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<endformationage> taktoa: Thanks for pointing out that thread. Fractalide is what brought me here, hmm..
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 16 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDIDC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 54b2789 Nikolay Amiantov: wayland: fix configure flags' type
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 37e2c53 Nikolay Amiantov: ejabberd: 16.09 -> 17.01
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0cfefc7 Nikolay Amiantov: grub4dos: 0.4.6a-2016-11-09 -> 0.4.6a-2016-12-24
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar opened pull request #22303: NFS improvements (master...nfs4) https://git.io/vDIDy
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDIyT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 98b0195 Nikolay Amiantov: video services: don't install OpenCL files to /etc...
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<Ankhers> Would anyone be able to share how they go about using node in NixOS? I specifically need to install brunch, but everything I read suggests installing it globally, which I can't do because that would try to save it into the nix store.
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<tempeh> hi. i just installed nixos today, and i'm having some bumpes. i'm guessing they're pretty common so i hope someone here can help
<gchristensen> ask away! it is a quieter time in #nixos but you can ask anyway. many people here are in CET time, I my self can't type much more today.
<unlmtd[m]> MichaelRaskin: Thanks a lot !
<unlmtd[m]> not-os not so easy to find
<yorick_> what's the difference between symlinkjoin and buildenv?
<tempeh> at the moment i'm trying to xmonad to compile my config. 'xmonad --recompile' gives a few compilation errors that make me think it can't see contib packages (can't find module EZConfig, etc.), but I'm using nixos-unstable and xmonad.enableContribAndExtras
<yorick_> Ankhers: use node2nix
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<yorick_> Ankhers: node2nix is still in development, what you can also do is install it locally, then put ./node_modules/.bin in your PATH
<unlmtd[m]> wow. I need to load not-os on qemu for sure !
<Ankhers> tempeh: Meta-q should restart (and recompile) XMonad. If there are issues with the config, you will get a new tile telling you so and what the error is.
<tempeh> Ankhers: yeah, meta-q runs 'xmonad --recompile', which is where i'm seeing the errors
<Ankhers> yorick_: And what is the suggested way of adding something to my PATH? .bashrc doesn't seem to be executed.
<unlmtd[m]> my xmonad feels old now. I wanna switch to this https://github.com/Immington-Industries/way-cooler
<yorick_> Ankhers: export PATH=./node_modules/.bin:$PATH
<yorick_> Ankhers: but it'll always refer relative to your current directory
<Ankhers> yorick_: And that is the suggested way? So I would need to do that always?
<yorick_> Ankhers: how much do you need to brunch?
<Ankhers> And by always I mean for every shell I use.
<Ankhers> It shouldn't be frequent, but it would still be nice to have some sort of .bashrc file to do that for me.
<yorick_> .bashrc should work and maybe someone more knowledgable than me will figure out the node2nix solution
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<Ralith> every time I've tried to use node2nix it breaks
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<Ankhers> Yeah, I just had the same issue.
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<yorick_> Ralith: the version from github works for me, also it doesn't update the ./*.nix files, so remove them and then generate them again
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<yorick> taktoa: that might be fun for the docker people
<gchristensen> yorick: nix can already create docker images
<yorick> gchristensen: I know, but I miss the nixos modules
<gchristensen> hrm
<gchristensen> yeah, that is hard :)
<yorick> nixos-containers runs systemd in a container
<yorick> but it doesn't isolate very well
<yorick> (which would be the point of systemd containers)
<gchristensen> I'd be careful treating docker as a security tool, too
<gchristensen> IMO systemd-nspawn is just more honest about it
<gchristensen> LnL: I think prs.nix.gsc.io should build tests, too
<yorick> it'd be nice to have the systemd-232 isolation stuff
<yorick> gchristensen: systemd-nspawn removed the security warning I think
<yorick> yeah they did
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDI73
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8d379dd Nikolay Amiantov: opengl service: use option for XDG_DATA_DIRS
<yorick> probably, few people are looking for exploits against kernel interfaces that can only be done using root
<gchristensen> lots of people are,now
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar opened pull request #22304: Refactor NVidia drivers (master...nvidia) https://git.io/vDI72
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDI7h
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dbd4a35 Benjamin Saunders: vulkan-loader: ->
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<tnks> savanni: I often say I'm going to help you out and never get around to it... hopefully this time is better: https://github.com/shajra/example-nix
<tnks> also, anyone else doing a Nix/Haskell combo, please feel free to review this repository.
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<stepcut> bazel is vexing
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jbaum98 opened pull request #22305: smartmontools: 6.4 -> 6.5 and fix segfault on darwin (master...smartmontools) https://git.io/vDIAw
<Drakonis> wow 75 commits until 100k nixpkgs
<gchristensen> :D
<gchristensen> I've been counting down for a few days now
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<alphor> it's kind of crazy that all derivations for the channel are in one repo. surely there is some way to have derivations be in separate repos.
<gchristensen> why, though?
<simpson> alphor: Think of it like a ports tree.
<Drakonis> when is nix getting new commands
<alphor> all I know about the ports tree is from that linux -> bsd rant I read a few weeks ago.
<Drakonis> or just a whole cleanup
<Drakonis> link your rant, thanks in advance
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<gchristensen> I mean
<gchristensen> why wouldn't it be in one tree?
<Drakonis> that's quite old
<Drakonis> or maybe it is only the website's appearance
<Drakonis> i can't tell
<alphor> gchristensen: to be honest I don't know. It seems working, just I imagine logs are a huge mess
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl opened pull request #22306: luaPackages.luazlib: fix on darwin (master...luazlib-darwin) https://git.io/vDIpT
<gchristensen> commit logs?
<alphor> yes.
<tilpner> Centralised logs seem a lot easier than having to chase commit messages over all of GitHub
<gchristensen> who cares, more importantly: you can `git bisect` *your whole operating system*
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<Drakonis> i wonder why keepassxc isn't packaged yet
<Drakonis> nix has quite a lot obscure packages already
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<Drakonis> a question though
<Drakonis> why do we still not have the ability to pull from git
<Drakonis> compile from git
<gchristensen> sorry?
<Drakonis> my bad
<Drakonis> compile from master
* gchristensen is failing to understand
<Drakonis> always compile the latest version
<Drakonis> the latest commit
<Drakonis> similar to arch's -git builds
<gchristensen> because it isn't reproducible
<pikajude> well, it is, with builtins.fetchgit
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<pikajude> it's just not a good idea
<Drakonis> of course not
<Drakonis> but its a "why not" situation
<gchristensen> because it isn't reproducible and nix enforces reproducibility
<Drakonis> no, yes i get it.
<Drakonis> but there is a use to it.
<Drakonis> using hydra for local development
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<thomassgn> hi, I'm having trouble running context after just upgrading my system. Keep getting something about resolvers scanning /nix/store and then it just works for a long time. No Idea if it actually does anything.
<thomassgn> anyone running context successfully on an up-to-date system?
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<MP2E> do you mean using the latest nixpkgs master tree to build off of?
<MP2E> or unstable or stable or something else
<MP2E> couldn't tell by the context, but I updated my nixpkgs master tree today and had some issues on boot
<MP2E> had to revert to an older profile
<MP2E> might be related
<thomassgn> context as in the texlive/tex/latex thing
<MP2E> ah okay, not related then. hm
<thomassgn> hehe, np. just ran nix-channel --update and nixos-rebuild switch for the heck of it, and suddenly my context install won't do shiet...
<thomassgn> (the rebuild switch was with an --upgrade)
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<srhb> Is there an issue tracking terminal corruption in nix-build and friends on unstable? I haven't been able to find it.
<srhb> Actually I suppose it's not terminal corruption, just a bunch of weird newlines...
<srhb> Maybe it's curl's fault.
<stepcut> any idea how to use cabal2nix to generate a default.nix for a repo on github, when the cabal package is in a subdirectory?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #22305: smartmontools: 6.4 -> 6.5 and fix segfault on darwin (master...smartmontools) https://git.io/vDIAw
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDLUZ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 61c48d9 Vincent Laporte: luaPackages.luaexpat: fix build on darwin
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<nhooyr> I've got a digital ocean VPS on which I have a fileserver/webserver and whatnot all running. I just login and use /etc/nixos/configuration.nix to declare the state of the system and what services should be running, what packages should be installed etc. What can nixops do for me? I'm not quite understanding the descriptions.
