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<dtluna> unfortunately, NixOS is too painful to develop things witg
<dtluna> with*
<dtluna> and themes
<dtluna> I guess I'll come back in a couple years when these issues are solved. for now, back to a non-meme OS
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<simpson> dtluna: Wait, I have a question first.
<dtzWill> please stop the griefing, dtluna. And honestly, NixOS is seriously the /best/ thing to use for development IDK how I lived before finding this. I mean, I do but wow what a waste of effort lol.
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<simpson> dtluna: Are you going to continue to act this way if I fix your issues?
<dtluna> I won't come to this IRC if you fix my issues
<dtluna> but I am a developer
<dtluna> I need to do development without pain
<simpson> Have you tried building OpenRA from nixpkgs yet? Once you know that that expression gives you a successful build, it's pretty easy to adapt it for a development workflow.
<dtluna> oh
<dtluna> I need to build from sources
<simpson> I know that. I think that you're not listening.
<dtluna> don't ask why
<dtluna> I need to build from sources
<dtzWill> dtluna: workflow is to either install deps into env (sadface) or use nix-shell to drop into an appropriate dev env and away you go
<simpson> Once you know that the Nix expression works, you can use it to build *from your git checkout*.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens closed pull request #24255: libhttpseverywhere: 0.2.10 -> 0.4.0 (master...master) https://git.io/vSJ0z
<ndowens08> i think this broke nox-review f45cf10f6e Merge pull request #24133
<dtluna> And no, I don't want to learn a language just to use a makefile
<ndowens08> possibly
<simpson> dtluna: Why? How many languages do you know? Do you feel like you know Make?
<dtluna> You should see this as a bug, not a feature
<dtluna> simpson: a little bit
<simpson> dtluna: Out of curiosity, which build system are you thinking of which doesn't require you to learn a language?
<dtluna> but I didn't write that makefile
<dtluna> I just downloaded it and used it
<ndowens08> it did. it was giving me undefind variable gtk and here it is gnome3.gtk while gtk3 is in function
* gchristensen channels kmicu
<dtluna> simpson: can I use that to build my development build?
<gchristensen> dtluna: I'm confused, you want to use NixOS, but don't want to learn how to use NixOS, just because it has a thing called a language?
<simpson> dtluna: Yes, you can. You can do something like $(nix-shell -f '<nixpkgs>' -A openra) in your git checkout and it will give you all of the environment required to do development builds.
<dtluna> Ok, let's see
<dtzWill> dtluna: yeah, just use nix-shell with that expression and it'll give you an environment with everything you need! it's the most amazing thing, actually :D
<simpson> dtluna: For example, the invocation I use for Tahoe-LAFS is $(nix-shell -f '<nixpkgs>' -A tahoelafs --run 'tahoe restart') and it takes care of all of the hard business of building a Python environment.
<dtluna> because I just tried and it messed my stuff up somehow
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<dtluna> okay, I am back from my NixOS
<dtluna> so what should I do to compile my OpenRA in dev folder?
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<deepfire> dtzWill, I don't really know how this override thing works..
<simpson> dtluna: $ nix-shell -f '<nixpkgs>' -A openra
<aszlig> globin: will look into that on weekend, thanks for the info
<dtluna> error: unknown flag ‘-f’
<deepfire> gchristensen: I know.. I had my share of suffering from Virtualbox crashing and hanging my system..
<deepfire> gchristensen: that's when I switched over to KVM
<deepfire> gchristensen: but now I just need a place to run Skype in, with mic-n-cam passed through
<globin> aszlig: what was that, can't remember? \o/
<simpson> dtluna: Oh curses, was I thinking of nix-build? One second, lemme go grab my NixOS laptop and we'll do this together.
<dtluna> okay, sure
<gchristensen> deepfire: hrm, skype works for me on nixos straight away
<deepfire> gchristensen: sure, but I am afraid to run this binary trojan crap on my system : -)
<dtluna> My main two issues with NixOS right now are: 1) I can't get openra to compile or to run after compiling; 2)GTK icon, widget and cursor themes
<gchristensen> deepfire: haha I feel the same wa
<deepfire> gchristensen: seriously, I now work at an infosec shop, and I've had my share of horror stories from our Windows kernel reverse engineers
<deepfire> gchristensen: i.e. the thing was caught opening password files from browsers
<simpson> dtluna: Okay. For starters, I'm waiting for $(nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A openra) to ensure that the derivation builds as-is.
<dtluna> simpson: I don't understand what you mean
<ndowens08> he is making sure it compiles
<dtluna> oh, I see
<dtluna> why did you guys invent all these buzzwords?
<deepfire> dtluna, have you read the founding paper by Eelco Dolstra?
<dtluna> No
<deepfire> dtluna: it would give you a feeling about the whys
<deepfire> if you care, that is
<simpson> "derivation" is just the word in Eelco's original PhD thesis, I think.
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<dtluna> My capacity for care beyond my system working is depleted
<deepfire> I know the feeling : -)
<dtluna> It must work, or it's just not usable
* gchristensen is having a hard time continuing to channel kmicu
<dtluna> I am sorry that I am not too positive to NixOS right now
<dtluna> The OS is not too positive to me right now, so
<ndowens08> gchristensen: something always to seems to break nox-review lol
<simpson> dtluna: I've finished cloning OpenRA. I am now waiting on: $ nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A openra
<dtluna> simpson: all right
<dtluna> simpson: fyi I use the stable version
<simpson> dtluna: Shouldn't matter much, unless this package is extremely picky about versions. We'll find out, I suppose!
<dtluna> didn't specify channels I believe
<dtluna> yeah
<gchristensen> ndowens08: things seem to get hairy before a release :(
<deepfire> gchristensen: ah, https://travis-ci.org/NixOS/nixpkgs/builds/214452704 -- the failre was in XCode
<ndowens08> i think it was a recent commit
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSJ12
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7833436 Peter Hoeg: kodi: 17.0 -> 17.1
<simpson> dtluna: Alright, I got through patchPhase and configurePhase but buildPhase failed.
<deepfire> gchristensen: the build log finally arrived
<dtzWill> re:hairy before a release--I know I, and probably others, somewhat intentionally speak up about random things more-so as part of release QA
<deepfire> ..and the XCode failure seems unrelated: undefined variable ‘gtk’ at /Users/travis/.nox/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.7/default.nix:110:42
<ndowens08> gchristensen: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/24133 i think it was this one; I know nox gives me undefind variable gtk if you look at kde/wrapper.nix you see gtk3 variable created, but bellow says gtk
<dtzWill> we all want the release to be the best it can be! :D
<dtluna> simpson: that is "nice" to see
<ndowens08> gnome3.gtk when it should be .gtk3
<gchristensen> dtzWill: yeah :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSJ11
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8e3d3b5 Thomas Tuegel: Revert "sddm: propagate qtbase input"...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ae1034e Thomas Tuegel: nixos/sddm: improve test...
<simpson> dtluna: Are you at the same spot?
<dtluna> no
<simpson> Okay. What do you see at your buildPhase?
<dtluna> nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A openra doesn't do anything
<dtzWill> (I guess that's my way of explaining away my influx of reported issues vs things I've fixed haha don't mean to be a complainy-face ^.^)
<obsRo> hello guys, i created a package but i have a question. the package creates dbus service itself. how can i tell nixos its a service ?
<gchristensen> dtzWill: no doubt, I know!
<dhess`> NixOps is so. cool.
<dtluna> simpson: what should I run
<dtluna> I am confused
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<simpson> dtluna: Are you sure that it didn't put you in a new shell? Check your env for things like a massive $PKG_CONFIG_PATH.
<dtluna> it did
<dhess`> It blows every other provisioning/deployment tool out of the water.
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<simpson> Okay, great. It added a bunch of tools to your $PATH and it should make it possible for you to build your stuff.
<dtluna> okay
<dtluna> so what now?
<simpson> dhess`: IKR? I presented it here in Portland and a Docker guy got super-embarrassed. It's amazing.
<clever> obadz: this is how avahi handles its own dbus service, and dbus cant seem to reload, so you may need to reboot to apply it
<simpson> dtluna: Try running your normal build process. The `-A openra` tells nix-shell to put all of the build tools for `openra` into your environment.
<dtluna> simpson: lol, it doesn't install unzip, which is required
<dtluna> kek
<dhess`> simpson: it's strange how much VC is pouring into Docker right now. Imagine if like 1/100th of that was being invested in NixOS/NixOps.
<dhess`> feels like a missed opportunity, to say the least.
<dtluna> damn, I'd love VC in NixOS
<dtluna> I wouldn't have these issues I have
<simpson> dtluna: No worries. We need to fix the derivation, then. The easy way to do this is to clone nixpkgs and build from that.
<dtluna> I did clone them
<dhess`> Can't believe nobody has pitched something like that to YC or similar.
<simpson> dtluna: Uh, OpenRA appears to be a pretty niche thing; I'm honestly kind of surprised that there's already a derivation.
<dtluna> I've install unzip into the env
<dtluna> there's a derivation because compiling it yourself is pain and hell
<dash> HAHA
<dash> oops capslock
<dtluna> on NixOS that is
<simpson> dtluna: Ah, then replace '<nixpkgs>' with '/the/path/to/your/nixpkgs/default.nix'
<dash> i wish that's how things worked
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #24262: kodi: 17.0 -> 17.1 (release-17.03...u/kodi_stable) https://git.io/vSJMG
<simpson> dtluna: And it should build using your patched version of nixpkgs.
<dtluna> Easy and cool on Arch, Parabola, Fedora, Gentoo and even the worst distro ever Ubuntu
<simpson> dtluna: Uh, *everything* on NixOS has a derivation.
<globin> aszlig: ah I remember, the vbox stuff, you planning on dropping by in MUC?
<dtluna> simpson: you know what's nice about Arch? I don't need a PKGBUILD for something to just compile it
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSJM0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 d8f297d Robin Gloster: makeQtWrapper: fix eval
<simpson> dtluna: Don't make me start quoting Matrix at you again. I'll do it.
<dtluna> okay
<dtluna> tried to run
<dtluna> it crashed
<dtluna> simpson: System.DllNotFoundException: libSDL2-2.0.so.0
<simpson> dtluna: Aha, I was on the `bleed` branch. I'm now on `master` and it's building.
<simpson> dtluna: Sounds like SDL needs to be added to the buildInputs.
<dtluna> it wouldn't compile w/o SDL
<simpson> Well, where's it searching? strace can tell you, but maybe there's an easier way.
<dtluna> it needs SDL to be in LD_LIBRARY_PATH I think
<dtzWill> relevant: http://bash.org/?152037 :P
<dtluna> dtzWill: sad, but true
<ndowens08> dtluna: give Nix some time, I havent learned everything, no where near it, still new to it, but is interesting concept too
<dtluna> spent two days by being gentle
<dtluna> slightly critized NixOS for its shortcomings - BAM!
<dtluna> people want to help me
<simpson> dtzWill, dtluna: Don't be fooled, I'm not doing this to be nice and I'm not doing it to get you to shut up. I'm doing it in the vain hope that we get another nixpkgs contributor.
<dtluna> ndowens08: time wont fix my themes or compile OpenRA
<dtluna> simpson: not any time soon
<simpson> dtluna: No, I'm teaching you how to nixpkgs and then you can fix your own themes.
<gchristensen> dtluna: nixos is riddled with shortcomings, c'est la vie.
<dtzWill> simpson: you're doing great, thank you for your efforts. I didn't mean any slight it just seemed amusing and related O:).
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<simpson> dtluna: Wait, are you serious? Even if I get your OpenRA package working, you aren't planning to contribute upstream?
<dtluna> gchristensen: oh really?
<gchristensen> yes
<ndowens08> having time will, gives you chance to figure out how to do things
<dtluna> simpson: I don't know crap, man
<gchristensen> dtluna: I'm running out of patience on your seeming inability to help yourself
<simpson> dtluna: Well, then I'm sorry that your attitude is so poor. I'm done trying to help you.
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<dtluna> Well, I'll come back in two years when OpenRA compilation process is just make all
<dtluna> and themes work
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<simpson> That's too bad.
<ndowens08> that was an all day thing about themes
<gchristensen> simpson: I was waiting for you to lose patience, my impression was nobody else was lined up to help.
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* ndowens08 didnt know how to help him
<ndowens08> not really; i dont use themes or what he is trying to do
<gchristensen> you can't help the helpless
<simpson> gchristensen: I have discovered that nothing calms down a toddler like pulling out the finger paints and getting your own hands dirty with them.
<Rotaerk> you mean helping them to paint the walls?
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<simpson> Well, we pull out a new piece of paper and we sit down and we paint a pretty pony or a pretty rainbow.
<ndowens08> I started seeing about complaints about theme when I was on break at like 8a, and now it is after 7p
<gchristensen> that isn't quite what I meant to say, more like: you can't help people who won't help themselves
<gchristensen> simpson: yeah :) haha true
<ndowens08> i know i am annoying with questions at times, esp first came, but wow :)
<dash> he wasn't being annoying with _questions_.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSJDZ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 3a368d7 Robin Gloster: wrapGAppsHook: fix eval
<ndowens08> true
<dash> As far as I can see, he thought he was doing us a favor by trying nixos.
<ndowens08> well you get the idea/concept i meant
<gchristensen> dash: exactly
<gchristensen> ndowens08: questions aren't a problem, we're good at questions
<ndowens08> i wanted to say, well use something like awesome/bspwm then you dont worry so much pretty your desktop is lol
<gchristensen> "I don't want to learn this tool I want to use" is a problem
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<ndowens08> you can thank point and click distros for that concept :)
<ndowens08> IMO
<dash> ndowens08: i use awesome with nixos and i'm having gtk annoyances right now, alas.
<simpson> dash: It's funny that you phrase it that way; I remember interacting with a kid over IRC who had that same sort of attitude and 2wks later he was on the news, arrested for running a botnet.
<dash> heh
<gchristensen> heh
<dash> simpson: I think this incident illustrates why hackers have long had a fondness for zen tales/koans
<dash> simpson: because they prominently feature people who understand stuff talking to people who don't understand stuff, then hitting them with sticks
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<gchristensen> dash++
<simpson> u'i
<ndowens08> dash: are you being like that person??? :p
<simpson> If only that worked for imparting understanding.
<dash> ndowens08: i haven't hit anyone with a stick _all day_
<dash> ndowens08: and i have two toddlers at home
<ndowens08> must be bald by now :D
<dtzWill> lmao
<ndowens08> I have a 8yr old, i call her my mini-me; has too much of my personallity in her
<dash> simpson: To be fair, sometimes it does!
<dash> "If a cat sits on a hot stove.... that cat won't sit on a hot stove again."
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<ndowens08> idk about that, some never learn
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<gchristensen> I'm heading out for the night, have a good one y'all
<ndowens08> nite gchristensen
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<dash> Looks like I need to try out emacsPackagesNg some time, I just saw that in the manual
<ndowens08> but could be like the frog, put him in water, then slowly heat the water up and wont notice til it is too late
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<dash> ndowens08: I wish biology classes tried this experiment
<ndowens08> i like frogs so i wont do it :\
<dash> ndowens08: pretty sure reality is opposite the proverb
<dash> similarly, i catch flies in my kitchen with vinegar not honey
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<ndowens08> i hated biology in high school, esp geometry(would have failed, but teacher passed me b/c grades were improving after the terrible teacher left)
<ndowens08> well vinegar has many purposes :)
<ndowens08> speaking of vinegar, if you have heartburn, it helps calm it
<dtz> dash: ndowens08: https://xkcd.com/357/
<MP2E> haha
<dash> dtz: yes i did have this in the front of my mind :)
<MP2E> yeah I just stayed quiet when I saw that going on, those types of users aren't easily pleased
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSJy2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2822bac Jan Malakhovski: nixos: xen: condition default packages on `enable`...
