<gchristensen> demeter = { ... }: { imports = [ ./services/etcd.nix ]; services.etcd.initialCluster = builtins.concatStringsSep...; }
<alunduil> gchristensen, that makes a lot more sense.
<alunduil> gchristensen, I'll go with that structure.
<gchristensen> if you want, you can do: etcd = { ... }: { imports = [ ./service/etcd.nix ]; services.etcd.initialCluster = builtins.concatStringsSep ...; }; and then demeter = etcd;
<alunduil> gchristensen, is there a way to map over assignments to properties in a set? The host variables at the bottom for example.
<phpfpm> radvendii: I am sorry, but I doubt I can help you, it remains always a bit of puzzle, for me at least, maybe look at what they say here if you did not already: http://www.geomview.org/FAQ/answers.shtml
<alunduil> gchristensen, that was what I was planning on doing.
<gchristensen> no but there is other magic I can provide you :)
<alunduil> gchristensen, I love learning more magic.
<alunduil> gchristensen, lay it on me.
<gchristensen> ... in ({ network.description = "Kubernetes Cluster"; } // (builtins.listToAttrs (builtins.map {host: { name = host; value = etcd; } hosts)))
<alunduil> gchristensen, I like it. I just got to that in the manual too.
<alunduil> gchristensen, nice to see another example to clarify.
<gchristensen> it may be too complicated though, I don't really like so much magic in my orchestration
<alunduil> gchristensen, true, I'll take a gander at both and see which one sits better.
<gchristensen> sure :)
<alunduil> gchristensen, is there function composition in nix?
<gchristensen> I don't know what that means, is that like a partially applied function?
<alunduil> gchristensen, I don't have a current use case for it, just curious really.
<alunduil> gchristensen, are you familiar with the . operator in Haskell?
<gchristensen> I'm not A)
<copumpkin> is cups a mass rebuild?
<alunduil> gchristensen, hmm, then let's try this definition:
<gchristensen> copumpkin: it is a doozie for sure
<alunduil> gchristensen, f and g are functions, f . g = f(g(...))
<alunduil> Where I'm using standard syntax for function application.
<gchristensen> ah
<copumpkin> alunduil: in short, you can write it easily, but no succinct operator for it
<alunduil> copumpkin, that makes sense.
* gchristensen scrounges for his haskell book
<alunduil> gchristensen, copumpkin, I can do partial application though?
<copumpkin> sure
<gchristensen> sure, you accidentally did :)
<copumpkin> all functions take one argument
<alunduil> gchristensen, good point.
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<alunduil> copumpkin, alright, so I can assume standard lambda syntax.
<copumpkin> we use a colon for separating the argument from the body, but yeah
<alunduil> gchristensen, copumpkin, thanks guys! I think I've got a much better understanding of nix's syntax.
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<gchristensen> you're welcome :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSVzb
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master aa31d4b Dan Peebles: cups: fix on Darwin...
<gchristensen> concatStringSep I learned by reading the nix source about a week ago, to accomplish some magic O.o
<clever_> nix-repl> builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos "concatStringsSep" lib
<clever_> { column = 3; file = "/nix/store/1hlbyz4ni8axnncpqvdjmi2fvcf90y49-nixos-17.09pre102667.2839b10/nixos/lib/strings.nix"; line = 55; }
<clever_> gchristensen: this is also of great help, whenever you want to see how a lib thing works
<radvendii> phpfpm: thanks! it seems to be a problem with loading X rather than motif. I'll look into it
<gchristensen> oh yes
<gchristensen> no doubt
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<vandelsand> hey guys, how do i blacklist nouveau in the configuration.nix?
<gchristensen> vandelsand: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#blacklist has some ideas
<vandelsand> i can boot when i do nouveau.modeset=0
<clever_> vandelsand: there is also https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#kernelpara
<vandelsand> so i did boot.blacklistedKernelModules = [ “nouveau” ];
<vandelsand> but that didn't work when i nixos-rebuild switch
<clever_> gchristensen: i think we discuessed earlier about how blacklist doesnt block modprobe
<gchristensen> ack
<vandelsand> i don't think i'm as advanced as you in nixos knowledge and i wasn't here...
<clever_> boot.extraModprobeConfig = "install dccp /run/current-system/sw/bin/false";
<clever_> blacklisting just stops automated loading based on the pciid
<gchristensen> yes exactly what I was thinking :P
<clever_> but the above, turns "modprobe dccp" into /bin/false
<clever_> so all attempts at loading the module just fail
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<vandelsand> what is modprobe dccp?
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<clever_> vandelsand: dccp was a kernel module with a security problem from a few months back
<clever_> vandelsand: just change that config to say install nouveau instead
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<vandelsand> boot.extraModprobeConfig = "nouveau"
<vandelsand> that doesn't feel complete...
<clever_> boot.extraModprobeConfig = "install nouveau /run/current-system/sw/bin/false";
<vandelsand> i want to disable... not install... i'm sorry i don't quite get it
<vandelsand> so setting it as false?
<vandelsand> install - THING = false?
<clever_> install is a config entry for modprobe
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<vandelsand> is that what that's saying...
<clever_> that says to run /bin/false any time something tries to load that module
<clever_> so instead of actualy loading it, it will run /bin/false
<vandelsand> ohhhhhh
<vandelsand> neat
<vandelsand> thanks, i'm gonna try that out
<vandelsand> you, sir, are very helpful
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<gchristensen> clever_ is a real gem
<vandelsand> be back, lemme check that out
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<vandelsand> thank you, that worked great.
<vandelsand> NOW to solve nvidia
<vandelsand> wish me luck
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<vandelsand> quick question, i can't run glxinfo, and i couldn't find anything when i did nix-env -i mesa-utils
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<vandelsand> what do i need to run glxinfo?
<vandelsand> nvm
<vandelsand> dumb
<vandelsand> nix-env -i glxinfo
<vandelsand> wow
<vandelsand> it was right there in the packages search
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<vandelsand> is there a difference between
<vandelsand> services.xserver.enable = true; services.xserver.layout = "us"; services.xserver.xkbOptions = "eurosign:e";
<vandelsand> and
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<vandelsand> services.xserver = { enable = true; videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ]; layout = "us"; xkbOptions = "eurosign:e";
<vandelsand> sorry that isn't pretty
<vandelsand> but what is the difference? is there one?
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<gchristensen> vandelsand: only difference is in one you specified videoDrivers
<vandelsand> so its just syntax?
<gchristensen> yeah
<vandelsand> okay thanks
<gchristensen> you're welcome
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<vandelsand> do i need hardware.bumblebee.group?
<vandelsand> i'm doing bumblebee, and the default is "wheel", so do i need it if user is in wheel group?
<radvendii> what are we supposed to do if there's a file that's explicitly calling /bin/rm? Do we just do some find/replace to make it rm?
<clever_> radvendii: just use sed to turn it into 'rm'
<clever_> radvendii: or if your feeling OCD, ${coreutils}/bin/rm
<radvendii> clever_: okay thanks. what stage would that be in? is there a preMake?
<taktoa> or `substitute`
<clever_> radvendii: depends on if the failure happens at build or runtime
<radvendii> clever_: build
<clever_> though you could use the postPatch hook to just cover it all
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<vandelsand> brb again
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<disasm> getting stuck here with finding the right variable. ${pango} points to /nix/store/whbajv2qvaz1f5dl8nzf44mlxdz5374i-pango-1.40.3-bin but I need /nix/store/w9isfi04krx3ak9g15gx8j61kjzfhwan-pango-1.40.3. How do I figure out what variable I need?
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<clever_> disasm: ${pango.out}
<disasm> thanks clever_
<disasm> just curious... how would I have gone about figuring that out clever_?
<clever_> .out is always the base path, with no postfix
<clever_> and .bin is the -bin postfix, and so on
<clever_> all of them are listed in the outputs attribute, like outputs = [ "bin" "lib" "out" ];
<clever_> and the 1st one is the default when you just say ${pango}
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSVaX
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6b1957d Dan Peebles: qt5: fix to work on LLVM 4...
