<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] offlinehacker closed pull request #23073: libguestfs: 1.29.5 -> 1.36.3 (master...libguestfs-1.34) https://git.io/vDpwn
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<copumpkin> Anyone wanna review my make-disk-image revamp PR? :) :) :)
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<johnramsden> I was wondering if someone could help me out. I need to specify the path to the 'zpool' binary in the nix store in a nix string, is there any way to tell nix where to look if ${pkgs.zpool} doesn't exist as a package?
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<copumpkin> johnramsden: it's probably in a zfs package
<copumpkin> A package typically contains multiple related binaries
<copumpkin> I'm on mobile so can't find specific package but there's a package search on the website
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<johnramsden> Thanks copumkin, i'll look in the zfs package.
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<johnramsden> copumpkin: So I found it referred to by the 'nixos/modules/tasks/filesystems/zfs.nix' file as ${packages.zfsUser}/sbin/zpool, is that what I should use?
<copumpkin> Yup!
<johnramsden> Thanks!
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<disasm> nixops dev question. What's the depl object in the MachineState?
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<ertes> does anyone else have trouble resolving nixos.org?
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<ertes> % ping nixos.org
<ertes> ping: unknown host nixos.org
<ertes> other hostnames work
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<fresheyeball> anyone tried gdm with xmonad-none
<fresheyeball> ?
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<ertes> apparently the UDAG nameservers are down
<ertes> or there is a routing problem somewhere
<ertes> i can't reach united-domains.de
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSxtK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b017935 aszlig: vlc: Fix build for Qt >= 5.7.0...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] benley opened pull request #25011: oraclejdk: 8u121 -> 8u131 (master...oraclejdk) https://git.io/vSxmz
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] benley opened pull request #25012: oraclejdk: 8u121 -> 8u131 (release-17.03...oraclejdk-backport-17.03) https://git.io/vSxmQ
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<jethro`> hi guys, I'm trying to figure out why I have to manually configure a kernel module and load it
<jethro`> so I'm on 4.10.10 (uname -r shows it)
<jethro`> I have this product, the Asus USB N-14
<jethro`> lsusb shows that my PC recognizes the device: https://pastebin.com/dPJUxyw1
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<jethro`> I downloaded a copy of linux 4.10.10 from kernel.org where nixos fetches it, and inspected drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800usb.c and see that the device is indeed supported by this module
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<v0|d> ehlo, whats the best way to get a fhs?
<jethro`> however, I still have to resort to this to get my wireless device working: https://pastebin.com/v0rA8uxe
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] amiloradovsky opened pull request #25013: dale: 20170416 -> 20170419 (master...dale) https://git.io/vSx30
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<contrapumpkin> autoconf is voodoo to me :(
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<spacekitteh[m]> jophish: i'm on temporary break from the project i was using it for
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] copumpkin opened pull request #1345: Add explicit dependencies on several tools we need (master...explicit-deps) https://git.io/vSxG2
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSxZo
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 024cbbd Jörg Thalheim: iana-etc: 20170328 -> 20170417
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<johnramsden> Is there a NixOS blessed way of adding polkit actions? I noticed there is only the ability to add a polkit rule in the options. https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#polkit
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<kuznero> Hi All!
<johnramsden> o/
<Mic92> johnramsden: from a package or form a string?
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<johnramsden> I want to add my own action. So a string I guess.
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<Mic92> johnramsden: security.polkit.extraConfig
<johnramsden> Mic92: That's only for rules.
<johnramsden> Mic92: Actions are xml
<Mic92> johnramsden: maybe it is not implemented yet
<johnramsden> Mic92: I wasn't sure. Guess so.
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<Mic92> johnramsden: It should be easiy to add files to environment.etc."polkit-1/actions.d/"
<johnramsden> Guess I could add it with
<johnramsden> yea
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<johnramsden> Thanks Mic92
<Mic92> johnramsden: I am not sure anymore if actions can be added to /etc actually
<johnramsden> How come?
<Mic92> johnramsden: it looks like you need to write a package, which includes a directory `share/polkit-1/actions` and add this to systemPackages
<Mic92> johnramsden: because of this line here: environment.pathsToLink = [ "/share/polkit-1" ];
<Mic92> johnramsden: you can use the writeTextDir function for that
<johnramsden> Mic92, I see. Thanks.
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<johnramsden> Mic92, I couldn't find any reference to writeTextDir in the Nix manual, where should I look to see where all the different functions are?
<Mic92> johnramsden: I usually use the silver-searcher on the nixpkgs repo
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<Mic92> johnramsden: you can also use the github code search
<clever> pkgs.writeTextDir "share/polkit-1/actions/foo.txt" "file contents";
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<clever> hmmm, may not work, since the / is in the name
<clever> might need raw writetextfile
<clever> pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "foo.txt"; destination = "/share/polkit-1/actions/foo.txt"; text = "file contents"; };
<steveeJ> g'day
<johnramsden> So that creates the directories needed?
<clever> johnramsden: yeah
<steveeJ> clever: I remember talking to you about cross-toolchains a while ago WRT https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/blob/c5ba0331a58c0af63ecc45b06431d2159a154d0c/arm-baremetal.nix. do you have an idea how to get glibc into this toolchain?
<johnramsden> Cool, thanks
<steveeJ> clever: what I'd like is a arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi toolchain
<clever> steveeJ: the old method is documented on https://nixos.org/wiki/CrossCompiling#Cross-compiling_in_practice
<clever> steveeJ: and i think you just have to set libc to the right value, and it will build the right libc
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<clever> but ive heard that the cross-compile stuff has gone thru an overhaul recently, so that may only work on 16.09 or maybe 17.03
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<steveeJ> clever: thanks for the hint. there has been one PR about platform normalization that is probably very relevant for this
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<johnramsden> Mic92, clever: Sorry about all the questions but I have another one. If I'm adding a package that does nothing except add a directory and file, what exactly should I do in the package in question?
<johnramsden> Mic92, clever: If normally packages call stdenv.mkDerivation, or something similar that builds a package, do I just leave that out completely? If so, how exactly do I name my package?
<steveeJ> clever: I wonder what the "new" way is, as you mentioned the old way
<Mic92> johnramsden: in your case you can directly add it to systemPackages like that systemPackages = [ (pkgs.writeTextDir ...) ]
<Mic92> ;
<clever> steveeJ: cant find the info i had earlier
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<steveeJ> clever: this is a big PR that seems connected to all current WIP https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21268
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<clever> steveeJ: ah yeah, that looks right
<johnramsden> Mic92, ohh, I see... If I wanted to put it in a separate file, I would just import it and just include a call to the function? No need to name it has a package or anything?
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<clever> johnramsden: { writeTextFile }: writeTextFile {stuff} in a file, and then callPackage it like normal
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<johnramsden> I meant Earlier Mic92 said I had to create a package. But it's not so much that I need a package than I just need that single file created right?
