gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-chat to: NixOS but much less topical || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-chat
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<colemickens> has anyone played with ion?
<samueldr> which ion?
<colemickens> and then I'm also curious for nushell to get full scripting capabilities and play with it
<samueldr> I'll just state beforehand: I was really only talking about uses as a programming language
<samueldr> though I'm also curious into trying non-sh shells at some point
<samueldr> I wonder what an interactive-first shell would look like
<samueldr> even one that is not intended to be used for scripting
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<colemickens> maybe I'll set termite to open nushell/zsh/osh randomly for a while :P
<gchristensen> afaik osh isn't intended to be interactive
<colemickens> Idk, I'd thought something similar maybe, but I can start both oil and osh interactively after installing?
<gchristensen> yeah you can but you can also start PHP interactively
<samueldr> $ sudo chsh php
<samueldr> (I know it's not it would even work if it was a mutable system)
<colemickens> "Oil Language — A legacy-free dialect of shell" "OSH Language — A compatible shell language". I think it's confusing.
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<energizer> http get key==mykey command=='/nix/store/2f6zzvixj3wsj81flbdcpc6fdscgx4ai-coreutils-8.31/bin/echo hello world'
<energizer> {"stdout":"hello world\n","stderr":""}
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<energizer> is there a nixos image on dockerhub somewhere?
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<energizer> or elsewhere
<cole-h> I hate Java >:(
<cole-h> (Mostly because I don't know it)
<samueldr> I hate Java too
<samueldr> but appreciate it at the same time
<cole-h> I have a `public class Display extends javax.swing.JLabel implements java.awt.event.ActionListener`
<cole-h> and I can't set the text of the label
<cole-h> reeee
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<cole-h> Oh
<cole-h> It's because I did `new Display()` twice instead of `Display display = new Display();` and then using that constructed `display`
<cole-h> derp
<cole-h> Not a Java problem in the end
<cole-h> PEBCAK
<samueldr> cole-h: today I was wondering why the events on a textarea instance weren't working
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<samueldr> except I implemented the event callback on the keyboard instance
<samueldr> every developer ends up barking the wrong tree multiple times a year :)
<samueldr> barking up the wrong tree*
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<cole-h> (:
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<elvishjerricco> ZFS scrubs my HDD raidz2 pool at 575MiB/s. Feelsgoodman.
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<gchristensen> nice
<eyJhb> Currently just writing in some of my probability theory, and a question of a random process is the phone bill you get each month. I am QUITE certain, that they don't just do `eyJhbsBill = rand(0,10000)`
<tilpner> eyJhb: I doubt that's what they meant. View it from the providers perspective, where each customers monthly usage can be modelled and condendensed into a few random variables. Over all customers, the distribution can be used to inform infrastructure expansion decisions (or market segmentation)
<eyJhb> tilpner: See that would make sense, right? But that is not the case. I think they are more thinking in if you do not have a prepaid plan, etc. but yes, it would be better if it was in form of a company
<eyJhb> `Describe a random process that you are likely to encounter in the following situations: - paying the monthly telephone bill` -> `expense in dollars and cents `
<eyJhb> But not really that important, just a little "fun thing"
<gchristensen> I can confirm non-prepaid-phones are also not random
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<eyJhb> gchristensen: ^ Also what I am thinking
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<eyJhb> I am guessing if you add kids, then it starts getting more random
<eyJhb> But a very weird example
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<tilpner> Fine, that's a little weird. I guess record past bills, and predict your likely spending for budgeting? Ehh
<tilpner> So what you said, but with a better distribution than uniform [0; 10000)
<eyJhb> Yeah, pretty much :p But like it is quite easy, when you just pay 99 DKK each month
<eyJhb> > DKK 99
<{^_^}> "343035.990000 VND"
<eyJhb> > VND 343035
<{^_^}> "13.035330 EUR"
<eyJhb> Free text, 10 hour call, LTE, 50 GB Data, and data in all of EU :D - I have heard that would cost quite a bit more in e.g. Canada, etc.
