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* hodapp stabs OpenCV in the face
<dash> simpson: I want to say "we could have had this 20 years ago" but maybe nix-env would not have fit in ram then
<spinus> spacekitteh: there are two kind of derivations, builders and downloaders (this is not well documented I think), you have no internet access in the first one
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSeA8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c6322a2 Joachim Fasting: electrum: 2.8.1 -> 2.8.2...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a2fdf72 Joachim Fasting: linux_4_9: 4.9.16 -> 4.9.17
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 94ab493 Joachim Fasting: grsecurity: 4.9.16-201703180820 -> 4.9.17-201703221829
<spacekitteh> spinus: hmm. how to make a downloader?
<hodapp> dash: that's what swap is for!
<spinus> spacekitteh: to have "downloader" you need to provide outputAlgo or outputHash and something else (two variables I think) - check other one like fetchgit or sth like that
<spacekitteh> spinus: ahhhh ok. i was combining both into the same script (downloading and building)
<dash> hodapp: yes but imagine how well adopted an OS where the package manager takes 3x available physical ram would be
<spinus> spacekitteh: also, you may need to unset http proxy variables (like in those other scripts) but I'm not sure if that's required or optional
<hodapp> dash: if history has taught us anything, it is that OSes that shit their pants frequently are more popular, not less
<dash> hodapp: yes but in a high performance way
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<spacekitteh> spinus: yeah i literally just clicked that link in the manual XD
<spinus> :)
<hodapp> dash: hmmm....
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<hodapp> this idiotic CMake build has somehow found a way to build on one NixOS configuration, and fail on a nearly identical one
<hodapp> I blame OpenCV
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar opened pull request #24229: Build all kernel modules for ARM and Aarch64 (master...arm-modules) https://git.io/vSexh
<hodapp> I swear, it's like this build just picks a random directory on the disk and says that's probably correct
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<Mic92> ndowens: I left a link here: https://github.com/NixOS/security/issues/9#issuecomment-288240377 (This message has been postponed on 2017-03-21 23:35:16.)
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<ndowens08> Mic92: :) Yeah i was just suggesting to gchristensen that if it doesnt get updated at some point, for security purposes could be marked as broken to protect users and such, but that is up to you guys; just an idea :)
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<clever> Ralith: ive been going zfs for all of my new installs, each filesystem has its own config, but they all share the same zfs pool (the raw partition)
<clever> Ralith: so you dont have to set a hard-limit on the size of each fs, but you can configure them differently
<ndowens08> clever: bitcoin update is done and submited as PR; I dont use bitcoin so not really tested but built fine
<clever> ndowens08: as long as the gui opens when you run bitcoin-qt, it should be good
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<clever> spacekitteh: if the sandbox is enabled, all network will be blocked inside normal derivations
<clever> brb
<ndowens08> yup it loaded
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<Ralith> clever: I'm waiting for bcachefs personally
<Ralith> too many horror stories about zfs eating all your memory
<ndowens08> Never heard of bcachefs
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<c74d> I saw another NixOS-on-ZFS user mentioned being "quite interested" in bcachefs on another network
<c74d> I'm content with ZFS, personally
<hodapp> have never run into ZFS issues myself, though I have only used it on FreeBSD
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<dhess> I use ZFS on a Debian box, a dedicated fileserver. It's fantastic there with 32GB of RAM and doing pretty much nothing other than serving files.
<dhess> I also used it on a KVM/QEMU VM host. And there, it was a disaster.
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<dhess> The 1 VM it ran had reserved memory, so it was OK. But the host crawled. I think it was running out of swap quite a bit.
<dhess> running on swap, I mean.
<erlandsona> Anyone here ever deal with ENOENT errors in Node projects? I'm pretty sure it has something to do with my PATH setup but not really sure?
<clever> Ralith: my issue with zfs is the oposite, it drops the entire cache at the slightest sign of memory load, then perf suffers
<clever> Ralith: but you can freely set min and max on the cache
<clever> bbl
<erlandsona> I usually use NVM on OSX but in Nix I just have node in my environment.systemPackages array.
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<spacekitteh> clever: any way around that?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #24230: galculator: 2.1.3 -> 2.1.4 (master...galculator) https://git.io/vSehp
<tempeh> so, why wouldn't my setup be able to find a package that I see on https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html? I'm trying to install emacs 24..
<tempeh> issue with channels or something?
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<erlandsona> tempeh: have you checked the channels your using with sudo? I had an issue one time where I had a different channel in my user environment than my root.
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<erlandsona> I think it would be `sudo nix-channel list` pseudo code?
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<tempeh> yeah, sudo nix-channel --list gives: nixos https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable
<erlandsona> Have you checked the version of emacs in the nixpkgs github repo? Any one particular channel doesn't have all the versions of all packages, so and don't quote me on this but I think you can either add an older channel and pull the version you want from there (but I'm not exactly sure how to do this). Or you can make your own derivation or override an existing own to provide the correct versions.
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<erlandsona> I basically copy/pasted the tmux 1.9 derivation before I updated to 2.x and included the tmux1_9.nix file into my configuration.nix to use in my environment.systemPackages.
<erlandsona> Not sure that was the best way to do it though.
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<erlandsona> In any case, I'm still curious if anyone is working with node on NixOS how they're running binaries from node_modules? I keep getting ENOENT errors.
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<tempeh> erlandsona: yeah, looks like they removed all the non-25 packages post channel 16. bummer. thanks
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<dhess> erlandsona: this is just a wild guess, but see the "Addenda: Package Manager Tips" section at the end of https://nodejs.org/docs/v0.4.1/api/modules.html
<dhess> erlandsona: and consider running your node in a buildFHSUserEnv, which will recreate the typical filesystem structure that Linux binaries tend to expect.
<gchristensen> ndowens08: over time I've learned it can't be as easy as "a vuln was reported, mark as broken until its been fixed"... despite my wanting it to be
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<ndowens08> gchristensen: :) just thought i could be a last choice move kind of thing
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<dhess> tempeh: I think the PR to remove emacs24 just merged yesterday, in fact.
<dhess> so you might be able to fish it out of a recent commit and put it in your own nixpkgs config.
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<tempeh> dhess: bummer
<tempeh> is there an easy way to reference a package from a specific channel in your configuration file?
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<erlandsona> dhess: so I read the Addenda section and it makes me think I'm on the right track. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like I need to set an environment variable in my .bashrc that points to the correct relative $PATH location for the node installed by Nix?
<dhess> tempeh: it might just be easier to dump the emacs24.nix file into your .nixpkgs/ directory and callPackage it, but it is possible to specify a particular nixpkgs channel in a given derivation. See https://garbas.si/2016/updating-your-nix-sources.html as just one example of how to do it.
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<dhess> erlandsona: I'm not sure because it depends on how you're using it; is it installed in the system environment, in your per-user environment, in a project environment that you enter via nix-shell, etc.
<ndowens08> Mic92: I tagged ya in one of my pkgs, see what ya think; i think both versions produced the same issue/error/output
<erlandsona> So node is in my environment.systemPackages list in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix. I have a project /home/erlandsona/Code/Caldwell which installs elm as a devDependency.
<dhess> erlandsona: if I were you I would first try wrapping node or the node REPL (or both? I don't use it) with makeWrapper and set NODE_PATH to wherever your node's derivation is looking for modules.
<erlandsona> And using either webpack or bash scripts to call that elm-make binary installed in the local ./node_modules throws ENOENT
<dhess> and if that doesn't work I'd wrap it in an FHSUserEnv and run it from there.
<erlandsona> dhess: I'll have to look into FHSUserEnv, is that a Nix thing? I still haven't really gotten to the point of utilizing nix locally on a per-user basis because it's just installed on a personal computer and installing all my packages to environment.systemPackages has so far just worked out really great?
<dhess> erlandsona: sorry, we've reached the limits of my (lack of) knowledge on node and how it might interact with Nix.
<spacekitteh> can i do "source ${stdenv.setup}"?
<spacekitteh> or does it have to be "source $stdenv/setup"?
<tempeh> dhess: can you elaborate on the .nixpkgs solution? sorry, i'm new
<clever> spacekitteh: you almost always want to set buildCommand, not builder
<erlandsona> no worries, thanks for the effort dhess.
<dhess> erlandsona: yeah see buildFHSUserEnv in the manual. There are also a handful of examples of things that use it in nixpkgs if you grep for it.
<spacekitteh> clever: i'm writing a new Fetcher
<clever> spacekitteh: buildCommand results in setup being sourced for you
<dhess> tempeh: do you have a ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix or a ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix file?
<clever> spacekitteh: i would go with either stdenv.mkDerivation with buildCommand, or runCommand
<tempeh> dhess: nope
<spacekitteh> clever: kk
<clever> spacekitteh: and runCommand is just a shortcut to set buildCommand: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/build-support/trivial-builders.nix#L7
<erlandsona> dhess: what's supposed to go in either of those files? Rather, what's the motivation to use one or the other of ~/nixpkgs/config.nix vs /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<erlandsona> Or both?
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<clever> spacekitteh: oh, and runCommand has the benefit of excluding gcc from the stdenv, so it may build faster in certain edge cases
<spacekitteh> clever: and this works for fetching shit?
<spacekitteh> as in when sandboxed?
<clever> spacekitteh: it should, runCommand "foo.tar.gz" { outputHashAlgo = "sha256"; outputHash = "....."; } "mkdir $out; cd $out; git clone foo"
<clever> spacekitteh: the above will flag it as fixed-output, so networking remains enabled
<spacekitteh> sweet
<clever> though i forgot buildInputs = [ git];
<spacekitteh> <3
<spacekitteh> what's teh syntax for inline optional stuff in an '' ''? ${optional <predicate> "foobar"}?
<spacekitteh> +stdenv.lib.
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<clever> spacekitteh: ''foo ''${bashvariable} bar''
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<spacekitteh> hmm...?
<clever> oh, optional stuff, ''foo ${stdenv.lib.optionalString true "something"} bar'' i believe
<spacekitteh> kk
<dhess> erlandsona: /etc/nixos/ is for the global environment; all users, services and processes that run, etc. Your local config.nix is for configuring your per-user environment.
<clever> nix-repl> lib.optional false "foo"
<clever> [ ]
<Profpatsch> …
<Profpatsch> …
<clever> spacekitteh: optional is for lists, and returns an empty list
<Profpatsch> That’s your line.
<Profpatsch> Spot the problem. :D
<clever> spacekitteh: optionalString returns "" in the false case
* spacekitteh nods
<dhess> tempeh: Well, I would start by learning about that and figure out how to create your own Nix expressions and derivations.
<clever> spacekitteh: and optionalAttrs returns {} for false
<spacekitteh> rgr
<erlandsona> dhess: I think I understand that much, I guess I just wonder why the distinction is important if I'm just using NixOS on a personal laptop with only me as the singular user.
<dhess> erlandsona: for one thing, you can install things without sudo'ing and being root all the time. So security.
<dhess> erlandsona: for another, you can experiment with things without breaking the entire system.
<spacekitteh> clever: can strings be null?
<dhess> erlandsona: also, if you put "core" things in /etc/nixos and all of the things you just use from time to time in your personal environment, it makes `nixos-rebuild switch` a lot faster.
<dhess> erlandsona: you can run the system on one channel and your personal stuff on another. Anyway, lots of good reasons, even on a single-user NixOS system.
<erlandsona> aha! Those last two make way more sense to me because it would save me from having to recompile the kernel every time I want to update say vim. Sweet!
<erlandsona> The first two I wasn't as concerned with because with rollbacks I don't care about "breaking the system" per se, and the security one well, I guess I'm just not a "security expert" so I still don't quite get that one.
<clever> spacekitteh: dont think so
<spacekitteh> oh cuck
<spacekitteh> ok
<erlandsona> I feel stupid though because to people who've been "attacked" security is just an obvious concern. But I'm not really sure how/why to worry / fix security if I don't have a good reason otherwise?
<spacekitteh> erlandsona: ever do online shopping?
<spacekitteh> erlandsona: ever watch embarassing porn?
<spacekitteh> erlandsona: ever check your bank details online?
<dhess> erlandsona: it's generally a bad idea to download tarballs, run shell scripts and build software as root, with full privileges. Much larger scope for harm than if you're doing those things as your local, unprivileged user account.
<spacekitteh> erlandsona: ever pay your bills online?
<simpson> erlandsona: Have you heard of herd immunity?
<erlandsona> spacekitteh: lol obviously: to online shopping, and I use Private Browsing mode, duh. LOL JK LOL but for real.
<erlandsona> simpson: herd immunity?
<spacekitteh> erlandsona: private browsing mode doesn't do shit if they can view your screen :)
<erlandsona> dhess: That makes sense. EG: Like if for whatever reason a vim-script decided to shell out and `rm -rf /` right?
<dhess> erlandsona: yeah, and that's not even about security necessarily, it could just be due to an unintentional bug.
<erlandsona> spacekitteh: Now your talking like National Security hackers and stuff, and they already have all my info, what do I need to hide from them?
<clever> erlandsona: ive heard something about a script doing rm -rf /backups/${filename}
<spacekitteh> erlandsona: nah, it's trivial to do that a 15 year old kid can do it in half an hour
<spacekitteh> on an insecure system
<erlandsona> dhess: Thank you for taking me literally. I'm learning a lot!
<clever> erlandsona: guess what happens if the filename variable winds up blank?
<dhess> erlandsona: so my approach is to keep the stuff installed in /etc/nixos to a minimum of what's necessary to run the basic OS, plus any services I need (ssh etc.). Then everything else goes in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix and I use `nix-env` to install emacs, Haskell, etc.
<erlandsona> clever: oh no.
<clever> erlandsona: yeah, and that was the off-site backup server, over nfs
<simpson> erlandsona: Lucky 10000: When we make improvements to systems, and those improvements become commonplace, it changes the incentive model for attackers.
<erlandsona> dhess: So like database services and stuff, postgres, what have you.
<clever> erlandsona: so it nuked all backups
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #24231: get_iplayer: 2.97 -> 2.99 (master...getiplayer) https://git.io/vSvfr
<dhess> erlandsona: Yes, anything that needs to run all the time, be monitored by the system, used by multiple applications, etc.
