<ndowens08> yea i have learned git DECENTLY, ofc not great, but learning still :)
<shawndomniti> ndowens08: dont feel bad, you seem to know more than I do and I've been working with git in my day job for the last four years ;-)
<ndowens08> i have only started git when I started pkging here
<gchristensen> ndowens08 has an apparently insatiable ability to absorb new tools
<ndowens08> what is bad, i cant understand simple things good
<shawndomniti> noob question: is there a lag time between something being added to nixpkgs and when I can add it to my `environment.systemPackages`?
<pie__> uhhh, so i set nix.nixPath to unstable
<ndowens08> sometimes i do better with complicated stuff
<gchristensen> shawndomniti: yes :)
<pie__> now i get: error: file ‘nixos-config’ was not found in the Nix search path
<ndowens08> shawndomniti: yea there is a pause, not sure how long
<ndowens08> unstable-small gets it first, but you can always build from your nixpkg copy
<shawndomniti> alright cool just wanted to make sure. is there anything I need to do on my end, something equivalent to `apt-get update`?
<gchristensen> shawndomniti: our build server (hydra.nixos.org) will pick up the changes every 4 hours and build all the software. if it passes tests (we automatically make sure nixpkgs will produce a bootable system with working software on every change) it will be pushed out to the channel
<shawndomniti> oh, so since I'm on stable channel it'll be a while before its available?
<disasm> ok, dunno if this was the right fix, but sudo nix-env -e busybox fixed it! My shell works now!
<ndowens08> yup
<ndowens08> i run unstable-small, sometimes have to compile updates
<shawndomniti> gchristensen: that is kinda awesome, I like how this whole system works
<ndowens08> :D
<ndowens08> I use to run arch as my main linux, but now it is NixOS
<shawndomniti> is there a way to stay on stable but still have it in my configuration.nix?
<shawndomniti> and yeah, another long time arch user convert here as well
<pie__> ok i think i nuked my channel list lol
<gchristensen> shawndomniti: nix-channel --update, or `nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade` to update your channel
<Profpatsch> Oh man, what’s going on with the systemd.services submodule.
<Profpatsch> postStop links to execStopPost
<Profpatsch> while preStop links to execStop
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<Profpatsch> And nothing links to execStopPre
<gchristensen> shawndomniti: typically with stable, new packages don't get introduced to the current stable release
<Profpatsch> Probably better to just use serviceConfig
<gchristensen> shawndomniti: but you can get things from the unstable channel and still use stable, I think other people here can help with that
<shawndomniti> (sorry if these are questions that could be found in the docs, I looked and didn't find them)
<ndowens08> gchristensen: it did it again and yea i cant seem to fix it
<pie__> what in the world did i do haha
<ndowens08> on a different pr
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<gchristensen> ndowens08: did you cherry pick?
<ndowens08> yes lol
<shawndomniti> I'm running a laptop for basic vagrant/ansible dev work, is there a big downside to switching to unstable for something like this?
<gchristensen> ndowens08: ok, what is the hash of the commit you want to apply to staging?
<ndowens08> c0d7b6773af1e8ad402f78d8581f597b2ef323fa
<gchristensen> ok, are you on your branch named sharutils?
<ndowens08> staging atm
<gchristensen> ok go to your sharutils branch
<ndowens08> :\ which may be wrong
<ndowens08> there
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<gchristensen> you're on the sharutils branch?
<ndowens08> now i am
<gchristensen> ok, run: git reset --hard origin/staging
<gchristensen> warning!
<gchristensen> this will erase your local changes
<ndowens08> that's fine lol
<gchristensen> done?
<ndowens08> yup
<gchristensen> now run git cherry-pick c0d7b6773af1e8ad402f78d8581f597b2ef323fa
<ndowens08> done
<jimmy_DM> http://p.ip.fi/qnNL I get rror: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting $end, at /etc/nixos/networking.nix:2:14
<jimmy_DM> I can't find the error here
<gchristensen> ndowens08: what does `git remote get-url origin` say?
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<ndowens08> git@github.com:ndowens/nixpkgs.git
<gchristensen> ah, what is the name of the origin for nixos/nixpkgs named?
<ndowens08> upstream
<gchristensen> ok git reset --hard upstream/staging
<gchristensen> then git cherry-pick c0d7b6773af1e8ad402f78d8581f597b2ef323fa
<gchristensen> jimmy_DM: you need an opening { after the : on line 1, and a closing } on line 8 after the ;
<ndowens08> done
<gchristensen> ndowens08: then: git push origin/sharutils --force
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<ndowens08> gchristensen: oh man thank you much :)
<gchristensen> :)
<ndowens08> sigh lol i think i did it backwards should have git pull --rebase upstream/stagging ?
<gchristensen> not sure, I don't rebase much, I mostly cherry-pick
<ndowens08> instead of going into stagging, it has been too long of a day lol
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<jimmy_DM> gchristensen: xserver' defined in `/etc/nixos/software-specs.nix' does not exist. http://p.ip.fi/KjJe
<gchristensen> jimmy_DM: did you delete your entire example config?
<ndowens08> a bit scared to rebase the last one that needs to be rebased for staging lol
<jimmy_DM> gchristensen: no
<gchristensen> jimmy_DM: the example configuration demonstrates the option you're looking for is services.xserver
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<ndowens08> woot did the last one w/o issue *dances* lol
<gchristensen> nice
<ndowens08> so it seems, that doing git pull upstream/staging then git reset --hard upstream staging works fine
<ndowens08> then cherry pick
<ndowens08> Anyone here use hdparm that wants to test the update before I merge it. I dont use it so unfamilar with it, but it doesnt seem to segfault atleast
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<gchristensen> don't merge yet ndowens08 please
<ndowens08> k i wont then :)
<pie__> nix has decided to compile haskell for some reason even though im supposed to be on stable...
<ndowens08> something broke nox-review again lol
<pie__> that cant be right?
<jimmy_DM> http://p.ip.fi/2XyD for this I get The option `service' defined in `/etc/nixos/software-specs.nix' does not exist.
<jimmy_DM> I added the service.xserver but still the same error
<ndowens08> Did you change your pkg channel?
<ndowens08> pie__: ^
<jimmy_DM> oh sorry
<pie__> ndowens08, soooort of
<pie__> i tried to roll back tho
<ndowens08> to unstable-small it sounds like
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSO94
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 01d8d1b Daiderd Jordan: rustc: use llvm_39
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 903fc1d Daniel Peebles: Merge pull request #24418 from LnL7/darwin-rust...
<jimmy_DM> s at the end of services
<pie__> sudo nix-channels --list at the moment lists
<pie__> i did attempt to set it to use unstable in configuration.nix but i removed that...
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<pie__> i think i got it stuck somehow?
<pie__> this is never gonna finihs...
<gchristensen> oh whoa
<gchristensen> github now recommends reviewerss
<ndowens08> did you do nixos-rebuild switch after the change
<ndowens08> gchristensen: yup
<ndowens08> see if that helped
<pie__> ndowens08, thats whats taking this long :(
<pie__> its compiling haskell
<pie__> isnt it supposed to download from hydra?
<gchristensen> how did you specify unstable?
<pie__> nix.nixPath i think
<gchristensen> I mean
<gchristensen> what was the URL?
<pie__> uhhhhhh
<gchristensen> yikes!
<pie__> oh boy haha
<ndowens08> should have been nixos-unstable
<ndowens08> not nixpkgs
* pie__ shoots himself in the foot one of the the only two ways you can on nixos
<gchristensen> haha
<gchristensen> <3 :)
<pie__> soooooo
<pie__> how do i fix this before the sun comes up >.>
<ndowens08> travis is failing with fontconfig while evaulating the attribute patches
<gchristensen> use https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable as the URL?
<pie__> i alreday switched back to the stable url though...
<pie__> <pie__> sudo nix-channels --list at the moment lists
<pie__> unless thats not stable
<gchristensen> did you nix-channel --update afterward?
<pie__> yeah
<pie__> but ill do it again just in case
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<ndowens08> gchristensen: weird, travis complains about fontconfig-2.10.2 saying with attribute "patches" but the only word with patch is infinality_patch = let ...
<pie__> should it download the channel each time i run that command, or should it say no updates?
<jimmy_DM> gchristensen: http://p.ip.fi/ys9V line 9 is the problem. I think. The option `services.desktopManager' defined in `/etc/nixos/software-specs.nix' does not exist.
<pie__> because the former happens
<gchristensen> ahh I'm overwhelmed with people :P
<pie__> and im still compiling haskell
<ndowens08> you are popular :)
<pie__> gchristensen, thats understandable x3
<pie__> cant help but go one at a time or go crazy :P
<ndowens08> :D
<jimmy_DM> gchristensen: changing it to xserver would return The option `xserver' defined in `/etc/nixos/software-specs.nix' does not exist.
<ndowens08> ah now i see i think
<gchristensen> jimmy_DM: because it is services.xserver....
<pie__> would rolling back also roll back channel changes?
<pie__> or is that a weakness in the system
<gchristensen> pie__: sudo nix-channel --rollback :)
<jimmy_DM> gchristensen: The option `services.xserver.desktopManager.kde4' defined in `/etc/nixos/software-specs.nix' does not exist I told you that before
<gchristensen> jimmy_DM: what does nixos-versison say?
<pie__> didnt know thers a separate rollbck for channels
<gchristensen> pie__: :)
<gchristensen> jimmy_DM: $ nixos-version *
<ndowens08> gonna go for a little; if anyone has time to checkout the issue with travis, complains about fontconfig-2.10.2 /home/travis/.nox/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/fontconfig/test-pcf-family-names-freetype-2.7.patch
<pie__> my system appears to have gone sane again
<pie__> maybe
<ndowens08> not found
<ndowens08> bbiab
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<jimmy_DM> gchristensen: system.stateVersion = "17.09";
<gchristensen> ok, 17.09 doesn't have kde4
<jimmy_DM> 17.09pre104410.65593e6 (Hummingbird)
<pie__> apparently i have a collision between openbsd and gnu netcat but its not important
<jimmy_DM> jimmy_DM: So I have to change theversion then?
<pie__> gchristensen, thanks for the simple fix!
<jimmy_DM> gchristensen: So I have to change theversion then?
<jimmy_DM> ?
<gchristensen> jimmy_DM: you'd want: services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.enable = true; and services.xserver.desktopManager.plasma5.enable = true;
<gchristensen> pie__: you're welcome :)
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<gchristensen> I have to leave now, time for bed :) good luck, jimmy_DM
<jimmy_DM> gchristensen: Ok. but consider that I want to end up with kde4. (if possible)
<gchristensen> jimmy_DM: also: check out `man configuration.nix`
<gchristensen> jimmy_DM: you can't get kde4 on 17.03
<jimmy_DM> gchristensen: could I change the version to the one that has kde4
<gchristensen> you could, but it will stop being supported in 4 days
<gchristensen> I have to go to bed though, good night :) back in ~8hrs
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<jimmy_DM> gchristensen: So either way no kde4 for nixos anymore. yes?
<pie__> ok so im gonna try to install R 3.3.3 to my user from unstable
<gchristensen> kde4 is deaed
<pie__> ok that appears to have worked
<pie__> still cant build rpy2 :/
<jimmy_DM> gchristensen: what if I wanted to go with FVWM all togather. what changes do I need
<pie__> it says " R was not built as a library" but it was! it has "--enable-R-shlib" in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/science/math/R/default.nix :(
<pie__> im trying to build rpy2 in a python3.6 virtualenv
<pie__> am i doing it wrong?
