<LnL> nh2: what platform?
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<Mic92> nh2: I think I looked it up at some point, nix replaces some library references in a fixup hook.
<Mic92> nh2: does `dontPatchELF = true;` fix this?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ericsagnes opened pull request #23411: fcitx: fix fcitx-qt5 attribute path (master...pkg-fix/fcitx) https://git.io/vyn8g
<Mic92> go to sleep now ...
<nh2> LnL: Linux, on Ubuntu
<nh2> Mic92: I'll try that dontPatchELF
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<Mic92> it basically skips `patchelf --shrink-rpath` then
<nh2> Mic92: hmm that's weird though, because I _want_ the nix rpaths in, it just seems that the openssl one is missing
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nicknovitski opened pull request #23412: nodePackages: regenerate package set with node2nix -6 (master...node2nix6) https://git.io/vynB0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23413: fcron-module: Add fcron user. Fixes #23320 (master...fcron-mod) https://git.io/vynBQ
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shanemikel opened pull request #23414: DUP: Add a script that "diffs" nix environment generations (master...nix-helper-scripts) https://git.io/vynR8
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<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: no good. I can't boot it. I've tried those instructions, others, and netbootin. *shrug*
<spacekitteh> so like
<spacekitteh> something in the last two weeks broke my DNS setup
<spacekitteh> i can't lookup names anymore
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23417: ttylog: 0.26 -> 0.29 (master...ttylog) https://git.io/vynuP
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<dtzWill> lol the matrix netsplits xD
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<wrl> hah
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23419: tty-clock: 0.1 -> 2.3 (master...tty-clock) https://git.io/vynzO
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23420: ttfautohint: 1.3 -> 1.6 (master...ttfautohint) https://git.io/vynzy
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyngM
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3f11670 Dan Peebles: buildbot-master module: fix overly restrictive option type for masterCfg
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23421: trash-cli: -> (master...trash-cli) https://git.io/vyn22
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23422: smc: 6.3.0 -> 6.6.0 (master...smc) https://git.io/vynam
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<puffnfresh> why does nixpkgs-channels exist?
<puffnfresh> could it be part of nixpkgs instead?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel opened pull request #23423: fricas: 1.2.2 -> 1.3.1 (master...fricas) https://git.io/vynax
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<gchristensen> puffnfresh: what is that?
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<puffnfresh> gchristensen: coworker asked why https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels is separate to the main repo
<gchristensen> ah
<gchristensen> access control :)
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<puffnfresh> cool, thought it'd be something like that, thanks
<gchristensen> yep, there maybe be other reasons, but I don't know them. ACL is definitely a feature though
<spacekitteh> does anyone know of any changes made to DNS lookups in the last two-three weeks?
<gchristensen> no, has the problem persisted through reboots?
<spacekitteh> yeah
<spacekitteh> :\
<gchristensen> :(
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<spacekitteh> what about the firewall?
<spacekitteh> my setup is local bind -> dnscrypt-proxy -> actual lookup
<spacekitteh> the dnscrypt-proxy part seems to work
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23424: scanmem: 0.15.6 -> 0.16 (master...scanmem) https://git.io/vynVg
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23425: s6-portable-utils: -> (master...s6-portable-utils) https://git.io/vynVN
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<ndowens08> One gripe about google, they start something then discontinues something all the time
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23426: lzip: 1.17 -> 1.18 (master...lzip) https://git.io/vynwM
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<arcetera_temp> so I'm trying to dual-boot NixOS and Windows 10 on a terrible Acer laptop and I'm facing issues with systemd-boot
<arcetera_temp> namely: for some strange reason the UEFI firmware on the laptop only acknowledges the presence of a boot manager in /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
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<arcetera_temp> when trying to copy systemd-boot to that location and copying the actual Windows bootmgfw.efi to bootmgfw2.efi, then creating a different systemd-boot entry, it works fine until bootmgfw2.efi is deleted; I don't know whether this is the fault of Windows or NixOS but it's probably Windows
<arcetera_temp> tl;dr my laptop is terrible, please send help
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] kristoff3r opened pull request #23427: Add extraConfig option to bluetooth module (master...feature/bluetooth-config) https://git.io/vynoP
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] clemensmanert opened pull request #23428: Feat mate terminal init (master...feat-mate-terminal-init) https://git.io/vynK6
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] clemensmanert opened pull request #23429: Update 1.16 -> 1.17 (master...update-mate-1.17.0) https://git.io/vyn6U
<spacekitteh> is anyone able to help me figure out my dns problem? :(
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rnhmjoj opened pull request #23430: libchop: fix package (master...libchop) https://git.io/vyniG
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<spacekitteh> ):
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<spacekitteh> if i've run nix-channel --update but haven't nixos-rebuild switch to a newer version, how can i tell where the version of nixpkgs my system was build with?
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<johnw_> how do I manually run the buildPhase for a haskell project again? I remember there's some script or special fu you have to execute...
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<johnw_> n/m, we figured it out
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] veprbl opened pull request #23432: darwin.Libsystem: export i386 symbols (master...libsystem386) https://git.io/vynDe
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<Mic92> devoid: ^ (This message has been postponed on 2017-03-02 23:22:52.)
<Mic92> devoid: maybe autorandr is faster than your login manager (This message has been postponed on 2017-03-02 23:23:08.)
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<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: are you trying to boot legacy-BIOS-boot USB drive created by these instructions in the UEFI mode?
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<amosbird> hi
<amosbird> does nix-env -i change default env?
<amosbird> if i do nix-env -i gcc, will it be the new compiler?
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<amosbird> hmm, what does this mean https://paste.wentropy.com/KmwW ?
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<amosbird> um, how can I get --help working? https://paste.wentropy.com/02St
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<LnL> amosbird: export MANPATH=$HOME/.nix-profile/share/man:$MANPATH
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vyn9K
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging a1f6b8b Frederik Rietdijk: Python 3.6 fixup expat and libffi, fixes #23406
<LnL> but that should just work
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<LnL> and with nix you generally don't want to install compilers, but rather use nix-build or nix-shell
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<xeviox> hi guys, can I set a value (env variable) trough running a bash command in a nix expression?
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<xeviox> or is there an embedded function that returns the real path to the nix file that is currently executed. Using the path "./." it returns a path that points in the nix-store where the current folder is mapped read-only
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<LnL> the build directory? $sourceRoot
<xeviox> the nix expression is in a directory like /home/user/someFolder
<xeviox> now I want to set the location into an env variable when I use nix-shell to create a shell from the expression (like: "export SRC=/home/user/someFolder")
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vynQu
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5e267f6 Will Dietz: llvm4.0: rc2 -> rc3...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6f6c06a Will Dietz: llvm4.0: Rename "4.0" (and _40) to "4" (and _4)....
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 92f454e Vladimír Čunát: Merge #23408: llvm: 4.0rc2 -> 4rc3...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #23408: llvm: 4.0rc2 -> 4rc3 (master...feature/llvm-4-rc3) https://git.io/vynng
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vynQg
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 8639a3e Vladimír Čunát: Merge #23408: llvm: 4.0rc2 -> 4rc3...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vynFI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 09a593b Peter Simons: Drop obsolete, unmaintained haskell.packages.lts-x_y package sets....
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vynFY
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 e42bc77 Peter Simons: Drop obsolete, unmaintained haskell.packages.lts-x_y package sets....
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix closed pull request #23094: pythonPackages: add pyhepmc, graphviz; bump rootpy (master...for_upstream) https://git.io/vDjRi
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cpages pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vynAD
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 86a1d6f Carles Pagès: pfixtools: fix build with unbound-1.6.1
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cpages pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vynAQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 1e95b66 Carles Pagès: pfixtools: fix build with unbound-1.6.1...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sometimes-i-send-pull-requests opened pull request #23435: pam_ssh_agent_auth: Re-allow multiple authorized keys files (master...pam_ssh_agent_auth-multiple-authorized-keys-files) https://git.io/vynpe
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vynh2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 e7af408 Eric Bailey: erlangR19: 19.2 -> 19.2.3...
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<LnL> globin: ^ oh, updates like that still end up in 17.03?
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<amosbird> well
<amosbird> I still cannot find a use case of nix :)
<Havvy> amosbird: I've hosed my OS a few times doing upgrades...but each time I've been able to go back to a previous working configuration.
<ben> installing packages seems like a good use case
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<goibhniu> development environments and declarative configuration are also pretty good use cases IMO
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vycvq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3948891 Alexander Kirchhoff: pam_ssh_agent_auth: Re-allow multiple authorized keys files...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7174dca Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #23435 from sometimes-i-send-pull-requests/pam_ssh_agent_auth-multiple-authorized-keys-files...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixops] rbvermaa pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vycfT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixops/master a6e8fc1 Rob Vermaas: Revert change that removed evaluation from backup. Still needed at the moment.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixops] rbvermaa pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vycfO
<NixOS_GitHub> nixops/master 5f01191 Rob Vermaas: Update version
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<Seichi> i want to set up a specific user's crontab via nix expressions
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vycUG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 2f4003b Domen Kožar: haskellPackages.http-api-data: dontCheck
<Seichi> have anyone tried this ?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vycUW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a32a00e Domen Kožar: haskellPackages.http-api-data: dontCheck...
<bennofs> goibhniu: your yoshimi package seems broken
<bennofs> goibhniu: it installs into $out/'$out'
<bennofs> goibhniu: is this intentional?
<goibhniu> hrm, I haven't used it in a while, but it has worked ... lemme check
<bennofs> I'm finding a few weird packages right now going through nixpkgs file listings :)
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<goibhniu> ah, it was upgraded two days ago
<goibhniu> ah no, that hasn't been merged ... anyway, thanks I'll add an issue and take a look at it (probably not until next week though)
<bennofs> goibhniu: just removing -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR seems to do the trick
<goibhniu> indeed, that's part of the PR
<bennofs> oh ok then :)
<goibhniu> wanna take it for a spin, and then merge?
<bennofs> goibhniu: i can't test runtime, since I never used the package
<goibhniu> ok cool, yeah it's a bit tricky to use
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<bennofs> rdnfhcwlrqihgz8ab31pm7cck4ng0c78-mpDris2/@DATADIRNAME@
<bennofs> that looks broken as well :D
<bennofs> Perhaps we should have a lint over the nixpkgs file listings for packages?
<bennofs> Like $out containing directories named nix/store, or 'bin' in subdirectories
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<bennofs> Is there a difference between $prefix and $out?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cpages pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyckU
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0f9517e Carles Pagès: hexen: mark as broken...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #23436: pythonPackages.dateutil: 2.5.3 -> 2.6.0 (master...update_dateutil) https://git.io/vyckt
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cpages pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyckm
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 026cca4 Carles Pagès: hexen: mark as broken...
