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<michas_> Hi, I need to access an old web page build with java applets... What are my options on Nixos? I already installed palemoon and icedtea8_web, but I'm not sure how to tell palemoon about icedtea. Or is there a better way
<michas_> ?
<ajs124> michas_, just download the jnlp file and start it with javaws
<michas_> ajs124: its not a webstart application but a real applet contained in a web page.
<lunik1> Hi, if I specify neworking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts multiple times, are the lists merged?
<joepie91> lunik1: yes; but you can only specify it once per .nix module/file
<joepie91> however, it is totally fine to specify it in multiple different files, eg. if you have different presets for system configuration, or custom packages
<lunik1> ok thanks, I knew I read something about that but couldn't remember where
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »: https://git.io/fNzjf
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<elvishjerricco> Hm. I was hoping to use SHLVL to change the color of my bash prompt depending on how deeply nested my shell is
<elvishjerricco> Problem is, the "base" shell is at SHLVL=3
<elvishjerricco> By "base", I mean the one that I get by opening my terminal emulator on my desktop
<elvishjerricco> However if I ssh into the desktop, I get SHLVL=1
<elvishjerricco> So I'm not sure what adjustment to SHLVL I can do to get how many nested I am relative to my terminal emulator.
<clever> elvishjerricco: strange, i'm seeing 4 on a shell inside screen, hmmm
<clever> its already 3 on a bare xfce-terminal
<elvishjerricco> clever: Looking at `pstree -p $$`, I can see why it's so nested
<elvishjerricco> So I can't complain about the SHLVL being 3, but I can't seem to find a way to work around it
<ajs124> It's 2 for me in tmux in some vte terminal
<samueldr> .profile parsing?
<clever> note that you can peek at env vars of any process in /proc
<samueldr> one shell script for the graphical session, one level for profile...
<clever> strings /proc/$(pidof xfce4-terminal)/environ | grep SHLVL
<clever> SHLVL=2
<clever> the xfce4-terminal is already at 2, and it was directly launched by xfce-panel
<elvishjerricco> Right. That's not surprising
<clever> strings /proc/$(pidof xfce4-panel)/environ | grep SHLVL
<clever> SHLVL=2
<clever> oh, hmmm
<elvishjerricco> I'm not expecting that I can somehow coerce this into having SHLVL=1 in the shell spawned by my terminal emulator
<clever> 3268 ? Ssl 0:00 /run/current-system/sw/bin/sddm
<elvishjerricco> Because there are several parent shells, e.g. the dm
<clever> sudo strings /proc/3268/environ | grep SHLVL
<clever> SHLVL=0
<samueldr> my alacritty is at SHLVL=1 and the tmux session SHLVL=2 seemingly
<clever> it was 0 for the actual display manager
<clever> 4913 ? S 0:00 /nix/store/8zkg9ac4s4alzyf4a8kfrig1j73z66dw-bash-4.4-p23/bin/bash /nix/store/qwa6a62r78mq0pnfad9q12pd0jzl414n-xsession xfce
<clever> which ran this after logging in
<clever> which is still 0
<samueldr> elvishjerricco: _SHLVL=SHLVL in bashrc, and $((_SHLVL - SHLVL)) ?
<clever> 4957 ? S 0:00 /nix/store/8zkg9ac4s4alzyf4a8kfrig1j73z66dw-bash-4.4-p23/bin/bash /nix/store/qwa6a62r78mq0pnfad9q12pd0jzl414n-xsession xfce
<elvishjerricco> shlevy: When will `_SHLVL=SHLVL` be run?
<clever> 5053 ? S 0:00 /nix/store/8zkg9ac4s4alzyf4a8kfrig1j73z66dw-bash-4.4-p23/bin/bash /nix/store/kqrl910lkvn8q1ybkmhv5x3834hj0mia-xfce4-session-4.12.1/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc
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<clever> 5065 ? Sl 2:15 xfce4-session
<samueldr> hmm, it would need _SHLVL would need to only be set if not already set
<clever> 5053 is SHLVL=1!
<clever> so xsession ran xinitrc, which bumped the level
<samueldr> hmm, only when .bashrc is ran, which is uh, hard to be certain, but man bash has an explanation
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<clever> and 5065 is SHLVL=2!
<clever> so when xinitrc inside xfce ran xfce4-session, it got bumped again
<clever> leading to all gui apps being in level 2
<samueldr> profile and environment are hard :(
<elvishjerricco> Any login shell appears to be SHLVL=1
<clever> and shell inside gui terminals being 3
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<elvishjerricco> or rather, the login shell itself has SHLVL=0, but bumps it to 1 for child processes
<samueldr> bash -l and echo $SHLVL and it's 3
<clever> and since i manually launch screen on the laptop, its shells are 4
<elvishjerricco> oh
<clever> so, several proccesses in the xorg startup are bumping SHLVL
<elvishjerricco> samueldr: I was doing `su -l`, which gives SHLVL=1
<elvishjerricco> Wonder what the difference is
<clever> i can see SHLVL being handy though, o keep nesting `nix run` by accident or just entirely forgetting to exit it
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<elvishjerricco> clever: Exactly
<clever> nix-shell is too heavy, but nix run is too light and i dont even notice it
<samueldr> ah, yeah, "login shell" and "logging in"
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<clever> elvishjerricco: does PS1 have a flag for it, or will i need to run a command?
<elvishjerricco> clever: Flag for what?
<clever> SHLVL
<samueldr> like it has \u and \h
<samueldr> man bash /PROMPTING
<samueldr> doesn't look like it has
<clever> there are also hooks to just run a command between every command
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<clever> ive only noticed those when git-bash on windows hangs for 30 seconds after every cmd, because ntfs doesnt like `git status`
<elvishjerricco> clever I have something like this https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/u2l3chpK/
<elvishjerricco> So I think you can escape some bash and PS1 will execute it, i.e. the `\$primaryColor`
<clever> hmmm
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<elvishjerricco> Anyway, I think I need to decide what I want SHLVL to be relative to, figure out how to calculate that relative thing, then subtract it from SHLVL
<elvishjerricco> Any ideas?
<clever> elvishjerricco: yeah, just a \$SHLVL in PS1 is enough
<clever> it will dynamically read the current value on every printing
<clever> $SHLVL will read the current value and insert that into the export command, \$SHLVL will insert a literal $SHLVL into PS1, and then re-eval it again on each cmd
<elvishjerricco> Hm. Environment variables between the terminal and its child process aren't that different. Seems difficult to find any meaningful change to detect...
<elvishjerricco> Maybe I should just have my terminal manually set SHLVL?
<clever> i'm thinking maybe patch the xinitrc stuff to reset it to zero?
<clever> so the gui terminals start at 1
<elvishjerricco> clever: That's a good idea
<elvishjerricco> actually maybe I can just do it in the xsession script
<elvishjerricco> There is a NixOS option for this :P
<clever> elvishjerricco: this is the xsession script from above, it has an SHLVL of 1, its child (xinitrc in xfce) is 2, and then the gui terminals are 3
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<clever> elvishjerricco: the problem, is that it gets incremented after this point, twice
<clever> elvishjerricco: so maybe SHLVL=-1 ?
<elvishjerricco> clever: Do you remember why it gets incremented?
<elvishjerricco> Maybe I should set it in my xmonad config instead of xsession script?
<clever> xsession runs xinitrc (from xfce4), and the xinitrc bash script incremented it to 2, which is where all gui programs run
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<clever> gui terminals then increment it once more in their shell, resulting in 3 for gui terminals
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<elvishjerricco> clever: Alright. I'd almost rather just set it to 0 in my xmonad config, but I'd like this to still work if I change my window manager, so I'll just do -1 in my xsession
<elvishjerricco> huh. I don't think -1 actually works
<clever> wasnt sure if it would or not
<elvishjerricco> That's a shame
<clever> what if you just unset it entirely?
<elvishjerricco> 0 brought it down one level, at least
<clever> will the next process be 0?
<elvishjerricco> clever: Hm. That's a good idea
<elvishjerricco> No dice. Still one level too high
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<elvishjerricco> clever: Oh, xmonad is just always incrementing the shlvl
<elvishjerricco> or rather, children of xmonad always have SHLVL equal to one greater than the SHLVL of xmonad itself
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<angerman> elvishjerricco: how is plan-to-nix coming along?
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<f5190c> Anyone here work on the go support for nixpkgs ?
<f5190c> more specificially, im wondering if anyone has tried making a go module to nix converter
<gchristensen> go2nix?
<f5190c> nah, the next release of go is using a new package system
<f5190c> perhaps that tool has started though, i'll have a look
<elvishjerricco> angerman: Haven't really worked on it since the last time we talked about it unfortunately.
<angerman> elvishjerricco: all good :-)
<elvishjerricco> angerman: I've been focusing primarily on WebGHC and secondarily on my dotfiles :P
<elvishjerricco> We've had some great progress. Lots of Haskell is able to run on wasm now
<angerman> great!
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<neonfuz> recommended way to fetch from sourceforge?
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<neonfuz> I was thinking just fetchzip to the source tarball
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<neonfuz> oh yeah, I wonder how much of the url I can chop
<neonfuz> currently it's "mirror://sourceforge/projects/eureka-editor/files/Eureka/${version}/eureka-${shortversion}-source.tar.gz"
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<neonfuz> btw, I need to be able to turn 1.21 into 121 for this filename, right now I'm using version and shortversion, any suggested function to do this transform?
<gchristensen> just use two different strings
<neonfuz> aight
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<djtyml> hi, all~ a newbie needs some help....Is anyone familiar with "*** found zero or more than one cabal file ([]). Exiting."?
<clever> djtyml: can you gist the nix expression?
<djtyml> wait a sec..
<djtyml> here is my project.
<djtyml> oh no .. it's not newest...wait a sec
<clever> djtyml: can you also gist the full output from the error?
<djtyml> ok
<clever> djtyml: you also generally want to add result to .gitignore after you remove it from git
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #40625 → xkeyboard-config: enable xkb rules symlink → https://git.io/vpbuz
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgfR
<djtyml> ok here is my gist error
<f5190c> infinisil: thank you. haha, I don't see reddit because I block it
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<f5190c> infinisil: yeah he does what I was going to suggest if I teamed up with someone, perfect.
<clever> builder for '/nix/store/04s6cca0b5q00n0qqp8h1kwzqrbiz1f5-cabal2nix-heist.drv' failed with exit code 1
<clever> djtyml: its not clear yet where heist is coming from, the string doesnt appear in your repo
<infinisil> f5190c: :)
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<djtyml> clever: here is my default.nix https://gist.github.com/33ace3b6490d980961a52828663cf041
<clever> ah, differs from the one in the repo
<clever> djtyml: i think the problem is that reflex-platform expects packages.heist to be a path, and for the heist directory to contain a cabal file
<clever> djtyml: but pkgs.haskellPackages.heist is a derivation, which contains the already compiled heist library
<clever> so you need to give it pkgs.haskellPackages.heist.src i think
<clever> and remove the jailbreak
<djtyml> clever: I see. Let me try this. Thank your for your instant insight!
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<djtyml> clever: Now it's cabal2nix: nix-prefetch-zip: createProcess: runInteractiveProcess: exec: does not exist (No such file or directory)
<clever> djtyml: cabal2nix likely doesnt like being ran against a zip file, try just not listing heist in packages?
<clever> djtyml: in general, you shouldnt be installing any haskell things with nix-env
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<clever> all haskell must be done in nix-shell, and it will then have the same versions
<djtyml> clever: I didn't. Or do I?
<elvishjerricco> clever: Turns out xmonad's `spawn` command runs stuff through `sh`, which was causing the SHLVL increment. Swapped it out with `spawnSafe`, which preserved the SHLVL=0 that I set in `displayManager.sessionCommands`
<clever> djtyml: you also shouldnt run the cabal binary, but Setup.hs
<clever> elvishjerricco: aha, system() is to blame
<clever> elvishjerricco: outside of nix-shell, what does `type cabal` print?
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<elvishjerricco> clever: Mhm. Works now. I have a nice bash array of colors and I just index it with SHLVL - 1
<clever> djtyml: oops, ^^^
<elvishjerricco> cabal is /run/current-system/sw/bin/cabal :P
<clever> elvishjerricco: cabal shouldnt be installed on nixos, it tends to cause version conflicts down the road
<djtyml> clever: I don't know why import reflex-platform would cause running cabal2nix. I do jailbreak because when I depend snap, it install a heist version that can't use aeson version in nixos-unstable
<clever> djtyml: reflex platform is running callCabal2nix on every source directory you give it, to auto-generate nix files for each
<elvishjerricco> clever: Yea I know. Once this cabal ticket is resolved, I expect new-build to not have such problems though: https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/5116
<{^_^}> haskell/cabal#5116 (by hvr, open): RFC consider including identifying infos from `ghc --info` in nix-style hash
<clever> elvishjerricco: i prefer using the cabal library nix-shell provides, via Setup.hs
<clever> and just dont use new-build at all
<elvishjerricco> clever: Not really an option for cabal.project files with multiple packages listed
<clever> elvishjerricco: and i properly define all modules in nix :P
<elvishjerricco> clever: But then you can't get incremental building across your packages. Huge pain when you've got multiple cabal packages you're working on in one project
<clever> elvishjerricco: i have plans for a tool that will just sum together several cabal files
<djtyml> clever: I see. So you mean I should build-depend reflex in my cabal, instead of a submodule?
<clever> elvishjerricco: so you can nix-shell into that summed.cabal, and it will have all src and executables
<elvishjerricco> clever: Getting the right nix shell of deps isn't the problem.
<clever> djtyml: i'm not that familiar with what reflex-platform is doing with all of its nix files, they seem to be trying to automate a lot of the tricky stuff, but that also makes it harder to debug anything
<elvishjerricco> We've already got shellFor which can do that crudely
<clever> elvishjerricco: the summed cabal file will have all of the cabal projects in one shell, and `cabal build` will just treat it as one massive blob for incremental building
<elvishjerricco> clever: Oooh
<elvishjerricco> I do not like that :P
<clever> i would make it such that you dont have to do EVERYTHING in one
<clever> you can select which ones it needs
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<elvishjerricco> djtyml: For reflex-platform, I'd just recommend doing what this guide suggests: https://github.com/reflex-frp/reflex-platform/blob/develop/docs/project-development.md
<djtyml> clever: I see. I will look something further. Thanks for the insight!
