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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0dd5e83 Gabriel Gonzalez: kati: init at 2017-05-23 (#26168)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jmitchell opened pull request #26267: haskell-modules: refactor package set (release-17.03...fix/haskell-modules-refactoring)
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<equalunique_> has anyone had X sessions randomly crash after running for a few minutes, with error messages like these in the journal? kernel: DMAR: DRHD: handling fault status reg 2
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<puffnfresh> I had some code which would serialise hnix data structures to Nix ones using the C++ API via FFI
<puffnfresh> so you could actually build using Haskell and native Haskell data structures
<puffnfresh> I need to find that code again
<drakonis> when will nix be useful as a language beyond package management
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg closed pull request #26260: terraform: 0.9.4 -> 0.9.6. (master...terraform)
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<puffnfresh> I don't think it would take much work to make it more useful for scripts
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<drakonis> probably won't do anything useful like systems design
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<dfranke> ext4 on LVM on LUKS on bcache on RAID on holy shit it booted on the first try.
<dfranke> diskception
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch opened pull request #26268: pythonPackages.rarfile: use free libarchive by default. (master...rarfile-unrar-libarchive)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 786388b Michael Alan Dorman: elpa-packages: 2017-05-30
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 60cc275 Michael Alan Dorman: melpa-stable-packages: 2017-05-30
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fdb3617 Michael Alan Dorman: melpa-packages: 2017-05-30
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #26269: lib and doc: Use "libSystem" as identifier for that libc in platforms (master...libSystem)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9f680d3 John Ericson: lib and doc: Use "libSystem" as identifier for that libc in platforms
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4e376cc John Ericson: Merge pull request #26269 from obsidiansystems/libSystem...
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<mbrgm> hey! how do I cleanup the boot configurations, which are also created by nixops?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 8 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 91a56e1 rnhmjoj: pythonPackages.hidapi: 0.7.99.post15 -> 0.7.99.post20
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 26fbe26 rnhmjoj: pythonPackages.libagent: init at 0.9.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fe98f01 rnhmjoj: pythonPackages.trezor_agent: 0.7.0 -> 0.9.1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #22210: Python: redo setuptools bootstrapping (staging...setuptools)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar closed pull request #26267: haskell-modules: refactor package set (release-17.03...fix/haskell-modules-refactoring)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh created revert-26251-hidapi (+1 new commit):
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/revert-26251-hidapi 62dbc73 Frederik Rietdijk: Revert "fix electrum dependencies"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh opened pull request #26270: Revert "fix electrum dependencies" (master...revert-26251-hidapi)
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<nixos-users-wiki> "Home" edited by makefu
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh deleted revert-26251-hidapi at 62dbc73:
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #26268: pythonPackages.rarfile: use free libarchive by default. (master...rarfile-unrar-libarchive)
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<makefu> clever: ^ saw your answers in the wiki and cleaned up your markdown to make it readable :)
<lewo> hi FRidh
<lewo> FRidh, could we discuss a bit about ?
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<makefu> there was a dump of all the original wiki pages somewhere on github. anybody still has the link?
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<clever> makefu: ah nice
<clever> makefu: feel free to bounce questions off me if you want to fill more things on the wiki in
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<WinterFox[m]> I just started using nixos and I was wondering how you install stuff?
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<clever> WinterFox[m]: either add it to environment.systemPackages in configuration.nix and nixos-rebuild
<clever> WinterFox[m]: or nix-env -iA nixos.firefox
<WinterFox[m]> Seems to be working
<WinterFox[m]> is nix-env just for installing or lots of others stuff too?
<clever> nix-env is for more imperative installations
<clever> its mostly preference which one you use
<clever> systemPackages means you can keep track of stuff you installed by tracking configuration.nix in git
<mbrgm> is there a simple way to delete old boot generations, which are created by nixops on a target host?
<clever> makefu: look at the man page for nix-collect-garbage, the --delete-older-than options
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<mbrgm> i.e. I have a 'none' target (physical machine), which had its boot partition filled by nixos boot generations, but I'm managing this machine using nixops.
<clever> makefu: grub or efi?
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<clever> makefu: boot.loader.grub.configurationLimit can be used to limit how many generations are actually put into /boot, seperate from garbage collecting them
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<makefu> clever: i feel like the response is not for me but for mbrgm
<clever> mbrgm: oops, see above
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<vaibhavsagar> hi, how do I make virtualbox available in a buildEnv?
<mbrgm> clever: systemd-boot
<clever> mbrgm: ah, systemd-boot doesnt have a limit, you can only GC things
<mbrgm> clever: do I have to gc on the target? because I tried this and it didn't remove the initrd's etc., neither the configuration entries, from /boot
<mbrgm> I had to delete them manually
<clever> mbrgm: you need to gc, then do another deploy, and maybe delete one of them by hand
<clever> there is an open issue about it deleting things sooner in the process
<mbrgm> clever: ok, then deploying was the problem because /boot had no free space
<mbrgm> maybe I'll take a look at the configurationLimit and also implement this for systemd-boot
<mbrgm> ty!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] matthiasbeyer opened pull request #26271: mutt: 1.8.2 -> 1.8.3 (master...update-mutt)
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<LnL> wasn't that fixed?
<LnL> thought nixos-rebuild switch clears out /boot now
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<vaibhavsagar> is it possible to add virtualbox to nix-shell?
<vaibhavsagar> or no, because kernel modules are involved?
<LnL> don't think so, unless it's enabled in your config and you just want to use the binaries
<vaibhavsagar> yes
<vaibhavsagar> I want to use it in a buildEnv
<vaibhavsagar> but I do have it enabled in configuration.nix
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<LnL> I would expect pkgs.virtualbox to work then
<vaibhavsagar> cool, I'll try that
<vaibhavsagar> I was getting an opaque virtualbox error before
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<FRidh> lewo: I have some time now, sure
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat opened pull request #26272: nvidia 304 fixes (master...p/nvidia-304)
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<Infinisil> Argh, I'm having the gnu/stubs-32.h error again and don't know how it was solved, has been mentioned here a lot
<Infinisil> Doing something like this: { stdenv_32bit, ... }: stdenv_32bit.mkDerivation { buildInputs = with stdenv_32bit.pkgs; [ cmake ]; ... }
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<Infinisil> I'm running first cmake which succeeds, then make throws the gnu/stubs-32.h file not found error, I think clever knew how to solve it before
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<LnL> do you have another with statement in your file?
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<lewo> FRidh, still here?
<FRidh> lewo: yetp, though not for long
<lewo> ok
<FRidh> in any case, you can just write
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<lewo> I tryied to override python-packages... but it's not so easy
<FRidh> lewo: how come? You tried the example?
<lewo> FRidh, technically, it works
<FRidh> but...
<lewo> FRidh, but it's really complicated to do, becaue there are a lot of "trial and error" steps to manually do
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<lewo> and finannly, I think it would be neccessary to override 80% of dependencies.
<FRidh> lewo: if you need so many different dependencies, then its not worth it. So I guess it turned out to be more than just requests?
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<xificurC> my attempts at creating a channel continue :) I started a webserver locally ( that serves a directory which contains nixexprs.tar.xz and binary-cache-url. Then I did `nix-add mine` and `nix-channel --update`. I end up with this cryptic message
<FRidh> anyway, then I think the conclusion is to just only use generated expressions
<xificurC> something as simple as `curl -s` does work
<lewo> FRidh, I think too... In fact, i thinkk it's really simple to do and to understand how it is packaged by using all generated expressions
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 53748b7 Niklas Hambüchen: Upgrade to python-consul-0.7.0....
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8aff7c0 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #26258 from nh2/python-consul-0.7.0...
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<niksnut> I no longer understand stdenv
<niksnut> how do you build a specific stdenv stage nowadays?
<domenkozar> with a bash function?
<viric> niksnut: neither I
<lewo> when I tryed to override, some packages in pythonPackages has to be overriden by generated ones, some propagatedBuildInput of generated expressions have to be overridden by python-packages modules and some generated pythonPackages cannot be included in pythonPackage (even if they don't exsit) because they need a overridden depeendencies...
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<niksnut> once upon a time, you could do nix-build pkgs/stdenv/linux -A stdenvStage2 or something like that
<lewo> finally, it results of a big mess with a lot of manual steps
<lewo> FRidh, ^^
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<domenkozar> oh stages
<niksnut> *bootstrap stage
<domenkozar> I confused them for phases :)
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<avn> folks, what `error: path ‘/nix/store/5g4mr2qzmhfsbz249bd0zp7jfaad6ywd-etc’ is not valid` can mean (on build/test/switch)?