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<samae> How can I find what package requires the dependency `webkitgtk-2.4.11`, knowing that this package is prevented to be installed for security reasons
<samae> I wonder what is depending on it
<samae> (so of course nix-store -q --referrers won't work)
<clever> samae: did --show-trace say anything?
<samae> nothing I can parse : )
<samae> I'll paste it to you
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] qknight opened pull request #23437: tlspool: init at 20170123 (master...tlspool_init) https://git.io/vycLv
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<LnL> what are you using at the argument for nix-store?
<samae> that's the answer of `nixos-rebuild test`
<samae> meh, ok I think it's coming from… mu?
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<clever> samae: line 58, i think the problem webkit is in mu
<clever> and mu is somehow tied to systemd and dbus
<LnL> samae: try nix-store -q --tree $(nix-instantiate '<nixos/nixos>' -A system)
<clever> samae: can you pastebin your configuration.nix?
<samae> that makes no sense… to be tied to an old version of webkitgtk
<clever> you have mu in your systemPackages
<samae> Sure I do
<clever> can you try just removing mu and see what happens?
<samae> seems to be going ok
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<clever> and i confirmed, mu fails to eval on nixpkgs master
<samae> ok
<clever> LnL: so that nix-intantiate will probably also fail
<samae> funny, last commit on mu was «mu: allow gtk-free builds»
<samae> ah there's a config flag «withMug»
<clever> which default to true on linux
<samae> :'(
<clever> and if false, it just lacks webkit support
<clever> (mu.override { withMug = false; })
<clever> if you put that into systemPackages, youll get a webkit-less mu
<samae> yes, I'm doing this : )
<samae> that's not a problem for me, but still, this should build against a more recent version of webkitgtk (for others)
<clever> and checking the webkit 2.4 file, i see meta.knownVulnerabilities is set
<clever> i havent seen that before, but it explains the failure
<clever> either mu needs to use a newer webkit, or webkit needs a version bump
<jophish_> I have two machines, a fixed hash of nixpkgs, yet I'm getting two different derivations for the same attribute
<jophish_> what could account for this
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<clever> jophish_: the outpath or the .drv path?
<samae> thanks for the help clever (and LnL)
<jophish_> clever: the drv path and contents
<jophish_> It's my own derivation
<clever> jophish_: the .drv path depends on the nix version used to eval it, but the $out of the drv doesnt
<jophish_> clever: ah, you're right
<jophish_> the out path is the same for both
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyctr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 410bba8 Benno Fünfstück: libbladeRF: fix udev rule location in $out...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1f7fe3d Benno Fünfstück: vbam: fix location of etc in output...
<clever> the hashes on the .drv tree, ignore fixed-output rules, and depend on the hashes of the curl nix was built against
<bennofs> should fixes for packages also be pushed to release-17.03?
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<bennofs> (like the two commits I just pushed)
<clever> while the $out inside those, obey fixed-output rules, and cut the impurity off at the source
<clever> bennofs: id think that you can open a PR againt 17.03 to fix bugs it has, it just wont gain version bumps or new features
<bennofs> clever: oh so I can't just cherry-pick them to the release branch?
<clever> oh, if you have push, then cherry-pick should also work
<bennofs> clever: ok done
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vycqq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 e2773cd Benno Fünfstück: vbam: fix location of etc in output...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 e13f6d3 Benno Fünfstück: libbladeRF: fix udev rule location in $out...
<clever> heh, and nixos saves the day again!
<clever> i cant "zpool events" because my zfs utils got upgraded, and are incompatible with the kernel
<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# /run/booted-system/sw/bin/zpool events -v
<clever> this is the zfs version i had at boot, solved!
<globin> bennofs: i normally additionally go through all commits on master and cherry pick stuff
<bennofs> globin: oh okay good to know :)
<jophish_> thanks for the help, clever!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vycqD
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 75c3f00 Robin Gloster: libclc: fix evaluation
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vycqH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 4f49944 Robin Gloster: libclc: fix evaluation...
<pem__> Hi, I'm trying to update buildRustPackage with the new versions of cargo, and I'm running into a weird bug
<pem__> cargo --locked works fine when sources are fetched from a .tar.gz
<pem__> but fails when they come from a git repository
<pem__> Any clue what the difference might be?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pradeepchhetri opened pull request #23439: kafka: -> (master...kafka- https://git.io/vycmv
<NixOS_GitHub> [hydra] edolstra pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vycmk
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master 7c3e5c9 Eelco Dolstra: Include nix/config.h
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master 500c27e Eelco Dolstra: Add hydra.conf option "nar_buffer_size" to configure memoryTokens limit...
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master edebdf3 Eelco Dolstra: hydra-queue-runner: Handle SIGINT
<the-kenny> pem__: what does "fail" mean in your case?
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<pem__> "cargo fetch --locked" doesn't download anything, and complains it'd like to touch Cargo.lock, but can't
<pem__> (it shouldn't touch Cargo.lock, btw)
<jophish_> hmm, nix-store -q --roots /path shows nothing
<jophish_> however --delete says it's still alive
<jophish_> I could --ignore-liveness, but that doesn't feel good
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<clever> jophish_: ive broken everything with --ignore-liveness
<clever> jophish_: of note, -q --roots can check /proc for any open files, and env variables
<clever> jophish_: double-check these things: #1 ls -l /proc/*/fd/* | grep path
<clever> jophish_: #2 grep path /proc/*/maps
<clever> jophish_: #3 grep path /proc/*/environ
<jophish_> clever: a few environs match
<jophish_> but I can't imagine why!
<clever> jophish_: now run strings on the matching environ, and grep that
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<clever> what comes out?
<jophish_> ah, it's in another user's PATH
<clever> you will need to kill that process before nix can delete it
<jophish_> cool, thanks clever!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vycOL
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 253d736 Benno Fünfstück: boinc: fix location of /etc in $out...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a8458bb Benno Fünfstück: ffcast: remove unnecessary DESTDIR=$out...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vycOu
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ac59212 Benno Fünfstück: xrectsel: remove unnecessary DESTDIR=$out...
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<jophish_> clever: do you know why -q --roots can't find those references, but nix-store --delete can?
<LnL> clever: oh, nix-store --gc will check /proc for liveness?
<clever> LnL: yeah
<clever> jophish_: i think it can find them, but isnt listing them
<LnL> jophish_: I think nix-store -q commands just use the nix db
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<LnL> clever: I thought it didn't because of the temporary root that's created when running nix-shell
<clever> LnL: an open shell can block nix-store --delete
<spacekitteh> anyone know anything about any firewall or DNS changes in the last two-three weeks in nixpkgs?
<clever> LnL: ive even seen that "sudo nix-store --delete" will fail 100% of the time, because sudo is "using" the path your trying to get rid of
<LnL> clever: :p
<steveeJ> I don't see a difference for import and callPackage for me. I still need to pass arguments that are defined in the scope for the latter
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<spacekitteh> hey clever, you're clever. any idea about this? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/23431
<spacekitteh> :P
<clever> steveeJ: callPackage will find unspecified arguments in pkgs., and it adds .override
<clever> steveeJ: i have 2 dns servers running with bind on nixos, no issues on them, though one is on 16.09, and another is an older copy of unstable
<clever> spacekitteh: oops, wrong s name
<chakerbenhamed> I have an application with nodejs modules with are defined in node-packages.nix. When I deploy it using nixops I can't access any module however they exist in the /nix/store
<steveeJ> clever: specifically in the set "pkgs"?
<spacekitteh> clever: hmm
<clever> spacekitteh: i havent used dnscrypt, but i can help debug it more, what does /etc/resolv.conf contain?
<spacekitteh> it was something in the last 2-3 weeks
<LnL> steveeJ: let callPackage = lib.callPackageWith { foo = 1; }; in callPackage ({ foo }: foo) {}
<dannyg> i ran into the problem that my nixos-rebuild switch keeps hanging, when i run it verbose it stops at "acquiring global GC lock ‘/nix/var/nix/gc.lock’" how can i figure out what is locking it, how do i get my switch working again?
<clever> steveeJ: pkgs.callPackage will search pkgs for unspecified stuff, and "callPackage = pkgs.newScope self" will search self, then pkgs
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<clever> dannyg: what does this return? "ls -l /proc/*/fd/* | grep gc.lock"
<steveeJ> clever: I don't even have self in my derivation :-)
<steveeJ> LnL: thanks, I'll think my way through that
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<clever> steveeJ: self and newScope are extra stuff, if you wanted to add another level to its search scope
<chakerbenhamed> and when I execute `npm list` it prints 'empty'
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<steveeJ> how can I give the current scope a name?
<LnL> steveeJ: pkgs.callPackage does that but { foo = 1; } is the pkgs attrset, making it easy to access all the attributes
<spacekitteh> clever: hmm, lemme figure out how to test this while still keeping connected to irc :P
<clever> spacekitteh: irc is tcp, so it cant be disconnected by changing dns, but it will loose the ability to re-connect by name
<clever> dannyg: ah, nothing found, any different if you run that as root?
<dannyg> this was as root
<spacekitteh> clever: yeah i know but nixos-rebuild switch is weird
<spacekitteh> clever:
<spacekitteh> # Generated by resolvconf
<spacekitteh> domain lan
<spacekitteh> nameserver
<spacekitteh> options edns0
<clever> spacekitteh: ok, so it wants to use localhost as the only dns server, netstat -anp | grep 53, is anything listening on port 53?
<spacekitteh> nope
<clever> tcp6 0 0 :::53 :::* LISTEN 6109/named
<clever> then thats why it isnt working
<dannyg> i tried to kill nix-daemon to try to resolve the issue, so that could be why there is a weird state
<clever> spacekitteh: systemctl status bind
<clever> dannyg: that might be it, try rebooting
<spacekitteh> active (running)
<clever> spacekitteh: sudo netstat -anp | grep named
<dannyg> any way i can do this without rebooting, running server and all that
<spacekitteh> clever: nothing
<clever> spacekitteh: ps aux | grep named
<spacekitteh> it's <defunct>
<clever> then bind isnt even running, journalctl -u bind -f -n 200
<clever> into a pastebin
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<spacekitteh> clever: http://pastebin.com/4LEgYaYW
<clever> it claims to be running normaly, but if all you see if a defunct, then it somehow crashed
<clever> can you pastebin "ps -eH x"
<LnL> ^ grep clever irc.log | xargs bash -c
<clever> lol
<spacekitteh> clever: http://pastebin.com/Tj7FnQJi
<clever> so the named crashed, but the bash script bind-start hasnt reaped the dead children
<clever> spacekitteh: can you pastebin /nix/store/qczk8fm9jj9npmxrkg5r3skfb05p6ahs-unit-script/bin/bind-start ?
