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<jophish> nix-shell just concatenates that all into a string
<joepie91> eep
<joepie91> so -p is pretty much just a wrapped eval...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] DrawnWren opened pull request #25163: oh-my-zsh: changed example command (master...patch-2)
<davidak> jophish: both works. thanks!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] DrawnWren closed pull request #25162: Changed package name in example command (master...patch-1)
<jophish> you're welcome
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<jophish> What's the best way to debug something in the postInstall phase?
<jophish> (at the end of a 40 minute compile)
<gchristensen> :(
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<dash> jophish: i use nix-build -K when I am not confident a build will succeed
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<jophish> dash: but I don't think I'll have the permissions to run `installPhase`
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<dash> jophish: mmm, doesn't that run as the build user too?
<jophish> I'm not the build user :)
<dash> sounds like a problem :)
<jophish> haha, what's going on, cmake is trying to run in my ghc build
<jophish> how can I stop the cmake hook being run?
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<jophish> ah dontUseCmakeConfigure
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<jophish> oh shit, I compiled the wrong arch for ncurses into my cross compiled ghc
<nekroze> How can I get go2nix to use vendored deps?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin closed pull request #24964: make-disk-image: change to be less VM-centric (master...make-disk-image-refactor)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin opened pull request #25165: google-compute-image: switch to use the common make-disk-image.nix (
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin opened pull request #25166: brightbox-image: switch to use the common make-disk-image.nix (master...brightbox-image-comon)
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<Tipping_Fedora> Hi guys, how would I replace wpa_sullpicant with network manager at install?
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<vaibhavsagar_> networking.networkmanager.enable = true
<vaibhavsagar_> and add your user to the "networkmanager" group
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] tadfisher opened pull request #25167: nut: 2.7.1 -> 2.7.4 (master...nut-2.7.4)
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<Tipping_Fedora> thanks for the help
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<Tipping_Fedora> hi, is there a command to update the software that I have installed?
<Tipping_Fedora> (im brand new if by some odd means you cant tell)
<johnw> nixos-rebuild --upgrade switch
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<johnw> that will update you with whatever is new in your subscribed channel
<johnw> to really upgrade, you might need to switch to a newer channel
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jwiegley pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2df7f1b John Wiegley: coq.QuickChick: Update to latest version that works with Coq 8.6
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] tadfisher opened pull request #25168: ups: fix config generation (
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<lukec> My Hydra jobs are failing with "output limit exceeded". Where is this limit defined?
<joko> lukec: welcome to the club
<joko> I have exactly the same problem
<joko> The only workaround I could propose is to copy manually the built closures to the Hydra server
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<joko> Hopefully more people will start having this problem and it will be noticed
<lukec> joko: Thanks for the link. I guess I'll dive into the source when I get a moment.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 34 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8d26be2 Matthew Bauer: antiword: supports darwin
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 32d95b1 Matthew Bauer: dvdauthor: supports darwin
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e75fde6 Matthew Bauer: dconf: supports darwin
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<lukec> joko: I have gotten past my problem (by setting max_output_size which I didn't know about)
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<lukec> joko: I do notice in your issue that the number you set it to is one larger than what will fit in 32 bits.
<lukec> joko: try setting it to something smaller.
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<lukego> Hoi! I am looking for a way to copy a closure from the nix store into a file, to be transferred to another machine and imported. I have a store path, and this leads to a directory that includes symlinks to other store paths that would need to be included. How? :-)
<lukego> I expected 'nix-store -qR $path' to recursively list all the other store paths that are referenced with symlinks, but it doesn't seem to:
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<spacefrogg> lukego: nix-copy-closure
<spacefrogg> lukego: See nix-store(1) --export
<lukego> spacefrogg: I want to copy to a file, as with tar
<lukego> spacefrogg: manpage for '--export' says that it does not copy a closure
<spacefrogg> lukego: Read on.
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<spacefrogg> lukego: It gives you an example of doing exactly what you want to do.
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<lukego> spacefrogg: but the example seems to imply that 'nix-store -qR $path' will print the store paths for everything in the closure, right? and that's not what I am seeing in my gist
<spacefrogg> lukego: Well, that is what -qR is supposed to do. What makes you think otherwise?
<lukego> spacefrogg: Have you seen my gist? is that the expected behavior? I run 'nix-store -qR $path' on a path that contains symlinks to 10 other paths, and none of those other paths are included in the output. I expect to see all of them, as well as their own dependencies.
<spacefrogg> lukego: How does your root path come to be?
<lukego> nix-store --import
<lukego> --add, rather
<lukego> I suppose that by constructing the symlinks directly and adding them with 'nix-store --add', nix can't track the dependencies and doesn't know about them?
<spacefrogg> lukego: You seem to suppose right.
<lukego> OK. Thanks. I had imagined the GC was "scavenging" the contents to discover the links automatically, like a conservative garbage collector.
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<spacefrogg> lukego: GC and Dependencies are treated on different levels.
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<spacefrogg> lukego: dependencies are stored in a database.
<joko> lukec: thanks for mentioning this, but it fails still :(
<spacefrogg> lukego: If you nix-store --add'ed your content, why don't you do this on the other system as well?
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<lukego> Is there any easy way to "fix" this? e.g. to scavenge one store path to find its references to the store, and then construct a new store path with the same contents but declaring those dependencies? (otherwise I need to rewrite this code that imports data into the store.)
<spacefrogg> You have to rewrite the code.
<lukego> I'm using the nix store as a database of sorts. I import a bunch of data, do a bunch of transformations on it (with a shell script that calls nix-store/nix-build, similar to styx), and the scenario now is that I want to extract an intermediate transformation step to another machine to inspect and debug it
<spacefrogg> In the nixpkgs manual you will find pointer to declare explicit dependencies on other store paths
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<spacefrogg> It resides in a nix-support directory.
<lukego> I suppose the "proper" way would be to construct my store paths using nix-build instead of 'nix-store --add' so that the dependencies are tracked by nix from the beginning
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<spacefrogg> lukego: That sounds better, yes. Have to leave, sorry.
<lukego> spacefrogg: Thanks for your help!
<spacefrogg> yw
<lukego> Seems like I have done this wrong and have to start over :-|.
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<lukego> New question :-). Is there some "gist" like way to host sources for nix expressions that are potentially large (e.g. virtual machine image)? The problem I have is that I write nix expressions to process data, potentially many gigabytes, and I want to be able to run this code on any machine -- not just the one where I already have the data in local files
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<lukego> I suppose that I could import data into the nix store, use the store path as a unique ID (quasi-url), and move it around with nix-copy-closure. but this seems to imply that all relevant machines have ssh access with read/write to a common server, which may be a barrier
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<lukego> I was thinking that e.g. an ipfs url could be more practical than a nix store path, but I have never worked with ipfs so maybe that is just opening a new can of worms
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 71c7ca7 Jörg Thalheim: dino: 2017-04-20 -> 2017-04-24
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 229e338 Peter Hoeg: mpv: 0.24.0 -> 0.25.0
<domenkozar> lukego: iirc for runtime dependencies it scans contents of files in store path, but not symlinks
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<domenkozar> which is arguably wrong
<domenkozar> niksnut: is there a good reason Nix doesn't consider symlinks for runtime closure?
<lukego> Just now it seems like store paths are not so useful as names if they are going to bypass the dependency tracking mechanisms. So would need to always refer to objects using the derivations that build them. So have to think of a way to make that concise like a store path.
<domenkozar> lukego: you can just write them to a file in store path
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<domenkozar> echo /nix/store/path >> $out/deps
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<lukego> domenkozar: is this just an isolated restriction though, or am I "fighting the system"?
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<domenkozar> lukego: it's currently the only way to declare runtime dependencies
<domenkozar> many parts of our infrastructure do it
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<domenkozar> in fact, if you specify propagatedBuildInputs, what it does under the hood is, write those build inputs to $out/nix-support/propagated-build-inputs
<lukego> domenkozar: thanks. So if this is basically just working around an obscure bug in nix, not treating symlinks as content, that it sounds okay.
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<themk> lukego: just to clarify (because I think there may be some miscommunication happening here). You are not creating this directory of symlinks with a nix expression?
<lukego> themk: right. I'm creating it with mkdir/ln and then importing it with nix-store --add
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<lukego> This is perhaps analogous to doing pointer arithmetic in a garbage collected language. No worries if you have a "conservative" GC, but totally hosed if you have "precise" GC
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<themk> So, I'm pretty sure that runtime dependencies are discovered by looking at the build inputs, and scanning all the things for those hashes.
<lukego> I've been assuming that nix is conservative having seen references to discovering "runtime" dependencies by scavenging file contents
<themk> But by doing what you are doing you are bypassing all that.
<lukego> Hm. Yes, and the trick of writing the store paths into a file is not helping
<lukego> themk: The behavior I expected was that the runtime dependencies would be every store path found in the contents, but it sounds like you are saying it will be the _subset of the declared build inputs_ found in the contents
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<themk> Yes, it has to be the build inputs.
<lukego> and doesn't look like 'nix-store --add' lets you specify build inputs as store paths
<lukego> So the message I am getting is that "pointer arithmetic is not okay" i.e. creating store paths manually and including them in builds
<themk> Correct.
<lukego> domenkozar: btw here's a test case of not discovering the dependencies after I create the deps file:
<the-kenny> Anyone having issues with redshift in a recent NixOS master? It can't connect to my x server, supposedly because it can't access ~/.Xauthority
<domenkozar> lukego: are those store paths added to nix store beforehand?
<lukego> domenkozar: yep
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<domenkozar> lukego: I'd say this qualifies for a bug report with a reproducible test case
<lukego> themk: The problem I have now is that the ultimate input to my nix expression is messy, like a 1GB directory containing lots of subdirectories, and the first thing that I want to do is preprocess that to make a set of compressed tarballs of each interesting component. However, if I can't reference those tarballs via their nix stores afterwards, it seems like I need to always carry around the gigantic messy directory as the source of m
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<themk> lukego: could you use fetchurl?
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<lukego> themk: Maybe. Question is, how do I write a script that preprocesses messy input outputs URL(s) where it can be fetched?
<lukego> domenkozar: but other people are saying it is the expected behavior...
<lukego> domenkozar: and I suppose that I can understand that perspective. It's a bit weird if the name of a derivation becomes a dependency _only_ if it happens to not yet have been GCd from the store.
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<lukego> s/derivation/store path/
<domenkozar> ah, yes, you have to add it to the gc root.
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<lukego> I would really like to have a command 'file2url <filename>' that takes a while, hosts it _somewhere_, and prints a url where it can be accessed. Is there an easy way to do this now in 2017?
<lukego> If the file were small then 'gist' would do exactly that, but the file can be large.
<domenkozar> amazon s3 cli does that
<lukego> Could be the answer
<lukego> but, then I suppose it is uploaded to the account of the person running the program, so it implies that everybody needs to expose S3 objects. I'm not sure people want to do that -- I'd worry about a DDoS hitting my credit card.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig closed pull request #14053: Handle submodules for type "either" (master...either-with-submodules)
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<lukego> IPFS seems more appealing, in that it could just run on e.g. a few hetzner servers, but that might be too much bother to setup
<themk> lukego: where is your messy input coming from? Is that a tarball hosted somewhere already?
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<simp__> Hey. Is Nix compatible with the majority of linux software?
<simp__> And is it stable enough to use as a main os?
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<themk> simp__: yes, and yes :) What software in particular are you concerned about?
<niksnut> domenkozar: Nix absolutely scans symlinks
<simp__> themk: Nothing in particular but the whole concept seems very interesting and I'm considering giving it a try.
<domenkozar> niksnut: so the issues is that store paths aren't "live" in any gc root?
<simp__> So software compatibility is a requirements if I'm to use it as a main os
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 1559c59 Armijn Hemel: document option
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 8d6af08 Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #1348 from armijnhemel/nix-env...
<goibhniu> I was going to suggest viric's `filegive` (as a nice way to share files), but I can't load the page
<lukego> themk: It's diagnostic information from an application. Basically coredumps. I want to be able to import a coredump into the store, and I want to be able to aggregate them together e.g. "collection of 100 coredumps from version A". Then I want to be able to use these objects as inputs to diagnostic tools (gdb-like)
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<the-kenny> Any ideas on how to find a "ghost" service? systemd keeps trying to start redshift (as a user service) even though I can't find the unit anywhere (neither the file nor via systemctl list-units)
<simp__> themk: Are there any negatives about Nix? Or maybe not negatives but potential negatives, things one should know about before using it?
<goibhniu> simp__: you should be aware that you can't run binaries (which haven't been packaged) on NixOS without some extra work
<simp__> Ah, and how hard is it to do that?
<lukego> themk: Suppose that I run a big application on my machine and it crashes producing 20 coredumps from related applications. If you want to help me diagnose the problem I wanna just give you a URL that you can paste into your debugging to see all the data. I'd like for you to get preprocessed/compressed reprsentations of the data, and skip any particular files that you already have
<goibhniu> simp__: I believe you can set up a FHS like environment which you can use (this is how Steam works on NixOS) ... or you can package the binary
<simp__> Any good articles I should read about Nix?
<goibhniu> simp__: you may also want to check if the software you use is already in nixpkgs or not
<thinkingeye> simp__: you can use patchelf
<goibhniu> simp__: is excellent, if you want to understand how it all works
<thinkingeye> simp__: I did it successfully with some binaries from my university
<lukego> themk: So the code I am debugging now is like "import --group test1 /run/coredumps-1/* --group test2 /run/coredumps-2/*" which should produce an ID/URL/... that references two groups of coredump files in such a way that a debugger can load them
<niksnut> how was "studio-product-process-set" created? where did its derivation get those symlinked store paths from?
<niksnut> for comparison: nix-store -qR /run/current-system/sw
<goibhniu> simp__: also, you can use nix on top of another distro before switching to nixos
<lukego> niksnut: I created those symlinks manually with basically 'ln -s $(nix-store --add path) foo'
<makefu> goibhniu: is a better index imho :)
<niksnut> ah
<niksnut> yeah that doesn't work
<niksnut> Nix only scans for references to paths that are in the input closure
<domenkozar> so another case for
<niksnut> wouldn't help
<domenkozar> it would still adhere to restriction?
