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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] primeos pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHDGs
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fb26e5c Michael Weiss: androidenv: Update all packages using fetch.sh...
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<gchristensen> hmm -small updates regularly :) it'd be cool to graph this
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<drakonis> how do i update my packages?
<drakonis> unstable still installs outdated versions of packages
<drakonis> despote the channel already updatingg
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<spinus> drakonis: how did you install the package in the first place?
<spinus> and how you updating?
<spinus> nixos config, nix-env, nix-shell?
<drakonis> nix-env
<drakonis> i'd actually like to get the latest version of a package but installing from nix-env doesn't get the latest release from the channel
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<spinus> how you upgrade?
<spinus> nix-env -u ?
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<spinus> I found that when you do nix-env -u it doesn't upgrade packages which version in the name didn't change
<spinus> so maybe that's your case
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<drakonis> looks like it didn't upgrade
<drakonis> still using an outdated version
<drakonis> neat
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<boomshroom> Hello!
<boomshroom> I tried asking yesterday but I never got an answer. How can I access gcc7 from within a nix expression?
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<spinus> boomshroom: pkgs.gcc7 ?
<spinus> I don't see gcc7, I see gcc5 and 6, maybe there is no gcc7
<boomshroom> error: attribute ‘gcc7’ missing
<boomshroom> pkgs.gcc6 works, but doesn't support a desired target.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] primeos pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHDCC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d17bcfc Michael Weiss: androidenv: Manually update missing packages...
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<spinus> so looks like there is no gcc7 yet
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<Dezgeg> it is in master at least
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<johnramsden> I have a question for any c programmers. When developing on nixos, what is the canonical way to include system headers? I want to be able to access certain headers from an IDE and it seems some are available and some are not. Do you have to use a nix-shell? Or is there an other way like how '/run/current-system/sw/bin' can be used to access binaries?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] winniequinn opened pull request #26498: vscode: 1.12.2 -> 1.13.0 (master...vscode-1.13.0) https://git.io/vHDWq
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Nekroze opened pull request #26499: Kubernetes ABAC policy file fix (master...kubernetes-abac-policy-fix) https://git.io/vHDW3
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<boomshroom> How usable is unstable for desktop?
<nixy> boomshroom: You mean using unstable entirely? You can cherry pick packages from unstable and mostly use the point releases
<boomshroom> nixy: the thing is I want the latest and greatest for most non-critical, user, packages, but I don't want critical, early boot, processes to fail.
<nixy> boomshroom: I mean you could do things the other way then, using mainly unstable and cherry picking specific stable pacakges
<boomshroom> How would I do that within configuration.nix?
<nixy> If you have a nixos-unstable channel which you can create with `nix-channel` you can then use that in your config. Give me a minute and I can get an example
<boomshroom> Looking at my configuration.nix, I don't have that much that I *must* have stable.
<boomshroom> I have my user on a different channel than the system and I think it's making it more complex than necessary.
<nixy> That is pretty much a minimal example of how you would cherry pick stuff
<nixy> You can then override packages to have them refer to packages in unstable
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<boomshroom> I was using ArchLinux and didn't have any stability issues, so I'm probably being overly paranoid.
<nixy> This can cause you to have to compile way more packages as there will be less caching outside the point releases
<nixy> I mean yeah, probably a little. You can also rollback pretty easily if anything does go wrong. It's why Nix is great ;)
<boomshroom> If the packages have to be compiled locally, can it apply system specific optimizations and use instructions not available on the lowest common denominator.
<nixy> I don't know. In theory it seems like it would be able to similar to Gentoo, but I have never looked into that.
<nixy> I mostly run NixOS on cheap $5 servers without a lot of CPU cycles to spare
<drakonis> arch ey
<nixy> boomshroom: If you want to do CPU optimization this might be relevant https://mailman.science.uu.nl/pipermail/nix-dev/2013-February/010605.html
<nixy> I believe that would force _everything_ to be compiled though
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<boomshroom> Switching to unstable and enabling auto updates. #LivingOnTheEdge
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<nixy> A bold step into a brave new world!
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<boomshroom> I got booted during the switch. (from the channel, I didn't have to reboot the computer)
<boomshroom> Low and behold: now that my computer is all on unstable, gcc7 is now available.
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<boomshroom> I was able to access gcc7, but now it's complaining that attribute langCC is missing. Looking at the derivation for gcc, it's provided as an argument, but not stored in the derivation.
<spinus> boomshroom: I'm using unstable for almost 2 years on desktop, no major issues
<boomshroom> spinus: That's good to hear. Do you know anything about the langCC attribute of gcc7?
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<boomshroom> Does anyone have experience building cross compilers with specific gcc versions?
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<boomshroom> Anyone?
<nixy> That is a pretty specific question. It might be better to ask when more people are around. More people tend to be active during the daytime in EST.
<nixy> You could also try the mailing lists, which might get more visibility
<boomshroom> nixy: The problem is that I recently got my first job which leaves evenings as the little time I have on my computer. And my evening is eastern midnight.
<dash> boomshroom: there's also a nixos mailing list
<boomshroom> dash: I'll check it out.
<nixy> Trust me I get it lol, I work 10PM-9AM so I am always off from other people
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<boomshroom> nixy: graveyard? Ouch.
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<johnramsden> I have a question for any c programmers. When developing on nixos, what is the canonical way to include system headers? I want to be able to access certain headers from an IDE and it seems some are available and some are not. Do you have to use a nix-shell? Or is there an other way like how '/run/current-system/sw/bin' can be used to access binaries?
<nixy> How is the $PYTHONPATH variable generated in the package building environment
<nixy> It seems like it should/is based on all buildInputs with a lib/${python.libPrefix}/site-packages directory, but at the same time that isn't working for me
<nixy> johnramsden: I am not 100% since I don't do C myself, but I beleive nix-shell is the preferred way here. The headers are available when the packages are in the `-p` array of nix-shell right?
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<johnramsden> nixy: I assume so
<johnramsden> nixy: How do I use an IDE like that though?