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<disasm> clever_: ah :) it makes sense now! thanks so much!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSVVU
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6e58719 Dan Peebles: nano: fix on Darwin...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] calvertvl opened pull request #24694: Update nvidia legacy 340 to work with 4.9 and 4.10 kernels (master...update-nvidia-legacy-340_102) https://git.io/vSVVT
<clever_> the biggest advantage of multiple outputs, is that .dev can be garbage collected without breaking .out
<Havvy> steveeJ: I haven't used the Rust overlay yet, so no.
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<calvertvl> I've tried to figure out this issue with OpenGL but am not sure where to go from here...
<calvertvl> qutebrowser output is https://bpaste.net/show/2c71ff8be0c7 (and hangs there)
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<calvertvl> this is with the nvidia binary drivers; nouveau doesn't have a problem, but similar things happen for e.g. glxinfo
<calvertvl> (libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSVV1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6f0a2af Dan Peebles: brotli: fix on Darwin
<disasm> clever_: so... I finally got it to run, but hard coded stat to 4 paths for ip: stat("/sbin/ip", 0x7ffc617a7430) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory). Guess that's a dead end to make this packages work with nixos, right?
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<calvertvl> disasm: I know there are tools to rewrite those paths, but I haven't used 'em yet (the replacement path should be something like '$(iproute)/bin/ip' if I understand right)
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<disasm> calvertvl: would that be with the patchelf utility as well?
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<calvertvl> if that's what you've been using, yes, most likely
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vSVws
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 81352b2 Dan Peebles: Merge branch 'master' into staging
<disasm> calvertvl: do you have mesa in propagatedBuildInputs
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] benley opened pull request #24695: vscode: 1.10.2 -> 1.11.1 (master...vscode-1.11.1) https://git.io/vSVw8
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<calvertvl> disasm: mesa_glu is a buildInput for glxinfo, but qutebrowser is built on qt and it comes from somewhere in there
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<calvertvl> or, at least, I think it does
<clever_> disasm: you will also need to change /sbin/ip to ${iproute2}/bin/ip
<disasm> clever_: any idea how I'd go about doing that?
<clever_> disasm: first run grep on the source to find out where its happening, then substituteInPlace
<disasm> it's an existing binary, I don't have source :(
<disasm> I was using patchelf to fix the rpath for those libraries
<disasm> I'm not sure it's possible without disassemble/compile at this point.
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<puffnfresh> it is possible
<puffnfresh> libredirect is a hack which helps here
<vandelsand> hey
<vandelsand> i'm having trouble... i can't get nvidia to find a screen or monitor
<vandelsand> in journalctl -xe i get the following info
<puffnfresh> LD_PRELOAD=${libredirect}/lib/libredirect.so
<nixy> I am afraid I don't quite get nix's logging. If my last `nixos-rebuild` failed where can I see the full log for it?
<puffnfresh> NIX_REDIRECTS=/sbin/ip=${iproute2}/bin/ip
<puffnfresh> disasm: does that make sense?
<disasm> oooh... I'll try that out!
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<vandelsand> nvidia unified driver...
<vandelsand> no devices detected
<vandelsand> ee
<vandelsand> fatal server error
<clever_> disasm: ahh, yeah, libredirect
<vandelsand> no screens found
<vandelsand> i don't think nvidia has a good config
<vandelsand> maybe?
<puffnfresh> vandelsand: what's your NixOS config and what's your system?
<vandelsand> i have an asus rog, so kinda complicated gaming laptop
<disasm> puffnfresh: I tried adding that to my build, but still get stat("/usr/sbin/ip", 0x7ffc854b56e0) = -1 ENOEN
<vandelsand> that's the current config, which i can't get to run
<clever_> disasm: and also patch /usr/sbin/ip
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<vandelsand> i disabled bumblebee stuff but that didn't work this time...
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<vandelsand> just trying to get nvidia to work and basically disable the hybrid options
<vandelsand> but i will use bumblebee if it works
<vandelsand> just can't do anything except use the intel graphics
<vandelsand> need to use nvidia
<vandelsand> would prefer nvidia alone
<puffnfresh> hardware.bumblebee.enable = true;
<puffnfresh> and remove the videoDrivers line
<puffnfresh> that's what I use
<vandelsand> k i will try that now
<vandelsand> thanks for the tip
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<puffnfresh> videoDrivers = ["intel" "vesa"];
<puffnfresh> that's actually what I use, might want to have that instead
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mirrexagon opened pull request #24696: textadept: 9.0 -> 9.3 (master...mrxgn-textadept-update) https://git.io/vSVrH
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<vandelsand> puffnfresh, its not working
<vandelsand> bumblebee doesn't work
<vandelsand> using nvidia alone doesn't work
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<vandelsand> i'm pretty sure it is because in nvidia-settings i haven't set my display
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<gchristensen> I miss having gigabit internet at home :(
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<clever-afk> same
<clever-afk> i now have 15% packet loss and i can DoS the router by just opening the wrong app
<gchristensen> guh
<gchristensen> what'd you do?? :o
<clever-afk> too many udp peers
* clever-afk heads to bed
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<taktoa> gchristensen: clever is at an airbnb in san francisco for bayhac (me and dmj` are also going)
<gchristensen> :o!
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<dmj`> gonna be so lit
<gchristensen> awesome
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<copumpkin> can I stuff a binary cache onto an NFS mount?
<copumpkin> (a.k.a. filesystem)
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<copumpkin> I guess I could add a file:// path as the binary cache
<copumpkin> and it'd probably just do something sensible
<copumpkin> not sure if it tries to call HEAD on it
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<gchristensen> "86.1MB/s" hnng I love packet.net
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E opened pull request #24698: ffmpeg-full: replace SDL support with SDL2 support (master...ffmpeg_sdl2) https://git.io/vSVif
<YellowOnion> gchristensen, is that link speed?
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<gchristensen> no, that is transfering over the wider internet to another box
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSVin
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0cacae6 Dan Peebles: gcc6: fix for LLVM 4.0
<YellowOnion> gchristensen, oh not bad :D
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<YellowOnion> gchristensen, they started rolling out 1000/500 fibre here, but backhaul is lacking now.
<gchristensen> aye...
<gchristensen> ack well I'd better get to bed. it is late.
<gchristensen> I _almost_ have fully automatic provisioning of packet.net boxes done :?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSViy
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1be61d1 Dan Peebles: podofo: fix on LLVM 4...
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<savanni> Is cache.nixos.org down?
<savanni> I'm running an install and my system seems unable to download anything.
<savanni> nm, it's fine now. Sorry about that.
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<SovereignBleak> If there isn't a central repository of user-submitted configuration.nixes, there absolutely should be.
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<makefu> SovereignBleak: ack, for hardware there is https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-hardware/
<SovereignBleak> makefu: This is cool, thanks. I'm having some success searching "language:nix foo" where foo is what I'm trying to discover a successful config for but a lot of other junk gets thrown in there too.
<SovereignBleak> Sorry, using that search string with GitHub's search engine.
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<tnks> is the Nix expression to make an RPM to install Nix on CentOS still in Nixpkgs?
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<tnks> I know a while ago, Nixpkgs had it for sure, but then they stopped Hydra from building it, because they were unwilling to support it.
<tnks> but I don't know if it got cropped from Nixpkgs completely. I'd like to see code to understand their approach.
<tnks> because it would be useful to have this for work.
<tnks> I may just make it in Docker if it's too much hassle. It's just for a bootstrap, so I can be more regimented after Nix is on the system.
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<makefu> tnks: according to pkgs/build-support/release/default.nix there is rpmBuild
<makefu> but i haven't used it yet. if you manage to get it running again then please share your success story :)
<tnks> makefu: yeah, I saw that... but I'm also just tempted to call rpmbuild in a Docker image, after installing Nix the normal way.
<tnks> only because I can see the light at the end of the tunnel doing it that way.
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<tnks> nix-build getting to see /nix/store raw is kind of not great.
<tnks> and I /think/ the Nix expression may try to accomplish this more cleanly with VitualBox in the nix-build.
<tnks> but at that point... it's just a game of chose your poison.
<wavewave> savanni: cache.nixos.org is down now for me. :-/
<savanni> It seemed intermittently down for me, so I let it go and will try again in the morning.
