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<kiloreux> When I install ImageMagick on my x86_64. All the tools that I have inisde bin give me a segmentation fault when I try to execute them.
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<kiloreux> If I keep the build directory and try to continue using my native system GCC
<kiloreux> it works just fine
<kiloreux> but it errors always when I try installing it with nix.
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<kiloreux> I am assuming this is related to how nix internally handles things.
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<cheshircat> kiloreux: I don't know if this is good advice, but you could try going into the nix-shell for ImageMagick and executing the build phases individually?
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<disasm> Well, I got passopolis build working! now on to the next part, making a systemd service :)
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<johnramsden> I've got a strange problem. I'm using map and trying to concatenate together a few lists of filesystems. When I attempt to 'nixos-rebuild switch' xorg crashes and I'm left with a tty spewing output related to init. I think I must be somehow unmounting all my datasets and not remounting them. Could someone give me some input?
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<disasm> is it possible to specify a custom nixpkgs path only for a single container in configuration.nix?
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<disasm> johnramsden: what if you do nixos-rebuild build and look at the resulting fstab in the nix store?
<johnramsden> diasm: That's a great idea
<disasm> johnramsden: if fstab looks good, you could always do a nixos-rebuild boot and reboot.
<johnramsden> i'll check.
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<disasm> I ran into similar insanity when I moved my root into a btrfs subvol. Except I was dumb and didn't think of nixos-rebuild boot and just booted off a thumb drive and ran nixos-install, which ended up working as well.
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<johnramsden> diasm: Looks like a mucked up fstab syntax. Thanks!
<johnramsden> disasm*
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #25907: Passopolis password manager service (master...passopolis-server)
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<threshold> is there a guide to working with postgresql installed through nix?
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<threshold> i thought this might be relevant still, but i ran into issues
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<dash> threshold: what trouble have you had?
<threshold> $ sudo -i Password: th:~ root# psql postgres psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
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<dash> sounds like you didn't start a server
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<threshold> dash: what is the process of doing that?
<dash> 'postgres -D your_db_dir' is what i've done
<dash> nixos has a service for it, i bet
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<threshold> looks like there is a /usr/local/var/postgres directory
<threshold> maybe that's the one
<threshold> is there a standard directory setup i should know about?
<dash> I don't know, I never needed it
<threshold> ~/.nix-profile/profile has serveral pg_* commands
<dash> yep, probably 'createdb' too
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<simpson> Aw, the cryptsetup stuff for automounting LUKS doesn't work for removable media.
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<dash> sounds pretty deficient
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<simpson> Well, it's just not hotplugging. It only does stuff at boot.
<simpson> Good for FDE!
<simpson> But not good for removable USB drives.
<threshold> where does the community advise i put the database storage area? i think on a typical linux machine, it is in /var/lib/postgresql/
<threshold> i.e. DATADIR in pg_ctrl init pgdata=DATADIR
<dash> sounds good to me
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fe66612 Cray Elliott: ffmpeg-full: add enableLto option...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 577327b Cray Elliott: obs-studio: bump revision to fix Settings crash
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<danbst> threshold: I have running postgresql. default db is /var/db/postgresql
<danbst> threshold: did you enable postgres service in configuration.nix?
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<justanotheruser> cannot coerce a set to a string, at /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs/lib/strings.nix:442:44
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #25881: gtk2: search for themes in XDG_DATA_DIRS (master...gtk2-themes)
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<justanotheruser> does anyone know what might cause this? Here is the full trackback
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9d1db32 Maximilian Bosch: services.xserver.xautolock: add module
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2f22bbe Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25578 from Ma27/module/xautolock...
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<nixy> That is quite the traceback
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<nixy> It seems like it might be complaining specifically about '', 'systemd.units.dbus.service.text', and 'environment.etc.systemd/system.source'
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<nixy> Do you have those in your configuration.nix or have you made any changes to them recently?
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<unlmtd> rebasing nixpkgs frees up a lot of space. went from 800+ mb to under 200
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 5aa530f Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'master' into staging...
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<LnL> justanotheruser: I think you might have an incorrect environment.etc definition, can you post your config
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<rhon> hi
<nixy> Hey :D
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<clever> justanotheruser: i see system-path near the bottom
<clever> justanotheruser: it looks like you put an attrset in your systemPackages
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<rhon> I've lot of warnings in journalctl just after boot, is it normal ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 769e14a Peter Simons: multi-ghc-travis: update to latest git version and install both scripts...
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<clever> rhon: what kind of warnings?
<rhon> pulseaudio / bluetooth / nouveau driver related stuff
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<clever> yeah, if you dont care about bluetooth audio, you can ignore the first half
<clever> for the last 2 lines, if the video seems to work fine for you, you can probably ignore it
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<rhon> clever: ok, thanks
<rhon> is there a package to install virtualbox oracle extensions ?
<LnL> programs.virtualbox.enable
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<rhon> I've done that, but when I run virtualbox it says oracle extension are missing, and I can't use usb
<rhon> hmm ok I think I get it
<rhon> I should install this : linuxPackages.virtualboxGuestAdditions
<LnL> ah for a guest there's virtualisation.virtualbox.guest.enable
<rhon> :-\ wasn't that
<rhon> I want to share usb ports from my NixOs virtualbox host to my guest
<rhon> but when I run virtualbox on host, it says oracle extension are missing
<LnL> oh wait you are talking about the extension
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<rhon> yes
<LnL> not sure if there's an option for that
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<rhon> according to the old wiki, it seems there was an option for that :
<LnL> you might be able to just install it with the cli
<rhon> LnL: ok, thx, I will try that
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<LnL> those instructions look good
<rhon> LnL: yeah but can't find any enableExtensionPack option from
<rhon> so I'm a little confused :)
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<LnL> it overrides the package arguments, it's not a module option
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<rhon> ahhh ok, my bad
<justanotheruser> LnL: I think you're right
<justanotheruser> ty
<justanotheruser> actually it was clever who said it, woops
<LnL> looks like nixpkgs.config.virtualbox.enableExtensionPack = true might also work
<rhon> LnL: thx for explanation, I'm complete nixos noob
<LnL> we should probably add that snippet to the description of the virtualbox host option or something
<justanotheruser> hmm, but now I get attribute ‘wrapPython’ missing, at /nix/store/i8gdf1fw8adwxi3k8hps6dp2bi5yhijq-nixos-16.09.1942.28dc5c7d22/nixos/pkgs/development/libraries/speechd/default.nix:19:35
<LnL> what release are you on?
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<sri2> How would you configure nixos to use intel graphics driver for xserver and use my gpu for development? I would like to install the nvidia driver for profiling cuda applications.
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<trikl> Something rather strange is happening. The default grub entry doesn't load the kernel (no output is produced at all, it hangs with only the background image). If I select all confs and then the latest kernel though, it boots correctly. Both entries are exactly the same…
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<nixos-users-wiki> "FAQ" edited by matthewbauer
<Infinisil> I got a question regarding git and a PR
<Infinisil> I forked nixpkgs, cloned it locally, branched off master, done my work, commited, pushed to origin, done a PR
<Infinisil> Now I added another commit and pushed, which appeared in the PR, but how do I rebase correcly on the most recent master?
<makefu> if you push to the same branch then it will show up in the PR
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<makefu> ah, sorry misread
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<makefu> if it is not much you did you can write down the commit hash, reset hard to the new master and cherry-pick
<makefu> hard reset and cherrypick is the one thing that will pretty much always work
<Infinisil> Hmm, I read that when work is pushed, you should always merge, but my changes really are not conflicting with anything, would be trivial to reapply
<Infinisil> hard reset doesn't seem right, and I've never done cherrypicking :P
<makefu> with git there are a lot of ways to achieve the same thing
<makefu> cherry-picking is essentially a rebase of a single commit
<Infinisil> Hmm, I'll look into it some more
<makefu> if you are creating a PR you do not need to be on the latest master as long as no changes were introduced which would conflict with your changes
<Infinisil> Do I really need to rebase always on latest master?
<makefu> git will be cool enough to fast-forward
<Infinisil> Ohh okay then I'll do that
<Infinisil> Thanks!
<goibhniu> sri2: I guess bumblebee lets you do that
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<raignarok> I need a systemd unit to be restarted on nixos-rebuild - does someone know how / if this is possible? I'm packaging piwik, and I need the unit to clear tmp files and execute a possibly pending database upgrade.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f33ca4e Matthew Bauer: xapian: fixup darwin...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bde09a9 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25774 from matthewbauer/xapian-fixup...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lukego opened pull request #25908: perlPackages.NetPatricia and perlPackages.NetCIDRLite (new) (master...perl-net-patricia)
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<symphorien> raignarok: there are options to put in the unit :
<makefu> might be nice to have this feature documented in the wiki
<nixy> makefu: Which wiki :y
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<jophish> Hi all!
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<makefu> as the official wiki is currently non-functional ( )
<Infinisil> I'm still sad about that
<nixy> There is also domen's cookbook, so I wasn't sure which you were talking about
<nixy> Infinisil: Sad about the old wiki?
<Infinisil> Yeah that it's gone
<nixy> It is probably much better that way tbh
<Infinisil> It was really helpful
<nixy> Yes and no
<nixy> Some of the stuff in there was still applicable, but alot of it was misleading or outdated
<nixy> Which can be more damaging as people spend their time trying to get broken stuff to work
<Infinisil> Yeah I guess
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<nixy> I do think some sort of community wiki (on not github) would be ideal, but it was a pretty big point of contention
<Infinisil> I think tutorials should be more connected to the code
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<makefu> the nixos-users wiki currently receives a bit more love so lets retry :)
<nixy> Infinisil: What do you mean by that? How could they be more connected
<goibhniu> I think having a canonical, yet unofficial wiki is probably the best solution (since some people really don't like having a wiki AFAICT)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fadenb opened pull request #25909: matrix-synapse: 0.20.0 -> 0.21.0 (master...synapse_0.21.0)
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<makefu> goibhniu: yes there are also political reasons
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<Infinisil> nixy: In todays time it's always there is some code and some people write a tutorial which they put somewhere else, not making any backreference from the code itself. Then when the code changes, tutorials automatically outdate, as nobody knows exactly where all tutorials are etc.
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<Infinisil> In my ideal world, people would add tutorials directly to the code somehow, with them being interlinked. That way there also wouldn't be multiple tutorials, people could just improve "the" tutorial
<Infinisil> I'm dreaming of something like this (and much more), maybe one has to develop this idea a bit further though
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<goibhniu1> something like doctests in python?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aneeshusa opened pull request #25910: salt: 2016.11.4 -> 2016.11.5 (master...update-salt-to-2016.11.5)
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<Infinisil> goibhniu1: It goes in that direction yes
<Infinisil> I think we eventually need to move away from the "everything is text" idiom, this relation of tutorial <-> code and much more doesn't fit well for text
<Infinisil> s/doesn't/isn't
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<raignarok> symphorien: than you! services.<name>.restartIfChanged seems to be the right direction and set X-RestartIfChanged. Do you know which cases are considered as „changed“? Trying to understand it from the implementation, as it's not mentioned anywhere… the definition of the unit file itself, the nix expression where it's defined in, or any nix expression it uses?
