<deech> LnL: When I tried running in a sandbox I got an error like "cannot change ownership of 'nix/store/....'".
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<nh2> is there a way to pass --option ssh-substituter-hosts via an env var instead of a CLI flag?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej opened pull request #23823: qmetro: init at 0.7.1 (master...qmetro) https://git.io/vyKpu
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23824: gssdp: 0.14.11 -> 1.0.1 (master...gssdp) https://git.io/vyKpK
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<ndowens08> what is the purpose of having a default.nix and lets say a 3.x.nix ? why not just have a default?
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<fpletz> yorick: pity :( should we remove those? can you point me to the broken versions?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyKhL
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 0af596f tv: exim: 4.88 -> 4.89 (#23670)...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 08381c0 José Romildo Malaquias: qbittorrent: 3.3.10 -> 3.3.11 (#23703)...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 80345b5 José Romildo Malaquias: enlightenment: 0.21.5 -> 0.21.7 (#23791)...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #23693: exim: 4.88 -> 4.89 (release-17.03...release-17.03/exim-4.89) https://git.io/vyVxd
<ndowens08> sigh, monday is coming :(
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] veprbl opened pull request #23825: luda-mpack: enable darwin (master...lua5.2-lua-mpack_darwin) https://git.io/vyKhN
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] veprbl closed pull request #23825: luda-mpack: enable darwin (master...lua5.2-lua-mpack_darwin) https://git.io/vyKhN
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<contrapumpkin> anyone running NixOS on physical hardware able to test my PR?
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<ndowens08> which pr
<ndowens08> ah well i am on linux, not darwin if that matters?
<contrapumpkin> I need some sort of Linux :)
<contrapumpkin> so that's good
<ndowens08> k
<ndowens08> how is it used, never used anything, looking at the site
<contrapumpkin> $(nix-build -A minikube.bin)/bin/minikube start --vm-driver=kvm
<contrapumpkin> something like that
<ndowens08> ah, building through nox-review
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyKjg
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 14db0b9 Julien Dehos: pbrt: 2016-05-19 -> 2017-01-12 (#23405)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyKjV
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 09c7377 andyjscott: mmex: v1.3.1 -> v1.3.3 (#23732)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23826: gtkspell:3.0.8 -> 3.0.9 (master...gtkspell) https://git.io/vyKjK
<ndowens08> contrapumpkin: it doesnt give me a bin after it built
<contrapumpkin> you asked for .bin?
<contrapumpkin> go packages split their outputs
<ndowens08> hmm
<contrapumpkin> the command I gave above should work
<ndowens08> error: attribute ‘bin’ in selection path ‘minikube.bin’ not found
<ndowens08> zsh: no such file or directory: /nix/store/dkladf53zryg3r5vv9h7v0p1f6ds274a-minikube-0.17.1//bin/minikube
<contrapumpkin> o.O
<contrapumpkin> $ git rev-parse HEAD 070271496ca69f48252c0edeffa665b23a419a9a
<ndowens08> 54b7c3b63fd46f66487f4b29fb4b42d0c6353118
<ndowens08> 070271496ca69f48252c0edeffa665b23a419a9a
<Yaniel> can I somehow customize the wrapper generated by wrapQtProgram?
<Yaniel> i.e. add things to the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` it sets
<contrapumpkin> ndowens08: no idea why you wouldn't have a .bin in there :/
<ndowens08> contrapumpkin: sry
<contrapumpkin> no problem, thanks for trying :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #23827: mkvtoolnix: 9.8.0 -> 9.9.0 (master...upd.mkvtoolnix) https://git.io/vy6eO
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<ndowens08> well the new firefox 52-esr crashes
<ndowens08> that is in unstable-small
<ndowens08> so how do i go back to previous version? i cant remember the switch to revert
<ndowens08> nvm
<ndowens08> did rollback and 52 is working now, weird
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<ndowens08> well night guys
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<contrapumpkin> LnL: you still awake?
<contrapumpkin> night ndowens08
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vy6vE
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 23e4e32 Dan Peebles: kops: enable on Darwin
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cf7d4bf Dan Peebles: kubernetes: 1.5.2 -> 1.5.4
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<savanni> Hey, y'all. I had a question that I posted on stack exchange earlier today. Basically, trying to make a package for a binary-only application, and running into a mysterious error message. I'd appreciate some help figuring it out. And I'll add the package to nixpkgs. http://unix.stackexchange.com/q/350997/220507
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<Ralith> savanni: you say that if you remove <a bunch of stuff> the error goes away, but what if you remove just nativeBuildInputs?
<savanni> I'll verify right quick, but I recall that I see the same bug.
<savanni> Yep, same error, same stack trace.
<Ralith> just to confirm--you get an error complaining about nativeBuildInputs when your expression contains no mentions of it?
<savanni> Yes.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sleexyz opened pull request #23829: bitwig-studio: 1.3.12 -> 2.0 (master...bitwig-studio) https://git.io/vy6Jy
<Ralith> how mysterious.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Rotsor opened pull request #23830: fetchSvn: Add support for --ignore-keywords flag (master...svn-ignore-keywords) https://git.io/vy6J9
<savanni> In case it is helpful to know, I'm on 16.09.
<savanni> And... *yeah*. I was modelling after the zoom-us package, which I did some work for a while back, but maybe what I have locally is really old and things changed. Maybe there's some weird way that buildInputs interacts with nativeBuildInputs in the scripts. I don't know.
<Ralith> I'd find an existing known-working binary package and try incrementally modifying it into yours
<savanni> Makes sense.
<savanni> However, I'll leave it alone for tonight.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vy6JA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d4beeef Peter Hoeg: vlc: compile against qt 5.6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master eb7690a Peter Hoeg: qsyncthingtray: broken on qt 5.7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f7fd8a6 Peter Hoeg: xca: broken on qt 5.7
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg closed pull request #23688: vlc: compile against qt 5.6 (master...f/vlc) https://git.io/vyVFi
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<shanemikel> Okay, I'm trying to keep my system clean during an upgrade (through which I expect a few things to break).. So instead of "forking" my environment and losing track of where new generations are coming from, I'd like to "clone" a particular generation of my default profile to a new nix profile. I've seen some stuff online about nix-copy-closure, but I'm trying to do it locally
<shanemikel> basically I want to treat it like a branch
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej opened pull request #23831: mtr: 0.86 -> 0.87 (master...mtr) https://git.io/vy6UN
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<Judson> I'm having trouble with sddm; it seems to ignore the session I choose
<Judson> Not sure how to proceed at this point.
<Judson> Tried making copies of the desktops directory and the sddm.conf so that I could edit them, but sddm seems to ignore the files entirely.
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<shanemikel> Oh, I was able to do it just by manually creating the links... Does anybody else think there should be a script for this?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vy6qn
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 12083de Cray Elliott: nvidia_x11: 375.26 -> 375.39...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E closed pull request #23704: nvidia_x11: 375.26 -> 375.39, nvidia_x11_beta: 378.09 -> 378.13 (master...nvidia_update) https://git.io/vywBX
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vy6qE
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8799254 Cray Elliott: nvidia_x11_beta: add patch to support Linux 4.10.x...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E closed pull request #23705: nvidia_x11_beta: add patch to support Linux 4.10.x (master...nvidia_patch) https://git.io/vywBb
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vy6mC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7dc3eda Michael Raskin: slimerjs: 0.10.2 -> 0.10.3
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #23818: doc/language-frameworks/haskell.md: integer-simple improvements (master...feat-haskell-doc) https://git.io/vyKbk
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<ronny> rycee[m]: thanks for the update, any plans to eventually add automated buils for it?
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<srhb> Is there a way to make cabal2nix generate expressions that are actually suitable for nix-build?
<srhb> I suppose the shell one should work...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] pSub closed pull request #871: Travis (master...travis) https://git.io/vVBuN
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub closed pull request #21802: latex2html: init at 2016 (master...add/pkgs/tools/misc/latex2html) https://git.io/vM0EN
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #23832: gdbm: 1.12 -> 1.13 (staging...update_gdbm) https://git.io/vy6sq
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixops] rbvermaa pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vy6s2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixops/master 14072b6 Amine Chikhaoui: Typo in the first create_monitor method, message should get defn.config['message']
<NixOS_GitHub> nixops/master 21dc59f Rob Vermaas: Merge pull request #621 from AmineChikhaoui/fix-620...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 6 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vy6sd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 321481b Rodney Lorrimar: nodePackages: support github:owner/repo scheme for package deps...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 6866170 Rodney Lorrimar: pump.io: 1.0.0 -> 3.0.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 bb8dd2f Rodney Lorrimar: pumpio service: adjust upload directory config for 3.0.0...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vy6Ge
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 89747d3 Robin Gloster: msilbc: fix build
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* Criena[m] sent a long message: Criena[m]_2017-03-13_08:55:21.txt - https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/LoodvoDRSamiLIalfnZGyBqx
<symphorien> In nginx.path, put python3.withpackages(...) instead of just python3
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<globin> niksnut, ikwildrpepper: queue-runner is still dead right?
<globin> niksnut: any eta or progress?
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<Criena[m]> symphorien: I can't believe it! It's working! :-) Thank you so much. In hinsight I should have thought of this myself, it looks so easy now. ;-)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vy6Ca
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 89ea86c Vladimír Čunát: gnutls33: bugfix+security 3.3.26 -> 3.3.27...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vy6C6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging b264486 Vladimír Čunát: gnutls: bugfix+security 3.5.9 -> 3.5.10...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to staging-17.03: https://git.io/vy6CF
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging-17.03 63ae3f0 Vladimír Čunát: gnutls: bugfix+security 3.5.9 -> 3.5.10...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging-17.03 ed509de Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'release-17.03' into staging-17.03
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<martin__> Hey, anybody here?
<martin__> I just started using NixOS and ran into a problem, which I cannot figure out.
<Yaniel> just ask
<goibhniu> hi martin__
<sziszi> Hey, I'm in a middle of something nasty. I'd like to use two channels in my configuration.nix; I found some tips about fiddling with nixpath, so you can import more channel "variable" (pkgs.* is the default). anyone did something like this before? I'm curious.
<martin__> Ok, so I have a configuration which works in VirtualBox. Now I tried it on my real machine. Everything installs and builds fine but the display-manager.service is not available even though I have everything configured
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<martin__> The same configuration gives me a SLiM login screen in virtual box
<goibhniu> can you post your configuration.nix to a pastebin?
<martin__> sure, wait a second
<goibhniu> have you changed the video drivers?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vy6lq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 64fcdf7 Peter Hoeg: requests-cache: 0.4.10 -> 0.4.13...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c1b1da2 Peter Hoeg: tvdb_api: add support for python3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5fa3b11 Peter Hoeg: tvnamer: 2.3 -> 2.4...
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<martin__> tried both
<martin__> with change and without
<goibhniu> martin__: can you post your hardware-configuration.nix too?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vy6lP
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6a51b55 Arseniy Alekseyev: fetchSvn: Add support for --ignore-keywords flag...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 777bc07 Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #23830 from Rotsor/svn-ignore-keywords...
<goibhniu> what happens when you try to start the display-manager?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #23780: pure: 0.64 -> 0.66 (master...pure-0.66) https://git.io/vyKLS
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<martin__> Failed to start display-manager.service: Unit display-manager.service not found.
<sziszi> <3 LnL <3 thank you!
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<LnL> sziszi: you can just use unstable.* inside that let to use the other channel
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vy64J
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c836651 Robin Gloster: purePackages.octave: 0.7 -> 0.9
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vy64t
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 64f3d0c Robin Gloster: purePackages.octave: 0.7 -> 0.9...