<dhess> clever: :~~~~~~~<
<simpson> erlandsona: The canonical example is vaccination, which has actually eradicated some diseases or changed them from plagues into isolated outbreaks.
<erlandsona> clever: yeah that doesn't sound good. amazon cough cough.
<clever> dhess: yeah, i'm liking the zfs backup stuff much better then such scripts, you have full snapshots of the entire FS
<spacekitteh> clever: is it $NIX_BUILD_CORES?
<clever> even if you rm -rf, the snapshots hold the previous versions
<erlandsona> Damn I need some line spacing in this chat... lol
<clever> spacekitteh: $NIX_BUILD_CORES is set to match build-cores from nix.conf when a job starts
<spacekitteh> kk
<clever> spacekitteh: and --option build-cores can override it
* spacekitteh nods
<dhess> clever: or even just one file! Much easier than doing a restore :)
<clever> spacekitteh: this shows what you get from nix, when the stdenv isnt around to help
<spacekitteh> i really should go thru that repo some day clever
<spacekitteh> so many interesting things i'd imagine!
* spacekitteh still has the nix-make thing open
<erlandsona> simpson: sorry still not following the correlarry between root vs user as it pertains to security and herd immunity (viruses and plagues) as they relate to hackers?
<clever> spacekitteh: another fun script: https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/tree/master/kexec
<spacekitteh> oh my
<clever> spacekitteh: this generates a tarball, unpack it to / on any machine, run /kexec_nixos, and within 2 minutes, it will be running nixos from ram
<spacekitteh> :D nice
<erlandsona> clever: that sounds cool.
<clever> spacekitteh: if you configure the ssh keys right, you can then ssh in, format, and nixos-install like normal
<spacekitteh> damn dude
<clever> and if you didnt configure the ssh keys right, it will reboot itself at the end of the hour, and the previous OS boots like nothing happened
<spacekitteh> nice >:3
<clever> you will want to "systemctl stop autoreboot.timer" to stop it from interupting you
* spacekitteh giggles
<simpson> erlandsona: If everybody adopts a security practice, it grants herd immunity. A great example is TLS; as it gets more common, it stops being interesting to attack individual TLS streams.
<spacekitteh> ^
<dhess> simpson: and then there's Windows ;)
<spacekitteh> i'm so glad IETF adopted RFC7258
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<spacekitteh> "Pervasive Monitoring Is an Attack"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #24232: gkrellm: 2.3.5 -> 2.3.10 (master...gkrellm) https://git.io/vSvJm
<clever> spacekitteh: in one recent test of the kexec stuff, i discovered that kexec doesnt appear to work right when under xen's dom0
<spacekitteh> no?
<clever> spacekitteh: but otherwise, it should just work on any distro with a linux kernel
<spacekitteh> neat
<erlandsona> simpson: so if I'm understanding this correctly, the motivation for root vs user is akin to using "ssl"? EG: As a computer user it's insurance, like ssl is insurance for a user surfing the web. And if everyone has insurance than the motivation for hacking becomes more of a supply / demand issue.
<erlandsona> EG: hackers don't get as much value out of trying to hack ssl as they would regular http, per se.
<erlandsona> Am I getting it, at least kind of?
<dtz> clever: that's pretty neat!
<simpson> erlandsona: Yes. At the end of the tunnel, there's a vision of a world where people generally get to choose the code which runs on their computers.
<clever> dtz: the main issues ive ran into with the kexec stuff, is ensuring the network comes online right both times (kexec and the install), and that the install goes 100% perfect, any mistake and you cant recover
<erlandsona> simpson: Like only having one account (eg: no sudo) on your machine that's safe regardless of the software you install? SOMEHOW?
<simpson> erlandsona: Like having finer-grained permissions than just user accounts.
<simpson> erlandsona: Here's some essential reading: http://www.cap-lore.com/CapTheory/ConfusedDeputy.html
<erlandsona> Oh the opposite of what I was thinking. Hmm...
<erlandsona> simpson: reading that now thank you.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #24233: gpa: 0.9.9 -> 0.9.10 (master...gpa) https://git.io/vSvJE
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<erlandsona> simpson: if I'm reading that article correctly, isn't that similar to how block chain solves a lot transactional security problems?
<simpson> erlandsona: Here's a tweet about Ethereum: https://twitter.com/zooko/status/748683889934163969
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSvJQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master edf32f9 Thomas Tuegel: plasma5: 5.9.3 -> 5.9.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6a1e5cc Thomas Tuegel: kdeFrameworks: 5.31 -> 5.32
<simpson> Object-capability theory has already covered the same ground as blockchains. From our POV, a blockchain is merely a distributed data structure; it is not a security solution, just another building block.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #24234: gphoto2: 2.5.8 -> 2.5.11 (master...master) https://git.io/vSvJd
<erlandsona> simpson: so interesting... so I'm not that far off from understanding at least the domain concepts and motivations. This is very satisfying.
<erlandsona> So if we can theorize about it, we must somehow be able to actualize the ideas? What's holding us back? Rather what are some implementations of these ideas? Or is NixOS a step in that direction?
<simpson> erlandsona: FWIW this stuff's been around for many decades, but it fails to gain traction because the security situtation isn't dire enough yet. This time around, though, it's pretty bad.
<erlandsona> Sorry, "this time around"?
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<erlandsona> I don't keep up with current events like I should. Never considered it a good use of my time.
<erlandsona> I was young then.
<simpson> erlandsona: An important tenet to ocap is POLA, the *principle of least authority*. Nix embodies POLA in two ways: First, builders are only run with a limited set of inputs and a controlled environment; second, programs run only with the authority to call programs which they were built against.
<erlandsona> Shit I'm still young (24) cough cough.
<simpson> This second point isn't really enforced well in NixOS, but a hypothetical future system could enforce it. Cap-safe languages like E, Monte, and Pony embed POLA into their object models.
<erlandsona> Ah... I always just thought that stuff was about purity in a functional sense.
<simpson> Bleh, "functional". Although, we *can* talk about stuff in that way. Do you know what effect typing is? Or an effect monad?
<hodapp> ugggggggggh I cannot fucking stand OpenCV's build
<erlandsona> I read about how a CoMonad can safely / purely reproduce method-like chaining of functions in Haskell...
<hodapp> erlandsona: sort of, but I believe we read the same article, and it actually ends up doing things in a rather reversed style from how one expects
<hodapp> from what I recall
<erlandsona> But to answer your latter questions, no I don't explicitly know what effect typing is..
<erlandsona> hodapp: sorry context, what are you responding too?
<hodapp> erlandsona: comonad for method-like chaining
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #24235: Gpscorrelate (master...gpscorrelate) https://git.io/vSvU1
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<erlandsona> hodapp: Ah that makes sense.
<hodapp> a fellow last night was enthusiastically telling me about Blockchain, insisting it would take over soon.
<erlandsona> Hehe I have a coworker who's the same way. I mean granted maybe blockchain has a better marketing pull than Object-capability theory?
<jsgrant-> Blockchain now has more-hype, than bitcoin proper.
<spacekitteh> my former boss's boss is obsessed with blockchain stuff
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bbenoist opened pull request #24236: Remove bbenoist from maintainers (master...bbenoist-removal) https://git.io/vSvTZ
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<erlandsona> Isn't blockchain just a generalization of the same "algorythms" that bitcoin uses? And where does Object-capability theory fit into all of this? I know nothing.
<spacekitteh> yeah erlandsona
<jsgrant-> I do hope hyperledger catches on in major-banking services; Bank of America tooks 3 weeks before to process a simple fastfood order once.
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<spacekitteh> clever: you still there?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin closed pull request #24216: fox: fix build with clang >=4 and possibly other versions (master...fox-llvm-4) https://git.io/vSeYS
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<hodapp> okay, it is seriously boggling my mind how this idiotic OpenCV build (it's custom for a C# library) is even passing the CMake configuration stage
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<spacekitteh> i can't figure out why the dang thing still won't connect to networking even after adding the outputHash stuff
<hodapp> because every single time, it's failing because it can't find include files; sometimes it's include files for things I explicitly added to buildInputs, other times it's include files that are right there in the damn OpenCV distribution
<hodapp> yet I made this build work once on my desktop, somehow
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<spacekitteh> clever: does it have to have a "url" attribute too or?
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<hodapp> hrmph. maybe I should look at what NixOS does in its own OpenCV build, since that has always worked fine for me
<hodapp> as far as I can tell, the CMake build was picking up other nonsense from my desktop configuration, and because my desktop had a lot of other stuff installed, it helped the build along
<hodapp> whereas on my laptop, less is installed in NixOS, so the store is emptier... I have no idea
<clever> spacekitteh: thats purely up to you
<spacekitteh> clever: what do i need to contact the network, then?
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<clever> spacekitteh: just an outputHash and outputHashAlgo, thats enough to enable the network
<spacekitteh> i have them though
<clever> spacekitteh: how you set the url it downloads is your choice
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<spacekitteh> but it's still not reacing the network :\
<clever> spacekitteh: can you gist your example and the error?
<ndowens08> well night all
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<bobthejanitor> Having trouble building libxml2. It's not producing any static or shared libraries, and I do not know why.
<clever> bobthejanitor: how are you checking what its outputing?
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<bobthejanitor> First it wasn't producing anything in the current profile, after some troubleshooting I disabled binary cache and looked at the compilation output, it went through the stages of producing lib files, only when I went to the store directory that the libraries were said to be built under, the folder wasn't there
<clever> spacekitteh: line 2 of test.nix can be done more easily with callPackage
<bobthejanitor> I edited the configuration file and added "--enable-shared" to the build config too, which did produce shared libraries, only they did not link to the current user profile either
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<clever> spacekitteh: and what is the error it gives?
<spacekitteh> fatal: error [Errno -2] Name or service not known
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<clever> spacekitteh: that isnt the same url as in test.nix, is it the same derivation?
<spacekitteh> clever: repo fetches it to grab a copy of itself
<clever> spacekitteh: can you gist more of the error, the entire console output?
<spacekitteh> what level of logging
<spacekitteh> vvvvv?
<clever> default
<spacekitteh> that's literally it, between "building path(s) <name>" and "builder for <name> failed with exit code 1"
<clever> the <name> is also important to tracking it down
<disasm> I'm getting close: https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/compare/master...disassembler:vultr-backend -- create and destroy both work now, but after create I'm having troubles logging in. It doesn't want to use my default key to push the newly generated key.
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<disasm> If I ssh root@IP it logs in fine. I used the none.py as inspiration to get the ssh working with default key for first login.
<clever> spacekitteh: yeah, everything lines up right, let me double-check some other things
<clever> spacekitteh: i think the problem is that you didnt set the sha256, so its not a fixed-output derivation
<clever> just throw in an invalid sha256, and it will grant you network
<spacekitteh> i'll give that a try
<spacekitteh> now it's changed to
<spacekitteh> fatal: error no host given
<clever> strange, but it sounds like network is on now
<clever> id throw some strace at it next, strace -o logfiles -ff repo init ...
<clever> and then build with -K
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<spacekitteh> hmm i wonder if it's the proxy thing is screwing up
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<spacekitteh> ok this looks like it might be why https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo/+/master/repo#572
<spacekitteh> am i passing in the manifest and rev params properly in the buildCommand?
<clever> they look fine to me
<clever> you could also add an echo before that, to see how nix parses it
<spacekitteh> yep it's fine
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<clever> what about the strace output?
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<spacekitteh> uh where does that output to
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<clever> somewhere near /tmp/nix-build-foo-0/
<clever> -K makes it save the dir after failing
<spacekitteh> yeah just env-vars is in there
<clever> oh
<clever> line 11, you did cd $out
<erlandsona> simpson: So I just looked up E, Monte (couldn't find anything but Wikipedia articles), and Pony.
<clever> so the logs are in $out
<spacekitteh> should i remove that bit?
<clever> nix leaves $out after the failure
<clever> the output should tell you what that path is
<spacekitteh> got it
<simpson> erlandsona: E's docs are old, Monte's docs are at http://monte.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
<erlandsona> Granted even just the first few lines of Monte's docs make it seem less attractive given it's a dynamic language.
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<erlandsona> Pony looked like a nice "next language" with a lot of benefits over some current OO languages. EG: strict type safety, and a lot of compile time guarantees...
<clever> spacekitteh: that appears to be just one of the log files
<erlandsona> That said, What's in Pony that's not already in an ML-based language like Haskell, Elm, PureScript etc...?
<spacekitteh> oh right
<clever> spacekitteh: the repo program appears to be reading some git config values, no error yet
<erlandsona> simpson: forgot to tag yah.
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<simpson> erlandsona: There are good reasons for Monte to not have static types. The biggest reason is that objects should have a uniform interface; the compiler should let me perform any action on any object.
<simpson> erlandsona: This makes it easier to *distribute* the computation later on by breaking it up into pieces; I don't have to try to magically check types across the network.
<spacekitteh> yeah that doesn't matter
<clever> spacekitteh: here, it configures a remote, everything else looks good so far
<clever> spacekitteh: yeah, looks like file 70 is the issue, this git command is returning status 1 at line 152
<erlandsona> simpson: interesting. I guess I'll ask again then, what does something like Monte have over Haskell? EG: thinking "right tool for the job" what do I get with Monte that I wouldn't want to use Haskell for?
<simpson> erlandsona: Several advantages. I/O is easier to reason about, because Monte effectively embeds a fine-grained effect monad into its concurrency design.
<clever> spacekitteh: what does this return when ran in a normal shell? git config --get-regexp "url.*.insteadof" ; echo $?
<spacekitteh> $
<bobthejanitor> So I do not know why, I updated the software channel, and now when I build libxml2 it doesn't produce any library files at all. No commit since February, before I last used libxml2, so what gives? It doesn't output anything to the current profile, no shared libraries
<simpson> erlandsona: Computation is based on passing messages, so distributed designs are much easier. Additionally, since Monte is cap-safe, it's easier to reason about how your program will behave when working with untrusted clients and untrusted input.