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<FRidh> lewo: that's what you get as long as Python devs don't build against curated sets
<avn> do we have something (flag/option) to perform fsck on boot?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rbvermaa pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 149b025 Daiderd Jordan: sudo: 1.8.19p2 -> 1.8.20p1, fixes CVE-2017-1000367...
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<LnL> niksnut: you can/could do that? :o
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<pie_> clever, o/ any luck with civ?
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<philipp[m]> How do I handle mounting cifs volumes? Is there a way to write /etc/nsmb.conf with nix? I'm on unstable.
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<goibhniu> philipp[m]: I assume you're on NixOS, there are plenty of options for services.samba (see `man configuration.nix`), but I guess you can just mount them as normal filesystems too
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<lewo> FRidh, do you know if we have a tool to list all python modules version used in nixpkgs?
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<FRidh> lewo: you could use nix-env to get the packages in the main set
<FRidh> lewo: otherwise, packages build with buildPythonPackage or buildPythonApplication have an attribute `isBuildPythonPackage`.
<lewo> FRidh, yep, I was trying to write an expression that use this
<FRidh> I use $ nix-env -qaP | grep python27Packages to get the names and versions and then sometimes put them in a requirements.txt and use to see whether there's updates
<FRidh> although doesn't like 1600+ pkgs
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<lewo> hmm, ok.
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<LnL> can somebody restart the failed lurks test for 17.03
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub closed pull request #26271: mutt: 1.8.2 -> 1.8.3 (master...update-mutt)
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<gchristensen> LnL: link? I don't see it
<LnL> oh there's a new eval that's green
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<gchristensen> oh, great :)
<LnL> the channel should update then
<gchristensen> <3
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<ixxie> I had the weirdest problem, and its been resolved, but it may be interesting to understand why it happened
<ixxie> I have a UEFI system, and at some point this weeknd (possibly related to using a 4G dongle) suddenly I find my LVM partition cannot be mounted and NixOS boot hangs at stage 1
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<ixxie> after spending a lot of time wrigling with formatting issues, I managed to boot via usb
<ixxie> after which everything was resolved without any further action
<Drakonis> how would a 4g dongle cause problems
<dash> Drakonis: haha oh man
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b116a1c Peter Simons: quilt: update to version 0.65
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<Drakonis> its not fucking with your settings is it?
<ixxie> I didn't even come close to touching settings myself
<Drakonis> unless linux is horribly fragile and cracks into pieces whenever you insert a device
<ixxie> and I figured the dongle may have triggered its own boot sequence or something to do with partition table
<Drakonis> lol
<Drakonis> that sounds implausible
<ixxie> more likely not linux but the way I configured my boot?
<Drakonis> but with the way these things are done
<Drakonis> uh
<ixxie> in that case I really wonder what the hell happened there
<ixxie> it could have nothing to do with the dongle of course
<Drakonis> UEFI wouldn't break
<Drakonis> unless you broke something inside the efi partition
<Drakonis> did you go and modify anything important in there
<ixxie> I didn't mess with anything to do with the system on those days
<ixxie> thats the weird part
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<ixxie> I wasn't rebuilding nixos or modifying any critical files or anything
<ixxie> the only new thing was the dongle
<ixxie> hence my inference
<Drakonis> you didn't delete anything important right?
<Drakonis> also why does systemd have to be the outlier regarding EFI implementations
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<ixxie> Drakonis: I don't think I deleted anything no
<ixxie> not intentionally anyway
<ixxie> Drakonis: what do you mean about systemd?
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<Drakonis> systemd does stupid things like using FUSE to mount the efi variables as files
<Drakonis> with read and write permissions
<Drakonis> according to them, its required to boot, turns out it isn't required
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<ixxie> okay
<ixxie> so this is likely just something weird with systemd
<gchristensen> LnL: tested passed
<ajp> hello all - does anyone know why wine is a 32bit ELF binary, with 32bit shared objects?
<ajp> I mean wine itself, not the windows binaries that it runs
<ajp> I'm trying to build some software that wants to link against wine, and I'm having some trouble because that software itself wants to be 64bit, and can't link to the 32bit .so files
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1c0b50c Peter Simons: quilt: take dependencies as explicit function arguments
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e25ab37 Peter Simons: wiggle: initial version 1.0...
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<ajp> ah, got it. can be overridden as in `wineStaging.override { wineBuild = "wineWow"; }`
<earldouglas> Is there a way to exclude the sha256 field when using pkgs.fetchgit? Specifying just the git rev would be enough for me.
<dash> earldouglas: no
<Drakonis> ixxie: its probably systemd, but what i mentioned has to do with enabling a malicious script to brick motherboards
<Drakonis> not this specific case
<Drakonis> because your system still boots
<Drakonis> i... think
<avn> ajp: but I am actually test only 32bit build when do staging updates (usually it menthioned in PRs as well)
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<TweyII> Hi everyone! I'm trying to set up printing. I've installed cups and some drivers, set up my printer in the cups Web interface, but when I try to print something I get an error in journalctl saying pdftops can't be found
<TweyII> ghostscript provides pdftops, so I've tried adding it to my services.printing.drivers and environment.systemPackages, but it doesn't help
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<TweyII> cupsd[9593]: Unable to execute pdftops program: No such file or directory
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<TweyII> Oh wait, maybe it's just that the tmp file doesn't exist when pdftops is run
<TweyII> It's trying to execute: pdftops -level3 /tmp/02671593581aa -
<TweyII> And indeed pdftops returns 1 as the log says when that file doesn't exist
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<danbst> earldouglas, dash: I'd consider this as bug, fethcurl supports `sha256 = null` which I (ab)use on a regular basis. But I predict this was already discussed somewhere...
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<Drakonis> hm, so it turns out that gzdoom did get updated, but it didn't fall into 16.9
<Drakonis> rather 17.3
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<pbogdan> TweyII: odd, I see pdftops in poppler_utils rather than ghostscript..
<dash> danbst: eh, just use prefetch and everything will be ok :)
<earldouglas> danbst: Oh interesting, perhaps I'll exploit that as well.
<sphalerite> Where is the existence of /usr/bin/env stipulated? I think it's in some kind of standard, but which one? I see that POSIX specifies env but I don't think it's required to live in /usr/bin. Just to back up my commit message for a project where I'm chaing the shebangs
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<cmacrae> Yo LnL! Been using nix-darwin - this is awesome!
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<TweyII> pbogdan: Oh yes, sorry, poppler_utils
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<TweyII> Either way — I'm thinking the tmp file isn't being generated
<LnL> cmacrae: happy you like it, feel free to create issues if you run into problems or have a feature request
<TweyII> Indeed, it seems to run successfully in a previous pass. Hm
<cmacrae> LnL: I most certainly will :) I'll contribute where I can
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] kirelagin opened pull request #26273: Do not verify SSL peer when fetching sources (master...fetch-no-ssl)
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<vmandela> Hi, how do I set a global http/https proxy in nixos? Should I use /etc/environment as on ubuntu?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d09e353 Nikolay Amiantov: nvidia module: link proper output as OpenGL drivers
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar closed pull request #26272: nvidia 304 fixes (master...p/nvidia-304)
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<gchristensen> vmandela: environment.variables:
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 e67c1b7 Nikolay Amiantov: nvidia module: link proper output as OpenGL drivers...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 0dfad67 Vladimír Čunát: nvidia_x11_legacy304: 304.134 -> 304.135...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 05126bc Vladimír Čunát: nvidia_x11_legacy304: apply patches from Debian...
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<vmandela> gchristensen: thank you. I will try this out.
<TweyII> How do I delete all my old generations except one?
<symphorien> vmandela: there is also
<gchristensen> whoa, cool symphorien
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<kykim> i'm testing changes i've made to hydra and want try it against my current setup. is there a "simple" way to replace the hydra that's installed via nixos? the only thing i can think of is setting up my own channel. i hope i'm wrong.
<TweyII> I thought I should be able to list them with nix-env -p system --list-generations, but this returns nothing
<gchristensen> TweyII: check out `man nix-collect-garbage` :)
<TweyII> gchristensen: That doesn't seem to have an ‘exclude’ option
<gchristensen> TweyII: oh, is the one you want to keep the current active generation?
<TweyII> I have, say, generations 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 13 is my current generation; I want to preserve that. I also want to preserve 11.
<gchristensen> oh so you want to preserve two :)
<TweyII> But I want to collect 9, 10, and 12.
<TweyII> Right, sorry — one *old* generation.