<martin__> any idea goibhniu?
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<goibhniu> martin__: what setting have you tried for videoDrivers, and what GPU have you got? ... also what channel are you using, perhaps try enabling a different displaymanager
<martin__> I got a nvidia card... built fine with [ "nvida" ] but nothing changed. I tried kde4 and kdm but still the same. Have no idea
<goibhniu> ok, well, you'll definitely want it configured for nvidia, but that doesn't explain (to me) why the display manager isn't available ... FWIW, I'm using sddm
<MP2E> make sure this line is in your /etc/nixos/configuration.nix! "nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;"
<martin__> MP2E: yes. sure otherwise the build fails
<martin__> let me try that
<goibhniu> IIRC someone also had a problem with a switchable GPU that they needed to enable bumblebee
<MP2E> oh i see, i think you're right about that
<MP2E> hm
<Rizy> hi, i have some problem about using nix and haskell, is there any irc channel focus on that?
<martin__> the gpu is not switchable
<martin__> i dont get why the service is not even there
<goibhniu> yeah, that's the weirdest IMO
<martin__> i would understand if the xserver failed to start
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<martin__> and i would know how to debug that
<martin__> but this just puzzles me
<goibhniu> what does `nixos-option services.xserver.displayManager.slim.enable` say?
<goibhniu> (or sddm, if you've already tried that)
<sziszi> LnL: real nice! I hope I wont break anything on my workmachine
<sziszi> umm... workstation*
<martin__> for sddm it now gives me Value: true
<martin__> but still no display-manager.service
<goibhniu> hrm ... have you tried rebooting?
<martin__> yes i rebooted after every nixos-rebuild switch.
<martin__> i thought it might help
<martin__> but didnt
<goibhniu> hrm ... I don't understand, can you post your configuration.nix again?
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* goibhniu can only assume there's a typo or something like that
<martin__> goibhniu: I used the same xserver configuration as in virtual box at the beginning and it did still not work
<goibhniu> did you try the same revision of the same channel?
<goibhniu> if you're using a stable release, it doesn't matter
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mschneiderwng opened pull request #23833: granite: 0.3.0 -> (master...master) https://git.io/vy6Bj
<sziszi> martin__: videocard/gpu driver is correct?
* goibhniu is out of ideas
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<sziszi> martin__: Xorg log?
* goibhniu presumes /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service doesn't even exist
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 4 new commits to release-16.09: https://git.io/vy6RW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 c688e4f Vladimír Čunát: gnutls: bugfix+security 3.5.9 -> 3.5.10...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 96a9cb2 Vladimír Čunát: gnutls35: enableParallelBuilding = true...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 c2b360f Vladimír Čunát: gnutls: don't propagate -lunistring...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] magnetophon opened pull request #23834: unclutter.service: prevent empty display value (master...unclutter) https://git.io/vy6RR
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<manveru> zimbatm: did you have any package in yarn2nix which requires node-pre-gyp?
<manveru> or node-gyp for that matter
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vy60h
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 80bd50a Robin Gloster: ponyc: 0.10.0 -> 0.11.0
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vy60j
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 82b389f Robin Gloster: ponyc: 0.10.0 -> 0.11.0...
<LnL> man, why do I have to debug ubuntu upgrade conflicts... that's a solved problem
<zimbatm[m]> manveru: not yet, yarn2nix is more a proof-of-concept for now I'm afraid
<zimbatm[m]> we would need some funding to make it work, another week or two
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<manveru> well, i'm working on it now
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<zimbatm[m]> it needs another fixpoint to inject common buildInputs like we do with the bundler defaultGemConfig
<manveru> at least supporting private npm registry
<zimbatm[m]> cool
<zimbatm[m]> MoreTea: ^^
<manveru> yeah, that's needed too
<manveru> though i don't think this'll work on a per-package basis like in bundlerEnv
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<manveru> i just can't justify the build times for node2nix anymore
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<manveru> waiting 6 minutes every time i change packages.json is just atrocious
<srhb> Do I need to do something specific to enable overlays such that nix-env -iA nixpkgs.foo picks up foo defined in ~/.nixpkgs/overlays/foo.nix as "self: super: { foo = ... }" ?
<ronny> anyone aware of a tool to pin sysem generations as "backup" and/or to delete specific ones for more effecive gc?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] periklis opened pull request #23835: qt57.{qtdeclarative,qtscript,qttranslations}: fix darwin compat (master...topic_qt57_submodules_darwin) https://git.io/vy6uU
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<gchristensen> garbas: ack@
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<gchristensen> garbas: can you add instructions to the ticket on how to help?
<martin__> sorry... i got disconnected
<martin__> sziszi there are none
<manveru> zimbatm[m]: yeah, the problem atm is that node-gyp install hook tries to download the nodejs headers :P
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<manveru> i think this can be fixed if we download the tarball for it... will figure this out
<garbas> gchristensen: will add the instructions in a second
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vy6z4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dbbdccd Robin Gloster: ispc: fix build
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vy6zz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 fec49ef Robin Gloster: ispc: fix build...
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<garbas> gchristensen: i updated a ticket
<garbas> also johbo pinged me to help. instructions are in the PR https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-weekly/pull/26
<gchristensen> garbas: I'm overloaded too, but instructions are one step closer to getting it done
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<sphalerite> I wanted to try out XFCE to see if I could reproduce a windowing-related issue I was having with an application in i3, but it doesn't seem to be working — selecting XFCE (in lightdm) results in it just going back to the login prompt after I've typed the password. Sometimes it says "Failed to start session". I also tried creating a new user to make sure it wasn't because of some files I have sitting aro
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<sphalerite> und in my $HOME, to no avail. Any ideas?
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<sphalerite> same with enlightenment...
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<johbo> garbas: I'll check the "manual" on the PR :D Need to figure out what's actually missing to get it done
<garbas> johbo: i added a show todo at the top
<garbas> johbo: the things i usualy check before releasing it
<teh[m]> johbo: thanks! let me know if you need any additional help
<Markus__> Hi. I am new to nix and would like to contribute.
<Markus__> I try to update pantheon-terminal to version 0.4, but experience and issue in the installPhase, namely the *.desktop files normally under "./build/data/" are not in "/tmp/.../build/data/". Do I have to copy them somehow?
<johbo> teh[m]: I'll start by cloning and running nix-shell -- let's see what happens :D
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<yorick> fpletz: it's the kbl_guc_ver9_14.bin but maybe it works for other people? workaround is "i915.enable_guc_loading=0" "i915.enable_guc_submission=0" in the kernel flags
<johbo> teh[m]: if you want to take one of the items in the PR description, just pick one ;)
<sphalerite> Disabling services.xserver.windowManager.i3.enable fixed it
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<teh[m]> johbo: cool, I'll include the comments
<gchristensen> johbo: can you be in charge of getting #4 out?
<johbo> gchristensen: ack, I'll take it
<johbo> got permissions on the repo, so that should work
<gchristensen> johbo: <3 thank you! it is really helpful for there to be a single person being "in charge" (delegate as much as you need, of coursee)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] expipiplus1 opened pull request #23836: Haskell Packages: jailbreak strict-io (master...jailbreak-strict-io) https://git.io/vy6ac
<srhb> Are overlays supposed to be picked up from ~/.nixpkgs/overlays automatically, or do I need to change my config.nix somehow?
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<johbo> btw, gchristensen have you been the source of the extra large nixos stickers? got hold of one last weekend :D
<gchristensen> I sure am! :D
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<johbo> hehe
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<gchristensen> I wanted a massively bold stickeer haha
<johbo> it's making people happy here in my family office
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<sziszi> I'm the only one here who isn't a fan of the NixOS logo?
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<srhb> sziszi: Yes, what's wrong with you? >:-(
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<teh[m]> johbo: give me 10 mins then I'll have a PR ready
<johbo> wohoo
<sziszi> srhb: dunno
<srhb> sziszi: (I'm kidding, of course)
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<manveru> zimbatm[m]: got pretty far by simply skipping the install hooks in yarn, this'll still need dedicated packages for compiled extensions but i think it's a good start
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<teh[m]> a few items left. I'm afk, happy to help it over the finishing line tonight
<johbo> great, thanks teh[m] :)
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<sziszi> srhb: I got that :)
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<sphalerite> sziszi: why not?
<sphalerite> I think the old one was ugly, but I like the new one
<sphalerite> I mean, I liked the concept (and that it was stuck with)
<sphalerite> but the implementation... eh
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #23777: purePackages.octave: 0.7 -> 0.9 (master...pure-octave-0.9) https://git.io/vyKIN
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] basvandijk opened pull request #23837: wordpress: security upgrade: 4.7.2 -> 4.7.3 & other improvements (master...wordpress-upgrade) https://git.io/vy6Ke
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vy6KI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e2a13af Robin Gloster: emboss: fix build
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vy6Kq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 2d817a3 Robin Gloster: emboss: fix build...
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<yorick> fpletz: okay, no, the unsuspend saga continues
<sphalerite> I think the nixos logo needs more colours https://sphalerite.org/new.jpg
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vy66L
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f32fc9b Domen Kožar: setuptools_scm: 1.11.1 -> 1.15.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 28d2066 Domen Kožar: sphinxcontrib-httpdomain: 1.3.0 -> 1.5.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9ab1d08 Domen Kožar: Add sphinxcontrib-openapi at 0.3.0
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar closed pull request #23836: Haskell Packages: jailbreak strict-io (master...jailbreak-strict-io) https://git.io/vy6ac
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<johbo> globin: thanks for the hint, I'll update it
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<LnL> sphalerite: :o that's a little much if you ask me :)
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<sphalerite> LnL: the more the better :p
<sziszi> sphalerite: too much lambda for me :) Also I'm not really fan of the blue colors
<sphalerite> but the lambda is the way :D
<LnL> !m johbo
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, johbo!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin opened pull request #23838: fetch-*: remove md5 support (master...remove-md5) https://git.io/vy6i4
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin closed pull request #23776: minikube: switch to build from source & mostly fix on Darwin (master...minikube-source) https://git.io/vyKIG
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<nh2> what could be done against cache.nixos.org being so slow from Switzerland?
<ckauhaus> it's slow from Germany too ;-)
<nh2> isn't cloudfront supposed to be fast?
<ckauhaus> access it via IPv6 sucks
<nh2> ckauhaus: I disabled ipv6 to test that recently and it was still slow
<ikwildrpepper> nh2: can you quantify 'slow'?
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<ckauhaus> it takes ~ 200 ms round trip via IPv6 from Jena/Germany
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<nh2> ikwildrpepper: 2MB/s
<ikwildrpepper> nh2: do you have an example URL ?
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<sphalerite> I get 8MB/s here in Glasgow
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<nh2> ikwildrpepper: for example this openjdk package https://cache.nixos.org/nar/0gvyv70p7a8zwij0py7zcjnp8mhzsy4icg7vja8024gfs7n916mb.nar.xz 29.0M in 11 seconds from Switzerland, 3 seconds from Frankfurt (both servers have gigabit internet)
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<nh2> note that the _second_ download is very fast, e.g. 1 second to Switzerland, so it seems as if CloudFront cached it only once I downloaded it
<nh2> maybe for the first download it fetches it from a slow upstream server or something?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] WilliButz opened pull request #23840: spotify: get source via https instead of plain http (master...master) https://git.io/vy6MY
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] magnetophon opened pull request #23841: unclutter-xfixes.service: wantedBy default.target: (master...unclutter-xfixes) https://git.io/vy6MK
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volhovM opened pull request #23842: sage: fix build at 6.8 (master...fix/sage_68_sed) https://git.io/vy6DF
<viric> clever: does your hydra provide a channel? Under what signature?