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<Lears> elvishjerricco: Are you aware of the "snack" project that was recently posted on /r/haskell? https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/91f5r7/snack_incremental_nix_builds_for_haskell/
<elvishjerricco> djtyml: To `doJailbreak` heist, you'd use the `overrides` argument to `project`
<clever> Lears: i have heard of it, but havent tried it yet
<elvishjerricco> Lears: Yea, but that doesn't seem relevant. It doesn't use cabal files
<djtyml> :elvishjerricco That's what I am doing right now..haha...I am just adding servant-reflex to it, so I need snap....ok let me look at overrides now. Thanks!
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<djtyml> elvishjerricco: where should I put this code?
<elvishjerricco> djtyml: `packages` is for just declaring directories that you want to turn into haskell packages; it'll run cabal2nix for you. `overrides` is for doing derivation changes to the haskell package set.
<elvishjerricco> You'd put that in your default.nix, below the packages section.
<clever> ah, that makes sense
<Lears> I haven't looked at snack that closely myself, I just figured if incremental builds across haskell projects without cabal problems is what you want then it seems like the answer.
<elvishjerricco> Lears: Eh. It's definitely too immature to call it the answer to anything yet
<elvishjerricco> djtyml: Heh, sorry, not at the bottom of your packages section; below it.
<elvishjerricco> it's a top level option, like packages or shells
<elvishjerricco> I shouldn't say "below", since the order doesn't matter
<elvishjerricco> But yea, top level option
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm merged pull request #44017 → android-file-transfer: init at 3.4 → https://git.io/fN8c9
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm pushed commit from @xaverdh to master « android-file-transfer: init at 3.4 »: https://git.io/fNgJ3
<djtyml> elvishjerricco: thanks! I misunderstood. Now it's compiling snap now. Thank you, elvishjerricco and clever, you guys saved my day! or days!
<elvishjerricco> djtyml: Great :)
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<elvishjerricco> djtyml: FYI, the #reflex-frp channel may be of interest to you. You'll find more people familiar with the reflex-platform infrastructure over there
<djtyml> elvishjerricco: I see. Thanks for the info. I should come up IRC sooner!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #44154 → fzf: fix invalid symlink on vim-plugins → https://git.io/fNz4W
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgJ0
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @copumpkin merged pull request #41908 → fix dockertools.pullImage on darwin → https://git.io/vho6m
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @copumpkin pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgJS
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<adelbertc> what does `@$` do in Nix, in the context of bash?
<adelbertc> looking at a Nix expression w/ a bash script that has `--mtime="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH"`
<samueldr> @$ or $@?
<samueldr> ah
<Myrl-saki> adelbertc: That just seems to be @$foo
<Myrl-saki> Like, @, followed by the value of foo.
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<adelbertc> ahhh
<Myrl-saki> Like x$foo, where x = @
<adelbertc> nothing special
<Myrl-saki> I might be wrong though.
<adelbertc> hmm
<samueldr> it's probably sometimes to do with *that command*
<samueldr> --mtime="@____" where mtime means something else when there is or isn't @ before
<adelbertc> yeah looking
<adelbertc> (it's `tar`)
<samueldr> Set mtime for added files. DATE-OR-FILE is either a date/time in almost arbitrary format, or the name of an existing file. In the latter case the mtime of that file will be used.
<samueldr> that manpage isn't that helpful :S
<vaibhavsagar> is there a way for me to get a list of all dependencies of a derivation?
<infinisil> vaibhavsagar: nix-store -qR on the drv path
<vaibhavsagar> no, I mean as a nix expression
<infinisil> Nope, not really
<clever> adelbertc: oh, i think @1 in mtime, says its a raw unix timestamp, and to not try to parse it as a date/time
<infinisil> You could get a part of it by looking at buildInputs, propagatedBuildInputs, etc.
<vaibhavsagar> e.g. I can do `drv.env.nativeBuildInputs`
<infinisil> But that's not all deps
<vaibhavsagar> yeah, why isn't there a function that just concatenates all of them
<vaibhavsagar> lib.getAllInputs
<clever> vaibhavsagar: some of them are only known at buildtime, via $out/nix-support
<infinisil> ,context vaibhavsagar
<{^_^}> vaibhavsagar: Nix strings can have a context representing a set of derivations this string depends on. E.g. "foobar ${pkgs.hello}" has the hello derivation in its context, "foobar" doesn't have any context.
<clever> and you would need IFD to read them
<clever> > "hello" == "hello"
<{^_^}> true
<clever> > "${hello}"
<{^_^}> "/nix/store/aq3byv8z9ax5zqbqi5b73q06yq8gfl99-hello-2.10"
<infinisil> Such context dependendies are never part of any attribute
<clever> > "${hello}" == "/nix/store/aq3byv8z9ax5zqbqi5b73q06yq8gfl99-hello-2.10"
<{^_^}> true
<clever> and it seems == doesnt check context
<vaibhavsagar> okay, so it's not feasible in general
<vaibhavsagar> but is there a way to do it for e.g. a haskell package generated by callCabal2nix?
<vaibhavsagar> which is what I'm trying to do
<clever> vaibhavsagar: why do you want to merge several of those?
<vaibhavsagar> I want to use `runhaskell` instead of the compiled executable
<vaibhavsagar> here's what I have so far, it works but seems very brittle: https://github.com/vaibhavsagar/website/blob/9ce63c18b2fc56204e83405fe04e50576fd5a584/default.nix
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<clever> vaibhavsagar: if you use the runhaskell from "${(callCabal2nix "name" ./path {}).env}/bin/runhaskell" then it will have the deps path/name.cabal wanted
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<clever> actually, its not that exact path
<vaibhavsagar> ooh, let me try this
<clever> the derivation `callCabal2nix "name" ./path {}).env` will have a runhaskell in its $PATH
<clever> not sure how to get the path to that from nix
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<vaibhavsagar> I see
<vaibhavsagar> so what I tried to do was to add it to the buildInputs of my other derivation
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<vaibhavsagar> and it seems to work for now
<clever> but each runhaskell is tailored to the deps of a single derivation
<clever> and you have to use absolute paths if you want to force 2 into the same env
<clever> if you use buildInputs, then only the first will work
<vaibhavsagar> I only have one runhaskell
<vaibhavsagar> I'm not merging multiple haskell packages together
<vaibhavsagar> I only want to make the environment of one haskell package available to another derivation
<clever> vaibhavsagar: i think ghcEnv on line 447 is what you want
<clever> but ghcEnv is in a let block at line 203, so you cant refer to it directly
<angerman> how do you recursively update into an array?
<clever> you will either want to copy its definition or get it out of something in env
<vaibhavsagar> env.nativeBuildInputs seems to work for now
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<clever> angerman: it doesnt appear to support appending lists
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<angerman> clever: yea, I don't want to append lists. I just want to set enabled inside of that list :-)
<clever> angerman: i think you have to overwrite the whole list
<angerman> clever: yea... I'm starting to believe so. But that feels like the design is wrong?
<clever> angerman: since it doesnt support appending to lists, just setting collectd to anything will replace the entire collectd value
<angerman> the design of that package, that is.
<clever> angerman: yeah, i would break all of those out into nixos options
<vaibhavsagar> hmm, "${drv.env}/bin/runhaskell" doesn't work simply because there's no `src` attribute
<clever> vaibhavsagar: yeah, its in the PATH of that env, when nix-shell is ran
<clever> and .env isnt meant to be built, so its $out cant be used in nix
<clever> > builtins.head haskellPackages.lens.env.nativeBuildInputs
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/hrqzpr1h3zhvcjhrnaba7s4ikik3mmpi-ghc-8.4.3-with-packages>"
<clever> vaibhavsagar: so you need to yank the ghc-with-packages out of .env's inputs
<vaibhavsagar> okay, that's nativeBuildInputs
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<sir_guy_carleton> are there any current projects for improving the nixos installation process? (i'm asked on the dev channel, but i've gotten no response)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @samueldr opened pull request #44169 → Backport/18.03/xx 0009ae3d → https://git.io/fNgU5
<iqubic> What about the installation process needs to be changed?
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<samueldr> sir_guy_carleton: anything in particular in mind?
<samueldr> I know there were people talking about starting a GUI to streamline some of the steps
<samueldr> IIRC everything up to configuration.nix, maybe even some basic options for configuration.nix
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<Jason_Gr`> For me by far the hardest part of installation was partitioning and getting a boot manager to work. Which is not NixOS specific.
<samueldr> calamares is a god anchor word for this
<samueldr> Jason_Gr`: right, exactly
<samueldr> which is why it may be possible to work with an existing installer framework
<Jason_Gr`> Sounds good!
<Jason_Gr`> Just the documentation should be sure to warn newbies that they're going to find themselves staring at configuration.nix in a text editor before long.
<iqubic> getting the boot manager to work does require a bit of NixOS know how because you have to set the right options in configuration.nix.
<Jason_Gr`> iqubic: Right.
<joepie91> that's basically autodetectable though?
<iqubic> joepie91: What is?
<samueldr> joepie91: yes, and question based for the flavour
<samueldr> iqubic: efi vs. legacy
<iqubic> samueldr: Oh. I was thinking of Grub vs Systemd-boot.
<samueldr> if you want a grubby ol' boot or a systemy systemd-boot :)
<joepie91> iqubic: where to dump the bootloader :)
<samueldr> yeah, that one would either need a basic default, or a question
<joepie91> samueldr: honestly, I don't think that should be an installation question
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<Jason_Gr`> Manjaro has a super-nice installer IMO.
<iqubic> I think you could also ask the user what DE/WM they want and set that up too.
<samueldr> joepie91: depends on if the idea is to wizardify some options for the configuration
<joepie91> installation should only ask the things it _needs_ to ask, and probably have an option to generically edit configuration.nix
<Jason_Gr`> FWIW.
<Jason_Gr`> I agree with joepie91.
<joepie91> otherwise you're left with a very lengthy installation process and you'll fail to capture the "don't care, just show me the thing" crowd
<samueldr> joepie91: exactly
<samueldr> something like "show me more options"
<joepie91> bonus points for an editor that shows configuration.nix and the options reference side-by-side
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<iqubic> Also, if you have the user create an account, then you can just place the proper settings into configuration.nix .
<samueldr> the options could very well be profiles, or common scenarios
<samueldr> ^ the questions in the wizard could be common scenarios*
<joepie91> problem is that then 1) you start bikeshedding over what is 'common' and 2) you start optimizing for who is already using it, not who might want to use it
<joepie91> :)
<samueldr> I want a minimal i3 vs. kde and activate everything I could ever think I want
<joepie91> "only ask what is necessary" is a fairly bikeshed-immune cutoff
<samueldr> joepie91: sane defaults that are easily bikesheddable :)
<samueldr> because you will also have users that want the next next questions
<iqubic> The choice of Login Manager is simple. Don't ask the user, just go ahead and configure LightDM.
<samueldr> iqubic: why not sddm?
<sir_guy_carleton> samueldr: i was thinking of just a simple console based installer that would allow people to make chanages to the default configuration.nix
<samueldr> (you see, that's hard!)
<tertle||eltret> how do i change this to nouveau?
<tertle||eltret> services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ];
<samueldr> sir_guy_carleton: oof, so configuration management, not the steps up to?
<tertle||eltret> is it simply nouveau?
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: put nouveau
<samueldr> instead of nvidia
<joepie91> LightDM would be a good default, primarily because it works everywhere
<samueldr> :)
<tertle||eltret> oksy just making sure
<samueldr> joepie91: I was playing devil's advocate against even myself :)
<joepie91> pretty much every "desktop manager fails to start / glitches out" question on the tracker has LightDM as a workaround
<joepie91> :P
<clever> tertle||eltret: and when changing video drivers, you usually have to reboot to fully apply it
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: IIRC this list is safe, if you put something that doesn't exist the build will fail
<iqubic> samueldr: Does the average user know enough about the differences between the two login managers to chose between LightDM and sddm? Dose the average user even care about that choice?
<clever> tertle||eltret: so you should do `nixos-rebuild boot` since switch is likely to break
<iqubic> Hell, I don't even know the differences between LightDM and sddm.
<joepie91> I've seen SDDM break too often
<samueldr> iqubic: in that case, the default should not come from the installer, but from whatever is currently the default on nixos
<tertle||eltret> im trying to install the rt kernel from musnix, but nvidia doesnt play nice with those
<samueldr> this shouldn't be something that's to discuss about the installer
<tertle||eltret> wish me luck
<{^_^}> Tashi delek! Que vaiga bien! Eme nenyo! Good luck!
<tertle||eltret> building with all core now as well
<joepie91> ... new bot command?
<joepie91> lol
<iqubic> tertle||eltret: Why do you want the rt kernel from musnix?
<sir_guy_carleton> what i'm thinking as 'first step' is a simple shell script that do call the various other nixos install script and would modify the configuration.nix on the mounted partition
<samueldr> sir_guy_carleton: write something, both code and RFC
<clever> sir_guy_carleton: have you seen justdoit?
<samueldr> (not being facetious or whatever)
<tertle||eltret> iqubic: well, mainly i just like to tinker about and see if it works, and also for possibly recording music with this PC
<samueldr> I've seen talks of it for about a year, but almost nothing concrete :/
<samueldr> writing bad code is bound to nerd snipe someone that will fix yer stuff :D
<samueldr> (I'm actually doing this right now)
<clever> sir_guy_carleton: this will format the disk with GPT, for either legacy or uefi booting, with or without luks+lvm, and then format the rootfs with zfs, and install nixos
<joepie91> lol
<tertle||eltret> need to reboot brb
<samueldr> proof, I wrote nix-top, and clever cleverly gave tips for improvemet
<samueldr> improvement* he didn't give me tip for improved typing :(
<joepie91> tips*
<joepie91> :P
<tertle||eltret> so, nixos-rebuild boot will suffice for a reboot?
