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<mellowmaroon> I tried creating my own .iso according to the manual, but it wouldn't run
<mellowmaroon> It's the one here: https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/#sec-building-cd
<clever> mellowmaroon: what error did it fail with?
<mellowmaroon> When I used that same command, it says "error: getting status of '/home/me/default.nix: No such file or dir'"
<clever> that has to be ran in a directory where you cloned nixpkgs
<mellowmaroon> Only, I changed the nixos-config to point to installation-cd-graphical-gnome.nix
<clever> the nixos subdir of it
<clever> or pass it '<nixpkgs/nixos>'
<mellowmaroon> Oh, is that something I need to install separately through Nix? Ah I see
<clever> either add a channel with nix-channel and use '<nixpkgs/nixos>', or clone nixpkgs from git
<clever> and you may wnat to check to see if nix-channel is already setup, nix-channel --list
<mellowmaroon> Yeah, I think I have a nix-channel already in my config.nix
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<mellowmaroon> Guess not...I think I can hopefully figure it out from here, thanks :) I think this is the third time you've helped me out
<mellowmaroon> I really appreciate it
<clever> yep
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<simukis_> anybody has any ideas as to what could be causing https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/25383? It is becoming extremely annoying
<clever> simukis_: interesting, i had that exact failure yesterday
<simukis_> it just happened two times in a row now to me
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<clever> simukis_: i dont see a need to set boot.kernelModules to zfs, nixos will figure that out on its own
<clever> simukis_: if nixos finds a filesystem with fsType = "zfs" it will do that for you
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<simukis_> shouldn’t be the problem though… could device mapper running first be, though?
<simukis_> it seems like a prime candidate to me
<mellowmaroon> Sorry, how do I pass the nix-build command '<nixpkgs/nixos>'? Is it using the -A?
<clever> mellowmaroon: that path doesnt need an argument
<clever> mellowmaroon: and it can go almost anywhere, as long as its not after -A or -I
<aanderse> anyone ever run an appimage with nixos? not many great hits on google
<mellowmaroon> clever: Got it, thanks
<aanderse> i want to run the qupzilla browser but there is no system package for it
<clever> simukis_: zfs filesystems dont have a normal block device, so device-mapper shouldnt come into play at all
<clever> simukis_: once the import is done, it should just work
<mellowmaroon> clever: Now it's saying the path doesn't exist... I'm running this:
<mellowmaroon> clever: $ nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.isoImage -I nixos-config=modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-graphical-gnome.nix
<clever> mellowmaroon: what does 'echo $NIX_PATH' say?
<mellowmaroon> clever: nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs:nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix:/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels
<clever> mellowmaroon: and does /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs exist?
<simukis_> clever: it does assign some mappings for zvols
<mellowmaroon> clever: Yep...oh, do I need to be root to run this?
<clever> mellowmaroon: nope
<mellowmaroon> clever: just bc the 'nix-channel --list' didn't list anything until I ran it as root
<clever> mellowmaroon: it will use root's channels automaticaly
<clever> but --list wont show roots channels
<clever> mellowmaroon: which path is it saying doesnt exist?
<clever> oh, i think i see it
<mellowmaroon> clever: warning: Nix search path entry ‘modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-graphical-gnome.nix’ does not exist, ignoring
<mellowmaroon> that's after I run that command from the manual
<clever> mellowmaroon: yeah, one second
<mellowmaroon> clever: no problem :)
<clever> mellowmaroon: just "cd /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs/nixos" then run it
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<clever> mellowmaroon: oh, and that directory will be read-only, so you need to add "-o ~/result" to make it write the output elsewhere
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<mellowmaroon> clever: Ok, I'll try that
<mellowmaroon> clever: it says 'networking.wireless.enable' has conflicting definitions
<mellowmaroon> clever: is it reading it from my system's config.nix?
<clever> -I nixos-config should stop that
<clever> mellowmaroon: can you pastebin the full error?
<mellowmaroon> clever: sure, one minute
<clever> oh, i see the same one here
<clever> installation-device says that wifi should be enabled
<clever> but networkmanager says wifi shouldnt be enabled
<simukis_> clever: so there’s https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/tasks/filesystems/zfs.nix#L297, but it doesn’t seem to have any effect on my system
<simukis_> at the very least it doesn’t take 0.25 * 60 of a second to actually declare that mounting failed
<clever> simukis_: that 0.25 sleep on line 300, is after the first zpool import on line 299
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<clever> simukis_: so if the first import works, it never sleeps for 0.25
<clever> simukis_: it also didnt print any . so line 301 never ran
<simukis_> oh right, it fails in the different place
<simukis_> it fails while mounting, not importing
<clever> which is over in stage-1
<simukis_> so that’s why stage1’s so slow haha, its all bash
<mellowmaroon> clever: The KDE one works, so I'm using it instead :) thanks again
<simukis_> clever: honestly I would debug it sometime, but I don’t even have an idea where to start
<clever> simukis_: i prefer to just never reboot, so i dont get a chance to debug it often
<clever> simukis_: but i did have the shell enabled, and had no trouble manualy calling mount after it failed
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<simukis_> well sure, resource or device busy seems like a very temporary state
<simukis_> maybe zfs import is asynchronous or something?
* simukis_ shrugs
<clever> not that i know of
<clever> let me check something else
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<clever> simukis_: i believe this the code handling the mount
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<simukis_> clever: that’s not the error, though
<clever> simukis_: that error may only go to dmesg
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<clever> simukis_: it will probably also return -EBUSY, which the userland may translate to "Device or resource busy"
<simukis_> hmm, right
<simukis_> and that’s again derived from /bin/mount execution
<clever> simukis_: oh, line 206, openat()
<clever> i think this is userland code
<clever> we need to go deeper!
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<clever> simukis_: yeah, thats looking pretty close
<clever> i think mount_nodev is part of the kernel, to handle mounting a filesystem that lacks a blockdevice
<simukis_> (oh damn that’s an old kernel version)
<simukis_> search engines be bad at searching code haha
<clever> ive memorized the github url for linux
<simukis_> hah
<clever> mount_nodev takes a function pointer, and also calls dget
<clever> oh, lets yeah, search for EBUSY in all related files
<simukis_> I just traced the call graph
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<simukis_> so hmm… it seems like it detects some sort of race…
<clever> but there is no ability to run things in parallel in stage-1
<clever> so maybe the import is being a little async?
<simukis_> The thing is, I do not remember this happening before for a while. It only began a bit later. Now I’m not exactly sure at which point, but at the very least I’ve added zvols between when it wasn’t a problem and when it began being one
<simukis_> clever: do you have any zvols?
<clever> not on the machine that had the problem
<simukis_> okay, so that’s not the cause
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<clever> but i do have automatic snapshots on
<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# zfs list -t snapshot | wc -l
<clever> 90
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<j2j> Hello -- what is a recommended way to debug nix configuration files?
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<simpson> Is there anything I should know before trying to work in nixos/modules/tasks/network-interfaces.nix ? It seems like a big monolith and I'm wondering why.
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6303d4e Peter Hoeg: terragrunt: update sha256
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d9df350 jammerful: ssh: Add Newline to KnownHostsText...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2e966dc James Cook: Merge pull request #25818 from jammerful/ssh...
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<unlmtd> nixos- bloat your system without any problem!
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<makefu> have your system installed about a hunded times,all still bootable. It might as well be a scheme of the hard disk producer industry
<MichaelRaskin> Nix allows you to pay 1 GiB of HDD space to deflect 1 point of sanity damage. The dijsk space can be reclaimed a month later.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #22273: [experiment, wip] proposal - use wheels in pythonpath for bootstrapped pip (master...experiment-bootstrapped-pip) https://git.io/vDUSL
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<clever> MichaelRaskin: i have a netbook that doesnt have enough hdd space to hold even 2 generations
<clever> MichaelRaskin: i had to disable xorg and GC just to update it
<LnL> you can enable the gc service with --max-freed to keep some disk space free
<MichaelRaskin> Yes, if you _don't_ have the space, you do take sanity damage
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<MichaelRaskin> LnL: doesn't help if you do not have twice the space needed (for the old and the new system in case of glibc update)
<clever> LnL: yep, i have 3 servers and a desktop setup for auto-gc
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<LnL> doesn't that collect old profiles to make space?
<LnL> oh wait do you mean like not enough space for current + next
<clever> yeah
<clever> turning xorg off let me shrink the current profile just enough, after a full nix-collect-gabrage -d
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<LnL> yeah that's a little problematic, in that case I would try to remove stuff from systemPackages and manage it with a separate profile
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<clever> 109M /nix/store/r9dbza2lhsnmj0078p46p7ql3cvrhn9z-glibc-locales-2.25
<clever> LnL: the biggest thing in the system profile cant just be removed
<LnL> then you can hopefully still upgrade the core system in one go
<LnL> oh :/
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<clever> only 2 things in the top 10 have a hope of being removed, git(35mb) and svn(17mb)
<clever> still 2 even in the top 20
<makefu> clever: perl might have a chance as well
<clever> makefu: its used by the grub install script, setup-etc.pl, and the user/group scripts
<LnL> perl is still used by some activation scripts
<LnL> with nix 1.12 you could probably gc it after you activated, but you'd still need it during nixos-rebuild
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<clever> LnL: that doesnt feel safe, setup-etc.pl is required to boot
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<clever> any time your booting from a potentialy different generation
<LnL> oh right, n/m
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<clever> if those 3 get rewritten in c/c++, we will be 1 step closer to purging all perl code from nixos
<clever> perl is also pulled in via man-db -> groff -> perl
<clever> nixos-container
<clever> git (it can probably be turned off)
<clever> texinfo
<clever> nixos-generate-config
<clever> LnL: oh god, the whole switch script for changing nixos builds at runtime is perl!!
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<LnL> yeah
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<LnL> and git has a runtime dependency on perl?
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<clever> gitAndTools.gitFull
<clever> /nix/store/pjj9npd844a0byw7rvynhr8lzds73fsp-git-2.13.0/libexec/git-core/git-instaweb:PerlPassEnv GIT_DIR
<LnL> ah that could be, but that's not used by fetchgit etc right?
<clever> correct
<clever> fetchgit, and the main 'git' attribute use a more slimmed down git build
<clever> which lacks 'git gui'
<clever> but now that i purged xorg, i cant use git gui
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<clever> (if config.services.xserver.enable then gitAndTools.gitFull else git)
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<clever> and now the nixos config will figure that out on its own
<clever> i think something is wrongly holding a reference to gcc at runtime though
<clever> it had to redownload make, but not gcc
<clever> or runCommandNoCC did its job
<makefu> clever: damn, maybe switch to systemd-boot to save this space :)
<clever> makefu: no EFI support on the machine
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<clever> swapping out the git build reduced the closure from 696m to 660m
<clever> 36mb saved!
<makefu> maybe switch from grub to lilo? not sure if this has a perl dep
<peti> Does anyone know how to make emacsWithPackages use the ELPA package set?
* peti is flabberghasted due to the complete lack of documentation whatsoever.
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<clever> makefu: and systemd-boot pulls in python instead
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<makefu> well you have python in your deps already ;)
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<clever> python somehow is in the closure of glibc
<clever> wait no, misread
<clever> wpa_supplicant
<clever> makefu: wow, python actualy has a chance of being purged, only in use by git, wpa_supplicant, and zfs-user (grub shouldnt be using that)
<makefu> :D
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<clever> wpa_supplicant does something with pcsclite, which has a python #!
