gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-chat to: NixOS but much less topical || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-chat
<samueldr> I'm blanking on the english terminology (even the french one) for when you have an "open" or "close"... set?... of numbers
<samueldr> e.g. [1-10[
<samueldr> blanking out on all the terminology sure is harmful in getting a search going :)
<samueldr> eh, I think it'll be clearer if I write full sentences anyway
* infinisil once made an interval calculation library
<infinisil> Was able to add/subtract/multiply/divide arbitrary intervals
<infinisil> And was a pain to implement. Especially the inclusive/exclusive bounds
<samueldr> ah! inclusive/exclusive, and intervals
<samueldr> thanks for the words
<samueldr> infinisil++
<{^_^}> infinisil's karma got increased to 344
<infinisil> :D
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<colemickens> gotta love Medium https://i.imgur.com/WlT4cwZ.png
<samueldr> I hate everything about that screenshot
<colemickens> I know right
<pie_> lmao what
<samueldr> anyone with a Galaxy Fold here?
<samueldr> or who knows an authoritative source to get information about CSS device width of it
<samueldr> chrome says it's 280 (css pixels) wide, which AFAIUI would mean so many web sites are broken beyond belief
<samueldr> though it might be *only* on the external screen
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<samueldr> pie_: resolving deltas is stuck in denial?
<samueldr> (the nile delta)
<pie_> pffff
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<Church-> Boooh
<clever> ,channels pie_
<{^_^}> pie_: Largest Nix channels: #nixos, #nixos-dev, #nixos-chat, #nixos-aarch64, #nixos-security, #nixcon, #nixos-officehours, #nixops, #haskell.nix, #nix-darwin, #nixos-de, #nixos-emacs, #nixos-on-your-router, #nixos-nur, #nix-lang, #nixos-fr, #nixos-systemd, #nixos-borg, #nixos-wiki
<pie_> uh
<pie_> is my line count really the highest in here?
<pie_> i guess thats by chan pop not lines
<samueldr> that's just the list prefixed by your name since it was asked to tell it to you
<samueldr> ,botsnack pie_
<{^_^}> pie_: Oh thanks, have a cookie yourself
<pie_> oh
<pie_> samueldr: i guess it says something that i thought i was in all of those
<samueldr> heh
<pie_> not in -fr or -borg heh
<Church-> Welp my night just got better
<Church-> New Bill and Ted
<samueldr> got billed for what?
<samueldr> and who's Ted?
<Church-> heh
<Church-> samueldr: If you actually don't know. The final movie in one of the greatest 80's scifi series.
<Church-> Starring Keanu Reeves and Alex Winters.
<samueldr> the matrix
<samueldr> gotcha
<Church-> lol
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<drakonis> heresy!
<drakonis> a nvidia talk about open source? this explains why the weather has been so odd
<drakonis> i'm skimming the video and i still havent seen any driver work yet
<drakonis> nvidia is making a game engine
<drakonis> no driver talk, sucks.
<pie_> nvidia has too much money i guess
<pie_> hey, 3.5k issues from 100 000
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<bqv> ,locate ssh
<{^_^}> Found in packages: go, msf, salt, zeek, kitty, gitlab, go_1_12, go_1_13, openssh, radare2, vagrant, ceph.lib, logcheck, apt-dater, zsh-prezto, r2-for-cutter, zfs-replicate, bashCompletion, openssh_gssapi, sagittarius-scheme, google-cloud-sdk-gce, rubyPackages.net-ssh, python27Packages.pyzmq, python37Packages.pyzmq, python38Packages.pyzmq, google-app-engine-go-sdk, python27Packages.gateone, python27Packages.twisted, and 9 more
<bqv> ,locate bin ssh
<{^_^}> Found in packages: openssh, openssh_gssapi
<bqv> Thats it, huh
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<ar> https://nixos.org/donate.html has a link to http://www.cs.uu.nl/wiki/Trace/WebHome which redirects to http:///foswiki.cs.uu.nl/foswiki/Trace/WebHome which doesn't exist (foswiki.cs.uu.nl returns NXDOMAIN)
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<eyJhb> Still love this - https://xkcd.com/2030/
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<JJJollyjim> god nixos tests are my favourite thibgggg
<JJJollyjim> *thing
<JJJollyjim> :P
<JJJollyjim> They're so cool
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<Church-> Think I should write a step CA module. Finally
<JJJollyjim> ooo nice
<hexa-> yeah, the test setup is so good that I'm copying the test-driver to another project
<infinisil> Oh this explains a lot, internet is super flakey for me right now: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24322861
<joepie91> apparently a v4-only issue? that might explain why I haven't had any issues
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<infinisil> Yeah I'm on ipv4 here
<eyJhb> infinisil: can't open the link :p
<eyJhb> Damn
<eyJhb> No Gitlab for me I guess
<eyJhb> ,ping
<{^_^}> pong
<eyJhb> At least I am alive here
<bqv> infinisil: oh, its global?