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<SovereignBleak> So I see a lot of users specifying .~/nix-profile/share{rest of path} to fix their GTK themes. I know this is a symlink but my system doesn't show this as a symlink. I have a manifest.nix that symlinks to a nix store. Am I not getting something?
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<SovereignBleak> Same thing with ~/.nix-profile/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa. I simply don't have a /share/ symlink to work off.
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<hyper_ch> hmmm, I just cleaned out Nixos again and there is some issue: 5676 store paths deleted, 123551626577.41 MiB freed - I only got a 512GB disk.....
<hyper_ch> it seems some calculations are wrong
<Havvy> You disk now has more than 512 GB of free space left. ;)
<hyper_ch> I wouldn't mind to have that storage on my ssd though
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<avn> hyper_ch: you possible have hardlinking of /nix/store on, so amount of derivations deleted was bigger, than actual files amount.
<hyper_ch> Nixos, give me back my imaginary disk space :)
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<Ralith> avn: it seems unlikely that he had 124 petabytes of files, hardlinks or no
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<SovereignBleak> Both /run/current-system/share and .nix-profile/share do not exist on my system. Does everyone else have these symlinks?
<SovereignBleak> I must be overlooking something obvious. Google is giving me nada.
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<SovereignBleak> Yet symlinking to these directories seems to be a panacea for all sorts of issues, like GTK themes correctly applying and getting Emacs' pdf-tools to function (https://www.reddit.com/r/NixOS/comments/4egu5o/help_with_emacs_pdftools/)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gebner pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSVSC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f50258b Benjamin Staffin: vscode: 1.10.2 -> 1.11.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4a08528 Benjamin Staffin: vscode: Revamp URL generation scheme...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 987cafe Benjamin Staffin: vscode: Add libxkbfile to rpath...
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<jekor> Is there a way to invoke callPackage on a local name rather than a path? Can I define a derivation inline essentially?
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<hyper_ch> Ralith: so, how do I get my 124 PT back on my ssd? :)
<hyper_ch> PtB
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<Ralith> hyper_ch: just PB
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] markus1189 opened pull request #24699: nixpkgs: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8 (master...scalafmt-068) https://git.io/vSVH5
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<symphorien> SovereignBleak: I think you can put share in https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/options.html#opt-environment.pathsToLink
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<drp> Anyone else having troubles with KDEs associated programs?
<drp> in settings it tells me that I have okular associated to pdfs, but when I try and open one I get the pick an option menu, in which I can't choose okular
<drp> it's like dolphin is unaware of it
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<Yaniel> Works for me
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] hamishmack opened pull request #24700: Fixes for macos (master...fixes-for-macos) https://git.io/vSVdC
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<hyper_ch> (did you reboot)
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<rmeis> Hi, I am following the hydra manual to setup my first release.nix file for my project. How can I use expressions from stdenv like fetchurl?
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<rmeis> solved it: pkgs.fetchurl did the trick
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<stukj> hello all. I have installed bitlbee with libpurple support and telegram-purple. However I can not create a telegram account, it says protocol not supported (I can see the default purple protocols but not telegram). Help!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] tk-ecotelecom opened pull request #24703: nixos: remove duplicate `wrapperDir` PATH addition (master...fix-wrapper-path) https://git.io/vSwfN
<Yaniel> anyone using 0xdeadbeef in kde or plasma?
<Yaniel> it doesn't seem to be aware of my display dpi, and fails to find any of the icons it needs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] qknight reopened pull request #1296: builtins.port: manage dynamic port number allocation in nix (master...builtins.port) https://git.io/vS4jy
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<matumental> does anyone have Unity3d actually working? I have chromiumsandbox enabled, and can get into the unity menu, but trying to actually open a project causes an immediate crash with nothing helpful left in the logs
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ocharles pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSwkT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ab22a08 Tomasz Czyż: test all postgresql versions, test server restart (#1735)
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e57cf5e Tomasz Czyż: Merge branch 'master' into postgresql-tests
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a0d833d Tomasz Czyż: Merge branch 'master' into postgresql-tests
<page> not that I tried, but seems you're not alone
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSwk4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 518e5c0 Florian Jacob: avahi-daemon service: Add option to enable point-to-point interfaces.
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 67d735e Peter Simons: Merge pull request #23409 from florianjacob/avahi-point-to-point-interfaces...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] emanueleperuffo opened pull request #24705: robomongo: 0.8.4 -> 0.9.0 (master...master) https://git.io/vSwkV
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSwk7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 370452e Markus Hauck: scalafmt: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8 (#24699)
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<nixy> Does the `nix` package no longer provide man pages? For some reason I can't access them anymore
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<stukj> hello all. pidgin can not find the telegram-purple. how do I make it work?
<stukj> telegram-purple plugin
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<musicmatze> has someone updated nixos to the latest unstable and couldn't update ipfs, like me? (Submitted in #24704)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSwYV
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 9828391 Dan Peebles: Retry downloads on transient SSL errors too
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master d8ff3aa Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #1306 from copumpkin/retry-on-ssl-error...
<copumpkin> \o/
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<niklob> Hello, are you guys planning to swittch to wayland-weston as the default compositor
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<niklob> i really hate X
<steveeJ> domenkozar: travis says I should contact you for community support :-D can you spot why this fails? https://s3.amazonaws.com/archive.travis-ci.org/jobs/219395776/log.txt the same expressions work locally
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<copumpkin> niklob: not sure what the plans are. I'd either ask the mailing list or file an issue about it
<niklob> copumpkin: Thanks for the reply. Did you try wayland yet?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #24706: sbt: 0.13.13 -> 0.13.14 (master...sbt_0_13_14) https://git.io/vSwsl
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vSws0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 27cec39 Dan Peebles: itk: 4.10 -> 4.11...
<copumpkin> niklob: nah, I don't do graphical linux :)
<srhb> I don't think XMonad runs on Wayland, so I guess that's a no go for me.
<srhb> Though no idea what I'd have against X anyway.
<gchristensen> copumpkin: do your changes make squashfs faster to make too?
<copumpkin> gchristensen: for my image building? nope, haven't even looked at that yet
<srhb> niklob: What's that?
<copumpkin> gchristensen: although I would like to unify everything
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<niklob> A former x dev talks about X and wayland and explains why X is horrible
<srhb> niklob: Oh. But I doubt that affects me anyway. I mean, if it works perfectly for me, why switch
<srhb> (Especially since my WM won't work anyway :-P)
<niklob> Wayland is more responsive. The feel is way better. In the future you'll have to switch anway :p
<copumpkin> niklob: generally speaking, communities are unfriendly to newcomers who show up and say "This thing you all use sucks and you should replace it with this other thing" (the most prominent example in NixOS is systemd)
<niklob> hehe
<copumpkin> niklob: most FOSS communities are far more open to contributions than people telling them to do a bunch more work to replace X with Y
<copumpkin> :)
<srhb> I wasn't trying to be unfriendly, I just don't want to lose XMonad. :)
<gchristensen> copumpkin: right on. I've made dozens of squashfs's today / yesterday and it is a bit exhausting (though I have had plenty of opportunity to play Zelda...)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vSwsH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 57e2517 Dan Peebles: Merge branch 'master' into staging
<copumpkin> gchristensen: hah, what for? does initrd us that?
<gchristensen> yeah
<niklob> copumpkin: I'm not saying you should replace it. It's just better. :p
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<copumpkin> niklob: I've definitely seen people mention changing it, but I think people are understandably cautious about replacing something so central
<gchristensen> niklob: I think you should consider your feedback heard and not push it too hard :P
<niklob> srhb: You're good. You were not unfriendly at all
<copumpkin> niklob: either way, if I were you I'd just file an issue about it
<copumpkin> niklob: if it doesn't come across as preachy I think it'll be fine
<copumpkin> then people will discuss whether it's worth changing the default or making an option or what
<niklob> X11 is a sin
<Yaniel> is there a services.wayland analogous to services.xserver?
