<gchristensen> unfortunately you can't interact with pre-push hooks
<fpletz> that would drive me insane
<fpletz> oh
<gchristensen> I never push more than one at a time, otherwise it is a mistake
<ndowens08> fpletz: reason I pushed that latest update is b/c someone commented that the hash was wrong and I noticed "chec" in that line some how, guess i was trying to type here :)
<fpletz> gchristensen: thanks! I'm thinking about using pinentry or something similar
<gchristensen> oh please send back your patches when you figure that out :)
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<ndowens08> fpletz: I dont try to push bad things :p
<gchristensen> same :)
<ndowens08> well i cant really push but open PR atleast
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<fpletz> gchristensen: ehrm, there is no git push --no-check, right? %)
<gchristensen> d'oh
<gchristensen> no-verifdy
<gchristensen> --no-verify
<fpletz> oh
<fpletz> then that would actually fit my use case
<gchristensen> great :)
<fpletz> as it's very easily overrideable
<fpletz> thanks again :)
<gchristensen> you're welcome
<gchristensen> I made this after there were reports of mistaken branch & tag pushes
<fpletz> I also like those other checks
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<gchristensen> I have some other handy tools, like `try-pr` which applies a PR and then guesses the package to try and build based on the commit message.
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<ndowens08> fpletz: can you look at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/23407/files dont have to review or push, Mic said I need to rebase it and put platforms.unix back in, in which i do see, but my problem is it seems I deleted my copy of the branch so I can't update the PR that I can figure out
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<ndowens08> But yea I cant redo it that I know of, and it shows platforms.unix in meta so idk
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #23624: virt-viewer: 2.0 -> 5.0 (master...virt-viewer-5.0) https://git.io/vyEKb
<gchristensen> something about nixops + nix + remote builders is doing very stupid things, in that it seems to only be building 1 or 2 packages at a time, where it could be building many
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<spacekitteh> bleh i can't figure out how to compile a custom version of git ;_;
<spacekitteh> nix-shell seems to be ignoring everything i say and just uses the default git
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<clever> spacekitteh: what have you tried?
<clever> spacekitteh: and how do you want to use that custom git?
<spacekitteh> clever: i'm working on a new feature for it
<clever> can you gist the command you used and the nix expressions its referencing?
<spacekitteh> i've tried like 100 variations
<spacekitteh> i'll show you my current one i guess
<clever> spacekitteh: and what nix command did you run?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #23459: gitkraken: init at 2.1.0 (master...gitkraken) https://git.io/vyCwE
<spacekitteh> i've triiiiiiieeeeeed: nix-shell, nix-shell -A myGit, nix-shell -p myGit, and various other combinations i can't remember
<clever> spacekitteh: "nix-shell" and "nix-shell -A myGit" will give you an env for building that git, so you have to run configurePhase and buildPhase
<clever> spacekitteh: and -p wont work at all
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<spacekitteh> configurePhase and buildPhase are not found and not env vars
<clever> can you pastebin the output of running nix-shell and the prompt that came up?
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<clever> nix-shell -A myGit
<clever> for this command
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<clever> spacekitteh: do you want to manualy build that new git, or let nix build it, and provide a git command in $PATH?
<spacekitteh> the latter
<spacekitteh> and willdo
<clever> try "nix-shell -A env" with this variant of the file
<spacekitteh> it seems to be picking up a different shell.nix from a different directory which i've pinned as a GC root
<clever> you can also give nix-shell a path to a file
<clever> that will override the defaults
<spacekitteh> brb
<spacekitteh> about to win me an oscilloscope
<clever> nice
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<spacekitteh> ok back
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<clever> spacekitteh: looks like its doing something, lets wait for it to finish and see what comes out
<spacekitteh> this: android-env-chrootenv:spacekitteh@spaceserv:~/code/git$
<spacekitteh> i'll try your version now.
<spacekitteh> undefined var runcommand
<clever> oops, its pkgs.runCommand
<spacekitteh> hmm, i can't get it to pick up the updated git/default.nix in my nixpkgs tarball
<spacekitteh> trying to run this: nix-shell -A env -I ~/nix-patches/nixpkgs
<spacekitteh> maybe i need a reboot
<clever> i see the problem
<clever> your telling it to search inside ~/nix-patches/nixpkgs
<spacekitteh> i just added it then
<clever> so when you import <nixpkgs> it tries to open ~/nix-patches/nixpkgs/nixpkgs/default.nix
<spacekitteh> yeah?
<clever> does ~/nix-patches/nixpkgs/nixpkgs/default.nix exist?
<clever> note the double nixpkgs
<spacekitteh> ah
<clever> you want -I nixpkgs=~/nix-patches/nixpkgs
<spacekitteh> whoops
<spacekitteh> normally i do that XD
<clever> and bash tends to not expand ~ after =, so you need to manualy type in your home folder
<spacekitteh> ok it's compiling now
<spacekitteh> :3
<spacekitteh> oic
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<spacekitteh> alright, it's doing what it should, thanks :3 now to figure out why it wants to install to /usr ...
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<spacekitteh> $out seems to be set to /usr for some reason
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<clever> thats not right
<spacekitteh> maybe it's because of the FHS nix-shell env it's still picking up
<spacekitteh> hmm
<spacekitteh> i wonder why it's picking that up still
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<spacekitteh> i'll restart and see if that solves it
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<spacekitteh> clever: hmm, nope, still trying to install into /usr
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<clever> spacekitteh: double-check that your shell isnt part of the FHS stuff, try opening a whole new xterm
<spacekitteh> this is how it errors
<spacekitteh> make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/nix-build-git-2.12.1337.drv-0/git'
<spacekitteh> install -d -m 755 /usr/local/libexec/git-core
<spacekitteh> install: cannot create directory '/usr': Permission denied
<spacekitteh> make: *** [Makefile:51: install] Error 1
<clever> spacekitteh: does it show the "make install" arguments above that?
<spacekitteh> wtf, it's making git-gui even though i told it to not fucking make gui
<spacekitteh> make -C git-gui gitexecdir='/nix/store/4yyjpyjjhfvbdgx0an4kw8kz2ncb00l5-git-2.12.1337/libexec/git-core' install
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<johnw> sounds like it's trying to "mkdir local", with your user permissions
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<clever> johnw: the presense of "/tmp/nix-build-git-2.12.1337.drv-0" says its running as nix-build, probably as nixbld1
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<gchristensen> gosh, damn
<gchristensen> nix-gc was set to auto, deleted a day's compilation efforts >.>
<gchristensen> disabled. going again, overnight.
<cransom> :(
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<gchristensen> you skip gc roots, you're gonna get burned :P
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<gchristensen> good night
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<spacekitteh> hehe
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyEbw
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 22c2651 Profpatsch: networking/bonds: fix examples...
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<Profpatsch> "/home/user" + "/bar/src"
<Profpatsch> How do I get Nix to import that into the store?
<Profpatsch> src = ${builtins.toPath ("…")}; doesn’t seem to work
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<Profpatsch> "${}" of course
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<Ralith> that expression takes a string, convers it to a path, and then converts the path back to a string
<Ralith> not sure why you'd do that
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<Mateon1> Hi, how can I enable 64-bit support in Wine?
<Mateon1> The Wine from nixos.wine seems to be 32bit + 16bit, even on a 64bit system
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<Profpatsch> Ralith: When you write a path (like ./foo/bar or /home/user/foo) directly into a nix file, it gets imported into the store first.
<Profpatsch> I’d like to have that behaviour coming from a string containing a path.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] yurrriq opened pull request #23626: lilypond-with-fonts: fix typos (master...update/pkgs/tools/misc/lilypond-with-fonts) https://git.io/vyuvP
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<sphalerite> Profpatsch: use lib.copyPathToStore
<dfordivam> Hello, I need some help ... I am trying to use haskell 'stack' tool to build a package. and while the compilation is running I hit an issue due to insufficient space in /run
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<dfordivam> Currently this is the size of /run "tmpfs 1.5G 4.0M 1.5G 1% /run"
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<dfordivam> And I think this is dependent on the size of ram the system has... is it possible to increase this?
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<dfordivam> This is the error " /run/user/1000/ghc11637_0/ghc_47.s: hPutBuf: resource exhausted (No space left on device)"
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<sphalerite> spacekitteh: what...
<spacekitteh> XD
<sphalerite> Profpatsch: also, your web server doesn't send the right encoding on http://profpatsch.de/id.txt ("Johannes Führmann")
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti closed pull request #23607: Haskell/just static executables (master...haskell/justStaticExecutables) https://git.io/vy0uN
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti deleted haskell/justStaticExecutables at f67a89e: https://git.io/vyumD
<Mateon1> That's odd. Does anybody know, why I could be getting "bash: ./filename: No such file or directory" when running a file, even though it exists?
<viric> When perror() shows "Interrupted system call"... that's EINTR or ERESTART?
<Mateon1> The executable bits are set, file ./filename gives ELF 64-bit LSB executable x86-64
<viric> man errno says "Interrupted function call" for the former and "Interrupted system call should be restarted" the latter
<Mateon1> `ldd ./filename` gives No such file or directory error
<viric> Mateon1: The ELF interpreter is not found
<viric> Mateon1: readelf -a file | grep ld-linux
<Mateon1> viric: Ah, how can I fix that?
<viric> Mateon1: that's set at link time
<viric> but niksnut wrote a utility to change that on an ELF: patchelf
<Mateon1> viric: Yep, it needs ld-linux
<viric> Mateon1: OR you can directly call your interpreter, with the file as parameter
<viric> my-ld-linux.so file
<Mateon1> Hm, what's the interpreter location in nixos?
<viric> there is not one
<viric> every binary has a reference to its interpreter
<viric> apply the readelf -a to readelf, for example. :)
<viric> you will see its.
<Mateon1> Hm, so it's in the nix store location
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyuYi
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6f68eb7 Peter Hoeg: msmtp: use netcat-gnu to unbreak darwin
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<sphalerite> I want a nixos sticker for my laptop, is there an "official" source for merchandise?