<joepie91> it would also cost quite a bit more in NL
<joepie91> and probably most countries
<sphalerite> eyJhb: or Germany
<eyJhb> We have that fun thing, and now you need to listen up guys. We start phone companies with REALLY LOW PRICES, so low that it is a bad business.
<sphalerite> … but I thought Denmark was supposed to be an expensive country!
<eyJhb> Then you take all of the other companys customers, and then at some point they have to buy you out, and THEN you make money
<eyJhb> And that just drives the prices to nothing...
<sphalerite> so who's getting screwed over?
<eyJhb> I am guessing other things are? :p
<eyJhb> sphalerite: The big companies, so it is OK
<sphalerite> that sounds… unlikely?
<sphalerite> surely the big ones are the ones that are operating the infrastructure, so the small ones have to pay them as well?
<eyJhb> I am not 100% into it, but I am guessing that maybe they have to pay them, but the fee is quite small compared to what they got from the customers they have
<sphalerite> something seems off there.
<supersandro2000> internet is stupid expensive in Germany
<supersandro2000> especially mobile one
<supersandro2000> and then you go 5 meters in the forst and you have Edge
<supersandro2000> forest
<eyJhb> sphalerite: I will try to find some article about it
<makefu> for mobile this is true, however right now you can get gigabit (down at least) for ~40€ via cable
<sphalerite> I'd expect the companies operating the infrastructure to charge the new small ones such that most of the money from the consumers on the small companies pay a similar amount to what they charge their own consumers
<sphalerite> though if there are some nice laws preventing that, that's cool :p
<eyJhb> Like fiber net (1 Gbit/s up and down) in Denmark you can get for 489 DKK
<sphalerite> symmetric *_*
<sphalerite> I want it
<eyJhb> sphalerite: I think there is.. But I am not sure, but I know that is roughly what they do
<eyJhb> lso
<eyJhb> > DKK 489
<{^_^}> "1694389.890000 VND"
<eyJhb> > VND 1694389
<sphalerite> I get "fibre" in my new flat but the last 10 metres are DSL, 100Mbit down and 40 up.
<{^_^}> "64.386782 EUR"
<eyJhb> sphalerite: for how much?
<sphalerite> somwehre between 20 and 30 EUR iirc
<supersandro2000> makefu: I get 50 Mbps for that price
<eyJhb> I have a shared connection for 4 EUR atm. capped at 100/100 Mbit/s
<eyJhb> It is way more fun sitting at uni however -> `[ 5] 0.00-10.00 sec 1.07 GBytes 923 Mbits/sec 1 sender`
<supersandro2000> I am just saying #Neuland
<eyJhb> Markers?
<talyz> eyJhb: whoa, that's really cheap compared to sweden too
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<talyz> eyJhb: I have one of the cheaper / crappier mobile operators and they would charge 299 SEK for 50GB of data
<supersandro2000> even my local hackpspace only has 250MB or so
<ar> my local hackerspace is an isp ;)
<supersandro2000> technically we provide internet to the house
<ar> (our connection to the local IX is a 1gbit link)
<ar> (symmetric)
<ar> we have some tentative plans to upgrade to a 10g link
<talyz> eyJhb: the 1 Gbit/s fibre prices are similar, though
<ar> at home i have a 1000/100mbit link with a static ipv4 address, but no ipv6, for 89pln/mo (~20€)
<gchristensen> $100/mo here for 100Mbps/30Mbps... the county is talking about becoming a fiber ISP since nobody else has managed to do it
<talyz> gchristensen: that's pretty outrageous :o
<gchristensen> welcome to the beautiful, rural, mountains of the berkshires!
<gchristensen> maybe hills would be better
<eyJhb> ar: Sounds quite nice!
<eyJhb> > SEK 299
<{^_^}> "299 SEK (weakest of the Norse Brothers) = 212.290000 DKK"
<eyJhb> That is quite a lot for that... talyz :/
<eyJhb> We have a bunch of places, that is connected to the university by a `black fiber`, so they get 10 Gbit/s for like 100 people sometimes. And most do NOTHING with it, so WIN
<eyJhb> We are for some reason limited te 750 Mbit/s in total where I live, and each is capped at 100 Mbit/s then..