<copumpkin> that's an old ticket with recent activity
<gchristensen> niklob: please stop while you're ahead
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gebner closed pull request #24706: sbt: 0.13.13 -> 0.13.14 (master...sbt_0_13_14) https://git.io/vSwsl
<niklob> Does nixos use significantly more disk space than distros like gentoo or archlinux? inb4 "not if you're using a SSD"
<goibhniu> niklob: it uses a bit more, but potentially a lot more if you keep a lot of old generations around
<copumpkin> as we add multiple outputs to more packages I think the average system (with regular GC) will resemble average other distros
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<gchristensen> weird ... nix is building an empty ipxe script...
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<copumpkin> how evil!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #24684: gitkraken: 2.3.2 -> 2.3.3 (master...gitkraken/2.3.2) https://git.io/vSawa
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] awesomefireduck opened pull request #24707: nixos-generate-config: add `system.copySystemConfiguration = true;` (master...noobfriendly-copy-system-configuration) https://git.io/vSwnt
<gchristensen> it is evil, b/c I garbage collected and it didn't do it the second time
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSwn0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cf1db9f Jean-Pierre PRUNARET: textadept: bombay update without version pining
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 69d12b2 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #24423 from jpierre03/patch-2...
<niklob> are echo-oddly or vcunat present?
<gchristensen> no
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<disasm> good mornin' folks or evening based on your timezone! :)
<niklob> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/5071 needs to be updated. afaik mutter supports wayland. I mean fedora 25 ships with mutter and wayland
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<niklob> disasm: Hello
<goibhniu> you should add a comment to the issue niklob
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixops] AmineChikhaoui opened pull request #642: Adding the pass/modify a service account in a GCE instance (master...gce-service-account) https://git.io/vSwcJ
<niklob> goibhniu: Sure, I'm on it
<goibhniu> great!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #24696: textadept: 9.0 -> 9.3 (master...mrxgn-textadept-update) https://git.io/vSVrH
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<gchristensen> wahoo! /buffer move 4
<domenkozar> classic weechat
<gchristensen> lol
<gchristensen> I have an ipxe image that on boot up, installs nixos and reboots without any touching
<gchristensen> it is specific to Packet.net, but it is generic: we could build it on hydra and anyone could use it, I don't have any hard-coded credentials in it, it fetches them all from packet.net's metadata server
<gchristensen> (except for that thing about hydra serving build artifacts, but I dunno)
<Yaniel> urgh
<mbrgm> gchristensen: do you have that image defined as a nix expression?
<gchristensen> yeah, mbrgm
<Yaniel> is it just me or is kwin lately massively unstable on on nixos/unstable?
<mbrgm> gchristensen: I did this some time ago, but it was a really hacky solution. I added the commands for partitioning, nixos-install etc. to the _installation_ root user's .bash_profile...
<gchristensen> mbrgm: yeah, that is what I did as well
<mbrgm> gchristensen: lol ^^
<mbrgm> but now I rebased this on nixos-unstable and it won't work anymore. didn't find the time to debug yet...
<mbrgm> gchristensen: I would love to see your solution. maybe we can merge ideas on this.
<gchristensen> I can put my stuff on github in ~8 hours, mbrgm
<gchristensen> I don't like to commit on personal projects during work hours, despite the work having done off work hours
<mbrgm> gchristensen: no rush!
<gchristensen> ping me in 8hrs and I'll send you a link?
<mbrgm> great!
<mbrgm> :)
<gchristensen> also, ideally this gets wrapped up in to nixops, I _really_ want to provision packet.net boxes via nixops.
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<gchristensen> "2.35 Gbits/sec" ain't nothing to sneeze at
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<gchristensen> niksnut: is it doable to host this pxe bootstrapper on the nixos website, so nixops could use it? since hydra can't serve build products, I'm not sure of another way to implement this
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<matumental> is it possible to use packages from an overlay in systemPackages? am I missing something?
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<nixy> Is it possible to force nix to build a package from source instead of using a cache?
<gchristensen> nixy: are you running nix-build?
<nixy> Yeah, but the package is already in my store so it is just pulling it from there
<gchristensen> yep, makes sense, you can do nix-build --check
<nixy> gchristensen: That worked! Thanks
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<gchristensen> great :)
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<steveeJ> I have a very old Gitlab installation on a gentoo machine and wonder if I can migrate it to NixOS and specificy the gitlab version there. are there any docs on how upgrade works for gitlab?
<davidak> steveeJ: we had an installation from source on a Ubuntu server and used the updater script. it worked very well https://about.gitlab.com/update/
<disasm> steveeJ: what's the version of the old installation?
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<steveeJ> disasm: it's 7.5
<Guest30071> Is there a way test why sound went away, just restarted computer, and no sound can be played, alsamixer is enabled, keyboard switches on audio have been toggled and still no sound
<steveeJ> davidak: did you migrate the source installation to NixOS?
<davidak> steveeJ: the database needs to be migrated to new schemas so i don't know how that works in NixOS
<gchristensen> Guest30071: usually when that happens something is muted I think
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<goibhniu> CMCDragonkai: are you using pulseaudio? did you check pavucontrol too?
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<CMCDragonkai> it was all working just before
<CMCDragonkai> pulseaudio yes
<CMCDragonkai> and nothing i can observe to be muted
<goibhniu> could it be using the wrong device?
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<steveeJ> davidak: in the gitlab module it's handled by the preStart: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/release-17.03/nixos/modules/services/misc/gitlab.nix#L541
<copumpkin> gchristensen: ooh, you're back on making packet.net awesome on nixops? :D
<CMCDragonkai> there's only 2 devices, and it's the default
<gchristensen> copumpkin: trying...!
<copumpkin> \o/
<amosbird> Hi, how can I use nix to build static Binaries?
<amosbird> using musl libc?
<gchristensen> their NICs are to die for, I just can't stay away
<amosbird> is there an existing solution for this
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<__Sander__> "The root cause of this incident was a engineer-driven configuration error"
<gchristensen> "We don't have a basic permission model that prevents accidentally dropping databases"
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<__Sander__> lol
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<disasm> steveeJ: it's been a while since I've upgraded gitlab (we've moved to gogs), but I think you should be able to do all the lower migrations from the latest gitlab version. I'd go to 7.14 first using this doc: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/doc/update/6.x-or-7.x-to-7.14.md then read all the remaining upgrades up to 8.17 https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/tree/master/doc/update
<matumental> incase anyone stumbled upon my question in the logs from google (happens to me quite a bit), there is a nixpkgs.overlays option
<steveeJ> disasm: I wanted to do this on the existing Gentoo installation, but it can't be upgraded anymore :-D
<steveeJ> the old portage can't handle the new portage tree. I wonder if I can get the existing source installation going on nixos
<CMCDragonkai> Why would it mute itself!?
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<CMCDragonkai> Ponymix saved the day!
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<disasm> steveeJ: worth a try, I think you can just install 8.17 and follow the migration steps for the lower parts, but I'm not 100% sure.
<symphorien> amosbird: the only thing I know is that to have a static version of the libc you use glibc.static instead of glibc
<vandelsand> guys, i've been trying for 3 days to get nvidia to work, and i'm having a rough time.
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<vandelsand> has anyone been able to get nvidia to work on a computer with hybrid graphics in the newest 17.03?
<goibhniu> hi vandelsand, how did it go with bumblebee?
<vandelsand> it never went
<vandelsand> I can feel the GPU blowing out the side of the laptop, but i have the blinking cursor on tty7
<vandelsand> black screen with blinking cursor
<vandelsand> actually, i take that back, that is with nvidia and intel only. bumblebee locks everything up completely, can't go to tty1-7 or anything
<amosbird> symphorien: well, does nix support that build variant?
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<vandelsand> apparently it did. but i haven't tried version 16, and 17.03 is not cooperating
<goibhniu> vandelsand: I presume you don't have a bios/efi option to use only nvidia?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy opened pull request #24710: haskell-generic-builder: Expose haskell and system build inputs. (master...haskell-expose-haskell-deps) https://git.io/vSwz4
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<vandelsand> i don't have that option in my bios, correct
<gchristensen> oy! $dayjob wants nixpkgs to have a CLA
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<musicmatze> Hi. I have a weird issue with the nixpkgs rust overlay, I'm not sure whether this is a nixpkgs/nixos problem, a overlay problem or a rust problem...