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<raignarok> symphorien: oh, it seems like the default is already `true` :/
<avn> raignarok: actually it need to be `false` for X server, or pulseaudio (if it systemwide)
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<raignarok> avn: yeah. loosing everything unsaved on every nixos-rebuild because X server restarts would be uncool. :D
<avn> well, restart of dbus or systemwide pulseaudio is also uncool
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<raignarok> avn: indeed.
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<ixxie> I seem to have bumped up against an issue with how NixOS links bash with readline, or rather doesn't; it seems to be related to and a bunch of other issues
<ixxie> so of those threads indicate this has to do with having a non-bash default interactive shell, but I tried removing the line that sets zsh as my user shell
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<ixxie> I also tried manually adding bashInteractive and readline to my package list to no avail
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<raignarok> found the relevant line: restartIfChanged / X-RestartIfChanged is only about the resulting systemd unit file itself. this usually works because the unit files contains paths to the started / stopped derivations. so my problem is: my unit file only starts a script that comes with the nixos module which had no update, and only that script references the package which had the update. So I need a way to reference the package in
<raignarok> the unit file… thinking
<ixxie> to see how this impacts normal use, a simple bash script with `read -p "Prompt text: " -i "Default Input" -e INPUT` will not show the default input
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<LnL> the bash module is enabled by default, so bashInteractive should be installed
<danbst> raignarok: why'd you want service restart on **every** nixos-rebuild? You see, nixos-rebuild consists of two parts: build and activate. So you want service restart on **every** activation, right? It's a bit contra nixos services style, because if nothing changed, nothing should be reactivated
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] amiloradovsky opened pull request #25911: dale: 20170419 -> 20170519 (master...dale)
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<danbst> raignarok: system.activationScripts do run on every activate, you can say there "${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl restart my-service.service || ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"
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<raignarok> danbst: sorry, I did not express myself well there, what I meant was to restart the nixos module's unit on every nixos-rebuild that updated the corresponding nix pkg, not on every nixos-rebuild.
<danbst> raignarok: ah, then yes, it restarts by default
<raignarok> I think I solved it by adding services.<unit-name>.path = [ pkgs.piwik ]; instead of prefixing the binaries in the script with ${pkgs.piwik}/bin/piwik-console - now the unit file should change as the path in the nix store changes to the new pkg version and the unit be restarted by default.
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<danbst> raignarok: actually, both ways should work. can you share a snippet?
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<zx2c4> gchristensen: pong!
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<raignarok> danbst: If I understand it correctly, only the path option works because the `script` is stored outside of the unit, and only the unit itself is fingerprinted. It usually works because people use `ExecStart = ${pkg.whatever}` and that's included in the service file.
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<Dezgeg> both should really work
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<Dezgeg> if your script changes, then the store path changes, thus the unit changes
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<danbst> raignarok: script is later referenced in ExecStart in systemd nixos module, so nah
<danbst> raignarok: how do you test package upgrade?
<raignarok> danbst: I don't know how to test it, any ideas? I noticed the unit did not restart when a real package update from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5 occured.
<raignarok> I mean, 3.0.3 to 3.0.4
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #25910: salt: 2016.11.4 -> 2016.11.5 (master...update-salt-to-2016.11.5)
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<danbst> raignarok: so, correct me if I'm wrong. You added a package an service, ver 3.0.3. You've run it for a while, then changed package version from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4. During nixos-rebuild service wasn't restarted and used version 3.0.3. Right?
<danbst> *and
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<steveeJ> pierron_: feedback welcome on
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<raignarok> danbst: adding some more detail: I added a package and an accompanying module with a service to clear cache files and perform possible mysql database upgrades. I've run it for a while, then changed package version from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4. During nixos-rebuild, that service wasn't restarted. The web server now servers version 3.0.4, but no database upgrades were executed or cache files cleared.
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<danbst> raignarok: "piwik-console core:update --yes" - is this the DB update command?
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<danbst> raignarok: cp -r "${pkgs.piwik}/config" "${dataDir}/"
<raignarok> Dezgeg: Now I understand what you meant. Damn, so my path fix will probably not work as well.
<danbst> raignarok: this won't remove config.ini.php file, so DB upgrade won't be called anymore
<danbst> raignarok: oops, no it is ok, it will be called
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<raignarok> danbst: my intention: the cp creates the initial state dir so that the installer can run. the installer needs to be run manually and creates config.ini.php.
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<raignarok> danbst: what I observed is that the unit is not restarted, seen via sudo systemctl status piwik_setup_update
<danbst> raignarok: guess I'm going to run it myself
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<betaboon> danbst: thank you for sharing your munin wip. just about to try out your gist.
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<raignarok> danbst: +1 if you can spare the time. any idea how you'll manually provoke a pkg update / change its store hash? I found a volunteer for testing at but he did not start prior the upgrade.
<danbst> raignarok: easy. pkgs.piwik.overrideDerivation (sup: { name = + "_v2"; })
<raignarok> danbst: oh, you're the munin 2.999 guy! thanks alot from me as well. :)
<danbst> raignarok: betaboon: hi guys )
<betaboon> danbst, raignarok: how about we put together some resources and finish up danbst's pull-request ?
<danbst> betaboon: good idea.
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<betaboon> danbst: maybe you can merge your changes (the gist ones) into your pr and writeup a todo-list in the pr ?
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<danbst> betaboon: in fact, gisted version is predecessor of the PR
<betaboon> ah ok
<danbst> betaboon: but both are a bit outdated in terms of nginx support
<gchristensen> zx2c4: I'd be interested in a sticker or two :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #25870: pyproj: enable tests, use bundled proj by default (master...pyproj-tests)
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<betaboon> I'm quite new to nix and am not yet sure how do sane nginx-support
<betaboon> i don't know if the aproach i took on my taiga-pr is sane:
<danbst> betaboon: in the PR I renamed services.munin-cron.enable = true to services.munin.enable = true, and that's major policy decision. And so I need some advices whether it's OK or not
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<danbst> english-speaking people say, bikeshedding
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ericsagnes closed pull request #19153: [WIP] Separate NixOS lib and nixpkgs lib (master...feat/nixos-lib)
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<betaboon> danbst: i would prefer "munin-master", as it reflects the master<->node architecture of munin.
<zx2c4> gchristensen: damnit you should have PMd me your address earlier
<zx2c4> Im at La Poste now
<zx2c4> Email me and ill send it in tje next batch
<zx2c4> Address and desired quantity
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<gchristensen> haha ok :)
<gchristensen> no worries -- thank you!
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<ixxie> LnL: you are write, and I find now that the interactive shell works when I put a test line into the shell, but it doesn't seem to work when I call it via a script
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<ixxie> are right*
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<danbst> raignarok: I get when running service
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<ixxie> baaah, gtg; to be continued later I guess
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<raignarok> betaboon: regarding nginx, why proxy_pass and not uwsgi_pass?
<danbst> raignarok: I confirm service is not restarted
<betaboon> raignarok: in the taiga pr ?
<raignarok> betaboon: yes
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<betaboon> doesn't uwsgi_pass work with uwsgi only? I'm using gunicorn there.
<raignarok> danbst: my full diff: I add piwik user and group with constant uid/gid, with the intention to make backup / restore easier.
<danbst> raignarok: I didn't enable nginx service, so "nginx" group was not found. I think that's my fault
<danbst> raignarok: as for original problem, the unit is in fact updated, but not restarted because of some weird systemd dependencies. I've replace before and requiredBy with wantedBy = [ "" ]; and it restarts properly
<danbst> raignarok: just for test
<raignarok> betaboon: forget my comment, mixed up uwsgi and wsgi and thought that directive would work for all wsgi servers.
<betaboon> sadly it doesn't. it would be great to have a general aproach to use-chosen webserver and wsgi-servers
<raignarok> betaboon: indeed. Wishful thinking on my side.
<betaboon> raignarok: the same wishful thinkink is reflected in the "#TODO IDEA" on top of that service-file xD
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<raignarok> danbst: Maybe requiredBy and before is not actually what I need? My intention was to make sure the script is always run before php-fpm starts, to make sure /var/lib/piwik exists in the beginning, and later to keep everything nicely updated. But when I wrote it, I still thought php-fpm would be restarted on piwik package updates.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0f59c9c Peter Hoeg: libguestfs: fix build
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<danbst> raignarok: the phpfpm script doesn't refer to piwik path, so it isn't restarted
<danbst> raignarok: I've added to phpfpm config env[PIWIK_PATH] = ${pkgs.piwik}
<danbst> that made both services restart on version change
<danbst> a bit of hack, but I don't know systemd dependecies system that good. maybe Mic92 can help here
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<gchristensen> I think BindsTo might help
<danbst> gchristensen: which service to add to? phpfpm or setup script?
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* raignarok searches the web whether phpfpm actually needs to be restarted when php files are updated.
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<danbst> raignarok: for phabricator it is strict requirement that during database upgrade phpfpm should be stopped
<danbst> raignarok: it's all about data consistency I guess
<raignarok> gchristensen: danbst: from the manpage: Configures requirement dependencies, very similar in style to Requires=, however in addition to this behavior, it also declares that this unit is stopped when any of the units listed suddenly disappears“ sounds like BindsTo expects both processes to be running all the time, but in this case, the setup script terminates fast and directly after setup / upgrade is done
<thblt> Hi! I'm trying to install NixOS on a laptop, and I can't figure how to get the X11 libraries headers to build my XMonad (with Stack, not the usual way). I've added "xorg.libX11" to the list of packages (also I don't understand the difference between package and attribute names, but this can wait), but when I try to "stack --nix build", the build fails with "configure: error: X11 libraries not found, so X11 package cannot be
<thblt> built". What am I missing? :)
<thblt> Thanks !
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<bennofs> thblt: so you added 'xorg.libX11' to packages: in your stack.yaml?
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<thblt> bennofs: No, on /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, in the environnment.systemPackages section.
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<thblt> bennofs: Reading this, thanks
<bennofs> thblt: ah, that won't work on Nix. environment.systemPackages is only for applications
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<raignarok> danbst: oh, very good, to argue that it shouldn't run during database upgrade. piwik has a maintenance mode, to prevent database access, but it can't be activated with piwik-console.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] czyzykowski opened pull request #25913: bup: enable darwin build (master...bup-on-osx)
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<thblt> bennofs: Not better, it's still complaining. Since the X11 Haskell package is built as a dependency of a dependency, shouldn't the X11 package itself require nix deps?
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<Mic92> danbst: is there still an open question?