<TweyII> Plus the current generation.
<TweyII> (for context — this is because bbswitch seems to hang my kernel on startup lately, so I've been booting from my generation 11)
<TweyII> (which is the latest generation that works)
<TweyII> (but I also want to keep trying to upgrade in case it gets better)
<gchristensen> hmm you could delete the profile symlinks you want to delete from /nix/var/nix/profiles
<gchristensen> then run the garbage collector
<gchristensen> the system-N-link symlinks
<TweyII> Without -d?
<gchristensen> yeah that should do it
<TweyII> Okay, thanks :)
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<LnL> TweyII: nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --list-generations should work
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<TweyII> Ahh, I have to give the full path to the profile
<TweyII> Yes, that did it — thanks :)
<vmandela> symphorien: gchristensen: I have tried networking.proxy and it works. Is there an easy way to switch the proxy other than doing "nixos-rebuild switch"?
<gchristensen> what is your use case for proxy switching?
<LnL> kykim: you can use services.hydra.package = /nix/store/... with your custom build
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<vmandela> gchristensen: switching between home network (no proxy) and office network (with proxy)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7b41780 Nikolay Amiantov: linuxPackages.nvidia_x11: move patches to specific versions
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<gchristensen> vmandela: hm. that is annoying, isn't it
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<symphorien> vmandela: if ips are different I'd suggest using redsocks :
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<symphorien> just put the subnet of networks without proxy in ....doNotRedirect
<symphorien> with -s instead of -d
<vmandela> symphorien: yes. both networks have different IP ranges. I will try redsocks.
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<earldouglas> danbst: The downside of setting sha256 to null is you can't take advantage of the cache in your store.
<gchristensen> danbst, earldouglas: and the bug has been fixed :)
<earldouglas> Ha
<earldouglas> Nice
<disasm> I have these 2 files I'm trying to add to my configuration.nix: that come from this PR I've been working on: -- I want to get this setup on my nixos server, so I added a passopolis directory in /etc/nixos and added service.nix to the imports in configuration.nix. everything works except the service
<disasm> doesn't know about pkgs.passopolis. I've tried a few things, defining passopolis = pkgs.callPacakge { antBuild=releaseTools.antBuild }, importing pkg.nix into environment.systemPackages, but I can't seem to figure this out...
<LnL> gchristensen: you could set sha256 to null?
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<gchristensen> yeah, LnL
<gchristensen> LnL, earldouglas, danbst :
<LnL> didn't even know that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] anderspapitto opened pull request #26275: rust: 1.15.0 -> 1.17.0 (master...rust-updates)
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<earldouglas> "unsafePerformFetchurl"
<dash> earldouglas: haha
<gchristensen> what is that? my searching doesn't find it
<LnL> earldouglas: builtins.fetchurl ""
<LnL> but that will redownload it every time
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<disasm> I take that back, nothings working, if I change ExecStart to "echo test" it fails to build as well
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<gchristensen> disasm: you need to wrap the import in parens (import ./pkg.nix), right now you have a list like this: [(import) (./pkg.nix)]
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<earldouglas> I don't want to download (and rebuild) every time, so I'm sticking with explicitly specifying the sha.
<niksnut> stdenvDarwin depends on sql-alchemy...
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<LnL> whoa! where do all those python packages come from?
<gchristensen> _how_ does stdenvDarwin depend on python??
<LnL> that's something recent
<LnL> python is needed to build llvm/clang
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<LnL> but I some time ago I made it use a minimal version without things like dbm support
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lufia opened pull request #26276: google-app-engine-go-sdk: fix error on macOS (master...fix-appengine-go-darwin)
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<LnL> oh it's for the manpages I think
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<qknight_> i have a subdir 'foo' with a.nix and b.nix in it. how to import these with using: loadFiles = lib.attrNames (lib.filterAttrs (k: v: v == "regular") (builtins.readDir ./foo));
<qknight_> my problem is the resulting type is a string and i can only use `import` with type path and to get that i could use builtins.toPath which requires an absolute path
<qknight_> no clue how to open these files now ...
<qknight_> i mean import
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<LnL> niksnut: yeah, sphinx pulls in all of that stuff for the llvm manpages :/
<niksnut> solution: don't build manpages
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<gchristensen> for stdenv, that seems reasonable
<LnL> yeah, I didn't think about it when reviewing the man changes
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<srhb> Does anyone have experience with unattended NixOS installs, perhaps even utilizing PXE and dispatching config based on machine parameters? I would assume the latter would just be done in configuration.nix, but what about the former?
<gchristensen> sure, srhb
<srhb> gchristensen: What do you do? One monolithic configuration.nix that decides what to do?
<gchristensen> srhb: is how we do it with
<srhb> Oh, cool
<gchristensen> one sec
<gchristensen> srhb: it creates a netboot image with a systemd service which calls a dispatcher: (service)
<gchristensen> srhb: the dispatcher looks at the environment to decide which installer to run:
<disasm> gchristensen: so I rolled back to a previous version of my PR, and this builds with no issues. So I'll start from that version. Now how do I get passopolis in pkgs? btw, it also works 100% if I use my custom nixpkgs and run -I nixpkgs=/home/sam/nixpkgs but I'm trying to avoid that so I don't switch my server to master nixpkgs. Another thing that works is
<disasm> if I fork nixpkgs and cherry-pick my commit into it.
<gchristensen> srhb: everything is there, and took quite a lot of research and effort to make it work... so I recommend studying how it fits together :P
<srhb> gchristensen: Very cool, thank you!
<gchristensen> you're welcome, srhb!
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<gchristensen> disasm: you can get passopolis in to pkgs via a nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = pkgs: { passopolis = (import ./pkgs.nix); }
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<Tree_> hi, i'm trying nixos. is updating the system done by nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade? like apt-get update && apt-get upgrade for debian?
<gchristensen> yep
<Tree_> ok, thanks! :)
<disasm> gchristensen: oh, that's magic! Thanks :)
<gchristensen> if you have recently run `nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade` and then you just change your configuration, you don't need to pass `--upgrade`
<dfranke> Heh, I didn't know until now that --upgrade was a thing. I've been manually running nix-channel --update for the past two years.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] primeos pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 047a5a1 Michael Weiss: pgpdump: 0.31 -> 0.32
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<qknight_> solution to my problem with builtins.toPath is now to add a: toString ./. + "/" + "foo/a.nix"
<qknight_> am i missing something or is a relative path just something not implemented yet?
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<qknight_> relative path support for builtins.toPath "./relative/"
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<disasm> gchristensen: ok... now that that's working, I'm trying to build using the latest changes Mic92 added to the PR, but build says cannot coerce list to a string with the path in the systemd service ( Does anything jump out with that optional syntax?
<Mic92> disasm: what is your concrete configuration?
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<disasm> you're here :) building using nixos-rebuild build-vm -I nixpkgs=/home/sam/nixpkgs -I nixos-config=./configuration.nix --show-trace
<drakonis> gotta ask
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<disasm> Mic92: and this is the output -
<drakonis> hm, how do i get rid of expression collisions?
<drakonis> do i get rid of my own nix channel and only change root?
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<drakonis> and answer obtained
<drakonis> so that's how
<pbogdan> disasm: not sure if that's contributing but it looks as if you may need optionals rather than optional?
<Mic92> disasm: I mean the configuration not the output.
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<Mic92> disasm: oh, yeah this should be 'optionals' in line 67. I dont know how this slipped through.
<disasm> Mic92: the gist has the configuration.nix
<Mic92> disasm: sorry missed that message
<disasm> yeah, surprised that passed tests
<Mic92> disasm: well the tests do not build services, only packages.
<pbogdan> the latter just returns the arg whereas the former returns a list containing the arg, so you would end up with a list of lists if I'm reading that right..
<disasm> ah, ok
<Mic92> disasm: I had in my local branch optionals as well.
<Mic92> I forgot to push
<Mic92> let me do that
<shlevy> niksnut: Any advice for how to do this purely properly?
<shlevy> niksnut: Maybe a glibc patch that lets us set NIX_PROTOCOLS_FILE or some such?
<shlevy> niksnut: Ideally we'd have stdenv able to specify the /etc/protocols etc. that is seen by builds.
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<Sonarpulse> zimbatm: any chance to look at it yet?
<Sonarpulse> If not that's fine
<Sonarpulse> I'd be tempted just to make the PR now
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<Sonarpulse> and well obviously you can still comment on it after :)
<disasm> Mic92: so, for credentials... Should we have it output something like you need to set trust in postgresql config because user/pass is not supported at this time? I really don't like the idea of passing a password as a param on the command line.
