<UFODivebomb> catern: haha yep. I tried that right now with nix-env -f https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-14.12.tar.gz -i
<UFODivebomb> which then attempted to install every package in nixos....
<catern> :D
<catern> yeah I like how "nix-env -i" tries to install everything
<catern> I tried running that and then frantically C-c'd :)
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<joepie91> man, packaging XNA stuff is a fucking nightmare
<joepie91> Mono introduces a whole class of new ways for stuff to break with uninformative exceptions
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<justanotheruser> How would I go about making pygame a python35 package?
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<justanotheruser> it seems there might not be anything making it exclusively python27. So I am trying to define python35Packages.pygame
<justanotheruser> Is there some recommended book that goes over the nix language?
<gchristensen> justanotheruser: the nix pills series is incredible, by Lethalman
<justanotheruser> checking it out
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<catern> I have a shell script, with no deps outside of stdenv, and I want to put it into a Nix package so it shows up in my path. anyone know a good example of how to do this?
<justanotheruser> In python35Packages I attempted pygame = pkgs.newScope ../development/python-modules/pygame { }; to no avail
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<gchristensen> catern: writeScriptBin
<catern> oooh sounds like what I want :D
<joepie91> I have successfully packaged Stardew Valley :D
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<catern> gchristensen: oh hmm, this takes a string
<catern> gchristensen: I don't want to embed my script into my nix expression, I'd rather it be separate
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<gchristensen> you could pass it (builtins.readFile ./your-file)
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<catern> oh
<catern> true :D
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<justanotheruser> could someone please tell me where it is specified that pygame is only under python27Packages?
<justanotheruser> I can't find that anywhere
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<joepie91> aaaaaand the game crashed
<gchristensen> justanotheruser: looks like it is for 17.03 but not in unstable
<justanotheruser> gchristensen: is the master branch unstable?
<gchristensen> yeah
<justanotheruser> ahhh
<justanotheruser> Should I upgrade to unstable?
<gchristensen> probably not, one second
<justanotheruser> ok
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<gchristensen> justanotheruser: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/23981
<justanotheruser> so it's not even in unstable yet, right
<gchristensen> no, it is
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<gchristensen> I wish I could help more, but I need to go to bed.
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<justanotheruser> oh it got merged despite not being able to find SDL2 it seems
<gchristensen> good luck, I hope someone else can help
<justanotheruser> ok thanks!
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<dmj`> anyone know off-hand how to build an ami from a nixos module
<dmj`> I’m currently doing something like
<dmj`> import <nixpkgs/nixos> { configuration = ./module.nix; }
<dmj`> { imports = [ <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/virtualisation/amazon-image.nix> ]; } # module.nix
<dmj`> and then nix-building
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<catern> gchristensen: thank you, that worked perfectly :)
<catern> now I'm just slightly annoyed that "nix-env -f http://path/to/stuff.tar.gz -i" and "nix-env -f stuff.tar.gz -i" have different behavior
<catern> that is kind of unintuitive imo
<dmj`> this doesn’t actually show the ami manifest though
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHSkb
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5fbab5d Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.12-rc4 -> 4.12-rc5
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<joepie91> gchristensen: do you know of any prior art on bundling XNA games?
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<joepie91> er
<joepie91> on packaging XNA games *
<joepie91> I'm having considerable ongoing trouble with it :P
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<catern> yeah, I wish that I could pass the http url of a git repo to nix-env -f
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<joepie91> okay, fixed my issue. turns out that the bundled msc in the game didn't work for reasons, so it broke while compiling scripts in the game
<joepie91> symlinked local msc to nixpkgs-installed msc in Mono
<joepie91> crashed on corlib mismatch, twiddled around with exact Mono versions until it didn't
<joepie91> (for future reference for people packaging this type of stuff)
<joepie91> works with Mono 4.4 now
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<pikajude> can someone who's not using WSL do a `man lndir`
<pikajude> mine says "If the link already exists but doesn't point to the correct file, the program prints the link name and the location where it does point." at the bottom
<pikajude> lndir is used to build symlinkJoin derivations
<pikajude> i don't understand how it can possibly work, and it certainly doesn't on my machine
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<c74d> pikajude: "No manual entry for lndir"; from what package is it?
<pikajude> c74d: i don't know actually
<pikajude> i think it's from xorg
<pikajude> xorg.lndir
<pikajude> i had the store path handy and i did man /nix/store/....-lndir/share/man/...
<c74d> `man lndir` says the same thing for me
<pikajude> meh
<pikajude> ok, i need to test this out
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<c74d> pikajude: results: <https://dpaste.de/C1md>
<pikajude> ok...wtf
<pikajude> can you uname for me
<c74d> uname is "Linux"
<pikajude> sorry, uname -a
<c74d> uname -a is "Linux [hostname] 4.9.30 #1-NixOS SMP Thu May 25 13:45:05 UTC 2017 x86_64 GNU/Linux"
<pikajude> ok
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<ij> ertes, Here's the docker.nix / docker inspect: http://sprunge.us/hAIZ The Cmd is null in both.
<ij> ertes, Ah, it looks like the latest import hadn't imported properly.
<dhess`> Anyone know why I would get this during a nixos-install, after mounting the target fs on /mnt and editing configuration.nix? https://gist.github.com/dhess/355968bd4fd3b0568772480333cdaa2a
<dhess`> I've also unmounted /mnt and re-mounted it, same problem
<ij> ertes, Ok, reimported successfully(the Created changed), but it's the same.
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<dhess`> never mind, reboot solved the issue, whatever it was
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<dhess`> err.. no it didn't. nixos-install complaining that /nix/store is read-only again!
<dhess`> weird, I've never seen this before
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<LnL> don't think it's the store but /mnt that's readonly
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<dhess`> LnL: nope, I can touch a file on it, edit /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix, etc
<dhess`> Nothing in dmesg about a corrupt fs or anything like that, either.
<LnL> and nothing else is mounted for /mnt/nix or something?
<dhess`> No
<LnL> strange
<dhess`> LnL: this is Dezgeg's aarch64 install image, so it's possible it's something wrong there.
<dhess`> But what's really odd is that /mnt already has stuff in /mnt/nix/store
<dhess`> I guess I'll just blow it away and try again
<dhess`> shit it happened again
<dhess`> must be /
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<dhess`> I can write to /nix, just not to /nix/store. But that's by design, right?
<dhess`> Is it set chattr +i or something?
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<makefu> dhess`: afair it is mounted ro and only unlocked for writing when you build new derivations
<LnL> yes, but not for /mnt/nix/store while you're installing
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<sphalerite> justanotheruser: author of the pygame 1.9.3 PR here, the SDL2 issues were only with renpy. pygame still uses SDL 1.2 so it's fine
<sphalerite> dhess`: I think /nix/store in the installation system does usually need to be read-write for nixos-install to work as well
<manveru> anyone here with experience building python apps?
<manveru> gotta build https://github.com/dcos/dcos-cli/tree/master/cli but it's behaving strange...
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<manveru> i get this error from it: "dcos-SNAPSHOT-py3-none-any.whl is not a valid wheel filename."