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<roconnor> nixops is mostly useful for coordinating several instances of cloud servers running nixos. If you just have one, there are fewer benefits of using nixops. Nixops will still let you provision that once instance from your local computer though, if that is beneficial.
<roconnor> *that one instance
<roconnor> Basically you would keep the configuration on your local computer instead of on the cloud server.
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<nhooyr> ah ok thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej opened pull request #22308: pidgin-xmpp-receipts: init at 0.7 (master...pidgin-xmpp-receipts) https://git.io/vDLLi
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<nhooyr> i'm trying to build neovim locally with nix-shell. nixpkgs has a neovim package so I ran `nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A neovim` to give me a shell with all the dependencies of neovim. From here, how can I build neovim? here is the nix expression from nixpkgs https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/editors/neovim/default.nix
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<srhb> nhooyr: Execute the phases one by one, for instance.
<nhooyr> how?
<nhooyr> OH
<srhb> nhooyr: And suddenly, the mystery unraveleld. :-D
<srhb> unravelled*
<nhooyr> :+1:
<srhb> nhooyr: You might want to try declare -f to see them all :)
<nhooyr> yup `typeset -f genericBuild | grep 'phases='`
<musicmatze> srhb: TIL. thanks.
<nhooyr> srhb: I've been confused on that for a month or two...
<srhb> Hehe. :-) Glad to be able to give a tiny bit back considering my noobiness.
<nhooyr> i've been trying to build packages by jumping into nix-shell and then just typing make
<nhooyr> and making issues about why it won't work LOL
<srhb> :-P
<nhooyr> unfortunate
<srhb> You could probably do something after unpackPhase to get at it manually, but yea
<srhb> It should be easier to figure out now ;-)
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<nhooyr> srhb: when I run genericBuild it all works great. but if I try and run each phase myself, neovim tries to download the dependencies into a .deps folder and then everything fails with many errors. I'm not running unpackPhase because I already have it's git repository cloned but even if I do and cd into it and then run configurePhase (there is none)
<nhooyr> then buildPhase, it fails in the buildPhase. I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with configurePhase. it tells me `no configure script, doing nothing`. I'm not sure why. I know there should be a configure phase though because of https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/61c48d9c45254e36e4ecb58ce7c263dda13bd9a0/pkgs/applications/editors/neovim/def
<nhooyr> ault.nix#L121
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] benley opened pull request #22309: vim: make it possible to build with --enable-gui=gtk3 (master...vim-gtk3) https://git.io/vDLm8
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<hyper_ch> hmmm, I just tried to burn a cd with K3B but its telling me that cdrecord has no permission to open the device
<hyper_ch> what to do?
<AtnNn> hyper_ch: are you in the cdrom group?
<hyper_ch> AtnNn: no idea :)
<AtnNn> hyper_ch: try the `id' command
<hyper_ch> I am not :)
<benley> Anyone know if this is a sane thing to do? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/22309/commits/e01c15d433cdaacca0c0525a29ce304b3832d16a <--- builds vim for gtk3 by default if gnome3 is installed
<hyper_ch> extraGroups = [ "networkmanager" "vboxusers" "wheel" "audio" "cdrom" ]; # wheel is for the sudo group -- rebuilding now
<AtnNn> hyper_ch: if that doesn't work, https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/19154
<hyper_ch> oh, seems I have to restart
<AtnNn> hyper_ch: perhaps try chgroup instead of restarting
<AtnNn> chgrp *
<hyper_ch> restart is simpler
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<AtnNn> newgrp *
<AtnNn> simpler is usually best. I always forget the name of that command
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<hyper_ch> no luck
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<hyper_ch> I guess I need to use gksu
<hyper_ch> doesn't work with gkus
<sphalerite> hyper_ch: what does ls -l /dev/sr0 say? (assuming /dev/sr0 is your CD device)
<hyper_ch> sphalerite: brw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 11, 0 Jan 31 08:55 /dev/sr0
<hyper_ch> id
<hyper_ch> uid=1000(hyper) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),1(wheel),17(audio),24(cdrom),57(networkmanager),72(vboxusers)
<sphalerite> ooh, what's that + there? what does getfacl /dev/sr0 say?
<sphalerite> user:hyper:rw-
<sphalerite> you shouldn't even need to be in the cdrom group to have access to it afaict
<hyper_ch> that means?
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<sphalerite> that means that the user hyper gets read and write access to it
<hyper_ch> k3b doesn't think so
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<sphalerite> so it probably isn't a permissions issue though
<sphalerite> is k3b actually finding cdrecord correctly?
<sphalerite> can you use cdrecord from outside k3b?
<hyper_ch> which cdrecord
<hyper_ch> /run/current-system/sw/bin/cdrecord
<hyper_ch> don't know how to use cdrecord
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<sphalerite> what does cdrecord -scanbus say?
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<hyper_ch> yeah, problems might be paths
<hyper_ch> it looks in /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin etc...
<hyper_ch> nah, it actually lists the binary fine
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<sphalerite> blarg. strace -e open,stat cdrecord -scanbus
<sphalerite> meh. I really don't know where to go from there, or where it gets that permission information
<hyper_ch> don't ask me
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<sphalerite> oh, one more thing that might be worth trying — just strace cdrecord -scanbus
<sphalerite> without the filter
<sphalerite> Ooh and I have another idea! Maybe cdrecord is meant to be setuid
<sphalerite> no, afaict it shouldn't be necessary
<sphalerite> What's weird is that it doesn't even try to access /dev/sr0 by the looks of it
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<hyper_ch> setuid? that's too complicated for me
<hyper_ch> basically I can't burn a cd :(
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix force-pushed python-wip from ef5f376 to c8e4049: https://git.io/vzaOS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-wip c8e4049 Lancelot SIX: pythonPackages.pytest: use pytest_30
<sphalerite> Aah, it does want the caps
<sphalerite> I'm not sure nixpkgs currently has a mechanism for giving executables caps, but it should work if you just make it setuid
<sphalerite> by putting in the system configuration security.extraSetuidPrograms = [pkgs.cdrecord];
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<hyper_ch> what's the difference to: security.setuidPrograms = [ "mount.cifs" ]; ?
<hyper_ch> between setuidprograms and extrasetuidprograms?
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<hyper_ch> trace: warning: The option `security.extraSetuidPrograms' defined in `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix' has been renamed to `security.setuidPrograms'.
<hyper_ch> this works: security.setuidPrograms = [ "mount.cifs" "pkgs.cdrecord" ];
<hyper_ch> sphalerite: this seems to look better (or rather different) now: https://paste.simplylinux.ch/view/raw/cd74f449
<hyper_ch> k3b still refuses to work though
<sphalerite> hyper_ch: you put a $ at the end of the command
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDLsQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e2bf041 Tim Digel: pgroonga: init at 1.1.9
<sphalerite> and for k3b, you need to make sure it's using the cdrecord from /var/setuid-wrappers
<hyper_ch> :(
<hyper_ch> how to do that?
<sphalerite> hm, it's still using the old cdrecord
<sphalerite> try it in a new terminal
<sphalerite> oh, actually I think I got the option wrong
<sphalerite> should be just "cdrecord" rather than pkgs.cdrecord
<sphalerite> (with quotes)
<sphalerite> and yeah just setuidPrograms rather than extraSetuidPrograms
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix force-pushed python-wip from c8e4049 to 4cf8ae3: https://git.io/vzaOS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-wip 4cf8ae3 Lancelot SIX: pythonPackages.pytest: use pytest_30
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDLG6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 68b4a1f Aneesh Agrawal: nixos: Respect nixpkgs.overlays (#22221)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDLGA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3dd2a27 Benjamin Staffin: vim: make it possible to build with --enable-gui=gtk3...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e01c15d Benjamin Staffin: nixos: if gnome3 is installed, build gvim for gtk3 too
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 01751a9 Vladimír Čunát: Merge #22309: vim: allow building with gtk3
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #22309: vim: make it possible to build with --enable-gui=gtk3 (master...vim-gtk3) https://git.io/vDLm8
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<hyper_ch> sphalerite: ok, the cdrecord in /var/setuid-wrappers appears in K3B's permissions settings screen... but still error
<sphalerite> :( then I really don't know anymore, sorry
<hyper_ch> write(2, "cdrecord: setuid-wrapper.c:47: m"..., 113cdrecord: setuid-wrapper.c:47: main: Assertion `(st.st_mode & S_ISUID) == 0 || (st.st_uid == geteuid())' failed.