<sphalerite> Does anyone know stuff about how the manual works? Why does one of the links in https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#idm140737318272320 have the text "???"
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<Mic92> johnramsden: writeTextFile creates a package
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<johnramsden> Mic92: OK, I guess I was just thinking about this in a strange way.
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<steveeJ> is there a description of all possible config values for this file? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/top-level/impure.nix#L28
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<steveeJ> also, what is the "./." syntax used at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/top-level/impure.nix#L63?
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<kahiru> steveeJ, isn't it that anything containing / is considered a path? so ./. gets the absolute path of current directory? I might be wrong, I'm still kinda new to all this
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<CMCDragonkai> Hey so I'm trying to setup a NixOS router, and I've set the interface IP address, configured hostapd, made network manager not touch wlp6s0, but the interface is still down. Can't bring it up, also changing the IP has no effect unless I reboot the computer.
<CMCDragonkai> I previously did it without setting the interface IP address, so it auto configured, and was able to connect to it from another computer, so the hardware should work.
<CMCDragonkai> Any ideas on how to debug an interface that refuses to come up?
<sphalerite> Wired or wireless?
<CMCDragonkai> wireless
<CMCDragonkai> kernel logs show repeated iwlwifi 0000:06:00:0: L1 Disabled - LTR Enabled
<sphalerite> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ wireless is madness
<CMCDragonkai> along with IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlp6s0: link is not ready
<sphalerite> how are you configuring it?
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<CMCDragonkai> networking.interfaces, networking.nat, networking.networkmanager and hostapd service module
<steveeJ> clever: the crossSystem with libc approach is causing problems when it tries to install perl: https://pastebin.com/fHtUWk9e
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<clever> steveeJ: i cant remember if i tried to cross-compile perl
<steveeJ> clever: I don't want to, becasue I know it's trouble, but somehow nix wants to if I want a cross gcc with glibc
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #25013: dale: 20170416 -> 20170419 (master...dale) https://git.io/vSx30
<clever> steveeJ: the error at the end should tell you the dependency chain
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<clever> steveeJ: have you seen the qemu-user stuff i have done before?
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<steveeJ> clever: I haven't, although I'm familiar with BINFMT and qemu-user
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<clever> steveeJ: this builds a static qemu-user-arm for nix, and also has a patched copy of nix, so you can convince nix that the host can run arm locally
<sphalerite> Is there a way to set "priorities" on nix builds?
<sphalerite> e.g. I have a big cross-compilation job running right now and it's still working on the compiler, but I want to rebuild my user environment *now*
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<clever> sphalerite: dont think it can do anything like that, and it will usualy not hit a limit on active jobs, so it should just do normal load balancing between processes
<sphalerite> so just renice it?
<clever> yeah, thats about all you can do
<sphalerite> alright, thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #25015: anbox: init at 0.1.0 (WIP) (master...anbox) https://git.io/vSxET
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<steveeJ> clever: how is the emulator registered for the ELF magic numbers?
<clever> steveeJ: there is a register script inside the derivation
<clever> its currently manual
<steveeJ> clever: this requires nix-daemon then
<steveeJ> because if you run nix as a user it can't register this
<clever> steveeJ: this has to be registered as root before you do anything with arm, but nix-daemon isnt required
<steveeJ> it doesn't work for non-root nix installations
<clever> the admin would need to activate the binfmt stuff on bootup
<steveeJ> clever: and the qemu-arm binary would need to be in a fixed location
<clever> i keep a symlink in /root called arm (from nix-build -A qemu-user-arm -o arm)
<clever> so i can just do /root/arm/bin/register
<clever> but you could probably also nix-env -iA qemu-user-arm -f ~/nix-misc/default.nix
<clever> and then it will be in ~/.nix-profile/bin/register
<steveeJ> clever: I see. but how does it help with the toolchain use-case?
<clever> its more of an alternative, to let you run the native arm toolchain, rather then making a cross toolchain
<steveeJ> clever: I can see how that's useful for compiling full systems
<steveeJ> although I wouldn't have thought that bootstrapping a cross-toolchain is this complicated on nix
<steveeJ> :-D
<steveeJ> I'm tempted to just package crosstool-ng and build derivations for the different configs
<clever> the biggest difference, is the the nixpkgs cross-compile stuff automaticaly applies to every package in nixpkgs
<clever> so when it works, you can just ask for an arm build of coreutils
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<sphalerite> or rsync. That's how I got rsync on my e-reader :D
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<pie_> hey guys is there an easy way to install microsoft fonts?
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<sphalerite> pie_: corefonts
<pie_> huh thought i searched that, thanks
<clever> pie_: acording to the nix expressions, fonts = { enableCoreFonts = true; fontconfig.ultimate.substitutions = "ms"; fonts = [ pkgs.unifont pkgs.noto-fonts-cjk ]; };
<sphalerite> pie_: it won't show up if you have allowUnfree set to false
<pie_> sphalerite, searched on the website, but i guess i remembered wrong
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<sphalerite> hm, indeed it doesn't show on the website
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<sphalerite> even though other unfree software like steam does
<pie_> huh.
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<CMCDragonkai> So after I disabled network manager, I was able to get it working with g hwMode, but not 'a' hwMode, even though my wifi supports 5Ghz, also the auto channel selection doesn't work even if I remove the channel assertions in the hostapd module, so after rebooting several times and twiddling with the settings, it now all works, as long as the hostapd is left on 2.4 Ghz, and networkmanager was disabled, then
<CMCDragonkai> re-enabled, however I noticed that there's a possibiilty that the network interface can lose its statically configured IP address, and NixOS rebuild doesn't trigger a reset of the interface IP address, you can do this by explicitly removing the IP address using `ip addr del ... dev wlp6s0`
<sphalerite> > NixOS rebuild doesn't trigger a reset of the interface IP address
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<clever> sphalerite: unfreeRedistributable bypasses some of the normal rules
<sphalerite> CMCDragonkai: ^ is probably to avoid breaking someone's SSH connection when they run nixos-rebuild switch through it
<sphalerite> clever: corefonts is unfreeRedistributable as well
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<CMCDragonkai> some settings needs to be documented at they are stateful then
<clever> ah, not sure then
<CMCDragonkai> and are not a pure reproducible declarative config
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<sphalerite> well, the same goes for kernel settings and stuff
<sphalerite> it is probably documented Somewhere™
<clever> sphalerite: and almost anything dealing with dbus
<clever> avahi cant start with a rebuild-switch because dbus is upset
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<sphalerite> ♥
<CMCDragonkai> Also I did have networkmanager.unmanaged = [ "wlp6s0" ]; so I'm not entirely sure whether the root cause of the issue is the 5 Ghz settings for hostapd, or some combination of networkmanager interfering
<CMCDragonkai> You can force a rebuild switch of the static network interfaces, by going into the config, changing the IP to say 2, rebuild switch, then change it back to 1, and then rebuild switch
<CMCDragonkai> what is weird is that if you have it set to 1, and then use ip addr del... a subsequent rebuild switch won't reset it back to 1
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<clever> CMCDragonkai: i think its generating a service, the hash of which depends on the configured ip
<clever> CMCDragonkai: and only if the hash changes, does it restart the service
<CMCDragonkai> clever: that's probably it, the service name is called network-addresses-wlp6s0.service
<CMCDragonkai> clever: I also tried forcing a run like systemctl restart network-addresses-wlp6s0.service, but no effect
<CMCDragonkai> But I also think that happened because I had another IPv6 address set to it, so the service itself is probably stateful as well and not declarative
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<clever> CMCDragonkai: i think if you want the wifi to act like a more normal router, you will need to put both the lan wired card, and the wifi card, into a bridge
<clever> CMCDragonkai: and then set a single static ip on that bridge
<CMCDragonkai> what are the differences between your proposed idea and using the networking.nat module + hostapd + networking.interfaces + dnsmasq?
