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<spacekitteh> how can i define a nix-shell environment in my configuration.nix? i've tried every way i can think of :\
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] wizeman closed pull request #21295: ocamlPackages.containers: 0.20 -> 0.22 (master...containers-0.22) https://git.io/v1buL
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] wizeman pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v1A5t
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1b79847 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.containers: 0.20 -> 0.22
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 04a9e07 Ricardo M. Correia: Merge pull request #21295 from vbgl/containers-0.22...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] elitak opened pull request #21324: top-level: missing parentheses (master...parens) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21324
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<manveru> spacekitteh: what do you try to do?
<Mic92> spacekitteh: buildEnv
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<spacekitteh> manveru: Mic92: trying to define a bunch of environments in another file, and then add it to my imports [ ];
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 opened pull request #21326: docker: update service units from upstream (master...docker) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21326
<manveru> not sure how that's related to nix-shell?
<Mic92> spacekitteh: what is an environment in your case, imports [] loads modules.
<spacekitteh> as in, instead of keeping a bunch of copies of a shell.nix in various directories which require the same build environment, i can just do like nix-shell "my-env" or whatever
<spacekitteh> Mic92: hmm
<Mic92> spacekitteh: ok, then you packageOverides
<Mic92> *you can use packageOverrides
<spacekitteh> how?
<Mic92> spacekitteh: you can define use mkDervivation or buildEnv and assign them to a new package in name in packageOverrides. similar to https://github.com/kamilchm/.nixpkgs/blob/master/config.nix#L31
<Ralith> tmobile: existing packages seem to just install rules to $(out)/lib/udev/rules.d
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<Mic92> sorry, its late and my language seems to fade away
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<spacekitteh> hmm
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<Mic92> spacekitteh: packageOverrides can be also in a different file, which you can add to imports [ ];
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<Mic92> spacekitteh: do you want to write some?
<spacekitteh> Mic92: once i figure it out i might
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<Mic92> spacekitteh: what is missing, from what I explained?
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<spacekitteh> i'm not sure
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<Mic92> spacekitteh: the basic idea is to create meta packages, which capture all dependencies. These can be then imported.
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<spacekitteh> hmm, i see
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<gchristensen> ToxicFrog: ping now?
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<spacekitteh> Mic92: i don't suppose you could write a toy example configuration.nix + environments.nix ? i still haven't really grokked the nix language yet
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<ToxicFrog> gchristensen: ack
<ToxicFrog> gchristensen: that said, in general, if you have something to say to/ask me, just do it and I'll fish it out of the logs when next I can.
<gchristensen> ToxicFrog: may I PM?
<ToxicFrog> of course
<avn> spacekitteh: http://github.com/avnik/nixos-configs/ (with $hostname.nix as starting point)
<avn> spacekitteh: good example of "how to split configs" ;)
<spacekitteh> avn: pretty
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<spacekitteh> avn: is ./localhost.nix special syntax? or do you manually change it on each box?
<avn> spacekitteh: really I checkout that repo as /etc/nixos/nixos-configs/ and copy configuration.nix.in as /etc/nixos/configuration.nix with s/localhost.nix/realhostname.nix/
* spacekitteh nods
<avn> (altough I plan migration to ./hosts/$hostname/default.nix)
<avn> or I not catched your question
<spacekitteh> that's really awesome and i definitely plan on using your setup as an example but i don't think it's what i'm trying to achieve right now
<spacekitteh> i'm trying to set up a bunch of different nix-shell development environments in my configuration.nix
<spacekitteh> instead of having copies of them scattered everywhere
<avn> spacekitteh: look on ./envs/*.nix
<avn> but it use bit deprecated myEnvFun
<spacekitteh> what should it use instead?
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<avn> spacekitteh: no idea, may be someone (or even I am) revamp myEnvFun to something more useful
<spacekitteh> hmm
<avn> or just copy definitions, when it finally deprecated and kicked off
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<avn> I like idea of build all my environments at once at system build time
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<spacekitteh> atm i'm using pkgs.buildFHSUserEnv for an android build environment
<avn> idk about android really
<spacekitteh> yeah that doesn't really matter, but it does give me an "env"
<spacekitteh> which can be directly nix-shell'd into
<chachi> What is the command to restart my wireless connection? I am using xmonad, no kde4 or anything.
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<spacekitteh> avn: so, looking at your envs/haskell.nix, how do you nix-shell into it?
<spacekitteh> just nix-shell haskellEnv ?
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<avn> spacekitteh: load-env-haskell
<avn> spacekitteh: myEnvFun generate load-env-${name}
<spacekitteh> hmm ok
<avn> better look golang.nix, or wine.nix, I used them daily long time
<avn> on haskell one I experimented a bit ;)
<avn> not sure if it working version in github
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<gchristensen> nathan7: maybe I'm wrong? I thought it was changed away from 0:)
<spacekitteh> now i keep getting this error: cannot convert a function to JSON
<spacekitteh> :(
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<nathan7> gchristensen: that test would be succeeding if it were
<nathan7> gchristensen: seccomp was turned off, uid0 is still in use
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<gchristensen> nathan7: you're saying hydra hasn't been deployed this commit? https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/3a4bd320c2c4043a4b1f73406030e9afc0677b59
<gchristensen> or: that commit doesn't do what I think it does?
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<nathan7> gchristensen: that appears to actually do the thing
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<gchristensen> nathan7: ie: it should be running as 1000?
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<nathan7> gchristensen: I think so
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<nathan7> the issue you're pointing at is May 2015, and was fixed long before 1.6 even was released
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<nathan7> it seems to be failing with EINVAL though
<gchristensen> yeah, I saw that :/ I was really hoping that patch would help
<nathan7> which seems like something weirder is up that we should fix
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<gchristensen> that could be :)
<gchristensen> the trouble is I don't even know where to start on that issue, it sounds like you have way more clue than I do!
<spacekitteh> so i get this error: fatal: unable to access 'https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo/': SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
<nathan7> I happen to be familiar with the internals of that part of the Go stdlib
<spacekitteh> any idea what causes it?
<nathan7> spacekitteh: lack of system roots
<nathan7> spacekitteh: or out-of-date system roots
<spacekitteh> how do i update them
<spacekitteh> just nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade?
<nathan7> I've had `environment.variables.SSL_CERT_FILE = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt";` set for ages because otherwise nix-shell goes ahead and overrides them
<nathan7> (when inside nix-shell)
<spacekitteh> the new cert is only a week old and i haven't rebuilt in over a week
<spacekitteh> it's not a root cert tho :\
<nathan7> it wouldn't be
<nathan7> root certificates are the internet equivalent of nuclear materials
<spacekitteh> indeed :V
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<nathan7> (for one, if you're playing with them, an awful lot of "national security" folks start showing an interest in you)
<spacekitteh> :V
<gchristensen> they're semi-important ;)
<spacekitteh> i dream for a day when CAs are no more
<spacekitteh> XD
<spacekitteh> but yeah
<spacekitteh> how can i fix this?
<spacekitteh> :\
<nathan7> not sure, seems to work with my not-too-recent roots?
<spacekitteh> exact command: repo init -u http://github.com/CopperheadOS/platform_manifest.git -b nougat-mr1-release
<nathan7> oh boy
<spacekitteh> yeah. fucking repo.
<nathan7> my primary reaction was "oh god, strcat"
<spacekitteh> rofl
<spacekitteh> why?
<spacekitteh> pm me if you want
<nathan7> uh, let's call it drama
<gchristensen> spacekitteh: try manually setting SSL_CERT_FILE to ${pkgs.cacert}/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.crt (or whatever)
<spacekitteh> in configuration.nix?
<gchristensen> just in your shell right wehn you call repo
<gchristensen> (you'll have to resolve the path to the bundle by hand)
<spacekitteh> bleh ok
<spacekitteh> fffff so many copies of it apparently
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<gchristensen> nathan7: any luck re go?
<nathan7> gchristensen: it's easy to reproduce
<gchristensen> oh?
<nathan7> I'm just confused why this is happening
<gchristensen> heh
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<nathan7> gchristensen: like, sendmsg shouldn't return EINVAL for this case, ever
<gchristensen> yikes :/ how did you reproduce?
<nathan7> run go test
<nathan7> repeat, but inside `unshare -U`
<nathan7> I can't really strace it though
<nathan7> oh, here we go
<gchristensen> nathan7: I am grateful you're looking in to this, by the way.
<nathan7> I do consider keeping Go working in nixpkgs my duty q=
<gchristensen> <3
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<spacekitteh> gchristensen: looks like it's an openssl bug to do with the new google internet authority g2 certificate
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<gchristensen> huh
<nathan7> April 14th, 2015
<spacekitteh> yeah i know nathan7 that's for a different cert but it looks like it's the same problem
<nathan7> the G2 cert serves google.com, ftr
<spacekitteh> can u try just curl -v https://google.com ?
<spacekitteh> and copy to me the output
<nathan7> sure, but cloning the repo works for me
<gchristensen> same
<spacekitteh> hmmmmmm
<spacekitteh> ok
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<spacekitteh> ta
<spacekitteh> actually this probably has osmething to do with it: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/811b876fab58ba8795727b35897f9d35f7aa9407
<gchristensen> erm, from >2 months ago?