<hyper_ch> ) = 113
<hyper_ch> that output looks now different though
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #22280: python*Packages.pytest: defaults to pytest_30 (master...pytest_defaults_to_30) https://git.io/vDTUv
<ronny> is Fridh on a irc hiatus?
<LnL> he was here yesterday
<sphalerite> hyper_ch: oh yeah, tracing the setuid executable won't work. Run it without strace
<sphalerite> but yeah I still don't know :/
<hyper_ch> sphalerite: it's ok :)
<clever> hyper_ch: i think if you run k3b under strace, as root, then it will just naturaly gain root without the setuid
<clever> then you should be able to reproduce the issue
<hyper_ch> I tried gksu k3b but then I couldn't access any folders to pick files to burn
<clever> throw a file in /tmp?, or was the entire browse window broken?
<hyper_ch> no, I have entries Home and Root
<hyper_ch> but I can't unfold them and no files appear
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<clever> ah
<clever> sounds like the browse ui is broken under gksu
<clever> you can usualy just type/paste in the full path to the ISO
<edwtjo> gchristensen: aha, great!
<hyper_ch> clever: I want to burn files onto a cd
<clever> ah, thats more complex then
<clever> hmmm, simplest thing i can think of is to run k3b without root, purely in a "group of files" to "iso file" mode
<clever> then re-run it as root, and paste in that iso path, and debug the burning issue there
<hyper_ch> that's easy?
<hyper_ch> shouldn't a cd-brun program just run?
<clever> i would expect k3b to have both modes in it
<clever> hyper_ch: oh, is cdrecord in /run/current-system/sw/bin/ ?
<hyper_ch> creating iso and then running gksu k3b to burn the iso onto cd works
<hyper_ch> which k3b
<hyper_ch> /run/current-system/sw/bin/k3b
<hyper_ch> sphalerite also said to add some setuid stuff
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<clever> next simplest option i can think of is to just read the man pages for mkisofs and cdrecord, then do it purely via CLI
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<clever> you can also loopback mount the iso youve created, to confirm it looks right, before doing the final burn
* clever heads off to bed
<hyper_ch> phreedom's on the case now... so relax everyone :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDLcD
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3ccc139 Matthias Beyer: cataract: init at 1.1.0 and HEAD
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl closed pull request #21307: cataract: init at 1.1.0 and HEAD (master...add-cataract) https://git.io/v1NlM
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] DamienCassou created remove-maintainer-DamienCassou (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vDLlS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/remove-maintainer-DamienCassou 58dc8e3 Damien Cassou: Remove myself from maintainers
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<nhooyr> yay, finally got neovim working
<hyper_ch> congrats
<hyper_ch> what's neovim?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] DamienCassou opened pull request #22310: Remove myself from maintainers (master...remove-maintainer-DamienCassou) https://git.io/vDLlb
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<avn> btw, would be nice to have some meta flag/standard comment, if maintainer willing to pass maintainership to someone other...
<ronny> fml and wtf
<avn> I have few packages which I do/will do for my job, and I am ok to support them, but also I want to flag them, that more involved maintainer will be welcomed
<ronny> nixos grew new collisions :/
<avn> (is abstract question, not about any real stuff I added/plan to add ;)
<avn> well, tbh about plans to add something ;)
<goibhniu> avn: hrm, but we can have multiple maintainers for a package, and people can remove themselves ... the way I see it, if you care about a package, and update it, fix it when it's broken etc. you might as well add yourself as a maintainer
<avn> goibhniu: I just not sure, if PRing new packages with emptry maintainer list is a good idea.
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<goibhniu> avn: AFAIK people are encouraged to add themselves as the maintainer when they add a new package
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<avn> goibhniu: I see, but for example... I need to build few rdp solutions, and evaluate them. I'll will have 4-5 good done packages. After few weeks evaluations, I continue with 2 of them. I won't throw away 3 others, but I welcome if someone overtake them.
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<avn> (is just example, just to let you catch my question)
<nhooyr> hyper_ch: https://neovim.io/
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<hyper_ch> vim /me shivers
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<goibhniu> avn: in general, I think the NixOS community tries to avoid too many policies on things like that, so you could either remove yourself as maintainer (with the risk that someone could remove the package if it breaks in the future, without letting you know), or wait until someone else steps up to maintain it, and then remove yourself
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<avn> goibhniu: I use second way for most stuff I add.
<ronny> a newMaintainerWanted flag may be usefull
<avn> ronny: yes, it what about I asked ;)
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<goibhniu> hrm, I think it's pretty cool to add new packages for things you're evaluating, but if you decide not to use them afterwards yourself I think you could remove yourself as the maintainer and it would mean the same thing as "maintainer wanted/remove at will".
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #22313: rockbox_utility: use qt5 instead of qt4 (master...f/rb) https://git.io/vDLRn
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<mbrgm> fpletz: did you have a chance to take a look at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/22067?
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<dtz> nhooyr: neovim PR soon? :D
<nhooyr> dtz: PR for what? there already is a neovim pkg that works fine.
<dtz> Oh it's already in, hmm.
<nhooyr> i had a lot of trouble building it in nix-shell myself
<nhooyr> that's what i got working
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<nhooyr> thanks
<LnL> it should also just work without any configuration
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<dtz> ah coolies, still haven't moved from vim yet but give it a try every now and then :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDLVP
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dacbca2 Vladimír Čunát: knot-dns: yet another attempt to fix build on Darwin
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<manveru> been using neovim via nix for a year now...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDLoH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 904bcb3 Matthias Beyer: yaft: init at 0.2.9
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #22261: yaft: init at 0.2.9 (master...add-yaft) https://git.io/vDUou
<jophish> I've got my own tiny plugin manager (justs fiddles with rtp) for neovim with nix https://github.com/expipiplus1/dotfiles/blob/master/nixpkgs/vim.nix
<manveru> heh
<nhooyr> honestly that is a good idea, what else does a plugin manager really need to do with nix?
<sphalerite> vam allows loading plugins only for certain filetypes iiuc, which improves startup time
<nhooyr> oh, maybe lazy loading like vam
<nhooyr> yea
<manveru> that's already how it works via vam
<sphalerite> jophish: why your own rather than the vam thing that comes with nixpkgs?
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<manveru> that way adding new plugins just needs two lines, though i should probably also generate the configuration.nix
<nhooyr> neat
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<jophish> manveru: update_plugins.rb looks a lot like update-nix-fetchgit
<jophish> haskell package to do the same
<manveru> i guess so, i do the same with bundix
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<jophish> sphalerite: I can't really remember. I do remember thinking that vam was too hard to use, but looking at manveru's configuration I can't imagine how I got that impression, it looks really easy :)
<sheenobu> jophish, neat! I've been doing the same neovim nix thing
<sheenobu> but without the makeRtp stuff which looks really useful
<jophish> sphalerite: I've not found neovim to be slow starting up at all
<manveru> i found it mostly depends on the plugins and language you're using...
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<manveru> neovim itself is fast as hell :)
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<manveru> i got hooked with neomake... used to have to wait 10 seconds after opening/saving a file for linters and the like
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #22314: krename-qt5: init at 20161228 (master...u/krename) https://git.io/vDLix
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<jophish> manveru: deoplete is super for the same reason
<jophish> nothing hangs before completions appear
<manveru> i shall try that
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<unlmtd[m]> im hooked. Cant tolerate the dirty pile of files method
<unlmtd[m]> Just pulled myself from a week of openwrt , what a nightmare
<gchristensen> nice
<unlmtd[m]> push this button, reboot, change this, restart network
<unlmtd[m]> wow
<unlmtd[m]> just lik in 1985 man!