<nixy> That is a good question. I have always understood that nix-shell is used to create dev environments for python as well, but I never though about IDEs
<nixy> Methinks if you included the IDE in the nix-shell `-p` array and launch it from the shell it might work?
<nixy> Again, I will say I haven't done any of this since I don't use C or IDEs so somebody who uses an IDE regularly may have better input
<johnramsden> Guess ill just install sstem wide. Thanks though
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<FRidh> nixy: during build-time the setupHook of `python` adds indeed all $buildInput/${python.sitePackages} to $PYTHONPATH. However, for the scripts that are wrapped, $PYTHONPATH is generated differently.
<nixy> In this case I am looking at weecaht which seems to wrap the pogram with `--prefix PYTHONPATH : "$PYTHONPATH"` so shouldn't they be the same in that case?
<nixy> Hmmm, it seems it gets added to PYTHONPATH in my local darwin build but not on NixOS
<johnramsden> I don't know if anyone has a better way to approach this, I'm trying to add some files that exist in 'pkgs.zfs' to the system profile so that the header files are accessible to me. Right now I've tried using 'environment.pathsToLink = [ "${pkgs.zfs}/include/libzfs/" ];', which doesn't seem to work for me, I'm not sure if this is the wrong way to use it. What I'm looking for it to do is link the libzfs directory, which contains
<johnramsden> libzfs.h to '/run//current-system/sw</filename>' but when actually go and look, it's not there. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong, or a better way to accomplish this?
<c74d> johnramsden: I think `environment.pathsToLink` takes paths relative to the package, not absolute paths; i.e., try dropping ${pkgs.zfs}
<FRidh> nixy: with scripts wrapped, I meant scripts wrapped by the function wrapPythonPrograms
<johnramsden> c74d: How will it know which package to use then?
<c74d> johnramsden: `environment.pathsToLink` applies to all packages (but most packages aren't going to have a `libzfs` directory)
<c74d> all packages in `environment.systemPackages`, at least
<johnramsden> Oh, that's not really what I want them.
<johnramsden> c74d: Any recommendations of what I should do if I want the header file to be accessible?
<c74d> I think `environment.pathsToLink = [ "/include/libzfs" ]` should work
<johnramsden> I'm thinking the best thing to do might just be to make a package and copy the headers to $out.
<johnramsden> c74d: I don't really wanted to applies every package though, all I want is headers accessible to users.
<c74d> the headers are already in $out AIUI
<johnramsden> c74d They are?
<johnramsden> Why does my IDE not see them?
<c74d> looking in my own /nix/store, it looks to me like `zfs` has only one output
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<johnramsden> What do you mean output?
<johnramsden> guess I want them accessible to the current system, not just the nix store
<c74d> oh, $out is an output, and the default one; others are bin, dev, ...
<c74d> johnramsden: an IDE (that doesn't know about Nix) wouldn't see them because they're not linked into the system environment (`environment.pathsToLink` controls what's linked in)
<c74d> to get them into the system environment (AIUI) you will need to set `environment.pathsToLink`
<johnramsden> c74d: Guess i'll try that
<c74d> while it theoretically applies to all system packages, in this case the path is specific enough to apply only to ZFS
<johnramsden> Well, that didn't work anyway.
<johnramsden> c74d: I tried environment.pathsToLink = [ "include/libzfs" ];
<c74d> johnramsden: I think the paths need to start with `/`
<johnramsden> c74d: There we go.
<johnramsden> c74d: Thanks.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] qknight closed pull request #26470: Spamassassin service updates (master...spamassassin-service-updates) https://git.io/vHPaC
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHDuj
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2d64e1b Vincent Laporte: lbreakout2: fix build on Darwin
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging cb9f953 Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'master' into staging...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26496: lxappearance: add variant for Gtk+-3 (master...fix.lxappearance) https://git.io/vHMj4
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHDzS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dc07372 Karn Kallio: kdenlive : patch CMakeLists.txt to find Concurrent module.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHDge
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6736ec3 Winnie Quinn: vscode: 1.12.2 -> 1.13.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9e4eb9b Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26498 from winniequinn/vscode-1.13.0...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26478: profanity: enable tray icon support (master...profanity_tray) https://git.io/vHXun
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26451: perl: Image-ExifTool: 9.27 -> 10.48, add alias to all-packages.nix (master...pkg/up/exiftool) https://git.io/vHKdy
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26482: arphic: init at 0.2.20080216.2 (master...arphic) https://git.io/vH1ZW
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/5bafc71b61 (from 9 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.03)
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<peti> qknight: I saw that you merged it, but I didn't have a chance to review any of the changes. Apparently, you were in a bit of a hurry. :-|
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHD2A
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0c54a29 Tim Jäger: hplip: introduce nettools dependency (#26439)...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej opened pull request #26500: clickhouse: 1.1.54190 -> 1.1.54236 (master...clickhouse) https://git.io/vHDaf
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26414: xdg_utils: fix #25511 (broken sed magic) (master...issue-25511) https://git.io/vHw2o
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26349: tilix: init at 1.5.8 (master...tilix) https://git.io/vH2TM
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to staging: https://git.io/vHDVm
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 3729247 Linus Heckemann: mesa: add valgrind support
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 377e0d3 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26418 from lheckemann/mesa-valgrind...
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<thblt> Is there a way to have Git in the NixOS minimal installer? I've tried nix-env -i git, which fails.
<thblt> After, of course, carefully factorizing my configuration.nix and putting it under version control (https://github.com/thblt/nixos-config)
<thblt> I'm feeling *just a bit* dumb right now :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26497: lib-tests: fix test for isStorePath (master...fix-lib-tests) https://git.io/vHDfz
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<nixy> Why does nix-env -i git fail? I feel like that shouldn't happen.
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<thblt> OK, I'm feeling *much more* than a bit dumb here, I skipped the relevant line when browing the errors. The computer wasn't connected to the internet. I'm going back under my rock.
