<nh2> where is it defined what the `with` keyword does?
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<nh2> earldouglas: yes, it works very well in my experience
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<nh2> earldouglas: you just say `deployment.targetHost = ""` and that's it, will work for any NixOS target host
<nh2> this fact is underdocumented though
<nh2> simpson: thanks
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<nixy> I am looking at the nix expression for weechat and having a hard time figuring out how I would get a python module to be available to the python weechat uses
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<nixy> I thought I would override the python it depends on, but it depends on pythonPackages for some reason. How can I get the python weechat uses to have a python module available?
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<dmj`> Is it possible to retrieve the runtime closure (list of all paths) of one derivation, inside another derivation
<earldouglas> nh2: oh, awesome; thanks!
<earldouglas> Do I just omit deplyment.targetEnvironment?
<earldouglas> How do I manage SSH keys? Does it just use my host key?
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<nh2> earldouglas: yes, you omit `deplyment.targetEnvironment`. For ssh keys, `openssh.authorizedKeys.keys`
<nh2> takes a list of pubkeys as strings
<earldouglas> Makes sense. Does that connect as root? Should I add the appropriate pub keys to /root/.ssh/authorizedKeys on the remote boxes?
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* dmj` sees exportReferencesGraph
<nh2> earldouglas: the setting I mentioned sets the given keys as additional keys for root after nixops is done configuring your machine. For connecting to your machine initially, it will just use you standard ssh key / ssh agent
<nh2> in other words, it will invoke plain `ssh`
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<earldouglas> Got it. Thanks a lot.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [hydra] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vS1HX
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master 949e586 Shea Levy: Move build logic for the core hydra package into its own default.nix....
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixops] nh2 opened pull request #647: manual: Add section on how to deploy to a machine already running NixOS (master...patch-1) https://git.io/vS1HH
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<gchristensen> Dezgeg: " I can imagine library code has never been tested to that limit, certainly Mksquashfs code hasn't. The maximum size machine I've run it on is 24 cores, and it's been tested/developed on a 4 core machine with 8 Gbytes (*). I can imagine a whole host of problems with statically sized tables which size to the amount of cores/memory which given the above exceed addressing limits and/or code assumptions."
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<copumpkin> can we just limit the parallelism/etc?
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<gchristensen> yeah I pinned it to just 24 CPUs and 24GB RAM
<gchristensen> ("just")
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<c74d> "<Havvy> We really should remove rustNightly from nixpkgs... <Havvy> ...in favor of Mozilla's overlay" — although I don't yet use nightly, I like the idea of having a rustc nightly that updates without my intervention but not so frequently as nightlies are released
<c74d> (I don't, however, think the package should be kept just for me)
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<c74d> I don't like the idea of Nix updating it actually nightly because of how quickly it would produce garbage generations
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<c74d> I could GC them, but for me these are system generations, and I don't want to risk GCing all my bootable generations, so I only GC them after booting, which is seldom
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<c74d> (apparently NixOS once took more pains to preserve a bootable generation, but no longer does: <https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/24158>)
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<Havvy> c74d: You can choose a specific nightly with the overlay.
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<c74d> mm
<c74d> then it would only update with my intervention, no?
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<Havvy> c74d: Yes.
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<hyper_ch> howto get kvm running on nixos? virt-manager keeps telling me stuff is missing
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSMJ3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ffa2bc2 Peter Hoeg: terragrunt: 0.11.0 -> 0.11.1
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<rcschm> hi, i am new to nix and i am not sure how to extend the configuration for tmux when we install it with nix-env. any help is appreciated. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/programs/tmux.nix
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<c74d> rcschm: you can set options for tmux in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, but configuration.nix is a separate way of installing software from nix-env; that configuration will not apply to a tmux installed with nix-env
<rcschm> you mean just have configuration.nix file in the folder when i call nix-env -i tmux?
<rcschm> i am using nix-env on ubuntu.
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<c74d> no; if you want to configure tmux in Nix— oh. configuring tmux from Nix only works on NixOS (afaik)
<c74d> rcschm: on Ubuntu, write /etc/tmux.conf as normal
<c74d> rcschm: oh, or ~/.tmux.conf
<c74d> I don't believe Nix can write either for you on Ubuntu
<rcschm> i am seeing the configuration is defined in tmux.nix.
<c74d> yes, that only works on NixOS (a Linux distribution based on Nix)
<rcschm> it should be allowing user to customize stuff. is my understading far off?
<c74d> rcschm: that doesn't work on Ubuntu
<rcschm> nix is a flexible package management. that is what is advertised to be, to my understanding.
<rcschm> hmm. that is kind of strange.
<rcschm> nix-env should be universal. at least more robust on linux.
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<rcschm> i am looking at vim.nix. and it allows users to customize the plugins for instance.
<c74d> rcschm: You have the Nix package manager installed on Ubuntu; you can install tmux from it and use that tmux normally. The feature you want is not part of Nix, but rather part of NixOS, a Linux distro based on Nix
<rcschm> i am just not sure on tmux since there is no example at all.
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<rcschm> can i write a derivable overwrite to get my customization in?
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<c74d> probably
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<rcschm> if you look at tmux.nix
<rcschm> tmuxConf = ''
<rcschm> set -g default-terminal "${cfg.terminal}"
<rcschm> set -g base-index ${toString cfg.baseIndex}
<rcschm> setw -g pane-base-index ${toString cfg.baseIndex}
<rcschm> ${if cfg.newSession then "new-session" else ""}
<rcschm> ${if cfg.reverseSplit then ''
<rcschm> bind v split-window -h
<rcschm> bind s split-window -v
<rcschm> '' else ""}
<rcschm> it has a built in tmuxConf. i am just trying to provide my own tmuxConf in place of the one in tmux.nix.
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<steveeJ> rcschm: doesn't ~/.tmux.conf work?
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<unlmtd[m]> does someone have a trick to define their shell per user?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] matthewbauer opened pull request #24838: pinentry_mac: use xcbuild (master...ibtool) https://git.io/vSMmX
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<steveeJ> does fetchFromGithub encode $PWD when it's used?!
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<steveeJ> ha, this was a funny one. I have the local cloned repository installed as an overlay, and the symlink was broken after the local repo was moved ;D
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<symphorien> I am on x86_64 but I would like a nix-shell with a 32 bits version of a specific library. How can I do that ?
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<LnL> symphorien: nix-shell -p hello --argstr system i686-linux
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<symphorien> I still have 64 bit libraries in what is listed in CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH
<symphorien> despite using --pure
<domenkozar> try
<domenkozar> nix-shell -p pkgsi686Linux.hello --argstr system i686-linux
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<musicmatze> Has someone wrapped ipfs into tor on nixos already?
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<musicmatze> if not, how to? :-)
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<symphorien> domenkozar: thanks :)
<symphorien> what is the use of "--argstr ..." if it is already specified with pkgsi686Linux. ?
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<domenkozar> it's two different things
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<symphorien> then what do those mean ?
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<domenkozar> symphorien: hmm reallz what LnL suggested should work, maybe nix-shell has some guards
<LnL> oh wait, it's probably because of the -p magic
<domenkozar> right
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<domenkozar> LnL: but doesn't still that use a template when the imports should respect system input?
<LnL> no idea, but that would make sense
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra closed pull request #1302: Process nix.conf options in "new" commands, add test (master...fix/nix-options) https://git.io/vSuQt
<LnL> symphorien: nix-shell -E 'with import <nixpkgs> { system = "i686-linux"; }; stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "shell-environment"; buildInputs = [ hello ]; }'
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<domenkozar> LnL: symphorien thanks, I opened https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1323
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<symphorien> well thanks to you :)
<LnL> do you know if the new ui has a -p option, or was that reworked?
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<domenkozar> it does, but afaik it's now a positional arg
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<domenkozar> atomic bomb or netsplit?
<LnL> it looks like the matrix gateway
<domenkozar> shit, hiroshima again?
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<domenkozar> </blackhumor>
<domenkozar> LnL: I'd guess the same bug is also there, but we could/should check
<LnL> I seem to remember seeing something about simplifying -p
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<ocharles> hey. anyone's ssh agent stopped working?
<ocharles> I've noticed in my shells that $SSH_AUTH_SOCK isn't set. Looking at set-environment, $SSH_AUTH_SOCK is only set if $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is set, but that is also not set, so that might be part of the problem
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<hyper_ch> how to get KVM running on NixOS with virtmanager?
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<cmacrae> Morning peeps o/
<cmacrae> How's everyone doing? :)
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<LnL> hyper_ch: virtualization.qemu.enable and enableKvm IIRC
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<LnL> hyper_ch: virtualisation.libvirtd.enableKVM, not qemu aparently
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<nanobapt> hi there
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<nanobapt> I want to use Slic3r under nixos but I have some trouble to execute it
<nanobapt> I have the same problem has reported here https://github.com/alexrj/Slic3r/issues/3036
<nanobapt> I wanted to upgrade the perl OpenGL package to a more recent one 70
<nanobapt> but I don't know how to do this
<nanobapt> can anybody help ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] matthiasbeyer opened pull request #24840: diamond: init at 0.8.36 (master...pr-23111-fixed) https://git.io/vSMam
<ixxie> nanobapt: maybe this will help https://nixos.org/wiki/Nix_Modifying_Packages
<NixOS_GitHub> [hydra] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSMaa
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master 468b048 Eelco Dolstra: Revert "Move build logic for the core hydra package into its own default.nix."...
<ixxie> nanobapt: I think a packageOverride is what you need
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<nanobapt> ixxie: and how you can look for a specific version of a package ?
<ixxie> nanobapt: I believe each version of nixpkgs has some specific versions of all the packages, and that if you want to have a specific version you should package it yourself
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<ixxie> nanobapt: this is a simple custom package I made for a github project I use: https://github.com/fluxcraft/fluxstack/blob/master/env/nixos/modules/unstable.nix
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<ixxie> nanobapt: if the project is on a git repo, you can use nix-prefetch-git to find the details you need to pin the particular revision
<toppler> Hey. Is the nixops way to get SSL keys into the VM via the deployment.keys attribute?
<nanobapt> ixxie: don't it depend from the store version I use ?
<ixxie> nanobapt: in the example I sent, no: it uses the fetchFromGitHub tool to create a package from a specific revision of a git repo of my choosing. The dependence here on pkgs is simply because I need fetchFromGitHub.
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<nanobapt> ixxie: yes ok, but if I use a different channel, it should be ok right ?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] loskutov opened pull request #24841: pythonPackages.bleach: declare unix support (master...bleech-unix) https://git.io/vSMwc
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<ixxie> ixxie: as long has you have access to the githubfetch thingy it should work I think
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<ixxie> nanobapt, I mean xD
<nanobapt> ixxie: yes thxw
<nanobapt> :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSMok
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 54bbf91 Nikolay Amiantov: buildFHSEnv: add ACLOCAL_PATH...