<spacekitteh> ...hmm
<gchristensen> which reverted a commit from moments before
<spacekitteh> SSL_CERT_FILE isn't being set *shrugs* nor is NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE
<spacekitteh> nor GIT_SSL_CAINFO
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<spacekitteh> hmm, i can't even clone nixpkgs over https anymore it looks like
<spacekitteh> oh, yes i can. hmm.
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<gchristensen> nathan7: I'm going to bed while I bisect nixpkgs.
<spacekitteh> gchristensen: can you tell me what `openssl ca` gives you?
<spacekitteh> or not
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<spacekitteh> nathan7: can u? :P
<nathan7> gchristensen: I blame the kernel
<spacekitteh> nite gchristensen
<nathan7> gchristensen: this is not Go's fault
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<gchristensen> nathan7: what is your TZ?
<nathan7> gchristensen: currently… EST-ish?
<gchristensen> nathan7: same... talk in ~8-10hrs?
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<spacekitteh> hmm ok
<nathan7> gchristensen: I guess, yeah
<nathan7> waaaiiit
<nathan7> I think I just grasped this
<nathan7> haha nope
<gchristensen> nathan7: I have high hopes :P talk to you soon
<nathan7> I know where the EINVAL comes from
<nathan7> this is dumb
<spacekitteh> i'll see if it's due to using libressl
<gchristensen> nathan7: oh..! do share! I can stay up for interesting news :P
<nathan7> gchristensen: like, it attempts to make a kuid/kgid using the userns + uid/gid pairs
<nathan7> gchristensen: if that fails, scm_check_creds returns EINVAL
<nathan7> gchristensen: which is weird, it should be able to construct a kuid/kgid for 0/0 inside the userns, as long as *something* is mapped to root
<gchristensen> ... huh...
<nathan7> gchristensen: (and the scm_check_creds error return is passed straight through)
<nathan7> I think there might be something wrong with how we construct the userns
<gchristensen> ok
<gchristensen> well, I really do need to go now. let's talk tomorrow, and maybe update https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/21145 with your findings? thank you, nathan7
<gchristensen> good night
<nathan7> yeah I'm going to pass out
<spacekitteh> ahhhhhhhhhh
<spacekitteh> libssh2 requires an update so it works with libressl!
<spacekitteh> or more accurately
<spacekitteh> the nix expression needs to be updated for the latest version
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] spacekitteh opened pull request #21328: libssh2: 1.7.0 -> 1.8.0 (master...patch-22) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21328
<spacekitteh> gchristensen: ;-; four minutes too late
<sheenobu> anyone running nixos on a minibook, microbook, netbook, or one of those tablet+keyboard things?
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<spacekitteh> gchristensen: yep that was the problem, libssh2 needed to be updated to the newest version 'cus of libressl!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] benley closed pull request #21323: nixos/prometheus: add services.prometheus.configText option (master...prometheus) https://git.io/v1AyK
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<ToxicFrog> argh what is this
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<ToxicFrog> [root@thoth:/etc/nixos]# nix-env -qa --arg config '{ allowUnfree = true; }' | grep sublimetext3
<ToxicFrog> sublimetext3-3114
<ToxicFrog> latest version is 3126 and the derivation in nixpkgs was updated to that three months ago
<ToxicFrog> And I did a nix-channel --update a few days ago
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<ToxicFrog> it is too late to be debugging this but I will definitely be poking at it in the morning
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<Rotaerk_> is there some way to mark a derivation as something that may produce a different result if it's run at a later time? I have one that's fetching files from elsewhere, and if they change, running the derivation again will produce different files
<Rotaerk_> but it seems that when I run the derivation again, it just points me straight to the location in the store that houses what was originally generated
<Rotaerk_> or maybe a way to explicitly tell it to re-run it
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<ToxicFrog> Oh, I see the problem -- it's up to date in master but not in release-16.09
<Rotaerk_> yay, got my nix expression working that allows cabal2nix to be called for hackage packages from within nix
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<dubbelosix> hello...nix newbie here, i'm trying out the process of installing the hello world package using nix...I have my hello.nix file with the necessary functions, is there no way for me to call this directly without using all-packges.nix as the tutorial suggests?
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<AtnNn> dubbelosix: yes, you could use something like `(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage'
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<moet> i have services.redshift.enable set to true in my configuration.nix, but i noticed that redshift usually doesn't adjust for different times of day
<moet> i've also set the lat/lon correctly
<moet> so i've come here simply to ask if there's a way i can restart the service
<moet> it's visible under `systemctl status` but i can't seem to call `systemctl restart redshift` or anything similar with success
<moet> hmm.. i just did pkill redshift and something restarted it..
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volhovM opened pull request #21329: scudcloud: 1.35 -> 1.38 (master...update/scudcloud-1.38) https://git.io/v1xZ2
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<Ralith> moet: I think the redshift service has been broken for ages
<Ralith> I just run it as a user
<Ralith> judging by the logs, the service doesn't pass the right command line args
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<moet> Ralith: could this be a newb's first nixos pr?
<moet> or do you mean the service itself is broken
<Ralith> the service, which is defined as part of nixos, looked broken to me
<Ralith> it's probably not a super difficult fix
<LnL> the service module, so it might be pretty straight forward
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<Ralith> step one would be looking at the logs + redshift docs yourself
<LnL> moet: in case you're not sure where to look https://search.nix.gsc.io/?q=redshift&i=nope&files=&repos=
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<moet> ok.. i'll look into it
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<tommyangelo> so I made a shell.nix which looks like this: http://pastebin.com/PeeCF0vw but when I run nix-shell in that directory, the docker-compose command is not available. What am I doing wrong?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/v1xBI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7e317d4 Peter Simons: LTS Haskell 7.14
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8809fa3 Peter Simons: configuration-hackage2nix.yaml: update list of failing builds
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3dad763 Peter Simons: python-pyflakes: trigger re-build to fix transient error on Hydra
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<Samvh> hi! can someone here tell me which package contains "make"?
<Samvh> I know nixos doesn't really use the make/make install routine
<Samvh> but for a vim plugin I need to make some library
<LnL> gnumake
<Samvh> ok thanks!
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<spacekitteh> hmm, why would me updating libssh2 from 1.7->1.8 cause g++ to have an internal failure while compiling cmake...
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<LnL> what... no idea
<LnL> wait, cmake does depend on openssl through curl and libarchive
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra closed pull request #20929: boehm-gc: 7.2g -> 7.6.0 (master...boehm-7.6.0) https://git.io/v14Rd
<niksnut> simpson: yes, please send to the mailing list
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<LnL> we are back over 300 PRs
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<page> alkj
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<olejorgenb> What to do when a package contains shell scripts which depends on some binaries?
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<olejorgenb> that won't be picked up by the automatically dependency detection? (or - I can't see how that would work at least)
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<LnL> not entirely sure how it works, but nix does look at the package output to determine runtime dependencies
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] olejorgenb opened pull request #21331: nix-zsh-completions: 0.2 -> 0.3 (master...nix-zsh-completions-update) https://git.io/v1x6b
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<Mic92> olejorgenb: you can use a wrapper to extend PATH
<Mic92> olejorgenb: take a look at makeWrapper
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<olejorgenb> Mic92: thanks, but my case is actually a bit worse, since the shell scripts are zsh completion functions. Ie. they are sourced, not executed
<Mic92> olejorgenb: these binaries are meant for interactive usuage?
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<Mic92> usage
<olejorgenb> in this particular case I don't think it's actually a problem though. I only depend on coreutils and nix, and it doesn't make sense to use the package without those programs in the path
<olejorgenb> ic92: yes, they define how "nix" is completed in zsh. (so to clearify: the scripts/shell-code isn't meant to be run, but to be sourced by zsh. The binaries used inside the script is in this case nix, find, etc)
<oleks> Hi, can someone explain how it is intended that I modify my PATH variable (among other shell profile-related tasks) in NixOS? It seems that my .bash_profile is never loaded on login with slim.
<Mic92> oleks: does bashrc works for you?
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<oleks> Mic92: yes
<Mic92> oleks: slim does probably not run your desktop environment through a login shell.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #21331: nix-zsh-completions: 0.2 -> 0.3 (master...nix-zsh-completions-update) https://git.io/v1x6b
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v1xP3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 52a220a Ole Jørgen Brønner: nix-zsh-completions: 0.2 -> 0.3
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<LnL> nice! those are the attribute completion changes right?
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<olejorgenb> LnL: yes
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* LnL runs git pull
<olejorgenb> LnL: great if you test it out
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<LnL> nix-build -A <tab>
<olejorgenb> Myself my brother have used it for about 6 months, but the possibility of config differences causing trouble is always there I guess
<LnL> this is awesome!
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<olejorgenb> LnL: yep, it makes it much nicer to work on the command line. It would be nice with descriptions (like apt-get have), but we haven't figured out how to make that fast. (ie. avoiding evaluation almost all derivations ^^)
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<LnL> right, I don't think you can query meta without evaluating the drv
<olejorgenb> yep, and then the only option left is caching - not sure if it's worth it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v1xXE
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 17322ca Hoang Xuan Phu: certbot: 0.6.0 -> 0.9.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5a31ad1 Hoang Xuan Phu: simp_le: switch to zenhack/simp_le...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #21174: certbot: 0.6.0 -> 0.9.3 (master...certbot-0.9.3) https://git.io/v1Skd
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<rly> Can I run kernel 4.9 already on 16.09?
