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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rnhmjoj opened pull request #23470: update and fix mitmproxy (master...mitmproxy)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2552b03 Tuomas Tynkkynen: unionfs-fuse: Use fetchFromGitHub
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<Acou_Bass> umm, question, im having trouble doing nixos-rebuild - it seems to get stuck on the updating GRUB 2 menu... ive been running for a few weeks without this issue (with lots of rebuilds/upgrades) so not really sure what couldve caused this?
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<clever> Acou_Bass: can you pastebin "ps -eH x"'s output when its hung?
<Acou_Bass> sure sec
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<Acou_Bass> clever
<clever> Acou_Bass: it appears to be blocking on disk io, what does ls -l /proc/2165/fd/ say?
<clever> Acou_Bass: and are any nfs mounts hung?
<Acou_Bass> hmmm ill check NFS mounts
<clever> df -h is usualy enough to check the nfs mounts
<Acou_Bass> heh yep i reckon you maybe right on NFS
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<Acou_Bass> your ls -l command said: total 0
<devoid> What's the best way to get an updated nvidia driver on 16.09?
<Acou_Bass> followed by 3 lines of
<Acou_Bass> lrwx------ 1 root root 64 Mar 4 00:31 0 -> /dev/pts/3
<devoid> Currently I'm running 367.57
<Acou_Bass> df -h actually hangs too
* Acou_Bass strokes beard
<clever> Acou_Bass: ah, so stdin/stderr/stdout are all pointing to /dev/pts/3, and it has no open files, but its probably doing stat on an nfs mount
<Acou_Bass> hmm
<clever> Acou_Bass: up next is "strace df -h" to find out which mount it is
<Acou_Bass> yep the last one it pops up with and sticks on, is /mnt/pi which is my NFS mount :P
<Acou_Bass> so you reckon restart the NFS client service?
<clever> Acou_Bass: umount and the problem should go away, if umount hangs, there is umount -l
<clever> Acou_Bass: its more likely that the nfs server is to blame
<clever> "umount -l" is a lazy umount, it will un-hook it from the visible FS's and let it take its time (potentialy forever) in the background where it wont bother anything
<Acou_Bass> ok yep umount /mnt/pi worked :D
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<clever> ive had issues before where a normal umount also hangs, because the nfs client is dumb and wants a server up to disconnect cleanly
<Acou_Bass> yeah
<clever> ive also had systemd refuse to shutdown because nfs is busy umounting, when there is less then 30 seconds left on the UPS, and the entire network is down because of a power outage!
<devoid> Looks like on the release-16.09 train I can select "nvidiaBeta"… but this is actually an *older* release 349.12 than the main one… :-)if I switch to the "release-17.03" branch I can actually
<Acou_Bass> ahhh crap yeah, you know what it was clever
<clever> the pi was off?
<Acou_Bass> i setup my NFS server and never actually added all the bind mounts to /etc/fstab
<devoid> get a newer release, 375.26 or the beta...
<clever> ah
<Acou_Bass> which never really became an issue until i rebooted the pi today
<Acou_Bass> :P
<clever> heh
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<devoid> So… is it a *bad idea* (TM) to switch to the 17.03 release branch now?
<gchristensen> if anything goes wrong, you'll be able to revert to 16.099 safely.
<clever> devoid: the branches on this repo corespond to nix channels, so you can just peek at any channel and find the answer
<clever> 16.09 has a seperate beta.nix rather then an all-in-one
<devoid> clever, not sure what you mean by "peek" I'm just cloning the nixpkgs repo and checking out the release branch then set my NIX_PATH to that directory?
<clever> devoid: you can change branches right on the github web-ui
<gchristensen> devoid: now that is not safe
<devoid> If you look at the 16.09's beta release, it's using an older version 349.12 than the non-beta.
<Acou_Bass> probably just better off waiting till 17
<clever> devoid: the last link i gave is the 17.03 version of nvidia's package
<Acou_Bass> 17.03*
<devoid> Acou_Bass but my second monitor isn't working :-(
<Acou_Bass> isn't 17.03 scheduled to be at some point this month anyway
<Acou_Bass> 0,o really what gfx card?
<clever> devoid: also, the release-17.03 branch on nixpkgs isnt the safe one, you want release-17.03 of nixpkgs-master
<clever> oops
<clever> nixpkgs-channels
<gchristensen> nixos-17.03 on nixpkgs-channels
<clever> what gchristensen said
<clever> i should get sleep soon, lol
<gchristensen> :)
<clever> but i need to finish this code
<gchristensen> take care of yourself, clever
<Acou_Bass> I'm patiently waiting for 17.03 for a kernel they'll actually support my wifi card, sadly 16.09 doesn't seem to wanna use nvidia driver with Linux latest XD
<Acou_Bass> but yeah fair point if your two monitors won't work at all
<devoid> gchristensen, thanks. What's the syntax for adding a nix-channel that's one of these git repos
<gchristensen> nix-channel --add nixos
<devoid> or do I just add this as a remote to my nixpkgs repo and do the install that way?
<devoid> clever, thanks for your help.
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<clever> devoid: if you just want to use a channel, what gchristensen said
<clever> devoid: if you want to develop or edit expressions in a channel line 6/7 of
<clever> devoid: by adding other forks of nixpkgs like that, i can checkout branches from any of them, and switch back to master easily, so i only need 1 copy of the nixpkgs git repo
<devoid> clever, thanks! out of curiosity why have a separate repo for these channels and not just a protected branch in the main nixpkgs repo?
<clever> no idea why it was setup like that
<Profpatsch> Can anybody tell me why that trivial option throws a totally non-descript error?
<devoid> clever, haha ok. thanks again!
<Profpatsch> nix-build --arg configuration '{}' nixos/default.nix -A vm
<Profpatsch> clever: If you got a second, I’m sure you see the reason.
<Profpatsch> Oh wait
<Profpatsch> I’m an idiot.
<Profpatsch> Total idiot.
<Profpatsch> wow
<clever> was that the pkgs default.nix?
<Profpatsch> clever: It’s missing mkOption
<Profpatsch> Yeah, we definitely need some kind of type checks.
<Profpatsch> And if it’s only „this thing is an attrset with the fields x y z
<clever> mkOption sort of adds a type system to the options framework
<clever> but the option definitions themselves arent protected
<Profpatsch> Yeah, but it completely fails you when you screw up option definitions.
<devoid> Slim login window oddities I was talking about earlier…
<clever> devoid: ow, lol
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<Acou_Bass> yeah slim will do that hehe
<clever> i think its more to do with the xorg default, span or mirror
<clever> my driver default to mirror
<Acou_Bass> so does your 2nd monitor not work at all? even if you just fire up nvidia-settings and manually turn it on?
<devoid> Acou_Bass, indeed
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] veprbl opened pull request #23471: jekyll: 3.0.1 -> 3.4.1 (master...jekyll)
<devoid> xrandr reports two monitors 2560x1440 as "DP-0.8" and "DP-0.1" while nvidia-settings reports these as "DFP-2.8" and "DFP-2.1"
<clever> devoid: are you using xfce?
<devoid> clever: gnome3 for desktopManager and slim for displayManager, but for no particular reason.
<clever> ah, i was wondering if xfce4-display-settings helped any
<clever> i believe it uses xrandr to apply the changes, so you can probably just run it under nix-shell to test
<clever> but it needs xfce in full control to persist, so it can restore upon login
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<Acou_Bass> i use xfce but dont use its configuration manager at all i just use nvidia-settings
<Acou_Bass> before i added the config to my configuration.nix
<Acou_Bass> i had to fire up nvidia-settings and go on the monitors settings bit
<spacekitteh> clever: are you cleverca22?
<Acou_Bass> and manually drag the first monitor 'off' the second one
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<Acou_Bass> because it was covering it up
<Acou_Bass> then turn the other one on
<clever> spacekitteh: yes
<spacekitteh> kk
<devoid> lol xfce's desktop is very confused about zfs...
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<clever> devoid: cacti/snmp is also confused, it refuses to let me graph a 2nd filesystem within the same pool
<devoid> 8 grey'ed out "rpool" volumes.
<spacekitteh> joachifm_: how do i view the log for update-dnscrypt-resolvers?
<spacekitteh> oh -u
<clever> devoid: and df in general, the size of every mount-point is in constant flux
<devoid> not sure what I'm supposed to try under xfce … still one blank monitor
<clever> devoid: try draging that monitor?
<clever> devoid: anything in the dropdown?
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<devoid> clever, nothing seems to change the fact that one display won't get a signal
<clever> cant think of anything else then
<devoid> clever, ya I feel like MST support in Linux is still a mystery to me.
<devoid> Everthing I read online indicates that it should be working since late 3.x kernels
<devoid> but I've never gotten it to work
<gchristensen> I'm working on open sourcing my tooling around nixpkgs, the first is this git pre-push hook which doesn't let me make new branches on NixOS/nixpkgs (hi peterhoeg :) ) doesn't let me delete master or release branches, and since I only once in a blue moon push more than one commit at a time, blocks pushes with more than one commit since that is likely an error:
<clever> gchristensen: is that why i saw a "mast" branch a few days ago?
<gchristensen> I don't know about mast specifically, but there have been a couple mistaken pushes lately
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<gchristensen> LOL I didn't realize niksnut was a Discordian :D
<spacekitteh> cool gchristensen :D
<spacekitteh> i'm slowly working on using nix as a build system (as in, makefile replacement) :3
<gchristensen> nice :D
<spacekitteh> i wonder how slow it's gonna be compared to ninja
<clever> spacekitteh: this is something similar i threw together:
<clever> my idea, was to make every single .o file its own derivation, that only depends on the .h files it references
<spacekitteh> neat
<spacekitteh> yeah
<spacekitteh> :3
<spacekitteh> a natural CCache
<clever> and with the filterSource stuff i did, the .o file hash depends purely on the hash of the source (and cli args)
<clever> so it can reuse a .o between builds, in a pure manner
<clever> and it can use build slaves to split something like chromium or linux over 200 slaves
<clever> so you get both distcc and ccache, in a pure manner
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<spacekitteh> wait you actually did that?
<spacekitteh> as in, used it for a chromium build
<clever> in theory, it could do that
<spacekitteh> oh
<spacekitteh> yeah
<clever> but you would need to re-implement the makefile in nix, by hand (or write a generator)
<spacekitteh> yeah :\
<clever> another more painful part, is that the generated nix file depends on the source tar
<clever> so it has to unpack the entire source while doing import-from-derivation, for every project doing this
<clever> or possibly download pre-build nix files from the binary cache
<spacekitteh> clever: that's why i made this:
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<clever> spacekitteh: reguarding your 2nd point, i have thought about what would happen if i just jam every git project into a single .git directory
<clever> spacekitteh: it would need to map the branch names about to avoid collisions, and to keep the GC from eating other projecs, and with the recent sha1 news, id be more warry about merging projects controlled by different groups
<spacekitteh> clever: i've been wanting to make git compression better, too
<spacekitteh> aye
<clever> internaly, git will store all files with a header of "blob %d\0", the %d is the file size
<clever> and then it zlib's that whole string, to make the raw object in .git/objects/
<spacekitteh> indeed
<spacekitteh> zlib is pretty crappy
<spacekitteh> there are much better compression algorithms these days
<ben> think about all the COPYINGs you could deduplicate w/ a single git store...
<spacekitteh> especially for structured data
<clever> the pack files clean that up more, and produce some inteligent binary diffs between objects
<clever> while still allowing the original object to be extracted
<spacekitteh> clever: honestly, git should just leave the diffing to the compression algorithm
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23472: frostwire: 6.0.0 -> 6.4.5 (master...frostwire)
<clever> i think part of it, is that git knows the history, and can diff different versions of the same file
<spacekitteh> aye
<clever> while the compression algo cant, once you concat them into a giant blob
<greymalkin> Is there a reliable way to get the uid that will be assigned to a username during a rebuild?