<thblt> Thanks a lot, nixy, for getting my to re-read nix-env output :)
<nixy> No problem, I hope its warm and comfy under your rock :)
<thblt> :-)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26401: xfce4_namebar_plugin: init at 0.3.1 (master...xfce4-namebar-plugin) https://git.io/vHV3q
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<thblt> Btw, from under my rock, I'm kinda happy I've been able to create a usual work environment in NixOS, especially since said environment is full of dark corners. This is my first install of NixOS (and still a test install, main machines are still on Debian), but NixOS is really a pleasure. A hard pleasure at times, but amazing.
<thblt> *create a usual = create my usual
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26384: xfce4-dockbarx-plugin: fix #26379 (master...issue-26379) https://git.io/vHag1
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<inflames> how can I get flash installed? I tried nix-env -i flash flash-player hal-flash
<inflames> also, I tried to install pidgin with otr by adding it to my config, but I couldn't get that to work either
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<thblt> inflames: re flash: these packages don't exist, do they?
<thblt> inflames: i can't find them in the list
<thblt> on the site
<inflames> nix-env -qaP | grep flash
<clever> and you cant just install flash, you have to enable it within the build options for the thing you want it on
<inflames> oh, that makes sense
<inflames> I'm still trying to understand this all, i'm fairly new
<nixy> I still can't figure out how to get flash running in firefox on NixOS :y
<inflames> :[
<inflames> I couldn't get it to work on chromium and i thought it was built in :/
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHDwY
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dcb7a6b José Luis Lafuente: eslint_d: init at 4.2.5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3f0db27 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26371 from jlesquembre/eslint_d...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26296: autorandr: 855c18b -> 1.1 (master...master3) https://git.io/vH0Jx
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26254: i3blocks: add optional dependencies for scripts (master...fix/i3block-scripts) https://git.io/vH8sB
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHDwV
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e5449af ss1h2a3tw: pythonPackages.powerline: 2.5.2 -> 2.6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b9c2593 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26391 from ss1h2a3tw/powerline...
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 333dc53 Orivej Desh: clickhouse: 1.1.54190 -> 1.1.54236
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<sudoreboot[m]> Is there any existing solution to running gog installer scripts?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHDwh
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bb6cf34 David Tulig: bind service: add listen-on options (#26430)...
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<inflames> clever, can you guide me to some stuff to read that will help me understand how to enable the build options for flash that you spoke of?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] knedlsepp opened pull request #26501: Python docs: Add example for overlays (master...add-python-overlay-example) https://git.io/vHDrU
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<clever> inflames: which program do you want to enable flash in?
<inflames> chromium, but I more just want to understand what the hell I am doing :/
<inflames> I eventually wanna setup a node dev environment with nix-shell
<clever> inflames: enablePepperFlash has to be set for the chromium package
<clever> inflames: you can do that by just setting chromium.enablePepperFlash=true; in the nixpkgs config
<inflames> I need to understand nixpkgs more
<clever> inflames: is chromium being installed with systemPackages or nix-env?
<inflames> systempackages
<inflames> but i may have installed it via nix-env first
<clever> nixpkgs.config.chromium.enablePepperFlash=true; in configuration.nix
<clever> and you can check nix-env -q, as both your user and root, to check for duplicates
<inflames> ok, so I was moving installs to systemPackages, should I uninstall them and move them?
<clever> yeah
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<inflames> ok
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<inflames> should I be running nixos-rebuild switch with sudo?
<clever> yeah
<clever> switch/boot/test need root, build doesnt
<inflames> ok, cuz I always fear sudo and always need it to build, heh
<clever> if your just testing changes to the nix file and dont want to make them active, you can run "nixos-rebuild build" without sudo
<jophish> Does anyone run graphite/grafana and have an examples config I could crib from?
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<inflames> clever, thanks for all the help
<inflames> can I ask one more? I have a bunch of packages that seem to fail when placed in systemPackages, but I can nix-env -i them?
<clever> inflames: how exactly do they fail?
<inflames> error: undefined variable ‘pulseaudio’ at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:50:7
<inflames> they all say undefined variable
<clever> inflames: do you have a with pkgs; before the [ ?
<inflames> yes
<inflames> environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
<clever> ah, pulseaudio has either pulseaudioFull or pulseaudioLight, and it has a dedicated option to turn it on properly
<clever> setting enable to true will add it to systemPackages for you, and configure it
<inflames> oh, so I don't need to add it to systemPackages with that?
<clever> yeah
<inflames> oh, cool!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHDot
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c06a10e romildo: locate: fix creation of the parent directory of of locate database
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6ef6484 romildo: locate: does not use localuser for mlocate
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9c05774 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26191 from romildo/fix.mlocate...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHDos
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7116da8 Josef Kemetmueller: Python docs: Add example for overlays
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5518ccf Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26501 from knedlsepp/add-python-overlay-example...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHDoc
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 60dcb9c Robert Scott: fetchsvn: set LC_ALL in builder to allow svn to handle unicode filenames
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 557cc2c Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26372 from risicle/fetchsvn-unicode...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26423: grin: Fix build dependencies (master...fix-grin-dependencies) https://git.io/vHrlA
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aristidb pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHDKO
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1fe9518 Aristid Breitkreuz: ipmiview: 2.12.0 -> 2.13.0
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<aristid> so given that my new cool supermicro server works now... tough decisions await with regards to nixos! \o/ /o\
<aristid> should i use stable or unstable nixos if i want to set up a hydra?
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<nerdpops> hi
<nerdpops> i've been asked to create 20 kiosks containing: a barcode scanner, a printer, a touchscreen display and a webcam¨
<nerdpops> and was thinking about using a raspberry pi with NixOS
<nerdpops> but! is there an easy way to easily update every kiosk when the code changes?
<clever> nerdpops: nixops
<nerdpops> i can't find any documentation though... it's all about deploying to cloud services
<clever> nerdpops: if you set the targetEnv to "none" i believe, it will just ssh into an existing nixos machine and deploy
<clever> so you can take normal nixos machines on baremetal and update them via nixops
<nerdpops> that's pretty cool! perhaps you know if NixOS is a good fit for raspberry pi as well?
