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<gchristensen> this build box is so loaded I can hardly get the time of day to build a simple shell script
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] xNWDD opened pull request #24788: jucipp: init at 1.2.3 (master...jucipp/1.2.3)
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: still waiting on a build slot :P
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<Dezgeg> do any other distros use pxelinux on aarc64 for that? it still looks like intel-only software
<copumpkin> anyone know why shows a few removed packages on darwin when they seem to exist and evaluate fine on my machine?
<gchristensen> not sure
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<gchristensen> `ARCH=x86_64` in the Makefile for efi64
<michalrus> Hey, if I’ve got a project with a default.nix, can I somehow build it and run it in single `nix-shell` call?
<Dezgeg> yeah that's why I was wondering
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: I wonder if I really need syslinux, I thought grub provided similar features?
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<Dezgeg> it might indeed
<Dezgeg> yep, looks like it...
<gchristensen> well I removed it, now I'm waiting to be able to build /nix/store/ (nix _really_ doesn't want to build this for some reason.)
<gchristensen> I'm tempted to kill some aarch64 builds for a few minutes :/
<Dezgeg> well I guess you can try to manually play with those commands and try to get grub to load over pxe
<Dezgeg> in the meantime
<gchristensen> this is actually really mysterious ... it won't build anywhere.
<copumpkin> still can't figure out why hydra thinks the jobs were removed
<copumpkin> anyone have ideas?
<gchristensen> copumpkin: anything in the evaluation log?
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<copumpkin> okay weird
<copumpkin> in job ‘autorandr.x86_64-darwin’:
<copumpkin> assertion failed at [1m/nix/store/w8c2p5inv73gbnfs2l74k1vgrbffz95h-git-export/pkgs/os-specific/linux/systemd/default.nix[0m:9:1
<gchristensen> :/
<gchristensen> erm, why do you need autorandr?
<copumpkin> I don't
<gchristensen> ok
<copumpkin> just a random job that used to be there
<gchristensen> it isn't darwin compatible anyway
<gchristensen> s/darwin/osx/
<copumpkin> yeah, just trying to figure out why things disappeared
<gchristensen> aye
<gchristensen> s/osx/macOS/
<copumpkin> I see no systemd in the autorandr inputs
<copumpkin> and somehow there's no systemd in the inputs on linux either o.O
<copumpkin> interesting
<copumpkin> it does say there are two queued builds in
<copumpkin> both for darwin
<gchristensen> copumpkin: how do you feel about zfs
<copumpkin> I love ZFS
<michalrus> How do I decrease nix-shell --verbosity level it to 0? Man page lists levels 0-5, but default is 1 and each `--verbose` just adds one. :/
<copumpkin> I'm curious to find out more about APFS but I used to be very excited that ZFS was going to become a first-class filesystem in macOS
<gchristensen> copumpkin: the t2 is for you :P though the t3 has gobs of nvme...
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<mounty> Can some nix-knowledgeable person have a look at ?
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<michalrus> Nice. :)
<mounty> Sorry michalrus; I thought you had finished.
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<mounty> "nix-env -i -f cabal2nix.nix" outputs: "cabal2nix: nix-prefetch-zip: createProcess: runInteractiveProcess: exec: does not exist (No such file or directory)"
<mounty> Presumably I have to have cabal2nix in my development environment. I'm just beginning with nix and my understanding is low.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7701cbc Joachim Fasting: grsecurity: 4.9.20-201703310823 -> 4.9.21-201704091948
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<gchristensen> Dezgeg: it turned out the problem was kernels just take much longer to compile on aarch64 than I remembered :/ it is going now. ... I'm going to bed. I'll ping you in the morning when I get up / see what happened :)
<gchristensen> thank you for your hepl
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<mtetreault> Hello, I am new to NixOs and I am trying to bring my computer to a working stage. I am almost done with my basic configuration but I have a hard time setting up libu2f to use my yubikey.
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<mtetreault> I installed the libu2f-host package, but it doesn't work. I noticed that the file 70-u2f.rules is not copied over /etc/udev/rules.d/ is this normal?
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<gchristensen> mtetreault: that is normal, I think you should add libu2f-host to services.udev.packages , like services.udev.packages = [ pkgs.libu2f-host ]; in your configuration.nix
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<mtetreault> gchristensen: so everything that goes into udev should be added as services.udev.. ?
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<gchristensen> packages containing udev rules should
<gchristensen> (assuming you want their udev rules to be applied, of course)
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<mtetreault> Okay, so I could install a given software without its udev rules, but if I want both I need to install the systemPackages and also the udev.packages. Is that right^
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<mtetreault> Neat, it works :)
<gchristensen> great :)
<gchristensen> yeah, you'd need to add them to both places
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<gchristensen> some packages may not need to be in systemPackages to be useful, in fact, libu2f-host may not need to be, for example
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<mtetreault> I still need to go through the whole documentation but so far, I really love it!
<mtetreault> It's amazing how my whole system was up in not even 2 hours :)
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<gchristensen> it makes me so happy to hear that! I love NixOS, too. what computer do you have?
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<mtetreault> I did my installation on my thinkpad w520, but I am thinking about installing it on my workstation
<mtetreault> I usually work with yocto on embedded platform using vagrant to setup my vmboxes
<gchristensen> nice
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<mtetreault> Did people looked about using nixos to kindof replace vagrant^
<gchristensen> I'm off to sleep now, but stick around. we have a lot of people here in CEST, and a sizable group in EDT/PDT as well
<mtetreault> I will for sure :)
<gchristensen> I'm glad to hear you had a good experience
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<mtetreault> Thanks to you for your help, I'll see you around!
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<railswalker> what's the easiest way to build a package that uses cmake?
<railswalker> Should I just override the buildPhase to call cmake, or is there a builtin that handles cmake?
<nh2> railswalker: there is one, as soon as I set `cmakeFlags` inside my `stdenv.mkDerivation`, it igures out to use cmake
<nh2> maybe even without setting that (I haven't tried)
<railswalker> nh2: then do I need to do a "mkdir build; cd build"?
<railswalker> or will it take care of that too?
<nh2> railswalker: no, nix will do that for you automatically, it always builds in a temporary directory
<railswalker> ah okay
<railswalker> awesome
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<copumpkin> are the installer tests b0rked right now in master?
<mtetreault> I am trying to figure out how to install the keepasshttp plugin for keepass.
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<Ralith> nh2, railswalker: I think all you need to do to make the cmake magic work is put it in buildInputs
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<railswalker> Ralith: thanks
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<rcshm> hi, i am trying to use nix pkgs to install vim and vim plugins on ubuntu. is there any pointer to where to learn how to add to the plugins already available in the standard vim.nix?
<rcshm> thks for your help.
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<rcschm> hi, is there a way to add new plugins to what are defined in without changing the expression and opening a pr?
<rcschm> appreciate any help.
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<mounty> Is there any way to clear nix's caches? It seems to have mis-cached something with the consequence that I cannot now build a Haskell project via cabal2nix and nix-build.
<mounty> It is claiming that a particular function takes only three parameters but is being passed four. The function, in both my source and all copies in /nix/store, does in fact take four parameters.
<mounty> Simplest is to zap the cache but which bit?
<simpson> It won't do any good unless you figure out what caused the impurity in the first place.
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<mounty> Where do I start with that?
<simpson> I have no idea what your setup looks like.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sigma opened pull request #24789: keychain: add sigma as maintainer (
<simpson> My point is merely that the Nix store is extremely precise in what it caches, so you might have a build impurity.
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<mounty> It's just cabal2nix ; nix-build
<simpson> I don't know what cabal2nix does, sorry.
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<mounty> I have no idea how to proceed and no time anyway. Isn't it possible just to reset the cache entirely?
<mounty> cabal2nix takes a cabal file and produces an equivalent nix file.
<mounty> It is a provided nix package so I doubt it would be impure.
<simpson> Resetting the cache entirely means removing everything in /nix/store, including things that you probably want to keep.
<mounty> This is just too complicated. It reminds me of SCO Unix. Massive gratuitous complication for little benefit.
