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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] earldouglas opened pull request #1351: Drop misleading ellipses (master...ellipses) https://git.io/v9vhL
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<ben> if i use nixops to set up a local virtualbox nixos, does it make sense to make the nix store a shared folder?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch opened pull request #25070: haskell: add a ghcDefault pkgset, pointing to current default (master...ghcDefault) https://git.io/v9vh0
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<hodapp> if I'm shipping a shell.nix for the sake of setting up a dev environment, is there a standard way of having it check out just the latest code from some repo, ignoring sha256?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] earldouglas opened pull request #25071: jenkins: 2.53 -> 2.55 (master...jenkins-2.55) https://git.io/v9fvT
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<dash> hodapp: put it in the repo, use a relative path...
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<dash> or put it in its own repo and use a git submodule and a relative path
<hodapp> dash: how does one use a relative path in this context?
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<hodapp> just set 'src' thus?
<dash> hodapp: i was going to try this myself tomorrow: make a repo with nix files in it, add all the code it should build as git submodules, set src attribute to those submodule dirs
<simpson> hodapp: src = ./.;
<hodapp> thanks
<simpson> hodapp: You can also go up using .. and so forth.
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<hodapp> weird... just copied most of pkgs/applications/graphics/darktable/default.nix into shell.nix in the repo directory, and it works fine up until I call cmakeConfigurePhase, which can't find the C compiler
<hodapp> but 'which cc' takes it directly to '/nix/store/dqfikdyxdrykwcbg1wp6nd725y0c7va4-gcc-wrapper-5.4.0/bin/cc'...
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<hodapp> if I run 'nix-shell ~/nixpkgs -A darktable' then configuration proceeds just fine, but if I run 'nix-shell -I nixpkgs=~/nixpkgs' from the darktable repo where I've put a shell.nix that is nearly identical to pkgs/applications/graphics/darktable/default.nix, CMake configuration can't find the compilers
<hodapp> so the two invocations must be different somehow, but why?
<ahmedtd> Does anyone know how the nixpkgs quicklisp-to-nix generation works?
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<iclanzan> Does anyone know how to get OpenVPN to work after resuming from suspend?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #25075: [WIP] nvidia-firmware: init at 325.15 - calling all nvidia users (master...p/nvidia) https://git.io/v9fIt
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<sdll> Team, could you please tell me whether there is any way I can load patched hid-apple on nixos? (https://github.com/free5lot/hid-apple-patched)
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<sdll> The main problem is that "options hid_apple fnmode=2" is not respected after booting
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<sdll> However, the keys are remapped if "sudo modprobe -r hid_apple && sudo modprobe hid_apple" is executed
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<sdll> This ticket is related: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/20906
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<delta__> I just tried to switch to nixos-unstable, but sudo nix-channel --update gives me 'error: unable to download ‘https://nixos.org/channel/nixos-unstable/nixexprs.tar.bz2’: HTTP response code said error (22)'. Any idea what the problem is?
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<sophiag> does anyone here use xmonad instead of metacity with gnome? there are instructions on the haskell wiki, but i'm wondering if there's a way to set it up in my configuration.nix instead
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<Guest36040> I used xmonad, I tried to use it with KDE, but the support is just bad, and you need to work around all sorts of hacks. Decided to dump KDE integration, and just use Xmonad and construct my own "windows environmen".
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<sophiag> the wiki says it works well with gnome :https://wiki.haskell.org/Xmonad/Using_xmonad_in_Gnome#Setting_up_Gnome_to_use_Xmonad
<sophiag> otoh...i find gnome3 on nixos just doesn't work well generally
<CMCDragonkai> Wikis say lots of things. Have to try it to know it.
<sophiag> ha
<sophiag> so do i have to disable gnome in my configuration.nix in order to launch into xmonad?
<puffnfresh> your login manager should allow choosing what window manager to go to
<CMCDragonkai> You can disable gnome and enable xmonad, if you leave them both enabled, the display manager allows choosing any combination of the 2
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<sophiag> ah, ok. i think i remember seeing that when i initially installed it and can't remember if i just had it commented out or not
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<johnramsden> Could Someone give me some advice? I'm having trouble packaging something with buildFHSUserEnv and I think I must be doing it wrong. I tried without the FHS but it didn't work I assume because I was attempting to use a deb.
<johnramsden> Here's what I have done to package it. https://github.com/johnramsden/NixOS/blob/dev/configuration/software.nix
<johnramsden> When I end up trying to run it I get "/nix/store/fnkc45zxdqzp7dmifj44pz3y5c5aj924-nylas-mail-init: line 11: /nix/store/ds48y738w84qw498bzn34zjnv4d4axnd-fhs-fhs/usr/bin/usr/share/nylas-mail/nylas: No such file or directory"
<engblom> There seem to be bug when it comes to zfs root. The installation goes well, but then upon rebooting I get "cannot import 'rpool': no such pool available"
<johnramsden> engblom: You might need to set your host ID
<engblom> johnramsden: I have done that by setting networking.hostID in /mnt/etc/nixos/configuation.niz
<engblom> networking.hostId, I mean
<johnramsden> Are you trying to boot from ZFS?
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<engblom> Yes
<johnramsden> I'm not sure if that's possible
<engblom> It is possible with ubuntu, at last
<johnramsden> You probably need an extra boot partition
<engblom> least*
<mbrgm> joachifm: thanks for reviewing! :)
<engblom> unless nixos grub is lagging behind, I can not see why a separate boot partition would be needed
<johnramsden> Are you using systemd-boot?
<johnramsden> grub?
<engblom> Actually, it boots far enough to load the kernel. It just fails to mount the root system as it can not find the pools
<engblom> That means it that grub found the kernel from the zfs pool
<johnramsden> hmm. And you set them to Legacy?
<engblom> Yes
<c74d> mountpoint=legacy shouldn't affect whether the *pool* is found, should it?
<johnramsden> Well, Nix only Manages them unless their legacy unless I'm mistaken
<johnramsden> ZFS can be complicated to boot from, I usually create a 512MiB partition and boot from that. Then you can use systemd-boot too. Unless you're BIOS.
* c74d does similarly
<engblom> Here is a quick screenshot of the problem: https://i.imgur.com/WTwCOwC.png
<johnramsden> engblom: Last time I used BIOS on arch with grub it involved a few extra steps unless you were using grub-git https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Installing_Arch_Linux_on_ZFS#For_BIOS_motherboards. I'm not sure if it could be associated with your problem
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<johnramsden> engblom: I am very familiar with this boot error, ZFS can be very finicky
<johnramsden> I've had a really good experience using ZFS on root with Nix though, never tried to boot from it however.
<johnramsden> engblom, did you set your bootfs? What does your grub config look like?
<engblom> I added boot.supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ]; if that is what you mean
<engblom> boot.loader.grub.device = /dev/vda
<johnramsden> I mean zpool set bootfs=<dataset>
<engblom> No, that I did not do
<engblom> It was not mentioned at the wiki
<johnramsden> May want to try that
<engblom> It never was needed with ubuntu either... but I could try to do it.
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<johnramsden> Engblom, worth a shot
<engblom> I will have to do it after a an hour or so, I have to go to a customer
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<johnramsden> Engblom: If you haven't set zfs=<dataset> as an extra grub option you might want to try that too.
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<johnramsden> Does it look like I'm using buildFHSUserEnv wrong here? After I set up my package it never runs. https://github.com/johnramsden/NixOS/blob/dev/configuration/software.nix
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9flH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 59c70e4 Vincent Laporte: jbuilder: 1.0+beta5 -> 1.0+beta7
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<clever> johnramsden: 90% of the time you dont need buildFHSUserEnv, you need patchelf
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<johnramsden> clever: I thought buildFHS basically did that too.
<clever> johnramsden: buildFHS sets up a giant mess of symlinks to simulate an FHS env, then uses some bash scripts and setuid stuff to chroot into it and run something
<clever> johnramsden: you almost never want that
<johnramsden> k, ill try patchelf
<clever> a random example of a debian package being patchelf'd
<johnramsden> clever: Thanks
<clever> and you normally dont need to use wrapProgram either
<clever> patchelf --set-rpath does the same thing
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<FRidh> I fetched a git repo and now I need to modify some files in there and save the updated src. What is the recommended method? Using runCommand and cp -r I get permission errors when modifying files.
<mbrgm> is there a way to search the nix package providing a specific file? similar to apt-file?
<clever> FRidh: after you cp -r, you need to chmod -R +w
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<clever> mbrgm: only for files in bin/ right now
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<clever> mbrgm: if you name a file i can do some tricks on this end to see if i can find it
<mbrgm> clever: what's the way to search for bin/ files? for my current file, I'm quite sure about its package, was just curious about a general way ;)
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<clever> mbrgm: the bin/ stuff is indexed in programs.sqlite in the root of a channel, and command-not-found handles that
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<mbrgm> clever: ah, I see. is command-not-found available outside of nixos?
<clever> mbrgm: its only configured on nixos, and its part of a nixos module
<mbrgm> gnah
<clever> mbrgm: but you can cheat and just open the programs.sqlite file with sqlite3
<mbrgm> ok, so I'll have to switch to nixos some time soon ;)
<clever> it should be somewhere like ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs/
<FRidh> clever: ok. I see now that that is done normally in the unpackPhase of the generic builder, which runCommand doesn't use if Im correct
<mbrgm> clever: great, ty!
<clever> FRidh: yeah, runCommand disables all phases
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<ixxie> what is the name of the file browser NixOS ships with?
<clever> ixxie: depends on which desktop environment you install, gnome, kde, and xfce each have their own
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #25067: update sbcl and stunnel and more (master...master) https://git.io/v9vSf
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<ixxie> clever: aha
<ixxie> I experienced random overheating last night and I am trying to diagnose it
<ixxie> Nautilus seemed to hang a few times
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<mudri> I'm trying to build haskellPackages.xml-html-conduit-lens on nixos-unstable.
<mudri> It fails because it can't find a test file included in the source. http://lpaste.net/8298829216279953408
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<mudri> I can get the source (which has Nix files) and build it there, but it's not working with the nixpkgs package for some reason.
<mudri> Where are Haskell packages fetched from?
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<mudri> clever: you mean to mention me, I'm guessing. ;-)
<mudri> That file doesn't immediately tell me where the source is being downloaded from.
<mudri> (Or whether there's any fiddling with the source before it's built.)
<bennofs> mudri: this looks like a broken tarball
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<clever> mudri: i believe its using revisions from another github repo that tracks all packages in hackage
<bennofs> clever, mudri: the haskell packages are auto-generated from the all-cabal-hashes repository set up by commericalhaskell / fpcomplete that has meta information on all packages on hackage
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<bennofs> mudri: the source tarballs are fetched from Hackage as cabal-install would do it though
<mudri> bennofs: aah, is this a problem that should be fixed at xml-html-conduit-lens?
<bennofs> so this is really a case of the package itself being broken, it would fail the same way if you'd installed it with tests enabled with cabal
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<mudri> In the meantime, what can I do to use the package?
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<bennofs> mudri: you can disable the tests for the packagde
<bennofs> mudri: how are you using this haskell package?
<clever> mudri: haskell.lib.dontCheck
<bennofs> mudri: from a shell.nix?
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<clever> nix-repl> haskell.lib.dontCheck haskellPackages.xml-html-conduit-lens
<clever> «derivation /nix/store/vcgbgmp9g2h4x7v6vsy13cxq903a9p5f-xml-html-conduit-lens-»
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<mudri> clever: thanks, that looks like something I can use.
<mudri> Yeah, shell.nix.
<mudri> Or, well, I have liblastfm as a dependency in a shell.nix, and that depends on xml-html-conduit-lens.
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<engblom> johnramsden: I have tested to set the bootfs option, but it did not help
<johnramsden> engblom: Hmm, have you set the boot dataset in grub by adding zfs=<dataset>?
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<engblom> johnramsden: No.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah opened pull request #25077: nixos-generate-config: add pulseaudio option (master...master3) https://git.io/v9fu5
<johnramsden> engblom, I think that's necessary.
<johnramsden> As a kernel option
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<engblom> So how do I add it to configuration.nix?
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<engblom> I have booted up the install-cd again and imported the zpool and mounted everything under /mnt again
<johnramsden> engblom: Set it like: menuentry "Arch Linux" {
<johnramsden> linux /vmlinuz-linux zfs=vault/ROOT/default rw
<johnramsden> initrd /intel-ucode.img /initramfs-linux.img
<johnramsden> }
<johnramsden> Wherever you made your menu
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<clever> engblom: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#boot.kernelparams
<engblom> nixos-install made my menu, so I guess if I do changes manually to the menu it would get overwritten
<clever> the option i linked will affect how nixos generates the config
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<engblom> clever: I could use boot.extraKernelParams ?
<clever> that is just an alias to the one i linked
<johnramsden> engblom, boot.loader.grub.zfsSupport needs setting too if you missed it.
<engblom> johnramsden: I already have " boot.supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ]; "
<clever> that puts zfs into the initrd, but not into grub
<johnramsden> Might be your problem there.
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<engblom> I will try that first
<engblom> Now, when I have everything mounted under /mnt how do I update the system? Should I do nixos-install again?
<clever> yes
<clever> it will rebuild anything that is out of date and re-run grub-install
<engblom> Okay, will try it later today! Have to rush away again
<johnramsden> Good luck!
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<johnramsden> How would I create two lists of packages then append them? Something like, myPkgs = with pkgs; [ <package> ]; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; myPkgs ++ [ packages];? But that doesn't work.
<clever> johnramsden: that should work, what error does it give?
<clever> and myPkgs must not be inside the attrset
<johnramsden> error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting ';', at
<clever> you omited the character position that says where the problem is
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<clever> can you gist the full file and the exact error?
<johnramsden> I've gone environment.systemPackages = with pkgs;
<johnramsden> let <custom package>; in environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; myPkgs ++ [ packaged-onboard ];
<johnramsden> I'll gist
<Isorkin> http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/J3lE2xkX?nix How to fix error - sudo nixos-rebuild test - cannot coerce a set to a string, at /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs/lib/strings.nix:442:44 | nix-build ~/mypkgs -A php56-libressl - normal work
<johnramsden> Oh! Got it.
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<johnramsden> Was writing environment.systemPackages twice
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ericsagnes opened pull request #25078: rainbowstream 1.3.6 -> 1.3.7 & top-level attribute (master...pkg-update/rainbowstream) https://git.io/v9f2f
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fadenb opened pull request #25079: openvpn service: source up/down scripts (master...openvpn_source_scripts) https://git.io/v9faq
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<engblom> johnramsden: Still it is not possible to import the pool at boot
<clever> engblom: is it getting past grub?
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<engblom> clever: Yes, here is a screenshot of what happens: https://i.imgur.com/WTwCOwC.png
<johnramsden> engblom, and you set zfs=<root dataset>?
