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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 995d41c Linus Heckemann: nvidia stable: 375.39 -> 375.66
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 89ce836 Linus Heckemann: nvidia-x11: fix linux 4.10 patch URL
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<NickHu> Is xmonad broken on latest nixos-unstable?
<NickHu> I get an error about
<NickHu> Failed to load interface for ‘Data.Default.Instances.Containers’
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<johnramsden> is anyone familiar With the way 'networking.bridges' is supposed to be used to create a bridge using a single interface that can then be used in virtual machine or container? I don't want to use it to bridge two physical containers so I'm not sure how I should go about doing this. In the past I have just created a bridge and then used it as my main interface:
<johnramsden> -linux-with-systemd-nspawn.html#host-networking-setup how would I go about doing this on NixOS?
<johnramsden> *physical interfaces
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 49d3b43 Peter Hoeg: docker: fix reference to unknown attribute
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<grantwu> I'm having trouble updating youtube-dl
<grantwu> It seems like every time I try, I reinstall the version I currently have
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<dash> grantwu: OK. What did you do?
<grantwu> uh... let's see
<grantwu> nix-env --upgrade youtube-dl seems to return silent
<grantwu> -e and then -i seems to just reinstall the old version
<grantwu> nix-env -iA says replacing old ‘youtube-dl-2017.02.04.1’ and then installing ‘youtube-dl-2017.02.04.1’
<dash> OK. Did you use nix-channel --update? Is there a more recent version in your channel?
<grantwu> Hrm, no, I didn't do that
<dash> OK. That's the only way nix has to find out about new stuff
<grantwu> oh okay, --upgrade works now
<grantwu> thanks!
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<nnnn> Hey, let's say I'm trying to keep track of a dotfiles repo. How terrible of an idea is it to softlink my configuration.nix file to /etc/nixos/ from a directory in my home folder?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] DmitryTsygankov opened pull request #25722: bitcoin-unlimited: -> (master...DmitryTsygankov/bitcoin-unlimited)
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<LnL> There's no problem with that, you could also change NIX_PATH if you want to use a different location
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] michalpalka opened pull request #25724: pvgrub_image: add package (master...pvgrub-new)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #25725: python-pytest-xdist: disable tests on darwin (master...python-pytest-xdist)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] michalpalka opened pull request #25726: gitlab service: fix uploading artifacts from gitlab-runner (master...gitlab-runner-fix)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zraexy opened pull request #25727: streamlink: 0.5.0 -> 0.6.0 (master...zraexy-pkg-streamlink)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 450a76e Peter Simons: hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 890fd54 Peter Simons: haskell-loc-test: break infinite recursion in test dependencies
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<Infinisil> Good morning
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<clever> morning
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<Infinisil> Hey clever, I'm interested, what's your job?
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<clever> none currently
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<Infinisil> I see :o
<phI||Ip> clever: want one?
<clever> what you got?
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<phI||Ip> clever: can you /msg me your email and I'll send over some stuff I need to work on and see if you are interested
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<Infinisil> That's awesome :D
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<dhess> Ugh, trying to build a Haskell package on NixOS on armv7l: error: cannot bootstrap GHC on this platform
<dhess> Anyone have a workaround for this?
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<dhess> It appears to be due to recent GHCs needing ghc-7.4.2 to bootstrap, which isn't supported on armv7l
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<clever> dhess: nixpkgs builds ghc by downloading a pre-built ghc for the right platform, and then using it to bootstrap
<clever> dhess: so somebody needs to crosscompile an arm ghc to start everything
<clever> i cant remember who, but somebody in #nixos was doing that about a month ago
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<dhess> clever: ugh. You've been playing with aarch64, right? Have you solved this issue for that platform?
<clever> nope
<dhess> what a bummer
<clever> checking my irc logs
<clever> 2017-04-24 09:20:52< jophish> clever: /nix/store/2w1iigapdnnpcqsrh0ck86kga9m6qcm8-ghc-8.3/lib/ghc-8.3/bin/ghc: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /nix/store/vjh76sili9y1yq93yyy74ibnsnjyqiax-glibc-2.25-arm-linux-gnueabihf/lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped
<clever> dhess: looks like i was helping jophish with it
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<dhess> clever: so he got ghc 8.3 built for arm?
<clever> i think something wasnt working, cant remember what
<clever> pulling up a link for the logs
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<dhess> Cross-compiling with GHC doesn't work very well with Template Haskell. I wonder if GHC uses any TH.
<clever> dhess: read around the area of 9:20 in this log
<dhess> I guess I could just deploy everything but the Haskell program using NixOps and then use Stack for the Haskell bits, but...
<dhess> clever: thank you
<clever> if you have a debian arm ghc, you could patchelf it enough to make it work under nixpkgs
<clever> then use that as a bootstrap to build a proper nixpkgs ghc bootstrap
<dhess> I'm never able to search for text in logs for some reason :(
<clever> the search for 2w1iigapdnnpcqsrh0ck86kga9m6qcm8 turned up nothing
<dhess> clever: I do have a Debian arm system handy, in fact.
<dhess> that's an interesting idea.
<clever> if sandboxes are turned off, you could just run /usr/bin/ghc without any patching
<slyfox> ghc does not use TH itself
<clever> by using nix on debian
<dhess> slyfox: ok thanks for the infor
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<dhess> clever: so this would involve overriding the derivation for ghc-7.4.2 with a patchelf-ed version from Debian, basically?
<bkchr> Hi, can how can I add a path to the PATH variable in a default.nix?
<clever> dhess: yeah, to get the initial pure-ish ghc in nixpkgs
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<clever> then you can use that as a bootstrap to make a truely pure bootstrap
<dhess> right
<sphalerite> Possessive for nixpkgs: nixpkgs', or nixpkgs's?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 165a654 Vladimír Čunát: nvidia_x11_legacy340: fix patch URL to fix #25721...
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<dhess> so it appears that ghc 7.4.2 supports armv7. Any idea why NixOS doesn't support it on that platform?
<dhess> that might be a simpler fix
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 3a59976 Vladimír Čunát: nvidia_x11_legacy340: fix patch URL to fix #25721...
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<dhess> hmm, yeah, I might be able to hack nixpkgs/pkgs/development/compilers/ghc/7.4.2-binary.nix to support arm
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<clever> dhess: just replacing the entire file with a hacked together arm ghc derivation may do
<clever> something that works enough to compile a real ghc
<clever> it already has patchelf logic, so you might be able to aim it at a tarball of the debian ghc
<dhess> yeah, that could be the way to go. There is no ARM prebuilt for 7.4.2 on
<clever> and you should document things on so nobody has to repeat things a 3rd time
<sphalerite> the configurePhase needs to call the pre and post hooks itself, right?
<clever> sphalerite: yeah
<dhess> ok, or I'll just make a pull request with whatever I need to do to use the Debian ghc-7.4.2
<sphalerite> alright, thanks
<clever> dhess: that would be the best option
<NickHu> Can someone test for me if xmonad recompiles on latest nixos-unstable? I'm getting an error about data-default-instances-containers
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<dhess> of course, Debian only has 7.4.1 :\
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f883be5 Linus Heckemann: nvidia stable: 375.39 -> 375.66...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 21e75aa Cray Elliott: nvidia_x11_beta: 378.13 -> 381.22...
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<dhess> Anyone know why the GHC bootstrap process starts with 7.4.2?
<dhess> Could it be made to start with, say, 7.8.3?
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<NickHu> Is there a way to revert to a particular nixos-unstable commit?
<NickHu> (Without lots of recompiling)
<hyper_ch> hmm, I have firewall.allowPing = true
<hyper_ch> but is that also applied to ipv6?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4f51a1e Cray Elliott: nvidia-x11: add dbus as a dependency to settings...
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<dhess> I guess I'll find out :)
<hyper_ch> ok, ipv6 is always allowed Whether to respond to incoming ICMPv4 echo requests ("pings"). ICMPv6 pings are always allowed because the larger address space of IPv6 makes network scanning much less effective.
<clever> but in my case, i forgot to setup a v6 firewall of any kind in my router
<clever> and i dont have randomized v6 addresses for outgoing stuff
<clever> so if i connect to you, you get my long-term v6 addr, and full access
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<sphalerite> If stuff is broken to the point that magic sysrq doesn't work, the only way to proceed is a hardware reset, right?
<hyper_ch> clever: sweet, you know ipv6 :)
<clever> sphalerite: the sysrq may work over ps2 or the serial port, even if it doesnt work over usb
<clever> sphalerite: but getting a real serial port on a modern machine isnt easy
<sphalerite> nor ps2, on a laptop :d
<clever> the internal keyboard is probably ps2
<clever> so if that doesnt work, yeah, hard-reset is about all thats left
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<clever> sphalerite: but i can see a way to get real serial on a laptop, one min
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<sphalerite> Hm, in the sysfs it's on the serio bus
<sphalerite> Is that ps2?
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<clever> sphalerite: and now you have a real serial port on a laptop!