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<hyper_ch> LnL: https://paste.simplylinux.ch/view/ed30f505 I have that in my conf but it's still complaining
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<hyper_ch> running virtmanager it complains about nothing found
<LnL> what's the error?
<hyper_ch> can't say... not at that machine right now
<hyper_ch> it complains no suitable stuff found
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<copumpkin> Dezgeg: any idea what all the new failures in staging are? I took a random sampling and they seemed largely spurious hydra issues, but wasn't sure if there was something else about your commits
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<Dezgeg> I think the latest one where findutils fails seemingly spuriously causes all the rest
<Dezgeg> it looks strange in hydra though, as they don't show up as "Dependency failed"...
<gchristensen> is there a way force the broadcast address for an interface? I'm not seeing an option.
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<copumpkin> do fetchgit and fetchzip now match in the common case if pointed at github?
<copumpkin> match hash
<copumpkin> Dezgeg: yeah that's what was throwing me off
<copumpkin> that's a ton of red Xs
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<SovereignBleak> I have a package that triggers a source package build of qt-anywhere but I don't know which package it is and I don't want to rip the packages out one by one to find out. Is there a command I can use to find the perpetrator of this processor violence?
<SovereignBleak> Triggers it on a nixos-rebuild switch that is.
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<mrottenkolber> So I have just upgraded to 17.03 and one of my modules stopped working because apparently config.environment.sessionVariables.SSL_CERT_FILE does no longer exist, was it renamed? Can anyone give me a pointer to what’s changed?
<domenkozar> mrottenkolber: try setting config.environment.sessionVariables.NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE
<domenkozar> or using that
<hyper_ch> so, I just noticed that the Iosevka font is packaged for nix. However I needed to add it in the package list settings and not the "font section" of my configuration. Why is that?
<mrottenkolber> domenkozar: so SSL_CERT_FILE was renamed to NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE?
<symphorien> how can I get a library compiled with an extra compiler flag ?
<domenkozar> mrottenkolber: at least in Nix, yes
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<mrottenkolber> domenkozar: do you think I should keep setting SSL_CERT_FILE for backwards compatibility?
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<domenkozar> mrottenkolber: yes, most applications will use that
<domenkozar> NIX_* is something we patch for curl/etc
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<mbrock> maybe someone with experience packaging Rust programs in nixpkgs instantly recognizes the problem with this build? https://travis-ci.org/NixOS/nixpkgs/jobs/220878423
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<sphalerite> Is there a good reason not to put absolute paths in the DT_NEEDED entries in executables built through nix? It should make executing programs take much fewer system calls as far as I understand it
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: can I borrow you for 30 minutes to an hour? I'd like to give you access to a powerful server running nixos, and I'd like to see if you think it works correctly
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<gchristensen> you can do whatever you want on it
<copumpkin> real ultimate power
<exarkun> Can I turn off the `*** Downloading ‘https://cache.nixos.org/...` output from nix-build somehow?
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<copumpkin> exarkun: try --quiet maybe? I haven't tried but that might help
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSM9X
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 224a8f7 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.9.21 -> 4.9.22
<copumpkin> note that it's different from -Q for some reason
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSM9S
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 770117e Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.9.21 -> 4.9.22...
<copumpkin> which tells it to be quiet in a different way
<exarkun> Hm I looked at https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#sec-nix-build and I didn't see a `--quiet` option
<domenkozar> gchristensen: just half an hour? :D
<copumpkin> yeah I know
<copumpkin> it's secret
<gchristensen> domenkozar: up to an hour I suppose? :)
<copumpkin> (an oversight in the manual, as far as I know)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fadenb opened pull request #24842: radarr: -> (master...radarr_596) https://git.io/vSM9F
<gchristensen> domenkozar: if you're up to it, let me know -- it'll be ready in ~15 minutes
<domenkozar> gchristensen: what are you interested in?
<gchristensen> I want to be sure that if I tell someone "you can run nixos on X" it doesn't have surprises
<gchristensen> at least, somewhat sure :)
<domenkozar> run all nixos tests there
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSMHG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6860eed Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.10.9 -> 4.10.10
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5f05792 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.4.60 -> 4.4.61
<domenkozar> tell copumpkin how awesome it is to have a XX core machine that can do virtualization
* domenkozar would cry too
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSMHc
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 5fcce3d Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.10.9 -> 4.10.10...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 e69e56f Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.4.60 -> 4.4.61...
<gchristensen> nixos tests already pass, this would be more "as a user"
<gchristensen> if you don't want to play, I can find someone else :)
<domenkozar> gchristensen: I'd love to but my time is still limited :/
<gchristensen> I understand
<domenkozar> gchristensen: btw what's the configuration of the machine?
<gchristensen> copumpkin?
<copumpkin> wha
<gchristensen> which aspect of its configuration?
<copumpkin> oh the machine is very beefy and lots of fun
<copumpkin> I enjoy compiling kernels and gcc on it
<copumpkin> with a side of chromium
<domenkozar> sounds like a good machine to have with big-parallel feature
<domenkozar> :-)
<copumpkin> okay I've only actually ever compiled kernel on it
<gchristensen> indeed...
<gchristensen> it is why I want help validating a user won't have a bad experience using it :o
<domenkozar> I just recently got information that GHC compiling doesn't scale too well with 4+ cores
<domenkozar> :-(
<domenkozar> I had grave plans for 32 core machines compiling haskell
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<gchristensen> I guess it wouldn't handle 96 very well :/
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fadenb opened pull request #24843: smokeping service: restart on-failure (master...smokeping_service) https://git.io/vSMHj
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<gchristensen> ok. does anyone (who I know) want to bang on an 8-core server w/ 32GB of RAM for a bit?
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<betaboon> Hello everyone, I am somewhat new to nixos and currently trying to package taiga-io as a nixes-service.
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<betaboon> Here my question: can anyone share any experiences with packaging a django-based application?
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<exarkun> --quiet didn't suppress the output
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<copumpkin> boo
<copumpkin> exarkun: not sure it's possible then. Might be worth filing an issue to Nix issue tracker? It should be on stderr if you just don't want to see it
<exarkun> yea I guess I'll change my build script to do something with stderr instead of passing it through
<exarkun> What does -Q do?
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<copumpkin> -Q makes individual builds shut up
<copumpkin> so you only see summaries
<copumpkin> saying "building path X"
<cmacrae> Sup guys - so I've only very recently started using NixOS. Playing around with it on an old ThinkPad at the moment. I'd really like to have pretty much my entire configuration be declaritive. Are there any good approaches/practices/methods for storing potentially sensitive information in .nix configurations? I'd like to track my system configurations with Git and host them on GitHub, but slightly concerned about publicizing some
<cmacrae> stuff. For instance; wpa_supplicant's 'pskRaw' hex value for some WiFi networks, or my user account's hashedPassword (yep... I know it's hashed, but still). Just wondering what others do to approach this?
<cmacrae> (Sorry for the essay in the middle of a discussion :p)
<exarkun> cmacrae: nothing nix specific here, but https://github.com/AGWA/git-crypt might help.
<cmacrae> Cool - cheers exarkun :)
<orbekk> cmacrae: I tend to collect everything in a single directory, e.g., /opt/secret
<cmacrae> Sweet - thanks for your answers guys
<cmacrae> Any others feel free to keep them coming/keep the discussion up!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #24845: nano: 2.8.0 -> 2.8.1 (master...update_nano) https://git.io/vSMFB
<cmacrae> Glad to see there's healthy, active conversation taking part around this subject
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<cmacrae> On another note: I've enjoyed my short time with NixOS so much already that I'm considering changing my work laptop from a MBP (/w macOS) -> Dell XPS 13 /w NixOS
<cmacrae> Been looking to get away from macOS for a little while now
<steveeJ> betaboon: maybe you can look at one of the existing services that uses django? does seafile still use django? if so that would be a candidate
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<copumpkin> cmacrae: if you decide to stay on macOS, there's also a lot of effort going into making that experience better, including some NixOS-style service management by LnL
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<cmacrae> copumpkin: Cool! Yeah it's already piqued my interest, as I've spent quite some time hacking around with pkgsrc on macOS. But really, I just miss BSD/Linux
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSMb0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8c56608 Nikolay Amiantov: unity3d: 5.3.5 -> 5.5.3...
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<cmacrae> Awesome LnL
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSMbz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 a9fb947 Nikolay Amiantov: unity3d: 5.3.5 -> 5.5.3...
<cmacrae> It'd be great to bring this stuff to macOS
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<LnL> it still needs some work, but the basic stuff is there
<cmacrae> I think my urge to switch to NixOS is primarily in wanting to get away from macOS as an OS, only encouraged by my new found love for NixOS
<schoppenhauer> hi. I am still trying to get teamviewer work, and nobody answers my mail on the mailinglist :\ anyway I could write a patch that uses their included libraries that probably have all the required symbols, but the maintainer of the nix package probably had his/her reasons to delete it. the maintainer is "jagajaga". does anyone know him/her or whether I should contact him/her?
<the-kenny> cmacrae: did that about three (or already four?) years ago, never looked back
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<schoppenhauer> also, I think since this is a package that not many people use, it might be better to provide it in an FHS environment
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<goibhniu> cmacrae: FWIW one XPS 13 user here had problems with keys being repeated, and another had no problems at all
<schoppenhauer> but then again, since it is also a system service, this might not be the best idea.
<schoppenhauer> anyway, can anyone help?
<cmacrae> the-kenny: Funnily enough, I went backwards :p Ran various Linuxes, then OpenBSD exclusively for a number of years, only to jump onto macOS and hack around on that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSMNt
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 635822d Domen Kožar: nixos: escape brackets in systemd units...
<cmacrae> goibhniu: Hmm, good to hear - hopefully it's not a problem. Fortunately, I think I'm gunna get to "try it out" before making it a permanent switch
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSMNO
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 7ad99e9 Domen Kožar: nixos: escape brackets in systemd units...
<schoppenhauer> so in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/cf82ab73e2fbb6f335d9710a883351aa4d086aee/pkgs/applications/networking/remote/teamviewer/default.nix there is in line 39 this rm -R command, which deletes the RTlib directory. The first thing I would try is to just include it and maybe apply patchelf to it. But as I said, the maintainer may have had reasons to not include it. These reasons might be that it is just
<schoppenhauer> sort of "culture" to try to link everything agains the native libs from other packages. On the other hand, it is even in the debian package, so there might be actual reasons.
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<schoppenhauer> so if this was the only reason, I would try to patch it the way that it uses its own RTlib. because functionality is, imo, more important than saving a few kilobytes of memory. on the other hand, if there was a reason or these libraries do not work in some environments, maybe having a flag for whether or not to keep it might be the right thing.
<bennofs1> schoppenhauer: I think debian in particular has a no-vendoring policy
<yorick> how do?
<schoppenhauer> bennofs1: yes, but it *is* included in the debian package.
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<bennofs1> oh
<schoppenhauer> bennofs1: and it is actually used. while in the corresponding nix-libraries, some symbol is not exported, which is why for me, some binary does not start
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<schoppenhauer> I am not sure what to do about that, but I also don't really consider it worthwile for a few kilobyte RAM, if there's no other reason.