<niksnut> since this is nix-store --add, not a derivation
<domenkozar> niksnut: so runtime dependencies need to be part of build-time deps?
<niksnut> yes
<goibhniu> makefu: nice!
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<simp__> I don't get it exactly though. I'm looking at i3-gaps' documentation and on Nix they simply say to add a few lines to configuration.nix. Is there no installation? Is there some software checking that file and taking the necessary steps to apply the confiuration?
<niksnut> in a derivation, you can use "builtins.storePath /nix/store/18br0r75ccg4ckbzlvzzm60s2fg5wxgf-studio-product" though
<niksnut> so you can have a little derivation that creates symlinks to a list of builtins.storePath calls
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<domenkozar> lukego: so tldr: you'll have to use nix to generate a runtime closure
<themk> niksnut: Nice, I didn't know about builtins.storePath. lukego does that solve your problem then?
<niksnut> but stuff added via nix-store --add will never have references
<goibhniu> simp__: you use the command `nixos-rebuild` to evaluate the configuration file, create a new system generation and switch to it
<lukego> So the notion I am getting is that a script for importing data into the nix store should probably do this: 1) Preprocess the source data. 2) Generate a nix expression that references the sources e.g. by filesystem paths. 3) Run nix-build.
<lukego> The basic problem I have is that I am doing this piecemeal, breaking the input into parts and adding each one with 'nix-store --add', but this makes them hard to reference
<themk> You can have multiple outputs in nix.
<simp__> That sounds really interesting, goibhniu. I'm definitely giving nix a try.
<lukego> Or I suppose that I could take more care to link things together in a good way, but I am probably fighting the system, and prone to e.g. race conditions if there is a nix store garbage collection during import that deletes from of the components before I have a chance to reference them
<simp__> I assume the big software all works fine in Nix without that packaging business, right? (Vim, Chromium or some equivalente browser, compilers and interpreters of popular languages?=
<LnL> niksnut: did you see the segfaults on hydra, could that be related to the perl upgrade on staging or is it a hydra issue?
<lukego> themk: builtins.storePath probably solves the immediate problem but I suspect it just kicks the can down the road.
<goibhniu> simp__: yep
<lukego> themk: Since my store paths are probably not reachable from GC roots between the time that I create them and the time that I reference them
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<LnL> ah, maybe some of the new machines don't have
<LnL> the pre-build-hook = in their nix.conf?
<simp__> Also, goibhniu. Are there any issues with this kind of packaging or similar processes? Like, bugs, performance issues, etc.. (think linux ports of windows software)
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<lukego> (random question: does Hydra serve up the nix store? Can you e.g. construct a URL that will lead to a closure for a given store path?)
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<lukego> Just trying to think about whether I need something like S3 for hosting data or whether a nix store would do the job more directly.
<LnL> niksnut: looks like it might be mac2, I think that one had been offline for a while
<domenkozar> lukego: you can serve it with http or ssh with a simple daemon
<domenkozar> depending on your use case
<lukego> Could perhaps use nix-copy-closure instead with some pseudo-identity e.g. a disclosed public key that only allows read-only access to the store
<themk> lukego: checkout nix-serve
<lukego> domenkozar: I suppose the use case is basically 'nix-copy-closure' but for unauthenticated clients
<goibhniu> simp__: I guess the time it takes to get security patches available as binaries is an open issue
<lukego> These store-serving programs look good. Seems like it is reasonable to have a "well known server" that is serving up its nix store, and then to reference files their via their store paths
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra closed pull request #1351: Drop misleading ellipses (master...ellipses)
<themk> lukego: Just make sure you add them as gc-roots
<lukego> Though... Have to remember that referencing things by their store paths directly is what got me into a mess just now.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra closed pull request #1347: Fix small grammar issue about page (
<lukego> themk: Yeah. Still... I am wondering whether it is a better design to do a series of operations on the nix store (e.g. --add, etc) from a shell script, or instead to generate a nix expression that will do everything from within the nix domain
<themk> Do a nix expression.
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<themk> Feed the output of nix expressions to other nix expressions
<lukego> I suppose that if I write builtins.storePath "/nix/store/..." then that could be downloaded from a binary cache?
<themk> the intermediate results will be cached.
<themk> If you are serving your nix store, then send the pipeline of expressions to someone else, they will download your itermediate result rather than recalculating everything.
<simp__> Is NixOS supposed to be used as a main OS atm? In the presentations of people talking about it they're usually using mac
<themk> I use it as my main OS
<clever> i have nixos on my laptop, desktop, router, nas, 2 netbooks, and 2 servers
<lukego> themk: Thing is that sending a pipeline of expressions is not as catchy as sending a URL or a store path
<simp__> For how long have you been using, themk and clever? And do you see yourself continuing to use it?
<lukego> themk: but yeah I feel like I need to design everything with nix expressions, then make the shell interface a very simple bit of syntactic sugar.
<clever> simp__: about 2 years, and i dont see myself ever using another distro
<themk> simp__: nearly 3 years.
<simp__> Damn.
* goibhniu has been using it for ~7 years and can't imagine using a distro without such features
<lukego> simp__: I'm running nixos on servers and I wouldn't consider going back to ubuntu, fwiw.
<simp__> How does it compare to something like Arch Linux?
<makefu> lukego: i feel the same way. everything else just seems backwards in regards to configuration management and package consistency
<simp__> I liked the simplicity and elegance of Arch, am looking to a similar thing.
<simp__> for*
<themk> simp__: in some ways NixOS is simpler than Arch.
<themk> I used Arch before NixOS as my main.
<simp__> Should I just install it right away or maybe play around with it in a virtual machine?
<simp__> Also, it's nice to see that the community here is active
<goibhniu> install it, you're going to love it :D
<simp__> Some distros are just so dead
<themk> simp__: It's quite different to your regular Linux distro.
<simp__> I think I'll install it right away
<themk> And as such, many resources on the web aren't immediately useful to NixOS users.
<simp__> Any hardware concerns I should have?
<themk> So, it can be a bit daunting if something goes wrong.
<simp__> Is there some NixOS wiki?
<themk> But you can always rollback on NixOS :)
<simp__> Yes, that sounds so useful
<themk> simp__: NixOS wiki is old and outdated unfortunately. Use the NixOS manual.
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<simp__> Any particular reason as to why they don't have a wiki?
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<clever> simp__: spammers defacing everything
<simp__> Yeah, well there must be some way of controlling for that
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<manveru> simp__: there's the github wiki
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<simp__> Is setting up dual booting with windows straightforward?
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<Guest64534> hey guys, maybe someone have time to help me with building portfolio performance ( I get the following error if i run nix-build "cannot auto-call a function that has an argument withoout a defaul value ('stdenv')". The default.nix looks like this
<goibhniu> simp__: I think it's just a matter of configuring the chain loader in grub
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] emanueleperuffo opened pull request #25170: gnomeExtensions.dash-to-dock: init at version v57 (master...dash-to-dock)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #25171: libidn2: 0.16 -> 2.0.1 (master...update_libidn2)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9b1b22f rnhmjoj: radeon-profile: init at 20161221
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 30a9923 Benno Fünfstück: Merge pull request #24359 from rnhmjoj/radeon-profile...
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<simp__> Installing NixOS :)
<clever> :D
<clever> there is also a nixos manual and a rogue game on alt+f8 and alt+f9
<clever> more easily accessed if your on the non-graphical iso
<simp__> Well I downloaded the graphical image
<clever> graphical is usualy better, gparted is just so much simpler then cli
<clever> and you can use a proper browser to look things up
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<simp__> Could UEFI be causing this? "An error occured in stage 1 of the boot process, which must mount the root filesystem on '/mnt-root' and then start tage 2."
<simp__> Seems it's a known issue
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<c0c0n3> hi guys, where can I get some help re: nixos container networking?
<goibhniu> hi c0c0n3, here is a good place, the other options are the mailing list and the github issue tracker
<kriztw> Guest64534: You need to add it to some package set, either a fork of nixpkgs or you local config.nix
<c0c0n3> cool, then I'm going to ask here before opening an issue, just in case I've got something wrong---quite possible...
<sphalerite> clever: wait, a rogue game? I had no idea
<sphalerite> Well, so much for me ever installing NixOS quickly again.
<c0c0n3> So I've created a container following the manual to a tee:
<c0c0n3> nixos-container create foo; nixos-container start foo; systemctl status container@foo
<c0c0n3> service is active
<c0c0n3> then I ran:
<kriztw> Guest64534: A minimal ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix which does that is here:
<c0c0n3> nixos-container update foo --config 'services.httpd.enable = true; services.httpd.adminAddr = "";'
<kriztw> Guest64534: and then you can nix-build "<nixpkgs> -A portfolio
<c0c0n3> and:
<Guest64534> kriztw thanks
<kriztw> Guest64534: oops, nix-build "<nixpkgs>" -A portfolio
<c0c0n3> curl http://$(nixos-container show-ip foo)/
<c0c0n3> all of them being straight copy & paste from the manual
<clever> simp__: did you burn the iso to a cd or usb stick?
<c0c0n3> but it doesn't work, it seems I can't connect to the container from the host
<sphalerite> clever: oh no. :D
<goibhniu> c0c0n3: have you checked out already?
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<c0c0n3> goibhniu: yip, I did that yesterday to no avail, but I'm going to try it again now on a fresh container just in case I did something wrong, will get back to you in 10, thx!
<goibhniu> c0c0n3: I presume you can log into the container with `nixos-container root-login`, right?
<c0c0n3> yes, thats right
<c0c0n3> can do that no prob, running `ip addr` from inside the container gives:
<simp__> clever: usb stick
<c0c0n3> eth0@if4: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether a6:b9:4c:04:6b:39 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0 inet scope global eth0 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::a4b9:4cff:fe04:6b39/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
<clever> simp__: did you use dd or some other tool?
<simp__> dd
<simp__> I've managed to boot now
<clever> simp__: ah
<goibhniu> c0c0n3: is apache listening on that address?
<c0c0n3> going to check now...
<simp__> I chose nomodeset and it booted, clever. But I actually don't know what nomodeset is.
<c0c0n3> goibhniu: yes, apache is up and running, and listening to the ip address ( bound to the virtual eth. If I run curl from inside the container, I get apache's index page
<clever> simp__: that controls the video modes
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 9b63bb8 Eelco Dolstra: nix-shell -p: Use runCommandCC...
<goibhniu> c0c0n3: I guess it's a firewall thing then
<simp__> Any reason as to why one would work but not the other, clever?
<c0c0n3> oh, is it on by default? didn't check
<clever> c0c0n3: when i made a declarative container via configuration.nix, i had to set it up like this:
<clever> c0c0n3: ah yeah, and the container has its own firewall, you would have to allow port 80
<clever> simp__: cant think of one
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<c0c0n3> clever: goibhniu: thx guys, going to check! didn't think of that cos it wasn't in the manual, so i assumed the example in the manual should have worked out of the box, but yah, a firewall issue makes perfect sense, thx!!!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #25163: oh-my-zsh: changed example command (master...patch-2)
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<goibhniu> c0c0n3: that's confusing alright, if you have time, maybe you could open an issue for that?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nagisa opened pull request #25173: fish: Do not overwrite the inherited environment (
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #25167: nut: 2.7.1 -> 2.7.4 (master...nut-2.7.4)
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<c0c0n3> goibhniu: yah, I'm still debugging it tho, disabling the firewall doesn't help w/ trying to access the port 80 from the host, packets are still dropped (using tcpdump to monitor) but now I can ping the container from the host, which I couldn't do earlier....
<clever> c0c0n3: and keep in mind there are 2 firewalls, try iptables-save both inside and outside the container
<clever> thats a easy way to just list the current fw config
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<simp__> "After having mounted your installation partition to /mnt, you must mount the boot partition to /mnt/boot." having trouble with the latter. "mount LABEL=BOOT /mnt/boot" just says mount point /mnt/boot does not exist
<clever> simp__: mkdir first
<the-kenny> mkdir /mnt/boot
<simp__> Oh, silly me
<simp__> thanks
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<sphalerite> Does anyone know how the runpath entry is generated in nixpkgs? I'm trying to work out the cause of this issue
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<dcz_> hi! can I build c++ programs within a nix build environment in suck a way that system GCC is not used?
<clever> dcz_: which gcc do you want to use?
<dcz_> clever: 5.4
<dcz_> apart from that, I want to test different versions of other dependencies
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<clever> gcc 5.4 is in nixpkgs, one min
<dcz_> I'm getting linking errors - will post in a moment
<clever> nix-repl> stdenv.override { cc = gcc5; }
<clever> dcz_: this will give you a stdenv that uses gcc 5.4 by default
<clever> so you can probably just let stdenv5 = stdenv.override { cc = gcc5; }; in stdenv5.mkDerivation
<dcz_> clever: I installed dependencies to my user environment, but the build process breaks
<clever> because nix is designed to never use libraries you have "installed"
<clever> it can only use the things you list in the nix expression
<clever> the whole reason for that, is so that it wont accidentaly use the system gcc, but the one you specified
<dcz_> clever: does it mean it's not enough to source the .sh file, but I must use nix-shell?
<clever> yeah
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<domenkozar> anyone familiar with go packaging?
<jophish> Is there any way of finding recent packages added to the store?
<clever> jophish: yeah, via db.sqlite
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<simp__> Must've messed the installation up
<clever> simp__: what happened?
<avn> domenkozar: I am ;)
<simp__> Well it's not booting into NixOS or windows, clever.
<simp__> Stuck in UEFI utility tool
<clever> simp__: ah, is the /boot fat32, and with the type code efi system partition?
<jophish> clever: amazing, thank you!
<dcz> what's wrong with this expression?
<avn> domenkozar: poke me, if you need help
<clever> dcz: <nixpkgs> i believe
<clever> dcz: you wrote import lessthan nixpkgs(undefined variable) greaterthan {}
<simp__> it's fat32, clever. Didnt set anything else in gpartition aside from that and label
<clever> simp__: i believe it must have the efi system partition type on it
<simp__> can I do that in gpartition?
<clever> simp__: it should be possible to just change the type in gparted, and it will boot without anything else
<simp__> no need to reinstall again? just change the type?