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<clever> spacekitteh: bash or other?
<spacekitteh> bash
<clever> spacekitteh: the ? was part of the command
<spacekitteh> 1
<erlandsona> simpson: interesting. Thank you for all this by the way, since I haven't said it before.
<clever> yeah, fails the same way as in the nix build
<clever> spacekitteh: does that repo init command work in a normal shell?
<simpson> erlandsona: No worries.
<spacekitteh> clever: yeppers
<clever> spacekitteh: strange, all i can think is that its related to an env variable, "env" will dump it all, both in a build and outside
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<spacekitteh> i tlel you what
<spacekitteh> i bet it's the optionalString bits interacting with the \'s
<bobthejanitor> Is there any good way to troubleshoot why certain files are not being built/linked to the current user profile?
<clever> spacekitteh: you can see how bash parses the entire command by looking at line 1: https://gist.github.com/spacekitteh/8417e9d24874889a20d3ded558b4ae98#file-logfiles-64-L1
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<clever> spacekitteh: though that doesnt match up right, maybe a file got changed and i didnt notice?
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* spacekitteh ponders
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<ebzzry> Why have I lost ~/.nix-profile/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2?
<spacekitteh> ok well prefacing it with a host lookup for the repo url works so it's not a network issue
<clever> spacekitteh: getting late hear, i'm heading off to bed, good luck :)
<spacekitteh> dang alright
<spacekitteh> nite!
<spacekitteh> thanks for the help
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<hodapp> okay, as far as I can tell, cmake is completely ignoring CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH...
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<maurer> Do nix containers share the nix store? If so, can I make them not? Additionally, can I pick a different path for a nix container to live on?
<maurer> (I want the main system here to live on an SSD, but would prefer for a hydra container I'm creating to keep its stuff on the spinning rust disk)
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<erlandsona_> simpson, or clever or whoever, I have a little more context on the issue I'm having with Node on Nix... although I think it might be cabal now? Or Elm specific?
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<simpson> erlandsona_: Sorry, I don't use any of those on Nix. :c
<hodapp> in stdenv.mkDerivation, can one manually add to the include path?
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<hodapp> the deal is that buildInputs is adding one path for gdk-pixbuf, and I need another based on that to be appended
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<erlandsona_> simpson: hmm... well no worries. Here's an error output though, maybe this is related to something you've fixed in other languages? http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/XRRPT7mi
<hodapp> I see https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/11993 used C_INCLUDE_PATH...
<disasm> haha, hours of debugging to find out... I didn't have my private key on the linux box I was running nixops from!
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<erlandsona_> Okay here's where the real confusion begins... So obviously there's a directory with binaries here... http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/sE7TINwo
<spacekitteh> clever: i think it's the way the parsing is done on the results from that git config call. if i disable that bit by passing --no-clone-bundle then it seems to work (apart from needing cacerts)
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<erlandsona_> But if I try to call one of the binaries I get this... http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/YLSP2ub3
<erlandsona_> I'm so confused... how can a binary be "seen" by `ls` and show as executable eg the * after the name, but not be a file or directory that bash can see?
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<erlandsona_> Anyone got any thoughts?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pradeepchhetri opened pull request #24238: hugo: 0.18.1 -> 0.19 (master...hugo) https://git.io/vSvms
<hodapp> err... why do I see gdk-pixbuf-2.36.5-dev in my /nix/store, but ${gdk_pixbuf} point to gdf-pixbuf-2.36.5 in the store?
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<hodapp> I need a header in the former
<hodapp> but have no idea what is providing it
<hodapp> can I query the path in the store and see what actually put it there in the first place?
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<hodapp> it looks like nix-store should be able to do this in some fashion but I am not having much luck...
<disasm> is it possible to manually modify my nixops state? I need to set a boolean from a python script that errored out.
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<hodapp> e.g. /nix/store/hnh2782fvkcri77x8z8p73nqj3gqxc6l-gdk-pixbuf-2.36.5-dev; how can I go about getting to that path without hard-coding it in the derivation?
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<Ralith> hodapp: ${gdk_pixbuf.dev}
<hodapp> is this a common convention? one that's documented anywhere?
<Ralith> yes, no idea
<Ralith> if you have a look at the expression you'll see some of how it comes to be
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] spacekitteh opened pull request #24239: Added fetchGitRepo (master...fetchFromGitRepo) https://git.io/vSvOu
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<maurer> Anyone using libreswan on nixos? The module seems to use ${libreswan}/etc/sysconfig/pluto , and the sysconfig directory doesn't exist
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<disasm> well this is weird... fresh install of nixos 14.12 and I get this error: error: syntax error, unexpected UPDATE, at "(string)":1:195 when running nix-channel --update
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<disasm> oh wait, 14.12 is ancient... why'd I download that... ignore me
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<c74d> hodapp: gdk-pixbuf-2.36.5-dev is the "dev" output of gdk-pixbuf-2.36.5, and there's the library function lib.getDev for taking the dev output of a package
<c74d> and lib.getOutput for taking an arbitrary output
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<hodapp> alas, it is a moot point since my *actual* issue was CMake doing stupid shit
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<PenguinOfDoom> is it possible to define an optional mount in fileSystems?
<PenguinOfDoom> I tried including "nofail" in options, but it didn't help
<pikajude> really? that's what i use
<pikajude> what happened for you?
<pikajude> i use "auto" "nofail" fwiw
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<PenguinOfDoom> oh maybe it's actually working? I got systemd errors and a "warning: error(s) occurred while switching to the new configuration"
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<PenguinOfDoom> yeah, it actually goes through
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #24231: get_iplayer: 2.97 -> 2.99 (master...getiplayer) https://git.io/vSvfr
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSvnX
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 89e2a4c ndowens: gphoto2: 2.5.8 -> 2.5.11
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5e0d0f4 Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #24234 from ndowens/master...
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 55ac21e Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.nocrypto: 0.5.3 -> 0.5.4
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a81e253 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.base: init at 0.9.0...
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c6c92a1 Peter Hoeg: terraform: only run tests from 0.9.0 onwards
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<PenguinOfDoom> how come python can't import installed python packages? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/3d3f1209eefd04c1b3b6b09c62cf760e
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<Isorkin> Hi. How to install/build custom packages - perl 5.10.1 ?
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<unlmtd[m]> what does vim2nix do?
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7d72b9b Baptist BENOIST: Remove bbenoist from maintainers...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e0bf35f Vladimír Čunát: Merge #24236: remove bbenoist from maintainers
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<unlmtd[m]> makes vim expressions for vim plugins?
<unlmtd[m]> "You are not expected to understand this"
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* unlmtd[m] loves only what a persion has written with his blood.
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<manveru> :)
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<AndroUser> Hi, my laptop does not boot anymore. How can I get the kernel to print all messages?
<ivan> AndroUser: press some buttons in grub to edit the boot entry and add "debug"
<ivan> or "verbose" if that's too much http://www.askapache.com/linux/linux-debugging/
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<AndroUser> Thanks ivan. I think suspend is the problem, how can I force the kernel to do a fresh boot?
<ivan> AndroUser: you can probably hold in your power button for a while until it turns off
<AndroUser> Yeah that does not work, it always prints "pm: image loading progress"
<ivan> yeah that's hibernation
<ivan> AndroUser: noresume
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<AndroUser> ivan: still prints the image loading..
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<AndroUser> Which parameter do I need to add to get an boot console?
<AndroUser> A simple root shell
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] regnat opened pull request #24241: stog: init at 0.17.0 (master...stog) https://git.io/vSvgQ
<xeviox> can someone point me to an info about how to install a couple of packages (and dependencies) in a different version than present in the default channel? (using NixOS)
<ikwildrpepper> xeviox: if you have a checkout of nixpkgs you want to use, you can just import that, e.g.:
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<ikwildrpepper> (import <nixpkgs-other> {}).htop
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSv2J
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 027d0f0 Joachim Fasting: linux_4_9: 4.9.16 -> 4.9.17...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ea4a1b4 Joachim Fasting: grsecurity: 4.9.16-201703180820 -> 4.9.17-201703221829...
<ikwildrpepper> xeviox: that would give you htop (and deps for htop) from nixpkgs-other from your nix path
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<xeviox> ikwildrpepper: ok, so the idea is to clone (or create an own) nixpkgs file and use it to install packages in a specific version?
<xeviox> is this the ideomatic way for NixOS?
<xeviox> (sounds sensible)
<xeviox> sadly I'm just a noob and this bugs me since weeks
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<xeviox> should I place the file next to the "configuration.nix"?
<xeviox> or is there a convention for where to keep those files?
<ikwildrpepper> not sure if there is an ideomatic way, as most people just keep to using one nixpkgs
<xeviox> ok
<xeviox> does the import line go into the environment.systemPackages list?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSv2p
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 785e45a Robin Gloster: Revert "Revert "kmod-blacklist-ubuntu: 9.3 -> 22.1""...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSvak
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 6b3a77a Robin Gloster: Revert "Revert "kmod-blacklist-ubuntu: 9.3 -> 22.1""...
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<bkchr> Hi, what are the differences between nixos-unstable-small and nixos-unstable?
<c74d> bkchr: nixos-unstable-small has fewer packages available than nixos-unstable, but nixos-unstable-small is kept up-to-date, whereas nixos-unstable often gets stuck and stops updating for long periods of time (it currently hasn't updated since March 5, whereas nixos-unstable-small updated just yesterday)
<bkchr> c74d: thx :) The channels are based on this git repository? (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs)
<c74d> ultimately yes
<bkchr> And if I want to use this packages, I have to create a local checkout?
<c74d> no
<bkchr> or is there a channel for the master of this repo?
<c74d> to use packages from a channel— oh
<c74d> yes, to use the Git master version of nixpkgs, you'll need to have a checkout of the repo
<c74d> then there's a proper way to tell Nix to use it, but it's been too long since I did that for me to recall what that is
<bkchr> c74d: okay, thank you
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<ndowens08> Sigh sitting waiting for another work day :/
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<bkchr> c74d: can I use the nixpkgs-unstable in nixos?
<Mic92> ndowens08: in which package did you mark me?
<ndowens08> One sec
<c74d> bkchr: one shouldn't use the "nixpkgs-" channels on NixOS
<c74d> only the "nixos-" channels
<bkchr> c74d: okay :(
<ndowens08> Mic92: pcapc
<ndowens08> I believe I got the same result of the new that he old gives. IIRC been a while
<c74d> bkchr: afaik the "nixpkgs-" channels are the same as the "nixos-" channels except without things that NixOS needs
<bkchr> c74d: Okay! Now using the nixos-unstable-small channel. Why does it take so long to update the "nixos-unstable" channel? Is there any blocker?
<ndowens08> Small gets updates first then unstable
<ndowens08> Thing with small you might compile some updates
<ndowens08> Before it goes in unstable it is built by hydra but small may get updates that hydra hasn't built yet
<bkchr> Okay
<bkchr> I just be suprised that the unstable channel wasn't updated in the last 11 days
<ndowens08> To me the name can be seen as a little backwards in my personal view. When I see small in a repo name I think fewer updates. My view unstable would get updates then small would get it. But that's just me :)
<dhess> pretty standard practice with Linux distros that package updates slow down as a release approaches. 17.03 is coming soon, so....
<dhess> The devs have their hands full getting ready for the release.
<ndowens08> Yup. Just my view on wording though. I know it's expected to slow down with release soon
<bkchr> Yeah now problem with slow downs, I just like bleeding edge software, I'm coming from arch and was just curios that there for example a plasma 5.9 package exist and I did not have it :D
<ndowens08> You could install it on your own outside of repo. Use a copy of the git master
<LnL> nice thing with nixos is that it's pretty easy to cherry pick some packages from master while keeping the rest of the system on a release
<ndowens08> Though you will have to compile everything
<ndowens08> That you use ofc
<ndowens08> But yeah you can get newer than what comes through the repos
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<ndowens08> Bleeding edge through using master
<LnL> you can also import from nixpkgs-unstable, that updates pretty quickly
<bkchr> Currently I'm using the nixos-unstable-small, that has 5.9.3 of kde
<ndowens08> LnL small is faster though?
<ndowens08> Personally I would use master but I don't want to compile everything so I just wait for small to update
<LnL> don't know, I just use the release and let unstable = import <nixpkgs-unstable> {}; in for the stuff I want to update
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<bkchr> LnL: where do you do that? in your configuration.nix?
<bkchr> or just in local nix-shells?
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<qknight> i want to understand why <name?> is actually forcing uniqueness. same goes for `users.users.joachim` for instance. how to implement that? i need this for a list of subdirectories per domain
<LnL> bkchr: configuration.nix, something like this for example https://gist.github.com/LnL7/a90b8a2d6219ba144d141a5acacd3390
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<ndowens08> Gtg enjoy be back when I can
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<bkchr> LnL: thx
<LnL> most modules also have a package option that you can override, if you only want it for a specific service etc...
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<bkchr> Yeah I still have to learn a lot with nixos. Yesterday I've read a big tutorial on the nix language, still a little bit hard to read for me :D
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<LnL> I'd recommend https://medium.com/@MrJamesFisher/nix-by-example-a0063a1a4c55 to start with and the nix pills / the manual for some more advanced stuff
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSv1n
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5fbdb79 ndowens: gkrellm: 2.3.5 -> 2.3.10
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 817d8a6 Vladimír Čunát: gkrellm: fix homepage
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 50d6617 Vladimír Čunát: Merge #24232: gkrellm: 2.3.5 -> 2.3.10
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #24232: gkrellm: 2.3.5 -> 2.3.10 (master...gkrellm) https://git.io/vSvJm
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<layus> shlevy, copumpkin: If you could give a try at #24203, especially to see if #23723 still works, I would feel safer.
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<layus> I tried to download hydra build resuts to check that the strings were right in the app, but the derivations seems not to be cached.
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<layus> Are there any other MacOS users around here ?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #24233: gpa: 0.9.9 -> 0.9.10 (master...gpa) https://git.io/vSvJE
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #24227: emem: 0.2.46 -> 0.2.47 (master...emem-0.2.47) https://git.io/vSeFL
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<dmj`> layus: I use osx
<layus> We introduced a change to how applications (openssl in particular) find the default trusted certificcates.