<LnL> sphalerite: :o
<domenkozar> manveru: you need to specify a valid version
<makefu> sphalerite: +# Ugliest Python code I've ever written. -- aszlig
<manveru> https://github.com/dcos/dcos-cli/releases has the same version?
<manveru> no idea how versions work in pythonland :(
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<domenkozar> manveru: see setup.py file in the project
<domenkozar> version should be an attribute there
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jyp opened pull request #26525: pythonPackages.gensim: init at 2.1.0 (master...boto-2.47) https://git.io/vHSRP
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<LnL> domenkozar: can you add me to the darwin-maintainers team, we should start using that
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<manveru> domenkozar: so i have to basically modify https://github.com/dcos/dcos-cli/blob/master/cli/dcoscli/__init__.py ?
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<domenkozar> LnL: you should be part of https://github.com/orgs/NixOS/teams/darwin-maintainers
<LnL> thanks
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<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: what's that team for?
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<ikwildrpepper> is it used anywhere?
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<LnL> my idea was that people should use that to ping the darwin people for relevant issues/prs
<ikwildrpepper> ah, you can ping teams? cool
<ikwildrpepper> LnL: thnx
<LnL> pretty sure you can with @darwin-maintainers
<ikwildrpepper> yeah, just my github-ignorance
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<Svarog> when nixos-rebuild says something like these paths will be fetched: fontconfig-etc, mirrors-list, fc-cache, etc, where exactly are those things defined? they don't appear in the package list
<sphalerite> Svarog: many of them are built locally as dependencies of the system
<sphalerite> they'll often end up in /etc
<Svarog> so if i'm building a custom live cd, can i just force it to use what's on my system instead of it redownloading all that stuff?
<sphalerite> that depends. If it is the same stuff, it will use what's on your system
<sphalerite> If it isn't, then it won't
<Svarog> i keep trying to cache dependencies by adding them to system.extraDependencies, but there is always more it wants to download and some of it like that example with fontconfig-etc, i don't know how to cache
<sphalerite> All derivations get "cached"
<sphalerite> they live on your system anyway, they'll only get downloaded if you don't already have them
<Svarog> what i mean is when i do nix-collect-garbage -d, it gets rid of things like fontconfig-etc, so next time i build the live cd it wants to download fontconfig-etc again
<sphalerite> oh right
<Svarog> and i don't know how to get it to download it once and then keep it
<sphalerite> don't gc :)
<Svarog> heh
<Svarog> there's gotta be a way to add a root to it
<Svarog> so gc doesn't collect it
<sphalerite> yeah, you can build the system using nix-build and the result link will be a gc root
<Svarog> adding things to system.extraDependencies has that effect too - someone here told me about that, possibly clever
<sphalerite> I think if you build config.system.build.toplevel or something along those lines (I probably got the order wrong)
<Svarog> but i can't add fontconfig-etc because the package doesn't exist
<sphalerite> But your system isn't the same thing as the live system you're building
<Svarog> and yet it still gets downloaded and built every time i build a live cd
<sphalerite> so what you want to keep around is the system of the live CD
<Svarog> yes, but that fontconfig-etc must be coming from somewhere
<Svarog> and if it is, it's defined somewhere
<Svarog> and i should be able to manually install it or download it or add a gc root to it
<sphalerite> By the fontconfig module
<Svarog> which is installed
<sphalerite> I'm not sure it's accessible, but what you want to do isn't to add that specific file
<Svarog> but it still keeps redownloading it
<sphalerite> instead build config.system.build.toplevel, which has a transitive dependency on the fontconfig thing
<sphalerite> That way you know *nothing* that's required for building the CD image will be GCed
<Svarog> well it's not just fontconfig, there is about 20-30 dependencies that keep getting redownloaded
<sphalerite> and you don't have to care specifically about the config thing
<Svarog> pulseaudio is another one
<sphalerite> yes
<sphalerite> What's the expression you use to build your disk image?
<sphalerite> somewhere in there you probably have config.system.build.isoImage, right?
<Svarog> it doesn't matter that i have pulseaudioFull and pulseaudioLight cached locally, it seems to want puseaudio-10.0, which again doesn't appear on the list of packages
<Svarog> just a sec
<Svarog> hmm it's not a single expression as such - i've written a custom package set that contains iso = config.system.build.isoImage, where i took the definition of config from gnome
<Svarog> pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/3.22/installer.nix
<Svarog> so i then build it with nix-build '<custompkgs>' -A iso
<sphalerite> Right
<Svarog> i have the same problem when i try to build the default live cd without any customizations or my custom packages
<sphalerite> just add somewhere something that lets you build config.system.build.toplevel instead
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<Svarog> readline, pulseaudio, fontconfig-etc opengl-drivers udev-rules, w3m and a bunch of other things are always redownloaded
<sphalerite> Build that, and the result should have transitive dependencies on all that stuff
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<Svarog> where do i need to add that?
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<sphalerite> I'm guessing that to build the image you invoke nix-build somehow, right?
<Svarog> nix-build '<custompkgs>' -A iso
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<sphalerite> then add toplevel = config.system.build.toplevel alongside iso, and do nix-build '<custompkgs>' -A toplevel
<sphalerite> then keep the result symlink around and it should stop GC from removing the dependencies
<Svarog> oh
<Svarog> hmm would that work if i added it to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix?
<sphalerite> Possibly, but do you have a good reason to do that? Does the iso you're building have anything to do with your system configuration?
<sphalerite> you could add config.system.build.toplevel to your extraDependencies of course, but it seems to me to make more sense to divorce it from the system config
<Svarog> no but i'd like the system configuration to have everything i might need cached so it can be used in an environment without internet access
<Svarog> i guess the effect is the same if i use nix-build, it's just that i like all dependencies to be in the main config file so i only ever need to worry about the main config file
<sphalerite> I guess
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<sphalerite> I prefer to keep the system config referring only to systemwide stuff, have a separate config for my user software, and for project-specific stuff it's a result symlink in the project dir
<Svarog> i sort of have that in that i have a bunch of different modules with configuration.nix importing them all
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<Svarog> i used to use nix-build to pull things i wanted cached locally but not installed, until i found out about system.extraDependencies which has the same effect
<Svarog> keeps things in the store without having them installed
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<sphalerite> Svarog: you may also want to set nix's gc-keep-outputs and gc-keep-derivations options, that way the build dependencies for everything are kept
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 798e256 Gabriel Ebner: cups-filters: fix path to pdftops...
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<dhess`> sphalerite: any idea why /nix/store might be read-only during nixos-install on this install image?
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<dhess`> sphalerite: or how I can fix it?