<srk> viric: did you manage to update? looks like clevers workaround helped and I don't hit infinite recursion anymore
<srk> seems to be updating now
<viric> srk: still building
<srk> yes, same here
<srk> seems to pull some weird stuff
<srk> gonna be better with nixos-rebuild supporting -j8 :D
<viric> I had tweaked pkgs to build less... but now that I use Dezgeg[m] farm, maybe I should reuse them
<srk> that's unstable or 16.09?
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<viric> 17.03
<srk> wondering about the same thing you've asked, if hashes match between farms
<srk> is that the same as unstable?
<viric> not exactly; 17.03 was branched some dadys ago
<viric> days
<srk> cool
<srk> how often does branching occurs?
<srk> s/s//g
<gchristensen> every 6 months
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<devoid> so amazingly, what solved my multi-display MST issues was running "xset dpms force off" at login… after the displays reawaken everything works perfectly!
<srk> :D
<srk> and how long are older release supported?
<srhb> srk: Define "supported"
<srk> well receive security patches
<gchristensen> srk: older releases are unsupported once the new release is considered stable
<srk> ok
<gchristensen> srk: in a break from tradition, 16.09 will receive security patches for 1 month after 17.03 is released
<gchristensen> (I've stated may 3rd will be the last date of security patches)
<srk> you're doing that?
<srk> I mean security patches for 16.09
<srk> google groups /o\
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<gchristensen> hrm. can you not see it?
<srk> I can
<srk> but I have a feeling nixos needs more selfhosted architecture
<srk> infrastructure I mean
<gchristensen> IMO, we can manage our infrastructure
<gchristensen> or we can work on NixOS
<srk> even github /o\
<srk> like you can work with git when github is offline but you still loose a lot
<srk> I can sure help on that effort if there are people willing to work on it
<ikwildrpepper> srk: how is that different in selfhosted setting?
<ikwildrpepper> define self-hosted
<srk> that is you have your servers that you deploy your infra to
<srk> managed by .. you.
<srk> or community
<ikwildrpepper> ok, so how would that be better than e.g. github?
<ikwildrpepper> it has the same issues, imho
<srk> it's under your control. when github decides to to put ads on their page..
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<gchristensen> we have the comfort of knowing that instead of hundreds of people are working to fix it, a small contingent of unpaid community members are working on it as fast as possible, as soon as they get around to it, ikwildrpepper!
<srk> they are also a pretty good target for DDoSes
<srk> +1
<srk> :)
<ikwildrpepper> if ads would become an issue, we could easily switch to another provider or self-hosted if that would really be needed
<ikwildrpepper> so it is all hypothetical really
<srk> yes it is, it was just an example
<gchristensen> we don't need to preemptively add work for ourselves until something like ads becomes a problem
<gchristensen> until is there a _real_ reason, it is just more work we don't need to do
<srk> I'm sure there are people who would rather use selfhosted solutions rather then github/google groups and so on
<gchristensen> I know there are
<srk> but yeah, no problem while it works for you :)
<globin> srk: we accept patches via ML which is hosted by the utrecht university
<srk> just discussing and offering help if there's interest
<globin> you don't have to use github
<srk> good
<srk> I do use github myself but I'm also pushing for selhosted solutions
<globin> but it makes submitting small changes easier for most peaople
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<srk> yup
<gchristensen> globin: and makes submitting large changes easier for all the reviewers :P
<globin> gchristensen: well github is not the perfect tool for reviewing stuff, but it isn't too bad
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<gchristensen> no but I'm not sure what we'd do if, say, Hardening, was submitted via ML
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<viric> what a long build time, guile
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<globin> well there was little discussion on code there tbh, that was mostly normal discussion that could've actually be quite easily handled on the ML but other code discussion definitely is easier on github that on ML
<srk> I'm testing https://pagure.io/pagure at the moment, made it part of https://wiki.base48.cz/Nestihacky which offers a self hosted solution for mail, git, etc. I'm also thinking of porting it from ansible to nix
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<gchristensen> aye
<srk> what? :)
<gchristensen> -> globin
<copumpkin> gchristensen: if I get myself a packet.net box, how hard is it to spin up with nixos on it?
<gchristensen> copumpkin: trivial with my script :)
<gchristensen> which I can open source today if you remind me at 4:45PM EST
<copumpkin> ooh
<srk> :D
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jagajaga pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vy69A
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 78c0cec Mikhail Volkhov: sage: fix build at 6.8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 320a8a5 Arseniy Seroka: Merge pull request #23842 from volhovM/fix/sage_68_sed...
<LnL> I wish they had some cheaper options, would love to use them but it's overkill for me
<copumpkin> LnL: tried online.net?
<viric> civodul: guile 2.0.11 has a race that disables parallel building. So does 2.0.13?
<gchristensen> it is hourly, you can get a box for just a few minutes
<gchristensen> few hours*
<copumpkin> I still use them for this sort of thing but my current online.net server is somewhat dead
<civodul> viric: i'm not sure, we definitely build it in parallel, but maybe with fewer cores
<civodul> viric: BTW 2.0.14 is out, too :-)
<viric> civodul: mh so?
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<srk> we now offer openvz virtual machines with nixos at https://vpsfree.org/ if you're looking for some more persistent server in europe
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<sphalerite> Why does bash screw up when a new one is launched from within a nix-shell? (prompt not displaying properly, line editing broken)
<gchristensen> nice, srk
<civodul> viric: i remember there was a bug with 'make -j' but i no longer see it at https://bugs.gnu.org/guile
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<civodul> looks like it's been fixed
<copumpkin> offlinehacker[m]: you around?
<manveru> zimbatm: hacked together the first version of a pkgConfig
<manveru> it can now build node-sass at least
<manveru> i'll make a fork and push my stuff there, since i have a bunch of meetings today left
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs closed pull request #23828: gupnp-tools: 0.8.8 -> 0.8.13 (master...gupnp-tools) https://git.io/vy6e3
<matumental> is something wrong with cache atm or is it a problem on my end?
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<srk> watching code build is somewhat calming
<srk> need to make a stream of it with some fancy terminal
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<viric> civodul: ok; that will benefit the pi2
<viric> who has >8cores?
<srk> i have 8 :)
<viric> srk: test guile with parallel building :)
<srk> and then ~100core cluster
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<srk> hmhm
<srk> rebuild is running
<srk> but yes, no prob
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] frontsideair opened pull request #23844: flow: 0.39.0 -> 0.41.0 (master...flow-41) https://git.io/vy67m
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<LnL> whoa, since when are there over 400 PRs?
<sziszi> heh, firefox is weird: nixos 16.09 - appears as nightly, unstable-small -> nightly, unstable -> firefox
<gchristensen> sziszi: nightly is just called nightly because of copyright rules from mozilla
<gchristensen> it is the latest stable
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<jophish> github are adding ads to their pages?
<tilpner> To what extent are the locations of /run/current-system/sw/bin and /nix/var/nix/profiles stabilized? Is there a way to not link coreutils into /run/current-system/sw/bin? Is /run/current-system/sw/bin assembled from environment.systemPackages?
<gchristensen> jophish: no
<tilpner> (And what part would I read to learn the answers to those questions?)
<LnL> jophish: no, that was a hypothetical discussion
<sziszi> gchristensen: thanks! it was weird for me. (i think it's the same thing with debian+iceweasel
<gchristensen> sziszi: yes, but debian has been authorized to call theirs firefox
<jophish> phew!
<gchristensen> I'm working on getting permission from Mozilla to call ours FF too
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<sziszi> gchristensen: <3 thank you for being awesome :)
<sziszi> LnL: btw your gist link and your tip worked perfectly well, thanks!
<exarkun> why doesn't this work: nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -i pythonPackages.docker (error: selector ‘pythonPackages.docker’ matches no derivations)
<LnL> sziszi: I wouldn't expect it to cause any issues, unless you add a dependency that's used by a lot of packages to the packageOverridess
<LnL> sziszi: you can also do something similar for a module that doesn't exist in the stable release yet
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<sziszi> LnL: NixOs is very new to me. I'm a Linux user myself for 8+ years, but this concept is fundamentally different. So it's big accomplishment for me.
<MoreTea> anyone got experience with implementing resources for nixops?
<MoreTea> I'm interested in adding Google's DNS record sets (and maybe zones if it's not too hard)
<dtzWill> exarkun: -iA
<dtzWill> exarkun: you're specifying by attribute, so gotta tell nix-env that's what you want--otherwise '-i' will search for derivations with name 'pythonPackages.docker' :(
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<LnL> sziszi: yeah, I only recently came up with that this way you can cherry-pick some packages from master without having to switch over the entire system
<steveeJ> is there a generic way to build a cross-compiler and install it with a name according to the compiler naming convention?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vy6AN
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 8bfa9f5 Vladimír Čunát: syslinux: fixup build via a Debian patch...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fadenb opened pull request #23846: jenkins: 2.44 -> 2.49 (master...jenkins_2.49) https://git.io/vy6xK
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<johbo> NixOS weekly 04 is getting into shape: https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-weekly/pull/26
<johbo> Think we should aim to release it in a few hours.
<gchristensen> !m johbo
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, johbo!
<johbo> hehe, now I feel that I deserved the big sticker :P
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<domenkozar> johbo: :D
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyiIV
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6f90bad Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.hypothesis: fix for python 3.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 891a051 Frederik Rietdijk: ipython_genutils: fix for python 3.3 and 3.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8aee2b5 Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.traitlets: 4.3.1 -> 4.3.2
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #23847: qgis: Fix build after pythonPackages.sip update (master...fix-qgis) https://git.io/vyitP
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<yorick> was trying to build a kernel
<yorick> it failed after 20 minutes with
<yorick> unlink: cannot unlink '/nix/store/fcav92b8rxz3azdzf1fbxarkvcv6bmzv-linux-4.11.0-drm/lib/modules/4.11.0-drm/build': No such file or directory
<yorick> what am I doing wrong?
<Dezgeg> modDirVersion is wrong
<yorick> Dezgeg: ah, thanks! what should it be?
<yorick> it does say DEPMOD 4.11.0-rc1 in the build output
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 4 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyiYh
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 b095c99 Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.hypothesis: fix for python 3.3...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 019350a Frederik Rietdijk: ipython_genutils: fix for python 3.3 and 3.4...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 eca54d9 Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.traitlets: 4.3.1 -> 4.3.2...
<Dezgeg> probably removing the -drm suffix helps
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<qknight> how to put kdeApplications kdeFrameworks into systemPackages?
<exarkun> dtzWill: ah ok, thanks (re -iA).
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<qknight> i can install them using: nix-env -iA nixos.kdeApplications but the same won't work in systemPackages, but why?
<qknight> error: cannot coerce a set to a string, at /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs/lib/strings.nix:442:44
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<andrewrk> whose idea was it to have rpath be a bunch of directories and then the dynamic linker has to search all of them to find files?
<andrewrk> why not have dynamic libraries be absolute paths
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<exarkun> hrm so having installed pythonPackages.docker ... I don't understand how to actually use it. The Python interpreter in my environment doesn't know about it ... How do I get one to see the other?
<andrewrk> I guess maybe to be able to upgrade dynamic libraries
<simpson> exarkun: Probably something like $(nix-shell -p pythonPackages.docker) will run the shell hook to set up the Python environment.
<exarkun> hrmph, indeed.