<clever> tertle||eltret: yeah
<samueldr> (when I'm tired my fingers only graze the keys, so most of the mistakes are actually missed takes ;))
<tertle||eltret> nice
<joepie91> samueldr: for me, grazing my keys is enough to type...
<joepie91> :P
<iqubic> tertle||eltret: Did you ever get sound working when not using sudo?
<tertle||eltret> iqubic: yeah it did start working after the initial musnix update
<tertle||eltret> seem that rt worked as well
<tertle||eltret> Linux nixos 4.9.35-rt25 #1-NixOS SMP PREEMPT RT Thu Jun 29 11:00:49 UTC 2017 x86_64 GNU/Linux
<adelbertc> clever: ah yeah that looks like the case, thank you! samueldr
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<joepie91> hah: https://xkcd.com/1987/
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<clever> joepie91: nix is the answer :P
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<tertle||eltret> they did a good job on this musnix thing
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<Jason_Gr`> samueldr: What is nix-top?
<iqubic> The opposite of nix-bottom?
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<iqubic> /sarcasm
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @akru opened pull request #44170 → parity: 1.10.8 -> 1.11.7 → https://git.io/fNgkU
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<lutzmor> morning is there anyway to prevent nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade from building a new kernel? i use an older patched kernel and the build takes age on this device :)
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<lo_mlatu> hi, when wrting a configurations.nix, can I override a options which has been defined in a imported configuration?
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<Lisanna> you should be able to use mkForce for that
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<lo_mlatu> Thanks! Lisanna
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<juhe> lutzmor: there should be ways to do that, though it is not practial probably. I asume the reason for rebuild is updated kernel derivation (e.g. new kernel version) or updated dependencies. Unless you get those to original ones used to build your existing kernel, you are out of luck. An option might be to "disconnect" your kernel from the dependencies/changes in kernel package somehow, but I'd say it's not worth of the effort...
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to master « coqPackages.category-theory: revert "Add equations as a buildInput" »: https://git.io/fNgIQ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 177 commits to haskell-updates: https://git.io/fNgId
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<lo_mlatu> Hi, can you launch a virtualbox shortcut? I can start a virtual machine from the virtualbox manager but can't launch it directory using the shortcut created by virtualbox, which says `Effective uid is not root`
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<lutzmor> @juhe need to watch at this, the last times i observe it rebuild the kernel everytime i did an update, even if i set the kernel to a special version so no kernel update was done.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #41892 → add pykerberos, requests-kerberos, exchangelib → https://git.io/vhrFZ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgL3
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #44169 → Backports: onboard: fix missing typelibs → https://git.io/fNgU5
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/fNgLG
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #44152 → pythonPackages.sabyenc: init at 2.3.3 → https://git.io/fNzlV
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgL4
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @neonfuz opened pull request #44171 → eureka-editor: Init at 1.21 → https://git.io/fNgL9
<manveru> tertle||eltret: what's musnix? (And why is it not called mußnix? ;)
<manveru> Ah, found it. Some realtime audio thing? I hoped it would be musl
<manveru> I wonder if that would help with the Bluetooth audio lag increasing to a couple of seconds over the course of a few hours
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<manveru> Always have to turn my headphones on/off to get rid of it when I start noticing it
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<Tiez> nixos together ubuntu server great idea?
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<tilpner> Mostly an unclear idea
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @andir merged pull request #43888 → matrix-synapse: 0.31.2 -> 0.33.0 → https://git.io/fNWVl
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @andir pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgtn
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed to staging-next « Revert "python.pkgs.ipython: allow prompt_toolkit 2.0" »: https://git.io/fNgtR
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<Lisanna> Hey, I'm working on a patch for hydra that I think I'll be able to upstream. I need opinions on syntax. Who here is opinionated?
<{^_^}> nix#2307 (by ledettwy, open): Consumable system features
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/acc69710447 (from 63 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
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<rembo10> Is anyone else using atom on nixos-unstable? It crashes for me when I try to open a file or project (no gsettings schemas installed), and I'm not sure if it's because I'm using zsh as my shell, or if it needs the wrapGAppsHook
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<d1rewolf> anyone know why this would fail: nix-shell -p sqlite --command "which sqlite"
<d1rewolf> ?
<d1rewolf> I don't get any error from nix-shell. I've entered the shell myself, but sqlite doesn't exist
<d1rewolf> ah...sqlite3. never mind :-/
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<nly> what does the '...' stand for in "{ config, pkgs, ... }:" in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<tilpner> nly - It matches any unnamed other arguments in the passed attrset
<tilpner> (They have names of course, but are not named in this pattern)
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<nly> i just found out that my router's settings are accessible through the internet! behind a password but still!
<nly> ty tilpner
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed to staging-next « python3.pkgs.pandas: fix build, for real »: https://git.io/fNgOk
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<tinco> hi! I just upgraded from nixos 17.03 to 18.03, and now it won't resolve domain names any longer, ping irc.freenode.net says name or service not knonwn
<tinco> but ping works perfecrtly
<Myrl-saki> tinco: `cat /etc/resolv.conf`
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<tinco> # Generated by resolvconf
<tinco> options edns0
<tinco> that's all
<Myrl-saki> Ah, no wonder.
<Myrl-saki> tinco: Add this as the first line.
<Myrl-saki> nameserver
<tinco> ah that's google's dns server right?
<Myrl-saki> Yep.
<Myrl-saki> That's just a temporary fix. :P
<tinco> why dwas it cleared?
<Myrl-saki> I have no idea.
<Myrl-saki> Have you tried a reboot?
<tinco> no, I was hopoing to avoid the reboot :P
<Myrl-saki> tinco: Ah. :P
<tinco> sorry for the typos, I'm on the new macbook, and I have heavy lag :P
<juhe> tinco: does systemd-resolved run (or is there an intention to run it?)
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<steveeJ> tilpner: :-O
<tinco> juhe: `systemctl list-unit-files |grep resolved` yields nothing, should I use a different command?
<tinco> it's not in `ps aux` either
<juhe> tinco: systemctl status systemd-resolved
<tinco> ah Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory)
<tinco> it's dead
<juhe> tinco: ok, question is if you want to run it... It's known to not be very secure... On the other hand, I use it because then containers using systemd-nspawn work better. So...
<juhe> tinco: If you want to run it, use "systemd.resolved.enabled = yes" in your configuration.nix
<tinco> ok :P so what's missing from my system that it just generated an empty resolv.conf? surely that's not the default? or do have an outdated nixos configuration?
<tinco> is systemd-nspawn nice? I just made a systemd unit file for each container
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<juhe> tinco: I had some legacy containers so use directly machinectl to manage them after copying them to /var/lib/machines/ folder...
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<juhe> tinco: and added one generic /etc/systemd/network/containers.network file to handle all such containers
<tinco> ah, they're not docker containers
<tinco> jeez, I'm on crete, and their internet is super shitty
<tinco> I wonder if they even can play multiplayer videogames :P
<juhe> tinco: You're brave updating when on holidays :-)
<juhe> tinco: However, when I enabled systemd-resolved, I have had an issue with secure dns; systemd-resolved tries secure dns resolution by default, this doesn't work on many places (missing secure dns configuration at ISP's side) so there were timeout. The fix is to use "services.resolved.dnssec = false".
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 59 commits to staging-next: https://git.io/fNgOE
<tinco> yeah >_> I wanted to do some devving, and the pipe is just too small to get stuff done locally, so I thought lets do it on my server, but then it turned out the dev tools were outdated on my server, so now I'm upgrading my server...
<nly> 1. Is it possible to deploy builds to a machine Y from a machine X, such that compilation takes place on X. Or 2. better if machine Y distributes its builds to machine X, and use ssh to access machine Y?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh opened pull request #44173 → Staging next → https://git.io/fNgOg
<nly> machine Y is super slow with 768mb ram
<nly> lol
<tilpner> nly - Definite yes to 1, 2 should be possible as well (but I haven't done it yet)
<nly> 1 is preferred ofcourse
<juhe> tinco: ok, If you don't need systemd-resolved, use the default (not sure what it is, maybe dnsmasq?)
<tinco> right, so I was wondering why didn't it do the default anyway, is that something that has to be set explicitly in my nixos config?
<juhe> tinco: I don't think so. It should "just" work.
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<nly> tilpner is it also possible to change the configuration.nix options?
<juhe> tinco: default is dhcpcd - I see I had it disabled at the time of switch to systemd-resolved
<tilpner> nly - From where? For what?
<nly> case no. 1
<juhe> tinco: so check if you have dhcpcd running
<tilpner> nly - Your question is still not clear. It is possible to have a configuration.nix on X, build that entirely on X, then push it to Y and activate it there
<nly> yes that's what i think i need tilpner
<nly> Y is already running nixos
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<tinco> yeah, dhcpcd is running, maybe I should just restart that..
<nly> but Y can't compile anything because of hardware limitations, and so i can't really upgrade, install from there
<tinco> argh, nix-env -u threw an OOM
<tilpner> nly - Try passing --target-host to nixos-rebuild
<juhe> tinco: if your server is getting IP via DHCP, the dhcpcd should setup also DNS if DHCP server side sends it.
<tilpner> nly - If that doesn't work, there are nixops, nix-deploy, and a small custom wrapper I could show
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<tinco> juhe: right, so maybe digital ocean messed up in not sending me a dns server, or dhcpcd missed it for some reason
<juhe> tinco: systemctl restart dhcpcd.service could help... (or you loose your IP and you are cut off your server...)
<nly> i'll try it tilpner
<tinco> :D
<juhe> juhe: :-D
<juhe> tinco: but you could manually add an backup IP address to the interface with ip command before the restart
<tinco> why did I give this node only 1gb of ram.. I'm so cheap :\
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dywedir opened pull request #44174 → yarn: 1.8.0 -> 1.9.2 → https://git.io/fNgOX
<tilpner> tinco - At Hetzner Cloud you get 2GB for less money, if you want to be cheap
<tilpner> (Not that 2GB is enough for all system evals...)
<tinco> we used hetzner at my previous employer, they're great, but I prefer the user interface of digital ocean
<tilpner> DO has a great interface, indeed. Note though that Hetzner Cloud does not use the Robot interface you're used to
<tinco> ah
<tinco> do they also have DC's outside the EU? I like to run some of my sites in the US because most devs are there
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<tilpner> No, I don't think so
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Zimmi48 opened pull request #44175 → mustache-go: init at 1.0.1 → https://git.io/fNg3P
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<cocreature> which package contains the man page for "man ascii"?
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<infinisil> ,locate man ascii
<{^_^}> Found in packages: ascii, manpages
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<viric> ah, nice ,locate
<infinisil> cocreature: ^
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<cocreature> infinisil: hm I tried "nix-shell -p ascii" but that gives me a man page for the ascii tool not the one that lists all ascii characters. and nix-shell -p manpages doesn’t seem to have any ascii manpage
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<infinisil> ,locate man7/ascii.7.gz
<{^_^}> Found in packages: manpages
<infinisil> Maybe try installing it it your nixos or user profile, i remember there being problems with nix-shell and man pages at some point
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<infinisil> Or check that your manpages version actually contains that file
<cocreature> infinisil: ah indeed, adding it to systemPackages helped. thanks!
<infinisil> Nice, no idea why that is still
<infinisil> Oh, probably it's in the "man" output of the package
<infinisil> Which was the reason for nix-shells man problems
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<smolboye> helo
<smolboye> i installed nixos, but it takes like 16 seconds to boot. can anyone help me diagnose it?
<smolboye> dhcpcd service takes 5 seconds, it was 9 seconds before this but i added noarp, noipv6 and ipv4only
<smolboye> systemd-logind takes 5 seconds, why is this so?
<tilpner> smolboye - Have you run systemd-analyze critical-chain?
<smolboye> and can i shave some time off dhcpcd? i tried network manager as well and its around the same time
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<smolboye> yes tilpner one sec
<smolboye> heres my systemd-analyze critical chain
<smolboye> dhcpcd shows +5 seconds
<smolboye> https://ptpb.pw/rtvJ here's systemd-analyze blame
<tilpner> (phone)
<smolboye> ah
<smolboye> you can still open the link in a browser ;)
<smolboye> why would anyone sane have an username called "the" smh
<TheBrayn> Where can I see the make options for compiled packages like
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<TheBrayn> number of jobs and so on
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<smolboye> y
<smolboye> uh my bad
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<smolboye> but i sound like an idiot asking to speed up a 16 second boot. it is because i use an ssd and it usually boots within 5-6 seconds on other distros
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<Yaniel> is your home on a network disk?
<Yaniel> the critical chain looks a bit like it
<smolboye> no but i do have a disk that im loading through sshfs
<Yaniel> (or some other partition)
<Yaniel> you could try deferring connecting that disk
<smolboye> wait let me show you the options i have on it
<Yaniel> something like noauto,x-systemd.automount could work
<smolboye> one sec
<smolboye> this is what it is set to right now
<smolboye> Yaniel ^
<Yaniel> yeah I think since you didn't specify noauto it will be required at boot
<Yaniel> and x-systemd.automount is to have systemd attempt to mount it when you try to actually access it
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<smolboye> so what exactly do i need? both noauto or just x-systemd.automount
<Yaniel> I think you need both
<smolboye> alright thanks, im gonna try it
<Yaniel> am no an expert on the matter though :D
<smolboye> but uh
<smolboye> doesnt noauto not mount it automatically?