<clever> you would still be using hostapd with my idea, and still need nat to link the br0 and WAN interfaces up
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<clever> and you would still need a dhcp and dns server on the lan side
<CMCDragonkai> I'm not currently using a bridge style, instead the NAT module just sets interfaceInterfaces = [ "wlp6s0" ]; and externalInterface = "enp7s0"; and it does the iptables PREROUTING mark, and then POSTROUTING checking for the mark
<clever> that should work, but the devices on the wifi will never be able to access hard-wired devices, and you currently lack the ability to just hard-wire to the router
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<CMCDragonkai> what do you mean by hardwire?
<clever> the 4 ethernet ports you normally have on a router
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<CMCDragonkai> I didn't know that would happen. So you're saying having a prerouting rule --set-mark 1 and postrouting rule -m mark --mark 1 -o $externalInterface -j MASQUERADE would prevent clients connected over WiFi to connect to clients connected over ethernet?
<CMCDragonkai> Would this be taken care of by the routing table?
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<clever> CMCDragonkai: a routing table will only help link the wired and wireless if they are on different subnets
<clever> CMCDragonkai: you generaly just use a bridge to link the wired and wireless
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<pie_> is it just me or is latex from unstable missing biber?
<CMCDragonkai> A bridge would make all clients acquire an IP from the external DHCP wouldn't it?
<clever> CMCDragonkai: only if you bridge the external interface
<clever> CMCDragonkai: if you just bridge the internal interfaces, then they will all use the internal dhcp
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<clever> CMCDragonkai: and you can continue to perform NAT between the external IF and the bridge
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<CMCDragonkai> clever: so the solution that gives clients access to each other on the private subnet, and access to the internet via the external interface, is to create a bridge for the internal subnet (and have DHCP listen on that bridge IP), and to also implement NAT from the bridge to the external interface
<clever> CMCDragonkai: as an example, if you have 3 cards, wlan1, LAN1, and WAN1, you make a bridge br0=wlan1+LAN1, then you configure NAT with internal=br0, and external=WAN1
<clever> CMCDragonkai: then you run dhcp and dns on br0, and set br0 to
<clever> and your done
<clever> CMCDragonkai: yep
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] matthiasbeyer opened pull request #25017: mutt: 1.8.1 -> 1.8.2 (master...update-mutt) https://git.io/vSxax
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<CMCDragonkai> clever: I see, so basically this is the same as the "natnetwork" mode in Virtualbox as opposed to just "nat" which doesn't allow the VMs to communicate to each other?
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<clever> probably
<clever> i havent used a mode like that in vbox before, but i have manualy made it
<clever> in the past, i have made a dedicated router vm, with a bridged and a vm-only IF, then the clients where a bunch of vm-only vm's
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<pie_> by the manual " some apps aren't packaged/tested yet (asymptote, biber, etc.);"
<pie_> 9.16.2
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<steveeJ> clever: it's also very hard to get working apparently ;-)
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<pie_> apparently biber is a separate package???? wht?
<pie_> * why?
<CMCDragonkai> clever: It appears that VB doesn't really have a direct analogue, a close one is "natnetwork", but after reading it a bit more, you'd need "host only network" and setup your own NAT from that VB host-only network interface to your external interface
<pie_> your princess is in another package
<pie_> also biber isnt listed on the website package search...
<CMCDragonkai> clever: but the most common that people use is just NAT + Host-Only (the result is that you have 2 IPs in your vms, instead of just 1)
<pie_> oh wait yeah it is im looking at the wrong field
<CMCDragonkai> ok so for my router I'll need to use networking.bridges to setup the bridge then
* pie_ is made of user error
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<stukj> hello all. I'm having trouble with NixOS. I want to use telegram with erc (emacs irc client). To do so, I installed bitlbee (compiled with purple=1) and telegram-purple. I can connect to bitlbee and it detects the standard purple protocols. However, telegram is not detected. I tried to add systemd.services.bitlbee.environment .PURPLE_PLUGIN_PATH = "~/.purple/plugins/"; but it does not work. Any ideas?
<stukj> this is the relevant code in my nix config file: https://pastebin.com/P3fGijdB
<stukj> with pidgin, telegram is working
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<stukj> this is driving me crazy :)
<lassulus> stukj: I guess ~ doesn't point to you home? but instead biltbees home?
<steveeJ> nix-serve is really slow here. on a gigabit ethernet it averages with ~1MiB/s
<stukj> lassulus: it also fails if I write the path explicitly
<stukj> lassulus: :(
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<stukj> I also created the relevant symlinks in ~/.purple/plugins/
<stukj> without the symlinks pidgin also fails to detect telegram.
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<steveeJ> I found the culprit. nix-serve is using bzip2 compression which is pretty slow
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<jluttine> how can i enable webcam?
<goibhniu1> hi jluttine, are you sure it isn't working? (e.g. have you tested with VLC?)
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<jluttine> goibhniu: oh, yes, it seems to work with vlc. with firefox and talky.io i get an error "we can't access your camera/microphone"
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<goibhniu> jluttine: ah great, you may need to give the page permission to access the webcam in firefox
<jluttine> goibhniu: doesn't help.. i added explicit permission for microphone and camera :/
<avn> jluttine: check camera with xawtv first (w/o web)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] armijnhemel opened pull request #25018: radare2: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0 (master...radare2) https://git.io/vSxik
<goibhniu> jluttine: how about https://www.onlinemictest.com/webcam-test ?
<jluttine> goibhniu: oh, that works!