<simpson> exarkun: There's also python.buildEnv: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#building-packages-and-applications
<exarkun> last time I ran nix-shell it barfed at me in a way that made me think it was the wrong tool, I can't find that command or output now though
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<simpson> Both of these work great, it's a matter of which is appropriate in your use case.
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<exarkun> but I'm writing a shell script so maybe nix-shell is not going to be the easiest path?
<exarkun> unless I can fit the script into `--command`, maybe
<simpson> I dunno. You can non-interactively do stuff like $(nix-shell -p ... --run 'my_awesome_binary and some args')
<exarkun> oh, --run, ok
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<exarkun> just a matter of where the nested quoting rules get prohibitively complex
<simpson> Unrelated: The trick I found for Python repositories is apparently blessed and documented: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#development-mode
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<simpson> Mm, yeah. :c
<exarkun> I guess I'll try to use buildEnv, this is already inside a " string inside a ' string inside a shell script :(
<exarkun> I _know_ what happens if I try to go any further.
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<simpson> Ooh, another thing you can do is put your Python to run into a dedicated .py and then give it a nix-shell shebang.
<exarkun> huuh
<exarkun> wacko
<simpson> But it *does* work well for local development and composing scripts.
<exarkun> yep, very awkward looking. but appealing as a smallest-possible-step-to-make-progress.
<exarkun> tyvm
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<exarkun> oh, I see, `-i` does something totally different in nix-shell and nix-env. I think maybe I was using -i with nix-shell earlier, thinking it would do something like what it does with nix-env.
<simpson> No worries, happy to help.
<simpson> Ah! Yeah, super-confusing, isn't it? I can't wait for the `nix` tool, even though I'm sure I'll hate it all over again eventually.
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<gchristensen> ooohh! I think we'll be able to enable official branding on FF soon
<maurer> gchristensen: We getting a deal, or?
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<MoreTea> hmm. `./dev-shell` && `python2 tests.py` fails :(
<MoreTea> for nixops, that is
<LnL> gchristensen: nice! I've seen more then a few confused people recently
<gchristensen> same
<gchristensen> just waiting on a final thumbs-up on them providing explicit approval
<MoreTea> (I tried to take a quick look at moving from SQL to an abstract K/V backend)
<MoreTea> I would like to use nixops against e.g. a etcd cluster
<gchristensen> good luck, MoreTea
<simpson> MoreTea: Exciting.
<MoreTea> it appears that it's only using SQL in deployment.py, statefile.py and resources/__init__.py
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<MoreTea> anyone here who knows why there are no tests for virtualbox in tests/functional/single_machine_test.py ?
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<domenkozar> MoreTea: you'll have to rewrite most of nixops
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<MoreTea> AFAIK, it uses a model of transactions and some sql in deployment.py and `resources/__init__.py`, right?
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<null_> sup peeps
<exarkun> error: adding derivation output for ‘/nix/store/9a07qfy74aap61kvn2gwyw2i6gq82hdn-bootstrap-tools.tar.xz.drv’ in database: database disk image is malformed
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<Dr3> i did vim.luaSupport = true; in my nixos configuration.nix but it didnt work
<DutchWolfie> MoreTea: are you the person that did the meetup in Amsterdam?
<ronny> Dr3: i beleive its usign ovveride, not the other way around
<MoreTea> jep
<DutchWolfie> great! can we expect a short recap of the day?
<DutchWolfie> on the meetup site?
<MoreTea> @DutchWolfie, did you attend as well?
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<MoreTea> I still plan to record some screencasts of the rest of the material/presentations that I used/did.
<Dr3> ronny, how can i understand what i should do from those nix expressions on github i gave. i always end up doing nothing of these and cant do anything
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] makefu opened pull request #23850: radare2: 0.10.6 -> 1.3.0 (master...update/radare2) https://git.io/vyi2I
<null_> so I have a custom dwm that I use, and would like to use it in nixos, how would I go about creating/using a custom package?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ekleog opened pull request #23851: libs: make splitString also split last separator (staging...issue-23681) https://git.io/vyiaC
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jlesquembre opened pull request #23852: conky: 1.10.5 -> 1.10.6 (master...conky_1.10.6) https://git.io/vyia8
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyiaK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b2c9606 Tuomas Tynkkynen: kernel: Add a validity check for modDirVersion...
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<Baughn> So I've created a Hydra server.. ...I'm scared.
<gchristensen> Baughn: set the hydra down and step away slowly
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<gchristensen> it won't kill you if you're gentle enough
<Baughn> I need it!
<Baughn> This is my hydra. It won't hurt me.
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<maurer> Baughn: Set up a warning for low disk space. The postgres state becomes inconsistent ime if you run out and it tries to build.
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<Baughn> Already got one. I also set it to stop if there's 20GB free or less.
<gchristensen> also run gc automatically
<Baughn> Right now I'm staring at the "Create jobset" page, and wondering how to point it at github.
<Baughn> If that's even possible.
<maurer> That only helps some, and you also might not want the autogc unless you're building nixpkgs
<maurer> Since you may want to be able to link to past builds
<Baughn> Right, I don't think GC is an issue. The jobs I've got are relatively tiny.
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<gchristensen> w00t we have authorization from mozilla to change enableOfficialBranding ? false to enableOfficialBranding ? true
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<LnL> !m gchristensen
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, gchristensen!
<andrewrk> nice
<shlevy> niksnut: ping
<shlevy> gchristensen: Nice!
<shlevy> gchristensen: Please document it well :) And ideally share the authorization
<gchristensen> yep
<gchristensen> I've got it :)
<gchristensen> I wonder where to put it, though
<gchristensen> maybe in nixpkgs next to default.nix
<shlevy> Yeah
<shlevy> And then we can add all sorts of fun patches and blame it on Mozilla!
<gchristensen> >.. :)
<Baughn> Hydra is hurting me ;_;
<Baughn> I'm trying to add an input, but the 'add' button, it does nothing.
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<Baughn> ..apparently a bug that's since been fixed.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyiXI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b2b8a41 Vincent Laporte: ocaml-llvm: 3.7.1 -> 3.9.1
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<Baughn> zsh: no such file or directory: /run/current-system/sw/bin/nix-env
<Baughn> ...
<Baughn> What have I done
<Baughn> vein@madoka> ls /run/current-system/sw/bin ~
<Baughn> command_not_found_handler:4: /run/current-system/sw/bin/command-not-found: bad interpreter: /nix/store/3qag0gwlar4rsh786ff25f4zdw6vqb7d-perl-5.22.2/bin/p: no such file or directory
<MoreTea> !m gchristensen
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, gchristensen!
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<Baughn> echo /run/current-system/bin/* ~
<Baughn> /run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration
<Baughn> ...this can't be good.
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<clever> viric: i'm not currently updating a channel, but i am following nixos-unstable-small, so if you just use that channel, you have a decent chance of hitting my cache
<Baughn> /run/current-system and /run/booted-system are both empty.
<Baughn> I'm doomed.
<Baughn> Heeeeelp!
<clever> Baughn: what did you do?
<Baughn> Thankfully, I have a root ssh session hanging around.
<sziszi> clever: +1
<Baughn> clever: Ran nix-env -e nix, as a normal user, to get rid of nixUnstable.
<Baughn> This was a bad move.
<clever> Baughn: that shouldnt have touched /run stuff
<clever> Baughn: /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/sw/bin/ is where you will find all of the systemPackages
<clever> Baughn: oh, and also, what does "ls -l /run/current-system" sat?
<gchristensen> Baughn: my /run/current-system/bin doesn't have anything but switch-to-configuration either
<gchristensen> Baughn: look at /run/current-system/sw/bin
<Baughn> clever: command_not_found_handler:4: /run/current-system/sw/bin/command-not-found: bad interpreter: /nix/store/3qag0gwlar4rsh786ff25f4zdw6vqb7d-perl-5.22.2/bin/p: no such file or directory
<clever> Baughn: /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/sw/bin/ls -l /run/current-system
<clever> Baughn: $PATH is bork, so you must use the absolute path to the ls binary
<Baughn> gchristensen: D'oh. That does still have everything.
<Baughn> zsh: no such file or directory: /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/sw/bin/ls
<clever> Baughn: did you run any garbage collection?
<Baughn> Nope.
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<clever> or nix-store --delete?
<Baughn> Nope.
<Baughn> I found an ls elsewhere.
<clever> can you pastebin the last dozen or so lines of the history command?
<Baughn> Let's see..
<Baughn> So what broke my system was, probably, nixUnstable (as a normal user) upgrading the DB.
<Baughn> And me attempting to downgrade it back.
<Baughn> Although that step seemed to work. It was after using current-system/nix-env -e nix to get rid of the damn thing that all hell broke loose.
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<clever> simplest thing i can think of is to just try rebooting and picking an older generation from grub
<clever> that would usualy fix it
<Baughn> Hehehe... headless server. :/
<clever> oh
<clever> i have plans on how to fix that, but havent gotten anything usable yet
<clever> next thing then, /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/bin/switch-to-configuration
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<clever> and also, the system-1234-link symlinks in profiles
<Baughn> Which gets me... I don't really know what's going on here, but the usual thing.
<Baughn> zsh: /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/bin/switch-to-configuration: bad interpreter: /nix/store/3qag0gwlar4rsh786ff25f4zdw6vqb7d-perl-5.22.2/bin/p: no such file or directory
<clever> if you run "switch-to-configuration boot" in one of those, it will flag that profile as the default for bootup
<clever> Baughn: try an older generation, look at the contents of /nix/var/nix/profiles and work your way down from the highest numbered system
<clever> until boot works on one of them
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<benley> anyone know if there's a sane way of converting a system that has luks-encrypted root but unencrypted /boot to having properly encrypted /boot?
<benley> I didn't know when I set this machine up that grub could deal with /boot being encrypted
<clever> benley: i'm guessing you can just format /boot again with luks over it, mount it to /boot, and then nixos-rebuild boot
<clever> benley: and if things do go wrong, you can just correct that from the install iso
<benley> yeah, that does sound like it should theoretically work
<benley> I'll just want to make sure I have some alternate boot medium in case it goes badly
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<clever> benley: just make sure the new uuid for the new /boot is updated in the configuration.nix/hardware-configuration.nix
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #23850: radare2: 0.10.6 -> 1.3.0 (master...update/radare2) https://git.io/vyi2I
<benley> oh yeah, that sounds important
<Baughn> This looks a great deal like the dynamic linker is missing, except there isn't supposed to *be* a global one, right?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixops] moretea opened pull request #623: Add functional tests for VirtualBox (master...vbox-tests) https://git.io/vyiDs
<clever> Baughn: it sounds like you didnt properly restore the nix database, so it considered half of your store invalid
<clever> Baughn: so it deleted half the store
<benley> this system is slightly twitchy to work with because it's a chromebook (but maybe not _that_ bad, I guess I figured out the pain points already)
<Baughn> clever: I would have liked it to not delete anything without being asked to.
<clever> Baughn: the database claimed those things didnt belong there and where invalid, so it got rid of them
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<clever> thats fairly different from valid outputs that just arent rooted
<Baughn> So I'm basically going to need a reinstall. *sigh*
<Baughn> Ok.
<clever> yeah, similiar to what i saod to benley
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<clever> Baughn: if you just re-mount the fs, set the right channel, and nixos-install, it will repair every missing thing in the store, and rebuild the os from the existing config
<benley> yeah, reinstalling nixos atop an existing system really isn't that big a deal, thankfully
<clever> nixos-install is basicaly just a bash script that runs nixos-rebuild under a chroot
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<Baughn> I always have to do this horribly complex multi-stage thing to get NixOS running under Hetzner, sadly.