<thblt> sphalerite: thanks, I'll try that.
<raignarok> Mic92: yes, you might be able to do something less hacky than adding a dummy path
<Mic92> raignarok: what was the question again?
<raignarok> Mic92: Situation as follows, not requiring the previous conversation: There's a php-fpm php executing unit, and a setup & upgrade script. Currently, the script has a RequiredBy=phpfpm and Before=phpfpm. The php-fpm part has no reference to the executed package, the setup&upgrade srcipt has. now a package update occurs
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<bennofs> thblt: no, it should apply to all dependencies. perhaps try adding packages: [ pkgconfig ]
<bennofs> (idk if pkg-config is required here, doesn't hurt to add it :)
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<Mic92> raignarok: so you want to restart php-fpm, wenn you upgrade owncloud or some other app for instances?
<Mic92> *instance
<raignarok> Mic92: Current Situation: neither phpfpm nor the script are restarted. Wanted Situation: both are restarted. Hack: add a dummy path to phpfpm config referencing the package, so phpfpm gets a restart through nixos-rebuild, and systemd restarts the script because RequiredBy and Before.
<Mic92> raignarok: so you are currently using the restartTriggers attributes and you are unhappy about that?
<Mic92> *attribute
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<raignarok> Mic92: No, I never heard the of restartTriggers attribute. starts searching
<thblt> bennofs: I was definitively missing the '.dev' part, but with nix.enable = true and nix.packages = [ pkgconfig xorg.libX11 ], the result is still the same - configure fails complaining about missing X libs
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<Mic92> raignarok: It actually does something very similar compared to adding a dummy paths. But that is the official way and we ensure that the added field will never be interpreted by nixos. So I would not consider this as a hack.
<Mic92> *never be interpreted by systemd
<thblt> bennofs: I've also tried to create a nix-shell env using these instructions, as sphalerite suggested, but IIUC that's exactly what Stack itself does, right?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 26294f4 davidak: bcachefs-tools: init at a588eb0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master db70f29 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25580 from davidak/bcachefs-tools...
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<raignarok> Mic92: restartTriggers sounds exactly like what's needed here. :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #25914: hadoop: 2.2.0 -> 2.7.3, 2.8.0 + hdfs service (master...hadoop-2.7.3)
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<Mic92> raignarok: you should be able to find quite a few examples in nixpkgs/nixos
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<danbst> Mic92: thanks, forgot about restartTriggers
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<raignarok> Mic92: danbst: found examples and pushed my changes
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ccb8502 Jörg Thalheim: bcachefs-tools: 2017-05-08 -> 2017-05-12
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<raignarok> danbst: could you please do another test to verify it works now?
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<danbst> raignarok: sorry, I'm back to work ^)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9b54745 Peter Simons: libqmi: update to version 1.18.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c1609e4 Peter Simons: libqmi: enable MBIM support
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<danbst> raignarok: I tested changing version and hash of a package (3.0.3 to 3.0.4). It wasn't hard
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh opened pull request #25916: Python: set DETERMINISTIC_BUILD and PYTHONHASHSEED in setupHook (staging...reproducible)
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<SovereignBleak> Has there been any movement to package alternative kernels like Linux-ck?
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<makefu> what do you mean by that? there are a big number of different kernel packages
<makefu> for linux-ck i do not know though. for an audio setup i am running a -rt kernel.
<SovereignBleak> makefu: I accept I may be the one confused here. Can I see the relevant part of your nix config?
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<SovereignBleak> Do I just need to point boot.kernelPackages to linux-ck's binaries? Or is this something that needs to be packaged (as I currently think)?
<SovereignBleak> Yes it looks like you're using a nix repo. I don't think there is one for Linux-ck.
<makefu> pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix and `grep linuxPackages`
<makefu> there is linuxPackages_hardened and linuxPackages_grsec
<raignarok> danbst: did not occur to me that I could just downgrade xD After I fixed another bug, (I added my custom phpfpm settings for phpfpm-piwik.service.service), it works!
<makefu> you can use your own kernel kernel via `boot.kernelPackages = <my favorite linuxPackages>`
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<raignarok> danbst: Mic92: Dezgeg: symphorien: I was able to resolve my issues, thanks for your time! :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] taku0 opened pull request #25918: Firefox bin 53.0.3 (master...firefox-bin-53.0.3)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] taku0 opened pull request #25919: common-updater-script: fix error handling (master...common-update-script-cmp)
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<xj9[m]> i'm using `nixops` from macOS and i keep getting this message `error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:661)`
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 05b2da8 Peter Simons: R: Revert "import upstream patch to fix broken "R CMD Sweave" command"...
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<xj9[m]> i'm trying to deploy to hetzner. i've looked at several issued on github, but they're all marked as fixed
<disasm> xj9[m]: maybe your missing a root ca cert in osx?
<xj9[m]> oh hey, that fixed it
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<sphalerite> What's the process for commits to get from staging into master?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #25920: test-driver: sendKeys() support for capital letters (master...test-driver-send-capital-letters)
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<guillaum2> Is there an easy solution to deploy a software build with nix on a computer with no nix ? If possible I'd like to avoid installing nix on the other computer.
<FRidh> sphalerite: if staging doesn't cause too much breakage its merged into master. Last I checked plasma5 was broken on staging.
<FRidh> at least, could not be build because of a broken dependency
<gchristensen> guillaum2: just copy the files over
<sphalerite> Ah right
<gchristensen> you can make a tarball using some nix commands of the entire closure, just tar it up and untar on the target computer
<FRidh> or use nix-bundle
<gchristensen> oh my gosh yes
<guillaum2> I'll have a look on nix-bundle, thank you. (gchristensen, the tarball will still write inside /nix/store no ?)
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<gchristensen> it will extract to /nix/store but you don't need nix to use it
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<guillaum2> gchristensen: you are right. Well, writing on a "system" path is not something I like to do. I'll definitly have a look at nix-bundle
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<dash> guillaum2: i have the same intuition about not wanting to create new directories in /
<FRidh> Might be nice to have a tool that's somewhat in between copying to /nix/store and nix-bundle. Limitation of `nix-bundle` is that you have only one entry point, and it takes time to unpack each time
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<dash> guillaum2: largely because in the past it can result in collisions between installations and leave old stuff lying around
<dash> guillaum2: nix store has neither problem fortunately :)
<dash> FRidh: mount namespaces + bind mounts, obviously
<dash> :-/
<disasm> is it possible to manually remove something from the nix store? I tried garbage collection, but it's not going away.
<guillaum2> dash: cool, that's interesting. (I'll see how it behaves with OpenGL.)
<dash> disasm: nix-store --delete
<dash> disasm: won't remove anything that other stuff depends on
<sphalerite> disasm: if garbage collection didn't get rid of it, there's still something referring to it
<sphalerite> disasm: you can use nix-store -q --referrers to see what it is
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<disasm> sphalerite: it says /nix/store/lxmg27560p81dhpp7nwwzq8x1q9av05d-system-units.drv but I commented the service in configuration.nix
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e5fbeb2 Volth: test-driver: sendKeys() support for capital letters
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 53cd7f3 Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #25920 from volth/test-driver-send-capital-letters...
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<sphalerite> disasm: the old system generation is probably still around.
<sphalerite> disasm: You'd have to delete the old system generation as well, which you can do using nix-collect-garbage -d. But that means you will no longer be able to roll back to it. Is there a good reason you actually want to delete the path?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7868cb8 taku0: common-updater-script: fix error handling...
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<disasm> sphalerite: ah, good point... duh :)
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<disasm> sphalerite: I switched fetchgit in the build to have leaveDotGit = true; but that didn't trigger a rebuild.
<gchristensen> disasm: you need to break the output hash
<gchristensen> a fixed output derivation doesn't care what its inputs are, just what its output is, and the output is determined by the hash
<samae> how can I have nixos-rebuild build-vm on a non-nixos distro?
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<samae> I want to build a system in a vm so that I can use the configuration.nix in a real system later
<disasm> gchristensen: ah... so I need to point to a different commit to make it work?
<sphalerite> samae: you might be able to just install nixos-rebuild
<gchristensen> disasm: no you need to break the output hash, the commit is an input :)
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<sphalerite> samae: I'm not sure though
<gchristensen> disasm: for example the sha256 = "...." change one of the numbers by incrementing it up or down one
<vmandela> Hi, I created a pull request for a git tool built in rust. The mention bot has not picked a reviewer for this pull request. Who do I contact to get this pull request reviewed?
<gchristensen> the nrebuild
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<samae> sphalerite: “attribute ‘nixos-rebuild’ in selection path ‘nixpkgs.nixos-rebuild’ not found”
<samae> : )è
<disasm> gchristensen: but won't it refuse to continue then cause the sha doesn't match the rev?
<gchristensen> disasm: it will error out and tell you what the sha256 should have been
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<sphalerite> samae: whoops. :D You might be able to get nixos-rebuild by building it from nixpkgs/nixos/modules/installer/tools/tools.nix
<gchristensen> then update the fetchgit to use the sha256 it tells you
<samae> saw that yeah
<sphalerite> well by screwing around with that a bit
<sphalerite> just expose nixos-rebuild, build it, and then run it. I think that should work
<disasm> gchristensen: oh, that's a new sha than what it used to be :)
<gchristensen> because the output changed :)
<disasm> gchristensen: awesome! Thanks!
<sphalerite> samae: or, looking at nixos-rebuild's source, you could maybe use nix-build <nixpkgs/nixos> -A vm and pass the configuration using -I — not 100% sure though
<samae> yeah ok, I'll give it a bit more search
<disasm> gchristensen: so if I understand correctly, if I removed leaveDotGit that hash would go back to what it was before, right?
<gchristensen> yeah
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<thblt> Hi back :) I'm having (new problems) trying to stack build my XMonad in my very first Nix install (expect strange newbie problems)
<thblt> Earlier, I had problems with building X11. I addressed this by copying the nixpkgs.nix environment from xmonad-testing ( and linking to it from stack.yaml
<thblt> I've then reached the phase where my own code gets builts, instead of halting on some dep. That made me happy.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #25921: llvm-4/clang-4: Build and install man pages (master...feature/llvm-manpages)
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<thblt> But compilation aborts because of a missing .so/.dll,
<thblt> The message reads: Preprocessing executable 'xmonad' for thblt-xmonad-0.2
<thblt> [1 of 5] Compiling XMonad.Thblt.Misc [...snip...]
<thblt> <command line>: can't load .so/.DLL for: ( cannot object shared object file: No such file or directory)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #25913: bup: enable darwin build (master...bup-on-osx)
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<thblt> Tbh, I neither understand why a dynamic library should be *present* when building, nor how to put it somewhere stack/ghc could find it.
<thblt> TL;DR: I'm extremely confused :-)
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<Infinisil> I don't really know how to solve that, but maybe you can package your build in a single default.nix file so others can replicate it easity and help debugging
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<thblt> Infinisil: I'll look up how to do that if I really can't find a solution, thanks.