<Svarog> thanks sphalerite, will try that as well
<dhess`> very strange, never seen this issue before after many nixos-installs
<sphalerite> dhess`: because of the configuration, I remember there was a commit a while back that mounted the nix store as read-write using unionfs to put a tmpfs on top of the read-only nix store from the image
<sphalerite> dhess`: that remounting configuration might not be included in your image
<dhess`> sphalerite: possible, this is an experimental aarch64 image from Dezgeg
<dhess`> although I assume he's done tested some installs from it
<dhess`> s/done//
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<Dezgeg> I haven't run nixos-install from that one, just nixos-rebuild to the same sd card
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<Dezgeg> but I don't see how nixos-install should act any different
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<dhess`> Dezgeg: hmm, any ideas why I might be getting this during nixos-install to this Jetson TX1's eMMC? https://gist.github.com/dhess/355968bd4fd3b0568772480333cdaa2a
<dhess`> I can write /mnt/nix/store just fine, and /nix, but not /nix/store
<dhess`> it's very odd
<Dezgeg> no idea
<dhess`> :(
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<marvin3k> i have a function which creates an a-priori unkown number of files via "runCommond" churning a binary input file. each created file in turn might result in an a-priori unkown number of derivations, determined via "builtins.readFile". a final "buildEnv" symlinks all resulting derivations. my problem is: when i build the first stage alone, parallelization is in effect. if i directly run the "buildEnv"
<marvin3k> stage, all the (expensive) "runCommand" are executed in series and only the last stage of derivations in parallized. using "builtins.seq" or "builtins.deepSeq" didn't help, as well as "buildInputs". any tips on how to proceed? where is my mental model broken?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHSVR
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ca490a6 Daiderd Jordan: gdb: disable format warnings...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cdf05a7 Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #26514 from LnL7/clang-gdb...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #26521: Fix some typos in documentation (master...typos) https://git.io/vHyNv
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<Svarog> how do i make a package available in installPhase?
<Svarog> in mkDerivation
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<FRidh> buildInputs ?
<Svarog> aah.. yes that's it.. it wasn't working, but that was cause i was using 'which' which wasn't in the path
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHSoA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2ae46bc Lukasz Czyzykowski: ghc: 8.0.2 without link warnings...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d45aff5 Lukasz Czyzykowski: Adds ghc version to the patch file
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d8f2284 Peter Simons: Merge pull request #25998 from czyzykowski/fix/25139-ghc-warnings...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FlorentBecker opened pull request #26527: pijul: 0.4.4 -> 0.6.0 (master...pijul6) https://git.io/vHSKs
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<xeviox> hi guys, how can identify dev libraries in NixOS? E.g. libdbusmenu-gtk3-dev
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<LnL> it's just libdbusmenu-gtk3 I think
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHSXa
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 63e9d1c Eelco Dolstra: perf: Fix perf annotate...
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* mbrock wants to "convert" a NixOps-managed server into a "regular" NixOS server, on which I can just use `nixos-rebuild` as I wish
<mbrock> my current problem is just that I should have some kind of `hardware-configuration.nix` but I don't know what needs to be in there...
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<xeviox> LnL: so there is no distinction between a "dev" package including headers and the library itself?
<LnL> sometimes packages have multiple outputs like "dev
<xeviox> but if there is just one output I should expect it to include even "dev content" by default?
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<LnL> then it would be libfoo.dev, but I'm pretty sure stdenv.mkDerivation will use the correct thing
<LnL> yep for small packages it's generally not worth splitting it up
<LnL> but unless you're using them directly you shouldn't have to worry about it
<mbrock> aha, https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/blob/master/nix/hetzner.nix seems like it specifies all the hardware configuration necessary
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<noqqe> hi guy
<noqqe> im having some problem here updating my instance (unstable)
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/d8f2284808 (from 73 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] chpatrick opened pull request #26528: WIP: Add GNOME Flashback support. (master...gnome-flashback-master) https://git.io/vHSDC
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to 1.11-maintenance: https://git.io/vHSDF
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/1.11-maintenance 3414f38 Eelco Dolstra: Fix build
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/1.11-maintenance 0fb60e4 Eelco Dolstra: Add 1.11.10 release notes
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<LnL> \o/
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ma27 opened pull request #26529: pythonPackages.thefuck: init at 3.18 (master...new-package/thefuck) https://git.io/vHSS0
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<Ankhers> Does anyone know of any reason why erlang 18 is still the default installation?
<ertes-w> is there a function to convert an executable file derivation into a directory derivation with /bin?
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<jophish> "support non-deterministic build tools"
<Mic92> jophish: in a deterministic way
<jophish> It would be very interesting to see a comparison between this and Nix
<Mic92> jophish: they do not compare it to nix at all
<Mic92> which is a little sad.
<gchristensen> I'm not surprised
<gchristensen> they're not in the market of pushing people over to nix
<LnL> Ankhers: it's been out for a while now, we should probably bump it
<LnL> R19 I mean
<Ankhers> LnL: R20 is probably going to be released shortly.
<Ankhers> Should we just wait for that?
<gchristensen> are we talking unstable?
<LnL> Ankhers: nah, unless a lot of things that use erlang in nixpkgs don't work with R19 yet
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<Ankhers> LnL: Ok. I'll create a quick PR.
<Mic92> gchristensen: if it is about internal projects, probably. But microsoft research in general is not that close-minded.
<gchristensen> fair
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<Ankhers> Does nixpkgs usually allow an rc version of a package?
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<Ankhers> Not necessarily as the main option, but as an option.
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<avn> Ankhers: yes, event git snapshots sometimes ok
<avn> s/event/even/
<Ankhers> anv: Thanks.
<Ankhers> avn: Thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHSNM
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1951578 Florent Becker: pijul: 0.4.4 -> 0.6.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 36728c6 Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #26527 from FlorentBecker/pijul6...
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<catern> hey nixos, what is the best fonts package to install
<ToxicFrog> Let's see
<ToxicFrog> I use: corefonts google-fonts gentium inconsolata-lgc noto-fonts-emoji symbola unifont unifont_upper
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<ToxicFrog> And that seems to cover pretty much everything, or at least everything I encounter in day to day usage
<ToxicFrog> Don't forget to put them in fonts.fonts rather than environment.systemPackages
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mdorman opened pull request #26532: Automated emacs package updates (master...emacs-updates) https://git.io/vHSjg
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vH9fL
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 7f5b750 Eelco Dolstra: Don't run pre-build-hook if we don't have a derivation...
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<catern> ToxicFrog: fonts.fonts? does that hold also for non-NixOS?
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<gchristensen> nix can't really install fonts off nixos, I believe
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vH9Iz
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 847f19a Eelco Dolstra: Provide a builtin default for $NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to 1.11-maintenance: https://git.io/vH9IV
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/1.11-maintenance c20641c Eelco Dolstra: OS X -> macOS
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/1.11-maintenance 0be5b94 Eelco Dolstra: Don't run pre-build-hook if we don't have a derivation...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to 1.11-maintenance: https://git.io/vH9Ii
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/1.11-maintenance c338545 Eelco Dolstra: Remove Ubuntu 13.10 build...
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<ToxicFrog> catern: probably not, also what gchristensen said
<gchristensen> what'd I say?
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<ToxicFrog> "nix can't really install fonts off nixos, I believe"
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<gchristensen> oh, duh, right -- yes
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<LnL> well you can, but nothing will find them
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dguibert opened pull request #26534: rebulk: 0.8.2 -> 0.9.0 (master...dg/update-rebulk) https://git.io/vH9Gg
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dguibert opened pull request #26535: gfortran7: added by wrapping gcc7 (master...dg/gfortran7) https://git.io/vH9ZI
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 6 new commits to master: https://git.io/vH9Zg
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c5467a1 Robin Gloster: errbot module: needs network-online to connect properly
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d138f9e Franz Pletz: gstreamer-plugins-bad: add deps for HLS & H.265
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 934b723 Franz Pletz: libfann: init at 2.2.0
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<jophish> Why is the closure >41GB for a 28GB store path?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gratuxri opened pull request #26536: Bump fvwm to 2.6.7 (master...master) https://git.io/vH9no
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<jophish> the store path requisites are <1GB
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<lhart> Hi everyone! I have just a little question. Is it expected that i need to sudo to be able to use nixos-rebuild? Thanks!
