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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nh2 opened pull request #25254: generic Haskell builder: Don't call `stack setup`. (master...generic-stack-builder-no-stack-setup-lts-8.3)
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<hodapp> hummm. I've an environment based on pkgs.buildFHSUserEnv but reliant on that ginormous binary .deb blob; can I turn this into an actual package I could install by referring directly to a local download of that .deb?
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<clever> hodapp: you could treat it the same as JRE
<hodapp> clever: thanks, I'll go look
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<hodapp> ahh, okay
<clever> requireFile is a special "fetcher" that will just print a url and fail
<clever> it will never be able to download
<hodapp> so I can just put in a garbage URL?
<clever> you can also put in directions
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<clever> that say where to get the deb
<hodapp> ohh, okay!
<joepie91> clever: I recently discovered that the comment above requireFile in the source says "don't use this" :)
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<clever> "it produces packages that cannot be built automatically"
<clever> that just means hydra cant test things
<clever> hodapp: if the message argument is set, it will print that, which can explain to the user how to get the .deb file
<hodapp> yeah, that makes sense
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<hodapp> and I can put buildFHSUserEnv inside a stdenv.mkDerivation somehow, right? would it produce a binary that runs inside of that chroot?
<clever> not sure
<clever> 90% of the time fhs's are the wrong way to fix things on nixos, and patchelf just works
<hodapp> hmmmm
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<hodapp> but, if getting it into Nixpkgs the "right" way is still unlikely due to how it's distributed, I may just keep it as my ugly nix-shell... oh well
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<rotaerk> hmm, is anyone aware of how to get cabal-installed haskell packages to include profiling libraries, when using nixpkgs?
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<rotaerk> ah. nm, think I found it
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<rotaerk> simple, if non-obvious... would've expected enableLibraryProfiling to somehow be an argument to cabal-install, not mkDerivation
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jammerful opened pull request #25255: Add Shibboleth Service Provider (master...shibboleth)
<clever> rotaerk: the final build by nix-build lacks -prof, but i can -prof things under nix-shell and get profiling
<rotaerk> thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e89343d Peter Hoeg: qsyncthingtray: allow building with qt 5.8
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<rotaerk> hmm ... why does the man page for pkill show an example using the -H and -P flags when the document doesn't mention these flags or what they do...
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<MichaelRaskin> maurer: hodapp: in my Thinkpad the first thing you want to do is to disable Intel pstate support in kernel via a boot parameter and switch to just cpufreq. And powertop --auto-tune, yes, but we have a module for running the latter
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<MichaelRaskin> hodapp: I would probably write a function file -> package, and then the user could maybe supply the file as a string containing path returned by nix-prefetch-url
<MichaelRaskin> JRE is saner in the sense of filename determining the hash
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<dmj`> clever be bustin’ out that haskell fu
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<vaibhavsagar> if I want to build a package that requires two different repositories to be cloned and arranged as two subdirectories of one directory, which phase would I do this in?
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<dmj`> vaibhavsagar: might be easiest to add these repositories as submodules to the project you’d like to build, then fetchgit pull all 3 and will automatically initialize the submodules
<dmj`> will pull*
<vaibhavsagar> that makes sense
<vaibhavsagar> is there an easy way to do it within a derivation?
<dmj`> vaibhavsagar: mm, you can call fetchgit to each repo, then { inherit srcA srcB; } etc
<vaibhavsagar> fair enough :)
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<johnramsden> Could Someone give me a hand with something related to typelibs?
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<johnramsden> I have a package that is missing some typelibs:
<johnramsden> Hey I found the typelibs in <nix store>/lib/girepository-1.0
<johnramsden> I can't seem to find a package that provides this but I have seen other people set a variable $GI_TYPELIB_PATH with wrapProgram but I'm not sure if that's the correct way to set them.
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<hyper_ch> the-kenny: hi there, I noticed that pass does not use auto-complete on nixos on the cli for me. Any suggestion?
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<lukego> I'm trying to build nix and run the release tests. Getting an error. Can someone offer a workaround that does _not_ require editing configuration files?
<dcz> where can I see argumentf for stdenv.mkderivation?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #25207: rtv: 1.14.1 -> 1.15.1 (master...update-rtv)
<dcz> by arguments I mean documentation
<lukego> (oh looks like I should be using -I instead of -f. I have no idea how you all keep track of where your nixpkgs is coming from for each command :))
<dcz> or maybe - how to build with cmake?
<spacefrogg> dcz: You will find documentation for stdenv in the nixpkgs manual.
<LnL> adding cmake to the nativeBuildInputs should be enough
<spacefrogg> lukego: Setup your NIX_PATH environment variable to keep track of it for you.
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<dcz> thanks, I didn't know there were 2 manuals
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<makefu> Dezgeg: actually there are 4
<makefu> nix,nixos,nixpkgs,nixops
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<lukego> spacefrogg: I usually want to use a specific pinned nixpkgs for each application. otherwise I am worried it won't work. e.g. I can't build nix using my default nixpkgs due to some seemingly irrelevant broken package.
<vaibhavsagar> lukego: are you including it as a submodule?
<vaibhavsagar> if you are, you can prefix your commands with NIX_PATH=. in the parent directory
<lukego> vaibhavsagar: Just now I am building nix itself and in that case I am looking at the nixpkgs that Hydra uses and specifying that on the command line. Otherwise it didn't work.
<vaibhavsagar> fwiw I ran into the same error with that Agda package today when trying to run nix-shell
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<lukego> vaibhavsagar: For my own nix-based projects I am creating am doing 'let pkgs = import ./packages.nix {}; in' where packages.nix pins a specific version like this: import (fetchTarball
<lukego> where that commit is picked basically at random because I don't know a good way :)
<lukego> but at least it's a fixed point that I can move in a disciplined and git-tracked way.
<vaibhavsagar> that's a good approach
<vaibhavsagar> btw I tried your nixpkgs bisecting at work this week to upgrade us to 17.03
<vaibhavsagar> it didn't work so well for multiple packages/overrides
<vaibhavsagar> but it helped :)
<lukego> vaibhavsagar :)
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<spacefrogg> vaibhavsagar: Hmm, why don't you rely on a recent nixpkgs-unstable channel?
<spacefrogg> Sorry, I meant lukego
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<dcz> how to use fetchgitlocal? does this clone a directory from the filesystem?
<johnramsden> Anyone know how to set typelibs?
<maikklein> I get "error: file ‘nixos-config’ was not found in the Nix search path" with "sudo -E nixos-rebuild switch". I am a bit lost right now.
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<maikklein> Is nix-config related to nixpkgs?
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<vaibhavsagar> what does your /etc/nixos/configuration.nix look like?
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<maikklein> Should this print more? "sudo -E printenv NIX_PATH ~ nixpkgs="
<vaibhavsagar> can you echo $NIX_PATH?
<maikklein> I did above ^
<vaibhavsagar> ahh
<maikklein> I assume something is missing?
<vaibhavsagar> okay, this is what mine looks like: nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs:nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix:/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels
<maikklein> wait why is mine an url
<vaibhavsagar> that's a great question :)
<maikklein> where is NIX_PATH defined?
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<vaibhavsagar> in one of the ~/.nix-* directories in a bash script IIRC
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<vaibhavsagar> maybe you need to run something else before nixos-rebuild?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] P-E-Meunier opened pull request #25256: pythonXXPackages.httpserver: init at 1.1.0 (master...python-httpserver)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] michalpalka opened pull request #25257: virtualisation-xen: Fix xendomains startup (master...master)
<maikklein> I don't know, I am currently looking for "export NIX_PATH" with grep
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<maikklein> okay I cheated a bit I just set
<maikklein> export NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs:nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix:/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels
<maikklein> and it worked, hopefully it will stay that way now
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<maikklein> I didn't work :x
<maikklein> I even set
<maikklein> nix.nixPath = [ "nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs" "nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix" "/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels" ];
<maikklein> but it doesn't seem to update
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<maikklein> wait now I can rebuild but NIX_PATH is still incorrect
<maikklein> wtf is going on
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<maikklein> a reboot fixed it
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<lukego> spacefrogg: if I use nixpkgs-unstable directly then it seems like I will never know for sure whether to expect my application to work, right? So I would not be comfortable with telling people to install it that way because it's leaving too much to chance.
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<sphalerite> lukego: but rollbacks are easy
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<lukego> sphalerite: I don't really see that as a solution. If a user installs my application via nix for the first time, and it doesn't work, what do they roll back to? also seems a bit advanced, I myself have a hard enough time understanding what nixpkgs repos my software is coming from the in the first place, let alone how to rollback and what the effect will be.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti closed pull request #25254: generic Haskell builder: Don't call `stack setup`. (master...generic-stack-builder-no-stack-setup-lts-8.3)
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<sphalerite> Fair enough
<sphalerite> You could pin it to a specific commit on which you know it works
<lukego> yeah, that's what I do. It's a slight bummer that I pick that commit mostly at random, it would be kinda nice to have regular releases to choose from, but - smaller issue :)
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<sphalerite> You could consider every update to nixpkgs-unstable a new release
<sphalerite> not regular, but certainly frequent
<lukego> Hey I am trying to run nix/release.nix to run the nix test suite on my own machine. Latest error is that it tries to run tests on darwin but that's not available. Is there an way way to override that?