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<tilpner> smolboye - No, it was a phone call
<tilpner> smolboye - the is a bot
<Yaniel> smolboye: exactly
<Yaniel> but in my experience it's just fine if it gets mounted on first access
<smolboye> wait so uhhhh
<Yaniel> which is what x-systemd.automount does
<smolboye> ok i added this
<Yaniel> of course, that is assuming you don't have anything critical on there
<smolboye> let me try rebooting into this generation brb
<Yaniel> did you remove the 'auto'
<smolboye> i changed it to noauto
<Yaniel> ight
<smolboye> hm switching to it fails with fuse: unknown option -o remount
<smolboye> switching as in rebuild switch
<smolboye> eh i guess ill just ignore that, brb
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<smolboye> ok
<smolboye> so now thats done
<smolboye> still takes 15 seconds
<smolboye> this thing is off the critical chain
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<smolboye> ok its still quite slow
<smolboye> https://ptpb.pw/5yag heres the critical chain
<smolboye> https://ptpb.pw/YljP heres the blame
<smolboye> what can i do to get this faster x-x
<infinisil> 8 seconds is pretty fast already imo
<infinisil> I think mine takes much longer than that, but I also almost never restart it
<Yaniel> you could remove the network-online dependency from multi-user if that's possible
<smolboye> what do i do for it (sorry im really bad with systemd.)
<Yaniel> no idea
<smolboye> can i just mask udev-settle?
<smolboye> takes 3 seconds
<infinisil> Should be something like systemd.services.multi-user.after = mkForce []
<smolboye> wait this is my first day with nix
<smolboye> so i should put that in my config, right?
<infinisil> Yea
<smolboye> ok i think im gonna mask udev-settle since it isnt really needed from what i think
<smolboye> and im gonna setup dhcpcd service as not a boot service
<smolboye> i need to look into that
<smolboye> wait how do i mask in the config?
<nly> tilpner, nixos-rebuild didn't work
<tilpner> nly - How not?
<nly> i think it was doing something nasty too, i saw copying '/nix/store/{application on machine X}' but not supposed to be on machine Y
<nly> this was the error "warning: dumping very large path (> 256 MiB); this may run out of memory
<nly> error: out of memory
<nly> error (ignored): writing to file: Broken pipe"
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 merged pull request #44167 → vim-configurable: fix python support → https://git.io/fNzbi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgZO
<srk> nly: building from git repo?
<nly> i am guessing nothing was really copied because df -h shows machine Y is mostly empty 2.3GB used out of 12GB on /
<tilpner> nly - Did you set nixos-config?
<nly> export NIXOS_CONFIG=/full/path/to/machine-y-config.nix
<nly> and the imports in machine-y-config.nix are relative i.e. './hardware-config.nix' etc
<nly> srk no i am using nixpkgs on nixos-unstable
<tilpner> Does NIXOS_CONFIG=path/to/y.nix nix-build --no-out-link '<nixpkgs/nixos>' build anything?
<tilpner> May need an -A system
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<nly> srk i am building on machineX(64bit) and deploying to machineY(32bit)
<TheBrayn> How do I set the number of jobs for compiling packages with nix?
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<tilpner> TheBrayn - With just Nix or NixOS?
<srk> TheBrayn: nix.maxJobs
<tilpner> And nix.buildCores
<TheBrayn> thanks
<srk> yeah
<smolboye> i still dont understand how to mask a service x-x
<smolboye> i can just enable/disable it
<TheBrayn> can I read the number of cores from my config?
<nly> tilpner its build copying a whole bunch of stuff from cache.nixos.org, still going
<nly> s/build//g
<tilpner> nly - So that means nixos-rebuild used the wrong config before
<srk> smolboye: why do you need masking? is it still socket activated?
<tilpner> TheBrayn - nix show-config | grep core
<nly> ahhhh
<nly> tilpner it was the 'sudo' :3
<TheBrayn> no, I meant the actual number of cores in my system
<nly> which messed up the export NIXOS_CONFIG...
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<smolboye> srk: i want to mask udev-settle, or can i just disable it?
<smolboye> i dont think it is needed
<nly> thanks
<TheBrayn> like “grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo” but in the configuration.nix for setting nix.buildCores
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<srk> smolboye: disabling should be ok if it's not socket activated
<smolboye> and how do i check that?
<__monty__> TheBrayn: 0 means all cores afaik.
<srk> smolboye: in this case it probably isn't but there are other services that require it (network for example)
<TheBrayn> but I don't want to use all cores
<tilpner> TheBrayn - nproc?
<srk> smolboye: git grep udev-settle in nixpkgs
<TheBrayn> tilpner: what is that?
<tilpner> An executable name
<TheBrayn> and how do I execute that in the configuration?
<smolboye> ok thanks srk
<tilpner> builtins.readFile (runCommand "proc" {} ''${coreutils}/bin/nproc'')
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<tilpner> * import (runCommand "proc" {} ''${coreutils}/bin/nproc > $out'')
<tilpner> builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile (runCommand "proc" {} ''${coreutils}/bin/nproc > $out'')) is safer
<TheBrayn> this should also work in the repl, right?
<tilpner> Yes
<tilpner> (Not here though)
<TheBrayn> I'm getting undefined variable ‘runCommand’
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<tilpner> Run in nix repl '<nixpkgs>'
<TheBrayn> that works, thanks
<TheBrayn> now I only have to wait until libreoffice-fresh finishes building with one job, lol
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<smolboye> uh ok, so it boots after disabling systemd-udev-settle
<smolboye> now i need to figure out how to make dhcpcd a user service and not a networking at boot service
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<mconstant> hello, I am trying to set up a dual boot with Ubuntu and NixOS
<mconstant> anybody done that?
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<Yaniel> no but it should be straightforward
<smolboye> shouldnt be hard, install nixos on a drive with grub and os-probe set to true
<Yaniel> just tell ubuntu to specifically not install a boot loader and let nixos deal with that
<Yaniel> (because nixos will have to update it a lot more often)
<smolboye> also i need help with disabling dhcpcd as a boot service and running it as a user service x-x
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<smolboye> im sorry if im asking for a bit too much
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<Yaniel> things mentioned there would mostly go into services.dhcpcd.extraconfig
<Yaniel> https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html# is also your friend
<smolboye> yes im looking at options
<smolboye> Yaniel: the archwiki that you linked to, ive done all of it tbh
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<smolboye> also i want to remove it as a boot networking service and install it as a user service instead
<foldr> Hi, I have a derivation using nixpkgs.haskell.packages.${compiler}.mkDerivation. Now when I do nix-build, it will build my package using cabal. But when I do nix-shell, ghc-pkg list does not include all the packages listed in libraryHaskellDepends, and cabal build fails with missing dependencies.
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/e7d57853b03 (from 16 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
<flokli> woob woob \o/
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<foldr_> It does include some of the packages that are included in that list, but aren't shipped with GHC, such as ghcid.
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<smolboye> aaaaaaa
<smolboye> still cant figure it out
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<smolboye> aw man why cant i figure it out ;-;
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<smolboye> i appreciate some help
<smolboye> so let me put this up again: i dont want dhcpcd to start as a boot service but instead as a user service, is there a way to do it?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 opened pull request #44177 → nix: don't use /tmp for the tests on darwin → https://git.io/fNgca
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl merged pull request #43931 → ocamlPackages.base: 0.11.0 -> 0.11.1 → https://git.io/fNWb2
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl pushed to master « ocamlPackages.base: 0.11.0 -> 0.11.1 »: https://git.io/fNgcF
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<worldofpeace> smolboye: To what ends would that get you to?
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<logzet> How do I build a package with debug info?
<sphalerite> logzet: usually just put separateDebugInfo = true;
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 3 commits to staging-next: https://git.io/fNgWl
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<smolboye> worldofpeace: faster boot xd
<smolboye> its not a big deal tbh
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<smolboye> im probably just making a big fuss out of this. a spoilt brat who has spent a lot of time using runit and openrc which are definitely way faster than this
<smolboye> i just want to see how much faster it can get tbh
<smolboye> i also have another problem. I have set allowUnfree to true but i still dont see spotify in the repo
<gchristensen> ,unfree smolboye
<{^_^}> smolboye: You cannot install your unfree software? See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/unfree
<smolboye> ok so i need to put it in the local config?
<smolboye> i do have it in my /etc/configuration
<sphalerite> smolboye: yes
<sphalerite> gchristensen: welcome back!
<gchristensen> :) hi
<smolboye> thanks, fixed it
<worldofpeace> smolboye: The programs systemd services you're using aren't exactly that great either
<smolboye> wdym
<worldofpeace> Upstream they're not using systemd great
<smolboye> i tried using networkmanager, it doesnt really help. the boot time stays the same
<smolboye> can i replace dhcpcd with dhclient?
<worldofpeace> I saw you say that other distros had a faster startup. Which ones in particular?
<smolboye> void
<smolboye> and actually gentoo as well
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<worldofpeace> Well duh then :)
<smolboye> yeah thats what
<smolboye> anyways thats not a priority right now nor a concern
<smolboye> where do i put the xorg conf for custom resolution?
<smolboye> is services.xserver.xorg right?
<sphalerite> smolboye: do you know about `man configuration.nix` or https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html yet?
<worldofpeace> That's `services.xserver.extraDisplaySettings`
<sphalerite> I think you'll be wanting the xrandrHeads option for this
<worldofpeace> oh
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<smolboye> i am checking the options, sorry for asking but its a bit confusing for a starter
<sphalerite> or maybe that
<smolboye> dont get me wrong though
<smolboye> its well documented
<sphalerite> no worries, just double-checking that you know about it :)
<smolboye> but its just a bit too much reading if you ask me haha
<smolboye> worldofpeace: thanks
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<smolboye> oh i actually have a multi-screen setup, so uh
<worldofpeace> smolboye: np
<symphorien> smolboye: to disable a service you don't need, if there is no option to do this, then you can do https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/5a2ee49f3c8b2be19866e80c2a0e301ca3e4961b/nixos/modules/profiles/installation-device.nix#L55
<smolboye> i just replace Virtual with my HDMI display, right?
<worldofpeace> smolboye: so then xrandrHeads
<smolboye> wait wait wait
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<smolboye> im really confused
<smolboye> this is what i want to put in the config
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<smolboye> ignore the last device section, i got that covered
<grp> strange, I've been running nix-env --list-generations for the last 3 nixos-rebuild, and the output is completely empty
<smolboye> symphorien: i actually just want dhcpcd to start as a user service rather than a boot time service. so disabling it and then adding a custom userService for it is the way to go?
<worldofpeace> smolboye: You want to add to the screenSection and the monitorSection of xorg.conf I think maybe
<symphorien> this is a solution yes, but here in this case services.dhcpd4.enable = false should be enough
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<symphorien> smolboye: "as a use service" : doesn't dhcpd run as an unprivileged user ?
<symphorien> *user
<smolboye> it actually starts at boot
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<symphorien> then some other module may put this option to true
<symphorien> you can mkForce it to false
<smolboye> ok thanks a lot
<jasongrossman> Here's the answer to a question I asked in this channel a couple of days ago. How can I change the maximum ARC size for ZFS on NixOS? Answer: environment.etc."modprobe.d/zfs.conf".text = "options zfs zfs_arc_max=12884901888"; # should set ZFS arc max to 12 GB
<symphorien> to check the current value, you can use nixos-option
<smolboye> worldofpeace: thank you, will heck it out
<smolboye> check**
<gchristensen> cool, thanks jasongrossman!
<jasongrossman> gchristensen: No worries! Yay for NixOS being easy in this case.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 merged pull request #44111 → elixir: init 1.7.0 → https://git.io/fN01F
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNglN
<gchristensen> :D
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<sphalerite> jasongrossman: or you can put it on the kernel command line as "zfs.zfs_arc_max=12884901888" I think
<jasongrossman> sphalerite: Thanks. Interesting.
<sphalerite> so boot.kernelParams = ["zfs.zfs_arc_max=12884901888"];
<jasongrossman> sphalerite: I guess that's neater than using a file in /etc.
<gchristensen> can you change this at run time?
<jasongrossman> gchristensen: I seem to remember changing it at run time, but I've never tried that in linux.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk opened pull request #44178 → liblinear: init at 2.20 → https://git.io/fNg83
<jasongrossman> gchristensen: So I think it's possible in principle, yes. But I doubt that it's well tested in linux. IIRC, ZFS's memory management in linux is not yet optimised, so if you decrease it you might not get the memory back, at a guess.
<jasongrossman> I'm going to test sphalerite's suggestion, probably tomorrow. Does anyone care enough for me to report back here?
<gchristensen> makes sense, cool
<gchristensen> jasongrossman: I'd love to see it written up (even briefly) on https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_on_ZFS :)
<sphalerite> jasongrossman: gchristensen: you can change it at run time by writing to /sys/modules/zfs/params/zfs_arc_max
<jasongrossman> gchristensen: Right, I should do that. Thank you for making me do the right thing!
<sphalerite> might be worth writing a module for it
<jasongrossman> sphalerite: Excellent!
<sphalerite> then again, not sure if changing it at runtime via nixos config is something that would be needed often enough to justify the effort
<d1rewolf> guys, nixos-rebuild is now often taking 45 second for me on one machine and is freezing on "restarting the following units: polkit.service". clever mentioned I should try to see what process is blocking things, but so far it appears the polkit process is the only thing with a lock (ps STAT of "Ssl"). Any idea how to track this down?
<sphalerite> I sometimes set it to free up RAM, but wouldn't use nixos config for it
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<sphalerite> d1rewolf: you could try stracing the process (strace -p $pid) to check what it's up to
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<jasongrossman> Changing zfs_arc_max at runtime doesn't seem to be working anyway.
<jasongrossman> I expect there's a way to fix it but it might not be easy.
<jasongrossman> sphalerite: Oh, it's working for you? That's interesting.
<sphalerite> yes, if you set it to a lower value it will immediately free up RAM
<jasongrossman> I just set it and then did
<jasongrossman> cat /proc/spl/kstat/zfs/arcstats
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<sphalerite> if you raise it, it won't immediately fill the newly available space
<sphalerite> only as new stuff is read
<snajpa> jasongrossman: you can tune zfs parameters in /sys/module/zfs/parameters, it is well tested ;)
<jasongrossman> sphalerite: Lowering it isn't freeing any RAM for me. I wonder what's different.
* snajpa running 20+ prod nodes w/ ZoL
<jasongrossman> snajpa: I wonder why it's not working for me. Maybe it's not immediate? But for sphalerite it is immediate.
