<clever> Infinisil:
<clever> Infinisil: this file will be sourced by $stdenv/setup, and it will mutate the stdenv some
<Infinisil> Ah thanks a lot, was just trying to find this
<clever> line 63 sets $configurePhase to cmakeConfigurePhase
<clever> but confusingly, the configurePhase function remains
<clever> so you need to test for the variable, and eval it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vQIgt
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging bf08c50 Franz Pletz: cli53: fix eval
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<clever> or just skip directly to cmakeConfigurePhase, since you know its there
<clever> and it obeys cmakeFlags, so thats a good place to put the -D's for cmake
<Infinisil> Currently I'm trying to find out why it can't find the file BuildUnix.cmake
<Infinisil> Doing unpackPhase, cd scyther*, cmakeConfigurePhase
<Infinisil> oh and cd src
<clever> after unpackPhase, you need to cd into $sourceRoot
<clever> and you may need a postUnpack hook to append a src to it
<Infinisil> I put a "cd src" in preConfigure
<clever> it may also help to do "set -x" before you configure
<clever> then you can see everything that bash does
<Infinisil> Did that before, I'll have a look at it again though
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<clever> Infinisil: reading the cmake source, if target isnt set, it defaults to the current host
<clever> but that doesnt fix it
<gchristensen> fpletz[m]: I triggered an eval
<Infinisil> I wish I were more experienced with CMake
<clever> Infinisil: oh, i have a thought
<clever> yep, thats it
<clever> scyther broke a key feature of cmake, out of tree builds
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<Infinisil> Ohhh
<fpletz[m]> gchristensen: awesome, thanks
<clever> nix will make a build directory, cd into it, then run cmake ..
<Infinisil> clever: That's not very good..
<clever> Infinisil: scyther looks for its junk in the current dir, not the dir of the cmake files
<clever> 12 set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -static -m32")
<clever> Infinisil: scyther also forces the build to 32bit mode
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<Infinisil> Where would I set that?
<clever> idealy, you would use callPackage_i686 when loading this file
<clever> but its not been split up yet, so it needs to use pkgs.pkgsi686Linux
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<clever> [ 65%] Building C object CMakeFiles/scyther-linux.dir/switches.o
<clever> /tmp/nix-build-scyther-1.1.3.drv-0/scyther-v1.1.3-src/src/switches.c:40:21: fatal error: version.h: No such file or directory
<clever> Infinisil: it still fails, but over half of it compiles
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<Infinisil> Thanks a lot!
<Infinisil> Let's have a look at this problem..
<clever> /nix/store/9nv14d8v56m1ycn4dk2bmhbx2cjf6rd8-scyther-v1.1.3-src/src/describe-version.py: fp = open('version.h','w')
<clever> Infinisil: i think they want you to run this to generate it
<clever> but git describe wont work
<clever> nixpkgs removed the .git
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<clever> Infinisil: i would just find out what it expects in there, and stick an echo into the nix file, and reuse the variable passed to fetchgit
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<Infinisil> (I'm still downloading the 32 bit gcc)
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<nixy> If I am having problems with X programs in Nix, where would the logs for X be? Is it just `journalctl -u session-$whatever.scope`?
<clever> nixy: journalctl -f -u display-manager
<jbaum98> is there a way to give a derivation to nix-shell and also give it extra packages? when i try to do this i get an error file names are not allowed to end in ‘.drv’
<nixy> clever: Brilliant, just what I was looking for.
<jbaum98> i mean extra packages with -p
<clever> jbaum98: -p generates a derivation on the fly, so it cant be used with other derivations
<clever> jbaum98: you need to use -E and overrideAttrs
<clever> nix-shell -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; hello.overrideAttrs (old: { buildInputs = old.buildInputs ++ [ libfoo ]; })'
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<clever> that will create a new version of hello, with libfoo in the inputs, then load it as a shell
<Infinisil> clever: I see now what you're talking about with git describe
<jbaum98> clever: ahhhh this is great. this is even better because i was using nix-instantiate as well to pass dependencies via callPackage but now i can skip that!
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<jbaum98> clever: it seems to be exiting silently with exit code 1
<jbaum98> clever: nevermind with pure it's okay so this is probably a problem with my dotfiles
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<nixy> How can I set NixOS to use an LTS kernel
<clever> nixy: boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_4_9; for example
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<gchristensen> fpletz[m]: jobs finally started. 6 out of 43,798 jobs finished :P
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<fpletz[m]> gchristensen: unfortunately I just found an issue :/ I didn't test darwin
<gchristensen> ack
<fpletz[m]> fix is coming up
<gchristensen> ok, well the progress this makes will still apply after your fix, right?
<gchristensen> (excepting darwin)
<fpletz[m]> nope, cc-wrapper change
<gchristensen> bummer :) cancelling
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vQIV4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging c3a8595 Franz Pletz: cc-wrapper: fix darwin...
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<fpletz[m]> gchristensen: I hope that was the last issue :)
<gchristensen> :) what's an extra 50,000 build jobs between friends
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<fpletz[m]> hehe :) I'm preparing the cherry-picks for 17.03 now
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<gchristensen> it seems the old eval is still going...
<Infinisil> Error now is: ...lw3yb4lk-binutils-2.27/bin/ld: cannot find -lc
<Infinisil> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/25a8ba5baf (from 75 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.03-small)
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<fpletz[m]> gchristensen: the queue-runner will finish all currently running jobs…
<gchristensen> no staging builds are currently building
<fpletz[m]> oh, ok, thought you meant the jobs from the old eval are building. haven't looked at the nixos hydra
<gchristensen> ah, no, not building. but the evaluator is still running
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vQIKv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 44c64fe aszlig: nixos/xserver: Improve checking keyboard layout...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7a99036 aszlig: nixos/release-combined: Add keymap tests...
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<catern> dear #nixos
<justanotheruser> I made the build changes that were asked (here is my definition: https://hastebin.com/raw/dalodojupa ) but I still get ImportError: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
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<catern> how the heck can I figure out how to run Hydra on a non-NixOS system?
<catern> there's no information about it
<catern> it's tricky :(
<simpson> catern: It's way easier on NixOS. It's still kind of cruddy.
<catern> hmm
<catern> i guess i can believe that
<catern> but i feel like if i just understood what was going on
<catern> i would be able to easily run it on Nix-on-Debian
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<clever> catern: look at each of the services in the hydra module
<catern> but I don't really, you know... *care* about the internals of Hydra :) I just want to it to build Nixpkgs and other release.nixen :)
<catern> yeah, I mean, right now my problem is getting some restricted mode evaluation error
<clever> what is the exact error?
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<catern> is there some file that holds the job specifications? I'm trying to build nix, right now
<clever> that error is weird
<clever> thats part of the internals of nix, that every derivation uses
<clever> i would have expected that one to be excluded from the restricted mode
<catern> indeed :)
<clever> the old method, was to configure the jobset within the hydra gui
<clever> you give it the name of a nix file, and which input its in
<catern> oh? that's what I did
<catern> if the new method doesn't require messing with the gui, happy to hear that :)
<clever> the new method just generates the same config in a json blob, using another nix expression
<clever> but unlike the gui, you need to know what fields to fill in
<clever> it doesnt just give you a set of boxes
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vQI6Y
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4007ee9 aszlig: vlock: Don't try to install setuid binary...
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<clever> catern: is your hydra gui publicly visible?
<catern> sadly no
<clever> here is an example of how the config should look
<clever> this will clone 2 git repos, then call release.nix in notos, and pass it all 3 inputs as arguments
<catern> yeah, that looks pretty much like min
<clever> and it will put the 2 git repos into the nix-path
<catern> e
<catern> I copied my config from hydra.nixos.org :)
<catern> ugh I suppose I should try first setting it up outside my dumb corporate firewall
<Infinisil> Oh hey clever, I found out how to get over the "ld: cannot find -lc" error, I needed to include `glib.static` in buildInputs to make static builds work
<clever> Infinisil: ah, yeah, nix doesnt like you doing static linking
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<Infinisil> The next error is in the linker phase, resulting from the tons of "declared but never defined" warnings during compilation
<Infinisil> Oh and regarding the static thing, I could also remove "-static" (without adding glibc.static), works too, maybe I should do that instead
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<Infinisil> Okay I solved this problem too somehow, the problem were the `__inline__` keywords on certain function declaration, removing them makes it compile
<Garlandg> Is there a way to boot a 64bit nixos on a computer with a 32bit EFI and a 64bit processor?
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<disasm> there's definitely a way, I'm just not sure if nix could manage the boot loader for you. You might have to install the boot loader to your EFI manually.
<disasm> I don't see any option in grub or systemd-boot for 32bit
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<disasm> you could probly grab a 32 bit efi boot loader and just not install in nix.
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<Garlandg> When I try to boot using the manually placed grub bootloader, I get a kernel panic because it can't find /init
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<Garlandg> I thnk the error is because of the filesystem's layout on nixos, looking at the grub.cfg that it creates.
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<justan0theruser> I made the build changes that were asked (here is my definition: https://hastebin.com/raw/dalodojupa ) but I still get ImportError: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jensbin opened pull request #26758: pidgin-sipe: 1.22.0 -> 1.22.1 (master...pidgin-sipe) https://git.io/vQIMO
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<Infinisil> Oh my god, I'm still on this scyther package
<Infinisil> Have been trying to get this to work for like 8 hours now
<Infinisil> Progress is slow but steady
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vQIMF
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bcaf2f6 aszlig: nixos/tests/sddm: Fix detecting login screen...
