<xj9[m]> how do i go about patching an `AppImage` to run on nixos?
<xj9[m]> i get `zsh: no such file or directory: /path/to/image`
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<clever> xj9[m]: you need to run patchelf to fix the interpreter
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<xj9[m]> how do i go about patching an AppImage to run on nixos?
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<xj9[m]> it isn't a dynamic binary, so i figure i can't find libc
<xj9[m]> patchelf or something?
<clever> i linked a patchelf example 10 minutes ago
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<xj9[m]> ok, so based on a nixpkg i need to patch the interpreter to `cat $NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker`
<xj9[m]> what is `$NIX_CC`?
<clever> a variable that the stdenv sets up when a nix build is active
<clever> if you write a nix package for the AppImage, it will have $NIX_CC already set for you
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<xj9[m]> what happened to the wiki page "how to package closed source software?"
<xj9[m]> i think that would help me here
<clever> https://nixos.org/nixos/wiki.html explains everything, including a link to an archive of the wiki
<xj9[m]> maybe i'
<xj9[m]> maybe i'll check the internet archive
<xj9[m]> not getting much help here
<xj9[m]> thanks
<xj9[m]> well fuck, thanks robots.txt
<clever> archive.org did have the wiki
<xj9[m]> good think i like this fucking os
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<clever> looks like archive.org is having trouble, links that previously worked are now dead
<clever> "--set-interpreter ${stdenv.glibc}/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2" will only fix 64bit programs
<clever> it wont work right for 32bit ones
<clever> --interpreter "$(cat $NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker)" will always pick the one for the arch nixpkgs is compiling against
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<johnramsden> clever: So I found the revision that seems to have broken my desktop. Should I post it in issue?
<clever> yeah
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<clever> johnramsden: the next step i can think of, does nixos-rebuild -I nixpkgs=... build-vm reproduce the problem?
<johnramsden> I'll try.
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<clever> if that can confirm the working and broken system, then you can do "git help bisect", and bisect all of nixpkgs without rebooting or restarting things on the live machine
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg closed pull request #26084: vlc: -> 2.2.6 (master...vlc-2.2.6) https://git.io/vH3v6
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<xj9[m]> i guess having sos nixpkg is good for ssbc is a good thing.
<xj9[m]> too much work for basic shit like this fam
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<clever> xj9[m]: did you try running that patchelf command under "nix-shell -p gcc" ?
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<spinus> hello, I'm trying to use overlays, I'm doing "new-nixpkgs = {...}@args: import <nixpkgs> (args//{overlays=[(self:super: {my-pkgs:...})]}), but my-pkgs is not accessible (it looks like overlays are not loaded when I use new-nixpkgs, any idea what I'm missing? (I have this in a default.nix and I'm importing this as NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=new-nixpkgs/)
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<vaibhavsagar> are there instructions for using NixOS with packet.net servers?
<vaibhavsagar> *NixOps
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<pikajude`> so, on WSL, wat do about busybox giving an exec format error
<pikajude`> can't install anything
<pikajude`> I asked this exact question about a month and a half ago
<pikajude`> and I forget the answer
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vHG3u
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 738f764 Edward Tjörnhammar: kodi: 17.2 -> 17.3...
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<gchristensen> vaibhavsagar: what sort of instructions are you looking for?
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<spinus> vaibhavsagar: I don't think this backend is supported, you would need to add new backend
<gchristensen> oh nixoPs I have a not working backend in the works
<vaibhavsagar> gchristensen: the nixops manual has example configs for hetzner, digitalocean, etc. and the packet.net documentation has howtos for other use cases
<vaibhavsagar> the packet.net site says that I can use nixops to deploy servers but doesn't provide any additional info
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<gchristensen> vaibhavsagar: sorry, that isn't quite true yet. I copied the hardware-configuration.nix, and /etc/nixos/packet/* files locally in to my nixops network
<vaibhavsagar> hmm, fair enough
<gchristensen> vaibhavsagar: see here is where I took thee packet/* and hardware-configuration.nix file and put them together: https://github.com/grahamc/network/blob/master/zoidberg/packet-type-0.nix
<vaibhavsagar> I'm also fairly new to nixops so I was hoping for a lot of hand-holding
<vaibhavsagar> but this is really helpful, thanks!
<gchristensen> vaibhavsagar: I then added it to my network with zoidberg = { imports = [ ./packet-type-0.nix ] }
<pikajude`> actually this appears to be a more recent issue
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<pikajude`> i need a 64 bit busybox
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<pikajude`> i wonder why this doesn't work anymore
<pikajude`> can someone build a 64 bit busybox and host it somewhere?
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<pikajude`> every build on hydra is No Longer Available
<gchristensen> pikajude`: can you link me to it on hydra?
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<gchristensen> `nix-store -r /nix/store/a7qhhq6v63gl2yls7952qcm3xfn6pjzx-busybox-1.26.2` pikajude`
<pikajude`> oh. neat
<pikajude`> thanks
<gchristensen> :) you're welcome
<gchristensen> good night!
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<ekleog> gchristensen: hmm, '-r' option appears to never be defined in `man nix-store`?
<clever> ekleog: realize
<clever> nix-store {--realise | -r} paths... [--dry-run]
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<clever> ekleog: the nix-store man-page is a bit weird, its like 5 different manpages where concated
<ekleog> ooh, sorry, I had grepped for ' -r ' as usual and missed it
<ekleog> thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] midchildan opened pull request #26110: poppler: Include poppler encoding data by default (master...fix-poppler) https://git.io/vHGsa
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<ekleog> hmm, do we agree https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/4768 is supposed to be solved by adding rxvt_unicode.terminfo into environment.systemPackages?
* ekleog has $TERMINFO_DIRS including /run/current-system/sw/share/terminfo ; /run/current-system/sw/share/terminfo/r/rxvt-unicode-256color that points to a valid file in the store, $TERM = rxvt-unicode-256color yet gets /nix/store/3s4pc5pwb0hmy87h3g6bp4isclzlqrs3-set-environment:21: can't find terminal definition for rxvt-unicode-256color
<ekleog> ... and if I re-run the export TERMINFO_DIRS from the said script line 21, it works oO
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<xj9[m]> clever (IRC): moce. thanks for the info
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<ekleog> oh, my issue is actually https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/19785
<bhipple> Hi guys, beginner question. I can build a pkg out of my nixpkgs tree by doing: NIX_PATH=/home/bhipple/src/nixpkgs:$NIX_PATH nix-repl '<nixpkgs>' <<< ":b foo"
<bhipple> How can I do the same thing with nix-build?
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<bhipple> When I run: nix-build -f '<nixpkgs>' gitAndTools.git, for instance, I get an error message about Typesafe Activator being removed. Is there some argument I'm missing?
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<bhipple> Ah, answered my own question; cd $nixpkg_repo; nix-build -A gitAndTools.git
<bhipple> or drop the -f and just do '<nixpkgs>'
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] therealpxc opened pull request #26111: vim-utils: include man pages in the output of vim_customizable.customize, add option to include gvim wrapper (master...vim) https://git.io/vHGWG
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<heath> abandoned... wonder why
<heath> oh, similar to nixops
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<vaibhavsagar> heath: not enough of an improvement over nixops
<vaibhavsagar> we're still using nixos though :)
<vaibhavsagar> as evidenced by https://github.com/zalora/nixsap
<heath> vaibhavsagar: saw / realized it wasn't much of an improvement
<heath> gotta stop communicating on #nix in both the fpchat slack and this freenode channel at the same time :)
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<heath> vaibhavsagar: thanks for the links!
<vaibhavsagar> heath: no worries, don't use any of that stuff though :)
<vaibhavsagar> it dates back to a time when we had serious NIH
<vaibhavsagar> we're better now
<heath> vaibhavsagar: what are you using now?
<vaibhavsagar> still nixos
<vaibhavsagar> our current platform isn't open souce
<heath> do you have something for scaling up and down?
<heath> s/have/use
<heath> ...what do you use for scaling up and down? rather :)
<heath> i think this bit from the kubernates homepage is attractive: Scale your application up and down with a simple command, with a UI, or automatically based on CPU usage.
<xj9[m]> how do you prevent `fetchurl` from unpacking the file?
<xj9[m]> i had to do some more patching, so i'm building a package now
<xj9[m]> the AppImage isn't compressed, i'm just downloading it directly
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] matthewbauer opened pull request #26112: lldb: fix on Darwin (master...lldb-darwin) https://git.io/vHG4t
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<xj9[m]> can somebody please tell me how i can patch this fucking AppImage?
<xj9[m]> i have a nix expression for nix-build but i get permission denied even as root, which is really great
<LnL> sounds like you're trying to modify something in the store
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<vaibhavsagar> how do I specify an IP address for nixops to ssh to?
<vaibhavsagar> I'm trying to use it with packet and getting an error saying none of the hostnames it tried worked
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<dcz__> hello guys, i installed nix on ubuntu 14.04 and i installed docker by nix, but i can't run it.
<dcz__> how can i enable docker service ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vHGET
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging ae8aae1 Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.urllib3: disable tests...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26081: znc module: Fix error with bitlbee channel closing tag missing a newline (master...update-znc) https://git.io/vHO9C
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #26063: Updates Yakuake to version 3.0.3 and exposes the .desktop (master...update_yakuake_fix_dot_desktop) https://git.io/vHYfK
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<ertes-w> what in the world is vulnix? just found it in nixpkgs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] midchildan opened pull request #26113: gnome: Fix the issue `Using the 'memory' GSettings backend issue` (master...fix-gnome) https://git.io/vHGzc
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<guillaum2> Is there a way to build something with source file present in the same directory as the '.nix' file. i.e. instead of specifing an url / git in src, how can I specify a local path AND build in that directory ?