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<flyx> hi folks, I get this when trying to update my nixos: „The option `services.xserver.displayManager.kdm' defined in `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix' does not exist.“
<flyx> has this moved somewhere? it is still listed on the website
<sphalerite> flyx: which version are you on?
<flyx> unstable channel
<sphalerite> Ah right, well the options on the website don't reflect the unstable channel
<flyx> okay, could have guessed that. how do I find out where it moved?
<sphalerite> It's not been moved, it's been removed
<sphalerite> kdm is dead and sddm should be used instead AFAIU
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<flyx> okay, I'll try to switch
<flyx> thanks
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<sphalerite> If in doubt, `git log --grep <whatever-is-broken>` :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti closed pull request #23609: haskell: ghc710x packages: remove superflous configuration for lens (master...hs-lens-pkg-conf) https://git.io/vy07F
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 060f7cb Peter Simons: haskell-generic-builder: remove unused nodePackages argument
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<sphalerite> what does the "cannot refer to other paths" error thrown by builtins.toPath actually mean? I don't really get it, and reading the source hasn't helped. I might dig into it deeper, but maybe someone already knows the answer...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyuCr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2c99575 Peter Hoeg: neovim-qt: 0.2.4 -> 0.2.5
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] alexeymuranov opened pull request #23627: doc: enable code syntax highlighting (master...haskell-doc-markdown) https://git.io/vyul6
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<qknight> how to override 'src' of:
<qknight> nixos.python27Packages.bepasty-server python2.7-bepasty-server-0.4.0
<qknight> nixos.python35Packages.bepasty-server python3.5-bepasty-server-0.4.0
<qknight> from configuration.nix that is
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<avn> qknight: bepasty-server.overrideAttrs (_ : { src = fetchSrc ... })
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<qknight> avn: error: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting '.' or '=', at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:59:30
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] yurrriq opened pull request #23630: skim: init at 1.4.27 (master...add/pkgs/applications/misc/skim) https://git.io/vyuRP
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edef1c opened pull request #23631: verilator: fix Perl shebangs (master...verilator-shebang) https://git.io/vyuEq
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg closed pull request #23489: gplates: use boost 160 (master...gplates) https://git.io/vyWas
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyuaZ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ade5837 Ricardo Ardissone: gplates: use boost 160...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rasendubi opened pull request #23633: nss: 3.28.1 -> 3.28.3 (master...nss) https://git.io/vyuw5
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<gchristensen> clever: around?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rasendubi opened pull request #23634: sqlite: 3.16.2 -> 3.17.0 (master...sqlite) https://git.io/vyuov
<ekleog> can someone with rights on the wiki replace by http://lists.science.uu.nl/pipermail/nix-dev/2012-May/008916.html the first gmane link on https://nixos.org/wiki/Embedded_NixOS ? (just spent an hour looking for it, if it can avoid some work for the next one...)
<goibhniu> sorry ekleog, the wiki is locked down at the moment
<goibhniu> (there has been some discussion about it recently)
<ekleog> well, some people do have rights to edit it, would it be just to remove pages successfully moved to the manual -- then, it's not a huge issue I guess, given how old this page is
<MoreTea> I was wondering, do we have a way of creating a "view" of the store that only contains the exact dependencies required by a derivation?
<MoreTea> I'm thinking about this from the perspective running nix containers in kvm VM's via k8s.
<Dezgeg> if you enable sandboxed builds that happens with bind mounts
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<goibhniu> ekleog: if it's something you could add to the manual, that would be even better
<c0ff33> Hi guys
<MoreTea> @Dezgeg, yep, that's why I asked if there is a way to have this view outside of the nix-build daemon
<ekleog> goibhniu: it's not, I have no knowledge about cross-compilers on nixos (have been trying to get an arm gcc running on x64 since yesterday without any success...)
<c0ff33> Trying to update my nixos, but due to this AWS issue `nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade` dies on checking cache server. Can I use some other means to bump version of my system/packages?
<goibhniu> ah, fair enough (I'd also like to try that myself soon)
<ekleog> well, then you now know where the first gmane link pointed to before gmane closing ;) (and it seems useless from a "how do I do that" pov)
<goibhniu> c0ff33: does `nix-channel --update` work?
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<c0ff33> goibhniu: nope, it dies with '/run/current-system/sw/bin/nix-channel: unable to check ‘https://d3g5gsiof5omrk.cloudfront.net/nixos/17.03/nixos-17.03beta251.c0ecd31’'
<goibhniu> ekleog: cool :D
<goibhniu> c0ff33: is this a know issue? I can update the unstable channel here
<goibhniu> ah, is there a 17.03 channel already?
<c0ff33> It is
<goibhniu> ok, sorry for the noise
<c0ff33> goibhniu: So everything works on unstable?
<c0ff33> Will try to switch channel, give me a sec
<goibhniu> yep
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<c0ff33> goibhniu: In meantime - I tried 'http://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable' in browser and it gives me timeout.
<ben> works here
<goibhniu> https
<c0ff33> good point
<goibhniu> ah, http works too
<c0ff33> But timeout still
<goibhniu> maybe you have some network issue?
<c0ff33> My god...
<c0ff33> Sorry for bothering you
<c0ff33> Just checked on my mobile
<c0ff33> Works as a charm
<goibhniu> cool :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rasendubi opened pull request #23635: icu: 57.1 -> 58.2 (master...icu) https://git.io/vyuiU
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<arianvp2_> yo
<arianvp2_> So Nixos selling point you can run multiple versions of same software in parallel right?
<arianvp2_> but how do I specify a version in my nixos config?
<arianvp2_> I can only say " pkgs.vim" not "pkgs.vim.6.0"
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<ben> The selling point is more like "whatever you somehow install, it won't interfere with anything else, b/c it's all isolated", but it doesn't automatically come with recipes for installing every version of everything ever
<ben> I think you'd look at the definition of the vim package and make a copy that overrides the version and the source and the hashes and then see if that installs
<arianvp2_> I see
<arianvp2_> and how does it work with for example pkgs.haskellPackages ?
<ben> I'm not really familiar with their magic :)
<arianvp2_> what packages are included? the latest ones that build together? Is it like stackage or something? but except Hydra is the CI?
<ben> ....I think they have a tool to generate package specs from cabal files or cabal names and versions or something...
<RchrdB> Sometimes nixpkgs has multiple very similar derivations for different versions of the same package
<bennofs> arianvp2_: haskellPackages is based on stackage LTS
<bennofs> arianvp2_: and for packages not in stackage, it uses the latest that is available on Hackage I believe (there may be some manual overrides for some packages, not sure, but all core packages are taken from Stackage LTS)
<RchrdB> like nixpkgs.llvm_36, nixpkgs.llvm_38 and so on
<RchrdB> other times the benefit of stuff going into unique directories shows up as the fact that you can have packages present from two different versions of nixpkgs itself at the same time.
<RchrdB> e.g. you can run stable NixOS, clone the nixpkgs repo and work on it locally and have packages from nixpkgs HEAD alongside your stable distro.
<arianvp2_> bennofs: are you sure? I cannot really find evidence anyware that they follow the Stackage LTS
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<ben> arianvp2_: the commit log has a bunch of messages like "LTS Haskell $version", I assume that's them making nixpkgs catch up
<arianvp2_> I see!
<arianvp2_> thanks
<arianvp2_> so does it only follow the latest snapshot. or is it possible to use the older snapshots as well?
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<bennofs> arianvp2_: it only follows the latest stackage LTS snapshot. you can check out older versions of nixpkgs though or generate your own configuration-hackage2nix.yaml and then run hackage2nix to make a package set
<arianvp2_> cool
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<gchristensen> Dezgeg: https://i.imgur.com/oyYVYkl.png :thumbsup:
<domenkozar> bennofs: fyi I'll start work on stack2nix very soon by the path I described earlier
<domenkozar> bennofs: I might borrow some of your existing work if that's fine with you :)
<Dezgeg> cool
<Dezgeg> any success with scripting the process yet?
<gchristensen> not yet. how many do you think we'll need in Hydra to be effective?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyuMr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a9e990b Peter Hoeg: neovim: 0.2.5 -> 0.2.6
<RchrdB> gchristensen, that's a pretty pleasing quantity of CPUs
<LnL> gchristensen: woot, is it live?
<gchristensen> notyet
<bennofs> domenkozar: yeah that's fine :)
<gchristensen> but will be ~soon~
<gchristensen> of course, this means we need to make work for it to do ... and I don't think nixpkgs's hydra jobs make aarch64-linux jobs yet
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyuMQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 26625c9 Peter Hoeg: neovim-qt: run tests
<jophish> gchristensen: wow, that's a lot of cores
<jophish> what are the specs?
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<gchristensen> 2x Cavium ThunderX ARMv8 SoCs which have 48 cores each at 2.0GHz
<gchristensen> Dezgeg did all the hard work here, I just have pretty pictures
<gchristensen> (physical cores, no hyperthreading here)
<domenkozar> nice
<domenkozar> gchristensen: is that using custom hydra?
<gchristensen> no, this isn't attached to any hydra yet
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<bennofs> gchristensen: is that some weird i3 layout or is htop running in some form of tmux?
<gchristensen> it is just i3, no screen multiplexer here
<LnL> !m Dezgeg
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, Dezgeg!
<Profpatsch> sphalerite: Thanks!
<gchristensen> ok _now_ I can open the week's roundup issue.
<gchristensen> uh oh ... https://lwn.net/Vulnerabilities/
<bennofs> "largely unspecified" o.o
<gchristensen> not that, the "update" column -- there haven't been any updates in over a week
<bennofs> oh
<bennofs> nice
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<gchristensen> not too nice, there _are_ issues, they just haven't updated that list, and that list is The Source for the weekly roundups :/
<bennofs> oh, I thought perhaps a miracle happened and no issues where found this week :D
<gchristensen> give this list a look :P https://lwn.net/Alerts/
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<gchristensen> the reason we use(d) the other list, though, is the collected and collated issues
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fooblahblah opened pull request #23636: Add curl dependency to Slack for calls (master...slack-libcurl) https://git.io/vyuy5
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar closed pull request #23636: Add curl dependency to Slack for calls (master...slack-libcurl) https://git.io/vyuy5
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<MoreTea> domenkozar, zimbatm: Robert started working a tool called "np" (nix project). The idea is that it will wrap around all kinds of tools (like bundix, node2nix, stack2nix etc) to provide a uniform experience. See https://github.com/roberth/np
<musicmatze> does someone know bash well? Because I have a very weird behaviour with a vim alias
<musicmatze> I have `alias vim="vim -g --servername VIM --remote-tab-silent"` in my bashrc, but when I now do `vim foo.txt -g`, it opens "foo.txt" and "-g" as files... which is _really_ weird IMO.