<clever> they might not even wind up in the same compression block, and then you gain nothing
<spacekitteh> clever: plenty of compression algorithms can
<spacekitteh> not DEFLATE, though
<clever> greymalkin: i just set users.extraUsers.clever = { isNormalUser = true; uid=1000; }; so they are pinned, and also map nicely over nfs
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<clever> if the uid isnt set, then it dynamicaly assignes one at runtime, if the user doesnt exist
<spacekitteh> clever: modern compression algorithms can take into account the grammar of the particular language used, for example
<clever> spacekitteh: i would expect that to still be limited to working within a single block
<greymalkin> clever: :( Specifically, I'm trying to get a mounted filesystem to be owned by wwwrun, the user created by services.httpd.enable = true
<spacekitteh> clever: not necessarily
<spacekitteh> clever: i mean, you can also just put all versions of a file into the same block
<spacekitteh> in their raw form
<clever> greymalkin: all users made by modules within nixpkgs are pre-assigned an id within nixpkgs
<clever> spacekitteh: what if the file is over 1 block in size?
<clever> gzip and bzip2 have 900kb as the upper limit of block size
<spacekitteh> clever: if that's the case then currently git doens't diff them anyway
<spacekitteh> (by default)
<clever> ah, didnt know it skipped that
<spacekitteh> yeah, it has a window size, window memory and delta depth limit
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23473: ncdc: 1.19.1 -> 1.20 (master...ncdc)
<spacekitteh> defaults are 50 files, 1mb, and 10 deltas max currently
<spacekitteh> if it can't find anything satisfactory to diff against while staying within those bounds, it just saves the whole file
<clever> ah, so a 1023kb file would still be within that limit, but too big for gzip to handle in 1 block
<spacekitteh> clever: only if the files it's looking to diff against are 1kb
<clever> enless thats 1mb to hold both files
<spacekitteh> it is
<clever> ah
<spacekitteh> there's a good writeup, lemme find it for you
<clever> so a pair of 512kb files then, which easily gits inside a block
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<clever> ah, nice
<spacekitteh> it hasn't really changed since then
<clever> line 12, lol
<spacekitteh> :3
<taktoa> lol
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<spacekitteh> clever: basically, compression is isomorphic to AI
<spacekitteh> clever: and AI has made leaps and bounds since rsync + DEFLATE were created
<spacekitteh> and as a result, compression has as well
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<spacekitteh> (git's diffing algorithm is based on rsync)
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* spacekitteh is studying AI
<spacekitteh> sorta.
<spacekitteh> in my spare time :V
<clever> i remember making my own "compression algo" back when i was like 15, it was a php script that just ran gzip, bzip2, and something else, then compared them to see which gave the best result (it didnt bzip the gzip)
<clever> and then it kept the smallest version, and deleted the other files
<spacekitteh> clever: that's called context mixing!
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<clever> main downside, is that it took 3-4 times as long, and a crap-ton of disk
<spacekitteh> aye
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<spacekitteh> that's due to the fact that compression is basically trying to find the kolgomorov complexity of the input data
<spacekitteh> and finding the kolmogorov complexity of something is uncomputable in general
<peterhoeg> gchristensen: I'm flattered you're thinking about me!
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<peterhoeg> On the issue of multiple commits, I personally don't think that's such a bad idea in many cases. If they each encapsulate one logical block that can stand alone, it makes perfect sense to do so.
<gchristensen> peterhoeg: I agree, I just never make them.
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<spacekitteh> clever: basically, finding the optimial compression of something is equivalent to the halting problem in terms of complexity class :) it's doable... but only as a supertask!
<clever> heh
<gchristensen> if you look at my history, almost 100% of my commits are one-off merging commits or cherry-picks. that is a sanity check for me, not necessary for others :)
<spacekitteh> i mean sure, you can find optimal compression for plenty of things, just like you can determine plenty of programs halt or not
<spacekitteh> but not in general
* spacekitteh shrugs
<clever> spacekitteh: and yet some people have found crazy workarounds,
<clever> spacekitteh: this is a first person shooter, in a 96kb executable
<spacekitteh> i remember that game! it's so cool
<clever> with full textures, 3d models, music, and mobs with ai
<spacekitteh> i was really into demos for a while
<clever> the trick, is that they dont try to compress the textures, its basicaly SVG's
<spacekitteh> i thought they were completely procedurally generated
<spacekitteh> ohh
<spacekitteh> right
<spacekitteh> yeah same thing basically
<taktoa> I mean, an SVG is just a procedure for generating an image
<clever> yep
<clever> and apply the same logic to the music, the 3d models, and the maps
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<clever> you have now removed 99% of the data in a typical game
<spacekitteh> indeed
<spacekitteh> when i was a game dev i always wanted to do something like that
<taktoa> yeah it's a typical time-space tradeoff
<spacekitteh> but alas
<clever> and nix would also help with the loss of time at startup!
<clever> it could generate all that to the nix store, and optionaly GC it at any time
<taktoa> clever: that's just trading disk for memory
<clever> taktoa: more trading disk for loading time
<clever> it will load faster the next time, because the data was cached to disk
<clever> no need to re-generate it all
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<smw_> clever: guess what. It is still compiling! :-P
<clever> smw_: :D, it may take several days
<taktoa> yeah, and then what's the point of compressing all the data as an SVG if you are just going to cache the compilation of the SVG (well, bandwidth, but who cares about that :))
<clever> taktoa: with modern connection speeds, yeah
<spacekitteh> anyone who doens't live in south korea
<spacekitteh> lol
<smw_> clever: it has been compiling the kernel for quite a long time :-)
<clever> hmmmm.... how big of a QR code do i need for 96kb?.....
* spacekitteh stabs her 700KB/s ADSL connection
<clever> smw_: my pi2 took ~2h 50mins to build a kernel recently
<spacekitteh> i once ran gentoo on a 2007ish netbook
<spacekitteh> oh the pain
<smw_> clever: anyways, quick question, can I rebuild a nixos system by chrooting?
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<clever> smw_: as long as you use "nixos-rebuild boot", yes, and there is "nixos-install --root /mnt --chroot" to chroot for you
<taktoa> spacekitteh: you have me thinking: I wonder what would happen if you ran on .kkrieger
<spacekitteh> hmm, interesting
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<smw_> clever: what does nixos-install do there?
<taktoa> literally just recursively enumerates the set of all n-instruction basic blocks and checks if they are equal with SMT
<spacekitteh> indeed
<echo-area> Hi, I am making a patch, and get stuck at the step of rebasing master. I got a conflict there and I checked that it was not related to my patch. Do I blindly accept whatever from the master branch, as that will result in the patch only contains my expected changes?
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<clever> smw_: it will stop mid-way thru the install (while inside the chroot), and drop to a shell, with /run/current-system setup
<smw_> clever: cool
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<spacekitteh> taktoa: it's a pity superoptimisation is usually done in a dumb way
<taktoa> spacekitteh: thanks for the twitter follow :^)
<smw_> clever: I have raspian and a usb with an extra sd card.
<spacekitteh> taktoa: "Currently I am most interested in functional programming, category theory, and constructive mathematics." twins
<smw_> clever: so I am doing building on my raspian then switch the cards to test it out.
<spacekitteh> taktoa: even aerospace stuff :V
* spacekitteh is a former avionics engineer :V
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<clever> smw_: sounds like it should work
<roygbiv> spacekitteh, why did you get out of that line of work?
<spacekitteh> roygbiv: i didn't want to help improve ICBMs, basically
<roygbiv> understood
<roygbiv> just being nosy!
<spacekitteh> plus the field is awfully rigid and conservative etc
<spacekitteh> research is sneered at
<taktoa> I got out of it because 90% of the curriculum was focused on improving your ability to multiply matrices
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<taktoa> and I realized that that was not a good use of my time
<spacekitteh> heh
<spacekitteh> that too
<spacekitteh> "we're gonna do some really advanced mathematics now!" *basic functional analysis*
<clever> ive made a 3d rendering engine, from scratch, before i knew that matrix multiplication was a thing
<spacekitteh> hehe
<smw_> clever: is there a way to suppress compilation output?
<smw_> I just want to see what is being compiled
<clever> smw_: -Q
<spacekitteh> i made a ray tracer in grade 12 for an IT assignment (it was basically "make this simple program") and i was bored so i... didn't
<smw_> clever: is it safe to cancel so
<clever> spacekitteh: lol
<smw_> clever: cancel the run so I can add -Q
<clever> smw_: reasonably, it will need to restart the current derivation
<clever> and if your 2 hours into a 3 hour derivation, id wait
<clever> enless you dont mind another 2 hours of compiling
<smw_> makes sense
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<clever> smw_: oh god, llvm started to compile!
<smw_> hah
<clever> the last time it passed, it took 6 hours!
<clever> and after that, it took 5h 44mins, then failed!
<clever> and that was 5h just on gcc, lol
<smw_> clever: what is
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<clever> one of the sites i run
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<smw_> clever: I see the nixos integration tests (with VMs) but are there unit tests?
<smw_> clever: also, any chance of writing tests in a nicer language than perl? :-P
<clever> the closest thing i can think of to a unit test in nix is to just run "make test" between "make" and "make install"
<clever> which can be done by just setting doCheck = true; in a derivation
<clever> but the package has to provide its own tests
<clever> smw_: also, i'm now starting some integration tests for a large project on my end, and rather then implement its network protocol in perl, ive written a c++/lua app to handle it
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<smw_> clever: cool, it looked like only perl when reading the nix guide. But I was thinking about nixos tests, not nix package tests. Something like "give the following setting, I expect the file to contain this"
<smw_> clever: just normal sanity tests to ensure that your code is sound.
<clever> ah
<smw_> clever: especially if you have many options
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<smw_> clever: in reality, nothing has to be executed. Just know that given some input the function (yay functional programming) will produce a certain output config.
<smw_> clever: it seems like that would be really important.
<echo-area> I have still not yet finished the rebase, and I don't know how long it will take further. My patch is on release 16.09 and there are too many changes since then. What do I do now?
<echo-area> Maybe try the patch in another branch?
<gchristensen> echo-area: that should be easier, yes
<clever> smw_: you could put asserts into your nix expression, but you would have to hard-code the input and exptect value, and it might still trigger building of derivations your string references
<clever> and its getting late here, i'm off to bed now
<echo-area> Okay
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<smw_> clever: g'night
<smw_> clever: tomorrow I install nixos! Or at least try.
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<echo-area> In the preview of the pull request, I see other changes that I don't want to be merged into master, i.e. those changes are not made by me but by git rebase. Should I still create the pull request, or should I start the process over?
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<echo-area> I think I must have used the wrong commit at the beginning
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<ndowens08> how do you search for a package that provides a library.
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<dmj`> seems like the gitlab oauth provider for the oauth2_proxy module is trying to use gmail...
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<ndowens08> this package i am trying to update needs libavcodec but i can not figure out package provides it
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<MP2E> ndowens08: ffmpeg provides libavcodec
<MP2E> I think libav does too if that project still exists
<MP2E> ffmpeg is preferred I think
<ndowens08> MP2E: ah, is there a way to query things such for future reference?
<ndowens08> so I can figure out what provides what, generally i can do nox to find something, but oculdntd for that library
<MP2E> good question, not sure actually. that'd be useful
<ndowens08> very
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<ndowens08> hmm if there was a way for when hydra built the packages, it would create a list of dir/files that the package created; then a cmd could be used to search for it
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<spacekitteh> it's a pity that nix's core AST isn't JITted
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<spacekitteh> it's also a pity it's written in C++ :/ it seems like it could be a fifth of the size if it was in haskell or another similar language
<simpson> Write it in RPython.
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<spacekitteh> TIL about RPython
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<simpson> It's the most practical way to make a JIT right now.
<spacekitteh> eh, assuming you count python as being practical
<simpson> You write a light AST interpreter, and then you put the JIT annotation on, and then you're done.
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<spacekitteh> + for a compiler
<simpson> Well, it's proven practical; PyPy is written using RPython.
<spacekitteh> i mean using a dynamic, duck-typed language
<simpson> Moreover, there aren't many competing toolkits. LLVM's JIT tooling is not good, and Truffle isn't able to run without a JVM unless you pay big bucks to Oracle.
<spacekitteh> aye, LLVM's JIT api really needs a hell of a lot of improvement
<simpson> RPython is statically-scoped and statically-typed. It's like writing Java with good syntax, or OCaml with bad syntax.
