixos box
<clever> the router nixos box
<hyper_ch> nh2: how to get ping6? nox couldn't find it
<nh2> hyper_ch: on NixOS? `ping -6`
<hyper_ch> ah
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<clever> ping6 is within iputils on my machine
<clever> lrwxrwxrwx 3 root 1013 70 Dec 31 1969 /run/current-system/sw/bin/ping6 -> /nix/store/d02gqnm3qx5akd4fbcjshf16jqahyqjh-iputils-20121221/bin/ping6
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<orbekk> How do you manage your multiple NixOS machines? Does anyone have a cool way to deploy a shared config to all your home machines?
<nh2> orbekk: nixops can do that. You lose automatic security updates though
<nh2> clever: "Dec 31 1969" - how does that work
<clever> orbekk: currently, i have a /etc/nixos/nixcfg in git, configuration.nix just does imports = [ ./nixcfg/laptop.nix ]; and then laptop.nix imports ./core.nix and so on
<clever> nh2: jan 1st 1970, minus your timezone offset
<orbekk> nh2: Nixops looked a little overkill for a home environment, also does it work for laptops that are sometimes offline?
<nh2> clever: interesting that it can do that subtraction
<clever> orbekk: so desktop.nix does stuff for my desktop, laptop.nix does my laptop, router.nix does the router, and core.nix covers common things to all of them
<hyper_ch> clever: I have iputils installed, but no ping6
<clever> hyper_ch: that paste was from a nixos 16.03 netboot
<orbekk> clever: How do you update it? Do you have to manually git pull?
<nh2> orbekk: you can --include or --exclude machines that are offline. But I think clever's approach of having files that include each other and that you sync e.g. with git is probably better for personal machines
<clever> orbekk: yeah, manual git pull/push to sync the machines up and nixos-rebuild
<nh2> hyper_ch clever: I remember reading something about ping6 being moved to ping -6 but I don't remember where
<hyper_ch> ok :)
<FRidh> A bit annoying that you can put functions in buildInputs without Nix complaining.
<nh2> FRidh: what happens when you do that?
<FRidh> nh2: Nix just goes ahead with building, but your build will not happen correctly because the input you needed wasn't there
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<hyper_ch> nh2: so, I do get ipv6 address on my notebook... but it seems no default route was added
<hyper_ch> so I can't ping anything
<makefu> hyper_ch: maybe it is a link-local address (fe80::) ?
<hyper_ch> no idea
<hyper_ch> shouldn't automagically default routes be added when using dhcp?
<sphalerite> yes
<hyper_ch> well, it didn't
<telent> assuming the dhcp server sends you one
<sphalerite> unless the router doens't send them
<sphalerite> yeah
<telent> I came in late to this conversation so ignore me if you know this, but there's more than one way to do dynamic address allocation in ipv6
<clever> hyper_ch: what does "ip -6 addr" and "ip -6 route" say?
<makefu> hyper_ch: prefix delegation is described in https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/wiki/Networking
<makefu> dhcp PD sounds like this is enabled
<orbekk> I don't think he needs to set this up. From the screenshot it looks like RA is enabled on the LAN
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<nh2> which was the option to build a package multiple times to check if it builds deterministically?
<gchristensen> --check
<qknight_> clever: i've done as you said but hydra won't checkout the git repo. as user hydra i can check it out using: git clone gitolite@gitolite_nixcloud:nixcloud-frontend
<clever> qknight_: is the hydra gui public?
<qknight_> clever: not sure how to tell hydra to make the checkout now, as nixcloud-frontend (input name) i've type: git checkout and value: gitolite@gitolite_nixcloud:nixcloud-frontend
<qknight_> clever: but the error message is practically telling me nothing i can work with:
<clever> qknight_: hmm, what does this say: journalctl -f -u hydra-evaluator
<qknight_> command `nix-prefetch-git /var/lib/hydra/scm/git/7019c20b8a68adcb5a23c3dd8c677c69116a1cce00a55ff2660996959408d922 9498f5ca5faa2299fd23eac6d5ec3fbbe7383deb' failed with exit status 256 at /nix/store/ih4rcw7c9msfvfp8f8izjm56h8pmaizy-hydra-2017-04-26/libexec/hydra/lib/Hydra/Helper/Nix.pm line 425.
<qknight_> clever: oh
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<nh2> gchristensen: somehow `--check` is not in my `man nix-build` but it is in http://nixos.org/nix/manual/
<gchristensen> hrm :/
<clever> nh2: what version does "which nix-build" show?
<clever> realpath $(which nix-build)
<LnL> it's not?
<gchristensen> my nix-build doesn't have --check either
<clever> i cant see it in the man page for 1.11.9
<nh2> clever: Nix 1.11.8. Is it really that new?
<gchristensen> nh2: it should work for you on .8
<gchristensen> does it not?
