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<joepie91> lol
<Myrl-saki> tlmao
<infinisil> I'm gonna check the manual right now
<joepie91> [01:58] <samueldr> I love how sorting by most commented... doesn't really work
<joepie91> it's github, what'd you expect :D?
<infinisil> Oh boy
<Myrl-saki> Wtf
<Myrl-saki> That's just a single service...
<samueldr> joepie91: I actually expected nothing and was still let down :/
<infinisil> Phew
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: Imagine if Google acquired Github.
<samueldr> we'd finally get private messaging on github
<joepie91> Myrl-saki: then we'd just go from "doesn't give you what you're looking for" to "doesn't provide deterministic results and bans you when you search too specifically"
<joepie91> not sure that's an improvement :)
<infinisil> > lib.length (lib.collect lib.isOption nixos.options.services.strongswan-swanctl)
<{^_^}> 16
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: "Searches child (process) killer on Github"
<infinisil> Damnit it's not recursive
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: Organization goes down
<Myrl-saki> OTOH, why the fuck did I quote that.
<joepie91> lol
<Myrl-saki> Oh yeah.
<infinisil> I'm pretty sure that nixos evaluation time is about proportional to amount of options
<LnL> indeed, it's strict
<infinisil> So I'm glad he reduced them by a factor of 10, but over 100 is still a bit too much for a single module..
* LnL really goes to sleep now
<Myrl-saki> How do I set an argument of a package and all its child packages?
<Myrl-saki> s/child packages/dependencies/
<joepie91> I feel like optimizing Nix is a better avenue than reducing options for a package
<joepie91> like, I can't really see a reason why 700 options for a package should be a significant problem evaluation-performance-wise :P
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<infinisil> joepie91: As in, rewrite it in Rust? :D
<Myrl-saki> qlol
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<joepie91> infinisil: I was not going to say that... :P
<Havvy> infinisil: RIIR won't help with O(n^whatever) algorithms.
<infinisil> Seriously, I want to see a (good) Nix rewrite in Rust, these memory problems are annoying.
<joepie91> either way I doubt that parallelism will help much on this one
<joepie91> infinisil: it's difficult because there's no reference on what Nix _is_
<infinisil> I mostly am annoyed over Nix' memory usage
<joepie91> like, the language has no formal definition
<joepie91> the semantics have no formal definition
<joepie91> everything is basically defined as 'whatever the reference implementation does'
<infinisil> joepie91: "The implementation is the spec lul"
<joepie91> this makes it somewhat of a moving target where alternative implementations are concerned
<infinisil> Yeah
<Havvy> joepie91: Just like Rust. ;)
<joepie91> (I've been thinking about alternative implementations for a while now)
<infinisil> hnix is pretty good already I think
<infinisil> Just frontend though
<joepie91> infinisil: hnix has been my primary source for learning about eg. the Nix language actually
<gchristensen> hopefully there will be some nice improvements on the Nix front soon
<joepie91> it's much easier to follow than the pile of C++ and parser specifications that is the reference implementation :)
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<Myrl-saki> TMW I had to ask for a new instance because Nix already started OOMEing on my new instance.
<adelbertc> is there a way to register an existing Python package on your system (like a folder full of python sources) to pip so it doesnt try to grab it from upstream?
<infinisil> joepie91: Agreed
<Myrl-saki> Oh crap.
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<adelbertc> i'm using buildPythonPackage with a non-setuptools install so the PYTHONPATH is setup correctly, but in dropping into a nix-shell pip still tries to pull from upstream
<joepie91> Myrl-saki: fwiw, there exists a patch for the `nix copy` RAM issue
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<joepie91> if that's what you're running into
<samueldr> it worked for me (patch for nix copy issue)
<joepie91> also for me
<joepie91> I have my Hydra instance building it actually
<joepie91> and use it on my servers
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<Myrl-saki> Well, crap.
<Myrl-saki> I messed up.
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<Myrl-saki> I copied /nix/store but not /nix/var/...
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aespinosa opened pull request #42898 → nixos/kerberos: update binary folder pointer → https://git.io/fSGsr
<Myrl-saki> android@localhost:~$ /nix/store/q1kn79dxvyzi5fwp8b9xzqgxihmwnbb4-nix-1.11.16/bin/nix-env -i /nix/store/s43x64pyv41q8bcl9zs3zhshfb14gib3-nix-2.0.1
<Myrl-saki> installing ‘nix-2.0.1’
<Myrl-saki> download-from-binary-cache.pl: could not download ‘https://cache.nixos.org/nix-cache-info’ (Curl error 77)
<Myrl-saki> error: path ‘/nix/store/q1kn79dxvyzi5fwp8b9xzqgxihmwnbb4-nix-1.11.16’ does not exist and cannot be created
<Myrl-saki> (use ‘--show-trace’ to show detailed location information)
<Myrl-saki> How to proceed?
<Myrl-saki> Wait, maybe I can nix copy from the second one.
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<Myrl-saki> Lmao
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<Myrl-saki> This is one way to bootstrap things...