<spacekitteh> clever:
<spacekitteh> #! /nix/store/010yd8jls8w4vcnql4zhjbnyp2yay5pl-bash-4.4-p5/bin/bash -e
<clever> the problem appears to be 2 things, named crashed, and bash hasnt called waitpid() to collect the child
<spacekitteh> /nix/store/barq9wf0rm61zphrmpd1v29sgd7pch0d-bind-9.10.4-P6/sbin/named -u named -c /nix/store/r7nvzp062z27rgkwabqxxmn8m1ikifxl-named.conf -f
<hyper_ch> clever: how's LE doing?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyccc
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bb9a37a Robin Gloster: ikarus: remove...
<clever> hyper_ch: once i fixed the domain in the config, it worked perfectly in seconds
<hyper_ch> for me it takes 2 min :(
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nico202 opened pull request #23440: qnotero: fix #23438 (master...qnotero-fix) https://git.io/vyccB
<clever> spacekitteh: nix-store --verify --check-contents $(nix-store -qR /nix/store/qczk8fm9jj9npmxrkg5r3skfb05p6ahs-unit-script)
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<clever> spacekitteh: and nix-store --verify --check-contents $(nix-store -qR /nix/store/barq9wf0rm61zphrmpd1v29sgd7pch0d-bind-9.10.4-P6)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vycCI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d88721e Daiderd Jordan: modules: add support for module replacement with disabledModules...
<spacekitteh> is that the right syntax
<clever> going entirely by memory
<clever> ah, that command expects no arguments
<spacekitteh> indeed
<clever> and just checks it all, nix-store --verify --check-contents
<clever> slower, but that also works
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] oxij opened pull request #23441: Pkg/pretty xen (master...pkg/pretty-xen) https://git.io/vycCX
<spacekitteh> clever: done, nothing to report
<clever> spacekitteh: only thing i can think of then is to give memtest86 a run and see what it finds, oh, and the memtest on nixos is broken
<spacekitteh> clever: it works fine for my previous generation
* hyper_ch throws some spacecatnip into the channel
<spacekitteh> :
<spacekitteh> :3
<clever> spacekitteh: i cant think of anything else to check, but something is clearly wrong for that defunc to stay around
<clever> spacekitteh: what if you try restarting the bind service with "systemctl restart bind" ?
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<spacekitteh> seems to hang
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<hyper_ch> :(
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<globin> spacekitteh: memtest86+ is not broken
<globin> afaik
<clever> globin: on nixos-unstable, after running for about 2 hours, it finds a problem around 256mb into the ram
<spacekitteh> interesting, dnscrypt-proxy seems to not be loaded in the new generation
<clever> globin: on 4 different systems, with radicaly different hardware, and even qemu
<globin> clever: is there a bug report on that?
<clever> globin: i think i saw one, i had narrowed it down to hardening flags, but forgot to comment on the issue
<globin> clever: that is for memtest86 not memtest86+?
<globin> memtest86 was removed a few days ago i think
<clever> globin: i was testing the one from boot.loader.grub.memtest86.enable = true;
<clever> which appears to be the + version
<globin> clever: I'll have a look
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyc8C
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 913aae4 Vladimír Čunát: luajitPackages.mpack.meta.broken = true...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyc88
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 5b0c9d4 Vladimír Čunát: luajitPackages.mpack.meta.broken = true...
<spacekitteh> hmmmmm
<spacekitteh> it looks like apparmor is throwing a fit
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<clever> i recently had to deal with apparmor blocking bind from reading zone files
<clever> every standard test said it should have been able to read them, and even running cat as the bind user could read them
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<xeviox> hi guys, how can I update a specific package configured in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix ?
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<goibhniu> hi xeviox, without updating your system?
<xeviox> goibhniu: updating the system would be OK to
<xeviox> but currently its providing kind of old version for Atom
<xeviox> and I want to use a newer one
<goibhniu> xeviox cool: `nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade`
<xeviox> goibhniu: thanks :D, can I see which version will be used after upgrading?
<goibhniu> if that isn't new enough, you could use another channel
<goibhniu> you can do dry-run instead of switch
<xeviox> so there is no kind of registry where I can see what's currently available in my channel?
<xeviox> (will start the upgrade :D)
<goibhniu> you can also use e.g. `nix-env -qaP | grep atom`
<goibhniu> (if that user is using the same channel as the system)
<goibhniu> the other command you'll want to know is `nix-channel --update`
<xeviox> nix-env -qaP is showing Atom 1.9.9 which I'm already using :/
<goibhniu> xeviox: http://funops.co/nix-cookbook/nix-by-example/ might be handy
<goibhniu> ah ok, what channel are you using?
<xeviox> nix-channel --list isn't printing anything o.O
<goibhniu> try it as root
<goibhniu> cool, 15.03 hasn't been released yet, but you could consider using it or nixos-unstable ... you can also decide to just install particular packages from another channel
<goibhniu> check in the github repo first though, to see if it has a newer atom
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 3 new commits to staging: https://git.io/vycBq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 5060f22 Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'master' into staging
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging d5d7fcb Vladimír Čunát: snappy: performance update 1.1.3 -> 1.1.4...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging da34670 Vladimír Čunát: snappy: split into multiple outputs...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cillianderoiste pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vycBO
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 56f5eaa Bart Brouns: yoshimi: 1.4.1 -> 1.5.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 175a58d goibhniu: Merge pull request #23339 from magnetophon/yoshimi...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vycBP
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fb40889 Domen Kožar: mk-python-derivation: remove me as maintainer...
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<smw_> clever: you around?
<clever> yes
<smw_> clever: I am now able to load the nix repl, nix-repl /root/nixpkgs/nixos/ -I nixos-config=/root/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/sd-image-armv7l-multiplatform.nix
<smw_> clever: can't find sdImage
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nand0p opened pull request #23444: Pylint 1.6.5 (master...pylint-1.6.5) https://git.io/vycRr
<clever> what does it show?
<smw_> what am I looking for?
<smw_> :-)
<smw_> Loading ‘/root/nixpkgs/nixos/’...
<smw_> Added 6 variables.
<clever> jsut pastebin everything in build
<clever> config.system.build
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<smw_> clever: welp. I am confused again. Let me recap what I have done: first I ran nix-repl in my tmux shell and everything worked fine but there was no easy way to copy the output. So I exitted tmux and tried again. Then I realized I never setup my env properly so I added .nix-profile/bin to my path. Then I ran nix-repl and got a different result:
<smw_> nix-repl> :p config.system.build
<smw_> { binsh = «derivation /nix/store/a8ksg6dn4dhiahiqcj4jj0jri4l7fyi8-bash-4.4-p5.drv»; bootStage1 = «derivation /nix/store/byp2d25scm8wx7al8xhf0l9jy50spfmk-stage-1-init.sh.drv»; bootStage2 = error: infinite recursion encountered, at undefined position
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<smw_> clever: but this worked fine in my tmux session
<clever> smw_: exactly what arguments did you run nix-repl with and what was the value of $NIX_PATH?
<smw_> hm, in the good case I had NIX_LINK=/root/.nix-profile... I will add that
<clever> i believe NIX_LINK has no effect on nix-repl
<smw_> anyways, nixpath = /root. Command: nix-repl /root/nixpkgs/nixos/ -I nixos-config=/root/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/sd-image-armv7l-multiplatform.nix
<LnL> oh, -I works with nix-repl?
<clever> LnL: yeah
<smw_> { binsh = «derivation /nix/store/a8ksg6dn4dhiahiqcj4jj0jri4l7fyi8-bash-4.4-p5.drv»; bootStage1 = «derivation /nix/store/byp2d25scm8wx7al8xhf0l9jy50spfmk-stage-1-init.sh.drv»; bootStage2 = warning: dumping very large path (> 256 MiB); this may run out of memory
<clever> smw_: thats interesting, how much ram and swap do you have?
<gchristensen> domenkozar: you done with python? now for real?
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<smw_> clever: 1GB ram, 4GB swap
<clever> smw_: when the above finishes, does it show more?
<smw_> I haven't let it finished before, it is running now
<gchristensen> ndowens is a machine!
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<smw_> clever: it appears to be disk heavy
<clever> smw_: yeah, it hash to hash tne entire copy of nixpkgs
<smw_> very little CPU usage and ram usage is high, but not 1GB
<clever> smw_: oh, and because its a git clone, that includes the .git dir and all history
<smw_> crap
<clever> smw_: moving the .git out of nixpkgs temporarily may
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<gchristensen> or filtersrc
<clever> you can move it back after
<domenkozar> gchristensen: yes
<clever> gchristensen: its an internal reference within nixpkgs, would be more complex to find that
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<dannyg> clever: the hanging 'nixos-rebuild switch' turned out be an issue with sync hanging on a NFS backup mount (temporary fix environment var NIXOS_NO_SYNC=1)
<gchristensen> domenkozar: congratulations :)
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<clever> dannyg: ah, yeah, nfs is often a pain like that
<domenkozar> gchristensen: I haven't written much python in last 2 years
<smw_> clever: it still works in my tmux session!
<smw_> clever: wtf?
<xeviox> goibhniu: thanks for the info :D, I'll read up on updating from a repository
<domenkozar> gchristensen: well, 1.5y
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<gchristensen> hmmm yeah I haven't done much for about 6mo now, but instsead moved back to ruby ;)
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<clever> smw_: try running "env > /tmp/a" in tmux, and then "env > /tmp/b" outside, then "diff -u /tmp/a /tmp/b"
<smw_> clever: from tmux: http://pastebin.com/Q6bdgMDR
<smw_> clever: I extracted that with echo ":p config.system.build" | nix-repl /root/nixpkgs/nixos/ -I nixos-config=/root/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/sd-image-armv7l-multiplatform.nix > tmp.out
<smw_> clever: env difference: http://pastebin.com/h6qzBkVj
<clever> smw_: :p is a bit too verbose, try with just "config.system.build"
<smw_> env1 is root
<clever> smw_: NIXOS_CONFIG is your problem, that has higher priority then -I nixos-config
<smw_> err, env2 is tmux, also as root
<clever> smw_: that is causing it to 100% ignore the sd-image file
<smw_> hah
<domenkozar> gchristensen: :D
<smw_> clever: that explains a lot
<clever> smw_: on nixos, that path is supposed to be set via $NIX_PATH
<smw_> clever: that was probably my problem all along
<clever> [root@router:~]# echo $NIX_PATH
<clever> /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos:nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix:/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels
<gchristensen> only out of duress though, work made me
<clever> smw_: yeah, that would explain everything
<clever> smw_: if you switch over to setting nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix in $NIX_PATH, then you can easily override it with -I nixos-config= at any time
<smw_> meh, I just unset it
<smw_> clever: ok, just told it to build the sd card image.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vycEh
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fc57e63 Robin Gloster: scid: fix build
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<smw_> clever: nm, cancelling so I can move .git out of the dir
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edanaher opened pull request #23445: init: pebble-sdk at 4.5 (master...pebblesdk) https://git.io/vycut
<smw_> clever: thanks for being patient with me :-)
<clever> yep :)
<gchristensen> guh I would really like to turn off travis for nix
<gchristensen> I get so much spam from travis about nixpkgs builds
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<smw_> clever: well, I will probably ping you later today or tomorrow :-P. Running time nix-build nixos -I nixos-config=nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/sd-image-armv7l-multiplatform.nix -A config.system.build.sdImage
<clever> yeah, that will probably take a while
<clever> i have my hydra setup to pre-build a few base packages, and it can take a week to catch up after nixpkgs changes
<smw_> gchristensen: not until you setup arm hydra! :-P
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: ping
<clever> it has spent the last 2 hours on a linux 4.4 kernel
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<Dezgeg> pong
<LnL> gchristensen: what's the state of pr builds? I have not heard anything about it in a while
<smw_> anyways, see you guys later
<gchristensen> LnL: *hides*
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<gchristensen> Dezgeg: if you happen to be available to help setup some ARM bootstrapping, I'm available to do that this morning for the next ~4 horus
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<LnL> just wondering what happend, apart from the diff it seemed to work pretty well
<clever> gchristensen: i may also be able to answer some arm related questions
<gchristensen> LnL: as you know it was quite expensive
<Dezgeg> sure, in a hour or two... getting off a train and eating soon
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<gchristensen> LnL: we started moving the code over to hydra.nixos.org, but decided additional controls would be important. ie: only let PRs build when approved by a trusted person. well then that gets more complicated
<gchristensen> like we need to trigger a build for the particular sha at that time, not just "pull and build". It also means we need to verify the messages from GitHub, we can't trust just any input to be correct.