<musicmatze> "cargo build" fails with "error[E0463]: can't find crate for `std`"
<musicmatze> I'm not sure whether this is a packaging problem - where should I submit my bug report?
<goibhniu> vandelsand: it's probably time to open an issue
<vandelsand> i feel unfit... the nixos community is so advanced and i feel like a minor tinkerer...
<vandelsand> anyways, i have a build with intel working (i'm here currently). but i want to use nvidia, as my nvidia card is superior to my intel chip
<symphorien> amosbird: one day I wanted a static gmp ( https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/libraries/gmp/6.x.nix ) I just added glibc.static as a build input and "--enable-static" or whatever ./configure wants to configureFlags and voilà. I don't think there is anything better/automatic
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<vandelsand> how do i open a bug... ?
<vandelsand> nvm
<amosbird> symphorien: hmm, sounds simple enough
<amosbird> thanks
<steveeJ> disasm: are you using gogs on nixos?
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<goibhniu> vandelsand: thanks, it will help to track it down. Maybe others are also having issues. The more details you can provide about what you've tried, error logs etc. the better.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vSwVu
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ab5d7e0 Tyson Whitehead: tensorflow: depend on cudatoolkit 8 and cudnn 5.1 (#24686)...
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<vandelsand> i have completed my new issue on github, but it won't let me submit, the option is like... grayed out
<vandelsand> ?
<vandelsand> nvm i don't have a title, dummy
<nixy> If a package has multiple outputs is there a way to tell which outputs are installed in my profile?
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<gchristensen> ToxicFrog: ping
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<ToxicFrog> gchristensen: meep
<gchristensen> may I PM?
<ToxicFrog> Of course
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #24712: Add django 1 11 (master...add_django_1_11) https://git.io/vSwio
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<Filystyn> guys could you point out few cool things i should learn to do in nix?
<Filystyn> that it's worth to know it
<Filystyn> if there is something like this;-)
<goibhniu> packaging more things is cool! :D
<Filystyn> not sure what you mean under it. to make nix package of soft?
<Filystyn> somethign that could go to repository?
<goibhniu> yeah, you could start updating some packages
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<goibhniu> or packaging stuff that you like which isn't in nixpkgs yet
<Filystyn> Ok I will note that
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<ToxicFrog> Bear in mind that if it's something you like that's proprietary, don't trust package search; look at the nixpkgs repo directly to see if it's already been packaged by someone.
<ToxicFrog> (e.g. Steam, Sublime Text)
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<Filystyn> ok.
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<gchristensen> can anyone think of an expression in nixpkgs which is a very simple build expression, but has a one or two dependencies?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch opened pull request #24713: mktorrent: 1.0 -> 1.1 (master...mktorrent-1.1) https://git.io/vSwyd
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<gchristensen> rg --glob '*.nix' 'buildInputs.*=.*\[.*\];' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq | (while read -r f; do if [ $(cat "$f" | wc -l) -lt 20 ] && (grep -q "stdenv.mkDerivation" "$f"); then echo $f; fi ; done) :)
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<ericnoan> I have heard that you can install the same software with different versions at the same time, but does the binary cache still have the old version, or do you have to do the usual clone of the repo, edit the version and upstream hashsum, and build?
<dash> ericnoan: multiple versions of the same package can go in the binary cache
<ericnoan> so does hydra have the old versions?
<dash> ericnoan: you do need some nix expr to mention all the versions you want to build, though, it's true
<dash> it can, yes
<ericnoan> you keep dodging the question haha
<ericnoan> it can, but does it actually?
<dash> I don't know how your hydra is configured
<ericnoan> i am talking about the official repo
<dash> ericnoan: it's going to build everything in nixpkgs
<dash> ericnoan: look at, e.g., postgresql94, postgresql95, postgresql96
<bennofs> ericnoan: i think the official hydra runs garbage collection quite often
<Sonarpulse> pierron: you see my platform parsing PR yet?
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<ericnoan> ok i see, so it should have the old version if i build a package with an older upstream version, and the hash matches the one hydra has
<DeaDSouL> Hi, I'm trying `nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade` ... but it fails when it comes to: ..... *** Downloading ‘https://cache.nixos.org/nar/0yagllj4r4xlzsm8mln8mxi6zciq0wa25amq8k8ascp7vq225nbf.nar.xz’ (signed by ‘cache.nixos.org-1’) to ‘/nix/store/4kpsrzjliz9mv737rmnfx3sq9513xiwf-ksysguard-5.8.6’...
<DeaDSouL> curl: (35) Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to cache.nixos.org:443 .......... /nix/store/8pcap19p6qwf06ra4iaja3n6k6p2jzwg-xz-5.2.2-bin/bin/xz: (stdin): File format not recognized
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<DeaDSouL> any ideas why?
<manveru> DeaDSouL: that sounds like the connection had a failure and it was a partial download
<manveru> can you retry?
<ericnoan> DeaDSouL: if you look at that URL, it actually has some strange characters at the end: https://cache.nixos.org/nar/0yagllj4r4xlzsm8mln8mxi6zciq0wa25amq8k8ascp7vq225nbf.nar.xz’
<DeaDSouL> I tried 3 times...
<ericnoan> or is it my irc client?
<manveru> ericnoan: that's your client :)
<DeaDSouL> I'll try one more time and see
<barrucadu> ericnoan: It's a fancy unicode quote
<manveru> ericnoan: i just downloaded the file fine
<ericnoan> alrigty
<DeaDSouL> ericnoan: it's because of irssi maybe '...nar.xz'
<DeaDSouL> ericnoan: lol, I mean your irc :p
<gchristensen> can I graph the build-time dependencies of a package, instead of the run-time deps?
<ericnoan> DeaDSouL: yeah hah. but are you able to download the file through your browser?
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<DeaDSouL> ericnoan: didn't try that... I'll try it now too
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<mbrgm> shlevy: after your initrd-ssh change, my deployment fails, and I guess it's because nixops tries to copy the key on the target, but uses the path on the machine calling `nixops deploy`
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<shlevy> mbrgm: Hmm yeah. I think the right thing to do there is use nixops keys
<mbrgm> shlevy: I think it's really great to not expose the key in the store though... do you have a suggestion how this could be handled with nixops now? the key would have to be copied outside of the copy-closure?
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<mbrgm> shlevy: ok, so you mean... define a nixops key with the binary contents of my ssh key file, then give the hostRSAKey the value to the /run/keys/... path?
<mbrgm> sounds good to me, just wanted to check if that's the way you're suggesting
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<mbrgm> shlevy: gnah, it can't be done because it's a binary file :-/
<mbrgm> shlevy: error: the contents of the file ... cannot be represented as a Nix string
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<shlevy> Argh :(
<shlevy> This is ugly, but you could base64encode it and decode on the other end :(
<shlevy> Or
<shlevy> For a quick workaround
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<shlevy> force boot.loader.supportsInitrdSecrets to false
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<mbrgm> shlevy: ok, thanks for the workaround. I think this will revert to the old behaviour, right?
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<mbrgm> shlevy: re base64: how would I do this? hostRSAKey takes a path and tries to copy it during deployment, i.e. before I have the chance to run some script etc. to decode it, right?
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<shlevy> Hmm, yeah, right
<shlevy> Ugh
<mbrgm> does the workaround have any effects in other parts of the system?
<clever> mbrgm: shouldnt there also be a keyfile option, that takes a raw (unquoted) path?
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<mbrgm> clever: I'm supplying a raw path. but the target host then tries to copy from that path in its own filesystem
<mbrgm> clever: and of course that path does not exist on the target
<clever> can you paste the configuration that has the path?
<mbrgm> clever: wait a moment
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<DeaDSouL> back.. when I was trying to update it remotely (via ssh), it didn't work 3 times... but when I tried to update it when I was physically on the PC. it worked.. any way I'm glad it did the update :D
<DeaDSouL> thanks guys :)
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<mbrgm> shlevy: I'd really like to keep your way of _not_ copying the key to the store, as that should be the way to go. maybe adding an option to deployment.keys that can handle binary content would be a solution?