<makefu> now go and make it optional :D
<FRidh> clever: it is needed at build-time quite often
<clever> FRidh: build slaves and nixops could eliminate that usage
<clever> just push it off to a machine with more space
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<clever> ah, pcsclite is for smartcards
<clever> so i can sign into wpa with a hardware auth token
<clever> and its already optional
<clever> well, was
<clever> somebody broke the optional-ness
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<clever> scratch that, the guy that originaly added pcsclite only wrote half the code to make it optional
<clever> and thats going to get me maybe 46mb
<clever> if all the python is purged
<clever> oh yeah, man pages
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<clever> programs.man.enable and services.nixosManual.enable
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<MichaelRaskin> clever: isn't just force-passing null instead of pcsclite enough?
<clever> that was there from the first commit that added pcsclite
<hyper_ch> vcunat should come in here more often again :(
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<clever> MichaelRaskin: it looks like he started out by making it optional with proper optional calls and a ?null, but then missed a spot, and made the PR
<clever> turning man and the manual off saved another 26mb
<hyper_ch> ram?
<clever> closure size on-disk
<hyper_ch> what is that?
<hyper_ch> ah ok
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<clever> programs.info.enable=false; shaved another 19mb off the closure
<clever> almost down 80mb fro where i started
<MichaelRaskin> clever: just switch to hand-written activation to get rid of perl
<hyper_ch> clever: what do you try to achieve?
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<clever> MichaelRaskin: i have done that in not-os, but it still needs perl for setup-etc.pl
<MichaelRaskin> clever: well, follow my example with overlayfs
<clever> hyper_ch: my netbook barely has enough disk space for 2 full nixos generations, so a glibc change causes any attempt at upgrading to run out of space
<hyper_ch> I had to upgrade my 512ssd to 1tb
<hyper_ch> I know the low disk space issues :)
<clever> MichaelRaskin: ah yeah, i saw that in an issue somewhere recently, what was the link?
<clever> hyper_ch: the hdd isnt replacable, raw NAND flash chips soldered directly to the motherboard, 4gig total
<hyper_ch> 4gig... now that's not a lot... how can one still manage with that
<MichaelRaskin> <html> <head><title>500 Internal Server Error</title></head> <body> <h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1> <p>Something's broken in this server and needs to be fixed.</p> </body> </html>
<clever> hyper_ch: i currently have the entire nixos closure down to 619mb, and i have 1.3gig free, thats enough to fit ~3 copies of nixos
<hyper_ch> clever: hmmm... do you run a DE?
<clever> ah, i see
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<clever> hyper_ch: i had to disable xorg to even get the 16.03->17.08 upgrade to fit
<hyper_ch> wow
<clever> hyper_ch: 16.03 was over a gig with xfce enabled
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<hyper_ch> so I assume kde is out of the question
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<clever> lol
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<LnL> clever: programs.man.enable = false; could also reduce the size a little, but that's a bit inconvenient
<clever> MichaelRaskin: there is also an edge-case that setup-etc.pl handles that i dont think i see in your pseudo-system.nix
<clever> LnL: that saved 26mb
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<MichaelRaskin> clever: which is?
<clever> MichaelRaskin: some programs like sudo incist that /etc/sudoers isnt world-readable
<clever> MichaelRaskin: but nix says all files in the store must be world readable
<clever> setup-etc.pl copies it over, and does a chmod to make sudo happy
<MichaelRaskin> sudo doesn't really insist
<clever> sshd says similiar things about its private key files
<MichaelRaskin> I mean, I did use sudo before moving to my current completely crazy setup
<MichaelRaskin> Private keys are not in store anyway?
<clever> i was putting them in the store for faster testing in not-os
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<clever> it has no root disk, so the activation script has to recreate /etc on every boot
<MichaelRaskin> I would probably make that service's responsibility
<clever> and ssh complains that the host keys are changing constantly
<MichaelRaskin> (managing key permissions)
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<clever> not-os has no persistant writable mountpoints
<clever> so it gets factory-reset on every boot
<MichaelRaskin> Well, on every boot ssh service has to start
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<clever> and if i dont embed host private keys into the store, they change constantly, and the ssh client makes things difficult
<MichaelRaskin> I understand that
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<MichaelRaskin> I mean that permission setup could be just done by service before launching sshd
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<clever> dont think that would work if it was a symlink into the store, or an overlay of the store
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<MichaelRaskin> a copy from store would work, though
<clever> yeah
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jluttine opened pull request #25822: pythonPackages.PyRSS2Gen: fix sha256 (master...fix-pyrss2gen-sha256) https://git.io/v9bqT
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<clever> though if i was feel a little more crazy, i would just patch all the things, and just get rid of /etc!!
<MichaelRaskin> Hey!
<MichaelRaskin> Where would resolv.conf go?
<MichaelRaskin> To /var/etc ?
<clever> ehh, things like resolv.conf can stay in /etc
<MichaelRaskin> (which is what I use for writeable part of /etc/ overlay anyway)
<clever> but nearly everything else can go!
<clever> every read-only part of /etc can go
<clever> so only the writeable remain, and there is no need for setup-etc.pl
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #25822: pythonPackages.PyRSS2Gen: fix sha256 (master...fix-pyrss2gen-sha256) https://git.io/v9bqT
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<MichaelRaskin> Right, just use /run/current-system/etc/ directly
<clever> or pass absolute paths via env variables
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<MichaelRaskin> Until we hit some arbitrary limit on environment size
<clever> it seems simple enough to patch the source to getenv("FOO_CFG") or "/etc/foo"
<clever> and then set the env in the systemd unit
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<clever> and for apps the user runs, wrapProgram
<clever> the env wont be that bloated, if you limit each var to the programs that need it
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<clever> -f flags would probably be faster, since it wont carry down to every child without limit
<clever> but those are harder to patch in
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<MichaelRaskin> OK, time to go. Bye.
<clever> same, its now 5am
<clever> crap, lol
<clever> how did it get this late?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rickynils opened pull request #25823: nixos/luks: Silence killall complain about non-existing cryptsetup pr… (master...luks_crypsetup_quiet) https://git.io/v9bq6
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<makefu> danbst: the garbage-collection wiki entry contains a lot of great hints, thanks! https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/wiki/Garbage-collection
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<makefu> btw, in #krebs we have a bot which announces changes in the nixos-users wiki, would it be interesting to have this in #nixos as well?
<makefu> the announcements look like this: "Garbage collection" created by danbst https://git.io/v9bqB
* goibhniu would like that
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<makefu> ok i will enable it and if somebody is bothered by it i can remove the bot again.
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<makefu> (one +1 is enough for me ;)
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<goibhniu> nice, makefu!
<nixos-wiki> "Garbage collection" edited by makefu https://git.io/v9bO2
<makefu> thats how it will look like
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<jophish> Hi all
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<danbst> makefu, thanks, that's even better
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<nixos-wiki> "Garbage collection" edited by danbst https://git.io/v9bZN
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zimbatm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9bnG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 03d190d J M: shibboleth: Add Myself as a Maintainer (#25817)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9bnK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3cd189c Joachim Fasting: tor: ->
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<danbst> clever: glibc-locales is shrinkable, https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#i18n.supportedlocales
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<lukego> I am having a really hard time installing xfce on nixos for use with vncserver. There are a lot of packages and it doesn't seem to work, either on a stable or unstable nixos channel, to install them all with e.g. 'nix-env -iA nixos-unstable.xfce'. Gist: https://gist.github.com/lukego/5bcea80e4ba371114f8510782bd4f659
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<lukego> On the other hand there are ~60 packages and I really don't know how to pick the right ones to install myself. I have noticed that the minimal installation is not actually usable, e.g. menu items that don't work, no way to recover windows that have been minimized, etc. How do other people run a NixOS desktop in vnc?
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<lukego> (Guess I should open an issue.)
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<danbst> lukego, there exists issue https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/17602, partly relevant
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<danbst> ah, you have problems with `xfce` package...
<danbst> lukego, you see, you can't do nix-env -iA nixos.xfce
<danbst> nixos.xfce is a collection of attributes, not a package
<danbst> in particular, there exists xfce.xfce4panel and xfce.xfce4panel_gtk3, which *will* collide
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<lukego> danbst: Okay. But what am I supposed to do? somehow pick exactly the subset of those 60 packages that are needed to have a usable desktop?
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<lukego> danbst: Could be that the NixOS module is the right solution. However I'm not really sure how to combine that with vnc.
<lukego> danbst: I opened an issue on nixpkgs to look for some advice. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/25824
<danbst> lukego, I guess remote system isn't NixOS?
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<lukego> danbst: it is. I'd kinda prefer not to depend on that, but I can.
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<lukego> danbst: Originally I was following the instructions at http://nixer.ghost.io/nixos-in-the-cloud/ but this turned out to be problematic for some reason. I don't quite remember why. Could have been related to persistence between logins or something...
<danbst> lukego, I also tried to run that and failed. Perhaps need one more try
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<lukego> danbst: Broadly what I want to do is deploy "software as a service" but via VNC instead of a web browser. Though while I develop this I also want general window managers etc.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] qknight opened pull request #25825: on error, add a reference to the configuration file (master...nsd_debugging) https://git.io/v9bR8
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<18WAAA3S9> [nixpkgs] qknight closed pull request #25825: on error, add a reference to the configuration file (master...nsd_debugging) https://git.io/v9bR8
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<21WAAC6AF> [nixpkgs] qknight pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9bRR
<21WAAC6AF> nixpkgs/master d5e1849 Joachim Schiele: on error, add a reference to the configuration file (#25825)...
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<kiloreux> Can we have multiple versions of the same package on nixpkgs?
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<danbst> kiloreux, sure, but why?
<danbst> kiloreux, I mean, why should we have them in `nixpkgs`, and not in overlays?
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<danbst> lukedo, I tried terminal-server.nix again and stumbled into SSL problems. Investigating further...
<danbst> whoops, lukego
<kiloreux> I am trying to put them in default.nix
<kiloreux> So I can have 2 versions side by side in production :D
<kiloreux> danbst, i have installed the nixpkg and pinned it down installing it from the commit link :D
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<danbst> kiloreux, that's what most of us do, yes. Though it's boring to find out which exact commit contains required app version
<kiloreux> Well I have that part of nixpkg already figured out.
<kiloreux> But I still don't know how to write a proper default.nix
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<gchristensen> ikwildrpepper: ping?
<danbst> kiloreux, I do sometimes pkg_oldver = pkg.overrideDerivation (sup: { src = pgks.fethcurl { url = ...; sha256 = ...; }; });
<danbst> kiloreux, it works if there where only minor changes, and has a bonus of not depending on full nixpkgs
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<danbst> as far as I know people do want a repo with all srcs, so you can refer them like src = (import <srcs>).pkg_ver;
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<AndChat114816> Thanks a lot. I am a quite a noob here so if you have any real world example that I can try unders
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<AndChat114816> Understanding it would be very helpful.
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<lukego> danbst: Sure would be nice to be able to easily serve up desktops to multiple users from a nix/nixos expression.
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* gchristensen waves to nixos-wiki
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<kiloreux> Thank you gchristensen.
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<gchristensen> what for?
