<Nobabs27> or that...
<Nobabs27> how do I install git on here?
<Nobabs27> nix-env something
<mellowmaroon> I'm learning so many cool tricks today :)
<clever> Nobabs27: nix-env -iA nixos.git
<clever> but gist is in the gist package
<Nobabs27> iA and what does iA mean exactly?
<clever> -i says to install, -A says to use an attribute path
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<Nobabs27> hmm k
<mellowmaroon> I'm interested in what exactly the 'attribute path' is, I'll check if the manual has stuff on it
<clever> mellowmaroon: the nixpkgs package set is just a giant attribute set (key/value list) of packages
<clever> and the attribute path is just a list of keys to follow
<mellowmaroon> haha you said that just when I found it. Yeah, so it's like a chain of keys
<Nobabs27> was gonna ask same mellowmarron, but then was like "I should check manual" but was busy xd
<clever> Nobabs27: and what does this say, "ls /nix/var/nix/profiles/"
<Nobabs27> default default-1-link per-user system system-1-link system-2-link etc
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<clever> Nobabs27: then you didnt delete the old versions
<Nobabs27> ...and how do I do that?
<clever> "nix-collect-garbage -d" needs root to delete system generations
<Nobabs27> ok now I just have config 4 in extra configs
<Nobabs27> im assuming thats a symlink to default?
<clever> and another nixos-rebuild boot should update grub.cfg to match
<clever> default is part of nix-env
<Nobabs27> ...so like, do I need #4?
<clever> yes
<clever> system points to system-4-link
<Nobabs27> system meaning default?
<clever> system is the current version of the system
<clever> default is the current version of nix-env's profile
<Nobabs27> ...well there is no system, only default and #4
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<clever> can you pastebin the full output of "ls -l /nix/var/nix/profiles"
<Nobabs27> after I get a gui
<Nobabs27> then I will
<Nobabs27> how do I set NOPASSWD in visudo?
<Nobabs27> im comparing it to mine on arch, where there is no SETENV?
<Nobabs27> everything is a config option, isn't it?
<clever> yes
<mellowmaroon> I'm coming from Arch too. And yep :)
<clever> and every time you make any change, it creates a new entry in grub
<mellowmaroon> that's the main draw for me
<clever> so you can undo the change by picking the older option
<Nobabs27> uhh where is "nixos/modules/security/sudo.nix" ??
<clever> you are supposed to put that in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<clever> sudo.nix is the internal file, that makes it an option
<Nobabs27> it doesn't give me any options tho?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHTBC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master abe0da4 Calum MacRae: kbfs service: init (#25610)...
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<Nobabs27> or is that where I should put my NOPASSWD ?
<clever> you need to put in the same like you would normally add to /etc/sudoers
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<Nobabs27> security.sudo.extraConfig = NOPASSWD; or?
<clever> security.sudo.extraConfig = "youruser = ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL";
<clever> i think
<Zer000> If I have a set S where S.foo.bar.baz exists, can I remove S.foo.bar.baz from it to get a new set?
<clever> check the sudoers man page
<Nobabs27> thats why all manpages and stuff should include examples
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<mellowmaroon> Zer000: I know the libs have a function called 'filterAttrs'
<mellowmaroon> Zer000: That returns a new set only with elements that satisfy the input predicate (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/lib/attrsets.nix#L108)
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<Zer000> mellowmaroon, thanks I'll put that to use
<mellowmaroon> Zer000: I think you could also convert to a list -> modify -> convert back
<mellowmaroon> Zer000: Sure thing :) to use it in a nix file, I think it's something like 'pkgs.lib.filterAttrs' or something lik that
<mellowmaroon> So, I tried 'nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade' last evening, and it got stuck trying to upgrade the IntelliJ IDEA IDE
<Nobabs27> clever: it said it couldnt be built when I did rebuilt switch
<clever> Nobabs27: what exactly did the error say?
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<Nobabs27> syntax error
<clever> can you gist the configuration.nix file?
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<Nobabs27> how do I sign into gist on command line so I quit being anon?
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<clever> gist --help
<clever> very first argument it lists
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<Nobabs27> can I pipe to gist?
<clever> yeah
<clever> just | gist -p -
<Nobabs27> so much easier I can copy and paste instead of typing out that long winded hash xd
<clever> yeah
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<clever> does it say where the syntax error is?
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<Nobabs27> line 16 I think it was
<clever> 16 looks normal to me
<clever> can you double-check the error msg?
<Nobabs27> yeah it cant be 16 .-.
<Nobabs27> sec
<Zer000> mellowmaroon, filterAttrsRecursive did the trick
<Nobabs27> "near line 16"
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<clever> Nobabs27: can you gist more of the error?, nixos-rebuild build 2>&1 | gist -p
<clever> oops with 1 more - at the end
<Zer000> clever, I have another problem with hydra, it evaluated my expression but all the jobs are queued up and nothing is running. what's up with that?
<clever> Zer000: did you add a build slave in nix.buildMachines?
<Zer000> n..no?
<Zer000> what's that
<clever> Zer000: then it has no slaves to build on
<clever> Zer000: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#nix.buildmach
<Zer000> clever, can the slave be the same host?
<clever> Nobabs27: line 16 of the sudoers file, not line 16 of configuration.nix
<clever> Zer000: yeah, you can configure localhost as a build slave
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<clever> Nobabs27: the extraConfig for sudoers isnt valid, check the man page or refer to your old sudoers on arch
<Nobabs27> so what option was I supposed to use if not extraConfig?
<clever> Nobabs27: extraConfig is the right one, but the string inside isnt a valid sudoers config
<clever> so that string needs to be corrected
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<Nobabs27> k i think I fixed it
<jackjackjack> I'm totally stumped as to why I can't get gcc to find ncurses: $ nix-shell -p ncurses ncurses.dev
<jackjackjack> [nix-shell:~/terminfo-]$ gcc test.c -lncurses
<jackjackjack> /nix/store/iz98xp5p48jayn034wq89y30plpx5xns-binutils-2.27/bin/ld: cannot find -lncurses
<jackjackjack> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
<clever> jackjackjack: what about nix-shell -p ncurses ncurses.dev gcc?
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<jackjackjack> that worked but I do not understand why
<clever> because gcc must be in the env of the shell, not just installed
<clever> you loose a lot of its feature when installing it, because gcc isnt supposed to be installed
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<jackjackjack> but why would it find the gcc executable at all if it's not in the env?
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<clever> by default, nix-shell lets the original $PATH leak in
<clever> --pure will stop that
<Zer000> clever, I'm not using distributedBuilds though, why would I set buildMachines?
<clever> Zer000: because hydra always uses the buildMachines and will never try to build locally
<jackjackjack> thanks very much, clever
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<Zer000> clever, that must be new
<clever> Zer000: its been doing it for years
<Zer000> clever, I'll trust you on that but I have some python projects I was building in 2016 and I never had to configure that :/
<Zer000> but thanks for the help
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<Nobabs27> ok do I need to -iA every time I instlal something or?
<clever> Nobabs27: pretty much
<Nobabs27> so -i wont suffice?
<clever> -i searches the name attribute of every single package
<clever> which makes it much slower
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<Nobabs27> can I install more than one thing at a time?
<clever> yeah
<clever> i believe its nix-env -iA nixos.foo -A nixos.bar
<Nobabs27> o
<Nobabs27> nope
<clever> maybe -iA each
<Nobabs27> nope
<clever> i prefer putting things into systemPackages or a buildEnv instead
<clever> so the list remains in a text file i can archive with git
<Nobabs27> im used to package manager style
<Nobabs27> like pacman -S, apk add etc
<lukec1> Nobabs27: nix-env -iA nixos.hello -A nixos.cowsay
<lukec1> Works for me
<Nobabs27> hmm its this one package
<Nobabs27> note to self: use _ instead of -
<Zer000> clever, ya there's even an issue about it, adding localhost did the trick. Thank you again
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<Nobabs27> wait whats that link to the thing that lets you search options?
<clever> or 'man configuration.nix'
<Nobabs27> cuz I betcha there is an option for all this
<lukec1> speaking of Hydra and queuing up builds, is there something special I need to do to get it to build things which require kvm.
<clever> lukec1: you have to list kvm as a supported feature on the buildMachine list
<lukec1> I have "kvm" tacked onto the end of my build machines configuration for the machine that I wish to do the builds
<clever> supportedFeatures = [ "big-parallel" "kvm" "nixos-test" ];
<clever> lukec1: this is what i have on one of mine
<lukec1> Yeah, so I already have supportedFeatures = ["kvm"];
<clever> lukec1: it may also need other features, there is an open issue about it not saying why its blocked
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<lukec1> I checked the .drv, and that seemed to confirm that kvm was the only one.
<lukec1> I'll enable the others just in case.
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<lukec1> clever: yep, now it's working.
<lukec1> Thanks.
<Nobabs27> I added services.xserver.displayManager.lightdm.enable = true; says attribute display-manager missing?
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<clever> Nobabs27: did you spell it correctly?
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<Nobabs27> yes?
<Nobabs27> i think i did, just double checked seems to be ok
<clever> Nobabs27: gist -p /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<Nobabs27> k sec
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rimmington opened pull request #25981: cython: build on 32-bit ARM (master...cython-arm-pr) https://git.io/vHTRN
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<Zer000> How can I convert a string to a number?