<clever> engblom: i'm 90% sure i know the problem, boot.zfs.devNodes = "/dev/"; will fix it
<clever> the issue, is that nixos expects to find the devices in the pool under /dev/disk/by-id/
<clever> and because its a vm, the data about which bus the disk is on is MIA
<johnramsden> clever, if I need to use patchelf, do I need to set it on every lib and binary?
<clever> johnramsden: rpath on everything, interpreter only on the binaries
<johnramsden> Is there an asy way to Know which files, say with the find command? Or do I actually need to list them out one by one.
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<clever> johnramsden: for x in $out/bin/*; do patchelf ... $x;done
<mudri> So, I have this to override Haskell packages, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on nix-build. http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/fBD-fusw?nix
<clever> mudri: what path is that file at?
<mudri> clever: ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix.
<clever> mudri: does ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix exist?
<mudri> The file is definitely being read, because if I put something wrong in it, it fails sooner.
<mudri> It's just that if I try to build liblastfm, it fails because it tries to use the old xml-html-conduit-lens.
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<clever> mudri: ah, what if you use super.callPackage for lastfm?
<mudri> clever: same problem.
<engblom> clever: That fixed the booting problem. Still it complains about the swap.
<clever> engblom: what is the error about swap?
<clever> mudri: another option is to make the attrset recursive (add the rec { keyword), and then inherit the lense stuff in the args to callPackage
<engblom> clever: Actually, when testing, it found the swap. It just took several seconds for it at that point of the boot process, so I thought i failed
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<mudri> Sounds worth doing. I'll give it a go...
<engblom> Thanks for the help!
<johnramsden> Nice! You got it booting!
<engblom> Yes, I got!
<engblom> Now I need again to go on a customer visit, so the project will have to rest again a bit.
<johnramsden> That always feels good
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<mudri> clever: with “self.callPackage ../repos/liblastfm { xml-html-conduit-lens = xml-html-conduit-lens; }”, I get unexpected argument. Do I have to pass in a whole modified haskellPackages, or something?
<clever> mudri: can you paste the contents of ../repos/liblastfm/default.nix ?
<engblom> The nice thing is that I got it fully ZFS, so I would be able to send do zfs send/recv for the whole system, including /boot
<clever> engblom: but there is still a bootloader stub outside of the zfs volume, that makes it actually bootable
<clever> engblom: and nixos would have restored /boot when fixing the stub anyways
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<engblom> clever: It is easy enough to restor the grub part. I would just chroot into the system from a live-disk
<clever> engblom: yeah, and if you run 'nixos-rebuild boot' it will restore both the stub, and /boot
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<mudri> clever: here are the three .nix files, which were already in the repository when I got it. http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/ydu-jpp1?nix
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] binarin opened pull request #25080: fzf: Expose interactive shell scripts (master...fzf-shell-scripts-and-nix-env-installation) https://git.io/v9frT
<clever> mudri: yeah, that line1 is the problem, you want to bypass it, and callPackage package.nix directly
<engblom> I would be interested to test nixos on aarch64 (rpi3). Is there any such port of nixos available?
<mudri> Ah, right.
<clever> engblom: there is some hydra stuff pre-building it, gchristensen has been working on it i think
<clever> engblom: i have also booted not-os (a nix based distro i made) on my rpi3, but only an armv7l build, with pure network boot
<mudri> clever: seems to have done the job. Thanks!
<engblom> My rpi3 will mostly do gpio stuff, so nothing memory or disk heavy. Because of that 1Gb is plenty of RAM, so I would want to run ZFS on rpi. This would give nice way to send live snapshots of /home, rollback for /home all with a dynamic size as zfs allows datasets to grow and shrink
<clever> engblom: i have also been thinking about zfs on a pi, and the 32bit problems have been on my mind
<clever> aarch64 would bypass that
<engblom> clever: I actually think zfs is the perfect fs for rpi, if you do not have "desktop usage". Especially as you can separate system from data and still allow both to grow when necessary.
<clever> yeah
<clever> engblom: though my general idea with not-os was more along the android model, where the system is 100% read-only, and the data partition may or may not even exist
<FRidh> how you use the phases in nix-shell when you've overridden them?
<Isorkin> Who can help with the config (php + libressl)?
<clever> FRidh: might be simpler to do this: phases="configurePhase" genericBuild
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<clever> FRidh: that would temporarily set the variable for just that one call to genericBuild
<clever> causing it to only run one phase and return
<FRidh> and eval $unpackPhase ?
<clever> that works if you know which ones are overriden
<FRidh> I see
<FRidh> well, I could always just call "eval $whateverPhase"
<clever> i believe that will fail if there is no variable by that name
<LnL> yeah, the default phase is a function, not an env variable
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fadenb opened pull request #25081: radarr: -> (master...radarr_654) https://git.io/v9fKW
<FRidh> I still find it odd that you cannot go manually through the phases with nix-shell when youv'e overriden an expression
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<LnL> moving the override logic into the phase functions would solve that
<clever> you also loose the pre/post hooks when you override a phase
<FRidh> hmm, but calling genericBuilld does work with the overriden phases
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fadenb closed pull request #25081: radarr: -> (master...radarr_654) https://git.io/v9fKW
<FRidh> Then, an unrelated question. I get the following error: /tmp/nix-build-binder-2017-03-27.drv-0/clang/tools/extra/binder/context.cpp:254:119: error: exception handling disabled, use -fexceptions to enable
<LnL> I created a pr a while back that added a runPhase function that would work as expected, but I think it's better to just make the functions behave as expected
<FRidh> even though I have cmakeFlags = old.cmakeFlags ++ ["-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fexceptions"]; where old.cmakeFlags contains already "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-std=c++11"
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fadenb opened pull request #25082: radarr: -> (master...radarr_654_fixed) https://git.io/v9fKS
<clever> FRidh: i suspect that cmake may overwrite when you -D things twice
<FRidh> clever: that I thought at first as well, yet, when I remove old.cmakeFlags I still get the issue.
<LnL> what about NIX_CFLAGS?
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<clever> FRidh: it should also print the whole cmake args when it runs cmake, what does that say?
<clever> LnL: yeah, i tend to use that as well to inject any cflags i want
<FRidh> clever: then it shows all the options passed, so if I explicitly add -fexceptions it shows it
<johnramsden> clever: You said to set interpreter on binaries, what interpreter do I set it to?
<clever> patchelf --interpreter "$(cat $NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker)"
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<clever> johnramsden: an example script i made a while back: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/8cae5bc9c02c12099a3bf5e20e75161f
<johnramsden> Cool, thanks
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<Turion> Hi, I haven't installed nixos yet, but I'm thinking about it. I have a couple of questions: 1. How do different versions of the same package work in nixos? E.g. having python 2 and python 3 installed parallelly, or not using the same version as in the main repository. 2. How is Haskell integrated in nixos? Can I install Haskell packages system wide in a sane way using nix? (I.e. dependencies aren't broken, or packages rebuilt automaticall
<Turion> y)
<puffnfresh> Turion: nix-shell is a tool which helps with different versions of the same software
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<Twey> Wasn't nix-shell meant for debugging derivations? :þ
<puffnfresh> e.g. nix-shell -p python2
<puffnfresh> no, nix-shell is a useful tool outside of debugging
<Twey> Turion: The Haskell ecosystem is quite mature
<puffnfresh> I do lots of Haskell development on NixOS
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<Twey> puffnfresh: I mean, I know it is now, but I find it amusing because it started off as a debugging aid, then people started using it for environments and everyone laughed because it was a cool hack, and now everybody does it :þ
<Turion> So if the main repository has an outdated version of whatever package, it's easy for me to tweak my local configuration to get the newer version (given that it builds the same way etc.)
<puffnfresh> Turion: yeah, that's pretty easy
<Turion> Great :)
<puffnfresh> usually
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<Turion> Does nix call stack or cabal for Haskell packages?
<puffnfresh> it uses Cabal, as a library
<Twey> Turion: Actually Stack calls Nix :þ Or it can, anyway
<Turion> Twey, ok, surprising..?
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<Turion> And is it easy to contribute Haskell packages that are on Hackage?
<Twey> Turion: My experience is that you often end up writing packages for things in NixOS, but the writing is usually very simple
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<Turion> (I'm coming from a Gentoo background, there it's easy with a script that creates an ebuild from a .cabal file or something like that)
<puffnfresh> Turion: they automatically get pulled in
<Twey> Turion: Particularly for Hackage packages, you can just use cabal2nix to generate it automatically
<Turion> Ah excellent
<puffnfresh> Hackage packages get put into nixpkgs very regularly
<clever> Turion: there is also cabal2nix
<puffnfresh> and cabal2nix is for things which aren't in nixpkgs (yet)
<Twey> Yeah
<Turion> Do some people here code in Agda?
<Twey> Turion: Yes
<Turion> I find the (lack of a proper) package management annoying, does that get better with nix?
<Twey> Turion: Not really
<Turion> Or is it conceivable that one could write some nix expressions to make it easier?
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<Twey> It is conceivable
<Twey> We don't really have an Agda infrastructure at the moment, though we have packages for a few thingss
<Twey> things**
<Turion> Ok
<Twey> But there's nothing stopping you from writing such a thing if you wanted to
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<Turion> The way I'm understanding it right now is that nix comes with a functional (sort-of) programming language, so it should be possible maybe to write a function that takes a github URL and lets you install the Agda package hiding behind it
<Turion> But I don't know whether this is possible in nix
<Twey> Turion: Totally possible
<Twey> In fact I think we do that already
<Turion> Awesome
<johnramsden> Any clue why one would get error: infinite recursion encountered, at undefined position?
<Twey> For example
<clever> johnramsden: can you gist the full output when ran with --show-error, and the expressions
<Turion> Twey, yes exactly, great
<Turion> How do people here actually feel about these plans to make the nix language typed?
<Twey> Turion: This is how a lot of nixpkgs packages are built. We don't store source in the tree
<Turion> Twey, right, makes sense
<johnramsden> clever: show-trace you mean?
<clever> johnramsden: yeah
<Twey> I'm in favour of it, but I use Agda, so ;)
<Twey> I haven't seen any opposition to introducing typing, really
<Turion> Ah ok
<Twey> We already have pre-checks for options being present and things like that
<Turion> Is it still active? (The making-nix-typed-project, I mean)
<Twey> As far as I can tell, the only reason we don't already have types is that nobody has put in the work to do it and fix all the breakage
<Twey> Maybe someone feels differently
<Turion> Yes, I've read about taht
<Twey> Turion: Also it looks like https://www.gofundme.com/typing-nix/ got funded
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<Twey> Hah, it's also his thesis
<Twey> Well played, Mr. Hufschmitt
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<Turion> Twey, oh yes, there is now a link to a blog where he updates regularly. Great to see that going.
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<FRidh> LnL: clever: unfortunately NIX_CFLAGS="-fexceptions"; didn't help either
<Twey> Oh, Tweag funded it! Go Tweag
<clever> johnramsden: its usualy better to put things line line 15-69 into their own file, and then load it with callPackage
<Twey> Fuuzetsu: 👍
<Turion> Twey, ahh this is why one day when I installed cv3 with Haskell, it insisted on installing nix
<clever> johnramsden: and also, you want to do the patchelf in postInstall, not fixupPhase, fixupPhase does some important stuff that your loosing
<clever> johnramsden: hmmm, or just patchelf right in the unpackPhase
<Turion> Sounds all great. I think I'm pretty sold on nixos now ;)
<Turion> Twey, puffnfresh, clever, thanks for your help! Now I only need to find a free weekend to install nixos...
<Twey> Ack, is that the time? I need to run
<johnramsden> clever: Do you Have an example of loading a package with callPackage? When I tried doing that earlier I couldn't get it to work.
<Twey> Turion: Glad I could help ☺ NixOS still requires some TLC, but is perfectly usable if you're technically capable, and has the nice property that when you get it into a working state it stays that way :þ
<clever> johnramsden: packaged-nylas-mail = callPackage ./something.nix {};
<clever> johnramsden: oh, and i found your problem
<clever> johnramsden: line 27, the package depends on itself
<johnramsden> oh, whoops
<clever> johnramsden: also, 90% of those dependencies are doing absolutely nothing
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<clever> johnramsden: infact, 100% of them are doing nothing
<clever> johnramsden: and line 44/45 are wrong, 44 will cause infinite recusion in bash, and 45 is referencing an undefined variable
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<johnramsden> Haha, well, they were depends in arch, how can you tell they arent doing anything?
<clever> johnramsden: the things listed under buildInputs and friends, are only available at compile time
<Turion> Twey, I can afford L and C... T not so much :/ but this promise about staying in a working state is great!
<clever> johnramsden: and you dont embed the paths into the output, so they are lost at runtime
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<johnramsden> So source $stdenv/setup and PATH=$dpkg/bin:$PATH leave out?
<clever> yeah
<clever> and if you add dpkg to the buildInputs, you can just run dpkg directly, without ${dpkg}/bin/
<johnramsden> How would I embed them?
<clever> you need to put the lib/ folder of each input into the rpath
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<johnramsden> ?
<clever> --set-rpath ${lib.makeLibraryPath [ zlib ]}
<clever> makeLibraryPath is a helper function, that makes it simpler then what you just linked
<johnramsden> replace zlib with all of them?
<clever> yeah
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<johnramsden> clever: What exactly am I doing wrong with callPackage? https://github.com/johnramsden/NixOS/blob/dev/configuration/packages/nylas-mail/default.nix
<clever> that looks more like a nixos module
<clever> not a package
<clever> you want it to look more like this
<johnramsden> I see, I see
<johnramsden> I think i'm missing callPackage too, am I doing the call wrong with: environment.systemPackages = with pkgs;
<johnramsden> [ (callPackage ./packages/nylas-mail {}) ] ++
<johnramsden> Getting error: attribute ‘callPackage’ missing
<clever> one# qemu-system-aarch64: -enable-kvm: No machine specified, and there is no default
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<gchristensen> yeah, but it gets past that in the other.
<clever> gchristensen: i couldnt even get qemu to compile for arm, but it looks like some cli flags for qemu are missing
<gchristensen> this is very interesting: "machine# [ 0.044170] x86: Booted up 1 node, 1 CPUs"
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<clever> gchristensen: would it be possible to dump the command and qemu_opts?
<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> so it seems the vbox tests force i686
<clever> oh, i see that now
<clever> machine# [ 0.000000] x86/fpu: Legacy x87 FPU detected.
<clever> and the nixops test is also x86!
<clever> so nothing is actualy passing on arm!