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<jimmy_DM> gents; What should I add to my nix config file for FVWM?
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<pie__> uh how do i specify something like R-3.3.3 for nix-shell? it dosnt like the fanct characters
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<pie__> oh i guess i can just use -A ?
<pie__> ok i cant figure out the right version of this
<pie__> i need to get R from unstable and idea.pycarm-community from stable for nix-shell
<jimmy_DM> any information on fvwm?
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<pie__> ok so im trying to do this in my configuration.nix: (import <unstable> {}).R but adding the unstabel channel to the channel list completely overrides the stable channel and now it wants to install everyhting from unstable...
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<ndowens08> ok back
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<ndowens08> jimmy_DM: what changes do you mean
<pie__> correction, doesnt matter if i add that to the config, just having the unstale channel causes compiling everything...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSO5L
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ecae31a Will Dietz: swift: init at 3.1...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cea6bfa Daniel Peebles: Merge pull request #22098 from dtzWill/feature/swift...
<ndowens08> you can add fvvm or w/e you want in configuration.nix
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<jimmy_DM> ndowens08: first I added the sddm line to have a displaymanager at least. then for autostarting the FVWM and set it as default session
<justanotheruser> Does anyone have cuda installed successfully? I installed tensorflowWithCuda and when I attempt to "import tensorflow" in python3, I get ImportError: libcudart.so.8.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. When I attempt to install libgpuarray-cuda I get warning: cannot resolve item 'libOpenCL.so.1'
<jimmy_DM> ndowens08: too many questions and I don't know how to phrase them all.
<pie__> man either im doing something very wrong or my channels are fuckt
<pie__> *fucky
<jimmy_DM> justanotheruser: just a thought but it might be a version mismatch.
<ndowens08> I use lightdm, havent used sddm, so not sure how about setting a WM/DM as default, in lightdm, the last session you used, will be used next time
<ndowens08> until you change it
<jimmy_DM> ndowens08: the same with sddm. but anything that has to go to nix config file perhaps?
<ndowens08> not besides the login manger you want and window/desktop you want
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<jimmy_DM> also, Does nixos uses synaptic or libinput by defualt?
<ndowens08> that idk, i dont have a touchpad
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<dtz> i think synaptic? idk I had to enable libinput to make things work nicely but that could be for other reasons
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<ashkitten> it doesn't use either afaik, when i first installed my touchpad acted as a tablet thingy
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<pie__> how can i use a different channel for nix-shell? :/
<pie__> i had to get synaptics myself...
<jimmy_DM> ndowens08: if I want to put a package name inside the config file should I go with the package name i.e termite-11 or attribute name i.e termite.
<ndowens08> termite is the correct one for that one
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSOdd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 85fab7e Tim Steinbach: kubernetes: 1.5.4 -> 1.5.6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f33e19a Daniel Peebles: Merge pull request #24411 from NeQuissimus/kubernetes_1_5_6...
<jimmy_DM> jimmy_DM: So I sould go with attribute name
<jimmy_DM> ndowens08: So I sould go with attribute name
<ndowens08> yup. install nox; makes it easier to search for a pkg and install
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<jimmy_DM> ndowens08: after the initial nixos-install any change to nix config should be addressed with nixos-rebuild switch or the same nixos-install
<ndowens08> i use nixos-rebuild switch after changing configuration.nix
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<pie__> " ./rpy/rinterface/_rinterface.c:80:31: fatal error: readline/readline.h: No such file or directory" ...bu ti have readline :I
<jimmy_DM> ndowens08: what happens if one uses the nixos-install again?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin closed pull request #24428: libdc1394: patch bugs on darwin (master...libdc1394-darwin) https://git.io/vSOX1
<justanotheruser> jimmy_DM: how do I determine that?
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<jimmy_DM> justanotheruser: determine whaat exactly?
<ndowens08> no idea
<jimmy_DM> ndowens08: ok. Is it normal to get stuck in download-from-binary-cache.pl: still waiting for ‘https://cache.nixos.org/khz72gyk1qz7m6c5k6dw6z8l2czfn7rn.narinfo’ after 5 seconds...
<justanotheruser> jimmy_DM: 20:33:32 jimmy_DM: justanotheruser: just a thought but it might be a version mismatch.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] matthewbauer closed pull request #1120: nix-mode.el fixes (master...mb-nix-mode-fixes) https://git.io/vXcDw
<jimmy_DM> justanotheruser: what is the version of cude you installde
<justanotheruser> jimmy_DM: in nix-store I have cuda 8.0, 7.5, and 7.0
<jimmy_DM> justanotheruser: do you have python3.5-pycuda-2016.1
<jimmy_DM> if you use python3 that is
<justanotheruser> I have 7wjfwyznnhg44s90g7mi5a0rl1afcdc7-python3.5-libgpuarray-cuda--9998.0.drv
<justanotheruser> I'll insall pycuda
<jimmy_DM> justanotheruser: try to find the file in question. sometime is the missing symlink
<jimmy_DM> just another thought
<justanotheruser> Sorry, but how do I determine which file it is attempting to use as a dependency out of the store
<justanotheruser> pycuda didn't fix it
<pie__> apparently it expects readline/readline.h but i can only give it include/readlie.h...what do i do?
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<pie__> nevermind the path is fine...
<pie__> there we go
<jimmy_DM> justanotheruser: you need vrsion 8
<pie__> wow am i gonna have to pass every library myself
<jimmy_DM> how do I map this in my config file cache.nixos.org
<justanotheruser> jimmy_DM: I have cuda-8 in store. how do I determine which it is using in the store
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<pie__> error: Package ‘python3.6-rpy2-2.8.2’ in ‘/nix/store/mzh0bc4yr3sl4h92bc13bzcqnj5d4hd1-nixos-unstable.tar.gz/pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix:23070’ is marked as broken, refusing to evaluate.
* pie__ flails helplessly
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<jimmy_DM> justanotheruser: that I don't know. I would search how to install specific software version in nixos
<jimmy_DM> Why bash isn't the defualt shell in nixos
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<pie__> how do i get includes and libs with nix-shell? :/
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<dtz> they're usually already there? check your env
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<pie__> dtz, they werent working...i used C_INCLUDE_PATH and some cannibalized nix code from the net cuz im a noob
<pie__> seeeems to have worked
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<pie__> though i did get an assertionerror at one point and that cant be good
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<pie__> i do "nix-shell -p readline pcre lzma bzip2 icu" but at runtime i still get "ImportError: libreadline.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
<dtz> lmao
<dtz> re:assertion error and can't be good
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<pie__> fails with making a wheel apparently but i think that might be survivable, re: assertionerror
<pie__> at the moment im hung up on why dependencies arent working :(
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<jimmy_DM> how to autostart the displaymanager?
<jimmy_DM> lightdm or ssdm?
<dtz> mrow
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<crzyp3ck> Hello.
<crzyp3ck> I tried to install Nixos with the wiki's help. I did install but now I don't have any Xorg server or anything
<crzyp3ck> I don't know what to add to the config file for X11.
<crzyp3ck> also I am in tty and It would help if someone give me a hint
<crzyp3ck> No browser here
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<pie__> whats the proper way to set library locations for compiling in a nix file?
<pie__> so, linker stuff
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<clever> pie__: if the libs are in the lib subdir of another package, just put it into buildInputs
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<pie__> ....well apparently thats not enough :/
<clever> pie__: can you gist the nix expression?
<clever> and the error
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<pie__> huh ok using c_include_paht is unnecessary after all
<pie__> clever, its basically just buildInputs = [ stdenv readline pcre lzma bzip2 icu ];
<pie__> im tring to compile rpy2 in a python3.6 virtualenv created by pycharm-community
<clever> no need to put the stdenv in buildInputs
<pie__> this is just some canmibalized internet thing. ok.
<pie__> the problem is when i import rpy2 in python i get
<pie__> well, that it couldnt find readline.so.6 (thats where its starts, it will probably have the same problem with the other libs as well(
<clever> ah
<clever> the buildInputs only covers libraries at build/link time
<clever> it doesnt cover things at runtime
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<clever> are you linking rpy2 with -lreadlink?
<pie__> im not really doing anything past buildinputs....
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<pie__> this is my error: "ImportError: libreadline.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
<pie__> on import rpy2
<pie__> actually, import rpy2.robjects
<pie__> rpy2 by itself wouldnt actually get anything i think
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] winniequinn opened pull request #24430: premake5: init at 5.0.0pre.alpha.11 (master...premake5) https://git.io/vSOp9
<pie__> clever, so yeah...
<clever> pie__: where is the source for rpy2?
<pie__> yeah thats it
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<pie__> i cant actually tell where exactly it loads the so file
<pie__> oh im just not deep enough
<pie__> im not sure what youre looking for
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<clever> pie__: i would just add ${readline}/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH using makeWrapper
<clever> it will need to wrap the python script
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jpierre03 opened pull request #24431: udunits: 2.2.23 -> 2.2.24 (master...pr-udunits) https://git.io/vSOhW
<pie__> clever, so id need to do that for python
<clever> yeah, you would need to provide your own python that has been wrapped, or fix the rpath on the python modules
<pie__> how would i do the latter?
<pie__> well easiest thing would just be to add to the ld_library_path of a nix-shell?
<pie__> and just run it in said shell
<clever> find the .so and run patchelf --set-rpath on it in the build
<pie__> ah ok
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<pie__> hm
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<ebzzry> Does NixOS accept donations?
<ebzzry> clever: thanks!
<pie__> yeah its just the two .so files in rinterface
<pie__> hm odd
<pie__> it does have mostof the libs but not readline in its rpath
<pie__> why would that happen?
<clever> it might not be specifying -lreadlink when linking
<clever> readline*
<pie__> could be, thats dumb though
<pie__> ok so add that to cflags?
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<clever> or ldflags, yeah
<pie__> awesome :) now its a python error, so time to find some random input file to replace that path with...
<pie__> and lets see if it runs properly...
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<pie__> hm :/
<pie__> rpy2.rinterface.RRuntimeError: Error in (function (display = "", width, height, pointsize, gamma, bg, :
<pie__> X11 module cannot be loaded
<pie__> i had this before but i cant remember in what context
<pie__> i hope its easily fixable...
<pie__> well DISPAY is set...
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<pie__> ah here we go... RRuntimeWarning: unable to load shared object '/nix/store/ss7674fw88gdb7d3mkb3a5xz3zira81d-R-3.3.3/lib/R/modules//R_X11.so':
<pie__> /nix/store/6rhawr786hmpg0lw910rna03v0gbw93j-zlib-1.2.8/lib/libz.so.1: version `ZLIB_1.2.9' not found (required by /nix/store/g6qan6yzlnbkj7w5ibgxfx6jrik7iyg3-libpng-apng-1.6.28/lib/libpng16.so.16)
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<amosbird> Hi, does nix have xgboost?
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<crzyp3ck> hello again
<crzyp3ck> I wanted to change the sddm.conf but I get chmod 755 /etc/sddm.conf
<crzyp3ck> chmod: changing permissions of '/etc/sddm.conf': Read-only file system
<amosbird> how can I fix this error: xgboost-0.60 not supported for interpreter python2.7
<crzyp3ck> I am doing it as root but I still get this. why?
