<offlinehacker[m]> pikajude: if you will be using kubernetes dns locally, you need to set port on 53 and disable dnsmasq, or set it on another port and configure dnsmasq to use multiple resolvers
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<pikajude> okay, i'll write that down
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<globin> pikajude, offlinehacker[m]: I was planning to play with it, too so I'll be fixing up stuff possibly, too if I find something :)
<pikajude> offlinehacker[m], how do pods discover each other?
<pikajude> actually, i should probably take this to the kube channel
<offlinehacker[m]> pikajude: using dns or static service ips and env variables, in general they do not connect directly, but using service, which is also a load balancer
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<pikajude> ok, so to use dns would I need to do what you said earlier
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<ndowens08> So which is prefered in packaging with optional dependencies. using assert or ++ lib.optional(s)?
<offlinehacker[m]> pikajude: no, just to use dns locally, pods will be able to resolve regarding local dns settings
<gchristensen> hi #NixOS
<pikajude> offlinehacker[m]: i see
<offlinehacker[m]> dns, will resolve services, not pods
<offlinehacker[m]> somew thing like "myservice.default.svc.cluster.local"
<pikajude> i see
<offlinehacker[m]> pikajude: lookup deployments and services, these two you need
<pikajude> okay
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #22888: awesome-4.0: Add optional hicolor-icon-theme for theme support (master...master) https://git.io/vD9W6
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<ndowens08> I looked at guix's packaging method, i think it may have confused me more than Nix's :) , some ppl prefer scheme since they know it, but I know none so, Nix's is a little bit more natural compared to that :)
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<globin> niksnut, ikwildrpepper: channel updates seem to be dead for 3 days despite the conditions to bump them seem to be met
<fpletz> gchristensen: just though about it, wasn't sure at first if this is maybe too much… but then I remembered that allowBroken is a global flag and users don't even notice they're installing a vulnerable package… +1
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<globin> gchristensen: additionally to fpletz comment, you should be able to use an env var, too, like NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1
<gchristensen> fpletz: yeah, I'd just use broken, but it isn't fine-grained enough.
<gchristensen> globin: aww... okay :)
<globin> gchristensen: I use that env var for unfree stuff nearly always :>
<gchristensen> yeah, I was just hoping to avoid a global turn-off
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<globin> gchristensen: yeah but I normally install stuff like that into my user-env, e.g. explicitly allow unfree to install spotify
<gchristensen> ah
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* gchristensen goes spelunking
<gchristensen> I've never performed such shenanigans so core to nixpkgs before
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vD9Be
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6515854 Pradeep Chhetri: awless: init at 0.0.13
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #22852: microsoft_gsl: init at 2017-02-13 (master...add_microsoft_gsl) https://git.io/vDDZ6
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #22878: phpPackages.memcached: add missing zlib build dependency (master...fix-php-memcached) https://git.io/vDSEF
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #22877: consul-template: 0.18.0 -> 0.18.1 (master...consul-template-update) https://git.io/vDSE3
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vD9RG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7ab871b Pradeep Chhetri: consul: 0.7.3 -> 0.7.5
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #22880: wuzz: 2017-02-09 -> 0.1.0 (master...wuzz-update) https://git.io/vDS2b
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #22600: keybase: 1.0.18 -> 20170209.17b641d (master...update-keybase) https://git.io/vDgtA
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #22601: kbfs: 1.0.2 -> 20170209.d1db463 (master...update-kbfs) https://git.io/vDgtx
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vD9Eg
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 17f566d Brian McKenna: keybase-gui: init at 20170209.17b641d...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #22866: qbittorrent: 3.3.7 -> 3.3.10 (master...upd.qbittorrent) https://git.io/vDyzD
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/vD9EX
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2143043 Thomas Tuegel: isyncUnstable: download over https
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 88fec30 Thomas Tuegel: isyncUnstable: 2015-11-08 -> 20161218...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3994004 Thomas Tuegel: isyncUnstable: build with zlib support
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #22222: polybar: init at 3.0.4 (master...polybar-3.0.3) https://git.io/vDJ4o
<simpson> Stupid question: What provides the Linux `prof` profiler?
<simpson> Ah, never mind, they meant the standard `perf`.
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<sheenobu> I'm not seeing empathy anymore?
<sheenobu> i just need a decent chat program for google support =\
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<gchristensen> globin, fpletz: still around?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc opened pull request #22890: nixpkgs: allow packages to be marked insecure (master...mark-as-insecure) https://git.io/vD9zs
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<gchristensen> ^
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<simpson> Nice.
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<gchristensen> :D
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<ndowens08> ok how is this: name = "eric6-${version}"; trying to coerce a set to a string?
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<pikajude> version is a set
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] danielfullmer opened pull request #22891: gnupg21: Fix scdaemon for usb smartcards (master...gnupg-scdaemon-fix) https://git.io/vD92o
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<ndowens08> hmm, first time i have encountered that happening :)
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<ndowens08> pikajude: any idea how to work around that?
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<pikajude> ndowens08: did you get one of those error messages where it says such and such error, but the line it gives you is the `name` definition of a package?
<pikajude> i LOVE those
<ndowens08> nix-build -A eric6 --show-trace
<ndowens08> error: while evaluating the attribute ‘nativeBuildInputs’ of the derivation ‘eric6-17.02.1’ at /home/ndowens/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/editors/eric6/default.nix:6:3:
<ndowens08> then it tells about the set to string error
<gchristensen> pikajude: aren't they just a treat?
<ndowens08> might have an idea, maybe
<pikajude> ndowens08: that means something inside buildInputs is causing the error
<pikajude> not the name attribute
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<ndowens08> pikajude: weird, as my buildinputs look like : buildInputs = with pkgs; [ qt57 python3 ];
<ndowens08> just changed it to removed with pkgs; to [ pkgs.qt57 pkgs.python3 ]; same result
<ndowens08> eh oh well lol
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<ndowens08> was hoping I could find something in issues I could do, but nothing :)
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<ndowens08> Oh, if the person that was asking me aboout the hicolor-icon-theme and awesome is still here, i edited the nix file for awesome and created a PR request, emailed the previous maintainer and he replied that he don't even have linux anymore
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pradeepchhetri opened pull request #22892: kafka: -> (master...kafka) https://git.io/vD9XN
<ndowens08> is there a way to seperate pull request? I have pending PR for update to awesomewm and created one for hiawatha server
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<bgamari> is there any trick for determining what attribute can be used to refer to a particular derivation?
<bgamari> for instance, if I run nix-build in my project and I see it fails in derivation X
<bgamari> how would I go about determining what attribute to call nix-shell on to reproduce the issue?
<bgamari> Sonarpulse, if you have a moment... ^
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<bgamari> ahh, I see, you can just refer to it via its path
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<ndowens08> bgamari: i dont know nix-shell but i know you can use -k on nix-build and it will keep the dir if it fails and you can cd in to it, or possibly nix-shell in it, but like i said i haven't figured out shell yet
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<bgamari> ndowens08, ahh, yes, I suppose that is also true
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<Sonarpulse> bgamari: hi
<bgamari> Hey; I think I have answered my own question
<Sonarpulse> oh really?
<bgamari> it seems that way
<Sonarpulse> cause Dan and I did not know of a good answer thinking about it just now :)
<bgamari> heh
<bgamari> well, I answered it by avoiding asking it in the first place
<Sonarpulse> ah righto
<Sonarpulse> --show-trace --keep-failed are our gotos
<bgamari> I neglected to consider that you can still refer to a derivation by path even if it fails
<bgamari> s/it/a previous build of it/
<bgamari> at least it appears to work
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<bgamari> that being said, knowing what attribute we followed to get to the failing derivation would be nice to know at times
<bgamari> not essential here though
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vD9Fa
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c2a5733 Dmitry Kalinkin: wxPython: fix on darwin
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0a44f25 Dmitry Kalinkin: python27Packages.taskcoach: mark as broken on darwin
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8a5c615 Daiderd Jordan: Merge pull request #22814 from veprbl/wxpython...
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<martinb> Hi. I managed to create a package and service for CouchDB 2.0.0. Should I create a pull request as an update to the existing 1.6.1, or make a second package for 2.0.0?
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<goibhniu> hi martinb, I assume 2.0 isn't backwards compatible, right? So it's probably good to keep 1.6.1 around for a while and make the service configurable to allow someone to choose.
<martinb> goibhniu: Hi. Unfortunately I couldn't find out easily about compatibility. I'll go with your suggestion then.
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<goibhniu> I have no idea myself, but I guess that's why they'd bump the major release number.
<LnL> we usually only keep the latest version of a package, but things like databases are a bit different because you might have to migrate your data
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<sphalerite> will lib.commitIdFromRepo work without pulling in the whole of .git?