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<rly> I guess the answer is no, and unstable doesn't work because of broken flash.
<rly> If either of those change, I would be interested in hearing about it. 4.9 also fixes ethernet over usb-3.0 from what I can see.
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<ikwildrpepper> rly: you could run the kernel of master/unstable with the rest of 16.09
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<ikwildrpepper> just import unstable and set kernel packages from there
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<ikwildrpepper> rly: something like: boot.kernelPackages = (import /path/to/nixpkgs-master {}).linuxPackages_4_9 ;
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<rly> ikwildrpepper: if I do that I get a complaint about allowUnfree missing, but I already have that exact line in my configuration in the right place.
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<rly> ikwildrpepper: I suspect this happens, because I use multiple nixpkgs trees.
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<gchristensen> niksnut: nathan7 says that Go error is: it attempts to make a kuid/kgid using the userns + uid/gid pairs. if that fails, scm_check_creds returns EINVAL. which is weird, it should be able to construct a kuid/kgid for 0/0 inside the userns, as long as *something* is mapped to root. I think there might be something wrong with how we construct the userns. -- is that possible?
<rly> ikwildrpepper: so, while I do applaud the error message, I suspect it's not an accurate error message, because it makes assumptions over the specific configuration one is using.
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<ikwildrpepper> rly: something like: boot.kernelPackages = (import /path/to/nixpkgs-master { config.allowUnfree = true; }).linuxPackages_4_9 ;
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<ikwildrpepper> (just guessing here :)
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<rly> ikwildrpepper: good guess. I tried foo = import path {}; and then foo.config.allowUnfree = true, but that didn't work.
<rly> I don't know why, though.
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<rly> Virtualbox breaks with 4.9, so I suppose this is not going to work for now.
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<niksnut> gchristensen: nothing is mapped to root in the user namespace
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<niksnut> there is only one user in the sandbox (uid=1000, gid=100)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #21317: libupnp: 1.6.20 -> 1.6.21 (master...libupnp-1.6.21) https://git.io/v1AWn
<LnL> niksnut: that might explain the go failure IIRC
<gchristensen> niksnut: oh I see... I don't know, then, maybe there should be something mapped to root? I'm out of my real area of knowledge here, I'm just a bit desperate for 16.09 to be back to around 90 failing packages.
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<niksnut> I don't think that's possible (unless we allocate multiple host uids to the sandbox)
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<gchristensen> I see
<niksnut> the question is why does the go test encounter a 0/0 uid
<gchristensen> I suppose I don't know. https://code.nathan7.eu/paste/yw1edqyg?go is his reproducible test case
<LnL> while that's true, it looks like an acceptable assumption to make
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<LnL> I'm not sure how I feel about stuff like this that fails on hydra but works fine for people locally
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #21329: scudcloud: 1.35 -> 1.38 (master...update/scudcloud-1.38) https://git.io/v1xZ2
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v1x7Y
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master de68384 Mikhail Volkhov: scudcloud: 1.35 -> 1.38
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8e08ed1 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #21329 from volhovM/update/scudcloud-1.38...
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<gchristensen> niksnut: can you be around in a few hours when nathan7 is around?
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<LnL> it's the EPERM part that failed right?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to release-16.09: https://git.io/v1x7B
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 3fcbcf2 Eelco Dolstra: Work around slowness in the KDE 5 test...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 1138b9a Eelco Dolstra: Disable unionfs-fuse for the hibernate test...
<LnL> gchristensen: do you know if anybody tried to patch it?
<gchristensen> no I don't, I think nathan7 is probably the one to do that though, he apparently has deep knowledge of that part of go
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<LnL> ah that's great
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<LnL> if that's the only thing in nixpkgs that wants a root user we should just disable/fix that test
<MoreTea> 'afternoon
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<MoreTea> which of the jobsets in http://hydra.nixos.org/project/nixos is the `unstable` channel?
<LnL> gchristensen: do you know if there is other stuff that runs into the same issue?
<gchristensen> no
<gchristensen> MoreTea: trunk-combined
<LnL> so it's the only thing?
<MoreTea> thanks. I should learn more about Hydra
<gchristensen> LnL: no, I just don't know :)
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<LnL> alright, I'll look around tonight
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rardiol opened pull request #21333: nrg2iso: init at 0.4.0 (master...nrg2iso) https://git.io/v1x5u
<gchristensen> that would be really helpful :)
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<LnL> that test looks very specific
<LnL> so if nothing else runs into issues when building without a root user there's probably not much point in worrying about it
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<gchristensen> LnL: if that is the answer, then it is the answer... but: it is testing what should be valid behavior
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<LnL> it does make assumptions
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<LnL> you could say it's similar to /bin/cp existing
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<gchristensen> are you looking at the reproduction he made, or the one in go's code?
<LnL> bbl
<gchristensen> ok
<gchristensen> thank you for helping! :)
<niksnut> the baffling thing about that go test is how it could *ever* have worked
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<niksnut> it attempts to send a credential that doesn't match the invoking process, which is not allowed
<nathan7> gchristensen: s/he/they/
<niksnut> ah, but it checks for EPERM
<nathan7> yeah
<nathan7> it specifically wants EPERM
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<nathan7> this works outside a userns
<gchristensen> nathan7: oh, I'm sorry, thank you
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<nathan7> yup it actually works if root is mapped in the userns
<gchristensen> nathan7: what do you think about lnl's just-disable-the-test approach?
<nathan7> I mean, that's obviously possible
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/v1xFL
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 1dd0fb6 Eelco Dolstra: Fix go test...
<nathan7> but writing `0 0 1` into the uid_map/gid_map when we set up the userns would also work
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<nathan7> …guess that's settled then
<niksnut> using a root user causes all sorts of other problems
<rly> ikwildrpepper: how do I control the version of virtualbox being built when I refer to module options to enable virtualbox? I want it to build the one from master.
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<nathan7> mkay
<rly> Someone already patched virtualbox to work with 4.9 in NixOS, which is very nice, but I need some way to control the version.
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<nathan7> niksnut: this isn't about running *as* root though
<nathan7> niksnut: this is about having the uid/gid mapped
<nathan7> niksnut: ie root existing inside the userns
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<niksnut> I'll try that
<niksnut> not sure whether that works for non-root (diverted store) sandbox builds
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<nathan7> /dev and stuff are owned by nobody inside the userns right now, I figure
<gchristensen> it does seem to be a fairly reasonable assumption that root will exist
<niksnut> I can't imagine many cases where that should matter really
<gchristensen> we apparently have about 26,000 cases where it doesn't :P
<niksnut> ?
<niksnut> oh
<gchristensen> the number of builds on hydra that do pass without root
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<kmicu> gchristensen: #nixos user peak: 498 (14d 23h ago) average: 465.48 users (29d period)
<gchristensen> kmicu: :)
<gchristensen> oh, jeeze, I think we're behind by dozens of patches on Xen ...
<gchristensen> I think almost all of these since September 20: https://xenbits.xen.org/xsa/
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<niksnut> nathan7: yeah, unfortunately the "0 0 1" doesn't work for the non-root host user case
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<niksnut> you need CAP_SETUID to make arbitrary uid mappings
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<steveeJ> how do I add a new CTAN package?
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<LnL> nathan7: are the files not still owned by uid=0, the user just doesn't exist
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #21318: ssrc: init at 1.33 (master...ssrc) https://git.io/v1ABR
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/8e08ed106237...4a795afdbce7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f4d1b6f Michiel Leenaars: ssrc: init at 1.33
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4a795af Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #21318 from leenaars/ssrc...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc opened pull request #21335: WIP: Roundup 14 (master...roundup-14) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21335
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gilligan opened pull request #21336: sauce-connect: 4.4.0 -> 4.4.2 (master...sauce-connect-4.4.2) https://git.io/v1xpL
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] taku0 opened pull request #21337: flashplayer: -> [Critical security fix] (master...flashplayer_24.0.0.186) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21337
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<gchristensen> fun, found we were behind by 11 patches on xuen
<gchristensen> xen*
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<gchristensen> niksnut: !!! it is working! thank you _so much_
<ToxicFrog> Hmm. Ok, so, release-16.09 still has sublime 3114
<ToxicFrog> But nixos-unstable has 3126
<ToxicFrog> So I use nix-channel to add unstable, nixos-rebuild...and nothing changes.
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<gchristensen> ToxicFrog: typically we only backport bug fixes and security issues to stable
<ToxicFrog> nix-env -qa lists both 3126 and 3114
<ToxicFrog> So it's picking up the packages from unstable just fine
<LnL> gchristensen: what changed?
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<ToxicFrog> But it won't include them in the build.
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<gchristensen> LnL: eelco changed the test to accept either EINVAL or EPERM :P
<LnL> ah :)
<ToxicFrog> gchristensen: right, I'm not arguing that 3126 should be in stable, I'm trying to figure out how to install it from unstable
<ToxicFrog> Does nix have some kind of "channel pinning" feature like SUSE that I'm running into here?