<cmacrae> So, I have a question regarding Nix: I'm planning to expose a custom systemd service. I need to be able to run multiple instances of this service and keep a count, then use the count value as part of the service configuration. Something like: `services.myService.count = 5;` which would spawn 5 systemd units, each named using their index in the count, and using their index in the count as a value for something (I want to provide the port
<cmacrae> number)
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<gchristensen> !m makefu
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, makefu!
<cmacrae> Is that possible?
<gchristensen> ohh fun, cmacrae, you bet!
<cmacrae> gchristensen: Yeah? Awesome!
<cmacrae> gchristensen: Any docs/examples on how this might be approached? :)
<gchristensen> I do a similar thing where I spawn a variable number of nixos-containers inside a test VM
<gchristensen> let me see if I can find some code to share ... cmacrae: will you be around in ~2 hours? if I can't find a sample now, I definitely can, then
<cmacrae> gchristensen: Ah, much appreciated! Sure, I'll be about :)
<danbst> cmacrae, systemd.services = map makeService (lib.range 1 5);
<gchristensen> mmm... you'll need it to produce an attrset
<danbst> yes, makeService should produce an attrset
<gchristensen> map won't
<danbst> ah
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<cmacrae> Looking forward to learning more about Nix - so far it's just been very basic configuration of my MacBook - but we're redesigning part of our stack at work, and I see it as a great opportunity to utilize NixOS
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<makefu> danbst: i had the same issue with vncserver, i use tigervnc now: http://cgit.euer.krebsco.de/stockholm/tree/makefu/2configs/vncserver.nix
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<makefu> it is not socket-activated but it works :)
<danbst> cmacrae, lib.genAttrs (map (x: "service${toString x}") (lib.range 1 5)) (x: {})
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<danbst> output { service1 = { ... }; service2 = { ... }; service3 = { ... }; service4 = { ... }; service5 = { ... }; }
<cmacrae> Oooo
* danbst looking for lambdabot
<cmacrae> I'll take a look at this shortly. Just headed out for lunch. If there are any other examples/docs using this sorta stuff, I'd greatly appreciate it
<danbst> cmacrae, here is what I read: nixpkgs/lib/attrsets.nix, nixpkgs/lib/lists.nix, nixpkgs/lib/strings.nix, nixpkgs/lib/options.nix. I stopped reading nixpkgs/lib/modules.nix because of brain explosion
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<danbst> makefu, let's test!
<makefu> you will need to update the user with the x-server and when running nixos stable your tigervnc will most likely work
<makefu> the config also defines novnc which you might not need :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 6 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9bVZ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9d5038e Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.scipy: 0.18.1 -> 0.19.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b78940b Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.numpy: 1.11.3 -> 1.12.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 50fb47d Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.cython: disable tests temporarily
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #24989: Python: update numpy and scipy (master...numpy) https://git.io/vSb6k
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<philipp[m]> How can I ask nix-env what package pulls in a specific package on update?
<philipp[m]> My nix-env -u --leq fails because of an insecure dependency and I'd like to know of what.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9bVz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a92bdc5 Rickard Nilsson: nixos/luks: Silence killall complain about non-existing cryptsetup processes
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9c3b926 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25823 from rickynils/luks_crypsetup_quiet...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9bwy
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 685bfce Profpatsch: fira-code-symbols: init at 20160811
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<FRidh> anyone else been having issues with python3.buildEnv ?
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<FRidh> oh, happens only with nixUnstable
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<cmacrae> Thanks danbst :)
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<bkchr> Hi, I tried to enable the bluetooth firmware for my broadcom bluetooth device. Does anyone know how I can verify that the firmware is loaded?
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<bkchr> That is the code I added to my configuration.nix
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<pie_> looks like hibernating makes my window manager crash or die or something :/
<pie_> i had to start plasmashell (not sure if this was actually needed) and kwin_x11
<gchristensen> holy crap, nixops has a `defaults` section
<domenkozar> yes
<domenkozar> I wanted to document those inputs a long time ago
<gchristensen> amazing
<pie_> gchristensen, ???
<gchristensen> what about those?
<danbst> looks like it is like base-modules for NixOS, only for NixOps machines
<domenkozar> there are extra args in nixos modules you get
<gchristensen> ahh
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<domenkozar> so for example I get all IPs in the network that have specific service enabled: https://github.com/input-output-hk/iohk-nixops/pull/47/files#diff-9769191803064c6543457a521474e83bR14
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: the problem with deployment.nixPath is we can't reliably fetch it without first evaluating the whole module system
<domenkozar> we could evaluate it twice at some cost, right
<domenkozar> first time just to get nixPath
<domenkozar> then use that to get pkgs
<gchristensen> not sure, because if the new nixpkgs in the new NIX_PATH has modules declared that aren't available in the default one, will it error?
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<domenkozar> does if eagerly evalute imports if you just want config.deployment.nix_path?
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<domenkozar> I guess it does to get all the modules
<domenkozar> dunno :)
<gchristensen> yeah, I'm not sure
<gchristensen> but I think he has a fine point about moving it out of band, which is where I got the networks idea
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/v9biS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 290906a taku0: flashplayer: ->
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 de9f180 taku0: flashplayer-ppapi: ->
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/v9bXy
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 c9700e6 Tuomas Tynkkynen: kernel: 4.9.27 -> 4.9.28...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rickynils pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/v9bM8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f2c4af4 Rickard Nilsson: nixos/luks: Silence killall complain about non-existing cryptsetup processes...
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<sdll> Team, could you please tell me how I can increase the size of tmpfs at /run/user/${uid}/, where uid is the uid defined in the user section of configuration.nix?
<sdll> Will changing boot.runSize help?
<sdll> Or is there a direct way to do it for a user?
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<sdll> clever, I wonder if you could come to the rescue
<cmacrae> Yo gchristensen I'm still about if you have any of those examples we spoke about briefly earlier :) Just gimme a shout if you have a moment to find them (no rush of course, just letting you know I'm here)
<gchristensen> thank you for the ping :D
<sdll> gchristensen: could you please help with the issue?
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<sdll> Currently my /run/user/${uid}/ it is at 790MB, which is not nearly enough
<sdll> There is still lots of space on my /.
<sdll> I do not know whether boot.runSize changes the size of tmpfs for all users currently logged in.
<gchristensen> cmacrae: seems someone made a good suggestion earlier, but: https://gist.github.com/grahamc/94fffbf14f6047a576ddfc6a231f3ae5
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<cmacrae> gchristensen: Yep, I've been trying to understand how to use the suggestion earlier. Thanks very much for this! I'll look over it - much appreciated
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<gchristensen> you're welcome
<gchristensen> LMK if you need more help with that sample
<gchristensen> sorry sdll, I don't know :(
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<cmacrae> gchristensen: Great, will do
<sdll> gchristensen: No worries, thank you for your consideration!
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<FRidh> anyone experience with a fontconfig cache in a nix-build?
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<ToxicFrog> Given the name of a package, is there a command that will give its path in nix-store?
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<goibhniu> ToxicFrog: you can use nix-env with --dry-run if it hasn't been installed yet, otherwise something like: readlink -f `which mypkg`
<ToxicFrog> It has been installed, but it's not a binary; it's a library
<ToxicFrog> So which won't help
<ToxicFrog> (It would be nice if there were a /run/current-system/lib)
<goibhniu> oh, but there is /run/current-system/sw/lib
<ToxicFrog> So there is!
<ToxicFrog> But for some reason libXtst, despite being installed, doesn't show up in it
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<ToxicFrog> And `nix-env --dry-run --install -A xorg.libXtst` says it can't find attribute xorg. Argh.
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<ToxicFrog> Does nix-env not understand systemPackages?
<gchristensen> sorry?
<symphorien> add nixos. as a prefix
<symphorien> nixos.xorg.libXtst
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<ToxicFrog> That works, but nix-env --install --dry-run doesn't print the store path (maybe because it's already installed?)
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<ToxicFrog> maybe I should just ls -trd /nix/store/ | grep libXtst
<ToxicFrog> :/
<danbst> ToxicFrog: nix-index tool does such reverse search
<goibhniu> ls /nix/store/*libXtst* would probably be faster than grepping
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ericsagnes opened pull request #25827: varnish: 5.0.0 -> 5.1.2 (master...pkg-update/varnish) https://git.io/v9b5X
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<symphorien> there is nix-repl as well
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<danbst> ToxicFrog, ah, unfortunately no
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<ToxicFrog> Aha
<ToxicFrog> nix-instantiate -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; xorg.libXtst'
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<goibhniu> sweet
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<ToxicFrog> Wait, no, that gives me the .drv, not the store path the actual library is installed in
<goibhniu> ah, isn't that just the .drv path though ... is that what you wanted?
<goibhniu> well, the path is in that file
<ToxicFrog> this is ugly, but
<ToxicFrog> $(nix-store -r $(nix-instantiate -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; xorg.libXtst') 2>/dev/null)/lib
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9bFe
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master b01d622 Eelco Dolstra: Improve progress indicator
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<goibhniu> ToxicFrog: FWIW, you can get it in nix-repl with two lines ... :l <nixpkgs> ... and then "${xorg.libXtst}"
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<nixos-wiki> "Useful commands" created by cillianderoiste https://git.io/v9bNs
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<rcschm> hi, i am having this shell.nix in a haskell project https://pastebin.com/YFaFWZSA. i keep getting error: attribute ‘mkDerivation’ missing, at shell.nix:3:1.
<ToxicFrog> goibhniu: handy, but I need this noninteractively and with a minimum of extra output
<rcschm> how do we fix this? thks for your help.
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<danbst> ToxicFrog: you just implemented nix-build '<nixpkgs>' --no-build-output -A PKG 2>/dev/null
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<nixos-wiki> "Useful commands" edited by cillianderoiste https://git.io/v9bAE
<goibhniu> beautiful
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<gchristensen> makefu: I wonder if the bot should be named nixos-users-wki
<gchristensen> wiki*
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<makefu> gchristensen: sure
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<makefu> gchristensen: ^ done
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<gchristensen> thanks! :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9bhb
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6b67f97 Jörg Thalheim: dino: 2017-04-24 -> 2017-05-11
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<cmacrae> gchristensen: Okay, got a super simple example working thanks to your help
<cmacrae> This gives me example netcat services, which I can interact with. I'm able to start them from the shell, and inspect them. But, I was wondering; how would I set `enable = true;` for each of these services?
<cmacrae> Just set `enable = true;` at the same level as `name` and `value`? :)
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<gchristensen> cmacrae: next to description
<cmacrae> Oh, okay, cool :)
<cmacrae> Yeah... that actually makes sense now that I think about it :p
<makefu> cmacrae: you should use ${pkgs.netcat}/bin/netcat to pin the version and avoid a crash if netcat is not part of systemPackages
<cmacrae> makefu: Yeah, I did have that initially but I was getting permission denied - though I think that was due to the ports I was using to test :) Anyhoo, will be sure to do so when I build the actual solution
<makefu> ok :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f5b6c1e Emery Hemingway: zerotierone: 1.2.2 -> 1.2.4
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<MoreTea> ARGH, autotools!
<MoreTea> ./configure: line 5049: syntax error near unexpected token `libvirt,'
<MoreTea> ./configure: line 5049: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(libvirt, libvirt >= $LIBVIRT_REQUIRED, , with_libvirt=no)'
<MoreTea> Any autotools wizard here? I'm trying to package hyperd, which allows you to run individual (or pods of docker containers) in a small KVM machine
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<brerp> Heya! st accepts some string 'conf' as a dependency. How can I provide it?