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<pie__> zlib 1.2.9 isnt even available in the package repo why is it required...
<c74d> crzyp3ck: you are on NixOS, yes?
<c74d> (that may seem obvious given that this is #nixos, but this channel is also for people using Nix on other OSs)
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<crzyp3ck> c74d: full fledged nixos
<crzyp3ck> but barebone
<c74d> crzyp3ck: to change the sddm.conf, set the option `services.xserver.displaymanager.sddm.extraconfig` in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix to the text you want added to sddm.conf
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<c74d> (<https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#services.xserver.displaymanager.sddm.extraconfig>)
<pie__> argh
<c74d> crzyp3ck: my apologies, the capital letters seem to have been broken; that should be `services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.extraConfig`
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<eacameron> How does one set up the JRE on NixOS? I want to run Java apps but nothing's set up
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<justanotheruser> How do I determine which version of CUDA (I have multiple in /nix/store/) tensorflowWithCuda is using?
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<crzyp3ck> c74d: like this :?: services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.extraConfig = " .... I don't know.it is more than one line.
<crzyp3ck> ?
<c74d> crzyp3ck: use double single quotes, like this: <https://dpaste.de/0yOw>
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<crzyp3ck> c74d: thanks; we have this nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/x11/window-managers/fluxbox.nix
<crzyp3ck> how could I create another one for fvwm. change the name and parameters save new file fvwm.nix. how if possible.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vS3fA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 750dca5 Matthew Maurer: ocaml-bitstring: git -> 2.1.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5dda5a2 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.bitstring: remove 2.0.4
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<amosbird> hi
<crzyp3ck> amosbird: hi
<crzyp3ck> where would be the /usr/share/xsessions?
<crzyp3ck> I want to add a new WM file there
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<crzyp3ck> anybody? /where is /usr/share
<crzyp3ck> pleasee
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vS3T2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b4716ea Matthew Maurer: camlzip: 1.06 -> 1.07...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vS3kc
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0784125 Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.pyudev: fix package...
<MasseR> Hi. I lost man pages for nix-env after my latest `nix-channel --update && nix-env -u` on a nix on top of ubuntu
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<MasseR> All nix-* related mans were removed from $NIX_LINK/share/man/man1
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vS3ko
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3c7b0d3 Matthew Maurer: ocamlgraph: 1.8.5 -> 1.8.7
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vS3k1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 0355349 Marius Bakke: pythonPackages.pyudev: 0.16.1 -> 0.20.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f7a4b7e Joachim Fasting: pythonPackages.pyudev: 0.20.0 -> 0.21.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 474273d Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.pyudev: fix package...
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<MasseR> I can test by changing to generation 32 and running `nix-env -u` in it
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<gilligan_> morning
<FRidh> justanotheruser: $ nix-store -qR $(nix-build -A python3.pkgs.tensorflowWithCuda) | grep cuda
<FRidh> justanotheruser: if it doesn't work, and you can't figure out why not, open an issue on the track and cc those that have been working in the expression in the past
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vS3tJ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4e47e85 Matthew Maurer: piqi: missed propagated dependency
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<amosbird> Hello, how can I install a package using my cloned nixpkg repo?
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<crzyp3ck> for broadcom-wl is theree a package?
<crzyp3ck> broadcom wireless cards
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<vegai_> seems like nix-env -f foo.nix -i might do it
<amosbird> thanks
<vegai_> haven't tried it myself, though :)
<crzyp3ck> any help on broadcom wireless
<amosbird> what does this mean could not download ‘/nix/store/512ypr9010q6mr3c0mhzansgp73p7bs3-python2.7-nose-1.3.7’ from any binary cache
<crzyp3ck> It didn't started by default
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<vegai_> crzyp3ck: I didn't see it in nixpkgs at least
<vegai_> I guess it's not part of linux-firmware?
<kragniz> Nixos given a shout out at kubecon!
<crzyp3ck> Broadcom BCM4315 802.11 Hybrid Wireless Controller (r587334)
<amosbird> how can I fix this ? https://paste.wentropy.com/rlSo
<crzyp3ck> vegai_: So nixos doesn't upport additional kernel models
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<vegai_> crzyp3ck: hmm, there *is* broadcom_sta though
<crzyp3ck> vegai_: and no broadcom-wl?
<crzyp3ck> vegai_: sta doesn't have monitoring layer
<vegai_> I don't enough of this to reply, sorry
<crzyp3ck> vegai_: I take what I can get. how should i use it
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<amosbird> hmm I have no idea where does nix get this source from https://paste.wentropy.com/OwyZ
<vegai_> crzyp3ck: I don't know
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<vegai_> crzyp3ck: some info about broadcom is at least in https://www.reddit.com/r/NixOS/comments/38aknh/nixos_for_a_linux_newbie/
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<bkchr> Hi, I want to install docker compose, how do I find out the name that I need to use in buildInputs?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub closed pull request #24431: udunits: 2.2.23 -> 2.2.24 (master...pr-udunits) https://git.io/vSOhW
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nico202 opened pull request #24437: non: 2016-12-07 -> 2017-03-29 (master...non-03-17) https://git.io/vS3mX
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<hyphon81> Pherhaps, does NixOS dislike MySQL and/or MariaDB? I couldn't use it in some applications...
<amosbird> hi, how can I apply this patch https://paste.wentropy.com/Oirz in a pkg.nix ?
<Filystyn> can i install gcc on nixos from rep?
<hyphon81> Filystyn: "nix-env -iA nixos.gcc" ?
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<Filystyn> and wahy it is not in repository?
<Filystyn> i mean i did nix-env -qa \*
<Filystyn> there is nothing liek this
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<amosbird> Hi, i just manually changed this directory /nix/store/g3dadjy4vll3jk67kjd6ly5rjbmsdpdw-xgboost
<amosbird> how can I restore it ?
<amosbird> reverting all my changes?
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<hyphon81> I couldn't use MariaDB in Hydra... Why nixpkg doesn't include DBDmysql in hydra/default.nix? OpenStack package was in similar situation.
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<hyphon81> Are there some reasons?
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<the-kenny> Filystyn: You might want to read some more into developing software on Nix. For example https://nixos.org/wiki/Development_Environments#Sample_Development_Environments
<hyphon81> Hi, Filystyn. It seems gcc-wrapper-5.4.0 is default gcc package now.
<Filystyn> oki doki
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<Filystyn> but why call it wrapper?
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<Filystyn> how do i do something liek dist-upgrade just like in debian with apt?
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<Filystyn> ok
<goibhniu> Filystyn: `nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade`
<Filystyn> funny
<Filystyn> one more question
<Filystyn> i installed man-pages-posix
<Filystyn> and on man pthread_mutex_lock
<Filystyn> i get some piece of garbae
<Filystyn> let me show you screenshot
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<Filystyn> look
<Filystyn> blows up
<Filystyn> on
<Filystyn> tables
<Filystyn> wtf
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<goibhniu> Filystyn: FWIW, that works fine here (konsole, bash)
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<hyphon81> Filystyn: I think settings about locale and/or fonts are not suit.
<Filystyn> so strange
* goibhniu is using en_GB.UTF-8
<Filystyn> but it works for normal manpages the tables work fine there
<Filystyn> only the posix package is barking
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<Filystyn> can i set 2 locales?
<Filystyn> liek the C locale if PL is wrong
<Filystyn> pl_PL.UTF-8
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<pie__> is there a package for zlib-1.2.9? libpng wants it...
<Filystyn> also touch pad seem not to work and wifi
<goibhniu> pie__ the easiest thing is to grep nixpkgs
<pie__> /nix/store/6rhawr786hmpg0lw910rna03v0gbw93j-zlib-1.2.8/lib/libz.so.1: version `ZLIB_1.2.9' not found (required by /nix/store/g6qan6yzlnbkj7w5ibgxfx6jrik7iyg3-libpng-apng-1.6.28/lib/libpng16.so.16)
<pie__> goibhniu, well hypothetically this is going off nixos-unstable
<pie__> so id figure that would at least be self-consistent?
<Filystyn> so for wifi what should i install wireless tools?
<goibhniu> pie__ ah, but I mean a clone of nixpkgs
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<pie__> goibhniu, i dont get any results searching for zlib-1.2.9 on github :/
<pie__> just 1.2.8
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<ronny> pie__: how did that lobpng package come to be? its clearly being missconfigured as it
<pie__> ronny, good question.
<pie__> i have no idea
<ronny> please find that out ^^
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<pie__> actually i just realized i should revert to the stable verison of R and see if i fare any better for starters
<pie__> i mean R-3.2.3 on stable vs 3.3.3 on unstable
<ronny> pie__: also there already is zlib 1.2.11 released, not just 1.2.9
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<pie__> ah well yeha i gues i could use an evne newer one
<pie__> but this doesnt list anything newer than 1.2.8 https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html (idk if this just shows stable?)
<ronny> this shows stable, check out unstable/master and consider doing a pr
<pie__> ronny, theres a lot of prs i should consider im just not up to the task yet :P
<pie__> (still... :/)
<ronny> pie__: a version bump is a fairly simple pr to do, you might just do one already
<pie__> ok so i just removed the unstable channel from my user channels and ran the update but im still getting R-3.3.3 installed, i know im doing somehting dumb simple wrong, what gives?
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<ronny> ikwildrpepper: now do you also have that image somewhere that doesnt require a login to a service i dont want to be forced to use ?
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<ikwildrpepper> ronny: wasn't aware you had to login :o
<ikwildrpepper> ronny: it's on the nixos_org twittah
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<ikwildrpepper> copumpkin: will only be able to use the new macs tomorrow though, as I forgot to bring powerstrips
<copumpkin> Hah no problem I'm about to get on a plane so won't miss them for a day or so :)
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<copumpkin> But thank you so much for getting them!
<LnL> nice! <3
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<copumpkin> That'll help with the obscenely long qt build I've been fixing
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<copumpkin> I though LLVM was bad but I think qt has it beat
<LnL> same here, llvm isn't so bad compared to gcc and rust
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<copumpkin> Yup! Are there stats on Hydra for the slowest builds across all of nixpkgs? I'd be curious
<copumpkin> Also this matrix thing is quite nice now that I can IRC on mobile easily
<amosbird> Hi, how can I use nix-shell -p <my-local-package>?
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<clever> amosbird: simplest option, add it to the overrides in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<amosbird> is there an option like -f . in nix-env?
<amosbird> I just clone the nixpkg repo
<clever> amosbird: -p always uses <nixpkgs> so you need to use -I
<clever> -I nixpkgs=/home/clever/nixpkgs
<amosbird> clever: oh
<amosbird> so nix-shell -I ... -p python?
<pie__> ronny, it seems RR-3.2.3 is ok so the issue should be solvable
<clever> yeah
<pie__> clever, i fixed the last error by reverting to older R version, id used unstable originally because i thought that might fix something
* clever heads to bed
<pie__> clever, good night/morning :P
<clever> 7am
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<ndowens08> Hey
<pie__> aaaand now runtime issues...
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<pie__> or rather silent failure...
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<pie__> making any changes to the graphics window such as resizing or minimizng/maximiginz makes it become a white screen...
<pie__> and i cant close it by clicking the X...
<pie__> R by itself works fine so the problem is probably somehting to do with python/rpy2/the environment...