<sphalerite> I only started using nixos a couple of months ago, but now SSHing into debian servers makes me so sad
<unlmtd[m]> then I looked at the voiid linux installer to do a setup, and it failed, and now Im just burning a nixos image
<sphalerite> It's what I always wanted
<unlmtd[m]> nixos is just the tip of the icebeeg
<unlmtd[m]> im a OS snob now
<sphalerite> (actually it's always made me sad. But I didn't realise that what I was looking for already existed)
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<unlmtd[m]> wow what a difference. I have all my tools on the live image, even my editor plugins!
<unlmtd[m]> ftw!
<gchristensen> did you succumb to systemd?
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<LnL> TIL. the AMIs don't have any swap, that explains a few things
<gchristensen> :) swap on an EBS volume is verrryyy nasty
<unlmtd[m]> runit is made for nixos
<LnL> 0 free memory isn't great either :)
<unlmtd[m]> and then you almost magically get nixos-bsd and nixos-tiny
<gchristensen> LnL: well ... fair, but (for example) I would prefer my nodes crash than use swap
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<unlmtd[m]> in a way nixos is one of the things that makes systemd lose a lot of its attraction
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<Yaniel> how ironic
<unlmtd[m]> nixos has solved the problem of arranging a lot of modular systems
<unlmtd[m]> and it thrives on them actually
<unlmtd[m]> so systemd is in the way for nix to expand past linux
<unlmtd[m]> for now*
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<unlmtd[m]> Ill play with not-os when I go on my vacation
<gchristensen> I don't think that is a direction nixos will be moving any time soon
<jophish> where's clever?
<ixxie> unlmtd[m]: I have been thinking about this too, mainly because there are possibilities to do really cool things if a nix-native init+dm system is made
<unlmtd[m]> runit is perfect for that
<ixxie> unlmtd[m]: one could, for example, select particular modules to be loaded before login
<gchristensen> you already can
<unlmtd[m]> ya or swap the kernel for something else
<unlmtd[m]> nixos is made for distributed OS
<ixxie> gchristensen: I am aware you can do so via bootloader profiles, but I meant that such a section would be done with a display manager
<ixxie> unlmtd[m]: I am not familiar with runit (or init systems in general tbh) but I recently read about GNU dmd which is being used in Guix
<ixxie> unlmtd[m]: the natural thing - something simpson apparently considered doing but had no time for - would be to have the init system configurable in Nix, so you could configure init processes in your configuration
<ixxie> but that is a huge project I imagine
<ixxie> (btw, this is cool reference for the history of init systems http://blog.darknedgy.net/technology/2015/09/05/0/ )
<sphalerite> One thing I still don't understand is why service managers run as PID 1
<sphalerite> Rather than having a process that does only PID 1's responsibility (reaping zombies) and fork-and-execs another process that can do everything else
<sphalerite> (like sinit)
<unlmtd[m]> suckless is a bit extreme
<sphalerite> Certainly, but what's wrong with putting service management in another process?
<unlmtd[m]> nothing
<sphalerite> Then why wouldn't dmd for instance do so?
<unlmtd[m]> read this http://sta.li/upgrade
<sphalerite> looks like something that's built on decent engineering principles, but why does it want to do both...
<gchristensen> I think it is important that the launcher get reaping signals
<unlmtd[m]> GPL is bad
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<gchristensen> but who knows
<gchristensen> with containerization, why don't you go find out? :
<gchristensen> :)
<unlmtd[m]> redoxos is where the bleeding edge is
<sphalerite> yeeees
<sphalerite> all it needs is a nix-like package manager
<sphalerite> :D
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<unlmtd[m]> so rust rewrite
<unlmtd[m]> Im thinking about it
<unlmtd[m]> that would be the 'dont look back, dive right in' attitude
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDL7H
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ace284e Thomas Tuegel: es: git-2015-04-11 -> 0.9.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a2e1aec Thomas Tuegel: es: add ttuegel to maintainers
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDL5W
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 557fd03 Vladimír Čunát: Merge #22310: Remove myself from maintainers
<unlmtd[m]> installing, popcorn time :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #22310: Remove myself from maintainers (master...remove-maintainer-DamienCassou) https://git.io/vDLlb
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDL5X
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 dc96f03 Vladimír Čunát: Merge #22310: Remove myself from maintainers...
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<manveru> sphalerite: you like runit? :)
<sphalerite> I don't know, I haven't looked into it much yet
<sphalerite> I'm not really happy with systemd's model, but it does work and I have a finite amount of time :p
<manveru> i used it a lot for work, and ran void linux for a while
<manveru> but well, my ideal would be to either build void linux with nix, or implement runit as alternative for systemd on nixos...
<manveru> neither of which i have time for :(
<sphalerite> Still, the worst that's out there is probably bash-as-init. Thanks, docker.
<manveru> don't give them any ideas :)
<sphalerite> give them ideas? It's already happened
<manveru> you can still use custom entrypoint instead of bash
<gchristensen> damn ...
<sphalerite> yeah but huge numbers of images do use bash
<gchristensen> anyone here use Gnome? We need people who are using and are interested in gnome to step up and help maintain the package set
<LnL> I've also seen stuff like this RUN ["bash","-c","foo &; bar &; baz"]
<sphalerite> even if it's just running a script that starts up the service that the container is actually meant to provide
<sphalerite> LnL: yep
<sphalerite> the worst about that is probably not that it doesn't reap zombies, but that it doesn't actually allow terminating the container without sigkill
<manveru> well, you can't fix other people
<sphalerite> if only...
<gchristensen> iirc docker was moving towards providing their own init for all containers by default, to handle thaht garbafge
<sphalerite> sinit except with runtime-configurable fork command!
<manveru> i'm afraid of anything docker does at this point :P
<gchristensen> yap
<LnL> I thought the philosophy was that there should only be a single process, even if it's not feasible
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<sphalerite> nah I'm pretty sure it was just one *service*
<gchristensen> philosophy doesn't always match up with reality :(
<gchristensen> nope, The Docker Way was a single process (lol)
<sphalerite> docker is pretty stupid
<sphalerite> design-wise
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<gchristensen> hey now
<sphalerite> but I like being able to docker run -p 30000:30000/udp linuxserver/minetest
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<sphalerite> (for example)
<manveru> hmm, deoplete requires a file called pyuv... how on earth do i add that :|
<unlmtd[m]> so whats the best way to deploy a big infrastructure? Iv seen some guys took haskell into a dsl for that
<sphalerite> I also don't see why it has to make volumes so complicated. They could have just been directories on the host in all cases, but no — they had to complicate things by reinventing mount and hiding the actual volume data
<unlmtd[m]> but its closed source I think
<sphalerite> nixops! (caveat: have never actually used it)
<manveru> how big is your big? :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jpierre03 opened pull request #22316: nix-exec: patch to compile with nix-0.12pre (master...pr-nix-exec) https://git.io/vDLFM
<jophish> What's the process for building profiled haskell packages?
<manveru> nixops is definitely the way to go though, it's a bit bumpy to get started, and you'll probably need a separate tool to handle mutable data
<jophish> I've build all the dependencies with 'enableLibraryProfiling = true'
<jophish> however I'm still getting linker errors when I come to use those libraries
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<gchristensen> you's guys ... `nix-store -l`
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<domenkozar> jophish: what kind of errors?
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<LnL> gchristensen: yeah I discovered that recently
<jophish> domenkozar: a whole bunch of undefined references to symbols in dependent libraries
<jophish> everything in my 'haskellPackages' has been build with enableLibraryProfiling, but when I try to use this package set to compile something with 'enableExecutableProfiling' things fall apart
<domenkozar> strange
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<gchristensen> is there a more up to date guide on installing nix-daemon on other linuxes?
<gchristensen> or is the wiki article best?