<LnL> if you look at the postgres service, you can see that the version is based on the original version your config was generated with
<martinb> Do I create a new folder structure couchdb2/default.nix or do I create a new file, like couchdb/release-2.0.0.nix?
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<LnL> just create a 2.0.0.nix file next to the other one
<martinb> And then I introduce some option for the service which version to use, and branch out to the different implementations in couchdb.nix. Right?
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<martinb> LnL: the package option already exists. Should I then dispatch on the value of the package option?
<martinb> LnL: because that does not really sound very robust...
<LnL> use .package in stead of pkgs.couchdb in your module
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar closed pull request #22864: Redo DBus configuration (staging...dbus-etc) https://git.io/vDyEO
<martinb> LnL: I get that, but I need to generate the ini files and the service differently depending on wether the 1.6 branch or the 2.0 branch is used.
<LnL> ooh, the service configuration is not compatible?
<martinb> LnL: exactly
<LnL> that makes it a bit harder
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<martinb> LnL: I guess it will result in some mkMerge expression, but I need to know what to dispatch on. Introduce an option "useVersion2"? or try to parse the version of the .package attribute?
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<LnL> I guess you could base default version of useVersion2 on builtins.parseDrvName couchdb.name
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<brodul> Hi, I am wrapping tests scripts on Jenkins into nix-shell --run
<brodul> I have 3 different jobs
<brodul> that are hanging
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<brodul> I guess they are trying to build the same derivation
<brodul> is there a way to determine which derivation is locking
<martinb> LnL: Can I not use couchdb.version?
<brodul> any ides on how to debug this?
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<domenkozar> brodul: is this on the same slave?
<brodul> yes
<domenkozar> ps aux |grep nixbld
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<brodul> domenkozar: huh there are no processes
<brodul> except the grep
<domenkozar> ah you're probably using the daemon
<domenkozar> ps aux | grep nix-
<brodul> yea they are 10 procs
<brodul> btw this is a raise condition
<domenkozar> all idle or doing some CPU intensivework?
<brodul> idle
<brodul> I have a weird question
<brodul> can I set a TTL for a derivation build
<LnL> martinb: a derivation might not have that attribute
<brodul> thsi stuff only happens when we gabarge colect
<domenkozar> brodul: hydra does that, but I don't think it's a Nix feature
<brodul> in the night
<domenkozar> brodul: GC blocks all building derivations
<domenkozar> is GC done?
<brodul> yes
<brodul> never mind I will do the GC manually since we have a alot of disk space
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<brodul> if I rerun the jobs they work
<domenkozar> hmm ok, I've never seen this before. GC blocks all building, I have GC enabled on multiple servers and I've never seen this. So it must be something else contributing to the problem
<brodul> it's just that the first PR on Jenkins that are efected
<brodul> yea
<brodul> it's really strange
<brodul> btw domenkozar, any plans for todays evening
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<domenkozar> brodul: none yet :)
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<brodul> we should go for a glass of wine
<brodul> or whiskey
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<pierron> LnL: You can continue with the pull request.
<LnL> huh?
<pierron> LnL: your work is more complete than the draft I made at the FOSDEM
<LnL> ah, sure
<LnL> sorry about not mentioning it in the pr, feel kind of bad about it :/
<domenkozar> brodul: in that order
<brodul> ACK
<LnL> pierron: what do you think about adding an argument for the modules basedir to evalModules? or do you prefer just dropping that idea and only allowing paths
<pierron> LnL: I am not yet sure. I don't like adding more arguments to the module system, but this would makes sense.
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<LnL> yeah I'm not sure about it either and it's not very clear to me what the default value should be
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<pierron> LnL: an empty list of paths?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vdemeester opened pull request #22896: glide: make sure to dispaly the correct version (master...fix-glide-version) https://git.io/vDHTz
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDHTg
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a9584c9 Pradeep Chhetri: kafka: ->
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<LnL> pierron: right, a list makes more sense. then if I have some modules that also use nixos I could add both.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vDHIS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 24b1c6e Vladimír Čunát: subsurface: disable parallel make...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDHLN
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 ac4559e Kamil Chmielewski: chromium: flashplayer: ->
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<globin> niksnut, ikwildrpepper: channel publishing seems to be broken
<niksnut> globin: looking at it
<globin> niksnut: thanks :)
<niksnut> disk full
<niksnut> we could use that online EBS resizing now :-)
<domenkozar> :D
<domenkozar> I guess now you can even automate that
<domenkozar> disk full -> waste more moneys
<globin> niksnut: and while your at it we're having a weird patchelf failure with widevine %) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/22333
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<niksnut> hm, unfortunately nixos.org runs on an instance type that doesn't support online resizing
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<martinb> LnL: I think I managed to create something usable. Thanks for your help.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #22896: glide: make sure to dispaly the correct version (master...fix-glide-version) https://git.io/vDHTz
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<LnL> great! ping me on github if you want me to look at the pr
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDHq6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cc4fd4f Orivej Desh: perl-Net-IMAP-Client: init at 0.9505
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 47ded42 Orivej Desh: lumail: init at 2.9
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] timor opened pull request #22897: couchdb: add support for version 2.0.0 (master...couchdb-2.0.0) https://git.io/vDHqQ
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mdaiter opened pull request #22898: stanchion: remove ssl option (master...stanchionSslFix) https://git.io/vDHYF
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<symphorien> hello, I have installed nix on a linux machine where I have an LDAP account. getent passwd $(whoami) displays nothing and ssh refused to work because of that. How do I emulate that I exist ? nix seems to overlook the existing nsswitch.conf
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<msd> Hey! Could I get a quick check-in on this PR please? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/22898 <- just removing an option to grant functionalities to Stanchion. This option--by existing--is preventing stanchion from running
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<makefu> msd: has the ssl feature been removed from stanchion?
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<msd> makefu: it's not specified in the Stanchion configuration; instead, it's specified in another package (Riak CS)
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<makefu> okay, well if this is the case then simply removing should be fine. the pr looks good to me
<msd> makefu: thanks!
<makefu> (but i am no nixpkgs maintainer, only a contributer)
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<makefu> i added a comment nonetheless ;)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #22898: stanchion: remove ssl option (master...stanchionSslFix) https://git.io/vDHYF
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] arianvp opened pull request #22899: Fix mattermost systemd unit (master...patch-1) https://git.io/vDHZ1
<sphalerite> Which version of zlib will be in 17.03?
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<mbrgm> is it preferable to nix-ify most configuration options for a service or do people prefer to specify verbatim configuration when there are a lot of options?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDHcH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4798196 Eelco Dolstra: s3fs-fuse: 1.78 -> 1.80
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mdaiter opened pull request #22900: riak: 2.1.1 -> 2.2.0 (master...riakUpgrade) https://git.io/vDHCo
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<symphorien> can I get statically linked executables with nix ?
<msd> globin: saw that you authorized my last PR. Don't mean to sound too pushy, but could you also please authorize this? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/22900 <- upgrade to Riak, which is a dependency to Stanchion
<domenkozar> symphorien: yes, but not easily
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<symphorien> I tink the dependencies of my executable are juste the libc and gmp so I can try. How then ?
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<symphorien> oh that was in the manual
<symphorien> sorry
<symphorien> ah but juste for haskell
<clever> symphorien: this is how i build a static qemu
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<symphorien> so you put .static variants of the libs you use and that's it ?
<clever> and glib didnt have a static output, so i had to make an override to rebuild glib
<symphorien> apparently there is a derivation called glibc.static in hydra
<clever> glib and glibc are different
<symphorien> ah sorry misread
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<mbrgm> is it preferable to map most configuration options for a service to a nixos module option or do people prefer to specify verbatim configuration when there are a lot of options?
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<mbrgm> see e.g. haproxy vs gitlab service.
<clever> mbrgm: i prefer to map them all to seperate options in nixos, it enforces types and a valid config
<clever> so it cant break at runtime because you made a typo
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<mbrgm> clever: sounds legit. but given you haven't created a service yourself, haven't you been to the situation for a nixos module where you'd exactly know how to build the verbatim config for the service but spend most of the time reverse-mapping that to nixos options by examining the implementation?
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<clever> in the case of my vpn, there is no config file, just a couple commandline arguments
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<clever> so it just needs an option for each
<mbrgm> ok, I see
<clever> in some things like nginx, there are a lot of nixos options to map it about, but it also has extraConfig at each level
<clever> to allow custom stuff they missed
<mbrgm> clever: ok, so can this be generalized to: map the options you're using anyways, leave the rest open for extraConfig?