<jluttine> at least i can see video
<jluttine> oh, but not the microphone
<jluttine> ok, so it's microphone issue then
<jluttine> how do i enable microphone in nixos? :)
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<lukego> Is there a way to have mkDerivation *not* create links to shared libraries in ~/.nix-profile/lib? I have two packages that are conflicting on a library name, but I don't think either of them actually depends on having that symlink available, so simpler to skip it
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<clever> lukego: split output is one way, put this in the derivation attributes: outputs = [ "out" "lib" ];, then install the libs to $lib/lib/ and the rest to $out/bin/
<jluttine> goibhniu: thanks for the help
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<goibhniu> jluttine: you're welcome
<lukego> clever: oh, I only just realized that my install step was copying the libs in the first place. I thought it was something that had magically propagated from a dependency. thanks :)
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<FRidh> a repo with over a 1000 submodules...not fun
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<TweyII> What derivation provides the ‘openssl’ command?
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<TweyII> Oh, I see, it's provided by nixos.openssl but not nixos.openssl_1_1_0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #25018: radare2: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0 (master...radare2) https://git.io/vSxik
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSxQ1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2052ff8 Matthias Beyer: mutt: 1.8.1 -> 1.8.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 96260d6 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25017 from matthiasbeyer/update-mutt...
<Isorkin> How to fix config - http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/raw/HXP_AMJS - undefined variable ‘php56’ ?
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<jluttine> i'm using kde and if i delete files from desktop using dolphin or command line, the desktop isn't refreshed automatically. any ideas how to fix this?
<jluttine> (not sure if it's nixos or kde configuration issue..)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSx57
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ca3d37f romildo: greybird: 2017-02-26 -> 3.22.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6bbc025 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25003 from romildo/upd.greybird...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSxN4
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master b0cb117 Eelco Dolstra: getDerivations(): Filter out packages with bad derivation names...
<gchristensen> niksnut: can you reduce the limit to 88 on the type 2a? the kernel builds seem to be taking ~10hrs+ and then timing out: https://hydra.nixos.org/build/51709858
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<niksnut> maybe it better to do something like 48?
<niksnut> given that builds also have internal concurrency (make -j)
<niksnut> or even 24
<niksnut> so there are fewer builds, but they will finish quicker
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cko closed pull request #24779: nodejs-7_x: 7.7.3 -> 7.8.0 (master...nodejs-7_8_0) https://git.io/vSKYm
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSpvp
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 9cc8047 Eelco Dolstra: Reimplement connect-timeout...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #25019: dropbox: use wmctrl from nixpkgs (master...f/db) https://git.io/vSpfM
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<Criena[m]> Hi there. I have a little issue with inodes...
<Criena[m]> df -i shows 100% used for the root partition.
<Criena[m]> Pretty much every command fails.
<Criena[m]> What can I do??
<musicmatze> Criena[m]: can you delete a file`
<musicmatze> ß*
<musicmatze> ?*
<Criena[m]> Works, yes.
<musicmatze> then, there should be inodes free now...
<Criena[m]> But somehow I need to run the GC I guess, right?
<musicmatze> I think so. But I don't think that this is nixos related, is it?
<Criena[m]> I think it comes from the whole symbolic links thing...
<musicmatze> ah, okay... then you can now try to nixos-collect-garbage
<Criena[m]> Not really Nixos specific indeed, but kind of the root of the problem I guess.
<musicmatze> maybe even delete an old generation beforehand...
<Criena[m]> How do I do that?
<Criena[m]> I think that's exactly what I need...
<musicmatze> are you on nixos?
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<musicmatze> or just a nix installation on some other distro?
<Criena[m]> Getting there! "nix-env --delete-generations old" still failed.
<Criena[m]> But "nix-store --gc" freed 63M.
<musicmatze> this deletes all non-current generations!
<musicmatze> maybe you want to keep some of the older generations? If not, just rerun the command :-)
<Criena[m]> Ok, both commands ran succesfully now, but df -i still shows 99% use.
<Criena[m]> If only one generations is left now, I wonder where the issue is.
<musicmatze> I'm not entirely sure why this happens, but I once had the same: running once freed _some_ MB and running again freed a lot more then... after having no inodes left... so sounds good
<musicmatze> try: sudo nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --list-generations
<musicmatze> if you are on nixos
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<Criena[m]> There's 64 generations.
<Criena[m]> But even running the two commands over and over again, doesn't delete them.
<musicmatze> try this one: sudo nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --delete-generations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # depending on what your numbers are
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<musicmatze> bash shorthand for a long range: $(seq 1 50) # or {1..50}
<musicmatze> don't delete all of them, though!
<musicmatze> especially not the current one :-)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah opened pull request #25020: franz, rambox: cleanup (master...master2) https://git.io/vSpTC
<musicmatze> keeping the last 5, maybe 10, should do.
<Criena[m]> Ok, after removing the first 50 with your suggestion, I tried "... old" again and it finally removed all but the current one.
<Criena[m]> 4GB cleared
<Criena[m]> 71% inodes used. Still quite something, but much more relaxing than 99%.
<musicmatze> awesome.
<musicmatze> you have already nixos-collect-garbage ?
<musicmatze> ah, okay.
<Criena[m]> I did, yes.
<Criena[m]> Thank youf for the help!
<musicmatze> nice-.
<musicmatze> no problem! Always a pleasure to help people getting into nixos! :-P
<Criena[m]> I really love the system!
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<Criena[m]> I replaced Debian on 6 machines at home over the past two months.
<Criena[m]> Debian has an easy going dist-upgrade, but the upgrade from 16.09 to 17.03 was a piece of cake.
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<musicmatze> I'm on nixos unstable, but I guess I will change my system to nixos stable for my vacation starting next march
<musicmatze> 1 year with little internet conncetion ... so a stable system is crucial
<disasm> Criena[m]: yeah, the dependency conflict problems are non-existant when you build new packages instead of trying to replace one package with another.
<Criena[m]> I've never had so little concerns before a "big" upgrade. Thanks to everyone who is making this system so great! :-)
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<musicmatze> Criena[m]: you're welcome! :-)
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<clever> Criena[m]: you may also be able to regain some inodes and disk with "nix-store --optimize"
<clever> Criena[m]: that will find any identical files, and hard-link them together
<clever> hardlinks share the inode, and the data behind it, so your saving both, and cutting down on duplicate entries
<musicmatze> clever: clever as always! :-)
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<disasm> Criena[m]: how big is the disk and what's the filesystem?
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<TweyII> What's the current Rust story? I see the nightly hasn't been updated since January. Is there a new way of dealing with Rust stuff?
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<musicmatze> TweyII: yes, there is the overlay!