<qknight> avn
<musicmatze> When I do `\vim -g -g`, it works as expected.
<musicmatze> (not nixos specific I guess, but I ask here anyways :-/)
<avn> qknight: ?
<musicmatze> avn see above
<musicmatze> my question on bash aliases
<musicmatze> I guess... Don't know whether qknight pinged you because of my question ... :-/
<bennofs> musicmatze: try vim -g foo.txt -g
<avn> musicmatze: no, I think he pinged me by other reason ;)
<musicmatze> bennofs: opens "-g" "foo.txt" and "-g"
<bennofs> musicmatze: oops I meant \vim -g foo.txt -gf
<bennofs> s/f//
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<musicmatze> bennofs: opens "foo.txt"
<musicmatze> not more
<bennofs> musicmatze: this is a vim weirdness. try \vim -g --servername VIM --remote-tab-silent -g foo.txt
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<musicmatze> yes, this also opens one "-g"
<maninalift> anybody here have experience of setting up ZFS on nixos? My zpool doesn't get automatically loaded on reboot. Any ideas? https://gist.github.com/maninalift/2d9f0d84b18f78cabfd3e05938bc2406
<manveru> MoreTea: that looks... intriguing
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<manveru> man, i really wish there was a node2nix version that didn't take 3 minutes :P
<qknight> 3 minutes for what?
<qknight> like execution time?
<contrapumpkin> redownloading everything
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<contrapumpkin> how can I stop buildPythonApplication from making a wrapper for my executables?
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<manveru> qknight: just updating deps and building the node_modules
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyuQD
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c8402dd Tuomas Tynkkynen: libp11: Fetch src from GitHub
<qknight> manveru: ok
<manveru> atm we have nearly 1000 packages in node_modules, so things are slow as fuck
<qknight> domenkozar: could you help me out. i want to override the src of bepasty-server but found no way (except modifying nixpkgs and not using override)
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<manveru> last i heard the biggest issue is that you can't just symlink stuff in node_modules, since node doesn't resolve them... otherwise one derivation per npm package would be possible
<qknight> manveru: couldn't we patch npm to do so?
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<manveru> that'd probably be worth a try
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyu7U
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 c5a10ac Tuomas Tynkkynen: libp11: Fetch src from GitHub...
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<domenkozar> qknight: sorry really busy toda
<domenkozar> y
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jyp closed pull request #23595: keras: depend on tensorflow (master...tf-keras) https://git.io/vyRb9
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] shlevy opened pull request #1265: Add option to disable import-from-derivation completely, even if the drv is already realized (master...allow-import-from-derivation) https://git.io/vyu5D
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<NixOS_GitHub> [hydra] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyuFJ
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master 73900e9 Eelco Dolstra: Fix std::stoi exception
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<digitalmentat> teh[m], I'm around now to discuss #19862
<digitalmentat> CC: domenkozar
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc opened pull request #23638: nixpkgs: build aarch64-linux (master...aarch64-linux) https://git.io/vyuF8
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyuFi
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 413bc03 Tuomas Tynkkynen: mess: Mark broken...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyuFD
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 2461c29 Tuomas Tynkkynen: mess: Mark broken...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyubq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9d9cc7b Peter Simons: hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c71d1e7 Peter Simons: LTS Haskell 8.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d7496b5 Michael Alan Dorman: gi-webkit2: fix gi-javascriptcore dependency...
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<contrapumpkin> argh, trying to get these python wrappers to work properly
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<echo-area> `nix-env --set-flag` can be used to set meta attributes of installed packages. But there is no way to clear a flag. Why is that?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyuN3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 9dc3f75 Profpatsch: networking/bonds: fix examples...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyuAq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 c554a0c Jörg Thalheim: purple-facebook: 2016-04-09 -> 0.9.0...
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<HappyEnte> Heyho, does anybody else has problems with krita on latest unstable channel? On my main system it runs flawlessly, but on my notebook it fails because it can't find qt platform plugin xcb.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] PierreR opened pull request #23640: pythonPackages.pepper: init at 0.5.0 (master...master) https://git.io/vyupB
<Profpatsch> fpletz: Is it normal that git cherry-pick -x fails first because the commit is empty?
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<MoreTea> Hmm. How must $out/init (in a systemconf derivation) be invoked?
<bennofs> what's systemconf? :o
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ixmatus opened pull request #23641: security-wrapper: Don't remove the old paths yet as that can create migration pain (master...parnell/fix-wrapper-migration) https://git.io/vyujT
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<MoreTea> bennofs, the derivation that NixOS creates for one generation of your system
<MoreTea> e.g. $ nix-build -I nixos-config=./config.nix '<nixpkgs/nixos>' --set -A system
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<arianvp2_> anybody familiar with vim_customizable.customize?
<arianvp2_> the vim_customizable package installs both vim and gvim
<arianvp2_> however if you use vim_customizable.customize, you cannot access gvim anymore
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra closed pull request #23638: nixpkgs: build aarch64-linux (master...aarch64-linux) https://git.io/vyuF8
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<fpletz> Profpatsch: that means that the changes are already on that branch :)
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<fpletz> Profpatsch: in your case, globin already cherry-picked that commit
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<Profpatsch> fpletz: ic
<Profpatsch> That was close.
<Profpatsch> It didn’t even appear here in the channel when I fetched the branches.
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<bennofs> what's the encoding that nix uses for store path hashes? Like 1g1629kck0ld34wqfiy891d2cvp61jz4, it's not hex, but something else...
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<ToxicFrog> bennofs: base64 of sha256, I think? Don't quote me on that, though.
<gchristensen> sorta
<dash> bennofs: base62 I think
<bennofs> more like base32 i think
<gchristensen> it has some letters removed to make it harder to spell profanities by mistake
<dash> oops base32, yep
<bennofs> / omitted: E O U T
<bennofs> const string base32Chars = "0123456789abcdfghijklmnpqrsvwxyz";
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<c0bw3b> yes it's a base32 SHA256 hash that has been truncated
<c0bw3b> cf man nix-hash
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<c0bw3b> well nix-hash --help rather
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<setgid> Hi, I bought a Wacom Intuos Pro (new generation) pen tablet and it is only supported by the 4.11 kernel. Is there an easy way to pull in the 4.11 kernel in NixOS stable?
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<Nazral> Hi
<c0bw3b> setgid : we are not even on the 4.10. kernel branch yet
<setgid> I assume I will have to set boot.kernelPackages, but there is no 4.11 kernel in nixpkgs.
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<c0bw3b> 4.11 is not a stable branch yet
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<setgid> I'm aware and willing to experience some breakage. :) The power of nix is how well you can mix and match versions of different packages.
<setgid> Is it possible to insert a little snippet similar to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/linux-4.10.nix into my configuration.nix to "package" the 4.11 kernel?
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<setgid> I'm not completely fluent in the nix language yet, so things like "import ./generic.nix (args // rec {
<setgid> " in that file are a bit confusing to me
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin opened pull request #23642: buildbot: assorted cleanups (master...buildbot-cleanup) https://git.io/vyzqj
<nixy> Is there a way to specify which channel you want to pull pkgs from in a packageOverrides?
<c0bw3b> setgid : TBH it should be possible but I never tried to use a custom kernel myself
<setgid> nixy: yes! just add the nixos-unstable channel and then put "let unstable = import <nixos-unstable> {}; in" around your configuration.nix expression
<setgid> nixy: then you can use unstable packages by prefixing them with unstable.
<c0bw3b> in action
<setgid> it works very well. I am mixing kde stable with okular unstable because there was a bug in the stable okular :)
<setgid> tips like this one should go into the documentation. I think I found out how to do it from that reddit post too
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<nixy> Thanks! I will see if I can get that working
<setgid> goibhniu: oh wow that looks like exactly what I need
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<setgid> goibhniu: is there a way to use that with the generic kernel config?
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<setgid> goibhniu: I am trying to use an edited version of pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/linux-4.10.nix
<goibhniu> sorry, I don't know more about it, but I'm sure there is ... perhaps you can search github to see how people use it
<setgid> goibhniu: But I assume the import ./generic.nix will fail because that file is from nixpkgs and not in my local nix configuration dir
<setgid> does anyone happen to know how to include nix files from nixpkgs inside my own configuration files?
<goibhniu> you can just give the full filesystem path
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<goibhniu> ah, well, you probably want to evaluate it
<clever> but if you always want it from nixpkgs, <nixpkgs/pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/linux-4.10.nix>
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #23643: pythonPackages.lit: init at 0.5 (master...feature/lit) https://git.io/vyzOM
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyzOS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e3b84d7 Franz Pletz: nixpkgs: add aarch64-linux to release-lib...
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<setgid> clever: oh, cool. thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rickynils pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyz39
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fb5369d Rickard Nilsson: haskellPackages.streaming-eversion: dontCheck
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rickynils pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vyzsO
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 ae92cb4 Rickard Nilsson: haskellPackages.streaming-eversion: dontCheck...