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<Myrl-saki> /nix/store/q1kn79dxvyzi5fwp8b9xzqgxihmwnbb4-nix-1.11.16/bin/nix-copy-closure --from myrl@ /nix/store/s43x64pyv41q8bcl9zs3zhshfb14gib3-nix-2.0.1/bin/nix-copy-closure
<Myrl-saki> /nix/store/s43x64pyv41q8bcl9zs3zhshfb14gib3-nix-2.0.1/bin/nix-copy-closure --from myrl@ /nix/store/q1kn79dxvyzi5fwp8b9xzqgxihmwnbb4-nix-1.11.16/bin/nix-copy-closure
<Myrl-saki> I'll report back if it works. :P
<Myrl-saki> error (ignored): chmod '/nix/store/r8p6cw4l4g5vpanq44abpva33hczkvdw-libatomic_ops-7.6.0': Operation not permitted
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<Myrl-saki> I guess I'll sudo it.
<Myrl-saki> Then just fix the permissions.
<Myrl-saki> Err, the ownership.
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<gchristensen> they won't be in the nix store db, so could get GC'd at any time
<gchristensen> probably best to throw away your nix store if you can't copy the rest
<Myrl-saki> gchristensen: No worries. I'm nix-env -i'ing the more recent one.
<gchristensen> cool
<Myrl-saki> Oh wait, I'm stupid. Huh.
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<Myrl-saki> Doh.
<Myrl-saki> android@localhost:~$ /nix/store/s43x64pyv41q8bcl9zs3zhshfb14gib3-nix-2.0.1/bin/nix-env -i /nix/store/s43x64pyv41q8bcl9zs3zhshfb14gib3-nix-2.0.1
<Myrl-saki> I didn't need to go full circle lol. I just had to do that.
* Myrl-saki shrug
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lopsided98 opened pull request #42899 → buildbot: 1.1.1 -> 1.2.0, fix build → https://git.io/fSGsx
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<worldofpeace> I just wasted my time trying to get a wayland session with plasma5. Would this work for sddm https://gist.github.com/anonymous/0180264db635408d58fb6b9a143f0614 .
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<worldofpeace> There's been lots of changes in plasma and I don't follow that very close.
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<Myrl-saki> Errr, how to nix-shell without a drv?
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<Myrl-saki> copying path '/nix/store/imsz89c8c694dgbdq5aqrbxgzl5b11k9-ghc-8.2.1-binary' from 'ssh://myrl@'...
<Myrl-saki> And my tablet stopped responding lol
<kalbasit> which derivation includes libstdc++.so.6 ?
<Myrl-saki> Wouldn't that be glibc?
<infinisil> It is indeed
<kalbasit> I think so! I'm trying to use Bazel 0.14.1, at work the WORKSPACE pulls nodejs. Here's what I see:
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<infinisil> kalbasit: Use nix-locate/nix-index to find that out easily (need to install it though)
<infinisil> (for the future)
<kalbasit> ```yarn_install failed: (/home/kalbasit/.cache/bazel/_bazel_kalbasit/8bf050cfd51ca75fdd52264b88089d84/external/nodejs/bin/node: line 3: /home/kalbasit/.cache/bazel/_bazel_kalbasit/8bf050cfd51ca75fdd52264b88089d84/external/nodejs/node/bin/node: No such file or directory```
<Myrl-saki> Uh, I think I'm talking BS.
<Myrl-saki> Hmm
<Myrl-saki> I checked my own glibc, and it doesn't seem to be there.
<infinisil> Ah, it's gcc
<infinisil> Almost
<kalbasit> how to install nix-locate? I can't seem to find it
<infinisil> the package is called nix-index
<Myrl-saki> error: out of memory
<kalbasit> cool
<Myrl-saki> Feels bad. ; ~ ;
<infinisil> Myrl-saki: https://downloadmorerem.com/
<Myrl-saki> infinisil: Thanks! NEeded for my tablet.
<Myrl-saki> Well, I think I know what I'm going to do today.
<Myrl-saki> Keyboard as a trackpad
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<kalbasit> I found libstdc++.so.6 at `/nix/store/4zd34747fz0ggzzasy4icgn3lmy89pra-gcc-7.3.0-lib/lib/libstdc++.so.6` how to check (or add) it to the nix profile?
<Myrl-saki> nix-env -i /nix/store/4zd34747fz0ggzzasy4icgn3lmy89pra-gcc-7.3.0-lib
<kalbasit> oh basically install the path, nice
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<kalbasit> it's still missing
<infinisil> Nooo
<infinisil> Don't just install gcc, and especially not like that..
<justanotheruser> anyone use borg backup with AWS who'd like to share their config?
<infinisil> kalbasit: Use a proper Nix file with gcc in buildInputs
<kalbasit> infinisil: this nodejs is not installed in the system, it's pulled by Bazel per a WORKSPACE definition
<kalbasit> so I have to control over how it's installed
<Myrl-saki> kalbasit: no* control?
<kalbasit> oops, yep
<infinisil> kalbasit: Can't you make it use a different nodejs?