<layus> But I am unable to test if it works properly.
<layus> dmj`: just looking for potential testers of that fundamental change.
<dtluna> hello, I have a problem with GTK2 themes and GTK2/3 icon themes
<LnL> layus: it looked ok to me, I'll add it to my todo list. everything still looks at NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE right?
<dtluna> And also the cursor theme
<dtluna> .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini: https://spit.mixtape.moe/view/06423d3a
<layus> LnL: it _looks_ right to me too ;)
<layus> LnL: The idea is that we should:
<dtluna> That's what GTK2(left) and GTK3(right) applications look like on my system right now: https://my.mixtape.moe/cptycs.png
<layus> play nicely with brew (should be ok as we do not set SSL_CERT_FILE anymore)
<layus> 1. play nicely with brew (should be ok as we do not set SSL_CERT_FILE anymore)
<layus> 2. make it default to "/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt" even when NIX_SSL_CERT_PATH is not set (Nix profile not sourced) on OSX
<layus> 3. check that git and curl work properly despite my fixes.
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<layus> LnL: and I have no way to test these three things because I have no macbook of any kind around me.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 6 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSvS0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 040b9f4 Joachim Fasting: pythonPackages.trezor: 0.7.4 -> 0.7.12...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 1a1d365 Joachim Fasting: pythonPackages.mnemonic: 0.12 -> 0.17...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 5d7139b Joachim Fasting: pythonPackages.pyaes: init at 1.6.0...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSvHG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a6665ad Symphorien Gibol: grub module: fix useOSProber when installing grub as EFI
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 5 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSvHZ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 9cc4b2f Nikolay Amiantov: qt5.qtwebengine: patch more library paths...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 64d4593 Nikolay Amiantov: nss: propagate nspr...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 15fdfa9 Nikolay Amiantov: srtp: build as shared library...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSvHE
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a49df2a Joachim Fasting: tribler: fixup revision...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSvHo
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 5870304 Joachim Fasting: tribler: fixup revision...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSvHj
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 632e810 Jörg Thalheim: spice: 0.12.8 -> 0.13.3...
<Unode> I'm trying to use runInLinuxVM to compile a package that is currently failing on the test stage (libxml2) however the package itself is a dependency of vmTools. I already have another vmTools version on the system, is there any way I can use that to build the package?
<Unode> clever: if you are around I'd love to hear from you :)
<clever> Unode: you could .overrideDerivation the libxml2 for runInLinuxVM to disable testing
<clever> then use the non-overridden version for the system
<Unode> clever: won't this branch out the dependency tree?
<Unode> I mean I already have a few libxml2 versions. But they aren't being picked up due to changes upstream.
<clever> if you wanted to use a different vmTools, you would have to do something like (import /home/clever/nixpkgs {}).vmTools
<Unode> clever: and that location needs to match the version that was used to build the existing vmTools ?
<clever> if the nixpkgs matches up, then it will just reuse it
<Unode> if the answer is yes... I've no idea which version it was :(
<clever> its usually better to just pick a nixpkgs you know works
<clever> then to try and force it to use a specific storepath
<Unode> I guess it isn't matching up: nix-build -E 'with import /home/unode/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixos {}; vmTools.runInLinuxVM libxml2'
<Unode> clever: yeah I need to stop using nix-channel and use a git repo instead.
<Unode> This issue is comming back all the time :(
<Unode> I'm using the nixos-16.09 channel but issues like this still show up.
<Unode> clever: can you mix different nixpkgs versions on a single build?
<layus> LnL: never mind, I was able to download hydra build results. I had messed too much with my ssl config during tests. Everything shoul work fine, just as expected.
<clever> Unode: yeah
<clever> Unode: (import /home/clever/nixpkgs {}).vmTools will give you the vmTools attributeset from a different nixpkgs, you can then run that on a different one
<clever> Unode: just keep in mind, the $out path depends on the combination of nixpkgs you used, so it will try to rebuild it, if you change that set of nixpkgs
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<bkchr> Hi, can I add some kind of "print/echo" to a nix script?
<clever> bkchr: builtins.trace
<clever> nix-repl> builtins.trace "print" "value"
<clever> trace: print
<clever> "value"
<clever> bkchr: it prints the 1st argument, then returns the 2nd argument
<bkchr> ahh cool, ty
<Unode> clever: I might come back later with more issues. Taking one step at a time. Your expertise is super welcome but I feel I don't understand enough to follow through.
<Unode> thanks again
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<bkchr> I want to add the following nix-mode.el https://github.com/NixOS/nix/tree/master/misc/emacs
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vSv55
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging c1a9dc3 Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'master' into staging
<bkchr> I find that file on my system, but is there a path that is absolute?
<clever> bkchr: eval "${pkgs.nix}/share/emacs/site-lisp/nix-mode.el" in nix to get the path
<gchristensen> you can also use emacsWithPackages
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<bkchr> gchristensen: and that automatically loads the package?
<bkchr> clever: no, I need the path inside of emacs :D
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSvdE
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 b51de57 Symphorien Gibol: grub module: fix useOSProber when installing grub as EFI...
<clever> bkchr: nix needs to generate a config file that refers to it, and it sounds like emacsWithPackages automates that
<gchristensen> bkchr: well so this is my emacs config: https://gist.github.com/grahamc/03a6286c8fdf0db5c51e48cc0aa19635
<gchristensen> I put that expression inside of systemPackages
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<clever> bkchr: oh, and if you only care about nixos support, you can just cheat: /run/current-system/sw/share/emacs/site-lisp/nix-mode.el
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<bkchr> ahh I found it "/run/current-system/sw/share/emacs/site-lisp/nix-mode.el"
<bkchr> it is also documented in the wiki https://nixos.org/wiki/Emacs_configuration
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<bkchr> clever: ohh you were faster :D
<gchristensen> bkchr: if you want to get super fancy... https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/24243 :P
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<bkchr> gchristensen: Nice! But thats way to much for me now, I have all my configuration on github for emacs and I'm also using spacemacs
<gchristensen> fair :)
<bkchr> First I will need to find out how to get the rust overlay to install the rust source code :D
<icetan> any tips on running integration tests with hydra?
<gchristensen> icetan: sorry?
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<contrapumpkin> does nix-shell not load .bash_profile and friends?
<icetan> gchristensen: running tests that need other services running for example
<gchristensen> you'd probably want to look at how nixos tests work
<gchristensen> they don't have external internet access which can be viewed as a huge plus, or a huge bummer, depending :)
<icetan> gchristensen: aah, of course
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<icetan> well, don't need external access, and it's really nice that it's a guarantee
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<icetan> but need to set up loads of services as and make calls to test interactions
<icetan> not just running simple isolated unit tests
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<gchristensen> yeah that's fine
<icetan> if there are ways to boot up VM instances inside the sandbox would be great
<gchristensen> there are
<Yaniel> I'm a bit split on nix-shell
<gchristensen> icetan: I run integration tests in the nixos test infrastructure where I spawn dozens of mysql daemons and test replication topology manipulation
<icetan> gchristensen: great, sounds awesome
<Yaniel> OTOH it's awesome, but then again I never remember to launch it and when I do I always end up cursing about losing my usual shell features (custom zsh config)
<gchristensen> Yaniel: you can use a shellHook to spawn zsh
<clever> Yaniel: you can always re-run zsh under nix-shell
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<ndowens08> Never understood what nix-shell is used for
<clever> ndowens08: it gives you a shell with the same env variables that nix-build uses for the build, so you can test ./configure && make
<Yaniel> Can I do it in a 'local' way? So it doesn't affect others who might not have zsh installed
<ndowens08> Ah
<Yaniel> It also gives you configurePhase etc
<gchristensen> it gives me a shell with an obscure and ancient version of ruby I don't want installed anywhere else
<Yaniel> So you can run those with the exact same flags as nix-build would
<ndowens08> I usually just nix-build and nox-review
<clever> ndowens08: i use it more for development, i can nix-shell, then make && ./foo every time i edit the code, until it does what i want
<ndowens08> Never looked into that part
<gchristensen> that doesn't work as well if you're building, say, chromium, which can take 8hrs to nix-build
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<ndowens08> Might have to use it
<icetan> gchristensen: what about testing against a non-nixos VM instance?
<bkchr> clever: If I want to "trace" a set I get the following error "cannot coerce a set to a string", any tricks that I could use?
<clever> bkchr: can you paste the line of code your using?
<gchristensen> icetan: I'm sure it is _possible_ but as that hasn't been a use case important to nixos, I don't believe there is any existing tooling for it
<gchristensen> icetan: but our nixos tests just run qemu, so it should be doable
<clever> bkchr: you are attempting to run warn (which returns true) on a derivation
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<clever> bkchr: so that boils down to "let ... in true stdenv.mkDerivation ..."
<clever> bkchr: removing the true on line 5 might fix things
<bkchr> clever: still the same error
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<bkchr> and its reporting the line where I have the builtins.trace
<clever> bkchr: the srcInfo on line 2 is probably a set, not a string
<bkchr> yep
<clever> bkchr: so it cant be cast to a string without passing it thru builtins.toJSON or similiar
<Unode> is the nixpkgs 16.09 branch the same as the official channel?
<clever> Unode: you want the 16.09 branch on nixpkgs-channels
<Unode> what's the difference?
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<Unode> the nixpkgs-channels is the one that builds?
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<clever> nixpkgs-channels updates after the build passes on hydra
<bkchr> clever: thanks again
<Unode> clever: great, thanks
<gchristensen> clever: thank you
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<icetan> gchristensen: nice
<icetan> gchristensen: do you run your mysql tests in separate nixos qemu instances then?
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<gchristensen> in a given test, each mysql instance is run in the same qemu instance, using nixos-containers to run many of them
<gchristensen> each test gets its own qemu instance
<icetan> oh, didn't even know about nixos-containers
<Unode> is there some kind of channel signature being used as part of the build process? I just checked out 16.09 from nixpkgs-channels and using it to install something is giving me a full deptree build.
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<icetan> gchristensen: looks really promising, thank you
<gchristensen> you're welcome
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<Yaniel> hmm I guess I can just alias devenv="nix-shell --command zsh" in my .zshrc
<Yaniel> yeah this looks like a nice solution
<Yaniel> is there something I can use to reliably detect whether I'm in a nix-shell or not?
<contrapumpkin> $IN_NIX_SHELL I think i
<disasm> domenkozar: I've been wondering about automated testing for the vultr backend as well... I don't think there's any way you could right an automated test that didn't cost money. I saw with the digitalocean backend there weren't any tests written either.
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<domenkozar> disasm: yeah that's a mistake
<domenkozar> :)
<domenkozar> it's fine if it costs money, it can be ran only for the release
<domenkozar> but also we need docs how to setup a simple machine
<domenkozar> (digital ocean does have that)
<Yaniel> ooh awesome
<Yaniel> aand then my question from yesterday: if hydra fails to build a package for one platform, are the others still unaffected?
<iclanzan> Hi guys, does anyone know how to get Plymouth to show a GUI at boot when asking for the password of an encrypted drive?
<Yaniel> other platforms that is
<goibhniu> hi iclanzan, you can do boot.plymouth.enable = true; but it just shows a few dots
<iclanzan> goibhniu, yeah plymouth works, but only kicks in after I enter the password in the console
<disasm> domenkozar: yeah, I'll get docs and a trivial example added to the PR. I'll also look at getting a test written. The one caveat is (and I'll explain this in the docs) to generate the snapshot used, you need to boot off iso, console in and install the system. Once that snapshot is created though, it's easy to spin off a whole slew of nixos hosts in Vultr.
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<goibhniu> iclanzan: ah sorry
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSffc
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f9add54 Michael Raskin: fontforge-fonttools: init at 20160404
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<copumpkin> would y'all expect .bash_profile to be loaded by a nix-shell?
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<LnL> no, it calls bash with --rcfile by default
<copumpkin> is there some profile it loads automatically?
<copumpkin> that I can control :)
<LnL> like shellHook?
<copumpkin> well, I meant something outside nix
<copumpkin> that a normal shell would load as well
<copumpkin> somewhere to put an alias that I want accessible in nix-shell and outside of it
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<LnL> don't think so, unless you use --run bash but then you loose the functions from the build environment
<copumpkin> ah, I don't care about those
<LnL> or shellHook = '' source ~/.bash_profile '' would probably also work :)
<gchristensen> <3 shellHook
<icetan> pip2nix isn't building at all and pypi2nix just throws an error when run
<sphalerite> Is the CXX env var not meant to be defined in a nix-shell?
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<bkchr> can I use multiple fetchUrl for one package?
<copumpkin> sure
<copumpkin> you can pass in srcs instead of src
<copumpkin> which is a list
<copumpkin> also, no capital U :)
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<bkchr> copumpkin: thanks :) and all of these srcs will be installed in one package? the installPhase is then called for each src package?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSfm5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 45f486f Robin Gloster: Revert "security-wrapper: Don't remove the old paths yet as that can create migration pain"...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e82baf0 Robin Gloster: security-wrapper: link old wrapper dir to new one...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zimbatm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSfYk
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bf7847e ndowens: galculator: 2.1.3 -> 2.1.4 (#24230)
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<yorick> -unstable hasn't updated for 18 days
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSfOo
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c71f8f6 Vladimír Čunát: release-combined: disable plasma tests temporarily...
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<FRidh> yorick: nixpkgs-unstable just updated. No issues running NixOS.
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<ndowens08> I hate my position at work at times
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSfsz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 3bfeceb Robin Gloster: Revert "security-wrapper: Don't remove the old paths yet as that can create migration pain"...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 1394a0c Robin Gloster: security-wrapper: link old wrapper dir to new one...
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<ndowens08> How is it going
<globin> niksnut: btw, why did you remove the logs from hydra itself?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSfnS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 070ae18 Vladimír Čunát: knot-dns: maintenance 2.4.1 -> 2.4.2
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSfcL
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 73a6832 Michael Raskin: golly: use wxGTK 3.0
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSfCX
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 61e3a58 Vladimír Čunát: knot-dns: maintenance 2.4.1 -> 2.4.2...
