<dash> maybe a "sausage factory"
<shanemikel> fair enough
<simpson> Like "product of chemical reaction", not "product on shelf".
<dash> simpson: "not a solution, more of a precipitate"?
<simpson> dash: "So then the chemist turns to the biologist and says, 'Hydroxyl ions? That's my wife!'"
<dash> we should take this show on the road
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<simpson> dash: Do *you* know why mtpkgs doesn't evaluate on Hydra but evaluates fine on my laptop? I'd love to know.
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<dash> simpson: No :-[
<dash> simpson: i asked this once here.
<dash> the most I remember is that Hydra Is Different.
<gchristensen> simpson: what is POLA?
<simpson> Yeah, I'm just wondering how different. I mean, we now use the same kind of knot that Python and Haskell use.
<simpson> gchristensen: The Principle of Least Authority.
<simpson> gchristensen: A common USA phrase in security is "need to know", as in "You don't need to know that information." POLA says that agents should only have as much authority and knowledge as required to do their appointed tasks, and no more.
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<gchristensen> gotcha
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<simpson> What's interesting is how close we get to cap-safe semantics with Nix.
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<gchristensen> shanemikel: I don't know what NixOS-as-mainstream looks like, but I think it is making progress. I've seen two job postings this week for nixos skills.
<simpson> Let's pretend that we have Ideal Nix. In Ideal Nix, there's only three ways to reference the Nix store: Raw preshared paths of /nix/store/xxxx...-package, being passed `package` in a function input, or letting `package = stdenv.mkDerivation {...}`.
<simpson> This looks almost *exactly* like a theorem in object-capability theory!
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<gchristensen> shanemikel: honestly, I think it makes too much sense to ignore, as a business. and not in a wishy-washy sense
<gchristensen> shanemikel: rollbacks are _powerful_ and basically impossible with other tooling.
<gchristensen> auditability is incredibly powerful, too
<shanemikel> that's why I'm here!
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<gchristensen> oh?
<dash> gchristensen: a few weeks ago i discovered that nixos contributors worked at my very own employer!@
<gchristensen> dash: where??
<dash> mozilla
<gchristensen> oh, yep!
<gchristensen> I applied for a job there but never heard back :( maybe next time around ;)
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<shanemikel> I'd love to work for Mozilla one day. Though I was a little turned off by some PNACL discourse on HN...
<shanemikel> those FF guys are pretty unhappy about it afaict
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<simpson> shanemikel: Well, Native Client was always a bit silly.
<simpson> And more than a bit Googley IMO.
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<shanemikel> I've been pretty impressed.. from a PL point of view, it feels like the most language and browser agnostic approach, not to mention lightweight. I won't hesitate to concede I'm no expert.. ASM calls for special backend support, where for langs (without much dynamic codegen) with LLVM backends, getting pnacl going is a minor retrofit
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<shanemikel> the main question remaining for me: how does ASM work for high-level languages. I'm a bit skeptical about layered runtimes (or do I have the wrong idea?)
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<dash> shanemikel: webasm? it's basically a "get c++ game engines working in browsers" thing
<dash> shanemikel: have you seen the conference talk "the birth and death of javascript"?
<dash> you may find it educational
<simpson> shanemikel: But it's woefully insecure, which should have made it a nonstarter.
<shanemikel> that's definitely a work in progress.. I wholeheartedly disagree with Google for shipping it so early.. I think you need to treat the nacl implementation as a serious and dangerous civil engineering problem, but with the right tech and discipline... who knows. have you seen this? https://github.com/pilki/FPdNaCl
<shanemikel> proof of concept in Coq.. I haven't had time to peruse it yet, but soon
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<simpson> The correct discipline is object capabilities, not three sandboxes.
<LnL> gary's talks are great!
<simpson> shanemikel: A very nice fourth sandbox.
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<shanemikel> they shouldn't be so liberal with their use of "sandbox".. they're not so much sandboxes as OS abstractions, virtual memory and so forth, right?
<nekroze> how can I get the index of an element in a list of say, strings, given a string as input?
<shanemikel> sure, the trampolines in the API.. but most of it is static afaict
<simpson> Hm. It is a correct-by-construction sandbox, which is definitely great.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dermetfan opened pull request #21538: rename sound.enableMediaKeys to sound.mediaKeys.enable (master...media-keys) https://git.io/vMLjw
<shanemikel> I'll have to read up on this cap-safe stuff you keep mentioning
<simpson> I recommend starting with http://www.erights.org/talks/promises/paper/tgc05-submitted.pdf maybe.
<shanemikel> and dash I'll watch that video tonight
<simpson> I was actually in the audience in that filming. It's a great talk.
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<fare__> shanemikel, pretty cool
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<martijn923> Anyone familiar with the rustc nixpkgs expressions? I'm trying to build rustc with musl (goal is to compile static binaries), but the following expression ends in a failing curl invocation: http://sprunge.us/KdWE
<martijn923> This is the last part of the output I get instantiating it: http://sprunge.us/SHEj
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<martijn923> rustc compiles fine (which of course takes quite a while) but then it looks like curl is not in the path, but I don't actually expect it to be called anyway
<martijn923> I'm now trying again with curl added to buildInputs
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<LnL> it shouldn't be trying ro download stuff during the build
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<martijn923> Exactly...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rushmorem closed pull request #21489: rustc, cargo, rustRegistry updates (master...master) https://git.io/vMkgO
<martijn923> Also, I have nix.useSandbox=true which iirc prohibits network access during build (but I'll find out in a few minutes I guess)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mdaiter opened pull request #21539: wxGTK30: added Darwin support (master...wxGTK30Mac) https://git.io/vMtfL
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<msd> LnL: pushed wxGTK30 Darwin patches, if you'd like to check them out
<LnL> I'll look at them tomorrow, it's sort of late :)
<msd> LnL: pretty much the same as wxGTK29
<msd> LnL: sounds good! Thanks so much!