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<pie__> /pycharm
<flyx> hi folks! I followed the python on nix tutorial and it tells me to define some environments in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix. I did and named it "py35". however, when I try to do `nix-env -i py35`, it says „error: selector ‘py35’ matches no derivations“
<flyx> something else I need to do to make it work?
<amosbird> Hmm, I feel that nixpkg repo should be reorganized. The commit log is huge and slows down git :)
<pie__> ok its definitely not pycharms fault
<pie__> i can reproduce it from python+the env
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] amosbird opened pull request #24439: Fix xgboost python 2.7 build. (master...master) https://git.io/vS3Br
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<pie__> ok its user error, i just dont understand why i didnt need to do this on windows http://rpy.sourceforge.net/rpy2/doc-2.1/html/rinterface.html#rinterface-interactive-processevents
<ndowens08> amosbird: kinda good atleast it shows a bit busy here :)
<amosbird> ndowens08: huh?
<ndowens08> Commits
<amosbird> ok
<amosbird> Yeah, i feel you
<ndowens08> Sigh time for work again yuck
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<ndowens08> Enjoy the day
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<Filystyn> ok guys i have a question
<Filystyn> tor-bundle ( browser) refuses to start
<Filystyn> hwo can i fix this
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<crzyp3ck> hello
<crzyp3ck> I want to add networking.wireless.enable to https://dpaste.de/WVFJ
<crzyp3ck> could someone tell me how?
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<goibhniu> crzyp3ck: this should do it: https://dpaste.de/KWmY
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<Filystyn> guys
<Filystyn> one mroe thing i can install stuff on normal suer?
<goibhniu> sure
<Filystyn> hm on debian always had to sue root to isntall stuff
<goibhniu> you just need to add a channel
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<goibhniu> (it doesn't have to be the same one that the system uses)
<Filystyn> but it doe snot matter i install as user or root?
<Filystyn> or root is global and user is only sticked to user?
<goibhniu> stuff in the user profile takes precedence over the root stuff
<Filystyn> is it bad i soemtimes i install on root and soemtimes on suer ot it should not cause some huge chaos
<Filystyn> if sometimes*(
<goibhniu> it's fine
<Filystyn> k thx
<Filystyn> one mroe thing do i need to do somethign liek update on debian or upgrade on rebuild will do it for me?
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<goibhniu> you need to update it separately
<crzyp3ck> goibhniu: thanks. I don't need network manager and such tools I just need wpa_supplicant and wpa_gui. what should I ass to my config file. please!
<crzyp3ck> :P
<Filystyn> so
<Filystyn> nixos-rebuild switch update ?
<Filystyn> nixos-rebuild switch --update **
<crzyp3ck> Filystyn: first
<Filystyn> ?
<crzyp3ck> nixos-rebuild switch
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<Filystyn> ok.. and ?
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<crzyp3ck> Filystyn: if you install by root every user has access to packages if not only the user you installed with.
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<Filystyn> k
<Filystyn> i have one user anyway
<Filystyn> but good to know
<Filystyn> but hwo do I update
<Filystyn> that comand i wrote is ok?
<crzyp3ck> Filystyn: yes. any change to the config file of nix has to be updated by that command
<Yaniel> the flag is --upgrade
<crzyp3ck> then they would take effect
<Yaniel> you only need the --upgrade if you want to fetch a new package list (so maybe once a week)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bendlas opened pull request #24440: chromium: 56.0.2924.87 -> 57.0.2987.110 (release-16.09...release-16.09) https://git.io/vS3u7
<Filystyn> so no updates just upgrade?
<ashkitten> i installed nerdfonts but none of the fonts are listed in fc-list?
<Yaniel> OTOH there's not really a downside to fetching it always, it just takes a bit of time
<Filystyn> k
<Filystyn> thx for clearing up
<Filystyn> guys
<Yaniel> `nixos-rebuild switch` builds your new configuration, i.e. downloads and installs new packages, removes old ones
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<Yaniel> if you add --upgrade it first fetches a new package list, and updates packages that now have newer versions than what is installed
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<Yaniel> in addition to installing missing packages and removing unneeded ones9
<ashkitten> How do fonts work on nixos? I installed nerdfonts but none of the fonts are showing up when I do fc-list.
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<gchristensen> Yaniel: yep
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cillianderoiste closed pull request #24437: non: 2016-12-07 -> 2017-03-29 (master...non-03-17) https://git.io/vS3mX
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<the-kenny> ashkitten: how did you "install" these fonts? In NixOS, this word has many meanings :)
<the-kenny> for fonts, you generally add them to fonts.extraFonts in your configuration.nix.
<ben> What if only one user needs wants them?
<manveru> then that user probably has to add them to their fonts.conf
<Filystyn> ok what is the nixos latex package dblatex-full ???
<manveru> actually there's this line in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf : <dir>~/.nix-profile/lib/X11/fonts</dir><dir>~/.nix-profile/share/fonts</dir><dir>/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/lib/X11/fonts</dir><dir>/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/share/fonts</dir>
<manveru> so i assume they could be added to your .nixpkgs/config.nix
<gchristensen> ben: then you're in the same position as other distros where your package manager won't install them for you
<goibhniu> Filystyn: you can search with `nix-env -qaP | grep latex`
<Filystyn> i did and i am asking since i see no xelatex etc
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<Filystyn> actualy is there soem site with information on nix repository ??
<manveru> i use nox for searching packages
<gchristensen> Filystyn: https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html exists
<manveru> but since i don't know latex... no idea which one is the one you're looking for
<goibhniu> Filystyn: does it suggest a package when you try to run it?
<goibhniu> here it says nixos.texlive.combined.scheme-small
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<ashkitten> the-kenny: I installed the package via configuration.nix
<Filystyn> seems no package O.o
<gchristensen> Filystyn: that packages.html seems to disagree
<Filystyn> i thin ki foudn way to do it
<MoreTea> So, I completed the refactor of nixop's sqlite3 -> any db with transactions two weeks ago, and just resolved the comment that @kamilchm had.
<gchristensen> :O
<Filystyn> way not now since there is a bit of play but there is solution on nix wiki
<ronny> hmm, i wish there was a "stateless" variant of nixops
<Filystyn> ok im happy it has everything thx for help guys
<MoreTea> @ronny, I'd like to store state in some central data store.
<gchristensen> ronny: how would that work
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<MoreTea> Completely stateless would be quite hard; you'd never know if someone else would be running nixops at the same time.
<gchristensen> (I believe it to be impossible..)
<gchristensen> MoreTea: link to your PR?
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<gchristensen> MoreTea: <3 <3 <3 <3
<MoreTea> Who are the BDFL's for nixops? Based on who merges stuff it appears to be domenkozar and ikwildrpepper, right?
<gchristensen> big stuff -> ikwildrpepper, it is a critical tool for him
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixops] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vS3am
<NixOS_GitHub> nixops/master 78e964a clefru: Add missing flag in nixops destroy example. (#636)
<domenkozar> MoreTea: it's ikwildrpepper, I just merge code
<MoreTea> We briefly chatted about that this is still 100% backward compatible with the sqlite3 files
<gchristensen> omg this has to merge
<MoreTea> I understand that this is quite a lot of changes to the core of nixops, and I would like to help in any way possible to make that easier, ikwildrpepper
<domenkozar> I might need this and I can read Python so I can review it
<domenkozar> but not before end of April :(
<domenkozar> MoreTea: this is good work though :)
<ashkitten> Is NixOS compatible with Ryzen yet?
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<gchristensen> I don't see why not, ashkitten, do you know why it wouldn't be?
<ashkitten> gchristensen: the installer didn't work last time I tried
<ashkitten> I got a bunch of weird errors and it stopped responding
<gchristensen> yikes
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<MoreTea> I had some more ideas about splitting nixops into a simple core that does state management, and plugins to manage resources. These plugins then would generate a datastructure describing what they want to do. This can be presented to the end user to make sure that sane things are happening, before the datastructure is fed back to the plugin to execute to the letter.
<gchristensen> not sure, if you try again and bring errors to us, we'd help :)
<MoreTea> I'm not that familiar with Terraform, but AFAIK it's close to their model.
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<deepfire> gchristensen: hello
<gchristensen> hello
<gchristensen> (I'm about to be leaving for a while)
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<icetan> nixops is really flaky for me when I try to use it with virtualbox
<icetan> It keeps losing track of the IP addresses of the instances
<icetan> sometimes making it unusable
<deepfire> gchristensen: can you tell, what's the status on hydra PR request building?
<deepfire> gchristensen: I have some free time that I'm willing to invest..
<Filystyn> ok again same problem ;)
<Filystyn> https://paste.ubuntu.com/24274123/ why does it not mount sda2 on /home
<Filystyn> It saw it and now i see it again got rid of it O.o
<MoreTea> @Filystyn, what's the content of your hardware-configuration.nix?
<crzyp3ck> I s there a way to install kde5 plasma packages withut the whole collection. at least kde5 plasma basic or essentials not games and such
<Filystyn> and there was after instalation
<Filystyn> the second one fileSystem
<Filystyn> and now its gone O.o
<Filystyn> i had this working ;-)
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<gchristensen> MoreTea: I thought about working through the problems in private, but thought public would be better to show what we've tested
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<MoreTea> gchristensen, sure :)
<gchristensen> MoreTea: hmmm can you test a deploy? still seeing errors.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vS3ro
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 892c418 makefu: cups-dymo: patch upstream for cups 2.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 72bb7b3 Vladimír Čunát: Merge #24392: cups-dymo: patch upstream for cups 2.2
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #24392: cups-dymo: patch upstream for cups 2.2 (master...pkgs/dymo/fix-includes) https://git.io/vSqow
<MoreTea> ah yes that would make sense :x
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<fily> ok guys
<fily> i think i mad eit work i had to put the file system to the
<fily> config file
<fily> but the hardware doe snot see it
<fily> just the user was moved on the proper disc
<fily> and he doe snot have permissions it seems..
<gchristensen> MoreTea: have you replicated it? I can paste a new trace if needed
<fily> such a mess
<MoreTea> yes, I missed another place where I should rename `file` to `sqlite3_file`.
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<MoreTea> I'm deploying a local vbox instance right now.
<MoreTea> I actually already opened https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/issues/637 but did not run nixops manually myself, lol
<MoreTea> gchristensen, a local vbox deployment works for me.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vS3od
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 9363db4 Sebastian Hagen: hwdata: Use content-addressed source file...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #24422: hwdata: Use content-addressed source file; previous source tarball changed contents (release-16.09...cp_hwdata_hashaddr) https://git.io/vSORr
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<Filystyn> guys
<Filystyn> do i add filesystem to hardware fiel or to configure file?
<Filystyn> the hardware header comment says dont do anythign here
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<Filystyn> but i get it workign when i do it in hardware tbh
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<the-kenny> Filystyn: doesn't matter. configuration.nix includes the hardware.nix. It's just that hardware.nix gets overwritten when you run nixos-generate-config. You can actually merge both into one file
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<peti> I added a custom CA certificate on NixOS via "security.pki.certificateFiles", but it seems like Mozilla Firefox is unaware of that CA. Is there something I can do about this? How can I make Firefox honor those extra CAs I configured?
