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<clever> johnramsden: networking = { } // (lib.optionalAttrs useBridge {});
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<rcschm> how do i pass pkgs to the default.nix when i do nix-build?
<clever> rcschm: if you just want it to work by itself, you do this:
<rcschm> ok
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<rcschm> i am not sure why i am getting error: stack overflow (possible infinite recursion) error.
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<rcschm> while it is ok with nix-env.
<clever> can you gist the nix file your editing?
<rcschm> oh i take it back. it fails with nix-env as well.
<clever> and where did you put that file?
<johnramsden> clever: Now i'm getting 'error: The option `networking.defaultGateway.address' is used but not defined. Can I show you what I'm trying to do?
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<clever> johnramsden: line 26 is the problem
<rcschm> in arangodb folder.
<clever> johnramsden: the line 18-25 derivation contains a defaultGateway = { address = "..."; }; attribute
<rcschm> which is under ~/.nixpkgs
<clever> johnramsden: and line 25-32 contains a defaultGateway = { interface = "br0"; };
<clever> johnramsden: and // overwrites the entire defaultGateway attribute, clearing address
<johnramsden> clever: Ohhhh
<johnramsden> Thanks!
<clever> johnramsden: there is another function that does a deep merge
<johnramsden> k
<rcschm> with import <nixpkgs> {}; causes the overflow.
<clever> johnramsden: lib.recursiveUpdate takes 2 attrsets and does similiar to {}
<clever> rcschm: you need to run nix-build directly on that file, and not reference it from a config.nix or put it in a special location
<rcschm> yes.
<johnramsden> clever: what do you mean {}
<rcschm> i ran nix-build default.nix
<clever> johnramsden: meant to say //
<clever> rcschm: what is in config.nix?
<rcschm> nix-build -A nixpkgs.arangodb
<rcschm> nix-build -A default.nix
<clever> -A doesnt work like that
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<rcschm> there is no config.nix for arangodb.
<rcschm> oh ok.
<clever> rcschm: do you have a ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix file?
<rcschm> yes
<clever> what is in that file?
<rcschm> i get the same error without the -A.
<rcschm> quite a bit of stuff.
<rcschm> hang on
<clever> is there anything about arangodb in it?
<rcschm> let me recheck.
<clever> the reason i'm asking, is because line 3 of asks nixpkgs for arangodb
<clever> and i highly suspect that config.nix says that arangodb is in
<clever> and now you have infinite recursion
<rcschm> oh i see.
<rcschm> i name the variable arangodb as well.
<clever> 2017-05-14 21:13:41 < clever> rcschm: you need to run nix-build directly on that file, and not reference it from a config.nix or put it in a special location
<rcschm> so it reads in the config.nix.
<rcschm> ok now i got the file to run and fail as before.
<rcschm> in general though, how do we pass in arguments using nix-build?
<clever> nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs>{}; callPackage ./default.nix'
<rcschm> ok
<johnramsden> clever: I think I got it, this built does it look correct?
<clever> johnramsden: yeah, that looks good
<johnramsden> clever: Awesome, thanks for the help.
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<johnramsden> clever: Actually, while I have your attention, could I ask you something else? Does it look like I have correctly created a bridge that will share my host interface with a guests such as a container or vm? I was kind of confused by the NixOS options relating to Bridges. They talked about bridging two physical interfaces but I just wanted to use a single interface and do something akin to what I did here:
<johnramsden> 09/23/containerizing-graphical-applications-on-linux-with-systemd-nspawn.html#create-a-bridge
<clever> johnramsden: most vm stuff will create a tun/tap device linked to the guest, and then add that device to the bridge
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<Fare> couldn't nix build in /nix/bld/X/ or something else with same length as /nix/store/ ?
<johnramsden> clever: Yeah I was trying to create my own so I could use it with unprivileged containers. In the past I've had problems with them trying to create their own bridge.
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<Fare> then twiddling paths wouldn't involve length changes
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<clever> root@klingon:~# ip link
<clever> 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master br0 state UP qlen 1000
<clever> 16: vif8.0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master br0 state UP qlen 1
<Fare> since stripping is not the problem, I suspect it might be length change.
<clever> johnramsden: in this case, vif8.0 is linked to dom8 in xen
<Fare> and I resent that it takes 20 minutes to check each hypothesis
<clever> johnramsden: and both eth0 and vif8.0 are slaved to br0, so packets can cross between them
<clever> Fare: you can try copying the defective binary to your home directory, and then try different ways of patching it
<clever> Fare: that should skip the 20minute rebuilds
<Fare> how do I change the recipe so its saves the buildPhase output somewhere that I can restore from at my next attempt?
<johnramsden> clever: Is that basically what I've done? Slaved eno1 to br0?
<clever> Fare: nix-shell is better suited to that task, nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A foo, then run unpackPhase; cd $sourceRoot; configurePhase; buildPhase
<johnramsden> clever: That's what I was trying to do.'
<clever> johnramsden: yeah, eno1 has to be slaved to br0, and then you tell systemd-nspawn to link the guests into br0
<clever> 6: ve-mc1@if2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
<clever> johnramsden: in my case, the nixos containers arent tied to a bridge, so i need to perform NAT to make the network work
<johnramsden> clever: Yeah I wanted to avoid that.
<clever> johnramsden: it can probably be done, i just havent tried it with nixos containers
<johnramsden> NAT i mean
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<rcschm> clever: even when i override patchPhase = ''''; i am still getting substitute(): file '3rdParty/V8-' does not exist.
<clever> rcschm: what command did you run to cause that error?
<rcschm> what is calling substitute() i this case?
<rcschm> nix-build default.nix
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<johnramsden> clever: Well, It seems to be working when using lxc, I just wasn't confident I've done it right since I didn't really understand the option 'bridges.<name>.interfaces'. I'm going to reboot since I just switch my configuration. Thanks for the help.
<clever> johnramsden: bridges.<name>.interfaces is a list of things nixos will enslave to <name> on bootup
<Fare> when I build, can I use /usr/bin/env ?
<clever> johnramsden: but things like lxc are free to mutate the network stack imperatively
<clever> Fare: only if sandboxes are disabled
<Fare> so I have to change env in the patchPhase? sigh
<Fare> what about /bin/sh ?
<johnramsden> clever: OK good. Ijust mentioned using multiple interfaces which is what confused me
<clever> Fare: /bin/sh is available always, glibc requires it
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<clever> rcschm: the substituteInPlace stuff is in the postPatch hook
<clever> rcschm: so you need to clear the postPatch, not patchPhase
<rcschm> ok let me try override that as see.
<rcschm> you are so right.
<rcschm> it goes to the next step now.
<clever> Fare: there is also a patchShebangs function, that will fix all #!'s for you, including #!/usr/bin/env
<rcschm> thanks!
<clever> Fare: it has to be ran on a directory
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<clever> johnramsden: ah, found it, containers.<name>.hostBridge
<Fare> I use nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A gerbil, and it installs the source code, but buildPhase does nothing.
<clever> johnramsden: this will register the nixos containers to a bridge when they start
<clever> Fare: did you run unpackPhase first, and cd into the source dir it made?
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<clever> johnramsden:<name>.hostbri
<johnramsden> Clever: I was using LXc because I thought 'containers' only let you create nixos guests. Can you create other guests with it?
<Fare> clever: can patchShebangs take multiple files? a directory?
<clever> johnramsden: i think the entire containers. attrset is limited to nixos guests, you would need to manualy run systemd-nspawn to do others (lxc probably does that for you)
<clever> Fare: it can only take a directory, and it will patch every file in that directory
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<johnramsden> clever: Yea, thought so.
<clever> johnramsden: i have also managed to crash pid 1 on the host by pointing systemd-nspawn at a broken fuse filesystem
<clever> johnramsden: that left the machine unable to shutdown
<johnramsden> ouch
<Fare> What patchShebangs does here is incorrect: src/std/ interpreter directive changed from "/usr/bin/env gxi" to "/run/current-system/sw/bin/gxi"
<Fare> while building, I want gxi from the PATH used during the build
<Fare> after building, it should point to $out
<clever> Fare: run nix-shell with --pure
<clever> Fare: that will omit /run/current-system
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<Fare> it looks like buildPhase isn't set from my default.nix
<Fare> though the unpackPhase worked
<clever> oh, do you have a custom buildPhase?
<clever> Fare: can you gist the nix file?
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<clever> Fare: yeah, you have a custon buildPhase, so you need to eval "$buildPhase"
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<clever> bash is a bit weird, and you can have both a buildPhase function, and a $buildPhase variable
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<koserge> can anyone confirm that is down? this holds up installation of texlive.combined.scheme-full on release-17.03
<koserge> clever, does it mean that bash is a Lisp-2? : -)
<koserge> > clisp -q -x '(let ((f 1)) (flet ((f (x) x)) (f f)))' -> 1
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<Fare> koserge, bash is indeed a very bad lisp-2
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<_deepfire> Fare, I know.. : -)
<Fare> _deepfire, do you use any Lisp these days?
<_deepfire> Fare, these days I'm mostly sad neither lisk or liskell took off..
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sdll opened pull request #25791: spacy: added Explosion AI spaCy, thinc and related tools (master...spacy-1.8.2)
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<Fare> _deepfire, there's hasket
<Fare> ok, after $installPhase, everything looks like it's working. So something else is breaking afterwards
<clever> Fare: dontFixup=true; will skip the fixupPhase
<clever> Fare: which normally runs after install, and does some misc cleanup of the output files
<Fare> don't I need *some* fixups for e.g. patchelf, etc. ?
<_deepfire> Fare, 'hasket' certainly isn't easy to find.. can you lend a hand? : -)
<clever> Fare: gcc sets the rpath up for you
<clever> Fare: the fixup phase normally removes things from rpath, to optimize the size of the closure
<_deepfire> Fare, thank you!
<Fare> wait, after fixupPhase, /nix/store/kkf0wphgsjrq22kb68ggb2v38hi0g1zl-gerbil-0.7/bin/gxi still works
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<Fare> is there anything else after that that can break me?
<clever> nothing else that i can think of right now
<Fare> grrrr.
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<Fare> _deepfire, renamed to Hackett since.
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<gchristensen> domenkozar, sphalerite, anyone else with thee Dell XPS 9560, if you got this thing: if you try booting to FreeDOS (ie: legacy boot) for a bios upgrade, it won't find the OS if you're using the external battery.
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<Fare> wait, when I /nix/store/kkf0wphgsjrq22kb68ggb2v38hi0g1zl-gerbil-0.7/bin/gxi from within nix-shell it works, but from outside it segfaults!
<Fare> what can explain such a behavior?
<gchristensen> maybe env varss?
<Fare> oh, gxi calls gsi without a full path... maybe that's related?
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<clever> Fare: i would patch it before the build, to use absolute paths
<clever> gchristensen: that sounds like a fun bug in the bios
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<clever> gchristensen: also, they appear to be reinventing the wheel
<clever> gchristensen: in the old days, you could replace the cd drive with a second battery, then laptops ditched that feature, and now they are bringing it back, but as a giant wart you have to hang off a cable
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<gchristensen> clever: I didn't know you could add a second battery..!
