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<gchristensen> clever: ping
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<feddasch> Hello
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<exarkun> How do I get /etc/ssl/certs (or anything w/ the openssl ca cert bundle)?
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<exarkun> but there is no "cacert"?
<gchristensen> cacert the package has a ca-bundlee
<gchristensen> which I think is the same thing
<exarkun> I still don't understand how nix-env works I guess
<exarkun> why can't I `nix-env -i cacert`?
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<gchristensen> can you describe the problem you're trying to solve?
<exarkun> I need the stuff that is in /etc/ssl/certs on Debian
<gchristensen> that's not a problem, that is a solution to a problem
<exarkun> Without food and shelter I die of exposure and/or starvation
<puffnfresh> nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A cacert
<exarkun> Also I am biologically programmed to reproduce my genome
<puffnfresh> ls result/
<exarkun> gchristensen: Can you help now?
<puffnfresh> exarkun: ^
<gchristensen> no, I'm no longer willing to try and offer assistance.
<exarkun> gchristensen: Sorry. I don't understand why "I don't have any certificates on my system" isn't a problem worthy of getting help with.
<puffnfresh> exarkun: nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A cacert
<puffnfresh> then look at result
<gchristensen> exarkun: are you running NixOS? if so, which version?
<exarkun> puffnfresh: Thanks. I saw. I should probably just re-read the docs for nix-env. I don't really need to interactively build the package. My question about nix-env was meant as a kind of side-issue. I thought I could use nix-env to peek inside the package and then I got confused about why I couldn't install the package with it at all.
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<puffnfresh> exarkun: nix-env only installs things for a single user
<puffnfresh> it makes your ~/.nix-profile directory
<exarkun> puffnfresh: But it won't install cacert for me _at all_.
<exarkun> gchristensen: I am ... not. But I have a Docker image that probably has 16.09 in it, I think.
<puffnfresh> it's probably in your ~/.nix-profile directory
<gchristensen> exarkun: ah ha! now we're getting somewhere!
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<exarkun> puffnfresh: no, nix-env fails with: error: selector ‘cacert’ matches no derivations
<puffnfresh> oh you don't even have any package information, you probably need to do: nix-channel --update
<gchristensen> or nixpkgs.cacert
<exarkun> I'm pretty sure that my ultimate solution is going to be to add nixpkgs...cacert to a buildInput or propagatedBuildInput in the expression defining some other package.
<puffnfresh> that error would have been useful when you asked 14 minutes ago
<puffnfresh> exarkun: yeah, I think so
<exarkun> It was only 8 minutes ago
<gchristensen> exarkun: are you building the docker container?
<gchristensen> exarkun: to be frank, it has been difficult to extract relevant information from you.
<exarkun> no, it's numtide/nix-builder
<exarkun> gchristensen: Well, again, I apologize. It's late here and I still don't understand Nix well enough to even formulate particularly good questions.
<exarkun> (which I offer by way of explanation, not excuse)
<puffnfresh> zimbatm: you might know about this ^
<gchristensen> "Hi, I'm using numtide/nix-builder in a docker container and am missing /etc/ssl/certs, which I found because <the actual thing you're trying to solve>. When I try and install cacert, it says "error: selector ‘cacert’ matches no derivations" .
<exarkun> in my defense, I didn't know about cacert until after I asked my first question.
<gchristensen> is the problem when running numtide, or when running what numtide builds?
<puffnfresh> yeah, where is the problem?
<exarkun> The latter. I run numtide to build another Docker image and when I run the code in that other Docker image, it fails because it really wants to find some stuff in /etc/ssl/certs.
<gchristensen> do you see an error like "Error_Protocol ("certificate has unknown CA",True,UnknownCa)"?
<exarkun> is the application code that wants /etc/ssl/certs
<exarkun> It manifests as: Traceback: <class 'txaws.exception.CertsNotFoundError'>: Could not find any .pem files.
<exarkun> (and then a python stack trace)
<puffnfresh> ah, the Docker image just needs to copy cacert in, I've done this before
<gchristensen> I see this in the nixpkgs manual: "Note: If you see errors similar to Error_Protocol ("certificate has unknown CA",True,UnknownCa) you may need to add pkgs.cacert to contents. "
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<puffnfresh> exarkun: do you know which dockerTools.buildImage is being used?
<puffnfresh> you need to make you contents look like:
<puffnfresh> contents = [ pkgs.cacert myotherstuff ];
<exarkun> I don't understand why it needs to be fixed there instead of in the txaws expression.
<exarkun> Would putting it in txaws' propagatedBuildInputs not work?
<puffnfresh> I don't think the build will find it
<avn> exarkun: does your software capable to look to some env variable, like CA_CERTS, or something? (like git/curl/others does)?
<exarkun> So I can point it somewhere else if that makes something easier or better.
<puffnfresh> that's gonna be the easiest solution, by far
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<avn> then you need `export TXAWS_CERTS_PATH=${pkgs.cacerts}/path/inside/package` somewhere
<avn> ${pkgs.cacerts}/etc/cacerts event possibly
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<avn> but idk, where it need to be added for pkgs.dockerTools.buildImage
<exarkun> I think buildImage has a place to set env vars
<puffnfresh> it does
<exarkun> How does that compare to puffnfresh's suggestion (in the PR)?
<exarkun> I think I'm confused about what buildInputs vs propagatedBuildInputs means and isn't helping me much.
<exarkun> I have been operating with the belief that things in buildInputs are available at build time and then go away and things in propagatedBuildInputs are available at build and runtime.
<exarkun> (or maybe those docs are helping by showing me I'm wrong)
<avn> exarkun: buildInputs hits bash's env in build scripts, propagatedBuildInputs hits $out/nix-support/..., and visible by as dependency for built package
<avn> exarkun: actually any reference for /nix/store/${hash}.... recognized as dependency
<exarkun> That makes it sound kind of like my understanding was correct (if lacking in specifics of the environment setup)? Do I understand you correctly?
<exarkun> puffnfresh: Why did you put pkgs.cacert outside the override? Would that be a more sensible place for pkgs.dash and pkgs.coreutils that a currently included as "extraLibs"?
<exarkun> Looking at the docs now, it seems like extraLibs is really meant for Python libraries not random things like coreutils.
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<avn> exarkun: python's buildPythonApplication function have pythonPath attr, to stuff need to be propagated to PYTHONPATH
<puffnfresh> exarkun: I'm not sure what that extraLibs thing is doing
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch opened pull request #24638: rss2email: init at 3.9 (master...rss2email)
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<exarkun> Eh darn. cacert has ca-bundle.crt in it and this code isn't smart enough to understand a .crt file.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #24639: sway: 0.11 -> 0.12.2 (master...sway_0_12_2)
<eacameron> How does one install vanilla npm on NixOS?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #24640: nano: 2.7.5 -> 2.8.0 (master...nano_2_8_0)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #24641: docker-distribution: 2.5.1 -> 2.6.0 (master...docker-dist_2_6_0)
<exarkun> gchristensen, avn, puffnfresh: Thanks for the help.
<puffnfresh> no problem, hopefully the contents change works
<exarkun> It did but cacert format is incompatible with my application code.
<exarkun> So the solution is to go to bed and worry about it tomorrow.
<puffnfresh> oh no :)
<puffnfresh> good luck!
<exarkun> thanks
<eacameron> Oh...just nodejs
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<puffnfresh> exarkun: ah, the cert is in PEM format, just not with a .pem extension
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #24642: xfwm4-themes: init at 4.10.0 (master...xfwm4-themes)
<Havvy> How do I tell Plasma5 to not put up a lock screen?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fe319f8 Shea Levy: nix-plugins: 2.0.3 -> 2.0.6....
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 abdd895 Shea Levy: nix-plugins: 2.0.3 -> 2.0.6....
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<coltfred> I've created a few .nix files using the node2nix script. I'd like to be able to drop into a nix-shell (I think) so I can run a shell script using the specified node version (which differs from my global system version). When I try and run nix-shell default.nix I get an error about "a single derivation is required".
<coltfred> Running nix-build tries to _do things_, but I have a shell script that is supposed to do the build (by running npm, etc).
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<nekroze> The nixops options for `deployment.keys` is great and all but it creates the key directory with 0750 permissions which means many applications cannot access the keys there even if its run as a user with 666 permissions on the key. Is there a way around this?
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<rui1> If anyone uses taskserver
<rui1> have an example config?
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<rui1> Using the example on the manual { enable = true; fqdn = "server"; listenHost = "::"; sth.users = [ "alice" ]; }
<rui1> and then doing "nixos-taskserver org add sth", or "nixos-taskserver user export sth alice"
<rui1> gives an error "CA setup not done or incomplete, missing file /var/lib/taskserver/keys/ca.key"
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<rui1> Anyone knows if that is expected?
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<YellowOnion> are there any guides around for making a nix package that doesn't use a make system?
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<YellowOnion> I have a binary blob I want to move out of my user directory, and make a bit more robust.