<TweyII> Ahh, thank you! I remembered there was something new and cool, but I didn't remember what it was ☺
<musicmatze> its the nix replacement for rustup
<musicmatze> you're welcome
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] leenaars opened pull request #25021: pythonPackages.dkimpy: init -> 0.6.1 (master...dkimpy) https://git.io/vSp3p
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<Yaniel> notably this is not what you'd use for actually packaging rust things
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<kdeNixosUser> Hi,
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<TweyII> Yaniel: Just for the toolchain?
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<unlmtd[m]> theres also this. didnt work for me but its had some patches after https://nest.pijul.com/pmeunier/nix-rust
<kdeNixosUser> Since "firefox: enable GTK3 by default" commit, my Firefox doesn't seem to respect my "services.xserver.dpi" setting. Does any KDE user had the same problem?
<copumpkin> niksnut: curious if you have thoughts on my less radical proposal about store references, in same thread as the RFC
<Tucky> Hello, for installing nix on another distribution in multi-user mode, can I use the binary installer or do I have to compile nix?
<clever> Tucky: i always start with the curl | sh thing, and then i upgrade it to multi-user mode
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<musicmatze> clever: what is 'multi user mode' even?
<musicmatze> I mean.. where are the differences to curl|sh ?
<clever> you just need to chown -R root:root /nix/, give yourself write to your folder under /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/, and ensure nix-daemon is running as root
<clever> musicmatze: nix-daemon runs as root, and multiple users can share the /nix/store without being able to corrupt things
<musicmatze> ah, okay. nice.
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<TweyII> Is there a derivation that produces a ‘cc’ command? Some Rust packages expect it
<clever> i just looked at how it works on nixos, and modified the single-user setup to be multi-user
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<clever> Tucky: nix-shell -p gcc
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<clever> oops, TweyII
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<Tucky> clever: ^^
<copumpkin> Tweyll: if expect that to be in the stdenv; it definitely is on Darwin
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<TweyII> clever: gcc doesn't seem to contain a cc command
<copumpkin> If not, it should be on Linux too
<TweyII> Ahh maybe
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<TweyII> copumpkin: Ahh, yes, that was it — thanks
<Yaniel> Tweyll: yeah the overlay is just for developing stuff
<TweyII> Though now cc errors saying ‘cannot find ld’ ;)
<TweyII> (they're capital ‘i’s)
<unlmtd[m]> clang
<TweyII> Twey:
<clever> TweyII: if your using nix-shell, you should get ld automaticaly
<copumpkin> I'd expect it to complain about lowercase LD
<copumpkin> Not about ID
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] frankbo opened pull request #25022: nodejs-7_x: 7.7.3 -> 7.9.0 (master...master) https://git.io/vSpGl
<TweyII> copumpkin: No, my nick is with two lower-case i's
<TweyII> Er, upper-case
<TweyII> People were typing it with lower-case Ls
<copumpkin> Oh I see
<TweyII> clever: I'm not: this is in my user profile
<copumpkin> Oh you're Twey the second
<TweyII> unlmtd[m]: clang conflicts with gcc, which I need
<clever> TweyII: nix is designed around not having things like gcc and ld installed, your supposed to open a nix-shell when you need them
<TweyII> Hm, I guess I can just prioritize it
<clever> TweyII: and the conflicts cant happen when using nix-shell, thats why it exists
<unlmtd[m]> TweyII: conflict? you using nixos?
<TweyII> unlmtd[m]: Yes
<unlmtd[m]> lol
<TweyII> copumpkin: Right — work computer
<unlmtd[m]> conflict!
<copumpkin> The Twey I know from Haskell?
<copumpkin> Aha
<TweyII> Yup
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<unlmtd[m]> not sure how youll get a conflict with the nix shell
<copumpkin> cstrahan: feel like giving it a quick review? :) :) been remarkably hard to get reviews for that PR
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<TweyII> clever: nix-shell -p hello does not give ld or cc automatically.
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<clever> TweyII: but "nix-shell -p gcc" does give both ld and cc
<disasm> TweyII: gcc
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<disasm> oops, was scrolled up, lol :)
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<TweyII> clever: So it does. I'd quite like ld to be installed generally, though
<TweyII> Why does nix-shell introduce ld but not nix-env?
<clever> ld is /nix/store/wgvrkijby0awhqkyfkj0qp9cc4921hd9-gcc-wrapper-5.4.0/bin/ld
<clever> cc is /nix/store/wgvrkijby0awhqkyfkj0qp9cc4921hd9-gcc-wrapper-5.4.0/bin/cc
<clever> the .gcc attribute is a wrapper, that contains both cc and ld
<clever> but "nix-env -i gcc" doesnt follow the same rules as "nix-env -iA nixos.gcc"
<clever> the 1st will find a "random" package with gcc in the name, while the 2nd gets the gcc attribute within the nixos channel
<TweyII> Ahh, yes, so they're different
<TweyII> I guess I got nixos.gcc-unwrapped
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<musicmatze> clever: nix-env is not _really_ random, though...
<musicmatze> it just finds the first attribute named "gcc"... which should be the very same for two runs of nix-env, shouldn
<musicmatze> shoulndt it?
<clever> yeah
<musicmatze> bah, new keyboard kills my typing, sry
<clever> it will be repeatable, but not always the same as -A
<musicmatze> yes.
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<lukego> Question again :). nix-env -f <url> seems to be caching the download of the URL. Can I disable/bypass that somehow?
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<cstrahan> lukego: dunno - but it should be cached by etag, iirc
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<cstrahan> copumpkin: I'll take a look in about 30 minutes. I suspect we all just feel out of our depth (I know I do to some extent).
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<dtzWill> lukego: --option tarball-ttl 0, at least that works for nix-channel O:)
<cstrahan> lukego: what dtzWill said. That should do it.
<lukego> Thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSp0e
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ad5f65a Thomas Tuegel: fdr: mark broken...
<5EXAAU04K> [nixpkgs] bennofs closed pull request #24425: Set aspell's data-dir through ASPELL_CONF in a wrapper (master...aspellconf) https://git.io/vSO2m
<17WAAQJOQ> [nixpkgs] bennofs pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSpEe
<17WAAQJOQ> nixpkgs/master ce6b5b8 Leandro Lisboa Penz: aspell: set default aspell data-dir if ASPELL_CONF is not set...
<17WAAQJOQ> nixpkgs/master 792135a Benno Fünfstück: Merge pull request #24425 from lpenz/aspellconf...