<spacekitteh> interesting
<simpson> In proper Monte, this'd be: if (expr =~ m`escape ej { }`) { return inner }
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<simpson> But yeah, this is all statically type-checked during a translation-and-compile phase, and the semantics are roughly somewhere between C++ and Java, with the understanding that NPEs are segfaults.
<c74d> does RPython have language support for tagged unions like OCaml has?
<simpson> "Arrakis teaches the way of the knife" and all that.
<simpson> c74d: If you have a bunch of subclasses of a common class, they'll share an object-and-vtable layout when compiled to C structs. So it's like C++, not OCaml.
<c74d> oh, RPython isn't a language itself
<simpson> The only really really shitty part is no first-class closures at runtime. So you have to pass around executors like a peasant in Javaland.
<simpson> Well, there's rpython.rlib, which is a stdlib tailored towards writing interpreters. Bigints, C FFI, syscalls, GC, plus basic Python-style data structures.
* c74d was thinking of how I've heard that tagged unions and matching over them, as OCaml has, are especially desirable for writing compilers
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<simpson> I'm using a nanopass-style AST rewriter. It's powered by a great little module; the best part of RPython is that your metalanguage is full unrestricted Python.
<simpson> 240 lines to do what the original nanopass needed like 2KLoC of Racket for.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d3899a2 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.async_kernel: init at 113.33.00
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5a0c577 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.async_unix: init at 113.33.00+4.03
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 708bcdb Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.{angstrom,cstruct,ezjsonm,hex,io-page}: depend on ocamlbuild
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ad49932 Vincent Laporte: camlp4: init at 4.05+1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f8e5b8d Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.jupyter: set priority...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 d0a7bce Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.jupyter: set priority...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 1f9bd92 Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.jupyter: set priority...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh force-pushed python-wip from 6c12ffc to d0a7bce:
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master da3c0ac Vladimír Čunát: xorg.xorgserver: security 1.19.1 -> 1.19.2...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 25c590f Vladimír Čunát: xorg.xorgserver: security 1.19.1 -> 1.19.2...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] viric pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1bd3fa6 Lluís Batlle i Rossell: vlock: fix ENOPATCH...
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<dcz___> hello
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 843e5da Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.ppx_deriving: 3.3 -> 4.1
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<oPn7> guys, i install openvpn but there is no config in etc of openvpn path.
<oPn7> how can i put a config file there ? i found this but i didnt understand how to do that.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] herberteuler opened pull request #23475: proxychains: build with -ldl (master...fix/proxychains-add-ldl)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] herberteuler closed pull request #23475: proxychains: build with -ldl (master...fix/proxychains-add-ldl)
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<qknight> oPn7: it is all in there as examples
<qknight> oPn7: you don't have a etc entrie and you have to make a entry in your /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and do a nixos-rebuild switch to make it active
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<oPn7> qknight: ty for the answer. other programs have this kind of things to do manual configuration.
<oPn7> i am struggling about this.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fe0ef55 Vincent Laporte: solc: fix build...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jensbin opened pull request #23476: corebird: missing dependencies (glib_networking) (master...corebird_missing_glib-networking)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ts468 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b9a7aac Thomas Strobel: improve: modules/virtualisation/qemu-vm.nix...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 57c6fac Tuomas Tynkkynen: kernel config: Enable IP_MULTICAST...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c184d2e Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.core_extended_p4: fix build on linux
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg closed pull request #23470: update and fix mitmproxy (master...mitmproxy)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 16bd655 Tuomas Tynkkynen: kernel config: Enable IP_MULTICAST...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 e81caaa rnhmjoj: kaitaistruct: init at 0.6...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 d0088e2 rnhmjoj: mitmproxy: 1.0.2 -> 2.0.6...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #23477: gparted: 0.26.1 -> 0.28.1 (master...update/gparted-0.28.1)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #23478: shotwell: 0.25.5 -> 0.25.90 (master...update/shotwell-0.25.90)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #23479: sqlite3_analyzer: -> 3.17.0 (master...update/sqlite3_analyzer-3.17.0)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #23480: sqlite: 3.16.2 -> 3.17.0 (staging...update/sqlite3-3.17.0)
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<pierron> Writting complex Nix expressions is choosing between which one of the 3 would fail first: The stack, the memory, or my patience.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #23481: qshowdiff: fix build (master...fix/qshowdiff)
<clever> oPn7: is how i have one of my vpn clients setup
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<clever> oh, and i was signed into the wrong github, lol
<oPn7> :D
<oPn7> yeah nothing there
<clever> that acct has the ssh keys for my hydra, and read-only access to a few private githubs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2b38cbb mimadrid: qshowdiff: fix build
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 e5e3cec mimadrid: qshowdiff: fix build...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor closed pull request #23481: qshowdiff: fix build (master...fix/qshowdiff)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rardiol opened pull request #23482: pcsxr: remove name conflict with zlib 1.2.9 (master...pcsxr)
<jophish_> gchristensen: did you ever get alacritty working?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0428304 mimadrid: gparted: 0.26.1 -> 0.28.1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 51b53fd mimadrid: gparted: 0.26.1 -> 0.28.1...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor closed pull request #23477: gparted: 0.26.1 -> 0.28.1 (master...update/gparted-0.28.1)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d8a7b50 ndowens: smc: 6.3.0 -> 6.6.0
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 996ea7d ndowens: smc: 6.3.0 -> 6.6.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor closed pull request #23422: smc: 6.3.0 -> 6.6.0 (master...smc)
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<Gravious> File /nix/store/gj812mspr6576xyfxwqpy4a7y7nxr9c5-nix-deb-debian-8.2-jessie-amd64-1.11/debs/nix_1.11-1_amd64.deb has disappeared.
<Gravious> D:
<clever> hydra no longer stores those files on its hdd
<clever> everything is in the binary cache
<Gravious> a, i'm following nix pill #2 to remind myself of how to setup nix, it's been a year since i used it at all
<Gravious> no debs anymore?
<clever> this can install it on almost any linux or darwin device, but wont setup the services
<clever> the debs are still being built, but it looks like youll need help to download them
<Gravious> ok
<clever> hmm, i cant see the above deb in the binary cache either
<clever> might be simpler to just install via curl
<Gravious> ok
<Gravious> thanks :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8977b1f Daiderd Jordan: vim-plugins: use https for github repositories
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f14b001 Daiderd Jordan: vim-plugins: update with https sources
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5262f5e Daiderd Jordan: vim-plugins: add some more plugins
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f7636f9 Daiderd Jordan: vim-plugins: use https for github repositories...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 936a6c0 Daiderd Jordan: vim-plugins: update with https sources...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 994a373 Daiderd Jordan: vim-plugins: add some more plugins...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor closed pull request #23469: vim-plugins: update and use https for github sources (master...vim-plugins)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0e2bd7e Léo Gaspard: openldap module: fix paths for example includes
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 2f95a29 Léo Gaspard: openldap module: fix paths for example includes...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor closed pull request #23328: openldap module: fix paths for example includes (master...ldap-example-fix)
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<clever> Gravious: ah, nice
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<obadz> clever: have you had a look at ponylang?
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<obadz> clever: could be good for toxvpn :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] wmertens pushed 2 new commits to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging f704050 mimadrid: sqlite: 3.16.2 -> 3.17.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 9ed232b Wout Mertens: Merge pull request #23480 from mimadrid/update/sqlite3-3.17.0...
<clever> obadz: id also need bindings for the ioctls to control routing tables/addresses, toxcore, and /dev/tun, and thats already half the code in toxvpn
<obadz> pony calls C without bindings
<clever> ah
<obadz> you can give optional type hints in one place to avoid having to do it at the call site
<obadz> but that's about it
<clever> what about its cross-compile support?
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<obadz> it outputs llvm
<clever> ah
<obadz> though I'm not sure the runtime is well ported yet
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<clever> added to my watchlist
<clever> currently working my way thru the lua api docs
<Gravious> Perl API version v5.14.0 of Nix::Store does not match v5.20.0 at /usr/share/perl/5.20/ line 117.
<Gravious> Compilation failed in require at /usr/bin/nix-shell line 6.
<Gravious> heh, i guess i got the wheezy deb by accident >.>
<clever> Gravious: it looks like the debian package installs nix to /usr/bin, and then uses that to manage /nix/store/
<clever> and the nix it installs has to use and work with all libs debian provides
<clever> but the curl script, installs nix, and all of its dependencies into /nix/store, fully isolated from the host libs
<obadz> clever: what plans you have for lua?
<clever> obadz: writing a testcase framework for a custom network protocol
<Gravious> clever, it's ok, it seems to work if i pick the debian8 pkg, or at least i get an error about /nix/store now which is just perms
<gchristensen> jophish_: never did.
<clever> Gravious: if you run nix-daemon as root, and set "export NIX_REMOTE=daemon" for non-root, it can relay the root-needing things to the daemon
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<Gravious> clever, nice thanks
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 3e3dfdd Peter Simons: haskell-diagrams-lib: test suite fails on i686
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f891d53 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.core_extended_p4: fix build on linux
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 08a31de Vincent Laporte: solc: fix build...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7a9881d Peter Simons: haskell-diagrams-lib: test suite fails on i686...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NickHu opened pull request #23484: python-sip: 4.18.1 -> 4.19.1 (master...sip)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 cb1af9f Peter Simons: haskell-arithmoi: test suite fails on i686
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e47a0ae Peter Simons: haskell-arithmoi: test suite fails on i686...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NickHu opened pull request #23485: python-PyQt: 5.6 -> 5.8 (master...pyqt)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #23484: python-sip: 4.18.1 -> 4.19.1 (master...sip)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dc2bf68 Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.sympy: disable tests
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 75fc482 Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.sympy: disable tests...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh force-pushed python-wip from d0a7bce to 31d5138:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-wip 6b72715 Nick Hu: python-sip: 4.18.1 -> 4.19.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-wip 31d5138 Nick Hu: python-PyQt: 5.6 -> 5.8
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6011e3e Graham Christensen: jitsi: 2.8.5426 -> 2.10.5550 for CVE-2017-5603
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<gchristensen> interesting: our git packaging isn't correct if you only put git in its own path
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 84deb22 Graham Christensen: jitsi: 2.8.5426 -> 2.10.5550 for CVE-2017-5603...
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<gchristensen> also interesting: I had never considered I'd have to send notices for _three_ branches, I wonder how my tooling will handle that.
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<magnetophon> I'm trying to get nix-serve working again, and the caches and keys seem OK, but I get: "NAR info file ‘ $the-url.narinfo’ has an incorrect signature; ignoring ". It then correctly installs from cache.nixos.
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<clever> magnetophon: did you give the key a unique name?
<magnetophon> clever: I don't think so. how?
<clever> when you ran nix-store --generate
<clever> the command you gave a few days ago creates a key claiming to be, so it will use the real nixos pubkey, and fail
<clever> you must name it after your own domain
<magnetophon> i did: nix-store --generate-binary-cache-key mixos /tmp/tst/sk1 /tmp/tst/pk1
<clever> and the docs say it has to be in the form of domain-number, like
<magnetophon> clever: aha
<clever> and the publickey it generates has to go into the nix.conf of the devices that are going to download from it
<magnetophon> clever: yup. doing that in the global configuration.nix
<clever> and you need to make sure nix-serve is reading the matching secret key, it might be reading an older one you made days ago
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FlorentBecker opened pull request #23487: Update to latest eliom + add ocsigen_start (master...ocsigen_start)
<magnetophon> clever: sorry, I didn't mention yet: when I run "nix-env -f $NIXPKGS -iA qutebrowser" it doesn't try the local cache, only when I put it in the flags
<clever> you also need to add the binary cache to nix.conf
<magnetophon> clever: I have.
<clever> magnetophon: is how i setup my own cache clients
<pierron> \o/ I made an efficient TOML parser in Nix. Now I can look at making a Nixpkgs overlay to provide rust & rustc & cargo versions out of the manifest files.
<ben> :D
<ben> did you literally write a pure nix function taking a toml string as input and returning a bunch of attrsets
<clever> magnetophon: the % at the end of that public key doesnt look right to me, can you double-check the contents of /tmp/tst/pk1?
<pierron> ben: yes
<pierron> ben: it fits in 147 lines :D
<ben> nice
<pierron> no error checking of course
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<pierron> the challenge was to avoid deep recursions while parsing a 200KB file
<RchrdB> Does the nix language have tail-call elimination?