<clever> yeah, that haproxy config has zero typechecking, so you wont know if its going to break until its too late
<clever> yeah
<mbrgm> clever: but if you look at the docs http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.7/intro.html
<mbrgm> that'd be woops that was just the starter guide
<mbrgm> clever: there's the reference docs http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.7/configuration.html
<avn> btw, folks are we have any escapeing function for `description =` in nixos modules, to make them docbook friendly?
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<mbrgm> clever: that'd be a vast amount of nixos options
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<clever> avn: one weird thing ive discovered, the entire description is pasted inside a <para>${description}</para>, and it doesnt allow nested para's
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<clever> avn: so you are forced to do description = "para1</para><para>para2";
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<avn> clever: Actually I wont escape < and > manually ;)
<clever> avn: more about, the xml must be invalid, to be valid
<mbrgm> anothere one: is it possible to override the preStart part of a systemd service implementation?
<clever> mbrgm: due to how the serviceconfig works, no, the entire serviceConfig is one option
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<mbrgm> gnah
<clever> yeah
<clever> i think all you can do is serviceConfig = mkForce { ... }; to replace the entire thing
<clever> or copy the entire module, rename it, and put it in imports
<clever> then you can customize the module
<clever> or, just copy all of nixpkgs and modify it directly
<ben> hmm, how comes PKG_CONFIG_PATH is empty when I run nix-shell non-interactively, but not when I do, say, echo 'pkg-config --cflags blah' | nix-shell?
<ben> err
<ben> is not empty when i run it interactively
<clever> ben: compare the output of "env | grep PKG" in the shell and build
<ben> it's set when i run nix-shell and type env into the interactive prompt, it's not set when i say echo "env | grep PKG" | nix-shell
<ben> but I'd have expected those to be equivalent
<clever> ben: and nix-shell will also inherit variables from the parent shell, which leaks stuff like this, --pure stops that
<ben> The shell from which I'm invoking nix-shell doesn't have PKG_CONFIG_PATH set either :/
<ben> + it's set with --pure
<clever> strange
<ben> my default.nix is like, stdenv.mkDerivation { ... buildInputs = [ ... (a thing with pkg-config files) pkgconfig ]; }
<ben> (geoipWithDatabase specifically)
<clever> and how are you calling nix-shell?
<ben> echo "env | grep PKG" | nix-shell
<clever> is there a shell.nix?
<ben> no
<clever> can you pastebin the default.nix?
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<ben> It's a bit of hacky scaffolding to run a hackier shell script :/
<ben> but I swear it worked 'til today ;)
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<clever> i would expect that to work, the same
<ben> nix-shell --run env also has it
<ben> maybe I just need to add a level of escaping and do it that way :/
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<ben> nix-shell --run "$(cat <<'EOF' ...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] tavyc opened pull request #22901: quagga: 1.0.20161017 -> 1.2.0 (master...quagga-1.2) https://git.io/vDHB0
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<ale-batt42> hello, i asked a question on ##nix-darwin, but i'm not sure the chan is really used .. Its about installing nix on osx without root access, impossible to create /nix
<symphorien> that is not on darwin, but on linux I used proot
<LnL> you can change the path of the nix store, but then you can't use the binary cache so that's probably not what you want
<ale-batt42> I'm checking to build from the source
<ale-batt42> I'm new to nix, and this kind of tricks
<LnL> there's sandbox-exec on darwin, but I'm not sure if you can define a chroot with that
<ale-batt42> it's not to install nixos, just the packet manager
<ale-batt42> I don't think chroot is needed to install nix right ?
<gchristensen> good morning, #NixOS
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<ale-batt42> Not the morning for me, but good morning ^^
<LnL> no but if you use /nix/store you get binary caches from nixos.org etc..
<LnL> using another store means you'd have to compile llvm/clang yourself for example
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #22900: riak: 2.1.1 -> 2.2.0 (master...riakUpgrade) https://git.io/vDHCo
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<LnL> gchristensen: morning :)
<ndowens08> LnL: or gchristensen is there a way to have more than one PR on github, if I push another package i created while my PR for awesomewm is pending, it attaches my hiawatha pkg to awesome pr
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<ale-batt42> Oh ok ...
<LnL> ndowens08: put your changes on a branch
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<ale-batt42> I think i will stay with brew at school, and keep learning nix at home..
<ndowens08> hmm, so i create a branch in my fork? and when i push from the branch it will seperate them on github?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel opened pull request #22902: KDE 5 packaging instructions (master...kde5-instructions) https://git.io/vDHzF
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<GiGa> g'day all
<LnL> ale-batt42: so if you run ./configure with --with-store-dir=~/nix/store etc you could build a version that lives in you homedir
<gchristensen> but it will be a very unhappy time
<GiGa> Sorry to ask the same question again, I don't think it was answered last time (which is fine)
<gchristensen> no worries, GiGa, hopefully we can help this time
<GiGa> The Jetbrains package updates I submitted to master, do I need to do something else to get them into the 16.09 repo?
<contrapumpkin> GiGa: most changes to master don't get backported to 16.09
<GiGa> ah
<contrapumpkin> there's a 17.03 release coming out next month though
<GiGa> so how would I receive the updates
<GiGa> ah, ok
<LnL> updates are not backported, unless it's for a security issue...
<contrapumpkin> you can subscribe to the nixos-unstable channel
<contrapumpkin> doesn't have to affect your entire system if you don't want it to
<LnL> GiGa: but you can import a single package from staging into your 16.09 system
<GiGa> so basically if there's an update to a piece of software, people end up months behind?
<goibhniu> you can also backport it to 16.09 if you like
<goibhniu> the stable releases only get security updates (mostly)
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<contrapumpkin> GiGa: your whole system doesn't need to fetch all packages from the same channel, so you can grab a handful of packages from unstable while the rest of your system is configured from 16.09
<contrapumpkin> individual users (or shells, or anything really) get a choice about where their packages come from
<ndowens08> LnL: hmm I created a branch, and went to create pull request, but it still wanted to add awesome to it?
<GiGa> LnL: that could be a solution, would you mean like this? https://gist.github.com/joncojonathan/023fe8d700d0f6b16537c8a649bd7f78
<GiGa> presumaly the unstable import only happens for stuff between the {}
<GiGa> ?
<contrapumpkin> nherit (unstable) idea.phpstorm;
<contrapumpkin> that's shorthand for phpstorm = unstable.idea.phpstorm
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<contrapumpkin> although I don't think the syntax even works there
<bennofs> GiGa: looks good
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<GiGa> I need to make sure I import the unstable channel first though yeah?
<ibrahims> hello people, i have a problem.
<contrapumpkin> yeah, it's just an expression, so the import is returning a value, which you're then using further down
<bennofs> GiGa: yes.
<contrapumpkin> it's not like import is "bringing things into scope" or any of that
<contrapumpkin> import returns something just like every other expression
<GiGa> ok
<GiGa> but I also need to nix-channel add unstable yeah?
<ibrahims> previously i got a command not found error for mesos-slaves
<GiGa> what I don't understand is how that then doesn't end up using unstable for everything?
<ibrahims> because mesos could not find gzip commands in the path.
<ale-batt42> LnL: Great thanks ! i'll try this
<GiGa> :( error: syntax error, unexpected LET, at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:100:1
<ibrahims> 16:26 < contrapumpkin> it's not like import is "bringing things into scope" or any of that
<shlevy> contrapumpkin: Why wouldn't that syntax work there?
<ibrahims> sorry,
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<contrapumpkin> shlevy: I didn't think you could use foo.bar inside an inherit clause (outside of the parentheses)
<contrapumpkin> but if it works, great!
<GiGa> hmm, can't make that work
<NickHu> How long does it take the unstable channel to get changes from git?
<shlevy> Oh, not outside of the parens
<contrapumpkin> NickHu: depends whether tests pass
<shlevy> inherit (unstable.idea) phpstorm
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<GiGa> I'm not sure what I've done wrong there
<ibrahims> i'll start fresh. i'm trying to run mesos on nixos, it has been running fine for quite a while. today when i tried to install it on another machine i got an error for `cp /etc/docker.tar.gz /task/path/`
<ibrahims> it exists with an error
<ibrahims> exit status: 32512
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<ibrahims> i thought it might be related to path, previously i've gotten a similar error where it could not find gzip commands and adding `systemd.services.mesos-slave.path = [ pkgs.gzip ];` would fix it.
<ibrahims> now the error might be related to that or it may not be. can some tell me if `cp` would be included in the path of each executable, and if not which package would be needed for it
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<ibrahims> sorry to barge in like this, i'm a bit on fire currently.
