<SovereignBleak> clever: Thank you, that’s it!
<clever> SovereignBleak: this will take the old qt5, and overwrite the base attr, then return the new set
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<pikajude> ok now I get this from WSL
<pikajude> error: executing SQLite statement ‘pragma synchronous = normal’: disk I/O error (in ‘/nix/var/nix/db/db.sqlite’)
<pikajude> i'm starting to think it doesn't work on WSL at all
<SovereignBleak> clever: Infinite recursion encountered.
<clever> SovereignBleak: oh, the rec on line 135, you need to use pkgs.qt5 to force it to not be recursive
<clever> qt5 = pkgs.qt5 // {
<clever> same as 136 already does
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<SovereignBleak> clever: That was it. Thank you.
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<dmj`> clever: you’re great, thanks
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<schoppenhauer> hi. how can I override a package which also gets an additional dependency?
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<shout-user> hey, just started using nixpkgs on OSX and wanted to install intellij IDEA... but somehow 'nix-env -qa idea' isn't picking up anything
<clever> shout-user: nix-env -iA nixpkgs.idea.idea-ultimate
<shout-user> also when I search for other editors e.g. bluefish I can find
<shout-user> OK, thanks... but how can I pull it up in a query?
<shout-user> kinda need to know how to fish here
<clever> the -qa flag will only show unfree packages if you first turn unfree packages on
<shout-user> ah cool, thanks
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<SovereignBleak> My GTK themes still aren’t applying. I’m starting to think NixOS might be over my head.
<SovereignBleak> I think I’m sourcing it all correctly but all the different configuration files I’m looking at all have their own hacky solutions.
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<fXl> hello guys, i installed nvidia driver for my optimus system. Everything went well. I rebooted and i can't login to desktop now. What should i do ?
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<tilpner> Boot the last generation and try to fix it from there. Tell me when you found the right logs :/
<tilpner> (I haven't been able to get bumblebee to work on 17.03, so reverted to 16.09)
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<fXl> i use unstable channel, if it matters
<fXl> how can i find where xorg conf ?
<clever> fXl: read /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.conf
<clever> fXl: which will have a different xorg.conf path for each generation
<clever> $ ls -lh /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-*-link/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service
<clever> and this would list every version of display-manager.service over time
<shout-user> I see that there is nix-env --switch-profile but is there a CLI switch to list profiles?
<clever> shout-user: profiles are just a collection of symlinks, and you normaly arent switching them around, just working on generations within a single profile
<fXl> clever: there is no /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.conf
<clever> fXl: oops, display-manager.service
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<fXl> it shows a lot of things :D
<clever> fXl: can you put it in a gist?
<fXl> okey
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<clever> fXl: and the contents of the start script referenced on line 16
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<clever> fXl: ah, lightdm does things differently from slim, you need to check /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
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<clever> fXl: it should have an xserver-command= that contains the xorg.conf path
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<fXl> yeah, found it but looks different :D
<clever> the one in /etc is for the current config that is probably working
<clever> you will want the one near /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-*-link/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
<clever> to get the other versions, the one with the highest number is probably the one that you made earlier and didnt get working
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<fXl> i am on the highest one on NotionWM now. But i cant login to Gnome3
<SovereignBleak> What should I be doing to get my themes to stick?
<fXl> i dont know if this is enough for xorg nvidia but Device "Device-nvidia[0]" is this correct ?
<fXl> there is no BusId section
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<clever> fXl: that just references a device section declared elsewhere
<fXl> where it is declared ? i cant see
<fXl> when i do "nvidia-settings -q gpus" , getting "NVIDIA driver is not loaded"
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<fXl> should i specify nvidia driver to load ? nvidia.nix seems to do that though
<clever> fXl: what is xserver.videoDrivers set to?
<fXl> videoDrivers = [ "intel" "nvidia" ];
<clever> i'm not sure how it will work when you specify 2 like that
<fXl> speficy 2 ?
<clever> ive had it work with just nvidia in the list
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<fXl> but i want to use intel too
<puffnfresh> don't have "nvidia" in your video drivers if you have Bumblebee enabled
<puffnfresh> I made that mistake, took me a few hours to debug
<gchristensen> hardware.bumblebee.enable = true; is all it took for me
<puffnfresh> fXl: sounds like this is your problem, don't put "nvidia" in that list
<fXl> okey. should i delete nvidia from there thats all ? or revert back earlier system and do hardware.bumblebee.enable = true;
<puffnfresh> optimus is like bumblebee isn't it?
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<puffnfresh> oh I'm thinking primus
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<puffnfresh> fXl: you want GPU switching right?
<crzyp3ck> hello
<fXl> yes sir
<puffnfresh> remove nvidia from your videoDrivers and add hardware.bumblebee.enable
<fXl> okey
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<clever> fnlkj: and this is what gets set when you enable bumblebee: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/release-17.03/nixos/modules/hardware/video/bumblebee.nix#L77
<fXl> it seems, it worked
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<fXl> i am now in gnome3 and optirun works too
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<fXl> of course i get very low fps :D 150 fps on windows, 30-50 fps on NixOS
<fnlkj> clever: hm. sry to say I think Im kinda confused, unsure what u mean.. but eh, hm.. thanks, i guess.. will try remember--and avoid "bumblee" as best as can, thenn
<clever> fnlkj: oops, meant to send that to fXl
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<crzyp3ck> Is .Xresources being picked up with sddm?
<fnlkj> oh ok. owell. the menacing ravaging of bumblebee certainly wont go unnnoticed and i aprecciate and will do as best i can to heed your warning too
<fXl> why fps is this much low ? i got above 100 fps on Elementary OS when i play CS:GO
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<jethro`> /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER jethro` vtgcearslaws
<clever> jethro`: grats
<jethro`> on?
<jethro`> but thanks anyway (:)
<clever> we can all see your password
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<jethro`> ro`> but thanks anyway (:)
<jethro`> ERC> oh well
<fXl> without optirun and with optirun steam etc.. i got same fps. isnt this wrong ? :D it seems nvidia card doesnt work huh ?
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<shout-user> https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#ssec-ssh-substituter refers to configuration.nix but it doesn't say where it should be
<shout-user> I added a configuration file ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix but it doesn't seem that it's getting picked up
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<shout-user> trying to be able to search for unfree packages with nix-env -qa...
<clever> shout-user: ssh-substituter-hosts is an option for /etc/nix/nix.conf
<shout-user> clever: really just interested in configuration.nix mentioned at the end
<clever> shout-user: what did you put in config.nix?
<shout-user> .config/nixpkgs/config.nix - I'm on OSX but that's where my XDG_CONFIG_HOME points...
<clever> configuration.nix has to be at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and it only impactx nixos-rebuild
<clever> and options like nix.sshServe are only for nixos, they dont work on OSX
<clever> https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#nix.ss explains what it does
<shout-user> hmm, https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-packageconfig says you can set allowUnfree there
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<clever> shout-user: and if you enable sshServe, it will just insert this text into /etc/ssh/sshd_config
<clever> which locks down the nix-ssh user, and forces all sessions to result in nix-store --serve being ran
<shout-user> I'm not interested in sshServer right now
<shout-user> I just want to set allowUnfree
<clever> ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix should contain { allowUnfree = true; }
<shout-user> hmm, it does...
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<shout-user> maybe I need to restart something?
<clever> nope
<shout-user> sure it works on OSX?
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<clever> nix-env will re-read it every time it gets ran
<clever> it might be ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<clever> depends on the version of nixpkgs your running
<shout-user> yeah, nix probably doesn't care about my XDG_CONFIG_HOME on OSX
<clever> shout-user: this is the logic that decides which file to read
<clever> so the config argument has top priority, followed by $NIXPKGS_CONFIG
<clever> ";
<clever> then ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix, and finally "/.nixpkgs/config.nix
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* clever heads to bed
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<shout-user> clever: thanks a bunch!
<shout-user> somehow it's still not working (set NIXPKGS_CONFIG=/Users/shout-user/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix) but I'll keep playing with it
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<clever> can you pastebin the config.nix?
<shout-user> before I just had { allowUnfree = true; }
<shout-user> which was probably wrong? I'm sort of looking at https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-packageconfig
<clever> that sounds right
<shout-user> also just doing nix-env -qa idea
<shout-user> and nix-env -qa intellij
<clever> ah, and also idea is under an attr
<clever> thats probably making things worse
<clever> nix-env isnt recursive by default
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<shout-user> also tried nix-env -qa '.*idea.*' ... maybe I should test with another non-free
<shout-user> seems like I'm not pulling up google-chrome either
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<pikajude> i think WSL might just be playing a prank on me
<shout-user> clever: I was thinking I might be on a system rather than user instance
<pikajude> all of the nix-* executables immediately exit(0)
<shout-user> I did the single user setup
<clever> shout-user: try installing nox and then run "nox chrome"
* clever heads to bed
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] calvertvl opened pull request #24581: src: 1.12 -> 1.13 (master...update-src-1_13) https://git.io/vS8BP
<jethro`> shout-user: you need a line in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix if you want to install non-free stuff
<shout-user> jethro: yeah, I've got it...
<shout-user> see above and pastebin
<shout-user> I added the env variable to try to force it, but it's in the (supposed) right place
<jethro`> it's different from what you have inside /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
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<shout-user> I'm using OSX, so there is no /etc/nixos
<shout-user> there's ~/.nix-profile/etc
<jethro`> { allowUnfree = true; } works for me
<jethro`> just installed idea-ultimate from there
<jethro`> your pastebin, I believe, is for those using nixos-rebuild
<shout-user> ah, ok - I originally had { allowUnfree = true; } but switched it
<shout-user> https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-packageconfig is not really very clear
<shout-user> I'm not trying to install
<shout-user> trying to search
<shout-user> did you pick it up with nix-env -qa idea?
<jethro`> yeah that affects search as well
<shout-user> switched /Users/shout-user/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix back to { allowUnfree = true; }
<shout-user> and it's not working
<jethro`> can you try nix-env -qaP | grep idea
<shout-user> now, .config is symlinked to dotfiles/config
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<shout-user> don't think that should matter
<shout-user> nothing
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<jethro`> what channel are you on?