<gchristensen> talyz: I nearly lived in a house which could only get dialup, and they bonded it.
* etu has 500/500, pretty nice
* joepie91 also 500/500
<abathur> I think we've got like 50/5? :)
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<supersandro2000> 3 years ago I had 16k/2k. Don't know how I lived back then
<philipp[m]> Is there some sort of formal distinction for the -small vs the normal channel? What exactly also lands in small?
<steveeJ> philipp[m]: someone will surely correct of complement me here. AFAIU small is gated by a smaller subset of the tests that gate the normal channels
<steveeJ> philipp[m]: this means effectively that you'll have new changes sooner at the cost of higher risk
<philipp[m]> Ah, that would make sense.
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<gchristensen> and fewer prebuilt packages
<__monty__> A list of the packages that aren't necessarily cached for *-small would be pretty useful though.
<philipp[m]> Yeah, that would help with informed decisions. I'm using the -small channel quite a bit but I found it's being ignored by a lot of people, probably because it's not obvious what it is.
<__monty__> Afaik it's kinda intended for headless systems?
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<talyz> eyJhb: Not super cheap, no. I would pay it if I felt like I needed it, but my current plan of 4GB / month for 79 SEK is good enough, especially now..
<talyz> gchristensen: That's, um, one way to solve it I guess :p Blazing 112kbps speeds, right?
<gchristensen> haha
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<FireFly> talyz: hmm, who offers that plan?
<FireFly> sounds a bit tempting..
<talyz> FireFly: Hallon, but they also have pretty terrible coverage compared to the others, so you get what you pay for ;)
<FireFly> *nod*, fair
<talyz> FireFly: The price seems to be 99 SEK / month now, though
<FireFly> I had the nice telenor plan, before they got rid of it >.>
<FireFly> or rather, bumped the 'unlimited data' to something absurd like 750 kr/mo or so
<talyz> heh, wow
<talyz> "we really don't want you to choose this one"
<FireFly> yeah, it used to be 200, then 300..
<FireFly> but I guess it didn't really make sense for them to continue to offer that
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<turlando> I have a voucher from my university I can spend on books. Any suggestions on what should I buy IT/programming-related? I'm looking for something that makes it better on paper than on a pdf downloaded from libgen
<ldlework> What are you into?
<turlando> from functional programming to security and architecture
<turlando> right now I was looking at PoC||GTFO vol 2 since I already have the first one
<turlando> I would also buy something to support the authors
<FireFly> oh yeah, I should get the pocorgtfo volumes
<turlando> Also something about statistics or quant finance wouldn't be bad
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<turlando> my home modem almost committed suicide
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<eyJhb> talyz: My plan started as 2-4 GB, but they just keep upgrading it!
<etu> FireFly: I used to have the unlimited plan on a 4G stick for a while, then I stopped using it but wanted to have it available so I rented it out to a college who hit the transfer limit of a 100G/month :D
<etu> FireFly: They later removed that limit from the unlimited plan.
<etu> talyz: I pay 90sek/month for my mobile plan, and I have good coverage in Sweden at least. But it's on the Telenor network instead of 3. They tend to be worse abroad, but that's not a big problem nowadays :p
<FireFly> etu: heh, I used something around 100G in a month at one point when tethering.. I figured I'd try the 'unlimited' aspect
<FireFly> in practice I never hit anything close to that, but it as pretty nice to not have to worry about the quota
<etu> FireFly: They gave me some bs like: "our opinion is that 100G is unlimited"
<FireFly> it's probably in the fine print, as an acceptable use policy thing
<etu> Nah, they were forced to remove the limit :)
<etu> Someone else was more upset than me
<FireFly> ah nice
<eyJhb> etu: "Was more upset than me" :p
<eyJhb> Also, that is some BS. But there is some company in DK that does the same, you have unlimited data, but at 100 GB they just throttle you to unuseable
<eyJhb> ALso, any bitlbee users that know how to use the extrasettings, to set a default on accounts ?
