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<mellowmaroon> Ran into an issue this morning with the 'passwordFile' config option
<mellowmaroon> I took out the explicit 'home' set, since 'isNormalUser' takes care of it, and tried 'passwordFile', and couldn't log in
<clever> mellowmaroon: does the passwordfile contain a \n?, read it again with "hexdump -C"
<mellowmaroon> already removed the file, but I'll try again and make sure there is no \n
<mellowmaroon> thanks
<clever> mellowmaroon: also, is mutableUsers set to true(the default)?
<mellowmaroon> mutableUsers is false
<clever> ah
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<clever> mellowmaroon: also, keep in mind that the passwordFile gets embeded into /nix/store/ and is world-readable
<clever> if the path isnt quoted
<clever> and if it is quoted, it has to be an absolute path
<mellowmaroon> clever: what exactly do you mean by quoted? like a string?
<clever> passwordFile = ./foo.txt; will automaticaly copy it into the store and make it world readable
<clever> but passwordFile = "/etc/nixos/foo.txt"; wont, and you can make it root-only
<clever> but you must also ensure the file still exists at every boot
<mellowmaroon> clever: Got it. Plan on only making it read-only once I get it set up
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<mellowmaroon> so I'll make sure no \n, and absolute quoted path
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<mellowmaroon> Is there some reason why non-quoted gets put into the Nix store?
<clever> any unquoted path will be hashed, and stored at /nix/store/<hash>-name, so it becomes immutable
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<clever> and if you change the file, everything that depended on its contents gets recompiled
<mellowmaroon> Oh, I see. Interesting
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<clever> and if your using remote build slaves, nix knows it needs that file, and can copy it to the remote worker
<clever> but nix also requires that every file in /nix/store be world-readable
<mellowmaroon> is that because it uses the multiple build users, or something else?
<clever> more that it just removes anything thats not strictly nessesary or an impurity
<clever> user, group, file permissions, timestamps
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<mellowmaroon> Right. Anyway, gunna reboot and make sure this config works, be back in a bit
<mellowmaroon> Thanks again :)
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<mellowmaroon> it works :D
<mellowmaroon> I think I asked already, but is there a way to disable interactive root login?
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<clever> at a tty or ssh?
<mellowmaroon> preferably both
<clever> 85 openssh.passwordAuthentication = false;
<clever> i generaly set this once the install is done (or sooner)
<clever> but still allow root with a keypair
<clever> in some cases, like running sshd in single-user mode, you can only use root and no other account
<clever> so you dont want to block root entirely
<mellowmaroon> eh, just to prevent a situation like today, where I have to use the live CD, I may just leave the tty root
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<clever> you can force root even without a cd, if you have physical access
<mellowmaroon> since this is for my laptop, I don't plan on enabling SSH
<clever> from grub, you can hit e to edit any boot entry, add init=/run/current-system/sw/bin/bash
<clever> and then f10 to make grub run the modified config without saving
<mellowmaroon> interesting...
<clever> so if somebody have physical access, and your not using luks, all passwords are pointless
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<mellowmaroon> right, I was aware of that. But I've always just mounted through live cd
<mellowmaroon> I'm curious why changing init to that works though
<clever> for any normal linux system, you can do something like init=/bin/bash
<clever> but for nixos, init=/bin/sh only works if it has booted once, oh, and /run/current-system might not work right
<clever> there are many things you can set init to
<mellowmaroon> right, it depends on where bash is installed. Does it run that shell as root?
<clever> it runs that shell as pid 1 uid 0
<clever> so the shell entirely replaces your init system
<mellowmaroon> Ahhh, I get it a bit better now
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<clever> you could then do "exec /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/init" when done, to resume the boot
<mellowmaroon> neat
<mellowmaroon> different subject, but I was originally more interested in GuixSD, as I really like Scheme, but the unfree software situation didn't gel with me
<mellowmaroon> has anyone else looked at it? from what I read, it sounds like it was set up somewhat similarly to NixOS
<clever> ive heard of it but havent really looked into it
<clever> i rely on too much unfree garbage
<mellowmaroon> likewise haha
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<clever> the opensource amd drivers crash xorg if i turn on 2 monitors
<clever> the unfree amd driver crashes xorg if i unplug the 2nd monitor while its active
<mellowmaroon> yikes. I've had ok luck with the nouveau driver, but it's not perfect
<simpson> Patches welcome.
<clever> xfce also tries to help too much, and restores the dual-monitor config on login
<clever> causing the opensource driver to re-crash every time i login
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<Nobabs27> hi I set the user in the config, but it's not asking me for the password for it
<Nobabs27> not sure whats up??
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<clever> Nobabs27: nixos-install will only ask for the root password, you have to either run passwd to set all others, or set something like .initialPassword or.initialHashedPassword
<Nobabs27> yeah just saw that in the options, thanks
<clever> and the initial options only apply when nixos initialy makes the user
<clever> so if you add that setting and reboot, it wont change the pw
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<Nobabs27> clever: if I go into chroot it says user not found ??
<clever> normal chroot or nixos chroot?
<Nobabs27> nixos chroot
<clever> *looks*
<Nobabs27> nixos-install --chroot
<clever> that doesnt run the activation scripts, so the /etc/passwd isnt updated yet
<clever> it has to boot at least once, then its simpler to just login as root and passwd
<Nobabs27> or do a temp password?
<clever> yeah, you can add .initialPassword = "hunter2";
<Nobabs27> clever ^
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<clever> and nixos will set that when creating it on bootup
<Nobabs27> kk ty
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<mellowmaroon> Heading out for the night, see you all later!
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<Nobabs27> clever: incorrect password, please try again
<Nobabs27> I put it at the bottom of the config file
<clever> was it inside the block for your user?
<clever> and was nixos-install re-ran after the change?
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<Nobabs27> ill check
<Nobabs27> i did do nixos-install
<Nobabs27> clever: you mean users.extraUsers ?
<clever> users.extraUsers is an alias of users.users
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<Nobabs27> ah
<Nobabs27> no it is not, the option thing on the site does not specify this
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<Nobabs27> clever: ok did nixos-install again, it says that the user does not exist
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<clever> strange, what other commands did you run?, it should definitely have existed after booting
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<Nobabs27> clever: didn't run any other command that should have affected the user?
<clever> what exact command gave the error, and what exact error did it give?, nixos-install shouldnt be able to say that a user doesnt exist
<Nobabs27> clever: command was nixos-install
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<Nobabs27> clever: The option users.users.babs.users defined in 'so and so' does not exist.
<joepie91> though you can get them MUCH cheaper on aliexpress, I'm sure
<joepie91> like, $1 or so
<clever> Nobabs27: users.users.babs.initialPassword = "hunter2";
<Nobabs27> joepie91: is aliexpress legit?
<joepie91> Nobabs27: yeah, just be aware that everything ships from China and it can easily take 2-3 weeks to arrive to most countries
<joepie91> and quality will sometimes vary, especially for the very cheapest items
<Nobabs27> clever: same error
<clever> joepie91: ah, i could probably find a use for one of those
<joepie91> Nobabs27: but for the things where this doesn't matter as much, it's great... and if you're willing to pay a bit more than the lowest price they have, you can get extremely good deals for not that much money
<clever> Nobabs27: can you gist your configuration.nix file?
