gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-chat to: NixOS but much less topical || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-chat
<colemickens> I am also somewhat interested in packaging Firefox Nightly to enable Wayland and see if it works better without involving Flatpak in the mix.
<drakonis_> sway's author is very... impolite
<drakonis_> simpson, sircmpwn's opinions on nvidia are very rude and bad
<drakonis_> also his opinions on software
<simpson> Drakonis_: I was a mod in the Minecraft reverse-engineering community when he was merely a toxic newbie, and he was a PITA back then too.
<drakonis_> he wrote his own git frontend
<drakonis_> own git hosting service lol
<drakonis_> it is a exclusive club
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<emily> simpson: I probably should have updated my expectations of its code quality based on how I feel whenever I see a blog post by him
<emily> but I like i3 and I like Wayland, and what's the chance that there's going to be a *second* project to do i3-on-Wayland given that sway happened in the first place because i3way or whatever it was was vapourware
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<emily> colemickens: I think I'll probably just stick with i3 for now at least until the meson update hits nixos-unstable, but maybe I'll see about writing that patching for Xwayland when I'm less busy
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<simpson> emily: Sure, and after all I'm pretty grumpy about anything GPU-related so I should be taken with a grain of salt.
<emily> sadly attempting to make a Linux distribution out of software entirely developed by pleasant people to work with is a bit of a contradiction in terms anyway
<samueldr> wheee, this looks fun :)
<samueldr> gchristensen: any idea to improve the generated description text for generic types in lib/types.nix?
* samueldr will give you a bad sample quickly
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<samueldr> >> Type: list of string (with check: non-empty)s
<gchristensen> ugly :P
<samueldr> asking since an improvement to the docs will create more weird cases
<samueldr> yes!
<gchristensen> moving the subject of "with check:" to before "string" would be a good start
<gchristensen> (ie: "non-empty strings"
<clever> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMNSvHswljM DEF CON 22 - Gene Bransfield - Weaponizing Your Pets: The War Kitteh and the Denial of Service Dog
<samueldr> I'm thinking only about the forced "s" pluralization
<clever> samueldr: oh, and string vs str
<clever> i can never remember which type is the right one to use
<samueldr> clever: ignore that bit :)
<clever> and i recently found a bug in some of my own modules, where i used the wrong one
<clever> delete the deprecated one!!
<samueldr> yeah, after seeing the lib I can see how
<samueldr> clever: pretty sure it won't be approved :/
<gchristensen> samueldr: hmm I'm not sure what you're asking then
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<samueldr> listOf will concat the description of the listed type
<samueldr> so if I have a quux type, with the description "quux" it would pluralize "list of quuxs" instead of "list of quuxes"
<gchristensen> oh
<samueldr> I wasn't sure it made sense when I finished writing it :)
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<gchristensen> how about making it not natural language, and do `list of elements with the type: quux`
<samueldr> it's been that way for a while :/
<samueldr> gchristensen: right, that was the direction I was thinking of
<gchristensen> that seems good
<samueldr> (we have two other types with the same issue)
<clever> samueldr: its been deprecated for 5 years, let it die already!
<samueldr> clever: while I don't want to step in that again... it's probably why we need some mechanism to alert deprecations noisily :/
<samueldr> (imho)
<gchristensen> :D
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<samueldr> list of attribute set off quuxss
<samueldr> oops, of, not off
<gchristensen> can you put a real example in instead of quuxs? I'm not sure what this actually means
<samueldr> the approach cannot work with something as illogical as language :D
<samueldr> list of attribute set off stringss
<samueldr> (where the type is string)
<gchristensen> ah
<samueldr> since this is types.attrsOf tyeps.attrsOf types.str
<gchristensen> "list of attribute sets where each attribute value is of type quux" gets verbose, huh
<samueldr> oops
<samueldr> since this is types.attrsOf tyeps.listOf types.str
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<samueldr> wondering if those description shouldn't mirror their type names?
<samueldr> though bad UX for the end-user
<samueldr> time to write a natural language serialization module in nix (no)
<gchristensen> "an attribute set where each attribute value is a list of elementst with the type: str"
<gchristensen> complicated :/
<samueldr> (and the attribute will not know anything about its subtype)
<gchristensen> can we make it not automatic
<samueldr> (so it couldn't englishize properly 'where each attribute value is a_n_ attribute set where...'
<gchristensen> yeah, I'm thinking we're solving this at the wrong level somehow
<samueldr> possibly
<samueldr> but it's probably an issue stemming from how types are composed?
<samueldr> maybe we need a dict of pre-composed types to compare?
<gchristensen> yeah, or we shouldn't tr ybeing fancy at all
<gchristensen> and just output docs of "attribute-set-of list-of str" for example
<samueldr> another good possibility
<gchristensen> or, even better,
<samueldr> > lib.types.listOf lib.types.str == lib.types.listOf lib.types.str # :(
<{^_^}> false
<gchristensen> ("better") emit: lib.types.listOf lib.types.str so the user can quickly find the docs for those types
<samueldr> [21:39:53] <samueldr> wondering if those description shouldn't mirror their type names?