<Infinisil> Also you could ask again later in the evening ;)
<thblt> Infinisil: sure, why?
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<thblt> Infinisil: though I'll have to leave in something like two hours, so it depends on when is *your* evening.
<Infinisil> more people here
<thblt> Infinisil: Oh ok, thanks
<Infinisil> the amount of people varies greatly and i feel like evening is usually a more active time
<Infinisil> How have you declared GHC in your environment?
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<thblt> I think so. The environment is exactly this one:
<exarkun> Can someone help me read the error in this build failure? To me it looks like nixpkgs' definition of python-packages is causing the problem.
<exarkun> Also: I wasn't _trying_ to use nixpkgs-17.09pre107260 :/ This worked a few days ago. It looks like numtide/nix-builder changed. Maybe I shouldn't be using this random Docker image for my nix builds...
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<dash> exarkun: ok whatcha got
<dash> ah, travis. :-[
<dash> ok i've got unstable loaded up here, i'll try it out
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<dash> exarkun: I guess either something didn't get fixed,or you have something not in nixpkgs referring to requests2
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<exarkun> yea my nix expressions refer to it
<exarkun> so that's probably easy enough to fix
<exarkun> but I also want to fix the problem where my nixpkgs version is not pinned
<exarkun> any thoughts on that?
<dash> exarkun: i guess you're going to get whatever is in the docker image
<exarkun> perhaps I should ditch the docker thing and just install nix on travis...
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<exarkun> dash: indeed. I've never actually installed nix myself so I don't really follow the install steps in its Dockerfile
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<exarkun> it doesn't _obviously_ appear to be using unstable
<exarkun> but presumably that's an oversight on my part
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<samae> why is this failing with attribute ‘config’ in selection path ‘’ not found:
<exarkun> travis has a community-supported nix language option, that might be a way to go. the docs are wrong about what version of nix it has, though, and there doesn't seem to be any support for picking a version.
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<rcschm> hi, i have been trying to setup up purescipt/javascript using nix. does anyone have a workflow or a blog detailing how to do just that? i see a number on python and haskell but not js. thanks for any help.
<dash> exarkun: hmm doesn't call nix-channel anywhere
<dash> exarkun: might be worth trying that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #25886: idea-community: 2017.1.1 -> 2017.1.3 (master...jd_idea2017.1.3)
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<Infinisil> I just thought of something crazy (or maybe not?), but how about providing packages of other package managers? I feel like nix could be that powerful, what do you think?
<exarkun> yea okay that docker image seems to be using the unstable channel
<exarkun> I guess I can probably remove that and add another one
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<dash> Infinisil: Which one do you want?
<dash> Infinisil: we've got dpkg and rpm, were the others you had in mind?
<Infinisil> dash: Ahh right, there's already some langugages ones
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<Infinisil> dash: I was thinking about Homebrew (OSX) initially, but I feel like pacman or so would be really nice
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dbrock opened pull request #25923: solc: 0.4.8 -> 0.4.11 (master...solc)
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<dash> Infinisil: hmm, why so? what would you do with it?
<dash> the advantage I know of for having dpkg/rpm in nixpkgs is sometimes software is distributed from random websites as deb/rpm files, and an environment for using them can be built in nix
<Infinisil> Pacman has about 15000 packages which would be nice
<dash> nixpkgs already has a lot :) anything you're missing?
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<Infinisil> Hmm nothing in particular, it's just that all the work pacman is doing could be used in nix as well
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<dash> Infinisil: Maybe! But most of it would be a poor fit, I expect.
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<Infinisil> Why do you think?
<dash> Infinisil: Different assumptions about organization
<Infinisil> Well I think that could be done once and for all for all pacman packages
<dash> Infinisil: Unlikely
<dash> Infinisil: stuff built for pacman will asume FHS layout and global availability of packages
<dash> nix stuff assumes nix layout and explicit dependencies for everything
<Infinisil> FHS?
<dash> Infinisil: existence of /usr/lib, /usr/bin, etc etc
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<Infinisil> Hmm yeah
<Infinisil> We would almost need to "fake" an arch installation
<dash> Infinisil: Right, that's how the dpkg/rpm stuff works in general
<dash> so it'd be a lot of duplication of work/files
<Infinisil> Maybe it's hard but I still think it's possible
<Infinisil> Yeah duplication would be kind of a problem too
<dash> Anything is possible! It's just a question of whether it's worth it
<dash> so far nobody has felt like it was, apparently ;-)
<Infinisil> Well if someone really needs it one day
<joepie91> also don't forget the difference between 'works' and 'correct'
<dash> maybe you have a reason to go that route.
<joepie91> your converted package may very well appear to work, but be impure without you realizing it
<joepie91> and break down the line
<Infinisil> Right
<exarkun> How about this one "file ‘nixpkgs’ was not found in the Nix search path" -
<joepie91> and while Nix tries very hard to prevent impurities, it can't do so 100%
<nh2> Infinisil: the information provided in PKGBUILD is not sufficient for nix, as nix has strictly more features. For example, it is the job of .nix files to call `./configure` for each project with such options that tell the project where to install itself, and potentially to pass other options that make sure the build is 100% reproducible. On Arch, these concepts do not exist, so most PKGFILES don't concern themselves with that.
<nh2> (maybe I should say "expectations" or "requirements" instead of "features")
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<dash> exarkun: oh yeah, if you change stuff with nix-channel you really have to name the channel you want to use 'nixpkgs'
<dash> exarkun: so like nix-channel --add nixpkgs nixpkgs
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<Infinisil> One thing I don't like about nixos is that it tries to seperate stateless config (configuration.nix) from stateful data (filesystem), but this separation can't always be clear (filesystem option, log files, and more I think)
<dash> Infinisil: it's 2017 and you're still putting logfiles on your _filesystem_? alas!
<gchristensen> it is true, Infinisil
<Infinisil> And this can break stuff, e.g. moving files, changing permissions, etc
<gchristensen> however for the vast majority of cases, nix's stateless config is very effective
<Infinisil> dash: Haha yeah I shouldn't
<dash> all the cool kids are putting them in The Cloud, i hear
<nh2> Infinisil: I personally like the separation between config and data a lot. It makes use cases like nixops possible, allowing to deploy a config change across lots of machines without having to worry that it conflicts with /var data
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vdemeester opened pull request #25924: idea.gogland: 171.3780.106 -> 171.4424.55 (master...update-gogland)
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<Infinisil> nh2: That's nice
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<Infinisil> Maybe this gets better in a future version of nix(os), with strong typing, IPFS for distribution, whatever nice things you could think of
<gchristensen> you'll still have the inherent mismatch of stateless / pure config meeting real life on the disk
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<gchristensen> and things like chmod not being free
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<Infinisil> Maybe nixos could have everything in the config, including file permissions, and whenever you chmod, nix refuses to do it if it breaks some software
<gchristensen> you can't know if it'll break software ahead of time
<Infinisil> This sounds very useful
<gchristensen> and chmod _isn't_ free
<Infinisil> We can list file dependencies of software
<gchristensen> it is incredibly important that nobody ever try to chmod my /var/<service>/data drive
<Infinisil> Do you mean this by free?
<gchristensen> trying to run chmod -R on this data drive will take a very very long time
<gchristensen> so the uid of the user that owns it must remain consistent
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<Infinisil> Ohh, so you don't want that when your uid in the nixos config changes that the system automatically does chmod or that dir?
<tomjaguarpaw> I've just installed nix. luaffifb won't install. Can anyone give me a hand?
<gchristensen> Infinisil: more importantly, I want the uid to never change
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<gchristensen> tomjaguarpaw: yeah, people can help -- I can't right now, but usually people can :) can you describe more about what you're trying to do, what you've tried, and what problem you're having?
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<tomjaguarpaw> I'm trying to install luaffifb using the commant 'nix-env -i luaffifb'. I get a build failure. Snipped version: 'ffi.h:88:13: error: static declaration of 'luaL_setfuncs' follows non-static declaration'
<tomjaguarpaw> This is with nix-unstable, and as far as I can tell, I've tried it with nix-stable as well.
<Infinisil> gchistensen: Well that's not impossible to define, you could have nix disallow changing an option, or have fat warnings when you try to change the uid, or have automated warnings "shit's gonna take a while, you really wanna do this?"
<exarkun> dash: ah, thanks
<goibhniu> hi tomjaguarpaw, FWIW that works for me on nixos-unstable
<Infinisil> gchristensen: Nix would have to change, but I don't think it's impossible and may be the next step
<goibhniu> tomjaguarpaw: what os are you using?
<gchristensen> Infinisil: sounds great :)
<tomjaguarpaw> goibhniu: Oh right, thanks for testing. I'm using Ubuntu 16.04.
<tomjaguarpaw> Fresh install on an Azure VM, if that's relevant.
<gchristensen> Infinisil: I certainly don't want to / won't tell you it is impossible
<tomjaguarpaw> goibhniu: For you does it try to build from source? Not sure why it's doing that for me at all.
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<goibhniu> tomjaguarpaw: it doesn't ... I get a binary
<goibhniu> tomjaguarpaw: 64bit?
<tomjaguarpaw> Yeah 64bit
<goibhniu> tomjaguarpaw: how about `nix-store -r /nix/store/nzfnfpr4k7n5fm7pc3r7qzb36039dncz-luaffifb`
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<goibhniu> (this will try to install that exact version, regardless of your channel)
<tomjaguarpaw> That works fine.
<goibhniu> hrm ... perhaps it's broken on nix-unstable
<tomjaguarpaw> Which channel are you using and how can I switch to that? I tried editing but that doesn't seem to help ...
<Infinisil> gchristensen: I often like to think about how today's suboptimalities could be done better, the disadvantage of such thinking is that I constantly complain about how everything sucks heh
<tomjaguarpaw> Is that different from nix-unstable?
<goibhniu> tomjaguarpaw: oh, I installed it as a user with an old revision of the channel
<dash> tomjaguarpaw: it is!
<goibhniu> so it seems to be broken
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<tomjaguarpaw> I've got " nixpkgs" > $HOME/.nix-channels
<tomjaguarpaw> It started off as nixpkgs-unstable, and I also tried nixpkgs-stable
<tomjaguarpaw> luaffifb was broken on all of them
<tomjaguarpaw> But I have no idea what I'm doing ...
<tomjaguarpaw> I'd just like to use a channel where things more-or-less work
<goibhniu> that was bad luck
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<tomjaguarpaw> Aha, thank you. I tried to find that page through hydra but I didn't know where to go.
<tomjaguarpaw> OK, what should I do to switch to 17.03?
<goibhniu> what does `nix-channel --list` say?
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<tomjaguarpaw> (But I still get the same build error as with unstable)
<goibhniu> cool ... now run `nix-channel --update`
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<tomjaguarpaw> goibhniu: ^^ any ideas?