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<gchristensen> I started to build that, but then I thought it'd be better to use NixBot, and then it was close, and just a few days of work, and here we are. :(
<magnetophon> goibhniu: Do you by any chance have kdenlive installed? IIRC it used to work with jack. Could you check?
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<gchristensen> I need to relocate. back in a bit.
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<goibhniu> hi magnetophon: unfortunately, I don't ... I have a feeling it worked with jack too though
<LnL> gchristensen: right, just wondering. do you have that in a repo somewhere?
<goibhniu> magnetophon: or maybe I'm confusing it with blender
<goibhniu> magnetophon: it would probably be melt which enables support for jack
<goibhniu> (MLT)
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<goibhniu> magnetophon: and mlt does include libjack2 as an input
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel opened pull request #23446: Qt 5.8 and Plasma 5.9 (staging...plasma-5.9) https://git.io/vyc2v
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] magnetophon opened pull request #23447: kdenlive: phonon-backend-vlc -> phonon-backend-gstreamer (master...kdenlive) https://git.io/vyc2r
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyc2P
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 2f99269 Eelco Dolstra: Fix fatal "broken pipe" error when $NIX_BUILD_HOOK is missing
<Criena[m]> Hi there! What would be the "official"/best way to add python to a package (say for example nginx)?
<Criena[m]> Background: I have an external python script that handles the authentication via LDAP for nginx.
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<steveeJ> LnL: is "foo = l;" some magic trick or just an example?
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<LnL> no that's just a simple attribute set :)
<steveeJ> LnL: is there a trick to inherit all current attributes?
<LnL> why do you want that?
<clever> steveeJ: in an attrset you have a reference to?
<steveeJ> LnL: so callPackage will find all my own defined attributes which are outside of pkgs
<clever> steveeJ: thats what newScope is for
<steveeJ> clever: basically I need "self" and don't know how to get it
<clever> steveeJ: one sec
<steveeJ> and/or declare it
<LnL> ^ what newscope does would be similar to pkgs // { foo = 1; } in the example I gave
<clever> steveeJ: the callPackage made on line 3 is a new instance of callPackage, that will first search in self, then search in pkgs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #23444: Pylint 1.6.5 (master...pylint-1.6.5) https://git.io/vycRr
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<clever> oops, the with is wrong
<clever> updated the gist
<steveeJ> clever: so I still have to manually define what I want in the newScope
<LnL> steveeJ: another example would be callPackage = pkgs.newScope pkgs.pythonPackages; if you need a bunch of python dependencies
<clever> steveeJ: yeah
<steveeJ> got it. at least I don't have to repeat myself
<steveeJ> thanks LnL and clever
<clever> the main use i have for that, is when i'm making a dozen inter-connected derivations
<clever> they can depend on eachother via callPackage as if they where all in nixpkgs
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<magnetophon> goibhniu: thanks, I also looked at mlt, and saw jack there. I also googled a bit and it was unclear to me whether it even works on other systems yet.
<magnetophon> it being jack in kdenlive
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<goibhniu> magnetophon: that reminds me, synfig switched to mlt so that they could also have jack support ...
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<magnetophon> goibhniu: hmm, at any rate, it's not showing up in my latest build...
<goibhniu> magnetophon: does mlt mention it during the configuration?
<goibhniu> maybe it also requires some config switch
<clever> one of the json libraries ive used before, renamed the static and dynamic library flags, and silently ignored the old ones
<clever> it causes the nix package to contain only static libraries
<clever> and it still worked, so nobody noticed
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<magnetophon> goibhniu: idk, I'm getting mlt from cache.
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<clever> magnetophon: you can look that log up on hydra.nixos.org
<magnetophon> clever: thanks, didn't think of that
<goibhniu> BTW thanks for all the updates you've been doing magnetophon!
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<goibhniu> (and fixes)
<clever> magnetophon: and in the case of things you had built locally and didnt catch the log of, "nix-store -l /nix/store/foo"
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<magnetophon> clever: that's magic! :D
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<magnetophon> goibhniu: np, my pleasure.
<clever> magnetophon: nix saves all logs to /nix/var/log/nix
<magnetophon> Congrats everybody on having only 246 failing pkgs in 17.03!
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<magnetophon> hmm, https://hydra.nixos.org/build/49666977/log/raw only has the word jack as part of jackrack...
<magnetophon> I guess that can either mean it found jacklib or it's just not verry chatty...
<gchristensen> magnetophon: hmmm nice! have those patches been ported to unstable?
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<gchristensen> globin, domenkozar: what if we did the ZHF _before_ branch-off next time? (or as I mentioned to domen privately, more than once every 6mo)
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<domenkozar> gchristensen: it's painful since usually we get most commits before branch-off
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<gchristensen> I see
<domenkozar> and those are mostly breaking stuff
<domenkozar> :D
<domenkozar> so in other words, I don't see much benefit
<domenkozar> but it would be useful to do it a month before branch-off
<domenkozar> or every month
<domenkozar> or something :)
<gchristensen> yeah, makes sense
<clever> or just never allow hydra failures, lol
<domenkozar> well that would require some very substantial changes to our tooling and workflow
<domenkozar> that being said, I'm all for it
<gchristensen> +1
<magnetophon> gchristensen: which patches?
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<gchristensen> magnetophon: the ones fixing all the broken packages :)
<magnetophon> gchristensen: you mean have they been merged in 17.03?
<gchristensen> no, I wan to be sure they are also fixed in unstable
<gchristensen> as unstable still has over a thousand failures
<magnetophon> gchristensen: they are all PRs to master, so will get put into unstable. I think I still don't get the question, sorry.
<gchristensen> but `git checkout master; git merge release-17.03 --no-ff` seems to suggest it has
<gchristensen> the root of the question is, how does 17.03 have only a couple hundred, and unstable has over a thousand?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyc6x
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 9e11df2 Frederik Rietdijk: Python 3.4: fixup expat and libffi, fixes #23325...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 c7808fd Frederik Rietdijk: Python 3.6 fixup expat and libffi, fixes #23406...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyciZ
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 5a1fb03 Eelco Dolstra: build-remote: Misc cleanup
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 7f62be1 Eelco Dolstra: build-remote: Fix passing SSH key
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #23336: eflite: init at 0.4.1 (master...eflite) https://git.io/vy3Jr
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #23332: pandas: Mark broken in i686.See #23253. (master...zbf-pandas) https://git.io/vyOMZ
<magnetophon> I'm guessing https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/23253#issuecomment-283368746 has a lot to do with it.
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<magnetophon> ie haskell pkgs being marked broken
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vycid
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 6431f49 Tom Hunger: pandas: Mark broken in i686.See #23253....
<gchristensen> ahh cool, magnetophon
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<gchristensen> my tolerance of this new laptop is plummeting...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix closed pull request #23436: pythonPackages.dateutil: 2.5.3 -> 2.6.0 (master...update_dateutil) https://git.io/vyckt
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh reopened pull request #23436: pythonPackages.dateutil: 2.5.3 -> 2.6.0 (master...update_dateutil) https://git.io/vyckt
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] magnetophon opened pull request #23449: beast: mark as broken (master...beast) https://git.io/vycX9
<magnetophon> I can play the broken game too! :)
<nwspk> I'm writing a small C-program which should notify the user with libnoitfy
<gchristensen> "broken is the mark of the beast"
<nwspk> However, if I'm trying to compile my source from a shell (nix-shell -p libnotify) I got an error:
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel closed pull request #23423: fricas: 1.2.2 -> 1.3.1 (master...fricas) https://git.io/vynax
<nwspk> /nix/store/s2d78l23nymlzmvxbwcy8d100c0dh98f-libnotify-0.7.6/include/libnotify/notify.h:25:18: fatal error: glib.h: No such file or directory
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<nwspk> Does anyone know why libnoitfy can't find the glib.h?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel closed pull request #23388: NixOS: Plasma 5 tests and warnings (master...nixos-plasma5) https://git.io/vyG14
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyc1l
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 136f77b Eelco Dolstra: nixos-rebuild: Sync /nix/store only...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3070c88 Eelco Dolstra: Fix incorrect $NIX_BUILD_HOOK on Nix 1.12
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3971876 Eelco Dolstra: nix-daemon: Remove a bunch of unnecessary environment variables
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyc1D
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3d3096b Bart Brouns: VoiceOfFaust: fix pitchTracker (#23394)
<symphorien> Maybe add -p glib ?
<clever> dannyg: i think he heard, lol :D
<nwspk> symphorien: I tried -p glib and -p glibc. Both didn't worked out
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<clever> nwspk: what did you then run under that nix-shell ?
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<symphorien> -p glib.dev ?
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<clever> nwspk: ah, i see the problem
<clever> /nix/store/dcha55b8i6xrrbx7bdzv5vakchhf4cvq-glib-2.50.2-dev/include/glib-2.0/glib.h
<clever> nwspk: glib.h is in include/glib-2.0, but only include is in the include path
<nwspk> symphorien: same problem
<clever> nwspk: glib is trying to prevent the kind of collisions that nix is designed to avoid, but it also breaks the logic nix adds to help make things work nicely
<nwspk> clever: how can I fix this/
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<clever> nwspk: you need to add -I${glib.dev}/include/glib-2.0 to the include path, -p pkgconfig and "pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0" will find it for you
<dannyg> clever: haha, he might have had something to do with finding the issue as well ;)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] magnetophon opened pull request #23450: simplescreenrecorder: 0.3.6 -> 0.3.8 (master...simplescreenrecorder) https://git.io/vycMF
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vycMA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0e2a8cd Bart Brouns: guitarix: webkitgtk2 -> webkitgtk (#23390)
<clever> dannyg: i usualy just check the process tree when i see something complex hang, have a look at "ps -eH x"
<nwspk> clever: I'm not sure if I got your answer right, but this also doesn't seem to work out
<clever> nwspk: what does "pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0" output?