<MichaelRaskin> src = ./.;
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] hrdinka pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHG2v
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 51269fa Michiel Leenaars: nsd: 4.1.15 -> 4.1.16
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 16857df Michiel Leenaars: nsd: fix openssl path in nsd-control-setup...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] hrdinka pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vHG2m
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 88cf6a3 Michiel Leenaars: nsd: 4.1.15 -> 4.1.16
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 88ed927 Michiel Leenaars: nsd: fix openssl path in nsd-control-setup...
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<ij> I've got nix on arch and I want to uninstall the vim I installed(which vim points to the nix-profile), but not the rest of the things.
<ij> nix-env -e
<nixy> You should be able to do that using `nix-env -e vim`
<nixy> Unless I am missing something here
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<ij> Yup, yup. I consulted me some `man nix-env`.
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<nixy> ij: That makes me happy to hear, because it means my PR is in the channel now :)
<nixy> Man pages for everyone!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Fuuzetsu pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHGav
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master da192f2 Nicolas Mattia: stutter: init at
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<LnL> it updated already?
<LnL> oh indeed :D
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<freusque> hello! two related questions.
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<freusque> 1/ is there a list of nix 'builtins' somewhere? maybe it's possible to get it with nix-repl?
<freusque> 2/ is it possible to obtain the path of the file containing the nix expression being evaluated with nix
<freusque> alternatively, root path of the git directory
<nixy> freusque: Looks like there is a set 'builtins' that you can access in nix-repl, don't know if thats what your looking for
<freusque> oh yeah it's that nixy
<freusque> are these Nix 'primary operations' documented somewhere that you know?
<freusque> thanks
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<nixy> If you have questions about the Nix lanuage that manual is your go to
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<freusque> okay please excuse my poor searching abilities
<freusque> and thank you very much
<vandenoever> how can i remove generations from /boot?
<nixy> vandenoever: What do you mean by that? You should be able to garbage collect them using the `-d` flag
<vandenoever> nixy: does that also clean out /boot?
<nixy> You may have to run it as root in order for that to happen
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<nixy> Also to be clear I meant the `-d` flag on `nix-collect-garbage` not nix-env
<nixy> That will delete all previous generations so be sure your system works
<vandenoever> nixy: i ran it as root and /boot is still just as full as before
<vandenoever> nixy: but nixos-rebuild --upgrade switch cleans out /boot now
<nixy> \o/
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bkchr opened pull request #26114: Removes .desktop file from targets (master...fix_yakuake_desktop_file) https://git.io/vHGrL
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<xificurC> is there a mechanism to turn on a specific profile on top of an existing setup without affecting the selected user profile? The situation: let's say I have a project and I have a nix profile that defines some of the development dependencies needed to work on that project. The important word is some. So I need to turn this profile on *on top* of wha
<xificurC> t I have configured on my system. E.g. my profile sets up the dev environment's backend but the frontend is set up on the system.
<xificurC> Moreover this change should only affect the current terminal, so that I can spawn several project's environments side by side in new terminals, while keeping a normal non-project terminal use the default user's profile
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<xificurC> I hope the explanation makes sense :)
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<goibhniu1> xificurC: sure, you can do that a few ways
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<xificurC> my simplest thought would be to add a profile to the PATH for that shell
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<xificurC> to the start of the PATH and `hash -r` to be precise
<goibhniu> xificurC: you can have some stuff in your system profile, extend/override that with your user profile and then call nix-shell multiple times
<goibhniu> as long as you don't use the --pure option you're all good (IIUC)
<xificurC> goibhniu: I see, I haven't checked nix-shell yet but thought it always clears the environment
<goibhniu> you could also use nix to extend a generic configuration, to make it more specific for a project
<goibhniu> nix-shell only clears the env when you use --pure
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] unaizalakain opened pull request #26116: xonotic: 0.8.1 -> 0.8.2 (master...update-xonotic) https://git.io/vHGKF
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] yurrriq opened pull request #26118: lilypond-with-fonts: fix quoting (master...update/pkgs/misc/lilypond-with-fonts) https://git.io/vHGi9
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<pem_> Hi! Trying to add discourse (a rails app) to nixpkgs. I'm really close to setting up the correct build environment, the only thing missing is that one of the gems depends on an external C library
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<pem_> I don't understand where to specify those, bundlerEnv doesn't have a "buildInput" kind of field
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<pem_> Any clue?
<nixy> I recently ran into that issue with bundlerEnv but I didn't figure out how to solve it more of a workaround
<pem_> what was the workaround?
<nixy> I don't really get the ruby ecosystem, but there is also a buildRubyGem function that might work for you, which is more like a traditional mkDerivation
<nixy> The workaround was somebody else knew about buildRubyGem and converted it for me :P
<pem_> ok, thanks
<pem_> I'll try that out
<viric> niksnut: nix-prefetch-url --unpack is very slow here... for 230MB tar it takes maybe 1minute (cygwin64)
<nixy> bundlerEnv is recommended by the manual, but its confusing so I think that may need an update
<pem_> ok, I can update that if I get it to compile
<pem_> Do you know where bundler and ruby expect to find their external dependencies?
<pem_> That seems to be the problem in my case.
<viric> What is different between a "git archive" tar, and what fetchgit does?
<nixy> Not sure on that, like I said I don't really know ruby or its ecosystem Ijust bashed against it for a bit
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<FRidh> viric: fetchgit does a git clone. fetchFromGitHub either fetches an archive, or performs a git clone of submodules are needed
<viric> FRidh: that's not my question :) I have an output hash difference, and I don't see why
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar closed pull request #26110: poppler: Include poppler encoding data by default (master...fix-poppler) https://git.io/vHGsa
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<viric> FRidh: AH. newlines. Damn newlines.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHGya
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 963c32f Franz Pletz: packer: 0.12.2 -> 1.0.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3d6ed4a Franz Pletz: webkitgtk: remove unreferenced 2.12 and patch
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 45372b1 Franz Pletz: geolite-legacy: 2016-07-08 -> 2017-05-26
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHGy9
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a310e6c Michael Alan Dorman: elpa-packages: 2017-05-25
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 46689ba Michael Alan Dorman: org-packages: 2017-05-25
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 688cfcb Michael Alan Dorman: melpa-stable-packages - 2017-05-25...
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<sphalerite> How is the set of store paths to include in a build sandbox determined?
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<tanonym> Okay, I have a puzzle: I enabled hardware.pulseaudio in configuration.nix. And intially the sound worked, but after a reboot, I get no sound at all. The fn-keys and volume control work, the device shows as enabled and so forth. I'm not sure what I am missing and what I should be searching for to resolve the issue.
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<sphalerite> tanonym: I had an issue like that with my old laptop — it would occur exclusively if something was plugged into the headphone jack during boot
<tanonym> Occurs for me when something isn't plugged in either. When I first booted up the system there was nothing plugged in.
<tanonym> My device is HDA ATI SB, but no device beyond that.
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<ertes-w> are there tools to build docker images that need a nix store mount instead of copying the closure into the image?
<tanonym> Any other ideas where I could start looking for what's causing the problem?
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<sphalerite> ertes-w: that sounds chaotic
<sphalerite> tanonym: does it work without pulse?
<tanonym> Not sure. I only enabled pulesaudio, nothing else. I can enable alsa instead and see if that makes a difference.
<sphalerite> probably worth a shot. There might also be something relevant in the journal
<sphalerite> Oh actually, before tyring without pulse
<sphalerite> open alsamixer, switch to the card (rather than the pulseaudio controls), and check if it's not muted
<ertes-w> sphalerite: it fits perfectly for my use case though
<sphalerite> or rather, make sure no outputs that could possibly be relevant are muted
<sphalerite> ertes-w: I suppose you could just run a scratch container if you're going to be mounting the nix store into it?
<ertes-w> sphalerite: yeah, that could actually work
<ertes-w> does docker even allow that? let me check
<sphalerite> actually that'll be missing stuff like /etc/hosts
<ertes-w> Unable to find image 'scratch:latest' locally
<ertes-w> so much for that =)
<sphalerite> But maybe just dockerTools.buildImage with empty contents
<ertes-w> sphalerite: that's fine, those can be written by the init script
<ertes-w> but i think i'd find it easier, if i could just use buildImage with an extra flag that only copies the closure of 'contents', but not of the init script
<tanonym> Muting then unmuting the card didn't help. Emixer only lists the card in Outputs and nothing in Playback or Inputs.
<ertes-w> i'll try to add that flag to buildImage
<tanonym> What's strange is it intially worked.
<tanonym> I guess I'll have to comment out pulse and add alsa in configuration.nix and rebuild.
<sphalerite> ertes-w: Maybe a Dockerfile containing "FROM scratch" and your init script would also do
<sphalerite> or do you want to avoid using docker to build the image?
* tanonym searches "Docker+Linux" to find out what's being talked about.
<ertes-w> sphalerite: yes, i want to avoid that
<ertes-w> tanonym: application containers a.k.a. lightweight virtualisation for applications
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #26119: pnmixer: 0.7.1-rc1 -> 0.7.1 (master...upd.pnmixer) https://git.io/vHGQC
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<sphalerite> tanonym: it's an attempt at solving the problem nix solves, but nowhere near as well thought out and far more popular. :D
<ertes-w> i don't think nix and docker are solving the same problem, honestly
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<tanonym> Hehe. Now I would expect people in the nix channel to say that ;)
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<tanonym> I see.
<sphalerite> Well, nix builds docker images that are smaller than those built by the regular docker mechanism FWIW
<ertes-w> and while i do not like the model that docker uses, i have to give it credit for being an excellent piece of software in terms of UX
<ekleog> like, exactly the opposite of nix? :°
<sphalerite> I was working with docker for a year or so, and I loved it. But I really wished it had better sharing features — it uses obscene amounts of bandwidth and storage — this was before I knew about nix, which almost exactly addressed most of the issues I had with docker
<tanonym> ^,^
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] primeos pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHG7J
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c2e27c6 Michael Weiss: lf: 2017-02-04 -> 2017-05-15
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<tanonym> Neat.