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<ToxicFrog> Oh dear. wife has new laptop, was hoping to install Nix on it to make things easier to manage.
<ToxicFrog> Problem: Nix doesn't support Cinnamon.
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<martijn923> gnome3 is pretty good actually :)
<ToxicFrog> Yeah, but she's used to Cinnamon and doesn't particularly enjoy changing DEs.
<ToxicFrog> On the other hand, new laptop has a touchscreen, so she might want something more touch-friendly to replace it, in which case gnome3 or plasma5 are the leading contenders.
<martijn923> indeed, change will always take some effort
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<martijn923> well, retrying my rustc build didn't work out, it still fails on its get-stage0.py script which i think shouldn't run in nix
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<martijn923> but that's for another day, bedtime for me
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] veprbl opened pull request #21541: libc++3.7: fix to use with clang 3.9 (master...libcpp37) https://git.io/vMtU8
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 6 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMtU5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 456cf82 Dmitry Kalinkin: rivet: 2.5.2 -> 2.5.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9a5e34f Dmitry Kalinkin: kakoune: 2016-12-10 -> 2016-12-30, fix on Darwin
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3c3e2df Dmitry Kalinkin: fastnlo: init at 2.3.1pre-2212
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #20951: physlock: git-20150126 -> 0.5 (master...physlock) https://git.io/v10gy
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMtTJ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 59dbcef Bart Brouns: physlock: git-20150126 -> 0.5
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<shanemikel> how might I override a single dep in a haskell package without jailbreak?
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<shanemikel> this is what I've got so far, and everything is okay except for Pandoc: http://lpaste.net/7070414629129682944
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<shanemikel> hmm.. the pandoc expression in nixpkgs head seems to depend on `directory`, but I can't find that expression.. only directory_1_3_0_0
<shanemikel> is there an example for "jailbreaking" versions for just a single dep?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMtmq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c7bff3d Frederik Rietdijk: calibre: 2.73.0 -> 2.76.0, fix html5lib, closes #21504
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] tari opened pull request #21543: flexget: use html5lib 1.0b8 (master...flexget-html5lib-1.0b9) https://git.io/vMtmO
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMtYn
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0cb52dc Peter Marheine: flexget: use html5lib 1.0b8...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 361dae6 Frederik Rietdijk: flexget: move out of python-packages.nix...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #21543: flexget: use html5lib 1.0b8 (master...flexget-html5lib-1.0b9) https://git.io/vMtmO
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMtYr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9a33064 Frederik Rietdijk: flexget: forgot to include file in commit
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vMtYX
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 8ad3a4d Robert Helgesson: clblas-cuda: use system gtest library...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMtYH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6210641 Frederik Rietdijk: flexget: fix eval
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vMtOv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 80dbd8b Frederik Rietdijk: tiled: use qt55, fixes #21540
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMt3d
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5f1ebf8 Vladimír Čunát: rivet: fixup sandboxed build after update...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth closed pull request #21536: virt-top: init at 1.0.8 (master...virt-top-1.0.8) https://git.io/vMLAp
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #21545: ocaml-curses: init at 1.0.3 (master...ocaml-curses-1.0.3) https://git.io/vMtsI
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #21546: ocaml-gettext: init at 0.3.5 (master...ocaml-gettext-0.3.5) https://git.io/vMtsn
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #21547: ocaml-libvirt: init at (master...ocaml-libvirt- https://git.io/vMtsc
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth reopened pull request #21536: virt-top: init at 1.0.8 (master...virt-top-1.0.8) https://git.io/vMLAp
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth closed pull request #21545: ocaml-curses: init at 1.0.3 (master...ocaml-curses-1.0.3) https://git.io/vMtsI
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<m`> hi! is there a shorthand
<m`> sorry...
<m`> hi! is there a shorthand for builder bash scripts, which basically just contain: ''source $stdenv/setup; cp -R $src $out''
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<sphalerite> m`: as a nix expression? Probably copyPathToStore
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMtGo
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2dcbb8e Peter Hoeg: kirigami: add pre-release v2...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b4cab20 Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #21511 from peterhoeg/u/kirigami...
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<gchristensen> well just referencing a path in nix copies it to the store
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<ToxicFrog> Say I want to 'nixos-install' into a mounted system using additional channels. How do I do that? It doesn't find channels added to the host system with --nix-channel
<ToxicFrog> Er, with nix-channel --add
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMtZQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7692364 Bjørn Forsman: nixos/gnome3: add gnome-settings-daemon udev rules (enables bluetooth GUI)...
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 a907494 Bjørn Forsman: nixos/gnome3: add gnome-settings-daemon udev rules (enables bluetooth GUI)...
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<LnL> wait, nox-review creates gc roots in /tmp?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gebner pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMtnp
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 68b2d43 Gabriel Ebner: lean: 2016-12-08 -> 2016-12-30
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<ToxicFrog> And now I'm getting "error getting status of /run/user" when I try to nixos-install :(
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<kmicu> Is that an error with a minimal/default configuration.nix?
<ToxicFrog> It happens both with a slightly edited configuration.nix (set hostname and hostid, enabled wireless) and with a completely custom one
<ToxicFrog> This the fourth system I've installed NixOS on and this is the first time I've seen this :(
<kmicu> Do you use the latest stable channel or unstable one (which can have new regressions on each update)?
<ToxicFrog> stable, nixos-16.09
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<ToxicFrog> Oh, wait; the system I'm installing only has nixos-16.09, but the host system has some packages installed from unstable
<ToxicFrog> Not any of the nix* tools, though, or at least it shouldn't; just stuff like hledger.
