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<benley> there's a latest link for hydra jobsets at least, e.g. http://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/release-17.03/latest-eval
<dhess> I have 2 hosts that are managed by NixOps, both behind a firewall and with no need for public Internet access. Is there a way to have the NixOps deployment host push *all* of the packages to the target, including whatever is downloaded from the upstream binary caches?
<dhess> Because I would like to completely cut off the target hosts from the public Internet.
<benley> digitalmentat: and it is at least possible to link to the overview page for a single job: http://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixpkgs/staging/letsencrypt.x86_64-linux
<dhess> and currently it appears that they will try to download nar files directly
* benley keeps poking at the hydra ui
<benley> aha, and there are links to the latest successful build per job: http://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixpkgs/staging/letsencrypt.x86_64-linux/latest
<digitalmentat> oh sweeeeeet
<digitalmentat> oh wait that's not a link to the package though
<benley> the one-click install link would be one click away from that, yeah
<digitalmentat> yeah I'm hoping to provide a README.md copy-pasteable line with `nix-install-package` that doesn't get stale
<benley> that sounds nice
<benley> so far I haven't found a way to get that url but maybe it's possible?
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<digitalmentat> yeah I can't find one on our hydra instance either
<pxc> I have some very simple package updates which are one commit each in my own local branch of nixpkgs, which is based on nixos-16.09
<pxc> should I make separate branches and then separate pull requests for each branch or might someone just be willing to glance and merge in one PR?
<pxc> they're very simple commits. is that unhygienic?
<benley> ideally you'd do one pull request per new package, but if it's a set of related things then imho a set of commits per package together in one pull request makes sense
<benley> s/new//
<pxc> okay, only a couple are related. I guess I'll be a good boy and branch properly then submit
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<pxc> I was just looking for an out for my laziness lol
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<digitalmentat> pxc, the maintainers of nixpkgs are overloaded - making PRs as easy on them as you can is a good thing (says the one who submitted a monster PR not long ago)
<joachifm> is the build farm down? all the machines are idle.
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<tywkeene> Is there a nixos way to setup ssh keys between two nixos boxes?
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<rycee[m]> tywkeene: I typically just set the key in the user section: https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/options.html#opt-users.users._name__.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys
<tywkeene> rycee[m]: neat, thanks
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23968: libibmad: 1.3.12 -> 1.3.13 (master...libibmad) https://git.io/vyHXs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyHXp
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 66e54f2 Léo Gaspard: dhparams module: condition on enable option (#23661)...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jlesquembre opened pull request #23969: hyper: 0.8.3 -> 1.3.1 (master...hyper_1.3.1) https://git.io/vyH1q
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] therealpxc opened pull request #23970: ppsspp: 1.1.0 → 1.3 (master...ppsspp) https://git.io/vyH14
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] chris-martin opened pull request #23971: doc/stdenv: how to mkDerivation with no srcs (master...pr/doc-stdenv-srcs) https://git.io/vyHM4
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<barrucadu> I'm trying to write a shell.nix which gives me an environment where GHC and some Haskell libraries are installed: https://gist.github.com/barrucadu/f3c3f158b5a404961c10c9239563ca72
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<barrucadu> But I'm evidently missing something as any libraries I specify can't be imported in ghci (and ghc-pkg doesn't show them)
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<barrucadu> The actual use-case for this requires mueval and ghci to have some libraries available to be imported, so I do actually need this.
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<clever> barrucadu: you must use ghcWithPackages
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<barrucadu> clever: Thanks
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<barrucadu> Hmm, do I need to override the normal ghc for this to work? If I have another haskell dependency there the extra packages don't show up, eg, buildInputs = [ haskellPackages.mueval (haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: [p.lens])) ]
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<barrucadu> Ok, it's mueval specifically messing things up
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cleverca22 opened pull request #23974: qtmultimedia-5.7: disable alsa on darwin (master...qtmultimedia) https://git.io/vyHSp
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyH9J
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e3a77dd Florent Becker: ocamlPackages.eliom: 6.0.0 -> 6.2.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9fd4966 Florent Becker: ocamlPackages.ocsigenserver: add pgocaml support
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bc26feb Florent Becker: ocamlPackages.ocsigen_toolkit: init at 1.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyH9o
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master db05f41 michael bishop: qtmultimedia-5.7: disable alsa on darwin
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2eb48da Daniel Peebles: Merge pull request #23974 from cleverca22/qtmultimedia...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] neilmayhew opened pull request #23975: citrix-receiver: New upstream release (master...update/citrix-receiver) https://git.io/vyHH3
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<barrucadu> So close to this working. Now ghci can see the extra packages, but mueval can't. Hmm
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyHHC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cc012b2 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.functoria: init at 2.0.2...
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<barrucadu> Problem solved: mueval doesn't have the NIX_GHC* environment variables set. Copying those from the ghc wrapper script and exporting them before calling mueval makes things work.
<tywkeene> barrucadu: good job, doing god's work son
<barrucadu> tywkeene: I thought God was a Lisp user, not a Haskeller? :p
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<tywkeene> barrucadu: God recognizes all languages based on his word
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<barrucadu> Sweet, everything works. I have successfully nixed my irc bot, now hopefully I'll stop accidentally breaking its environment.
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<contrapumpkin> you talking about multiple LTS versions?
<tywkeene> nixed sounds like a bad word in that context lmao
<contrapumpkin> oh I was scrolled back, sorry
<dhess> contrapumpkin: I was
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<adelbertc> anyone here have syntax highlighting and stuff setup for Vim to edit *.nix files ?
<c74d> adelbertc: I thought that was installed by default
<adelbertc> c74d: is it? if so my (neo)vim isn't picking it up
<adelbertc> though i'm also using Plug to manage vim plugins
<c74d> oh, it might not be installed by default for Neovim
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<tywkeene> adelbertc: http://i.imgur.com/1URiC9N.png
<tywkeene> this is what I have
<tywkeene> I have syntastic, haven't done anything specific to nix files though
<adelbertc> hmm
<adelbertc> perhaps its installed by default on NixOS
<adelbertc> im running Nix on Mac OS
<c74d> ah
<c74d> is your Neovim from Nix?
<tywkeene> that's your problem right there, it aint got no gas in it
<adelbertc> c74d: yep
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<nekroze> It appears that there is a module and package for nagios but not nrpe, has anyone managed to package nrpe or is it part of the nagios plugins package?
<eacameron> I'm tempted to use this to import *some* names but not all: with with pkgs; { inherit runCommand; };
<eacameron> But the double "with" feels...awkward.
<simpson> Does that even work?
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<eacameron> simpson: Yes
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ebzzry opened pull request #23976: emem: 0.2.41 -> 0.2.42 (master...emem-0.2.42) https://git.io/vyHNq
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<simpson> In the Python subsystem, do we have a good answer yet for the "feature" tags that can cause additional dependencies to be installed?
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<simpson> Even if it's just a by-hand convention?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #23954: pdfpc, libgee_0_8: Add darwin support (master...pdfpc-darwin) https://git.io/vy92j
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pradeepchhetri opened pull request #23977: terraform: 0.8.8 -> 0.9.0 (master...terraform-0.9) https://git.io/vyQeA
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<adfaure> Hello, I am trying to configure a service (Hound), so I added the folowing lines into my configuration.nix (http://pastebin.com/WpWrGSVr). But when I try to do rebuild_switch I have error: undefined variable 'services'. Can you help me please ?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #23978: terraform: use generic builder and add 0.9.0 (master...u/tf) https://git.io/vyQfc
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg created u/tf (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vyQf4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/u/tf 389423b Peter Hoeg: terraform: use generic builder and add 0.9.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg force-pushed u/tf from 389423b to 1da6367: https://git.io/vymv4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/u/tf 1da6367 Peter Hoeg: terraform: use generic builder and add 0.9.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg closed pull request #23978: terraform: use generic builder and add 0.9.0 (master...u/tf) https://git.io/vyQfc
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<sphalerite> adfaure: is this at the top level of your configuration.nix?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg force-pushed u/tf from 1da6367 to 3506036: https://git.io/vymv4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/u/tf 3506036 Peter Hoeg: terraform: use generic builder and add 0.9.0
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg deleted u/tf at 3506036: https://git.io/vyQfV
<adfaure> Helloe sphalerite,yes this is the /etc/nixos/configuration.nix (I am running on nixos)
<adfaure> Okay, it seems to works with config.services.hound.home
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #23979: terraform: use generic builder and add 0.9.0 (master...u/tf) https://git.io/vyQfw
<adfaure> Sorry for the inconvenience!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg closed pull request #23977: terraform: 0.8.8 -> 0.9.0 (master...terraform-0.9) https://git.io/vyQeA
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<jophish> I have some code which wants me to do horrible things like `npm install`. Does anyone know of any example code which might help me use nix to build this code?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg closed pull request #23890: kmod: 23 -> 24 and update kmod-blacklist-ubuntu to zesty (master...u/kmod) https://git.io/vyXd5
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyQJf
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0c262a6 Peter Hoeg: kmod-blacklist-ubuntu: 9.3 -> 22.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 605ee9e Peter Hoeg: kmod-blacklist-ubuntu: do not blacklist i2c_i801
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 89724f1 Peter Hoeg: kmod: 23 -> 24
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lheckemann opened pull request #23981: pygame: 1.9.1 -> 1.9.3 (master...pygame) https://git.io/vyQUO
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<sphalerite> jophish: I know there are two different npm2nixs and a node2nix... Not much more though
<jophish> yeah, I've tried fiddling with them before without success :)
<FRidh> simpson: typically you put your packages in an environment with `python.withPackages`. If you want to add any additional packages (like optional ones) you can do so. For the packages themselves we typically go for a minimal or recommended set of dependencies.
<sphalerite> oh, ok
<jophish> sphalerite: It seems as though I can run my program with `electron .` so nix-build -A electron seems to be working
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ElvishJerricco opened pull request #23982: callCabal2nix: Fixed indentation (master...callCabal2nix-dont-rebuild-cabalfile) https://git.io/vyQU1
<jophish> hopefully I won't require any extra npm things if I use ghcjs to generate things
<sphalerite> ah ok
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #23983: kmod: 23 -> 24 and update kmod-blacklist-ubuntu to zesty (release-17.03...u/kmod_stable) https://git.io/vyQUb
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<sphalerite> but given the amount of sttributes in nodePackages, I'm guessing it's still an only slightly solved problem
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<FRidh> simpson: but there is no way to mention the optional packages. What one could do is explicitly add options for including those dependencies. In my opinion that's not worth the effort, but in the end that's up to the maintainer.
<simpson> FRidh: Considering the value of e.g. pythonPackages.tahoe-lafs.withExtras [ "tor" "i2p" ];
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<simpson> It'd still be manually maintained, but there could at least be a standard way of expressing it.
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<FRidh> simpson: in `python-packages.nix` there's no standard form for functions that are called
<simpson> FRidh: Okay, thanks.
<simpson> I guess I'll sleep on it. Night.
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<FRidh> although I could imagine agreeing on something like withExtras which is a set where the identifier matches that used in setup.py and the values are lists with dependencies.
