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<sophiag> great, thanks! lemme give it a try
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<sophiag> hmm so i get an "undefined variable" error putting simgrid in buildInputs
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<clever> sophiag: can you gist the default.nix file?
<sophiag> default.nix?
<sophiag> the version is not so old to think it would be broken
<clever> the file your editing that references simgrid
<sophiag> oh ok. that's just in my configurations.nix
<sophiag> one sec
<sophiag> we're looking at line 134
<clever> sophiag: its possible your nix channel is too old, what does nix-channel --list say?
<clever> oh wait, line 134 is totally wrong
<sophiag> 16.09
<sophiag> i added that equals sign because i was getting a syntax error i didn't understand....
<clever> that belongs in its own file, not configuration.nix
<sophiag> ugh. so far i've gotten by with just one config file :(
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<clever> it can also be done in one file, but not like that
<sophiag> i'd rather if possible. that's often an issue with the manual vs. how i'd prefer to use nix
<sophiag> could you possibly link me to an example?
<clever> oops, minor typo, fixing
<clever> fixed
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<clever> that calls pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation on an attribute set, and stores the result in a local value called simgrid2, which then gets inserted into systemPackages
<sophiag> oh i see
<clever> but you could just wrap the whole thing in (...) and insert it directly into systemPackages for maximum unreadability
<sophiag> ah, yes. just like i do with emacs
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<sophiag> ugh, "one dependency couldn't be built"
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<clever> read the lines above to find out why
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<sophiag> it's system-path.drv and nixos-system-nixos-16.09.1622.e67d70f.drv
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<clever> sophiag: keep scrolling up more
<clever> sophiag: that just means something you put into systemPackages failed, likely the simgrid2
<sophiag> well what actually failed was simgrid itself
<sophiag> but the reason was those two dependencies couldn't be built
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<sophiag> could the problem be that i'm doubling up by already having simgrid in my systemPackages?
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<clever> could remove it and see what happens
<sophiag> hmm ok
<sophiag> nope, exactly the same errors
<sophiag> oy, this is frustrating
<sophiag> i try *very* hard to avoid manual builds, tho
<clever> can you gist the entire output?
<clever> with the errors
<clever> building path(s) ‘/nix/store/6rjljxaaia6ks6vx6fsbl9vgw9vp6i7f-simgrid’
<clever> variable $src or $srcs should point to the source
<clever> there is no src attribute in the derivation you defined
<sophiag> i figured i didn't need that since it was already packaged for nix
<clever> since its already packages, you just want to put simgrid directly into the systemPackages
<clever> but if you want to build something that uses simgrid headers, you must build that something inside a derivation, that has simgrid in its buildInputs
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<sophiag> and src linking to the actual tar file?
<clever> yeah
<sophiag> oh ok. then it would be redundant to use the nix package as well, yes?
<clever> probably
<clever> depends a lot on what you want done
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<sophiag> hmm it says i need a hash for the url, but there's none specified
<clever> what exactly do you need simgrid for?
<sophiag> it's a networking simulation library
<clever> are you trying to compile something that uses simgrid?
<sophiag> yes
<clever> what is the url to that?
<sophiag> but i don't have the necessary headers
<sophiag> no, my own code
<clever> ah
<clever> then src = /home/sophiag/yourthing;
<sophiag> wat?
<clever> and then it will build the source in that directory
<sophiag> oh...tbh that's horribly annoying
<clever> or use the url if its already tar'd up
<sophiag> like rn i'm just trying out something like "hello world"
<sophiag> i'd prefer to just use the gcc flag
<clever> one sec
<sophiag> i think i need to run gcc from a nix shell, yes?
<clever> nixos literaly has a package for hello world
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<copumpkin> it has a man page, too
<sophiag> no, i'm saying the basic program in the simgrid tutorial
<clever> sophiag: you can then use the file i just linked as an example for building your own
<sophiag> i'm going to be building things with gcc all day and it makes no sense to have to update my nix config instead of using the command line
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<clever> sophiag: then you want the mkDerivation in its own file
<sophiag> for every single program i write with this library?
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<sophiag> it's a testing framework. there could easily be dozens
<sophiag> i'd prefer something that just allows me to build with gcc
<clever> sophiag: put this into default.nix in the root of your project, then run nix-shell and you will get a shell with gcc and simgrid
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<sophiag> i'm not building my project as a nix package though...
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<clever> you must still use nix-shell to get the headers into scope
<sophiag> ok, but i have no default.nix to put that snippet in
<clever> then create one
<sophiag> i guess just throw that in the directory i'm using and then run nix-shell?
<clever> yep
<sophiag> will it propagate to subdirectories?
<clever> no, but you can freely use cd after nix-shell
<clever> or you can give a path to the default.nix to nix-shell
<sophiag> oh i see
<sophiag> ok cool
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<sophiag> ugh, it still can't find the header
<sophiag> oh wait. because i removed simgrid from packages
<sophiag> :p
<clever> what #include path are you using?
<sophiag> <simgrid/msg.h>
<clever> its in <msg/msg.h>
<sophiag> it's a different msg.h
<clever> simgrid has no msg.h in simgrid/
<clever> at least in the version 3.11.1 i have
<sophiag> really? i can't imagine these docs are so new. here's 3.15:
<sophiag> that contains a msg.hs
<sophiag> *msg.h
<clever> and the 3.11 branch doesnt
<sophiag> fuck
<sophiag> well, maybe i should just update the nix package for the greater good?
<clever> yeah
<clever> bump up the version# and fix the hash when nix complains
<clever> and fix anything else that may break
<sophiag> i'm not sure how to fix the hash for this one...
<clever> run nix-build without fixing the hash, and nix will tell you the correct value
<sophiag> oh great
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<sophiag> and stupid do i test it locally before submitting a PR?
<clever> nix-build -A simgrid
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<clever> ran in the root dir of a nixpkgs checkout
<sophiag> ah ok
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<NickHu> Hi
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<NickHu> Oh it seems this bridge does work after all
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<sophiag> clever: the installation seems successful, but it didn't tell me to update the hash
<boxofrox> is there an option with imperative containers to define mountPoints between host and container?
<sophiag> and...gcc still can't find that header :(
<clever> sophiag: due to how nix works, you can have dozens of different simgrid's "installed" at once
<boxofrox> should mention I'm using nixos 16.09.
<clever> sophiag: and nix-shell will always use the one you reference, which defaults to the un-modified one in nix-channel
<sophiag> of course. i need to get rid of the old one...
<clever> sophiag: you need to nix-shell -I nixpkgs=/home/clever/nixpkgs to force it to use the modified version
<clever> no you dont
<sophiag> oh ok
<clever> the entire design of nix is such that you never have to get rid of old things
<sophiag> gotcha
<clever> the different versions can co-exist without ever conflicting
<sophiag> yeah i know. i haven't called gc yet
<clever> you must tell nix which version you want
<clever> and nix will get exactly that version
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<clever> a gc will never fix a problem
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<c74d> it can fix the problem of disk space exhaustion :)
<clever> yeah, thats the only thing a gc can fix
<c74d> (or, in my case, EFI system partition space exhaustion)
<sophiag> hmm i launched the shell from my clone of nixpkgs and still get that error from gcc
<sophiag> i didn't commit the change tho
<clever> sophiag: what does 'which smpicc' say when ran in the nix-shell?
<ToxicFrog> What the hell
<ToxicFrog> Updating to 17.03 broke the permissions on all my letsencrypt certs or something
<sophiag> clever: the correct one. 3.15
<ToxicFrog> Yeah, the 'group' setting is no longer working, and since they're in the wrong group the imapd and smtpd can no longer read them, so everything is on fire
<clever> sophiag: is the app your trying to build available as a url somewhere?
<sophiag> somewhere
<sophiag> one sec
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<clever> sophiag: one min
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<sophiag> thanks
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<clever> sophiag: did you have to do anything with python when updating the simgrid version?
<sophiag> it seemingly went totally smooth
<clever> what url did you use?
<sophiag> hmm? i just updated the version number
<clever> i suspect the 33686 is related to the version
<sophiag> and cloned the nixpkgs repo from github
<clever> and it gave you a copy of 3.11
<clever> so you built a copy of 3.11, but just called it 3.15
<sophiag> oh...good call
<sophiag> i wouldn't have caught that
<clever> my attempts at changing the version# are having python and lua problems
<sophiag> lemme find the actual url
<clever> Error: Lua version 5.3 is required, but version . found instead.
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<sophiag> but when i go to rebuild it thinks it already has that version...
<clever> you need to change a single digit in the hash
<clever> so it knows to re-fetch things
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<sophiag> um surely you didn't mean the hash for the url
<clever> yes
<clever> i do mean that hash
<clever> nix has a bit of a problem if you change the url but keep the same name at the end
<sophiag> any digit in it?