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<clever> gchristensen:
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<clever> gchristensen: with this laptop, you have 2 bays, one can take only batteries, the other can take a cd/floppy/battery
<gchristensen> niice
<clever> gchristensen: and both bays accept the same type of battery, so you can freely put either battery in either bay
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<clever> gchristensen: the cpu maxes out at 1ghz i think, and it had no wifi built in :P
<clever> thats how old it is
<Fare> clever: thanks
<clever> gchristensen: the next dell up that i have used, it takes 1 battery in the bottom, and a cd/floppy/battery on the side
<clever> gchristensen: but the side bay is a different shape, so you need a special battery for the side bay
<gchristensen> that is very cool
<gchristensen> I don't mind the wart so much
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<gchristensen> I only need it if I'm using the computer for a long long time (flights)
<clever> gchristensen: see the wrist rest at the bottom of the image?
<gchristensen> ohhh I thought you meant the battery on a wire
<_deepfire> Fare, I really wish Alexis King could be/become a GHC hacker..
<clever> gchristensen: this laptop can take an extra-large battery, that doesnt fit in the battery bay
<clever> gchristensen: but they where clever, and they made the bulge into a wrist rest
<gchristensen> better than the thinkpad butt
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<clever> gchristensen: oh yeah, another neat thing ive seen change over the years
<clever> gchristensen: see the bulge between the lcd panel hinges?
<clever> thats the power brick
<gchristensen> :o
<clever> 120vac in, 18vdc out, directly plugged into the motherboard
<gchristensen> nice
<gchristensen> love that keyboard, too
<clever> this laptop is grey scale lcd, ~20mb of ram, and a 486 cpu
<clever> no cd drive, no sound card
<clever> not even a pci bus
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<gchristensen> with 20mb of ram, who needs a pci bus
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #25792: linux-testing: 4.11-rc7 -> 4.12-rc1 (master...linux_4_12_rc1)
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<clever> gchristensen: see the battery on the left side, with the large black handrest?
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<gchristensen> yeah
<clever> gchristensen: there is also a smaller battery, that just doesnt have the black handrest
<clever> gchristensen: and under the battery, is a sim card slot:
<clever> gchristensen: so if you put the proper 3g modem into the mini-pcie slot inside, you will have an internal cellular modem
<gchristensen> haha, nice
<clever> that model has a total of 3 mini-pcie bays
<clever> and most of the time, they are poppulated with a wifi card, a dialup modem, and an empty port for the 3g
<gchristensen> no smart card reader?
<gchristensen> seems a smart card reader would fit right in
<clever> there is a smartcard reader right under the pcmcia slot
<gchristensen> lol.
<clever> its just barely visible
<gchristensen> nice
<gchristensen> "Review: NixOS 17.03 "Gorilla""
<clever> gchristensen: its in a different place on my model, lets see what the image search has
<gchristensen> "this distro is different. And it is a good type of different. It is slick, compartmentalized, and very forgiving"
<clever> :D
<gchristensen> "NixOS automatically boots into KDE 5 (aka Plasma). It is a very nice live environment, clean, and there are no bugs out of the box."
<gchristensen> I wish I had a smartcard reader on the 9560 :)
<matthewbauer> don't let distrowatch see our github issues page
<gchristensen> "The manual gives you directions on how to install the distro. It is pretty easy to follow, with one exception. The manual does not tell you until much later on that you need to mount your EFI partition to /mnt/boot (for me that was accomplish with "mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/boot"). It does explain this in the UEFI portion of the manual, but that is right after the installation portion."
<clever> gchristensen: 1 is smartcard (never got it to work in linux), 2 is the pcmcia, and right under 2 is the sata hdd
<clever> gchristensen: here is how it looks without the keyboard or lcd,
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<clever> oh, the one in that image has the 3g modem!
<gchristensen> incredible
<gchristensen> what are you , computer history museum?
<clever> packrat, lol
<clever> i also have a c64, vic20, snes
<gchristensen> "That being said, I must give a huge thank you to the community around NixOS. Their IRC group and the issue page on GitHub were both incredible. They are a very friendly group of users and developers, and that is saying a lot when you look at some of the other, perhaps more mainstream, distros. They don't use a forum but their GitHub Issues page is outstanding. They are fast to give support and they don't talk
<gchristensen> down to you. I think their user base will be growing a lot in the coming years if they keep that type of attitude. "
<clever> :D
<gchristensen> "NixOS is a viable daily distro for average users who are willing to put a small amount of work into it. Since it is a little strange, knowledge about NixOS may not translate well to other distros. NixOS is very lightweight and usable. I think that it is probably a very good distro for a more advanced user."
<matthewbauer> :)
<gchristensen> nice work, everyone :D
<clever> i find that nixos forces you to learn more internals, like how to figure out what config file service xyz is using
<clever> and that can carry over to other distros
<clever> check the cli first for a -f or -c flag, then check /etc/foo/
<gchristensen> yeah :)
<clever> and now you can find the config for the service on any distro
<matthewbauer> one thing i've wanted to look into, is a GUI for building NixOS configs
<clever> matthewbauer: been working on one of those on&off
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<matthewbauer> that could make things lots easier for the end user
<clever> github link is in the description
<matthewbauer> clever: ok i remember seeing that
<matthewbauer> my idea was more of an emacs mode like cus.el
<matthewbauer> but that would be much more versatile
<clever> gchristensen: this is a custom mod i made to my eeepc 701 netbook a while ago
<gchristensen> clever: ftdi for what?
<clever> gchristensen: an xbee radio
<clever> gchristensen: like
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<clever> gchristensen: there is a 4 pin JST connector on the motherboard, for a webcam, but its just usb
<clever> thats what the 3 white and 1 black wire are
<gchristensen> ah ha! sure enough!
<clever> so i just unsoldered the mini-b, and soldered the ftdi to a jst cable
<clever> and now it has internal xbee
<gchristensen> :D nice
<clever> but it was a fractal chip antenna, and there is a crap-ton of rf shielding on the case
<clever> never really worked right
<clever> and yesterday, i swapped the lcd panel out for one with a webcam, so i had to remove that mod
<gchristensen> ah, bummer :)
<gchristensen> bed time. good night!
<clever> goodnight :)
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<clever> matthewbauer: my original idea, was to allow doing the entire install over http
<clever> matthewbauer: so you could boot the iso on a remote box in a datacenter, then load this page up over the web, and install nixos
<clever> matthewbauer: or you could boot it on a cd locally, and just http://localhost it, and install
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<matthewbauer> clever: yeah, my thinking was more for people already installed
<clever> matthewbauer: thats part of why the project is stalled, i need to get an AST of configuration.nix if i want to make further changes programaticaly
<matthewbauer> isn't that created for
<clever> matthewbauer: waiting for a project like hnix to progress more, so i can load configuration.nix, insert/overwrite a given attribute, and serialize it again
<matthewbauer> ?
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<clever> matthewbauer: i want to have a command that can take an existing configuration.nix file, and set services.xserver.enable = true;
<matthewbauer> ok you mean the raw syntax vs. just enumerating options
<clever> without causing duplicates, and without breaking any fancy nix expressions the user may have
<matthewbauer> I wonder if guix does anything like this? it would definitely be easier in lisp
<clever> i think hnix can mostly do it right now, but it looses whitespace
<clever> so the file would become an unreadable mess, or get reformated, and will probably loose all comments
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<matthewbauer> yeah it will reformat it with it's own rules, but they're pretty good in most cases
<matthewbauer> Nix indentation can be weird in general, people usually indent differently in different places
<clever> i usualy do 2 spaces for each {
<clever> and also 2 spaces for ''
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<clever> and maybe 2 more for ( if things span multiple lines, but i try to break it up into seperate statements in the let block
<matthewbauer> yeah but when you think about let's, in's, and ":" it gets trickier
<clever> matthewbauer: another reason ive been wanting to finish that installer, is that some people just cant seem to partition the disk right for booting
<clever> matthewbauer: ive seen users that are unable to set a simple flag on a partition to make it bootable, countless times
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<clever> but if there was a gui, that gave you a few different boot methods, legacy grub on mbr, efi grub, efi systemd-boot, legacy grub on gpt
<clever> it could preset everything and just work
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<clever> matthewbauer:
<matthewbauer> yeah i guess a few templates would be needed?
<clever> yeah
<matthewbauer> that's kind of what the hardware-configuration.nix stuff does
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<clever> yeah, but nixos-generate-config doesnt know what the grub.device should be set to (nothing if efi!)
<clever> and some users (including myself) have tried setting grub.device = "/dev/sda1"
<clever> sda1 is the boot partition, that also means its the grub device, right? (nope!)
<matthewbauer> yeah, does it break /dev/sda1?
<clever> it will detect a filesystem on sda1 that doesnt support embeding, and fail to grub-install
<matthewbauer> that's at least not as bad as i was thinking
<clever> if sda is MBR partitioned, it will put a stub into the MBR, then put stage 1.5 in the FREE SPACE between sector 0 and the 1st partition
<clever> and there is no way to know that the 'free' space isnt free
<clever> stage 1.5 is the grub kernel, hard-linked to a filesystem driver that supports whatever /boot is on
<clever> it can then load the rest from /boot/grub/i386-pc/ at runtime
<clever> but, GPT partition tables use more then sector 0
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<clever> so that 'free space' region is no longer safe to just blindly use
<clever> so some new rules have been laid down to keep things orderly
<clever> you must make a special partition, of type 'bios boot partition', no filesystem, it never gets mounted, you dont need to format it
<clever> and when you set boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/sda";, grub will find the bios boot partiton, and put stage 1.5 in there
<clever> so the partition just contains raw x86 opcodes
<clever> and now its correctly flagged as in-use
<clever> matthewbauer: all make sense?
<matthewbauer> yeah i think so. every time i've partitioned with Nix it's *just worked*
<matthewbauer> but I think that's because I've done /dev/sda for grub
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<matthewbauer> does "nixpart" help with any of these issues?
<clever> the issue i see with most users here, is that almost no partitioning tool calls it the bios boot partition
<clever> and they all have different names for it
<clever> and some users try to flag /boot as the bios boot partition
<clever> now grub overwrites it with x86 code, and everything breaks
<clever> matthewbauer: and for extra fun, gpt uses 2 uuid's for every partition, a uuid that is globally unique to that partition, and a uuid type code
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<clever> matthewbauer: if you take the hex for the 'bios boot partition' type code, and treat it as ascii, you get "Hah!IdontNeedEFI"
<matthewbauer> :)
<clever> i'm guessing nixpart could be configured to handle things for you
<matthewbauer> i think that's the idea
<matthewbauer> it's not very well documented though
<clever> matthewbauer: this is from the pre-html gui, when it was all in QT
<clever> matthewbauer: it uses libparted to partition the disk
<clever> matthewbauer: but one critical problem i ran into with libparted, is that it has no way to read the uuid of partitions, so i cant directly enter them into fileSystems. in configuration.nix
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<matthewbauer> that seems werid... is that just a missing feature?