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<jethro`> nixos-unstable?
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<shout-user> nix-channel --list nixpkgs https://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable
<shout-user> I just installed
<jethro`> oops
<jethro`> the channel is misspelled
<gchristensen> nixpkgs-unstable exists too
<shout-user> interesting, I got it from https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#ch-installing-binary
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jerith666 opened pull request #24582: gammu: 1.33.0 -> 1.37.91 (master...gammu-1-37) https://git.io/vS8RU
<jethro`> hmm
<shout-user> lemme add that channel
<jethro`> yeah it does
<shout-user> I'm a complete newb, just started a couple hours ago
<jethro`> same actually lol
<gchristensen> don't use nixpkgs-unstable if you use nixos
<jethro`> yeah I guess if you're on OSX you should use nixpkgs-unstable
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<shout-user> nix-env -qa idea turns up intellij idea for you?
<jethro`> have you run nix-channel --update?
<shout-user> yep
<jethro`> nix-env -qa idea doesn't turn up anything for me
<shout-user> yeah, that shows nothing for me
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<jethro`> no clue
<shout-user> anyone know if is there a verbose logging flag that I can turn on?
<shout-user> also tried the old directory .nixpkgs/config.nix
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<crzyp3ck> I need to create THIS symlink. I search we don't have an option related to this variable. OR DO WE? ** ln -s /usr/share/cursors/xorg-x11 ~/.icons **
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<gchristensen> crzyp3ck: maybe it exists at /run/current-system/sw/share/cursors...?
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<crzyp3ck> gchristensen: the proble is this : https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Cursor_themes#GTK2.2FGTK3
<crzyp3ck> Troubleshooting
<crzyp3ck> Cursor keeps going back to default X cursors
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<crzyp3ck> gchristensen: and there is not a cursor or similar combinations on /run/current-system/sw/share/
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<crzyp3ck> gchristensen: ?
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<railswalker> I'd like to add gpg2 to my initrd so that I can implement two-factor auth for my LUKS encrypted HDD. I see that stage-1.nix sets an initialRamdisk configuration but is there a way I can customize that?
<railswalker> My goal is to have my LUKS require a GPG encrypted keyfile
<railswalker> Which means that I need to call a script during stage 1 to ask for the passphrase, decrypt the keyfile, and pass the decrypted keyfile to cryptsetup luksOpen.
<puffnfresh> fXl left :(
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<puffnfresh> the problem was you have to configure Steam's run command
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<puffnfresh> launch options: vblank_mode=0 primusrun %command%
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] AndersonTorres closed pull request #24581: src: 1.12 -> 1.13 (master...update-src-1_13) https://git.io/vS8BP
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] veprbl opened pull request #24583: yoda: 1.6.5 -> 1.6.6, provide version with ROOT (master...yoda166) https://git.io/vS80b
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<crzyp3ck> I need to create THIS symlink. ** ln -s /usr/share/cursors/xorg-x11 ~/.icons **
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vS8um
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9f34d1f Peter Hoeg: terraform: remove 0.8.5 specific file...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] utdemir opened pull request #24585: kt: init at 11.1.0 (master...master) https://git.io/vS8uz
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<shout-user> anyone have any tips on how I could get allowUnfree to be respected?
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<puffnfresh> shout-user: when is it not being respected?
<shout-user> it won't show unfree packages when I search with nix-env -qa
<shout-user> for example nix-env -qa idea
<shout-user> I have the config in .config/nixpkgs/config.nix
<shout-user> can I add log statements? would I need to recompile?
<shout-user> I tried all 3 of those places
<shout-user> I'd like to add a log around there, any ideas on how to do it?
<puffnfresh> I think I remember nix-env -q not taking unfree into consideration
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<shout-user> supposed to be able to fix it with the unfree config
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<dmj`> how do I map over an attr set
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<dmj`> I’d like to apply a function to every derivation in an attribute set
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<c74d> dmj`: see lib.mapAttrs in lib/attrsets.nix
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<puffnfresh> shout-user: nix-env -qa idea-ultimate
<puffnfresh> that works for me
<shout-user> definitely doesn't work for me
<shout-user> how do people debug nix? can I add builtin.trace anywhere?
<shout-user> or would I have to add those types of statements and then compile it from source
<puffnfresh> { allowUnfree = true: }
<puffnfresh> is what my ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix looks like
<shout-user> yep, I've got that in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix
<puffnfresh> that should work too
<puffnfresh> nix-repl
<shout-user> altho I've got { allowUnfree = true; }
<puffnfresh> nix-repl> :l <nixpkgs>
<shout-user> looks like you've got a colon at the end? maybe a typo
<puffnfresh> nix-repl> config.allowUnfree
<puffnfresh> true
<shout-user> nix-repl> config.allowUnfree true
<shout-user> nix-repl> config { allowUnfree = true; }
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<puffnfresh> nix-env -qa | grep idea
<puffnfresh> shows what?
<shout-user> how do I get out of nix-repl?
<puffnfresh> :quit
<shout-user> nothing
<shout-user> just updated my channel again
<shout-user> nix-channel --list nixpkgs https://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable
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<shout-user> puffnfresh: how can I add trace statements to the underlying source? would I have to compile from source?
<puffnfresh> you could but I don't know where you want to do that
<shout-user> but it's not dynamic? I can't add logs without recompiling?
<puffnfresh> you can add them
<puffnfresh> where do you want to add them?
<puffnfresh> clone nixpkgs, add the logs you want and: nix-env -qa -f .
<shout-user> oh cool
<puffnfresh> nix-env -qa -f . idea-ultimate
<puffnfresh> I don't know where trace statements will be helpful
<shout-user> warning: name collision in input Nix expressions, skipping ‘/Users/bencreasy/.config-test/nixpkgs/config.nix’
<shout-user> that -f flag turned up something it looks like
<puffnfresh> oh wow
<shout-user> not sure why it's picking up .config-test... so .config is a symlink to dotfiles/config
<shout-user> so I tried doing it without the symlink
<shout-user> that was .config-test
<puffnfresh> you don't have NIXPKGS_CONFIG set do you?
<shout-user> since it didn't work, I switched it back to my symlink with all my config dotfiles
<shout-user> no, not anymore
<shout-user> I tried that too
<shout-user> env | GREP NIX* NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=/Users/bencreasy/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE=/Users/bencreasy/.nix-profile/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] maurer opened pull request #24586: Add BAP to nixpkgs (master...bap) https://git.io/vS82b
<shout-user> cloning it down - I'm thinking add stuff around https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/top-level/impure.nix#L28-L36 might be a start
<puffnfresh> yep, though I don't see how nix-repl is getting the correct config if nix-env is not
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<shout-user> trying to add builtins.trace homeDir false; at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/top-level/impure.nix#L9 and it's not working
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<shout-user> error: https://pastebin.com/D2rMLTKL
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<puffnfresh> shout-user: trace is an expression
<puffnfresh> homeDir = let x = builtins.getEnv "HOME" in builtins.trace x x;
<puffnfresh> change homeDir to that
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<shout-user> yeah, figured that out... repl examples had confused me I guess. unexpected IN, expecting ';', at /Users/bencreasy/nix-user/nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/impure.nix:8:44
<shout-user> using your suggestion
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<c74d> shout-user: puffnfresh's snippet needs a semicolon before the `in` (after "HOME")
<puffnfresh> oh yeah sorry
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<shout-user> looks like it's importing configFile2 as expected
<shout-user> maybe someone has other ideas of where to log? I'm calling it a night, but I want to fix this
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<puffnfresh> nix-env -qa -f . idea-ultimate
<puffnfresh> that definitely shows nothing?
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<shout-user> it says error: selector ‘idea-ultimate’ matches no derivations
<shout-user> I can add a trace anywhere that might be helpful...
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<crzyp3ck> how should one create this symlink in nix config file?. ** ln -s /usr/share/cursors/xorg-x11 ~/.icons **
<puffnfresh> nix-env -qa -f . | wc -l
<puffnfresh> I get 13170 on my branch
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<shout-user> I get 8523
<puffnfresh> oooh
<puffnfresh> you're on Mac
<shout-user> yep
<shout-user> is intellij ultimate compiled only for linux?
<shout-user> ah, I see... seems so
<puffnfresh> nix-instantiate --eval -A idea.idea-ultimate.meta.platforms
<puffnfresh> yeah...
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<puffnfresh> you should update that derivation to add OS X support <3
<shout-user> cool, maybe another night...
<shout-user> same applies to Google Chrome
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<shout-user> I'm sort of planning/hoping to switch back to Linux at some point so I'm looking for cross-platform tools, but it looks like Mac isn't too popular with nix folks
<puffnfresh> some people use it on Mac, I used to
<puffnfresh> but yeah, things are missing
<shout-user> thanks so much for your help
<puffnfresh> but over 8000 packages looks pretty good to me!
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<shout-user> yep, not bad...
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<puffnfresh> I think packaging IDEA Ultimate for OS X would look something like that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vS8ow
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 398823d David McFarland: Revert "steam: use custom openssl"...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2c006ca David McFarland: Revert "openssl: add custom build of 1.0.2 for steam"...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vS8oS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 11e196d David McFarland: Revert "steam: use custom openssl"...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 d1c477e David McFarland: Revert "openssl: add custom build of 1.0.2 for steam"...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #23034: WIP: Steam openssl fix (master...steam) https://git.io/vDbVb
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vS8ob
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b6036c9 Vladimír Čunát: release-small: use unar instead of unrar...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #24585: kt: init at 11.1.0 (master...master) https://git.io/vS8uz
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<lush> hey
<lush> I tried to update my nixos from 16.09 to 17.03 and as it seems it worked today
<lush> however I want to install lxqt besides plasma5
<lush> so I changed my config and added: "services.xserver.desktopManager.lxqt.enable = true;" but if I try nixos-rebuild switch it won't compile
<lush> How can I fix that?
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<gilligan_> hi
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<lush> hi
<Filystyn> i want normal make
<Filystyn> and i have only gnumake in rep
<Filystyn> wth?
<Filystyn> if i install gnumake will make command work?