<kmicu> Do you want to install it as user with nix-env or system–wide in systemPackages?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg closed pull request #21333: nrg2iso: init at 0.4.0 (master...nrg2iso) https://git.io/v1x5u
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/44a8fb956e1490a5bf99ba977e2827c3cb45e6a9
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 44a8fb9 Ricardo Ardissone: nrg2iso: init at 0.4.0
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<gchristensen> aristid: can you revert your parted patch now?
<aristid> gchristensen: i did yesterday
<gchristensen> oh, excellent! one more thing off my todo list :)
<gchristensen> thank you!
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<ToxicFrog> kmicu: systemPackages
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/e0d1691ba3ceffe51efb0dfde285a3e29b0002fe
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e0d1691 Frederik Rietdijk: Docs Python: fix examples and links
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<kmicu> ‘nix-env’ is multi‐channel–aware, but for ‘nixos-rebuild’ you need to manually import an additional channel in configuration.nix.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/953fe37009f6117738a8c7f40b3cd7e5969eedfd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 953fe37 Eelco Dolstra: gcc: 6.2.0 -> 6.3.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to gcc-6: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/3373a55cacb8117a53d5ea3b01241177a975fa0b
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-6 3373a55 Eelco Dolstra: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into gcc-6
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nckx closed pull request #21336: sauce-connect: 4.4.0 -> 4.4.2 (master...sauce-connect-4.4.2) https://git.io/v1xpL
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nckx pushed 2 new commits to master: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/953fe37009f6...a211c1752ce3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7609b9a Tobias Pflug: sauce-connect: 4.4.0 -> 4.4.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a211c17 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice: Merge pull request #21336 from holidaycheck/sauce-connect-4.4.2...
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<ToxicFrog> kmicu: Aah. That would explain it.
<ToxicFrog> While I'm on the topic, *is* unstable what I want if I want something relatively up to date and rolling-release-ish, but not completely untested? Unstable still runs the tests on Hydra, right?
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<kmicu> NixOS shines here: try ‘nixos-unstable’ and if you don’t like it switch back to ‘nixos-16.09’. No harm, extremely easy. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
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<gchristensen> ~usually~
<kmicu> (You can also keep stable channel on system and install any new thing from unstable with ‘nix-env’. You can do that like with configuration.nix but in http://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-packageconfig and with ‘buildEnv’. That’s also described in second section on https://nixos.org/wiki/Howto_keep_multiple_packages_up_to_date_at_once )
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<kmicu> gchristensen: do you recall any problem with switching between the latest stable and unstable channel (modulo stateful junk in home dir)?
<gchristensen> kmicu: sometimes unstable will have a different schema version of the nix database, making switching back very difficult
<gchristensen> but that is basically it
<kmicu> I thought that stateVersion handles that.
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<gchristensen> no, stateVersion is only used for 1 or 2 things in nixpkgs that can't be updated
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<kmicu> That schema issue is still unclear to me. How many times did that change in the past in a breaking way? I hope Nix maintainers do not change it silently w/o an announcement.
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<kmicu> That “Warning: It is generally safe to switch back and forth between channels. The only exception is that a newer NixOS may also have a newer Nix version, which may involve an upgrade of Nix’s database schema. This cannot be undone easily, so in that case you will not be able to go back to your original channel.” is like half–pregnant woman ― ‘I’m generally pregnant’.
<copumpkin> niksnut: I raised this at some point in a vaguely related issue, but am curious if you have thoughts on a clang stdenv for linux
* kmicu wants to avoid situation like ‘they recommended switching between channels on #nixos/in manual and my system is broken now, what a garbage.’.
<gchristensen> kmicu: one minute, brb :)
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<mpickering> Can I use nix-shell -A and -p together?
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<kmicu> gchristensen: No rush. If there is a warning message like ‘Dave, I cannot downgrade to previous schema b/c …’ then it’s perfectly ok, but that’s not explained in manuals.
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<gchristensen> kmicu: I don't know what happens, but for example, if you use unstable and set nix.pkg to pkgs.nixUnstable, it'll use a new schema version from which you can't roll back easily.e
<kmicu> mpickering: not really, those flags are not designed for that.
<mpickering> what is the best way to modify the argument to -A to add the things I want to specify with -p?
<kmicu> gchristensen: but I could set nixUnstable on nixos-16.09 too to mitigate the problem?
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<gchristensen> kmicu: that may do the trick, right
<gchristensen> but you'll be unable to go back to stable nix in this situation
<gchristensen> and: if someone were in this position and reported such an issue, I suspect we'd backport nixUnstable updates to stnable
<mpickering> My actual problem is I have haskell binaries which are looking for libgmp and can't find it in the environment
<mpickering> perhaps I am trying to solve this the wrongw ay
<kmicu> gchristensen: Yep. Now, where are breaking changes in Nix announced? It sounds like important thing. ‘We are breaking schema now! Watch out!’.
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<gchristensen> no idea :)
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<kmicu> That’s my point :)
<gchristensen> you definitely have a point, no doubt
<gchristensen> you usually do
<kmicu> I will stop recommending mixing stable/unstable channels.
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<gchristensen> it is okay to use unstable with stable for individual packages, that isn't an issue at all
<kmicu> Keep stable on system, install unstable things with nix-shell/nix-env.
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<niksnut> copumpkin: you mean switch to clang by default?
<gchristensen> another thing that I try and keep in mind is unstable sometimes goes a long time without security patches, due to other breakage
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<jophish> I'm not able to update with --nix-channel, does anyone know what's up? https://gist.github.com/expipiplus1/dec5d7a2d8725a370d991a57834de38f
<kmicu> ToxicFrog: in your systemPackages you could drop ‘(import /root/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixos-unstable/default.nix {}).sublime3’. The correct location for your channel depends on executed nix-channel commands. Above is valid for ‘sudo nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable nixos-unstable’, and ‘sudo nix-channel --update’.
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<gchristensen> aaahhh! we might see a 16.09 channel update today!
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<ToxicFrog> quick! Everybody panic!
<kmicu> (Some people skip channels and use ‘((import (fetchTarball https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-unstable.tar.gz)) {}).sublime3’)
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<ToxicFrog> kmicu: awesome, thank you. (Do all channel definitions, including the ones the system was installed with, live in ~root/.nix-defexpr/channels/?)
<jophish> hmm, I'm able to run nix-channel --update from one user account, but not from another
<gchristensen> ToxicFrog: more like celebrate, we're coming up on 2 weeks without an update.
<ToxicFrog> gchristensen: apropos of this, how often does stable get version updates (as opposed to security fixes)? Is a new stable cut twice yearly? The names seem to imply that.
<kmicu> Only system channels, user channels are under /home/<user>/….
<jophish> that's weird, I restarted nix-daemon and it's working fine
<ToxicFrog> kmicu: right, I'm not using nix as not-root except for occasional nix-shell usage
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<ToxicFrog> But I'm also used to stuff in /root being "user specific stuff that belongs to root", like root's .bashrc
<ToxicFrog> It feels really weird to have system configuration stuff in there instead of in /etc
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<gchristensen> ToxicFrog: March and September is when new stable versions get released, and users of stable have to take action (ie: change their channel) to get the new stable version. almost immediately after a new stable version is released, the old stable version stops receiving updates
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<LnL> gchristensen: how is the 16.09 eval looking?
<gchristensen> LnL: 26047 pass / 68 fails / 40 queued, `tested` has no failures yet, so if all goes well we'll have an update
<ToxicFrog> Ok. And unstable gets frequent updates usually, but may be blocked by failing builds/tests for days or weeks at a time?
<ToxicFrog> And master is the YOLO channel
<gchristensen> LnL: 26060 pass / 68 fails / 27 queued
<ToxicFrog> What's `tested`?
<gchristensen> ToxicFrog: master is the unstable channel
<ToxicFrog> It is? argh
<gchristensen> `tested` is the job which dictates whether or not the current version has enough functionality to be released, ie: boots
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<LnL> ToxicFrog: I pull master like 10 times each day :)
<ToxicFrog> Is there a documented mapping of branch names to channel names somewhere?
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<gchristensen> http://howoldis.herokuapp.com/ will be helpful for some of that question
<LnL> gchristensen: nice!
<LnL> gchristensen: so basically go was doing something "weird"
<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> oh, what? 16.09 already got an update today *sigh of relief*
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<kmicu> Ah, 16.09 update, Guix release, new GCC… seasonal gifts all the way :)
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<itorres> hi, something funny is happening in my system
<ToxicFrog> gchristensen: oh, nice, that is handy.
<kmicu> Hi itorres what’s the problem?
<itorres> I install nixos.dictdWordnet and use it every other day
<itorres> I don't know in what moment it has stopped being linked into my system profile
<itorres> the derivation and the result are in the store, but not linked
<LnL> how did you "install" it?
<ToxicFrog> So what would go wrong if I depended on nixpkgs-unstable rather than nixos? CNF stops working?
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<itorres> it's in my /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and I install it with nixos-build switch
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<LnL> ToxicFrog: your system will build, but it might not work
<kmicu> Maybe boot is full or you are booting into a generation w/o dictdWordnet.
<ToxicFrog> (is nixpkgs-unstable intended for people using Nix without using NixOS?)