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<schoppenhauer> So what's the right thing to do? just submit a patch, and wait if anyone complains?
<schoppenhauer> or ask the maintainer beforehand, what his reasons were?
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<schoppenhauer> actually, I see the reason why not to just put it into an FHS environment: it requires a root daemon to run. *on the other hand*, there is a version not requiring installation or root. but that one maybe doesn't have the possibility to be a server.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixops] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSMxu
<NixOS_GitHub> nixops/master bbf9a79 Niklas Hambüchen: manual: Add section on how to deploy to a machine already running NixOS (#647)
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<ryantrinkle> is there a way to make command-not-found work with a git checkout of nixpkgs-channels rather than an actual channel reference?
<disasm> cmacrae: I have a parameters.nix file that's machine specific and in my .gitignore.
<bennofs1> ryantrinkle: no, as the data it uses comes from file listings generated by hydra
<schoppenhauer> gah, to patch and actually test the package, I would have to install a system daemon from a local repo.
<disasm> cmacrae: also, I was rather impressed (made the jump about a week or two ago) with how well my macbook pro works with nixos :)
<bennofs1> ryantrinkle: you could try https://github.com/bennofs/nix-index which will let you index everything for which hydra has builds (but the hash needs to match exactly)
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<schoppenhauer> how can I do a nixos-rebuild switch with a single package from a local repo, but the rest from the old ones.
<ryantrinkle> bennofs ah, nice
<ryantrinkle> that looks good
<schoppenhauer> ah, or more like it, how is the policy: under what conditions can I also submit pull requests to stable?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ikervagyok opened pull request #24846: chromium: flashplayer: -> (master...pepperflash) https://git.io/vSMhu
<nanobapt> :q
<steveeJ> schoppenhauer: you manually import the local repo and use it just for one package
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<cmacrae> disasm: Oh? I can't boot NixOS on my MacBook as I just get a black screen at boot :(
<disasm> cmacrae: is yours one of the newer ones?
<cmacrae> disasm: MacBookPro 12,1
<cmacrae> So, not one of the 'New MacBooks'
<mrottenkolber> hmm so nixops failed with "unable to activate new config" but the reason is not immediately clear to me, maybe the warning have something to do with it? https://gist.github.com/eugeneia/5e7406a41a576ed72434a42430c3b489
<cmacrae> disasm: I get the same problem on a 2011 MacBook Air
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<cmacrae> Try an EFI boot from USB - gets to the bootloader, but then instantly a black screen and no disk i/o on the USB drive
<gchristensen> domenkozar, copumpkin: https://pageshot.net/h3rFRutwquf0NHgP/lab.packet.net
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<cmacrae> Tried rewriting the install iso to several different drives and also tried older releases
<cmacrae> Same thing :/
<disasm> cmacrae: well that's odd... I have a 2011 macbook air here that I installed nixos on as well
<copumpkin> gchristensen: you even have the new logo!!
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<cmacrae> disasm: Yeah? Weird...
<disasm> how'd you create the USB?
<gchristensen> copumpkin: :D
<disasm> cmacrae: I did it from OSX: sudo dd bs=4m if=path/to/nixos-minimal-16.09-x86_64-linux.iso of=/dev/disk2
<cmacrae> I wrote the install iso using `dd if=path/to/iso of=/dev/rdisk3 bs=4m`
<disasm> yup, same command...
<cmacrae> Hmm, maybe it's literally cause I'm doing /dev/rdisk3 though? Using the raw device descriptor
<cmacrae> Shouldn't make any difference (other than speed)... but maybe I should just give it a shot
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<disasm> can't hurt :)
<cmacrae> It'll be really annoying/a relief if it is just that :p
<Filystyn> does anyone here can confirm torsocks work for him?
<Filystyn> i get fail on torsocks wget duckduckgo.com
<Filystyn> but without torsocks it works
<seanparsons> Is there a process (other than clogging Github issues) by which we can push for changes to migrate from nixpkgs master into release-X?
<mrottenkolber> Ok, I got rid of the warning, nixops still errs with "rm: cannot remove '/var/setuid-wrappers': Device or resource busy", what could that hint to?
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<Filystyn> aaaand it seems torsocks need to be anbled via configuration file
<mrottenkolber> I am actually not sure that is the error
<cmacrae> disasm: Yeah that Air is the exact one I have! Alright... maybe there's hope - guess I know what I'm doing tonight then!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSDe5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 474d112 Lancelot SIX: nano: 2.8.0 -> 2.8.1...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ae002d6 Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #24845 from lsix/update_nano...
<cmacrae> disasm: Don't suppose you've got your .nix configs up somewhere for the Air? Wouldn't mind grabbing some of the system specific options :)
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<symphorien> I am writing a nix expression for a package which is built with cmake but when I list cmake in the buildInputs it triggers a sort of hook "fixing cmakelists" which fails because the CmakeLists are elsewhere. How can I disable this hook ?
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<Filystyn> not working
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<bennofs1> symphorien: set dontFixCmake = 1 in your derivation
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<symphorien> ok thanks
<schoppenhauer> steveeJ: do you have some code example, maybe?
<schoppenhauer> because I am not really good at … nix syntax
<Filystyn> how to use torsocks on nixos
<Havvy> :S kdeinit5 keeps crashing on startup.
<bennofs1> domenkozar: how far is your stack2nix work? any code somewhere? :)
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<domenkozar> bennofs1: eta ~2 weeks
<domenkozar> (lots of things going on in parallel)
<bennofs1> domenkozar: is it a stack backend or separate from the stack tool itself?
<domenkozar> bennofs1: it's an executable for cabal2nix
* bennofs1 just wants something to make stack work for intero on NixOS
<bennofs1> oh ok
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<tippenein> while evaluating the attribute ‘nativeBuildInputs’ of the derivation
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<bennofs1> domenkozar: hmm. I don't like wrapper scripts to be honest. a stack integrated solution could use nix to build a ghc-with-packages for all deps and then just behave as if you've set resolver: ghc-resolver-using-that-ghc. Then stack could avoid going through nix-shell every time and only rebuild it if anything changed
<tippenein> does this give me any clue where the build is breaking?
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<domenkozar> bennofs1: I don't know much about intero and how it works, just wante to give a lead
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<gchristensen> when does the next weekly go out?
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<nixy> gchristensen: Seemingly the 14th
<gchristensen> cool, might get this done in time ...
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<noah-nix> Hello
<noah-nix> Does anyone have an idea of how to solve the issue with my NixOS installation not booting?
<noah-nix> I'd rather troubleshoot a bit more, before switching to UEFI.
<Havvy> So, uh, kdeinit5 fails for me, but KDE4 doesn't.
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<noah-nix> Havvy: speaking to me, or asking for help?
<Havvy> Asking for help, I think.
<Havvy> I'm not sure how to debug what's going on.
<Havvy> It worked a few days ago, but now even going back to the nixos generation that worked is crashing.
<noah-nix> Oh, okay. I'm new to Linux, so I can't probably help. What happens when it crashes? An error message or something?
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<noah-nix> Does it switch over to the terminal screen?
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<mudri> noah-nix: I probably can't help much, but what's in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix?
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<Havvy> noah-nix: Nope. I get a half-working desktop. The first notification stays up forever since whatever code to repaint after you close it doesn't load.
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<Havvy> It segfaults twice. Once 30% through the loading bar; another 70% through.
<noah-nix> mudri: srhb checked it yesterday and it was okay. I can paste the link from yesterday (Nix pastebin) if you'd like
<mudri> Yeah, just so I can see what's going on.
<goibhniu> noah-nix: I had trouble using BIOS on a particular machine (years ago), but UEFI worked. My understanding is that some machines have a BIOS compatible thing, which doesn't quite work ... maybe UEFI is worth a shot.
<noah-nix> goibhniu: well my computer has BIOS of standard, and UEFI would be the compatibility layer.
<noah-nix> mudri: sure, one moment, I don't have the link from yesterday so I'll create a new pastebin :-)
<noah-nix> mudri: oh and, I've reinstalled several times
<goibhniu> Havvy: I wonder if some rc file is referring to a path in the store ... did you try with a fresh user account?
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<Havvy> goibhniu: No, but I can.
<noah-nix> Havvy: wild guess here, could this help? https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=289&t=138332
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<Havvy> noah-nix: That says something about freetype, but I don't know if I'd be using the version they say isn't working or not.
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<noah-nix> Havvy: what if you type "freetype-config --cflags" in terminal? As mentioned, I'm just guessing here.
<noah-nix> That should show the freetype version installed.
* noah-nix will be right back, eating.
<Havvy> freetype-config: command not found
<noah-nix> Havvy: oh :-( then I don't know, sorry
<Havvy> Although that's on the KDE4 bootup.
<Havvy> Logging in as a new user worked.
<Havvy> (Testing reboot)
<goibhniu> Havvy: cool, there are various files e.g. ~/.config/ksmserverrc which could contain store paths ... I guess something like that is causing the problem
<goibhniu> (grepping ~/.config for "/nix/store" will help track that down)
<Havvy> This looks wrong: In .config/kdeglobal `dbfile=/home/havvy/.mozilla/firefox/pl0moes4.default/places.sqlite`
<nh2> is there a current solution / convenience function to put (A) a full nixos installation or (B) a package built with nix and its dependencies, into a Docker container?
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<simpson> nh2: Yeah, lemme find it.
<dash> nh2: B is fairly easy, it's dockerTools.createImage iirc
<dash> oops buildImage
<nh2> simpson dash: so `contents = theDerivation` simply makes sure that the image has the appropriate file system including recursive /nix/store dependencies?
<dash> yes.
<dash> also known as the "closure" for that package
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<nh2> dash: OK, so I guess it won't run systemd, so it will be the solution for question (B), right?
<dash> simpson and I have done this for some stuff we package with nix and employed a few tricks to make the image size smaller
<dash> nh2: I don't know how to get a full nixos system running in a container using this approach
<schoppenhauer> I wonder how this teamviewer-package *ever* builds anywhere…
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<dash> nh2: I hadn't ever considered that as a thing someone would want actually
<simpson> nh2: I am guessing that something defined near the top of the nixos tree could be plugged in in order to get a boot-to-systemd, but I don't know exactly how to do it.
<domenkozar> config.build.toplevel is an attribute that has a reference to filesystem layout of /run/current-system, you'd copy that to a docker image
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<dash> domenkozar: aha.
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<domenkozar> there's an init in there
<bennofs1> domenkozar: were you talking about building an auto-patchelf? or was that someone else?
<domenkozar> yeah
<domenkozar> bennofs1: on top of https://github.com/Enlambda/nix-channelstatus
<dash> nh2: what do you want to make?