<ndowens08> What is pythonenv buildinput used for?
<ndowens08> Looking at a PR but never seen it used before. Usually see pythonPackages and version 3 one
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<ndowens08> Think I need to go through PRs and fix the ones the submitter doesn't seem to be responding to
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<ndowens08> Try to clean up some old ones and slim them down
<Judson> After doing an update, I've been finding that quite a few apps fail with an error about "Failed to load shared library '/nix/store/4zsvrk8vkrpqij45hpy2ipjw509s76wk-gtk+3-3.18.5/lib/libgtk-3.so.0' referenced by the typelib: /run/opengl-
<Judson> driver/lib/libEGL.so.1: undefined symbol: wl_proxy_marshal_constructor_versioned" and the solution is to reinstall them.
<Judson> Is there a straightforward way to determine what's built against the wrong thing and reinstall all at once?
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<ndowens08> I am not sure. The only way I would know is to figure out what is the beginning pkg and run nox-review on it. But there is probably a way. I just don't know it
<ndowens08> Nox builds everything that depends on that pkg.
<ndowens08> But to me. Looks like a libgtk issue
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<ndowens08> OpenGL trying to use reference from gtk but can't find it
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* peti wonders what's going on with hydra.nixos.org. The service seems defunct since 2+ weeks or so. Lots of out-of-memory errors, it seems.
<globin> peti: where are you seeing them atm? For me it has been working again for 3-4 days
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<ndowens08> Has anyone used gitlab's CI. May try it instead of hoping Travis will let me know if it works on other than Linux
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<peti> globin: "evaluation failed with exit code 255"
<peti> globin: And then nothing more happened for the last 2 days, I think.
<globin> peti: hm ok, haven't had that for 3-4 days myself, I guess you've tried triggering a new eval?
<copumpkin> peti: I think niksnut is making some changes (for example log links are all broken since logs have moved to S3)
<copumpkin> peti: coupled with some disk space issues earlier I think
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<pi3r> eacameron: have you had the time to look at the snippet. I might doing something obviously wrong. When I remove the 'pinning' everything is working
<peti> globin: No. Do I have to trigger a new eval? Won't that happen automatically every 4 hours?
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<globin> peti: not sure if it gets retried after an OOM and that last eval is 2 days old
<ertes> does anyone here have experience regarding best practices when it comes to nix with ansible? i'm trying to deploy nix-built docker containers via ansible, but i'd like to integrate the actual building as well, otherwise i'd have to use a Makefile
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<ertes> my main issue is that i'm not a python programmer, and i'd prefer not to have to become one =)
<eacameron> pi3r: Hmm....
<gchristensen> ertes: you're going to want to become one, lol, if you're using ansible
<copumpkin> (hint: ansible is a huge turd)
<copumpkin> erm, I mean
<copumpkin> devops
<gchristensen> devops, devops! devops devops; devops.
<copumpkin> buffalo?
<gchristensen> :)
<simpson> ertes: You're going to need to know Python to work with Ansible, from what I hear.
<mguentner> can someone mark this a blocker for 17.03: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/23431 (does still not work for me at least)
<eacameron> pi3r: Someone changed it recently and I haven't tested that use case on it yet. It would definitely be a bug if it doesn't work.
<ndowens08> Only see one tag blocker
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<pi3r> eacameron: Shall I open an issue for this ?
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<eacameron> pi3r: See if you can simplify your example to fail with minimal code and if it still fails then YES
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #24201: awesome: menubar should take XDG_HOME_DIR and XDG_DATA_DIRS into account (master...fix.awesome) https://git.io/vyhEH
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<59NAAO4VQ> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSfoC
<59NAAO4VQ> nixpkgs/master b79c284 Benjamin Staffin: nixos: Use xkbDir consistently so it has an effect
<59NAAO4VQ> nixpkgs/master c2b9b80 Robin Gloster: Merge pull request #24026 from benley/use-xkbDir...
<7GHAAMO1Z> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #24026: nixos: Use xkbDir consistently so it has an effect (master...use-xkbDir) https://git.io/vy55M
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<joepie91> ^ did nickserv auth for the commitbot break?
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<globin> joepie91: sometimes happens if it connects too often in short time
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mythmon opened pull request #24244: Upgrade mercrial and tortoisehg to 4.1.1 (master...mercurial-upgrade) https://git.io/vSfPL
<eacameron> So there's no way to invalid SSH keys for nixops deployments?
<eacameron> invalidate
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<gchristensen> sorry?
<eacameron> How would I invalidate the current ssh keys for nixops deployment. I need to cycle them, like NOW
<ertes> gchristensen, simpson: so far i was able to avoid it… what would be another *stateless* deployment solution? nixops is stateful (and also python)
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<ronny> ertes: last i checked all of those need python or ruby skills ^^
<gchristensen> ertes: deployment is almost exclusively a state manipulation problem
<ertes> too bad
<simpson> ertes: You ask for the moon. What you want is good *management* of state.
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<copumpkin> eacameron: accidental git commit, eh? :) I don't use nixops though, sorry
<copumpkin> ikwildrpepper might know
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<eacameron> copumpkin: Worse.
<gchristensen> eacameron: you mean like the key nixops uses to ssh to access boxes?
<eacameron> gchristensen: Yah
<ertes> gchristensen: yes, but i'm following the principle of having only idempotent state updates, so there is no need to store state locally… and it would also not be practical to have local state, because i'm collaborating with other people
<gchristensen> eacameron: may I PM?
<eacameron> Yah
<copumpkin> eacameron: very short term, you might want to do a users.extraUsers in wheel, add SSH key there
<copumpkin> then take out the other one
<eacameron> copumpkin: I don't know how to *take out* the one that nixops uses
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<gchristensen> eacameron: yeah I get it, but still -- there is state to be had.
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<simpson> Hey, uh, meta to gchristensen, eacameron, copumpkin, ikwildrpepper: How would you feel if we carved out a section of the nixops manual to write some typical runbooks for common regular tasks?
<simpson> I know that that's not going to solve the pain right now, but maybe it'll help all of us out down the road.
<copumpkin> simpson: seems in line with domenkozar's nix cookbooks
<copumpkin> but yes
<gchristensen> that'd be good
<eacameron> simpson: Yah I've actually sort of been toying with this procedure already.
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<eacameron> But...it happened sooner than I was reayd.
<eacameron> But...it happened sooner than I was ready.
<domenkozar> needs a bit of polishing still :)
<simpson> copumpkin: I'm thinking from an SRE perspective. If I were a typical company, I'd be internally writing these docs and never sharing them. But that seems rude, and I want more people using the same tools to be using the same procedures.
<copumpkin> yeah definitely
<simpson> And I'm thinking that these docs would stick with nixops since they're nixops-specific.
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<copumpkin> yeah
<obfes> hello guys, i installed bumblebee and nvidia for steam, but now i can't login into dekstop. I use gnome3
<copumpkin> I didn't mean to roll into his thing, just that it's the same sort of thing
<domenkozar> what thing? :)
<obfes> hello guys, i installed bumblebee and nvidia for steam, but now i can't login into dekstop. I use gnome3 and lightdm and nixos-version 17.09pre102667.2839b10
<copumpkin> oh that the thing simpson was suggesting was similar to your nix cookbooks
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<pareidolia> I have a problem with with packaging the Crossover implementation of Wine. It's not a technical problem, but a human problem.
<simpson> pareidolia: We might all be robots, but we might still be able to help with human problems.
<pareidolia> As it turns out, Crossover insists on writing its "license" file relative to its installation directory. That's ok on FHS distros, it just fires off a kdesu/gksu to write to /opt
<pareidolia> Otherwise, its runimage runs from $HOME so there's no problem. But we can't run it like that.
<gchristensen> beep, boop, is there a flag to pass in to adjust it?
<pareidolia> I have written to mr. Josh DuBois of Codeweavers many detailed letters explaining the problem, and proposing a simple solution (optional environment variable)
<pareidolia> Mr. DuBois has chosen to ignore my person.
<simpson> This is a technical problem; in particular, NixOS doesn't implement the LSB nor FHS.
<simpson> So the solution is probably an FHS env.
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<simpson> Well, actually. Does /opt exist in the FHS env for this?
<pareidolia> The human problem is that he won't consider an environment variable.
<simpson> Does their license prohibit distro patches? We could just ship a patch.
<pareidolia> It's a binary package
<globin> pareidolia: where does it right it exactly?
<pareidolia> From the vanage point of the wine file (normally /opt/crossover/bin/wine) it goes 2 directories up, into an "etc" (/opt/crossover/etc) directory and tries to write license.sig there
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<simpson> pareidolia: Oh, also, tangent: Is there a nixpkgs bug for tracking this? It can be easier to get somebody's ear when you've got a documentation trail.
<globin> pareidolia: hmm what we do for e.g. gitlab is, we link the directory in the nix store, i.e. /nix/store/XXXX-crossover/etc to /run/crossover/etc and create a service that links that on to /var/lib/crossover/etc
<pareidolia> That's a nice workaround
<simpson> globin: Oh, that's tricky.
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<dtzWill> hmm, looks like nixos-17.03 (and 17.03-small) have broken sddm for me--is this a known issue? happened recently-ish, so if not known issue I can probably biset
<dtzWill> *bisect
<globin> dtzWill: fixed on master
<globin> dtzWill: and upcoming 17.03 channel
<pareidolia> globin: Does this work when Nix is used on a foreign distro or do I need to create directories manually
<globin> dtzWill: and the branch
<dtzWill> haha glad I asked, someone sh--great. tyvm sir o7
<pareidolia> Concerning Codeweavers, being treated in this obtuse manner has turned me off from this company though. Really sour
<globin> pareidolia: I don't know how the activation script stuff works, that might be possible
<globin> pareidolia: but definitely easier with nixos by itself
<pareidolia> It's not like they don't want environment variables, every other aspect of the suite is parameterized (CX_BOTTLE_PATH etc.)
<pareidolia> Is anyone aware how this scenario would work out with e.g. Snappy or Flatpak? Do these systems allow applications to clobber their runimage?
<simpson> I think that they have flags to turn on a union FS so that stuff could be copied into /home on startup.
<dtzWill> globin: doesn't seem fixed for me on release-17.03; trying master presently (it's not impossible it's PEBKAC, will see how this goes... :))
<simpson> I could be totally wrong.
<globin> dtzWill: then it might actually be a different issue
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<fuzzy_id> is there some documentation on the concept of “configurable options”?
<domenkozar> $ nix-store --export $(nix-store -qR $(nix-build -A zlib '<nixpkgs>')) | nix-store --import
<domenkozar> error: imported archive of ‘/nix/store/q3wx1gab2ysnk5nyvyyg56ana2v4r2ar-glibc-2.24’ lacks a signature
<domenkozar> how is that circumvented?
<domenkozar> I forgot :D
<fuzzy_id> i.e., style like “{ .., *Support ? false }”
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<fuzzy_id> i'm looking at the subversion module but i'm not sure if it is a good example
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<domenkozar> niksnut: welp :)
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<dtzWill> globin: okay, and indeed seems to not work for me on master either. I'll poke a bit more and file an issue, thanks!
* dtzWill tries enabling plasma5 desktopManager instead to see if that does the trick
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<domenkozar> niksnut: I think that https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/1.11-maintenance/src/libstore/local-store.cc#L1631 always fails if requireSignature is false
<domenkozar> so import/export doesn't work without signing?
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<domenkozar> $ nix-store --export --sign $(nix-store -qR $(nix-build -A zlib '<nixpkgs>')) | nix-store --import --require-signature
<domenkozar> error: program ‘/nix/store/a1n60rwxn1v8y9y9azql969x71xagqzy-openssl-1.0.2k-bin/bin/openssl’ failed with exit code 1
<domenkozar> error: unexpected end-of-file
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<domenkozar> well --import/--export is broken for 1.11.7
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<niksnut> domenkozar: could be
<niksnut> but you probably don't want to use that signing mechanism anyway, since it's removed in 1.12
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<domenkozar> I'd really need it in 1.11 (stable)
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<domenkozar> hmmmm :)
<domenkozar> niksnut: no worries I need this today so I'll do some linux hacking instead :)
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<hodapp> uhh, yay. I can't access CUPS even through an SSH tunnel to let me access via localhost... except that I get to the front page and then either "Forbidden" or "Bad Request"
<mguentner> bind seems to be cursed, 9.11.0-p3 does not compile and 9.10.* turns zombie upon start
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<hodapp> andymandias: pretty sure your text in #23993 has a bunch of angle brackets that were eaten in printing.extraConf
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<guest3456> Hi. How to install nginx with modsecurity module?
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<dtluna> hello, I have a problem with GTK2 themes and GTK2/3 icon themes
<dtluna> I have these configs: .gtkrc-2.0: https://spit.mixtape.moe/view/51797eeb .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini: https://spit.mixtape.moe/view/06423d3a
<dtluna> That's what GTK2(left) and GTK3(right) applications look like on my system right now (I use i3wm): https://my.mixtape.moe/cptycs.png
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<dtluna> I have installed Arc GTK theme and Numix icon themes as system packages
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<dtluna> the interesting thing is that NetworkManager applet uses the theme properly
<dtzWill> globin: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/24246 FWIW, dunno if you were just being helpful or if you're involved in maintaining those bits, apologies if you're not :)
<dtzWill> as I said there, WOW NixOS tests are crazy-awesome!