<mounty> I just tried changing the source to which it was objecting, just to dirty the cache.
<simpson> The benefits are purity and POLA. If you don't like Nix, you don't have to use it.
<mounty> It STILL keeps up the same complaint so it's not seeing the source.
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<simpson> Perhaps it's to do with cabal2nix, then.
<mounty> Found it, I think. And you're right. cabal builds ITS cache in a sub-dir called dist/ and cabal2nix was emulating that behaviour inasmuch as dist/build/JackRose/JackRose-tmp/*.dyn_{hi,o} (my project is called JackRose, obviously) were caching the compiler output.
<mounty> I don't know why changing the source didn't dirty the cache but deleting all those files forced a complete recompilation.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #24790: mpv: we package waf, no reason to inline it (master...f/mpv)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg closed pull request #24789: keychain: add sigma as maintainer (
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 14 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c344f46 Matthew Bauer: djview: fix macOS build
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6a6b371 Matthew Bauer: liblastfm: fix macOS build
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 719cb89 Matthew Bauer: wxsqlite3: fix macOS build
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<mbrgm> hey! how can I install a locally built package (i.e. nixops, cloned to and built from a local directory) in my nix-env/profile?
<steveeJ> mbrgm: nix-env -f local-file.nix
<steveeJ> probably default.nix ;-) if the file does not represent a single derivation, you need/might want to pass "-A attr"
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<mbrgm> steveeJ: ty!
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<YellowOnion> finally got my firewall rules working, though I have to restart the firewall service twice for it to work.
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<garbas> ronny: i got that working once. basically i changed buildPythonPackage a bit
<ronny> garbas: got any reference to that?
<garbas> ronny: i changed buildPythonPackage to be able to handle multiple src (srcs)
<garbas> basically adding a for loop for shellHook and other phases
<ronny> i see
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<garbas> steveeJ: i couldn't agree more. i'm a bit behind with my work-work and then next on my todo list is nixpkgs-mozilla cache
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<steveeJ> garbas: \o/
<steveeJ> garbas: I'm debugging a super annoying issue right now installing rust-src from the overlay. travis can't handle one file during the install
<garbas> gchristensen: did you got some success with explaining nix-the-build-tool?
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<steveeJ> garbas: I just created an issue
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<garbas> steveeJ: if you have time to help, i can get you needed permissions and share what needs to be done
<garbas> steveeJ: but thank you for the ticket. i myself sometimes forget that only things that are reported can get fixed :)
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<vaibhavsagar> hi, I'm trying to set up Xen on NixOS, so I set "virtualisation.enable.xen = true;" and ran `nixos-rebuild switch`, but that's failing to create the final symlink
<steveeJ> garbas: sounds good, just let me know what the next steps are
<vaibhavsagar> this is the error I'm getting: error: creating symlink from ‘/nix/var/nix/profiles/system-3-link.tmp-5292-1592694770’ to ‘/nix/store/lpafwz82dbm1ch9ccpb3xp2nipf4a6dc-nixos-system-nixos-17.09pre104652.08c87ee’: Permission denied
<vaibhavsagar> has anyone encountered this before?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 08abe4f Michael Raskin: lispPackage.iolib: list the hidden systems to make sure bundles exist
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<layus> hi, anyone got a working davfs in nixos ?
<layus> I am trying to get davfs working in nautilus, then I realized I could not even get it to work in command line.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f12bd6e Michael Raskin: lispPackage.iolib: missed one system
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 7426a81 Joachim Fasting: grsecurity: 4.9.20-201703310823 -> 4.9.21-201704091948...
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<steveeJ> how do I run the installPhase from the command line? I can't figure out the bash syntax
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<steveeJ> piping it to bash doesn't do the trick
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<steveeJ> "isELF" is missing in the environment I'm executing it. wher is this usually defined?
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<the-kenny> steveeJ: just typing installPhase should work actually
<steveeJ> the-kenny: it's not a function in this case, it's a shell variable
<the-kenny> steveeJ: just typing installPhase should work actually
<the-kenny> whoops sorry
<the-kenny> steveeJ: Hm maybe it's my zsh config or so
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<steveeJ> the-kenny: what is the output of "type isELF" for you?
<the-kenny> let me check
<the-kenny> "isELF is a function", jus as `configurePhase`
<the-kenny> steveeJ: that is, inside `nix-shell`
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<steveeJ> the-kenny: thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ef1e28f Nikolay Amiantov: qt56.qtwebengine: patch more library paths...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f68de22 Nikolay Amiantov: wrapGAppsHook: add librvsg as a dependency...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 13715a9 Nikolay Amiantov: thunderbird: don't use system Cairo...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 26ae0e1 Nikolay Amiantov: qt56.qtwebengine: patch more library paths...
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<JayVii> is there a particular reason release-notes are published as XML? Are those automatically generated?
<mojjo> hi! all my manpages are gone... does anybody know how this could happen?
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<Dezgeg> release notes are in Docbook format which uses xml
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<JayVii> Dezgeg ok, thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 40f99ae Lancelot SIX: pythonPackages.django_1_10: 1.10.6 -> 1.10.7...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 1e4bb86 Lancelot SIX: pythonPackages.django_1_9: 1.9.12 -> 1.9.13...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 52b27c6 Lancelot SIX: pythonPackages.django_1_8: 1.8.17 -> 1.8.18...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #24781: texstudio: 2.11.2 > 2.12.4 (master...texstudio)
<mounty> Can I ask again about my first nix expression at
<mounty> I want as part of a hydra job-set / project to run this command in a sub-directory of a github checkout: cabal2nix ../source >default.nix
<mounty> So I run: nix-env -i -f cabal2nix.nix
<mounty> It outputs: cabal2nix: nix-prefetch-zip: createProcess: runInteractiveProcess: exec: does not exist (No such file or directory)
<mounty> So from my understanding of nix so far, although I've installed cabal2nix in my *user* environment, it doesn't exist in the *development* environment (sandbox) that nix-env creates.
<mounty> So how would I install cabal2nix (a nix package) in that development environment ?
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<steveeJ> mounty: are you talking about the "expr" derivation?
<steveeJ> mounty: I think it's as easy as just adding a "buildInputs = [ nativePkgs.haskellPackages.cabal2nix ];" line to your "expr"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging c30b12b Vladimír Čunát: glibc: fix i686 crashes via an upstream patch...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging e47ac55 Vladimír Čunát: glibc: apply the i686 patch only on i686...
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<mounty> Thanks steveej; I've tried that: but it seems not to make any difference. I've added the command + output to the paste.
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<mounty> Any suggestions ?
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<mounty> Remember I am very much a nix newbie.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 451478c Vladimír Čunát: glibc: fix i686 crashes via an upstream patch...
<steveeJ> mounty: you don't need to reference the package in the buildCommand if you have the package in builInputs. just use "cabal2nix"
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 9529548 Eelco Dolstra: Allow "auto" as a store URI...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 105f8ff Eelco Dolstra: Minor cleanup...
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<roberth> I'm setting up a hydra workflow, but I'm really puzzled by what's causing my release.nix top level attribute to not be available in the channel
<mounty> I've tried that steveej but still no good. Updated has cabal2nix.nix and command + output
<roberth> It is a runCommand derivation and in the Hydra UI it also does not have a one-click install link
<steveeJ> mounty: what is "source"? sorry I don't know cabal2nix and don't understand the command ;-)
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<roberth> So apparently there is a way Hydra decides what is relevant for the channel, but what is it? I can't find it in the docs
<steveeJ> mounty: maybe you can debug by prepending a "set -x;" to your command
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<mounty> steveej: the crucial line appears to be: cabal2nix: nix-prefetch-zip: createProcess: runInteractiveProcess: exec: does not exist (No such file or directory)
<mounty> would that indicate that I must install a package called nix-prefetch-zip or exec ?
<steveeJ> mounty: I would hope that cabal2nix includes it's own dependencies, but it could be a bug
<mounty> cabal2nix looks in its directory argument, finds a file with a .cabal extension, then outputs an equivalent nix expression.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sargon opened pull request #24791: trayer: 1.1.6 -> 1.1.7 (release-17.03...update/trayer)
<mounty> It's used for building Haskell projects on nix, where on another system one would use cabal or stack, the Haskell 'make' equivalents.