<smolboye> ugh so i added stuff to monitorSection and screenSection and now i dont have a displaymanager working
<snajpa> can you post your arcstats somewhere pls?
<jasongrossman> I have to log off in a sec but I can paste a couple of lines here.
<jasongrossman> root@core ~# cat zfs_arc_max
<jasongrossman> 1000000000
<jasongrossman> And 01:26.42 ~> cat /proc/spl/kstat/zfs/arcstats | grep c_max
<jasongrossman> c_max 4 12884901888
<smolboye> worldofpeace: what should i do? i think im just gonna get rid of the displaymanager
<jasongrossman> 01:27.28 ~> free -h
<jasongrossman> total used free shared buff/cache available
<jasongrossman> Mem: 15Gi 8.6Gi 6.3Gi 80Mi 645Mi 6.6Gi
<jasongrossman> Sorry I've got to go now. Later!
<snajpa> are you running a recent version of ZoL? when over metadata limit, older versions wouldn't take the newly set values into account until the cache cleaning was done so the limits were met
<jasongrossman> snajpa: I'm on NixOS unstable. Logging off for the moment though. Ciao for now.
<sphalerite> oh yeah actually it isn't taking effect immediately for me either anymore
<sphalerite> I do think it used to
<snajpa> well then someone must have broken it :)
<d1rewolf> sphalerite, i'll give that a shot. thx
<snajpa> or there's a new reason why the values aren't updated internally
<tazjin> is there a nix function that creates a nix store? i.e. a derivation, the output of which actually contains the `/nix/store` structure of all inputs (fully copied, not linked)
<tazjin> and if not, is there something that would stop one from writing such a function?
<sphalerite> tazjin: there's stuff like make-tarball. The only reason I could think of why you wouldn't want to do that is that it would retain references to all the paths you have in it
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<sphalerite> s/all/most of/
<tazjin> sphalerite: thanks, I'll take a look at that
<gchristensen> if I didn't have loads of other projects perpetually taking my time, I'd love to redo this machine with zfs
<azazel> hi
<smolboye> ok so the displaymanager wont start at all on boot, wtf
<smolboye> it just boots into command line
<worldofpeace> smolboye: can you paste how you did it somewhere? And when you say, 'no displaymanager` what do you mean? That could be x refusing to start.
<smolboye> uh actually slim wont start, booting puts me into tty
<smolboye> one sec let me send you my config
<sphalerite> gchristensen: can recommend :D
<sphalerite> gchristensen: backups have never been so fast
<d1rewolf> sphalerite, seems to be hung at "restart_syscall(<... resuming interrupted poll ...>". The polkit process
<azazel> what's the best way to avoid errors like "attribute 'hostname' missing" while building the configuration?
<sphalerite> d1rewolf: I think that means it's waiting for something else
<worldofpeace> smolboye: hmm, I don't think slim works to great IIRC
<gchristensen> sphalerite: at this rate I'm pretty sure I'll just do it next time I get a new laptop.
<sphalerite> smolboye: try checking `journalctl -u display-manager`
<worldofpeace> ^
<tazjin> gchristensen: you could prioritise a project to build a time machine
<tazjin> and then use that for more time
<gchristensen> now we're cookin'
<tazjin> life hack
<sphalerite> gchristensen: that's how I did it tbh
<smolboye> heres the config for monitor section
<azazel> or better, how to resolve attribute assignement dependency?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gnidorah opened pull request #44179 → twilight, kde2-decoration: add myself to maintainers → https://git.io/fNg8d
<gchristensen> azazel: add networking.hostName = "..."; to your configuration.nix
<sphalerite> azazel: where are you getting this?
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: it just defaults to "nixos", I don't think that's the problem here
<gchristensen> o
<worldofpeace> smolboye: yeah slim was abandoned in like 2013 so maybe use something else too
<smolboye> multiple identifier lines
<smolboye> hm weird
<azazel> gchristensen: I had it, but then a module from 'imports' using it gave me that error... so I tried to move that definition in nother submodule... but I'm still getting the error
<sphalerite> smolboye: worldofpeace: while slim was abandoned upstream, it is still the default in 18.03 and using it shouldn't be a problem
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<worldofpeace> smolboye: can you get the journal like sphalerite suggested too?
<gchristensen> sphalerite: why haven't we made it not the default?
<gchristensen> time & energy?
<worldofpeace> hmm that gives me ideas gchristensen
<sphalerite> gchristensen: we have in unstable iirc
<gchristensen> nice
<smolboye> worldofpeace: i saw that in the journal, and now that i see the config it is messed up. weird
<smolboye> i just did like you asked me to, i put stuff in the screenSection and monitorSection
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<smolboye> thats it
<smolboye> let me show you the config
<smolboye> https://ptpb.pw/LrZE this is the xorg.conf
<sphalerite> smolboye: it'll be because the config module is already putting an Identifier line in
<worldofpeace> Ahh don't put Identifier that should just already be there
<smolboye> ah
<worldofpeace> ^
<smolboye> but i have like
<smolboye> 2 monitors
<snajpa> sphalerite: so the code for updating internal values got reworked since last time I looked, the update is called periodically here: https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/blob/b7ddeaef3dee6b12f22f67cef184590b5a3f10ed/module/zfs/arc.c#L5069
<smolboye> aaaahh i am in a tty right now cant really open links
<smolboye> wait let me boot into the older generation
<snajpa> sphalerite: the only reason it wouldn't update is that it is stuck somewhere there
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<sphalerite> smolboye: I don't know how this is supposed to work tbh, but it basically generates the line `Identifier "Monitor[0]"` before your monitorSection
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<smolboye> ok so
<smolboye> i should just remove the identifier line?
<sphalerite> yeah, you can refer to the first Monitor section using the identifier Monitor[0]
<sphalerite> it's kind of a stupid setup though :/
<smolboye> ah alright
<smolboye> thanks
<smolboye> can i just override the entire config somehow instead?
<symphorien> smolboye: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/release-18.03/nixos/modules/services/x11/xserver.nix#L367-L372 it seems xrandrHeads has a monitorConfig as well
<sphalerite> smolboye: I think using xrandrHeads instead might work
<worldofpeace> ^ just looking at that too
<smolboye> ok thanks looking!
<worldofpeace> hmm but what about the screenSection?
<TheBrayn> if I set hardware.cpu.intel.updateMicrocode = true, shouldn't there be a ucode line in the boot loader config?
<symphorien> smolboye: also you don't need to reboot to activate a former generation: just run /nix/store/hash-of-generation/activate
<smolboye> oh
<smolboye> that is awesome
<smolboye> thanks
<gchristensen> or nixos-rebuild switch --rollback
<symphorien> you may have to restart X yourself though
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<smolboye> im thinking of getting rid of display manager tbg
<smolboye> tbh
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<smolboye> i dont really want one, but then the wiki says i need to run a script every time i run rebuild switch
<gchristensen> so ... what is your goal?
<sphalerite> symphorien: no! The activation script doesn't cover all the changes
<smolboye> my goal is nothing, really
<smolboye> im just wanting to learn
<smolboye> also
<symphorien> sphalerite: oh? what is lacking ?
<smolboye> i need to setup my second monitor
<sphalerite> symphorien: you want /nix/store/generation/bin/switch-to-configuration {test|switch|boot}
<symphorien> ah sorry
<sphalerite> symphorien: systemd units and stuff
<sphalerite> there's also nixos-rebuild with --rollback
<worldofpeace> smolboye: xrandrHeads should work for the other monitor hopefully, maybe someone with a multi monitor setup could weigh in though
<sphalerite> and the generations are easier to access via /nix/var/nix/profile/system-$n-link
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl opened pull request #44180 → ocamlPackages.sqlexpr: 0.5.5 -> 0.9.0 → https://git.io/fNg4P
<smolboye> thanks im gonna check it out. probably need to finish in a couple of hours. dont want to miss the preseason chelsea vs inter
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<smolboye> im still very confused as to what goes inside xrandrHeads
<smolboye> and how it will turn out
<smolboye> ok im just gonna try it
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<hipp> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
<hipp> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
<hipp> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
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<smolboye> ok guys
<smolboye> that was a success
<smolboye> thanks worldofpeace symphorien
<worldofpeace> Yay :)
<smolboye> i will post my config on git in a while, thank you very much! really appreciate it.
<smolboye> on my github i mean
<worldofpeace> There's always someone here to help btw If you have questions
<smolboye> i just need to do the dhcpcd thing now, thats everything i guess
<smolboye> yeah im also gonna stick around. tag me if theres someone who wants help with multiple monitors haha
<symphorien> smolboye: you may want to document your findings on the wiki
<smolboye> im surprised this isnt on the wiki
<worldofpeace> ^
<smolboye> can i contribute install guides to wiki?
<smolboye> like i did here: wiki.voidlinux.eu/Macbook
<smolboye> it not the best but its a something
<worldofpeace> Ususally like a blog somewhere for that is good
<worldofpeace> * blog post
<smolboye> yeah im gonna post it on my blog then
<smolboye> nix is really nice so far, im liking it
<worldofpeace> ^
<smolboye> its too basic
<smolboye> also the macbook i have is 9,2
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<smolboye> im gonna try writing something nonetheless
<manveru> you should add yours then :)
<smolboye> also first i need to fix slim. when i connect the second monitor slim login on my macbook screen scales to 2560x1080
<smolboye> so i cant really see anything lol
<manveru> sounds like you need to fix X?
<manveru> does it think you're using a single big monitor?
<smolboye> no actually
<smolboye> bspwm works just fine afterwards
<smolboye> its just slim that is weird
<manveru> strange
<smolboye> exactly
<manveru> oh well, i have no experience with nixos on macs :|
<smolboye> actually
<smolboye> im just gonna get rid of the display manager
<smolboye> i can just run startx when i want to
<manveru> the only mac i have belongs to $WORK, so i can't really format it
<smolboye> ah
<smolboye> this shit is really old so
<smolboye> i just
<manveru> so i just use my own notebook instead, much better performance anyway
<smolboye> dont like macos running on it
<gchristensen> startx doesn't work
<smolboye> wdym
<smolboye> the wiki has a section on using stuff without a display manager
<gchristensen> cool
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<manveru> :)
<manveru> gchristensen: how did your OP go?
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<gchristensen> pretty good :) better every day
<manveru> i'm in hospital atm... typing with an IV is way harder than typing with VI :P
<sphalerite> hahaha
<gchristensen> oh! are you okay?
<manveru> yeah, i'm fine now too
<smolboye> ah man, im sorry
<manveru> just a couple more days
<smolboye> take care
<manveru> a bit late for that :)
<smolboye> oh
<manveru> but i'll keep it as note for future self ;)
<smolboye> also, using without a display manager looks like too much of a hassle
<smolboye> so should i switch to sddm or lightdm
<manveru> just try em both
<manveru> it's not like it's much effort
<smolboye> eh i used to use kde so i like sddm
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<smolboye> never really bothered using the other one
<sphalerite> yeah I'd say sddm, lightdm is weird
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<sphalerite> #26172
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/26172 (by lheckemann, open): LightDM logs to /var/log rather than journal
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<worldofpeace> ^ very annoying to remember
<smolboye> ah fuck it then
<smolboye> sddm it is
<smolboye> i hope the screen res works right ootb
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<smolboye> do i need to turn slim.enable to false or just setting sddm.enable to true is enough?
<sphalerite> just enabling sddm should do
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<sphalerite> I think
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<worldofpeace> files fetched with `fetchFromGitHub` hashes shouldn't just change right?
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<sphalerite> worldofpeace: if they use a commit hash for rev, definitely not
<sphalerite> worldofpeace: if they use a branch name, they typically will.
<sphalerite> If they use a tag name, they really shouldn't but that's up to the owner of the repo.
<worldofpeace> I'm thinking maybe the owner might have messed with the tag but it seems like something they would never do
<worldofpeace> I'm hoping it's not like a (M/W/etc)ITM
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<sphalerite> It's accessed via HTTPS. If you're being targetted by someone who's compromised a CA or github you're likely well be screwed whatever way you look :p
<sphalerite> s/well/to/
<worldofpeace> I don't know if I should make me feel better or worse :P
<sphalerite> Do you think you're a valuable enough target for someone to risk their compromise of such big things being exposed to attack you?
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<sphalerite> Most likely scenario is upstream has screwed with their tags.
<sphalerite> Most likely malicious scenario, I suppose, is that someone has compromised upstream and put something malicious there (i.e. not MITM and not targetting you specifically)
<sphalerite> But I'd still guess it's harmless.
<worldofpeace> Now I feel better :)
<worldofpeace> And I think the attacker would prefer If you didn't assume their gender so (M/W/etc)ITM
<worldofpeace> :P
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<sphalerite> well I'm saying a MITM is unlikely. A *ITM is obviously more likely. 😉
<worldofpeace> hah
<samueldr> isn't it meanie in the middle?
<sphalerite> Or maybe the M stands for malefact(or|trix) 😉
<sphalerite> samueldr: ooooh yes I like that
<worldofpeace> We can't assume their aweful deep down though
<worldofpeace> They might be nice somewhere else
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<sphalerite> worldofpeace: they are doing a bad thing, which makes them a malefactor by definition. Not sure about meanie though ;/
<sphalerite> You could also pester upstream to ask if they have been doing Bad Things™
<worldofpeace> This reminds me of the need for this #43233
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43233 (by xeji, open): buildSupport: add helpers for verifying code signatures
<gchristensen> the problem, iirc, is the contetns of the keys change very regularly
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<worldofpeace> gchristensen: huh, which keys?
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<worldofpeace> ahh
<smolboye> ok
<smolboye> hm
<smolboye> so quitting bspwm with cmd+alt+esc
<smolboye> hangs it up for me
<smolboye> i can switch ttys
<smolboye> it just hangs on my bspwm screen instead of going back to sddm
<sphalerite> smolboye: how are you running it?
<sphalerite> it might be that your session still has a process running which needs to exit before it will return to sddm
<smolboye> ?
<smolboye> how am i running it?