<nwspk> clever: -I/nix/store/7w1pp05fzjn6xi91m2vndfp2dg0yk7f0-glib-2.48.2-dev/include/glib-2.0 -I/nix/store/2dvq5lj4kjxxrrfpmrkbr5yq34lnzj9d-glib-2.48.2/lib/glib-2.0/include
<nwspk> Oh wait. I had a typo in my last try.
<nwspk> Now the "gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h:" is missing..
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<clever> nwspk: it likely also has pkgconfig and the same issue, all glib stuff is designed like that
<clever> pkg-config --cflags gdk-pixbuf-2.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vycDX
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 d56cbf6 Bart Brouns: VoiceOfFaust: fix pitchTracker (#23394)...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 fbfb101 Bart Brouns: guitarix: webkitgtk2 -> webkitgtk (#23390)...
<qknight> why is the postgresql socket in /tmp?
<nwspk> clever: I'm just installing it first and going to try this out
<dannyg> clever: that's useful, i still need to look into _why_ the sync is failing
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<clever> dannyg: 99% of the time, the connection to the nfs server has died, and the kernel is just waiting forever for a reply
<clever> dannyg: because the mount was configured to never fail and to retry forever
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<dannyg> so in that case just kill the old processes, see whether it works, and maybe tweak those settings
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<clever> dannyg: as a quick check, does "df -h" hang?
<dannyg> clever: nope, that works fine
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<clever> dannyg: and it lists the nfs mount?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel opened pull request #23451: mesa: allow overriding driver compilation (master...mesa-drivers) https://git.io/vycyE
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<dannyg> yes, it's using about 10%
<clever> strange, what about "strace sync" ?
<nwspk> clever: worked out with `nix-shell -p pkgconfig -p libnotify -p glib.dev` and `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0 gdk-pixbuf-2.0`
<nwspk> Thank you ヽ(ヅ)ノ
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<clever> nwspk: -p can also accept multiple arguments at once
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<clever> dannyg: and backup-tud is your only nfs mount?
<nwspk> clever: oh… totally forgot that; shorter with `nix-shell -p pkgconfig glib.dev` and `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0 gdk-pixbuf-2.0 --libs libnotify` (just for the record)
<dannyg> clever: yes
<clever> dannyg: not sure then, sounds like an issue within the nfs config
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<dannyg> one thing i also found in ps, is some hanging rsync backup commands
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<clever> dannyg: maybe it isnt actualy hanging, but rather, there is a large back-log from rsync, and the sync from nixos-rebuild is waiting for that backlog to clear
<clever> dannyg: and when the backlog has gone thru fully, the sync will return, having done exactly what its meant to do
<clever> dannyg: ive noticed similar when i ran nixos from a uSD card in a usb adapter, abnormaly low write speeds combined with 16gigs of ram, it can buffer pretty massive amounts of data in ram
<clever> dannyg: that can be tracked in /proc/meminfo but i cant remember which field it is
<dannyg> wouldn't that show up in iotop?
<clever> not sure
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bcdarwin opened pull request #23452: edward: init at 1.2.2 (master...edward) https://git.io/vyc93
<dannyg> clever: we are suspecting it might be something related to trying to copy the permissions where the share actually doesn't allow that, at least we had a similar issue in the past
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyc98
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4ffa5fa Franz Pletz: urh: 1.3.3 -> 1.5.5
<steveeJ> is there a string mode so I don't have to escape ${?
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<steveeJ> mh, probably ".." instead of ''..''
<clever> steveeJ: builtins.readFile is the first thing that comes to my mind
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<johnw> I'm pretty sure '' will require escaping too
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<gchristensen> I'd like something that prompts me if I'm pushing more than one commit at a time. is a pre-push hook the best thing for that? :)
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<LnL> gchristensen: 17.03 has no darwin builds
<LnL> it's 200 on 17.03 vs 700 on unstable
<gchristensen> ohh
<clever> ah yeah, the channels never get darwin builds, only nixpkgs-unstable has darwin
<clever> release channels*
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vycQv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fb3853c Joachim Fasting: Revert "guitarix: webkitgtk2 -> webkitgtk (#23390)"...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vycQT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 86f6b49 Joachim Fasting: Revert "guitarix: webkitgtk2 -> webkitgtk (#23390)"...
<clever> joachifm: of note, mu is broken in master due to webkit stuff, i last checked a few hours ago
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #23329: httplab: init at 0.1.0 (master...httplab) https://git.io/vyOuu
<LnL> gchristensen: looks like you get the commits over stdin https://git-scm.com/docs/githooks#_pre_push
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<LnL> (look at the pre-push sample it checks for WIP commits)
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<gchristensen> hrmmm yeah this looks neat
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<gchristensen> I figure something is ~probably~ wrong if I'm trying to push more than one commit
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] qknight closed pull request #23437: tlspool: init at 20170123 (master...tlspool_init) https://git.io/vycLv
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyc7g
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master db2f87a Joachim Fasting: torchat: mark as broken...
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<nh2> peti: I just made a PR to hmatrix that should remove the need of the /dont/hardcode/paths thing
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] magnetophon opened pull request #23455: guitarix: remove webkit, add compile flags (master...guitarix) https://git.io/vychD
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<tnks> I'm about to do a small investigation into what it would take to get fetchFromGithub to work with private repos.
<jophish> tnks: we have that working already
<jophish> I think that clever posted something about it very recently
<tnks> jophish: awesome, that's why I thought I'd drop a mention in here first.
<tnks> is everything I need in nixpkgs already?
<jophish> I don't think we had to do anything particularly weird, let me see
<tnks> or is there some Nix expression I need to absorb?
<jophish> clever's the person to talk to
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<simpson> I'd love to know the details and will gladly work to validate and improve docs.
<tnks> by the way, I've been working on this project, and would appreciate feedback: https://github.com/shajra/example-nix
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<clever> tnks: will this be working under hydra or nix-build?
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<qknight> tnks: looks cool
<Kendos-Kenlen> Hi (Hydra o/ )
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<Kendos-Kenlen> I have a little question : is hydra centered around building Nix packages or is it a general purpose CI ?
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<qknight> Kendos-Kenlen: CI came later
<qknight> Kendos-Kenlen: but can be used for both very well
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<Kendos-Kenlen> Okay, so mainly nix pkgs
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<clever> Kendos-Kenlen: any kind of test you can wrap into a nix package can also be handled by hydra
<tnks> qknight: yeah, I've been excited about condensing into one project everything I've learned about Nix (and Nix+Haskell)
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<clever> Kendos-Kenlen: and the nixos testcases just run a full test as a qemu vm, and basicaly "compile" the test results when nix tries to "build" the test derivation
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<clever> tnks: do you want to fetch the private github from a hydra based build, or via nix-build?
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<Kendos-Kenlen> clever: i see
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<Kendos-Kenlen> But it's not a bad point, I was just wondering what was hydra main purpose. I think it's good if it's mainly centered around Nix
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<tnks> clever: I may not understand your question... mostly I want to replace my use of git submodules, but I use that mainly because it's an easy way to do authentication for multiple private repos in one step.
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<tnks> clever: so not in Hydra... in a company-internal nix-build.
<tnks> and we're not using Hydra internally.
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<tnks> (though maybe we should?)
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<clever> tnks: with these commands, you can fetch any private git repo, and fetchgitPrivate will have access to your ssh agent
<clever> tnks: and if you set the url to "git@github.com:user/project.git"; that also applied to github
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<tnks> hmm, whatis socat?
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<clever> tnks: its like cat, but it supports tcp sockets, udp sockets, unix sockets, programs, fifo's, and normal files
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<clever> tnks: in this case, its creating a new unix socket at /tmp/hax, and it will proxy all connections to the unix socket $SSH_AUTH_SOCK
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<tnks> clever: hmm, this seems a touch more hacky than I was expecting... so let me internalize what's going on here.
<clever> tnks: the reason for that, is that the git clone runs as nixbld1, and the ssh-agent thinks somebody is trying to steal access to the agent
<clever> tnks: so i need an socat instance that annonimizes the unix socket connections
<clever> there is an open issue to put agent forwarding directly into nix
<tnks> clever: okay, I'm seeing the picture better.
<tnks> is there a way to not mess with ssh-agent at all? I was expecting just to have an impureEnvVar pointing to a file with creds.
<tnks> kind of like how NIX_CURL_FLAGS works with --netrc-file.
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<clever> tnks: i prefer to not give the build users access to the private keys themselves, and there is an alternate solution, one sec
<tnks> clever: yeah, I can see how what I'm asking for is a compromise... it's just inside some companies (like the one's I work at), the Rube Goldberg machine is already large.
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<clever> tnks: the function in the gist will use an auth token made on github to grant curl access to private repos
<tnks> clever: cool, that looks more like what I was expecting.
<tnks> thanks.
<clever> i believe you can then make a dedicated github account for that, and grant it read-only access to your projects
<clever> even if somebody does manage to steal the token, its just read-only
<tnks> right, and you can disable the token too.
<clever> yep
<tnks> that sounds like the best path forward for this company... let me try that.
<tnks> Nix is awesome... long live Nix... but let's get a type system goddamnit.
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<clever> tnks: the hydra case is a bit simpler for small numbers of things, you can define an input for hydra as "git@github.com:owner/project.git" and then just run ssh-keygen as the hydra user
<simpson> Meh, type systems are overrated.
<clever> tnks: and now hydra can fetch that input from a private repo, and no build will ever have access to the keys
<tnks> clever: right, that makes good sense too, but people need to run all this stuff from their local machines.
<clever> tnks: i am currently writing a testframework in lua, i feel i dont need types that badly :P
<clever> tnks: in my project, there is only 1 private repo, so i can just "git pull" manualy, and run nix-build in its root dir
<clever> so it never has to download private things at build-time
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<tnks> clever: but then who's managing the set of git commits?
<clever> its just a small project, 2 people with push access on a private repo
<tnks> okay, I get the idea that "master should always work"
<tnks> but we need the ability to roll-back in a managed way.
<clever> ah
<clever> branches and tags to flag versions that are known-good
<tnks> which is why I just started with submodules.
<tnks> yeah, I'm fine with submodules for now... it does all that with less (or a different kind) of human err.
<tnks> but if I can get Nix to do this, then I don't have to deal with teaching anyone anything about submodules.