<pierron> RchrdB: no
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<pierron> RchrdB: this was the other challenge :P
<RchrdB> So um
<RchrdB> wait how
<magnetophon> clever: heh, that's an artifact of cat. thanks
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<RchrdB> that sounds infeasible? you can only loop by recursively calling functions, so don't you need to recurse at least 200k times, once to take in each input byte?
<clever> magnetophon: both the public and private keys are base64, so they can only contain the characters listed here, and optionaly end in =
<pierron> RchrdB: They are primops which are not recursive.
<pierron> RchrdB: such as builtins.foldl'
<RchrdB> pierron, did you do something excessively clever like recursively eating a few hundred or thousand bytes at a time and then returning intermediate state to a trampoline function further up the stack?
<RchrdB> ah okay
<pierron> RchrdB: and that too
<RchrdB> lol nice
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<RchrdB> I am legitimately impressed.
<pierron> RchrdB: otherwise reading each byte in Nix is awfully slow.
<RchrdB> Yeah I imagine it would be.
<pierron> I guess I should push this one to Nixpkgs.
<pierron> I will first make the overlay work, and then I will make a PR for adding this fromTOML function to the Nixpkgs library.
<pierron> RchrdB: the first thing I do, is compute the ceil(log(length(file))) :P
<RchrdB> Should you, though? this sounds difficult enough that it might be less work maintenance overall to put a toml parser into the nix builtins rather than maintaining one written in the nix language itself?
<RchrdB> Obviously my opinion carries no weight if you don't agree, I'm just some tool on the internet.
<RchrdB> Depending, I guess, on whether that code will ever need maintenance in future now that you've already written it.
<pierron> RchrdB: I agree that this would be nicer, but we probably don't want to support every format in the Nix interpreter.
<RchrdB> I was trying to suspend judgement about "nicer" and only think about the total amount of work. :)
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<magnetophon> clever: getting closer: when I generate a key named mixos-1 I get "narinfo’ is signed by unknown key ‘mixos’; ignoring", but when I generate one for mixos I get "narinfo’ has an incorrect signature; ignoring". I guess that means the nix.conf is OK, but nix-serve is using the old key? How do I fix that?
<ben> let's just host a toml to nix cgi script somewhere that accepts really long query strings and fetchurl that >:U
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ehmry pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3fdd726 ndowens: ncdc: 1.19.1 -> 1.20
<clever> magnetophon: check the nix-serve config, and possibly restart nix-serve
<clever> magnetophon: how is nix-serve being given the key?
<magnetophon> clever: idk
<clever> magnetophon: how did you enable nix-serve?
<magnetophon> clever: lemme check
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<magnetophon> clever: in my global config, I have services.nix-serve.enable and .secretKeyFile. I'll copy /tmp/tst/sk1 to there, and rebuild.
<gchristensen> globin, fpletz: around?
<clever> magnetophon: what exactly did you set secretKeyFile to?
<magnetophon> clever: /etc/nix/nix-serve.sec
<clever> magnetophon: ah, so its simply using an old secret key, not the new one
<clever> magnetophon: and that must be a quoted string, not an unquoted one
<magnetophon> so I'd do "cp /tmp/tst/sk1 /etc/nix/nix-serve.sec" and rebuild?
<magnetophon> I have secretKeyFile = "/etc/nix/nix-serve.sec";
<clever> then you only need to copy and restart the nix-serve unit in systemd
<clever> rebuild wont do anything
<magnetophon> clever: right. thanks!
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<magnetophon> clever: \o/
<magnetophon> many thanks for your patience
<clever> yep :)
<magnetophon> clever: is this stuff documented somewhere?
<ben> pierron: is your parser on github rn?
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<clever> magnetophon: only documentation ive found is a small entry in the nix-store manpage for the --generate option
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<smw_> clever: so, some time last night one of the builds failed. So I restarted it and nothing is failing now :-\
<clever> smw_: -k can help with that some, it will keep building what it can even after a failure, so it doesnt waste hours waiting for you to notice
<smw_> clever: also, it isn't really using my full CPU, I am using -J and --cores, is there another way to run more jobs at once?
<pierron> ben: not yet
<magnetophon> clever: OK, thanks again.
<clever> smw_: the nix level -j builds each derivation in parallel, but that only helps once you get past the stdenv bootstrap
<pierron> ben: I will push it later today, when I finish the rust overlay.
<ben> ok :)
<clever> smw_: the make level -j (probably --cores) only does something if enableParallelBuilding=true; has been set inside a derivation, and only helps after ./configure has finished
<SuprDewd> in the fixup phase, why are interpreter paths in executables not fixed, just as shell shebangs are fixed?
<clever> SuprDewd: interpreter paths are meant to be fixed via a gcc flag in the gcc wrapper, and for pre-compiled stuff, you need patchelf
<smw_> clever: I am using -j 4 --cores 4
<smw_> clever: what I think I want is to run multiple derivation builds at once
<clever> smw_: so it will try to do up to 16 gcc processes at once, and probably eat all of your ram up and die
<SuprDewd> clever: I was packaging a pre-compiled binary, and fpletz mentioned on Github that the rpath and interpreter should be automatically fixed in the fixup phase
<smw_> clever: I fixed that by adding 4GB of swap :-P
<clever> SuprDewd: ah, i havent seen it do that before
<clever> smw_: then it will just go into swap hell and take 4x longer :P
<smw_> clever: nice theory... but that hasn't happened.
<clever> whenever it goes try to run 16 gcc's at once
<smw_> clever: but it isn't doing that
<smw_> that is what has me confused
<clever> mine runs fine for days with -j4, then every now and then, all 4 gcc's decide they want 500mb of ram each
<clever> and it cripples itself
<SuprDewd> clever: yeah, it's weird. The derivations I've seen for pre-built binaries seem to doing this manually, so I don't know if it's me or fpletz who's missing something..
<clever> you can check top and "ps -eH x" to get some idea of what its actualy using
<smw_> clever: I know that! What I am saying is that it isn't really running multiple derivations
<smw_> clever: only one nix user is ever in use
<clever> smw_: which derivations is it currently building?
<smw_> spidermonkey
<clever> ah, that should be well past the stdenv
* joepie91 has seen high variance in concurrent builds and thread use
<smw_> wait, why is it building spidermonkey?!
<clever> not sure why its not building more then
<clever> smw_: policykit uses spidermonekey to parse its rule files
<smw_> joelpet: yeah, but only one nix build user is running.
<joepie91> seems to have something to do with most deps finishing faster than the few biggest deps, and a number of deps just flat-out ignoring thread count configuration
<joepie91> as far as I've been able to tell
<clever> smw_: ive asked the exact same question, then i just read the source to find my own answer
<smw_> clever: of course it does... wait, why does the sd card have policykit?
<joepie91> smw_: if you graph things out you'll likely find that it *does* parallelize, just not all the time :)
<clever> smw_: polkit is enabled by default
<smw_> joepie91: yes, but I check every so often and have yet to see it happen.
<smw_> joepie91: to give you an idea, this current build has been going on over 20 hrs
<joepie91> ouch
<clever> ive had builds take 48 hours before
<smw_> joepie91: I am creating an ARMv7 sdcard on a newly bootstrapped system.
<smw_> joepie91: newly bootstrapped rpi3
<clever> armv6l llvm, on an rpi1, took 1d 13h
<smw_> lol
<joepie91> smw_: hm. pretty much everything I've seen about compiling on RPi's suggests "don't" :/
<clever> oh, and i'm also doing spidermonkey! lol
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<joepie91> smw_: I've seen some rather questionable build times on stuff like Node.js before for example
<clever> smw_: you have a 16 hour head start on me, lets see who wins the race!
<smw_> joepie91: so... you are saying don't do nixos on rpi3? :-P
<joepie91> smw_: nahhh. I think pre-made builds are just preferable :)
<joepie91> does hydra do ARM builds?
<smw_> joepie91: not yet
* gchristensen disappears into the shadows
* clever pokes gchristensen and Dezgeg
<joepie91> hahaha
<joepie91> too late, gchristensen :P
<clever> joepie91: my hydra is doing arm builds, but its not used by default, and only has a single pi backing it right now
<Gravious> sorry for the dumb question, but is there a particular version of nix i should use?
<joepie91> clever: I wonder if you could get a vendor like odroid to sponsor a few build systems
<Gravious> i just installed 1.11 and am getting some weird error trying to install
<Gravious> nix@salo:~$ nix-env -i nix-repl
<Gravious> error: syntax error, unexpected IND_STR, expecting '}', at /nix/store/wi77m54m6w5mi246r7g8cws7qb7i56bm-nixpkgs-17.09pre102350.fa03b82/nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/node-packages.nix:60:8
<joepie91> clever: given that it would make it more interesting to run NixOS on their stuff and other ARM devices :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rardiol opened pull request #23488: tome4: 1.4.6 -> 1.4.9 (master...tome4)
<Acou_Bass> i wonder if i ran it on my pi too, we could setup some sort of build farm across the Internet ( obviously with more than just the two of us)
<smw_> Acou_Bass: doesn't seem very secure
<joepie91> Acou_Bass: the problem with distributed build farms is that you introduce lots of possible points of compromise
<Acou_Bass> probably the Internet speed bottleneck would be worse than the time saved anyway hehe
<joepie91> for ARM, I wouldn't be too sure about that :)(
<joepie91> :)*
<smw_> Acou_Bass: nah, I think it would work.
<Acou_Bass> XD true
<joepie91> but yeah, security is a big issue
<Acou_Bass> yeah
<joepie91> if you have 20 people running the build farm that means 20 people you can pwn to consequently pwn everybody running NixOS on ARM
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<Acou_Bass> guys we'd need to VPN it or something
<Acou_Bass> yeah true
<Acou_Bass> i didn't think of that
<joepie91> Acou_Bass: the problem isn't the network, it's the people :)
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<joepie91> it's just much easier to paranoically protect a centralized system than a distributed one, hehe
<Acou_Bass> but isn't that true of the public hydra nix uses?
<joepie91> that is centralized afaik
<joepie91> and sure, it's a single point of failure, but it's a single single point of failure
<Acou_Bass> hmm, so as long as the peers were trusted
<gchristensen> joepie91: we have a sponsorship from to provide 96-core Cavium ThunderXs
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<gchristensen> Acou_Bass: right now the "trusted peers" means "eelco runs them"
<clever> joepie91: one thing i have been working on with my rpi3, is full network booting
<Acou_Bass> XD fair enough
<clever> joepie91: this means 2 things, a: no SD cards to fail
<joepie91> gchristensen: ahhhh. that sounds sufficiently powerful :)
<joepie91> gchristensen: and I'd imagine that their interest in sponsorship is roughly what I described above?
<clever> joepie91: B, with a bit more config, i can just plug pi's in, and they join the hydra automagicaly, and if the pi goes offline, hydra stops trying to use it
<Acou_Bass> I'd be really interested to run nixos on my pi but screw compiling everything hehe
<Gravious> i'll go and have a look at whatever your 'get nix' script installs
<joepie91> clever: pi cluster
<joepie91> :p
<clever> joepie91: that second point, means i can just throw more pi's at the problem to make it go faster, and i can unplug pi's when the load is low
<Acou_Bass> XD
<joepie91> Gravious: are you installing from master?