<bennofs1> domenkozar: well, I wonder, how where you planning to disambiguate between multiple possibilites? Like (zsnes.out) 0 s /nix/store/r30afcf4nww961s1yhmad4nwvrdr5h3v-gcc-5.4.0-lib/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (zed.out) 0 s /nix/store/k3hfmjr1xjywl45s47fb0lj3l1im05md-node-webkit-env/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (zed.out) 0 s /nix/store/k3hfmjr1xjywl45s47fb0lj3l1im05md-node-webkit-env/lib64/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (xen.out) 0 s /nix/store/yjpc1r08wz2prykgjmikbl2m2p4vz20b-gcc-4.9.4-lib/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (virtualbox.out) 0 s /nix/store/m561iqcgas57rzv8z2nwb7s59zy2zgfp-gcc-5.4.0-lib/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (virtualbox.out) 0 s /nix/store/m561iqcgas57rzv8z2nwb7s59zy2zgfp-gcc-5.4.0-lib/lib64/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (trezord.out) 0 s /nix/store/zag7bpja0fxm2r45x5xzdv8ff3rvj2nx-gcc-5.4.0-lib/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (suil.out) 0 s /nix/store/f0pvl01br5rm76kf2f9i8iapi01i8nr8-gcc-6.3.0-lib/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> mentorToolchains.armLinuxGnuEabi.out 0 s /nix/store/90hmgqpz184bk3mb7akd84gwczw3mdlf-sourcery-codebench-lite-arm-linux-gnueabi-2013.05-24/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/libc/armv4t/usr/lib/libstdc++.so
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<bennofs1> mentorToolchains.armLinuxGnuEabi.out 0 s /nix/store/90hmgqpz184bk3mb7akd84gwczw3mdlf-sourcery-codebench-lite-arm-linux-gnueabi-2013.05-24/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/libc/thumb2/usr/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> mentorToolchains.armLinuxGnuEabi.out 0 s /nix/store/90hmgqpz184bk3mb7akd84gwczw3mdlf-sourcery-codebench-lite-arm-linux-gnueabi-2013.05-24/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/libc/usr/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (sherpa.out) 0 s /nix/store/1z9x2lrvbr6yzn3xvbh03wz50q2kwqfw-gfortran-5.4.0-lib/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (platformio.out) 0 s /nix/store/f0nbx395cn809xm5lr2ai18xc0w0s3ma-platformio-usr-multi/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (platformio.out) 0 s /nix/store/8fkmz592f21b4zmng3wqn62lqcmnipkm-platformio-usr-target/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (platformio.out) 0 s /nix/store/8fkmz592f21b4zmng3wqn62lqcmnipkm-platformio-usr-target/lib64/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (platformio.out) 0 s /nix/store/yrp146nxnilvs4yavl0v3aa1y22hikxn-platformio-fhs/usr/lib32/libstdc++.so
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<bennofs1> (platformio.out) 0 s /nix/store/yrp146nxnilvs4yavl0v3aa1y22hikxn-platformio-fhs/usr/lib64/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (pdftk.out) 0 s /nix/store/yy1df1lqvv0c1r3yi7q99wsxs5lvs6wb-gcj-4.9.4/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> libstdcxx5.out 0 s /nix/store/08qm110as8dxq55dkx55lip2mlg41yfm-libstdc++5-3.3.6/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (habitat-sh.out) 0 s /nix/store/fnxcbvpxjmr2lgrx3i4sd1vx01zs0vy9-habitat-sh-fhs/usr/lib32/libstdc++.so
<Havvy> ;.;
<bennofs1> (habitat-sh.out) 0 s /nix/store/fnxcbvpxjmr2lgrx3i4sd1vx01zs0vy9-habitat-sh-fhs/usr/lib64/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (habitat-sh.out) 0 s /nix/store/hqhwl3br4jbfgz9ybf6fcmrmmcd94g3p-habitat-sh-usr-target/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (habitat-sh.out) 0 s /nix/store/hqhwl3br4jbfgz9ybf6fcmrmmcd94g3p-habitat-sh-usr-target/lib64/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (gfortran48.out) 0 s /nix/store/cvb4bpssrafihzdnxq6vxqmbbhrjqdjx-gfortran-4.8.5-lib/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (gcc-snapshot.out) 0 s /nix/store/lwcmqqx0xd930hwnv322zksjyfmvyd54-gcc-7-20161211-lib/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (gccgo.out) 0 s /nix/store/1zqyvb5xzxszqyrdvk9dslykr1v1lnxx-gccgo49-4.9.4/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (gfortran49.out) 0 s /nix/store/m9qwh6xrqi5phifjm8z4xi81ngkdp281-gfortran-4.9.4-lib/lib/libstdc++.so
<gchristensen> omg
<bennofs1> (gfortran6.out) 0 s /nix/store/gcnk03x7g07jnk6z4iwv7znzfrmwni5a-gfortran-6.3.0-lib/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (gcc45.out) 0 s /nix/store/n5sj9j3jy5g8c53azq19y5iba4cpnjfl-gcc-4.5.4/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (gcc48.out) 0 s /nix/store/y7ss1l9mwgw72rgnnfl6xpzj0lmldggp-gcc-4.8.5-lib/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> gcc-unwrapped.lib 0 s /nix/store/mpi06h1i531wdjrmp6dnq4hwyrm52hcy-gcc-5.4.0-lib/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (gcc_debug.out) 0 s /nix/store/wg8iq8wnw5pxhmf1mlpdxsv92pxpbwly-gcc-debug-5.4.0-lib/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (brackets.out) 0 s /nix/store/xr0nh4q8dysipi410g74yvm9skdb81b2-env-brackets/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (brackets.out) 0 s /nix/store/xr0nh4q8dysipi410g74yvm9skdb81b2-env-brackets/lib64/libstdc++.so
<nh2> I like how it posts one per second
<bennofs1> (android-studio.out) 0 s /nix/store/zpkiclbmlz8x5xs7gnl8vgyfjq058yyl-android-studio-fhs-env-fhs/usr/lib32/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (android-studio.out) 0 s /nix/store/zpkiclbmlz8x5xs7gnl8vgyfjq058yyl-android-studio-fhs-env-fhs/usr/lib64/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> (android-studio.out) 0 s /nix/store/3jkn3sym9xjna2784cdlxbys668lxkgq-android-studio-fhs-env-usr-target/lib/libstdc++.so
<bennofs1> oh sorry! :(
* Havvy blames the IRCd.
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<dash> gchristensen: out of practice i see ;-)
<gchristensen> yup :P
<domenkozar> bennofs: so my idea was to gather statistics about how many times a package is referenced
<bennofs> sorry for the spam
<dash> i wish more irc clients had irssi's paste guard
<gchristensen> I haven't had to use +o very much since I stopped frequenty PHP
<domenkozar> then provide a preview what would be picked
<nh2> domenkozar: let me check if understand it right. If I declare a package, put systemd into the buildInputs, and then somehow put the config.build.toplevel of that package into `buildImage.contents`, I could "boot" that systemd?
<simpson> gchristensen: I think that +q would have worked on Freenode. Not sure though.
<dash> yeah, +q is the typical thing
<gchristensen> it would have but I was going to have to look up the syntax
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<domenkozar> nh2: you'd have to probably do more work to get NixOS to boot inside the container
<nh2> dash: in trusted systems, it can be convenient to use Docker only as a resource isolation / scaling solution, e.g. when running your own software on your own Kubenetes
<domenkozar> nh2: that's just a tip where to start
<exarkun> nh2: You probably also have to a bunch of other hacks because systemd doesn't really want to run in Docker.
<bennofs> I need to investigate why my client didn't warn me though
<bennofs> it normally does when pasting more than 3 lines
<dash> nh2: sure, but isn't that what docker is already
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<domenkozar> nh2: another approach is https://github.com/xtruder/nix-kubernetes
<exarkun> nh2: The more common thing is to just put the specific application you want into a Docker image and run it without an init-like system.
<nh2> dash: well by default it runs only 1 executable, not an entire process tree nicely
<simpson> nh2: That just means that your one executable needs to know how to spawn subprocesses, in a certain POV.
<nh2> exarkun: right, that's a microservice then though, and you can't use the convenient `services.*` helpers to build how the parts work with each other
<exarkun> nh2: Why do you want to run lots of processes in one container?
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<gchristensen> systemd can't run in docker
<schoppenhauer> I am currently trying to figure out what is calling a specific file in the teamviewer-build. is there a default thing that the setup does with extracted debian packages?
<gchristensen> there are other init systems sometimes used in docker, like tini
<nh2> gchristensen: OK, I simply assumed it can by now, so then (A) is not yet possible
<gchristensen> right
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<gchristensen> which, why would you? if you want that, you want like Virtuozzo or openvz
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<Havvy> Welp. Without doing anything other than creating a new user and logging in as that user, I can now log into my user without kdeinit5 crashing. X.X
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<nh2> gchristensen: simply because of available tooling, it is very easy to just use a kubernetes farm as a cheap VM hosting platform
<gchristensen> I spose
<dash> nh2: alas, containers are not VMs :-[
<simpson> nh2: Well, sure, but why not just put your IRC client or whatever into its own container?
<nh2> simpson: it's not always easy with the subprocess, there are ugly things like reparenting: When you spawn some subprocesses which spawn other subprocesses, and some in the middle die, then they get reparented to init, which in that case would be your program; most programs are not expecting to get other deep processes reparented to themselves, typically only real init systems handle tha tproperly
* dash grumbles something about how IBM figured all this out in the 70s
<simpson> nh2: Well, yes, but if I start pointing out antipatterns, I'm going to have to include Docker, systemd, the idea of PID 1, the idea of PIDs and kernels... Computers are bad, I suppose.
<gchristensen> yeah computers are bad
<nh2> no questions about that
<nh2> of course we're all eager to run nix on Redox OS
<noah-nix> mudri: I'll pastebin the file now. :-)
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<dash> nh2: someone started porting it to genode...
<simpson> nh2: I am viewing all memory-unsafe technologies as transitional. That includes Rust. Someday we will boot to capability-safe environments and I will not miss C.
<gchristensen> right after we migrate off cobol
<noah-nix> mudri: did you want to check the configuration.nix , or the hardware-configuration?
<Dezgeg> hey, wasn't cobol memory safe? :-)
<simpson> Dezgeg: My main gripe with COBOL is that it was a transitional language between unstructured and structured programming. So it still has stuff like GOTO. And ALTER, which is a runtime-computed GOTO.
<mudri> noah-nix: just configuration.nix. I've never really read a hardware-configuration.nix.
<Dezgeg> wow, I didn't know nano is such a critical package: http://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/trunk-combined/tested#tabs-constituents
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: it is in every nixos env
<simpson> But yes, it was a memory-safe jewel for its era. Really, memory-safety has been around for a while. FORTRAN was quite memory-safe compared to BCPL and C. It's weird that we haven't demanded it more often.
<gchristensen> and ifort is really a gem of a compiler
<gchristensen> (and priced accordingly)
<nh2> simpson: why does Rust go into your transitional category, because of `unsafe`?