<clever> yeah
<clever> simp__: i think this is the right flag:
<dcz> clever: thanks
<simp__> oh crap, uefi isn't detecting my USB drive either
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<c0c0n3> hi guys, as you suggested I've opened an issue to update the manual example in the imperative container management section.
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<c0c0n3> there's still something funny w/ the network config but then again, it could be me doing something wrong
<lukego> Just thinking about my "nix store as database of diagnostic info" design. I reckon I will split it into a shell frontend (dealing with messy inputs) and a nix backend (dealing with clean inputs). You can run 'frontend ./messydir' and it will grovel through the directory to put the inputs into canonical formats and run 'nix-build -E backend [ (coredump url1) (coredump url2) ... ]'
<c0c0n3> if someone has the time i can explain
<lukego> Then since everything has come into the nix universe from within 'nix-build' I can hopefully use the store paths to copy closures around, etc.
<avn> domenkozar: something strange, I also got empty file ;/
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo closed pull request #25112: all-the-icons: init at 2.5.0 (
<dcz> using nix-shell is giving some results! but now g++ is not found: /home/dcz/.nix-profile/bin/g++
<dcz> is there a way to find which package provides what file?
<clever> dcz: are you using -p or -A?
<dcz> no params
<clever> dcz: with a default.nix file?
<simp__> Added the flag, clever. Now just reboot?
<clever> simp__: yeah, i think its that simple
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #25175: ammonite: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3 (master...ammonite_0_8_3)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #25175: ammonite: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3 (master...ammonite_0_8_3)
* simp__ crosses fingers
<dcz> clever: yes, gcc5 in buildInputs
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<clever> dcz: i think it needs to be done like this:
<clever> dcz: that will modify the stdenv to just use gcc5 by default
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 93870d9 Tim Steinbach: ammonite: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3...
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<dcz> clever: thank you! it worked
<simp__> Seems adding the boot flag hasn't worked
<clever> simp__: let me double-check this end
<simp__> When booting from the disk I installed Nix on I get "This is not a bootable disk. Please insert a bootable floppy and press any key to try again ..."
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<clever> simp__: can you boot from the usb again?
<clever> simp__: and then pastebin the output of running "efibootmgr"
<simp__> Well I did, but it's still not showing up on uefi utility
<simp__> I'll try to get it to boot again
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<dcz> some packages are buggy (wrong path):
<clever> dcz: the gcc in nix is modified to never look in /usr/include/
<clever> you must put a package with those headers into the buildInputs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nagisa closed pull request #25173: fish: Do not overwrite the inherited environment (
<dcz> what I mean is the package does not name its files correctly in comparison to the system one
<clever> i think you also need to use #include <cimg/CImg.h>
<dcz> clever: yes, I think that's what should not be required
<clever> ah
<clever> id say its a bug with the cimg package then, one min
<dcz> (don't take m my word, I'm just trying to compile what someone else made)
<simp__> clever: "EFI variables are not supported on this system"
<simp__> Is the output
<clever> simp__: you need to boot the usb via efi if you want to be able to install an efi os
<clever> simp__: efi is weird like that
<simp__> yeah but I did
<ZoomZoomZoom> Hi everyone! Trying to write my first module. How can I easily convert a list of sets of two ints to a string to pass as a parameter, looking like "000-111,222-333,444-555" ?
<clever> simp__: and you ran that as root?
<simp__> efibootmgr? yeah
<clever> simp__: can you pastebin the output of "mount" ?
<simp__> Oh, I meant to say when I installed
<simp__> Not right now, it's not running via efi
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<clever> ah
<clever> you also need to boot via efi to even see the efi config
<simp__> Because that requires me to go in the UEFI utility which isnt detecting the usb
<clever> simp__: what filesystem did you use for / and how big is /boot?
<simp__> ext4 and boot is 1GB I think
<simp__> minimum 500mb
<clever> simp__: it would be a bit of a waste of space, but you can change /boot into a bios boot partition (the bios_grub flag in gparted), and then switch to non-efi booting
<Guest64534> are there some examples how packaged somthing that builds with maven?
<clever> simp__: after you change the type, mount root to /mnt, /boot is no longer required, re-run nixos-generate-config --root /mnt ; nixos-install
<clever> simp__: oh, and set boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/sda"; (using the path for the hdd)
<simp__> But before all that, do I need to boot via efi?
<clever> dcz: ah, i see why i cant override cimg, the author didnt make the package very well
<clever> simp__: i feel efi is optional, and i have never gotten it to work on any machine
<clever> dcz: yeah, this cimg package is a bit of a mess
<simp__> Alright, I'll try what you suggested.
<simp__> Do you think maybe it's windows causing the issue?
<simp__> I could wipe out the drive where windows is installed
<clever> simp__: simpler/faster to just unplug that hdd
<simp__> Is it possible that it's windows though?
<clever> simp__: i did also have issues where the bios 100% ignored the boot order i set, and always booted the efi windows
<clever> i had to disable efi entirely to make it stop
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<dcz> where can I find X11/xlib.h ?
<simp__> I don't see any grub flags on gparted though
<clever> simp__: it should be called bios_grub
<simp__> There isn't anything like that
<clever> simp__: can you screenshot the page your looking at?
<simp__> is there any screenshotting program in this?
<clever> simp__: what happens when you hit the printscreen key?
<simp__> nothing at all
<clever> simp__: i mainly use xfce4-screenshooter
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<clever> nix-env -iA nixos.xfce.xfce4-screenshooter
<clever> dcz: yeah, this cimg is a mess, the plugins are in the doc folder!
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<dcz> clever: good thing I spotted it :)
<dcz> does nix track files in the packages?
<clever> dcz: and he used a custom builder script, so all overrides are imposible
<clever> simp__: what does "fdisk -l /dev/sda" say ?
<clever> it can just go into a pastebin
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<clever> Disklabel type: dos
<clever> simp__: aha, thought so, this is an MBR style partition table, it will never work with efi
<clever> EFI needs a GPT style partition table
<simp__> So how should I proceed?
<clever> simp__: since its MBR, it doesnt need a bios_grub, so you can either continue, or start over with GPT
<simp__> I'll start over I think
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<clever> then youll want to make sure the usb boots via efi, and redo the disk with a gpt table
<simp__> wait, waht do you mean continue?
<clever> this can be made to boot without efi
<simp__> How?
<clever> the bios_grub thing is a special work-around for how gpt works
<clever> mbr doesnt need it and you can just continue with the previous directions
<clever> boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/sda";
<clever> re-run nixos-generate-config --root /mnt ; nixos-install
<clever> and /boot can be mounted if you want to keep using it
<simp__> No need to change the flag though?
<clever> correct
<simp__> Alright, ill try
<clever> dcz: how does this look?
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<dcz> clever: much closer to Fedora's
<simp__> clever: I don't have the grub settings in my configuration file, only systemd-boot. Should I just comment those out and write the ones relating to grub?
<clever> simp__: yeah, boot.loader.grub.enable = true; and the one i gave before
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<clever> systemd-boot only works on gpt
<clever> grub works on both
<dcz> can you when installing packages inside nix-shell, are thay actually installed anywhere?
<dcz> *-can you
<clever> dcz: when you open a nix-shell, it will always put everything in /nix/store/, and it will modify some env variables so tools can find it
<clever> dcz: things with a bin/ folder go into $PATH, and everything goes into the gcc search path
<dcz> oh, I see
<clever> and since its only changing env variables, it wont persist after you exit the shell
<clever> and you could use a conflicting version of something in a different terminal by running nix-shell on a different default.nix
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<avn> clever: it put auto-gc-root also ;)
<clever> so you could have one terminal with gcc4, and another with gcc5
<clever> avn: nix will scan /proc/*/env and a few others, and wont gc anything that can be in-use
<clever> avn: so just putting it into the $PATH roots it
<dcz> I was hoping to update dependencies without editing default.nix every time
<jophish> woo, I've cross compiled ghc
<clever> dcz: you can also point things to a local source directory
<clever> dcz: buildInputs = [ (libfoo.overrideDerivation (old: { src = /home/clever/libfoo; })) ];
<simp__> seems to have worked, clever. I am super impressed lol
<clever> dcz: this forces libfoo to always use the source in my home dir, so i can just edit it, re-run nix-shell, and it rebuilds libfoo
<dcz> clever: this will be useful, I feel
<clever> simp__: i have plans to make an installer gui, to prevent such mistakes in the future
<dcz> how to specify a version in buildInputs without getting syntax errors?
<simp__> Yeah, that'd be useful. Although us newbies do learn a bit by such mistakes
<clever> i learned these kinds of things by installing linux-from-scratch
<clever> which is basicaly nixos, without nix
<simp__> Haven't heard of it
<dcz> and - what is wrong here?
<simp__> But sounds nice, will look into it
<clever> simp__: its basicaly a pile of .tar files and a book full of ./configure ; make ; make install
<clever> great for learning, but a pain to maintain over time
<clever> and nix's store makes it trivial to undo changes and keep conflicting versions at the same time
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 84982c2 Tuomas Tynkkynen: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into staging
<clever> dcz: xorg.libX11
<clever> dcz: all of the xorg stuff is inside the xorg attrset
<clever> dcz: and you shouldnt need the env on line 7 of the paste, the mkDerivation is already an env you can shell into
<simp__> yeah, I definitely need to do something of that sort sometime
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e17e559 Peter Hoeg: syncthing: 0.14.26 -> 0.14.27
<clever> simp__: i think part of what helped hammer LFS into me, is that i tried to use a laptop with bad sectors
<clever> simp__: so it kept getting corrupt, and i had to repeat the steps at least 10 times, lol
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<simp__> Cant you just use a vm?
<clever> yeah, that would be far better
<dcz> how to discover attrsets?
<simp__> now im off to read nix manual
<simp__> :)
<simp__> thanks a lot for the help clever
<clever> dcz: not all of the tools can search recursively, its mostly a matter of memorizing the common hiding places, and searching with nix-repl
<clever> simp__: yep
<dcz> noted - nix-repl helps
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<clever> dcz: i just tab-completed under xorg. and found libX11
<clever> dcz: line 4 will load a modified form of the cimg package into nix, which should fix all of the paths
<dcz> ooh, fancy. I'm beginning to like nix
<clever> dcz: and if you wanted to change the version of cimg, you would just tweak lines 6 and 10 of cimg.nix
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<clever> changing the version usualy doesnt need a copy of the entire file, but this package broke the ability to easily change things
<dcz> I'm still impressed that there's so much flexibility
<clever> the packages are described using a turing complete language
<dcz> but it's not possible to run 2 independent shells, is it?
<clever> so you can do pretty much anything you want
<clever> and you can run as many nix-shell's as you want
<clever> either on the same, or different nix files
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<clever> ive got another one open elsewhere for a QT project, where i can just qmake && make
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<clever> but qmake is missing from $PATH everywhere else, so no way to use a wrong version by mistake
<dcz> this is brilliant
<Guest64534> are there some examples how packaged somthing that builds with maven?
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<jophish> well, my cross compile succeeded (in generating a binary) however running it on an arm box gives me an illegal hardware instruction :(
<dcz> the cimg.nix file works - I just needed to add a closing bracket
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cleverca22 opened pull request #25177: cimg: fix paths and unbreak overrides (master...cimg)
<clever> oops, missed that in the copy/paste
<clever> jophish: what does "file" say about the binary?
<clever> dcz: and a PR is now open to fix cimg for all!
<jophish> clever: /nix/store/2w1iigapdnnpcqsrh0ck86kga9m6qcm8-ghc-8.3/lib/ghc-8.3/bin/ghc: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /nix/store/vjh76sili9y1yq93yyy74ibnsnjyqiax-glibc-2.25-arm-linux-gnueabihf/lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped
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<simp__> Is there some place to see which packages I can download?
<clever> jophish: so its either armv6 or armv7
<clever> jophish: its an aarch64 cpu right?, does it have backwards compat? which also has to be enabled in the kernel
<jophish> clever: yeah, I can execute armv7 binaries on this machine
<jophish> clever: It's worth noting that the interpreter for the ghc wrapper is using an x86_64 bash
<jophish> (which fails)
<jophish> so my build system is clearly not quite right
<clever> jophish: ah, that will need to be fixed then
<jophish> however trying to execute the file underneath does give that illegal instruction
<clever> jophish: one trick, you can copy that shell script to $HOME, then just edit the right bash into the copy, and try running it
<clever> ah
<clever> jophish: one min
<jophish> ghc made it tricky to cross compile
<jophish> I'm compiling it from buildPackages (which doesn't fit into the standard nix idioms)
<jophish> I'll rewrite my expression so that it compiles in pkgs
<clever> root@raspberrypi:~# /nix/store/rbd67ylkmx2fpci7k4d4kaf6lnwrikyv-binutils-2.28/bin/objdump -d /nix/store/rbd67ylkmx2fpci7k4d4kaf6lnwrikyv-binutils-2.28/bin/objdump | less
<clever> jophish: try running an arm objdump against the ghc with -d
<jophish> ok
<clever> root@raspberrypi:~# /nix/store/rbd67ylkmx2fpci7k4d4kaf6lnwrikyv-binutils-2.28/bin/readelf -A /nix/store/rbd67ylkmx2fpci7k4d4kaf6lnwrikyv-binutils-2.28/bin/readelf
<Dezgeg> maybe 'readelf -a' too
<clever> Tag_CPU_name: "7-A"
<clever> and -A as well, which shows sub-arch level stuff (v6 vs v7)
<Dezgeg> or gdb it, once it hits SIGILL do x/5i $pc to see what instruction it crashed on
<clever> though if you have a v7 cpu, it should just work on v6 and v7
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<jophish> wow, objdump over ssh killed gnome-terminal
<jophish> how is that even possible
<dcz> clever: you mentioned you used nix-repl to look for packages, how to do it?
<clever> dcz: nix-repl '<nixpkgs>' to load up nixpkgs
<clever> dcz: then you can just tab-complete any package, or :b hello to build one
<clever> jophish: i'm not seeing neon in my rpi2 builds, you may want to double-check that the cpu can support everything listed
<clever> Tag_FP_arch: VFPv3-D16
<jophish> hmm, I just compiled with armv7l multiplatform from nixpkgs
<clever> i also have a different FP_arch
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<Dezgeg> in the worst case the build system is looking in /proc/cpuinfo and adding gcc flags based on that....