<gchristensen> :D
<clever> it probably needs a -machine <foo> to be passed in
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<clever> and the boot process and hardware layout is far less standardized on arm, so the kernel is tightly coupled to how you make it boot, and what qemu has to emulate
<gchristensen> ugh you're probably right
<gchristensen> ugh ugh ugh this is going to be hard to make support multiple arm platforms, if we choose
<clever> the bootloader like u-boot can help to even that out some
<clever> as will device-tree
<clever> from what ive read, you can make a kernel that has a range of drivers linked in, and pass it a DTB that describes what hardware is actualy present, and which drivers to point at what addresses
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<clever> this kind of mess is also why i was looking into UML linux for the nixos test framework, it seemed simpler then fixing qemu
<gchristensen> http://ix.io/rlH
<gchristensen> trying to find which `-machine` to use
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<clever> ok, ive confirmed that it is an aarch64 qemu, built against aarch64
<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# nix-store -r /nix/store/q0mpsx8wlpklinzfhx6yf5bsw1780b4q-qemu-for-vm-tests-2.8.0 --add-root qemu-aarch64 --indirect -Q -j8
<clever> this downloads the exact same qemu build from the cache, and roots it in the current dir
<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> cool
<clever> and this gives my machine the ability to run aarch64 code
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<clever> so i can now test things on x86
<gchristensen> :o
<clever> gchristensen: https://pastebin.com/zsysvdiY
<clever> raspi2, virt(|-2.6|2.7|2.8), all look like good candidates
<gchristensen> raspi2 isn't aarch64
<clever> it might emulate the hardware layout of the rpi2, with an aarch64 cpu
<clever> which is pretty close to the rpi3 layout
<gchristensen> hmm
<clever> since we are running qemu-system-aarch64, its likely to force aarch64
<tjg1> is there a way to make the firewall log rejected connections to journald instead of dmesg?
<tjg1> or its own file
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<clever> [root@router:~]# journalctl -f -t kernel
<clever> -- Logs begin at Sat 2017-01-07 23:05:40 UTC. --
<clever> Apr 21 11:27:35 router kernel: rejected connection: IN=wan OUT= MAC=00:30:48:c5:d2:de:08:81:f4:e5:bf:c2:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=54 ID=58426 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=31421 DPT=8333 WINDOW=29200 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
<clever> tjg1: it already goes to the journal
<CMCDragonkai> that's what it al
<CMCDragonkai> ready does
<tjg1> yeah, but i want it separate from other kernel stuff
<CMCDragonkai> you'll need to setup a journalctl filter
<tjg1> i'll look into that. thanks
<clever> [root@router:~]# journalctl -f -t kernel SYSLOG_FACILITY=0 PRIORITY=6
<clever> tjg1: this filters it some
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<clever> the only thing you could do to filter it more is to filter based on the contents of the message
<clever> also of use, add "-o json" to journalctl, to see all the internal fields
<gchristensen> another difficulty clever: qemu thinks these systems don't support kvm: qemu-system-aarch64: /tmp/nix-build-qemu-for-vm-tests-2.8.0.drv-0/qemu-2.8.0/exec.c:611: cpu_address_space_init: Assertion `asidx == 0 || !kvm_enabled()' failed.
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<clever> /* KVM cannot currently support multiple address spaces. */
<clever> assert(asidx == 0 || !kvm_enabled());
<clever> gchristensen: i think cpu_address_space_init was called with an address space index greater then 0
<tjg1> ideal solution would be to use something like ulogd/nf_log
<gchristensen> hhmmmm
<clever> gchristensen: has_el3 seems to be the trigger
<clever> gchristensen: and it can be turned off somehow: https://github.com/qemu/qemu/blob/master/target/arm/cpu.c#L729-L740
<clever> http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.den0024a/ch10s02s04.html
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<clever> gchristensen: i think EL3 is to do with the secure monitor, and EL2 is to allow a hypervisor inside the vm
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<tjg1> i have another question. is there a way to mark a swap device as not needed for boot and just letting systemd mount it?
<clever> gchristensen: so we should be able to turn el3 and el2 off safely
<clever> then kvm will work
<tjg1> i know it's possible with regular filesystems. i have an issue where stage 1 keeps rescanning for lvm devices, because it can't find the swap zfs zvol
<gchristensen> clever: erm, how?
<clever> gchristensen: still looking thru the code to find that
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #25083: [WIP] albert: 0.10.2 -> 0.11.1 (master...upd.albert) https://git.io/v9fS2
<clever> tjg1: i dont think stage-1 is responsible for enabling swap, can you screenshot the problem?
<tjg1> clever: sure, lemme reboot
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<CMCDragonkai> tjg1: i tried to setup ZFS zvol swap, and when I tested if it actually worked by setting up a TMPFS and writing junk to it, it locked up the machine as soon as memory started to spill over
<CMCDragonkai> tjg1: does zfsonlinux actually support zvol swap and solved this issue, it was on their github issues list
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<clever> gchristensen: this answer says how to enable secure mode, so lets just invert it, -machine secure=off -machine virtualization=off, this should remove EL3 and EL2 support
<gchristensen> hmm
<tjg1> CMCDragonkai: it works for me
<avn> CMCDragonkai: they fixed. But I use some patches from PRs as well. It still feels bad on memory starvation
<CMCDragonkai> avn: What exactly feels bad?
<clever> tjg1: ah, i suspected it, its waiting for the resumeDevice
<tjg1> this delays the boot by about 10 seconds
<clever> tjg1: it wants to load the hibernation state from the swap, and ive heard something about hibernation on zvol not working either
<tjg1> yeah, i dont think it works
<avn> CMCDragonkai: I still got lock-ups on memory starvation, especially if delete stuff which have ddt entries (files, written before I turn dedup off)
<clever> tjg1: if resumeDevice (no s) is a non-empty string, wait for it to appear
<CMCDragonkai> tjg1: I get similar messages like that as well! But not due to swap, but due to LUKS problems
<clever> tjg1: if it is an empty string, wait for everything in resumeDevices (with an s)
<clever> tjg1: the s variant is the result of running a map and filter over the swap devices
<CMCDragonkai> avn: Doesn't it mean it doesn't work. I wouldn't want to run zvol swap if there's even a small chance it will lock up the machine, too risky
<clever> tjg1: it must start with /dev, it must not have randomEncryption, and it must not be a zram
<clever> CMCDragonkai: i went with zfs+swap on lvm, with the lvm on luks, just to avoid the zvol swap issue
<CMCDragonkai> clever: ZFS+SWAP on LVM on LUKS, does that affect the performance much?
<clever> CMCDragonkai: the machine is nearly a decade old, so its hard to tell
<clever> i wouldnt expect lvm to add much overhead
<clever> so i would expect the swap->lvm->luks to have the same performance as swap on randomized luks
<clever> with the negative that the swap can be recovered if you have the passphrase
<CMCDragonkai> is your swap also encrypted?
<clever> CMCDragonkai: the swap is on lvm, and the PV for lvm is on luks
<clever> so a single passphrase protects the entire lvm array (swap + zfs)
<tjg1> zfs is not on lvm
<clever> in my laptop, it is
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<clever> i was expecting zvol swap issues, and used lvm to avoid them
<tjg1> ah
<clever> tjg1: setting randomEncryption on the swap device might solve the problem your having, but then it will be double-encrypted
<clever> tjg1: if you dont mind reinstalling, it might be better to change the layout to be more like my laptop
<tjg1> i could just move swap to the lvm ssd
<clever> that also works
<clever> tjg1: oh, i just had a thought
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to unstable-aarch64: https://git.io/v9fHW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/unstable-aarch64 c479fce Graham Christensen: pass in aarchh64 args
<CMCDragonkai> tjg1: My SSDs are being used for L2ARC and ZIL
<CMCDragonkai> no room for swap!
<clever> tjg1: what if you make a /swap symlink to /dev/pool/swap
<clever> tjg1: then the safety on line 209 of stage-1.nix will think your using a swap file
<avn> CMCDragonkai: I have following patch applied also https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/pull/5902
<clever> tjg1: but once you boot, it follows the symlink and uses the zvol!
<avn> clever: zfs not allow swapfile btw
<clever> avn: hence the symlink to a zvol
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9fHE
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4dda88c Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.9.23 -> 4.9.24
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<avn> btw, why stage1 of boot wait for my /dev/zvol/tank/swap? can it be deffered (I not need swap in first few mins after boot)
<clever> avn: it thinks the hibernation image is on that swap, and wants to resume it before mounting too much
<tjg1> we're talking about that exact issue
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9fHX
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1b3282d Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.10.11 -> 4.10.12
<clever> avn: if we symlink /swap to /dev/zvol/tank/swap, then the stage-1 scripts will think its a swap file, and ignore it, but stage-2 will follow the symlink and use the zvol
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 4 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/v9fH1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ec70293 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.10.10 -> 4.10.11...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 e6f3b39 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.4.61 -> 4.4.62...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 186fad5 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.9.23 -> 4.9.24...
<avn> clever: interesting, ty
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<CMCDragonkai> but it's not particularly useful unless you can guarantee zvol swap works flawlessly
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #25084: xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin: 1.6.2 -> 1.7.2 (master...upd.xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin) https://git.io/v9fH7
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to unstable-aarch64: https://git.io/v9fHF
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/unstable-aarch64 7439825 Graham Christensen: host -> virt
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/unstable-aarch64 d4fc5ae Graham Christensen: whitespace
<tjg1> Apr 21 13:01:58 pegasus swapon[1033]: swapon: cannot open /swap: No such file or directory
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9fHb
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7fb1b54 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.4.62 -> 4.4.63
<Guest87926> How do I get openssl-dev into my environment? I want openssl.pc in my pkg-config environment, and I see it lives in /nix/store/sx5xwbkfdjrp32w8ispqxnz0fqvn7s2w-openssl-1.0.2k-dev/lib/pkgconfig/libssl.pc, amongst other hashes, but I don't know how to get that into my pkg-config environment
<tjg1> seems that now systemd doesn't wait for zpool import
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<clever> tjg1: ah, that could be an issue
<clever> Guest43251: nix-shell -p openssl
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<clever> Guest8704: and your fighting nickserv some
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/v9fQT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 e38565e Tim Steinbach: openjdk: 8u121-13 -> 8u131-11...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 eb99e40 Tim Steinbach: scala: 2.12.1 -> 2.12.2...
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<TweyII> clever: Yes, I noticed, sorry
<TweyII> clever: No, that doesn't work
<LexLeoGryfon> hey
<TweyII> The openssl package doesn't seem to put openssl.pc anywhere pkg-config can find it
<LexLeoGryfon> is anyone can suggest NixOS docker image that just works out of the box?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm reopened pull request #23834: unclutter.service: prevent empty display value (master...unclutter) https://git.io/vy6RR
<clever> TweyII: seems to work when i do it: https://pastebin.com/jtkG9hQc
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #23834: unclutter.service: prevent empty display value (master...unclutter) https://git.io/vy6RR
<tjg1> maybe "isResumeDevice" should be added as an option to swapDevices
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<clever> tjg1: yeah, that would also help
<TweyII> Oh, you also pull in a new pkgconfig that's different from the outside pkgconfig?
<clever> TweyII: you must also add pkgconfig to the packages
<clever> TweyII: that will load this setup-hook, which scans $buildInputs, and adds it to the pkgconfig search path
<clever> this is why i always tell people to never install build-time utils like gcc, ld, pkg-config, and so on
<TweyII> I see
<clever> nix just isnt meant to be used like that
<LexLeoGryfon> Gentlemen?
<TweyII> Is the standard way to save a custom environment for a project still to make a shell.nix with a dummy derivation in it and drop into that thing's build environment?
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<clever> TweyII: either a dummy shell.nix, or a full default.nix
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<avn> TweyII: yep, and later it can be converted to expression, if you intend to package your stuff
<clever> TweyII: you can always upgrade the dummy to a full expression at a later time
<TweyII> Is there a tool that will autogenerate me a stub shell.nix?
<avn> clever: btw, collection of that dummy shell.nix for variouus languages can be very useful as well
<clever> with import <nixpkgs> {}; stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "foo"; buildInputs = [ pkgconfig openssl ]; src = ./.; }
<TweyII> Yeah
<clever> TweyII: that will do for most projects
<LexLeoGryfon> is anyone can suggest NixOS docker image that just works out of the box?
<goibhniu> LexLeoGryfon: I guess not (I haven't heard of any official ones) ... also, please don't forget the ladies :)
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<clever> TweyII: nix-shell will also bring gcc and binutils in, so no need to install those globally either
<LexLeoGryfon> I've tried few from docker-hub, but one is just alpine linux without nix-rebuild andother NixOS feautures, and other image won't work
<LexLeoGryfon> okay, second question - how I can supply USE flag (gentoo-like) to package during install? for example i want nix to build 'nano' from source with 'static' useflag and without 'ncurses' support. Which command will do that?
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<clever> LexLeoGryfon: static isnt an option, and ncurses doesnt appear to be optional
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<FRidh> if I'm correct unpackFile is a generic function that can be used regardless of the filetype or whether it is a folder / repo checkout. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to support a destination argument. Is there one?
<clever> FRidh: it will unpack to the current directory, and then cd into that directory
<FRidh> normally the unpackPhase uses sourceRoot
<clever> FRidh: and it will compare the dir listing before&after, to figure out what sourceRoot is
<FRidh> clever: that's the unpackPhase, right? Not unpackFile
<clever> FRidh: yeah
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to unstable-aarch64: https://git.io/v9fbS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/unstable-aarch64 f239bde Graham Christensen: virtio-gpu
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<LexLeoGryfon> okay, probably, current state of package nix expression is not flexible enough, and I should write my own package nix expression, because static is the option here https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/tree/app-editors/nano/nano-2.7.5.ebuild, and works here https://github.com/andrew-d/static-binaries/blob/master/nano/build.sh
<clever> LexLeoGryfon: why do you need a static build of nano?
<LexLeoGryfon> because I like static binaries
<clever> the static binaries are larger, and when nix is doing its job, give you no added benefit
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<clever> nix keeps all of the dynamic libraries you depend on as read-only, so there is no real difference over a static build
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<LexLeoGryfon> and I just want to get a look how to supply gentoo-like USE flags in NIX
<FRidh> clever: is there a function for unpacking to a destination that works regardless of whether its source is an archive or folder / repo?
<FRidh> a given destination
<clever> FRidh: simplest thing i can think of is just pushd foo; unpackFile; popd
<LexLeoGryfon> thank you for assistance
<Yaniel> LexLeoGryfon: look up packageOverrides
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~/apps/qemu]$ nix-repl '<nixpkgs>'
<clever> nix-repl> :b nano.override { ncurses = null; }
<clever> LexLeoGryfon: this override just builds nano without giving it a copy of ncurses
<clever> nano.h:96:20: fatal error: curses.h: No such file or directory
<FRidh> clever: yea, indeed. I was actually doing the pushd and operations after unpacking, but this is better.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #25085: imlib2: 1.4.9 -> 1.4.10 (master...upd.imlib2) https://git.io/v9fNN
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<clever> but it still wants ncurses, and fails to build
<LexLeoGryfon> thank you for mentioning packageOverrides, this is what I wanted.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] matthiasbeyer opened pull request #25086: madonctl: init at 0.1.0 (master...add-madonctl) https://git.io/v9fAN
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<viric> qknight: what happened to the tour of nix?