<ndowens08> :) dash
<dtz> I also have had to make fly traps and yes vinegar haha
<justanotheruser> I installed tensorflowWithCuda and when I attempt to "import tensorflow" in python3, I get ImportError: libcudart.so.8.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. This github issue (https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/5625) involves using a different version, but I'm not sure that applies to me given the current tensorflow version through nixos is 1.0.0. Any suggestions? This is
<dash> Doing my annual hardware shuffle and setting up an ARM board I'd neglected for a while
<dash> I wish I could run nixos on it but it's only got 512MB RAM
<dtz> Usually red wine vinegar haven't exactly tested other minds tho lol
<dtz> *kinds
<RchrdB> dash, huh what part doesn't work with that much RAM?
<dash> RchrdB: last time i tried, it had a hard time loading nixpkgs into memory.
<dash> when running nix-env or such
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<dash> I could turn on swap, but sd cards wear out fast enough already
<RchrdB> I kind of wonder if you could run nix-env elsewhere and copy the resulting closures & environments over so on the small computer you're just running 'tar' and 'gzip' to unpack.
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<dash> RchrdB: That was my other thought, use qemu to build an image
<dash> RchrdB: and just blow it onto the sd card from there when it's upgrade time
<williamyaoh> Hi, how are you guys doing per-user keyboard layout under X?
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<williamyaoh> I'm running xmonad as my WM right now and trying to use the usual suspects (.Xmodmap, .xinitrc, .xsessionrc) with no luck
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens closed pull request #24235: gpscorrelate: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1 (master...gpscorrelate) https://git.io/vSvU1
<williamyaoh> (under NixOS)
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<globin> dash: (set GC_INITIAL_HEAP_SIZE=100000)
<globin> dash: mind that I haven't tried that
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<dash> globin: Mmm, worth a try.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 8573 opened pull request #24264: Fix store path copying in Google Compute Image build (master...8573/fix/gce-img/1) https://git.io/vSJSy
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<taktoa> anyone going to BayHac? me, dmj`, and clever will be there :)
<ndowens08> way too far for me :)
<dhess`> taktoa: I was planning on it, but now I will be out of town :(
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSJ9r
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e0e520a c74d: google-compute-image: copy store paths with rsync...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #24264: Fix store path copying in Google Compute Engine image build (master...8573/fix/gce-img/1) https://git.io/vSJSy
<c74d> yay unstable updated
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #24265: mxt-app:1.26 -> 1.27 (master...mxt-app) https://git.io/vSJ97
<c74d> …otoh, this will make it more difficult for me to test whether I can easily pull Chromium from stable to get fixes faster
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSJ9A
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 d370e5f c74d: google-compute-image: copy store paths with rsync...
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<deepfire> ndowens08: so, what do you think about the vogl PR (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/24002) ?
<ndowens08> deepfire: I am unsure, i know commits should be squashed, but i dont know much about that pkg
<deepfire> ndowens08: done!
<deepfire> ndowens08: the non-squashing was mainly done to ease the review process
<ndowens08> Gonna let someone else review/push as not too comfortable with it, sorry :\
<deepfire> ndowens08: who do you think that should be?
<deepfire> /could be
<c74d> I fixed the Google Compute Engine image, then updated my root channel, and now the image is broken again >_<
<ndowens08> i think someone else was reviewing it as well; I look at cosmetic of a Nix pkg, some are something I dont understand beyound suggesting cosmetic changes :)
<deepfire> ndowens08: still, thank you for the review effort! : -)
<ndowens08> maybe i helped ya with what i could :)
<dpren> Do I need to install full blown NixOS in order to build and test a PR to a package in nixpkgs? Or can I do it through CLI on my existing OS?
<contrapumpkin> nope
<contrapumpkin> macOS and other linuxes work fine
<contrapumpkin> windows with the linux subsystem should also be fine I think
<simpson> contrapumpkin: Ooh, I'll take "buildslaves I don't want to administer" for $200.
<contrapumpkin> :D
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<dpren> Okay cool. So I make my edit, the run `nix-build -A libfoo`? Is there any other required testing I need to do? I can't quite tell from the manual
<simpson> dpren: That's up to you and the package maintainer, really.
<simpson> Presumably there's some way to tell whether it works?
<dpren> Of course, I was just thinking if there were any other tests at the nix level I needed to run
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<dash> dpren: if you got it to build something that runs, presumably everyone else will too :)
<tilpner> Does anyone have an example of services.xserver.{layout,xkbVariant,xkbOptions} that toggles between two different variants of the same layout (de <-> de neo)?
<tilpner> I tried putting grp:ctrl_alt_toggle into options, but it doesn't work, and I'm not for what logs I'm even searching or where to find them
<tilpner> *not sure
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<ndowens08> wow, looking through packages I can update, and a src url listing geocities, havent seen that in a long time
<benley> wow, that can't have worked for a very long time now
<dhess`> where does an FHSUserEnv put its /var ?
<ndowens08> 8 months ago it was update, but last commit was to add lots of platforms with no meta
<benley> dhess`: iirc /var ends up being the regular host's /var
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<dhess`> benley: excellent
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<spacekitteh> contrapumpkin: why contra
<spacekitteh> WHY CANT YOU JUST BE CO
<spacekitteh> you are a fraud
<spacekitteh> an imposter and a fraud
<spacekitteh> you have insulted the honour of copumpkin
<spacekitteh> i challenge you to a duel
<spacekitteh> a duel most sinister
<spacekitteh> a duel which will demonstrate the tyranny of consciousness
<spacekitteh> for in this duel
<spacekitteh> you will be confronted with your worst nightmares, and your wildest dreams
<spacekitteh> only to awaken
<spacekitteh> to cold, stark, bleak reality
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<spacekitteh> the reality is
<spacekitteh> co > contra
<spacekitteh> where it up to me, i would tolerate this slight
<spacekitteh> but alas, it is not
<spacekitteh> for you see, by being contrapumpkin, you have offended the masses
<spacekitteh> and the masses demand justice
<spacekitteh> there can be no discretion in these circumstances, my friend
<spacekitteh> my comrade
<spacekitteh> my lover
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #24266: 915resolution: 0.5.2 -> 0.5.3 (master...915resolution) https://git.io/vSJ7Q
<srk> :D lol
<ndowens08> well good nite all
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* spacekitteh hasn't had her pills in a few days. does it show?
<benley> lol
<contrapumpkin> lol
<contrapumpkin> I log in from two machines
<spacekitteh> tmux my man
<contrapumpkin> nah
<contrapumpkin> that'd be too easy
<contrapumpkin> plus I like my graphical clients
<spacekitteh> ah, but of course
<contrapumpkin> (like webchat in this case)
<dash> contrapumpkin: have you tried matrix.org
<contrapumpkin> I've heard of it
* spacekitteh is hacking on extending matrix with QUIC
<contrapumpkin> but it makes everyone's messages obnoxious in IRC
<dash> contrapumpkin: ?
<spacekitteh> contrapumpkin: that's a bridge-specific implementation detail
<contrapumpkin> it seems to attach a bunch of garbage to every message it sends out
<contrapumpkin> ah okay
<dash> oh, yeah i've seen that but mine doesn't do that
<dash> not sure what you have to do to get it
<dash> i think maybe set a username not representable as an irc nick?
<spacekitteh> at its core, matrix is a distributed graph update protocol
<Ralith> it doesn't seem to be appending garbage to my messages
<Ralith> never heard of that happening
<dash> i have matrix set up locally and i use it for irc from my phone
<contrapumpkin> CmcDragonKai appears every so often from Matrix and it makes it very clear he's using matrix
<benley> you can use matrix to connect to irc? I didn't know that
<contrapumpkin> because it says so in every message :P
<dash> but inertia means i haven't given up irssi
<dash> contrapumpkin: Yeah, I remember that now.
<Ralith> contrapumpkin: I think that's a different matrix
<benley> oh, via one of those noisy bridge services
<dash> benley: yeah, they run a freenode bridge, and you can run your own
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<Ralith> contrapumpkin: I'm here via matrix right now
<contrapumpkin> cool
<spacekitteh> setting up a Synapse instance on nixos is annoying though
<spacekitteh> still trying to figure it out precisely
<Ralith> it's nothing like whatever wacky noisy bridge that guy uses
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<dash> noisebridge?
<Ralith> I assumed he's on slack or something
<Ralith> contrapumpkin: I think you're confusing the name of that guy's company, which is totally unrelated
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<contrapumpkin> Ralith: I dunno, he shows up and it says matrix all over his messages :)
<contrapumpkin> might be unrelated
<Ralith> contrapumpkin: yes, that is the name of his company.
<Ralith> it is unrelated.
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<Ralith> see https://matrix.ai/
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<erlandsona> Anyone here use Node / NPM on NixOS?
<Ralith> very poor choice of names on both sides imo
<spacekitteh> is there a tool to format nix expressions?
<spacekitteh> like gofmt?
<contrapumpkin> so it's some other bridge that's just noisy
<Ralith> yes, no matrix.org IRC bridge has ever worked that way
<contrapumpkin> good to know, thanks
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<contrapumpkin> I'll try matrix.org when I have some downtime
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<erlandsona> ping
<spacekitteh> contrapumpkin: have a look at the documentation
<spacekitteh> the design is really nice and general
<erlandsona> Anyone getting my messages?
<spacekitteh> erlandsona: yep
<Ralith> ( https://riot.im/ is the user-facing front-end, fwiw)
<spacekitteh> Ralith: it's one of the front-ends :)
<erlandsona> Oh thank god... lol sorry my network is super spotty.
<spacekitteh> there's CLI frontends for it too
<Ralith> it's the usable one :P
<erlandsona> So no one uses Node / NPM on Nix?
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<spacekitteh> Ralith: true dat
<benley> erlandsona: I've done it, but not for a while
<Ralith> spacekitteh: lmk if you have any questions, I've been running synapse on nix for several months
<erlandsona> benley: did you ever run into problems with npm installed binaries not being visible to Nix?
<benley> erlandsona: honestly I don't really remember :-P
<spacekitteh> Ralith: i guess it's more "how to set up synapse behind cloudfront on nixos" x3
<erlandsona> EG: I'm getting ENOENT errors trying to run webpack which is trying to call the elm-make binary installed by npm.
<Ralith> cloudfront sounds like a can of worms
<spacekitteh> yeah
<spacekitteh> i am probably gonna not use it
<spacekitteh> and set up a .onion
<spacekitteh> and use a tor-to-clearnet bridge
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 8573 opened pull request #24267: google-compute-image: fix Yama LSM option conflict (master...8573/fix/gce-img/yama-ptrace-sysctl/1) https://git.io/vSJ5P
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<contrapumpkin> Ralith: so my iOS device is apparently in some sort of Nix channel via Riot now
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<contrapumpkin> but that's clearly not this room :)
<Ralith> yes, you want to point it at #freenode_#nixos:matrix.org
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<copumpkin[m]> Whoa
<Ralith> \o/
<copumpkin[m]> I now have one of those obnoxious [m] next to my name
<contrapumpkin> pretty cool though
<Ralith> you can tweak your bridged nick manually; you should have received an invite to a bridge status room, enter !help there
<contrapumpkin> not sure where I'd see the invite in the iOS client
<contrapumpkin> I'll figure it out, thanks :)
<contrapumpkin> copumpkin[m]: do you get notifications?
<contrapumpkin> wow, it works
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<spacekitteh[m]> cucks
<deepfire> where can one read what problem does matrix.ai solve?
<contrapumpkin> I try to steer clear of that word :)
<deepfire> because their site doesn't help with that
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<contrapumpkin> deepfire: sorry, the matrix.ai was me being confused
<contrapumpkin> matrix.org is the thing they were telling me to use
<deepfire> contrapumpkin: still, don't you think that matrix.ai is intriguing? : -)
<deepfire> contrapumpkin: they mention NixOS and lenses on one page : -)
<contrapumpkin> yeah probably :)
<contrapumpkin> looks like a blog + a company
<deepfire> is matrix.org related?
<Ralith> don't think so
<spacekitteh[m]> contrapumpkin: it's funny becuase they think it's an insult
<Ralith> it's just a not particularly creative name >_>
<Ralith> no surprise that it gets overloaded
<spacekitteh[m]> deepfire: sounds like my kind of crazy
<spacekitteh> i regularly ask myself if i have schizophrenia due to the things i think to be intertwined
<spacekitteh[m]> anyway
<spacekitteh[m]> can someone take a squiz at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/24239 ?
<Ralith> spacekitteh: you appear to have inadvertently deleted the meat of it
<spacekitteh[m]> well shit
<contrapumpkin> you accidentally the whole commit
<spacekitteh[m]> there, refresh :P
<Ralith> did you mean to include this test.nix?
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<spacekitteh[m]> sorta
<spacekitteh[m]> i guess it should probably go into a test directory
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* dtz finds himself 'having a squiz at' http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=squiz lol
<spacekitteh[m]> :V
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSJFq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 306f2c6 Dan Peebles: zsnes: only build on Linux...
<dtz> might have to use that regularly now :D :P
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<dtz> Although told my gf about it and... I like it written out quite a bit better than trying to pronounce it. O:)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] deepfire opened pull request #24268: virtualbox: fix pulseaudio device access: #24259 (master...virtualbox-fix-pulseaudio) https://git.io/vSJFP
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] uwap opened pull request #24269: Prosody: 0.9.10 -> 0.9.12 (master...patch-1) https://git.io/vSJbU
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<spacekitteh[m]> lol dtz
<spacekitteh[m]> it rhymes with "biz"
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<spacekitteh[m]> copumpkin: contrapumpkin should i squash the commits?
<spacekitteh[m]> yeah i will
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<contrapumpkin> sounds good :)
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<spacekitteh> pushed!
<spacekitteh[m]> and signed :3
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<spacekitteh[m]> people should really sign their commits
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<spacekitteh[m]> oh hang on something's gone bad
<spacekitteh[m]> :(
<contrapumpkin> spacekitteh[m]: also posted another nitpick
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<contrapumpkin> sorry :(
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<spacekitteh[m]> i couldn't figure out how to how to have multiple ${}s on separate lines combined with '' '' strings
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<spacekitteh[m]> so i decided to just take them out of the string and have the command as one big line
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<spacekitteh[m]> contrapumpkin: should i just take the test out
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<contrapumpkin> spacekitteh[m]: probably easier, since it'll be "tested" by other packages pretty quickly
<contrapumpkin> if something goes wrong
<spacekitteh[m]> fair enough
<spacekitteh[m]> will remove and repush :B
<spacekitteh[m]> there :3
<contrapumpkin> one last nitpick
<spacekitteh[m]> ye?