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<simpson> nh2: Right. unsafe-blocks are a blessed part of the language, which means that Rust can't guarantee certain safety properties in third-party code.
<noah-nix> mudri: alright. Here it is: nixpaste.lbr.uno/V-1WbNjF?nix
<gchristensen> I have some extremely unsafe rust code that rust calls safe lol
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] tripokey opened pull request #24847: kakoune: 2017-02-09-> 2017-04-12 (master...kakoune-update) https://git.io/vSD4E
<gchristensen> (it is my own fault for not calling it unsafe, but this is a thing that you can do, and I could go ahead and publish this as a crate and nobody would know)
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<simpson> So, if you could imagine Unsafe Java, a fork of Java which gives you unsafe-blocks for accessing private/protected members...
<simpson> It would be unsafe, right? But regular Java is unsafe in the same way.
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<Havvy> gchristensen: We could read the source and see the unsafe{} there.
<nh2> simpson: that doesn't sound like a fundamental flaw though. I imagine that as the language evolves, there will be less and less `unsafe` and tooling can solve the remainders, just like SafeHaskell solves it for Haskell
<simpson> So we can imagine a language which is *post* transition and simply: Doesn't have unsafe-blocks, and doesn't let you violate access modifiers, period.
<mudri> noah-nix: and you're following the manual, I'm guessing?
<noah-nix_> mudri: I had to switch to another PC, the previous one I was chatting on was way too slow. Did you receive the link_
<noah-nix_> mudri: yeah
<mudri> Yep.
<noah-nix_> mudri: I have tried both the short and the detailed manual.
<rmrfroot> i have a vague memory that there is a top-level go-packages.nix in nixos, but can't find it. have i been dreaming?
<simpson> nh2: Those are incremental transitional steps. I envision (and indeed, have written) a language where we have simply encoded the best practices of safety into the language semantics.
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<gchristensen> Havvy: you could
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<Havvy> simpson: Except that things like Vec would have to become primitives in said language.
<simpson> Havvy: Yes, and for a practical look at that kind of memory model, check out the Pony language.
<Havvy> And anything else that uses UnsafeCell...
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<simpson> Havvy: And this is why I normally work in GC'd languages. Abstracting memory means that I don't have to worry about it.
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<noah-nix_> Did the file look as it should? If it did, I presume I will have to switch to UEFI and try. I have waited with that since, switching to UEFI creates some weird partitions on my HDD named "EZ-Drive".
<rmrfroot> bennofs: ah, that makes sense! thank you
<simpson> Ditto with cap-safe languages. Abstracting the object graph and removing the ability to access privates means that we don't have to worry about whether or not we'll have an access violation.
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<bennofs> rmrfroot: git log --grep go-packages helps in this case :)
<dash> nh2: The tricky part is that in general, you can't get to security by starting with an insecure system and removing stuff.
<noah-nix_> But I would rather not switch because it should work with legacy bios! I think all distros I have tried previously have worked fine with legacy bios. Also my dad will have NixOS as well, and his computer has legacy BIOS
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<nh2> dash: in general, no. In c, you couldn't, as removing [] would break all code. But if the compiler has explicit support for that, then you can
<noah-nix_> Would this require submitting a bug in the Github, perhaps?
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<noah-nix_> Since no-one here seems to know the solution of this issue.
<gchristensen> noah-nix_: you could try github, or the mailing list
<gchristensen> nixos does work with legacy bios for sure, but I think defaults to efi if the computer is capable
<noah-nix_> gchristensen: I do not have UEFI enabled though.. so it should not detect that..
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<noah-nix_> gchristensen: can this be done without an email address?
<gchristensen> I doubt it
<noah-nix_> Okay
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<rmrfroot> bennofs: yeah, definitely! :) can't believe it was almost a year ago
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<noah-nix_> Can a bug be submitted from this IRC bot?
<noah-nix_> Is there a way for me to file a bug without email?
<noah-nix_> I currently do not have an email address since I am switching from ISP to ProtonMail.
<rmrfroot> going to package a gdrive cli application, would `pkgs/applications/networking` be a suitable place?
<gchristensen> if you write up your issue as an anonymous pastebin, I'll submit it for you noah-nix_
<noah-nix_> gchristensen: oh, thank you!
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<gchristensen> that is like being a 3-* programmer taktoa
<taktoa> yeah lmao
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<gchristensen> though I'd rather have better named supers :P
<dash> taktoa: well memed sir
<dash> gchristensen: super, suuper, suuuper
<gchristensen> just like ruby's end ennd ennnd
<taktoa> yeah shadowing is kind of gross but at the same time I think it's pretty benign there
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSDE9
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b2c87fb Shea Levy: lib: Add test for composeExtensions
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<noah-nix_> gchristensen: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/CZPf0mGC?text
<noah-nix_> I assume that is an anonymous pastebin?
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<shlevy> peti: What's the right way to a) update the haskell packages on master and b) port a new haskell package back to 17.03?
<bennofs> shlevy: not sure if it's even possible to port a single, new haskell package back to 17.03
<noah-nix_> gchristensen: Please let me know when you have pasted the link :-) Thank you
<shlevy> bennofs: :'(
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<bennofs> shlevy: you could use overlays to add your package! :)
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<gchristensen> noah-nix_: can you include any log messages as well as your configuration files?
<gchristensen> noah-nix_: on second thought, I'm starting to wonder if it would be better to wait for you to get your protonmail account
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<noah-nix_> gchristensen: okay. I will probably wait with it then. Thanks anyways!
<noah-nix_> Is there no other place I could ask for help?
<noah-nix_> Like #nix
<gchristensen> this, the mailing list, and the github issue tracker are about it
<noah-nix_> So there is no #nixos-admin like?
<gchristensen> this is it
<noah-nix_> ok
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<noah-nix_> can I ping someone who might know the solution? if so, who?
<gchristensen> I think you might get the best help by sending mail to the mailing list
<noah-nix_> gchristensen: alright
<schoppenhauer> how can I enforce a rebuild of a package? I already tried uninstalling and nix-collect-garbage. --repair is not supported through nix-daemon it says.
<gchristensen> schoppenhauer: nix-build with --check
<Havvy> Alright. What causes kdeinit5 to crash as one user but not as another?
<bennofs> Havvy: files in $HOME ?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSD2G
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3fa5605 Joachim Fasting: grsecurity: 4.9.21-201704091948 -> 4.9.22-201704120836
<noah-nix_> gchristensen: I have created a temporary hotmail account for this. What is the Mailing list address?
<schoppenhauer> gchristensen: error: Package ‘Agda-Sheaves-8a06162a8f0f7df308458db91d720cf8f7345d69’ in ‘/home/christoph/nobackup/nixos-unstable-teamviewer/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/agda/Agda-Sheaves/default.nix:18’ is marked as broken, refusing to evaluate.
<gchristensen> schoppenhauer: you're trying to build everything apparently, you'd add --check to your existing nix-build command
<gchristensen> ^ could we have a "stub" broken package named "you-are-trying-to-build-everything"
<schoppenhauer> gchristensen: I did use nix-env -f ... -i ... before
<schoppenhauer> gchristensen: now I use nix-build --check /home/christoph/nobackup/nixos-unstable-teamviewer/nixpkgs teamviewer
<gchristensen> -A teamviewer should do it
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<schoppenhauer> gchristensen: ah thx
<schoppenhauer> gchristensen: now I get a result/ directory. is it also installed?
<Filystyn> anyone was successful with
<gchristensen> no, schoppenhauer, but you can nix-env -i ./result/
<Filystyn> using torsocks ?
<schoppenhauer> gchristensen: thx
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rzetterberg opened pull request #24848: gdrive: init at 2.1.0 (master...master) https://git.io/vSDaM
<taktoa> Is there an attribute `foo` such that for any nixpkgs checkout `n`, `(import n {}).foo == n`?
<taktoa> i.e.: a way to get from pkgs back to the path from which it was computed?
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<taktoa> hmm now that I think about it I might be able to carefully abuse meta.position (unsafeGetAttrPos) to compute such a thing
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<gchristensen> taktoa: look at line 143 of pkgs/stdenv/generic/default.nix
<gchristensen> oh there you go :P
<taktoa> oh, apparently pkgs.path is a thing
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<gchristensen> ikwildrpepper: ping (#3)
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<schoppenhauer> hm. how can it be that a library can be loaded when its path is in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but not when it is in the rpath?
<taktoa> oh, I've had that before, but I'm totally forgetting the cause
<bennofs> schoppenhauer: rpath does not propagate to dependencies
<bennofs> schoppenhauer: while LD_LIBRARY_PATH does. or something like that
<schoppenhauer> bennofs: ok
<bennofs> schoppenhauer: check output with env LD_DEBUG=all to be sure
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<noah-nix_> How long do you usually have to wait for a reply in mailing list?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #24700: Fixes for macos (master...fixes-for-macos) https://git.io/vSVdC
<gchristensen> noah-nix_: typically as long as it takes
<noah-nix_> gchristensen: and how long approximately?
<nixy> noah-nix_: Until somebody decides to respond
<bennofs> noah-nix_: it really varies
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<copumpkin> noah-nix_: like most FOSS it's a community of volunteers, so it depends on (probability someone knows how to answer * probability they see your question * how willing they are to take their free time to answer it)
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<noah-nix_> oh hi copumpkin
<noah-nix_> yeah
<Havvy> noah-nix_: Do you know how to get drkonqi working on NixOS?
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<noah-nix_> Havvy: sorry, unfortunately not, tbh I have never used NixOS except the live environment on the install DVD, but I will do some research on the internet.. don't expect much tho..
<Havvy> I've already done research and I'm not finding anything.
<Havvy> Something about disabling some plasmoids I don't have.
<LnL> urgh, I want a redirect for nixos.org/manual/nixos
<noah-nix_> Have you tried reinstalling KDE?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs opened pull request #24850: haskell-packages: factor package set construction into new file (master...haskell-make-package-set) https://git.io/vSDKK
<Havvy> That's not really possible? It's all in the /nix/store. I did switch to an older NixOS generation that had KDE4 and that worked...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSDKX
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a883581 Joachim Fasting: suitesparse_4_2: remove bogus NIX_CFLAGS...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 540a641 Joachim Fasting: suitesparse_4_4: NIX_CFLAGS -> NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 13a0ad3 Joachim Fasting: opal: NIX_CFLAGS -> NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE...
<noah-nix_> Havvy: maybe something's wrong with qt5..
<noah-nix_> just guessing now, haven't worked before hahah
<Havvy> It was working two days ago.
<Havvy> This only started yesterday when the disk got full.
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<gchristensen> what fs are you using?
<Havvy> gchristensen: ext3 I think?
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<Havvy> Nope, ext4.
<noah-nix_> Havvy: yeah, that is what the manual says
<noah-nix_> ext4
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<gchristensen> hrm :/
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<Havvy> If I could install drkonqi, I could figure out more information. But I don't see how to do so.