<Baughn> It's going to take a while.
<Baughn> And all I wanted was a hydra.
<benley> aw
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<clever> Baughn: i do have an example i made recently, on how to get hydra in 16.09
<Baughn> I'll worry about that later. :P
<magnetophon> has anyone got his laptop configured to hibernate on low bat? This search suggests either no, or I'm doing it wrong: https://github.com/search?q=extrarules+systemctl+language%3ANix&type=Code
<MichaelRaskin> OK, Firefox 52.0 crashes also happen on NixOS, so I can report them…
<Baughn> Hmm, I do have a functional curl. Wonder if I could fix this without rebooting...
<MichaelRaskin> Do you have a functional nix?
<clever> Baughn: you would need to find a functional nix, and then run things like "nix-store -r /nix/store/3qag0gwlar4rsh786ff25f4zdw6vqb7d-perl-5.22.2"
<clever> Baughn: you can download directly from the binary cache, if you paste in full storepaths
<Baughn> If I can find a functional objdump..
<Baughn> Or file
<clever> echo /nix/var/nix/profiles/system*/sw/bin/file
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<Baughn> Problem's more the missing linkers. But I did in fact find one. And a functional nix-store.
<Baughn> ..drat. nix-store runs, but download-from-binary-cache fails.
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<clever> try a different nix-store?
<Baughn> The problem is that /bin/sh isn't working. Let me see..
<clever> you can manualy symlink it to one of the /nix/var/nix/profiles/system*/sw/bin/sh files
<Baughn> I just need to find one of /those/, yeah. Yaks.
<Baughn> And now a functional ln..
<clever> everything within a given system-42-link should use the same ld.so
<clever> so once you find a good generation, you can use it for others
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<Baughn> I don't have *any* functional system links.
<Baughn> Just occasional older derivations that still work.
<clever> if you can find a working xz, curl, and nix-store, you can manualy access the binary cache
<Baughn> I now have a functional nix-env.
<Baughn> And nixos-rebuild build...
<Baughn> ...almost works.
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<Baughn> Well, it looks like just that one glibc somehow got GC'd.
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:/tmp/fooo]$ curl cache.nixos.org/nar/0b1c57kbqjl78yh5wvna3lgfzldjk12s5a5kkyq49qd07jgy4p0p.nar.xz | unxz | nix-store --restore bdjyhh70npndlq3rzmggh4f2dzdsj4xy-hello-2.10
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<Baughn> error: while processing ‘build-sandbox-paths’: path ‘/nix/store/cg0gxn11n6sadfrw3p7l8rh053gn3f0z-bash-4.4-p5’ is not valid
<clever> Baughn: this shows how to download any storepath to the current directory, directly from the binary cache
<Baughn> Well, that's a new one.
<Baughn> clever: nix-store -r worked, actually..
<clever> Baughn: and only the --restore has to be done on the target
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<DutchWolfie> @MoreTea, diner got in the way sorry. No sadly I wasn't able to attend but would loved to. I am new to the Nix way of doing things,
<DutchWolfie> read about your thoughts about Nix on the company website and found the Amsterdam meetup group. Would like to read more about the experience.
<MoreTea> sure, are you in the neighbourhood? You could come over and chat some time.
* jack[m] has an epiphany: users.users = (import ./users.nix) # replaces NIS/LDAP
<MoreTea> I've hacked a few hours on making workshop machines with nixops, will probably write a blog post about that soonish
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mdorman opened pull request #23856: Automated emacs packaage updates (master...emacs-updates) https://git.io/vyiQm
<Baughn> /run/current-system/sw/bin/nix-env -e nix ~
<Baughn> uninstalling ‘nix-1.12pre4911_b30d1e7’
<Baughn> FINALLY!
<Baughn> building path(s) ‘/nix/store/vp282flyr2n45nb5aqlmlm3ckff7y3wg-user-environment’
null_ has quit [(Quit: Lost terminal)]
<Baughn> created 45 symlinks in user environment
<Baughn> ..
<Baughn> I managed to un-destroy my system. Phew...
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<MoreTea> @Baughn, that's why I usually stay on the stable branch for my machine configurations.
<MoreTea> And use unstable for projects
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<MoreTea> (pinning nixpkgs to some commit)
<bennofs> Would you call '/nix/store/hash-foo/bla/bar' a store path?
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<bennofs> If yes, then is there a name for that only includes '/nix/store/hash-foo'?
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<bennofs> hmm:
<bennofs> nix-repl> lib.isStorePath "/nix/store/7vs9r9b64432cg9y7mkdcdgyza1amrn6-glibc-2.25-bin/bin/catchsegv"
<bennofs> false
<DutchWolfie> MoreTea: Nope Drenthe is not in the neighbourhood :)
<Baughn> MoreTea: The unstable branch wasn't the problem, it was really just nixUnstable that did it.
<MoreTea> DutchWolfie, I see ;)
<MoreTea> Baughn, ah, you opted in nixUnstable yourself?
<Baughn> MoreTea: This was a bad move!
<clever> Baughn: :D
<MoreTea> I'm cautious with switching to unstable, once crashed my installation with that, had to nixos-install again from a USB stick
<MoreTea> luckily that did not make me loose any configuration settings at all ;)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar opened pull request #23858: emacs: fix runtime GTK3 dependencies (master...emacs-gtk3) https://git.io/vyi7a
<clever> MoreTea: i always installed from nixos-unstable, and often upgrade it, never had any major issues
<MoreTea> :3 /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<MoreTea> must have been my ignorance then
<clever> MoreTea: one issue i have seen people do, is installing nixos from nixpkgs-unstable
<clever> MoreTea: a few months ago, nixpkgs-unstable had a fatal flaw in its grub.conf logic, broke the ability to boot, including rollbacks
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<MoreTea> clever, that could very well be that I did that back when I was doing nix for two/three weeks.
<MoreTea> instead, I should have used the unstable channel
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<gchristensen> makefu: what does that mean?
<MoreTea> "@radareorg #nixOS is the first! radare2-1.3 is merged into the master repository"
<gchristensen> neat
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<eacameron> Why is are unstable and 17.03 5 days old?
<gchristensen> tests aren't passing
<eacameron> Hmm...
<eacameron> I suppose I'll upgrade to 5 days ago and see how it goes... ;)
<gchristensen> also hydra was broken for several days
<clever> i dont see anything failing in the recent evals, just queued
<clever> but firefox looks iffy
<DutchWolfie> anyone ever used nixos with the nilfs2 filesystem?
<eacameron> clever: Nice link!
<clever> eacameron: this links to the tests for every channel, and says how old they are
<eacameron> Haha..oh. I have that page up all the time, but I never clicked the tests link
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<pierron_> niksnut: I am trying to use a nix-shell with buildFHSUserEnv, but I fail to compile because one of the dependency *.pc (PKG_CONFIG_PATH) is not found.
<eacameron> Does haskellPackages continue to move forward inside of a NixOS version (16.09, 17.03, etc)?
<pierron_> niksnut: How do we populate the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable in Nix builds?
<domenkozar> another SSL cert issue on the road
<domenkozar> anyone knows about libnsspem?
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<silver_hook> Hullo. I’m using Nix on Mageia and still get that annoying locale bug, that’s supposed to be gone when nix got rid of Perl.
<silver_hook> How do best move forward?
<MichaelRaskin> Run Nix tools in C locale?
<gchristensen> nix hasn't gotten rid of perl just yet, I don't think.
<gchristensen> not in nix stable
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<domenkozar> silver_hook: nix-env --version
<silver_hook> Well my locale’s set to sl_SI.UTF-8
<silver_hook> domenkozar: nix-env (Nix) 1.11.6
<silver_hook> Wait a minute that I check if I’m not lying. It used to do the locale warning all the time, but I learned to ignore it.
<silver_hook> No, no, `nix-env -i` still complains about the locale.
<domenkozar> so you get the warning?
<silver_hook> yes
<domenkozar> silver_hook: can you upgrade MAgeia?
<domenkozar> that's the easiest fix :D
<silver_hook> I’ve started caring because I recently installed nox and now nox won’t run at all.
<silver_hook> domenkozar: Hehe, no.
<silver_hook> Magiea 6 is coming out soon™, but not there yet.
<domenkozar> I don't think there's a solution atm
<pierron_> niksnut: I guess the problem comes from the fact that buildFHSUserEnv does not follow /nix-support/propagated-native-build-inputs files.
<domenkozar> Nix in master got rid of perl
<domenkozar> but it's not released yet
<domenkozar> (and it's buggy)
<silver_hook> OK, I don’t mind the warning that much.
<domenkozar> silver_hook: so you can either use bleeding edge Nix
<silver_hook> Is it connected with nox not working or not?
<domenkozar> (I wouldn't recommend)
<domenkozar> silver_hook: could be, since nox parses output
<silver_hook> I’d rather not use bleeding edge nix.
<silver_hook> poopsies
<silver_hook> So I’ll just wait this one out then :)
<domenkozar> silver_hook: why do you need nox, to search packages?
<silver_hook> Thanks nonetheless :)
<silver_hook> domenkozar: Dunno, I wanted to try it to find if it’s actually useful for searching etc.
<silver_hook> Yeah, that’s what I do nowaday …but let’s face it, that’s a crap solution
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<silver_hook> Not by itself – the packages page is awesome! – but as a replacement for a proper CLI tool.
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<domenkozar> silver_hook: agreed
<domenkozar> I'm working on something similar
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<domenkozar> but it's a weekend project
<domenkozar> so it will take a while :)
<silver_hook> domenkozar: Cool :)
<silver_hook> BTW, I may need to choose between a Windows and macOS work laptop soon …I suspect Nix runs better on macOS, correct?
<domenkozar> depends how soon you need that laptop
<gchristensen> yes
<silver_hook> How so?
<domenkozar> silver_hook: windows 10 supports Nix
<gchristensen> it runs better on macOS in that it doesn't really run on Windows right now.
<domenkozar> via linux subsystem
<domenkozar> I'm not sure if the last fixed bug already hit public release
<silver_hook> domenkozar: That’s why I’m asking …haven’t seen anyone actually use it yet though
<Dezgeg> it's working at least in the windows insider builds
<silver_hook> I probably have a few more weeks to decide, but start using the work laptop in May.
<gchristensen> silver_hook: in a practical sense, nix-on-linux has great support, nix-on-darwin has pretty good support, and I've only heard about nix-on-windows once in every few months.
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<domenkozar> silver_hook: so it depends how stable is linux on windows
<LnL> hydra down again?
<gchristensen> so if you want to be our sputnik user, braving the deep dark scary stuff that might crop up ... )
<gchristensen> :)
<domenkozar> I did hear people reporting they do development and it works
<MichaelRaskin> Well, but nix-on-windows is the true mingw thing
<silver_hook> gchristensen: That was my assessment as well, just wanted to get it confirmed.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixops] moretea opened pull request #624: Key/value (master...kv-state) https://git.io/vyixi
* silver_hook sighs …Apple’s keyboards are the pits
<domenkozar> Dezgeg: I think preview build includes that fix now
<MichaelRaskin> I think people are relatively successing in running larger and larger parts of Ubuntu using WSL, so checking out their progress may be a good idea
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<MoreTea> I opened a PR where I started with describing how I'd like to move nixops from sqlite3 to e.g. etcd (or other k/v stores) https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/pull/624
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<MoreTea> I'd love to get some feedback on that
<silver_hook> Is there stuff that makes sense to not install via nix on macOS (and instead use homebrew or fink or …)?