<viric> qknight: ah, in firefox it hangs "Downloading". In chrome it works better
<LexLeoGryfon> well, I must admit that this channel is more helpful and alive than any channels associated with #suckless community and statically linked distros
<clever> LexLeoGryfon: here is a package i made a while back, to compile qemu staticly
<clever> it also has to rebuild glib with static enabled
<LexLeoGryfon> thank you, interesting. have you wondered to replace glibc with musl?
<clever> i have looked into automating that more in all of nixpkgs
<engblom> How do I set the xorg session to be ~/.xsession ?
<clever> engblom: if you +x it, then nixos will just run it by default
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<engblom> clever: Is it not possible to do it from configuration.nix, so that if I install another system I get the same settings?
<clever> engblom: you could get the same effect by doing services.xserver.displayManager.sessionCommands = "xterm ; exit";
<clever> which will run xterm as your session, then terminate the script i previously linked from github
<clever> then you can just fill in your own session script
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9fjk
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 05911da Joachim Fasting: grsecurity: 4.9.23-201704181901 -> 4.9.24-201704210851
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #25088: swift: 3.1 -> 3.1.1 (master...update/swift-3.1.1) https://git.io/v9fjV
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9fj1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master af1621a José Romildo Malaquias: xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin: 1.6.2 -> 1.7.2 (#25084)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #25082: radarr: -> (master...radarr_654_fixed) https://git.io/v9fKS
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<infinisil> Hi, someone here?
<goibhniu> hi infinisil
<infinisil> Good morning :D, may I ask what irc client you're using?
<goibhniu> I'm using pidgin :D
<infinisil> I'm using Hexchat, but it has some glitches
<infinisil> On nixos?
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<goibhniu> yep, on nixos
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<clever> i mainly stick to irssi
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<Infinisil_> Hi from pidgin :D
<goibhniu> o/
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<Infinisil_> Is this normal with IRC that you have to always manually join a channel?
* engblom wonders why his .xsession is not run...
<clever> Infinisil_: you can also configure most irc clients to auto-join and auto-connect
<goibhniu> Infinisil_ in pidgin you can "add chat" via the "buddies" menu, and select to auto-join
<Infinisil_> Ohh I see, found it
<Infinisil_> @***engblom: Mine didn't work either, but .xprofile does, don't know why
<clever> Infinisil_: is .xsession executable?
<engblom> Ah, I made the most obvious mistake one could make: I had by mistake added a & after the window manager.
<Infinisil_> What's so bad about that?
<clever> Infinisil_: it will move to the next step, which is terminating the entire session
<clever> without waiting for you to finish with things
<Infinisil_> Hmmm, I might have to try again then
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<Infinisil_> Later though, I am happy that I finally set up a decent semi-working config
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<Infinisil_> Oh wow, thanks clever, that's really helpful
<engblom> What, no xmobar package?
<Infinisil_> Why is the window manager started before desktop manager though?
<clever> engblom: haskellPackages.xmobar
<clever> Infinisil_: cant think of an answer to that
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<engblom> clever: So how do I add that, and more importantly, where do I find such options myself?
<infinisil> Because I think that's the reason my config with xfce and xmonad didn't work just like that. I needed to add an autostart item to xfce with `sleep 3; xmonad --replace`
<clever> engblom: you should be able to add haskellPackages.xmobar to environment.systemPackages
<engblom> clever: Thanks, and where are those things documented? For example, if I want to add xmonad-contrib
<infinisil> This does work, however you won't be able to recompile it like that. Took me a while to figure out: https://github.com/Infinisil/system/blob/master/nixos/mac-configuration.nix#L46-L49
<clever> engblom: every single package on hackage is available as an attribute under haskellPackages
<joepie91> avn: jophish: thanks for the comments on polkit relying on JS, btw, it made me go "wtf? why?" and now I accidentally found a bunch of documentation on polkit that I'd been looking for a while ago :P
<joepie91> (and yeah, JS /probably/ wasn't the right choice there, for the same reason JS wouldn't have been the right choice for Nix... not declarative)
<clever> engblom: haskellPackages.xmonad-contrib
<engblom> Thanks!
<jophish> joepie91: no problem, happy to help!
<engblom> Now I have the most critical stuff added to my test. I am done for today.
<infinisil> Your test?
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<engblom> infinisil: I am testing nixos in a VM, to see if it is worth installing as main OS.
<infinisil> I see
<engblom> infinisil: And if I like it, all I will have to do is to copy over the configuation files when I install on real metal :)
<infinisil> Question: I am a little confused with system config vs user config. The system config is my configuration.nix, but what's the user config? I'd like to manage it the same way, with packages, options, etc. but how?
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<clever> infinisil: https://pastebin.com/DvasmCLD this is the start of my ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix file
<clever> infinisil: it loads some custom packages, then defines a custom package called 'mystuff' that is the result of merging many packages
<clever> infinisil: then i can just nix-env -iA nixos.mystuff, and it will atomicly update the profile to match the current config
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<infinisil> I'll have a look once firefox decides to finally open the url
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<engblom> There is one thing I will need before I could permanently switch to nixos: a recent snapshot of openscad (https://github.com/openscad/openscad).
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<engblom> But that will be a later challenge unless some friendly soul makes a package for me.
<goibhniu> engblom: did you try bumping the version already?
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<infinisil> @clever: Interesting, can you also use configuration options, so that you don't need to add all dem dotfiles manually?
<clever> infinisil: depends on if the package allows it or not, some things like vim and emacs let you embed the user config into the package
<clever> infinisil: https://pastebin.com/9M2jiHmp this gets loaded by configuration.nix, and embeds my vimrc into the vim package, while also providing some defaults for env variables (line 37-40)
<engblom> goibhniu: No, as I am completely newbie to everything with nixos yet.
<engblom> goibhniu: I just made my first install today
<engblom> I could of course mail the maintainers of openscad and ask if they could make a snapshot package too and maintain it with like monthly updates until the next release is out
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<infinisil> clever: That's nice, thanks! In the end I plan to have it set up so I can just copy my configuration files which can set up the whole system for me, including every setting of every application (hopefully)
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<clever> infinisil: ive done similiar for some servers i'm setting up, and ive written testcases that can spin up a fresh vm purely from the config, and run tests against the software
<goibhniu> engblom: an official release would be nice alright, but you may only need to change a few lines to install a version from github
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<infinisil> I got to be honest, I'm already sick of configuring all the broken software, nothing seems to ever work without something going wrong
<infinisil> I could ask for help about so many things
<infinisil> NixOS is really beautiful, but oftentimes (and I guess this applies to all distros) there's just something not working, some bug, some wrong config, parse errors, missing files, ugh
<infinisil> Guess I'll just have to learn a lot and contribute more to fix stuff, eh
<goibhniu> \o/
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<infinisil> Has someone by any chance experience with radicale (CardDAV, CalDAV server) and/or nginx?
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<clever> infinisil: ive found the nginx stuff in nixos to be great
<infinisil> It's very well established indeed
<clever> infinisil: let me throw together an example
<infinisil> I do have nginx running already
<infinisil> I'm having problems with nginx + radicale
<clever> this sets up a vhost with an automatic ssl cert
<clever> and you can do that from several different nixos modules, and it will just inteligently merge all of them into a single nginx config
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<infinisil> Didn't know about the merging part
<clever> you can list as many nixos modules as you want in the imports of any module
<clever> so configuration.nix can contain imports = [ ./site1.nix ./site2.nix ./site3.nix ./vim.nix ];
<infinisil> I'll show you the relevant part of my server config, I'm using nginx for a proxy to the local radicale server: https://github.com/Infinisil/system/blob/master/nixos/digital-ocean-configuration.nix#L48-L63
<clever> and it will configure 3 sites in nginx, and install vim
<infinisil> Ahh, thanks, I'll consider doing something similar :D
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<clever> looks like that should be working
<clever> and https://dav.infinisil.io/ claims "Radicale works!"
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 11 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9JqN
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6c36c19 Peter Simons: LTS Haskell 8.11
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7cfb650 Peter Simons: hackage2nix: provide old versions of "store" so that we can build stack
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4c8056a Peter Simons: hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update...
<infinisil> Yes it does, but the 5234 port isn't doing anything, can't get radicale to actually do anything
<infinisil> I guess it's not nginx' problem
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<clever> via localhost or remotely?
<clever> the firewall isnt allowing 5234 for remote access
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 opened pull request #25089: [WIP] dino: disable parallel build (master...dino) https://git.io/v9Jmf
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti closed pull request #24850: haskell-packages: factor package set construction into new file (master...haskell-make-package-set) https://git.io/vSDKK
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<disasm> infinisil: netstat -an|grep 5234
<infinisil> Hmmm, wait how does the proxy exactly work
<infinisil> Does it forward from dav.infinisil.io any port to
<infinisil> I'll try opening the port
<disasm> infinisil: the proxy passes traffic back to another ip/port, in your example,
<clever> infinisil: when nginx gets a request on port 80 with the Host: header set to dav.infinisil.io, it will internaly relay the request to
<clever> but it can only pass http traffic
<disasm> which means you have to have something running on on port 5234
<clever> websocket and raw tcp are not allowed, but websocket can be added
<infinisil> I see
<disasm> infinisil: how are you launching the python daemon for radicale?
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<clever> disasm: the domain also appears to be publicly accessible, so you can just test https://dav.infinisil.io/
<infinisil> Yep, and here are the radicale docs: http://radicale.org/user_documentation/
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<infinisil> I opened port 5234, now it shrieks: An error occurred during a connection to dav.infinisil.io:5234. SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. Error code: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG
<infinisil> I'll try a caldav client now
<disasm> lol, it's early, I missed that part of the gist :)
<clever> infinisil: radicale is not doing ssl
<clever> infinisil: so you need to remove an s from the https://
<infinisil> But, like isn't the proxy supposed to hide all that?
<disasm> infinisil: if you curl -I http://dav.infinisil.io:5234 what do you get?
<clever> only if you connect to a port the proxy is listening on (80 or 443)
<clever> opening port 5234 allows you to bypass the proxy
<infinisil> I'd like to have a secure connection with nginx, but the traffic going to the local insecure server
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<disasm> or curl -I
<clever> which defeats the whole point of running it
<disasm> infinisil: yeah, you shouldn't need to open 5234 if you're reverse proxying, but I don't think your radicale is responding correctly.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] corngood opened pull request #1352: Cygwin fixes (master...cygwin-fixes) https://git.io/v9JYE
<infinisil> Hmmmm
<infinisil> okay i have an idea, I until now I tried to use something like https://myserver.domain.com:3000/bob/birthdays.ics/ (from the docs) to connect to my server, but because I am proxying, I don't really need the port do iI
<clever> correct
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<disasm> nope
<infinisil> what now?
<clever> https://dav.infinisil.io/bob/birthdays.ics/ should do something, if that calendar/user exist
<clever> 'A server error occurred. Please contact the administrator.'
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joepie91 opened pull request #25091: fetchurl: fixed typo in error message (master...patch-2) https://git.io/v9JO4
<joepie91> yay for insignificant PRs
<infinisil> Maybe I'll just try to run the radicale server on itself, not through nginx
<infinisil> With proper authentication
<clever> but radicale wont know what user you auth against
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<clever> so nginx will allow/deny based on auth, but radicale wont even know auth is in-use
<joepie91> clever: actually, isn't there an nginx config flag to pass on the user as a header?
<joepie91> I mean, it still requires support from the thing you're proxying to ofc
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<joepie91> but it's not /impossible/ afaik
<clever> i think nginx will pass it on if you dont explicitely configure auth in nginx
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9JO5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 95d9b58 Jörg Thalheim: dino: disable parallel build...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f88085d Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #25089 from Mic92/dino...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] hrdinka pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9J3A
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5864baa Chris Hodapp: mapnik: add optional PostgreSQL dependency...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] hrdinka closed pull request #25063: mapnik: add optional PostgreSQL dependency for PostGIS input (master...mapnik_postgis) https://git.io/v9vLh
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] hrdinka pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/v9JsW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 2af7c40 Chris Hodapp: mapnik: add optional PostgreSQL dependency...
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<clever> gchristensen: reading the arm docs more, it looks like trustzone is implemented in EL3, and going by the qemu source, that has its own address space that it lives in
<gchristensen> clever: I got some good info from #qemu on oftc, I'll tell you later :)
<clever> gchristensen: it almost sounds like the hardware has 2 different views of 'physical addressing', so you cant even bypass things with paging tables
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<clever> nor would you need to be aware of the partitioning when configuring paging
<clever> 'This additional address bit gives a physical address space for the Secure world and a completely separate physical address space for the Normal world.'
<clever> gchristensen: ah, it sounds like the arm has an extra bit on the address bus, to signal secure/non-secure
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<clever> and qemu implements it as a seperate address space, more like a harvard architecture
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<clever> neat, the cpu will basicaly lie about pages existing, so there is no way to tell the difference between unmaped ram, and "secure" ram
<infinisil> Update regarding the Radicale server: Running on its own now, no ssl, on http://infinisil.io:5234/. You can view radicale's logs at https://infinisil.io/radicale.log/. There seems to be a wsgi in the request header (what??)
<infinisil> wsgi error in the request header *
<infinisil> Hmm maybe file permissions are wrong..
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<clever> that would also explain it not working under nginx
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<infinisil> Updated the repo with the current config as well: https://github.com/Infinisil/system/blob/master/nixos/digital-ocean-configuration.nix
<infinisil> I need a better way to test it, some local calDAV client running on the server
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9Jnm
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6695c95 Peter Hoeg: unifi: 5.4.11 -> 5.4.14
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<infinisil> If I ever get this working I'll write something about it, don't want anyone else to go through that experience
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<clever> gchristensen: heh, only now do i find out what the el in el3 means! http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.den0024a/ch10s02s04.html
<infinisil> Wait why am I even using my server when I can just do it locally, hell I can test my nixos config wherever I want
<clever> infinisil: there is also "nixos-rebuild build-vm" which can spawn the entire config in a qemu vm, and leave the host untouched
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<clever> gchristensen: and it was 1 page up in the tree from the page i started on yesterday! lol
<spacefrogg> clever: What does the 3 mean?
<infinisil> I don't really mind changing actual config, also I don't need yet another piece of software that can break heh
<infinisil> changing *my* actual config
<clever> spacefrogg: the armv8 has 4 exception levels, el0 thru el3
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<infinisil> I'll go walk the dog now, ttyl
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<clever> spacefrogg: and they work a lot like ring0 in x86
<spacefrogg> clever: Yeah, right.
<clever> spacefrogg: el0 is userland, el1 is kernel-space, el2, is hypervisor, and el3 is the secure monitor
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<clever> spacefrogg: and the software in el3 essentialy has its own view of physical memory, completely isolated from everything else
<clever> spacefrogg: and you can restrict all access to any part of the cpu, so the untrusted levels cant reconfigure things
<spacefrogg> Yup, I knew of that ARM feature but never heard of the naming before. I knew the userspace ... secure monitor terms.