<lukego> Specifically I run 'nix-build nix/release.nix' and the error message is: error: a ‘x86_64-darwin’ is required to build ‘/nix/store/ly6702vbkxisy21b6y9qd8hnhz2bqph6-nix-1.11.9pre1234_abcdef.drv’, but I am a ‘x86_64-linux’
<sphalerite> Select only the appropriate attrs using -A
<sphalerite> nix-build nix/release.nix -A tests
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<lukego> I don't think it provides an attribute set for "tests on linux i386 and x64" :-\
<sphalerite> What you're doing with nix-build nix/release.nix is trying to build *everything* in there, including the OSX binaries
<sphalerite> I think the tests only run on linux anyway by default
<lukego> Do you think '-A tests' will work on i386? (the arch-specific stuff will be in a QEMU?)
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<dupin> installed nix package manager in debian
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<dupin> is it possible to install xfce using nix and how
<lukego> I'm surprised to see the nix test suite actually downloading individual .deb files to bootstrap VMs. Is it expected that this doesn't hit the binary cache on Hydra? (Seems like nix stable release has fallen out of cache?)
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<oever> dupin: set 'services.xserver.desktopManager.xfce.enable = true;' in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
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<lassulus> vandenoever: well he's on debian, so this won't work
<dupin> vandenoever, it is not nixos install I installed nix in debian
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #25245: docker: pass all proxy variables to docker daemon (master...docker-proxy)
<dupin> and I want to try it as package manager in other distro
<vandenoever> dupin: ah, i missed that, you should be able to install any components that do not require suid
<vandenoever> so screen lock is will not work but the rest might
<dupin> vandenoever, can I do it with one command and witch on is
<vandenoever> i used to install plasma as a user and that worked except for the screen lock
<vandenoever> dupin: my guess is 'nix-env -i xfce4-session'
<dupin> ok I will try that and report back ;)
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<vandenoever> dupin: stop, correction
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<dupin> ok
<vandenoever> dupin: i think this is better: nix-env -iA nixpkgs.xfce.xfdesktop
<dupin> right
<vandenoever> this gives the list of packages: nix-env -qaP
<sphalerite> What's the preferred option in nixpkgs? Accepting lib as an additional parameter to a derivation function, or referring to it through stdenv.lib?
<dupin> installing right now I will tell you results
<sphalerite> vandenoever: surely screen lock can work without suid nowadays?
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<dupin> I didn´t install xorg mayb that is why can not run xfce :)
<vandenoever> sphalerite: to unlock it needs to verify the password
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<sphalerite> can't it do that using PAM?
<sphalerite> oh yeah but PAM needs to be setuid or osmething, and if it was installed by nix it will be a non-SUID PAM?
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<vandenoever> eh, something like that, i'm not familiar with how PAM works, i told niksnut about the problem once and he was surprised that it was not working
<vandenoever> to me the main theoretical selling points of nixos are that you can install desktop software as a user and switch between versions quickly
<vandenoever> so feels like a defeat that i've installed plasma globally atm
<sphalerite> I mean, my screen locker isn't setuid on nixos
<sphalerite> yeah, it would be nice to have a more startx-like model
<vandenoever> sphalerite: so how does it unlock? i remember i had to disable password because it could not unlock
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<vandenoever> sphalerite: the packaging system is up to it, it's just that not all packages are
<sphalerite> I don't know how it works, it just does :D
<vandenoever> sphalerite: is it installed globally or locally?
<sphalerite> i3lock? Only for my user
<sphalerite> I have some patches applied to it as well
<sphalerite> so it's definitely not in any system-wide context
<vandenoever> maybe strace can tell you how it unlocks
<sphalerite> I think PAM is probably somehow responsible for this magic, but I really don't know
<sphalerite> strace tends to be very noisy on GUI applications :/
<vandenoever> that's what grep is for :-P
<vandenoever> strace -f i3lock 2> i3lock.strace
<sphalerite> oh, hm
<sphalerite> it does read /etc/pam.d/i3lock
<sphalerite> so apparently I do have *an* i3lock installed globally
<vandenoever> how did that get there?
<sphalerite> even if it's not the i3lock that I'm using
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<sphalerite> Hah, if I run i3lock with strace -f, it can't verify my password anymore.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Azulinho opened pull request #25258: mesos: update to 1.1.1 (master...update_mesos_1.1.1)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Azulinho opened pull request #25259: marathon: 1.4.1 -> 1.4.2 (master...update_marathon_to_1.4.2)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej opened pull request #25261: ipython: support python2 (master...ipython)
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<vandenoever> sphalerite: does it still work when there's no global i3lock?
<romildo> Somehow I have lost the files on the ESP boot partition on my UEFI unstable NixOS. I have already fixed booting on Windows, Gentoo, and Arch Linux. But I do not know how to do that for NixOS, because I do not know where are the kernel and image for booting it. Any help?
<sphalerite> vandenoever: my guess is no. Haven't tried it though
<sphalerite> romildo: probably easiest to boot off an installation medium, mount all the filesystems in /mnt and run nixos-install
<dupin> vandenoever, I triead t oinstall various packages but xfce doesn´t work :(
<dupin> it is vbox install if that is important
<dupin> I can not get gui
<vandenoever> dupin: do you get just a terminal window when you log in?
<dupin> yes
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<vandenoever> dupin: you can run a command to start xfce from there
<vandenoever> dupin: can you run startxfce4 ?
<dupin> let m see
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub closed pull request #25259: marathon: 1.4.1 -> 1.4.2 (master...update_marathon_to_1.4.2)
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<dupin> vandenoever, command not found
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<johnramsden> I've got a problem if someone could help. I'm linking the library libxkbfile to a package but I still seem to keep getting ' cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'.
<vandenoever> dupin: it's part of xfce4-session
<dupin> so I will install xfce4-session
<dcz> Is there a way for nix-shell to use nvidia opengl drivers? all my attempts failed, and this is absolutely required for this project
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<dupin> vandenoever, whan I try to install xfce4-session it is spitting errors
<dupin> maybe I should install xfce in debian and other apps from nix
<dupin> just to see how nix work as package manager in other distro
<vandenoever> dupin: that's possible
<dupin> I´ll do that
<vandenoever> dupin: might be interesting to know the errors, perhaps there's a simple fix
<dupin> ok but it is vbox but I will try
<romildo> sphalerite, when I do that (that is, run nixos-install), will the currently installed packages be subject to garbage collection later?
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<dupin> syntax error , unexpected send, at /nix/store/51i7b....
<sphalerite> no, it'll use the config that you already have
<romildo> Would chrooting to NixOS disk partition and running nixos-rebuild work?
<sphalerite> and make a new system generation
<sphalerite> all the old stuff will still be there
<sphalerite> Yes, but chrooting to the nixos partition has some subtleties (related to /run/current-system) and I don't know how to do it.
<sphalerite> But nixos-install does the same thing, except that it uses the channels from the live system rather than the installed system. So you may also want to pass an appropriate -I nixpkgs=...
<sphalerite> other than that, it should do exactly what you're looking for
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<dupin> syntax error , unexpected send, at /nix/store/51i7b....wksi-env-manifest.nix: 1:1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 6d30a36 Ben Zhang: closurecompiler: 20160208 -> 20170218...
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<romildo> I think I could also backup some important dirs (like, /home, and /var/tmp, and /etc/nixos) and reformat the partition to begin from zero.
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<sphalerite> That seems like a waste of time
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<thineye> hi, how can I add kernel config lines to a grsecurity enabled kernel? if i try to do it with extraConfig, the grsecurity config lines are overridden by my lines and not added.
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<thineye> ok, i figured myself out, why its not working with extraConfig: extraConfig is for grsecurity enabled kernel allready set in all-packages.nix. So if I set it manually, the default in all-packages.nix is overriden
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<maikklein> My screen goes black after a while. What config is responsible for this?
<maikklein> I am just using i3
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<maikklein> Is it powerManagement.enable?
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<maikklein> hm no that seems to be responsible for supsend.
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<Dezgeg> maybe 'xset q' shows something
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<mojjo> hi! I'm having problems supending my nix machine (macbook) manually: `systemctl suspend` makes the machine wakeup right after the suspend. However when closing the lid the preconfigured suspension works fine. I'm wondering what could make the difference...
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<lassulus> mojjo: any errors/warnings in the journal?
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<mojjo> lassulus: fetching out the relevant part..
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<maikklein> "-dpms" seems to work for me, where would I specify that in nixos?
<maikklein> "xset -dpms"*
<mojjo> lassulus: it looks like the `journal -xc` logs from the working lid suspend look exactly like the one from doing it manually.
<lassulus> maikklein: maybe services.xserver.displayManager.sessionCommands
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<lassulus> mojjo: is there any difference if you run it as root?
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<kuznero> Hi All!
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<mojjo> lassulus: I did it as root..
<maikklein> lassulus: ah that could work. thanks.
<lassulus> mojjo: oh ok, is there a difference if you use `echo mem > /sys/power/state` ?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #25244: meson: 0.35.0 -> 0.40.0 (master...meson)
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<mojjo> lassulus: same thing
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<exarkun> oh no nix-build is using 100% cpu and >4GiB memory :/
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<exarkun> and growing :/
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<mojjo> lassulus: I tried to disable everything except LID0 with this method.... no luck with this...