<contrapumpkin> there's a commit message guideline
<contrapumpkin> something like fetchGitRepo: init with an explanation below
<spacekitteh[m]> ah yes
<contrapumpkin> err, fetchRepoProject
<spacekitteh[m]> there :3
<contrapumpkin> \o/
<spacekitteh[m]> \o/
* contrapumpkin -> bed
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin closed pull request #24239: Added fetchRepoProject (master...fetchFromGitRepo) https://git.io/vSvOu
<spacekitteh[m]> g'night
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSUeP
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 59261f2 Peter Hoeg: msr-tools: init at 1.3
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zx2c4 opened pull request #24270: wireguard: 0.0.20170320.1 -> 0.0.20170324 (master...patch-2) https://git.io/vSUfk
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] uwap opened pull request #24271: quassel-webserver: 2.1.1 -> 2.2.8 (master...quassel-webserver-update) https://git.io/vSUf3
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] therealpxc opened pull request #24272: ppsspp: 1.1.0 -> 1.3 (master...ppsspp) https://git.io/vSUfl
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<jluttine> is there a searchable package list of unstable channel? i guess this is for 16.09 or 16.03: https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html
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<c74d> jluttine: I keep a local checkout of nixpkgs and search in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
<c74d> I don't know of any list on the Web
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSUOC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d69e932 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.ocaml-compiler-libs: init at 0.9.0...
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<jluttine> c74d: thanks! that helped. although not all packages are listed there, so it required some trial and error for me to find some packages that had moved since my last upgrade (e.g., kdeApplications.print-manager)
<c74d> jluttine: there are other files/directories for certain desktop environments and programming languages
<c74d> some of these are also in pkgs/top-level, some are in other directories
<jluttine> c74d: yep.. :)
<c74d> I also search the whole repo (with `rg` or formerly `git grep`), but that's a much more expensive operation
<jluttine> the web search is awesome, except it's not for unstable channel
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<xeviox> hi guys, I've created the expression http://pastebin.com/Ss0J33KU to be able to install a different version of botocore on my system. When trying to build it with "nix-build" it crashes with the error "Package ‘self-4.5.0’ in ‘/nix/store/...’ is marked as broken, refusing to evaluate.
<xeviox> I just found one bug about "marked as broken" which states that the flag is to strict
<xeviox> my question is, what is wrong?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSUG0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f6669da Daiderd Jordan: fetchrepoproject: fix evaluation
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #24252: darwin: cleanup obsolete sdks (master...topic_darwin_cleanup) https://git.io/vSJWV
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<LnL> xeviox: the with on the first line adds all of the packages to the current scope, "self" is a package here
<LnL> what you probably want here is pythonPackages.dateutil
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<xeviox> LnL: I thought I could make all packages from my channel available in this way
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<xeviox> I'm pretty unexperienced with nix expression and seems a python package is a bad start :/
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] spacekitteh opened pull request #24275: fetchRepoProject: Fix buildCommand (master...fetchFromGitRepo) https://git.io/vSUck
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<spacekitteh[m]> LnL: had to fix it with this https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/24275
<spacekitteh[m]> also can someone merge that pls
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<dmj`> what does the ‘Ng’ suffix stand for in ‘emacsPackagesNg'
<spacekitteh[m]> "new generation"
<domenkozar> I'm running 17.03 and it all works as usual, boring :)
<spacekitteh[m]> /next generation
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<sphalerite> OK, now I regret helping dtluna
<sphalerite> simpson: I went through basically all the same steps with him that you did
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<bkchr> Hi, are there any default iptables/firewall settings? Because I'm trying to connect to port 69 to an application on my pc, but the connection is not established.
<bkchr> already tried systemctl stop firewall.service
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<globin> domenkozar: sry ;)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jluttine opened pull request #24276: yadm: 1.05 -> 1.07 (master...yadm-1.07) https://git.io/vSUlc
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<domenkozar> globin: :-P
<globin> domenkozar: but feel free to fix gdm \o/
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<globin> domenkozar: I'm kind of getting lost there, bisected the first failure but a revert does not fix it :/
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<globin> domenkozar: ah wait i messed up /o\
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<globin> maybe it actually does
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<domenkozar> :)
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<globin> domenkozar: shouldn't have fiddled with it at 3am yesterday %)
<domenkozar> <insert that's what she said joke>
<domenkozar> now I'm the bad culture guy :) globin how is it going otherwise?
<domenkozar> we still have to merge staging*
<sphalerite> bkchr: what does iptables -S say?
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<globin> domenkozar: \o/ quite good, nostly some minor stuff for ZHF which could be marked as broken if no one fixes it in time, the GDM issue, container networking (that fpletz is working on)
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<globin> domenkozar: there are some other open issues but I think only one regression with bind-named I was going to look at and the rest is stuff that has never worked
<domenkozar> I'll upgrade everythign this weekend
<globin> domenkozar: wrt staging, yeah was waiting for it to build
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<globin> domenkozar: I have another commit for staging but that isn't critical and can go in after the release if necessary as a bugfix
<domenkozar> oh hydra is bored so I think it's good timing
<globin> could actually push that to "normal" staging right now
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<domenkozar> oh this one is really annoying
<domenkozar> but it was attempted many times
<globin> ah need more worktrees /o\
<domenkozar> I just got my 32gb ram laptop so I can test it
<domenkozar> globin: I also will update Hydra to latest commit
<globin> domenkozar: was just doing it :)
<domenkozar> heh
<globin> domenkozar: but go ahead :)
<globin> I'm doing too much in parallel anyway
<domenkozar> already WIP :)
<sphalerite> I'm just experimenting with using nix without stdenv... is it possible to make a derivation that just uses a regular, non-purpose-built executable as its builder? The only obstacle I'm seeing right now is the ability to pass the output path to it...
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<sphalerite> Unrelated, why is rpath used rather than linking to libraries with their absolute paths?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSURl
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4e57e7f Robin Gloster: Revert "gdm module: only make xserver args overrideable"...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSURE
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f83f094 Robin Gloster: Revert "gdm module: only make xserver args overrideable"...
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<orphaneo> hello guys, i forked nixpkgs, whats the process of pull request ?
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<ndowens08> Morning
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<ronny> sphalerite: i beleive you will have to put it into nix-store somehow, ad then use the store path as a builder (but dont quote me on it)
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<sphalerite> yep, I've got that far
<sphalerite> the problem is getting the output path into the arguments
<sphalerite> Not sure if it's possible at all
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<ndowens08> What's the issue. Didn't see it, then again may not be able to help
<sphalerite> 10:29 < sphalerite> I'm just experimenting with using nix without stdenv... is it possible to make a derivation that just uses a regular, non-purpose-built executable as its builder? The only obstacle I'm seeing right now is the ability to pass the output path to it...
<goibhniu> hi orphaneo, are you familiar with github? We use the standard procedure.
<ndowens08> Ah. Idk I know every pkg uses stdenv
<ndowens08> That I have seen
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<ndowens08> I would guess it wouldn't be possible but I can be wrong
<LnL> what do you mean by that?
<ndowens08> LnL who ya asking?
<LnL> ^ sphalerite
<sphalerite> I'd like to use the pandoc executable directly as a builder, rather than going via a shell script, because all the shell script would do is turn the $out variable into an argument for the program
<domenkozar> niksnut: any objections bumping nixUnstable? Needed for latest Hydra
<ronny> sphalerite: as far as i understood, $out is an env var, as well as other potential outputs, so you will need some kind of wrapper anyway
<LnL> you mean like something that's simpler then stdenv.mkDerivation, or do you really not want to use the stdenv?
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<sphalerite> I don't want to use stdenv. There's no major practical reason, it's mostly just for educational purposes :)
<spacekitteh[m]> sphalerite: check out eelco's thesis on Nix
<LnL> usually you'd do something like runCommand "foo" {} '' echo foo > $out '', but that still depends on the stdenv
<adfaure> Hello, I am thinking to use nix to package and deploy my experiments, does anyone used nix for such purpose ?
<sphalerite> yeah
<orphaneo> goibhniu: i am kinda but i dont know when i should use git rebase :D
<sphalerite> spacekitteh[m]: will do, thanks for the pointer
<ndowens08> Ik I only rebase to squash my commits when submitting PRs but that's me
<ndowens08> And Ik rebasing is used for spitting commits too but I have yet to do that part
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<LnL> sphalerite: there is also a nix pill that explains what the stdenv.mkDerivation does for you compared to builtins.derivation
<orphaneo> the master branch is already 10 commits head of me. should i always keep it updated and if how ? :D
<ndowens08> orphaneo: your forked copy?
<vmandela> I am trying to set the number of parallel fetches from binary caches to 4 in the config file instead of doing "nix-env -u -j 4" each time. Is setting "binary-caches-parallel-connections = 4;" in config.nix the right thing to do? It does not seem to work.
<orphaneo> yes sir
<ndowens08> orphaneo: k will explain
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<ndowens08> I will call yours origin. And nixos repo as upstream
<orphaneo> okey
<c0c0n3> hi guys, have a silly question re: glib package, is this the right place to ask?
<ndowens08> You need to add upstream URL to your copy. So you can checkout master. Then git fetch upstream then git merge upstream/master then finally git push
<ndowens08> Give ya a link on how to add upstream one sec
<orphaneo> yeah i know this part.
<ndowens08> That is how you keep your copy up to date
<orphaneo> okey
<orphaneo> lets say i have a branch which is not synced with always updated master of my fork.
<orphaneo> i should do git rebase on my own branch ?
<ndowens08> Yup though like I said I only squash commit history for the pkg I am submitting.
<ndowens08> After squashing then push to your origin BRANCH
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSUzb
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f38c4ee Peter Hoeg: duplicity: -> 0.7.12
<orphaneo> okey, so there is no need to keep updated the branch also.
<ndowens08> I would keep it fairly updated
<ndowens08> Reason I say is if you are updating a pkg
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<ndowens08> Someone might have already updated it and if it is updated you will notice it
<orphaneo> okey cool, thank you
<ndowens08> Np
<orphaneo> btw, i installed the package with nix-build -A pkg, how can i remove it from my system ?
<orphaneo> nix-env -e pkg, doesnt seem to work
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<ndowens08> Another nice thing. Is if you keep it updated and when you merge upstream/master it shows what has been updated and will eventually be available to be downloaded or you know you can download it right then and install update
<ndowens08> What pkg
<c0c0n3> hi guys, have a silly question re: glib package, is this the right place to ask?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #23863: vulnix: init at 1.2.2 (master...add-vulnix) https://git.io/vyPsw
<orphaneo> a package i tried to package
<ndowens08> Hmm should work if it is installed and using -e same name used to install it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar created hydra-bump (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vSUgW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/hydra-bump 3631f8d Domen Kožar: Nix, Hydra: bump to 2017-03-21
<ndowens08> Sometimes I have issues uninstalling if I used nox to install. No idea why but I have enough hard drive space so I just move on
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar opened pull request #24277: Nix, Hydra: bump to 2017-03-21 (master...hydra-bump) https://git.io/vSUgl
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] knedlsepp opened pull request #24278: eccodes: init at 2.2.0 (master...add_eccodes) https://git.io/vSUgR
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] basvandijk opened pull request #24279: ghcjsHEAD: upgrade ghcjs-boot packages (master...ghcjsHEAD-upgrade-to-latest-LTS) https://git.io/vSUg2
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<orphaneo> :D okey
<orphaneo> bothering you too much but i have another question
<orphaneo> i built the package yesterday. now i wanted to try it after somechanges and it again downloads all deps to build package why its happening ? i thought they are already downloaded yesterday. because yesterday when i was trying to build, the nix-build -A pkg didnt download packages always
<ndowens08> Hmm not sure unless here was some updates possibly
<ndowens08> There not here
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<ndowens08> Gtg see ya later
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<frigate_freedom> Hello!
<frigate_freedom> Is nixos-17.03 release date availabele?
<ronny> frigate_freedom: there will be a sprint in munich this week with the release manager this weekend, and the release party is panned for next weekend, so soon i hope ^^
<dmj`> nixos is the best thing to happen to me in a while
<orphaneo> :D
<frigate_freedom> ronny: good news, witing :)
<frigate_freedom> wating*
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra closed pull request #24266: 915resolution: 0.5.2 -> 0.5.3 (master...915resolution) https://git.io/vSJ7Q
<c0c0n3> hi guys, I have a question can anyone help or tell me who/where to ask?
<ronny> c0c0n3: ask the question perhaps? else we have literally no idea
<c0c0n3> cool, thx! im stuck with glib,
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<c0c0n3> i want to use gsettings, i.e. i want to add it to my path, but the binary is not in the glib package
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<domenkozar> niksnut: so what's missing for nix 1.12?
<orphaneo> the pkg , i am packaging depends on gnome-shell at runtime, i added gnome-shell to path but it downloads gnome-shell and building from scratch, am i doing something wrong ?
<c0c0n3> this doesn't work: "${pkgs.glib}/bin/gsettings"
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<domenkozar> niksnut: so I can infer release date from that :)
<c0c0n3> ronny: is this the right place to ask?
<oaerigjawrnew> Hi! I'm keen to try out Nix as a package manager. I'm wondering if the way you pro users are using it is with the nix-env command - which seems quite imperative to me, or if you are keeping a .nix file which specifies what packages to install somewhere? In a declarative way that is. If so, I'd be extremely thankful for a github or pastebin link with your config, to learn! Many thanks
<domenkozar> niksnut: I know we need to properly remove perl
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<nixy> oaerigjawrnew: You can find a bunch of them on github if you search for nix-config, but some peoples setups can be kind of mind boggling if your just getting started
<oaerigjawrnew> nixy: good thinking, should have done that first!
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<oaerigjawrnew> Just one quick question then: after having assembled my ~/.nix-pkgs/config.nix, what is the command to run to "make it so"? $ bundle install in ruby world
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<sphalerite> oaerigjawrnew: what people generally do is write a nix expression that includes all the software they want and then install that (and only that) using nix-env
<sphalerite> mine looks like this https://github.com/lheckemann/dotfiles/default.nix
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<sphalerite> whoops
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<c0c0n3> oaerigjawrnew: I've put together a nixos/nix survival guide, mainly notes to self at this point but you're welcome to look at it and use any of the modules there if anything is useful to you: https://github.com/c0c0n3/trixie-dotses
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<c0c0n3> ronny: you still there?
<qknight> how to print the file + line number of a `throw` statement in nix?
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<c0c0n3> if anyone knows anything about how glib is packaged, I'd appreciate if you could tell me how to make this work: "${pkgs.glib}/bin/gsettings"
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<c0c0n3> gsettings is not in that derivation in the nix store, but is in glib-2.48*-dev
<c0c0n3> problem is, there's no glib-2.48*-dev package as such if i search for it with nix
<gchristensen> c0c0n3: ${pkgs.glib.dev}/bin/gsettings"
<c0c0n3> thank you sooooo much, will try that just now
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<qknight> gchristensen: why .dev and not .bin?
<gchristensen> like why is it in .dev, or why did I guess .dev?
<ronny> c0c0n3: sorry, i do have a appointment
<c0c0n3> ronny: no worries! thx anyway
<c0c0n3> gchristensen: that worked like a charm! thanks a stack!
<ronny> c0c0n3: as for gsettings, i have no idea what package it is from, its possible that its not in the main output of the glib derivation
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSUrk
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6948f79 Jason A. Donenfeld: wireguard: 0.0.20170320.1 -> 0.0.20170324
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 64f9673 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #24270 from zx2c4/patch-2...
<ronny> oh, gchristensen already answered ^^
<ronny> and bbl
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<c0c0n3> ronny: yip gchristensen has already answered, but thanks anyway, appreciate that
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<HappyEnte> c0c0n3, you have some nice stuff there in your nix repo, nicely annotated too :), really like the spacemacs module will definitely take that into my local configuration
<c0c0n3> HappyEnte: cool beans, grab whatever you like!