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<MoreTea> brerp, could you elaborate a bit?
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<brerp> It expects an optional conf string which is then used to compile st
<MoreTea> ah yes. You'll have to override the package
<brerp> Thanks!
<MoreTea> Those two links should help you with this :)
<MoreTea> Do ask again if you're not able to make it work though :)
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<Infinisil> I feel somehow conflicted about this: I kinda want everything to be in configuration.nix (or included files), but then It's very inconvenient to edit e.g. the xmonad configuration which is written in Haskell, since it's not a .hs file anymore, what do the people her think about this?
<ToxicFrog> Infinisil: for stuff like that I put it in separate files with the correct extension that are then included.
<ToxicFrog> e.g. services.exim.config = (readFile ./exim.conf)
<gchristensen> Infinisil: my i3 loads the config from /etc/i3/config which is a symlink in to the store, and i3 can reload the config. this way I can nixos-rebuild switch and reload the config w/out restarting my display manager
<Infinisil> I see, but then the benefit of nix isn't there, which is to be able to have the file depend on other options of the system
<gchristensen> sorry?
<Infinisil> Said that to toxicfrog
<ToxicFrog> Infinisil: as in, you want to be able to use nix expressions in the config file?
<Infinisil> Yes, but I'm not sure if I really need that
<Infinisil> I still don't quite know how to organize system and user configuration to make it pure and replicable
<Infinisil> Oh well I'll try some stuff I guess, stow also looks interesting, maybe also a Makefile for convenience, dunno
<brerp> I thought readFile was ok with relative paths? error: string ‘./st/config.h’ doesn't represent an absolute path, at /home/o/dotfiles/st.nix:3:10
<brerp> (because I can see it used with relative paths elsewhere)
<Infinisil> Did you use readFile "./st/config.h"?
<Infinisil> Because you don't want the quotes
<brerp> Oh, why's that?
<Infinisil> Just readFile ./st/config.h
<brerp> And yes, I did
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<Infinisil> Ahh well then I don't know. Nix interprets a symbol with / in it as a path
<brerp> Infinisil: I meant I did use the quotes, it works like a charm now :)
<Infinisil> Ahh i see :)
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<nixos-users-wiki> "nix command cookbook" edited by Mic92 https://git.io/v9NOa
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9N3E
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b0ec4b8 Matthew Maurer: typo: powerManagment -> powerManagement (#25813)
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<clever> danbst: ah, nice
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<MoreTea> I'm trying to package a go application that depends on libvirt and libdevicemapper.
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<MoreTea> I'm not sure, but I think that it tries to statically link to those libs, and only a .so is availble in $(nix-build -f '<nixpkgs>' -A devicemapper)/lib
<MoreTea> Is there a way to override packages and instruct them to also export an .a file?
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<clever> nix-repl> devicemapper.override { stdenv = makeStaticLibraries stdenv; }
<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs>{}; devicemapper.override { stdenv = makeStaticLibraries stdenv; }'
<MoreTea> awesome, that actually makes sense.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to staging: https://git.io/v9Nso
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 65ede05 Vladimír Čunát: treewide: fixup packages with RPATH problems
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging f5c5684 Vladimír Čunát: qtwebkit-*: fix #25585: bad RPATH entries
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<clever> MoreTea: internally, it just passes --disable-shared --enable-static to configure and tells nixpkgs not clean things up
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<MoreTea> ok, cool
<clever> MoreTea: and the devicemapper configure script ignores those flags
<clever> it still makes shared libs
<MoreTea> hmmm.
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<MoreTea> I'll check if libvirt _does_ respect those settings.
<MoreTea> Otherwise it might be that my invocation of go is still wrong.
<clever> why do you need static libs?
<MoreTea> I'm trying to package a go application
<MoreTea> which runs docker containers in a small KVM machine
<clever> ah
<MoreTea> The next step is to add Frakti, which connects Kubernetes to hyper
<MoreTea> This all is to get experience with kubernetes + nix + some other container runtime
<MoreTea> The end goal is to implement a nix container backend for kuberentes
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<MoreTea> But i'd like to modify the kubernetes service first to support different containerizer backends.
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<drewr> even though I've been using nix for a while, just recently been trying to build packages; what's a good step to take when you have a git checkout that builds fine when you do your own `./configure && make` but it fails in a nix-build?
<drewr> it actually compiles ok, but it leaves out some libraries, kinda weird issues like that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 3 new commits to staging: https://git.io/v9NZC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging c68a241 mimadrid: gnutls: 3.5.11 -> 3.5.12
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 515414e Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'master' into staging
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 2b5b38a Vladimír Čunát: Merge #25807: gnutls: bugfix 3.5.11 -> 3.5.12
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<kiloreux> So I was going through this https://gist.github.com/mayhewluke/e2f67c65c2e135f16a8e
<kiloreux> And this part struck me
<kiloreux> If you really, really want to have the exact same package set across multiple machines you can pin the packages to a specific revision of the nixpkgs repo. This isn't recommended, however, because then you won't be able to take advantage of the channel's binary cache, so you'll have to build everything from source on each machine (this can take hours). You'll also miss out on the "conservative bug fixed and package upgrades".
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<kiloreux> I am already pinning nixpkgs down.
<kiloreux> Does that mean for every package I install I have to build it from source?
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<matthewbauer> probably, unless it's fairly recent, the part of the binary cache has been garbage collected
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<orbekk> If you want to share a package set across many machines, you could look into setting up your own binary cache
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] matthewbauer closed pull request #21829: [wip] Add pyobjc to nixpkgs (master...pyobjc) https://git.io/vMuSB
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<clever> matthewbauer: the binary cache has no garbage collection
<kiloreux> I am facing this error "error: infinite recursion encountered, at nixpkgs/default.nix:50:5" when setting up this https://gist.github.com/Kiloreux/c6464086de6e14037e1351fdbfc92b95
<kiloreux> I am assuming it's because i am mentioning nixpkgs inside the default nix. Which I am also assuming is wrong.
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<matthewbauer> clever: don't old generation get removed at some point?
<clever> matthewbauer: nope
<Judson1> Does anyone have any advice on developing in Node on NixOS?
<Judson1> npm install --global isn't so helpful.
<matthewbauer> clever: that's a lot of data. so could i switch to any old commit of a channel and get everything downloaded?
<clever> matthewbauer: yeah, but there are no logs of what commits a channel has been on
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<clever> kiloreux: there is no line 50 on that gist
<matthewbauer> clever: that might be pretty useful to create a sort of "meta-nixpkgs" that has old versions of packages when people don't won't the newest stuff
<kiloreux> Misguiding you, sorry. I removed comments. So the line 50 was this nixpkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "project"; }
<kiloreux> Which is 30 on that gist
<clever> kiloreux: can you do it again with --show-trace ?
<gchristensen> niksnut: I'm very grateful for your review on my nixops PR, especially the follow-up post you just made. a big change, but maybe the right one? maybe it can be opt-in somehow, leaving the top level options "free form" and allow people to move to machines.<foo> if they choose?
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<kiloreux> clever, I got this https://pastebin.com/PWbjzpMK
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<clever> kiloreux: oh, is there anything in config.nix?
<kiloreux> Absolutely nothing. I don't even have that file in my nixpkgs directory.
<clever> kiloreux: which nixpkgs dir did you look in?
<kiloreux> ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs/
<clever> it wont be there
<clever> ls -lh ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<kiloreux> Isn't default.nix enough to install a new package?
<clever> it should be, but weird things in config.nix can break it
<shosti`> hi all! qq: is it possible to rebuild a per-user nix profile from scratch? Mine got kind of messed up somehow: https://gist.github.com/shosti/a73404d3e5cfbc64d087b1bc69d9c86f
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<kiloreux> So what do you recommend me to do ?
<clever> kiloreux: answer the question, does ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix exist?
<shosti`> (and when I try to use nix-env, I get `error: ‘/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/shosti/profile’ is not a symlink`)
<kiloreux> It doesn't. (Thought i answered it)
<kiloreux> Sorry
<clever> shosti`: it appears to be a 0 byte file, can you confirm that?
<shosti`> yeah, I have no idea how it got that way
<clever> shosti`: try deleting it and then using nix-env again
<clever> kiloreux: can you update the gist to include all the comments, the line numbers in the --show-trace dont match up
<detran> does anybody know how to install chrome beta?
<shosti`> clever: oh actually that fixed it 😄 (tried earlier and something else went wrong, but works now). Thanks!
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<clever> kiloreux: did you put that into the root of a nixpkgs copy?
<kiloreux> Yes ._.
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<clever> kiloreux: thats your problem, line 25 imports <nixpkgs>, which is itself
<clever> you need to put this in its own directory, and leave the nixpkgs intact
<detran> does anybody know how to install chrome beta with nix (ad-hoc, not declarative)?
<kiloreux> so nixpkgs directory should be left intact and I can use this nix file in another directory.
<clever> kiloreux: yes
<srhb> detran: nix-env -iA nixpkgs.google-chrome-beta ?
<kiloreux> Thank you. How can I kick the build then ? to install it.
<MichaelRaskin> detran: and you can override src
<srhb> detran: Or for future reference, nix-env -qaP | grep chrome
<clever> kiloreux: nix-env -f ~/another-directory -iA hello
<detran> MichaelRaskin: can you elaborate on that?
<detran> a link to docs is fine
<kiloreux> "hello" here is refering to the name of the project or the package i want to install ?
<clever> kiloreux: yeah
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<kiloreux> Does nixpkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "project"; } means I am installing a package called project or naming my package "project"?
<MichaelRaskin> detran: nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; google-chrome-beta.overrideAttrs (x: { src = /path/to/fresher-tarball.tar.gz; })'
<clever> kiloreux: oh right, that will only be able to install that 1 derivation
<MichaelRaskin> or nix-env -i -E, whatever
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<detran> thanks srhb, MichaelRaskin
<clever> kiloreux: so "nix-env -f ~/another-directory -i" will install transloadit
<clever> kiloreux: and for testing, you would just do "nix-build ~/another-directory && ls result/ -l"
<kiloreux> Thanks a lot for your time clever. Is there anyway to rename the package version i installed?
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<clever> kiloreux: change the name in the stdenv.mkDerivation
<kiloreux> Thank you. Really appreciate your help here.
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<betaboon> i have a quick question on nixos-netiquette: how do ppl go on about pushing changes to an open pull-request? create a new commit or force-push ?
<MichaelRaskin> If you have to ask, most likely the answer is «force-push and add a comment in coversation»
<the-kenny> betaboon: I'd go for new commit - you can always squash them in the end. Force-Pushing will invalidate existing comments
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<MichaelRaskin> the-kenny: a commit the overwrites the code that was commented on also somewhat invalidates them…
<betaboon> thanks for your opinions :)
<the-kenny> MichaelRaskin: oh well, I guess it depends on the changes that you want to integrate
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<MichaelRaskin> Also, if PR is mergeable and not WIP, it is better to keep it in state where someone fed up with PR queue pressing «merge» is not unfortunate
<Judson1> Like... how do you node2nix such that nix-shell will get you e.g grunt in the path?
<Judson1> Specifically, I'm trying to do the equivalent of `npm install --global create-cycle-app`
<MichaelRaskin> betaboon: of course if the new commit would make more sense as a separate commit in the initial PR, force-pushing doesn't make sense — but then you wouldn't even consider it anyway, most likely. See, we don't disagree completely!