<clever> spacefrogg: the original problem me and gchristensen ran into, is that kvm doesnt support multiple address spaces
<clever> spacefrogg: and el3 was enabled by default, and needs a 2nd address space
<Dezgeg> I think qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt,type=virt,accel=kvm,gic_version=3 -cpu host did work for me on the cavium when I tried
<spacefrogg> So you build stuff for ARM using nix/hydra?
<Dezgeg> but I had to disable the network or smth
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<gchristensen> Dezgeg: let's talk later :)
<spacefrogg> clever: So qemu can emulate an ARM feature that kvm cannot accomodate?
<clever> Dezgeg: a stackoverflow i found implied that it needed -machine secure=off,virtualization=off, to remove el2 and el3 support
<Dezgeg> or maybe it was the usb host controller
<clever> spacefrogg: yeah, you either need to turn el3 off with the above flag, or turn kvm off
<Dezgeg> for emulating kvm in qemu? or for this specific cavium box?
<clever> Dezgeg: i think qemu defaulted to enabling el2 and el3, but nixos has no need to emulate the hypervisor or secure monitor levels
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<Dezgeg> I wouldn't try to debug this in qemu. it seems that there is so much cpu/soc-specific stuff in aarch64 virtualization...
<clever> Dezgeg: the problem is nixos testcases, they all rely on qemu
<Dezgeg> I meant qemu-in-qemu
<clever> ah
<clever> i believe gchristensen has access to real aarch64 hardware, so that shouldnt be an issue
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<Dezgeg> yes, but figuring out what parameters to give to qemu to have it actually work isn't straightforward
<clever> yeah
<clever> i had similiar problems months ago when i was trying to get armv7 nixos
<clever> i thought it would be simpler to just redo the entire testing framework in UML linux, lol
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<Dezgeg> does that even work on arm?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra closed pull request #1352: Cygwin fixes (master...cygwin-fixes) https://git.io/v9JYE
<clever> i would expect it to work on arm
<clever> though i havent tried to build it there
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<clever> ah, some of the info ive been reading is also repeated under https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/Documentation/arm64/booting.txt
<clever> Dezgeg: oh, and ive been looking into porting nixos to an A20 based processor, http://www.banana-pi.org/r1.html
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<clever> Dezgeg: so far, i have u-boot running, and my next goal is to throw a kernel at it and see what happens
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<jophish> Dezgeg: clever: What would the procedure for boostrapping nix on an arm system (so no `curl install.sh | sh`) look like?
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<clever> jophish: i already have my hydra building the tarball that curl install.sh would need
<clever> jophish: so you could just patch the install.sh to use my tar, and your done
<jophish> amazing, as always
<Dezgeg> I would download the sd images, mount the root partition and steal the nix from there
<clever> and there is an armv7 build also
<jophish> Dezgeg: I've got nix built already with qemu :)
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<Dezgeg> well, there's nothing else needed for bootstrapping then
<clever> just need to copy that nix to the arm device, and initialize the database
<clever> jophish: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/master/scripts/install-nix-from-closure.sh normally handles that, in the install.sh case
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<jophish> I wonder why root can't use that script
<jophish> well, root gets a warning
<Dezgeg> clever: shouldn't the banana pi router board just boot http://nixos-arm.dezgeg.me/installer/sd-image-armv7l-linux.img out-of-the-box?
<clever> jophish: the user that will be doing the bulk of the use of nix must have write access to /nix/store
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9J4K
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fa8adf2 Sven Slootweg: fetchurl: fixed typo in error message...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 20647f8 Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #25091 from joepie91/patch-2...
<clever> Dezgeg: it needs a bootloader with an SPL at a specific offset on the sd image
<Dezgeg> yes, but you already have the u-boot running
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<clever> depending on your partition layout, i could just dd that u-boot to the correct offset
<Dezgeg> yes there is plenty of space for such things
<joepie91> \o/
<clever> i believe the entire 8kb to 672kb range of the image needs to be available
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<Dezgeg> it's the same for the pcduino board which I have tried that it works
<clever> ah
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<clever> just need to figure out where i left the u-boot build, and i can give it a spin
<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# dd if=/nix/store/lc3p1izbx9fdcc6wyjsqrp461djl5ry4-uboot-Bananapi_defconfig-2017.03/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=sd-image-armv7l-linux.img bs=1024 seek=8
<Dezgeg> you can also swap the card after it's sitting in u-boot
<clever> yeah
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<clever> it also supports loading the SPL+u-boot from nand flash, spi flash, or 2 different sd card busses (only one is mounted)
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<clever> and it has a sata interface, so the nixos could just be on a regular old hdd
<clever> it would also help if i wire the rx pin of the uart up, lol
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<Dezgeg> i.mx6 can also load u-boot directly over sata... didn't dare to try that as it would require burning fuses :)
<clever> i have not seen any mention of fuses in this board yet
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<clever> and i think all of the security of the bootloader is based on the priority system alone
<clever> so if you mount an eMMC chip on the MMC0 bus, and never corrupt the SPL header, the end-user cant boot their own firmware
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<clever> and if you can fit DRAM + SATA code into 32kb, you could load the u-boot from sata
<Dezgeg> it's from a chinese company, there is no security ;)
<clever> lol
<clever> Dezgeg: and on that subject, the switch IC defaults to putting the wan and lan in the same vlan!
<clever> there is a pad for a config eeprom, but its not populated
<clever> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 491K Apr 21 12:59 sd-image-armv7l-linux.img
<clever> *doh*, dd truncated the file!
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<clever> i almost always dd to block devices, so ive never seen it do that before
<ben> itd be cool if the remote end of a nixops deploy automatically rolled back after a while if the local end doesnt confirm that it can still ssh in
<clever> ben: i have thought about how to configure watchdog stuff to handle events like that
<Dezgeg> yeah, I get caught by that as well... it's conv=notrunc or something
<clever> simpler to just do it in 2 passes, image->card, spl->card
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<infinisil> Question:Can I use a specific package from a different channel?
<clever> infinisil: yes
<infinisil> how?
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<clever> let pkgs2 = import (fetchTarball https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/2766a4b44ee6eafae03a042801270c7f6b8ed32a.tar.gz) { config = {}; }; in { ....
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<infinisil> Well..
<infinisil> I thought about something more.. elegant
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<clever> there are other URL's to pick from
<clever> i'm checking my irc logs to find more
<clever> 2016-09-20 15:52:46< macslayer> (callPackage (builtins.fetchurl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/nixos-unstable/pkgs/development/libraries/glfw/3.x.nix") {})
<clever> this will use the nixos-unstable expression for glfw, but build it against libraries in the current channel
<infinisil> Ah I see
<clever> so the result will be a mix of 2 channels
<clever> this will use the current state of nixos-unstable for the entire closure of whatever you use
<clever> so you could do this
<clever> environment.systemPackages = [ ( (import (builtins.fetchurl https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-unstable.tar.gz) { config = {}; }).hello ) ];
<clever> this will download the hello world package from nixos-unstable
<clever> you can also store the nixpkgs in a variable if you want to make it cleaner or refer to several things
<clever> environment.systemPackages = let pkgs-unstable = import (builtins.fetchurl https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-unstable.tar.gz) { config = {}; }; in [ pkgs-unstable.hello ];
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<infinisil> Thanks a lot!
<clever> infinisil: and you can move the let block to make it cleaner: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/f65e9b4dfb168ada980edadb6717a167
<clever> only downside i can see with this method, is that it will re-download nixos-unstable every time you nixos-rebuild
<clever> and it may upgrade that set of packages without warning
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<infinisil> while it builds, the buku binary crashes on start, I know it works on unstable though
<clever> then you may want to use the entire unstable like my last gist
<infinisil> But but but
<infinisil> okay i'll try
<clever> then it will use the unstable buku against the unstable version of its dependencies
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<clever> and it should get buku right from the binary cache and not have to build it
<infinisil> Makes sense
<clever> though you will wind up with 2 copies of glibc and anything else it depends on
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<clever> something a lesser OS cant even do, lol
<jophish> hahah
<clever> guides for things like musl say you need a whole chroot or docker instance just to mess with it
<clever> because there can only be one /lib/libc.so
<infinisil> lol yeah, nixos is pretty great
<infinisil> I just got it to work
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<infinisil> I also thought once more about the whole all config files in a nix expression, but I think it's too much effort in the end. Much easier to just store all files in a repo and use something like GNU stow
<joepie91> is there a formal specification of Nix (the language) somewhere?
<joepie91> format is not terribly relevant so long as it's accurate :)
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<clever> jophish: ive got both docs and raw source!
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<joepie91> clever: right, but 'format specification' isn't 'docs' :P
<jophish> clever: good to know :P
<joepie91> I'm specifically looking for an exhaustive specification of the language syntax (and reading the parser source is my plan B)
<infinisil> I don't think there is, wouldn't be too hard to find
<joepie91> so including all the oddities and potentially undocumented stuff and deprecated features etc
<clever> joepie91: ah, further down in the docs: https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#ch-expression-language
<joepie91> clever: right, but that still doesn't state it's an exhaustive specification anywhere
<joepie91> that I've seen anyway
<clever> joepie91: also, the parser wont include the implementations of functions within the builtins attrset
<joepie91> nor do I think it includes all the rules on what can be used where
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<joepie91> clever: that's okay
<joepie91> I'm just concerned about syntax atm
<joepie91> noted, thanks
<joepie91> sounds like reading the parser source is my best bet
<joepie91> :)
<clever> joepie91: there are also some oddities that i dont think are documented well, list [ function arg1 arg2 arg3 ]; will not call the function
<clever> joepie91: it will make a list with 1 function, and 3 values
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<joepie91> clever: right. could I infer this from the parser code?
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<joepie91> or rather, these kind of things
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<joepie91> or is this decided in some kind of post-processing step?
<infinisil> Should be in the parser
<tjg1> can somebody take a look at this? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/25092 it's a simple backport to stable.
<hodapp> If I have a derivation in nixpkgs, and I want to turn this into a shell.nix which produces a proper dev environment, how would I go about this? I have a shell.nix which "works" but which has some odd problems, mainly that cmakeConfigurePhase cannot find the compiler
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<clever> hodapp: you should be able to just nix-shell ~/nixpkgs -A foo
<clever> hodapp: and it will find the expression and just give a shell
* joepie91 has a look
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<hodapp> clever: and that works for something in nixpkgs that's grabbing a specific release, but I'm aiming for a shell.nix to put in a repo alongside the source
<spacefrogg> joepie91: see parser.y 353-362
<hodapp> and maybe I'm just invoking it wrong, but if I do it as "nix-shell -I nixpkgs=~/nixpkgs" it properly checks out all the dependencies, and then configurePhase fails
<spacefrogg> joepie91: For the "doesn't call function inside list" example of clever.
<joepie91> spacefrogg: not seeing it. which part of that code causes this?
<clever> hodapp: ah, you can usualy just grab the whole default.nix, and replace line1 with this: with import <nixpkgs> {};
<spacefrogg> joepie91: line 388
<hodapp> clever: I've done basically this except with "{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:" instead
<clever> that looks like using ( and ) to force the order of operations
<spacefrogg> joepie91: You need ot capture an 'expr' token in parens, or you only get expr_simple, which exclude function application
<joepie91> spacefrogg: oh, I get what you mean
<clever> hodapp: that also works, but makes it harder to .override things if left like that in nixpkgs
<joepie91> spacefrogg: thanks :P
<clever> spacefrogg: ah, i was looking for where it accepts multiple tokens for a list
<spacefrogg> yw
<hodapp> clever: well, it's not intended to be in nixpkgs, it's intended to set up a development environment for working on stuff on version control
<clever> hodapp: then you can leave it like that in general
<clever> hodapp: though if the project grows, you could do some other things, *gets examples*
<hodapp> clever: it already has a derivation in nixpkgs that works fine but refers to specific releases
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Lassulus opened pull request #25093: coyim: init at 0.3.7_1 (master...coyim) https://git.io/v9Jw2
<clever> hodapp: this default.nix will return an attrset containing many derivations, and it will use callPackage to load each of them from other nearby files
<clever> and you can just change the src in each of those nearby files to src = ./.; to make it always use the current source
<hodapp> it's src = ./.; right now in the shell.nix I'm trying
<hodapp> but then must I still call unpackPhase and things like that?
<clever> unpackPhase is optional
<clever> all that will do is copy the source from the nix store back to the current directory
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<clever> each time you nix-(shell|build), the src = ./.; will copy a snapshot of the source to /nix/store
<hodapp> in my case it just says "unpacking source archive /nix/store/yi0k7yzk6hq4w3wyiiwlla4127zf6abq-darktable", "unpacker appears to have produced no directories", and exits the nix-shell
<clever> but if your using nix-shell, you can just skip the unpackPhase and directly configure the source you have checked out
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<clever> just remember to make clean, or the next nix-build will reuse the old .o's and make a mess
<clever> oh, and since its cmake, you also have the option to mkdir ../foo-build; cd ../foo-build; cmake ../foo/
<clever> then the build dir isnt part of the source, so it cant mess up
<Sonarpulse> dezgeg: I wonder if after https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/e2e270d1e29bdafbbe7cb04008edf379b7d52179 some of the disabling of outputs for darwin and cross can be removed
<clever> and rm -rf is far easyer then implenting a perfect make clean
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<Dezgeg> IIRC there were other problems as well
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<infinisil> I wish the Nix language had types and enums, would be very useful sometimes
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<MarcWeber> niksnut's patch php outputs = ['dev', '..'] caused apcu to fail. Adding php.dev to NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE doesn't make it work because it then fails because it doesn't find a relative #include "main/php_stdint.h"
<hodapp> clever: hmmm. I guess I just don't have a good sense of how development is done in a case like this... would one typically just run things like 'cmake' manually, and leave packaged builds up to a more formal derivation in nixpkgs?
<clever> hodapp: thats how i do things
<MarcWeber> Is there a simple way to make gcc still find the header file?
<hodapp> perhaps that's what I'm missing
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<infinisil> Who wants some pizza, I'm ordering
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<infinisil> Well not it's too late
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<infinisil> Question: Are you content with your current config? Or is there still something missing/wrong? How long has it been since you started your config?
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<hodapp> o_O
<hodapp> I should eat lunch...
<infinisil> "Just that last little tweak" -- *2 hours later*
<clever> more like 6 hours later, lol
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<infinisil> Anybody wants to tell me about how content they are with their config?
<infinisil> Because I feel like it's gonna take me a year to get mine to where I want it to
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<ericnoan> infinisil: What do you feel is missing?
<hodapp> I mostly tweak mine when I need to add support for something (scanner, shitty WiFi, something that's supposed to help the shitty WiFi, something to fix the problems that happened when I tried to help the shitty WiFi, removing a bunch of crap pertaining to the shitty WiFi, trying another network manager because of the shitty WiFi)
<gchristensen> niksnut: would it be feasible to have the nixos.org/nix website include summary information, like: links to each architecture and their expected sha, and the path to nix?