<kmicu> Ah, so the problem is related to NixOps?
<ToxicFrog> I don't think so? I'm not knowingly using NixOps, at least
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 6 new commits to nixpart: https://git.io/vMtcO
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/nixpart 51f85bd aszlig: nixos/storage: Set clear if initlabel is true...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/nixpart 25fd47c aszlig: nixos/storage: Flesh out checking of device specs...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/nixpart cd71d31 aszlig: nixos: Move {fileSystems,swapDevices}.storage...
<kmicu> Then with nixos-install you should an empty system. What are those ‘host system packages’?
<ToxicFrog> To be clear, by "host system" I mean "the currently booted LiveUSB I'm using to run nixos-install" and by "target system" I mean "the hardware it's booted on that I'm trying to install nixOS to"
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<ToxicFrog> And looking at it again, no, the liveUSB isn't using unstable either; I was thinking of something else.
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<kmicu> Steps described on https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html#sec-installation should work for sure for the latest stable release. Maybe if you could describe what you did step by step we could pinpoint the problem.
<ToxicFrog> (it has the unstable channel in nix-channel --list but nothing installed from it)
<kmicu> (Maybe it’s something with mount points.)
<kmicu> Is unstable channel listed in ‘nix-channel --list’ named ‘nixos’?
<ToxicFrog> Nope, nixos-unstable
<ToxicFrog> I think I found the problem, though
<ToxicFrog> I was running nixos-install inside a nix-shell
<ToxicFrog> Tried backing out of the nix-shell and now it's working fine
<kmicu> nixos-* tools are not multi–channel aware. They do not respect additional channels (or channels not–named ‘nixos’).
<kmicu> Glad it works in the end ( ^_^)/
<ToxicFrog> I wouldn't have expected that, but I'd also never tried installing from inside nix-shell before, so
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #21446: syncthing-gtk: 0.6.3 -> (master...u/syncthing-gtk- https://git.io/vMUag
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMtc1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5776e6c Matthew Daiter: wxGTK30: added Darwin support
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master da34b32 Daiderd Jordan: Merge pull request #21539 from mdaiter/wxGTK30Mac...
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<sphalerite> Is it possible to get a sandboxed nix-shell, where the environment is basically exactly equivalent to that created by nix-build?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FPtje opened pull request #21548: Strongswan: enable rdrand and aes-ni only on X86 (master...patch-2) https://git.io/vMtCk
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<LnL> sphalerite: --pure, but not a real sandbox AFAIK
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<sphalerite> LnL: yeah, I mean an environment where I should be able to safely run untrusted code
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<GiGa> hello all
<GiGa> how does one go about getting a package in the repos updated? I'm thinking specifically of Gramps - 4.1.1 in repo but 4.2.5 is current
<LnL> if you clone nixpkgs you can update it and try to build it with nix-build
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<GiGa> ok, I'll have to look into how to do that (new to Nixos)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #21537: gnome-encfs-manager: 1.8.16 -> 1.8.18 (master...gencfsm) https://git.io/vMLAh
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<LnL> you'll want to change the version and the sha256, I usually change the sha to 000... first and build then nix will tell you what it's supposed to be
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<sphalerite> why does nix-prefetch-git output a different hash from the one that fetchFromGitHub expect?
<sphalerite> expects*
<LnL> fetchFromGitHub uses fetchurl not fetchgit
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<sphalerite> yeah, but it should still fetch the same tree and that tree should still have the same hash
<hodapp> how can I intentionally make a derivation's hash different to avoid it being confused with existing stuff in the store?
<kmicu> Change something meaningful for hash in a derivation e.g. buildInputs order.
<MichaelRaskin> Give it an additional unused string attribute, it will get passed in the environment without any effect, and the hash will change
<hodapp> oh, buildInputs order matters? didn't know that
<kmicu> Could you elaborate on ‘confused with existing stuff in the store’?
<LnL> hodapp: you can also force a rebuild with nix-build --check
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #21549: rofi: 1.2.0 -> 1.3.0 (master...update/rofi-1.3.0) https://git.io/vMtWp
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<hodapp> to clarify: I'm working on the build for darktable 2.2.0, but also wanting to leave my working installation of darktable 2.2.0 alone, and from what I've seen, changes in postFixup and the like are not changing the hash
<MichaelRaskin> Changes in postFixup do change the hash
<hodapp> hm, for some reason that's not what I was seeing
<kmicu> That does not sound right. postFixup must change hash otherwise there is not much of determinism here.
<kmicu> Probably there is an another explanation, but w/o a minimal reproducible example it is difficult to find it ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMtlk
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fc50edf mimadrid: rofi: 1.2.0 -> 1.3.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6305b85 Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #21549 from mimadrid/update/rofi-1.3.0...
<MichaelRaskin> Or maybe not a minimal, but reproducible
<LnL> urgh, remote builders are so hard to debug
<kmicu> Minimal in a sense that we should not need to download GBs of data to reproduce it :)
<hodapp> yes, I know what a minimal example is :P
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<kmicu> sphalerite: GitHub’s release tarballs do not always correspond to git tree. Iirc we should not expect fetchurl and fetchgit to always have the same hash for the same tag/revision.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #21550: nano: 2.7.2 -> 2.7.3 (master...update/nano-2.7.3) https://git.io/vMtlE
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* ToxicFrog bonks head against keyboard again
<ToxicFrog> Setting up new laptop for wife
<ToxicFrog> Install gnome3 because it's a convertible touchscreen dealy and g3 supposedly has good touchscreen support
<ToxicFrog> -> gnome and gdm crash whenever the touchscreen is touched
<gchristensen> faaancy....