<clever> i have ran it on one of my pi's before
<LnL> aristid: I run it with 17.03
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<clever> nerdpops: another option, though its a bit more advanced, is to run not-os on the pi's instead
<aristid> LnL: hmm
<nerdpops> just a second, i'll look it up
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<clever> nerdpops: one of the expressions i have in there, is for network booting not-os, with only bootcode.bin on the sdcard
<clever> so you wouldnt even need nixops, just reboot the pi and its upgraded
<nerdpops> wow
<clever> every time it boots, it downloads the latest version
<clever> and nothing is saved to the hdd, so end-users cant get any malware/breakage to persist
<clever> it also means you cant corrupt the FS with improper shutdowns
<nerdpops> will definitely look into that. immutable pi's :D seems like the best way to maintain 20 ticket scanner stations at our events. would be so cool to have it all powered by nixos and pi's
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<clever> yeah
<nerdpops> did you wite not-os?
<clever> yep
<nerdpops> really appreciate it! all my work is based on other peoples hard work. thank you!
<clever> your welcome :)
<nixy> I hadn't heard of not-os. This is really neato
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<WinterFox[m]> nixos has the whole system config in one file right?
<clever> WinterFox[m]: yeah
<WinterFox[m]> How does that work with things like nginx configs and other stuff?
<WinterFox[m]> How do you find the right bits in the file with so much in there
<clever> WinterFox[m]: you are free to use multiple files if you want
<clever> WinterFox[m]: and in the case of nginx, nixos can generate the config file for you
<clever> this creates an nginx reverse proxy, with automatic ssl from lets encrypt
<WinterFox[m]> Hm, the filesystem approach would seem like an easier way to find the bits you want
<clever> ?
<WinterFox[m]> Well i can just go to the path I know it is in my terminal instead of scrolling down a huge file
<clever> you can break configuration.nix up into multiple files
<clever> and they list them all in the imports section
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<jophish> simpson: Do you have a graphite setup with nixos you can share?
<jophish> I'm having some trouble setting things up
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<jophish> makefu: I think I've got things working now, thank you very much for sharing that!
<nerdpops> @clever knowing very little about nix, this might sound like a silly question but... how do I compile not-os?
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<manveru> man... getting gitlab updated is quite a task :(
<manveru> the grpc gem is so stubborn
<jekor> Is there a way to reference the target nix store directory ($out in installPhase) in postPatch? I have a package that needs the path to the installation directory to be hardcoded into the shared library that's built.
<Dezgeg> $out is always available
<jekor> Hah, looks like I was using single quotes.
<jekor> Thanks.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] benley pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHDMg
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 700e22f Benjamin Staffin: nixos: Add support for scalable fonts in Grub menus (#26227)...
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<gchristensen> manveru: Oh! I packaged the grpc one!
<gchristensen> oh oh oh I can maybe even share the code with you ...! one sec. oh man, I am so excited. three months of working on making work more friendly with open source might pay off this instant
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<nerdpops> @clever okay so not-os is installed now but I'm having problems running it
<nerdpops> This is what I get after running nix-build and executing ./result: https://pastebin.com/Ra6kexJn
<manveru> gchristensen: oh god... pkgconfig!
<manveru> i tried like 20 different dependencies :P
<gchristensen> hehe
<nerdpops> @clever I'm certain the init file is at the given path
<manveru> so i think i can finally upgrade the gitlab package, since it's quite old by now
<manveru> will head for lunch while it's building, thanks again man :D
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<hodapp> https://travis-ci.org/NixOS/nixpkgs/jobs/235318966 - can someone with string Darwin-fu guess if adding "++ optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ ApplicationServices ]" is likely to fix this so that I don't have to go dust off my Macbook?
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<hodapp> lol... dusting off my Macbook won't help either, since I'm still on MacOS 10.9.5 >_>
<LnL> yep, but there might be some other frameworks that are also required
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vdemeester opened pull request #26502: idea.gogland: 171.4424.55 -> 171.4694.35 (master...update-gogland) https://git.io/vHDDh
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<hodapp> CoreServices or whatever?
<hodapp> bluuuurgh... dare I upgrade this old Macbook to 10.10? >_>
<LnL> I can build the pr if you don't want to wait for travis
<hodapp> sure, I'll push
<hodapp> alright, just pushed
<hodapp> not sure if there's a way to upgrade this poor old Macbook... app store only wants me to do 10.12.5, not 10.10.x
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<LnL> link?
<LnL> it's hard to find, but you can still do it
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<hodapp> but nevermind since I think the Travis build just passed in the time that it took me to see your question
<hodapp> thank you for the offer though!
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<pie_> nix-shell messes up my shell and i dont have readline editing anymore...
<ij> Why does it seem that nix compiles my haskell code so much slower?
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<Guest88859> anyone have any good tutorials on setting nixos up as a web server?
<dash> "web server" is pretty general, what do you want to do with it?
<Guest88859> yeah thats fair
<Guest88859> apache with some basic sites, acme + letsencrypt
<Guest88859> mail server
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<spinus> Guest88859: take a look at nixops repository and manual, there is quite a few examples
<aanderse-laptop> oh i wasn't familiar with nixops
<aanderse-laptop> well
<aanderse-laptop> it looks like i have some reading
<aanderse-laptop> thanks :D
<LnL> hodapp: looks good now
<zarel> gchristensen: that gist is useful to me too, thank you
<grahamc> You're welcome!
<zarel> I discovered that ffi gem looks for libraries in hardcoded paths if it's passed a library name instead of a path
<LnL> hodapp: are you still working on it?
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<edef> so, as a fish user
<edef> every shell of mine now says
<edef> set: Warning: $PATH entry "/etc/per-user-pkgs/edef/bin" is not valid (No such file or directory)
<edef> set: Tried to change the read-only variable “_”
<aanderse-laptop> edef: same issue here
<edef> I'll go bisect it in a bit I guess
<hodapp> LnL: not really, aside from maybe cleaning up the comments - which pertain to a separate codebase whose lineage is ambiguous but whose name is the same
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHDHa
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f12b0a2 Bjørn Forsman: bcache-tools: add name to the source store path...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 581226c Bjørn Forsman: nixos/bcache: /bin/sh -> ${bash}/bin/sh...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5b48368 Bjørn Forsman: nixos/bcache: add services.udev.packages = [ bcache-tools ]...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor closed pull request #26354: nixos/bcache: install udev rules outside initrd too [version 3] (master...bcache-udev-rules-v3) https://git.io/vH2lT
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vdemeester opened pull request #26503: Update runc to 1.0.0-rc3 (master...update-runc) https://git.io/vHDHQ
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<ij> I want to make my outside-nixos haskell nix builders make the "result" files with a different name, so different builders wouldn't overwrite each other. Is there some common attribute name I could hand in?