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<jbaum9i> Does setting a variable like patchPhase, configurePhase, buildPhase etc. override that phase during a build? And if so, does it do also override that phase in nix-shell? I've been having trouble getting this to work
<simpson> Okay, I just got bitten by stale stuff in my nix-env for the last time. There's a lot of junk in there; how do I clear it all out without affecting the core stuff I need as a NixOS user?
<dash> simpson: pretty sure you don't need any of it
<simpson> dash: Don't I need to have Nix in there at least?
<dash> simpson: `which nix-env`
<simpson> dash: /home/simpson/.nix-profile/bin/nix-env
<simpson> Doesn't that mean that it's in my profile?
<dash> Curious. I guess if you do 'nix-env -i nix' you'll get that
<dash> the normal place is /run/current-system/sw/bin/nix-env
<simpson> Bare $(nix-env -e) doesn't work.
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<dash> nix-env -e '.*'
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vQISU
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 03a6297 Orivej Desh: python-dogpile-cache: do not depend on dogpile_core
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8f45ee7 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #26751 from orivej/python-dogpile-cache...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #26737: pyopenssl: disable tests (master...pyopenssl-disable-tests) https://git.io/vQTJL
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vQI9Z
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f25720c Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.pylint: fix build on python2, fixes #26745
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<fpletz[m]> niksnut: looks like the hydra evaluator is stuck for this jobset: https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixpkgs/staging
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<unlmtd> is anyone using nixos on the orange pi arm board
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<simpson> WTB a nix-shell-like tool that can let me push and pop packages into my current shell.
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/f25720cacb (from 79 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #26759: unifont: 9.0.06 -> 10.0.01 (master...update_unifont) https://git.io/vQIdr
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<ebzzry> I want to pass command line flags to SBCL using nix-shell. How can I do that? it would look something like: nix-shell --pure --command "sbcl --eval '(...)'"
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<Infinisil> Does your command not work?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vQIFJ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3e430a8 Jörg Thalheim: dale: fix linking against llvm libs
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<nixy> You might have to do some clever trickery to get the quotes to evaluate the way you want, but I think that command should work
<ebzzry> nixy: I want to pass $@ to sbcl
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<ebzzry> That is, I want text 'like this' to reach the sbcl command.
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<Infinisil> With the quotes?
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<johnw> if I switch-generation to a previous build, is there any way to determine which nixpkgs commit it was built from?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vQIFy
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 744bdac Michael Raskin: Re-add iolib subsystems
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<ebzzry> Infinisil: yes
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<Infinisil> Can you give such a form so I can test it? I don't even know what sbcl is
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<ebzzry> Infinisil: sbcl is a common lisp compiler
<Infinisil> Ahh
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<Infinisil> Just some brackets then xD
<ebzzry> (progn (format t "Hello, world!~%") (quit))
<ebzzry> sbcl --eval '(progn (format t "Hello, world!~%") (quit))'
<johnw> shlevy: ping
<Infinisil> ebzzry: Oh so you want `script.sh (progn ...)` to evaluate the expression?
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<ebzzry> I want to achieve something like: nix-shell --pure --command "sbcl --eval ..."
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<ebzzry> revised: nix-shell --pure --command "sbcl --eval '(progn ...)'"
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<ebzzry> But, the call the nix-shell is inside a shell function.
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<ebzzry> nix-shell --pure --command "sbcl --noinform --eval '(progn (format t \"Hello, world\") (quit))'" works, as expected
<ebzzry> I want everything from `sbcl `, and onwards, to be $@
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah opened pull request #26761: qt5ct module: expose qtstyleplugins (master...master3) https://git.io/vQINZ
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<Infinisil> ebzzry: This seems to work: nix-shell --pure -p sbcl --command "sbcl --eval \"$@\""
<Infinisil> You need to pass the argument with the single quotes though, can't avoid that
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<Infinisil> I have this command in a file test.sh (#!/usr/bin/env bash in the beginning), calling it with ./test.sh '(progn ...)'
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<domenkozar> disasm: I've worked with most of folks from agendaless consulting :)
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<Infinisil> I'm done trying to get scyther to work for today, here is what I got for now: https://github.com/Infinisil/nix-scyther
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<Infinisil> Hopefully I'm gonna find some person with python-nix experience next time I'm asking
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f12006b Jörg Thalheim: hound: 20160919 -> 20170324
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<UnDeRsOuL> hello, can I install nixos on a powerpc g5?
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<schoppenhauer> UnDeRsOuL: afaik nixos is only for x86-based platforms so far. otherwise you would have to recompile stuff yourself.
<ikwildrpepper> I think nixos runs on some arms as well
<UnDeRsOuL> well, I've read of people being able to install it on RPI
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<UnDeRsOuL> thanks for the answer schoppenhauer
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<sphalerite> UnDeRsOuL: I'm not sure if there's any prior work on it, but it's probably feasible though it would require a fair bit of work (unless someone's already done that work!)
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<hyper_ch> why do external HDDs keep turning to read-only filesystems?
<sphalerite> hyper_ch: how so?
<hyper_ch> sphalerite: running rsync to backup and they often just turn read-only....
<hyper_ch> no idea why
<hyper_ch> aber rebooting my whole notebook, then it's all fine again
<sphalerite> That's weird. Anything in the journal?
<hyper_ch> can't check anymore
<hyper_ch> tmpfs
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<sphalerite> hyper_ch: probably worth checking next time the issue occurs. Any particular reason you don't have journal persistence?
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<hyper_ch> ssd - saving writes
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<hyper_ch> I probably could stop that
<hyper_ch> since Chromium writse like 12 GB every 6h anyway
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<gchristensen> niksnut: hydra says staging has been evaluating for 9 hours: https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixpkgs/staging ... I'm glad I didn't stay up to kick off an eval :P
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3d52203 Joachim Schiele: sshd.nix: Added nixops usage warning of openssh.authorizedKeys.keys usage
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<Gravious> can anyone point me to some docs for installing pkgs with setuid binaries in nixos ?
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<Gravious> LnL, cheers thanks :)
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<avn> Folks, do we have way to rewrite 1-2 packages in pkgs.python27Packages recursively (so with all other build against updated version)
<avn> ?
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<avn> sphalerite: so python27Packages.override? Thank you for hint ;)
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<sphalerite> Feels like 90% of helping people with nix stuff is knowing "there was an issue about that" and "The docs for that are there" or "Someone did that once and wrote a blog post about it"
<sphalerite> Docs are hard.
<gchristensen> very hard
<LnL> yeah
<avn> sphalerite: lol, not in 17.03? ;)
<nixy> docs are hard, but the barrier to entry on the manual is pretty high imo
<gchristensen> nixy: for reading or writing?
<nixy> writing
<Gravious> one annoying thing is that a lot of google hits seem to hit the old wiki
<gchristensen> b/c of docbook?
<nixy> Yes docbook, which everyone says can be sorted by pandoc but I don't see any guide on that, and the fact that its a PR based flow
<nixy> I have never had issues with PRs in nixpkgs cause you guys are awesome at actually merging stuff, but it is a bit cumbersome
<gchristensen> how about the user wiki?
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<nixy> I think the user wiki has the advantage of a much better layout than the Nix manul, but I still don't think github wiki is very good for that
<Drakonis[m]> the manual needs rewriting
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<nixy> I would agree with Drakonis[m] on that. There is some stuff that is worded a little odd and could be touched up IMO
<nixy> But at the same time I feel kinda rude and opinionated submitting a PR to rewrite somebody else's prose to convey a point in what I think is a better way
<gchristensen> do it, nixy
<gchristensen> I've done it a few times
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<nixy> Yeah I should be brave and just do the thing. I have wanted to for a while
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<Drakonis[m]> it has to be written all over and cover how writing expressions work
<nixy> I do think there are some challenges with having a single page authoritative manual as well. It makes it a bit akward to introduce things at a beginnerish level and expand on it later
<nixy> But structural changes to the manual are pretty beyond me rn
<Drakonis[m]> it is a patchwork manual that's written by three dozen people
<gchristensen> Drakonis[m]: three dozen people who have worked hard to make it what it is, if you can improve it please do.
<Drakonis[m]> i didnt imply they didn't work hard
<Drakonis[m]> just that it can be rewritten to bring everything up to the same level of quality
<nixy> I do think there may be consistency issues due to multiple authors, which I think is what you are getting at here
<Drakonis[m]> start by covering the general basics before moving onto anything specific
<Drakonis[m]> yes ^
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<Drakonis[m]> the manual for nix itself seems to touch the areas that nixos' manual is deficient
<nixy> I will probably take a swing at the Nix manual this weekend. The expression language isn't my strong suit, so I will mostly focus on the first three sections.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vQLc1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bb9e238 Domen Kožar: haskellPackages: make configuration-{nix,common}.nix configurable...
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<gchristensen> nix, nixpkgs, and nixos have different manuals that should all be read
<Drakonis[m]> the Nix manual touches the language, while NixOS touches the system management
<gchristensen> yes
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<Drakonis[m]> modules appear in NixOS
<gchristensen> yeah
<makefu> it is true, the manual(s) try to serve multiple scopes (tutorial,how-to,reference). this is problably the main issue
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<Drakonis[m]> i swear there was a gigantic section dedicated to languages
<Drakonis[m]> did it get removed?
