<irctc719> Hey all... I'm a relative n00b with nixos... Is this the best place to ask random questions, or is there some other community forum?
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<makefu> irctc719: pretty sure this will be the best place. just keep in mind IRC help is always *best effort* and not a commercial helpdesk ;)
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<irctc719> makefu: thanks... I'm just trying to orient myself. I used Gentoo for over a decade (even contributing), but haven't touched it in about 4 years (splitting between managed ubuntu and macos)
<irctc719> and now I'm bootstrapping on an entirely new way to run my system
<makefu> irctc719: well this is not too bad of a starting point :)
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<irctc719> On macOS I was using boxen to manage certain parts of my user directory and I intend to port my config over to nixOS. If I've understood correctly, the only way to do so declaratively would be to store my user config as part of the system environment (either directly in configuration.nix or in an included file)
<irctc719> is that right?
<Sonarpulse> user directory management isn't really a thing at the moment
<Sonarpulse> if you want to use nixos to do it
<Sonarpulse> can probably hack something
<Sonarpulse> but keep in mind this is system-wide management of user dirs, which seems...wrong
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<irctc719> Sonarpulse: I agree... for now I want to gt something working... and improve it over time. On the mailing list (I'm reading through nix-dev archives) I see an overlay proposal which looks like it would have the flexibility for what I want, so maybe sometime in the future
<Sonarpulse> the overlay PR?
<Sonarpulse> that is for extending nixpkgs itself
<Sonarpulse> not .dotfiles and other things
<Sonarpulse> unless this is an older thing
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<Sonarpulse> irctc719: if this "boxen" works on linux too, I'd keep on using that for the time being
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<irctc719> Sonarpulse: boxen is a macOS-specific package repository for puppet; I could probably install pupet, but that feels like overkill. As to the overlay, I was imagining creating my own expressions for dotfiles and allowing per-user expressions
<irctc719> but I mean more than just dotfiles. I want to specify the creation of development environments that I'll be using with nix-shell
<mguentner> irctc719: well, that you can do using ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<irctc719> mguentner: ooh... that sounds promising
<Sonarpulse> ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<Sonarpulse> yeah for per-user nix expressions
<Sonarpulse> but need to manually run nix to build those expressions
<Sonarpulse> than do something else impure to copy dotfiles into place etc.
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<MichaelRaskin> Claas: looks like it may be necessary to make sure X.org configuration uses «wacom» driver
<Sonarpulse> irctc719: indeed yeah that would be great for dev environments for nix shell, unless those are stored with the project itself
<irctc719> Sonarpulse: I actually don't want to copy dotfiles into place. I'd rather maintain symlinks into my permanent config
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<Sonarpulse> irctc719: oh ok!
<Sonarpulse> then yeah ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix is exactly what you want
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<irctc719> Sonarpulse: ok... starting there I'm reading the nixpkgs manual
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<irctc719> along the lines of overlays... I'm currently subscribed to nixos-16.09... When I was using gentoo, there was something somewhat similar (with stable and unstable channels), but you could follow stable and choose to add one-off overrides to (for example) pull Meld out of unstable... Is there anything similar with nixos channels?
<MichaelRaskin> You can build, install and even include in the systemPackages derivations evaluated from a checkoout regardless of the channels you use
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<irctc719> MichaelRaskin: but wouldn't that mean continually tracking stable and manually merging fixes?
<MichaelRaskin> No, but it could easily mean having two different versions of glibc installed
<MichaelRaskin> Which is not a problem, anyway
<MichaelRaskin> The packages from a checkout would be built independently of whatever you track for the most of the system
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<irctc719> MichaelRaskin: that makes sense from not polluting the system, but not from the point of view of managing the selection of packages. If I check out current unstable, and build the latest version of rxvt, for example, (since it contains a fix for foo), then the moment I need a fix for xterm, I have to update to the version of the repository which has that fix. Suddenly, my rxvt is no longer pegged to that version, but potentially br
<irctc719> I could evaluate at that point whether to return rxvt to stable, but as the number of packages I depend on updates for drifts from stable, my management could become very difficult
<MichaelRaskin> IRC cuts off at 255 bytes
<systemfault> I thought it was 512... with the \r\n :(
<irctc719> MichaelRaskin: oops... to make it short, I check out unstable and install rxvt, then 2 weeks later I need the latest xterm
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<irctc719> I will now either need to accept any further unstable changes to rxvt, or default back to stable
<MichaelRaskin> Technically, you could build stuff from various checkouts
<irctc719> or maybe even fork and merge specific changes to nixpkgs
<MichaelRaskin> What was the latest upstream regression in urxvt, though…
<irctc719> MichaelRaskin: oh... that's intersting... I could mirror one git repository over multiple checkout directories then
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<MichaelRaskin> You could, although I would consider precisely that to be a management nightmare
<irctc719> MichaelRaskin: sorry, just a random example, no actual problem. In my case, I wanted to install xpra, but there have been a number of bug fixes in unstable
<MichaelRaskin> Also note that if you want a security fix for a dependency, you may be forced to update anyway
<irctc719> I was also hoping to play with Wayland, which I understand is difficult even in unstable
<manveru> heh, finally got a ruby derivation without rdoc at 19MB instead of 85 :)
<manveru> plus made a new patchset for 2.4.0
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mguentner opened pull request #21418: hydra: remove any patches from aws-sdk-cpp (master...hydra_aws_patch_fix) https://git.io/vMfyE
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] manveru opened pull request #21419: ruby: 2.4.0 (master...ruby-2-4) https://git.io/vMfyz
<manveru> running nox-review gonna take ages :(
<manveru> cu tomorrow
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<martijn923> why is there no pkgs.nix.overrideDerivation ?