<exarkun> is builtins.trace really inefficient? seems to be what's causing this
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<sphalerite> maybe it doesn't handle infinitely recursive stuff right
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<lassulus> mojjo: hmm, I don't really know anything else
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<sphalerite> any (neo)vim users here who write C/C++ at all? Do you use anything neat for completion?
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<exarkun> what are the things exportReferencesGraph refers to called? derivations? instances? instantiations?
<mojjo> lassulus: got it!
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<lassulus> mojjo: oh whats the magic?
<bennofs> exarkun: references?
<exarkun> :)
<exarkun> What do they reference though?
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<bennofs> exarkun: store paths?
<exarkun> what's in the store paths?
<mojjo> lassulus: I had to disable LID0, of course when suspending manually the lid is open..
<jophish> clever: What would the solution to this be with nix:
<lassulus> mojjo: oh, that does indeed make sense ;D
<bennofs> exarkun: there's no restriction on what a store path may contain
<jophish> Aside from glibc, I don't think anything in that binary will be dynamically linked
<mojjo> yeah, I remember now, I had the same on a Mint machine...
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<gilligan_> hi
<exarkun> bennofs: and there's no general name for the collection of what a particular store path contains?
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<mojjo> lassuslus: thanks for the effort.. ! see you later at the meetup..
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<lassulus> mojjo: yeah, see you later :)
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<exarkun> hrm
<exarkun> can I generate multiple outputs with a builder? :/
<hyper_ch> hmmm, on nixos, how can I access network manager log? this does not work: journalctl -b -u NetworkManager
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<gilligan_> anyone into Rust here? How do I build something using buildRustPackage which has a dependency which is more recent than what is currently in the nix rust registry?
<gilligan_> what's also confusing me is that the Cargo.toml lists `libc = "0.2.15"` but after running `cargo build` the Cargo.lock contains libc with version `0.2.22`
<bennofs> gilligan_: cargo = means "semver compatbile"
<bennofs> exarkun: well, it's an arbitrary tree of files
<bennofs> gilligan_: and 0.2.22 is semver compatible with 0.2.15
<bennofs> gilligan_: to use a newer version, you need to update the registry in nixpkgs
<sphalerite> exarkun: yes, just set the outputs as appropriate and you'll get each of them as an env variable
<gilligan_> bennofs, right. i somehow assumed that "=" might have meant "actually THAT version"
<gilligan_> bennofs, the thing is the project will work just fine with an older version. I would basically just need a lock file with the older version
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<bennofs> gilligan_: cargo update -p libc --precise 0.2.15 perhaps does that?
<bennofs> gilligan_: (not sure. I never used precise)
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<gilligan_> bennofs, thanks. i will give it a try (never really used rust/cargo before at all hehe)
<exarkun> sphalerite: except I still have to be able to determine them at evaluation time, right?
<sphalerite> exarkun: yes
<exarkun> I think I'm out of ideas for how to make my image generation ideas fit into nix
<gilligan_> bennofs, that seemed to do the trick. thank you!
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<exarkun> except maybe import-from-derivation
<domenkozar> ikwildrpepper: did you notice that configuring dd-agent through /etc/dd-agent/conf.d doesn't work?
<exarkun> but I can't find any docs for that
<domenkozar> I have a potential fix in the flux but I wonder if you noticed this bug
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<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: can you be more specific? e.g. what nixos version, what kind of config, etc?
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<domenkozar> ikwildrpepper: this is present in all nixos versions
<ikwildrpepper> ok, so now, what is 'this'
<ikwildrpepper> :)
<domenkozar> setting
<domenkozar> and all other dd-agent configs doesn't work
<domenkozar> because dd-agent reads them from $out/agent/conf.d instead of /etc/dd-agent/conf.d
<domenkozar> so I wonder why noone noticed this O_O
<ikwildrpepper> we definitely have custom agent checks that work, and are configured via /etc/dd-agent/
<ikwildrpepper> on 16.09
<steveeJ> is there a way I can set attribute names with map?
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<domenkozar> ikwildrpepper: strange
<domenkozar> 16.09 uses dd-agent 5.5.2
<domenkozar> so once you upgrade to 17.03 this won't work ;)
<ikwildrpepper> perhaps the system I checked is on older nixos, lemme check
<steveeJ> I can produce a list of lines I'd like to put in the file: map (x: "a_fixed_prefix_${x} = ${x}") [ "A" "B" ]
<domenkozar> steveeJ: you generate them
<domenkozar> and then //
<domenkozar> there is genAttrs
<domenkozar> I use alternation where I can change key string as well
<steveeJ> domenkozar: sounds promising, do you have an example?
<exarkun> setting this aside for now, I don't know how to make any more progress. is what I ended up with, if anyone is curious.
<domenkozar> steveeJ: each lib function has an example
<domenkozar> genAttrs' = names: fkey: fname:
<domenkozar> lib.listToAttrs (map (n: lib.nameValuePair (fkey n) (fname n)) names);
<domenkozar> allows you to set key as well
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #25024: curl: 7.53.1 -> 7.54.0 (staging) (staging...staging_curl_7_54_0)
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<steveeJ> domenkozar: thanks!
<domenkozar> yw
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<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: what is the fix that you needed btw?
<ikwildrpepper> (for dd-agent)
<domenkozar> ikwildrpepper: it's not simple. First you need to remove $out/agent/conf.d, so that initializtion picks up /etc/dd-agent/conf.d
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<domenkozar> but then I have yet to code logic to generate that folder based on contents from the dd-agent package since it provides some defaults (like ntp.default)
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<domenkozar> ikwildrpepper: so my plan is to use a symlink from /etc/dd-agent/conf.d to a nix derivation which contains nixos configs + dd-agent default files
<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: weird, on 16.09 with 5.5.2 it seems to pick up the checks.d at least
<domenkozar> if you say: dd-agent info
<domenkozar> it will print what paths it's using
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<domenkozar> but I was only testing on 17.03
<domenkozar> using dd-agent 5.11.2
<ikwildrpepper> even weirder:
<ikwildrpepper> but running the check seems to see what is in /etc/dd-agent/checks.d
<domenkozar> so I guess logic how to determine paths changed between dd-agent
<domenkozar> because on 17.03 conf.d points to dd-agent $out
<domenkozar> ikwildrpepper: anyway, I'll fix this for 17.03
<domenkozar> I guess between me you and thoughtpolice, I'm the only one doing bleeding edge 17.03 :-)
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<ikwildrpepper> yeah, running newer dd-agent info does show different path
<ikwildrpepper> for conf.d
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #25263: kotlin: 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2 (master...kotlin_1_1_2)
<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: did you try the datadog irc channel?
<domenkozar> I tried slack
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<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: and no response?
<ikwildrpepper> must say their support is pretty shitty usually
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<domenkozar> ikwildrpepper: yeah well, they try, but so far not much output
<domenkozar> I do realize that we are special in this regard though
<domenkozar> I mean by using Nix
<domenkozar> I'm here, but first you need to ask for invite
<domenkozar> anyway I'll fix this
<domenkozar> need to configure some process checks ;)
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<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: anyhow, thanks for fixing ;)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #25263: kotlin: 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2 (master...kotlin_1_1_2)
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<cmacrae> Sup people o/
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<cmacrae> Can anyone think why an acpid script for the power button would be running twice?
<cmacrae> I've got an event defined for my power button. It works, but it's run twice, which is annoying :/
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<exarkun> why does nix use x32?
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<sphalerite> cmacrae: maybe it gets fired once for when it's pressed and again for when it's released?
<cmacrae> sphalerite: That's exactly what I thought
<cmacrae> Seems like the only reasonable explanation at the moment, though I would figure I'd be able to find more search results regarding this
<sphalerite> exarkun: what do you mean by x32?
<Dezgeg> I don't think we use it?
<exarkun> gdb suggested to me that nix-instantiate uses it, at least
<Dezgeg> what does it print?
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<exarkun> I closed the terminal, I don't have the exact message now
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<thineye> if i ask in all-packages.nix for a value of .... then i got an error that the attribute services is missing. has all-packages.nix access to the values in configuration.nix?
<clever> thineye: all-packages.nix cant access nixos config
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<thineye> clever: ok, thanks
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<clever> thineye: what are you trying to do?
<copumpkin> joachifm: would you expect aws-cli to work on grsec kernels?
<clever> copumpkin: i cant think of anything abnormal aws-cli would do
<clever> its just accessing files as the current user and doing tcp
<copumpkin> well, python 2.7 is paxmarked
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<copumpkin> and it uses that
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<clever> what does that do?
<copumpkin> it tells the kernel that the program expects to map executable and writeable memory
<copumpkin> er, memory that is both at the same time
<copumpkin> (since otherwise grsec tells you to gtfo if you do that)
<clever> ahh
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<clever> ive had to do the same when emulating some xen stuff
<thineye> clever: I have to check if nvidia driver is used and add some kernel config lines. But I think, i try it now inside nixos module
<clever> thineye: yeah, you can set those options in a nixos module easily
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<clever> thineye: one thing that would be better though, is to make a special package in nixpkgs, that contains that modified nvidia driver, always compiled correctly
<clever> thineye: then have a nixos module optionaly insert the package into boot.extraModulePackages
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<clever> extraModulePackages = [ config.boot.kernelPackages.v4l2loopback ];
<clever> and if you refence the kernel like this, it will always be the right version
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<clever> jophish: should be ebough to just add -static to line 25 of qemu-user.nix
<thineye> clever: I have to add some grsecurity config lines, so it cannot be a kernel module, it must be inside the kernel. So what you think about an extra derived kernel version in nixpkgs for grsecurity + nvidia and selecting in modules config if nvidia is found?