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<shlevy> mbrgm: Yeah, I think that's the right answer
<clever> mbrgm: hmmm, so that should copy the key to the store at eval time, and insert the new storepath into that config option
<mbrgm> shlevy: or allow supplying a standard openssh private key (this could be checked) and if the privkey is in openssh format, dropbearconvert it on the target machine before copying.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ljli opened pull request #24715: haskell: ghcjs packages: Break dependency cycle less invasive (master...ghcjs-dep-cycle) https://git.io/vSwNU
<mbrgm> shlevy: this would eliminate having to figure out that the privkey is in a different format... took me some minutes when I set this up.
<mbrgm> clever: I though so, yes, and it used to do this before https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/commit/3a26d09e1542494770ff2f3f571d3b0e94d21218
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<shlevy> mbrgm: Ah, that'd be awesome
<shlevy> Would need to happen in the initrd though
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<mbrgm> shlevy: I'm not really familiar with that part of nixos :-/, otherwise I'd already be hacking a patch.
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<mbrgm> OR, because that's still a workaround, nixOPS should transfer this somewhere outside of the store, but I did not yet figure out why it doesn't copy-closure it in the first place, :-D
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<mbrgm> shlevy: should I create a ticket to gather some thoughts on a proper solution?
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<shlevy> mbrgm: Sure
<shlevy> Please, rather
<mbrgm> :D
<copumpkin> niksnut: trying to figure out your special CURLE_WRITE_ERROR handling in download.cc
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<vandelsand> hello everyone
<copumpkin> niksnut: e.g., http://lpaste.net/8115775760209281024
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<nixy> How can I make sure that all the outputs of a package are installed into my profile?
<nixy> It seems like the "man" output for nix isn't being added to my profile
<clever> nixy: did you look in ~/.nix-profile/share/man ?
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<nixy> Yeah its not there. I can build it just fine from nixpkgs with `nix-build -A nix.man` and the result-man directory has it, but it just doesn't get added to my profile when I install
<clever> ah
<clever> you could just nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nix.man
<clever> nix-repl> nix.meta.outputsToInstall
<clever> [ "out" ]
<clever> looks like nobody added man to this, so its not automatic
<nixy> That seems like something it should have, no?
<clever> yeah
<nixy> Doing nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nix.man doesn't seem to work either for some reason
<clever> i'm guessing systemPackages handles it a bit differently
<clever> did it add anything to ~/.nix-profile/share/man ?
<nixy> Nope
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<clever> what output did it give when you ran that?
<nixy> replacing old ‘nix-1.11.8’
<nixy> installing ‘nix-1.11.8’
<clever> odd
<nixy> Its been driving me nuts
<clever> ive got nearly a dozen nixos machines, so i just ssh into one whenever i need it
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<nixy> Adding a meta.outputsToInstall with [ "out" "man" ] fixed it. There wasn't on before so it looks like the default is just to not install man pages?
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<clever> id call that a bug
<nixy> Gonna make an issue for this, thanks for da help clever
<clever> nixy: because of this line, the .man of everything in environment.systemPackages gets installed
<clever> so nobody on nixos has noticed the issue
<nixy> I figured this was probably some sort of subtle thing that only affected darwin lol
<clever> and if you disable man, it will auto-remove all man pages
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<clever> it should also affect nix on any other linux distro
<clever> ive noticed it never worked on gentoo
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<Unode> hi all, if I want to get the pdf from latex binaries which package should I look for?
<Unode> I'm not on nixos so I can't use the friendly nixos db and the online package search isn't helping.
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<Unode> is this in one of the texlive packages?
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<clever> Unode: i was using pandoc and texlive to do it before
<clever> but some of the texlive packages have changed recently
<Unode> clever: I have pandoc installed but the tool I'm using looks for pdftex which exists in the system but is old and incomplete so it fails.
<Unode> (i.e. nix on centos)
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<Unode> so I was thinking 'nix for the rescue' (as usual).
<shlevy> If I have two functions usable with extend (the (self: super: ) stuff), how do I combine them into one that makes the first available in the super of the second?
<shlevy> pierron: ^
<clever> shlevy: i have 2 cases of that, let me see
<clever> hmmm, close, but not right: packageOverrides = pkgs: (pkgs.lib.recursiveUpdate (public { inherit pkgs; }) ((import ./overrides.nix).packageOverrides pkgs));
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<shlevy> clever: thanks
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<Unode> clever: hum... seems like pandoc isn't complete either: http://dpaste.com/32ZCGKP
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<shlevy> Alright fine time to actually understand how the makeExtensible stuff works
<shlevy> This probably shouldn't be in trivial.nix :D
<cryptsetup> After upgrading to NixOS 17.03 I got the error that I should check that the kernel supports the aes-xts-plain64 cypher, did anybody else get this? I am using a LUKS encrypted LVM disk
<clever> Unode: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/5a5cddbe59092fd9f12b6a2c46d98fef is what i have used in the past
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<clever> id rewrite it with runCommand though
<Unode> clever: interesting. Never saw such use of nix :)
<clever> was using it to automate data processing
<clever> and i'm using it for a very similiar thing today
<clever> i have about 260,000 pages of data in 3 pdf files
<Unode> heh
<clever> and i need to parse, filter, sort, and re-pdf it
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<clever> each record is ~6 lines, and the records can cross the page boundry
<Unode> ugh...
<clever> and the 3 pdf files are treated as 1 unit, so records can cross the pdf boundry
<Unode> PDF parsing == no fun.
<clever> i ran it thru pdftoxml
<clever> but that needs insane amounts of ram, i think it wants to store the entire xml as a single c string
<Unode> I use https://code-industry.net/get-masterpdfeditor/ whenever I have to do anything PDF editing related (on Linux)
<clever> so i had to write nix code that re-runs pdftoxml with 1000 page chunks
<Unode> but for your massive PDF, not sure it helps.
<clever> let me gist an example of this insanity
<Unode> I can barely grasp the gist you pasted before. Anything else will just blow my mind :P
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy opened pull request #24716: lib: Add composeExtensions for composing extension functions (master...composeExtensions) https://git.io/vSrff
<vandelsand> currently i am using gnome and gdm. but i have both services.xserver.desktopManager.plasma5.enable = true;
<vandelsand> and services.xserver.desktopManager.gnome3.enable = true;
<vandelsand> but i have no option for plasma from GDM
<gchristensen> garbas: btw: calling nix a "build tool" and not "package manager" is seriously powerful
<gchristensen> garbas: all of a sudden people stop thinking "I don't want another package manager, I have rpm" and start thinking "oh, build tools, let's try it"
<shlevy> :D
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<shlevy> Alas it has some serious deficiencies as a build too
<shlevy> (working on them...)
<gchristensen> yes it does
<clever> gchristensen: yeah, i'm using nix to mutate 643mb worth of pdf's into ~39gig of xml files, and soon it will be parsed down into the data it contains
<gchristensen> but ssshhh
<dash> shlevy: that's a prerequisite for being a popular build tool, isn't it?
<gchristensen> dash: being bad at its job?
<dash> :)
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<Ralith> for all its warts, nix is a hell of a lot better-conceived than cmake
<Ralith> so we've probably missed that boat
<Yaniel> I see a lot of bitching about cmake though
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<Yaniel> and tend to run into issues with it 5 out of 10 times I need to set up a new project
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<clever> ive skipped both make and cabal for a number of my nix projects
<vandelsand> i just installed xfdesktop and plasma-desktop but it doesn't let me log into them...
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<vandelsand> i should have a gear by the login on GDM, but nothing
<clever> Yaniel: and here is a simple c project: https://github.com/edolstra/nix-repl/blob/master/default.nix#L11
<clever> about the only thing you loose is incremental builds, so you cant just edit 1 file and re-run make
<clever> but you can also just hand-write a small Makefile with no configure support
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<clever> where did i do that last...
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<vandelsand> any way to have multiple desktop environments managed by one login manager (display manager), or should i try LightDM or what?