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<gchristensen> cp should definitely be there, ibrahims
<gchristensen> if you can, I'd recommend adding a `set -x` at the top of the start script
<gchristensen> and it'll echo what is running
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<GiGa> bennofs: Are you able to see what's wrong with this? https://gist.github.com/joncojonathan/a973383fe1d5d4984b81402a4da18d24
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<NickHu> contrapumpkin: I'm trying to get qutebrowser working with the webengine backend (see https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/22753); apparently it was merged into master a few days ago but I can't seem to install it from nixpkgs-unstable channel yet
<GiGa> contrapumpkin: In future, am I better off submitting pull requests both to 17.03 and master then? To allow people to get the updates?
<contrapumpkin> NickHu: perhaps tests aren't passing or a mass rebuild is causing hydra to take a while
<NickHu> I'm quite new to nixos so I'm wondering if I've forgotten to do some sort of channel sync command
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<NickHu> In general, how can I tell if it has actually landed in unstable?
<contrapumpkin> GiGa: nah, 17.03 hasn't branched off yet, but possibly once that happens
<GiGa> contrapumpkin: well, yes :)
<GiGa> That's fine, I don't mind suggesting pulls to both
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<ibrahims> gchristensen: `sh: @cp@: command not found`
<contrapumpkin> cool, then yeah
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<NickHu> I'm also wondering why I can't seem to uninstall a particular package I installed: I do a `nix-env -e vimplugin-vimproc-vim-2016-08` and it just does nothing and returns 0
<ibrahims> is the exact error, does those `@` mean anything to you?
<contrapumpkin> NickHu: not sure of a general way to do that, but there probably is one
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<GiGa> although presumably I want to branch the release and then make changes, otherwise it'll think I'm trying to put in loads of extras
<contrapumpkin> ibrahims: sounds like a substituteAll invocation without a required argument of cp, but I don't know
<GiGa> for some reason I can't have that "let" there
<bennofs> GiGa, contrapumpkin: i thought release branches are supposed to only contain security updates?
<bennofs> GiGa: yes, because you cannot just embed a let inside a {}
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<contrapumpkin> maybe? I don't remember how we do releases :)
<bennofs> GiGa: { let ... in { ... } } does not make sense
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<GiGa> OK
<bennofs> GiGa: you need to write this like: nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = let { ... } in pkgs: ...
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<GiGa> ?
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<GiGa> bennofs: it doesn't like the "." in "idea.phpstorm"
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<LnL> GiGa: inherit (foo) bar; is the same as bar = foo.bar;
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<bennofs> GiGa: then perhaps use idea.phpstorm = pkgs.idea // { unstable.idea.phpstorm; }
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<bennofs> GiGa: oops sry that is wrong
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<bennofs> GiGa: I meant: idea = pkgs.idea // { phpstorm = unstable.idea.phpstorm; };
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<GiGa> I'm assuming "//" in this case is new line?
<bennofs> GiGa: no, it is a nix operator
<bennofs> GiGa: for merging two sets
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<GiGa> ah ok
<GiGa> this seems to be building:
<GiGa> although it's now compiling the nvidia kernel module so those must have been updated
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<GiGa> so I won't know if that's worked until that finishes
<GiGa> So, if I wanted to add idea.idea-community
<GiGa> could I add a second idea definition like this?:
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] wizeman opened pull request #22903: nixos.openntpd: don't spam systemd journal (master...u/fix-openntpd-spam) https://git.io/vDHrz
<contrapumpkin> shlevy: how can I register an arbitrary path into the store? or for example, how do channel contents make it into the store?
<GiGa> idea = pkgs.idea // { phpstorm = unstable.idea.idea-community; };
<contrapumpkin> oh, is it just nix-store --add?
<vdemeester> anybody working on Go 1.8 update ? 👼
<bennofs> contrapumpkin: yeah something like that
<GiGa> hmm, that seems to have pulled in PHPStorm 10 still :(
<shlevy> contrapumpkin: nix-store --add
<shlevy> or --add-fixed
<contrapumpkin> ah
<contrapumpkin> so if I'm copying the channel from one store to another
<bennofs> shlevy: what was the difference between --add and --add-fixed again?
<contrapumpkin> and want to preserve the actual hash path
<contrapumpkin> I assume it unpacks and then treats it as -add-fixed?
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<shlevy> You can specify the hash type and whether to use recursive hashing with fixed
<bennofs> shlevy: oh so --add-fixed is a strict superset of --add, right?
<GiGa> Definitely still PHPStorm 10
<GiGa> although I've taken it out the configuration.nix (commented out everything I just added)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] wizeman opened pull request #22904: pycurl: 7.19.5 -> (master...u/fix-pycurl-libressl) https://git.io/vDHo8
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<GiGa> and ensured I'd run "nix-env -e idea.phpstorm" to be sure
<GiGa> and it's still installed
<GiGa> I don't understand that
<bennofs> GiGa: nixpkgs overrides in configuration.nix don't apply to nix-env
<GiGa> that's fine
<GiGa> I don't want it via nix-env
<bennofs> GiGa: oh right -e
<GiGa> I'm happy for it to be available at system level
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<bennofs> GiGa: what does nix-env -q | grep phpstorm print?
<bennofs> GiGa: nix-env -e takes the name, not the attribute pat
<GiGa> as root or my user?
<bennofs> GiGa: as your user
<bennofs> and as root as well
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<GiGa> OK, as my user it showed I had PHPstorm 10
<GiGa> so I've now "nix-env -e phpstorm"
<GiGa> and now it's not installed at all
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<bennofs> GiGa: have you put phpstorm into systemPackages in your configuration.nix?
<GiGa> no
<GiGa> do I need to?
<GiGa> is the override only telling it which channel to get it from?
<bennofs> GiGa: yes.
<GiGa> ah
* GiGa hopefully understands
<GiGa> so do I put it in as phpstorm
<GiGa> or as idea
<GiGa> given that I've defined idea as the unstable phpstorm?
<bennofs> GiGa: as idea.phpstorm
<GiGa> ok
<GiGa> and if I wanted the unstable version of "idea.idea-community" too?
<contrapumpkin> shlevy: I can't get it to produce the same hash as the source channel
<contrapumpkin> :(
<GiGa> I'm guessing something like this:
<GiGa> idea = pkgs.idea // { phpstorm = unstable.idea.phpstorm; idea-community = unstable.idea.idea-community;};
<bennofs> GiGa: that would work. you can also get all unstable versions if you just replace that with: idea = unstable.idea;
<contrapumpkin> shlevy: I rsync -a /nix/store/1231jkl21j5kl1-blahblah-channel ~/blahblah-channel
<contrapumpkin> then nix-store --add ~/blahblah-channel
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<contrapumpkin> --add-fixed seems to not do anything
<GiGa> bennofs: ok, then define idea.phpstorm and idea.idea-community in systemPackages?
<bennofs> GiGa: yes
<Dezgeg> I guess the directory can't be named blahblah-channel
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<contrapumpkin> Dezgeg: I actually reproduced the original name
<clever> contrapumpkin: what about just using nix-copy-closure?
<Dezgeg> oh, the blahblah didn't include the hash
<contrapumpkin> that was my only point
<bennofs> contrapumpkin: why not just use nix-store --export and nix-store --import ?
<contrapumpkin> bennofs: perhaps that's what I need! I haven't used those before
<clever> contrapumpkin: nix-copy-closure will just copy storepaths from one box to another, including all dependencies
<contrapumpkin> this needs to run under a nix builder, so I'm trying not to do anything that requires nix on the "source"
<clever> ah
<clever> a lot of things are restricted under the context of a builder
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<contrapumpkin> so far I've just been using exportReferencesGraph on the channel
<contrapumpkin> and then copying that in the usual way
<clever> so no ssh and no --import
<clever> --export, maybe
<contrapumpkin> but it feels silly because the channel has no import
<contrapumpkin> err, no dependencies
<contrapumpkin> maybe I'll just leave that for now
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jsmaniac opened pull request #22905: crack-attack: enable sound support in the crack-attack game. (master...crack-attack-sound) https://git.io/vDH6Z
<contrapumpkin> it works
<bennofs> contrapumpkin: try nix-store --add-fixed sha256 ~/blablah-channel
<contrapumpkin> bennofs: how do I ask it to be recursive?
<contrapumpkin> it seems unmentioned in the man page
<contrapumpkin> the whole --add-fixed command
<bennofs> contrapumpkin: --recursive
<GiGa> bennofs: still PHPStorm 10, but the right version of idea-community. That doesn't make sense
<contrapumpkin> bennofs: worked but didn't produce the same hash :/
<contrapumpkin> in fact it produced the same hash as -add
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<bennofs> GiGa: yeah that sounds weird. check if you have installed phpstorm as root maybe?