<dtzWill> i never want to use anything other than NixOS again! There is way too much awesomeness :D
<benley> dtzWill: hehe that is how I felt when I discovered this stuff too :D
<dtluna> dtzWill: if only NixOS would let me use my themes
<dtzWill> and sddm being broken? QQ I'll just use an earlier system generation and everything will work exactly as it did before
<dtluna> oh yeah
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<dtluna> sddm
<dtzWill> sorry dtluna idk much about coercing various graphical bits into working properly D:
<dtluna> I want to use 17.03, but the display manager doesn't work
<dtluna> so I'm stuck with 16.09 and *old* software
<dtluna> It's an issue for someone who has previously used Arch and Parabola
<dtzWill> dtluna: haha welp I just filed an issue about it, I expect it's something relatively minor impacted by recent qt reworkings that are overall for the best
<benley> dtluna: oh man gtk themes are such a confusing mess. If you are able to make sense of things and figure it out, please write a blog post or wiki page about it for posterity because I've never figured it out
<dtluna> benley: I cannot
<dtluna> benley: and it wasn't a mess on Arch so I blame Nix and NixOS
<dtzWill> dtluna: fwiw in my issue I mention a commit from Mar 20th that had working SDDM, might wanna give that a try if you're really wanting to use 17.03 :)
<dtluna> If there is no way to resolve the GTK theme issue, I declare NixOS a meme and go back to Arch
<LnL> dtzWill: when I deploy machines at work, all I see are solved problems
<dtluna> But I believe there must be a way to solve the problem
<benley> dtluna: I'm sure it is fixable, I just don't know the solution.
<benley> dtluna: might be worth asking on the mailing list
<benley> also fwiw, I am successfully using sddm with 17.03. Maybe I haven't hit the problem yet.
<dtzWill> benley: just curious--can you share your 'nixos-version'?
<benley> it just says "17.03pre-git (Gorilla)"
<dtzWill> oh. o_O. okay. ._.
<benley> it's probably weird because I'm not using nix-channel, I set my NIX_PATH to a http url
<dtzWill> ah! okay I was wondering how that was even possible :D. NP thanks anyway :)
<benley> I have NIX_PATH="nixpkgs=https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-17.03.tar.gz:nixos-config=/home/benley/p/dotfiles/machines/samus/configuration.nix:dotfiles=/home/benley/p/dotfiles"
<benley> I'm not sure if I want to keep that setup though, because it means I don't get to control exactly when my system picks up channel updates. It fetches the tarball when it feels like it, any time I run a nix command.
* benley tries to reproduce the sddm issue
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<c0bw3b> I got a black screen on two separate demo vBox VM after switching to the latest version of 17.03 channel today
<c0bw3b> is there an issue with plasma too ?
<dtz> That sure seems related, plasma uses sddm by default, if that's what you mean.
<dtz> Err the "plasma5" desktopManager
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<c0bw3b> yes ok then it's also the sddm issue i'm hitting
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lheckemann opened pull request #24247: atanks: 6.2 -> 6.5 (master...atanks) https://git.io/vSJLC
<dtzWill> benley: any luck re:sddm repro? :)
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<benley> got distracted, haven't done it yet
* benley is trying to finalize getting a job this week :-P
<dtzWill> np and given NixOS's nature I'm not too worried about it not being reproducible :P
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<benley> yup I see the errors
<benley> also holy crap, I had no idea there was an OCR engine involved in nixos tests.
<benley> mad props to the mad scientist who set that up
<tsmeets> hello, how can I make 'services.xserver.videoDrivers' choose from "nvidia" or "nouveau" depending on 'config.allowUnfree'?
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<benley> tsmeets: services.xserver.videoDrivers = if config.nixpkgs.allowUnfree then "nvidia" else "noveau" (or something close to that)
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<tsmeets> benley: when I do that it complains that the attribute 'allowUnfree' is missing.
<benley> try config.nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree
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<tsmeets> benley: oh, now it complains about infinite recursion...
<benley> really? weird
<benley> can you share your configuration.nix in a gist or something?
<tsmeets> benley: setting 'hardware.bumblebee.driver' does work, but setting 'services.xserver.videoDrivers' doesn't
<benley> Oh one thing I see, videoDrivers needs to be a list
<benley> so maybe try ["nvidia"] and ["noveau"] instead of just the strings
<benley> (or wrap the entire if/then/else expression in square braces)
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<tsmeets> this is not my entire configuration, only a module.
<tsmeets> I do set 'allowUnfree' to true somewhere else
<benley> ok
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<tsmeets> benley: I can try to create a minimal configuratoin, if you want me to.
<ndowens08> what was the git command to push to a PR; i forget
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<benley> tsmeets: so setting hardware.bumblebee.driver like that works, but setting services.xserver.videoDrivers similarly does not?
<tsmeets> correct
* benley am confusion
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<benley> ndowens08: git push <name_of_remote> <local_ref>:<remote_ref>
<benley> ndowens08: for me that usually looks like `git push benley-github HEAD:some_new_branch_name`
<ndowens08> that will push to other people's PR?
<tsmeets> benley: disabeling bumblebee entirely did not help.
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<benley> ndowens08: oh like to push a commit to an open PR that someone else created?
<ndowens08> yup
<ndowens08> Ik how to send to mine :)
<benley> ndowens08: ah ok, try git push git@github.com:<owner>/<repo>.git HEAD:<name_of_remote_branch>
<ndowens08> ah thanks :)
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<LnL> ndowens08: I think there was also a tool that makes it a little easier, but I don't remember what it was
<ndowens08> gave me permission denied (public key)
<ndowens08> hmm maybe i forgot to update my key
<ndowens08> will try that in a bit
<LnL> they probably didn't enable it then
<benley> there's a github tool called "hub" that wraps some commands to make life easier
<pareidolia> Has anyone tried ao lately? I'm on 16.09 branch/foreign and ao-guile crashes upon first command, such as (ao-watch "")
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<tsmeets> benley: ./hardware/p50-generated.nix is just the output of 'nixos-generate-config'
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<Baughn> Finally a new grub2 release... trying to install it. Wish me luck. :X
<gchristensen> good luck, Baughn
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fuzzy-id opened pull request #24248: haproxy: PCRE and LUA support as configurable options (master...haproxy-overworked) https://git.io/vSJ37
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fuzzy-id closed pull request #23901: haproxy: Cleaning up and enable LUA and PCRE (master...master) https://git.io/vy1po
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<Baughn> Sweet. It works.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSJsR
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a20602d Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.4.55 -> 4.4.56
<ndowens08> benley: perfect, it worked, thanks
<ndowens08> need to put that in notes somewhere
<benley> woot
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vSJsw
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 2ae7e46 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.4.55 -> 4.4.56
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSJsK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 e9c35e0 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.4.55 -> 4.4.56
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<bachp> Hi, I get the following error: "error: configuration option ‘auto-optimise-store’ should be either ‘true’ or ‘false’, not ‘’ " it seems like the content of /etc/nix/nix.conf is indeed broken and the value of auto-optimise-store there is empty. Now I'm not able to rebuild or rollback. Does anybody know how to fix this?
<pareidolia> Why not set it to true or false?
<Baughn> bachp: What do you have for nix.extraOptions in configuration.nix, if anything?
<bachp> Nothing
<Baughn> Hmm. Can you sprunge it?
<bachp> pareidolia: I can't edit the file as it points to a file in the nix store
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<bachp> Baughn: How do you mean?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSJGZ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 37a965c Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.10.4 -> 4.10.5
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<Baughn> bachp: curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us < /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSJGC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 b1097b9 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.10.4 -> 4.10.5
<bachp> Baughn: I need to check first not sure if I had some secrets in there.
<bachp> BTW this happend after I tried to build master the day before yesterday
<Baughn> Don't do that unless you have good reason.
<Baughn> You can try switching to a working version from grub or with nixos-rebuild.
<bachp> That's also the only solution I currently see
<Baughn> (Otherwise, if you want fast updates, nixos-unstable-small usually doesn't lag by much.)
<bachp> Baughn: Maybe I should do that in the future ;)
<ndowens08> yea i use unstable-small for faster updates
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<bachp> Baughn: Rolling back via grub worked. Thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSJZ9
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a4d2856 Linus Heckemann: atanks: 6.2 -> 6.5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f92d080 Robert Helgesson: atanks: remove unnecessary patch phase
<bachp> I mostly use master because I push my packages from there
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<bachp> But maybe I should do my changes on unstale-small and rebase them for pushing
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<ndowens08> I have never got confict..auto-merging in nox-review, how do i fix that?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #24247: atanks: 6.2 -> 6.5 (master...atanks) https://git.io/vSJLC
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<dtluna> I am installing Arch back, because setting up themes is a pain(SIC!)
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<dtluna> and setting up dev environment for OpenRA is a pain (SIC!)
<dtluna> I didn't get anything, but only lost
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<FRidh> ndowens08: remove ~/.nox
<ndowens08> tried that :)
<ndowens08> 3 times
<ndowens08> and even remove nox and install
<ndowens08> like the pkg
<FRidh> is the PR based on another branch?
<FRidh> than master
<ndowens08> yea trying to test other people's PR
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<dtluna> why are basic tasks in NixOS so painful?
<ndowens08> never had this issue before
<dash> dtluna: pain is weakness leaving your devops
<ndowens08> dtluna: painful is a point of view; i like one file to set things vs everywhere and makes it easier to rollback and etc
<simpson> dtluna: "Why do my eyes hurt?"
<dtluna> I could not set up gtk themes
<simpson> "You've never used them before."
<dtluna> and I failed to compile OpenRA
<benley> dtluna: nixos sometimes makes seemingly-easy things bizarrely hard, in exchange for making other things that are usually excruciatingly difficult into trivial tasks
<ndowens08> Did you try a gtk theme manager
<dtluna> ndowens08: where were you yesterday and two hours ago when I asked for help?
<ndowens08> hmm who knows, sleep, work, life?
<dtluna> and btw, I didn't need no manager in Arch
<dtluna> it was simple
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<dtluna> install, configure in a file, go
<benley> dtluna: imo it's entirely reasonable to stick with a distribution where interactive gui stuff is more straightforward if you find nixos frustrating
<dtluna> benley: what do you mean?
<simpson> dtluna: Don't worry about it. Nix will eventually appear simple if you work with it for a while. If you don't want to keep using Nix, then that's fine too.
<benley> I used nix on debian and ubuntu machines (and macos) for a long time before I started actually running nixos on my workstation
<dtluna> simpson: provide me with the solution to configuring GTK themes
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSJcd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 37f7470 Robin Gloster: linux: drop 3.12 and 4.1...
<dtluna> Specifically: Arc and Numix-Circle icons
<dash> benley: same here, i just got serious about it a few weeks ago
<dash> and really serious this week when the keyboard on my non-nixos laptop broke yesterday...
<benley> hehe. I got more serious when I got laid off and had a lot of time to kill :-P
<dtluna> all the functional management stuff is awesome
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSJCJ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 be6d5c6 Benjamin Staffin: nixos: Use xkbDir consistently so it has an effect...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 9f8df21 romildo: awesome: menubar should take XDG_HOME_DIR and XDG_DATA_DIRS into account...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 2ae4257 Robin Gloster: linux: drop 3.12 and 4.1...
<simpson> dtluna: Sorry, no idea; I don't use GTK+/GNOME. I think that there's some light documentation, maybe.
<benley> I figure it's like switching to emacs - hard to justify spending a lot of time on it, but after you do it you're glad
<dtluna> but my God themes are like the most basic thing ever
<benley> brb
<tsmeets> I just put my 'allowUnfree' issue on github: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/24251
<ndowens08> I dont worry about themes :) i use bspwm and awesome, things like that
<simpson> That is *very* light documentation.
<simpson> dtluna: As a former GPU driver person, no, working GPU drivers are "like the most basic thing ever". We should be glad whenever a distro figures this out even part of the time.
<dash> dtluna: I disagree, gtk theme configuration was a pain on debian/ubuntu a lot of the time as well :)
<dtluna> simpson: the docs didn't help me
<dtluna> i used these
<simpson> dtluna: Well, there's a box somewhere in GNOME or something that shows you the available themes, right?
<dtluna> I don't use GNOME
<dtluna> I use i3
<dash> i hit a weird issue today, couldn't actually change any settings in gnome-terminal config windows
<dash> checkboxes wouldn't check, textboxes uneditable, etc
<simpson> dtluna: Well, I'm at the limit of what I know, sorry. At this point, I'd probably type things to "gtk select theme" into my search engine.
<dtluna> simpson: I did
<dtluna> Chech the logs for screenshots
<dtluna> I'm not a noob who doesn't know what to do
<dtluna> but NixOS is making this basic thing painfully complex
<dtluna> Fix this please, and I'll be happy to migrate from Arch
<benley> dtluna: I don't think anybody means to imply that you're a noob, or that you're doing anything wrong. You're right, some of this stuff is way harder than it ought to be in nixos right now.
<dtluna> NixOS is built on wonderful ideas
<dtluna> benley: I'm just bringing the problem to attention
<benley> *nod* cool
<dtluna> Also, try to compile OpenRA from sources without killing yourself on NixOS
<dtluna> it's a challenge
<simpson> dtluna: Did you write a Nix expression for OpenRA?
<dtluna> simpson: no, why would I?
<dtluna> I don't plan to install it
<simpson> dtluna: Why wouldn't you?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] periklis opened pull request #24252: darwin: cleanup obsolete sdks (master...topic_darwin_cleanup) https://git.io/vSJWV
<dash> "install" is a flexible concept
<simpson> Installation isn't all that Nix does. There's also building and testing and running and patching.
<dtluna> I'm just compiling it for a dev build
<simpson> Yes, and for developing on NixOS, you'll want a Nix expression.
<dtluna> Why?
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<dtluna> this makes no sense
<benley> It's often less work to write a nix expression to build a thing than it is to do it by hand on nixos.
<dtluna> I am just compiling some stuff in a folder
<simpson> Yes, we know.
<dtluna> I don't need to involve the package manager in this
<dash> dtluna: nixos's ideas are based on breaking several traditional unixy assumptions
<dash> dtluna: so you typically have to get nix involved in your build process if you want to build stuff on nixos
<benley> nix isn't just a system package manager though - it's fine to use it as a build tool for development in your homedir.
<sphalerite> tsmeets: use mkIf to delay the evaluation and break the infinite recursion
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens closed pull request #23970: ppsspp: 1.1.0 → 1.3 (master...ppsspp) https://git.io/vyH14
<dtluna> so just to compile a thing that even has a Makefile, I must learn how to write nix scripts
<dtluna> this is ridiculous
<sphalerite> dtluna: no. You can also use nix-shell
<dash> dtluna: maybe not "must", but it helps
<benley> dtluna: you probably want to, yes. You'll find that it's rather simple.