<cheshircat> hello, does anyone know if there is an equivalent of python or haskell's withPackages for lua?
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<avn_> cheshircat: think no, but it shouldn't be super complicated (altough is not super easy as well ;))
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<taktoa> (from an FP-oriented meme group I run)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MostAwesomeDude opened pull request #21422: Prometheus exporters (master...prometheus) https://git.io/vMfFv
<simpson> Finally got my Prometheus patches heading upstream. Yay?
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<katyucha> matinales !
<katyucha> Au secours !!!! On nous a volé pinpin !!
<katyucha> Faut buter le père noel, je suis sur qu'il est reparti avec
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<katyucha> oups :)
<katyucha> wrong channel :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vMfNd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 3829d1c Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'master' into staging...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMfxK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2da75ad Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.pygame-git: broken
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b95b631 Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.memory_profiler: 0.39 -> 0.41
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 762d847 Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.Wand: 0.3.5 -> 0.4.4
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<arianvp2> gchristensen: is hydra fixed already?
<arianvp2> aka can I remove my patch from my nixos config?
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<LnL> arianvp2: yes, if you're referring to the user namespace stuff
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah opened pull request #21423: cpu-freq: Try powersave if ondemand is not available (master...cpufreq-sandybridge) https://git.io/vMJvV
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<manveru> looks like buildFHSUserEnv fails with the ruby 2.4 changes
<manveru> wonder why it even uses ruby...
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<manveru> ah, for FFI
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<manveru> is this also related to the user namespace changes?
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<manveru> not sure how this could've ever been working without root...
<manveru> it tries to mount /sys into its build directory
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nico202 opened pull request #21425: unclutter: add missing licence (publicDomain) (master...unclutter) https://git.io/vMJIf
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<stkj> hello. I can not set native notifications in the telegram desktop application. Is this intentional?
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<ambro718> Why does sandboxing need root access? Are there not things that can be done without root access?
<ambro718> I've seen many times builds fail when people use Nix in single-user install, just because a sandbox is not used. And telling people how to setup multi-user mode and sandboxing is not easy.
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<viric> ambro718: I think it was linux 3.8 that introduced user name spaces. After one year, lxc did not implement the userland for that. Maybe nowadays there can be sandboxing without root.
<ambro718> viric: I think the steam integration for nixos does some filesystem namespaces without needing root
<MichaelRaskin> The problem is that most benefits of namespacing require user namespacing and being userid 0 inside the namespace, but there are _still_ vulnerabilities allowing to elevate ns-uid-0 to global-uid-0
<viric> :)
<ambro718> for nix builds it would be a great benefit just to have a filesystem namespace so things don't pick up anything accidentally
<viric> perfect
<viric> But user name spaces allowed for a lot, isn't it?
<ambro718> irrespective if whether it improves security
<viric> as for sandboxing
<MichaelRaskin> The escapes mean that no-privilege user-namespacing is not always safe
<viric> well, it won't be safe against a uid=0 process
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<viric> But a better-than-nothing should be enough a good reason
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<MichaelRaskin> My disappointment is that you cannot just enable users to use the better-than-nothing namespacing everywhere
<manveru> well, the issue i found is that buildFHSUserEnv tries to mount /sys and a couple other devices, which only root can do apparently
<manveru> so running nox-review fails as normal user
<viric> /sys could be faked
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<viric> Why would it need the actual /sys?
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<manveru> god knows
<viric> Damn silent god and his misteries.
<manveru> that's all the mountpoints
<viric> I guess the easiest is to provide the actual system /sys
<viric> but that doesn't mean it is compulsory
<manveru> the derivation is used by steam and the like, but also by bazel
<manveru> i found the failure because i did an update to ruby, which is a dependency of buildFHSUserEnv :)
<viric> these are hacks to reuse broken build systems, I guess
<viric> by broken I mean unfit to nix
<manveru> most likely
<viric> in the worst case, qemu could do. :)
<viric> Anyone using network filesystems?
<viric> What is good in that field, since the damn nfs and samba?
<manveru> i only use syncthing, since i'm often not connected to my home
<manveru> oh, and seafile
<viric> that's for replicas
<manveru> but they don't really qualify :)
<viric> :)
<viric> the revolution came with sshfs, I guess
<viric> but it has drawbacks
<MichaelRaskin> It should have come with glusterfs, but nobody noticed
<avn_> viric: I use some nfs in my home
<viric> MichaelRaskin: do you use it? what should have come with it?
<viric> I read once about it
<MichaelRaskin> I currently don't use it because I have my notebook as the center of everything
<manveru> i hear about tahoe-lafs often, but no idea how good it is
<MichaelRaskin> And for syncing with phone I use just rsync, because the rules what to sync are complicated
<viric> tahoe-lafs is übercomplex to set up
<MichaelRaskin> (space vs. convenience tradeoffs)
<viric> and tahoe-lafs is of no benefit unless you have more than two replicas.
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<viric> MichaelRaskin: I use more cp than rsync. :)
<manveru> seafile runs on android, so i just pick what folders to sync there
<MichaelRaskin> rsync has a benefit when you have two capable endpoints and WiFi in the middle
<viric> I basically have lots of things in annex and restic (backup); it's unrelated to the mobile phone
<viric> and I was thinking of a NAS that had proper power management. By now I am using usb disks
<MichaelRaskin> Well, the stuff I write is just in monotone and the VCS repo set is fully synced
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<viric> I do use VCS for some pieces, not all. Not mail, for example.