<infinisil> That would be my first thought
<infinisil> My second thought if that doesn't work would be to patch it to use a different nodejs
<kalbasit> I'll have to patch the WORKSPACE of the project for only my case, it's currently defined as ```node_repositories(
<kalbasit> node_version = "8.11.1",
<kalbasit> )```
<infinisil> My third thought would be that you need to patchelf that binary to make those paths valid
<kalbasit> interesting
<infinisil> But really, forget the nix-env -i ...gcc thing, that's bad advice. Installing gcc when you have Nix is an anti-pattern
<kalbasit> infinisil: got it, thanks for the tip
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<kalbasit> I can probably use patchelf, I'll try it now. But I'm not sure how to tell Bazel to do that since it's the one managing that. Maybe I'll end up just patching the WORKSPACE
<infinisil> I have no idea what this capitalized WORkSPACE is you're talking of
<infinisil> But anyways, I have to go (to bed), good luck!
<kalbasit> infinisil: that's Bazel's definition file for a project.
<kalbasit> thanks infinisil , Night!
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<kalbasit> is there a way to `nix-shell` a standard linux system so I could, for instance, have Bazel manage project dependencies by itself? This nodejs thing is going to be a blocker for me to move to NixOS :(
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<infinisil> I didn't go to bed after all, but implemented this instead:
<infinisil> ,locate bin/idris
<{^_^}> Found packages: haskellPackages.idris.out, idris.out
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<infinisil> ,locate stubs-32.h
<{^_^}> Found packages: glibc_multi.dev
<infinisil> Integrated nix-locate!
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<kalbasit> nice!
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<PolarIntersect> Hii
<PolarIntersect> As a sanity check, is Xephyr not available in nixpkgs?
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<samueldr> ,locate bin/Xephyr
<{^_^}> Found packages: xlibs.xorgserver.out
<samueldr> PolarIntersect: looks like it's built
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<PolarIntersect> oooh
<PolarIntersect> It's Xephyr
<PolarIntersect> not xephyr
<PolarIntersect> oops -.-
<PolarIntersect> Thanks samueldr
<samueldr> well, you did ask for Xephyr ;)
<PolarIntersect> haha ya
<PolarIntersect> but I thought the executable was lowercase
<PolarIntersect> sorry
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<elvishjerricco> Hm. Finally managed to compile taffybar 2.1 on NixOS 18.03. But it just doesn't do anything when I run it :/ Any ideas?
<elvishjerricco> I get all the GTK warnings about my theme's css, but then the program just stalls and does nothing
<elvishjerricco> This is with the example config from the taffybar repo: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/j3QAmlAU/
<cbarrett> I'm wondering if I'm overlooking something
<cbarrett> But I might have found an omission in the documentation and the default output of bundix
<cbarrett> It seems to me like when using the env = bundlerEnv { ... idiom one should put both env and env.wrappedRuby in the buildInputs in one's shell.nix
<cbarrett> at least that's what I had to do
<cbarrett> to get rake, #!-ruby scripts, etc to work within nix-shell
<cbarrett> should I file this as a bug?
<cbarrett> or is there something I'm confused about (this is the more likely option tbh)
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<elvishjerricco> Taffybar is just doing nothing at all... I'm so confused
<elvishjerricco> D'oh. Apparently it just doesn't work at all if you forget to compile it with `-threaded`
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<infinisil> Refined ,locate a bit more:
<infinisil> ,locate bin/cc
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<{^_^}> Found packages: gcc, gcj, gccgo, clang, swift, gfortran, gcc_debug, (3 more)
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<infinisil> ,locate libc.so
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<{^_^}> Found packages: musl, glibc, uclibc, androidndk, glibc_multi, glibc_memusage, mentorToolchains.armLinuxGnuEabi
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<joepie91> oh, I like this bot
<joepie91> {^_^}++
<{^_^}> {^_^}'s karma got increased to 133
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pandaman64 opened pull request #42901 → qiskit: 0.5.4 -> 0.5.5 → https://git.io/fSGB0
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<pie_> infinisil, was it you I was talking to about configuring tinc in configuration.nix a while back? idk how noone else has problems but i still have issues restarting the service and the netdevs/routes/something not coming up properly when i rebuild
<pie_> hm. i think it may be this that the wiki was referring to about using tinc-up instead
<pie_> instead of the ipv4.whatever stuff
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<mpickering> How can I upgrade my nix commands from really old ones on OSX? They are at 1.11.15
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #42899 → buildbot: 1.1.1 -> 1.2.0, fix build → https://git.io/fSGsx
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed commit from @lopsided98 to master « buildbot: 1.1.1 -> 1.2.0 (#42899) »: https://git.io/fSGuc
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<LnL> mpickering: is it using the nix-daemon already?
<mpickering> How do I answer that question? clever told me how to in #nix-darwin
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner merged pull request #42841 → HEIF support → https://git.io/fwlE3
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<init_6> Is there some default bash/zsh config?
<srhb> init_6: What do you mean? Like /etc/bashrc?
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<init_6> srhb: yep
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<init_6> or only for user in ~?