<domenkozar> MoreTea: looks good
<gchristensen> silver_hook: .app's, largely
<domenkozar> silver_hook: really depends what you use
<domenkozar> but in general, to be honest, I see more future in windows+linux
<domenkozar> since you still control your source
<MoreTea> once that works, a separation between generating plans, and executing them (like how terraform operates) might be in order.
<MoreTea> But that's quite another beast to tackle
<domenkozar> MoreTea: there's an issue for that
<MoreTea> domenkozar, yep, I read that half an hour ago
<silver_hook> domenkozar: Maybe …but in practical terms, I a sane environment in a month or so. I can always switch laptops later ;)
<domenkozar> it means a complete rewrite of nixops :)
<silver_hook> Thanks for all your help again guys :)
<domenkozar> silver_hook: sounds good :)
<silver_hook> domenkozar: BTW, you in town?
<domenkozar> nope sorry, will be after Sunday
<silver_hook> OK, but in general you’re around these days?
<domenkozar> yes
<silver_hook> cool
<domenkozar> I'm working from Delo building :)
<qknight> when will 17.03 come out?
<domenkozar> qknight: end of the month
<silver_hook> Hahaha, so pretty much across the street XD
<qknight> when is the last time i can submit something still
<qknight> domenkozar: cool!
<domenkozar> silver_hook: yes :P
<domenkozar> silver_hook: we go to lunch everyday at 12 so that's a thing
<silver_hook> domenkozar: So what’s that nox-replacement called you’re working on? (preferably link to repo)
<silver_hook> You and your early lunches ;)
<domenkozar> it's going to be a restful api
<domenkozar> and a small client
<yorick> the standard builder adds make -l${NIX_BUILD_CORES}
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<yorick> I don't want that because the server is running boinc
<domenkozar> yorick: only if you set enableParallelBuilding = truel
<domenkozar> ;*
<silver_hook> domenkozar: thanks
<yorick> domenkozar: yeah, I want that, but I want to just do -j30 without -j30 -l30
<domenkozar> yorick: use makeFlags
<domenkozar> and don't set the above flag
<domenkozar> silver_hook: np :)
<yorick> domenkozar: hmm, not a bad idea, thanks
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<srk> qknight: hey o/ I'm trying to update your 15.09 odroid xu4 image to unstable
<srk> still compiling
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<srk> also managed to rebase your work on master
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<gchristensen> arm has terrible version names, so hard to understand
<benley> anyone know if there is a NixOS icon suitable for use in a *.desktop nixos documentation launcher?
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* benley digs through nixos-artwork
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<gchristensen> benley: how about a scaled-down http://nixos.org/logo/nixos-logo-only-hires.png
<sziszi> benley: I can make you one
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<benley> yeah, that's what I want to use. I'm just surprised that there doesn't seem to be a package that puts that in /share/icons/*/something already
<benley> also weird, the new logo isn't here? https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-artwork/tree/master/logo
<ndowens08> Does firefox-52-esr crash on any of you guys
<MichaelRaskin> ESR too?
<ndowens08> yup
<MichaelRaskin> Well, you could comment in my issue…
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<ndowens08> 7c6f434c?
<MichaelRaskin> Yes
<c0ff33> Someone has issues with audio in virtualbox on unstable nixos?
<ndowens08> k lol wouldnt know it was ya
<ndowens08> added
* benley goes looking for the current nixos logo in vector format
<LnL> benley: I have it somewhere
<sziszi> ndowens08: yes
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<gchristensen> benley: there is an svg somewhere
<benley> http://nixos.org/logo/nixos-hex.svg contains it, but also text
<gchristensen> well that is easy to fix
<benley> (plus the text only renders right if you have that one font installed - weird)
<benley> yup, this is all doable
<benley> it just seems like surely I'm duplicating existing work - but maybe not?
<benley> thank you sziszi :-)
<sziszi> I just deleted the text from it
<sziszi> it was under 30s with the upload
<benley> cool
* benley is all talk sometimes, seemingly :-P
<LnL> sziszi: took me longer to find the one in my downloads folder :p
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<bennofs> pierron_: PKG_CONFIG_PATH is set by setup-hook.sh of the pkgconfig package, but you've probably found that out by now :)
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<sziszi> LnL: I'm a bit familiar with inkscape, so it's faster for me sometimes to recreate stuff than finding in my folder structure
<benley> in other news, inkscape + hidpi screen == sadface
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<sziszi> benley: I have a nice screen, and good eyes
<sziszi> i'm using 11p text in gnome terminal on my dell u2515H
<gchristensen> O.o
* gchristensen uses size 14 minimum
<sziszi> hmm
<sziszi> 10p is pretty bearable
<sziszi> just hard to distinguish between the lines
<gchristensen> sounds like you won't have good eyes for long
<sziszi> i'm short sighted already
<sziszi> but only sometimes
<sziszi> when i'm well rested, and it's not in the morning i can see fine
<sziszi> i'm sitting ~75cm away from my screen
<sziszi> one line is around 4mm in height in a terminal
<sziszi> not bad
<sziszi> if i could sit further, i'd be happy
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<benley> sziszi: I'm using a 275dpi display; even with good vision the UI elements are obnoxiously small :-/
<benley> it'll be fixed in the next release since they appear to be migrating to gtk3.
<sziszi> they're a bit late :)
<benley> better late than never, I guess
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<sziszi> yup, it's an awesome editor
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<sziszi> better the commercial one i used a while back
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyPTh
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 369230c Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.cpuid: init at 0.1.0...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyPIT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1375a2e Lancelot SIX: qgis: Fix build after pythonPackages.sip update...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9494820 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #23847 from lsix/fix-qgis...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #23860: llvm4: rc4 -> release! (master...update/llvm4) https://git.io/vyPIg
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<dtzWill> \o/
<ndowens08> ?
<LnL> ^ nice!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] benley opened pull request #23861: nixos: Add a menu launcher for the NixOS manual (master...nixos-manual-launcher) https://git.io/vyPIi
<dtzWill> oh haha didn't see you'd just joined, ndowens08. But hooray for that as well! Was just happy about llvm4 release and submitting PR for it :).
<ndowens08> oh lol
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl closed pull request #23827: mkvtoolnix: 9.8.0 -> 9.9.0 (master...upd.mkvtoolnix) https://git.io/vy6eO
<fuzzy_id> i want to do a version bump in haproxy from 1.7.2 to 1.7.3. shall i do commits and pull requests on the master branch?
<gchristensen> yeah
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<MoreTea> fuzzy_id, yes please :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #23862: filezilla: 3.24.0 -> 3.25.0 (master...update/filezilla-3.25.0) https://git.io/vyPtJ
<Yaniel> anyone care to try out https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/23769 ?
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<aristid> has anybody else observed firefox 52 segfaulting on startup?
<c0bw3b> aristid apparently yes
<c0bw3b> an issue was already opened for this
<aristid> c0bw3b: link?
<MoreTea> Meh, somehow I'm not able to get the systemd timer and unit to build properly in https://github.com/moretea/github-hydra-bot/pull/1/files
<aristid> for me it crashes immediately on startup
<aristid> that might be related to my use of tree-style tabs, though
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyPqD
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 88d7718 Vincent Laporte: mkvtoolnix-cli: fix build on darwin
<fuzzy_id> how can i do this "Tested using sandboxing" do I have to set nix.useSandbox system-wide?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyPqx
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5e70162 zimbatm: pythonPackages.first: init at 2.0.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a3c03eb zimbatm: pip-tools: init at 1.8.1rc3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 065c05e Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #23801 from zimbatm/pip-tools...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyPm0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b806e25 Graham Christensen: nixos: build for aarch64-linux
<gchristensen> ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
<LnL> didn't we have that allready?
<gchristensen> nope
<gchristensen> nixpkgs only
<LnL> ooh it's nixos :D
<gchristensen> :)
<c0bw3b> aristid : sry was AFK // yes that one
<LnL> I wonder how long it will take before I buy a raspberry now
<gchristensen> I
<gchristensen> I have a branch also which enables official branding on firefox, just waiting on confirmation I can publish my email exchange as well (I want to publish it with the exchange for reference)
<c0bw3b> LnL days rather than months ? :p
<c0bw3b> fuzzy_id : or you can pass "--option build-use-sandbox true" to nix-build
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<MichaelRaskin> aristid: with extensions it is too easy to crash it
<MoreTea> hmm. A critical refactor of nixops might be in order.
<gchristensen> MoreTea: I see you've reached the "bargaining" phase of nixops
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<MoreTea> I'm just going to mechanically extract all SQL queries into one place
<MoreTea> step-by-step.
<simpson> MoreTea: You're a brave soul. I looked into putting attrs on nixops and did not get far.
<aristid> MichaelRaskin: well, i could try to see if it is more stable if i disable all extensions
<MichaelRaskin> Not really
<aristid> MichaelRaskin: but i don't think an extension should lead to a segfault? i don't think XUL scripts have access to memory?
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<MoreTea> simpson, AFAICS, It's just two files that contain random SQL.
<MichaelRaskin> I can crash 52 with a clean profile on a clean NixOS VM in about a dozen keystrokes
<MoreTea> And what it tries to do is not very exciting actually.
<MichaelRaskin> Where Ctrl-k is two keystrokes!
<MoreTea> I think that it should be quite doable to port it to etcd directly.
<aristid> MichaelRaskin: can you get a backtrace?
<MichaelRaskin> Ctrl-k Alt-↓ ↑ ↵
<MichaelRaskin> Not yet
<MoreTea> I'd only need to have an internal "dirty" model of what it should apply, and do some locking scheme in etcd.
<MichaelRaskin> I still hope someone else will do it
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<benley> why etcd?
<benley> oh er, do you mean replacing the sql store with etcd entirely? Or adding etcd just for locking?
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<simpson> benley: I think the goal is etcd and no SQL store.
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<benley> OK cool
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<benley> I was going to suggest that if you were going to depend on an external SQL database, you could probably use that for locking without also adding etcd. But that's even better.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] plumps opened pull request #23863: initial release: vulnix (master...add-vulnix) https://git.io/vyPsw
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<MoreTea> simpson, benley the goal is going to be the current sql file first, refactored
<MoreTea> as in: there should only be an API that nixops uses internally
<MoreTea> Then I'll try build a generic "json" model
<manveru> MoreTea: yo
<MoreTea> which would require atomic updates
<MoreTea> so that would be a good fit for etcd
<_deepfire> how do I find the NixOS beta manual?
<simpson> MoreTea: So, I don't want to spin up an etcd, but once you demonstrate the PoC, I'd love to pile on and add Tahoe-LAFS support.
<_deepfire> manual for 17.03, that is
<simpson> _deepfire: Do you just want configuration.nix docs, or do you want the whole manual?
<_deepfire> simpson, I want to know how to use the overlays
<MoreTea> simpson, if tahoe-lafs is able to do locking, then everything should be OK ;)
<MoreTea> Otherwise you might get weird scenarios
<_deepfire> ..and that's likely outside the configuration.nix domain
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #23864: ripgrep: 0.4.0 -> 0.5.0 (master...update/ripgrep-0.5.0) https://git.io/vyPsh
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<simpson> _deepfire: I bet we can find the manual from Hydra.
<simpson> Ah, benley beat me to it.
* benley ninjalinks
<_deepfire> benley, cool! I have tried to find it on hydra myself, but failed..
<simpson> MoreTea: Nope. Tahoe-LAFS writes are non-atomic and can fail. But normally they're pretty atomic, in that you can usually either read the previous or current version of a directory.