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<deba5e12> hey, I'm having trouble compiling (well, linking) code that requires special ld flags, like "-lcapstone". I've installed capstone through nix-env, but am still getting this error when i try to build a rust project that relies on the library. Any thoughts at how to go about fixing this?
<deba5e12> i've had the same issue with compiling lisp code that needs to be linked with the -lpcap flag, so it seems like a general problem, and not necessarily rust-specific.
<deba5e12> it's been suggested here, before, that i open a nix shell before building, with something like "nix-shell -p capstone", but this doesn't seem to have any effect on the issue, since capstone (or whatever other library i'm trying to link against) is already installed in my profile.
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<pbogdan> ij: for renaming the symlink you can use nix-build --out-link somename
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<spinus> deba5e12: I had similar issue recently, I was building python pillow library. What I did is:
<spinus> installed pkg-config, exported LDFLAGS and CFLAGS, and builder cought that like (export CFLAGS=$(pkg-config --cflags zlib)), but it depends on the build mechanism, so you need to kind of inject what it needs.
<spinus> So by default nix has some support for languages to inject that automatically, but some packages use custom stuff as I understand and you need to adjust
<deba5e12> thanks, spinus!
<deba5e12> I'll try that
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<deba5e12> no luck
<deba5e12> though i am getting somewhere with lisp now. it's just cargo that's being a pita.
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<clever> deba5e12, spinus: installing pkgconfig breaks a lot of what nix does to automate things working, you need to add pkgconfig to the nix-shell args
<spinus> clever: yeah, I was not precise, I added pkg-config to buildInputs
<clever> ah
<spinus> is that what you meant?
<clever> yeah
<spinus> deba5e12: please take a look
<deba5e12> thanks for the heads-up, clever
<deba5e12> so I should *not* include pkgconfig in my configuration.nix?
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<clever> deba5e12: correct, you should never put build-time tools like pkgconfig/gcc in the systemPackages
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gentoofreak opened pull request #26504: ffmpeg{,-full}: 3.3.1 -> 3.3.2 (master...ffmpeg-3.3.2) https://git.io/vHDxx
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<benley> clever: is that a "never do this because it causes problems", or more of a "there's generally no reason to do this" never?
<clever> benley: there is no real reason to do it, and the tools usualy dont work right when installed that way
<clever> so your just going to give yourself more problems down the road
<benley> fair enough
<benley> I usually keep some tools like make, strip, the go compiler, python interpreter, etc. in either my user profile or in systemPackages, just for the sake of convenience
<benley> not gcc though, that one does sound like asking for trouble on nixos
<clever> yeah, gcc has a setup-hook that adds buildInputs to the search path for libs and headers
<clever> so if gcc isnt in the build inputs, it wont find any other buildinput
<clever> similiar for pkg-config, its setup hook adds all inputs to the pkgconfig search path
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<Infinisil> Umm, I have a problem with ssh: when doing ssh user@server echo \$PATH it doesn't contain the users /run/current-system binary paths, but doing echo $PATH via ssh user@server does have them
<Infinisil> It may have something to do with login vs non-login shell, but I don't know how it should be solved with nixos
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<deba5e12> ah, maybe that's the trouble. gcc was one of the first packages i put in my system-wide config.
<deba5e12> (responding to clever & benley from around 14:55 AST)
<deba5e12> (so, about 20 minutes ago)
<deba5e12> so compilers should just be installed locally, with nix-env -i ?
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<drakonis> apparently they're supposed to be used with nix-shell
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<Infinisil> Ahh I found out what the problem was I had
<Infinisil> I set the users shell to pkgs.zsh, but it's not configured to be a login shell by default, you need to do programs.zsh.enable = true for it to work
<Infinisil> then all the env vars get set up correctly
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<LnL> yeah, the zsh module does a bunch of stuff like that
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<zarel> I couldn't find enough information about having NixOS as LXC guest on a Debian machine, is that possible?
<Dezgeg> yes
<zarel> ..oh, wasn't being indexed too well by duck duck go it seems. Thank you so much :)
<Infinisil> i believe ddg doesn't do any indexing itself, it just uses others search engines indices
<Infinisil> (on a sidenote)
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<zarel> Dezgeg, I have an olinuxino a20 lime board that I would like to run NixOS on but the more I read about ARM platforms the less I understand
<Dezgeg> well, anything running a20 should be simple enough to get working
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<zarel> I read the wiki but I cannot answer to simple questions like "how do I build the final image"?
<Dezgeg> you can download it prebuilt
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<zarel> ok last time I tried downloading armv7-linux image. I put it on the SD and it didn't boot, serial port acted like dead
<Dezgeg> yes for a20 you need to do the extra u-boot thing
<zarel> so this means that on some memory on the board it's physically present an u-boot version that does not accept extlinux.conf and that must be changed?
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<Dezgeg> yes, most likely
<Dezgeg> it's strange that it wouldn't print anything to the serial though, I would imagine if you don't put an u-boot onto the sd card the one in the built-in nand would boot
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<zarel> I can make a test, remove the SD and boot without it
<zarel> in debian and in arch there is a board specific part that is manually joined (or pre-joined) to the generic installer image. how does it work in NixOS?
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<zarel> anyway, I'm sorry to appear here and start talking about ARM, I don't want to bug too much
<Infinisil> Eh, there's not much happening anyways
<Dezgeg> er, same dd command as for pcduino3 nano
<zarel> did you just compile a uboot for my board? :)
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<zarel> let me try :)
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<zarel> copy is still ongoing... on x86 iso images I just call "cat image > /dev/sdX", I don't know if it's any different when dd is called just with if= and of=
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<Dezgeg> I think it works with coreutils cat but not necessarily with cat from other sources
<zarel> and... it works!