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<c0c0n3> HappyEnte: oh, if you using NixOS I've also got modules to install Spacemacs and configure it
<sphalerite> I'm writing an expression for a package (for inclusion in nixpkgs) with a huge number of optional features, many of which bring in additional dependencies. Should I be exposing all of them?
<gchristensen> sphalerite: generally you should not have many any options
<gchristensen> how many is a huge number?
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<sphalerite> about 100
<gchristensen> oh my no
<sphalerite> so how woudl I provide the ability for a user to customise it?
<sphalerite> given that a lot of them make extra dependencies necessary? Accept extra configure flags and extra buildInputs as a function argument?
<HappyEnte> c0c0n3, yep currently taking a look also at your dot link module, I have currently something similar where I have a super user spark service that links from store into user home, but as a nix module it seems a lot nicer :)
<sphalerite> Or just expect the user to use overrideDerivation?
<gchristensen> sphalerite: may I ask what it is?
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<c0c0n3> HappyEnte: yah, but bear in mind for some of the stuff your service may be a better idea. I've only used dot-link to symlink dot files from a local check out of trixie-dotses. the reason for doing that is that i can track config changes with git.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ma27 opened pull request #24281: idea.phpstorm: 2016.3.2 -> 2017.1 (master...update-phpstorm) https://git.io/vSU6D
<sphalerite> gchristensen: cyrus-imapd
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<gchristensen> is there a "Common Defaults" we could follow to enable by default, andd expect overrideDerivation from there?
<sphalerite> yeah I think so
<gchristensen> let's do that
<sphalerite> I guess anyone who's configuring a mail server (and using NixOS :D ) will be prepared to dig into it a bit further anyway
<gchristensen> adding too many options makes it hard for a future person not so familiar to try and patch it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dyrnade opened pull request #24283: native host connector for gnome extensions (master...chrome-gnome-shell) https://git.io/vSUPO
<ndowens08> So glad a certain mgr is suppose to be off maybe a good day :)
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<sphalerite> hm, cyrus-imapd's build uses xxd -i to convert a text file into a header file... Is there a better option than adding vim to its buildInputs for getting it building?
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<gchristensen> nope, not that I know of
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ma27 opened pull request #24284: geogebra: 5-0-338-0 -> 5-0-346-0 (master...update-geogebra) https://git.io/vSUX3
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<qknight> gchristensen: nvm
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<sphalerite> :(
<sphalerite> oh well, I guess it's only a build-time dependency
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<MarcWeber> Does it make sense to have a global nixpkgs.pulseSupport flag which can be applied to all packages ?
<primeos[m]> Hey, is anyone here using an encrypted volume on top of LVM and/or is familiar with luksroot.nix?
<MarcWeber> Eg mplayer could have pulseSupport ? config.pulseSupport or false.
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<sphalerite> MarcWeber: I think the problem with that is that it makes the availability of binary caches less likely
<MarcWeber> sphalerite: But if you want pulse you want, right?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ma27 opened pull request #24285: phpPackages.composer: 1.3.2 -> 1.4.1 (master...update-composer) https://git.io/vSUX1
<MarcWeber> Which should be the default configuration or which binary packages to be provided is another topic.
<sphalerite> I guess, but often applications can just use the ALSA interface
<sphalerite> mplayer should work just fine on pulse even without pulseSupport
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jdanekrh opened pull request #24286: idea-community: 2016.3.5 -> 2017.1 (master...jd_idea-community) https://git.io/vSUXF
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<MarcWeber> You're right mplayer -> pavuctl shows it. but why are videos from browsers
<MarcWeber> silent?
<c0c0n3> hi guys, i have another question re: gsettings. when i run it, it moans about schemas not being installed. have installed gnome3.gsettings_desktop_schemas to no avail. any idea how to run gsettings on nixos?
<sphalerite> MarcWeber: I don't know... Which browsers? It works fine for me with firefox
<MarcWeber> Chromium works now ..
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<ronny> anyone aware of a way to trigger the rebuild of the grub menu without nixos-rebuild boot
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cpages pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSUSv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 d1619fe Peter Hoeg: kodi: 17.0 -> 17.1...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSUHT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 c1b5643 Peter Hoeg: kodi: 17.0 -> 17.1...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 4367e3e Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #24262 from peterhoeg/u/kodi_stable...
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<kthnnlg> Hi, I would like to install the ocaml mode for emacs. Can someone point me to the code that I need to add to my nixos config file? thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSU7x
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8c98df0 Nikolay Amiantov: octoprint-plugins.m33-fio: fix incompatibility with new OctoPrint
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSU5G
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 03c07ac Nikolay Amiantov: octoprint-plugins.m33-fio: fix incompatibility with new OctoPrint...
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<ryantrinkle> has anyone else had trouble with the latest OVA from the downloads page not booting to graphical mode lately?
<ryantrinkle> i see there were some tickets closed out around November 2016
<ryantrinkle> however, I think i just saw the same thing with the latest
<ryantrinkle> oh, actually, nevermind; i still had something out of date
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<HappyEnte> kthnnlg, do you use emacsWithPackages?
<kthnnlg> HappyEnte: i'm not sure what that is
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<HappyEnte> kthnnlg, you can let nix handle emacs packages like this https://gist.github.com/HappyEnte/e59b474885a21e6684c5184c116bdd4d
<HappyEnte> kthnnlg, but i guess you are handling packages through your emacs configuration?
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<kthnnlg> HappyEnte: thanks! i'd prefer to handle the emacs packages system wide via nixos configuration
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<kthnnlg> HappyEnte: thanks for the emacs.nix example. Can I simply past these lines into my nix config? It looks like I need to do more, because there is a binding site for `customEmacs` but I see no use sites...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSUAS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f815a76 Joachim Fasting: dnscrypt-proxy service: systemd notification under apparmor
<HappyEnte> kthnnlg, https://gist.github.com/HappyEnte/b013cefb69b0e20f0e4780c4ad47def2 you could for example put `customEmacs` into systemPackages, but there are of course many other ways.
<HappyEnte> kthnnlg, note that i am not too sure whether this is the best/right way to include ocamlMode but I guess it should work fine
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<kthnnlg> super! thanks
<HappyEnte> kthnnlg, no problem :)
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<ronny> FRidh: is there any way to ignore certain python collisions, i get one of the backports/__init__.py collisions again
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<ronny> i wonder if python buildenv could support could be optimized by symlinking the toplevel folders and fixing up namespace packages in the target environment
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<kthnnlg> HappyEnte: sorry, one more question: after I run the nixos switch, the ocaml mode doesn't automatically show up in emacs. Do I need further configuration?
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<vincent_vdk> hi, how well is NixOS suited for daily usage on a laptop..
<ndowens08> Idk about laptop but I use it on my desktop just fine. I'd imagine it would be fine on one too as long as hardware is supported by kernel
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<kragniz> vincent_vdk: I use it on my laptop
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<goibhniu> yeah, it's excellent :D
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<vincent_vdk> just wondering about kernel tuning and stuff like that
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<goibhniu> you can compile a custom kernel, if you like
<HappyEnte> kthnnlg, to be honest i don't personally use emacsWithPackages, do pdf-tools appear for you automatically? might be that ocamlMode has to be handled differently
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<HappyEnte> kthnnlg, what should work if you install ocamlMode into your system environment and add it to your package directory list like described here https://git.io/vSUjw
<vincent_vdk> ok thx all
<HappyEnte> kthnnlg, ahh nevermind a (require 'caml) should be sufficient in your init.el wasn't sure if this was already done in the emacs wrapper
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<ertes> is there a predefined function to create a directory derivation that only includes a symbolic link to another derivation's output?
<ertes> e.g. /opt/hbase -> <output of hbase>
<clever> ertes: dont think so, but runCommand would make that simple
<clever> ertes: runCommand "hbase" {} "mkdir -p $out/opt ; ln -sv ${hbase-raw} $out/opt/hbase";
<ertes> ah, great, thank you!
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<ertes> yeah, does exactly what i need =)
<ertes> clever: out of curiosity: what's hbase-raw? i don't have it (yet?)
<clever> ertes: another derivation, that produces the thing you want to link to
<ertes> ah, you didn't use the actual hbase attribute from nixpkgs
<clever> yeah, could just change it to hbase and it should work
<ertes> BTW, any tipps on improving my development cycle with docker? i'm using nixpkgs.dockerTools.buildImage, which involves building the image, loading it into docker, etc… i can automate the commands, but the whole thing takes time
<clever> ive not done much with docker
<ertes> yeah, i'm asking the channel =)
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<ronny> hmm
<ronny> steam is still broken on unstable :/
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<kragniz> when did it break for you?
<kragniz> it's been working okay for me over the last couple of weeks
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<ronny> qknight: it complains not being able to write bootstrap files & exits after some file permission errors
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<kragniz> ah I think I had the same problem a while ago
<kragniz> I did something to the steam files to fix it
<kragniz> I don't remember what, though :/
<ronny> kragniz: how unfortunate, that bacially leavs the rest of us in shit ^^
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<kthnnlg> HappyEnte: thanks! i got everything configured as i had hoped :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 4 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSTTq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ccc1042 Thomas Tuegel: nixos/plasma5: also test SDDM theme
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 60c9bf9 Thomas Tuegel: sddm: fix wrapper...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 c6195b6 Thomas Tuegel: plasma-workspace: propagate Qt-based inputs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] elitak opened pull request #24291: libav: added pulseaudioSupport option (master...pulse-libav) https://git.io/vSTkv
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] elitak opened pull request #24292: sox: added enabelLibpulseaudio option (master...pulse-sox) https://git.io/vSTkc
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSTIe
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 92a8c86 Eric Litak: sox: added enableLibpulseaudio option
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 201f3ef Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #24292 from elitak/pulse-sox...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #24292: sox: added enableLibpulseaudio option (master...pulse-sox) https://git.io/vSTkc
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<contrapumpkin> niksnut: PM please :)
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<gchristensen> contrapumpkin: what about AM?
<contrapumpkin> lol
<adfaure> Hello, I am packaging an application, but one of the dependency is not at the right version, So I wonder how to deal with version of lib/application ? Thanks.
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<ronny> adfaure: typically by using either a override or declaring a new version of that package
<ronny> adfaure: depending on the ecosystem more may be needed, is this about a python application?
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<adfaure> ronny, hello, no this is about a lib called gspell from gnome3
<adfaure> I overrided my fork, but I wonder what are the 'good practices'
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #24221: gogs: 0.9.113 -> 0.10.18 (master...gogs) https://git.io/vSeP4
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<adfaure> ronny: Do you think the nginx way is a good solution ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSTsT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 27ba56f Thomas Tuegel: nixos/plasma5: also test SDDM theme
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e44cd00 Thomas Tuegel: sddm: fix wrapper...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5dbbb60 Thomas Tuegel: nixos/plasma5: re-enable test...
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<sphalerite> Does anyone know good docs on making a nixos image for a raspberry pi?
<ronny> adfaure: not sure waht you mean, im only a user myself
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSTGa
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a23b18c ndowens: bitcoin-classic: 0.11.2.cl1.b1 -> 1.2.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a7cb699 Michael Raskin: bitcoin-classic: 1.2.1 -> 1.2.3...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #23577: bitcoin-classic: 0.11.2.cl1.b1 -> 1.2.1 (master...bitcoin-class) https://git.io/vyBS3
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<qknight> sphalerite: the old wiki has some bits about doing that
<qknight> sphalerite: Dezgeg[m] and viric are ppl to ask
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<Yaniel> how do I use the mozilla overlay? (or overlays in general)
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<contrapumpkin> ikwildrpepper: you asked what capacity would be good for macOS, and I said I don't know :) I'd say "more than we have now" would be lovely if it's easy to get. Like maybe up to mac10?
<contrapumpkin> we're going to be making a lot of stdenv changes soon to improve a bunch of stuff
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<contrapumpkin> and it's kind of painful especially when we're sharing those builds with stable
<contrapumpkin> where stable = master :P
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<jluttine> anyone set up nextcloud on nixos? any experience / tips?
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<gchristensen> lol TIL builtins has a builtins in it: builtins.builtins.builtins.builtins.import
<contrapumpkin> nice
<contrapumpkin> also some builtins aren't inside builtins
<contrapumpkin> they're so builtin
<gchristensen> lol
<contrapumpkin> niksnut: never quite understood the logic of top-level builtins vs the namespaced ones
<contrapumpkin> niksnut: is that just a historical artifact?
<gchristensen> is there a way to see the arguments of a lambda I'm trying to call?
<gchristensen> (there _is_ I just forget what it is)
<contrapumpkin> I guess you want import to be at the top-level scope
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<sphalerite> qknight: thanks. The wiki doesn't say anything about how the image is built though
<LnL> gchristensen: builtins.functionArgs?
<sphalerite> or rather, not enough information to reproduce it
<gchristensen> yes! thank you, LnL
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSTlP
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c86f005 ndowens: direwolf: 1.2 -> 1.3...
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<LnL> that's what callPackage uses to figure out what attributtes to get from the scope IIRC
<gchristensen> fancy...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #24105: direwolf: 1.2 -> 1.3 (master...direwolf) https://git.io/vydhu
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<gchristensen> O.o: $ time nix-instantiate ./tests.nix => 1m40s
<dtzWill> eep I finally traced a bug down to having our /etc/protocols out-of-date D:. List of things I wouldn't think to check, normally, lol.
<dtzWill> "oh my protocol IANA list must be stale"
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<dtzWill> anyway happily there are already 2 (recent) PR's addressing the problem so, hooray
<ndowens08> Hey again
<dtzWill> ndowens08: hi! (ᵔᴥᵔ)
<ndowens08> :)
<ndowens08> So is it goin
<ndowens08> How*
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<ndowens08> Kinda dead ATM :/
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #24257: geda: fix build by using guile_2_0 instead of latest ver (master...pjones/geda-guile) https://git.io/vSJE4
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSTBw
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 317734f Peter Hoeg: speedcrunch: stick to qt 5.7 as 5.8 is broken
<dtzWill> YAY I spent way more time debugging this than I should have but MAN it feels good to finally figure it out ^____^
<Unode> If nix is configured to use a TMPDIR which sits on a different filesystem, since tests are always executed as part of the build, are these tests run on the TMPDIR or on the /nix/store location?
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<Unode> The reason I'm asking is I'm getting some odd failures and 'hangs' during some tests. Usually features to do with locks.
<dtzWill> TMPDIR I believe, I've had this cause problems for me when the host kernel (not NixOS) didn't support some needed filesystem feature for the tests lol
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSTBp
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bc4dc9c ndowens: codeblocks: 13.12 -> 16.01...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #24074: codeblocks: 13.12 -> 16.01 (master...codeblocks) https://git.io/vydD4
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<Unode> dtzWill: I might be hitting the same issue. Which OS was this?
<dtzWill> ha! sounds related. I don't remember if it was tmpfs or if I was using a TMPDIR that was really a bind-mount of some other filesystem. It's... SL6 maybe.
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<Unode> Centos 6.5 here.
<dtzWill> SL6.8, and yeah it's in that family
<Unode> I also wondered about selinux but don't know enough to pinpoint the blame
<adfaure> Hi, when packaging application, is there a way to log the commands exectued by the mkDerivation ?
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<domenkozar> adfaure: set -xe
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<domenkozar> at the begining of the builder
<adfaure> oh, nice idea thank you! it a is a bash feature right ?