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<FRidh> Hydra is stuck again
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<jophish> hmm, what is the state of ghcjs in nixpkgs
<jophish> looks to be broken :(
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<sphalerite> How long does webkit take to build? >_>
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<chrch> hello, I'm looking to install a haskell package (available on hackage) which is not present in haskellPackages, how should I proceed to install it system wise wide with nix?
<sphalerite> are you sure it's not in haskellPackages?
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<chrch> ah, it's in haskellPackages actually!
<chrch> but i needed to put the package name inside double quotes
<chrch> "pandoc-include-code"
<sphalerite> huh, my X server just crashed.
<chrch> btw, what reference would you advise for the nix expression language?
<sphalerite> The nix manual
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zimbatm closed pull request #23979: terraform: use generic builder and add 0.9.0 (master...u/tf) https://git.io/vyQfw
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<icetan> Why is Hydra building gcc and other dependencies when the job itself has by the looks of the logs finished and succeeded?
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<icetan> Also when trying to build ghc-7.4.2-binary as a dependency it just constantly gets aborted not error
<icetan> Building with github.com/nixos/nixpkgs-channels nixos-16.09 as input
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<goibhniu> chrch: also check out the interactive tutorial: https://nixcloud.io/tour and http://lethalman.blogspot.de/search/label/nixpills ... http://funops.co/nix-cookbook/nix-by-example/ is a nice quick overview
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<LnL> yeah the nix pills are also very nice, for some of the more advanced concepts
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<chrch> thanks!
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<nwspk> How do I get the spell checking working in LibreOffice? It should use Hunspell, which I installed with a dict, but this didn't do the trick. Furthermore the hunspell-program doesn't even find the dictionary
<nwspk> I'm having also the same issue with not finding aspell-dicts btw
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] aschmolck opened pull request #1280: Convert short nix options to long ones (master...short-options-to-long-ones) https://git.io/vyQtE
<sphalerite> qknight: there's a problem with the SSL cert on nixcloud.io — it doesn't include www.nixcloud.io, which firefox sometimes tries to go to
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #23981: pygame: 1.9.1 -> 1.9.3 (master...pygame) https://git.io/vyQUO
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<icetan> nwspk: I had to symlink in the aspell directory from . nixprofile after nix-env -i
<nwspk> icetan: which aspell directory? the one in the /nix/sotre/?
<nwspk> and how should the symlink be named?
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<icetan> nwspk: you can symlink the latest one you installed by taking it from ~/.nixprofile, I'm on my phone right now but I can paste the exact paths in a moment
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<matumental> how should I chmod a file in a package? qemu-bridge-helper in qemu needs u+s set, adding/overriding 'chmod u+s $out/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper' to postInstall seems to do nothing?
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<nwspk> icetan: I'm not really sure what you mean and would be very happy if you'd post your steps
<nwspk> Thanks in advance (:
<manveru> matumental: you need security.wrappers for that
<manveru> security.wrappers.qemu-bridge-helper = { source = "${pkgs.qemu-bridge-helper}"; };
<manveru> something like that
<manveru> you can also pass permissions in there
<icetan> nwspk: will do, just need to get to my computer :)
<manveru> nwspk: here's a few i have
<LnL> manveru: you can't change the ownership or setuid bit of files in the store
<LnL> matumental: ^
<manveru> sorry, meant matumental :)
<manveru> and yeah, permissions are overwritten
<manveru> so this will create a wrapped executable in your PATH
<nwspk> icetan: thanks! I'm idling here anyway
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] k0ral opened pull request #23984: ack: 2.14 -> 2.16 (master...nixos-unstable) https://git.io/vyQmj
<matumental> thats looks like the ticket, awesome. Thanks manvera & LnL
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<matumental> yup, that worked perfectly. Thanks a lot!
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<icetan> nwspk: OK, now I'm at my computer
<sphalerite> I never know whether or not to use the --unpack flag on nix-prefetch-url, and usually end up using it twice because I always get it wrong. Does anyone know how to work out whether to use it or not?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rht opened pull request #23985: zcash: reinit at 1.0.7 (master...zcash) https://git.io/vyQYw
<icetan> so I just did: echo data-dir $HOME/.nix-profile/lib/aspell > ~/.aspell.conf
<nwspk> icetan: wow~ that was quicker than expected
<icetan> no symlink
<nwspk> icetan: worked! thanks a lot
<icetan> don't know if this helps your problem with hunspell and so on, but you might be able to do something similar
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh force-pushed python-wip from 03605ac to 74f25ad: https://git.io/vzaOS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-wip 9c3c22f Frederik Rietdijk: Python: redo setuptools bootstrapping
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-wip 181d714 Frederik Rietdijk: bootstrapped-pip: remove unnecessary dependencies
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-wip 87c08cb Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.setuptools: pass --no-dependencies...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lheckemann opened pull request #23986: renpy: mark as broken (master...renpy-broken) https://git.io/vyQZW
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<chrch> is it normal that `nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -qaP -A haskellPackages.pandoc-include-code` fails but pandoc-include-code is well defined in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyQCv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9b62e41 Linus Heckemann: renpy: mark as broken
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 17eaa5f Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #23986 from lheckemann/renpy-broken...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to staging-17.03: https://git.io/vyQCQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging-17.03 cbec258 Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'release-17.03' into staging-17.03
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging-17.03 fa39bc1 Vladimír Čunát: Merge #23917: fix firefox crashes...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #18077: newpkg: wspr 4.0 (master...wspr0) https://git.io/v6j38
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyQ8d
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 14a3412 Michael Raskin: nixos: tests: firefox: make more comprehensive...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f9fb38f Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #23924 from 7c6f434c/improve-firefox-test...
<Mic92> gchristensen: do you have a blueprint of your stickers? I would like to make new one.
<gchristensen> a new design, or a new printt?
<Mic92> gchristensen: new print
<Mic92> For conferences
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<gchristensen> Mic92: the big one or little one or both?
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<Mic92> gchristensen: probably both, though the smaller ones are more popular.
<gchristensen> Mic92: https://www.stickermule.com/en/user/1070778455/stickers here they both are, expensive if you buy 1, but if you buy 50 or 100 they're much cheaper, I don't mark these up at all, so it'd be the same price as if I sent you the designs (which I could probably do if you'd rather, but I'd have to dig around for them)
<FRidh> Shall we merge master and staging into each other? There's a mass rebuild on both going on it seems.
<gchristensen> FRidh: I can cancel jobs if you want to cross-merge
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<FRidh> gchristensen: I suppose it would then take at least another 2 days before we could get a nixpkgs channel update
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging-17.03: https://git.io/vyQBL
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging-17.03 df5a471 Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #23924 from 7c6f434c/improve-firefox-test...
<gchristensen> I thought it was much faster now?
<joachifm> nixos-unstable is 12 days old or so at this point ...
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<FRidh> the macs don't seem to be building anything
<gchristensen> :(
<joachifm> my impression is that the build farm has been struggling a bit. yesterday it was entirely idle (no idea for how long)
<gchristensen> I think you're right
<gchristensen> I wonder if aarcch64 has anything to do with this. niksnut?
<joachifm> wrt to the relase it'd be awesome if it could churn out new channels reliably
<joachifm> for testing and stuff
<gchristensen> no doubt :/
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti closed pull request #23982: callCabal2nix: Fixed indentation (master...callCabal2nix-dont-rebuild-cabalfile) https://git.io/vyQU1
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<wrl> is there a way to set the console font from configuration.nix? got a hidpi screen and the text is mad small
<wrl> google's not turning anything up
<makefu> i18n.consoleFont = "Lat2-Terminus16";
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<makefu> make sure to set fonts.fonts = [ pkgs.terminus_font ]; as well
<makefu> or whatever font you want to use
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<exarkun> What does dockerTools.buildImage's `fromImage` support do at the Docker level?
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<exarkun> or maybe I should be looking at fromImageName...
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<exarkun> can I get buildImage to build an image that's layered on top of another image built by an earlier buildImage?
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<exarkun> oh yea okay fromImageName seems to do something like what I want
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<georges-duperon> Hi, I'm trying to debug a nix package build (it fails with a missing dependency, but doesn't say which, so I want an interactive shell to peek around).
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyQz0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b4fd04c Michael Raskin: pygame_sdl2: init at
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8388cb8 Michael Raskin: renpy: 6.17.6 ->; still a strange mistake on launch
<goibhniu> hi georges-duperon, are you using nix-shell?
<georges-duperon> I tried setting configureScript = "/tmp/dummyScript.sh"; where dummyScript reads and executes commands from a fifo (thereby giving me a poor man's interactive shell), but it is ignored as this package uses CMake
<georges-duperon> I tried nix-build -K pkgs/applications/graphics/solvespace/default.nix, but I get error: cannot auto-call a function that has an argument without a default value (‘stdenv’)
<georges-duperon> goibhniu: No, I'm using nix-env -f $NIXPKGS -iA solvespace, where $NIXPKGS points to my customized git clone of https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs.git
<goibhniu> I suspect nix-shell is exactly what you're looking for
<goibhniu> you can then step through the build phases etc.
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<georges-duperon> goibhniu: Ok, thanks. Any pointer to how that invocation should look like? I'm googling it, and tried at random nix-shell -f $NIXPKGS -p solvespace, but that doesn't seem to be it.
<gchristensen> joachifm: what has happened to grsec? I hear something changed
<joachifm> gchristensen: can you elaborate?
<gchristensen> something about no longer providing test patchces
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<joachifm> gchristensen: hrm, that would imply no public releases at all; I've not heard anything about that
<goibhniu> georges-duperon: I think https://nixos.org/wiki/Create_and_debug_nix_packages#Using_nix-shell_for_package_development is still valid (even though the wiki is generally stale)
<gchristensen> joachifm: yikes :/ ok I hope I'm wrong
<goibhniu> there's also some stuff in the nixpkgs manual, but it seems quite haskell specific
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<joachifm> gchristensen: they stopped providing stable patches for free a while back, but that was ostensibly due to being ripped off by various commerical vendors from what I could understand. not sure why they'd stop providing test patches; hope that's not the case
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<georges-duperon> goibhniu: Thanks a lot, that seems to work. The crucial invocation being nix-shell $NIXPKGS -A solvespace, where solvespace is the package to build. Now adding this to ~/notes/nixos-tricks.txt :)
<goibhniu> excellent :D
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<icetan> In hydra if I select "Previous Hydra evaluation" as an input, what should i expect the injected value to be?
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<icetan> I guess the jobset as a dict?
<icetan> but when i try to call it i get the error "attempt to call something which is not a function but a string, at ..."
<icetan> and my code is: inputJobset.build { inherit system; }
<icetan> where build is a job in the jobset
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<MaxxaM> Hello
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<LnL> ndowens08: FYI, in case you don't follow the mailing list :) http://lists.science.uu.nl/pipermail/nix-dev/2017-March/023112.html
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 opened pull request #23988: rustNightlyBin: 2017-01-26 -> 2017-03-16 (master...rust-nightly-bin) https://git.io/vyQwn
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] qknight pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyQwF
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 273e480 Jörg Thalheim: rustNightlyBin: 2017-01-26 -> 2017-03-16 (#23988)...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rnhmjoj opened pull request #23989: firefox: reenable ALSA backend (master...firefox-alsa) https://git.io/vyQrz
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #23872: docker: 1.13.1 -> 17.03.0-ce (master...docker_17_03_0) https://git.io/vyPgA
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* fpletz puts on his discordian pope hat
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<Elwyn> Hello guys, I'm kinda lost. I want to learn how to install packages like this: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/master/pkgs/applications/networking/cluster/minikube
<Elwyn> How do I go about it?