<sphalerite> nix-shell -p stdenv <other deps>
<sphalerite> then make in the resulting shell
<dtluna> sphalerite: try compiling OpenRA
<dash> benley: once you learn the language. nix syntax is... unique
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<benley> yeah - nix syntax is Kinda Weird(tm) :P
<simpson> dtluna: Do you know how we would compile OpenRA or any other package? We would write a Nix expression.
<dtluna> simpson: I know what you're implying and it's pretty insulting
<simpson> dtluna: We are encouraging you to take up your editor and write a Nix expression and join us.
<dtluna> Why?
<simpson> dtluna: I'm implying that this might be your first brush with POLA.
<dtluna> i don't need to
<dtluna> they give me a Makefile
<dash> dtluna: it's true you don't need to. but that is what people here do.
<dtluna> just run 'make all'
<benley> if you don't want to use nix, feel free to not use it :-P
<simpson> dtluna: How can you run $(make all), if you don't have a /usr/bin/make?
* simpson can quote Matrix indefinitely
<dtluna> simpson: I've installed it with nix
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<tsmeets> sphalerite: thanks, but how do I add the else-branch?
<dash> dtluna: btw openra is already in nixpkgs
<simpson> dtluna: *Have* you? Actually run $(ls /usr/bin) and behold!
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<dtluna> simpson: nice trolling
<dash> dtluna: so _this_ time you probably don't need to write any nix at all
<dtluna> dash: Ughm
<simpson> dtluna: Oh hey, if what dash is saying is true, then here's how to get a development environment: $(nix-shell -f '<nixpkgs>' -A openra)
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<dtluna> dash: compile the latest bleed from sources
<dtluna> I dare you
<dash> dtluna: So, you can use nix-shell to produce the build environment nixos provides for openra
<dtluna> compile it
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<dtluna> and show me the oroof
<dash> dtluna: Try this: "nix-shell -f '<nixpkgs>' -A openra"
<dtluna> I have no NixOS anymore
<dash> dtluna: and see how your compile runs from that environment
<copumpkin> this conversation is oddly confrontational when it doesn't feel like it has to be
<dash> dtluna: OK
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixops] johbo opened pull request #635: Flag libvird attrs as optional depending on targetEnv (master...libvirtd-optionalattrs) https://git.io/vSJlD
<simpson> dtluna: I will be happy to take up that challenge once I'm off the clock. For now, I highly encourage you to play with Nix on your own and try out some of the stuff that we're talking about. Nix's model makes it easy to *play* and experiment.
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<dtluna> simpson: except for the fact I can't configure the themes
<simpson> copumpkin: Nobody can be told what Nix is. They have to experience it for themselves.
<dash> copumpkin: the best things in life are optional
<dtluna> I have tried NixOS
<dtluna> and it betrayed me
<copumpkin> dtluna: that sounds melodramatic :)
<dash> dtluna: you probably ran it on a computer
<copumpkin> it's a small community that is building a full distro
<copumpkin> it won't be perfect
<dash> dtluna: arguably that was where you went wrong
<dtluna> I have posted for help in this IRC for two days
<dtluna> ok
<dtluna> I'll install it back
<dtluna> and you lead me through the process
<copumpkin> you're not doing us a favor, you realize, right?
<simpson> dtluna: Have you considered trying NixOS in a VM? That way you can try before you buy!
<copumpkin> like I'm all for helping people on IRC, but acting entitled is a good way to make people not want to help
<dtluna> simpson: I believed in the meme too much
<simpson> copumpkin: Nobody makes the switch to NixOS the first time.
<dtluna> copumpkin: I'm not entitled
<dtluna> I just want themes to work
<copumpkin> okay, but telling us that we'll lead you through the process feels a bit iffy :)
<simpson> dtluna: You haven't actually acquired the meme yet. You're still trying to discover it. When it actually clicks for you, it'll be a lot easier.
<dtluna> Maybe
<copumpkin> anyway, I'll leave the others to it since they seem more helpful than I am :)
<dtluna> show me the magic, guys
<copumpkin> good luck! I hope you get it working in a way that you enjoy
<dtluna> I am enthusiastic about functional system management
<simpson> copumpkin: I want to spread POLA, that's all. If I'm ever "helpful", it's because I'm secretly pushing my own ideological agenda.
<dash> simpson: that would be a good bumper sticker
<benley> what's POLA?
<dash> simpson: to stick on everybody else's car
<dtluna> simpson: freaking globalist stop making the frogs gay
<simpson> benley: The Principle of Least Authority, a security ideal which Nix embodies.
<copumpkin> ಠ_ಠ
<benley> ah
<simpson> dash: Passive-aggressive Christmas gifts.
<gchristensen> what is going on?
<gchristensen> hows things, copumpkin?
<benley> good question. it's getting weird in here.
<dtluna> I'll be right back after I install NixOS once again
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<simpson> Less weird, more lunch. .i de'a
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<gchristensen> what's that law about the fastest way to get the right answer on the internet?
<joepie91> gchristensen: you're asking the question wrong ;)
<copumpkin> gchristensen: yo packet.net sucks, I can't get my server running
<simpson> gchristensen: Quote the Matrix a bunch and convince them to write Nix expressions?
* copumpkin waits...
<gchristensen> zawinsky's law says the fastest way to get the right answer is to post the wrong one.
<simpson> Ugh, but seriously, I need lunch now.
<copumpkin> gchristensen: I think it's faster to tell community members that their thing sucks
<copumpkin> they'll trip over each other trying to prove you wrong
<gchristensen> copumpkin: I have a good history of telling people they're invited to leave
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<gchristensen> :P
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<gchristensen> Cunningham's Law, btw, "the best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, it's to post the wrong answer."
<JayVii> hey there :) quick question: how can i add multiple domains to networking.extraHosts ? is that a list -> [ ]; or simply line-by-line?
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<simpson> copumpkin, gchristensen: '"Mistakes" is the word you're too embarrassed to use. You ought not to be. You're a product of a trillion of them. Evolution forged the entirety of sentient life on this planet using only one tool: the mistake.'
<JayVii> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/release-16.09/nixos/modules/config/networking.nix#L24 this says "lines", but i cannot get it to work properly
<simpson> Why am I not lunching? Must...escape...IRC...!
<maurer> Wait, wasn't dtluna just trying ot get gtk themese fixed?
<maurer> If so, why is he reinstalling nixos
<gchristensen> simpson: I could /kick you :P
<gchristensen> if you really need the motivation
<simpson> gchristensen: No, no, I'm going, I'm goin!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] layus opened pull request #24253: linux_mptcp: 0.91.2 -> 0.91.3 (kernel 4.1.38) (master...mptcp-v91.3) https://git.io/vSJ48
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<dash> maurer: because he uninstalled it
<maurer> Ah, OK
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<maurer> I was gonna say, fixing this in place has _got_ to be easier
<sphalerite> simpson: I made the switch to NixOS the first time :D
<gchristensen> not everyone can be expected to
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<sphalerite> FWIW I got OpenRA compiled x)
<sphalerite> (doesn't run though!)
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<jack[m]> '[NixOS/nixpkgs] Infinite recursion when using allowUnfree (#24251)' <- a slippery slope, once you start allowing unfree software...
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<sphalerite> :D
<benley> jack[m]: that discussion is long, long past; there's a distro-wide toggle for it, you don't have to use unfree stuff, etc.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bachp opened pull request #24254: Upgrade Gitlab Runner (master...gitlab-runner-9) https://git.io/vSJ0v
<sphalerite> benley: except the toggle doesn't actually exclude unfree firmware :o
<benley> welp, maybe that is a bug?
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<sphalerite> no
<benley> except of course afaik linux basically doesn't even _work_ without various unfree firmware
<jack[m]> benley: I was commenting on the Stallmen-ess of the error message. ;)
<benley> oh lol
<sphalerite> i.e. it's a known issue but not considered a bug
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #24255: libhttpseverywhere: 0.2.10 -> 0.4.0 (master...master) https://git.io/vSJ0z
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<copumpkin> what's the easiest way to get myself a kernel with a custom patch applied?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSJ05
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5b5357a Daiderd Jordan: khd: remove g++ patch
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<copumpkin> oh I see
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<LnL> I seem to remember a module option for that
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pjones opened pull request #24257: geda: fix build by using guile_2_0 instead of latest ver (master...pjones/geda-guile) https://git.io/vSJE4
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<gchristensen> jack[m]: haha
<copumpkin> yeah found it
<gchristensen> oops, I was scrolled back
<copumpkin> boot.kernelPatches
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<sphalerite> huh, it's not listed on the options search
<c74d> what's the current status of opting in to getting security updates quickly even when one's channel is stuck?
<c74d> (if that was indeed a thing as I recall)
<copumpkin> is that pierron's thing?
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<copumpkin> hmm, I don't see boot.kernelPatches in 16.09 o.O
<gchristensen> I don't know c74d, but based on the serious updates I've patched and baby-sat through deployment, the max time to release is not very long -- a couple days. additionally, those couple days are usually nothing compared to how long it takes for the patch to be applied to nixpkgs in the first place.this is where my focus is.
<copumpkin> oh, system.boot
<gchristensen> s/applied/present/
<copumpkin> ugh
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<copumpkin> maybe not
<copumpkin> hmm
<c74d> gchristensen: that's for stable, right, not unstable?
<gchristensen> c74d: I don't track stable as closely, and don't make any promises :P
<c74d> oh
<gchristensen> sorry
<gchristensen> c74d: I don't track *UN*stable as closely, and don't make any promises :P
<c74d> oh
<c74d> mhm
<copumpkin> cstrahan: you around?
<copumpkin> oh, it only got merged recently
<c74d> I'm thinking I should try importing, say, Chromium from stable so it gets security updates even though I run unstable
<copumpkin> so it's not in 16.09
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSJuE
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d6e2366 Robin Gloster: mpd: fix i686-linux build...
<gchristensen> copumpkin: oohh kernelPatches, sorry, I thought Packages :(
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSJuK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 6b9a2f6 Robin Gloster: mpd: fix i686-linux build...
<dtzWill> can we mark https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/24246 as a release blocker for 17.03? Hopefully isn't a big deal to fix, but AFAICT sddm is currently just broken :(.
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<dtzWill> (ty)
<gchristensen> :)
<c74d> What controls what a NixOS module sees as its `pkgs` argument?
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<viric> c74d: nixos
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSJzi
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 9b2970f ndowens: awesomewm: 4.0 -> 4.1...
<dtz> ooo
<gchristensen> I just spent the past 6min trying to figure out how `imports = [...]` is implemented and have failed to find it
<c74d> viric: Okay, how would I control what my `configuration.nix` sees as its `pkgs` argument?
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<viric> c74d: I don't remember. :)
<viric> sorry.
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<ToxicFrog> Say I have a default.nix file suitable for use with nix-shell
<ToxicFrog> How do I get it to run something other than bash as the shell by default(as opposed to using --run)?
<ToxicFrog> The manual doesn't seem to answer this, and neither does `man nix-shell`.
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<gchristensen> ToxicFrog: you can exec `zsh` in the shellHook
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<dtzWill> ToxicFrog: in shebangs you can use the -i option?
<ToxicFrog> dtzWill: it's not a shebang
<ToxicFrog> gchristensen: it's not actually zsh I want to run, but `shellHook` is the key I'm looking for?
<gchristensen> sure, yep
<dtzWill> ya but could it be? :P. Anyway just trying to give you options. And if you didn't know about shellHook then yeah that solves a lot of use-cases
<gchristensen> you can do anything in shellHook :)
<ToxicFrog> The manual implies that that's for pre-shell initialization, but I guess if I exec something it replaces the process and it never gets that far
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<gchristensen> I like to set a custom HISTFILE in all my nix-shells
<Shell> :o there was stuff before me? (Also hi TF)
<gchristensen> (via shellHook)
<gchristensen> lol hi shell
<ToxicFrog> ('morning Shell)
<ToxicFrog> Hrm. Except this is actually using buildFHSUserEnv, which doesn't like shellHook
<ToxicFrog> buildFHSUserEnv source implies it wants runScript, but I tried that already and it didn't work
<gchristensen> eh?
<deepfire> gchristensen: who can fix travis.yml on nixpkgs, as per @matthewbauer proposal?
<ToxicFrog> gchristensen: so, the end goal here is to get a GOG game working
<ToxicFrog> I found an example on the wiki to use as a starting point
<gchristensen> what was the proposal, deepfire? and: anyone can, via PRP
<gchristensen> PR*
<ToxicFrog> Which is (pkgs.buildFHSUserEnv { ...bunch of stuff }).env
<deepfire> gchristensen: do we need more consensus on this?
<ToxicFrog> Adding shellHook to the arguments to buildFHSUserEnv fails; splicing them into the return value with // doesn't fail outright but doesn't seem to do anything either :/
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<Shell> shellHook is just for nix-shell.
<ToxicFrog> Yeah, but Iwould have thought that something like this:
<gchristensen> deepfire: the fact of the matter is travis won't work for us except for during very specific times: after hydra has already rebuilt almost everything from the most recent mass rebuild.
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<ToxicFrog> { ... }: (pkgs.buildFHSUserEnv { ... }).env // { shellHook = "do some stuff"; }
<gchristensen> deepfire: I'm :thumbsup: on rm .travis.yml, but other people are not, so *shrug*
<ToxicFrog> Would get the shellHook to nix-shell properly
<LnL> yeah, I think it would be better if travis just ran nix-instantiate
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<gchristensen> sure, if that is valuable
<deepfire> gchristensen: who isn't ok with that?
<dtz> ToxicFrog: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/build-support/build-fhs-userenv/default.nix#L32 looks like bash is pretty hard-coded there. And --run doesn't work/isn't a good solution?