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<betaboon> MichaelRaskin: i think you made a very valid point on the mergeable-vs-wip state of a pr.
<betaboon> I'm just doing it this way: add functionality/packages -> new commit, apply small fixes -> force-push
<MichaelRaskin> Obviously makes sense
<MichaelRaskin> My point is, well, from experience
<betaboon> yeah force-push is evil, kind-of
<betaboon> especially on wip-branches used by multiple ppl
<MichaelRaskin> Well, I would say that when PR is WIP you'd better put [WIP] in the title
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<MichaelRaskin> You can never guess why I get depressed with PR count and start merging everything that looks net-positive after a quick skimming
<MichaelRaskin> An issue asking for some functionality present in two long-hanging PRs or some other annoyance
<betaboon> MichaelRaskin: just added the WIP :D
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9NKF
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b496ffb mingchuan: opencv: Fix OpenCV build on non NixOS platform...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fda2318 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #25814 from sifmelcara/fix/opencvCMakeLibraryPath...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9N6J
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 864ef09 Jörg Thalheim: gnunet: enable conversation...
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<kiloreux> I am getting this error
<kiloreux> ERROR: cannot verify nixos.org's certificate, issued by 'CN=Let\'s Encrypt Authority X3,O=Let\'s Encrypt,C=US':
<kiloreux> Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.
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<kiloreux> Even though I have NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
<clever> kiloreux: nix will try to disable all network access inside a normal nix build
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<clever> kiloreux: builtins.fetchurl will let you impurely fetch something, it returns a path to the file it fetched
<kiloreux> Does the same behavior apply to fetchTarball ?
<kiloreux> Since it's the one I am using (previous gist)
<clever> that one is allowed to access the network
<clever> basicaly, every network access must go thru a function that starts with "fetch"
<clever> and all other attempts are blocked
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<kiloreux> I understand now. but since I am using fetchTarball as in here https://gist.github.com/Kiloreux/c6464086de6e14037e1351fdbfc92b95
<kiloreux> I shouldn't be facing this error
<kiloreux> since it can access the network.
<clever> kiloreux: line 40 is trying to use wget inside a build
<clever> and also, nix cleans all env variables up, so the NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE you set isnt reaching wget
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<kiloreux> That fixed it. It's downloading correctly now. I shortened up wget and used a specific commit.
<kiloreux> Much appreciated the help.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #25811: ripgrep: 0.5.1 -> 0.5.2 (master...update/ripgrep-0.5.2) https://git.io/v9dhc
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<vandenoever> chromium on nixos cannot play sound, is that normal? in firefox it works fine, but there playing video hangs
<clever> vandenoever: is pulseaudio working?
<vandenoever> clever: yes
<clever> vandenoever: do you see chromium in "pavucontrol" ?
<vandenoever> i use pavucontrol all the time and i can use kde controls to pipe app sounds to different speakers/headphones
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<vandenoever> clever: no
<vandenoever> clever: it's the only app that does not show up there
<clever> vandenoever: i have chromium.pulseSupport = true; in my nixpkgs config
<vandenoever> mpv, ogg123, firefox etc show up there
<clever> are you installing chromium with nix-env or nixos-rebuild?
<vandenoever> clever: running via nix-shell --pure -p chromium --command "chromium-browser"
<clever> add this to ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix, chromium.pulseSupport = true; inside the top level { and }
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<vandenoever> clever: ah! the --pure was messing it up
<clever> oh, i could see --pure clearing env vars it needs to find pulseaudio
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<vandenoever> clever: i'll go and find out what env var that is
<clever> 'env' will print them all out, then you can export things one by one in the --pure shell until it recovers
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<vandenoever> yeah, env|grep -i pulse does not give hints
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<clever> pulse also makes use of dbus to find the server
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<arcetera> anyone had success runninng TI Code Composer Studio on NixOS
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] therealpxc opened pull request #25835: Fish (release-17.03...fish) https://git.io/v9NyH
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<arcetera> pretty sure it's only distributed as a binary, but I'm not entirely sure
<arcetera> even so I have no idea how Nix works and I should probably work on that
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* dmj` thinks maybe GHC RC’s should be included in haskell nixpkgs
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<vandenoever> clever: the winner is XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
<bachp> Hi, I'm trying to add something to the nixos manual, but I'm strugling with docbook. Is there any editor or tool people are using that helps with editing docbook xml?
<danbst> bachp, write in markdown and ask @vcunat to translate to docbook :)
<arcetera> more generally i guess, how can you run precompiled closed-source binaries on nixos?
<gchristensen> arcetera: we use patchelf (search nixpkgs for examples) to update the load path and interpreter
<bachp> danbst: Sound's interesting but does this scale? ;)
<gchristensen> bachp: it sure does
<gchristensen> it scales so far as "extremely few requests for it have come through"
<LnL> bachp: I usually just look at the previous section and copy paste the tags :)
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<arcetera> gchristensen: what packages would use patchelf?
<gchristensen> like look up Slack
<gchristensen> probably one of the more complicated ones, but still
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<bachp> LnL: I hoped there would be a better way
<arcetera> this looks Ludicrously Complicated(tm) for something as complicated as CCS
<arcetera> it might honestly be a smarter idea to use something else, i just don't know what
<clever> acertain: skype and teamspeak are other examples
<Judson1> With: https://gist.github.com/5595a159112d08b454d51d6ab98eba7a, and some node2nix-ness, I'm getting "value is a function while a set was expected, at /home/judson/dev/sous_spa/shell.nix:7:21"
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<dhess`> How do I get the store path to gcc-wrapper in a derivation?
<dhess`> tried passing gcc-wrapper into my arguments but that's not defined
<clever> dhess`: why do you need its path?
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<LnL> you probably want stdenv.cc
<dhess`> LnL: ok
<dhess`> clever: to replace /usr/bin/gcc in ghc's settings file
<clever> dhess`: ah, then ${stdenv.cc}/bin/gcc is probably what you want
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<dhess`> excellent, thanks
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<dhess`> how about ar and ld, same?
<clever> yeah
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<dhess`> I'm pretty close to getting the Debian GHC binary dist running, I think.
<dhess`> it's missing some docs. Is that OK for a ghc-binary derivation, or should I grab the .deb for the docs, as well?
<dhess`> I assume that ghc-binary derivations are only used for bootstrapping.
<clever> i would only use that as a bootstrap to do a proper nixpkgs build of ghc
<dhess`> right
<clever> so i wouldnt care about docs
<dhess`> ok good
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] czyzykowski opened pull request #25837: v8: fixes darwin build (master...v8-on-osx) https://git.io/v9N7n
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<Infinisi1> Oh my god, in my software engineering class we need to use certain software and it's such a mess with the dependencies and patches and what not
<Infinisi1> So they're using a VM, a dig fatass VM for some supposedly simple programs, it hogs my CPU and memory and uses 10GB total
<clever> write a nix package!
<MichaelRaskin> The best way to teach best practices is scaring you with what happens when the practices are not followed?
<Infinisi1> It could be so much better with Nix or Docker
<bennofs> docker solves the hogging 10GB ram problem. nix solves the hogging 100gb disk space problem :)
<Infinisi1> Needs to work on Windows too, I'm currently trying to write a Dockerfile that works, but the installation requirements are so bad
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<taktoa> bennofs: well, to clarify, nix also solves the 10GB ram problem
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<Infinisi1> That's 10GB on disk I meant
<simpson> What's missing from even attempting Nix on Windows? I don't know where one would start.
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<taktoa> simpson: file paths are limited to like 128 characters IIRC :(
<simpson> Ah yes.
<simpson> Clearly it's time to have our hashes in Unicode instead of ASCII!
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<bennofs> Something is broken when the fastest way to compile some project is to completely wipe all IDE files and re-configure it with a plain source import from scratch... it would be awesome if IDEs just used something like nix for managing dependencies of projects (and not this "go to project settings and set absolute path to your lib o.o")
<MichaelRaskin> I think a _single_ component can already be 256 character
<Infinisi1> In the wiki there was an article about Windows. It apparently worked some years ago, but nobody wanted to maintain it because nobody used it
<MichaelRaskin> On Windows
<bennofs> taktoa: I think this is only if you use the legacy API? I believe there are ways to avoid it with certain syscalls
<MichaelRaskin> Yes, cygwin support was there
<Judson1> nix-env --set-flag priority 10 bundler-1.14.6
<Judson1> error: selector ‘bundler-1.14.6’ matches no derivations
<clever> Judson1: it has to be installed before you can set a priority on it
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<Judson1> So if it's not installing because of a conflict, I've got to prioritize the other package?
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<clever> Judson1: what 2 packages are colliding, and on what binary?
<Judson1> bundler and gotools-20160519-9ae4729-bin
<Judson1> on `bundler`
<clever> ah
<clever> gotools sounds like something i wouldnt even install, only ever use under nix-shell
<clever> and probably the same for bundler, just "nix-shell -p bundler"
<dhess`> Does NixOS's gcc not support -no-pie?
<jammerful> I've noticed in a good percentage of the PRs I've submitted that the TravisCI builds fail for unrelated reasons. Does this seem accurate and is it worth fixing? Is there a plan to fix Nix's CI workflow? How can I help? This seems to be the best issue on the topic: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/6652
<bennofs> jammerful: it's generally known, yes. negative results have no real meaning, it's positive CI results that count
<dhess`> clever: thanks
<clever> dhess`: you need to set hardeningDisable=["pie"] in the derivation
<dhess`> clever: I've actually got all I need from the ghc-8.0.2 settings file
<clever> dhess`: oh, then that env variable needs to be set when ghc runs gcc
<clever> rather then in the derivation
<dhess`> clever: Actually GHC handles it, I just need to tell it that gcc doesn't support -no-pie
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<clever> dhess`: ah, but if you setup hardeningDisable, then gcc will allow it
<Judson1> Oh, nix-shell -p bundler sounds like the right thing...
<clever> Judson1: that will put bundler at the start of $PATH, and not install it to any profile
<clever> so once the shell has been quit, its basicaly gone
<Judson1> gotools gets used by Vim which is a pain like that
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<clever> ah, for edge cases like that, i would usualy compile a vimrc file that embeds the absolute path of gotools
<clever> so vim can use it without having to install it globally
<clever> but that may not always be an easy thing
<Judson1> Yeah...
<Judson1> Is there a config somewhere for your nix-shell shell?
<Judson1> I know there's a flag
<clever> its meant to give you access to all of the bash functions that the stdenv has
<Judson1> NIX_BUILD_SHELL - cool
<clever> so changing the shell out would usualy break that
<Judson1> Oh, yeah.
<clever> but if you only want the $PATH changes and dont care about the rest
<Judson1> For a lot of stuff I use it with direnv, so it's not an issue. But for a one-off like that...
<Judson1> I could also `nix-shell -p bundler --command "bundle lock"`
<clever> you can also "nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A bundler -o ~/bundler"
<clever> and then ~/bundler/bin/bundle lock
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<Infinisi1> Why can't everybody use Nix, like seriously, the world would be so much better, you could just like *use* software without problems
<simpson> Infinisi1: Part of it's the legacy, part of it is that people don't want better things because it invalidates their business model, and most of it is apathy and unawareness.
<LnL> urgh, why is the remote build hook so hard to debug :/
<orbekk> And peeople don't want nice things like functional programming
<simpson> orbekk: Disagree; functional programming stuff is available in many languages now. (Unless you are saying "functional programming" to mean "the glory of Haskell", I guess.)