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<crazazy[m]> Apperently I cant log into matrix via gomuks
<crazazy[m]> right after i badmouthed it in some other IRC server
<drakonis> cole-h: lol
<evanjs> Had to brain vomit (i.e. happy rant) after watching the video to underline some important (and minor) things I though should be addressed, but as you were saying, I think it's a great look for "outsiders"
<drakonis> fascinating.
* cole-h switches Twitter from "top tweets" to "most recent tweets"
* cole-h still doesn't seen a gchristensen tweet sent 20m ago
<cole-h> (granted it's a reply to a tweet, but still)
<drakonis> huh
<cole-h> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoyEeJewiKk (first 2 seconds of music) me_irl
<drakonis> i see a graham tweet with night light
<cole-h> ?
<eyJhb> Is it just me that abuses `sudo -s` ?
<etu> eyJhb: no, It's common that I write "sudo su" to get a root shell :p
<eyJhb> etu: #abuse
<eyJhb> I do that as well sometimes
<V> sudo -i
<eyJhb> However, I never do sudo !! for some reason
<eyJhb> Always, up arrow, ctrl+a, sudo , enter
<etu> eyJhb: C-p C-a sudo space enter
<eyJhb> We need more.
<etu> :p
<eyJhb> What does C-p do?
<cole-h> Up arrow, ctrl+left arrow until beginning of line, sudo space enter
<eyJhb> If it is something in Emacs I will sceam
* cole-h feels like a savage
<etu> eyJhb: Bash has borrowed many keybinds from Emacs
<eyJhb> *screams*
<cole-h> s/bash/readline/ ?
<V> "borrowed"
<V> it has an emacs mode and a vi mode
<etu> eyJhb: C-p (previous), C-n (next), C-b (back), C-f (forward), C-a (beginning of line), C-e (end of line)
<etu> cole-h: yeah
<etu> Many of the things was created around the same time
<cole-h> :P
<V> eyJhb: hey, it's suitably festive
<etu> At least by todays perspective
<V> 'tis the time of the year
<FireFly> esc k I sudo space enter :p
<V> up home sudo space enter
<V> :))))
<FireFly> ...but sometimes up C-a sudo space enter
<FireFly> probaly depends on how I feel
<V> you know... I could add a keybind that inserts those inputs for me
<adisbladis> etu: Add `abbr --add !! sudo $history[1]` to your fish_prompt function
<etu> adisbladis: no :D
<adisbladis> ^_^
<cole-h> adisbladis++
<{^_^}> adisbladis's karma got increased to 115
<cole-h> Wait
<etu> or rather, that's not a bad idea
<cole-h> adisbladis--
<cole-h> Where is `doas`? >:(
<adisbladis> cole-h: Hey, etu is not using doas afaik
<etu> I'm not that modern
<cole-h> "modern" lol
<eyJhb> GET HIM!
<adisbladis> etu: I just tried it for a bit, it's pretty nice tbh
<etu> But I use sway
<etu> adisbladis: What's the upside?
<eyJhb> Fuck. I am screwed then
<talyz> etu: Telenor is almost 3 (they share 70% of the network)
<etu> talyz: Telenor actually works in Värmland :p
<adisbladis> etu: Well, rather than the dance of moving the cursor around you get to type !! :P
<etu> adisbladis: I meant, what's the upside of doas > sudo?
<adisbladis> etu: Ah
<adisbladis> Smaller code base, generally sane
<etu> talyz: Maybe they share network in the cities, but not outside where 3 is non-existent.
<cole-h> Less features, as a result, though
<cole-h> Just FYI
<talyz> etu: maybe the missing 30% is Värmland, then :p
<etu> talyz: Telenor has in my experience really good coverage
<etu> talyz: So if you feel that 3 is bad, then they don't share 70% of the network :p
<V> what language is "happy"?