<Nobabs27> clever ^
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<clever> Nobabs27: and what was the exact error?
<Nobabs27> ill just gist it, thats the &1>scvi thing again?
<clever> yeah
<clever> it also helps massively if you enable ssh, then remotely connect from another machine
<Nobabs27> yeah but whats the &1> thing to gist the output?
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<clever> nixos-rebuild build 2>&1 | gist -p -
<clever> ah
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<clever> you probably also need services.xserver.enable = true;
<clever> lightdm is trying to change the env vars for the display-manager systemd unit
<Nobabs27> ah ok
<clever> but xserver hasnt been enabled, so there is no display-manager systemd unit
<Nobabs27> i should probably grab i3 and terminal first though?
<Nobabs27> eh doesnt matter ill just Shift-F2 or whatever
<clever> you can also enable a desktopManager, and it will usualy install a terminal for you
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<Nobabs27> is services.xserver.windowManager.i3.enable = true; the best way to get i3?
<clever> probably
<Nobabs27> kk
<clever> ive just been sticking to plain xfce+slim
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<Nobabs27> lol my trackpad isnt working
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<Nobabs27> ok best gnome terminal like terminal that isn't gnome terminal (or xfce term)? (since there is no mate-terminal)
<Nobabs27> or terminator
<clever> nix-envi -iA nixos.terminator
<clever> nix-env -iA nixos.mate.mate-terminal
<Nobabs27> .-. hm k then
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<Nobabs27> nixos.mate.mate-terminal not found?
<clever> i see it on this end, did you use -A?
<Nobabs27> no
<clever> it needs the A in -iA
<Nobabs27> oh I did that
<Nobabs27> thought you mean just -A
<clever> your channel might be too old for it then
<clever> terminator is still a possibility
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<Nobabs27> how do i update my channel then?
<clever> sudo nix-channel --list
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shosti opened pull request #25982: heroku: 3.43.16 -> 6.6.14 (master...heroku-v6) https://git.io/vHT06
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<Nobabs27> nixos-17.03
<clever> yeah, mate-terminal hasnt been added to 17.03 yet
<Nobabs27> rip i guess ill try gnome-terminal then, see if it crashes my laptop like it did on Ubuntu
<clever> nix-env -iA nixos.terminator
<clever> this is also an option
<Nobabs27> yeah I cant remember what i have against terminator
<Nobabs27> ill go with that
<Nobabs27> ok that works
<Nobabs27> is there qupzilla by any chance?
<clever> dont see it
<Nobabs27> skypeforlinux? (i doubt it)
<clever> there is
<clever> nix-env -iA nixos.skypeforlinux
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<Nobabs27> huh k
<Nobabs27> not found
<Nobabs27> for me
<clever> its probably only on nixos-unstable
<clever> 17.03 is a stable snapshot
<Nobabs27> ok
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<Nobabs27> i guess il go with chromium unless you know of something more interesting?
<Nobabs27> ive tried everything that Ive heard of in web browsers
<clever> i also prefer chromium
<Nobabs27> I usually use QupZilla
<Nobabs27> it's arguably worse than Chromium, but seems fitting not sure how to explain it
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<Nobabs27> is there any protocol to loading on some configs and themes from a flash drive?
<Nobabs27> and the package for the monaco font?
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<mellowmaroon> gchristensen, did you end up looking at my boot logs?
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<Nobabs27> yo how do I get the trackpad to work on a ThinkPad T410, I have synaptics set to true.
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<dalaing> my local install of hydra is starting to get me down
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<dalaing> started off in a container, things were working fine until I hit some issues with nix-daemon that meant I couldn't make derivations
<dalaing> now I'm setting it up in my host and it won't let me log in :/
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<dalaing> I'm getting 403: bad username or password on the POST to the login route
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<vaibhavsagar> hey, is there a way to fetch multiple urls in a derivation?
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<vaibhavsagar> I'm trying to put two repos in a specific directory layout so I can build a thing
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<vaibhavsagar> I have already been told to create a repo with the two repos as submodules, but I think there should be a better way
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<dash> vaibhavsagar: you can set a "srcs" list in your derivation instead of a single "src"
<vaibhavsagar> Cool!
<vaibhavsagar> how do I specify a directory layout?
<dash> then set sourceRoot and do whatever you need in postUnpack to organize it properly
<vaibhavsagar> cool, I'll try that
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<dalaing> any hydra savvy folks around?
<lukec1> dalaing: you are better of just asking your question. Plenty of Hydra users in here.
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<lukec1> not all might be willing to say they are Hydra savvy, but we may be able to solve your problem nonetheless :)
<dalaing> Cool - are there any tricks I need to know / things that might fail when setting up the first user?
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<dalaing> I had this almost all working in a nixos-container, except nix-daemon wasn't authorizing the creation of derivations inside of the container
<dalaing> so now I have it in my NixOS host, and it's not letting me log in as the user I created
<lukec1> The user doing the builds needs to be a trustedUser
<dalaing> I've already got that covered, I ran into that in the container
<dalaing> I can't even log in to the web interface to set things up at the moment
<dalaing> the logs have "Unable to locate user matching user info provided in realm: dbic"
<dalaing> and the front end gets a 403 on the post to localhost:3000/login
<dalaing> tried all kinds of things for the last hour or two, it's driving me mad
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<lukec1> Can you poke around in the database to see if your user is actually there?
<dalaing> trying to work out how to get into the db at the moment
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<lukec1> dalaing: sudo -u hydra psql -c 'SELECT * FROM users;'
<lukec1> Is one way.
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<unlmtd> nschoe_: "what's simpler than select-then-middle-click-to-paste" - I dont think it's simple at all.
<dalaing> lukec1: was digging around for pg_hba.conf to check some things and caught up with you
<dalaing> no users in there - looks like hydra-create-users says the users is created whether it is or not
<dalaing> I'd done it with sudo, turns out I needed the "-u hydra" to make it go
<dalaing> should be fine from here - thanks for the help! :)
<lukec1> Good luck :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b1b61d0 Shea Levy: coq: nix-buffer: Inherit variables to PG shell
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c3f434f Andrew Miller: hss: init at 1.0.1 (#25936)...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHTKX
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3f91e0d Patrick Callahan: fish: source NixOS environment on non-login shells, when it hasn't been...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 42c768c Patrick Callahan: fish: (NixOS only) source configuration sections anew in all child shells...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7e40287 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25835 from therealpxc/fish...
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<Zer000> I have written a service that seems to be ignoring environment.systemPackages http://dpaste.com/0C5ZQ8S.txt when i do nixos-rebuild test it won't start because the package is not installed
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vHTKd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 a895b02 Patrick Callahan: fish: source NixOS environment on non-login shells, when it hasn't been...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 3f88905 Patrick Callahan: fish: (NixOS only) source configuration sections anew in all child shells...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ericsagnes closed pull request #25951: fcitx service: add QT_PLUGIN_PATH to env (master...service-fix/fcitx) https://git.io/vHU40
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<clever> Zer000: services dont use systemPackages
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<Zer000> clever, oh then how do I force it to install the needed package when I enable my service?
<clever> put it in the .path of the service
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<clever> https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#systemd.services.<name>.path
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<Zer000> I actually did that
<clever> can you gist your nix expression?
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<LnL> if you use cfg.ruma.package somewhere in your configuration (like you did int the module) it will get installed automatically
<clever> ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/ruma run";
<clever> your using an absolute path, so it doesnt need to be "installed" to work
<clever> what error is it having?
<LnL> you don't even need to explicitly add it to environment.systemPackages unless it has a client or something an interactive user would want in their profile
<Zer000> this is the error http://dpaste.com/0R4N9HB.txt
<Zer000> from journalctl _PID=<pid>
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<clever> Zer000: and what is in "ls /nix/store/h055a5gi0048fvm9lkmv51xs27zy126k-ruma/bin/" ?
<Zer000> cd: /nix/store/h055a5gi0048fvm9lkmv51xs27zy126k-ruma/: No such file or directory
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<Zer000> is this because I'm grabbing ruma from hydra_ruma? My own hydra server? I have it as a channel
<clever> what about just "ls -l /nix/store/h055a5gi0048fvm9lkmv51xs27zy126k-ruma"
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<clever> default = hydra_ruma.ruma;
<clever> Zer000: is this of type derivation, or string?
<clever> we need to see what <hydra_ruma> points to
<Zer000> ls -l gives me "no such file or directory"
<Zer000> well the type of the option is types.package, doesn't it enforce anything?
<clever> can you also gist the default.nix for hydra_ruma?, or is that another hydra input?
<Zer000> so i did this in the repl: http://dpaste.com/3FN19WY.txt
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<Zer000> and this is how ruma gets built https://github.com/Zer0-/nix-ruma/blob/master/default.nix
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<clever> Zer000: strange
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<Zer000> I'm on 17.03
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<Zer000> I mean if I do nix-env -i ruma and then nixos-rebuild test everything works
<Zer000> but on a clean machine it doesn't have the package
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<clever> Zer000: what is $NIX_PATH?
<Zer000> nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs:nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix:/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels
<clever> is hydra_ruma in nix-channel?