<infinisil> Well.. terminal (want to use daemonized urxvt), firefox sync server, radicale calDAV/CardDAV server, firefox that's not super slow, a not glitchy irc client i like, a way to manage all my dotfiles, etc. I could go on
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<hodapp> why's this shell.nix give me "warning: dumping very large path (> 256 MiB); this may run out of memory"? Is it just that it has 40-50 buildInputs in a stdenv.mkDerivation?
<hodapp> ...wait, why do I even need a stdenv.mkDerivation when it's just dependencies?
<infinisil> @hodapp: You seem to have pretty shitty WiFi
<hodapp> infinisil: now I just have a broken window
<hodapp> but that's totally unrelated of course
<hodapp> but seriously, the WiFi was so shitty that I just repurposed an old OpenWrt router as a bridge, as in https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/recipes/atheroswds, and that has worked miraculously better... in fact, most of my print server problems completely stopped
<ericnoan> infinisil: many of those issues do not sound nix related :) why is firefox slow btw? also surely there are tons of packaged irc clients. you could also keep your dotfiles in a git repo, thats what I do
<hodapp> oddly, the WiFi on my laptop (also with NixOS) is fine.
<clever> hodapp: "warning: dumping very large path (> 256 MiB); this may run out of memory" is because the src = ./.; referenced over 256mb of files
<clever> hodapp: its probably trying to snapshot the entire .git folder
<hodapp> clever: it seems to me I can just ditch almost the entire stdenv.mkDerivation here since I'm not doing basically anything a normal derivation would
<hodapp> or... do I still need something like this present?
<clever> hodapp: you can also do src = lib.cleanSource ./.;
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<clever> you still need to use stdenv.mkDerivation to get a compiler and make buildInputs function correctly
<hodapp> oh... dang
<clever> but you can omit src entirely
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<hodapp> yes, that works
<clever> unpackPhase is what gives the error about missing $src, and if you never run it, it wont fail
<clever> though i tend to keep src=, so i can also test with nix-build
<ericnoan> So, firefox multiprocess is released, but some of my plugins do not support it yet... *growls*
<hodapp> hmmmm
<clever> ericnoan: that reminds me, i need to get firefox 53 on my nixos, so i can update my extension
<hodapp> it would be nice if shell.nix still worked with nix-build
<niksnut> gchristensen: for what exactly? the nix binary tarballs?
<clever> hodapp: you could make a default.nix that works with nix-build, then shell.nix would just be this: (import ./default.nix {}).overrideDerivation (old: { src = null; })
<clever> hodapp: then shell.nix will override default, and null out the src
<ericnoan> clever: yeah, finally we can step into the future of parallel processing
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<hodapp> clever: what does the lib.cleanSource above do?
<gchristensen> niksnut: yeah, this way I can provide fetching instructions that don't involve digging through the install script to find the information
<clever> hodapp: it will ignore .git, .svn, .hg, and any .so or .o files when importing the source
<clever> and symlinks called result
<gchristensen> niksnut: it is a requirement for me that I don't run the default install script that comes with it, so my update instructions are complicated
<hodapp> still gives "warning: dumping very large path (> 256 MiB); this may run out of memory" with that
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<clever> hodapp: can you gist both files?
<hodapp> both files?
<clever> hodapp: shell.nix and default.nix
<niksnut> gchristensen: that should be pretty easy, since the nixos-homepage build process already has the hashes (in nix-release.tt)
<gchristensen> hmm nice, I'll start looking there
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<gchristensen> thank you
<clever> gchristensen: aarch64 is also backwards compatible with v6 and v7, so it should also be possible to make some tarballs for armv6 and armv7
<gchristensen> aarch64 _can be_ but does not have to be
<clever> ah
<clever> so it will depend on the cpu's in the build slave
<niksnut> so you can already refer to nix_hash_i686_linux etc. in nix/download.tt
<gchristensen> the cavium thunderx's can't execute or emulate 32bit
<clever> ahh
<clever> gchristensen: i really need to make a nix PR for https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-misc/blob/master/upgrade.patch
<clever> gchristensen: so you can describe that to nix-daemon correctly
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vandenoever opened pull request #25094: Kdeapps 17.04 (release-17.03...kdeapps-17.04) https://git.io/v9JPq
<clever> gchristensen: an rpi3 would have build-extra-platforms = armv6l-linux armv7l-linux aarch64-linux, while your thunderx's would just lack build-extra-platforms entirely (defaulting to the arch nix was built for)
<gchristensen> niksnut: from there I suspect the next part would be adding the path to nix in nix-release.nix? ie: /nix/store/j6q3pb75q1sbk0xsa5x6a629ph98ycdl-nix-1.11.8
<niksnut> gchristensen: oh, you want the nix closures rather than the binary tarballs?
<clever> hodapp: after you enter that nix-shell, what does this command say at the end?, du -h $src
<gchristensen> I want to get URL of the binary tarball, the hash of the binary tarball, and where nix's binaries are located in the tarball
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<hodapp> 292M
<clever> hodapp: ah, so the source is just that big, even after removing .git
<hodapp> my source tree might also be a mess, hmm
<hodapp> 88M of that is just docs
<clever> hodapp: renaming shell.nix to default.nix, and using a new shell.nix like this may help
<nixo_> Hi,I'm having a problem. Yesterday I made a nixos-rebuild boot --upgrade. Today I rebooted and my user account does not login (black screen after login and then again on login manager). But another user account does. And the previous version of nixos does work. Anybody can help in debugging it?
<clever> nixo_: anything interesting in the journal when you run journalctl?
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<hodapp> ah, if I get rid of the build directory, hanging around because build.sh produces it, the message stops
<clever> thats why i try to always put the build directory at ../build-foo/
<clever> so ./. doesnt find it
<hodapp> there might be a way for me to tell the repo's build.sh to do things that way, not sure
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<hodapp> huzzah! I can
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<nixo_> clever: I'll log out to try
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<infinisil> Do you think it's stupid to commit .ssh/known_hosts to a public repo?
<simpson> infinisil: I wouldn't do it.
<infinisil> Why so?
<clever> infinisil: a: i dont see any problem, b: nixos has its own way of handling that, https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#programs.ssh.kn
<clever> infinisil: if you set this option, the pubkeys land in /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
<sphalerite> it's not a disaster like committing .ssh/id_rsa to a public repo, but you may not want to share every host you SSH to publicly.
<clever> so it now affects all users
<dash> infinisil: you probably put your name on your mailbox and in the phone book, too!
<elasticdog> I'm having trouble trying to set an option for a project-specific default.nix...not sure how to format the overlay stuff: https://gist.github.com/elasticdog/1011a7c8bba3ded57d7fe8617e244ed0
<sphalerite> But it does make that period between your private key being compromised and your having removed your pubkey from all access lists a lot scarier!
<elasticdog> any examples on how to set options for the buildInputs would be appreciated
<infinisil> Well I already did commit that publicly, may remove it later though, I can't see a problem with it (only shows github.com and my domain infinisil.io)
<clever> elasticdog: ansible.override { windowsSupport = true; }
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<elasticdog> clever: let me try that...thanks
<clever> infinisil: yeah, i see even less of an issue with domains that are easily found anyways
<clever> infinisil: you can also put "secrets = import ./secrets.nix;" into the let block near the top, and then just have an attrset of more private things
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<infinisil> clever: Yeah I plan on doing that
<clever> this mixes public and private known-hosts entries, and adds in a password hash
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<nixo_> clever: ok I have the log here, but it's not that informative.. just some program complaining that the X server connection is lost
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<elasticdog> clever: no matter where I put that, I get "syntax error, unexpected '{',"
<clever> elasticdog: you also need to wrap the whole thing with ( and ) if your putting it in a list
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<elasticdog> clever: that makes more sense, but now I'm getting what I did when trying to do this via overlays: `attribute ‘override’ missing`
<clever> elasticdog: one thing thats probably wrong, your re-importing a 2nd nixpkgs, which just ruins the whole point of overlays
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #25095: efl: 1.18.4 -> 1.19.0 (master...upd.efl) https://git.io/v9JMN
<nixo_> clever: oh, here we are: window manager i3 not found. That's weird
<clever> nixo_: how are you enabling i3?, would you be able to switch to another wm for testing?
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<elasticdog> clever: is there a better means of structuring that project-specific default.nix to remove that problem...that was pieced together from examples in the manual and works aside from the windosSupport override
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<nixo_> clever: windowManager.i3.enable = true, windowManager.default = "i3", desktopManager.default = "none", desktopManager.xterm.enable = true
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<clever> elasticdog: you would need a different file if you wanted to use it as an overlay, depend on what your doing, and i also just noticed, you have stdenv in the buildInputs, but thats not required
<clever> nixo_: cant see anything wrong with that, i would expect it to just work
<elasticdog> clever: it doesn't have to be an overlay, I just want to be able to `cd ansible-project/` and then `nix-shell` to have it utilize this default.nix file
<clever> elasticdog: it should just work with the value in the gist
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<clever> elasticdog: and if i download the default.nix in the gist, and run nix-shell on it, it does begin downloading things
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<elasticdog> I get `attribute ‘override’ missing` still...I'm on macOS though, nix-env (Nix) 1.11.8
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<clever> elasticdog: ah, one sec
<elasticdog> running unstable channel
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<clever> with import <nixpkgs> { system = "x86_64-darwin"; }; {
<clever> elasticdog: with this change, i can force my system to build a mac version of everything
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<clever> it still evals the nix, so it must be the channel your on
<clever> elasticdog: what does this output? nix-instantiate --eval -E "with import <nixpkgs> {}; lib.nixpkgsVersion"
<elasticdog> "17.09pre105825.67adf69a16"
<clever> elasticdog: strange, and you have the identical default.nix to the gist i linked?, no shell.nix in the same dir?
<elasticdog> correct
<clever> elasticdog: what about the contents of ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix or ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix?
<elasticdog> gahh! I had an old ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix still in place
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<elasticdog> clever: I think it's working...let me check the windows lib stuff. thank you!
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<elasticdog> should everything go under `~/.config/...` moving forward?
<gchristensen> might be good to emit a trace on that
<clever> elasticdog: yeah, the path for that config.nix has been changed to ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix
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<elasticdog> clever: success! very much appreciate you holding my hand on that one
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<nixo_> clever: the other account just works indeed
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<clever> nixo_: what about files like .xsession and .xprofile?
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<cstrahan> copumpkin: how's that PR coming along? anything left to do, before we can pull the trigger?
<nixo_> clever: they do not exists
<clever> nixo_: what about comparing the output of "nix-env -q" under each user?
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<nixo_> clever: this is difficult. One user only has hexchat while the other has tons
<clever> nixo_: which user has the problem?
<nixo_> clever: the one with many
<clever> nixo_: try grepping for i3
<clever> nixo_: and check both users for .xprofile or .xsession
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<nixo_> clever: checked both users, and nix-env -q | grep i3 returns nothing
<clever> nix-instantiate --eval -E "with import <nixpkgs> {}; lib.nixpkgsVersion"
<clever> nixo_: what does this return?
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<nixo_> clever: 17.03.1016.c558...
<clever> need another digit from the end
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<clever> 4 is too short to be unique
<clever> ah, but http://howoldis.herokuapp.com/ helps fill it in
<nixo_> clever: sorry, d093
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<nixo_> clever: trying to log in with the other user
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti opened pull request #25096: R 3.4.0 and package set updates (master...r-updates) https://git.io/v9JNg
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<LnL> gchristensen: looked a few times at the rust update, I'm basically stuck
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<gchristensen> :(
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<infinisil> Someone experienced with sudoers?
<clever> infinisil: ive done a few things with it, what are you thinking of?
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<infinisil> I have a script that writes to a sys file to change the backlight, i need passwordless access to exactly that file
<clever> ah
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<infinisil> and the file belongs to root:root (always changed at rebuild)
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<clever> infinisil: i have similiar on one of my servers
<clever> ds9 ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /root/reload_lighty , /root/ubc
<clever> infinisil: this allows the ds9 user to run 2 things without a password
<clever> infinisil: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#security.sudo.extra
<infinisil> infinisil ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness, /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/max_brightness
<infinisil> I'll try that
<clever> it will probably need to be the path to a script, not a "file"
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<infinisil> Well I have a script which would read/write to these files under my user, shouldn't that work too?
<infinisil> I'll just try
<clever> the script has to be ran with sudo
<clever> ah, let me gist an example
<infinisil> I see, yeah it doesn't work
<clever> its a bit more complex, but meets rules you have previously mentioned
<clever> infinisil: this will put a copy of the script into /nix/store, and then paste its path into the sudoers file
<clever> oh, but then you need the absolute path, ick, one sec
<infinisil> It works :D
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<clever> solved!
<clever> script2 will always call script1 via sudo, and script2 is installed globally
<clever> and script1 does the actual brightness stuff
<infinisil> Ohh that writeScript thing is nice
<clever> just need a "$*" in script2, to pass the arguments onward, forgot that
<gchristensen> IIRC "$@" is safer, clever
* gchristensen isn't certain of the differences
<Isorkin> Who can help with the config (php + libressl)?
<clever> same
<gchristensen> ah
<clever> writeScriptBin will put it in bin/ so you can install the "package", while writeScript will just put the script bare in /nix/store, so its easyer to reference from other scripts
<infinisil> Well the script is really simple, I'll go with just one script and use sudo on the command itself
<clever> infinisil: but if you use sudo "echo foo > /sys", you need to allow echo without a password
<clever> infinisil: and you might as well just allow a shell at that point
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<IITaudio_> clever: hi, still me (nixo_)
<clever> IITaudio_: i was able to reproduce the problem on this end with https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/2343377ab37107f3154a7432418c3d26
<clever> IITaudio_: so the odd thing isnt the broken user, its the working user, why does he still work
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<IITaudio_> clever: I was able to login with the user by placing the bin/i3 path in the (newly created) .xsession; it seems that the login command sends a malformed none + i3 string, because the error message said something like "no session named 'i3''" with 1 ' more
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<IITaudio_> clever: but, am I the only one using i3 on an updated nixos version!? git logging the file hoping to find what broke it
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<clever> IITaudio_: oh yeah, i can just bisect nixpkgs again
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<IITaudio_> clever: how was the command to boot the config in a vm?
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<IITaudio_> build-vm
<clever> IITaudio_: ./result/bin/run-nixos-vm
<IITaudio_> clever: LOL. The curious thing is that even in the vm the login does not work *while* the other user can still login
<IITaudio_> clever: I'm confused
<clever> IITaudio_: can you gist your entire configuration.nix?
<IITaudio_> clever: It's quite difficult, its extremely big, with lots of files. I'll push it to a repo
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<IITaudio_> clever: here it is: https://gitlab.com/Balzarotti/configuration.nix
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<clever> IITaudio_: either i dont know how to use gitlab, or there are 0 files in that
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<IITaudio_> clever: does it work now? I just discovered that there's an option for "public repository, private repository content"
<clever> ah, now i can see files
<IITaudio_> clever: ah, please don't judge me. My nix-skills are extremely bad
<clever> IITaudio_: which username works and which doesnt?