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<Nobabs27> clever: can I from the livecd ?
<joepie91> Nobabs27: eg. I recently bought which is quite great quality, and would easily run you $60-$70 in NL, at a cheap place
<clever> Nobabs27: nix-env -iA nixos.gist ; gist -p /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<Nobabs27> will that ask me for a sign in?
<Nobabs27> clever ^
<clever> by default, it will be annonymous
<clever> but you can also gist --login
<joepie91> Nobabs27: basically, just be aware of 1) sometimes long shipping times, 2) the "send it back at your own cost and we'll replace it" style of warranty handling, and 3) the varying quality for the bottom-of-the-barrel-cheapest items, and then aliexpress is great for a lot of stuff :)
<joepie91> </ramble>
<Nobabs27> joepie91: good to know, was wondering about them the other day
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<joepie91> Nobabs27: I guess that in a way it's a bit like a hybrid between Amazon and eBay, but usually cheaper than both for anything that comes from China :P
<joepie91> and yeah, they've been becoming more popular and well-known recently
<joepie91> to the point that even non-techie people are starting to buy stuff there
<joepie91> (I mostly just use it for assorted cables and electronic components and soldering equipment and that kind of stuff)
<Nobabs27> joepie91: how about blue bell pepper seeds though? lol
<clever> Nobabs27: line 75 is a block that says users.extraUsers.babs = {
<clever> Nobabs27: which means you can remove users.extraUsers.babs from everything inside it
<joepie91> Nobabs27: blue bell peppers? those are a thing that exists?
<Nobabs27> joepie91: on aliexpress they do
<joepie91> hahaha
<joepie91> uh, yeah, wow, not sure what to think of that
<Nobabs27> clever: so just babs.initialPassword ?
<clever> Nobabs27: just initialPassword = "hunter2";
<Nobabs27> ye
<clever> and also, because you booted the install, the babs user now exists, so initial no longer applies
<clever> that setting only has an effect when first creating a user
<clever> so nixos-install --chroot and passwd should now work
<Nobabs27> user babs does not exist still
<Nobabs27> clever ^
<clever> just initialPassword = "hunter2";, not babs.initialPassword
<Nobabs27> yes
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<Nobabs27> I did that
<clever> can you screenshot the console?
<Nobabs27> sure, where should I upload to?
<clever> imgur
<Nobabs27> clever:
<clever> you still have a babs inside the babs attribute
<clever> < clever> just initialPassword = "hunter2";, not babs.initialPassword
<Nobabs27> oh
<Nobabs27> ok it still says babs does not exist
<Nobabs27> when I chroot
<Nobabs27> but the nixos-install worked
<Nobabs27> clever ^
<Nobabs27> is that normal?
<clever> sounds a bit weird, did you leave the old install there when you re-mounted things and redid nixos-install?
<Nobabs27> old install as in did not change drives/reformat? yes.
<clever> id try rebooting now and trying to login
<Nobabs27> ok
<Nobabs27> clever: I get to lightdm, type in the password, it doesnt say incorrect, it just doesnt log me in...
<clever> try logging in as root?
<Nobabs27> whats the vb command for switching ttys?
<Nobabs27> i dont wanna switch ttys on the host xD
<clever> dont remember, youll need to check the menu's
<clever> some programs have a checkbox for ctrl and alt, so you can "hold" them in software
<Nobabs27> host+F key
<Nobabs27> F2 for example
<Nobabs27> ok password updated successfully
<Nobabs27> alrighty it works now
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<Nobabs27> swapDevices.*.device = "/dev/sda2" does not work ? what am I supposed to give it if not *?
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<clever> anything else, or a list
<clever> swapDevices = [ { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/d3b24b26-4386-4ff6-89d3-0bb5f8601ff0"; priority = 5; } ];
<clever> nixos-generate-config will also auto-detect your swap,and add it to hardware-configuration.nix for you
<Nobabs27> oh ok then
<Nobabs27> so im good?
<clever> double-check the contents of hardware-configuration.nix
<Nobabs27> nope still blank there
<Nobabs27> so it didnt detect it .-.
<clever> it will only detect it if you swapon first
<Nobabs27> oh
<clever> and you can also re-run nixos-generate-config from inside the machine, to update the current config
<Nobabs27> ok
<Nobabs27> clever: swap header failed
<Nobabs27> I set it to SWAP in cfdisk
<clever> you also need to format it with mkswap
<clever> cfdisk doesnt format things
<Nobabs27> I knew that, didn't know about the mkswap thing, derp
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<sophiag> can anyone clarify the response to this issue i filed the other day: ?
<sophiag> i knew the commit in question wasn't captured in 17.03, but figured it would be in unstable. if not, how do i actually install that package?
<clever> sophiag: can you gist the output of "nix-channel --list ; sudo nix-channel --list" ?
<sophiag> sure, one sec
<sophiag> i'm not sure if that means i'm not _actually_ on unstable as far as the os?
<clever> and what if you do nix-env -iA nixos.spotify
<clever> nixos-rebuild will always use the channel called "nixos"
<clever> nix-env -iA will use the channel you name
<sophiag> ah ok, so i am on unstable
<sophiag> i get the same error from nix-env -iA :(
<clever> nixos-unstable was listed by the sudo nix-channel --list?
<sophiag> yes, it returned the two lines i quoted above
<clever> one min
<sophiag> this is why i was confused about that issue. i wouldn't have opened it for nothing
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<clever> sophiag: nixos-unstable is 4 days old, and doesnt include the spotify fix
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<clever> sophiag: it looks like the virtualbox images failed to build, so the nixos-unstable channel is being held back
<sophiag> ah ok. thanks for looking into that
<sophiag> looks like that commit was five days ago now. don't they build nightly?
<sophiag> (just wondering about when to check back)
<clever> it builds pretty often, but all tests must pass before nixos-unstable will update
<clever> to prevent broken stuff from reaching users
<sophiag> ah right. there must be a testing branch somewhere i certainly don't want to be on
<sophiag> is there an issue i can follow about this?
<clever> you would have to manualy clone nixpkgs master and set nixos-rebuild to use that
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<clever> and then youll be the one finding all of those bugs
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<sophiag> ha
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ryantrinkle opened pull request #26200: WIP: Chromium bump (master...chromium-bump)
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<ryantrinkle> If anyone knows about the chromium infrastructure, I could use some review on that PR:
<ryantrinkle> (also, is hydra building PRs these days?)
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<LnL> sophiag: you can do something like this until the channel updates
<LnL> somebody asked the same yesterday :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 5 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7bbb982 Robert Scott: python.pkgs.hypothesis: add pytest_xdist as a checkInputs dependency...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2c228f6 Robert Scott: python.pkgs.pylibmc: use fetchPypi for src
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d2ef1a2 Robert Scott: python.pkgs.ldap: use fetchPypi for src
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<sphalerite> clever joepie91: It's working now... Seems to be broken after suspend if the headphones were plugged in while waking up
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg closed pull request #26134: lynx: Fix SSL, widec support (master...fix/lynx-ssl)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26179: cernlib: init at 2006 (master...cernlib)
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<sphalerite> I'm not sure if that's the only conditions on which it fails, but it's definitely a software issue because it works sometimes
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<clever> sphalerite: try restarting pulseaudio after resuming, and see if that fixes it?