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<gchristensen> peti: I think firefox always uses its own certificate store
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 7 new commits to master: https://git.io/vS3PL
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1d8d6d5 Thomas Tuegel: Revert "dropbox: use vendored Qt 5 libraries"...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3c96a53 Thomas Tuegel: dropbox: wrap as any other Qt application
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c076b93 Thomas Tuegel: dropbox: remove more useless vendored libraries
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 6 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vS3Pz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 2afbc4e Thomas Tuegel: Revert "dropbox: use vendored Qt 5 libraries"...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 65d994f Thomas Tuegel: dropbox: wrap as any other Qt application...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 a2dc262 Thomas Tuegel: dropbox: remove more useless vendored libraries...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #24441: swift: remove i686-linux from platforms, limit to x86-64-linux (master...fix/swift-64bit-only) https://git.io/vS3Xo
<dtzWill> ha! and just last night I saw the commits expressing preference for vendored Qt so I went and tackled that for Mendeley xD. And yep had some problems re:drivers and xkb. Kludged through them, but... well there's a reason it's sitting in a local branch and not already in a PR haha.
<dtzWill> (re:dropbox commits above)
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<Filystyn> ok i fixe dit with editing hardware.nix
<Filystyn> which i should not but fuck it i want this to work
<Exee7uvo[m]> Hi. I'm trying to set up tt-rss on NixOS 17.03 (small). My configuration.nix so far: https://dpaste.de/J5CN
<Exee7uvo[m]> I expect to access tt-rss on http://localhost/tt-rss but all I get is a "404 Not Found". It's the first time I setup a webapp on NixOS, so the error might be based on a basic misconception.
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<disasm> Exee7uvo[m]: so, if I'm reading the nix file correct... I think it's expecting it to launch at http://tt-rss
<disasm> but you would need to add tt-rss to your /etc/hosts to point at
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<disasm> that would be networking.extraHosts = { ""\n127.0.0.1 tt-rss"" } (where \n is an action line break)
<disasm> I'd probly put a line treak before the "" at the end too myself
<disasm> if you want to test it without changing /etc/hosts first: curl -H "Host: tt-rss" localhost
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<__red__> So, if I want to bump the version of a package - should I a) PR against master or something else? b) add myself to the maintainers field? (ettiquate question)
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<goibhniu> __red__: yes to both, additional maintainers are always welcome
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<disasm> If you really want it at /tt-rss you'd need to set virtualHost to null and manually setup the nginx config.
<disasm> Exee7uvo[m]: lemme know if that works, I'm curious how well I'm reading that.
<__red__> hmm, tangental question - is there a project that tracks upstream package versions so maintainers would get notification of upstream version bumps?
<__red__> would that be useful?
<goibhniu> there used to be a nice one, but it hasn't been working/maintained for ages
<goibhniu> it was awesome!
<LnL> I think ndowens uses something to get notifications, but I forgot what it was
<__red__> get reference? Sounds like something that may be automatable for non-critical packages
<__red__> err, got reference even
* goibhniu tries to find the repo
<__red__> I gotta look back in my notes are remember how to submit a PR - it's been so long :-/
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<Exee7uvo[m]> disasm_: I added tt-rss to my hosts and now I'm getting only a blank page.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] andrewthad opened pull request #24442: make graphite do fewer recursive chowns when starting (master...graphite_without_recursive_chown) https://git.io/vS3Ha
<disasm> __red__: my process is fork, clone, checkout new branch, change, commit, push, then click the pull request thing in github. I know there's command-line tools for that last step, but doing the one step in the browser isn't enough of a pain point for me to do otherwsie.
<disasm> Exee7uvo[m]: well that's progress :)
<disasm> Exee7uvo[m]: can you pastebin systemctl status -l -n 100 nginx
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<Exee7uvo[m]> disasm: Well there is nothing to see there: http://dpaste.de/Tg91
<Exee7uvo[m]> I restarted nginx just before trying to access.
<disasm> Exee7uvo[m]: that's okay, lets keep traversing the waterhole, paste of /nix/store/x3givldbyyzdb7h9r04c6zzpvcxg7xa0-nginx.conf
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<Exee7uvo[m]> disasm: ...nginx.conf: http://dpaste.de/TWam
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<disasm> yeah, it should be logging errors to stdout. What exit code do you get? curl -I http://tt-rss
<Exee7uvo[m]> disasm: Exit code 0: http://dpaste.de/Y0hs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mdaiter opened pull request #24443: suitesparse: add CUDA support (master...sparsesuiteCUDA) https://git.io/vS35H
<Filystyn> guys
<Filystyn> I wnat nix to be
<Filystyn> multi platform vide 64 vs 86
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<Filystyn> multiarch*
<Filystyn> how to do it ?
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<goibhniu> Filystyn: you just want to install 32bit applications on 64bit arch, right? ... you don't need to do anything
<Filystyn> lol?
<Filystyn> no multiarch like on debian?
<Filystyn> but i hope when i compile it's form 64
<Filystyn> for*
<LnL> Filystyn: nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A hello --argstr system i686-linux
<LnL> that will give you a 32 bit binary for the hello package
<Filystyn> ihm
<Filystyn> ok ok
<Filystyn> thx
<LnL> I think you could even nixos-rebuild boot with a different system and reboot into 32 bit if you wanted :D
<Filystyn> good than
<Filystyn> so i can just install wine and not care about *it need s32 bit arch enabled*
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<__red__> forgive me - but what's the flag to specify my git cloned pkg repo with a nixos-rebuild again? I have lost my notes :-/
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<LnL> like -I nixpkgs=/path/to/nixpkgs?
<__red__> probably - thanks
<__red__> it;s been ~10 months since I submitted a PR so effectively re-leaning from scratch
<gchristensen> MoreTea: ping
<Filystyn> actualy what does influence that program will be compiled or just a binary will be downloaded?
<Filystyn> this is somethign i am not sure i udnerstand
<LnL> it tries to download it from cache.nixos.org by default, if that returns a 404 it will fall back to building from source
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<Filystyn> oh;-)
<Exee7uvo[m]> I'm stuck. It would be really nice If somebody could paste their tt-rss config here. the-kenny? Nadrieril?
<Filystyn> can is et cores ones and for ever or each time i want soemthing?
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<joepie91> Filystyn: what do you mean? configuring the amount of threads for compilation?
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<Filystyn> yes there is option in nix-env
<Filystyn> --CORE or soemthign similar
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<Filystyn> but not sure how it is supposed to use
<Filystyn> be used*
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<joepie91> Filystyn: there's an option somewhere to set the amount of cores for building permanently but I'm not convinced that it actually does anything :)
<joepie91> you can do a rebuild with --cores though, iirc
<Filystyn> well it shoudl depend if it tries to compile and code author somehow took this in notice
<Filystyn> ;-)
<Filystyn> ihmihm
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<Filystyn> ill remember will go back to this problem once
<joepie91> Filystyn: either way, for --cores to work, the package must support setting the amount of cores as a compiler flag
<joepie91> which I think most autotools packages do
<joepie91> but don't quote me on that :)
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<yumbox> hi, I recently installed nixos, and I can't access nixos.org
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<yumbox> "ping: nixos.org: Name or service not known"
<yumbox> google, github, and freenode webchat work fine
<yumbox> when i tried to "nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade", it built everything from source
<yumbox> it gave curl error 6 when trying to download binaries from cache.nixos.org
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<ixxie> weird
<ixxie> sorry, no idea how to help with this
<yumbox> :(
<ixxie> you cannot reach it in the browser either?
<yumbox> correct
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<yumbox> when i reboot into arch linux, i can reach all websites
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<joepie91> yumbox: any chance you might've manually configured your DNS on Arch?
<joepie91> and your router is failing to hand out DNS servers over DHCP?
<yumbox> no, didn't manually configure
<Filystyn> guys if the compilation fals started from nix-env
<Filystyn> what should my step be ?
<yumbox> when I do `cat /etc/resolv.conf` i can see 3 nameservers
<joepie91> yumbox: hm. I don't know what the issue is, but start looking at DHCP logs because your system probably isn't getting DNS servers for some reason
<joepie91> yumbox: 3?
<joepie91> which?
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<yumbox> first is my router
<yumbox> second is an dns from my isp
<yumbox> as is third
<joepie91> that seems sane-ish
<joepie91> hold on..
<joepie91> yumbox: you said it was compiling from source...?
<yumbox> well
<joepie91> because it can't do that when DNS is totally broken
<joepie91> as it'd never get the sources
<yumbox> I'm typing now in webchat freenode on nixos
<joepie91> right
<yumbox> some websites work
<yumbox> some don't
<joepie91> yumbox: moment
<yumbox> oke, geen probleem
<Filystyn> need help with this one ;-)
<joepie91> yumbox: can you run `nix-shell -p bind` and then from within that shell run `dig nixos.org` and gist the output? (https://gist.github.com/)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel closed pull request #24443: suitesparse: add CUDA support (master...sparsesuiteCUDA) https://git.io/vS35H
<joepie91> yumbox: it may take a while for it to install all of bind
<yumbox> as root?
<joepie91> yumbox: can just do that as your own user
<joepie91> doesn't require root
<goibhniu> Filystyn: it sounds like the package you're trying to install is broken
<Filystyn> hoo ?
<Filystyn> iso what should be my step?
<yumbox> joepie91: `dig` not found
<joepie91> yumbox: did you run it *within* the shell that nix-shell produced?
<yumbox> yes
<joepie91> yumbox: err, and the nix-shell invocation compiled/installed bind?
<goibhniu> Filystyn: you can try to fix it
<yumbox> joepie91: not sure, it showed a bunch of "downloading" and then nothing
<joepie91> yumbox: and then it dumped you back into a shell, right?
<yumbox> yes, [nix-shell:~]$
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<joepie91> yumbox: can you gist the output of `echo $PATH`?
<Filystyn> how?
<joepie91> yumbox: from within that shell
<joepie91> something sounds seriously broken :)
<goibhniu> Filystyn: or report an issue
<Filystyn> so what is the bugzilla link?;-)
<Filystyn> or you have somethign similar like debian
<Filystyn> *tool*
<goibhniu> we use github
<Filystyn> k
<Filystyn> i guess thsi si also devs channel ye?
<joepie91> a fellow transfer.sh user!
<yumbox> lol
<joepie91> yumbox: anyhow, that should work fine :|
<joepie91> path looks correct
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<joepie91> yumbox: yeah I have no idea how to proceed here I'm afraid
<joepie91> yeah that part is probably fine
<joepie91> it's the DNS where something's going wrong
<joepie91> but I have no idea how to debug this without `dig`
<joepie91> :p
<yumbox> how do i install dig?
<joepie91> yumbox: well, the nix-shell command was meant to do that...
<joepie91> :|
<joepie91> it's part of the bind package
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<yumbox> what about `sysdig` ?
<joepie91> never heard of it
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<joepie91> yumbox: anyhow, I don't really know how to proceed from here, and I have a bunch of other stuff I need to get done today, but maybe somebody else around here has an idea
<joepie91> :p
<yumbox> thanks for trying anyway
<goibhniu> yumbox: as a workaround, you could try replacing /etc/resolv.conf with "nameserver" (or some other nameserver)
<manveru> joepie91: dig is part of the bind package
<Filystyn> if i pass this https://s27.postimg.org/fdrhglaer/Zaznaczenie_001.png on github is this as report fine ?;)
<manveru> oh, someone said that already :)
<Filystyn> i was doing update in xterm and it does not support coping lol
<Filystyn> not update but the compilation
<Filystyn> get the soft or call it what ever
<manveru> you can copy from xterm by selecting the text, then just press middle mouse button to paste anywhere
<joepie91> manveru: yeah, but dig doesn't exist in a nix-shell with bind installed
<yumbox> goibhniu: that works
<joepie91> on yumbox's system
<joepie91> which is what stumps me
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<Filystyn> haha it worked
<Filystyn> did not knew that trick;)
<yumbox> how do i flush dns?