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<clever> it was added in 1.11.9 i think?, 2014
<nh2> let's see, I haven't tried yet (I checked the man page on my nixos machine because on my ubuntu machine, where I want to do the --check build, `man nix-build` doesn't work)
<clever> maybe older, not sure how to read the tag thing in github
<gchristensen> huh... weird ...
<clever> man pages are broken outside of nixos
<nh2> clever: nix 1.11.9 is from 2014? does it make sense that my nixos 17.03 doesn't have that version then?
<clever> nh2: id just try using it, chances are, its the man page thats wrong, not the version
<nh2> clever: ah. You need to click the little triple-dot next to 1.11.9
<nh2> then it shows all the tags that contain the version, not only the latest
<clever> ah
<nh2> (this is bad UX in my opinion, also recently lost me 30 minutes by confusing me)
<LnL> pretty sure I've used --check before 1.11.4
<qknight_> clever: May 11 15:10:14 hydra hydra-evaluator[1821]: error: getting status of ‘/nix/store/leaps’: No such file or directory <- why leaps?!
<nh2> LnL: yes it's clarified now, it was the github tag display that confused us
<clever> qknight_: that doesnt sound right, can you gist more of the log output, from the start of a clone to the end?
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<qknight_> clever: yes
<qknight_> clever: oh sorry, i got it now. that is the leaps library which is missing
<qknight_> clever: thanks!
<dtzWill> any reason I can't use a 16.03 install image to 'install' 17.03? Just replace the channel, hopefully? (lol I'm asking after having done so and wondering if this is something that should work in general, or maybe happens to work here, or won't work at all O:))
<qknight_> clever: i think i just need to add it somehow
<dtzWill> SSD died yesterday D:
<clever> dtzWill: i would expect that to work
<dtzWill> clever: awesome
<the-kenny> dtzWill: works fine usually. I'm still on my very first NixOS install on this laptop, installed a few years go
<gchristensen> dtzWill: in the configuration.nix, change the state version
<gchristensen> to 17.03
<dtzWill> so far it seems to be working great, which s pretty magical IMHO
<gchristensen> dtzWill: and if you use kde, the 16.03 installer will have the wrong settings for 17.03
<nh2> hmm, when trying to use --check I get: error: some outputs of ‘/nix/store/n14syzzjq5afa73lhbvj8aqg08ynj9gl-glusterfs-3.10.1.drv’ are not valid, so checking is not possible
<nh2> without --check it builds fine
<dtzWill> well I'm using an existing 17.03 config so hopefully none of that comes into play, but nope this guy's job is just to build things all day so no KDE :)
<dtzWill> just ... wasn't sure if nixos-install tended to have some version-specific changes (minor or otherwise). anyway thanks ^_^
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<dtzWill> haha nooooo "got unexpected path from substituter". Will trim config and investigate :3
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<nh2> `--option build-repeat 10` seems to work when `--check` doesn't
<dtzWill> nbd if have to install 16.03 then upgrade, just was hoping to avoid having to generate a suitable 16.03 config just to stage things O:).
<clever> dtzWill: i tend to keep a full nixos install on a usb stick
<clever> then i can just nix-channel --update and nixos-rebuild the usb stick to have an up to date install media
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<dtzWill> clever: that's startiing to sound like a grand idea
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<clever> you could also give it ssh keys to access the git repo you keep configuration.nix stuff in
<dtzWill> clever: already got the usb stick, and my workflow currently is "git clone the config and then install" mostly lol so...
<dtzWill> interesting: looks like that unexpected path was due to having an extra channel in my profile, cleaning that up seems to have resolved the issue :)
<clever> nice
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<sphalerite> Why does X log to /var/log/... and not to the journal?
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<ToxicFrog> sphalerite: xorg doesn't use the journal or even syslog, it just logs to a file/stdout; it's the job to whatever launches it (the display manager, startx, etc) to redirect that somewhere useful.
<DIzFer> does anyone here have a link to a (working) example of a nixpkgs overlay specified in configuration.nix?
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<DIzFer> both the declaration in conf.nix and the overlay's default.nix
<clever> sphalerite: and in the case of nixos, systemd routes stdout/stderr to the journal by default
<DIzFer> I can't get my stuff to work basing off the mozilla overlay
<nh2> FRidh: since you seem to know a lot about Python packaging, have you ever seen a nondeterminism in .pyc/.pyo files like this? https://gist.github.com/nh2/e3bf333ad19be6d53e5ea95ac93cb059
<gchristensen> nh2: IIRC that is common yes
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<sphalerite> ToxicFrog: yes, I mean on nixos specifically though
<sphalerite> clever: it does? I'm not seeing any X messages in the journal
<sphalerite> Does it maybe depend on the display manager? I'm using lightdm
<gchristensen> ToxicFrog: but it logs to /var/log/X.log?
<FRidh> nh2: which version of the interpreter are you using?