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<gchristensen> niksnut: sure, that would be fine with me
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSpEj
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 399065f Benno Fünfstück: aspell: only set ASPELL_CONF from NIX_PROFILES in wrapper if unset
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSpzy
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ad0ad62 Benjamin Staffin: oraclejdk: 8u121 -> 8u131
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 553bf09 Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #25011 from benley/oraclejdk...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #25012: oraclejdk: 8u121 -> 8u131 (release-17.03...oraclejdk-backport-17.03) https://git.io/vSxmQ
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSpgU
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c4c33ea Peter Hoeg: dropbox: use wmctrl from nixpkgs
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 12a3590 Thomas Tuegel: Merge pull request #25019 from peterhoeg/f/db...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] kennyballou opened pull request #1347: Fix small grammar issue about page (master...sm-grammar-fix) https://git.io/vSpgP
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #25024: curl: 7.53.1 -> 7.54.0 (staging) (staging...staging_curl_7_54_0) https://git.io/vSp2J
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<bennofs> FRidh: when adding python expressions, is it preferred to create a dir in python-modules/ for each library? I wasn't aware of that :o
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<copumpkin> Does hydra have an API?
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<dtzWill> kinda! some json bits, documentation was added recently :D
<bennofs> copumpkin: you can get json list of jobs and job status
<disasm> haha, probly not the smartest course of action by nixops: samdev.infra.atrust.com> stopping the following units: network-addresses-enp0s3.service
<disasm> a reboot of the instance followed by another deploy resolved it though
<copumpkin> bennofs: cool that's probably all I need
<bennofs> copumpkin: what are you working on? :)
<dtzWill> if you build the hydra manual it'll be there ;0
<dtzWill> *:)
<bennofs> dtzWill: how do you build the hydra manual :p
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<copumpkin> bennofs: mostly just automation for some non-public Nix stuff I've been doing :) also thanks dtzWill!
<dtzWill> bennofs: nix-build release.nix -A manual, from hydra-git
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<bennofs> dtzWill: cool
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<dtzWill> at least that's how I do it :3
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<bennofs> i only remember trying to build the nix manual, but perhaps i tried it without nix shell and I got some docbook dependencies that I couldn't figure out how to install
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<dtzWill> haha I had many problems building nix-from-scratch on centos 6 way back, but since then just use installer script or start w/NixOS xD :). Manual builds nicely once you have a working nix :P
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs closed pull request #24601: unclutter: Fix default value of $DISPLAY (master...unclutter) https://git.io/vSBL4
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSp1H
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c91c320 Piotr Bogdan: unclutter: Fix default value of $DISPLAY
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1496565 Benno Fünfstück: Merge pull request #24601 from pbogdan/unclutter...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] armijnhemel opened pull request #1348: better document --meta option for nix-env (master...nix-env) https://git.io/vSpH8
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<joko> Hello, anyone with Hydra and "Output limit exceeded" problems? https://prometheus.microlab.ntua.gr/build/1 and https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/issues/467
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<domenkozar> am I going insane or why does cron in nixos require user to be specified?
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<icetan> domenkozar: because it's the system crontab?
<icetan> domenkozar: if you are talking about the one in configuration.nix
<joko> domenkozar: any reason not to use systemd timers?
<domenkozar> icetan: wow, I have been living in ignorance so many years
<domenkozar> joko: well I thought cronjob is faster, but apparently that backfired :D
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<icetan> domenkozar: I thought it was a bug at first :D
<domenkozar> what's even worse, if you don't specify the user
<domenkozar> crontab doesn't even complain
<domenkozar> it just ignores it
<domenkozar> because user doesn't exist
<domenkozar> frigging linux :@
<icetan> needs some UX work :P
<bennofs> LinUX even has UX in the name
* bennofs hides
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] armijnhemel opened pull request #25027: pydot: 1.0.2 -> 1.2.3 (master...pydot) https://git.io/vSpb4
<dash> bennofs: percentage-wise, HPUX had even more
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSpNd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 d9514e0 Bjørn Forsman: hydra: add dependency on Nix' perl bindings...
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<alex-v> Can I configure location of nix.conf (non-NixOS install)?
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<alex-v> bennofs: thanks!
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<cstrahan> copumpkin: oops, took me a bit longer than 30 minutes :P
<cstrahan> looking at it now.
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<fresheyeball> is there a way to get libz-dev ?
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<bennofs> fresheyeball: nix-shell -p zlib should drop you into an env with libz available
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<Isorkin> Hi. How to fic config? - http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/raw/yaErNAHG - error undefined variable ‘php56’ at /home/user/test1/default.nix:9:11
<pbogdan> say I have a custom version of lightdm which includes modifications to nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/lightdm-greeters/gtk.nix - is it possible to package those up as an overlay, or are overlays for packages only?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] armijnhemel opened pull request #25028: psycopg2: 2.6.1 -> 2.7.1 (master...psycopg2) https://git.io/vSppp
<jophish> I'm building coreutils with nix and am getting a bunch of test failures: https://gist.github.com/782aa92ead95bfceb5bc890dc4db57a9
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<mbrgm> joachifm: if you have a moment, would you mind looking at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/22755 and tell me what's missing for this to be merged? :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSph7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 042e268 Benno Fünfstück: Revert "aspell: only set ASPELL_CONF from NIX_PROFILES in wrapper if unset"...
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<armijn> jophish: seems that the first test that fails is tests/misc/invalid-opt.pl
<jophish> armijn: I'm compiling it again without tests
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vShel
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ff252c7 Bjørn Forsman: Fix typo in comment
<armijn> if tests worked before with older coreutils versions it would be weird
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<jophish> I think it's probably a qemu issue
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<armijn> when in doubt: blame qemu
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<Sonarpulse> where does one get a nixpkgs-unstable manual again?
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<fresheyeball> bennofs1: I think libz and libz-dev are different packages
<gchristensen> nix-shell -p libz should get you the libraries
<bennofs1> fresheyeball: why do you think that?
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<fresheyeball> I am trying to get zoom-us to work
<fresheyeball> and things I read online, it looked like add zlib-dev in addition to zlib fixes it
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<bennofs1> fresheyeball: that's for distributions where headers are in separate packages
<gchristensen> an important new dependency for nix: http://search.cpan.org/~bingos/Acme-Vuvuzela-0.04/lib/Acme/Vuvuzela.pm
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] wizeman opened pull request #25029: doit: init at 0.30.3 (master...u/new-doit) https://git.io/vShqt
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<disasm> gchristensen: lol :) You're about 18 days too late for that one!
<gchristensen> nooo!
<gchristensen> we must port it to C++
<jophish> What a waste of time autotools are: "checking where to find the exponent in a 'double'... word 1 bit 20"
<jophish> it's been ./configuring for minutes!
<makefu> gchristensen: i think it is worth it for that to re-introduce the perl dependency. people will understand
<jophish> perhaps there is a c++ port?
<gchristensen> makefu: I'm with you
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<copumpkin> cstrahan: thanks!
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<mbirkis> is plasma5 broken in the recent 17.03 update?
<gchristensen> should not be, what are you seeing?
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<mbirkis> xsession[1251]: /nix/store/p2fyc7s9gpg6l2ww9drxg544d87hib99-xsession: Window manager 'plasma5' not found.