<IITaudio_> IITaudio does NOT work, nixo DOES
<clever> oh neat, didnt know there was an option to enable adb
<clever> it was added in oct of last year
<clever> after i went nuts and read the entire nixos option list, lol
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<IITaudio_> clever: ahah, yes keeping track of the options available is quite a pain. And sometimes they exists on master but not on the release so I have to comment them out and hope to remember to enable it in the future
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<clever> IITaudio_: ah, found something that will likely ruin your performance
<clever> IITaudio_: i think your loading 8 extra copies of <nixpkgs> here
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<clever> IITaudio_: what you want to do is put { rxvt_unicode, xfce, xdotool }: into i3tmp.nix, and then do pkgs.callPackage ./nixopts/configs/i3tmp.nix {}
<clever> that will reuse the existing nixpkgs and make it build much faster
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9UUC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d16a451 Frederik Rietdijk: wine: 2.0 -> 2.0.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c6b3c66 Frederik Rietdijk: wineUnstable: 2.5 -> 2.6
<IITaudio_> clever: cool to know, never asked myself if doing it the way it is was stupid
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<clever> IITaudio_: another side effect of the way you did it, i3tmp.nix will obey /root/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<clever> but everything else will obey nixpkgs.config within configuration.nix
<clever> so overrides you apply may not work fully
<clever> and overrides from aother user may take effect in weird places
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<clever> probably should just "grep -r import" the whole thing, i found another instance in notmuch
<IITaudio_> clever: yeah I'll fix it now that I know the way to go
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<clever> and theres a bit too much to just go over it all, so i'll give the bisect some more attention
<pbogdan> Is there a contributor guide to nix / nixos ecosystem? I don't mean in the sense of "follow these guidelines when contributing" but more of a "here are some areas that need attention / are priority" or "if you can do x, y z here's how you could help"
<clever> IITaudio_: https://pastebin.com/pD8Sa5xS i flagged the bad one as bad, then just went back 1000 commits, it worked, so i hit good
<clever> IITaudio_: and now i'm just re-doing build-vm for each commit it picks
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<IITaudio_> using my config or yours?
<clever> with one of my basic configs
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<freusque> Good evening, I'm writing some slides to show NixOS to people in the alps, are there resources I could borrow?
<clever> which does break on the demo user
<clever> it wont say why nixo works, but it will probably say why the rest are broken
<IITaudio_> clever: however, is there a way I can donate to you? It's not the first time you help me here
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<clever> i have paypal and bitcoin if you want
<gchristensen> IITaudio_: I can't speak to clever, but help us update / write documentation, or update / add packages would help everyone, even clever next time he's helping someone else :)
<IITaudio_> gchristensen: every time I need a package i write it and add it to nixpkgs, I'm nico202 on github, I'm loving NixOS and suggesting it to everybody :)
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<gchristensen> ah wonderful :)
<infinisil> I am too inexperienced yet, I wouldn't know how to do it, but I'm continuously learning :D
<IITaudio_> ghcristensen: but sometimes some money can help too, I hope :)
<gchristensen> no doubt
<infinisil> Who are you anyways clever? How come you know nixos so well?
<infinisil> (sorry if i missed something)
<gchristensen> ~ nobody knows ~
<clever> lol
<clever> infinisil: i get a bit OCD about knowing how things work, so i just devoured all of the source in nixpkgs and nix
<cransom> some say he knows two facts about ducks and both are wrong.
<IITaudio_> gchristensen: about the documentation, I saw we are moving away from the wiki but I still have not understood *where* we are moving
<IITaudio_> clever: paypal address?
<infinisil> lol
<clever> IITaudio_: cleverca22@gmail.com
<gchristensen> lol cransom
<bennofs> clever: I get that "want to know how it works" from time to time, but I cannot keep up with all the lang frameworks! :)
<infinisil> Does anybody (*winks to clever*) know what's wrong with this? https://github.com/Infinisil/system/blob/master/nixos/mac-configuration.nix#L11-L25
<dmj`> infinisil: clever is the living embodiment of NixOS
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<bennofs> infinisil: the redirection is interpreted by the shell, so sudo won't apply to it
<clever> infinisil: which is why i mentioned this a while back: sudo "echo foo > /sys/bar"
<bennofs> infinisil: a common trick is something like echo "...new brightness" | sudo tee /path/to/brightness
<infinisil> Ohh now i get it
<clever> infinisil: at which point, an attacker can write to any file in the system
<bennofs> clever: oh that works? nice
<clever> infinisil: so your back to needing 2 scripts like in my original example
<MichaelRaskin> clever: you can fix the arguments in sudoers
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<MichaelRaskin> So you can give people tee to brightness, but not to anything else
<clever> MichaelRaskin: ah, but he wants to raise and lower the brightness, so now he needs ~10 entries
<clever> ah, that could work though
<clever> infinisil: oh, i see part of your confusion
<MichaelRaskin> clever: well, the values are _input_ not arguments for tee
<bennofs> can you have file attributes on sysfs files?
<clever> infinisil: you have sudoers configured to allow running brightness-up as root without a password
<clever> infinisil: but then you try to use sudo again inside brightness-up, and you have nothing to force it to be ran with sudo
<clever> MichaelRaskin: yeah, for tee its stdin, i was thinking about the echo case
<clever> infinisil: check back in this example: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/067caef678a22792e24894ca5fd1ae84
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<infinisil> Alright brb, trying that exactly
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<clever> infinisil: script2 is in the global path, and all it does is run script1 as root via sudo, so script1 has root and doesnt need anything special
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<freusque> I add xbacklight to the list
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<infinisil> Well I thought why use a package when I can just write a stupid simple script
<infinisil> Maybe I should use a package though..
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] obadz closed pull request #25040: pythonPackages.typeguard: init at 2.3.1 (master...python-typeguard) https://git.io/vSh6D
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<IITaudio_> clever: any luck on the bisect?
<clever> IITaudio_: got distracted waiting for the nix-build, 7 steps left, covering 133 commits
<dmj`> peti:
<dmj`> peti: ping
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] obadz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9UYU
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c4fecfb obadz: ecryptfs-helper: fix makeWrapper use after 7ff6eec5
<infinisil> Well, I got the brightness thing working, but it's ugly as f**k: https://github.com/Infinisil/system/blob/master/nixos/mac-configuration.nix#L11-L34
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] obadz pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/v9UYY
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 aaf43d0 obadz: ecryptfs-helper: fix makeWrapper use after 7ff6eec5...
<clever> infinisil: runCommand could be used to optimize it more
<clever> infinisil: an example: https://pastebin.com/uPeh19d6
<clever> infinisil: this is a single derivation, that makes 3 different scripts in the same bin dir
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<infinisil> Hmm, I'll think about it, doesn't seem very elegant
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<clever> infinisil: oh, and for the inner script ran as root, the runCommand can be simpler, just cp ${./bright-up} $out/bin/bright-up
<clever> then the up/down would just be plain files in the same dir
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<clever> IITaudio_: down to 16 commits, 4 steps
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<infinisil> Well I'm just using services.illum.enable = true; and it works almost perfectly like that :P
<clever> lol
<infinisil> Was a good exercise anyways, you taught me a lot
<clever> :)
<clever> i need to look into packaging that old util i made for the asus eeepc, and see how it looks under nixos
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<infinisil> What is it?
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<clever> it did weird things, like a custom PID loop to manage the cpu fan speed, and high update rate wifi signal level graphs
<clever> the wifi signal updated fast enough that i could use it to find a router
<infinisil> Oh nice
<clever> and the antenna was picky enough that i could tilt the screen and see the wifi signal change
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<infinisil> Lol
<infinisil> My wifi is okay, but the ISP is not
<Zer000> Hydra is telling me "error: ‘fetchurl’ is not allowed in restricted mode" when evaluating this expression: https://github.com/Zer0-/nix-ruma/blob/master/default.nix (with https://github.com/mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla being used as the rust_overlay build input)
<Zer000> I think this is weird, it works fine when I use nix-build locally
<infinisil> We're on the countryside and can only get decent speeds via 4G
<Zer000> can anyone give some insight?
<clever> Zer000: fetchurl isnt pure, and hydra forces everything to be pure
<clever> Zer000: you need to either list the thing your fetching as a hydra input and route it in right, or use pkgs.fetchurl and give it a hash
<Zer000> clever, dang - the code that's doing the fetchurl is from a mozilla repo, I didn't want to fork it
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<clever> dang!
<clever> PR time then
<Zer000> haha ok
<infinisil> Wait they didn't test the code?
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<Zer000> we don't have rust nightly in nixpkgs right?
<clever> infinisil: i think they tested it without hydra, so its just impurely fetching things
<Yaniel> Zer000: AFAIK there's a different thing for packaging rust stuff in nixpkgs
<Yaniel> and the overlay is only for getting a local toolchain
<bennofs> What's the correct place to use for temporary home dirs during build? mktemp -d or just $NIX_BUILD_TOP/some-id?
<clever> bennofs: id just make it in the current directory
<Zer000> Yaniel, I'm aware of buildRustPackage or whatever it is but I thought that would use an older rustc
<clever> bennofs: the current dir will usualy be a sub-dir of $NIX_BUILD_TOP, named similiarly to the package, and private to that instance of the build
<bennofs> clever: isn't $NIX_BUILD_TOP already named after the package?
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<clever> bennofs: yeah, and it will then unpack the tar inside $NIX_BUILD_TOP, creating a 2nd dir, named after the root dir of the tar
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<bennofs> hmm TEMP appears to also be set
<clever> bennofs: looks like most of the tmp paths are all pointed at $NIX_BUILD_TOP
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<bennofs> clever: hmm but I think i'll use a subdir $NIX_BUILD_TOP, I'm in a bash function and cannot control my PWD exactly
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<clever> bennofs: ah, that works as well then
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #25098: ephoto: init at 1.0 (master...new.ephoto) https://git.io/v9UsU
<infinisil> Clever, is there something you don't know about NixOS?
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<dash> infinisil: how would he know for sure
<clever> IITaudio_: there is a nixos manual breakage right in the middle of this bisect, and its slowing things down a lot
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<infinisil> Well...
<clever> infinisil: i have memorized an abnormal amount of the source, lol
<Yaniel> Zer000: idk, no docs and I can barely read nix :(
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<bennofs> Yaniel: but buildRustPackage uses stable
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<clever> IITaudio_: oh!, i see a display-manager change right in the middle of the area git bisect cant test!
<Yaniel> Thanks for the clarification
<obadz> any idea why nix-shell -p stdenv (or anything for that matter) now downloads 31Mb bootstrap-tools ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9UGI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8316eb5 Matthew Bauer: libbsd: fixup on darwin...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b688827 Matthew Bauer: libbsd: use patch instead of fork
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5238b85 Daiderd Jordan: Merge pull request #25069 from matthewbauer/libbsd-darwin...
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<ericnoan> I learned a great deal just reading your conversations clever, thanks for that
<Dezgeg> that seems to be due to bash having a -dev output
<LnL> obadz: that doesn't sound right
<obadz> LnL: does that repro for you?
<LnL> not sure, I already have the bootstrap tools on my machine :)
<Dezgeg> I guess the build should delete $dev/lib/bash/Makefile.inc
<obadz> there ought to be a way to print the closure of a derivation produced by an expression…
<obadz> nix-instantiate --something?
<LnL> nix-store -qR just like an output
<bennofs> obadz: nix-instantiate to get the .drv
<bennofs> obadz: then nix-store on the .drv to get the closure
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<ericnoan> I just noticed GitLab does not have syntax highlighting for Nix, but it uses the rogue library, https://github.com/jneen/rouge
<Dezgeg> well I don't think it would catch that
<Dezgeg> since bash.dev is not a dependency of stdenv
<obadz> nix-store -qR `nix-instantiate '<nixpkgs>' -A stdenv` | grep bootstrap-tools
<obadz> anyone else sees stuff there?
<clever> IITaudio_: and bisect confirms that commit, trying something...
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<obadz> looks like that was the case in 16.09 as well
<obadz> LnL: why did you say it doesn't sound right?
<hodapp> blargh, I keep running into tools and libraries that are missing features because someone just left them out of the derivation
<LnL> unless you're building the stdenv you shouldn't need the bootstrap tools
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<hodapp> at least it's easy enough to fix
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<obadz> LnL: but wouldn't it be in the drv's closure tho?
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<LnL> ah yes, nix-store -qR will always list it
<clever> IITaudio_: yeah, that commit DOES fix sddm!, and it breaks slim
<clever> IITaudio_: switching to sddm is one way to fix things
<obadz> LnL: is this new?
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<bennofs> clever, IITaudio_: does slim even work on NixOS? I thought it was broken in various ways by systemd-logind
<clever> bennofs: ive been using it since the day i started using nixos, and it has never been broken
<clever> bennofs: but that sddm commit breaks i3 + slim: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/6b7c5ba5353e2a81255879173de758fc5f08be62
<IITaudio_> bennofs: using it from one years now, never had a problem. Well, had once, nothing serious
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<LnL> obadz: not sure but if what Dezgeg mentioned is true, will cause nix to detect the bootstrap tools as a runtime dependency of bash.dev even if it's totally unnececary
<bennofs> clever: I think the problem is stuff like device permissions not being quite right (you don't get a logind session iirc)
<clever> LnL: i think part of the issue though, is that allowedRequisites has no way to allow foo.out but ban foo.dev
<bennofs> btw, you can configure lightdm greeter-less + autologin, which makes it almost as lightweight as slim
<obadz> LnL / Dezgeg ⇒ nix-store -qR `nix-instantiate '<nixpkgs>' -A bash.out` | grep bootstrap-tools is just as bad
<clever> oh, interesting, slim + xterm is also broken
<clever> its not just i3
<LnL> obadz: that's normal, nix-store -qR of a drv will include the stdenv and all it's build dependencies
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<Dezgeg> yeah, it would have to be nix-BUILD -A bash.out to be bad
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<obadz> Dezgeg: but nix-build doesn't print out a closure…
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<clever> obadz: would need to nix-store -qR each output of bash i think
<obadz> ah
<IITaudio_> bennofs: so which dm are you using/which one do you suggest?
<LnL> I think you could determine what comes from the stdenv with nix-store -q --tree
<obadz> anyway, moving on…
<clever> IITaudio_: i'm going all of the DM's a spin in build-vm, to see what else was broken
<obadz> ah maybe
<obadz> nix-shell -E 'with (import <nixpkgs> {}); let p = python2.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ wxPython ]); in p.env' --pure --run 'python2 -m wx.lib.wxcairo'
<obadz> ⇒ raise RuntimeError, "Unable to find the Cairo shared library"
<obadz> I could dig further but, pinging here first in case anyone knows what to do about this?