<supersandro2000> Emoji
<cole-h> Swift, as a result of ^
<cole-h> ;P
<cole-h> V: btw, "Happy" is detected by the `.y` and `.ly` file extensions.
<V> cursed
<cole-h> V: So it's actually just (mis)detecting yacc lol
<V> you'd think one would do detection in order of how common each language is
<V> I have never heard of happy
<cole-h> It's up to whoever adds the language :P
<V> wait, it doesn't even have yacc?
<cole-h> Looks like you can blame @vmchale https://github.com/XAMPPRocky/tokei/pull/133
<{^_^}> XAMPPRocky/tokei#133 (by vmchale, 3 years ago, merged): added hamlet, cassius, lucius, cabal, nix, happy, alex, and madlang support
<{^_^}> XAMPPRocky/tokei#421 (by lipeng31, 43 weeks ago, closed): Add language support for Lex and Yacc
<cole-h> Anybody seen https://i.imgur.com/IaRyyWB.png before? Ryzen R7 3700X.
<talyz> etu: Seems to be the 3G network specifically
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<gchristensen> man, the "tested" channel has really turned to junk as they ramped up production
<gchristensen> (youtube)
<cole-h> That's Adam Savage's thing, right?
<gchristensen> yea
<cole-h> Yeah, RIP. I subscribed to it on YouTube for his content.
<cole-h> Then I realized how little of his stuff is on Tested compared to the other stuff :(
<gchristensen> from 20 days ago, https://twitter.com/grhmc/status/1315479595295084544 was about Tested
<cole-h> Ouch
<cole-h> Too true :(
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<cransom> 'this is a random specialty tool you can't find anymore that i used recently. here's a 15 minute shpeel about how life transforming it is'
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<gchristensen> yup
<supersandro2000> the random alias I can't remember and is really useful and I don't know how it was called or what it exactly did
<gchristensen> ,randomPR
<{^_^}> gchristensen: Did you mean random-pr?
<{^_^}> Script to open a random open PR: https://paste.infinisil.com/eTjLirlSno
<infinisil> ,random-pr
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/86673 (by Br1ght0ne, 25 weeks ago, open): bashtop: init at 0.8.23
<gchristensen> seems worth closing, the own author says not to install it in their readme
<supersandro2000> I tried it once
<supersandro2000> and it is very slow
<cole-h> Maaaaaaan
<cole-h> nvm, simple fix
<eyJhb> cole-h++ for a NixOS test I can use as a template :p
<{^_^}> cole-h's karma got increased to 102
<cole-h> :)
<eyJhb> Damn, hoarder
<eyJhb> ALl that karma, do you REALLY need it?
<cole-h> Yes.
<cole-h> It makes me feel good.
<eyJhb> :( Damn
<eyJhb> But so far, without having done ANYTHING, NixOS tests seem cool as hell
<etu> eyJhb++
<{^_^}> eyJhb's karma got increased to 7
<cole-h> tfw PR to Nix is left open for 2 months with no response, so I have to keep rebasing and fixing conflicts... :(
<makefu> cole-h: it sometimes helps when you ping people in #nixos ,sometimes stuff gets lost - these are unprecedented times
<makefu> cole-h: i will create a meme for you to cheer you up
<cole-h> makefu: NixOS/nix, not Nixpkgs :P
<makefu> ah ... oh damn, no problem you get your meme nonetheless
<cole-h> The only person who it would be worth to ping would be Eelco, but that just feels rude to me :P
<cole-h> <3 makefu
<{^_^}> makefu's karma got increased to like 7, I think
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<philipp[m]> How did I just now learn about this? https://grocy.info/
<gchristensen> ah yes enterprise resource planning for your home
<__monty__> Needs more machine learning.
<philipp[m]> gchristensen: It's a nixos module, so it must be good, right? :p
<gchristensen> hehe
<gchristensen> okay the barcode scanning is great. I implemented that with Todoist + barcodelookup.com + iOS Shortcuts for a bit, but the barcodelookup.com cost was way too high
<philipp[m]> And it's got an interface to open food facts.