<Elwyn> I can't find minikube using `nix-env -qaP minikube`
<LnL> what channel are you using?
<gchristensen> fpletz: have you seen eelco's discorianism in nixos?
<Elwyn> LnL, how can I find the answer to this? (I'm really new to NixOS)
<LnL> Elwyn: nix-channel --list
<Elwyn> LnL, none, it returned nothing
<LnL> euh
<gchristensen> run as root
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<Elwyn> thanks, gchristensen
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<gchristensen> you're welcome :)
<fpletz> gchristensen: not yet, have you seen oxij's mail on nix-dev? :)
<gchristensen> oh my word
<fpletz> hrhr
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<joachifm> I guess this is it for nixos, then :)
<gchristensen> joachifm: oh?
<joachifm> I mean we're all switching to the new one, right?
<gchristensen> oh hehe
<fpletz> joachifm: no, we merge everything back to nixos of course! :)
<joachifm> fpletz: :)
<fpletz> but yeah, I also tend to agree with most the technical points of slnos
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<georges-duperon> Elwyn: I think minikube was not in 16.09 yet.
<georges-duperon> Elwyn: the quick solution is to do: git clone https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs.git nixpkgs-master; nix-env -f $PWD/nixpkgs-master -iA minikube
<fpletz> though it looks like an abbreviation of the german word "sinnlos", meaning "useless" :>
<joachifm> fpletz: I jest but it's good to see more alternatives in the space, hope they succeed in what they're trying to do
<georges-duperon> Elwyn: what I did was add in my ~/.bashrc the following line: export NIXPKGS="$HOME/path/to/nixpkgs-master/"
<gchristensen> fpletz: continuing in the great tradition of Nix being Nothing
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<Elwyn> georges-duperon, is 17.03 stable?
<Elwyn> I added it to channels (https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-17.03)
<Elwyn> and found minikube
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<georges-duperon> Elwyn: Then I can simply do nix-env -f "$NIXPKGS" -iA some-package
<georges-duperon> Elwyn: no idea if it's stable, I'll let others here answer. I'm using 16.09, but on some occasions, I install recent / customized versions of a few packages using this technique. The advantage is that I don't need to do a full-sytem upgrade (if it ain't broken, don't fix it) just to get one new/updated/customized package.
<Elwyn> thanks for the suggestion, georges-duperon
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #23898: ponyc: 0.11.0 -> 0.11.3 (master...ponyc) https://git.io/vy1N9
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 6 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyQPs
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 15cc795 Volth: icewm: fix CFGDIR...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 0786d9f Profpatsch: modules/mlmmj: fix a typo in listaddress folder...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 05fcddf Léo Gaspard: dhparams module: condition on enable option (#23661)...
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<Profpatsch> globin: Do you monitor all pushes to master for stuff to backport?
<Profpatsch> (just curious)
<globin> Profpatsch: yes I go through all commits when fetching
<Profpatsch> Ah, k.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyQPA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3728143 Pascal Bach: prometheus-unifi-exporter: init at 0.4.0
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vyQXa
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ca4ae43 Pascal Bach: prometheus-unifi-exporter: init at 0.4.0...
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<gchristensen> Profpatsch: what does "T. systemd fanboi" mean?
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<warbo> hi, I'm trying to make a derivation for https://github.com/whyrusleeping/ipns-pub which is written in Go and uses Gx to fetch dependencies; I've copied what (few) other Go/Gx packages seem to do, but am getting 'cannot find package "gx/ipfs/..." in any of:' errors
<warbo> I've got basically no experience of Go, so am wondering if anyone here might have some tips?
<Profpatsch> gchristensen: T. is an ironic way to sign messages, coming from 4chan and/or Reddit.
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<Profpatsch> I was not sure if it’s t. or T., it’s hard to google for instances. :)
<gchristensen> so what does it actually mean?
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<Profpatsch> It’s far off in meme-land I’m afraid. :)
<gchristensen> ok that is fine but what did _you_ mean
<Profpatsch> I support their cause, but I’m too much of a systemd fanboy to work on it.
<gchristensen> ah ok :) thank you
<Profpatsch> np :P
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<Profpatsch> (I’m not very deep into chan culture myself, I turn to it for comedic effect sometimes)
<Profpatsch> (the bits I picked up over the last years anyway)
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<philipp[m]1> The main thing I got from this suckless mail is: People are using tox? For real stuff?
<philipp[m]1> I mean: It's cool that this is possible now.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyQSA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6d25f77 Jan Malakhovski: nixos: tor: add enableGeoIP
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a047825 Jan Malakhovski: nixos: torify: disable by default, add some documentation as of why...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 01f8e21 Joachim F: Merge pull request #23962 from oxij/nixos/tor-sec...
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<exarkun> urgh. dockerTools.buildImage { fromImageName = "image that does not exist"; } appears not to be an error of any sort :/
<exarkun> it's just silently equivalent to not having a base image?
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<exarkun> or I just totally don't understand the buildImage docs
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<manveru> you don't need fromImageName if you don't have one
<manveru> plus i think it's been broken for months
<exarkun> :(
<manveru> fromImage works
<manveru> but nobody has updated the pulling for the new docker API yet, afaicr
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<exarkun> How does fromImage work? I'm about to try `fromImage = result-of-calling-buildImage;` - is that how it's meant to be used?
<manveru> yes
<manveru> it takes another buildImage as value
<exarkun> Okay. Thanks.
<exarkun> Seems to be doing some useful stuff.
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<exarkun> are nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/docker/pull.{nix,sh} the things that are broken wrt the new Docker API?
<manveru> yes
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<exarkun> pull.sh would probably be easier to write in another language. eg one with a Docker client library... Would there be objections to rewriting it in something else, Haskell or Python or whatever?
<gchristensen> I have working code that "fixes" it but it is extremely extremely bad and I don't want to share it, b/c I don't want to be associated with it
<gchristensen> someone else here said they had better code they were trying to open source from their work
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<trizinix> I'm trying to package a python app that uses Autotools. Now configure finds the python modules and building the package succeeds, but when I run it, it fails with "module not found". My guess would be that $PYTHONPATH gets modified at build time but not at runtime. What's the best way to have $PYTHONPATH include all dependencies at run time?
<bennofs> trizinix: is the package intended to be used as a library or as an executable?
<trizinix> executable
<FRidh> trizinix: use `buildPythonApplication` and pass `format = "other";" That should wrap your programs.
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<bennofs> FRidh: o.o what does format do?
<trizinix> ok, will try that, thank a lot :)
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<exarkun> bennofs: eg `format = "wheel";`
<exarkun> but I forget what "other" does.
<exarkun> turn off all of the stuff that thinks it knows how to install a python package?
<FRidh> "other" is for when you define your own build and install phases
<FRidh> but still want the wrapping and such
<bennofs> How's progress on autogenerating python packages for the easy cases at least?
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<exarkun> Meh. I guess my journey of `fromImage` discovery was for nothing. It still builds the image repeatedly even if I factor out the contents to a separate object...
<exarkun> Perhaps it's even worse ... now my Python code gets installed and tested twice.
<FRidh> bennofs: I haven't looked at that anymore. pypi2nix should work just fine
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<Elwyn> Guys, I'm having trouble setting up vbox to use with minikube. Has anyone encountered the error that host-only adapter is not visible?
<Elwyn> I'm trying to manually create it, but it says it can't find /dev/vboxnetctl
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<goibhniu> did you reboot after enabling it? (that might be necessary)
<Elwyn> yes
<goibhniu> and you've enabled it in your configuration.nix, right?
<Elwyn> I installed it with nix-env -i first
<Elwyn> Do I need to put in configurations.nix?
<goibhniu> yep, virtualisation.virtualbox.host.enable = true;
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<Elwyn> Thanks, I'll rebuild and reboot
<Elwyn> brb
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fadenb opened pull request #23990: [WIP] openssh_hpn: build current version (master...openssh_hpn) https://git.io/vyQhf
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<eacameron> How do I resize the harddrive on the VirtualBox demo appliance?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyQhN
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 427edf1 Robin Gloster: robomongo: mark as broken
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<frigate_freedom> Hello, guys!
<frigate_freedom> Another silly question from me: everything was OK, but now, when I trying to make nixos-rebuild it gives error: cannot coerce a function to a string, at /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/
<frigate_freedom> nixos/nixpkgs/lib/strings.nix:442:44
<frigate_freedom> the last action was enabling HP printer driver hplipWithPlugin, after that nixos-rebuild worked well
<frigate_freedom> I added HP driver a couple days ago
<frigate_freedom> http://pastebin.com/VEWFM9jd this is my configuration.nix
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<Profpatsch> frigate_freedom: Do you have a diff from when it last worked?
<Profpatsch> If not, can you comment out stuff until it works again?
<frigate_freedom> I don't have diff
<frigate_freedom> Will try to comment
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<Profpatsch> frigate_freedom: include my username when you have it, then I get notified.
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<chakerbenhamed> Hey How can I copy files from NIX_PATH to /nix/store while deploying with nixops?
<Profpatsch> chakerbenhamed: What files?
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<chakerbenhamed> I added to NIX_PATH a path to a git repo. I want All files to be copied to the deployed instance.
<chakerbenhamed> I searched for examples in the nixops repo but no luck
<chakerbenhamed> All files in that repo*
<gchristensen> what for, chakerbenhamed?
<Profpatsch> chakerbenhamed: gitFiles = <git-repo>
<Profpatsch> If your NIX_PATH=…git-repo=path/to/git/repo
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<chakerbenhamed> But this won't added it to the /nix/store
<chakerbenhamed> ??
<Profpatsch> Paths that appear in a nix file are copied to the store first.
<eacameron> Is it possible for me to set up a NixOS VirtualBox VM and share it with my team to get them started?
<Profpatsch> e.g. if I do src = /my/src/repo;
<Profpatsch> It will first copy /my/src/repo to the store and then use that as dependency.
<Profpatsch> It will do so at evaluation time afaik.
<Profpatsch> <foo> is just a path that is replaced with the content of foo= from NIX_PATH for convenience.
<chakerbenhamed> The path will be in the local store
<chakerbenhamed> not in nixops
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<chakerbenhamed> deployed instance?
<Profpatsch> nixops works by building locally and then copying everything over.
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<Profpatsch> Depends on where you want it in the deployed instance.
<chakerbenhamed> in the store of the depolyed instance
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<Profpatsch> runCommand "copy-to-var" {} ''cp -r ${<git-repo>} /var/lib/git-repo''
<chakerbenhamed> I see, just mentioning the path in the nix expression and it will be added auto to the store
<Profpatsch> I’m not entirely sure if all nixos VMs will even have a store.
<Profpatsch> I can imagine some are just images that get copied together and then deployed as-is.
<gchristensen> they do
<frigate_freedom> Profpatsch: I get error in packageOverrides = pkgs
<sphalerite> Profpatsch: how would one package reference another without the store paths?
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<Profpatsch> sphalerite: true
<chakerbenhamed> correct me if I'm wrong but runCommand will run the command only when evaluating the nix expression.