<Zer000> yes
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<clever> what does "nix-instantiate --find-file hydra_ruma" say?
<Zer000> sorry that's my channel --list
<Zer000> clever, that command gives me: /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/hydra_ruma
<clever> can you gist the default.nix in that dir?
<clever> yeah, theres the problem
<clever> its using fake derivations, with storepaths in them
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<Zer000> I unfortunately don't even know that that means
<clever> Zer000: try switching the import out to import the original nix expressions, not the hydra channel
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<Zer000> that's a lot of work
<LnL> aha! I was thinking it had to be something like that
<Zer000> I have to build rust-nightly to build ruma
<Zer000> so I spent all day configuring hydra to do that :(
<clever> Zer000: if you point the client at the exact same ruma expression, on the same nixpkgs, it will just use the hydra version
<clever> thats exactly how nixpkgs and hydra.nixos.org work
<Zer000> clever, but you saw my default.nix file for ruma, it's a function with two inputs: ruma_src and rust_nightly, so I would have to fill those in
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<Zer000> I guess I can use fetchgit and import the expression that builds rust channels?
<clever> yeah, you need to put in a fixed-output derivation like fetchurl or fetchgit, and provide the hash of the src
<Zer000> ok
<clever> and given that src hash, it will compute the path that the compiled ruma lands in
<clever> then it checks the binary caches for that path
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<Zer000> so I actually have hydra_ruma in my channels but I not in nix.binaryCaches
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<clever> if things where working correctly, it would have complained that it didnt know how to build it
<clever> so adding it to the binary cache list wont help any
<Zer000> ok. clever can you explain this fake derivation thing? what's it for?
<clever> ive never used that part of hydra
<Zer000> ok
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<Zer000> the problem is that with what you've suggested I would have to change the hash of the src repo every time I want to update the service manually, rather than it just pulling the latest channel from my hydra and updating all by itself
<Zer000> so it sort of defeats this rolling release setup
<Zer000> Anyway you've helped me like... thrice today at least thank you
<clever> not sure how to solve that, most of the framework in nix is designed to make things reproducable, so it doesnt just update to random versions without warning
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<Zer000> there are channels that the os uses to update, maybe I'm not understanding how that works
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<clever> the main nixos-unstable channel contains a snapshot of the nixpkgs git repo
<clever> and a script will update that pointer when a set of jobs on hydra passes
<clever> and the versions within that, only update when people make commits to nixpkgs
<Zer000> oh! I was under the impression that the nixos channels are generated by hydra
<Zer000> hmm ok well I can make a script like that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHTXW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c46c3fa Rhys: cython: build on 32-bit ARM
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 64a924a Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #25981 from rimmington/cython-arm-pr...
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<bkchr> Hi, could someone give me a hint on how to use the following: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix#L279 (makeAutostartItem). Could I use this directly in the configuration.nix?
<sphalerite> Is it possible to have a nixos installer, booted off a USB stick, install itself to that same usb stick?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vHTX4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 9fd6417 Rhys: cython: build on 32-bit ARM...
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<sphalerite> bkchr: yes
<bkchr> My second questions is regarding wayland support, I know that there is an open ticket, but I wanted to try a nested kwin instance first, but it complains that the qt wayland platform plugin could not be found, any ideas what I need to do?
<bkchr> sphalerite: Could you give me an example? or just (makeAutostartitem { name="yakuake", package=pkgs.yakuake });
<sphalerite> bkchr: I don't know how makeAutostartItem is used, sorry
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<clever> bkchr: if you call it with the arguments listed on lines 5-11, it will copy the existing .desktop file from package to $out/share/autostart/
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vHTXX
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 99cfab0 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into HEAD
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<clever> bkchr: and if that is then put into systemPackages, it should appears in /run/current-system/sw/share/autostart/
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<clever> that feels like a place a desktopmanager would look
* clever heads to bed
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<bkchr> clever: thank you
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<LnL> Zer000: it's not specific to hydra
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<Zer000> LnL, sorry what isn't
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<LnL> the fake drv, this is a calid drv in nix you just can't build it
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<LnL> { type = "derivation"; outPath = "/tmp/foo"; }
<Zer000> LnL, and i'm guessing you can't override it or use it to make other derivations?
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<Zer000> LnL, and i'm guessing you can't override it or use it to make other derivations?
<Zer000> whoops sorry
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<LnL> my client seems to be acting up :/
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<LnL> allright, so no an override changes the build instructions
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to staging: https://git.io/vHTy7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging acd32a4 Frederik Rietdijk: Python: set DETERMINISTIC_BUILD and PYTHONHASHSEED in setupHook...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 1267b15 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #25916 from FRidh/reproducible...
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<sphalerite> Does anybody here not use nox (for search) and care to tell me why that is?
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<ertes-w> info manuals are disappearing one by one… first 'make' disappeared, now 'guile' is also gone… what's going on?
<ertes-w> is there some switch i need to enable to get info manuals?
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<bkchr> does anyone tried wayland with nixos?
<ertes-w> sphalerite: i don't use it, mostly because nix-env -q works well enough for me
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<sphalerite> ertes-w: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/11500 it's a long-standing issue
<sphalerite> bkchr: I've briefly tried out sway. It worked but I didn't do much with it
<ertes-w> sphalerite: thanks… is there something i can do?
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<bkchr> sphalerite: hmm okay, thanks
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<sphalerite> ertes-w: not that I know of. I guess you could un-split the derivations but that would result in huge amounts of rebuilds
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<vaibhavsagar> which package do I need to make available to nix-shell in order to have boost/shared_ptr.hpp?
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<vaibhavsagar> I tried boost and boost.dev
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<ertes-w> sphalerite: no, i mean can i contribute a patch that would fix it for individual packages, or is this a deeper issue?
<ertes-w> not having info manuals is super-inconvenient
<ertes-w> so i really want this fixed as quickly as possible
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<sphalerite> ertes-w: I don't know the details of what the actual problem is, but I'm sure patches would be welcome
<sphalerite> vaibhavsagar: boost does seem to include it
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<vaibhavsagar> will `nix-shell -p boost` not work?
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<sphalerite> vaibhavsagar: you still need to have something adding the relevant compiler flags
<vaibhavsagar> sorry sphalerite, what would those be?
<vaibhavsagar> you mean adding the library to the search path?
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<sphalerite> yes
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh opened pull request #25985: Python: add sitecustomize.py, listen to NIX_PYTHONPATH (staging...site) https://git.io/vHT7r
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<AveryGlitch> Hi all, I'm having a problem with gnat that I'm pretty sure might be because of a nixos configuration issue
<AveryGlitch> I've run `nix-env -iA nixos.gnat` then `gnat make hello_world.adb` (where hello_world.adb is a simple ada file); but I get 'gnat1: error: unrecognized command line option "-fstack-protector-strong"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #25716: python flake8: 3.2.1 -> 3.3.0 (master...python-flake8) https://git.io/v9SOa
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHTdG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fae70a8 Vincent Demeester: astroid: 0.8 -> 0.9.1...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 997b6ae Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #25803 from vdemeester/astroid-0-9-1...
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<nixos-users-wiki> "Configs" edited by makefu https://git.io/vHTdE
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<vaibhavsagar> If I have a haskell repo with subprojects, can I specify a subdirectory with fetchFromGitHub?
<ben> I expect you'd use fetchFromGithub to fetch the whole tree and then just append the subdir to the path that is the result of that derivation
<ben> I think fetchFromGithub { ... } + "/more/dirs/here" would work?
<vaibhavsagar> ben: Thanks! That seemed to work!
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<ben> (I think git has no support for fetching specific subdirectories from the remote side so this shouldn't be particularly suboptimal either)
<sphalerite> As a bonus, if you use the same fetchFromGithub for all of the subprojects (would probably make sense to share it between them explicitly) it will only download the source once for all the projects
<vaibhavsagar> I'm surprised how well this works
<vaibhavsagar> I wouldn't expect fetchFromGitHub to be returning something that can have a path appended to it
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<sphalerite> vaibhavsagar: it's a derivation like any other. As a string, it becomes the path to its result. It's the same as e.g. "${coreutils}/bin/rm"
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<vaibhavsagar> ahh, that makes sense when you put it that way
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Fuuzetsu pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHkfB
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cb5cb0b Mateusz Kowalczyk: services.jenkins.plugins: fix initial case
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 638fb38 Mateusz Kowalczyk: jenkins: 2.61 -> 2.62
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<SovereignBleak> Does NixOS support installing to a partitionless BTRFS?
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<domenkozar> ikwildrpepper: if I change deployments.ec2.instanceType on existing deployment, will nixops reprovision bigger instance and attach all resources?
<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: assuming you do not switch from pv-grub to hvm instance types, it should yeah, if providing the --allow-reboot option
<ikwildrpepper> (not providing will warn about it needing --allow-reboot to change the instance type)
<domenkozar> great :)
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<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: there no re-attaching happening btw. it'll just stop machine, then set instance type, and then start the machine again
<domenkozar> so if I have elstatic IP it won't be reattached?