<tomjaguarpaw> Oh, probably I need release-17.03
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<tomjaguarpaw> Hmm, no that doesn't work.
<goibhniu> tomjaguarpaw: how about
<tomjaguarpaw> Yeah that works, thanks.
<goibhniu> cool!
<tomjaguarpaw> OK, and luaffifb is installing. Thanks!
<goibhniu> sweet, glad to help!
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<dhess> *finally* got GHC 8.0.2 to build for armv7l, yay!
<dhess> Some pretty serious memory issues on that platform, though.
<dhess> Definitely need to define a swapfile.
<swflint> Hey! What's the correct way to install python packages on Nix?
<dash> swflint: for running a python application, or libraries for writing python?
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<tomjaguarpaw> I'd like to replicate the following Dockerfile in Nix. This requires adding some lua packages to nixpkgs. What's the right way I can do that (locally -- also happy to contribute back if it works)
<tomjaguarpaw> Basically I need to add some lines to torch-distro.nix but I don't know how I should do that locally.
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<Infinisil> swflint: Just nix-env -i pythonPackages.<some-package>
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<tomjaguarpaw> I've been trying to add it to torch-distro.nix but I can't get it to work
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<Infinisil> tomjaguarpaw: So where exactly are you stuck?
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<tomjaguarpaw> I have edited pkgs/applications/science/machine-learning/torch/torch-distro.nix
<tomjaguarpaw> so it contains a dpnn entry just like nn
<tomjaguarpaw> Then I do nix-env -f ~/nixpkgs -i dpnn
<tomjaguarpaw> to try to use it but I get an error.
<tomjaguarpaw> The problem is I have no idea about lua and no idea about nix!
<Infinisil> Well what's the error?
<tomjaguarpaw> do not know how to unpack source archive ..."
<domenkozar> dhess`: with cross-compiling?
<tomjaguarpaw> Hello domenkozar thanks for your nix blog posts.
<swflint> Dash: for writing. There are some things that I can't install via nix-env but I
<swflint> would still like installed.
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<domenkozar> tomjaguarpaw: hey! thanks for opaleye :)
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<tomjaguarpaw> Oh right :D You're welcome
<Infinisil> tomjaguarpaw: Maybe fetchzip could be useful, I think it unpacks pretty much any archive
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<tomjaguarpaw> Oh right, is it saying that it downloaded something but doesn't know the file format?
<Infinisil> tomjaguarpaw: Could you maybe gist your changes to torch-distro.nix so we can have a look at it?
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<Infinisil> tomjaguarpaw: Seems like it, not sure though, I'm also not an expert
<domenkozar> tomjaguarpaw: sorry I can't help right now, but ping me tomorrow if issue persists
<tomjaguarpaw> Infinisil: This is what I tried to do but I've no idea whether it makes sense from a lua or nix point of view :
<dash> swflint: when i'm setting stuff up for a python development environment, i use garbas' pypi2nix
<tomjaguarpaw> dpnn also doesn't seem to exist in luarocks despite that being the implication of the Dockerfile I'm trying to replicate
<swflint> Dash: cool! Thanks!
<tomjaguarpaw> Hmm I also don't know what to do when I get a collision.
<dash> swflint: helps you build a .nix file from pypi packages that you can use nix-shell with
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<tomjaguarpaw> "use nix-env --set-flag priority NUMBER PKGNAME to change the priority of one of the conflicting packages"
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<tomjaguarpaw> What does that mean?
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<swflint> Dash: it looks like that should work!
<domenkozar> peti: is there a way to override ghc core packages in nix?
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<Infinisil> tomjaguarpaw: I haven't needed conflict resolution before, but that sentence seems pretty clear to me
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<tomjaguarpaw> How can things collide?
<Infinisil> When package A requires B and C1 while B requires C2 or something like that
<tomjaguarpaw> Oh right
<tomjaguarpaw> That's weird then. I thought nixpkgs would be consistent.
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<Infinisil> I think it's expected, nix can't controll everything, I don't fully get it either though
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<Infinisil> In general nix allows any combination of packages, but it can't control what packages exactly do when installing
<dash> Infinisil: o/` now keep in mind Joel can't control when the movies begin or end o/`
<dash> tomjaguarpaw: The secret is that you don't ever have to install anything to use it
<tomjaguarpaw> ?
<Infinisil> Haha what
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<dash> tomjaguarpaw: You can always use nix-shell to get a shell with an environment set up to use a package
<tomjaguarpaw> Surely that has to install it?
<tomjaguarpaw> Or is install a global thing?
<dash> tomjaguarpaw: What does "install" mean to you, _really_? :)
<gchristensen> peterhoeg: ping?
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<LnL> yes it will install it in the store, but not in your user profile
<tomjaguarpaw> To me it means place in my file system ready for use
<dash> tomjaguarpaw: The main thing "nix-env -i" does is make symlinks in ~/.nix-profile
<tomjaguarpaw> OK, what command do I use for that?
<tomjaguarpaw> Just for a shell?
<Infinisil> nix-shell is pretty cool, I just recently discovered all it's power
<Infinisil> s/it's/its
<dash> tomjaguarpaw: "nix-shell -p rogue"
<LnL> installing things in your user profile can cause conflicts if it contains packages that have the same binary etc
<dash> tomjaguarpaw: that will download a package and all its dependencies (if needed) and start a shell with $PATH and other env vars set correctly
<tomjaguarpaw> $ nix-shell -p nn
<tomjaguarpaw> error: undefined variable nn at (string):1:66
<tomjaguarpaw> Do I need to give a namespace?
<dash> tomjaguarpaw: sometimes it's tricky to get the package name right, yeah
<tomjaguarpaw> nn will install with nix-env -i
<tomjaguarpaw> But I can't nix-shell -p it
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<tomjaguarpaw> Can I use -f with nixpkgs?
<tomjaguarpaw> Like I do with nix-env, to use my local checkout of nixpkgs
<Infinisil> nix-env -I nixpkgs=/local/path/nixpkgs
<tomjaguarpaw> but for nix-shell?
<tomjaguarpaw> or do you mean nix-shell -I ...
<Infinisil> Probably the same :P
<tomjaguarpaw> Aha
<Infinisil> The arguments for all nix-<bla> commands are pretty much consistent
<tomjaguarpaw> And I have to know a package name for -p?
<tomjaguarpaw> How do I work out the module name/namespace?
<tomjaguarpaw> It can't find dpnn
<dash> tomjaguarpaw: i typically 'git grep' nixpkgs :-|
<tomjaguarpaw> But what would that tell me?
<tomjaguarpaw> I have dpnn = ...
<tomjaguarpaw> but how do I find the namespace?
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<tomjaguarpaw> Ah, torchPackages.nn according to
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<alex__> hello
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<Infinisil> tomjaguarpaw: I can't really help you much I'm afraid, my nix knowledge isn't great as I've only recently started using it
<tomjaguarpaw> Well thanks for your help so far
<tomjaguarpaw> I wonder if this is a lua problem more than a nix problem
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<Infinisil> Just imagine how nice our world would be if everyone used nix :D. You get reproducible build! And you get reproducible builds! Reproducible build for everyone!
<tomjaguarpaw> Yeah its because dpnn isn't in torch distro
<Infinisil> Well actually sometimes even my nix builds fail, don't really know if it's nix' fault or mine though
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<tomjaguarpaw> I think I may have to file an issue and ask for help.
<Infinisil> Yeah
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<Infinisil> I'm actually not a big fan of things like IRC, because all these QnAs just get discarded, never to be seen online or put together
<Infinisil> But I still use it a lot heh
<disasm> tomjaguarpaw: the way I handle things is... anything I'm not installing via nixos (cause it's a service or I need it globally on all users), I create a project directory, put everything I need in default.nix and then run nix-shell --run zsh (cause I like zsh shell) in that project dir when I want to work on that project.
<Infinisil> Then make (or similar) to build?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] selaux opened pull request #25925: networkmanager_fortisslvpn: init at 1.2.4 (master...networkmanager_fortisslvpn)
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<tomjaguarpaw> This should be installed via nixos, I just don't know how to add it to nixpkgs
<tomjaguarpaw> It seems to require knowing about both lua and nixos
<tomjaguarpaw> and
<tomjaguarpaw> I know neither
<Infinisil> Do you really need this dpnn thing? Have you tried without?
<tomjaguarpaw> It is a dependency of OpenFace, which is what I'm ultimately trying to install. I also need the Lua packages csvigo, torchx and tds.
<tomjaguarpaw> And the reason for all this is ... to make a Docker image of OpenFace via nix (which seems like a nicer way than a dockerfile)
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<Infinisil> I see, this reminds me, I should make a list of things I can't yet get to work with nix :P
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<Infinisil> Isn't a docker image just the result of a Dockerfile?
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<dhess> domenkozar: no, native.
<tomjaguarpaw> Docker images can be created in many ways, I think. A DockerFile is one way. Ni
<Infinisil> Nevermind what I said, I misunderstood
<tomjaguarpaw> Nix has its own way.
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<dhess> I would prefer cross-compiling, of course, but it's still not really compatible with TemplateHaskell. Though there was something on /r/haskell a few days ago about progress in that area, some uncommitted patches I think.
<Infinisil> Yeah I'd prefer a nix build too, it's also lighter on resources as it doesn't use a whole OS in a pseudo-vm
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<tomjaguarpaw> That's the end of the day for me. Thanks for all the help #nixos.
<Infinisil> My university recently announced a project we'll have to do. They literally gave us a whole Ubuntu vm installation that eats my memory and CPU just for a few stupid dependencies, I cringed so hard
<Infinisil> tomjaguarpaw: Have a good one!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gentoofreak opened pull request #25927: gnupg: 2.1.20 -> 2.1.21 (master...master)
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<exarkun> darn, --max-silent-time does not do what I wanted.
<exarkun> can I make nix-build produce output on stdout or stderr at least as frequently as X but without producing an overwhelming torrent of output?
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<clever> Infinisil: package those deps and show them!
<Infinisil> Java 6 isn't supported by nix anymore though..
<clever> did you check openjdk?
<Infinisil> Yeah
<clever> and java7 isnt backwards compat?
<Infinisil> For some reason they need Java 6
<clever> what error comes up when you dont use 6?
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<Infinisil> I don't remember exactly, I could try once more though
<Infinisil> The only thing of a working demo i have is a virtualbox vm
<exarkun> did my question about nix-build output control make it to the channel?
<Infinisil> They included the built dependencies within it, there is a simple pathetic script which really just runs javac with some envvars set
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<clever> Infinisil: is there at least a .deb available?, or did some idiot imperatively install the entire thing, then clone the vm en-mass? lol
<Infinisil> exarkun: Yes
<exarkun> thanks
<Infinisil> exarkun: I'd use some string processing for that, I don't think nix-build has that flexibility
<exarkun> okay. while I was waiting I implemented just that. :)
<Infinisil> clever: Yep, I'm pretty sure they just installed the stuff until it worked into a vm, then packaged it up
<clever> Infinisil: (facepalm)
<Infinisil> I could give you the download link if you really want to check it out
<Infinisil> I could also show how far I've gotten with the nix file
<clever> what is the name of the program?