<clever> yah
<sophiag> the hash doesn't match when i change it
<clever> just increment or decrement any digit
<sophiag> oh "digit"...
<clever> the new hash it prints should be totally different
<sophiag> same problem
<sophiag> it seems it won't build if i alter that sha256 at all
<clever> with what error?
<clever> can you gist the output of "git diff"
<sophiag> oh wait i see
<sophiag> i tells me the new hash
<sophiag> when i enter an incorrect one
<lezed1> I have a quick question about package mirrors. I have some package sources hosted on a server of my own, and I wanted to set up a mirror to point to that server. How can I add a new mirror?
<sophiag> now i'm getting a python3 error...
<sophiag> i have python3 installed...
<clever> nix will never look at what you have "installed" when doing nix builds
<clever> that would taint things
<c74d> there's also nix-prefetch-url in the nix-prefetch-scripts package that you could use to get the correct hash in one step
<sophiag> oh i probably just need to upgrade the version in the default.nix
<clever> sophiag: you must add python3 to the list of buildInputs in the simgrid/default.nix
<sophiag> right
<sophiag> yeah it currently has no version of python
<sophiag> now lua...
<clever> change the lua5_1 to lua5_3
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<sophiag> yup did that. onto NS3
<clever> not sure which package ns3 is in
<sophiag> um, that's weird...
<sophiag> it's a perl pkg for aws?
<sophiag> oh no partial match
<clever> doesnt look like its perl
<clever> message(STATUS "Warning: To use NS-3 Please install ns3 at least version 3.10 (")
<clever> doesnt appear to be packaged on nixpkgs
<sophiag> yeah it's given me the aptitude name for something
<clever> so we can either disable ns3 support in simgrid, or package ns3 first
<sophiag> oh boy
* gchristensen waits, to infinity, for aarch64 builds
<sophiag> from the look of it, it sounds necessary
<sophiag> how do i include it in simgrid without packaging it on its own?
<sophiag> i have the url and such
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<clever> looks to be python based
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<sophiag> ha. i was just wondering whether i throw that in there as a separate statement
<clever> not sure what the next step would be for that
<sophiag> alright lemme give it a shot
<clever> see on line 33 of simgrid/default.nix, it has enable_ns3=on
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<clever> try changing that to off and see what happens
<sophiag> it's pointing me to overrides in lib/customisation.nix
<sophiag> oh, good call
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<sophiag> clever: i think i'm almost there. it built, but launching a nix-shell tells me some agda dependency is broken. i think maybe because i checked out the head instead of the commit marked stable above it. regardless, i don't care but would prefer not to mark allowBroken to true in my actual config
<clever> sophiag: you can also do let simgrid = pkgs.callPackage /path/to/simgrid/default.nix {}; in stdenv.mkDerivation .... simgrid
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<clever> sophiag: that lets you load the new simgrid default.nix, outside of the nixpkgs its contained within
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<clever> then you can run nix-shell without -I
<sophiag> ah ok. but then i need to remove that before i make a PR
<clever> you can do this outside of nixpkgs
<clever> in the default.nix for the thing your building with nix-shell
<sophiag> oh right
<sophiag> wait, but then you're saying use ./. as the path?
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<clever> for the 2nd derivation, that is using the new simgrid
<sophiag> oh ok
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<sophiag> and then launch nix-shell without the -I but with an absolute path? otherwise it's giving me trouble now
<sophiag> no such file or directory for where the clone of nixpkgs is located
<sophiag> just launching nix-shell without specifying the directory gives me an "unexpted let" error for that line
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<sophiag> oh, i just deleted that line and opened the nix-shell with -I and gcc seemed to have built it fine
<sophiag> i'm going to ask the simgrid folks (if they're awake in france) if turning NS3 off matters before making a PR
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Sophia-Gold opened pull request #24915: Upgraded to Version 3.15 (release-17.03...patch-1)
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<bynar> does anybody here use polybar with i3? I'm getting a "no built-in support for 'internal/i3'" error when I try running it
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<mtetreault> bynar: I am not using this package myself, but it would seem that you have to override the package to enable the i3 support.
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<bynar> mtetreault: thanks. I've tried overriding before, I'll guess I'll try to figure it out
<bynar> *never tried
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<mtetreault> bynar: I'm giving it a try, I curious about the polybar look and feel. I'm also new to nixos :)
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<bynar> mtetreault: welcome to the club! let me know if you figure it out before I do
<mtetreault> sure
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<mtetreault> bynar: At least it is now compiling :)
<bynar> mtetreault: cool! step in the right direction
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<mtetreault> I've been lucky lately with nixos, finger crossed. Did you try finch?
<mtetreault> hmm, it compile, but I need a configuration file.
<bynar> mtetreault: no, what's finch?
<mtetreault> let me gist you what I have. It might be quicker for you if you already have a config file :)
<bynar> sure, I do have that :)
<mtetreault> it is the same as pidgin but in cli version.
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<bynar> mtetreault: trying now...
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<bynar> could take a while, this is on my dinky little nixos chromebook
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<mtetreault> No worries:)
<mtetreault> I found some config examples :)
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<bynar> it totally worked! :D
<mtetreault> Glad to hear :)
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<bynar> and I got syncthing up and running on two different nixos computers
<bynar> it's been a good night
<mtetreault> That was indeed a good night! I wish I could say so!
<bynar> I'm impressed by how simple overrides turned out to be
<bynar> I've been avoiding them because I thought they'd be this whole big deal
<bynar> thanks for doing the legwork for me
<mtetreault> Yeah! They are kind of challenging at first but once you start understanding how it works, its magic!
<mtetreault> That was my pleasure. :)
<bynar> well, it's getting late in my timezone, so I think I'm going to pop off.
<bynar> have a good night
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<mtetreault> oooh it's already midnight!
<mtetreault> I got to go too!
<mtetreault> see ya
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<Jookia> I'm upgrading to 17.03, could someone explain why it insists I have no free disk space when building?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sigma opened pull request #24916: ghq: init at 0.7.4 (
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sigma opened pull request #24917: fzf: 0.16.4 -> 0.16.6 (
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<Jookia> I have 12GB free ugh
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sigma opened pull request #24918: lftp: 4.7.6 -> 4.7.7 (
<clever> Jookia: what does df -i say?
<Jookia> IUse ranges from 1-2%
<Jookia> / has a dash
<Jookia> with 0 for all
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<clever> can you gist the output of mount;df -h;df -i
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<Jookia2> Will paste in a sec
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<clever> Jookia2:
<Jookia2> I might have to move back to ext4 then
<clever> try the rebalance command first
<clever> that usualy fixes it
<Jookia2> I did, it won't relocate (upping dusage complains about no free space)
<clever> you may need to delete some data first to make it work, try a nix-collect-garbage without sudo
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<Jookia2> Is this going to delete my WIP rebuild stuf
<Jookia2> Oh yep
<Jookia2> There goes 4 days of building
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<gattler> Hey all, how can I force nixos to build a certain package (dwm: from source and apply a patch whenever it is build?
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<clever> gattler: just make an override that sets patches = [ ./foo.patch ];
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<gattler> clever: thx, in the dwm nix file this is mentioned: # Allow users set their own list of patches
<gattler> inherit patches;
<gattler> what does that referr to?
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<clever> gattler: then you can use just .override
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 5 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6b73c0f Eric Litak: netcat-openbsd: pkgconfig is a nativeBuildInput
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bd45ec6 Eric Litak: buildEnv: use buildPackages.perl so crossDrv works
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 980ced5 Eric Litak: coreutils: fixing ccCross.libc lookup
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<gattler> thx clever, I'll give that a try
<gattler> how can I download binary packages for nixos? I'm on a different system and I want to download the NetworkManager pkg for nixos
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<gattler> clever: when I use .override to add patches, what path is used? i.e. patches = ./upgrade.patch; where will it actually look for the upgrade.patch file?
<clever> gattler: if you do ./upgrade.patch, it will look for it in the same directory as the nix file containing that
<gattler> hm so when I add the override directive to ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix, I should provide paths relative to that file?
<clever> yeah
<clever> or use absolute paths
<gattler> ok, thx
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<gattler> clever: do you also happen to know how to download binary packages ?
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<clever> gattler: nix-store -r /nix/store/foo will download things from the binary cache
<gattler> no, I ment from another system
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7a8ef9c Yann Hodique: lftp: 4.7.6 -> 4.7.7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3368583 Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #24918 from sigma/pr/lftp...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 76b8ce3 Sophia Gold: simgrid: 3.11.1 -> 3.15
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 718c47a Sophia Gold: simgrid: 3.11.1 -> 3.15...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #24915: simgrid: 3.11.1 -> 3.15 (release-17.03...patch-1)
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<mbrock> does `` also have OS X builds?