<Filystyn> no gmake. MAKE ;-)
<ToxicFrog> Filystyn: `make` is GNU Make on almost every linux
<ToxicFrog> `gmake` may also be GNU Make, of course.
<lush> any ideas on lxqt?
<ToxicFrog> Filystyn: to answer your specific question, if you install gnumake you will get the `make` command.
<Filystyn> ok ok seems i just used always gnumake ;-)
<Filystyn> just not gmake and was worried
<Filystyn> thx
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<ToxicFrog> yeah, on SUSE or Debian or Ubuntu or Gentoo or Fedora (at least), 'make --version' will report it as GNU Make on a default install
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<Filystyn> ok guys..
<Filystyn> bash scripts are not working
<Filystyn> i got make working horey but bash scripts from debian not working what is wrong ?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vS81l
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 438ac66 Taahir Ahmed: nomacs: init at 3.4 (#24580)...
<Filystyn> *wrong interpreter*
<Mic92> Filystyn: /usr/bin/env bash
<Mic92> #!/usr/bin/env bash
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<Filystyn> if i understand correct....
<Filystyn> how to make bash portable...
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<Filystyn> ok works
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<Filystyn> thx Mic92 your solution was correct and seems the good one ;-')
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<pi3r> hi, when I add a channel to the root user: nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable nixos-unstable; nix-channel --update
<pi3r> then in user space I will be in trouble with derivation defined with overlays (in .config/nixpkgs/overlays) will fail with:
<pi3r> ? ~ ? nix-env -qa 141 ?
<pi3r> error: cannot import ‘/nix/store/fkqmsl9nxk9hrxyrppizhm2xfbn404y6-cabal2nix-cicd-shell’, since path ‘/nix/store/9a806cmnkmngw0ykfcb5cfbdgcz1pxr7-cabal2nix-cicd-shell.drv’ is not valid, at /nix/store/5bbac3b1f829zpb79pgym5pard1370b9-nixos-unstable-17.09pre104915.49aa2483e0/nixos-unstable/lib/customisation.nix:97:50
<pi3r> Sorry for the mess up input ;-)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] makefu opened pull request #24587: Pkgs/snapraid/update 11.1 (master...pkgs/snapraid/update-11.1) https://git.io/vS8Mt
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<pi3r> A pastebin with the issue encountered: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/lqYCtkvL?nix
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<lush> anyone here using lxqt?
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<hyphon81> I'm attempting to build hydra from github source. However, I have never been built it yet.
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<hyphon81> Couldn't we build hydra from github>
<hyphon81> Couldn't we build hydra from github?
<simpson> hyphon81: What's your goal?
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<hyphon81> simpson: My goal is using hydra with MariaDB. I think, it seems able if I built hydra with DBDmysql. So, I'm attempting now.
<hyphon81> However,
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<hyphon81> However, my attempting with overrideDerivation is failed. So, I'm challenging to build hydra from .nix file in nixpkg. And it's faild now.
<goibhniu> hi hyphon81, hydra is pretty difficult to set up, have you already got it running with postgres?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lprndn opened pull request #24589: nomacs: 3.4 -> 3.6.1 (master...nomacs-3.6.1) https://git.io/vS8yN
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<simpson> hyphon81: Ambitious.
<guillaum2> hi. Which solution do you recommand to "package" something which was build using nix and which should run on any other linux without installing nix ? I initially thought about building using static libraries, but they are not included in nix.
<hyphon81> goibhniu: Sorry, No. In default(services.hydra.enable = true), hydra will use SQLite in my environment.
<lush> simpson: have you got an idea what I could do about this http://lpaste.net/354234 ?
<goibhniu> hyphon81: ah, so you have it running with SQLite already?
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<kragniz> I wonder if that guy on the ml likes systemd?
<goibhniu> lol
* goibhniu just read that too
<hyphon81> simpson: Yeah. It is convenient for me to use hydra with MariaDB, because I use OpenStack with MariaDB already.
<joachifm> guillaum2: make a tarball of the binary closure
<simpson> lush: You have to define qt5 or bring it in from somewhere else. If you have nixpkgs nearby, `pkgs.qt5` works for me.
<joachifm> guillaum2: for stuff that only references other stuff in the store, that should work pretty much anywhere
<ikwildrpepper> globin: looks like 17.03 broke sudoers via ssh agent auth
<simpson> hyphon81: Ah, the masochism of OpenStack. Well, okay, good luck. I recommend working entirely from nixpkgs.
<ikwildrpepper> globin: commit that broke it was 643703366dd44bd0848dc302a959c5cce9a4d2bf
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<ikwildrpepper> globin: was there a specific reason to upgrade to 0.10.3 ?
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<hyphon81> goibhniu: Actually, hydra couldn't read SQLite file, because the file doesn't exist. So, I was angry and I decided use MariaDB.
<guillaum2> joachifm: so the idea is to locate by hand all the stuff referenced in the store, and change the rpath by hand? Is there a tool for that?
<hyphon81> However, it's hard way I thought.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vS89B
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 969849a Vladimír Čunát: mesa: maintenance 17.0.2 -> 17.0.3
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<goibhniu> hyphon81: personally, I'd prefer to get it running with a supported database first, before trying to add support for another db
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<lush> simpson: but shouldn't nix handle that automatically?
<lush> simpson: I already installed kde5
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<joachifm> guillaum2: not by hand, see nix-store -q
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<joachifm> guillaum2: also nix-copy-closure &c
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vS89A
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 b152bbd Alexander Kirchhoff: pam_ssh_agent_auth: Re-allow multiple authorized keys files...
<hyphon81> goibhniu: Yes, I'm understanding it. However, I would like to use MariaDB very much. XD
<hyphon81> And, hydra in nixpkgs doesn't have DBDmysql. So, I can't use MariaDB in default.
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<niksnut> Hydra only supports PostgreSQL
<niksnut> IIRC, it uses Postgres-specific features in a few places
<joachifm> guillaum2: ofc., I'm assuming you can create /nix/store on the host; if not, more work is required ...
<simpson> lush: You need to unlearn the idea of globally-installed packages. That's not how Nix works. If you want to use Qt5 stuff in a Nix expression, you have to use pkgs.qt5.
<hyphon81> simpson: Ha Ha, yes maybe I'm masochist! I'm making codes for building OpenStack Newton on NixOS.
<simpson> hyphon81: Exciting. I looked into getting Shade working with nixops last year, but didn't get very far.
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<hyphon81> When I made OpenStack keystone with MariaDB, I only added MySQL_python and pymysql to propagatedBuildInputs.
<hyphon81> So, in hydra, I thought, I will be able to do similar. But, actually, it is not simple.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vS8Qi
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 969ed88 ndowens: epdfview: Fixed SRC URL; Cosmetic Change (#24568)...
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<hyphon81> I'm stumbling that the hydra build codes on nixpkgs don't work...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vS8QA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1a0a604 makefu: snapraid: 11.0 -> 11.1...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e9a6366 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #24587 from makefu/pkgs/snapraid/update-11.1...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vS87U
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 19e03a1 ndowens: epdfview: Fixed SRC URL; Cosmetic Change (#24568)...
<lush> simpson: I just want to install a desktop globally.. what's wrong about this?
<lush> simpson: I think nix should be able to handle that right?
<simpson> lush: I don't know, you haven't pastebinned your Nix expression yet.
<lush> simpson: I just added "services.xserver.desktopManager.lxqt.enable = true;" in my config
<lush> simpson: and nixos won't rebuild
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<simpson> lush: Huh, the line in nixpkgs master looks fine: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/desktops/lxqt/default.nix#L74
<lush> simpson: I really just added this line and tried "nixos-rebuild switch"
<simpson> lush: Could you double-check that the path given in your error also correctly says `pkgs.qt5`? This is curious.
<guillaum2> joachifm: I'm a bit afraid about creating /nix/store on the host, that's highly invasive for my users...
<lush> simpson: what do you mean exactly?
<lush> ah
<lush> yeah ok one moment
<lush> simpson: no there is no pkgs before :O
<lush> so only qt5.qtsvg
<simpson> So now you know what you're missing.
<lush> simpson: it isn't there for me
<lush> simpson: shouldn't nix automatically download the "right" one?
<simpson> lush: Yes, because you're working with a tree that is at least a month old.
<lush> how can I refresh that tree?
<simpson> When did you last $(nix-channel --update)? It might be in unstable by now.
<lush> I only changed it to 17.03 channel
<lush> I'll try it now
<simpson> lush: Ah, yes, 17.03 should have it: http://howoldis.herokuapp.com/
<lush> simpson: so just nix-channel --update?
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<simpson> lush: Yes. This is a required step for updating similar to $(apt update). nixos-rebuild can do it for you with a flag but I don't like doing things that way.
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<lush> simpson: so everytime before I rebuild I should update my channels ?
<simpson> lush: If you want to pull updates, then yes. In this particular case, you hit a bug in a Nix expression and you just need to pull an update so that you have the bugfix.
<simpson> That's the commit that I linked you to.
<lush> simpson: still the same error
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<simpson> That's the commit that your channel is currently on.
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<lush> simpson: So I should wait a few days/change the file by myself?
<simpson> lush: So you need to either use unstable, use a local checkout of nixpkgs master, or get somebody to pull the fix into 17.03.
<lush> simpson: It's not like I need it today
<simpson> I think that you should ask for a pull on that fix. I don't know who to ask or where, though. :c
<lush> Just in the long term I guess I'll use lxqt instead of plasma
<lush> all right ty
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<lush> simpson: But why is lxqt in th 17.03 channel if it won't compile anyway? shouldn't hydra like tell the developers: wow this package won't build or sth? (I'm really very new to the nixos infrastructure)
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<simpson> lush: Hydra doesn't test all of the possible NixOS configurations.
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<lush> simpson: so it is always like possible that there are packages in the current stable tree that won't build?
<hyphon81> Oh, I find my Nixtack can't run with 17.03 nix-channel. I will fix it.
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<simpson> lush: This bug isn't in a package. It's in a NixOS module.