<ToxicFrog> I used sddm+plasma on the liveUSB, but I figured she'd like gnome3 more and it seems to have a more touchscreen-friendly layout in any case
<ToxicFrog> Or would if not for all the crashing
<ToxicFrog> (this is at least not a Nix-specific bug; it was reported in ubuntu nearly a year ago)
<Shell> that sounds fun.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #21550: nano: 2.7.2 -> 2.7.3 (master...update/nano-2.7.3) https://git.io/vMtlE
<sphalerite> kmicu: I see, thanks
<GiGa> LnL, if I understand that expression correctly, Gramps was being downloaded from sourceforge
<GiGa> however, they're now on github
<LnL> oh, you'll want to use fetchFromGitHub then instead of fetchurl
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<GiGa> OK
<GiGa> not sure I understand all the arguments there
<GiGa> owner is presumably "gramps-project"
<GiGa> repo is "gramps"
<sphalerite> yep
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<GiGa> sha256 I could calculate if I knew what I was checksumming
<GiGa> and I'm not sure how to determine the revision
<GiGa> New to github too btw
<LnL> for the revision you should use the tag that corresponds with the version you are trying to build
<GiGa> It's tagged as v4.2.5
<LnL> you can use "v${version}" then, using the version variable
<GiGa> good point
<GiGa> OK, what am I taking a sha256 of?
<LnL> that way people won't accidentally miss one when they update
* GiGa really appreciates the help, thanks
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zauberpony opened pull request #21551: vultr: init at 1.12.0 (master...vultr-init) https://git.io/vMt4I
<LnL> what I generally do is replace the sha with zeros and nix-build it
<dmj`> anyone konw if nvidia drivers need to be exact or are they backwards compatible
<dmj`> s/konw/know
<dmj`> have a GTX1080 which needs v367, but nixos is providing v375
<MichaelRaskin> Should be compatible
<MichaelRaskin> 8 versions is not that large a gap
<LnL> GiGa: you're missing a semicolon at line 20, but apart from that you should be able to run nix-build now
<LnL> GiGa: nix-build -A gramps
<GiGa> LnL, How do I re-edit? I'm stuck in compare mode
<dmj`> MichaelRaskin: just upgraded, tried to start display manager, it failed with “no screens found” and the machine immediately rebooted. nvidia-smi says it cannot communication w/ the driver
<LnL> GiGa: not sure what you mean
<MichaelRaskin> dmj`: have you also upgraded the kernel version?
<GiGa> I want to go back and add that semicolon
<GiGa> but I can't work out how to do that - sorry, I probably sound very lame!
<dmj`> MichaelRaskin: yes, here is my configuration, https://gist.github.com/dmjio/89b9342e06bf443d3d92713c2aa11470
<GiGa> I don't want to compare it, I want to edit it again
<kmicu> dmj`: switch to nixos-unstable channel, which provides v375, or use nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides to define your own package.
<dmj`> kmicu: I don’t see a version 367 in nixpkgs :/
<MichaelRaskin> It may be that you have a kernel newer than nvidia binary driver handles reliably
<LnL> GiGa: hmm, are you using the github ui to make the changes or something?
<MichaelRaskin> (says a nouveau user…)
<GiGa> I'm in the web interface, yes
<dmj`> MichaelRaskin: also, all of this worked on ubuntu
<kmicu> dmj`: ‘NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1 nix-instantiate --eval -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).pkgs.linuxPackages.nvidia_x11_beta.name' -I nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-unstable.tar.gz’ returns "nvidia-x11-375.26-4.4.39"
<MichaelRaskin> All of this — as in, with the same kernel version?
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<LnL> GiGa: oh no I idea, I just edit a local checkout and use git to push my changes
<kmicu> (You can use the version w/o ‘_beta’ postfix, b/c it’s also "nvidia-x11-375.26-4.4.39")
<dmj`> MichaelRaskin: whichever kernel 16.04 uses
<dmj`> kmicu: yes, I think I’m using the non-beta version
<GiGa> LnL, this is crazy. At the top of the UI I can see I'm at joncojonathan/nixpkgs yet I'm looking at the old code
<dmj`> kmicu: maybe I could specify v367 manually?
<kmicu> Are you on nixos-unstable or nixos-16.09?
<dmj`> and just fetch it’s source
<kmicu> So you want the older one v367?
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<dmj`> kmicu: I’m on the gorilla, 17.03
<dmj`> kmicu: yes, fetching a known working version would help isolate things I believe
<MichaelRaskin> v367 will work even worse
<GiGa> LnL, Think I've got it, I just did it again and added the semicolon: https://github.com/joncojonathan/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/misc/gramps/default.nix
<MichaelRaskin> You want to try the kernel version which is older than v375
<kmicu> dmj`: what’s the output of ‘nix-instantiate --eval '<nixpkgs>' -A lib.nixpkgsVersion’?
<dmj`> "17.03pre97896.d15c62a"
<dmj`> also, here’s what happens when X tries to start, and then nvidia-smi tries to start
<dmj`> nvidia-smi hangs forever
<LnL> GiGa: I see what happened, you where working on the patch-1 branch but then switched to master
<kmicu> dmj`: There is v375 in your Nixpkgs version.
<dmj`> kmicu: yes
<LnL> GiGa: anyway if you want to test your changes you can run this
<GiGa> LnL, ah, right, that would do it. I've managed to download the file
<dmj`> kmicu: so you think it’s a kernel issue then?
<MichaelRaskin> dmj`: you are providing the wrong logs, if you want to check the logs, the interesting things are likely to be in dmesg
<GiGa> LnL, "undefined variable 'fetchFromGithub'"
<GiGa> LnL, "undefined variable 'fetchFromGitHub'" rather
<GiGa> I copied it straight off the manual page at the link you sent me
<LnL> right, you have to replace fetchurl on the first line otherwise it won't be in scope
<dmj`> MichaelRaskin: nothing too enlightening it seems: http://lpaste.net/350685
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<GiGa> LnL, ah, that'd make sense
<kmicu> dmj`: I’m sorry, but I only wanted to help with Nixpkgs related issue. I’m not interested in proprietary drivers, but I’m also sure other folks will help you. Also consider reporting the problem on Nixpkgs repo.