<mbirkis> gchristensen: that is from my logs, and when i try to log in it just goes back to the login screen
<katyucha> Hi! What's the parameter to expose a service in a nix-container to the host ? like the "expose" parameter in docker
<gchristensen> yikes, mbirkis
<gchristensen> mbirkis: can you open a github issue?
<mbirkis> gchristensen: sure, i have never done before but will do my best
<gchristensen> hopefully the instructions are good :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] tsaeger opened pull request #25031: lib: trivial spelling fixes (master...master) https://git.io/vShl8
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dmjio opened pull request #25032: Disable parallel building (master...patch-1) https://git.io/vSh8s
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSh8i
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d8e87fc David Johnson: Disable parallel building
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 124c4b1 John Ericson: Merge pull request #25032 from dmjio/patch-1...
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<mbirkis> gchristensen: when I run the commands to get the different versions (nixos-version etc.) will it give me the most recent version or the version from my currently running generation?
<gchristensen> currently running version
<mbirkis> ok
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<benzrf> hey
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<benzrf> i'm trying to use coqPackages_8_4.bedrock, but when i do "Require Import Bedrock." it says "Error: Cannot find library Bedrock.ILTac in loadpath"
<benzrf> here's a log of the build process - it seems like ILTac should've been built https://gist.github.com/57c0d138793f5af1ec8bb2f48c49e111
<benzrf> there's an ILTac.v in the load path, but no vo - all the other .v files seem to have vo's
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<alphor> how do non-root users install software declaratively?
<dash> alphor: write a nix file for the environment you want, run it with nix-shell
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<mbirkis> gchristensen: i submitted the issue, hopefully i did not make to big a mess of it
<gchristensen> link?
<gchristensen> mbirkis: can you roll back to the last working version?
<mbirkis> yes i have done
<gchristensen> what version does it work on?
<mbirkis> 17.03.982.b647a67dfe (Gorilla) works
<gchristensen> and b5c83975b4 is broken?
<gchristensen> can you add that comment?
* obadz is watching domenkozar @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADSM4vR2EQ0
<jophish> what a good title
<obadz> I wonder if it's still current
<gchristensen> yes
<obadz> I read http://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#python and it looks pretty straightforward
<bennofs1> obadz: well look at the implementation :p
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<obadz> I only care about dev experience :)
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<benzrf> ;-;
<obadz> with pycharm it's all really polished
<obadz> must easier than haskell I must say
<Yaniel> > install python with nix-env
<Yaniel> > urllib2 not found
<Yaniel> yeah the dev experience is great
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<obadz> Yaniel: got to use withPackages and list all the ones you want…
<obadz> Yaniel: or read the doc http://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#python
<Yaniel> I probably should
<Yaniel> I just don't use python enough to have cared about it yet
<jophish> sudp adduser autsin
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<jophish> oh wow, doubly embarrassing.
<obadz> sudo passwd -d root
<gchristensen> lol jophish
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] elitak opened pull request #25035: Add some ARM platforms (master...cross-staging) https://git.io/vShEA
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] xNWDD opened pull request #25036: gitkraken: 2.3.3 -> 2.4.0 (master...gitkraken/2.4.0) https://git.io/vShze
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] chris-martin opened pull request #25037: amdadl-sdk: 6.0 -> 10.2 (work in progress) (master...pr/amdadl) https://git.io/vShVL
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mesh33 opened pull request #25038: buildtorrent: init at 0.8 (master...master) https://git.io/vShKw
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] obadz opened pull request #25040: pythonPackages.typeguard: init at 2.3.1 (master...python-typeguard) https://git.io/vSh6D
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<fresheyeball> so I'm for sure seeing a weird thing
<fresheyeball> I have xmonad-none as my x environment
<fresheyeball> and I have kde5 enabled
<fresheyeball> and when I install gnome3.nautilus
<fresheyeball> all of the sudden things get hicky
<fresheyeball> glxinfo stops working
<fresheyeball> and when I restart its a grey screen of death after login
<fresheyeball> if I remove the package
<fresheyeball> and restart
<fresheyeball> everything is fine
<fresheyeball> how could nautilus be mutating things?
<dash> it's haunted
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<jophish> joachifm: I'm having some trouble building runit for armv7l-linux. The test for runit-init fails for this arch, however it works fine when I compile for x86_64-linux
<jophish> I'm compiling with `nix-build -A runit --argstr system armv7l-linux` and qemu-user to build for arm on my x86_64 machine
<Mic92> jophish: I suppose you need to skip the check phase
<jophish> It's odd that it doesn't work for arm though
<Mic92> jophish: do you cross-compile?
<jophish> nope, qemu-user is letting me do a native arm build
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<Mic92> jophish: you could add -K to nix-build
<Mic92> and then inspect src/runit-init
<jophish> Mic92: good thinking
<jophish> another odd thing is that the test prints the exit code as 0, however reports it as failed
<Mic92> maybe qemu-user returns a different exit code
<Mic92> then the one reported
<jophish> that would be super odd
<jophish> oh, I know what it is
<jophish> I got this with qemu too
<jophish> with coreutils too*
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dmjio opened pull request #25041: Init Solo5 (master...solo) https://git.io/vShXB
<jophish> qemu seems to pass the absolute path of the binary as argv[0]
<Mic92> this might be a limitation of binfmt_misc
<jophish> the runit tests expects it to print "usage runit-init 0|6" however it actually prints "usage /path/to/ruit-init 0|6"
<Dezgeg> it certainly builds on the real hardware
<Mic92> jophish: there is a flag to change this behaviour
<Mic92> preserve-argv[0]
<Mic92> if you add this flag, it should work as expected
<jophish> yeah, just trying to find out how to use taht with qemu-arm
<Mic92> jophish: the txt file describes how to register new binary formats
<jophish> yeah, there must be something to change on the qemu-arm side of things, the page there says that the interpreter should be aware
<Mic92> jophish: i think it can handle relative paths as well
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSh1U
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9902d63 Joachim Fasting: grsecurity: 4.9.22-201704120836 -> 4.9.23-201704181901
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0602b9d Joachim Fasting: torbrowser: 6.5.1 -> 6.5.2
<jophish> Mic92: I thought that the preserve argv flag added an extra argument to the interpreter
<Mic92> jophish: if not you can still register a shell script, which does the write thing
<Mic92> or a small c program
<jophish> Mic92: looks as though it should be possible with the -0 qemu-arm flag
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<jophish> oh, Dezgeg I figured out why the image wasn't working, the arria10 looks for a special partition for uboot, I'll try again tomorrow and let you know
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<Dezgeg> ok
<Dezgeg> there should be several megabytes of free space between the mbr and first partition, should be relatively easy to stuff things there
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<jophish> all the examples have this as the third partition, however I don't think the order matters. It has to be partition type 0xa2, and contain the raw uboot binary and device tree concatenated together
<jophish> I'll try putting it in there, thanks for the tip
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<Dezgeg> at least putting anything right after the root partition isn't a good idea or it will have like, two megabytes of free space after the boot
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vShMP
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e662e03 aszlig: nixos/systemd-boot-builder: Don't write .pyc files...