<lush> simpson: ahh ok
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<hyphon81> I only have run Nixtack with no channls on 16.09. Yeah, I should separate ALL python packages that dependent OpenStack apps from nixpkgs? Wow. XD
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<SovereignBleak> So I realized that I’m in way over my head. I’m just copying and pasting other people's configs and not grokking anything except the basics. What do I need to learn to understand NixOS? Should I pick up Haskell first?
<lush> SovereignBleak: guess you should learn nix if you want to write your own nix-expressions
<SovereignBleak> Just as an example: I *still* don’t have a working GTK theme.
<lush> SovereignBleak: I really doubt haskell will help you out here
<simpson> SovereignBleak: Haskell is almost completely unrelated to the Nix language.
<lush> SovereignBleak: I know haskell I still can't tell you what to do exactly :-D
<lush> SovereignBleak: What desktop are you using?
<SovereignBleak> lush: i3
<SovereignBleak> It just seems like Nix is all about math essentially? Variables and functions resolving to things.
<lush> SovereignBleak: Nix is a relatively simple functional programming language
<SovereignBleak> lush: Do you have a working GTK theme?
<lush> SovereignBleak: I'm using KDE and use one from kde I just think how I did use GTK + i3 in archlinux and consider whether you do it the same way in nixos
<lush> SovereignBleak: But I'm new to nixos as well, so it is possible that I won't be able to help you or even tell stupid things
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<SovereignBleak> It’s not the same as in Arch. Because Nix has its own paths, themeing engines can’t find where they ought to act on.
<lush> yeah I guess so
<goibhniu> SovereignBleak: it looks like there are some open issues regarding gtk themes: e.g. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/10577 and https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/13537
<goibhniu> maybe they provide some hints
<SovereignBleak> goibhniu: Thanks. I may have already gone through them in my obsessive search for a solution but I’ll check.
<goibhniu> perhaps you need to set an environment variable
<lush> SovereignBleak: seems like there is a way through the configuration file
<SovereignBleak> Oh I know I do. But something I’m doing is wrong.
<goibhniu> FWIW http://sprunge.us/LPHW is what I get for `env | grep GTK` with the gtk breeze theme on KDE
<SovereignBleak> Thanks. :-)
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<carlosdagos> hi all
<carlosdagos> can anybody tell me how I can install urxvt?
<carlosdagos> all my attempts fail with "no such derivation"
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<makefu> nix-env -qaP | grep -i rxvt >> rxvt_unicode
<carlosdagos> makefu: thanks :)
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<Filystyn> do i need to set soemthign in configuration.nix fiel if i want to run virtual machine?
<guillaum2> carlosdagos: you can install `nox` which basically fuzzy search (using a cache, so that's efficient).
<Filystyn> what about drivers?
<Filystyn> like i have here nvidia. How to install drivers for it on nixos ;-)
<Yaniel> IIRC that's in the beginner section of the manual
<Yaniel> Filystyn: http://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html#sec-x11 (scroll down a bit)
<Filystyn> Ok did not read whole since was rampaging forward
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<gchristensen> niksnut: I'm going to send a PR today or tomorrow adding the packet.net logo to the website, can you merge and deploy that very soon after?
<niksnut> sure
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<gchristensen> thank you :)
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<Filystyn> thx yaniel
<CMCDragonkai> Has anybody seen this? collision between /nix/store/...-man-pages-4.09/share/man/man2/move_pages.2.gz and /nix/store/..../numactl-2.0.10/share/man/man2/move_pages.2.gz?
<gchristensen> who knew https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/f21aa7d22cc8128f6c60632e3108bacf69351dac would cause such profane mail to the ML
* Biappi reeks in the sarcasm.. wonderful
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<CMCDragonkai> seems like there's collisions betwen man-pages and stdmanpages and various other things
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<goibhniu> CMCDragonkai: you can set the priority of the installed package to avoid the collision
<CMCDragonkai> yea, that's annoying though
<goibhniu> the priority can also be set in nixpkgs
<CMCDragonkai> Perhaps there should be a natural priority set already inside nixpkgs for these packages
<CMCDragonkai> Not sure though, somewhat of a poor UX in this case
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy opened pull request #24591: haskellPackages: Export haskellSrc2nix and hackage2nix (master...haskell-export-2nix) https://git.io/vS4UE
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<SovereignBleak> So I just pulled a cursor theme to .icons and set it that way. And that works. I'm frustrated I can't do it the "Nix Way" but maybe after some time with the manual, I can re-approach.
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<alibabzo> I'm trying to install haskellPackages.liquid and the build is failing with missing dependencies, has anyone got any suggestions?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti closed pull request #24591: haskellPackages: Export haskellSrc2nix and hackage2nix (master...haskell-export-2nix) https://git.io/vS4UE
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vS4kd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5f8d6a5 Thomas Tuegel: ua: init at 2017-02-24
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vS4kA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5cf9cbd Thomas Tuegel: isyncUnstable: 20161218 -> 20170329
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vS4It
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 6024dd4 Shea Levy: haskellPackages: Export haskellSrc2nix and hackage2nix...
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<Filystyn> guys nvidia
<Filystyn> after adding
<Filystyn> nvidia hardware support i got black screen and had to move back
<goibhniu> maybe you need to use the legacy driver?
<Filystyn> hm?
<Filystyn> I have Nvidia Optimus
<Filystyn> on debian tahtw as a must for some other package else everything blew u[
<Yaniel> what nvidia card do you have?
<Yaniel> I'm sorry
<goibhniu> maybe you need to use bumblebee
<Filystyn> on debian i had to use that indeed
<Yaniel> but optimus is not a gpu model
<Filystyn> GTX950 M
<Filystyn> i said about optimus since on debian not installing bumblebee completly broke my system;)
<goibhniu> I think you need bumblebee, unless you can use the nvidia card directly (discrete)
<Filystyn> ok but do i have bumblebee on nix?
<goibhniu> sure
<Filystyn> i just grab it from rep?
<Filystyn> or this goes to conf file?
<goibhniu> look at `man configuration.nix`
<goibhniu> it shows how to enable it
<Filystyn> k
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<Filystyn> do i need to enable nvidia also or just bumblebee is enought?
<goibhniu> you may need both intel and nvidia
<Filystyn> intel ?
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<pi3r> someone would have an idea about http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/lqYCtkvL?nix
<gchristensen> to use bumblebee don't put nvidia in your video drivers, instsead just do hardware.bumblebee.enable = true
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<Filystyn> ok
<Filystyn> what about this? hardware.bumblebee.connectDisplay
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<gchristensen> I don't know
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<Filystyn> Ok ill just go with the basics no straneg actions
<Filystyn> sorry for chaos;)
<nh2> what does it mean when I builtins.trace something and it shows as <CODE>?
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<nh2> aha, lib.traceSeq is what I was looking or
<nh2> for
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vS4qx
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a29d0df Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.11-rc4 -> 4.11-rc5
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<Filystyn> ok there was a failure ;-)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FlorentBecker opened pull request #24592: Pijul 0.4 (master...pijul4) https://git.io/vS4m2
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vS4mV
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fa4fe71 Alexey Shmalko: docker: fix socket permissions...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c745308 Graham Christensen: docker: test for socket permissions
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<Filystyn> problem
<goibhniu> maybe you need to reboot after that change
<Filystyn> ok if the problem will still exist will it pop out each time i do switch?
<globin> gchristensen: can you push that to 17.03, add to the release notes and mention in the security announcement? :) and thanks for tackling it
<Filystyn> So i can check actualy it works
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vS4Yk
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 6c59d85 Alexey Shmalko: docker: fix socket permissions...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 6018464 Graham Christensen: docker: test for socket permissions...
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<Filystyn> i rebooted the problem still exist
<goibhniu> sorry :/
<page> globin: I also wanted to add the ~/.nixpkgs -> ~/.config/nixpkgs change to the release notes
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<page> I'll do that later if noone beats me to it
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<Filystyn> anyway if anyone has idea how to turn on bumblebee feel free to tell me ( thx )
<philipp[m]> What keys will nix try to use to fetch from a ssh served nix store?
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<hyphon81> Filystyn: To enable "services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" "intel" ];" attempted ?
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<Filystyn> no
<Filystyn> now will try;)
<hyphon81> Filystyn: Bumblebee needs videoDrivers. However, It seems you comment out it.
<Filystyn> yes was not sure they should be in ;)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra closed pull request #24533: [doc] improve "getting the sources" chapter (master...patch-1) https://git.io/vSWjm
<lush> hey
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<Filystyn> aaaand it still failed hyphon81
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<lush> How do I tell nixos to mount a partition at boot time?
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<Filystyn> ill check bios tho
<Filystyn> brb
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<copumpkin> do we have generic code in nixpkgs for making deterministic tarballs of arbitrary stuff?
<copumpkin> that strip timestamps and other junk?
<gattler> Hi all, I'm currently thinking about switching to nixos (from gentoo). Am I correct in that I can freely decide for each packet whether to build it from source or to install a binary version?
<LnL> if you create a tarball of a store path it will have deterministic dates no?
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<copumpkin> gattler: sort of, but it's a bit deeper than that
<copumpkin> gattler: the default behavior is for it to uniquely identify literally everything that goes into your build, so if you don't customize any build options, there's no benefit in building locally (unless you don't trust upstream, but then you're kinda in trouble)
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<gattler> let's say I want to install vim, but I don
<copumpkin> but it's super easy to build everything from scratch if you have a lot of time on your hands and like doing that sort of thing :)
<gattler> I don't want to have ruby support
<gattler> assuming ruby is enabled in the default
<copumpkin> so there are varying degrees of customization. In some cases, the package author made some handy flags for you to turn things like that on or off. Ruby doesn't appear to be an example of that
<copumpkin> err, vim + ruby
<copumpkin> so in that case you can go a level deeper and tinker with the build process and make it stop pulling in ruby, but that's trickier
<gattler> can I keep local patches to package receipes?
<ikwildrpepper> copumpkin: did you notice mac1 is back?