<sphalerite> -e should already be set, no?
* dtzWill really wants derivation logs to include info like how long the build took. I know hydra can track but but I too-often find myself wanting that info later :P
<sphalerite> adfaure: posix shell — will work in plain sh too
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<gchristensen> grrrrr
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<ndowens08> I thought there was a cmd that you prefix before what ya run and it tells ya how long it took
<gchristensen> I would _really really like_ a mini-hydra that can take an input file and produce a build result summary of the passes & failures
<sphalerite> and just -x is enough, -e makes it exit if any of the commands in the script fail, but that's already set in nix
* gchristensen 's gonna go crazy
<ndowens08> Something similar to: time nix-build blah
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<sphalerite> ndowens08: (it's called time and) it only helps if you want to know how long all of it took, but not for each derivation
<ndowens08> True
<ndowens08> Just the only thing I could think of
* ndowens08 tells gchristensen you're not the only one
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar closed pull request #24258: travis: sudo: true, to gain 4G of RAM, as per @domenkozar suggestion to fix #24200 (master...travis-pr-repair) https://git.io/vSJaR
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<dtzWill> lol wait were we really talking about 'time'? I assumed he meant like NIX_BUILD_HOOK=time or .. something. lol
<ndowens08> I just thought of cmd time :)
<dtzWill> anyway just seems like a thing that should always be done for every derivation. I know time is impure but it would only be in the logs, not the result.
<adfaure> Where can I find the default mkDerivation please ?
<adfaure> I have been looking without success
<dtzWill> adfaure: stdenv/generic/something
<dtzWill> adfaure: pkgs/stdenv/generic/default.nix
<adfaure> dtzWill: thanks !
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<mami> hey, is there a way to convert debian packages to nix packages?
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<Unode> is there any way to disable tests globally when building from source with nix?
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<Unode> Seems like all the failures I'm currently getting are due to silly filesystem limitations.
<Unode> which cause '100% CPU hangs' during tests.
<sphalerite> Dezgeg: Is there a way to cross-build that?
<sphalerite> (even if it's in qemu or something)
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<dtzWill> Unode: dunno, you can probably accomplish it with a stdenv adapter like these: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/stdenv/adapters.nix but that's going to be a bit mucky I think
<Dezgeg> with qemu, yes
<dtzWill> Unode: is it gnulib tests? lol because IIRC they have some weird file locking/thread thing that causes my SL6 machine with 32cores to go crazy and take forever lol
<Unode> dtzWill: gnutls was the most recent
<dtzWill> and IIRC often eventually fail, due to a kernel bug or something.
<Dezgeg> sphalerite: are you planning to build a custom image or what?
<dtzWill> which is legit but also I just want my build server to build things so I can run them on non-borken kernels :P lol
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<Unode> the other one was libu something or something like that
<dtzWill> think it happened with everything that had a copy of gnulib or w/e, an example is findutils
<Unode> yup findutils also failed
<sphalerite> Dezgeg: yeah, that would be cool. I don't have a real reason to do so besides "it would be cool" though so if there's something I can just download and stick on the card that would also do
<deepfire> can someone with travis access trigger rebuild of https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/24002 ?
<Unode> dtzWill: I'm currently doing a silly swipe the test out while the build is running as I didn't want to have to create new derivations.
<deepfire> the Travis PR mechanism was supposedly just fixed, and I can't push directly
<Dezgeg> sphalerite: you can find prebuilt ones at https://nixos.org/wiki/NixOS_on_ARM
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<Unode> I might have to disable tests per-package though if this happens to rebuild in the future.
<dtzWill> hahahahahaa nice
<deepfire> yay, someone just did : -)
<sphalerite> Dezgeg: nice, sd-image-armv7l-linux.img is what I'd want for a Pi 2 Model B, right?
* deepfire wonders who was that kind stranger..
<Unode> One of these days I'll understand nix. Right now I still struggle to create any kind of derivation/modification.
<Dezgeg> sphalerite: yes
<sphalerite> great, thanks
<Unode> dtzWill: in your experience, did building with vmTools help?
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<dtzWill> ha! it has occasionally. I haven't had this problem in a while, I think it was partially fixed by changing the TMPDIR used. But there are multiple issues here I think..
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<dtzWill> i think it was greatly helped by not using a custom NIX_STORE path lol but I do certainly build these things as well. Maybe I just disabled tests for them.
<dtzWill> (I know I did for findutils O:))
<Unode> yeah the old TMPDIR was tmpfs, this one is ext4 so I guess something else is to blame. The actual /nix/store is on some shady NFS system that has messed up hardlink support (this is also loads of fun)
* dtzWill checks gnutls
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<Unode> dtzWill: wish I could have /nix that would save me 98% of the pain.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSTaU
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dd385d9 Robin Gloster: qt57.makeQtWrapper: fix eval
<dtzWill> lmao yeah I feel your pain. Yikes NFS I'm surprised that works at all, but maybe I shouldn't be. Basically I try to avoid NFS but maybe that's just the environments I've been in.
<dtzWill> oh, IIRC gnutls just has really expensive tests to begin with haha.
<dtzWill> run ALL the ciphers.
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<dtzWill> :)
<gchristensen> domenkozar: can I convince you to make a minihydra before making hercules?
<FRidh> gchristensen: I think a simple way to implement this is write a program that first nix-instantiate thereby obtaining a list of .drvs, and then calling nix-build for each of them.
<maurer> I just want to note, I'm really impressed with whoever made the nginx module's enableACME feature
<maurer> I've had to deploy Let's Encrypt not-on-nixos 3 times, and this was far easier than any of them were
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<domenkozar> gchristensen: whatyaneed
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<dtzWill> Unode: > make[4]: Entering directory '/nix/tmp/nix-build-gnutls-3.4.16.drv-0/gnutls-3.4.16/tests/slow
<dtzWill> hahaha
<Unode> dtzWill: wait until it gets to test-lock
<dtzWill> err I have a special /nix/tmp, lol.
<gchristensen> domenkozar: you could call it Zeus. I want to be able to do like `zeus ./tests.nix` and have it build everything it can, and then output a report about what built okay, what failed to build, and build logs, preferably in a structured data format
<dtzWill> ahha yeah test-lock is the one!
<Unode> or no what was the other thing, fastopen test. that's one
<Unode> something fastopen was also failing.
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<dtzWill> some kludge commit I made way back, just lol since it's living proof that I know your pain: https://github.com/dtzWill/nixpkgs/commit/cd95fa266fecf3d3d82422ba64aa870547b60143 haha
<domenkozar> gchristensen: so a better ui for nix-builx?
<domenkozar> build*
<dtzWill> (I don't use that commit, don't bother debugging why my thing was wrong lol)
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: yeah, suitable to add to jenkins or a different, existing CI tool
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<timor> Is anyone here using enlightenment? Here, application icons are not displayed. Should I ask the maintainer about that, or directly ask the enlighenment guys?
<gchristensen> +:thumbsup_all:
<gchristensen> +:y:
<gchristensen> +:y::skin-tone-2:
<gchristensen> +:y::skin-tone-3:
<dtzWill> +1 to gchristensen's request. O:). Although I suppose I could probably just go use hydra for my use-case but nevertheless! :)
<gchristensen> +:y::skin-tone-4:
<gchristensen> +:y::skin-tone-5:
<gchristensen> +:y::skin-tone-6:
<gchristensen> oops sorry
<dtzWill> gchristensen: ¬_¬
<dtzWill> hehe
<gchristensen> I have a couple accidentally spammy keyboard macros :(
<dtzWill> Unode: I got bored watching 'hash-large' on htop, lol, so yeah tests take a while here too :P
<Yaniel> the emoji equality madness has definitely gone too far
<dtzWill> wasn't that bad. Thought you were gonna enumerate some emojis or something :P
<Unode> dtzWill: I wouldn't mind that global 'disable-tests' flag. Sometimes saving on the CPU cycles is the best way to reduce your carbon footprint :P (and skip some oddities).
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<sphalerite> Unode: I'm pretty sure good thermal insulation of your house goes a lot further than saving a couple of joules of computing :p
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<Unode> sphalerite: well... there's the time factor too. You know this 'test-lock' test probably spent more time eating my CPU than the rest of the compilation of all the other packages.
<Unode> It simply hangs and nix doesn't kill builds that 'took too long', so it only stops when I notice.
<Unode> and right now, it's the 3rd or 4th package that has such kind of test.
<sphalerite> That's true, but a powerful computer consumes say 200W under load. Heating consumes kWs :D
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<Unode> There's likely a broken feature somewhere but I don't have the privilege to fix it.
<Unode> sphalerite: I sometimes use my CPU for heating... after a few hours 3-5 degrees in the atmosphere are noticeable.
<sphalerite> really? How small is the space that you're heating?
<Unode> (half joking there but it has happened)
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<Unode> depends, around 30sqr meters
<Yaniel> most of that heat probably comes from your body
<Unode> Yaniel: that's a nice compliment ;)
<Unode> but no, I don't think so
<Yaniel> haha, didn't quite realize it
<Yaniel> and then there's "heat" from the reduced oxygen level in the room
<fresheyeball> Hello out there
<maurer> Is there any way to specify for a hydra jobset that you want to build some member of a particular default.nix file?
<domenkozar> gchristensen: hmmm :) that's significant part of hydra
<fresheyeball> How many of you would recommend nixos for a workstation?
<sphalerite> Many!
<maurer> In my case, I have a branch of nixpkgs I want to build a set of packages for on a personal hydra
<maurer> fresheyeball: I would
<sphalerite> I would, although it depends very much on the target audience.
<fresheyeball> maurer: ok so in that interest
<fresheyeball> I feel like `nix-env -i` is the wrong way to install things
<maurer> And would prefer not to add an aditional foo.nix to build it.
<fresheyeball> since it doesn't get stored as config anywhere
<maurer> fresheyeball: So, there's three approaches I've seen to doing this, and there may be more
<fresheyeball> ok!
<fresheyeball> do tell
<sphalerite> If it's either A, someone technically inclined, or B, someone very much not technically inclined and person A babysits the machine, then absolutely nixos
<maurer> fresheyeball: One is to write a .nix file for your personal profile specifying everything that should be on your machine, and just repeatedly reinstall that file after updating it
<maurer> and never use nix-env in another way
<maurer> I used to do this, but eventually found it cumbersome
<fresheyeball> maurer: what do you do now?
<maurer> What I do now is that I use nix-env for simple things I want installed that I don't care about managing precisely
<maurer> e.g. nix-env -iA nixos.chromium
<maurer> And use nix-shell with shell.nix files for various subenvironments I need
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSTKx
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 3e4130e Joachim Fasting: dnscrypt-proxy service: systemd notification under apparmor...
<maurer> So if I want to go do rust dev, I nix-shell into it and it pulls the exact packages I need into scope
<maurer> etc.
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<fresheyeball> maurer: why? Don't you lose the ability to manage your computer with `.nix` files if you adhoc install like that?
<maurer> Kind of? But I found that in practice, the event of "Oh, I just need program X" was too high to support me doing that
<maurer> e.g. I'd be moving along and suddently realize I need cppfilt
<fresheyeball> lame
<fresheyeball> maurer: I was hoping there was a way to use `nix-env -i` such that it would keep the `.nix` file uptodate
<maurer> So, nix-env -i _is_ keeping a configuration file
<maurer> it's just not exceptionally human readable/editable
<fresheyeball> where?
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<maurer> trying to remember
<fresheyeball> can I get it, and commit it to git so my computer is backed up?
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<maurer> .nix-profile/manifest.nix is the file
<maurer> It has sufficient information to restore everything you've nix-env -i'd
<maurer> but I don't know the command to use it off the top of my head
<fresheyeball> ok
<fresheyeball> so if I want to maintain my system configuration
<fresheyeball> I just need to commit `.nix-profile` to some git repo
<maurer> Yeah, but it's all one big line
<maurer> you'll never get useful merges
<maurer> and human editing it is not useful
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<maurer> Also note that it will reference the nixpkgs or nixos checkout you used to install them
<maurer> so you'll need to keep that somewhere too if you want to literally reuse the manifest
<maurer> All in all, my big warning here is that while as far as I can tell all the info you need to restore is in there, I don't know of a command that does it
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<maurer> gchristensen: Maybe you might know? If I want to evaluate e.g. (import ./default.nix).foo.bar in a hydra eval, is there a way to do that without adding a new nix file?
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<maurer> gchristensen: Context is that I have a local nixpkgs branch I want to test, but want to do so without putting it into a state that'd make it unsuitable for merge into nixpkgs
<maurer> (this is on my own hydra, I won't be burning others' resources)
<gchristensen> I don't know what that means :/
<maurer> gchristensen: So, normally when you set up a hydra jobset, you say something like run nix expression "default.nix" in input "nipxkgs"
<maurer> Or in the case of the normal nixpkgs job, "release.nix"
<gchristensen> ah..
<maurer> I was hoping I could refer to members of the "default.nix" attrset so I only build the packages that are under examination
<maurer> I could do this by making a maurer-release.nix, but then I'd have to remove that if I wanted to make a PR
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<gchristensen> maurer: I ... don't think so
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<maurer> gchristensen: OK. I've come up with a workaround, it's just a bit icky (I'll put maurer-release.nix into a separate repo, and add that repo as an input)
<gchristensen> yows! lol
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<gchristensen> FRidh: getting drvs and then nix-store -r on them all is doing fairly ok
<gchristensen> thank you
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<LnL> maurer: I wrote some expressions that allow you to select a set of attributes that you want to build
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSTDU
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6b6454f Bjørn Forsman: perlPackages.OpenGL: 0.6703 -> 0.70...
<andymandias> hodapp: thanks for the heads up, fixed now
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSTDt
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 b94092c Bjørn Forsman: perlPackages.OpenGL: 0.6703 -> 0.70...
<maurer> Hrm, evidently my hydra isn't working right anyways
<maurer> journalctl shows the queue runner receiving jobs
<maurer> but then shows it claiming there are no jobs
<maurer> and the jobs never got executed
<maurer> rip
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<maurer> oh nevermind, misread logs, both jobs are queued, just not running
<maurer> wonder why
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<tjg1> Is there a way to write my configuration files in a modular fashion, so that they can be included in either NixOS, a container or a user environment? Example of what I have in mind: hardware-gfx-nvidia.nix, x11-xfce.nix, development-python.nix, database-postgresql.nix, etc.
<clever> tjg1: you can list other nixos modules in the imports list, like imports = [ ./vim.nix ./core.nix ];
<clever> tjg1: and each module has the exact same syntax as configuration.nix
<clever> so you can just split the settings up as you want, and then list which files to use for this machine
<tjg1> but can i write a list of packages to install and configuration variables to set, in a way that would make them usable in all those 3 types of environments?
<clever> yeah, you can still set environment.systemPackages in each file
<clever> and nixos will concat the lists from all of them
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<FRidh> gchristensen: its a fun little project actually. Calling nix-instantiate to get a drv, then nix-store -q --graph to get a graph. Load that in networkx, then iterate from outside to inside, testing first whether the path exists and if not call nix-build on it
<benley> it's amazing how badly certain build systems break on nixos (Pants, Bazel, Gradle, ...)