* clever heads to bed
<sphalerite> clever: even just unplugging and replugging seems to have fixed it
<clever> ah
<sphalerite> well
<sphalerite> it seems inconsistsent about it
<clever> sounds similiar to what ive noticed, the state in software was out of sync with the state in hardware
<sphalerite> I'm not really sure
<sphalerite> yeah
<clever> with some cards, you can manualy switch between the speaker and headphone in alsamixer
<clever> i had one card, that would switch back to the laptop speaker for pc-beeps
<clever> but it only had 1 dac
<clever> so you would get a mix of beep + music, on the case speaker
<clever> so console beeps would leak whatever you where trying to listen to privately, to the whole room
<clever> on the other hand, i have other laptops, where the console beep is ear-splittingly loud, at the lowest setting
<clever> add in headphones, and you have an instant heart-attack and deafness :P
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 46de05a Pascal Wittmann: dmenu: 4.6 -> 4.7
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<clever> sphalerite: heh, i opened pavucontrol, went to the "output devices" tab, and the built-in audio was on digital output (the optical jack on the back)
<clever> sphalerite: the instant i plug headphones into the front jack, it says headphones
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<sphalerite> clever: same
<clever> and i even loose the option to send the audio back to the digital output
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<clever> ah, because the profile on the configuration tab changed
<clever> which mutates all of the routing config within pulseaudio
<sphalerite> The profiles are the different setups supported by the hardware, right?
<clever> i have played with that area of pulse before, because my card happens to have 3 pipeliness, and can potentialy drive the front, rear, and digital all at once, with different content
<clever> yeah, as viewed by pulseaudio
<sphalerite> nice
<clever> my card is missing a lot of profiles
<clever> and nix requires all of pulseaudio to be recompiled to change those config files
<sphalerite> why is that?
<sphalerite> on both counts
<clever> the profiles are stored in the pulseaudio derivation
<clever> and also, pulse doesnt support a critical feature i needed
<clever> the card has a mux for every port, so you can switch them between the internal pipelines
<clever> but every mux has the same name
<sphalerite> That shouldn't be too hard to split, right?
<clever> and pulseaudio doesnt support using an index in the profile config
<sphalerite> ah
<clever> so i had to patch pulseaudio to even get that working
<clever> and where did i even leave that patch? ... lol
<LnL> clever: lol
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 5a0b2d7 Pascal Wittmann: radicale: 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2, fixes CVE-2017-8342
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<sphalerite> Cards where you cna route to multiple different outputs at the same time sounds nice though, could probably do some fun stuff with puredata
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f6ef561 Pascal Wittmann: radicale: 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2, fixes CVE-2017-8342
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<clever> 00:14.2 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)
<clever> sphalerite: its part of this motherboard
<clever> 4 src = /home/clever/x/pulseaudio-7.1-modified;
<clever> ah, thats where i put it
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<sphalerite> I wonder how well something like stdenv.mkDerivation { name =; buildCommand = "cp -r ${pulseaudio} $out; find $out -type f -exec sed -i s^${pulseaudio}^$out^g {} + ; # further changes"; } would work
<clever> one of the security patch things can already do that, recursively, to all of nixos
<sphalerite> what's that?
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<sphalerite> to replace a library reference with a patched one without rebuilding everything I guess?
<clever> yeah
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<sphalerite> nice
<clever> it would let you sed the libc or openssl path, recursively, on an entire nixos build
<clever> in a pure manner
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<sphalerite> Nice
<clever> oh, and speaking of audio problems
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<clever> i recently had the "pleasure" of running windows again, lol
<clever> the master volume slider in its mixer, doesnt scale the applications, it sets a max
<clever> so if you turn the master down to 5%, then you can only use 0% to 5% on the applications
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<sphalerite> so sort of like pulse with flat-volumes = yes
<sphalerite> idk I think I actuallly prefer that behaviour over pulse with flat-volumes = yes
<clever> the problem, is that my headset is too loud, by default
<sphalerite> although I like pulse with flat-volumes = no best
<clever> i had to keep it like 3 or 4 pixels from 0 at all times
<sphalerite> >_>
<clever> and the mouse just isnt sensitive enough to set that well :P
<sphalerite> And you can't just make the window bigger?
<clever> nope
<sphalerite> nice
<clever> that window isnt resizable
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<clever> under pulse, i can use the master sliders to cut the total volume by 1/4th
<sphalerite> hooray!
<clever> so i get 4 times the resolution on the sliders
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<sphalerite> with pulse there's also pactl
<clever> yeah, so i can just type in an absolute number
<sphalerite> also, I managed to get a bootable USB stick image with data persistence at long last yesterday!
<clever> as an example, i am playing a song on a website right now
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<clever> the volume controller in the browser is at 5%, chrome in pulse is at 53%, the master is at 94%, and the external volume on the speakers is at 21
<clever> the volume in the website only moves in 5% increments
<clever> one tick lower, and its on mute
<sphalerite> and you can hear it?
<sphalerite> wow
<clever> at 5% its too loud
<clever> at 0% its just gone
<clever> and let me do a quick experiment...
<clever> yeah, i think 100% for extended perioids would wake the neighbors...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] proteansec opened pull request #26202: vagrant_libvirt: init at 1.9.5 (master...pkgs/vagrant-libvirt)
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<sphalerite> at least you have a lot of headroom :p
<clever> and thats still with a 53% level in pavu
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<sphalerite> 09:19 * clever heads to bed
<sphalerite> Achievement unlocked: distract clever from sleep
<clever> sphalerite: for example, if i set everything to 100%, the 30 second mark in here can be felt vibrating the desk, lol
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<sphalerite> Nice
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl closed pull request #26199: merlin: 2.5.3 -> 2.5.4 (master...upd.merlin)
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<clever> and i normally keep things at a third of that
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<clever> sphalerite: and yeah, i should get to bed, its now 4:48 am :P
<sphalerite> Sound idea
<sphalerite> Good night!
<clever> nn
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 05a82a9 Pascal Wittmann: homebank: 5.1.4 -> 5.1.5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9b605ca Pascal Wittmann: fsql: 0.1.0 -> 0.1.1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] layus opened pull request #26203: python-ldap: Fix src url broken by pname refactor (staging...fix-python-ldap)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #26203: python-ldap: Fix src url broken by pname refactor (staging...fix-python-ldap)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 02032db Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'master' into staging...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 370428f Pyry Jahkola: Remove stray `>` in builtins doc
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 2740a22 Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #1394 from pyrtsa/patch-2...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 86ea7d1 Pyry Jahkola: Fix variable name typo in derivations doc
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master d6064dd Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #1393 from pyrtsa/patch-1...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dc955ad Pascal Wittmann: halibut: 1.1 -> 1.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5831eb9 Pascal Wittmann: colm: ->
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] layus opened pull request #26204: python-ldap: fixup tests for 2.4.38 update (staging...fix-python-ldap)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 58e5078 Pascal Wittmann: ragelDev: ->
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah opened pull request #26205: fstrim: Add service (master...master2)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FlorentBecker opened pull request #26206: buildRustPackage: inherit preUnpack (master...fetchCargo_preUnpack)
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<pierron> steveeJ: Apparently the rust overlay installer issue got fixed 10 days ago ;)
<pierron> steveeJ: I closed the issue for now.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d0be062 Pascal Wittmann: perlPackagrs.NTLM: init at 1.09
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c633395 Pascal Wittmann: imapsync: 1.684 -> 1.727
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 13f2f86 Robin Gloster: OVMF: fix build...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging dd5d63d Guillaume Maudoux: python-ldap: fixup tests for 2.4.38 update
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 595141d Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #26204 from layus/fix-python-ldap...