<mounty> Hmm. OK steveej; thanks for having a look.
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<steveeJ> mounty: you can test this using a nix-shell with `--pure` and only cabal2nix package
<mounty> steveej: I'll have to investigate how to do that. I'm a nix newbie remember.
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<steveeJ> mounty: nix-shell -p cabal2nix --pure
<steveeJ> see 'man nix-shell'
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<mounty> *THAT* works!
<mounty> [jackrose@nixos:~/CI]$ nix-shell -p cabal2nix --pure
<mounty> [nix-shell:~/CI]$ cabal2nix source
<mounty> { mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, bytestring, ConfigFile
<mounty> , containers, fast-logger, filepath, HDBC, HDBC-postgresql
<mounty> ...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 53edb55 Eelco Dolstra: shell.nix: Remove obsolete flags
<steveeJ> mounty: looks like your buildCommand doesn't have the correct environment set up. maybe just use one of the designated buildPhases?
<steveeJ> I also have no clue about packaging haskell :-D this seems way too complicated
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<mounty> steveej: I agree with you there. I really want to use nixos/nix as 'a better way' to set up a CI server but I keep thinking Jenkins.
<cmacrae`> Hey peeps o/ Trying to boot NixOS on an old MacBook Air. When booting in UEFI mode from USB, with or without kernel mode setting, I just get a completely black screen - any ideas how to remedy this? Perhaps some other options (maybe graphics drivers?) I can pass to the kernel to get this working?
<mounty> What do you mean by designated buildPhases?
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<usoban> hello! Just starting with nixos, love it so far ... however I've stumbled upon the following problem: on boot, I cannot see new generations anymore; the last generation it shows is 66, however sudo nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --list-generations shows there are 76 generations
<usoban> any ideas?
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<steveeJ> mounty: what you are doing is to disable the phases all the way and use a single buildCommand instead. but you could use e.g. installPhase for your command
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<mounty> Thanks steveej; I appreciate your help. I'll look at that in the morning. It goes further but out of time now.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #24360: Shrink GCE bootstrap image to minimum size, and auto-expand it to actual size on first boot. (master...gce-image-shrink-on-master)
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<toppler> Ugh. fcron hasn't been running rsnapshot for days. Lost my damn work.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pstn opened pull request #24792: Added libpciaccess to steam-rt for a few games. (
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master eae15ab Mica Semrick: darktable: 2.2.3 -> 2.2.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 045ecd1 Lancelot SIX: Merge pull request #24785 from paperdigits/darktable-2.2.4...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sargon closed pull request #24791: trayer: 1.1.6 -> 1.1.7 (release-17.03...update/trayer)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sargon opened pull request #24793: trayer: 1.1.6 -> 1.1.7 (master...update/trayer)
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<gchristensen> Dezgeg: ping?
<Dezgeg> pong
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: would you mind taking another look at spl? another issue making modules, different this time:
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<Dezgeg> I take that .lds file doesn't exist?
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<gchristensen> it doesn't
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<Dezgeg> sounds like that we need to keep '*.lds' files around as well
<Dezgeg> so find . -type f -name '*.lds' -print0 | xargs -0 chmod u-w next to the thing that does the same to '.h' files
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<gchristensen> similar to ... yeah that one :)
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<Dezgeg> or maybe something like \( -name '*.h' -o -name '*.lds' \) worked with find
<steveeJ> does the nix-daemon inherit anything by the environment? I'm debugging a build issue on travis which I cannot reproduce locally
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nckx pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b7223e0 Christine Koppelt: maven: 3.3.9 -> 3.5.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f5fe20c Tobias Geerinckx-Rice: Merge pull request #24773 from cko/maven-3_5_0...
<Dezgeg> btw. if you want the kernel build to go faster you can temporarily revert 250ab7a26a8b9ee2a403c7c21f8ac25ed62a551f
<steveeJ> oh, the question is obsolete. travis doesn't run a nix-daemon
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<gchristensen> Dezgeg: so slow >.> it is okay, I have to go to work soon and it'll probably be done before I leave work.
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<domenkozar> anyone tried Nix on Windows yet? :D
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<avn> domenkozar: Think no ;) Although would be cool to have wine "bottles" managed by nix
<gchristensen> :o
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<gchristensen> and do you mean windows proper, or WSL?
<gchristensen> I hear it is easy to break WSL :/
<domenkozar> WSL
<domenkozar> gchristensen: well using WSL to do proper windows binaries
<domenkozar> I hope that even works :D
<copumpkin> if anyone's up for a hydra puzzle, can you figure out why these darwin jobs were removed in this evaluation, when I don't think they were:
<steveeJ> domenkozar: do you have an idea what could go wrong with bash on travis? I have the following issue:
<gchristensen> steveeJ: is the disk full?
<steveeJ> gchristensen: no
<domenkozar> steveeJ: are you sure it's not?
<domenkozar> travis uses /tmp/ as separate partition
<steveeJ> gchristensen: it's escaping issue, I just don't know how exactly
<gchristensen> travis is a horrible tool for nix *grumpy*
<domenkozar> on my travis projects I do
<domenkozar> sudo mount -o remount,exec,size=4G,mode=755 /run/user || true
<steveeJ> there is a file that, probably due to a bug, ends with the string " space", and it can't be installed on travis. however the nix exprection works locally
<domenkozar> strange
<domenkozar> so the same derivation works locally but not on travis?
<domenkozar> that makes no sense :)
<steveeJ> domenkozar: well, it makes sense, but we can't see it yet :-D
<domenkozar> copumpkin: usually due to evaluation error
<domenkozar> copumpkin: did you check those?
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<copumpkin> domenkozar: I know, but the evaluation errors tab (back when we had one for that eval) only included one error that made no sense for one of the expressions
<copumpkin> domenkozar: and it evaluates fine locally
<steveeJ> it must be one of the linux tools (bash, install, whatnot), that differ in configuration/behavior from most systems and travis
<copumpkin> and evaluation seems like one of those things that's even less likely to vary between systems than builds
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<domenkozar> copumpkin:
<domenkozar> [ielectric@guava:~/dev/nixpkgs]$ on (HEAD detached at a05959e191)
<domenkozar> $ nix-build -A xautolock.x86_64-darwin pkgs/top-level/release.nix
<domenkozar> error: attribute ‘x86_64-darwin’ in selection path ‘xautolock.x86_64-darwin’ not found
<domenkozar> at least this one is gone
<domenkozar> copumpkin: you have to use release.nix to really mimic nixpkgs eval
<copumpkin> oh I guess I didn't try it from release.nix
<copumpkin> yeah
<copumpkin> because it evaluates fine from top-level
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<domenkozar> copumpkin: could be something in release.nix then
<copumpkin> (it probably won't build, but I wanted to see why it disappeared in case it was some other bug)
<steveeJ> gchristensen: in that case you depend on "sudo: true" for travis, which prevents caching IIRC
<copumpkin> domenkozar: okay weird
<copumpkin> weirder
<copumpkin> domenkozar: why the detached head?
<copumpkin> oh okay
<domenkozar> copumpkin: well I just used commit for that eval
<copumpkin> I'm getting the same behavior as hydra now
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<copumpkin> even from top-level
<copumpkin> not sure what was wrong before
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<copumpkin> I might have been on a different revision, but I thought I double checked that
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cbe0062 Jörg Thalheim: wireguard: 0.0.20170324 -> 0.0.20170409
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 4494103 Jörg Thalheim: wireguard: 0.0.20170320.1 -> 0.0.20170409...
<srhb> How do I get the value of some attribute in default.nix directly from a nix tool rather than: nix-repl .; foo.attribute
<srhb> I'm guessing nix-instantiate something
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b4c7979 Franz Pletz: libgit2: 0.24.6 -> 0.25.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4f0dd2f Franz Pletz: prometheus service: add scrapeConfigs.params option
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6049560 Franz Pletz: jenkins: 2.49 -> 2.53
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 205abc1 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.11-rc5 -> 4.11-rc6
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<railswalker> is anyone using google drive via kio-gdrive?