<Dezgeg> (I think gmp used to do that)
<lukego> Is there an idiom for a shell script to loop over the elements of a nix list of derivations? like if 'srcs = [ d1 d2 d3 ]' and I want to write shell code in a builder like 'for s in ${srcs}; do ... end'
<clever> lukego: if srcs= is on the derivation, nix will turn it into a $srcs env variable automaticaly, then you can use a normal bash for loop
<lukego> clever: does that work with runCommand?
<clever> lukego: or you could also concatMap in nix to unroll the loop
<jophish> here is readelf -A for hello :
<clever> nix-repl> lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (x: "echo ${x}") [ "a" "b" "c" ]
<clever> "echo a\necho b\necho c"
<Dezgeg> jophish: can you try gdb?
<lukego> clever: I like the first solution but I haven't made it work with runCommand.
<clever> lukego: can you gist your current code?
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<jophish> Dezgeg: of course, gdb /path/to/ghc, run (until exception). Then what would you like me to do
<jophish> gdb isn't in my area of expertise any more
<clever> jophish: 2017-04-24 09:26:18 < Dezgeg> or gdb it, once it hits SIGILL do x/5i $pc to see what instruction it crashed on
<Dezgeg> run, then once it crashes, bt & x/20i $pc
<lukego> clever: I think I understand why that doesn't work, but I am not sure what I should do instread.
<clever> lukego: just $srcs, ${srcs} tries to reference a nix variable
<jophish> ah, sorry!
<lukego> clever: oh, thanks !
<lukego> clever: I was thinking that the 'env' parameter is not working, but of course it is defining the shell script environment, not making nix variable bindings.
<jophish> mcr 15, 0, r6, cr7, cr10, {5}
<clever> lukego: and if you still want to protect the variable using the bash ${foo}, it needs escaping: "echo \${srcs}"
<Dezgeg> now that's a fun one to google for :-D
<dcz> clever: what's the formula to switch to gcc48?
<clever> dcz: put gcc48 into the .override of stdenv, where gcc5 currently is
<Dezgeg> is it coming from the binary you compiled and not from something like gmp?
<jophish> Dezgeg: looks like it's haskell: │0x036fe598 in stg_putMVarzh$def ()
<Dezgeg> okay
<jophish> I'm going to correct my nix expression for ghc to make sure that bash is sourced from the correct package set
<dcz> clever: my attempts don't seem to work:
<jophish> perhaps that will fix whatever issue this is
<clever> dcz: did you re-run nix-shell after making that change?
<dcz> clever: yes, but I found the problem
<dcz> I had to use the new stdenv48 in the next line
<simp__> Oh wow this rollback thing is incredibly useful
<clever> ah
<clever> right
<dcz> turns out that gcc5.4 is by default and it was just a happy coincidence before :)
<clever> Dezgeg:
<clever> took me a while to find it, havent been to that corner of the arm docs yet
<Dezgeg> that lists the opcode but what those bits mean
<clever> ah, its co-processor stuff again
<clever> i dabbled in that a bit when trying to make oprofile work
<jophish> So this is a correct build, and it would work on a real armv7l?
<Dezgeg> yes
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<jophish> cool (apart from the incorrect bash)
<Dezgeg> if you read the solution it will probably work on your hardware as well
<jophish> yeah, I'm trying that now
<jophish> thanks Dezgeg
<Dezgeg> i.e. some kernel options need enabling
<Dezgeg> or maybe there is some ghc compile option that can be changed
<jophish> I'll ask in ghc
<Dezgeg> it sounds like what they're currently using is a performance hit
<dcz> gcc-4:8 does not work at all:
<clever> jophish: freenode has both #ghc and #haskell
<clever> dcz: ah, the hardening options are only tested on 5, one sec
<jophish> clever: yup, both part of my default channels :)
<clever> dcz: add one of these to the derivation: hardeningDisable="all"; or hardeningDisable = [ "stackprotector" ];
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<dcz> clever: that helped
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<clever> Dezgeg: this may help:
<clever> Dezgeg: coprocessor 15 handles performance counters, and from your last link, i think it also does some atomic stuff
<Dezgeg> cp15 does a million things
<clever> heh
<clever> with 16 of the, id expect it to be more spread out
<Dezgeg> I suppose the other 15 are for silicon implementers to use for their proprietary stuff
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<simp__> anyone here using i3 with nixos?
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<clever> simp__: xorg crashing after you login?
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<simp__> No, I just can't do anything
<clever> ah
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<clever> are you able to ssh in from another box?
<simp__> mod + d or mod + <enter> or mod + 2 none do anything
<simp__> but its not frozen because I can see the time below changing
<simp__> No clever
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<simp__> Do rollbacks only rollback configuration or also software?
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<simp__> installed packages I mean
<clever> simp__: it also rolls back the software installed system wide
<simp__> ah
<clever> but not the stuff done with nix-env (that has its own --rollback option)
<simp__> Oh alright
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<simp__> also it says "Session: none + i3"? Not sure what that means.
<clever> i just stick to plain old xfce
<clever> so i havent had time to learn what wierd things i3 can doo
<simp__> yeah me neither Ive only started using it recently
<simp__> but found it really nice
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<c0c0n3> hi there, having trouble with imperative container networking, can anyone help?
<goibhniu> simp__: are you using slim?
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<goibhniu> (as your display manager)
<goibhniu> hi c0c0n3, please ask your question, maybe someone can help
<c0c0n3> cool, here goes
<c0c0n3> if i create a container and then immediately start it with: nixos-container create foo; nixos-container start foo
<c0c0n3> then i can ping it with: ping -c 1 $(nixos-container show-ip foo)
<jophish> clever: so on the aarch64 build I'm not able to find
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<jophish> I'm putting this down to the same issue as the incorrect bash
<c0c0n3> but after a few seconds the virtual network interface on the host loses its ip address
<clever> jophish: i think it should be rpath'd into the elf at compile time
<c0c0n3> so you can't reach the container anymore, i.e. ping -c 1 $(nixos-container show-ip foo) fails
<c0c0n3> any idea why this is happening?
<goibhniu> c0c0n3: ah, you need to tell network manager to not try to manage that interface
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<c0c0n3> ha! will try that, thx!!!!
<goibhniu> there is a short section about that in the manual
<goibhniu> you're welcome
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<c0c0n3> goibhniu: yip, you're right, i even recall reading it, doh! sorry
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<goibhniu> no worries!
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<simp__> Hm, I don't think so goibhniu. How do I check? I haven't changed much
<lukego> So I reckon that I cooked up a decent backend for my "use nix store as database of application diagnostic information." There are API functions (import.nix) to construct each kind of debug info and then I hand-wrote an example of what the frontend should produce from a big messy dir (test.nix).
<goibhniu> simp__: it's the default, but I believe it's a bit buggy, it might be worth testing something else e.g. lightdm or sddm
<lukego> The dependencies look good in 'nix-store -qR' now
<simp__> goibhniu: I assume I change that in configuration.nix
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<clever> simp__: yeah, services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.enable = true;
<clever> simp__: and i think you can only have 1 display manager active at once
<goibhniu> simp__: you can also see the current value with `nixos-option services.xserver.displayManager.slim.enable`
<simp__> So that will disable the other one too?
<simp__> Ah okay
<clever> simp__: i believe you need to set .enable=false on the other ones
<domenkozar> lukego: nice
<simp__> Well it's not in my config
<simp__> the other one
<simp__> Do I need to write it out and set it to false?
<clever> simp__: can you gist the current configuration.nix?
<simp__> yeah
<simp__> enabling sddm made it all stretch
<simp__> here it is
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<clever> simp__: i think you also need to enable a desktop manager
<clever> simp__: there is a listing on
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d16c38a Peter Simons: R: update to version 3.4.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 430cbcf Peter Simons: R: update CRAN and BIOC package sets
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 85a9e6d Peter Simons: R: update list of broken packages (and some cosmetic)
<bennofs> simp__: are you sure you pressed the right key for mod? perhaps there is some keyboard misconfiguration?
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<simp__> That may be it bennofs but the mod key is the windows key and that's unchanged in most layouts right?
<simp__> What do you recommend, clever?
<clever> try a different wm?
<bennofs> simp__: try Alt instead
<simp__> I did bennofs
<bennofs> oh ok :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] armijnhemel opened pull request #25179: acct: 6.6.2 -> 6.6.3 (master...acct)
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<bennofs> simp__: can you switch to a tty and see if the i3 process is running?
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<bennofs> simp__: also take a look at ~/.xsession-errors
<simp__> well I do get in i3
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<simp__> i3status is works
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<jophish> I wish nix would tell me if I try to perform a build which has already been attempted unsuccessfully
<jophish> I suppose I could always `nix-store --read-log ...drv`
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<gchristensen> whoa jophish, that'd be cool
<jophish> cached failures
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<jophish> at the moment I'm compiling with various option permutations. it's be nice to warm the cache by attempting them all. come back tomorrow and find the one which worked very quickly
<jophish> ah, build-cache-failures
<bennofs> jophish: isn't that what cached failures does for nix? :o
<bennofs> jophish: ah, I see you found it
<bennofs> jophish: it would be nice though if it was possible to sync that from sometimes
<jophish> I wonder why it's off by default
<clever> jophish: oh, there is another thing of interest
<gchristensen> maybe it manifests itself as a "mysterious failure"
<clever> jophish: if you set succeedOnFailure=true; in a build, then any fatal error code will update $out/nix-support/failed and "succeed"
<clever> then nix will consider it as finished, not failed
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<clever> and will cache whatever it left in $out
<jophish> clever: oh wow, that's great
<jophish> just what I want
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<gchristensen> so many wonderful secrets in nix
<clever> i think hydra also counts that as failed, but lets you download the $out
<clever> so you could log details on the failure to $out
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<clever> you can also set failureHook to a snippet of bash, that will do such logging
<clever> for example, save config.log to $out, so you can debug it without having to reproduce it locally
<gchristensen> :o
<clever> but you would need a general idea on what could fail in the future, and make it save things before it fails
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<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> it'd be neat if there could be an escape hatch in the failure hook that lets a user get a shell in the build
<clever> may be of more use in standardized languages like haskell or rust, where there is a standard package format already
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<clever> and the tooling has known log files that it hides info in
<clever> gchristensen: for that, i build with -K, then nix-shell and cd
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<gchristensen> yeah, it is a bit annoying still though :)
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<clever> and some things like QT need a preconfigure hook ran to make qmake even function
<gchristensen> yeah
<clever> and nix-shell'ing creates a __nix_qt5__ in the pwd
<clever> and if that already exists, nix-shell fails
<clever> so you must damage the build state to even open a shell in it
<clever> which reminds me of a bug i saw in qt on osx
<clever> one of the install phases was trying to install things to a dependency
<clever> and because i setup nix-daemon on the mac, it lacked write to its inputs
<clever> (as it should!)
<clever> but a normal nix-shell installPhase fails, because it also lacks write to $out
<clever> and root gives it write to the inputs and doesnt reproduce the failure
<clever> so i had to manualy make $out, and give myself write, to simulate a nix sandbox
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<clever> gchristensen: oh, that gives me an idea
<clever> gchristensen: another nix-shell mode, beyond --pure, where it just treats nix-daemon as an ssh server, and gives you a shell inside a real sandbox
<clever> and it could just throw away $out when your done, impurities are not allowed in the real /nix/store!
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<gchristensen> :o
<gchristensen> sounds great :o
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<clever> gchristensen: also, i need to look into that ssh agent forwarding idea with nix
<domenkozar> who is our ruby packaging star? :)
<gchristensen> cstrahan, but I've done ... more than I wish I had ...
<gchristensen> and can help with "some" problems
<domenkozar> how hard would it be to package
<gchristensen> probably "not very"
<gchristensen> let me give it a go
<jophish> clever: that's a great idea
<jophish> It should enable recording commands too!
<clever> jophish: thats an idea, record the commands you run, and leave the $out in result/ (not as a symlink, a real dir)
<clever> and you could use the recording as a guide when making a proper derivation
<simp__> Are some of these outdated ? . nixos-rebuild switch tells me it can't find xterm for example
<gchristensen> ok domenkozar, it was trivial
<clever> simp__: can you gist your current configuration.nix?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 125cf35 Vladimír Čunát: knot-resolver: maintenance 1.2.5 -> 1.2.6
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 162a051 Vladimír Čunát: knot-resolver: maintenance 1.2.5 -> 1.2.6...
<domenkozar> gchristensen: woot
<domenkozar> thanks!
<domenkozar> gchristensen: can I submit it to nixpkgs?
<gchristensen> sure
<simp__> sorry my bad, clever. Was confusing displaymanager with desktopmanager
<gchristensen> I hereby dedicate that gist into the public domain
<clever> gchristensen: hows this look?
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<gchristensen> LGTM clever
<clever> cant remember who has push access to accept it
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<jophish> clever: if we write alll the derivations like that then you're going to be sure to never make any mistakes for fear of aborting the build on playback!
<clever> jophish: you wouldnt replicate the commands exactly, but it would remind you about weird things you may have had to edit
<clever> gchristensen: oh, and i think this part of the manual needs work, using a builder like that can often completely break the ability to override things
<jophish> :P
<gchristensen> yeah, custom builders should probably generally not be used
<clever> and i always see people either using a custom builder, or an FHS env when they are new to nix
<gchristensen> yeah
<clever> i have seen one or 2 that try to source $stdenv/setup inside a normal phase, which will probably cause infinite recursion
<clever> maybe even a fork bomb, lol
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs force-pushed haskell-fix-override from 02bb266 to ce72c46:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/haskell-fix-override 513c9ea Benno Fünfstück: rust: fix fetch-cargo-deps for git dependencies...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/haskell-fix-override ce72c46 Benno Fünfstück: haskell: preserve overrideScope on override...
<clever> oh yeah, and there is a 1 byte mistake in one of the docs
<clever> gchristensen: rogue runs on tty9, and the manual is on tty8
<gchristensen> :o
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<gchristensen> hahahaha
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<gchristensen> given the discussion of "is vim too big to include in the default installer?" this is hilarious
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs force-pushed haskell-fix-override from ce72c46 to f207ff3:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/haskell-fix-override f207ff3 Benno Fünfstück: haskell: preserve overrideScope on override...