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<YellowOnion> vaibhavsagar, thanks.
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<schoppenhauer> hi. how can I get debug symbols for a package (and its dependencies)?
<schoppenhauer> If necessary I can build it myself.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 opened pull request #24645: Stage-2 cleanup (master...stage-2)
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<Mic92> there was also a function to recursivly apply dontStrip attribute to all dependencies, but I do not rememeber which one
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<schoppenhauer> Mic92: ok thank you
<schoppenhauer> Mic92: I'll try that
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 23ec4a4 Maciej Kazulak: oracle-instantclient: add optional odbc support
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bbbe24f Peter Simons: Merge pull request #24530 from mulderr/master...
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<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master 4f11cf4 Eelco Dolstra: Fix build cancellation...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] luke-clifton opened pull request #24646: llvm-hs: Point llvm-hs to llvm_4 (master...accelerate-llvm)
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<Isorkin> Please help to fix script - I do not know how to run in the section preBuild.
<goibhniu> hi Isorkin, are you sure you need a
<Isorkin> yes. This script generates configure script
<makefu> Isorkin: maybe you can use an autogen hook instead
<makefu> the clone of only contains which essentially doing what autoreconfHook would do in buildInputs
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<aminechi1haoui> is it possible to disable patchelf in buildGoPackage by doing dontPatchELF = true ? doing so produces "cycle detected in the references of X from Y" where Y is the nix-store path of the bin output
<aminechi1haoui> so not sure what other setup is needed to fix that
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<avn> aminechi1haoui: `install_name_tool -delete_rpath $out/lib -add_rpath $bin $bin/bin/drone` on darwin should fix it (your problem on darwin, right?)
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<aminechi1haoui> avn: no, I'm using a Linux/Ubuntu machine
<goibhniu> Isorkin: BTW, you should be able to use `cd src` instead of referring to the store path
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<Isorkin> Now such an error - fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
<Acou_Bass> eey folks, i just changed over to plasma 5 from xfce... i see there is a grub breeze theme + plymouth theme, how do i use those? (i tried setting plymouth.theme = breeze-plymouth and it couldnt find it)
<gchristensen> hey domenkozar how is that laptop working for you?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 5 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 43c0530 Jörg Thalheim: libproxy: fix compilation...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6bb303c Jörg Thalheim: network-manager: 1.4.4 -> 1.6.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7903ccb Jörg Thalheim: network-manager-applet: 1.4.4 -> 1.4.6
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<domenkozar> gchristensen: it's awesome
<domenkozar> hibernation works
<gchristensen> nice! good :D
<joepie91> sounds like "hibernation works" is still the benchmark for Linux on laptops :)
<joepie91> level 1: it boots
<joepie91> level 2: wifi works
<joepie91> level 3: hibernation works
<joepie91> :P
<gchristensen> haha
<joepie91> come to think of it, this is probably not an unreasonable standard for certification...
<goibhniu> true! ... I wonder if there's a mini-distro that lets you check all of the above (and probably audio and webcam too)
* goibhniu guesses hibernation from a usb stick could be tricky
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: do you have key repeat issues?
<domenkozar> what's that?
<domenkozar> I mean how would I see it happen
<gchristensen> you'd feel like you were making lots of typos
<domenkozar> nope
<domenkozar> it's pretty smooth
<domenkozar> gchristensen: I only need to tweak power settings
<domenkozar> I get like ~4h of battery
<gchristensen> run powertop's autotune in a looop overnight
<gchristensen> ^ see, looop -- I didn't do that.
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<domenkozar> gchristensen: that's a really bad thing if you have OCD
<clever> gchristensen: pong
<domenkozar> computer driving you literally crazy
<gchristensen> yeah, domenkozar
<domenkozar> gchristensen: does it auto improve?
<gchristensen> autotune?
<domenkozar> ye
<gchristensen> yeah, it needs to take a few hundred samples to get good
<domenkozar> oh
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f6558e6 Jörg Thalheim: network-manager: fix segfaults on startup...
<gchristensen> clever: I want to talk about pxe, but can't this morning
<clever> gchristensen: ah
<clever> gchristensen: my schedule is clear for the next ~5 hours
<gchristensen> mine isn't, how about tonight?
<domenkozar> there is also --clibrate
<domenkozar> --calibrate*
<clever> gchristensen: yeah, i'll also have some time free tonight till about 10 or 11pm
<gchristensen> domenkozar: ack, sorry, run the --calibrate in a loop over night
<domenkozar> that makes more sense
<domenkozar> hehe
<gchristensen> then --auto-tune will be better :) your computer will be unusable when you run it. don'tbe tempted to think you need to reboot
<domenkozar> thanks gchristensen
<domenkozar> you're my laptop and security hero
<mg_> is there an easy way to backport packages? I need a package that is on master but not in the 17.03 channel in a project. Simply downloading the expression and importing it in my default.nix throws errors
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<gchristensen> haha you're welcome, domenkozar :P
<gchristensen> mg_: which package?
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<mg_> gchristensen: guile v2.2, "guile" is 2.0.* on 17.03 it seems
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<gchristensen> mg_: this will get you unstable's guile: (import (builtins.fetchTarball {}).guile :)
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: what would you think about all nixos systems having an unstable channel as well as the stable/nixos channel
<clever> mg_: try loading it with callPackage rather then import
<clever> mg_: ah, or what gchristensen just said
<mg_> gchristensen: wohoo, worked! Thanks :)
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<gchristensen> you're welcomee!
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<MoreTea> @gchristensen, your point being that most people will actually use the unstable channel as well?
<gchristensen> yeah, a mix
<gchristensen> and the fetchTarball thing is a bad experience
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<joepie91> [13:28] <gchristensen> domenkozar: what would you think about all nixos systems having an unstable channel as well as the stable/nixos channel
<joepie91> fwiw, I'd be all for this :P
<joepie91> it's a pretty significant papercut right now I think
<MoreTea> gchristensen, once we get a new nix release, that should not really be a problem anymore, right?
<MoreTea> Then we'd have a fetchTarball with a shasum
<gchristensen> I think that is also a bad experience
<gchristensen> because then you have another place to manually keep track of, and my bet is people won't, so they'll just be stuck on an old version for eternity
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f24c89a NWDD: gitkraken: 2.2.1 -> 2.3.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8cca37e Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #24633 from xNWDD/gitkraken/2.3.1...
<Filystyn> for the record
<Filystyn> having in header void fun( char* ) { /*and after this in new line */ \n void fun2( void ); causes some insane compiller errors /nix/store/zyh3r1vb4lvaaahv4h6r26g44d7r1nd0-glibc-2.25-dev/include/bits/stdio2.h:209:1: error: function definition is not allowed here {
<Filystyn> very strange
<Filystyn> the mistake is ofc in my code not in the lib ;-)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] asppsa opened pull request #24648: php: fix php-config header file paths (master...php-config-fix2)
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<Svarog_> What is the correct way to enable extra gcc front-ends in NixOS? For instance if I want to enable Ada.
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<Svarog_> I think I managed to enable it (or at least it seems to be installing it right now) but I am fairly sure this is not how it's meant to be done since I've basically just copied the expression I found in one of the packages defining various gcc backends and using some helpers like wrapCC and so on.
<Svarog_> Seemed like something that should be internal and not something I should be using.
<boothead> hi folks, I have an old stack in my $PATH that I can't get rid of with nix-env -e stack.. where else might it be coming from?
<boothead> I want to nix-env -i stack to get the newest version but it complains about needing nix-env --set-flag priority NUMBER PKGNAME rather than upgrading
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<Svarog_> boothead, could it be something in your user profile? .bashrc or something
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<boothead> Svarog_, hmmm. I can't actually see how my ~/.nix-profile is getting in there in the first place
<boothead> that's odd, I thought there was a bit added to profile or something setting that up?
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<boothead> .zshrc~:source /home/ben/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ but not in current ~/.zshrc
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7acd1e7 Tim Steinbach: sway: 0.11 -> 0.12.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f911770 Tim Steinbach: sway: Add xwayland build input
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7c36657 Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #24639 from NeQuissimus/sway_0_12_2...
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<boothead> Svarog_, I also get this when I'm trying nix-env -i in my shell: warning: name collision in input Nix expressions, skipping ‘/home/ben/.nix-defexpr/channels_root/nixos’
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<boothead> I think I've got some old set up wrong
<Svarog_> oh right
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<boothead> tried a reboot. thought that might help I've I've just upgraded.
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<gchristensen> having to deal with puppet at $dayjob is a regular reminder as to how much better nixos is
<ashkitten> where in the nixpkgs tree would I put bulletmark/libinput-gestures?
