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<nekroze> What is the current state of 17.03? it appears it is a downloadable channel but it is not mentioned on nixos.org at all
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<LnL> it's in beta, not the official release yet
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #23575: znc: 1.6.3 -> 1.6.4 (master...znc-1.6.4) https://git.io/vyBP8
<ndowens08> ok this pkg is weird, it isn't called by bitcoin-classic and bitcoin doesn't build the package update
<ndowens08> trying to get sha256 and test build pkgs/applications/altcoins/bitcoin-classic; I looked at top-level/all-packages but isnt there
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<ndowens08> it isnt a python app or anything either
<gchristensen> looks like it'd be at altcoins.bitcoin-classic
<ndowens08> hmm
<ndowens08> that is so weird, why?
<ndowens08> I wouldnt know to type that lol
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<gchristensen> I found it by searching for bitcoin-classic seeing it was in pkgs/applications/altcoins/default.nix then searching for altcoins and seeing it in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
<nekroze> LnL: Is beta considered more stable then the unstable channel?
<ndowens08> gchristensen: sigh, i think it should be simpliar than that
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<LnL> nekroze: yes, unstable is basically just master
<gchristensen> nekroze: and I'd love testers on beta to report bugs / problems :)
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<LnL> ^ I don't have anything to report tho, everything seems to work just fine
<nekroze> gchristensen: LnL: ok, I'll write up a patch for my home nixops deployment to switch to 17.03 and see how it goes. Worst that can happen is I revert the generation when I get home if I lose remote access :)
<nekroze> LnL: gchristensen: Should the `system.stateVersion` also be incremented?
<LnL> nekroze: note that it's recommended to reboot because the paths of the setuid wrappers changed
<gchristensen> nekroze: do not increment stateVersion
<gchristensen> and ... one second nekroze
<gchristensen> nekroze: please read this email: http://lists.science.uu.nl/pipermail/nix-dev/2017-March/022960.html
<nekroze> huh. well I can get all my VM's to reboot after the deployment but I cannot reboot the vmh in the deployment remotely... might have to wait until I get home to do this
<LnL> the state version will keep things like postgres on an older version to make sure the database on disk is still compatible
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<nekroze> LnL: I only use nixos/nixops for deployment of the infrastructure, all my apps are dockerized
<clever> gchristensen: ah, that email explains why somebody lost sudo a week ago
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<LnL> and I don't know how much of an issue the setuid wrappers are, I would expect most things to restart and pickup the new path
<LnL> clever: yep it moved to /run/wrappers/bin :D
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ebzzry opened pull request #23576: emem: 0.2.30 -> 0.2.31 (master...emem-0.2.31) https://git.io/vyBXD
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<nekroze> gchristensen: Thanks for the email link. Considering `nixops deploy` does the equivelent of `nixos-rebuild switch` which the email does not recommend I will do this when I am home so I can do a remote deploy of the VM host itself. from my understanding `nixops deploy --force-reboot` should get me the same result as `nixos-rebuild boot` that is recommended in the emai
<gchristensen> nekroze: that is correct :)
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<nekroze> gchristensen: ok, I'll do it when I get home in about 8 hours. I'll let you all know if the server catches fire :)
<nekroze> gives me time to update all my code for the stuff that has been deprecated
<nekroze> stupid optionSet
<gchristensen> :)
<gchristensen> I think almost all the PRs remaining are slightly more difficult than simple updates. much harder to merge.
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<nekroze> my nixops deployment has gotten pretty complex, lots of my own modules to rework by the look
<clever> nekroze: i recently setup hydra to test my stuff against 16.09, and when 17.03 came out, i just cloned the entire jobset
<clever> nekroze: so now hydra is testing against both channels
<clever> and the 17.03 channel currently fails to even unpack my source, need to look into why
<nekroze> but I am starting to get pretty comfortable with nix and want to start contributing back
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<smw_> clever: hey, so I have a serial cable again. The kernel panic isn't showing up on the serial port!
<nekroze> clever: Can hydra test nixops deployments? I currently have gitlab with its internal CI doing nixops tests by deploying a staging version of my cluster to libvirt.
<clever> smw_: is console= set in the kernel arguments?
<clever> nekroze: i'm mainly using it to boot a configuration.nix under qemu and run some basic tests against it
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<smw_> clever: looking now
<nekroze> clever: Ah yeah I don't think that will work for me. I have been looking at the disnix testing system. even if I do not make use of disnix the testing alone seems worth it.
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<smw_> clever: APPEND systemConfig=/nix/store/w027p4n7ifa2p90xanzkngygcjd778fs-nixos-system-nixos-17.09pre-git init=/nix/store/w027p4n7ifa2p90xanzkngygcjd778fs-nixos-system-nixos-17.09pre-git/init loglevel=7 console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=ttymxc0,115200n8 console=ttyAMA0,115200n8 console=ttyO0,115200n8 console=tty0
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<smw_> clever: that is in extlinux.conf
<dmj`> nixos.org/options down? :(
<dmj`> ;_;
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<clever> nekroze: this code makes 4 testcases, that nixos will automaticaly run under qemu vm's and show the status of on hydra
<smw_> clever: so, what is the next plan? Back to the original sd card which boots stops at stage1?
<clever> smw_: i think you have a few too many console='s on there, try finding just 1 that will output everything to the serial port
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyBMc
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5013998 Will Dietz: ustr: Remove unhelpful 'buildTargets' value....
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #23502: ustr: Remove unhelpful 'buildTargets' value. (master...fix/ustr-buildTargets) https://git.io/vyWHP
<nekroze> clever: That will work for some of my machines as all but one are libvirt guests but I also use the nixops libvirt options a lot to attach different hardware like virtio network bridges and 9p file shares and I think to test those I need to run it through nixops
<clever> smw_: and the last one listed is where the shell lands, so it might actualy be booting fine, and dropping a shell on the wrong tty
<smw_> clever: it is kernel panicing
<clever> nekroze: ah
<smw_> clever: I have hdmi hooked up
<smw_> clever: the correct one is either ttyAMA0 or ttyO0
<clever> smw_: the panic may also go to the last console= listed
<clever> smw_: so try cutting it down to just console=ttyAMA0,115200n8
<smw_> meh, might as well try
<clever> nekroze: all of the nixos testing does use 9p to mount /nix/store from the host->guest
<nekroze> clever: Yeah I have a module that loops over nixops resources to find machines and generates libvirt volumes on the host and wires them up using the same module in the guest as well, makes testing less clear but its damn cool.
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<smw_> clever: hm, docs say /dev/ttyS0... should I try that?
<clever> smw_: thats where the serial port lands on x86
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<smw_> according to random SO post: The /dev/ttyAMA0 previously used to access the UART now connects to Bluetooth.
<smw_> The miniUART is now available on /dev/ttyS0.
<smw_> guess it is time to try ttyS0
<clever> ah
<clever> yeah, the miniuart took over, after the bluetooth stole the main uart
<smw_> clever: do I want ,115200n8?
<clever> that sets the baud rate and number of bits per byte
<clever> and if it was already working with that flag before, then you can kep it
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<smw_> clever: um... this is interesting... nothing
<smw_> clever: no serial console output, no hdmi
<smw_> clever: I had hdmi for uboot
<clever> smw_: try a different console= value then
<smw_> but, what happened to hdmi? :-P
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<clever> smw_: you didnt put in console=tty0, so it didnt output to the gpu
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyBDW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fc6c50f David Costa: xfce: add screenLock option...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 710973e Graham Christensen: Merge pull request #23492 from zarelit/xfce_lockscreen...
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<clever> smw_: it output only to the serial port you listed, which wasnt the right one
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<smw_> clever: oh, interesting
<clever> this is also a good sign, because it even sent the panic message there
<clever> you just need to set console= right, and the panic should go over the serial line
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<smw_> clever: I have tried every option
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<clever> smw_: one of the ones you pasted above was working before, so it should work again when tried on its own
<smw_> clever: why do you think it was working before?
<clever> smw_: i believe you said you got some kernel output on the serial console?
<smw_> the sdcard I built before worked. Not this one with the raspberrypi2 stuff
<smw_> clever: however, you have given me an idea.
<smw_> clever: I should load up the old one and play with it until it only gives serial console output
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<smw_> then try to debug when initrd has loaded.
<smw_> clever: I haven't had serial output since I tried the new kernel that panics.
<clever> smw_: ah
<clever> yeah, that sounds like a good plan
<ndowens08> gchristensen: ok, this could be an issue
<ndowens08> this bitcoin-classic provides bitcoin-xt; there is a package named that as well
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<gchristensen> ok
<ndowens08> atleast command bitcoin-xt
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<ndowens08> though the bitcoin-xt package uses a diff repo
<smw_> clever: ok, so the latest test I did was the standard sd card with nixpkgs.config.platform = (import <nixpkgs> { config = {}; }).platforms.raspberrypi2; and boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_rpi;
<smw_> clever: question though, should I have added the platforms line to my nixpkgs config as well?
<smw_> clever: or was it just being there sufficient?
<clever> smw_: i believe the platform stuff mainly effects the kernel build options
<clever> smw_: so it wont have much effect in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
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<smw_> clever: the bootstram nixos on arm wiki page said differently now that I think about it...
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<ndowens08> gchristensen: is that a concern, i am leaning yes and no, no b/c it is a different repo, but yes b/c it may provide one common binary(unsure though)
<smw_> clever: If you already know of Nixpkgs configuration values you’ll need to change to run NixOS, you should put them in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix and use the same in NixOS later. -- https://nixos.org/wiki/Bootstrapping_NixOS_on_ARM
<smw_> clever: perhaps that was my problem?
<clever> smw_: dont think that would have done it
<gchristensen> ndowens08: I don't think it is, because the -classic is, IIRC, old
<smw_> clever: maybe I can just rebuild with the new setting, if something changes it is different right?