<clever> they made the api a bit too abstract
<clever> and it has no way to query features that only a subset of the partition table types can handle
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<simpson> Okay, I'm calling it. I have waited for 4d for $(nixos-rebuild switch) on an original RPi.
<clever> simpson: yeah, its pretty damn slow
<clever> simpson: i think it takes maybe a week for my hydra to get the bulk of the deps on a v7
<matthewbauer> just downloading them?
<clever> building them
<simpson> This board's going back to Raspbian. I guess I'll try with the RPi 3 next.
<clever> no binary cache support
<matthewbauer> oh i though aarch64 was available?
<clever> simpson: my build slave is raspbian with nix on the side
<simpson> But not now. I have a couple weeks of stuff coming up.
<clever> matthewbauer: thats only for the rpi3, wont work for the 1 or 2
<matthewbauer> ok what is the arch for rpi1/rpi2?
<clever> matthewbauer: the rpi1 is armv6
<clever> matthewbauer: the rpi2 can run v6 or v7
<clever> matthewbauer: and rpi3 is armv6, armv7, and aarch64
<matthewbauer> interesting... given enough machines could we get arm7 and arm6 support in binary cache?
<clever> matthewbauer: i dont think v6 is worth that much, but v7 may be
<clever> matthewbauer: another problem, is that the aarch64 build slaves for hydra, can only run aarch64
<clever> matthewbauer: they lack v6 and v7 backwards compat
<simpson> Also, on a personal level, I'm not sure how I feel about donating CPU time to build DE suites on ARM.
<clever> yeah, ive limited my own hydra to a small subset
<matthewbauer> simpson: not for that *sole* purpose, but i guess you'd have to do that as well
<matthewbauer> the machines usually have quite a bit of idle time, no?
<dash> wonder what the mips-per-watt difference is between rpi3 and qemu-arm-builder on x86
<clever> dash: probably pretty poor
<matthewbauer> i would think rpi3 is much better
<dash> OK
<clever> matthewbauer: another oddity to keep in mind, the rpi3 has onboard wifi and the aarch64 capable cpu
<clever> matthewbauer: but to save costs, they are now shipping rpi2's, with the rpi3 cpu
<dash> haw
<clever> so the rpi2's are aarch64 without the wifi/bluetooth chip
<clever> the newer ones
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<clem_> Hello! Did someone install "Wire" instant messenger on NixOS ?
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<rcschm> how do we reference wrapProgram in the postInstall phase? i am having pkgs.wrapProgram: command not found error while installing with cmake.
<rcschm> thanks for any help.
<clever> rcschm: just wrapProgram should do
<rcschm> i do get the same error.
<clever> and pkgs.wrapProgram has to be in buildInputs i believe
<rcschm> oh ok
<rcschm> another question i have.
<rcschm> the build takes really long.
<rcschm> is there a way to not rebuild everytime with nix-build?
<rcschm> is there a flag that i can pass?
<clever> not currently
<rcschm> ok.
<rcschm> that would be really helpful i think because with cmake, it just doesn't rebuild from scratch everytime.
<rcschm> thanks and let me try passing in the wrapProgram.
<clever> that would also get rid of the purity that is the foundation of nix
<rcschm> i see your point. but if it could be a flag so we can choose to reuse the build, that would be like a choice.
<rcschm> undefined variable ‘wrapProgram’
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<rcschm> i get this when i try passing in the buildInputs.
<clever> you need to add wrapProgram to the arguments on line 1
<dash> rcschm: There's no good way to do that, because nix enforces purity by hashing the inputs, not the outputs
<clever> line 1 defines a function, that takes a certain set of arguments
<clever> and the nix expression can only make use of those values and nothing else
<dash> ("intensional store" is the name of the project to change that)
<rcschm> can you elaborate on you need to add wrapProgram to the arguments on line 1?
<clever> rcschm: { stdenv, wrapProgram, other, stuff }:
<rcschm> oh i have this with import <nixpkgs> {};
<clever> oh
<clever> i named it wrong
<rcschm> so i just put it in between { }
<clever> makeWrapper is the name of the derivation
<clever> so buildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
<rcschm> oh ok.
<clever> and since you have 'with import <nixpkgs> {};', every single derivation is in scope
<clever> no need to list them
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<rcschm> with makeWrapper passed in, i can call wrapProgram in the postInstall?
<clever> yeah
<rcschm> ok let me try that out.
<clever> rcschm: when you add makeWrapper to the buildInputs, nixpkgs will source this script
<clever> and then you can use those bash functions in any phase
<rcschm> i see.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub closed pull request #25778: shaarli: 0.8.1 -> 0.8.4 (master...master)
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<rcschm> clever: the build fails with:
<rcschm> mv: cannot stat '/nix/store/w00iivkr5awnvi7zg13h5qkhvb66fz90-arangodb-3.2/bin/arangod': No such file or directory
<rcschm> builder for ‘/nix/store/qccx2m3k50yf2dg06ck06q046c14bi2w-arangodb-3.2.drv’ failed with exit code 1
<rcschm> error: build of ‘/nix/store/qccx2m3k50yf2dg06ck06q046c14bi2w-arangodb-3.2.drv’ failed
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<clever> rcschm: ls -lh /nix/store/w00iivkr5awnvi7zg13h5qkhvb66fz90-arangodb-3.2/bin
<rcschm> -- Installing: /nix/store/w00iivkr5awnvi7zg13h5qkhvb66fz90-arangodb-3.2/sbin/arangod
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<rcschm> i found this in the install log.
<clever> ah
<clever> you need to move it from sbin to bin before you wrapProgram it
<rcschm> from the ls
<clever> its probably in sbin
<clever> another ls should confirm that
<rcschm> yes
<clever> postInstall = ''
<clever> mv $out/sbin/arangod $out/bin/arangod
<clever> wrapProgram $out/bin/arangod --add-flags "~/testdata --server.authentication false"
<clever> '';
<clever> rcschm: this should fix it
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<rcschm> can we do ln -ls instead?
<rcschm> doing soft link should work right?
<clever> the fixupPhase will move everything in sbin to bin
<clever> which may break the wrappers
<clever> so you want to make sure its already in bin before you wrap
<rcschm> oh.
<rcschm> ok.
<rcschm> i was afraid mv would break things later.
<rcschm> it is the other way round then.
<rcschm> let me try that out.
<rcschm> tks.
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<clever> rcschm: heading off to bed now, goodnight
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub closed pull request #25736: seth: init at 0.5.0 (master...seth)
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<rcschm> tks for your help clever:, gd night.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #25609: nbstripout: init at 0.3.0 (master...add-nbstripout)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #25563: pythonPackages.piexif: init at 1.0.12 (master...add-piexif)
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<FRidh> What's the easiest way to run substituteInPlace on a file included as a setupHook? runCommand?
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<FRidh> *substituteAllInPlace
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<lewo> hi FRidh regarding openstack upgrade, is there a app/package example that use overlays?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fc0543c Peter Simons: cabal2nix: include nix in the generated wrapper to ensure that nix-prefetch-url is in $PATH...
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<jarlg> Is there a way of changing mirrors? I'm having to do nixos-install repeatedly because curl is failing to connect to after a few downloads.
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<FRidh> lewo: I think peterhoeg once did something like that for homeassistant
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bdf88dd Peter Simons: hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update...
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<peterhoeg> lewo and fridh: not really. garbas has a repository separate from nixpkgs with painful to package python software: which is where home assistant went.
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<lewo> FRidh, if I understood well your remarks, you suggest to use overlay inside nispkgs repo itself (for instance, use an overlay to override the `requests` package version for all openstack modules)?
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<lewo> peterhoeg, intersting. I will have a look. Thx
<FRidh> lewo: no, I meant creating a new repo, and have your expressions there. Openstack users could then use that overlay.
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<lewo> FRidh, ok
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<peterhoeg> fridh: I had no idea there was a "formal" way to keep expressions separate - overlays look awesome, thanks man!
<FRidh> lewo: you could ask on the list maybe for feedback what to do in this case. Using an overlay here seems like a good solution here but that's just my view.
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<lewo> FRidh, I never used overlays so I first need to have a look to them. But I feel it will be hard to manage non python deps, such as libvirt for instance. And I would prefer to avoid to put all stuffs into the overlay.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f2e2dde Tuomas Tynkkynen: raspberrypifw: 1.20170303 -> 1.20170427
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a35ec5d Tuomas Tynkkynen: linux_rpi: 1.20170303 -> 1.20170427
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<domenkozar> gchristensen: WHAT
<domenkozar> I just bought this battery so I can work next week
<domenkozar> thanks for the heads up, I'll double check
<FRidh> lewo: another option may be to use pypi2nix inside NIxpkgs to create a package set just for openstack. Or, as you mentioned yourself, override the python package set in nixpkgs
<domenkozar> gchristensen: oh luckly I use UEFI
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<domenkozar> gchristensen: if you have the instructions for BIOS update, I owe you two :blush:
<rsa> ugh, i can't get services.xserver.xkbDir to work with setxkbmap... and making a custom xkeyboardconfig triggers a massive rebuild...
<rsa> i have a layout that should be placed under xkb/symbols/
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] bennofs opened pull request #1386: nar-accessor: use tree, fixes readDirectory missing children (master...nar-accessor-tree)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] bennofs opened pull request #1387: nix ls: support '/' for the root directory (master...nix-ls-slash)
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<bennofs1> clever: ^^^ fix for the nix-index problem
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<bennofs> is it possible to build a nar archive with nix manually? what's the command for that?
<jophish> I'd like to use nix to orchestrate benchmarking building our software tree. What's the neatest way of doing this, ensuring that the same builds are done, and no extra
<jophish> I suppose the neatest way would be to generate a derivation, build it, then build it with --check
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<domenkozar> jophish: why --check?
<jophish> to force a rebuild
<domenkozar> I append ${i} to derivation to generate up to N derivations of same inputs
<jophish> good thinking
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<DIzFer> `nix-store --export`, is this what you need?
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<bennofs> I needed nix-store --dumü
<bennofs> --dump*
<jophish> domenkozar: would you be able to explain a little more how that all works?
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<bennofs> domenkozar: do you happen to know how I can run nix tests easily from a source checkout?
<bennofs> I could use nix-build, but the turnaround time for that is awful
<bennofs> I guess I can just set PATH and run the shell script directly...
<domenkozar> jophish: testing.mkSnabbTest provides an environment for snabb tests to run
<domenkozar> mkSnabbBenchTest wraps it by returning a function that acccepts number of repeats
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<domenkozar> then we have various benchmarks, simplest being mkMatrixBenchBasic that wraps mkSnabbBenchTest and provides what command to execute and how to parse log to generate CSV results
<domenkozar> then executes benchmarks for all combinations of 6 different branches, qemu versions, kernel versions, etc
<domenkozar> and generates a report
<domenkozar> (which accepts all derivations as an input)
<domenkozar> the result is a report like
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<jophish> thanks domenkozar!