<clever> overkill, but it can be done
<clever> you may also find something that can do it over the expresscard bus
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e256655 Peter Hoeg: qsyncthingtray: build with qt 5.6
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<sphalerite> hehe
<clever> yep, top left, your wifi card is using it
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<dhess> so there's nothing special about GHC 7.4.2 being used as the bootstrap version; it's just nobody has bothered to add newer ones yet.
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<Isorkin> Hi. config - sshd log not worked. How to fix?
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<clever> Isorkin: are there any errors in the journal?
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<rsa> does the \n in syslogd.extraConfig work? maybe change to '' and use multiple lines (?)
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<Isorkin> journalctl -xe - found - sshd[24028]: Accepted ... sshd[24028]: pam_unix
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<sphalerite> has there been a big KDE update in 17.03?
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<Yaniel> kde5 -> plasma5, yes
<sphalerite> no I mean in the past few days
<sphalerite> I'm rebuilding my system and it's downloading a huge amount of KDE stuff again
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<Yaniel> doesn't that happen whenever glibc is updated
<Yaniel> or some similar low level lib
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<sphalerite> I think it might have been the KDE wrappers
<sphalerite> My system locks up entirely when I try to start the X server with nvidia drivers enabled. journalctl -b -1 and /var/log don't seem to contain anything relevant. How can I debug this?
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<sphalerite> The lockup happens even if I've set xserver.videoDrivers to mkForce [ "intel" ]; (and it works fine if I set bumblebee.enable to false, which stops the nvidia driver from being included in the system)
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<SplitFire> Hello there!
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<SplitFire> I need help. I can't reconfigure xsane to be usable by gimp
<SplitFire> nixpkgs.config.xsane.gimpSupport = false; dont work either
<SplitFire> Could someone point me to a right direction?
<goibhniu> Hi SplitFire, I got that working before by symlinking the sane gimp plugin to ~/.gimp-2.8/plug-ins (dirty, I know)
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<SplitFire> ye, i know that :)
<goibhniu> ah, and you set gimpSupport to true?
<SplitFire> inspecting that file point me to gimpSupport
<SplitFire> I set it in imports section like "nixpkgs.config.xsane.gimpSupport = false;"
<SplitFire> and it didnt work
<goibhniu> why false?
<SplitFire> ooops
<goibhniu> ^_^
<SplitFire> anyway it didnt do anything while nixos rebuild
<goibhniu> and you did the override like on the wiki page?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 51e0f8f Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'master' into staging...
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<SplitFire> ye, that was my first attempt, but nix report error: "undefined variable ‘xsane’ at "
<SplitFire> while rebuild
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<goibhniu> hrm ... how about pkgs.xsane.override?
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<SplitFire> i'm newbie, so pls print exact code :)
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<goibhniu> I'll add it to the nixos-users wiki, and we can correct it there
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<SplitFire> where is nixos users wiki now?
<goibhniu> ... but it's unofficial
<SplitFire> wow, it's hard to reach it now from google :D
<goibhniu> yeah, it's just new
<goibhniu> can you give that a shot?
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<goibhniu> and we can add the bit about symlinking the plugin too
<SplitFire> rebuild without errors
<SplitFire> but seems that nothing was changed
<SplitFire> try to reboot
<goibhniu> you shouldn't need to reboot
<goibhniu> do you see it in the gimp menu?
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<SplitFire> hmm, what changes needs reboot
<SplitFire> ?
<goibhniu> what does your plugin symlink look like?
<goibhniu> some services aren't restarted ... e.g. Xorg
<goibhniu> (without a reboot)
<goibhniu> ... or manually restarting them
<SplitFire> not working :(
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<goibhniu> can you show me where the symlink point to?
<SplitFire> whereis?
<goibhniu> ah, I thought you added it already
<SplitFire> xsane: /nix/store/fxzcxxawb8zym3yv4890csd1rs0z6ya0-system-path/bin/xsane /nix/store/fxzcxxawb8zym3yv4890csd1rs0z6ya0-system-path/sbin/xsane
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<SplitFire> also i dont understand what is xsaneGimp?
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<goibhniu> ah right, you need to add xsaneGimp to your environment.systemPackages
<goibhniu> xsaneGimp is an overridden version of xsane which includes the gimp plugin (hopefully)
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<SplitFire> ut icannot find xsaneGimp in
<goibhniu> sorry, I haven't used it in years ... I hope it actually works
<goibhniu> yeah, you've just overridden it
<goibhniu> xsaneGimp = pkgs.xsane.override { gimpSupport = true; };
<SplitFire> xsaneGimp replaces xsane in ystemPackages?
<goibhniu> yep
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] PanAeon opened pull request #25731: skypeforlinux hash mismatch (master...skypeforlinux-hash-mismatch)
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<SplitFire> if I put xsane AND xsaneGimp. Will it make troubles?
<SplitFire> :)
<clever> probably
<clever> only one will work
<SplitFire> so to sum things up: I create package xsaneGimp with overrided option&
<SplitFire> ?
<SplitFire> am I right?
<clever> yeah
<SplitFire> ok, try it
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<SplitFire> nope, not working :)
<clever> SplitFire: what command isnt working?
<goibhniu> SplitFire: what does this say: readlink -f `which xsane`
<SplitFire> clever, in Gimp create new and xsane plugin should be visible
<SplitFire> goibhniu, /nix/store/d1v4kksrxkav8qc51n7zl7vs9srlli4i-xsane-0.999/bin/xsane
<goibhniu> cool, and now: find /nix/store/d1v4kksrxkav8qc51n7zl7vs9srlli4i-xsane-0.999/bin/xsane -iname "*gimp*"
<goibhniu> (you still need to create a symlink)
<clever> i think you need to strip the bin/xsane off the end
<goibhniu> ah thanks
<goibhniu> SplitFire: find /nix/store/d1v4kksrxkav8qc51n7zl7vs9srlli4i-xsane-0.999/ -iname "*gimp*"
<SplitFire> ok, /nix/store/d1v4kksrxkav8qc51n7zl7vs9srlli4i-xsane-0.999/share/sane/xsane/doc/sane-xsane-gimp-doc.html /nix/store/d1v4kksrxkav8qc51n7zl7vs9srlli4i-xsane-0.999/share/sane/xsane/doc/xsane-gimp.jpg
<goibhniu> hrm .. how about: find /nix/store/d1v4kksrxkav8qc51n7zl7vs9srlli4i-xsane-0.999/ -iname "*plug*"
<SplitFire> urns nothing
<SplitFire> *returns
<clever> a quick check says d1v4kksrxkav8qc51n7zl7vs9srlli4i isnt in the binary cache, so there is a good chance its the overridden version
<goibhniu> sorry, I guess it doesn't work
<clever> checking things on this end more
<SplitFire> clever, yeah i noticed building of xsane
<sphalerite> Wow. Even lspci locks up the system when nvidia is around.
<goibhniu> clever++
<sphalerite> I have had it with their bullshit.
<Yaniel> sphalerite: waiting for Vega now? :P
<sphalerite> Vega?
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<Yaniel> amd's new gpu gen
<sphalerite> No, fuck AMD too.
<clever> sphalerite: are you locking it up in xorg or text mode?
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<sphalerite> What I want is a manufacturer that releases free-software drivers so that if htye break everything someone outside the company can fix it
<sphalerite> clever: instant lockup when starting the X server or running lspci (from text mode obviously)
<clever> ah, and no kernel panic msg in text mode?
<sphalerite> Possibly. I have no way of telling.
<sphalerite> because the display just freezes.
<simpson> sphalerite: AMD's better than the other two big vendors about this; when I was doing GPUs, they were the only ones that would actually put PDFs of the GPUs into our hands.
<clever> sphalerite: and ssh is also dead?
<sphalerite> clever: yes
<sphalerite> simpson: hasn't that changed though?
<clever> sphalerite: then a serial console is about the only option, enless you can guess and disable the right driver
<Yaniel> sphalerite: yeah, nowadays they contribute their stuff to the linux kernel directly
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<sphalerite> clever: I can get X running by disabling the nvidia driver. Just that then I can't use the discrete graphics at all (nouveau doesn't support the chip, again because of nvidia's proprietary bullshit)
<sphalerite> Yaniel: oh nice
<Yaniel> that said, they still have a proprietary firmware blob AFAIK
<Yaniel> or userspace part
<Yaniel> not sure where exactly the division goes
<sphalerite> So like intel
<Yaniel> but still, using their cards with oss drivers is starting to be a sensible choice
<goibhniu> sphalerite: did you see this thread?:
<sphalerite> Painful, but at least it works I suppose
<sphalerite> goibhniu: yeah
<sphalerite> goibhniu: my issue is different, as simply starting the X server (or running lspci!?) seems to break everything
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<goibhniu> kk
<clever> │ │ │ +0000000000695b68 0000011300000006 R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT 0000000000000000 gimp_main + 0
<simpson> sphalerite, Yaniel: AMD still publishes their docs nonetheless:
<sphalerite> The one and only way I've got the GPU working is by starting the X server with nvidia fully disabled, then *switching* to a configuration with the nvidia driver enabled
<clever> SplitFire: i am seeing some gimp related symbols in the xsane build
<sphalerite> But heaven forbid I run lspci or start a new X server after that.