<clever> smw_: yeah
<ndowens08> gchristensen: k, i will submit the updated PR then
<clever> smw_: and also, nixos builds generaly ignore config.nix
<clever> smw_: they get the config attrset from nixpkgs.config, within configuration.nix
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23577: bitcoin-classic: 0.11.2.cl1.b1 -> 1.2.1 (master...bitcoin-class) https://git.io/vyBS3
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<smw_> clever: I am rerunning nix-build nixos -I nixos-config=nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/sd-image-armv7l-multiplatform.nix -A config.system.build.sdImage with the new nix config. If it creates new derivations, we know it has some effect
<smw_> clever: if not, little time lost
<ndowens08> gchristensen: sorry cant really test bitcoin good, i dont use it, just know I didnt find segfaults when I played a bit with the qt version and others didnt segfault on start
<gchristensen> ndowens08: same :)
<clever> smw_: oh, and one weird thing with stuff like the sdImage, it contains a complete copy of the nixpkgs it was built from
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<clever> smw_: so any change to the nixpkgs causes the image to be rebuilt
<ndowens08> seems it might have new features, maybe; required the addiction of a new dep :)
<smw_> clever: I see
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyB9e
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6f88f8c Daiderd Jordan: znc: 1.6.3 -> 1.6.4
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyB9T
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f518d5e Daiderd Jordan: znc: 1.6.3 -> 1.6.4...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #23575: znc: 1.6.3 -> 1.6.4 (master...znc-1.6.4) https://git.io/vyBP8
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<smw_> clever: so, current plan of attack: load up slightly modified standard sd card image (need to add the dtd file). Next, try to load it up with only the serial console. Finally, hope that I can get into busybox and debug from there
<clever> smw_: yeah
<smw_> clever: after that, I have one more plan of attack. 1. find out clever's address. 2. order rpi3 to address. 3. rely on https://xkcd.com/356/
<clever> lol
<clever> i already have 4 pi's
<smw_> clever: yes. but none of them are 3's. And you could always use more in the build system you are making :-P
<clever> smw_: one of them is an rpi3
<smw_> clever: wait, so how do you run nixos on it?
<clever> i havent ran nixos on it yet
<clever> but i did run not-os on it at one point
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<smw_> I see
<clever> it was the armv6 models that i ran proper nixos on
<clever> but i retired them because they where so slow
<smw_> clever: in any case, I had success with nixos on GCE
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<ndowens08> This dog, idk lol, has his butt on the dog bed, and head on the hard flooring of his kennel
<gchristensen> same, ndowens08
<ndowens08> it is a rusty red husky, stilla puppy, has two blue eyes
<dtzWill> d'aww
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #23522: nixos: network-interfaces-scripted: don't require mstpd when rstp is off (master...nixos/mstpd-rstp) https://git.io/vylgP
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyB7E
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 586e959 Jan Malakhovski: nixos: network-interfaces-scripted: don't require mstpd when rstp is off...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyB7P
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d6192e9 Rommel M. Martinez: emem: 0.2.29 -> 0.2.31
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #23576: emem: 0.2.29 -> 0.2.31 (master...emem-0.2.31) https://git.io/vyBXD
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #23558: emem: 0.2.29 -> 0.2.30 (master...emem-0.2.30) https://git.io/vy4mN
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nicknovitski opened pull request #23578: dnsmasq: install launchd plist on darwin (master...dnsmasq-plist) https://git.io/vyB5r
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fooblahblah opened pull request #23579: Added missing libxkbfile dependency to Slack (master...slack-libxkbfile) https://git.io/vyBdf
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<Ralith> anyone understand kde5 application packaging around here?
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<Ralith> trying to package kcachegrind and it can't find qt5 o_O
<ndowens08> Glad I avoid kde/gnome :)
<dtzWill> Ralith: makeQtWrapper + list deps needed? If you have something I can poke at I'll take a look
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<Ralith> dtzWill: it can't find qt at build time
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<dtzWill> ! intersting
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<Ralith> http://sprunge.us/FIjO is what I have so far
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<Ralith> FindQt4.cmake is produing "Could NOT find QtCore." but everything I can find says kcachegrind supports qt5 so I'm a bit mystified
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<Ralith> oh well, guess I'll just install the ungodly ancient kde4 version
<Ralith> (unless it's actually up to date despite apperances)
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<gchristensen> Ralith: what version of nixpkgs?
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<Ralith> was trying to get that to work on master
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #23579: slack: added missing libxkbfile dependency (master...slack-libxkbfile) https://git.io/vyBdf
<gchristensen> we don't have kde4, Ralith
<gchristensen> :)
<smw_> clever: you are probably gone by now, but it works! I got to the next step.
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<Ralith> gchristensen: I'm not sure what your point is
<Ralith> the given package does not work.
<Ralith> this is frustrating, as I need to profile things.
<gchristensen> Ralith: check out https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/23239
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<Ralith> is this going to tell me why kcachegrind doesn't build?
<smw_> So, anyone good with debugging boot? I am on an rpi3: https://0bin.net/paste/BS60Zro79+yT0jpr#O0Whayd+YyfvWjbIhUfURh5YZC4USBGyysHLpviWeDR
<clever> smw_: add "boot.allow_shell" to the kernel args i believe
<clever> boot.shell_on_fail
<smw_> wait, so I need to rebuild again?!
* smw_ curses everything
<gchristensen> Ralith: please don't be snarky, if your question were "are you trying to help me solve my problem in your free time?" the answer would be yes.
<clever> no
<clever> smw_: you can just edit the bootloader config file
<smw_> ah
<smw_> That is easy
<clever> boot.shell_on_fail will give more options at the menu in the pastebin
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23580: dashpay: 0.12.055 -> (master...dashpay) https://git.io/vyBFM
<smw_> just add boot.shell_on_fail to the end of the APPEND?
<Ralith> I appreciate that, but it's not clear to me what bearing "we don't have kde4" and "behold, reorganization" has on the problem
<clever> smw_: yep
<gchristensen> Ralith: qt is part of KDE, right?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23581: bitcoin-xt: 0.11D -> 0.11F (master...bitcoin-xt) https://git.io/vyBFy
<Ralith> I dunno, is it?
<gchristensen> I'm just thinking this is one of the biggest changes to kde lately
<smw_> clever: btw, I am really happy you told me about moving ttyS0 to the end of the APPEND section. For some reason a keyboard didn't work but serial does.
<smw_> yes! I have a shell!
<clever> smw_: its sounding like all of the raspberry pi specific hardware is missing drivers
<gchristensen> and it may have in there an example you can use
<clever> smw_: so you have no usb driver, and no SD card driver
<Ralith> the package I built is based closely on the working examples already in nixpkgs
<Ralith> the package I wrote*
<smw_> huh... that makes a great deal of sense
<clever> [ 5.320734] vchiq: vchiq_init_state: slot_zero = f0b2f000, is_master = 0
<smw_> clever: that would explain all my problems
<clever> smw_: though this like is related to broadcom features
<Ralith> it seems likely that I am missing some random piece of infrastructure but I have no idea what
<clever> [ 5.292996] raspberrypi-firmware soc:firmware: Attached to firmware from 2016-10-20 14:57
<smw_> clever: that stuff you posted is jibberish to me.
<clever> smw_: and it even lists the rpi in the dmesg output
<gchristensen> ex: you may need `qtbase` maybe?
<gchristensen> not sure
<clever> smw_: vchiq is to do with the gpu side of the rpi
<smw_> ok
<smw_> clever: so, what is a direction of attack?
<romildo> 1
<gchristensen> ah you already had that. I don't know :/sorry
<clever> smw_: you are currently building from nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/sd-image-armv7l-multiplatform.nix
<clever> smw_: and the name alone implies its a generic arm image, for any arm device
<smw_> correct
<Ralith> I have packaged Qt applications before, but never KDE applications, which seem to be a distinct thing
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<smw_> that is the only one that gives me even serial output
<clever> smw_: i see a sd-image-raspberrypi.nix in the same directory
<smw_> clever: that is arm6l
<Ralith> most other KDE applications don't even seem to depend on qtbase, which is strange
<clever> smw_: ah
<gchristensen> maybe ping ttuegel
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<smw_> clever: maybe aarch64-multiplatform would boot? It has RASPBERRYPI_FIRMWARE y RASPBERRYPI_POWER y
<gchristensen> good night :)
<ndowens08> nite gchristensen
<clever> smw_: aarch64 is less likely to work, it has a lot more kinks to work out
<dtzWill> 'night! :)
<smw_> clever: ok
<clever> smw_: i'm thinking edit sd-image-armv7l-multiplatform.nix and change the kernelPackages = line to use the rpi kernel
<smw_> isn't that what I just did?
<smw_> one sec
<clever> smw_: can you pastebin the output of "git diff" in your nixpkgs copy?
<smw_> need to boot raspian again
<smw_> clever: I assure you it is a clean nixpkgs now.
<smw_> Before, when I wasn't getting any serial I was using the rpi kernel
<clever> smw_: then it would still be using the non-rpi kernel
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<smw_> right
<smw_> I am saying when I set it to the rpi kernel it just panic'd before I got any serial output
<smw_> let me check, one sec
<clever> ah
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<joncfoo> anyone have any luck using the acme security certs with something other than nginx?
<joncfoo> I'm using release 16.09 and have followed the instructions in section 18.1 & 18.2 in the nixos manual
<smw_> clever: here is the one that didn't even get serial: https://0bin.net/paste/67KdDcla0lBwVZeJ#Ug6crv9WNXyIF3DwLnThqy-+TkMC1BQo8rTDlm1CSES
<joncfoo> however after doing a `nixos-switch test` I do not see /var/lib/acme or /var/lib/acme/mydomain being created
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<smw_> clever: boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_rpi; uses the rpi kernel, right?
<joncfoo> `journalctl -u acme-mydomain.timer` doesn't report any errors - any place else I can look to debug this?
<clever> joncfoo: try the .service variant of that unit
<clever> smw_: i'll need to test it on this end and see what i can find
<joncfoo> clever: journalctl says no entries
<clever> joncfoo: what about just "journalctl -f -n 2000"
<smw_> clever: wait, maybe I need to set something else. pkgs.linux_rpi is the kernel...
<clever> smw_: it needs an attrset containing a kernel and modules built against that kernel
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~/apps/nixpkgs]$ nix-build nixos/default.nix -I nixos-config=nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/sd-image-armv7l-multiplatform.nix --argstr system "armv7l-linux"
<clever> smw_: i am testing it with this command, which will force armv7, even though i'm running it on an x86 box
<smw_> clever: ok
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<clever> smw_: so i will need a v7 slave configured in nix.buildMachines
<joncfoo> clever: all I see are 'Started Renew ACME Certificate for mydomain' & the related Stop messages
<clever> joncfoo: my acme stuff is a lot more verbose, though i also am using it via nginx
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<clever> smw_: and its getting a decent number of things from my hydra
<smw_> clever: nice :-D
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<clever> these paths will be fetched (166.50 MiB download, 1017.98 MiB unpacked):
<ndowens08> man, dogecoin, bitcoin-classic, bitcoin-xt are nearly the same, just diff name
<clever> ndowens08: and maybe the hashing algo
<ndowens08> they are from different github repos, but the naming style is similar
<smw_> clever: so, I tried to track down where the linxuPackages_rpi I was using came from. Got stuck here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix#L11527
<smw_> code lost me there :-P
<clever> smw_: linuxPackagesFor is a function that takes a kernel, and then runs all of the driver packages against it
<clever> smw_: creating an attribute set with every driver package, built against the right kernel
<smw_> ah, that makes sense
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyBNe
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9a7bad2 Tom: networkmanager service: support changing the mac-address (#23464)...