<smolboye> system boots into sddm, then i login, press cmd+alt+esc. instead of going back to sddm it just gets stuck on my bspwm screen. i can use mouse but nothing else works. i can switch ttys
<sphalerite> you might be able to find out more by looking at `systemctl status user-$UID.slice` to see if any processes are still hanging out in your session scope
<sphalerite> and killing them one by one to see if that brings back the login screen
<smolboye> oh
<smolboye> alright
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: why would that change frequently?
<gchristensen> as IDs are added, dropped, updated, etc
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<samueldr> that file is evergreen, it's not stable to a specific version of the key
<sphalerite> gchristensen: do they often change the ID set?
<gchristensen> sphalerite: some people change their it super regularly
<sphalerite> oh right so it's on a person-by-person/org-by-org basis
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<smolboye> ok
<smolboye> there are processes that i need to kill yeah
<smolboye> what do i do now
<sphalerite> what are the processes?
<smolboye> killing sxhkd and bspwm gets me back to the sddm screen
<sphalerite> so it's bspwm failing to exit
<smolboye> but why is this not getting killed by cmd+alt+esc
<sphalerite> you have that bound using sxhkd?
<smolboye> yeah
<smolboye> bspc quit
<smolboye> oh
<smolboye> it is supposed to kill sxhkd with it though
<pie_> fpletz, can i poke you about zfs?
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<sphalerite> smolboye: well usually the session should just end when the session process (probably bspwm) exits
<sphalerite> smolboye: what if, for testing purposes, you bind it to `pkill bspwm` rather than `bspc exit`?
<smolboye> ok let me try that one sec
<pie_> ah wait, clever you said you use zfs right?
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<sphalerite> pie_: any particular reason not to ask the whole channel or maybe #zfsonlinux?
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<smolboye> hm na still the same
<sphalerite> smolboye: and if you bind it to `pkill 'bspwm|sxhkd'`?
<pie_> sphalerite, not really, mainly just wondering if there's anything i should know
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<smolboye> oh one sec let me try that
<pie_> the nixos wiki page on zfs may or may not be stuck in 2015
<pie_> *2014
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<smolboye> na
<smolboye> oh wait i forgot the quotes
<smolboye> aaaaaaaa
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<smolboye> yes that worked, yeah. i forgot quotes
<mekeor> any idea why i can `curl ''` but `curl -6 'http://[::1]'` doesn't work ("no route to host")?
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<worldofpeace> mekeor: How does this relate to nixos?
<sphalerite> mekeor: works for me
<mekeor> worldofpeace: my question was whether you think i'm missing a nixos-configuration
<worldofpeace> Sounds like there's just no ipv6?
<mekeor> hmm, what does that mean?, worldofpeace
<sphalerite> mekeor: I don't have any special configuration
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<mekeor> sphalerite: what works for you? is it `curl -6 http://[::1]` that works for you?
<sphalerite> mekeor: yes
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<sphalerite> mekeor: what does `ip a show dev lo` say?
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<worldofpeace> ::1 is the loopback interface ipv6
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @uri-canva opened pull request #44181 → bazel: fix darwin build on hydra → https://git.io/fNgu8
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<sphalerite> worldofpeace: yes, which is why it's very strange that it would report "no route to host"
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<sphalerite> that looks correct... I have no idea why it wouldn't work
<worldofpeace> ?
<worldofpeace> ^
<sphalerite> I get connection refused of course but that's to be expected
<betaboon> is anyone using playonlinux on nixos ? i cant seem to get it working
<sphalerite> and if I run nc on the port it receives the request
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<mekeor> oh, right, sorry. i mixed up the error messages.
<smolboye> ok
<smolboye> so um
<smolboye> sddm doesnt switch resolution
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<smolboye> like it doesnt scale properly either, lol
<mekeor> anyways, thanks so far sphalerite and worldofpeace :)
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<worldofpeace> mekeor: np
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<worldofpeace> smolboye: can we see your config as it is now? And is the resolution correct outside sddm?
<smolboye> yes
<smolboye> one sec
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<smolboye> ^
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<manveru> betaboon: no, it's been broken since i can remember
<betaboon> manveru: thanks for confirming :D
<manveru> betaboon: PoL downloads binaries for wine, which never work on NixOS
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<betaboon> manveru: just got the game i wanted to run with wine directly. i just had this need to play fallout2 today xD
<smolboye> oh wait since it is !#/bin/sh do i need to use ${pkgs.xrandr}/bin/xrandr?
<manveru> have fun :D
<worldofpeace> smolboye: Yes!
<smolboye> #!
<smolboye> sorry
<smolboye> im tired
<smolboye> xd
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<worldofpeace> smolboye: No no, I forgot for a second too :P
<smolboye> ok thanks im gonna try that haha
<smolboye> i finally feel like im learning now :D
<smolboye> haha
<worldofpeace> I was like, "that looks right"
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<smolboye> wait is it
<smolboye> pkgs.xorg.xrandr?
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<smolboye> yes
<smolboye> pkgs.xorg.xrandr
<smolboye> test time
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<worldofpeace> ,locate bin/xrandr
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<{^_^}> Found in packages: xlibs.xrandr
<smolboye> didnt work
<smolboye> did i miss anything?
<smolboye> {^_^} did you tell anything while i quit?
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<sphalerite> smolboye: {^_^} is a bot :)
<smolboye> oh
<smolboye> ok so what did i miss
<sphalerite> worldofpeace wrote `,locate bin/xrandr` to tell it to find packages containing bin/xrandr. That is all
<sphalerite> also
<sphalerite> ,logs
<smolboye> so uh
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<smolboye> so what do i put?
<smolboye> pkgs.xorg.xrandr or xlibs.xrandr
<sphalerite> pkgs.xorg.xrandr
<smolboye> didnt work
<sphalerite> I think pkgs.xlibs is the same as pkgs.xorg
<worldofpeace> an alias maybe
<smolboye> but that didnt work reee
<worldofpeace> (which should be gone soon)
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<smolboye> that did not work though
<sphalerite> how did it not work?
<worldofpeace> ${pkgs.xorg.xrandr}/bin/xrandr?
<smolboye> yes
<smolboye> did not work
<Thra11> Can I set nix.nixPath or equivalent in nix.conf to use a local clone of nixpkgs when running Nix on a foreign linux?
<sphalerite> Thra11: NIX_PATH environment variable
<sphalerite> I believe it's set in your .profile or similar
<Thra11> sphalerite: thanks!
<worldofpeace> can you do `cat /etc/sddm.conf`
<Thra11> sphalerite: Do I set it to the directory which contains nixpkgs or nixpkgs itself?
<smolboye> one sec
<sphalerite> Thra11: put nixpkgs=path/to/nixpkgs-itself in it
<smolboye> https://ptpb.pw/Zd1R this is what it shows
<worldofpeace> wait not that
<smolboye> uh yeah so i followed the path for XSetup
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<smolboye> and i can see xrandr there
<worldofpeace> at this /nix/store/7r8w1p3mfq42jyrw81a3m11p0g7h027w-Xsetup
<smolboye> yeah
<smolboye> i can see it
<smolboye> xrandr
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<smolboye> and if i go to that location i can see xrandr
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<worldofpeace> the full store path right?
<smolboye> yeah
<worldofpeace> weird, would those commands work normally?
<smolboye> let me check
<smolboye> yeah it works
<smolboye> i mean the command works when i run it
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<worldofpeace> do `journalctl -u display-manager.service -xe` and see if maybe there is any errors? also paste your config again so someone else can look in case I missed something
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk opened pull request #44182 → cargo-asm: init at 0.1.16 → https://git.io/fNgzZ
<smolboye> this is my current config
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<worldofpeace> This is on the higher res monitor right?
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<smolboye> no it looks excellent on the big monitor but goes out of screen on my macbook
<worldofpeace> that's LVDS1
<smolboye> yes the macbook screen is lvds1
<smolboye> the other one is hdmi1
<Thra11> sphalerite: Do I need to override NIX_PATH *after* running ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh, otherwise it will append its NIX_PATH to mine?
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<sphalerite> Thra11: it doesn't really matter — it will always use the first entry it can find, so having the standard one appended to yours shouldn't cause any trouble
<Thra11> sphalerite: ok. thanks
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<smolboye> worldofpeace: the logs dont show anything. journalctl that is. it says "running display setup script"
<smolboye> and it runs that
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<worldofpeace> smolboye: what graphics? (i.e running out of ideas :P )
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<Thra11> env|grep NIX_PATH: NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=/home/thrall/nixpkgs However, 'nix-env -i ghc' gives a different result to 'nix-env -i ghc -f /home/thrall/nixpkgs'
<smolboye> worldofpeace: intel hd 4000
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<worldofpeace> smolboye: Can you clarify exactly why you decided you need to do this https://ptpb.pw/eIW_/nix#L-173 ?
<smolboye> so the hdmi display is on the way, on the top of my laptop screen
<smolboye> so i put lvds display, my laptop, right below it
<smolboye> in the middle
<worldofpeace> ok great.
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<Thra11> sphalerite: does nix-env not use NIX_PATH?
<worldofpeace> smolboye: This looks right in bspwm?
<smolboye> does yeah
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<worldofpeace> Just for fun can you remove https://ptpb.pw/eIW_/nix#L-155 ?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos merged pull request #43682 → nixos/switch-to-configuration: Never stop system.slice → https://git.io/fNszP
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNggX
<smolboye> yeah one min
<worldofpeace> ok
<smolboye> but uh
<smolboye> doesnt that put me on modesetting?
<smolboye> then i will need to change stuff for other things as well
<smolboye> lvds1 becomes lvds-1
<smolboye> and like that for all displays
<smolboye> its a lot of hassle
<smolboye> i probably will need to enable glamor as well
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<worldofpeace> glamor is default enabled I think. This might just be a problem with sddm. In that case you could report a bug. Or try lightdm (IIRC won't be much better).
<smolboye> ok so um
<smolboye> can i wait for 4 mins? its almost half time
<smolboye> im gonna finish watching this game and then get back
<smolboye> thanks for your help!
<worldofpeace> lol, ok
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<smolboye> ok one sec
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<smolboye> ok that didnt help
<smolboye> its still the same thing
<smolboye> do i need to reboot or just switch is enough?
<smolboye> i logged out and logged back in, still the same
<worldofpeace> reboot maybe to be safe.
<smolboye> ok sec
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<smolboye> still the same
<smolboye> i think i need to add "modesetting"
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<smolboye> ok um
<smolboye> so
<TheBrayn> why does nixos have nscd enabled by default?
<smolboye> the screens look good
<smolboye> but
<smolboye> the thing is, the lvds screen overlaps on the hdmi screen on sddm
<worldofpeace> I would say that's an improvement
<smolboye> but it doesnt look good lol
<smolboye> i mean both the screen look ok
<smolboye> let me see if theres a fix
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<arianvp2> does nix 2.0 have an nix-env equivalent?
<worldofpeace> no
<arianvp2> is there a reason for that? the universal and predictable CLI for nix 2.0 is a breath of fresh air
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<worldofpeace> It hasn't been created yet
<{^_^}> sddm/sddm#805 (by guoyunhe, open): Overlap on multiple screen with different resolutions
<symphorien> TheBrayn: I am not sure, but I think this is because glibc is not able to know where nss libraries are (because of nix, you would have to recompile everything if you change which nss libraries are available) so glibc goes to nscd and nscd can be configured the way you want without recompiling everything. But again, I am not sure at all.
<worldofpeace> smolboye: Yeah, that usually doesn't work very well
<smolboye> it looks like that for me
<smolboye> did u see the image there?
<TheBrayn> I'm confused. Are we talking about the same nscd? Name Service Cache Daemon
<worldofpeace> smolboye: yeah
<worldofpeace> smolboye: The only solution for that at this point is to not use sddm
<smolboye> lol
<smolboye> i remember having similar problem on other distro cant remember which one tbh
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<worldofpeace> You could try lightdm - maybe it'll be different.
<smolboye> reeee
<smolboye> brb
<symphorien> TheBrayn: well glibc cannot find nss_ldap.so or so, so it goes through nscd. See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/01cfa808ff3dac60cf21f0fd8f22ff52ebc33820/nixos/modules/config/nsswitch.nix#L69
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<TheBrayn> I see
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<arianvp2> Question
<arianvp2> I saw that nix 2.0 supports the --store parameter when the user has no access to /nix/store
<arianvp2> I'm trying to use this to get nix running on our scientific cluster
<arianvp2> however, there seems to bit of a bootstrap problem
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<arianvp2> -bash-4.2$ ./nix-2.0.4-x86_64-linux/store/0d60i73mcv8z1m8d2m74yfn84980gfsa-nix-2.0.4/bin/nix run --store ./nix-2.0.4-x86_64-linux/ -bash: ./nix-2.0.4-x86_64-linux/store/0d60i73mcv8z1m8d2m74yfn84980gfsa-nix-2.0.4/bin/nix: /nix/store/2kcrj1ksd2a14bm5sky182fv2xwfhfap-glibc-2.26-131/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory
<arianvp2> to run nix, such to set /nix/store to ./nix-2.0*/store,, I need to have /nix/store
<arianvp2> howabout would I get this to work?
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<arianvp2> build nix from source, and link to libc manually?
<Thra11> When specifying --builders, the manual says I need to provide a whitespace separated list of 7 elements of which only the first (the uri) is required. However, if I want to provide the 4th element, do I need to provide all the previous elements so that it knows it's the 4th element I'm trying to specify?
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<telent[m]> Dsssdce y ex. eu
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<Thra11> Also, are the speed factors relative to the local machine? i.e. the local machine, while not in the list of builders (I don't have to put the local machine in the list, do I?), is considered to have a speed factor of 1.
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<smolboye> helo
<smolboye> so im gonna set it up to run without a display manager
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<TheBrayn> why?
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<smolboye> cause display manager is stupid and it doesnt really do what i want it to do lol
<worldofpeace> Do you know why slim wasn't working?
<smolboye> idk let me try again
<smolboye> lol
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<smolboye> also hm
<smolboye> weird as i was using arch before this and was using arch
<smolboye> so sddm worked fine there
<smolboye> was using kde*****
<smolboye> uugghhhh sorry
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<smolboye> was using kde on arch before this
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<Thra11> Got distributed builds setup :) 7 interleaved streams of build output is a bit chaotic though!
