Currently just writing in some of my probability theory, and a question of a random process is the phone bill you get each month. I am QUITE certain, that they don't just do `eyJhbsBill = rand(0,10000)`
eyJhb: I doubt that's what they meant. View it from the providers perspective, where each customers monthly usage can be modelled and condendensed into a few random variables. Over all customers, the distribution can be used to inform infrastructure expansion decisions (or market segmentation)
tilpner: See that would make sense, right? But that is not the case. I think they are more thinking in if you do not have a prepaid plan, etc. but yes, it would be better if it was in form of a company
`Describe a random process that you are likely to encounter in the following situations: - paying the monthly telephone bill` -> `expense in dollars and cents `
But not really that important, just a little "fun thing"
I can confirm non-prepaid-phones are also not random
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gchristensen: ^ Also what I am thinking
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I am guessing if you add kids, then it starts getting more random
But a very weird example
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Fine, that's a little weird. I guess record past bills, and predict your likely spending for budgeting? Ehh
So what you said, but with a better distribution than uniform [0; 10000)
Yeah, pretty much :p But like it is quite easy, when you just pay 99 DKK each month
> DKK 99
"343035.990000 VND"
> VND 343035
"13.035330 EUR"
Free text, 10 hour call, LTE, 50 GB Data, and data in all of EU :D - I have heard that would cost quite a bit more in e.g. Canada, etc.
it would also cost quite a bit more in NL
and probably most countries
eyJhb: or Germany
We have that fun thing, and now you need to listen up guys. We start phone companies with REALLY LOW PRICES, so low that it is a bad business.
… but I thought Denmark was supposed to be an expensive country!
Then you take all of the other companys customers, and then at some point they have to buy you out, and THEN you make money
And that just drives the prices to nothing...
so who's getting screwed over?
I am guessing other things are? :p
sphalerite: The big companies, so it is OK
that sounds… unlikely?
surely the big ones are the ones that are operating the infrastructure, so the small ones have to pay them as well?
I am not 100% into it, but I am guessing that maybe they have to pay them, but the fee is quite small compared to what they got from the customers they have
something seems off there.
internet is stupid expensive in Germany
especially mobile one
and then you go 5 meters in the forst and you have Edge
sphalerite: I will try to find some article about it
for mobile this is true, however right now you can get gigabit (down at least) for ~40€ via cable
I'd expect the companies operating the infrastructure to charge the new small ones such that most of the money from the consumers on the small companies pay a similar amount to what they charge their own consumers
though if there are some nice laws preventing that, that's cool :p
Like fiber net (1 Gbit/s up and down) in Denmark you can get for 489 DKK
symmetric *_*
I want it
sphalerite: I think there is.. But I am not sure, but I know that is roughly what they do
> DKK 489
"1694389.890000 VND"
> VND 1694389
I get "fibre" in my new flat but the last 10 metres are DSL, 100Mbit down and 40 up.
"64.386782 EUR"
sphalerite: for how much?
somwehre between 20 and 30 EUR iirc
makefu: I get 50 Mbps for that price
I have a shared connection for 4 EUR atm. capped at 100/100 Mbit/s
It is way more fun sitting at uni however -> `[ 5] 0.00-10.00 sec 1.07 GBytes 923 Mbits/sec 1 sender`
I am just saying #Neuland
eyJhb: whoa, that's really cheap compared to sweden too
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eyJhb: I have one of the cheaper / crappier mobile operators and they would charge 299 SEK for 50GB of data
even my local hackpspace only has 250MB or so
my local hackerspace is an isp ;)
technically we provide internet to the house
(our connection to the local IX is a 1gbit link)
we have some tentative plans to upgrade to a 10g link
eyJhb: the 1 Gbit/s fibre prices are similar, though
at home i have a 1000/100mbit link with a static ipv4 address, but no ipv6, for 89pln/mo (~20€)
$100/mo here for 100Mbps/30Mbps... the county is talking about becoming a fiber ISP since nobody else has managed to do it
gchristensen: that's pretty outrageous :o
welcome to the beautiful, rural, mountains of the berkshires!
maybe hills would be better
ar: Sounds quite nice!
> SEK 299
"299 SEK (weakest of the Norse Brothers) = 212.290000 DKK"
That is quite a lot for that... talyz :/
We have a bunch of places, that is connected to the university by a `black fiber`, so they get 10 Gbit/s for like 100 people sometimes. And most do NOTHING with it, so WIN
We are for some reason limited te 750 Mbit/s in total where I live, and each is capped at 100 Mbit/s then..
talyz: I nearly lived in a house which could only get dialup, and they bonded it.
* etu
has 500/500, pretty nice
* joepie91
also 500/500
I think we've got like 50/5? :)
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3 years ago I had 16k/2k. Don't know how I lived back then
Is there some sort of formal distinction for the -small vs the normal channel? What exactly also lands in small?
philipp[m]: someone will surely correct of complement me here. AFAIU small is gated by a smaller subset of the tests that gate the normal channels
philipp[m]: this means effectively that you'll have new changes sooner at the cost of higher risk
Ah, that would make sense.
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and fewer prebuilt packages
A list of the packages that aren't necessarily cached for *-small would be pretty useful though.