<sphalerite> Plus it has a linux distribution based on it!
<ertes-w> sphalerite: yes, that's exactly why i don't agree with docker's image model… and why i basically always create base images… i have never created a derivative image… i even forgot what they call it =)
<ertes-w> to me docker is a deployment solution, and i use it alongside nix
<sphalerite> well, deploying software is the problem that nix was conceived to solve
<sphalerite> Docker is a deployment platform, nix is a deployment tool
<sphalerite> I guess?
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<sphalerite> http://ix.io/v8r :|
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<tanonym> I need to print out the NixOS documentation. Easier to read and annotate than trying to do that on a small screen.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHG5B
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9237459 Tim Steinbach: rkt: 1.25.0 -> 1.26.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4f42804 Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #26106 from NeQuissimus/rkt_1_26_0...
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<sphalerite> tanonym: that would go out of date though :/
<ertes-w> sphalerite: the role that docker plays in my setup is networking and mutable data storage
<ertes-w> also some minor things like the ability to have applications use a fixed path to certain things and have docker's volume management take care of storage placement
<sphalerite> fair enough
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<tanonym> True, but then I just ahve to print out the update. Because it's hard to work with it when I have a 1366x768 resolution
<ertes-w> also soon coming is clustering using docker's swarm mode
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<tanonym> Besides hardware.alsa.enable = true; anything else I should add to configuration.nix?
<sphalerite> don't think so
<tanonym> And comment out the pulse entry.
<sphalerite> given https://what-if.xkcd.com/59/ it's probably very reasonable to keep printed copies of the nix* manuals up to date
<tanonym> It's much easier to work with hardcopy books when doing research and flipping back and forth lots anyway.
<nixy> I don't really agree with that, but its an opinion
<nixy> Searchable text is much more convenient IMO
<joepie91> now if only the NixOS docs were searchable... ;)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #26120: qt5ct: 0.30 -> 0.32 (master...upd.qt5ct) https://git.io/vHGds
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<tanonym> Depends on how much flipping back and forth I have to do.
<tanonym> And I find I can read faster when it's a physical book rather than digital format (includes doing research for physics and philosophy and anthropology papers...)
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<nixy> It's all about what works for you, but I would rather not have to print anything as it seems wasteful to me
<nixy> But I might also be biased because I don't have access to a printer :)
<tanonym> It also assumes that the stuff I have to work with is well-formatted digital material. People don't always consider use and search or indexing in their PDFs or whatever.
<sphalerite> joepie91: but they are fairly searchable. More searchable than paper, certainly
<joepie91> sphalerite: only in the sense that browsers have a search function. you can't leave annotations, no fuzzy search, searching through Google will not land you in the right section, etc.
<player1_> is there a way to ignore the binary cache? there's a nixexpr for something I want to build in the official tree, but I would like to rebuild it to veryify that it actually will... rebuild
<joepie91> I would actually say that a paper manual might be more useful simply because you can leave tabs
<joepie91> compared to the current state of the online manual
<tanonym> I can put stickies in various locations, and easily flip back and forth faster than go to the edge, select book-marks and move to the book mark (and possibly have to wait for the PDF to render on a slow computer)
<nixy> joepie91: Isn't the manual hyperlinked? I don't understand why you would need tabs
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<joepie91> nixy: because it's a single massive page and it's difficult to navigate to the section that answers the question you have.
<joepie91> it's very much designed for linear reading first and foremost
<joepie91> not reference
<nixy> Well we recently had a whole separate conversation about the design of the manual ;)
<tanonym> Because all the hyperlinking is at the top so you always scroll back to get to the location or have multiple tabs (which can kill my computer performance, loading issues with the browser at times etc.)
<nixy> Perhaps I am biased cause I use VimFX so I can just zip around the manual
<tanonym> I would have to learn VimFX as well.
<tanonym> Same reason why I use Atom instead of Emacs or Vim because there is less of a learning curve in Atom and Scrivener for me.
<nixy> I'm not saying you should learn VimFX, though it is pretty neat. But my tools are different leading me to different perspectives
<nixy> tanonym: I guess the important question is do you think we could be doing anything better for navigating the manual online
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<tanonym> Two colum layout, naviation links on one side, previous, home, next links at the bottom of sections.
<ericsagnes> player1_: 'nix-build --check' should do the trick
<tanonym> Or make it an annotated/indexed searchable PDF for use offline.
<tanonym> RTF could work as well.
<joepie91> I would say that "make it not one big massive page" (for online reading) would be a very good start, as would fuzzy search
<joepie91> or full text search, rather
<nixy> tanonym: Since you seem to care here, would you be interested in opening an issue summarizing this?
<tanonym> And a much better index, would really help since the order doesn't always make sense to everyone.
<nixy> I think you have some good points, so I would hate to see this lost in the fuzz of irc
<tanonym> Yeah, I'll make some notes and write up a suggestion on git for this.
<tanonym> I'll also play around and see what I could come up with for organization in RTF or PDF formats.
<tanonym> I think RTF would be a better choice as it is pretty universal and could be handled by console only applications. Good HTML layout will be handled by well by Lynx or elinks or similar.
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<clever> joepie91: --option binary-caches ""
<joepie91> clever: wrong person :P
<joepie91> player1_: ^
<clever> ah, just woke up
<ekleog> hmm, is there a write-up or example configuration.nix or whatever somewhere about running a mail server on nixos? I'm almost sure I remember having seen one but can't google it again :/
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<player1_> yeah, thanks guys, the magic incantation i constructed was 'nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A pkgname --check'
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<tanonym> What's the option for non-pulesaudio sound? hardware.alsa.enable
<tanonym> And hardware.alsa doesn't show up when I search the options.
<clever> alsa just works by default i believe
<tanonym> sound.enable D'oh!
<clever> ah
<clever> sound.enable defaults to true
<tanonym> Could that be changed so that it follows the pattern of other options in the same area
<clever> and having it at true installs the alsa cli utils, and configures systemd to save/restore volume levels
<tanonym> You still have to add = true; to sound.enable or else nixos-rebuild throws errors
<clever> what error does it throw?
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<tanonym> WeeChat doesn't seem to treat URLs that cross multiple lines in the window as one unit.
<clever> (facepalm)
<tanonym> Looks like it displays them by putting linebreaks instead of soft-wrappping.
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<clever> hardware.sound.enable was created before 2013, and was defaulting to true even then
<clever> and has never been defaulting to false
<tanonym> Well, after adding the = true to configuration.nix it stopped complaining about it.
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<tanonym> I am guessing I should reboot to get the changes to take effect.
<clever> the switch action can apply most changes without a reboot
<tanonym> Well, I'm still not getting any sound, either through speakers or through headphones, so I will try rebooting.
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<tanonym> Hrm, I think maybe my hardware is dying. Reboot didn't help.
<clever> tanonym: check alsamixer
<clever> one of the outputs is probably on mute
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] womfoo opened pull request #26121: zabbix-cli: init at 1.6.1 (master...init/zabbix-cli-1.6.1) https://git.io/vHGxc
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHGxW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3de90b2 Volth: webkitgtk: 2.14.11 -> 2.16.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master addb96c Nikolay Amiantov: unity3d: 5.5.3 -> 5.6.1...
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<tanonym> Nothing's immediately apparent. Though the user doesn't seem to have anything in alsa mixer
<tanonym> Running it as root shows the expected volume levels for the card.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar closed pull request #26104: webkitgtk: 2.14.11 -> 2.16.3 (master...webkitgtk-2.16.3) https://git.io/vHsA4
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] timor opened pull request #26123: kernel: enable audio jack reconfiguration (master...snd-hda-reconfig) https://git.io/vHGpf
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<tanonym> Okay, sound.enable and adding my user to audio then tweaking alsamixer work.
<clever> yeah, forgot to mention the audio group
<tanonym> Now to figure out how to get the alsamixer functionality in Enlightenment's Emixer.
<tanonym> I figgered it out :D
<tanonym> Sometimes even an incomplete suggestion is helpful in getting the problem solved. :D
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHGpB
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 574e4e2 romildo: pnmixer: 0.7.1-rc1 -> 0.7.1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] womfoo opened pull request #26124: cloudmonkey: init at 5.3.3 with related dependency argcomplete: init at 1.8.2 (master...init/cloudmonkey-5.3.3) https://git.io/vHGph
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHGjJ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 00672de Vladimír Čunát: Merge older staging...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #26125: rename webkitgtk24x->webkitgtk24x-gtk3; webkitgtk2->webkitgtk24x-gtk2 (master...webkitgtk-naming) https://git.io/vHGjY
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<player1_> Ok so I got my package building. I have a question though, when building it 'in tree' like build-nix '<nixpkgs>' -A pkg, llvm is at version 3.8, but when building it 'out of tree', by importing/inheriting its dependencies from <nixpkgs>, llvm is at version 3.9
<player1_> well llvmPackages
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] primeos pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHZvg
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 175ecba Michael Weiss: gitRepo: Improve the packaging...
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<player1_> so it seems like nixpkgs, when calling the function 'in tree' is passing in a different version of llvmPackages, but I cannot seem to track down where in nixpkgs this happens
<guillaum2> is there a way to "relink" a .so knowing the current enviroment ? I have a .so comming from somewhere else and linking to some lib in /usr/lib. My current solution is to call patchelf --set-rpath with all the needed paths, but is there a "smarter way"?
<ben> I don't think .so files typically refer to libs in another way beyond what you'd do with patchelf
<guillaum2> ben: I'm looking for something such as 'patchelf --auto mylib.so' instead of 'patchelf --set-rpath path1:path2:path3:path4:path5:path6'.
<ben> oh i see
<ben> I don't expect there is a better way, and I don't know how it'd figure out which paths you want, but I might be missing something
<guillaum2> ben: well, I don't really know too, but when gcc is linking, it "knows" where the library are using its library path, so I thought something similar may be possible.