<MichaelRaskin> Exactly
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<viric> one year since I bought my last hd. I should buy a new one.
<viric> MichaelRaskin: I quite use git-annex. Lots of pictures, videos, recordings, and downloaded things
<viric> and git-annex knows about 6 or 7 remotes
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mikesperber opened pull request #21427: procmail: unbreak "make install" (master...actually-install-procmail) https://git.io/vMJmK
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<viric> git-annex is damn slow.
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<viric> over xfs.
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<MichaelRaskin> Hm, so you want to say that to understand what is the ideal VCS I dream about I should also look at git-annex?
<viric> I don't know
<viric> but without git-annex, I wouldn't be able to manage 5 external storage hds + my local disks
<viric> I don't like it, but I don't know what else I could use
<MichaelRaskin> Ah, OK, maybe the other preexisting requirements mostly cover that
<viric> what requirements?
<viric> xfs is so slow at handling symlinks... damn it
<viric> Why do I have xfs. gr
<MichaelRaskin> Well, there are many and I should write the down at some point
<MichaelRaskin> You have XFS because you need dynamic increases in inode counts?
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<viric> MichaelRaskin: nah, it has inode limit
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<viric> I have lost data with ext4 too often, and I have a preference for all-but-ext4
<MichaelRaskin> You have missed out on all the BtrFS fun
<viric> I have been without btrfs this last year. If xfs is slow with metadata, btrfs is überslow
<MichaelRaskin> I think at some point I had XFS on tmp be even slower than BtrFS for builds
<viric> another good reason for btrfs was that I could not record video with my computer, because of sudden locks that resulted in buffer overrun
<viric> (the 30s lock)
<viric> - reason to drop btrfs, I mean
<ToxicFrog> High five, btrfs 30 second lock buddy :(
* ToxicFrog is ZFS everywhere these days and much happier
<MichaelRaskin> Somehow, I got a lot of fun with BtrFS, but not 30s locks
<ToxicFrog> In other weirdness, I just tried to nix-env -i with the SD card mounted and it did this:
<ToxicFrog> error: while setting up the build environment: unable to make filesystem ‘/run/media/ben/openSUSE
<ToxicFrog> .3 Live’ private: No such file or directory
<viric> MichaelRaskin: btrfs could not handle multiple loads... One task starved, the other worked slow
<ToxicFrog> Yes, with the newline and everything.
<viric> MichaelRaskin: and every 30s there is that flush thing that can stop any i/o operation for seconds
<MichaelRaskin> I think it worked for me with multiple builds
<MichaelRaskin> Hm
<viric> Some people had reports of one simple 'ls' taking hours because there was another task using the fs
<MichaelRaskin> Maybe I had enough RAM cache space
<ToxicFrog> (the actual name of the mountpoint is "/run/media/ben/openSUSE 13.3 Live/")
<viric> MichaelRaskin: you had non-constant fs workloads
<MichaelRaskin> The only load I could starve on BtrFS was journalctl
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<MichaelRaskin> But journalctl is simply bad
<MichaelRaskin> Maybe…
<viric> Btrfs people recognized that it does not handle well multiple workloads. It's meant for one-task.
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<viric> You can run "find /" and that can stop a "ls ~" until find finishes.
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<viric> I would unpack a linux kernel for a build and that would stop a firefox sqlite operation until the untar finishes
* kmicu runs ‘find /’ and ‘ls ~’ multiple times. No issues.
<viric> kmicu: that may be the cache
<viric> :)
<MichaelRaskin> ~Can't reproduce now
<ToxicFrog> I never had data loss but I had the crippling performance issues viric describes as well as ENOSPC with the filesystem ostensibly less than half full
<MichaelRaskin> I mean, for a lot of time BtrFS was simply easy to corrupt
<viric> I didn't have btrfs corruption issues. ENOSPC issues only several years ago
<kmicu> It’s always like that. :) ‘I have a non–reproducible bad user experience with technology x therefore technology x bad.’
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<MichaelRaskin> ToxicFrog: on ext4 it is running out of inodes, on BtrFS it is about bad balance
<ToxicFrog> MichaelRaskin: yeah, I've read the wiki entry on it
<viric> kmicu: I was talking with #btrfs, they recognized the problem. They could reproduce it, and were perfectly aware. There was not a plan to fix that
<ToxicFrog> And it's risible that a "production ready" filesystem requires frequent manual rebalancing to remain functional
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<ToxicFrog> Using commands that offer ~no feedback and don't always work
<MichaelRaskin> ENOSPC issues are actually easy to fix than ext4 no-inodes-for-you
<MichaelRaskin> (in my specific setup)
<kmicu> Nix also has a recognized problem. That not makes Nix bad.
<viric> MichaelRaskin: when I create an ext4 or xfs, I take the inodes it suggests, and multiply it by 10 manually on a new mkfs
<MichaelRaskin> Well, with /nix/store I could credibly run out even with that
<viric> kmicu: I could not record video (buffer overrun), and all fs workloads were serialized. That gave me enough reasons to drop it :)
<viric> kmicu: I used it for years... I really had hope in it, but once I was told that the relevant issues I had were 1) known since long and 2) not meant to be fixed anytime soon, made me drop.
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<viric> I still don't know about zfs... I should put it on test more seriously.
<kmicu> So it’s not for you and your specific use case. Nothing more.
<viric> But it handles symlinks and metadata operations soooo fast, that sounds convincing
<viric> kmicu: exactly.