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<sphalerite> any weechat users around who would care to provide some input on this?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rvl opened pull request #26207: emacsWithPackages: support installing larger packages (master...fix-tide-melpa)
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<xificurC> there's nix-serve to simplify the sharing of a nix store. What is the equivalent for creating a channel for a set of nixpkgs?
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<lukego> Is there an easy way to import the contents of a tarball into the store from a URL? Like 'nix-build -E "fetchTarball http://..."' except that nix-build is sad when the tarball does not include a nix expression to build
<tilpner> lukego - Look at nix-prefetch-url
<lukego> tilpner: I'd like to import the contents to the store though, not the tar file
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<lukego> oh --unpack :)
<lukego> thanks tilpner :)
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<LnL> you can do something similar to nix-channel with nix-env nix-prefetch-url
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<xificurC> nix-serve --help shows the help for a perl module called starman. That's not cool
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<xificurC> so this is just for serving the binary cache, but I want to build my own channel, any tool for that?
<gchristensen> xificurC: a channel is 2 things, a nix expression and a binary cache
<xificurC> or I can just point nix-serve at a folder with the correct structure for nixpkgs and it will just work?
<gchristensen> xificurC: `man nix-channel` will tell you how to make a channel w/ a binary cache
<xificurC> gchristensen: yes I just got that reading the manual again. But nix-serve seems to be for the binary cache only (at least advertised)
<gchristensen> it is true
<gchristensen> and you need a binary cache + the channel files
<gchristensen> see `CHANNEL FORMAT` in man nix-chhannel
<gchristensen> usually hosted separately
<xificurC> gchristensen: reading that, thanks :) So it seems I need 2 http servers
<xificurC> one for the channel and one for the binary cache
<xificurC> and I can use w/e http server I wish, like nginx, httpd, haproxy, ...
<gchristensen> you can also use `nix-push` to push nix store paths to a directory, and they'll be in the format of a binary cache
<gchristensen> you can just expose that over http and it'll work
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<LnL> yeah, I do something like that and sync it to an s3 bucket
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<gchristensen> with that your channel could be at and your cache be at
<LnL> but if you just want a nix-channel command for a git repo you can do this
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<LnL> nix-env -p /tmp/nixpkgs-git --set $(nix-prefetch-url --print-path --unpack | tail -n1)
<LnL> and nix-env -p /tmp/nixpkgs-git --rollback
<gchristensen> you can also use a as your channel url directly
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #26094: nixos/xsession: use graphical systemd user target (master...feature/graphical-user-session)
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<steveeJ> pierron: PR on nixpkgs-mozilla is updated
<pierron> steveeJ: thanks, give me a few minutes.
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<steveeJ> pierron: no rush. I've squashed commits. I'm never sure when github sends out notifications ;-)
<pierron> steveeJ: I would probably not have seen it anyway ;)
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<mbrock> I have a cabal2nix generated .nix file for my package, and then my own .nix that uses `pkgs.haskellPackages.callPackage ./default.nix', but I need to override an attribute in the generated default.nix to provide a certain dependency for testing...
<mbrock> ah, maybe that's what the second argument to callPackage is for
<xificurC> can my channel depend on the nixpkgs-unstable channel? So that I can piggyback on it and only store the difference
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<pierron> steveeJ: have you seen the --sysconfigdig option?
<pierron> steveeJ: --sysconfigdir, couldn't we use that to install the files to the proper location?
<steveeJ> pierron: I don't think that anything in $out/etc/... is proper
<steveeJ> let me take a look though, I don't know about the option
<pierron> steveeJ: Or just do a postInstall to move the bash completion, since this issue should now be fixed.
<pierron> steveeJ: see the comments I made in
<steveeJ> pierron: there are a couple of interim nightlies which are affected
<pierron> steveeJ: Do we care enough?
<steveeJ> if we don't care about those nightlies I'm fine dropping the PR
<pierron> steveeJ: this would happen in the future as well, and these should be fixed upstream. I guess rustup isaffected the same way.
<pierron> steveeJ: but moving the bash completion is something that we might still do.
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<steveeJ> pierron: what bothers me a little is that we silently ignore anything in etc/. the only way chance we notice these things are conflicts, and this one was introduced in where the path was "fixed"
<sphalerite> heh, let works without any bindings too :D
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a78af51 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.12-rc2 -> 4.12-rc3
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<sphalerite> let in let in let in let in 5
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<asymmetric> hi, i ran `nox-review wip` and it installed a package in my /nix/store
<asymmetric> now i would like to remove the package, because otherwise `nix-build $pkg` doesn't do anything
<asymmetric> running `nix-env -e $pkg` doesn't remove it though
<asymmetric> do i need to do something with generations?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 opened pull request #26208: pythonPackages.alembic: 0.8.3 -> 0.9.2 (master...alembic)
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<asymmetric> nix-collect-garbage still doesn't delete the package by the way
<asymmetric> not sure where it's being required from
<LnL> asymmetric: use nix-build --check to rebuild
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<asymmetric> thx. any idea though how i could get that package removed if i wanted?
<sphalerite> asymmetric: why do you want to rebuild?
<asymmetric> because i want to rebuild with sandboxing
<sphalerite> You can also use nix-store --delete to remove it
<sphalerite> ah right
<asymmetric> it's a package i'm going to submit to nixpkgs
<sphalerite> if nix-store --delete complains about it still being in use you can use nix-store -q --roots to find out which GC roots are still referring to it
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<asymmetric> one is the package i'm building (~/code/asymmetric/nixpkgs/result) the other is from nox-review (/tmp/nox-review-yltbqwg6/result)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2c39927 Jörg Thalheim: pythonPackages.alembic: 0.8.3 -> 0.9.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5276ce9 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #26208 from Mic92/alembic...
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<LnL> you can't delete things that are still reference
<LnL> *referenced
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<asymmetric> and how do i delete the references?
<asymmetric> just delete the files?
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<LnL> that result is just a symlink created by nix-build, if you remove that it will be invalidated as a gc-root
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<asymmetric> cool, and that's what i want right? :)
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<LnL> yes, then you can delete it
<LnL> unless it's referenced by an older version of your profile
<LnL> that also keeps it alive, otherwise --rollback wouldn't work anymore
<asymmetric> thanks!
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<mbrock> how can I force `nix-env -f foo.nix -i foo' to rebuild its source archive instead of reusing the cached code from ten minutes ago before I made my important fix?
<mbrock> I've tried nix-collect-garbage but that doesn't seem to be it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 63145be Eelco Dolstra: Fix typo
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 588dad4 Eelco Dolstra: Fix build failure on Debian/Ubuntu...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 6e01ecd Eelco Dolstra: Fix nix-copy-closure test...
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<mbrock> right now I can put uncompilable garbage in my source code and nix-env -i still just compiles some old source code stored I don't know where
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<goibhniu1> mbrock: --check (I think)
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<goibhniu> or maybe you need to update the hash for the source
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<mbrock> --check doesn't seem to be a valid option, and I don't have a source hash in my default.nix
<lukego> Revised question: Is there an easy way to import the contents of a tarball into the store, like with 'nix-prefetch-url --unpack', but with the caching behavior of nix-build / fetchTarball ?