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<bennofs> someone got an example of a small binary in /bin which has an unique name among all nixpkgs pcakages? (need one to test AUTO_RUN :)
<bennofs> i guess zsh works :)
<lassulus> nmap ?
<goibhniu> `hello`?
<bennofs> goibhniu: hello is in multiple packages
<bennofs> goibhniu: haskellPackages.hello, hello, camlistore
<goibhniu> ah, wow
<bennofs> lassulus: for nmap there is both ncat.out and nmap-graphical.out
<lassulus> oh ok
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<goibhniu> feh?
<bennofs> goibhniu: that's good, thx!
<lassulus> tmux?
<goibhniu> yw!
<bennofs> oh, or 'sl' works as well
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: I'll write them straight away :) it was easy once I figured out the battery silliness.
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<gchristensen> ikwildrp1pper: ping re my nixops PR
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<jophish> It would be nice to be able to "spill" old store paths into some slower disk
<jophish> instead of collecting garbage, and then rebuilding a bunch of stuff
<jophish> instead of --older-than I'd like --not-used-for 3d
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<avn> jophish: It will work, only if you have atime=on on your filesystem, as well as it will be not very good statistic with relinked store
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<LnL> there's NIX_OTHER_STORES but I think that was removed
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<jophish> avn: ah, thanks
<jophish> LnL: that's a shame
<jophish> We have a whole bunch of machines in the office all building similar things
<LnL> I think you can do something similar in 1.12 with NIX_REMOTE
<jophish> It would be super to be able to have one large "office store" which is cached on my local hdd
<jophish> LnL: yeah, I can imagine that's very possible
<jophish> perhaps not something I have the time to write/debug at the moment
<LnL> jophish: maybe NIX_OTHER_STORES is still in 1.11, not sure
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<gchristensen> jophish: why not use a local hydra?
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<gchristensen> does lheckemann come around these parts?
<LnL> gchristensen: that distrowatch post was really positive :D
<gchristensen> yeah! :D I was so proud to read it
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<LnL> !m #nixos
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, #nixos!
<jophish> gchristensen: we do :)
<jophish> and it works well lots of the time
<jophish> Perhaps I should set up some daemon which constantly mirrors my store onto hydra
<jophish> What's the distrowatch post?
<FRidh> jophish: how about nix.distributedBuilds ?
<LnL> hydra builds are automatically copied to the master, no?
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<LnL> when using distributed builds the result always ends up on the machine that requested the build
<FRidh> the builder doesn't cache it?
<gchristensen> it does
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<jophish> "if another user also wants to use Chromium, she has to install it too. This leads to having, essentially, multiple versions of the same program on a hard drive"
<jophish> hmm
<gchristensen> a few incorrect things :)
<jophish> FRidh: It's not just the builds which I'd like to distribute though. I've kind of got this wishy washy idea of a shared network store
<jophish> ipfs, for this office :)
<domenkozar> gchristensen: so that installs freeDOS, then you add the driver update to that partition?
<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> installs it to the USB disk
<LnL> oh you managed to fix your keyboard issues?
<gchristensen> no
<LnL> :/
<gchristensen> but I managed to update the BIOS :)
<LnL> wasn't that supposed to fix it?
<domenkozar> I need to update bios
<domenkozar> to update dock
<domenkozar> so that my external keyboard might work
<gchristensen> LnL: mostly just hopeful that it would
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<Sufixx> hello, I'm struggling with attempts to add the following line to /etc/inputrc:
<Sufixx> "\e[5~": history-search-backward
<Sufixx> I'm pretty used to search history key, but environment.etc.inputrc.text = "\"\e[5~\": history-search-backward"; doesn't work :(
<symphorien> does /etc/inputrc look the way you want ?
<symphorien> (no escaping problem ?)
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<gchristensen> I posted a thing to lobsters and hackernews if anyone wants to go find them and upvote ;)
<ertes-w> is there an easy way to switch nixpkgs to a different libc?
<ertes-w> i'd like to build docker containers with smaller footprints
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<gchristensen> ertes-w: unfortunately not
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] selaux opened pull request #25797: Update chromedriver and make it available for linux-i686 and darwin (master...ubiquitous-chromedriver)
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<ertes-w> hmm, ok
<ertes-w> thanks
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<ertes-w> what's the difference between the package attributes 'override' and 'overrideAttrs'?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e5a4da2 Daiderd Jordan: python-pytest-xdist: fix tests
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<LnL> override changes the callPackage arguments while overrideAttrs changes the arguments of stdenv.mkDerviation
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #25725: python-pytest-xdist: disable tests on darwin (master...python-pytest-xdist)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] biappi opened pull request #25798: removing the advise to add virtualbox's guest additions in configuration.nix (master...patch-1)
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<Biappi> hello... i took the liberty of submitting this patch:
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<ertes-w> ah, thanks… are there any other options to reduce the closure size of a set of packages?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 37cb24a Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.pytest_xdist: 1.14 -> 1.16.0
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<jarlg> I can't downloas from during minimal installation. Will changing to the graphical installer allow me to bypass these downloads?
<goibhniu> hi jarlg, I think you need a network connection to install ... what prevents you from downloading?
<jarlg> I do have wifi working, however I can only download a single file on each run of 'nixos-install', if I'm lucky. Then I get curl: failed to resolve host
<sphalerite> while ! nixos-install -k ; do : ; done
<sphalerite> :p
<gchristensen> lol sphalerite
<goibhniu> jarlg: does it help if you change your DNS settings? ...e.g. `echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf`
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<blurp> I just installed NixOS on a laptop with Libreboot. The kernel is there, the iniframfs is there, but when booted I get no output at all, even with loglevel=7
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<jarlg> Thanks for the help! Changing nameserver seems to have solved my issue.
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<sphalerite> blurp: are there echo commands in grub's menu entries?
<blurp> no
<gchristensen> LnL: I suspect the ProcessType of the nix-daemon in launchd should be Interactive, not Background
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<gchristensen> LnL: b/c it is interactive in the sense that any time it is doing things, it is by the request of a user
<gchristensen> Background keeps it nice and slow
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<LnL> not sure, that would give it the same priority as your music player, etc.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] htr opened pull request #25801: terraform-inventory: init at 0.7-pre (master...add-terraform-inventory)
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<gchristensen> seems right
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<gchristensen> -> ##nix-darwin t hough :)
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<LnL> don't builds run under that?
<blurp> strangely enough, i can boot from libreboot's grub
<ocharles> Does Nix (or nixpxgs) have any support for regular expression matching against strings?
<ocharles> I swear it got added recently, but can't remember if it did or if I'm just dreaming
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<domenkozar> ocharles: it's in master
<domenkozar> among other 100 nice things :)
<ocharles> of nixpkgs or nix?
<domenkozar> nix
<ocharles> aha, thanks
<ocharles> amusingly I was searching that very file for "regular" and "expression" neither of which match ;
<domenkozar> regex did the trick
<sphalerite> I'm pretty sure it already works on 17.03
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<domenkozar> oh, it wasn't documented before
<domenkozar> ocharles: ^^
<ocharles> yea, it seems to be working here
<ocharles> ta!
<ocharles> Much easier to write filterSource wit hthis
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<M-liberdiko> Does some one know how to install packages from this list
<M-liberdiko> ?
<M-liberdiko> I didn't find any reference about this in the docs and it seems I'm not the only one (
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<sphalerite> blurp: what if you add echo entries to nixos's grub entry before booting it? Do those show up?
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<blurp> yes
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<olejorgenb> hm.. I try to use nix-shell with python2 on a non-nixos machine, but get errors like this: cat: `�e��: x�'3d: Error 847176508
<olejorgenb> the shell starts, but trying to do eg. `ls` gives a similar error inside the shell
<goibhniu> what OS are you using olejorgenb?
<olejorgenb> hm, seems to be independent of python on closer look
<olejorgenb> arch-linux
<goibhniu> how are you running nix-shell?
<olejorgenb> ls: ��6�: xI��: Error 18446744072743183164
<olejorgenb> `nix-shell -p zsh` this time
<olejorgenb> hm, I used the nixos channel 17.03
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<olejorgenb> but it should work for non-nixos too?
<goibhniu> olejorgenb: does it help if you add --pure?
<olejorgenb> goibhniu: ah, good idea - YES
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<goibhniu> ah, good!
<olejorgenb> thanks! (still a bit worrying)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dermetfan opened pull request #25802: znapzend service: fix autostart (master...fix-znapzend-autostart)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vdemeester opened pull request #25803: astroid: 0.8 -> 0.9.1 (master...astroid-0-9-1)
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<blurp> Note: it's /dev/disk/, not /dev/disks/
<lukego> Can somebody please tell me how to run a full desktop (e.g. xfce4) under VNC? Just now I am running vncserver manually with a hand-written ~/.vnc/xstartup that runs "xfdesktop &" but this gives me very bare-bones eg. no panel, no way to find minimized windows, etc :)
<lukego> ... on a NixOS machine.
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<disasm> lukego: you need to add those other apps to .vnc/startup
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<disasm> there's also I think startxfce4 you can run that autoloads all that stuff lukego
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<crst_> Hi, I'm looking for a way to use an openssl 1.0.2+ compiled httpd to enable http2 with alpn on centos7. Is that possible with nix?
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<lukego> disasm: thanks, I'll look for the startxfce4 script
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<lukego> disasm: (I don't have a startxfce4 command... and I don't know what myriad of individual programs I would need to start...)
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<goibhniu> crst_: are you already running httpd from nix on centos7? Typically, it's not convenient to run services on a host system that isn't NixOS.
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<goibhniu> crst_: ... but it should be easy enough to override the package
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<Infinisil> Ugh I'm trying to get my iPhone to work with NixOS, the more I try the less I think it's even possible
<crst_> goibhniu: it's an already fully configured Server with http24 from the ius repo. I need openssl 1.0.2+ to enable alpn. I'm seriously considering to switch to nixos in the future, as far as I can see it's much friendlier for webdevs (who need to have latest stuff) than the usual distros. So, nix package manager offers http with http2/alpn?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sdll opened pull request #25804: gensim: added Gensim 2.1.0 and related tools (master...gensim-2.1.0)
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<goibhniu> crst_: nixos-containers are really handy for web development too ... how about running NixOS in a VM?
<goibhniu> crst_: httpd does support http2 on NixOS, but I don't see any mention of alpn in the expression so I don't know about that
<crst_> goibhniu: great idea, but I'm on openvz and I assume that doesn't play nice with vm's (I tried to install docker and failed). What vm software would you use?