<srhb> init_6: There's /etc/profile, /etc/bashrc, /etc/zshrc (with the proper options enabled in NixOS config)
<srhb> init_6: Not sure exactly what you're asking for really. :)
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<srhb> init_6: Any user local config is beyond the scope of NixOS to deal with, normally. You can add whatever you like in ~. (home-manager is a bit of an exception)
<arahael> Does nixos have any good reviews, say, to compare it to debian?
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<srhb> arahael: None that I know of. Anything specific you're interested in knowing?
<arahael> I'm mostly curious. I'll eventually install Nix as a package manager on macos, I suspect, but I am a software dev, I'm curious about how I could use Nix to help me produce and deliver applications.
<arahael> And I'm wondering if I should try NixOS when I get anther desktop at home.
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<srhb> arahael: Right.. The main points of interest is the immutability of the system configuration which is facilitated by the Nix package manager, so if you read about that and have some experience with a regular, mutable distro, I think it should be relatively easy to see the differences.
<srhb> arahael: can only recommend that. :)
<arahael> I'm trying to figure out how that works in say, the context of a python application.
<srhb> arahael: If you're familiar with virtualenvs, you can imagine we do something similar but encompassing all packages, not just python packages, whenever you make a project
<srhb> arahael: That is, not just python deps but also all other system deps are determined by, usually, a shell.nix that provides a shell environment with every dependency readily available for your project.
<arahael> I exclusively use virtualenvs when I do python.
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<arahael> Could be interesting. I currently use brew on my mac. Any gotchas if I add nix?
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<srhb> arahael: I'm not super familiar with Mac anymore, but I imagine not. nix lives more or less exlusively in /nix (sans some config to set up your access to it)
<arahael> Which build chain would it use?
<srhb> But a word of warning: nix works best if you go all in. Mixing nix and brew in a single project, for instance, will probably not go well.
<srhb> arahael: You mean things like clang and such?
<arahael> Yes.
<srhb> I'm not sure on how it's dealt with in Darwin. There may be some impurities (usage of non-nix-managed build components) compared to how it works on Linux where it's totally pure. Someone else should probably chime in on this point.
<srhb> fwiw I've installed Nix on a standard Mac build host without deep knowledge of what it did, and most simple things just worked out of the box...
<arahael> Nice.
<arahael> Can nix be used as a cross compilation toolchain?
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<srhb> Yes, though it's sort of experimental still, but it's becoming more and more impressive and is already at a stage where some things are possible and trivial compared to every other solution I know
<clever> arahael: yes
<srhb> I expect it will be one of the best solutions very soon.
<arahael> That would be _awesome_.
<clever> nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> { crossSystem = { arch = "x86_64"; config = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"; }; }).hello' --keep-going -Q
<arahael> Any articles discussing that?
<clever> arahael: this should cross-compile to 64bit linux, when ran on any machine
<srhb> arahael: None very complete yet.
<clever> so darwin could make linux binaries
<srhb> arahael: Keep an eye on this space :-)
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<arahael> srhb: Definitely interested. :)
<clever> 2018-05-09 20:23:00<@clever> (import <nixpkgs> { crossSystem = (import <nixpkgs/lib>).systems.examples.raspberryPi; }).linuxPackages_rpi.kernel
<clever> arahael: this cross-compiles to a raspberry pi
<arahael> I've recently gotten into Go, and Go is pretty good at this, though, it only supports a tiny number of platforms.
<clever> nix-build '<nixpkgs>' --arg crossSystem '(import <nixpkgs/lib>).systems.examples.aarch64-multiplatform' -A hello
<arahael> clever: Has anyone ever gotten Nix to cross-compile using a particular vendor compiler? (Say, Apple's SDK for iOS)
<clever> arahael: aarch64
<clever> arahael: angerman would know more about ios targeting
<arahael> clever: So people ar eworking on it - very nice.
<clever> arahael: angerman has mainly done cross-compiling of haskell to ios
<arahael> clever: That was my next questio! :)
<arahael> I've noticed haskell devs tend to like nix, it seems.
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<angerman> arahael: while I did some mobile stuff (ghc related), the nix integration is mostly done by the obsidian.systems folks (Sonarpules, ...)
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<arahael> I wonder how it compares to stack (which is also commonly used for package managerment in Haskell)
<srhb> arahael: They're fairly orthogonal.
<arahael> srhb: Could you elaborate there?
<srhb> arahael: Nix' haskell builder uses Cabal (the library, not cabal-install) directly.
<angerman> srhb: so does stack.
<srhb> angerman: Yep.
<arahael> srhb: So it's an alternative to stack?
<srhb> angerman: and cabal-install
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<angerman> they both rely on using Setup.hs
<srhb> arahael: In many ways, yes.
<arahael> srhb: So, I'd probably end up missing stack's curated package system?
<srhb> arahael: We have a more or less curated set based on a sort-of-lts release as well
<angerman> arahael: you can use stackage with nix. There is stack2nix, and some experimental stuff I wrote.
<arahael> srhb: Hmm, nice.
<arahael> angerman: Oh, interesting.