<dmj`> Infinisi1: you get paid more to fix broken things, if software worked, we’d all be out of jobs
<danbst> so, it's too optimistic to find paid job with accent on NixOS? (I'm looking for such a)
<simpson> danbst: Only a few employers use NixOS. It's not common yet.
<gchristensen> danbst: check the nixos weekly, there is frequently a job post there
<dmj`> non-FP software is fixing someone else’s bugs or creating new ones. That’s why it’s better to be in mgmt for java shops than to be a java person
<gchristensen> but also, join a company and solve their problems with nix. soon enough, they'll be using nix
<simpson> dmj`: Isn't that all software?
<dmj`> gchristensen: can attest
<dmj`> simpson: I guess :P
<gchristensen> dmj`: you can attest, or are you saying I can attest?
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<dmj`> simpson: FP helps, but is no panacea
<dmj`> gchristensen: saying I can, but I’m sure you can as well :]
<dhess`> LnL: you said it, brother.
<gchristensen> dmj`: :D
<orbekk> simpson: True, it's gaining some traction, maybe (Go is a notable exception). But nixos is definitely close to what I think you mean when you say "the glory of Haskell"
<simpson> dmj`: I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that.
<dmj`> simpson: what are we disagreeing on? :P That FP is a panacea?
<simpson> orbekk: What I meant was the tendency of Haskellers to think that Haskell, or some facet of Haskell, is supreme or sublime. Haskell is Just Another Programming Language to me.
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<simpson> dmj`: Yeah. FP is just a facet of language design; I've not heard anybody say that supporting functional programming has helped e.g. Scheme or Python cut down on bugs.
<dmj`> simpson: true, I’d agree with that. It’s moreso Haskell. Dynamically-typed FP or OOP + FP mix don’t count.
<simpson> dmj`: Yeah, I can't agree with that, sorry.
<danbst> gchristensen: while it's my plan currently, I hardly know where NixOS will be better solution, than Docker/Chef/Puppet and so on. Any success stories much appreciated
* dmj` tosses simpson a lambda
<gchristensen> dmj`: (*whispers* ask simpson about CAP)
<simpson> danbst: Whenever anybody asks this, there's usually a cavalcade of regular folks speaking up, saying how they moved to Nix from other systems.
<gchristensen> danbst: I just solved my own, tiny problems until I amassed enough solutions that I blew people away
* dmj` asks simpson about CAP
* simpson is abstracted by dmj`'s lambda
<dhess`> I'm running into this issue trying to use Debian's ghc as a ghc-binary. Anyone know more about it: https://github.com/NixOS/patchelf/issues/99
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<dhess`> it appears to be largely cosmetic for now, just a warning every time I run ghc
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<dhess`> However, in my case, wrapping ghc and setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH explcitly does not remove the warning.
<dhess`> /nix/store/g3yy82my8zy0d0q3h6mrfh079pf721a0-ghc-8.0.1-binary/lib/ghc/bin/ghc.unwrapped: /nix/store/q3an806mbnv24ffr6wahjr8337slhg2i-ncurses-5.9/lib/libtinfo.so.5: no version information available (required by /nix/store/g3yy82my8zy0d0q3h6mrfh079pf721a0-ghc-8.0.1-binary/lib/ghc/libHSterminfo-
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<simpson> dmj`: It's true that my shirt today literally says "LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT OBJECT CAPABILITY SECURITY". Step one is noticing that Nix embodies POLA; step two is http://srl.cs.jhu.edu/pubs/SRL2003-02.pdf
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<simpson> POLA, the Principle of Least Authority, just states that you shouldn't give a person/program/etc. access/ability to do something unless they need it.
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<LnL> dhess`: already I went through my usual checklist, that usually fixes it
<taktoa> simpson: lol, I think I've actually read this paper before...
<dhess`> LnL: what, setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH?
<danbst> gchristensen: so you say, you are not the only NixOS user in your company? you've successfully seducted other people?
<taktoa> is it a well-known paper?
<LnL> no the remote builde hook
<dhess`> LnL: ahh right
<simpson> taktoa: It should be! But no, if you've seen it before, it's probably me or somebody else from the ocap community.
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<dhess`> LnL: is the newly C++-implemented remote hook any easier to debug?
<taktoa> nah I think I just saw it from wikipedia or c2 wiki or something like that
<LnL> no idea, have not used it yet
<gchristensen> danbst: we're open sourcing a ~2kLOC thing soon
<gchristensen> and indeed I'm not the only authhor
<danbst> gchristensen: ok, let's stay optimistic here
<danbst> thanks
<gchristensen> you're welcome, good luck :)
<danbst> simpson: it should be mentioned that NixOS modules are complete opposite to POLA, because any module has access to full resulting config. Open world
<simpson> danbst: Oh, sure, Nix isn't a cap-safe language. The POLA is in the Nix store.
<Infinisi1> danbst: I actually don't really know what to think of this, it makes me a bit worried, but it's also really useful
<Infinisi1> Well it's only configuration, nothing more, so maybe that's okay
<Ralith> danbst: I'm not sure of the context of your conversation, but I'm pushing for significant nix use at my workplace and getting some traction as well
<Infinisi1> Nice to hear!
<Ralith> it's a hell of a lot more compelling than vendoring everything under the sun, and we have previous experience with that
<simpson> Oh, right. I've pushed for Nix at my work, I have a few coworkers who agree with me, and none of our legacy stuff is packageable using Nix, so we're a little stalled.
<simpson> OTOH my side business is 100% NixOS.
* Ralith is fortunate enough to be doing greenfield work
<Infinisi1> What kind of stuff isn't packagable with nix?
<Ralith> indeed that's a surprisingly strong statement
<dmj`> At work we’ve standardized on nix, wasn’t greenfield either. Builds just got so complicated, and nix knocked it out the park. Hard to argue when it works
<simpson> I don't mean that it's impossible, but we have lots of Ruby and nixpkgs' Ruby support isn't really up to the task.
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<simpson> I also only spent a couple afternoons on it, so maybe it'd go if I had more elbow grease.
<dmj`> bash glue can only go so far...
<joepie91> dmj`: counterpoint: http://i47.tinypic.com/2q3u33q.png
<joepie91> (that's a music player written in Bash :P)
<clever> joepie91: i have heard about an irc client written in bash
<joepie91> okay, it's cheating a bit, but still :P
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<Judson1> simpson, what was lacking?
<Judson1> dmj, can I ask where you work? :)
<clever> joepie91: and your image doesnt load
<lvernschrock> Does anyone know what it means when I'm trying to build a package and get something like this: "/nix/store/wsz11sx18n85if6gp50m870rypgavwpd-bash-4.4-p12/bin/bash: ../pixmaps/icon-theme-installer: /usr/bin/env: bad interpreter: No such file or directory" during the build phase?
<joepie91> meh, tinypic
<orbekk> joepie91: that's *crazy*. do you have a better reference than tinypic? ;)
<joepie91> as requested, see above :P
<joepie91> the media player is named 'pmusic', it's a little obscure
<clever> Ivanych: /usr/bin/env doesnt exist in a sandbox, you need to run patchShebangs on the directory the script is in
<joepie91> origiinally written for Puppy Linux
<simpson> Judson1: It's not clear how to create a private package set on top of nixpkgs, and not all of the Ruby libraries were already packaged.
<joepie91> uses a gtk dialog thing with a bunch of XML and shell scripts to make things work
<simpson> And the bundix tool didn't work. I don't remember exactly how.
<orbekk> joepie91: code or didn't happen!
<lvernschrock> clever: oh yeah, I forgot about the sandbox.
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<danbst> Infinisi1: to me NixOS modules resemble descriptive logics and ontologies. They are so different, but the open world principle makes them close back again
<simpson> Judson1: Oh right, also our Ruby stuff isn't exactly sane. So I think our strange gemspecs confused bundix.
<orbekk> thanks!
<Infinisi1> Another idea for nix: A board where people can suggest packages they can't get to work to be added, people can upvote, experts can look at the top wanted packages and help making it real
<MichaelRaskin> Let's start with a simpler thing we have
<gchristensen> Infinisi1: we'd much rather _help you_ package it :)
<dmj`> Judson1: one thing that really helped adoption is if you have a Makefile, keep all the targets the same, but just have them call nix
<MichaelRaskin> We have a board where people send their patches
<MichaelRaskin> Called PR list on GitHub
<MichaelRaskin> I think GH even has upvotes or something
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<MichaelRaskin> Still a mess…
<dmj`> Judson1: this way people will be “familiar” with it
<danbst> I know a story of a Nix'er who was fired because of Nix
<gchristensen> oh really
<danbst> yeah
<danbst> but it is hard to say
<Judson1> simpson, I've actually been working on that. It's coming along. Slowly.
<Judson1> Based on a trick clever just pointed out, I'm tempted to put together a bundix script.
<Judson1> Private sets == overlays?
<simpson> Judson1: That's good to hear. Meanwhile, internally at $DAYJOB, we have many many things to work on that would not be helped by Nix, so even if it worked, we probably wouldn't use it. :c
<danbst> well, he spent too much time on trying to package their Haskell project using Nixpkgs infra. Too much time on package, and little work on project. Little productivity -> got fired
<gchristensen> makes sense
<dmj`> danbst: yikes
<Infinisi1> Well the Haskell ecosystem isn't too bad to start with right?
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<danbst> as a result, docker + stack was the solution
<gchristensen> danbst: people have to be careful to be productive when advocating nix
<lvernschrock> clever: that solved my problem, thanks!
<gchristensen> pushing it without results makes it less attractive
<danbst> sure
<danbst> it is quite hard to be good Nixpkgs user
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<dmj`> danbst: was he trying to setup hydra and everything?
<dmj`> cabal2nix sure makes it easy...
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<danbst> I don't know details, sorry
<Infinisi1> You may laugh, but I believe the lack of a good auto-completion and editor integration is a big reason nixpkgs are hard
<simpson> Infinisi1: It may surprise you to learn that many folks don't use autocompletion. My editor automatically highlights and indents Nix code; what more could I want?
<MichaelRaskin> I don't always use highlightning…
<danbst> Infinisi1: it is hard to autocomplete dynamic language...
<orbekk> online docs would be nice. even finding the definition of a function can be a bit of a pain in nixexpr
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<danbst> Infinisi1: but I use atom with nix plugin, and something like 50% it can autocomplete
<danbst> or 30%
<Infinisi1> I know, but auto-completion also gives you a way of discovering things, inlining documentation. I'm coming from OSX and Xcode's autocompletion is so so good
<simpson> You could just read stuff from nixpkgs/lib/
<simpson> I don't disagree that documentation could be much better, but Nix is pretty readable too.
<Infinisi1> I'd like to have an IDE that knows about all of the attributes, is deeply integrated into nixpkgs, gives you instant error messages, auto completes everything, blablabla. I think this could both increase the productivity and get more people to join
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<kiloreux> I would very much thank this IRC channel. Because without the people here, basically everything online wasn't much useful for me. (I really tried)
<dtz> aw man I'd love some autocompletion, sometimes use the CLI autocompletion to quickly sanity-check expressions/attribute paths
<simpson> Huh, am I the only one who doesn't autocomplete?