<domenkozar> yes
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<mbrock> cool. I'm somewhat interested in setting up my own dual-platform cache at some point (for a nixpkgs fork specific to my project)...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e0ed784 Yann Hodique: fzf: 0.16.4 -> 0.16.6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4a0be78 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #24917 from sigma/pr/fzf...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 04b3094 Yann Hodique: ghq: init at 0.7.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 78e1843 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #24916 from sigma/pr/ghq...
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<ambro718> I tried to install Nix on WSL but I get this error: copying Nix to /nix/ cannot move '/nix/store/gs36amglhgii6i9nb7wrlps2lnvcq4f6-gcc-5.4.0-lib.123' to '/nix/store/gs36amglhgii6i9nb7wrlps2lnvcq4f6-gcc-5.4.0-lib': Permission denied
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<ambro718> huh, looks random, after trying a few times it got through the install
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b7d2ffe Peter Hoeg: tensor: use date as version i/o git rev
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mbrock opened pull request #24920: intel-gpu-tools: 1.17 -> 1.18 (master...master)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #24910: RPM: 4.13.0-rc1 -> (master...rpm)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d5afba4 Jörg Thalheim: rpm: fix rpmquery/rpmverify symlinks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #24921: kubernetes: fix interpolation error and move services to own target (master...f/k8s)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] offlinehacker pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bf4be8f Peter Hoeg: k8s: convert int to string to avoid interpolation error
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a3ee3b5 Peter Hoeg: k8s: use slice and target for kubernetes
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a98c26c Jaka Hudoklin: Merge pull request #24921 from peterhoeg/f/k8s...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] phunehehe opened pull request #24922: haskell-modules: fix shell hook (master...haskell-shell-hook)
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<arkad> I'm trying to get the nixos installers to run from a multiboot usb ( do I need to alter the initrm?
<ixxie> hey Nixians, I am about to start a project that would use git webhooks to automatically update Nix packages, tracking the head of one or more branches of a repo with every PR; I wanna ask if anybody knows of anything like this, to make sure I don't do double work for no reason.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b454dcd Michael Raskin: safefile: init at 1.0.5
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #24920: intel-gpu-tools: 1.17 -> 1.18 (master...master)
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<SovereignBleak> Has anyone packaged mastodon yet? Would it be terribly hard for me to do it myself? I’ve never packaged before.
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<SovereignBleak> @musicmatze: Thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 45cb7c2 Robert Helgesson: comic-relief: change download URL...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #24922: haskell-modules: fix shell hook (master...haskell-shell-hook)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 opened pull request #24926: buildRustPackage: cargoBuildFlags + standarized hooks (master...rust-package)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #24421: [WIP] rpm: 4.13.0-rc1 -> (master...patch-1)
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<unlmtd[m]> wow how come nobody showed me this
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<gchristensen> I guess you should subscribe to the mailing list to see all the wonderful mail
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: didn't work too well for me…
<MichaelRaskin> (Turns out the email that GitHub processes just fine can make half of the GMail users on nix-dev bounce by replying to somethng)
<gchristensen> the mailing list?
<gchristensen> what'd you do? :o
<MichaelRaskin> Nothing
<MichaelRaskin> It's just GMail being pile of bugs as usual
<MichaelRaskin> Well, I did reply to email
<gchristensen> it _is_ software ;)
<gchristensen> where does github + the ML overlap?
<MichaelRaskin> No, it's not the problem
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<MichaelRaskin> GitHub is just the reference point that there are systems that create less problems than Google
<gchristensen> ah :)
<MichaelRaskin> (actually, approximately all of them)
<MichaelRaskin> I mean, «Google — doing things _not quite_ right since forever»
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 opened pull request #24927: rustup: init at 1.2.0 (master...rustup)
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<MichaelRaskin> So if anyone wants to completely mess up nix-dev, I can confirm it is easy
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<gchristensen> it sounds like a DKIM or SPF problem
<MichaelRaskin> From experience, I have easier time believing that _Google_ implements DKIM check wrong than
<MichaelRaskin> Just from the type of bugs Google usually has
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<gchristensen> it is possible, they have quite the cartel
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<MichaelRaskin> A single data point: a _second_ zipped executable in a non-stale email exchange got blackholed (not even to spam folder), but _the same_ zipfile send _unsolicited_ from a _freshly created_ GMail account got delivered.
<MichaelRaskin> Well, I guess the account eventually got blocked, I mean, my browser settings make Google search block me from time to time, but anyway
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<gchristensen> I believe that :)
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<MichaelRaskin> unlmtd[m]: if you want something even less practical (well, it does work somehow and I try to make it something useful for me), last lightning in the file
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<gchristensen> oh yay
<MichaelRaskin> I am currently running a system with no sudo, by the way. Considering removing su from setuid list, too
<gchristensen> :o
<avn> MichaelRaskin: how you run nixos-rebuild switch then? ;)
<gchristensen> how?
<avn> well, if he install most software from user, and go single user mode to maintenance/nixos-rebuild...
<MichaelRaskin> Nope
<gchristensen> I'm not sure MichaelRaskin uses nixos-rebuild
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, I am using something similar in purpose
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<MichaelRaskin> re: aarch64: great
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<gchristensen> so how do you do it?
<niksnut> \o/
<MichaelRaskin> re: nixos-rebuild: I have a constantly-running Lisp process that listens for socket connections, a user's Lisp console sends a request, a policy check is performed and the main process executes the rebuild
<gchristensen> my word
<MichaelRaskin> The policy check currently requires the asking user to be in the whitelist, and also the physical presence of a user
<MichaelRaskin> For some reason, physical presence checks didn't become widespread in sudo policies before systemd
<gchristensen> that is really very cool, MichaelRaskin
<MichaelRaskin> (and systemd makes them slightly harder to manage)
<gchristensen> sudo + systemd has physical presence checks?
<MichaelRaskin> Nope
<MichaelRaskin> Which is a problem, IMO
<MichaelRaskin> I mean, consolekit is a kludge
<MichaelRaskin> Shutting down a wrong laptop over SSH should be hard even if I have a locked physical session there, too
<MichaelRaskin> (And shutting down with physical presence should be simple)
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<gchristensen> I wish ARM cores weren't so slow :P
<MichaelRaskin> I wonder when an optimistic parallel make appears
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* gchristensen hides his notepad
<MichaelRaskin> Doesn't help — whatever you can write in a notepad, I can redesign in not much time
<MichaelRaskin> Details do take effort, but these usually go into something more VCS-friendly than a paper notepad
<gchristensen> I kid, I'm not going to be solving (or try to solve) that problem
<gchristensen> heh, I don't suppose NixOps can tolerate different machines using different nixpkg versions... anyone know if it can? :)
<MichaelRaskin> Well, with 96 cores a solution would be useful to you, not sure if it can pay off on mere 4 dual-threaded cores
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<gchristensen> ^ A Tour of the ARM Architecture and its Linux Support
<armijn> ah, thomas from free electrons...they do a ton of stuff for Linaro
<avn> gchristensen: looks like interesting task ;)
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<ij> It was compiling for a while and I went outside and came back to wget failing to download kmod_21-1.debian.tar.xz.
<gchristensen> not sure, ij, the wiki is a bit out of date / somewhat deprecated... -- just yesterday I launched NixOS on with a promo code if you'd like to try that? (a bit more expensive than linode, but pretty dang good hardware) --
<gchristensen> ij: nix-channel --add nixos <- this should be nixos-17.03 at this point
<ij> oooh, I see
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<ij> So I've to nuke /nix now?
<gchristensen> no
<gchristensen> just run the command with 17.03 and start at that point in the instructions :) before running nixos-generate-config you should delete the files in /mnt/etc/nixos/ though
<unlmtd[m]> MichaelRaskin: A lisp init/sudo?
<MichaelRaskin> More or less
<MichaelRaskin> Init is actually sinit
<unlmtd[m]> awesome
<Jackneill> can i run selinux?
<Jackneill> or apparmor?
<unlmtd[m]> I was also in agreement with the energy efficiency first part
<MichaelRaskin> Because I want to be able to eventually run something that can run out of memory in the context of the system management process
<MichaelRaskin> Enery efficiency?
<unlmtd[m]> in the slides, the first talk
<MichaelRaskin> Ah, first talk, not first part
<MichaelRaskin> Yes, there are nuances that you cannot put into lightning talk
<unlmtd[m]> are you using it in production
<MichaelRaskin> For mobile I guess battery wear is more significant than energy per se, ecology-wise
<MichaelRaskin> Production? Well, this is my main system on my main laptop
<unlmtd[m]> so yes
<MichaelRaskin> Not sure how much work it would be to install on the second one right now
<unlmtd[m]> so youre running an sinit/nixos machine?!