<benley> I'm trying to work on a project that uses Pants and it's a total shitshow
<domenkozar> pants shitshow
<domenkozar> lol
<benley> haha okay yes, I did say those words :-P
<benley> no disrespect to pants or things that use it of course; it's just that it kinda tries to solve some of the same problems that Nix does, and the two strategies don't get along particularly well
<gchristensen> can I get the path to a a drv from an attr in nix? ie: get the drv but _not_ build it
<domenkozar> gchristensen: you have to instantiate it
<gchristensen> can I do that from within a nix expression?
<clever> nix-repl> hello.drvPath
<clever> "/nix/store/lbqz5s0q65y7gsqhn35by0lf2a9mxrnh-hello-2.10.drv"
<gchristensen> omg clever
<gchristensen> <3
<benley> File "/nix/store/1bjfms8asy5qnzh717fli3wvn71061nl-python-2.7.13/lib/python2.7/zipfile.py", line 305, in __init__
<benley> raise ValueError('ZIP does not support timestamps before 1980')
<benley> argh *come on*
<domenkozar> SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=315532800
<FRidh> benley: SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH :)
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<benley> oh does nix handle that?
<domenkozar> you need to set the time of zip file so it's after a certain year
<domenkozar> since unix epoh + 1 doesn't work
<benley> right
<benley> I just didn't realize this had actually been implemented :-D
<benley> https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/source-date-epoch/ <--- also is this a cert validation error for everyone, or just me?
<FRidh> no error here
<domenkozar> I get the error
<benley> chrome is pissed because the site uses HSTS
<gchristensen> clever: will that skip building the drv?
<gchristensen> err ... realizing it? (I don't even know.)
<domenkozar> .nix -> instantiate -> .drv -> realize -> store pathh
* gchristensen writes that down
<clever> gchristensen: nix-build was a perl script that did nix-instantiate then nix-store -r
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<benley> whoa I got that pants build to work, kinda
<gchristensen> right. so. (pkgs.writeText "foo" "${pkgs.hello.drvPath}") <- will this build hello first, or just create the drv?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nckx closed pull request #23360: pcapc: 2015-03.06 -> 1.0.0 (master...pcapc) https://git.io/vysaR
<benley> it will just create the drv, I think
<clever> gchristensen: checking the source
<benley> if you were asking for "${pkgs.hello}/something" it would have to build the derivation first, but you're only evaluating a sub-attribute of pkgs.hello
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<benzrf> yo
<benzrf> i'm using nix to manage my haskell libraries, on Arch. i wanted to try screwing around with opengl through haskell, but i'm having some issues -
<benzrf> it seems that it's getting linked against the nix opengl libraries, but the problem is that i'm using the proprietary drivers iirc
<clever> gchristensen: at a glance, i dont think the drvPath attribute has any context, so it shouldnt trigger builds
<clever> gchristensen: line 719 is where it sets the .drvPath attribute to be the string drvPath, not sure what the = is doing, *reads more*
<joko> Hello, could anyone remind me how to run again the boot-loader installation? I boot with a NixOS 16.09 Live USB and nixos-install complains about my nix configurations (I'm on unstable) or nixos-install --chroot and nixos-rebuild switch complains about being inside a chroot
<clever> gchristensen: ah, thats adding some context, so you depend on the .drv itself (not its outputs)
<gchristensen> hmm
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<clever> gchristensen: every string in nix has context, a list of storepaths it depends on
<clever> gchristensen: and nix uses that to figure out what needs to be built first, or copied to a build slave, or put into the sandbox
<pmade> Is there a way to make one of the nix tools expand a path and print to stdout? Like turn <nixpkgs> into ~/.nix-defexpr/.......
<gchristensen> I see
<clever> ]$ nix-instantiate --find-file nixpkgs
<clever> /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs
<pmade> clever: Awesome, thanks!
<benzrf> plz help
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<clever> benzrf: opengl is a bit tricky to get working outside of nixos, it relies on the libGL files being in /run/opengl-driver/lib
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<benzrf> :[
<benzrf> how do i set that up?
<clever> benzrf: which libs you put there depend on what gpu you have
<benzrf> so i just sudo mkdir?
<clever> they need to be compatible with the xorg side of the gpu drivers
<benzrf> symlink my drivers?
<benzrf> i use bumblebee fwiw
<clever> is it giving a clear linker error saying what wasnt found?
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<benzrf> it does if i run it without bumblebee
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<benzrf> hmm, is 'swrast' short for "software rasterization"?
<clever> benzrf: yeah
<benzrf> neat
<benzrf> clever: so i just sudo mkdir and symlink?
<benzrf> no automated version or anything?
<clever> benzrf: and add it to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
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<clever> benzrf: i think its more important that the version matches the xorg, and chances are nixpkgs will have a different version
<clever> benzrf: so you need to get them from /usr/lib/
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<benzrf> bwah
<benzrf> clever: wait so what exactly does /run/opengl-driver/lib do
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<clever> benzrf: it lets nixos switch out the ati libGL for an nvidia libGL at runtime, without nix trying to recompile every package under the sun
<benzrf> i don't use nixos
<clever> and thats why the directory is just missing
<benzrf> wait but like
<clever> packages compiled with nix assume that /run/opengl-driver/lib has the libGL files
<benzrf> do i need the directory if i don't use nixos?
<benzrf> oh ok
<contrapumpkin> that's unfortunate
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<contrapumpkin> I wish nixpkgs didn't assume nixos :)
<contrapumpkin> or that it was flagged
<benzrf> hehehe what a coincidence (in my `locate -i i965' output) /nix/store/a4bx92whi965sjyyvidhf7lrgrb4mx4z-videoproto-2.3.3.drv
<clever> contrapumpkin: the problem, is that if you try to handle this at link-time, nix will need to re-compile it for your gpu, and now the binary cache is of no use
<contrapumpkin> yeah not saying that
<clever> it could possibly be handled via ~/.nix-profile/lib/ and use profile.d/nix.sh to do something
<contrapumpkin> just saying that there's a USE flag for saying "we're on nixos, look in traditional NixOS locations" or "we're on linux, look somewhere more conventional"
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<contrapumpkin> not all packages would be affected
<clever> but ive sort of run out of not-nixos machines i could test on, lol
<contrapumpkin> :P
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<benzrf> [nix-shell:/tmp]$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/run/opengl-driver/lib ./GLUTTest
<benzrf> libGL error: unable to load driver: i965_dri.so
<benzrf> what's wrong here?
<benzrf> do i need to put the actual .so path rather than the dir
<clever> what does ldd say when ran on /run/opengl-driver/lib/i965_dri.so ?
<benzrf> idk, a bunch of libs
<benzrf> oh :\
<clever> one not found?
<joko> benzrf: could you try copying the file directly to /run/opengl-driver/lib instead of symlinking it?
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<benzrf> it references a bunch of stuff in /usr/lib
<benzrf> is that the problem
<benzrf> joko: i guess
<benzrf> but that seems high-maintenance
<joko> I know, but I think I have stumbled it before
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<pierron> gchristensen: Still need help understanding "imports = [ … ];" processing?
<benzrf> joko: didnt help
<clever> benzrf: checking gist to see if i can find an old answer i had
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<deepfire> benzrf: have you seen https://github.com/deepfire/nix-install-vendor-gl ?
<pierron> c74d: NixOS has "nixpkgs.…" options which are controling what goes into the "pkgs" argument which is given to every module.
<clever> 2016-11-19 17:50:22< clever> greymalkin: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/b90233340aed91962e300d9398af78b2
<clever> 2016-11-19 17:50:41< clever> if you run nix-build on this, and point LB_LIRARY_PATH to wherever it lands, it should work
<benzrf> deepfire: interesting
<clever> benzrf: may need to change which mesa it uses though
<clever> 2016-11-19 17:48:08< clever> greymalkin: opengl apps expect this derivation to be at /run/opengl-driver/ https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/hardware/opengl.nix#L13-L20
<gchristensen> pierron: I'd like to one day, but today isn't that day :(
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vST51
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e3c1e37 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.ppx_ast: init at 0.9.0...
<benzrf> oh, what the fuck, glxgears works
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<benzrf> oh wait right
<benzrf> OH WAIT I'M A MORON
<benzrf> i didn't recompile
* benzrf headdesks
<clever> benzrf: also, glxgears can be misleading, you can get 300fps from software rendering because of how simple it is
<domenkozar> I still need to tell my nvidia card to idle as much as it can
<clever> benzrf: but if glxgears gives 60fps, then its actualy using v-sync, and properly doing hardware render
<benzrf> so, hold on - how do i use LD_LIBRARY_PATH here exactly
<clever> benzrf: it should contain a directory, that will be searched to find dynamic libs
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
<clever> /run/opengl-driver/lib:/run/opengl-driver-32/lib
<clever> this is the value on nixos
<dash> Anybody have thoughts on using nix to manage stuff in ~/.config?
<dash> I upgraded awesome and it broke my config due to switching major versions. Wondering if I can avoid that next time.
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<dash> (Or avoiding it if I roll back!)
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<clever> dash: i would just use zfs and enable auto-snapshoting
<benzrf> clever: hmm..... nothign in particular seems to be happening :?
<clever> dash: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/29c05299984b9099983fa9d31f22117c it is automaticaly creating these snapshots at regular intervals, and expiring them when they hit certain ages
<benzrf> it still says libGL error: unable to load driver: i965_dri.so
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<clever> benzrf: id try strace next, strace -e open yourthing
<clever> maybe strace -f -e open
<dash> clever: Sure. But that doesn't doesn't feel much nicer than what I'm doing now. ;-)
<joko> I think the solution to my issue would be to (re)mount from my liveusb /run, any idea how to do it?
<benzrf> clever: i don't know whether i'm doing this right
<benzrf> should i expect any kind of rebuild after adding the .so
<clever> benzrf: no, the whole point of /run/opengl-driver/lib is to avoid any rebuilding
<benzrf> ok well wait, i didn't put libgl in there, i put i965_dri.so
<benzrf> was i supposed to put libgl
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ ls /run/opengl-driver/lib/dri/
<clever> gallium_dri.so i965_dri.so mesa_dri_drivers.so nouveau_vieux_dri.so r600_dri.so radeonsi_dri.so vmwgfx_dri.so
<clever> benzrf: oh, and it expects the _dri.so files to be in the dri/ sub-dir
<benzrf> OH
<benzrf> then what goes straight in lib
<benzrf> anytrhing?
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<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ ls -lhRL /run/opengl-driver/ | gist -p -
<benzrf> oh wow
<benzrf> how do i know what to put there exactlyd
<clever> either look it up, or guess until it works
<benzrf> maybe ill try deepfire's thing
<benzrf> :(
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<Unode> I'm trying to use "nix-build -E 'with import /home/unode/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixos {}; vmTools.runInLinuxVM hello'" to compile a failing dependency (systemd) but vmtools itself depends on this package. Regardless, I already have a vm-run.drv from a previous build. Is there any way I can tell nix to use the existing vm-run as environment for the failing package?
<gchristensen> clever: I can't manage to make my thing work, taking a list of nixos tests and returing their drvpaths
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<LnL> what's the problem?
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<gchristensen> it tries to realize the store paths instead of just returning a list of drvs
<benzrf> 03:02:46* clever │ packages compiled with nix assume that /run/opengl-driver/lib has the libGL files
<benzrf> can you elaborate on what this means?
<benzrf> like, they're linked against it? or what?
<MichaelRaskin> Greate, I enter the channel and the first thing I see is: «what's the problem?»
<MichaelRaskin> I think they dlopen libGL.so from LD_LIBRARY_PATH
<MichaelRaskin> Without being linked to a specific location of libGL.so
<benzrf> oh
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<benzrf> well... that seems wrong because this shows up in the output of `ldd GLUTTest' libGL.so.1 => /nix/store/mjm0b9p57rqvz6bgx6h47cvr05n7plzg-mesa-13.0.5/lib/libGL.so.1 (0x00007fde39fdb000)
<MichaelRaskin> Hm, right
<MichaelRaskin> They do have Mesa in RPATH, it's just that on NixOS there is LD_LIBRARY_PATH that overrides that
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<benzrf> RPATH?
<MichaelRaskin> Well, the executable contains the library basename; then it is searched in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, then in RPATH or RUNPATH (a set of paths to search libraries that is encoded inside the executable), then in the system default locations (/usr/lib or something)
<LnL> gchristensen: something like this? map (x: (import (./. + "/nixos/tests/${x}.nix") {}).drvPath)
<gchristensen> maybe, let me do some testing to see if that is comparable
<benzrf> oh
<benzrf> ooh, i see
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSTxE
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9a77701 Shea Levy: Add setupSystemdUnits function....
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSTxa
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 34c645b Shea Levy: Add setupSystemdUnits function....
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<LnL> gchristensen: this should also work, depending on what you need xs: writeText "tests.nix" ''[ ${concatMapStringsSep " " (x: (import (./. + "/nixos/tests/${x}.nix") {}).drvPath) xs} ]''
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<gchristensen> maybe, let me do some testing to see if that is comparable
<gchristensen> oops
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSTjf
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 455ce35 Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'staging'
<gchristensen> LnL: so if I do, in nix-repl: `((builtins.listToAttrs tests).mytest {}).drvPath` it works correctly, but if I do: `pkgs.writeText "foo.sh" ((builtins.listToAttrs tests).mytest {}).drvPath`, it tries to realize the drv
<gchristensen> (should I be saying "it tries to realize the drv's store path"?)
<maurer> So, does anyone have any idea why my hydra seems to be weirdly stalled between having figured out the dependencies, but not generated build steps?
<maurer> This is a pretty pristine hydra, so I don't really know what's wrong
<maurer> I tested nix-build inside the container manually, and that works fine
<bennofs> maurer: Is hydra-queue-runner running?
<maurer> bennofs: Yes
<maurer> hydra-q+ 394 0.0 0.0 324680 15708 ? Ssl 18:38 0:00 hydra-queue-runner -v --option build-use-substitutes true
<LnL> maurer: I don't think hydra will build on the master
<gchristensen> substitutes slows it down suuuper lots, maurer
<gchristensen> so give it a bunch so wait a while :P
<clever> maurer: check the journal
<maurer> I also get Mar 24 20:08:36 hydra hydra-queue-runner[394]: status: {"status":"up","time":1490386116,"uptime":5405,"pid":394,"nrQueuedBuilds":2," in log
<maurer> clever: I'm looking at it, do you want me to copy it all, or?
<clever> maurer: oh, you didnt configure a build slave
<clever> maurer: and hydra doesnt build on localhost by default
<maurer> clever: Oh, last time I did this it did build on localhost by default
<maurer> let me see if I can find somewhere to tell it to do that
<LnL> gchristensen: oh indeed
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel opened pull request #24299: Drop Qt 5.5 and Qt 5.7 from master (master...master--drop-qt-5.7) https://git.io/vSkec
<maurer> clever: Documentation makes it look like I put localhost into /etc/nix/machines, is that correct?
<fresheyeball> maurer: so I can't backup .nix-profile because it contains the nix-store
<maurer> (Also, it's sad I can't just list localhost in the module config)
<clever> maurer: yeah, and if your using nixos, thats done via configuration.nix, nix.buildMachines i believe
<maurer> clever: So, I'm using a container
<LnL> gchristensen: I don't think it tries to realise the drv, but I think it's detecting all of the build dependencies
<maurer> clever: Do I just put nix.buildMachines in the container config?
<clever> maurer: that should do it
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<gchristensen> LnL: it outputs "building path(s) ‘/nix/store/q10x5hbyc1sl95hprpav0c1l4wcscz72-vm-test-run-mytest'" and starts a VM in qemu
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSkvf
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ba554d8 Thomas Tuegel: Revert "qt5: 5.6.2 -> 5.7.1"...