<clever> SplitFire: i am seeing some stuff in "man xsane" saying you need to make a symlink in ~/.gimp-2.0/plug-ins/
<goibhniu> clever: FWIW, I expect the gimp enabled xsane to create something like share/gimp/plugins/xsane, which can then be symlinked to ~/.gimp-2.8/plug-ins/
<clever> SplitFire: check the man page and see if it fixes it
<SplitFire> clever, i saw that but i thought it would be overkill
<clever> │ │ │ │ │ -binary (e.g., "touch /nix/store/abawa99js846qwwjlqjdqaapsyvxljdh-xsane-0.999/bin/xsane") or delete the plugin cache
<clever> yeah, some parts of the manual are wrong for nixos
<clever> but the symlink in $HOME cant hurt and is easy to test
<SplitFire> agree
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<makefu> contains some info about building xsane with gimp support. not sure if this was already in the backlog
<avn> goibhniu: should we add xsane to gimp-with-plugins? ;)
<goibhniu> avn: please! :D
<avn> goibhniu: try to not forget it on weekend ;)
<goibhniu> awesome!
<SplitFire> ln -s /nix/store/46r7wwniklccmlyxg16x8ldighin06yp-system-path/bin/xsane ~/.gimp-2.8/plug-ins/xsane
<SplitFire> and gimp worked as expected
<SplitFire> but it is so dirty hack :D
<clever> /run/current-system/sw/bin/xsane would allow it to update when you nixos-rebuild
* goibhniu adds to the wiki for now
<SplitFire> anotheer question: how to rebuild packages, i.e myself build
<SplitFire> clever, thanks
<clever> SplitFire: nix will detect when the inputs (source or nix flags) change, and rebuild it for you
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<SplitFire> ok, but if I wantt to override and build ?
<clever> it will detect the change from the override and rebuild automatically
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<sphalerite> ok, wtf
<sphalerite> now the driver is claiming it doesn't support the GPU and to refer to the manual.
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<sphalerite> The manual says it supports the GPU.
<sphalerite> It has previously worked with the GPU (marginally).
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] massimo-zaniboni opened pull request #25732: pythonPackages.ablog: init at 0.8.4 (master...ablog)
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<NickHu> I think I managed to break my ghc install on nixos
<NickHu> is there a way to nuke it and rebuild?
<sphalerite> How did you install it? What did you break?
<NickHu> I think it's because I used cabal install
<NickHu> I was trying to override a haskell package
<gchristensen> NickHu: I don't know ghc, but it seems all the errors stem from ~/.cabal ?
<sphalerite> just remove .cabal
<sphalerite> or rename it rather
<NickHu> I did
<NickHu> I guess I need to do some ghc-pkg unregister
<gchristensen> what does ghc-pkg register do?
<pie_> does all the thousands of nix symlink stuff thrash ssds
<NickHu> I think it puts some config stuff under ~/.ghc but not sure
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<gchristensen> NickHu: maybe move that one too
<NickHu> Also can someone help me understand why I need a full attribute path for things defined in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix?
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<NickHu> I have two nearly identical machines that I installed nixos on at roughly the same time
<NickHu> One of them has always been on nixos unstable, and I can do nix-env -i mything fine
<gchristensen> pie_: symlinks or not, compared to other distros & package managers, nix has higher write volume and disk churn
<NickHu> The other used to be on 16.09 but then I switched it over to nixos unstable, but I have to do nix-env -iA nixos.mything
<NickHu> They both give the same output for nix-channel --list and sudo nix-channel --list
<gchristensen> pie_: and there will be additional read penalty, of course, but I'd expect it to be utterly minimal compared to whatever your application is doing
<NickHu> And have the exact same config.nix
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<clever> NickHu: can you gist the config.nix file?
<clever> NickHu: and confirm you dont have a ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ae6f932 Peter Simons: openvpn: update to version 2.4.2 to fix CVE-2017-7478 and CVE-2017-7479
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<NickHu> Can confirm
<NickHu> I removed ~/.nixpkgs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 4af03f6 Peter Simons: openvpn: update to version 2.4.2 to fix CVE-2017-7478 and CVE-2017-7479...
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<ent> hi, is there a place I can find out what configuration options a package supports?
<gchristensen> ent: can you give an example of one you want to look in to?
<pie_> gchristensen, ok \o/ (i wonder, maybe a prolific packager should take some statistics?)
<ent> mysql in this case
<gchristensen> ent: so, is this about services.mysql = { }?
<ent> yes
<rsa> is services.xserver.xkbDir supposed to work with setxkbmap ?
<gchristensen> I see, yes! you can find out the options a service supports via `man configuration.nix` or
<ent> thanks! :)
<LnL> NickHu: I think having stuff in ~/.ghc can cause problems if it was created by an older version of ghc
<gchristensen> pie_: that doesn't interest me personally very much, and I'm terrible at statistics
<gchristensen> ent: you're welcome!
<ent> ooh, that options.html is exactly what I needed :)
<clever> bbl
<gchristensen> I also well encourage taking a look at `man configuration.nix`, ent
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<ent> hmm, I'm usin nix on ubuntu, how do I get that?
<sphalerite> you don't
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<gchristensen> ohh interesting, so configuration.nix is only for nixos, and the service management options that have are for nixos too
<sphalerite> Systemwide configuration is nixos-only
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<gchristensen> there is a way to make a runner script from those options, though
<ent> ah, but I'm using nixops to create virtualbox machines
<gchristensen> got it
<ent> I guess I could of course read the man page on a vm
<gchristensen> yeah, nixos/options.html is a good choice :)
<magnetophon> Hi, I'm having trouble getting the clipboard to work in virtualbox. I installed the guest-additions in the VM and rebooted it. What else do I need?
<sphalerite> Apparently now the GPU has "fallen off the bus". That's a new one!
<Yaniel> bus factor: way too low
<sphalerite> indeed
<sphalerite> At least it's more helpful than "this driver doesn't support this GPU even though the manual says it does"
<Yaniel> (that's a somewhat novel definition for the term 'bus factor' though)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] WilliButz opened pull request #25733: nixpkgs manual: fix typo in ruby section (master...master)
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<betaboon> Hello #nixos. I have a question related to preparing a pull-request for nixpkgs: the readme states to "please rebase onto master". I have been working (and regularly rebasing) on a channels/release-17.03 based branch. I'm not sure if I'm doing this right atm. What i did 'checkout master', 'pull --rebase', 'checkout MY-WIP-BRANCH', 'merge --onto master'. could anyone assist me in getting this right ?
<NickHu> Can I build a haskell package and keep the build dir around to look at it?
<avn> betaboon: `git checkout my-feature-bracnh && git rebase origin/master && git push -f github my-feature-branch` usually works
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<betaboon> avn : the rebase is assuming that the "origin"-remote points to "nixos/nixpkgs", correct ?
<avn> yes
<avn> I usually have origin pointing to upstream, and `github` to my own fork
<betaboon> ah ok, i have "origin" pointing to my fork, and "upstream" to the original
<gchristensen> betaboon: you don't want to rebase your branch against master
<gchristensen> (avn^) b/c it'll try to include all the changes from 17.03, too
<gchristensen> betaboon: how many commits do you have that you want to send in a PR?
<betaboon> gchristensen, i think my history on that branch is ~50 commits
<gchristensen> and are all 50 going in to a single PR?
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<betaboon> i guess so
<avn> gchristensen: I assumed, that he make PR to master, so he need to rebase to master. If his patch based on other branch, it need to be rebased there
<gchristensen> betaboon: hmm usually PRs to master have approximately 1 commit. what are your changes?
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<gchristensen> you've done a lot of work :D
<betaboon> ehm, ye :P
<gchristensen> avn: rebase won't do what he needs though, it'll move over every commit to 17.03 as well
<betaboon> first time contributing to nixos
<gchristensen> betaboon: ok, well I'll try to make this easy :)
<avn> betaboon: you can also squash some WIP commits I believe
<gchristensen> I would recommend using cherry-pick to copy the commits from this branch, to a new branch based off of master
<betaboon> gchristensen, thought about that aswell, seems moreclean.
<betaboon> should i squash the WIP-commits (all related to the actual implementation)
<gchristensen> absolutely
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<betaboon> if so, how to go on about the dependency commits? i wouldn't like to squash those, as i feel that dirties history
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<gchristensen> each new package requires its own commit
<gchristensen> but all those taiga module commits should be squashed
<betaboon> will do that and report back
<gchristensen> great
<betaboon> i have one more question right now tho: for the nodepackage i added to node-packages.json -> when i run ./ the package name generated into node-packages-v4/v6.nix includes the github url etc, why is that? how can i get it to just use the package-name ?
<gchristensen> in which commit did you add it?
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<gchristensen> oh, probably because you're not using the canonical source for it
<goibhniu> taiga ... nice!