<Gravious> 1.11.7
<Gravious> hrm
<joepie91> Gravious: because that looks like somebody botched a PR/commit in master
<joepie91> :p
<joepie91> either that or your Nix is too old
<joepie91> for the nixpkgs version
<Gravious> joepie91, yes i'm not sure, could be either couldn't it, i haven't done anything with nix for a while, i'll try 1.11.7 and see if it works with that
<joepie91> (read: nixpkgs uses a newer Nix language construct)
<joepie91> Gravious: note that I'm totally unqualified to comment on what version works with what
<Gravious> joepie91, ack :)
<clever> Gravious: can you pastebin /nix/store/wi77m54m6w5mi246r7g8cws7qb7i56bm-nixpkgs-17.09pre102350.fa03b82/nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/node-packages.nix
<joepie91> but if you share your nixpkgs and Nix versions here then I'm sure somebody else will pitch in :)
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<Gravious> clever,
<joepie91> clever: the pi cluster sounds interesting but financially unscalable... a pi isn't all that cheap if bulk computing power is what you're going for
<clever> Gravious: ok, so its not a corrupt file
<joepie91> clever: since the pi targets lowest price point for reasonable perf, not best bang for the buck
<clever> joepie91: yeah, but similar software can also be deployed against any other arm board, and even x86 machines
<joepie91> if it works with any ARM board, then yeah, it'd be fine :)
<joepie91> I think the hardkernel stuff currently has the best computational bang for the buck
<joepie91> but not 100% certain
<clever> joepie91: the key part, is that hydra supports a : seperated list of /etc/nix/machines files, so you can give hydra a 2nd file, that is imperatively modified
<joepie91> (aside from questionable unmarked aliexpress boards)
<clever> joepie91: then you make a service that listens for machines coming online/offline, and have it manage that 2nd file
<clever> Gravious: what version of nix are you using?, which nix-env
<joepie91> clever: right, and use a declarative file to specify the machines that *could* exist? or just autodetect entirely through some other mechanism?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rardiol opened pull request #23489: gplates: use boost 160 (master...gplates)
<clever> joepie91: just auto-detect any machine that connects with the right auth codes
<joepie91> right
<clever> joepie91: and depending on how you setup the network boot, you could boot all of them from the same disk image
<joepie91> sounds like a fine approach to me
<joepie91> :p
<Gravious> clever, 1.11
<joepie91> yeah, that'd seriously bring down maintenance
<clever> joepie91: which means the only limiting factor for scaling is cost, electricity, and bandwidth of the LAN
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<joepie91> then you just have interchangeable 'stateless units'
<clever> yep
<joepie91> makes perfect sense :P
<clever> Gravious: you generaly always want to use -iA anyways, nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nix-repl
<joepie91> clever: do keep in mind the network limitations of the rpi
<joepie91> resulting from their ethernet being on the USB bus for some reason
<clever> yeah, ethernet over usb
<joepie91> yeah
<clever> but thats only going to bottleneck each pi by itself
<clever> but when you put 100 pi's on a switch, the NAS with the rootfs becomes a bottleneck
<Gravious> clever, a, ok, is it the case that i should be using a newer nix?
<joepie91> right :P
<clever> Gravious: 1.11 is pretty recent
<ben> hi here's a dumb question, why's it -iA nixpkgs.? where does the nixpkgs attrset come from exactly?
<ben> is that because its got nixpkgs= in my NIX_PATH?
<Gravious> clever, ok
<clever> ben: the channel called nixpkgs
<clever> ben: nix-env entirely ignores $NIX_PATH, its weird
<ben> ah
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<clever> joepie91: i have ran 2 of my pi's from iscsi roots before, but each one had its own root, so it still had state and maintance
<clever> joepie91: i have recently ran the rpi3 100% rootless, the initrd contained a squashfs, with a bare-bones distro, just nix-daemon, sshd, and the closure of them
<clever> that one was entirely stateless
<Gravious> clever, alright it works with -A, cheers, not clear from what i read in the man page, but i guess -A means it doesn't evaluate expressions it doesn't need to?
<clever> Gravious: yeah
<smw_> clever: why a nix-daemon?
<clever> Gravious: your telling it exactly which attribute you want, so it doesnt have to walk the entire nixpkgs tree, and it skips node packages entirely
<clever> smw_: i was using it as a nix build slave
<smw_> clever: ah
<clever> smw_: and because sandboxing was enabled, there was pretty much no way for the build jobs to know it wasnt nixos
<Gravious> clever, cool, thanks :)
<smw_> clever: how was it not nixos? :-P
<clever> smw_: it was a custom distro, based on nixos
<smw_> cool
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<Gravious> ah so i'm using the unstable channel, i guess there's a bug in node-packages.nix there
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<MoreTea> hi, has anyone experience packaging a ruby app that tries to use gtk3 with nix?
<NickHu> So, am I supposed to do a nix-channel --update before upgrading my system packages?
<MoreTea> NickHu, nix-channel --update is equivalent to apt-get update
<MoreTea> you could also do `nixos-rebuild <VERB> --upgrade`
<MoreTea> that will run the nix-channel --update for you before doing the rebuild
<smw_> clever: do you know if any work is being done to secure access to the nix store?
<NickHu> MoreTea: I see
<MoreTea> smw_, at FOSDEM, there was consensus that it would be best to start a RFC process for that
<clever> smw_: there are 2 issues about that open on the nix project in github
<smw_> clever: I saw those, but it seemed like there was no progress. A lot of the info there looks stale
<smw_> clever: I figured you would know if people were still thinking about that :-)
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<smw_> MoreTea: the only thing that makes sense to me for securing the nix store is to only allow access if you are following a symlink. Probably would need a kernel module for that.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] zimbatm closed pull request #605: Norc for pure env (master...norc-for-pure-env)
<smw_> MoreTea: obviously you would also have root or some capability able to access the entire nix store.
<clever> smw_: a bigger issue i can see, if i can read /run/current-system, i can traverse the entire closure, which will lead me to every secret in the currently running nixos
<smw_> clever: yeah
<clever> ls /run/current-system/etc/
<clever> in here is the original etc that is used to build /etc, before config files become read restricted
<clever> and if a secret's path is in a config file anywhere, you will probably find it thru the above path
<smw_> clever: so, why are people able to read that?
<MoreTea> because it is a very hard problem to solve properly
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master acb1032 Eric Sagnes: fcitx: fix fcitx-qt5 attribute path
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ca8edb7 Thomas Tuegel: Merge pull request #23411 from ericsagnes/pkg-fix/fcitx...
<clever> the /run/current-system/etc is a directory in the store, and all storepaths must currently be world-readable
<zimbatm> there were talks of removing the read attribute on /nix/store as well
<MoreTea> I would probably take the approach of storing secrets outside of the store.
<lwf> hi. i'm trying out nixos and i've hit a snag, wondering about that to do here. i set up a VM with 1 GB of RAM, and tried to "nix-env -i hello". that didn't work because nix-env runs out of memory.
<clever> zimbatm: but if i can read /run/current-system, i can still find the secret paths, the same way the service finds them
<MoreTea> smw_, take a look at how ACME (let's encrypt) is implemented
<clever> zimbatm: so -r to /nix/store wont help
<lwf> i found i should "nix-env -iA nixos.hello" instead, and that worked
<zimbatm> clever: yeah it doesn't solve that problem, it's just an easy way to hide
<lwf> however, i don't see how i should uninstall
<clever> lwf: nix-env -e hello
<smw_> MoreTea: I think it should be implemented in the store personally. It would make a bunch of tools work for your secrets as well as your code.
<gchristensen> it is obscurity and that is not a reasonable plan for securing secrets in the store
<MoreTea> lwf, nix-env -eA hello
<clever> MoreTea: i believe ACME works purely by storing the secrets outside of the store, they get generated at runtime
<zimbatm> I think I would treat secrets like state like MoreTea says
<MoreTea> gchristensen, +1
<zimbatm> but it would be nice if we had a better mechanism to fence mutable stuff than just : it lives in this folder
<MoreTea> Clever, indeed.
<MoreTea> zimbatm, time for a RFC!
<lwf> oh my, that worked fine! i tried to use -u... and couldn't find any combination that did not run out of RAM.
<magnetophon> I'm trying to run "pandoc --latex-engine=xelatex -o readme.pdf", and get "xelatex not found". IIUC I need to install texlive, right? Is it normal that texlive needs to build *a lot* of stuff?
<clever> one of my testcases needs an ssl cert+key, and in the past i have made this work by just embeding a cert+key into the git project
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<clever> so now the key is world-readable!
<lwf> maybe i still have the problem if i try to upgrade then, have not tried that yet...
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<clever> today, with the same problem, i just made it generate a fresh keypair on bootup, and refer to its cert from the test scripts
<smw_> MoreTea: if it is outside the store I need to manage it outside the store.
<clever> which also solves a second issue, the pre-made cert i git expired a while back, causing all tests to fail
<MoreTea> clever, I know of people who use git-crypt. It apparently works for them to have the secret stored (impurely) on the nixops managed machines.
<gchristensen> secret management is hard
<zimbatm> MoreTea: indeed! I want to get the RFC for RFCs merged first though:
<clever> lwf: -u is update
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<zimbatm> and move it to the nixos org
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<lwf> yes, i found that now, stupid mistake. i'll see if i can run upgrade as well, since it turns out that was what i had problems with.
<MoreTea> zimbatm, if you need help doing something very specific, please do ask for help.
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<smw_> MoreTea: I have a half formed idea to only allow following if the store you are using contains a syslink. So you start at your profile, it has a link to x which links to y and you now have access to y.
<zimbatm> MoreTea: would you be interested in becoming co-author on the RFC?
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<Kendos-Kenlen> Hi :)
<MoreTea> zimbatm, yep
<zimbatm> cool, I'll add you to the RFC then :)
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<lwf> no, no problems there either, nix-env -uA nixos.hello works fine too, unlike when not adding the -A. i thought it didn't because expected it to Uninstall. cool.
<MoreTea> smw_, but that would not work on e.g. Debian or OSX right?
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<smw_> MoreTea: oh, I don't care about them. :-)
<MoreTea> smw_, then it's not going to be merged in nixpkgs
<zimbatm> MoreTea: if you can have a good read through, takes some notes and then we can have a call some time next week it would be awesome
<smw_> MoreTea: you don't need secrets unless you are doing configuration.
<smw_> MoreTea: nixpkgs does installation of software, not setup.
<MoreTea> smw_, sound reasoning.
<smw_> MoreTea: ?
<MoreTea> I agree with the sentiment
<clever> one minor problem there, one sec
<MoreTea> s/sentiment/argumentation
<MoreTea> I thought about having a secrets daemon / program that can give a service user secrets.
<zimbatm> smw_: the issue is the re-use of configuration generation
<MoreTea> Not sure how that would hook into the store though.
<gchristensen> I don't see a path forward of having secrets in the store, as their lifecycle should be, IMO, completely isolated from the rest of the system
<clever> MoreTea: this game manages the download of the binary, by you putting a name/pw into config.nix
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<smw_> zimbatm: I don't understand
<clever> MoreTea: and if you have paid for the game, nix can sign in, and download a copy
<clever> MoreTea: your password is now in the nix store, in a .drv file
<MoreTea> I see.
<zimbatm> smw_: take the nginx module, it has a nix to nginx config generator
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<MoreTea> Making that completely private would require VERY invasive surgery.
<zimbatm> smw_: as a nix user, how do you re-use that while hiding the embedded secret?
<smw_> zimbatm: yes, but that is nixos, not nix on other OSes
<zimbatm> somehow the secret would have to be tainted
<clever> MoreTea: yeah, best option i can think of is an impureEnv, but then you need to set the variable every time you run nix-env or nixos-rebuild
<MoreTea> zimbatm, indeed. The trouble is how the hashing should work then.
<smw_> zimbatm: you reuse that by already having the derivation for the builder.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] benley pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2ac1a1d Pradeep Chhetri: kafka: ->
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a5f197b Benjamin Staffin: Merge pull request #23439 from pradeepchhetri/kafka-
<MoreTea> clever, nix should be able to take care of that, if it had an additional secrets store.
<zimbatm> I think we need some form of quoting like lisp has
<clever> MoreTea: another thing that i recently opened an issue for, is ssh agent forwarding
<Kendos-Kenlen> Are talks streamed ? => I'm interested in this one
<clever> MoreTea: allow a "git clone" inside a nix build to access an ssh-agent running near the nix-build command
<clever> MoreTea: even if the build is being relayed via nix-daemon
<zimbatm> that would allow that bit to be stored and evaluated at a later time, say in a systemd daemon
<LnL> gchristensen: yeah, I think just not having them in the store might make it easier
<smw_> guix looks really interesting. But it is GNU. If they don't allow "non-free" it is probably out for me.
<gchristensen> if we rollback currently, do passwords rollback?
<clever> gchristensen: depends on where the passwords are configured
<smw_> I would expect many secure credentials to be rollbackable.