<unlmtd[m]> I like the last slide, got a laugh out of that one
<gchristensen> he doesn't really use "nixos" but "MichaelRaskin's Take on Nix Building An OS"
<unlmtd[m]> ya I got that
<gchristensen> ok :)
<MichaelRaskin> Haven't run NixOS as my main OS for a long time
<unlmtd[m]> I was gonna play with notos at my next free-time
<gchristensen> cool, unlmtd[m]
<MichaelRaskin> I get all the real advantages (up to and including NixOS CUPS config generator) without having to bear costs of decisions I don't like (de-facto global imperative module configuration system, systemd)
<ij> When I nixos-install, how does it know to use /mnt as root?
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<MichaelRaskin> It is hardcoded to be /mnt
<ToxicFrog> ij: because that's the default value for --root
<ij> Oh!
<ToxicFrog> MichaelRaskin: it's not hardcoded; you can change it --root=foo
<MichaelRaskin> Ah, not anymore
<MichaelRaskin> My bad
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<ij> So nix-channel --update should've updated the nixos symlink in /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/? It's still at 15. Maybe I've to --remove it first?
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<MichaelRaskin> --remove + --add with 17.03
<julien> hello, i'm new to NixOS. I installed docker package and i would like the newer version which i see is available when looking on the nixos packages search online. How can i install that new version?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 opened pull request #24928: powertop: add module (master...powertop)
<gchristensen> nice, MichaelRaskin
<gchristensen> err
<gchristensen> nice, Mic92
<Mic92> I debloat my configuration.nix
<gchristensen> :D
<gchristensen> this looks correct, but a user would need to run powertop with --calibrate many times before it would be effective, no?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 a7ebf59 Tuomas Tynkkynen: stdenv: ARM bootstrap: Update bootstrap tarballs to latest hydra-built ones...
<gchristensen> nice, Dezgeg
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<Profpatsch> ARGH
<gchristensen> ARGF?
<Profpatsch> Apparently the gcc linker doesn’t support absolute library paths.
<Profpatsch> Everythings broken.
<Profpatsch> → gcc hello.c -Wl,-l:/nix/store/9a3x1y7pbsj98yn7rgan0341wkpfjngw-readline-6.3p08/lib/
<Profpatsch> /nix/store/k8c23rwbrril65rmm7z1036h2makk012-binutils-2.28/bin/ld: cannot find -l:/nix/store/9a3x1y7pbsj98yn7rgan0341wkpfjngw-readline-6.3p08/lib/
<Profpatsch> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
<Profpatsch> Only their completely branidead library path search logic seems to be supported.
<Profpatsch> But man 8 explicitely states that .so’s containing slashes are directly called.
<Profpatsch> They don’t support their OWN runtime linker!
<Profpatsch> What a clusterfuck.
<Mic92> gchristensen: it worked for me without calibrate. What kind of information collect calibrate to enhance the result?
<gchristensen> after calibrating many times my battery life grew by 2 hours, Mic92 :)
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<Dezgeg> is that really supposed to contain a colon? -l:/nix/...
<Dezgeg> aha, yes it does... TIL
<Profpatsch> Dezgeg: Ah, wait.
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: measured or projected?
<Dezgeg> but maybe you can just pass the path without any arguments? plain /nix/store/foo
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<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: measured
<Profpatsch> Your patchelf patch … does it automatically patch relative entries to absolute paths?
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<Dezgeg> yes
<MichaelRaskin> How interesting. But what it changed?
<Dezgeg> (if you change the patchelf setup hook in nixpkgs to add that command line flag to do it)
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: turning on powertop without calibration grew measured battery life by 4 hours, calibrating brought it to 6. not sure :/
<Profpatsch> Dezgeg: That’s awesome.
<Profpatsch> I’ve been trying for two days to do that for haskell dynlibs.
<Profpatsch> It’s so telling that ld(1) doesn’t even support absolute links.
<Profpatsch> Everything’s broken.
<Profpatsch> Dezgeg: How does it find the correct .so’s?
<Dezgeg> but can't you instead of "-lfoo" write "/nix/store/*-foo/lib/" to the linker command line?
<MichaelRaskin> Wait a minute. I thought after initial possible tuning powertop passively watches.
<MichaelRaskin> Did the laptop actually run out of battery before 5 hours (before calibration)?
<Profpatsch> → gcc hello.c -Wl,-l/nix/store/9a3x1y7pbsj98yn7rgan0341wkpfjngw-readline-6.3p08/lib/
<Profpatsch> /nix/store/k8c23rwbrril65rmm7z1036h2makk012-binutils-2.28/bin/ld: cannot find
<Profpatsch> -l/nix/store/9a3x1y7pbsj98yn7rgan0341wkpfjngw-readline-6.3p08/lib/
<Dezgeg> what about gcc hello.c /nix/store/9a3x1y7pbsj98yn7rgan0341wkpfjngw-readline-6.3p08/lib/ ?
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<Profpatsch> That works, but seems to be relative as well
<Profpatsch> → patchelf --print-needed a.out
<MichaelRaskin> And if you just user strings and grep?
<Dezgeg> what, it turns that into a relative one? o_O
<MichaelRaskin> Or maybe an ELF parsing library patchelf uses misreports the so name
<Dezgeg> no, gcc/ld really turned it into relative...
<Dezgeg> patchelf doesn't use libraries ;)
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: yeah it did
<MichaelRaskin> And it was about calbrate and not auto-tune?
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: yeah
<MichaelRaskin> Mic92: that matches my expectations and contradicts what gchristensen says
<Profpatsch> Dezgeg: What is needed for the new patchelf option to change everything to absoulute links?
<gchristensen> hummmm
<Profpatsch> That is, how does it do the resolution -> /abs/path/
<gchristensen> why does it recommend --calibrate, then, and maintain a state file, Mic*?
<Dezgeg> it parses the rpath
<Profpatsch> Ah!
<Dezgeg> and tries out every directory there
<Profpatsch> Right.
<ij> nixos-install can't download some patch for bash
<Dezgeg> (the same logic --shrink-rpath does, so it's relatively well battle-tested)
<Profpatsch> So we have it once at compile time instead of at runtime.
<Profpatsch> Dezgeg: I’m all for including that in fixupPhase!
<Mic92> gchristensen: for better predictions of the actual power usage
<Profpatsch> But let’s try it for haskellPackages first.
<gchristensen> ij: for what it is worth, installing nixos on Linode is tricky, and probably not recommended for brand new nixos users :/
<ij> :(
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] taku0 opened pull request #24929: thunderbird, thunderbird-bin: 52.0 -> 52.0.1 (master...thunderbird-bin-52.0.1)
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<Mic92> ij: there were some improvements recently
<Mic92> regarding the bootloader
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<gchristensen> maybe I'm just imagining things, Mic*, but I felt pretty confident calibrating was making a difference :P
<Mic92> gchristensen: maybe it makes powertop more optimistic regarding reported results
<MichaelRaskin> It makes a lot of _measurement_ diffreence
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<gchristensen> could be, I just updated my comment :P
<ij> Mic92, Is it really the bootloader that's failing?
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: how long do you estimate a kernel build takes on aarch64?
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<Dezgeg> depends on if it's idle or not
<gchristensen> it isn't
<Profpatsch> Someone who wants to look over ?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b9d9083 Jörg Thalheim: powertop: add module
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 43c436a Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #24928 from Mic92/powertop...
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<Profpatsch> psc-package init, basic haskell executable.
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<gchristensen> Dezgeg: is 8hrs+ feasible? also, here are some patches I've been developing / testing with, if you'd like to look:
<gchristensen> that branch is being built here:
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<Dezgeg> well I guess that's also building stuff in master&staging as well
<gchristensen> the server is, yeah
<gchristensen> I'm thinking about adding a second one to hydra
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<rob12234> HI all, is anyone around who uses dwm as a window manager?
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<rob12234> I'm not sure how I can provide my custom config.h file for dwm
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<Profpatsch> Dezgeg: Maybe I’m stupid but I can’t find where stdenv calls patchelf.
<Dezgeg> it's patchelf's setup-hook
<ixxie> ocharles: I was just enjoying your article about using Haskell in Nix; the one thing I think may be missing is comparison with Stack as well as Cabal: I imagine that since Stack tries to improve on Cabal with the dependency management / reproducibility, Nix would win because as you mention it's scope extends way beyond the Haskell ecosystem.
<Profpatsch> Dezgeg: Ah, lol, inverse dependency.
<Profpatsch> I see.