<kmicu> At the same time is perfectly good for many Nix users.
<viric> kmicu: so is ext4
<viric> and I don't like it :)
<kmicu> But I’m not here saying that ext4 sucks.
<viric> I am
<viric> and I have troubles with xfs. So time comes to learn zfs well.
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<kmicu> ZFS which has multiple problems reported on Nixpkgs repo, b/c it also gives bad experiences in some specific use–cases.
<viric> I'm just worried whether it will have bad performance because of COW
<viric> in sqlite things or so
<viric> kmicu: ah, I'd like to know about those
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<viric> I have put zfs in an old notebook... It's damn slow for steady MB/s (the processor lacks fast crc operations I guess), but all metadata operations were great
<viric> I've heard it scales bad in terms of ram usage, but I wonder if that's only for the dedup
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<viric> I have to test git-annex on zfs
<viric> maybe it runs fast there
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<MichaelRaskin> No, there are also problems that it has its own cache with imperfect integration
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<viric> I haven't seen a trouble with that yet
<viric> are things getting double-cached, then?
<viric> in pagecache + zfs arc?
<MichaelRaskin> It just reduces efficiency of RAM usage
<MichaelRaskin> I am not sure if it manages to avoid double caching, but I think it has problems with adapting to changing memory pressure
<viric> pagecache isn't the best thing either
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<viric> I should test my workload on zfs and see.
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<mpickering> Has anyone worked on a static type system for the expression language?
<mpickering> It seems a shame that it is dynamically typed
<srhb> mpickering: There was an attempt to make an Idris DSL for it.. Let me find the person involved again.
<srhb> mpickering: Hngh, I can't find it right now, but I'm pretty sure it was Susan Potter who was working on it. Perhaps your google fu is better than mine. :)
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<martijn923> Hi there. Let me try again. Why is there no pkgs.nix.overrideDerivation ?
<MichaelRaskin> because overrideDerivation is lib.overrideDerivation
<martijn923> I would like to apply a small patch to nix-build, but I can't find a way to do that
<martijn923> Ah, so `lib.overrideDerivation pkgs.nix` should work. (it seems to work)
<martijn923> MichaelRaskin: so why do many other packages have overrideDerivation as an attribute?
<MichaelRaskin> Yes
<MichaelRaskin> They have .override, not .overrideDerivation
<MichaelRaskin> This helps if you only want to change package parameters
<MichaelRaskin> Not override inner stuff like patches
<eacameron> Is it just me...or does the live CD iso not actually fit on a CD?
<hodapp> it looked like it was too big when I downloaded it
<MichaelRaskin> Well, less than 10^9 bytes
<MichaelRaskin> There may be some non-DVD-capable optical disk device that can handle such a volume
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<martijn923> MichaelRaskin: Yes I understand the difference between override and overrideDerivation
<hodapp> non-DVD doesn't really make it a CD though
<martijn923> MichaelRaskin: But as far as I can see all other packages also have overrideDerivation as an attribute
<martijn923> MichaelRaskin: Here I just picked a random example (bind): http://sprunge.us/VMVK
<martijn923> lib.overrideDerivation probably solves my prolem, so thanks, I'm just try to understand :)
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<MichaelRaskin> Oh, overrideDerivation got added to callPackage result by default?
<MichaelRaskin> That's new
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<MichaelRaskin> Nix package is defined in a complicated special-case expression that tries to have maximum amount of common code between stable and unstable versions of nix
<martijn923> So the difference is that pkgs.nix doesn't use callPackage?
<MichaelRaskin> Yes
<martijn923> Yes, I see the `common` construct in its default.nix
<martijn923> Ok thanks :)
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<ixxie> Merry Nixmas!
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<mpickering> Phlogistique srhb, ah right so that looks like a backend for idris
<mpickering> thanks for digging it out for me
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<gchristensen> arianvp2: yep!
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<ryantrinkle> it looks like, on mac, webkitgtk214x needs to get -lintl in the link phase, but i'm not sure how to make that happen
<ryantrinkle> i've added gettext (which includes libintl.dylib) to the buildInputs
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<ryantrinkle> anyone know how i can get the -lintl flag in there?
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<ambro718> How to install some cursor themes for Xfce?
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<ixxie> how can I set an environment variable in a nixos module?
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<ambro718> How do I install some cursor theme for Xfce? I added pkgs.vanilla-dmz into systemPackages, but it does not appear in the Xfce Mouse&Touchpad settings in the themes tab, even after reboot.
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<Sonarpulse> is there any lib function
<Sonarpulse> to diff to values?
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<Sonarpulse> show different bools, strings, derivation of a value?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/e60bb86d00d49451e18a8181a5aa1276f899b8d2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e60bb86 Tuomas Tynkkynen: kexectools: 2.0.13 -> 2.0.14...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sifmelcara opened pull request #21428: crystal: fix build in chroot environment (master...fix/crystal-lang) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21428
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<ixxie> when using environment.variables = { MYPATH = "/foo/bar"; }; in a nixos module doesn't seem to set an environment variable accesible from my interactive shell; what am I doing wrong?
<hodapp> hrmph. pdflatex complaining because it can't find repstopdf, though epstopdf is installed
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<Intensity> Hi. I'm wondering if on NixOS for macOS/darwin, I can opt to use the 16.09-small channel. Is a stable binary package set only available for Linux? Or OS X too? I see https://nixos.org/channels/ shows nixpkgs-unstable but no apparent branched nixpkgs.