<clever> ah, having nix fetch a pinned version of dependency xyz, i see
<tnks> although, one thing that submodules allows me to do is modify the code in place and see the changes relative to git's diff commands.
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<tnks> hmm, that makes me want to do this Nix thing less.
<tnks> I feel like I'm the only person in the world that actually appreciates git submodules.
<clever> oh, and the curl method from dmj's gist doesnt support submodules
<tnks> clever: that might be fine.
<tnks> the whole point of this is to get off of submodules.
<clever> yeah, just define every dependency in nix, and fetch each private one with code like that gist
<tnks> also, returning to my complaint. I can use builtins.pathExists to allow us to use a pinned version, but optionally override it with a checked out version in a user-specified path.
<tnks> I just need to make sure the hash calculation isn't borked with that strategy.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] c0bw3b opened pull request #23456: uriparser: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.4 + fixed build (master...pkg/uriparser) https://git.io/vyCJR
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<clever> tnks: it should be possible to conditionaly do that, one sec
<clever> tnks: foo = if (builtins.pathExists ./foo) then (foo.overrideDerivation (old: { src = ./foo; })) else foo
<clever> this will override the src if ./foo exists, and just leave foo un-altered if it doesnt
<clever> and because of how nix works, it will re-check for ./foo each time you eval the nix expressions, and if it doesnt exist, it will always return the same foo with no changes to the hash
<clever> another way of doing it:
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<clever> foo = if (builtins.pathExists ./foo) then (callPackage ./foo {}) else (callPackage ./foo.nix {});
<clever> tnks: now it will decide between ./foo/default.nix or ./foo.nix, allowing more complex changes to be made in foo's dir
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<clever> but you need to copy ./foo/default.nix -> foo.nix, and update the src directive to re-pin a new version
<clever> tnks: this new instance of callPackage will search in self first, then pkgs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ts468 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyCTB
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0a8d977 Thomas Strobel: fix: "nixos-rebuild build-vm-with-bootloader"
<clever> oh, i had that problem just a day ago, thought it was just me mis-using something
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyCL3
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 577ebea Eelco Dolstra: Improve SSH handling...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master d140c75 Eelco Dolstra: Pool: Don't hang if creating a connection fails
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master d3eb1cf Eelco Dolstra: build-remote: Don't use a SSH master...
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<viric> is lethalman here?
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<zraexy> Does nix evaluate a package with its original arguments before evaluating is overridden ones? I overrode a couple packages but they are still complaining about insecure and broken dependencies.
<qknight> viric: not seen for a long time
<qknight> zraexy: override should go first i guess
<viric> qknight: ok
<viric> qknight: I have troubles with vlock
<qknight> zraexy: so your override is probably not correct
<qknight> viric: that is a package i suppose?
<viric> qknight: it has a bug wrt signals
<viric> qknight: yes, the lock screen thing
<qknight> viric: could you use i3lock instead?
<viric> It is an old package (~2008)
<viric> qknight: can it lock all vcs?
<qknight> viric: it is just for X
<LnL> oh we have systemd 232 now
<viric> qknight: this vlock can lock all vcs
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<viric> Crazy, this vlock. I found a likely original tree (http://repo.or.cz/vlock.git) which has a 2.2.3-alpha1 at most, with many changes wrt 2.2.2. But I have seen a 2.2.3 tarball in other places that has only 5-lines changed from 2.2.2
<viric> and none of them fix the problem I have.
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<viric> I'll just patch 2.2.2
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<tnks> clever: hey, I was expecting GITHUB_TOKEN declared as an impureEnvVar... am I missing something?
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<clever> tnks: oh right, thats an older version from before i told dmj to switch it to impureEnvVar
<clever> thats easy to convert
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<tnks> clever: yeah, sure.
<tnks> just checking.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lo1tuma opened pull request #23457: nodejs: 7.6.0 -> 7.7.1 (master...nodejs-7.7.1) https://git.io/vyC3X
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyCGJ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0297fdc Bart Brouns: beast: mark as broken
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyCGR
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 1b52b27 Bart Brouns: beast: mark as broken...
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<c0bw3b> If I manually download a release from GitHub and compute the sha256sum of the archive I don't get the same hash as Nix expect through fetchFromGitHub
<c0bw3b> i can't understand why
<c0bw3b> for example https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr-cpp-client/archive/v1.3.0.tar.gz has the sha256 hash 1gj1c7ns6lg7piqs556iy3lxvgshps26qbsf81dyby6qypiyq432 (base32)
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<shlevy> niksnut: Is there some magic to get hydra to pick up my instance credentials?
<shlevy> s3cmd is able to access the bucket but hydra is getting access denied
* gchristensen goes to see what he did
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<gchristensen> shlevy: create a /var/lib/hydra/queue-runner/.aws/credentials file, with [default]\naws_access_key_id = accesskey\naws_secret_access_key = secretaccesskey\n
<shlevy> gchristensen: I'm using iam instance credentials, that won't work
<shlevy> But I think I found the culprit :(
<gchristensen> oh?
<shlevy> To use this implementation of the operation, you must be the bucket owner.
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<gchristensen> ah
<gchristensen> I thought hydra hard-coded us-east-1 anyway
<gchristensen> (it does not)
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<shlevy> nix does
<shlevy> but buckets are global right?
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<gchristensen> the bucket namespace is global but they are not globally located
<shlevy> :(
<shlevy> Ugh
<shlevy> Well
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<shlevy> I don't care about where it's located
<shlevy> as long as I can access it right?
<shlevy> Yeah setting the wrong --region with s3cmd it still works
<ambro718> Hi, I can't get virtualbox usb passthrough to work, the devices menu says "No USB devices connected"
<gchristensen> I don't know, the bucket location error is extremely opaque.
<shlevy> I'll try to fall back to HeadBucket
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<shlevy> Or for now I'll just add s3:GetBucketLocation to my policy :D
<zraexy> Shouldn't these package overrides work? https://gist.github.com/zraexy/9883c34d33a50d66a4aae05009f0c45a
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<henrytill> hey gchristensen: care to merge https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/22848 for me ?
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<henrytill> trying to test the haskell bindings for it on OS X
<gchristensen> sure thing, henrytill :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #22848: gpgme: fix build on macOS (master...gpgme-macos-fix) https://git.io/vDDIT
<henrytill> thank you very mush
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<LnL> henrytill: oh, I forgot about it again :/
<henrytill> LnL: oh no sweat - i take it the reservations about the `with` weren't really a showstopper for you...
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<LnL> no, I just didn't merge it in immediately and then lost track of it
<steveeJ> can someone confirm that when nix-shell is used as an #! interpreter it can't handle URLs as derivation? it throws error: not an absolute path: ‘./https://github....'
<tnks> for an impureEnvVars, is there any way to programmatically set it differently for different Nix expressions without changing the hash (defeating the whole point of an impure env var)?
<shlevy> And *now* bitten by the us-east-1 issue :D
<MichaelRaskin> Is it the second series or is it just a fallout from the original one?
<clever> tnks: the $out hash of a fixed-output derivation ignores its build-time dependencies
<clever> tnks: the hash in $out is based purely on the outputHash attribute, which must use the algo in outputHashAlgo
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyC4U
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3d2e118 Franz Pletz: xca: fix build...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyC4E
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ed26f00 Franz Pletz: xca: fix build...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyC4V
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 477014f ndowens: trash-cli: ->
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #23421: trash-cli: -> (master...trash-cli) https://git.io/vyn22
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyC4d
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 4668318 ndowens: trash-cli: ->
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyCBT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8eccd34 Michael Raskin: vim_configurable: enable ximSupport by default
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<keith_analog> Hi All, I would like to create a new systemd service such that the service is always loaded after an existing service named `systemd.services.mount-usb-drives` in my configuration.nix. What do I put in after = [ ... ] to get this effect? thanks
<gchristensen> "mount-usb-drives.service"
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<keith_analog> super thanks :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] viric pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyCBj
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c2291aa Lluís Batlle i Rossell: vlock: fix EINTR handling...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyCRU
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d093c11 Robert Helgesson: josm: 11526 -> 11639
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<keith_analog> also, is there a way to specify that the service be started on demand rather than at boot time?
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<clever> keith_analog: it only runs on bootup if you make it part of the multi-user.target
<keith_analog> super, thx
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<keith_analog> am i correct to assume that `wantedBy = [ "default.target" ];` has the effect of making it part of multi-user.target?
<gchristensen> you'd probably want to make it wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
<clever> havent looked into what default.target covers
<keith_analog> my current config starts the service at boot time
<keith_analog> and that's the only part of the config that looks like it'd have that effect
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<jophish> peti: I wonder if it'd be faster to interpret Setup.hs instead of compiling it and running the binary
<keith_analog> maybe the `after = ...` could have this effect...
<jophish> (for main = defaultMain)
<LER0ever> Hi, anyone using nixos unstable, sddm+plasma5+i3? My sddm keeps starting kde no matter what session I choose.
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<tnks> clever: I might not understand something, can you sanity check with me? So for NIX_CURL_FLAGS, can I change them for different invocations easily?
<tnks> without changing the hash?
<clever> tnks: for NIX_CURL_FLAGS, it bypasses all hashing entirely, but there is a single value for the entire nix-build call, covering all derivations
<tnks> clever: yeah, that's the part that bums me out.
<tnks> it's global.
<clever> tnks: for attributes within a fixed-output derivation, you can change them all you want without impacting the hash, but those attributes are readable in /nix/store/
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<tnks> clever: ah yeah, that's the other part that's important... I don't want to do that.
<dtzWill> hmm so I imagine I really shouldn't be doing this to begin with, but .... are NixOS builder sandboxes executed in different network namespaces? O:)
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<clever> dtzWill: normal derivations are, but fixed-output derivations are not
<tnks> clever: but I can just use the snippet you gave me.
<tnks> it reproduces some of the stuff that already in build-support, but not too much.
<dtzWill> I know they can't connect to external things, but I've been wrapping a db server in a derivation: load-from-dump, start, $OPERATION, stop, save-to-dump -- and it works great other than they seem to conflict with one another if run concurrently
<dtzWill> clever: different from host's network namespace, or different from each other?
<dtzWill> they could have some locking or something that's shared that I haven't tracked but first thought was just port allocation
<clever> dtzWill: every build goes into its own private network namespace, with only an lo interface
<dtzWill> hmm that's what I thought/expected! okay :/
<dtzWill> (ty!)
<clever> dtzWill: and the other instances of privateNetwork in the same file
<dtzWill> wonderful, tyvm
<peti> jophish: It might be. Probably not much, though.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyCE3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 2051238 Michael Raskin: vim_configurable: enable ximSupport by default...