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<copumpkin> yeah we do a lot of those
<copumpkin> lots of fun to track down
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jlesquembre opened pull request #24930: google-chrome: from version 59 requires gtk3 (master...chrome_gtk3)
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<rob12234> is it possible to overwrite a file before a package is build?
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<Acou_Bass> eey folks, im trying to package up a li'l game launcher that uses java/perl, for some reason launching the program seems to complain that java cant find libpng12 (i have this noted as a dependency in the nixpkg), just weird as it says java can't find it as opposed to the program itself... any ideas?
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<copumpkin> rob12234: there's a preBuild hook you can use
<copumpkin> rob12234: or any of the patch phases
<rob12234> copumpkin: do you have an example where this is used?
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<gchristensen> copumpkin: since you're helping, take note that the dwm package's function accepts a patches argument
<copumpkin> ah
<copumpkin> rob12234: what are you trying to change in your custom config.h?
<rob12234> dwm is a window manager that is configured by editing config.h
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<copumpkin> (probably easier to ask the high-level goal)
<rob12234> so all my config is in that file
<copumpkin> ah, I see
<copumpkin> and you're using NixOS? or hooking the nix dwm into another linux distro?
<rob12234> I'm on nixos
<rob12234> I have a hard time getting into it :p
<copumpkin> cool, so you're doing `services.xserver.windowManager.dwm.enable = true` and you want it to use your config
<rob12234> yes
<rob12234> I already set services.xserver.windowManager.dwm.enable = true
<rob12234> so I'm using dwm already
<copumpkin> so the normal thing we do for this type of situation is to allow users to specify the specific package to use in the NixOS config, but this one doesn't appear to be configurable (based on But fear not, not all is lost!
<copumpkin> (but we should probably amend that module to make it configurable)
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<copumpkin> so anyway, as gchristensen says, there's a patches field you can pass in
<copumpkin> but unless you distribute your config.h as a .patch file, that might not be the most convenient way to do it
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<rob12234> copumpkin: I guess I can provide it as a patch
<copumpkin> well, there is another way
<copumpkin> this all just speaks to us needing a slightly more pleasant dwm story :)
<copumpkin> you're on 17.03?
<rob12234> iyes
<gchristensen> yeah, this is interesting, rob12234, we can get your dwm working correctly, but then we need to make it easier ;)
<copumpkin> add something that looks like this to your config: nixpkgs.overlays = [ (self: super: { dwm = super.dwm.overrideAttrs (_: { postPatch = ''cp ${/path/to/my/config.h} ."; }); }) ];
<copumpkin> I think I got the right number of parentheses in there
<copumpkin> the basic idea there is that nixos allows you to provide "overlays" to the package set, which override the existing packages in any way you want. There I'm saying I want to replace the existing dwm with the old (super) dwm, except that I'm overriding one of its attributes (postPatch) to copy your config.h into the right place (you might need to adjust the . to copy it to the right place in the build hierarchy)
<rob12234> what if there is already a postPatch phase in use?
<copumpkin> with that overlay applied, will point at your overridden package
<copumpkin> rob12234: if there is, you see that (_: part?
<rob12234> copumpkin: yes
<copumpkin> rob12234: if instead of an underscore, I give the argument a name, I can refer to previous values of derivation attributes, like patchPhase
<copumpkin> so the safer way would be something like
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch closed pull request #24834: psc-package: init at 0.1.1 (master...psc-package)
<copumpkin> (orig: { postPatch = orig.postPatch + "\ncp ..."; })
<rob12234> ah
<rob12234> makes sense
<gchristensen> (however, there isn't, so we don't need to)
<copumpkin> yeah
<copumpkin> probably good practice in general to be resilient against upstream (in nixpkgs) changes if you intend for this sort of thing to be long-lived
<gchristensen> true
<copumpkin> but what I'd recommend here is to make a PR making this whole story better
<copumpkin> because you shouldn't have to do any of this :)
<gchristensen> niksnut: around?
<rob12234> so to clarify: I add that line to my /etc/nixos/configuration.nix file?
<copumpkin> rob12234: yeah
<copumpkin> rob12234: the /path/to/my/config.h can be relative to the configuration.nix you write it in
<copumpkin> rob12234: oh also, I missed something
<copumpkin> you can't cp it to .
<rob12234> will a nixos-rebuild switch cause the package to be built from source?
<copumpkin> rather cp it to config.h specifically
<copumpkin> yes
<rob12234> copumpkin: ok,thx
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<copumpkin> the rebuild from source will happen anytime upstream changes a dependency of dwm or you change your config.h
<copumpkin> (since you've in effect made your config.h a dependency of dwm)
<gchristensen> niksnut: I'd like to provision 2 Type 2As for Hydra, and delete the old one today, highlight me and I'll set them up. if not, no worries -- we could do it another day
<copumpkin> gchristensen: you're adding another one!
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<copumpkin> rob12234: if you're feeling generous, we'd appreciate a PR making this story better, too :)
<copumpkin> rob12234: one of us can guide you through if you decide to
<rob12234> copumpkin: PR = pull request?
<copumpkin> yeah
<copumpkin> not urgent of course, but it's nice to see contributions that make user experience better
<rob12234> sure, I'l just have to make it work first :p
<copumpkin> sure :)
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<copumpkin> rob12234: if you're feeling adventurous, you can also rebuild your system against a git clone of nixpkgs and change it to look more like how it should behave
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<rob12234> copumpkin: that seems troublesome in case the upstream nixosokg's change
<rob12234> btw, where in the configuration.nix should this line go?
<copumpkin> same place you put your other configuration options, in the main set of curly braces
<Mic92> rob12234: this works actually pretty fine, if you are comfortable with git:
<gchristensen> copumpkin: I'd like to, when a kernel compile takes 8 hours having 96 cores isn't enough :P
<Profpatsch> Dezgeg: Do you know of a way to override patchelf for just one derivation?
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<copumpkin> gchristensen: wow, 8 hours on 96 cores??
<copumpkin> I guess each core is very slow
<gchristensen> rob12234: I find it very unlikely nixpkgs will change and break your dwm changes
<gchristensen> _extremely_ unlikely
<Profpatsch> I thought creating a custom stdenv, but booter.nix seems confused.
<copumpkin> rob12234: by submitting upstream, you ensure that people changing dwm need to take your changes into account :)
<gchristensen> copumpkin: build-cores=1 and slow single-core performance, 2GHz
<Profpatsch> It looks like Ericsson tried to use a fixpoint scheme, but conflated it with some crude list logic.
<Mic92> they probably fix your stuff, so you don't have to
<copumpkin> gchristensen: oh I see, because hydra always sets -j1
<copumpkin> ugh
<gchristensen> Profpatsch: Sonarpulse is Ericsson if you'd like
<rob12234> right now I get: error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting IND_STR or DOLLAR_CURLY or IND_STRING_CLOSE, at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:20:90
<gchristensen> copumpkin: I prefer -j1 ... I suppose I could change that. I'm not sure if hydra forces j1
<Profpatsch> Sonarpulse: How do I overwrite stdenv to use a different patchelf?
<Profpatsch> My first guess would be stdenv.override { overrides = … }, but that apparently doesn’t do what I’d expect.
<gchristensen> copumpkin: also not sure, are kernels built with parallelism enabled?
<copumpkin> when I build it, I do
<copumpkin> but hydra builds everything with cores = 1
<rob12234> ah, nevermind copy-paste broke the ''
<copumpkin> :)
<rob12234> copumpkin: is the built being done in a chroot or sandbox? it seems like it can't access /root/config.h
<Dezgeg> Profpatsch: i think you can grep for patchelfUnstable and see existing uses
<copumpkin> rob12234: did you write ${/root/config.h} or /root/config.h?
<rob12234> the latter
<copumpkin> the former should work, the latter won't
<copumpkin> Nix has a clever scheme for injecting arbitrary files and folders into builds
<copumpkin> also make sure you write config.h explicitly as the destination argument to cp
<copumpkin> because the source argument won't be called config.h anymore
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<rob12234> the is it two single ticks or one double tick at the end?
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<Profpatsch> Dezgeg: Hm, will patchelfUnstable overwrite the hook of the normal stdenv patchelf?
<copumpkin> oh, I might have messed it up
<Profpatsch> Or will it just run twice?