<bennofs> GiGa: nix-env -q | grep phpstorm as root
<GiGa> bennofs: nope, neither are correct, I made an error
<GiGa> they're both the old versions
<GiGa> so it looks like my override is being ignored
<bennofs> ol),
<GiGa> does it need to be above systemPackages in configuration.nix?
<bennofs> Number(Number),
<bennofs> String(String),
<bennofs> Array(Vec<Value>),
<bennofs> Object(Map<String, Value>),
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<bennofs> oops sry
<bennofs> GiGa: that't shouldn't be needed
<GiGa> then I don't understand at all
<bennofs> GiGa: what does type -a phpstorm say?
<GiGa> phpstorm is /run/current-system/sw/bin/phpstorm
<bennofs> GiGa: can you update the gist with your current configuration.nix?
<contrapumpkin> bennofs, shlevy: aha, the reason I can't reproduce the hash is because it's not a fixed-output derivation; it's the result of unpack-channel.nix
<GiGa> bennofs: sure, one sec
<contrapumpkin> (I think)
<GiGa> bennofs: is this better off moved into a /msg
<GiGa> ?
<contrapumpkin> I'll just stick to the closure export for now
<bennofs> GiGa: no it's ok here
<clever> contrapumpkin: ah right, so the hash will depend on the scripts in here, and which version of tar+gzip+bzip that nix was built against: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/master/corepkgs/unpack-channel.nix
<bennofs> GiGa: someone might have the same problem in the future and at least they might be able to find the IRC logs in that case ;)
<contrapumpkin> yup
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<GiGa> righto
<GiGa> OK
<GiGa> gist is updated
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<bennofs> GiGa: you have a few too many nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides there
* GiGa looks
<GiGa> ok, yes, there's two
<GiGa> do I only want the one within "in pkgs" +
<GiGa> *?
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<ndowens08> Is there an issue with xmonad? I have it in my configuration and enabled xtrapackages and things like that and if I choose it as my session through my display manager it just stays at a blank screen, nothing loads and also made sure to try keybindings to see if i could get a program to run
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<ndowens08> never tried that wm, so wanted to give it a try
<GiGa> bennofs: I must have adjusted my file wrong, as I'm being told unexpected in
<GiGa> bennofs: fixed my typo
<GiGa> now get this "error: file ‘nixos-unstable’ was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I), at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:60:23"
<bennofs> GiGa: did you add the channel as root?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] armijnhemel opened pull request #22906: scummvm: 1.8.0 -> 1.9.0 (master...master) https://git.io/vDH1L
<GiGa> sudo nix-channel --list
<GiGa> shows
<GiGa> just running "sudo nix-channel --update"
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<GiGa> looks like I forgot to do that
* GiGa is a dummy
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<GiGa> but it's now refusing to install due to an unfree license
<GiGa> despite "nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;" being in configuration.nix" already
<clever> when you imported a 2nd nixpkgs, it didnt get nixpkgs.config
<clever> you must import <nixos-unstable> { config = nixpkgs.config; }
<clever> oops, import <nixos-unstable> { config = config.nixpkgs.config; }
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<GiGa> Ah, found an issue with that clever
<GiGa> error: infinite recursion encountered, at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:63:7
<clever> oh
<clever> the overrides for the main nixpkgs are causing that
<clever> just specify its own config as a new attrset
<clever> import <nixos-unstable> { config = { allowUnfree = true; }; }
<GiGa> So just specify the unfree again?
<GiGa> ok, one sec
<clever> yeah, like i just typed
<clever> now each nixpkgs has its own overrides and config
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<GiGa> clever: that's building
<GiGa> There's certainly going to be a lot of old configs for me to remove once this is all sorted :)
<GiGa> Aside from the fact you folk have been using NixOS a lot longer than me, I assume, I am in awe of how much you all know
<GiGa> and apologise for my lameness!
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<clever> i get a bit OCD about knowing how things work, so ive read relatively large chunks of the nixpkgs and nix source
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<contrapumpkin> clever, bennofs, shlevy: given the output of exportReferencesGraph, is there a way to ask it what the "root" of the export was? I currently need to pass them separately now and it's icky
<contrapumpkin> or niksnut for that matter :&
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<GiGa> I think we're cooking with gas folks
<GiGa> that's the right versions now
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<GiGa> I really appreciate it. It's fair to say that's made my weekend (I'm developing this weekend, and the prospect of being stuck with v10 was doing my head in)
<ndowens08> xmonad still won't start after adding it to my configuration, anyone know if it is broke?
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<mudri> ndowens08: it works on my machine. What other desktop environments and window managers do you have installed?
<ndowens08> awesomewm
<mbrock> clever: it seems to me that the source basically is the documentation for nixpkgs (:
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] wizeman opened pull request #22907: rustc: 1.15 -> 1.15.1 (master...u/upd-rust) https://git.io/vDHyf
<gchristensen> can you override* a derivation which is marked as broken, without allowing broken?
<mudri> ndowens08: what do you mean by “won't start”?
<ndowens08> i use lightdm for display manager and if xmonad is selected it just stays at the screen with a background(not sure which bg) but selecting awesome works;
<bennofs> mbrock: that's kind of accurate atm :(
<clever> gchristensen: dont think so, you wont even be able to access the .override attribute
<gchristensen> that does appear to be the case
<ndowens08> mudri: what I mean is that is just stays at a screen with a background and from what I read mod1+p would bring up where I can type what to run but nothing happens
<bennofs> gchristensen: you should be able to override, but not overrideDerivation
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<gchristensen> hrm
<bennofs> hmm what???
<mudri> ndowens08: xmonad has terrible defaults, and it's believable that that wouldn't work.
<bennofs> i don't understand that
<mudri> alt+return might... let me check.
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<bennofs> ndowens08: I think you need to have dmenu installed for alt+p to work
<bennofs> or was it dzen2?
<mudri> ndowens08: mod-shift-return
<ndowens08> i use to use gnome/kde and things like that; got to where I prefer things like awesome/i3 and wanted to see what xmonad is like
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<mudri> bennofs, ndowens08: yeah, you would need dmenu installed (separately) for mod-p to work.
<joachifm> gchristensen: I think we just need to wait for the meta-refactor thing to be integrated
<Entroacceptor> xmonad really needs some work till it's usable
<gchristensen> joachifm, bennofs: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/22890
<Entroacceptor> it's more of a window manager construction kit
<mudri> There might be a decent-defaults xmonad config somewhere.
<Entroacceptor> bluetile, probably
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<bennofs> gchristensen: i don't understand why .override would not work. let me check the implementation of callPackage...
<gchristensen> bennofs: maybe it will? I don't know how to use `.override` (I had to look up how to do this override in the example...)
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<contrapumpkin> is it a sub-attrset of packages?
<contrapumpkin> if so, you want callPackages
<contrapumpkin> oh never mind
<joachifm> gchristensen: override is supposed to change the attrset passed to mkDerivation, so it'd make sense that it'd work ...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDHSA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 9021951 Joachim Fasting: grsecurity: 4.9.8-201702071801 -> 4.9.10-201702152052...
<bennofs> joachifm, gchristensen: .override doesn't work...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #22680: creduce: init at 2.6.0 (master...feature/creduce) https://git.io/vDwZa
<contrapumpkin> niksnut, domenkozar: almost done "splitting out responsibilities" for nixos-install so I can use the common core stuff across the new image builder and nixos-install, and I think it's looking pretty good!