<__monty__> I assume most of that is just matching what other users have entered? Afaik there's no general agreements about what barcodes mean?
<samueldr> gchristensen: you might be interested in knowing that some online marketplaces accept barcodes as search terms
<gchristensen> oh cool
<samueldr> *some*, and I only know of some for here
<samueldr> __monty__: there is a general agreement on how it's structured
<samueldr> __monty__: but a span of codes is used as an owner sees fit
<samueldr> there are a two main standards in use
<samueldr> [for products]
<samueldr> UPC and EAN-13
<gchristensen> and a whole additional format for meats
<samueldr> yeah, which also is standardized IIRC
<__monty__> Hmm, that I didn't know.
<gchristensen> I was reading whitepapers about meat barcodes and then I gave up trying to have todoist + barcodelookup.com be my freezer tracker
<samueldr> so when you work long enough needing to look up UPC codes, you end up knowing the manufacturer by code
<__monty__> I thought it was basically just encoded opaque identifiers.
<samueldr> half of it is
<samueldr> though even then, the opaque half has recommendations IIRC
<samueldr> about how you'd leave the last (non-check) digit as a "format" selector, so e.g. you have 0 99999 1234X C
<samueldr> 99999 is the owner
<samueldr> 1234 is the product, X would be the format, e.g. 6 pack, 1 unit
<makefu> cole-h: i've posted to /r/nixos, maybe it wakes someone up :)
<samueldr> but that recommendation is never used
<cole-h> haha
<cransom> meat barcodes?
<samueldr> cransom: encoding price off the label into the code so it can ring you up
<samueldr> at least for the one I know of, it's not used only for meats, any wholesale by the weight could be
<cransom> wonder if it would be less of a jump to OCR the label if the bar codes were that hard to pull apart
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<eyJhb> cole-h: I have started to ping in -dev, when I have PRs
<eyJhb> Not sure if that is ideal, but sometimes stuff happens
<samueldr> eyJhb: difference is Nix and not Nixpkgs AFAIUI
<eyJhb> samueldr: Between nixos-dev and nixos?
<samueldr> nah, for cole-h's PRs
<samueldr> getting things merged in Nix I figure is harder than for Nixpkgs
<eyJhb> ALso... Really, someone, where do we place the unstbale in a version checkout that has no realease?
<eyJhb> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/68518 version = "-unstable" or version = "unstable-" :(
<{^_^}> #68518 (by jtojnar, 1 year ago, open): unstable part of version instead of pname
<samueldr> I believe the answer is that no one really knows
<sphalerite> help, I've written my first parser in jq
<eyJhb> Does ANYONE have a strong opinion about this? First to say something gets what they want (about where to place unstable)
<samueldr> sphalerite: rm
<eyJhb> sphalerite: Like, a intervention?
<samueldr> eyJhb: add isUnstable to mkDerivation to add -unstable- between pname and version
<samueldr> that way no one is happy and everyone is happy
<sphalerite> eyJhb: before
<sphalerite> because it "breaks" nix's version handling
<samueldr> .pname resolves to the package name, .version to some useless date-ish blob
<samueldr> sphalerite: no it does not because `name` is used
<samueldr> > hello.name
<{^_^}> "hello-2.10"
<samueldr> so wherever it's placed between version or pname it doesn't change the output of name
<eyJhb> Can't I just cat /dev/urandom, pick 8 bytes, and swap in?
<samueldr> but yes, unstable has to be between pname and version
<sphalerite> > :p map builtins.parseDrvName ["hello-unstable-2020-10-30" "hello-2020-10-30"]
<{^_^}> [ { name = "hello-unstable"; version = "2020-10-30"; } { name = "hello"; version = "2020-10-30"; } ]
<sphalerite> > :p map builtins.parseDrvName ["hello-unstable-2020-10-30" "hello-2020-10-30-unstable"]
<{^_^}> [ { name = "hello-unstable"; version = "2020-10-30"; } { name = "hello"; version = "2020-10-30-unstable"; } ]
<sphalerite> I mean, parseDrvName really shouldn't exist, but it does.