Yeah, that would help with informed decisions. I'm using the -small channel quite a bit but I found it's being ignored by a lot of people, probably because it's not obvious what it is.
Afaik it's kinda intended for headless systems?
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eyJhb: Not super cheap, no. I would pay it if I felt like I needed it, but my current plan of 4GB / month for 79 SEK is good enough, especially now..
gchristensen: That's, um, one way to solve it I guess :p Blazing 112kbps speeds, right?
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talyz: hmm, who offers that plan?
sounds a bit tempting..
FireFly: Hallon, but they also have pretty terrible coverage compared to the others, so you get what you pay for ;)
*nod*, fair
FireFly: The price seems to be 99 SEK / month now, though
I had the nice telenor plan, before they got rid of it >.>
or rather, bumped the 'unlimited data' to something absurd like 750 kr/mo or so
heh, wow
"we really don't want you to choose this one"
yeah, it used to be 200, then 300..
but I guess it didn't really make sense for them to continue to offer that
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I have a voucher from my university I can spend on books. Any suggestions on what should I buy IT/programming-related? I'm looking for something that makes it better on paper than on a pdf downloaded from libgen
What are you into?
from functional programming to security and architecture
right now I was looking at PoC||GTFO vol 2 since I already have the first one
I would also buy something to support the authors
oh yeah, I should get the pocorgtfo volumes
Also something about statistics or quant finance wouldn't be bad
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my home modem almost committed suicide
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talyz: My plan started as 2-4 GB, but they just keep upgrading it!
FireFly: I used to have the unlimited plan on a 4G stick for a while, then I stopped using it but wanted to have it available so I rented it out to a college who hit the transfer limit of a 100G/month :D
FireFly: They later removed that limit from the unlimited plan.
talyz: I pay 90sek/month for my mobile plan, and I have good coverage in Sweden at least. But it's on the Telenor network instead of 3. They tend to be worse abroad, but that's not a big problem nowadays :p
etu: heh, I used something around 100G in a month at one point when tethering.. I figured I'd try the 'unlimited' aspect
in practice I never hit anything close to that, but it as pretty nice to not have to worry about the quota
FireFly: They gave me some bs like: "our opinion is that 100G is unlimited"
it's probably in the fine print, as an acceptable use policy thing
Nah, they were forced to remove the limit :)
Someone else was more upset than me
ah nice
etu: "Was more upset than me" :p
Also, that is some BS. But there is some company in DK that does the same, you have unlimited data, but at 100 GB they just throttle you to unuseable
ALso, any bitlbee users that know how to use the extrasettings, to set a default on accounts ?
Had to brain vomit (i.e. happy rant) after watching the video to underline some important (and minor) things I though should be addressed, but as you were saying, I think it's a great look for "outsiders"
* cole-h
switches Twitter from "top tweets" to "most recent tweets"
* cole-h
still doesn't seen a gchristensen tweet sent 20m ago
(granted it's a reply to a tweet, but still)
ah yes enterprise resource planning for your home
Needs more machine learning.
gchristensen: It's a nixos module, so it must be good, right? :p
okay the barcode scanning is great. I implemented that with Todoist + barcodelookup.com + iOS Shortcuts for a bit, but the barcodelookup.com cost was way too high
And it's got an interface to open food facts.
I assume most of that is just matching what other users have entered? Afaik there's no general agreements about what barcodes mean?
gchristensen: you might be interested in knowing that some online marketplaces accept barcodes as search terms
oh cool
*some*, and I only know of some for here
__monty__: there is a general agreement on how it's structured
__monty__: but a span of codes is used as an owner sees fit
there are a two main standards in use
[for products]
UPC and EAN-13
and a whole additional format for meats
yeah, which also is standardized IIRC
Hmm, that I didn't know.
I was reading whitepapers about meat barcodes and then I gave up trying to have todoist + barcodelookup.com be my freezer tracker
so when you work long enough needing to look up UPC codes, you end up knowing the manufacturer by code
I thought it was basically just encoded opaque identifiers.
half of it is
though even then, the opaque half has recommendations IIRC
about how you'd leave the last (non-check) digit as a "format" selector, so e.g. you have 0 99999 1234X C
99999 is the owner
1234 is the product, X would be the format, e.g. 6 pack, 1 unit
cole-h: i've posted to /r/nixos, maybe it wakes someone up :)
but that's something I've been keeping my eye on
samueldr: Also qq, do we have a tracking board or issue for (un)official ports of nixOS to arm boards? Want something to track for my NAS since I know a number of folks here are awaiting one.
Ah you should.
aleph-: not that I know of
I use arcan with safe spaces and a oculus CV1 myself
mine is still not shipped from its Canada entry point AFAIK
Ah, got it.
well, it has to go from all the way over there to all the way up here!
aleph-: played with the network transparency bits?
aleph-: one area that interests me is plugging in e.g. a dumb ol' ARM SBC into a screen and just throw a window into it
samueldr: Ah heh. Far north I see
samueldr: I have not as much, no.
samueldr: heh interesting
I think
Hmm, github's 500 is pretty cute, haven't run into octocat falling down a ravine yet.
people use arcan o_0
I wonder what the Arcan author thinks of Nix.