<arahael> angerman: Any articles on that? :)
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<angerman> but the curated set in nix is similar to an lts set. (and in principle to the curated hackage set as well; but this would derail the converstaion here)
<srhb> arahael: We get to do fun stuff like this without ever compiling any Haskell: nix-shell -p 'haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: with p; [ containers lens ])'
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<angerman> arahael: I think stack2nix is https://github.com/input-output-hk/stack2nix
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<srhb> arahael: Gives you a shell with ghc/ghci in scope that has those packages available, pulled from our binary cache
<angerman> arahael: my experimetnal stuff is in https://github.com/angerman/nix-tools
<arahael> angerman: I'll stick those in a tab. :)
<arahael> I think I should definitely give nix a play on my mac.
<srhb> I can only concur. :-)
<clever> arahael: an example of just building haskell without cabal: https://github.com/cleverca22/arcstats/blob/master/default.nix#L3-L13
<arahael> Why does nix seem to leverage existing package managers, though?
<srhb> Bear in mind the haskell builder is currently in a sort of sorry state on Mac due to some environment explosions. Fixes are upcoming, I think.
<angerman> and elvishjerricco has been working on using the nix-tools stuff, to build component-level haskell builder fornix.
<arahael> srhb: Hmm, will have to keep that in mind, then.
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<elvishjerricco> arahael: FWIW, if you're interested in cross compilation, you won't be interested in Stack. It can't do it. Nix can
<angerman> srhb: let's just stop this $out/lib nonsense for haskell ;-)
<srhb> angerman: Yes, that's probably the correct approach.
<angerman> elvishjerricco: you forgot ... cabal-install can do it as well! :D
<arahael> elvishjerricco: Neither can cabal, on it's own, though!
<elvishjerricco> True!
<srhb> I'm just sad that both master and 18.03 managed to end up in this state without anyone noticing prior to release :(
<elvishjerricco> arahael: Cabal just needs a few flags on the command line AFAIK
<angerman> specifically the `wrapper` :D
<angerman> srhb: I'm a bit sad I ended up sidestepping the haskell stuff in nix mostly :(
<arahael> elvishjerricco: But template haskell doesn't work, doesn't it?
<srhb> angerman: :/
<angerman> arahael: most of it does, if you use some build-slave.
<arahael> Oh, interesting - nice.
<angerman> arahael: it's a bit flaky, and needs at least 8.4
<angerman> but managable for non-process, non-file-io stuff.
<clever> there is also qemu-user, which can run linux binaries for the "wrong" arch
<angerman> arahael: see https://medium.com/@zw3rk
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<srhb> arahael: As an practical alternative, if you need it, we're able to fairly easily push nix builds to machines of other architectures.
<arahael> What's the release process like - you mentioned that nix somehow managed to get into a broken state for haskell - no real CI system?
<srhb> arahael: eg. we trivially have remote builds.
<angerman> arahael: and yes, as clever said, you can use qemu to emulate as needed. Unless you want iOS.
<arahael> srhb: That's _neat_
<srhb> arahael: A lot works. Packages with a huge number of dependencies fail.
<arahael> srhb: Any articles on that? (remote builds)
<mpickering> Haskell on mac is completely broken atm I think
<srhb> arahael: One thing with nix' determinism is that any change far down the dependency chain forces a rebuild of _every_ reverse dependency, so the build load is quite high...
<angerman> clever and I managed to build some windows TH runner via WINE :D
<arahael> angerman: Yeah, I like iOS, I regard it as The Problem Platform. :)
<srhb> mpickering: What?
<clever> nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A hello --argstr system x86_64-darwin
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<mpickering> I really wouldn't use nix on a mac, far too many commits get merged which break things
<srhb> mpickering: Hydra claims differently!
<clever> arahael: this command will build the darwin version of hello, using darwin build slaves
<clever> no need for any cross-compile fun
<arahael> mpickering: Could you elaborate?
<mpickering> People only test their patches on nixos
<angerman> mpickering: I test exclusively on mac :p
<elvishjerricco> Yea I've got two macs that rely heavily on nix
<elvishjerricco> Haven't updated them in a couple months though...
<srhb> The haskell breakage on Mac is very specific.
<elvishjerricco> There's been a bunch of stuff with cross happening very aggressively recently. Not terribly surprising that it's broken many things
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<arahael> angerman: Thanks for that medium.com link, finally glanced at it. Will also keep that in a tab!
<elvishjerricco> srhb: Did you say the breakage made it to 18.03? Why were such large changes backported? That sorta violates the whole idea of a stable channel
<srhb> elvishjerricco: Many of the cross changes to stdenv actually happened before 18.03 release
<srhb> elvishjerricco: And they are at least partially responsible.
<elvishjerricco> Ahh
<srhb> It's just been in a bad state in a very long time, not enough effort/knowledge put in.
<elvishjerricco> 18.03 had a lot going on...
<angerman> to be fair, all the cross logic is still fairly new, and much better than before.
<srhb> Sadly my stdenv chops are a bit too weak to really help out.