<copumpkin> \o/ no I didn't
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<copumpkin> thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bdimcheff opened pull request #24593: astroid: 0.7 -> 0.8 (master...upgrade-astroid-0.8) https://git.io/vS4cT
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<dtzWill> hmm, I'm seeing this: deadlock: trying to re-acquire self-held lock ‘/nix/store/hglr0iyqvbwd0mqj2x54n04y79dmkcrx-nixos-help.lock’
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<dtzWill> any thoughts/suggestions what might cause that?
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<dtzWill> (would running concurrent builds cause that? presumably not but not sure if 'self' is an evaluator instance or something else)
<dtzWill> i'd go with stale lock file except it says self-held. hmm.
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<dtzWill> welp it appears to have gone away so apparently it was a function of other activity? dunno. Sorry for the noise :)
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<nixy> Are there any guides to running a mail server on NixOS? It is pretty difficult to translate anything in traditional mail server guides to NixOS's modules
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<CMCDragonkai> If there's a guide that uses systemd to setup the services, it shouldn't be too difficult to translate it to a NixOS service module
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<ikwildrpepper> nixy: google shows some nixos config, e.g.: https://github.com/r-raymond/nixos-mailserver
<Filystyn> it does not work
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lukego opened pull request #24595: pharo-vm: Disable "pic" hardening (master...pharo-no-pic) https://git.io/vS4WG
<Filystyn> cant make nvidia drivers werk;)
<goibhniu> can you get more details from an error log?
<nixy> ikwildrpepper: Thanks, for some reason I wasn't able to find that
<ikwildrpepper> another effort: https://github.com/jb55/nixos-mailz
<ikwildrpepper> note, I haven't used them
<mg_> Is it enough to set system.stateVersion = "17.03"; in my conf.nix to upgrade to 17.03, or do I have to do that channel --add stuff as well? Or only that, and don't touch stateVersion?
<gchristensen> mg_: the stateVersion should not be touched
<gchristensen> we should have better documentation / clearer explanation on that in the generated, default config file
<mg_> gchristensen: alright, so follow the manual to the dot, and don't touch conf.nix at all?
<gchristensen> right
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<Filystyn> goibhniu i will come with details tomorow since i need now to set up debian on vm and i have only 2 hours for it ;-)
<mg_> gchristensen: ait, thanks :) Why isn't upgrading done from conf.nix though?
<Filystyn> thx for support for now ;)
<Filystyn> going to qemu world
<mg_> I like to have all my changes documented, but I guess that won't work in this case
<disasm> I'm UI challenged... How do I switch the session launched in lightdm on nixos? I don't see any gear boxes or anything on the login screen.
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<gchristensen> mg_: because configuration.nix is a function which is called with inputs from the channel
<mg_> ah.. makes sense
<gchristensen> managing the channel via configuration.nix would require update configuration.nix -> rebuild system, this sets the channel to the new one, the rebuild system again -> this rebuilds the system with the channel.
<mg_> I see
<goibhniu> Filystyn: cool ... I must try to get bumblebee working myself some time
<mg_> I guess the warning about not being able to go back applies for the 16.09 -> 17.03 update btw?
<gchristensen> I think you can go back
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<hyphon81> OK. I give up to build hydra with MariaDB at the moment. It's too difficult for me...
<mg_> gchristensen: ok, cool
<gchristensen> hyphon81: hydra only supports postgresql
<gchristensen> it purports to support sqlite, but it doesn't work properly
<Filystyn> ok do i need to enable something in configuartion.nix to use qemu ?
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<Filystyn> i have KVM enabled in bios is there need to enable KVM in conf file?
<gchristensen> Filystyn: have you tried it?
<mg_> one last question. I see on master guile is on version 2.2.0, but on packages.html it's on 2.0.13. Does that mean 2.2.0 is not on 17.03 and'll never be?
<LnL> gchristensen: nothing uses stateVersion except for postgres AFAIK
<gchristensen> LnL: and ssh keys
<hyphon81> gchristensen: I see... In the hydra source, only allowed to use the postgres and SQLite.
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<hyphon81> However, I stumbled to build hydra with DBDmysql...
<lush> Is anyone here that effectively uses Plasma5 Activities ?
<gchristensen> yes but it doesn't work, nor does it really work with sqlite, hyphon81.
<Filystyn> i did nothing yet I am at the part of downloading debian image
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<Filystyn> Since the skype sound does not work on nix so ill just make this debian VM for situations liek this;)
<gchristensen> Filystyn: please try to answer your question before asking, including reading the NixOS manual and trying to see for yourself.
<gilligan_> Does anyone happen to know of a way to create a docker image manifest w/o using the docker service? I'd love to push dockerTools created images to a registry directly and with https://github.com/projectatomic/skopeo I can *almost* do that. But I need an image manifest still ;/
<Filystyn> ok
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<hyphon81> My idea about hydra with MariaDB was unrealistic.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vS4Re
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master dfcd78d Eelco Dolstra: Really fix the RPM build
<Filystyn> ok gusy it worked without enabling anything;)
<hyphon81> I return to make codes for OpenStack Newton on NixOS. But, I'll go home today.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lukego opened pull request #24597: pharo-launcher: Add test case & myself as maintainer (master...pharo-launcher-test) https://git.io/vS4RE
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<jophish> nix-build -j $NCPUs can spawn n^2 jobs
<jophish> I have 20 cores, it spawns 20 haskell builds at a time, each of which compiles up to 20 files concurrently
<jophish> my system load is 355 at the moment :D
<gchristensen> yes it can :)
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<jophish> perhaps nix should set $NIX_NUM_CPUS in a more refined way
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/vS40R
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7a78892 Thomas Tuegel: nixos/fontconfig: disable autohint by default
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 21c9190 Thomas Tuegel: nixos/fontconfig: remove forceAutohint option
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0394265 Thomas Tuegel: nixos/fontconfig: remove renderMonoTTFAsBitmap
<gchristensen> I'm not sure how that is really possible, other than doing per-job cores at build-cores, and simultaneous jobs at (cpus/build-cores)
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<HappyEnte_> Hmm i am a little bit confused, where does `nixos-install` search for channels? I use different channels in my configuration and nix-env, nixos-rebuild, etc. all work flawlessly but nixos-install just doesn't want to find my extra channels
<digitalmentat> congratulations to the NixOS team for releasing 17.03 :)
<gchristensen> !m nixos team
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, nixos team!
<nixy> Hurrahs for nixos team!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vS4zA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ef4b73a Nikolay Amiantov: libappindicator: propagate dependencies
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 74f7db0 Nikolay Amiantov: tdesktop: 1.0.2 -> 1.0.27...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zimbatm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vS4gv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 94c2f3e ndowens: jp2a: 1.0.6 -> 1.0.7 (#24579)
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<hyper_ch> kdevelop still errs on building on unstable
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<digitalmentat> that was be rebooting after upgrading to 17.03 :D yaaassss
<gchristensen> woohoo, digitalmentat!
<gchristensen> everything look good?
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<digitalmentat> gchristensen, yeah, the upgrade was real smooth - it's nice to see ping using setcap-wrappers too :D
* digitalmentat is @ixmatus
<gchristensen> :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #24414: corebird: 1.3.3 -> 1.4.2 (master...corebird) https://git.io/vSOUf
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<fresheyeball> goodmorning
<fresheyeball> I'd like the volume knob on my keyboard to work.
<fresheyeball> I see this pulseaudio stuff in the configuration options
<fresheyeball> but I don't know what pulseaudio is
<gchristensen> fresheyeball: you probably want to look up pulseaudio then, and also look up how to make media keys work in x11
<gchristensen> what display manager are you using?
<fresheyeball> gchristensen: I have sddm enabled, but I'm using xmonad/none
<gchristensen> sounds like it, I believe in kde/gnome the media keys work out of the box
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vS4iZ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e6faf2a Eelco Dolstra: create-amis.sh: Use pv-grub-hd0_1.05
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fbe6d23 Eelco Dolstra: EC2: Disable PV support...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8cc3db6 Eelco Dolstra: Add 17.03 AMIs
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<sg2002> Hello. So what happened with kdm in 17.03? I have it enabled and apparently that no longer exists?
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<gchristensen> kdm / kde4 no longer exists due to (1) it is no longer maintained up stream, nor has it been for some time (2) has never had a proper maintainer in NixOS. It has been replaced with `sddm` and `plasma5`, like these: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/tests/plasma5.nix#L12-L14
<sg2002> gchristensen: I see. Thanks.
<gchristensen> you're welcome
<Filystyn> hello
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<Filystyn> at the moment i have debian not far from this window running in VM do i need to enable soemthign to make qemu conenct with internet i remember using it ages ago and i had connection maybe nix needs something in config file o.O
<Judson> How do you remove nixos-build generated system profiles?
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<Judson> I mean, is just deleting system-#-link profiles okay?
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<bennofs> Judson: yes, I think that's ok. Nix will cleanup everything else if you run nix-collect-garbage afterwards
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<Judson> Okay. The nixos-collect-garbage -delete-older-than thing made me worry that there was something special to do.
<Filystyn> guys it seems nix is bloking qemu internet connections
<Filystyn> or am i wrong??
<simpson> Filystyn: "blocking" might not be right. It might be more like "isn't hooking up".
<simpson> Sadly, I don't know the details of VM networking.
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<bennofs> Filystyn: is the nixos firewall running?
<Filystyn> yes
<Filystyn> just turn it of for now i guess
<Filystyn> not sure what port qemu needs
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<bennofs> Filystyn: i think its not about ports, but about something called reverse path test that somehow causes the routing of internet packets from your vm and back to fail
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<Filystyn> i have shut down firewall
<Filystyn> it does not work
<Filystyn> ihm
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<Filystyn> can't do it
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<nh2> is it a known problem that programs are slower in nix-build than in nix-shell? I seem to see something like ghc being 2x slower and chromedriver being 20x slower
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<copumpkin> that really surprises me :)
<copumpkin> if you're using build-use-sandbox, the environment that nix-build spins up can take a moment or two to spin up
<copumpkin> beyond that, I wouldn't expect to see any diff
<copumpkin> niksnut: ^
<nh2> copumpkin: that's not what I'm seeing, it is literally `chromium` taking 20 seconds in an automated test in `nix-build` that usually only takes 1 second in nix-shell
<copumpkin> yeah not saying you're lying :) just saying that I'm surprised
<copumpkin> I'd file an issue with as much detail as you can muster
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<niksnut> my guess is that chromium is doing some network lookups and failing
<copumpkin> how about GHC?