<Profpatsch> So even images will contain /nix/store
<sphalerite> yes. You could create an image that has no nix database, only the store, though
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<Profpatsch> chakerbenhamed: No, runCommand will create a derivation.
<Profpatsch> Wait, now I’m confused.
<Profpatsch> Yes, you are right.
<Profpatsch> runCommand "copy-to-var" {} ''echo "cp -r ${<git-repo>} /var/lib/git-repo" > $out''
<Profpatsch> This should do it. :)
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<Profpatsch> Then you can add that e.g. to the init script option that gets called on system switch.
<dhess> I'm trying to deploy to an arm7vl "none" target in NixOps for the first time, and I'm getting this error: "/nix/var/nix/profiles/system/bin/switch-to-configuration: line 3: use: command not found"
<dhess> anyone seen that before?
<dhess> The perl referred to in the switch-to-configuration script is present on the target
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<dhess> oh actually it's broken, though :(
<dhess> -bash: /nix/store/pbs5sfnp9bfv27vz9m7h64w3zgkavfqd-perl-5.22.2/bin/perl: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
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<gchristensen> dhess: have you told nixops that the target system is arm7vl?
<dhess> gchristensen: No. I asked on nix-dev about that and got no response :( Also I looked in both the NixOS and NixOps manuals and found no reference to a setting to do that.
<gchristensen> ah, well so it isn't specific to nixops
<dhess> So I assumed it would figure it out when I did the first deploy and it added the host's SSH keys
<dhess> gchristensen: so how do I do that?
<gchristensen> I'm looking it up ;)
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<gchristensen> nixpkgs.system = "????"; not sure what to put there, though. on armv8, it is aarch64-linux
<dhess> it's odd because I thought of that last night when deploying (took forever!), and I checked the executables that "deploy" was pushing to the target. They were 32-bit ARM as expected
<dhess> but that perl binary referred to in the switch-to-configuration script is x86-64
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<NickHu> I'm trying to disable the systemd-rfkill service because I'm using tlp. Is the 'nixos way' just to do a systemctl disable?
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<gchristensen> NickHu: systemd.services.systemd-rfkill.enable = false
<dhess> gchristensen: ugh, so I added that to that target's config and now I'm getting the dreaded "error: assertion failed at /home/dhess/git/dhess-nixos/nixpkgs/pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/generic.nix:32:1" error
<NickHu> gchristensen: Ah, thank you
<dhess> I thought NixOps was smart enough to build that on the target
<cryzed> So I already know about "allowUnfree" and "nix-env -qaP", however even after having set allowUnfree in my configuration it still won't list unfree packages, forcing me to search for them on GitHub directly. People keep talking about "don't show unfree packages _by default_" -- well I disabled this default and kind of expected niv-env to respect that setting. Am I still missing something?
<dhess> but I guess I need to set up distributed builds now
<dhess> maybe I'll re-install this arm7vl host now. I suspect it's pretty hosed :)
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<cryzed> no one?
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<gchristensen> I don't know, sorry cryzed
<cryzed> gchristensen, still thank you :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ehmry pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vy7k3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7196d16 Emery Hemingway: shapelib: init at 1.4.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fa65cc0 Emery Hemingway: xaster: init at release 208
<alebatt> I'm just discovering nix on osx, is there a way in a nix-shell to be root, as i could be in a docker container ?
<alebatt> without using sudo of course
<chakerbenhamed> thanks Profpatsch I **think** it works.
<kriztw> cryzed: can you give an example of something you can't find?
<cryzed> sublime/sublime3
<Profpatsch> alebatt: You start the nix shell as root?
<Profpatsch> Maybe su -c works as well.
<cryzed> "$ nix-env -qaP | grep sublime" I'm running this, however there are no results. When simply adding sublime3 to my system configuration it works without issues when issuing a rebuild
<NickHu> cryzed: You are running that without the dollar at the start right?
<kriztw> cryzed: that works for me, my only guess is that it isn't set the right place in your confix.nix
<cryzed> NickHu, of course, I added this to indicate that I run the command as a regular user
<kriztw> allowUnfree that is
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<cryzed> "nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;" is in my configuration.nix
<cryzed> I have since issued a rebuild along with a switch
<kriztw> cryzed: you need to put allowUnfree in .nixpkgs/configuration.nix
<cryzed> Isn't that specific to the ad-hoc nix-env... oh-
<cryzed> Yeah, I'm an idiot
<kriztw> sorry, .nixpkgs/config.nix
<cryzed> thank you
<kriztw> :D np
<cryzed> kriztw, works now. Thank you :)
<cryzed> I had somehow assumed that nix-env would inherit the configuration.nix settings
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<kriztw> cryzed: Personally I just started using this: https://www.reddit.com/r/NixOS/comments/5yxt45/simple_nix_package_search/
<cryzed> or well, some of them in certain setting "groups"
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<cryzed> oh that is quite neat, thank you :)
<kriztw> cryzed: yeah, there is an open issue with people having that problem here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/17126
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<cryzed> I actually read that, but I suppose I still got mixed up somewhere along the way. Probably not helping that I'm a completely new user :). Well I'm glad it's being looked at, FWIW adding a simple explicit default of false to .nixpkgs/config.nix and configuration.nix with a short comment explaining the flag seems like a sane idea
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<alebatt> Profpatsch: no
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<Profpatsch> alebatt: no what?
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<alebatt> Profpatsch: I don't start nix-shell as root
<Profpatsch> alebatt: You don’t want to?
<Profpatsch> Or su root -c doesn’t work?
<Profpatsch> Have you tried it?
<alebatt> i don't want to, or at school, i have no root access
<alebatt> And i am currently working for exemple with RAW socket, so root is needed
<Profpatsch> alebatt: If you have no root access, how do you think nix-shell can make you execute anything as root?
<Profpatsch> It can’t. Because you have no root access.
<cryzed> The documentation claims that: "When you first install NixOS, you’re automatically subscribed to the NixOS channel that corresponds to your installation source.". However when I run "$ nix-channel list" on my system I get an empty line as my output -- is this default now hidden? I assume it's the stable channel (16.09 was the installation medium)
<Profpatsch> cryzed: sude nix-channel
<cryzed> eh --list
<cryzed> alright, thank you
<alebatt> Same as docker,
<cryzed> ah, so it is user-specific, I see -- thank you again
<Profpatsch> cryzed: There is one profile per nix-build suer3
<Profpatsch> *user
<Profpatsch> The one for root is the one that the nixos-commands use.
<cryzed> So nix-env for my local non-root user is still completely missing a channel -- would I run into issues when tring to install software using nix-env -i as that user?
<cryzed> I guess I could try
<Profpatsch> cryzed: You can just add a channel with nix-channel
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<Profpatsch> cryzed: But you should probably use NIX_PATH instead.
<cryzed> Profpatsch, I know -- however I remember trying to install software locally as non-root and it worked despite having no channels configured
<Profpatsch> Since nix-channel is the discouraged method (and will be removed in a bit)
<kriztw> cryzed: it works without a channel, I always run nix-channel commands as root
<kriztw> cryzed: so I don't somehow get my user and system environments out of sync
<cryzed> Ah I see -- so regular users default to the os-channel I suppose
<cryzed> Profpatsch, I'll check NIX_PATH
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<cryzed> Profpatsch, wouldn't not using the channel require me to build all packages myself?
<Profpatsch> cryzed: You can put a channel in NIX_PATH
<cryzed> You seem to suggest that I clone the nixpkgs repository of the channel i want and then add it to my NIX_PATH?
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<cryzed> Oh, I see
<Profpatsch> Should be in the manual.
<cryzed> I
<cryzed> Ill check, thanks and sorry
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NickHu opened pull request #23991: tvheadend: fix typo in package description (master...tvheadend) https://git.io/vy7tF
<cryzed> (it isn't, there's only a single unrelated mention of it)
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<cryzed> Profpatsch, do you mean some other/newer version of the manual?
<cryzed> nix-env
<cryzed> oops.
<Profpatsch> cryzed: https://nixos.org/nix/manual
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<cryzed> Oh, I was using the NixOS manual
<cryzed> Sigh, sorry
<yorick> is there a package for https://github.com/dannyvankooten/browserpass ?
<Profpatsch> cryzed: Yeah, everybody stumbles over that.
<yorick> it's go, I don't know how to go
<Profpatsch> yorick: Try grepping for the package name.
<kriztw> cryzed: I think you've just hit 3 of my biggest stumbling blocks in a row, it gets better from here :D
<Profpatsch> There’s also this: https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html
<cryzed> kriztw, :) good to know -- I already really like the concept of Nix and NixOS
<cryzed> I'm just trying it out in a virtualbox for now, build my ideal configuration and hopefully get as comfortable with it, as I'm with my current setup
<cryzed> and then make the switch hopefully :)
<cryzed> Am I wrong in thinking that the nix-channel "settings" feels somehow stateful? Depending on which channel you have enabled your configuration might behave differently, and the setting is not part of the configuration.nix file itself. Is this why nix-channel is about to be removed?
<cryzed> or deprecated
<Profpatsch> cryzed: Probably.
<cryzed> I see
<Profpatsch> It can be completely replaced by using the well-known NIX_PATH approach.
<Profpatsch> So the horrible CLI goes away, too.
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<cryzed> I'll read up on this more as you suggested, thank you
<Profpatsch> You can even give a .tag.gz url in NIX_pATH
<bennofs> cryzed: I have my configuration.nix create a symlink in /run/current-system/nixpkgs to the nixpkgs that was used to build the system. Then I use that in NIX_PATH, so nix-env will use the same nixpkgs
<bennofs> (and also in ~/.nix-defexpr)
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<bennofs> it works quite well, in that I can just nixos-rebuild switch -I nixpkgs=/path/to/my/nixpkgs and whatever version I used there will be "sticky" for all future nix operations if that system gets activated
<cryzed> bennofs, I'll copy what you just said into a text file, because as of now I'm missing quite a few chunks of information to really know what it all means or how I could accomplish that on my own.
<cryzed> Thank you
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<Profpatsch> In the end those NIX_PATH entries are just “global arguments” to nix expressions.
<Profpatsch> A convenience.
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<cryzed> Is it common for desktop users to use the unstable channel?
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<Nafai> I've never ran anything other than unstable on my desktops / laptops
<cryzed> Just checking if I'm shooting myself in the foot
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<cryzed> I'm trying to do this: nix.nixPath = nix.nixPath + ["https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable/nixexprs.tar.xz"]; in my configuration.nix file. First I got the error that "nix" is undefined, so I assumed that I'd have to add it to the function signature? at the top of the file, so actually bind it to a name. That I did, however now I'm getting the error "attribute nix is missing" -- am I doing something dumb?
<cryzed> oh nix is the default namespace I think
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel opened pull request #23992: KDE Applications: 16.12.2 -> 16.12.3 (master...kde-applications-16.12.3) https://git.io/vy7ns
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<HappyEnte> Heyho :), could somebody help me out and try launching termite/urxvt/xterm with bash as default shell from a nix-shell and try whether auto completion still works?
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<cryzed> ok, I give up -- how would I modify the NIX_PATH environment variable using my configuration.nix file?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #23936: file: 5.28 -> 5.30 (master...pkg/file) https://git.io/vyyDo
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<jack[m]> heh. I just realized that I can put my rpi3 ontop of my nix box, and plug an ethernet and usb cable into it and have an aarch64 build slave.