<bqv> Mines back now, It seems
<bqv> Hmm, or not
<bqv> Still a bunch of broken sites
<abathur> heheh, couldn't resolve releases.nixos.org :]
<bqv> Man, someone fix the internet
<bqv> Turn it off and on again jeez
<eyJhb> bqv: some sites work, some do not.
<bqv> So I see
<joepie91> basically Level3 is broken
<joepie91> and they can't revoke their BGP announcements
<eyJhb> We need this
<joepie91> so now everyone is sending traffic to the broken internet backbone
<abathur> can't get that HN link to load either, though lobste.rs loaded
<eyJhb> Same abathur
<eyJhb> Had to ssh to a VPS to curl it
<abathur> nice
<eyJhb> Does not look nice curled. What is a good cli browser?
<bqv> Ugh. Can we work around this somehow? Or is it fucked at ISP-level
<abathur> I don't know about nice, but I keep lynx installed for poking at sketchy stuff
<abathur> or something I suspect might be nsfw
<eyJhb> Fucked at ISP level bqv
<eyJhb> As far as I know
<bqv> I need to build my own isp smh
<abathur> the internet is trying to tell me not to worry about fixing the travis-ci encrypted env secret that broke when I transferred this repo for now and move on to something that isn't a chore :]
<joepie91> bqv: very much fucked at ISP level
<joepie91> time to go outside!
<joepie91> ... unless you are in the half of the world where that is a problem
<bqv> Never.
<eyJhb> I am feeling somewhat sickish, I really wish to go outside (in nature, not into town etc.)
<eyJhb> bqv: You can bring tea?
<eyJhb> And biscuits?
<bqv> I'm hungover in more than one sense, and extremely tired, I'm not even opening the curtains mate
<eyJhb> More than one sense?
<eyJhb> How many?
<infinisil> Here in Switzerland we have a beautiful second virus wave coming slowly: https://paste.infinisil.com/tAnsOBVTgo.png
<eyJhb> infinisil: the unis have started to open here in DK, so we will see that soon as well
<eyJhb> I don't mind it as much, as they have not considerd what to do if anyone gets sick regarding lectures etc.
<eyJhb> So if you do get sick, then fuck you I guess
<eyJhb> I hate the uni regarding their retarded decisions...
<abathur> internet needs to try harder :P
<abathur> has anyone transferred a repo that used travis-ci encrypted secrets to an organization and successfully got the secrets updated? can't get my cachix signing key to work post transfer :[
<adisbladis> eyJhb: What's the alternative though?
<adisbladis> Keeping unis closed indefinitely?
<eyJhb> adisbladis: the complain is more, that if you have to stay at home there is no teaching material for you
<eyJhb> There MIGHT be some half-assed slides. But besides that, fuck you then. They should at least try to record stuff, or do some extra work so everything is as good, as if you were present (almost)
<eyJhb> But that is not the case... Sadly :/
<eyJhb> As far as I know AU (aarhus university) are doing Zoom lectures, but the "working groups" are physical
<adisbladis> Right, that makes sense to complain about =)
<eyJhb> Which means, the uni is open, but they are on equal ground, if sick/potentally sick :p
<adisbladis> Tbf though, this is how it's always been?
<eyJhb> ALSO! You get the issue, that some might not stay away if potentially sick...
<eyJhb> Shitty materials when sick?
<adisbladis> Yeah
<eyJhb> Yes
<eyJhb> Which is why I liked the virtual thing. They were forced to make better material
<eyJhb> But that is too hard, I fucking guess... :/
<adisbladis> It IS hard
<adisbladis> Especially when you don't have any experience in doing that since before
<eyJhb> I should send you some of what we have . I know it is hard, but they are not even trying at times :p
<eyJhb> Like, 10 years outdated slides
<eyJhb> Where they have whited out the date, to try and hide it
<adisbladis> Recording lectures is a good and fairly minimal effort though
<adisbladis> That's good even for the people who do attend in person as study material for later
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<eyJhb> Yup , but even not all Zoom lectures are recorded at AU :p
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<eyJhb> Because apparantly the administration are afraid to enforce this
<adisbladis> What's the reasoning?