<Profpatsch> probably the latter
<copumpkin> rob12234: if you're writing a string, you can either surround with double quotes or two single quotes on each side
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<copumpkin> rob12234: the latter allows for multiline strings and other nice things
<copumpkin> rob12234: I might have messed something up above :)
<rob12234> right now I have: nixpkgs.overlays = [ (self: super: { dwm = super.dwm.overrideAttrs (_: { postPatch = ''cp ${/root/config.h config.h}''; }); }) ];
<rob12234> it gives me: error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a path, at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:20:95
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<copumpkin> oh
<copumpkin> you put the second config.h outside the curly braces
<copumpkin> not inside
<copumpkin> so cp ${/root/config.h} config.h
<gchristensen> copumpkin: it would be cool if hydra could chain machines off each other, like if I added more remote builders to this one server, and upstream just "figured it out" :)
<Dezgeg> Profpatsch: maybe you can create a stdenv where patchelf is overwritten to patchelfUnstable?
<copumpkin> rob12234: the idea is that nix has a built-in construct for referring to paths, which don't get quotes, and magically get copied into the nix store identified by their hash. So when you write /root/config.h in a nix expression (i.e., between those ${}), nix hashes your config.h, checks to see if a file with exactly that hash is already in /nix/store, and if not, it copies it in. Then it returns the path in /nix/store, so it'll end up
<copumpkin> returning something like /nix/store/1218437185972897189-config.h to cp in your case
<ixxie> copumpkin: if hybra builds everything for one core, I suppose there is a lot of room for optimizing one's installation on a multicore system; is there a nice guide to this?
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<Dezgeg> it doesn't affect that
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<gchristensen> ixxie: it doesn't build _for_ one core, but _on_ one cor
<gchristensen> e
<Mic92> ij: it was a problem, when installing grub
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<Mic92> I am not informed about other issues, maybe Nixy can help you in this regard
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<ixxie> gchristensen: thanks for clearing that up :P
<Profpatsch> Dezgeg: patchelf bug: --list-needed displays "" + "\n" if a path is absolute in the ELF-header.
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<Profpatsch> An empty String and a newline for each etnry.
<Profpatsch> Dezgeg: Uh oh
<Profpatsch> /nix/store/k8c23rwbrril65rmm7z1036h2makk012-binutils-2.28/bin/ld: /nix/store/35qazr0hacls2l23w8jwlpmq6i8l76rg-ansi-terminal- invalid string offset 151276 >= 151234 for section `.dynstr'
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<Dezgeg> sounds like it got wildly corrupted
<Dezgeg> I only manually tested that it works with busybox which links in like two deps, I suppose the other code that grows the segments is wrong
<calvertvl> Who should I ask to review a PR updating the nvidia legacy drivers? it doesn't look like the nvidia-x11 maintainer (vcunat) has been around in a bit over a week
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<rob1234> copumpkin: thx, i got it workin
<rob1234> however, it was not enough to restart the display-manager
<rob1234> i had to do a reboot
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<rob1234> now I need to add a patch :P someone mentioned that there kinda is support for that in the dwm pkg?
<copumpkin> rob1234: weird that it needed a reboot, that should very rarely be necessary
<copumpkin> rob1234: the dwm package has a patches argument, but that wants .patchfiles
<rob1234> the display manager also behaves weird
<copumpkin> I assume that some people further customize dwm with patches
<rob1234> copumpkin: yes, I have patches too
<copumpkin> ah
<copumpkin> okay
<copumpkin> so I'd probably make a few smallish changes to the package/module structure to make this easier
<copumpkin> behaves weird how?
<rob1234> when I miss-type my password, the next successful login does not start dwm
<rob1234> On my main system I don't use a display-manager at all
<rob1234> so on nixos I want to get rid of it anyways
<copumpkin> hmm not sure, I don't do graphical linux at all, sorry :)
<rob1234> copumpkin: so you're using a text-based browser?
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<copumpkin> hah nope, I just use macOS for desktop use and linux on my servers
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<rob1234> i see
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<rob1234> Is there on overview of options for my configuration.nix file?
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<dash> rob1234: also 'nixos-option' command in a shell
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<rob1234> thx
<rob1234> now I got another weird error, ping can't resolv
<rob1234> while a "host" can
<rob1234> and the ip host prints is also pingable...
<rob1234> I had the same bahviour earlier this day, I thought it gone away by switching to wifi....
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<mbrock> there's this Travis sandbox thing that forbids network access to builds, but how does that work exactly? obviously some parts of the build need to use the network (e.g. to download sources)
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<praduca> hi
<praduca> I saw something strange when trying to install leksah
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<praduca> it doesnt compile, but says that it has missing dependencies, one is Cabal >=1.6.0 && <1.23
<praduca> this is right or is really inverted? the other missing deps dont appear to be wrong...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vmchale opened pull request #24931: init madlang at (master...master)
<ambro718> how to build something in a custom set of packages as i686 on x86_64?
<ambro718> i.e. I want to build my custom package as it would be built on 32-bit
<Dezgeg> nix-build -A foo --argstr system i686-linux
<ambro718> thanks!
<unlmtd[m]> is anyone using titron successfully with freebsd?
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<unlmtd[m]> iv been reading stuff on vulnerabilities and Im scared to keep systemd now. but nixos is so cool id love to continue somehow, even if its painful. hows notos going? gosh I wish I had more time
<unlmtd[m]> maybe Ill just use nix on void
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vmchale closed pull request #24931: init madlang at (master...master)
<samae> Hey, I installed xmonad and xmonad-contrib with nix on arch
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<nixvana> execuse me. I have a question.
<samae> whenever I run “xmonad --recompile” I get a long list of “Failed to load interface for …” errors
<nixvana> should we always install package with nix expression?
<samae> nixvana: how else would you do it?
<nixvana> samae: i want to install with "pip install shadowsocks"
<nixvana> however, it warn me that "no module named `setuptools`"
<nixvana> then, quit with `error number 1`.
<samae> I'm not familiar with python that much
<unlmtd[m]> nixvana: use the nix-shell, get a python env and play with it there
<nixvana> I guess, maybe i was forbiden to install with pip, but to install python package using nix-expression.
<samae> I'm sure your are not forbidden to use pip
<nixvana> unlmtd[m]: if i install within nix-shell, will i lose my installed python package?
<unlmtd[m]> im not sure what you mean. nix-shell doesnt destroy stuff
<samae> Your error may just mean that setutools is not available in your current environnement
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jb55 opened pull request #24932: cargo-edit: init at 0.1.6 (master...add/cargo-edit)
<nixvana> samae: I have installed `setuptools` using "nix-env -iA python35Packages.setuptools" , then, why "setuptools is not available in my current environment"?
<samae> I agree with unlmtd[m], better create an environment with nix-shell were you can play with pip
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<samae> Is `pip` linked against python35?
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<Profpatsch> Dezgeg: I tried maybe finding the bug in patchelf, but it’s too esoteric for me right now.
<nixvana> oh, sorry, it should `pip3`
<Profpatsch> Dezgeg: I can give you my patch version and invocation if you want to reproduce it.
<Dezgeg> that would help, yes
<nixvana> ok, i will have a try on `nix-shell`
<avn> nixvana: you can write expression for your module (look to pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix for lot of examples)
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<ij> What do you guys use for generating the notice strings and waiting for updates?
<samae> nixvana: and also, why not simply nix-env -iA python3Packages.setuptools?
<ij> That "Notice(NixOS_GitHub)" thing…
<avn> (is not nessesary to add it to specific file, your own shell.nix/default.nix would be ok)
<gchristensen> ij: github
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<avn> ij: sometimes would be useful to see new PRs, if I see package which I interesting in -- I often review/comment
<nixvana> samae: i'm not familiar with nixos, exactly speaking, I just installed nixos this afternoon.
<Profpatsch> Dezgeg: Do you think patchelf is idempotent?
<Profpatsch> Maybe I’m applying it twice and that destroys my ELF binaries.
<nixvana> Ok, thanks. time to try nix-shell for `pip`
<Dezgeg> it's not, at least for the --modify-needed stuff
<nixvana> exit
<nixvana> \quit
<Dezgeg> but it shouldn't break if you run it twice, that's a bug if it does
<nixvana> ??
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<MichaelRaskin> nixvana: you want to remember escape character for IRC? it is forward slash
<MichaelRaskin> As in /
<gchristensen> they quit
<gchristensen> well, they closeed the page
<Profpatsch> See Commit message
<Profpatsch> It should only rebuild the packages for 8.0.2 and not bootstrap.
<Profpatsch> Should fail at libansi-terminal
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<gchristensen> "9h 4m 11s" oh kernels :(
<gchristensen> is there a timeout after which hydra kills a build?
<MichaelRaskin> I think no, as long as the build prints something every ten minutes or so
<gchristensen> good... *phew*
<LnL> yeah, I think there's only a timeout if it looks like the build is stuck
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<gchristensen> and is it true that hydra builds, forcing -j1?
<MichaelRaskin> I think so
<sphalerite> I'm trying to get a trivial nixops deployment working with libvirtd, no luck so far. Does anyone know why this might not work?