<gchristensen> that sounds like nixpkgs
<Drakonis[m]> yeah, that section is of wildly varying qualiity
<gchristensen> please go improve one you care about :)
<Drakonis[m]> haskell gets a massive section, mostly because they run nix in their infra it seems
<gchristensen> mostly because a lot of users of nix care about haskell and have contributed the improvements
<Drakonis[m]> python and haskell have the largest ones it seems
<nixy> gchristensen: But there are some less loved languages like Ruby, which have nixpkgs support but don't have good documentation in the nixpkgs manual
<gchristensen> no doubt
<Drakonis[m]> go and coq have passing mentions
<nixy> I also think the manually could be substantially boosted by simply adding links to the external resources that everyone ends up using like Nix Pills and other blog posts
<gchristensen> no doubt that they should be improved, the people who care about them should improve them. complaining about it on IRC and saying the manual should be thrown out and started over with is not helping. It'd be a different conversation if there was a PR that _did_ that, but we all know that isn't coming
<Drakonis[m]> idris is awful though
<Drakonis[m]> i have never used idris before so i don't know how to fix that
<nixy> gchristensen: Point taken. Probably shouldn't have started this circus again as this is starting to get repetitive
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<Drakonis[m]> a circus, haw haw
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<raunov> hey
<raunov> when configuring network interface, only way to define gateway is via networking.defaultGateway?
<raunov> and why is the broadcast for ifconfig
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<jbaum98> Does setting a variable like patchPhase, configurePhase, buildPhase etc. override that phase during a build? And if so, does it do also override that phase in nix-shell? I've been having trouble getting this to work
<goibhniu> jbaum98: yep, it does ... you can also use pre and post e.g. preBuild, postInstall etc.
<nixy> raunov: networking.defaultGateway is how you would configure the gateway. Not sure about the broadcast address though
<jbaum98> goibhniu: even in nix-shell? It wasn't working at all, and then adding a rec made it work sometimes...
<jbaum98> goibhniu: I mean calling configurePhase will run my thing instead
<goibhniu> are you using mkDerivation?
<goibhniu> if you're using something else, you might need to check the phases that are run
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* goibhniu tests that
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<jbaum98> goibhniu: yes I'm using mkDerivation
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<jbaum98> goibhniu: I will try and produce a minimal example that fails for me
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<LnL> are you just running configurePhase in the shell?
<LnL> that will run the default phase instead of the custom one
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<raunov> okay nixy
<raunov> but when i do route -n then it shows gateway
<goibhniu> ah, does nix-shell not run any phases?
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<goibhniu> jbaum98: that seems to be the case, but you can use shellHook to run them ... e.g. shellHook = "$configurePhase";
<nixy> raunov: Are you having networking issues or are you just curious? I have in there, but mine is working fine
<gchristensen> nixy: I'm grateful that you care so deeply about the manual and the nix project
<raunov> having issues :)
<raunov> can't get my static connection up
<gchristensen> nixy: I've found myself wanting to add documentation to a topic, but found the existing docs too confusing to be able to add more. A time or two now I've rewritten a segment to be clearer, and to allow for extension. It is hard. I do agree that the structure of the manual can make it hard to contribute improvements, and would love to help put together some improvements
<goibhniu> nixy: BTW, there are some links in the wiki to additional resources: https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/wiki/Additional-resources-for-Documentation ... if you'd like to put that in the manual, we can get rid of that page from the wiki
<nixy> raunov: I may not be well suited to help, since I had difficulty setting up static connections myself, but providing the output of the commands you are running and your configuration.nix in a pastebin may help
<nixy> goibhniu: Yeah something like that is exactly what I want to add
<jbaum98> goibhniu: I mean that when I drop into nix-shell and run configurePhase, it hasn't been running the shell script I defined as the variable configurePhase in my derivation
<goibhniu> ah, right ... you need to run $configurePhase
<nixy> gchristensen: Yeah, I obviously have some big ideas about ways the manual could be better but the first step here is just getting familiar with working on it. Once I get a better idea of how I want to improve it I will probably open an issue/PR for some discussion
<sphalerite> Anyone happen to know a good interface for SQLite? e.g. sqlite's builtin CLI but with line editing and completion (completion being what eliminates just sqlite3+rlwrap)
<LnL> you can't build sqlite with readline support?
<gchristensen> nixy: sounds good. fwiw docbook looks intimidating, but I think a few minutes of time looking at the code around your docs will help. if not,someone can help convert what you write in to docbook.
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<jbaum98> goibhniu: wait so setting the variables doesn't change the functions in nix-shell?
<LnL> no genericBuild will check if a variable exists for a phase and use that instead
<jbaum98> LnL: ahhh. So what's the best way to execute the contents of the variable myself
<LnL> yeah I think something like eval "${!configurePhase:-configurePhase}" will do what you expect
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vQLR4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5041df4 Jörg Thalheim: doc/languages-frameworks/vim: add custom vimrc & packages
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vQLRH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9c57f3b aszlig: python-modules/trezor: Fix build...
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<matumental> so I had to replace the os disk on my server, only stumbling block is I forgot I was using enableACME = true; on one of the nginx virtual hosts, so its now failing to renew, I'm assuming there is a letsencrypt file floating around that I needed to copy over, anyone know where it is?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vQLEn
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 496c1f3 Domen Kožar: haskellPackages: make configuration-{nix,common}.nix configurable...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #26762: creduce: 2.6.0 -> 2.7.0, now uses LLVM 4 (master...update/creduce) https://git.io/vQLuL
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<raunov> hum, thinking maybe the second interface in my system for local vlan might mess things up ?
<niksnut> gchristensen: it looks like hydra-evaluator is slow because it calls this new "build-queued" hook thousands of times
<niksnut> I think I'll disable that
<gchristensen> :o interesting!
<gchristensen> it was very surprising to me, to see it still running 9 hours after I cancelled its build jobs :P
<niksnut> every call to "hydra-notify build-queued" takes 0.7s
<niksnut> so multiply by ~44000...
<gchristensen> that is a lot of hours...
<matumental> (for anyone who finds my question from google, its just the letsencrypt default /var/lib/acme, duh)
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<ebzzry> Back to my nix-shell question, earlier how can I make https://goo.gl/zAkQBq work for an input like: ./lisp --noinform --eval '(progn (format t "Hello, world!") (quit))'
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<bb4kk3r> The rust beta and nightly packages are crapping out on me...
<bb4kk3r> Updating the stable one might be a good idea, too
<bb4kk3r> Y'know, since most bleeding-edge rust crates won't compile now.
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<bb4kk3r> I can submit a PR for the stable one, but I have no idea how the beta and nightly ones even work, so...
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<LnL> is 1.18.0 out?
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<LnL> oh it is
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<disasm> domenkozar: yeah, different Chris Rossi. We both work for AppliedTrust.
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<mmmrrr> I'd like to install an application, which was merged into nixpkgs 12 days ago (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/800d525ac444d9793243690ed1b76f993e6ceb01). Is there a possibility to update the package catalogue to the current git upstream so that I can install tilix? :-)
<disasm> mmmrrr: you got a few options here. How do you want to install it? systemPackages in nixos, nix-env, nix-shell?
<gchristensen> are you running nixos or nix? if nixos, what version?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] binarin opened pull request #26763: dosbox: 0.74 -> svn (master...dosbox-svn) https://git.io/vQLKu
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mdaiter opened pull request #26764: erlangR20: init (master...erlangR20) https://git.io/vQLKX
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<mmmrrr> I'd like to configure it as a systemPackage
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mxxz opened pull request #26765: network interfaces: restore bridge slaves (master...bridge-slaves-recovery) https://git.io/vQL6Z
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<mmmrrr> gchristensen: I'm running nixos v. 17.03
<justan0theruser> I made the build changes that were asked (here is my definition: https://hastebin.com/raw/dalodojupa ) but I still get ImportError: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
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<domenkozar> disasm: ah, so not https://github.com/chrisrossi
<domenkozar> interesting :)
<disasm> nope, sorry :(
<domenkozar> makes sense then :D
<domenkozar> #toomanychrisrossis
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<disasm> haha :)
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<mmmrrr> disasm: I'd like to install it as a systemPackage in nixos. Is it sufficient to pass the --upgrade flag?
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<dtzWill> justan0theruser: that link is currently generating an "application error" on the server when I try to access it (possibly transient, although hastebin.com seems to generally be having problems?)--can you post it somewhere else? :)
<disasm> mmmrrr: are you on unstable already?
<justan0theruser> groan, hastebin is down?
<justan0theruser> the classic: https://pastebin.com/raw/f4h46Hdb
<dtzWill> ^_^
<mmmrrr> disasm: not that I'd know of... and I'd like to avoid that as long as possible :)
<disasm> mmmrrr: good call :)
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<goibhniu> justan0theruser: I wonder if you're better off with mkDerivation, since the build script is very custom (it's not just a setup.py)
<goibhniu> justan0theruser: you can pass in python3 via buildInputs
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<justan0theruser> any idea what's actually causing the error though?
<dtzWill> justan0theruser: err where's 'mkPython'? Don't see it in master or 17.03 :(. Actually: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=mkPython&type=
<justan0theruser> you think mkDerivation may alleviate it?
<dtzWill> ( "mkPythonDerivation" looks like a candidate, but since your error isn't nix dying on the mkPython part, thought I'd ask...)
<dtzWill> O:)
<justan0theruser> dtzWill: https://pastebin.com/raw/kjbXZM7r
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<dtzWill> <3 ty
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<mmmrrr> disasm: is there a way to install specific unstable packages into a stable system? I'm sorry but I have no prior experience in either nix nor nixos - so many things look rather arcane to me ^^
<goibhniu> justan0theruser: did you write that yourself?