<ben> With a regular nix build, people will have explicitly arranged for all the paths to be in the environment somewhere
<clever> guillaum2: you would write a nix expression, that computes the correct paths
<ben> which looks like the opposite of the amount of effort we're hoping for :)
<ben> maybe something like an fhs chroot user env...
<clever> a chroot is almost never what you want
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<guillaum2> well, it may be the solution, but what I'm supposed to put in the nix expression. My full problem is that I'm packaging a prebuilt library from a proprietary software. I cannot rebuild the lib. However I know it depends on, say, zlib and mesa_glu. Currently the lib is looking for thoses libs in /usr/lib, I want to change that "smartly".
<clever> thats exactly what patchelf is for
<ben> im thinking youd chroot into this so that the .so would resolve all its libs, then ask ldd for all the paths, exit the chroot and add the paths to rpath
<ben> (assuming all the libs happen to be in your profile or something)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vHZJs
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 96a5ae5 Dan Peebles: apple-sdk: 10.9 -> 10.10...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 a6f1faf Daiderd Jordan: darwin: add setup-hook to fix CF references...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 b8b7b32 Daiderd Jordan: darwin-frameworks: don't use pure CF...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pmahoney opened pull request #26126: ocamlPackages.core_bench: init at 113.33.03 (master...ocaml-core_bench) https://git.io/vHZUU
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<guillaum2> clever: ok, so that's not uncommon to have a nix derivation with a really huge patchelf call list. That's alright ;)
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<tommyangelo[m]> is pgadmin 4 available on nixos?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nbp closed pull request #25496: desktopManager service: Add wallpaper options (master...multimonitor-wallpaper) https://git.io/v9uA8
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<thblt> It's probably obvious and I'm sure I read about it in the documentation, but could someone explain to me (or better, point me to the the relevant part of the manual) how you can "derive" an existing package without just copying-and-paste its contents? More specifically, I want to modify the Emacs package to build 25.2 instead of the packaged 25.1, because 25.1 keeps segfaulting. Thanks!
<thblt> (Btw, said segfaults have nothing to do with NixOs, they've been 25.1's plague on every system I've used it)
<freusque> this used to be on the 'nixos cheat sheet' page on the defunct wiki
<freusque> thblt: you can replace some attributes, here for example the src attribute is overriden
<freusque> in order to recompile some package from source
<thblt> freusque: Thanks a lot. It's a bit painful that most of my Nix-related Google searches still point to long-deleted wiki pages...
<freusque> yeah you can use the internet archive :)
<thblt> Didn't even think of that... How stupid of me.
<thblt> (Yet, it would be really cool to have a wiki back, although I understand spam was a root cause of its deletion, and spamfighting is hard...)
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<goibhniu> thblt: there's also https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki
<goibhniu> if you find something useful on archive.org, it would be great if you can add it to the official documentation or the nixos-users wiki
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gabesoft opened pull request #26127: Fixed meteor Future is not defined error (master...upstream-master) https://git.io/vHZmf
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #26129: mupdf: 1.10a -> 1.11 (master...upd.mupdf) https://git.io/vHZO3
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<sphalerite> Is there a way to identify an MBR partition table internally (using /dev/disk/by*) rather than externally, i.e. without knowing anything about the physical device it's stored on?
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<sphalerite> Goal being to set boot.fileSystems correctly for an image that should be dd-able to a USB stick
<clever> if your creating the image, then you should know ahead of if its mbr or gpt
<clever> and yeah, finding out if its /dev/sda or /dev/sdb is one reason i dont like mbr
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<sphalerite> clever: it is MBR. I just don't want to specify a hardware-dependent path to it
<clever> though the gpt trick i was thinking of is also missing
<clever> sphalerite: in those cases, i usualy set grub.device to "nodev" after the mbr has been "flashed"
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<clever> so it can never update the mbr, but it will still boot
<sphalerite> I want an image I can just send to a not-very-technical friend and he can write to his USB stick
<clever> the nixos installer iso can already do that
<clever> do you want it to be able to support persistant nixos-rebuild?
<sphalerite> Using an ISO image was pretty successful in that respect, but it would be nice to have something where the data won't be lost on every reboot
<clever> ah
<sphalerite> hm, just a persistent home and nix store would probably be enough
<clever> /dev/sdb1 2048 67583 65536 32M BIOS boot
<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# blkid /dev/sdb1
<clever> /dev/sdb1: PARTLABEL="bios boot" PARTUUID="ad3e9290-ae0f-4953-b67b-1dfdeebed926"
<clever> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 May 21 01:34 /dev/disk/by-partuuid/ad3e9290-ae0f-4953-b67b-1dfdeebed926 -> ../../sdb1
<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# realpath /dev/disk/by-partuuid/ad3e9290-ae0f-4953-b67b-1dfdeebed926
<clever> /dev/sdb1
<clever> sphalerite: at this point, you would need to remove the 1 at the end, and your done
<sphalerite> Hm, yeah I guess I could do that with some clever shell scripting
<clever> doing it in here may also work
<gchristensen> for those of you following (lol) my saga of The Two Week Patch, I was finally able to open source it: https://github.com/wmertens/sublime-nix/pull/4
<clever> because this is the script that passes the nixos config to grub
<sphalerite> Also, is it possible to have a runInLinuxVM where udev does its stuff?
<sphalerite> Because right now I'm doing some terrible shell-script-and-sysfs-hackery to get the device nodes created
<clever> ah
<clever> sphalerite: i think one of these is responsible for that
<clever> sphalerite: and line 518 stops it
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<clever> gchristensen, sphalerite: i also updated my kexec stuff, it can now do the entire nixos install in 1 command
<gchristensen> beautiful!
<sphalerite> wow
<freusque> Is there an article somewhere about the history of the nix project?
<clever> so you can now use nix-build to generate a .tar file, upload that to any linux server in any datacenter
<clever> then ssh in, unpack it to /, and run /kexec_nixos
<clever> and within ~2 minutes, it will be running nixos from a ramdisk
<clever> ssh back in, and run justdoit, and your install is done
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<sphalerite> Would it be possible to create multiple derivations from a single CMake-based projects, where each one corresponds to a CMake target?
<clever> maybe, make a nix function that takes a target name, sets the right env variable, and returns a derivation
<clever> and then call that 5 times
<clever> let f = target: stdenv.mkDerivation { buildInputs = [ cmake ]; cmakeFlags = [ "-DTARGET=${target}" ]; };
<clever> debug = f "debug";
<sphalerite> Well I was thinking more along the lines of the actual targets, i.e. what's passed to make after cmake has run
<sphalerite> but those can have dependencies on each other
<clever> ah
<sphalerite> so I guess a "cmake2nix" sort of thing would be needed for that
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<clever> let f = target: stdenv.mkDerivation { buildInputs = [ cmake ]; makeFlags = [ target ]; };
<clever> but yeah, you still need something to dynamicaly generate the list
<clever> and if there is a common dep, each derivation will re-make it internally
<sphalerite> hm, I added the systemd-udevd start, the add trigger and the settle, but udev still doesn't seem to be creating appropriate device nodes in the VM
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Katyucha opened pull request #26130: vault: 0.6.5 -> 0.7.1 with service (master...vault) https://git.io/vHZcN
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<sphalerite> tried the same with eudev as well
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<katyucha> Hi ! I pull my first request ! but... I have a doubt.. I make my vault upgrade and service with my unstable version => So my pull request must be on master or another branch ?
<danbst> freusque: there is very little info on this topic. Probably when Nix will become mainstream, niksnut will write a short bio of his project. As a nice intro into Nixpkgs history, try to read some commits from 0.1 - 0.4 tags, those are very different from contemporary nixpkgs.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch closed pull request #26089: xonotic: fix xonotic not finding libcurl at runtime (master...fix-xonotic-libcurl) https://git.io/vH32l
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<danbst> katyucha: you should PR on master branch
<sphalerite> katyucha: yes, PRs should usually be on master.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHZWu
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 87c1097 Unai Zalakain: xonotic: 0.8.1 -> 0.8.2...
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<sphalerite> katyucha: exceptions are backports (in which case they go onto the appropriate release branch) and changes that cause mass rebuilds, which go to staging
<freusque> danbst: thank you
* sphalerite only just realised that niksnut == edolstra
<danbst> freusque: also, I found once (but lost now), that there was a grant to several IT related projects, one of then was Nix. Only Nix survived, other projects seem to be dead
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<freusque> well.... that grant was not wasted taxpayer money
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<danbst> freusque: and one more - there was a time in Nix history, when there was no unique hash in derivation name. Can't find the exact source now
<katyucha> danbst and sphalerite : Ok, thanks for your answer. Hope all is good for vault 0.7.1 now :)
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<kykim> anyone here use nixos on AWS? where's /etc/nix/configuration.nix? i just want to add some binary-caches to the configuration
<simpson> kykim: On NixOS, it should be /etc/nixos/configuration.nix as usual.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] matejc opened pull request #26131: docker tools: fix pull image function (master...pkgs/build-support/docker/pull) https://git.io/vHZ8g
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ehmry pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHZ8i
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 12b6c4d Emery Hemingway: u9fs service: grant capabilities for running as nobody
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<kykim> simpson: hmm. i just launched an instance from the nixos AMI, and it's not there :-(
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<clever> kykim: the ami is normally used with nixops, which will upload a pre-built nixos using nix-copy-closure
<simpson> kykim: What clever said. I didn't realize that you were using the prebuilt AMI.
<clever> you can either write your own configuration.nix from scratch (nixos-generate-config can help) or switch to nixops
<kykim> ah
<kykim> thanks all
<simpson> nixops is pretty good. I haven't used it on EC2 though.
<clever> just beware that the custom configuration.nix may brick the machine
<clever> but with aws, its easy enough to delete, and spawn a new one from the AMI
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<kykim> arg! nevermind, stupid user error. looking in /etc/nix not /etc/nixos!