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<gchristensen> makes sense
<LnL> gchristensen: you can specify the cores of a builder, pretty sure that's used when parallel builds are enabled for the drv
<gchristensen> now for another magic trick: convincing nixops to usee different nixpkgs for different machines :D
<gchristensen> hmmm interesting, LnL
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch closed pull request #24547: glyr: init at 1.0.10 (master...glyr)
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<LnL> might be wrong, but I think that I've seen builds stay in the queue while my machine has multiple slots. I assume that was because the parallel build takes up the extra slots
<Isorkin> Hi. How to fix configuration - - error - undefined variable ‘nginxModules’
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<samae> modules = with pkgs; [
<samae> ?
<samae> … maybe not
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sternenseemann opened pull request #24934: abcde: add glyr as dep to enable getalbumart (master...abcde)
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<Isorkin> samae: error - attribute ‘modsecurity-nginx’ missing. In pkgs/nginx/modules.nix added modsecurity-nginx
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<Dezgeg> Profpatsch: try the latest 'abs' branch of my patchelf
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f0fac3b sternenseemann: abcde: add glyr as dep to enable getalbumart
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<mbrock> there's a
<Isorkin> error - attribute ‘libmodsecurity’ missing, at pkgs/nginx/modules.nix:12:16 - config How to add libmodsecurity to a config?
<mbrock> (oops, cat) there's a folder in my /nix/store that I want to get rid of, but I can't figure out why it's not deleted even by nix-collect-garbage -d
<gchristensen> mbrock: sounds like it is a "live" path, do you know how the directory got there?
<pbogdan> does nixos-rebuild switch work from if I were to chroot into an existing nixos installation?
<gchristensen> domenkozar: what do you think about this craziness:
<domenkozar> gchristensen: maybe nix.nixPath already works?
<portu> I dont know where is apropriate to ask such question, (newbie) it's related with nix-shell, emacs, and haskell development, I can not figure out how to use nix-shell via emacs by default, that flycheck and everything else can work out of the box
<gchristensen> I think: (1) nix.nixPath only takes effect next run, (2) nixops doesn't use the target server's path anyway, (3) I need my path to be set up prior to evaluating the config
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<gchristensen> I think "value = import <nixpkgs/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix>" would be changed to "value = import "${server.nixpkgs}/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix>" ..." or somehting
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jlesquembre opened pull request #24935: prettier: init at 1.1.0 (master...prettier)
<Profpatsch> Dezgeg: Wow, awesome.
<Profpatsch> But now happy segfaults.
<Profpatsch> Hrm
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<Profpatsch> Dezgeg: I’m added it here, but no idea when the hydra comes around to building it:
<Profpatsch> -'m
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] b123400 opened pull request #24936: ghost: init at 0.11.7 (master...add-ghost)
* joepie91 made the jump to 17.03
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] layus opened pull request #24937: cppcheck: update and support rule-file. (master...update-cppcheck)
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<joepie91> clever: a while ago, you made this recommendations for installing packages from specific channels: [19:38] <clever> joepie91: let nixpkgs1609 = import (builtins.fetchurl { config = {}; };
<joepie91> clever: I've now tried the following in my nixos config: unstable = (import (builtins.fetchurl { config = {}; });
<joepie91> clever: it's reproducible with eg. the nixos-17.03 branch too. any idea what's going wrong here?
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<joepie91> (feedback from anybody else is welcome as well, ofc :P)
<joepie91> especially cc copumpkin who commented on it back then as well
<dtzWill> copumpkin: your "rework-options" improvements are great, but they also replaced the exactly 1 LOC I managed to get accepted into the 'nix' source D:
<dtzWill> now I'm just a nobody again *cries*
<joepie91> dtzWill: time to sneak in a LOC elsewhere :P
<MichaelRaskin> This being Nix, the process is not predictable as with NixPkgs
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<dtzWill> joepie91: exactly! and if it was so easily replaced it was of questionable lasting value anyway so it's all good hehe
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, be careful what you wish for with replaceability
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<dtzWill> joepie91: my stack strace is something like: error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined, at /nix/store/npa53yinwy24hnrc4rr2xr3x40gb60mw-nixos-unstable.tar.gz:1:1
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<dtzWill> which looks like it's not unpacking the tarball and instead trying to read it as a nix expression, which sure would be a problem if true :)
<dtzWill> as for why that worked before, couldn't say. And FWIW I just dumped '{ unstable = ....; }' into a default.nix and tried to nix-build it
<joepie91> oh!
<joepie91> dtzWill: yeah so I was running it with --show-trace
<joepie91> which obliterates the 1:1 thing it seems?
<joepie91> either that or my error parser is broken
<dtzWill> joepie91: me too, actually! And I can't get that message regardless
<joepie91> hm
<dtzWill> joepie91: I'm running some 1.12
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<joepie91> it seems my error parser may be buggy
<joepie91> yep, it is
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* joepie91 makes note of that
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<Mic92> yeah, rustup is working now
<kuznero> Hi All!
<dtzWill> 'ello! :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jlesquembre opened pull request #24938: git-open: init at 1.3.0 (master...git-open)
<kuznero> Where can I find what `substituteInPlace` is?
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<joepie91> dtzWill: good catch btw, thanks. this gives me something to go off :)
<Mic92> kuznero: pkgs/stdenv/generic/
<Mic92> it is a shell function
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<dtzWill> joepie91: yeah, idk why it worked before and not now but it does seem straightforward to try to fix the current issue :)
<kuznero> Mic92: thanks!
<joepie91> dtzWill: seems I should maybe use fetchTarball instead
<joepie91> per the docs
<dtzWill> yeah, but it's not a builtin ---err maybe it is! shows what I know! haha
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<joepie91> dtzWill: it seems to be a builtin but not prefixed with builtin.
<joepie91> whatever that signifies :P
* joepie91 needs to make a dive into nixpkgs some time soon
<dtzWill> couldn't say! :)
<joepie91> dtzWill: it's spinning wheels now... not immediately barfing on the tarball
<joepie91> so I _think_ that fixed it
<joepie91> :p
<joepie91> it did!
<alphor> people using nixos containers in prod, do you use systemd-nspawn?
<dtzWill> ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
<alphor> afaict that's not its intended use, according to Lennart's talk 3 years ago. Has this attitude changed?
<joepie91> ... why does xonotic always need to manually build for my system, no matter what channel I install it from?
<gchristensen> alphor: AFAIK nspawn containers aren't for _security_ use
<alphor> that's what the man page warns
* joepie91 goes to have a look at Hydra and try to figure out its UI
<gchristensen> but prod i sok
<alphor> is there any momentum towards moving to a secure nix front end for containers utilizing [libvirt] lxc?
<joepie91> gchristensen: maybe you know this - in Hydra, how do I figure out why it hasn't produced any Xonotic builds since 2013?
<alphor> ignore 'secure'
<joepie91> oh, I see
<joepie91> hydraPlatforms is empty
<joepie91> "This package can take a lot of disk space, so unavailable from channel"
<joepie91> "not setting platforms because it is 0.5+ GiB of game data"
<joepie91> "disabled from hydra because it's so big"
<joepie91> do we still want this?
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<joepie91> seems the other packages I quoted the comments from are still disabled on hydra too..
<MichaelRaskin> Xonotic should may be split
<joepie91> in the current state of Nix{,pkgs,OS} I'm not sure it's worth skimping on a few gigs of game data given how long it can take to build the games... it should probably at least have a binary build and then extract the game data into a separate game data expression that doesn't get build
<joepie91> built *
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<joepie91> MichaelRaskin: right. a split is probably a better solution here
<joepie91> get the game data upstream, do the binary build on hydra?
<joepie91> clever: copumpkin: replacing builtins.fetchurl with fetchTarball fixed the issue
<MichaelRaskin> Such a split sounds sane, but requires some care (binaries should not depend on data)
<joepie91> MichaelRaskin: can you elaborate?
<MichaelRaskin> Well, you need three packages: data-only, binaries that do not know where data is, and a wrapper that makes sure the binaries look for data in the correct place
<MichaelRaskin> Only the data-location-agnostic binaries would be built on Hydra
<MichaelRaskin> But making binaries data-location-agnostic in such a way that the wrapper can make sure data paths are correct requires some care
<joepie91> MichaelRaskin: any particular reason why having a data-aware binary package is a bad idea?
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<MichaelRaskin> It will depend on data package
<avn> MichaelRaskin: I think is ok for games, when binaries depend on data
<joepie91> MichaelRaskin: right, I'm just not sure I see the problem with that :P
<MichaelRaskin> Well, the ideal goal is to make Hydra build small but complicated binaries
<avn> otherwise we have big bloating package rebuilding each time
<joepie91> MichaelRaskin: oh right, with the goal of keeping the game data off hydra entirely?