* jack[m] was pondering using binfmt_misc and qemu to set supportedSystems on the nixOS box to be .. everythign.
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<pmahoney> is there a stdenv for darwin that uses gcc (instead of llvm/clang) ?
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<copumpkin> no
<copumpkin> any reason you want that?
<copumpkin> most darwin stuff assumes llvm, on the apple side
<hodapp> I am extremely lazy. I am trying to find a way to nuke my NixOS box and reinstall from its configuration.nix without having to move the box across the building to where it can get at Ethernet and a monitor.
<copumpkin> hodapp: I think obadz wrote something called nixos-lustrate
<copumpkin> that does sort of that
<hodapp> huh
<pmahoney> copumpkin: sure. just trying to get something building on darwin (pdsh). its configure is explicitly looking for gcc (easy enought to set CC=cc), but it may also require libgcc_s, but i've no idea if that would just work (apparently not)
<hodapp> other question: can I get configuration.nix to insert a file into /etc? I need a script there that a udev rule can run.
<copumpkin> yes
<hodapp> how does one go about that?
<copumpkin> there's a module called etc
<hodapp> O_O
<hodapp> how did I miss this
<copumpkin> look at environment.etc
<copumpkin> but in general, I'd have your udev rule in the store
<copumpkin> I'm generally wary of putting more things into etc
<hodapp> in the store? how do you mean?
<copumpkin> how are you adding the udev rule?
<hodapp> services.udev.extraRules
<hodapp> where RUN=/etc/RT5370.sh and that's the script I need
<hodapp> that of course could be anyplace
<copumpkin> RUN=${my-script}
<hodapp> where my-script is what?
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<copumpkin> where my-script = pkgs.writeScript "haha.sh" ''my script"
<hodapp> oh, no environment.etc needed?
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<copumpkin> nope
<hodapp> w00t, that's easy
<copumpkin> :)
<hodapp> alright, I might just go bring this box over here, nuke it, and bring the old configuration.nix et al. over
<hodapp> see if that solves the CUPS issue that is making me want to chuck this thing out a window
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<cryzed> Profpatsch, so I removed the unstable channel I added using nix-channels. Now I attempted to modify nix.nixPath in my configuration and manually added the line: "nixpkgs=https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable/nixexprs.tar.xz" to it, in hopes that this would prepend the unstable channel to the search path -- however that doesn't work, after attempting to --upgrade the system again I get various errors about missing nix search paths (the ones that got
<cryzed> removed when removing the channel) -- so I'm a bit lost at the moment. Seems like the best solution right now is using the channel after all?
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<Profpatsch> cryzed: You have to set it to
<Profpatsch> in the environment variable
<Profpatsch> e.g. for the user in ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc or wherever you set it.
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<_c_> sorry, wrong window
<cryzed> Profpatsch, oh I had hoped to "fix it" in my configuration hm
<Profpatsch> cryzed: Nope, you have to give that from outsude.
<Profpatsch> *outside
<Profpatsch> That’s the invocation of your configuration
<cryzed> then I don't see the advantage over using nix-channel currently hmm
<cryzed> but I suppose it's just an implicit -I in the end
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<bendlas> Hey, is anybody working on bringing systemd 233 to NixOS?
<gchristensen> we only just got 232! what is new?
<bendlas> I've tried to update it, but when finishing building, it says something about a circular reference in the output paths ....
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<disasm> hey folks... quick question. I want to install nixos to a different disk (different filesystem as well). Is the iso/squashfs route the best way to go or is there another tool I can use to install nixos from a running nix system.
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<bennofs> disasm: I think you may be able to just run nixos-install from a running system?
<disasm> oh... so I can just run generate config on different root, replace config with my active configuration, and then chroot and run nixos-install
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<hodapp> copumpkin: excellent, this worked fine, thanks
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<disasm> it's running, thanks folks!
<hodapp> next: can I get CUPS to do the CUPS thing, without me having to throw the printer out a window?
<hodapp> we'll see.
<philipp[m]1> hodapp: but isn't that the cups thing?
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<cryzed> Personally I always had the issue with CUPS and avahi, where it managed to discover an avahi .local address on the network, but then created the entry without the local suffix through the webinterface
<cryzed> I could fix that by editing the input value of the form element using the browser's inspection tools
<cryzed> not ideal, but hey
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<hodapp> philipp[m]1: ....is this a trick question?
<hodapp> okay. CUPS says the printer is shared... but is the printer actually shared?
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<cryzed> Pretty sure that depends on how you configure CUPS
<cryzed> or well the printer within CUPS
<hodapp> what do you think I'm trying to do?
<hodapp> hm, again seeing "DNS-SD registration of "EPSON Stylus NX300 @ nixprint" failed: Not permitted" in journalctl
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<hodapp> and nothing in avahi-browse -a
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<cryzed> I think you might need nssmdns?
<cryzed> although it should be a dependency then
<hodapp> I'll add "services.avahi.mssmdns = true"
<hodapp> nssmdns, rather
<cryzed> sounds correct
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<benley> augghhhhhghgh x11 keyboard mapping stuff is driving me absolutely insane
<benley> or maybe it's kde's fault, I don't even know
<hodapp> still nothing. I'll try rebooting
<cryzed> benley, what's the issue?
<cryzed> hodapp, good luck
<benley> cryzed: every time anything changes related to xinput or udev, my keyboard layout gets reset to the generic pc104 layout
<cryzed> benley, did you add the desired layout as a custom entry in KDE's keyboard settings?
<cryzed> if not, it might just decide to switch back to the default one
<cryzed> i.e. move it to the first position>?
<hodapp> "DNS-SD registration of "EPSON Stylus NX300 @ nixprint" failed: Not permitted" again
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<cryzed> hodapp, sorry I don't know then :(
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<benley> cryzed: checking - but I think it doesn't let me, because the layout I need isn't defined in whatever thing is required to make it show up in the list of available keyboard models
<hodapp> no one knows, I am apparently the only person to ever see this error message anywhere on the Internet
<bennofs> hodapp: andymandias ^^^^ was working with cups yesterday
<benley> cryzed: I'm trying to use xkbModel = "chromebook"
<bennofs> hodapp: I think he wrote somehing about avahi stuff
<cryzed> benley, ah -- where would it get it from if it's not defined in the xkb symbol files?
<benley> It is in the xkb symbol files
<cryzed> then KDE should be able to display it
<cryzed> Try selecting "Any language" and then Layout:
<benley> I can run `setxkbmap -model chromebook -option` to get the layout set the way I want it, but nothing to do with Chromebook shows up in the keyboard layout kcm control panel
<cryzed> are you using plasma5 or kde4?
<benley> plasma5. One moment while I explore the layouts tab a bit more.
<cryzed> benley, my custom layout is at the very bottom of the layout list, if that helps
<hodapp> bennofs: that looks like it might be the same issue
<cryzed> but it might also be in alphabetical order for you
<hodapp> if this works, I should write a blog post about this because of how utterly useless that error message is for diagnosing anything
<cryzed> CUPS is aggravating always
<cryzed> it's nice when it works
<cryzed> but mostly it just doesn't
<cryzed> I feel your pain
<bennofs> hodapp: http://ix.io/p4v
<benley> cryzed: do you know what's necessary to get it to show up in the Keyboard Model dropdown on the Hardware tab?
<cryzed> benley, I can tell you what I did in Arch Linux, but it involved directly modifying certain system files
<cryzed> I'm not sure if you can just do that in Nix, probably not
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<benley> I think it's possible, but very inconvenient
<cryzed> I had to add the entry manually in /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/(evdev/base).(xml/lst)
<hodapp> bennofs: that's what I saw; trying that now
<benley> it looks like the layouts tab doesn't help because this one is defined as a Model, not a layout or layout-variant
<cryzed> Mostly evdev is still used, even with libinput from what I gather
<cryzed> Oh, a model? You can set the keyboard model in another tab
<cryzed> did you see that one?
<cryzed> In the Hardware tab
<benley> yes, on the hardware tab. There is a dropdown for Model. Chromebook doesn't appear in it.
<cryzed> ah damn
<benley> I spent a few hours trying to decipher the xkb rules enough to fix that, but gave up. That stuff is a nightmare.
<benley> if I could convince kde to just *leave it alone* that would be nice
<cryzed> hmm
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<cryzed> how and where did you install the chromebook layout?
<benley> It ships with xorg.
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<benley> but it seems like it's not fully fledged or something
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<cryzed> benley, you can probably fix this by editing
<cryzed> base.xml
<benley> I have attempted that and so far failed to accomplish anything :-P
<cryzed> If you take a look at /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/(evdev/base).xml
<cryzed> you will see various model items defined
<hodapp> dammit, that's not doing anything either, as far as I can tell
<cryzed> I suspect the chromebook entry is missing, and the files were simply installed into the correct directories
<hodapp> I guess I should check that browsing, listenAddresses, and defaultShared are true
<cryzed> so you most likely want to add something like this: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/43b9cfadf5fd48d6242a0f6aff3c354f to the list
<cryzed> and do that for evdev.xml, base.xml and also in evdev.lst and base.lst
<cryzed> I know it's a pain, but I had also to go trough that when creating my own keyboard layout
<benley> Got it, already did. Perhaps my problem is that the system is not using my modified version of the xkb rules.
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<cryzed> that might be. I am not 100% sure how Nix works yet, but it's possible that you would have to modify the xorg/xkb dependency pulled in by plasma5
<cryzed> by creating your own package/version of it
<cryzed> which then builds against that and creates a new version/hash of plasma5
<benley> someone figured out how to do this but it looks extremely awkward: http://stesie.github.io/2016/08/nixos-custom-keyboard-layout
<chakerbenhamed> Hey, I am trying to learn nix expression. I read all nixpills, and watched most of Nixcon-2015's videos. But still didn't understand it quit well. Is there any other interesting resources?
<gchristensen> yowz, benley!
<andymandias> hodapp: from what I remember avahi.publish.userServices = true; was the solution to that particular problem
<andymandias> hodapp: the "DNS-SD registration" problem that is
<cryzed> benley, but yeah that looks like what you want
<hodapp> andymandias: it is not working out that way for me for some reason :(
<cryzed> benley, I would just put this patch in a separate file that lives next to configuration.nix and import it at the top to keep it readable
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23994: mpop: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.6 (master...master) https://git.io/vy7VB
<hodapp> yes, still "DNS-SD registration of "EPSON Stylus NX300 @ nixprint" failed: Not permitted" in my journalctl -u cups.service
<benley> aye, that is how I have been structuring my nixos configs :)
<ndowens08> sigh, wish I could merge my own updates :)
<benley> the nixos option `services.xserver.xkbDir = path/to/my/hacked/version` doesn't seem to accomplish very much :-/
<cryzed> benley, neat -- I was planning to do the same, when I arrive at that stage
<benley> cryzed: my configs are in here: https://github.com/benley/dotfiles/tree/master/machines and samus/configuration.nix is the machine I'm working on
<andymandias> hodapp: hmm, I created an issue to document what I found at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/23993
<cryzed> benley, awesome, thanks :)
<LnL> ndowens08: did you see the mailing list post?