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<contrapumpkin> I'll have a PR later today I think
<bennofs> joachifm, gchristensen: ah it's because callPackage works for functions as well. so callPackage f args checks if (f args) is an attr set or a function, and thus forces (f args) and triggers the assertion
<contrapumpkin> basically the new core logic is called nixos-prepare-root and can run fully root-less, but does no Nix building and doesn't need anything from the host. nixos-install takes care of building if necessary (dealing with the host store) and passes the resulting closures into nixos-prepare-root. The image builder uses the same script but internal to a (pure, VM-less) nix build
<contrapumpkin> I think it's a separation of responsibilities that makes sense and avoids all the "substitute from filesystem" stuff we had to do in old nixos-install
<bennofs> joachifm, gchristensen: this seems to be a case of nix being too strict: curl https://cache.nixos.org/4srlwrphq4z6iz354am0rf3vis84s8kw.ls.xz | xz -d | xxd
<bennofs> % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
<bennofs> Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
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<bennofs> 100 212 100 212 0 0 632 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 632
<bennofs> 00000000: 7b22 7665 7273 696f 6e22 3a31 2c22 726f {"version":1,"ro
<bennofs> 00000010: 6f74 223a 7b22 7479 7065 223a 2264 6972 ot":{"type":"dir
<bennofs> 00000020: 6563 746f 7279 222c 2265 6e74 7269 6573 ectory","entries
<bennofs> 00000030: 223a 7b22 6c69 6222 3a7b 2274 7970 6522 ":{"lib":{"type"
<bennofs> 00000040: 3a22 6469 7265 6374 6f72 7922 2c22 656e :"directory","en
<bennofs> 00000050: 7472 6965 7322 3a7b 2261 7370 656c 6c22 tries":{"aspell"
<bennofs> 00000060: 3a7b 2274 7970 6522 3a22 6469 7265 6374 :{"type":"direct
* contrapumpkin coughs loudly at bennofs
<bennofs> 00000070: 6f72 7922 2c22 656e 7472 6965 7322 3a7b ory","entries":{
<bennofs> 00000080: 2262 6f6b 6d61 6c2e 616c 6961 7322 3a7b "bokmal.alias":{
<bennofs> 00000090: 2274 7970 6522 3a22 7265 6775 6c61 7222 "type":"regular"
<joachifm> oops :)
<contrapumpkin> gchristensen: +q? :)
<bennofs> 000000a0: 2c22 7369 7a65 223a 3732 7d2c 2262 6f6b ,"size":72},"bok
<bennofs> 000000b0: 6de5 6c2e 616c 6961 7322 3a7b 2274 7970 m.l.alias":{"typ
<bennofs> 000000c0: 6522 3a22 7265 6775 6c61 7222 2c22 7369 e":"regular","si
<bennofs> 000000d0: 7a65 223a 3732 7d2c 226e 622e 6461 7422 ze":72},"nb.dat"
<bennofs> 000000e0: 3a7b 2274 7970 6522 3a22 7265 6775 6c61 :{"type":"regula
<bennofs> 000000f0: 7222 2c22 7369 7a65 223a 3133 397d 2c22 r","size":139},"
<LnL> what's this \o/
<bennofs> 00000100: 6e62 2e6d 756c 7469 223a 7b22 7479 7065 nb.multi":{"type
<bennofs> 00000110: 223a 2272 6567 756c 6172 222c 2273 697a ":"regular","siz
<bennofs> 00000120: 6522 3a37 307d 2c22 6e62 2e72 7773 223a e":70},"nb.rws":
<bennofs> 00000130: 7b22 7479 7065 223a 2272 6567 756c 6172 {"type":"regular
<bennofs> 00000140: 222c 2273 697a 6522 3a31 3130 3339 3130 ","size":1103910
<bennofs> 00000150: 347d 2c22 6e6f 2e61 6c69 6173 223a 7b22 4},"no.alias":{"
<bennofs> 00000160: 7479 7065 223a 2272 6567 756c 6172 222c type":"regular",
<bennofs> 00000170: 2273 697a 6522 3a37 327d 2c22 6e6f 7273 "size":72},"nors
<bennofs> 00000180: 6b2e 616c 6961 7322 3a7b 2274 7970 6522 k.alias":{"type"
<bennofs> 00000190: 3a22 7265 6775 6c61 7222 2c22 7369 7a65 :"regular","size
<contrapumpkin> we need more ops in here
<avn> dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/irc ;)
<bennofs> 000001a0: 223a 3732 7d7d 7d7d 7d7d 7d7d ":72}}}}}}}}
<pippijn> that's json
<bennofs> wow sry
<bennofs> idk why my paste protection didn't catch this
<bennofs> LnL: an example of a file listing from hydra that contains non-unicode characters
<bennofs> pippijn: not entirely valid json, since one string there has a non-unicode character :)
<pippijn> bokm.l.alias
<pippijn> right
<pippijn> e5 :)
<LnL> bennofs: :p
<bennofs> joachifm, gchristensen: what I actually wanted to say is that this occurs because '(throw "undefined" // { foo = 3; }).foo' fails, even though you could say it should succeed
<bennofs> nix is too strict in this case. but well, then even '(4 // { foo = 3; }).foo' would succeed, which is perhaps not what we want
<clever> bennofs: i believe it needs to eval both of the // arguments, to find the list of keys, and know which side to get the valid from
<clever> value*
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<bennofs> clever: well it could start with the right one and if it finds it in the right side, dont eval the left
<clever> ah, for the // case, yeah
<clever> it overwrites, so a right to left search works
<bennofs> clever: but then it cannot check the type of left, so if it matches in right, it cannot check that left is a set as well
<clever> that might even be faster, but i believe it currently doesnt search, but rather, creates a new attrset with the result of merging
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDHHf
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 73112a6 Bjørn Forsman: pcsctools: unbreak 'gscriptor' by adding cairo...
<clever> instead of searching right, then left, it evals the entire // operator, and makes a new attret, with references to the values from before
<bennofs> ah ok
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<ndowens08> Eh, i think i will stay with awesomewm maybe :)
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<mudri> Does anyone else use services.urxvtd?
<mudri> It seems that I have to start urxvtc twice before any client appears.
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<joachifm> hm, I see it depends on the system unit graphical.target; does that even work for a user service?
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<lassulus> I'm using services.urxvtd and everything works fine for me
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<mudri> lassulus: what desktop environment, &c?
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<lassulus> slim with no desktopManager and xmonad as windowManager
<lassulus> but I'm not sure if I have to run urxvtc twice
<lassulus> will test it later, after reboot
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<Criena[m]> Hi there, can someone give a hint on using custome (Python) scripts in combination with nix packages? How to do it?
<Criena[m]> Background: I'm currently migrating my prosody server to NixOS and want to use external authentication (a python script).
<Criena[m]> For some reason though prosody can't start the script. I even have trouble figuring out why.
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<Criena[m]> I tried with amending the she-bang to nix-shell and added python and the required packages, but still no success.
<mudri> lassulus: I've got a pretty similar setup, so testing would be helpful. Sometimes it's easy for me to think that I've only asked for a terminal once, when I've actually asked twice. Or maybe I didn't actually hit the key.
<mudri> But I'm fairly sure, by running urxvtc from my command launcher.
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<Criena[m]> NixOS seems really great so far (migrated three machines already), but the fact that it's rather different to "standard" Linux, makes it hard to get a move on.
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<mudri> Criena[m]: Yeah, Nix takes a long time to learn. I don't think it's something one can practise, like one would with programming exercises for languages.
<simpson> Criena[m]: The most helpful thing would be error messages.
<mudri> And sorry, I can't help much with scripting or Python.
<ndowens08> ok am I missing something or don't understand something correctly. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/22888 on that PR, i am using assert enablehicolorTheme -> hicolor_icon_theme !=null, abbradar posted that am not actually using hicolor_icon_theme anywhere? Do i have to add hicolor_icon_theme somewhere else, like buildInputs = [ ] ++optional [hicolor_icon_theme]; ?
<mudri> But what does it mean to use a script with a package? I can think of a few interpretations.
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<ndowens08> thought using assert would say if enableHicolorTheme is true then install hicolor_icon_theme
<mjhoy> Does nixos somehow determine my default web browser?
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<Criena[m]> Prosody isn't of much help. I only get "auth_external: Nonsense back" as an error message.
<Criena[m]> Simply starting the script from the shell doesn't work, since it requires the ldap3 and systemd modules.
<Criena[m]> mudri: It's not a python issue in general.
<Criena[m]> I amended the she-bang to
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<Criena[m]> #! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
<Criena[m]> #! nix-shell -i python3 -p python35Packages.systemd python35Packages.ldap3
<Criena[m]> Then I can run the script from the command line - no issues at all.
<Criena[m]> But obviously that's not enough for prosody to run it.
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<simpson> Dunno, you might have to ask the Prosody folks.
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<gchristensen> lol, wizeman just updated their nixpkgs I see, thanks to being `cc`'d in a commit message :D
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<LnL> ndowens08: I think he missed the optional buildInputs
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<ndowens08> LnL: I just added it, thinking that might be what he meant :)
<gchristensen> globin: remember when you cc'd me in a libressl commit?
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<LnL> ndowens08: oh you fixed it :)
<ndowens08> yup :)
<clever> contrapumpkin: have you seen my kexec tricks with nixos?
<contrapumpkin> nope!
<gchristensen> contrapumpkin: those are how I provision packet.net boxes
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<contrapumpkin> oh cool
<gchristensen> straight ~magic~
<clever> contrapumpkin: if you build the kexec_tarball attribute as shown in line 1 of the config, you get a tarball containing a shell script, kernel, and initrd, and the initrd contains a full nixos build
<contrapumpkin> fancy!