<gchristensen> right, ToxicFrog
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<gchristensen> ToxicFrog: the tests do other things like make sure the bootloader installs correctly
<LnL> ToxicFrog: yes, or for packages (you can add packages from an other version of nixpkgs to your systemPackages for example)
<kmicu> ToxicFrog: nixpkgs-unstable is not tested for NixOS and can brick your booting procedure. Do not recommend using it cuz it’s gives no benefits over nixos-unstable.
<ToxicFrog> Ok. So as a practical matter: if I'm using Nix on not-NixOS, I want nixos-unstable. On NixOS, nixos-<version> is well tested and updates frequently, but updates mainly focus on security/stability updates, not version bumps; every 6 months a new release is cut and switching to that channel gets me a whole pile of updates.
<itorres> mmhh, ok, running "for d in /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-*; do test -d $d/sw/share/dictd && echo $d ; done" I see that I "lost it" a couple of generations ago
<itorres> the funny thing is that it is in the configuration.nix file
<kmicu> Add a new package to systemPackages and check if it’s available after nixos-rebuild switch.
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<ToxicFrog> Meanwhile, nixos-unstable is based on nixpkgs master, and as a result tends to have more up to date software versions, but is less well tested and sometimes wedges completely and doesn't update at all for days/weeks while nixos-<version> is still getting security patches.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sifmelcara opened pull request #21339: crystal: init at 0.20.1 (master...add/crystal-lang) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21339
<ToxicFrog> Is this accurate?
<kmicu> ToxicFrog: for a standalone Nix you want ‘nixpkgs-unstable’ and that channel should be already set by default during installation.
<LnL> ToxicFrog: exactly, but you can mix and match by importing form another channel if you want newer stuff
* ToxicFrog nods
<LnL> that's the nice thing about nix
<ToxicFrog> So probably what I want here is to depend on nixos-<version>, switch channels promptly when a new release is cut, and if I need a more up to date version of a specific package, I import that from the unstable channel
<LnL> it doesn't matter if one of your packages depends on a newer glibc or whatever, you can just install it
<copumpkin> niksnut: yeah, or at least make such a package distro viable for linux
<copumpkin> would probably eliminate a lot of the friction with darwin
<LnL> that's an interesting idea
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<ToxicFrog> Would it be worth having a "nixos-latest" channel that always points to the latest nixos-<version>, so people don't have to manually switch channels on every release?
<copumpkin> of course, tons of packages today do stdenv.isDarwin when they mean stdenv.isLLVM
<gchristensen> ToxicFrog: that'd be pretty neat
<copumpkin> but that's stuff that we could fix
<ToxicFrog> gchristensen: should I open an issue for it?
<gchristensen> sure
* LnL should automate his pypi packages generation properly
<ToxicFrog> Is nixpkgs the right repo for that?
<itorres> ok, installed dmidecode, it gets installed under /bin, but there's no trace of the links to share :/
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<kmicu> Sole ‘nixos-latest’ alias could be dangerous, w/o a proper update procedure. Each release has a lot of breaking changes and it can be surprising if you execute ‘nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade’ and it prints two pages of errors :)
<gchristensen> oh true
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<kmicu> It’s a surprise twice a year. Not a bad trade–off.
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<LnL> yeah I was thinking the same thing
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<LnL> but a warning from nixos-rebuild would be nice
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<kmicu> itorres: What’s under ‘ls /nix/store/*dmidecode*/’?
<ToxicFrog> Yeah, I'd rather have that surprise than have the "whoops nothing has been getting updated for months because the channels switched and I didn't remember to update my configs" surprise
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<ToxicFrog> noisy surprises > quiet surprises
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<avn> ToxicFrog: explicit better than implicit ;)
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<gchristensen> if we look past the proposed solution to the real question at hand ("how do I make sure I'm on the latest release?") there are lots of ways to solve the problem, and it is a valid question and problem.
<kmicu> ToxicFrog: creating an issue to document a problem is always good! Nixpkgs repo or eventually https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-channel-scripts should be a good place for that.
<ToxicFrog> kmicu: SGTM, will do when back at my desk
* kmicu has a strange feeling that domenkozar has already discussed ‘nixos-latest’ somewhere.
<gchristensen> if only search.nix.gsc.io also searched issues :)
<gchristensen> also, a page of errors isn't so bad since it refuses to finish until you fix it
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<jophish> What's the function which prompts the user to fetch a file using a browser
<jophish> I think it's used to fetch some java sdk
<kmicu> And besides errors, nixos-rebuild could print release notes https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/release-notes.html#sec-release-16.09
<gchristensen> jophish: requireFile
<itorres> heh, that's funny
<jophish> ah, perfect, thanks gchristensen
<gchristensen> tinkyholloway: what is?
<gchristensen> you're welcome, jophish
<itorres> error: selector ‘nixos.dictdWordnet’ matches no derivations
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<itorres> it seems that I somehow broke my channel lists?
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<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: I'd like a linux clang stdenv
<kmicu> itorres: Check ‘sudo nix-channel --list’ and ‘nix-channel --list’. We can always fix it.
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<Sonarpulse> the need for a target platform is annoying
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<gilligan_> Hm, I just realised that by default `nixpkgs` is not set on my nixops deployed server
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<simpson> gilligan_: Yeah, nixops-managed machines are not intended to build things by default.
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<gilligan_> simpson, actually nixpkgs is set to nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs
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<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: also see what shlevy has done for ios cross
<gilligan_> simpson, but apparently inside my systemd service NIX_PATH is not set at all
<ToxicFrog> kmicu, gchristensen, LnL: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/21340
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<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: we should generalize that into generic clang cross stdenv
<gchristensen> gilligan_: it is because the nix channel / path has no meaning when all the building is done elsewhere
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<Sonarpulse> and I'm convinced there might be ways to share compiler-specific but platform-agnostic bootstrapping stages
<gilligan_> gchristensen, right ok - in my case I am deploying a ci server which actually builds stuff
<gchristensen> aye
<gchristensen> (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 16.09 ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
<LnL> gilligan_: I don't think you have any env variables by default
<gilligan_> LnL, yep. Just realised that as well ;}
<gilligan_> makes sense after all
<LnL> not even PATH iirc
<gilligan_> have to admit I keep on falling into traps becaus i am just using systemd w/o actually knowing anything about it at all
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/dd968d0365bafb3f85d0f2136a089128a4dbe54e
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dd968d0 Thomas Tuegel: okular: propagate build inputs...
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<gchristensen> niksnut: 1. the patch for 1.7 should probably be applied to 1.6 as well, 2. did the patches get applied to unstable? related: I was reading in our cherry-picking style workflow, it is common to frequently mege stable back up in to unstable.
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<kahiru> hey, I have a second hard drive with encrypted partition, which has lvm inside and want to unlock it with a keyfile located on my encrypted rootfs. I tried using fileSystems.<name?>.encrypted, but when I set the keyfile there it never gets unlocked. However if i comment out the keyfile line it prompts me for a password for that partition and everything works. How can I make this work with a keyfile?
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<LnL> gchristensen: is there some sort of documentation regarding the flow?
<gchristensen> LnL: cherry-picking workflows?
<gchristensen> or our workflow?
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<gchristensen> LnL: `man gitworkflows` for the first :)
<LnL> no our workflow
<Profpatsch> I forgot how to access the native ghc version from the ghcjs derivation.
<LnL> like master <-> staging
<LnL> and the nixos release branches
<Profpatsch> There was an attribute for that
<Profpatsch> ghcjs.nativeGHC or something like that.
<gchristensen> LnL: oh, not a lot... I could try and find some, and maybe write some.
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<srhb> Does anyone else experience openvpn client dropping after suspend, and maybe know of a fix? :)
<gilligan_> can't get vpn to work in the first place hehe
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<LnL> gchristensen: that looks familiar, didn't know that was in the manual
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<jophish> I've got a package I'm installing from a binary distribution. When I try to start an executable in this package it complains that it can't find libpng12.so.0. Clearly I've got to add libpng12 to the RPATH of this executable
<jophish> I've done this before for some other binary packages, but I'm wondering if there's an automated way to do this for all the binaries in this package
<jophish> one annoying constraint is that this package (Quartus) is very large (20GB installed) and it takes a very long time to build this derivation
<jophish> also, installing and running this executable N times for N missing library paths is going to take a very long time :/
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<LnL> jophish: you can use ldd to get a list of the shared libraries it's looking for
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<gchristensen> LnL: are there outstanding questions from that, that you'd be interested in knowing?
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<LnL> I don't think so, but there are some things to note about master <-> staging
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<LnL> I don't know who usually merges staging in, but I've noticed that it regularly causes rebuilds
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<LnL> people should not assume that there where no rebuilds on master since the last merge
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<k0001> Somebody here has experience using `node2nix` to package a project that needs to use `gulp-cli` during the building process? It looks like `node2nix` is not creating a suitable environment for `gulp-cli` to run, and I'm not sure how to fix it :)
<LnL> gchristensen: and something else that's not very clear to me is what sort of things are ok to backport
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<gchristensen> ok, cool
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<LnL> eg. should certain darwin specific fixes be backported to release channels?