<Infinisil> Well they use a java wrapper of the apron ocaml library (japron), along with the soot framework, what we need to do is create a static analyzer for java, they gave us a skeleton for it
<clever> ah
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<Infinisil> Oh my god, the department this comes from doesn't even have an ssl certificate for their website..
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<Infinisil> "Software Reliability Lab"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 31e32f2 Luke Gorrie: perlPackages.NetPatricia and perlPackages.NetCIDRLite (new)
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<clever> lol
<clever> it could be worse, one of the datacenters i use has an expired ssl cert on the front page!
<Infinisil> It's pathetic, that's one of the top universities (ETH in Zurich)
<Infinisil> Lol, that's bad
<clever> and the funny thing is, they use a different cert depending on where you connect from
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<clever> i think the load balancer is broken, and masking the problem
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<clever> who is the CA for you?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #25908: perlPackages.NetPatricia and perlPackages.NetCIDRLite (new) (master...perl-net-patricia)
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<Infinisil> I hope this link isn't behind authentication, here's the description of our task:
<clever> for me, it was signed by geotrust, and it expired on oct 7th, 2016
<Infinisil> Hold on, connecting..
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<Infinisil> COMODO CA
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<clever> and its not expired?
<Infinisil> Expires in december 2017
<Infinisil> lol
<clever> oh, and what ip does it resolve to?
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<Infinisil> Hmm how do i find out, this has to be somewhere in firefox
<clever> run dig or ping on it in a shell
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<Infinisil> I tried nslookup <url> but that said it can't find it
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<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ dig
<Infinisil> Wait maybe it's my internet again
<Infinisil> It's pretty bad sometimes
<clever> dns only takes a domain
<Infinisil> Got bad packet with dig
<clever> strange, maybe your dns server is acting up?
<Infinisil> Yes, it's really bad recently, we just changed ISPs and may have to switch back
<clever> it could be that only the dns server is fubar, and everything else is fine
<clever> i just run my own dns
<Infinisil> I actually tried switching to googles on my windows machine, but I don't think anything got better
<clever> this runs a dns cache in nixos, and allows to use it
<Infinisil> Oftentimes it just says no internet, then refresh, dns error, refresh a few more times and it works again
<clever> and also handles 2 custom domains, for .localnet
<Infinisil> Oh yeah I wanted to look into bind too
<clever> that file as a whole, runs my router
<clever> almost directly connected to the modem
<Infinisil> lolNice!
<Infinisil> (scratch that lol)
<clever> main requirement, is that you have a computer with 2 nics, that can match the speed of your internet
<Infinisil> Nics? Network Interface Card S??
<clever> yeah
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<Infinisil> Ahh CardS
<clever> the machine i'm using happens to have 3 gigabit ports, but i'm only using 2
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<clever> one port for the modem, one port for a normal switch that handles the lan
<clever> line 5&6 of the gist defines which card is each
<clever> oh, and 4/5 are a bit funky, because i need to also do 802.1q
<Infinisil> Ohh I get it, very nice
<Infinisil> ohh internet works again, my ip for racklodge is
<clever> strange, exact same ip i have
<clever> why does it give me a different cert:S
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<Infinisil> Weird indeed
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<clever> its almost like some 3 letter agency is mitm'ing me poorly
<clever> but its been like this for months
<Infinisil> Maybe some cache?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0fbc663 Robert Helgesson: perl-Socket6: 0.25 -> 0.28
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<exarkun> fwiw, I deleted the `runAsRoot = <shadow setup stuff>` from my nix docker image build expression and buildImage performance improved vastly.
<clever> exarkun: manipulating filesystem level stuff as root needs a qemu vm on nix
<clever> exarkun: and that needs /dev/kvm setup correctly to get any kind of performance
<exarkun> it's too bad the docs give examples that use runAsRoot
<exarkun> and don't make any mention of the fact that you only pay that significant performance penalty if you actually use the feature
<exarkun> I didn't realize that buildImage _only_ did the qemu stuff when you use runAsRoot
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<clever> it can often help to read the nix expressions behind something to learn how it works
<exarkun> I just assumed qemu was a basic part of how it worked (and more than assumed, from reading the implementation it still wasn't clear to me that you got to skip qemu if you skip runAsRoot)
<exarkun> and "just read the source" is, of course, the weakest possible answer :)
<clever> if its null, it will call mkPureLayer
<clever> and if its not null, mkRootLayer
<Infinisil> Umm, how do I locally build master? I assumed just nix-build, but that immediately gives an error that "Typesave activator was removed in ..."
<clever> Infinisil: running nix-build in the root of nixpkgs?
<exarkun> clever: You don't really need to explain it to me. _I_ know, now.
<clever> ah
<Infinisil> clever: Yes
<clever> i'm still curious as to what its doing differently
<clever> Infinisil: what exactly is the error coming from?, can you gist the entire output?
<clever> looks like mkPureLayer is just rsync + tar
<clever> and mkRootLayer fires up an entire vm
<Infinisil> Well the PR is even linked
<clever> ah, the pkgs.activator attribute is directly set to a throw statement
<exarkun> "root" being an overloaded word doesn't help with the readability at all
<clever> Infinisil: so you need to --show-trace, and find the usage of pkgs.activator, and remove it
<Infinisil> But like how can the hydra build be passing?
<clever> Infinisil: did you give nix-build a -A flag?
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<clever> Infinisil: what exact arguments did you run nix-build with?
<Infinisil> just nix-build, no arguments
<clever> ah, that explains it
<clever> just 'nix-build' alone in the nixpkgs root, means build EVERYTHING in nixpkgs!
<clever> including everything that has been flagged as broken
<Infinisil> Ahh
<clever> "nix-build -A hello" will build just the hello-world package
<Infinisil> Well how do I build it so I can do it again after my changes and see if they don't break anything?
<clever> use -A to direct it towards the package you have changed
<Infinisil> It's not a package though, it's a service
<clever> ah
<clever> services are harder to test, is it a new or old service?
<Infinisil> old one, making changes
<Infinisil> Do I just run something like in the .travis.yml?
<clever> nix-build nixos -A vm -I nixos-config=./configuration.nix
<clever> this will build a qemu vm, using a given configuration.nix file (in the current dir)
<clever> in there, you can enable the service, and create a user with a pre-set password
<clever> then run the vm and test it out
<Infinisil> Hmm..
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<adelbertc> i have a local Nix expr in a file all-packages.nix that looks like: `with import <nixpkgs> {}; { dev = callPackage ./dev.nix { }; }` - how do i reference the 'dev' attribute so i can tell Nix to install the corresponding derivation?
<Infinisil> I have tried the changes with the release-17.03 on my NixOS installation, I just thought I should build it on master once
<Infinisil> Not actually run it
<clever> Infinisil: the above nix-build can also be used to just build it
<clever> adelbertc: nix-env -f all-packages.nix -iA dev
<adelbertc> clever: will the -f all-packages.nix will it still pick up <nixpkgs> ?
<clever> yeah, it wont clear the search path
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<adelbertc> clever: ah coolio, looks like it works - thanks!
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<Infinisil> Wait clever why didn't I think of this before, I can just switch to master on my clone then nixos-rebuild build -I nixpkgs=<path> or also use nixos-config=<path> if I just want to test a minimal config
<clever> Infinisil: yeah
<clever> just beware that booting master may cause other unrelated problems
<clever> there was a bug about 6 months ago that corrupted grub.cfg
<Infinisil> Yeah, don't wanna do that on my main machine
<Infinisil> Well someone had to find out :P
<clever> also, if you run the above commands without root, it cant brick the machine
<clever> it needs root to modify things vital to the system, so just never use sudo, and your safe
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b646ead taku0: firefox-bin: 53.0.2 -> 53.0.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0460c77 taku0: firefox: 53.0.2 -> 53.0.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1b3f3f0 taku0: firefox-esr: 52.1.1esr -> 52.1.2esr
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<Infinisil> Hmm, sometimes it actually complained about insufficient permissions when trying to store a download in nix/store i think, I used nix-shell
<clever> either you tried to manualy write to $out from nix-shell, or the package is somehow broken
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #25918: Firefox bin 53.0.3 (master...firefox-bin-53.0.3)
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<Infinisil> The former could be it actually, I'll watch out for that!
<Infinisil> Oh hey clever, when you get to the whole downloading part of a build, do you also get the interleaving of download progresses when having parallel builds enabled?
<clever> yeah
<clever> i always -Q when using -j, to make it more readable
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<Infinisil> I feel like the output of builds could be improved a lot, like a LOT
<gchristensen> clever: I got a UAP-AC-PRO today
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 9982390 taku0: firefox-bin: 53.0.2 -> 53.0.3...
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<Infinisil> Different levels of verbosity, filters, colors, progress bars, etc
<clever> gchristensen: nice
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<gchristensen> highly recommended :o
<gchristensen> just 1 covers my entire house fairly well, a second would do it very well
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<Infinisil> What's that exactly?
<clever> i barely get 30mbit out of my current wifi
<gchristensen> Infinisil: an enterprise wireless access point
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 cfaf051 Vladimír Čunát: firefox: 53.0.2 -> 53.0.3...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 b3e54ca Vladimír Čunát: firefox-esr: 52.1.1esr -> 52.1.2esr...
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<Infinisil> An enterprise AP for personal use?
<gchristensen> yeah
<Infinisil> Nice!
<gchristensen> my walls are very thick and the consumer wifi APs didn't work at all
<gchristensen> I got an expensive consumer grade one ($100) and it didn't work, this one was $130
<clever> ive had very bad luck with all the N band routers ive tried
<gchristensen> I'm sold forever on this higher end gear.
<Infinisil> So what's an access point like this do exactly? Just Ethernet -> WiFi ?
<gchristensen> exactly, Infinisil
<clever> the first one refused to stop sending ipv6 ra packets, and blackholes all ipv6 traffic
<dhess`> So in my own environment, when I want to disable a test for a Haskell package, I just stick it in my packageOverrides in my ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix. How do I do the same for a NixOps deployment?
<clever> the 2nd n band router refuses to let wifi clients talk to wired clients
<dhess`> I'm not sure where to put the overrides.
<clever> so ssh and nfs are imposible
<clever> its like they expect you to only ever use the internet
<dhess`> I've got a failing test on GHC on ARM
<dhess`> on a Haskell package, rather, not on GHC proper
<Infinisil> I'm actually also really frustrated with consumer APs, they're made so cheaply it's disgusting, I might get one of those too, especially because we can't get good connection in the whole house
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<c74d> Was overrideDerivation removed from the NixOS manual?