<clever> sphalerite: what unit did you filter the journal on?
<acowley> Does anyone know of any work done to pull OctaveForge into nixpkgs?
<sphalerite> clever: I didn't use a filter, just journalctl -b
<nh2> FRidh: whatever is latest python2 in Nixos
<clever> sphalerite: ah, it should be in "journalctl -u display-manager'
<FRidh> nh2: ahh, but you don't use buildPythonPackage, right?
<nh2> FRidh: right
<clever> May 11 01:15:16 amd-nixos display-manager[5116]: X.Org X Server 1.19.3
<clever> sphalerite: one of the first lines i see
<nh2> FRidh: do pyc file store a date or something like that?
<sphalerite> clever: nope, all it says there is "Starting X11 server..." and "Stopping X11 server..." and some messages from lightdm. Nothing from X though, that all goes to /var/log/X.0.log
<rcschm> hi, is there any example in switching shell from bash to zsh using nix? i am not quite clear how this is done. basically, i would like to have oh-my-zsh as my default shell from running nix install. thanks.
<clever> May 11 01:15:16 amd-nixos display-manager[5116]: (++) Log file: "/dev/null", Time: Thu May 11 01:15:16 2017
<gchristensen> rcschm: nix-shell will only ever run bash, unless you manually call `zsh` inside of the nix-shell.
<FRidh> nh2: yes, pyc is indeterministic. That's why we patched the interpreter to write deterministic header in case certain env variables are set
<clever> sphalerite: nixos routed all logs to /dev/null on my instance of nixpkgs
<rcschm> sphalerite: the script you sketched out for tmux plugins yesterday works like a charm.
<nh2> FRidh: what env vars do I have to set to achieve that?
<clever> nh2: ah, the differing bytes are a simple timestamp: https://nedbatchelder.com/blog/200804/the_structure_of_pyc_files.html
<rcschm> thks for your help. all immutable. really neat.
<sphalerite> rcschm: glad to hear it!
<clever> sphalerite: yeah, looks like different config on your end
<rcschm> is there an example to switch shell sphalerite:?
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<FRidh> nh2: interesting to see you're going so deep here
<sphalerite> rcschm: just set the relevant setting in the config file (default-shell or seomthing like that)
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<clever> rcschm: part of the issue is that nix-shell pre-loads a large number of bash functions into the shell you get, and those likely wont work right with zsh
<rcschm> i am using nixpgks and not nixos.
<rcschm> oh.
<sphalerite> rcschm: I mean in the tmux config file
<clever> rcschm: so you would need to run nix-shell, use the bash functions, then manualy run zsh
<sphalerite> oh, you mean the shell for nix-shell?
<rcschm> let me check if we can just set it in tmux.
<rcschm> no, not nix-shell.
<sphalerite> Yeah that has to be bash basically.
<rcschm> it would be good just for tmux.
<rcschm> i use tmux for coding. so that should be gd for me.
<sphalerite> clever: that's weird. I don't think I ever set it up to do that.
<rcschm> sphalerite: ok got it
<rcschm> i think i can just set the default shell in tmux.
<clever> sphalerite: what does nixos-version say?
<rcschm> tks.
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<nh2> clever FRidh: thanks
<sphalerite> clever: 17.03.git.e2127cc
<nh2> FRidh: I guess that as soon as I run any python script, I must go that deep
<sphalerite> clever: which is just the latest 17.03 with my nvidia-x11 update cherry-picked on
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<nh2> FRidh: I run gluster's Python scripts in postFixup with --help as a test to ensure that there are no import errors
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<rcschm> oh another question i have. how do we execute a bash shell that require sudo in nix? is there a way to do that?
<nh2> FRidh: in general, is it a problem when I generate .pyc/.pyo files as part of my derivation, or is it good (because I assume Python can't write .pyc into /nix/store once building is done, so execution is also a bit faster this way)?
<clever> rcschm: "sudo -i" will run a shell as root
<rcschm> cool. thks. i will try that.
<clever> sphalerite: what do you see in the arguments passed to the running xorg?
<qknight_> clever: how to make a hydra project 'private'?
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<qknight_> clever: or the whole hydra intance?
<FRidh> nh2: its good to generate it, because, indeed, you cannot write in it aftwards
<clever> qknight_: you can set it hide on the front page, but it leaks it everywhere
<qknight_> clever: so basic auth in the reverse proxy is the best we can do?
<qknight_> clever: well, then hydra is mainly for open source projects ;-)
<clever> sphalerite: ah, so logfile is being set twice
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<qknight_> clever: i see queued items which won't be built at all.
<sphalerite> clever: so it is
<clever> qknight_: you need to configure a build slave
<qknight_> clever: i've done that and it already built the tutorial from peti
<qknight_> clever: i wonder why it got stuck again since it used to work in the past (at least once)
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<clever> qknight_: what does "journalctl -f -u hydra-queue-runner" say?