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<marvin3k> on nixos? yes, doing nixos-rebuild is going to change the operating system, like installed kernel or grub
<marvin3k> when all you want is to install a piece of software in your local user profile "nix-env" might do the job
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<gchristensen> nixos-rebuild build will not require sudo, switch and boot will
<gchristensen> and maybe `test`
<marvin3k> mh, ja, thats more true
<lhart> ok, I wasn't sure and it's not used in the manual. hum ok...
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<gchristensen> lhart: is that problematic?
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<lhart> hum maybe because I can't nixos-rebuild without sudo and I think it screws permissions. Like asking password to suspend system, use an usb key etc...
<lhart> I just made a fresh install and it's working properly
<lhart> I ll need to try agoin to be sure, I think.
<lhart> *again
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<lhart> nixos-rebuild doesn<t seem to have permission to create symlinks... :/
<gchristensen> that is the failure I would expect if you tried to do nixos-rebuild boot or nixos-rebuild switch without sudo
<lhart> oh ok, my bad i read your answer too quickly... thann you!
<lhart> th
<lhart> *thank
<lhart> Have a nice day!
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<gchristensen> you're welcome, good luck and have fun...oh
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vH9EI
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 25230a1 Eelco Dolstra: On macOS, don't use /var/folders for TMPDIR...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 177f399 Eelco Dolstra: Suppress spurious "killing process N: Operation not permitted" on macOS
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to 1.11-maintenance: https://git.io/vH9EC
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/1.11-maintenance 36f363b Eelco Dolstra: On macOS, don't use /var/folders for TMPDIR...
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<NixOS_GitHub> nix/1.11-maintenance 1e4885e Eelco Dolstra: Grmbl
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<Svarog> is there a way to generate a random number in nix?
<Svarog> or more specifically, what i'd like to do is generate unique hostnames in a live cd, so if multiple instances are running on the same network they'll have unique hostnames
<dtzWill_> that seems awfully non-deterministic :3
<Svarog> i know :(
<Svarog> i can't think of anything better
<Svarog> open to suggestions
<dash> Svarog: generate it from mac address
<makefu> Svarog: how about not depending on a unique hostname?
<dtzWill_> Svarog: do you need to verify the hostnames are unique across the set before deployment? If not, maybe just generate it on-the-fly at boot-time based on some physical attributes?
<Svarog> hmm that could work
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<Svarog> how would i query something like a mac address from nix? or would i have to do it through a shell script and somehow call it from nix?
<makefu> you could use an activation script which runs "ip addr" to set the hostname. activation scripts are run at the beginning of every boot. alternatively you could configure a systemd service which runs at startup
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<samueldr> I'm having a hard time setting up nat networking with declarative containers
<samueldr> well
<samueldr> not that much
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<samueldr> there's one issue left, where I'm unable to talk to the outside network from inside the container
<samueldr> The manual, section 28.3 mentions using nat for this purpose
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<samueldr> (making a gist of an elided configuration [I'll need to actually try that configuration later on])
<samueldr> assume networking from host to internet works (it does). The networking from host to container also works just fine.
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<Svarog> thanks makefu, i'll have a look into that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra tagged 1.11.10 at e5187d3: https://git.io/vH9ix
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<akamaus> Hi all. Is there a way to enable parallel build system-wide?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vH9Pn
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0bffe03 Eelco Dolstra: nix: 1.11.9 -> 1.11.10
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vH9P0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 7071d1e Eelco Dolstra: nixUnstable: 1.12pre5350_7689181e -> 1.12pre5413_b4b1f452...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 7a76e25 Eelco Dolstra: nix: 1.11.9 -> 1.11.10...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 74a1ea1 Eelco Dolstra: perf: Fix perf annotate...
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<tilpner> akamaus - Put nix.maxJobs = n; into your nixos-config
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<tilpner> akamaus - Or maybe it was nix.buildCores, I think I set both :c
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<freezeboy> hi, is there somewhere on the nixos.org website or on github a raw diff (new packages/modules) between the 17.03 release and the state of the future 17.09 branch ?
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<simpson> freezeboy: You can ask for such a comparison on github using their tools.
<freezeboy> simpson: you mean playing with git and sed ? or a better solution ?
<akamaus> tilpner, thanks! I looked at nix-daemon.nix. Looks like buildCores controls parallelism inside a single build (aka make -j) and maxJobs sets the number of simultaneous builds.
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<Mic92> Dezgeg: a little bit opinionated, but maybe useful for someone else with adaption: https://github.com/Mic92/nixos-configuration/blob/master/environments/llvm/build.bash
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<Mic92> Dezgeg: sorry the message was for somebody else
<freezeboy> simpson: thank you I was hoping for a more "high level" thing, I'll try to filter this one
<Mic92> dtzWill_: : a little bit opinionated, but maybe useful for someone else with adaption: https://github.com/Mic92/nixos-configuration/blob/master/environments/llvm/build.bash
<simpson> freezeboy: I guess I don't understand what you want, sorry.
<dash> freezeboy: you could look at the changes to the docs instead :)
<freezeboy> dash: well, the release-notes.xml seems outdated in nixos-unstable
<dash> they possibly have not been writtenyet
<freezeboy> simpson: basically some kind a simplified output of some git diff release-17.03..master nixpkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix would be great
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<freezeboy> dash: simpson: or just the content of the /nixos/options.html and /nixos/packages.html on the website but with the unstable branch would also be enough
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<Sonarpulse> channels are screwed TT
<Sonarpulse> more tears for CI
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #26537: lifelines: init at 2017-06-12-unstable (master...lifelines) https://git.io/vH9yC
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<Nixer> Could someone point me to where the nix cache downloader lives? I want to see the code that pulls down already built packages via nix-shell, nix-env, or nix-rebuild? Thanks
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<loook> I'm getting a kernel panic on boot, after stage2, since systemd is not found. Any ideas what would cause this?
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<jophish> peti: Recently (a couple of months ago probably) ghcWithPackages started to print a load of output when building, when previously it did not. Do you know what change this could have been, and if it's possible to reverse?
<loook> I've had a working NixOS machine for over a year and I just rebooted into this issue.
<Mic92> loook: wrong kernel command line
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sigma opened pull request #26538: hugo: 0.21 -> 0.22 (master...pr/hugo-0.22) https://git.io/vH99R
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<Mic92> loook: ok, does not make sense.
<Mic92> loook: maybe a weird disk corruption
<loook> Mic92: Agreed. Must be a DigitalOcean issue then.
<Mic92> loook: what is your boot loader?
<Mic92> grub?
<loook> Yes.
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<loook> Trying to get in there so I can select the previous NixOS revision, but I haven't been able to get a DO console while GRUB is still up.
<loook> If I can get into GRUB, this should be simple enough to fix.
