Probably one of the most untrustworthy "password manager"s I've seen in a while, especially after the comment by the author
"First... don't confuse encryption with hashing. The tokens are hashed on the server side (1 way algorithm - no key). Encrypting your data serverside is no good compared to hashing because a key has to exist somewhere."
I first read rspectful
This person clearly has no idea about security and should not be providing such a service
this is wild
samueldr: Yeah I did too at the start..
"How do you go about "encrypting" your database LOL... from that comment alone I can tell that you do not have much experience in this field Database entries are HASHED not encrypted dude"
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* samueldr
uses logs.nix.samueldr.com as password manager 2ab96390c7dbe3439de74d0c9b0b1767
interesting to search google for that hash
Very smart of you to use hashing, nobody can read the password like that!
I only see ******
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Update: The reddit post got taken down because it's got nothing to do with programming and author deleted their account
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what a ride that was
infinisil: you surely archive.org'ed the link, right , right?
the tl;dr is that a mindgeek employee was trying to get a websocket blocking API (needed by adblockers) killed off, by making bad-faith arguments about "security"
(they were actively using this lack of blocking API to deliver ads via websockets at the time, bypassing adblockers)
so yeah, I'm not sure which is going to be the lesser evil in this situation
the company that's ejecting the vulnerable people from the community, or the company that's exploiting the vulnerable people for their own benefit
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yeah, not sure that websocket example is very compelling given VZ's power overall
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I'm just providing it as an insight into the ethics of the company
yeah I won't say either of them are ethically great
or great in any fashion
or even good
and yet, here I am, feeling like tumblr in the hands of pornhub is likely a better home than Verizon Media Group, a.k.a Oath
Alignment of incentives.
And it's not like it's a different business; Pornhub owns and operates their own adtech, and are effectively a "media group".
Remember when I said it's impossible to download older macOS versions yesterday or so?
Well it's actually not impossible. All you need is an apple developer lincese for $99/year!
gchristensen: I'm not saying that it is definitively worse, to be clear - just that I'm not sure it'll be better :)
I am lucky enough to still have a High Sierra installer downloaded from some time back
Which at least lets me work around the nixpkgs problems with mojave
(See #42719, have been fixed, but I need nixpkgs versions that are older than that fix)