<ikwildrpepper> ah, you are right, it would
<ikwildrpepper> forgot about the fact that stopping machine would de-tach IP, but indeed nixops will make sure it will get it back
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<gchristensen> ikwildrpepper: if I work on this ... is it mergeable? https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/pull/665#issuecomment-301867087
<ikwildrpepper> gchristensen: sure, why not? niksnut will likely have a strong(er) opinion about the implementation
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<gchristensen> ikwildrpepper: I'm a bit wary about working on a PR that won't be merged, as nixops is frequently slow to have PRs merged
<gchristensen> and what is there works so if working further on it won't merge, I can just carry this patch around with me
<niksnut> sure it's mergeable, if it's backwards compatible
<gchristensen> I'll see what I can do :) BC is hopefully just merging another attrset per network file
<ikwildrpepper> gchristensen: personally, I would rather not use multiple nixpkgs, but if other people want it, it is fine with me ;)
<ikwildrpepper> (multiple nixpkgs in one network, I meant)
<gchristensen> I think the canary use case is pretty strong, you don't think so?
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<domenkozar> default = builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext (toString "${config.destDir}/${name}");
<domenkozar> shouldn't that really force it into a string?
<domenkozar> while evaluating the attribute ‘default’ at /nix/store/vzvl9p052w6glwn7hjk83bzw5rnssh3n-nixops-1.5.1pre0_abcdef/share/nix/nixops/keys.nix:58:7:
<domenkozar> getting attributes of path ‘/var/lib/keys/tarsnap’: No such file or directory
<ikwildrpepper> gchristensen: sure, just expressing a personal preference :D
<gchristensen> ikwildrpepper: fair enough :) I think your biggest use case is not long-lived machines, is that right?
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<ikwildrpepper> gchristensen: we just test copies of network, so (almost) never in need of a rolling update
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHkkZ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6c7b208 Cray Elliott: gzdoom: 2.3.2 -> 3.0.1...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c0bc3c8 Cray Elliott: eternity-engine: 3.40.46 -> 3.42.02...
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<gchristensen> makes sense
<gchristensen> ok, I'll work on that :)
<ikwildrpepper> thnx
<ikwildrpepper> and if you think a PR takes to long to merge, just ask niksnut, me, phreedom or domenkozar. I didn't have time really to look at nixops since back from holiday and other travels
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<LnL> test?
<phreedom> gchristensen: a very useful feature IMO as long as you don't break anything
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<domenkozar> anyone knows how to correctly strip path -> string context?
<domenkozar> nix-repl> "${toString (builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext /var/run)}"
<domenkozar> "/nix/store/k2yyhqf75x75q3rdawakwf5jw9aky5sm-run"
<gchristensen> phreedom: "break anything" like what? :P
<ikwildrpepper> *anything* :p
<gchristensen> haha fiiiine
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<ikwildrpepper> (sorry, in trolling mode atm)
<gchristensen> it is funee
<gchristensen> fun*
<domenkozar> niksnut: help :)
<domenkozar> what's the correct way to use string antiqoutation and convert path to a string that's not copied to store?
<domenkozar> nix-repl> "${builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext /var/run}"
<domenkozar> "/nix/store/k2yyhqf75x75q3rdawakwf5jw9aky5sm-run"
<domenkozar> I'd expect to see "/var/run"
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<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: did you merge the change you needed/wanted for a new nixops version (keys)
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<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: why not use "/var/run" ?
<domenkozar> ikwildrpepper: I'm working on https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/pull/664
<domenkozar> but it's failing
<LnL> domenkozar: why do you need to drop the context?
<domenkozar> ikwildrpepper: well types.path has some better guarantees
<domenkozar> LnL: because keys folder is on deployer box, not evaluation box
<domenkozar> deplyoed*
<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: what better guarantees?
<niksnut> domenkozar: yes, you should use "/var/run"
<GeNTooFReaK> hello everybody! I want to ask if someone of you know if there is any development in NixOS supporting ARM going on?
<niksnut> (or "/run" actually)
<domenkozar> niksnut: so just avoid path type all togeter?
<sphalerite> linuxPackages_4_10 has been removed??
<niksnut> domenkozar: types.path only requires that its argument starts with "/", so a string works fine
<domenkozar> niksnut: so there's no way to correctly discard string context in this case?
<domenkozar> k
<niksnut> discarding the context won't help
<sphalerite> oh it's EOL
<niksnut> because you still get /nix/store/...
<gchristensen> GeNTooFReaK: you bet, we build on aarch64 (armv8) and some people use nixos on armv7
<domenkozar> thanks
<GeNTooFReaK> gchristensen: that's great... where do I find information about that? I want to equip my armv7 and armv8 with NixOS too
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<gchristensen> I think it is a bit experimental, but this should help: https://web.archive.org/web/20160911022116/https://nixos.org/wiki/NixOS_on_ARM
<phreedom> gchristensen: if noone notices we merged your patch, you certainly didn't break anything :)
<GeNTooFReaK> gchristensen: thanks
<domenkozar> ikwildrpepper: the PR should be ready soon
<domenkozar> but now I wonder if we should bump to 1.6
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<LnL> I think my question didn't go through earlier, is it possible to use a drv file as a dependency?
<LnL> I tried some stuff but the drv file wasn't considered to be alive so a gc would just delete it
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<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: we can
<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: or maybe 17.05 :D
<gchristensen> NixOS should get on this monthly release schedule
<gchristensen> troll.jpg
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<c0c0n3> hi guys, anyone have an example of a nixos container running a tcp service on port x, say httpd on port 80, that you can access from the host?
<exarkun> sure
<c0c0n3> i have internalInterfaces = ["ve-+"]; externalInterface = nat-interface; in my host config
<c0c0n3> with nat enabled
<bkchr> Hi, I'm on nixos-unstable-small channel and updated today my channel and wanted to rebuild, but the build does not want to finish building ibus 1.5.14, it hangs here https://pastebin.com/Gi4tjkHS . I already let it running 3 hours
<exarkun> Hm, I don't have anything like that.
<exarkun> What do you mean by a "nixos container"?
<c0c0n3> i.e. im running another nixos inside my nixos host
<exarkun> huh. okay nevermind, I've never seen that before.
<c0c0n3> exarkun: no worries :-)
<goibhniu> c0c0n3: are you having trouble with it? ... maybe the firewall is blocking it?
<steveeJ> bkchr: is that "hang" reproducible?
<c0c0n3> goibhniu: firewall is off in the container
<c0c0n3> goibhniu: can turn it off in the host too, but i'd rather not have to...
<simukis> any way to make nixos symlink me a binary to some specified name?
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<goibhniu> c0c0n3: if you're using network-manager on the host, that can interfere too
<steveeJ> simukis: the most generic solution would be to use a custom derivation that just uses wrapProgram in the install phase
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<goibhniu> c0c0n3: you might need: networking.networkmanager.unmanaged = ["interface-name:ve-*"];
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<steveeJ> simukis: can you name an example binary you'd like to symlink to?
<c0c0n3> goibhniu: yeah, i've got that
<simukis> ugh. anything I could do in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, other than doing a writeScriptBin
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<simukis> steveeJ: python3 to py
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<c0c0n3> in my config, but still no luck..
<bkchr> steveeJ: for me, yes
<goibhniu> c0c0n3: sorry, I don't have a simple example handy to share
<bkchr> steveeJ: already tried to restart the build 3 times
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<goibhniu> c0c0n3: can you ssh into it? ... can you use some other ports e.g. `python -m SimpleHTTPServer`
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<c0c0n3> goibhniu: cool, no prob, will keep on debugging
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<c0c0n3> goibhniu: but yah, im running gunicorn on port 4080 inside my container
<bkchr> steveeJ: the nodejs process is constantly using 100% of one cpu core
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<c0c0n3> goibhniu: can ping the container, but can't open a connection to port 4080
<c0c0n3> from the host
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<c0c0n3> i.e. curl -v fails
<c0c0n3> is my container's private ip
<steveeJ> bkchr: I'd report an issue on nixpkgs and use a fixed-hash version of ibus for a while
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHkOB
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3b44cd7 Eelco Dolstra: aws-sdk-cpp: 1.0.60 -> 1.0.127
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<goibhniu> c0c0n3: FWIW, I have externalInterface = "wlp3s0" ... i.e. my wifi interface
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<c0c0n3> goibhniu: mine is externalInterface = "enp0s25", ether
<goibhniu> kk
<c0c0n3> goibhniu: think i'll have a look at iptables and take it from there...but thx!
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<goibhniu> good luck!
<steveeJ> simukis: try something like this: nix-env -i -E '({ ... } @ args : with import <nixpkgs>{}; runCommand "symlink-python" {} "mkdir -p $out/bin; ln -s ${python}/bin/python $out/bin/py")'
<steveeJ> simukis: inside your configuration.nix this would look a bit different, but this works on the cmdline ;-)
<simukis> steveeJ: thanks. I guess I’ll just keep my writeScriptBin with exec trick
<simukis> eventually should just write an expression that makes these sorts of proxies and symlinks as easy as writeScriptBin
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<mbrgm> are there functions for (sha-512) hashing built into nixpkgs lib?
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<niksnut> mbrgm: builtins.hashString "sha512" "string..."
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<mbrgm> niksnut: ty
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<pafck> hey, i m super annoyed by pulseaudio. I'm trying to use my microphone, it shows up in pavucontrol when i plug it in and channels are not muted and volume seems ok but input is completely blank. Do you think it is a pulseaudio issue ? Any of you experienced the same issue ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] frontsideair opened pull request #25989: flow: 0.42.0 -> 0.46.0 (master...flow-46) https://git.io/vHksu
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<bkchr> steveeJ: so the error is known? Do you have a link to the issue?