<qknight_> clever: oh, it builds all required nixpkgs dependencies which is good but which i didn't see
<qknight_> clever: thanks again!
<qknight_> my instance has 10gb disk space and i rand the GC 2 hours ago
<clever> qknight_: check latest steps in the hydra gui
<sphalerite> clever: additionally, x-0.log has the same contents as X.0.log, except that in X.0.log every line is prefixed with a timestamp
<qknight_> clever: a lot of activity
<clever> qknight_: and hydra will root the entire build-time closure of the last <number of evals to keep>: http://hydra.earthtools.ca/jobset/hydra-example/example-master#tabs-configuration
<clever> so you cant gc any input or output from that many evals
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<sphalerite> clever: it seems to be lightdm that's messing around like this. Do you use a different display manager?
<clever> sphalerite: slim works for me
<sphalerite> oh yeah, I don't use slim because of its diverse weirdness and because I like being able to have multiple X sessions open
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<jsgrant_om> Brought this up a month or two (or few) ago, but have totally forgot...; Is the RPi3 somefactor of supported or am I going to basically have to build everything if I want to get it going?
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<jsgrant_om> Looking to replace OSMC with NixOS.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] acowley opened pull request #25708: fltk: 1.3.3 -> 1.3.4 (master...fltk-1.3.4) https://git.io/v9y3S
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<jsgrant_om> Comfortable enough now, me thinks, on my home-server & one of spare workstations -- that I want to start expanding; There used to be a RPi article on the wiki but since it shutdown -- not sure if it had any useful info; Since it was a wiki though, assuming very hit & miss docs.
<dtz> qknight_: as for queued items, this might be fixed now but previously I had to specify build machines were valid for both 64bit and 32bit x86 in order to get things going; in my experience the queue-runner silently ignores jobs blocked that can't be scheduled to workers (there are issues describing this)
<dtz> other thing to check is that your build machines claim to have the "features" that are used in various bits of nixpkgs
<dtz> all that said, i'm recently having some problems with queue-runner stalling and doing nothing until I reset it; everything I said above is assuming that restarting the queue-runner doesn't fix things :)
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<sphalerite> jsgrant_om: I think the rpi stuff on the wiki was at least somewhat accurate. You could try looking at the wayback machine version of it
<jsgrant_om> sphalerite: Oh! That's a good idea, ty.
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* jsgrant_om will meander around somemore; As-long as I get it going by the end of the month, I'm happy.
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<jsgrant_om> Yup, archive.org is great; Only two snapshots... but pretty dang recent. :^)
<jsgrant_om> Current state of "nixos-13.10" being the last sucessfully tested/upgrade is a bit worrying though.
<jsgrant_om> :^P
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<clever> jsgrant_om: i believe i ran unstable back in 2016
<jsgrant_om> Maybe that was in-reference to this seemingly custom iso/img file they have linked on wiki, phrasing is a bit off in referencing.
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<clever> jsgrant_om: Dezgeg also has a .img for an sdcard he built recently
<maurer> >_> If people still need to use wiki snapshots to figure out how to do stuff, perhaps the wiki shouldn't have been deprecated/shut down
* maurer grumbles about it being unreasonable to expect people to write docbook in order to add documentation in their own free time
<maurer> Oh nvm, evidently they did take the proposal to add a github wiki
<maurer> jsgrant_om: https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/wiki Doesn't have the docs you want, but maybe try to add a summary of what you did if you get it to work
<maurer> (so that others don't have to wayback)
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<nh2> FRidh: OK, with those variables set my gluster builds deterministically
<jsgrant_om> maurer: Yeah, if/when I decide to take the leap -- I'll either update there, official docs (if applicable) or blog or something.
<maurer> I strongly reccomend either doing the official docs or a wiki
<maurer> blog posts can't ever get updated by anyone who isn't you, and are a bit harder to find
<jsgrant_om> Yeah, that's more likely anyways.
<maurer> (you can do a blog on it _too_ if you feel like it, just saying that the number of times I've had to go through a random partially out of date blog post to figure out how to e.g. configure hydra is kinda silly)
<maurer> The manual is ideal, but I certainly would understand not wanting to deal with docbook or pull requests
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<clever> maurer: even more fun when its a private gist: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/43d0576b427fa85ce0efab81e99a84a8
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<judson> Is there any chance of lethalman's Nix Pill series making its way into official docs?
<judson> Obviously, first condition would be his interest.
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* jsgrant_om wonders if he could setup LUKS on an SD via RPi3 without tanking performance for videos.
<matthewbauer> judson: might be a good idea. some of it is outdated though
<jsgrant_om> Have relatively high-quality home-movies want to play on/from it; Out of habit though, I've some to encrypt even drives with trivial data on em'.
<clever> jsgrant_om: have you heard about how SD cards have onboard crypto?