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<gchristensen> betaboon: it would be easier for us to merge this PR if there aren't patches on top of upstream packages
<gchristensen> ie: if you can get taiga to merge upstream support for passing in a config file, it would be much easier for us
<betaboon> gchristensen, i agree, I'll get in touch with the taiga-events maintainer
<betaboon> I'll report back when i got the new branch ready
<gchristensen> cool
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ericsagnes closed pull request #25720: fontconfig-penultimate: fix zenhei font priority (master...fix/fontconfig-penultimate)
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<goibhniu> I'm having trouble with dolphin lately, (on unstable) ... No files are listed and I see io-slave errors at the top e.g. "Unable to create io-slave. klauncher said: Error loading '/nix/store/770bfm8526nnvkvrwq2gmxpjih4mh8rs-kio-5.33.0/lib/qt5/plugins/kf5/kio/'." ... any idea what that might be?
* goibhniu suspects it's a store path in some plasma config/kde file, but hasn't tried using a fresh user account
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dbrock opened pull request #25736: seth: init at 0.5.0 (master...seth)
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<Isorkin> How to change /nix/store/....-etc-journald.conf ?
<ikwildrpepper> Isorkin: services.journald.extraConfig
<ikwildrpepper> (or via the services.journald.* options in general)
<Isorkin> thanks, syslog worked
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<Baughn> Is there anything particular I should be aware of, running NixOS on a laptop?
<Baughn> Useful config options? Sample configuration.nix, maybe?
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<clever> Baughn: part of the config for my netbook and laptop
<Baughn> Thanks!
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<Baughn> clever: Oh, and I should mention, we're starting a new Erisia tonight. You may or may not be aware, but in case you were not..
<clever> most important part is just networking.wireless.enable = true;
<clever> ive seen the messages
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<Baughn> Nod. So, suspension and power management should all work by default?
<clever> suspend works on my laptop, hibernate doesnt
<clever> i tested suspend by mistake, the lcd panel was in the way of working on the desktop, so i closed it
<clever> it then went into standby, in the middle of me trying to have a voice convo
<Baughn> Heh
<clever> and it woke up without an issue, didnt even loose the voice connection
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<Baughn> Sounds good.
<clever> hibernate is an edge case, (zfs+swap) on lvm on luks
<clever> so it has to open the luks, but not the zfs, initialize lvm, then read the hibernate state
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<Baughn> Yeah, I think we'd manage without hibernate.
<clever> and something goes wrong along the way
<Baughn> I'm introducing a complete newbie to NixOS. Should be interesting.
<clever> ah, nice
<Baughn> "Mint has failed me for the last time!"
<clever> heh
<Baughn> zramSwap, right... do you think it should perhaps be enabled by default?
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<clever> depends on how much ram you have
<clever> in my case, the laptop only has 3gig
<Baughn> 32GB. I still have it enabled.
<clever> zram may also have negative effects on hibernation
<Baughn> Possible. That's not a priority of mine, though.
<clever> hardware-configuration.nix is also in use, but thats just the defaults from nixos-generate-config
<Baughn> Noddity.
<clever> boot.initrd.luks.devices = [ { name = "root"; device = "/dev/sda3"; preLVM = true; } ];
<clever> and this was in configuration.nix
<clever> i keep the boot related stuff in hardware-configuration.nix and configuration.nix
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<clever> then configuration.nix does imports = [ ./nixcfg/laptop.nix ];
<clever> so i can manage everything else in git, and recreate it, without the new boot setup conflicting
<Baughn> Sensible.
<Baughn> Do you know if there's a formal grammar for Nix?
<Baughn> I guess it has more in common with BCL than hoped-for...
<clever> BCL?
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<Baughn> Borg Configuration Language.
<Baughn> There really isn't much publicly known about it, so I can't say much.
<clever> ah
<Baughn> It's the closest equivalent I can think of for Nix, though.
<Baughn> (FWIW, Nix is saner.)
<clever> :)
<Baughn> ((But not by much.))
<Baughn> (((I'm pretty sure you'll find (just like us) that it needs a type system.)))
<clever> there is some weird areas, like toString ./foo.txt returns a totally different string from "${./foo.txt}"
<clever> if you try to just blindly treat it as a string, it will copy to the store and return a storepath
<clever> but toString forces it to not copy, so you get an absolute and impure path
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pekhee opened pull request #25737: fixes problems with `gemspec` keyword in gemfile #13945 (master...feature/support_gemspec_as_gemfile_dep_list)
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<Baughn> My main trouble has been with writing functions like this one:
<Baughn> Any slight bug or typo, and the errors I get are almost useless for tracking down the bug.
<clever> ah
<Baughn> That's the same as with Haskell, but with Haskell there's a simple solution -- add explicit types.
<clever> yeah, then it fails at the interface where the types conflict
<clever> rather then at the end when you try to use the value
<Baughn> Yep.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nand0p opened pull request #25738: buildbot: 0.9.6 -> 0.9.7 (master...buildbot-0.9.7)
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<Baughn> Where it usually ends up saying "Function is not a set"
<Baughn> Or something equivalently useless.
<clever> yeah, in that case, its hard to find out where the function came from
<clever> and even if you have the source of the function, you dont have the path value took thru code
<Baughn> We're not looking at Javascript, though. I think HM types would be enough.
<Baughn> It should be possible to retrofit.
<Baughn> I'd give it a shot, but the Nix code scares me. A Closure compiler-like approach might be better...
<Baughn> Someone will have to do it eventually, I don't think I want it to be me.
<Baughn> ..
<Baughn> joachifm: Ah.
<Baughn> ^^;
<Baughn> *SO* starred.
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<joachifm> Baughn: as I recall, the dynamic attrs of nix makes it a little tricky to type; there's a discussion of the difficulties somewhere but I can't recall where offhand
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pekhee opened pull request #25739: ruby-modules gem-config: add rainbow (master...feature/fix_rainbox_gem_deps)
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<Baughn> joachifm: So, optional typing. I'm willing to be that they're *usually* static, in practice.
<Baughn> <- Also, I'll provide a cookie to anyone who can make *this* thing work without import.
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<clever> Baughn: pretty sure there is a builtin for that now
<clever> Baughn: reading the source, its just builtins.exec { program="stat"; arguments = [ "-L" "-c" "%s" file ]; }
<Baughn> Looks right.
<Baughn> Doesn't seem to exist in 1.11.7, though. Let me see..
<clever> try nixUnstable
<Baughn> -_- No.
<Baughn> Not after last time.
<clever> should be testable under nix-shell, and the nix-daemon doesnt have to match
<clever> ah, must still be in master then
<Baughn> Or my server hasn't updated recently.
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<Baughn> Seems to be that one. I wonder why..
<msd> peterhoeg: Mic92 should there be any further development on this package?
<clever> heading out for a bit
<Baughn> emacs-column-marker isn't building. Downsides of putting everything in the system profile.
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<marc__> error: cannot download tiff_4.0.7-5.debian.tar.xz from any mirror
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #21178: [WIP] nsswitch: use libnss_resolve if resolved is enabled (master...nsswitch)
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<Baughn> "fetchurl does not support md5 anymore, please use sha256 or sha512
<Baughn> Uuuuh. Can I override this?
<Yaniel> Uuuuh. No.
<Yaniel> (jk, I don't know)
<Baughn> Guess I'll roll back NixOS for now...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 83edd95 zraexy: streamlink: 0.5.0 -> 0.6.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master eb1de24 Pascal Wittmann: Merge pull request #25727 from zraexy/zraexy-pkg-streamlink...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub closed pull request #25687: souper: 2017-03-07 -> 2017-03-23 (master...update/souper-2017-03-23)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 12d2e0e Dmitry Tsygankov: bitcoin-unlimited: ->
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7b340e1 Pascal Wittmann: Merge pull request #25722 from DmitryTsygankov/DmitryTsygankov/bitcoin-unlimited...
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<Baughn> ...can't do that.
<Baughn> Okay, so I need a fetchurl equivalent that doesn't check the hash.
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<Baughn> *headscratch*
<Yaniel> can't you just get a better hash?
<Baughn> No, Curseforge only provides md5s.
<spacefrogg> Baughn: nix-prefetch-url will provide you with the correct hash
<Yaniel> ^ assuming you can get it to work
<Baughn> I'm using the hash as a cross-check to make sure I got the right file in the first place.
<Baughn> So I'm autogenerating nix expressions by scraping those pages, and not downloading the file at all to do so.
<spacefrogg> Baughn: You map them statically anyway. So download with nix-prefetch-url and check with md5sum by hand.
<Yaniel> tell curseforge that they suck
<Baughn> spacefrogg: And that's exactly what I'm not doing. :)
<Baughn> Yaniel: I'd prefer to do something more constructive.
<Baughn> Guess I can fork fetchurl, too.
<msd> @Baughn you still doing the Mac push in the spare time
<msd> ?
<spacefrogg> Baughn: You're benefit of not doing it is virtually zero.
<Baughn> msd: ?
<msd> @Baughn oh wait wrong person
<spacefrogg> Baughn: Your*
<Yaniel> I'm not sure how asking them to provide better hashes is not constructive
<Baughn> spacefrogg: "Download several gigabytes less per day" is not "zero".
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<Baughn> Yaniel: I tried, actually. A while ago. They pointed out that MD5 does not have preimage attacks yet.
<spacefrogg> Baughn: You regenerate the package-list every day?
<Baughn> Which, yeah, is a bad excuse, but I'm not in a position to force them.