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<simpson> Happens. No worries.
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<kykim> another (unrelated) question: i want to set up a binary cache, and have my nix prefer it over cache.nixos.org. is it as simple as ordering in my 'binary-cache' list, or do i need to have it return a lower/higher 'Priority' value in 'nix-cache-info'?
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<simpson> kykim: Why do you need preferences? Why can't you just have both caches?
<kykim> simpson: technically, i don't need a preference, i was just wondering...
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<simpson> kykim: I imagine that the caches are tried in order, but I'm not sure. I can't imagine any reason for conditional preference.
<kykim> say, my cache is in my network vs. cache.nixos.org being hosted on S3.
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<kykim> trying to minimize latency :-)
<simpson> Install packages less often.
<kykim> hahaha
<simpson> I don't know what to say. For some stuff, I want to do a custom binary cache, but in that situation, I probably won't use cache.nixos.org at all.
<clever> kykim: i think either mkOrder or mkFirst
<clever> extraCommands = lib.mkMerge [ (lib.mkAfter ''
<clever> kykim: swap this to before or first i think, and double-check the resulting nix.conf it generates
<clever> or mkForce to replace the default list entirely
<kykim> simpson: that might work. it's probably less of an issue than i'm thinking it is.
<simpson> kykim: IME as soon as you start doing non-trivial stuff with nixops, you'll have to have your deployment machine do some compiling, and that's just the way things are.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHZu2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b5deb68 romildo: mupdf: 1.10a -> 1.11
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b4a3216 Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #26129 from romildo/upd.mupdf...
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<ekleog> zimbatm: about https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/pull/12 ; is there anything I could do to move it forward? It looks ready to go to me, but obviously as I've the PR sitting around I'm biased :)
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<thblt`> Does anybody know how to configure the udev rules for OpenPGP smartcards? I've tried adding services.pcscd.enable=true in configuration.nix, but it doesn't seem to be enough. I can access the card with sudo, but not as a standard user.
<thblt`> If it matters in any way, said card is a Yubikey 4
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<judson> thblt` - one sec...
<thblt`> Solved it. It was a different issue.
<judson> udev.extraRules = ''
<judson> KERNEL=="hidraw*", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1050", MODE="0664", GROUP="wheel"
<judson> KERNEL=="hidraw*", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1050", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="/run/current-system/sw/bin/loginctl lock-sessions"
<judson> '';
<thblt`> The configuration line works, but rebooting didn't correctly switch to the new version.
<thblt`> Some issue with systemd-efiboot
<judson> Huh.
<ekleog> zimbatm: also, maybe a FCP-like thing could be useful for nixos, taking example on rust (ie. say "from now on if no argument is raised in 7 days the rfc will be merged/rejected")?
<savage_eng> Are all packages in the nixpkgs github repository supposed to be installable through nix-env? I can see there is a spotify package but cannot seem to find it with a qaP
<ekleog> zimbatm: (FCP standing for Final Comment Period or something like this)
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<thblt`> judson: Thanks a lot, though. I'm not sure how that happened, sorry
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gentoofreak opened pull request #26132: libopus: 1.1.4 -> 1.1.5 (master...libopus-1.1.5) https://git.io/vHZVk
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<judson> thblt`, no problem
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<thblt> savage_eng: Where do you see this spotify packages?
<pbogdan> savage_eng: you likely need "allowUnfree = true;" in your config.nix
<LnL> yes, unfree packages are hidden by default
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] yurrriq opened pull request #26133: wakatime: 7.0.4 -> 8.0.2 (master...update/pkgs/tools/misc/wakatime) https://git.io/vHZwd
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<savage_eng> pbogdan: ah thanks, will give that a shot
<savage_eng> thblt: It's under applications/audio/spotify
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHZKW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8a11612 Peter Simons: maude: disable CVC4 support to fix the build
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<danbst> ekleog: I'm not zimbatm, but I have a question - why's that RFC, and not a PR or separate project on top of NixOS?
<ekleog> danbst: it's also going to be a PR (as soon as the rfc is decided upon), it's an RFC because https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/blob/master/rfcs/0001-rfc-process.md mentions "Expansions to the scope of nixpkgs (new arch, major subprojects, ...)" and it seems to fit into "major subprojects" to me :)
<danbst> ekleog: personally, there should be a community around declarative virtual machines before requesting comments on a concrete specification, so the dialog would be constructive.
<ekleog> (like, don't want to get the options wrong, given it's hard to change them once they've made their way into a stable version)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #26134: lynx: Fix SSL support by letting it use pkgconfig (master...fix/lynx-ssl) https://git.io/vHZ6W
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<ekleog> danbst: well... isn't the objective of the RFC to gather people interested in the subject? like, if you want you can also use https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/master...Ekleog:vms which is an approximately OK implementation of the current state of the RFC (I'd have to perform last checks and a rebase before submitting the PR though), but creating a community is kind of hard? (like, this implementation
<ekleog> would never have been seen wasn't it for the RFC)
<danbst> ekleog: the less options - less pain migrating )
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<danbst> ekleog: I undesrtand, you don't want to waste time
<ekleog> danbst: yeah, completely approve on fewest options possible, that's why I tried keeping the scope of the RFC to the strict minimum :) that said I think network configuration is the most potentially debatable, yet noone came back on this, so I guess people find it ok ^^
<ekleog> danbst: @wasting time, well, it's been ~2 months since I submitted the RFC and had the PR ready, so... I'm kind of wasting time, but hoping it could serve the community
<danbst> ekleog: but what would the status "rejected" mean to you then? Would you stop improving the colution (IMO it looks better then using nixops libvirt backend, perhaps I should have a try)
<danbst> * solution
<ekleog> danbst: to me, "rejected" would mean "we don't want declarative virtual machines for the time being, try again later" ; asking to improve the solution would be made by keeping the PR for the RFC open and adding comments to it ; then that's only my reading of RFCs :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] armijnhemel opened pull request #26135: cifs-utils: 6.5 -> 6.6 (master...cifs-utils-6.6) https://git.io/vHZPY
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<ekleog> (in which case I'd just move on to using my fork of nixpkgs for VMs and maintain it for myself, I guess)
<disasm> so... in a position where I need virtualbox extensions for a windows VM :( I have virtualbox enabled using virtualisation.virtualbox.host.enable = true; and I ran the nix-prefetch-url command to get the extension pack, but not sure where I put the config to enable it. In pkgs/top-level it shows enableExtensionPack = config.virtualbox.enableExtensionPack or false;
<clever> disasm: nixpkgs.config.virtualbox.enableExtensionPack = true;
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<LnL> virtualbox.override { enableExtensionPack = true; }
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<danbst> ekleog: it looks like can be separate module, `imports = [ <ekleog/vms> ];`.
<LnL> hmm, there's no nix-shell equivalent for the new nix binary?
<ekleog> danbst: you're right indeed :)
<elasticdog> I'm trying to understand a package that has been marked as "broken", pywinrm: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/82e99edf3195ff6184b06a3bbeb0b98e074af603
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<elasticdog> is the problem that it now requires libgssapi_krb5.so, but we don't have a derivation for that in nixpkgs?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] montag451 opened pull request #26136: nixos: test LDAP stack (master...test-ldap-stack) https://git.io/vHZPx
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<elasticdog> I see a reference to libgssapi_krb5.so under the steam runtime, but it looks like it downloads a deb and installs it for its own purposes
<clever> krb5Full.out 0 s /nix/store/vcamvm7mcypf16y594dsdfas2gkblhnr-krb5-1.15/lib/libgssapi_krb5.so
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<clever> elasticdog: that does exist, it just needs the right LD_LIBRARY_PATH when python does get ran
<LnL> elasticdog: it's probably just looking in the wrong place
<clever> or have an absolute path pathed into the python source
<clever> kerberos.out 0 s /nix/store/1lcj3bwfpfy0bi5qmnbw66xz8lg7639d-libkrb5-1.15/lib/libgssapi_krb5.so
<clever> and it appears to be in 2 different derivations
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<Infinisil> Hey guys, what's the difference between mozilla's rust overlay and the rustc/cargo packages in nixpkgs?
<elasticdog> ahh, gotcha...so a tweaking of the pywinrm derivation to add that path should be all it needs? it looks like kerberos is already a build input
<clever> elasticdog: yeah
<LnL> Infinisil: I don't think the overlay builds rust from source, nixpkgs does
<dmj`> peti: was strictConfigurePhase removed?
<dmj`> I’m trying to swap out a ghc boot pkg
<dmj`> But am hitting a Cabal “serious” error
<dmj`> ** abort because of serious configure-time warning from Cabal
<Infinisil> LnL: I don't quite get why both exist
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<sphalerite> What's the policy in terms of names for packages? e.g. I'm packaging a piece of software called "Nifty Reg", the source filename is nifty_reg-1.3.9.zip. Should the attribute name be nifty-reg and the package name nifty_reg-1.3.9, or what?
<danbst> ekleog: commented on rfc. I've used nixops+libvirtd to make module for openstack swift, but proper setup involves creating multiple VMs with multiple disks (to setup redundancy)
<LnL> Infinisil: it's for the nightly builds, they move to fast to build/fix
<manveru> sphalerite: what's the executable called? :)
<LnL> Infinisil: things in nixpkgs should build from source
<sphalerite> manveru: multiple, all beginning with reg_
<manveru> then i'd go with that
<disasm> clever: it's compiling, so I'm guessing that worked! thanks!
<sphalerite> hmm, the project is also referred to as NiftyReg by authors
<sphalerite> manveru: nifty_reg for both attribute and derivation names?
<clever> disasm: i think it was marked as broken because it had errors at runtime
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<manveru> sphalerite: looking at the project... they seem to be really split on how to write it, so i don't think it matters
<sphalerite> manveru: alright, thanks
<sphalerite> I suppose using the same name pattern as the source archive for the derivation is useful since I can then just use ${name} in the URL
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<elasticdog> clever: was going to update pywinrm to have a wrapper that sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but that doesn't work because it's just a lib and not a bin...how can the derivation adjust python's environment at runtime?