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<pafck> is there a specific configuration in order to use my thinkpad's fn button ?
<pafck> like pressing fn + lightup does not trigger anything when checking with actkbd
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<dash> pafck: do you get anything in xev?
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<pafck> mh, i don't have xev but showkey shows a key indeed
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] knedlsepp opened pull request #25990: grib-api: Add grib-api to pythonPackages (master...provide-grib-api-python-bindings) https://git.io/vHkWJ
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<pie_> pafck, is ctrl/fn swap enabled
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<pie_> (i dont really remember needing to set anything up, but im using kde)
<pafck> i guess not
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<pafck> mh, the handlers i set up with services.actkbd are not triggered :x
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<pie_> fn/ctrl swap is a bios featuer for me btw
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<pie_> *featre
<pie_> ffs, *feature
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<pafck> my bios doesn't have this feature
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<pafck> i tried to replace actkbd handlers with services.acpid.handlers, but they are not triggered too
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<pafck> well, to me acpi events and pulseaudio are officially a nightmare to set up
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sternenseemann opened pull request #25991: jackline: 2016-11-17 -> 2017-03-30 (master...jackleinen) https://git.io/vHk4U
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<makefu> pafck: i use my window manager for audio shortkeys because acpi was too difficult
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<pafck> i don't call this difficult : https://pastebin.com/ZAGtAzgQ
<pafck> not difficult but it just does not work at all
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHk4w
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5e75c73 Domen Kožar: nixopsUnstable: 2017-05-15 -> 2017-05-22
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] knedlsepp opened pull request #25992: eccodes: Provide python bindings (master...provide-eccodes-python-bindings) https://git.io/vHk46
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<pafck> really, i don't want that in my configuration fils :x
<pafck> files*
<Infinisil> makefu: What is this monstrosity??
<makefu> Infinisil: my awesomewm configuration ;)
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<thblt> Hey, mind a (probably) stupid question :)? I'm beginning to grasp how the global /etc/nixos/configuration.nix works, but I don't really understand if there's a way for users to configure the packages they want in *their* environment, beyond '$ nix-env -i etc'. Is there a "standard" way to express things like "I want this version of Emacs, and this browser, etc etc?". Should the whole config be system-wide, or can users write nix-exprs
<thblt> that would build their profile?
<thblt> I've been looking around a bit, found NixPkgs issue #1750 among other things, but I'm still more than a bit confused as to which parts of what I read apply to NixOs, which parts to Nix as only a package manager in a foreign OS.
<thblt> Thanks :)
<makefu> Infinisil: it looks super complicated but it works for me, it is very similar to xmonad where you also code the behavior of your wm.
<makefu> at least it is not stateful (in my home directory) but under version-control and part of my nixOS configuration
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<Infinisil> thblt: I'm a bit confused about this too, I asked this before and I believe clever (user here) uses a userspecific nix file like configuration.nix and uses some nix-env command to rebuild and install it, it's definitely possible
<peterhoeg> gchristensen: pong
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<Infinisil> makefu: I see, statelessness ftw, I'm still in the early days of configuration, so my files still look innocent, but they get bigger every week heh
<makefu> thblt: you will use ~/.nixpkgs for user config (right now at least). samples are here: https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/wiki/Configs#homenixpkgs-configuration
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<thblt> Infinisil makefu thanks.
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<makefu> for pinning a specific version you will need to use packageOverrides ( http://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-modify-via-packageOverrides )
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<thblt> makefu: And... sorry, but how do you actually build the user environment?
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<thblt> Once you've created the .nixpkgs/config.nix ?
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<makefu> you can simply do: nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' base-env after adding base-env to your packageOverrides: https://github.com/pSub/configs/blob/master/nix/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix#L17
<makefu> you build environments with buildEnv
<thblt> makefu: Thanks a lot!
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<thblt> So actually the point of https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/1750 is not to allow for declarative configuration of user environment by users, but to provide a centralized administration of user environments, right? (I'm trying to understand why the issue is still open since you can actually do what I thought it was about)
<gchristensen> thblt: what do you mean you can do what you thought?
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<LnL> thblt: matthewbauer worked on some documentation on what you can do with nix-env and config.nix https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/25955
<thblt> gchristensen: IIUC makefu's answers, NixOS users can configure their environment in a declarative/functional way with .nixpkgs/config.nix and nix-env, right? I assumed this was what this issue was about.
<gchristensen> oohhh yes, -- I think this issue is about specifying user envs via configuration.nix
<makefu> thblt: yes exactly
<thblt> makefu gchristensen: thanks a lot. I'm slowly but surely starting to understand how NixOS works :)
<thblt> LnL: thanks, I'm going to read this :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #23024: cloud-init: 0.7.6 -> 0.7.9 + module improvements (master...cloud-init-update) https://git.io/vDFjW
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<nliadm> is there any documentation on how to switch a non-NixOS system from "single user" to using the nix-daemon?
<gchristensen> nliadm: what OS are you running?
<nliadm> fedora
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<joepie91> nliadm: I wrote a thing about this a while ago: https://gist.github.com/joepie91/043a51a7b70be5f50f1d
<joepie91> nliadm: but supposedly there are more up-to-date guides about it
<nliadm> it seems like I should just have to make the users, chown the store, and start the daemon, but my last attempt involoved some spelunking in the store when it didn't work
<nliadm> oh, awesome
<gchristensen> there is a chef cookbook out there, and a puppet module somewhere that could be followed, but I don't remember where they are :(
<nliadm> ah, yeah, the manual doesn't say anything about how to create a new profile
<nliadm> which I assumed nix-env would do when invoked, but it doesn't
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<makefu> joepie91: would you mind adding the guide to the nixos-users wiki? https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/wiki , you can simply copy-paste the documentation in a new file ("Nix in multi-user mode on a non-NixOS")
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<SovereignBleak> So I just completely threw out my old i3 configuration and switched over to barebones gnome3 but it looks like NixOS is massively behind in versioning.
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<SovereignBleak> Is it true we’re just at 3.0?
<gchristensen> 3.22 I think?
<makefu> SovereignBleak: depends on the channel you are using
<makefu> unstable is on 3.22
<gchristensen> so is 17.03
<SovereignBleak> I’m using 17.03.
<gchristensen> how did you decide we're at 3.0?
<SovereignBleak> I didn’t decide it’s just that Details is telling me 3.0. :-)
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<SovereignBleak> “Came to the conclusion” maybe erroneously?
<gchristensen> fair ;) not sure how it concluded 3.0, we're on 3.22
<gchristensen> how did you enable gnome?
<SovereignBleak> gnome3.enable = true
<gchristensen> yeah, I don't know :P
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<SovereignBleak> Weird! Hah. I’ll do some digging maybe I’m actually running latest and Details is lying to me.
<joepie91> makefu: slightly hesitant about that, as I'm unsure how up-to-date it is :)
<gchristensen> at least it can be edited and updated there
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<makefu> yes exactly
<makefu> better than linking to an uneditable gist :)
<gchristensen> alternatively, I would highly encourage adding it to the Nix manual
<SovereignBleak> Details is lying. gnome-shell --version reports 3.22.
<gchristensen> *phew*
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<disasm> joepie91: I would say add it, people can always make changes later.
<disasm> very detailed documentation by the way!
<joepie91> I'll have a look at it later, then :)
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<FRidh> gchristensen: do you recall the issue where a wrapper binary was brought up?
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<FRidh> I think it was copumpkin who mentioned it somewhere
<gchristensen> FRidh: I don't, but could dig around. I have "rewrappers" which take a wrapped binary and unwraps it and makes a new wrapper without a shell script shebang
<copumpkin> Hi fridh
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<FRidh> gchristensen: that looks like it, thanks
<FRidh> copumpkin: hi there. Did you also see a wrapper binary as a possible solution?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #25973: libopus: 1.1.3 -> 1.1.4 (master...feature/libopus-1.1.4) https://git.io/vHTkR
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<copumpkin> Yes I have an issue about it because you can't have a shebang calling a shebang script in macOS
<copumpkin> So the shebang target must be a legitimate binary
<gchristensen> copumpkin: I added a `rewrap` hack to this comment: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/11133#issuecomment-266795545 you might be a bit interested. not great, but works pretty reliably
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sigma opened pull request #25994: hugo: 0.20.6 -> 0.21 (master...pr/hugo-0.21) https://git.io/vHkPI
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 6 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vHkXz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 50fdb3a Martin Wohlert: libopus: 1.1.3 -> 1.1.4...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 514985c Franz Pletz: jenkins: 2.49 -> 2.53...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 7d44e01 James Earl Douglas: jenkins: 2.53 -> 2.55...
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master aa73b7d Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.12-rc1 -> 4.12-rc2
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<heath> so this is embarassing...
<heath> has anyone installed stack with nix? :)
<heath> stack is failing to upgrade for me
<htr> haskell-stack ?