<boothead> Svarog_, any ideas for how I can get rid of a package when nix-env -e doesn't work?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #24649: gnupg21: 2.1.19 -> 2.1.20 (master...update_gnupg21)
<boothead> also, my ~.nix-profile is pointing at a line from Mar 15 rather than today
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] dtzWill opened pull request #1302: Process nix.conf options in "new" commands, add test (master...fix/nix-options)
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<dtzWill> boothead: what's not working re:nix-env -e? Also, depending on what you're trying to do you could just nuke the profile entirely
<boothead> It seems I have a collision between an env I've created called haskellEnv and the candidate for nix-env -i:
<boothead> collision between ‘/nix/store/5canxbdb8njir91qqv09rjpfcjpyslr6-haskell-env/bin/stack’ and ‘/nix/store/4ywrynl00rcc34varza3p7ly18vw16pq-stack-1.4.0/bin/stack’; use ‘nix-env --set-flag priority NUMBER PKGNAME’
<dtzWill> either manually or maybe with --remove-all. If you mean nix-env -e isn't removing things that are listed in nix-env -q then that's a different issue, usually something about names vs attrs and whatnot
<dtzWill> boothead: right but that's when you're installing a thing. what's the problem with nix-env -e?
<boothead> it doens't seem to do anything stack remains on my path
<dtzWill> yeah that's what I suspected, why I asked, I've been burned/confused by that before too
<boothead> my NIX_PATH: config=/home/ben/dev/nix/config:nixpkgs=/home/ben/dev/nixpkgs:nixos=/home/ben/dev/nixpkgs/nixos:haskell=/home/ben/dev/haskell:nixpkgs=/home/ben/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs
<boothead> I've got 2 nixpkgs in there somehow
<dtzWill> boothead: your 'nix-env -e' invocation--are you using the same name shown in 'nix-env -q'?
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<dtzWill> (I'd give you more direct advice but dunno what haskellEnv/stack installations usually call their things)
<dtzWill> thing I often run into is I install, say, clang or gcc... and want to remove it... but you have to do nix-env -e clang-wrapper
<boothead> nix-env -q | grep stack gives no results dtzWill
<boothead> but I think stack was a part of this haskellEnv I installed.
<dtzWill> boothead: well then it's not stack, it's something else. anything else in nix-env -q (That lists what's in your profile) that looks like what 'stack' installed as?
<dtzWill> oh, indeed
<boothead> using pkgs.buildEnv
<dtzWill> if you find the name in nix-env -q you can also use that to do the '--set-flag priority' route it suggests as well
<dtzWill> if you don't want to remove it
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<boothead> aha! nix-env -i haskell-env :-D
<dtzWill> hmm it seems like it should be more straightforward to say "why is thiis path in my profile" and map that to "because you installed $FOO"
<dtzWill> hahaha okay.
<boothead> stack --version now == 1.4.0
<boothead> yeah - who can even remeber what a nice development looks like when they've been doing windows for so long :-D
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<Svarog_> boothead, sorry I was afk, on a different computer - I don't have any suggestions beyond what dtzWill already mentioned unfortunately
<Svarog_> I'm fairly new to NixOS - if I ran into something like that the first thing I'd do is try to create another user profile, install stack there and then do a diff between the two users
<Svarog_> I'm sure there is a better way to figure out what's going on though
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #24649: gnupg21: 2.1.19 -> 2.1.20 (master...update_gnupg21)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 12839e4 Vladimír Čunát: knot-resolver: maintenance 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 1970d7d Vladimír Čunát: knot-resolver: maintenance 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5...
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<miguelnegrao> hi. With nix package manager (not nixos) how can I specify list of packages to install using a configuration file ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 80c9e91 Vladimír Čunát: knot-resolver: maintenance 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5...
<miguelnegrao> it could be a dummy package, so that I would always only have a single package installed with nix-env
<nliadm> I use buildEnv for that
<boothead> Svarog_, no worries it turns out that it was because I installed stack in an environment made with pkgs.buildEnv
<boothead> all I had to do was reinstall the environment
<Svarog_> ah right
<miguelnegrao> nliadm: was that for me ?
<nliadm> yeah, sorry
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<goibhniu> miguelnegrao: has an example
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<miguelnegrao> nliadm: ok, so in my config.nix I would add a new package in packageOverrides, and this package would be created with buildEnv and the paths = [ ... ] would the packages I want installed on my system ?
<sik> hi all. I've just installed nixos and I'm trying to install itk-snaps (it is shipped throw sourceforge as binary tarball) and I can't figure how should I proceed. Can you refer to some example?
<goibhniu> hi sik, it *might* be easiest to package it
<nliadm> that sounds right. I have a file `~/lib/$(hostname).nix` and then just `nix-env -rif ~/lib/$(hostname).nix`
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] taku0 opened pull request #24650: source-han-sans: fix license from ASL2.0 to SIL Open Font License. (master...source-han-sans-fix-license)
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<goibhniu> sik: otherwise, maybe this helps:
<sik> goibhniu, here's how ITk-snaps tells you to install it.
<miguelnegrao> nliadm, goibhniu: thanks, I will try that.
<sik> in the tar there's a binary and some libraries
<sik> goibhniu, I'll look into it
<goibhniu> sik: looks like there aren't too many dependencies or tricky things
<ashkitten> hello, where in the nixpkgs tree would I put a new package libinput-gestures?
<ashkitten> I don't really see much place for it
<miguelnegrao> goibhniu: if I want to use a local copy of nixpkgs imported via git, how should I change 'with import <nixpkgs> {};'
<miguelnegrao> goibhniu: ?
<goibhniu> sik, luckily we already have itk packaged
<miguelnegrao> goibhniu: so that I don't have to also pass the -I option
<sik> goibhniu, I
<goibhniu> miguelnegrao: I think you can just use a path instead of <nixpkgs>
<sik> goibhniu, I'll try to write a .nix and see
<Isorkin> How to fix error - fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
<copumpkin> niksnut: I'm staring at the queue-summary page and my lonely job doesn't seem to be getting queued, despite all the mac builders being free
<goibhniu> sik: great!
<miguelnegrao> goibhniu: ok, will try that.
<copumpkin> niksnut: is the build queue aware of the system and such or is it possible for a bunch of linux jobs occurring earlier in the queue to block mac jobs later in it?
<gchristensen> copumpkin: I don't believe it is
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 44168b4 Vladimír Čunát: knot-resolver: update the source hash...
<copumpkin> you don't believe it's aware, or you don't believe it's possible for linux to block mac?
<gchristensen> IIRC is a fairly naive `for to_build in drvs; do do_the_build_remotely $to_build; done`
<copumpkin> ah
<gchristensen> ^ but with concurrency :P
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 c87abfa Vladimír Čunát: knot-resolver: update the source hash...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 1b96532 Vladimír Čunát: knot-resolver: update the source hash...
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<Svarog_> Would anyone be able to tell me what is the correct way to enable additional gcc front ends in NixOS?
<Svarog_> If I wanted to add Ada and VHDL front ends for instance.
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<ashkitten> how can I pass fetchFromGithub to callPackage?
<copumpkin> niksnut: does hydra track evaluation times for the different jobsets?
<copumpkin> would be nice to watch that change over time
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<sik> goibhniu: here's my attempt of building the .nix
<sik> the libpath is not properly build, how should I do that ?
<goibhniu> ah, I'd try from source, personally ... it's probably easier
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<spinus> hey guys, anyone is using nixops with AWS ec2? I'm running new instance and can't connect to it, looks like instance is dead (aws check fails). I guess AMI is broken, do could anyone copy-paste me ami you are using and it's working?
<copumpkin> I use custom NixOS AMIs all the time
<copumpkin> but there was something about PV AMIs being broken as of 17.03
<copumpkin> are you doing HV or PV?
<sik> goibhniu: I know its asking a lot, but could you please PR the gist. I'm kinda lost
<spinus> copumpkin: I tried both, I use 16.09
<copumpkin> the official 16.09 one definitely works, since I use it pretty often
<spinus> I switched now to some random 15.09 and looks like that started (but has ssh issue, but looks like instance is alive)
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<copumpkin> haven't tried it with nixops though
<goibhniu> sik: to build it from source?
<goibhniu> sik: sorry, I don't really have time :/
<spinus> copumpkin: how do you build own amis?
<goibhniu> sik: but maybe I can find a similar expression that you can copy ... would that help?
<copumpkin> spinus: there's a lot of image building machinery in nixos/nixpkgs, and I mostly just do similar things to what the official AMI build script does. You can basically take a nixpkgs and a nixos configuration and ask nix to build you an image file for that. Then you can upload that image file to S3 (what official build does) and ImportImage/Snapshot on it, or (what I do) dd it to an EBS volume and take a snapshot
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<copumpkin> I'd try to figure out what's wrong with the current one first though
<copumpkin> check the console log, etc.
<sik> goibhniu: that would help a lot
<spinus> copumpkin: thx for explainig, I'm new to nixops+ec2
<ma9e> how do i make /bin/bash exist in my environment?