<hodapp> andymandias: http://lpaste.net/6931824611537453056 - that's my configuration.nix (ignore lines 51-52) in case anything stands out to you
<cryzed> benley, the xkbDir probably needs to contain a full set of assembled xkb settings -- I'm not sure how you would go about that, except somehow keep a local copy up-to-date in your home dir
<benley> I just copied the whole thing to see if I could get something working.
<benley> once I work out a usable patch I'll hack it into the main package or something, and maybe try to submit it upstream if I can figure out how.
<MichaelRaskin> ikwildrpepper: <ndowens08> sigh, wish I could merge my own updates :)
<cryzed> benley, that would be awesome, since I'll be having the same issue sooner or later
<andymandias> hodapp: I think you need avahi.publishing.enable = true; as well? not sure if userServices = true; forces that true or not
<hodapp> andymandias: I'm trying that now
<hodapp> andymandias: that's what it was, I'm pretty sure.
<andymandias> hodapp: glad to hear it
<benley> cryzed: thanks for your help, it's good to have some confirmation that I'm on the right track :)
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<hodapp> huzzaaaaah, next step: Google Cloud Print, maybe
<cryzed> benley, although I'm a bit confused. In that linked blog post the author claims that overriding the xkbConfig in configuration.nix causes all packages that depend on that variable to be recompiled -- when you patch files of the xorg package in the manner that paste described, aren't you effectively doing the same? All packages would then have to depend on that new modified xorg package -- maybe I'm missing something
<cryzed> benley, and of course :)
<hodapp> oh, "Getting printer information failed" now on the client side... but this I think I've seen before
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<cryzed> hodapp, check if there's a .local for the printer's avahi address at the end
<hodapp> there is
<cryzed> damn
<cryzed> can you ping it?
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<hodapp> nope, unknown host
<cryzed> oh uh
<hodapp> in my other machine I had had to add " fooprint.local" to networking.extraHosts to get another network printer (not CUPS, even) to work
<cryzed> So there's something still not completely correct with the nss-mdns settings
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<hodapp> this was just for a normal network printer
<cryzed> well that's just doing avahi's job then
<cryzed> avahi should resolve that hostname to the IP -- that way you just fixed it to a static one
<cryzed> hm
<hodapp> yeah, I just needed to print shit and didn't feel like doing the "real" fix
<hodapp> I can ping nixprint, can't ping nixprint.local
<cryzed> so services.avahi.enable = true and services.avahi.nssmdns = true?
<cryzed> oh that's strange
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<cryzed> It was the other way around for me (on arch)
<ndowens08> LnL: no i didnt
<cryzed> hodapp, did you try rebooting since changing those configuration entries?
<ndowens08> LnL: ah now i do
<hodapp> cryzed: not yet, I will
<LnL> ndowens08: :)
<bennofs> hodapp: can you try systemctl restart nscd ?
<hodapp> bennofs: once I reboot I'll try
<bennofs> hodapp: after reboot that shouldn't be needed anymore
<cryzed> I think that would skip the reboot step
<cryzed> well it's not like rebooting will hurt
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<hodapp> gah, still just says "Waiting for printer to become available" in Firefox print dialog
<bennofs> hodapp: perhaps you can just put an explicit IP?
<andymandias> hodapp: these are kind of a shot in the dark, since I had them set before working on CUPS
<andymandias> hodapp: I have avahi.nssmdns = true;, avahi.publish.addresses = true;, and avahi.publish.domain = true; set
<cryzed> hodapp, does pinging .local now work?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] manveru opened pull request #23995: marathonctl: init at 06-03-2017 (master...add-marathonctl) https://git.io/vy7oC
<hodapp> andymandias: all server side?
<andymandias> hodapp: all server side, client is not running NixOS
<bennofs> hodapp: oh does printing on the server work?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vy7oD
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 06ece41 Thomas Tuegel: KDE Applications: 16.12.2 -> 16.12.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 73ccc49 Thomas Tuegel: Merge pull request #23992 from ttuegel/kde-applications-16.12.3...
<hodapp> bennofs: it's headless but I can do test page and such from there just fine
<bennofs> hodapp: try systemctl stop firewall on the server
<hodapp> firewall's not even enabled
<bennofs> oh, I thought it got enabled by default?
<bennofs> at least it used to be
<hodapp> I disabled it
<bennofs> ah ok
<hodapp> probably unnecessarily, but was trying to get to the root of the problem
<bennofs> should read configuration.nix
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<ocharles> Anyone looked at packaging Qt 5.8?
<bennofs> ocharles: ttuegel is doing most Qt/Kde things i believe
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<hodapp> hrmph, prints from both NixOS boxes just disappear into the aether
<hodapp> for OS X it just sits there saying "The printer is not responding" though it sees it
<hodapp> but I can ping both nixprint and nixprint.local now
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<bennofs> hodapp: can you turn on logging for all involved cups instances? I don't really know how printing works if you've got a print server
<cryzed> hodapp, you could try enabling the cups debug log
<cryzed> and checking the log files -- but they are _very_ verbose
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<bennofs> yeah but i think they have colors?
<bennofs> or you can grep for error / fail
<cryzed> I remember them being accessible via the browser (dont do that) and on the filesystem somewhere
<cryzed> but mine were tens of megabyte
<bennofs> I think I just accessed them with journalctl? iirc
<cryzed> those are not the debug logs afaik
<cryzed> but maybe they are
<bennofs> depends on your cups config i think
<hodapp> I've been using journalctl to access them
<cryzed> probably, yes
<cryzed> alright
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<andymandias> hodapp: logs are probably the way to go, but I did notice you have "DefaultEncryption Never" in your extraConf
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<hodapp> andymandias: I think that was from some other problems I had after I was sick of CUPS being a miserable piece of shit about something
<hodapp> I'll try removing that
<andymandias> hodapp: getting OS X as a client working for me involved getting cups's ssl working, which at the time just involved creating the /etc/cups/ssl/ directory
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] manveru opened pull request #23996: phraseapp-client: init at 1.4.3 (master...add-phraseapp) https://git.io/vy763
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<hodapp> hrmph, Firefox is still sitting there at "Getting printer information..."
<cryzed> oh
<hodapp> evince just said "Printer disappeared or cups-browsed shutdown", then switched to "Getting printer information failed"
<cryzed> maybe... in Arch you needed something called gtk-printer-information? I think
<cryzed> maybe it's that wait
<bennofs> hodapp: can you try printing a test page from the cup webinterface perhaps?
<cryzed> ah or that yes
<hodapp> bennofs: that works. that has worked fine from the start.
<bennofs> hodapp: on the client as well?
<cryzed> in arch you need gtk3-print-backends so that it works with gtk3 application afaik
<cryzed> ill check what that actually is
<hodapp> bennofs: there's no real web interface on the client that does anything useful here
<cryzed> /usr/lib/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/printbackends/libprintbackend-cloudprint.so
<cryzed> /usr/lib/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/printbackends/libprintbackend-cups.so
<bennofs> hodapp: doesn't the client run a CUPS instance as well?
<cryzed> these 2 apparently
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<hodapp> bennofs: the CUPS instance on the client doesn't just add network printers to its configuration automatically
<hodapp> and you don't have to in ordero t print
<bennofs> hodapp: Or does it just connect to the server somehow? as I said, no idea how it works with print servers. I thought there was perhaps a CUPS instance on the client that forwards to the server
<hodapp> you can do it that way, but you don't need to
<andymandias> hodapp: okay, I finally snipped the potentially relevant portions out of my configuration.nix http://lpaste.net/353650
<hodapp> our configurations should be identical aside from that extraConf, which pertains to just the web interface, right?
<hodapp> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/CUPS/Printer_sharing#Cannot_print_with_GTK_applications is what I ended up doing on another machine that had this problem on a network printer (not a CUPS one, just some HP or something)
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<hodapp> I don't even know what logs to look at for problems here
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<chakerbenhamed> Hey, I am trying to learn nix expression. I read all nixpills, and watched most of Nixcon-2015's videos. But still didn't understand it quit well. Is there any other interesting resources?
<ndowens08> chakerbenhamed: what are you planning to do, packaging, modules or what?
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<chakerbenhamed> packaging and deploying with nixops
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<ndowens08> for packaging, Look at other packages, best thing to do IMO
<ndowens08> mostly how I learn
<hodapp> okay, OS X just printed successfully, but it took it awhile to actually "find" the printer, and on the 2nd attempt it's just sitting there
<hodapp> bluuuuuuuuugh
<chakerbenhamed> So the solution is just to dive into pkgs
<hodapp> now "Getting printer information failed" from 1st NixOS box
<ndowens08> chakerbenhamed: for me, yea that is how i did it. Look and try to understand what is going on, the syntax is mostly understandable
<ndowens08> chakerbenhamed: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/23994/files that is how I do mine
<ndowens08> that one is a update, not one i made, but edited it to how I would do it
<hodapp> it is boggling my mind a little bit that this error message never seems to actually mean *anything at all* besides a generic "derp, shit failed"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vy71p
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 81ad24d Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.10.2 -> 4.10.3
<chakerbenhamed> Thanks ndowens08 ;)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vy7MI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 5579e81 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.10.2 -> 4.10.3
<hodapp> https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-918972-start-0.html says something about encryption...?
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<ndowens08> np :) start with the easier ones. Maybe you can start with updating them?
<ndowens08> I use to pkg to submit new ones, but now I just go through updating them
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vy7M4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ca3fb4d Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.4.53 -> 4.4.54
<chakerbenhamed> I will search for outdated ones now. I think I can update a package or two tonight
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vy7M0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ca750a5 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.4.53 -> 4.4.54
<ndowens08> heh good luck finding them :p i have gotten quite a bit of them lol
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vy7Mu
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 ae1c270 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.4.53 -> 4.4.54
<ndowens08> most of them i havent or someone else hasnt done is ones abandoned but you will probably find some :D
<ndowens08> currently I am going through networking section
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<chakerbenhamed> hhh Okay I will check something else :p
<ndowens08> :p heh, if ya have questions ask, i may or may not can answer them; if I cant someone can
<hodapp> hmm, lpstat -p says "printer EPSON_Stylus_NX300 disabled since Fri 17 Mar 2017 04:52:49 PM EDT - Printer disappeared or cups-browsed shutdown"
<chakerbenhamed> Sure, Thanks
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<hodapp> literally the only clear reference I can find to "Printer disappeared or cups-browsed shutdown" is at line 3568 of https://fossies.org/linux/cups-filters/utils/cups-browsed.c
<hodapp> would assume HAVE_AVAHI is defined in which case "if (avahi_present || p->domain == NULL || p->domain[0] == '\0')" is true
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<hodapp> why would avahi_present be enough to call disable_printer...?
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<cryzed> hodapp, sorry that I can't help in any way
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens closed pull request #23778: cfitsio: 3.21 -> 3.41 (master...cfitsio) https://git.io/vyKLU
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens reopened pull request #23778: cfitsio: 3.21 -> 3.41 (master...cfitsio) https://git.io/vyKLU
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<manveru> hehe
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<manveru> i stopped using λ as hostname because many programs just can't handle the insanity :(
<hodapp> my hostnames are nothing special but for some reason this crap is still happening
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<cryzed> my hostname is host
<cryzed> my username is user
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<cryzed> I learned from my mistakes in the past when trying to change a user and/or hostname -- some configuration files are simply too fond of resolving symlinks or relative paths...