* jack[m] is using nvidia-x11-375.26-4.4.39/lib/modules/4.4.39/misc/nvidia.ko
<MichaelRaskin> Obviously, because the interesting question is what the nvidia modules says when loaded, not what happens after you start nvidia-smi
<MichaelRaskin> I mean, nvidia is not like nouveau which is a part of a kernel and plays well with the kernel
<MichaelRaskin> It is a fragile thing
<MichaelRaskin> The first thing to try (if you don't want to switch to nouveau) is using linux_4_4
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<GiGa> LnL, nix-build still gives an error on line 15
<dmj`> gchristensen: oh thank you, this is a very helpful page
<dmj`> MichaelRaskin: I’ll switch to 4_4 now
<LnL> GiGa: wait is it downloading your changes? it might be using a cached version
<GiGa> LnL, if I download the tar.gz I and extract it I get the correct file
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<GiGa> ah poo, because I re-edited I missed something else that I need to fix anyway
<LnL> GiGa: rm -r ~/.cache/nix or you can use the commit sha instead of master in the url
<gchristensen> dmj`: do you get anything from dmesg?
<kmicu> dmj`: if you have a relatively new hardware set ‘boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest;’ in your configuration.nix.
<dmj`> kmicu: that’s what I’ve been doing :/
<GiGa> LnL, that's doing something
<GiGa> LnL, downloading and fetching bits and pieces
<dmj`> gchristensen: nothing of substance really, was a message about NVIDIA tainting the kernel
<kmicu> dmj`: did you try Nouveau at least to check if it works? https://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/CodeNames/#NV130
<GiGa> LnL, 1 dependency couldn't be built
<MichaelRaskin> kmicu: that doesn't work well with proprietary drivers
<dmj`> gchristensen: http://lpaste.net/350686
<GiGa> LnL, Guessing there's a log somewhere to tell me which one?
<MichaelRaskin> Sigh. grep's should be done with context, -C5 or something
<GiGa> I've added the hash now
<GiGa> and that's fixed the dependency error
<gchristensen> dmj`: yeah, can you do that again but with grep -C5
<gchristensen> there is clearly some shenanigans going on
<GiGa> LnL, it now tells me Gramps requires Python 3.2 or later though
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<dmj`> gchristiansen: indeed, 'dmesg | grep C5’ ?
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<LnL> GiGa: oh, that must have changed then. you can use python3Packages
<dmj`> dmesg | grep C5 is blank ><
<sphalerite> Has anyone used nix as a build system yet? :D
<MichaelRaskin> -C5
<gchristensen> dmj`: no, grep -C5 nvidia
<dmj`> ah
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<GiGa> LnL, as in pythonPath = with python3Packages ?
<LnL> sphalerite: I've seen a talk by somebody that basically did that
<gchristensen> sphalerite: how do you mean?
<GiGa> LnL, or replace all instances of pythonPackages with python3Packages
<dmj`> hmmm, hangs for a while
<LnL> GiGa: everything
<gchristensen> dmj`: can you just paste your dmesg please?
<gchristensen> without grep, then
<MichaelRaskin> dmj`: it hangs because you forgot dmesg | in the beginning
<sphalerite> gchristensen: rather than cmake, autotools, or similar.
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<sphalerite> LnL: nice! Where?
<gchristensen> oh, heh
<LnL> sphalerite: was for chip firmware, at intel I think
<sphalerite> Is it publicly available?
<sphalerite> sweet, thanks!
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<GiGa> LnL, that's compiled and I can test it
<GiGa> that hits a snag
<GiGa> "you don't have the python3 bsddb3 package installed"
<LnL> gchristensen: yes that's it
<dmj`> gchristensen, MichaelRaskin: http://lpaste.net/350687
<dmj`> weird how xen shows up
<GiGa> and a quick look on the package list suggests there isn't a python3 version available yet :(
<gchristensen> dmj`: are you uncomfortable showing all your dmesg
<gchristensen> ?
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<dmj`> gchristensen: http://lpaste.net/350688
<dmj`> ^ all of it
<gchristensen> thank you :) much easier
<GiGa> ah, think I've found it
<GiGa> no, I lie
<LnL> I assume you just have to add it to the pythonPath list
<gchristensen> gosh I have n idea, dmj`
<GiGa> LnL, I can't find an appropriate package. "bsddb3-6.1.1 is not supported for interpreter python3.5m"
<mpickering> Which derivation is autoreconf in?
<dmj`> coreutils?
<MichaelRaskin> autoreconf per se, I guess
<dmj`> gchristensen: heh, me neither, I do appreciate the help though
<MichaelRaskin> Have tried 4.4?
<gchristensen> mpickering: autoconf
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<dmj`> MichaelRaskin: going to switch now, cpu froze
<dmj`> hope it’s not xen doing something strange
<LnL> GiGa: maybe it's not actually broken, otherwise that will have to be fixed first
<mpickering> gchristensen: Perfect thanks
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<GiGa> LnL, I'll be honest, I'm not entirely sure what that link is showing me. I'm assuming it's saying "if is py3k then don't get the bsddb bindings"?
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<dmj`> MichaelRaskin: switching...
<LnL> GiGa: indeed, you can try to remove that and add doCheck = (!isPy3k);
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] risicle opened pull request #21552: opencv: 3.1.0 -> 3.2.0 (with caveats) (master...opencv-3.2.0) https://git.io/vMtR4
<GiGa> LnL, so if I edit that file having downloaded my master?