<hodapp> I am not sure what the deal is here, and if I'm missing something or I should just symlink epstopdf to repstopdf and ignore it
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<gchristensen> Intensity: nixpkgs-unstable is based on master
<srhb> ixxie: Did you log in again?
<ixxie> hmmm ill give it a shot srhb
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<Intensity> gchristensen: Ok - it appears that pre-built binaries are made available from master, then. Do you know if a similar set is available based off of 16.09?
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<srhb> ixxie: sudo -s; login should also do the trick.
<hodapp> it sounds like repstopdf just symlinks to epstopdf in various distro packages anyhow... hmmm
<gchristensen> Intensity: no, I think all users of nix without nixos use nixpkgs-unstable
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<Unode_> hi everyone
<ixxie> srnb, that did the trick :) kinda wondering why nixos-rebuilt switch isn't doing that already
<Unode_> On nix I notice that fonts are slightly blurrier than on my other machine with exact same definitions. I'm pretty sure this has something to do with font but don't remember the exact option that can be used to set this (hinting?).
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<Unode_> Does anyone know what I'm talking about and has any snippet that changes it?
<MichaelRaskin> Ohoho
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<MichaelRaskin> (I have tried to understand fontconfig in the recent version, and I have ended up just nuking 95% of the config to get what I want)
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<hodapp> okay, having looked at pkgs/tools/typesetting/tex/texlive/ to try to figure out how to add a symlink from repstopdf to epstopdf, I have no idea what I'm doing
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<MichaelRaskin> hodapp: it's very easy to do manually
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<hodapp> I've not been using NixOS for long enough to know "easy" things like this
<Unode_> That's basically what I'm trying to change
<Unode_> having a look at your settings now
<MichaelRaskin> Unode: I don't use mainline NixOS
<srhb> ixxie: Forcing you to log in again? I think that would be awkward. :)
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<ixxie> true that srhb
<Unode> MichaelRaskin: checking
<MichaelRaskin> Take into account: this is written and used by a person with a lot of Nix lines-of-code and with A/BLFS experience
<hodapp> MichaelRaskin: yeah, in light of that, can you give any sort of hint how this texlive-fixes is used?
<hodapp> I am looking through the expressions but not really getting a good idea
<MichaelRaskin> hodapp: what I have shown to _you_ can be taken into parentheses and put among systemPackages
<Unode> MichaelRaskin: yeah that's dense.. I was hoping for something simpler such as a global boolean to enable/disable hinting/antialias
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<MichaelRaskin> This is a runCommand expression (a helper function for quick-hack packages) that creates the needed symlink
<MichaelRaskin> Unode: there are some, they are not always enough
<Unode> ls
<Unode> oops
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<MichaelRaskin> fonts.fontconfig.antialias
<Unode> I'm still new to this so translating https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/config/fonts/fontconfig.nix into something I can set on my configuration.nix is still non-trivial
<MichaelRaskin> fonts.fontconfig.hinting
<MichaelRaskin> nixos-option
<MichaelRaskin> It should help you find the option names
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<MichaelRaskin> hodapp: do you understand the basic Nix world model? Derivtions, store paths, etc?
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<MichaelRaskin> The point is: you need repstopdf in $PATH, but you don't really care what package provides it
<gchristensen> LnL: around?
<hodapp> MichaelRaskin: yes, I get that much, but I need to work with it more to be able to understand how to practically accomplish stuff like this
<gchristensen> LnL: I wrote this about channels and backporting: https://gist.github.com/grahamc/87a41ebd1e23c508f2465d1aea2ecdae
<LnL> gchristensen: pong
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<MichaelRaskin> runCommand is a function taking package name, extra derivation attributes (intended for changing build environment variables) and code to run
<hodapp> MichaelRaskin: I'm still trying to figure out what myTexLive is and how to get it in there
<MichaelRaskin> myTexLive is _above_ the anchor
<MichaelRaskin> you don't need it
<hodapp> it's also on line 103
<MichaelRaskin> you only need the runCommand part inside ()
<MichaelRaskin> Ouch
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<MichaelRaskin> Ah, OK, you can put the package providing epstopdf there
<hodapp> I don't actually know which package that is
<MichaelRaskin> (builtins.head texlive.epstopdf.pkgs)
<MichaelRaskin> Or your texlive scheme-basic expression
<MichaelRaskin> Doesn't really matter
<hodapp> I know nothing of a texlive scheme-basic expression; all I've really done is install texlive-combined-full
<MichaelRaskin> That would also do
<hodapp> for... what? A literal replacement of myTexLive?
<MichaelRaskin> Yes
<hodapp> it's just finding texlive-combined-full as an undefined variable if I do that
<MichaelRaskin> I guess it is texlive.combined.scheme-full
<hodapp> I've had to use that name rather than some other hyphenated name in places and I still don't get why
<MichaelRaskin> This is the Nix language expression evaluating to the needed derivation
<hodapp> sure, but why is it needed?
<MichaelRaskin> the hyphenated version is the derivation inner name used to build the basename of the output store path
<MichaelRaskin> Because it is normal for a programming language to refer to variables by variable name and not by the search inside the current stored value?