<clever> contrapumpkin: the idea, is that you upload this tarball to any server, unpack it to /, and then just run /kexec_nixos
<ttuegel> gchristensen: We should add that to our contributor guidelines: don't @ anyone in a commit message! :-)
<gchristensen> haha yeah
<gchristensen> because I have probably 50 emails about that commit now haha
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] wizeman opened pull request #22908: nixos.samba: add enableNmbd and enableWinbindd options (master...u/fix-samba-disable-srv) https://git.io/vDQe6
<clever> contrapumpkin: and within 2 minutes, its running full nixos from ram, you can ssh into that, and wipe the hdd, then do a normal nixos-install
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<contrapumpkin> clever: lovely! makes NixOS even more infectious :P
<wizeman> gchristensen: sorry, I don't know how to disable those CCs!
<clever> contrapumpkin: yep
<gchristensen> wizeman: you can't :) it is okay, don't stress
<clever> contrapumpkin: line 53-60 of configuration.nix is another addition i did recently to deal with crappy network configs
<clever> contrapumpkin: the datacenter i had to deal with lately lacks dhcp, so i had to put static ip config into this file, but if i get it wrong, i cant remotely reboot
<clever> contrapumpkin: but a couple extra lines of nix later, i have a systemd timer that reboots back to the original OS every hour
<clever> if i do get in, i can just stop the timer
<contrapumpkin> reboots back to the original OS?
<clever> yeah
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<clever> contrapumpkin: the kexec works entirely in ram, without any changes to the MBR or bootloader
<contrapumpkin> oh okay
<clever> contrapumpkin: so if you just reboot without formating things, the previous OS boots back up
<contrapumpkin> nice :)
<clever> contrapumpkin: and another idea i had recently, just put this initrd in /boot, and give it a grub.cfg entry
<clever> contrapumpkin: now you can basicaly boot the install CD at any time
<contrapumpkin> also very cool, reminds me of the macOS recovery partition
<clever> and if you enable ssh in that recovery image, you could ask the datacenter to pick it from grub for you
<clever> then recover it yourself
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<clever> contrapumpkin: i also then had another idea on how to further improve the usability of nixos in remote locations
<clever> contrapumpkin: in theory, i can make a program that runs on bootup, within the initrd, that will wait ~30 seconds for certain network packets, and if it gets none, it boots the default OS
<clever> contrapumpkin: but if you do give it the right network packets, you get a boot menu over the network
<clever> and in either case, kexec the chosen nixos image
<clever> after that, you just need to ensure nixos always reboots upon any boot failure
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<contrapumpkin> sounds lovely!
<contrapumpkin> would beat most of the guides to installing on unfriendly hosts
<clever> yeah
<clever> one thought i had, is to add the kexec stuff to nixops
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<clever> so you just give nixops root access to any linux machine in any datacenter, and it just works
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<contrapumpkin> ooh, that'd make gchristensen very happy
<gchristensen> :)
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<clever> and there is another trick, for cases where kexec isnt in the kernel of the target
<clever> just edit the existing bootloader to make the recovery image the default
<clever> either keeping the current grub, or blowing it away via nixos-in-place mechanics (running the nix build of grub-install)
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<Judson> Hrm. Any idea how the bundlerEnv passthru.env is meant to be used? It has a buildCommand that's clearly meant to prevent it being used for building. I'm trying to inherit it into a shell.nix though, and the buildCommand still runs...
<clever> Judson: how are you trying to inherit it?
<Judson> In shell.nix: `in stdenv.mkDerivation { ... inherit (rubyEnv) env; ... }
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<Judson> Which is maybe wrong? From what I can see, I'd like the IRBRC it sets up, and I'm not intending to use it in a build default.nix...
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<Judson> (even more, I'd like to be able to set up e.g. ruby and rake in my nix-shell based on wrappedRuby, but I'll get there)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 2chilled opened pull request #22909: sweethome3d: version compatible with master and 16.09 (master...master) https://git.io/vDQTB
<clever> Judson: that is copying every attribute from the env, including the build command
<clever> Judson: oh wait no, thats env = rubyEnv.env; which means it has to build that env first
<Judson> Okay? But nix-shell should be setting up just shy of running that buildCommand, shouldn't it?
<clever> and with an invalid buildEnv, it cant
<clever> buildCommand*
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<Judson> That's sort of what I figured. What I want, though is to get that env set up in my nix-shell without building it.
<clever> the env attribute is meant to have nix-shell directly ran on it, via nix-shell -A rubyEnv.env
<Judson> I'm assuming that builderEnv is written with a particular invocation in mind, and wondering what that should look like
<clever> and then its env vars get set inside the shell
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<Judson> clever, that gives me 'error: cannot auto-call a function that has an argument without a default value (‘name’)'
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm opened pull request #22910: linux_4_9: version bump and cve patch (master...linux_4_9) https://git.io/vDQkh
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<ndowens08> nix-env -i doesnt want to work in build-vm and nix-channel --update gives nixos-17.03pre101267.a9584c9.drv no such file or directory?
<clever> Judson: what is in default.nix?
<clever> ndowens08: the build-vm has a read-only store by default
<ndowens08> trying to see if my update of awesome will work and need those commands lol
<ndowens08> can it be set to write clever ?
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<Judson> No default; there is a shell.nix
<clever> Judson: does the shell.nix import <nixpkgs> ?
<Judson> Yes
<Judson> The argument without a default value error makes sense to me, since bundlerEnv expects to get a gem name to build.
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<Judson> I got somewhere with this: `inherit (rubyEnv.env) shellHook`
<ndowens08> clever: so How can i set it as writeable?
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<Judson> Doesn't quite work (the IRBRC gets added, but the bundler/setup doesn't have the right things in the path)
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<Judson> Hah!
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<Judson> Trick is to use (bundlerEnv {...}).env as the shell.nix
<ambro718> How do I get smb support in gvfs (e.g. Thunar)?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 2chilled opened pull request #22911: rawtherapee: 5.0-r1 -> 5.0-r1-gtk2 (master...rawtherapee) https://git.io/vDQqL
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDQqB
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 89a0365 Matthias Herrmann: sweethome3d: version compatible with master and 16.09...
<ndowens08> so how do i make the store writable in qemu to test my package so it can be pushed to master?
<Judson> (except that doesn't let the ruby app itself work... hm)
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<ndowens08> looking at the module for qemu and trying to add it to my test config but either it gives me option not found or can't coerce whatever to string
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 3 new commits to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDQm4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 f97ec84 Bjørn Forsman: pcsctools: unbreak 'gscriptor' by adding cairo...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 1c41906 Matthias Herrmann: sweethome3d: 5.2 -> 5.4...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 c8ef369 Matthias Herrmann: sweethome3d: version compatible with master and 16.09...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor closed pull request #22909: sweethome3d: version compatible with master and 16.09 (master...master) https://git.io/vDQTB
<clever> ndowens08: what command are you currently using and what are you trying to test?
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<ndowens08> awesomewm changes i made, though seems it may not be needed, seems we are leaning as making the dep needed for 4.0 themese as propagatedbuidInputs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #22685: Add option to power up bluetooth controller (master...bluetooth) https://git.io/vDwWu
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 6 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDQOr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a5e9668 aszlig: nixos/test: Fix escaping for copyFileFromHost...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 32c2e8f aszlig: taskserver/helpertool: Fix error message on export...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 78fe00d aszlig: taskserver: Allow helper tool in manual config...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDQsy
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 213356c Nikolay Amiantov: activation-script service: add utillinux to path
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e67416f ndowens: awesome-4.0: Add hicolor-icon-theme for theme support...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar closed pull request #22888: awesome-4.0: Add optional hicolor-icon-theme for theme support (master...master) https://git.io/vD9W6
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] teh opened pull request #22912: lib: Add a function to filter sources by regular expressions. (master...sourceRegex) https://git.io/vDQsb
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pradeepchhetri opened pull request #22913: serf: 20150515 -> 0.8.1 (master...serf) https://git.io/vDQGL
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<gchristensen> nice work, ndowens08!
<gchristensen> !m ndowens08
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, ndowens08!
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<ndowens08> gchristensen: Thanks :) about to push another pkgs :)
<gchristensen> and you said you weren't a programmer
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<ndowens08> i'm not :)
<philipp[m]> Has anybody elses setuid bit for sudo gone missing after rebuild on unstable today?
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<gchristensen> philipp[m]: could be ... pcap wrappers were merged
<ibrahims> gchristensen: thanks, updated the mesos and it's working now. 1.0.1 -> 1.10 update could not happen in place though. is it expected behaviour?
<gchristensen> nice
<gchristensen> I don't know, sorry, I don't know anything about mesos
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDQnb
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bd0d8ed Robin Gloster: programs.mtr: init setcap-wrapper
<ibrahims> okay. good evening.