<GiGa> LnL, think we're fast moving into me trying to run long before I can walk here
<LnL> yeah, I was hoping that updating the version would just work
<GiGa> Guess I have to stop here
<GiGa> shame
<GiGa> so near but so far. Hopefully someone will sort the binding bit out
<GiGa> learnt a reasonable amount though, so thanks LnL
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<GiGa> I won't submit a pull request for my changes as they won't work without that!
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<GiGa> In entirely other subjects, I'm also trying to get Steam working but am missing libGL.so.1
<GiGa> how would I find the package that's in
<GiGa> I thought Mesa but apparently not
<FRidh> GiGa:
<FRidh> hardware.opengl = {
<FRidh> driSupport = true;
<FRidh> driSupport32Bit = true;
<FRidh> };
<GiGa> FRidh, in configuration.nix?
<FRidh> GiGa: the bsddb3 expression shows that it is disabled on py3k because of a syntax error in the tests
<FRidh> yes
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<GiGa> FRidh, thanks, switching on that now
<dmj`> MichaelRaskin: still same
<GiGa> FRidh, hopefully the bsddb3 stuff will get fixed later - think it's a bit beyond me at the moment
<LnL> does anybody know as what user the remote build hook is executed?
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<LnL> why doesn't this work :(
<GiGa> thanks everyone for your help - really appreciate it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMtEe
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 61027b7 Pascal Wittmann: bmon: 3.9 -> 4.0
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<hodapp> hm, looking at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21433#issuecomment-269808922 still; anyone have an idea how I might set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in a wrapper script or something?
<hodapp> wrapGAppsHook already is making a wrapper but I have no idea how to configure any of that
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<hodapp> it looks like one can configure the environment set in the wrapper with makeWrapper, but I have no idea about wrapGAppsHook
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<hodapp> w00t, gappsWrapperArgs works
<LnL> hodapp: that looks like a reasonable solution
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<ToxicFrog> Is it just me or is 'gsettings' not available in any package on nixos?
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<hodapp> LnL: it's reasonable aside from the fact that I'm using completely undocumented things, which is less than stellar
<gchristensen> *paging documentation tsar kmicu*
<ToxicFrog> Aah, hmm, it's in glib
<ToxicFrog> but command-not-found doesn't find it
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<stepcut> this package has a bunch of hardcoded references to /opt/vc in the build system and to the even the .c files. And other libraries like SDL2 also have hardcoded references to /opt/vc in their ./configure scripts to deal with this. What is the right way to package this in NixOS? If the package was installed via nix-env then I could fake things with a symlink -- but that doesn't seem like it would work for nix-shell
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gebner opened pull request #21554: emscriptenfastcomp: build using cmake and use cc-wrapper (master...emscripten-wrapped) https://git.io/vMt2a
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<flxw> a question about the expression language: the difference between "inherit e", and "inherit (e)". Is it, in the first case, the _attribute_ e is added to the lexical scope (of the inherit statement), and in the latter, that all attributes of the _attribute set_ e are added to the same scope?
<LnL> inherit e -> e = e; and inherit (e) a b -> a = e.a; b = e.b;
<flxw> thank you.
<flxw> Could you point me to a place where such details are documented? I read the nixpkgs documentation and the nix manual, but I couldn't find it in either of them.
<LnL> apparently inherit (e); is valid syntax just doesn't do anything
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<kmicu> gchristensen: Well, first of all become a programmer and discover a marvelous fix for something, and then, when the software engineering profession really starts to take notice of you, you can jolly well tell them what to do and make sure they get everything right so there'll never be any bugs ever again. ― https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNfGyIW7aHM (parody inspired by your marvelous exchange yesterday with
<kmicu> a Nix community troll ( ͡~ ͜ʖ
<kmicu> ͡°)) Happy New Year ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ ︵ ♥❤❣💞
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<gchristensen> kmicu: hah! thank you :D
<flxw> LnL: Yeah, this is the manual I was refering to. I just grepped through it again, and except for a release note, the inherit (e) a b syntax gets gets not mentioned.
<flxw> s/gets//
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<gchristensen> kmicu: if only all our software was provably correct and written in Coq.
<LnL> flxw: yeah it seems to be missing
<LnL> this is also a pretty good resource for the syntax https://medium.com/@MrJamesFisher/nix-by-example-a0063a1a4c55#.gq6o1jxy9
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<kmicu> gchristensen: ‘why don’t *you* fix everything? It’s so easy to create a distro w/o bugs. You should be happy that I share with you my precious un–constructive criticism. I hope this helps. Next time I expect all bugs fixed. I have expectations.’
<gchristensen> kmicu: anything less than fully automated updates isn't worth my time. it is easy!
<gchristensen> you should do it!
<gchristensen> :)
<kmicu> I’m a little bit surprised that above is tolerated. Un–constructive criticism has zero benefits and many drawbacks. But :) they call me fascist here with zero response from community so maybe that’s why ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
<gchristensen> I banned them before, but was asked to undo it
<gchristensen> so I just be frank with them now
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<hodapp> huh, what's it mean when my pull request is approved but not merged?
<gchristensen> hodapp: I think it means someone says it is good but aren't necessarily feeling ready to merge. which one?
<kmicu> Some helpful reviewers do not have merge rights.
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<gchristensen> I "Approve" PRs that I've reviewed, but won't merge some stuff b/c I'm not an expert init
<kmicu> LnL ^^
<hodapp> guess I'll just wait then
<LnL> one of the maintainers of the package was also active in the thread
<LnL> but I can merge it if you want
<kmicu> (If LnL7 is LnL and not a Cylon pretending to be LnL)
<LnL> lol
<hodapp> no rush, this is my first PR for NixOS so I'm just trying to make sure I understand what's going on
<kmicu> !m hodapp
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, hodapp!