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<railswalker> tried to package it myself, but then found I needed to package several dependencies (kcalcore, libkgapi) and I'm wondering if there's an easier way...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #24794: sbt: 0.13.14 -> 0.13.15 (master...sbt_0_13_15)
<17WAAMBJP> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master:
<17WAAMBJP> nixpkgs/master 5a3dca2 Tim Steinbach: sbt: 0.13.14 -> 0.13.15
<17WAAMBJP> nixpkgs/master 0358bf2 Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #24794 from NeQuissimus/sbt_0_13_15...
<3NAAAPOSE> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #24794: sbt: 0.13.14 -> 0.13.15 (master...sbt_0_13_15)
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<copumpkin> niksnut: might be easier to sort out here: I'm running a real system on 1.12 and I'm seeing nix-channel barf and die on "HTTP error 200 (curl error: Failure when receiving data from the peer)" without retrying
<copumpkin> I do see CURLE_RECV_ERROR in the list of conditions
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<copumpkin> so it seems like in theory it should retry, but whatever happened in practice here didn't actually retry
<copumpkin> (this is going to be fun to repro)
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<niksnut> copumpkin: and there are no previous retry warnings?
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<copumpkin> niksnut: not unless my logging is screwy. I'm getting this inside the amazon-init service (reconfiguring from userdata)
<copumpkin> the only thing I saw was Apr 08 12:46:48 my-ip.ec2.internal amazon-init-start[803]: [242B blob data]
<copumpkin> not sure what spits that out?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [hydra] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master 81fee45 Domen Kožar: fix #425: parsable config by hydra-queue-runner
<copumpkin> niksnut: well, the other thing of interest might be that it prints out the usual " amazon-init-start[803]: attempting to fetch configuration from EC2 user data..." and " amazon-init-start[803]: writing channel: <url>"
<copumpkin> but they're 9 seconds before the "[242B blob data]" message and the subsequent failure
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a78ce1d Yann Hodique: tig: 2.2 -> 2.2.1 (#24770)...
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<copumpkin> niksnut: oh, DownloadRequest defaults tries to 1, and I'm not sure nix-channel ever tries to change it to something else?
<copumpkin> unless I'm missing something
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<adfaure> Hello, I when I want to install rustc with nix-shell I get a different version(older) than I got by running `nix-env -iA nixos.rustc`. Can someone explain me why please ? And how I could get the newer version into a nix shell ?
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<niksnut> copumpkin: yeah, good catch
<copumpkin> \o/
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<copumpkin> niksnut: any thoughts on the weirder CURLE_WRITE_ERROR one I was proposing. I can't explain it, but then again I also don't really know the logic behind which errors curl spits out
<copumpkin> ?
<niksnut> I assume it happens when curl writes something while the other side has closed the connection
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<copumpkin> so you'd accept a PR adding that as a retry condition? I can throw one together quickly (and also changing the default retries to something >1, maybe 5?)
<niksnut> sure
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<copumpkin> \o/ coming right up, thanks
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<eacameron> Anyone have good resources for DNSSEC? Is it important to set up?
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<eacameron> I already use TLS on my servers.
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<joepie91> eacameron: see here: -- it probably doesn't solve any problems you care about
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<eacameron> joepie91: Great! Thanks!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] copumpkin opened pull request #1316: Default to 5 download retries (master...nix-retries-default)
<copumpkin> ^ my fanciest PR yet, replacing one character with a different character
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<gchristensen> I dunno, 1 is a much sleeker number than 5
<gchristensen> it has pizazz
<gchristensen> how about 7? 7 is almost as good as 1
<copumpkin> lol
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<gchristensen> I'm afraid this is going to be a very contentious PR, copumpkin
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<copumpkin> :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] copumpkin opened pull request #1317: Add CURLE_WRITE_ERROR as a transient error condition (master...nix-retry-write-error)
<jophish> With nixops, is there a way to make a service depend on a key in `deployment.keys`?
<domenkozar> jophish: yes
<copumpkin> I wish we could test those nicely :)
<domenkozar> jophish: see example on
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<jophish> thanks domenkozar!
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<domenkozar> copumpkin: jophish: do we know some windows / ghc / nix gurus?
<domenkozar> we'll need to get Nix to use windows WSL to build haskell packages any day :)
<jophish> domenkozar: I imagine that the intersection of windows gurus and nix gurus is quite narrow
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<domenkozar> well ideally someone just very familiar with packaging
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<domenkozar> not afraid of WSL
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<copumpkin> I can't think of anyone
<domenkozar> nix, haskell and windows
<eacameron> domenkozar: You'd probably be best off finding someone who's at least a GHC + Win guru and then taking that knowledge and translating it to Nix somehow.
<domenkozar> what could possibly work :)
<copumpkin> I dunno, given that WSL is pretty linux-flavored, I'd go with a nix+linux guru who might not be as familiar with windows but learns quickly
<domenkozar> eacameron: yeah that makes sense, since I can help with Nix part
<eacameron> domenkozar: It might be worth pinging the ghc-devs channel. There are some GHC+Win gurus on there.
<domenkozar> copumpkin: we will need native windows builds, so I guess we have to package GHC with native compiler on windows
<eacameron> domenkozar: *mailing list
<domenkozar> eacameron: thanks, will do!
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<eacameron> domenkozar: GHC uses MSYS on it's barely native.
<copumpkin> didn't aszlig_ do a bunch of Nix+windows stuff a while back?
<avn> domenkozar: btw try ask dysnix/dysnomia author, he do something with IIS from it, so possible he can know some answers you need
<domenkozar> copumpkin: oh riight!
<eacameron> domenkozar: What I mean is that GHC still builds with GCC, et al so on Windows you still can't statically link against the Visual Studio world.
<domenkozar> yeah I noticed that :)
<eacameron> domenkozar: At least as of 2 years ago that's how it was when I tried.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f1f9020 Franz Pletz: crowd service: fix secure sso cookies...
<jophish> Hmm, all my services which require keys are instantiated with code such as "services.hydra = {..}"
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 749a66b Franz Pletz: crowd service: fix secure sso cookies...
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<jophish> so I don't have a I can put the dependency in
<domenkozar> eacameron: thanks, those are good tips
<domenkozar> jophish: oh you can just override that
<eacameron> domenkozar: NP I used to do Haskell on Windows back in the day. ;)
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<domenkozar> I mean just append to it
<jophish> oh, how?
<domenkozar> sec, need to check type of after/wants
<domenkozar> eacameron: got time? :D
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fadenb opened pull request #24795: emby: 3.2.10 -> 3.2.12 (master...emby_3.2.12)
<eacameron> domenkozar: I wish. I'm booked for 2 weeks. But after that maybe. Sounds like you're in a time crunch though.
<domenkozar> eacameron: we are, but I've explained that Nix+Windows is a black hole for us now.
<jophish> domenkozar: lists of strings I believe
<eacameron> domenkozar: Nix+Windows is a black hole for everyone right now.
<domenkozar> eacameron: 99% of our customers are on windows so at IOHK we'll be really pushing making it happen :)
<eacameron> domenkozar: Wow! That's got to be daunting.
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<domenkozar> jophish: wished it was lines
<domenkozar> jophish: so you could override it
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<domenkozar> = mkForce [ .. ];
<jophish> ok, I'll have to duplicate the code in hydra's config then
<avn> domenkozar: btw, check if wine capable to run native win32 ghc, in this case you can use x86-64 hydra to build windows packages
<eacameron> domenkozar: Well when this project clears up I'll ping you in case you still need help. Godspeed!
<domenkozar> eacameron: thanks!
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<domenkozar> jophish: I know the pain. Maybe there's a better way with systemd
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<domenkozar> jophish: actually
<domenkozar> the docs are confusing
<domenkozar> it would be better to just specify
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<domenkozar> before = [ "hydra-server.service" ... ];
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<domenkozar> for my-secret-key.service
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master d1fdade Dan Peebles: Add CURLE_WRITE_ERROR as a transient error condition...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 8945a0e Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #1317 from copumpkin/nix-retry-write-error...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0788476 Lorenzo Manacorda: polybar: 3.0.4 -> 3.0.5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 92ab8b0 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #24782 from asymmetric/polybar...