<clever> and thats something you would loose if you store them outside of the store
<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> which I think is an improvement
<Kendos-Kenlen> smw_: I recently tried Parabola, the GNU complient version of Arch, and the only things missing were blob in the kernel for wifi, and chromium. Otherwise, everything worked well.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Zimmi48 opened pull request #23490: Use default OCaml compiler for Coq 8.4 and change default Coq to 8.6 (master...coq_8_4_does_not_require_ocaml_4_01)
<smw_> Kendos-Kenlen: exactly
<Kendos-Kenlen> So I created an Arch repository and just copied arch' packages in it :P
<clever> :D
<smw_> Kendos-Kenlen: I requite unrar-unfree, wifi (duh), and chromium (wait, I thought chromium was free)
<Kendos-Kenlen> But chromium should be soonly accepted as GNU complient I think, with the ungoogled patchset.
<clever> smw_: nixpkgs has the blob version of chromium, and an open-source chromium
<clever> smw_: but netflix support requires a blob
<smw_> clever: interesting... what is in the blob?
<gchristensen> DRM keys of course
<Kendos-Kenlen> clever: nixpkgs miss ungoogled chromium :(
<clever> smw_: netflix specific DRM code
* smw_ sighs
<clever> smw_: its a new framework that allows html5 <video> tags to handle DRM'd content
<Kendos-Kenlen> smw_: I think there is a free version of unrar, it's called unar, but not sure about it.
<clever> smw_: so you dont need a new flash player of the week from every vendor
<smw_> Kendos-Kenlen: it sucks.
<clever> smw_: and now the browser is free to properly do hw video decode accel
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<Kendos-Kenlen> smw_: I didn't had problem with it.
<smw_> Kendos-Kenlen: I have on debian. Don't know about nixos
<Kendos-Kenlen> Well, I don't open rar files regularly, but if I'm right, it was the soft used on parabola for rar archives.
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<Kendos-Kenlen> Is there any option or package which allow to install all KDE applications?
<Kendos-Kenlen> I'm thinking to right a medium about installing NixOS with KDE and its applications set.
<icetan> anyone else having problems installing python2.7-pip2nix?
<icetan> from nixpkgs-unstable
<icetan> it's complaining about an incompatible pip version 9.0.1 but needs pip<9,>=8
<smw_> clever: yay, it is done!
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<clever> smw_: :D
<smw_> clever: sudo dd if=sd-image-armv7l-linux.img of=/dev/sda, will let you know how it goes
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<gchristensen> I have a problem, y'all -- reviewing commits each week for the announcement takes ages. now, reviewing 3 branches takes even longer. how could this be better?
<MichaelRaskin> Are you actually looking up the updates to check for upstream security announcements?
<smw_> clever: so yay, it didn't even boot :-P
<clever> smw_: how far did it go?, did you get a rainbow on the hdmi?
<smw_> clever: I am trying to rewrite it now. raspian doesn't seem to even see a partition on the system
<smw_> clever: no, firmware failed to load
<clever> smw_: you can run "fdisk -l" on the .img file, before even flashing the card
<clever> that will confirm the img is even right
<clever> and what you should expect on the sd later
<smw_> good plan
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: on important looking ones (openssl, screen, glibc, ...) I look up the change to see if it has security implications. otherwise I look for packages that match packages in the latest roundup, and commit messages with "Security" or "CVE" in them somewhere
<smw_> the image looks right
<gchristensen> I also pay close attention to fpletz's commits
<clever> i also sometimes read
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<gchristensen> those aren't nixpkgs commits :P but yeah, I read oss-security and watch for things in the ML to appear in nixpkgs
<MichaelRaskin> important-looking paths touched, «CVE», «Security», «@fpletz» — these should be automatable
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<MichaelRaskin> Just as filters before consideration
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<Dezgeg> yeah, maybe even a specific format added to the commit message guidelines (Security-fixes: CVE-xxx, DSA-yyy or something)
<Dezgeg> for the release branches, the "(cherry picked from commit XXX)" could clone the information from master
<gchristensen> I do that already :)
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<smw_> clever: uboot can't find bcm2837-rpi-3-b.dtb, I am working on adding it now
<clever> gchristensen: i also suspect that virtfs heavily screws up when the host has zfs
<Dezgeg> clever: there is a fix for that bug:
<clever> Dezgeg: ah, nice
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<clever> Dezgeg: i did at one point catch it with files from an entirely different derivation in the wrong storepath
<smw_> clever: well crap. "waiting for device /dev/.../NIXOS_SD to appear"
<Dezgeg> yes, that is the bug
<clever> Dezgeg: and it was even reproducable after letting it sit overnight, but then rebooting made it vanish
<smw_> Dezgeg: so how do I fix it? :-)
<Dezgeg> that was response to the virtfs problem :P
<clever> smw_: run blkid on all partitions in the sdcard, does the rootfs have a name of NIXOS_SD?
<smw_> clever: rebooting into raspian now
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zarelit opened pull request #23492: xfce: add screenLock option (master...xfce_lockscreen)
<Dezgeg> this is the 9p bugfix waiting for review:
<clever> Dezgeg: and did you see the reddit link about the 9p exploit?
<smw_> clever: $ sudo blkid /dev/sda2
<smw_> /dev/sda2: LABEL="NIXOS_SD" UUID="44444444-4444-4444-8888-888888888888" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="2178694e-02"
<clever> smw_: hmmm, did you see anything about mmc0 starting up in the previous kernel output?
<smw_> It runs pretty quick. I am going to attach to the usb serial output
<clever> smw_: yeah, that will help a lot as well
<zimbatm> just to get back on the secret state store: I think it would make sense to introduce a notion of stateDir { version }
<zimbatm> that would also apply to other things like postgresql database
<Acou_Bass> smw_: i know you were talkking about this hours ago - but i used guixSD before i moved to nixos, i much prefer nix, but guix is cool :D
<zimbatm> so that in the nix expression, instead of hard-coding the state dir to /var/lib/postgres for example it would be `stateDir{ version = 8; }`
<clever> Dezgeg: oh, i also ran into some problems with 9p, and xen in the mix
<clever> Dezgeg: if i run qemu -> xen -> linux, 9p cant contact qemu, and its unable to mount the rootfs
<zimbatm> and the system would know that if the version changes, it needs to snapshot the state directory before
<zimbatm> that way it would be possible to handle on-disk representation changes with better control
<zimbatm> maybe add more annotations like if it's backward-compatible or if there is a migration script to run on version change
<Dezgeg> I also ran into some 9p total hangs a while ago (ironically, when running filesystem tests for something else)
<NickHu> I'm trying to uninstall vimplugin-vimproc-vim-2016-08 with nix-env -e but it seems to do nothing and the shell return is 0; can anyone else reproduce?
<smw_> clever: only uboot talks of mmc
<NickHu> Strange issue that I haven't had happen before
<smw_> clever: also dm_mod was not found
<smw_> clever: that didn't show up in the console, just the monitor
<Dezgeg> what are you trying to do? rpi3 with mainline kernel in armv7 mode?
<Acou_Bass> i sooo want nixos on the pi 3
<clever> 2017-03-02 16:45:36< smw_> # nix-build /root/nixpkgs/nixos/ -I nixos-config=/root/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/sd-image-armv7l-multiplatform.nix -A
<clever> Dezgeg: he is using the image from this
<smw_> Dezgeg: end goal: run nixos in some form on rpi3. Current strategy: built sd-image-armv7l-multiplatform.nix from master
<Dezgeg> I saw that, but what is the desired end result? 32-bit mode with the mainilne kernel? 32-bit mode with the foundation/raspbian kernel? 64-bit mode with the mainline kernel?
<smw_> Dezgeg: see end goal :-)
<smw_> Dezgeg: preferably it would be pure nixos. I don't want to have the raspian kernel.
<clever> smw_: nixpkgs can build the foundation kernel
<smw_> I see
<Dezgeg> yes, the question is here whether it's the kernel or the kernel
<smw_> I suppose that would be OK. It would certainly work temporarily.
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<smw_> Dezgeg: I want to move on to building my media center. I want to do it with nix which is why I am building nixos. Which kernel is used doesn't really matter to me.
<smw_> Dezgeg: I would certainly prefer the kernel, but I prefer a working system way more :-).
<Dezgeg> ok, it does matter because probably only the foundation kernel can do hardware video decoding
<clever> yeah, only the foundation kernel can accel video decode
<smw_> sweet, I totally want the foundation kernel
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<Dezgeg> I haven't tried that, but perhaps editing nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/sd-image-armv7l-multiplatform.nix temporarily and building the image gets that
<smw_> Dezgeg: can you give me the lines to add? Also, should I make my own configuration.nix that imports the sdcard nix file?
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<Dezgeg> I think adding boot.kernelPackages = linuxPackages_rpi; nixpkgs.config.platform = pkgs.platforms.raspberrypi2; might do it, but it's 100% untested
<clever> Dezgeg: ive seen people getting recursion problems when setting nixpkgs.config.platform = pkgs.platforms.raspberrypi2
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<Dezgeg> hmm, very possible
<clever> 2017-02-28 22:08:14< clever> platform = (import <nixpkgs> { config = {}; }).platforms.aarch64-multiplatform;
<clever> an answer i gave somebody a few days ago
<smw_> Dezgeg: any idea why it didn't have the necessary dtd file?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jagajaga pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6744f3a ndowens: frostwire: 6.0.0 -> 6.4.5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ae3b681 Arseniy Seroka: Merge pull request #23472 from ndowens/frostwire...
<Dezgeg> because someone needs to merge this patch to the mainline kernel:
<smw_> Dezgeg: I had to do sudo cp /boot/bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb /mnt/nixos/nixos/s9xz7sbpfss75vin4sb6gczkdwcda6hh-linux-4.10.1-dtbs/bcm2837-rpi-3-b.dtb
<smw_> ok
<Dezgeg> I have been waiting for like 5 months for that :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #23493: khd: 2.0.0 -> 2.1.1 (master...khd)
<Dezgeg> but yeah, boot.kernelPackages = linuxPackages_rpi; nixpkgs.config.platform = (import <nixpkgs> { config = {}; }).platforms.raspberrypi2; in sd-image-armv7l-multiplatform.nix would sound like the solution
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<alunduil> Anyone have ideas as to why 16.03 will boot and mount USB drives fine but 16.09 times out waiting for those devices even though the disk shows as "Attached SCSI removable disk" (no further USB registration occurs)?
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<c0bw3b> LnL : the description of khd pkg reads "A simple modal _hototkey_ daemon for OSX"
<LnL> yes?
<c0bw3b> LnL : maybe your PR is a chance to fix that :)
<LnL> oh I made a typo?
<c0bw3b> no it was there before I believe
<LnL> I added the package, so it was still me :)
<c0bw3b> oh :p
<c0bw3b> then yheah you made a typo :p
<Profpatsch> If one changes /etc/locale.conf to include e.g. LC_TIME, should the user’s locale change accordingly?
<Profpatsch> Or is there some systemd magic involved?
<Profpatsch> The systemd manpage says it *should* be picked up.
<Profpatsch> localectl status tells me it should be okay3
<Profpatsch> but e.g. locale(1) doesn’ show the correct one.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7b914b2 Joachim Fasting: mu: leave mug off by default...
<joachifm_> clever: ^ re: mu
<clever> joachifm_: i dont really know what mu does, but i helped somebody with that issue a few days ago in here
<joachifm_> clever: I see, it should work now anyway :)
<clever> joachifm_: yep, all i gave as the previous solution was an override that turned mug off
<clever> now its fixed by default
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MarcWeber opened pull request #23494: fix .sif saving inkscape (master...submit/inkscape)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 5de841b Joachim Fasting: mu: leave mug off by default...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 8e72857 Shea Levy: Add locateDominatingFile lib function...
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<pierron> garbas: ^ I added a rust-overlay.nix to pull prebuild Rust binaries.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy opened pull request #23495: haskellSrc2nix: Change sha arg when sha256 is null. (master...haskellSrc2nix-no-sha)
<ben> cool, cheers
<RchrdB> pierron, it's cleaner than I was expecting.
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<RchrdB> probably because you neatly separated out the scary trampolining code from the perfectly ordinary lexer
<pierron> the performance issue was for making a proper tokenizer.