<samueldr> [21:40:03] <samueldr> though bad UX for the end-user
<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> well, it depends on who the end user is
<samueldr> someone looking at options.html
<gchristensen> yes, but who is the someone
<gchristensen> do we expect them to be able to infer from that what it means? (many probably could, not all -- is my question)
<samueldr> I would assume some level of inferrence, but not that much
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<samueldr> e.g. I have a friend, used to linux, knows about nothing in FP, some programming knowledge, just started using NixOS
<samueldr> though in a way, the verbose descriptions may not be that useful in that case either :/
<gchristensen> a smaller step even is properly documenting the types and merge behavior . a friend/coworker "got" what lib.listOf meant but couldn't find any published docs about how they merged (maybe listOf is documented, but many aren't)
<samueldr> the question is: would the descriptions be better to disambiguate than the verbose descriptions, which I'm not sure they would
<jasongrossman> gchristensen: That sounds right to me.
<gchristensen> I'd rather expose the machinery here to be very precise and shore up the docs to help understanding, before trying to make smart english descriptions
<samueldr> that's a sane idea I think
<gchristensen> b/c if someone comes for help with "it says it isof type lib.types.listOf lib.types.attrSetOf lib.types.str" then that is super easy to answer
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<gchristensen> and then we arm them with docs for reference
<samueldr> for the first PR for the feature I was working on I'll uh... forget about fixing the smart descriptions... not making it much worse :/
<gchristensen> hehe ok
<jasongrossman> And also because it's good to keep making the docs better and better for all sorts of other reasons.
<gchristensen> +1!
<gchristensen> speaking of which, in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/47837 I said I'd do one each morning and I haven't since :)
<{^_^}> #47837 (by grahamc, 1 week ago, merged): nixpkgs: Start documenting library functions in XML
<gchristensen> ok good night y'all.
<jasongrossman> night!
<{^_^}> Night!
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<infinisil> ,profiling Myrl-saki
<{^_^}> Myrl-saki: Use NIX_COUNT_CALLS=1 and/or NIX_SHOW_STATS=1 to profile Nix evaluation
<Myrl-saki> infinisil: Oh thanks.
<Myrl-saki> NIX_COUNT_CALLS=1 NIX_SHOW_STATS=1 nix eval '((x: x + x) 1)'
<Myrl-saki> 2
<Myrl-saki> Ah, NIX_COUNT_CALLS=1 NIX_SHOW_STATS=1 nix-instantiate --eval -E '((x: x + x) 1)'
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<infinisil> TIL that `git cherry-pick a..c` is not the same as `git cherry-pick a b c`
<infinisil> I think
<gchristensen> I think a...c will be
<infinisil> Hmm, I think my a..c applied the changes from a to c in one go, as if it did `patch $(git diff a..c)`, not sure, I'll try out ... next time
<siers> gchristensen, nope
<gchristensen> everything is awful :P
<siers> cherry picks use a single commit, but it looks like a...b is the disjoint commit set: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/462974/what-are-the-differences-between-double-dot-and-triple-dot-in-git-com
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<sphalerite> Battery 1: design capacity 2137 mAh, last full capacity 1408 mAh = 65%
<sphalerite> Battery 1: design capacity 2151 mAh, last full capacity 1417 mAh = 65%
<sphalerite> Battery 1: design capacity 2153 mAh, last full capacity 1419 mAh = 65%
<sphalerite> I have a variable-design-capacity battery!
<joepie91> lol
<joepie91> sphalerite: was it made by Tesla
* sphalerite lacks context to understand that one
<joepie91> sphalerite: Tesla ships cars with batteries that are bigger than the customer paid for, and then software-locks them to the paid-for capacity
<joepie91> :P
<sphalerite> wow
<joepie91> so, variable design capacity!
<sphalerite> on the bright side they'll take a really long time to drop from the design capacity!
<joepie91> lol
<joepie91> sphalerite: Tesla's rationale is that it simplifies manufacturing
<joepie91> which, like, sure, I can understand that
<joepie91> but then just don't sell an upgrade from a non-existent model to an existent one...
<sphalerite> yeah…
<sphalerite> "any colour you like, as long as it's black " worked for Ford
<joepie91> lol
<joepie91> sphalerite: or just do it how OVH does it
<joepie91> you buy a server with a 1TB HDD
<joepie91> "oh we actually have a pile of 2TBs and no 1TBs, congratulations, you now have a 2TB drive"
<sphalerite> :D
<gchristensen> if your battery is soft-locked to a lower capacity does that mean it'll last longer, as the cells get less use?
<sphalerite> but then the people who paid for 2 will be irritated?
<joepie91> sphalerite: well, you always get at least the advertised capacity
<joepie91> :P
<joepie91> beyond that it's potluck
<sphalerite> I guess
<joepie91> and it's not led to customer revolt, so...
<joepie91> gchristensen: ... possibly?
<gchristensen> sphalerite: SoftLayer would do a similar thing and people would play the Softlayer Lottery: buy 100 X-sized servers and then cancel the 90 lowest specced.
<sphalerite> hahaha
<gchristensen> for a datacenter, it is just reality that you can't offer exact hw forever.
<joepie91> gchristensen: ouch. that must have caused a ton of churn
<gchristensen> yeah, but it is just part of having bare metal hw rentable via api with no lower limiton duration
<gchristensen> when doing some testing for NixOS on Packet I'll deploy dozens of servers for just 5min
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<joepie91> gchristensen: oh, these were cookiecutter models rented through an API? so no expectation or guarantee of new hardware?
<gchristensen> right
<joepie91> this is... disconcerting
<__monty__> Now if only they could predict when I'll get hungry and send an appropriate meal to arrive at that time at the place where I'm going to be...
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<gchristensen> + <title>A contrived example of using <function>lib.attrsets.mapAttrsRecursive</function></title>
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