<aszlig> copumpkin: thanks for adding the check for validating the store :-)
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<copumpkin> aszlig: yay! Thanks for taking a look :) did you see my new image builder PR?
<aszlig> copumpkin: i just skimmed over it, but need to catch up with other things right now (had a hardware failure of my main workstation)
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<copumpkin> Aw sorry to hear that
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<alphor> I'm translating a dockerfile of a timemachine server to a derivation. Since it's pretty much just changing the compile flags of netatalk, would it be welcome in nixpkgs?
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<nhill> Holy wow, just discovered Nix
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<ryantrinkle> has anyone seen nix-push appear to hang after spitting out the list of packages it plans to fetch?
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<ryantrinkle> i think maybe it's a problem with the substituter
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<ryantrinkle> i'm getting a ton of output, and then just nothing - and no CPU or network usage that I can detect
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<ryantrinkle> it's trying to download >1500 things and trying to build >8000 NARs
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] taku0 opened pull request #25043: firefox-bin: 52.0.2 -> 53.0, firefox-esr: 52.0.2esr -> 52.1.0esr [Critical security fixes] (master...firefox-bin-53.0) https://git.io/vSh9b
<nhill> Possibly stupid question, how do you guys deal with things like compiler options?
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<nhill> If you want optimizations, does that have to be another package?
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<simpson> nhill: Don't worry, it's not a stupid question, and even stupid questions are okay here.
<simpson> If you want a particular change to the build environment for a specific package, it's possible to build just that package with the specific changes.
<simpson> nixpkgs has special tools to make that possible and easy.
<nhill> Seems like a major issue really
<simpson> Well, for example, let's say I want nginx. So I type `pkgs.nginx`.
<nhill> I've seen things like -O1 vs -O2 cause all sorts of problems
<simpson> Now, let's say I want nginx without GD available, which will disable some plugins. And that's `pkgs.nginx.override { gd = null; };`
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<nhill> That's not quite what I mean
<simpson> It's true that it's not free. Each package has to be tested to work with different combinations of features. But it's usually not hard to make optional features in the package become optional features in the Nix expression.
<nhill> I understand the build environment issues
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<nhill> But, the compiler is only deterministic for fixed environments if the compiler options are also fixed
<simpson> They are fixed.
<nhill> Ok, so all compiler options are fixed throughout the entire component tree?
<simpson> The Nix expression is fixed, and the inputs are fixed, so the resulting compiler should also be fixed. And by induction, anything that the compiler builds is also fixed.
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<nhill> Ok, so the compiler flags are included in the hash then?
<nhill> That seems reasonably, but I guess the result is that you can use whatever crazy optimization flags you want but you will likely be forced to compile *everything*
<simpson> Yes, indirectly, via the Nix expression and builder. There's a fixpoint somehow for gcc, but I'm not sure on the details. I suspect that reading niksnut's thesis would shed light on it.
<nhill> I'm skimming it right now
<nhill> So, seems like that also locks most people into a specific compiler
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #25044: libiconv: 1.14 -> 1.15 (master...libiconv-bump) https://git.io/vShQO
<simpson> Sure, you have to build whatever Hydra doesn't have in cache, and generally only popular stuff is in cache. It's not *that* big of a deal, generally, unless you customize e.g. Chromium or LibreOffice.
<nhill> Are you guys gcc or llvm peeps?
<simpson> Both GCC and LLVM are available.
<nhill> Cool, I think LLVM is the future
<nhill> Nice to meet you guys, I'll try out an install in the next couple weeks whenever I can find some time!
<MichaelRaskin> I think on Linux it is gcc and on darwin it is llvm
<nhill> Y'all have any thoughts on the rapid proliferation of language specific package management
<nhill> It's really turning into a nightmare for me
<MichaelRaskin> As long as it is easy to extract metadata, who cares
<MichaelRaskin> Feasible enough to convert
<nhill> npm, jspm, pip, conda...
<nhill> So, do you guys use them, or do you have to convert everything?
<MichaelRaskin> I think it is mixed
<simpson> nhill: My language Monte uses Nix as its package manager directly.
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<nhill> Seems like you could use things like pip using the --user option with no problems
<nhill> But you would lose all the advantages you've gained with nix
<simpson> I have had a recent desire for rvm/bundler to Just Work.
<nhill> What do you guys do in practice?
<simpson> Slowly incrementally tame packages and bring them into nixpkgs, one by one.
<simpson> And wait for people to stop writing new build tools and new package managers.
<nhill> simpson: ha
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<simpson> nhill: Hey, I'm doing my part. I've been bashing people over the head with POLA for years.
<nhill> You know, there may be a market niche now for a nix "lite"
<nhill> Where you build a meta-manager for all the language packages
<simpson> What would you be removing, compared to regular Nix?
<nhill> simpson: Nothing, you would just not be starting at the bottom. It would be a giant PITA, because you'd be building Nix on top of an unstable foundation
<simpson> Would it have a Nix store?
<nhill> But, it would have a much lower barrier to entry and could possibly blow up userbase wise
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<nhill> All these web developers deal with these crappy package managers constantly
<nhill> bower, npm, jspm, rubygems, ...
<nhill> There's at least a dozen widespread ones
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<nhill> Anyways, I'll wait until I learn a bit more before speculating wildly
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<nhill> Also, do you guys look at docker as like some kind of cheap imitation?
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<simpson> Kind of? I look at a lot of Docker tooling as doing things the Hard Way. But we don't have any anti-Docker bias; we have Docker support in our tools, you can turn Nix expressions into Docker images, etc.
<nhill> Oh, that's cool
<nhill> Maybe that's how you would have to build Nix on-top of other systems, recreate an entire system from scratch
<nhill> Docker style
<nhill> Then setup a user-transparent transition whenever Nix installed programs are run
<simpson> Nix is already transparent for stuff of the host machine architecture. It just runs from /nix/store/...
<simpson> That's how you can install single-user Nix on Ubuntu or whatever.
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<nhill> simpson: wait what
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<simpson> nhill: You can install Nix for a single user on regular Linux distros.
<nhill> simpson: wth that sounds like magic
<simpson> nhill: What's magical about it?
<simpson> Linux syscall API compatibility is something that third-party vendors have done for a while. And Go, etc.
<nhill> yeah, i was about to ask about kernel issues
<nhill> So, I can run my own Nix userspace side by side?
<simpson> Yeah. Nix packages don't depend on anything outside the Nix store.
<nhill> slightly confused here
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<nhill> would I just change $PATH if I want to run Nix installed programs?