<Baughn> spacefrogg: Yep
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<Baughn> So my options are (a) use MD5, (b) download the file and generate my own hash
<Baughn> And I don't *need* the file.
<Baughn> (b) is the sort of thing that'd get me banned.
<spacefrogg> Baughn: (b+x) Do the download once and record the MD5Sum with it.
<spacefrogg> Baughn: Use the md5sum to trigger re-downloading.
<Baughn> That doesn't offer any security over just using md5 everywhere.
<Baughn> Actually, none of this does. It's not about security; users are running arbitrary code.
<spacefrogg> Baughn: No. It just saves you bandwidth.
<Yaniel> All currently known practical or almost-practical attacks on MD5 and SHA-1 are collision attacks []
<Baughn> The md5 just acts as a better crc.
<Yaniel> MD5 was king wrt those last time I checked
<Baughn> There's no preimage attacks against MD5, nope. That'd be pretty large news if there was.
* Baughn goes ahead and forks fetchurl.
<spacefrogg> Baughn: Tried writing the minecraft people a short mail?
<Baughn> Yes, yes I did.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #25731: skypeforlinux hash mismatch (master...skypeforlinux-hash-mismatch)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 497f18d PanAeon: Changed fetchurl to stable. upgraded to
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 77faaee Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25731 from PanAeon/skypeforlinux-hash-mismatch...
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<msd> Mic92: peterhoeg better way <- avoids all alterations of sed.
<Mic92> msd: I currently give it a try
<msd> Mic92: peterhoeg turns out a later release of VCGLib fixes the isnan and isinf problem
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<Mic92> msd: why does OpenMVS put executables to $out/bin/OpenMVS/ ?
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<msd> Mic92: not sure. Should we change it?
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<Mic92> msd: otherwise they won't be found by users, would one usually use the library or also the executables?
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<msd> Mic92: they use both typically. Didn't realize they wouldn't be found. Let me change that
<Mic92> $out/bin will be added to PATH, not $out/bin/OpenMVS/
<Mic92> msd: is it common for OpenMVS to only build a static library (.a) and not a shared library (.so)?
<msd> Mic92: yeah
<Mic92> in NixOS we usually prefer shared libraries
<msd> Mic92: you explicily need to tell it to build shared libraries
<Mic92> msd: can you do that?
<msd> Mic92: sure
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<msd> Mic92: got it working
<msd> Mic92: will push soon
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<marc__> hello i have an error while building nixpkg in another folder than /nix
<marc__> sry not building nix building it is building tiff_4.0.7-5.debian
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<marc__> this would be the adress the file is availeble now
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] georgewhewell opened pull request #25740: dosfstools: fix build on darwin (master...dosfstools/fix-darwin)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ehmry opened pull request #25741: nixos/mlmmj: fix newline problems with multiple lists (master...mlmmj)
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<msd> Mic92: fixed
<msd> Mic92: pushed
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<pie_> man plasma is buggz
<pie_> buggy
<ryantrinkle> is it intentional behavior that giving fetchurl sha256=null results in it working without apparently checking any hash?
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<pie_> on an unrelated note, anyone been able to completely do their personal system configuration via nix?
<pie_> so like firefox etc whatever are all more or less reproducible?
<ryantrinkle> pie_: yep, i've been using nixos as my main OS for about 4 years
<simpson> pie_: I have several machines which are specified completely via Nix expressions, but none of them are my personal laptop.
<ryantrinkle> pie_: i just add a buildEnv-based "package" to ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<simpson> pie_: OTOH this is because my personal laptop has many active git repos and it's useful for development to be able to add ad-hoc stuff to my rollout.
<ryantrinkle> and then whenever i change it, i just run: nix-env -iA nixpkgs.myEnv --keep-going --show-trace
<ryantrinkle> and the nixpkgs i use is a git checkout
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<unlmtd> if nix can link stuff in /etc then surely it can link things in ~/
<pie_> hm
<ryantrinkle> this seems really impure, is it supposed to work?
<ryantrinkle> cat $(nix-build --no-out-link -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchurl { url = ""; sha256 = null; }')
<pie_> also has anyone thought to expose firefox's about:config in nix?
<dash> pie_: scary
<pie_> dash, why
<makefu> i like the idea :)
<dash> pie_: web browsers have lots of mutable state, you want to manage bookmarks, history etc that way too? :-)
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<simpson> pie_: Sounds tricky.
<pie_> oh the scary was at the reproducible personal mahcine stuff
<pie_> simpson, i wouldnt know why, so just asking
<pie_> dash, well i guess for practical purposes you would integrate with some other backup tool
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<makefu> pie_: it was the same for my window manager. normally it would use a mutable file in ~ , i've overwritten the package to overwrite the "default" file coming with the package.results in a consistent window manager config
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<gchristensen> trying to force mutable state things in to immutable paradigms can be just hell, I tried to do this super hard for a couple years
<pie_> well, stuff like addons and configuration should be ok though no?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] marcnnn opened pull request #25742: libtiff fix (master...master)
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<ryantrinkle> gchristensen: hey, if you have a sec, would you mind giving me a quick sanity-check on this thing?
<ryantrinkle> i feel like i must be missing something
<marc__> i am marcnnn on github
<ryantrinkle> it looks like fetchurl can easily be invoked impurely: cat $(nix-build --no-out-link -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchurl { url = ""; sha256 = null; }')
<gchristensen> ryantrinkle: sure, taking a look
<gchristensen> ryantrinkle: so builtins.fetchtarball can be impure too
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<gchristensen> I wasn't aware you could pass null to fetchurl though
<ryantrinkle> yeah, that seems like it shouldn't be allowed
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<gchristensen> fetchurl, fetchtarball, or both?
<pie_> requiring a hash sounds overly restrictive
<ryantrinkle> i haven't tried fetchtarball
<ryantrinkle> just fetchurl
<pie_> i mean what do i know
<ryantrinkle> pie_: not at all; without the hash, there's no reason to think the derivation is pure
<gchristensen> pie_: its a fairly fundamental assumption in nix that all inputs are known at evaluation time ...
<pie_> i guessss
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<spinus> it's not that hard to write own fetcher as well if you need specific feature
<pie_> impureFetchURL
<pie_> * impurefetchurl
<pie_> :P
<pie_> power to the people
<pie_> kek
<pie_> (i just made that up)
<gchristensen> ryantrinkle: very interesting ......
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c9f8fb4 Thomas Tuegel: fontconfig-penultimate: 0.3.3 -> 0.3.4
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<simpson> pie_: If you don't want Nix, don't use Nix.
<pie_> who wouldnt want nix
<ryantrinkle> pie_: haha, well the power *i* want is to be able to rely on a given hash of nixpkgs, and never have anything surprise me when i try to rebuild :P
<simpson> Well, if you want impure builds, you probably don't want Nix.
<ryantrinkle> and i've gotta say, it's been phenomenal how well that's worked
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<pie_> impure language extensions for the heretics \o/
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<gchristensen> not sure if trolling ...
<pie_> only a little
<ryantrinkle> the only time in the last 4 years that i've had an issue with that was when the hash format for fetchGit changed
<pie_> <3 nix but i still havent gotten around to using it
<pie_> err, learning it is what i meant
<ryantrinkle> pie_: it's actually very easy to do impure stuff with nix: just make the output of your derivation be a bash script, and then run it
<ryantrinkle> you can even invoke nix some more from there
<pie_> been using it for a few months on a "lets ask how to do this specific thing" basis
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<gchristensen> ryantrinkle: this seems like a bad bug.
<pie_> anyway, what you guys said makes sense
<ryantrinkle> gchristensen: that's what i thought, but i was hesitant to think i would be the first to run into it
<simpson> pie_: Nix's purity guarantees are structural; they don't work unless they work across the entire system. Even a single impure derivation can be a problem. Consider:
<gchristensen> ryantrinkle: verifying ...
<pie_> gchristensen, how does this even work if its not intentional though
<ryantrinkle> one of the guys here at obsidian just mentioned it to me
<gchristensen> bugs?
<pie_> yeah the bug
<gchristensen> ryantrinkle: what are you running?
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<ryantrinkle> » nix-env --version
<ryantrinkle> nix-env (Nix) 1.11.8
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<gchristensen> ryantrinkle: running Nix 1.11.4 on OSX, the daemon, and build-use-sandbox = false, I can reproduce. on 1.11.8 on NixOS and the sandbox, I can't reproduce
<ryantrinkle> gchristensen: i don't think i'm using the sandbox
<ryantrinkle> should i generally enable that?
<gchristensen> IMHO it should always be enabled by default
<ryantrinkle> ok, i'll switch to that
<gchristensen> I think separately it is probably a bug that you can specify a hash algo and a null hash
<gchristensen> are you on nixos?
<ryantrinkle> gchristensen: yep
<ryantrinkle> » nixos-version
<ryantrinkle> 17.03.1123.4a7a03913d (Gorilla)
<gchristensen> yeah, enable the sandbox, can you file a bug about this being possible: ?
<bennofs> What does X-Cache: Error from cloudfront
<bennofs> mean?
<bennofs> does it mean that cloudfront cached the 500 response?
<ryantrinkle> gchristensen: yep, absolutely
<bennofs> or that cloudfront tried to request the page (cache miss) and that resulted in a 500?