<judson> Sure, but a lot of it covers stuff that doesn't get treatment elsewhere.
<judson> Like the existence of derivation files.
<jsgrant_om> clever: No?
<clever> jsgrant_om: thats what the S in SD is for, secure digital
<maurer> clever: That's how it started, but my understanding is that the onboard crypto is frequently left off in newer models
<maurer> and that part of the spec just isn't implemented
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nh2 opened pull request #25709: Fix: GlusterFS python tools all have import errors (master...25620-glusterfs-fix-python-import-errors) https://git.io/v9ycB
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<jsgrant_om> Hm, wonder if supported &/or would be significantly faster than luks.
<nh2> clever FRidh: PR is out https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/25709
<clever> jsgrant_om: its not clear, but it may not even encrypt the data, it would be possible to implement it by just turning reads off until a password has been given
<clever> jsgrant_om: biggest problem, is that the rpi boot rom must load bootcode.bin from the sd card, so it cant boot until a pw has been entered
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<pingveno> Should security.pki.certificateFiles be enough to get a cert into Java's cacerts file?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] garbas pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9yWV
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fd7a8f1 lassulus: nixos/security/acme: fix acme folder permissions
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<pingveno> Or did I grab the wrong option to affect java?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #25579: docker-edge: 17.04 to 17.05 (master...docker-edge-update-17.05) https://git.io/v9wDF
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<jsgrant_om> clever: Wonder how/why I haven't heard this implemented on other flash-media like SSDs.
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<clever> jsgrant_om: sata drives might have the old ata lock command, that can be accessed via hdparm i think, and some bios may prompt for it before starting the boot
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<clever> but if you hack the hdd firmware, you can probably bypass that
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<jsgrant_om> Also I guess normal software-encryption is somefactor of "good enough" to make modern solutions not 'that attractive' to persue.
<jsgrant_om> Interesitng though, yeah, had no clue.
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<jsgrant_om> Know obviously about the "write lock" via the little switchs on em'. That's about it.
<jsgrant_om> Knew*'
<clever> jsgrant_om: this is also something you may want to read: http://spritesmods.com/?art=hddhack
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<clever> the hdd he looked into has 3 arm cores on it
<jsgrant_om> clever: Neat, will add to 'to read' list. :^) Have been getting more & more interested into low-level stuff over the years.
<clever> jsgrant_om: he also put malicious firmware into the drive, so he could write a magic string to a file, and it would overwrite /etc/shadow
<jsgrant_om> :^U
<clever> then he went a little crazy, and ran linux on the hdd
<clever> on the cpu that controls the hdd
<clever> it had 64mb of read cache(normal ram) on the hdd, and 3 arm cores, so thats a "simple" task
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<jsgrant_om> Wowzah. Yeah, that's a "because we can" kindof of passion side-project.
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<Infinisil> Question regarding mkOption: Is it possible to check that the value is in the set {"a", "b", "c"}
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<Infinisil> ?
<clever> Infinisil: probably using a custom type, let me see
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<clever> Infinisil: the type field must be something similiar to one of these: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/lib/types.nix#L95
<clever> or a direct reference to one of those pre-written types
<clever> the check attribute will be a function that checks if its valid
<clever> and merge handles if several modules try to all set it
<clever> Infinisil: oh, and there is already an enum type pre-written
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<clever> type = lib.types ["a" "b" "c"]; if i'm reading it right
<clever> oops
<clever> type = lib.types.enum ["a" "b" "c"];
<Infinisil> Yeah I just saw that too, thanks!
<Infinisil> What if I want one option to only be available when a certain condition holds?
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<clever> Infinisil: you can probably use assert to throw errors, one sec
<Infinisil> How do you find examples so fast?
<Infinisil> :o
<clever> Infinisil: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#grub.de and click on devices, it has a link to grub.nix
<clever> and i know that has an example, because its one of the first things to fail when you make configuration.nix empty
<Infinisil> Oh and you just happen to know that there are assertions there?
<clever> yep
<Infinisil> Ahh
<clever> zfs also has some assertions
<Infinisil> I feel like nixos could really use some website to find examples to everything
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<FRidh> Infinisil: maybe the new wiki can be that?
<Infinisil> New wiki?
<FRidh> well, new, unofficial one
<Infinisil> Link?
<Infinisil> I already miss the old one..
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<Infinisil> Well that's something, even if it's not much
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<Infinisil> I want a page where you can search for "mkOption" and get examples, tutorials, related pages, where anyone can add something relevant
<Infinisil> Also a discussion part for each page would be nice for all kinds of stuff
acowley is now known as acowley_away
<Infinisil> If I get better at web dev I'll maybe look into it :P
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9yVi
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c58aa3a Daiderd Jordan: python-dogpile-cache: disable concurrency tests
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<fresheyeball> hello out there I'd like to write an application with gloss on nixos, and running into trouble
<Infinisil> Where's the problem?