<smolboye> are there any themes preinstalled on this?
<smolboye> for sddm that is
<worldofpeace> That's a different monster I think. I'm not sure the kcm module works.
<worldofpeace> Hmm you said sddm was working fine there...
<smolboye> yeah
<worldofpeace> If you could reproduce that in arch then it would mean it's a nixos thing then
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<smolboye> yeah uh so what should i do now
<worldofpeace> Well, does slim work?
<TheBrayn> isn't slim no longer maintained?
<worldofpeace> yes but I guess you can still use it
<TheBrayn> but why when you can just use one of the alternatives
<smolboye> i need to check slim
<smolboye> one min
<TheBrayn> just use lightdm
<samueldr> TheBrayn: why not use something that works, if it works?
<TheBrayn> last commit for slim was 5 years ago on github
<smolboye> my problem is with multiple monitors the theme looks weird
<smolboye> actually
<smolboye> the monitors overlap each otehr
<samueldr> *if*
<worldofpeace> I'm not sure if lightdm would actually improve that
<TheBrayn> because bugs and security issues are not getting fixed anymore
<samueldr> TheBrayn: if there are
<samueldr> (I don't actually know)
<worldofpeace> TheBrayn: tell this to nixpkgs :P
<ajs124> I'm trying to mount a fuse filesystem (sshfs) via fstab, but it can't find sshfs in it's path, despite having added it to environment.systemPackages. any ideas?
<samueldr> I'm assuming that there aren't if it's not yet been marked as unsafe
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<worldofpeace> lightdm can also be a horrid pain
<smolboye> this is confusing as well
<smolboye> so i do not set any options related to xserver. right?
<worldofpeace> It honestly doesn't look too great.
<smolboye> actually yeah, very hacky solution if you ask me
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<samueldr> I previously lobbied to add a warning to this article as it's basically a braindump from a user's tries
<worldofpeace> ^
<samueldr> oh, I added it
<worldofpeace> lol
<samueldr> THOUGH, someone knowing nix can realistically make a proper module from these notes
<worldofpeace> correct
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<samueldr> there's a good deal of research in this clumsy approach
<smolboye> but um, why is this not working
<smolboye> like this is the only thing now
<smolboye> i really like nix so far
<Dezgeg> maybe we should replace the entire page with "alias startx='systemctl start display-manager.service'"
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<worldofpeace> lol
<samueldr> Dezgeg: the idea is to run X without root privileges AFAIUI
<samueldr> (unsure if I missed a joke)
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<smolboye> also i disabled nscd and the boot time is down to 12 secs now
<smolboye> hm
<smolboye> any other stupid dhcp service i should disable?
<Dezgeg> I was actually serious
<worldofpeace> smolboye: Try lightdm, I wouldn't toil with slim. All else fails just be stuck with sddm for a bit.
<worldofpeace> Dezgeg: :( then I was just laughing at you
<worldofpeace> not at all my namesake
<Dezgeg> then the non-root solution would be adding sudo to the command + sudoers rule to be able to run it without asking for the root password
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<smolboye> ok let me try lightdm if youre saying so
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<samueldr> Dezgeg: the process itself running without root privileges
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<samueldr> » root 1351 0.7 0.3 431120 198052 tty7 Ssl+ Jul21 73:27 /nix/store/5c0r5ysrx8w9c4mxr2mqpb8c69s34psz-xorg-server-1.19.6/bin/X -config [...]
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<samueldr> it's the most common use case of using startx at the VT that I have seen
<daveo> Hello. I want to do a dual boot with Ubuntu. Any tips?
<Dezgeg> yes, doesn't classical Xinit run with the setuid bit?
<samueldr> alas, I don't have the full knowledge required to answer properly (or implement)
<Dezgeg> my arch linux laptop has: -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 11K Jan 26 2018 /usr/lib/xorg-server/Xorg.wrap*
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<Dezgeg> but maybe someone has it figured out
<worldofpeace> I think this is actually a WIP in nixpkgs (at least for DE's)
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<daveo> I'm thinking boot from the NixOS install media and resize a partition then install my second OS (looks like I'm going to do Pop! not straight Ubuntu) from its install media....
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dywedir opened pull request #44185 → rust-cbindgen: 0.6.0 -> 0.6.1 → https://git.io/fNgVp
<ajs124> daveo, UEFI or BIOS boot?
<daveo> I have a LUKs encrypted volume I want to install on... hope that doesn't complicate things... What are the risks? I'm installing it to a secondary drive that really just handles data and NixOS is on a separate SSD
<daveo> ajs124: UEFI ... I think! Please help me know for sure....
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<daveo> From experience I know not to set Bios to 'legacy mode' when trying to boot from the install media. That caused some major headaches last time I did that...
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<samueldr> daveo: if you're running linux, `lsmod | grep -i ^efi` should return a couple results
<daveo> looks like it's UEFI then?
<lunik1> Hello. My NixOS system hangs at "Started notify NFS peers of a restart", and google shows similar problem on other distros. Anybody had the same problem?
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<logzet> daveo: Yes
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<logzet> daveo: Regarding your luks question: Its just the a little bit more complicated partitioning and it works (at least for me)
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<smolboye> so
<smolboye> didnt work
<smolboye> tried lightdm, slim, sddm
<smolboye> everything looks the same
<smolboye> is this loss?
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<logzet> daveo: I'd back up the luks header and then the risks should be similar to an unencrypted installation
<symphorien> there is still gdm ?
<smolboye> no
<smolboye> gdm sucks
<symphorien> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<worldofpeace> It does though :P
<worldofpeace> I've had like 4 gdm's running
<logzet> smolboye: What was your problem btw, boot times?
<smolboye> no that one i fixed
<smolboye> so what happens is
<smolboye> i have multiple monitors
<lunik1> so if I wait for 20 minutes, the boost process might continue
<smolboye> and the display manager overlaps on both screen
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<smolboye> like i have a macbook screen, and on top of it i have this ultrawide screen.
<smolboye> all display managers are overlapping
<clever> smolboye: i just fix the settings in xfce after i login, and dont care about the login page
<logzet> So the UI shown on the ultrawide leaks to the macbook screen?
<smolboye> but i use bspwm
<daveo> logzet: for backup does `cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup /dev/sda2 --header-backup-file=/mymedia/luks-header` work?
<smolboye> actually the display manager prefers the ultrawide screen, so the "enter password" part on my macbook screen goes far to the right and only appears in half on the screen
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<logzet> daveo: Dunno, kinda procrastinating this myself and never had to restore my header.
<symphorien> smolboye: you probably can stack bspwm and xfce: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Xfce#Using_as_a_desktop_manager_and_not_a_window_manager
<daveo> logzet: this was where I found that.. https://calum.org/posts/backup-your-LUKS-header-and-LVM-config .. as long as it looks good...
<smolboye> yes but i dont really want a de running
<daveo> logzet: looks like calum also recommends `cp /etc/lvm /mymedia/lvm-backup -Rafv`
<logzet> daveo: Thats the command I'm going to run myself (got that from the Arch wiki)
<daveo> great
<smolboye> also i dont really want a display manager at all
<logzet> daveo: (The previous one, cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup)
<smolboye> i used to use startx before this when i used bspwm
<ajs124> smolboye, so why not just login on a tty and start xinit via your shellrc?
<smolboye> wait what
<smolboye> so i can do that?
<smolboye> like i just want to disable all display managers
<ajs124> hm, probably? I haven't tried it under NixOS yet. Any reason why not?
<smolboye> no it doesnt work
<logzet> daveo: Do you use lvm?
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<lunik1> could you use a systemd user service to start a WM at login?
<logzet> I don't, so the cp wouldn't be needed for me
<ajs124> smolboye, what happens if you just set services.xserver.enable to true, but all the displaymanagers to false?
<smolboye> defaults to slim i guess
<logzet> daveo: And /etc/nixos should be the nixos equivalent
<clever> ajs124: nixos puts the path to the xorg.conf file into the systemd unit for starting the displaymanager
<clever> ajs124: so you wont get any config if you disable all display managers
<ajs124> so, change the xserver.nix module then, I guess?
<clever> i would add a new option, that generates a startx helper script and auto-adds it to systemPackages
<srid> can you get the parent directory of a default.nix from the nix file?
<clever> but then you also have to start dealing with all of the unsolved issues with running it without orot
<clever> srid: ./. or ../.
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<srid> clever: but as absolute path
<srid> (it's gonna be put inside systemd config)
<clever> srid: nix will turn all paths into absolute automatically
<srid> ah
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<clever> srid: if you use the path normall, it will copy the whole thing into the store, and return that storepath
<srid> `${./}` i suppose
<daveo> logzet: yes I use lvm
<clever> srid: if you call builtins.toString, then it will just return the absolute path without copying
<srid> clever: i don't want it to copy the dir
<srid> i see
<daveo> logzet: what about /etc/nixos?
<clever> > "${./.} ${builtins.toString ./.}"
<{^_^}> "/nix/store/aidbi70587akwjjncsjd73wpgbq0yyp1-nixpkgs /var/lib/nixbot/state/nixpkgs"
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<clever> srid: an example of both
<srid> clever: thanks!
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<logzet> daveo: I suppose that you setup the lvm inside /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and then the lvm config is generated. Unlike other distros where you are configuring it directly through /etc/lvm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch merged pull request #44084 → psc-package: 0.3.2 -> 0.4.1 → https://git.io/fNR8W
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch pushed commit from @justinwoo to master « psc-package: 0.3.2 -> 0.4.1 »: https://git.io/fNgrv
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<daveo> logzet: I followed these instructions https://gist.github.com/ladinu/bfebdd90a5afd45dec811296016b2a3f
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44115 → iwd: 0.3 -> 0.4 → https://git.io/fNEsr
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgrY
<daveo> logzet: so I guess I did not manage it in the configuration.nix... there was a whole manual setup LVM section.then later I pasted uuids for the disks in the configuration.nix...
<daveo> there is an initrd that contains keyfiles that I probably need to back up... Glad I found this page again
<clever> daveo: nixos-generate-config would put the uuid's into hardware-configuration.nix automatically
<daveo> clever: that's awesome
<clever> but it doesnt understand luks, so you still need to tell configuration.nix how to open the luks device
<daveo> clever: and the way it should be... The guide did not have that for some reason...
<daveo> clever: guess that is why. I wouldn't know how to tell configuration.nix how to open the luks device exactly. All the commands to do that are in the guide to make a script to do that, but I'm not sure what hooks there are/when you do it in the configuration/etc
<clever> boot.initrd.luks.devices = [ { name = "root"; device = "/dev/nvme0n1p2"; preLVM = true; }
<clever> ];
<clever> daveo: something like this
<daveo> clever: I can add it to ladinu's guide but I'll probably want to test it myself. Making a new nixos minimal install usb now
<clever> daveo: ive got a script that sounds like it does the same thing: https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/blob/master/kexec/justdoit.nix
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<clever> 1 command to just format the disk and install nixos, legacy or uefi, luks optional, sata or nvme
<daveo> looking
<daveo> I think I've seen that
<daveo> that is great
<daveo> about to get a new box to try it on
<clever> its setup as a nixos module, so you need to include it into the config of the install image
<clever> one option is to just add imports = [ ./justdoit.nix ]; and set the options, within the liveusb configuration.nix, and nixos-rebuild
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ttuegel merged pull request #44139 → Plasma Wayland → https://git.io/fNuc4
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ttuegel pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgrQ
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<daveo> sweet
<daveo> clever: is there a nixpaste of example options settings or a gist or anything?
<clever> the scripts in the same dir will generate a tarball that can be ran on any linux system to boot an installer containing justdoit
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<clever> daveo: the options are defined on lines 10-43
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<daveo> clever: not sure of the syntax to use exactly...
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<clever> kexec.justdoit = { rootDevice = "/dev/hda"; bootSize = 1024; luksEncrypt = true; };
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<smolboye> is there a way for me to control the media play/pause forward/backward on spotify?
<ejpcmac> Hi! Newbe question: if I set root’s `nixos` channel to unstable but let `system.stateVersion = "18.03"`, does this mean that my packages will be at the cutting edge version except for the ones like PostgreSQL that require a mutable state?
<smolboye> i never found anything else mpc but its just for mpd
<clever> ejpcmac: yeah
<ejpcmac> Ok, so that’s a good setting for a dev environment, isn’t it?
<clever> ejpcmac: and the pgsql will probably still get security patches, as long as ones are available for the older version
<clever> ejpcmac: if you dont care about the data in the database, you can try updating the stateVersion, it will probably loose the whole db
<clever> ejpcmac: and you always have the option to export it to sql files, update, then import it again
<daveo> clever: like this... ? http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/tXrBBBWd?nix
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<ejpcmac> Thanks clever :)
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<lunik1> it looks like NFS wasn't the problem, mergerfs is. Anybody here used mergerfs, anybody here used it on nixos?
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<smolboye> fixed sddm
<lunik1> and is it ok to specify fuse filesystems in configuration.nix?
<smolboye> turned off one display hah
<ajs124> clever, about the xorg thing. what about services.xserver.exportConfiguration? doesn't that fix the problem with the xorg config being in the displaymanager unit?
<clever> ajs124: that fixes the xorg.conf itself, but several other flags will be missing
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<clever> lunik1: here is an example of mounting s3fs (a fuse fs) from nixos config: https://github.com/input-output-hk/iohk-ops/blob/master/deployments/report-server-bucket-storage.nix#L11-L16
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<ajs124> clever, ah, ok. so a friend of mine runs it like this anyways, with his own startx (https://github.com/dasJ/dotfiles/blob/master/scripts/startx)
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<smolboye> ok y'all might wanna know what my smart ass just fixed
<smolboye> sddm
<smolboye> with both screens
<smolboye> worldofpeace: ^
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<lunik1> aha, running mount -a suggets that the mergerfs binary can't be found
<clever> lunik1: it may need to be added to systemPackages
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<lunik1> clever: it already is, I can use it from my shell
<clever> lunik1: you probably need to use an absolute path in the fs config, check the link above
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<smolboye> yes i fixed it
<ejpcmac> Also, can I have a stable channel system-wide and unstable user-wide? If yes, should it be name `nixos` too user-wide?