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<Mic92> disasm: the javadriver does not support unix sockets.
<disasm> Mic92: the other option would be set postgresql.authentication in the service, but I'm not sure if that would create conflicts if people have that set already.
<Mic92> disasm: allow every local process to authenticate without password via tcp does not sound like a good idea to me.
<Mic92> especially for a password service
<disasm> Mic92: well it would only be processes running as that user
<Mic92> disasm: no, that would be only true, if you would connect via unix sockets
<Mic92> however this is not support by jdbc
<disasm> Mic92 you're saying ident doesn't work on tcp?
<Mic92> disasm: then you would also need identd
<disasm> so what we really need is a properties file to put the jdbc url in, and ideally hash the password.
<niksnut> shlevy: yeah, some environment variables for stuff like that (also /etc/hosts, ...) would be pretty nice
<Mic92> disasm: maybe you could ask the authors, if there is a more secure way to pass the database password
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<shlevy> niksnut: Cool, thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0cbcb95 Peter Hoeg: bundler: 1.14.6 -> 1.15.0
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<disasm> Mic92: we'll see if they respond. Other option is I start digging in java code (yuck) and add a we can store database_url in. Which that's still not perfect with the nix store being world readable, but banking on the RFC 0005 to fix that.
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<disasm> anyways, the way it stands now I can retire my docker container running passopolis on my local server :) Thanks gchristensen for helping me figure that out.
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<Mic92> disasm: the current work around is to pull secrets at runtime into the service and not store them in nix store
<Mic92> disasm: so the user would specify a path
<disasm> ah, we could use that same state path for db-created right?
<disasm> Mic92: ^^
<Mic92> disasm: no, I would just let the user pick a path on its own. There a different strategies, where to put those on the filesystem.
<Mic92> disasm: for instance nixops allows to put secrets into /run/keys or something like that.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 18 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 6cc6c15 Eelco Dolstra: Add a seccomp filter to prevent creating setuid/setgid binaries...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master cf93397 Eelco Dolstra: Fix seccomp initialisation on i686-linux
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 1d9ab27 Eelco Dolstra: Add test for setuid seccomp filter
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] avnik opened pull request #26277: qtile: Fix using qtile together with desktop (master...fix/qtile)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra created darwin-sandbox (+2 new commits):
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/darwin-sandbox 7848422 Eelco Dolstra: xnu: Depend on python...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/darwin-sandbox 961e7ef Eelco Dolstra: stdenvDarwin: Remove need for sandboxProfile magic...
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<Mic92> disasm: if passwordFile is not set, it could be generated at runtime and used to create a postgresql database localy via command line
<disasm> Mic92: I like it! Now we just need the code to support it :)
<Mic92> disasm: you can take a look at how gogs does this
<Mic92> should evaluate now
<disasm> Mic92: yeah, I like the gogs service file :) If I had more time on my hand, I'd rewrite passopolis in go!
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<Mic92> disasm: I was referring to our nixos module, which generate a cookie secret at startup
<Mic92> ./nixos/modules/services/misc/gogs.nix
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<disasm> Mic92: right, that's the one I used as a template when writing this one.
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<disasm> Mic92: so trying to run this outside of my nixpkgs fork now, trying nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = pkgs: { passopolis = (import passopolis/pkg.nix { antBuild = pkgs.releaseTools.antBuild; }); }; but I get error: undefined variable ‘antBuild’ at /etc/nixos/modules/profiles/passopolis/pkg.nix:3:1
<Mic92> disasm: did you already contribute code to passpolis, you could make a pull request to read the database url from file
<disasm> Mic92: I haven't contributed anything yet. java's not a language I've done much with.
<Mic92> disasm: the branch on github builds for me
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<Mic92> I have get back to work
<disasm> Mic92: yeah, builds for me as well, thanks!
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<Ankhers> Does anyone know of a blog post / repository / something that can show an example of how to use nix with Elixir?
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<disasm> Ankhers: it's more erlang than elixir but you could probly get some good stuff out of
<Ankhers> disasm: Thanks. Literally just finished that talk :).
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<Ankhers> Maybe I need to start somewhere else. I still don't fully understand how everything works. I think I will go through the manual first.
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<Ankhers> disasm: Is that any different from ?
<drakonis> what's up with all these people talking about guix as if nix didn't exist
<drakonis> or as if nix gave leprosy
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<drakonis> or maybe its just HN
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<drakonis> being terrible
<gchristensen> does anyone have access to wout mertens?
<drakonis> what's that
<drakonis> is it edible?
<drakonis> he has a twitter account?
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<LnL> gchristensen: I think he's here sometimes
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<gchristensen> yeah, figured I'd try finding someone who can poke him more directly :P
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<Ankhers> drakonis: What conversation on HN are you refering to?
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<drakonis> i just looked up nixos and usually it gets brought up in the same post as guixsd with disdain i guess?
<drakonis> something about guile being more elegant than nix's DSL
<gchristensen> meh
<gchristensen> its fine
<gchristensen> we're friends with the guixsd team
<drakonis> apparently distrowatch is a metric for popularity
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<drakonis> i know y'all friends with the guix oflks
<drakonis> folks
<drakonis> but i think those posts are really unfair to nix
<gchristensen> it is okay
<dash> drakonis: gnu people have to make their own copy of everything it seems
<gchristensen> let's get people out there being positive about nix in the community and on the internet, writing how-to's and why-to's
<drakonis> i guess
<dash> drakonis: no point making a fuss about it, it's not gonna stop 'em
<gchristensen> exactly, we're not about that.
<drakonis> its not a problem with guix
<drakonis> but its cool to have two package managers
<gchristensen> well, we're not about being negative about people on the internet either. we don't need to play their game
<drakonis> well, how about a game of dungeon crawling
<Ankhers> -- Would anyone mind taking a look at that to help me figure out why this command is failing?
<drakonis> how bout dat
<dash> drakonis: sorry i only know how to play Global Thermonuclear War
<drakonis> bring your nukes to the dungeon
<drakonis> let's blow this joint
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<drakonis> gotta ask though, guix has a command to import from sources outside of the repository, i suppose it works like the <lang>2nix programs, right?
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<disasm> haha :) How about a nice game of chess?
<drakonis> fantasy chess
<gchristensen> drakonis: do you have a specific example to look at?
<drakonis> (it is a actual thing)
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<drakonis> woops
<gchristensen> yeah looks like it, that looks great
<drakonis> much better syntax tbh
<gchristensen> more unified
<drakonis> looks like you can chuck importers in there and it will pick them up
<drakonis> so i can randomly write a importer for something like a c repository and toss it into a folder and it will be available
<gchristensen> we should borrow back some of the guix ideas
<drakonis> of course
<drakonis> there's also a command to check all packages for updates
<drakonis> you can select which updater it uses, which looks up a given repository
<gchristensen> we have ~some~ tooling like that, it is trickyi
<avn> btw, I like idea to have git-like extensibility to nix (and possible nixos) commands
<drakonis> there's a lint command too
<drakonis> git-like extensibility?
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<ixxie> plugins
<ixxie> avn, that's a nice idea
<drakonis> plugins aren't a exclusive thing to git i guess
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<drakonis> the next step for nix from what i remember is fixing the commands
<drakonis> the next major update is supposed to make nix have a syntax similar to guix
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<gchristensen> I don't think nix is going to become scheme any time soon
<drakonis> what no
<gchristensen> you're definitely invited to use guixsd though :)
<drakonis> i mean ditching nix-*
<drakonis> so its nix *
<drakonis> command syntax
<gchristensen> yeah that is happening
<gchristensen> you can get nixUnstnable
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<drakonis> oh its in unstable now?
<disasm> Ankhers: broken for me too... Can you file an issue on nixpkgs github repo? If it's an example in the docs, it definitely should work.
<drakonis> great
<Ankhers> disasm: Cool. Thanks.
<drakonis> its a lot cleaner when the command set is nix instead of nix plus a dozen commands
<gchristensen> $ nix-shell -p nixUnstable --run "nix --help"
<drakonis> haw yes
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<drakonis> the new CLI
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<drakonis> i remember there being a gist with the new commands
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<ixxie> sweet
<ixxie> I am looking forward
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] apeyroux opened pull request #26278: insync: -> (master...up-insync)
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<ixxie> maybe I should go unstable xD
<drakonis> def would get behind more modularity in the future
<drakonis> maybe its time to draft RFCs
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<Infinisil> i wanted to go unstable just a few days ago but it didn't build for some reason
<drakonis> by the way, there should a line of text on "please don't have your own nix channel when root has its own channel
<gchristensen> I'd recommend continuing using the stable nix for nix daemon
<drakonis> shit's broke yo"
<gchristensen> hmm works for me ok
<drakonis> it will complain a lot about collions
<drakonis> collisions
<drakonis> but i guess i should read more, because until earlier today, which was when i fixed collisions, i didn't realize that the nix channel command is initially run as root
<drakonis> not as user
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<drakonis> highlights
<drakonis> nix search is a command
<drakonis> how old is nix again :V?