<clever> so you can just do boot.kernelPackages.nvidia_x11 to get the nvidia drivers for the current kernel
<clever> not that they would build on arm, lol
<smw_> heh
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<smw_> clever: maybe the issue is that raspberry pi kernel in nixos is old?
<joncfoo> clever: apparently acme-mydomain.service was never run
<joncfoo> after I started it manually the files appeared
<smw_> clever: ah, tag = 1.20161020-1. looks reasonable
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23582: dogecoin: 1.8.2 -> 1.10.0 (master...dogecoin) https://git.io/vyBNO
<smw_> clever: newer exists, but that shouldn't be a problem
<clever> smw_: maybe
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<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~/apps/nixpkgs]$ nix-build nixos/default.nix -I nixos-config=nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/sd-image-armv7l-multiplatform.nix --argstr system "armv7l-linux"
<clever> copying 99 missing paths (44.58 MiB) to ‘builder@’...
<clever> smw_: with this, i can do the bulk of the editing and caching on an x86 machine, and it will only use the arm to do the builds
<smw_> clever: awesome!
<clever> by default, nix will try to build for the arch the nix-build was compiled against
<clever> but the --argstr system above, forces it to build for armv7
<clever> and since my current machine cant do v7, it automaticaly farms it out to a v7 slave i configured in configuration.nix
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<smw_> clever: oh, I should probably tell you I am going to be in SF for the week. So I won't be able to do any more hacking until the weekend.
<joncfoo> is there a way to assign an additional group to a service's user?
<smw_> clever: nixos seems like it is great once you have it setup. Right now I have been running nixos on GCE to create some of my configs.
<clever> joncfoo: probably just add it to the user for that serivce, users.extraUsers.foo.extraGroups
<smw_> joncfoo: extraGroups
<joncfoo> got it, thanks!
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<smw_> clever: why do you use users.extraUsers and not users.users?
<clever> oh, extraUsers is the alias
<clever> had them backwards
<smw_> clever: :-)
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<smw_> clever: so, I think I am done for tonight. I will play some more with it next weekend. Going to be at GCP Next :-)
<clever> :)
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<joncfoo> another newbie question: how can I force a service to depend on another one (I want to inject a dependency)?
<joncfoo> can I just make up `systemd.services.<name>.wants` = [ systemd.services.anotherService? ];
<smw_> joncfoo: yep
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<clever> needs to be set to a string, not an attribute path
<clever> systemd.services.<name>.wants = [ "anotherService.service" ];
<joncfoo> gotcha. is it ok to put "thing.target" inside the [] ?
<clever> probably
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<smw_> clever: I don't have time for it now, but I am considering rebuilding the kernel with these to see if it will work: https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/blob/rpi-3.18.y/arch/arm/configs/bcm2709_defconfig#L967
<smw_> clever: ooh! is there a way to see what options my kernel was built with?
<joncfoo> thanks a lot!
<clever> smw_: one sec
<joncfoo> I solved the acme related issue - in a nutshell I forced the target dependency into my non-nginx server (caddy) & all is well
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<clever> smw_: nix-build nixos/default.nix -I nixos-config=nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/sd-image-armv7l-multiplatform.nix -A config.boot.kernelPackages.kernel.configfile
<clever> smw_: that will build the kernel .config file for that nix expression
<smw_> clever: yep, CONFIG_MMC_BCM2835 is not enabled
<smw_> that is why it could not find the root
<smw_> doesn't explain linuxPackages_rpi kernel panicing... but I now know why stuff was failing before
<smw_> err, was failing now
<clever> smw_: this display case was running with a normal r/w rootfs, and the guys at the store just cut power every night, until it corrupted the fs
<smw_> lmao
<clever> smw_: but with a few tweaks, you could put a squashfs of the root inside the initrd
<clever> smw_: the initrd will be 200-300mb in side, but it wont need to mount a rootfs
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<clever> you would also loose that much ram
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<clever> smw_: though it probably cant use the gpu decode accel if you are on linux_latest
<clever> nice
<smw_> clever: heh. they use an "alternative mmc driver"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] neilmayhew opened pull request #23583: Fix/whois (master...fix/whois) https://git.io/vyBjk
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rdesfo opened pull request #23584: docker-machine: 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0 (master...docker-machine-v0.10.0) https://git.io/vyBjq
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<Wizek> Hello. Anyone knows what the following error means? Was my hunch (as written in the issue) accurate? https://github.com/reflex-frp/reflex-platform/issues/103
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jbedo opened pull request #23585: init a collection of bioinformatics tools (master...bioinformatics) https://git.io/vyRJT
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<Mateon1> Is it possible to enable 32-bit executable support in NixOS?
<Wizek> Anyone knows how to override a dependency-bound for a nix-shell invocation? `nix-shell -p "haskell.packages.ghc801.ghcWithPackages (p: with p; [tagsoup-selection])" --run ghci` This exits with an error on my machine since tagsoup<0.14 is required. Can I override this requirement somehow, so that tagsoup=<0.14 is still accepted?
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<Wizek> Rotaerk, That's interesting! How do I set preConfigure in the expression above? I'm fairly inexperienced with writing/editing nix-expressions yet.
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<LnL> Wizek: nix-shell -p "haskell.packages.ghc801.ghcWithPackages (p: with p; [ (haskell.lib.doJailbreak tagsoup-selection) ])" --run ghci
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<Wizek> LnL, thanks! I'll give that a try
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<LnL> also, good moring #nixos :)
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<Wizek> Good morning indeed!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #23565: Mypy (master...mypy) https://git.io/vyBLW
<avn> Folks, any suggestion how to package custom python app and one depends library, if I won't touching python-packages.nix in main nixpkgs?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] leenaars opened pull request #23586: softhsm: 2.1.0 -> 2.2.0 (master...softhsm2) https://git.io/vyRnu
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #23563: mendeley: 1.16.3 -> 1.17.8, multiple improvements (master...update/mendeley) https://git.io/vy4Aa
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #21093: mendeley: 1.16.3 -> 1.17.7 - WIP (master...mendeley) https://git.io/v1KKq
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyRcB
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 08a4888 Will Dietz: mendeley: 1.16.3 -> 1.17.8, multiple improvements...
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<monsieurp> I just found out about NixOS a couple of weeks ago and it blew my mind. REALLY COOL concept I must admit. And I've been a long time Gentoo Linux user and contributor (developer even!).
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<goibhniu> welcome aboard monsieurp! :D
<monsieurp> oh hai!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyRlv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 94497a0 Jörg Thalheim: lxcfs: 2.0.4 -> unstable-2017-03-02
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 60ac9ec Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #23574 from Mic92/lxcfs...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyRlq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 64c6df5 Jörg Thalheim: lxcfs: 2.0.4 -> unstable-2017-03-02...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyR8l
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 13ed7e6 Jörg Thalheim: xfstests: set correct echo binary
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] DerTim1 opened pull request #23587: elixir: 1.4.0 -> 1.4.2 (master...elixir142) https://git.io/vyR0P
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyR0y
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 23fea89 Peter Simons: Disable integer-simple variant of GHC 7.6.3 due to http://hydra.nixos.org/build/49538087....
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 5612f7e Peter Simons: haskell-lol-cpp: disable build on i686 to avoid https://github.com/cpeikert/Lol/issues/29
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyR0x
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5641769 Clemens Manert: mate-desktop: init at 1.17.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2a24e86 Clemens Manert: mate-terminal: init at 1.17.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 99ef5c8 Franz Pletz: cups-pk-helper: 0.2.5 -> 0.2.6
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #23428: Feat mate terminal init (master...feat-mate-terminal-init) https://git.io/vynK6
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #23586: softhsm: 2.1.0 -> 2.2.0 (master...softhsm2) https://git.io/vyRnu
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #23584: docker-machine: 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0 (master...docker-machine-v0.10.0) https://git.io/vyBjq
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyR2B
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0b2502a Tim Digel: elixir: 1.4.0 -> 1.4.2
<viric> damn linux
<viric> I lost a nfs link... and even "nix-channel --update" fails
<viric> (it's a directory unrelated to everything)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #23588: lxqt: fix qtsvg attribute (master...fix.lxqt) https://git.io/vyR2b
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] spacekitteh opened pull request #23589: Patch 22 (master...patch-22) https://git.io/vyR2j
<viric> I can't "umount -f" it... it just hangs
<bennofs1> viric: can you perhaps mount something else at the same directory?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] moretea closed pull request #22096: [RFC] Add lifecycle stages to nixpkgs (master...release-lifecycle) https://git.io/vMbaB
<viric> ah let's see.
<viric> very good point!
<viric> I put a tmpfs there
<viric> In this 17.03... I'm hitting everywhere the desktopManager.kde4 being wrong
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] moretea opened pull request #23590: Introduce concept of NixOS support states (master...nixos-release-states) https://git.io/vyRwG
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #23591: binutils: 2.27 -> 2.28 (staging...update_binutils) https://git.io/vyRw8
<bennofs1> Do you have any other ideas for pathnames that might indicate a packaging bug? I've found '/ut/' (happens if you use `$out` instead of `$(out)` in makeFlags) and `nix/store` in output paths to be a good indicator of bugs, is there anything else like that?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyRww
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3449107 Benno Fünfstück: dvdisaster: fix $out variable expansion (makeFlags)...
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<qknight> viric: i'm not using desktopManager.kde4 resp. kdm for login anymore (i'm using i3 as DM)
<qknight> viric: whatever replaced kdm in my setup seems to work well. looks very nixos'isch
<qknight> viric: maybe you could use git clone on github.com/nixos/nixpkgs, then change to the wanted channel and use: nixos-rebuild -I nixpkgs=. switch (instead of using the channel, which is broken on your system ATM)
<qknight> monsieurp: oh gentoo devs are always good nixos dev candidates ;-)
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<Ainieco> hello
<Ainieco> but how to find it using nix-env?
<qknight> Ainieco: nix-env -qaP | grep slack
<Ainieco> nix-env -qaP '.*slack.*' doesn't returns it
<qknight> Ainieco: ah, you want to search master?
<Ainieco> qknight: i'd like to search nixos-unstable branch
<qknight> Ainieco: ok, easy
<monsieurp> qknight: :)
<qknight> Ainieco: git clone it, then use: nix-env -f default.nix -I nixpkgs=. -qaP | grep slack
<monsieurp> qknight: I'd be more then happy to contribute
<monsieurp> *than
<qknight> assuming that you are in /root/nixpkgs
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<Ainieco> qknight: but i'm already using nixos-unstable channel why do I need to clone anything?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyRrd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 502892f Peter Simons: leksah: mark build as broken to fix evaluation error
<Ainieco> qknight: does it mean that `nixos-channel --list` kind of channels doesn't correspond to github branches?