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<steveeJ> pierron: PR updates. I'll be AFK for a while
<steveeJ> s/updates/updated
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<eisbaer> hello, i have a problem with the audio on my notebook. the speakers are working fine but when i connect my headphones all i hear is an interference noise
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f469bd8 Pascal Bach: mysql service: change default data directory for 17.09...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fde29b2 Graham Christensen: Merge pull request #25931 from bachp/mysql-17.09...
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<goibhniu> hi eisbaer, are you using pulseaudio?
<eisbaer> goibhniu: yes i do
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mdorman opened pull request #26209: Fixup calibre RPATH stuff (master...calibre-fixup)
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<sphalerite> Any reason for `let ... in` to exist when one can just use with { ... }; ?
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<goibhniu> eisbaer: cool, does the output audio device change when you plug in your headphones? (e.g. in pavucontrol)
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<eisbaer> goibhniu: yes it does it switches between speakers and headphones
<goibhniu> eisbaer: and the volume is good?
<goibhniu> (e.g. it doesn't get muted)
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<eisbaer> goibhniu: the device isn't muted but i don't have any sound on my headphones
<eisbaer> i also tried different headphones with no difference
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<mbrock> when developing a package with `src = ./.`, how do I make nix-build or nix-env let go of their old cached version of the sources, after making some change?
<goibhniu> eisbaer: have you used this on another linux distro? ... maybe it requires some special kernel parameters
<eisbaer> i used fedora before
<goibhniu> eisbaer: has some tips ... but I guess a mainstream distro wiki would have better info
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* goibhniu can't think of anything obvious
<pbogdan> eisbaer: perhaps and the linked ML discussion could be relevant? other than that not sure...
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<mbrock> ahh, all my confusion was from having a `dist/' folder in my source directory
<eisbaer> the weird thing is that i hear my microphone output although the other sound streams are recognized
<evangeline> hi, I'm having problems building the e1000 module with the new kernel: . This is 17.03 release. Did anybody else have this issue and solved it successfully?
<goibhniu> eisbaer: does `speaker-test` play loud noise in your headphones?
<eisbaer> goibhniu: no
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<eisbaer> ok i fixed it
<eisbaer> it was a problem in alsamixer
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<goibhniu> eisbaer: awesome! what was it?
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<eisbaer> i was using the wrong soundcard and the headphones where premuted on reboot
<goibhniu> aha
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<pierron> sphalerite: let .. in .. is more common in functional programming languages than with rec { .. }; ..
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<sphalerite> pierron: but they're practically equivalent, no?
<pierron> sphalerite: and it also has a different binding priority: let a = 1; in with {a = 0;}; a
<pierron> sphalerite: ^ evaluates to 1, and not 0.
<sphalerite> ah
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<sphalerite> Is there any way for me to get more information when I get the message "Value is a function when a set was expected"?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a49c236 Franz Pletz: nixos/firewall: clean up rpfilter rules properly...
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<sphalerite> ffs. The whole time, it was me using import <nixpkgs> rather than import <nixpkgs> {}
<sphalerite> that took me half an hour to work out
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<garbas_> anybody from cloud9 here? would it be possible to use nix on your images?
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<pierron> garbas: what do you mean by using nix on the images?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ryantrinkle closed pull request #26200: WIP: Chromium bump (master...chromium-bump)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] timor opened pull request #26212: NetworkManager: fix openconnect for console tools (
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] obadz closed pull request #26212: NetworkManager: fix openconnect for console tools (
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<steveeJ> I run the editor vscode in a pure nix-shell, and I'd like to make it work to click on hyperlinks and open it in firefox thats installed in my system profile. what am I looking for here?
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<dash> steveeJ: a not-pure nix-shell probably
<bennofs> steveeJ: you can also set "$BROWSER" to /run/current-system/sw/bin/firefox
<bennofs> if vscode honors that
<steveeJ> bennofs: interesting, I've never heard of that variable
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<steveeJ> bennofs: that thing is not set in my window manager. how can the terminal app (roxterm) figure it out? xdg stuff?
<bennofs> steveeJ: I think xdg-open honors it if it detects a "generic" desktop
<bennofs> steveeJ: otherwise, xdg-open has some hardcoded priority list in the generic case iirc
<steveeJ> maybe xdg-open is what I need in the shell
<steveeJ> bennofs: xdg-open fails in a pure shell, but it's definitely very helpful, thanks!
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<magnetophon> My emacs and libreoffice don't have working spellcheck. Vim and pidgin do work. Does anyone have tips?
<vandenoever> magnetophon: libreoffice can take dictionaries as addon
<magnetophon> vandenoever: thanks. how do I do that?
<magnetophon> vandenoever: thanks!
<magnetophon> vandenoever: this looks like a solution if I wanted to get a non standard language to work (is that correct?). The problem is that EN-US doesn't work.
<vandenoever> magnetophon: you can use this to get any language, if there is no en_US in the default install, perhaps that should be amended, you can use the extension as a workaround
<magnetophon> vandenoever: EN-US is the currently selected language in libreoffice
<vandenoever> magnetophon: sure, but you need the dictionary file
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<magnetophon> vandenoever: thanks, that works. Seems to me I need to file an issue on this, but I'm not sure. What do you think?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jyp opened pull request #26213: pythonPackages.tensorflow: Don't change the rpath to point to gcc4.9 (
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<vandenoever> magnetophon: yes, that would be good
<vandenoever> magnetophon: everyone that installs libreofficefaces that issue
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<magnetophon> vandenoever: thanks. I was not sure if I was the only one. seems to suggest I am. I'll file an issue.
<magnetophon> libreoffice/default.nix explicitly has: "--without-myspell-dicts" in it, suggesting this is by design. Then again, it also has "# TODO: dictionaries"... and #L215
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<cmacrae> o/
<magnetophon> viric: could you enlighten me? ^^
<cmacrae> Is tehre a means of having declarative configuration on macOS, like NixOS? Even if it's just for packages? Rather than manually installing packages with `nix-env` I'd rather write a file and evaluate that
<cmacrae> I remember someone even mentioned they were working on a project for managing launchd services and other such things
<cmacrae> Ah, nix-darwin, by LnL :)
<cmacrae> Just found it
<LnL> :D
<cmacrae> \o/
<cmacrae> Gunna take this for a spin!
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<LnL> cool!
<tilpner> cmacrae - Can't you use the usual buildEnv in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix thing?
<cmacrae> tilpner: Perhaps! I'm not familiar with using nix on macOS outside of `nix-env` :)
<tilpner> It won't work for services, but it will handle multiple packages without any non-standard tools
<LnL> cmacrae: also checkout this if you're looking for something slightly simpler
<cmacrae> Cheers!
<tilpner> That's the thing I mentioned, but better explained than I would have
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zimbatm opened pull request #26214: Google compute image (
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<LnL> that last example is basically what nixos does, but then just the systemPackages part
<magnetophon> domenkozar: git blame suggests you put "# TODO: dictionaries" in libreoffice. could you give me a hint as to why this hasn't happened yet, and maybe how I could fix it?