<FRidh> copumpkin: maybe we should have a `set NIX_PYTHONPATH`. We could add a sitecustomize.py in the folder of the interpreter that checks for this env var. We could use that one for all the wrapping, and users could then use `PYTHONPATH`.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rickynils pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyzsz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 a6209c2 Rickard Nilsson: haskellPackages.streaming-eversion: dontCheck...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #23644: llvm4: rc3 -> rc4, enable tests (master...update/llvm-rc4-and-tests) https://git.io/vyzGZ
<xeviox> hi, maybe someone can help. I try to use a different version of a package in my configuration.nix. Because of that I added http://pastebin.com/4a1Rhkc5 to my configuration. But it still installs the old version :/.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin closed pull request #23642: buildbot: assorted cleanups (master...buildbot-cleanup) https://git.io/vyzqj
<clever> xeviox: you need to override name and src, version has no effect on the build
<shlevy> niksnut: Is there a better way to detect if I'm compiling against nix 1.12 than "#ifdef ENABLE_S3"? :)
<shlevy> niksnut: I need to know whether to pass one arg or two to nix::EvalState
<xeviox> clever: I thought it will do the trick as its defined as url = "mirror://pypi/a/awscli/${name}.tar.gz"; in nixpkgs
<clever> xeviox: the problem is that it evals the ${version} and ${name} before the overrides apply
<shlevy> niksnut: Also, would be nice if nix's headers didn't conflict with other autoconf packages...
<xeviox> ah ok, thanks :D
<clever> xeviox: so it will use the old value of version
<contrapumpkin> FRidh: \o/ thanks
<bennofs> shlevy: can't autoconf tell you the version of a dependency? (sorry not familar with autoconf at all)
<contrapumpkin> FRidh: oh sorry, I missed your comment above
<shlevy> bennofs: No idea! :)
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<shlevy> bennofs: I have access to a c string "1.12.whatever" or "1.11.whatever" but that's not exactly easy to parse in CPP :D
<contrapumpkin> FRidh: what benefit would that provide over what we're doing now with --prefix?
<bennofs> shlevy: you could do the parsing in your configure.ac and use AC_SUBST
<contrapumpkin> ouch :)
<shlevy> I'd rather do #IFDEF ENABLE_S3 honestly :P
<shlevy> But that's probably the Right Way
<bennofs> shlevy: or typical autoconf style, write a feature test where you try to call it with one or two args and then generate a #define based on that
<clever> shlevy: i usualy see programs that have #define NIX_MAJOR 1, and #define NIX_MINOR 11 #define NIX_PATCH 7
<clever> shlevy: and then you can do simple int compares in the macro, to detect whatever you want
<shlevy> clever: Yeah, I'd like to add that to nix if niksnut wants it
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<xeviox> I'm this far: http://pastebin.com/qEyq4apH but awscli is complaining about the missing dependency to botocore 1.5.21 which I tried to build with the second override
<FRidh> contrapumpkin: the problem with prefix is that if you have nested Python applications each needing a different PYTHONPATH they will be concatenated. This is especially problematic when one of the applications requires Python 2 and the other 3.
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<contrapumpkin> I see, yeah
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<LnL> gchristensen: aarch64-linux builds <3
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<exarkun> I'm having trouble getting stuff cached between builds. My builds happen in a Docker container and I'd prefer to throw the container away between builds. I can't figure out what I should _keep_ to avoid having to re-download everything for every build. I thought I could `nix-push` my derivation and then `nix-build --option binary-caches ...` but that doesn't appear to help.
<ikwildrpepper> Dezgeg, gchristensen, niksnut: awesome that the arm stuff is starting to build now :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyzWz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cb67055 Alexey Shmalko: nss: 3.28.1 -> 3.28.3...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d4bb1c7 Alexey Shmalko: sqlite: 3.16.2 -> 3.17.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 28598c0 Alexey Shmalko: icu: 57.1 -> 58.2...
<ikwildrpepper> !m Dezgeg
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, Dezgeg!
<ikwildrpepper> !m gchristensen
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, gchristensen!
<ikwildrpepper> !m niksnut
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, niksnut!
<bennofs> exarkun: easiest way would be to keep /nix/ if possible
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #23635: icu: 57.1 -> 58.2 (master...icu) https://git.io/vyuiU
<fpletz> first octomerge in nixpkgs? :>
<gchristensen> ikwildrpepper, LnL: :) the Running Builds page is a beautiful sight.
<contrapumpkin> FRidh: dammit, I just realized something
<contrapumpkin> FRidh: my current withPlugins doesn't propagate properly :(
<contrapumpkin> I tested it with psycopg2 :)
<contrapumpkin> which I guess doesn't have propagated build inputs or something
<sphalerite> gchristensen: I had no idea avoiding profanity was the reason for the odd choice of character set for the hashes, that's funny
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<contrapumpkin> FRidh: is there a magic "expand search path" python helper I can use to fixthat?
<xeviox> isn't it possible to also override a dependency for a package?
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<exarkun> bendlas: /nix/ is full of so much random other stuff :/
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<bendlas> exarkun: huh?
<dtzWill> exarkun: nix-copy-closure might helpful, it's what I use to copy around built things
<sphalerite> xeviox: it is
<xeviox> sphalerite: any idea why it can't resolve the dependency?
<contrapumpkin> globin: that octomerge...
<contrapumpkin> fpletz: pity it caused a mass rebuild :)
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<sphalerite> xeviox: what's your input, what's your expected output, and what's the actual output?
<contrapumpkin> at least on darwin, but I'd expect icu to rebuild all of linux too
<setgid> well, this is probably not how you should do it, but this worked for me: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/9680770be3bd6d6092c3e5070ccc0eac
<setgid> in case anyone else is in need of a newer kernel version ^
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<setgid> I still don't understand entirely how it works with all those "let" "rec" "pkgs // self
<setgid> but nix isn't complaining
<xeviox> sphalerite: this is my input in configuration.nix: http://pastebin.com/qEyq4apH . Expected output: it builds and installs the overriden awscli version . Actual Output: http://pastebin.com/Z1PpaTYs
<exarkun> bendlas: I don't really know how all this stuff works but there's ... "profiles"? that work by having symlinks that go through /nix/var, for example.
<globin> contrapumpkin: I didn't see a mass rebuild when starting to build firefox..
<contrapumpkin> globin: perhaps ICU is only in stdenv in darwin?
<globin> seems to be darwin only
<contrapumpkin> either way, it's miserable :)
<sphalerite> Is there a way to stop nix-build from trying to use a binary cache? I have an unreliable internet connection and I don't like how it hangs when I try to build something I know won't be found in the binary cache anyway
<bendlas> exarkun: have you been talking to bennofs by chance?
<contrapumpkin> sphalerite: --option build-use-substitutes false
<exarkun> bendlas: nope
<contrapumpkin> sphalerite: make sure you spell it right ;) until https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/1246 gets merged
<bendlas> exarkun: OK, then please start from the beginning, I'm failing to recollect a prior conversation, right now ...
<exarkun> oh blech
<sphalerite> contrapumpkin: good thing there's a quality zsh completion for nix :D
<exarkun> Sorry
<contrapumpkin> sphalerite: it even completes --option values? I wonder how that works
<setgid> Is there some good writeup that helps nix newbies understand how all these recursive definitions in nixpkgs fit together and how they relate to the configuration.nix?
<sphalerite> contrapumpkin: black magic. I was surprised too
<exarkun> bendlas: yes I was talking to bennofs, I misunderstood
<gchristensen> "Load average: 3030 1228 839"
<sphalerite> gchristensen: o.o
<contrapumpkin> sphalerite: I'm assuming someone must've listed them out for the completion, since nix doesn't have a programmatic way to query them
<exarkun> dtzWill: I want caching for build dependencies too. nix-copy-closure seems like it takes steps to avoid those?
<contrapumpkin> globin: will you revert or is that a pain?
<gchristensen> sphalerite: that isn't so bad, 31pts per core
<contrapumpkin> I can trigger a hydra build I guess and reduce pain
<Dezgeg> did you remember to grow the root filesystem btw? :P
<sphalerite> gchristensen: 100 cores? Nice
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: I did :) conveniently swap being sda2 and old-root being sda3 made that easy
<Dezgeg> yes, I wouldn't have picked the swap partition as the target otherwise
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<globin> contrapumpkin: I'd actually like that in asap, probably need those in 17.03, too, as the firefox ESR support will run out during the support period otherwise..
<contrapumpkin> alright, the usual "darwin relegated to second-class citizenry" complaints apply though
<contrapumpkin> it's pretty miserable developing darwin in nix when linux folks clobber us regularly
<contrapumpkin> I don't know what to do about it, of course
<sphalerite> Switch to linux :D
<gchristensen> sphalerite: don't be mean :(
<contrapumpkin> not helpful
<dtzWill> exarkun: ah, probably, not sure about those. Maybe --include-outputs similar to nix.conf's keep-outputs? but sounds like not what you want after all :)
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<sphalerite> Sorry, I had to :p
<gchristensen> I don't think think "Don't merge mass-rebuilds" solution is very helpful
<contrapumpkin> no you didn't
<contrapumpkin> gchristensen: if we had a PR hydra, then I'd be tempted to lock master
<contrapumpkin> and have a process manage master
<gchristensen> LGTM
<contrapumpkin> not that we have the infrastructure in place to do that realistically today
<contrapumpkin> but in my ideal world
<gchristensen> the hardest part for darwin is the limited build resources
<gchristensen> and the difficulty in getting more
<contrapumpkin> well, the hardest part is that linux developers can't easily figure out if they're breaking darwin
<contrapumpkin> (and vice versa)
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<LnL> ^ yeah, mass rebuilds are more annoying for us because of that
<gchristensen> did it break darwin, or rebuild darwin?
<MoreTea> contrapumpkin, gchristensen what about creating a RFC for that?
<contrapumpkin> rebuild
<gchristensen> right
<contrapumpkin> but often it also breaks
<contrapumpkin> same kind of thing really
<gchristensen> I have found that to be true, too :(
<contrapumpkin> the issue is that they can't run anything on darwin
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<contrapumpkin> we could be stricter about nox review if it somehow did some darwin smoke tests
<LnL> yeah adding glibc or systemd dependencies without a conditional happens frequently
<contrapumpkin> I'd use it more if it told me stuff about other platforms
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<gchristensen> travis is 90% useless already
<contrapumpkin> MoreTea: yeah, need to think about how to actually do it
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<setgid> Can I enable '--option build-cores 8' globally?