<hodapp> I just don't even give a shit about any of this... I would just like to be able to print
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<hodapp> and I don't see why I should have to be futzing around with hostnames to achieve this
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vy7So
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 25d450c Thomas Tuegel: KDE Applications: 16.12.2 -> 16.12.3...
<bennofs> hodapp: from the comments it sounds like this code is only getting run when there are jobs that failed in the queue
<hodapp> bennofs: ahh, hmmm
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<bennofs> hodapp: also, that code seems to only make sure that if avahi is not present, then we don't disable the queue because avahi might come back later? that's how I understand that
<hodapp> bennofs: it may be unrelated, I don't know
<hodapp> just trying to guess because all of these error messages are beyond useless
<bennofs> hodapp: do you see "Queue still has jobs or CUPS error" (the debug_printf) as well?
<hodapp> bennofs: I don't know how to get to debug messages for cups-browsed
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<hodapp> something is working far enough that OS X can see this printer and print to it, but it takes it sometimes minutes to actually finally send the print job
<bennofs> hodapp: have you done 'cupsctl LogLevel=debug2' ?
<hodapp> hmm, no .local names are even resolving on this box
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<bennofs> hodapp: or starting cups-browsed with -o DebugLogging=stderr should do it. Alternatively, put that in your cups config?
<hodapp> nsswitch.conf doesn't even include mdns4_minimal or mdns4
<bennofs> hodapp: then avahi can't work if nsswitch doesn't have that
<bennofs> hodapp: have you enabled nssmdns on the client?
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<hodapp> no, I haven't... doing that now
<bendlas> gchristensen: ad systemd 233: I'm using systemd-resolved and I'd like to get the fix to https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/3826
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<manveru> why do we even have travis-ci...
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, it looked like a good ide
<MichaelRaskin> idea
<manveru> it'd probably be, if you ran it through tail -c 4000000 or something :)
<bennofs> i think travis-ci should only check if eval is successful
<bennofs> I make so many errors in meta things
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<hodapp> travis is kinda handy
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #18816: lib.options: automatically generate example for booleans (master...bool-auto-example) https://git.io/viQYB
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<simpson> Ha, no need to click on that one.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vy7Qb
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6cc1200 Michael Fellinger: marathonctl: init at 2017-03-06
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #23995: marathonctl: init at 2017-03-06 (master...add-marathonctl) https://git.io/vy7oC
<ozer> Anybody know how to cache python packages in nix-shell that populate PYTHONPATH? I notice the python interpreter does take noticeably longer to start with a long PYTHONPATH, and this effect is avoided on other Linux distributions (because they don't need to set PYTHONPATH)
<hodapp> bennofs: that was the issue, btw
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<MichaelRaskin> ozer: I wonder if a symlinkJoin of the packages will work as the only PYTHONPATH entry
<ozer> MichaelRaskin: how does that work?
<MichaelRaskin> It is more or less lndir
<bkchr> Hi, I'm trying to install nixos in a virtual machine and I'm stuck at configuring grub. If I run nixos-install I got the following erro "btrfs doesn't support blocklists"
<MichaelRaskin> If there are /a/b/c and /d/b/e you get /j/b/ with symlinks c->/a/b/c and e->/d/b/e
<MichaelRaskin> bkchr: well, in Qemu you could use Qemu itself as the bootloader
<ozer> the b in /j/b/ doesn't refer to the b in /a/b/c right?
<MichaelRaskin> You are using BIOS/Legacy boot
<MichaelRaskin> ozer: yes
<MichaelRaskin> bkchr: do you have GPT or MBR?
<ozer> neato, so where should I start to learn how to use symlinkJoin
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<bkchr> MichaelRaskin: I first tried with mbr, but now I created an extra boot partition. That should be gpt?
<MichaelRaskin> Well, all-packages.nix do contain an example of symlinkJoin on the top leve
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<MichaelRaskin> bkchr: there are multiple level of the question…
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<MichaelRaskin> bkchr: There is MBR of GPT disk label (how the list of partitions is written to the disk)
<MichaelRaskin> Then there is a question of UEFI/BIOS (what firmware runs at boot and how it expects to load the bootloader)
<MichaelRaskin> Then there is the question of creating a correct set of partitions for boot
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23997: transmission-remote-gtk: 1.2 -> 1.3.1 (master...trans-gtk) https://git.io/vy75t
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vy753
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a8785da Nikolay Amiantov: emacs: fix runtime GTK3 dependencies...
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<MichaelRaskin> gdisk tells you the type of the disklabel/partition table
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vy75C
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 b944312 Nikolay Amiantov: emacs: fix runtime GTK3 dependencies...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vy75X
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9536169 Franz Pletz: nixos/treewide: remove boolean examples for options...
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<clever> bkchr: what did you set boot.loader.grub.device to?
<ozer> also a side-issue of PYTHONPATH stuff... as far as I know it's impossible to use nix-shell with python35Packages and python27Packages, if both are specified in default.nix then one Python version's packages will overwrite PYTHONPATH
<bkchr> clever: /dev/sda
<ozer> I've also tried embedding nix-shell's with different python package versions and they do seem to append to pythonpath
<bkchr> okay now it is working :)
<clever> bkchr: the original error you pasted sounds like what happens when you set it to sda1
<bkchr> Thanks clever and MichaelRaskin. I recreated the partitions
<ozer> but then python interpreters don't know which version of packages to find in PYTHONPATH
<ozer> example
<ozer> nix-shell -p python35Packages.numpy python27Packages.numpy
<ozer> in that case ^^^^^ PYTHONPATH only contains the path to numpy for python 2.7
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<bennofs> ozer: you could try nix-shell -p 'python35Packages.withPackages (pypkgs: [ pypkgs.numpy ])'
<bennofs> ozer: and then same for python27Packages
<bennofs> ozer: that'll build wrapped python executables with exactly the packages available that you specify
<hodapp> you keep reminding me I need to fix my RStudio issue with bundled packages
<ozer> bennofs: that sounds neat, so could I specify python3 and python2 packages in the same line / same default.nix?
<bennofs> ozer: that should be possible, yes
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<ozer> bennofs: so I tried "nix-shell -p 'python35.withPackages (pypkgs: [ pypkgs.numpy ])" (python35Packages wasn't found, changed to python35) and the resulting shell doesn't have numpy available for import
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<bennofs> ozer: try adding --pure ?
<ozer> ok lemme try
<ozer> yes that worked! Very interesting how it cleared PYTHONPATH
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<ozer> bennofs: thanks so much! will see if I can get this working now
<bennofs> ozer: yes it does not use python path at all, instead the python command is now a wrapper that sets PYTHONHOME (or perhaps pythonpath?) just before launching the interpreter
<bennofs> ozer: that's also why you needed --pure, because your PATH from your user env probably took precendence so you got the python from your user env, the non-wrapped one
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23998: owncloud-client: 2.2.3 -> 2.3.0 (master...owncloudclient) https://git.io/vy7bv
<ozer> interesting! I do however still need to set a custom PATH and PYTHONPATH for the software stack I'm working with, I guess I'll just need to do that inside nix-shell?
<bennofs> ozer: yes
<ozer> could I specify the vars in default.nix? Right now they're in configuration.nix
<bennofs> ozer: i just checked, this will only set PYTHONHOME, not PYTHONPATH; so you're free to do with PYTHONPATH what you like
<bennofs> ozer: yes, just add them to the derivation like PYTHONPATH = "..."
<bennofs> ozer: all attributes defined on a derivation are exposed as env variables to a build (except meta)
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<bennofs> ozer: alternatively, you can execute arbitrary shell code in shellHook = " ... "
<clever> and passthru behaves the same as meta
<ozer> bennofs: that's very amazing, thank you thank you thank you
<bennofs> joepie91: show log with LD_DEBUG=all
<bennofs> (warning: huge)
<joepie91> that's fine, I didn't need that terminal anyway :P
<joepie91> bennofs: http://sprunge.us/eTLV
<joepie91> Atom is installed from master, I should note
<joepie91> probably related to that
<bennofs> joepie91: can you run 'uname' =
<joepie91> bennofs: just `uname`? or?
<bennofs> joepie91: just uname
<joepie91> Linux
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<joepie91> (I'm on NixOS)
<bennofs> joepie91: can you paste output of strace -f -e process atom as well?
<joepie91> bennofs: http://sprunge.us/KKCZ
<bennofs> joepie91: hmm, what does /run/current-system/sw/bin/uname say? because it really looks like that's the command that fails...
<bennofs> joepie91: perhaps try passing -a to that uname?
<joepie91> $ /run/current-system/sw/bin/uname -a
<joepie91> Linux desktop-home 4.4.52 #1-NixOS SMP Sun Feb 26 10:08:29 UTC 2017 x86_64 GNU/Linux
<bennofs> joepie91: oh, paste cat $(which atom) as well
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<joepie91> bennofs: http://sprunge.us/BRPN
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<bennofs> joepie91: can you try exporting those two LD_PRELOAD lines and then running uname?
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<joepie91> bennofs: exporting the first one breaks my powerline-shell PS1
<joepie91> is that expected?
<joepie91> uh oh
<joepie91> bennofs: I can still run commands after running the first LD_PRELOAD
<joepie91> but `uname` results in:
<joepie91> uname: relocation error: /nix/store/68sa3m89shpfaqq1b9xp5p1360vqhwx6-glibc-2.25/lib/libdl.so.2: symbol _dl_catch_error, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference
<bennofs> joepie91: yeah well your powerline probably uses uname :)
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<clever> joepie91: i think the glibc used by libxscreensaver is not backwards compatible with the uname binary
<clever> joepie91: and LD_PRELOAD forcibly loads things, rather then just putting them in the search path
<clever> [root@nas:~]# nix-store -r /nix/store/vx1p69szgv9jbwrgmssxbdljpwn1yczl-libXScrnSaver-1.2.2
<clever> bennofs: this will download the faulty libXScrnSaver, allowing you to inspect it more directly
<clever> anything in the binary cache can just be downloaded like that
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<clever> [root@nas:~]# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/nix/store/68sa3m89shpfaqq1b9xp5p1360vqhwx6-glibc-2.25/lib/ uname -a
<clever> uname: p�m��: x�R�y: Error 18446744072829317928
<clever> bennofs: oh god, what happened, lol
<joepie91> faulty build in the cache?
<joepie91> lol
<joepie91> maybe I'll finally find a bug that wasn't my fault :P
<clever> [root@nas:~]# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/nix/store/68sa3m89shpfaqq1b9xp5p1360vqhwx6-glibc-2.25/lib/ strace uname -a
<clever> strace: PZ_�: x�(�: Error 18446744073197728552
<clever> not even strace works
<MichaelRaskin> Obviously
<clever> [root@nas:~]# strace sh -c "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/nix/store/68sa3m89shpfaqq1b9xp5p1360vqhwx6-glibc-2.25/lib/ uname -a"
<MichaelRaskin> You want to strace env LD_LIBRARY_PATH-…
<clever> arch_prctl(ARCH_SET_FS, 0x7ffa5594f680) = 0
<clever> writev(2, [{iov_base="uname", iov_len=5}, {iov_base=": ", iov_len=2}, {iov_base="\200L\300\262\374\177", iov_len=6}, {iov_base=": ", iov_len=2}, {iov_base="", iov_len=0}, {iov_base="", iov_len=0}, {iov_base="xY\225U\372\177", iov_len=6}, {iov_base=": ", iov_len=2}, {iov_base="Error 1422603048", iov_len=16}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 10uname: �L��: xY�U�: Error 1422603048
<bennofs> joepie91: from a clean terminal, what does nix-store -qR (which nix-env) | grep glibc do for you?