<jophish> gchristensen: I wrote a guide a while ago, there's also the .deb output from nix itself
<LnL> dunno, I just looked at the nixos module definition
<gchristensen> it is almost as if we have a fairly transparent and repeatable system configuration tool :|
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #22317: wireshark: use cmake and move to gtk3/qt5 (master...f/ws) https://git.io/vDLA6
<gchristensen> awesome, thank you jophish!
<jophish> gchristensen: just a second, I'll find another
<manveru> jophish: i can't get deoplete to work...
<manveru> i added latest pyuv to the neovim extraPython3Packages, now i get an even more cryptic error :P
<jophish> I used this on my current machine
<jophish> and it's been working fine, except that I'm stuck on nixUnstable!
<jophish> gchristensen: next time I'll use my script again though, as I don't like having nix-build and friends in /usr/bin
<gchristensen> great :D
<jophish> just waiting to go out of date
<jophish> manveru: I don't remember having to add pyuv
<gchristensen> I need to make this a puppet manifest thing
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<manveru> hmm
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<manveru> it's actually a dependency of neovim/msgpack_rpc
<manveru> which is used to talk to deoplete
<manveru> maybe i can try upgrading that one
<manveru> nope, that one is up to date
<manveru> i dunno... python always confuses the shit out of me
<manveru> i'll just remove the plugin until someone implements it in a sane language :)
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<jophish> gchristensen: Please let me know if you make that markdown into a script as your bash-foo is clearly much stronger than mine :)
<gchristensen> hehe that bash is juuuust fine
<jophish> domenkozar: it was a ghc nondeterminsm error I think
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<jophish> gchristensen: I had endless problems with the ssl certificates. What's in the script was working three months ago. I hope it's still working now :)
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<gchristensen> jophish: I didn't closely follow the script and ended up in ssl-hell too
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<gchristensen> jophish: ok, so here is a winner: deleting nix is easy ;)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDtJw
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a3517bf Vladimír Čunát: lmdb: get rid of $out/man...
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<k0001> I'm seeing error messages like the following in Hydra: https://gist.github.com/k0001/b4a401720a9f250719b69a32ff4d8bfb --- `x86_64-linux.docker-images` there is an attribute set, and these do not fail locally, just up on Hydra. Anybody seen this before?
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<ronny> on nixos - how do i get debug builds of stuff so i can gdb hook into it?
<jophish> gchristensen: oh no!
<jophish> I hope you've got it working now
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<gchristensen> yeah
<jophish> just out of interest, what did you do wrong?
<jophish> might be worth putting a note in the gist
<ronny> how do i set the priority when using buildenv
<gchristensen> I accidentally ignored a bunch of steps :D
<jophish> gchristensen: It doesn't actually say to follow all the steps in order, so you're excused :)
<gchristensen> haha well it is ~usually~ assumed
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pradeepchhetri opened pull request #22320: consul: 0.7.0 -> 0.7.3 (master...consul) https://git.io/vDtm5
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<srhb> ls
<srhb> Sorry.
<gchristensen> listsort log lwn-vulns nixops nixos-config
<srhb> gchristensen: Unsurprising!
<fpletz> speaking of vulns…
<gchristensen> hmm?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDtYi
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 53bfe0c Franz Pletz: bitlbee: 3.5 -> 3.5.1 for multiple CVEs...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ca593a7 Franz Pletz: libarchive: add patch to fix CVE-2017-5601
<gchristensen> oohh f un
<fpletz> :)
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<fpletz> mbrgm: sorry, not yet :/
<fpletz> oh, and 42 tcpdump vulns and no upstream release
<fpletz> debian somehow already packaged the new release but no commits for fixes in git \o/
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 3 new commits to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDtOK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 ebc0406 Pascal Wittmann: bitlbee: 3.4.2 -> 3.5...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 a1dae25 Franz Pletz: bitlbee: 3.5 -> 3.5.1 for multiple CVEs...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 b68b156 Franz Pletz: libarchive: add patch to fix CVE-2017-5601...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDtsM
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 44cbb0f Franz Pletz: tcpdump: 4.8.1 -> 4.9.0 for multiple CVEs...
<gchristensen> fpletz: oh you found it?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 3 new commits to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDtsA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 71bcd8b Franz Pletz: libpcap: 1.7.4 -> 1.8.1...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 81d57f0 Franz Pletz: tcpdump: 4.7.4 -> 4.8.1...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 1756a5d Franz Pletz: tcpdump: 4.8.1 -> 4.9.0 for multiple CVEs...
<fpletz> gchristensen: yeah, took it from debian… it's trustworthy enough imho
<gchristensen> LGTM
<gchristensen> also that list of CVEs :o
<LnL> fpletz: O_O
<gchristensen> thank goodness for debian
<gchristensen> they do so much mostly-thankless work
<fpletz> probably went through the distros mailing list and debian just went ahead and packages it
<fpletz> *packaged
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDtcD
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fa1e8ff Thomas Tuegel: spotify: 1.0.47 -> 1.0.48
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDtch
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 7ae9da4 Thomas Tuegel: spotify: 1.0.47 -> 1.0.48...
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<binaryphile> i've got a redhat server behind a firewall with no access to the outside...presuming /nix exists (and is empty), if i wanted to install nix on it, is it possible to rsync down an installation from my machine?
<binaryphile> i'm curious whether a nix install is user- or machine-specific
<simpson> binaryphile: Yikes, this sounds like a bad situation. Nix on non-NixOS is machine-wide but set to be owned only by the installing (non-root) user.
<binaryphile> it's ok if it's single-user
<binaryphile> i only have access to one user there anyway
<binaryphile> i'm familiar with how to set up the .nix-profile directory manually if necessary too
<binaryphile> i'm more interested whether /nix/store and /nix/var, or the install database are going to be unhappy about the user or machine being moved out from under them
<binaryphile> i know it's not ideal. :)
<simpson> The store itself doesn't care, but the database that keeps the store consistent might care. Not sure.
<binaryphile> that's what i thought might be the case.
<binaryphile> i think i can run some experiments, i thought someone here might tell me whether it just can't work
<sphalerite> FWIW I've been using nix-generated binaries on a non-nix system, running nix only on the host machine, and it's been working
<sphalerite> but I'm guessing that's not what you want
<binaryphile> sphalerite, how do you make sure you have all the dependencies in the tree, just copy the whole store?
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<sphalerite> nix-store -qR <derivation-to-install>
<binaryphile> got it
<sphalerite> so I just copy over the closure that I need
<simpson> binaryphile: nix-copy-closure and etc. can help with that.
<binaryphile> thx
<sphalerite> simpson: not if the target system doesn't have nix working
<yorick> I'm trying to set up hydra, running http://sprunge.us/dBWg as config. the idea is that it would build on localhost, but it queues the thing and then doesn't build on localhost
<yorick> what more should I do?
<binaryphile> i don't want to go too far off the path, i think i can get nix working on the remote
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<sphalerite> alright
<sphalerite> I'm off now, good luck!
<simpson> sphalerite: Well, in this case, the target machine is firewalled from networks; I imagine that many hoops must be jumped through.
<binaryphile> thx guys
<binaryphile> i'm sure i'll have more questions later
<gchristensen> yorick: you need to add localhost to the build-machines
<yorick> gchristensen: it lists localhost as idle on /machines
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<gchristensen> yeah but I think you need to add it again anyway
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<gchristensen> yorick: using nix.buildMachines: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#nix.buildmachines
<yorick> gchristensen: with just no ssh key?
<gchristensen> I think so
<yorick> okay, it's building now
<yorick> thanks gchristensen!
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<yorick> nixopsUnstable could use an update
<gchristensen> you're welcome!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDtBW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 73f07ec Shea Levy: nix-exec: 4.1.5 -> 4.1.6...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy closed pull request #22316: nix-exec: patch to compile with nix-0.12pre (master...pr-nix-exec) https://git.io/vDLFM
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<qknight_> aszlig: heute oder morgen noch im openlab?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pradeepchhetri opened pull request #22321: minio: 20161213 -> 20170125 (master...minio) https://git.io/vDtay
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<contrapumpkin> niksnut: I can't remember if I've asked this before, but (as someone interested in potentially hosting an S3 binary cache for local use) how do you GC your S3 bucket?