<Filystyn> ok guys it worked
<Filystyn> the wiki article is accurate
<bennofs> niksnut: btw, have you seen https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-channel-scripts/issues/13 ?
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<niksnut> yes
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<bennofs> what surprises me is that the cache appears to serve brotli compressed .ls.xz for some nars while the narinfos aren't brotli-compressed. From the nix source, it looks as if both should use the same compression ("textCompression")
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vS4F8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 500818b Jörg Thalheim: ntp: 4.2.8p9 -> 4.2.8p10; fix 10 medium/4 low CVEs...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 59b5480 Vladimír Čunát: Merge #24574: ntp: security 4.2.8p9 -> 4.2.8p10
<niksnut> bennofs: I removed textCompression a few commits later
<niksnut> there is a separate lsCompression
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #24574: ntp: 4.2.8p9 -> 4.2.8p10; fix 10 medium/4 low CVEs (master...ntp) https://git.io/vS8qK
<bennofs> oh, I didn't see that. Thanks!
<qknight> i've extended nix, and i've been https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#chap-hacking but how to patch the nix used in my system?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vS4FN
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 d560fbc Vladimír Čunát: Merge #24574: ntp: security 4.2.8p9 -> 4.2.8p10...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vS4b6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 1bc3c64 Vladimír Čunát: Merge #24574: ntp: security 4.2.8p9 -> 4.2.8p10...
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<KABA> Hi, where does Gnome-shell store network settings? (Like wifi passwords, vpn settings, etc)
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<KABA> I couldn't find it anywhere, and it is something that doesn't disappear after wiping out almost anything.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zimbatm closed pull request #24527: iosevka: 1.11.4 -> 1.12.1 (master...iosevka-1.12.0) https://git.io/vSWQX
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] qknight opened pull request #1296: builtins.port: manage dynamic port number allocation in nix (master...builtins.port) https://git.io/vS4jy
<qknight> shlevy: could you please review https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/1296 for me?
<bennofs> KABA: if it uses wpa_supplicant, then
<bennofs> KABA: take a look at /etc/wpa_supplicant
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<eacameron> What determines if something gets into a stable channel or not? For example, now that 17.03 is out, will the recent fix to VS code get put in stable?
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<gchristensen> eacameron: what was the fix?
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<Filystyn> is there soemthing in conf file needed to stream sound with teammspeak?:P
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<eacameron> gchristensen: It was actually a pretty serious bug if you tried to install vscode extensions for multiple users.
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<eacameron> gchristensen: Is the backport process manual?
<gchristensen> it is
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<eacameron> I see. So how does one raise their hand and say "Please backport this!" A PR?
<gchristensen> I think you just did :) however, I tried to backport and 17.03, and the patch doesn't apply cleanly
<eacameron> gchristensen: :/
<gchristensen> at this point, a PR would be great
<eacameron> gchristensen: How do I do that exactly?
<bennofs> eacameron, gchristensen: wait, wtf, didn't I fix that bug?
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<bennofs> or was that `atom`?
<eacameron> bennofs: That was atom
<bennofs> oh
<Filystyn> gusy how to enable microfon
<Filystyn> on nix
<eacameron> bendlas: tilpner refers to your commit in his PR
<bennofs> good, then I'm not crazy
<eacameron> bendlas: Sorry...meant bennofs
<eacameron> gchristensen: Where do I submit a PR? VSCode is pretty sorely broken without that patch...it's usable but not great.
<gchristensen> eacameron: send the PR to nixos/nixpkgs against the release-17.03 branch
<eacameron> gchristensen: Ok cool. I'll see what I can do. Thanks.
<tilpner> gchristensen - What patch didn't apply cleanly?
<tilpner> bennofs - How long did it take you to find that one? :/
<bennofs> eacameron: I'm not sure if this is the right fix. If this is like the atom one, then libXscreensaver is actually required for a js module
<bennofs> tilpner: it was because of a bug someone was reporting where just calling `uname` failed. Figured it out after some time of staring at LD_DEBUG=all output and wondering why the wrong libs get loaded :)
<tilpner> gchristensen - So I check out 17.03 and try to apply it?
<tilpner> bennofs - Yeah, I was pretty confused too, till I found your commit message :)
<gchristensen> tilpner: that is what I did, yeah
<Filystyn> enable microphone
<Filystyn> how?
<gchristensen> Filystyn: please stop spamming the channel when nobody is able to help
<bennofs> tilpner: I think the patch should probably use `find` to patch the `.node` modules in $out as well (like my atom one)
<gchristensen> and try doing some of your own research on how to do it, after some time has passed and you've tried several methods and still haven't succeeded, feel free to try asking again
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<bennofs> tilpner: because I get:
<bennofs> result/lib/vscode/resources/app/node_modules/native-keymap/build/Release/obj.target/keymapping.node:
<bennofs> linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffea8797000)
<Filystyn> ok. sorry ;-)
<bennofs> libX11.so.6 => /usr/lib/libX11.so.6
<bennofs> on arch linux
<bennofs> which seems wrong :)
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<rui2> Anyone uses taskserver and wants to give a hand?
<rui2> I've tried following the tutorial, while not installing it as a service, and I get a segmentation fault when I try to run it.
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<rui2> I'm now trying to use it like a service, and something is running, but I'm a little lost
<tilpner> bennofs - What are those *.node modules? I should add that, but it's already merged, and probably won't apply to 17.03 either :/
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<bennofs> tilpner: i'm not very familar with node, but I assume that are some sort of native plugins (FFI) for the node platform (like shared libraries)
<tilpner> Yeah, seems likely. Thanks!
<bennofs> tilpner: that's probably why LD_PRELOAD was used in the first place: RPATH only applies to the current exe, but not to plugins that are loaded (while LD_PRELOAD is propagated)
<ts_> is there an easy way to pretty print nix .drv files or records? either in nix-repl or the cammand line? I can't find the pp-aterm command that was mentioned in the nix pills series.
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<pxc> Profpatsch: hey, are you there at the moment?
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<pxc> I've noticed that in NixOS, the fish module (programs.fish) uses environment.pathsToLink so that fish can find vendor completions (little .fish files which contain information about tab completions). Is there any reason not to do this in the package itself, so that nixpkgs users as well as NixOS users can benefit?
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<pxc> I see that only oh-my-zsh and zed use pathsToLink within pkgs; it seems more frequently used within nixos
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<steveeJ> can someone tell me why I need to source the git bash completion manually within a nix-shell? like here: https://github.com/htwg-syslab/nix-expressions/pull/54/files#diff-b6e5396c9616ae6fc2ddd4b531dd5fddR77
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pbogdan opened pull request #24601: unclutter: Fix default value of $DISPLAY (master...unclutter) https://git.io/vSBL4
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<steveeJ> I expected some magic to happen and all the completions being setup by the previous line
<gchristensen> well the simple explanation is ${pkgs.bashCompletion}/etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh doesn't contain magic
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<pxc> steveeJ: bash-completion is a separate package from bash, and it contains the config files that need to be sourced to get completions working
<pxc> steveeJ: bash doesn't depend on it, and its default configs don't source some global directory where it can find the completions. it also doesn't source the file from the bash-completions package because bash doesn't depend on it
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<steveeJ> gchristensen: I have not found out yet what the magic component is on my NixOS system
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<pxc> steveeJ: when bash is enabled as a login shell on NixOS, it may also be specified that completions are enabled. This makes sure that bash-completions is installed and adds some shell code that eventually sources that file to the system bashrc (or profile or something, idr)
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<steveeJ> pxc: I use "source ${pkgs.bashCompletion}/etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh" directly in the nix-shell hook
<pxc> steveeJ: but nix-shell doesn't drop you into a NixOS login shell, it drops you to the bash that belongs to whatever default environment it adds stuff to with -p
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<gchristensen> that bash shell being similar to what is used when building a nix package, which is stripped down
<pxc> steveeJ: it's called pkgs.bash-completion now. Does swapping them make a difference?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pbogdan opened pull request #24602: gmtp: fix the `Using the 'memory' GSettings backend` issue. (master...gmtp) https://git.io/vSBt9
<pxc> gchristensen: is it just stdenv? does stdenv have bash?
<gchristensen> yeah
<pxc> anyway, the completions stuff gets sourced in a file created by the NixOS module
<pxc> I think if you wanted to have the same thing work in nixpkgs you'd need an alternative bash package which in fact was an environment depending on bash and bash-completions
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<pxc> and that arranged for its bash to source the right things in bash-completions
<eacameron> (blush) How do I upgrade to 17.03?
<maurer> eacameron: Are you on a nixos machine or just nix on some other os?
<eacameron> maurer: NixOS
<maurer> Updated /root/.nix-channels to say 17.03 where it says something else now
<maurer> *update
<maurer> then run nixos-rebuild --upgrade (switch/boot/whatever)
<pxc> eacameron: if you're using Nix channels, run `sudo nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-17.03 nixos`
<eacameron> pxc: maurer: Cool. I'll do that now
<pxc> eacameron: then after you 'add' the channel (adding one you already have just remaps it), you can either run `nix-channel --update` and then run `nixos-rebuild switch` or simply run `nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade`, which are equivalent
<pxc> both of those you would run as root ofc
<steveeJ> pxc: doesn't change anything. but I tracked the difference down. it's simply that the nix-shell doesn't use a profile like NixOS does. e.g. on my system there is /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/sw/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion.bash
<pxc> steveeJ: I was trying to explain that this is because NixOS handles completions sourcing and the the bash package does not :-)
<steveeJ> pxc: apparently I wasn't able to understand ;-)
<pxc> see nixpkgs/pkgs/nixos/modules/programs/bash/bash.nix
<steveeJ> pxc: I'm aware that I'm rebuilding NixOS functionality within the nix-shell's shellHook, but I can't reproducie this part
<pxc> steveeJ: you can see the code where it actually sources profiles and stuff in there
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<Filystyn> had to enable pulse audio all is fixed;)
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<steveeJ> how can I know which package installs/owns a bash-completion file? how does the profile get populated with these files?