<adisbladis> I can imagine privacy being one
<eyJhb> I heard something about copyright and GDPR, but really, that isn't that hard... :/
<eyJhb> Copyright, the fucking teacher, GDPR/privacy, not really sure what. We don't take questions, and none have the webcam enabled
<joepie91> sounds like a bad excuse
<eyJhb> Yup
<joepie91> I might accept "we are worried about how Zoom handles our privacy", but then that is nullified by streaming it over Zoom in the first place, recording it doesn't materially change that
<adisbladis> You could host elsewhere
<adisbladis> (Does zoom even do video hosting?)
<joepie91> exactly, and apply access control if you have concerns about privacy that mean it should only be accessible to students
<joepie91> it's not like these are big unsolved problems
<eyJhb> joepie91: It is a custom zoom solution, meaning, it is not hosted at Zoom but Netic
<joepie91> so I'm betting on "bad excuse" :P
<eyJhb> It is a bad excuse
<eyJhb> But our guidelines are just, bull
<eyJhb> This is such a simple thing, thay they have not answered.
<bqv> Github can now fuck off \o/
<eyJhb> bqv: you trust yourself too much!
<bqv> Lol why
<eyJhb> Self hosted git?
<eyJhb> OR what?
<bqv> Yeah
<bqv> Hardly unsafe
<eyJhb> But backups etc!
<eyJhb> Remote, and more remote
<eyJhb> Etc.
<bqv> I'm keeping github as a mirror anyway
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<eyJhb> Any good linux podcasts worth listening to?
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<pie_> bqv: does it do issue tracker
<pie_> thats really the main reason i use github
<bqv> Yes
<immae> bqv: is it normal that I have a "delete this repo" button?
<immae> (I did not clic on it in case it would do some catastrophe)
<bqv> Probably :p its all authed
<bqv> In theory
<immae> indded it asks me to log in as the next step :relieved:
<immae> Is it meant to be a federated code hosting?
<bqv> Yeah
<bqv> ForgeFed instance
<immae> Ah
<immae> it lacks a bit of "done with heart by ForgeFed" or alike :p
<immae> (I mean: just something to know more about the project)
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<bqv> :D
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<eyJhb> Anyone got a zerotier module?
<cole-h> taktoa[c]++
<{^_^}> taktoa[c]'s karma got increased to 0x2
<taktoa[c]> :-)
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<boredom101> I have made a proof of concept system that recommends boolean options based on your existing boolean options
<boredom101> within a nix configuration
<infinisil> Can't imagine anything from that explanation :)
<boredom101> for example, if you have both zsh and direnv enabled in home-manager, it recommends the direnv integration with zsh
<boredom101> to be enabled
<infinisil> boredom101: Ah so it's something like `mkIf (config.programs.zsh.enable && config.programs.direnv.enable) { recommendations = [ "direnv integration recommended, enable with ..." ]; }`
<boredom101> yeah, my goal is to make it work with all the nix config projects (nixos, home-manager, nix-darwin, etc.)
<infinisil> Hm I see
<eyJhb> Seems like a lot of work?
<eyJhb> Anything smart behind the scenes?
<eyJhb> Btw. adisbladis `Science vs` podcast with Coronavirus and Sweden. You might hate it
<boredom101> well right now if just does manual recommendations, but down the road it might be able to generate recommendations by analyzing other configurations
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<sphalerite> TIL ext4 supports file-based encryption
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<samueldr> don't forget it also can support ignoring case for filenames
* joepie91 has been hammering out some hypothetical queries for hypothetical forum software to test out different database API designs: https://gist.github.com/joepie91/ba695d6f65e867bdd20381c4fcd1a7c0?ts=4
<samueldr> what's the etiquette about pasting a less than 50 line output of dmesg in a kernel mailing list message?