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<hodapp> I don't know what "search inside the current stored value" means. I'm just trying to reconcile the discrepancy in how I refer to things in nix-env, and how nix-env presents them to me - and in how they're used in configuration.nix, and how with most packages no discrepancy seems to exist
<MichaelRaskin> use -iA instead of -i and nix-env will also use correct expression references
<MichaelRaskin> if the package is just an isolated piece, there is a good chance that it lives on the top level and its attribute name in the expression is the same as the derivation inner name
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #21425: unclutter: add missing licence (publicDomain) (master...unclutter) https://git.io/vMJIf
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to master: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/e60bb86d00d4...af0b2d5ffc1e
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 620ebf5 Nicolò Balzarotti: unclutter: add missing licence (publicDomain)
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master af0b2d5 Graham Christensen: Merge pull request #21425 from nico202/unclutter...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MostAwesomeDude opened pull request #21429: nginx: Allow GD to be optional. (master...nginx) https://git.io/vMJ8Q
<gchristensen> I wonder what has caused the uptick, nixpkgs is getting lots of PRs
<gchristensen> or if holidays means fewer reviewers ... or if holidays means morecontributors :)
<simpson> gchristensen: I'm just using the holiday to spend some time grooming my tree.
<gchristensen> oh?
<simpson> Yeah. That ^^^ nginx work, and a pile of Prometheus stuff.
<LnL> oh 313, when did that happen
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<gchristensen> one PR at a time :0
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<simpson> So did anybody else running a Hydra get broken by https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/b60873e or is it just me?
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<LnL> probably just less maintainers, there are a bunch of darwin PRs that I've not had the time to test yet because I was not home
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<LnL> gchristensen: that doc looks pretty good, but that statement about coreutils/gcc isn't really correct unless it was thoroughly tested
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<hodapp> woo, new darktable release \o/
<hodapp> guess I should do a PR on that, though it's only 2 days old
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #21412: docker-compose: 1.8.0 -> 1.9.0 (master...docker-compose_1_9_0) https://git.io/vMfoq
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/34cc46bfa7b6b22ecbd0c0a82d43e9520a9f8e27
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 34cc46b Vincent Demeester: docker-compose: 1.8.0 -> 1.9.0...
<hodapp> "/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin/darktable: error while loading shared libraries: libdarktable.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" hrmph, I don't understand
<hodapp> it seems to have properly built the libraries and put them in /nix/store/zckw9w10d8arzzm723hhkwy6gjwjpjr1-darktable-2.2.0/lib/darktable/...
<LnL> what's the output of ldd $(which darktable)
<hodapp> "not a dynamic executable"
<LnL> huh
<hodapp> gonna see if it's that way on older executables too...
<hodapp> yeah, it is on 2.0.5
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<LnL> maybe it's a wrapper script
<hodapp> ahh, looks like it is
<hodapp> ldd on that yields: libdarktable.so => not found
<hodapp> but this looks like a bog-standard build so I'm at a loss for what could have changed...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rasendubi opened pull request #21430: awesome: 3.5.9 -> 4.0 (master...awesome) https://git.io/vMJuA
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<hodapp> are there any guides on how I might use nix-shell to walk through an existing build? I am vaguely aware that things like 'configurePhase' are available at the shell but I know little else
<LnL> you can use genericBuild to do everything at once
<LnL> I
<LnL> I'm not sure if we have a real guide for the steps
<hodapp> but how do I then get at particular parts of that?
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<LnL> unpackPhase; cd $sourceRoot; patchPhase; configurePhase; buildPhase; installPhase
<LnL> ^ that's the basic stuff, but you might have to use eval "$configurePhase" for some derivations
<hodapp> this is a pretty standard CMake build luckily
<simpson> Is it possible to build Hydra without aws-sdk-cpp? I can't build Hydra from master right now because it's broken.
<LnL> yeah I saw, but I have no idea
<simpson> I like how the Hydra expression has a custom aws-sdk-cpp that pulls from a custom repository and has custom flags, *but* it's not possible to build a non-AWS Hydra.
<simpson> Not all of us use AWS, after all...
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<hodapp> LnL: those are all exposed as shell commands?
<LnL> functions yes
<kmicu> There is an example in ‘Examples’ section on http://nixos.org/nix/manual/#sec-nix-shell ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
<LnL> but if the derivation sets the attributes you have to eval the env variables instead
<hodapp> hrmph, darktable's build is just producing a binary that can't seem to find libdarktable.so
<LnL> yeah that's what it looks like
<hodapp> this seems to be before any of the stuff stdenv might do to rejigger the library paths
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<slack1256> Can I run gui apps on nixos-containers?
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<mitchty> quick question, i found that 7 packages build fine on darwin by just modifying the platforms used, should I submit a different pull reqquest for each package or can I do one omnibus update?
<LnL> nah, just group them
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<hodapp> gaaaack. I wonder if it's even worth my time to grok this CMake monstrosity, or if I should just figure out how to patch the executable to point to the right library
<LnL> don't look at me, I've tried to remove curl as a dependency of cmake a few weeks ago and I'm still confused :)
<hodapp> :P
<mitchty> just to make sure i format the commit message right, can't find anything quick on the wiki on it should the commit be something like multiple: Allow on non linux platforms
<LnL> hodapp: patchelf --replace-needed libdarktable.so $out/lib/libdarktable.so $out/bin/darktable
<LnL> I think
<LnL> mitchty: I would create separate commits
<mitchty> LnL: roger that
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<hodapp> LnL: oh, I'll try that
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<LnL> hodapp: or you could add $out/lib to the rpath with patchelf --set-rpath
<m3tti> hi there
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<m3tti> i'm trying to get emacs25 with xwidgets
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<m3tti> the default.nix says there is an argument called withXidgets
<hodapp> LnL: I think it's just the one library, but I'm still scratching my head at why a build would seemingly just generate a b0rked binary
<m3tti> bu when i user pkgs.emacs24.override with the option it breaks the build
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<kmicu> ‘pkgs.emacs24.override’ or ‘pkgs.emacs25.override’?