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<Ainieco> anyone?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyRoA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f9b08c9 Benno Fünfstück: mpdris2: install locale files to correct location...
<qknight> Ainieco: oh i assumed your channel is on 16.09
<qknight> Ainieco: if so, then 'nix-env -qAP' will search 16.09 and not unstable
<qknight> Ainieco: you can always change your channel, update it and then use 'nix-env ' BUT i thought you just wanted to peek into unstable
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<Ainieco> qknight: nah, my "nixos" channel is pointed to nixos-unstable-small
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] moretea opened pull request #23592: WIP: Move printing of warnings out of nix-evaluation (master...propagate-nixos-warnings-beyond-nix-eval-time) https://git.io/vyRK2
<Ainieco> qknight: so if my sole channel is unstalbe small then nix-env -qaP will still search 16.09?
<Ainieco> or do I need to update some db? i've switched from 1609 recently and run nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade, isn't it enough?
<bennofs1> Ainieco: there's https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels which has branches for channels
<qknight> Ainieco: nix-env will search 'in' on what your channel is currently pointing to
<viric> qknight: nix-channel was fixed by the tmpfs mount
<qknight> viric: nice!
<qknight> viric: did you get your shell 'lock' going again?
<viric> qknight: yes, I pushed to master a fix
<qknight> cool!
<Ainieco> bennofs1: yeah, i know that https://d3g5gsiof5omrk.cloudfront.net/nixos/unstable-small/nixos-17.09pre102802.17d80c4 mentions specific commit it was released on
<gchristensen> good morning (hi Dezgeg, I'm getting ready)
<viric> that should go to "upstream", but there is no upstream maintainer
<qknight> viric: then fork it to github
<qknight> viric: and become the maintainer, that is what i usually do then and it works ;-)
<gchristensen> Ainieco: the problem with slack is it isn't free
<viric> qknight: could be done
<Ainieco> and there is skype pkg for example on github but it can't be found in nix-env
<qknight> Ainieco: did you enable unfree?
<gchristensen> add { allowUfree = true }; to ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<Ainieco> qknight: my channel is pointing to unstable small
<qknight> +n
<gchristensen> allowUnfree*
<Ainieco> gchristensen: ohhhhh
<Ainieco> let me try
<qknight> Ainieco: then you will find only 'unstable small' stuff of course using nix-env -qaP
<qknight> Ainieco: unstable small, you are on a server, correct?
<Ainieco> qknight: yup
<Ainieco> can i add allowUnfree to configuration.nix?
<gchristensen> you can but it'll only apply to package installed in the configuration.nix
<qknight> gchristensen: webservices to need passwords and store them in config.php which often is in the store. do you know if there is a discussion on a nixpkgs github issue or even a proposed solution for that yet?
<gchristensen> { nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; } is how you'd do it.
<Ainieco> gchristensen: yeah, got it.
<Ainieco> thanks!
<gchristensen> there isa github issue on the nix tracker, qknight, #8 I think
<qknight> gchristensen: #8 is a PR
<gchristensen> no, in nix
<qknight> of course
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<Ainieco> hm, i haven't got ~/.nixpkgs dir, so i've created it and placed config.nix with { allowUnfree = true; } line there but it still doesn't searches skype/slack/etc
<jophish> I wonder if anything's been done about .gitignore style filterSource
<jophish> there was a thread a few weeks ago I think
<Ainieco> ah, my bad, disregard that
<Ainieco> everything works fine now, thank you people!
<gchristensen> great, you're welcome!
<gchristensen> Ainieco: can you comment on a github issue for me describing how much time you wasted because of this?
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<Ainieco> gchristensen: sure, nice issue, it's unintuitive indeed :)
<bennofs1> gchristensen: do you happen to know what the state of the nix ui redesign is?
<Dezgeg> good UGT morning
<gchristensen> bennofs1: can you ask another time? Dezgeg and I have some plans :)
<unlmtd[m]> error: undefined variable ‘qt5’ at /nix/store/iyiymghdd6mzrqwl5zl97yps8mmjhcjf-nixos-17.09pre102667.2839b10/nixos/pkgs/desktops/lxqt/default.nix:74:7
<bennofs1> gchristensen: yeah no problem :)
<unlmtd[m]> wow I just noticed 17.09 .. is that new?
<ben> that looks very new
<ben> futuristic even
<unlmtd[m]> anyhow, iv never seen this kind of error
<unlmtd[m]> I guess someone made a typo?
<unlmtd[m]> am I coming throu?
<bennofs1> unlmtd[m]: looks like an update to how qt is packaged broke something
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 8 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyRib
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 94fcc17 Joachim Schiele: nixos/tests/leaps.nix: fixed race condition...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 0cb1e29 Matthias Beyer: nixos doc xfce: Fix missing space...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 cd6c597 Matthias Beyer: doc: Remove indention from program listings...
<gchristensen> hi Dezgeg
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyRPU
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 fc5d50e Eelco Dolstra: Remove nixFallback...
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<bennofs1> unlmtd[m]: can you test applying this patch: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/886f29af57b8e2c058668a21bff4d453 ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyRXP
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f37b34f Jean-Philippe Bernardy: tensorflow: depend on cudatoolkit 8 and cudnn 5.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 70160ff Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #23240 from jyp/tf...
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<Profpatsch> clever: I’m honored to be a part of your remote collection http://pastebin.com/r5pDRFhv :D
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyRS4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2df1d3f Jörg Thalheim: purple-facebook: 2016-04-09 -> 0.9.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9fa7a3a Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #23570 from Mic92/facebook-purple...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyRHv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 540163e Joachim Fasting: search module: add missing types
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 15da23d Joachim Fasting: nixos/modules: use defaultText/literalExample where applicable...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9632cc2 Joachim Fasting: zimlib: 20150710 -> 1.4
<globin> joachifm: ping? are you working on kiwix?
<globin> I have a fix I was just going to push..
<globin> please assign yourself if you're working on that
<LnL> there's a pr for it
<globin> LnL: and I was fixing that PR
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ma27 opened pull request #23593: geogebra: 5-0-331-0 -> 5-0-338-0 (master...update-package/geogebra) https://git.io/vyRHt
<LnL> oh the pr still has evaluation issues?
<globin> yes
<lassulus> Is anyone using services.phpfpm.phpOptions ? It's not working for me anymore on 17.03
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyRHF
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 659fb3b Jan Malakhovski: kiwix: refactor expression, push pugixml into its own derivation
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8698782 Jan Malakhovski: kiwix: fix the build by using custom ctpp2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4c1be22 Robin Gloster: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/pr/23525' into up
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #23525: kiwix: refactor and fix expression (master...pkg/pretty-kiwix) https://git.io/vyl25
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyRHj
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b94e253 Robin Gloster: kiwix: remove unused param
<MoreTea> hm, what was the issue about the MAINTAINERS file again?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 6 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyRQC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ad65b28 Joachim Fasting: search module: add missing types...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 68bf6ef Joachim Fasting: nixos/modules: use defaultText/literalExample where applicable...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 bf2a785 Jan Malakhovski: kiwix: refactor expression, push pugixml into its own derivation...
<gchristensen> !m globin
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, globin!
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<LnL> yay, my scripts work again :)
<LnL> MoreTea: what do you mean?
<MoreTea> We had a discussion about having something that is better than the mentionbot
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<MoreTea> that resulted in some talk about a MAINTAINERS file, which would link files to maintainers.
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<LnL> ah right
<LnL> it's with the mention bot, that active maintainers get pinged for everything that they ever changed
<viric> I have a trouble with lvm+initrd in 17.03
<viric> (I can't boot)
<viric> it seems that lvm hardcodes the path to thin-provisioning-tools
<viric> And I don't know how to make that hardcoded path work in the initrd
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 7 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyRFo
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fac139e Peter Simons: R: update to version 3.3.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6b3eec6 Peter Simons: R: include output of sessionInfo() in the "make check" log...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c5563b4 Peter Simons: R: set TZDIR properly to fix test suite
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyRFM
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 37ea115 Peter Simons: Synchronize R infrastructure with 'master'.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jyp opened pull request #23595: keras: depend on tensorflow (master...tf-keras) https://git.io/vyRb9
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fadenb opened pull request #23596: graylog: 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2 (master...graylog_2.2.2) https://git.io/vyRbp
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyRNv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4b02bfb ndowens: dogecoin: 1.8.2 -> 1.10.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d76db93 ndowens: dogecoin: cosmetic change
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d7674da Franz Pletz: phpfpm service: fix phpOptions...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyRNI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 d37b68d Franz Pletz: phpfpm service: fix phpOptions...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej opened pull request #23597: psi-plus: init at 0.16.572.639 (master...psi-plus) https://git.io/vyRNm
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #17877: crane-gps-watch: init at 20160308 (master...crane-gps-watch) https://git.io/v6MH7
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyRNl
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a9a7067 Tuomas Tynkkynen: grub2: Make EFI grub work on aarch64
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyRNa
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1af3a98 Tristan Helmich: graylog: 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyRNK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 b28a514 Tristan Helmich: graylog: 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyRA4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 3df572e Joachim Fasting: btsync module: remove redundant example...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 3007826 Joachim Fasting: grsecurity: 4.9.13-201702270729 -> 201703052141...
<robomongo> I am trying to update robomongo to its latest version, because the 0.8.4 version is unable to connect, however I am having trouble building robomongo-shell
<robomongo> It has to be build using scons, but when I do, I keep getting the error message "Checking whether the C++ compiler works... no"
<robomongo> I have tried to look at other packages using scons, but am unable to resolve it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] taku0 opened pull request #23599: firefox, firefox-bin: 51.0.1 -> 52.0, firefox-esr: 45.7esr -> 52.0esr (master...firefox-bin-52.0) https://git.io/vyRA7
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<lassulus> resolving issues faster than I can write tickets, thanks fpletz & globin ;D
<fpletz> %)
<goibhniu> hi robomongo, are you debugging in nix-shell? ... AFAIK scons has a nice verbose mode
<globin> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<robomongo> goibhniu: no, I am just using nixos-rebuild switch, I will try using nix-shell instead. If I search the online man page, I can only find references to VERBOSE=1, but that is not recognized
<goibhniu> cool, it will be much easier with nix-shell
<robomongo> goibhniu: yep, way faster :)
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<mightybyte> Do the nix-env, nix-shell, nix-build etc commands have man pages? When I run "nix-shell --help" I get "No manual entry for nix-shell".
<robomongo> mightybyte: they do have man pages
<mightybyte> How can I get them working on my machine?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] johbo opened pull request #23600: python: Move catch_conflicts.py into subdirectory (master...python-catch-conflicts) https://git.io/vyRp5
<robomongo> mightybyte: Maybe check `man --path` and then see whether the expected Nix paths are present?