<magnetophon> viric: similarly it says you put the "--without-myspell-dicts" in there. can you tell me more?
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<magnetophon> I figured I'd ask before I start a cycle of try-lengthyCompile-error
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<ben> is there a convention for including nix expressions in the repository that the code lives in, like, do you generally just write src = ./.;?
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<simpson> ben: Sure, and there's also builtins.filterSource.
<spinus> ben: I do that, but having one more subdirectory is little better
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<pie__> uhh what just happened D:
<FRidh> attempting to make hdf5 use multiple outputs. I keep getting cycle detected in the references of ‘/nix/store/1srd7pr32pfsj1bzai5rp650kskg1b5c-hdf5-1.8.18-dev’ The folder contains only headers, and have no references to /nix/store
<pie__> collision between ‘/nix/store/m5a51wch760czwddwskadlagfgxinpbb-mumble-1.3.0-git-2016-04-10/share/man/man1/mumble-overlay.1.gz’ and ‘/nix/store/8siyyd96kp9iqms1vh60p7fvjh4vd66f-murmur-1.2.19/share/man/man1/mumble-overlay.1.gz’; use ‘nix-env --set-flag priority NUMBER PKGNAME’ to change the priority of one of the conflicting packages
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<FRidh> pie__: you have two packages that both provide the same file(s)
<pie__> so do i do what it says?
<FRidh> did you install one via environment.systemPackages?
<FRidh> and the other via nix-env?
<pie__> no, both
<pie__> sorry
<pie__> both via nix-env
<pie__> FRidh,
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<FRidh> pie__: after you installed the first one with nix-env -iA murmur you could have upgraded it with nix-env -u murmur.
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<pie__> the first one is mumble though
<pie__> i did nix-env -viA nixos.pkgs.mumble_git and nix-env -viA nixos.pkgs.murmur
<Infinisil> Is the unstable channel generally okay to use?
<Infinisil> I'm just gonna try it out and hope for the best
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<FRidh> pie__: oh, I misread that. So these are really two different packages?
<pie__> yeah
<FRidh> judging from the expressions they're kind of the same
<FRidh> in any case, they provide the same file. You can follow the message and set priority of one.
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<pie__> i think it migh be the _git one breaking it because nixos.mumble works
<pie__> nope nevermind still conflicts lol
<pie__> ok
<pie__> uh how big do i need to set the number
<pie__> oh 1
<pie__> bleh neverming, my mind is all over the place
<pie__> i set the priority but it still gives the same error
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<justanotheruser> can someone please help with this: sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade \n error: attribute ‘wrapPython’ missing, at /nix/store/rqphb787jhmijpbzngmmpb84kbizkz60-nixos-16.09.1943.25f4906da6/nixos/pkgs/development/libraries/speechd/default.nix:19:35
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<juselius> hi
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dermetfan opened pull request #26215: mcrcon: init at 0.0.5 (master...mcrcon)
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<pie__> FRidh, sorry turns out i just messed up the command
<pie__> now its complaining about not finding the package :I
<pie__> $ nix-env --set-flag priority 1 nixos.mumble
<pie__> error: selector ‘nixos.mumble’ matches no derivations
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<juselius> does anyone know how to update the virtualbox guest additions to the latest version of VB (5.1.22)? The guest additions are more or less permanently out of sync with the underlying virtualbox version. I'm able to build and install the latest version by modifying nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/virtualization/virtualbox/guest-additions, but the kernel is not loading the new version at boot.
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<FRidh> pie__: you're using an attribute
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<pie__> FRidh, oh. so thats different. but how do i know the package name?
<Infinisil> Soooo, a lot of stuff doesn't even build in unstable.. Not gonna do that
<Infinisil> Don't know why that's the case, I thought things were supposed to build in unstable
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<ben> does pkgconfig go into buildInputs or nativeBuildInputs?
<nixos-users-wiki> "Home" edited by Mic92
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<pie__> FRidh, ok i figured it out
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<juselius> [6;2~[6;2~
* pie__ facepalms
<pie__> i shouldve just enables the murmur sservice
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<bennofs> Infinisil: there's a few critical packages that block unstable channel updates, but not everything does
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ma27 closed pull request #26156: WIP: allow bgSupport for windowManagers as well (master...25978-refactor-bg-image-module)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3d2cfab Frederik Rietdijk: hdf5: add comment about multiple outputs
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<danbst> any coq/ocaml hackers here?
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<Sonarpulse> peti: zimbatm: I saw at some point you two were planning on writing an import-from-derivation RFC
<Sonarpulse> I have written one
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<Sonarpulse> and will soon open
<Sonarpulse> lmk if you want to see it first / have more written than what's pushed to github
<zimbatm> Cool, feel free to send it
<zimbatm> I didn't do anything on it since FOSDEM
<Sonarpulse> OK!
<pie__> is there anything that would screw with my port forwarding? :/ ive even disabled my fireawll
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<zimbatm> Sonarpulse:
<Sonarpulse> oh it's not exactly hiding :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 97eddf0 Matthias Beyer: vimer: init at 0.2.0
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<Sonarpulse> to be exactly
<Sonarpulse> *exact
<Sonarpulse> obviously you know the RFC process best: can there be multiple coauthors?
<pie__> oh the service only listening on ipv6? 0.o >.>
<pie__> no its on ipv4 too...
<Sonarpulse> I'd be happy to add you, or anyone else interested
<zimbatm> Sonarpulse: sure, the goal is just to help move the RFC forward
<pikajude> hmmm
<pikajude> I'm getting "setting synchronous mode: disk I/O error" from nix-shell
<pikajude> on WSL
<zimbatm> got something right now but I will take a closer look tomorrow night
<Sonarpulse> pikajude: you doing Nix on windows and darwin now.
<Sonarpulse> *?
<pikajude> Sonarpulse: no, this is on linux
<pikajude> it's just on linux on windows
<Sonarpulse> err yeah
<Sonarpulse> but, still adventurous :)
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<MichaelRaskin> pie_: SSH port forwarding without -g listens only on localhost
<pikajude> apparently this usually happens if you run out of disk space
<pikajude> but i haven't run out of disk space :/
<FRidh> inodes?
<LnL> I think you also get that if you run out of inodes
<FRidh> I think I had this when playing with Nix on a Lustre filesystem...wasn't much of a success
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<ethin> /?
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<pem_> gchristensen: yes
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<srk> mm, just deployed complete monitoring example with prometheus, grafana and some other stuff by including two files from gist. priceless
<danbst> srk: share
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<srk> openvz nixos containers are now supported at
<srk> need to look at nixops support next
<globin> srk, danbst, here is our monitoring module,
<srk> globin: thanks!
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<srk> globin: is it possible to monitor containers from host on which they are running?