<clever> elasticdog: yeah, thats tricky in the python stuff, can you find where in the python its trying to open the library?
<clever> elasticdog: and just patch that to use an absolute path to the so?
<elasticdog> hrm...will poke around it some more
<LnL> oh staging was merged, rip arm build :)
<clever> elasticdog: the runtime error should have a backtrace pointing to it
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<ekleog> danbst: thanks for the comment! that said, as you said best path for forward-compatibility is to reduce as much as possible the number of options, so I'd think it'd be better to have a first version upstreamed with minimal features, then gradually add some. What do you think about it? (also, for openstack, as it's supposed to be deployed over an entire cluster I'd have thought it'd be better to use nixops, to
<ekleog> be able to run vms on multiple machines at once?)
<LnL> clever: oh wow you also build armv6, how long does it take to build everything?
<clever> LnL: the rpi2 and rpi3 are backwards compatible to v6
<clever> LnL: the rpi1 is v6 only and was so slow i just turned it off
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<clever> LnL: 17m9s to build nix on v6, and 16m48s to build nix on v7
<clever> both on the exact same machine
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<LnL> I know you can, but I assume rebuilding 2 architectures will take twice as long
<clever> LnL: ah, and i see that mass-rebuild, it just started gcc
<clever> yeah, twice the time, because it has to do everything again
<LnL> ^^
<clever> but v6 itself isnt really that much slower, when on v7 capable hardware
<LnL> yeah, just wondering how long an stdenv rebuild takes
<clever> only a few things are configured to do v6
<clever> the nixpkgs release i have only does v7
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<ekleog> clever: wait, you have nixos on rpi's? I really should just break in your house, copy all your disks and get out x)
<clever> glibc for v6 took 47 minutes, gettext took 25mins
<elasticdog> clever: I'm having a hard time reproducing the runtime error shown on the commit that marked it as broken, but admittedly have no real experience in the kerberos realm.
<clever> ekleog: i did have full nixos on the v6's, with an iscsi root, so i can access the disk image at any time
<clever> ekleog: i never got around to switching the v7 to proper nixos, its rasbian with nix on the side
<clever> 32G -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32G Aug 13 2016 /media/videos/4tb/drives/rpi-iscsi/nix2.img
<clever> ekleog: yep, found the disk image
<clever> /media/videos/4tb/drives/rpi-iscsi/nix2.img: UUID="03a9d037-3155-43c7-9a4c-c02f7eba0273" TYPE="ext4"
<ekleog> hidden in /media/videos, nice :þ
<clever> raw ext4, no partition table, and it needs a /boot on the SD card
<ekleog> that said, iscsi would be hard to use, as I was planning to use the rpi as a VPN end alone on a network
<elasticdog> clever: although it might be a moot point...pywinrm's kerberos support is optional, and it doesn't look like we install the requests_kerberos module anyway, so maybe I should just remove kerberos from the build inputs as fixing the library won't get it working in this context anyway?
<ekleog> did you have anything special to do? did you setup a hydra for v6's rebuilding or similar?
<clever> elasticdog: you could just dd it to the right partition
<clever> oops, wrong e name
<clever> ekleog: when i was running the v6's, i had them registered as build slaves in my hydra
<clever> ekleog: but i now have a single v7 running rasbian as the hydra slave
<clever> ekleog: http://hydra.earthtools.ca/machines its currently building gcc
<clever> correction, its still unpacking the gcc source, has been for the last 7 minutes!
<ekleog> hmm, so your v7 rpi builds both v6 and v7 binaries?
<clever> yeah
<ekleog> that must but quite a lot of load on it :°
<LnL> I should get a rpi sometime, but then I have to fix an extra lan cable
<clever> only 1 derivation at a time
* ekleog was thinking of trying hydra on an qemu-emulated armvX
<clever> LnL: the rpi3 has built in wifi
<ekleog> Wonder if it'd be worse than rpis
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<LnL> clever: ok, I'm sold now :D
<LnL> lol
<clever> the rpi3 is also able to run v6, v7, and aarch64
<clever> so you can cover all the platforms
<ekleog> or maybe just buy one decent arm CPU for building, it can't be too expensive I hope
<clever> ekleog: i sometimes use qemu-user to boost my build times
<ekleog> noooooooooos
<clever> it lets an x86 machine run arm binaries, without emulating the entire arm os
<ekleog> but when does it stop? when do I find an idea you haven't implemented yet?
<LnL> can aarch64 build armv7l stuff similar to x86/i686?
<clever> LnL: yeah, just enable the right 32bit compat thing in the kernel
<LnL> allright that's perfect
<ekleog> oh, so qemu-user is a binfmt-based arm-binary runner using qemu?
<clever> ekleog: yeah
<clever> ekleog: it will take every syscall, and translate it to suit the host kernel
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<ekleog> looks both great and so simple, as usual :)
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<clever> ekleog: but you also need to force nix to run elf files for the "wrong" arch
<clever> ekleog: upgrade.patch will add an option for that in nix.conf
<joepie91> I think clever is our 'weird ideas' specialist
<joepie91> :p
<joepie91> (and I mean that in a positive way, heh)
<clever> just yesterday, i redid this kexec trick, so it can fully automate the install
<clever> so in about 6 shell commands, you can turn any remote linux server into a nixos machine
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<danbst> clever: even without reboot?
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<clever> danbst: it uses kexec to forcibly take over the cpu
<joepie91> clever: probably won't work on openvz :P
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<joepie91> or LXC for that matter
<clever> yeah, it only works on machines where you can change the kernel,and the host boots via the legacy MBR sector
<joepie91> given that you don't control the kernel there
<joepie91> right
<clever> but it could be changed to also support EFI
<clever> and if they dont offer dhcp, you have to configure the correct ip in the nixos config files (2 places, configuration.nix and target-config.nix)
<clever> hardest part is guessing what systemd will name the main NIC
<clever> but its configured to reboot at the end of every hour, so if you get the network wrong, it returns control to the original OS
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<player1_> this package is tricky. its a compiler. During its build process it tries to intuit where to find glibc headers from clang, but clang is using the non-dev glibc, so there are none
<player1_> its /development/compilers/terra
<clever> player1_: did you try clangStdenv.mkDerivation?
<player1_> no i didn't. Im working backwards from the existing package which is kind of broken
<player1_> let me try that
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<player1_> just to be clear, its not doing this because it needs them during compile time, it needs them during runtime
<clever> ah
<clever> nix sets up a $NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE that has right right -I flags
<clever> and you may need to pass those on, or run terra inside nix to set them again
<player1_> yeah I am not entirely sure 'how' terra goes about capturing the include directory, I did 'strings $(which terra)' and noticed that the glibc path it embedded had no include directory, and the dev one in my store did
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<player1_> the issue tracker for terra mentions something about it being overidable by INCLUDE_PATH environment variable, so I might just make a wrapper when i figure out how
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<player1_> supposing I was able to capture the right include path(s) during the install phase, are there any helper functions to set up a wrapper script to run the executable with them in its environment?
<clever> player1_: wrapProgram can prefix $PATH with things, there should be tons of examples in nixpkgs
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<sophiag> hi. i realized i haven't updated either my packages or os since i started using nixos in February (prompted by dropbox telling me i need to upgrade to keep using it...) so per the manual i ran "nix-channel --update nixos" followed by nixos-rebuild switch. the rebuild returned with an error, seemingly because it couldn't download chrome (maybe i need to update mirrors?), but i figured it still would have updated everything else. however,
<sophiag> on launching dropbox it's still prompting me to update so i'm not sure.
<clever> sophiag: nixos-rebuild is atomic, it either updates everything, or it updates nothing
<sophiag> ah i see
<sophiag> so if the errors start at "error: cannot download google-chrome-stable_57.0.2987.110-1_amd64.deb from any mirror" then does that mean i just need to update mirrors?
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<clever> if you can find it anywhere, you can run nix-prefetch-url on it
<sophiag> and then try the same commands again?
<clever> yep
<sophiag> oh, seems like they added TOS. i don't remember that from before. perhaps i just need to update my config a la Oracle JDK
<sophiag> not sure how many chrome users are in here to confirm/deny that
<clever> i run chrome and havent had any issues like that
<clever> though i'm on chromium
<sophiag> right, that's what i meant. chrome vs. chromium. obviously you wouldn't need to sign TOS for the former
<clever> yeah
<sophiag> but you didn't have to for the latter as of a few months ago either
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<sophiag> if the web version for debian is prompting me then seems like they could have made a change
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<equalunique> Hi #nixos. Does anyone have any recent guides on doing a ZFS install with 17.03? Asking for a new system build. I see there's a 2014 discussion on the NixOS mailing list and a 2015 gist on github for a raidz1 root on an HP DL360 G5. None of these however appear recent.
<clever> equalunique: i also recently made a script to fully automate it an install: https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/blob/master/kexec/justdoit.nix#L33
<equalunique> that's clever :D
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<equalunique> I will review what you just sent me. Thanks.
<sophiag> hmm, i tried adding (google-chrome true true) and i get an error immediately on rebuild "attempt to call something which is not a function but a set"
<clever> sophiag: what was the old error?
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<sophiag> "error: cannot download google-chrome-stable_57.0.2987.110-1_amd64.deb from any mirror"
<clever> sophiag: the full one, there may be more info above that
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<sophiag> before that: "curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404" everything was rebuilding up until then
<sophiag> so actually it seems i'm wrong about TOS
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<sophiag> perhaps the nix pkg is broken?
<clever> which channel are you on?
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<clever> ah, an issue is already open: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/25880
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<sophiag> so it seems i need to update the nixos version in my config? i'm currently way back at 16.09...