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<clever> gchristensen: i think some of these are also un-needed
<gchristensen> yeah
<clever> for example, i cant remove nano, ever
<gchristensen> I know
<clever> and i should have the choice to remove curl, rsync, strace, tar, diff
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs force-pushed haskell-fix-override from f207ff3 to 84e7bb1:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/haskell-fix-override 84e7bb1 Benno Fünfstück: haskell: preserve overrideScope on override...
<gchristensen> environment.noRequiredPackages
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<jophish> It would be nice if on a cached build failure, nix-store --read-log was called
<jophish> not too hard to write a script for though
<ZoomZoomZoom> I'm writing a service unit and I need to create a directory before starting a service (in a root-owned dir). I put an mkdir into preStart part of the service config, but it errs on launch, saying "permission denied". Shouldn't it be run as root?
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<bennofs> ZoomZoomZoom: is the dir on the nix store? the nix store is mounted read-only
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9f11d17 Domen Kožar: add papertrail at 0.10.1...
<LnL> clever: lol
<ZoomZoomZoom> nope, it's in /var/lib
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 77016a0 Domen Kožar: add papertrail at 0.10.1...
<clever> ZoomZoomZoom: is a user set on the service?
<jophish> Also, is anyone else persistently weirded out by all the nix tools paging their output by default?
<dash> jophish: doesn't everything do that these days
<dash> git etc
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<ZoomZoomZoom> clever, yes, serviceConfig.User is set. Is this a problem? I thought it just sets the user under which the actual service is started
<domenkozar> jophish: PAGER=
<clever> ZoomZoomZoom: try running the "id" command in prestart, before the mkdir
<domenkozar> I find it convenient
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<symphorien> ZoomZoomZoom: use
<ZoomZoomZoom> clever, indeed, preStart runs under same user
<symphorien> PermissionsStartOnly in man systemd.service
<symphorien> sorry for the spurious line
<clever> ZoomZoomZoom: which i think would be put into nix as serviceConfig.PermissionsStartOnly = true;
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<ZoomZoomZoom> clever, symphorien, TIL! Thanks a lot.
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<symphorien> besides I think there is a special system to declare that a directory should be created by systemd
<clever> yeah, ive heard of that as well
<symphorien> but I can't remember its name
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<bennofs> symphorien, clever, ZoomZoomZoom: systemd-tmpfiles can create various kinds of things
<ben> what does callPackage = super.lib.callPackageWith super; do, intuitively? :(
<jophish> domenkozar: ah, good thinking. thanks!
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<clever> ben: it creates an instance of callPackage, that will search inside super for the default argument values
<ben> Isn't that what super.callPackage would already do?
<bennofs> ben: super.callPackage takes the dependencies from self
<ben> huh
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<ben> ok
<bennofs> ben: s/dependencies/default argument values/
<ben> yeah
<bennofs> ben: because that's what you want most of the time. see alos:
<jophish> dash: I can't recall git ever doing it, perhaps I've got something in my config I've forgotten about
<bennofs> jophish: try git help?
<bennofs> jophish: git help init spawns a pager for me
<bennofs> also git log
<bennofs> jophish: it's controlled by GIT_PAGER, core.pager gitconfig option, PAGER in that order
<simp__> Changing services.xserver.layout should change the layout independent of the window manager and desktop manager that we are using, right?
<bennofs> simp__: yes
<simp__> That's strange, it's not doing so
<bennofs> simp__: except if you're using something like gnome that manages layout by itself
<simp__> I'm not
<jophish> ah, git log does for me
<simp__> is "pt" a valid layout?
<simp__> I have displayManager commented out and desktopManager.xterm.enable = true
<qknight> hey. can someone show me a simple build.nix file which would build nixos/release.nix -A tests.leaps?
<qknight> and can i test what hydra would build with nix-build or something?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [hydra] shlevy pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master f4b4ee5 Shea Levy: Add CircleCI plugin.
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master 86aa851 Shea Levy: Merge branch 'circleci-plugin'
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<manveru> qknight: doesn't hydra have that "reproduce locally" thingy?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] danbst opened pull request #25180: Fix imperative container code examples (master...patch-9)
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<manveru> that for example
<manveru> from the actions dropdown
<unlmtd[m]> could nixos FS be interfering with vim-man plugin (to read man pages in vim) - I get 'No manual page for X' - and theres no such issue in the repo
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<ben> is it vim manpages or something else's? :)
<unlmtd[m]> ohh I see, well they all are unreachable
<Guest75137> how does one play that rogue game on tty9
<clever> unlmtd[m]: maybe related:
<unlmtd[m]> even vim's manpage
<unlmtd[m]> weird
<unlmtd[m]> I have the bugreport all filled out but I thought Id ask here what you think
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<clever> unlmtd[m]: oh, even better:
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<unlmtd[m]> thanks
<clever> unlmtd[m]: and this may also cause problems:
<unlmtd[m]> clever: I swear youre first on my list of 'ppl to fund when Im rich'
<clever> heh
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<CMCDragonkai> what woudl clever be doing with all that money?
<unlmtd[m]> ya sounds like that problem
<unlmtd[m]> hes clever hell know what to do with it
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 10af6b4 Vladimír Čunát: perl*, statsmodels: fix evaluation problems...
<CMCDragonkai> :)
<clever> ive memorized large chunks of nix and nixpkgs code, and have ideas on how to improve a number of htings
<taktoa> unlmtd[m]: sometimes I feel like the best decision I've ever made was convincing clever to get into nixos
<qknight> manveru: it has the reproduce locally
<unlmtd[m]> taktoa: woha thanks for doing that
<unlmtd[m]> taktoa: now convince everyone to get into notos
<taktoa> :-)
<qknight> manveru: i want to build 'tests.leaps' on hydra
<qknight> manveru: but i don't know how to write the build.nix file which would build it
<clever> unlmtd[m]: a list of random things i have plans to finish, a gui installer for nixos, ssh agent forwarding in nix-build, a haskell display manager for nixos, fuse mounting for /nix/store
<manveru> oh... i have no experience with that
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<unlmtd[m]> I like the idea of the minimal nixos
<unlmtd[m]> clever: maybe you can write it up
<taktoa> also, unlmtd[m], I once had the thought that if I ever start a software company, I'll hire clever to sit in a slack channel (#clever) to debug everyone else's problems
<unlmtd[m]> hold off on the ssh thing until ipfs matures, that could be a big game changer
<gchristensen> taktoa: obviously
<unlmtd[m]> well, fuck slack
<taktoa> sure, whatever, IRC is okay too
<clever> unlmtd[m]: me and taktoa also have plans for an entire chat program, text+voice+video
<unlmtd[m]> just give matrix websockets
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<dash> unlmtd[m]: mm, doesn't it use websocket already?
<unlmtd[m]> well you got the license wrong, public domain is only true free software
<dash> Huh, no it's just XHR. Funny.
<unlmtd[m]> matrix uses http
<taktoa> Tox is GPLv3
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<taktoa> and we can always relicense later
<gchristensen> unlmtd[m]: they didn't get the license wrong, you just disagree with their choice
<unlmtd[m]> no this isnt about my opinion
<unlmtd[m]> gpl creates adoption problems, this is objective fact
<taktoa> I default to BSD when writing one-off libraries, and GPLv3 when writing applications. I'm quite open to relicensing later.
<simpson> unlmtd[m]: Oh well.
<gchristensen> unlmtd[m]: please take this convo elsewhere
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<pi3r2> We are 3 poor souls stuck with this problem:
<pi3r2> Could someone with `qt` experience give us a hand ;-) ?
<unlmtd[m]> thats ok Im planning to unlicense all the code one day, soon I guess
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<unlmtd[m]> Ill offer a way to strip every form of IP on everything
<clever> unlmtd[m]: we also have #arcane-chat on freenode already
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<simpson> unlmtd[m]: You may find that folks can no longer use your systems.
<taktoa> I think literally one line of text has ever been sent on that channel though
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<sphalerite> taktoa: AGPL! :p
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<taktoa> unlmtd[m]: Just to set the record straight: you realize that because arcane-chat links into libtoxcore, which is licensed GPLv3, we *have* have arcane-chat be licensed under GPLv3. If at some point we stop depending on libtoxcore, then we can have a conversation about adopting more a permissive license. We chose to use libtoxcore because it was a library that clever is familiar with and it solves many of the problems we were facing (authentication, hole-
<taktoa> punching, encryption, etc.).
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<MichaelRaskin> sphalerite: do you understand AGPL? Be careful: if you say yes, I will ask questions about it (not that I can force you to answer them, of course).
<taktoa> I *think* I understand AGPL but would like to know if there are more subtleties to it than my current understanding of it.
<taktoa> MichaelRaskin: ^
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, basically I try to imagine it being applied to some systems I have written and fail to understand the details. The main question is what _config_ you are supposed to be distributing with the system.
<MichaelRaskin> For many ends we do need to treat any interesting enough config as code… on the other hand, you need to store access secrets outside what you publish… then it becomes complex enout to count as a derivative body of code
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] indiscipline opened pull request #25181: Implement aria2 service for controlling a daemon via rpc. (master...aria2.service)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 9f0de95 Vladimír Čunát: net-snmp: fix build by using older perl for now...
<unlmtd[m]> taktoa: you should really look at matrix
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<qknight> my hydra reports always: GC Warning: Out of Memory! Heap size: 3047 MiB. Returning NULL!
<taktoa> unlmtd[m]: yeah I know a decent amount about matrix and it's on my list of things to potentially migrate to to avoid tox
<qknight> but i want it to build hello
<dash> Matrix _seems_ really good. I need to learn what's bad about it :)
<clever> qknight: 32 or 64bit machine?
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<unlmtd[m]> it uses http as connector
<unlmtd[m]> which is a bit heavy
<unlmtd[m]> but very convenient for now
<taktoa> my current list of alternatives is: Matrix, WebRTC, Signal, something custom
<simpson> unlmtd[m]: Hm, "heavy" how? I'll certainly agree that we should all be considering Capn Proto.
<qknight> clever: 64 bit machine
<qknight> clever: i don't get how to create a hydra project, it probably wants to evaluate nixpkgs or something
<simp__> Does xorg come bundled with nixos?
<clever> qknight: do you want to build a custom project, or all of nixpkgs?
<ToxicFrog> Hah.
<ToxicFrog> I found the reason my certificates keep getting their permissions screwed up.
<sphalerite> MichaelRaskin: I have a vague idea of it
<ToxicFrog> Every ACME renewal timer has a pre-run script
<sphalerite> Probably not enough to answer any questions about it
<ToxicFrog> But that script starts off with:
<ToxicFrog> mkdir -p '/var/lib/acme'
<ToxicFrog> chown -R 'nginx:nginx' '/var/lib/acme'
<taktoa> unlmtd[m]: if have any intention of talking about this stuff more we should probably go to #arcane-chat :)
<ToxicFrog> (replace 'nginx:nginx' with whatever the perms for that cert are)
<sphalerite> taktoa: what's wrong with tox?
<qknight> clever: i just want to build any project, like hello or nixos/release.nix -> tests.leaps first to learn it
<ToxicFrog> So every time a cert renewal timer fires (every few days), it will whack the permissions of EVERY OTHER ACME CERT ON THE SYSTEM
<taktoa> sphalerite: nothing, other than GPLv3 licensing and some security sketchiness
* ToxicFrog goes to file a bug report
<clever> qknight: here is an example i setup a while back:
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<clever> qknight: hydra will eval the default.nix file in the hydra-example input (which is on my github), and then build every attribute in the file
<clever> qknight: and if you want to copy how the main hydra does nixpkgs, you can just look at
<qknight> peti: <- i've added this values but i get no jobs ever: There are no matching jobs.
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<qknight> peti: i tried to evaluate it manually several times
<ToxicFrog> Looks like this was introduced in pr/24532
<qknight> clever: i try petis docs ATM
<Tipping_Fedora> hi guys, I was wondering about the current support of Nixos on the raspberrpi, can anyone point me in the direction to look? (or just tell me)
<clever> qknight: there is no hydra-tutorial sub-dir in the hydra-tutorial repo, so the nix expression in that screenshot is invalid
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<clever> qknight: you want just jobset-nixpkgs.nix
<qknight> clever: oh yes, i tried that later. without that subdir it doesn't work either. let me try gain
<clever> qknight: the $NIX_PATH is also clear, and you didnt tell it where to find nixpkgs
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<qknight> clever: but i don't see any evaluation errors....
<clever> qknight: and you have disabled checked
<qknight> clever: checked what?
<clever> qknight: at the very top, enabled/one-shot/disabled
<qknight> clever: notify commiters?
<qknight> clever: of course!
<qknight> clever: how to add nixpkgs?
<qknight> clever: just nixpkgs with 'git checkout' and
<clever> qknight: this makes it follow the nixos-unstable-small channel
<clever> qknight: if you just add, then it will follow master
<clever> and master will lead to a lot more compiling
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<qknight> clever: yes!
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<Tipping_Fedora> hi guys, I was wondering if there is a way to see if a certain package is available in the nixos install repo
<clever> Tipping_Fedora:
<qknight> clever: nearly there! Build machines
<qknight> clever: do i have to add these manually somehow?
<clever> qknight: yeah, you need to populate nix.buildMachines
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<clever> qknight: first option in
<Tipping_Fedora> clever, thank you
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<thinkingeye> How can I use paxctl on the nixos store?
<clever> Tipping_Fedora: Dezgeg has built sd card images for the rpi
<clever> Tipping_Fedora: let me find the url
<Tipping_Fedora> clever, again thank you
<Tipping_Fedora> clever, how would I install a package that is not in the repo for nixos?
<Tipping_Fedora> id like to install etcher (from
<clever> qknight: you will also need to configure system-wide known-hosts entries for each build slave:
<jophish> hmm, bash is persistent in being x86_64, and I still can't find libgcc_s :(
<clever> Tipping_Fedora: you would need to write a package
<Tipping_Fedora> clever, how would I do that?
<qknight> clever: in the past the hydra machine itself could build software. now something has changed and i have to add a build machine, right?
<clever> qknight: you can set localhost as a buildslave
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<qknight> clever: in the hydra gui?