<m3tti> i still don't understand how the override process works and how i get to know what possible options are available for a package?
<m3tti> emacs25 kmicu
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<hodapp> LnL: hmm, so just stick that in postInstall or something?
<LnL> yes
<hodapp> ahh, wait, slightly trickier because darktable's a wrapper, not a binary
<kmicu> m3tti: compiling in progress ‘nix-shell --pure -p 'emacs25.override { withGTK3 = true; withGTK2 = false; withXwidgets = true; }'’. What was your error message?
<m3tti> i've done it with the system nix package
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<m3tti> emacs25 = pkgs.emacs25.override {
<m3tti> withXwidgets = true;
<m3tti> };
<hodapp> so I see $out/bin/.darktable-wrapped, but is that a name I can rely on? How would I avoid hard-coding it?
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<LnL> can't you patch it before it's wrapped?
<hodapp> I don't know what's responsible for wrapping it or when
<LnL> there's no wrapProgram or makeWrapper in the derivation?
<m3tti> error: assertion failed at /nix/store/vv7cy3jwrqln5hgzkwpjp3ava3aicgbr-nixos-16.09.1038.a6728e1/nixos/pkgs/applications/edito
<m3tti> rs/emacs-25/default.nix:18:1 kmicu
<hodapp> nope
<kmicu> m3tti: Ah, so it’s an assertion during evaluation, not during emacs building process. Try with additional withGTK* overrides.
<Mic92> Is it already known where the nixos assembly at 33c3 will be?
<hodapp> LnL: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/graphics/darktable/default.nix this is basically it. My only changes have been bumping up version and sha256.
<LnL> hodapp: It's probably a setup hook, I'm not familiar with wrapGAppsHook
<hodapp> ahhh
<LnL> hodapp: try preFixup
<hodapp> and that should be pre-wrapping?
<m3tti> kmicu: still the same
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<kmicu> m3tti: could you share the executed command and the error message?
<m3tti> aaaah now i know how it works! i guess :-/
<m3tti> kmicu: assert withXwidgets -> withGTK3 && webkitgtk24x != null; thats the assertion
<m3tti> so i've to enable gtk and webkitgtk
<m3tti> right
<kmicu> It’s a terrible code, nothing more :)
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<codygman> I have a Haskell package I'm trying to use but when I invoke 'nix-shell --pure' I get the error "error: attribute ‘ghc802’ missing, at /home/cody/sources/inline-java/shell.nix:15:9". I'm guessing the attribute ghc802 is either an alias the creator of that package has in their nixconfig or ghc802 is a now deprecated path? I'm using nixos 16.09.1368.435b5f8.
<kmicu> (withXwidgets should set everything for the user.)
<m3tti> kmicu: yes. but how could i fix that right now :-D
<LnL> codygman: are you using a channel?
<kmicu> codygman: there is no 802 in your Nixpkgs revision ‘nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -qaP -A haskell.compiler -I nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/435b5f8.tar.gz’
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mitchty opened pull request #21431: Not only linux (master...not-only-linux) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21431
<LnL> it was just added to master
<codygman> LnL: I'm using channel: nixos https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-16.09
<kmicu> (This is why it’s a little bit shame that users of ‘purely functional’ package manager do not specify Nixpkgs revision explicitly.)
<codygman> LnL: Ah, okay I guess I need to use unstable nix again.
<codygman> nixos*
<LnL> codygman: yeah it's definitely not going to be in there yet
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<LnL> might not even be in any channel yet
<kmicu> m3tti: do you want to fix it as in use Emacs with XWidgets or re–implement the override and fix it for future users ;)?
<codygman> LnL: Grr... It was a little annoying to see "oh cool a shell.nix!" and then get an error when building ;)
<kmicu> You can import correct Nixpkgs revision directly in shell.nix and make the example fully reproducible.
<m3tti> kmicu: first of all i would like to fix it for me and afterwords i'm trying to fix it for all. But now i want my emacs with xwidgets XD
<LnL> codygman: it's on the way, but might take a bit before it reaches the nixos channels
<codygman> kmicu: Really? I didn't know that was possible.
<codygman> kmicu: Thanks!
<LnL> if you just want the packages you can do that in the meantime
<kmicu> m3tti: what about ‘nix-shell --pure -p 'emacs25.override { withGTK3 = true; withGTK2 = false; withXwidgets = true; }' --command emacs’ ?
<m3tti> works
<kmicu> codygman: you could use ‘fetchTarball https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/e45e777c373c14b744b2940.tar.gz’, b/c it’s less expensive than git–cloning whole Nixpkgs repository.
<codygman> kmicu: Good point. Thanks
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<m3tti> kmicu: what? why do i have to set withGTK2 = false when i've told the function withGTK3 = true ?
<kmicu> B/c the code is not optimal.
<kmicu> 😻
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #21428: crystal: fix build in chroot environment (master...fix/crystal-lang) https://git.io/vMJCp
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/34cc46bfa7b6...5d4894f3bc13
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a092227 mingchuan: crystal: fix build in chroot environment...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5d4894f Daiderd Jordan: Merge pull request #21428 from sifmelcara/fix/crystal-lang...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #21431: Not only linux (master...not-only-linux) https://git.io/vMJ2b
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 8 new commits to master: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/5d4894f3bc13...72cc140c9396
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1942520 Mitch Tishmack: cscope: refactor allow builds on non linux
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 124f817 Mitch Tishmack: duplicity: refactor allow builds on non linux
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e898a50 Mitch Tishmack: duply: refactor allow builds on non linux
<mitchty> danke LnL
<hodapp> hrm, why do I keep getting things like "mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/nix/store/z7xdrr27mmg1qi9czqf7g8ya1n6vp5nh-darktable-2.2.0’: Read-only file system" when running genericBuild in nix-shell?