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<pxc> steveeJ: I think it can be inferred from the way pathsToLink works inside that NixOS modules
<pxc> steveeJ: it links those given paths as relative paths (sufixes) to the nix store paths of whatever packages
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<steveeJ> pxc: would you mind linking the code for that?
<pxc> steveeJ: you can see that it pulls in everything in "/etc/bash_completion.d" and "/share/bash-completion"
<pxc> so if you `grep -E 'out/etc/bash_completion.d|out/share/bash-completion'` in the nixpkgs source I think that will tell you
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<eacameron> pxc: maurer: It's complaining that desktopManage.kde4 doesn't exist
<gchristensen> kde4 doesn't exist on nixos 17.03
<gchristensen> kdm / kde4 no longer exists due to (1) it is no longer maintained up stream, nor has it been for some time (2) has never had a proper maintainer in NixOS. It has been replaced with `sddm` and `plasma5`, like these: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/tests/plasma5.nix#L12-L14
<pxc> eacameron: yes, a bunch of things have been removed and renamed, especially w/r/t KDE
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<eacameron> pxc: So should I just delete the kde stuff and use what sddm and plasma5?
<pxc> eacameron: for things that used to be under kde4.whatever and kde5.whatever, you can often now just find them as 'whatever'
<pxc> eacameron: yes, for the session itself. Some of your kde applications may have been renamed as well
<eacameron> pxc: Awesome. Thank you!
<eacameron> Apparently I don't do much with kde apps
<steveeJ> pxc: thanks, I tracked it down to a perl script that handles the pathsToLink list
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<SovereignBleak> True we don't have the real Spotify packaged?
<gchristensen> SovereignBleak: yes we do
<gchristensen> here is a tool I'd love someone to build for me: take a git repo and convert it to a static nix channel :)
<pxc> steveeJ: I've just been learning about pathsToLink right now because I'm trying to extend NixOS support for fish as a login shell to include vendor snippets (sourced configuration ifles) and vendor functions as well as vendor-supplied completions
<SovereignBleak> gchristensen: I just searched the package database for "spotify".
<gchristensen> SovereignBleak: sounds like you have haven't whitelisted unfree packages
<pxc> steveeJ: I am a true Nix noob; I was only able to point toward an answer to your question because I started looking into it a few minutes ago lol
<steveeJ> pxc: learning by helping \o/ thanks by the way
<gchristensen> SovereignBleak: the package is named `spotify`
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<SovereignBleak> gchristensen: Aha so the package search on nixos.org only shows free by default. Thanks!
<gchristensen> you're right, and you're welcome
<pxc> steveeJ: you're welcome. Just wondering, would you be interested in a spiffed up bash package which included completions? you'd be able to use it on nixpkgs on non-NixOS and in nix-shell
<gchristensen> SovereignBleak: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/17126
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<pxc> steveeJ: I'm thinking of doing something like that for fish but I'm not sure how useful or desired it would be, and right now I mostly just use NixOS anyway
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<steveeJ> pxc: you mean add the fish completion functionality to nix-shell?
<Filystyn> just to point out kde5 has some bug that causes on interaction soemtimes temproary 100% cpu usage
<gchristensen> kde5 doesn't exist according to #kde
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<Filystyn> the program taht causes it is baloo_file_exter
<Filystyn> plasma5 ? ;p
<Filystyn> so i should go with this bug to #kde ?;p
<gchristensen> sure
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<Filystyn> ok
<gchristensen> does anyone know of a stable URL for a nix release? ie: https://nixos.org/nix/install refers to https://nixos.org/releases/nix/nix-1.11.8/nix-1.11.8-x86_64-linux.tar.bz2 -- is there a URL to the same file which will always have the same contents?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSBnc
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 75319eb Lprndn: nomacs: 3.4 -> 3.6.1...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #24589: nomacs: 3.4 -> 3.6.1 (master...nomacs-3.6.1) https://git.io/vS8yN
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<eacameron> pxc: maurer: Wow...it totally worked! This is great. :D
<KABA_> Could you please have a look at it? Gnome (and I didn't try but appearantly plasma as well) has a problem: newly installed apps won't get displayed in the application lists only after new login. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/247#issuecomment-291174590
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<ronny> anyone aware how to kill network connections on nixos (as in sockets to a certain host)
<gchristensen> ronny: same way you'd do it on another linux distro
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<ronny> gchristensen: i cant find the tcpkill command in the packages
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<eacameron> Is it normal for this new plasma desktop to be more sluggish than kde. I'm in a VM?
<ronny> gchristensen: im not aware of a alternative
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<pxc> eacameron: in KDE4, the desktop shell was still Plasma (just plasma4). it seems to perform fine to me. It may count on more compositing features than Plasma4, but other than that I can't really think of why the VM might affect it
<eacameron> pxc: Ok thanks. I'll keep an eye on it. It may have been busy CPU or something.../shrug
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #24604: Ruby updates (master...ruby_updates) https://git.io/vSBC2
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<lush> hey. Haskell Fan here, may I ask something about cabal2nix? :-D
<pxc> eacameron: you might try seeing if a fresh user profile has the same problem. If not, you may want to trash your plasma config lol
<eacameron> lush: You may always ask.
<lush> I started a project as usual with cabal and then tried cabal2nix bla.cabal >> shell.nix
<lush> But it tells me that my project couldn't be find on hackage
<lush> I don't want to put it up to hackage, I just want to build it locally
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<lush> How should I do that with cabal2nix?
<lush> If I understand the overall procedure right I initiate a project with cabal, then generate a nix-expression from that and then I always use nix-shell to play around with my project right?
<eacameron> lush: I always used cabal2nix . > default.nix
<eacameron> lush: If you want shell.nix I think you need --shell or something
<eacameron> lush: You will want to change your cabal file for things like dependencies, etc. and then regenerate the nix files.
<eacameron> pxc: Fresh user profile?
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<lush> eacameron: I want to use nix-shell with it. I thought this'd be the "standard" way to use haskell within nixos
<lush> I forgot about the --shell but I used it in my command
<lush> but cabal2nix --shell . > shell.nix worked (at least as it seems)
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<pxc> eacameron: yea, like make a new user or move your plasma config temporarily
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSBlW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4cd7b28 Lprndn: fontforge-gtk: Add support for libspiro....
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8a534d5 Lprndn: pdf2htmlEX: Switch from fontforge-gtk to fontforge.
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f259fa6 lprndn: Merge branch 'master' into lprndn_Nixpkgs
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #22521: fontforge-gtk: Add support for libspiro. (master...lprndn_Nixpkgs) https://git.io/vD40u
<eacameron> lush: and nix-shell works?
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<lush> eacameron: yup :-)
<eacameron> lush: great.
<lush> eacameron: now when I'm in a nix-shell and want to build my project to try it. How would I do that?
<eacameron> lush: Inside of nix-shell you need to use cabal as normal, except don't install deps. "cabal build"
<eacameron> you can also do `nix-shell --run 'cabal build'` to do it
<lush> so I manage dependencies all through the cabal file, then use cabal2nix and then drop into the shell which will download everything?
<lush> ah cool
<eacameron> lush: nix will handle dependencies so long as you have generated the nix files from your cabal file
<lush> very nice
<eacameron> lush: You can, of course, edit either file independently, but if nix doesn't have a dependency listed then cabal can't find it. If cabal doesn't have a dependency listed then your app can't find it.
<eacameron> lush: As you get more familiar you can override the generated config to add dev dependencies (like hlint, intero, etc)
<lush> thank you very much :)
<eacameron> lush: And you can use haskellPackages.callCabal2nix to forego the manual cabal2nix step. But that's for later :)
<eacameron> lush: NP
<eacameron> So...anyone: I just upgraded to 17.03 and my phpfpm service is gone
<eacameron> what am I missing?
<lush> eacameron: if I've built the project this way how can I try it? I just installed hakyll and let it setup an example page that I'd like to see @localhost
<eacameron> lush: The binaries will be in the normal cabal place "dist/..."
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<eacameron> Anyone: Are the options docs for 17.03 hosted anywhere?
<gchristensen> nixos.org/nixos/options.html
<KABA_> man configuration.nix
<eacameron> gchristensen: Oh...so that's been updated.
<gchristensen> 17.03 is stable now :)
<eacameron> (It says last edited 1/1 at the bottom
<eacameron> )
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<gchristensen> ah, that is for the HTML page but its contents has been updated
<gchristensen> that is a bug :)
<eacameron> gchristensen: Ah gotcha
<Filystyn> Where can i find hardware.opengl.extraPackages list ?
<Filystyn> Since i am unable to get this option used
<Filystyn> (configure file complains on switch ).
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<ericnoan> what is the error?
<Filystyn> i chosen example option from manual
<gchristensen> you have a syntax error
<gchristensen> and you have an unexpected '=', where there should be a ';', in the file /etc/nixos/configuration.nix around line 80 column 44
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<ericnoan> Filystyn: you need to put [ packageToInclude ] after with pkgs;
<Filystyn> ok but where i can find types of those packages?
<ericnoan> what are you trying to include?
<Filystyn> tbh everything i can. A program just says there is no 64 and 32 bit opengl libs i have already hardware.opengl.driSupport = true; and this is not enought
<Filystyn> so trying to fix the 64 first i guess
<ericnoan> search for vaapi on https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html you will see them there
<KABA_> Filystyn: hardware.opengl.driSupport32Bit, maybe?
<Filystyn> i have that too
<KABA_> Which program?
<Filystyn> playonlinux
<Filystyn> i have nearly everything working now except it ;-)
<Filystyn> and nvidia drivers ;p
<KABA_> :/ Last time I checked it worked on amd drivers.
<ericnoan> Filystyn: did you use the package?
<Filystyn> i found it should i nix-env -i it ?
<ericnoan> yes
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<Filystyn> ok i installed it ericnoan how do i use this actualy?