<copumpkin> ma9e: you generally don't, although there are some tricks
<copumpkin> spinus: np
<ma9e> copumpkin, i'm working with a lot of sources here so it'd be nice to use a hack instead of patching the shebangs and whatever else
<copumpkin> ma9e: we have tooling that will patch that sort of thing automatically for you
<copumpkin> e.g., `patchShebangs .`
<ma9e> it's complicated because we already use bitbake as a build system :/ so i would have to insert it in there when the sources are unpacked somehow
<copumpkin> oh you're not in a nix build?
<ma9e> i just want to create a development environment
<copumpkin> a lot of the nix build tooling can be a bit awkward to make work outside of a nix builder, fyi
<copumpkin> not many of us do that
<ma9e> i'm beginning to realize
<copumpkin> instead opting to wrap the builx in nix
<copumpkin> which generally works pretty well
<copumpkin> it's like the borg ;)
<ma9e> can nix build embedded linux?
<ma9e> like yocto project
<copumpkin> not sure, but we've made it build all sorts of things
<copumpkin> some things take more work than others
<goibhniu> sik: here's what a PR looks like for a pretty normal package
<boothead> Does anyone have intero/emacs working on nixos? My setup used to work but now intero won't start. There are lots of github issues, but can't tell if there's a fix or not?
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<boothead> are people just back to using ghc-mod et al?
<goibhniu> sik: you'll need to use the sourceforge mirror like here:
<bennofs> boothead: using archlinux for Haskell dev :p
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<goibhniu> sik: hopefully that helps
<boothead> oh no bennofs... it's that bad? it used to work really nicely :-(
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] offlinehacker closed pull request #24644: xpra: 0.17.6 -> 2.0.1 (master...update-xpra-2_0)
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<niksnut> copumpkin: yes
<sik> goibhniu: thanks, it seems I've all the parts. I'll try
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6b5e5de Profpatsch: rss2email: init at 3.9
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<niksnut> "Fetching the dependencies took 3s and evaluation took 839s."
<goibhniu> sik: awesome!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edanaher opened pull request #24651: fvwm module: init; now fvwm can be used as an xserver.windowManager (master...add-fvwm-window-manager)
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<exarkun> Hello. I sometimes get different outcomes when building some derivations from expressions I've written. Here's a recent example - logs for two travis-ci builds (for the same code, though revs look different due to merge commit):
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<exarkun> The former succeeds. The latter fails with an error "Too many levels of symbolic links".
<exarkun> Based on the error, I think is the expression that fails.
<exarkun> I think this is exactly the kind of behavior that Nix is geared towards avoiding so I wonder what thing I've done horribly wrong to bring this about.
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<eacameron> Is it normal that npm install -g doesn't work on NixOS?
<LnL> yes, that probably tries to write to the store
<eacameron> It seems to make sense because you'd want anything global to be installed via nix
<eacameron> LnL: Yah it does
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<niksnut> grrr, ssh 7.4 disabled unix domain socket forwarding
<bennofs> unix domain socket forwarding sounds dangerous
<niksnut> maybe I misread that
<niksnut> apparently only when privilege seperation is disabled
<aminechi1haoui> phreedom: Hey, is there a reason why we're using libcloud in nixops instead of the google python SDK ?
<aminechi1haoui> for gce backend
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<phreedom> aminechi1haoui: hard to tell why. I guess the api looked prettier. I wasn't the one who picked libcloud anyway. you could look into monkey-patching the connection classes. Usually something can be done about sucky libs
<aminechi1haoui> phreedom: hm I see. I think I can eventually even use the python SDK for a different resource e.g service account, but not sure if we need to keep it consistent with the other resources
<phreedom> aminechi1haoui: monkey-patching is almost always a much easier choice and you could also submit a patch to libcloud. they are responsive.
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<phreedom> most likely we are talking about a few lines of code
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<aminechi1haoui> phreedom: yeah I'm consdering doing that, opened an issue in their JIRA just to check that they don't have an issue with adding it
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<unlmtd[m]> im having trouble in an indented string '$' is unaccepted
<ben> try escaping it with more $?
<NixOS_GitHub> [hydra] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master fec895a Eelco Dolstra: hydra-server: Support logs in S3
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<unlmtd[m]> it built
<unlmtd[m]> ben: thanks
<unlmtd[m]> the manual mentions ${ but it seems that's not the only exception
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<gchristensen> unlmtd[m]: ''$
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<copumpkin> niksnut: \o/ thanks
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<mbrgm> nixops' libvirtd target is solely for local usage, right?
<mbrgm> not for deploying to multiple libvirtd hosts on the network?
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<gchristensen> not sure what it can do, but I'd expect it would be nice to be able to deploy remotely too
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<mbrgm> gchristensen: that was my intent. :)
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<LnL> lol, I just read the systemd email on the mailing list
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<copumpkin> niksnut: hmm, I'm a little confused by Hydra behavior. I manually restarted the libc++abi build and it succeeded the second time around, and that was the cause of most of the darwin failures on staging. But I manually evaluated staging again in an attempt to get it to build all the dependencies again, but it doesn't seem to do anything when I ask it to evaluate. It seems to evaluate but no new eval appears on the list
<Dezgeg> no new commits to staging?
<LnL> a new eval has no impact on the build status of nothing changed
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<copumpkin> yeah no new commits but I manually triggered a failed build and it passed
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<copumpkin> I guess everything else is still a cached failure?
<copumpkin> oh, "restart all failed builds" sounds promising
<copumpkin> yup, that seems to have kicked it
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<rui1> Is there a good way to search for sample configuration.nix? Maybe sore github advanced search thing?
<rui1> Like searching for repos with a configuration.nix file, that have this or that content ...?
<goibhniu> that's a good way, you can search github for the nix language too
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<rui1> That's a good one
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<clever> copumpkin: within the eval, you can tell it to retry all failed builds
<clever> goibhniu: i'm free for the next ~8 hours now
<clever> gchristensen: oops, wrong g name
<copumpkin> clever: yeah did that but they're all failing again
<copumpkin> no idea what's wrong with it
<clever> copumpkin: with the same message?, got a link to the build?
<copumpkin> niksnut: super weird :(
<clever> copumpkin: odd, i think the 2 failing builds are referencing eachothers failures
<clever> copumpkin: try manualy restarting
<copumpkin> I did
<copumpkin> a few minutes ago
<bennofs> is this a case of cyclic dependencies?
<clever> bennofs: which are imposible to describe in nix, the eval would fail
<gchristensen> clever: ok I'm at work for the next ~5hrs
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<clever> gchristensen: kk
<gchristensen> I'll ping you after, thank you!
<clever> copumpkin: what about restarting ?
<copumpkin> it doesn't give me that option
<copumpkin> since it considers it to have a failed dep
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<bennofs> isn't there Action -> Clear failed builds cache somewhere in hydraß
<clever> admin->clear failed builds cache, which leads to on my box
<copumpkin> I don't have access to that on here
<copumpkin> will need ikwildrpepper or niksnut to do that perhaps?
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<LnL> woot hydra logs, but there seems to be some sort of encoding issue
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<copumpkin> I'm seeing log links but no actual logs behind them
<copumpkin> but more importantly
<copumpkin> my epic change to hydra is in
<copumpkin> (it now uses the new logo)
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<gchristensen> !m copumpkin x1000
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, copumpkin x1000!
<Isorkin> How to install liblmdb? nix-env -iA nixos.lmdb - install only bin
<copumpkin> :D
<dash> Isorkin: typically that's enough; what do you want to do afterwards?
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<gchristensen> when I run `nix-shell` and it downloads from the binary cache, if I'm root and not using NIX_REMOTE=daemon, I get " still waiting for ‘’ after 5 seconds..." if I'm a normal user and am using NIX_REMOTE=daemon, I don't have any problems at all. anyone have thoughts on why this might be the case?
<Isorkin> dash: error build script -
<Filystyn> how to install the aditional opengl libs ?
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<dash> Isorkin: Can you explain further?
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<Isorkin> dash: When assembling an error - configure: LMDB headers found at: ..lmdb-0.9.19-dev/include / configure: error: LMDB was explicitly referenced but it was not found
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<ashkitten> how can I use just one package from my local nixpkgs repository? I want to install it declaratively in my configuration.nix
<dash> Isorkin: pastebin the full error?
<dash> ashkitten: i haven't looked at it much but isn't this what overlays are for?
<ashkitten> dash: I'll look into it
<ashkitten> where are overlays mentioned? not in the manual
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<dash> Isorkin: you need to add pkg-config as a build input.
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<Isorkin> dash: Changed to nativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook pkgconfig ]; error -
<ashkitten> I added my package to nixpkgs and added it to all-packages.nix but it's saying called without required argument 'fetchFromGithub'
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<gchristensen> it is called fetchFromGitHub
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<calvertvl> I'm having an issue with running xpra, specifically as a secondary X server for remote access of some applications
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<ashkitten> oh shit I missed that uppercase thanks
<gchristensen> yep you're welcome
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<calvertvl> I've opened with the details, but basically this is not possible using xorg and the dummy driver
<gchristensen> +:lickability:
<gchristensen> +:information_source:
<gchristensen> +:btrain:
<gchristensen> +:t:
<gchristensen> +:atrain:
<vandenoever> perhaps a silly question, but how do i get into postgres on nixos?