<fresheyeball> when I run the binary
<fresheyeball> it looks like a glut problem
<fresheyeball> glxgears and all works fine
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<clever> fresheyeball: are you setting ld_librarypath?
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<fresheyeball> oh wait no
<fresheyeball> glxgears is not working
<fresheyeball> crap
<fresheyeball> I've noticed this
<fresheyeball> sometimes I have to reboot my compute to bring glxgears back
<fresheyeball> its weird
<clever> sounds like a problem with the xorg drivers
<fresheyeball> clever: what could that be?
<clever> it may say more in the "journal -f -u display-manager"
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<fresheyeball> that command didn't do anything
<Infinisil> journalctl instead maybe?
<clever> oops, yeah
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<clever> looks like the dvi was being reconnected a bit, but nothing error like
<qknight_> clever: hydra-queue-runner is running for a while and then is stopped. i can restart it manually and the same again. ideas why?
<clever> qknight_: how much free disk space?
<clever> journalctl -f -u hydra-check-space
<qknight_> clever: 1gb which is also the limit i've set
<qknight_> May 11 17:55:01 hydra hydra-check-space-start[29106]: stopping Hydra queue runner due to lack of free space...
<qknight_> clever: of course!
<qknight_> thanks
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<clever> sadly, there is no auto-start
<clever> so once it does that, its dead until you manualy start it
<clever> set the gc to run more often, and aim for a higher target
<clever> nix.gc = {
<clever> automatic = true;dates = "0:00:00";
<clever> options = ''--max-freed "$((20 * 1024**3 - 1024 * $(df -P -k /nix/store | tail -n 1 | ${pkgs.gawk}/bin/awk '{ print $4 }')))"'';
<clever> qknight_: this tells it to gc every night at midnight, and to stop when it hits 20gig free
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<clever> qknight_: dates = "*:00:00"; would be hourly
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<Infinisil> the strings "hourly" "daily", etc would work too btw
<clever> yeah, not sure why i didnt use them here
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<fresheyeball> clever: I restarted and now everything works again
<fresheyeball> grr
<fresheyeball> I feel like that is very un-nix
<clever> yeah
<dhess> I'm trying to deploy to an armv7l target with NixOps. Everything works great except that the kernel that gets built doesn't have modules for iptables or my USB Ethernet adapter. The kernel included with Dezgeg's .img works fine and has all the necessary modules.
<dhess> Anyone seen something like this?
<dhess> I've tried 4.10 and 4.11. Same result.
<dhess> As far as I can tell my config isn't much different than the one Dezgeg recommends on the old "NixOS on ARM" wiki
<clever> dhess: are they in the modules dir?
<Dezgeg> is this 17.03 or unstable?
<dhess> clever: No, they're not
<dhess> Dezgeg: oh hi :) It's 17.03, I just switched my nixpkgs git submodule to use it
<dhess> Dezgeg: should I switch to unstable?
<Dezgeg> yes I think most of the drivers are in unstable only
<dhess> Dezgeg: ahh, interesting. I didn't know that. Thanks.
<dhess> Dezgeg: I don't need anything special in my boot.initrd.availableKernelModules, right?
<dhess> (I don't see anything there for the install .img)
<Dezgeg> shouldn't need
<dhess> Dezgeg: sweet, thanks. Everything else is working really well, thanks for all you effot.
<dhess> effort
<dhess> Dezgeg: How's the aarch64 build? I'd like to try to get it working on my new Jetson TX1 dev board soon.
<dhess> Dezgeg: and can aarch64 build for armv7l targets?
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<Dezgeg> armv7 builds needs some work due to impurities
<dhess> Dezgeg: is there an issue tracking the armv7l builds?
<Dezgeg> no but there's this pr which needs a respin: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/25240
<simpson> Dezgeg: Status report: My RPi 1 is almost finished with its first $(nixos-rebuild switch), after which point I presume that the binary caches will help a lot. I've documented my steps.
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<dhess> Dezgeg: cool thanks!
<dhess> Man, this Jetson TK1 is fast for an armv7l platform, but these NixOps deploys take sooooooo looooooooong
<clever> simpson: the rpi1 is armv6, so the v7 cache wont help
<simpson> clever: Oh well.
<simpson> As I get my little fleet of ARM boards up and running, I'm writing docs, and I'm also hoping that I can eventually have some/all of them doing Hydra work.
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<clever> simpson: the rpi2 can run v6 and v7 code, and the rpi3 can do all of v6/v7/aarch64
<dhess> I noticed that support for a "scaleway" arch hit Nix master a few days ago. It's defined as an ARMv7 minus Neon. I assume that means it's not able to build for vanilla armv7l, either?
<clever> simpson: so rpi3's in a cluster would give the best arch coverage
<dhess> because it would be tempting to build a Hydra from those.