<robomongo> mightybyte: Are you using NixOS or Nix within an other OS?
<mightybyte> Nix in macOS
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<mightybyte> man --path gives me "/usr/share/man:/usr/local/share/man:/Users/mightybyte/.fzf/man"
<robomongo> mightybyte: none of which are those of Nix, it should include "/home/mightybyte/.nix-profile/share/man"
<mightybyte> How does that normally get added?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyRhs
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 32eecf9 Robin Gloster: memtest86Plus: fix runtime errors with fortify hardening...
<robomongo> mightybyte: Or at least the MacOS equivalent ;)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyRhW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 7206060 Robin Gloster: memtest86Plus: fix runtime errors with fortify hardening...
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<robomongo> mightybyte: The last time I used Nix within another OS, I had to include a init script that made sure those environment variables were correctly setup
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyRho
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e090869 Peter Simons: haskell-QuickCheck: fix build with ghc-7.6.x
<mightybyte> robomongo: Fixed, thanks!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyRhA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 83ba40c Peter Simons: haskell-QuickCheck: fix build with ghc-7.6.x...
<mightybyte> robomongo: Yeah, I do have that line in my shell rc file. But that file does not set MANPATH.
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<robomongo> mightybyte: Maybe create an issue for it? Because it is quite user unfriendly for people wanting to try out Nix
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<mightybyte> Completely agree
<mightybyte> What repo should this be an issue on?
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<bennofs1> mightybyte: nixpkgs has probably the best chance to get some attention
<mightybyte> bennofs1: Great, thanks.
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<JayVii> is this more of a dev-channel or can you ask general questions here?
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<goibhniu> JayVii: ask away
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<MoreTea> @JayVii, it's both :)
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<MoreTea> @robomongo, AFAIK, the nix installer does print out what you should add to your bashrc
<JayVii> great! I've used NixOS a bunch in the past already, but got a new notebook now, which doesn't have "problematic" hardware, but I had some issues with its 6th gen Intel-CPU/_GPU (Skylake) on some distros with more of a conservative update-plan (eg Debian). NixOS is a lot better in that regard, but i still wonder if it fully supports this architecture yet
<JayVii> i guess, i could simply try. but i thought it wouldn't hurt to ask beforehand
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<JayVii> in case anyone in here has experience with Intel Skylake + NixOS, that is
<gchristensen> how new is skylake vs. say kaby lake?
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<goibhniu> JayVii: I'm using a skylake laptop with nixos on it ... what kind of problems?
<goibhniu> everything is working fine
<JayVii> 2015 IIRC. so it's last-gen
<goibhniu> ah, except it uses a lot of juice when in suspend ... I think that's a skylake thing
<JayVii> goibhniu: it didn't quite support it's GPU-part. all was software-rendered, which caused a lot more issues (screen brightness, battery, ...)
<gchristensen> JayVii: I'm running kabylake and it seems to be fine, but I'm fairly novice at these sorts of things.
<goibhniu> ah, right ... I'm using an nvidia GPU ... and indeed the intel GPU didn't work well last year, I haven't tried it lately though
<gchristensen> on 16.09 I'm using boot.kernelPackages = linuxPackages_latest of course
<robomongo> If I do this `nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A robomongo --pure` I expect that I have to manually step through the phases (which is what I want), but instead it just starts doing all phases of robomongo before entering the shell, what am I missing?
<JayVii> goibhniu: it works fine on Debian Testing/Stretch, but since the debian-freeze *just* started recently, the packages are quite new over here
<goibhniu> I guess the kernel version is the main thing, maybe xorg too
<JayVii> gchristensen: didn't know of that option. I'll make sure to try that one, if something doesn't work as expected :D
<gchristensen> :)
<JayVii> goibhniu: that's my guess too. tried to use the backports-kernel, when i was still using debian-stable but that didn't help, so xorg (or the intel-driver) obviously are involved as well
<JayVii> anyways, thanks a lot for the answer!
<gchristensen> good luck, let us know what you find. what laptop is this?
<goibhniu> yes, best of luck!
<JayVii> gchristensen: Dell Latitude 3570
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* goibhniu had hardware.cpu.intel.updateMicrocode disabled (°_°)
<Baughn> As my code gets more complicated, debugging it (or writing it at all) gets harder.
<Baughn> I wonder if there are any guides for debugging Nix code?
<gchristensen> builtins.trace cold-sweat.jpg
<Baughn> Explicit static typing would be wonderful. It took me far too long to write this little function: https://github.com/Erisia/builder/blob/master/lib/lib.nix#L130
<Baughn> (And *no*, I'm not switching it to non-Nix. The immutable system-wide cache is wonderful.)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra closed pull request #23599: firefox, firefox-bin: 51.0.1 -> 52.0, firefox-esr: 45.7esr -> 52.0esr (master...firefox-bin-52.0) https://git.io/vyRA7
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<Baughn> gchristensen: So if I ask about a haskell-to-nix compiler..? :P
* Baughn suspects he can probably do that with some monads.
<gchristensen> Baughn: haha, I wouldn't know, I've started LYAHKFGG 5-6 times and bought haskell book and still don't know how to use it.
<contrapumpkin> nix is "just" an applicative that builds monadic values
<gchristensen> gesundheit, contrapumpkin
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<sphalerite> Baughn: AFAIU there's a project to get a proper type system on nix that will be starting on the 20th
* contrapumpkin trembles at the thought
<contrapumpkin> :)
<contrapumpkin> (and that's coming from the guy who loves Agda and helped write an early implementation of Ermine)
<Baughn> sphalerite: Excellent!
<sphalerite> contrapumpkin: nice, I should be learning Agda starting September :D
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<contrapumpkin> it's fun!
<Baughn> I really think Nix should have been built on Haskell to begin with, but failing that, this is good.
<contrapumpkin> Baughn: yeah, adding a type system to the current C++ sounds like a nightmare
<sphalerite> Baughn: I read somewhere that the reason it isn't is efficiency
<contrapumpkin> yeah, I wouldn't really want to write a full runtime in haskell, but the various expression language manipulation should be in something other than c++
<gchristensen> not to sound like a dummy, but could nix be backed by something more fancy-pants like llvm to get "free" optimizations?
<contrapumpkin> but the other factor is having few dependencies on nix-the-program
<Baughn> sphalerite: Seems unlikely. Nix isn't the height of performance as-is, Haskell is pretty fast, and the Nix scripts shouldn't take much of the runtime anyway.
<sphalerite> Memory being more of a concern than speed
<Baughn> gchristensen: Then we'd need a compiler. IIUC Nix is more of an interpreter right now.
<contrapumpkin> llvm can do JITtish things
<gchristensen> yeah, I thought I'd sound like a dummy :P
<contrapumpkin> but the JIT probably won't pay off much here
<sphalerite> again, my source is "I read somewhere" so let's not put too much weight on my words
<Baughn> sphalerite: Again, Nix is a pig for memory use. The GHC runtime adds only about a megabyte so..
<sphalerite> that's the runtime, but the actual code?
<sphalerite> I'm talking from no actual data here though
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<bennofs1> the problem is that nix really can't have many dependencies. Depending on GHC would be way too much
<Baughn> GHC is a high-end optimizing compiler, Nix is an interpreter. It's comparing apples to oranges, but..
<Baughn> I suspect a GHC version would be faster.
<contrapumpkin> bennofs1: a runtime dependency vs. a build-time dependency
<sphalerite> the impression I have though is "nix's performance is bad and it would be worse if implemented in haskell"
<Baughn> Mm. Disagree.
<contrapumpkin> anyway, hnix started being that
<contrapumpkin> but lost steam
<sphalerite> You're probably right
<gchristensen> omg
<Baughn> What usually kills Haskell's performance is the lazy evaluation. ...which also goes for Nix.
<gchristensen> can you imagine needing to compile ghc as part of the nix bootstrapping?
<contrapumpkin> yeah :)
<Baughn> Yeah. Luckily we have the binary cache. :)
<bennofs1> contrapumpkin: yes, it's only build-time, but I still wouldn't like it tbh. Also, the sandboxing stuff etc requires quite some interfacing with native libraries, which would not look nice in Haskell either
<gchristensen> as a person currently bootstrapping on a slower-cpu box, Baughn, I'd like to disagree :P
<Baughn> gchristensen: Compiling it from scratch, without a prebuilt version of GHC?
<Baughn> GHC is self-hosted, and can't currently be built without GHC.
<gchristensen> I'm bootstrapping nix on a slower-cpu box
<bennofs1> I think 'nim' would be a better fit if we're looking for another language instead of Nix
<Baughn> It'd need to compile, I think... two or three intermediary versions of GHC to bootstrap from GCC.
<gchristensen> how about bash? could we just rewrite nix in bash?
* gchristensen runs away
<bennofs1> gchristensen: oh no :(
<bennofs1> gchristensen: if we're going that route, why not scheme? :D
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<Baughn> bennofs1: Native interfacing is just function calls..
<Baughn> Well, eh.
<Baughn> hnix is clearly not happening, but a type system still could!
<gchristensen> bennofs1: get back over to #guix!
<Baughn> It doesn't *necessarily* require any C++ changes. A well-chosen type system can compile to type-less Nix code.
<Baughn> I mean, it's just constraint checking.
<dash> Baughn: if so, what's the benefit?-)
<Baughn> dash: You get the typechecking!
<Baughn> See e.g. TypeScript for an example.
<Baughn> Today, if you forget a function parameter, you're likely to get a bizarre error in a completely different part of your code.
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<nevermind> I'm trying to come up with a solution to maintain a git repo of configuration files across a fairly diverse server infrastructure. Ideally I'd like to be able to have some kind of method of auto-deployment of configuration files whenever a change is pushed to git. I've stumbled on Nix while researching ways I might accomplish this. I know Nix won't do the auto-deploying thing, but do you guys think Nix could be a good tool to fit into whatever the end
<nevermind> process ends up being?
<Baughn> If we could instead write down "This function is supposed to return a list of strings", then the compiler can tell us "No, it's actually a list of functions-from-x-to-string instead".
<Baughn> That sort of simple cross-checking is already immensely valuable, even without getting into type-classes.
<gchristensen> you should talk to MoreTea too re language servers
<goibhniu> Hi nevermind, have you checked out Nixops already?
<MoreTea> I have some ideas about that yes
<Baughn> nevermind: Nix can (usually) be used to good effect wherever you've got a function from (some parameters) to directory trees. It gives you caching and immutability for free.
<Baughn> nevermind: So the answer is "Maybe". :P
<Baughn> nevermind: There's a large learning curve, though.
<nevermind> Not quite, goibhniu. Still reading up on things.