<heath> nyeah :)
<heath> looks like it does exist: nixpkgs.stack stack-1.4.0
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<rcschm> hi, i am trying to install vimproc https://github.com/Shougo/vimproc.vim and it looks like it only requires make. so i have just a simple mkDerivation that points src to fetchGit. however, i got an error as in https://pastebin.com/cLSxFKBB.
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<rcschm> should i be specifying different build with make_unix.mak file?
<rcschm> thanks for your help.
<LnL> rcschm: vimPlugins.vimproc
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<rcschm> LnL, you mean change the name?
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<LnL> we already have it in nixpkgs
<rcschm> oh
<LnL> nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A vimPlugins.vimproc
<rcschm> ok, let me look at that.
<LnL> :)
<rcschm> tks.
<rcschm> but in general, do i need to do anything different with .mak file?
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<LnL> I think you want makeFlags in this case
<rcschm> pass in buildInputs?
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<rcschm> i see. i will check the plugin then to see how it works.
<LnL> looks like you can just override the makefile
<rcschm> tks and let me try installing the plugin,
<rcschm> i see
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<bennofs> how can I do sandbox builds on non-nixos systems? do I need to set up a nix daemon?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bhmiller opened pull request #25995: pants13-pre: 1.3.0.dev19 -> 1.3.0rc2 (master...master) https://git.io/vHkdv
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHkdj
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b737ddd Brendan Miller: pants13-pre: 1.3.0.dev19 -> 1.3.0rc2...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master eb3edda Daniel Peebles: Merge pull request #25995 from bhmiller/master...
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<Sonarpulse> bennofs: well sandboxing probably requires root
<Sonarpulse> or careful capabilities
<Sonarpulse> so daemon would seem to me to be path of least resistence
<seequ_> How can I get a Finnish (default) keymap on NixOS? None of `loadkeys fi / loadkeys fi-latin1 / loadkeys fi-latin9` seem to work
<seequ_> Complains about invalid args
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<seequ_> Apparently it started working automagically after an upgrade.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jagajaga pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHkbb
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0808896 AndersonTorres: robotfindskitten: init at 2.7182818.701
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dd10788 Arseniy Seroka: Merge pull request #25972 from AndersonTorres/robotfindskitten...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jagajaga closed pull request #25967: coursier: 1.0.0-RC2 -> 1.0.0-RC3 (master...coursier_1_0_0_rc3) https://git.io/vHUxJ
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jagajaga pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHkNv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8f84651 AndersonTorres: vms-empire: init at 1.14
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1ab1d2b Arseniy Seroka: Merge pull request #25979 from AndersonTorres/vms-empire...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jagajaga closed pull request #25958: iwd: init at unstable-2017-04-21 (master...iwd) https://git.io/vHUD5
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jagajaga closed pull request #25845: UrWeb 20160621 -> 20170105 (master...master) https://git.io/v9A0z
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jagajaga pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHkNg
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6b8da80 Théo Zimmermann: coqPackages: default version 8.4pl6 -> 8.6...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5f04a61 Théo Zimmermann: coq: default version is the one of coqPackages...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 37c89aa Arseniy Seroka: Merge pull request #25826 from Zimmi48/patch-1...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] drdaeman opened pull request #25996: Pycharm 2017.1.2 release 17.03 (release-17.03...pycharm-2017.1.2-release-17.03) https://git.io/vHkpO
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<TweyII> How do I get NixOS to build me a static version of libcurl? nixpkgs.curl only seems to build shared objects, but a library I'm trying to build wants a static library
<makefu> TweyII: not sure there is a generic way to do it, what you can do is overwrite makeflags of the package
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHkpd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master da8b2f1 John Ericson: lib tests: Simplify relative path for default argument
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2e7ec6f John Ericson: lib: Make platform predicates more ergonomic to use...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c5c6606 John Ericson: lib: Infer `libc` field of platform if not specified...
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<TweyII> makefu: Hmm
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<TweyII> makefu: Annoyingly, it looks a lot like the way to make curl build a static library is to forbid it from building a dynamic library
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<bennofs> isn't there a stdenvStatic or something?
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<bennofs> TweyII: nix-build -E 'with (import ./. {}); (curl.override { stdenv = makeStaticLibraries stdenv; }).out'
<bennofs> TweyII: seems to work :)
<TweyII> bennofs: Ah, awesome, thank you :)
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<TweyII> But that causes it not to get added to pkgconfig O.O
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #25997: stdenv: Rename `isGNU` to `isHurd` as GNU is a userland (master...isHurd) https://git.io/vHIv7
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<bennofs> TweyII: pkg-config files are in the .dev output
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<TweyII> Ah! Thank you :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] czyzykowski opened pull request #25998: ghc: 8.0.2 without link warnings (master...fix/25139-ghc-warnings) https://git.io/vHIUr
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<nixos-users-wiki> "nix command cookbook" edited by makefu https://git.io/vHIkh
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<makefu> bennofs: i've added this to the wiki :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gentoofreak opened pull request #25999: swap: extend randomEncryption to plainOpen and ability to select cipher (master...swap-randomEncryption-options) https://git.io/vHImj
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<cfricke> Howdy. I am going quite mad trying to get intero built. Apparently, when using `nix.enable: true` in stack's config, the terminfo package still fails due to missing ncurses, even though it's yaml contains `nix.package: [ncurses]`. Is this a known issue somehow? I have looked for the past 4h in intero's, stack's and nixpkgs' issues. It pops up here and there, but nothing concrete.
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<srhb> cfricke: PErhaps try in #haskell-stack. Its workings are a bit mysterious to me.
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<WilliButz> Hey, I'm currently trying to build "haskellPackages.network-interfacerequest". The build process seems to fail due to a missing dependency ("bytestring <0.10"). the bytestring package is also declared in the hackage-packages.nix but with version "". Can someone tell me how I get this dependency to be available? :)
<WilliButz> this for more info: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/raw/viBhNZAF
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHIns
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9d5c28d Dan Peebles: pants: fix buggy pathspec version...
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<bennofs> cfricke: try adding the following to nix.packages: { ncurses.dev pkgconfig ]
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<Guest94504> kind peeps - if I use Nix on OSX to manage (not create) packages will it consume appreciably more storage than, say, homebrew?
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<bennofs> Guest94504: probably, since it has its own versions of everything (including libc)
<jascot[m]> How come the `nixos-unstable` git branch[0] was last updated 2017-02-20 but the channel[1] was updated 2017-05-11?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #26000: gitlab service: fix preStart script (master...gitlab-bash-fix) https://git.io/vHIWc
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<gchristensen> great question, jascot[m]
<gchristensen> jascot[m]: can you open an issue on github.com/nixos/nixpkgs?
<bennofs> oh, the nixos-unstable branch on that repo looks really broken
<seequ_> Someone lured me to try nixos. Really liking it!
<cfricke> bennofs: Cheers. The arguments seem to be ignored or ineffective. Will try the other channel.
<gchristensen> seequ_: woohoo! :D
<bennofs> cfricke: do you have an example of a haskell package that requires ncurses?
<seequ_> OOI, where can I find confs for packages installed with nix-env?
<bennofs> cfricke: oh, terminfo
<gchristensen> seequ_: nix-env packages don't have configurations like services do
<gchristensen> seequ_: what are you trying to do?
<cfricke> bennofs: Aye. That one. There are several tickets open/closed with random information. I am just very confused at this point.
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<seequ_> gchristensen: Oh, I assumed all packages were configured with the nix language :)
<disasm> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/25907/files -- builds fine, when running in VM though it fails because preStart exited unsuccessfully. if I run the preStart as root user though, it works fine and restarting the service file comes up no issues.
<gchristensen> seequ_: nix-env is just nix, which installs software to your env -- nixos & nixos's configuration.nix is where configuration & service management happen :)
<gchristensen> seequ_: but maybe I can help you with something?
<seequ_> gchristensen: just wanted to configure vim defaults globally
<gchristensen> does vim look in /etc or something?
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<seequ_> Err, locally*
<seequ_> I'm not actually sure, huh
<tokudan> seequ_: the vim_configurable package allows some customization, but you basically need to write that package yourself. if you want i can give you a simple example
<gchristensen> ahh nice tokudan
<htr> heath: stack installing here
<htr> installed.
<seequ_> tokudan: I'd happily take an example
<tokudan> ok, i'll throw it into a gist, just a second
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<tokudan> (that's for nixos, no idea how to use that if you're only using nix-env)
<seequ_> tokudan: Oh, that's pretty neat
<seequ_> And I'm using nixos yeah
<seequ_> Considering switching to nixos for dev
<bennofs> does stdenv no longer have the gcc setup hook? o.o
<tokudan> there are probably more options for customizing vim, but that one works for me :)
<disasm> seequ_: it's pretty powerful, mines a little more complex: https://gist.github.com/disassembler/dfe0af12d12858e513228b7a3dc3307c I import vim.nix from configuration.nix.
<bennofs> it doesn't even have gcc?
<bennofs> nix-shell --pure -p stdenv --command gcc fails
<LnL> it's not in there by default anymore, use stdenv.cc
<bennofs> LnL: hmm, ok. but it's still included if I use stdenv.mkDerivation right?