<drakonis> 10 years now?
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<Infinisil> First commit in nixpkgs is on 14 March 2003 :O
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<ixxie> if the CLI is being revamped..... perhaps its time for some clearer standards for the types of files nix build, shell and ops will expect (default.nix, shell.nix, release.nix)?
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<ixxie> I am starting to feel this is basically a style thing at the moment, but at the same time there seem to be somewhat implict standards to how to use them
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<ixxie> if default.nix is really designed for imports (?) then perhaps we need a build.nix?
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<gchristensen> you could propose an RFC, ixxie
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<ixxie> gchristensen: that's what I was hoping to hear
<ixxie> I'll write something up
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<ixxie> except I am not sure whether such standards are hardcoded beyond the default filenames; wouldn't they be mostly defined in documentation?
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<Infinisil> The nix ecosystem could really use a whole lot more documentation i feel like
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<Ankhers> ^^
<gchristensen> no doubt
<Ankhers> I have (half assed) tried to use nix off and on for the past 3 or so years.
<Ankhers> I blame a lot of it on myself for not keeping with it. But I just don't know where to start :(
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<ToxicFrog> Infinisil: it used to have a lot more on the wiki :(
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] acowley opened pull request #26280: rtags: 2.8-p1 -> 2.10 (master...rtags-2.10)
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<Guest74954> hello :) I have a question about nix the package manager - how does it compare with Conda? is there a comparison somewhere? I am trying to advocate Nix at work and I have to convince the conda fanboys
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<Infinisil> condwhat?
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<Ankhers> Guest74954: Does conda support transactions? Or is it similar to puppet / chef where if something fails, you entire system is mucked?
<Infinisil> Well conda seems to work on windows, while nix doesn't.. is this a requirement for your people?
<Guest74954> Infinisil: no, we do not care about Windows
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<Guest74954> Ankhers: I don't know about transactions with Conda. Maybe. It supports rollback with what they call revisions, as far as I have read but I found nothing about transactions
<gchristensen> Guest74954: I would recommend walking a mile in their shoes and seeing if nix can solve their problems
<gchristensen> but really I'd recommend convincing your work people to use nix by using it to solve your own problems
<Guest74954> gchristensen: I am going to try to organise a meeting to show the differences and how to do things both in conda and nix... it's gonna be a 'fight' with 2 of my coworkers
<gchristensen> that seems not likely to pan out
<Infinisil> Why not?
<Ankhers> Guest74954: Does Nix and Conda have good support for the language(s) you are using?
<gchristensen> Conda has excellent support for scientific python packages
<Guest74954> I already went quite far with nix, doing the same things as they do with conda - nix looks good to me. The only real problem I see is the derivations scripting language in nix... I feel a lack of documentation (I am new to nix)
<Guest74954> gchristensen: Ankhers: we are a Python shop but we also do C, C++ etc
<Guest74954> so, I am looking for good arguments in favor of Nix ;)
<Ankhers> I have read decent things with Nix and C. I have no idea how Conda stacks up there.
<Guest74954> Guix is nix with scheme instead of the custom scripting language of nix? Or am I completely wrong?
<Guest74954> Ankhers: ok I will look into this direction to see what I can learn
<gchristensen> Guest74954: pretty much, and without unfree software
<Ankhers> Two different projects. Similar ideas.
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<gchristensen> guix uses the nix daemon
<Ankhers> I did not know that.
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<Guest74954> thanks a lot for your help guys... I am going to search a bit then I'll be back ;)
<Guest74954> cheers
<gchristensen> good luck :)
<pie_> is there a way to install idris packages on nixos?
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<pie_> o >.>
<pie_> thanks
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<shnupta> I've got NixOS installed on my Macbook, but all the text and general size of applications is really small, I've scaled up the display in settings but doesn't make any difference to applications?
<Infinisil> Idris ftw, nice to see people using it
<pie_> attempting to use it xD
<pie_> the problem is with me not knowin ghow to program though, not idris
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<Infinisil> Well same for me, still learning, but I'm sold on it, can recommend 10/10
<pie_> \o/
<Infinisil> Well I do know how to program, but haven't done a lot with idris
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<gchristensen> it is impossible to write bugs in it if you don't know how to program in it :)
<pie_> how do i list idris packages?
<pie_> gchristensen, xD
<pie_> (to be fair i just want to install lightyear)
<pie_> (so i guess i should try)
<Ankhers> nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -qaP -A idrisPackages
<hyper_ch> shnupta: kde?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 52fec8d Eelco Dolstra: Remove listxattr assertion...
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<pie_> Ankhers, thanks, i really need to learn to use the tooling soon :I
<shnupta> hyper_ch: yeah
<Ankhers> pie_: No problem. I'm just going through the manuals now for my stuff. Only reason I know it.
<pie_> yay lightyear is in it \o/
<hyper_ch> shnupta: system settings -> icons -> advanced --> set size
<hyper_ch> system settings -> fonts --> set size
<hyper_ch> maybe that helps
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<Infinisil> There's very few, lightyear is probably the most popular
<shnupta> konsole
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<pie_> Infinisil, well i havent seen idris having a lot of packages regardless :(
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<Infinisil> Yeah
<jabranham> Hi, I'm trying out Nix OS and am running into what I'm sure is a dumb mistake but I can't figure it out. I'm trying to install both Emacs and git. I have this in my configuration.nix file: "systemPackages = [ pkgs.emacs, pkgs.git ];" but I get an error. I can omit the git part and it works just fine. Am I doing something obviously wrong?
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<ToxicFrog> What is the error?
<gchristensen> jabranham: lists don't use commas
<ToxicFrog> Oh I bet it's a parse error, because you have a , there
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<miko______> pie_, clever found a solution to the problem last night? (mist?)
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<miko______> pie_, clever found a solution to the problem last night? (mist?)
<jabranham> gchristensen: Ah, knew it was somethign dumb like that. Thanks!
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<Infinisil> Damnit my right hand hurts because I'm typing too much on that shitty small laptop kepboard
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<pie_> miko______, civ :P
<pie_> anyone ever have their kde start flashing really badly
<magnetophon> Infinisil: careful with that! you can seriously mess up your hands by mis-use like that. I was unable to use a computer for 2 years...
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<pie_> my framebuffers are all screwed up but rebooting is bad(tm)
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<Infinisil> magnetophon: I know, pain only started like yesterday, thankfully this is the last week I'll depend on this keyboard, then I have a few months of holidays to study
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<Infinisil> during that time ill be at home with my ergonomic keyboard which i hope is better, haven't used it a lot
<magnetophon> Infinisil: as long as you take any pain as a serious sign, you'll probably be fine.
<miko______> Infinisil, I'd recommend you abstain from typing at all until the pain goes away completely. Thats what i did and i think i would regrett not doing it.
<Infinisil> But but how am I going to communicate with you :'(
<Infinisil> I know I'll have to but I really don't want to
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<Infinisil> I should learn left handed dvorak, because only the right one hurts xD
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<Infinisil> Although that would probably end with the left hand also hurting
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<magnetophon> Infinisil: I had pain in my right hand from the mouse, so started using left, and that is exactly what happened.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bkchr opened pull request #26282: Upgrades Airwave to version 367 (master...airwave_upgrade)
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<Infinisil> Time to learn voice controls I guess xD
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<Infinisil> See ya, I'll actually try to not use hands now until it's gone, thanks for the tips!
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<Infinisil> Whatever, I'll just stay here to get a bit smarter and try to resist typing
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bkchr opened pull request #26283: Upgrades Inspectrum to new version to work with QT5.8 (master...inspectrum_upgrade)
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<Ankhers> This may be a dump question. But seeing as I am currently unable to search beamPackages, I need to ask. I was looking through, but it seems to have been last updated a year ago. Does that mean that nothing newer from the hex registry is on nixpkgs?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] risicle opened pull request #26285: python.pkgs.ldap: only set environment variables for tests during check phase (master...ldap-check-envs)
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<srhb> Is using nix.nixPath = [ ("nixpkgs=" pkgs.fetchFromGithub { ... }.outPath ] the right way to pin nixpkgs?