<globin> philipp[m]: might have to login again to get the new PATH
<globin> philipp[m]: or reboot
<globin> philipp[m]: I'm planning to add some temporary link before the release
<philipp[m]> Ah, I had my tmux still running with an old env.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDQcz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7a113e9 Dan Peebles: fakechroot: 2.17.2 -> 2.19 (with modification)...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pradeepchhetri opened pull request #22915: envconsul: init at 0.6.2 (master...envconsul) https://git.io/vDQca
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<lassulus> mudri|srcf: yeah I checked, i really need to start urxvtc twice
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<qknight_> hey. say i have a function in a nix expression. is there a way to query the amount and type of its arguments?
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<gchristensen> qknight_: maybe `builtins.functionArgs`
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<gchristensen> whoa there is a built-in for sort
<lassulus> qknight_: nix has no types, so I guess you cant query the type
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<avn> lassulus: it is duck typed, so when function called, you can look to type of passed arg (but I not remember how `typeof` named)
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<clever> nix-repl> builtins.typeOf "foo"
<clever> "string"
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<dtz> hey folks--if I wanted to use a rust tool as a dependency for non-rust code, is there a good way to do this, like rustPackages.packagename that represents the corresponding item from our fixed registry?
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<dtz> i see I could do a buildRustPackage if I wanted to tell it where the source was and such but I was hoping to avoid that and basically capture the equivalent of what I get with "cargo install package". Is this possible/am I missing something? :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #22916: Hiawatha: Init at 10.5 (master...master) https://git.io/vDQuv
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<dtz> heck, I guess it's the same problem of not having rust packages from registry available at Nix level for installation (without explicitly being added), but there I suppose adding ~/.cargo/bin to my PATH works if a unsatisfying Nix-wise
<dtz> anyway please LMK if I'm missing something or maybe misunderstanding rust/cargo/our-infra-for-them O:).
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<MP2E> hi, I updated to the latest nixpkgs master and now I can't log into root or use sudo
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDQaK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 33ed68f Robin Gloster: gexiv2: 0.10.3 -> 0.10.4...
<MP2E> rolling back seems to fix it
<MP2E> but my last rollback is the master from 11 days before
<MP2E> not sure why that would be broken..
<viric> weird thing, yes
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<clever> MP2E: thats usualy what hydra saves you from, if your on nixos-unstable
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee opened pull request #22917: Fix Graylog on NixOS 16.09 (release-16.09...fix/graylog/16.09) https://git.io/vDQV0
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<Criena[m]> Hi there, can someone give me a hand regarding how to debug a service? I.e. how do I get into the same "environment" the service sees?
<Criena[m]> Would I use nix-shell for that?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDQKq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 73577a2 Joachim Fasting: linux_4_9: 4.9.9 -> 4.9.10
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e8007c0 Joachim Fasting: linux_4_9: patch for CVE-2017-5986...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0a22a86 Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #22910 from joachifm/linux_4_9...
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<contrapumpkin> anyone have feedback on https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21943?
<contrapumpkin> err, my comment at the end of it
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #22917: Fix Graylog on NixOS 16.09 (release-16.09...fix/graylog/16.09) https://git.io/vDQV0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #22918: atom: 1.14.1 -> 1.14.3 (master...atom_1_14_3) https://git.io/vDQ6W
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<ndowens08> tell me if i am right, if I use ${pkgs.writeText} I could write it to a file in the store. I am trying to write a module for hiawatha i just did a PR on, and using the module to write the config file including ${cfg.options} to be set by the user?
<Baughn> So what's the correct way to run Perl scripts, anyway?
<Baughn> Neither buildInputs nor propagatedBuildInputs work to make LWP accessible.
<Baughn> ndowens08: Yeah, that works. See also plentiful prior art in NixOS modules.
<ndowens08> so something like ${pkgs.writeText "${pkgs.hiawatha}/etc/hiawatha/hiawatha.conf"}
<bennofs> Baughn: I think there is some buildEnv style for perl using perlPackages?
<ndowens08> Baughn: yea that is where I got the idea of this :)
<bennofs> Baughn: look at the hydra nix expression, hydra is written in perl
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<ndowens08> Just the examples I have found seem to write into a internal file, vs to the actual pkg location
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<gchristensen> you can never write in to a package after it has been built
<ndowens08> gchristensen: oh :\
<ndowens08> eh no biggie :)
<gchristensen> :)
<Baughn> ndowens08: You *can* however trivially combine two derivations, e.g. with symlinkJoin.
<Baughn> Or make a third that refers to the first two through absolute paths, or..
<ndowens08> lol sounds complicated :)
<ndowens08> still new to this concept, so i dont understand this stuff grealy
<ndowens08> s/grealy/greatly
<ndowens08> hmm well crap, might not work then, may could only do a enable and that is it :\
<Baughn> contrapumpkin: "I just cut & pasted most of the current nixos-install logic, amending it where relevant"
<Baughn> This sentence worries me.
<ndowens08> because hiawatha option is not just for one config file, but a dir
<contrapumpkin> Baughn: how come?
<Baughn> contrapumpkin: Is it specifically *cut* and paste, or copy and paste?
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<contrapumpkin> *cut*
<Baughn> Ok, that's fine then. :)
<contrapumpkin> that's what the rest of the text is saying, I factored out the commonalities
<contrapumpkin> so it's not in nixos-install anymore
<contrapumpkin> :)
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<Baughn> buildEnv gets me a suitable perl environment.. by all appearances, but it does not end up on perl's search path (despite perl running from there).
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<Baughn> And the perl doc page only has information on how to build modules from CPAN.
<Baughn> Oh, apparently I need to set PERL5LIB manually? Bah.
<Baughn> ..no, that's not it either.
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<clever> Baughn: that could be improved with a setup hook, that scans $nativeBuildInputs for things in /lib/perl and adds them to $PERL5LIB
<taktoa> dtz: ha, I had a feeling you'd be interested in souper
<taktoa> or dtzWill_
<dtzWill_> taktoa: O:)
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<dtzWill_> taktoa: (both O:))
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<Baughn> clever: Apparently I'm supposed to use buildPerlPackage, but that assumes I have a Makefile.PL
<contrapumpkin> Baughn: thanks for the thumb
<clever> Baughn: i havent done much with perl, never even see a Makefile.PL before
<Baughn> And is, in general, not geared towards applications.
<Baughn> clever: It seems an empty one will do.
<Baughn> More or less.
<Baughn> Amazingly, this actually seems to have worked. Whoo.
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<clever> top-level/all-packages.nix:10146: buildPerlPackage = callPackage ../development/perl-modules/generic perl;
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<clever> Baughn: it doesnt appear to do anything with PERL5LIB at build-time
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<Baughn> clever: Right, it uses command-line flags instead. Basically the same approach I took.
<clever> ah
<clever> i just remembered an issue perl has though
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<clever> the #! line has a max size in the kernel
<clever> and all of the -I's for perl can easily overun it
<clever> a fix i came up with ages ago, was to buildEnv the inputs together, then use one -I for that
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<shlevy> clever: https://github.com/shlevy/long-shebang may be relevant ot what you're doing
<shlevy> (haven't read the thread, just the bit about #!max length)
<clever> shlevy: ah neat
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<mjhoy> is there a local version of the nixos options website? (ie that gets installed on a nixos machine)
<shlevy> mjhoy: man configuration.nix
<mjhoy> thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sternenseemann opened pull request #22921: ocaml-angstrom: init at 0.3.0 (master...angstrom) https://git.io/vDQHq
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<philipp[m]> What is the nixos meetup in Berlin tomorrow going to look like?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg opened pull request #22923: Update grub to latest upstream release (master...update-grub) https://git.io/vDQ7b
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDQ5C
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d950e8c Armijn Hemel: fping: 3.15 -> 3.16
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 34c12b1 Armijn Hemel: e2fsprogs: 1.43.3 -> 1.43.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 19a302f Armijn Hemel: scummvm: 1.8.0 -> 1.9.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra closed pull request #22906: scummvm: 1.8.0 -> 1.9.0 (master...master) https://git.io/vDH1L
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<lambdamu> hi, does man -k work for you on nixos, out of the box?
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<lambdamu> possibly after mandb -u
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<mudri> lassulus: hmm, interesting.
<justanotheruser> I'm writing a program that will execute instructions based on a descriptive definition of those instructions provided in a file. Basically it will perform a calculation a certain way for certain parameters given multiple 2d arrays, misc parameters, etc, defined descriptively, then it will generate html based on the description as well. Any suggestions?
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<Yatekii> hi!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bricewge opened pull request #22924: fix comments about nixos-hardware-scan (master...master) https://git.io/vDQxn
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<gchristensen> justanotheruser: http://www.craftinginterpreters.com
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