<Dezgeg> maybe builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext helps?
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<ndowens08> hey guys
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: omg
<maurer> clever: That helped. Now I'm getting https://hydra.maurer.codes/build/1/nixlog/1
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: can I buy you a beer or something? :P amazon wish-list?
<maurer> clever: Which I'm guessing is some inability for the contianer to build derivations
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<clever> maurer: probably, maybe give it ssh to the host?
<LnL> gchristensen: Dezgeg: what does that do? never heard of it
<Dezgeg> hehe :P no need
<maurer> clever: Hm, I might be able to do that, but https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/master/src/nix-daemon/nix-daemon.cc#L362-L363 seems to be the source
<gchristensen> LnL: pkgs.writeText "foo.sh" (toString (builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext ((builtins.listToAttrs tests).mytest {}).drvPath)) does "the thing"
<clever> maurer: id normaly add the user to nix.trustedUsers in configuration.nix, but there can only be 1 nix-daemon, so it may need to go on the host, and now the usernamespace is making it a mess
<Unode> (in case someone has suggestions) I'm trying to use "nix-build -E 'with import /home/unode/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixos {}; vmTools.runInLinuxVM hello'" to compile a failing dependency (systemd) but vmtools itself depends on this package. Regardless, I already have a vm-run.drv from a previous build. Is there any way I can tell nix to use the existing vm-run as environment for the failing package?
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<maurer> clever: Hm. The main reason I'm reluctant to set it up with an ssh account on the main host is that this would mean that it would effectively encrypt and decrypt every build output to copy it from the nix store back to the nix store
<maurer> which seems really dumb
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<Unode> http://dpaste.com/2C9Y1BY is what I'm currently getting.
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<clever> maurer: nixos containers already share the /nix/store of the host, so its still doing that anyways
<Unode> no clue why it 'aborts'
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<maurer> clever: Yeah, they share the nix store of the host, which is why I wanted to just build it inside the container
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<ndowens08> sigh, nox-review is still broke after yestday's fix on the gtk variable undefind
<clever> maurer: i'm pretty sure the container just connects to /nix/var/nix-daemon/socket and tells the host to do all building
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<clever> maurer: so building never happens inside the container
<maurer> I'm gonna see what it says
<maurer> Hrm
<maurer> it basically just says don't do that
<clever> maurer: and also, the sandboxes in nix basicaly create containers on the fly, for every build
<maurer> So, my two main reasons for using a container here is that my main system runs a postgresql of a different configuration than what hydra wants
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<maurer> and that I want at least a little isolation between a pile of perl and the rest of my system
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<MichaelRaskin> ndowens08: on master?
<gchristensen> maurer: you pretend your entire OS isn't perl anyway
<maurer> gchristensen: Most of my OS isn't talking to the network
<ndowens08> MichaelRaskin: i have deleted ~/.nox several times and nothing; but i assume so?
<gchristensen> so, what, you want it in C?
<maurer> gchristensen: I mean, if I had my druthers, it'd be a mix of rust and haskell probably :P
<ndowens08> something aobut automatic merge failed
<maurer> gchristensen: But I probably don't get to pick and choose
<LnL> gchristensen: interesting, so nix strings keep track of what paths they depend on https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/master/src/libexpr/primops.cc#L1630
<MichaelRaskin> What about an actual language in which I can imagine a software without buffer overflows? POSIX sh, at least…
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: is that not rust?
<clever> LnL: yeah, but you can forcibly drop that context via builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext
<MichaelRaskin> Rust is nice, but it hasn't yet had time to get a lot of stuff ported to it
<isHavvy> Languages without buffer overflow: Pretty much all of them except C and C++?
<MichaelRaskin> Speaking of time… I do like Common Lisp and I use some stuff like Maxima…
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<MichaelRaskin> isHavvy: does _programmer's short-term memory_ overflow guaranteed by Perl count as overflow?
<gchristensen> so LnL I'm using this to build a script that is `nix-store -r <drvpath>` hehe
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<isHavvy> MichaelRaskin: Probably not.
<LnL> I assumed that
<MichaelRaskin> ndowens08: I guess I should build nox…
<maurer> gchristensen: With perl the main thing you have to worry about is bad string quoting of various kinds
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<gchristensen> "Uh...stuff..."
<maurer> In any case, I guess I'll just try to rewire hydra to run on the host alongside other stuff
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<clever> maurer: if you can just run a second pgsql and change the $HYDRA_DBI on hydra, that could do it
<maurer> Yeah, that's what I'm doing
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<maurer> or trying to
<maurer> how do I get the postgres service to have two instances?
<fresheyeball_> general question: how do I discover configuration options?
<fresheyeball_> like I'm describing a dep in a .nix file
<clever> maurer: nixos doesnt have code for that right now
<maurer> clever: Uh, rip
<gchristensen> I do it with nixos-container
<maurer> gchristensen: I just got forced to move this out of a container
<clever> maurer: one min
<MichaelRaskin> ndowens08: I wonder what nox does to get such a merge conflict — a typical PR is rebaseable just fine, after all…
<ndowens08> fresheyeball_: are you talking about options for services and such or in a pkg?
<dash> maurer: i misread that for a moment and thought you were saying that you live in a shipping container, and got evicted
<fresheyeball_> ndowens08: lets say I am using a function `fetchgit`
<maurer> dash: Heh no, evidently hydra gets mad about being run in a container
<fresheyeball_> how do I find out what configuration options it takes?
<maurer> dash: so now either I need to move all my normal work into a container
<ndowens08> MichaelRaskin: I have no idea, it has been doing that since yesterday; it was giving a undefind gtk variable in qt5-5.7 because of a commit
<fresheyeball_> it takes a "set"
<maurer> or figure out a way to make the two postgres play nice together
<MichaelRaskin> Yes, I know the eval-release part
<clever> maurer: with code like this, you can create a new systemd unit to run a given command as a service
<clever> maurer: you will just need to manualy fill in the pgsql config file, and configure it to play nice with its other version
<maurer> I think it may be easier to just move my dev into a container
<maurer> sad as it it is
<maurer> *it is
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<MichaelRaskin> ndowens08: I guess it's the situation when the old (evaluation-breaking) change is technically the current state in PR, and the master has a fixed state that is different from both PR and the initial state
<MichaelRaskin> An annoying situation…
<ndowens08> sigh, i find it useful when I am testing PRs and etc
<ndowens08> and make sure it doesnt break other pkgs
<MichaelRaskin> Let me see…
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<MichaelRaskin> ndowens08: I think I have found a workaround, but now I need to fix the eval
<MichaelRaskin> To check if the workaround is working
<ndowens08> hopefully not too crazy :p
<MichaelRaskin> Well, it's local-only anyway!
<ndowens08> :p
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] winniequinn opened pull request #24300: vscode: 1.10.0 -> 1.10.2 (master...vscode-1.10.2) https://git.io/vSkU5
<MichaelRaskin> I guess by now you know more Git than me, though: my strategy is based on using the experience with other VCSes to set a very specific goal and not do anything unless I am reasonably sure Git will help me reach the goal
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<ndowens08> IDK about that MichaelRaskin , i have learned more than I have ever knew when I started this
<MichaelRaskin> You are trying to do the best thing, which is riskier; it also means that if you write down all that you have hit in the process, it would actually be a useful checklist for a new user
<MichaelRaskin> (my knowledge is mostly «well, every sane VCS does X, git usually does Y, but if you type random characters it may ask if you are sure you want X»)
<fresheyeball_> ssssseriously? how do I find out what options I can put in a "set"?
<benzrf> MichaelRaskin: git basically makes sense if you learn how it works!
<MichaelRaskin> You mean in NixOS configuration? nixos-option
<fresheyeball_> there has got to be an answer to this, otherwise its all magic strings
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSkTM
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 82adcd6 Michael Raskin: pythonPackages.BTrees: fix evaluation; builds fine
<fresheyeball_> MichaelRaskin: I mean in general
<MichaelRaskin> benzrf: no, if you actually learn how other DVCSes work _and_ how Git works, Git's UI will make zero sense again
<benzrf> lol
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<MichaelRaskin> In general it depends on where you are going to feed it
<benzrf> yeah git has a pretty garbagey UI
<MichaelRaskin> Git actually lacks approximately half of the model, too
<ndowens08> git is the only VCS i actually learned about, others i used just to download software
<MichaelRaskin> For example its FS model is basically «properly configured ext3»
<MichaelRaskin> (I have trashed git repos by power-tripping ext4 to a state which seemed unrecoverable)
<c74d> "<pierron> c74d: NixOS has "nixpkgs.…" options which are controling what goes into the "pkgs" argument which is given to every module." -- okay; I was wondering what ultimately controls what `pkgs` is under `nixos-rebuild` assuming I don't change it with the `nixpkgs.*` options -- is it, e.g., the first of root's channels?
<fresheyeball_> would it be totally unreasonable to put apt-get on nixos?
<MichaelRaskin> c74d: NIX_PATH governs that, I think
<benzrf> fresheyeball_: probably
<clever> c74d: i believe it uses the channel called nixos
<MichaelRaskin> I know how one could use dpkg from NixPkgs (we actually have it), but what exactly are you going to do with apt? Run it on Fedora just for lulz?
<clever> c74d: and its always the nixpkgs that the nixos/default.nix came from
<benzrf> fresheyeball_: you could put nix on debian instead
<MichaelRaskin> fresheyeball_: Also, you _can_ put arbitrary magic strings as attribute names and that will work
<MichaelRaskin> (if you pass it to something that either doesn't care about extra attributes or expects these magic strings)
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<c74d> ah, I replaced my `nixos` channel with two channels with the same URL named `foobar` and `barfoo`, and now `nixos-rebuild` complains that "file 'nixpkgs' was not found in the Nix search path", but appears to proceed regardless
<MichaelRaskin> fresheyeball_: as for apt — well, packaging shouldn't be hard, but tell us how you want to use it and we will try to describe the interesting experiences you are looking forward to
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] winniequinn opened pull request #24301: gitkraken: 2.2.0 -> 2.2.1 (master...gitkraken-2.2.1) https://git.io/vSkkA
<c74d> so I see `$NIX_PATH` defines <nixpkgs> to point to (what was before I just deleted it for testing) the `nixpkgs` directory of root's `nixos` channel
<MichaelRaskin> ndowens08: as for your hard-learnt-notes about git being probably useful — I am serious, and I remember you lamenting the lack of basically such notes from a previous person joining.
<fresheyeball_> benzrf: I just worry I will find things that are not available in nix
<MichaelRaskin> ndowens08: as for nox — it looks I have made it work in some sense
<fresheyeball_> and so it makes me want to have apt-get as a fallback
<MichaelRaskin> fresheyeball_: it won't be pretty on NixOS with apt
<fresheyeball_> I'm trying to overcome my fear and embrace nixos, but there is so much uncertainty
<ndowens08> I am a bit confused about previous person joining and etc lol
<maurer> fresheyeball_: If that's what you want, you may find installing nix on top of debian more palatable for the moment
<c74d> I suppose `NIX_PATH` is taken from the environment of the shell that invokes `nixos-rebuild`, and is set by some shell profile file created by NixOS
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<MichaelRaskin> We do have debootstrap so you can have a chroot
<maurer> fresheyeball_: but usually things are availble in nix ime
<maurer> I've only had to package "weird" things like random ocaml libraries
<fresheyeball_> maurer: can you give me an example of a time where you could not find what you needed in the nix store?
<fresheyeball_> and what you did about it?
<MichaelRaskin> ndowens08: well, you said it would be simpler with git guidelines, I guess magically having your notes form now a month ago would be nice for you
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<maurer> fresheyeball_: Uh, doing dev work for my thesis, I needed an ocaml library and its dependencies
<maurer> fresheyeball_: So I packaged all of them and submitted PRs to nixpkgs
<maurer> now most of them are in mainline nixpkgs, and I'm actually spending today trying to get the remainder ready for htat
<MichaelRaskin> ndowens08: as for nox: I check out the PR commit, then rebase on master, then reset without flags on master, then do nox-review wip
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<MichaelRaskin> It sidesteps the issue of merge and basically tests the diff from the PR
<c74d> clever: thanks, that it's root's `nixos` channel is sufficient for me
<c74d> "<pierron> gchris​tensen: Still need help understanding "imports = [ … ];" processing?" -- if you have help to give on that topic, I was also wondering whether it's possible to have a module's `imports` depend on another module's configuration options (`imports = lib.optional config.foo.bar …`) without hitting infinite recursion?
<ndowens08> hmm it started working now, think you fixed it with a upstream push
<clever> c74d: dont think thats possible, you want to use mkIf inside the target module
<MichaelRaskin> Well, I did fix _evaluation_ of master
<clever> c74d: so its always imported, but turns itself on/off
<MichaelRaskin> But nox-review pr is supposed to be still broken
<ndowens08> I just used PR
<MichaelRaskin> Hm. Now that's interesting
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<c74d> clever: in my immediate use-case, the modules I want to conditionally import are in <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/profiles>, so I don't think that's feasible
<ndowens08> I am currently inside .nox/nixpkgs ( i dont know if it has something to do with that) only difference I have done since you pushed fix
<clever> c74d: ah
<fresheyeball_> maurer: can I use nix to manage packages that are not executable?
<maurer> Yes
<clever> c74d: you can make it depend on other variables in the current file, like a let block of booleans, but it cant depend on the config argument passed in
<fresheyeball_> its just a download
<fresheyeball_> maurer: splain!
<maurer> Yeah, nix can do that just fine, see the fetchurl function
<c74d> clever: okay, thanks
<MichaelRaskin> I am not sure if it tests what you would want it to test
<maurer> The problem will be in making kde know where it is, I don't know anything about the kde function
<maurer> *the kde packaging
<MichaelRaskin> It may be testing PR against itself, for example
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #24302: dar: 2.5.3 -> 2.5.9 (master...dar) https://git.io/vSkLI
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<ndowens08> still works and outside of .nox
* ndowens08 claps for MichaelRaskin
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<disasm> using nixops deploying a user I get a warning "resource ???users??? is obsolete". I don't get that warning when I do a nixos-rebuild switch on a non-nixops server. Is there a different way I should deploy users using nixops? I'm using users.extraUsers.sam which appears to be up to date way to do it via nixos documentation.
<dhess> users.users
<dhess> extraUsers is an alias for that.
<MichaelRaskin> It doesn't work for me as nox-review pr
<ndowens08> weird, does for me :\
<MichaelRaskin> It may depend on whether the PR you test is from the Qt failure window
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<ndowens08> hmm tried my 3rd one and still works
<disasm> dhess: I did users.users and same warning
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ljli opened pull request #24303: emacsMacport: lowPrio and description (master...emacs-mac) https://git.io/vSktY
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<dhess> disasm: Maybe you have a stray users.<name> somewhere?
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<dhess> I dunno, I've been using HEAD nixops for a few days and I haven't seen that warning.
<dhess> I'm deploying quite a few users.users.
<disasm> so users what users is what it's supposed to be, users.extraUsers is deprecated, correct?
<disasm> errr users.users
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<dhess> disasm: I don't know whether users.extraUsers is "deprecated," per se, but it is an alias for users.users according to the NixOps manual.
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<disasm> dhess: here's my config if you see something I'm doing wrong...