<MichaelRaskin> Yes, because you never know what triggers stupid hash changes in the long run
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #24939: rust-bindgen: 0.22.1 -> 0.23.0 (master...update/rust-bindgen-0.23.0)
<joepie91> MichaelRaskin: it'd probably depend on the game whether this makes a difference
<joepie91> since a bunch of games ship the assets directly in the source tarball
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<joepie91> so you're going to be fetching those either way, just not using them :)
<MichaelRaskin> source tarballs is fixed-output
<MichaelRaskin> At least you know it never gets rebuilt
<MichaelRaskin> I don't know, maybe spending some effort on fixed-output data directory could make people running the cache agree it is OK
<joepie91> MichaelRaskin: at this point I'm not sure what you mean. what would the exact practical difference be between binary depending on data, and binary not depending on data? in both cases you'll be fetching an upstream tarball containing the assets, in both cases the 'build step' for the data/assets is negligible (because no compilation work etc.), and in both cases the data wouldn't trigger a rebuild of the binary unless the data actually changes
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<joepie91> (at which point there's a new release and you're rebuilding *anyway*)
<joepie91> since the data has no deps
<MichaelRaskin> Well, the unpacking process has stdenv dependencies at the minimum
<MichaelRaskin> tarball is fixed-output: stdenv change is not a reason for rebuild
<joepie91> sure, but if you modify stdenv then the data package will trigger a (meaningless) rebuild either way, whether binary depends on it or not
* joepie91 doesn't understand how fixed-output tarballs come into it
<MichaelRaskin> If binary package does not depend on it, this happens off-cache
<MichaelRaskin> fixed-output derivations _do not_ get rebuilt ever
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<joepie91> MichaelRaskin: I have absolutely no idea what you mean with that, I think you're assuming some knowledge of internals on my part that I don't have :)
<MichaelRaskin> Because their path is a function of their content hash, regardless of what zip version was used
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, there are fixed-output packages (hash of output known in advance, exact input versions do not matter) and normal packages (dependency change triggers rebuild)
<MichaelRaskin> By default I assume that people asking complicated questions have read Nix manual
<joepie91> MichaelRaskin: I have read parts of it, but it's not very accessible reading material and much of it doesn't stick :)
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<joepie91> (I have an almost-finished ramble about the specific issues with Nix* documentation that I still need to finish and post, on this topic)
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<dash> joepie91: there's a series of blog posts that should be turned into documentation :)
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<joepie91> dash: yep, read them
<dash> ok great
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<Isorkin> How to add custom package to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix ? imports = [ /home/test/mypkgs/default.nix ]; - not work
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<gchristensen> any favorite pulseaudio GUIs?
<sphalerite> gchristensen: pavucontrol
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<pie_> hey guys, what supplies xxd?
<sphalerite> vim
<pie_> oh 0.o
<pie_> i did not know that.
* pie_ starts a religious war
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<sphalerite> depending on what you want to use it for, od from coreutils is likely to be sufficient
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<MichaelRaskin> There is also hexdump
<MichaelRaskin> But Single Unix Specification does require some vi, so you can as well install vim and get xxd
<gchristensen> well this is hilarious
<gchristensen> I go watch this interview with RMS and my audio dies half way through *shrug*
<MichaelRaskin> Is it repeatable?
<gchristensen> I'd tell you but I can't get it back
<MichaelRaskin> Anything in dmesg?
<MichaelRaskin> Does aplay work?
<gchristensen> nope, nope
<avn> pshhh-pshh-audio, again? rly? ;)
<MichaelRaskin> Are we speaking about internal audio card with snd-hda-intel?
<gchristensen> yeah
<MichaelRaskin> avn: «again» implies there was a different time in the middle, no?
<MichaelRaskin> What alsamixer thinks of the volume levels?
<MichaelRaskin> I would also consider closing the browser and reloading snd-hda-intel; then alsamixer; then aplay /dev/urandom
<MichaelRaskin> (careful: white noise from urandom has maximal possible amplitude)
<gchristensen> I rebooted
<gchristensen> alsamixers has everything as unmuted and at medium volume
<MichaelRaskin> Is there sound, though?
<gchristensen> no
<avn> MichaelRaskin: I still idk how to force PA to turn auto-mute-mode ;) It prevent me to restrict access to /dev/snd to PA only ;)
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<MichaelRaskin> Any hedphones involved?
<gchristensen> yes, but I've tested with and without headphonesat each step
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<avn> I use (or more correctly -- abuse) auto-mute-mode to switch between speakers and headphones
* gchristensen does some diving
<gchristensen> what a bizarre thing
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<MichaelRaskin> Hm, is it a laptop? It could have firmware-handled mute key combo…
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<gchristensen> it is a laptop, it doesn't seem to handle mute in firmware
<gchristensen> Dell XPS 9560
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<avn> also in default setup PA persists volume/mute settings somewhere
<MichaelRaskin> People did that persistence for pure ALSA, too, since forever
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<gchristensen> hmmm from before I rebooted, "pulseaudio[1234]: Failed to open module cannot open shared object" that seems bizarre
<sphalerite> I remember an issue with my laptop where I wouldn't have any sound if I had anything plugged into the headphone port
<sphalerite> I don't think it's fixed, just haven't tried reproducing it recently
<sphalerite> I get that error message too, doesn't seem to break anything though
<MichaelRaskin> If aplay can be forced to work directly, and it fails, PA is not relevant
<gchristensen> true
<avn> hehe, this part I avoid ( -- I use system-wide daemon
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<gchristensen> I think I'd rather the error :)
<gchristensen> ok I'm going to try the heavy hammer approach of debugging of upgrading
<gchristensen> brb
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<gchristensen> speakers work, headphones aren't detected. FOSS is so nice!
<ajp> hello all - does anyone have an idea why I might be seeing this (apparently broken) behavior with the new overlay support?
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<clever> gchristensen: ive found that pulseaudio can detect changes in the headphone state, but not the current state
<clever> gchristensen: so you may need to replug the headphones while its running
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<clever> gchristensen: oh, and often, there is a mute in alsamixer that has to be switched off after a fresh install, i think f7 to bypass pulse and control the card directly
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<gchristensen> clever: yeah, no such luck
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<rpglover64> Hello. Is anyone here that can help me get video acceleration working in the virtual box image?
<rpglover64> I think I'm running into this bug:
<clever> gchristensen: any vu meters moving in pavucontrol?
<gchristensen> yeah
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<jasom> so... I had a program installed system-wide, and no longer do (vim) . However, it is still in the path for my user profile as /nix/store/lyr6bixydhkj39k6p832rjgf0adjic4d-all/bin/vim and installing newer vims doesn't ever replace it. Any ideas?
<gchristensen> a fourth reboot did the trick *shrug*
<gchristensen> must be the effects of the freedom-robbing youtube
<ajp> jasom: what does 'sudo nix-env -q' show? (note the sudo)
<ajp> you may have installed it in root's user profile (which is different from putting it in configuration.nix)
<jasom> ajp: it's empty
<ajp> and where is it found in your path (i.e. what do you see from `which vim`)
<jasom> /home/jasom/.nix-profile/bin/vim which symlinks to /nix/store/lyr6bixydhkj39k6p832rjgf0adjic4d-all/bin/vim
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<jasom> hmm, well an nix-env --uninstall all did the trick
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<jasom> must have been a separate nix expression I installed at some point. sorry about that
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edef1c opened pull request #24940: etcd module: fix extraConf manual link (master...etcd-extraconfig-link)
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<gchristensen> is it possible to do: f = <nixpkgs>; import "${f}/nixos"; ?
<gchristensen> or something like it
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<gchristensen> "yes, but" <nixpkgs>/nixos !/ <nixpkgs/nixos>
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<joepie91> gchristensen: did you mean !=?
* joepie91 is having trouble parsing that
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<gchristensen> I did
<joepie91> right, makes more sense then :P
<joepie91> gchristensen: also, is the difference just the default.nix handling?
<joepie91> or is there some other kind of difference there that I'm not aware of?
<joepie91> (curiosity question)
<gchristensen> they resolved to completely different paths somehow
<gchristensen> back in a bit
<joepie91> gchristensen: at a glance, that looks like search path shenanigans
<joepie91> gchristensen: that is, first matching entry for <nixpkgs> in search path does not have a /nixos but a later entry does
<joepie91> therefore you end in different trees?
<joepie91> end up *
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<simpson> When using nix-shell as a shebang interpreter, the actual nix-shell invocation is on the second line of the file. Could it be on a later line?
<simpson> I'm writing Python and need, according to PEP 263, to put a declaration on the first or second line.