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<cryptsetup> Just in case it might be some use to someone else, my problem was solved by boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ "xts" "ecb" ]; which are no longer automatically loaded in linux 7.10, apparently due to some dependency issue in the latest kernel version: https://github.com/voidlinux/void-packages/issues/5871#issuecomment-283668983
<clever> vandelsand: i know slim can manage several of them, f1 to cycle between the options
<vandelsand> slim is still an option?
<vandelsand> sddm you mean?
<clever> i still run slim on all of my machines
<vandelsand> cool! well multiple desktop environments do not work with GDM
<vandelsand> should I post a bug? or
<vandelsand> ...
<clever> yeah
<vandelsand> k.
<Yaniel> clever: the configure support is the #1 reason to use cmake anyway
<hyper_ch> hi clever
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<clever> back
<dtzWill> \o/
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] k0001 opened pull request #24720: hunspellDicts: add spanish dictionaries. (master...hun-es) https://git.io/vSrk9
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vSrkQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging b9e5585 Dan Peebles: stdenv-darwin: bump to use LLVM 4.0 & new bootstrap tools
<copumpkin> ^ !!!
<LnL> copumpkin: nice! <3
<copumpkin> which parts of hydra track evaluation time over time?
<copumpkin> I've seen charts for build time
<copumpkin> but not total evaluation time of a jobset
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<aristid> is it just me, or is google always going out of their way to make it confusing to build their software?
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<copumpkin> yes
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<copumpkin> also, did someone reset all failures on staging?
<copumpkin> I see a ton of grey builds that used to be red
<aristid> copumpkin: ah, the good old traditional of answering "yes" to a question with "or" in it :P
<copumpkin> :)
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<copumpkin> but no, I generally find their build stuff to be weird (even after using a blaze-derived tool for a while)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] xmikus01 opened pull request #24721: advancecomp: fix license (master...patch-1) https://git.io/vSrIi
<clever> aristid: and its relative, saying its not B, when it isnt A either!
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<aristid> cmake isn't perfect or anything, but i don't think gyp or gn are attractive compared to it
<copumpkin> cough bazel cough
<aristid> well, v8 uses gn and not bazel it seems
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<copumpkin> sure
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<aristid> i imagine whenever google releases anything to the outside world as open source, there is some kind of meeting where they discuss "let's make it more like the web in that things just update whenever, so let's put auto-updaters into everything"
<gchristensen> google does things to make it easy for them
<aristid> weird, something in nixos forces my EDITOR to be nano
<aristid> i don't want fucking nano, so i have export EDITOR=vim in my .bash_profile
<aristid> why is that being ignored now oO
<copumpkin> EDITOR=no-really-i-want-vim
<nixy> Looks like its getting set in nixpkgs/nixos/modules/programs/environment.nix
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<vandelsand> can anyone help me install steam?
<vandelsand> or is it too much trouble?
<aristid> vandelsand: nix-env -i steam
<vandelsand> you must be kidding... i am sure i tried that
<aristid> vandelsand: well, what did it complain about?
<nixy> Do you have unfree packages enabled?
<vandelsand> damn, have to wait 4 mins for libreoffice to finish (slow internet down here)
<vandelsand> yeah i have them enabled
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<vandelsand> i don't know, i'll let you know in a second
<vandelsand> i'm sure it will work fine, i'm just a dummy
<vandelsand> so you guys have luck running games? or are they mostly difficult?
<aristid> some work, some don't :)
<tokudan> vandelsand, steam works for me pretty well. games usually "just work"(tm)
<c74d> aristid: do you have `environment.variables.EDITOR = "vim"`?
<tokudan> and installing steam was just adding it into my system environment
<vandelsand> cool!
<aristid> c74d: no, i guess that would be the easiest way to fix it
<vandelsand> what do you mean by "adding to your system environment"? like in the configuration.nix?
<aristid> c74d: a little annoying that environment.variables takes precedence over my ~/.bash_profile
<tokudan> vandelsand, from configuration.nix: environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ steam ];
<aristid> c74d: oh, it seems my bash_profile isn't executed at all :D
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<tokudan> vandelsand, you obviously want to add steam to your list of packages, not take that line
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<aristid> hah, changing gnome-terminal to start a login shell fixed it
<aristid> vandelsand: however, just using nix-env should work too
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<vandelsand> if you want the configuration every time, that you can take to different systems, using configuration.nix is great
<vandelsand> but for my purposes, i'll just nix-env
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<gchristensen> anyone have that medium linux with nix syntax?
<gchristensen> .... that medium link with nix syntax?
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<c74d> aristid: ~/.bash_profile is only for login shells; it's ~/.bashrc that's for all interactive shells (however, I prefer to do as much from configuration.nix as possible, including setting shell rc scripts)
<vandelsand> aristid i get error: Package ‘steam-original-’ in ‘/nix/store/5apsl04q7dwwi9w3qhil08aikilv7bcz-nixos-17.03.889.9626bc7db7/nixos/pkgs/games/steam/steam.nix:31’ has an unfree license (‘unfreeRedistributable’), refusing to evaluate.
<aristid> c74d: yeah but why would i not use a login shell for my gnome terminal? :)
<clever> vandelsand: it should also tell you how to fix it
<aristid> vandelsand: you don't have unfree packages enabled.
<adelbertc> whats the command that lets me make sure a package (derivation defined in a local checkout of nixpkgs) builds independent of my system configuration? i thought `nix-shell -A <pkg> --pure` would do it, but it looks like that just drops me into a shell with the dependencies of <pkg> on the PATH, which is fine, but the derivation itself is not built. I thought
<adelbertc> I could then do a `nix-build -A <pkg> -K` but `nix-build` is not on my PATH either
<vandelsand> but i already have nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
<c74d> aristid: I don't know Unix well enough to say, but I'd guess "because you're not logging in by it"
<aristid> vandelsand: ah, i think this is a matter of nix-env not caring about the nixpkgs settings in your configuration.nix
<clever> adelbertc: nix-build /home/clever/nixpkgs -A hello --arg config '{}'
<clever> adelbertc: this will build hello, from a given nixpkgs dir, and tell it to ignore ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<aristid> c74d: the way i see it, i have a tree of shells, which starts with a login shell always
<adelbertc> clever: ah interesting. is the fact that nix-build is not on my PATH in a nix-shell intentional?
<aristid> and now i do because i pressed that checkbox :)
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<clever> adelbertc: --pure removes everything not specified in the deps of that package
<adelbertc> hmmmm
<vandelsand> so...
<vandelsand> For `nix-env`, `nix-build`, `nix-shell` or any other Nix command you can add { allowUnfree = true; } to ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix.
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<aristid> vandelsand: oh, it's in ~/.config now?
<aristid> i have it in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<vandelsand> this file did not exist, but i created it and added allowUnfree = true; to it
<aristid> but my system was installed a long time ago
<adelbertc> and if i run nix-build in a local checkout of nixpkgs does it automagically know to look in the local checkout when i say `nix-build -A <pkg>` instead of looking in say, the unstable channel
<vandelsand> but this didn't do anything...
<aristid> vandelsand: can you show your full config.nix file, please?
<aristid> it should look like this:
<aristid> pkgs : { allowUnfree = true; }
<clever> adelbertc: if you dont give nix-build a file, it loads default.nix in the current directory
<clever> adelbertc: so the command i gave can also be: cd ~/nixpkgs; nix-build -A hello --arg config '{}'
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<adelbertc> clever: gotcha, thanks!
<vandelsand> aristid: where would i find my config.nix?
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<vandelsand> the one i created was empty...
<aristid> vandelsand: yes but with the contents you put in now
<aristid> i just want it verbatim
<vandelsand> pkgs : { allowUnfree = true; }
<vandelsand> that's all in there
<clever> vandelsand: what command did you run that gave the error?
<vandelsand> sudo nix-env -i steam
<clever> then it has to be in roots home
<vandelsand> lemme check
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<aristid> vandelsand: why do you use sudo?