<gchristensen> keep in mind it'll only take effect the _next_ nixos-rebuild
<srhb> Yeah, it is a little funky...
<srhb> I'm actually surprised nix doesn't barf at having a nixPath that's basically nonexistant for that one intermediate build
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<dhess> Dezgeg: around?
<dhess> has anyone here installed NixOS to the on-board eMMC of a BeagleBone?
<dhess> I've done so, but uBoot doesn't see the install at boot
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<srhb> ouch, I just downgraded too far for fun and testing and now my nixos-configuration is waaay incompatible. Go me. :-P
<srhb> Reboot time... (hooray!)
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<dhess> ahh maybe my uBoot build doesn't support extlinux.conf
<dhess> err but it boots the NixOS SD install image
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<disasm> I've been modularizing my nixos config to make it a little more reusable across different hosts. It's going pretty well so far, but getting stuck again. I have a config.attributes that I can put stuff inside. It works great, except inside these containers in this nix file: -- I'm guessing it's because there's a config = for each container
<disasm> and the config.attributes.private isn't in scope, but I'm not sure what to change.
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<dhess> ok looks like I need to build ubootBeagleboneBlack in my config?
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<srhb> How would one go about reloading custom xkb rules after a rebuild? A systemd unit?
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<Dezgeg> dhess: yes, mainline u-boot should boot extlinux.conf
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<Dezgeg> (mainline u-boot for beaglebones, not necessarily for mainline u-boot on other socs)
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<srhb> I feel like I may have to override xorg completely...
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<disasm> srhb: where are the custom xkb rules defined?
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<srhb> disasm: Right now in a file in my homedir that I load with xkbcomp -merge file $DISPLAY
<srhb> Far from optimal.
<lewo> I'm trying to iterate on pkgs but it evaluates some "throw" expressions which stops the evaluation. In the manual, it is specified that nix-env -q ignores them. How could I ignore them with nix-instantiate ?
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<disasm> srhb: yeah, I don't see anywhere in nixpkgs to define a custom file for xkbcomp doing a quick grep
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<srhb> disasm: Thanks for trying. :) Overriding it will be fun. :-P
<dhess> Dezgeg: oh hi, thanks for replying. Here is my situation: I've booted my BBB from your armv7l SD boot image. I've gone through a very sloooow nixos-install to the BBB eMMC
<dhess> but when I try to boot from the MMC, it doesn't see the eMMC install and just keeps rebooting over and over
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<dhess> so it seems the u-boot on my BBB (which comes from Debian, which I had previous installed on the eMMC and booted fine) can see the SD install, but not the eMMC install. Any thoughts?
<Dezgeg> so if you unplug the sd card it sees nothing?
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<dhess> Dezgeg: and then with the SD card:
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<Dezgeg> hm, that still sounds like only the debian u-boot gets loaded
<dhess> Dezgeg: the "Found /extlinux/extlinux.conf" bit, is that actually looking in /boot/extlinux ? Because that's where it is on the eMMC partition
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #26286: cmdliner: add version 0.9.8 back while keepking version 1.0.0 (master...fix.cmdliner)
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<dhess> Dezgeg: well if I wait, or manually select 1, it does boot the NixOS install image on the SD card
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar opened pull request #26287: Generalize notion of arch-dependent modules (master...libraries)
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<Dezgeg> yes, it's the debian u-boot that manages to load extlinux.conf from se but not from mmg
<dhess> Dezgeg: ahh, so with the SD card there's a separate BOOT partition
<dhess> Dezgeg: but on my eMMC install, there is just the root partition, with /boot on that
<dhess> so it's probably looking for /extlinux but not finding it on the root partition?
<Dezgeg> yeah, that should work
<Dezgeg> does it have the bootable attribute in mbr?
<dhess> Dezgeg: The Jetson TK1 install I did (to its eMMC) is working fine
<Dezgeg> that might have been required
<dhess> and it also only has the root partition
<dhess> Dezgeg: ok let me check
<dhess> Yes, I believe the bootable flag is set
<Dezgeg> hm, it should work the same as tx1 / tk1
<dhess> yeah that's what I expected as well
<dhess> the tk1 also has the Debian uboot
<Dezgeg> maybe the boot_targets u-boot variable is different
<dhess> how can I see that value?
<Dezgeg> use printenv in the u-boot shell
<dhess> boot_targets=mmc0 legacy_mmc0 mmc1 legacy_mmc1 nand0 pxe dhcp
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<Dezgeg> hmmh, so it sounds like it should try both mmc0 and mmc1 eventually
<dhess> yeah
<dhess> It's slower, but I can boot from the SD card if necessary. However, I'd really rather not go through the whole, incredibly slow install process again. Is it possible just to copy the contents of the eMMC / filesystem to the SD card?
<Dezgeg> you could try having only /boot on the sd I guess
<dhess> ahh, interesting. So in that case, I just need to add the separate /boot fs in my NixOS config?
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<Dezgeg> yeah
<dhess> good idea, this is only a 4gb SD card so it's no great loss if I end up using it to boot this one system.
<dhess> let me try that
<Dezgeg> to me it sounds like the debian u-boot crashes for some reason when trying the mmc
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<dhess> yeah that seems reasonable. However the same uboot worked fine when booting Debian off the same eMMC.
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<Dezgeg> that sounds especially weird then
<dhess> do I need to mount the SD boot partition to /mnt/boot before running the nixos-install in this case?
<dhess> I've always just used the one partition
<dhess> or will the installer handle that step?
<dhess> assuming I've defined the filesystem in my configuration.nix
<Dezgeg> yes, it needs manual mounting
<Dezgeg> (like you'd install nixos on x86 with separate boot)
<dhess> god I hope this doesn't rebuild the kernel :\
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<Dezgeg> it should never build the kernel if linuxPackages_latest is used but if the installation succeeded you couls try rsyncing /boot from that to the sd
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<drakonis> i for one am glad factorio works
<dtzWill_> ^_^
<drakonis> i cant live without my factory designing game
<dash> good we've got the important stuff covered
<drakonis> now i need to get my printer to work
<drakonis> god i hate printers
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<drakonis> please hoist whoever thought it was a good idea to make printers so shitty
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<drakonis> worst business model ever
<drakonis> ughh i'm going to reboot to windows to print this
<drakonis> brb
<clever> drakonis: my printer happens to support google cloud print, so i can print to it from any computer, even on a different network
<Dezgeg> Ap
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub closed pull request #26278: insync: -> (master...up-insync)
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<detran`> how does one edit fstab? I'm not seeing an option for it
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<clever> drakonis: fileSystems. in configuration.nix
<drakonis> is wot now
<drakonis> please clarify
<detran`> clever: that's for me! thanks, I'll try it
<clever> *doh*
<drakonis> for reasons unknown to me
<drakonis> it says cupsext cannot be found
<drakonis> why would anyone make a python script to handle printing
<drakonis> jesus
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rnhmjoj opened pull request #26289: fix electrum dependencies (2nd try) (master...electrum)
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<drakonis> its supposed to be fixed by now
<drakonis> i'll just reboot and save the time
<dhess> Dezgeg: can I build and install uboot using my NixOS configuration?
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<dhess> Dezgeg: re: rsyncing /boot, you mean the original install that succeeded to the eMMC but won't boot from there?
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<aneeshusa> I already have a pre-build system closure; is there any way to use that in nixos-install?
<dash> aneeshusa: use nix-serve, use it as a binary cache in nixos-install?
<aneeshusa> dash: I already have a binary cache setup, I just don't know how to tell nixos-install "instal this store path as the new system"
<clever> normally, you would just give it the same configuration.nix and nixpkgs
<dhess> I'll try that
<clever> and it will re-compute the paths, and discover its all in the cache
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<Sonarpulse> how does binutils become a defacto dep?
<Sonarpulse> it's only in cc-wrapper
<Sonarpulse> but cc-wrapper doesn't propagate it
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<aneeshusa> clever: ok, I was hoping there was a more direct way but that will work too, thanks
<Sonarpulse> and yet non-wrapped binaries do end up downstream
<dhess> Dezgeg: that worked, thanks!
<dhess> Not ideal booting off the SD card, but it's fine
<Dezgeg> which one? :P
<dhess> Dezgeg: both!