<RchrdB> I didn't want to look at those regexes too closely
<RchrdB> just in case Cthulhu bit me
<pierron> RchrdB: then don't look too closely at the generatePatterns function ;)
<pierron> RchrdB: which basically generate a string as large as the file, for reading token in C++, without much Nix code.
<RchrdB> wait… *groan*
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<pierron> RchrdB: :D
<pierron> RchrdB: to be exact, it generates a list of patterns, and as soon as one no longer match anything (because we expect more tokens) then we fallback on a smaller patterm
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<glines> I'm having this crazy problem where I can't set my keyboard layout to anything but qwerty
<glines> running setxkbmap no longer works as expected... if I set the layout, it changes back almost immediately. I have resorted to this:
<srhb> glines: Wrong channel?
<glines> while 1; do setxkbmap dvorak; sleep 1; done
<srhb> No, *I'm* in the wrong channel. :D
<srhb> Sorry.
<glines> srhb: what.. you guys don't want to help me? ;P
<srhb> glines: I thought I was somewhere else. Q_Q
<glines> lol
<glines> I suspect my problem might be with plasma5
<glines> but I have been using it for some time without problems...
<srhb> Tried setting it with KDE's own tools? assuming there is one.
<glines> I even set the key layout with the KDE tool, yes
<srhb> Hm.
<glines> interrestingly, whenever I right click on the system tray icon, it instantly switches to qwerty and closes the pop-up menu
<glines> killing plasmashell does not seem to resolve the problem though :(
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<c0bw3b> glines : have you tried setting i18n.consoleKeyMap and/or i18n.consoleUseXkbConfig in your configuration.nix ?
<c0bw3b> glines : also look at services.xserver.layout
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master eaa4b5e Shea Levy: nix-buffer: 2.1.0 -> 2.2.0
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti closed pull request #23495: haskellSrc2nix: Change sha arg when sha256 is null. (master...haskellSrc2nix-no-sha)
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<glines> c0bw3b: I'll try those. I'm already using i18n for Japanese input through ibus
<glines> (speaking of which, ibus doesn't seem to be working either)
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<zraexy> Am I right in thinking that callPackage fills in arguments that have default values too?
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<glines> I found my problem. I was setting xserver.layout = "dvorak" when I actually needed xserver.layout = "us" and xserver.xkbVariant = "dvorak"
<glines> somehow that was causing it to flip out and keep changing my layout
* peti uses xserver.layout = "dvorak" and it works fine.
<glines> better watch out for the next update then :P
<glines> I have been using xserver.layout = "dvorak" for a long time
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<avn> glines: I use xkbcomp directly to load my keymap, and it works as well
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<peti> glines: What exactly did you update to break the layout?
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<peti> Is somone around with access to a Darwin machine? I could use a favour, i.e. a test build of the latest R release candidate. Can somone help?
<LnL> peti: I can make a jobset for you on my desktop
<peti> Hmm, a Hydra jobset is probably overkill. I have a very specific question, i.e. the build contains a Darwin-specific option that I believe to be obsolete, but it would be nice to check.
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<LnL> I have some configuration to build a subset of nixpkgs
<peti> LnL: If you check out the r-updates branch from, then you'll see a postConfigure attribute in pkgs/applications/science/math/R/default.nix that is applied only for Darwin.
<peti> LnL: What I would need to know is (a) does the build succeed as-is and does it (b) still succeed after that attribute's been removed?
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<glines> peti: I am updated to the latest nixos-unstable channel (as of this moment) with plasma5
<glines> not sure what specifically updated. probably X or something
<peti> glines: Oh, okay.
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<peti> If something breaks, then I know what to look out for.
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<pierron> LnL: did you fix the release note for the removed modules?
<pierron> zraexy: yes, callPackage looks for names expected by the function, so it will fill attributes even if there is a default value.
<oPn7> hello guys, added yaml to dependencies cabal2nixed and nix can't figure out yaml , i am stuck what i need to do ?
<LnL> pierron: I didn't move it to 17.09 or are you talking about something else
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee opened pull request #23499: photivo: fix build with lensfun >= 0.3 (master...fix/photivo)
<pierron> LnL: ok, we should probably do that then.
<pierron> LnL: otherwise there is chances for loosing the changelog entry.
<peti> oPn7: I'm not sure whether I understand the problem.
<oPn7> i added yaml to dependencies then did cabal2nix then nix-build -A clitool clitool.nix nix-shell -A clitool clitool.nix
<oPn7> returns me , cabal: Encountered missing dependencies: yaml -any
<oPn7> however there yaml on my system which is
* pierron wonders if we would see other language parsers written in Nix.
<oPn7> i did yaml == , >=, still same
<oPn7> yaml >=
<oPn7> this happened only with yaml
<peti> oPn7: How did you run cabal2nix?
<oPn7> cabal2nix . > default.nix
<LnL> pierron: yeah, btw. I can't reproduce the ordering issue anymore (master and 17.03)
<oPn7> i followed this document.
<peti> oPn7: Can you paste that default.nix file at, please?
<oPn7> okey
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<peti> oPn7: If you give me the URL, I'll take a look. :-)
<oPn7> sorry my connection is really bad :D
<peti> oPn7: OK. That file looks correct. Can you please also paste the clitool.nix file you're using?
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<oPn7> okey one moment
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<oPn7> cabal run .. returns cabal: Encountered missing dependencies: yaml ==0.8.*
<peti> oPn7: This looks fine, too. Now, please run: "nix-build ./clitools.nix -A clitool" and paste the output from that command.
<oPn7> okey
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<peti> Well, that worked!
<oPn7> yeah but , cabal run clitool didnt :D
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<peti> oPn7: cabal doesn't know anything about that binary. "nix-build" runs a build in *Nix*.
<peti> Your binary lives at result/bin/clitool, which is a symlink to /nix/store/irk4rm2q9rqlyhssrl902bz28hsgn429-clitool-
<oPn7> so you are saying dont use cabal run ?
<peti> oPn7: Yes. If you want to use cabal run, then you'll need to use a different approach.
<peti> oPn7: Wait a sec ...
<oPn7> okey
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zraexy opened pull request #23501: eclipse: don't use webkitgtk2, fixed dependency passing (master...eclipse)
<peti> oPn7: Run: nix-shell clitool.nix -A clitool.env --run "cabal configure"
<peti> oPn7: Afterwards, you can use the normal cabal build, cabal repl, cabal run commands. With that approach, you're not building with Nix. Instead, Nix just provides the compilation environment.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #23502: ustr: Remove unhelpful 'buildTargets' value. (master...fix/ustr-buildTargets)
<oPn7> ahh okey thank you
<peti> oPn7: might be an interest read, if you have a moment.
<oPn7> yeah i am looking at there right now. its different then this document on github that i follow
<peti> oPn7: Yes, it's different. It's more low-level, I believe.
* peti wonders if it's poor style to say "more low-level" rather than "less high-level" ...
<oPn7> how can i integrate this into my current setup ? " How to install a compiler with libraries, hoogle and documentation indexes "
<oPn7> i tried but it says hoogle is not a command
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<peti> oPn7: Just follow that manual step by step. It has lots of examples than you can just cut&paste and then modify.
<peti> The tutorial from Github that you've been reading is very much geared towards use of nix-shell, which is not necessarily the easiest solution.
<oPn7> hmm
<oPn7> then i will follow the offical site instructions
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<LnL> peti: looks ok, anything else I should test for that?
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<peti> LnL: The build succeeds with the postConfigure stuff removed?
<peti> LnL: Okay, cool! That's all I need to know. Thank you for testing this.
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<Mateon1> Hello
<Mateon1> I just installed NixOS on my main PC, and I'm having quite a few issues
<Mateon1> First, let me ask, is there a proper GPU driver for an AMD RX 470 for NixOS?
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<Mateon1> When I try "ati" or "ati-unfree", X doesn't start
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<simpson> Mateon1: I bet that the free driver can start X, although 3D accleration might not be available.
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<Mateon1> Well, I can try again... But I'm pretty sure there was some issue when starting display-manager
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<Mateon1> Also, I'm writing from said PC... So I'll have to type things from memory
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<oPn7> peti: can i ask you something if you have time ?
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<peti> oPn7: Please, do.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel opened pull request #23503: Generalize Fontconfig options (master...fontconfig)
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<oPn7> one moment pls
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel closed pull request #23451: mesa: allow overriding driver compilation (master...mesa-drivers)
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<oPn7> peti: how can i integrate these two ?
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<peti> oPn7: What do you mean by integrate? If you define your own build environment, then there's no point in using cabal2nix-generated files at all.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel closed pull request #23446: Qt 5.8 and Plasma 5.9 (staging...plasma-5.9)
<ndowens08> LnL: YOu wanted me to add ya to maintainers for undmg package, your maintainer handle is LnL or is it different?
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<oPn7> peti: sorry :( i didnt understand what you meant
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<Mateon1> Okay, x server failed to start
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<Mateon1> Here's a log file from `systemctl status display-manager`:
<Mateon1> simpson, That's with the free driver ^
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<LnL> ndowens08: the attribute is lnl7, you can look at maintainers.nix to make sure
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<ndowens08> LnL: just did :)
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<LnL> ndowens08: and you can use nix-instantiate --eval -A hello.meta to make sure it evaluates
<LnL> if you're usure
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<simpson> Mateon1: That's not useful; I'd need the Xorg.0.log. But I haven't read those in forever and I might not be helpful on that front either.
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<Mateon1> Where it that log located, it's not in /var/log
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<simpson> I'm not sure TBH.
<clever> Mateon1: its in the journal now
<smw_> Dezgeg: clever: you guys around?
<clever> smw_: yes
<smw_> clever: so, after the change I now get a kernel panic.
<clever> smw_: what did the panic say?
<smw_> clever: but I think I fried my serial cable so I can't get the full output
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<smw_> clever: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
<clever> smw_: that typicaly happens when the initrd isnt loading
<clever> smw_: so the kernel tries to mount the rootfs on its own, but the ext4 driver isnt built-in
<clever> and root= isnt passed on the args anyways, so it cant find the right device
<smw_> clever: makes sense
<smw_> clever: got advice on how to debug?
<clever> double-check that u-boot is loading the initrd correctly
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<smw_> cool, I obviously can't do that without a serial cable or keyboard, so I am stuck for now
<clever> got a second pi?
<smw_> nope
<smw_> err, I do have a second sd card
<clever> i was thinking you could tie the rx and tx ports of 2 pi's together
<smw_> ah
<clever> then you can use one of then as a serial console
<smw_> clever: also, I learned a fun fact. The ground pin is right next to the 5 volt pin
<smw_> clever: I also learned my cable has a fuse so it didn't take my laptop with it :-)
<clever> heh
<clever> ive got printouts of the pinout, and i always double-check things when plugging it in
<smw_> Yea, I knew where to put it, I just screwed up
<smw_> I learned my lesson though, don't plug in to a running pi
<smw_> double check before turning on
<smw_> clever: oh right, I also learned that kernel panics when left on burn the CPU.
<smw_> clever: anyways... I guess I am done for the weekend
<smw_> I can't move forward until I have more tools.
<clever> ive got similar problems with my ZFS issue on my main desktop
<clever> kernel level issues, and no serial port on the motherboard
<Mateon1> simpson, Here's the relevant part of the journal,
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<Mateon1> Might be something related to sddm
<smw_> clever: so, why would initrd fail to load?
<clever> smw_: could be many things, looking at the uboot config would be one place to start
<simpson> Mateon1: I don't know why your display manager is segfaulting.
<clever> Mateon1: first step would be to try and get a coredump out of it
<smw_> clever: well,nixos/qyf397dki3f1l7v70al4ikvz9dcgv7h5-initrd-initrd exists at least
<clever> smw_: and is it referenced from the uboot config
<smw_> clever: yes
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<clever> smw_: not much else you can do without the early kernel output, from when the initrd is loading
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<Mateon1> clever, Any idea where it could store coredumps?
<smw_> ok, thanks again for all the help. This is my first time actually messing with initrd and early boot.
<clever> Mateon1: by default, coredumps are off, so you would need to change the ulimit flag when xorg is getting started
<clever> Mateon1: which display manager did you enable?