<samueldr> (less, but close to 50)
<samueldr> I can't seem to find a freaking guide about etiquette guide about content
<samueldr> it's all about "DON'T TOP POST YOU MONSTER" it seems
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<samueldr> aaaand the only document with somewhat relevant (but not really) instructions on the lkml website is woefully outdated
<samueldr> literally referring a tool in the kernel source tree that has been removed in 1999, and hasn't been updated (at the location this points to) since 2006
<samueldr> "oh, it's easy to post to a mailing list"
<samueldr> yes, it is
<samueldr> but doing it _right_ isn't
<JJJollyjim> ugh
<samueldr> especially since it seems there is no place with all the right info, except the basics
<samueldr> hopefully I don't get a pedantic clown that assumes everyone spends their whole days engaging with the kernel mailing list
<joepie91> oof
<JJJollyjim> simply add the dmesg output as an attachment... oh wait lol
<samueldr> well, there *is* a semantic difference between both, but attaching it leaves it out of the flow of the question
<JJJollyjim> the lkml rejects any MIME email, so I don't think it's possible lol
<samueldr> oh, so when they say "attach" when talking about a patch that must mean it's just in the body
<samueldr> (I would use git to send the patch anyway if I had a patch)
<JJJollyjim> oh yeah you have to send it in the body
<JJJollyjim> it's awful
<samueldr> I guess you get used to it, but it's definitely a big stumbling block
<eyJhb> joepie91: are you into podcasts? Or anyone, I need some new recommendations
<eyJhb> Both because I need some, and I reinstalled Antennapod...
<samueldr> no such thing as a fish is quite good
<samueldr> a problem squared is too
<joepie91> eyJhb: not particularly. but 99% invisible is good
<eyJhb> samueldr: `a problem squared` is not in AntennaPods default feeds :(
<eyJhb> joepie91: cool!
<eyJhb> But I added tho other one samueldr :D
<eyJhb> Again! - Do we know any Linux/Tech?
<abathur> meh, nothing more fun than spending multiple hours rerunning CI jobs to catch a rare flakiness problem only to see the intended patch fail for a dumb reason :[
<eyJhb> abathur: I once spent a extra day on a CTF challenge, because I once uploaded the wrong payload.
<eyJhb> I once uploaded/I uploaded
<abathur> silver lining: it was at least kind enough to validate the search string I've been using on the output to confirm hit/miss; it took so long to get a hit that I had fallen back on checking them all manually again
<abathur> eyJhb: doh :)
<eyJhb> But 10/10 fun challenge, would do again. But such mistakes are not the most fun
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<abathur> another silver-lining: the travis-ci build infra is either mistakenly or happily building this project on both their .org and .com infra, so I get to debug it ~2x as fast as I would otherwise *
<abathur> * assuming I don't eventually have to flip my lid if I discover that the bug only manifests on one or the other
<infinisil> Potential SpaceX launch in ~30 minutes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMrpOJxqDhY
<infinisil> ,launch
<{^_^}> Ping for space stuff: infinisil Taneb ldlework etu philipp[m]
<infinisil> SpaceX stream live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-gLOsDjE3E
<infinisil> T-5 minutes!
<infinisil> Weather is go!
<infinisil> T-30 seconds!
<eyJhb> :(
<infinisil> Missed it? xD
<eyJhb> Yes :(
<eyJhb> With 2 min
<infinisil> Some awesome shots still going!
<eyJhb> Rewind
<eyJhb> No spoilers
<eyJhb> :p
<samueldr> space tube goes brrrr
* eyJhb makes angry noises
<eyJhb> :D
<samueldr> (I'm not even watching, so I don't even know if it did go brrrr)
<infinisil> It did go brrrrrrrrr
<infinisil> Interesting, didn't know this: The entry burn of the first stage is to slow it down to not put too much atmosphere strain on it
<eyJhb> It always goes brrrrr, if it goes up at least
<eyJhb> And then we have it does not go... booooooom
<eyJhb> :D
<infinisil> Duddde this landing was awesome
<eyJhb> Was??
<infinisil> Lol
<eyJhb> Speed at 18.000 km/h?
<eyJhb> I should be at live again?!
<infinisil> No watch it!
<eyJhb> But I need to sleeeeep
<eyJhb> 01:30 here!
<infinisil> Sleep can wait, rocket time!
<infinisil> Okay I guess the most interesting bits are over :P:
<pie_> uh what
<pie_> "Sorry. We just need to do one small thing to keep going.
<pie_> We will restore all your pages, windows and tabs afterwards, so you can be on your way quickly."
<pie_> Firefox has just been updated in the background. Click Restart Firefox to complete the update.
<infinisil> eyJhb: Maybe add yourself to the launch ping ;)
<pie_> akso firefox is now refusing to load any pages
<eyJhb> Ohhhh
<eyJhb> That landing
<eyJhb> :D
<drakonis> i have acquired btrfs
<drakonis> filesystem goes brrrrrrrrrrr
<infinisil> eyJhb: Yeees
<eyJhb> ,launch
<{^_^}> Ping for space stuff: infinisil Taneb ldlework etu philipp[m]
<eyJhb> ,launch eyJhb
<{^_^}> eyJhb: Ping for space stuff: infinisil Taneb ldlework etu philipp[m]
<eyJhb> ?