<gchristensen> LnL: maybe open an issue and tag me in it? that way you can add to it, and then I can also work on that off-line
<gchristensen> almost certainly not :P
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<gchristensen> LnL: back in a while, good questions
<k0001> In particular, when trying to run `gulp` within the environment created by `node2nix`, it complains about some `babel`-related stuff being missing: https://dpaste.de/uNPU
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<LnL> it fixes a backported change
<jophish> LnL: oh, it sems libpng is sufficient. Now I just need a way to find all the elfs to patch
<jophish> It can't hurt adding libpng12 to the RPATH of everything
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<LnL> jophish: patchelf with --set-rpath or --replace-needed
<LnL> but ideally you would fix it in the build system
<jophish> LnL: closed source I'm afraid
<LnL> ah it's unfree, in that case you have to use patchelf and/or wrapProgram to fix stuff
<jophish> yeah, I've done this before for another closed source program. The pain in this case is that this package has probably hundreds of executables and takes a long time for the derivation to build
<jophish> ldd tells me that lots of things are going to ubuntu's /usr/lib/
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<Dezgeg> try ldd from nix's glibc package
<jophish> Dezgeg: I'm using lddtree from pax-utils. I'll try nix's ldd
<LnL> is there something special about our version?/
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<Dezgeg> it won't try looking in /usrbin
<jophish> Dezgeg: nix's ldd gived the same output (aside from the offsets changing)
<Dezgeg> doesn't sound right if it's giving things pointing to /usr/lib
<LnL> Dezgeg: it's an unfree package
<Dezgeg> well, that could happen if it's shipped with a rpath containing /usr/lib
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<gilligan_> is there anything analogous to pkgs.writeFile which would allow me to capture a a whole directory as-is as a package? Easy enough to just write out by hand of course. Was just wondering if there was some shortcut ;)
<jophish> gilligan_: there's something like srcOnly, just a second I'll find it
<gilligan_> jophish, oh sweet
<jophish> yeah, pkgs.srcOnly might be what you want
<jophish> you can even apply patches which is super useful
<gilligan_> jophish, great. thank you! will check it out
<gilligan_> jophish, thanks!
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<gilligan_> jophish, it is used *once* in nixpkgs ;-)
<jophish> hah, really?
<LnL> I've never heard of it
<jophish> we use it a bunch at work
<gilligan_> in twister/default.nix
<jophish> oh, actually only once here
<jophish> L/
<gilligan_> be that as it may- it is *exactly* what I read right now
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<LnL> I feel like that should be moved to the file with all the other trivial builders
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<LnL> also doesn't use stdenvNoCC or preferLocalBuild
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<LnL> wow, staging is in a pretty bad state at the moment
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<gchristensen> LnL: probably from the breakage
<gchristensen> and hasn't had a rerun since
<gchristensen> LnL: not sure why a darwin fix needs backporting to 16.09?
<LnL> that's what I thought, but I was not sure
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<LnL> but I would not mind to manage a darwin channel that is a bit more stable then nixpkgs-unstable
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #21262: ocaml-pcre: fix name (master...ocaml-pcre) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21262
<gchristensen> domenkozar: did you try those commands
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/ea46420fc0f099e7fb73c6594a8340544c3ae4a5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ea46420 Eelco Dolstra: Use overlayfs instead of unionfs-fuse in the VM tests...
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<gchristensen> gilligan_: ping
<gchristensen> gilligan_: thinking about your build server, I think it might be beneficial for you to track nixpkgs by pinning it in your code, instead of whatever the build server happens to be on
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<gilligan_> gchristensen, that is what i am doing
<gilligan_> gchristensen, this is really only for one special scenario
<gilligan_> gchristensen, i only use <nixpkgs> to obtain pkgs.fetchFromGithub which will then receive a specific version
<gchristensen> oh hehe ok
<gilligan_> gchristensen, thanks for your getting back to me with that though. appreciated
<gchristensen> you're welcome!
<LnL> oh rip
<gchristensen> hum?
<LnL> you have to rebuild the entire ghc chain when you change the haskell builder?/
<gchristensen> you poor thing :|
<LnL> I guess that's for tomorrow
* LnL compiles...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v1pK1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2cfe735 Pascal Wittmann: zsh: 5.3 -> 5.3.1
<LnL> I don't want to know how many times that machine has compiled a ghc compiler
<avn> LnL: faster than chromium ;) be sure ;)
<LnL> yeah that one is just insane
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* manveru really wishes fetch* functions where all builtin :)
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<gchristensen> yikes, why?
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<LnL> so many zsh updates today :D
<LnL> gchristensen: have you seen the new completion?
<manveru> because a lot of times when i cd into a project, it downloads nixpkgs-unstable just for fetchFromGithub
<manveru> and then downloads the specific nixpkgs version anyway
<manveru> hmm
<manveru> fetchurl is builtin, no?
<LnL> there is builtins.fetchTarball
<manveru> nope :(
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<manveru> ah, maybe that was the one i thought of
<LnL> but we don't have a real pure one AFAIK
<manveru> and it doesn't even need a checksum
<manveru> weird
<manveru> also fetchTarball is not written as `builtins.fetchTarball` in the manual
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<manveru> must be a typo
<manveru> but i think i'll use that in future... just wish there was a pure version
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<avn> LnL: ~6 hours on my not very slow machine
<avn> but spinning disks, ssd should be faster
<domenkozar> gchristensen: sorry? :)
<gchristensen> domenkozar: to view CVE history
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<msd> LnL: we should chat about nss
<domenkozar> gchristensen: sorry, very busy these days :S
<msd> LnL: there's an isse with porting it to work on Mac. A certain compile flag's being drawn in specific to clang, when gcc's being used to build the system
<msd> LnL: That's why it doesn't compile for Darwin
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: that is okay :)
<gchristensen> I thihk you'll like it, though, and will only take a few minutes.
<msd> LnL: However, the cflag's being pulled from the environment, and the Makefile flag for suggesting an alternative compiler's not working
<LnL> msd: yeah, that sometimes happens
<msd> LnL: it seems like we shouldn't enforce users to use clang vs gcc if unnecessary. What's the general action in this case?
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<domenkozar> gchristensen: what's the command again?
<msd> LnL: in specific, -Qunused-arguments is being pulled in
<LnL> it's the project that adds those, right?
<gchristensen> domenkozar: git fetch origin; git remote add grahamc git@github.com:grahamc/nixpkgs.git; git fetch grahamc refs/notes/security:refs/notes/security; git checkout origin/release-16.09; git log --notes=security and then scroll down to see commit 478fa3583f8c74a86269cf6b53460433562eb5df
<LnL> what's --notes=
<gchristensen> try it and see! :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ftrvxmtrx opened pull request #21341: spotify: -> (master...master) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21341
<dtzWill> msd: is the Nix derivation using "isDarwin" when it should be testing something like "isClang" ?
<dtzWill> i've also seen fixes for darwin that were clang specific that I /wanted/ --build failures that after I open up the file I realize someone arleady fixed it but just applied it to darwin instead xD :)
<domenkozar> gchristensen: so that's editable?
<dtzWill> so thought i'd be related O:)
<gchristensen> domenkozar: yeah, to look behind the curtain `git checkout notes/security`
<gchristensen> LnL: ^
<msd> dtzWill: LnL think I know how I'm going to edl with it
<msd> *edal
<msd> *deal
<dtzWill> haha okay hooray
<gchristensen> domenkozar, LnL: (and then `cat 478fa3583f8c74a86269cf6b53460433562eb5df` which is that commit I told you to look for)
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<LnL> gchristensen: what, since when does git support that?
<gchristensen> :)
<gchristensen> LnL: since, like, forever9
<LnL> really?
<LnL> this is super cool
<gchristensen> github supported notes back in 2010 or something? and then dropped support in 2011?
<gchristensen> (they would show up in the UI as comments on commits, or something)
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<LnL> lol
<LnL> how did I not know about this
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<LnL> gchristensen: you don't push those to nixos/nixpkgs?
<gchristensen> probably 6 years ago I sat down and read the man page for `git` and picked it up.
<gchristensen> well, I haven't
<gchristensen> it is still experimental
<msd> LnL: if we're fixing an issue, should we chunk multiple package repairs (specifically meant for building on Darwin) into multiple PRs if it can be done?
<msd> LnL: or should it all be pushed as one larger PR for easier organization?
<LnL> it's fine to group things if they depend on each other
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<msd> LnL: if one package depends on another independent PR (one independent package, one dependent), should one decouple those packages?
<LnL> if you keep the commit separate it's still easy to cherry-pick one change out
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<msd> LnL: makes sense. Thanks!
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<LnL> msd: about those arguments, have you tried to build it using clang without those?
<msd> LnL: the inability to sandbox was confusing the Makefile. I think I have it under control for now.
<msd> LnL: the system sets using GCC to 1 is Clang is found, because if Clang is found, the Makefile assumes you're implicitly on a Darwin build
<msd> LnL: and then it attempts to drag in flags meant for Clang using GCC, and compile with the GCC front-end that the Darwin systems comes with
<LnL> heh
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] goetzst opened pull request #21342: youtube-dl: 2016-12-15 -> 2016-12-20 (master...youtube-dl) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21342
<jasom> Am I doing something wrong, or is the newest version of the firefox flash plugin really 4 years out of date?
<msd> LnL: now it's just failing on a linker error
<msd> LnL: Another issue with the package is that GCC isn't explicitly declared as a build input (assuming that's because on a Linux system it's drawn in implicitly) so the Makefile gets confused
<msd> LnL: this is a pain in the ass
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<LnL> yes the linux stdenv uses gcc while the darwin stdenv has clang
<msd> LnL: does the stdenv.clang pull in the gcc symlink?