<bennofs> everything else would break everything :p
<seequ_> disasm: oh that's super neat
<LnL> yes, I think nix-shell uses stdenvNoCC now
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #26000: gitlab service: fix preStart script (master...gitlab-bash-fix) https://git.io/vHIWc
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<bennofs> cfricke: ok so you need packages: [ gcc ncurses ]
<disasm> seequ_: yeah, it took me a few days to get in a state I was happy with it, but I haven't touched the config at all in almost a month.
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<disasm> but now, I have that on all my nixos systems, and any cloud instances I launch with nixops get my vim/zsh config by default as well. sooo much nicer than my old dotfiles repo I used to clone and run a shell script to create symlinks all over my home directory.
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<cfricke> bennofs: Holy shit. You just blew my mind.
<cfricke> bennofs: How did I not figure this out!? What gave it away?
* cfricke needs to learn.
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<bennofs> cfricke: to be fair, I just guessed this as well, remembering a recent discussion about needing to do the same with nix-shell -p (stdenv no longer includes the gcc setup hook)
<drakonis> hmm, i have to use patchelf to make a binary unavailable in the repository work
<cfricke> bennofs: Well, thank you sir for restoring my sanity.
<drakonis> how do i work with it
<disasm> drakonis: what are you trying to do?
<drakonis> gonna get myself some fuchsia to compile
<drakonis> turns out nixos itself blocks running unpatched elf files
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<drakonis> hmm, so i'm kinda stuck here
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<disasm> drakonis: yeah, I'm working on something similar, might help https://gist.github.com/35f8e50a35045d67d1b684b5dec31e63
<ericnoan> fuchsia? google os?
<drakonis> yes
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<drakonis> uhhh
<drakonis> glibc isn't available by default?
<drakonis> what the fuck?
<disasm> drakonis: essentially run patchelf to set interpreter on the binary and then wrapProgram to add any NIX_REDIRECTS you need since that program will be installed in the read only store.
<Infinisil> gchristensen: You here?
<gchristensen> hi Infinisil
<disasm> drakonis: there's no /usr/lib in nix
<gchristensen> so with the kexec your / is a ramdisk, so you can mount your actual main disk to / and add zfs
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<disasm> drakonis: so you need to map all the dynamic libraries to where they are in the store.
<drakonis> it does keep repeating that it is a bad substitution
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<drakonis> i'm aware of that part
<drakonis> but i haven't done any patching
<Infinisil> gchristensen: Ahh I see
<gchristensen> sorry
<drakonis> i want to compile fuchsia to see the new GUI they added last friday
<gchristensen> you can add your actual main disk to /mnt *
<gchristensen> Infinisil: ^
<drakonis> and i don't want to make a vm or install ubuntu for that
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<drakonis> where's nix cache again
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<disasm> drakonis: compile, so you have source code?
<Infinisil> gchristensen: The current state of my server is that I have an external disk mounted on /, while the main disk is on /mnt, but when I do the whole partitioning, zpooling and installing stuff it doesn't boot anymore
<drakonis> i'd have to compile jiri entirely
<drakonis> does manual compilation already do patching?
<gchristensen> Infinisil: hmm does DO give you console access?
<Infinisil> gchristensen: Yes, they actually just fixed the online console so it doesn't crash every 5 seconds :D
<Infinisil> gchristensen: Since I had that problem I got a bit smarter, I'll try again some other time
<gchristensen> Infinisil: this is how I install ZFS on a Packet.net box: https://github.com/grahamc/packet-provision-nixos-ipxe/blob/master/install-tools/bin/type2.sh
<gchristensen> wait
<Infinisil> gchristensen: I see, I'll save that for later
<Infinisil> gchristensen: I could give you ssh access to it if you wanna have a look (I don't have any data on it anyways)
<Infinisil> I think I'm doing something wrong with the /boot partition, not sure
<gchristensen> uhh... I could take a look for a few minutes
<Infinisil> pubkey?
<gchristensen> ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDBwRyfjaeZhuf8iT2iF/ZMyknHMnTpDCIbJCETUuwDqE9osx2d6ClHdJRjjk4R45J3UTJVNwKV0IAjzBenOaIyR+7nyIIolZdjcPzWcBff5e9c+fizYJO/ucVK8JzEIuXZoguSw4Fws4bZF+BW0E/E6f0tnYqJUHm/Ubv8WcUx6+Iq9p5hd4odTrHI+p8Pj/CsiSlOHHRYyGWk+0kdI7+WsOqMAMDx2KGVfNgbaUL7qtXS0PtEyyNHgvdKqT+nPO2f/W8UbZrjwRVMTKS+PvSD2sOrJISGMJPElTfvUg6xgW0XLpJxuZaZRvR5dTJwfOee52WRB1xDqGKn1wLyWn+v
<Infinisil> Haha I wondered how I'd get it, but that works :P
<gchristensen> I can paste it at a URL if you'd prefer
<Infinisil> Should work fine
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<Infinisil> Umm I think I messed something up, it crashed, damnit
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<dmj`> anyone know which package jarsigner is in
<disasm> drakonis: ok, so what I would do is do an stdenv.mkDerivation. Pass any build inputs needed to it, and then have that build script do your configure make make install... Then run nix-build to build that derivation.
<disasm> I don't have time to play with it right now though, gotta watch the kiddo.
<drakonis> got classes in an hour
<drakonis> gotta get going soon
<Infinisil> gchristensen: Well anyways, I'll ask some other time when I have more of an idea what's up and documented the steps I took, thanks!
<gchristensen> Infinisil: sounds good :)
<drakonis> there's more things that have to be built, not just jiri in there
<gchristensen> my steps work flawlessly for Packet.net, and they're not so specific
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<gchristensen> other than obviously the many disks involved
<Infinisil> Yeah, probably I'm overcomplicating stuff a bit, I'm not very experienced with this stuff yet
<gchristensen> you don't _need_ a /boot partition if you're booting mbr
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #25960: znapzend service: Added options for logging and nodestroy (master...znapzend) https://git.io/vHUHB
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<gchristensen> be sure to understand what _every line_ of that script is doing (it isn't long) and you'll probably end up with a working system
<Infinisil> Do I want mbr though? Why not gpt?
<gchristensen> well, does DO boot GPT?
<drakonis> mbr has a partition size limitation
<drakonis> partition count limitation too
<drakonis> 4 primary partitions
<gchristensen> this is a DO box, and they're wanting to use ZFS I'd be surprised if they had many partitions
<drakonis> zfs is fabulous.
<drakonis> also gparted can die in a fire
<Infinisil> Ahh I see, I just saw this today and wondered what's up with the 4 primary partitions
<drakonis> i almost nuked my entire disk
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<Infinisil> What's so bad about gparted?
<drakonis> i had a zfs partition
<drakonis> was running freebsd a while ago
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<drakonis> i nuked zfs and then put ubuntu there then nixos
<drakonis> when i was partitioning for nixos, it assumed everything was zfs
<drakonis> which is a bad assumption
<drakonis> not always zfs will eat everything
<Infinisil> Soooooo it's your fault? Or am I missing something?
<drakonis> okay so, zfs partitions leave a header of sorts on the beginning and end of a partition
<drakonis> gparted picks up that header and assumes everything is zfs
<Infinisil> You mean zpools?
<drakonis> what no
<drakonis> i mean a partition
<drakonis> a disk partition
<drakonis> like ext4 or btrfs
<Infinisil> So you had a non-zfs partition and a zfs one
<drakonis> sorta
<drakonis> i had a ex zfs partition
<Infinisil> Ahh I see
<drakonis> it still had the headers
<Infinisil> Ahh yeah that's pretty bad of gparted..
<drakonis> so gparted went with the assumption that the entire disk is zfs instead of a single partition
<drakonis> i almost nuked the entire disk trying to fix it
<Infinisil> Almost? Did you press <C-c> really fast after realizing? xD
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] leenaars opened pull request #26002: nsd: 4.1.15 -> 4.1.16 (master...nsd) https://git.io/vHIa2
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<Infinisil> I really like it how a lot of people here are using zfs
<drakonis> haw
<drakonis> zfs is excellent
<Infinisil> It really is
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<gchristensen> ever since #Zfsonlinux corrected my misunderstandings, I've been a happy user
<drakonis> which were?
<drakonis> and i wish illumos and freebsd were more popular
<gchristensen> don't use it on systems with few disks or little ram
<gchristensen> "not intended for home users"
<drakonis> ah yes
<drakonis> deduplication
<gchristensen> well apparently the word from #zfsonlinux is "just don't use dedupe ever unless you specifically know exactly exactly exactly what you're doing"
<gchristensen> "or you don't care about your data"
<WilliButz> so, about my question from one and a half hours ago: does anyone know how to fix the dependency issue with 'haskellPackages.network-interfacerequest' (on unstable) or can point me into the right direction to fix it? :)
<Infinisil> Or have a shit ton of ram and cpu to spare
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<drakonis> its probably broken on zfs on linux
<gchristensen> no it works fine
<LnL> that's a good summary :)
<gchristensen> its just if you grow your dataset too large and the dedupe table no longer fits in RAM, you're hosed unless you can get enough RAM to fit it
<drakonis> gchristensen, nix has a competitor now :v
<gchristensen> drakonis: guixsd?
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<drakonis> no
<drakonis> google's package manager
<drakonis> seems to be trying to do the same things
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<gchristensen> oh? link?