<gchristensen> +:rtrain:
<gchristensen> +:dtrain:
<vandenoever> $ sudo -u postgres psql postgres
<gchristensen> +:ctrain:
<vandenoever> psql: FATAL: role "postgres" does not exist
<gchristensen> +:ophiuchus:
<gchristensen> ugh, sorry
<dash> Isorkin: welp, that's something else then
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<Filystyn> <Filystyn> how to install the aditional opengl libs ?
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<mudri> Anyone using ibus-table-others that could test something for me quickly?
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<Isorkin> dash: need reconfigure lmdb/default.nix ?
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<disasm> vandenoever: try sudo psql postgres
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<ashkitten> How can I remove multiple lines from a file during the preBuild phase?
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<disasm> ashkitten: from the top of the file?
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<ashkitten> disasm: no, from the middle. they're keeping my build from running because they prevent non-root users from running make install
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 2chilled opened pull request #24654: urbanterror: 4.3.1 -> 4.3.2 (master...master)
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<nh2> can I disable the fact that nix-build sets timestamps of all files to 0?
<disasm> ashkitten: you could use sed to remove the offending lines.
<ashkitten> hm ok
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<joepie91> nh2: not without breaking stuff; this is necessary to produce reproducible builds, if I'm not mistaken
<nh2> joepie91: it's OK to break stuff; I have a fully working deterministic build, but want to get a quick incremental build for a better development experience; my build system provides the guarantee to not put timestamps in the outputs
<joepie91> unsure how to do it *with* breaking stuff :)
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<domenkozar> nh2: you could store timestamps in separate files and restore with touch
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rasendubi closed pull request #24640: nano: 2.7.5 -> 2.8.0 (master...nano_2_8_0)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] primeos pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a6420e1 Michael Weiss: luksroot: Wait for the header (device) to appear...
<gchristensen> vcunat: <3 on that FIXME
<vcunat> :-)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] primeos closed pull request #24634: luksroot: Wait for the header (device) to appear (master...luksroot)
<gchristensen> time to make that a fixedme I suppose
<gchristensen> and maybe get a new CVE :P
<hyper_ch> kdevelop stillfailing to build on unstable
<ffplay_i_want> hello everyone; i just wanted to install ffplay so i executed `nix-env -i ffmpeg-full`; i get ffmpeg and ffprobe, but no ffplay. so i tried `nix-env -i ffmpeg-full --args SDL true --args ffplayProgram true`. but this just reinstalles the package. can you help me? thanks!
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<vcunat> ffplay_i_want: it's not there, but I don't yet see why
<ffplay_i_want> vcunat: so at least it's not a easy beginners fault?! at least something ;-)
<tilpner> $ nix-shell -p ffmpeg-full --run 'which ffplay' outputs /nix/store/slfklfmcjjkgfv91ww8k865mzwdixks9-ffmpeg-full-3.1.6/bin/ffplay here, so it seems to work. What channel are you on?
<vcunat> tilpner: I had some 3.2.x
<hyper_ch> vcunat: hi there
<vcunat> hyper_ch: hi
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] markus1189 opened pull request #24655: scalafmt: 0.6.6 -> 0.6.7 (master...scalafmt-067)
<tilpner> vcunat - Are you on unstable?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rasendubi closed pull request #24630: albert: 0.10.0 -> 0.10.2 (master...master)
<vcunat> tilpner: master
<tilpner> Oh, that'd do it too :D
<vcunat> tilpner: 17.03 is the same
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] elasticdog opened pull request #24656: transcrypt: 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2 (master...transcrypt)
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<ffplay_i_want> tilpner: you command outputs nothing here, i just installed nix on debian via `curl | sh` `$ nix-channel --list` outputs `nixpkgs`
<vcunat> ffplay_i_want: that's because you have unstable channel
<tilpner> Uhm, curious. I can't get it on 17.03 either
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rasendubi closed pull request #24655: scalafmt: 0.6.6 -> 0.6.7 (master...scalafmt-067)
<tilpner> And I apparently don't understand channels as well as I thought
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rasendubi pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 89188e2 Tim Steinbach: docker-distribution: 2.5.1 -> 2.6.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f04582c Alexey Shmalko: Merge pull request #24641 from NeQuissimus/docker-dist_2_6_0...
<vcunat> tilpner: why?
<vcunat> hyper_ch: so we reopen that issue, I guess?
<tilpner> vcunat - In $ nix-shell -p ffmpeg-full, what does ffmpeg-full refer to?
<vcunat> That depends on your $NIX_PATH
<vcunat> it's from <nixpkgs>, resolved according to contents of $NIX_PATH, IIRC
<tilpner> When would /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/till/channels be used instead?
<tilpner> In what situations does ~/.nix-channels matter on a NixOS system
<vcunat> ~/.nix-defexpr is what matters, rather
<vcunat> The nix tools could be consistent together.
<gchristensen> would any old-timers/deep-divers be up to creating reliable instructions for installing nix-daemon on non-nixos linuxes?
<benley> ~/.nix-channels only affects the nix-channel commandline tool
<benley> gchristensen: I've done that enough times that I probably could
<benley> in fact I think I made a chef cookbook to do it, which ought to spell it out pretty clearly
<tilpner> ~/.nix-defexpr contains channels and channels_root. Which one of those is used when?
<gchristensen> benley: would you please? or link me to that sort of implementation?
<gchristensen> I'd really love it if we could do this and then implement some automatic tests that run on hydra
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 0xABAB opened pull request #24657: Skip bindfs FS check (master...patch-1)
<benley> tilpner: nix-env looks in both of those. I think probably channels first, then channels_root
<benley> gchristensen: totally - let me dig it up
<gchristensen> awesome
<benley> gchristensen: I would really like it if the deb and rpm packages set it up correctly out of the box
<benley> it would be so nice
<gchristensen> something that runs a chef cookbook / puppet manifest / _whatever_ so we can point to it and say look, it works, this is how it works
<clever> nh2: this is a plan i had on making every .o file its own derivation
<clever> nh2: that would allow incremental builds without having to keep timestamps on things
<benley> clever: that sounds a lot like ?
<vcunat> yes, that's it
<clever> ah, it does look very similiar
<benley> it also sounds like it would be kinda slow because of all the sandbox setup/teardown
<vcunat> yes, I think it will be
<clever> i currently lack a way to auto-generate the nix expressions, and no way to parse makefiles or configure scripts
<vcunat> which is an even worse point
<tilpner> benley - channels is 17.03, channels_root is 16.09. When I do nix-env -i ffmpeg-full, I get the one from 17.03, but when I do nix-shell -p ffmpeg-full I get the one from 16.09. Do you know why that is? It's quite confusing
<clever> benley: yeah, but if you compare the time it takes to rebuild 10,000 source files in chromium, to the time it takes to rebuild a dozen of them
<benley> gchristensen: I found the nix chef cookbook, i'll post it in a minute
<gchristensen> <3 <3 <3
<clever> benley: but it will also depend on how much the build-time closure changes between versions
<benley> tilpner: yeah, that is hella confusing. I think nix-env is the only tool that pays attention to ~/.nix-defexpr.
<benley> tilpner: everything else uses NIX_PATH
<vcunat> tilpner: installing by package name is ambiguous
<vcunat> it will just choose the highest version (if I simplify it)
<benley> what I do is get rid of channels, and put this in ~/.nix-defexpr/nixpkgs.nix: `import <nixpkgs> {}`
<clever> tilpner: nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA ffmpeg-full would force it to use the ffmpeg-full attribute from the <nixpkgs> entry in $NIX_PATH
<benley> that way nix-env uses NIX_PATH the same way everything else does
<tilpner> benley - So you don't have either ~/.nix-channels or /root/.nix-channels?
<nh2> clever: that sounds interesting, but that would be quite tough to do for Haskell without specifying tons of build rules manually (which auto-detects dependencies etc)
<benley> tilpner: correct
<clever> nh2: yeah, and haskell lacks a header/source separation
<ffplay_i_want> okay,.. so in order to get ffplay i would need another channel (?) 16.09? but i can not use it, as i do not run a full nixos, but only want to use nixpkg on top of debian?!
<tilpner> Hmm, that sounds good, I'll try that. Thanks for the explanation, everyone! :)
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<clever> nh2: so you cant giv it the types of something without also giving it the code, and now it has to rebuild even if the types arent changing
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rasendubi pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 55d1237 Aaron Bull Schaefer: transcrypt: 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 48bdd86 Alexey Shmalko: Merge pull request #24656 from elasticdog/transcrypt...
<benley> tilpner: that means I have to set NIX_PATH to have a http url to a tarball, like NIX_PATH="nixpkgs="
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<grillon> Hi
<benley> tilpner: which has a few downsides - it means nix will fetch a new tarball whenever it feels like it, so you can't control when updates show up. It also means that operating offline is a bit annoying.