<msd> LnL: no, because that would make an impure system, right?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #21335: WIP: Roundup 14 (master...roundup-14) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21335
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<k0001> Wasn't there a `copyToStore` function or something for explicitely copying some file to the Nix store? I can't recall its name :)
<LnL> msd: I don't think so just cc and clang
<domenkozar> k0001: how is that different to ./file?
<msd> LnL: AH! That's what's completely messing up this build. Okay. I think I know how to make everything sane oncemore
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<k0001> domenkozar: I want to copy over a whole folder without explicitely referring to each file in it.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 8 new commits to release-16.09: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/1dd0fb6b5a7c...4e6223cc8665
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 78b5267 Graham Christensen: game-music-emu: 0.6.0 -> 0.6.1 for multiple CVEs...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 2ab18b7 Graham Christensen: tomcat85: 8.5.8 -> 8.5.9 for CVE-2016-9774, CVE-2016-9775...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 6c97c1c Graham Christensen: tomcatUnstable: 9.0.0.M13 -> 9.0.0.M15 for CVE-2016-9774, CVE-2016-9775...
<LnL> k0001: copyPathToStore? but just a relative path like ./. or ./foo should also work
<domenkozar> k0001: this will sound terrible
<domenkozar> so please sit down
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<k0001> LnL: ah, that might be it. Thanks.
<k0001> domenkozar: i'm sitting!
<domenkozar> ./. + "filename"
<msd> LnL: is there a way to make that false symlink again?
<gchristensen> :o
<k0001> domenkozar: sounds good to me :)
<domenkozar> k0001: if you want the whole folder ./folder
<domenkozar> or ./. if it's current folder
<domenkozar> I thought you want each file separately :)
<gchristensen> domenkozar: so what do you think?
<domenkozar> gchristensen: it's awesome :)
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<gchristensen> :D
<msd> LnL: no way to sandbox the build, right?
<LnL> msd: I'm not following what the issue is, all you need is a symlink from gcc -> clang?
<msd> Pretty much
<LnL> oh
<msd> LnL: only for that specific build
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rlupton20 opened pull request #21343: kubernetes-helm: 2.0.2 -> 2.1.2 (master...kubernetes-helm-up) https://git.io/v1pD0
<jophish> I have a package which puts its binaries in $out/foo/bin. What's the correct way to handle this so that tools such as nix-shell work correctly wrt PATH
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<manveru> jophish: either symlink to $out/bin or tell the program to use / as prefix
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<jophish> manveru: symlinking seems like the nicest approach, thanks
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<msd> LnL: is inherit (darwin) cctools; what brings in the clang/gcc symlink?
<msd> (In a more elegant style?)
<LnL> no that's stuff like ld and install_name_tool
<LnL> msd: does something like this work? https://gist.github.com/LnL7/4e480d684e4d114af35d35039c999a5d
<msd> LnL: kind of.
<msd> LnL: GCC doesn't need to be in $out
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<msd> LnL: GCC is just this front-end wrapper for Clang on Darwin (as I assume you're aware). I just need to emulate that front-end
<msd> LnL: this might also be because I'm building in an impure system
<msd> LnL: because my clang is stored in Nix in my env, while my gcc is located at /usr/bin/gcc when in the build env shell
<msd> LnL: this seems like a sandbox break
<LnL> yes it's $out of the clangCC derivation
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<k0001> LnL domenkozar thanks :)
<msd> LnL: ah! Okay
<LnL> domenkozar: I think I'm building my second ghc
<gchristensen> is zlib in stdenv?
<gchristensen> rather: can I use fetchurl in zlib?
<LnL> it's definitely in the darwin stdenv
<gchristensen> s/fetchurl/fetchpatch/ :|
<msd> runCommand is undefined
<LnL> gchristensen: I assume fetch* are bootstrapped properly
<msd> LnL: oh woops I'm an idiot
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<gchristensen> heh, no, fetchpatch isn't bootstrapped
<LnL> gchristensen: nix-store -qR $(nix-instantiate -A stdenv)
<LnL> gchristensen: oh, so that goes through stdenv rebuilds?
<gchristensen> I guess so
<LnL> doesn't sound ideal
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<LnL> by the way, have you seen vcunat's rebuild detection script?
<LnL> I've used it a few times and it seems to work pretty well
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<gilligan_> LnL, cool..what is that?
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<msd> duplicate symbol _logged_in in:
<msd> Darwin15.6.0_64_OPT.OBJ/anchor.o
<msd> Darwin15.6.0_64_OPT.OBJ/pslot.o
<msd> duplicate symbol _logged_in in:
<msd> Darwin15.6.0_64_OPT.OBJ/anchor.o
<msd> Darwin15.6.0_64_OPT.OBJ/pfind.o
<msd> duplicate symbol _logged_in in:
<msd> Darwin15.6.0_64_OPT.OBJ/anchor.o
<msd> Darwin15.6.0_64_OPT.OBJ/pinst.o
<msd> duplicate symbol _logged_in in:
<msd> Darwin15.6.0_64_OPT.OBJ/anchor.o
<msd> Darwin15.6.0_64_OPT.OBJ/pobject.o
<msd> duplicate symbol _logged_in in:
<LnL> msd: euh
<msd> Darwin15.6.0_64_OPT.OBJ/anchor.o
<msd> Darwin15.6.0_64_OPT.OBJ/prsa.o
<msd> duplicate symbol _logged_in in:
<simpson> u'i
<msd> Darwin15.6.0_64_OPT.OBJ/anchor.o
<msd> Darwin15.6.0_64_OPT.OBJ/psession.o
<simpson> Is this the real life?
<msd> duplicate symbol _logged_in in:
<msd> Darwin15.6.0_64_OPT.OBJ/anchor.o
<simpson> Is this just fantasy?
<msd> Darwin15.6.0_64_OPT.OBJ/ptoken.o
<msd> duplicate symbol _logged_in in:
<msd> Darwin15.6.0_64_OPT.OBJ/anchor.o
<msd> Darwin15.6.0_64_OPT.OBJ/util.o
<simpson> Trapped in a landslide
<msd> duplicate symbol _logged_in in:
<msd> Darwin15.6.0_64_OPT.OBJ/anchor.o
<simpson> No escape from reality
<msd> Darwin15.6.0_64_OPT.OBJ/rsawrapr.o
<msd> ld: 9 duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64
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<msd> LnL: keeps throwing this ^^ assuming this is a break in the package, although it seems to build flawlessly for Linux
<domenkozar> LnL: what do you mean by "second ghc"?
<msd> LnL: sorry for posting in chat -- my IRC client said it'd post online but somehow that just means diahrrea into a group chat
<LnL> msd: I think your irc client got a little confused
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<LnL> gilligan_: it has some of the same issues as nox-review, but it's better then nothing
<LnL> domenkozar: I have to rebuild everything to test my dyld workaround
<gilligan_> LnL, if the code is in better shape than nox-review i am interested ...
<domenkozar> LnL: fun :)
<gchristensen> LnL: I haven't seen it...
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<gchristensen> really that would only inform ordering for me, it is very annoying to do a mass-rebuild first and then have to wait forever to test the rest of my patches :$P
<LnL> domenkozar: I really hope that I didn't make a typo or something
<LnL> gchristensen: it's fine, I'm just talking about it because you were wondering what would rebuild
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<gchristensen> ah yeah
<gchristensen> "basically everything"
<gchristensen> gstreamer plugins are a pain in my butt.
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<gchristensen> lol ... rebuild glibc, then stdenv, then zlib ... hooray
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: for these zlib issues, should I stick them in staging first? they're all rated at "low" and "normal" severity
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: normally I'd just go straight to master / 16.09, but I feel a bit unsure about such a big rebuild :)
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<domenkozar> gchristensen: best to go to staging I'd say
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: can-do
<gchristensen> domenkozar: I'm going to put it right in to release, though. no need to wait there, I think.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/41f55691a96ca4f37a87c8659884edf19b2c8446
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 41f5569 Graham Christensen: zlib: patch for CVE-2016-9840, CVE-2016-9841, CVE-9842, CVE-9843
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mdaiter opened pull request #21344: gwrap: remove unnecessary checks (master...gWrap) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21344
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/v1p7H
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 bd9eba2 Graham Christensen: zlib: patch for CVE-2016-9840, CVE-2016-9841, CVE-9842, CVE-9843
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 6 new commits to master: https://git.io/v1p5H
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ecf4e22 Nikolay Amiantov: pythonPackages.virtkey: init at 0.63
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8000204 Nikolay Amiantov: pythonPackages.python-uinput: init at 0.11.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c22b243 Nikolay Amiantov: gnome2.gnome_python: use standard build system
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<LnL> rofl, that python-html5lib thread
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<gchristensen> gsnedders means well :(
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<m3tti> hi there
<m3tti> i'm using nix 16 and i'm trying to get xmonad with xmobar working
<m3tti> but my system tells me there is no xmobar
<m3tti> what can i do
<LnL> gchristensen: and here I was thinking that pip going from 0.15.x to 15.x was stupid
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<aristid> m3tti: i'm pretty sure xmobar exists, but the package name is probably different than you exist
<kmicu> m3tti: could you share error message?