<copumpkin> niksnut: cheers!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master e43e8be Dan Peebles: Default to 5 download retries...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 1fe1976 Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #1316 from copumpkin/nix-retries-default...
<domenkozar> jophish: I hope that makes sense :)
<copumpkin> niksnut: time to build another image and see if my 1.12 + EC2 + S3 adventure is more successful this time :D
<jophish> domenkozar: yeah, that seems easier, although it feels a little backwards
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #24777: notmuch: fix homepage and notmuch-mutt license (master...notmuch)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c334daa Tuomas Tynkkynen: f2fs-tools: Cleanup a bit
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1832790 Tuomas Tynkkynen: f2fs-tools: 1.7.0 -> 1.8.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 199be99 Tuomas Tynkkynen: dosfstools: 3.0.28 -> 4.1
<ToxicFrog> What do I have to do to get python packages installed?
<nixy> ToxicFrog: You mean so you can import them in an interpreter?
<ToxicFrog> Adding, say, python27Packages.mutagen to systemPackages doesn't seem to work; I still can't run python scripts that import mutagen. It does work if I nix-shell -p python27Packages.mutagen
<ToxicFrog> Yeah.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging bd8654f Matthew Bauer: openblas: disable static libs...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 767e459 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #22726 from matthewbauer/openblas-closure-size...
<nixy> I am pretty sure you have to use nix-shell for that
<nixy> I know nix-env doesn't work, but I think if you are using systemPackages there are versions of python that let you specify what packages to include
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<steveeJ> domenkozar: it was dash's fault :-D
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<nixy> ToxicFrog: I think you can add python27.withPackages (p: [ p.mutagen ]) to systemPackages to get what you want
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 33194ec Thomas Tuegel: dropbox: 23.4.17 -> 23.4.18...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 a6ad5cf Thomas Tuegel: dropbox: 22.4.24 -> 23.4.17...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 69d9061 Thomas Tuegel: dropbox: 23.4.17 -> 23.4.18...
<dash> steveeJ: :-O
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<steveeJ> dash: ops, well, the shell :-D
<gchristensen> nah, you can blame dash
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<domenkozar> that's why I use bash
<avn> ksh! ;)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nixy opened pull request #24797: pass: fix clipboard functionality for darwin (master...pass/coreutils-sb-patch)
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<hyper_ch> isn't everyone using bash?
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<vandelsand> hey all
<gchristensen> hello
<noah-nix> Hi, I wonder if anyone has a solution or an idea of how to solve a problem I have with my installation of NixOS. Otherwise, I'll ask in the forums but for that I need an account, I guess.
<gchristensen> what forums?
<vandelsand> lol]
<noah-nix> The problem is that I can't boot the PC after installing. I have a link which describes my issue well, although I have legacy BIOS, not UEFI as the person asking the question in the link:
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<vandelsand> currently they're using github to report issues, and also there is a lot of nice help here
<noah-nix> Oh, didn't know that..
<noah-nix> Thought I had seen a forum, but that was probably for another distro then.
<domenkozar> noah-nix: did you follow docs for installation via BIOS?
<noah-nix> domenkozar: I did follow an instruction on a website named Maketecheasier but had the docs in another tab as reference, and I am pretty sure the steps were the same.
<noah-nix> I did make a mistake while installing. I started the installation without configuring a network, so it had no internet access. I waited for the installation to finish, configured the network through the network manager in KDE, then I typed the command 'nixos-rebuild switch' and installed again.
<noah-nix> By the command 'nixos-install', obviously.
<noah-nix> I'm not sure what the command 'nixos-rebuild switch' does, but it gave me an output with a warning about me having no boot loader.
<noah-nix> [During/after the rebuild process.]
<vandelsand> you were in a live environment still
<vandelsand> from how it sounds
<noah-nix> I mounted it
<vandelsand> i recommend you start over
<vandelsand> format and redo
<noah-nix> By formatting, can I type 'o' in fdisk?
<noah-nix> or how do I format the best way?
<vandelsand> you can use nmtui from command line if you need, for network management
<vandelsand> i like to boot the usb, start the display, and use gparted, personnally
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<noah-nix> Okay, shall I do a quick format or a slow format? I did a slow format the other day from within my HP Bios Setup.
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<noah-nix> Took 96 minutes..
<goibhniu> I don't think you need to reformat, unless you want to change your partitions
<goibhniu> it may be better to follow the manual (I'm not familiar with the instructions on maketecheasier)
<vandelsand> lol quick format is good enough.
<noah-nix> Alright, goibhniu & vandelsand , I'll do so. Thank you
<noah-nix> By the way, how is the security in NixOS?
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<disasm> noah-nix: sounds like you're missing bootloader setup in your configuration.nix
<noah-nix> disasm: oh, according to maketecheasier you should uncomment one option, not more, regarding the boot loader.
<noah-nix> That is the device, in the config file.
<noah-nix> Like 'boot-loader-device=/dev/sda1'
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<noah-nix> But there are more options RE the boot loader.
<disasm> noah-nix: looking for something like boot.loader.
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<noah-nix> Shall I uncomment all options regarding GRUB in the config file?
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<disasm> noah-nix: for example mine is boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true;
<disasm> if you have an EFI system (most newer computers) I recommend systemd-boot
<noah-nix> I have legacy BIOS, but I sure can enable UEFI. But that makes some weird partitions in my hard drive named EZ-Drive (I'm like W
<noah-nix> Ignore that last part..
<disasm> no idea with that EZ-drive... I just created a 1 GB vfat partition for /boot
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<noah-nix> disasm: would you recommend me to switch to UEFI? I can most likely just delete the EZ-Drives.
<disasm> or maybe half a gig:
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<noah-nix> okay
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<goibhniu> noah-nix: is this the article: ?
<noah-nix> goibhniu: yep, it is.
<goibhniu> cool, I notice they don't mention UEFI at all and it's quite old
<toppler> I'm using fcron, but I don't appear to have a systab, and on my server, I've got the exact same setup, but it keeps complaining that systab is not owned by root. :(
<toppler> Can anyone help me?
<simpson> toppler: Why not use the system cron instead?
<toppler> simpson: I want to make sure my daily backup fires after 24 hours of uptime. As far as Iknow, only fcron does that, right?
<simpson> toppler: I can think of several ways to fake that. Also it sounds like a very strange thing to desire *no* backups if your service is flapping.
<gchristensen> also systemd timers are very flexible " OnBootSec= defines a timer relative to when the machine was booted up. OnStartupSec= defines a timer relative to when systemd was first started. OnUnitActiveSec= defines a timer relative to when the unit the timer is activating was last activated. OnUnitInactiveSec= defines a timer relative to when the unit the timer is activating was last deactivated."
<simpson> Anyway, I only say this because I seem to recall that the only battle-tested timers on NixOS are systemd and (Vixie) system cron.
<toppler> simpson: I definitely want daily backups, but I can't guarantee a time-of-day that my computer will be powered on to start them.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 915f62f Eelco Dolstra: shell.nix: Remove more dependencies...
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<noah-nix> goibhniu: if I do want to format, what is the best way?
<gchristensen> what if you system isn't up for 24hrs then?
<noah-nix> I read quick format does not delete any data.
<toppler> gchristensen: It's up for weeks at a time, normally.
<goibhniu> noah-nix: the best thing is to follow the manual carefully, I don't see the need to format, unless you decide to use EFI instead of BIOS (which requires an extra boot partition)
<simpson> toppler: I have no good suggestions here, sorry. There's anacron, but anacron isn't foolproof.
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<gchristensen> I think you want OnBootSec + OnUnitInactiveSec
<toppler> gchristensen: But I hadn't thought about using systemd timers for this. I was using rsnapshot, which in nix, has a config option for cron entries, so I was just using that.
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<gchristensen> ah
<toppler> gchristensen: I'll look into that. Cheers for the help both.