<simpson> MoreTea: OTOH Tahoe-LAFS writes require a special secret per-directory key, called a *writecap*, and these are typically jealously held.
<benley> the overlays setup would be in the latter iirc
<_deepfire> hmm
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<_deepfire> benley: thay all 404
<benley> argh wtf
<_deepfire> like this Product /nix/store/2rg0lc5j27c4f39b3f5970n8x5fhg4si-nixos-manual has disappeared.
<benley> yeah
<manveru> MoreTea: i guess you've seen my PR for yarn2nix? :)
<LnL> _deepfire: nix-store -r the paths and it'll download from the cache
<_deepfire> that was the problem that made me seek help..
<benley> well, one sec I can at least share a built version somewhere
<_deepfire> LnL, sounds like a good idea!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #23865: xrdp: init at 0.9.1 (master...xrdp-tests) https://git.io/vyPGl
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<simpson> Unrelated: Are there docs on how to fetchFromGitHub a private repo? I can't seem to find any examples, unsurprisingly.
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<benley> you should also be able to run `nix-build -A manual` in the root of a nixpkgs git clone, fwiw
<manveru> simpson: using fetchgitprivate i think
<clever> simpson: with nix-build or hydra?
<simpson> clever: nix-build.
<7IZAAQZKB> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #23862: filezilla: 3.24.0 -> 3.25.0 (master...update/filezilla-3.25.0) https://git.io/vyPtJ
<21WAASURT> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyPGy
<21WAASURT> nixpkgs/master 7e9c815 mimadrid: libfilezilla: 0.9.0 -> 0.9.1
<21WAASURT> nixpkgs/master acef015 mimadrid: filezilla: 3.24.0 -> 3.25.0
<21WAASURT> nixpkgs/master 6e0c3e1 Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #23862 from mimadrid/update/filezilla-3.25.0...
<simpson> clever: Oh yuck. That's terrible.
<simpson> clever: I'm guessing that the Hydra path is even nastier?
<clever> simpson: the idea is to add a flag to nix-build, that works the same as "ssh -A" and allows the builder to use an agent near the nix-build process
<clever> simpson: hydra is easyer, heh
<LnL> with hydra you can fetch the inputs outside of nix-build
<_deepfire> it's a shame the documentation is so inaccessible
<clever> simpson: hydra fetches the build inputs by just running nix-prefetch-git as the "hydra" user, so you can just sudo -u hydra -i ; ssh-keygen
<manveru> MoreTea: just wanted to say thanks, my build times with yarn2nix are about 7 times better than node2nix, tarring/untarring 1000 packages is a lot of wasted I/O
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<simpson> clever: Aha.
<clever> simpson: but every private repo has to be a seperate input in hydra, and that could get messy for a large project
<simpson> clever: I don't care about mess too much; I'm in the PoC stage.
<clever> simpson: and because of the build slaves, hydra cant use the hack from the gist, /tmp/hax would have to be setup on every box, each with its own key&agent
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<MoreTea> manveru, haha, is someone already using that :P?
<simpson> clever: Okay, I see what's going on. I think I understand at least some of the pieces of the puzzle now.
<MoreTea> Zimbatim had some idea's about making it faster
<manveru> MoreTea: i just started today, can't justify the node2nix build times anymore, so i'll push it forward the next few days
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #23866: bluefish: 2.2.9 -> 2.2.10 (master...update/bluefish-2.2.10) https://git.io/vyPni
<manveru> but in theory i think it could be used in our production already
<clever> simpson: you could also put the private keys in /tmp and make them readable by the nixbld group, then ssh_config needs to be set to read an unsafe key file
<clever> simpson: and also, every build you run will be able to read the key
<simpson> clever: I won't go that route.
<manveru> i mean, it would be nice if i could combine two buildYarnPackage easily, to avoid rebuilding node-sass on every other package change
<simpson> Now to convince bundix to run.
<clever> simpson: at least with the socat trick, you can kill socat and then builds can no longer access the agent
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<simpson> clever: Yeah. And on this non-NixOS machine, I don't even need it.
<clever> ah
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyPnb
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4efed1d Tristan Helmich: jenkins: 2.44 -> 2.49
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bc1f692 Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #23846 from mayflower/jenkins_2.49...
<clever> if sandboxes and the daemon arent enabled, its much simpler
<manveru> i'll ready through what zimbatm wrote
<clever> the build just runs as your own user
<simpson> Yep, just had to set those two Nix variables.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyPcT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 d4465f8 Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #23846 from mayflower/jenkins_2.49...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23867: htmlcxx: 0.85 -> 0.86 (master...htmlcxx) https://git.io/vyPcG
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyPcC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d23effd Fatih Altinok: flow: 0.39.0 -> 0.41.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2c1876e Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #23844 from frontsideair/flow-41...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyPcH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e50dba9 Ben Zhang: nodejs: 7.7.1 -> 7.7.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 17978fe Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #23740 from ben-z/nodejs-7.7.2...
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<MoreTea> manveru, I'm open to any suggestions that you have. if you have time, we could schedule a call with you, me and zimbatim to see what we could do.
<qknight> i found a perl script using 'rm' and 'cat' but i don't know how to patch them properly?
<qknight> can i somehow add coreutils to the perl environment?!
<MoreTea> qknight, probably to the context that uses that perl script?
<manveru> MoreTea: sounds good, i'll be around this week
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<zimbatm[m]> yeah ping me if you want to do a call manveru MoreTea
<manveru> not super familiar with yarn yet, but i think once we get composition of different buildYarnPackage derivations, i'd be happy :)
<manveru> maybe using NODE_PATH, but i hear it's tricky
<manveru> and splitting up yarn.lock sounds complicated too
<MoreTea> zimbatm[m], is in london on UTC, I'm on UTC+1 in Amsterdam, which timezone are you in manveru?
<manveru> i'm in germany
<MoreTea> manveru, I'm not sure if that is possible at all.
<manveru> so shouldn't be a problem
<manveru> yeah...
<MoreTea> AFAIK, that is what node2nix is trying to do.
<manveru> node2nix rebuilds the world on every change
<MoreTea> On the other hand, it's probably not that bad if you'd `nix-store --optimize`
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fuzzy-id opened pull request #23868: haproxy: 1.7.2 -> 1.7.3 (master...master) https://git.io/vyPCF
<MoreTea> I hope for you that you're not updating your nodejs dependencies hourly ;)?
<manveru> plus node2nix downloads half of the npm registry every time you update packages.json :P
<MoreTea> Ah, the yarn.lock file format is just awesome ;)
<manveru> aye
<MoreTea> it contains all the necessary bits of info to just download the .tar.gz's and call yarn
<manveru> well, when i develop i often need to change deps, and we rebuild it for building docker containers and running specs etc...
<MoreTea> We should invest some time in writing an RFC for yarn
<MoreTea> to make _them_ do all the work to make it a sane system.
<manveru> :)
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<manveru> if yarn had an option to modify postbuild hooks, that'd be cool
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<nh2> who owns/manages the AWS account which runs the cloudfront? It's slow even from AWS Frankfurt. I wonder if there are some knobs one could trivially tune to make it faster
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyPWs
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 61e8c03 mimadrid: bluefish: 2.2.9 -> 2.2.10
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2d1ea86 Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #23866 from mimadrid/update/bluefish-2.2.10...
<gchristensen> nh2: have you ever administered cloudfront?
<simpson> Hm. Okay, it looks like private git repos with Ruby in them aren't quite supported OOTB. Hm.
<manveru> simpson: yeah, haven't had the pleasure to need that yet :)
<manveru> that's basic auth though
<simpson> manveru: Hm. Would it be possible maybe for me to build the gem from private git, somehow get it into the store, and then build my bundler environment from that?
<manveru> not sure if github supports it
<simpson> 'Cause I have the fetching from git working.
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<MoreTea> manveru, zimbatm[m] do you have time tomorrow at 22h CET? Quick video chat to talk about what we can do to make yarn2nix work properly
<manveru> ok
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<MoreTea> I'm too tired to do it right now ;)
<manveru> simpson: that'll be tricky
<simpson> manveru: IKR? But if this is to work at all, this is how it'll have to work.
<simpson> What normally happens? Where do the gems go, if not in the store?
<manveru> you can add the gem to your nix store
<manveru> and then it should be used during bundlerEnv
<manveru> as long as the checksum is the same
<manveru> i just don't see how to do it in a single nix-build
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyPlT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4433fc9 Michael Alan Dorman: elpa-package: 2017-03-13
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2b1faaa Michael Alan Dorman: melpa-stable-packages: 2017-03-13
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 29559f6 Michael Alan Dorman: melpa-packages: 2017-03-13
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyPlG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dff0ba3 Tuomas Tynkkynen: bash: Set bash_cv_getcwd_malloc=yes when cross compiling...
<manveru> you can get all the gems using `bundle install --no-install --all --path some/path/to/store/the/gems` to get all .gem files
<manveru> well, or you setup a gem-in-a-box and push your private gems there
<simpson> manveru: Ugh, okay, so reading a bit deeper, it seems like nearly all gems are built with bundix? So I'd have to extend the core Ruby machinery to permit private git.
<manveru> bundix basically makes a bundler cache directory with all .gem files and then runs `gem install` for each, then combines all derivations into a single directory via symlinks
<manveru> if it finds a .gem file in your nix store, it'll use that
<manveru> otherwise it tries to download it from one of the remotes specified in the gemfile
<manveru> so you could just `nix-prefetch-url file:///some/path/with/your/private.gem`
<manveru> as long as version and platform match, it shouldn't be a problem
<simpson> Ugh.
<simpson> I guess that that's not much worse than the current setup~
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] viric pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyPlA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 46c9eac Lluís Batlle i Rossell: guile: enable parallel building...
<manveru> sorry man, but maybe someone else has a brighter idea :)
<manveru> otherwise i recommend https://github.com/geminabox/geminabox
<manveru> that way you could just push your private gem there, it'll act as a proxy to rubygems.org and get missing ones from there
<simpson> That's not going to happen.
<manveru> i really don't know how else you could do the auth inside nix if it requires an ssh agent
<simpson> Meh. This is a confluence of Nix weak points and terrible past decisions.
<nh2> gchristensen: I'm not an expert with cloudfront but my colleagues use it
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<manveru> yeah... nix is like "everything's open source, right?" :)
<manveru> if you could somehow get basic auth, you could just add user:pass to your Gemfile instead
<simpson> manveru: Not even that. The Ruby bundler workflow is terrible, our internal gemspecs are terrible...
<simpson> We already *have to* vendor a lot of code because it can't be pulled in any other way.
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<manveru> i agree on bundler... wish it'd just die in a fire
<MoreTea> manveru, I started to write a document to inform package managers of what is useful for a system like nix.
<MoreTea> Bazel (from google) and habitat (from chef) are based (kinda) the same assumptions.
<manveru> but npm is even worse, so there's that :P
<nh2> gchristensen: do you know what cloudfront has set as origin (instance, bucket, ELB)?
<MoreTea> There will probably only follow more in the future. Therefore we might be able to sway them to implement (additional) sensible behaviour
<MoreTea> I'll at least try to convince the yarn peepz of that.
<manveru> MoreTea: immutable is the future :)
<MoreTea> jep
<MoreTea> immutable & graph based.
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<gchristensen> nh2: s3 bucket
<manveru> well, i'm gonna get some sleep, cu tomorrow
<nh2> gchristensen: in what region is the bucket?
<gchristensen> us-east-1
<gchristensen> (us-standard in s3 parlance)
<gchristensen> cloudfront is correctly caching just fine, cf has very limited knobs to twiddle
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vyPBT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging aba0b45 Tuomas Tynkkynen: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into staging...