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<gchristensen> oh hi NeQuissimus :)
<m3tti> xmobar not found
<m3tti> is the error
<kmicu> m3tti: what command gives you that?
<aristid> m3tti: the attribute name to use is pkgs.haskellPackages.xmobar (possibly nixos or nixpkgs instead of pkgs)
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<aristid> quite interestingly nix-env -qaP|grep xmobar also does not list it for me
<kmicu> To search Haskell packages you need to use ‘nix-env -qaP 'xmobar.*' -f '<nixpkgs>' --description -A haskellPackages’
<aristid> but this attribute name i gave works
<aristid> kmicu: ah, haskell packages are not included in the default list anymore?
<LnL> the haskell are not searched by nix-env
<kmicu> That’s current (and annoying) limitation of Nix.
<aristid> i think they were in there like a year ago?
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<m3tti> how could i fix that
<LnL> I don't think so, there are way to many packages to list them by default
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<aristid> m3tti: i already told you...
<m3tti> i've found something mentioning installing haskellPlatform
<kmicu> m3tti: are you on NixOS? Installing xmonad/xmobar is very easy on NixOS.
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<aristid> m3tti: try it like this: nix-env -iA pkgs.haskellPackages.xmobar
<kmicu> m3tti: there is no haskellPlatform in Nix(pkgs).
<aristid> kmicu: not anymore :)
<aristid> a VERY old blog post might reference it
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<m3tti> error: attribute ‘pkgs’ in selection path ‘pkgs.haskellPackages.xmobar’ not found
<aristid> m3tti: try nixos or nixpkgs instead of pkgs
<kmicu> (Old post tend to confuse users.)
* hodapp realizes, slowly, he can run NixOS on servers
<m3tti> it was nixos
<aristid> kmicu: we just need so many blog posts that there's always a new post for google to show :D
<m3tti> and now how could i put it into my config.nix
<kmicu> m3tti: if you are on NixOS use ‘nix-env -iA nixos.haskellPackages.xmobar’.
<m3tti> youst in the package section
<m3tti> or should i put it into the extraPackages section in xmonad
<aristid> hmm, extraPackages in xmonad might work, not sure
<hodapp> maybe, maybe, this (plus the ability to run things in a container) will simplify some of the crap I hate about setting up certain kinds of dev envirenments, like old PHP crap
<aristid> environment.systemPackages will probably work too
<kmicu> m3tti: In configuration.nix in systemPackages put ‘pkgs.haskellPackages.xmobar’.
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<kmicu> aristid: will not work.
<m3tti> ok thanx
<m3tti> i love nix allready
<m3tti> :-D
<m3tti> thanx for the great help
<aristid> hodapp: i think it works fine on servers, but keep in mind of course that nixos does not yet have a workforce making sure all security patches to all applications are always applied in time
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<kmicu> extraPackages in xmonad module is for adding haskell libraries visible for xmonad.hs.
<LnL> m3tti: nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -qaA haskellPackages -P
<LnL> that will show you all the haskellPackages
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<aristid> LnL: nix-env is so confusing to use :(
<kmicu> Anything not familiar is confusing.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] massimo-zaniboni opened pull request #21346: Python sphinxcontrib-newsfeed-0.1.4 (master...sphinxcontrib_newsfeed) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21346
<m3tti> ah i see
<hodapp> aristid: whether my existing servers do is another matter
<aristid> kmicu: i've used nix-env for some time, but i still find it confusing.
<m3tti> i'm also trying to get into haskell
<spacekitteh> LnL: is staging for doing mass updates to push to master all at once so hydra only builds it once?
<LnL> spacekitteh: yup
<kmicu> aristid: What is confusing? Could you give an example?
<spacekitteh> kk
<m3tti> i'm reading "learn you a haskell for great and good"
<LnL> spacekitteh: but it usually takes a while before it will end up in master
<m3tti> love that language already
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<aristid> kmicu: like, LnL's example with the -qaA. i did not know that was how you would do that. i'd just git grep my ~/nixpkgs for that, to be honest
<spacekitteh> damn, true. it's stopping me from building android :(
<hodapp> anyone here running NixOS on EC2 or DigitalOcean or anything like that though?
<LnL> aristid: -qa lists all packages, -A selects an attribute instead of the top level attribute
<aristid> hodapp: not me, but the nixops application for deploying nixos to servers has native ec2 support :)
<hodapp> good to know
<kmicu> But https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#users-guide-to-the-haskell-infrastructure shows ‘nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -qaP -A haskellPackages’ and explains it. Which part of https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#how-to-install-haskell-packages is not clear?
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<m3tti> damn emacs rocks :-D nix-mode = awesomeness
<aristid> LnL: i think the main thing that trips me up with nix-env is how it doesn't use NIX_PATH's <nixpkgs> by default, but instead prefers channels, unless i'm saying it wrong out of confusion :)
<kmicu> nix-mode is just highlighting :) It will not help you much.
<LnL> aristid: yeah, that's why I generally add -f '<nixpkgs>'
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<aristid> a while ago niksnut was alluding to getting rid of channels
<kmicu> B/c nix-env uses ~/.nix-defexpr as default value for -f flag. That is also explained in manual :)
<aristid> maybe that would be good :D
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<kmicu> New Nix could remove ‘nix-channel’, not channels in general.
<aristid> kmicu: i think it was using http:// urls in the NIX_PATH
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<aristid> so i guess that URL still points to a channel
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<kmicu> (Nix tooling is a mess, but that mess is explained very well in manuals.)
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<m3tti> one more question. Why is nodejs and ghci segfaulting?
<aristid> kmicu: i'm not saying i can't do what i need to do when i spend enough time in the manuals, but then i end up forgetting some of the messier parts again and again :)
<aristid> m3tti: more context please :)
<kmicu> m3tti: what commands did you execute?
<m3tti> just node
<m3tti> to get to the node prompt
<m3tti> i've installed nodejs package
<m3tti> and with ghc it's the same
<kmicu> ‘nix-shell -p ghc --command ghci’ works here w/o problems.
<kmicu> The same with ‘nix-shell -p nodejs --command node’.
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<m3tti> i've to check my new configuration
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch closed pull request #21342: youtube-dl: 2016-12-15 -> 2016-12-20 (master...youtube-dl) https://git.io/v1p1j
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/9251f57133ceaf334257e8eec67ad993dfae34b7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9251f57 Stefan Goetz: youtube-dl: 2016-12-15 -> 2016-12-20 (#21342)
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<LnL> gchristensen: are you going to put zlib on master or just merge staging in?
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<gchristensen> LnL: I dunno, heh
<LnL> just wondering since I think it's been a while
<gchristensen> LnL: in general, I worry less about master due to its inherent instability
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<LnL> oh the diff is a lost smaller then I thought
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<nathan7> LnL: no, anything that isn't mapped is mapped to nobody
<nathan7> ~  unshare -U ls -l /dev/null
<nathan7> crw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nogroup 1, 3 Dec 21 18:01 /dev/null
<LnL> what's "nobody" supposed to be in that context then?
<nathan7> LnL: 65534/65534
<LnL> interresting
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<RickHull> benley: hey :)
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<RickHull> I'm looking at NixOps, and I'm trying to understand how it can help me stand up a cluster. say I need to edit config files for e.g. zookeeper to tell it IP addresses of other nodes in the cluster. Does NixOps help with this?
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<RickHull> what if I want the machine to put the ZK log on a dedicated disk? how can I express this?
<RickHull> Is this better suited for a layer above NixOps?
<simpson> RickHull: In most cases, you don't need to use IP addresses if hostnames are allowed in that configuration. All nixops machines know each other by name.
<spacekitteh> gchristensen: can you merge this into either master or staging? <3 https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21328
<RickHull> simpson: let's say I'm standing up a new ZK cluster, while the old one is still serving. I may have autogenerated hostnames that still need to be plugged in
<RickHull> i.e. static hostnames won't work, if the new cluster members start talking to the old cluster
<simpson> RickHull: I have no good advice for migrating a ZK cluster without downtime into nixops.
<LnL> spacekitteh: where the changes green with the new cmake?
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<spacekitteh> nope
<RickHull> I'm just using zookeeper as an example. this problem exists with most clustered software in some form or another
<spacekitteh> g++ threw another internal error in cmake
<nathan7> RickHull: http://lpaste.net/3525018735163211776 (ZK + Kafka setup using NixOps)
<RickHull> checking it out, thanks!
<nathan7> RickHull: nixops sets up /etc/hosts on every cluster member automatically
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<RickHull> i'm wondering about the general problem of needing custom configuration on cluster members, per whatever the app or service is using for configuration. e.g. How do I declare that my ZK cluster has 5 nodes, and make it so those 5 nodes can talk to each other? And what if I want ZK configured to use a secondary disk? How do I coordinate that with provisioning and express that in NixOps for the ZK config?
<RickHull> I'm picking on ZK because I've tackled this problem in Chef and it's not pretty there
<nathan7> you… declare 5 nodes in the config
<nathan7> and you declare their config?
<nathan7> I've never used Chef, but it seems implausible to me that this wouldn't be easy…?
<RickHull> Hm, ok. Just trying to wrap my head around the Nix way of doing things
<nathan7> like you can declare extra disks and mount 'em places