<sphalerite> setgid: yes
<LnL> setgid: yes in nix.conf
<sphalerite> setgid: on nixos, use the option nix.buildCores
<setgid> nice, ty :)
<gchristensen> contrapumpkin: PR build infrastructure is almost here, the limiting factor is having a secure hand-off between github PR being approved & hydra
<gchristensen> (approved meaning a Member says "hey hydra build this PR at this hash")
<MoreTea> gchristensen, ok, so we need a github bot
<gchristensen> yeah and it somewhat exists already
<gchristensen> but the important thing is the hand-off can pin the sha to build and triggers it in hydra
<LnL> gchristensen: contrapumpkin: I think what would also help a lot is to have a tool that evaluates everything for the different platforms
<MoreTea> I started working on extracting a mapping of files -> maintainers based on the pkg.x.meta.maintainers
<contrapumpkin> LnL: nox could be that I think
<gchristensen> that is only tangential to the problem, but seems good
<MoreTea> we probably should try to add the maintainers stuff as well to the github bot.
<MoreTea> gchristensen, so this GH bot should should create a jobset in hydra for each PR, with an input to pin the commit SHA?
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<gchristensen> MoreTea: yeah, when a Trusted User (has commit rights to NixOS/nixpkgs) adds a special comment (like "+build", or "@nixosbuildbot build this thing") this bot should check the current sha of the PR, merge with the target branch, and then create-or-update a corresponding jobset in hydra
<gchristensen> with that merge sha
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<MoreTea> gchristensen, we could probably do something interesting there with allowing maintainers to OK stuff for their packages directly in V1.1
<gchristensen> could be
<gchristensen> I'd be happy with a v0.1 to start with :P
<MoreTea> did you have a set of .nix expressions to setup a hydra locally with e.g. nixops?
<LnL> hydra is starting to send emails about the arm builds :)
<globin> contrapumpkin: after the release I'll continue the work on the hydra pr stuff, sry for creating the pain..
<gchristensen> I did, MoreTea, but you don't need that for debugging
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<Yaniel> Is there some requirement for packages to produce a binary with the same name as the package?
<contrapumpkin> no problem really, I'll just work from HEAD~1
<Yaniel> I'm trying to package renderdoc and it fails because there is no binary called 'renderdoc'
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<FRidh> anyone knows of a program that is wrapped several times? I would like to check what the name is.
<gchristensen> MoreTea: if you exec `hydra-create-or-update-jobset nixos --triger --pull-request 12345 --description "fiddle the frobs" --sha d4bb1c7d4bb1c7d4bb1c7d4bb1c7` it'll do the right thing
<sphalerite> Yaniel: no, there isn't
<sphalerite> Yaniel: What's your expression and the error message?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin opened pull request #23646: buildbot: fix .withPlugins to propagate inputs (master...buildbot-cleanup-take-2) https://git.io/vyzzc
<contrapumpkin> FRidh: wrapping multiple times clobbers old wrappers, iirc
<sphalerite> gchristensen: suggestion, just use a "reaction" to the PR rather than a comment if possible, to avoid comment noise
<contrapumpkin> globin: you sure it wasn't a mass rebuild? :P http://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixpkgs/trunk
<FRidh> contrapumpkin: Thanks. I know we sometimes have double wrappers that work, I just forgot how exactly their name is. I think it was .foo-wrapped-wrapped with one dot,right.
<contrapumpkin> globin: note the tons of invalidated builds :(
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<contrapumpkin> FRidh: hmm, the python double wrapper seemed to work differently at least. Not sure about others
<gchristensen> contrapumpkin: that is probably the aarch64 builds?
<contrapumpkin> FRidh: that is, python has a modified python script wrapper, plus a shell wrapper around ithat
<gchristensen> sphalerite: no, reactions aren't an appropriate tool here
<contrapumpkin> gchristensen: green went from 34000+ to 8000
<gchristensen> ahh right right
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<globin> contrapumpkin: hmm maybe something like systemd then :/ at least not the stdenv, feel free to revert if it causes too much pain, I'm on the tube right now..
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<contrapumpkin> globin: I don't really know or have a linux box to test on hand... if you're okay with it I'll leave it alone but it makes me a bit sad :)
<gchristensen> contrapumpkin: speaking of linux boxes
<contrapumpkin> oh shit
<contrapumpkin> let me fix that now
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<gchristensen> by the end of the day, anyway :)
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<exarkun> I'm having trouble getting stuff cached between builds. My builds happen in a Docker container and I'd prefer to throw the container away between builds. I can't figure out what I should _keep_ to avoid having to re-download everything for every build. I thought I could `nix-push` my derivation and then `nix-build --option binary-caches ...` but that doesn't appear to help.
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<contrapumpkin> FRidh: I really link my simplification to the withPlugins :)
<contrapumpkin> I hope it's correct
<contrapumpkin> fridh: I also kind of prefer --set to --prefix because I happened to be running in a nix-shell with a dependency I needed and accidentally omitted it from the expression but nothing broke :(
<contrapumpkin> (until later when I ran it outside the nix-shell)
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<sphalerite> what does the "cannot refer to other paths" error thrown by builtins.pathExists actually mean? I don't really get it, and reading the source hasn't helped (tbf I've barely read any of nix's source, so that's not really surprising)
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<LnL> gchristensen: my hydra also started to rebuild the world
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyzVQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master adf044e Joachim Fasting: nixos/dnscrypt-proxy: refactoring...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e72aaa7 Joachim Fasting: nixos/dnscrypt-proxy: support updating before nss is up...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5f27abe Joachim Fasting: nixos/dnscrypt-proxy: more fs isolation for the updater...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyzwm
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a3a21a7 Tuomas Tynkkynen: delve: Disable on i686
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyzwn
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 6c0b236 Tuomas Tynkkynen: delve: Disable on i686...
<contrapumpkin> lol, that packet box now takes up half of the machine status page
<gchristensen> it is a busy fella :P
<contrapumpkin> should we add a sponsorship/thanks page to the bottom of the nixos homepage?
<contrapumpkin> more than promoting companies, I'd see it as a quiet endorsement
<gchristensen> yeah, we need to add Packet to the site somewhere
<contrapumpkin> or perhaps on the hydra homepage
<gchristensen> not sure where exactly
<gchristensen> ooo! for the first time, the Packet t2a box is running at capacity - it hit 96 concurrent builds.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyzrz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8dce538 Tuomas Tynkkynen: gtkglextmm: Mark as broken...
<contrapumpkin> \o/
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyzro
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 b89623e Tuomas Tynkkynen: gtkglextmm: Mark as broken...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin closed pull request #23646: buildbot: fix .withPlugins to propagate inputs (master...buildbot-cleanup-take-2) https://git.io/vyzzc
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<clever> contrapumpkin: oh, i have a patch ive been needing to apply to buildbot, it uses /usr/bin/tail to follow its own logs
<clever> contrapumpkin: did that already get fixed in master?
<copumpkin> clever: it's had that patch for a while
<copumpkin> I think
<copumpkin> it's definitely in the expression I was fudging with
<clever> i'm on 16.09
<copumpkin> not sure when it got added
<clever> ah
<copumpkin> oh, perhaps not back then
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<copumpkin> clever: I just added a .withPlugins
<copumpkin> not sure if you used that
<ij> I added "service.locate.enable = true;" to configuration.nix. Do I've to do something more?
<ij> … for `locate test` to work.
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<copumpkin> nixos-rebuild switch
<clever> copumpkin: i cant remember what i used, and i still need to make a systemd unit so it auto-runs
<copumpkin> clever: that's in nixpkgs now
<copumpkin> there's both the worker and the master in there
<clever> nice
<clever> but 17.03 and unstable fail to even unpack my nodejs source
<ij> What was the command to look at snapshots? (I know one gets added, when I do nix-env -iA vim)
<copumpkin> clever: ouch
<copumpkin> clever: is there a bug for it? that seems like a potential blocker
<clever> let me get the full error
<copumpkin> would hate to release 17.03 with broken nodejs :)
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<copumpkin> not that I like nodejs at all, but others seem to
<clever> copumpkin: yeah, i'm moving away from it as well, but it would take a while to redo the entire thing
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<copumpkin> I'd make an issue about it and mention it in the ZHF thread
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<contrapumpkin> ikwildrpepper, niksnut: mac4 seems to be idle despite there being a ton of work for mac hydra
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<gchristensen> could it be that they're not yet runnable?
<contrapumpkin> perhaps, but it seems to be building assorted random stuff at this point, not the conventional bootstrap
<gchristensen> ah
<contrapumpkin> maybe still working on an old evaluation though?
<contrapumpkin> hard to say
<contrapumpkin> nckx: you're on guix instead of nix now?
<sphalerite> Has anyone here used guix? How does it compare to nix in terms of usability? Or does anyone know an article comparing them?
<gchristensen> how do you feel about hard-liner approaches to free software?
<nckx> contrapumpkin: mainly, yes, although I still have a few NixOS boxes chugging away (GuixSD is still too rough around some edges). And too little free time to contribute much to either, unfortunately.
<contrapumpkin> ah, that's a pity
* nckx should take that plug out of his whois, though, that was a half-joke.
<bennofs> i would like a guix that wasn't so focused on free software
<gchristensen> bennofs: here we are :P
<contrapumpkin> I still quite like the lack of power of the nix language :)
<contrapumpkin> so "a general-purpose language for specifying packages" is negative appeal for me
<contrapumpkin> but I see why some people would prefer it
<bennofs> contrapumpkin: well, i would like it if it actually lacked power, but right now it has *just* enough power so that people use it
<contrapumpkin> I don't really care about power in the theoretical spectrum
<contrapumpkin> i.e. if it's turing complete or not
<contrapumpkin> I'm talking about ability to mess with the system evaluating it
<bennofs> I think an architecture like XML and XSLT would be good, where you have a data-based specification and then a programming language to "transform" the specs into derivs
<contrapumpkin> probably, as long as you make it look nothing like either of those ;)
<ertes> my main concern about guile scheme would be the lack of laziness… some abstractions used in nixpkgs rely on that
<bennofs> :D
* contrapumpkin 's eyeballs bleed at the thought
<gchristensen> omg bennofs
<nckx> contrapumpkin: I started getting into Lisp/Scheme by coincidence, and Guix caught my attention at just the right time. So I like it a lot, but I'm hopelessly biased.