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<gchristensen> bennofs: I don't think cloudfront will cache a 500, but maybe cloudfront itself experienced an error during that request
<bennofs> I get that for `X-Cache: Error from cloudfront
<gchristensen> can you replicate?
<bennofs> I can replicate it for some time, but it will go away if I wait a little
<bennofs> it will also go away if I change Accept-Encoding, probably because that means I get a different cache hash?
<ryantrinkle> gchristensen: what repo should i report this against? nix?
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<gchristensen> ryantrinkle: yeah I think so
<gchristensen> please CC me on it so I can watch it :)
<ryantrinkle> gchristensen:
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<ryantrinkle> of course :)
<bennofs> gchristensen: now the error is gone
<bennofs> gchristensen: a pretty reliable way to trigger the error is to run :)
<gchristensen> bennofs: I recommend building in retries :)
<ryantrinkle> gchristensen: what's your github handle?
<gchristensen> grahamc
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<bennofs> gchristensen: i have retries. but I'd have to wait a huge amount of time before retrying, because the error only goes away after a variable time (~2 or 3 to 5 minutes perhaps?)
<bennofs> just retrying again in 1 second will cause the same error
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<gchristensen> bennofs: yuck ...
<bennofs> I could probably change the accept-encoding header to "force" a refresh but meh
<bennofs> it's probably because cloudfront will cache the 500 response from s3
<bennofs> so you have to wait till the page gets evicted from cloudfront cache or you'll just get another cached 500?
<gchristensen> IRC 500's are uncacheable
<ryantrinkle> gchristensen: how big is the perf impact from sandboxing?
<gchristensen> ryantrinkle: IMO? not enough to worry about, it used to be bad
<gchristensen> let me find a thread for you
<ryantrinkle> there's still a bit of a scary perf warning here:
<gchristensen> ryantrinkle: I merged a PR changing the default from disabled to enabled, and eelco reverted :P
<ryantrinkle> haha
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<gchristensen> check out domen's last comment
<gchristensen> ryantrinkle: should probably be deleted
<ryantrinkle> gchristensen:
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<gchristensen> bennofs: well that is poopy.
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<gchristensen> ryantrinkle: how do you feel about the perf. info from domen's last comment?
<ryantrinkle> gchristensen: well, i think it may discourage people from splitting up builds more finely
<gchristensen> oh?
<ryantrinkle> in haskell, e.g., it's kind of difficult to work on projects with multiple cabal packages with nix, because each package has to rebuild entirely
<ryantrinkle> so one might want to, instead, have nix build each source *file
<ryantrinkle> *
<ryantrinkle> and then make the link step be a separate nix derivation
<gchristensen> omg
<ryantrinkle> the more constant overhead there is per derivation, the less things like that make sense
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<pie_> ugh i want nix on openbsd so bad
<gchristensen> what if we could convert a Makefile to a nix based on the ordering rules (lol)
<ryantrinkle> haha yep, that'd be awesome
<gchristensen> I mean it'd be something :P
<ryantrinkle> tbh, nix is basically a system-level function memoizer
<ryantrinkle> obviously there'll always be a level at which it's too granular
<pie_> bachelors masters researhc projects galore \o/
<gchristensen> my argument though is people choose nix not because it is extremely fast, but because it is correct
<ryantrinkle> yes, that's absolutely right
<pie_> (fast cant hurt though :P)
<ryantrinkle> obsidian uses nix for everything
<ryantrinkle> but our dev cycles would get faster with these kinds of improvements
<gchristensen> fast can't hurt, sure, but turning on this feature which makes nix _more_ correct by default seems important for nix's core raison d'etre
<ryantrinkle> agreed
<ryantrinkle> i just turned it on :)
<gchristensen> despite the modest decrease in speed
<ryantrinkle> but i definitely do think the concern is valid
<gchristensen> ryantrinkle: I didn't know you were part of the cardassian union
<ryantrinkle> lol
<gchristensen> what is Obsidian?
<ryantrinkle> we're a dev shop that does mostly haskell and nix
<pie_> i just realized i missed a ton of scroll so no idea what i commented on
<gchristensen> nice
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<ryantrinkle> 8 people, currently
<gchristensen> "Founded by two Harvard Law School graduates" where are you?
<ryantrinkle> yup, that's me
<ryantrinkle> and my business partner
<ryantrinkle> we were roommates at HLS
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<gchristensen> are you in Cambridge?
<ryantrinkle> nah, we're in NYC now
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<gchristensen> gotcha, cool -- I visit NYC 1-2wks a quarter, we should grab drinks next time I'm in town
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<ryantrinkle> gchristensen: that sounds great :)
<gchristensen> (paging ikwildrpepper who will be there soon)
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<gchristensen> ryantrinkle: I think it'd be neat to have a tool to regenerate nix configuration based on location, to implement timezone switching / redshift updating / "location aware settings" sort of thing.
<ryantrinkle> gchristensen: yeah, that'd definitely be cool :)
<ryantrinkle> if only nix supported functional reactive programming... :P
<gchristensen> hehe
<gchristensen> my "vision" is it'd basically be a cron and on config change, prompt to rebuild
<ryantrinkle> time.timeZone :: Dynamic OlsonId
<gchristensen> :o
<ryantrinkle> in the frontend apps we build, we do exactly that
<ryantrinkle> we've got a big ReaderT that passes timezone (and other config) everywhere
<ryantrinkle> and it's all dynamic
<ryantrinkle> so if the user changes their timezone setting, all the time displays in the app immediately update
<gchristensen> is this React?
<ryantrinkle> this is Reflex, the haskell-based FRP engine we built
<ryantrinkle> it'd be... quite an undertaking to get FRP at anything like the OS level
<ryantrinkle> but it's pretty sweet for UIs and stuff
<pie_> "GHCJS uses a lot of memory during compilation. 16GB of memory is recommended, with 8GB being pretty close to bare minimum." jesus christ lol
<ryantrinkle> pie_: haha yeah, hopefully that'll improve
<ryantrinkle> otoh, all our stuff also works in GHC
<ryantrinkle> so you can use ghci for most development, and then just use ghcjs for final builds
<ryantrinkle> what's even worse, though, is google closure compiler
<ryantrinkle> i've seen that thing take upwards of 20GB to minify a file
<ryantrinkle> a large file, granted, but still pretty crazy
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<pie_> is there a github thread on nix on openbsd?
<pie_> i didn tifnd it with search
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<sphalerite> Is there a particular reason that the gcc wrapper doesn't expose gcc-ar and gcc-ranlib?
<betaboon> gchristensen reporting back on the taiga-PR:
<betaboon> how does that look ?
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<gchristensen> betaboon: I'm surprised we don't have like, dateutil already packaged
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<betaboon> it's possible that i accidently added a duplicate
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<betaboon> now that you say that, i remember that i wanted to double check again
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<pie_> uuuh what the f***
<pie_> so i dd-d my live drive to external media
<pie_> attempted to mound from dolphin
<pie_> and now it appears to have mounted my external drive partitions on top of my live filesystem
<pie_> ???
<gchristensen> O.O
<gchristensen> what FS?
<pie_> ext4
<pie_> one sec ill paste
<gchristensen> O.O
<pie_> i might justbe misreading
<pie_> i didnt get a lot of sleep
<pie_> sdc is the mirror drive
<pie_> sda is the live system
<pie_> please tell me i just cant read
<pie_> what the actuak f*ck
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<betaboon> gchristensen you were right, I added a duplicate package. just fixed that on the branch
<sphalerite> ryantrinkle: just some random unsolicited website opinion: I was very confused, couldn't find where to navigate the site. The stark contrast between the navigation bar and the top made me think the navigation bar was part of browser chrome, not the actual site
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<pie_> gchristensen, someone told me that according to that it really does look like the external drive got mounted over /
<pie_> wtf
<pie_> so does that mean my open file descriptors are currently interacting with which drive?
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<Isorkin> How can i access the /var/www folder in a container from the internet?
<pie_> gchristensen, so my currently open file descriptors are writing to which drive?
<pie_> ????
<pie_> this is so bad
<gchristensen> that is weird, man
<sphalerite> Isorkin: by running an HTTP server in it and exposing the port
<gchristensen> open ones are probably writing to the old drive
<sphalerite> that sounds bad.
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<Isorkin> sphalerite: need file access, ftp/sftp
<pie_> gchristensen, i mean one can do this just the same manually
<pie_> but this happening by default seems baaaaad
<sphalerite> Isorkin: then run an SSH server in it and expose that.
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<gchristensen> cstrahan: ping?
<Isorkin> sphalerite: port forwarding?
<pie_> gchristensen, got time and energy to try reproducing?
<gchristensen> pie_: I don't, sorry
<pie_> gchristensen, im guessing its basically just obeying the mountpoint
<pie_> ok
<Isorkin> sphalerite: thanks
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<gchristensen> anyone know how github handles colorizing?