<MoreTea> gchristensen, do you know what the MAINTAINERS file github was?
<Baughn> https://github.com/Erisia/builder <- I'm using it to set up Minecraft servers. :P
<MoreTea> I played a bit around with mapping file names to maintainer names
<nevermind> But it looks like nix is capable to reading from non-official (i.e. non-NixOS) git repos, which is something I'd need to be able to do.
<gchristensen> MoreTea: I think you'd find more about it in the nix-dev email about FOSDEM 2017
<Baughn> nevermind: Easily. You can read from any directory, and you can use shell scripts to generate the directories...
<goibhniu> nevermind: sure, you'd probably also want to run your own hydra (build server)
* Baughn wants a hydra of his very own.
<gchristensen> goibhniu: whoa now slow down :P
<MoreTea> Ah yes, I called for that BoF session, could be that we only discussed it there.
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<gchristensen> Baughn: I can set them up and run them for $$$/mo if you'd like :)
<Baughn> No thank yoU!
<nevermind> Cool, had not seen Hydra.
<LnL> gchristensen: I think we talked about it before
<goibhniu> ah well, if you want to have your own nixpkgs, and deploy to a diverse range of architecture ... you might as well :D
<Baughn> nevermind: Hydra is famously difficult to set up. Don't try that just yet.
<goibhniu> isn't it a nixos module these days?
<gchristensen> LnL: MAINTAINERS? yeah, I'd search the email list and github issues and botbot.me
<Baughn> Yes, buut...
<gchristensen> goibhniu: still famously difficult.
<maurer> goibhniu: It's been a nixos module for a long while. It's still finicky
<gchristensen> it is _not_ "released software" and is not polished
<goibhniu> ah, that's a ptiy
<goibhniu> pity
<nevermind> The infrastructure I'm dealing with is almost entirely Ubuntu, and that's unlikely to change. How much of a pain would it be to integrate Nix into Ubuntu just to maintain various important config files?
<Baughn> Trivial.
<nevermind> Okay cool
<Baughn> Unless you're talking config files outside of home directories..
<Baughn> In which case medium difficulty.
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<goibhniu> ah, you just want to use it for config files?
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<Baughn> Unless you're talking anything managed by apt. :P
<nevermind> goibhniu: For the moment, at least.
<nevermind> Stuff in /etc and /opt
<bennofs1> nevermind: not sure if you even need nix for that
<Baughn> nevermind: Setting up Nix for a single-user system is trivial. Doing it for a multi-user system, without NixOS, is harder.
<bennofs1> i think nix might be more trouble than is worth for this particular use case
<goibhniu> aye
<nevermind> bennofs1: Well I'm trying to setup a convenient, automated way of keeping a version history of config files across an infrastructure. Nix came up in research, and I wasn't too sure if it might be a good tool somewhere along the way.
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<Baughn> That sounds more like a case for git.
<bennofs1> nevermind: nix config management is currently quite tied to nixos
<nevermind> I'd definitely be using git.
<Baughn> Think of Nix as a (much) better version of make.
<Baughn> You still need git to do the versioning.
<nevermind> Right
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<nevermind> Right now what I'm thinking is having a hook to trigger something like rundeck whenever a change is pushed into git for some particular config files. What I wasn't sure of is whether using Nix to pull the changes would be ideal.
<bennofs1> nevermind: why not just checkout the git repo at /conf, and then symlink the required files to /etc and /opt?
<nevermind> Probably a good way to do it.
<bennofs1> nevermind: then all you have to do to update is run git pull
* nevermind nods
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<bennofs1> nevermind: the problem is that you have to make sure you also restart/reload affected services, but Nix won't help with that (NixOS would)
<nevermind> I think that's the way I'll go. Thanks for the tips. Also, thanks for the heads up about Hydra, this looks great.
<nevermind> Yeah. Currently we're using Ansible for stuff like that.
<Baughn> nevermind: Just be careful so you don't end up reimplementing NixOS. :P
<gchristensen> also please don't try hydra
<bennofs1> xd
<Baughn> nevermind: I wouldn't personally recommend NixOS as a replacement for Ubuntu, as it seems a bit unstable still, but... YMMV. It's done very well for my personal infrastructure.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vy0tO
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cb3bfc9 Nicolò Balzarotti: qnotero: fix #23438
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 264b69c Benno Fünfstück: Merge pull request #23440 from nico202/qnotero-fix...
<LnL> gchristensen: :p
<nevermind> I doubt I'd even be able to move the infrastructure I'm working with off of Ubuntu.
<nevermind> Why avoid Hydra though? I also have to retool our build process. :P
<Baughn> Hydra is really hard to set up *even if you're thoroughly familiar with NixOS*.
<bennofs1> nevermind: hydra is quite hard to setup and documentation around it is sparse
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] periklis opened pull request #23602: qt57: darwin compatibility (master...topic_qt57_darwin) https://git.io/vy0tS
<gchristensen> nevermind: the only people I know of who have setup a hydra are intimately familiar with nixos and have well over a year of deep knowledge of the dirty underside of nix.
<nevermind> Gotcha
<gchristensen> and don't mind wading through mud pits to get to the solution
<dash> gchristensen: I know a guy who did ti ithin a few months of starting to use nix
<dash> but the latter statement was definitely true about him
<gchristensen> :)
<dash> (he doesn't really recommend the experience to other people either...)
<Baughn> Hydra is too useful to be this hard to set up. Buut...
<Baughn> nevermind: Rewrite it from scratch. It'll be less painful, and you'll do us all a favor.
<nevermind> lol
<Baughn> nevermind: Meanwhile, git hooks and nix-copy-closure should get you 90% of the way there.
<Baughn> bennofs1: Oh, awesome! That's precisely what I needed. :D
<bennofs1> Baughn: still in dev though
<Baughn> I don't care!
<Baughn> I'm using Travis as a CI right now, and it _doesn't work so well_.
<Baughn> I'd be happy to help fix that.
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<nevermind> Baughn: nix-copy-closure as a tool in the process of autodeploying config changes when they're pushed into git?
<bennofs1> nevermind: nix-copy-closure is a glorified scp -r
<gchristensen> Baughn: as a stop-gap this may or may not be useful at all: https://github.com/grahamc/travis-nix-build/blob/master/dumplogs.sh
<nevermind> Cool
<simpson> I can't wait for Hercules.
<simpson> I mean, obviously I'm waiting.
<Baughn> nevermind: nix-copy-closure computes the closure of some derivation, i.e. all its dependencies, and then effectively rsyncs it over.
<Baughn> nevermind: Given the immutable-caching part of Nix, this means you can run an expensive build *once*.
<domenkozar> gchristensen: I won't have time this week to review xen
<domenkozar> so if someone else can, otherwise merge
<gchristensen> domenkozar: :thumbsup: thanks for the heads up :)
<Baughn> nevermind: So if you clone the git repository to every computer, build it on one, do nix-copy closure, and then build it on the target machines -- said target machines will just look up the already-built version. While if the copy failed, they'll build from scratch.
<nevermind> That's very col.
<nevermind> cool*
<Baughn> nevermind: Or if you want to make sure they *don't* build from scratch, you can use the store paths directly with nix-store --indirect. That'll just fail if it's missing.
<Baughn> nevermind: With NixOS, this procedure can be very smoothly used for the entire OS. 'nixos-rebuild build' outputs a store path, you see...
<nevermind> Yeah, I'm going to have to fire up a VM and start experimenting with NixOS. It seriously sounds amazing.
<nevermind> And actually useful.
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<gchristensen> "If you need me asap ... I'll try to get back to you within 24 hours." hehe
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<ekleog> hmm, has anyone tried to x-compile for linux-less embedded systems yet?
<eacameron> What's the best way to customize the php.ini file used by my php installation?
<ekleog> using crossSystem = {} requires me to put some kernelMajor
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zimbatm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vy0Zy
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e50203b zimbatm: yarn: 0.21.3 -> 0.22.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vy0nF
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ee0e856 ndowens: scanmem: 0.15.6 -> 0.16...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vy0cG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master feab711 Profpatsch: lilyterm-git: init at 2017-01-06...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vy0cw
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 01b9990 ndowens: scanmem: 0.15.6 -> 0.16...
<pierron> viric: Are you still making arm builds? (cc ekleog)
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<gchristensen> pierron: we're about to add an aarch64 to hydra
<pierron> gchristensen: as a cross-compiled platform?
<domenkozar> as native
<gchristensen> I can't say I specifically know what cross-compiled means, but we will be building aarch64 software on a server running aarch64
<gchristensen> (I know what CC means, but not necessarily what the implications are)
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<ekleog> well, in my case it's for cross-compiling to a linux-less architecture, so unfortunately that won't help :/ maybe you know the internals of the cross-compilation system, and whether it has been thought so as to just get a cross-compiler built (I'm thinking of whether https://nixos.org/wiki/CrossCompiling#bootstrap-tools is up-to-date, and if so why it requires a platform and thus kernel options just to build
<ekleog> gcc)
<ekleog> ?
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<pierron> ekleog: the bootstrap-tools is (at least a few years ago) the minimal set of tools needed to start building software on another computer.
<LnL> gchristensen: sweet
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<ekleog> oh, so that's (in my case) an arm-eabi-none compiler running on an arm-eabi-none? If so, is there even just a way to just get an arm-eabi-none compiler that run on an x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (my laptop)?
<LnL> gchristensen: will the builder be running nixos?
<gchristensen> yeah
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<mikefaille> Hi, how I can find why kernel 4.4 is installed when I use boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_4_8; ? How can I debug this ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] xNWDD opened pull request #23606: add nwdd <Guillermo NWDD> as a maintainer (master...maintainer/nwdd) https://git.io/vy0uT
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar created haskell/justStaticExecutables (+2 new commits): https://git.io/vy0uz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/haskell/justStaticExecutables db23fe1 Domen Kožar: haskell: add justStaticExecutables combinator
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/haskell/justStaticExecutables f67a89e Domen Kožar: haskell: use new justStaticExecutables and add purescript
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar opened pull request #23607: Haskell/just static executables (master...haskell/justStaticExecutables) https://git.io/vy0uN
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<Mateon1> Is it possible to enable 32 bit executable support on a 64bit nixOS install?
<spinus> Mateon1: I think it's enabled by default
<spinus> at least I could run some 32bit stuff
<Mateon1> For me, stracing 32-bit executables gives open("/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) followed by exit(127)
<Mateon1> Wait, that's a 64 bit executable
<Mateon1> My Google-fu is failing me
<goibhniu> hi Mateon1, are you trying to run a binary you downloaded?