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<greymalkin> Is there a way to give VirtualBox instances created by nixops a satic IP? I'm getting a bit exhausted constantly tracking down which IP has the machine I want to talk to has in this generation.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] shlevy opened pull request #1258: Add aws-region param to S3 store URLs (master...configurable-aws-region) https://git.io/vyCwv
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] xNWDD opened pull request #23459: gitkraken: init at 2.1.0 (master...gitkraken) https://git.io/vyCwE
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #23460: coccinelle: 1.0.0-r23 -> 1.0.6 (master...update/coccinelle-1.0.6) https://git.io/vyCrR
<gchristensen> you fixedme, shlevy! can you provide an example on how to use it?
<shlevy> gchristensen: just add ?aws-region=us-west-2 or whatever to your s3 store uri
<shlevy> (or &aws-region= if you already have params)
<gchristensen> nice!
* gchristensen adds that as a comment to the PR
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23461: unshield: 1.3 -> 1.4.2 (master...unshield) https://git.io/vyCoM
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<tnks> clever: something you said confuses me based on my experience.
<tnks> you mentioned that the hash in /nix/store for fixed-output derivations was solely based on the hash of the output.
<tnks> but seem to recall this not being the case.
<tnks> am I misinterpretting what you're saying?
<clever> in what case have you noticed that?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] shlevy opened pull request #1259: Backport netrc-file option to 1.11 (1.11-maintenance...1.11-netrc) https://git.io/vyCKG
<tnks> a while ago, I pulled a large file we stored in a private file server with web endpoint.
<clever> and then downloaded it with fetchurl?
<tnks> I believe so, but I forget.
<clever> the path that fetchurl returned should have depended purely on the sha256+name that you gave to fetchurl
<clever> and if name isnt set, its the filename at the end of the url
<tnks> clever: huh... and this probably goes back a long ways?
<tnks> what I remember is that the hash was changing the way I was doing it, and it took an impureEnvVars to set things right.
<tnks> which is how I got to my current solution of NIX_CURL_FLAGS.
<clever> yeah, it would have been like this for ages
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23462: undmg: 1.0.2 -> 1.0.3 (master...undmg) https://git.io/vyCK9
<tnks> okay, I think I remember what was happening.
<clever> otherwise, the source code fetched by fetchurl will change its path every time curl updates
<clever> which would trigger mass-rebuilds
<tnks> yeah, I was trying to side-step putting it in nix-store.
<tnks> sorry, I'm just treating you like a rubber duck.
<tnks> it's all coming back to me.
<clever> not a problem
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<LnL> clever: curl doesn't influence the paths of fetchurl, does it?
<clever> LnL: because fetchurl is fixed-output, it ignores the paths of all of its inputs
<clever> which prevents that issue
<LnL> I misread your message
<tnks> clever: can I programmatically set the strings for impureEnvVars? So people can parameterize the GITHUB_TOKEN for different repos?
<tnks> in my mind, it seems like that should be possible.
<clever> tnks: sure
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<dtz> the fixed-output including the name (which if not given, as clever says, is based off of the URL) has caused me confusion in the past. Make sure to change the name if you are trying to change the version or something! xD
<clever> tnks: you could also do impureEnvVars = [ ("GITHUB_TOKEN_" + foo) ];
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<clever> dtz: i always increment a random number near the end of the hash
<tnks> clever: calling eval from a shell script.
<clever> the problem there, is that if the hash and name match something you already have downloaded, but the url points to a newer file, it wont try to re-download
<dtz> haha me too, or more accurately I let vim 'increment' the next digit and just make sure it didn't roll over xD
<clever> so it wont notice the hash is wrong
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<tnks> clever: it shouldn't point to a newer file, right? this is a Github private repo.
<tnks> so we're accessing this tarball by rev.
<tnks> I'm just thinking about the dmj`'s snippet you pointed me to, and how to harden it.
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<clever> tnks: i think fetchFromGitHub prevents this issue by naming the derivation "${name}-${rev}.tar.gz"
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<clever> so any change to rev causes the name to not match, and it forces a re-download
<clever> so the hash doesnt need to be incremented
<dmj`> tnks: fetchFromGitHub calls fetchgit which uses libcurl, you can specify curl flags that read an environment variable on your machine that doesn’t get stored in the nixstore
<dtzWill> but if you cheat fetchFromGitHub into using a tag rev I think i've made that act unexpectedly
<dtzWill> but basically I shouldn't do that and should feel bad :P lol
<dmj`> tnks: the hash will be put into the store, so the derivation will be rebuilt on change, but you need to make the nix-daemon aware of the github private access token
<tnks> dmj`: yeah, so I'd like to go down something like this path: https://gist.github.com/dmjio/57a3af667d20fab78296f41b3b1847c1
<dmj`> which is passed to impureEnvVars, which isn’t put into the store
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23463: sharutils: 4.11.1 -> 4.15.2 (master...sharutils) https://git.io/vyCiW
<tnks> I thought that might be you... just didn't whois your handle.
<dmj`> tnks: yea, the problem with this is that github_token = builtins.getEnv "GITHUB_TOKEN"; will put this in the store
<tnks> yeah, I'm going to put it in impureEnvVars.
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<tnks> but I have an idea to make it more generic for multiple repos with different tokens.
<tnks> and then I think I'll have a pretty flexible new fetchFromGitHub.
<dmj`> tnks: the easier way to do this is to just use fetchFromGitHub imo
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<tnks> but that involves having an SSH Agent set up on our build server.
<tnks> which I'm not at all keen on messing with.
<dmj`> no it doesn't
<tnks> how will it work with fetchFromGitHub then?
<dmj`> systemd.services.nix-daemon.environment.NIX_CURL_FLAGS="-H PRIVATE-TOKEN:xqSPecjuU3_pjE92n0wF";
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] TomSmeets opened pull request #23464: networkmanager service: support changing the mac-address (master...nm-chmac) https://git.io/vyCiX
<dmj`> NIX_CURL_FLAGS is appended on all calls to fetchgit
<gchristensen> dmj`: is that a private token?
<LnL> tnks: fetchFromGitHub downloads a tarball by default
<clever> dmj`: that better not be a real token :P
<tnks> dmj`: the build server isn't running Nix-daemon or even NixOS.
<dmj`> ghchristiansen, clever: an anonymized one :)
<tnks> it's managed by another team.
<dmj`> figured I might fool a few people :)
<dmj`> tnks: well there’s your first problem
<dmj`> :)
<dmj`> nixify that ish
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<dmj`> gchristensen: sorry I converted you to christianity again
<tnks> dmj`: I agree, so that's why I'm going down this other pathc.
<gchristensen> it is okay
<gchristensen> I'm used to it
<dmj`> :)
<clever> i was under the impression that the nix-build command would read the NIX_CURL_FLAGS from its env, then forward that to nix-daemon over the unix socket
<clever> and then nix-daemon would use that value for the builder
<tnks> clever: I think it does... but you can't use the same token for all repositories.
<clever> tnks: hence the previous idea, impureEnvVars = [ ("GITHUB_TOKEN_" + foo) ];
<tnks> so I'm not really sure this works as a full general solution.
<tnks> clever: right... back to that.
<clever> tnks: then .bashrc can setup all the tokens
<bobthejanitor> I'm upgrading nixos from the unstable channel to the newest 17.03 channel. When I do a rebuild update, the newest generation will give the error "Error loading \efi
<bobthejanitor> Oops
<dmj`> tnks: if you have nix installed on a non-nixos box, you just need to ensure that the user that runs the nix-build command can see that environment variable
<dmj`> I think you want to use github personal access tokens too
<tnks> dmj`: I agree, but clever and I are down to the last problem that NIX_CURL_FLAGS is global for the whole nix-build invocation, and we might have multiple repositories that need different tokens.
<bobthejanitor> I'm upgrading nixos from the unstable channel to the newest 17.03 channel. When I do a rebuild update, the newest generation will give the error "Error loading \efi\nixos\<hash>-linux-4.9.12-bzImage.efi: Not Found" and then a subsequent "Failed to execute Nixos (same path/file): Not Found")
<dmj`> tnks: are you using more than one private git provider?
<dmj`> like you have private github and gitlab repos?
<clever> tnks: and also, NIX_CURL_FLAGS will hand your github token out to EVERY tarball server, like its free cookies
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<clever> tnks: so now xorg and glibc servers are getting a copy of your token
<tnks> clever: I agree.
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<dmj`> clever, tnks: if they’re logging requests that could be an issue
<clever> dmj`: or if some of those are not over https
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyCPK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4a6ba21 Nikolay Amiantov: liferea: 1.10.19 -> 1.12-rc2...
<dmj`> https all the things
<tnks> it's just too sloppy for my tastes, and when I feel I have a better solution for the small investment of Yet Another Nix Expression™
<LnL> tnks: you could nix-build -A pkg.src each package source before starting the build
<clever> dmj`: nix doesnt really use https much for fixed-output stuff, because any mitm is caught by nix verifying the output hash
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to release-16.03: https://git.io/vyCPA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.03 73d9d2d Nikolay Amiantov: liferea: 1.10.18 -> 1.12-rc2...
<dmj`> maybe there’s a way to inspect the host curl is receiving and choose wether or not to append those flags, but all calls to github / gitlab for fetching should be over https
<clever> netrc partialy handles that, but it only has domain level accuracy i believe
<tnks> that just sounds like more sausage. NIX_CURL_FLAGS could have any number of things in it, and it seems folly to parse out the switches for certain ones.
<clever> though github does accept a name/pw pair over basic auth
<tnks> clever: yeah, that might be true... even --netrc-file might be inadequate in some cases.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyCXW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 5436f4d Joachim Fasting: torchat: mark as broken...
<tnks> clever: so I think I've followed most of the the conversation thus far, but I'm not sure what point you were trying to make about the way the name affects caching and redownloading.
<clever> tnks: if you have a fixed-output download of http://example.com/1.2/project.tar.gz, with a given sha256 in the fetchurl
<MichaelRaskin> Downloading happens if the target path is not registered as valid
<clever> tnks: and you bump it to version 1.3, the name in the /nix/store wont change
<dmj`> tnks: there’s 3 problems with this. 1) netrc isn’t in 1.11 2) NIX_CURL_FLAGS on the nix-daemon sends the token in all fetchgit requests. 3) the script I pasted before stores the environment variale in the store
<clever> so it will match the old file you previously downloaded, and not update
<clever> tnks: you need to change the hash, to make it re-download, and tell you the correct hash
<clever> or put the version into the name, so it always mismatches
<dmj`> it’s a 10x10ft room and an 8x8ft carpet
<LnL> nix-build --check also works
<tnks> dmj`: what do you mean by "1.11"? which version is that for?
<dmj`> tnks: the one for 16.09 iirc
<dmj`> someone added netrc support, but it’s not in the channel
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] c0bw3b opened pull request #23465: tldr: 1.2.0 -> 1.3.0 (master...pkg/tldr) https://git.io/vyCXj
<tnks> "1.11" is a version number for exactly what? Nixpkgs?