<zarel> I'm so happy! It was the only piece of hardware on which I was not running NixOS
<katyucha> Hi ! I try to use Netflix with my firefox 53... but in Preferences => Content, I don't see "Play DRM Content" ... someone have an idea? I forget a configuration line ?
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<Dezgeg> ok I commit the u-boot expression then
<zarel> Dezgeg, thank you a lot really!
<Dezgeg> no problem
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHyUq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 73a1307 Tuomas Tynkkynen: U-Boot: Add A20 OLinuXino Lime build...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHyTL
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0cec85d Jörg Thalheim: jetbrains.clion: fix bundled tools
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<catern> is there an up to date guide on how to install NixOS into a container?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHyTN
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0a6dd6d Vincent Demeester: idea.gogland: 171.4424.55 -> 171.4694.35...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a1b7dec Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26502 from vdemeester/update-gogland...
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<shlevy> niksnut: chmod: changing permissions of '/nix/store/w728law578ladkf4nsb7qpd0kwdw8yb5-util-linux-2.29.2-bin/bin/mount': Operation not permitted
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] apeyroux opened pull request #26505: grammalecte: init at v0.5.17 (master...init-grammalecte) https://git.io/vHykb
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<LnL> is that with a new version of nix?
<Infinisil> Argh, I'm really frustrated, I just can't get my second display to work properly with xrandr, it's always misaligned or something
<zarel> catern, in case you missed out this link (it passed in the channel a couple of hours ago) this issue is more or less a guide https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/9735#issuecomment-301272113
<catern> zarel: oh hey, how convenient, thank you :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHyI0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 386706f Peter Simons: LTS Haskell 8.17
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7a67c9d Peter Simons: hackage2nix: fix inverted logic error in the first section of dont-distribute-packages...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fd36209 Peter Simons: hackage2nix: enable builds for LambdaHack and Allure again...
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<zarel> Thanks again for your help everyone, bye :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E opened pull request #26507: ffmpeg, ffmpeg-full: 3.3.1 -> 3.3.2 (master...ffmpeg_update) https://git.io/vHyIx
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26473: qt5ct: 0.32 -> 0.33 (master...upd.qt5ct) https://git.io/vHXTB
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<21WAAD57U> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26503: Update runc to 1.0.0-rc3 (master...update-runc) https://git.io/vHDHQ
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<07EAA2Q3H> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHyIj
<07EAA2Q3H> nixpkgs/master 46b00e0 Vincent Demeester: Update runc to 1.0.0-rc3...
<07EAA2Q3H> nixpkgs/master f2e1e7f Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26503 from vdemeester/update-runc...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E closed pull request #26507: ffmpeg, ffmpeg-full: 3.3.1 -> 3.3.2 (master...ffmpeg_update) https://git.io/vHyIx
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<dhess> Hi all, who's the VPS provider that Hydra is using for the aarch64 builds?
<dhess> I can't recall.
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<dhess> LnL: right, thanks!
<dhess> Strange that they don't show up immediately when one googles for "vps armv8"
<LnL> heh
<dhess> I guess strictly speaking it's not a VPS
<dhess> LnL: do you happen to know any of the details on how to get NixOS installed on one of those? Unsurprisingly it's not one of their supported options out of the box.
<dhess> presumably iPXE
<LnL> gchristensen added support to nixops, but I'm not sure if that works for arm
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHyLC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d402df0 Martin Wohlert: ffmpeg{,-full}: 3.3.1 -> 3.3.2...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 08ec54a Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26504 from gentoofreak/ffmpeg-3.3.2...
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<dhess> oh really, interesting
<dhess> It might, because he's the one who was telling me about them originally.
<LnL> it might use clever's kexec thing
<gchristensen> the packet support is not open source yet because it doesn't work yet
<dhess> for aarch64
<dhess> gchristensen: oh hi :)
<gchristensen> hi :)
<dhess> gchristensen: Does something like nixos-infect work?
<LnL> oh really?
<gchristensen> I have an iPXE image that tries to install NixOS on their aarch64 boxes
<dhess> gchristensen: "tries." As in, sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, or... ?
<gchristensen> right :)
<dhess> hehe
<dhess> gchristensen: can I get a link to that image so that I can try it?
<dhess> I've been building fairly successfully for arm7vl for the past week or two, but even with my own Jetson TK1 build server, it's slooooooow
<gchristensen> yeah, one moment
<dhess> so at this point I think I'd rather move my embedded development to aarch64, deploying to rpi3's and building on something like these packet.net servers
<gchristensen> I can appreciate that :)
<dhess> (Unfortunately I cannot get Dezgeg's aarch64 install image to work properly on a Jetson TX1)
<dhess> gchristensen: thanks!
<gchristensen> one sec
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<Dezgeg> dhess: I uploaded a newer version of the image (to the same url), maybe that helps (though I had no problems with the old image either, on a different hardware though)
<dhess> gchristensen: hmm, so just briefly, does this cross-build from x86-64 to an aarch64 iPXE installer image? Or do I need an aarch64 running, like, Debian or something, to bootstrap it?
<dhess> Dezgeg: ahh you're here. Let me show you what happened when I tried the image from.. last weekend I think, so roughly 7 days ago
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<clever> dhess: i havent tried it yet, but you could give my kexec trick a try on arm8
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26426: gdb: 7.12.1 -> 8.0 (master...update_gdb) https://git.io/vHr5a
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<dhess> then processes started dying/hanging. I eventually got to the # prompt of the installer, and was able to run 'fdisk', but so many processes were dying/hanging that I didn't go any further.
<dhess> clever: is that .. oh ok
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<clever> dhess: basicaly, you upload a tarball to an existing linux machine (any distro), run a bash script, and within ~2 minutes, it will be running nixos from a ramdisk
<dhess> clever: interesting. I'll try that first, seems like the simplest option if it works on aarch64
<clever> if you set the system param for <nixpkgs/nixos> with --argstr, you should be able to create an aarch64 version of the tar
<Dezgeg> yeah that sounds strange. it seems some nouveau problem, maybe it is fixed in the newer kernel
<Dezgeg> or maybe nouveau can be blacklisted from the kernel command line
<gchristensen> dhess: it has to be built on an aarch64 box, but I have several builds already available which you can try
<dhess> gchristensen: that would be great if you have one of those publicly available
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<gchristensen> yeah, just trying to sort them out
<clever> gchristensen: do you happen to know how well kexec works on aarch64?