<clever> qknight: in nix.buildMachines via configuration.nix
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<Tipping_Fedora> clever, thank you yet again
<taktoa> !m clever
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, clever!
<clever> Tipping_Fedora: and if its pre-compiled, you will need to patchelf it:
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ahmedtd opened pull request #25183: wrapGAppsHook: Correct `wrapProgram` invocations (master...fix-wrap-gapps-hook)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ahmedtd opened pull request #25184: python/wrapper.nix: Don't try to wrap pyc files (master...fix-python-wrapper)
<sphalerite> taktoa: what's wrong with the security on tox?
<jophish> clever: do you know where I should start looking to determine why the wrong bash is being put in the `ghc` script and why the RPATH on ghc is incorrect
<jophish> I assume it's because of an incorrect RPATH that ghc can't find
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cf3800b Tuomas Tynkkynen: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/staging' into master
<kuznero> Hi all! I am a little confused about how to install `fsharp41` package... pull request had been merged long ago, but when I try to find it with `nix-env -f -qa '.*fsharp.*'` it only shows `fsharp-`. What am I doing wrong here?
<qknight> kuznero: maybe no recent nix-channel is used
<jophish> oh, ghc has *no* RUNPATH
<qknight> kuznero: nix-channel list shows?
<ToxicFrog> Opened ; anyone who uses ACME where not all certs have the same ownership should probably look at this
<taktoa> sphalerite: it's mostly pretty good, but there were two incidents that give me pause.
<taktoa> sphalerite: first incident was a bug clever found in which they were using libsodium in a way that resulted in memory containing private keys not being properly scrubbed.
<taktoa> sphalerite: second incident was
<taktoa> sphalerite: AFAIK the consensus among security researchers is that Signal is about as good as it gets for encrypted chat protocols
<kuznero> qknight: it only shows: nixos
<ToxicFrog> (Depending on your configuration, it is a possible security issue, since it can make certificates readable by groups you did not expect to have access)
<qknight> clever: awesome, it works! thanks so much for your help!
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<qknight> clever: and this helped me a lot also
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<Guest13938> Hello, hope someone could help me a bit with the installation from live usb. I'm having trouble mounting the usb to the /mnt directory has the volume is already mounted in read-only to /iso (nixos manual chapter 2.9)
<joepie91> cc gchristensen re: ACME issue
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ahmedtd opened pull request #25185: Fix makewrapper unsupported args (master...fix-makewrapper-unsupported-args)
<clever> kuznero: what about nix-env -iA fsharp41 -f
<kuznero> I am try to specify unstable when querying for fsharp41... but still it is not there. Probably missing something
<kuznero> Please help
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<clever> jophish: the cross-compile stuff has been redone since i last used it, so id need to look into it again
<taktoa> sphalerite: oh also, unrelated to security, but tox has a habit of opening so many UDP connections that it will DoS some peoples' routers. so for that reason alone we may need to migrate away from it (or open a PR).
<sphalerite> ah ok
<goibhniu> hi Guest13938 you want to mount your root filesystem on /mnt, not the usb drive
<jophish> it does contain "patching script interpreters"
<jophish> so something's going on
<clever> taktoa: there is now an option you can set at runtime to turn down the holepunching
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<jophish> tbh, I'm not even sure how the RPATH gets patched in a non-cross build
<clever> jophish: oh, if you have #!/bin/bash or #!/usr/bin/bash, it will patch it to $(which bash)
<taktoa> clever: ah, nice
<clever> jophish: which will probably be the x86 one
<Guest13938> goibhniu: oh! make sense. I'll try that thanks!
<jophish> ah, that should be easy to fix
<jophish> well, I'm sure I can find an option
<clever> jophish: you will need to patch it to #!${bash}/bin/bash, using the cross-built bash
<kuznero> clever: this is what it gives back: `error: attribute ‘fsharp41’ in selection path ‘fsharp41’ not found`
<clever> kuznero: nixos-unstable is 8 days old, that PR is 7 days old
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<goibhniu> Guest13938: cool, good luck!
<clever> kuznero: try this one: nix-env -iA fsharp41 -f
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<jophish> clever: I think that GHC is writing out a bash binary in the nix store
<jophish> just found it in the log
<kuznero> clever: that works! Thanks a lot! What is the promotion/staging steps new/updated packages go through in ci for nixpkgs normally?
<clever> kuznero: those are explained on
* ToxicFrog bonks head against keyboard.
<jophish> if you search for gnu/bin/ghc you'll see the script generation
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<qknight> clever: on more question, can hydra handle private git repos? if so, is it documented how to do so somewhere?
<qknight> s/on/one
<ToxicFrog> I want both rspamd and exim to run as group 'mail' so that exim can write to the rspamd socket.
<clever> qknight: yeah, ive done that as well
<clever> qknight: first, do "sudo -u hydra -i" and run "ssh-keygen" to make a keypair, no passphrase
<ToxicFrog> But each one, if you tell it to run as a specific group, implicitly creates that group using users.extraGroups, and you can't define the same group twice.
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<clever> qknight: and give that ssh key access to your source, in my case,
<clever> qknight: then you can put an ssh based url into the build inputs, the same one you would use for pushing back to github
<qknight> clever: there is nothing ;-)
<clever> qknight: that github user has access to private github repos
<clever> qknight: and the ssh key in my hydra is linked to that github account
<qknight> clever: i have my own git instance using gitolite on nixos
<clever> ah, then you can probably do similiar in there
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<clever> just give hydra's ssh key read-only access to the repo
<clever> and use the ssh url in the hydra gui
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<clever> qknight: in my case, the input is a git checkout of
<clever> it will use the key you made when running as the "hydra" user to check it out
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<kuznero> clever: thanks for info!
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<NickHu> Could I get someone to look at my pull request? It's been sitting still for a month
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<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: you there, and willing to review sometime today?
<Sonarpulse> I've been fixing travis errors and beefing up commit messages
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<rsa> anyone have any experience with overriding version dependencies for haskell packages? (in my case xmonad-wallpapers requires xmonad ==0.12.* and current is 0.13)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0537320 Tuomas Tynkkynen: networkmanager: Temporarily disable -Wformat-security until next release...
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<disasm> savanni: hey, saw in IRC history you were working on an icinga2 package for nixpkgs. How far did you get on that? If you wouldn't mind sharing what you've done so far, I'd be happy to give it a go.
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<savanni> I honestly didn't get very far at all. And it ended up not being relevant. I had wanted it for a local experiment, which I abandoned with my colleague just put it into a production environment.
<savanni> I recall it being quite a mess, but probably manageable now that I know nix packaging a lot better.
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<zx2c4> Mic92: grahamc[m] so merging time with ?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 75608e1 Jason A. Donenfeld: wireguard: 0.0.20170409 -> 0.0.20170421
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 600a2f2 Jörg Thalheim: wireguard: make myself maintainer
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8deb0e1 Jörg Thalheim: wireguard: do not fail on warning for older kernel
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<copumpkin> Sonarpulse: can't do it today, but probably sometime this week
<copumpkin> Sonarpulse: especially if smaller than it was and well explained :)
<Sonarpulse> right
<Sonarpulse> I'm still thinking about the best way to split
<Sonarpulse> but I'm adding more explanations in the meantime
<Sonarpulse> it's sort of easier to describe what things become than how they changed
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9437c36 Tuomas Tynkkynen: perlPackages.ModuleBuild: 0.4214 -> 0.4222
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<jophish> When cross compiling, which package supplies the target's
<jophish> I can see it in the store in gccCrossStageFinal
<jophish> however I'm not sure of the best way to access that
<jophish> (basically my problem is that the RPATHs of the resulting binaries are not being patched correctly, in fact they are empty!)
<Sonarpulse> jophish i thought libgcc was always statically linked
<Sonarpulse> as compliler-rt is
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<jophish> Sonarpulse: perhaps I'm solving the wrong problem here then
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<Sonarpulse> jophish: what's the symptom?
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<jophish> Sonarpulse: when I run the binary on the target machine I get: ./ghc: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
<Sonarpulse> woah
<Sonarpulse> what does the DT_NEEDED of the normal native one look like?
<Sonarpulse> or the libs
<Sonarpulse> err scratch libs if you're sure this is GHC itself failing to start, not some weird linking/th/etc of ghc being used
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<jophish> I'm not sure
<jophish> well, I'm not doing a compile or anything weird
<jophish> and LD_DEBUG shows it failing very quickly
<jophish> LD_DEBUG=all shows less than a page!
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<nschoe> Hi all
<nschoe> I'm trying to install `nixos.yed`, and it fails with 'builder for ‘/nix/store/’ failed to produce output path ‘/nix/store/’'. Can you explain what is going on?
<jophish> nschoe: can you gist the whole log?
<jophish> it sounds like that file couldn't be downloaded
<nschoe> jophish, yeah sure:
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<nschoe> jophish, yes indeed. So it sorts of explains how to download it manually, but that's odd, right?
<jophish> It's not typical, some derivations require it though
<nschoe> jophish, but I don't understand why it could not download the file automatically? All other derivations do it automatically, right?
<jophish> nschoe: it might require navigating a website to get it
<nschoe> jophish, how, I see.
<clever> nschoe: licensing reasons
<nschoe> Thanks for your help ^^
<nschoe> clever, this is weird, it used to be free...
<nschoe> But okay, I understand. Will try something else, then :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #25186: top-level: common subexpression elimination for some cc-wrapper (master...ccwrapper-cse)
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<ntruessel> Hi. I'm trying to update chromium ( but keep getting linker errors ( Has anybody already suffered from the same issues?
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<sphalerite> nschoe: free, or just gratis?
<ben> Hey, I wanna write an overlay that bumps the version of a nixpkgs package, but only if it's lower than what I was gonna bump it to, but I get infinite recursion issues :'(
<ben> what's wrong with self: super: if super.blah.version < newVersion then { blah = super.blah.overrideAttrs { ... }; } else { blah = super.blah; }?
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<Tipping_Fedora> hi, how can I add a user to the sudoers file? evertime i reboot the user is lost from there( as it stands I manually add that user into the file)
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<ben> probably with security.sudo.extraConfig in your configuration.nix
<ben> possibly you can just put the user in the wheel group instead
<ben> if that's what you want
<dash> Tipping_Fedora: easy way is put 'extraGroups = [ "wheel" ];' in your user definition in configuration.nix
<Tipping_Fedora> ok thanks
<clever> Tipping_Fedora: you can also add yourself to the wheel group
<gchristensen> ben: are you pj?
<ben> no
<gchristensen> ok
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<Tipping_Fedora> thanks guys for the help
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<sphalerite> is gccCrossStageStatic the appropriate package if I don't need a libc?
<simpson> Stupid question: Does anybody use rvm/bundler-style Ruby stuff in Nix? What's your setup look like?
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<ben> i answered my overlay question from earlier: i need to do the conditional inside the overlay's { }, not outside, or laziness won't save me
<zarel> hi hi
<copumpkin> when does ikwildrpepper return?
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<c74d> ben: I don't think comparing versions works like that; at least, there are functions for comparing versions that don't just do that (search for "version" in lib/strings.nix)
<ben> oh, cheers
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<simpson> Wow, I just finally understood. It's not "Wild R. Pepper", but "I Know Why I Love Dr. Pepper", isn't it!?
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<copumpkin> "I want Dr. Pepper" in Dutch, as I understand it
<copumpkin> ik wil dr. pepper
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<ntruessel> Ok, found a patch to gn from arch that seems to work better
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<simpson> That's a pretty good nick. Haskellers have really good nicks. Or good names, like "Philip" or "Shachaf".
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c90998d Tuomas Tynkkynen: Revert "rustc: don't build on i686"...
<copumpkin> simpson: but yours probably works too :)
<steveeJ> how can I get a self reference in a recursive derivation?
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<copumpkin> what's a recursive derivation?
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<LnL> do you mean a fixpoint?
<steveeJ> copumpkin: mkDerivation rec { ... }
<winmillwill> I have a "baby's first haskell with nix" build that's failing if anyone is feeling curious or helpful:
<copumpkin> steveeJ: that's not the same thing
<copumpkin> steveeJ: (rec { }) is just a construct for writing an attrset that can refer to its own keys in its values
<copumpkin> steveeJ: derivation knows nothing about that
<steveeJ> copumpkin: so my question would be, how can I introduce the derivation to itself?
<steveeJ> LnL: I'll read up on it and see if I can apply that
<copumpkin> steveeJ: I'd step back and tell us what you actually want to do :)
<LnL> what are you trying to do exactly?
<copumpkin> it has a reference to its output inside the builder as $out
<steveeJ> copumpkin: LnL: I want a nix variable out what is $out in the installPhase
<copumpkin> why does it need to be on the nix side?
<copumpkin> nix never knows (inside a derivation) the hash of the output
<copumpkin> after the derivation is built, you can know its output path
<LnL> you can't do that, it would result in an evaluation cycle
<steveeJ> copumpkin: something inside me wants not to believe this :-D
<copumpkin> 1.12 introduces the notion of a placeholder
<LnL> why can't u use $out?
<steveeJ> LnL: which I have produced many of before I came here to ask the question ;-)
<copumpkin> steveeJ: you can't operate on the hash before the hash is computed on something that includes the hash
<steveeJ> LnL: $out seems problematic beccause if it's used in another derivation's installPhase it will be evaluated there
<copumpkin> steveeJ: unless you break sha256 to figure out fixed points of it :P
<copumpkin> the 1.12 placeholder notion lets you talk about the output in Nix before you have it, but that's about it
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<steveeJ> copumpkin: that would be enough, because I would actually not use this placeholder inside the derivation, just declare it there
<copumpkin> it still won't let you use it
<LnL> can you give an example?
<copumpkin> the usual use for placeholders is for configureFlags and such
<steveeJ> the way I have it now is in drvA i have relPath, and I write ${drvA}/${drvA.relPath}
<steveeJ> in drvB
<copumpkin> oh, you want the derivation to be able to advertise some things about itself to other nix stuff?
<copumpkin> for that I'd use passthru
<steveeJ> drvA.relPath is used within drvA"s installPhase like so: $out/${relPath}
<copumpkin> which is evaluated separately
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<LnL> yeah, you can probably use passtru for this
<steveeJ> I just want to not repeat drvA :-D
<sphalerite> Can I use nixpkgs to get a cross-compiler without a libc?