<ericnoan> try running playonlinux from the console
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<Filystyn> same no opengl32 and 64 bit. https://paste.ubuntu.com/24308619/
<ericnoan> you'll have to wait for some nix guru to answer that
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<Filystyn> ok ;-)
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<pxc> i'm getting different behavior on pathsToLink with two different packages (fzf and direnv) and I can't figure out why
<pxc> the things I've copied to $out/path/to/link end up linked to the right place with direnv, but not fzf
<pxc> any ideas?
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<pxc> nvm, figured it out. Apparently only the bin output of Go packages ever get stuff linked into the global profile
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<freedomcode> Hmm, so webkitgtk24x is insecure and disabled, but still depended on by some packages (including gnucash26) what are gnucash26 users intended to do?
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<eacameron> Has nginx changed recently in how it handles php-fpm via sockets? After upgrading to 17.03 nginx suddenly complains that it can't read the response
<simpson> reardencode: I presume that upgrading is the idea, but I don't know the details.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] teozkr opened pull request #24605: Mumble_git (and murmur_git): 2016-04-10 -> 2017-04-02 (master...fix/mumble_git-2017-04-02) https://git.io/vSBVG
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cpages pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSBVd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d5a623c Carles Pagès: Update 17.03 release notes
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cpages pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSBwk
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 9626bc7 Carles Pagès: Update 17.03 release notes...
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<reardencode> simpson: hmm, I don't see any evidence that gnucash has changed its dependencies, but maybe the dep on webkitgtk24 was a packaging artifact as opposed to a hard dependency
<gchristensen> it is a hard dependency but by transient property, gnucash is vulnerable
<gchristensen> transitive* lol
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<reardencode> gchristensen: lame, I hope they fix their shit soon. thanks
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<gchristensen> feel free to bug gnucash :)
<eacameron> After upgrading to 17.03 I could not for the life of me get nginx to serve my php site via php-fpm... :/ Rolled back to a previous snapshot.
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<ericnoan> does the binary cache keep previous versions of packages?
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<eacameron> fpletz: Do you have any idea why upgrading to 17.03 would make my previously working php site not work?
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<ben> does nix promise that stdenv.shell is bash?
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<ben> err, nixpks, i guess
<pxc> ben yeah, I think so. What are you trying to do?
<ben> Just wondering about conservative-looking scripts that don't use [[ ]] :)
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<ericnoan> eacameron: PHP version updated in 17.03 right?
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<eacameron> ericnoan: I think so, yah. But I am running the same config on a server that's using nixpkgs unstable so I know this config works for newer versions of everything.
<eacameron> ericnoan: Well...it's nixpkgs unstable as of 4 weeks ago
<eacameron> ericnoan: So I'm not sure how 17.03 differs from that.
<ericnoan> hmm yes... what do the errors tell you?
<eacameron> I think the new php-fpm config stuff got merged since then
<eacameron> All I see is that nginx couldn't read the response from upstream :/
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<fpletz> eacameron: hrm, weird, can you share the relevant portion of your config?
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<eacameron> fpletz: Any particular part you're thinking of? I've got a decently large nginx config...
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<fpletz> eacameron: like how you're connecting to php-fpm via fastcgi and how you configure a typical fpm-pool
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<eacameron> fpletz: Here's the generated config: https://gist.github.com/3noch/f86296d12f3bc333103e598c0cb6ac55
<eacameron> fpletz: Just updated nginx.conf to include everything.
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<fpletz> hmm
<eacameron> fpletz: Oops..meant to make that private :/ https://gist.github.com/3noch/029345d354e479ab99d8364e31d7df36
<eacameron> The only difference I saw is that there's no phpfpm.pid in /run/phpfpm with the new setup
<eacameron> Otherwise all the users, etc. are the same.
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<eacameron> And of course the new setup uses phpfpm-craft-pool instead of phpfpm service
<eacameron> It was running.
<fpletz> the config looks ok to me, did you check if the socket exists and the permissions were correct?
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<eacameron> fpletz: Yah it did exist and the permissions were the same as before. (Whether that's correct or not I don't know)
<eacameron> Oh...one more tidbit. I'm using nginx mainline
<eacameron> Hmm...thinking about that more...
<fpletz> that's also what we're using :)
<eacameron> "we"?
<fpletz> hrm, let me check our generated configs
<fpletz> at work :)
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<eacameron> fpletz: Oh...maybe this is why? I'm not using the same nginx derivation as what's in 17.03
<eacameron> It's pinned to some thing in nixpkgs unstable a month or so ago.
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<fpletz> eacameron: you're talking about the package and not the service, right?
<fpletz> then it would seem unlikely to me
<eacameron> fpletz: Yah. services.nginx.package is set to something.
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<fpletz> the nginx version shouldn't matter, we've been running this for all nginx versions that were in unstable from 16.09 to 17.03 :>
<eacameron> Hah wow!
<fpletz> (I updated nginx in the last few months :))
<eacameron> Unfortunately I'm a bit in a pinch and just reverted my VM so I could keep moving. I thought maybe I just didn't set up the config right. I can look into it more later.
<eacameron> fpletz: Hmmm
<eacameron> I distinctly remember that file not being there
<fpletz> hmm, it doesn't even make sense to have pid set as systemd will take care of that
<fpletz> we don't have that in our phpfpm config
<eacameron> fpletz: You know...I just realized that these files are generated from my working setup. I assumed they would be the same after the upgrade, but that's probably not true. I'd guess they're pretty similar but probably not identical.
<fpletz> yeah, so the problem here could be that we are starting multiple phpfpm master processes, so setting one pid file for all of them is probably not a good idea
<fpletz> I can paste you what we're currently using
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<eacameron> fpletz: Are you overriding the whole php-fpm config file or just using the pools.<name> API?
<fpletz> eacameron: no, we're currently using verbatim configs with poolConfigs and extraConfig
<fpletz> you have basically all of that config in that gist
<eacameron> fpletz: I see. OK I can try what you have here and see how it goes
<fpletz> our php.ini should not be specials
<fpletz> hmm, putting pools into their own systemd services had more impact on custom configs than I anticipated
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<eacameron> fpletz: I very much like that direction, for sure.
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<jimmy_> does anyone here have much experience with meson?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nh2 opened pull request #24607: Fix consul version being "unknown-unknown". Fixes #24606. (master...fix-24606-consul-version-unknown) https://git.io/vSB94
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nh2 opened pull request #24608: Fix consul version being "unknown-unknown". Fixes #24606. (release-17.03...fix-24606-consul-version-unknown-17.03) https://git.io/vSB9S
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<jimmy_> i am trying to package a component built using meson, but the output binary always has an empty rpath. does anyone have any suggestions about where to start searching for the problem?
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<nh2> is there a handy command to show the size on disk of a closure and its dependencies?
<Mateon1> Is it possible to make a package that uses a .tar.gz from the local filesystem, rather than downloading it from somewhere?
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<nh2> Mateon1: yes, you should be able to give it as `src =` -- if I remember correctly, it will automaticallly untar it
<nh2> Mateon1: I'm assuming that this is for defining your own package with a nix file. Or do you simply want to speed up a build of somebody else's nix file for which you happen to have the tar already on your disk?
<nh2> Mateon1: if the latter, you can use nix-prefetch-url, it can also deal with file:// urls
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<fresheyeball> so there is a package that was removed recently
<fresheyeball> zoom
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<HappyEnte_> jimmy_, if nothing else works you could always try setting the rpath with patchelf https://git.io/vSB7p
<fresheyeball> I need this thing!
<fresheyeball> I made a local copy of the .nix file
<fresheyeball> how can I install it?
<fresheyeball> really I want to add it to my pkgs.buildEnv
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zimbatm opened pull request #24609: terraform: remove broken tests (master...terraform-fix) https://git.io/vSB5V
<jimmy_> HappyEnte_ thanks for the tip - i tried that (just put all deps (+'/lib') into rpath), but got "X: no version information available (required by X)" when i tried to run the pathched binary, which made me assume that wasn't the correct approach
<HappyEnte_> jimmy_, hmm could you do a ldd or objdump -p on the binary and look whether all dependencies are found?
<ben> does anyone know what the nixos passthru module is for and/or how it works
<ben> :(
<manveru> ben: http://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/ has some info about it
<manveru> for example, we use it to expose which version of ruby a gem was built with, so you can depend on the same ruby version...
<Mateon1> nh2: Sorry, I stepped away for a minute, but I mean the former, I want to package something myself, and don't want to bother uploading it anywhere
<Mateon1> Thanks, I'll look into the option
<ben> manveru: i think i get it in nixpkgs but it seems to be something different in nixos
<jimmy_> HappyEnte_, thanks again. ldd yields the same error about versions :(
<jimmy_> unfortunately, google hasn't helped much on this one
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<HappyEnte_> jimmy_, hmm thats strange are you able to share your package expression?
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<jimmy_> HappyEnte_, yep - here it is: http://lpaste.net/2457151361272250368
<jimmy_> and here's the patch: http://lpaste.net/354250
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<copumpkin> how can I get nix-shell to pass args directly from the command line to the child?
<copumpkin> normally I'd expect something like --
<copumpkin> but that doesn't seem to do it
<ben> curious if theres a good way to do that
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<ben> 1
<ben> whoops, sorry
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<none`> hello, how can I install a list of packages with nix-env -i?
<none`> I am trying to export the set of packages of NixOS installation to an OS that can use only Nix, but I am not able to find an easy way
<ben> does nix-env -i and then the list of packages not work?
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<none`> ops, yes, thanks! (better go to sleep now)
<mounty> Is there a nixos package that provides an executable called sendmail ? https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html searches by package name, not installed objects.
<mounty> Oh wait. ssmtp
<mounty> I was trying candidates one by one and just hit it when I asked the question.
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<dmj`> long live NixOS
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<jasom> mounty: msmtp also should provide it
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<mounty> Thanks jasom but one is enough. ;-)
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<HappyEnte_> jimmy_, ok i got it working with wrapProgram, I really can't figure out what the problem with patchelf is. https://git.io/vSBxO
<jasom> mounty: well having a sendmail executable installed is useless without configuring it, so there might be reasons to prefer one over another
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<jimmy_> HappyEnte_, thanks for your help!
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