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<drakonis> it is multiplatform
<Infinisil> Ohh if you haven't seen it, there's been an article on hackernews about a filesystem in development which does look very promising: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14386331 (Don't wanna hijack this chat with discussions about this though)
<drakonis> there's fuchsia specific features
<drakonis> oh
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<drakonis> i'm pretty sure freebsd can already do that one
<drakonis> oh its redox
<drakonis> fucken lmbo
<gchristensen> drakonis: does it work like nix?
<drakonis> the paragraph regarding package convention seems to point that it is intended to be similar to nix
<gchristensen> "does not provide native support for inter-package dependencies" seems more like docker than nix
<gchristensen> ya
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<Infinisil> Guys I'm off to sleep, nice talking to you!
<drakonis> peace.
<drakonis> it does deduplication
<gchristensen> see you
<drakonis> so symlinking everywhere
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<drakonis> it seems fairly similar to nix in a way
<gchristensen> yeah ... but still
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<gchristensen> this seems to not be a package manager that a packager could use, but something you might output from a makefile
<gchristensen> which seems ... lacking
<drakonis> ha, it seems like it i guess
<drakonis> one of the developers said it is like pc-bsd's system
<gchristensen> ah
<drakonis> which nowadays lives on as pkg on freebsd
<gchristensen> anyway, I'm heading out for a bit
<drakonis> aight
<drakonis> i should be going too
<gchristensen> see you
<drakonis> peace.
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<Sonarpulse> might I have kicked off a haskell mass rebuild?
<Sonarpulse> my last merged PR passed travis
<Sonarpulse> but PRs since time out building GHC
<Sonarpulse> don't understand how mine also didn't time out building GHC if that was the case...
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<bennofs> Sonarpulse: looks like the number of queued jobs increased a lot sometime in the last 10h: http://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixpkgs/trunk
<Sonarpulse> bennofs: hmm
<Sonarpulse> uh oh
<Sonarpulse> bennofs: whew wasn't me
<Sonarpulse> but grrr
<Sonarpulse> we need proper CI soo bad
<Sonarpulse> bennofs: that URL doesn't worrk for me? (python error)
<bennofs> Sonarpulse: I clicked on the commit range here: http://hydra.nixos.org/eval/1361145#tabs-inputs
<Sonarpulse> thanks
<Sonarpulse> oh haha
<bennofs> idk how that would cause haskell mass rebuilts?
<Sonarpulse> same error from link too
<Sonarpulse> oh hydra
<bennofs> o.o works for me
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<bennofs> Sonarpulse: do you see how any of the commits 7e4028..777d5e would cause a haskell mass rebuild?
<Sonarpulse> bennofs: it could be more than ghc
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHIoP
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4e404c5 Jörg Thalheim: vimPlugins: update sources
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<Sonarpulse> ghc just happens to be what travis started building
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHIoD
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 297506d Jörg Thalheim: vimPlugins.ack-vim: init at 2017-05-07
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<Sonarpulse> I wish that worked
<bennofs> Sonarpulse: does some core thing depend on cython?
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<Sonarpulse> don't think so?
<Sonarpulse> odd
<Sonarpulse> thanks
<bennofs> or flake8 or pyflakes? seems weird
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<Sonarpulse> bennofs: weird
<Sonarpulse> I'm not sure how that could cause so many rebuilds, period
<bennofs> yeah me neither
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHI6k
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7786922 Jörg Thalheim: minisatUnstable: init at 2013-09-25
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 893c7b6 Jörg Thalheim: cryptominisat: init at 5.0.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2549be8 Jörg Thalheim: stp: 2014.01.07 -> 2.2.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bachp opened pull request #26003: Gitlab runner update (master...gitlab-runner-update) https://git.io/vHI6F
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cpages pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHI6N
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 031156c Jonathan Rudenberg: libhdhomerun: init at revision 1efbcb2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8a978a7 Jonathan Rudenberg: kodi: init pvr-hdhomerun plugin at 2.4.7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f60767d Carles Pagès: Merge pull request #25366 from titanous/kodi-hdhomerun...
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<matthewbauer> bennofs: it looks like hyper v0.10.10 has been released, can that be used by nix-index?
<bennofs> matthewbauer: nix-index needs 0.11
<matthewbauer> hmmm...
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<bennofs> when cargo vendor starts supporting git deps, this is going to get much easier as we don't have to deal with making git repos deterministic anymore
<Profpatsch> Is there a separate nixops channel?
<gchristensen> no, Profpatsch
<Profpatsch> If I execute `nixops stop -d some-libvirt-vms`
<Profpatsch> Right now the VMs are just shot down here.
<Profpatsch> So no shutdown, it kills the VMs.
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<Profpatsch> Is that the intended behaviour?
<gchristensen> probably not :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHIXO
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c42739a Jörg Thalheim: wllvm: init at 1.1.3
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<octe> i've installed a single unstable package via configuration.nix by adding " let unstable = import <nixos-unstable> {}; in { ... environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ unstable.mypackage ] }", but how do i configure the flags for that package? nixpkgs.config doesn't seem to affect it
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<teozkr> import <nixos-unstable> config.nixpkgs
<teozkr> instead of import <nixos-unstable> {}
<mellowmaroon> I'm working on modifying Flat-Plat to allow optional installation of the GDM theme as well
<mellowmaroon> Does gnome3 in the flat-plat imports, or whatever that first line is called, cover GDM as well?
<octe> teozkr, that seems to work, thanks
<mellowmaroon> Sorry, I mean flat-plat's nixpkgs file
<octe> though im not sure if it has any other effects?
<octe> what does it actually do?
<teozkr> basically, nixpkgs's default.nix
<teozkr> is a function that takes the config as its arguments
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHIDM
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 02bb7c2 Franz Pletz: Revert "gitlab service: fix preStart script"...
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<teozkr> giving {} (an empty attrset) makes it use the default settings and your user settings (from your ~/.config/nixpkgs/nixpkgs.nix)
<teozkr> giving it config.nixpkgs makes it use the same settings as the NixOS uses for its default Nixpkgs instance
<teozkr> if you just want to apply some particular setting then you could also just supply that manually instead
<teozkr> for example, (import <nixpkgs> { allowUnfree = true; }).spotify
<teozkr> if I wanted to block unfree programms by default, but make an exeption for Spotify
<octe> ah cool, i think i get it now
<octe> the nix language is very confusing :/
<teozkr> :D
<teozkr> out of curiosity, what language background do you come from?
<gchristensen> octe: what kind of flags do you want to configure?
<octe> gchristensen, it's the settings for the wine package
<octe> teozkr, clojure, javascript, java, python, etc..
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<teozkr> octe: oh okay
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<octe> i'm guessing if i knew haskell i'd get the syntax :)
<teozkr> well, the syntax isn't too close to haskell tbh
<octe> oh i thought it was based on it
<mellowmaroon> I like haskell, and I've been struggling with the nix language
<teozkr> well, some ideas are similar
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<teozkr> (lazy evaluation, currying everywhere)
<mellowmaroon> How can I add something conditionally to a nixpkg installPhase?
<mellowmaroon> Do I just concatenate it with the multiline string?
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<mellowmaroon> or I guess I can use variables inside the string it looks like, interesting
<mellowmaroon> hmmm...I'm using this as an example, but it doesn't have an installPhase [https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/networking/newsreaders/pan/default.nix]
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<mellowmaroon> I see something about mkOption, but I have no idea if it's related...
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<SovereignBleak> I'm trying to get an extra Linux entry in my GRUB but I get `syntax error, unexpected IND_STRING_OPEN, at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:16:36` when I try and rebuild. Can someone take a look at this relevant bit and tell me where I've gone wrong?
<SovereignBleak> Whoops wrong one.
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<SovereignBleak> I've checked and rechecked my opening and closing bits.
<SovereignBleak> Fixed it, bah.
<SovereignBleak> No, still broken. What does this unexpected IND_STRING_OPEN mean?
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<clever> SovereignBleak: you have a bare string inside an attribute set
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 closed pull request #25997: stdenv: Rename `isGNU` to `isHurd` as GNU is a userland (master...isHurd) https://git.io/vHIv7
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<clever> SovereignBleak: bare strings must be in the form of key=value;
<clever> SovereignBleak: attribute sets! must be in the form of key=value;
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<clever> SovereignBleak: and that option is of type string
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<clever> SovereignBleak: oh, your also missing a } inside the string, so the grub.cfg would become invalid and cease booting
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] benley opened pull request #26005: kops: 1.4.0 -> 1.6.0 (master...kops-1.6.0) https://git.io/vHI5K
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<SovereignBleak> clever: Thank you. :-) I killed the outside braces and that got it to build but Manjaro now complains of a missing device. I see you have a device pair value there so maybe that’s what I need too.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] benley opened pull request #26006: kubernetes-helm: Enable bash and zsh completion (master...helm-completion) https://git.io/vHIdn
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<clever> SovereignBleak: you may need to load the right module for the filesystem and partition table your searching for
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<clever> i had chosen to just hardcode the hd# and part#, which does fail every now and then (i have to edit it to hd2,msdos1)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #26007: Support binary prefixes for cc-wrappper (master...cc-wrapper-prefix) https://git.io/vHIFb
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch closed pull request #25252: hledger(-web): move to all-packages with static build (master...hledger-static) https://git.io/v93Rl
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