<dhess> Dezgeg: ok, how do I do that from uboot?
<dhess> clever: I'm reading about that right now. Seems like it used to be a problem but that was nearly 3 years ago, so maybe fixed by now
<gchristensen> clever: I ... don't remember ... Dezgeg did the initial bootstrapping, and I didn't try kexec on these I htink.
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<gchristensen> dhess: I'm afraid I have a few version for you to try... some may work, some may not ... I encourage trying them and looking in the SOS / Console to see how they're doing
<dhess> gchristensen: more options is a good thing :)
<dhess> clever: so this kexec method that runs NixOS from a ramdisk, does that include nixos-install ?
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<gchristensen> I'm _sure_ the try2 and auto URL fragments meant something, but I wouldn't hazsard a guess as to _what_ :(
<Dezgeg> I suppose it's either modprobe.blacklist=nouveau or nouveau.blacklist=yes in extlinux.conf (among the other boot parameters)
<dhess> gchristensen: any thoughts on which to try first?
<dhess> Dezgeg: ok I'll try one of those
<dhess> gchristensen: hehe ok
<clever> dhess: yeah, all nixos instances include nixos-install
<dhess> clever: ahh did not know that, thanks
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<gchristensen> maybe netboot-packet-aarch64 but I'm not sure
<clever> dhess: the tarball also adds an experimental script, not sure if that part will work on aarch64: https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/blob/master/kexec/justdoit.nix#L32
<clever> dhess: this script will just do the entire install, with zfs for the root, in 1 command
<dhess> Dezgeg: on a related note, I have a linux-bbone.nix that pulls Robert Nelson's BeagleBone kernel from GitHub and builds it, which gives you access to all of the nice out-of-mainline BeagleBone capemgr stuff for pinmux, capes, etc.
<dhess> Dezgeg: is that something you'd be interested in?
<dhess> clever: ok thanks for that.
<Dezgeg> yeah I could try it out for the one cape that I have lying around somewhere
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<dhess> Dezgeg: I also have a derivation which builds the bb.org capemgr overlays (from DTS files) and puts them in the firmware path so that you can load DTS overlays by echo'ing the name of the one you want to a special file in sysfs
<dhess> Dezgeg: ok, should be relatively easy to prepare a patch against upstream nixpkgs
<dhess> Dezgeg: I've been using it here locally and it seems to work great.
<dhess> Dezgeg: actually if you compare this branch to upstream (and ignore the ghc-8.0.1 hacks) this is basically it: https://github.com/dhess/nixpkgs-channels/tree/nixos-unstable-ghc
<dhess> It's a bit hacky and could be improved I'm sure but it works
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<dhess> (oh that repo does not include the derivation to build bb.org DTC overlays, but it does have the beaglebone kernel)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #20411: d binding for gtk (master...gtkd) https://git.io/vXiHI
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #20346: Terminix: init at 1.3.5 (master...terminix) https://git.io/vXrHT
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<dhess> bah, my new packet.net account needs to be manually verified :\
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<dhess> I guess I'll try Dezgeg's new aarch64 image on my Jetson TX1 in the meantime
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<dhess> Dezgeg: I'm getting a 403 Forbidden on https://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/tmtynkky/sd-image-aarch64-linux.img
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #20335: systemd: Added an option to set default systemd.exec config (master...patch-13) https://git.io/vXwjt
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<Dezgeg> oops
<Dezgeg> maybe now
<dhess> Working now, thanks!
<makefu> maybe we should make sure this image gets mirrored to somewhere else as well (like archive.org)
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<Dezgeg> it could be added to hydra somewhere
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<jefdaj> hi! i'm having trouble compiling nix. can't get it to recognize my CXXFLAGS
<jefdaj> how are those supposed to be overridden?
<jefdaj> i've tried export CXXFLAGS=...
<jefdaj> and ./configure CXXFLAGS=...
<jefdaj> (this may be an obvious misunderstanding of makefiles)
<gchristensen> so I graphed the channel history data I've been collecting: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/graph.html
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<LnL> cool
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<gchristensen> that should auto-update each time it runs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] spinus opened pull request #26508: peercoin: init 0.5 (master...peercoin) https://git.io/vHytA
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<LnL> wait, nixos-unstable updated but nixpkgs-unstable didn't?
<gchristensen> erm
<LnL> that means people will have a broken nox
<gchristensen> the dates on that data is _way_ wrong
<gchristensen> LnL: looks ilke nixos-unstable updated only a couple days after nixpkgs-unstable?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26343: wpsoffice: cleanup and i686 version (master...master4) https://git.io/vHgFo
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHyqG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 00892b7 David Johnson: generic-builder.nix: Update doHaddock...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master da690bd Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26493 from dmjio/patch-1...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E opened pull request #26509: musl: 1.1.15 -> 1.1.16 (master...musl_update) https://git.io/vHyqn
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<gchristensen> dhess: btw, the ipxe urls I sent you are hosted in their NJ location, so if you launch there they'll be way fast
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<LnL> gchristensen: yes, I just expected nixos-unstable to also test some basic stuff like nox/nix-repl
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] spinus opened pull request #26510: toggl: init at 7.4.45 (master...toggl) https://git.io/vHyqo
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<spinus> If somebody with qt exp have a moment, please take a look at PR ^^ I does not compile and I'm not sure what' the issue is
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<LnL> eww, it's trying to use a vendored openssl
<spinus> I think maybe "make deps" is missing, but not sure how to inject it ingo buildPhase
<LnL> preBuild = ''make deps''; might work
<spinus> checking
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<LnL> gchristensen: do you know what the usual approach for vendored stuff like that is?
<dhess> gchristensen: great, thanks!