<clever> sddm i think
<Mateon1> clever, SDDM, and kde5/plasma
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<clever> Mateon1: something like this might enable it to coredump, then it will wind up in "core" within the current working directory of xorg
<clever> /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
<Mateon1> clever, Okay, thank you. I'll try that and return in a few mins
<clever> Mateon1: using this file, you can modify the default path for cores
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<clever> as a random example, echo "/tmp/core.%p.%e" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
<clever> if you ran that, then line 135 of your hastebin would have created /tmp/core.2181.X
<Mateon1> clever, Okay, awesome, thank you
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<clever> another great thing about nixos, i can get the exact same xorg as you by running: nix-store -r /nix/store/sr9yg251855xh3ic3jb4zr3jd959kapr-xorg-server-1.18.4
<clever> which makes it trivial for me to open your coredumps, with any other distro, id have to risk breaking my system by downgrading to your "known-broken" version so gdb can find crap
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<clever> but with nix, i can safely download potentialy broken stuff, with zero risk
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<Mateon1> Does the /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern setting persist after reboot? I don't have a core file in /tmp
<clever> Mateon1: its lost on reboot
<Mateon1> That's unfortunate
<clever> boot.kernel.sysctl."kernel.core_pattern" = "/tmp/core.%p.%e";
<clever> with this, nixos will set it on bootup
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<Mateon1> Oh whoops, I had a typo in my configuration file
<yumbox> is it easy/possible to install NixOS while keeping a bootloader?
<Mateon1> But I noticed that half the time I reboot, I can't use IPv6...
<Mateon1> Well, that must wait
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<clever> yumbox: i have done it before, but you need to source the nixos grub.conf from the other distro's grub
<clever> yumbox: its much simpler to add the other distro to the nixos grub, most of the time
<yumbox> at the moment i use systemd-bootloaderd
<yumbox> (or whatever it's called)
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<ben> do you just not but a boot.loader.*.enable = true line into your configuration dot nix?
<clever> ben: then you have no way to boot nixos
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<yumbox> doesn't nixos put a default boot option in place?
<yumbox> like, latest kernel or something
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<clever> yumbox: it doesnt copy the latest kernel to a special name, every kernel has a unique name based on a hash, and you need a bootloader config file to know whcih one is the right one
<clever> yumbox: and for that, a bootloader has to be enabled
<yumbox> but can't you just make a symlink?
<Mateon1> Hm, how can I share these coredumps?
<clever> Mateon1: just upload it to any service that allows sharing files
<suolrihm> hello everyone, i got a little problem (once again), this time with emacs: when i'm trying to open a file over the gtk interface/buttons, it crashes but not only crashes but xorg hangs up - open emacs via bash doesnt change anything. anyone got an idea why this happens?
<clever> Mateon1: or run gdb on it and X, and get a backtrace
<clever> Mateon1: gdb /nix/store/foo/bin/X /tmp/core
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<Mateon1> How can I find out which /nix/store path for sddm is currently in use?
<clever> Mateon1: if you run "file" on the core, it will tell you which binary the core came from
<Mateon1> Cool, thank you
<Mateon1> Which package does `file` come from?
<clever> file
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<yumbox> genius
<yumbox> appropriate nickname
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<Mateon1> clever, Here's the backtrace, looks like something in Qt?:
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<yumbox> yeah, that's Qt
<clever> Mateon1: next would be "bt full" in the same gdb session, it might find local variables
<Mateon1> clever, For every step it's "No symbol table info available"
<clever> Mateon1: and if it cant, will force debug symbols for sddm!
<clever> you will need to crash it again to get a new core against the new sddm
<Mateon1> Oh, this might take a while
<Mateon1> It seems to be building from source
<clever> shouldnt be that long
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<Mateon1> last time it did that (ati-unfree) that took half an hour
<yumbox> trying to debug slot/connection stuff can be difficult
<Mateon1> Oh, that was surprisingly quick
<clever> frame 2 implies that it got a new connection from something, then it tried to connect something and failed hard
<clever> so its not even sending signals yet
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<Mateon1> Now, that's odd
<Mateon1> It did not crash this time
<Mateon1> I have 2 core files in /tmp, but not sddm
<clever> Mateon1: got a second option, one sec
<clever> Mateon1: valgrind is a tool to find memory leaks and invalid memory access
<Mateon1> Do I need to add it to system packages first?
<Mateon1> Or nix-env install it?
<clever> neither
<Mateon1> Okay
<clever> i referenced it with an absolute path
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<Mateon1> Didn't crash here either. Should I check journalctl?
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<clever> yeah
<clever> valgrind also increases the gaps between every object on the heap
<clever> so invalid access is less likely to crash, but also easyer to seperate from valid access
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<Mateon1> I don't see any output from valgrind in journalctl
<clever> can you pastebin the output of journalctl -u display-manager -f -n 200 ?
<Mateon1> I'll paste a bit more, since there's a lot of other output
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<clever> yeah, i'm not seeing much
<clever> simplest thing i can think of is to just leave it on the debug build of sddm, since that doesnt crash
<clever> until somebody else can fix it
<Mateon1> Hm, okay
<Mateon1> Well..
<Mateon1> It breaks the login manager, as it doesn't find the proper theme
<clever> that can be fixed
<clever> i didnt paste in the full theme stuff
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<clever> Mateon1: i think this will restore the themes in the debug build
<clever> but now that i think of it, there is a chance that maybe themes are involved in the crash?
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<clever> oops, and i didnt spell thtmes right, lol
<smw_> clever: so, I have decided to try something easier. Run nixos on GCP
<Mateon1> I caught that and changed it to themes, but it didn't actually do anything
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel opened pull request #23504: phonon-gstreamer-backend: Hardcode GStreamer plugin paths (master...phonon-gstreamer)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] moretea opened pull request #23505: Add docFn to lib, to automatically generate documentation for lib functions (master...document_functions)
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<Mateon1> Okay, let's see if that works
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<Mateon1> Okay, that did crash it, generate core dumps, and used the proper themes with backup drivers
<clever> ok, "bt full" again and we should see more
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<clever> much more info!
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<pie_> looks like sufrace 3 linux support ight finally be good enough for me to dual boot
<clever> up next, some source for context
<pie_> clever, o/
<clever> Mateon1: in gdb, what happens if you type in "frame 2" and then "print helpers[2]
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<Mateon1> Cannot find operator[]
<Mateon1> Could not*
<clever> Mateon1: ah, its a QMap, so it cant use [] with the app dead
<clever> Mateon1: what about just "print helpers"
<Mateon1> $1 = {d = 0x15ea580}
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<clever> doesnt really say much
<clever> Mateon1: are you able to ssh into the machine before sddm crashes, from a 2nd box?
<Mateon1> No, it crashes nearly instantly during boot, and I don't have another linux machine
<clever> ah
<clever> so the only option left is to either start modifying the source, or pick a different display manager
<Mateon1> Okay, I found something more interesting
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<clever> ah nice
<pshendry> How do I go about passing a variable to an imported module, e.g. so my radicale-configuration.nix can get access to a 'sslCertificateDir' value I define?
<clever> Mateon1: though i dont think d works like that, i think you want helpers.d[0]
<clever> Mateon1: most QT objects have a d pointer, for shared state between copy-on-write clones, and its just a normal pointer, not an array
<clever> and then you would need to somehow navigate the internals of QMap to find the entry with a key of 2
<pshendry> The 'imports' list doesn't pass parameters. Should I be defining an option and then referring to option.x in the imported module?
<c74d> pshendry: I think the module should declare a configuration option (e.g. `config.radicale.sslCertificateDir`), which can then be defined (set) in some other module
<clever> an entry with left=2
<clever> Mateon1: those numbers look more sane, size is 4, and the head of the list has left=0
<clever> wait, thats p=0, hmmm
<clever> Mateon1: to the qt source!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #23462: undmg: 1.0.2 -> 1.0.3 (master...undmg)
<pshendry> @c74d: Makes sense, I think I was trying to go about it backwards. Will try that out. Thanks!
<clever> Mateon1: d is an instance of the QMapData template
<clever> which is on line 205
<Mateon1> Trying to follow left or right leads to (QMapNodeBase *) and I can't see the attributes of it
<clever> Mateon1: ah, i guessed wrong, left and right are more nodes
<clever> it looks like a tree at a glance
<clever> those mapnodebase's need to be cast to mapnode to see the .key
<clever> and at this point, its easyer to edit sddm to just print the debug info out on its own
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<clever> Mateon1: or just search the issue list, lol:
<clever> Mateon1: last comment is a person claiming ABI problems, but nix cant really have those
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<Mateon1> It's interesting that it seems to be related to Screen, I have multiple screens, but one of the reasons I want to install a proper graphics driver, is that currently my GPU is working in mirror/multiplex mode, in which I get the same image on all screens
<clever> Mateon1: if you post your backtrace and some config details, the sddm guys can probably find the problem better
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<smw_> clever: haha nixos doesn't work on gce out of the box right now. Thankfully I think it is an easy fix.
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<smw_> clever: why is everything I try to do with nixos so hard?
<smw_> clever: meh, I guess the issue is lack of critical mass. In other distros hundreds of other people would have already solved the problem :-P
<clever> smw_: maybe you should start with a normal x86 machine you have physical access to?
<smw_> clever: that sounds wonderful. I don't have any at the moment
<gwlan> hello, i'm trying to install nixos but i'm stuck with grub : when nixos-install performs the installation and (i guess runs grub-install), it tries to copy a /nix/store/.../share/artwork/gnome/Gnome_Dark.png to /boot and fails
<clever> or a local vm
<clever> there are pre-made virtualbox images available for download
<gwlan> does anybody issued the same problem?
<gwlan> "cannot copy .../Gnome_Dark.png to /boot"
<smw_> clever: I am going to continue going the GCP route. While I know nothing of nixos, I know GCP.
<clever> ah
<gwlan> the symlink exists in /mnt/nix/store/... but the files doesn't exist
<clever> gwlan: all of those symlinks are absolute, and refer to the other /nix/store, so they wont resolve right until you chroot or manualy resolve them in your head
<Mateon1> clever, I posted the backtrace and some information in the Github issue. I couldn't find any X server config, though
<clever> Mar 04 23:17:04 hydra X[3082]: (++) Using config file: "/nix/store/aqcgdqm1z8lnnl6yqx30mxq7gi7wc4y6-xserver.conf"
<clever> Mateon1: from one of your previous pastebins
<Mateon1> Ah
<oPn7>, the :def hoogle \s -> return $ ":! hoogle search -cl --count=15 \"" ++ s ++ "\"" doesnt work because of -c parameter.
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<oPn7> i think it was intented for --color
<gwlan> clever: how should I proceed, the manual doesn't explain it
<clever> gwlan: can you pastebin the configuration.nix?
<clever> gwlan: and the full error
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<clever> gwlan: heading off to bed now
<gwlan> clever: sure, here is the main configuration file, and the error
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<Mateon1> I also need to head off to bed
<clever> gwlan: cant see anything obvious as to why its broken, and its getting late here
<Mateon1> I'll see if I can solve some more issues tomorrow (intermittent IPv6, no multi-screen support, networking issues, samba share issues)
<gwlan> np, i'll look at it a bit more and post on the bugtracker, good night
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<smw_> clever: so, I have imports = [ <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/virtualisation/google-compute-image.nix> ]; That nix file defines, is there a way to override that from my nix configuration/
<smw_> ?
<smw_> clever: if not, I need to copy it because it has a ton of good setting
<smw_> settings*
<smw_> clever: (also, I have it booted now)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a7645c2 Michael Raskin: getmail: 4.53.0 -> 4.54.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fc12998 rnhmjoj: libchop: fix package
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3f817d0 Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #23430 from rnhmjoj/libchop...
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<tilpner> Hi, is anyone successfully using firejail on NixOS? I'm having trouble whitelisting /nix/store/<specific-path> and something seems to trigger firejails sandbox detection a lot
<smw_> anyone ever seen this? sudo: error in /etc/sudo.conf, line 0 while loading plugin "sudoers_policy"
<smw_> sudo: /nix/store/fwgh4ccjndcc4cw62kh5zx0c63whb5j6-sudo-1.8.19p2/libexec/sudo/ must be owned by uid 0
<smw_> god damn it. I see the problem
<smw_> I built the image as non-root
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<smw_> haha, I can't nix-env -i without running out of memory