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<clever> thineye: would it be possible to just always put that config in the gresecurity kernel, and just leave it there if nvidia isnt found?
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<thineye> clever: no, because for getting the properietary nvidia working, I have to deactivate two grsecurity options, so its weaker for proprietary nvidia driver users. I dont want that its weaker for everybody
<clever> ah
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<nixrl> hi, i'm tring to build and link statically a project with gnu readline, i defined "readline = pkgs.readline.override { stdenv = static; };" in my shell.nix where static is makeStaticLibraries stdenv. Then when i try to link everything with `-static -lreadline` , ld fails with "...: undefined reference to `readline'", do you know what could be wrong?
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<clever> thineye: all i can think of then is to make a 2nd grsecurity kernel, and the grsecurity module will have to change which one lands in config.boot.kernelPackages
<nixrl> here is my shell.nix:
<clever> thineye: that kind of change might affect the ability to load modules, so all modules have to be built against the right kernel, and then you want hydra helping out
<clever> nixrl: check that the readline it compiled actually has static libs
<thineye> clever: thx, I will try to do it that way
<clever> nixrl: i do see a libreadline.a under /nix/store/72db5zhzxafbifa94xfkp5blvdhlbz4z-readline-6.3p08/lib
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #25257: virtualisation-xen: Fix xendomains startup (master...master)
<clever> nixrl: and i can -lreadline just fine
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<Infinisil> Simple question: When I'm creating a new package with a default.nix, what do I do to properly test if it works? Is nix-build and then check ./results correct?
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<nixrl> clever: sorry got disconnected, readline.a is indeed compiled and present in a store
<steveeJ> I want to use f = callPackage ./f.nix; and at the same time provide some attributes that will be used by default when f is called later. is this possible without changing the scope of callPackage ?
<nixrl> libreadline.a *
<goibhniu> Infinisil: that's good ... you can also install it with nix-env to see if it causes any conflicts (not a great test, maybe there's a better way)
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<Infinisil> Okay so I'm trying to turn a python project into a package
<clever> nixrl: can you copy/paste everything in the terminal window to a pastebin?
<Infinisil> I'm just using stdenv.mkDerivation for it with the src attribute
<clever> steveeJ: either f = callPackage ./f.nix { foo = bar; };
<clever> steveeJ: or cp = pkgs.newScope obj; f = cp ./f.nix {};, it will check obj. first, then pkgs.
<Infinisil> But how can I tell it to run ./ after downloading the source?
<steveeJ> clever: does that really produce a prototype instead of a result?
<nixrl> clever: by everything you mean compilation log ?
<clever> steveeJ: both of those will produce a final derivation, and both will have a .override to change things more
<clever> nixrl: the nix-shell cmd you ran, and how you tried to compile your program
<steveeJ> clever: I understand, I want to postpone the derivation evaluation though. I basically want to copy the function and introduce another argument with default value
<goibhniu> Infinisil: have you had a look at already?
<clever> steveeJ: then the newscope method would work better
<clever> steveeJ: cp = pkgs.newScope obj; f = cp ./f.nix;
<clever> steveeJ: because of newScope, it will search obj. first, and it will still allow some defaults if you f{}
<steveeJ> clever: I already knew the newScope method, but thank you anyway :-)
<clever> Infinisil: set the installPhase in the derivation
<nixrl> clever: sure | shell.nix: | Makefile:
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<nixrl> then just nix-shell then make
<Infinisil> Okay I actually don't need an install phase i just found out, I just need a wrapper that calls the ./ file
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<Infinisil> Do I need buildPythonPackage when it's just a program that doesn't export a package?
<clever> nixrl: odd, i would expect that to work
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<Infinisil> Ohh I need buildPythonApplication, I'll dig some more..
<exarkun> Infinisil: all well-structured programs are written as a set of library functionality with a minimal startup component to kick things off (like something to glue the library to a cli).
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] regnat opened pull request #1363: Make --arg work for undeclared arguments (master...more_autoargs)
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<nixrl> clever: it's quite straightforward
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<nixrl> seems*
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<sphalerite> I've found that a few utilities based on nix (nox and nix-index are the first I can thikn of off the top of my head) interface with nix through its CLI. Is there not a Better Way™? Does nix not expose a usable library interface, or is it more of a matter of how making the bindings for whichever language the tool is in is more complicated than just executing nix tools as subprocesses?
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<clever> sphalerite: nix-repl links directly into nix
<sphalerite> oh yeah
<copumpkin> sphalerite: I've asked and they'd rather not commit to a particular API
<copumpkin> for example most of the supposed API I think changed in 1.12
<clever> sphalerite: and just 2 days ago, repl got merged into nix
<sphalerite> oh, neat
<copumpkin> yeah, it's turning into `nix repl`
<copumpkin> rather than `nix-repl`
<sphalerite> copumpkin: fair enough
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<copumpkin> hydra uses a perl API
<copumpkin> which I think is a tad more stable
<pie_> hi guys, is it possible to *switch* to full disk encryption?
<copumpkin> aszlig_'s nix-assimilate would probably allow that
<copumpkin> but it isn't finished yet
<sphalerite> pie_: In the general case, yes. But it's likely to be painful.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] layus opened pull request #25265: factorio-demo: init at 0.14.23 (master...factorio-demo)
<pie_> sphalerite, ugh :/ do you have any pointers by any chance?
<viric> there is no explicit support in cryptsetup for that
<pie_> oh i didnt see you mention assimilate
<pie_> meh so id have to reinstall and transfer from a backup?
<sphalerite> that's pretty much what I'd do
<pie_> (i mean its understandable, but still a pain)
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<sphalerite> I wonder how the in-place switch on android works
<clever> sphalerite: the ubuntu on android thing i saw many years ago just runs a portion of ubuntu under a chroot, combined with an x11 android app
<clever> and the android os remains in control
<sphalerite> no, I mean how the switching-to-encrypted thing works
<clever> oh
<clever> yeah, that sounds fun and risky
<sphalerite> pie_: this is a thing. And what clever just said applies to it too
<Infinisil> To my issue: I have { stdenv }: in my default.nix so nix-build complains that it cannot autocall a function without a default argument, how do I do?
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<sphalerite> clever: I've done that process several times (on android), it's never broken for me
<clever> Infinisil: nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./default.nix {}'
<Infinisil> Oh thanks
<sphalerite> And there are a few precautions, like it requires you to have the battery fully charged when you start
<clever> sphalerite: as long as power isnt interupted, it should be safe
<clever> sphalerite: but what happens if the battery runs out?
<clever> sphalerite: or if the user just yanks the battery?
<pie_> sphalerite, just dont run out of power half way through :P ?
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<sphalerite> Then they can do a factory reset and try again
<clever> sphalerite: at the cost of all data i would expect
<sphalerite> yes
<pie_> sphalerite, ok just dont drop your phone so the battery falls out
<pie_> ok so basically what clever said lol
* pie_ should read
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<sphalerite> It refuses to start the in-place encryption if your battery isn't fully charged, I think it recommends you do a backup first, and it warns you that there's no going back and that all your data will be lost if you interrupt the process
<clever> ah
<Mioriin> Hello. How can I add "WaylandEnable=false" to /etc/gdm/custom.conf so I can use gdm with nvidia binary drivers?
<clever> about the only way i could improve that, is to keep a bitmask of what blocks have been encrypted, and also a journal for when your overwriting blocks
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<clever> but then you need to overhaul the entire cryptsetup process
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<viric> clever: a kind of what raid or lvm does
<clever> yeah
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<clever> and also, i jut thought, dont need a full bitmask
<clever> just record the latest block in the same journal you log the backup data in
<pie_> clever, yeh id expect them to do that *shrug*
<clever> and it would need the same password as before to resume the operation
<sphalerite> I'm sure it's technically possible to make the process allow interruption/resumption, but I don't think they did that for android
<pie_> id ask why you need to overhaul cryptsetup but its probably not a short answer, since i dont really know anyhting about cryptsetup
<clever> pie_: you would need to record the progress to disk, and have a way to resume it after a reboot
<pie_> and currently thats hard to implement?
<pie_> or did you mean its a big project in any case
<clever> id be warry about modifying that myself, more chance of data loss for anybody using it
<clever> and its complex to test things recovering after power loss
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<clever> at what point will it get interupted?, how do you forcibly flush things to the journal?, prevent the drive from re-ordering writes?
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<clever> pie_: oh, how much disk used, and what filesystem?
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<clever> pie_: just had an idea on how it might be done more safely
<pie_> well i think whatever is default on nixos so presumably ext4?
<pie_> make another partition?