<copumpkin> let relPath = "foo/bar/baz"; drv = stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "haha"; passthru.fullPath = "${drv}/${relPath}"; } in drv
<copumpkin> that would work fine
<copumpkin> steveeJ: then with the snippet I wrote above, you'd write ${mydrv.fullPath}
<copumpkin> and it would evaluate to the composed path
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<copumpkin> or you can pass through the relPath alone if you need to use it in isolation
<LnL> how I understand it is that mkDerivation ignores passtru allowing you to add attributes to the drv that won't affect the drv
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<jophish> Sonarpulse: do you know how to get the path the reliably, for example with a cross compiler it's at /nix/store/...-gcc-cross-stage-final/aarch64-linux-gnu/lib64/
<jophish> the aarch64-linux-gnu/lib64 seems a little tricky
<Sonarpulse> jophish: I don't know off hand
<Sonarpulse> I'm not sure I'd bother
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<Sonarpulse> one off hack to get you that native build!
<jophish> true, although I'd quite like to leave this build in nixpkgs, and to have it work for other archer
<jophish> arches*
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edwtjo pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0277345 Edward Tjörnhammar: nixos, i2pd: remove, no longer needed, extip hack
<disasm> savanni: thanks! I'll play around with it from scratch :)
<jophish> Although even better would be to get gcc statically linking everything!
<steveeJ> copumpkin: this is really, really useful! thanks!
<steveeJ> sphalerite: I have an expression somewhere that does exactly that because I can't figure out how to get one *with* libc :-D do you have one?
<LnL> steveeJ: a drv is basically just an attribute set with { type = "derivation"; }, so you can add attributes after the builder is evaluated that won't affect the output
<m3tti> hey there how could i build a dev environment with happstack
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<sphalerite> steveeJ: I do in fact! It's a complete mess, but it manages to cross-compile applications like rsync for my e-reader.
<steveeJ> sphalerite: the arm-linux-eabi is broken though
<sphalerite> steveeJ: ah, so it's crossStageStatic. Hm, I tried that but it doesn't seem to produce a compiler somehow
<sphalerite> well I want to cross-compile for SH3
<gilligan_> Seems like still has not made it to nixpkgs-unstable which means broken for most apple macbooks for a week ;-(
<sphalerite> ugh, fucking broadcom.
<sphalerite> gilligan_: does b43 not work?
<steveeJ> sphalerite: what is SH3?
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<sphalerite> steveeJ: SuperH version 3, an architecture originally designed by Hitachi and now maintained by Renesas
<sphalerite> well I think it's on version 4 now
<sphalerite> but my calculator has an SH3 processor
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<gilligan_> sphalerite, i never tried - but for starters this should just get fixed for everyone using broadcom-sta right now, which should be most ppl running nixos on a macbook I guess
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<sphalerite> I'm on a MacBookPro8,2 with B4331 wifi, been using b43 as long as I've used nixos
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bef5278 John Ericson: top-level: Common subexpression elimination for cc-wrapper usage...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ee2d787 John Ericson: Merge pull request #25186 from obsidiansystems/ccwrapper-cse...
<steveeJ> sphalerite: how can I access the cross compiler with your expressions?
<gilligan_> sphalerite, macbook air here
<sphalerite> steveeJ: well I use it to cross-compile existing packages. e.g. I do nix-build kobo.nix -A rsync to get rsync for it
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<steveeJ> LnL: oh I see, but it's potentially very dangerous to do so
<steveeJ> sphalerite: my use case is I want a nix-shell that has a cross-compiler for the target
<sphalerite> steveeJ: probably nix-shell expr.nix -A
<steveeJ> sphalerite: interesting, I'll give it a try
<gilligan_> i guess there is nothing to be done to speed up getting into nixpkgs-unstable is there?
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<sphalerite> steveeJ: wait no, maybe stdenv.ccCross. But seems to target the host arch
<LnL> steveeJ: what do you mean? it has no impact on the build
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<steveeJ> LnL: oh, so this is only valid for the attribute "passthru", everything else *is* considered for the hash
<LnL> for stdenv.mkDerivation yes, the reason why other attributes change the hash is because they are exposed as environment variables in the builder
<steveeJ> LnL: I think I'm tripping over the time aspect, and I somehow thought there is a window between evalauating and building the derivation where I could modify it
<steveeJ> LnL: I'm not well informed when hashing takes place and what is part of the input
<LnL> passtru is ignored by the builder so you can't access those at build time
<sphalerite> steveeJ: derp, it's not nix-shell expr.nix -A because that yields an environment in which to build Using -A hello works, or probably (not tried it) nix-shell -p 'with import ./expr.nix; stdenv.ccCross' will too
<sphalerite> steveeJ: so nix-shell expr.nix -A hello, and $CC in the resulting shell points to the appropriate compiler
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<sphalerite> yay, that was the same problem I was having with my SH3 cross-compiler. Just invoking nix-shell wrong!
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<sphalerite> steveeJ: thank you for helping us help you help us all.
<copumpkin> steveeJ: yeah, passthru is "magic" in that consumers see its attributes on the derivation return value directly, but it doesn't affect the hash
<disasm> quick question for folks using i3... if the config is specified in a nix declaration, a restart doesn't update the config because well the window manager is launched with the old config in the store as a param... So other than logging out and losing my window config are there any other options to update my config?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 6 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master afcf15b Franz Pletz: pythonPackages.pygit2: 0.24.0 -> 0.25.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e74ea42 Franz Pletz: avahi service: add reflector option
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e68c3f0 Franz Pletz: atlassian-confluence: 6.0.3 -> 6.1.1
<clever> disasm: i think the display manager will typicaly exit when you logout
<clever> disasm: then systemd has to re-launch it, with the new config
<clever> but some display managers may try to optimize that away
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<disasm> clever: yeah, logging out is what I was trying to avoid, lol :) I guess I either just move the config to my home dir and don't use nix to define it or deal with logging out once a month or so when I make a change to the config file :)
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<Sonarpulse> linux_3_18: remove due to EOL
<Sonarpulse> that's not part of a PR is it?
<Sonarpulse> it removed the headers derivation from all-packages
<Sonarpulse> but left the underlying nix file
<Sonarpulse> *gasp*
<Sonarpulse> fpletz: ^ hi :)
<disasm> I'm thinking of switching to unstable on my laptop. How unstable is unstable?
<Sonarpulse> disasm: I'm on unstable
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<Sonarpulse> I'm not dead yet
<Sonarpulse> just don't use nix unstable
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<ryantrinkle> disasm: Sonarpulse is also a core nixpkgs contributor ;)
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<copumpkin> nix unstable is awesome
<MichaelRaskin> I generally run from a master git checkout
<disasm> haha, yeah, well I'm trying to get more into contributing to nixpkgs as well :)
<Sonarpulse> rollbacks are there for a reason :D
<disasm> exactly, that's why it's not nearly as scary as say running debian unstable, lol :)
<Sonarpulse> yes, haha
<copumpkin> although on the nixUnstable topic
<Sonarpulse> yes we should fix that
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<Sonarpulse> a la shlevy's RFC
<copumpkin> niksnut: any chance of a 1.11.9 release? :) it'd be nice if 1.11 were fully forward compatible with 1.12
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: db schema wise?
<copumpkin> yup
<Sonarpulse> mm
<copumpkin> it's supposed to be already
<copumpkin> there's just a bug we fixed after 1.11.8
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2165b48 Graham Christensen: percona-server56: init at 5.6.35-80.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 385844d Graham Christensen: Merge pull request #24998 from grahamc/percona...
<Sonarpulse> oh, cool
<Sonarpulse> nixUnstableAsLongAsDBIsSame
<Sonarpulse> I'd use that absent shlevy's RFC
<niksnut> copumpkin: sure
<niksnut> can do that tomorrow
<copumpkin> niksnut: if you decide to accept something like, I'd be happy to help out
<copumpkin> niksnut: but thanks, that'd be awesome
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<copumpkin> would remove a lot of random hacks I have lying around
<disasm> how far does unstable typically trail master?
<copumpkin> the nixpkgs channel?
<disasm> yeah
<gchristensen> joachifm: ping?
<copumpkin> disasm: I've never see it go more than a week or so behind
<gchristensen> hmm I remember it being about a month?
<MichaelRaskin> 3D
<copumpkin> nixpkgs-unstable or nixos-unstable?
<copumpkin> I was talking about the former, which has fewer tests
<gchristensen> oh hrm yeah
<copumpkin> nixos-unstable behind behind might be my fault :)
<copumpkin> but I just merged the thing that should fix it
<gchristensen> <- have I correctly addressed joachifm's feedback here?
<copumpkin> this morning
<MichaelRaskin> Of coursem a true fun failure is a failing GRUB upgrade
<domenkozar> niksnut: what about Nix 2.0? what's missing there? :)
<MichaelRaskin> Still easy to fix, but you need something external to boot
<disasm> MichaelRaskin: haha, yeah :) I'm assuming systemd-boot probably is less likely to break as bad as grub though considering it's simplicity.
<MichaelRaskin> Well, at least when it was gummiboot it did work
<MichaelRaskin> Don
<MichaelRaskin> Don't know whether systemd people hsa started changing it
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<copumpkin> when are we getting kerneld?
<MichaelRaskin> That would be fun.
<MichaelRaskin> Given what Linus Torvalds recently has written about some of the top-level pull requests…
<MichaelRaskin> I would expect systemd people to actually miss that…
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #25187: linux-headers: Remove stray linux headers 3.18 nix file (master...remove-stray-kernel-headers)
<niksnut> domenkozar: a lot
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<SovereignBleak> Can I define symlinks inside my configuration.nix?
<domenkozar> niksnut: can we get a non-exaustive list? :)
<MichaelRaskin> domenkozar: niksnut: preferably also non-empty
<SovereignBleak> Not to just to /run/current-system/sw/ but any two directories I define?
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<Sonarpulse> if fpletz is here, anybody else want to chim in on me deleting dead code?
<Sonarpulse> :D
<copumpkin> niksnut: if you make some tickets for things missing for 1.12/2.0, perhaps some of us could help
<Sonarpulse> *not here
<Sonarpulse> +1 Nix tickets
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<domenkozar> niksnut: just to be clear, I meant next big release, so 1.12
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cfaad26 David McFarland: amdgpu-pro: 16.60 -> 17.10
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d965e11 Vladimír Čunát: Merge #24749: amdgpu-pro: 16.60 -> 17.10
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #24749: amdgpu-pro: 16.60 -> 17.10 (master...amdgpu-pro-update)
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<krux02> I have a problem, I compiled a project, but when I start it the linker complains, that it cannot find
<krux02> how do I properly link that library?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mbrgm opened pull request #25189: yarn: 0.22.0 -> 0.23.2 (master...upgrade-yarn)
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<Sonarpulse> how many of my own PRs can I merge in one day before the gods smite me?
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<Sonarpulse> :D
<Sonarpulse> trigger finger is itching on that dead code removal
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<krux02> Sonarpulse: I am new to nixos, and I try to build my project written in Nim in nixos
<krux02> cannot open shared object file
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<Sonarpulse> krux02: ummmm can you run file on that?
<symphorien> krux02: do it in nix-shell -p gcc xorg.libX11
<Sonarpulse> I know nothing about nim
<Sonarpulse> ahhh
<Sonarpulse> missing not corrupt file
<Sonarpulse> gotta rule out simple hings first
<krux02> ok I could solve it by setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH in default.nix
<Sonarpulse> shlevy: do you have time to review a tiny PR for your iOS stuff in a few minutes?
<krux02> not sure if it is the correct way to do it
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<Sonarpulse> krux02: ah you have default.nix for your project? good
<symphorien> there is buildInputs for that
<Sonarpulse> yeah
<symphorien> buildInputs = [ all the libraries you need ]
<Sonarpulse> *you need at runtime :D
<krux02> buildInputs has already SDL2 set, but putting X11 in there does fix the dependency
<Sonarpulse> great!
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<krux02> is this correct? buildInputs = [ pkgs.SDL2 pkgs.xlibs ]
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #25190: crossStdenv on iphone: Just get info from `targetPlatform` (master...ios-stdenv-tiny-refactor)
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<krux02> adding SDL to the build inputs does not resolve X11
<krux02> which buildInputs contains the
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<krux02> adding xorg.libX11 does not make the program find X11
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<symphorien> that is strange : its output contains
<krux02> I don't know if it is important, but ldd on the program does not list libX11
<symphorien> on which program ?
<krux02> well it is my own SDL2 application written in nim
<krux02> it basically jusd creates an opengl context and renders some screensaver stuff
<krux02> nothing big, except that it is written in Nim
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<krux02> so I don't know if nim interferes there somehow to load the libX11 library
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch closed pull request #25180: Fix imperative container code examples (master...patch-9)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 84b1c0c Данило Глинський (Danylo Hlynskyi): Fix imperative container code examples...
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<symphorien> ah so your problem is that you have an executable and you try to run it
<symphorien> I thought that was a linker error
<hodapp> how do I go about finding the URL and sha256 for a pypi package for buildPythonPackage?
<symphorien> then you can either add libx11 to the rpath of the executable with patchelf or you can make a wrapper which sets LD_LIBRARY8PATH
<hodapp> I am just trying to convert one package and pypi2nix seems to generate a whole lot of extra fluff
<symphorien> hodapp: put a fake sha256, try to build, the read sha256 will be in the error message
<hodapp> symphorien: need a real URL though
<symphorien> *real
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<hodapp> and I don't know how one produces the mirror://... URL that the buildPythonPackage ones all seem to use
<seanparsons> Is there a way of telling what cabal flags were set to when a Haskell package was built by Nix?
<seanparsons> In my case I'm staring at haskellPackages.xmonad-contrib.
<bennofs> seanparsons: i don't think that this exposed currently. you could probably hack it by overriding mkDerivation but...
<Profpatsch> Uh, I wonder.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aespinosa opened pull request #25191: jenkins: 2.53 -> 2.56 (master...jenkins-2.56)
<Profpatsch> seanparsons: In the worst case by inserting a trace statement.