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<srk> hm, looks like that's what's going on in that module
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch opened pull request #26216: lib/string: make `isStorePath` total (master...isStorePath)
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<ben> do nix people have opinions on flatpak
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<pikajude> hehe
<pikajude> this problem has showed up half a dozen times in the last year and it's ignored by the channel every time
<makefu> pikajude: if we can produce a consistent answer i will create a wiki entry
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<pikajude> sure
<makefu> for further reference :)
<ben> i heard we got rid of the wiki
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<makefu> ben: there is the nixos-users wiki ( ). it is not officially endorsed by the bdfl though
<ben> > How Nix and Guix work is that they are traditional "package managers" as such the user or the distributor must have access to the source code to compile it into a package,
<ben> i've been using nix all wrong
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rvl opened pull request #26217: csound: add jack and other dependencies, update version (master...csound-deps)
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<ben> I mean I got as far as nixpgkgs seemingly not packaging flatpak and the flatpak website only lists distributions that package it and doesnt seem to want to let me download it directly, so i'm a bit unsure
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<makefu> worst case is always fallback to FHSUserEnv
<ben> I mean it's nontrivial to find their source code
<ben> >:U
<ben> I don't even want to use flatpak, I just wanted to check if it might be the easier way to run gnome-builder, which we also don't seem to package
<makefu> :D
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<ben> I tried but I really don't know about all the runtimey pythony dbussy paths it might expect
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #25940: chromium: 57.0.2987.133 -> 58.0.3029.110 + build fixes (master...update-chromium)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 3005d25 Joachim Fasting: tinycc: 0.9.27pre-20170225 -> 0.9.27pre-20170527...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 569742c Joachim Fasting: tor-browser-bundle-bin: additional download urls...
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<olejorgenb> I get this peculiar error on nixos-rebuild: "The option value 'environment.systemPackages.[definition 34-entry 3]' in '/nix/var/nix/***/nvidia.nix' is not a package
<olejorgenb> this is on a old 32bit system
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<clever> olejorgenb: can you gist that nvidia.nix?
<olejorgenb> I've inspected nvidia.nix and it seems to select packages from kernelPackages (ie. linuxPackages (if i understand things correctly)) based on services.xserver.videoDrivers
<olejorgenb> I've checked that linuxPackages.nvidia_x11_legacy304 is a derivation
<olejorgenb> clever: sure, but it's straight from nixpkgs
<clever> ah
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #26099: lldb-4: Patch to fix libedit usage on Linux (master...fix/lldb-libedit)
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<clever> olejorgenb: can you gist your configuration.nix file?
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<kuznero> Hi All!
<olejorgenb> clever: ^
<kuznero> When I build my haskell project with `cabal2nix --shell . > default.nix` && `nix-build` it produces `result` symlink to the store. How do I properly install such project into my system such that I can just remove result symlink and still keep package/tool installed?
<LnL> kuznero: nix-env -i ./result
<kuznero> LnL: that sounds simple.... Will just try it out, moment ;)
<olejorgenb> (ah, yeah, and allowUnfree = true in configuration.nix - got different error without that)
<LnL> kuznero: :)
<kuznero> LnL: wow! It is _that_ simple! I am falling in love with nix more and more :D
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<kuznero> LnL: that means that I don't need to use stack any more
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<LnL> you can also do something like nix-env -i $(nix-build --no-out-link ...)
<kuznero> Am I missing something or I can just drop using stack for my haskell projects completely?
<LnL> but it resolves symlinks so using result just works
<kuznero> LnL: nice trick, thanks!
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<LnL> I've never used stack with nix, but it has some integration if you want to keep using it
<kuznero> LnL: I figured it is not simple to `stack install idris` for example as it fails installing one of its deps - terminfo, that has dependency to ncurses which stack fails resolving in nix
<kuznero> That is why I tried using Nix properly to get out of this issue
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<kuznero> Btw, is Erlang/OTP support in NixOS good?
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<Sonarpulse> Dezgeg: you there by any chance?
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<symphorien> I have services.xserver.enabled = false; but something is pulling some xlibs as dependencies when I nixos-rebuild. is there a simple way to know what pulls it without building those libs ?
<kuznero> LnL: excellent, thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mbrgm opened pull request #26218: restic: 0.5.0 -> 0.6.0 (master...upgrade-restic)
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<boomshroom> Hello!
<boomshroom> When modifying nixpkgs, do I checkout the commit coresponding to my user channel (unsafe), or the system channel (17.03)?
<sphalerite> boomshroom: if you're making changes that you want to submit, you'll want to make them against the master branch
<sphalerite> if they're only for your personal use, you'll probably want to use an overlay insteaed
<sphalerite> When I'm submitting changes I usually start the branch off the unstable branch then rebase them onto master though
<sphalerite> that way I get binaries for anything that I haven't changed, which makes developing them a lot faster
<boomshroom> sphalerite: Thank you. I do plan on submitting the change, but my nixos-version isn't on the same channel as my user packages.
<boomshroom> I want stability for the core system, and the latest greatest for non-critical user applications.
<sphalerite> It usually doesn't matter which branch you use, just depends on which versions you want. But if you're already using unstable for your user channels then that's what you should base your change on too
<boomshroom> How can I get the commit hash for my user channel?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #26219: lib: Move fixed-point combinators out of trivial (master...lib-fix)
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<boomshroom> A question for once I start editing: what's the standard way of specifying options for installation, like whether or not to build with a given feature or dependency, from both package maintenance and user side?
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<boomshroom> Minor amusement: it doesn't seem like nix comes with a function to check if the list contains a value. Here's one implementation if anyone cares:
<boomshroom> let contains = l: k: if builtins.length l == 0 then false else if builtins.head l == k then true else contains (builtins.tail l) k; in contains [0 3 5] 3
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<clever> nix-repl> lib.elem 5 [ 1 2 3 4 ]
<clever> boomshroom: found it
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<boomshroom> huh, it just didn't have the name I searched for.
<clever> yeah, the docs need work
<clever> and lib.elem is just an alias of builtins.elem
<boomshroom> How do I exit out of the repl?
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<vandenoever> how does one compile io schedulers in nixos? atm i only have noop and cfq
<makefu> boomshroom: ctrl-d
<boomshroom> makefu: Thank you.
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<atemerev> Hi all -- does anybody use DCOS command-line client from Nixos?
<makefu> boomshroom: for checking if an element is in the list there is elemAt
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<atemerev> I couldn't find an easy way to install it -- it doesn't work as curl|sh script, the binary can't be launched as it gives "file not found" error (without saying what file it needs), and compiling from source requires virtualenv, cffi and whatsnot.
<atemerev> I am stuck somewhat...
<makefu> boomshroom: ah no, that was for something else ...
<symphorien> ah thanks
<makefu> boomshroom: but you could use (findFirst)
<clever> atemerev: try just curl without |sh, then read the script
<boomshroom> Really what I wanted was to modify i3blocks so that you can specify which scripts to install and its dependencies would be installed.
<atemerev> clever: It downloads the pre-compiled binary, which gives this exciting error message: "bash: ./dcos: No such file or directory" (execute flag is set correctly, and the binary is there). From what I could find about it, this can happen in two cases: a) the binary is 32-bit, running from 64-bit Linux, or b) some command is hardcoded into the binary, and the path is not found.
<clever> atemerev: do you have noexec set on any of your filesystems
<boomshroom> many of the scripts are written in perl which needs to be available at build time to modify the shebang, and each script calls various system binaries which may or may not be installed.
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<atemerev> boomshroom: right; unfortunately this is an ELF binary, and I can't see what's in it. Maybe strings ...
<boomshroom> Sounds like the binary is looking for /usr/lib/ or something similar.
<clever> the binaries provided by nix should expect it to be in /nix/store/
<atemerev> clever: no, fstab contains only this: /dev/disk/by-uuid/1b49b691-f486-4fcd-9880-6d1240c6ef0a / ext4 defaults 0 1
<boomshroom> My previous coment was for an unrelated problem.