<clever> pie_: if the usage is under 50%, yeah, shrink the fs, then make an lvm PV in the new space
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<clever> then make a luks'd LV inside that
<clever> and either dd or rsync the data over
<pie_> on a quick glance i think i still have 2/3rds free
<clever> then delete the original, make a 2nd PV, and expand the VG and LV
<clever> the data will be slightly fragmented, <half2><half1> on the disk
<clever> but that shouldnt harm perf
<clever> you could also defrag that if you had more time
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 41e04f4 Thomas Tuegel: dropbox: 24.4.16 -> 24.4.17
<clever> after expanding the VG, but before expanding the LV, you can use pvmove to shuffle lvm blocks within the array
<clever> and it has its own recovery system
<clever> then you could potentialy drop the pv at the end of the disk, and expand the 1st pv
<sphalerite> pie_: did you see ? That *might* be worth trying, depending on what recovery options you have
<clever> so it would eventualy finish as just 1 pv taking the entire disk
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 cc69860 Thomas Tuegel: dropbox: 23.4.19 -> 24.4.16...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 e915ead Thomas Tuegel: dropbox: 24.4.16 -> 24.4.17...
<clever> sphalerite: at a glance, i think that tool will move the data 10mb forward, as it does the encryption, to make room for the luks header, *reads more*
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<pie_> clever, your method is probably safer but seems like a pain in the butt and also dangerous if i do something wron
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<clever> pie_: yeah, i would prefer to just backup to an external system and redo the entire disk at once
<sphalerite> Make a backup and try any method :p
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<clever> sphalerite: ah yeah, they have diagrams showing every step, and you can see that chunk0 is on the luks, chunks 2/3 are on the plaintext, and chunk1 is in ram
<sphalerite> clever: yes, that's the impression I have too
<clever> sphalerite: and if you loose power, chunk1 is lost
<sphalerite> yep
<hodapp> hmm, what do I do when things like happen?
<clever> my previous idea, is to write encrypt(chunk1) to a journal first, before you overwrite the plaintext copy with chunk0
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master faea877 Benjamin Staffin: prometheus-alertmanager: 0.5.1 -> 0.6.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2cbe367 Franz Pletz: Merge pull request #25222 from benley/alertmanager-0.6.0...
<clever> but that would require more changes to things
<Mioriin> Does anyone know how to add a line to a config file in /etc ? I need to tell gdm to not use wayland.
<sphalerite> I don't think losing power is such a major issue though — if you make a backup first, I'm guessing the in-place conversion is probably still more convenient than redoing everything
<clever> Mioriin: does the config file already exist?
<clever> sphalerite: ah yeah
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<Mioriin> clever: Yes. /etc/gdm/custom.conf
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<clever> Mioriin: and there is no proper way to insert text into it, so you will either need to modify this file, or cheat in an ugly way
<makefu> hey, anyone about to try the new aarch64 servers on scalways ?
<Mioriin> clever: How do I change the generation to expose the new option to the main config?
<sphalerite> I mean, there's no reason for having in-place conversion at all unless you have tight limits on available space, and if you have tight limits on available space then either you have a financial problem or your data isn't valuable enough
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<sphalerite> makefu: omg they're disruptive!!11one
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<pie_> clever, well my laptop has a good batt
<clever> Mioriin: services.xserver.displayManager.gdm.autoLogin.user = "some-user\nmore config=stuff!!!";
<sphalerite> makefu: seems unspectacular compared to's offering
<pie_> clever, btw you wathing this suckless nixos stuff by any chance?
<clever> pie_: nope
<clever> where is it?
<hodapp> suckless nixos stuff?
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<Mioriin> clever: That's a bit of a kluge, but it might work. Thank you. I'll give it a try. :)
<pie_> i havent checked the thread since i saw it because life in the way but one sec
<clever> Mioriin: a better option would be to modify that file in a git clone of nixpkgs, to make a proper option
<Mioriin> I don't have a github account.
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<clever> Mioriin: you can still clone it without an acct, and modify things on your machine
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<Mioriin> clever: I tried reading the section on modifying packages, but I can't parse half of it well enough to make sense of it.
<clever> pie_: ah them, heh
<makefu> spacefrogg: well, the price is about 10 times higher, no? 3 euros compared to 36 dollar, or am i wrong here?
<makefu> wupps, was for sphalerite
<pie_> clever, i didnt agree with them on everything but a lot of the stuff they wanted sounded nice
<clever> pie_: something ive been working on lately is a way to test certain xen unikernels
<clever> pie_: the issue, is that you need root to test them, and things like nix builds lack root
<clever> pie_: so i would have to run the unikernel under xen, under qemu, under nixos, which might already be under a hypervisor
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<clever> pie_: and 9plan doesnt work with linux->xen->qemu->linux, so i have to build an entire disk image with the closure for every testcase
<pie_> clever, i dont remember a lot of details so im not sure how this pertains to the thread? somethign something qubes?
<clever> pie_: just the ability to test xen stuff in a more automated matter
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<hodapp> 9plan?
<clever> pie_: i'm writing a userland emulator for xen, that can run a unikernel without root or ring0
* hodapp rubs eyes
<thineye> if I do a pkg override, can I use the value of the overriden argument? (like appending a string to a string argument)
<clever> hodapp: the nixos test framework uses 9plan to mount the host /nix/store to the guest, without using disk images
<hodapp> oh, for a moment I confused 9plan & 9front
<clever> thineye: thats what the old parameter in .overrideDerivation (old: { ... }) is for
<pie_> clever, interesting i guess. the "i guess" just because im not very versed in this stuff :P but yeah testing is important so that sounds important
<thineye> clever: thx
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<clever> sphalerite: oh!, luksipc supports a resume.dat file
<clever> sphalerite: so as long as you have a seperate filesystem for that, you can safely resume at any point
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<copumpkin> clever: how's this for an idea
<copumpkin> clever: so a common problem is that people screw up their derivation metas and never notice
<sphalerite> clever: even neater :)
<copumpkin> how about in the generic mkDerivation script, we use __seq to force a smoke test of the meta attributes
<copumpkin> make sure that there aren't any unrecognized meta attributes, make sure that the ones we have evaluate properly, etc.
<copumpkin> clever: it seems super easy to add without changing any hashes
<clever> copumpkin: sounds good
<copumpkin> niksnut: also curious if you have thoughts
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<copumpkin> the simplest implementation could just be a deepSeq of the meta attrset, plus checking that there are no erroneous keys
<copumpkin> plus some pleasant error/warning messages if there are
<LnL> copumpkin: that's a good idea
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 5 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master da6c83a jammerful: log4shib: init at 1.0.9...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7267ae5 jammerful: xml-tooling-c: init at 1.6.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d169a9c jammerful: opensaml-cpp: init at 2.6.0...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6b0736b Asumu Takikawa: nfdump: init at 1.6.15
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 286ab2a Franz Pletz: Merge pull request #24490 from takikawa/add-nfdump...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] basvandijk opened pull request #25268: wordpress: 4.7.3 -> 4.7.4 (master...wordpress-4.7.4)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e46fee9 Dmitry Tsygankov: bitcoin-unlimited: -> (security)...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d884024 Yann Hodique: emacs: 25.1 -> 25.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7e273df Yann Hodique: emacs-macport: align buildInputs and configureFlags on emacs
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7a66134 Franz Pletz: Merge pull request #25124 from sigma/pr/emacs-25.2...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #25268: wordpress: 4.7.3 -> 4.7.4 (master...wordpress-4.7.4)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b9371e8 Bas van Dijk: wordpress: 4.7.3 -> 4.7.4...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 1c0a0c0 Bas van Dijk: wordpress: 4.7.3 -> 4.7.4...
<Infinisil> I'm building a python application with buildPythonApplication, src is set to fetchzip { blablabla }, then I call "wrapProgram ./ $out/bin/executable"
<Infinisil> Calling this in the installPhase. It is certainly executed, but it doesn't produce the executable at that location
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #24442: make graphite do fewer recursive chowns when starting (master...graphite_without_recursive_chown)
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<clever> Infinisil: wrapProgram will modify $1 in-place
<clever> Infinisil: you want to do cp $out/bin/executable ; wrapProgram $out/bin/executable
<jophish> regnat[m]: how's the typechecker coming?
<jophish> do you have a progress report blog or something?
<clever> jophish: did you see my answer from a few hours ago?
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<jophish> clever: about -static?
<jophish> I'll add that tonight
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #25210: programs.zsh.syntax-highlighting: refactor `highlighters` option for proper validation (master...zsh/refactor-syntax-highlighting)
<clever> jophish: yeah
<clever> Infinisil: thats makeWrapper, not wrapProgram
<clever> Infinisil: look at line 133
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<Infinisil> Ohh then i need makeWrapper instead
<Infinisil> I think
<clever> Infinisil: and the input must remain after the build has finished
<clever> Infinisil: so it has to be copied to $out anyways
<Infinisil> Hmm, so how do I copy the src to $out?
<clever> Infinisil: cp $out/bin/executable ; wrapProgram $out/bin/executable
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<Infinisil> Somethnig like cp ${src} $out/src ?
<clever> the default unpackPhase will unpack $src to the current dir
<clever> add pwd and ls to the phase to confirm your surroundings
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<sphalerite> Is there a user's manual for nixpkgs anywhere? The NixOS manual only covers system-wide stuff properly, and the nixpkgs manual seems more focused on people who want to extend it.