<clever> but a different arm board may be faster or have more ram
<Dezgeg> no I think vanilla nixos armv7l works on scaleway
<dhess> Dezgeg: huh, interesting.
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<dhess> So why the new arch, then?
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<Dezgeg> I think the person who added it wanted exact fpu flags to match the cpu or something
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<Dezgeg> (it has 16 fpu regs more than the vanilla or something)
<dhess> damned ARM variants
<dhess> what a mess
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<aneeshusa> I have some RPis I want to try NixOS on but last I remember the docs were on the old wiki - have they been moved somewhere else now?
<dhess> aneeshusa: unfortunately the wiki has been shut down. You have to use archive.org now.
<dhess> Speaking of Scaleway, has anyone here successfully used nixos-infect or similar to install NixOS on one of their C1 (ARM) servers?
<simpson> aneeshusa: I am working on writing new docs but I am verifying each step as I do it, and RPi is not exactly a speed demon, so...
<aneeshusa> dhess: OK, will do.
<aneeshusa> simpson: That's much appreciated, are you planning to add docs in tree or to https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/wiki?
<simpson> aneeshusa: In-tree. I don't believe in wikis.
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<NickHu> dhess: With scaleway, you can use this trick to install any iso https://community.online.net/t/openbsd-on-a-vc1/1933
<aneeshusa> simpson: Either one works for me, I'll be waiting :) Thanks in advance
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<dhess> NickHu: brilliant, thank you
<gchristensen> dhess: I've created an iPXE image to use on armv8, what is the C1?
<NickHu> I don't know if the same applies for their bare-metal offerings, but unless you want ARM for some special reason, even the lower spec x86 offerings are better
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<dhess> NickHu: Oh, yeah, I need this for the C1 ARM servers
<NickHu> Also be mindful of the timeout
<dhess> gchristensen: C1 is ARMv7
<gchristensen> dhess: gotcha packet.net has official support for nixos on armv8, but they're substantially more powerful (and costly) than the C1
<NickHu> Have been away for a while, what happened with the wiki?
<dhess> gchristensen: yeah a) I would love to use those but wow, expensive and b) until armv8 can cross-build for armv7 (see my question to Dezgeg earlier) it doesn't help me. I'm solely targeting armv7 for now.
<gchristensen> understandable
<dhess> gchristensen: but as soon as they can cross-build, I'm all over them. Worth it for the faster build times. ARMv7 builds are painful.
<gchristensen> yeah ... understood. need different ARM chips for cross though
<gchristensen> NickHu: http://nixos.org/nixos/wiki.html
<dhess> gchristensen: "need different ARM chips for cross..." What do you mean, exactly?
<gchristensen> dhess: the cavium thunderx's can't execute armv7 instructions
<gchristensen> some ARM chips can, these can'at
<clever> aarch64 only i think?
<dhess> gchristensen: ahh, I see. No mini cores or whatever they're called.
<clever> while the rpi3 is v6/v7/aarch64
<gchristensen> yeah or something like that, the break-down and compatibility matrix is incredibly complicated
<dhess> it's awful.
<gchristensen> yeah it is :(
<dhess> I mean, the innovation that's happening is really nice in many ways, but compatibility is an absolute nightmare.
<dhess> I wish the ARM server community would start standardizing, anyway. I guess the problem is that there just isn't much demand.
<gchristensen> yeah. the flexibility offered by ARM not actually making chips but licensing the design is definitely double edged
<NickHu> It's unclear from that issue what's going to happen - is there going to be an official wiki at some point?
<gchristensen> there is tons of demand, but not in fragmented communities
<clever> could compare arm to android
<gchristensen> but in "I'd like to order 10,000,000 of these chips in this spec"
<clever> anybody can make an arm (or android) device, but they are also free to make it a special snowflake of a device
<gchristensen> a datacenter can't hold a candle to that sort of demand
<clever> while x86 and iphone are a lot more standardized
<dhess> gchristensen: good point.
<dhess> gchristensen: what's weird is that despite those large volumes, there still aren't any available commodity 1U ARM servers
<gchristensen> yeah
<dhess> there are a couple that are theoretically for sale, but good luck finding any in stock for less than about $8k, in my experience.
<gchristensen> it'll happen (I know of a few things in being worked on now) but they're not really public yet
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<gchristensen> and not any where near being purchasable
<dhess> I hope you're right
<gchristensen> it definitely will
<gchristensen> one sec
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<clever> dhess: 2U, but it has a crap-ton of thunderx cores
<clever> 8 in total, with 64 ram slots
<gchristensen> 8 cpus x 48 cores each?
<dhess> clever: sure, but I think those are about $8k or so, no?
<dhess> I want an ARM build server but not *quite* that badly :)
<clever> gchristensen: oh, yeah, damn!
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<gchristensen> dhess: you might want to chat up the packet.net people, they're interested in hanging out with arm hackers
<clever> so thats 384 cores....