<dtz> "unfortunately" I think auto-completing in an editor would be rather difficult without pinning down its calling context and such, unless editing top-level expression
<bennofs> i was thinking about trying to write a language server for nix
<Infinisi1> dtz: Yeah, with a dedicated IDE this could be done
<dtz> simpson: if nothing else it saves typing, especially when identifiers are longer than a few characters :) (basic completion, nothing actually aware of Nix or expected invocation)
<dtz> nix-repl has auto-completion :)
<bennofs> a langserver would give us support for all editors that have lang-server client support
<simpson> dtz: No, I mean, when writing *any* code, I don't autocomplete.
<clever> dtz: youcompleteme in vim is able to auto-complete any word in any file currently open
<LnL> the zsh completion for nix commands is also _really_ good
<simpson> I guess that I Tab-complete at REPLs sometimes.
<bennofs> simpson: do you write java? :)
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<clever> dtz: so if i open <nixpkgs/lib/lists.nix> with :tabe, i can auto-complete every lib function
<dtz> LnL: yeah that's what I meant to refer to, it's so gooood :D
<simpson> bennofs: Not for a few years. I didn't use completion last time I wrote Java.
<clever> dtz: but its a fairly dumb auto-complete, has no sense of context
<dtz> meh, everyone has editor preferences. I'm more surprised folks like a lack of syntax highlighting!
<Infinisi1> Wait what, who doesn't like syntax highlighting?
<maurer> a/go 21
<maurer> sorry
<dtz> clever: haha yeah that's what I use currently, especially helpful as you said with any file open--I didn't even know that was a thing until I had it installed (big fan of libclang-based completion for C++ projeccts)
<Judson1> I've been using deoplete for all my autocompletion, and it's mostly good enough for Nix.
<MichaelRaskin> I don't always use syntax highlighting
<simpson> Infinisi1: Famously, Rob Pike doesn't do syntax highlighting.
<clever> dtz: yeah, i had installed it for c++ code, then never got around to configuring it properly
<clever> dtz: and that auto-detection stuff works pretty well so i just left it like that
<dtz> haha don't mean to put you on the spot, I've met people that preferred lack of syntax highlighting, idk :). Luckily my understanding of the practice has nothing to do with it being useful to folks, so... :D
<dtz> i jump around LLVM versions enough that auto-completing their ever-changing API is a godsend xD
<dtz> Judson1: never tried deoplete!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] czyzykowski opened pull request #25839: rdkafka: fixes darwin build (master...rdkafka-on-osx) https://git.io/v9Af7
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<Infinisi1> What do you guys think of AST editors? Not specific to a certain implementation, just about editing AST's directly?
<bennofs> ycm is actually able to use a compile_commands.json that can be produced by the build system (cmake and ninja have native support for it), so it's "autodetection" can even be exact!
<simpson> Infinisi1: Yes, and I want one for Monte, and it's on my list of things to build.
<clever> Infinisi1: i have been wanting an AST library for nix, so i can parse configuration.nix, programaticaly apply changes, then serialize it back out
<Judson1> dtz it's a Neovim plugin - I think neocomplete is the Vim equivalent
<joachifm> clever: hnix?
<Infinisi1> simpson: What is Monte?
<clever> joachifm: i dont think it supports comments and whitespace
<simpson> Infinisi1: My language: http://monte.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
<joachifm> clever: oh ...
<clever> joachifm: nix wont care, but if the user ever wants to read the file again, they will
<Infinisi1> simpson: Ah nice!
<joachifm> clever: sure, sure
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<joachifm> clever: now that you mention it, I do recall some discussion about making hnix preserve unchanged parts of input to a greater extent
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<Infinisi1> I'm currently studying computer science and I'll have to do a bachelors study (or what's the right word?) soon, what I may do for it is to start building an AST editor with the best possible compatibility for all kinds of programming languages
<simpson> Infinisi1: You may want to build an AST editor for one language first, and then generalize.
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<bennofs> Infinisi1: sounds a little bit similar to https://eclipse.org/Xtext/
<Infinisi1> Yeah something like that, or design a simple protocol that languages can implement (aka providing AST en/decoding), along with a simple implementation for a custom language
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<Infinisi1> bennofs: Very interesting! I'll also have to research what has been done before, to learn from past mistakes and understand why it didn't work
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<clever> Infinisi1: i do think it would be usefull to have the ability to cut&paste chunks of code whole, and having an AST aware editor would let you select a node, and all children at once
<clever> harder to cause syntax errors with the editing, if you just grab the entire tree as one unit
<Infinisi1> emacs has a mode for direct ast editing for lisp
<Infinisi1> clever: Yeah, I believe there's a ton of benefits of using direct AST editing
<Infinisi1> Another one is diffing
<Infinisi1> Or faster compile times by both eliminating the parser and better support for incremental compilation
<clever> i have seen some IDE's that merge the compiler into the editor
<Infinisi1> refactoring is another one
<taktoa> Infinisi1: I assume you're talking about paredit?
<clever> so it doesnt need a fork to recompile things
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<taktoa> I wouldn't really call paredit a direct AST editor
<Infinisi1> taktoa: Yes! Do you have experience with it?
<taktoa> I've used smartparens for 2-3 years now, and I've used paredit a little
<Infinisi1> Maybe AST-aware editing fits better?
<taktoa> yeah
<taktoa> I would like to see a proper AST editor in emacs though
<orbekk> Infinisi1: I like the model of having a process that formats your code when you save the file (e.g., clang-format)
<taktoa> like I'm imagining something like the `customize-group` menu widgets
<taktoa> but with easy keyboard navigation
<Infinisi1> orbekk: That would be trivial with AST editors :D
<simpson> Something something Smalltalk.
<taktoa> well laying out code in a visually pleasing way is far from trivial
<taktoa> even if you have access to the AST
<orbekk> Infinisi1: that way you don't take away the familiarity of a text editor
<Infinisi1> Hmm true..
<Infinisi1> Well I'll have to sign off, great discussion! See ya
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<dtz> o/ cya
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<kiloreux> We are trying to have a fixed version of nixpkg run in production but when I run nix-env -if https://github.com/NixOs/nixpkgs/archive/f2c4af4e3bd9ecd4b1cf494270eae5fd3ca9e68c.tar.gz
<kiloreux> I get the output that a lot of packages are being installed
<kiloreux> packages that most certainly we won't need in our production system.
<clever> kiloreux: you need to tell it which package to install
<kiloreux> Is there anyway to avoid this?
<kiloreux> Ohhh I see.
<clever> add a package name or -A <attrname> at the end
<kiloreux> I wanted to save that for the default.nix file
<LnL> if you don't add -A that will install _all_ packages in nixpkgs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9AkV
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3edc610 Lukasz Czyzykowski: Enables rdkafka compilation on macOS...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ea229a2 Daiderd Jordan: Merge pull request #25839 from czyzykowski/rdkafka-on-osx...
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<dtz> you can use "NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOs/nixpkgs/archive/f2c4af4e3bd9ecd4b1cf494270eae5fd3ca9e68c.tar.gz" for most commands to get them to use that particular 'nixpkgs'
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<clever> but nix-env is an exception, you would need -f '<nixpkgs>' to make it check the path
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<kiloreux> fantastic.
<kiloreux> Assuming I am using this fixed nxpkgs version
<kiloreux> can I have a default.nix that installs 2 different versions of a package?
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<clever> kiloreux: you would need to rename the binaries, or they will conflict in $PATH and only 1 will ever work
<clever> and in nixos, you may want to avoid installing, and just reference things by absolute paths
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<kiloreux> I am actually using nixpkgs on Ubuntu.
<clever> you can use it the same way there
<kiloreux> Now the binary thing is something that naming could handle (As you have already explained, Thanks). I am more confused about the syntax into this.
<kiloreux> I found little examples online
<clever> if the default.nix returns an attribute set with 2 derivations in it
<clever> then you can use nix-env -iA <attrname> to pick one
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<kiloreux> I wish I understood what you mean by this. But being new to this. I don't :( Any example gist or link would be extremely helpful.
<clever> one min
<kiloreux> Please do all the time you need.
<clever> kiloreux: line 6-16 is an attribute set, and each line inside that uses pkgs.callPackage to load another nix file up
<kiloreux> Great, So I will be using two different files (for two different packages) and calling them from the default.nix That was very helpful. Thank you.
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<LnL> euh *facepalm*, --check never does a remote build
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #25840: flat-plat: 20170323 -> 20170515 (master...upd.flat-plat) https://git.io/v9AtU
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<gchristensen> LnL: !!!
* LnL updates the checklist with a warning
<gchristensen> can you share that checklist somewhere, like in a github issue about debugging remote builds?
<sphalerite> Is there something similar to system.activationScripts but for rebuilds? Since all rebuilds affect state (profile generations) I figure it's not "wrong" to add other stateful code to that?
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<gchristensen> eh?
<sphalerite> I want to add a program to run every time nixos-rebuild {switch,boot,build} is invoked
<sphalerite> and the build succeeds
<gchristensen> why not an activation script?
<sphalerite> because I want it to happen on every system build, not just when switching to a configuration or booting it
<LnL> gchristensen: most of it is in a nix-darwin issue, I could clean it up but not sure where to put it
<gchristensen> ah
<gchristensen> (to both of you)
<MichaelRaskin> Why not just include /etc/nixos/configuration.nix as a source file to copy in the build?
<gchristensen> ehh.... I think I'd just wrap nixos-rebuild with a wrapper that commits
<sphalerite> MichaelRaskin: that's already an option. But I want to commit to a git repo, and have it tracked *outside* the actual system
<sphalerite> so that an exact revision of the config repo can be associated with every system generation
<MichaelRaskin> Then a wrapper sounds reasonable
<sphalerite> Alright, thanks. The nix world does love its wrappers :D
<dash> sphalerite: nix carefully wraps software to protect its users from any unix leaking out
<sphalerite> I don't know why exactly, but wrappers feel like dirty hacks to me... Am I alone in this? Are they actually elegant because they're likek higher-order functions?
<MichaelRaskin> You need to seal the magic smoke in, if the magic smoke comes out, nothing will work!
<sphalerite> dash: I know that, but I somehow feel like patching would be better
<MichaelRaskin> Well, when you can use just a wrapper, it has a lower chance to break on upstream change
<dash> sphalerite: alas, we can't get the unix out of everything :-/
<sphalerite> yeah... I saw the magic smoke escape from a Macintosh Colour Classic a couple of years back after digging it out of an old cupboard. That was a shame
<dash> sphalerite: a lot of nix feels like dirty hacks because it's trying to make something good out of something bad
<dash> my feeling is that any amount of dirty hacks are ok if your model is good
<sphalerite> dash: I don't think unix is bad in itself, e.g. the whole pipes as a composition mechanism thing is very nice IMO
<sphalerite> Sure, the classic filesystem hierarchy is kind of meh, but I don't think that's core to the philosophy of unix... is it?