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<clever> ah, they probably didnt fix 16.09
<clever> but 16.09 is also starting to get old, maybe you should update to 17.03?
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<sophiag> the person logging the issue did that upgrade, but didn't answer as to whether the channel was updated
<sophiag> clever: right, i should update anyway
<sophiag> but we're uncertain whether that will fix this
<sophiag> ok, the answer is *no*
<clever> it can also be fixed by just finding that exact version of another mirror and running nix-prefetch-url on it
<sophiag> clever: am i correct in assuming when the person asked "Is your 17.03 channel up to date?" that just require nix-channel --update nixos?
<sophiag> asking because i'd like to update that issue
<clever> yeah, it looks like he was asking if he was on the latest 17.03
<sophiag> well this occurred for him in the context of upgrading to 17.03, but he never answered whether he updated the channel
<sophiag> i want to be sure if i respond like, "same issue, and i did update my channel" i'm not making a fool out of myself :p
<clever> let me check the channels on this end
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~/apps/nixpkgs]$ git checkout channels/nixos-16.09
<clever> ive got my git clone setup so i can test any channel easily
<sophiag> thanks. to be clear i *did* update to 17.03 and still get the 404
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<disasm> All this talk of ZFS in here makes me wonder if I should rebuild my systems on zfs (currently running btrfs)
<judson> I certainly hear a lot of trash talked about btrfs, but nothing authoritative
<clever> sophiag: nixos-17.09 is able to build google-chrome on my end
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<clever> sophiag: what does sudo nix-channel --list currently say?
<ekleog> hmm, did anyone eventually write a script to perform a `find` in the closure of the running system? I always find myself opening /etc/systemd/services to figure out which ones are the latest versions of the config files used :/
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<clever> equalunique: nix-store -qR /run/current-system/
<clever> ekleog: oops, ^^^
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<ekleog> clever: I was thinking of also recursing in the directories given by nix-store -qR
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<sophiag> (16.09 since the rebuild was unsuccessful)
<ekleog> but actually now I'm thinking of it most conf files are directly raw files in the store so it works without it, at least in the latest case I'm hitting :)
<ekleog> thanks!
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<sophiag> clever: is 17.09 stable? i could try with that as well
<Drako365> Is there a wiki anywhere?
<clever> sophiag: yeah
<clever> ekleog: find $(nix-store -qR ...)
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<Drako365> I was thinking online wiki, but that's neat
<ekleog> clever: oh. somehow I always thought find took a single argument. shame on me!
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<sophiag> clever: let me try with 17.09 and report back
<sophiag> same error, but i assume since rebuilds are atomic i need to delay upgrading chrome before i'm actually running 17.09?
<clever> sophiag: ah, nixos uses the channel called nixos, which you still have set to 16.09
<clever> sophiag: once you update the channel to point nixos to 17.03, nixos-rebuild should work and get chrome
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<sophiag> clever: well, i went forward even to 17.09. but i'm unsure how to update the channel to that version other than "nix-channel --update nixos"
<clever> does --list say nixos is 17.09?
<sophiag> no, still 16.09 and as mentioned i believe because i'm caught in a loop where chrome is preventing the update
<clever> sophiag: just run nix-channel --add to set nixos to 17.03
<sophiag> ah ok. thanks
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<sophiag> clever: i'm sorry what do i point --add at?
<clever> nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-17.03 nixos
<sophiag> thanks
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<sophiag> hmm...seems i might need to update emacs? the rebuild is now breaking on emacs24PackagesNg
<sophiag> "undefined variable"
<clever> emacs25PackagesNg now
<Drako365> does nixOS support bcache and/or btrfs by default, or would I have to patch things?
<clever> Drako365: it supports btrfs, ext4, zfs, and some others
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] symphorien opened pull request #26138: polkit: add patch for Bug 96977 (master...polkit-patch) https://git.io/vHZAo
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #26139: go: disable failing tests on arm (master...armv7l-go) https://git.io/vHZAS
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<LnL> clever: ^
<clever> LnL: already saw the email and opened the pr!
<clever> and my poor rpi has been working on gcc for 1h 33mins now, lol
<LnL> yeah, I reverted to before the stdenv merge to test this :)
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<LnL> I mean staging
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<sophiag> clever: ugh, i was almost there! one dependency for 17.03 couldn't be built. i'm not entirely sure which it is tbh. here's the very end of the stack trace: https://gist.github.com/Sophia-Gold/1459ddcc9f2280ac78df3c711d669851
<Infinisil> Does anybody know how autossh works?
<c0dehero> so. what's the state of security updates in nixos right now?
<Infinisil> I'd have thought you just run it in the background and can connect a tty to the connection when you need it
<clever> sophiag: you need to go to the java website and download a given version
<clever> sophiag: read line 20-23 of the gist
<sophiag> clever: i thought i dealt with that by having my config specify (oraclejdk8distro true true), but perhaps memory is failing me
<clever> or oracle changed the rules again
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<sophiag> :p
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<sophiag> ugh, now 404 on spotify :p
<sophiag> nonfree is killing me!
<sophiag> i hate to prove stallman of all people correct. lol
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<drakonis> lol
<drakonis> stallman
<drakonis> stallman is a old coot
<sophiag> clever: any idea about that one? or at this point i would maybe just disable upgrading it if possible
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<sophiag> drakonis: don't let him near your pet parrot!
<c0dehero> or your plant
<c0dehero> +s
<c0dehero> he likes to have sex with plants
<drakonis> yes
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<drakonis> also thinks its ok to have with kids
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<drakonis> and with the dead
<c0dehero> and dolphins
<sophiag> oy
<drakonis> oy
<drakonis> its not a joke
<drakonis> i wish it was but it isn't
<sophiag> why does every discussion with some libertarian type have to go down the abstract ethical arguments regarding pedophilia road? :(
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<drakonis> i'm not a libertarian
<drakonis> they're terrible
<sophiag> i meant stallman
<drakonis> humanity is awful
<drakonis> oh stallman
<drakonis> yes he's really bad
<sophiag> i'm just saying...isn't deepseated personal disgust enough we don't need to debate this like the Less Wrong jerks?
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<drakonis> hmm, less wrong is wrong.
<c0dehero> yeah, stallman isn't as great as many people think he is
<c0dehero> he did some great stuff, no doubt, but he's no messiah
<sophiag> yup...on all accounts
<clever> sophiag: you could temporarily remove spotify from the systemPackages
<c0dehero> which is probably why hurd never took off
<c0dehero> he just doesn't compromise
<c0dehero> linus is willing to work with companies to support proprietary software because it helps keep linux alive
<c0dehero> while stallman says that needing to feed your kids isn't a good excuse to write proprietary software, lol
<player1_> yeah stallman lives in a very thick bubble
<dash> c0dehero: well that's consistent with his anti-kid-having stance
<c0dehero> yeah
<Infinisil> Happy New Day!
<c0dehero> where he said "i'm sorry" after a gnu dev told him he had kids :D
<dash> c0dehero: probably a good thing, can you imagine having him as your dad
<c0dehero> ugh
<c0dehero> that would be terrible
<sophiag> clever: well, i don't want to have to do that *every* time i rebuild, but it's getting a bit ridiculous at this point. i really just wanted dropbox to work...
<dash> that'd be a good sitcom though, RMS and his kids that decided to go work for Oracle out of spite
<sophiag> dash: ha!
<player1_> or just owning an iphone out of spite
<c0dehero> dash: :D
<c0dehero> i really don't like when people put him on a pedestal and claim that he represents the whole open source community. it just makes all of us look bad
<c0dehero> "oh look, the open source community is a bunch of uncompromising antisocial weirdos who hate kids"
<dash> player1_: haha yes
<dash> c0dehero: it isn't?!?
* dash currently on leave from work due to a new baby in the family ;-)
<c0dehero> heh. well. i'm sure a majority is weird and introverted
<dash> well i'm certainly that
<Infinisil> Same
<player1_> its all relative
<player1_> ;P
<c0dehero> but most would know that it's not a good idea to eat your toe cheese when on camera :P
<c0dehero> or that you can be unsocial and not be an asshole
<Infinisil> TOE CHEESE?
<c0dehero> ye
<c0dehero> *sigh*
<simpson> c0dehero: <rms>Excuse me, but "open source" is not Free Software.</rms>
<player1_> having said all that, I think stallmans need to exist. Not many of them, but a few
<sophiag> clever: ugh, even with spotify commented out i'm now getting an error from my ocaml setup :p
<c0dehero> Infinisil: there you go https://youtube.com/watch?v=I25UeVXrEHQ
<c0dehero> sophiag: i should've seen that one coming
<c0dehero> eh
<c0dehero> *simpson
<clever> sophiag: another option is to just nix-env -iA nixos.dropbox
<clever> sophiag: nix-env has priority over systemPackages
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<Infinisil> c0dehero: Lol, what, really
<c0dehero> yupp :D
<sophiag> clever: right, but also it was just a wake up call to update generally. i didn't realize it would be so painful
<c0dehero> it's great that he doesn't give a shit about what other people think, but not when he's representing people....
<clever> sophiag: unlike things like ubuntu though, it wont break and leave you in a weird half-updated state
<Infinisil> c0dehero: #goals
<simpson> c0dehero: Relax. Go listen to him talk sometime. He's far more reasonable than you think.
<clever> sophiag: i have had ubuntu and gentoo do that before
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<sophiag> right, but i wish it would at least update the things it could. i understand that breaking atomicity makes rollbacks sort of impossible
<sophiag> anyway: here's my ocaml errors if you even care to look at this point: https://gist.github.com/Sophia-Gold/1459ddcc9f2280ac78df3c711d669851
<c0dehero> simpson: oh sure. he can be reasonable, but he can also be incredibly unreasonable
<simpson> c0dehero: Turns out that having a strong sense of ethics means that much of the modern world looks insane. Who knew?