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<alex-v> Hi, I am getting different versions of R in nix-shell -p R (3.2.3) and nix-env -i R (3.3.3). Any reason why?
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<Havvy> alex-v: nix-shell uses the NixOS packages by default, not your user profile.
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<alex-v> Havvy: I ran update-channels for the admin account (I am on unstable) which is my default profile. Shouldn't I get the latest R there?
<alex-v> nix-channel --update that is
<Havvy> Hmm, probably.
<alex-v> nix-channel --list shows nixpkgs https://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable
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<schoppenhauer> why does a .so-file have an interpreter set?
<alex-v> I can't figure out where the old R is coming from
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #24826: bonnie: Update Darwin patch (master...bonniepp) https://git.io/vSXf2
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] laMudri opened pull request #24851: thunderbird: add option to enable calendar (master...thunderbird-calendar) https://git.io/vSDi7
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<tippenein> I'm not explicitly using nativeBuildInputs, why is the dep failing here? http://lpaste.net/354541
<tippenein> I got that with --show-trace, otherwise it just says I'm missing ghcjs-base
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<spacefrogg> schoppenhauer: AFAIK it is responsible for runtime resolution of library dependencies
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<c74d> "2017-04-12 13:07:39 <mbrock> maybe someone with experience packaging Rust programs in nixpkgs instantly recognizes the problem with this build? https://travis-ci.org/NixOS/nixpkgs/jobs/220878423" — that looks like depsSha256 mismatch; usually, as I understand it, one `nix-build`s the package once, the build fails with that error, one copies the hash it says the "-fetch" derivation has into the package's
<c74d> `depsSha256` field, then `nix-build`s it again to confirm that the hash works
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<c74d> I would guess that you didn't perform the testing step specified in nixpkgs manual section 13.1 ("Making patches"; <https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#idm140737318467184>), which should have caught the error before it got to Travis
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<copumpkin> shlevy: almost stumped on these installer test woes
<copumpkin> :(
<copumpkin> too many stores at play
<bennofs> how can I clean unused derivations in /nix/store ?
<copumpkin> nobody should have to think about 3 distinct nix stores in a single test
<copumpkin> bennofs: nix-store --delete /nix/store/*.drv perhaps? :)
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<niksnut> I'm slightly tempted to require clang for building nix :p
<copumpkin> niksnut: ooh, how?
<copumpkin> err, how come
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<niksnut> I'm running into an apparent bug in gcc
<c74d> bennofs: `nix-collect-garbage`?
<copumpkin> niksnut: even in 6?
<niksnut> some interaction between multiple inheritance and member variable initializers
<niksnut> yes
<copumpkin> ouch :/
<bennofs> What other GC roots are there besides current-system and booted-system + user profiles?
<niksnut> there is a workaround though
<copumpkin> bennofs: any result link
<bennofs> copumpkin: I cleared all auto gc roots
<copumpkin> ah
<copumpkin> there's a way to ask it what your active roots are
<copumpkin> I can't remember what that is though
<bennofs> and ran sudo nix-collect-garbage -d
<bennofs> but the closure size of current-system/booted-system is <10gb, yet my store is 34GB
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra closed pull request #24851: thunderbird: add option to enable calendar (master...thunderbird-calendar) https://git.io/vSDi7
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<cmacrae> disasm: So, no luck booting NixOS on my 2011 MacBook Air :/ Still the same problem
<cmacrae> Just goes straight to a black screen after the bootloader
<cmacrae> It's weird...
<schoppenhauer> hm. ok. now I need assistance. I changed the teamviewer package such that it works. at least the client part. before sending a pull request, I would like to test the teamviewer-daemon as well. but for the one part, I fail to add the unstable package to environment.systempackages; for the other part, there is also a teamviewer-service, services.teamviewer.enable = true;
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<schoppenhauer> and I have no clue how to use its unstable counterpart in my system
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<schoppenhauer> https://pastebin.com/5LvigHag this is how I currently try it. but it doesn't work. "error: value is a function while a set was expected" for tvpkgs.teamviewer
<schoppenhauer> and as I said, no clue what to do about the service
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<copumpkin> niksnut: I think only option is to switch all of nixpkgs to clang
<copumpkin> then all will be good again
<gchristensen> niksnut: it ikwildrpepper on vacation? :)
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<sphalerite> Dezgeg: just have to say I'm amazed that you jumped straight onto the issue and wrote a patchelf patch on my issue within 3 hours
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<copumpkin> !m Dezgeg
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, Dezgeg!
<copumpkin> such a useful bot
<gchristensen> !m Dezgeg
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, Dezgeg!
<gchristensen> !m [0__0]
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, [0__0]!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [hydra] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSDde
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master fed37ea Shea Levy: nix-prefetch-git: Only remove .git, not e.g. .gitkeep (#454)
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<mekeor> is there something like an unfree nixos-installation image? i'd like to be able to `modprobe nvidia` instantly after booting the image (from usb-stick).
<gchristensen> you can make your own installer
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<mekeor> okay. how? any link maybe?
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<schoppenhauer> oh noez. now I have to … send a pull request /o\
<schoppenhauer> I hate this part :\
<tjg1> is there a way to force copying the uefi boot manager to EFI/BOOT/BOOTx64.efi?
<tjg1> i can't get it to work otherwise
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<dgonyeo> which I use like this: nix-env -i lmrs -f . -p out
<dgonyeo> but when I run this: nix-store -qR out/
<dgonyeo> I see all the build dependencies
<dgonyeo> how do I make that only be the runtime dependencies?
<dgonyeo> (this was also working recently but I somehow broke it)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vSDxd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging eb750f9 Daiderd Jordan: Merge branch 'master' into staging
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] michalrus opened pull request #24853: intero-nix-shim: init at 0.1.0 (master...intero-nix-shim) https://git.io/vSDp8
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<dgonyeo> oh, it looks like it's due to me having a library section in my cabal file
<dgonyeo> even though my nix file has isLibrary set to false
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<davenull> How can I add an ssh key to a nixos system?
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<LnL> dgonyeo: users.users.<name?>.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys
<LnL> davenull: ^
<copumpkin> anyone wanna help me think through a super weird installer test puzzle? Dezgeg, shlevy? :)
<gchristensen> I'll listen at least
<davenull> LnL, Just put they key in between brackets?
<copumpkin> so: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/tests/installer.nix#L132 is the source of all my pain :( right above the line above that copies into configuration.nix, I'm able to run (as an ad-hoc adjustment to the test script) `nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.installBootLoader` and it returns a particular hash. As soon as I change configuration.nix, it has a new hash, and I can't figure out why. The new
<copumpkin> configuration.nix doesn't seem to change anything that would affect it
<davenull> s/bracket/brace/
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<MichaelRaskin> copumpkin: have you diffed the dependency graph?
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<copumpkin> MichaelRaskin: that's probably my next step, it's just painful because it all happens inside a VM after the somewhat lengthy install process :)
<MichaelRaskin> (of .drv)
<gchristensen> copumpkin: would you like a way to make your vm faster?
<copumpkin> gchristensen: yes please! but it's fairly fast already I think?
<LnL> davenull: don't use .password on a real system tho
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<gchristensen> copumpkin: virtualisation.qemu.options = ["-smp N"]; where N is the number of cores you'd like the vm to use
<davenull> Lnl, hmmmm. It doesn't seem to work. Where does it place the keys?
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<LnL> not sure
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<mck> Hello! I am wondering if anyone here is running Sway on their nixos installation and could detail how they are doing so
<LnL> davenull: /etc/ssh/authorized_keys.d
<copumpkin> gchristensen: cool, unfortunately I don't think any of what this is doing is parallel :( but good to know for future
<gchristensen> I found it helped a lot anyway
<sphalerite> mck: I tried it once but it didn't work well enough to replace i3/X
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edanaher opened pull request #24854: acme: Add "domain" option to separate domain from name (release-17.03...add-acme-domain) https://git.io/vSyTc
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<davenull> Lnl, ok, the key is in there, and it appears to be the correct one, but it doesn't use the key when I try and ssh.
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<copumpkin> niksnut: have you switched nixpkgs to clang stdenv yet? :)
<gchristensen> bahaha
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<nh2> then we could at least link very fast
<davenull> Any trick to get it working that anyone knows?
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<nh2> davenull: do you have an ssh-agent running? Is it the default key in `~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`? Did you make sure to put in the pubkey, and not accidentally the private key? Does ssh -v produce some useful output? Does `ssh -i /path/to/privatekey` help?
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<davenull> nh2, -vvvvv doesn't show an error, it sends the key to the server, a type 50 packet gets sent, a 51 gets sent back, and then password.
<copumpkin> MichaelRaskin: arrrrgh, --tree output does not have a consistent ordering, so not very useful for diffing
<davenull> Is strict mode enabled by default.
<davenull> ?
<copumpkin> MichaelRaskin: and I can run through sort but then I lose the structure
<MichaelRaskin> copumpkin: well, what's the depth?
<MichaelRaskin> You could ask for _direct_ dependencies first
<MichaelRaskin> (and sort them)
<copumpkin> it's a big tree because it's of the .drv, which goes all the way back to bootstrap tools
<copumpkin> but yes, I can definitely work around it
<copumpkin> just even more pain :)
<davenull> ffering RSA public key: .ssh/id_rsa.pub
<davenull> debug3: send_pubkey_test
<davenull> debug3: send packet: type 50
<davenull> debug2: we sent a publickey packet, wait for reply
<MichaelRaskin> copumpkin: pastebin --graph somewhere
<MichaelRaskin> --tree is not that useful after a certain point
<copumpkin> curious, how will you diff the graphs? going to rerun again soon with --graph
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<MichaelRaskin> Default plan: list the nodes, diff, grep the corresponding edges, draw
<MichaelRaskin> Fallback plan: the same but draw the full graph and recolor
<nh2> davenull: hmm, can you show how you declare the key config in your nix file?
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<davenull> nh2, I have gone through and checked permissions on my local machine's user folder and the .ssh folder, no solution to be had there. I have a user named birdie, and in /etc/ssh/authorizedKeys.d/ I have a file called birdie, that contains the private key.
<davenull> s/private/public
<bennofs> shouldn't nix-store --gc --print-roots | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs nix-store -qR | xargs du -ch be about the same size as my /nix/store ?
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<plumps> yey, finally got portmidi ported to macOS
<davenull> nh2, openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDB7kMPuVqXGLki4+ZvIUXFqom6iHgtOiGEkENThHTqWAw/vc2AhHz8MtKsv60H02u66VWo38CR+YMQgjzmqXbJZwNuM8aw49JmTnCaY57Y+yI2ro1q6yxLGTOmMkjKUv1sk1KtBOnuMFEGJ7Em78YEVdVnRDj970z8HvhuI\
<davenull> qXRuINXeqjC0SBQhnG1Weyw4TRMzwIQTKIKViAckx1vbOvdXAajdPTVmyYcJoHps921bv73NhwEakL+FX4KQGpwGlW6wdo5pDzgG6Rc6r45tUF50Fe2MwWDiijS0CSmsupv5IGBDQ36M6UahS+8omDyB6zFRk157wjYEyIuikgr3rz birdie@thatcher"]
<plumps> what a handstand o.O
<davenull> nh2, That is in the user dfinition block of configuration.nix
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<ma9e> dumb question: how do i escape a # in a nix expression? i have a url like 'foo.com/#morefoo' and the # is commenting out the rest of the line
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<ma9e> or: is there a semantic difference between a url in quotes and one that isn't?