<contrapumpkin> the way I'd phrase what bennofs is saying
<gchristensen> bennofs: sounds like the ".fix" files that used to be in Nixpkgs
<contrapumpkin> is "explicitly model your packages as data"
<contrapumpkin> which is something we're lacking right now in nixpkgs
<nckx> contrapumpkin: ...with bash snippets.
<contrapumpkin> well, I don't want my data model to have bash snippets in it, ideally :)
<bennofs> nckx: I'd argue that 80% of nixpkgs does not need bash snippets
<contrapumpkin> bash snippets are in the "massage" layer, which takes the modeled data and transforms it into something practical
<bennofs> nckx: and the remaining 20% should use python or something more powerful than bash instead, because those are often quite complex bash scripts
<contrapumpkin> yeah probably
<nckx> Or Guile. /ducks
<sphalerite> gchristensen: I feel like they're very important for the community in general, because it's thanks to them that free options exist for many things, but not as easy to use in themselves.
<contrapumpkin> what's a decent scripting language with the smallest dependency closure
<gchristensen> sphalerite: sorry?
<dash> contrapumpkin: openfirmware's forth?
<contrapumpkin> hah
<exarkun> bennofs: Hey you dropped off before I could answer before. /nix has too much stuff in it. that said, copying everything out and then back in to it is what I ended up doing. :/
<ertes> contrapumpkin: there are fairly small schemes
<contrapumpkin> okay yes let's switch nixpkgs to forth
<sphalerite> gchristensen: in response to my feelings about hard-liner approaches to free software
<dash> contrapumpkin: doesnt even need an OS
<contrapumpkin> excellent :P
<bennofs> contrapumpkin: nim?
<ertes> contrapumpkin: i was looking for the same thing a few weeks ago, trying different languages, including many schemes, but ultimately i decided to just use haskell for that as well
<bennofs> not that I have used it
<contrapumpkin> perhaps! it's a pity that most of these languages make calling out to external programs rather painful
<ertes> they just don't try to create the illusion that invoking child processes is a safe, deterministic thing to do =)
<contrapumpkin> :)
<ertes> bash tries really hard to create that illusion
<pikajude> nix is great
<pikajude> i really appreciate it when i don't have to figure out how the latex packaging system works
<ertes> (and zsh and …)
<ertes> in any case, if we replace bash in nixpkgs, please let's not replace it by python ;)
<copumpkin> agda for all expressions
<copumpkin> gchristensen: okay I cleared out your box, you can kill it
<copumpkin> thanks :)
<pikajude> we should replace bash with haskell ヽ ╭ ° ͜ʖ͡°╮ノ
<sphalerite> perl everywhere
<pikajude> a shell scripting dialect of haskell
<pikajude> called "hash"
<sphalerite> +1 for relevance, -1 for ambiguity
<nckx> Haskell closure size ftw.
<gchristensen> copumpkin: you're welcome :)
<ertes> "dialect" is almost equivalent to "library" in haskell, and there are actually quite a few "shell scripting" libraries around (none of which i like)
<ertes> nckx: that can be fixed by multi-output GHC
<gchristensen> copumpkin: reassigning it to hydra soon enough :P
<ertes> but it hasn't been done yet
<pikajude> nah we should just get a quasiquoter that parses bash
<ben> let's replace it w/ something that looks like bash but where you don't have to be afraid about quoting issues literally every time you use variables
<sphalerite> wait, ghc's closure includes ghc-doc?
<dash> ben: oilshell?
<ben> also maybe something that reads structures values out of env vars, not just strings
<copumpkin> gchristensen: don't trust me! I added a Ken Thompson-style hack that will pollute all hydra outputs forever, untraceably
<gchristensen> copumpkin: oh, no way
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<ertes> ben: execline has that property, but it's also a rather awkward "language" for anything more complicated
<gchristensen> your box is being erased :)
<copumpkin> oh good
<gchristensen> but the slot
<gchristensen> I can only have so many T2s
<maninalift> anybody here have experience of setting up ZFS on nixos? My zpool doesn't get automatically loaded on reboot. Any ideas? https://gist.github.com/maninalift/2d9f0d84b18f78cabfd3e05938bc2406
<copumpkin> makes sense
<bennofs> how about expect?
<ben> i feel like in the easy case you gotta degrade to basically bash and in the complicated case you want to be haskell and its all about figuring out the syntax for the inbetween parts
<bennofs> i think you need a language with good meta-programming abilities, that's why I was suggesting nim
<nckx> TIL nim. Thanks.
<ben> dash: impressive that you, as a shell yourself, are advertising yet another shell ;)
<dash> ben: utterly mad project to make a decent language for shell-ish use cases, and to *compile bash scripts to it*
<ertes> i wouldn't mind scheme as a scripting language, but all of the schemes i've seen lacked *something*, be it a good toolchain, useful libraries, etc.
<dash> ertes: sanity? good taste?
<ben> dash: does it look cute tho?
<dash> ben: maybe use a pink terminal font
<ertes> dash: hmm?
<ben> `(), mhm
<ben> i like $()
<ertes> i like:
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<RchrdB> ertes, I think there was one called scheme48 which was trying to be a shell as an explicit project goal or something like that
<ertes> (in other words: string handling in shell languages is utterly horrible)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyzDm
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 74f8e0f Joachim Fasting: torbrowser: 6.5 -> 6.5.1
<ertes> RchrdB: there was also scsh, but i didn't like the experience
<sphalerite> I like "${function "string ${function}"}"
<RchrdB> actually i think I was thinking of scsh, which *implemented atop* scheme48
<bennofs> I think the places were we currently use bash don't really need super solid type systems or guarrantes, since the code often runs in very constrained environments (always the same inputs) and is tested when the package is first developed
<bennofs> it's more a documention for the steps you needed to take when packaging the software
<ben> but I still feel bad every time I interpolate a variable into a string that's actually bash code :(
<sphalerite> joachifm: for the change to precision strike — I can assume it's GNU sed, right?
<ertes> bennofs: i use the type system as a development tool more than a correctness check
<sphalerite> because the -i flag behaves inconsistently across implementations, I remember running into that when I was writing a script that also had to run on OSX...
<clever> sphalerite: i dont see a pkgs.sed in nixpkgs, but i do see a pkgs.gnused
<sphalerite> clever: and that's where my sed is from — but I'm not sure if it's okay to make assumptions about it
<sphalerite> e.g. should it be busybox-proof
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyzyr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4ae5f4d Dan Peebles: pythonPackages.cryptography: fix test on macOS 10.12...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy opened pull request #23648: stripDirs: Silence annoying 'File format not recognized' errors (staging...silent-strip) https://git.io/vyzS1
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] teh opened pull request #23649: Pyrax (master...pyrax) https://git.io/vyz9w
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyzHc
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5f5b871 Tuomas Tynkkynen: raspberrypifw, linux_rpi: 1.20161020 -> 1.20170303
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9188f2e Tuomas Tynkkynen: release.nix: Fix typo
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyzHu
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 cdd5709 Tuomas Tynkkynen: raspberrypifw, linux_rpi: 1.20161020 -> 1.20170303...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyzQO
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 116953f Joachim Fasting: torbrowser: callPackage can fill in missing params from xorg
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<c0bw3b> Dezgeg: just browsing through your "crash-bandicoot-password-cracking" repo.... ! ^^ crazy stuff to me
<Dezgeg> hehe
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<Kendos-Kenlen> What is the initrd used by nixos ?
<sphalerite> Is there any sort of order to pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix, or at least an attempt at one? It seems vaguely alphabetical but I've found at least 4 clusters of Ns
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<bennofs> sphalerite: there's an attempt at one, per category (search for ##)
<copumpkin> Kendos-Kenlen: it builds it like any other nix derivation
<copumpkin> Kendos-Kenlen: you asking where the expression that defines it lives?
<sphalerite> bennofs: not found in the file...
<Kendos-Kenlen> copumpkin: clever I was wondering if it was a classic initrd like Dracut or one specific to NixOS
<copumpkin> oh, we build everything :)
<bennofs> sphalerite: it contains lines like ### DEVELOPMENT / LIBRARIES / JAVA
<bennofs> sphalerite: for me at least
<sphalerite> bennofs: that sounds like all-packages.nix, not python-packages.nix
<clever> bennofs: your looking at all-packages.nix, but sphalerite mentioned python-packages.nix
<bennofs> sphalerite: oh sorry, I can't read
<bennofs> sphalerite: I don't think python-packages.nix has an ordering, often times, new packages are just added at the end (at least that's what it looked like to me the last time i looked at it)
<sphalerite> hm, those all seem to be callPackage ones which are presumably more complex. The last one that isn't through callPackage is zipfile36
<viric> aarch64 in hydra? Great! Dezgeg, is this you?
<sphalerite> I'll just put nltk somewhere amongst one of the N clusters :D
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<contrapumpkin> viric: at least partly gchristensen, not sure who else was involved :)
<contrapumpkin> viric: and not just any aarch64, but 96 cores of it
<contrapumpkin> :P
<clever> contrapumpkin: v7 as well?
<viric> contrapumpkin: wow not bad
<viric> contrapumpkin: can aarch64 build 32-bit arm? that'd be great
<viric> (the same kernel, I mean)
<contrapumpkin> no idea!
<contrapumpkin> I haven't been involved in ARM in a while
<clever> i would expect it to be able to do that
<clever> 64bit x86 can do the same
<viric> that would be of great help
<Dezgeg> I think it depends on the chip implementation
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyzF4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f36b721 Nikolay Amiantov: primus: fix if nvidia is not used...
<contrapumpkin> last I looked at ARM, they could even have different endiannesses
<contrapumpkin> admittedly that was a while ago
<Dezgeg> yes, they deprecated that in aarch64
<contrapumpkin> yeah, every actual one I saw used LE
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<Dezgeg> I had this plan for setting one of the ARM devices at work in BE mode (to test code on big endian)
<Dezgeg> but my current plan is buying old powermacs :)
<LnL> so would nixos now run on a raspberry, or does that still need some work?