<bennofs> clever: wait, I thought glibc has versoin checks?
<clever> bennofs: they appear to be failing hard
<joepie91> bennofs: that's missing a $ I assume?
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<clever> [root@nas:~]# nix-store -qR $(which uname) | grep glibc
<clever> /nix/store/m71hw9kw0z74w93lq44l1xdcy2nq155f-glibc-2.24
<joepie91> /nix/store/q3wx1gab2ysnk5nyvyyg56ana2v4r2ar-glibc-2.24
<clever> bennofs: my nas is built against 2.24, and 2.25 is the one breaking everything
<clever> i have a desktop on 2.25, checking it
<dhess2> There used to be a way to specify `emacs=emacs2x-nox` in your config and get an Emacs built without X11 dependencies, but that doesn't appear to work anymore. Does anyone know the magic to get that working again?
<bennofs> clever: well, that's weird. the funny thing is, every once in a while I try to learn about symbol versioning and how it exactly works, then I understand how it works and till I need that knowledge the next time I forgot how it works :D
<clever> bennofs: my nixos-unstable desktop is running the "broken" 2.25 as the primary glibc
<joepie91> bennofs: welcome to the club :P
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-store -qR $(which uname) | grep glibc
<clever> /nix/store/68sa3m89shpfaqq1b9xp5p1360vqhwx6-glibc-2.25
<clever> bennofs: so that glibc clearly isnt broken, its just not cross-compatible with older 2.24 builds
<bennofs> joepie91: oh, so the issue here is that your system is on a different glibc version than that atom build uses
<bennofs> which wreaks havoc with LD_PRELOAD
<joepie91> bennofs: that sounds plausible; most of my system is on 16.09 stable
<joepie91> it's just a few things I have from master
<clever> is atom built from source or patchelf'd?
<joepie91> you'd have to look at Electron instead I think
<bennofs> clever: those lines let me suspect the later
<bennofs> clever: also a file env.nix in the package dir does not sound like build from source
<joepie91> apparently it doesn't use the electron dep
<joepie91> but the one that ships with Atom's .deb
<clever> it sounds like atom was built against atom was built against glibc 2.24, and is breaking the same as uname
<clever> and only things built against 2.25 work on the new glibc
<bennofs> clever: the problem is actually that the atom pkg was build with glibc 2.25 in mind
<chakerbenhamed> I added a folder to the nixpath -I folder=pathTofolder. But I want to use one of it subfolders Do I access it like <folder/subfolder> because this give me an "Not found in Nixpath" error
<bennofs> clever: and it forcibly puts glibc 2.25 into LD_PRELOAD, but atom calls the system uname which breaks
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<bennofs> clever: note that the error is not coming from atom, but from the `uname` execv call it does to figure out if the system is supported
<clever> bennofs: ahh, then add a glibc 2.25 uname into $PATH
<bennofs> clever: that's still ugly :/
<bennofs> clever: since anything in the atom-integrated terminal will break
<joepie91> ... Atom has an integrated terminal?
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<bennofs> i thought so?
<clever> bennofs: then atom will need to be patched to unset the wrapper env variables when forking out children
<joepie91> I don;t recall one
<joepie91> and wouldn't it just be a tty.js anyway?
<bennofs> well, it probably has some plugins that call some executables
<clever> bennofs: or its rpath improve more to not need a wrapper
<joepie91> yeah, that it does
<bennofs> any such plugin will break
<joepie91> but I don't think I'm using any besides Git
<bennofs> joepie91: git will break probably
<joepie91> hm :|
<joepie91> so what made this magically break? because it worked a few days ago :P
<bennofs> joepie91: it worked because you probably got an atom that was still on glibc 2.24 as your system is as well?
<bennofs> perhaps there was a recent glibc update?
<joepie91> oh
<joepie91> this might be it
<bennofs> don't think that atom updates change anything
<joepie91> hm yeah, actually, you're right
<bennofs> "The current GNU C library provides the run-time backward compatibility. That means executables and shared libraries built against the previous versions of glibc will continue to work with the current shared glibc, libc.so. This functionality is implemented with the symbol versioning in libc.so. This work is based on the effort from Eric Youngdale.
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<bennofs> Does seem kinda like a bug though if you read that
<joepie91> bennofs: any way to list changes between system builds?
<joepie91> generations, that is
<joepie91> I know that it broke in my last big update cycle
<MichaelRaskin> Well, nix-store -qR
<clever> joepie91: there is a git hash for nixpkgs in the name of the generation
<bennofs> joepie91: when was your last working version? before 2017-02-11 ?
<joepie91> bennofs: pffft, thereabouts. I'm not sure whether it was before or after
<joepie91> I last updated it recently-ish
<joepie91> Atom that is
<joepie91> clever: okay, how do I obtain that? :)
<joepie91> I;m still flying blind in NixOS for the most part
<ozer> bennofs: when I specify the nix-shell config you posted in default.nix inside buildInputs (like "nix-shell -p 'python35.withPackages (pypkgs: [ pypkgs.numpy ])"), I get a seemingly-unrelated error:
<ozer> error: cannot coerce a function to a string, at /home/software/cuauv/software/nixos/configs/default.nix:5:3
<ozer> that line number refers to the name attribute just above it
<bennofs> ozer: you need ()'s around that
<bennofs> ozer: since nipkgs lists are space-delimited
<ozer> oh sorry I sent the wrong thing
<bennofs> s/nipkgs/nix
<ozer> but you are correct! thanks a lot
<ozer> should have spotted that, have done functional programming before
<bennofs> ozer: nix list syntax is really confusing though, so no worries. Did you know that [ if foo then bla else bar ] is valid without parens? It's just a little inconsistent
<bennofs> clever, joepie91: I think the problem here is that glibc's multi-versioning does not support *multiple* glibc vesions in the same link
<chakerbenhamed> I added a folder to the nixpath -I folder=pathTofolder. But I want to use one of it subfolders Do I access it like <folder/subfolder> because this give me an "Not found in Nixpath" error
<joepie91> those are the most recent entries
<ndowens08> have to git clone https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs
<bennofs> clever, joepie91: since glibc will put some private function as version GLIBC_VERSION, and if the private function is resolved from another GLIBC version then it's getting bad
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ ls -l /nix/var/nix/profiles/system*
<clever> joepie91: this will list every build of nixos
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vy7pJ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f9f15ff Will Dietz: irker: init at 2017-02-12
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2807d75 Will Dietz: irkerd service: init
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9a976c0 Joachim F: Merge pull request #23963 from dtzWill/feature/irkerd...
<clever> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 88 Jan 13 22:55 /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-285-link -> /nix/store/wl9nfdjkr0yyqpv81i1vsfi8cxvpvhg8-nixos-system-amd-nixos-17.03pre96925.1c50bdd
<clever> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 88 Feb 4 16:38 /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-286-link -> /nix/store/wflkl26hv28fx45g819j5564rb17bjnf-nixos-system-amd-nixos-17.03pre99759.f66d782
<clever> joepie91: looks like i updated my channel on the 4tb, and have made another ~15 generations since
<clever> 4th*
<bennofs> joepie91: perhaps it did have to do with the atom update? perhaps atom didn't check uname before?
<ndowens08> then cd into it, find the category it should go in, mkdir PKGNAME, edit PKGNAME/default.txt and add callPackage for that pkg in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
<joepie91> clever: bennofs: http://sprunge.us/gYMQ
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<joepie91> mind that Atom is installed from master and not from stable so the nixpkgs version there doesn't reflect the Atom version at the time
<joepie91> bennofs: I have /no idea/ :P
<joepie91> any easy way to test?
<clever> git bisect
<clever> just run a normal bisect on nixpkgs, nix-build -A atom, and test
<joepie91> right, but I don't know what the last working commit was
<clever> i think it was git checkout HEAD~1000, goes 1000 commits backwards
<clever> test and increment until you find something good
<joepie91> alright
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar closed pull request #23858: emacs: fix runtime GTK3 dependencies (master...emacs-gtk3) https://git.io/vyi7a
<bennofs> joepie91: it might be easier to just figure out how to fix this :D
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<Profpatsch> My my, the nixops CLI is horrendous.
<Profpatsch> In so many ways.
<joepie91> bennofs: I mean, both clever and you know way more about NixOS than I do, I suspect, so I'll just follow your lead :P
<joepie91> (well, and about how library loading etc. works)
<tnias> Is anyone using XEN on NIXOS? (or is it broken!?)
<joepie91> I will refrain from "Xen is always broken" jokes
<joepie91> :P
<clever> tnias: i have tested it before, and i know of 2 people that are running nixos on dom0
<tnias> clever: hmm okay. i am currently trying to use it. but after a short while there is a white horizontal line and everything is frozen. before the login shows
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<clever> tnias: i have had GPU problems with certain drivers in the past, before i used nixos
<clever> tnias: its far more stable when xorg isnt enabled
<MichaelRaskin> Well, problems with GPU drivers aren't that picky. They can find an excuse even if you don't run Xen
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<tnias> clever: for now it is 'just' a basic setup openssh and now i wanted to put xen on there :/
<clever> tnias: what hardware do you have on the machine?
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<bennofs> clever, joepie91: why would you LD_PRELOAD libXss.so.1 in the first place?
<joepie91> that's the last part of my git bisect outputs
<clever> bennofs: thats a good question, i would switch it over to RPATH, and see what breaks
<joepie91> the fact that there's a commit close to the break that says "faac: fix build with glibc-2.25" suggests this is accurate
<joepie91> :p
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<obadz> copumpkin: thanks for marketing lustrate!
<tnias> clever: Quad-Core AMD Opteron 2356 and an old NVidia Quadro
<bb> When is unstable getting updated? It's been like two weeks...
<bb> The firefox thing still isn't fixed yet?
<clever> tnias: ive had issues with nvidia and xen before, can you change the GPU?
<tnias> clever: i could just try to throw it out.. but then i could not see any logs scrolling by.. (also i have no spare gpu laying around)
<bennofs> joepie91: can you try applying this diff? https://gist.github.com/c7d4949f653fd41034beb421f2a69418
<clever> tnias: does it have a hardware serial port?
<joepie91> bennofs: on master?
<bennofs> joepie91: yes
<joepie91> bennofs: building...
takle has joined #nixos
<joepie91> bennofs: it's compiling so may take a while :)
<clever> tnias: virtualisation.xen.bootParams = [ "loglvl=all guest_loglvl=all com1=38400,8n1 console=com1" ]; boot.kernelParams = [ "console=hvc0 earlyprintk=xen" ];
takle has quit [(Remote host closed the connection)]
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<tnias> clever: I assume it has some sort of serial interface. i (currently) have no access to anything to connect to it
<clever> tnias: this redirects both xen and dom0(linus) output to com1 at 38400 baud, you could then hook up a serial console on another machine and view output without a gpu
<bennofs> joepie91: oh I tried to start atom and got "libxkbfile.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" so seems to be not working :(