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<obadz> probably some LD_LIBRARY_PATH magic
<clever> obadz: that tends to happen with a lot of python stuff, you cant patchelf the rpath of wxcairo.py
<obadz> patchelf a text file?!
<clever> obadz: so you need to patchelf or LD_LIBRARY_PATH wrap the python binary
<clever> obadz: but the library cant control which python wrapper you use
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<clever> so you need to make your own wrapped python, that fixes every dynamic library the python code is using
<Dezgeg> typically you patch the absolute path of the library to the python sources
<Dezgeg> LD_LIBRARY_PATH is evil
<obadz> Dezgeg: in the application wrapper, or in the library itself?
<bennofs> Dezgeg: +1
<bennofs> obadz: in the lib
<obadz> so I try to patch the source to point it to cairo?
<bennofs> obadz: correct
<obadz> ok, on it :)
<IITaudio_> clever: however, the build-vm option is one of the most cool thing ever
<obadz> thx
<clever> IITaudio_: yeah, ive even used build-vm on a gentoo machine before
<LnL> guess it has been a while since I ran a gc...
<clever> LnL: i turned auto-gc on and set it to keep 5gig free on some servers, and 20gig on my desktop
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<bennofs> clever: hmm, we could monkey-patch ctypes util find_library in the python app wrapper to support rpath-like for python
<LnL> I have enough free space, just want to check if nix-shell will redownload the bootstrap tools
<clever> ah
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<obadz> bennofs: yup
<obadz> I'll insert a return with the hardcoded path
<clever> bennofs: ok, so both lightdm and slim are broken on this commit!
<clever> bennofs: your previous tip to use lightdm would not have worked
<bennofs> clever: that's a bad commit then :p
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<obadz> actually it looks like it's not a return, but close enough
<clever> bennofs: the commit message says its fixing sddm, and sddm does work
<clever> and gdm wont even start, possibly unrelated
<bennofs> clever: I think what would be best if we just change the display managers to set the session command to include the name of the DM
<clever> a bigger question though, is how this got thru testing
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<bennofs> clever: and not this "try to detect if kdm is calling us or sddm or whatever"
<clever> that would help
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<clever> hmmm, there is a testcase for gdm
<bennofs> clever: all the graphical tests use slim implictly for the auto login as well i believe
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<clever> bennofs: there is also a dedicated gdm test
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<clever> bennofs: !!! the gdm test has never passed on the 17.03 channel http://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/release-17.03/nixos.tests.gnome3-gdm.x86_64-linux/all
<clever> bennofs: how is the channel even updating?
<IITaudio_> bennofs, clever: there is even https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/5d5c0d590f35934bab23aadc2e1d8d6b6b2118b0/nixos/tests/lightdm.nix that should not pass, right?
<clever> bennofs: it appears to not be a critical test: http://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/release-17.03/tested#tabs-constituents
<clever> IITaudio_: also not in the list of critical tests
<clever> only these tests can block a channel update
<IITaudio_> clever: should not any test be critical? if it's there, there's a reason for it
<clever> somebody commented out lightdm...
<bennofs> clever: so you're using slim, right? does loginctl list-sessions list your session if you login with slim?
<clever> bennofs: i see 2 sessions, one at seat0, the other not listed
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9UWf
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bd78749 Benno Fünfstück: rust: improve fetch-cargo-deps determinism for non-sandboxed builds...
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<bennofs> clever: hmm that sounds ok
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<bennofs> I really like SDDM's codebase though, it is very easy to follow
<bennofs> (lightdm... well, I'm not familar with GObject so it looks like a mess to me)
<clever> bennofs: a few months ago, i was working on a haskell based display manager
<bennofs> clever: what would that gain?
<clever> gotta haskell all the things? lol
<LnL> bennofs: are you on darwin?
<bennofs> LnL: no
<bennofs> LnL: arch linux :/
<clever> bennofs: if i boot up a netboot with slim and login, without starting anything funny (ssh sessions), loginctl lists a single session at seat0
<clever> and i am session#1, not session#1488, lol
<clever> bennofs: i believe the logind pam module is making it all work
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9UWw
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d387a1f Eelco Dolstra: youtube-dl: 2017.04.02 -> 2017.04.17
<bennofs> clever: yeah seems correct. perhaps it all works fine nowadays, but i think there were some problems in the past
<bennofs> clever: is $XDG_SESSION_ID set?
<clever> yep, 1488
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<clever> and the lightdm test being marked non-critical is a 2 year old change
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<LnL> bennofs: I only see it on my mac, but might be nix-shell -p that's still using the channel or somethign
<bennofs> clever: I think a pure wayland login manager written in rust would be nice
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<bennofs> LnL: hmm sorry what are you talking about?
<clever> bennofs: https://github.com/taktoa/hsdm is the haskell project
<LnL> oh
<LnL> *facepalm*
<LnL> obadz: ^ are you on darwin?
<obadz> nope
<bennofs> when two nicks hash to the same color... :)
<obadz> why?
<clever> i dont even have colored nicks!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #25099: Cross lib foundation (master...cross-lib-foundation) https://git.io/v9UlC
<the-kenny> has collisions are so annoying
<obadz> (weechat is nice)
<MichaelRaskin> So, _all_ nicks are the same colour for you?
<clever> MichaelRaskin: mine is a different color, and other people light up in yellow if they say my name
<the-kenny> I always thought one could improve weechats hashing algorithm by taking into account who's actively chatting
<obadz> MichaelRaskin: shouldn't that be a fundamental human right to have one's nick the same color as everyone else's?!
<clever> MichaelRaskin: http://i.imgur.com/8XqNP4d.png
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<MichaelRaskin> I dunno, I actually use ii and tail -f
<the-kenny> if you get used to hash-based nick colors you'll never want to go back
<bennofs> the-kenny: yeah but changing hashes might be confusing. this way, you've always got the same color for me :)
<clever> bennofs: that reminds me, mirc had an option to manualy set a color on a user
<the-kenny> bennofs: yeah, that's a problem to take into account. One could also give one or two colors (or grayscale?) to "infrequent chatters" and keep the normal hashing algorithm
<clever> i havent touched that heap in years
<MichaelRaskin> Even worse: I set up XMPP via mcabber to log to files that I can tail -f
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<bennofs> Hmm, so what would be some good questions to compare language framework support in nixpkgs by?
<schoppenhauer> is there an automatic way to find libraries in some binary tarball and patchelf it?
<schoppenhauer> or do I have to track down all libs manually?@s
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<gchristensen> bennofs: "how painful is it for a developer who knows the language?"
<gchristensen> bennofs: "how painful is it for a developer who does not know the language?"
<bennofs> First one I've got is whether it vendors deps (like the rust support does) or has a deriv for each lib as well (like haskell or basically everything else)
<clever> bennofs: does nixpkgs have EVERY single package from a central repo auto-packaged?
<MichaelRaskin> schoppenhauer: aren't they *.so anyway?
<MichaelRaskin> clever: that's actually a bad test
<clever> bennofs: nix-env -iA nixpkgs.haskellPackages.acme-cutegirl, lol
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<bennofs> perhaps I should just try to improve the nixpkgs docu for the various languages
<bennofs> haskell's one is not even that great, it doesn't even explain how to disable tests for a package!
<clever> MichaelRaskin: it at least makes it easy to use any haskell package on hackage, without having to package half a dozen deps every week
<MichaelRaskin> I mean, I can auto-package QuickLisp with a single switch, how many things would want FFI dependencies would just get ignored
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<schoppenhauer> MichaelRaskin: "they"? there are binaries with the wrong interpreter and rpath, and lots of dependencies@s
<MichaelRaskin> You said «libraries»
<clever> MichaelRaskin: yeah, it would need to also run the built-in tests, if they exist
<LnL> obadz: ah, I have bash.dev in a gcroot on my nixos machine that's why it's not redownloading
<MichaelRaskin> Which are usually *.so
<schoppenhauer> MichaelRaskin: yes, but still have dependencies
<bennofs> schoppenhauer: so you want to auto-find the dependencies?
<copumpkin> obadz: are you back from the dead? \o/
<gchristensen> !seen kmicu
<schoppenhauer> bennofs: essentially, yes. if that was possible.
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<bennofs> schoppenhauer: that may be hard, since there's often more than one possibility
<obadz> copumpkin: not fully :)
<obadz> but trying to package some python stuff
<bennofs> schoppenhauer: just look at how many packages contain libstdc++.so: https://gist.github.com/bennofs/af42988279ebeed7d2d6e03a67e00d2a (granted, that may be on the extreme end)
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<IITaudio_> guys I'm going to sleep, thanks everybody for your help :)
<schoppenhauer> bennofs: ok, hm. is there at least a tool that makes it easier? because I mostly just slaughter through the binaries until they run and then try to build a package
<clever> gchristensen: 2017-01-03 10:33:05< kmicu> gchristensen: ah, that chapter is not updated since 1.6 with ‘Nix now has proper integer arithmetic operators. For instance, you can write x + y instead of builtins.add x y, or x < y i
<clever> nstead of builtins.lessThan x y. The comparison operators also work on strings.’.
<clever> gchristensen: same reply the bot gave a month ago
<bennofs> schoppenhauer: you could run ldd on all binaries with find, remove duplicates from that output and then just build one big RPATH to apply to all binaries with find again
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<clever> schoppenhauer: and if you let the fixupPhase run, it will trim extras that dont belong automatically
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<schoppenhauer> clever: was that additional to bennofs?
<bennofs> i think so
<clever> yeah
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<schoppenhauer> clever: do i have to call this manually?
<clever> schoppenhauer: if your using stdenv.mkDerivation, it will happen automaticaly
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<pie_> you know things are good when random programs have nixos
<schoppenhauer> ok
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<pie_> *packages
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9U4z
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 881595a Daniel Brockman: ethrun: init at 0.1.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a0e60af Benno Fünfstück: Merge pull request #24819 from dbrock/ethrun...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9UR3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ecf0336 Bas van Dijk: bepasty: add secretKeyFile option...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8551550 Benno Fünfstück: Merge pull request #24755 from LumiGuide/bepasty-secretKeyFile...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs closed pull request #24479: lambda-mod-zsh-theme: init at eceee68cf46bba9f7f42887c2128b48e8861e31b (master...init/lambda-mod-zsh-theme) https://git.io/vSnav
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v9U0h
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1b61891 Tim Jaeger: xsv: init at 0.11.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cfcceae Benno Fünfstück: Merge pull request #24473 from jgertm/tj/xsv...
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<bennofs> What do we do with the PR "Preview: deterministic build"? It seems to be lingering around for years now...
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<infinisil> Lol, I just got 5 email about some ip trying thousands of times to get into ssh
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<infinisil> Well I'm using digital ocean, the email said this ip has been banned from their network
<infinisil> What is weird is that I got 5 email all about the same ip
<infinisil> Maybe I shouldn't have put my config online :P
<clever> heh
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<clever> infinisil: it could have also just been fully automatic
<clever> infinisil: it would be interesting to check the journal, was it checking random users, or users from your config?
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* clever heads to bed
<infinisil> HmmI think there was users host, host2 and bryant
<infinisil> Good night!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] primeos opened pull request #25101: desktop-managers: Use a black BG as fallback (master...desktop-manager-background-fix) https://git.io/v9UzB
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<obadz> tip of the day: cd /path/to/git/nixpkgs && ln -s . a && ln -s . b
<obadz> then the paths in git diff and git show are accessible :)
<MichaelRaskin> Also, then you can probably give git a wrong command and get a patch with three levels of a/a/a/ in the beginning
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<hodapp> ahhhh, the glory of having to exert basically zero effort to get my laptop to the same state as my desktop
<hodapp> ...except for the compilation time because I didn't bother to set up remote builds
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] obadz opened pull request #25102: python2Packages.pyspread: init at 1.1 (and fix wxPython to inject required dependencies) (master...python-pyspread) https://git.io/v9UgW
<obadz> ^ all done :)
<obadz> hodapp: nix-copy-closure is what I used for this exact case
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<hodapp> that is a thing I could perhaps do
<obadz> I just copy my system profile & user profile to my laptop via local network then run rebuild boot / nix-env and it's very zippy since nearly everything is there
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<hodapp> is there an easy way of transferring, say, everything pertaining to a particular shell.nix file?
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<hodapp> oh, I see their first example
<obadz> yeah probably but you have to figure out the derivation output that your shell env corresponds to
<hodapp> how does one do that?
<hodapp> hm... actually this is just a Python environment, I should just be able to drop into the shell and see where 'python' goes
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<obadz> hodapp: try nix-instantiate -E 'with (import ./shell.nix {}); env'
<obadz> might have to be nix-build rather than nix-instantiate
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<hodapp> "error: imported archive of ‘/nix/store/3bqprnfpgnd12rpx1w3yhcwnjvcqch0n-gdal-2.1.3’ lacks a signature" um, what?
<obadz> what did you type?
<hodapp> nix-copy-closure --sign --to --gzip hodapp@ /nix/store/c2j7692pf25p7lfzg4327ng3ha0wif08-python-2.7.13-env
<hodapp> actually, scratch --sign, I tried that after the first failed
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<sdll> Team, could you please tell me how I can translate security.setuidPrograms here (https://nixos.org/wiki/Slock) to the valid security.wrappers line in configuration.nix?
<obadz> yeah so I added myself as a trusted user on both hosts
<obadz> so I can copy unsigned closures
<obadz> hodapp: nix.trustedUSers = [ "hodapp…" ]; in your global system conf
<obadz> then rebuild/switch
<hodapp> at the host I'm transferring to?
<obadz> yes
<hodapp> just "hodapp"?
<obadz> whatever your username is
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<sdll> obadz: Could you please tell me the way to translate security.setuidPrograms = [ "slock" ]; to the proper security.wrappers line?
<obadz> hmm am not sure, let me have a look
<hodapp> obadz: thanks, that worked
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<sdll> obadz: The warning given if setuidPrograms is used is as follows: " The option definition `security.setuidPrograms' in `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix' no longer has any effect; please remove it. Use security.wrappers instead"
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<obadz> security.wrappers.slock.source = "${pkgs.slock}/bin/slock";
<obadz> or something like that
<obadz> you sure you need slock to be setuid though?
<sdll> obadz: Thank you very much, it worked!
<obadz> I think I tried slock back in the days and didn't need it be setuid
<sdll> obadz: The reason is that setuid is needed to turn off the out-of-memory killer
<obadz> ah
<obadz> I use xscreensaver these days
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<obadz> because it enables another user to spin up another X session when my screen is locked
<sdll> obadz: Nice, more featureful. Thank you for your time!
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<hodapp> gaaaack. I forgot to ever submit my PR for the Google Cloud Print connector that I'm now using
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/v9Uah
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 c8c3126 Joachim Fasting: grsecurity: 4.9.23-201704181901 -> 4.9.24-201704210851...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 5b5f49e Piotr Bogdan: unclutter: Fix default value of $DISPLAY...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 53dc791 Peter Hoeg: libguestfs: add missing libapparmor buildInput...
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