<clever> dmj`: nixos-unstable is also on nix version 1.11.6
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<dmj`> tnks: nix I think
<dmj`> clever: ah :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyC1G
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fe265f1 Nikolay Amiantov: liferea: add libnotify...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to release-16.03: https://git.io/vyC1R
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.03 dda40aa Nikolay Amiantov: Revert "liferea: 1.10.18 -> 1.12-rc2"...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyC1K
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 e8291b3 Nikolay Amiantov: liferea: 1.10.19 -> 1.12-rc2...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 4028485 Nikolay Amiantov: liferea: add libnotify...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #23419: tty-clock: 0.1 -> 2.3 (master...tty-clock) https://git.io/vynzO
<bobthejanitor> I'm upgrading nixos from the unstable channel to the newest 17.03 channel. When I do a rebuild update, the newest generation will give the error "Error loading \efi\nixos\<hash>-linux-4.9.12-bzImage.efi: Not Found" and then a subsequent "Failed to execute Nixos (same path and file): Not Found". Anyone experience this issue? No errors, everything go
<bobthejanitor> es normally from what I can see.
<clever> bobthejanitor: does that file exist in /boot/ ?
<tnks> dmj`: well, we'll on a pretty late version of both Nix and Nixpkgs, and netrc has been working for us.
<tnks> but I think your script isn't the final product, but isn't too far off.
<tnks> I'll work it, and report back.
<bobthejanitor> clever: Yes it does
<dmj`> tnks: I got it from someone else who uses it at their co
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyCMK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b66c0e7 ndowens: xiccd: 0.2.2 -> 0.2.4 (#23379)
<bobthejanitor> in /boot/EFI/nixos
<tnks> also, I want to see if I can just get rid of our dependence on git submodules.
<clever> bobthejanitor: and is /boot correctly mounted?, does it show up in df -h or mount?
* tnks has a plan.
<bobthejanitor> clever: Yes, in older generation
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<clever> bobthejanitor: not sure then, i usualy see this kind of problem if somebody ran nixos-rebuild when /boot wasnt mounted, then the files wind up in the /boot folder of /, rather then the /boot partition
<bobthejanitor> clever: Should I create an issue?
<clever> bobthejanitor: yeah, and put in any info you can gather on the issue
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<bobthejanitor> Okay. Thanks for the help
<magnetophon> My 2nd machine refuses to upgrade from 16.09 to 17.03: when I try to use my local binary-cache, I get: " invalid URL ‘the-url' " but when I wget that url it works. If I use the upstream caches, I get "narinfo’ is signed by unknown key ‘cache.nixos.org-1’; ignoring" and when I put the key in the flags, I get: "narinfo’ has an incorrect signature; ignoring"
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<devoid> anyone have suggestions for configuring xorg.conf for multiple displays? I've been using the xrandrHeads option, but I find that the identifiers for these change whenever I plug in different cables / change my KVM setup?
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<Profpatsch> Anyone knows a setting for LC_TIME that will display dates in the only sane format (yyyy-mm-dd)?
<devoid> to be clear, xrandrHeads = [ left middle right ]; works really well when things aren't changing, but I'm debugging other issues and getting tired of having to do a systemctl restart display-manager to make sure everything is sane…
<clever> devoid: i just drag them around in the xfce display settings
<clever> devoid: only downside, is that those settings only take place after login, but i dont really need 3 monitors working correctly to type in a name+pw, lol
<devoid> clever, yea, that's another approach that can work.
<MichaelRaskin> I use the script that discovers present heads and layouts them from left to right, whatever they are
<devoid> clever, on the name + pw typing, I *have* seen oddities where the slim window is halfway off the screen…which can be difficult
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<clever> devoid: the defaults on my system is to mirror it 3 ways
<dmj`> tnks: are you still here
<magnetophon> This seems weird: when I try to "nix-copy-closure --to other-machine /path/to/nixos-rebuild", I get: "error: imported archive of ‘/path/to/glibc-2.25’ lacks a signature"
<clever> MichaelRaskin: my screens are laid out as 1,3,2, so that wouldnt look right
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<clever> magnetophon: you need to either use --to root@other-machine, setup signing, or make the target user a trustedUser
<magnetophon> clever: ah, thanks. I hope this'll get me able to rebuild now
<dmj`> tnks: if you don’t care about the key being in the /nix/store
<dmj`> there is also curlOpts that can be specified on fetchFromGitHub
<dmj`> or any fetchgit
<dmj`> that can probably read getEnv
<MichaelRaskin> clever: well, reordering would be simple to add. I just rarely have more than two monitors, but I don't want to care about using a different port sometimes
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<magnetophon> clever: first it said WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! and when I fixed that it wouldn't accept my password. It was set up for password-less login for root. somethings wonky...
<lucasOfBesaid> I can't seem to start JACK. I get "jackdbus should be auto-executed by D-Bus message bus daemon." Does that mean I shouldn't try to start JACK myself or something?
<clever> magnetophon: either the ip has changed, or somebody is performing a mitm attack and now has your pw :P
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<magnetophon> clever: it's a direct cable between the machines, so no mitm
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<magnetophon> clever: and the ip still works, I can ssh in as a user
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<clever> magnetophon: get a root shell via sudo and double-check the ssh keys are in place correctly
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<magnetophon> clever: OK, thanks
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23468: hexcurse: 1.58 -> 1.60.0 (master...hexcurse) https://git.io/vyCHs
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<magnetophon> clever: I can ssh-copy-id from the other PC to me, and can login without PW, but not the other way around. when I try to ssh-copy-id, it asks the PW
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<clever> magnetophon: and does root have a pw set?, check /etc/shadow
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<magnetophon> clever: but this copy-closure is not my actual goal. I just want to upgrade my machine, but it won't accept any caches from either me or nixos. I'll check etc/shadow anyway...
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<clever> magnetophon: how did you try adding the public key for signing?
<magnetophon> clever: root has a PW
<magnetophon> key: I just did ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id
<clever> magnetophon: i mean the binary cache key
<magnetophon> clever: I did nix-store --generate-binary-cache-key cache.nixos.org-1 /tmp/tst/sk1 /tmp/tst/pk1
<magnetophon> then nixos-rebuild --option binary-cache-public-keys cache.nixos.org-1:LdcdZ0yjR0+MeCm1qPYrKPzfJTL2IW5XhhmMvBg6ejM=% --option binary-caches cache.nixos.org-1 test
<gchristensen> and you're trying to use cache.nixos.org?
<magnetophon> yea, is that wrong?
<magnetophon> I also tried with my local caches first
<clever> magnetophon: "--option binary-caches cache.nixos.org-1" is an invalid url, and you must use the correct pubkey for it to work against the real cache.nixos.org
<clever> the -1 is part of the key name, but it is NOT part of the url
<gchristensen> and the is cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY=
<magnetophon> right, I'll try without
<gchristensen> ^ as demonstrated :))
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<magnetophon> narinfo’ is signed by unknown key ‘cache.nixos.org-1’; ignoring
<magnetophon> :(
<magnetophon> I did: nixos-rebuild --option binary-cache-public-keys cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY= --option binary-caches cache.nixos.org test
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<clever> magnetophon: try this, "cd /etc/nix; cat nix.conf > nix.conf.copy; rm nix.conf; mv nix.conf.copy nix.conf" then just edit nix.conf and put in the right config
<clever> magnetophon: next time nixos-rebuild does (test|switch), it will restore nix.conf back to the symlink it should be
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<devoid> Hmm, anyone know why nvidia-settings and xrandr would disagree as to the names of the DisplayPort displays? e.g. DP-2.1 vs DP-0.1 ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #23469: vim-plugins: update and use https for github sources (master...vim-plugins) https://git.io/vyC7A
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<magnetophon> clever: I tried that, but I still get: narinfo’ is signed by unknown key ‘cache.nixos.org-1’; ignoring
<clever> binary-cache-public-keys = cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY=
<clever> magnetophon: it contained this line after you finished editing?
<magnetophon> binary-cache-public-keys = cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY=
<magnetophon> yup
<clever> and no use of --option binary-cache-public-keys ?
<magnetophon> no
<clever> can you pastebin the output of env?
<magnetophon> just nixos-rebuild test
<magnetophon> ok
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<magnetophon> clever: http://pastebin.com/Sn1eaxFu
<clever> magnetophon: and the output of nix.conf
<Profpatsch> GRRRR, not only does the module system throw type errors at the completely wrong position, it also removes any trace of your module names from the stack traces.
<Profpatsch> I didn’t change anything and get a completely crazy error.
<Profpatsch> Not fun.
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<magnetophon> clever: thanks for looking into this!
<clever> magnetophon: lines 17-20 look like you used " rather then '', and now the file just looks weird
<clever> magnetophon: try removing the custom cache from the config and see if the problem goes away
<magnetophon> clever: yeah, just did
<magnetophon> no dice
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<clever> magnetophon: you can also use nix-copy-closure --from to pull things in, rather then push
<clever> magnetophon: and if you run that as root, it will bypass the signing checks for things it pulls in
<magnetophon> ok, and then i copy nixos-rebuild, or what?
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<magnetophon> clever: nix-copy-closure --from root@ /nix/store/vjc48rp9aq3cqikdrsl8pradnq9ndrif-nixos-rebuild/bin/nixos-rebuild
<magnetophon> error: path ‘/nix/store/vjc48rp9aq3cqikdrsl8pradnq9ndrif-nixos-rebuild/bin/nixos-rebuild’ is not in the Nix store
<clever> magnetophon: nix-copy-closure --from root@ /nix/store/vjc48rp9aq3cqikdrsl8pradnq9ndrif-nixos-rebuild
<clever> and you dont need to use root on the remote machine, only the local machine
<magnetophon> OK, that works, but doesn't let me rebuild
<clever> do you have physical access to the problem machine?
<magnetophon> clever: yes
<clever> one solution is to just boot it from an install ISO, add the new channel as nixos, mount the original filesystems up, and then re-run nixos-install
<clever> nixos-install is basicaly just a script for running nixos-rebuild under a chroot
<clever> so you can use nixos-install to upgrade any machine that isnt capable of upgrading itself
<magnetophon> clever: OK, I'll try that... Though I'd rather learn the cause of the problem and fix that...
<qknight> magnetophon: are you on sha2017? i'm going there and ... just in case
<clever> magnetophon: only other thing i can think of is strace, which will generate several MB worth of logs, and include IP's that you appear to be censoring
<qknight> magnetophon: i plan to do a new emscripten nix port there
<magnetophon> clever: doesn't sound like something I can do on my own, and I don't want to wast more of your time. I'll go DL an ISO. (haven't found the 17.03 one yet, though)
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<clever> magnetophon: oh, and i dont think 17.03 has actualy released officialy yet
<magnetophon> qknight: yeah, I wanna go. don't have a ticket yet, though...
<clever> magnetophon: but you can just download any ISO, and switch the channel to 17.03 after it boots
<magnetophon> clever: thanks
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