<dash> if you have a good model and you need dirty hacks to make it cope with history, that's fine because there's always a chance the hacks could go away
<dash> if you need dirty hacks to make your bad model work at all, that's a different story because the hackitude can only go up from there
<MichaelRaskin> Sometimes the upstream does agree with vague handwaving about portability
<dash> sphalerite: I am not convinced there is a "core philosophy" to unix at all
<maurer> I mean, there is one, but we've moved a bit away from it at this point
<sphalerite> The whole do one thing and do it well, small tools that are composed to do complex things? idk maybe that's just suckless speaking
<dash> sphalerite: that works some times
<maurer> (Everything is a file; programs should perform exactly one function and do it well)
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<maurer> ioctl pretty heavily breaks the first one
<maurer> systemd breaks both of them pretty heavily
<dash> sphalerite: but it's not clear that processes communicating via byte streams is the right level of abstraction for everything
<maurer> second one gets broken a lot, but is still followed a refreshing amount of the time
<maurer> dash: I'm not convinced it's _right_, but the philosophy still exists :P
<MichaelRaskin> maurer: systemd breaks _every coherent thing out there_
<sphalerite> maurer: systemd isn't uninx, is it?
<clever> maurer: sometimes, the performance is just better if your passing binary to ioctl, rather then writing data to a file directly
<dash> maurer: it's only coherent at a certain level
<clever> maurer: or if you can mmap something and use dma
<dash> maurer: it doesn't scale up, or down
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<taktoa> honestly I would prefer an OS in which JSON (or something like it) is the standard communication protocol, rather than plain text
<taktoa> *byte streams
<dash> maurer: it's probably just right for a pdp-11 or vax
<taktoa> if you've ever used `jq` you've had a taste of such a world
<maurer> If I were to try a new OS philosophy today, it'd probably be some extended variety of capnproto as the basic metaphor
<maurer> (the extension would be something to deal with the interaction of local caps and the kernel)
<sphalerite> I've been meaning to experiment with jq a bit, but haven't really got around dto it
<sphalerite> what's capnproto?
<maurer> dude who made protobuf2 at google made his on protocol format once he was off on his own
<maurer> it's basically protobuf + capabilities and pipelining
<dash> maurer: yes, capnproto is love
<dash> maurer: we're building a language around it
<taktoa> does capnproto have sum types?
<maurer> Yes
<taktoa> okay, I'm impressed
<dash> (or, rather: we're implementing a new language descended from E, the language that capnproto got its ideas from, and we're writing a capnproto implementation for it)
<maurer> dash: As long as you don't need it to be too fast that sounds fun
<maurer> capnproto is fast for an rpc system
<maurer> but designing interobject calls as an rpc system is gonna introduce overhead
<dash> maurer: oh, it's only going to use capnproto for calls to objects in different hosts/processes
<dash> maurer: we're currently aiming for same general speed as python/lua
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<maurer> Oh, if that's all you want it'll be easy
<MichaelRaskin> Lua or LuaJIT?
<maurer> like, use a typed language, shit out llvm bitcode, acquire victory
<MichaelRaskin> I am not sure LuaJIT and Python are the same ballpark
<dash> MichaelRaskin: One thing at a time ;)
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<dash> MichaelRaskin: we're using the same tech as pypy for our implementation
<dash> and Nix for the package/build system
<dash> maurer: Has to be dynamically typed since it can call methods on remote objects.
<maurer> dash: Responses to calls are typed in the schema though?
<maurer> dash: Or are you shifting the burden for making such a call onto the user rather than the runtime?
<dash> maurer: What should happen when the remote host rejects the message?
<dash> maurer: Type failure at runtime is always possible when invoking remote code
<maurer> dash: I mean, yes, you either need to wrap remote calls in a Result<> style thing or have them raise exceptions
<maurer> OK, so my suggestion here would be to make it so that if the remote side rejects the message, you return an error on the call
<maurer> if they give back a malformed message, you won't know immediately
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<maurer> but make the runtime assert the type by default, and raise exceptions/return errors as your philosophy determines if it examines a field and it's not legal within type
<dash> Right. We're aiming for as uniform an interface as possible between remote and local objects, so that's rather discouraged our pursuit of a design like that
<maurer> dash: I would suggest this is a bad idea
<gchristensen> ~.
<gchristensen> oops.
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<dash> maurer: Maybe! but tell me what your concerns are
<maurer> dash: the basic way to sum it up is CORBA
<dash> maurer: CORBA's mistake was synchronous calls
<maurer> That was one of their mistakes
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<maurer> the other was hiding the possibility of failures from the user
<dash> well the other was doing stuff in the 90s
<dash> maurer: Sure. Our API is promise based
<dash> calls to (possibly-)remote objects return a promise, which can be broken
<maurer> is an example of the author of capnproto echoing my sentiments
<dash> maurer: Right, definitely not doing that. I should have been more specific -- I meant "as uniform as possible, *but no more*" :)
<maurer> Ah. My statement here is basically "as long as they're not uniform, maybe expose all the information about failure modes"
<maurer> e.g. by default, when you call a method on a remote object that returns T, it instead returns Result<T>
<maurer> well, Promise<T>
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<maurer> where that promise has the possibility of failure
<maurer> and then when T is being inspected, it lazily follows the schema to deconstruct the message
<maurer> and if the schema doesn't fit, it raises an exception
<dash> maurer: Right. The fundamental problem I have with this, is that it requires synchronization of type schemas across all nodes
<maurer> No, it doesn't
<maurer> it just requires that they all come from the same schema line
<maurer> like, if they fit the capnproto schema upgradability condition, they'll talk fine
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<dash> yes this is what I mean by synchronization :)
<maurer> I mean, that's not synchronized
<maurer> it allows one node to remain fixed while others move forwards
<dash> Anyway we are far off topic for #nixos, come by #monte and persuade me and simpson :)
<maurer> sorry
<taktoa> is there a type-theoretic semantics of capnproto anywhere
<dash> I need to figure out how to better use Nix as our packaging system
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<dash> Our current system is rather hackish
<maurer> taktoa: You're going to need to be more specific - at base it is equivalent to a strict subset of SML's type system, after throwing out modules
<taktoa> okay, that's all I needed to know
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9A3q
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fb19aac Jörg Thalheim: mc: remove unwanted build-dependency references...
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<dhess`> clever: around?
<clever> dhess`: yep
<dhess`> clever: Nice. I'm currently bootstrapping GHC 8.0.2 using the 8.0.1 binary from Debian. Might need your help ;)
<dhess`> on x86_64-linux for now.
<clever> kk
<taktoa> CaaS uptime is pretty high these days
<dhess`> clever: one thing I'm not sure about is, what is the 'passThru = { inherit bootPkgs; };' all about in the 8.0.2.nix derivation?
<taktoa> (clever-as-a-service)
<dhess`> yep
<clever> dhess`: that lets you access the bootPkgs as the .bootPkgs attribute on the derivation, without it directly impacting the hash of the derivation
<dhess`> clever: ahh. ok.
<dhess`> clever: and do you happen to know why hscolour is listed as a buildInputs for GHCs starting around 7.10.2 ?
<clever> they didnt spell color right!
<taktoa> it's the british spelling
<clever> dhess`: i'm guessing so ghc can colorize the haskell in error messages
<taktoa> hscolour is used in haddock I believe
<dhess`> clever: that would be true only during the build, though, right?
<dhess`> ohh yeah for the documentation generation.
<dhess`> taktoa: that makes sense
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<dhess`> ok, in haskell-packages.nix I now have a ghc801Binary derivation. I want to use this to bootstrap the ghc802 derivation same.
<dhess`> GHC derivations after ghc784 use bootPkgs and hscolour; prior to that they just set ghc = compiler.ghc742Binary or whatever.
<dhess`> so... suggestions on how to use a compiler.ghc801Binary to bootstrap ghc802?
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<dhess`> Right now I'm just defining 'ghc = compiler.ghc801Binary' but that's going to fail once the build tries to use hscolour I think.
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<clever> dhess`: let me double-check some of the expressions
<dhess`> I'm not entirely clear where hscolour enters the bootstrapping process
<dhess`> for, say, ghc802 as it's currently defined
<dhess`> generally the process is ghc742-binary -> ghc784 -> ghc7103 -> ghc802.
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<clever> dhess`: ok, so the main haskellPackages set comes from https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix#L5315
<dhess`> I'm trying to go straight from ghc801-binary -> ghc802
<clever> haskell = callPackage ./haskell-packages.nix { };
<gchristensen> til: system.nixosLabel
<dhess`> clever: right
<clever> so haskell-packages.nix .packages.<ghc version> should be an attrset
<clever> a list of compilers
<dhess`> clever: yes. But for the existing ghc*Binary packages, there's only a compiler.ghc*Binary, not a package.ghc*Binary.
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<dhess`> so I can't do, say, bootPkgs = packages.ghc801Binary for ghc802, unless I define a packages.ghc801Binary.
<clever> dhess`: ah, i see what you mean, hscolour is being added to some of them
<dhess`> which hasn't been done for the existing ghc*Binary derivations.
<dhess`> so I feel like that's a bit dirty. But maybe necessary to get hscolour.
<clever> because of the rec on line 53, the inherit on 55 is referencing 54's bootPkgs
<dhess`> yeah
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<clever> so we want to see where packages.ghc784 came from
<dhess`> ohhh the rec, yeah I missed that.
<dhess`> good catch.
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<clever> dhess`: line 111 and onward
<dhess`> well I guess I could just define a packages.ghc801Binary
<dhess`> though it's a bit gross.
<clever> it calls haskell-modules, and passes it a ghc and compiler-config
<clever> and that creates a haskellPackages tree, built against that compiler
<dhess`> right
<dhess`> you really don't want that for a ghc*Binary derivation.
<clever> but why are the binary ones not getting their own packages
<dhess`> I guess because you're not supposed to install them directly?
<clever> its using the binary ghc on lines 35-45, to make the 1st stage of nixpkgs ghc, without hscolour
<dhess`> and ghcs before 7102 don't use hscolour
<dhess`> so it'snot needed.
<dhess`> right
<clever> then ghc802 uses ghc7103, which uses ghc784, which uses ghc742, which uses ghc704binary
<clever> so building ghc802 requires building 3 other ghc's, and patchelfing a binary
<dhess`> hey sorry, real quick, where should I be getting 'ar'? It's not at ${stdenv.cc}/bin/ar
<clever> yay overhead!
<clever> dhess`: ar is over in binutils
<dhess`> clever: yep. I'm trying to skip all of that
<dhess`> clever: ahh yeah of ccourse
<clever> i'm not 100% sure why its got so much overhead, it might be that you need a minimum version to build each
<dhess`> clever: I think, as indicated in the GitHub issue for this, it's just been laziness, mostly.
<dhess`> because in most cases you're just going to get the Hydra cached output anyway
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<clever> but it forces hydra to serialize everything
<clever> you cant build them in parallel on hydra
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<dhess`> The reason I'm doing this is because I need a GHC for ARM and there is no 7.4.2 binary for it. But it will also help speed up the bootstrap process.
<clever> dhess`: as a first step, i would try making a ghc without hscolour, and see if it can build using your binary
<dhess`> clever: sure that's what I'm doing right now.
<dhess`> clever: I'm just trying to plan for the "real" solution while this is building :)
<clever> ah
<dhess`> everything is going swimmingly so far.
<dhess`> except for a cosmetic issue (https://github.com/NixOS/patchelf/issues/99)
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<adelbertc> gchristensen: yo
<gchristensen> hi
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<adelbertc> amending my blog post with your suggestions of nix-env -qa -> -qaP and i -> iA
<gchristensen> nice!
<adelbertc> this gives attribute name which is the more exact/precise way of specifying what you want right
<gchristensen> yep
<gchristensen> and faster
<adelbertc> coolio
<gchristensen> super :)
<adelbertc> and is there an equivalent for upgrades and uninstalls? is it just nix-env -uA and nix-env -eA ?