<Mateon1> Yes
<goibhniu> the easiest thing is probably to package it
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<goibhniu> https://nixos.org/wiki/FAQ#I.27ve_downloaded_a_binary.2C_but_I_can.27t_run_it.2C_what_can_I_do.3F
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<benzrf> hey
<copumpkin> I'm trying to figure out how to squeeze other python libraries into a buildPythonExecutable's PYTHONPATH
<benzrf> i wanted to do some haskell profiling, so i put this in my ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<benzrf> ghc7103Prof = super.haskell.packages.ghc7103.override {overrides = self: super: {
<Mateon1> goibhniu: That probably won't work for me, unfortunately. This program has a page of ls worth of included library binaries, and holds a database in the same place as the binary.
<benzrf> mkDerivation = expr: super.mkDerivation (expr // {enableLibraryProfiling = true; });
<benzrf> };};
<benzrf> is there any better way to do this, or is that fine?
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<copumpkin> I think the default wrapper uses makeWrapper --set, which prevents me from adding stuff to the environment
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<spinus> Mateon1: that shouldn't be a problem. After you package it, you can wrap it with bash script to copy it to /var/lib before launching
<spinus> Mateon1: or you can use patchelf on current binary to modify it (to be launchable)
<goibhniu> Mateon1: an alternative is to build a FHS compatible environment, I'm not sure if you could borrow one somebody else has created ... e.g. that's how steam works on NixOS
<spinus> copumpkin: not sure what are you trying to do, just package python app?
<Mateon1> spinus: Isn't /var cleared on reboot?
<spinus> Mateon1: o boy, I hope not, all my databases are there :-)
<Mateon1> Well, I'm a linux newbie
<copumpkin> spinus: package a python app, but the app does weird python stuff at runtime and might want additional packages (that the user will want to specify), so I want something like .withPackages
<spinus> Mateon1: /tmp and /run (or /var/run in some distros)
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<copumpkin> spinus: I can amend the derivation every time, but it has a big test suite, so it causes the entire thing to rebuild unnecessarily
<spinus> copumpkin: do you want to specify all runtime requirements ahead or you want to inject them at runtime?
<copumpkin> at runtime
<copumpkin> so literally I just want to adjust the wrapper
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<copumpkin> but the wrapper is part of the main derivation right now
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<spinus> I assume there is some switch so you can turn it off
<copumpkin> and uses --set, so I can't just populate an external environment variable
<copumpkin> yeah
<copumpkin> I was hoping to avoid writing the wrapper myself but I might just do that
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<benzrf> nvm :I
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<tsmeets> Hello, does anyone know where I can find information about running a web and mail server on a raspberry-pi using NixOS?
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<c0bw3b> tsmeets : last I heard NixOS on raspi was still a work in progress
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<tsmeets> c0bw3b: ok, thanks.
<Dezgeg> only RPi 3 is WIP, otherwise https://nixos.org/wiki/NixOS_on_ARM
<c0bw3b> Ah. my bad
<tsmeets> my device is a raspberry-pi 3.
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<c0bw3b> Hey I just realised that maintainers' mail addresses were not 'obfuscated' on packages.html
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<c0bw3b> well it's also publicly readable in maintainers.nix through GH
<gchristensen> not to mention every commit
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pmahoney opened pull request #23608: haproxy: build on darwin (master...haproxy-darwin) https://git.io/vy06N
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<c0bw3b> got disconnected from #nixos for a while..
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<c0bw3b> gchristensen : it would be less spam-prone to write mails as user _at_ domain.net or something in maintainers.nix no ?
<c0bw3b> commits are more of a GH issue :p
<gchristensen> I doubt it
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<copumpkin> write a simple deobfuscator in pure nix and run all email addresses through it :P
<copumpkin> or more overkill
<LnL> lol
<copumpkin> hydra has a public/private keypair
<copumpkin> we all encrypt our email addresses with the public one
<copumpkin> only hydra decrypts ;)
<copumpkin> (not actually serious)
<fpletz> rot13 should be enough :>
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<LnL> ^ imagine asking a new contributer to add a new entry to the maintainers file
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<c0bw3b> it would make a nice entry test :p
<avn> silly question -- I need write fetchgit expression, but my server have different address/port inside and outside of network, any suggestions, how to make it universally working?
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<copumpkin> c0bw3b: yeah, because the problem right now is that nixpkgs has _too many_ contributors ;)
<eacameron> avn: fetchurl can take urls = [ url1 url2 url3 ]
<eacameron> avn: If you can get the source via a URL instead of git directly you can use that.
<copumpkin> fetchgit seems trickier though
<copumpkin> it'd be cool if we could have a fixed-output derivation fallback combinator
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<eacameron> copumpkin: that would be cool
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<avn> does gitlab have snapshot downloading url, like github does?
<copumpkin> so I assume so
<gchristensen> *sigh* I should have run with more build-cores on this bootstrapping :( :(
<manveru> c0bw3b: all contributor email addresses are public on github anyway
<fpletz> manveru: I don
<fpletz> I don't think github leaks the email addresses
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<manveru> git does
<fpletz> manveru: yup, but most bots are just scraping webpages
<fpletz> gchristensen: oh :)
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<manveru> if you want to keep it private, you can however use <user>@users.noreply.github.com
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<fpletz> okay, sorry, I wasn't aware of that :)
<manveru> just that not many do that, and for me it's a decade too late :P
<c0bw3b> yes that what I had in mind
<c0bw3b> my mail is private on my profile
<manveru> jup
<gchristensen> ah nice
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<contrapumpkin> so based on https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/interpreters/python/mk-python-derivation.nix it doesn't seem like I can disable the automatic wrapping
<contrapumpkin> I guess I could manually unwrap it
<contrapumpkin> but that's kind of shitty
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<teh[m]> does anyone have a config to run a grsecurity kernel on ec2 (hvm)?
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<samae> How does one can install a bundle create with buildEnv?
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<samae> Said another way, under what prefix can I find the keys defined in my ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix?
<ben> that should just be in the same prefix that you normally get things from
<samae> that's what I thought
<ben> nix-env -iA nix{pkg,o}s.musicTools?
<ben> or well, maybe not install in this case, uh,
<samae> error: attribute ‘musicTools’ in selection path ‘nixpkgs.musicTools’ not found
<samae> (I'm not on nixos)
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<GK___1wm____SU> d
<ben> it works for me :/ until it finds out I don't have superCollider in scope
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ljli opened pull request #23609: haskell: ghc710x packages: remove superflous configuration for lens (master...hs-lens-pkg-conf) https://git.io/vy07F
<samae> Is there anything to tweak in .nix-defer ?
<ben> don't think so
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<samae> Ok, I have to debug this…
<samae> Any tips?
<ben> I'm helpless :/
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<gchristensen> *sigh* is it possible to compile gcc before the heat death of the universe?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ljli opened pull request #23610: haskellPackages: apply GHC specific overrides before GHCJS (master...hs-ghcjs-pkgs-inherit) https://git.io/vy0dP
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<samae> ben: thanks for trying : )
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ljli opened pull request #23611: haskell: ghcjs shims: dc034a0 -> b970152 (master...ghcjs-shims-update) https://git.io/vy0An
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #23608: haproxy: build on darwin (master...haproxy-darwin) https://git.io/vy06N
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] henrytill opened pull request #23612: racket: disable on darwin (master...racket-disable-on-darwin) https://git.io/vy0x5
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] henrytill opened pull request #23613: racket: add readline support (master...racket-add-libedit) https://git.io/vy0pV
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<NickHu> I think I'm being affected by a kernel bug on nixos stable - is there a way I can upgrade the kernel and solely the kernel?
<NickHu> Actually I think I found it in the manual
<lassulus> boot.kernelPackages ?
<lassulus> oh too slow
<henrytill> anyone with the commit bit is welcome to close https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/11698
<bennofs> henrytill: done
<henrytill> bennofs: ty
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyEvJ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c78251f Neil Mayhew: inetutils: Add perl to buildInputs...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ba8b6b4 Neil Mayhew: inetutils: Add patch for Canadian TLD server...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 09c7601 Vladimír Čunát: Merge #23583: inetutils: fix whois for canadian domains
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #23583: inetutils: fix whois for canadian domains (master...fix/whois) https://git.io/vyBjk
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ljli opened pull request #23614: haskell: use GHCJS to build Setup.hs for GHCJS packages (master...hs-ghcjs-native-setup) https://git.io/vyEvc
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyEv0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f9489cc Vladimír Čunát: Merge #23583: inetutils: fix whois for canadian domains...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ljli opened pull request #23615: haskell: ghcjs packages: fix ghcjs-dom-jsffi with newer Cabal (master...ghcjs-dom-jsffi-fix) https://git.io/vyEfe
<ndowens> gchristensen: who was it to PM about commit access, I dont know if he/she responded, PC turned off
<NickHu> Does anyone know how to configure UPower on NixOS? Can I just use the standard /etc/UPower/UPower.conf?
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<bennofs> ndowens08: ikwildrpepper i believe
<ndowens08> doesnt look like it will help with config part, so i dont really know for sure
<ndowens08> that's right
<NickHu> ndowens08: Yes, but that doesn't tell me whether or not the standard UPower.conf path is respected
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<ndowens08> NickHu: yea doesnt look like it has option to set the path.
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<ndowens08> NickHu: maybe yes, but in case something happens, make a backup copy of the config
<NickHu> I mean, there is no file at /etc/UPower/UPower.conf on my machine
<NickHu> But there is stuff like ./6a2a3mby2al6kvkaa6f9yjpk1iwin7pc-upower-0.99.4/etc/UPower/UPower.conf for example
<ndowens08> do whereis upower
<NickHu> in /nix/store
<ndowens08> yep copy that to your /etc/
<ndowens08> and see if that works, since you cant modify /nix/store
<ndowens08> NixOS has clean /etc and other dirs, everything is almost always in /nix/store
<NickHu> Mm
<NickHu> Actually it seems I don't want to modify the UPower config anymore because I can't tell it to suspend on low power anyway
<NickHu> How do other people deal with this issue?
<ndowens08> No idea, dont use it, sorry
<NickHu> I think I have some sort of kernel bug causing hibernate to freeze everything
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23616: litecoin: -> (master...litecoin) https://git.io/vyEUO
<NickHu> Can I configure udev rules as standard from /etc/udev/rules.d?
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<ndowens08> there is services.udev.extraRules
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] henrytill closed pull request #23612: racket: disable on darwin (master...racket-disable-on-darwin) https://git.io/vy0x5
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyEUX
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ac0021c Robert Helgesson: cassandra_2_2: init at 2.2.9
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<ndowens08> kiwix is causing issues with nox-review and travis-ci
<shlevy> niksnut: Any thoughts on my recent three nix PRs? All three are vital for our nix infrastructure...
<gchristensen> it should be fixed by now, ndowens08?