<Filystyn> thx
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<manveru> yumbox: you usually don't need to... unless you use chrome
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<yumbox> i know, but i wanna find out what nameserver screws things up
<manveru> you can force resolution with a specific nameserver like this: `dig foo.com @`
<goibhniu> I wonder if restarting the nscd service helps
<joepie91> yumbox: this may be useful if you need fresh never-resolved DNS queries to test with: http://xip.io/
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<manveru> ah, that's nice, i used localtest.me so far but that doesn't support arbitrary IPs
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<Filystyn> here and create an https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs issue ?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rbvermaa pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSsfd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f79be2c Rob Vermaas: dd-agent: fix by adding uptime as dependency.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rbvermaa pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSsfp
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 35dfdc9 Rob Vermaas: dd-agent: fix by adding uptime as dependency....
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<yumbox> joepie91: i solved it. removing "options edns0" from /etc/resolv.conf makes it work.
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<joepie91> that's... very strange
<joepie91> and that's more a workaround than a fix :)
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<joepie91> yumbox: also, you shouldn't edit /etc/resolv.conf manually
<yumbox> im gonna try switching to unstable now
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<yumbox> maybe that'll fix it
<goibhniu> FWIW I have intermittent DNS issues too (on unstable), I must try removing "options edns0" to see if that helps
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<yumbox> hmm
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<yumbox> interesting
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rbvermaa pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSsTC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 e386049 Dan Peebles: libuv: disable tests (temporarily) on Darwin...
<ixxie> any nixops users in the house? I am trying to understand if there alternatives to using nixops in a team, other than https://blog.wearewizards.io/how-to-use-nixops-in-a-team
<tranquilloX> hello.. trying out nixos at this..
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<tranquilloX> i have a question.. how did it work in nix, to install alternative hardware driver (for RTL8188SU USB wireless in my case)?
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<guest475> Hi. nix-env -iA nixos.nginxModules.modsecurity - not work. How to install nginx + modsecurity ?
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<Dr8128> i am considering trying to build lfs based on nix
<Dr8128> i think it would be fun to have an lfs sstem tha uses nix
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<gchristensen> what is lfs if you have an existing package manager?
<ixxie> tranquilloX: well I am not exactly sure; normally the installer automatically creates a hardware configuration for your system, and there are additional options you can manually set (https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#hardware )
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<Dr8128> gchristensen: what do you mean?
<Dr8128> normally lfs has no package manager at all
<yumbox> goibhniu: i added `networking.useNetworkd = true;` in my config.nix and now everything works correctly.
<yumbox> (without having to edit /etc/resolv.conf)
<goibhniu> very interesting yumbox, thanks!
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<yumbox> goibhniu: you might also consider disabling nscd with `services.nscd.enable = false;`
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<tranquilloX> ixxie: thx. And afterwards, if new USB devices are plugged in? It should be possible to support that with exact drivers. I think i have to use this https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1705004&p=10551726#post10551726 for my wireless USB.
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<eacamero_> nixops lets you define your machines in terms of a "config" argument which is actually recursive (you are defining config in terms of config). Can you do the same for a NixOS configuration.nix?
<ixxie> eacamero_: I believe it works like that out of the box ^^
<eacamero_> ixxie: Hm...I always thought the "config" argument to configuration.nix was just the config from .config/nixpkgs/config.nix
<guest475> how to install nginx + modsecurity?
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<eacamero_> ixxie: Ah so *that* is from .config/nixpkgs/config.nix?
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<eacamero_> guest475: You'll need to override a few things but it's easy
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<eacamero_> guest475: "callPackage <nixpkgs/pkgs/servers/http/nginx/mainline.nix> { modules = [ nginxModules.modsecurity ]; };"
<ixxie> eacamero_: I am not entirely sure exactly how this works, but I believe the .config/nixpkgs/config.nix is user specific while the configuration.nix option is system-wide
<eacamero_> ixxie: Yes that's right...but I suppose root could have that too
<eacamero_> guest475: That will give you an nginx derivation with that mod. Then you can use `services.nginx.package = myCustomOverriddenNginx;"
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<eacamero_> guest475: Actually, you probably want to keep the other default modules: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/PubvijXe?nix
<eacamero_> guest475: You can also use "stable.nix" instead of "mainline.nix" if you prefer
<ixxie> eacamero_: I had a hard time finding some clear explanation of this, but I once discussed this here once; NixOS does some kind of recursive thingy with the configuration files, and that is why you can refer to configuration options defined in any module in any other module
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<eacamero_> ixxie: Yah it gets trippy. I'm gonna try it. I think it's just using the fix-point recursion scheme here as it does for a lot of things.
<eacamero_> But I didn't realize you could do it here.
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<deepfire> globin: hey!
<deepfire> globin: suppose there's a soul that seeks to help with autometed hydra-based github PR validation
<deepfire> globin: I'm willing to learn and I have about a week of relatively free time
<ixxie> eacamero_: it makes a lot of sense!
<deepfire> globin: gchristensen said you are the person to contact
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<guest475> eacamero_: thanks. But gives an error - syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting $end, at /etc/nixos/myNginx.nix:8:2
<eacamero_> Yah oops I meant to take that out
<eacamero_> guest475: Just remove that semicolon at the end of myNginx.nix
<globin> deepfire: https://github.com/domenkozar/nixbot/tree/flask-and-create-jobset?files=1 is the wip branch, current problems is gut handling during the web request and not having tested the hydra-create-jobset script
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] polynomial opened pull request #24447: opera: 43.0.2442.991 -> 44.0.2510.857 (master...update_opera) https://git.io/vSssK
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<praduca> Hi, anyone know how to use openvswitch on nixos?
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<guest475> eacamero_: how to change myNginx.nix, to build a package on another operating system?
<eacamero_> guest475: Are you on macOS I guess?
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<guest475> eacamero_: centos7
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSsGH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ffd2951 Frederik Rietdijk: spotify: unbreak...
<ndowens08> Why would ya need to build for another os centos is Linux
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSsnY
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f164d27 Frederik Rietdijk: spotify: unbreak...
<ndowens08> guest475:
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<guest475> ndowens08: There works directadmin, I want to try to build packages through nix-build with support for http2
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSscW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a57bcd3 Eelco Dolstra: update-users-groups.pl: Keep track of deallocated UIDs/GIDs...
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<ndowens08> Edit the nix file for that pkg or do pkg override
<eacamero_> guest475: I'm not sure what you need to do...but I don't see why building on CentOS would need anything special. If you need to move the nginx binary around you can use nix-copy-closure
<ndowens08> Well derivation override
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<isaac_> hello out there
<ndowens08> You can enable features either way as long as the app can use it
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<isaac_> how can I configure.nix to use xmonad with gnome3?
<isaac_> It works out of the box with kde
<isaac_> but with gnome3 I get the gnome desktop without xmonad running
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<ma9e> isaac_, the options on nixos website might help
<isaac_> ma9e: I checked that out
<isaac_> And it builds fine
<deepfire> globin, ack, thanks!
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<eacamero_> I always forget...how do you concatenate paths in nix?
<ndowens08> globin: I did those rebase like ya asked on mass rebuilds
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<yumbox> how do i change a systemd service to only start @ a specific device?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #24439: Fix xgboost python 2.7 build. (master...master) https://git.io/vS3Br
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<yumbox> I've tried `systemd.services."systemd-networkd-wait-online@enp4s0".enable = true;`
<yumbox> but it doesn't work
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<isaac_> Any thoughts? I'd really like xmonad running with gnome3, so I can use chrome app and gnome terminal.
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<ma9e> isaac_, does gnome-session --session=xmonad work for you?
<ma9e> isaac_, if so, you can use extraGSettingsOverrides to set org.gnome.desktop.session.session-name
<ma9e> not sure about any of this, i don't use gnome
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<isaac_> ma9e: I get `gnome-session` not found
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<ma9e> figure out what your session manager is actually named then i guess
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<disasm> Exee7uvo[m]: sorry, had to get some work done. You still stuck?
<eacamero_> What's the easiest way to fold over a set as if it were a list of "tuples"?
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<gchristensen> eacameron: builtins.attrToList
<gchristensen> I think?
* gchristensen has no idea and shouldn't have said anything lol
<eacameron> gchristensen: there'ss listToAttrs
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<eacameron> bascially I just want to fold over a set instead of a list.
<gchristensen> ah, I made my own attrsToList
<eacameron> I suppose I could just lookup every key
<dtzWill> if it's an attrset you can use mapAttrs?
<eacameron> dtzWill: Ah yep I just found mapAttrsToList which will work
<dtzWill> haha great, yep
<dtzWill> i always pull up attrsets.nix when I'm mucking with those, can't keep the names straight O:)
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<guest475> in myNginx.nix add { pkgs, ... }: { - nix-build '<nixpkgs>' myNginx.nix - error Package ‘Agda-Sheaves-8a06162a8f0f7df308458db91d720cf8f7345d69’ in ‘/nix/store/vwamxjdix0a8ymvyx30j9cakgfih30bs-nixos-16.09.1803.40de598/nixos/pkgs/development/libraries/agda/Agda-Sheaves/default.nix:18’ is marked as broken, refusing to evaluate
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<dtzWill> guest475: you're telling nix-build to evaluate all packages and then the contents of myNginx.nix
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<eacameron> guest475: You want nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./myNginx.nix {}'
<dtzWill> and your myNginx.nix example seems ...incomplete? try nix-build myNginx.nix --arg pkgs 'import <nixpkgs> {}' ? maybe?
<dtzWill> or what eacameron said :)
<Exee7uvo[m]> disasm: Yep.
<dtzWill> usually i'd just put the import in the file for less complicated invocation (or refer to it from somewhere that has an appropriate pkg set to pass in)
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<disasm> Exee7uvo[m]: so next thing I'd try is putting a info.php file in the webroot with the content <?php phpinfo();
<NixOS_GitHub> [hydra] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSsRX
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master 5962367 Shea Levy: Send BuildFinished notifications on cached build results....
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master 8771f7f Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #382 from shlevy/cached-build-notifications...
<disasm> then see if you can load the info page
<disasm> that would confirm it's routing correctly to the right directory and fastcgi is working
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<guest475> eacameron: thanks, it seems works
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<ixxie> has anybody here tried or can advise for/against setting up a nixos server that automatically updates a package to track updates in a git repo (via some script + nix-prefetch-git )
<eacameron> ixxie: I've done something like that. The server ran a little web server that listened for bitbucket webhook events and then did git pull
<guest475> eacameron: to add others parameters - configureFlags, it is need to change pkgs/servers/http/nginx/ ? Or can be specified via myNginx.nix ?
<ixxie> eacameron: with NixOS? because with Nix one would need to update the package definition to reflect a new revision
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] drdaeman opened pull request #24449: Pycharm 2017.1 (master...pycharm-2017.1) https://git.io/vSsEa
<eacameron> ixxie: Oh. Yah I wasn't using nix to track the git package. However, that would be pretty easy to do instead I think.