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<symphorien> mmmrrr: for a local clone of nixpkgs: let local = import "/path/to/nixpkgs/clone" {}; in and then use local.thepackage
<mmmrrr> symphorien: will try - thanks! :)
<symphorien> for using unstable, it involves using nix-channel
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<disasm> mmmrrr: what I would do is copy pkgs/applications/misc/tilix/default.nix to /etc/nixos/pkgs/tilix.nix and then in env.systemPackages = [ (pkgs.callPackages ../pkgs/tilix.nix {}) ]; that seems to work for me
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<disasm> that seems to work for me
<disasm> except it would probly be ./pkgs for you not ../ :)
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<dtzWill> disasm: sometimes that works but if it has deps or other infra from upstream's tree things sometimes don't work right
<niksnut> ugh, firefox on the stable branch switched to gtk+3 which doesn't work properly
<dtzWill> but when that's possible that's a nice simple way to do it :)
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<mmmrrr> thanks for the heads up ^_^
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #26766: openldap: 2.4.44 -> 2.4.45 ; minikube: 0.19.1 -> 0.20.0 (master...minikube_openldap) https://git.io/vQLDN
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<disasm> dtzWill: that's true, I am on unstable, so I would already have most of those deps
<disasm> but nothing jumps out at me int he pkg nix file.
<disasm> dtzWill: anything too crazy dep wise I'd probly just nix-shell and -I nixpkgs= it :)
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<dtzWill> yeah, I mean I wouldn't overly worry aobut it I just mean in general grabbing things from upstream//different nixpkgs branch :)
<dtzWill> haha yep! but occasionally I've wanted a plugin or something and it was across the gap of a big refactor or rewrite and was a bit more painful as a result :)
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<mmmrrr> I like the way with the local checkout of nixpkgs... that's really handy :) thanks for the help!
<justan0theruser> goibhniu: no
<disasm> mmmrrr: just be careful, nixos-rebuild pointed at a local nixpkgs checkout WILL upgrade everything :) I'd only use the -I nixpkgs= if you're building a nix-shell environment.
<disasm> mmmrrr: did that work installing in configuration.nix?
* goibhniu can't find any reference to mkPython
<dtzWill> goibhniu: haha yeah he posted the rest of the context later :)
<mmmrrr> disasm: even if I specify only one package to be used with the local.PACKAGE prefix?
<goibhniu> justan0theruser: anyway, I suspect you're going to need a custom buildPhase and installPhase ... so mkDerivation is probably the most simple to use
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<dtzWill> justan0theruser: the tools' RPATH's are almost entirelty empty D:, trying with dontPatchELF now, we'll see... takes a bit to build
<mmmrrr> disasm: the computer is at least still running, I need to reboot before I can tell if it really worked out ;)
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<mmmrrr> brb
<disasm> oh, I like symphorien way of installing some packages from local nixpkgs, that's cool.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] basvandijk opened pull request #26767: elasticsearch: 5.4.0 -> 5.4.2 (master...elasticsearch-5.4.2) https://git.io/vQLSi
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<dtzWill> (also added "--threads ''${NIX_BUILD_CORES:-1}" to help it go a bit faster O:))
<goibhniu> dtzWill: yeah, I wonder where that comes from ... I tried `git log -S"myPython "` and all
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<goibhniu> ^mkPython
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vQLSx
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 05f94c8 Domen Kožar: hydra: 2017-06-21 -> 2017-06-22
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vQLSh
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 57bbb88 Domen Kožar: hydra: 2017-06-21 -> 2017-06-22...
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<disasm> goibhniu: he's defining it in the file there, I don't think it's a part of nix.
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<dtzWill> goibhniu: justan0theruser: here's what I'm using to poke at it: https://gist.github.com/dtzWill/7c348429978b6f3212403d944c7117c2
<dtzWill> (with a git clone of panda3d in the same dir)
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<goibhniu> aye, but they said they didn't write it either ... so I wonder where it comes from
<dtzWill> oh, yeah dunno. Someone's example? :)
<dtzWill> anyway, here's what 'readelf -d pview' looks like: http://dtz.so/okisi lol
<dtzWill> eep
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sifmelcara opened pull request #26768: slock: Avoid chmod u+s (master...fix/slock-cap) https://git.io/vQL9H
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<dtzWill> ah, maybe the python bits try to create LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the panda parts
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<goibhniu> also, the project is 70% c++ ... I guess it just uses python for building and provides some libraries
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<hyper_ch> so, I liberated now /var/log from being tmpfs
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<justan0theruser> goibhniu: someone in this channel gave me it long ago :p
<goibhniu> justan0theruser: if it's getting frustrating ... you can use an FHS environment instead
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<mmmrrr> disasm: it seems as if everything is going well :)
<justan0theruser> taktao
<goibhniu> ah cool, FWIW IMO the mkPython stuff complicates things
<justan0theruser> goibhniu: Do you think an FHS env would alleviate my frustration?
<justan0theruser> The majority of my frustration comes from this error I described, ImportError: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
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<goibhniu> disclaimer: I've never used one ... but I believe once you have one set up you can download arbitrary binaries and run them
<goibhniu> it would be nice to have panda3d in nixpkgs though
<makefu> justan0theruser: you could try to patchelf the executable ( https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/wiki/FAQ#ive-downloaded-a-binary-but-i-cant-run-it-what-can-i-do )
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<justan0theruser> makefu: any idea where libstdc++.so.6 lives?
<makefu> according to find, it resides in /nix/store/-gcc-5.4.0-lib/lib/libstdc++.so.6
<makefu> gcc.lib
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<dtzWill> justan0theruser: ${stdenv.cc.cc.lib}/lib/libstdc++.so.6
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<dtzWill> justan0theruser: I was going to just symlink it in (patching requires knowing what the right rpath should be, and ensuring you patch all the right binaries and libraries; not impossible but can be non-trivial depending)
<dtzWill> waht's strange is AFAICT these are /built/ but just manage to not know how to find libstdc++ lol
<makefu> dtzWill: how did you find the path? any magic command or "common knowledge"?
<dtzWill> makefu: I'm not sure if it's common or not, lol, but something I've run into a few times so I happen to know it O:)
<dtzWill> it's semi-common to find this sort of problem, because software tends to expect gcc lib paths and glibc lib paths to all be the same
<justan0theruser> dtzWill: do you have the expression that does this?
<dtzWill> but AFAIK this is the first time I've seen a Nix-based "c++" (as in CXX=c++") produce a binary that didn't know how to find libstdc++ lol
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<dtzWill> not sure what that's about
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<symphorien> thats an import error
<symphorien> maybe its python using ctypes to open libstdc++
<symphorien> I don't know where it looks for it then
<dtzWill> oh, hmm, yeah I know very little about how libraries would be found then but that would do the trick
<dtzWill> justan0theruser: I would if I didn't waste time with buildPythonPackage haha, apparently it ate my postInstall attr :(.
* dtzWill reads docs and nix code
<dtzWill> but if it's python's thing... maybe just make some wrappers setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH? :)
<nixos-users-wiki> "Packaging Software" edited by makefu https://git.io/vQL5G
<makefu> justan0theruser: if you ever manage to get this running, please update ^
<makefu> :)
<dtzWill> oh wait no I just managed something hmm
<makefu> or just ping me, i can also update the wiki with the solution :)
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<dtzWill> well there's routes to making /this/ work and there's probably a discussion to be had about what the "right" answer is in general
<FRidh> I think a better solution would be to find out what is causing it. I suppose a binary wheel is installed here instead of code that was built from source?
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<dtzWill> (basically, what FRidh said :))
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<dtzWill> justan0theruser: pushed to the gist I linked earlier, think that'll work--rebuilding to confirm since tweaked a final thing will let you know in a few once it builds :)
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<dtzWill> and ty whoever pointed out it was an import error haha
<dtzWill> i just see library-not-found and pull our LD_DEBUG and readelf xD :D
<makefu> in nix there are always multiple solutions to get stuff running. if we can document (and rank) these solution it will help future generations
<makefu> (of nix users)
<justan0theruser> dtzWill: ok, let me know if it works, I know the build takes a long time and I appreciate this very much!
<justan0theruser> how long does it take on your system? 20m on mine
<dtzWill> justan0theruser: seems to work, I can run 'pview' at least
<dtzWill> no idea how to use this so couldn't say about anything else O:)
<dtzWill> justan0theruser: looks like ~5 mins judging by local timestamps.
<dtzWill> justan0theruser: did you see my comment about parallel build? helps quite a bit. but also my laptop is nice, but not like I'm using some beefy server with silly number of cores :)
<justan0theruser> dtzWill: can you run this in python3
<justan0theruser> from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
<dtzWill> justan0theruser: I'm a nix-python n00b, just jumped on because I'm not a noob about libraries and such :D. So uh, how does one normally 'install' a python thing such that I could use such a snippet?
<dtzWill> IIRC it's not just installing with nix-env or grabbing with nix-shell, but don't rem offhand...
<justan0theruser> a pyhton thing? I thought you just installed panda3d?
<justan0theruser> to be clear, direct is part of panda3d
<justan0theruser> python3 -c "from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase"
<dtzWill> oh maybe you can just use nix-shell
<dtzWill> thought i had to do a texlive-like 'combined' deriva
<dtzWill> justan0theruser: build it and tested the binary didn't error out; didn't install yet
* dtzWill tries
<justan0theruser> oh
<justan0theruser> I can build it as well, I get that error at run time when I import what I showed
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26768: slock: Avoid chmod u+s (master...fix/slock-cap) https://git.io/vQL9H
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<jsierles> does nix do binary grafting like guix?
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<dtzWill> justan0theruser: can you run the binaries in /bin/? I couldn't until I added my fix....