<clever> that too
<aristid> just do nix-env -i steam as your own user
<vandelsand> hm... good question
<vandelsand> well it seems to be working... downloading now
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<vandelsand> i guess i used sudo because i always have... and nixos-rebuild doesn't always work without sudo
<vandelsand> didn't realize i didn't need sudo on nixos to install packages
<aristid> vandelsand: yeah nixos-rebuild switch and boot need sudo, because they replace your SYSTEM configuration :)
<aristid> nix-env just affects your user profile
<vandelsand> good info
<clever> you can also "nixos-rebuild build" and "nixos-rebuild build-vm" without root
<clever> and that can be usefull to test things
<vandelsand> thanks guys, this is the BEST online resource
<vandelsand> you guys are awesoe
<vandelsand> awesome*
<aristid> vandelsand: i think installing packages as a user is one of the huge advantages of nixos that are difficult to explain to people, because they will just say "so what" or "installing packages as a user sounds dangerous"
<vandelsand> haha
<vandelsand> but if i install it as myself, and i go to a new user that package is not available right?
<vandelsand> so how is that dangerous?
<clever> exactly
<aristid> indeed
<clever> root is special, his packages are available to every user
<vandelsand> well fuck... haha i installed most stuff with root
<vandelsand> but NO LONGER!
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<vandelsand> clever: are you part of the nixos team? or just a friendly and knowledgeable person?
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<aristid> he's just a clever guy *pun*
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<clever> vandelsand: not officialy on the team, but i have absorbed an abnormaly large amount of the source, lol
<vandelsand> lol
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<ericnoan> is it just me or is dig not available for 16.09?
<ericnoan> it seems to be in the bind package, but it isn't installed in the 16.09 tag, only in master
<ericnoan> do most of you guys run on master?
<vandelsand> got to go
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<copumpkin> vandelsand, MichaelRaskin: might be easier for y'all to work through it on here
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ljli opened pull request #24722: haskell: ghcjs packages: Remove ghcjs-prim (master...ghcjs-prim) https://git.io/vSrsa
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edanaher opened pull request #24723: bup: 0.29 -> 0.29.1 (master...update-bup) https://git.io/vSrGO
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aristidb pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vSrGZ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d486006 Aristid Breitkreuz: rq: 0.9.2 -> 0.10.4 (still broken, our v8 is too old)
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master be6e9dc Aristid Breitkreuz: Merge branch 'master' of github.com:NixOS/nixpkgs
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 65be0b3 Aristid Breitkreuz: bup: enable par2 by default...
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<disasm> ericnoan: I'm on 17.03 and have bind installed and dig is there.
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<ericnoan> disasm: thanks, yeah i eventually installed the bind package, but i got confused since the nixos website and the repo told me to install the "dnsutils" package, but it isn't available in 16.09... https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/18903
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<ma9e> i3 isn't building debugging symbols with environment.enableDebugInfo = true, how would i fix this?
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<aristid> ikwildrpepper, domenkozar: i will pause my recurring donation until i've seen a financial statement :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] iclanzan opened pull request #24724: Fix `fadeExclude` description. (master...patch-1) https://git.io/vSrnr
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<ma9e> apparently adding "separateDebugInfo = true" was enough? :d
<ma9e> this shit blows me away some times
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] spinus closed pull request #23058: mailpile: 0.4.1 -> 0.5.2 (master...mailpile-upgrade) https://git.io/vDxIC
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sphaugh opened pull request #24725: i3: add separateDebugInfo (master...master) https://git.io/vSrlm
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<pmahoney`> bizarre intermittent error from 'jshon' observed only on osx AND inside a nix-build (i.e. works fine from my shelll; works fine on linux even in nix-build): json read error: line 1 column 1: '[' or '{' expected near 'B' https://gist.github.com/pmahoney/708d26b52dea6156463d385d244c6bf2
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vSrRk
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 9ae3f39 Dan Peebles: p7zip: fix purity on Darwin...
<domenkozar> aristid: if I understand correctly you're mostly interested into spending report?
<aristid> domenkozar: yup
<disasm> I just changed my shell to zsh. getent passwd shows the change but I just logged out and ssh'd back in and still getting bash.
<tokudan> disasm, when you disconnected, did it say something about shared connection closed?
<gchristensen> domenkozar: IMO literally _any_ report would be a good start :P
<gchristensen> "we received $5 in donations and spent $10 on macs"
<disasm> tokudan: yeah
<mbrgm> is there a way to force one definition when nixops comlains about 'confliciting' definitions of one value?
<tokudan> disasm, then you did not disconnect, but just closed that ssh session. disconnect again, then check for running ssh processes and kill them. then connect again
<mbrgm> shlevy: ^- this is for the workaround you described -- I'm trying to set supportsInitrdSecrets to false.
<tokudan> disasm, processes to look for (your paths may be completely different): ssh: /home/abc/.ssh/ctrl/someone@a.server:22 [mux]
<disasm> tokudan: ah, that's right I have a control master setup for that host. I stopped it and all better :)
<copumpkin> gchristensen: is there an easier process to get NixOS onto a packet.net box now? I'm going to do try to push through the NixOS image building revamp and need some unvirtualized hardware
<gchristensen> copumpkin: yeah
<copumpkin> \o/
<gchristensen> copumpkin: very easy :) EXTREMELY easy if you trust me
<copumpkin> \o/ \o/
<shlevy> mbrgm: Look for mkForce in nixpkgs
<mbrgm> shlevy: ty
<copumpkin> gchristensen: so how do I do it? :D
<gchristensen> copumpkin: depends, do you trust me?
<copumpkin> is it quick/easy enough for me to only spin up boxes when I want them and then kill them otherwise?
<copumpkin> what do I need to trust you with? probably
<gchristensen> you need to trust I don't root your server via the ipxe url
<gchristensen> which obviously I won't, but it changes the instructions :P
<copumpkin> sure that's fine
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<gchristensen> cool, gimme ~10 minutes to verify it is all good
<mbrgm> shlevy: hm... workaround is no workaround :-/
<mbrgm> I think I'll revert the commit on my branch for now.
<copumpkin> gchristensen: oh well my packet.net account has been flagged for manual review :)
<gchristensen> copumpkin: oh! what server type are you wanting?
<copumpkin> so I can't do anything yet anyway
<gchristensen> copumpkin: what is your account's email? (feel free to pm)
<copumpkin> this was just to create the account
<shlevy> mbrgm: It's not working?
<mbrgm> shlevy: boot.loader.supportsInitrdSecrets = lib.mkForce false;
<mbrgm> ?
<gchristensen> copumpkin: which server type do you need? right now my process only really supports type0, but another type might not be hard to add
<shlevy> Ah, right, the activation script is still going to try to install them :'(
<copumpkin> gchristensen: hadn't really thought it through :) type0 is fine to tinker with for now
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<mbrgm> shlevy: can you tell me which commit to revert in order to deploy again? :-/ I tried 3a26d09e15, but it did not work. do I need the whole range from 59c0977300..3a26d09e15?
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<shlevy> mbrgm: b09490a3229dd5ac4169248ee38ca22e357c0aa2
<shlevy> Just that one
<shlevy> The rest should befine
<mbrgm> ok, I'll try that one
<copumpkin> is vcunat online? matrix doesn't give me very reliable view into that
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<mbrgm> shlevy: yeai, worked.
<gchristensen> copumpkin: no
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<shlevy> mbrgm: Cool
<shlevy> mbrgm: Can you open an issue with the details so I can track this?
<shlevy> Tag me on it
<mbrgm> shlevy: yup.
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<aristid> copumpkin: hum, not sure what to think about bazel (judging from docs). on the one hand, it's a build system that downloads stuff from the network. on the other hand, there's a sha256 in there
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<mbrgm> shlevy: ## Possible solutions
<mbrgm> woops
<mbrgm> there it is ^^
<shlevy> mbrgm: Thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej opened pull request #24729: verbiste: init at 0.1.44 (master...verbiste) https://git.io/vSrKg
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<adelbertc> hm if nix-shell -A <pkg> --pure drops you into a shell with the dependencies of <pkg> on the PATH, how come if i add `jre` to my function arguments and drop into the shell `java` is not in the PATH?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Infinisil opened pull request #24730: buku: 2.8 -> 2.9 (master...buku-2.9) https://git.io/vSriu
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<dash> adelbertc: because none of jre's dependencies provide 'java', i bet
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #24732: scala: 2.11.9 -> 2.11.10 (master...scala_2_11_10) https://git.io/vSryI