<tilpner> benley - Oh, right, I forgot. Is there a way to use a local nixpkgs checkout instead?
<benley> tilpner: yes totally; instead of http://something just use /path/to/local/nixpkgs/checkout
<nh2> clever: the one-shot compilation ghc supports would still allow following your concept (I would have to pass the generated .hi files from one derivation into the next), but it definitely would be an effort
<nh2> clever: in the end I would love to have a fully incremental build system in combination with nix but that will probably take a while
<clever> nh2: seems simpler to just use nix-shell for incremental building, and leave nix-build pure and for release style stuff
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<vcunat> ffplay_i_want: I opened
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rasendubi pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f148003 Matthias Herrmann: urbanterror: 4.3.1 -> 4.3.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c3df8bd Alexey Shmalko: Merge pull request #24654 from 2chilled/master...
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<ffplay_i_want> vcunat: thanks!
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<benley> gchristensen: note that I haven't tested or run this since 2015; I'm reading it over again to see what needs updating
<vcunat> hyper_ch: any more information on that? What nixpkgs version is it?
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<gchristensen> benley: I used to be very good with chef, haven't used it in some time. now I'm getting better at puppet, and am now having to re-understand chef *rubs eyes*
<benley> gchristensen: haha same here, exactly
<tilpner> benley - That's much better. I'll see how it works with two channels for now :)
<gchristensen> benley: "(1..10).each do |i|" I miss this in puppet :(
<benley> iirc there is a range() function in puppet, at least in stdlib?
<benley> er, that's not what you mean.
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<benley> you want map() and/or comprehensions and stuff
<gchristensen> I want a real syntax that isn't garbage *hem*
<benley> anyway you can probably see that this cookbook assumes you're running Ubuntu 14.04
<benley> but iirc the only trusty-specific thing is the upstart script, which should be replaced by the systemd unit that ships with nix now
<johnw> using lens: forOf each [1..10] $ \i -> print i
<johnw> just Haskell: forM [1..10] $ \i -> ...
<benley> gchristensen: uff da. I wish puppet hadn't invented a new half-assed language. It's so obnoxious.
<grillon> does anyone have installed docker with nix?
<benley> like why on earth didn't they just use scheme
<benley> grillon: yes?
<ffplay_i_want> does anybody have a idea what's wrong with the logs?
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<grillon> benley: nice, and when you have installed it how can you launch the daemon? Did you need to create a special user?
<benley> grillon: Do you mean on nixos, or using nix on some other distro?
<dtzWill> ffplay_i_want: what's wrong? looks good to me?
<grillon> benley: I mean nix on some other distro
<benley> ah, that I have not done.
<benley> sorry
<grillon> benley: ohh ok. have you ever tried nix on another distro?
<benley> yup!
<ffplay_i_want> dtzWill: thanks. was a browser issue. just got binary data
<benley> I have used nix on ubuntu and macos
<grillon> benley: ok so may be you could help me.
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<dtzWill> ffplay_i_want: they weren't working for a while, so maybe new fix either has some MIME-type issues on first load or you just got some cached thing from transition
<grillon> benley: I have installed ansible and it works well, but I would like to use the jmespath plugin. So I installed it but it's not detected by ansible.
<dtzWill> so might be worth following up on, we'll see if it happens again :)
<benley> grillon: I'm not sure I know how to fix that either - I'm not familiar with ansible
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<benley> grillon: but I do know that nix does fancy gymnastics to build python apps, so you may need a customized ansible derivation that builds it with whatever plugins you need
<grillon> benley: my problem is I install a python package that is not visible to ansible. does python package visible to other programs or do I have to do something?
<benley> how are you installing the package?
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<benley> grillon: it's worth reading over if you haven't seen it before
<grillon> benley: simply nix-env -i python2.7-jmespath
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<mojjo> hi! I'm just installing nixos with a friend on his computer. We booted from my stick, then partitioned hist stick, mounted it, generated the config. worked fine until then. but nixos-install at one point complains with the following error:
<benley> grillon: ah yeah, you almost certainly need to build a custom nix derivation to include that. It isn't very hard - take a look at those docs :-)
<ffplay_i_want> thanks a lot for you help! no video watching this night, but learned smth else :-)
<mojjo> `failed to check file system type of "/boot", No such file or directory`
<grillon> benley: you should be right, the intro say that : If you do install libraries in your profile, then you will end up with import errors.
<mojjo> Could someone help out here..?
<grillon> benley: thank you
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<mojjo> (it's an installation on the stcik)
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<grillon> benley: I have used ansible in a nix-shell -p myPythonPkg and it works :). But what about a remote computer? ansible need to load that special environment? Is it possible? The question is the same for any deployement tools. Is it possible for that tool to load the nix environment?
<bennofs> Are there any other pkgsets other than haskellPackages that are not listed in nix-env -qaP but get built by hydra?
<benley> grillon: there are some nifty hooks that modify PYTHONPATH when you use nix-shell with python packages. If you write a customized derivation for your ansible-with-plugins-and-stuff, you will be able to install that as a package
<benley> bennofs: nodePackages at least
<benley> at least I think that's built by hydra
<avn> grillon: I used ansible from nixos to control remote centoses for ~1 year
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<vandenoever> disasm: thanks!
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<kuznero> Hi All!
<grillon> avn: but I'm using nix on another distro
<grillon> avn: ohh sorry
<grillon> avn: remote centoses...does these centoses used nix?
<avn> grillon: no. I used to control centos machines from my nixos' desktop
<grillon> avn: my question is how to start remotely a program installed with nix
<grillon> kuznero: hi
<hyper_ch> vcunat: sorry, didn't see your rply..... current unstable... well, current like 2 weeks old or something since kdevelop stopped compiling
<kuznero> I am trying to introduce new version of F# in pkgs and I've spent considerable amount of time trying to approach it. This resulted in PR ( But Travis CI seems to not like it, and I cannot understand what exactly. Can somebody help?
<avn> grillon: on non-nixos? Sorry, haven't idea right now.
<vcunat> hyper_ch: I had suspected it was a result of a problem only fixed ~15 days ago on master
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<disasm> grillon: I'm trying to wrap my head around what your doing... So you have a non-nixos system that's running docker and your running a docker container using a nix base system. and in that container you're running ansible?
<hyper_ch> vcunat: am not on master
<hyper_ch> could be that it's fixed there
<hyper_ch> how to switch to master?
<vcunat> recent unstable channel should also contain it already
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<benley> gchristensen: I'm updating that nix cookbook a bit
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<DeaDSouL> hi, how to enable the virtual-keyboard in KDE ?
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<grillon> disasm: no it's more simple, there is two different questions : 1)I have a non nixos system running ansible which need to install nix app how can I do?
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<grillon> disasm: 2)I have installed docker with nix on non-nixos how can I run docker daemon?
<hyper_ch> vcunat: problem ist, current unstable hasn't been working for the last 2 weeks for me because of kdevelop failing to build
<gchristensen> hyper_ch: you could open an issue and cc ambrop72
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<hyper_ch> how to cc?
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<gchristensen> @ambrop72
<clever> i think you just say his @githubhandle in the msg
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<DeaDSouL> this is my first time to use nixos... and i'm so in love with how it handles everything.. specially the speed and profiles
<gchristensen> DeaDSouL: great!
<DeaDSouL> but it doesn't come with the needed apps by default
<DeaDSouL> for example, I had to add user via konsole, and there is no app to configure the networks
<DeaDSouL> btw, I LOVE the way of letting each user install their own apps without su/sudo, so it won't be installed to the main system
<SovereignBleak> How would I go about searching the nix repos for the package that make belongs to?
<hyper_ch> gchristensen: no idea what you mean whith that
<DeaDSouL> seriously this is the best distro I found this year so far
<benley> :-D
<ashkitten> Hey, why can't I disown a script that uses a nix-shell shebang?
<benley> DeaDSouL: if you've installed kde and enabled networkmanager (which I think is probably a default?) then you should have a network settings panel available
<DeaDSouL> benley: before installing nixos, i used nixos-generate-configuration or something like that, and it was on /mnt/etc/nix/configuration.nix ... but after the installation, i couldn't find /etc/nix/configuration.nix
<benley> that's weird - you did end up with a bootable system, though?
<ashkitten> DeaDSouL: it should be /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<benley> oh yeah, duh
<DeaDSouL> yes
<DeaDSouL> just a sec let me check
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<arianvp2> I'm trying to compile a C++ program in nixos, but I get the following linker errors
<arianvp2> ld: cannot find -lm
<arianvp2> ld: cannot find -lc
<clever> arianvp2: are you doing that under a nix-shell?
<arianvp2> yes
<arianvp2> or nix-build
<clever> arianvp2: can you gist the nix expression?
<clever> arianvp2: glibc should already be in the buildInputs
<arianvp2> alright
<ashkitten> I can't background this script for some reason. Any help? -
<SovereignBleak> The Nix manual doesn't provide any help that I can see in searching for what provides an application.