<srhb> Yes, that is the case
<mpickering> Matthew Bauer even said not to merge the patch and it still got merged
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<srhb> I love the cross stuff, I'm just sad it hit 18.03 so hard.
<srhb> Hopefully 18.09 will be in a much better state.
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<arahael> What is Nix like between say, MacOS and windows?
<arahael> Because I spend most of my time in those.
<srhb> arahael: I don't think Nix is really functional on Windows.
<angerman> However I still think we'll have a few more iterations wrt to cross compilation in nix, until it's all slick :D
<arahael> (I honestly do very little haskell)
<arahael> srhb: Ah, what's the issues there?
<angerman> srhb: Windows is not really functional.
<clever> :D
<srhb> arahael: No one working on it for years, I think. There's nothing inherently impossible in it (though we have some design issues that makes it hard...)
<srhb> angerman: heh :P
<elvishjerricco> It works in WSL I think
<arahael> WSL barely counts, at that.
<elvishjerricco> If WSL ever gets some kind of shim access to windows APIs, it could count
<arahael> If WSL apps could be launched directly from windows, and if WSL services could be started automatically, then it might count.
<srhb> arahael: One issue which hits mac currently harder that Linux for haskell builds, for instance, is that we carry around just about all build information for nix in environment variables. Mac has a smaller environment limit than Linux, so it gets hit harder when the environment accidentally explodes. Windows has a way, way lower limit still.
<srhb> I imagine that would require some major redesigning...
<clever> arahael: one WSL problem ive heard, is that the files in the rootfs have to be tagged with a special attribute, which windows explorer cant copy when copying files
<arahael> srhb: Seems that could be redesigned if important.
<clever> arahael: so the only way to install a custom WSL distro is to untar it inside ubuntu, then use atomic move's from explorer to swap the rootfs
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<arahael> clever: That's not a "problem", as such, they really are intended to be distinct.
<clever> arahael: you also have no way to manage a 2nd rootfs within a given user
<srhb> arahael: Yes. Though I imagine it's a huge undertaking :-)
<clever> so you have no way to just install a nix based os
<clever> you must untar nix from ubuntu, then rename things
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<arahael> So nix has a huge, huge, huge bias towards linux.
<srhb> I don't think so, no.
<srhb> Towards *nix, yeah, probably.
<clever> it works best under the linux kernel, but can also function on darwin, and it can generate results that are usable on more platforms
<arahael> Which is nixos, right, which is linux?
<srhb> The bias towards NixOS is really quite minimal imo.
<srhb> But yes, NixOS uses a Linux kernel.
<srhb> NixOS is more or less Nix + Linux + systemd...
<mpickering> Right, the problems with mac are not fundamental in the design
<arahael> Does it leverage systemd?
<srhb> arahael: Heavily.
<arahael> srhb: I find that interesting, could you elaborate?
<srhb> arahael: We generate the systemd configurations declaratively and immutably.
<elvishjerricco> I always describe NixOS as "Linux From Scratch, but with systemd and rewriting the book in Nix"
<srhb> Hah
<srhb> elvishjerricco++
<{^_^}> elvishjerricco's karma got increased to 2
<clever> :D
<angerman> me--
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<angerman> :(
<arahael> elvishjerricco: That appeals to me. ;)
<clever> angerman: if you try to ++ yourself, the bot will take away a point
<arahael> Though, I don't like that it's a systemd system if I ever want to deal with it in docker. :(
<srhb> arahael: Essentially the entire system is a single symlink that we can move back and forth between "generations" -- specific configurations.
<arahael> Ah, I recall that's a systemd feature - doesn't that depend on particular filesystems, though?
<srhb> It's not a systemd feature. At least not how it's implemented in NixOS.
<srhb> brb, laundry.
<clever> arahael: in nixos, its done via /run/current-system mostly, which replaces /bin and /lib for example
* arahael installs nix in his macos.
<arahael> srhb: Thanks for that discussion!
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<arahael> How do I search for, say, gnucash, in the nix package manager? (Noting that nix has yet to install)
<arahael> Is there a website?
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<__monty__> arahael: Depending on the channel you use you might get a slightly different result though. I think that's only for the stable channel.
<arahael> Nice - fairly old version though.
<arahael> SEts up a fair few "build users", curious.
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<srhb> arahael: It's all got to do with the total isolation of /nix/store
<srhb> arahael: If your user could write to it, you could easily break the immutability guarantees.
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<arahael> I guess the nix daemon coordinates all that.
<srhb> Right :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jokogr closed pull request #30192 → grub2: set zfsSupport false by default → https://git.io/vdubu
<__monty__> arahael: Fwiw, the unstable channel has gnucash 3.1.
<arahael> __monty__: Very, very nice.
<arahael> Can I mix channels?
<srhb> Yep,
<srhb> To your hearts content.
<arahael> Beautiful.
<srhb> Helpful command: nix search -f channel:nixos-unstable gnucash
<srhb> Hm, does that work the way I think it does...
<__monty__> srhb: Maybe give arahael a short primer on what channels there are? (not at all asking for my own benefit ; )
<srhb> I'm not really an authority since I don't use channels... But mainly nixos-unstable (which is master that has passed some tests) and the current stable release (nixos-18.03) which is a branch cut from master in march which will live until ~october.