<hodapp> yay bot praise!
<hodapp> next step: package Turtl, bleah
<kmicu> That’s the spirit!
<hodapp> moretea tried to do it for me but ran into some other snags with some really janky Makefiles that it uses
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<gchristensen> hodapp: one thing about your commits, please squash them in to one commit and make the message: "darktable: 2.0.7 -> 2.2.0"
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<hodapp> gchristensen: yeah, I saw that detail after I'd made the first commit and it's why I said I'd rebase if needed
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<hodapp> the 2nd commit was added in response to what people told me
<gchristensen> hodapp: yeah, please do rebase / squash
<hodapp> new PR?
<gchristensen> no, you can just do it in place and force push to your branch
<hodapp> ah, okay
<hodapp> alright, pushed
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<gchristensen> LnL: which maintainer was active? I don't see them
<LnL> oh
<LnL> my bad
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #21535: miredo: init at 1.2.6 (master...miredo-init-1.2.6) https://git.io/vMLNc
<gchristensen> I'd say merge :)
<gchristensen> !m hodapp
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, hodapp!
* hodapp gives [0__0] a carrot
<LnL> do any of you guys use distributed builds?
<aszlig> LnL: yep
<LnL> I'm trying to setup my new desktop but it just doesn't want to work
<gchristensen> no
<hodapp> one can do disributed builds?
<LnL> ssh fails, but I can login fine with root and my current user
<LnL> hodapp: yup it's awesome
<aszlig> LnL: ssh to the build user?
<hodapp> LnL: have a link on this?
<aszlig> LnL: also, which version of nix are you running?
<LnL> 1.11.4 everywhere
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<hodapp> thanks!
<aszlig> LnL: how is your build user set up? using nix-store --serve --write?
<hodapp> this might make sense for my laptop, which also runs NixOS
<LnL> aszlig: not sure what you mean
<LnL> it's just a regular user, let me check somethign
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #21433: darktable: 2.0.7 -> 2.2.0 (master...darktable-2.2.0) https://git.io/vMJi2
<LnL> right I remember now, it's a regular nix install so nix-store and whatnot are not in PATH for non login shells
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<aszlig> LnL: although i'm using nix master for a long time now, so i'm not sure whether the same still applies for 1.11
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<aszlig> LnL: maybe then use command="${pkgs.nix}/bin/nix-store ..."?
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<LnL> the slave is not a nixos machine
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<aszlig> LnL: that doesn't matter, in case of falayalaralfali it's not nixos (yet) as well
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* hodapp ponders an entire zoo of Raspberry Pis in order to make ARM more workable...
<aszlig> LnL: this is what i'm using there: https://gist.github.com/aszlig/61cb3307daf2e1aa2457a1ea778618a7
<aszlig> it's an odroid debian thingy, where i didn't have the energy yet to go through an reboot-fail-request-reinstall loop
<aszlig> otherwise it would just be yet another machine in the deployment importing hydra-slave.nix
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #21529: makerpm: init at 1.0 (master...master) https://git.io/vMLPs
<aszlig> LnL: anyway, hope that helps, need to run for work now, c'ya :-)
<LnL> yep it's working now :)
<aszlig> cool :-)
<LnL> hodapp: clever has a bunch of raspberries connected to a hydra
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<LnL> oh --check doesn't work with remote builders?
<gchristensen> hodapp: more cost effective I think is getting an ARM server which has like 90 cores in it
<gchristensen> that requires up-front investment though, instead of being able to grow it slowly
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, from up-front investment point of view the optimum is to improve reproducibility, improve ARM portability (so Raspberry and Cubie and a smartphone can build the same stuff) and then make a survey of unused ARM hardware…
<MichaelRaskin> If you have bit-perfect reproducibility, you don't need to actually centralize the stuff.
<gchristensen> I'm not understanding
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<simpson> gchristensen: If builds were sufficiently reproducible and correct, then it doesn't matter *who* does the building, which means that it doesn't have to be a central authority doing the building.
<MichaelRaskin> And then you don't need to buy any hardware, because who doesn't have a rooted smartphone that is lying unused somewhere.
<gchristensen> sure, whatever, but you need to know what to expect / trust that output. anyway, whataver, point being with what we have -- it is more cost effective to get 1x96 core server than N raspberry pis.
<MichaelRaskin> trust is simpler than you have 4 committers do the build and independently get the same result.
<MichaelRaskin> But we are not there, and if you do want 32+ cores, a single server is probably more cost-effective
<gchristensen> yes
<gchristensen> esp. when considering space / power / all the accessories you need to support a slew of pi's
<simpson> OTOH those multicore servers for ARM are going to sometimes only be cost-effective when it's secretly a box full of Beowulf'd Pis.
<simpson> Or whatever we do these days instead of Beowulf.
<maurer> Sadly denver got canned, or that might have been a good way to convince someone to donate a server :(
<gchristensen> denver?
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<maurer> gchristensen: Nvidia was working on ARM64 servers
<gchristensen> ah
<maurer> but since it was impacting their partnerships with other businesses, who saw them edging in on their turf
<maurer> they backed off
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<gchristensen> anywho
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<flxw> LnL: Thank you for the other url also. I was away, but poked a little in the nix sources now. Gladly I found the definitive reference documentation of the expression language in all glory detail: src/libexpr/parser.y ;)
<toogley> how can i disable the simultaneous download of two packages?
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin, simpson: I think if people independently set this up, it'd be helpful, but I think any sort of distributed package building by normal people is suuuper far off for nixos official
<gchristensen> esp. for arm
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm opened pull request #21555: borgbackup: cleanup inputs (master...borgbackup-cleanup) https://git.io/vMtoo
<Dezgeg> maybe we could do distributed pull request testing, though
<gchristensen> sure
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<hodapp> gchristensen: where does one even find such an ARM server?