<gchristensen> oh, d'oh, figured it out :)
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<ryantrinkle> sphalerite: you're absolutely right, and we're already working on a new site
<ryantrinkle> it just keeps getting preempted by more client work :P
<betaboon> gchristensen, argh... just done with the pr-branch, trying to build from master, now pyopenssl tests fail and I cant finish my system build
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<sphalerite> ryantrinkle: a whole new site? I thought the current one is very pretty, just the navigation is confusing
<betaboon> any advice ?
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<nh2> what's the best way to package something that want's to copy things to `/var` during `make install`?
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<gchristensen> nh2: patch it so it doesn't
<betaboon> nh2, patch the makefile during patchPhase so that it is copying ti $out/var ?
<gchristensen> or change its configuration so it doesn't
<nh2> gchristensen: hmm, it is kind-of nontrivial, as patching glusterfs can increase risk of data loss quite a bit. I'm wondering if I should make it a systemd `preStart` script to copy from the store location to `/var`
<gchristensen> you could but if the `make install` step is trying to copy to /var, you need to make that not happen
<bennofs> gchristensen: it's happening again. I think it really is cloudfront caching 500 responses :/ (according to the docs, they passthrough the Accept-Encoding header, but they only check if gzip is listed or not and then set the header accordingly)
<nh2> gchristensen: it doesn't seem to try it currently, as it builds all fine. I'm not actually sure where it currently ends up
<gchristensen> what is it putting in /var?
<ryantrinkle> sphalerite: thanks :) i do like parts of the current one, and we'll probably reuse some of it, but it's a bit small, i think
<ryantrinkle> we need to have a bit more content
<ryantrinkle> we made this site right around when we founded the company (beginning of 2015) and we didn't have as much to show
<nh2> gchristensen: glusterfs has this concept of "hook scripts". Those are scripts the user can write, I suppose also at run-time. However, it supplies a "default hook script" that is what runs its geo-replication feature.
<gchristensen> gotcha
<gchristensen> seems like the sort of thing you wouldn't want in /var
<nh2> gchristensen: I imagine that they imagine that the user may want to modify these hook scripts at run-time
<clever> id make it an option within nixos, that sets up env vars when the systemd unit gets ran
<clever> if you have a systemd unit already
<clever> then patch it to obey the env var
<nh2> (I personally agree that `make install` should never put things into /var, instead they should put it in `/usr/lib` or what, and change their logic so that it checks if there's a user-script in /var, and if not, fall back to the default script in `/usr/lib`
<gchristensen> in nixos, I think users would want to modify the hooks at nixos-rebuild time
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<clever> and if the nixos module just ran buildEnv over a list of hooks, and then stuck the resulting path into the systemd unit, it would be able to do that
<nh2> hmm OK so the current `make install` puts it into `/nix/store/4qk6iy95x6jqga0ixck46v3f8r07rf1r-glusterfs-3.10.1/var/lib/glusterd/hooks`, but at run time it seems to check only `/var/lib/glusterd/hooks`
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] betaboon opened pull request #25744: nixos-module: taiga (TaigaIO project management platform) (
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* betaboon goes into hiding
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 093130f Matthew Daiter: openmvs: init at current master (#25672)...
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<AndreasO> Hello, I'm trying out the nixos OVA in virtualbox. The config file just have an import and for some reason the enviroment.systemPackages line wont work.
<Filystyn> x
<clever> AndreasO: what error is it giving?
<Filystyn> ./join ##linux
<Filystyn> damn sry for that ;-)
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<pie__> oh my god. new drive reduced boot time to like 10 seconds
<gchristensen> what was it before?
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<pie__> idk, probably like 30 to a minute
<AndreasO> error: The option `enviroment' defined in `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix' does not exist. (use ‘--show-trace’ to show detailed location information) building Nix...
<clever> AndreasO: there is a n missing, environment.systemPackages
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<pie__> gchristensen, it dashes through the linux boot diagnostics now
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<AndreasO> clever: Oh, does it really spell like that... ops.
<AndreasO> clever: by the way, when a collision is detected i asume it get resolved?
<clever> AndreasO: systemPackages is set to ignore collisions, it will print a warning at build time, and i think it will use whichever package provided a given file first
<AndreasO> clever: ignoring a collision? does it mean there is problem. I'm totally new to nix, would be nice to know how things are handled.
<pie__> huh, gksudo isnt accepting my password
<clever> AndreasO: if you try to install 2 different things that provide the same binary, nixos will build, and print a warning as it does so
<pie__> it works but gksudo doesn accept it
<clever> AndreasO: and only one of those programs will be usable
<gchristensen> what type of collision are you thinking about, AndreasO?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e888062 Jörg Thalheim: Whoosh: fix python3.6...
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<pie__> for christ sake i just want to run gparted
<ryantrinkle> pie__: what trouble are you running into?
<pie__> ryantrinkle, well, sudo gparted doesnt work because root apparently doesnt have perms for my x session
<ryantrinkle> that's pretty strange
<pie__> dunno if gksudo is a solution to that
<AndreasO> The collition is probably my faoult, installed vim vid adhoc then i wrote it in the config. Babysteps!
<ryantrinkle> i just did: nix-shell -p gparted --run 'sudo gparted'
<pie__> no im pretty sure this is default behaviour on systemd or something
<clever> pie__: root should be able to read your xauth file out of the old $HOME
<ryantrinkle> worked quite well
<clever> pie__: i do "sudo -i" all the time, and run xorg apps under that
<pie__> (gpartedbin:2825): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0
<pie__> clever, ill try that
<clever> pie__: echo $XAUTHORITY $DISPLAY
<clever> pie__: what does this show under a root shell?
<pie__> err at least IIRC its perms
<pie__> xauthority doesnt appear to be set
<clever> try copying its value over
<pie__> its not set in the normal shell either >.>
<clever> on my end, its set to /home/clever/.Xauthority
<clever> which is also a default, so it being unset still works, if $HOME is set right
<AndreasO> clever:
<AndreasO> clever: The collition is probably my faoult, installed vim vid adhoc then i wrote it in the config. Babysteps!
<clever> pie__: it sounds like the root problem is a lack of $XAUTHORITY, so when $HOME changes, it can break
<clever> AndreasO: ah, it wont detect that collision, because they are in different profiles
<clever> AndreasO: and the nix-env one will have a higher priority
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<clever> BlessJah: serviceConfig must be an attributeset
<BlessJah> what does it mean?
<pie__> clever, apparentlz.
<clever> BlessJah: serviceConfig = { ExecStart = "..."; Restart = "..."; };
<pie__> clever, i didnt change anything related to this in my nix config so idk
<BlessJah> ok, thanks
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<clever> pie__: it might be a bug in nixos or your .bashrc files, does .bashrc or .profile exist?
<BlessJah> clever: you've helped before even I've described the issue
<pie__> clever, no
<clever> pie__: which window manager and display manager?
<gchristensen> ToxicFrog: ping?
<pie__> clever, plasma 5 and sddm i think
<pie__> no wait
<pie__> neermind
<AndreasO> clever: phonon-gstreamer.png seems to collied with phonon-gstreamer.png, not my doing its already in the OVA.
<pie__> i havent upgraded this machine yet
<pie__> im still on kde4
* pie__ upgrades
<clever> AndreasO: in the case of images, you can usualy just ignore it
<pie__> plasma 5 is kinda buggy on my other machine though
<ToxicFrog> gchristensen: mrfl?
* gchristensen doesn't know what that means
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<ToxicFrog> It's a noise. Why the ping?
<gchristensen> may I PM? :)
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<AndreasO> clever: probably.
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<ToxicFrog> gchristensen: certainly
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] armijnhemel opened pull request #25747: neo4j: 3.1.2 -> 3.1.4 (master...neo4j)
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<simpson> So, stupid question maybe, but has anybody ever considered an executable like:
<simpson> $ nixpkgs-callPackage path/to/my/local/default.nix
<clever> i usualy just nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs>'; callPackage ./default.nix {}'
<clever> but i supposed you could just stick that into a bash function
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<cstrahan> gchristensen: what's up
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<pie_> clever, updating fixed xauthority :
<pie_> :)
<clever> pie_: nice
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<sphalerite> steveeJ: did you manage to work around those issues with the cross compiler?
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<gchristensen> cstrahan: if I update, does the linguist repo need to change (I saw you sent a PR to it) to update how github handles nix?
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<cstrahan> I think so. It's been a while though. Updates would be appreciated -- the syntax highlighting on GH is a little finicky, as I'm sure you've seen :)
<gchristensen> yeah
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<gchristensen> it always incorrectly highlights some of my code wrong, that I'm trying to fix:
<cstrahan> Ugh... yeah, needs some work
<gchristensen> I think all the \b's in the spec need to be converted to (?![\w-'])
<gchristensen> as \b considers - to be a word boundary
<clever> gchristensen: another glitch i found in github:
<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> that's a thing
<clever> gchristensen: ah, and the one i was looking for:
<gchristensen> there are 2 glitches there, do you see them? :)
<gchristensen> (there are 2 in your nix.nix)
<clever> heh, i only see 1 in nix.nix
<gchristensen> the `...` are highlighted as invalid
<clever> oh
<gchristensen> (I believe)
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<clever> gchristensen: this has the same color:
<gchristensen> ah, maybe it is nothing
<clever> inspecting the html says its the color of a , in the arguments
<gchristensen> is ${system} = test; like "${system}" = test; ?