<dtzWill> anyway trying the import
<dtzWill> justan0theruser: looks like it works
<dtzWill> (no output)
<dtzWill> added a shell.nix to the gist
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vQLF4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 6ed463b mingchuan: slock: Avoid chmod u+s (#26600)...
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<justan0theruser> dtzWill: not sure, I'm a total noob
<justan0theruser> awesome, I'll try it out
<dtzWill> justan0theruser: anyway try what I have there, it's a minor change I just made it it's own thing since I tend to make git repo's anyway and seemed like folks wanted a more complete example to poke at :)
<dtzWill> GL sir :)
<dtzWill> jsierles: got any links/info about what that is? :D
<LnL> you can, but we don't use it in nixpkgs
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<dtzWill> oh, okay I see
<makefu> jsierles: there is https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/build-support/replace-dependency.nix which sounds like grafting in guix
<LnL> yes, that's the one
<dtzWill> rejiggering for security updates. seen it talked about and... yep that's the impl I've seen, don't think it's used though
<dtzWill> xD
<justan0theruser> dtzWill: btw, did you get a lot of "setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)" during build?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26753: jetbrains.{ruby-mine,webstorm,datagrip,phpstorm}: 2017.1 -> 2017.1.4 (master...jetbrains-update-2017.1.4) https://git.io/vQkpZ
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<jsierles> dtzWill: so for security updates, you rebuild the world?
<nixos-users-wiki> "Documentation Gaps" edited by makefu https://git.io/vQLbV
<makefu> jsierles: i've added your question to the wiki
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<nixos-users-wiki> "Documentation Gaps" edited by makefu https://git.io/vQLbb
<jsierles> just looking over both systems to see differences and decide what to use. so far I've only tried guix, but see that nix is more active.
<LnL> jsierles: yes, rebuilds are generally fast enough
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<makefu> jsierles: for fast security patches being applied there are -small channels which build much faster but do not have all packages included
<jsierles> thanks, i'll look into that.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 4 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vQLxL
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 633d046 Vasiliy Solovey: clion1: remove package...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 eea3211 Jiri Danek: idea-community: 2017.1.1 -> 2017.1.3...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 aae153c Gauthier POGAM--LE MONTAGNER: idea.webstorm: 2017.1 -> 2017.1.3...
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<pietranera> Hi all, is there a way to see what one is about to update on NixOS before actually doing it?
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<makefu> pietranera: nixos-rebuild dry-build ?
<copumpkin> you can do nixos-rebuild build and then compare the current system root with the built one
<pietranera> I see
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<pietranera> but what about updating packages.? say I update the channel and firefox bumps from v53 to v54
<pietranera> is there a way to see that I am about to update that package and, say, abort it?
<pietranera> e.g. on Arch when you do pacman -Syu it asks you whether you want to abort (similarly in Debian or RedHat/CentOS)
<pietranera> (maybe my question is not very clear...)
<copumpkin> you'd see that in the recursive diff of the machine roots, but admittedly it wouldn't be very obvious
<copumpkin> I think
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #26769: update script for jetbrains products (master...jetbrains-update-script) https://git.io/vQLhK
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<dtzWill> justan0theruser: sorry for late reply, but yes I got many many errors like you described (setlocale...)
<pietranera> OK, so it's fair to say that there is no "direct" way to see what packages I am about to update/upgrade
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vQLhH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 32ef253 Peter Hoeg: tmate: minor cleanup
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<justan0theruser> dtzWill: your fix solves the error for me too!
<justan0theruser> not the warning I just mentioned involving locales, I don't care about that
<justan0theruser> but the actual erro
<dtzWill> \o/
<justan0theruser> however I was presented with another error, which seems to have been resolved here https://www.panda3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=14874 however I don't know where Confauto.prc would be created. On the forum it says in their distro it is in /etc
<justan0theruser> currently find'ing
<justan0theruser> of course, it's in panda3d/built/etc/Confauto.prc :p
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<nixos-users-wiki> "Documentation Gaps" edited by Mic92 https://git.io/vQteE
<dtz> Well you probably want to add many of the missing dependencies...
<nixos-users-wiki> "Documentation Gaps" edited by Mic92 https://git.io/vQteg
<dtz> Right now I'm not surprised it can't out together a graphics pipeline we only gave it a base python interpreter lol
<Isorkin> Hi. How to remove old all profiles? nix-store --gc - not deleted profiles 250,300,328,400
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<dtz> Probably want to add things it needs to buildInputs, not sure how many are needed for expected functionality...
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<justan0theruser> well you can select between pandagl, pandadx9, or p3tinydisplay which is panda3ds own display
<justan0theruser> libpandagl.so is built as part of makepanda, but only if it finds "gl", which is OpenGL. Make sure you have the OpenGL development package installed when you run makepanda.
<justan0theruser> quote^
<justan0theruser> what is the opengl development package in nixos
<goibhniu> justan0theruser: mesa
<justan0theruser> ok, so I will set this as a buildInput?
<goibhniu> yep
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<Gravious> error: syntax error, unexpected IND_STR, expecting '}', at /nix/store/l9iqv27sb5ng4681gr0l38v5270v73dy-nixpkgs-17.03.1387.25a8ba5baf/nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/node-packages.nix:60:8
<Gravious> why do i see this regardless of which channel i try to use?
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<justan0theruser> ok I will try again
<Gravious> i don't have the problem if i use -iA
<goibhniu> what command are you using Gravious?
<Gravious> nix-env -i hello
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<Gravious> it seems that if i nix-env iA nixpkgs.slock it installs, but i can't run it cause nix doesn't suid the binary
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vQtJw
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1a87975 Volth: update script for jetbrains products
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d1eefba Jörg Thalheim: jetbrains: use nix-shell shebang in update script
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9cc023a Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26769 from volth/jetbrains-update-script...
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<Gravious> is it expected that if you're using nix, on e.g. debian, the user would have to manually chmod u+s the installed binary, or is there some other process?
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<Gravious> jesus why did they shut down the wiki, the first hit on google for nixos modules is there
<mbbx6spp> anyone on master getting "vde_switch: Could not set the VDE ctl directory '/abs/path/here/vde1.ctl' permissions: Operation not permitted" errors or know how to resolve them? I upgraded to master from yesterday some time (with some of my dd-agent patches rebased on top) and this started happening then.
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<Gravious> what is a module for? can i install a module?
<goibhniu> Gravious: spambots got the better of it
<pie_> my system was working great, i didnt make any system level changes, but now since like two days ago it hangs on resume pretty often, why? magic sysrq "e" results in the display manager getting killed or something and then systemctl start display-manager doesnt work (it just doesnt do anything)
<pie_> any ideas?
<goibhniu> Gravious: but nixos modules are described in the nixos manual too
<Gravious> goibhniu, i see :/
<goibhniu> Gravious: you can only use them on NixOS though
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<goibhniu> Gravious: they let you declaratively configure system services (mostly)
<Gravious> goibhniu, i've read some of what is written there, but it explains the structure more than purpose
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<Gravious> goibhniu, okay, so that raises the question how do i handle setuid binaries installed via nix but *not* on nixos
<Gravious> since setuid binary for slock appears to be handled by a nixos module for slock
<mbbx6spp> Re: vde_switch ... Operation not permitted errors - I am getting them when running NixOS tests for my own machine configs locally (on NixOS)
<goibhniu> AFAIK setuid binaries should be handled in nixpkgs
<goibhniu> what's slock?
<Gravious> goibhniu, all the calls to security.wrappers appear to happen in modules
<Gravious> goibhniu, slock is a screen locker
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<clever> Gravious: nix-env without -A, will search every derivation in every channel
<clever> Gravious: and setuid stuff requires nixos, it just doesnt work on other distros
<ambro718> What do I need to do in configuration.nix to create a symlink in bin directory to something of my chosing?
<clever> ambro718: which bin directory?
<ambro718> clever: the bin directory of the system configuration
<clever> ambro718: anything you add to environment.systemPackages will get merged into that
<Gravious> clever, oh, so i'd have to hack it to make it work basically? :)
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<clever> Gravious: yeah
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/011192b5f4 (from 61 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.03-small)
<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/9c57f3b5c0 (from 4 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<ambro718> clever: yes but I'm asking for how to add a specifically named program, I want to add it under a different name
<Gravious> clever, kay thanks
<clever> Gravious: under nixos, a script on bootup creates setuid wrappers in /run/wrappers/bin
<clever> ambro718: then you need to make a derivation using runCommand, that creates a $out/bin/foo symlink pointing to ${hello}/bin/hello
<ambro718> okay thanks
<clever> and insert that derivation into systemPackages
<mudri> Does nix-shell set the prompt, or is that something in my shell configuration?
<clever> nix-shell does change PS1 to say its a nix-shell shell
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<gchristensen> are there any golang people around, who would let me pick their brain for a few minutes?
<Gravious> clever, i see, and how much does it break things if i make a store object owned by root and setuid?
<mudri> Is there any way to change that?
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<clever> Gravious: the next time you run a command like nix-store --verify, it will get upset and want to fix it
<Gravious> my guess is it breaks mainly nix garbage collection once the thing is installed
<Gravious> *uninstalled
<Gravious> clever, right
<clever> Gravious: and yeah, GC may have trouble deleting it
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<clever> bbl
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<mbbx6spp> I worked around the vde_switch operation not permitted issue by updating qemu_test package I am using. :shrug:
<LnL> gchristensen: I worked on a go project for a while
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<gchristensen> LnL: may I PM?
<LnL> ofcorse :)
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<gchristensen> Gravious: are you making it setuid and owned by root outside of nix?