<Dezgeg> is your makefile trying to compile statically?
<clever> arianvp2: when the script runs gcc, is it keeping the env variables intact?
<arianvp2> Dezgeg: yes
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<arianvp2> it has the -static flag
<clever> arianvp2: i have seen a python program sanitizing the env before
<Dezgeg> then include glibc.static in buildInput
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<clever> arianvp2: oh, then you need a static copy of glibc
<clever> arianvp2: here is a static qemu-user i made:
<DeaDSouL> benley: ashkitten: here
<SovereignBleak> On Arch we have pkgfile, among other tools, and pacman even suggests a package that owns the program you search for. Do we have something similar?
<bennofs> SovereignBleak: working on it:
<clever> arianvp2: as Dezgeg said, glibc.static is all you need for libc and libm
<ashkitten> DeaDSouL: looks good to me, what's your issue?
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<SovereignBleak> bennofs: Oh cool. What do we do in the meantime? Or what's your strategy?
<DeaDSouL> ashkitten: how can I get the minimal needed apps installed by default
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<DeaDSouL> ashkitten: and how can I get a virtual keyboard
<ashkitten> DeaDSouL: everything you need for a "minimal" installation should already be there. As for a virtual keyboard, I've never used KDE before so i wouldn't know.
<benley> DeaDSouL: is NetworkManager running?
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<bennofs> SovereignBleak: there's a command-not-found hook on nixos that uses some sort of database for binaries
<benley> DeaDSouL: if not, and you want gui network config, try setting networking.networkmanager.enable = true in your configuration.nix
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<DeaDSouL> benley: after editing configuration.nix... should i do anything? reloading it or something?
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<ashkitten> bennofs: never got command-not-found to be useful in any way lol
<benley> DeaDSouL: run nixos-rebuild switch
<benley> DeaDSouL: (also, rtfm ;-)
<DeaDSouL> great
<DeaDSouL> benley: btw, is this package `xvkbd` available in the repo?
<DeaDSouL> by different name or something
<SovereignBleak> bennofs: Thanks. :-)
<benley> DeaDSouL: looks like yes
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<DeaDSouL> benley: well, may be I'm using the wrong command to search for it then.. I'm using `nix-env -qaP 'xvkbd' --description`
<benley> oh I can never remember how to make nix-env do the grepping for me, I just do nix-env -qaP | grep -i 'whateverthing'
<benley> or nix-env -qaP '.*xvkbd.*'
<benley> (it's a regex)
<vcunat> DeaDSouL: $ xvkbd
<vcunat> The program ‘xvkbd’ is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
<vcunat>  nix-env -iA nixos.xvkbd
<DeaDSouL> benley, vcunat thanks :)
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<Filystyn> how to enable opengl additional packages
<vcunat> Filystyn: there's no generic way for that
<Filystyn> what about
<vcunat> oh, I thought enabling it *in* additional packages
<Filystyn> # hardware.opengl.extraPackages32 = [ vaapiIntel libvdpau-va-gl vaapiVdpau ];
<DeaDSouL> benley: "You can not use networking.networkmanager with networking.wireless"
<Filystyn> Im having hard time to actualy use this
<vcunat> DeaDSouL: that nix-env command of yours does work for me
<vcunat> Filystyn: how exactly do you use this?
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<Filystyn> I can't use it because I have no idea how command should be passed so it's commented
<Filystyn> playonlinux tells me i don't have opengl 32 and 64 bit drivers
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<Filystyn> so i was hoping this is my trace
<Filystyn> not drivers but opengl***
<Filystyn> sorry
<vcunat> Filystyn: you want hardware.opengl.driSupport32Bit = true;
<Filystyn> it's set
<vcunat> that certainly should be enough for standard wine games
<DeaDSouL> by the way guys... some applications don't get shown in the app-menu, when the locale language is not english (ex: arabic)
<Filystyn> play on linux tells me it can not obtain/find opengl libs
<benley> DeaDSouL: ah yeah - if you have set networking.wireless.enable = true, you'll need to toggle that. Networkmanager conflicts with the thing that runs wpa_supplicant directly
<vcunat> Filystyn: does /run/opengl-driver-32/lib/ exist?
<benley> DeaDSouL: ooh - would you file a bug about that on github?
<vcunat> (let's "bisect" that)
<arianvp2> anybody by any chance got nlopt working with octave in nixos?
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<benley> DeaDSouL: there are probably a bunch of localization issues in nixos that haven't yet been identified
<Filystyn> it exists
<DeaDSouL> benley: this is one of them ;) ... but again, this distro I believe it will be the best... everything smooth and great LD
<DeaDSouL> :D
<vcunat> let me try this myself...
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<vcunat> Filystyn: I'm getting the warnings as well - did you actually try playing?
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<Filystyn> could not install i just wanted it for LoL since rarely ill play it
<fresheyeball> anyone out there managed to get a webcam to work?
<fresheyeball> I don't own one, so I could buy which ever one works with nixos
<Filystyn> but the instalation fails on wine error. Not sure at that part this is opengl fault but
<Filystyn> was trying to fix that anyway ;-)
<benley> fresheyeball: any webcam that works with linux in general should work with nixos, for what it's worth
<fresheyeball> benley: I don't see any nix packages for webcams other than facetimehd
<benley> so if you find someone saying a webcam works with ubuntu, odds are it will also work with nixos
<fresheyeball> benley: how would I get it going? Do I need to make my own package?
<vcunat> Filystyn: I believe opengl is OK. We're using nonstadard paths so I suspect their detection is confused by that.
<fresheyeball> benley: sure, but how, if there is not an existing package?
<benley> fresheyeball: I use "cheese"
<benley> which is nixpkgs.gnome3.cheese
<Filystyn> ok
<DeaDSouL> I understand that `nix-env -u` will upgrade the installed packages... but how can I update/upgrade the system packages ?
<benley> (cheese being a photobooth type app, not video chat)
<vcunat> DeaDSouL: nixos' systemPackages are always the same versions as the system - you just nixos-rebuild...
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<DeaDSouL> vcunat: what if there is a patch, or security fix or something like that
<vcunat> you update the system
<eacameron> Is there an alternative to ngrok that is FOSS and able to be self-hosted?
<vcunat> there are security patches for the kernel, for example and one doesn't put it into systemPackages
<DeaDSouL> vcunat: how can I update the system? only with `nixos rebuild` ?
<DeaDSouL> I mean `nixos-rebuild`
<vcunat> there are various options - `nixos-rebuild boot` and `nixos-rebuild switch` are the most common ones, I think.
<dash> eacameron: yes. it's called ssh
<vcunat> (depending whether you want to apply as much as possible immediately)
<dash> eacameron: specifically, the -R flag
<DeaDSouL> vcunat: thanks... I have to read the manual I guess...
<eacameron> dash: reeaaallyy...:D Any good tutorials on that I could look at?
<dash> eacameron: probably
<eacameron> dash: I'll google it, thanks.
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<vcunat> DeaDSouL: `man nixos-rebuild` is relatively short
<eacameron> dash: ssh is crazy how much it can do
<dash> eacameron: basically it's -R <remote-port>:localhost:<local-port>
<DeaDSouL> vcunat: thanks
<copumpkin> vcunat, LnL: still unsure what the right fix for gfortran is :)
<vcunat> I can't say I'm knowledgeable about (g)fortran
<vcunat> (or Darwin)
<eacameron> dash: That's an awesome feature
<LnL> same here
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<DeaDSouL> ok, the network-manager is loaded and active... how can I configure the network via GUI? I can't find an app for that
<nh2> DeaDSouL: likely `networkmanagerapplet` (I got it from
<vcunat> copumpkin: did you reproduce that fortran problem with multiple packages?
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<vcunat> It might be there's something special needed for clang+gfortran support.
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<vcunat> (Compiling special cases by gcc seems fine to me as a transient solution.)
<DeaDSouL> nh2: thanks... I'm checking `networkmanager-qt` first
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<copumpkin> vcunat: I guess I'm just looking for the "hardest to screw up" solution. LnL says that if you use as your buildInput it works fine with no additional flags (building with clang), but given that most of nixpkgs is written by linux users and buildInputs = [ gfortran ]; works for them, I'd like it to work seamlessly for us too. Perhaps the cc-wrapper should get a lib output that just symlinks the lib from the parent, to address
<copumpkin> that sort of thing?
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<LnL> let me check if I get the same issue as you with
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<LnL> vcunat: oh, I'm also seeing issues with libc++ since I rebased it over staging
<copumpkin> what issues?
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<vcunat> that sounds promising
<vcunat> LnL: do you have a log?
<exarkun> is it expected that dockerTools.buildImage doesn't inherit config from the base image specified with fromImage?
<vcunat> Hydra logs seem fine now, but not for this Darwin failure
<exarkun> I set an env var in one and built another from it and the env var is not set in the container.
<LnL> what's up with the clang-wrapper-9.9.9?