<Mic92> loook: can you get into the rescue shell?
<Mic92> of the initrd
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<loook> DO has a rescue kernel which I can try booting. Currently, I'm making a snapshot of the machine before I fuck anything else up.
<Mic92> loook: you could try to change your grub configuration from the rescue shell.
<loook> Ok, nope, it won't slip in the rescue kernel.
<loook> Mic92: How else were you thinking about getting into a rescue shell? By the time I get the DO console open, I'm booting NixOS stage1, I see stage2 fly by, then the panic.
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<Mic92> loook: the first question is if panicOnFail=1 is set in the digitalocean initrd.
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<Mic92> loook: did you try to send Ctrl + C to the script?
<clever> Mic92: i recently made a list of things that can be added to the kernel to help with that kind of thing: https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/blob/master/kexec/configuration.nix#L14
<clever> currently, only 2 things are in the list
<Mic92> clever: I suppose this is already too late in the current stage
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<clever> ah, yeah, sounds like you need to get into grub, which requires very quick reaction time
<clever> another thing i had thought of is a custom bootloader that supports network intervention
<Mic92> We probably also need a rescue shell in stage-2
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<Nixer> Can anyone point me to the nix cache downloading code? I know it lives in these repo: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/ somewhere, but don't know where yet.
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<Nixer> clever: Thanks
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<Mic92> loook: if the initrd fails, the kernel crashes. this is normal behavior
<loook> Mic92: I understand.
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<loook> The question is, currently, what can I do about it? I haven't been able to see GRUB at all, so my reaction time wouldn't help.
<Mic92> loook: the question is, how to stop this line to be executed: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/system/boot/stage-2-init.sh#L165
<clever> loook: are you able to remain connected while it reboots?, are you able to send a ctrl+alt+del via that console?
<loook> clever: No to both, unfortunately.
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<loook> clever: Though I'll try both again, to be certain.
<clever> loook: then you would have to connect to the console before the grub timeout can expire, and thats assuming DO even runs grub
<clever> loook: i suspect that are running a grub-clone, that just reads the config and always runs the default entry
<loook> It's running grub.
<clever> so it supports the grub syntax, without actually using grub
<loook> I see.
<Mic92> clever: I am pretty sure newer deployments do
<clever> Mic92: which forces it to drop into a shell
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<Mic92> loook: what was your os before you installed nixos on it?
<Mic92> debian 8 for instance has an MBR + Grub
<Mic92> (on digitalocean)
<loook> Mic92: Debian.
<clever> would it be possible to connect that disk image to another working droplet?
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<loook> Hm. Maybe.
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<Mic92> loook: https://www.digitalocean.com/help/technical/backup/ see How can I recover from an unbootable Droplet?
<Mic92> loook: you could ask the support to boot your vm with an nixos ISO.
<clever> if you use another working nixos droplet, you can mount the old one to /mnt and then do "nixos-install --chroot" to chroot into it, and then do repairs, and restore the previous connections
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/74a1ea1f89 (from 70 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.03-small)
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<peti> jophish: That was probably a side-effect of updating to the latest major release of hoogle.
<loook> Mic92: Yeah, I've made a support ticket already; we'll see when they get back to me.
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<loook> clever: _Maybe_. I don't think they support mounting snapshots, or other droplet volumes, as generic volumes.
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<loook> Will probably be switching to Linode, when this blows over.
<Mic92> They have ec2 like block storage, but this is not the default.
<Mic92> I have my stuff on netcup, which allows to upload custom iso as installation medium
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<clever> Mic92: with the kexec stuff i linked previously, i can do an install without needing any custom iso to be mounted
<andrewrk> I accidentally destroyed my boot partition
<andrewrk> and then restarted my computer
<andrewrk> :-(
<Mic92> clever: does not help, if you have an unbootable system.
<Mic92> andrewrk: dont panic
<clever> andrewrk: you will need to boot from the install cd, mount the rootfs to /mnt, and put the new boot at /mnt/boot/, then run "nixos-install --chroot" and "nixos-rebuild boot"
<andrewrk> that's not bad. I'll try that
<clever> Mic92: yeah, the kexec requires a working linux kernel, of any distro
<Mic92> fair
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<Mic92> clever: I wait for your pull request to nixpkgs ;)
<Mic92> clever: curl https://nixos.org/nixos/install | sh
<clever> Mic92: i have also just tested it with nixops as well: https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/blob/master/kexec/nixops-example.nix
<clever> Mic92: with this, nixops can take over the machine after the justdoit.nix in the same directory has finished installing
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<clever> Mic92: yeah, it is almost that easy, extract a tar to /, /kexec_nixos, run "justdoit", reboot
<Mic92> clever: this could be all part of the script
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<clever> Mic92: hardest part, is ensuring the network will come up in every case, some datacenters expect static ip config, others dhcp
<loook> Fuck yeah, made it into grub.
<slabity> I'm confused on how to override a variable set in a nixpkg config. The plymouth.nix (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/system/boot/plymouth.nix) sets "boot.initrd.preLVMCommands = mkAfter ''...''", but I'd like to change that to mkBefore. How can I do that in my normal configuration.nix?
<Mic92> clever: mhm, how about using the current routing table
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<clever> slabity: mkBefore and mkAfter cant easily be overridden, you would need to checkout a clone of nixpkgs on the same revision, and just edit the file directly
<Nixer> Does anyone know if the nix install script change recently (https://nixos.org/nix/install)? I can no longer install nix on centos.
<clever> Mic92: in the case of digital ocean, they will just open your rootfs and tinker with /etc/network/interfaces any time the IP changes
<Nixer> I'm seeing this error: error: removing extended attribute ‘security.selinux’ from ‘/nix/store/3rh146gsqybkc7br5lnlk53p1ll4lna7-env-manifest.nix’: Permission denied /tmp/nix-binary-tarball-unpack.yHy6iHuqu0/unpack/nix-1.11.10-x86_64-linux/install: unable to install Nix into your default profile
<clever> Mic92: and a one-time inspection of the current IP cant deal with that
<loook> Mic92: clever Now that I'm in grub, do I have any better option than to just select one of the older configurations?
<Mic92> clever: creepy
<loook> Anything I can add to the kernel line to help ensure I make it in?
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<slabity> clever: That's disappointing. Do you know of a better way to make plymouth start before the LUKS password prompt appears?
<Mic92> loook: press e
<loook> Mic92: Sure, I'm familiar with its UI. What're you thinking?
<clever> slabity: all i can think of is to modify nixpkgs directly, and maybe send a PR upstream so it always does it that way
<Mic92> loook: then I do not understand your question.
<clever> loook: if you add boot.debug1 to the kernel commandline, it will instantly "fail" and give you a root shell in the initrd
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<clever> Mic92: in the case of DO, there is https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/issues/605
<clever> Mic92: that will query a metadata service at boot time, find the correct ip, and configure the network
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<Mic92> clever: does not looks that complex
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<loook> clever: If I try boot.debug1mounts, I see http://i.imgur.com/PiCPnHH.png
<loook> So it could be that systemd isn't being found because the root fs isn't being mounted properly?
<loook> Oddly, I have boot.shell_on_fail on my kernel line.