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<clever> dhess: i havent even found a place that lists a price on the above arm
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<clever> its much more normal motherboard shaped
<dhess> clever: Yeah I think the 1U Gigabyte is the $8k option
<clever> and if storage is your thing: http://b2b.gigabyte.com/Rack-Server/D120-S3G-rev-220#ov
<Elizaaa> I'm new to nixos, just installed a fresh copy, but I'm getting 404s when trying to use the Nvidia driver option
<NickHu> Elizaaa: Sounds like Nvidia's driver download page is down/moved
<Elizaaa> is there a way I can make a pull request to fix it while using that configuration in the meantime?
<NickHu> ? Can you rephrase the question?
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<Elizaaa> like is there a way I can clone something and use that as the thing that nixos-switch references
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<dhess> anyone here doing things with relay boards for BeagleBones or Raspberry Pi's?
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<Elizaaa> I will try that, thank you
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<Elizaaa> on a closer look it's not Nvidia that fails but rather both cache.nixos.org and git.archlinux.org
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<Elizaaa> yet when I type the URLs manually they work
<Elizaaa> waaaaait I just reset the cmos on my mobo
<Elizaaa> I bet it's ssl
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<Elizaaa> nope
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 reopened pull request #25691: kdevelop: Fix shell integration (issue 25559) (master...kdevelop-shell) https://git.io/v9Mwt
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9yFM
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4f676a0 Jörg Thalheim: megatools: use wrapGAppsHook
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 728b8ab Jörg Thalheim: pcsxr: use wrapGAppsHook
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3dc109c Jörg Thalheim: blueman: use wrapGAppsHook
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9ybG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4f58a49 Vincent Demeester: vndr: 20161110 -> 20170511...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f2c2aec Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25703 from vdemeester/update-vndr...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 4z3 opened pull request #25712: users-groups module: add per-user packages (master...per-user-pkgs) https://git.io/v9ybP
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jbaum98 opened pull request #25713: darwin: trash 0.9.0 (master...darwin-trash) https://git.io/v9yND
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] k0ral opened pull request #25714: imagemagick: 6.9.7-6 -> 6.9.8-4 (master...imagemagick) https://git.io/v9yhJ
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #25715: mypy: 0.501 -> 0.511 (master...mypy-0.511) https://git.io/v9SkZ
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #25716: python flake8: 3.2.1 -> 3.3.0 (master...python-flake8) https://git.io/v9SOa
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] utdemir opened pull request #25719: Set clac.meta.platforms to "unix" instead of "linux" (master...master) https://git.io/v9Snd
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9SWk
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master aa858b9 Utku Demir: Set clac.meta.platforms to "unix" instead of "linux"
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ed5cb73 Daiderd Jordan: Merge pull request #25719 from utdemir/master...
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<dash> Anybody got an example of overriding an emacs package when using emacsPackagesNg? I'm trying overrideAttrs but not having much success
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<qknight_> clever: works much better now. need to get the projects to work with hydra now. afterwards i will extend the docu
<qknight_> clever: your help was most helpful!
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<NickHu> Is there a way to do a build interactively/step by step? I'm trying to see why my overrideAttrs doesn't work
<dash> NickHu: you can do nix-build -K
<dash> NickHu: this will keep the temp dir around, so you can poke at it when the build fails
<LnL> NickHu: nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A hello; genericBuild
<NickHu> It doesn't fail - I'm trying to hotpatch the source with a sed expression in the postPatch phase
<LnL> you can also run the different phases one by one, unpackPhase; cd $sourceRoot; patchPhase; ...
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<NickHu> LnL: That gives me permission errors
<LnL> for the installPhase?
<NickHu> [nix-shell:/tmp/test]$ unpackPhase
<NickHu> variable $src or $srcs should point to the source
<NickHu> exit
<NickHu> and the permission errors from genericBuild, it doesn't say which phase
<LnL> sounds like the unpackPhase was overridden
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<LnL> try eval "${!unpackPhase:-$unpackPhase}"
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<NickHu> Same error
<NickHu> This is essentially what I'm trying to do in my nixpkgs/config.nix
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<NickHu> I have a feeling that the path src/... is wrong though
<LnL> ah I see, it doesn't even use the genericBuilder so there are no phases
<NickHu> wait.. does the nixpkg just download a binary and patchelf it?
<LnL> no it creates a wrapper script that calls the binary with a ghc that knows about those dependencies
<LnL> you'll have to override the actual haskell package
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<NickHu> Okay I think I've gotten that far, now sed is failing because it can't find the file
<NickHu> I have no idea how I can explore the directory structure though
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ericsagnes opened pull request #25720: fontconfig-penultimate: fix zenhei font priority (master...fix/fontconfig-penultimate) https://git.io/v9Srs
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<NickHu> oh so apparently in buildCommand it can't see the source filesat all
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<NickHu> LnL: I don't know how to override the haskell package
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