<dhess> I rsync'ed /boot from the eMMC install to the SD card BOOT partition, then rebooted with the SD card inserted. It booted and used the eMMC as the root fs
<dhess> now I can use my Jetson TK1 build server (which is much faster than the BBB) to do a proper install with /boot on the SD card
<clever> detran`: the uuid or devpath of the rootfs has to be embeded into the initrd by nixos
<Dezgeg> ok, it would still be interesting to know why debian boots from the mmc but not nixos
<clever> and if you just copy things around, it will use the old location as root
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<detran`> clever: thanks, but I should be good, I'm trying to figure out how to mount a network drive
<dhess> Dezgeg: yeah, now that I have a working system that I can use as the target of a NixOps deployment, I'll be able to iterate on that faster
<detran`> from windows
<dhess> Dezgeg: so can I build and install uboot on the BBB from a NixOS configuration?
<detran`> s/from/on
<dhess> It appears so from browsing around in nixpkgs but I'm not sure how to use the derivation
<Dezgeg> i.e if the debian /boot fs is the same type as nixos /boot that'd be especially interesting
<dhess> Dezgeg: the Debian /boot fs is on the root fs, no need for a separate partition
<dhess> so there's always just been the one partition on the eMMC
<dhess> but first I'd like to get the "official" NixOS uboot on there
<Dezgeg> right, then i'm utterly confused why it wouldn't work
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<Dezgeg> to build the u-boot package build as usual but to install (either to sd or mmc) you need to hunt google for the magic dd parameters
<dhess> Dezgeg: ok so just add it as a dependency to the NixOS configuration, that will build it, then find it in /nix/store and dd the u-boot image... right?
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<clever> dhess: if you set to a bash script, nixos will run that any time it needs to update /boot
<dhess> clever: ahh good idea
<clever> and that bash script is responsible for generating the bootloader config, copying kernels to /boot, and installing the bootloader
<dhess> so I could add the dd step to that
<clever> yep
<dhess> cool thanks
<clever> dhess: i'm not sure, but i think this config file is compatible with u-boot, so you could clone this loader and add a dd step
<Dezgeg> no there is nothing in nixos to dd it to correct place (curtently)
<clever> ah, line 22 says its u-boot compatible
<dhess> clever: that's the loader you configure for uboot systems, so yeah
<clever> so just clone the whole generic-extlinux loader and call it bbb-uboot
<pie_> clever, o/ any luck?
<dhess> right
<dhess> sounds like a good idea, thanks
<clever> pie_: havent had a look yet, just woke up
<pie_> ok thats fine just wondering
<pie_> ive been busy with other things
<clever> that will allow inserting the uboot path and other things
<pie_> on an unrelated note, is it possible to make a temporary "isolated" environment with a program?
<pie_> so i install, run, exit the env and nothing is left?
<clever> pie_: nix-shell does similiar, it will leave a cached copy of things in /nix/store/ but nothing refers to them
<clever> so they wont be used once you leave the shell
<pie_> and that stuff is immutable anyway right?
<clever> yep
<pie_> hm but what if it wants to leave configs in my home or whatever
<clever> you can also change HOME
<clever> i sometimes do something like HOME=/tmp/foobar; mkdir -p $HOME
<pie_> i guess that works
<pie_> i suppose i should learn how to use that linux container stuff at some point
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<dash> pie_: you mostly don't need it on nix
<pie_> then again i gues si might as well vm at that point
<dash> but still there's nixos-container
<clever> pie_: check the man page for nixos-container, and the containers. attribute in configuration.nix
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<clever> and i just had a thought, your free to make an imperative mess in /lib and /usr on a container, and just rm -rf it when your done
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<clever> so you can experiment with things, without breaking the host
<pie_> lol
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<pie_> thanks ill check them out
<dhess> Ironically I'll probably need to boot this BBB from an SD card anyway because /nix/store will blow out the 4G eMMC :)
<dhess> Only about 3.5GB total on that thing
<clever> dhess: i used to boot my rpi1's from iscsi, with /boot on an SD card
<dhess> clever: how was the disk performance?
<clever> the rootfs was stored on a 4tb hdd in the other room, and could be freely resized
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<dhess> I suppose on an rpi1 it might not even be the bottleneck :)
<clever> it was the armv6 model, so the cpu sucked pretty badly to begin with
<danbst> gchristensen: ah, crap, time to copypaste all those hashes. nix 1.12 will bring lots of suprises... (RE: sha256 = null)
<dhess> This BBB is most likely just a stepping-stone to an rpi3 running aarch64
<dhess> although I think rpi3's don't have any onboard storage
<clever> only the compute modules have onboard storage
<clever> in the form of an eMMC
<dhess> anyway first I need to get aarch64 going on a Jeton TX1 build server
<dhess> Jetson
<dhess> slowly replacing all my Debian boxes with NixOS!
<drakonis> why not all of them at once
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<gchristensen> danbst: it was fixed in 1.11 too
<Judson> Does anyone use bcc but me?
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<dash> Judson: pretty sure more people use clang :)
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<dhess> Dezgeg: is down?
<Judson> dash, I don't get the association
<danbst> gchristensen: double crap on me
<Judson> bcc uses clang?
<clever> dhess: works for me
<dhess> hmm
<dhess> oh never mind, it's just this painfully slow closure copy over ssh
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bachp opened pull request #26290: uwsgi: fix php plugin build (master...uwsgi-php)
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<dhess> I must be doing something wrong in my .ssh/config or something because my copies are sooooooo sloooooooow
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar closed pull request #24786: Accept strings with Nix paths as proper shells (
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<dhess> at first I thought it was a DigitalOcean problem, but it even happens on local hardware.
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<clever> dhess: ive noticed that scp can get great speeds, but winscp (windows gui for it) on the identical hardware has horid speeds
<dhess> clever: this is scp on a NixOS VM hosted on macOS
<dhess> I need to build a Hydra
<Dezgeg> it is up but might not be recent (current master) because $university IT
<Judson> I'm getting a python error about a missing module called "c"
<drakonis> what are you running that needs that
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<Judson> Hrm. This is in the iovisor/bcc BPF tools.
<Judson> File "/nix/store/6gyznjniwwqh4qyihakvr6wprbqbzhhg-bcc-0.2.0/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bcc/", line 513, in _check_path_symbol
<Judson> raise Exception("could not find library %s" % module)
<Judson> Exception: could not find library c
<sphalerite> Oh, by that it probably means libc
<drakonis> noice
<Judson> Reading the code, it looks like "c" is specific to BPF. yeah - libc seems like a good guess there.
<drakonis> but why would anyone write this kind of stuff with python
<drakonis> see this why dtrace is still better
<drakonis> this is why
<drakonis> write sane tracing pls
<Judson> Cool. Can I get dtrace for Linux?
<drakonis> no you can't
<drakonis> go use freebsd or illumos for dtrace
<drakonis> also the only dtrace port was written for linux 2.6
<drakonis> that's 8 years ago
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<sphalerite> but does nix work on freebsd or illumos?
<drakonis> it could be ported i guess???
<drakonis> no systemd though
<Judson> In the meantime, not really useful.
<drakonis> because lennart poettering says that the bsds are dead
<MichaelRaskin> _Nix_ works on freebsd
<sphalerite> well let's not get ahead of ourselves. Just nix would be a good start, nixos modules would be useful too but does nix itself even work
<sphalerite> ah right
<MichaelRaskin> Some parts of the NixPkgs also work
<sphalerite> which ones?
<drakonis> it would be pretty good if it built on top of ports but that'd be crazy work
<drakonis> there is a Nix port to freebsd
<Judson> In the meantime, I have applications running in Linux I'd like to instrument.
<drakonis> its triton but it moves at a glacial pace and only gets port updates
<MichaelRaskin> Well, we dropped official FreeBSD support because we understood we have no idea
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<Judson> If no one else has been using bcc with NixOS then I'm on my own.
<drakonis> fix bcc i guess?
<drakonis> bcc is at 0.2.0 on nixpkgs
<drakonis> could do with some updating
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<drakonis> MichaelRaskin, no idea?
<MichaelRaskin> Keeping track of what is broken on some platform without enough users of this platform willing to track down problems and submit patches is hard
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<drakonis> i suppose, given how ports is already quite robust so to say
<drakonis> 27081 ports
<drakonis> Judson, its a good time to make bcc's port into a good port
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<drakonis> half a year of patches it seems
<Judson> Into a good port?
<drakonis> yes, port
<drakonis> its what people call these things
<drakonis> packages, ports, derivations
<Judson> I'm looking at the expression right now. There's no patches, but granted it's an older version.