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<copumpkin> no, just put them in quotes
<copumpkin> lots of us dislike the native URL syntax before it's unpredictable
<ma9e> ok, thanks :)
<copumpkin> MichaelRaskin: it appears to not be consistent about assigning colors, so lots of spurious diffs in there too, even after sorting :)
<copumpkin> MichaelRaskin: although it becomes clearer if I strip the attributes in [] and then sort
<benley> Anyone know if there's a function that does the opposite of lib.getVersion? e.g. getVersion "foo-1.2" == "1.2", but what I want is stripVersion "foo-1.2" == "foo"
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<copumpkin> MichaelRaskin: so I think it's just grub-config.xml.drv, which makes sense I guess based on that configuraiton.nix
<benley> oh gah, answered my own question already. builtins.parseDrvName.
<MichaelRaskin> Well, first sort/uniq the result of cut -d ' ' 0f 1
<MichaelRaskin> -f 1
<bennofs> MichaelRaskin: i did that
<bennofs> MichaelRaskin: I now tried nix-store --gc --print-live | sort > /tmp/live
<bennofs> MichaelRaskin: and nix-store --gc --print-roots | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs nix-store -qR | sort > /tmp/closure
<bennofs> and those two are different
<copumpkin> MichaelRaskin: yeah it's definitely grub-config.xml :) thanks for pushing me to use --graph
<bennofs> seems to be mostly derivations
<MichaelRaskin> bennofs: I was replying to copumpkin, even if cut -f1 sort uniq is generic enough…
<copumpkin> that's always the answer :D
<bennofs> oh, perhaps I should set gc-keep-derivations = false...
<ma9e> is there a convention for having a git version and a release version of a package?
<MichaelRaskin> There should be a reason to package the git version, but that is usually not a very high bar to clear — just nonzero
<MichaelRaskin> Versioning can be complicated… Basically git package should get a version that sorts correctly with other git-derived versions and with actual releases
<ma9e> well, do you think there'd be an issue with building i3 from git?
<ma9e> and could we leave the possibility to choose between git and release tarball?
<Ralith> I think you'd need a very strong reason to have both git and release versions
<Ralith> it's easy for you to locally use a git version if you want that for your own purposes
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, loPrio for git snapshot and -iA for those who want to force choice is the standard paractice
<MichaelRaskin> practice
<MichaelRaskin> What is the benefit of i3 trunk?
<ma9e> the usual :/ just more/newer/occasionally broken-er features
<MichaelRaskin> Any specifics? Because, I mean, it is always easy to overrideDerivation and replace src
<ma9e> i was trying to debug something for airblader so i needed to build from next
<ma9e> fair enough :)
<ma9e> still learning nix so i haven't explored overrideDerivation. feel like i jumped a huge hurdle just navigating nixpkgs
<MichaelRaskin> I mean, you don't need to clone/edit/diverge the main expression, just apply specific override
<copumpkin> use overrideAttrs over overrideDerivation nowadays
<copumpkin> overrideAttrs is what overrideDerivation should have been
<copumpkin> same interface, but far more pleasant to use
<ma9e> okay, i'll take a look :) thanks guys!
<LnL> ^ overrideDerivation has some strange edgecases
<ma9e> it's all starting to feel strangely familiar to me so that's a good sign, maybe <3
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<MichaelRaskin> Hm, I remember when I provided full overridability for builderDefs and that was commented on as obviously too much override possibilities
<MichaelRaskin> On the other hand, Nix has infix addition of integers now, so things are slowly drifting
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<benley> wha - there was a time when nix did not have infix binary ops?
<MichaelRaskin> It did have + for concatenating strings just fine
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] plumps opened pull request #24855: added macOS compatibility to portmidi-3.17, java situation is unchanged (master...portmidi-darwin) https://git.io/vSysH
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<MichaelRaskin> But I think that _integer_ addition was a primop before being infix
<benley> oh, just not integer arithmetic
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<benley> got it
<benley> I hear nix 1.12 even has floating point support now, which is neat
<MichaelRaskin> Ouch ouch ouch
<benley> I don't have a use for that now but I wanted it a few years ago
<MichaelRaskin> Floating point, reproducibility, cross-platform reprodcuibility, pain
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<benley> You could make it reproducible by handling it as fixed-point internally, right?
<MichaelRaskin> Well, not _floating_ point then…
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sphaugh opened pull request #24857: Add envypn bitmap font (master...master) https://git.io/vSyZv
<Ralith> there's nothing difficult to reproduce about floating point operations
<MichaelRaskin> Ah
<MichaelRaskin> We are already out
<Ralith> just don't use a bunch of different hand-wavey optimization passes
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<benley> heh, totally fair
<MichaelRaskin> 1+4*1073741824
<MichaelRaskin> Evaluating this as Nix expression is already not cross-platform
<benley> wat
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<MichaelRaskin> Ralith: I am afraid that «using hardware floating point support» can turn out to be a handwavy optimisation to avoid, too
<MichaelRaskin> benley: it is a 32-bit integer overflow test, actually
<Ralith> insofar as that you're using IEEE compliant operations on that hardware, which certainly exist on most platforms, that shouldn't be a problem
<Ralith> may require some care in the implementation
<MichaelRaskin> And setting an approximately infinite amount of flags
<Ralith> but a failure is a bug, not some great tragedy we must resign ourselves to
<MichaelRaskin> And making sure that the C compiler doesn't override any of them
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<MichaelRaskin> The question is just whether fixed-point reals are good enough for Nix use case (while vastly simpler to get reproducible and fast)
<kahiru> hey, I'm having trouble unlocking encrypted partitions on boot. My encrypted root mounts fine, but then I want to unlock another luks container with a keyfile (present on the root) which contains LVM and I want to mount one of the LVs from there. Whatever i tried it hangs on "waiting for device to appear". Seems to me it doesn't unlock the luks container at all, but dunno. any ideas?
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<Ralith> I'm not super clear on why we need non-integers at all, tbh
<dash> Ralith: version numbers of course
<MichaelRaskin> There we need more than one dot…
<Ralith> dash: version numbers are tuples of integers
<benley> Ralith: my most recent use case was wanting to use nix as a DSL to produce job definitions for Apache Aurora
<MichaelRaskin> And we do have comparisons on version numbers anyway
<benley> Ralith: which requires specifying a quantity of CPUs as a decimal number
<MichaelRaskin> Ralith: that's false. There are also pre, rc, alpha, beta
<dash> Ralith: ssssh don't ruin it
<Ralith> comparing version numbers as floats would be very wrong
<benley> and version numbers are definitely strings.
<Ralith> dash: :P
<Ralith> MichaelRaskin: how do we do comparison on those?
<copumpkin> MichaelRaskin: okay, I think I know what I'm missing in my closure!!
<MichaelRaskin> Ralith: pre goes before the release
<Ralith> benley: quantity of CPUs as a decimal? o_O
<benley> Ralith: there is a builtins.compareVersions primop
<MichaelRaskin> So I would basically say pre ≈ -5 alpha ≈ -4 beta ≈ -3 gammas ≈ -2 rc ≈ -1
<Ralith> MichaelRaskin: so, they're funnily-written integers? :P
<benley> and yeah, aurora (which is a Mesos framework) lets you assign like 1.25 cores to a task. It's useful.
<MichaelRaskin> Speed of CPU and scheduling slice
<MichaelRaskin> I am not sure if we support actual negative integers in versions
<Ralith> benley: is there some reason you couldn't just encode that as a string?
<benley> One could certainly express that as an integer (where 100 = 1 core, perhaps) but that's not how that system expects it to be.
<Ralith> "we need to emit values of this type into a config file" is not a good argument for supporting that type in nix
<Ralith> seeing as you can always just pass strings through
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<benley> are you kidding me? that's a _good_ reason to support it imho
<dash> there's a simple way to end this argument
<dash> "accidentally" remove float support in a future nix release
<dash> put it back in a bugfix if anyone notices
<copumpkin> someone asked for it explicitly a year or two ago
<copumpkin> it wasn't in there by accident
<Ralith> benley: I strongly disagree. Config files can have arbitrarily complex and esoteric types which have no business in nix.
<dash> copumpkin: distressing
<Ralith> copumpkin: do we know why?
<copumpkin> I dunno, we could dig up the original ticket asking for it
<benley> Ralith: the config file is literally just JSON
<copumpkin> we should replace them with an explicit rational type :)
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<Ralith> rationals would be tidy, but I still don't see how they'd actually be useful
<benley> Ralith: I didn't even need to do arithmetic with float values in nix - just a way to represent decimal numbers at all and put them in json output.
<copumpkin> Ralith: you'd need a "toDecimalString" function :D
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<copumpkin> Ralith: which uses an overline diacritic for repeating digits ;)
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<Ralith> XD
<benley> so I guess I could have written a special json serializer that somehow knew the difference between a string containing a decimal number that should remain a string vs one that you meant to be a number?
<benley> haha
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar opened pull request #24858: Smart wrapProgram (master...smart-wrapprogram) https://git.io/vSycB
<Ralith> benley: you don't need a json serializer, you need a your-app's-config-file serializer, which already knows what type each field is being mapped from and to.
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<benley> it sure would be nice if the language just knew what numbers are though :-P
<Ralith> I guess you could add a flag to an option definition to indicate to the internals whether a string should be quoted or injected directly for a generic serializer, but that's a detail
<benley> but you're right, yes that could be done.
<Ralith> I think it's important that nix not lose sight of its role as a DSL
<benley> it's really quite useful to be able to do arithmetic in config DSLs, in my experience
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<benley> I ended up using Jsonnet rather than Nix for the aurora use case, largely because of the numeric type support.
<copumpkin> which is sad because I like Nix more than jsonnet :)
<benley> there are some things I really like about jsonnet, but I do like nix a lot :)
<domenkozar> we have dhall now
<benley> I'll have to try working with dhall a bit - I've read about it, but not used it.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sigma opened pull request #24859: hugo: 0.18.1 -> 0.20 (master...pr/hugo) https://git.io/vSyCg
<benley> dhall would have been a hard sell at the company where I got jsonnet introduced, I think :-P
<benley> "omg haskell!!?!?! are you crazy" etc
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<benley> Ralith: anyway I do see your point about avoiding the complexity of floating point support in the language implementation if you don't really need it. That's legit.
<benley> I just think it's worthwhile overall.