<nh2> gchristensen: I agree, and the second download seems often nice and fast, I think the knobs would rather be how to configure the upstream. E.g. what about S3 cross-region replication?
<gchristensen> cloudfront won't use the second bucket
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<gchristensen> also the bill will be sizable, nh2. we'd need serious donations for that.
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<ndowens08> got to figure out these bspwm shortcuts lol, trying it out :)
<nh2> gchristensen: what data transfer per month does the cache take, roughly?
<gchristensen> nh2: it is sizable
<gchristensen> but I'm not sure exactly
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyPRK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f54813d Will Dietz: llvm4: rc4 -> release!
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5746386 Vladimír Čunát: top-level llvm-4 attrs: drop lowPrio...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bfed19c Vladimír Čunát: Merge #23860: llvmPackages_4: rc4 -> release
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #23860: llvm4: rc4 -> release! (master...update/llvm4) https://git.io/vyPIg
<nh2> gchristensen: I mean "sizeable" is pretty relative, who can we ask to find out? I wonder how much I'd have to invest/donate for fast downloads
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<MoreTea> manveru, sleep well.
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<_deepfire> have anyone used overlays to override nvidia_x11 -- but also with "libsOnly = true; kernel = null;" ?
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<clever> _deepfire: xorg has to link against a copy built with libsOnly = true; kernel = null;, while the kernel needs a copy with those values flipped
<_deepfire> I can't seem to be able to make it honor the libsOnly/kernel part
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<gchristensen> nh2: well we have about 50k-100k unique users each month, and the total binary cache is 40TB
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<clever> _deepfire: some places in nixos apply their own overrides ontop of yours: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/hardware/video/nvidia.nix#L28
<clever> _deepfire: oh, and what file are you putting the override in?
<_deepfire> clever: hmm.. that doesn't sound like a clean situation..
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<_deepfire> that is the one that is misbehaving
<_deepfire> clever, the old one, that you gave me a while ago is just fine:
<rycee[m]> ronny: Hey again. I have had the thought to attempt to use the nixos test framework to test home-manager but it is unlikely that I'll get to it within the near future. I would be happy to assist anybody who'd like to give or a go, though.
<clever> _deepfire: i dont think you need to play with linuxPackages at all, you can just directly use an override from pkgs.nvidia_x11
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<clever> _deepfire: oh, and overrideDerivation is the wrong thing to use, that wont set the right libsOnly
<clever> _deepfire: libsOnly is part of .override
<_deepfire> clever, hmm.. nvidia_x11 is now in the root package set?
<_deepfire> do I have old nixpkgs?
<clever> _deepfire: it might just be called nvidia
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<clever> _deepfire: oh, yeah, its not in the root
<_deepfire> clever, nix-instantiate --eval '<nixpkgs>' -A 'nvidia' says it's not, yeah..
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<clever> linuxPackages.nvidia_x11.override { libsOnly = true; kernel = null; }
<_deepfire> in any case -- https://gist.github.com/deepfire/ef6cd139adf3267f13e409f5add76ec6 behaves, while the previous gist doesn'ta
<clever> _deepfire: i think you want this, and use that directly, dont insert it back into linuxPackages
<_deepfire> clever: why would it make a difference?
<clever> the linuxPackages stuff may make other changes to it
<nh2> gchristensen: 40 TB sounds handleable, how much traffic is on the Cloudfront downloads? I'm assuming the egress costs will be the dominating number here?
<clever> _deepfire: and also, .overrideDerivation and .override work at very different layers
<gchristensen> nh2: I don't know
<yorick> fpletz: never mind, it was just the 4.9 -> 4.10 upgrade that caused it
<gchristensen> egress is a major cost, yes
<yorick> I hope they'll fix my suspend soon
<nh2> gchristensen: who's financing the AWS account / who would I donate to? Surely there must be somebody who can tell this straight from the bill
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<nh2> (I also feel a bit bad for draining their money every time I boot up a nixops cluster, as cloudfront isn't cheap either)
<gchristensen> nh2: it is run through the NixOS foundation, and you can donate here: https://nixos.org/nixos/community.html
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<viric_> Hello
<gchristensen> numerous companies and individuals donate money for it :) most of them are at the bottom of that page. don't feel bad :P
<clever> nh2: ive was thinking about how to make a binary cache cache
<viric_> I updated my nixos to 17.03 but now I cannot login by ssh
<clever> nh2: so you can set your nixops cluster to all use the cache cache, and then it only hits cloudfront once for each derivation
<gchristensen> I mean, just a squid proxy, no?
<clever> gchristensen: squid can expire things, and it generaly doesnt cache large objects without extra config
<_deepfire> clever, there's a reason I'm using overlays -- I don't control the point-of-use
<clever> gchristensen: and if you use https://cache.nixos.org/ squid cant do anything, ssl protects the link
<nh2> clever: or putting e.g. cloudflare in front of the cache (doesn't solve the slow initial download problem but gives free downloads as compared to CloudFront)
<_deepfire> clever, all I can affect is nixpkgs while
<_deepfire> *whole
<viric_> it feels like PAM is wrong...
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<clever> _deepfire: it looks like the main use is on line 19, which is in foo.nix?
<nh2> gchristensen: who could I ask about the total CloudFront bandwidth required? One of the guys on https://nixos.org/nixos/foundation.html ?
<_deepfire> clever, that's the thing -- it's just a testcase now
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<clever> _deepfire: where is the actual point of use?
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<_deepfire> guess I need to think harder about the actual intent..
<_deepfire> clever, thank you!
<clever> yep
<gchristensen> nh2: before we get ahead of ourselves, paste the output of curl -I https://cache.nixos.org/nar/1v62kdfsh7xz9wmpr95ncbwh5hbdfyypkq9jl6k3pg0xigijdcn8.nar.xz
<MoreTea> argh, I slowy start to strongly dislike non-statically typed languages
<viric_> gchristensen: you broke my ssh
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<viric_> gchristensen: 96d767de621242a5df6de5db82a9b088d24ef606
<gchristensen> viric_: what'd I do? :o
<viric_> :)
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<_deepfire> clever, I'm trying to come up with an automated solution to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/9415 : -)
<clever> _deepfire: ah
<gchristensen> you use oath, viric_?
<viric_> gchristensen: my system worked when it was 'sufficient', and you set it to 'requiired'
<viric_> gchristensen: now it does not ask me for non-oath password, and the oath password doesn't work
<clever> _deepfire: the biggest problem, is that the libGL used by an xorg client has to be compatible with the libGL inside the xorg server
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<clever> _deepfire: and the /run/opengl-drivers is to let it be swapped out at runtime, so you dont have to rebuild everything using xorg
<gchristensen> viric_: before, did only the oath password do it?
<viric_> gchristensen: first it asked password; if I failed, the oath password worked
<_deepfire> clever: precisely -- the idea is to query the system glxinfo about what needs to be supplied via Nix
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23870: hwlock: 1.11.2 -> 1.11.6 (master...hwlock) https://git.io/vyPuN
<gchristensen> viric_: seems broken to me :P
<viric_> o_O
<_deepfire> clever, I'm just taking your idea and automating it
<viric_> gchristensen: I choose whether I type my password or the OATH password at login time
<nh2> gchristensen: from germany: X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront
<nh2> Via: 1.1 c2890b1d84d781704a34b9aa5c069d4e.cloudfront.net (CloudFront)
<nh2> X-Amz-Cf-Id: VGdzBcwZqJH3icw3zCI6o6RqAd9hR8FnSmdXOhwikRn3qKDdPHboig==
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<gchristensen> yeah, oath is a second factor, not primary
<gchristensen> nh2: please paste the entire output to gist.github.com / hastebin.com / whatever
<viric_> gchristensen: soo... what, now?
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<nh2> gchristensen: from germany: https://hastebin.com/qafogawili.sql
<nh2> gchristensen: for some reason every HEAD to this same URL takes ~6 seconds from this location
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<nh2> gchristensen: updated with 3 locations: https://hastebin.com/ejawikizul.sql
<viric_> gchristensen: what did you do with oath, then?
<_deepfire> clever: it doesn't do a lot beyond the basic manual thing yet, but it provides enough context for plausible automation
<clever> gchristensen: my first request from OVH missed CF and took a while, forgot to time it, now its hitting the cache, and responds between 0.1 and 1.0sec
<gchristensen> nh2: can you ping the url and send me an IP?
<gchristensen> nh2: unfortunately this won't be solved by replicating s3 to europe, because that first one was a hit with a long-time-cached result
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<gchristensen> even a miss is very short
<nh2> gchristensen: https://hastebin.com/jiqibetuza.sql updated with the 3 ping times
<MoreTea> oeh, virtualbox is booting with a refactored nixops ;)
<viric_> gchristensen: I overwrote the /nix/store file to get →sufficient and I could log in
<nh2> 25 ms from Germany, 7 from Zurich, 2 from EC2 Frankfurt
<viric_> gchristensen: but with your OATH setup, the OATH password did not work for me
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<viric_> gchristensen: how do you use OATH?
<gchristensen> nh2: traceroute to
<exarkun> itamar: /join #twisted-dev
<exarkun> pft sorry
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyPz9
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 64218d6 ndowens: hwloc: 1.11.2 -> 1.11.6 (#23870)
<nh2> gchristensen: The "Germany location 1" problem won't be solved by replicating to Europe, yes, but that's not so big of a problem (the Frankfurt EC2 initial download being capped at 2 MB/s is a bigger one) and it seems special as ping time of 25 ms is totally out of line with the 4-6 seconds for the head
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<nh2> gchristensen: traceroute added https://hastebin.com/nofemiruta.sql
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<gchristensen> I think I'm confused. do you have a solution in mind?
<clever> gchristensen: a bit slow from this server: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/6d6e74f97a313628f2830128655c55f1
mizu_no_oto has quit [(Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)]
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #23871: coreutils: 8.26 -> 8.27 (staging...coreutils_8_27) https://git.io/vyPgz
<nh2> gchristensen clever: actually I think I found something. Just downloaded a file that I downloaded just ~20 minutes ago, and it's `x-cache: Miss from cloudfront` again. Maybe the timeout is super short somehow?
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<gchristensen> you're reaching a different server, most likely
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<nh2> gchristensen: this is from inside EC2 Frankfurt though (both the DL now and 20 minutes ago), it definitely fetched that across the ocean at least once
<viric_> gchristensen: we'll have to take a look at the oath test, and why I cannot login using ssh
<viric_> gchristensen: do you use oath though?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #23872: docker: 1.13.1 -> 17.03.0-ce (master...docker_17_03_0) https://git.io/vyPgA
<gchristensen> viric_: sorry, distracted
<gchristensen> viric_: I don't use oath
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<viric_> gchristensen: your nixos oath test should be somehow wrong, because I could not log in
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<gchristensen> however, the oath module as it was configured isn't a widely desirable configuration, and is likely CVE-worthy, is why I changed it. if you can find an issue with the test, that would be helpful. I tested it automatically and manually many times before committinng it.
<nh2> clever: I'm intrigued by the "cache cache" idea, I'd really love to set up my own cache mirror containing the entire cache to be able to provision clusters at 1/10 Gbit/s speed, and egress from Hetzner/OVH is 100x cheaper than AWS's, so it might save some money
<viric_> gchristensen: with ssh?
<wak-work> did kernel 4.10 make nix sandboxing slower for anyone here?
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<viric_> gchristensen: what happens with my oath config? What is wrong there?
<gchristensen> seems only with login(1)
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