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<Gravious> gchristensen, i'd have to, the only alternative is to install nix on debian as root i think
<Gravious> gchristensen, another option i'm looking at is modifying the program slightly to not use setuid root, but that makes it slightly less secure
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<gchristensen> I see
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<dweller> is it possible to know how big (in terms of disk space) is current generation?
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<hyper_ch> yes
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<justan0theruser> dtz: I am using this expression and including pkgs.mesa as one of the buildInputs https://hastebin.com/raw/oyowajadud however it's still failing to load openGL display. Is there a chance it's not being linked properly, or perhaps I need another OpenGL packages dep? Forums I'm looking at describe "libgl-mesa-dev", is that what pkgs.mesa is on nixos?
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<hyper_ch> geez, nothing but troubles with btrfs... why do I keep trying to use it....
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] garbas pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vQtZI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 9b948ea Rok Garbas: pypi2nix: 1.6.0 -> 1.8.0
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<dtzWill> justan0theruser: when I try that locally, very early on I see lots of errors/"warnings" about packages it can't find (not surprising for many of them but...)
<dtzWill> justan0theruser: this in particular stands out: "WARNING: Could not locate thirdparty package gl, excluding from build
<dtzWill> "
<dtzWill> are you seeing that as well? it mentions pkg-config, maybe it's using that to find them, 1 sec...
<justan0theruser> dtzWill: yes https://hastebin.com/raw/afokihejoq
<dtzWill> yeah, adding 'pkgconfig' helps it find gl
<justan0theruser> specifically WARNING: Could not locate thirdparty package gl, excluding from build
<justan0theruser> sorry, I'm not familiar, is that part of the expression?
<dtzWill> i mean, many of these things seem like reaonable dependencies (zlib, png, tiff, etc.) might want to just add them too. Does the panda3d build documentation say about what's required vs truly optional? alternatively looking what's provided in other distributions can be a useful guide
<dtzWill> justan0theruser: buildInputs = with pkgs; [ mesa pkgconfig ];
<justan0theruser> yes, it recommends all of those
<dtzWill> justan0theruser: err that's just slightly fancy way of saying 'buildInputs = [ pkgs.mesa pkgs.pkgconfig ];' in case typing "pkgs." got tiresome :3
<justan0theruser> yep :p
<justan0theruser> will try now with pkgconfig
<dtzWill> oh, I see, great. then probably should provide all the ones it recommends, at least the ones Nix has and are easy
<dtzWill> notably it's dep on "X libraries" might be slightly difficult to resolve, since X has lots of libraries and dunno which they want
<justan0theruser> well, i'll try to get the 4 it lists
<justan0theruser> jesus this has a lot of deps
<dtzWill> so far I have https://hastebin.com/yocanatoha.py and that seems the most obvious ones
<dtzWill> libjpeg I commented out b/c it didn't find it when it was added, haven't investigated
<dtzWill> but just saying 'gtk2' at least made it happy about gtk2 and x11, fingers crossed O:)
<dtzWill> i didn't try the cg/etc stuff b/c that's approaching things I'm not super comfortable with re:GPU and whatnot
<dtzWill> adding openal and eigen made it.... stop complaning altogether? lol
<justan0theruser> "Netscape plugin API (a set of interfaces to write browser plug-ins). It is only necessary to compile the Panda3D browser plug-in. "
<justan0theruser> lol
<dtzWill> (nvm it's still complaining, I just lost it amid the locale errors lol)
<dtzWill> yeah you can probably skip that one
<dtzWill> xD
<justan0theruser> this is what I have https://hastebin.com/raw/zuxidoyaqa
<dtzWill> justan0theruser: are you wanting to submit this to nixpkgs or is this "just" for your own use? changes what makes sense for deps a bit :)
<justan0theruser> dtzWill: in what way does it change it?
<justan0theruser> what is the protocol for including packages? Should they be meant to include every possible way they might be used?
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<dtzWill> justan0theruser: well if you're counting on using panda for its' ability to do nifty shader things with your nvidia card then you probably should figure out how to make that work. IIRC that's a proprietary thing that requires manual adding to nix-store (might be confusing it with another thing), but so just as an example a hard dep on such a thing might be best to not include by default
<gchristensen> is there a way in nix (other than getEnv "PWD") to get the pwd?
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<justan0theruser> error: undefined variable ‘gtk2-x11
<dtzWill> justan0theruser: good question! Dunno, to be honest. I see some packages have lots of "optional" flags for enabling/disabling features--sometimes they're to manage different use-cases in-tree other times it's unclear that anyone uses many of those options
<justan0theruser> error: undefined variable ‘gtk2-x11
<justan0theruser> woops
<dtzWill> justan0theruser: idk i just put "gtk2" lol
<copumpkin> you know what I want?
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<copumpkin> composable language-specific nix builders
<gchristensen> you crazy, copumpkin ;)
<copumpkin> currently things are very easy if you have an ocaml build, or a rust build, or a python build
<copumpkin> but if you have a ployglot build, things get ugly quickly
<gchristensen> yes indeed :(
<justan0theruser> currently missing some random packages https://hastebin.com/raw/uvaluvetem
<justan0theruser> dtzWill: I've never submitted to nixpkgs, as you can tell I'm a noobie
<dtzWill> i added ffmpeg b/c I like ffmpeg lol but
<dtzWill> (ffmpeg also resolves the swscale/swresample bits)
<justan0theruser> "Required to load and play video textures."
<justan0theruser> sounsd worth it :p
<dtzWill> lol! yeah
<dtzWill> how i that under "optional"
<dtzWill> oh, like textures that themselves are video content maybe?
<justan0theruser> I assume because textures can be images
<dtzWill> and it says re:libjpeg that it has a fallback thaht might not support all jpeg features, so if that can't be resolved that might not be so bad
<justan0theruser> generally
<dtzWill> right, but like so somehow load a video and apply it as a texture (?!) lol
<justan0theruser> yes, that is what it is referring to
<dtzWill> cooool
<justan0theruser> It's amazing how big this library is
<justan0theruser> and it has one active developer
<disasm> justan0theruser: yeah, I was looking at makepanda/makepanda.py -- possibly the most nonstandard way of installing a python library...
<justan0theruser> yeah really
<justan0theruser> I had to install propietary drivers nvidia libraries before in nixos, it isn't fun, but it was necessary for what I was doing. Not sure how important mandatory nvidea is here
<justan0theruser> ia
<justan0theruser> Is there a page showing the rules for adding to nix
<justan0theruser> what kind of tests I should do, what kind of formatting/spacing I should use
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<Gravious> how can i install with nix-env from a local nixpkgs repo?
<Gravious> is it possible to simply add a local path as a channel?
<clever> nix-env -f ~/apps/nixpkgs -iA hello
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<Gravious> ah nice thanks!
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<nh2> I'm having real troubles with cache.nixos.org again
<nh2> it's downloading NAR files (600 Byte) one every 2 seconds
<Gravious> didn't https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/ used to have a massive section on different languages?
<Gravious> i'm trying to figure out how runtime deps work with lua pkgs
<disasm> justan0theruser: I'm not sure if there's a style guide or not. If it works though, can always open up a PR and someone will comment if something doesn't meet the standards.
<Gravious> oh it does, i missed it somehow, ignore me
<justan0theruser> okie doke, still building
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<Gravious> nh2, fwiw it seems slow for me too
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<CcxWrk> Is there one easy command to get working development setup (gcc, binutils, libc's libraries) exposed in the environment?
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<boomshroom> Hello, I'm away from my main machine with not much internet.
<boomshroom> I'm currently booted into Mac, but I'd like to work on my NixOS installation even when I lose internet.
<CcxWrk> nix-env -i glibc fails with assertion error :-(
<boomshroom> Is it possible to download the NixOS packages from Mac so I can install them offline when I reboot?
<boomshroom> Also, I'm going to want to merge the stores for my Mac and NixOS installations. I have different usernames on each system so the profiles shouldn't collide.
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<boomshroom> looks like I'll be heading out. I'll see if I can get a response later. Bye!
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* Gravious is at a loss as to how propagatedBuildInputs are handled with lua packages
<Gravious> perl packages seem to set up a nix-support/propagated-user-env-packages file
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #26770: jetbrains updater: use perlPackages.LWPProtocolhttps (master...jetbrains-update-script-2) https://git.io/vQti0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aij opened pull request #26771: libatomic_ops: Provide alternate URL (master...fix/libatomic_ops) https://git.io/vQti7
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/9b948ea439 (from 84 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.03-small)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vQtPu
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1f65182 aszlig: electrum: Unify protobuf dependencies...
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<jbaum98> is there a way to override a package to include the files from a dependency? i'm trying to get alsa to work and i have a derivation to compile some necessary libraries. amixer doesn't see these libraries because they aren't within the alsa directory: Cannot open shared library /nix/store/2n607y7mz78yllk0ig4h2m5wyd6i0138-alsa-lib-1.1.2/lib/alsa-lib/libasound_module_ctl_cras.so, even though that shared library is in my other
<jbaum98> derivation. how can i get it to copy everything over, or is that not reccomended?
<Gravious> jbaum98, is that not what propagateBuildInputs is for? i don't know i'm quite new to this
<Gravious> *propagatedBuildInputs
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<jbaum98> Gravious: I thought that might be it, but from the docs it seems like that just propagates the buildInput to other derivations that require that one, so if anything required alsa it would also require my derviation. I don't think it actually copies the stuff in
<Gravious> try it and see? :)
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<jbaum98> Gravious: nope :(
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<disasm> was trying to follow this: http://lethalman.blogspot.com/2016/04/cheap-docker-images-with-nix_15.html but gosu no longer exists in nixpkgs. What would the better way to a user be?