<Ralith> I'm not opposed to it if it's justified, but I'm drawing a total blank on defensible uses for float arithmetic in nix
<Ralith> and without arithmetic operations it's just a glorified string anyway
<benley> producing config files for various things seems useful to me :-P
<Ralith> we've established that it's not necessary for that :P
<MichaelRaskin> It is, if you want to use coarser policy than the config-file wants
<Ralith> there will always be config values that need to be represented as strings
<copumpkin> it's quite possible for FP operations to be fully deterministic across systems
<benley> in the aurora case, I needed to do simple math to combine partial job templates. Each would come with some fractional cpu requirements, and you sum them together to produce the final template.
<Ralith> given that, I think it is a better use of resources to support injecting strings very well in any case than to try to incorporate a huge number of types into the nix language natively
<Ralith> copumpkin: right, it's just a really suspect problem to have in the first place imo
<benley> and yes, you could fake that by awkwardly implementing fake decimal math using strings in nix. It would be awkward.
<copumpkin> most people don't want the baggage that comes with FP, but they do want sub-integers
<copumpkin> that's why I was half-jokingly saying rationals
<MichaelRaskin> copumpkin: we don't have a good track record in cross-platform arithmetics, though
<copumpkin> sure
<copumpkin> this is the real type we need in Nix: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/cyclotomic
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<copumpkin> who's to say I don't need all complex roots of unity?
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<j_koreth> .
<Ralith> :P
<benley> so anyway. float support in nix has already happened, in case that wasn't clear: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/search?q=float
<davenull> Hey guys, back again. Still haven't figured out the SSH key issue, but now I am in another world of pain... I have 4 VMs, all of them built with the same configuration file, and if I wget a tarball of ghost, they kernel panic, core dump, ,and freeze...
<MichaelRaskin> copumpkin: no
<MichaelRaskin> It's not real
<j_koreth> Hey does anyone know how to get kmail/korganizer/kontact running on nixos?
<copumpkin> MichaelRaskin: I also need all square roots of rationals, plus sine and cosine of rational multiples of pi in my config
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<copumpkin> anyway, I'll submit an RFC to replace our float support with that
<MichaelRaskin> Do you also need $e^{\pi \sqrt{163}}$ ?
<copumpkin> since I suspect that's what people really need
<Ralith> copumpkin: it looks to me like there wasn't ever any real discussion of justification, someone just went ahead and implemented it
<copumpkin> I think benley has made a reasonable case for wanting arithemtic on common fractions, right?
<copumpkin> the only real question remaining is whether that should be implemented in pure Nix (you lose e.g., the ability to load JSON containing fractions from someone else, since Nix's JSON support is a builtin)
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<Ralith> um, I don't think benley has discussed any need for arithmetic at all
<copumpkin> fair enough
<Ralith> he just wanted to be able to easily pass literals through
<davenull> Actually, it seems that downloading the tarball for ghost *is* what's causing the panics. I can wget anything, I can use NPM, but if I wget the ghost tarball, or use npm to fetch it, I get a panic :(
<benley> ... I also said I wanted to do arithmetic
<copumpkin> I guess we just need a way to communicate that builtins.toJSON should take my "1.25" and make it a literal JSON float
<Ralith> which is understandable but not compelling to me
<Ralith> benley: wanting to do a thing is different then having a need for a thing :P
<davenull> Anyone want to try downloading it, see if they experience the same?
<benley> okay, well. I needed it enough that I couldn't use Nix.
<MichaelRaskin> Give an url
<copumpkin> Ralith: "not compelling to me" isn't a particularly great reason to remove functionality that others use though
<copumpkin> also, holy shit
<MichaelRaskin> Experience shows that with more experience people start wanting more and more builtins
<copumpkin> I just got my rewritten nixos-install to pass its installer test
<copumpkin> !!!!!
<Ralith> copumpkin: is anyone actually using any functionality but passthrough-to-toJSON, though?
<copumpkin> Ralith: no idea :)
<benley> Ralith: no, because the support has not existed in a released version of nix yet so of course it has no users yet
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<Ralith> given that most config files can't be emitted in their entirety by toJSON it seems like a strange case to optimize for
<copumpkin> Ralith: perhaps propose a primop for "builtins.literalJSON" that "builtins.toJSON" supports, and a proposal for how to load JSON containing decimals?
<MichaelRaskin> On my fresh almost-NixOS system download works fine
<davenull> Well wtf?
<MichaelRaskin> Let me try downloading vanilla 17.03 ISO
<davenull> I have 100% consitency, 4 fresh installs, all of them panic at the same spot.
<copumpkin> I demand copious congratulations for my installer test success!
<davenull> I am using 17.03
<copumpkin> it's a momentous occasion indeed
<davenull> copumpkin, Congrats, now make it better!
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<copumpkin> thanks!
<copumpkin> and no, eww
<copumpkin> I didn't even want to touch the installer
<copumpkin> but a yak made me rewrite it anyway
<copumpkin> refactor is a better word than rewrite
<MichaelRaskin> I wonder if I should carpet-bomb RFC issues
<MichaelRaskin> For bootloader handling, for etc handling…
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<MichaelRaskin> Because I start getting a suspicion that my kludge-set systems have cleaner /etc/ switching than vanilla NixOS
<davenull> Huh... and now it works.
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<MichaelRaskin> A mere menace of someone downloading a CD to check works wonders!
<copumpkin> davenull: I removed the `if (user == "davenull") fail_loudly();` code to thank you for congratulating me
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<davenull> Yay!
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<MichaelRaskin> copumpkin: tell me more about the exact deployment process for that…
<ma9e> can we have quaternions in Nix? after all, golang did it
<copumpkin> MichaelRaskin: oh, I hacked the fabric of reality itself and like to mess with people by adding confusing special cases
<MichaelRaskin> Nothing less than sedenions is good enough
<copumpkin> golang has built-in quaternions? o.O
<ma9e> we need generic C* algebras
<copumpkin> I think we just need a library of generic algebraic structures and properties on them, in nix
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<ma9e> if i can't use differential forms in my config files this language is useless to me
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<davenull> ls
<MichaelRaskin> Depends on the set of elementary functions you are OK with…
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<MichaelRaskin> Also, are you OK to differentiate but not integrate?
<copumpkin> I want fractional derivatives though
<copumpkin> so we'll need the gamma function as well
<Ralith> copumpkin: the whole special-casing json thing just strikes me as a confusing thing to focus on; most config files are not json.
<MichaelRaskin> That's bad, you need integration there
<copumpkin> Ralith: I use that JSON thing all the time
<Ralith> last time I was writing modules I couldn't even get toJSON to handle modules at all, since there's a bunch of hidden attributes stuffed in option modules
<copumpkin> a ton of stuff I use has JSON as config, and JSON usually serves as reasonably good YAML too
<Ralith> so they ended up full of garbage
<copumpkin> anyway, a lot of more recent projects use JSON for config
<copumpkin> and toJSON has been great for them
<Ralith> if they have trivial flat configs, perhaps :/
<Ralith> pretty small benefit there
<Ralith> maybe there's a better way to json-ify option modules that I'm missing
<copumpkin> I also import JSON a lot
<copumpkin> Ralith: I just filter the attributes in my option modules
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<copumpkin> or explicitly spell out the schema before toJSONing it
<copumpkin> still years ahead of splicing together strings by hand
<Ralith> if you're explicitly spelling out the schema, why not just wrap the whole expression in quotes and splice in the values rather than going through an extra transformation stage?
<copumpkin> because then I notice far far later when I have a random shitty typo in my json
<copumpkin> like I spin up a whole server, it boots up, the service refuses to start, so I SSH in, and realize I forgot a comma
<copumpkin> we can write it as a library function
<copumpkin> but it's slow, and lots of library functions are getting translated to builtins because we like speed
<copumpkin> fromJSON is even more miserable to write as a library function, especially when there are efficient native libraries for that
<copumpkin> if we had a good plugins mechanism for nix, I'd totally use that
<Ralith> I don't really have a problem with things being builtins, it just feels like all these justifications are too strong--next we're going to have IP literals, then regex literals, then who knows what next
<copumpkin> but exec is a bit raw
<copumpkin> hey, we already have HTTP literals ;)
<copumpkin> but nobody's proposing literals
<copumpkin> it's just library functions for common stuff we use
<copumpkin> that can benefit significantly from native speed boosts
<Ralith> I haven't said anything about the library, fp ops aside
<copumpkin> I'd make a lib/json.nix if it weren't a builtin
<Ralith> my concern is just that nix is growing a new primtiive type apparently for no other reason than "json has it"
<Ralith> and a huge suite of complicated and apparently subtly buggy operations to match
<copumpkin> subtly buggy?
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<Ralith> MichaelRaskin was going on about demonstrably unportable arithmetic earlier
<Ralith> not sure of the details
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<Ralith> benley: I'm still not clear on what you want fp arithmetic for
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<mounty> bennofs: may I ask: your nix expression at https://github.com/bennofs/dotfiles/blob/master/.themplate/haskell-nix/default.nix -- do you expect it to build your Haskell project, or just run cabal2nix?
<mounty> I ask because I adapted it to my own purposes and it attempts the former, and fails.
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, we had _integer_ arithmetics since forever and it is actually used
<MichaelRaskin> But it is slightly unportable, yes
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] benley opened pull request #1325: Move note about float support out of the wrong release notes (master...float-rl-1.12) https://git.io/vSyEv
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<Ralith> integer ops are a lot more obviously useful, for stuff like computing unused UIDs, manipulating port numbers, etc
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<MichaelRaskin> And still they are non-portable in Nix
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<MichaelRaskin> Of course, builtins.currentSystem discloses the evaluating Nix personality, and it is used in NixPkgs at least on the top level, so technically cross-platform portability bugs only disclose what was already available
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<ramsdenj> I'm wondering if someone might be able to point me to some information on setting up autofs properly. I have enabled it with 'services.autofs.enable ' and I'm trying to edit the configuration with 'services.autofs.autoMaster' as mentioned in the examples but it doesn't seem to do anything. I'm trying to attach to an NFS share with a domain name that resolves when I ping it. I've done the same on arch with no problem.
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<MichaelRaskin> Although --option system does allow you to change builtins.currentsystem
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<erictapen> good evening everyone, I have a file with an list of env vars like DB_HOST=localhost. is there any smart way to modify the values with an builtin nix function? Otherwise I'd use sed, but im sure this is nasty.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar opened pull request #24861: qt4: enable gtk2 by default (master...qt4-gtk) https://git.io/vSy2y
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<copumpkin> shlevy: turns out the only thing I was missing in the closure was stdenv :(
<copumpkin> but it's working now
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dasuxullebt opened pull request #24862: Added the formerly deleted RTlib-directory, included its patchelf-com… (master...fix/teamviewer-rtlibs) https://git.io/vSyal
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #24863: atom: 1.15.0 -> 1.16.0 (master...atom_1_16_0) https://git.io/vSyVy
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #24864: gradle: 3.4.1 -> 3.5 (master...gradle_3_5) https://git.io/vSywF
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