<copumpkin> googled "nixpkgs manual" :)
<copumpkin> it's a bit of a WIP
<Infinisil> clever: THanks, it almost works now, trying a bit more
<copumpkin> and some parts of nixpkgs are better documented than others
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ixmatus opened pull request #25269: terraform: 0.9.3 => 0.9.4 (master...parnell/terraform-bump)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master de688d9 Azul: mesos: 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 c545296 Azul: mesos: 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #25191: jenkins: 2.53 -> 2.56 (master...jenkins-2.56)
<regnat[m]> jophish: There's not much implemented yet, but on the theoretical side, it's going quite well
<regnat[m]> I've a small blog at
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<Infinisil> Ohh interesting, typed nix would be awesome
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<joachifm> copumpkin: I know nothing about aws, sorry
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0d72629 Judson Lester: nixos/display-managers: Quote "$vars" (#25199)
<joachifm> copumpkin: did you hear anything more about somebody picking up grsec? I failed to glean anything pertaining to that on #pax. the upstream download links are gone now, so I'm preparing to discontinue grsec support at this point
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<copumpkin> there's and I think other projects are still figuring out what to do. Apparently alpine and some other distro want to try doing community maintenance of the patches
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<copumpkin> joachifm: did you see my earlier question about awscli on grsec kernel?
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<joachifm> copumpkin: I'm afraid I don't know anything about awscli
<joachifm> copumpkin: as in, I hardly know what it is to begin with
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<gchristensen> copumpkin: maybe I can help?
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<ericnoan> joachifm: i wonder if they will start selling patches to individuals, since discontinuing public patches affects anyone with a source model distro like nixos, arch, gentoo, etc...
<copumpkin> joachifm: ah fair enough. It's more about paxmark and shebang'd scripts
<copumpkin> gchristensen: with which thing?
<gchristensen> awscli
<hyper_ch> the-kenny: howdy
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<ericnoan> i think the reason why they did it is because organisations are using their patches wrong and it hurts their brand
<joachifm> ericnoan: the reason they gave was kind of vague, not sure what to think tbh
<copumpkin> gchristensen: oh, it just failed on one of my grsec boxes claiming it couldn't map an RWX page
<gchristensen> ah
<copumpkin> I haven't looked into it much more deeply than that
<copumpkin> oh, I wonder!
<joachifm> copumpkin: if they're just python scripts, I'd expect paxmarking the python interpreter should be sufficient
<copumpkin> that's what I'd expect too
<joachifm> copumpkin: but then I thought those were already marked ...
<copumpkin> yeah
<copumpkin> they are
<joachifm> hrm
<copumpkin> it might have something to do with my image building process possibly losing extended attributes in the store. I'll look into that
<joachifm> it doesn't load anything via dlopen?
<joachifm> or something odd like that
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<joachifm> copumpkin: you're using xattrs for marking?
<ericnoan> joachifm: it is also interesting to see whether the large distros will release their grsec patches if someone asks them with a GPL request
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e6c76af Thomas Tuegel: plasma5: 5.9.4 -> 5.9.5
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 32401d1 Franz Pletz: nginxMainline: 1.11.13 -> 1.13.0
<joachifm> ericnoan: I expect they'd have to if they distribute grsec patched kernels
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<dtz> ericnoan: .... distros will subsccribe to grsec and ship those kernels? If so it seems they'd have to.....
<joachifm> ericnoan: unless they have a special agreement
<dtz> (and as such I'm surprised they'd do that in the first place?)
<joachifm> ericnoan: not sure how that works, really
<ericnoan> joachifm: exactly, and then it is only a matter of the community to gather them
<gchristensen> I don't think distros will do that, thhough?
<ericnoan> so grsec might be possible still, we will have to wait and see
<sphalerite> nix + git bisect = ♥
<gchristensen> yup, sphalerite
<gchristensen> I few weeks ago a nixpkgs upgrade broke my networking inside a test, an hour or so of bisect revealed docker did it. never would have guessed.
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<sphalerite> I just discovered that weechat doesn't include the guile plugin on nixpkgs master anymore, and it doesn't seem to be intentional. But thanks to bisect I can let the computer work out when it happened for me :D
<sphalerite> Aha, it was the upgrade from 2.0 to 2.2
<copumpkin> joachifm: now that I look, I guess not :) I thought our paxmark used extended attributes but I guess it's rewriting the elf?
<joachifm> copumpkin: yes, it uses elf only
<copumpkin> ah so I guess that isn't the problem then
<joachifm> copumpkin: if all else fails you can use softmode
<joachifm> copumpkin: sysctl kernel.pax.softmode=1 :)
<copumpkin> :P I'd rather not
<joachifm> ericnoan: I suspect grsec is used by companies that do not necessarily ship a product, but rather provide services
<joachifm> ericnoan: then GPL requests wouldn't work
<simpson> What if grsec isn't actually good enough to be worth all this trouble?
<joachifm> but it is
<joachifm> it might not be worth it for everybody, ofc :)
<simpson> Maybe we should stop writing C if we want security.
<copumpkin> we should
<copumpkin> but I can't control what 90% of the unix world uses
<copumpkin> I can shame them for doing stupid shit, but I still need it
<simpson> Just keep building new tools in non-C. We'll get there eventually.
<copumpkin> I do
<copumpkin> but still, in the mean time I don't want to get screwed
<ericnoan> bugs are inevitable simpson, the only thing you can do is mitigate them
<copumpkin> entire classes of bugs are thoroughly avoidable if you use modern languages
<simpson> ericnoan: If your semantics don't suck, you can eliminate bugs by class rather than one-at-a-time.
<simpson> What copumpkin said.
<copumpkin> in fact, the main classes of bugs that lead to crashes and security vulnerabilities are generally avoidable, but we have 40 years of software legacy with billions of dollars of software built on top of them
<joachifm> simpson: well, sure, mistakes will happen, but that doesn't invalidate the cutting edge stuff grsec/pax has provided over the years
<sphalerite> nix on RedoxOS!
<simpson> joachifm: If it's in C, it can't really be "cutting edge". Unless you mean that it's a sharp pair of scissors that you shouldn't run with.
<copumpkin> so until we replace that massive creaking foundation, I still want protection against shit going wrong with it
<simpson> joachifm, ericnoan: might be enlightening.
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<sphalerite> So, weechat doesn't support guile 2.2 yet, and nixpkgs master doesn't have 2.0 anymore. Given that nobody's missing the guile plugin in weechat (which disappeared silently from nixpkgs along with guile 2.0), what's the best course of action?
<joachifm> simpson: all I know is that for while I have been paying some attention to kernel bugs, I've found again and again that the bad exploits simply do not work on grsec
<simpson> joachifm: I cannot actually test your claim because grsec is not freely available.
<joachifm> simpson: there are multiple mirrors of patches upto 4.9.24 at least
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<joachifm> simpson: anyway, I'm happy to switch once non-C OS become practical, so you'll have no argument from me on that point :)
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<simpson> joachifm: It won't be a switch. Your legacy tools won't run. You will have to relearn how to use the machine.
<ericnoan> joachifm: like Redox OS :)
<simpson> Security is structural.
<joachifm> well, until that happens I still have to use a computer somehow
<simpson> Sure, sure.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a3b9dbd Graham Christensen: sysbench: 2015-04-22 -> 1.0.6
<gchristensen> ^ has some nice new features :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 0xABAB opened pull request #25271: Cleanup tahoe module (master...patch-1)
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<simpson> Hm, is 0xABAB here? I think that their PR looks fine but I can't stamp it right now.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lheckemann opened pull request #25272: weechat: fix guile plugin (master...weechat-guile)
<Infinisil> I have a problem: I used makeWrapper, but the resulting executable has a syntax error in "export PATH=<...>/bin${PATH:+:}$PATH". I am not an expert in bash but that doesn't look valid indeed, what can I do to prevent that from happening?
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<joachifm> Infinisil: what about it looks incorrect?
<sphalerite> Infinisil: how are you invoking it?
<Infinisil> makeWrapper "$out/src/<executable>.py" "$out/bin/<executable>"
<Infinisil> Ohhh wait i get it
<Infinisil> the bash executable is called with python
<Infinisil> bash isn't valid python duh
<joachifm> :)
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<Infinisil> Before calling makeWrapper there is only
<Infinisil> After there is which contains the python code
<Infinisil> And contains bash code calling the
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<Infinisil> And there is $out/bin/executable in bash which calls with python
<Infinisil> Alright wait I'll compose an example
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<turnandrun> hello
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lheckemann opened pull request #25274: (WIP) Weechat plugin split (master...weechat-plugin-split)
* hodapp tries to stab C# in the face
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<turnandrun> Anyone know how to use build-maven? I'm trying to make a package
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 96b83f6 Linus Heckemann: weechat: fix guile plugin...
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<Infinisil> I can't even get my example to work lol
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<turnandrun> your example of?
<Infinisil> makeWrapper with a python application
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<turnandrun> gotcha
<Infinisil> I'll post the files here soon
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<Infinisil> Okay so this is the file that's causing me trouble, generate by makeWrapper:
<Infinisil> Original file called is now
<Infinisil> s/scyther/scyther-gui
<Infinisil> I guess this: exec -a "$0" <...> means it'll be executed with bash because $0 is bash?
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<turnandrun> I'm not sure, I don't know python that well
<Infinisil> This shouldn't be a problem though, as the first line of contains #!/nix/store/.../bin/python
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 878b350 Jon Banafato: clutter: Add gtk3 to buildInputs (#24815)...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #25179: acct: 6.6.2 -> 6.6.3 (master...acct)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7301bf8 Joachim Fasting: tor: ->
<Infinisil> Forget what i said, It's something else, I'll dig a bit
<turnandrun> ok
<turnandrun> any chance you've used build-maven before?