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<maurer> hodapp: My understanding is that X-Gene is the current standard, but they basically sell the cpu + chipset on a single chip by default, and if you want a server from them you're actually buying a devkit
<maurer> since they're mostly focusing on customers like google/facebook/msft
<hodapp> I guess there's Scaleway too
<gchristensen> hodapp: gigabyte sell arm servers
<gchristensen> ~6kUSD for 96 cores and a few TB storage
<maurer> Those arem ARM32 though, yeah?
<maurer> *are
<gchristensen> 64bit ARMv8
<maurer> Oh, OK, sounds good
<maurer> I was worried about getting ARM32 given that a lot of new phones are ARM64, which suggests ARM32 will probably be gone outside of embedded in the next few years
<gchristensen> and packet.net has arm
<ertes> can i specify branch names with fetchGit?
<gchristensen> $.5/hr
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<gchristensen> ertes: IIRC, rev="refs/heads/branchname"?
<ertes> gchristensen: seems to work, thanks!
<maurer> ertes: Yes, but you probably want to use a commit or tag for anything you want to release, since it'll confuse things if the branch updates
<hodapp> interesting, haven't heard of packet.net
<ertes> maurer: it's only for some local stuff
<maurer> Yeah, then it's fine, just commenting
<ertes> =)
<gchristensen> hodapp: nathan7 turned me on to them. they seem good
<hodapp> neat!
<gchristensen> I like the hourly dedicated hardware, makes nixos testing faster.
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<nathan7> note that the packet.net servers are Cavium ThunderX boxes
<nathan7> which are 64-bit *only*
<nathan7> (the ARM ones, that is)
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<gchristensen> speak of the devil.
<gchristensen> yeah, same as the arm servers I was looking at.
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<alphor> how do you configure a ipv4 gateway with networking.interfaces?
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<alphor> ah, nvm. strange that you can't do gateways per interface.
<gchristensen> I don't think gateways work that way
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<alphor> is setting openssh.enable true the only thing needed to start sshd? it doesn't seem to be running under a pgrep, and all requests are being refused.
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<pikajude> check the status in systemd?
<pikajude> systemctl* sorry
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<alphor> not in systemctl | grep
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<alphor> aha. systemctl start sshd.service worked.
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<alphor> do I have to start that every time I rebuild my configuration?
<pikajude> no
<pikajude> shouldn't have to
<MichaelRaskin> Maybe it is just socket-activated?
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<alphor> idts, if I know what you mean by socket-activated. I tried multiple times to connect through a wireless network and ad hoc (when I was able to send packets in both scenarios). Strange that I don't have to put that in my configuration, though. Should I anyway?
<gchristensen> alphor: whatversion? nixos-version
<alphor> 17.03.git.c311871 (Gorilla)
<LnL> services.openssh.startWhenNeeded is not on by default
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<alphor> ^ that would be my idea of socket-activation.
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<gchristensen> alphor: anything in journalctl -u sshd?
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<alphor> gchristensen: can't ssh in as root atm. I'll let you know after I eat.
<alphor> (sudo isn't installed)
<MichaelRaskin> ssh root login is normally prohibited
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<gchristensen> not by default, no
<gchristensen> fpletz: ping! :D :D :D
<jazzencat> Okay, I'm not finding where enlightenement stores the system themes in NixOS. They are supposed to be in share/elementary/themes, but there is no elementary directory in /nix/store/*enlightenment-0.21.2/share.
<jazzencat> How would I find the location of *enlightenment*/share/elementary/themes in the console?
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<c74d> jazzencat: `echo /nix/store/*enlightenment*/share/elementary/themes` ?
<pikajude> does anyone know how to use vbox shared folders with nixops?
<pikajude> i can define them just fine but it's non obvious how to use them or where they go
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<gchristensen> pikajude: oh, man, I totally had the same question, solved it, and forgot. :(
<pikajude> nice
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<LnL> mount -t vboxsf foo /mnt
<pikajude> oh, you have to mount them
<pikajude> nice
<LnL> so you might be able to use the fileSystem options
<gchristensen> and `deployment.virtualbox.sharedFolders`
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<pikajude> so you use sharedFolders and pass the same name to mount as you put in sharedFolders
<pikajude> surprisingly straightforward
<jazzencat> c74d: That just echoes the input. The two locations I found for enlightenment, neither has the same directory structure as the one listed in the Themes setting panel when I go up a directory.
<jazzencat> It would be nice to install a theme globally into system rather than having to put it in each individual user.
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<jazzencat> It appears as though the path that the Enlightenement settings panel is using doesn't exist in the /nix/store/*enlightenement* directory, which is odd. It has to be somewhere or NixOS wouldn't be showing the structure.
<jazzencat> Oh, seems that it's located in the EFL directory, not the *enlightenment* directory.
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<jazzencat> And apparently read-only, so it seems that I have to add each theme I want to each user individually.
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<jazzencat> Would there be any risks to changing my efl directory in /nix/store to read-write?
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<mindB> Is there a quick way to tell what depends on an installed package?
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<FRidh> mindB: $ nix-store -q --referrers $(nix-build -A glibc)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bdimcheff opened pull request #21558: astroid: init at 0.6 (master...add-package-astroid) https://git.io/vMtXZ
<bdimcheff> truth
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<JagaJaga> Happy new year everybody! :)
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<gchristensen> happy new year, CET!
<manveru> anyone able to merge https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-homepage/pull/122 ? :)
<manveru> also happy new year guys
<gchristensen> manveru: I think that is only domenkozar and niksnut
<manveru> ok, i'll try again tomorrow
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] itsN1X opened pull request #1168: Readme semantics. (master...patch-1) https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/1168
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