<clever> ejpcmac: the channels must have unique names
<lunik1> an absolute path for what? the devices and mount point already are...
<clever> ejpcmac: and when you do nix-env -iA nixos.foo, it looks for a channel called nixos, so you can just use a different name
<clever> lunik1: absolute path to the mergefs binary
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<ejpcmac> clever: Ok. And do you know how home-manager works? What channel the `pkgs` variable in the `home.nix` does point to?
<clever> ejpcmac: no idea
<lunik1> hm ok I think I see
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<lunik1> hey, it worked. thanks clever
<clever> yep
<lunik1> I dodn't know you could specify I binary path like that in fstab
<worldofpeace> smolboye: So complex too :P
<clever> lunik1: i found that in google a few months ago
<clever> lunik1: i think the key is that the fstype is fuse, so mount just runs mount.fuse
<clever> lunik1: and then mount.fuse handles the binary path and doing non-standard things
<lunik1> yeah
<smolboye> worldofpeace: i will let you know what i did, give me a min
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<lunik1> I was specifying the fstype as fuse.mergerfs, but that won't work on NixOS
<johnazoidberg[m]> Is it possible that I override my haskell package to add a package which i only need in my shell.nix (liquidhaskell) and not to build the project itself?
<johnazoidberg[m]> I tried overrideAttrs but it doesn't have direct access to executableHaskellDepends
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #44151 → gcc8: 8.1 -> 8.2 → https://git.io/fNz3X
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgoy
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<{^_^}> [rfcs] @samueldr opened pull request #29 → [RFC 0029] Backports team → https://git.io/fNgo7
<worldofpeace> Smithx10_: cool
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #44150 → universal-ctags: 2018-01-0 -> 2018-07-23 → https://git.io/fNzLj
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgo5
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<worldofpeace> sorry
<Smithx10_> ?
<Smithx10_> Huh?
<samueldr> smolboye left, tab-completion can be fun :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgob
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.4.144 -> 4.4.145 »: https://git.io/fNgoA
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<coconnor> howdy all!
<worldofpeace> hi :)
<samueldr> it's never good when someone says "hi", it's generally followed by a question </joking>
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<coconnor> I have an error from GTK apps under KDE "Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: 'adwaita'"
<coconnor> ha!
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<samueldr> coconnor: the software starts?
<samueldr> or does it stop completely?
<coconnor> Correct. Works fine aside from looking a bit odd
<coconnor> I figure I'm missing one of the GTK_ env variables
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<coconnor> I have the "adwaita-icon-theme" package in system. That doesn't seem like a theme engine though
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<worldofpeace> ahh
<coconnor> (looking though the gnome3 service)
<worldofpeace> You need like gnome3.defaultIconTheme in the build inputs I think
<worldofpeace> wait I was skimming again
<worldofpeace> I'm using kde and don't have this problem
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<coconnor> whats the GTK_PATH?
<worldofpeace> that should just be already set like all of that
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<worldofpeace> This should be in there /run/current-system/sw/lib/gtk-2.0:/run/current-system/sw/lib/gtk-3.0
<coconnor> hrmmm
<coconnor> I presume those directories should exist and have stuff?
<coconnor> I don't have gtk in systemPackages.. easy enough to fix tho
<coconnor> On a tangent: Maybe I should try gnome 3... looks nicely set up on nixos
<worldofpeace> You are enabling kde the normal way right?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44185 → rust-cbindgen: 0.6.0 -> 0.6.1 → https://git.io/fNgVp
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgKK
<worldofpeace> I mean plasma5
<coconnor> right
<worldofpeace> GTK_PATH is empty right?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @viric merged pull request #43982 → Take me (viric) out of most maintenance → https://git.io/fNl4h
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @viric pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgKi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44179 → twilight, kde2-decoration: add myself to maintainers → https://git.io/fNg8d
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgKX
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @viric pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgK1
<coconnor> right GTK_PATH is empty. I see the code in gnome3.nix that initializes it
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @viric merged pull request #43983 → Openssl in coreutils makes *sum programs much faster (RFC) → https://git.io/fNlBR
<coconnor> trying that
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44149 → zsh-command-time: disable exec flag → https://git.io/fNzJW
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgKD
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44141 → altcoins.mist: 0.10.0 -> 0.11.1 → https://git.io/fNuCh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgKy
<coconnor> err. GTK_PATH the variable is not empty. The paths that variable points to are empty.
<coconnor> EG: /run/current-system/sw/lib/gtk-3.0
<worldofpeace> Hmm
<coconnor> which seems like it shouldn't be empty
<worldofpeace> Not right
<worldofpeace> at all
<coconnor> checking if there is a merge difference between this branch and upstream
<worldofpeace> yep
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @viric pushed to master « coreutils: fix unwanted change in prev merge »: https://git.io/fNgKH
<coconnor> none that would impact that
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44180 → ocamlPackages.sqlexpr: 0.5.5 -> 0.9.0 → https://git.io/fNg4P
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fNgKQ
<coconnor> looks like if I enable gnome3 then this goes away. Even if I'm using KDE
<worldofpeace> When did you notice this?
<coconnor> this has been the case for as long as I've used KDE on nixos
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<coconnor> never got around to caring haha
<coconnor> Trying to work through a host of weirdness compared to Kubuntu
<worldofpeace> Is gtk in the store?
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<rain1> hi
<rain1> does nix work on openbsd?
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<worldofpeace> coconnor: Wait those paths don't exist for me either
<worldofpeace> coconnor: How is this even working for me :D
<gchristensen> rain1: it used to, but not any longer as our bsd community waned
<coconnor> hmmm. I'm sure there is a config related to the gtk theme... no idea tho
<worldofpeace> I this this will be fixed unintentionally in a week or so
<drakonis> rain1, the secret is to drive interst
<drakonis> interest, but not driving interest on my spelling
<coconnor> haha aye
<drakonis> gotta convince them bsd folks its worth their while
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<worldofpeace> coconnor: Can you please file a bug with screenshots? Gtk apps should like good in kde
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<jasongrossman> gchristensen: I've taken your advice and added the upshot of our discussions of ZFS ARC cache to the wiki: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_on_ZFS#Changing_the_Cache_Size
<gchristensen> woot!
<samueldr> what could be awesome is reproducing through build-vm, and then with a copy of your config, reduce the test case :)
<samueldr> (that was for coconnor)
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<worldofpeace> I think that's defacto way to do things if you want to be really nice. But you could always document it then do it later :P
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<coconnor> I'll add it to my queue :)
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<samueldr> (that was also me gushing about how nixos makes it so easy to reproduce systems)
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<drakonis> samueldr, gush some more
<drakonis> for it is time to do nix install parties
<samueldr> those would be boring :o
<drakonis> starting with my own computer :V
<drakonis> i got tired of running debian, so nix it is again
<drakonis> my pain tolerance is high
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<gchristensen> I had to use ansible & centos yesterday & it nearly drove me crazy with terror
<gchristensen> I don't think people realize how scary those tools are
<clever> ?
<coconnor> oh heck yea: nixos is the best for reporoducable. I'm sitting here switching between KDE and gnome installed individually like nothing
<clever> coconnor: i trivially downgraded from nixos-unstable to nixos-17.09 last week, and then went back to unstable
<clever> when confirming if something had been broken recently in the channel
<coconnor> I don't know another os has a "revert to previous" that actually works
<clever> i had GC'd my rollback options
<clever> so i just changed the channel, and nixos-rebuild
<samueldr> gchristensen: after the first time I used puppet, I realized I was safer with a bunch of ad-hoc bash scripts :/
<gchristensen> solaris w/ zfs snaps, coconnor :)
<coconnor> OK. the activiation script of NixOS is a giant unsafe effect, but, at least it's well contained
<samueldr> (until I used and learned nixos)
<coconnor> ah yea. zfs is great
<clever> coconnor: ive seen somebody try to do network in the activation script, that results in nixos failing to find systemd at bootup, lol
<joepie91> clever: in the right context, that would be seen as something positive
<joepie91> :P
<gchristensen> coconnor: and not _so_ giant
<gchristensen> not "here's 20kloc of ansible"
<clever> joepie91: :D
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<jasongrossman> coconnor: To combine two of your points, you can rollback another OS fairly nicely using ZFS. I've done a lot of that. It's not AS nice as rolling back using NixOS, though, IMO.
<jasongrossman> coconnor: I mean almost any other OS, not just solaris.
<clever> jasongrossman: ive used virtualbox images on zfs to do a rollback of any os
<jasongrossman> I *suspect* that ansible and puppet are basically well-meaning con jobs. Is that right, or is it not that extreme?
<gchristensen> ansible and puppet are answer to "how do I make my bash scripts better?"
<jasongrossman> Yes, good. But I've been thinking today about how it's usually misguided to add layers of abstraction.
<jasongrossman> I know NixOS adds layers of abstraction! But they're very well thought through.
<drakonis> i have mixed feelings about zfs
<jasongrossman> If you can't use a functional system then ... well, I'm not at all sure about this, but I suspect it's better to have your own hand-written provisioning scripts which you understand fully, even if they're suboptimal in some ways.
<drakonis> so much complaining about ZoL being terrible next to illumos and freebsd
<jasongrossman> Drakonis: I haven't heard any of that recently. ZoL has come along in leaps and bounds in the last few years.
<drakonis> then there's long term adaptability
<clever> Drakonis: ive found that swap on a zvol is unstable, but the rest seems fine
<drakonis> ie: run it on non standard setups
<jasongrossman> I can no longer imagine relying on a file system that's not COW. I guess something better will come along eventually, but there isn't much COW competition for ZFS, is there?
<drakonis> SSDs and the hot new non volatile ram storage
<drakonis> there is
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<drakonis> other than btrfs, there's stratis/xfs, NOVA, bcachefs
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<jasongrossman> Early days for most of those. Do you recommend a particular one?
<gchristensen> tbh I still am +1 on ext4
<drakonis> NOVA is built for the *announcer voice* STORAGE OF THE FUTURE
<jasongrossman> :-)
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<drakonis> bcachefs looks like a tough competitor
<drakonis> will be upstreamed soon, possibly within 4.19
<jasongrossman> I'm looking forward to it being upstreamed and tested properly. That'll take a while though.
<jasongrossman> The problem with file system bugs (excuse me if this is obvious) is that you can have really bad corruption that you don't notice until years later.
<clever> jasongrossman: many years ago, i discovered some duplicate files, that didnt have matching hashes
<drakonis> its built on top of bcache, so most of the heavy lifting is already done
<clever> jasongrossman: so i hexdump'd both 300mb files (creating files in the gigs range) and ran diff -u on them, lol
<clever> jasongrossman: they had 1 or 2, sometimes 3 flipped bits
<jasongrossman> clever: Huh, yes.
<clever> but those files had passed thru at least 4 or 5 computers, ntfs, fat32, ext4, xfs, nfs, samba
<clever> when did they get a flipped bit?
<drakonis> betting pool?
<jasongrossman> clever: I assume that's a rhetorical question. :-)
<clever> jasongrossman: yeah, theres no way to know
<clever> at least with zfs, it has checksums on all blocks, so such things are harder to go un-noticed
<jasongrossman> EXACTLY
<jasongrossman> Problems still happen but they're much less likely to go unnoticed for years.
<jasongrossman> I feel lucky that there are people who will put a lot of effort into testing filesystems.
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<clever> the only real problem ive had, is mostly hardware to blame
<gchristensen> I have a fancy HD here I've been wanting to get going, but I don't think I can get the drivers
<clever> sometimes my sata drive just doesnt respond to a read command, and the io call blocks
<clever> and zfs doesnt really timeout, so then zfs hangs
<jasongrossman> BTW, I know one big problem with ZFS, which is easily avoided once you know about it, but it believes that atomic transactions have finished when the drive tells it they have, and on USB that is often false and can lead to unnoticed corruption on any scale.
<jasongrossman> So just don't use it over USB.
<jasongrossman> clever: That's interesting.
<clever> jasongrossman: as long as the usb drive doesnt re-order writes, the immutable and ring based natures of zfs would just cause it to revert to an older state
<jasongrossman> gchristensen: How fancy?!
<clever> jasongrossman: but yeah, if the usb drive re-orders writes, i could see that corrupting things
<jasongrossman> clever: I believe the USB often fails to complete a write, but tells ZFS that it's completed, and then ZFS is happy until it finds a problem later, and can't recover. This has happened to me several times, before I stopped using it with USB.
<gchristensen> jasongrossman: virident flashmax II, 4TB
<jasongrossman> gchristensen: Interesting.
<clever> jasongrossman: ive also had problems where linux tends to allow a massive write buffer for usb drivers
<clever> jasongrossman: so things can "finish" rather fast, and then a sync call or umount will hang for 20mins
<jasongrossman> It's possible I'm confusing failure to complete a write with re-ordering writes.
<jasongrossman> clever: Ah yes, I've seen that symptom.
<clever> jasongrossman: if you `grep Dirty /proc/meminfo` you can see how much remains
<clever> prior to discovering that, i just forced shutdown and corrupted things :P
<gchristensen> jasongrossman: I have a closet of fancy hw which I can't afford to run (power requirements) or can't get drivers for
<jasongrossman> gchristensen: How did that happen? (Maybe take to #nixos-chat?)
<jasongrossman> clever: Thanks.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @sheganinans closed pull request #40622 → Pijul 0.8.0 -> 0.10.0 → https://git.io/vpblq
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<gchristensen> ...huh, stdenv fails to build? should it?
<gchristensen> output '/nix/store/i13n2x36b0s41zl3m29530bzm5nhba8i-stdenv-linux' is not allowed to refer to the following paths:
<gchristensen> /nix/store/8ajzhmmjnjaw54sfdl5yfg4jwaqkikgz-openssl-1.0.2o
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