<LnL> mitchty: :D
<LnL> I wish we could fix more packages like that
<mitchty> indeed
<mitchty> i just turned off my ignore stuff to see what was linux only that i've been using for ages
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<LnL> hodapp: you can't write to the nix store in a shell
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<LnL> hodapp: export out=$PWD/tmp
<hodapp> ahh okay
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<hodapp> now the wrapped binary isn't dynamic either, and 'darktable' just segfaults at startup. WHO FUX0RED THIS BUILD AND WHY >:O
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<LnL> does the output of ldd look correct?
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<hodapp> after "export out=$PWD/tmp" genericBuild still isn't working in the shell; something failed at "-- Installing: /nix/store/z7xdrr27mmg1qi9czqf7g8ya1n6vp5nh-darktable-2.2.0/share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/darktable.mo"
<hodapp> does some other variable need to be set?
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<hodapp> hm, I see prefix=/nix/store/z7xdrr27mmg1qi9czqf7g8ya1n6vp5nh-darktable-2.2.0
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<hodapp> ugh, something is wrong when I build this way. It doesn't even make the wrappers, and in $out/bin it just has a single file (named *) which is the wrapper script
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<hodapp> likewise libexec
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<hodapp> and I see "Wrapping app /home/hodapp/nixpkgs/darktable-tmp/out_tmp/bin/*", "mv: cannot stat '/home/hodapp/nixpkgs/darktable-tmp/out_tmp/bin/*': No such file or directory"... but I don't get why
<hodapp> "stat: No such file or directory" is above that just after post-installation fixup
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<LnL> hodapp: you should probably switch to nix-build at this point
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<hodapp> how will that help?
<hodapp> hmm, I am wondering if my current issue is because I set preFixup when I needed to append something to it
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<hodapp> ugh, this is making no sense. preFixup runs "patchelf --replace-needed libdarktable.so /nix/store/m8cffzsq6knp020zlbxxicyaljrwsdpy-darktable-2.2.0/lib/libdarktable.so /nix/store/m8cffzsq6knp020zlbxxicya
<hodapp> ...ljrwsdpy-darktable-2.2.0/bin/darktable"
<hodapp> after which I see "wrapping app /nix/store/m8cffzsq6knp020zlbxxicyaljrwsdpy-darktable-2.2.0/bin/darktable" and so on
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<nixos> euhm
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<arianvp2> How do I find doucmentation or source code of functions like
<arianvp2> mkOption, optionalAttrs
<arianvp2> etc?
<hodapp> running 'ldd' on the .darktable-wrapped says it's not a dynamic executable, but every other .darktable-*-wrapped binary (there are several) is dynamic
<arianvp2> What is the difference between
<arianvp2> require =
<arianvp2> and import =
<arianvp2> in configuration.nix?
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<LnL> hodapp: it's wrapped more then once?
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<hodapp> LnL: there are several binaries that are being wrapped
<LnL> oh, perhaps one of the other ones might be causing the issues then
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<schoppenhauer> hi. I want to install clang and gcc side by side, and I get the error message that I have to set a priority. I tried nix-env --set-flag priority 100 nixos.llvmPackages.clang-unwrapped, nix-env --set-flag priority 100 llvmPackages.clang-unwrapped, nix-env --set-flag priority 100 clang-unwrapped, but I always get the error message "error: selector ‘clang-unwrapped’ matches no derivations" or similar.
<schoppenhauer> what does --set-flag want?
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<schoppenhauer> also clang-3.7.1 or just clang does not work
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<schoppenhauer> gah
<schoppenhauer> nix-env --set-flag only works for installed packages, wtf?
<hodapp> LnL: all the binaries seem to have the issue of not being able to find libdarktable.so, but I'm only trying to correct it (so far) on one
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<hodapp> but it is only on darktable/.darktable-wrapped that ldd shows the binary as not even being dynamic
<hodapp> I also run 'ldd' immediately after patchelf in preFixup to see, and it looks correct there
<hodapp> so I'm very confused
<hodapp> I don't know *what* it is if not dynamic, and that it segfaults when I try to run it
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<hodapp> so, everything seems fine, then wrapGAppsHook runs and everything is fucked up
<hodapp> from what I understand
<hodapp> but I can't really see anything about what wrapGAppsHook does or why, so I'm still quite a bit lost, because it looks to me like this *should* be a simple thing to fix with 'patchelf'
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<hodapp> 'file' thinks .darktable-wrapped is dynamically linked. 'ldd' doesn't.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/5ba7f33e3a4f8ebee9944e5e7f092edf4cb57f3e
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5ba7f33 Tuomas Tynkkynen: linux_testing: 4.9-rc8 -> 4.10-rc1
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<arianvp2> Can anybody explain this line?
<arianvp2> where does "config.idsluids.nginx" come from?
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<slack1256> If I don't want to install gnome, how can I provide (locally) GSettings schemas for my own code?
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<hodapp> yeah, as far as I can tell, wrapGAppsHook is just corrupting the binary in some incomprehensible way, *if* I use patchelf on it during 'preFixup'. If I instead use patchelf on the wrapped binaries in postFixup, it seems to work.
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