<gchristensen> contrapumpkin: we don't
<contrapumpkin> so it's append-only? :)
<gchristensen> yes
<niksnut> well
<niksnut> there is a GC script
<contrapumpkin> I imagine that's a "now" thing and not necessarily what will be true in 10 years
<niksnut> but I don't run it regularly
<contrapumpkin> ah
<contrapumpkin> where's that live?
<gchristensen> I've fetched artifacts from S3 as old as 2014 I think?
<niksnut> and it's not to up to date
<contrapumpkin> mostly just curious for the general shape of the logic
<niksnut> gchristensen: yes, it deletes paths not reachable from a release
<contrapumpkin> i.e., do you still retain a notion of GC roots and ask nix for all the nar IDs and subtract those from the total set?
<gchristensen> ah
<contrapumpkin> I guess it can be done as a giant iterator over ListBucket, checking if something is reachable from a precomputed set of releases
<niksnut> pretty much
<gchristensen> I'm considering making a lifecycle rule which just deletes things older than ~60 days
<gchristensen> I think that makes nix as a client grumpy, though
<niksnut> well, that would be dangerous because it could leave holes in closures
<contrapumpkin> gchristensen: I actually quite like having all sorts of ancient crap in the binary cache :) but I imagine niksnut's wallet (or logicblox's) doesn't
<contrapumpkin> niksnut: oh, nix doesn't magically fill in holes in closures?
<gchristensen> contrapumpkin: well ... yeah, and my wallet (prs.nix.gsc.io)
<niksnut> contrapumpkin: I don't remember what the current behaviour is wrt to fallback to building from source
<contrapumpkin> that'd be cool
<contrapumpkin> would allow the S3 to be a true cache
<niksnut> at the very least you get a message like "don't know how to build XXX"
<contrapumpkin> ah yes
<contrapumpkin> I remember seeing that one before
<contrapumpkin> but using the built-in S3 lifecycle stuff would be cool
<contrapumpkin> especially for private binary caches
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<gchristensen> I've seen a nasty failure, don't remember exactly what it was, where nix expected a file to exist in the cache and it didn't, and wouldn't try anything else
<niksnut> we have a lifecycle rule now to transit to infrequent access
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<contrapumpkin> oh cool
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<yorick> nix-daemon[6752]: unexpected Nix daemon error: implementation cannot deal with > 32-bit integers
<gchristensen> but I didn't delete stuff in a consistent manner, just selected a bunch and deleted
<contrapumpkin> luckily IPFS will save us all
<contrapumpkin> >_>
<contrapumpkin> :)
<contrapumpkin> yorick: doesn't sound ideal :)
<simpson> IPFS for this specific thing sounds good.
<niksnut> I'll have to see it to believe it :-)
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<niksnut> I notice that the IPFS homepage no longer markets itself as the "permanent web"
<niksnut> probably because people realized that that was nonsense :-)
<gchristensen> :D
<simpson> I certainly dislike that IPFS isn't an *actual* content-oblivious store; from a security POV, it's very unsatisfying.
<simpson> But the idea of mirroring "harmless" common blobs sounds like a good idea.
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<contrapumpkin> yeah, I could see it being great for fixed-output derivations today
<contrapumpkin> the trust issues for other kinds of derivations seem harder to overcome
<gchristensen> IIRC the issue is matching up sha's that nix understands and the sha's that ipfs understands
<gchristensen> sha's that ipfs understands -> hashes that ipfs understands
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shajra opened pull request #22323: build-support: add `strings-replace` tool (master...feature/strings-replace) https://git.io/vDtrJ
<fpletz> hrm, we could probaly also query the closures of hydra gcroots to find out which nar to keep in the binary cache, right?
<yorick> spotify could really use some mirroring
<gchristensen> we can't mirror spotify
<contrapumpkin> "someone" coul
<contrapumpkin> d
<contrapumpkin> :)
<yorick> how's nix-fetch-ipfs doing ;)
<contrapumpkin> "mysterious third parties are mirroring spotify, so let's use the mirror"
<cransom> gchristensen: "can't mirror spotify"... this sounds like a challenge
<yorick> it's a vampire
<Yaniel> I thought spotify was p2p
<gchristensen> no official service from nixos will mirror spotify, how is that? :P
<Yaniel> how does one mirror that
<gchristensen> spotify is definitely not p2p
<contrapumpkin> copy the unversioned names into IPFS with versioned-names
<yorick> spotify was p2p, but then they decided that was too much of an ordeal
<yorick> they're versioned, but they disappear: http://repository-origin.spotify.com/pool/non-free/s/spotify-client/
<contrapumpkin> fair enough
<contrapumpkin> we just mirror them and don't disappear them then :)
<contrapumpkin> err, "mysterious third parties" mirror and don't disappear
<contrapumpkin> definitely not "we"
<yorick> might be fun to check the signing key and make an auto updater like chromiu
<yorick> (also, the chromium auto-updater is the most terrible/awesome thing)
<contrapumpkin> is that the one with the fake md5?
<yorick> yeah
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<contrapumpkin> niksnut: see, that's why we can't deprecate md5 :P
<contrapumpkin> s/can't/must/
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<gchristensen> cold-sweat.jpg my binary cache is costing me a lot of money
<simpson> Yep, cloud is expensive.
<Yaniel> cloud, or, as we call it here, "weed"
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<contrapumpkin> gchristensen: you using reduced redundancy?
<simpson> Yaniel: I live in Oregon.
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<gchristensen> it isn't even storage, contrapumpkin
<contrapumpkin> oh
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] carldong opened pull request #22324: KMix, should be working (master...kmix) https://git.io/vDt6E
<cransom> oh wow. packet.net lets you speak bgp and advertise ips.
<gchristensen> yup
<gchristensen> packet.net provides really amazing services
<gchristensen> I really have to try hard not to sing their praises to high, so as to not appear to be a shill
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<cransom> thats ok, i'll be the shill for you. thats a super powerful feature that i'm sure most everyone doesn't realize how awesome that is.
<gchristensen> yup
<cransom> jebus. you can bring your own netblock too.
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* gchristensen sprinkles on some more amazement
<fpletz> probably proper network engineers at the helm :)
<gchristensen> fpletz: yes :)
<gchristensen> I've talked with them a lot. they know their stuff. their machines all have bounded nics... very nice stuff.
<gchristensen> cransom: -> #packethost :)
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<Ralith> cransom: isn't that ripe for abuse?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] benley pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDtSO
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f2961ac Pradeep Chhetri: minio: 20161213 -> 20170125
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fbd69aa Benjamin Staffin: Merge pull request #22321 from pradeepchhetri/minio...
<Ralith> letting you speak bgp
<cransom> i'm not a user, but if they don't filter your advertisements to what you are permitted to advertise, that would be insane.
<gchristensen> you also have to pony up the cash to pay for it
<gchristensen> and I'm confident they restrict your access, indeed :)
<cransom> yeah. $100 up front and then a monthly fee if you are doing the global advertisement deal. thats not bad. it is a unique feature that gives you a good reason to not have to run your own network/links/data center
<Ralith> okay, so that type of filtering is standard then
<cransom> i assume the only abuse you could run with is flapping. if thats global, everyone dampens your advertisements. if local, it likely doesn't matter much.
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<vandenoever> what's the best way to run rust nightly atm? package rustNightly.rustc fails in master
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<pikajude> do you have the sandbox enabled vandenoever
<vandenoever> pikajude: what sandbox?
<pikajude> ok, so no
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<vandenoever> pikajude: this is the first time i hear about a sandbox in connection with rust
<vandenoever> pikajude: i'm running nixos with some packages from nixpkgs master
<pikajude> vandenoever: i mean the sandbox for building nix packages not anything rust specific
<pikajude> iirc it disables network access and the rustNightly package requires network access because it's a very irresponsible package
<vandenoever> pikajude: i'm on nixos and i call nix-shell -p rustNightly.rustc
<pikajude> have you tried using rustNightlyBin?