<gchristensen> I don't remember, I don't keep track b/c it is (usually) easy to just ignore the whole thing:) if you/someone submits a PR making it just instantiate, I'd merge that I suppose
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] deepfire opened pull request #24258: travis: drop nixpkgs-tarball, as per @matthewbauer suggestion to fix #24200 (master...travis-pr-repair) https://git.io/vSJaR
<deepfire> : -)
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<ToxicFrog> dtz: it seems like this: exec ${chroot-user} ${init runScript} "\$(pwd)" "\$@"
<ToxicFrog> Should take it from runScript
<dtluna> okay, I am back
<dtluna> nixOS is yet again on my laptop
<ToxicFrog> And yeah, I can use -i, I was just hoping to set it up so that (cd ~/Games/Barony && nix-shell) would DTRT.
<gchristensen> LnL: look good to you? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/24258/files
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<sphalerite> dtluna: I got OpenRA building
<dtluna> sphalerite: from source? Awesome!
<sphalerite> yeah
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<dtluna> how did you do it?
<mami> heyho
<sphalerite> in a nix-shell
<sphalerite> getting it running was a pain though
<dtluna> sphalerite: how exactly did you use nix-shell?
<sphalerite> but yeah, building packages from source is generally a pain, not just on nixos :p
<dtluna> >pain
<dtluna> told you
<dtluna> sphalerite: not true
<sphalerite> yes it is
<dtluna> super easy on Arch
<dtluna> install deps, make all
<LnL> gchristensen: I think so, what I was talking about is having travis only instantiate packages and eval meta or something
<sphalerite> except there are always eccentricities in every project when it comes to finding its deps
<dtluna> sphalerite: anyway, share the script or anything
<sphalerite> it was just as much of a pain on debian, if not more
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar closed pull request #24133: Fix GTK dependencies in wrappers (master...gtk3-qt) https://git.io/vyb6p
<sphalerite> Anyway
<sphalerite> I didn't use a script, just nix-shell -p <deps>
<sphalerite> then make
<dtluna> okay
<dtluna> and in deps?
<sphalerite> I had to patch the braindead script they use to detect lua
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<dtluna> what patch did you apply?
<dtzWill> ToxicFrog: if you nix-build the expression without ".env" I think you can just ./result/bin/name-you-gave-buildfhsuserenv
<dtzWill> ToxicFrog: or install it with nix-env and you'll have it on your $PATH
<dtluna> I might submit it back to them so that it's not a pain anymore
<sphalerite> can't remember, deleted it again. It's easy to make sense of though
<sphalerite> just edit the script, it's in thirdparty
<dtluna> sphalerite: okay, walk me through
<dtzWill> and by "I think" I mean I just tried it with example from NixOS manual and seems to work as expected, AFAICT that's the expected workflow
<dtluna> what were the deps
<sphalerite> based on*
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSJVR
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 0bd1b02 Nikolay Amiantov: wrapGAppsHook: propagate dconf...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 0d9f47f Nikolay Amiantov: makeQtWrapper, kdeWrapper: add GTK3 dependencies...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 310e6ef Nikolay Amiantov: antimicro: wrap Qt application...
<dtluna> sphalerite: well, that's obvious
<dtzWill> anyway GL TF :)
<sphalerite> something like nix-shell -p mono freetype openal lua5_1
<gchristensen> dtluna: please remember that we are here out of wanting to be here, and are not obligated to help you. I'm not sure if you intend it this way or not, but my impression is you're expecting us to for _for_ you and not work _with_ you to solve these issues. however, we don't owe you anything.
<sphalerite> ^
<dtluna> gchristensen: I'm entitled to everybody cleaning my shoes by God himself
<dtluna> I am literally better than everybody
<gchristensen> dtluna: please adjust your approach and be polite and courteous to our community.
<dtluna> gchristensen: this was sarcasm, of course I understand that I'm not entitled
<gchristensen> your humor is not translating very well.
<dtluna> gchristensen: are you serious?
<gchristensen> yes
<deepfire> virtualbox with pulseaudio -- can anyone report success?
<dtluna> kids these days
<dtluna> sphalerite: I see what you mean by braindead
<dash> dtluna: no, not really
<dash> dtluna: that type of humor has _never_ worked well on irc
<deepfire> I have "nixpkgs.config.virtualbox.pulseSupport = true;", but when I'm trying to start a VM, VBox complains there's no pulseaudio device
<dtluna> dash: >I'm entitled to everybody cleaning my shoes by God himself
<dtluna> This is *obvious*
<gchristensen> let's move on
<dash> let's.
<deepfire> (oddly, "nixpkgs.config.virtualbox.enableExtensionPack = true" works entirely fine, and the extension pack is loaded)
<sphalerite> dtluna: oh yeah, SDL2 too
<dtluna> sphalerite: I can't understand what path I should specify in the script for it to work
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<sphalerite> what I did was make it also search the lib subdirectory of everything in the nativeBuildInputs env variable
<sphalerite> bit of a hack, but it worked
<dtluna> okay
<dtluna> but I'm still pretty clueless
<sphalerite> might be better to use pkg-config actually
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<deepfire> apropos virtualbox/pulseaudio -- I see some commented-out code in pkgs/applications/virtualization/virtualbox/default.nix
<sphalerite> or just generate Eluant.dll.config yourself
<dtluna> sphalerite: yeah, pkg-config is a nice tool
<deepfire> ..which mentions certain src/VBox/Devices/Audio/{alsa,pulse}_stubs.c
<dtluna> sphalerite: but I have no idea how to get a path to .so from it
<dtluna> sphalerite: there is a script to build an openra package for Nix repos
<sphalerite> $(pkg-config lua --variable=libdir)/liblua.so.5.1
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<dtluna> $(pkg-config lua --variable=libdir)/liblua.so.5.1
<dtluna> Segmentation fault
<sphalerite> nice
<sphalerite> oh right
<dtluna> oh
<dtluna> yes
<dtluna> I tried to run
<dtluna> echo $(pkg-config lua --variable=libdir)/liblua.so.5.1
<sphalerite> yeah
<dtluna> cool
<dtluna> thanks
<sphalerite> so what's the problem with the nix expression for it?
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<clever> dtluna: a random lua program i wrote in nix: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/33b1552fcab3bd9a7f29a3e1c3ab4f10
<clever> dtluna: because lua is in the buildInputs, -llua just finds it without anything special
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<dtluna> clever: OpenRA uses a non-trivial way of finding libs
<dtluna> sphalerite: thank you, that helped a lot
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<sphalerite> clever: it's mono + lua
<dtluna> sphalerite: how I do I save the environment for later to use?
<clever> sphalerite: ah, not sure how mono plays into it
<sphalerite> dtluna: you could store the nix-shell command in a file
<sphalerite> then it'll update the deps as appropriate as well
<dtluna> I guess
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<gchristensen> deepfire: interesting that the travis build failed
<sphalerite> openra is also a bit difficult about running once you've managed to build it. You'll need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for it to be able to find some of the libraries
<dtluna> oh yeah
<dtluna> I see it crashing
<sphalerite> check the log for which libraries it's missing, and add them to LD_LIBRARY_PATH for it
<dtluna> >System.DllNotFoundException: libSDL2-2.0.so.0
<dtluna> sphalerite: is this what you're talking about?
<sphalerite> something like LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$(nix-instantiate --eval -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; lib.makeLibraryPath [SDL2]')" mono OpenRA.Game.exe then
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<dtluna> yeah, I'll definitely write a .env script
<sphalerite> if there are more libraries you need, add them after SDL2
<sphalerite> but normally you'd just use the nix expression, especially since there's already one there
<sphalerite> so again
<sphalerite> 00:06 < sphalerite> so what's the problem with the nix expression for it?
<deepfire> gchristensen: obtaining job log takes a while..
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<gchristensen> yeah
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<deepfire> gchristensen: something seems odd, it shouldn't take this long
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<dtluna> sphalerite: hmm, it didn't help me
<gchristensen> seems broken
<dtluna> sphalerite: how would I write a nix epression for this one?
<sphalerite> dtluna: it would end up looking pretty similar to the existing one
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<sphalerite> what's your goal though?
<dtluna> compile the game
<dtluna> run it with ./launch-game.sh
<sphalerite> why do you want to do that?
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<dtluna> what do you mean "why"?
<ToxicFrog> dtzWill: thanks, I'll give that a try when the toddlebot isn't confiscating the laptop :)
<sphalerite> dtluna: why do you want to compile the game yourself rather than just installing it using nix-env -iA nixos.openra and running it using openra?
<dtluna> sphalerite: because there's no playtest version of it in repos
<dtluna> and I'm making development work with the game too
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<dtluna> so I have to compile it
<sphalerite> ah right
<dtluna> never ask why people compile things
<dtluna> these are traumatizing stories
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSJKJ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 3ff736b Robin Gloster: kdeWrapper: fix eval
<dtluna> also, the version in 16.09 is outdated
<sphalerite> then update it
<dtluna> but 17.03 can't launch the display manager for some reason on my laptop
<sphalerite> do you have a checkout of nixpkgs?
<dtluna> no
<sphalerite> get yourself one, it's very useful. You can pull in changes that aren't in your current version and use them locally
<dtluna> cloning the repo right now
<sphalerite> often if I want to use a newer version of something I just cherry-pick the commit updating it onto the release branch, then build it from there
<dtluna> and how do I install something with that script?
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<dtluna> because I'm just a noob who only knows of nix-env -i
<sphalerite> well, that "script" (expression is more accurate) is what is in action when you do nix-env -iA nixos.openra as well
<dtluna> okay
<sphalerite> you can install it from your own checkout of the repo using nix-env -f path/to/nixpkgs -iA openra for instance
<dtluna> hm, okay
<dtluna> why -iA?
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<dtluna> damn the checkout takes a long time :)
<sphalerite> so you're using the attribute path rather than the name to select the package. It's usually a better choice
<dtluna> okay
<sphalerite> it's faster, takes up less RAM, and is more precise
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<dtluna> that's nice to know
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<dtluna> anyway, can I use that nix-expr for openra for dev versions?
<sphalerite> There can be multiple packages with the same name but different attribute paths, and in that case it will default to the latest version available. For example, with mumble there's "mumble" and there's "mumble_git", but I prefer to stick with mumble
<sphalerite> yes, just replace the src attribute in the file
<dtluna> which file?
<dtluna> expression file?
<sphalerite> yes
<dtluna> ok
<dtluna> can I just copy it to openra dir?
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<dtluna> speaking of mumble, need to install that one
<sphalerite> no, because it depends on the rest of nixpkgs
<mbrgm> joachifm: can you tell me what blocks https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/22755 from getting merged? should I rebase again?
<dtluna> that's bad
<sphalerite> What you can do though is replace the first few lines with `with import <nixpkgs> {};`. Then it'll build wherever you put it
<dtluna> I can copy it inside the nixpkgs dir though
<sphalerite> you can, but that's not very useful
<dtluna> I see
<sphalerite> An override is a better option, because that way you're not duplicating code and changes to one will affect the other
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mbrgm opened pull request #24260: keepalived: 1.3.4 -> 1.3.5 (master...upgrade-keepalived) https://git.io/vSJ6m
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<dtluna> let me process this for a sec
<dtluna> so ok
<dtluna> I need to create nix-shell to compile it manually?
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<sphalerite> Say you want to build it from your copy of the repo. You could do `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; lib.overrideDerivation openra (o: {src = ./.;})'`
<sphalerite> Yeah, nix-shell is your best option for getting an environment that you can compile it in directly.
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<sphalerite> Of course, given that there's an exprsision for openra in nixpkgs, it makes a lot of sense to resue that. So `nix-shell path/to/nixpkgs -A openra` rather than `nix-shell -p mono [...]`
<sphalerite> Then you get all the dependencies that are listed in the expression.
<sphalerite> The thing with nix is it can do so many awesome things, they're just not very obvious until you get quite familiar with it
<dtluna> ok
<dtluna> the last command is installing tons of stuff
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<dtluna> sphalerite: the game still fails to run
<dtluna> System.DllNotFoundException: libSDL2-2.0.so.0
<dtluna> although
<dtluna> echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
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<dtluna> /run/opengl-driver/lib:/run/opengl-driver-32/lib:"/nix/store/n83ka4f5hvp9myyan7lakcx41db49kp3-SDL2-2.0.4/lib"
<sphalerite> there shouldn't be quotes in there
<dtluna> $(nix-instantiate --eval -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; lib.makeLibraryPath [SDL2]') puts them there
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<sphalerite> oooh yeah, true
<dtluna> pkg-config?
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<pmade> The Haskell package map-syntax won't build because an outdated test dependency. I tried overriding it with doJailbreak and dontCheck but the build still fails. Seems like cabal configure is run twice. The first time looks right (--disable-test) then it runs again with --enable-tests. Any suggestions?
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<sphalerite> dtluna: probably easiest to just copy and paste the output of the nix-instantiate thing and remove the quotes manuall
<sphalerite> you could also look at creating a wrapper like the nix expression does (at the bottom of pkgs/games/openra/default.nix)
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<sphalerite> anyway, good luck. I'm off to bed
<dtluna> good luck
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<deepfire> wish there was a emacs mode for .drv files
<dash> hah
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<deepfire> can anyone comment on the investigation in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/24259 ?
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<deepfire> libpulse.so.0 is in the runtime closure of virtualbox, yet "dlopen('libpulse.so.0', RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL) failed: libpulse.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
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<deepfire> dlopen() doesn't work on NixOS like it does elsewhere, due to artificially restricted library search capability?
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<deepfire> (I so love when VirtualBox hangs and forces a reboot..)
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<ndowens08> undefinded variable gtk in qt-5.7 lol
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSJP2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 056db1c Thomas Tuegel: Revert "sddm: propagate qtbase input"...
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<gchristensen> deepfire: virtualbox marks the linux kernel as "tainted crap" :D
<dtzWill> deepfire: strangely I don't see your mentioned pulseSupport config option anywhere: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=%22config.virtualbox.pulseSupport%22&type= -- does setting 'nixpkgs.config.$PACKAGE.$ARG' automatically become something like a package override?
<obsRo> hello guys, i created a package but i have a question. the package creates dbus service itself. how can i tell nixos its a service ?
<dtzWill> but it /is/ in the closure so I'm mostly just curious what I'm missing, not offering an explanation
<dtzWill> oooo sddm commit! itshappening.png