<eacameron> ixxie: You'd have a script that updates a derivation and then ran nix-build on it...or maybe used .config/nixpkgs/config.nix to override it and then ran nix-env -iA MyPackage to reinstall it.
<eacameron> ixxie: I've seen people put the URL and SHA in a json file and then load that into a derivation with (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile "file"))
<eacameron> ixxie: Then you can run `fitchzip` or `fetchgit` or whathaveyou on that
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<ixxie> eacameron: that JSON approach sounds neat, except one wouldn't be able to add that checksum to the same repo right? doing so would change the sum xD
<eacameron> ixxie: Yah...you'd have to have a script update it
<eacameron> guest475: I'm looking into that
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<eacameron> guest475: I don't see a way to override configureFlags easily. You'll probably have to copy that file locally and tweak it.
<pierron> niksnut: If you need a peer for the Nix encryption, feel free to add me.
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<ixxie> garbas, you are the nixops expert right? :)
<garbas> ixxie: not really. i dont use it.
<isaac_> I added dolphin in nixos and it errors out with This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb"
<isaac_> in "".
<isaac_> what gives?
<isaac_> I thought nix would automatically install its dependencies?
<vegai_> is there a way to find out what package I should install to get some file?
<eacameron> Is there a way to basically run nix-store --tree for a nixops deployment or a nixops machine?
<vegai_> like, for instance, I'm trying to build crystal's latest from git right now
<vegai_> and get
<vegai_> /nix/store/p6wcdqa2ks82xq7d4d5019drrjxlqrdj-binutils-2.27/bin/ld: cannot find -ltinfo
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<vegai_> oh, I suppose it's just ncurses, and the failure is due to the lib being in a funny place
<Exee7uvo[m]> disasm: I'm doing progress. I disabled the virtual host and now use my own nginx httpConfig: http://dpaste.de/DMZD
<Exee7uvo[m]> Now I get the source code of tt-rss's index.php when requesting http://localhost.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSsVV
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1af70c3 Michael Raskin: Add a couple of quicklisp packages
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<ixxie> got it mixed up garbas, looking for Rob :P
<vegai_> are there some standard set of tricks I should do to make shared libraries and include files and whatnot visible to a C project
<vegai_> like if I just want to grab a C program from github and compile it, without touching Nix
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<gchristensen> anyone by any chance have a favorite puppet module for setting up nix-daemon off nixos? :)
<isaac_> how can I get dolphin working in nixos?
<isaac_> or how can I install qt?
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<mog> how do i get the sha256 of a file in the format nixos expects?
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<simpson> mog: There's a `nix-prefetch-url` command.
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<mog> thanks simpson
<simpson> mog: Also note that Nix will spit out both the expected and actual SHA256 values when erroring, so you can use that value if you trust that the download was correct.
<disasm> is it possible to have a container defined declaratively start on boot?
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<mog> hmm im trying to install genymotion, but we are on 2.8.0 they are on 2.8.1 so i had to update the package. i changed the sum and made it match the file bit it still isnt finding it in my store
<Exee7uvo[m]> disasm: container.<name>.autoStart = true;
<Exee7uvo[m]> *containers
<disasm> thx Exee7uvo[m]
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<disasm> Exee7uvo[m]: if you're getting source code that means fastcgi isn't being used for php scripts
<disasm> paste me your nginx config
<vegai_> error: cannot auto-call a function that has an argument without a default value (‘stdenv’)
<vegai_> so what's this about? I cloned nixpkgs and tried to build development/compilers/crystal
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<Exee7uvo[m]> disasm: new nginx.conf: http://dpaste.de/Rdbb
<vegai_> I guess one cannot just go to a directory and call nix-build
<pikajude> no, one doesn't simply
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<pikajude> vegai_: if you're at the top level you can do nix-build . -A some.attr.path
<vegai_> only at the top-level?
<pikajude> well that's where all the package calling logic is
<vegai_> it's unfortunate that there are so many default.nix files out there, if only one can be used in this fashion
<pikajude> if you want to call a specific package you'd do nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./some-package.nix {}'
<simpson> vegai_: nixpkgs is not just a pile of default.nix, but also a bunch of library code which ties them together. The top level is absolutely where you want to work.
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<vegai_> righto
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<isaac_> anyone seen this one?
<isaac_> This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb"
<isaac_> in "".
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<mbirkis> hi! is there some place to read about what is coming in 17.03?
<disasm> Exee7uvo[m]: it looks to me like you haven't configured nginx to handle php files by sending them to php-fpm sock
<mbirkis> globin: perfect, thank you
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<isaac_> ugh this is really annoying, basically no gui apps work
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 12 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSsDe
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2ab1c06 Peter Simons: LTS Haskell 8.6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c356cd6 Peter Simons: hackage2nix: disable broken builds
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b0136d3 Peter Simons: hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti closed pull request #23614: haskell: use GHCJS to build Setup.hs for GHCJS packages (master...hs-ghcjs-native-setup) https://git.io/vyEvc
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<ashkitten> How do I set it to suspend on power button?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #24417: Fix vim youcompleteme (master...fix-vim-youcompleteme) https://git.io/vSOOy
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 060bd50 Vladimír Čunát: wine-1.8: fix #24446 breakage after gnutls update...
<isaac_> I figured it out
<isaac_> qt58.full is not yet available
<isaac_> and kde5 is incompatible
<isaac_> kde4 + qt57.full did the trick
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<disasm> what do I need to do to access ports inside a container from the host? I added a allowedTcpPorts to the firewall for 80 but still can't hit it from the host. If I login to container I can hit it just fine.
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<clever> disasm: nat and port forwarding
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<dtzWill> hey so I got another machine I wanna provision, probably as a build node... assuming I handle installing NixOS the first time is NixOps a good fit for maintaining it? Mostly want to not have a growing list of machines to ssh to and do a nixos-rebuild or git pull a new configuration O:)
<dtzWill> so NixOps seems like perfect fit except I'm unsure how appropriate it is for static resources and not reinstalling from scratch. Or is that exactly what "none" targetEnv is for?
<clever> disasm: should be, ive heard that if you set the targetEnv = "none"; it will just nix-copy-closure and activate it
<clever> dtzWill: oops, wrong d name
<disasm> Exee7uvo[m]: well... I reproduced in a container here, and if you run systemctl status tt-rss.service I'm guessing you're going to see errors about the database authentication.
<dtzWill> okay. I can try it, since I'm already considering just nuking it fresh anyway --not too much to go terribly wrong :P
<dtzWill> clever: thanks
<clever> dtzWill: and one tip i would give is to delete the configuration.nix once nixops takes over
<clever> dtzWill: i have seen somebody recently run nixos-rebuild by mistake, and it reverted the entire machine back to a fresh install
<dtzWill> okay--so I don't accidentally nixos-rebuild with the wrong thing? hahaha gooood call
<clever> dtzWill: and keep in mind, you need to correctly specify all of the fileSystem. stuff on the central box, so the builds it pushes out are still able to boot
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<dtzWill> ah, indeed. mostly I got this machine sitting here doing nothing but I don't particularly want to maintain it. Nevermind maybe I'll just set auto nixos updates on a stable channel and call it good :)
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<joepie91> ashkitten: what desktop env are you using?
<clever> dtzWill: using LABEL=root for things can simplify that last part
<alfie> ashkitten, meet joepie91, javascript asshole and entirely competent nixOs user :)
<clever> dtzWill: i believe that is how nixops handles all of the pre-generated stuff on cloud machines
<ashkitten> oh hi i'm using i3-gaps
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<joepie91> hmmm
<joepie91> alfie: idk about the 'competent' part
<joepie91> :P
<joepie91> but hold on
<ashkitten> in arch i modified some config file i forget which lol
<joepie91> acpid probably
<joepie91> appears disabled by default
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<joepie91> hold
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<disasm> clever: that's what I thought needed done. port forwarding shouldn't be needed though to access from the host -> container though right, only if you are trying to share with other hosts on the network?
<clever> disasm: yeah
<disasm> clever: if it helps, here's my config: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/HFBHF2r-
<clever> disasm: i am able to ssh into the guest from the host
<dtzWill> alright it's about to get (crazy) AWESOME, gonna give the kexec installation method a go I think xD https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/tree/master/kexec wooo
<gchristensen> kexec is a super awesome method of installation. very reliable.
<clever> dtzWill: just remember to put an ssh key in the right spot and to stop the autoreboot timer in systemd
<dtzWill> aye. I think if it goes wrong at that level worst I've done is booted a kerenl I can't get into.. it doesn't try to auto-install or anything right? haha
<dtzWill> teehee this'll be fun
<clever> dtzWill: correct, and the auto-reboot timer will cause it to self-reboot at the end of the hour
<clever> dtzWill: so it will restore control to the previous os
<disasm> clever: never mind... I needed to stop/start the container. I made a bad assumption that a rebuild switch would do that!
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<clever> disasm: ah yeah, all of the service@foo things in systemd lack auto-restart
<dtzWill> great. I mean it's physiaclly next to me so I can just powercycle it if I muck it up re:networking or something
<disasm> clever: awesome, I'll keep that in mind for the future :)
<clever> dtzWill: i recently helped somebody else in a very similiar situation, and the only issue was that kexec doesnt work within a xen dom0
<Exee7uvo[m]> disasm: That's correct (db errors and php unavailability). I'll look into it tomorrow.
<disasm> Exee7uvo[m]: yeah, looking at the nix file, I think if you add the postgresql user and database it should work. I'm testing now.
<joepie91> ashkitten: er, sorry, specifically https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/acpid#Configuration
<joepie91> let me see how that translates to NixOS config :P
<ashkitten> :P
<joepie91> ashkitten: okay, so just enable acpid and set the powerEventCommands option it seems
<joepie91> I tried figuring out how XFCE does it
<joepie91> but lost the trail when I got to xconf
<joepie91> <.<
<joepie91> xfconf*
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<ashkitten> oh it's ok
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<joepie91> of course you do it with systemctl
<joepie91> I should have known
<joepie91> lol
<ashkitten> huh
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<ashkitten> thanks joepie91
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<dtzWill> lmao "/dev/vg00/disk1 has gone 1565 days without being checked, check forced"
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<disasm> Exee7uvo[m]: well I got db created and tt-rss service running. nginx is still being stupid.
<ashkitten> do you by any chance know how to set an icon theme for i3wm?
<joepie91> I know absolutely nothing about i3wm whatsoever :D
<ashkitten> lol okay
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<ashkitten> I set the icon theme for lightdm via displayManager.lightdm.greeters.gtk.iconTheme but it's not working...
<ashkitten> the theme is working, not the icons
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<ashkitten> they're all just the no-icon image
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixops] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSsAN
<NixOS_GitHub> nixops/master 55ceaa9 Drew Hess: DigtalOcean backend: IPv6 support. (#633)
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<dtzWill> QQ: "CONFIG_KEXEC is not set"
* dtzWill puts on his thinking cap
<clever> dtzWill: you can also copy the kernel+initrd to /boot and add a grub.conf entry for it
<clever> dtzWill: then just reboot and pick it from grub
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<dtzWill> clever: ha! wonderful.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSspw
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 1447e55 Eelco Dolstra: update-users-groups.pl: Keep track of deallocated UIDs/GIDs...