<vandenoever> pikajude: just found it and that's compiling prereqs now
<pikajude> ok
<vandenoever> pikajude: the non-bin version had problem accessing github, perhaps that was a sandbox restriction
<pikajude> that is a sandbox restriction yes
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<vandenoever> pikajude: do you know what the restriction is exactly, normally i think it's ok to download data with known checksum
<pikajude> oh
<pikajude> well the rustc nightly builder just runs "git clone"
<pikajude> and i don't think it has a fixed output
<vandenoever> ah, without a fixed checksum
<pikajude> normally the source-getting phase and the package building phase are separate
<vandenoever> you can run clone for a particular sha1
<pikajude> yea but unless the derivation has a fixed output hash it can't access the network
<vandenoever> ah
<vandenoever> nice
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<vandenoever> pikajude: nightlyBin installs fine. Thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDtAD
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 551c52f Vincent Laporte: feh: 2.17.1 -> 2.18.1
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<maurer> I have systemd.coredump.enable = true set, but this only appears to collect cores coming from the root user
<maurer> (or possibly only system users)
<maurer> What do I need to set to collect cores from my normal user too?
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<maurer> (I know I've SIGSEGV'd programs on my normal user, but there are no cores when the user runs coredumpctl list, and when root runs coredumpctl list, it pretty much exclusively lists cores generated during a nix-build procedure
<clever> maurer: ive found that you still need to "ulimit -c unlimited" when using /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
<clever> and its probably /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern that systemd is using to capture the cores
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<Dezgeg> sounds like core_pattern is already correct as it captures root's cores
<clever> and you can run cat on core_pattern to confirm what its doing
<maurer> |/nix/store/qzvya9kh5wh3bkcryd3g14xax48i1klc-systemd-231/lib/systemd/systemd-coredump %P %u %g %s %t %c %e
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<gchristensen> hmm one second maurer
<maurer> re: ulimit, I've specified that in my configuration.nix
<maurer> I can paste the whole thing up
<clever> maurer: so the kernel will run systemd-coredump, and i believe pipe the raw core file to its stdin
<clever> maurer: what does "ulimit -a" say as a normal user?
<maurer> (first one is configuration.nix, second is ulimit -a)
<clever> maurer: hmmm, it should be dumping just fine
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<clever> maurer: also of use, you can kill -s SIGSEGV $FOO
<clever> and force any normal program to segfault on demand
<maurer> Sure?
<maurer> I've had multiple segfaults
<maurer> and no cores
<maurer> that's why I'm here :P
<clever> what is segfaulting?
<maurer> So, what I know has segfaulted is my own programs in development
<maurer> What I suspect is segfaulting and went spelunking for cores for is chromium
<clever> ah
<maurer> if there were just no chromium cores, I'd say my guess is wrong
<clever> chromium might be changing the ulimits
<maurer> but I have written faulty programs in the last few days
<maurer> and run them
<maurer> and they've segfaulted
<maurer> and there's no cores
<clever> dmesg should record every segfault
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDtpB
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 887590e Peter Hoeg: wireshark: use cmake and move to gtk3/qt5...
<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# journalctl -b 0 -t kernel | grep segfault
<clever> Jan 30 00:28:54 amd-nixos kernel: synergys[2671]: segfault at 0 ip 0000000000457f3c sp 00007fff1b3c7ca0 error 4 in synergys[400000+d5000]
<clever> maurer: this will at least confirm which programs are segfaulting on you
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor closed pull request #22317: wireshark: use cmake and move to gtk3/qt5 (master...f/ws) https://git.io/vDLA6
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<maurer> clever: the dmesg thing confirms for me that chrome isn't segfaulting
<maurer> which is nice to know
<maurer> but I'd still prefer for my cores to get collected
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<clever> i suspect its also likely that systemd-coredump is ignoring the core
<maurer> and the little bash snippet I've got here doesn't show anything
<maurer> Sure, which is why I was wondering what I need to set to make it not ignore the core >_>
<clever> i believe this is the source for systemd-coredump
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<clever> maurer: and at a glance (line 1277), systemd-coredump logs directly to dmesg
<clever> so check that next
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<maurer> clever: dmesg reports the ./a.out segfault correctly, I'm looking for the _core_
<clever> and process_kernel() handles the rest of things in the case of the kernel running systemd-coredump
<clever> yeah, systemd ate the core file
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<servilio> hi! what command allows me to drop into a shell and run the build stages by hand?
<clever> nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A hello
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<servilio> clever: thanks!
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<yorick> uncaught exception building ‘/nix/store/1kcgv91477hzd5ip3lga9hb3xv3hacch-ghc-8.0.1.drv’ on ‘localhost’: std::bad_alloc
<yorick> huh
<yorick> I have plenty of memory
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<clever> maurer: i see some log_debug calls that may help, those depend on log_get_max_level()
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<clever> maurer: looks like you boot with systemd.log_level=debug in the kernel params
<clever> maurer: and then systemd-coredump will give more details in dmesg, as to why its not saving cores
<yorick> I gave it MORE MEMORY, maybe it'll work now
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<yorick> I'm hitting so many hydra bugs that I'm getting surprised it works at all
<gchristensen> what are you having a hard time with?
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<gchristensen> it is a PITA to deploy, no doubt
<yorick> gchristensen: it only builds against 16.09, it runs out of memory (I think), now it stopped building for no reason
<gchristensen> ah
<yorick> the nixos in nixpkgs doesn't save it when you change inputs
<yorick> hydra*
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<gchristensen> yorick: https://github.com/grahamc/hydra-prs/blob/master/modules/hydra-master/default.nix#L6-L19 then services.hydra.package = unstable.hydra;
<maurer> btw, is the reason we're not at stable chromium that we have some kind of delayed thing to help hydra, or is it just that nobody's run the update script in a while?
<gchristensen> FWIW, Hydra has tons of capacity, so please don't hold back on updates on account of hydra
<yorick> personally, I'm afraid of the update script
<gchristensen> so, I hope it is because nobody has updated chromium in a while
<maurer> OK, well, I just ran the update script
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<maurer> if it builds and works locally I'll send a PR
<gchristensen> great :)
<yorick> gchristensen: what does that do?
<gchristensen> yorick: it uses hydra from unstable, but patches unstable first
<yorick> I currently just build it against 16.09
<gchristensen> yes, I think you will have a much better experience if you use unstable's hydra + that patch
<yorick> I'll try, thanks
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<yorick> gchristensen: so are you having fun with the s3 cost?
<gchristensen> (in other words, no)
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<yorick> hmm, I'm still hitting https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/14874
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<yorick> gchristensen: I think your hydra still has https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/issues/445
<gchristensen> ah, yeah
<eacameron> What's the command to see a dependency tree in nix-store?
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<yorick> gchristensen: okay, it still isn't running the queue
<yorick> other things run, but these are stuck
<gchristensen> what are "these"?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixops] Nadrieril opened pull request #598: libvirt: Fix #584 (master...fix-584) https://git.io/vDqkj
<dmj`> does nix obviate git submodules
<yorick> maybe they need i686 builds or something
<yorick> I bet it wouldn't tell me that
<gchristensen> it doesn't tell you many things
<gchristensen> what are "these"?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shajra closed pull request #22323: build-support: add `strings-replace` tool (master...feature/strings-replace) https://git.io/vDtrJ
<pi3r> Hi, I am trying this code https://paste.ee/p/6ecvE using 'pkgs.haskellPackages.callHackage' and I have got this error
<pi3r> sed: can't read /nix/store/aqg3rjr6qbabmb0nh9ph6k9ig6hfivxv-all-cabal-hashes-ee101d34ff8bd59897aa2eb0a124bcd3fb47ceec-src/language-puppet/1.3.5/language-puppet.json: No such file or directory
<pi3r> Any idea ?
<pi3r> I have been trying this with two pinned recent version of nixpkgs (one in December and another one in January) with no luck
<yorick> gchristensen: i686 things, it turns out
<gchristensen> you can configure your x86_64 nodes to build i686 too
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<yorick> yeah, it does work now
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<pi3r> maybe callHackage won't work with recent hackage version ? I need to wait nixpkgs to update from Hackage ?