<crst_> goibhniu: if nixis has openssl1.0.2+ it has alpn
<goibhniu> crst_: we do have openssl1.0.2
<crst_> then it's ready
* goibhniu doesn't know about running NixOS on openvz
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<goibhniu> I was thinking more of running NixOS in QEMU or VirtualBox
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<S0rin> Hey I have switched my laptop from gentoo to nixos and I really like it so far !
<gchristensen> nice!
<Infinisil> Every time I see some software with install instructions "install a,b and c, then compile with *make, then blablabla" I cringe a bit heh
<gchristensen> same
<S0rin> I have a few things to figure out
<S0rin> If I want to use my own sources / patches for the kernel it is hard to do ?
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<S0rin> Is there a way to have laptop-mode-tools ?
<blurp> Can I list user packages declaratively?
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<ertes-w> S0rin: not sure, but i use tlp instead of laptop-mode-tools, and it works very well
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<S0rin> ertes-w: I never used it but it seems good time to try thank you :)
<ertes-w> S0rin: you're welcome… see: man configuration.nix
<ertes-w> there search for "tlp"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] massimo-zaniboni closed pull request #25732: pythonPackages.ablog: init at 0.8.4 (master...ablog)
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<S0rin> ertes-w: I will check it thanks
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<knoch> Hi, I'm trying to set an env-var that will be available from the shell... but failing miserably. Can you hint?
<FareTower> somehow I did a nixos-rebuild switch and nix-collect-garbage -d. No problem. Then I modify one package and rebuild, and somehow it downloads qemu. Why?
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<goibhniu> how about environment.sessionVariables knoch?
<gchristensen> knoch: where are you setting it, and what shell do you want it available in?
<knoch> sessionVariables is the thing, missed it. Thanks!
<goibhniu> you're welcome
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<ericnoan> how do I restart networking? the usual systemctl commands don't seem to work
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 2b761d5 Eelco Dolstra: Make fmt() non-recursive
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master b30f578 Eelco Dolstra: Linux sandbox: Don't barf on invalid paths...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master a2d92bb Eelco Dolstra: Add --with-sandbox-shell configure flag...
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<sdll> Team, could you please tell me how to create an environment from the custom nixpkgs cloned with all the propagatedBuildDependencies saved so that they can be accessed? For example, if I want to build gensim, I also need smart_open available, but it is deleted after the build if "nix-build -A python35Packages.gensim /path/to/nixpkgs/default.nix" is used. The problem is that "nix-env -i gensim -f /path/to/nixpkgs/pkgs" cannot be used,
<sdll> because "error: too many Nix expressions in directory" rises.
<sdll> ericnoan: do you have network-manager installed?
<ericnoan> sdll: no
<ericnoan> i didn't explicitly install it
<sdll> clever: I wonder if you could help with my question
<sdll> I see, can you do "sudo systemctl restart network-manager.service"?
<clever> sdll: remove the /pkgs at the end of the nix-env command
<clever> sdll: and also try to use -iA instead, its a lot faster
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<sdll> clever: Thank you very much for your help! It is worthwhile to note that nix-env -i does not even run, giving "error: selector ‘python35Packages.gensim’ matches no derivations"
<clever> -i will try to find a package who's .name attribute matches
<clever> which means evaling every single package in nixpkgs
<clever> but -iA just gives it the attribute path
<sdll> That's very useful to know, thank you, clever
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<sdll> clever: Can I do the same with nix-shell?
<S0rin> I am searching to enable lm_sensors to control the fan on a t470 I try to add coretemp and to detect with 'sensors-detect' but it still complain for a no PWM outputs is anybody tryed it yet ?
<sdll> clever: Otherwise I cannot import the library in ipython3
<clever> sdll: depends on if you are using nix-shell -p or nix-shell -A
<sdll> clever: I used -p by default
<clever> sdll: for -p, you need to set -I nixpkgs=/path/to/nixpkgs
<sdll> clever: thank you, you save my time!
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<ericnoan> suddenly one of my nixos VM's doesn't add a default route... my other VM machine does. I am not using networkmanager... I fixed it by doing "route add default gw" but why doesn't it add the default route even if I restart the machine?
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<ericnoan> it also fails setting up dns
<clever> ericnoan: did you configure a static ip in configuration.nix?
<ericnoan> i don't have the network configured in any special way in the conf
<ericnoan> clever: no, the only thing im doing is enabling firewall and opening one port
<clever> not sure then
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<ericnoan> might be something changed with my host network config, if I change it to NAT network, it works
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] clefru opened pull request #25806: monero: -> (master...monero-bump)
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<FRidh> Is it possible for a derivation to request the sandbox be deactivated so it can have network access? I prefer not to use nix-shell.
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<clever> FRidh: any fixed-output derivation has network access automatically
<clever> FRidh: and if nix.conf allows it, there is a __noChroot=true; option for derivations (it needs build-use-sandbox=relaxed i think)
<FRidh> clever: Unfortunately this won't be a fixed-output derivation. I just want to use nix-build here because it would be convenient.
<clever> then you probably want __noChroot
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<FRidh> clever: that's it indeed, thanks.
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<disasm> lukego: Do you have xfce.xfce4session installed?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master c05d9ae Eelco Dolstra: Disallow outputHash being null or an empty string...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master e80257f Eelco Dolstra: Simplify fixed-output check
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<MagneticDuck> is there a way to get nix-env to use a nixpkgs version from a certain filepath?
<MagneticDuck> oops, never mind
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<LnL> nix-env -f /path/to/nixpkgs :)
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<hodapp> hm. wonder if I could coax nix-collect-garbage into instead dumping bits of /nix/store to slower network storage instead of deleting them altogether...
<hodapp> as I want to keep my main disk relatively clean, but I still have plenty of storage on my network that is faster than getting things from the Internet again
<gchristensen> hodapp: I would, instead, setup your local server as a read-through nix cache
<gchristensen> set it up to purge via LRU and nix-collect-garbage at your heart's content
<gchristensen> nice work, ryantrinkle!
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<ryantrinkle> gchristensen: hm?
<gchristensen> ryantrinkle: your bug report :)
<ryantrinkle> haha yeah, well, eelco did the real thing
<gchristensen> finding & reporting is half the battle
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<ryantrinkle> i'm glad it got fied :)
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<hodapp> gchristensen: hm, but how do I go about doing this?
<gchristensen> hodapp: I could likely write up a little thing to show you how, later today
<hodapp> cool, thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #25807: gnutls: 3.5.11 -> 3.5.12 (master...update/gnutls-3.5.12)
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<librenoob> I have wanted to prepare NixOS USB stick, typed now I remember to always use
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<lassulus> omg, good to know, never did that
<gchristensen> wow.
<kragniz> lol, one of the very few sites blocked at my work
<gchristensen> porn
<dash> that's why you never type in domain names, always use google
<dash> hopefully one day this whole chaotic internet thing will go away and we'll just have Google Web Pages
<gchristensen> all hail the google
<LnL> oh dear, that's pretty unfortunate
<gchristensen> I bet an expensive domain, too :)
<librenoob> Yeah... and then Google geoblock nixos in my country and we will be happy in our corpobubbles.
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<librenoob> Is NixOS trademark registered? If yes, then you folks, could take that domain down.
<gchristensen> no idea
<librenoob> If not... then it's very bad if someone else do the registration of NixOS.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] marcnnn opened pull request #25808: cvc4: 1.5pre-smtcomp2016 -> 1.5pre-20170514 (master...cvc4fix)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] benley opened pull request #25809: kubernetes-helm: 2.3.1 -> 2.4.1 (master...helm-2.4.1)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #25810: elixir: 1.4.2 -> 1.4.4 (master...update/elixir-1.4.4)
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<nh2> gchristensen: how do the security roundups work currently? I see roundup 27 has been open quite long, probably because there are so many issues linked. What do we do with CVEs that appear since then, do we somehow add them to the currently open roundup?
<maurer> when I try setting options.powerManagement.powertop.enable = true;, it complains that I talk about boot elsewhere
<maurer> if I just try powerManagement.powertop.enable, the option doesn't exist
<clem_> How I can enable sound in NixOS live KDE ? Please, give me advise
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<dash> hhhhhhhhhhh
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<gchristensen> nh2: unfortunately, right now, they don't work
<dash> i think i am abandoning 17.03 for unstable on my laptop today.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #25811: ripgrep: 0.5.1 -> 0.5.2 (master...update/ripgrep-0.5.2)
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<clever> maurer: the module was added to nixos about 1 month ago, which channel are you on?
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<maurer> unstable
<maurer> ran with --upgrade, still get error: The option `powerManagement.powertop' defined in `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix' does not exist.
<clever> maurer: what does nixos-version say?
<maurer> 17.09pre107265.0afb6d789c (Hummingbird)
<clever> yeah, it should already be in that revision
<clever> ls ~/.nix-defexpr/channels_root/nixos/nixos/modules/tasks/powertop.nix -lh
<clever> maurer: what does this say?
<Infinisil> `echo (Test)`
<Infinisil> /bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `Test'
<Infinisil> /bin/sh: -c: line 0: `echo (Test)'
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<Infinisil> (sry)
<maurer> clever: It finds the file
<gchristensen> try that as root, maurer?
<maurer> As root it does not the file, because channels_root does not exist
<clever> it will just be called channels when on root
<clever> maurer: can you gist your configuration.nix file?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #25812: brotli: 0.5.2 -> 0.6.0 (master...update/brotli-0.6.0)
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<dash> Aw, broken tests on one of the packages in my config, maybe not going to unstable today
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<clever> maurer: yeah, i would expect that to just work
<clever> maurer: do you see powertop listed in 'man configuration.nix' ?
<simpson> dash: What's that xkcd line about how if the rocket is not pointing up, then you will not be going to space today?
<maurer> clever: yes
<dash> simpson: heh, "up goer five"
<maurer> clever: I found the bug
<maurer> " powerManagment.powertop.enable"
<maurer> is what is listed in the manual
<maurer> I'll bet that's the actual option name
<dash> simpson: that's a juvenile understanding! In truth, space is *all around us*
<maurer> (note the missing e)
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<gchristensen> nice
<gchristensen> :(
<clever> nixos/modules/tasks/powertop.nix: options.powerManagment.powertop.enable = mkEnableOption "powertop auto tuning on startup";
<maurer> Yep, reloads now
<clever> maurer: yeah, one less e in the module
<maurer> I accidentally corrected the spelling in my head
<gchristensen> maurer: can you send a PR? :|
<simpson> Irritating. :c
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<maurer> gchristensen: Sure. Are the docs autogenerated, or are those in a different place?
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<clever> maurer: auto-generated from the options attrset
<gchristensen> since it is unstable, I'd be lazy and not add a rename note, but we probably should have on :P
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<clever> its only a month old, just skip the alias
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] maurer opened pull request #25813: typo: powerManagment -> powerManagement (master...typo)
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<ij> I installed nix on arch. I see a ~/.nix-profile and a ~/.nix-profile/bin. If I want to install something I just "nix-env -i vim"? What if I have no /nix yet?
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<clever> ij: how did you install nix?
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<ij> Pacman package of some sort.