<clever> atemerev: the install script will also detect 32bit vs 64bit, and get the right tar
<boomshroom> Run "patchelf --print-interpreter" on the file and post the output here.
<atemerev> boomshroom: /lib64/
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<boomshroom> I downloaded it myself and got the same output. The download is a dynamically linked binary looking for the linker in its normal location, which doesn't exist on nixos.
<atemerev> So, should I make a symlink? Or there is a better way of solving this?
<boomshroom> I'm a newbie with NixOS, but I think the solution involves using patchelf to change the interpreter to the version of ld in the nix store.
<clever> *looks*
<globin> srk: we're autogeberating the monitoring targets from nixops machines
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<clever> boomshroom: which file did you find that interpreter on?
<avn> atemerev: as super-fast hack I can suggest use steam chroot, for prebuilt binary.
<drjnovak> I think my issue might be that I just don't grok the plumbing of all of this well enough, but can anyone explain to me why when I run `ldconfig -p` I don't see anything with anything to do with nix?
<atemerev> boomshroom: It worked with patchelf --set-interpreter. However, now it says ./dcos: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
<atemerev> (There is a in nixstore).
<avn> or you can patchelf --set-interpreter to rtld of your current generation
<clever> atemerev: oh, did this problem happen when installing nix, or installing dcos?
<atemerev> clever: When installing dcos-cli. It looks like a precompiled binary with embedded python, assuming "standard" locations for everything.
<clever> ah, then you need to use standard patchelf stuff, which is all in the nixpkgs docs
<boomshroom> From looking at the website, it seems the download is the full application, meaning installation with nix should be as simple as using fetchurl from within nix which I *think* automatically calls patchelf to adjust the interpreter and library paths. That said, you do need to manually specify which libraries it needs linked in as runtime dependencies.
<avn> dcos looks like python, with requirements.txt, so pypi2nix should work
<clever> boomshroom: fetchurl doesnt patchelf on its own, ever
<boomshroom> Good to know.
<boomshroom> As I said, I'm a newbie. Everything I know of NixOS has been from the past 3 days.
<atemerev> clever: Right -- is there a "virtual directory" with shared libs? Or I have to check error messages one by one and add them to --set-rpath?
<avn> I think "steam chroot" can help
<boomshroom> atemerev: From the link clever provided: --set-rpath "${lib.makeLibraryPath buildInputs}"
<boomshroom> where buildInputs is a list of names for the packages dcos depends on. (If you're writing a nix script)
<avn> well, packaging dcos-cli shouldn't be a rocket science
<atemerev> boomshroom: I wanted to just patch it manually, but it looks like I'll have to finally read the section of the documentation on how to write a nixpkg...
<avn> atemerev: for python stuff it relatively easy
<avn> buildPythonPackage buildPythonApplication and fetchPYPI is relatively straightforward to use
<avn> just look to pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix in nixpkgs, and write likewise stuff. Cargo cult programming wins sometimes ;)
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<boomshroom> The best part is that you're probably not the only one who want dcos and once you have a nix derivation, it's not much more difficult to push it to the main repository.
<atemerev> avn: I already tried to build it myself, however, virtualenv seems to fail on cffi package, failing to find ffi.h (it's in nix store). Setting CFLAGS and LDFLAGS didn't seem to help :)
<atemerev> boomshroom: It is now 1 AM here, so I'll look how to do it tomorrow. But right, I'll make a pull request if I manage to do that. :)
<avn> atemerev: gist your .nix file if you tried ;)
<boomshroom> Good night atemerev!
<atemerev> avn: I tried manually, with installing python35 and virtualenv, and trying to run make env. Strangely, it mostly works, except for cffi. Perhaps my old ways of trying to build everything manually before writing a script doesn't work in nixos anymore :)
<avn> I'll take look on dcos tomorrow as well
<avn> I think buildPythonApplication for dcos cli, with buildInputs all requirements should works ;)
<atemerev> avn: OK, let me copy-paste some python app and take a look.. :)
<avn> gist if you have doubts ;)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zimbatm closed pull request #26216: lib/string: make `isStorePath` total (master...isStorePath)
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<spinus> I'm trying to create simple package with bunch of bash scripts and I wanted to provide dependencies for them, I tried buildInputs and propagatedBuildInputs, but I'm missing the part how to make the script to have access to them, what am I missing?
<clever> spinus: buildInputs are only present at build time
<boomshroom> Arguments?
<clever> spinus: and propagatedBuildInputs are only present at build-time for things depending on your package
<clever> spinus: you need to modify the $PATH inside the bash script to include references to the things your running, or embed absolute paths into the bash scripts
<boomshroom> Nix is a programming lanuage and it can't access values unless they have been passed in as arguments to the function
<clever> spinus: this is a script i wrote a while back, where the whole bash script is inline'd into nix, and i'm inserting absolute paths to packages
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<spinus> clever: thank you very much
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] erictapen opened pull request #26220: pythonPackages.future: 0.15.2 -> 0.16.0 (master...python-future-bump)
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<clever> atemerev: doesnt need pkgs. on each refernece
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<avn> atemerev: for buildInputs better you need to look for actual list of build dependencies
<avn> atemerev: s/self/pkgs.python35Packages/ btw
<avn> because self not defined in your scope
<atemerev> avn: updated
<clever> rev = "${version};
<clever> atemerev: a: you forgot the " at the end, b, you can just do rev = version;
<avn> atemerev: at least no sseclient and PyJWT, so you need add expression for them (just `let PyJWT = buildPythonPackage ... in ...` on top of your file (after import)
<boomshroom> When a package provides optional switches, how do I select them when installing the package
<clever> boomshroom: usualy with .override
<atemerev> Sorry all, have to go. Hope to fix this tomorrow :)
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<boomshroom> And if I'm installing with nix-env?
<clever> boomshroom: you can also use an override in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix
<clever> { packageOverrides = pkgs: { fooWithBar = { bar = true; }; }; }
<boomshroom> OK. I haven't touched that file other than to allowUnfree and it's unclear what's allowed in it vs only in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix.
<clever> config.nix is uses for nix-env/nix-shell/nix-build
<clever> and nixpkgs.config in configuration.nix can take the exact same values, and is used for any package that configuration.nix refers to (like systemPackages or services)
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<boomshroom> Is there a function to check if a list contains any of another list. ie: 2 lists share at least one common value
<clever> boomshroom: lib.intersectLists i believe
<spinus> clever: I actually found that wrapProgram can do the job as well (wrapProgram $out/bin/a --prefix PATH : ${pkgs.bla}/bin)
<clever> spinus: yeah, that will wrap the bash with more bash
<spinus> :)
<clever> nix-repl> lib.intersectLists [ 1 2 3 4 ] [ 3 4 5 6 ]
<clever> [ 3 4 ]
<clever> boomshroom: yep
<boomshroom> clever: Thanks, now I just need to check if it's length is greater than 0
<clever> nix-repl> lib.length (lib.intersectLists [ 1 2 3 4 ] [ 3 4 5 6 ])
<boomshroom> I can access lib as an argument to a derivation, right?
<clever> lib is an attribute of stdenv
<clever> you can also do with stdenv.lib; near the top, and then just omit lib. everywhere
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