<clever> with release.nix, i dont think github is aware that ${foo} is a valid key in an attrset
<clever> yeah
<gchristensen> _I_ wasn't aware that was falid
<gchristensen> valid*
<LnL> yes that's valid
<gchristensen> I thought you had to "${..}" =
<LnL> but most nix parsing doesn't like it
<gchristensen> that is complicated
<gchristensen> and the textmate syntax highlighting code is not complicated
<sphalerite> will nix 1.12 be in nixos more like in 6 months or more like in 6 years?
<gchristensen> you can get use nixUnstable now
<gchristensen> (don't use it for the nix daemon though...)
<sphalerite> but as a default?
<gchristensen> older nix is just the default b/c you're calling nix-build and friends
<gchristensen> you can install nix and nixUnstable together, I think?
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<sphalerite> sure
<sphalerite> just that nix 1.12 has been in the works for as long as I've been using nixos (admittedly not that long yet!) and I'm wondering
<gchristensen> it is a big change
<gchristensen> should more likely be nix 2.0
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<LnL> yeah, but I'm pretty excited about it
<sphalerite> oh yeah, any weechat users have a bit of time to give an opinion on this?
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<simpson> With nixops, the encrypted tunnels bypass any firewall issues, right?
<simpson> I need to let a publically-firewalled daemon get scraped somehow and "encrypted tunnel" sounded good for that.
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<simpson> Actually, stupid question. I have a better answer.
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<pie_> simpson, ssh, vpn, ssltunnel or whatsitcalled, etc
<pie_> depending on whether your firewall is really restrictive or not those may not work, but they do in 99% of cases
<simpson> pie_: The encrypted tunnels in nixops are SSH tunnels of some sort IIUC.
<simpson> But I remembered that I already have a globally-writeable cap-safe scratchpad.
<simpson> (It's kind of my thing.)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] armijnhemel opened pull request #25748: hwdata: 0.291 -> 0.300 (master...hwdata)
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<gchristensen> is adelbertc here?
<nh2> dammit, I won't get around patching glusterfs source apparently. It has hardcoded to look for xfsprogs binaries in /usr/sbin and /sbin
<gchristensen> :)
<gchristensen> this should be fine, I don't think you should be too worried about "increas[ing] risk of data loss quite a bit."
<gchristensen> you're not making any weird patches, should be fine
<nh2> gchristensen: in C any character can be a death sentence
<LnL> lol
<gchristensen> nh2: have you considered taking up farming in rural Bangladesh?
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<iMatejC> I do not quite get it, but rotfl
<gchristensen> farming in very wealthy nations usually involves lots of computers and automation, and AFAIK Bangladesh has very little computers involved in most farming operations
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nlewo opened pull request #25749: pythonPackages.dulwich: 0.14.1 -> 0.17.3 (
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<Guest59096> Hello, just starting out with nixops. I am trying to deploy a basic example via ssh with deployment.targetEnv = "none"; However it tries to ssh via the root user. How can I specify a different user?
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<nh2> Guest59096: I don't know this for sure but I'd guess it's required to be root to use nixops?
<nh2> as it's supposed to switch system-wide configuration
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<Guest59096> really? I always disable root ssh
<clever> i disable password, but allow keypair auth
<iMatejC> +1
<nh2> Guest59096: there's an sshd option to disable password logins for root
<LnL> ^ that's the default on nixos
<Guest59096> yes I have that: services.openssh.permitRootLogin = "no";
<gchristensen> Guest59096: I use = "with-password"
<Guest59096> So how do I add a keypair for root? I can ssh via another user
<adelbertc> gchristensen: I am here
<gchristensen> err permitRootLogin = "without-password
<adelbertc> What's up
<clever> Guest59096: i use this: openssh = { passwordAuthentication = false; permitRootLogin = "yes"; };
<nh2> Guest59096: you can put the pubkey it in /root/.ssh/authorized-keys
<clever> that allows root, and turns passwords off globally
<nh2> (if you can sudo on the machine)
<gchristensen> adelbertc: nice article!
<gchristensen> adelbertc: I have some suggestions though: `nix-env -qa` -> `nix-env -qaP` to get the attribute of the package instead of just the name
<Guest59096> I can sudo :) will try those and report thanks
<gchristensen> adelbertc: which can be used with `nix-env -iA`
<gchristensen> adelbertc: I also recommend linking to the Nix Pills series in "Nix the language" (starts
<gchristensen> adelbertc: but again, super nice article :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nlewo opened pull request #25750: pythonPackages.pika-pool: init at 0.1.3 (
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<LnL> what's the article?
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<iMatejC> anyway, crap, nh2 is right, but there is another issue, not only that glusterfs looks xfsprogs binaries inside /usr/sbin, but quick search for sbin keyword inside glusterfs repository... I found 52 files and 30 of that are in C and shell, making a patch and later maintaining it would be a nightmare, better solution would be to replace each occurence with substituteInPlace bash function and with a bit of
<iMatejC> scripting to iterate through files, done that already a few times myself
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nlewo opened pull request #25751: pythonPackages.rfc3986: 0.2.2 -> 0.4.1 (
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<adelbertc> gchristensen: oo alright i will look into qaP
<adelbertc> and thanks for the reference to Nix Pills - i did not link it at the time because i hadn't read it (still haven't .. should get around to doing that)
<adelbertc> but thanks!
<adelbertc> glad you liked it :-)
<gchristensen> adelbertc: I didn't read it for over a year
<adelbertc> it was one of those opportunities where i figured i should take notes as i was learning Nix and decided to turn it into a blog post
<gchristensen> finally go around to reading it to pass on to my coworkers to read, and was glad I read them
<adelbertc> will be sure to read it :)
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<Guest59096> Alright nixos-install gives me "mount point /mnt doesn't exist". I will switch to a supported provider for the first time, it will be easier. Thanks!
<LnL> you have to mount your root disk there before generating the config
<Guest59096> I did that the first time, howver the config was already there this time. So I edited it $EDITOR /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and ran "nixos-install"
<Guest59096> Anyway I will follow a guide first before trying to deviate :)
<gchristensen> Guest59096: hmm you should be editing /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix
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<Guest59096> Oops - * goes to restore the snapshot
<LnL> you where editing the configuration of the iso
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<Guest59096> Oh alright I thought it was the opposite
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<manveru> is there any way to mount a loop device in a derivation?
<matthewbauer> sounds like a bad idea, but it is probably possible
<manveru> heh
<manveru> i thought it'd be fun to try and write with nix
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<manveru> they create the image with fdisk and then mount it via losetup
<manveru> maybe there's another way to create the image with the contents already?
<ekleog> the usual way would be to use programs that understand directly the fs on the loop device without mounting
<ekleog> (because you're not root inside a derivation)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bachp opened pull request #25753: Cleanup PostgreSQL for state version 17.09 (master...postgres-17.09)
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<manveru> hm yeah
<matthewbauer> you can definitely run fdisk on a file outside of root
<ekleog> yeah, but not mounting it
* ekleog looking again for the link to the thing doing it
<manveru> oh, that's great :)
<manveru> thanks
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<copumpkin> ??? :)
<manveru> !m copumpkin
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, copumpkin!
<ekleog> ^
<copumpkin> Oh, thanks! I haven't been following
<copumpkin> But I'll take the compliments!
<manveru> guess i can just call that directly anyway
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<ekleog> it's about that ;) <matthewbauer> sounds like a bad idea, but it is probably possible
<ekleog> woops
<ekleog> <manveru> is there any way to mount a loop device in a derivation?
<copumpkin> Oh, nope, not without VMs
<ekleog> or using cptofs to completely avoid the going through a VM, no? :)
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<manveru> maybe chroot?
<copumpkin> Yeah! I was so happy when I found that
<copumpkin> No chroot needs root
<ekleog> learned about it while reading this commit :D
<copumpkin> Namespaces help but you can't mount filesystems in them
<manveru> ok
<copumpkin> There's also more granular ways to use LKL but cptofs was super easy
<ekleog> copumpkin: maybe with userns + mountns that would be possible? but would be crazily complex to setup I guess
<copumpkin> Nope you can still only do simple mounts
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<copumpkin> It won't let you mount ext4 for example without some high capabilities
<copumpkin> Bind mounts, overlayfs, etc. are fine
<copumpkin> But for images they're not sufficient
<ekleog> oh ok, didn't know
<ekleog> thanks :)
<copumpkin> Np!
<copumpkin> On mobile so gonna tune out now but feel free to ping
<ekleog> 'night! (or whatever time where you are :))
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<manveru> making the boot loader is harder...
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<cstrahan> ekleog, copumpkin: I suppose a new option could be added to the derivation primitive, where you could specify how you'd like to mount something *prior* to the builder running; assuming the nix-build process is running as root, it could conceivably do the mounting a new mount ns prior to invoking the builder as specified in the derivation. granted, you'd then
<cstrahan> have a dependency on whatever the host could mount.
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<copumpkin> Yup although LKL makes it simpler and doesn't need as much support in Nix :)
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<manveru> i guess for now i can use qemu as bootloader...
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