<toppler> I've got a bunch of timers for other stuff. I'm not sure why I was wedded to cron for this particular case :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] elitak closed pull request #24291: libav: added pulseaudioSupport option (master...pulse-libav)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [hydra] shlevy pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master a738f82 Shea Levy: declarative projects: Pull jobset spec build from the remote store...
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master 7e3f12f Shea Levy: Merge branch 'decl-project-remote-store'
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] avnik opened pull request #24798: wineUnstable: 2.4 -> 2.5 (
<steveeJ> dash: out of interest, you have nothing to do with the shell named like you, do you?
<dash> steveeJ: uh... not sure who named a shell after me or why, really
<simpson> dash: Debian's fork of ash is called dash.
<dash> i'm looking forward to that 'oilshell' project, i hope that crazy guy succeeds
<simpson> Debian uses it as a system shell instead of bash because it has a speedy startup.
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<sphalerite> I've been reading eelco's thesis, and just encountered the "subpaths" syntax feature. Was that removed? I've never seen it in practice.
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<gchristensen> what is that?
<noah-nix> How is the security in NixOS?
<gchristensen> do you have any particular specific questions about security + nixos?
<spinus> noah-nix: good :-)
<noah-nix> gchristensen: not really, I'm just wondering as a person new to Linux :-)
<gchristensen> gotcha
<noah-nix> spinus: that is good to hear, and it's stable as well I assume?
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<gchristensen> we have numerous people who regularly contribute patches to keep up to date on security issues
<spinus> noah-nix: yes
<noah-nix> gchristensen: nice
<noah-nix> spinus: nice
<gchristensen> we have an unstable and a stable release channels, the stable release is generally faster to receive security patches
<spinus> I'm using master branch (rolling release) for over 1.5h now without major issues
<gchristensen> you should not use master for nixos
<noah-nix> so, you have master & unstable & stable?
<gchristensen> master can be broken, unstable generally won't be broken
<noah-nix> I'm going to use stable if that receives security updates the fastest
<gchristensen> stable won't* be broken (for fairly good values of "won't")
<sphalerite> gchristensen: "Subpaths
<sphalerite> are a somewhat obscure language feature that allows files in derivations to
<sphalerite> be referenced from other derivations"
<sphalerite> oops, that was meant to be one line
<noah-nix> okay, thanks for explaining. I assume stable is the default installation?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 999cf98 Nikolay Amiantov: firefox: enable GTK3 by default
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e2fe470 Nikolay Amiantov: thunderbird: enable GTK3 by default
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0e0e7c1 Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #24787 from abbradar/gtk3-firefox...
<gchristensen> noah-nix: of nixos, yeah
<noah-nix> gchristensen: nice, I'll use stable then :-)
<gchristensen> using nix on a different distribution is a bit different
<gchristensen> great :)
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<noah-nix> Stable sounds best for a beginner also, like me
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: for example, `perl ~ /bin/perl` would refer to /nix/store/...-perl/bin/perl. I guess that case is now covered by "${perl}/bin/perl"
<sphalerite> I might be wrong though
<gchristensen> huh...
<gchristensen> ${perl}/bin/perl seems way nicer :P
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<noah-nix> Are off-topic discussions allowed here, still being related to PCs?
<noah-nix> Because I wonder if disk encryption is worth it.
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<noah-nix> And is this possible with NixOS (full-disk encryption)?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging c714f82 Vladimír Čunát: libdrm: 2.4.76 -> 2.4.79
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 6d13742 Vladimír Čunát: gnutls: bugfix 3.5.10 -> 3.5.11
<niksnut> noah-nix: yes, NixOS supports full-disk encryption with luks
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<noah-nix> niksnut: cons & pros of that?
<noah-nix> LUKS
<fresheyeball> so I'm back on getting krita to work
<simpson> noah-nix: LUKS has the standard pros and cons of FDE. It's very plain.
<fresheyeball> I'm on nixos with xmonad and no kde or gnome
<noah-nix> simpson: FDE? What do you mean it's plain? I'm noob to Linux so I don't understand..
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<noah-nix> ooops
<noah-nix> I'm stupid
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<noah-nix> Ofc FDE = full disk encryption
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<fresheyeball> When I run krita I get the following error
<fresheyeball> Failed to load platform plugin "xcb".
<fresheyeball> I took IRC advice and remove all qt stuff from my configuration.nix, and the error persists
<fresheyeball> is there a nix package that provide ?
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<fresheyeball> niksnut: thank you! Thats a good lead!
<cmacrae`> When using 'networking.wireless.networks.<name>.psk' in configuration.nix... it seems the quotes used to wrap the value (the PSK) are actually taken and inserted into the resulting wpa_supplicant.conf, making the value an invalid length. Format should actually be: psk=abcdef12345 rather than psk="abcdef12345"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy opened pull request #24799: Add aggregate job for a forthcoming nixpkgs-darwin-unstable channel (master...darwin-aggregate)
<niksnut> fresheyeball: so basically, you need to install krita (and any other Qt application) via environment.systemPackages
<cmacrae`> Any ideas? I can't unquote my PSK value, as it doesn't adhere to the nix language syntax
<cmacrae`> But... I can't have it quoted with double quotes, because that gets interpreted as the end value to insert into wpa_supplicant.conf
<noah-nix> Sorry for asking so many questions; but I have an HP EliteBook (business/enterprise-class laptop) and it has lots of security features (mainly for Windows though). One of them is the TPM Security Card and I have no idea what it is even after research. Can that be used for encryption? If so, how does it compare to FDE (LUKS) ?
<fresheyeball> niksnut: so can I do that in user space?
<niksnut> fresheyeball: no
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<simpson> noah-nix: It probably doesn't work on Linux. You could contact HP for details.
<fresheyeball> niksnut: ok, I added it to systempackages
<noah-nix> simpson: I believe it's a part of the Linux kernel, actually, since I received in Ubuntu and other distro(s) a message when booting about the TPM being disabled.. Also, HP's customer service is pretty bad and they don't help me with this old PC, also it has Linux. The PC was made for Windows
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<simpson> noah-nix: There is some TPM support in Linux, but nothing along the lines of FDE, AFAIK.
<noah-nix> oh, okay
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1bb8a47 Shea Levy: Add aggregate job for a forthcoming nixpkgs-darwin-unstable channel
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<JagaJaga_> Hi! How can I install plugin to chromium? Question is about this and solution is probably like enableGoogleTalkPlugin for firefox.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy closed pull request #24799: Add aggregate job for a forthcoming nixpkgs-darwin-unstable channel (master...darwin-aggregate)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pstn closed pull request #24792: Added libpciaccess to steam-rt for a few games. (
<copumpkin> niksnut, shlevy: I think 1.12 might have a regression around handling tarball channels
<fresheyeball> niksnut: ok, so I added krita to my system packages, rebuild and restarted my computer
<fresheyeball> the error persists
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<shlevy> niksnut: domenkozar: ikwildrpepper: What's the process for a new channel? We'd like to have one based on the 'darwin-tested' job
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pstn opened pull request #24800: steam: move libpciaccess as non-runtime dependencies (
<fresheyeball> niksnut: actually that worked perfect. Apparently I just needed to remove the nix-env version. Thank you so much!
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<cmacrae`> I can't imagine I'm the first one to run into this issue with wpa_supplicant on NixOS - but perhaps its due to my unfamiliarity with the configuration (only just started exploring :) ) - just really not sure how to remedy this
<dtzWill> copumpkin: what's the regression/problem? As someone using 1.12 on tarball channels lol is there something I should be looking out for?
<copumpkin> dtzWill: I don't think it works, but I might be wrong :)
<copumpkin> or at least in my case it didn't
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<dgonyeo> I'm trying to get nix working on gentoo
<dgonyeo> the first time I ran `nix-channel --update` it also killed my X session, but I'm going to assume that was unrelated
<dtzWill> lmao. I sure hope so, dgonyeo
<copumpkin> yeah nix-channel --update should do nothing to any running or installed programs
<dgonyeo> dtzWill: it also looked like a graceful thing, I'm so baffled by it I'm pretending it didn't happen
<dgonyeo> so I'm more interested in knowing why it can't update than why it appeared to kill my laptop
<dgonyeo> because, like, that's not even worth me trying to figure out
<simpson> dgonyeo: The `sudo` makes me wonder. This *is* a single-user Nix installation, right?