<Infinisil> Nope
<turnandrun> too bad
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<turnandrun> trying to figure out how to use it, all I've got to go on is its .nix file
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<Infinisil> Okay I now know where the problem really lies at least
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<turnandrun> that's good
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #25275: lib platform parsing: Fix windows support to conform to LLVM (master...platform-normalize)
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<romildo> I am trying to install NixOS on my notebook but the process is failing with the message: Failed to create EFI Boot variable entry: No space left on device. Any clues?
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<romildo> I have tried the unstable graphical ISO as well as the 17.03 stable one.
<hyper_ch> romildo: you have a seperate boot partition?
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<romildo> hyper_ch, yes I have.
<hyper_ch> formatted as what and what partition code?
<romildo> hyper_ch, Yesterday accidentally I deleted the files from the boot partition. Then I reformatted it managed to get the boot files again, except for NixOS. Then I decided to reinstall NixOS, and I am facing this issue.
<romildo> hyper_ch, /dev/sda1 is the boot partition, formatted as FAT32.
<hyper_ch> fat32 and vfat is the same?
<Infinisil> I believe so
<hyper_ch> so mount root as /mnt
<hyper_ch> and boot as /mtn/boot
<hyper_ch> and then nixos-install in the live cd
<hyper_ch> I think
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 14d8ce7 Dan Peebles: log4cpp: minor fixes to meta fields
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 61f0c5e Dan Peebles: xml-tooling-c: minor fixes to meta fields
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5d5c1ac Dan Peebles: opensaml-cpp: minor fixes to meta fields and parallel building
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<romildo> hyper_ch, yes, I have done that several times todya. With no success.
<romildo> hyper_ch, I have taken a photo of the screen.
<Infinisil> Have you had a look at it using fdisk?
<Infinisil> Or use df -h to have a look at how full it is
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<romildo> Screenshot of nixos-install failure:
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<romildo> Infinisil, it was one of the first things I have done. There is plenty of space.
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<Infinisil> I wish I could help
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<Infinisil> Maybe you can try creating a new partition boot-alt and try it with that instead
<thineye> I want to do my first PR. I did my changes on state of channel nixos 17.03 small and created a branch "fix/grsecurity-nvidia" and pushed it onto my github account. Is this correct:? base fork: NixOS/nixpkgs | base: master | headfork: thineye/nixpkgs | compare fix/grsecurity-nvidia
<thineye> or must I rebase it to master first?
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<joachifm> thineye: patches ought to at least apply to master
<joachifm> thineye: the preferred way is to apply to master first, then cherry-pick elsewhere
<thineye> joachifm: and the tests? is it enough to do it with the state of the 17.03 channel or unstable?
<romildo> Infinisil, I can try that, but it may not work because boot-alt will not be /dev/sda1. The boot partition is expected to be the first one of the disk.
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<joachifm> thineye: ideally, you'd test against the branch you're targeting, unless you're confiddent no relevant changes have been integrated since 17.03 was cut
<Infinisil> My boot partition is /dev/sda4 and it works without a problem
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin closed pull request #25269: terraform: 0.9.3 -> 0.9.4 (master...parnell/terraform-bump)
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<gchristensen> is it possible to determine after the fact the -march -mcpu flags passed to gcc?
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<joachifm> gchristensen: you mean when inspecting the object code produced?
<gchristensen> yeah
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<dtzWill> not reliably, you could scan for various features (opcodes) and from that infer roughly the "minimum" arch attributes enabled at build-time
<gchristensen> hmmm ok that is ok, thank you
<dtzWill> if you can control the build, don't know for sure about gcc but often compilers have mechanisms for leaving some info and that seems like a reasonable thing to include
<gchristensen> yeah, I will just drop files including the information
<gchristensen> I've looked in the lib, but is there a function for calculating permutations?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] thineye opened pull request #25276: grsecurity: add support for proprietary nvidia video driver (master...fix/grsecurity-nvidia)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm opened pull request #25277: grsecurity: discontinue support (master...remove-grsec)
<joachifm> thineye: kind of bad timing :(
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<thineye> joachifm: sadly, but cannot we keep the patches as long as linux 4.9 is supported?
<joachifm> thineye: we won't get any more patches, so once 4.9.25 rolls around we're forced to run an outdated kernel
<joachifm> thineye: even if we managed to rip out the grsec/pax stuff, I wouldn't want to be responsible for the result ...
<joachifm> thineye: that is, if we managed to get it to apply to newer 4.9 kernels
<thineye> ok, is understandable
<joachifm> thineye: given the rate of linux bugs, it seems to me much worse to remain on an old grsec enabled kernel
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<joachifm> even if grsec stops some of them, it won't stop all
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<reactormonk[m]> running nixos-install with plasma + sddm in a vbox with 8 GB space, running into "no space left on device", but df -h looks fine. Whenever I run it again, it gets a bit farther.
<thineye> joachifm: I am excited of the next days. What will the other distribution do's affecting in the heart many security enhanced distributions like alpine linux etc.
<joachifm> thineye: arch linux is dropping support at least
<clever> reactormonk[m]: what about df -i ?
<reactormonk[m]> clever: looks decent
<clever> reactormonk[m]: can you pastebin the full output from the latest nixos-install run?
<reactormonk[m]> ... worked now
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<reactormonk[m]> After about 5 runs. Not sure how to copypasta things out of a vbox buffer.
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<Infinisil> I need have a gcc with multilib enabled, for which stdenv_32bit exists:
<Infinisil> How could I use that stdenv instead of the normal one when using a command like "make"?
<LnL> stdenv_32bit.mkDerivation { ... }
<clever> Infinisil: if you use callPackage_i686, you will get a 32bit only derivation in the file
<clever> and there are a number of other ways
<clever> 32bit only compiler*
<Infinisil> Ohh actually calling nix-env -iA nixos.stdenv_32bit seems to replace stdenv
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<clever> and your not supposed to install things like compilers or stdenv's
<LnL> ^ installing something doesn't change anything for the build environment
<Infinisil> I'm trying to get rid of the error that stubs-32.h isn't present in glibc-dev
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<clever> Infinisil: all compiling must be done within a nix-shell, compilers and such should not be installed
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<Infinisil> This is what I'm trying to do, in it's shortest form:
<Infinisil> git clone && cd scyther
<Infinisil> nix-shell --pure -p flex bison python cmake gcc --run make
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<clever> is the program 32bit only or can it build in 64bit also?
<dash> Infinisil: sounds like it's time to write a nix expression to build it
<Infinisil> May be 32 bit only
<simpson> Infinisil: Uh, write a Nix expression already!
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<simpson> It's time to take that step.
<dash> this one looks like it'll be easy, too
<Infinisil> Yeah I did but I couldn't get it to work
<dash> Infinisil: that's normal with computers :D
<Infinisil> So i thought why not try the more interactive and supposedly easier way by doing it once manually in a shell
<dash> Infinisil: want to show us how far you got and maybe we can help you get the rest of the way?
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<simpson> Infinisil: On NixOS, using Nix is easier than not using Nix.
<simpson> Infinisil: Note also that, once you've written a Nix expression, you can debug it live as if you were doing it by hand.
<Infinisil> How so?
<clever> by running nix-shell on the expression
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<dash> and/or using nix-build -K
<Infinisil> I'll keep that in mind, thanks :D
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<dash> Infinisil: 'nix-shell mything.nix -A someAttribute' will load your nix expression and start a shell in an environment with all the dependencies for that build loaded
<Infinisil> So this software has a C part and a python part. In the official release version the C part is compiled:
<dash> Infinisil: 'nix-build -K mything.nix' will run the build process and leave the temp directory around if it fails, so you can investigate what broke
<Infinisil> Thanks
<Infinisil> So I first tried to use buildPythonApplication, but that failed because some patching went wrong, I'll share the nix expression as soon as I have it semi working again
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<clever> no arguments are being passed to makeWrapper on line 23, so the wrapper doesnt actually do anything
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<clever> and its just copying all of the source to $out/src/, so nothing actually gets compiled or patched
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<dmj`> clever++
<Tipping_Fedora> Hey, I need help with gnome 3, is anyone in here useing it at the moment?
<Infinisil> Hmm..
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<gchristensen> joachifm: can you in your PR put more info in to the error with a link to the grsec post about discontinuing the prdocut?
<Infinisil> Alright let's just remove makeWrapper for now and just run it using $out/src/
<Infinisil> Doing that throws an error, because the file Scyther/ was wrapped and is now not a python module but a bash script wrapping the python module, which obviously doesn't work, I don't know why this is being patched wrongly
<joachifm> gchristensen: sure
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<joachifm> gchristensen: open to any suggestions for how to make this go smoothly, there's quite a bit of stuff to cover
<gchristensen> yeah :(
<dash> Infinisil: hmm, i haven't used makePythonApplication before so I don't remember what it does exactly
<simpson> It sets up entrypoints IIRC.
<Infinisil> Ahh I see, from In the postFixup phase, the wrapPythonPrograms bash function is called to wrap all programs in the $out/bin/* directory to include $PATH environment variable and add dependent libraries to script’s sys.path.