<disasm> su to a user, lol :)
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<jbaum98> disasm: exec sudo -u <user> -i maybe?
<disasm> jbaum98: then you'd need sudoers configured in docker :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] robx opened pull request #26772: v8_3_16_14: fix OS X build by passing deployment version (master...fix-v8) https://git.io/vQtMI
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] garbas pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vQtDg
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 90b2d06 Robert Hensing: maintainers: add roberth
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 86dc646 Robert Hensing: arelle: init at 2017-06-01
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<maurer> Hey, anyone know how to get multiarch objdump on nixos?
<maurer> I need to disassemble something other than my native architecture
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<sphalerite> dweller: I don't see if someone answered how to see the amount of space the current system generation takes up: I'd do something like nix-store -qR /run/current-system | xargs du -chd0 | sort -h | tail. Bit of a mouthful but it should get you your answer
<CcxWrk> Why are some files not linked in nix-profile? eg. most of the lib/ subdirectory is missing.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 6 new commits to master: https://git.io/vQtS4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d1b9c9d Gleb Peregud: erlang: refactor: build packages per Erlang/OTP....
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f66b018 Gleb Peregud: erlang: fix rebar3-nix-bootstrap in Erlang < R18.
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7797e1a Gleb Peregud: erlang: put Elixir/LFE into per-OTP packageset....
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<avn> CcxWrk: because they really don't need to be there?
<CcxWrk> How do I request them to be there? Or how do I set up environment on which I can manually compile stuff which links against those libraries?
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: re cwd: ./.? :D
<clever> sphalerite: i tend to use this: du --max=0 -hc $(nix-store -qR /run/current-system) | sort -h
<CcxWrk> Or is it just impossible to compile anything on nixos without using nix?
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<clever> CcxWrk: nix-shell will create an env with things setup
<clever> but nix wont use the stuff you manually compiled
<simpson> CcxWrk: You're meant to, at a minimum, use nix-shell to get a development environment. You don't have to have your project be buildable with nix-build, although there's a lot of obvious benefits to doing so.
<LnL> sphalerite: toString ./. otherwise you get a store path
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<sphalerite> LnL: are you sure? Does it not only get imported to the store when certain evaluation operations are performed on it?
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<sphalerite> like "${./.}" will result in a store path
<sphalerite> but other uses of ./. may or may not
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<clever> sphalerite: toString prevents it from being copied to the store
<LnL> like what? you'd eventually need to use it somewhere
<sphalerite> true
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<sphalerite> LnL: also re sqlite earlier: Yep, I didn't realise sqlite had builtin readline support (and that nixpkgs has a specific sqlite-interactive attr for it!), thanks for pointing it out!
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<sphalerite> hm, the readline support doesn't seem to include completion though
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<CcxWrk> simpson: Thanks, apparently the issue was not missing library, but missing pkg-config (the specific error message was drowned below that)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Moredread opened pull request #26773: nixos: replaced "userns" with "user namespaces" for clarity (master...patch-1) https://git.io/vQt70
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<simpson> CcxWrk: Ah, yeah, that'll do it.
<LnL> sphalerite: yeah same with bashInteractive, it took pretty long for me to realise that's why bash was "broken" in my docker image :)
<sphalerite> How do I convert a base64 checksum into a base32 one?
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<nh2> in a nixos module config, if I declare an option, can that option's default value refer to other options' values?
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<sphalerite> nh2: I believe so
<sphalerite> But you may want to consider setting it in the module's config attribute with a mkDefault instead
<sphalerite> I'm not sure if that makes sense
<nh2> sphalerite: do you know an example of that I could look at
<Gravious> wow
<Gravious> this is nuts, in several cases i get a propagated-build-inputs file, and in the top-level package i don't get one, despite specifying propagated-build-inputs
<sphalerite> nh2: actually I think what I said is wrong. But for example the grub module sets enabled to !config.boot.isContainer by default
<Gravious> i might hack one in manually and see what happens
<sphalerite> Gravious: how did you specify it?
<Gravious> the usual way with, propagatedBuildInputs = [ ... ] ?
<Gravious> the lower level packages have it, just no the top level
<sphalerite> Gravious: that seems odd, can you make a minimal reproducible example?
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<Gravious> sphalerite, it might take me some time to, but possible yes
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<sphalerite> nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; stdenv.mkDerivation {unpackPhase = ":"; installPhase = "mkdir $out"; propagatedBuildInputs = [sqlite]; name = "test";}'nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; stdenv.mkDerivation {unpackPhase = ":"; installPhase = "mkdir $out"; propagatedBuildInputs = [sqlite]; name = "test";}'nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; stdenv.mkDerivation {unpackPhase = ":"; installPh
<sphalerite> ase = "mkdir $out"; propagatedBuildInputs = [sqlite]; name = "test";}'asd
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<sphalerite_> Gravious: nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; stdenv.mkDerivation {unpackPhase = ":"; installPhase = "mkdir $out"; propagatedBuildInputs = [sqlite]; name = "test";}' works for me
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<sphalerite> Gravious: sorry about that, had some difficulty accessing the ssh session I normally irc from there. But yes, it works correctly for me with that minimal example there
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<Gravious> sphalerite, luascrypt has the propagated input, gitano does not
<Gravious> oh
<Gravious> i just spotted the issue >.>
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<Gravious> sphalerite, ah well, thanks for asking me to produce the test case :D
<sphalerite> hahaha
<sphalerite> typojijaisd
<Gravious> >.>
<Gravious> it's been a long day....
<Gravious> :p
<sphalerite> ugh, cconnection problem again
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #26775: ghcHEAD: Actually split docs into their own output (master...ghc-head-docs) https://git.io/vQthw
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<Gravious> hrm, seems nix doesn't setup the LUA_PATH to check in places specified by propagated-user-inputs :/
<LnL> there's an open issue for that
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<Gravious> oh really!
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<Infinisil> In which phase of a nix build are produced executables wrapped? specifically python. I'm trying to turn this phase off (for now at least)
<Infinisil> Reason is that I can't run the wrapped ones, but can run the non-wrapped ones, throws a syntax error somewhere
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 closed pull request #26775: ghcHEAD: Actually split docs into their own output (master...ghc-head-docs) https://git.io/vQthw
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<Gravious> LnL, that looks promising, thanks :)
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<dweller> sphalerite: thanks :)
<sphalerite> np :)
<sphalerite> Infinisil: I'm not sure but my guess is fixupPhase
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<Infinisil> Ah yes
<Infinisil> Man, I don't get this python fixup thing
<Infinisil> It just doesn't work
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<Infinisil> Every .py file gets written to .<name>.py-wrapped, while the original file gets turned into a bash script that invokes the original file with the correct python env
<sphalerite> and the issue is..?
<Infinisil> I don't quite understand it, but it seems that the package somehow references the original file locations (.py), expecting python code, not bash
<sphalerite> ouch
<Infinisil> Maybe all python files have #! at the beginning and are executable, gonna check now, that could be it
<Infinisil> What I'm trying to package is an application that can automatically verify security protocols, it's called scyther
<Infinisil> Backend is in C, I got that figured out and it's working, the GUI is written in python, that's where I'm now
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<jbaum98> is there a way to get $out not from the shell but within the nix derivation?
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<jbaum98> clever: so placeholder "out"? How does that scope? If I want to override an attribute of some derivation using the output directory of another derivation, will that work?
<pikajude> wait
<pikajude> why would you do that
<pikajude> afaik the interpreter yells at you for including full store paths in string literals
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<justanotheruser> I'm running into an import error at python run time stating "ImportError: libfreetype.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". I get it from importing a module that is part of the panda3d python package. This is my definition to install panda3d, let me know if you see the cause of the issue please, I am indeed including the "freetype" package. https://hastebin.com/raw/yawisavoye
<jbaum98> pikajude: i'm trying to deal with alsa plugins. alsa has a compile time constant plugin directory so i was gonna recompile alsa with it pointing at my new derivation with the plugin
<avn> justanotheruser: does it use cffi (or any other ffi doing dlopen)?
<pikajude> jbaum98: if you just interpolate a derivation, it will expand to the store path
<pikajude> like "${python}/bin/python" for example
<justanotheruser> dunno, it's not explicitly listed avn
<jbaum98> pikajude: right, but i want the current derivation. is there something like this or self?
<pikajude> let self = mkDerivation { ... }; in self ?
<pikajude> and then reference self inside?
<jbaum98> pikajude: ooh
<jbaum98> pikajude: i will try this
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orbekk closed pull request #25846: lua packages: propagate libs with a setupHook (master...master) https://git.io/v9A0N
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<pikajude> might cause a recursion error though
<pikajude> let me know how it goes
<pikajude> alternative: let unpatched = { ... }; in stdenv.overrideDerivation unpatched (drv: { foo = "${unpatched}/..."; })
<pikajude> wait i'm not sure that would evaluate to the right thing either
<pikajude> damn
<justanotheruser> avn: should I try to include those as dependencies and see if it fixes it?