<ndowens08> gchristensen: just submited a new PR and first linux build failed and it mentioned it
<ndowens08> 2nd linux build finished at 55secs and that isnt possible
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<shlevy> ndowens08: Maybe a allnoconfig with 64 cores...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee opened pull request #23617: cassandra: remove old branches 1.2 and 2.0 (master...delete/old-cassandra) https://git.io/vyETg
<ndowens08> shlevy: no idea, but the first is b/c of kiwix package
<ndowens08> kiwix caused issues with nox-review yesterday and trying again to see if there is still an issue there
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<ndowens08> yup still causing issue
<ndowens08> well nvm on that last part
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 4 new commits to staging: https://git.io/vyETh
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging c00aa5d ndowens: lzip: 1.17 -> 1.18
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 17b64e8 Vladimír Čunát: mesa: maintenance 17.0.0 -> 17.0.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 9eb2f4c Vladimír Čunát: Merge #23426: lzip: 1.17 -> 1.18
<shlevy> ndowens08: Oh, I thought you meant a build of the linux kernel itself
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging-17.03: https://git.io/vyEkn
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging-17.03 f2a123c Vladimír Čunát: mesa: maintenance 17.0.0 -> 17.0.1...
<shlevy> I was joking about how you could possibly build in 55 seconds :D
<gchristensen> lol shlevy
<gchristensen> I _finally_ finished stdenv on this new box
<samae> how can I debug what's wrong with my ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix? My expression does not seem to be read by nix-env
<samae> (on non nixos system)
<samae> (here's its content: http://lpaste.net/337944747156963328)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyEIs
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0bd211d Daniel Ehlers: ddclient: Make verbose logging deactivatable.
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<clever> samae: does ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix exist?
<samae> nope
<clever> samae: what command are you running that is giving an error?
<samae> my my
<samae> I thought it didn't
<clever> oh
<samae> should I move my expressions there then ?
<clever> the new ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix path takes priority over the old ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<clever> yeah
<samae> ok
<samae> that's why I suppose : )
<gchristensen> it would probably be good to raise a warning in this scenario
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<clever> gchristensen: i had a feeling this would happen 3 days ago when i learned of the change
<clever> if you keep giving people the old path, it will randomly break like this
<ndowens08> how can I make nix-build rebuild a package even though it was successful. Keepsay saying pkg is at /nix/....
<gchristensen> ndowens08: --check
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<clever> and if you give people the new path, it will either not work (nixpkgs too old), or it will break their existing config.nix
<samae> clever: thanks
<clever> so now you have to play a guessing game every time you help somebody
<gchristensen> ok we should fix this
<ndowens08> thanks gchristensen
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<clever> gchristensen: and related, $NIXPKGS_CONFIG has higher priority then both files, and i ran into a problem with smw_ a few days ago, where $NIXOS_CONFIG was making it ignore -I nixos-config
<gchristensen> :(
<clever> gchristensen: and due to how tmux was configured, $NIXOS_CONFIG didnt exist in half his shells, so it worked half the time, then just didnt obey the commands
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #23559: ddclient: Make verbose logging deactivatable. (master...master) https://git.io/vy4Zc
<gchristensen> clever: do you know of a practical guide to gnuplot? :)
<clever> i used it years ago, but cant remember anything about it right now
<gchristensen> yeah...
<clever> nor where i found the info, i probably just googled it
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<clever> or man pags
<gchristensen> it is brutal reading
<gchristensen> ...IMO.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyELy
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e206d5a Robert Helgesson: dogecoin: fix sha256
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<Ralith> gchristensen: looking for any particular advice?
<Ralith> I use it regularly ish
<gchristensen> not quite yet, I've resigned myself to reading a while more before asking specifics :)
<gchristensen> thank you though!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] spacefrogg opened pull request #23620: Qt 5.7 / qt-installer-framework: Init at 2.0.3 (master...qtinstaller) https://git.io/vyEs4
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<Kendos-Kenlen> KMail isn't available on NixOS ? :O I can't find the package nor with nox, nor with nix-env -qaP | grep kmail
<manveru> Kendos-Kenlen: it's part of kde4.kdepim
<manveru> `command-not-found kmail` tells you such things :)
<Kendos-Kenlen> `command-not-found kmail` => kmail: command not found :|
<Kendos-Kenlen> manveru: I think kmail has been ported to kde5 for a while now, no ? And I found the package here : https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/kde/srcs.nix#L1341
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<manveru> no idea... haven't used kde for a couple of years
<manveru> what is your channel?
<Kendos-Kenlen> unstable
<gchristensen> Kendos-Kenlen: srcs.nix is generated, and doesn't indicate we package it
<Kendos-Kenlen> ah okay
<gchristensen> just that it could easily be packaged if someone chose to
<Kendos-Kenlen> well, I'll later if I can create a package, if I'm motivated
<Kendos-Kenlen> +see
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<gchristensen> hrm. my remote builder suddenly stopped working.
<gchristensen> it built dozens of packages and then just stopped...
<LnL> we should really make it easier to debug that
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<LnL> is it hydra or just the perl script?
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<gchristensen> it should probably say "a ‘%1%’ with the features [foo,bar,baz] is required to build"
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<LnL> yeah, I have play with nixUnstable sometime should be safe now
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<gchristensen> *sigh* that thing killed off an `boost` build `n`-hours N :P
<gchristensen> *sigh* that thing killed off an `boost` build `n`-hours in :P
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<LnL> that sucks
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<maninalift> ah! shittit I just deleted my configuration.nix - can I find cached versions of my former configuration.nix files somewhere... thanks :/
<manveru> you can try extundelete
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<maninalift> manveru@ thanks
<manveru> for the future though, keep that thing in version control ;)
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<maninalift> manvery: phew.... had it open in another teminal. thanks
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<gchristensen> maninalift: get a backup! :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyElZ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 0ccfb44 Tuomas Tynkkynen: grub2: Make EFI grub work on aarch64...
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: nixops is compiling the linux kernel now... making progress :)
<Dezgeg> sounds like it's close to done
<gchristensen> sort-of-maybe
<maninalift> gchristensen: the main reason for this machine to exist is for me to have better backups. It is a supercharged NAS. Just in the process of setting up ZFS. removed configuration.nix instead of hardware-configuration.nix
<gchristensen> it is building spidermonkey for some reason?
<maninalift> time to start versioning and backing up my config
<maninalift> :)
<Dezgeg> btw maybe worth backing up /boot/efi before the first reboot... just in case it doesn't manage to fully overwrite ubuntu's grub
<Dezgeg> spidermonkey is used by polkit
<gchristensen> :o
<gchristensen> good idea
<gchristensen> nixops is set to build-only for now, too
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<alphor> does this line look wrong to anyone else? when I strace'd $(ip route) it was looking for conf in /etc/iproute2. overriding it fixes it. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/08d1f28818cd4518f96f838bd0d99df9d0b8c9e9/pkgs/os-specific/linux/iproute/default.nix#L37
<gchristensen> looks suspicious to me :)
<LnL> pretty sure that won't work in a sandbox
<alphor> :D btw graham I came across your example openvpn config. thanks for putting it up!
<gchristensen> oh cool, you're welcome
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<alphor> overriding the flag to include $(out)/etc/iproute2 was the change I made. The reason I bring it up here is because I wanted to make sure it wasn't intentional
<lucasOfBesaid> Does anyone use nix expressions to manage their home directory dotfiles?
<LnL> kind of but not really :)
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: wait ... the nixos /boot? or the debian /boot?
<Dezgeg> ah right, the grub doesn't store its own files in /boot/efi... I think renaming the debian /boot to something else then should do
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<gchristensen> I don't have debian's /boot mounted
<gchristensen> should I have? :)
<Dezgeg> no, but you can temporarily mount it to /mnt
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] c0bw3b opened pull request #23621: iana-etc: 2.30 -> 20170703 (master...pkg/iana-etc) https://git.io/vyEzG
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<c0bw3b> there! submitted my biggest PR so far on Nixos :)
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<c0bw3b> comments and opinions are welcome on #23621
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<gchristensen> c0bw3b: could you, for my own paranoia, provide a diff of the old vs. new services / protocols?
<c0bw3b> ahah
<c0bw3b> was writing that when you asked
<gchristensen> neat!
<c0bw3b> well almost that
<c0bw3b> excerpt from the new ones // do you want me to add excerpt from the old ones ?
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<gchristensen> would a literal diff be big?
<c0bw3b> yes
<c0bw3b> the present services starts with a sh*tload of comments
<c0bw3b> for example..
<gchristensen> excerpts would be good :)
<c0bw3b> on the way
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<gchristensen> c0bw3b: much chattier :o
<c0bw3b> done
<rycee[m]> lucasOfBesaid: Yeah, I manage dotfiles (and various other home environment things) using home-manager: https://github.com/rycee/home-manager
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej opened pull request #23622: kwallet: support GPG-encrypted wallets (master...kwallet) https://git.io/vyE20
<c0bw3b> gchristensen : yes the present package outputs way too much comments and useless infos
<c0bw3b> gchristensen : humans will go to IANA website // those files are for services and progs
<rycee[m]> lucasOfBesaid: I wrote it though, so I'm biased. There are a number of other projects doing similar things.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz opened pull request #23623: nixos/users-groups: chown home on createHome (master...fix/users-create-home) https://git.io/vyE2S
<c0bw3b> gchristensen: the alias is to make iana_etc point to iana-etc right ?
<gchristensen> yeah
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #23582: dogecoin: 1.8.2 -> 1.10.0 (master...dogecoin) https://git.io/vyBNO
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #23441: xen: modular expression (master...pkg/pretty-xen) https://git.io/vycCX
<c0bw3b> ok will add that tomorrow
<gchristensen> thank you for the update :)
<c0bw3b> no problem :)
<c0bw3b> well almost 1am in my timezone so i'm off
<c0bw3b> bye
<fpletz> c0bw3b: already? :)
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<c0bw3b> fpletz : ^^ yheah workday starts in 8h
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyEVm
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e965d8a Robert Helgesson: cassandra: remove old branches 1.2 and 2.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 442fc47 Graham Christensen: Merge pull request #23617 from rycee/delete/old-cassandra...
<gchristensen> lol, c0bw3b same as fpletz :P
<LnL> same here :)
<fpletz> c0bw3b: pff, my target is noon, but it's more like noonish :)
<gchristensen> he just happens to exist in America/New_York
<c0bw3b> :D
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<fpletz> and I hate myself for sometimes not checking what I'm pushing, I need to create a pre-push hook \o/
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<ndowens08> fpletz: It happens :) ik it is about my pkg
<gchristensen> fpletz: you do, huh?
<fpletz> "Are you sure you want to push the following commits: …" :)
<gchristensen> I have one that errors if you're pushing > 1