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<clever> loook: setting debug1mounts forces it to "fail" after it has mounted everything
<clever> so its not a true failure
<loook> Hm. It also failed with boot.debug1 though, so I figured I'd let it go further.
<clever> debug1 just forces it to fail sooner
<slabity> clever: Can I override just that particular file? Or do I need to clone the entire nixpkgs repo?
<loook> clever: Right.
<clever> slabity: currently, there is no way to override modules, you need to clone the entire nixpkgs
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<loook> clever: Unfortunately, when it fails, it prompts me for input but doesn't read any of my keystrokes.
<clever> loook: ah, the keyboard drivers might not be in the initrd
<clever> loook: try booting with init=/bin/sh then and see what that does
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<loook> clever: Ok.
<clever> that should replace stage2 with a shell, and it will have the full rootfs mounted, so it might have more drivers
<clever> though systemd hasnt ran yet, so it might not have auto-loading
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<loook> Ah /bin/sh didn't exist.
<clever> it will also falsely claim it doesnt exist
<clever> tell it to continue anyways
<loook> It continued onto the panic, without my input.
<clever> the problem is that /bin/sh is a symlink with an absolute path, and its being checked from outside the chroot
<clever> oh right, no input at the initrd
<clever> loook: this one will take a bit more typing, but what about init=/nix/var/nix/profiles/system/sw/bin/bash ?
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<loook> O
<loook> I'll try. It takes a lot of luck, refreshing the console at the right time while grub is still up.
<Nixer> Is anyone familiar with the how the nix install (https://nixos.org/nix/install) interacts with SELinux? I'm running into an install failure suddenly: error: removing extended attribute ‘security.selinux’ from ‘/nix/store/3rh146gsqybkc7br5lnlk53p1ll4lna7-env-manifest.nix’
<Nixer> Can't seem to track down the cod that is trying to modify the selinux attribute.
<dhess`> Is there any way with NixOps to have the deployment host download from the binary cache on behalf of the target host?
<loook> clever: Well, I have a bash shell now, but no userland.
<dhess`> I've got a NixOps deployment target whose outbound Internet access is blocked
<clever> loook: yeah, $PATH will be blank, try export PATH=/nix/var/nix/profiles/system/sw/bin
<loook> clever: Much better.
<dhess`> what's really odd is that I previously deployed to this host just fine, but I had to re-install and now it's trying to download from the binary cache when I nixops deploy
<Nixer> clever: Thanks. Hopefully, I'll be able to figure out why I can't install nix any longer.
<loook> clever: So, we still don't know what's causing the boot to not find systemd, right?
<loook> I could try to continue down stage2, but I'll likely end up at the same panic.
<clever> loook: i would check this first, "ls -lh /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/sw/bin/systemd"
<clever> loook: what does that say?
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<loook> clever: It's not there.
<loook> o.O
<clever> loook: can you cd into /nix/var/nix/profiles and check all of the other system sylinks?
<clever> ah wait, its not normally there
<clever> let me see where it comes in from
<clever> PATH=/run/current-system/systemd/lib/systemd \
<clever> ah
<clever> loook: try looking in ls -l /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/systemd/lib/systemd/systemd
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<loook> That's there, though it's dated for 1969. It's a binary, not a link.
<clever> yeah, that date is normal
<clever> its jan 1st, 1970, minus your timezone offset
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<clever> loook: did you have the option to boot older generations in grub?
<loook> Yes.
<clever> have you tried booting those yet?
<loook> Nope, once I got into grub I asked in here what the best move would be.
<clever> ah
<clever> try going back to grub and picking an older generation
<loook> Didn't want to be hasty with my new grub access.
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<srhb> Is there a nicer way to check old versions of haskell deps than this? Get what you can with nix-shell, then use cabal install --dependencies-only for the remainder? I'm wondering if there's a way to ad-hoc run cabal2nix and put together everything in nix shell.
<srhb> (Following what the dependency solver claims)
<srhb> I suppose what I want is a recursive cabal2nix
<loook> clever: The oldest config I have still does it.
<loook> clever: This is almost certainly because it's the result of something DO has done.
<clever> loook: can you get back into that bash shell and then run "nix-store --verify --check-contents" ?
<loook> Yeah
<loook> clever: Connection refused on the nix daemon
<clever> loook: you may need to export NIX_REMOTE=local i think
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<loook> nix-store says local is an invalid setting for NIX_REMOTE
<clever> just unset NIX_REMOTE?
<loook> Nice.
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<loook> I imagine this'll take a while.
<clever> yeah
<loook> clever: Thanks so much for the help thus far.
<clever> its hashing everything in /nix/store to see if anything is currupt
<loook> If I can get this running, even if I do it manually, with the grub boot still broken, it'll at least get my services back online and I can migrate to a hoster which actually allows custom ISOs.
<loook> clever: /nix/store/*-unstable-16.09pre* was modified
<clever> loook: in theory, once you can get it to boot fully, you can just "nixos-rebuild boot" and it will update the boot config
<loook> That's the only error.
<clever> loook: can you screenshot it?, the hashes can help in debugging the cause
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<clever> loook: looks like the contents of a channel got modifyed what does it say if you run nix-store -q --roots on that path?
<clever> tab completion should work
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vH9hl
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f78362d gratuxri: fvwm: 2.6.6 -> 2.6.7...
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/0bffe03828 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<clever> loook: also, do you know how to configure an ip with only "ip" or "ifconfig" ?
<loook> It removed a lot of stale links, no it shows per-user/root/channels-11{1,2,3,4}-link
<clever> yeah, that confirms its a channel, but that shouldnt have broken it
<clever> id get the network up first
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #26539: elfkickers: init at 3.1 (master...feature/elfkickers) https://git.io/vH9h1
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<clever> loook: "ip addr add dev eth0; ip route add dev eth0; ip route add via dev eth0"
<clever> loook: that will get you internet access, then you can manualy run sshd with an absolute path and &, which should get you a better terminal and copy/paste
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #26532: Automated emacs package updates (master...emacs-updates) https://git.io/vHSjg
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<loook> clever: Getting an error on the last one.
<loook> Looking into it.
<clever> oh right, "ip link set eth0 up"
<clever> forgot that step
<loook> I did that. :)
<clever> it will be required before either route will fit
<clever> the gateway part is optional if you can ssh in from another droplet in the same subnet
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<loook> Hrm, not yet working.
<loook> ping is giving "System error" as well.
<clever> loook: what does "ip addr" and "ip route" say?
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<clever> yeah, that should be working
<loook> clever: The "via" in the second ip route command wasn't working.
<loook> I removed it, while tinkering, to get this. That's likely the issue.
<clever> you may need to delete the route
<clever> ip route del dev eth0
<clever> default via dev eth0 metric 2
<clever> it might also need the word default added, ip route add default via dev eth0
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<loook> Nice, no more system error, but not yet a proper ping.
<loook> Scratch that, system error, but promising hang beforehand.
<clever> also keep in mind, dns may not work yet
<clever> so you can only ping ip's
<loook> Looks like I can ping the machine though, so we're probably good.
<loook> Yep, agreed.
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<loook> clever: Mimicking all the right sshd options will likely be a pain.