<clever> ah, dont know about that then
<clever> i always use the curl | sh installer
<clever> gchristensen: oh, i was thinking about a tool for nix, that would help with the powerManagment issue above
<kiloreux> How can declare all packages in default.nix? So i can avoid running nix installs.
<clever> gchristensen: something that can go over the nix expressions, and generate stats for the number of times every 'word' is used, and if words are added
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<gchristensen> hey cool
<clever> gchristensen: the original idea i had, was to use it to find potential passwords in git history
<clever> but it can also find new words being added to the repo
<gchristensen> ah yeah
<gchristensen> there are also (for passwords) entropy detectors
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<clever> that might find ssh public keys though
<clever> though id guess both tools would
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<dash> Oh. Well, the reason the test suite for this python package fails is because it fails when run from the source tarbball on a non-nix system too.
<dash> Maybe pypi should reject stuff with failing tests.
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<kiloreux> Is there any way to replace the use of nix install with explicity declared packages in default.nix ?
<clever> kiloreux: can you give an example?
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<kiloreux> I don't want to use nix-env -i `package-name`
<kiloreux> but instead have it in default.nix with all of its dependencies declared.
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<clever> kiloreux: you can make a buildEnv derivation, that lists things, and then install that instead
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<kiloreux> And i should put this in default.nix ?
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<clever> kiloreux: if its going into a default.nix, it will look a little different
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<kiloreux> clever, Thank you. Is MakeDesktopItem mandatory?
<clever> nope
<clever> thats just a random trick for making a .desktop file for jvisualvm
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<kiloreux> Awesome thank you. So that will install dependencies as well I assume :D ? How Can I run it after i save it in default.nix?
<clever> nix-env -f default.nix
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<clever> and nix doesnt really install dependencies, it just downloads them to the /nix/store and things work without having to install them
<Infinisil> I really wanna test something, excuse me if I output garbage again (it worked on #test)
<Infinisil> test
<kiloreux> Pretty cool. Thank you for your help clever .
<Infinisil> (it works :D, now I can easily chat the output of a command)
<clever> Infinisil: my irc client has an /exec -o command
<clever> as does yours
<Infinisil> Yeah that's what I'm using too
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<Infinisil> Just an alias to it
<clever> ah
<Infinisil> 17.03.git.b962831 (Gorilla)
<Infinisil> Or with the command itself:
<Infinisil> `nixos-version`
<Infinisil> 17.03.git.b962831 (Gorilla)
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<kiloreux> nix-env -f default.nix doesn't seem to work. Outputting `error: no operation specified`
<clever> it also needs -i
<kiloreux> It seems like i can't mention something like imagemagick-6.9.7-6 since it's complaining with the following error unexpected INT, expecting ID or OR_KW or DOLLAR_CURLY
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<clever> you must use attribute paths, not names
<kiloreux> Not sure how to use attributes inside default.nix.
<kiloreux> Any example maybe?
<clever> imagemagick
<kiloreux> I assume there's a way to fix the imagemagick version somehow?
<clever> you would need an override
<clever> (imagemagick.overrideAttrs (old: { src = fetchurl { .... }; })
<LnL> packages installed with nix-env don't automatically upgrade
<kiloreux> That's exactly what we're trying to do LnL
<kiloreux> since it's a production system.
<kiloreux> We'd very much like to have control over everything
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<clever> i generaly do that kind of thing in configuration.nix instead
<jbo> I have a machine on which I changed channel, but after the next reboot wifi stopped working - no ifconfig or iw - the machine is now offline. Is there an easy way to switch channel back while the machine is offline? (I've tried nix-prefetch-url already)
<LnL> the nixos release channels don't update packages except for security updates so you probably want to track that
<clever> jbo: are you able to pick an older nixos from grub?
<kiloreux> As wrong as it might seem. We are making stability a priority over security
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<jbo> clever: I am! trying now
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<Infinisil> If grub doesn't work you can also try nixos-rebuild switch --rollback
<LnL> kiloreux: you can rollback channel updates just like nix-env and nixos-rebuild
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<ambro718> How to use mkDerivation without src/srcs? I first got an error "variable $src or $srcs should point to the source" which I fixed by setting unpackPhase="true"; now I get "Unknown option: build"
<LnL> kiloreux: but if you can also install things from a fixed nixpkgs commit
<MichaelRaskin> ambro718: maybe you just want to use runCommand
<kiloreux> LnL, I am trying to do exactly that.
<kiloreux> We are trying to pin down the nixpkgs to specific commit
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<kiloreux> and then using imagemagick on that nixpkg version
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<LnL> kiloreux: nix-env -f$commit.tar.gz -iA hello
<ambro718> MichaelRaskin: I don't think so, I just don't want it to unpack anything and define configurePhase, buildPhase, installPhase
<avn> ambro718: but what you will configure/build/install w/o sources?
<kiloreux> LnL, That seems like wizardry :O I will try running that.
<kiloreux> Thank you.
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<ambro718> avn: ${something}/ where something refers to extracted sources
<LnL> kiloreux: or you can use an url like that but with a branch and use it as a nix-channel
<MichaelRaskin> Then you want src = something;
<ambro718> no, I want to compile sources that are in the nix store, so that symbols in executables will point to them and the debugger will find them
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<avn> and? fetchgit/fetchFromgGitHub keep sources in /nix/store
<ambro718> avn: but putting them in srcs would copy them to the tmp dir
<clever> ambro718: if its something cmake based, you can change the unpackPhase = "sourceRoot=$src";, and it might work
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<clever> ambro718: if the source was already unpacked
<ambro718> so the copied files will be compiled and the executable will contain this temporary location
<clever> oh, and cd $sourceRoot
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<ambro718> I just need to know how to solve the error. building Unknown option: build
<katyucha> Hi. I try to write my first package (vault service). I create a nixos/modules/services/security/vault.nix . When I run " nixos-rebuild switch -I $myNix/nixpkgs ", nix say the service is not found... What do I forget to do ? a declare somewhere ?
<ambro718> oh sorry ignore me
<ambro718> I misinterpreted the error
<ambro718> it works
<ambro718> unpackPhase = "true"; is enough
<Infinisil> This has happened too many times to me
<kiloreux> LnL, that was amazing, works like a charm. Will that keep nixpkgs pinned down and stop updates ? (What we want )
<Infinisil> to misinterpret an error
<clever> katyucha: you told it to look for nixpkgs inside $myNix/nixpkgs
<clever> katyucha: so it checked for the existance of $myNix/nixpkgs/nixpkgs
<clever> katyucha: you probably want -I nixpkgs=$myNix/nixpkgs
<LnL> kiloreux: that doesn't even use your channel it uses that tarball as the source instead
<avn> katyucha: possible you need add reference to nixos/modules/services/security/vault.nix in nixos/modules/module-list.nix
<kiloreux> So assuming i want to install `package-x` with that tarball. It will always be the same `package-x` with absolutely nothing changed?
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<katyucha> clever and avn : All right ! Now, I have a beautiful error in my vault.nix ! So I can contiue ! Thanks
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<eacameron> Why is haskellPackages.stack not in the cache?
<eacameron> For nixpkgs-unstable
<bennofs> eacameron: looks like it failed to build on hydra:
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<eacameron> bennofs: Ah, indeed.
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<dhess`> I'd like to do something about as it's impeding my progress on ARM platforms (currently there is no GHC available for either one).
<dhess`> The existing ghc-binary derivations do a lot of patching-up binaries, but wouldn't it be easier to use an FHSEnv?
<dhess`> or is that frowned upon for some reason? I don't see it used much in the nixpkgs tree.
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<clever> dhess`: in theory, i think you could use a patchelf'd ghc as a bootstrap, to build a proper nix-ified ghc
<LnL> it's usually avoided if possible and I think that also doesn't work on other platforms
<dhess`> clever: that's what 7.4.2-binary does, for example. But that's pretty fragile.
<clever> dhess`: then the tarball of that nixified one can be entered as the bootstrap ghc for nixpkgs
<bennofs> clever: can we not just pin an existing GHC version that nix built?
<dhess`> clever: for example, each new version requires new spelunking into the binary
<clever> dhess`: i'm thinking of basing it on how nix handles the gcc bootstrap, there is a nix derivation that can make a new bootstrap-tools.tar
<dhess`> clever: spelunking into the new binary package, I mean. As in, new scripts/locations of scripts from release to release.
<bennofs> take the output of the nix GHC 7.10 build, make sure it is pinned in the binary cache (not gced) and then use that?
<clever> dhess`: so you can at any time, update the bootstrap tools to match the current versions in nixpkgs, then paste the url to that new tar into nixpkgs
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<LnL> yeah that's probably a better approach
<dhess`> clever: that might be great for platforms that already have a .nix for an existing GHC, but ARM has none.
<clever> nixpkgs also has a derivation to cross-compile that tar
<dhess`> because 7.4.2 doesn't have a binary for ARM
<clever> dhess`: yeah, you would have to start by patchelfing the debian ghc, and using that as a one-time bootstrap
<dhess`> only 7.10.3 and 8.0.2
<LnL> you'd have to bootstrap it with a cross compiled version
<dhess`> clever: right, that's where I'm at right now.
<dhess`> which is why I'm asking about FHSEnv vs all this patchelf'ing, which is a PITA.
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<dhess`> LnL: is there an existing derivation which does something like that? Using a cross-compiled version of something to bootstrap another platform?
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<LnL> ^ the bootstrap tools do something similar, I assume that's how the arm stdenv was bootstrapped
<dhess`> clever: Hmm, wonder if I should just hack ghc into that derivation.
<clever> this one is for making a native bootstrap tools
<LnL> for the stdenv you'd go through something like this cross stdenv -> native stdenv -> bootstrap tar
<dhess`> stdenv is some serious voodoo for my rudimentary Nix skills. How would I go about building a cross stdenv?
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<dhess`> like, how can I build, say, armv7l-hf-multiplatform-crossSystem on my x86_64 box?
<clever> dhess`: line 90
<clever> dhess`: and line 302
<ambro718> in nix how to check if string starts with something?
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<ambro718> nevermind found hasPrefix
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<dhess`> clever: what is the nix-build invocation I need? Something like nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).pkgs.stdenv.linux.make-bootstrap-tools-cross.armv7l' ?
<clever> dhess`: line 1, the entire nix file appears to be stand-alone
<LnL> there's makeStdenvCross but I'm not sure how that's used
<clever> so nix-build pkgs/stdenv/linux/make-bootstrap-tools-cross.nix -A armv7l
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] offlinehacker closed pull request #25809: kubernetes-helm: 2.3.1 -> 2.4.1 (master...helm-2.4.1)
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<dhess`> hmm not quite. error: undefined variable ‘pkgsNoParams’ at /home/dhess/git/dhess-nixos/nixpkgs/pkgs/stdenv/linux/make-bootstrap-tools-cross.nix:66:16
<clever> same
<clever> git log says it was removed on april 25th
<clever> i think he missed a few instances
<dhess`> ahh shit
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<dhess`> ok cool, it's building now
<dhess`> so, back to the issue at hand. If I add ghc to the list of tools built for cross, presumably then I have a GHC cross compiler for armv7l. What next?