<pikajude> yeah ignore that last one
<justanotheruser> cffi and ffi
<pikajude> jbaum98: if that doesn't evaluate, just do what it is you're trying to do manually in bash in one of the build phases
<pikajude> by using the variable $out
<avn> justanotheruser: then it need to be patched in place where dlopen happens, to include full path
<pikajude> that's generally the fallback
<jbaum98> pikajude: but i need the $out of the plugin while i'm compiling the dependency
<avn> possible LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${freetype}/lib can help as quickfix
<pikajude> wtf
<jbaum98> pikajude: infinite recursion encountered
<pikajude> you need the output of a package to compile a dependency for it
<pikajude> i don't believe that's possible
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<jbaum98> pikajude: alsa has a compile time constant where it looks for plugins
<pikajude> the output of the package varies
<pikajude> based on the hash of the dependencies
<jbaum98> pikajude: right okay this is impossible
<pikajude> if the hash of the dependencies depends on the output of the package
<pikajude> then you will just have to get REALLY lucky with sha256 :)
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<jbaum98> pikajude: i'm trying to do what they call the "aggregate package"
<pikajude> can also patch the package itself to look up plugin dirs at runtime
<pikajude> like we do with some other packages
<justanotheruser> avn: not sure linking to the library is an issue
<justanotheruser> avn: I had the same issue with libstdc++.so.6, but that was resolved. I may be wrong, but I think the file it's looking for now might just not exist.
<jbaum98> pikajude: this looks great why isn't it in alsa anymore?
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<pikajude> dunno
<avn> justanotheruser: was just a attempt to guess. Never try build/use this library
<clever> jbaum98: if you just want the output of some other derivation, use that derivations value
<clever> jbaum98: "${pkgs.hello}/bin/hello"
<pikajude> clever: jbaum98 wants the output of a package that depends on the one in question
<clever> ah
<clever> thats a circular reference, nix doesnt allow it, ever
<pikajude> could be an elliptical reference to be fair
<jbaum98> clever: i just learned this. i'm trying to deal with alsa plugins and the fact that it looks in a directory fixed at compile time
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<clever> it would need to be patched to either look in a directory relative to home, in /etc, or in a directory set in an env variable
<clever> then create a wrapper that merges the chosen plugins, sets the right variables, and then makes the right wrappers/configs
<pikajude> i'm having deja vu
<justanotheruser> avn: ok thanks
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<pie_> btw habitica installs on nixos really easily
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<clever> pkgs/os-specific/linux/alsa-lib/default.nix: ./alsa-plugin-conf-multilib.patch
<clever> jbaum98: the patch is already referenced in the alsa-lib build
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vQq33
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0030c66 Thomas Tuegel: kdeFrameworks, plasma5: fix setup hooks...
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<jbaum98> right right but i can't figure out how to use it to change where alsa looks
<jbaum98> i don't understand what mechanism it introduces
<clever> yeah
<clever> it adds a check if the id variable is "libs"
<clever> so we need to see the original source its patching, and find out what that loops over
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<clever> it appears to modify the parsing of an existing config file that alsa-lib already reads
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<jbaum98> clever: hmm and if i make an entry with id=libs, then it does something
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<clever> i think id, is the thing to the left of the =
<clever> so libs=/path/to/libs
<clever> enless there are config files that already comtain things like id=open and id=comment
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<jbaum98> clever: i might be looking at the wrong config file, but there aren't any equals
<clever> what does the config look like?
<jbaum98> clever: the only one i know if is like this https://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Asoundrc
<jbaum98> clever: but maybe there's another one
<clever> oh
<clever> pcm_type.pulse {
<clever> libs.native = /nix/store/wlnf10p7pcd244qzxlpqdqlgirkcyizj-alsa-plugins-1.1.1/lib/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so ;
<clever> my /etc/asound.conf has an =, and also a libs
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<jbaum98> clever: ooooooh
<jbaum98> clever: i will try that thank you very much
<clever> this also gave me an idea
<clever> the commit that added the patch
<clever> did it also put a usage elsewhere?
<clever> nope
<clever> all it did was remove support for /lib/alsa-lib/
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<Infinisil> Any simple way to remove the Shebang from a file?
<clever> sed?
<Infinisil> Ah
<simpson> Infinisil: I think that either head or tail have flags for nicking the first line from a file.
* simpson binutils
<clever> ah, didnt think about tail with a +
<clever> the sed answer looks much cleaner
<clever> and will probably also work on linux
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<Infinisil> Finally, got it working, almost without problems
<simpson> Stupid question: Is there a tool for managing sets of packages in a way that lets me specify the packages by name every time I enter the package-set? I basically want presets for nix-shell.
<clever> simpson: make a shell.nix containing this: with import <nixpkgs>{}; runCommandCC "dummy" { buildInputs = [ foo bar baz ]; } ""
<slabity_> Can I retrieve an overlay via a fetch* command in configuration.nix? For example, the mozilla-overlay: `mozillaPkgs = pkgs.fetchFromGithub { "..." };`
<simpson> clever: Right. I want a few dozen of those, and a tool for managing them.
<clever> simpson: you can also optionaly add { arg1 ? "defaultval" }: and then use "--argstr arg1 foo" to change it
<clever> simpson: ah, then you would want the file to return an attribute set of those runCommandCC's, and use -A to switch between them
<slabity_> And then I can do something like `mozillaOverlay = pkgs.callPackage mozillaPkgs {};` since it has a default.nix in that repo, right?
<clever> slabity_: you may need to use (import <nixpkgs>{config={};}).fetchFromGithub
<clever> slabity_: otherwise, it will have a circular reference, where the value of pkgs depends on the overlays, which depend on pkgs.fetch...
<Infinisil> Is there some way to disable the buildPhase without having to list all other phases?
<clever> Infinisil: set buildPhase=":"; which causes bash to just do nothing for some reason
<justanotheruser> I'm running into an import error at python run time stating "ImportError: libfreetype.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". I get it from importing a module that is part of the panda3d python package. This is my definition to install panda3d, let me know if you see the cause of the issue please, I am indeed including the "freetype" package. https://hastebin.com/raw/yawisavoye
<clever> Infinisil: oh, and i found a better answer
<Infinisil> clever: Haha, I thought about something like this
<clever> just dontBuild = true;
<simpson> clever: Maaaaaaaybe. This all feels a little too clever.
<simpson> Er, sorry, pun not intended.
<Infinisil> clever: Oh that's nicer, documentation is sparse
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<slabity_> clever: It says attribute fetchFromGithub is missing
<clever> slabity_: and the H in Hub has to be in caps
<slabity_> :(
<clever> i can never remember which way it goes and used your question as an example
<clever> i just open nix-repl '<nixpkgs>' and tab-complete fetchFrom
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<slabity_> clever: So then after I do the `mozillaPkgs = fetchFromGitHub {...}'` and the `mozillaOverlay = pkgs.callPackage mozillaPkgs {};` how do I access a package in that repo? When I try mozillaOverlay.firefox-nightly-bin it gives me an error that an anonymous function was called with an unexpected argument 'channel'
<clever> slabity_: i dont think callPackage is the right thing to use there
<clever> what repo did you give to fetch from github?
<slabity_> mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla
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<clever> slabity_: try adding --show-trace, and figure out which file is complaining
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<MP2E> hi. getting an odd issue here, I have a nixos laptop and a nixos desktop and want to copy a closure with nix-copy-closure. If I copy over ssh using 'nix-copy-closure --from user@localip /nix/store/52fad..network-manager-1.6.2' works, however, if I try to access it from outside my network, it just says 'error: path /nix/store/...-network-manager-1.6.2/ is not found in the nix store'
<slabity_> /nix/store/.../pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox-bin/default.nix:1:1
<simpson> clever: Do you happen to know how easy it is to control the shell prompt in nix-shell?
<clever> simpson: you can probably alter PS1 in the shellHook
<MP2E> thing is though, I can ssh into the desktop outside the local network just fine and use scp. and I've confirmed the path i entered for the package I want exists on the remote machine
<MP2E> so... not sure what i'm missing :(
<clever> MP2E: there is both --from and --to, to let you switch the direction its moving the package
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<MP2E> indeed, I had just tried --from in this case
<clever> MP2E: so if you can ssh in either direction, you can get the copy to work
<MP2E> I can try --to as well though
<MP2E> ah
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<slabity_> Also, the github repo has another overlay, except it's called rust-overlay.nix instead of default.nix. Any way to access that?
<clever> "${mozillaPkgs}/rust-overlay.nix"
<clever> passed to either callPackage or import, depending on what arguments it needs
<clever> or possibly directly to the overlays list
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<slabity_> Overlays list?
<clever> i havent used them before, but you can configure a list of overlays somewhere
<slabity_> So I think I found it: `nixpkgs.overlays = [ mozillaOverlay ];`. But that gives an infinite recursion error
<clever> yeah
<clever> 2017-06-22 20:22:06 < clever> slabity_: you may need to use (import <nixpkgs>{config={};}).fetchFromGithub
<clever> 2017-06-22 20:22:37 < clever> slabity_: otherwise, it will have a circular reference, where the value of pkgs depends on the overlays, which depend on pkgs.fetch...
<slabity_> I did use that
<clever> can you gist your config?
<slabity_> Sure, I'll try and simplify it
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<simpson> dash: So far, things that I have put back into my nix-env because they apparently aren't global: nix and nix-repl.
<dash> o.o
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<simpson> I guess nix-repl is optional, but c'mon, what is the point of Nix without nix-repl?
<dash> heh
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<Infinisil> I'm using nix-repl very rarely, maybe I should
<dash> yeah nix-repl isn't a core requirement, so yeah it goes in my user env too
<simpson> Infinisil: It is my preferred way to examine nixpkgs, since I don't have to guess which file goes where.
<clever> slabity_: mozillaOverlay does not contain an overlay, and it depends on the value of pkgs
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<clever> i dont think the overlay is meant to be ran thru callPackage
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<clever> slabity_: try adding "${mozillaPkgs}/rust-overlay.nix" to the overlays list
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