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<alibabzo> Hi all, has anything recently changed around vim/vam? On the latest beta channel update vam.knownPlugins doesn't seem to work correctly
<praduca> Hi, someone pls have some guidance/tutorial on using xen on nixos? i'm king of stuck
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<clever> praduca: as a guest or host?
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<isHavvy> Can I use overlays today if I use the unstable nixpkgs channel as my <nixpkgs>?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #24302: dar: 2.5.3 -> 2.5.9 (master...dar) https://git.io/vSkLI
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<ndowens08> MichaelRaskin: well now the error is about python btrees sigh lo
<ndowens08> lol*
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #24300: vscode: 1.10.0 -> 1.10.2 (master...vscode-1.10.2) https://git.io/vSkU5
<MichaelRaskin> What? Haven't I fixed the BTrees evaluation?
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<MichaelRaskin> Or about the merge?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSkYY
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1b4151b Winnie Quinn: vscode: 1.10.0 -> 1.10.2...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6bdf8cc Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #24300 from winniequinn/vscode-1.10.2...
<MichaelRaskin> I guess you will have to use checkout/rebase/reset/wip workaround, after all
<ndowens08> havent tried that, just weird it stopped working again lol
<MichaelRaskin> Well, every introduced-then-fixed breakage creates hard-to-merge divergence between PR's tree and master
<praduca> Hi, i need some advice on using haskell stack on nixos
<praduca> i compiled some test examples with stack, but after doing what is suggested on "A journey into the Haskell NG infrastructure", I started getting problems of name collisions when installing soft
<praduca> is this something that is probably my fault, or it is expected?
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<dhess> disasm: Nothing there that stands out to me. Sorry I can't be of help.
<disasm> no problem, doesn't appear to be causing any issues, it just outputs it everytime I deploy.
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<dhess> disasm: I would start by commenting out the users.extraUsers stanza and see if the warning persists.
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<fresheyeball> so what does it mean when `nix-env -i` fails with Killed
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] matklad opened pull request #24304: docs: clarify UEFI bootloader setup (master...uefi-install-docs) https://git.io/vSkOo
<MichaelRaskin> Out of RAM, I would assume
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #24305: sharutils: 4.11.1 -> 4.15.2 (master...sharutils) https://git.io/vSk3U
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<viric> fresheyeball: dmesg
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSksQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1c656d2 Bas van Dijk: ghcjsHEAD: upgrade ghcjs-boot packages...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0114668 Peter Simons: Merge pull request #24279 from LumiGuide/ghcjsHEAD-upgrade-to-latest-LTS...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSksA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 16b8940 Peter Simons: Merge pull request #24279 from LumiGuide/ghcjsHEAD-upgrade-to-latest-LTS...
<PenguinOfDoom> is there a recipe for running an ubuntu userspace on top of nixos? I want the base system to supply only the nvidia driver and the X server, but get all command line tools and gnome desktop garbage from the overlay
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSkGv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b9c7d29 Leon Isenberg: haskellPackages: apply GHC specific overrides before GHCJS...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 24a6928 Peter Simons: Merge pull request #23610 from ljli/hs-ghcjs-pkgs-inherit...
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<gchristensen> PenguinOfDoom: why so?
<MichaelRaskin> I think the solution is called «debootstrap»
<dash> PenguinOfDoom: Man, you can't do anything the easy way
<dash> but yeah, a chroot would be the obvious answer
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] LnL7 opened pull request #1289: use std::tuple for ValueMap allocator (master...valuemap-allocator) https://git.io/vSkn1
<Unode> speaking of complicated setups, is there any documentation on how to get nix-daemon to delegate compilation to another machine? I'm considering using a build machine I control to do all the compilation (non-standard nix location and so on).
<Unode> is there such a feature in the first place?
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<dhess> Unode: see https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/services/misc/nix-daemon.nix, `distrbutedBuilds` and `buildMachines`
<maurer> Out of curiosity, is there a reason nox uses git fetch rather than git worktree add?
<maurer> It seems to copy a lot of files for no good reason, and then get out of sync
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] LnL7 opened pull request #1290: use std::tuple for ValueMap allocator (1.11-maintenance...1.11-valuemap-allocator) https://git.io/vSkcs
<maurer> Oh, nevermind, now that I verbalize it I see why (you can only have one copy of each branch checked out in a worktree)
<maurer> (so if you were already using worktrees, it'd fail)
<Unode> maurer: https://github.com/Unode/nixs just in case
<maurer> Unode: I was talking about nox-review
<maurer> should have been more specific
<maurer> I'm getting really annoyed with fatal: reference is not a tree: 24a69286e9e0b017e7e4d51db0f5b29adc3f7438
<maurer> and similar errors when trying to run nox-review wip
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<MichaelRaskin> Are you sure your checkout is not corrupted?
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<MichaelRaskin> Uner hard-power-offs recently?
<Unode> seems like nox gained a few additional features since I last checked.
<Unode> good to know.
<maurer> No hard poweroffs
<maurer> I'm pretty sure my chekcout is fine
<MichaelRaskin> Is git fsck also sure?
<Unode> maurer: and it's not a shallow clone or anything?
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<maurer> Unode: It's a worktree
<maurer> The main clone is not shallow
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #24224: freicoin: 0.8.3-1 -> 0.8.6-2; Moved to correct category (master...freicoin) https://git.io/vSeHl
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<maurer> git show 24a69286e9e0b017e7e4d51db0f5b29adc3f7438 in my working directory works fine
<maurer> Still waiting on git fsck
<Mateon1> Hi, is it possible to package an application sourced from some directory on the local filesystem?
<maurer> MichaelRaskin: Only errors from git fsck are dangling blobs and commits
<maurer> MichaelRaskin: which are probably just from when I've dumped branches or rebased
<Unode> maurer: and the error is coming from git or nox?
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<Unode> dhess: thanks
<dhess> p
<dhess> np
<MichaelRaskin> Yes, dangling blobs are unfortunately normal with git
<maurer> This is after deleting ~/.nox in an attempt to make it work
<maurer> So it's git, as invoked by nox, after performing a fetch
<Unode> and if you run the same command by hand?
<obadz> clever-afk: what was that in reference to?
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<maurer> Unode: If I do that it will clobber my work
<maurer> If I run git show 24a69286e9e0b017e7e4d51db0f5b29adc3f7438 it does show a commit though
<gchristensen> hrm, what is the function of nix-build as a shebang?
<Unode> wait, why would fetch clobber the worktree? fetch isn't checkout
<maurer> Unode: I thought you meant in my current directory
<Unode> sorry not worktree, your work
<maurer> Unode: if I run it in the .nixpkgs/nox directory it creates it generates the same error
<maurer> and I don't know what command it's using for the fetch, that's not in the backtrace or log. I guess I could go read the code
<Unode> then that clone is probably not complete
<Unode> can you paste .git/config of that repo?
<gchristensen> :O nix-shell is a symlink to nix-build!
<Unode> $0 shell voodoo ?
<maurer> Unode: I'd believe that if git show 24a69286e9e0b017e7e4d51db0f5b29adc3f7438 failed, but sure, I can paste the .git/config
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<Unode> maurer: and this is .nixpkgs/nox ?
<maurer> Unode: no
<maurer> Unode: that was my .git/config
<Unode> sorry for not being clear, I meant the hidden .git/config from that repo
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #24284: geogebra: 5-0-338-0 -> 5-0-346-0 (master...update-geogebra) https://git.io/vSUX3
<maurer> This one looks pretty bog standard
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSkCV
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9787b2b Maximilian Bosch: geogebra: 5-0-338-0 -> 5-0-346-0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 550459c Joachim F: Merge pull request #24284 from Ma27/update-geogebra...
<Unode> maurer: I agree
<maurer> So, I seem to have gotten it working by manually cloning my nixpkgs into .nox/nixpkgs
<maurer> I don't know what the bug is, but I guess I can just do that
<MichaelRaskin> Does manually checking out (using the same command as nox) fail?
<MichaelRaskin> Oh
<maurer> I don't know what command nox used
<maurer> err, manually checking out with a nox clone fails
<Unode> maurer: so yeah the problem is something to do with it being shallow, https://github.com/madjar/nox/blob/1fefad56f0c4b882d99e5e59869f6e53b4ab3774/nox/nixpkgs_repo.py#L32
<maurer> If I rm -rf ~/.nox
<maurer> mkdir ~/.nox; cd .nox; git clone ../Development/nixpkgs
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<maurer> and then go run my nox-review, it works great
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<Unode> dhess: is there any additional information on what these machines referenced by 'nix.buildMachines' are supposed to provide? I mean, what kind of protocol/communication is supposed to happen.
<Unode> nevermind, found the docs entry
<Unode> thanks
<dhess> Unode: it's just an attribute-oriented version of remote-systems.conf and their ilk. See http://nixos.org/nix/manual/#chap-distributed-builds
<Unode> Now I'm wondering if I can actually use a docker instance running nixos to do all the heavy work...
<dhess> Unode: (note that the distributed builds stuff is for when you're not using nix-daemon.)
<dhess> Unode: yes, see LnL7's nix-docker Github repo
* LnL should update it with 1.11.7 :)
<Unode> dhess: I'm using nix-daemon on NFS but only one machine is running the daemon. Then some socat witchcraft to have it available on more than one machine.
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<Unode> LnL: perhaps you can tell me straight away if what I'm considering is doable with this image. I use nix-daemon for multi-user, NFS for between machines and I don't have root access so nix runs from /share/nix.
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<PenguinOfDoom> gchristensen: most of my software development are one-off scripts and such. I want to roll my face on the "make install" button, not design a production quality reproducible build system
<Unode> the machine running nix-daemon mostly behaves but some packages don't compile to reasons beyond my understanding.
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<Unode> So I though, can I build on something I can control...
<PenguinOfDoom> gchristensen: but I also want a computer that doesn't depend on five gigabytes of mutable state
<LnL> Unode: you are using a different store path?
<Unode> LnL: yes
<Unode> do you think this docker image could be made to work. (a limitation, docker doesn't run on the same machine that runs nix-daemon).
<LnL> so are you building everything yourself or do you want to use a container to avoid that?
<Unode> LnL: I'm building everything.
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<Unode> LnL: I want to have /share/nix so I can use it across systems (/share is an NFS drive)
<Unode> the container would simply be to have a controlled environment which hopefully won't cause the weird failures I'm getting.
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<Unode> LnL: feasible?
<LnL> still not entirely clear what you want to do
<LnL> do you want to be able to run stuff outside of the container?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSklm
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 8cdf7b3 Maximilian Bosch: geogebra: 5-0-331-0 -> 5-0-338-0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 8183006 Maximilian Bosch: geogebra: 5-0-338-0 -> 5-0-346-0...
<Unode> I want to use the container to compile the package. Think vmTools.runInLinuxVM but the VM is a docker container running on another machine.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #24307: bluez-tools: 2015-09-10 -> 2016-12-12 (master...bluez-tools) https://git.io/vSklC
<Unode> the reason for 'another machine' is because currently I can't even compile qemu because systemd fails and it is a dependency of qemu.
<LnL> the image I made uses /nix/store so I'm not sure how useful that would be then
<schoppenhauer> hi. is anyone using keepass under nixos? I see there is no keepasshttp plugin packaged, but also, I am not sure how to add keepass plugins, because they must be put into the keepass folder.
<Unode> LnL: I see
<LnL> it's usually better to setup a bindmount or something on the machine to just use /nix/store
<ndowens08> schoppenhauer: hmm i may try to package it
<Unode> LnL: yes but I have no control over that.
<schoppenhauer> ndowens08: ah.
<schoppenhauer> ndowens08: when? (probably?)
<ndowens08> not sure may try now; though I am thinking of taking a nap too lol
<Unode> LnL: which is why I'm trying to use other solutions to get the packages compiled.
<schoppenhauer> ndowens08: ok cool. I would have tried it myself, but I am confused.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] veprbl opened pull request #24308: citrix_reciever: 13.4.0 -> 13.5.0 (master...cr) https://git.io/vSklV
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSklw
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8c2f986 Winnie Quinn: gitkraken: 2.2.0 -> 2.2.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 872a15a Joachim F: Merge pull request #24301 from winniequinn/gitkraken-2.2.1...
<Unode> I do have a qemu compiled with a previous nixpkgs version but I don't know how to use it to bootstrap a newer version of nixpkgs. (asked this question earlier here, no reply).
<schoppenhauer> ndowens08: so it is already packaged m(
<ndowens08> hmm
<schoppenhauer> I shouldn't use duckduckgo …
<schoppenhauer> google finds it
<Unode> schoppenhauer: for nixpkgs, searching on github is a better option
<schoppenhauer> Unode: ok
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<schoppenhauer> ok. the question now is: is it enough to install the plugin package, or do I have to pass it to the package in my config.nix?
<schoppenhauer> ndowens08: do you happen to know that?
<ndowens08> i would think it'd install to the correct location, though havent tried it
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<Unode> clever's nixja skills would be most welcome
<joepie91> Unode: schoppenhauer: http://search.nix.gsc.io/
<joepie91> considerably more useful than github search
<joepie91> searches master
<Unode> joepie91: git grep ?
<joepie91> this is way nicer to navigate :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] obadz closed pull request #24308: citrix_reciever: 13.4.0 -> 13.5.0 (master...cr) https://git.io/vSklV
<ndowens08> well i think i am gonna go take a nap, cya guys
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<schoppenhauer> cu
<schoppenhauer> good night
<Unode> silly question, if I have a build that fails, if I use -K to keep the build directory, manage to fix the derivation manually, is there any way to have nix re-use it as if it hasn't failed in the first place.?
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<schoppenhauer> I am trying to install something from a local unstable repo, but I get the error "error: anonymous function at /home/christoph/nobackup/nixos-unstable/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/editors/android-studio/default.nix:1:1 called with unexpected argument ‘jdk’, at /home/christoph/nobackup/nixos-unstable/nixpkgs/lib/customisation.nix:56:12"
<schoppenhauer> what can I do about it?
<schoppenhauer> I dont even want to install android studio, it apparently is just evaluated
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<fresheyeball> hey there, so I am still learning and have a nixos vm to learn with
<fresheyeball> I'd like oh-my-zsh, and it looks like there is a pkg for it
<fresheyeball> how can I install this?
<fresheyeball> nix-env -i oh-my-zsh does not work
<fresheyeball> same with other flavors
<fresheyeball> nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -i oh-my-zsh
<fresheyeball> no work
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<Mateon1> fresheyeball: Try nix-env -iA nixos.oh-my-zsh
<fresheyeball> ok
<fresheyeball> Mateon1: how did you know that?
<Mateon1> Well, just a guess
<Mateon1> I always try to install by full path name
<Mateon1> so nix-env -qaP .*zsh.*
<Mateon1> That lists nixos.oh-my-zsh as the path
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSkBI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6078874 Tuomas Tynkkynen: channel.nix: Use filterSource to exclude unnecessary files from nixpkgs...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg closed pull request #23756: channel.nix: Use filterSource to exclude unnecessary files from nixpkgs (master...pr-filtersource) https://git.io/vyoyv
<maurer> Is there a way to get nox-review to try building things from the --against branch to see if they work there?
<maurer> So that it can filter out things that didn't work _before_ you made changes
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<mucaho> greetings! i'm trying to compile a driver kernel module for my wireless network card. the makefile sets "LINUX_SRC = /lib/modules/<kernel_version>/build", but i can't find the build directory under "/nix/store/<hash>-linux-4.4.52/"
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