<clever> dhess`: nix-repl says armv7l is an attrset
<dhess`> (It's OK if this is not production-ready, at this point I'm just trying to make forward progress. hacking is fine)
<clever> so you can reference any attr within it
<clever> dhess`: i dont think make-bootstrap-tools-cross will be able to make a ghc cross-compiler, since thats a more complex beast
<dhess`> oh right, I think there's a GitHub issue about that.
<clever> looks like -A armv7l.dist is the main attribute you want
<dhess`> clever: well it's moot if I can't build a cross-GHC
<clever> the 3 minimal attributes are just utils it will need, build does 90% of the work, and dist tar's it up
<clever> somebody in here has done related work recently, cant remember who
<dhess`> clever: yeah you pointed me to it the other day.
<dhess`> Unfortunately it didn't work.
<dhess`> i.e., whoever was doing it couldn't get it to work.
<clever> ah
<dhess`> which is what led me to working on an 8.0.2-binary.nix derivation.
<dhess`> that looks simpler than tackling the GHC cross-compiling issue.
<dhess`> anyway I guess I'll keep hacking on the patchelf stuff, if FHSUserEnv is frowned upon.
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<MichaelRaskin> etc).
<MichaelRaskin> Now let's continue to leave the law aside, because that's what our governments can do when they please, usually by not telling us (Snowden showed us this several years ago in no uncertain terms).etc).
<MichaelRaskin> Oops
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<MichaelRaskin> Does GHC cross-compile in general?
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<dash> Will nixos-rebuild load overlays from /etc/nixos/overlays?
<dhess`> MichaelRaskin: as long as there's no TemplateHaskell, yes.
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<dmj`> MichaelRaskin: sort of
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<eacameron> Has anyone had trouble getting stack to use nix? I have a stack.yaml file that tells it to use nix but for some reason it's still trying to resolve dependencies itself.
<bennofs> eacameron: stack always resolves haskell dependencies itself if a resolver is set
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<bennofs> eacameron: I think you can set resolver: ghc-SOMEVER to make it not do any resolving itself
<eacameron> bennofs: Hmm...for some reason I've not hit this issue in the past but now I am. I'm setting ghc-8.0.2 as the resolver. Perhaps I just set no resolver somehow?
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<dash> I'm trying to set "doCheck = false" on a python package with broken tests. Is an overlay the right way to work around this?
<bennofs> eacameron: so you set ghc-8.0.2 as the resolver, and you go into a nix-shell with ghcWithPackages with matching package versions and you want stack to use those packages?
<eacameron> bennofs: Right...and I'm confident I had this working in the past. But now it doesn't and I can't figure out what I changed.
<eacameron> I thought maybe upgrading stack broke it
<bennofs> eacameron: use-system-ghc: true as well?
<bennofs> eacameron: looks like its actually system-ghc: true
<bennofs> eacameron: nix: enable: false and system-ghc: true appears to be the magic ?
<clever> eacameron: ive heard that it will use nix-shell to get the right ghc version, but otherwise ignore all of haskellPackages
<bennofs> clever: well, it does that if you enable nix support. if you set system-ghc to true and disable nix support though, it'll use whatever that ghc thinks it's packages are and consider them as globally installed
<clever> ah, then you need to give it a ghcWithPackages that has them already?
<bennofs> clever: correct
<katyucha> <- Someone can help me... always this error about DOLLAR CURLY , I don't understand why
<clever> katyucha: you can just remove the ${ and } on those lines
<clever> oh wait
<clever> is that inside a string or not?, its not clear what listen does
<dmj`> katyucha: is this an nginx config?
<dmj`> eacameron: or… just don’t use stack :)
<eacameron> dmj`: I'm about an inch away from that option.
<katyucha> clever: listen "tcp" { } is a part of the config file
* dmj` pushes eacameron 4 inches
<clever> katyucha: can you pastebin the entire file?
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<katyucha> clever: ok
<clever> katyucha: line 81 is the problem, you start a string with ''
<clever> katyucha: and then the string ends on line 85 with another ''
<katyucha> hmmm oh shit, dont see it
<katyucha> ok
<katyucha> Thanks
<katyucha> I continue so :)
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<eacameron> clever: bennofs: Problem solved. Apparently, if your nix shell isn't right, stack just ignores it and tries to carry on with out nix. :/
<clever> "fun"
<eacameron> dmj`: Stack was saved.
<eacameron> :P
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #25788: metasploit: 3.3.1 -> 4.14.17 (master...metasploit)
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<melleb> Hi all, for some reason I can't seem to get python's setuptools to work, I've added python35Packages.setuptools to my packages, but that doesn't seem to help. python35Packages.pip does work. Any suggestions?
<dmj`> eacameron: saved?
<dmj`> eacameron: cache or no cache, that is the question
<melleb> (I keep getting "No module named 'setuptools'" when running pip3 install on a requirements file)
<ambro718> How is it possible that a fetchgit no longer works with hash error (output path ... has r:sha256 hash ... when ... was expected)
<ambro718> I referred to a specific rev
* dash notices with overridePythonPackage, gets excited, then notices it's closed without merge :(
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<bennofs> ambro718: fetchgit is not 100% deterministic
<ambro718> so what's the point then?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sifmelcara opened pull request #25814: Fix OpenCV build on non NixOS platform (master...fix/opencvCMakeLibraryPath)
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<clever> ambro718: do you have keepDotGit set?
<melleb> dash: That's too bad :/
<bennofs> ambro718: woops sry, only if keepDotGit is set ofc
<ambro718> clever: I didn't set it, it actually says removing .git
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<clever> ambro718: not sure then
<bennofs> ambro718: are you sure it ever worked? :p
<ambro718> it should have yes
<bennofs> ambro718: perhaps you used the wrong hash previously, but because you still had a path in the store with that hash nix used that patch without checking the hash?
<ambro718> if I change rev then it fails earlier so the rev sure exists still
<clever> bennofs: i believe nix puts the rev into the name of the derivation, to prevent that
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<bennofs> clever: how would that prevent it? if I just used some hash that already existed, nix would just skip building it no matter than name (or does it check the name for fixed output derivs? )
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<clever> bennofs: it looks for /nix/store/<hash>-<name>
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<bennofs> clever: does it not use the db? o.o
<clever> bennofs: it looks for that path in the db
<clever> but if the name is different, it wont reuse the old output
<bennofs> ah ok.
<clever> there was also a recent change to nix master, i believe it will now accept null as a "valid" hash
<bennofs> clever: wasn't the change the opposite one?
<clever> probably so you dont have to insert clearly wrong hashes just to get it to even build
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<clever> oh
<clever> misread it then
<clever> i was thinking accept null, but always treat the hash as wrong
<clever> so it acts as a prefetch
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<dash> melleb: yeah.
<dash> I think I found how to drill down into this
<melleb> dash: Looks like I need to define a nix-shell --pure with all required pkgs
<melleb> dash: Or am I missing sth here?
<dash> melleb: right, you wouldn't run pip yourself
<dash> you _can_ use virtualenv but nixpkgs upgrades can break exiting virtualenvs
<dash> writing a nix expr for your project and using nix-shell is the safe bet
<melleb> dash: Ok, I guess that's the way to go then, still new to nixos ;)
<dash> s/exiting/existing/
<dash> melleb: it's crazy! But crazy-good.
<ij> Does nix hardcode library paths ldd shows?
<clever> ij: the lib folder for every dependency gets put into the rpath, a field in the elf headers
<clever> ij: and that tells where to search
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<melleb> dash: Yeah, realy like it so far, setting it up with i3 was a breeze
<ij> clever, I did the installer method and it worked.
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<sphalerite> ij: as clever mentioned, it currently works through rpath, but eventually it'll hopefully have absolute paths to each library instead:
<sphalerite> Can I get my user systemd instance to search ~/.nix-profile/{lib,etc}/systemd for units in a non-stateful way? Symlinking them to ~/.config/systemd and ~/.local/lib/systemd would probably work but I'd like a less stateful solution if possible...
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<aanderse> hey having some issues with cmake on my system was hoping someone could help me
<aanderse> i put "find_package( OpenGL REQUIRED )" in a cmake make file and am getting errors
<aanderse> the error is: Could NOT find OpenGL (missing: OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR)
<clever> aanderse: is mesa in the buildInputs list?
<aanderse> i have mesa listed in my environment.systemPackages
<aanderse> i'm really new to nixos and haven't started setting up environments with the buildInputs yet
<aanderse> taking lazy approach and just adding everything to environment.systemPackages... will eventually get around to learning
<clever> aanderse: nix goes out of its way to ignore include files when you put packages into systemPackages
<aanderse> thats very useful information, thank you
<aanderse> so
<aanderse> i have to setup an environment then?
<clever> aanderse: you must write a proper package or use nix-shell to load mesa
<aanderse> proper package?
<clever> aanderse: to start with, try "nix-shell -p cmake mesa"
<clever> and then run cmake under that
<aanderse> what is the suggested way to do this if i want to use an IDE like kdevelop?
<aanderse> nixshel -p cmake mesa; kdevelop ?
<clever> run kdevelop under the shell nix-shell creates
<clever> so ; wont work
<aanderse> yeah
<aanderse> any suggested ways to make that pretty? lol
<clever> "nix-shell -p cmake mesa --run kdevelop" will probably work
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<aanderse> thats great
<aanderse> thank you for your help clever
* Orix waits
<aanderse> hmm
<aanderse> still not finding opengl
<aanderse> error: /nix/store/9zr7p1ihz955ipxy1qfpi6pnmw813wlk-openscenegraph-3.2.3/include/osg/GL:124:35: fatal error: GL/gl.h: No such file or directory
<aanderse> and thats from: find_package( OpenGL REQUIRED )
<clever> checking things on this end...
<bennofs> aanderse: try nix-shell -p cmake mesa pkgconfig
<clever> mesa.out 0 s /nix/store/nppbk91gbdnys2950grrl9zbpssx4iyg-mesa-17.0.3/include/GL/gl.h
<aanderse> ah there we go....
<aanderse> so cmake uses pkgconfig under the hood eh
<clever> it is a bit odd that it couldnt find <GL/gl.h>
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<aanderse> hmm
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<aanderse> still no, though
<bennofs> clever: i'm not sure how cmake find_packa works exactly, but it may not respect NIX_CFLAGS :)
<aanderse> the cmake doesn't error out
<aanderse> the cmake says everything is fine
<aanderse> but as soon as i run make
<aanderse> Found OpenGL: /nix/store/rd0gg53i13rn0rvkzrln5xqv4q0inqzz-mesa-17.0.2/lib/
<aanderse> i'm trying to work with a library called openscenegraph. it works great with pkg-config when i try to use it
<aanderse> i'm not overly familiar with cmake either
<aanderse> maybe i shouldn't be trying to switch to nixos and cmake at the same time... ;-)
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<clever> aanderse: do you have a github link for the project?