<Dezgeg> pi3 is capable of aarch64
<LnL> oh, I thought that was armv7
<LnL> or is that the same? I have no idea :)
<Dezgeg> it's not the same
<sphalerite> Dezgeg: How about POWER8/POWER9? :D
<Dezgeg> raspbian only supports running pi3 in armv7 mode though
<LnL> cool, I might buy one to play around with then
<Dezgeg> POWER could work too, but that probably costs more (I offered my friend I trade his G5 for some wine bottles)
<sphalerite> haha fair enough
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<clever> LnL: the pi3 is aarch64, but its also backwards compat to armv6 and armv7
<clever> the raspbian userland is always compiled in armv6, so it maintains compat with the rpi1
<viric> but can the aarch64 kernel run armv6 and armv7?
<clever> but it has 2 kernels, v6 and v7
<LnL> yeah Dezgeg mentioned that, but apparently we support aarch64 and raspberian doesnt :D
<clever> LnL: a lot of the gpu accel stuff involves passing userland pointers to the gpu in 32bit fields as tokens
<clever> LnL: and the gpu then returns those 32bit pointers back in events
<clever> its not going to be happy when you stick a 64bit userland in the mix
<viric> oh
<Dezgeg> I think that only applies to the non-free gpu implementation
<clever> yeah
<viric> aarch64 with 32-bit pointers would be fine
<Dezgeg> because glmark2 runs fine with the mesa vc4 driver in 64-bit mode
<clever> x86 64bit has a MAP_32BIT flag in mmap
<clever> which forces the upper 32bits to be 0
<viric> ok
<clever> and there was talk of implementing the same flag in the aarch64 kernel
<clever> then if the non-free gpu userland uses that to allocate memory, it would be safe to truncate the pointers
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<viric> ok
<viric> thank you
<clever> heh, there is a kernel option to allow an aarch64 kernel to emulate big-endian systems
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jensbin opened pull request #23650: missing dconf in buildInput (master...corebird_missing_dconf) https://git.io/vyzx7
<clever> viric: and this COMPAT option allows an aarch64 kernel to run 32bit code
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<gchristensen> viric: team effort I think, but I just acquired the hardware sponsor..
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<exarkun> I have a python package with a test suite that tries to run one of the scripts it ships with
<exarkun> but the tests fail because the script ends up not being found in PATH
<exarkun> The script is a setuptools entrypoint
<exarkun> Why isn't it in PATH?
<LnL> gchristensen: I think that's pretty important for arm, the macmini approach but with raspberry's wouldn't really work :)
<gchristensen> hehe
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<gchristensen> if we can somehow use fancy GPUs I have access to plenty of those too
<clever> gchristensen: i have used the rpi gpu before, without the non-free driver
<gchristensen> not the rpi gpu
<gchristensen> I said fancy ones :P
<clever> lol
<clever> gchristensen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6ogpgieJrQ is an example of what ive done, this was operating with zero kernel code
<gchristensen> oh fancy
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<Yaniel> testing, testing...
<Yaniel> awesome, now I appear to be back
<Yaniel> so back to the actual question: I'm packaging renderdoc, but it fails after the build phase because there's no binary called 'renderdoc'
<Yaniel> am I missing something?
<Yaniel> all binaries get built, they just happen to have different names
<bennofs> Yaniel: why do they have different names?: O
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<Yaniel> bennofs: there's a GUI and a cli
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<Ralith> hurray renderdoc
<Ralith> Yaniel: "it fails"?
<Yaniel> lemme fire up the build again to get the exact error
<Ralith> a nix build isn't normally even directly aware of thet name of any binaries produced
<Yaniel> that's what I thought too, hence my surprise
<Ralith> I mean, it's probably something in renderdoc's build
<Ralith> nix doesn't care what happens at all, you just write stuff under $out
<Yaniel> possibly the cmake install step then
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<copumpkin> cstrahan: any idea why the libuv tests are so flaky?
<copumpkin> on darwin at least
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] adevress opened pull request #1267: Add missing header <sstream> (master...master) https://git.io/vygTa
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<Yaniel> in post-installation fixup (I'm using nix-env -f . -i to test)
<Yaniel> `mv: cannot stat '/nix/store/lvvaf5bldqg56bc1bzfbz1cr8x0i606p-renderdoc-0.32/bin/renderdoc': No such file or directory`
<Ralith> what's your package look like?
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* Yaniel sent a long message: Yaniel_2017-03-08_21:34:13.txt - https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/cDCblkFdnvKMRfYJOXrBEQDU
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<LnL> copumpkin: yeah, i'ts annoying
<LnL> copumpkin: I tried to reproduce it last week but had no issues after ~20 --check builds
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<copumpkin> oh so they only happen on hydra?
<MoreTea> gchristensen, I hacked a minimal bot to trigger the hydra script
<Ralith> Yaniel: are you using qt's callPackage?
<LnL> copumpkin: pretty sure some other people also run into issues when building locally, but I'm not running into any issues
<Yaniel> qt5.callPackage, yes
<Ralith> Yaniel: also presumably it's your preFixup that's causing the error
<Ralith> it sounds like you're just passing it the wrong filename?
<Yaniel> to what?
<Yaniel> ohh
<Yaniel> nvm I'm blind
<copumpkin> LnL: yeah it built fine for me too
<Yaniel> thanks ralith
<Ralith> \o
<Ralith> thanks for packaging this!
<Ralith> will definitely be using it
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<Yaniel> I hope someone will gloss it over for any glaring mistakes preferrably before I make a PR
<Yaniel> btw how soon would I have to get said PR in to have it in the next stable?
<gchristensen> 9 days ago
<gchristensen> but we may be able to sneak it in, depending
<Ralith> you can always just copy the package into your config.nix if not
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/vygta
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 661048c Justin Bedo: platypus: init at 2017-03-07
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7f214e6 Justin Bedo: bedtools: init at 2.26.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4bb50fd Justin Bedo: picard-tools: init at 2.7.1
<Ralith> having stuff in stable isn't actually that important
<Yaniel> sure - I mean I wrote it :P
<Yaniel> well I'd say having it in stable drastically lowers the entry barrier
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<Ralith> since you asked for review, a few other comments: I think you can set cmakeFlags[Array] in the package directly, rather than going through preConfigure
<Yaniel> but I suppose I'll leave that to whoever is in charge of those things
<Ralith> I'm also a bit surprised that there's no dependency on the loader
<Yaniel> I tried to set cmakeFlags but then it wouldn't accept $out there
<Ralith> oh, right
<Yaniel> if there's a nicer way around that I'm all ears
<Ralith> your current approach makes sense then
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #23585: init a collection of bioinformatics tools (master...bioinformatics) https://git.io/vyRJT
<Ralith> I mean, there might be some way to define it relative to the prefix or something
<Ralith> using cmake terms
<Ralith> but diving into cmake for that sort of thing is a can of worms and there's nothing really deeply bad about what you're doing
<LnL> copumpkin: it does seem to fail a lot on hydra.org, I wonder why that is
<Yaniel> yeah cmake has like 5 different prefixes which mean almost the same thing
<Ralith> I'd be more concerned about the variable expansion rules
<Yaniel> but use the wrong one and nothing will work
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<Yaniel> I don't need to do anything about the non-qt binary, right?
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<Yaniel> as in it'll Just Work
<Ralith> if it's genuinely non-qt, I'd assume you're fine yeah
<Ralith> note that people do sometimes write command line apps using qt
<Yaniel> okay, let's see then
<Yaniel> good point about the loader, it's not strictly speaking necessary but I assume most people who care about renderdoc will want vulkan support anyway
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #20545: haskellPackages.pipes-binary: dontCheck (master...pipes-binary) https://git.io/vXFBA
<Ralith> Yaniel: note that if renderdoc uses dlopen to access the loader you may need to take measures to ensure the rpath entry isn't stripped as unused
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<Ralith> in particular, `patchelf --shrink-rpath` will probably erase it; not sure if it's invoked by default or how to disable it or what
<gchristensen> globin: around?
<Yaniel> according to baldurk there shouldn't be any problems
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vygYK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1fb6fc2 Vincent Laporte: smplayer: 17.2.0 -> 17.3.0
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<Ralith> Yaniel: what does that mean? does it not need access to the loader at runtime?
<Yaniel> it doesn't dlopen
<Ralith> was the build system automatically disabling vulkan support wholesale, then?
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<nekroze> Since upgrading to 17.03 my gitlab-runner cannot execute builds. it looks like when it tries to start a build it attempts to switch user via su which it cannot find. I have tried giving the service pkgs.su in the path and even /run/wrappers/bin as an extension to the path variable by overriding the systemd start script with no joy. Anyone know how to resolve this?
<Yaniel> oh wait, that was librenderdoc.so, not vulkan
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<LnL> nekroze: did you do a live upgrade or a reboot?
<nekroze> LnL: Rebooted
<LnL> oh wait, pkgs.su is not the same as /run/wrappers/bin/su
<nekroze> If I ssh to the machine I can see that `which su` is now at /run/wrappers/bin/su
<nekroze> LnL: I assumed it wasnt but I gave it a go anyways
<nekroze> My first attempt to fix it was to add export PATH=$PATH:/run/wrappers/bin to the start script of the runner
<LnL> pkgs.su doesn't have the setuid bit so it won't work, does the gitlab service use the wrapper?
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<LnL> nekroze: it would have to be /run/wrappers/bin:$PATH so the correct one gets priority
<nekroze> LnL: Interesting. I will give that a go. The error says it could not find su in the path though so thats why I assumed appending was ok
<copumpkin> anyone have any clue why we default to java7 on darwin and java8 on linux?
<copumpkin> I guess I should check the blame, but running blame on all-packages makes me sad
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] magnetophon opened pull request #23652: inkscape: 0.92.0 -> 0.92.1 (master...inkscape) https://git.io/vygGc
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<gchristensen> I'd like a nicely indexed search engine for commits, copumpkin :P
<gchristensen> for numerous reasons
<gchristensen> copumpkin: check 5c6bcee944a
<copumpkin> I'd be surprised if one didn't exist somewhere
<copumpkin> yeah, I found that but it looked unrelated
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<Yaniel> it's kinda annoying that nix has to rebuild the whole thing when tweaking the package
<Yaniel> because renderdoc takes about 15mins on my desktop
<gchristensen> not sure, copumpkin, it is a bit niche
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<gchristensen> copumpkin: https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/commit/ef490c6b14a this is related
<gchristensen> still not back far enough...