<c0dehero> heh
<clever> sophiag: no idea about that one
<simpson> I don't agree with him on many things, and that's okay. I also probably don't agree with you on many things either!
<c0dehero> yeah
<player1_> can anyone see why this doesn't work: https://hastebin.com/gopefopeto.pl
<sophiag> clever: yeah, it was surprising to me how tiny the overlap between Nix and OCaml users is. took me a while to find someone to even talk me through this setup
<sophiag> i guess i'm just going to comment out the ocaml packages as well and see if it works. not sure about getting them + spotify back afterwards tho...
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<symphorien> sophiag: how comes it tries to build sexplib from source ? I tried to nix-shell -p it and I download from the binary cache without errors
<Infinisil> player1_: I think you're looking for makeWrapper: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/build-support/setup-hooks/make-wrapper.sh
<player1_> Infinisil, yeah i tried using that, but every which way i passed arguments to it i got errors from dirname about '--set not being an option' or something
<clever> player1_: makeWrapper needs 2 arguments, input and output file
<clever> output will become a bash script that runs input
<player1_> ohh, i thought the output file was an argument
<clever> wrapProgram will rename things so you can only pass it 1 argument
<player1_> i see
<clever> look at the wrapProgram code at the bottom
<sophiag> symphorien: i don't understand your question (might have missed something since NetworkManager turned off in the rebuild)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHnJC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7c3253e Dan Peebles: Simple proof of concept for how to do other types of services
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1df505f Dan Peebles: ecm: enable on Darwin
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 594829d Dan Peebles: msieve: update and enable on Darwin
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<symphorien> in most cases, rebuilding doesn't compile anything
<symphorien> you download precompiled things from cache.nixos.org
<sophiag> oh, possibly because i upgraded the os?
<symphorien> I don't see the link
<sophiag> anyway, now i'm stuck without spotify (which at least i can remedy with nix-store --add) and my ocaml packages (no idea there)
<symphorien> it's quite dump : either the hash of the arguments of the derivation is the same as the one compiled on cache.nixos.org and it dowloads it, or they differ and it fallbacks to compiling locally
<symphorien> *dumb
<sophiag> ah i see
<sophiag> and there's no reason they should have changed
<symphorien> do you override ocaml things in configuration.nix ?
<sophiag> no
<sophiag> here's my config from before the os upgrade: https://github.com/Sophia-Gold/configuration.nix/blob/master/configuration.nix
<sophiag> (now i have to comment out lines 126-134 plus spotify)
<clever> sophiag: line 133, i think the error said pa_test was failing
<clever> yeah, thats in that range
<sophiag> ah
<sophiag> tbh i haven't even used that. i mostly wanted an ocaml setup to run code from papers and maybe wade into those waters a bit (primarily a haskeller)
<sophiag> so i can probably get by with that commented out and using nix-store --add for spotify
<sophiag> oh, you think that's what's pulling them from cache.nixos.org?
<sophiag> i'll give that a shot first i suppose
<symphorien> actually I don't know what recurseIntoAttrs does...
<sophiag> oh, then i get an error on line 77: "value is a function while a set was expected"
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<sophiag> i can maybe try to get rid of just the "latest" part?
<symphorien> what is this line 77 ?
<sophiag> the environment variable for ocamlPackages
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<symphorien> ah maybe try pkgs.ocamPackages
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<sophiag> hmm
<sophiag> currently trying a rebuild with just pa_test commented out
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<sophiag> welp, that wasn't it...
<clever> what does the backtrace now say?
<sophiag> but haven't tried symphorien's suggestion yet
<clever> sophiag: the error is now pointing to ocalm-core-extended
<clever> line 129 is core_extended
<sophiag> oy
<sophiag> symphorien: do you mean pkgs.ocamPacakges in place of pkgs.ocamlPackages_latest?
<sophiag> oops, clearly not...
<symphorien> well if you remove line 4 you have to replace all occurences of ocamlPackages which you don't define anymore
<symphorien> the original set of ocaml packages is pkgs.ocamlPackages so...
<sophiag> oh i didn't mean the entire line
<clever> the with pkgs; on 80 may also spread to every part of the list
<sophiag> wait, so to be clear: do you both think "pkgs.recurseIntoAttrs" could be the problem?
<clever> i'm not sure what thats doing either
<clever> id have to check its source
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<sophiag> well, not sure what to do with this. in the meantime going to use nix-store --add to update spotify
<elasticdog> if I have a short dependency chain of packages that I'd like to add, should I open up multiple PRs starting with the bottom dep, wait for it to merge, PR the middle, and so on?
<Infinisil> How many are there?
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<elasticdog> Infinisil: well, my end goal is bumping the version of pywinrm (which exists currently), but I need to add requests_ntlm as a new dep, which in turn requires ntlm-auth (also new)
<elasticdog> I have the derivations written and tested, but am not sure proper procedure on how to split up the PRs
<Infinisil> I'm also new to this, but I'd do one PR per package/version bump, all at the same time while mentioning the other PR's
<sophiag> wait, so if i do use prefetch-url do i have to do something else after it downloads before rebuilding? it's trying to download again...
<Infinisil> elasticdog: Oh I see the problem, one PR requires the next to be merged..
<sophiag> add the path it returns?
<clever> sophiag: you must prefetch the right file, with the exact hash nix is expecting
<clever> sophiag: if the hash doesnt match up, nix will just try to download again
<Infinisil> elasticdog: Well then I'd just do one PR with the end goal, a few packages here and there don't matter and it lessens the work for reviewers
<sophiag> ugh. i used the link in nix pkgs since spotify's site doesn't give it explicitly and expects you to use aptitude
<clever> sophiag: after the nix-prefetch, try running "file" on the path it gives you, does the type look right?
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<sophiag> clever: what do you mean by type? it's a debian binary, which is all they support...
<sophiag> amd64 if that's what you mean
<clever> sophiag: can you gist the full output of nix-prefetch-url (and its command), and also the full error nixos-rebuild gives?
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<elasticdog> Infinisil: yeah, together probably makes the most sense and I'll just have commits for each change
<elasticdog> thanks
<clever> sophiag: on line 1, you gave it the url for version g256699aa-16_amd64, but on line 25, its asking for version gde3fc4b2-33_amd64
<clever> vs
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<clever> sophiag: so you need to find a mirror that still has, and prefetch-url that mirror
<sophiag> hmm. welp, that explains why the nix pkg is broken i guess
<clever> just a normal 404 from upstream deleting things on us
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<sophiag> ah and spotify doesn't have that version on their repo
<Infinisil> I'm amazed how easy this was to set up, I now have a subdomain that redirects to my local machines web server, which is behind a NAT, using ssh remote port forwarding
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<sophiag> ugh, i have no idea how to comb through aptitude mirrors without actually installing it :p
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<sophiag> clever: is it possible this is all because i'm on 17.09 instead of 17.03? because the spotify nix pkg was updated three days ago...
<clever> 17.09 doesnt exist
<drakonis> 16.09 i suppose
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<clever> sophiag: and also, 17.03 is a snapshot of the nixpkgs state from march, so changes from 3 days ago wont be in it
<sophiag> wait...i thought you said you're on 17.09 before
<clever> 17.03
<sophiag> i updated my config to have 17.09
<clever> where in the config did you do that?
<drakonis> why
<sophiag> system.stateVersion
<sophiag> but probably more importantly i updated the channel
<clever> a: stateVersion should never be changed
<clever> b: stateVersion has no impact on what channel it downloads
<sophiag> right
<clever> c: nothing in configuration.nix can influence what version of nixpkgs it downloads
<sophiag> i get everythin but (a
<sophiag> are you saying just leave it from when i first installed nix?
<clever> stateVersion tells nixos what version of nixos you originally installed
<sophiag> oh damn ok
<clever> so it can install versions that are backwards compatible with data on-disk
<Infinisil> Ummm, why does `groups` return something different than `groups $USER` ?? I just added myself to another group in the config and rebuilt, but I can't do the stuff of this group, do I need a reboot?
<sophiag> ok my channel *is* correct: 17.03
<clever> Infinisil: you need to logout and back in
<clever> Infinisil: the groups are only set when dropping from from root to your user
<Infinisil> clever: Hmm okay thanks
<sophiag> i just wish there was a more current snapshot to fix these issues
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<clever> sophiag: report a bug to nixpkgs, and/or switch to nixos-unstable
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<sophiag> clever: nix-channel --list says i *am* currently on unstable
<sophiag> for pkgs, not os
<clever> nixos-rebuild uses nixos, nit nixpkgs
<sophiag> ah, so i might as well switch to unstable for nixos
<clever> and also, dont use nixpkgs-unstable for nixos, that can brick the machine
<clever> nixos must run one of the nixos-* channels
<sophiag> oh, i think that was there by default...
<sophiag> i definitely never set it
<clever> by default, nixos only has 1 channel on it, called "nixos"
<sophiag> i guess it's never been an issue since i almost always do rebuild switch
<sophiag> so can i remove the nixpkgs-unstable link somehow?
<clever> nix-channel --remove nixpkgs
<equalunique> Drako365: I too would be interested in Bcache, once they get replication working & snapshots sorted out. TFS as well, once it matures & if they decide to support snapshots.
<sophiag> ugh, and nixos-unstable did not fix the spotify issue...
<sophiag> seems time for an issue
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<sophiag> ok, now just trying to search for open issues re: ocamlPackages :p
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<angeldude> Hello!
<angeldude> I found a minor problem with one of the packages I use and am trying to push a patch to NixPkgs.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] risicle opened pull request #26142: mkPythonDerivation: obey a dontWrapPythonPrograms attribute (master...dont-wrap-python-programs-flag) https://git.io/vHnqg
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<angeldude> I've been following the instructions in the manual and I've gotten to the point where I rebase my new branch onto master. When I try to do that, since it says to start from your system's commit, I get a rebase conflict in the release notes, which I never touched.
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<angeldude> hello
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