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<srhb> Meaning, 18.03 will only get minor version bumps and fixes. Very newer versions will only be available in unstable and the upcoming 18.09
<arahael> I assume they're forks of nix package descriptions.
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<srhb> arahael: nixpkgs branches, yes.
<srhb> arahael: master and release-18.03 specifically
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<arahael> srhb: You did your laundry really fast!
<symphorien> ,channel
<{^_^}> symphorien: Did you mean channels?
<{^_^}> Largest Nix-related channels: #nixos, #nixos-dev, #nix-darwin, #nixos-chat, #nixos-aarch64, #nixos-wiki, #nixos-borg, #nixos-security, #nix-core
<srhb> arahael: Clothes go in, clothes go out!
<symphorien> hum that's not what I wanted
<srhb> Damn overloaded terms :-P
<arahael> srhb: That's functional, too, I guess!
<arahael> Does nix help you produce applications that you then need to deploy to users, who might not have nix?
<srhb> Hm, the nix search some channel does work with an arbitrary channel, but requires an update each time. It would be nice if the cache was per-channel
<srhb> arahael: Not Really Though There Are Ways
<Taneb> arahael: there's stuff like nix bundle, and with a bit of work you can use nix to build staticly linked programs but it's not easy
<srhb> arahael: Like, it can build docker images, and it can help you produce static binaries (immensely helped by eg. musl-static cross compiling) and there's nix bundle which essentially packs every dependency in a file
<arahael> Those sounds promising.
<srhb> arahael: If you inspect a standard nix-build binary with ldd, you'll see that it doesn't even use the standard FHS loader location, so you can't run it on a non-nix system.
<arahael> I've noticed from the various articles online that it doesn't even try to be LHS compliant.
<srhb> (Most systems don't have, say, /nix/store/2kcrj1ksd2a14bm5sky182fv2xwfhfap-glibc-2.26-131/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2)
<srhb> arahael: It's a fundamental feature of Nix.
<arahael> Ok, I've got nix installed. :)
<arahael> 1GB in /nix. :)
<srhb> arahael: We use it to track dependencies. When a build is completed, we can every file for strings that point to /nix/store/...
<srhb> arahael: Those are the runtime dependencies of the package.
<srhb> arahael: If we were to allow /lib or whatever, that would completely break.
<clever> s/can/scan/
<srhb> clever: Thanks
<arahael> srhb: I realise. It's remarkable how linux has managed to work as it is. The FHS relies quite substntially on a curated set of applications, yet linux dev is very decentralised.
<srhb> arahael: So rather than not attempting to be compliant, we're strictly attempting to be non-compliant :-)
<arahael> Good. :)
* arahael installs 'hello'.
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<arahael> I see it installed to ~/.nix-profile.
<srhb> arahael: If you don't want to litter your profile with arbitrary things, you can nix-shell -p nixpkgs.hello -- then hello will "disappear" (it's still in your store until you garbage collect) from your environment once you close the shell
<arahael> Interesting.
<arahael> Yep, that's mentioned lower down in the manual. :)
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<arahael> Hmm, how do I do a search for packages on the command line?
<arahael> I notice that 'apropos search' doesn't show anything for nix.
<clever> nix-env has some magic flags for that, cant remember the exact ones
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<arahael> nix-env q <name>
<arahael> -q, rather.
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<clever> ,locate bin/firefox
<arahael> No, that's not it.
<{^_^}> Found in packages: firefox-wrapper, firefox-unwrapped, firefox-esr-52-unwrapped, firefoxPackages.tor-browser
<clever> arahael: there is also this bot on irc
<arahael> ,locate golang
<{^_^}> Found in packages: kt, c14, dep, kbfs, lego, meme, kops, and 76 more
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<clever> that command is more about finding a package that contains a given file, then searching by package name
<arahael> Yeah, I want a particular package.
<srhb> arahael: If you're just searching by package name, use nix search
<arahael> nix *search*, thanks.
<arahael> Doesn't seem to have any results at all.
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<srhb> For?
<arahael> And nix itself doesn't seem to have a man page.
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<clever> arahael: your MANPATH has to be updated
<arahael> srhb: Well, it nither has any results for "nix search golang", nor "nix search gnucash".
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<srhb> arahael: Tried with -u ? (it should be suggesting this)
<clever> arahael: the manpages are in ~/.nix-profile/share/man/ and the man from your distro doesnt look there
<arahael> clever: It found the man pages for nix-env fine, though?
<srhb> clever: I don't think nix has a man page yet, does it?
<clever> arahael: oh and the nix command is new and lacks man pages
<arahael> srhb: The first time, it didn't. But subsequent ties it now does.
<arahael> *times
<srhb> arahael: We're sort of in an awkward transition towards this new "nix subcommand style interface" which is not complete yet.
<arahael> srhb: Bit awkward indeed if I'm using the stable channel.