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* Infinisil is almost too frustrated to continue trying to get that package to work
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<Infinisil> Why can't every package and application write a nix expression for their stuff, the world would be so much better
<Infinisil> package and application developer*
<clever> :D
<simpson> Infinisil: Indeed. However, there's subsystem concerns to hash out, too; Nix really requires a nixpkgs-like aggregation of package.s
<Infinisil> what do you mean by nixpkgs-like aggregation?
<simpson> I mean that composition of Nix expressions doesn't really work on an ad-hoc basis; a default.nix which encodes all the proper dependencies has to encode them by name, which means that there needs to be a standard list of package names somewhere...
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<clever> yeah, if you want to use python for example, you must refer to another expression that gives python
<simpson> So you check that list into git, call it the "top-level package list" and you've got a non-trivial amount of the nixpkgs structure.
<clever> nixpkgs saves you the work of having to describe every single dependency
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<gchristensen> can I do a trace that outputs more depths than just [ [ <CODE> ] ]? that <CODE> is [1 2] and I'd like to see [ [ [ 1 2] ] ]
<clever> gchristensen: if its a fairly simple structure, i just convert the whole thing to json
<gchristensen> nice
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<dash> Is there any documentation for emacsPackagesNg? Don't see it in the nixpkgs manual...
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<dash> Oh, it's in the NixOS manual. Welp.
<gchristensen> awkward
<Infinisil> "The source is your documentation :D" - clever probably
<clever> "luke, use the source!"
<Infinisil> Heh
<makefu> ain't nobody got time for this!
<Infinisil> Btw how is Wine support on NixOS?
<MichaelRaskin> releases are built
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 5 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7d546d7 John Ericson: lib platform parsing: Turn assertion back on
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fcde869 John Ericson: lib platform parsing: Fix windows...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 92887cb John Ericson: release-cross: Add final "-gnu" to fuloong triple
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<disasm> My root is btrfs. I'm looking at moving root to a subvol. I know what needs changed for the mounts, but what I'm wondering is how can I run the nixos-rebuild switch on a live system without breaking everything.
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<LnL> gchristensen: in the nix-repl you can use :p, and for nix itself there's builtins.deepSeq
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<Infinisil> disasm: I just read through the first page of nix-install --help and it doesn't seem like anything should mess up
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<Infinisil> disasm: But like can't you just copy the files?
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<tilpner> Is there any alternative/workaround for dockerTools.pullImage?
<tilpner> GH issues say it 404s because it only supports a now offline API version
<gchristensen> no known workaround exists in nixpkgs already, I have a bad, hacked together set of fixes I can't yet open source
<gchristensen> I'd recommend looking at skopeo
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<tilpner> Does your hack use skopeo too?
<copumpkin> I never really understood how pullImage could work, even if the API version issue was fixed
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<copumpkin> aren't upstream docker images mutable?
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<tilpner> There are tags, and you provide a hash. I think it could work
<LnL> the labels, but I think you can pull the layers
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<copumpkin> oh, okay
<copumpkin> so it boils down to implementing the new API?
<tilpner> You wouldn't pull "latest", only an old evrsion
<tilpner> *version
<gchristensen> no, tilpner
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<gchristensen> (I don't use skopeo, but I wish I had.) also you can pin to a image's unique sha so it never changes
<copumpkin> cool
<tilpner> Hmm, I can try. Someone mentioned packer but that's a bunch of JSON and I like Nix more, so I tried that first
<gchristensen> (see also reasons I wish I used skopeo instead of making a shitty api client with curl calls)
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<tilpner> gchristensen - Alright, I copied something with skopeo (the default config was giving errors), but buildImage wants a "repository tarball". How do I make sure skopeo gave me something close to that?
<tilpner> I'll try to tar it up and somehow pass that to buildImage, but that could go wrong with little indication of where the error is
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<disasm> Infinisil: yeah, I'm pretty confidant I can boot off a usb stick and re-run nixos-install in a worse case scenario. I'm think I'm going to go for the rebuild and see how bad I F things up :)
<tilpner> gchristensen - $ docker import works on the tarball, so that was lucky :)
<tilpner> (Because I would have no idea where to look if it didn't work)
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<lezed1> I have a quick question about installing packages from NPM. I found npm2nix and was able to generate a .nix expression with all the dep, but I wasn't sure how to add it to my shell.nix to actually install them.
<lezed1> I think it has to do with nodePackages.buildNodePackages, but I wasn't able to quite get it to work
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<ToxicFrog> Blergh. Finally tracked down why the backlight wasn't working on my wife's laptop to
<ToxicFrog> Increasingly I'm wondering if I should just switch the laptops back to SUSE and only run nix on the server
<ToxicFrog> Managing backups and common infrastructure will be harder but there'll be fewer land mines like this :/
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<gchristensen> hmm... teh TAGS queuing system looks very interesting for Hydra
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #25279: libplist: 1.12 -> 2.0.0 (master...libplist-2.0.0)
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<jophish> gchristensen: how so?
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<gchristensen> jophish: have you checked it out? basically it has a way to prioritize short jobs without advanced knowledge of how long they take. very interesting for getting quick jobs done quickly.
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<jophish> gchristensen: sounds great. I'll add this to the Hercules issue tracker!
<gchristensen> based around killing jobs, but if the job takes 1hr to build, "wasting" 9minutes isn't much
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<jophish> Some of the assumptions are no longer applicable (killing jobs for example)
<jophish> well, I suppose that depends
<gchristensen> eh?
<jophish> If a machine has enough memory I mean
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<jophish> The reason for killing jobs in the paper is that paging in and out jobs on the mainframe is expensive
<gchristensen> mmm we should talk more, that isn't the goal
<gchristensen> but not now, in a meeting
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<jophish> I'll give the paper a proper read tomorrow, gchristensen. It's time for bed for me now I'm afraid
<gchristensen> I understandd :)
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<sphalerite> any (neo)vim users here who write C/C++ at all? Do you use anything neat for completion?
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<LnL> I think youcompleteme and deoplete (neovim) probably the best options in general
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<sphalerite> garbas: I see you're a maintainer for weechat, could you maybe be so kind as to comment on this?
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<sphalerite> LnL: yep, I'm using deoplete but I don't really have a solution for getting decent C/C++ completion in it. I tried deoplete-clang but couldn't get it working within the nixpkgs plugin system
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] thineye closed pull request #25276: grsecurity: add support for proprietary nvidia video driver (master...fix/grsecurity-nvidia)
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<LnL> I think youcompleteme might be a bit better for c/c++, that's what the project started with
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<sphalerite> Alright, I'll look into that. Thanks for the tip!
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<johnramsden> I've patched a package with patchelf, and all of the libraries have been linked normally except for one. When I run ldd it's missing, does anyone know what they're doing with this that might be able to help me?
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<sphalerite> johnramsden: what does your expression for it look like and which library is missing?
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<johnramsden> sphalerite: libxkbfile, ther error i'm getting is in the commit:
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<johnramsden> I even tried adding it explicitly, like: patchelf --set-rpath $ffrp:$out/lib:${}/lib:${xorg.libxkbfile.out}/lib:${lib.makeLibraryPath propagatedBuildInputs } and it won't add it.
<garbas> sphalerite: /me looks
<tilpner> gchristensen - I don't understand what format is required by fromImage. Do you know what it's called or where to find information about it?
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<tilpner> No matter where I get my tarball from, the error is always /nix/store/f3wan424j5p0a06p02byvn4gq5g2x234-stdenv/setup: line 866: image/repositories: No such file or directory
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<sphalerite> garbas: awesome, thanks. it's quite a big set of changes but I'd appreciate little chunks of feedback as well if you don't have the time for a detailed review :)
<sphalerite> I'm off to bed now, so if you have any comments I'll see them tomorrow. Gnight!
<sphalerite> johnramsden: I don't know for your issue, sorry!
<johnramsden> sphalerite, np thanks
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<garbas> sphalerite: i have left the comment. usually we rely on arguments of expressions and .override functionality to extend programs
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<garbas> sphalerite: also +100 for your weechat patch. i hope it gets accepted upstream
<garbas> sphalerite: as much as i love weechat i hate how they handle configuration
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<rotaerk> hmm I have caps lock and ctrl swapped in NixOS, but I also have them swapped in Windows, so when I boot into NixOS from virtualbox within Windows, the swaps cancel each other out
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<rotaerk> is there some way to have, effectively, one configuration.nix for when I'm booting directly, and another for when I'm booting from virtualbox
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<rotaerk> would that be what profiles are for?
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<MichaelRaskin> Which of the profiles?
<MichaelRaskin> This would work well with profiles as in NixOS modules with settings, but nix-env profiles are currently useless because NixOS doesn't support that level of sophistication
<rotaerk> ah
<MichaelRaskin> There is nesting.children option to build more than one configuration in a single nixos-rebuild switch (the choice will be manual)
<copumpkin> huh, did most of the hydra build machines disappear?
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<rotaerk> MichaelRaskin, thanks
<rotaerk> the profile I was thinking of is the nixos-rebuild switch -p thing
<MichaelRaskin> rotaerk: you could also just write a small script that checks glxinfo and runs xmodmap if vmware is detected
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<MichaelRaskin> Ah no, xdriinfo
<MichaelRaskin> Does it accept -p?
<rotaerk> you referring to nixos-rebuild switch?
<MichaelRaskin> Yes