<bennofs> aanderse: what do you get when running make?
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<sphalerite> aanderse: the "finding libraries" thing is an FAQ, for what it's worth:
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<aanderse> sphalerite: thanks for the link. looks like i need to cleanup my configuration.nix and clear out the libs i have in there
<aanderse> will read and follow up
<sphalerite> aanderse: openscenegraph is already packaged for nixos
<aanderse> sphalerite: yes, i am trying to build an app using openscenegraph after i installed openscenegraph on my system
<bennofs> aanderse: what's the error that you get from make?
<aanderse> bennofs:
<aanderse> sorry for delay
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<clever> aanderse: you may need to add gcc to the nix-shell flags as well
<bennofs> clever: should be in stdenv, no?
<aanderse> the openscenegraph version nix provided was old so i used an override to bump it to a newer version, not sure if that is relevant
<aanderse> in my environment.systemPackages:
<clever> bennofs: nix-shell -p uses stdenvNoCC by default
<aanderse> (pkgs.lib.overrideDerivation pkgs.openscenegraph (attrs: {
<aanderse> name = "OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0";
<aanderse> src = /root/;
<aanderse> }))
<bennofs> clever: oh
<clever> bennofs: or rather, it did at one time, i think it was fixed a month ago
<aanderse> clever: my hero! gcc did it
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<aanderse> ok well i definitely need to learn how to properly make environments
<aanderse> thanks again
<sphalerite> aanderse: that looks right to me (although you may want to keep the source path in a world-readable location so that not only root can build it)
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<sphalerite> aanderse: and you'll want to include openscenegraph in the nix-shell too to develop with it.
<aanderse> sphalerite: yeah i'll have to do that when i switch to the proper way to do things
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<aanderse> i mostly switched to nixos because i like the idea of a reproducable systems, and every single update i make having a new grub entry that can be booted into at any time
<aanderse> all the of the awesome features developers can leverage was only a bonus, and i hadn't fully researched yet
<aanderse> i'll have to spend the time reading
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c163b78 Dmitry Kalinkin: openafs: 1.6.20 ->
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 450f0c9 Graham Christensen: Merge pull request #25781 from veprbl/openafs_1.6.20.2...
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<sphalerite> aanderse: to get the updated version, the quickest way to do it is probably to pass it on the command-line, i.e. nix-shell -p gcc cmake 'openscenegraph.overrideAttrs (o: {src = ...; name = ...;})' , but in the long term using an overlay would make it easier
<sphalerite> aanderse: or updating OSG in nixpkgs and PRing that ;)
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<sphalerite> Yes, nixos is amazingly powerful for that kind of stuff
<aanderse> sphalerite: the nix version is ancient... i should really just pull the tree down and make a request
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<aanderse> ok, thanks again with all the help
<clever> aanderse: running "nix-shell --pure example.nix" should load up everything listed on line 10
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<MichaelRaskin> The fun part is that we are actually lagging behind Debian in bit-for-bit reproducibility
<aanderse> ok thanks everyone. it looks like the --run command ever worked pretty well for kdevelop
<aanderse> so
<aanderse> i think i have my dev environment working now
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<aanderse> much appreciated
<sphalerite> MichaelRaskin: but it's easier to reproduce *results* with nixos :D
<MichaelRaskin> That's true
<sphalerite> Do we track which packages are reproducible somewhere?
<clever> i have run into a complex problem with net-snmp before in nixpkgs
<clever> building it with a nix sandbox broke everything
<clever> at the time i had sandboxing off, and was trying to git bisect nixpkgs
<clever> any time i hit the binary cache, it broke, any time i missed, it built it locally and worked
<clever> bisect doesnt handle those kinds of problems well
<MichaelRaskin> I suspect a problem with maxima, where the failing combination is cache maxima on local-built SBCL but all other combinations work
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<manveru> any of you guys tried building osquery?
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<manveru> wondering how i can get nixosCodeName inside a derivation... seems to be only possible for modules
<clever> manveru: why do you need it in a derivation?
<MichaelRaskin> Derivations can be used outside NixOS
<MichaelRaskin> (even though built on NixOS, say, on Hydra)
<manveru> yeah, i know ...
<manveru> it's a bit shitty
<MichaelRaskin> You can pass as a parameter
<MichaelRaskin> and override in a module when installing for NixOS
<manveru> i think i can just as well replace the whole script with some hardcoded values :P
<manveru> great, now it wants sudo :P
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<sphalerite> does anyone know why this purple thing appears when I move my cursor in w3m?
<sphalerite> whoops, maybe I should have scaled that video down. Oh well.
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<sphalerite> It's only visible in a couple of frames in the video, but it appears briefly every time I press j or k to move the cursor.
<clever> weird
<dash> sphalerite: that's their logo
<dash> w3m is trying to draw images over your xterm.
<sphalerite> it's st, not xterm. But nice
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<dash> whatever. kleenex, coke, bandaid, xterm
<sphalerite> So is w3m using X for that, or is there some terminal black magic going on there?
<sphalerite> I'm not aware of any high-resolution bitmap drawing capabilities for terminals, so I suspect the former?
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<sphalerite> well, besides weird terminals like enlightenment's
<sphalerite> and anterminal :p
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<dash> sphalerite: xterm has sixel
<dash> but no, i believe w3m uses X for it.
<sphalerite> but that's not exactly high-resolution, is it?
<dash> don't know what counts as high
<dash> is a thing for talking to it
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<dhess`> How can I remove a particular path from the store?
<dhess`> (for cleaning up unwanted nix-builds)
<MichaelRaskin> nix-store --delete
<LnL> nix-store --delete if it's not allive
<dhess`> thanks
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: does your XPS 15 also make a sort of buzzing noise when idle and plugged in? It seems to go away under load or when I unplug it
<gchristensen> no...
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<gchristensen> but sometimes I can hear my scrolling
<sphalerite> It stops instantly if I do while : ; do : ; done, and starts again as soon as I press Ctrl-C
<ToxicFrog> I don't have an XPS 15, but I have lots of devices that do that (or a high-pitched whining noise) and it's often load dependent
<sphalerite> it sounds vaguely like a hard drive doing seeks >_>
<sphalerite> how do you hear your scrolling?
<MichaelRaskin> ZFS scrubbing?
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<gchristensen> sounds like seeks :)
<sphalerite> MichaelRaskin: I doubt it, considering that there isn't actually a spinning hard drive in the laptop :p
<sphalerite> gchristensen: huh ok. Just checked, for me the noise *stops* while I'm scrolling
<sphalerite> in the browser
<sphalerite> I'm guessing that it's harmless, besides the mild irritation that it causes me
<sphalerite> Oh goodness, is that the time? I should sleep. Good night
<gchristensen> 1am? :)
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<dhess`> I've got a derivation where I set 'dontStrip = true', but the fixup phase is still stripping binaries. Is this a known thing?
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<dhess`> err never mind
<dhess`> I'm unpacking a .deb with binaries that are already stripped.
<dhess`> this may be causing problems with patchelf
<dhess`> can't get NixOS to execute the binaries, says "not found"
<dhess`> what a mess!
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<dhess`> kids, don't use GHC on non-x86 platforms.
<clever> dhess`: 'not found' means you forgot to set the interperter
<dhess`> clever: I know. But I'm running patchelf on it with --interpreter ... so I dunno why that isn't working.
<clever> dhess`: what does 'file' say about the binary?
<dhess`> it says the interpreter is /lib64/...
<dhess`> which is wrong, I know.
<clever> it should start with /nix
<clever> --interpreter "$(cat $NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker)"
<dhess`> yes
<clever> this should automaticaly find the right path for you
<dhess`> did that.
<clever> can you gist the expression and i can test it on my pi?
<dhess`> probably something wrong in the installPhase script
<clever> try running file against the binary inside installPhase, before and after patchelf
<dhess`> clever: let me figure out if there's some issue in the installPhase script first, before I waste your time.
<dhess`> yeah
<clever> dhess`: there is also a util i made a while ago that may help:
<clever> dhess`: if you run nix-build on one of these, it will generate a bash script containing a patchelf invocation
<clever> you can then run that bash script on any elf file to just fix it (assuming you put the libs into the nix file ahead of time)
<clever> so you could unpack the .deb to $HOME and patch it with this, until it at least partialy runs
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<gchristensen> spacex launch in 4 minutes (no landing attempt)
<dhess`> hmm, weird. patchelf is definitely running on the binaries, and it's setting the rpath, it's just not setting the interpreter.
<clever> dhess`: i heard about a bug like that a while ago, try running it twice with the same args
<dhess`> nah, still happening.
<dhess`> let me try your script
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<dhess`> how do I run that? assuming it's called force-patchelf.nix and it's in the cwd?
<clever> just "nix-build force-patchelf.nix" and then ./result <some-elf-file>
<dhess`> ahh right
<dhess`> duh
<dhess`> that worked
<clever> try adding a "set -x" to your installPhase before you run patchelf
<clever> and then gist the output of nix-build
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<dhess`> Easier to gist the derivation. Gimme a sec.
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<dhess`> ok this is very preliminary, incomplete.
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<dhess`> that's cobbled together from the 7.4.2-binary.nix and a couple of derivations that package .debs
<clever> ah, looks like its currently aimed at patchelf'ing the 64bit x86 ghc?
<dhess`> yeah
<dhess`> from Debian
<clever> that at least makes testing faster
<dhess`> just trying to get that working, then i'll make it work on arm
<clever> yeah, it will probably work the same on arm
<dhess`> yeah
<dhess`> which means it'll work on aarch64 too
<dhess`> won't work on Darwin, of course.
<dhess`> but oh well, only care about the ARMs for now.
<dhess`> I need to fix the version, that's 8.0.1
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<clever> dhess`: found the problem
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<clever> dhess`: on line 50, you copy everything from . to $out
<clever> dhess`: then on line 53, you patch everything in .
<dhess`> clever: ugh
<dhess`> thanks :\
<dhess`> I knew that would catch me.
<dhess`> sorry to waste your time.
<clever> mv may be faster then cp, for some filesystems
<dhess`> but it helps to have a 2nd pair of eyes :)
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<clever> and also destroys the source so you cant do this kind of thing
<dhess`> yeah good point, I just copy-and-pasted that from another derivation.
<clever> though you could also just mkdir $out; cd $out at the start
<dhess`> I should probably move everything first
<clever> and unpack the .deb directly to there
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<dhess`> well things need to be moved around anyway
<dhess`> I'll move first, then operate.
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<gchristensen> things to consider w.r.t. nixos
<clever> gchristensen: about point #1, i believe the PS3 has a crypto key in the cpu die, that is used to handle harddrive encryption
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<dhess`> clever: ok cool, now I'm to the point where I need to start helping ghc find libs. That's progress. Thanks again!
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<clever> dhess`: yep
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