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<Unode> is there an up-to-date version of https://nixos.org/wiki/Create_and_debug_nix_packages ?
<dmj`> pi3r: I think I know what happened
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDqmy
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 10349e7 Peter Simons: nixos: drop unused 'haskellPackages' option from ihaskell service...
<dmj`> pi3r: that haskell package forgot to include language-puppet.json file in the list of its extra source files. So it was never included in the tarball that got sent to hackage.
<dmj`> You can either submit a patch to the cabal file, hope the author reuploads the new version to hackage, or try to figure out how to get fetchFromGitHub and cabal2nix working together in a nix expression (hairy and ugly)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #22325: update pythonPackages.pep257 (master...update_pep257) https://git.io/vDqYG
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDqOX
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3b26c2f Peter Simons: callHackage: update Hackage snapshot to a current version
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<yorick> ah, chromium doesn't want to build even though it can be substituted because the feature is missing
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<gchristensen> I have 1 systemd job and when that restarts, I'd like to be certain that 5 other jobs get restarted. How could I do this? right now I have the other "jobs" as ExecStartPost scripts, but want them to run in parallel (thusly thinking I'll make them jobs)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] leenaars opened pull request #22326: pythonPackages.lpod: fix missing dependency (master...lpod-py-regular) https://git.io/vDqGW
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<yorick> gchristensen: BindsTo=?
<gchristensen> I'm not familiar with that one!
<yorick> or PartOf
<yorick> PropagatesReloadTo is also an option
<gchristensen> hmm I'm not sure I'm seeing the difference between partof and bindsto
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<gchristensen> oh I understand now
<gchristensen> thank you!
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<Havvy> So, umm, Erlang R19 currently should be built with an OpenSSL that is built with zlib v1.2.8
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<Ralith> what's wrong with 1.2.10?
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<Ralith> mysterious breakage, huh?
<contrapumpkin> <gchristensen> I have 1 systemd job
<Ralith> if it's confirmed to be zlib's problem, shouldn't it be rolled back globally?
<contrapumpkin> systemd: you had one job
<Ralith> heh
<gchristensen> haha
<Havvy> Ralith: It's a problem with Erlang according to further posts. Even a patch to fix it.
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<Havvy> So next Erlang release, can use an OpenSSL that uses zlib v1.2.11 or whatever.
<Ralith> is the patch difficult to backport?
<Havvy> It's three lines.
<Ralith> that seems like the obvious fix then
<morsicus_> Hi there, some one write Rust code on NixOs ? I can't install rustup :(. Any idea ?
<Yaniel> learn to stop worrying and love the night(lies)
<Havvy> Ralith: So, how do we apply this fix to nixpkgs?
<morsicus_> tilpner, thanks. :)
<Ralith> Havvy: dump the patch in the package's dir and add it to the package's patches list?
<contrapumpkin> noo, fetch it if you can :)
<contrapumpkin> don't junk up the repo with patches we don't own
<contrapumpkin> I know people do it all the time but I wish they wouldn't
<contrapumpkin> then they stop being necessary and people always forget to delete them
<maurer> contrapumpkin: The opposite problem happens with fetched patches sometimes (it did with the ocaml compiler)
<contrapumpkin> upstream deletes it?
<maurer> where people point at the fetched patch, it gets merged into upstream, but not released yet, and then the patch gets deleted
<contrapumpkin> oh, well I'd fetch it from github programmatically
<contrapumpkin> statically hosted patches are a bit iffy
<maurer> Yeah, that's what we did, but when the pull request got rebased and closed, the url changed
<maurer> and then the new url didn't apply
<contrapumpkin> hah
<contrapumpkin> ok
<maurer> I'm not saying you're always wrong
<Havvy> Well, this patch is just on a mailing list.
<maurer> I'm just saying it's not black/white for patch fetching vs direct inclusion
<contrapumpkin> yeah
<morsicus_> tilpner, i'm starting with NixOs; how can I add this nix expression in my Nix conf ? any documentation about this ?
<Ralith> contrapumpkin: just leave a clear comment in the package, imo :p
<contrapumpkin> pfft
<contrapumpkin> don't make humans do jobs they're bad at :)
<Yaniel> morsicus_: the readme in the repo has instructions
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<Havvy> morsicus_: Put a copy of rust-nightly.nix into ~/.nixpkgs and then in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix put packageOverrides = pkgs: { rustNightly = pkgs.callPackage ./rust-nightly.nix {}; }
<Havvy> At least, that's what I did.
<morsicus_> Havvy, but this nix expression manage only nightly rust ? I can't switch easily with stable channel, right ?
<Yaniel> or if you want it system-wide, in /etc/nixos
<Yaniel> nope
<Havvy> I've been prodding scott to add support for every stable release of Rust. Though I haven't done that in a while.
<Havvy> Although that should have pinged them.
<Havvy> Ralith: I don't see any other patches. Can you add it per-chance?
<morsicus_> hum. so we can't use rustup on NixOs ?
<Ralith> Havvy: I'm not a good person to do that, but it's very simple; just write 'patches = [ ./whatever.patch ];' inside the mkDerivation call's args
<Ralith> morsicus_: the link you were given subsumes rustup
<Yaniel> morsicus_: well you can use it like on any other platform
<Yaniel> bit it's heavily advised against
<Yaniel> as it completely defeats the point of nix
<morsicus_> Ok... Need to read some documentation about nix expression … ^ ^
<Ralith> Havvy: or take copumpkin's advice and do some clever dynamic fetch dance instead
<Yaniel> if rust-nightly-nix gets support for stable releases and more toolchain options it'll get the same functionality as rustup anyway
<contrapumpkin> damn, did I suggest that?
<Yaniel> especially if you combine it with shell.nix
<Yaniel> that is, nix-shell
<Havvy> Ralith: Yeah, I think leaving a comment saying to remove the patch when updating for the next minor release of R19 would be easier.
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<Havvy> Because really, there's no file to dynamically fetch.
<Ralith> Yaniel: <3 shell.nix for keeping my Cargo.lock clippy versions in sync with my compiler versions
<Havvy> So we could create one, but at that point, that's the same as putting it into nixpkgs repo itself.
<Ralith> Havvy: well, presumably it's landed in version control *somewhere* by now, and generally you can get VCSs to spit out patches
<Ralith> and if it hasn't landed in official version control it's probably premature to ship
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<morsicus_> Yaniel, Ok, I understand that. I'll read some infos about how Nix works :D
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<Havvy> morsicus_: If it helps, rustup is also anathema to how other distro's package management works.
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<Havvy> I can't find the patch in https://github.com/erlang/otp/
<MoreTea> morsicus_, I'd go with a `nix-shell` setup during development of your rust program
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<MoreTea> What I typically do is to use something like this: https://gist.github.com/moretea/d31b5f0b624f8fe77be8e23564ee912b
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<MoreTea> From time to time, I update the hash in the github URL to the newest commit in github.com/nixos/nixpkgs
<MoreTea> morsicus_, and if you notice that the compiler is out of date, you can just open an issue on GitHub to ask someone to update it
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<Acou_Bass> eey folks, just a query... when i used to use arch on my laptop, i would have the drive automatically decrypt on boot by having the keyfile on a USB stick, so when i stuck the USB stick in and booted, grub would read the key from the stick and decrypt the drive with it. is there any way to replicate this with nixos? it's a fairly basic LUKS setup with encrypted / and unencrypted /boot
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<Acou_Bass> ook i think ive found it... i would assume this option: boot.initrd.luks.devices.<name?>.keyFile
<Havvy> MoreTea: Except that pins you on random versions, and if there's an issue on a nightly that gets fixed in the next nightly the next night, you're out of luck.
<morsicus_> See you tomorrow. thanks for helping me :) Havvy, MoreTea … :)
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<MoreTea> @Havvy, very much true. So most of the time I just depend on the latest rustc that is shipped in `unstable`.
<MoreTea> I just wanted to experiment a bit with procederal macro's that are going to be release in the next version of rust
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