<copumpkin> ah, that's close
<copumpkin> that mostly explains it I think
<ndowens08> according to git pulse, I did 54 commits :)
<Yaniel> This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb"
<Yaniel> getting closer...
<ndowens08> well that is for one week :)
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<Yaniel> ralith: how should I depend on that? (and I can't find what package provides it)
<Yaniel> a hard dependency doesn't make sense for wayland users
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<copumpkin> aha, thanks :)
<copumpkin> I'm going to try to reunify the expressions
<gchristensen> :)
<copumpkin> unfortunately the openjdk build wants all sorts of annoying junk on darwin
<copumpkin> but I got the bootstrap working at least
<Ralith> Yaniel: other qt packages don't seem to have an explicit dep on any particular platform module, so I suspect something's broke
<Yaniel> hmm
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<Ralith> I speculate that that sort of thing is supposed to be set up by wrapQtProgram
<Ralith> Yaniel: if you use nix-shell to build/test it's much easier to debug since you can run individual stages
<Ralith> (and save intermediate results)
<Yaniel> hmm how would that look?
<shaugh> anyone try using zsh as their login shell with urxvt?
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<Ralith> shaugh: this is a long-known issue to do with the exact timing of how shells perform their terminfo search
<Ralith> I forget what the current status is
<shaugh> aha! thank you. i did manage a work around so it's good this is a known issue
<Yaniel> ralith: how would a shell.nix look if I want a shell with the env defined by the package?
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<Ralith> Yaniel: what is "the env defined by the package?"
<Ralith> the original purpose and default behavior of nix-shell is to give you the build environment of a package
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<Yaniel> ooh, TIL
<Yaniel> does it use default.nix or package.nix by default?
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<Ralith> I think it searchers first for shell.nix and then default.nix
<Ralith> a shell.nix that simply invokes callPackage is convenient, iirc
<Yaniel> well I have a default.nix that invokes callPackage
<Ralith> that works too
<Yaniel> guess I could just rename that to shell.nix
<Ralith> only really matters if you're expecting to call the package from elsewhere, whereas you're presumably planning on committing it to nixpkgs instead
<Yaniel> is there a way to run all steps up to X?
<Ralith> just run them by hand, there's not that many
<Ralith> and you'll presumably want to skip unpackPhase
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<Profpatsch> I’m a bit concerned that the RFC process will create lots of bikeshedding.
<Profpatsch> And that it’s going to be way too hard to get anything substantial in.
<Profpatsch> As in “i don’t even want to bother, let’s just deploy on local hydra”-hard.
<gchristensen> what does "Deploy on local hydra" mean?
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<Profpatsch> (I’m a fan of loose & anarchistic processes)
<Profpatsch> Well, just not push upstream.
<Profpatsch> And use the stuff internally, as it’s not polished enough yet.
<Profpatsch> Right now I PR stuff rather incrementally.
<Profpatsch> One library function, another library function.
<Profpatsch> Once RFCs are in place, I might not feel that it’s enough to create an RFC, get a second person …
<Profpatsch> And once people think it’s a good idea now I suddenly have pressure to actually implement it.
<bennofs> Profpatsch: I don't think it can get harder than it is to get big stuff in tbh
<Profpatsch> If I were to ask for advice about bigger changes, I’d just open an issue and CC a few people right now.
<Profpatsch> Or ask a few very bright people personally.
<Profpatsch> Without need of being scrutinized by the whole world.
<Profpatsch> imho the biggest reason for nixpkgs moving so fast was the very loose process so far.
<bennofs> Profpatsch: how is nixpkgs moving fast? What are some big changes that got actually merged? The only ones I can remember are overlays and the all-packages restructure
<bennofs> oh and the security stuff
<stepcut> Dezgeg, or anyone else, any idea how to work around this OOM error? http://lpaste.net/4043322726880903168 I already have 1.5GB of swap enabled
<gchristensen> bennofs: not a big change
<Profpatsch> Also, nix is the perfect platform for decentralized development and spreading of ideas.
<Profpatsch> It sounds to me as if every library change would have to go through the RFC process.
<dmj`> anyone know how nixpkgs manages to not get timed out on travis?
<bennofs> Profpatsch: I don't think that's how it is intended
<dmj`> is there some kind of under the table dealings
<Profpatsch> Well, that’s how it could turn out.
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<Profpatsch> It adds a layer to the stdenv.
<bennofs> Profpatsch: at least as far as I understand, it's more intended for stuff like changing nixpkgs architecture (like reworking some framework, changing module system etc)
<Profpatsch> I’m pretty sure that would need an RFC first.
<Profpatsch> It just fell out of the practical stuff I tried to do.
<Profpatsch> If I had to do an RFC, it might have taken thrice the time.
<Profpatsch> I’m not sure if I would have done it in that case.
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<Profpatsch> (that’s of course the worst possible turnout, but who knows)
<bennofs> Profpatsch: how does that change stdenv? :o
<Profpatsch> Right now it’s: PR, and the people of interest will be mentioned.
<Profpatsch> The more you change, the more you’ll be asked for advice by the system.
<Profpatsch> bennofs: Ah, wait, wrong PR.
<Profpatsch> But it’s a new module in the library.
<Profpatsch> And adds an interface for generators.
<Profpatsch> So by the new system I’m pretty sure that would need an RFc.
<bennofs> Profpatsch: but note that you had to merge the PRs yourself in each time. i myself would have problems with that, I don't feel confident merging such things without an ack from someone
<bennofs> Profpatsch: it doesn't change anything that already existed, so it cannot break much stuff. Not sure if it needs an RFC in that case
<Profpatsch> bennofs: Before I merge anything I always wait for acks.
<Profpatsch> Even for simple packages, there’s always somethign wrong someone else notices.
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<nekroze> LnL: Changing the order of those paths does the same thing, su not found in path
<Profpatsch> Just my thoughts, maybe it’s going to turn out awesome.
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<ToxicFrog> How long will 16.09 keep getting updates now that 17.03 is live?
<clever> stepcut: check dmesg, that may tell you about oom issues
<bennofs> ToxicFrog: i think gchristensen said about a month of security updates
<gchristensen> 17.03 is not live
<gchristensen> 17.03 is beta
<ToxicFrog> Oh, it's not? It shows up in nixos.org/channels
<ToxicFrog> Aah
<gchristensen> also, I did commit to 1mo of security updates, and after that it is "Community Supported" ie: dead ;)
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<stepcut> clever: alas, no OOM message in dmesg, but even if there was, I am not sure what I would do about it. I'm curious how anyone could have run this since I am on an RPi3 -- which has the most amount of RAM you can get on an RPi. (1GB)
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<Yaniel> hmm running configurePhase complains about nix_qt5 subdirectories being missing
<clever> stepcut: using nix build slaves, you can do the ram-heavy eval on another box
<Yaniel> hm wait no
<clever> $ cat /etc/nix/machines
<clever> builder@ armv6l-linux,armv7l-linux /etc/nixos/keys/distro 1 1 big-parallel
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~/apps/nixpkgs]$ nix-build nixos/default.nix -I nixos-config=nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/sd-image-armv7l-multiplatform.nix --argstr system "armv7l-linux" -k -A config.system.build.sdImage
<Yaniel> qmake: File exists; no configure script, doing nothing
<Yaniel> the heck?
<clever> stepcut: with that config and command, i can initiate an arm build on an x86 machine
<clever> stepcut: and it will ssh into the pi to do the arm builds, but use the x86 ram for the nix expressions, where you are currently having the problems
<stepcut> clever: aha
<stepcut> clever: clever!
<Dezgeg> stepcut: maybe temporarily moving the .git directory out of nixpkgs helps a bit
<clever> stepcut: nix.buildMachines in configuration.nix is how you configure that on nixos
<clever> and what Dezgeg said can help also
<Yaniel> also when I exit nix-shell it keeps the `__nix_qt5__` dir in place and the next time I try to run nix-shell it fails because of that
<clever> building path(s) ‘/nix/store/n5n74pijd3x9jpcz0qrni9cdl7vgn1is-sd-image-armv7l-linux.img’
<nekroze> quit
<clever> /nix/store/gjhsysgkl234r95ly2kn1ypmfp704v4v-stdenv/setup: line 500: export: write error: No space left on device
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<clever> Dezgeg: looks like my build compiled everything, but is now running out of space making the disk image
<stepcut> I am hoping that some day I'll be able to use the odroid-c2 as a armv7 build machine, but it is proving difficult at the moment. There is hope that mainline Linux 2.11 will support enough of the odroid-c2 to be useful though
<teh[m]> Profpatsch: I think bike-shedding is a valid concern, but there's no evidence of that yet. There's plenty of evidence of large, positive and not super controversial changes dying of bitrot though
<wrl> stepcut: why not just cross-compile?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vygu2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f1ae64b Jörg Thalheim: cheat: 2.1.27 -> 2.2.0
<stepcut> wrl: that works for somethings, but other things require native armv7
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #23653: crunch: enable darwin build (master...darwin-crunch) https://git.io/vyguK
<wrl> interesting
<stepcut> wrl: I have heard sketchy reports about cross compilation as well, https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/4963
<clever> copying 1198 missing paths (2859.95 MiB) to ‘builder@’...
<clever> Dezgeg: ouch!
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<stepcut> wrl: and I don't want to have to take my macbook everywhere just in case I need to build stuff :)
<stepcut> wrl: 2GB of RAM is enough to build GHC
<stepcut> Dezgeg: much to my surprise, moving the .git directory out of the way seemed to make it work.
<stepcut> with only 648MB of space left on the sdcard though, this is sure to fail
<stepcut> I need to upgrade from a 32GB to a 64GB
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #23650: corebird: missing dconf in buildInputs (master...corebird_missing_dconf) https://git.io/vyzx7
<clever> 2.5gig left on mine, and about half of the storepaths are copied
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<stepcut> 64GB card ordered!
<clever> 870/1198 storepaths copied, 2.4gig remain