<eyJhb> :(
<infinisil> ,help
<{^_^}> Use `,` to list all commands, `,foo = Foo!` to define foo as "Foo!", `,foo =` to undefine it, `,foo` to output "Foo!", `,foo somebody` to send "Foo!" to the nick somebody
<eyJhb> ,
<{^_^}> Special commands: find tell locate expand inclusive-language random-pr - Commands sorted by use count, page 0 (use ,<n> to view page <n>): help libraries paste escape'' channels ping escape" -a library overlay pinning ifd profiling unfree ask botsnack which-channel xml xy fancy-uninstall wololo imperative nixlang++ cache pointers pills invite runtimedeps home-manager stateversion thesis exec matrixbridge smart-questions howoldis commands -ia
<pie_> wait it looks like it only does that for local files wth?
<drakonis> SPACE TIME
<eyJhb> infinisil: Am I blind?
<infinisil> ,launch = Ping for space stuff: infinisil Taneb ldlework etu philipp[m] eyJhb
<{^_^}> launch redefined, was defined as Ping for space stuff: infinisil Taneb ldlework etu philipp[m]
<eyJhb> {^_^}: PING ME DAMN IT!
<infinisil> Here I did it for you :)
<samueldr> pie_: on NixOS?
<eyJhb> Ahh, like that
<eyJhb> ,launch
<{^_^}> Ping for space stuff: infinisil Taneb ldlework etu philipp[m] eyJhb
<eyJhb> Sweeeeet
<eyJhb> Thanks, infinisil++ for space stuff
<{^_^}> infinisil's karma got increased to 347
<infinisil> SPAACE
<pie_> samueldr: yeah
<pie_> samueldr: hence my additional confusion
<pie_> samueldr: i get it with file:/// but normal web pages work for now
<pie_> what the _hell_
<pie_> firefox on nixos doesnt even autoupdate?
<samueldr> it shouldn't, and can't
<samueldr> though on a manual update on other distros, a few years back, firefox would crap itself when trying to load the wrong version of internal file
<samueldr> internal files*
<samueldr> so I would have guessed it's a new mechanism to help
<pie_> tbh im not sure ow long this has been broken because i havent opened file:// in ages but uh
<pie_> well, maybe i just got some remotely installed trojans or something :p
<joepie91> for those who have a moment and who use Twitter (or can PM me the answers), I have a quick poll: https://twitter.com/joepie91/status/1300200849642328070
<joepie91> about to sleep, but will read the results in the morning :P
<pie_> why does every simple thing have to lead to a yak shave
<pie_> i tried to open something from file:// and firefox is broken
<pie_> im just trying to write a damn html file ;__;
<colemickens> did you use triple slashes?
<pie_> yes
<drakonis> forgive me father for i have sinned
<pie_> thats when i get
<pie_> <pie_> "Sorry. We just need to do one small thing to keep going.
<pie_> <pie_> Firefox has just been updated in the background. Click Restart Firefox to complete the update.
<pie_> <pie_> We will restore all your pages, windows and tabs afterwards, so you can be on your way quickly."
<drakonis> i have installed btrfs on my new ssd
<pie_> drakonis: you dont do that by literally buttering it
<pie_> it is not toast
<samueldr> drakonis: only btrfs? no distro?
<drakonis> i have opensuse on the ssd
<samueldr> oh no
<drakonis> wanted to check how it was doing
<samueldr> ;)
<drakonis> nixos is on my old hdd
<drakonis> they have a lot of nice stuff on their default repos i guess
<drakonis> kinda nice
<drakonis> i mean, nixos will always live within my heart
<drakonis> nothing outdoes it right now
<drakonis> i've been having the blues for something different
<drakonis> again
<drakonis> but way different from my norm
<drakonis> i'm a big weirdo
<drakonis> pie_: oho i hate whenever that happens
<drakonis> firefox will then perpetually be stuck on that until the next power cycle
<pie_> wat :I
<pie_> is this a nixos isuse or a firefox one tho
<pie_> is it een reported
<drakonis> nixos issue it seems
<pie_> i still cant figure out how to use bugzilla properly
<drakonis> i have never had it on non nixos distros
<{^_^}> #96708 (by deliciouslytyped, 18 seconds ago, open): Firefox "restart required"; "Sorry. We just need to do one small thing to keep going."
<pie_> pls concur i guess