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<ma9e> LnL, i use your vim plugin, nice job :)
<LnL> thanks, feel free to report issues if you see some strange behaviour
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<LnL> vcunat: seems to be since b83d2970f27116bfdd14eb8c21425457a251c725 pkgconfig: 0.29 -> 0.29.1 (#24394)
<vcunat> hmm
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<vcunat> LnL: there's 0.29.2 already - I wonder if that helps, by chance
<ma9e> is there documentation somewhere for all the attributes of stdenv.mkDerivation?
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<vcunat> ma9e: there's something in nixpkgs manual
<vcunat> but not everything is documented, I think
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<LnL> ^ yeah, I don't think it covers everything but it's a very good starting point
<ma9e> ah, missed that. thanks!
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<vcunat> I think the visibility of that manual should get improved.
<ashkitten> Hey, I'm trying to write a gesture handler for libinput but I'm getting stuck because when I try to background it, it stops reading input. The relevant lines are these:
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<vcunat> LnL: for now I suggest I downgrade the pkgconfig version for Darwin only, so we can stabilize staging. Any better ideas?
<LnL> I'm testing 0.29.2
<vcunat> yes, assuming upgrade doesn't fix it by itself
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<LnL> yeah if that's the case I we might need to change something in the stdenv, not sure
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<copumpkin> LnL: interesting!
<copumpkin> LnL: that explains why it works for me and not for others
<LnL> how?
<copumpkin> I'm guessing it's only available on 10.12 and above?
<LnL> my build machine still runs 10.11 like the hydra machines
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<LnL> yeah it's not there
<copumpkin> yeah
<copumpkin> which I don't think had that library
<copumpkin> but no clue why libc++ suddenly started wanting it
<copumpkin> especially an old version of libc++
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<LnL> works with pkgconfig 0.29.2
<vcunat> you're speaking of libsystem_symptoms.dylib ?
<copumpkin> yeah
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging d42dccf Daiderd Jordan: pkgconfig: 0.29.1 -> 0.29.2
<LnL> vcunat: ^
<ashkitten> Why can't nix-shell shebang scripts output to stdout from the background?
<copumpkin> LnL: how'd you track it down to that?
<copumpkin> (out of curiosity)
<LnL> git bisect :)
<vcunat> bisect?
<copumpkin> lol fair enough
<LnL> it was also the only thing that looked suspicious in the diff with master
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<copumpkin> oddly enough, symptoms doesn't seem to be in pkg-config
<copumpkin> I wonder where that's coming from
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging c6bc4cf Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'master' into staging
<LnL> copumpkin: I get the same thing with
<copumpkin> as me or as .lib?
<LnL> same linking issue as you
<copumpkin> weird
<copumpkin> so .cc.lib behaves different' from .cc
<copumpkin> oh I guess there's another output that has a subset of the libraries in it
<copumpkin> and it grabs that first?
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<jophish> Does anyone know off the top of their head where nix-copy-closure keeps the files while they're being copied over?
<ivan_> hello guys! I tried to install a localized version of NixOS 16.09. Turned out KDE4.14 doesn't respect the option i18n.defaultLocale. I have found the package kde4.l10n. nix-build -A kde4.l10n even download the files I want. Unfortunately when I try adding it to my configuration.nix, I get the error: "cannot coerce a set to a string, at /home/ivan/d/nixpkgs/lib/strings.nix:232:44" ( How can I install the
<ivan_> *localization
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<jophish> ah, it appears to be /nix/store/nix-xxxxx-x/
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<ndowens08> internet is going so slow; Most likely due to storms near
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<ashkitten> ivan_: pastebin your configuration.nix, but don't use it's full of shit
<ashkitten> is good
<ndowens08> or :)
<ndowens08> we have a pkg that you can just type gist and filename and it posts it
<fresheyeball> can someone point me at docs that describe how to create a nix package?
<ashkitten> fresheyeball:
<benley> you'll probably also want to look over
<ndowens08> also look at existing packages
<ndowens08> Anyone done this to people ?
<ben> i can't think of a better way to put people off nix
<ndowens08> i remember ppl doing that to me :\
<benley> yeah, that's rather obnoxious :\
<ndowens08> heh yup
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<joepie91> fresheyeball: might also be useful:
<ndowens08> sigh getting off here, internet has gotten too slow to handle, cya later
<vcunat> ivan_: kde4.l10n is a set, not a package
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<vcunat> you probably wanted
<vcunat> (but I don't know if adding it this way will do what you need)
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<ivan_> vcunat: yes, that is exactly what I wanted
<ivan_> thank you very much, now I can select the locale in kde settings
<vcunat> :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 195efed Ambroz Bizjak: qt58: Fix path to qhelpgenerator in cmake file....
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 10dc47e Vladimír Čunát: Merge #24558: qt58: Fix path to qhelpgenerator...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #24558: qt58: Fix path to qhelpgenerator in cmake file. (master...qt-fix)
<vcunat> hyper_ch: ^^ vv
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<ivan_> should things like this have notes in the manual? I can write a patch to add a note. Another difficulty I had is that qbittorrent didn't respected LANG environment variable and had its own setting. And now the last thing I'm going to troubleshoot is how to change the language of skype.
<vcunat> kdevelop builds now; I expect it will get into the unstable channel within a couple days
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<vcunat> ivan_: yes, it might be good to document those, but kde4 desktop has been removed, for example
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<ivan_> vcunat: it can be documented for kde5 then
<vcunat> it can, if it works the same there
<vcunat> the DE is called Plasma 5, actually
<vcunat> (in newer versions we've renamed KDE stuff to better conform to upstream)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 699ea78 Jörg Thalheim: Revert "sysdig: 1.15.0 -> 1.15.1"...
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<ivan_> BTW I saw the PR, and I was surprised that KDE 4 is removed. I do understand the reason for deprecation (old and insecure), but is it enough to justify the removal? Last time I tried KDE 5 was slightly less stable for me than KDE 4. I wanted to try it once more when I update to NixOS 17.03, and I thought it would be not to difficult for me to revert the removal of KDE4 and continue to use it
<ivan_> But I discussed the issue with a friend of mine and he was surprised about the removal too. And he told me that I probably should report the issue then live on patched nixpkgs.
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<gchristensen> ivan_: " files = {
<gchristensen> "baremetal_0": "./types/
<ivan_> And how much people would oppose if someone ask for returning KDE 4?
<exarkun> is it expected that dockerTools.buildImage doesn't inherit config from the base image specified with fromImage? I set an env var in one and built another from it and the env var is not set in the container. What's a good way to define an image based on another and have it inherit config settings?
<gchristensen> ivan_: "is it enough to justify the removal?" yes, during the entire time of KDE4 being in NixOS, nobody maintained it.
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<railswalker> how would I setup a dual display situation? I'd like to mirror the display on my monitor and TV. I know I can use xrandr manually, but is there a Nix configuration for that?
<gchristensen> ivan_: best way to move forward is use plasma5 and report bugs so we can fix them. being stuck in the past and pretending the future won't happen isn't a very good strategy.
<gchristensen> ivan_: even better would be for you to report bugs and help us fix them :)
<avn> ivan_: you need whole kde4? or only single app from it?
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<ivan_> avn: this is just a hypothetical scenario, I would like to evaluate kde5 again when I update to NixOS 17.03.
<gchristensen> FWIW kde5 doesn't exist according to KDE, it is called Plasma5 :)
<avn> ivan_: main problem was -- it was totally unsupported ;)
<ivan_> gchristensen: I tried reporting bugs against KDE 4 (against plasma) in 4.4-4.7 timeframe and the majority of them was closed with explanation like "we rewrote everything, now your report doesn't apply". I regret the time wasted on reporting these bugs.
<gchristensen> all I can say is I'm sorry that is what happened, and I hope you try again.
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<joepie91> ivan_: oh man, I had this issue when I made the mistake of using Fedora for a while
<joepie91> file a bug
<joepie91> hear nothing about it for 3 months
<joepie91> "your bug is being automatically closed because of a new Fedora release, please create a new bug if it persists"
<joepie91> rinse repeat :|
<ivan_> ok, I think the best way to go forward for me is to try PLASMA5 and then think what can be done about it
<ivan_> thank you guys for your time
<gchristensen> I hope plasma5 works for you
<avn> joepie91: absolutely demotivating and meaningless message. Especially in case, if your employer still stick $current-2 major release
<avn> ivan_: you always can fall back to something simpler, like awesome, qtile or fvwm ;)
<joepie91> avn: yeah, it doesn't exactly encourage people to report bugs... I gave up myself, and I generally make a point of filing bugs about stuff even if I don't intend on ever using the thing again
<joepie91> but when everything gets thrown into a big black hole...
<joepie91> (same with Chromium, which has terrible/non-existent triaging)
<ivan_> avn: yes, I can live with many options. Unfortunately the last installation of NixOS I did was not for me and not for a computer savvy user. And I wanted something that used default desktop metaphor and mostly worked. KDE4 worked reasonable well for this.
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