<eyJhb> samueldr: Where should isUnstable go? In meta?
<samueldr> ah, but see, it never was about putting `-unstable` at the end of name, but at the end of pname rather than at the front of version
<gchristensen> this is *decidedly* off topic :P
<samueldr> yes lol
<samueldr> eyJhb: dunno! I literally just threw that out as a non-solution answer for you
<eyJhb> NO! So much off-topic!
<sphalerite> samueldr: but it's useful! Kind of.
<sphalerite> samueldr: that is, my parser written in jq
<eyJhb> sphalerite: We need a intervention.
<eyJhb> :D
<aranea> does anyone have time to review https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/96912 ?
<{^_^}> #96912 (by atlaua, 8 weeks ago, open): nixos/qemu-vm: Fix and update system.requiredKernelConfig entries
<aranea> it's just three trivial bugfix commits that have been sitting around untouched for two months now
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* etu looks at eyJhb's suffering
<eyJhb> etu: hopefully someone ends it soon
<etu> eyJhb: Won't merge now, CI still in progress
<aleph-> Oh hey, good old arcan
<aleph-> samueldr: You use it?
<samueldr> not yet
<samueldr> but that's something I've been keeping my eye on
<aleph-> samueldr: Also qq, do we have a tracking board or issue for (un)official ports of nixOS to arm boards? Want something to track for my NAS since I know a number of folks here are awaiting one.
<aleph-> Ah you should.
<samueldr> aleph-: not that I know of
<aleph-> I use arcan with safe spaces and a oculus CV1 myself
<samueldr> mine is still not shipped from its Canada entry point AFAIK
<aleph-> Ah, got it.
<aleph-> Geez.
<samueldr> well, it has to go from all the way over there to all the way up here!
<samueldr> aleph-: played with the network transparency bits?
<samueldr> aleph-: one area that interests me is plugging in e.g. a dumb ol' ARM SBC into a screen and just throw a window into it
<aleph-> samueldr: Ah heh. Far north I see
<aleph-> samueldr: I have not as much, no.
<aleph-> samueldr: heh interesting
<aleph-> I think
<__monty__> Hmm, github's 500 is pretty cute, haven't run into octocat falling down a ravine yet.
<colemickens> people use arcan o_0
<colemickens> I wonder what the Arcan author thinks of Nix.
<worldofpeace> samueldr: like, who even needs that row of letters?
<worldofpeace> all passwords in mobile nixos should just be below those
<samueldr> is that what they call lower case characters?
<worldofpeace> hahah
<lovesegfault> Do we have split-up nixcon videos yet?
<worldofpeace> lovesegfault: I think in progress?
<worldofpeace> in a few days the orga is meeting, and we're gonna talk about things. that is on the agenda
<V> christ, github is absolutely spamming me right now
<eyJhb> "about things. thit is on the agenda" worldofpeace 2020
<V> getting so many duplicate e-mails
<eyJhb> that*
<eyJhb> Fuck
<lovesegfault> worldofpeace: Oh, awesome :)
<V> and the notifications page is 500ing
<__monty__> Yep.
<worldofpeace> eyJhb: WORLDofPEACE: My Agenda 2020
<eyJhb> worldofpeace: Do you also want to catsit as part of that agenda?
<joepie91> samueldr: just market it as super secure keyboard input obfuscation
<worldofpeace> eyJhb: all cats are babies
<worldofpeace> lol, turn that into an acronym and you'll get it
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<aleph-> colemickens: Likes it from what I recall
<energizer> is it normal that DisplayLinkManager be using >10% CPU?
<energizer> (htop)
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<drakonis> woah
<drakonis> it looks real nice
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<worldofpeace> drakonis: there's people who use emacs because of org mode
<gchristensen> I switched to emacs for org mode, back in 20...13
<worldofpeace> gchristensen: u came to my mind 😸
<gchristensen> :)
<energizer> i believe drakonis means orgmode got a new website design
* samueldr is tempted to quote the drivel any redesigned website gets
<energizer> good point
<samueldr> it's not :)