<dgonyeo> it'll either be unrelated or some eldritch abomination of a fact
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<dtzWill> copumpkin: ah, I saw tha behavior but assumed I was using unsupported URL's :P so just made sure worked and gave it .
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<dgonyeo> simpson: I get identical output when I don't run it with sudo
<copumpkin> hmm
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<dgonyeo> simpson: not positive if gentoo does a multi-user or single-user setup
<copumpkin> dtzWill: so .tar.gz didn't work but .tar.xz did?
<dgonyeo> I don't particularly care which I have here
<dtzWill> copumpkin: well and I named it "nixexprs" not "channels"
<copumpkin> really confusing given `if (std::regex_search(filename, std::regex("\\.tar\\.(gz|bz2|xz)$"))) {`
<copumpkin> shlevy: any hunches about what's going on there?
<copumpkin> oh, I see
<dtzWill> yeah so I intentionally avoided that check AFAICT, now that I'm looking at it, and just let it append nixexprs.tar.xz lol
<copumpkin> perhaps that regex search just never passes
<dtzWill> basically sounds like it's a bug, but dunno
<dtzWill> yeah
<simpson> dgonyeo: I'm not sure what you mean by what Gentoo does. It has to do with how Nix is set up. A multi-user Nix installation has a Nix daemon; a single-user Nix installation typically doesn't.
<dtzWill> I mean that's my guess, worth investigating I think :)
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<dgonyeo> simpson: I mean if the gentoo package sets nix up in multi-user or single-user mode
<dgonyeo> although it looks like nix-daemon.service exists now
<simpson> dgonyeo: Ew, is there an ebuild for $(emerge -av nix) or something? I would *not* trust that at all.
<dgonyeo> I started that and ran `nix-channel --update`
<dgonyeo> and now it kills my getty again :/
<simpson> ...OTOH I ditched Gentoo entirely, so who knows.
<dgonyeo> like it boots me all the way back to a getty login prompt
<simpson> dgonyeo: Yeah, I'm gonna blame cruddy distro packaging on this.
<dgonyeo> I had problems with the install script on the site, guess I'll remove this and try that again
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<dgonyeo> is the script set up for single-user?
<dtzWill> yessir
<dgonyeo> after running it, how do I get the right things into my path?
<dgonyeo> it claims to only set up `/nix`, but there should be env stuff I need too, right?
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<dtzWill> i think it adds to your bashrc, or gives you a line you can add yourself
<dtzWill> (i think, haven't tried single-user in a while sorry)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] asymmetric opened pull request #24802: awscli: 1.11.45 -> 1.11.75 (master...awscli)
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<dgonyeo> what is _prefix_ here?
<dgonyeo> it has an italicized prefix, but doesn't give me much of a hint of where that would be
<dgonyeo> `sudo find / -name` gives me nothing :/
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<simpson> if [ -e /home/simpson/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ ]; then . /home/simpson/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/; fi # added by Nix installer
<vandelsand> hello
<simpson> dgonyeo: ^^^ a line like that in your .profile or .bash_profile will suffice.
<vandelsand> can someone explain what this command does?
<vandelsand> nix-shell -p pciutils --run 'lspci -nn'
<simpson> vandelsand: Sure. It makes an environment with the `pciutils` package available, and then runs the `lspci` command from that package.
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<dgonyeo> simpson: oh whoops, I just needed to actually read the output from the installer script
<dgonyeo> sorry, dumb user error
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<dtzWill> lol 5's and 7's don't work guys :P 1's it is
<dtzWill> (they might work on stable Nix, but then so did the 'a's I'm used to using :P)
<vandelsand> hey
<vandelsand> i wanted to point out that in the instructions for installing, they don't tell you to mount your EFI partition to /mnt/boot
<vandelsand> i had to figure that out, last week...
<vandelsand> wasn't a big deal, but it feels like nixos is trying to keep the super-noobs out
<nixy> vandelsand: Its there but its not obvious
<nixy> It isn't mentioned until the uefi installation section which is after the mounting instructions
<vandelsand> ahhh
<dtzWill> i think some partitioning help would be great, had a friend who's not very systems-savvy give up installing NixOS trying to figure out partioning and making a boot partition for grub or something
<dtzWill> not really our problem but just something that might ease the initial experience. Not sure if there's a sane way to do that without a huge amount of work (without being too fragile)
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<toppler> I have to admit, the thoroughness of Gentoo install docs is impressive. I started on that distro as a complete noob.
<vandelsand> yeah i see that there are a lot of other things to work out first, so...
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<nixy> I mean, I think getting people to actually install/run NixOS is the best way to get people to help out with the other things
<dtzWill> yeah, I think too many of us :P get through the process once and then never have need to visit it again haha. Esp with all the tooling for VM image generation and nixops and whatnot :P
<dtzWill> (I think I'm just going to generate a virtualbox image for him to use instead of having him install NixOS himself lol, yay tooling goodness)
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<fresheyeball> is there something special I need to do to use the locate command?
<fresheyeball> sudo updatedb fails
<fresheyeball> /run/current-system/sw/bin/updatedb: line 323: /var/cache/locatedb.n: No such file or directory
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<fresheyeball> nvm, I found it
<fresheyeball> I need to turn locate on under services
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<cmacrae`> I've opened the following issue for the wpa_supplicant problem I described above, in case anyone wants to track it :)
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<copumpkin> dtzWill: do you have a repro of the weird behavior you were seeing with nix-channel? I haven't been able to repro locally
<vandelsand> guys...
<vandelsand> modprobe nvidia
<vandelsand> modprobe: FATAL: Module nvidia not found in directory /run/current-system/kernel-modules/lib/modules/4.9.20
<vandelsand> brb
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<ocharles> Anyone know if GNOME recipes has been packaged?
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<ocharles> yes, i obviously did search first :p
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #21410: wxMac: fixed main compile on 10.6 (master...wxMacFix)
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<bb__> does anyone know what the deal is with nvidia and sparse residency?
<bb__> It should work. It just doesn't.
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<toppler> gchristensen: When setting up the services for timers, is there anything lightweight I can do, or should I write per-service modules?
<copumpkin> shlevy: does Nix's runProgram suppress stdout/stderr from the subprocess?
<shlevy> copumpkin: It captures stdout
<shlevy> I think it just shares stderr
<copumpkin> ah
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<bb_> does anyone know how to use a specific nvidia driver?
<bb_> as in, select one by version number.
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<disasm> bb_: which one do you want? there's legacy 173 304 and 340 ones in
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pajowu opened pull request #24803: browserpass: init at 1.0.2 (master...master)
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<bb_> disam: 372.54.0.0
<bb_> or rather, 367.35.0.0
<bb_> that's the linux one.
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<bb_> disasm: I think nvidia rolled back support for sparse residency on 780s at a later version.
<disasm> bb_: yeah, I don't think there's an easy flag to switch. The url I linked above mentions adding something like that as a FIXME. You can always override the package though and use your custom package.
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<disasm> cmacrae`: you're looking for pskRaw
<fresheyeball> I would like to flip the orientation of my wacom tablet
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<davidak> is it normal to get such errors with nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade ?
<davidak> modprobe: FATAL: Module ide_generic not found in directory /nix/store/wxyxq28mvsr74md0k4r462npfwqvdgx4-kernel-modules/lib/modules/4.9.21
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c7dd8a7 Thomas Tuegel: golden-cheetah: fix build...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #24804: top-level/platforms.nix: Reformat and clean up whitespace (master...platform-whitespace)
<domenkozar> shlevy: why can't we just add those restrictions to tested job?
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<rcschm> does anyone here know how to add more plugins into vim nix install? thanks for any help.