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<gchristensen> c74d: I think overrideDerivation is replaced with overrideAttrs
<gchristensen> which is basically the same thing
<c74d> ah, thanks
<gchristensen> but easier to use I think?
<clever> stdenv.mkDerivation does a lot of funky stuff like renaming buildInputs to nativeBuildInputs
<clever> overrideAttrs happens before all of that, so the attributes are still where you expect them to be
<clever> overrideDerivation happens after it
<gchristensen> ohh nice
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<koserge> How well does NixOS support having /nix/store on a separate partition?
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<gchristensen> koserge: it needs to be on the / partition, IIRC
<clever> koserge: when using zfs, i always put /nix/store on its own volume
<gchristensen> I take back what I said
<clever> but there will be some performance loss if /tmp and /nix/store are on different volumes
<clever> but with tmp on tmpfs, your going to get that anyways
<LnL> wheree does the top level nix attribute come from?
<gchristensen> LnL: which is that?
<LnL> it's not the same as nixStable
<clever> LnL: ah, the pkgs.nix attribute?
<LnL> gchristensen: pkgs.nix :)
<clever> there is an inherit in all-packages.nix
<clever> 18249 inherit (callPackages ../tools/package-management/nix {
<clever> 18253 nix
<clever> 18255 nixUnstable;
<LnL> nix-instantiate '<nixpkgs>' --eval -A nixStable.meta.platforms # => [ ... ]
<LnL> nix-instantiate '<nixpkgs>' --eval -A nix.meta.platforms # => error: attribute ‘platforms’ ...
<LnL> ?
<exarkun> in my checkPhase, this fails because "cannot coerce a function to a string": `./test-tools/run-testing -j \${NIX_BUILD_CORES:-1}`. How do I use the core count in my checkPhase?
<Infinisil> clever: Are you experienced with filesystems and ZFS?
* LnL is confused
<clever> Infinisil: yeah, i use zfs on every new install
<clever> LnL: works fine in nix-repl
<LnL> with latest master?
* clever git pulls
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~/apps/nixpkgs]$ nix-repl default.nix
<clever> nix-repl> nix.meta.platforms
<clever> [ "aarch64-linux" "armv5tel-linux" "armv6l-linux" "armv7l-linux" ....
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<Infinisil> clever: Ohh then you may be able to help me with something, I'll bring it up later
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<LnL> oh! nvm I had something in config.nix
<clever> LnL: ah yeah, ive done that before as well, --arg config '{}' will make most nix commands ignore config.nix
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<LnL> I almost never put something in there so I totally forgot about it
<Infinisil> clever: Yeah I have set up zfs a few times already, what I want to do is change the root filesystem on a server from ext4 to zfs
<clever> Infinisil: if you have enough free space in the zfs pool to hold the entire fs, you should be able to just copy the data over while booted into an install iso
<clever> Infinisil: then you can mount the new zfs filesystems up under /mnt/, and "nixos-install --chroot" to get a shell inside it
<clever> Infinisil: then fix hardware-configuration.nix/configuration.nix, and nixos-rebuild boot
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f28f96b Vincent Demeester: idea.gogland: 171.3780.106 -> 171.4424.55...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 06767b8 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25924 from vdemeester/update-gogland...
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<Infinisil> Hold on
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b71b7ee Shea Levy: fetchFromGitHub: Allow private repos, hosted githubs
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<clever> shlevy: it should also be possible to do private githubs with an ssh-agent
<shlevy> clever: That's already in nixpkgs
<Infinisil> So I have 2 partitions on it: 20 GB linux fs and a tiny BIOS boot one, the nixos config uses qemu-guest which I think is used for the online access console (It's a DigitalOcean server I installed nixos on with nixos-infect (google it) which generated default configs)
<shlevy> clever: And it's easier to add an env var to your daemon then set up an agent :)
<clever> shlevy: yeah, ive been wanting to patch nix-build to add agent forwarding
<Infinisil> clever: I can attach another harddrive to it, say 20 GB, and do with it whatever I want
<disasm> Infinisil: but I don't think you can boot off that 2nd hard drive
<Infinisil> Why not?
<clever> i would make a dedicated ext4 for /boot/ to handle the boot issues ive seen
<clever> and if you aim boot.loader.grub.device to the root of that new hdd, it will be bootable
<Infinisil> isn't fatv usually used for /boot?
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<clever> depends on if your using legacy or uefi
<clever> uefi needs vfat
<dhess`> Here is a WIP for packaging Debian's GHC 8.0.1 for faster GHC bootstrapping on Linux.
<dhess`> Needs some work and I welcome comments and suggestions.
<Infinisil> Alright so I'll create two partitions on the alternate disk: One ext4, one zfs (doesn't really matter though), do nixos-install on that (do I need that?) (with the --root arg), change boot.loader.grub.device to the newly created boot partition before that actually, then reboot maybe
<clever> Infinisil: if you want to keep the data, then you would copy it over to the zfs pool first
<Infinisil> Yeah i have nothing on there
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<clever> Infinisil: but also, the nice thing about nixos, you dont really need to keep much, you could just copy configuration.nix and remake the system in minutes
<Infinisil> I feel like it doesn't work like this though, why should the machine look at the external disk for the boot loader?
<clever> the bios has to be told to look there
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<clever> how much data do you want to save, and where do you want the final install to be located?
<Infinisil> In the end I don't really need the external disk, I may actually don't even need the qumu stuff, best would be to use ZFS on the whole 20GB SSD
<Infinisil> I can add external volumes as needed and format them with zfs easily then
<peti> domenkozar: No, no practical way (except patching the ghc source code).
<disasm> Infinisil: never mind, I didn't realize digital ocean added a grub kernel you can use now! :) If you can control the boot loader, there shouldn't be any problem with changing filesystems.
<Infinisil> I should really be using DigitalOceans API, I've set up and bricked these droplet like 5 times already
<Infinisil> clever: I'll look into that!
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<clever> disasm: is that grub1 or grub2?
<Infinisil> Oh yeah my prev msg was meant for disasm
<clever> disasm: looks like grub2 i think
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<clever> Infinisil: if i'm reading disasm's link right, you can configure grub2 in nixos, probably with boot.loader.grub.device="nodev";, and nixos will generate a /boot/grub/grub.cfg
<clever> Infinisil: and then the grub kernel you pick in the DO control panel will read grub.cfg
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<Infinisil> I just changed the kernel to grub from the DO panel
<m3tti> hi there does packages in the stable tree get updated
<m3tti> ???
<Infinisil> Logging in..
<m3tti> mps-youtube is outdated and there couldn't play any music anymore :(
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<Infinisil> clever: I'll try some nixos-installing, whatever now and hope it doesn't break
<Infinisil> clever: Can I remove the BIOS boot partition now that I use grub?
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<clever> Infinisil: grub on gpt needs a bios boot partition
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<Infinisil> To get info about grub and such do I just inspect /boot/grub?
<clever> what kind of info do you want?
<Infinisil> Don't really know
<clever> some of it is in /boot/grub/, but some is in raw binary on the hdd
<Infinisil> I see
<Infinisil> So did I get this right, I can't have the full disk on ZFS because grub needs a separate ext4 partition?
<clever> grub has trouble reading the kernel from certain zfs directories
<clever> so its much safer to have an ext4 /boot for the kernls
<Infinisil> Alright thank
<Infinisil> I took a snapshot, let the summoning begin
<Infinisil> Btw clever are you using znapzend for zfs snapshot/backup management?
<clever> currently only using the automatic snapshot creation in nixos, with no send/recv
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #25930: enable jobs for some of the darwin only packages (master...darwin-hydra-jobs)
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<LnL> ^ any thoughts on that?
<Infinisil> I see, znapzend is pretty cool and flexible though
<LnL> can't really think of a nice way to fix it
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<adelbertc> what's the best way to get the equivalent of using `with` when defining a set attribute? `haskell = with import haskellPackages {}; { callPackage ./haskell.nix { }; };` is not allowed
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<Infinisil> LnL: I'm too inexperienced with Darwin stuff even though I've used macOS a while, eventually I'd also like to use nix on macOS so I'm interested in this PR
<LnL> it's mostly just a few edgecases
<Infinisil> adelbertc: Something like let haskell = with import haskellPackages {}; in { callPackage ./haskell.nix { }; };
<Infinisil> adelbertc: I don't really know what you intend to do, but I think you want the let a = <expr> in <expr> syntax
<adelbertc> Infinisil: i want to define a set attribute with that
<adelbertc> so i dont want haskellPackages imported for the entire set
<adelbertc> i just want it for a specific key
<c74d> shouldn't that `haskell = with …` work?
<adelbertc> { haskell = ... } - the '...' will be a callPackage to a function expecting as arguments some haskell packages which are not in scope with just <nixpkgs>
<Infinisil> Yeah that's what let in does, it just applies to the following expression
<c74d> oh
<Infinisil> Ahh, I think you can do something like { haskell = callPackage ./haskell.nix (with haskellPackages; { ... };) }
<c74d> so you want to make the callPackage call look in haskellPackages for arguments, rather than looking up the callPackage function in haskellPackages
<c74d> I think that's what the `newScope` function is for
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<adelbertc> hmmm let me try
<c74d> (but I don't know how these functions work)
<c74d> (nor how to use them)
<Infinisil> adelbertc: If you're stuck you could post a gist of how far you've got, it's much easier to help with concrete code
<Infinisil> s/you've/you
<nh2> what's the right way to define modular "roles" in nixops? For example: I have a 500 lines .nix file that describes my glusterfs setup, and a 300 lines .nix file that describes my webserver setup. So far I've had separate glusterfs and webserver machines. Now, I want to make one server that assumes both roles at the same time, webserver and glusterfs server. How do I reasonably "merge" two nixops configs split across files?
<koserge> clever: have you seen the 'while setting up the build environment: unable to make filesystem ‘/nix/store’ private: Invalid argument' error with a separate /nix/store ?
<Infinisil> You can create a shared.nix file with imports set to something like [ ./glusterfs.nix ./webserver.nix ], this merges both attribute sets
<catern> hey guys, question, how complete is the mirror?
<Infinisil> My previous msg was for nh2
<catern> I want to set up a Nix installation on a box which can only access the internet through HTTP
<catern> and there are lots of packages which reference FTRP
<catern> FTP*
<nh2> Infinisil: how do you do that kind of merging-import?
<koserge> cool, so it's impossible to unmount an overmounted /nix on NixOS : -)
<Infinisil> nh2: Just check out any configuration.nix which usually imports hardware-configuration.nix, that's an example
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<nh2> Infinisil: how are merges handled here? For example, if I have 2 "roles" that each want to to add a key to users.extraUsers.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys, can that be expressed?