<drakonis> hmm, this reminds me, is this ported yet
<drakonis> time warping processes is the coolest thing
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<drakonis> wow its exciting to find these things
<drakonis> i want to use it for stupid things like speeding up idle games
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<MichaelRaskin> It's a pity Linux still lacks time namespace
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<drakonis> quite
<drakonis> someone put that on a feature request
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<drakonis> maybe the docker people will do that :v
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0146f18 lufia: google-app-engine-go-sdk: fix error on macOS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 682b0ec Jörg Thalheim: google-app-engine-go-sdk: remove platform assert
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5604dbe Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26276 from lufia/fix-appengine-go-darwin...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 859267f Jörg Thalheim: systemd-resolved: fix case when dnsmasq is used as local resolver...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d842a38 Jörg Thalheim: dino: unstable-2017-05-11 -> unstable-2017-05-31
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bef0b67 Jörg Thalheim: pythonPackages.treq: fix build
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d7f6367 Jörg Thalheim: daemontools: fix build
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<tanonym> Hm, either something is screwing up on reboot, or my computer's hardware is failing. No sound again. I've checked alsamixer and made sure none of the devices are muted; tried disabling hardware.pusleaudio and just using sound.enable, but that doesn't seem to help. Alsamixer does recognize pulseaudio for the device and give levels, but still no sound either from headphones or speaker. Same thing even after
<tanonym> logging out and back in and after reboot.
<tanonym> Maybe it's an Enlightenment thing, so I'll try installing GNOME3 and see what happens.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 120275f Nikolay Amiantov: pythonPackages.nbxmpp: 0.5.3 -> 0.5.5...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 0b0ea40 Nikolay Amiantov: pythonPackages.nbxmpp: 0.5.3 -> 0.5.5...
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<drakonis> tanonym, install pavucontrol
<tanonym> Okay, I'll try that once my current rebuild is complete :)
<drakonis> for idiotic reasons, pulseaudio sometimes has no audio on primary channels
<drakonis> so you have to enable it again
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<tanonym> Well, that's weird.
<puffnfresh> Sonarpulse: hey copumpkin said you know most about cross-compiling Linux from Darwin
<tanonym> Since I have only encountered this issue under NixOS and Enlightenment (to be fair E is the only Desktop Manager I have tried with NixOS) It doesn't have the issue with openSUSE and GNOME3.
<Sonarpulse> puffnfresh: a bit yes
<Sonarpulse> though I was about to set up
<Sonarpulse> *out
<puffnfresh> Sonarpulse: alright, I'm just failing to compile the kernel, it's trying to use clang
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Fuuzetsu pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c14bf4f Linus Heckemann: irrlicht: link to X11 libs explicitly...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 427f5bc Mateusz Kowalczyk: Merge pull request #26265 from lheckemann/irrlicht-libs...
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<puffnfresh> I guess I don't know how to set up crossSystem properly
<Sonarpulse> puffnfresh: oh currently
<Sonarpulse> there is little gcc vs clang control
<Sonarpulse> unfortunately
<Sonarpulse> is getting pretty hefty
<Sonarpulse> after that I'll patch up darwin with clang
<puffnfresh> would an alternative be to get linux-headers to compile with clang?
<Sonarpulse> only after that would it make sense to start thinking about clang vs llvm
<Sonarpulse> I suppose so
<copumpkin> puffnfresh: I seem to remember someone saying the linux kernel was a PITA/impossible to compile from clang, still
<copumpkin> you might want to start from gcc on darwin
<puffnfresh> I've tried to do an overrideCC stdenv pkgs.gcc but that seems to break cross compilation
<tanonym> Okay, pavucontrol is installed.
<Sonarpulse> puffnfresh: yeah overrideCC and the stdenv adaptor do not play nice
<Sonarpulse> problem is mkDerivation cannot be overriden with stdenv.override
<puffnfresh> urgh, alright, thanks for confirming
<Sonarpulse> it's like a mkExtnesible vs override thing
<Sonarpulse> messing with inputs or outputs
<puffnfresh> do you know what needs to be done?
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: puffnfresh: but now that localSystem and crossSystem are unified
<Sonarpulse> it would be an iteresting time to get linux clang stdenv and stuff
<Sonarpulse> kind of fill out the cominbations
<Sonarpulse> in conjunction with
<Sonarpulse> in the short term, lol
<tanonym> Nope, still nothing.
<Sonarpulse> wait
<Sonarpulse> in the short term cross should always use gcc for better or worse
* Sonarpulse shrugs
<Sonarpulse> if I'm confusing myself it's probably time to call it a day
<copumpkin> puffnfresh: why the interest in cross-compiling linux from darwin? because you want a little bootable kernel to run in hyperkit?
<puffnfresh> copumpkin: yeah, exactly
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<copumpkin> puffnfresh: I was thinking of just hardcoding a store path in a file for now and assuming that hydra built it
<puffnfresh> copumpkin: yeah, that's the backup solution :)
<copumpkin> puffnfresh: sort of like we have fallback nix store paths in nix files right now
<puffnfresh> I try to do things the right way first :)
<copumpkin> \o/
<drakonis> tanonym, kde and gnome lack the problem because they treat pulseaudio as a first class thing
<drakonis> so you can change it directly
<copumpkin> I was also not going to do runInLinuxVM, but rather run a nix daemon on it and set up a remote builder
<copumpkin> but runInLinuxVM could also be cool
<copumpkin> then I could just evaluate/realize system x86_64-linux stuff on Darwin transparently
<drakonis> kde5 has audio i guess
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<puffnfresh> copumpkin: yeah, that's the goal
<copumpkin> LnL already has an example of the remote linux daemon running inside docker
<tanonym> Ah. Okay I heard the alert bing from weechat, so audio does work now. The issue was likely youtube being weird with the vivaldi browser, which does happen on occasion.
<puffnfresh> copumpkin: yeah, saw that, that's the backup backup solution :)
<copumpkin> hah okay :)
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<puffnfresh> I just want my team to be able to run a command and get a Docker image, ideally
<copumpkin> yeah, same :)
<copumpkin> then we just need to fix dockerTools.buildImage to not use VMs
<copumpkin> which was already part of my plan
<copumpkin> anyway, very excited to see what you come up with
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<copumpkin> have you been following the hyperkit issue I opened?
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<copumpkin> apparently no superuser powers are needed anywhere
<puffnfresh> yeah, I also want no VM in dockerTools, but if I can make a Darwin version of runInLinuxVM then I might not have to touch dockerTools
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<copumpkin> yeah
<puffnfresh> copumpkin: yeah thanks, that's really useful
<copumpkin> I guess they can be independent projects :)
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<copumpkin> anyway, I need to go pick up some tile, but let me know how it goes!
<copumpkin> I haven't had much time for nix recently but will pick up again soon
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26289: fix electrum dependencies (2nd try) (master...electrum)
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<puffnfresh> I'm joining a new team on Monday which uses Nix
<copumpkin> cool!
<dash> puffnfresh: congrats
<copumpkin> they do Nix on Mac?
<puffnfresh> yeah, a few members of the team do
<puffnfresh> myself and purefn use NixOS
<copumpkin> nice! that's encouraging :)
<copumpkin> understandable :D
* copumpkin -> tile pickup, will bbl
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a0a6187 risicle: pythonPackages.txaio: disable test_chained_callback test as it is removed upstream (#26288)...
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<tanonym> I have used Nix on my Mac to supplement Homebrew.
<tanonym> Usually launched the applications from Terminal, but with some work you can get a short-cut for the system.
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<puffnfresh> I own two Apple computers, both made around 2009
<gchristensen> 2009 had the best apple computers
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26285: python.pkgs.ldap: only set environment variables for tests during check phase (master...ldap-check-envs)
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<gchristensen> both my macs are from '09 too
<puffnfresh> so hard for me to test hypervisors, since they're only in 2010 and later CPU :)
<tanonym> I have a 2009 27" iMac with the quadcore i7 and can be used as an external monitor as well. :)
<clever> puffnfresh: i was able to get xen to run under qemu
<puffnfresh> clever: I want to write runInLinuxVM for darwin
<puffnfresh> I think I could use QEMU but it'd be too slow
<clever> ah
<tanonym> If I install KDE or GNOME3 on this system will they play nice with connman? I could switch to NetworkManager, but I'd rather stick with connman because it seems to play nicer with WiFi APs and my hardware once I have it working.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26266: json-server: init a 0.10.1 (master...json-server-0.10.1)
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<tanonym> Success! Audio works. And firefox solved the issues I was having with YouTube.
<tanonym> And Nightly runs smoother on my system than any of the other options.
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