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<symphorien> maybe preconfigure = "set -x";
<Profpatsch> seanparsons: Uh, wait
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<Profpatsch> in nix-repl: lib.traceVal haskellPackages.xmonad-contrib.configurePhase
<Profpatsch> or buildPhase if you need that
<hodapp> er, so, no clue on how I get the URL for buildPythonPackage?
<Profpatsch> hodapp: There’s a lot of exapmles in python-packages.nix :)
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<bennofs> hodapp: mirror://pypi/{first character of pkg name}/{pkg name-version}.tar.gz
<bennofs> hodapp: ?
<seanparsons> Profpatsch: Oooh, that's kinda funky.
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<Profpatsch> seanparsons: It doesn’t give you what you want, though.
<krux02> how do I find out what part of a programs tries to load
<krux02> ?
<Profpatsch> That is configureFlags
<Profpatsch> krux02: What do you mean by “part”?
<hodapp> Profpatsch, bennofs: yes, there are, and I tried this first, and it's not working.
<bennofs> hodapp: oh, what is the package in question
<hodapp> ezdxf
<steveeJ> does anyone have experince using alternatives to travis-ci with nix?
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<Profpatsch> seanparsons: Wait.
<bennofs> hodapp: hmm usually it works like this
<bennofs> hodapp: idk what is broken in this case
<Profpatsch> I just noticed that the configureFlags are always output when haskell packages are built x
<Tipping_Fedora> hi, how well does nixos duel boot with another Linux os?
<dash> Tipping_Fedora: just fine
<hodapp> bennofs: figured it out, it's .zip rather than .tar.gz
<seanparsons> Profpatsch: I don't think that includes the cabal flags though does it?
<Profpatsch> seanparsons: Why, yes, those are the cabal flags
<seanparsons> Looking at the cabal file for xmonad-contrib it doesn't define a default for use_xft, which I assume means it's false by default.
<dash> Tipping_Fedora: just add it the other one in the grub config
<Tipping_Fedora> ok
<Tipping_Fedora> thanks
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master db5a921 John Ericson: crossStdenv on iphone: Just get info from `targetPlatform`
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master af6e4c5 John Ericson: Merge pull request #25190 from obsidiansystems/ios-stdenv-tiny-refactor...
<7JTAA1KGK> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 closed pull request #25190: crossStdenv on iphone: Just get info from `targetPlatform` (master...ios-stdenv-tiny-refactor)
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<Sonarpulse> niksnut: would it be acceptable to have some cross tests as part of nixos- or nixpkgs-unstable?
<Sonarpulse> now that this stuff is less broken, I want to hold it to a higher standard
<eacameron> Is there an easy way to have a whitelist of directories in a source filter?
<eacameron> This seems like it would be a common use case but it's annoyingly hard to write by hand.
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<copumpkin> sounds more than acceptable to me :)
<copumpkin> if anything, it should be unacceptable to do otherwise
<Profpatsch> seanparsons:
<Profpatsch> Should do the trick.
<Profpatsch> That’s when I noticed it already outputs the right thing. :)
<Profpatsch> btw, there’s the triggerRebuild function in haskell-modules/lib.nix for that.
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<bennofs> Profpatsch: you can also just nix-store -l /nix/store/path-of-xmonda-contrib
<bennofs> Profpatsch: if you built locally
<Profpatsch> Hm, okay
<Profpatsch> bennofs: Ah, it uses the build log to determin what to build.
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<Profpatsch> It’s not documented in the manpage, though?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edwtjo pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 49e6946 Edward Tjörnhammar: i2pd: 2.11.0 -> 2.12.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 b37b2ce Edward Tjörnhammar: i2pd: 2.12.0 -> 2.13.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ad0a973 Edward Tjörnhammar: nixos, i2pd: remove, no longer needed, extip hack...
<bennofs> Profpatsch:
<Profpatsch> Hm, I wonder why my less search skipped that.
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<ericnoan> sitting on the bus... better read some nix docs... just type in NOPE
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<Profpatsch> ericnoan: You can build it locally.
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<ericnoan> Profpatsch: try going to that url :)
<ericnoan> or rather, dont
<bennofs> ericnoan: what's the problem?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1601bf5 Armijn Hemel: ucommon: 6.3.1 -> 7.0.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 87e94a0 Armijn Hemel: upgrade sipwitch to 0.9.15
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5793e97 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25161 from armijnhemel/ucommon...
<ericnoan> its a porn site
<Profpatsch> ericnoan: You have a very strange version then.
<bennofs> ericnoan: oh I didn't notice vs
<bennofs> s/nixor/nixos
<Profpatsch> toplel
<Profpatsch> ericnoan: Hm, it’s some french site for me.
<ericnoan> it was rush hour as well
<bennofs> ericnoan: btw, there is also and if you weren't aware
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch closed pull request #25070: haskell: add a ghcDefault pkgset, pointing to current default (master...ghcDefault)
<ericnoan> yes i know, i initially only read the nixos/manual, and saw there were manuals for nix and nixpkgs, going to read them as well
<ericnoan> thats probably why i felt something was missing
<ericnoan> Profpatsch: yeah i get a french pron site
<hodapp> is the site French, or the porn?
<Profpatsch> ericnoan: My spam filter saved me then. :)
<ericnoan> hodapp: im to busy reading nix docs to find out
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<fresheyeball> hey so I managed to get an illegal configuration line in my nix.conf
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<fresheyeball> because I did something dumb in configuration.nix
<fresheyeball> but now I can't rebuild the os!
<fresheyeball> what should I do?
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<symphorien> reboot and select a previous configuration in grub
<fresheyeball> symphorien: really?
<symphorien> there should be a nix command for that but I don't know it :°
<fresheyeball> if I make a mistake in configuration.nix I need to reboot to get my nix.conf fixed!?
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<ericnoan> fresheyeball: when you boot, you can select the second option. nixos keeps old configurations
<fresheyeball> ericnoan: I know
<fresheyeball> its just seems dumb
<fresheyeball> I put a list of strings in binaryCachePublicKeys
<fresheyeball> instead of concating them to one string
<fresheyeball> now I need to reboot
<fresheyeball> that doesn't seem right
<symphorien> I see something called nixos-rebuild --rollback
<ericnoan> it is nixos-rebuild switch --rollback
<symphorien> does it work ?
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<fresheyeball> no even that throws errors because my my nix.conf
<symphorien> you might also override nix conf with an environment variable
<ericnoan> there is also "nixos-rebuild switch --repair"
<symphorien> in last resort, you can remout -o rw /nix/store but I strongly discourage you to do so because nixos-rebuild does'nt configure grub correctly after that
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 18de0c3 panaeon: skypeforlinux: init at; added myself as maintainer
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 331efb3 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25155 from PanAeon/feature-skypeforlinux...
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<symphorien> according to man nix-build that should be NIX_CONF_DIR=/etc/sanitized_copy_of_etc_nix nixos-rebuild switch
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Hodapp87 opened pull request #25192: ezdxf (Python package): init at 0.8.1 (master...ezdxf)
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<fresheyeball> I found out what to do
<fresheyeball> shlevy: helped me
<fresheyeball> here is what to do in this scenario
<fresheyeball> make a new nix.conf somewhere on disk
<fresheyeball> then sudo su
<fresheyeball> then export NIX_CONF_DIR=path/to/fixed/nix.conf
<fresheyeball> and unset NIX_REMOTE
<fresheyeball> then you can rebuild the os
<fresheyeball> and everything works out fine
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<Sonarpulse> how can I evaluate a hydra job locally?
<Sonarpulse> isn't there some maintainers script for that?
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<asymmetric> hi fellas, i'm trying to run electrum, but i get an ImportError on aes:
<asymmetric> does anyone know what's going on?
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<ericnoan> asymmetric: what version of nixos are you on?
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<asymmetric> i'm not on nixos, i'm installing from master nixpkgs
<asymmetric> the interesting thing is that if you look at the gist, the nix install and a previous, pip install of electrum are getting mixed up
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<ericnoan> i don't know, maybe some dependencies changed...
<ericnoan> you could try the 17.03 channel and see if it works
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #25194: Host vs. target unconfuse (
<asymmetric> yeah, if i remove the pip install, it starts..
<asymmetric> i wish i had never installed _anything_ with pip
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<ericnoan> heh yea... battle of the package managers and all that
<ericnoan> just wait till nix assimilates all the other package managers :)
<ericnoan> we already have haskell and ruby
<ericnoan> or wrappers heh
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<krux02> Profpatsch: I gave up, I guess it is the hack how Nim loads dynamic libraries
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<krux02> does anybody here use nixos to play games?
<krux02> I just tried to play enter the gungeon from gog.
<krux02> I found the config example in the wiki, was very helpful. But it doesn't properly start the game.
<krux02> The game starts, but everything that is visible are some graphical gliches.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin closed pull request #25165: google-compute-image: switch to use the common make-disk-image.nix (
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<copumpkin> phreedom: you around?
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<Sonarpulse> is a fairly understandable one 90% (find and replace) which hydra is on the verge of confirming causes no regressions
<copumpkin> keep in mind that I have 0 clue how the old cross-compilation stuff worked
<copumpkin> so without some sort of high level intro, I'm basically useless
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<copumpkin> also it looks like a rename, plus a snuck in change to the binutils in the darwin stdenv
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: oh really?!
<Sonarpulse> I don't recall having that in the same commit but let me double check
<copumpkin> that
<Sonarpulse> oh darwin *stdenv
<Sonarpulse> I read binutils
<Sonarpulse> cause i did do stuff with that
<Sonarpulse> that's intentional
<Sonarpulse> we want to keep the overrides which don't care about the target platform
<Sonarpulse> but get rid of the overrides which do (cross compilers, binutils, and other tools)
<Sonarpulse> is suppose to explain that
<Sonarpulse> though let me know if I should elaborate it
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<copumpkin> all I'm really looking for is a super high level "I am John and I am rewriting cross compilation in ways X, Y, Z, because the old way was busted, and made no sense, and the new way makes a lot more sense. I hereby define host to be A, target to be B, and use that consistently across all my commits. The approach is different by passing around stdenvs P, Q instead of the old approach which did W, V, which sucked because D, E"
<copumpkin> I just have no context
<copumpkin> I know you're doing massive changes for cross-compilation all over the place
<copumpkin> I just have no coherent high-level story for why you're doing it, what your thought process was, etc.
<Sonarpulse> ok
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: would that belong on this PR or the parent PR?
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<copumpkin> I can review things on a small level and say "indeed you did rename all variables properly with no typos" but not having the high-level context makes my review less useful to you because I'm only doing basic syntactic checks and looking for obvious stupid stuff
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<copumpkin> Sonarpulse: I don't really know or care, as long as it's somewhere :)
<Sonarpulse> ok
<copumpkin> and findable from the various PRs
<Sonarpulse> fair enough
<copumpkin> (this is true for all reviews, FWIW)
<copumpkin> just becomes more necessary for larger ones
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<Sonarpulse> let me beef up commit message, and also double check cross compilation docs
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: hah oops the doc note on deprecated "stdenv.cross" already assumes this change
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a7d8913 John Ericson: top-level: `stdenv.cross` is now only defined with host != build...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a7068ac John Ericson: Rewrite a few `stdenv.cross` uses that *should* be `targetPlatform`...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 49c99b7 John Ericson: cross-stdenv: Only prune most overrides in the final stage...
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: updated the commit message and merged
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<Sonarpulse> insofar that i'm kind of the sole person this deep in the weeds, I guess that makes sense
<copumpkin> hmm fair enough :)
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<copumpkin> where's the "my name is John" blurb? :) :) :)
<copumpkin> regardless, I think such a thing should exist
<copumpkin> even if you do go merging things without getting other people to look at them
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<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: err now I'm confused again
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<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: i get that part of your drift is no one but me knows what the hell this madness is I'm doing :)
<copumpkin> I'm saying that your goal isn't just to get sensible cross-compilation into nixpkgs; it's to make sure the rest of us who maintain all sorts of bits and pieces of nixpkgs affected by your changes are able to maintain it without breaking your stuff
<copumpkin> if you just merge it all in
<copumpkin> we'll either break it because we don't understand it
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<copumpkin> or people will get frustrated and work around it
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<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: ah
<copumpkin> don't just throw it over the wall, is all I'm saying
<Sonarpulse> i guess part of my idea is once i do all my changes
<copumpkin> you (should) want us to understand it
<Sonarpulse> it will be less ambiguous what one is suppose to do
<Sonarpulse> not because it is easy to understand
<Sonarpulse> but because it is easy to cargo cult
<Sonarpulse> whereas before i found it hard to cargo cult
<Sonarpulse> so i do try to document everything in that manual section
<Sonarpulse> but I'm also optomistic that the more i merge the *less* I'll have to worry about breakage
<copumpkin> ok :)
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<sdll> Team, could you please tell me how I can add a file to the package directory in the /nix by pointing a path to the file in configuration.nix? For example, I would like to add a new encryption template to wicd. To achieve that, I need to add a file to the directory /nix/store/xqyqgwcs3y26srcnwrcp4wlss5wawhav-wicd- . Could yo please tell me how this can be achieved?
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<sdll> What is the best way to reference to the install directory of a package in configuration.nix?
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<maiklein> Does anyone know what is going on here ?
<simpson> sdll: Would it be okay to add the file to /etc/encryption/templates instead? /etc can be managed somewhat from configuration.nix.
<simpson> maiklein: You might find it easier to write a Nix expression for the package that you are trying to build.
<simpson> And then using that expression for development, deployment, etc.
<sdll> simpson: Thank you very much for your reply! I did not know that I could do that -- could you please tell me how I can add a file to /etc then from configuration.nix?
<maiklein> I also need xcb for my own libraries, I guess I could also build them with nixos but I am not sure if I want to do that yet.
<maiklein> This is my first day with nixos
<simpson> maiklein: It's okay, you'll get used to it.
<simpson> sdll: Looking for docs.
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<sdll> simpson: Thank you for your time! Let's suppose, for convenience sake, that I have a new encryption template in ~/.templates/new_template
<sdll> I wonder whether there is any way to execute shell script creating the necessary substructure in /etc and then doing ln -s from ~/.templates/new_template to the correct place in /etc
<simpson> $(man configuration.nix) is that same information FWIW.
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<sdll> Thank you very much, simpson!