<clever> loook: you can usualy just run sshd without any args and it will work
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<clever> loook: but if you want the sshd-config to work, just read /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/etc/systemd/system/sshd.service
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<loook> When I run sshd along, it says it doesn't find /etc/ssh/sshd_config and aborts.
<loook> So I figure it needs a proper setup. When I provide it with the sshd_config, it wants the host files, etc.
<loook> I'll take a look at the service.
<clever> there should be a -c flag and an absolute path
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<boomshroom> Hello! I'm still trying to build the cross compiler. I sent a message to the mailing list, but I'm not sure if I need to subscribe before people will see it.
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<boomshroom> I think I've made some progress, but I'm not sure if I really did.
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<slabity> Is there anything earlier than boot.initrd.preDeviceCommands?
<disasm> are they any known vulnerabilities for breaking out of a nixos container? I accidentally set immutableUsers to false in my config and now my sudo password no longer works, but I have a root shell open inside a container.
<clever> disasm: do you have physical access or access to grub?
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<disasm> clever: I do have physical access. I can always use a thumb drive, just was wondering if there was an easier way.
<clever> disasm: if you have physical access, you can just pick an older generation, or add init=/bin/sh to the kernel commandline and get instant root
<clever> no need for a thumbdrive
<disasm> ah thx
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<boomshroom> Should I subscribe to the mailing list if I want to ask a question?
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<loook> clever: Should I be able to spawn init from my shell and debug further?
<loook> Since I've splipped bash in before init
<clever> loook: yeah, if you exec stage2 from that shell, it will get pid1 and should try to boot fully
<loook> The question is, I suppose, whether or not that will result in another panic.
<clever> yeah
<loook> Ideally not, unless bash itself fails.
<clever> if you exec, it can result in another panic
<clever> if you just run it normally without exec, it will drop back to the shell
<clever> but systemd will get upset if its not pid 1
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<loook> clever: The end of stage-2-init.sh run systemd, but it sets PATH to /run/current-system/systemd/lib/systemd
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<clever> loook: yeah, and line 132 ran activate, which i think was involved in settupg up /run
<loook> Why not use systemd's absolute path when executing? Seems odd
<clever> ln -sfn "$(readlink -f "$systemConfig")" /run/current-system
<clever> yeah, this is near the end of activate
<loook> I can't just invoke stage-2-init.sh, since it looks like it has some special tokens which are likely replaced on the nix side of things.
<loook> e.g. "@shell@ @postBootCommands@"
<clever> loook: yeah, you can invoke the compiled version, it should be at -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 4955 Dec 31 1969 /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/init
<loook> Ah
<loook> I've stripped the "exec"s out, in a local copy, and can run it. I get the same "systemd: command not found"
<loook> There are no issues in the activation script or setting anything else up though.
<clever> loook: what happens if you just run the systemd with an absolute path?
<clever> /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/systemd/lib/systemd/systemd
<boomshroom> I think I finally got a working cross compiler! :D And surprise, surprise, it looks nearly identical to gccCrossStageStatic.
<loook> clever: "Trying to run as user instance, but the system has not been booted with systemd."
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<clever> so the elf file is at least valid
<loook> I can try with --system
<clever> it has to be ran as pid 1 via exec to make the system "booted with systemd"
<loook> Yeah, it failed. :P
<loook> It looks to me like activation is failing.
<clever> what if you try running activate manualy?
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<loook> Since, even after running it, I don't have a /var/run/current-system
<clever> it should be just /run/current-system
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<loook> I think I see it.
<loook> If so, this would be my fault.
<boomshroom> Not that I'm a systemd hater, bu is it possible to build a nix system with alternate inits? I'd imagine the core of NixOS wouldn't be dependant on systemd, but there's probably a lot of scripts that are specific to a given init system. That said, it could still be possible to rewrite some of them.
<clever> loook: ?
<loook> clever: I have an activation script which is using the network to check for updates. That's failing the activation script here.
<simpson> boomshroom: Sure. And several folks have done so on an ad-hoc basis, and many folks would welcome contributions to nixpkgs which help detangle this.
<clever> boomshroom: there is an open issue about reviving the jobs framework, so services can be defined without using systemd terms
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<boomshroom> Interesting. With how NixOS works, if you can make it boot with an alternate init, it would be possible to install multiple and select one at boot.
<simpson> boomshroom: Maybe!
<boomshroom> Again, I'm not a systemd hater, I just find it cool how with the right scripts, one could switch between completely different setups with minimal effort after the setup.
<boomshroom> Go options!
<simpson> I *am* a systemd hater, but I'm also tired and I have bigger fish to fry.
<clever> i have managed to crash pid 1 by just spawning a systemd container on a malfunctioning fuse layer
<boomshroom> Oh, no! My build failed! checking for shl_load... configure: error: Link tests are not allowed after GCC_NO_EXECUTABLES.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26539: elfkickers: init at 3.1 (master...feature/elfkickers) https://git.io/vH9h1
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<loook> clever: Where are the grub generations stored?
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<clever> loook: the numbered system links in /nix/var/nix/profiles/
<loook> Numbered?
<loook> I don't see any numerics.
<boomshroom> While I think grub is boated and prefer systemd-boot (I still prefer the name "gummiboot"), grub's folders would be very nice to have.
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<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:/nix/var/nix/profiles]$ ls
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<clever> default default-69-link system-271-link system-276-link system-281-link system-286-link system-291-link system-296-link system-301-link system-306-link system-311-link
<loook> clever: Hm, I have none of those.
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<clever> loook: what do you have under profiles?
<boomshroom> ls /nix/var/nix/profiles/
<loook> clever: Let me double check -- I'm probably mistaken.
<loook> I was mistaken!
<clever> system itself is just a symlink to the current system-xxx-link
<loook> clever: As for the grub config itself?
<clever> loook: thats in /boot/grub/
<loook> Ah, figured it'd be different with nixos.
<clever> nixos-rebuild will run an install-grub.pl script, which reads the system symlinks and re-generates grub.cfg
<loook> I want to make sure the init it's going to use, next boot, has the right activation script, without my curl.
<clever> ah
<clever> thats all managed by install-grub.pl
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<loook> Ok, it's looking good. I'll try to reboot.
<loook> clever: Booted!
<loook> Lesson learned: Don't do network IO in activation scripts.
<clever> yay
<clever> yeah, use a systemd unit for that
<clever> it may also help to gc less often, and to test rebooting every now and then
<clever> might have been faster if a generation from before that change was still in grub
<loook> Yeah, I rebooted since it had been two months and I figured I should do so.
<clever> i never garbage collect system profiles until i confirm it can still boot
<clever> i have seen some users forget to make /boot mount, so it was updating the grub.cfg in the /boot dir of /
<clever> not the real /boot
<clever> so when they gc'd the old generations, it ceased booting
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* loook bows to clever.
<loook> Thanks again.
<clever> yeo
<clever> yep*
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<disasm> clever: haha, plugged monitor in and what do ya know, I never logged out of root console :)
<andrewrk> clever, (still trying to recover my boot partition) when I start the live cd, I get "time out waiting for device /dev/root"
<andrewrk> an error occured in stage 1...
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<disasm> I know, horrible security, but it is my desktop in the house, lol :)
<andrewrk> when I start a shell and do `df`, it only shows tmpfs devices
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<clever> andrewrk: what exactly happened to the old boot?