<spinus> looks like qt wrapper has different phases, I can't even override buildPhase (maybe I'm doing something wrong)
<LnL> spinus: you're also missing pkgs/stdenv as an argument, don't think this wil evaluate
<spinus> so, this is called by libsForQt5.callPackage, maybe it does the magic
<LnL> how are you building this?
<spinus> nix-build -A toggl . (in nixpkgs folder)
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<LnL> hrm, I would expect that to fail with pkgs undefined variable
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<catern> hey #nixos, is it advisable/inadvisable to nix-env -i nix?
<catern> in a multi-user installation
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<spinus> you're right, looks like it was catching toggl def from ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<LnL> { stdenv, ... }: stdenv.mkDerivation should work
<spinus> yup, fixing
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<dhess> Dezgeg: unfortunately, the latest aarch64 install image doesn't even get off the ground on the Jetson TX1: https://gist.github.com/dhess/f97d6b66191e74d6f635838d21b5ca91
<dhess> Dezgeg: hmm actually... that doesn't look like the NixOS kernel
<Dezgeg> yup
<dhess> 3.10.96
<dhess> wtf
<UFODivebomb> catern: Neither really. nix is treated the same as any other package. A nix-env -i nix will only impact that user's profile
<dhess> ok now it's trying to boot the NixOS kernel
<dhess> Dezgeg: oh right, now I remember. The install image doesn't have the right DTBs in the right location
<dhess> I had to copy them manually on another machine, then the boot started correctly.
<catern> UFODivebomb: oh right. the only system-wide thing is the daemon?
<Dezgeg> yeah, that is unfortunate
<dhess> anyway I can fix that by hand
<Dezgeg> yes. it can be also worked around by setting some variable (fdtfile I think) to match the mainline layout "nvidia/tegra210-p2371-2180.dtb"
<dhess> Dezgeg: ok that sounds like a better fix, I'll look for that
<dhess> that would be in the uboot environment?
<Dezgeg> but that might break the non-nixos installation so watch out
<Dezgeg> yes
<dhess> Dezgeg: don't care about non-NixOS on this hardware :)
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<dhess> Dezgeg: BTW is there a NixOS equivalent to Debian's uEnv.txt?
<Dezgeg> don't think so, that's probably some debian patches
<dhess> Dezgeg: extlinux.conf has this: FDTDIR ../nixos/nnv962kr9nv04fm6863a5amdaq9j1zjv-linux-4.11.3-dtbs
<dhess> that is not what you're talking about, right?
<Dezgeg> no
<dhess> I'm a bit confused about how DTBs work with uboot and the kernel.
<Dezgeg> how it's supposed to work is that u-boot itself knows which dtb filename to look for and extlinux.conf provides the directory where every single possible dtb is, so things should JustWork
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<Dezgeg> but the u-boot people forgot to account for the fact that the kernel dtb_install installs to subdirectories on aarch64
<dhess> huh
<dhess> that seems like a major oversight!
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<dhess> so looks like fdtfile isn't set
<Dezgeg> yes, just set it to override the auto-magic
<dhess> Sweet, easy-peasy
<dhess> worked great, thank you
<dhess> Still getting an oops in nouveau on this new kernel
<dhess> let me try to blacklist it.
<dhess> Is that the GPU on this TX1 kit?
<Dezgeg> yes
<dhess> Lucky for me I don't need it for my purposes :)
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<dhess> Dezgeg: any way to make the fdtfile setenv permanent?
<Dezgeg> just run 'saveenv'
<dhess> tnx
<dhess> Oooh I'm in
<dhess> Dezgeg: ok next problem -- need xusb.bin proprietary firmware. See https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/NVIDIA/Jetson-TX1
<dhess> to get USB (and Ethernet) working.
<dhess> any thoughts on how to hack that into the installer?
<dhess> maybe I don't need it in initrd and can just copy it into the firmware directory on the boot image
<Dezgeg> I thought it would be there in /run/current-system/firmware/nvidia/tegra210/xusb.bin
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<dhess> Huh, you're right!
<dhess> why isn't it seeing the NIC
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<Dezgeg> it should have complaints in dmesg if it couldn't load it
<dhess> thoughts?
<spinus> LnL: thank you for taking a look, I'm slowly getting through it
<Dezgeg> I suppose it needs to have the firmware file available in the initrd
<Dezgeg> since the driver doesn't seem to be a module
<dhess> That's what the Debian page claims, yes.
<dhess> huh, according to the Debian page, you can just concatenate the cpio with the xusb.bin with the original initrd image
<Dezgeg> yes, that works as a hack
<dhess> Sigh, meanwhile my Jetson TK1 (armv7l) NixOS build machine hung again.
<dhess> Seems to happen fairly regularly. I think it's the NIC
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<dhess> lots of complaints about the Realtek chipset on that board.
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<dhess> Dezgeg: OK, I'll try to add xusb.bin to the aarch64 install image initrd
<dhess> Dezgeg: thanks for all the help BTW!
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<Dezgeg> I haven't had any network problems. I think it's all on 100Mbit links though
<dhess> Dezgeg: some people have had more luck by disabling auto-neg and forcing 100mbit. That worked *slightly* more reliably for me, but still had issues.
<dhess> Dezgeg: latest 4.11 kernels seem to have made it mostly stable at 1g with auto-neg... but every once in awhile, hangs again during a copy-closure
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<dhess> I have a USB Ethernet dongle with a different chipset. I'll try that
<dhess> Embedded development blows.
<dhess> The end results are pretty fun though.
<Dezgeg> well, at least with these you aren't stuck with some 2.6 kernel
<dhess> I sure hope all new language designers make cross-compilation a first-class feature, though.
<dhess> (Haskell is particularly bad in that regard :\ )
<dhess> Dezgeg: yeah, especially the BeagleBones are well supported with free kernels and drivers.
<dhess> Dezgeg: I wish that BeagleBoard X15 had turned out better. Looked like a nice build server.
<dhess> but seems like they're still having problems shipping it/getting it to pass U.S. FCC regulations.
<Dezgeg> at $work I recently came across a NAS box running 2.6.x from 2009. also the userland used the old ARM OABI, which lost compilation support in buildroot in 2013