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<circ-user-IYz5d> Hi! Is there a way to setup ldap authentication with nixos in a network where the ldap server is not always awailable? Like a laptop. It should be possible to cache the credentials offline with NixOS too! :)
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<gchristensen> how do you do that with any other linux computer?
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<toppler> gchristensen: When setting up the services for timers, is there anything lightweight I can do, or should I write per-service modules?
<Dezgeg> sssd can do that, I suppose
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<circ-user-IYz5d> On any other computer I setup LDAP/sssd like this: But NixOS configs do not allow fine grained control over all these configuration files. When I boot and the server is not available systemd hangs for 90seconds and the users only show up when the server is reachable...
<gchristensen> toppler: not sure, sorry
<steveeJ> is someone aware of a hydra service platform? that possibly has free service for open-source projects?
<toppler> No worries.
<gchristensen> steveeJ: can you tell me more about what you want / need?
<steveeJ> gchristensen: a website where I can register and configure hydra build jobs for an existing, accessible, hydra installation
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 closed pull request #24804: top-level/platforms.nix: Reformat and clean up whitespace (master...platform-whitespace)
<gchristensen> obviously :P but like the rest of it, how big is your project?
<gchristensen> PR building? build hooks? how many job? how expensive to comple?
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<steveeJ> gchristensen: this is the latest PR build
<steveeJ> build is only enabled for the master branch and PRs against it
<steveeJ> there shouldn't be that many changes for compile-intensive tasks. the main reason I want hydra is becasue travis can't cache /nix/store, it can't upload in 180 seconds and then it aborts the cache write
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<gchristensen> I don't know of anything like it at the moment
<gchristensen> do you have any budget to contribute towards making it happen?
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<steveeJ> unfortunately not, it's for the university
<gchristensen> aye
<steveeJ> we do have in-house servers but they are not publicly reachable
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<steveeJ> gchristensen: I will ask about running a public service on one of our machines
<simendsjo> I see a year old effort to add roccat-tools that didn't end well (PR#13682). Does someone has a build that's not in nixpkgs? I just bought a new mouse, and with its 8200dpi, it moves extremely fast as opposed to my old 400dpi mouse.
<gchristensen> steveeJ: yeah, practically speaking such a project, without providing a binary cache, could be like ~$35/mo starting, in just server costs, assuming good will time donations from someone to admin it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aristidb closed pull request #24802: awscli: 1.11.45 -> 1.11.75 (master...awscli)
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<fresheyeball> so in other OSs I've used, applications can get associated with a url
<fresheyeball> such that clicking the link opens the application
<fresheyeball> but its not working for me on nixos
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aristidb pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3ec56d8 Alexander V. Nikolaev: wineUnstable: 2.4 -> 2.5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6f3b15e Aristid Breitkreuz: Merge pull request #24798 from avnik/wine-update...
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<eacameron> Is there a way to tell nixops to compress closures before copying them? My server has a really slow upload speed and compressed the closure is pretty small.
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<benley> doesn't it gzip it?
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<eacameron> benley: I don't know...for how long it takes I assumed it didn't
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] shlevy opened pull request #1321: nix-channel: error out if direct tarball unpack fails. (
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<benley> eacameron: if you can tell it ssh flags to set, you could try enabling ssh -C and see if that helps. Or do the equivalent in ~/.ssh/config
<benley> (I don't remember exactly how nix-copy-closure operates)
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<circ-user-65WRT> I'm back debugging the SSSD/LDAP credentials cache problem. It seems that NixOS forces to run SSSD in parallel with NSCD "to make sssd work". This cannot be correct and seems to be a nixos bug.
<circ-user-65WRT> even systemctl status sssd complains about nscd running ....
<mtetreault> Hi, am I the only one running into issues using vagrant/virtualbox?
<mtetreault> I have the following error: Stderr: VBoxManage: error: The virtual machine 'Vagrant Test VM' has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1)
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<circ-user-65WRT> and there is no way to set persistent to on in /etc/nscd.conf
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 91b3abc Nikolay Amiantov: wrapGAppsHook: add librvsg as a dependency...
<circ-user-65WRT> there isn't even a manual override of /etc/nscd.conf ... :(
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<Dezgeg> you should let sssd do the credential caching
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<Dezgeg> nscd is used (even when not caching) because otherwise you would need to load into each process wanting to do name lookups, which is *very* painful
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<mekeor> (how) can i load the proprietary nvidia driver while running the installation-image from an usb-stick?
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<mtetreault> mekeor: add the line services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ]
<mtetreault> to your configuration.nix file
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar closed pull request #24800: steam: move libpciaccess as non-runtime dependencies (
<mekeor> mtetreault: and then how do i reconfigure the running system? (sorry, i didn't read the whole manual yet.)
<circ-user-65WRT> @Dezgeg so how can I let sssd do the credential caching?
<circ-user-65WRT> I do not see an option to disable it
<Dezgeg> disable what?
<Dezgeg> you just enable it in sssd.conf
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<circ-user-65WRT> nscd credential caching
<Dezgeg> no, don't touch that
<circ-user-65WRT> but this is what you said ... " you should let sssd do the credential caching"
<circ-user-65WRT> which means, disable the nscd credential caching
<Dezgeg> you leave nscd enabled but with TTL of 0
<Dezgeg> which is what the sssd nixos module does
<circ-user-65WRT> but it does not work
<Dezgeg> how so?
<circ-user-65WRT> if the ldap server is down, all my users disappear immediatlly
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<circ-user-65WRT> and nscd hangs during boot for 1:30 minutes
<Dezgeg> you need to debug your sssd configs then (I haven't done the offline ldap thing myself)
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<circ-user-65WRT> I strongly believes enable-cache must be no in /etc/nscd.conf
<Dezgeg> loading random pam_foo modules into random processes' address spaces is a very bad idea on nixos, hence we use nscd
<circ-user-65WRT> Can this be a long term solution after all? All major distros have deprecated nscd a long time ago ...
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<circ-user-65WRT> and I kinda depend on offline sssd ... I have to switch the distros for some of my machines sadly
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<Dezgeg> someone proposed a glibc patch to make this sort of nscd use cleaner IIRC
<circ-user-65WRT> oha. why is it so complicated under nixos? Can you enlighten me please? :)
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<Dezgeg> it basically boils down to nix(os) being capable of having multiple versions of the same shared library around (that possibly are ABI-incompatible)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c8c340b Nikolay Amiantov: tlp service: mask systemd-rfkill...
<Dezgeg> somewhere bzImage hardcoded?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ba4d304 Nikolay Amiantov: tlp service: mask systemd-rfkill...
<gchristensen> quite likeely
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<gchristensen> huh, I didn't know that could be different. probably Image is what I want?
<Dezgeg> yes
<gchristensen> I wonder what has changed for aarch64... thank you for holding my hand through this process.
<Dezgeg> or it's available from some obscure variable as well
<Dezgeg> bzImage is a binary that decompresses itself to an Image. aarch64 people decided to not implement a decompressor for the kernel
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<gchristensen> oh I see
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] qknight closed pull request #1296: builtins.port: manage dynamic port number allocation in nix (master...builtins.port)
<Dezgeg> seems like stdenv.platform.kernelTarget should hold that string
<gchristensen> yeah it does
<gchristensen> and then a few lines later
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<gchristensen> seems to be building an initrd
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 b8ece8f Nikolay Amiantov: wrapGAppsHook: fixup cherry-pick...
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<gchristensen> ok, syncing the netboot ipxe script
<Dezgeg> you already got grub loading over PXE?
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<gchristensen> maybe :)
<gchristensen> it built!
<gchristensen> testing it now
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<gchristensen> Dezgeg: I have no reason to think this will work, other than nix managed to build it.
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<gchristensen> Dezgeg: :/ I dunno. gotta go a bit though
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<Dezgeg> sounds like your initrd didn't get loaded
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<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> it is weird, during boot it uses docker??!
<Dezgeg> how so?
<gchristensen> not sure, but before it loads my thhing it runs docker commands.
<gchristensen> I'll trty and get a log
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<pingveno> Is there a guide floating around on creating nix packages for maven projects?
<pingveno> I may have bitton off a bit more than I can chew for my first nix package.
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