<clever> andrewrk: has the uuid for the fs changed?
<andrewrk> I was using gparted to wipe a usb stick but I chose the wrong device
<clever> andrewrk: ah, you probably need to fix the hardware-configuration.nix to have the right uuid, before you nixos-rebuild boot
<andrewrk> but I can't even get into the live cd
<clever> andrewrk: normal iso dd'd to a usb stick?
<andrewrk> oh let me try dd
<andrewrk> I used unetbootin
<clever> the nixos iso already had a valid mbr bootloader on it
<clever> every time ive seen somebody try unetbootin, it breaks everything
<andrewrk> yeah I forgot, I need to remember to not use unetbootin
<andrewrk> dd worked perfectly last time
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<andrewrk> dd did the trick
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<andrewrk> why does unetbootin even exist
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<clever> andrewrk: because some distros dont make a combined iso that can also boot from usb
<simpson> andrewrk: In general, when software exists, it's because some folks somewhere thought that there was a hole in the world and that it could be plugged by writing code.
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<andrewrk> clever, when you say "put the new boot at /mnt/boot/" what exactly does that mean?
<andrewrk> mount the boot device there?
<clever> yeah
<andrewrk> clever, I mounted the root fs at /mnt, and there's already some stuf in /mnt/boot
<clever> that stuff may be from when you accidentaly ran things without /boot mounted
<andrewrk> so I should rm rf it
<clever> andrewrk: what fs is /?
<andrewrk> I think / is the live cd. but I have my ext4 fs mounted on /mnt
<clever> ah, ext4 for the real /
<clever> then you dont really even need a /boot fs
<clever> if your doing legacy booting (non-efi)
<andrewrk> I'm doing efi booting
<clever> ah
<clever> then youll want to make a fat32 and mount it to /mnt/boot
<clever> as a safety, i would also "chmod 0 /mnt/boot" before mounting it
<andrewrk> ok
<clever> so you cant write to the directory under it
<clever> you may also need to update /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix to refer to the new fat32
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<andrewrk> thanks
<andrewrk> I'm basically following a section of the normal installation instructions at this point, right?
<clever> almost, you can skip a full nixos-install and instead do nixos-install --chroot, followed by nixos-rebuild boot
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<disasm> andrewrk: I'd also use the flag --no-root-passwd so it doesn't ask you to reset the root pw
<clever> if your using --chroot, that wont be an issue
<disasm> oh, never mind :)
<clever> since nixos-rebuild is doing the actual build
<Mic92> 3/go 8
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<disasm> is there a way to do rotation with services.postgresqlBackup?
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<slabity> Is there someplace that lists valid packages for `listof package` option types? For example, what are valid packages for `hardware.opengl.extraPackages`?
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<clever> slabity: everything put int opengl.extraPackages is added to the buildEnv that lands in /run/opengl-driver
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 9 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vHHnr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 6f295b8 Maximilian Bosch: oh-my-zsh: add module (#25140)...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 533f813 Maximilian Bosch: zsh-syntax-highlighting: Add more configuration options and move to module (#25153)...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ffb4c1f Maximilian Bosch: programs.zsh.syntax-highlighting: refactor `highlighters` option for proper validation...
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<clever> slabity: what are you trying to do?
<slabity> clever: Just trying to learn how to use nixos and configure my system
<slabity> I'm switching from gentoo, so it's very different
<clever> ah
<slabity> I'd like to try to enable opencl on intel though
<clever> thats an option that you dont really need to ever modify
<clever> ah
<slabity> clever: Yea, that's why I'm trying to find the list of valid packages for that option
<clever> it would probably have to be a package containing libraries related to intel's opencl
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<catern> gchristensen: Nix can't install fonts off of NixOS? what about for packages installed with Nix?
<clever> catern: the font installing works by managing things in /etc/fonts/
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<clever> catern: and the entire /etc framework is nixos only
<catern> oh :(
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<catern> it's not possible to use ~/.fonts?
<clever> if you just nix-env a font, it will land somewhere in ~/.nix-profile/
<clever> and you will have to manualy link ~/.fonts up with symlinks
<catern> ln -s ~/.nix-profile/etc/fonts/ ~/.fonts?
<catern> should that work?
<clever> maybe
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<clever> you would need to look in nix-profile after you install a font
<clever> and see where it landed
<catern> hmm, but *should* it work? :)
<catern> (as in should it be a supported working thing)
<clever> if you get the directories right, yeah
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah opened pull request #26540: utillinux: fix all mounted fstrim mode (master...master2) https://git.io/vHHcu
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dermetfan opened pull request #26541: browserpass: 2017-04-11 -> 1.0.5 (master...browserpass) https://git.io/vHHc9
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<slabity_> Well that was easy. Just had to add pkg.beignet to opengl.extraPackages
<clever> ah, nice
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #25701: elasticsearch service: remove postStart script (master...elasticsearch_postStart_script_removal) https://git.io/v9DWK
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<catern> what is the word for "a thing which is in the store"?
<catern> a _______
<clever> catern: realized derivation is one way to describe it
<catern> like, "we want to support P2P distribution of _______ over the network"
<catern> clever: but low-level derivations are also in the store
<clever> the .drv files usualy arent shared, you generate those from the nix expressions
<gchristensen> joachifm: I'd like to backport the chromium fix, but not yet
<gchristensen> that may sound weird, I can explain in private
<clever> gchristensen: what chromium fix?
<catern> clever: admittedly yes, but they're still in the store
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<gchristensen> a chromium update PR I merged to master but forgot to backport
<clever> gchristensen: i noticed an issue recently where the mic didnt work, but havent confirmed if it can reproduce
<catern> or I want to say: "the store is a content-addressed storage for _______"
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<clever> catern: you can copy derivations between systems using nix-copy-closure
<gchristensen> catern: I think the term is a store path
<catern> gchristensen: seems like a decent enough term
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<catern> but maybe I'll just say "artifact"
<gchristensen> I think artifact would be imprecise
<gchristensen> but not invalid
<catern> artifact is a term that people who aren't familiar with Nix will understand
<catern> so that's why I would go with it
<gchristensen> fair
<gchristensen> though you may define it "a store path (or an artifact)" or reversed ("an artifact, (a store path in Nix's vocabulary)")
<catern> hmm
<gchristensen> but you don't have to of course
<catern> that makes sense, I will do that :)
<catern> thanks
<gchristensen> you're welcome! :)
<catern> further question (now more object-level than meta-level :D) does anyone know of a P2P content-addressable-store that could just be dropped in for Nix?
<catern> content-addressability has the big benefit of not requiring trust, if I understand correctly
<clever> catern: a common problem, is that the hash in /nix/store/<hash>-<name> is the hash of the build script, not the output
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vHHWR
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 d10fe64 Shea Levy: haskellPackages.developPackage: Add overrides argument...
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<catern> sure but they're pure functi- oh right.
<catern> heh, I see...
<clever> so you need a generic key=value store, where the value can be 100's of mb
<dash> the key phrase to look for in the bug tracker is "intensional store"
<clever> catern: only with fixed-output derivations, will the hash actualy be of the content
<catern> I see
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