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<c74d> nh2: the merging behavior is controlled by the option type
<Infinisil> I'm like 99% sure it'll just work
<Infinisil> That both keys are added
<c74d> if it's a list, the two lists will be concatenated (iirc)
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<Infinisil> And if an attribute is set twice in the config and an import the build complains about it, doesn't let you do that
<nh2> c74d Infinisil: ah, I see. From the manual `types.listOf t` says "multiple defintions are merged with list concatenation"
<Infinisil> like if you have system.stateVersion = "1" and system.stateVersion = "2" in an import
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<Infinisil> Well that only applies to atomic values, lists and attribute sets are merged yes (I think that's actually really cool how nix does this :O)
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<henrycrutcher> hello -- anyway to diable doCheck globally when doing a nix-shell
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<Infinisil> Why globally? What's exactly the problem?
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* Infinisil is crossing fingers for a successful root fs change
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<Infinisil> IT WORKED
<adelbertc> Infinisil: c74d coworker helped me out, basically changed it to use callPackageWith (pkgs // haskellPackages)
<c74d> ah, callPackageWith is what I was thinking of, not newScope
<Infinisil> adelbertc: Nice! I didn't know about callPackageWith, I personally would've used with haskellPackages;
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<Infinisil> (Damnit it didn't work after all)
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<Infinisil> IT WORKED, now for real
<nh2> in the nix language, can I somehow require that an argument has some structure / subfields I require?
<nh2> For example, can I somehow change `({ settings }: settings) { settings = { setting1 = "hi"; } }` so that it complains if `settings` doesn't have subkeys .setting1 and .setting2?
<nh2> so, like the @-syntax, but for arguments themselves instead of the entire arguments list
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<Infinisil> Haven't seen such a thing, try just accessing the attribute you want to have
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<nh2> Infinisil: that certainly works, but I want it as a safety feature; it can be confusing when only deep in my derivation I get a "missing attribute" error
<nh2> if it doesn't exist I probably have to use `assert`
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<Infinisil> Hmm I see
<Infinisil> Yeah assert is probably the best you can do
<adelbertc> has anyone run into this trying to install cabal and stack?
<adelbertc> collision between `/nix/store/1b7kprb76b3bv4k7h224ma1pw87w7wi7-stack-1.4.0/lib/links/libHScryptohash-sha256-' and `/nix/store/7ps4nd2pr8qlybw2vs64vl5b0g7kaqz4-cabal-install-'
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<LnL> that's related to the changes to make stack, etc. work on sierra
<adelbertc> :|
<adelbertc> LnL: thanks
<LnL> either just use a nix-shell for stack/cabal or try with justStaticExecutables
<adelbertc> sounds good
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 56b30bf Andy Li: haxe: 3.2.1 -> 3.4.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dc8c798 Vladimír Čunát: Merge #25538: haxe: 3.2.1 -> 3.4.2
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<catern> hey #nixos
<catern> kind of confused
<catern> how do I set impureEnvVars for all derivations?
<catern> I need to add another impure env var
<catern> for things to work properly
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<clever> 1, you can use .overrideAttrs on something, 2, it only works on fixed-output derivations
<catern> okay. sorry, if you could handhold me a little - how do I use overrideAttrs on something?
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<catern> and I have a fixed-output derivation, yeah
<catern> a git clone
<catern> except my git needs some impurity for $reasons
<catern> I don't know nix well at all so
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<catern> okay, so I'd put it in .config/nixpkgs/config.nix?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0dbf5b0 Anthony Cowley: fltk: 1.3.3 -> 1.3.4...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9f6b1dc Vladimír Čunát: Merge #25708: fltk: 1.3.3 -> 1.3.4
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 582e8d0 Bjørn Forsman: vino: add missing gsettings schema...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 836e237 Bjørn Forsman: nixos/gnome3: fix screen sharing...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 9ece08d Bjørn Forsman: vino: use wrapGAppsHook...
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<Infinisil> catern: If you use nix-build, nix-env, etc. you put it in .config/nixpkgs/config.nix, if you use nixos-rebuild you put it in configuration.nix's nix.config I believ
<catern> okay, I am using nix-env
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<catern> well... what would it look like to use overrideAttrs to add a new impureEnvVar?
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<Infinisil> Something like new = pkgs.<name>.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { impureEnvVars.HITHERE = "hi"; }); I assume
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<clever> impureEnvVars is an array of strings (variable names)
<clever> and nix-build will allow them to leak into the build
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<c74d> then { impureEnvVars = oldAttrs.impureEnvVars ++ ["HITHERE"]; }
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<clever> yeah
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<henrycrutcher> I want to override doCheck because on unstable, pycheck won
<henrycrutcher> I want to override doCheck because on unstable, pycheck wont pass its checks and neither will jedi
<dash> yeah jedi needs have doCheck turned off until the next release
<dash> or bumped to the upstream version that fixes the tests
<henrycrutcher> is there an easy way to do it for jedi
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<henrycrutcher> I know this is a noob question, but how?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bachp opened pull request #25931: mysql service: change default data directory for 17.09 (master...mysql-17.09)
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<henrycrutcher> I get cannot coerce function to a string when I try
<clever> henrycrutcher: what are you trying to run?
<henrycrutcher> trying to use a default.nix to build a python env based on python2.7 and include jedi so emacs gets to use it.
<clever> can you gist the default.nix?
<dash> henrycrutcher: i did work around this, just a minutee
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<henrycrutcher> that's the gist for the default.nix
<henrycrutcher> I also want to be able to enable debugging, which seems similar, but isn't
<henrycrutcher> as when I tried it failed in interesting ways, including more tests failing
<henrycrutcher> so that's a separate problem
<clever> and what line does it say the error is on?, if you run it with --show-trace
<clever> oh, found your problem
<clever> [ ... jedi.overrideAttrs( oldAttrs: rec { doCheck = false; }) ... ]
<clever> this is a list with 2 functions in it
<henrycrutcher> awesome -- what did I do wrong?
<clever> [ f x ] doesnt run f on x, it makes a list of f, and x
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<clever> need to wrap it in another ()
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<clever> you can also join most of those let blocks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 closed pull request #25875: ncurses: Break hash to simplify derivation (staging...ncurses-cross)
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<henrycrutcher> Tried your expression, got the same error
<henrycrutcher> got it
<clever> oh, i forgot to fix the list part
<henrycrutcher> now I understand -- thanks!!!
<clever> i only fixed the let blocks
<henrycrutcher> anyway to use an (enableDebugging python) throughout?
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<clever> henrycrutcher: can probably do it on line 4
<henrycrutcher> actually added the parens, and then rebuilt and jedi still ran the tests and puked
<henrycrutcher> Yep tried on line 4, and the python was enableDebugging for some but not all cases
<henrycrutcher> gdb python still had no debug info, meaning I had missed something
<clever> error: ipython-6.0.0 not supported for interpreter python2.7
<LnL> pythonPackages.ipython should point to 5.x
<clever> henrycrutcher: too many files missing from the gist, cant recreate the problem here
<henrycrutcher> gotcha -- is overrideAttrs the right way to turn doCheck off, or should I use something else
<clever> i would expect overrideAttrs to work, but the buildPythonPackage stuff may be messing with that
<LnL> oh, a new setuid wrappers dir is created each time you rebuild
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<henrycrutcher> thanks!
<henrycrutcher> FWIW, overrideDerivation didn't work either
<dash> henrycrutcher: i assume you are using elpy?
<henrycrutcher> I'm using spacemacs, and cython so I actually don't get much completion joy anyway. I'd like more tho :-)
<hodapp> cython makes me sad :|
<henrycrutcher> yep
<henrycrutcher> but its sooooo fast
<henrycrutcher> dash -- thanks for the gist!
<Infinisil> What's bad about cython?
<dash> Infinisil: it's slow and incompatible
<dash> it was probably a good idea before pypy came along
<dash> cffi is the nice thing these days AFAICT
<hodapp> My particular gripe was that the language itself was very vague, and the way that it mapped to Python and C/C++ constructs was also very vague.
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<Infinisil> I see
<dash> hodapp: it's a solid contribution to the genre of probably-correct programs
<hodapp> and I found it preferable to simply write C wrappers by hand, make their operation very explicit, and instead use ctypes to wrap them.
<hodapp> dash: probably-correct?
* dash fixing a probably correct program today
<dash> hodapp: have you tried cffi?
<hodapp> I think so, but it has probably been years.
<dash> it's pretty nice these days
<hodapp> good to know
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<dash> henrycrutcher: what do you use cython to do? :)
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<Infinisil> Hey clever you still here?
<clever> Infinisil: yep
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<Infinisil> It's regarding the server with zfs
<Infinisil> I got the external disk mounted on /
<Infinisil> Now I partition the main disk like this: BIOS boot | Swap | zfs zool
<Infinisil> r/zool/pool
<Infinisil> mounting the pool on /mnt, created with zpool create -o ashift=12 -R /mnt -O mountpoint=/ pool /dev/vda2 (the zfs partition)
<Infinisil> Wait I think i got it
<Infinisil> Actually no
<Infinisil> I'm putting the config in /mnt/etc/nixos
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<Infinisil> Along with hardwareconfig which contains filesystem."/" = { device = "main"; fsType = "zfs"; }
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<clever> Infinisil: device should be in the form of pool/fs
<Infinisil> s/main/pool
<clever> "/" = { device = "amd/root"; fsType = "zfs"; };
<clever> "/nix" = { device = "amd/nix"; fsType = "zfs"; options = [ "noatime" ]; };
<clever> this is how i setup some of the filesystems on my machine
<Infinisil> It worked without the fs part, I'm using the pool itself as root
<clever> ah
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #25932: elementary-icon-theme: 4.0.3 -> 4.1.0 (master...upd.elementary-icon-theme)
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<Infinisil> I setup the externel disk with zfs exactly like this
<Infinisil> But it's not booting :(
<Infinisil> I can see the error, it can't find files in /boot or something
<Infinisil> I wish I could cast my terminal or something
<clever> was /boot mounted to /mnt/boot/ when installing grub?
<Infinisil> ohh, that sounds like something i should do
<clever> yeah
<Infinisil> so I just do mount /boot /mnt/boot?
<clever> mount /dev/sdXY /mnt/boot
<Infinisil> Alright I'll try
<clever> another common problem is not putting the /boot config into configuration.nix's fileSystems."/boot"
<Infinisil> I'll call nixos-generate --root /mnt after that
<Infinisil> mount /dev/vda15 /mnt/boot: Must specify file system
<Infinisil> But vfat and ext4 didn't work..
<clever> fdisk -l /dev/vda
<clever> what does this say about vda15?
<Infinisil> BIOS boot
<Infinisil> for type
<clever> the bios boot partition must not be formated or mounted
<clever> that is seperate from /boot
<Infinisil> Ahh I ese
<Infinisil> So do I need a fourth partition for boot?
<Infinisil> I would've assumed I could put this into the zpool