<Dezgeg> maybe we could implement a poor man's kexec that kills all the processes, ptrace's pid 1 and causes it to exec() systemd :)
<clever> dtzWill: i have also been considering making the above a nixos option, so you can basicaly boot the installer from grub if you ever break the system
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<clever> Dezgeg: most pid1's already have the ability to re-execute /bin/init or similiar, for upgrading
<clever> Dezgeg: but part of the goal of kexec is to be able to umount /
<Dezgeg> well, you can unmount / when all the processes using it are killed
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<gchristensen> I can't remember, after the `nixos-generate-config` step, do you have the various /nix/ dirs, or does that happen as part of the nixos-install step?
<bb> When I run nixos-rebuild, my screen goes black and everything craps out on me (mouse, wifi). Any idea how I could figure out what's broken here? I'm on unstable, by the way.
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<sziszi> gchristensen: afaik that command just generates the configuration.nix
<gchristensen> hrm cool, ok, thank you!
<ericnoan> I have a question about using Nixos. The declerative configuration manages all the config files? So what happens if I change some config file?
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<gchristensen> ericnoan: the config files which nix manages are marked as immutable
<ashkitten> Trying to start pa-applet I get this error: ** (pa-applet:4312): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files
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<ericnoan> So it will revert any changes made to config files?
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<gchristensen> ericnoan: the files are 0444, ie: read/read/read, I can't change them
<ericnoan> so is every aspect of the OS managed through the declarative configuration?
<ma9e> ericnoan, ideally yes, practically no
<ashkitten> fuck i wish, but some things can't be automatically configured
* ashkitten glares at hdajackretask
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSGJU
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1258bf9 Michael Raskin: lispPackages.clwrapper: allow to replace the code to load ASDF
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<ericnoan> is it possible to see in the source what steps it performs when applying the declerative config? for example, what commands does it use, and can I add my own declarative options?
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 08c87ee Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.extlib: 1.6.1 -> 1.7.2
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<ericnoan> or do i basically have to read the paper?
<ericnoan> I'm reading the manual, will it really setup and configure GitLab if you declare it in the config?
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<ashkitten> ericnoan: if it doesn't, you can always try something else
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<ericnoan> so it doesn't work?
<ashkitten> I have no idea, but it's worth a shot, isn't it?
<ashkitten> chances are if it says it'll work it'll work
<ericnoan> i just ask because gitlab is notoriously difficult to manually install
<ashkitten> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<ericnoan> globin: thanks, the config really is long, about as long as the instructions
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #24440: chromium: 56.0.2924.87 -> 57.0.2987.110 [release 16.09] (release-16.09...release-16.09) https://git.io/vS3u7
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<mbrgm> is there a better way to set an environment variable for a build than creating a preconfigure... with `export FOO=...`?
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 a3a984d Robin Gloster: rXrs: mark as broken (X ∈ {3, 4, 5})
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Baughn opened pull request #24451: grub: Bump to 2.02-rc2 (master...master) https://git.io/vSGqG
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<ericnoan> Reading about NixOS, I notice similarities between it and Puppet, but its more complete
<simpson> ericnoan: They do similar things but in very different ways.
<joepie91> ericnoan: I recommend reading http://gfxmonk.net/2015/01/03/nixos-and-stateless-deployment.html which explicitly goes into that :)
<ericnoan> joepie91: thanks!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] miltador opened pull request #24452: webstorm: 2016.3.3 -> 2017.1 (master...webstorm) https://git.io/vSGmw
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<yumbox> hi, how can I make icons/themes work?
<joepie91> ericnoan: also, the first half of https://fosdem.org/2017/schedule/event/deploying_npm_packages_with_nix/ gives a high-level idea of how Nix works internally
<joepie91> although I do recommend reading https://nixos.org/~eelco/pubs/nspfssd-lisa2004-final.pdf
<joepie91> which, although I think a bit outdated on a few points, is quite easy to understand
<ericnoan> yes, the paper?
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<joepie91> there's quite a few of them
<joepie91> :P
<dtzWill> clever: okay so it was a bit of a doozy but got kexec going and ssh'd right in! :D took forever since the machine had a boot partition too small for the initrd... lots of silly minor issues xD
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<ericnoan> i'm going to read it all, but let us say i want to install something that isn't packaged, is the correct way to create the package, or can i install it in a directory somewhere?
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<ericnoan> i guess i want to use the declaritive approach if e.g. i want anything to autostart
<yumbox> anyone using a gtk/qt (icon)theme?
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<joepie91> ericnoan: you'd want to package everything always, in some manner, because by default there are no libs in the environment and such
<joepie91> ericnoan: so eg. a typical statically compiled binary isn't going to work
<joepie91> out of the box
<joepie91> that having been said, packaging is generally very low-friction and can be as simple as 'write an expression and nix-build it'
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<ericnoan> joepie91: how do you mean the libs aren't in the env? are they linked by nix for each run?
<dash> ericnoan: yes
<dash> ericnoan: there's no global library directory, each package is in its own dir and refers to its dependencies directly
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<ericnoan> alright, thanks
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<joepie91> ericnoan: to clarify that a bit; there's no /lib or /usr/lib, all the dependency paths are either patched into the ELF (for binary stuff), or each dependency's store path is supplied to the build process as a library path (containing ONLY that specific dependency), for source-built stuff
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<joepie91> ericnoan: using a custom loader too, I believe
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<joepie91> so anything that isn't built or patched that way will flat-out refuse to run
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<joepie91> ericnoan: anyhow, the lack of a global set of dependencies is where most of NixOS' features come from :)
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<pi3r> On hydra.nixos.org binaries are not more available ?
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<clever> dtzWill: ah :)
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<pi3r> or the hydra UI is broken ?
<ma9e> pi3r, "the binaries are no longer available on hydra?" is how you'd phrase that
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<pi3r> ma9e: thanks
<clever> pi3r: all data is now stored on the binary cache
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<pi3r> clever: why do we keep an UI that suggests otherwise ?
<clever> pi3r: in other setups, where S3 isnt enabled, that UI does work
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<pi3r> clever: ok thanks for the info ;-)
<ericnoan> joepie91: so it is not possible to run pre-compiled software like commercial software?
<simpson> ericnoan: We have support for e.g. Steam. It merely requires extra effort.
<joepie91> ericnoan: it's possible, you will just need to patch the binary :)
<joepie91> but it will not run out-of-the-tarball with zero modifications, no
<chakerbenhamed> Hey what is the best way to package a web app with bower and node deps. For node apps only node2nix works perfectly
<joepie91> chakerbenhamed: is this a third-party application or your own project?
<chakerbenhamed> joepie91: My own
<ericnoan> then what about each game that steam runs? do they need to be patched as well?
<joepie91> chakerbenhamed: the easiest solution is to get rid of bower and use NPM instead, generally :P there's nothing bower does that NPM doesn't do, and bower ecosystem support is ever-decreasing for this reason
<clever> ericnoan: steam uses a FHS chroot to simulate a system with /usr/lib
<clever> ericnoan: that allows unpatched games to run
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<chakerbenhamed> I see, is there any example of such application? I googled it but no lucj
<dtzWill> clever: zomg yes this worked :D. Thank you!! (last sticking point I ran into was it was previously LVM and I had to convince the kernel to let that go and use my new partition table haha)
<dtzWill> but just rebooted and now it's 100% nixos muahaha
<ashkitten> Trying to start pa-applet I get this error: ** (pa-applet:4312): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files
<clever> dtzWill: you need to "vgchange -a n" to close all LVM devices
<clever> dtzWill: then you can repartition it
<dtzWill> aw man I should've asked you first, I figured that out... eventually. O:). :D but yes that worked, thankfully
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<alphor> why are bad attributes bad? I want to change some systemd config from upstream. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/lib/modules.nix#L122
<gchristensen> they're like keywords
<alphor> reserved?
<clever> i think in the context of the linked line, that is just part of the api of modules
<clever> all modules must have one of those attributes, and nothing else
<clever> can you gist the module that is causing the fault?
<alphor> clever: it's nixos config. I'm trying to change some serviceConfig
<alphor> which makes me think I'm doin it wrong.
<clever> can you throw it in a gist along with the error?
<alphor> sure.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] michalrus opened pull request #24454: bitlbe-facebook: 2015-08-27 → 1.1.0 (master...bitlbee-facebook) https://git.io/vSGcj
<clever> alphor: remove the word config.
<clever> This is caused by assignments to the top-level attributes `config' or `options'."
<alphor> hehe, yeah, that's how I got there.
<alphor> lemme try that.
<clever> removing the config. should fix the problem
<clever> the issue, is that if config is missing, it automaticaly wraps your entire module in config = { ... };
<clever> so it just works
<alphor> oh, that's the massaging bit
<clever> but as soon as you add a single config. entry, you now have config.foo ....; services...; in the same file
<alphor> it did work.
<clever> and now you have a services. in the top level, which isnt allowed
<Mateon1> I have a question regarding Nixpkgs, if I want to submit patches/updates, 1) do I HAVE to be added to the maintainers? 2) If I expect to add further updates and/or review them, can I just add myself to maintainers in the same PR as I update a package?
<alphor> clever: got it. thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 8573 opened pull request #24455: rustfmt: 0.8 -> 0.8.1 (master...8573/pkg/update/rustfmt/0.8.1/1) https://git.io/vSGln
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] risicle opened pull request #24458: python-packages: add flask-openid package and dependencies (master...flask-openid) https://git.io/vSGRI
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSG07
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 6e0cd02 Robin Gloster: guileLint: mark as broken
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<ndowens08> hey
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<cheshircat> has anyone got rust racer working?
<adelbertc> what is the point of the symlinks in /nix/var/nix/profiles/? It seems they are just symlinks into generations and moreover these symlinks are 1:1
<adelbertc> why cant ~/.nix-profile be symlinked into the generations directly?
<mami> what can i do when my gcc does not find libraries and headers (gmp) in this case.
<mami> CFLAGS=I/nix/store/hash-gmp-6.1.1-dev/include -lgmp -L/nix/store/hash-system-path/lib/
<ndowens08> when writing a pkg mami ?
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<mami> compiler says: /nix/store/hash-binutils-2.27/bin/ld: cannot find -lgmp
<yumbox> how do i get cmake working?
<mami> ndowens08: when using opam, a source package manager for ocaml
<ndowens08> oh, then idk that one
<mami> ndowens08: what would it be when writing a pkg?
<ndowens08> use like makeWrapper to wrap the libary with the binary
<mami> i see, i will look that up, maybe i find some leads
<mami> thx!
<yumbox> I get "CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to "Unix Makefiles". CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set. You probably need to select a different build tool."
<ndowens08> look at the repo for examples, use search feature
<ndowens08> what app yumbox
<ndowens08> hmm searching a bit and seems you may not have a Makefile builder, which would be gmumake
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSGgD
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 49f1abe Tuomas Tynkkynen: U-Boot: 2017.01 -> 2017,03
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master adb460b Tuomas Tynkkynen: mesa: Enable imx gallium driver on ARM...
<yumbox> gnumake you mean?
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<ndowens08> yup
<ndowens08> sry long days
<yumbox> i installed gcc
<yumbox> isn't that enough?
<ndowens08> nope, gcc compiles but doesnt deal with Makefiles
<ndowens08> makefiles just tell gcc what to do
<yumbox> okay
<yumbox> how can i figure out what i need to compile qt5 stuff?