<srhb> It has some new features (like nix search which is great) and lacks some older one which are covered by the nix-dash-something commands,
<arahael> Don't know if I'm on stable, though, actually: I'm on - channels(root): `"nixpkgs-18.09pre144939.14a9ca27e69"`
<srhb> arahael: That's unstable.
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<arahael> By default!?
<srhb> I think that's the default on mac.
<clever> arahael: nix-channel --list
<srhb> Maybe for any standalone nix installation
<srhb> arahael: Think of it as rolling release ;-)
<srhb> arahael: It goes through the same test set that the stable channel does.
<arahael> I don't like rolling releases - normally. :)
<srhb> Well, you're free to switch channel :)
<arahael> I'll stick with the default until I have a clue. :)
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<Taneb> I have a half-memory of being told there's a file you can edit instead of using ad-hoc stuff with nix-env on multi-user Nix on other-linux
<__monty__> arahael: I haven't encountered much issues on unstable. Only some haskell package breakages.
<Taneb> Can anyone throw some documentation at me?
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ cat .nix-defexpr/test/foo/default.nix
<clever> import /home/clever/apps/nixpkgs
<arahael> __monty__: Hmm, well, I'm still trying to figure out how to search for a package. :(
<clever> Taneb: if you create this file, then you can nix-env -iA foo.hello
<clever> Taneb: and it will use whatever nixpkgs you left in that dir
<__monty__> Taneb: Search for configuration.nix in the manuals.
<arahael> Adding the '-u' doesn't make any difference, either.
<Taneb> __monty__: does that apply even on not-NixOS?
<srhb> arahael: Which package?
<Taneb> clever: thanks
<__monty__> arahael: For nix-env -q is query local packages, -qa is query available packages.
<arahael> srhb: Any! The only packages I know about currently, is 'hello', which is already installed, and 'gnucash'.
<srhb> arahael: Uh, okay, does nix-env -qaP | grep packagename work?
<arahael> __monty__: It's -qa, that I wanted, then!
<srhb> arahael: I don't understand why nix search wouldn't work..
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<clever> Taneb: this is the same mechanism that gives the names like nixpkgs and nixos when doing nix-env -iA nixpkgs.hello
<__monty__> Taneb: Yep, I'm using it. You can look at my config here, it's pretty simple: https://github.com/toonn/nix-config
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<goibhniu> Taneb: you can also add --remove-all, if you want to only have that set of packages installed
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<arahael> srhb: I don't understand either, but 'nix search -u gnucash' is pretty fast, yet 'nix-env -qa gnucash' takes a while and has a totally different result (it seems gnucash doesn't exist, afterall)
<srhb> arahael: How about nix search -u -f channel:nixos-unstable packagename ?
<arahael> srhb: I got something~ `nix-env -qa go` works, with actual results. Nice.
<srhb> Then drop the -u and -f in subsequent commands
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<srhb> arahael: nix-env -qa does not cache, so it can be slow, but yeah, if it works...
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<__monty__> arahael: -qa searches for package names so it has to evaluate all the things. What I personally do is nix-env -qaP --description > somefile, then rg 'gnucash' somefile. Just have to remember to update the file every time you update your channel.
<arahael> "nix search -u go" doesn't have any results, even so, though.
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<clever> __monty__: nox is a search util that basically does that, with automatic update
<srhb> It seems like it's not finding nixpkgs to search through. Odd.
<arahael> __monty__: Seems awkward. I miss 'apt-cache'.
<ocharles_> Hello. How do I copy a .drv from a remote machine to my machine?
<ocharles_> into my /nix/store, that is
<clever> ocharles_: nix-copy-closure
<srhb> ocharles_: nix-copy-closure can do that, but nix copy cannot.
<ocharles_> ok, let me see if I can work out how to do it
<arahael> What language is nix implemented in?
<srhb> arahael: C++ mostly.
<clever> arahael: c++
<arahael> Pragmatic.
<srhb> arahael: An alternate hnix implementation is being worked on if that bothers you :-)
<__monty__> arahael: Sure, nix-env is not known for its awesome UX : ), nix search should solve the problem though. Not sure what issues you're having.
* goibhniu uses `nix-env -qaP | grep -i gnucash` to search for packages
<srhb> (Guess the language...)
<ocharles_> oh cool, that was easy. nix-copy-closure --from user@host /nix/store/thing-i-want.drv
<clever> ocharles_: yep
<arahael> "nix search -u '.*'" is *empty*.
<srhb> Does anyone know *why* it doesn't work with nix copy? It seems a weird thing to lack.
<clever> arahael: what is in ~/.nix-defexpr/ and `echo $NIX_PATH` ?
<arahael> srhb: C++ is a fine choice. :)
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<clever> srhb: nix copy will try to build the .drv, then copy its result
<srhb> Blargh. needs a switch..
<clever> srhb: yeah
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<arahael> clever: channels_root, which has three directories, what info are you after there?
<arahael> clever: My NIX_PATH is: /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels
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<arahael> clever: (And I am not root)
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<clever> arahael: does one of the subdirs of channels_root contain a default.nix?
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<clever> ls -l ~/.nix-defexpr/*/*/default.nix
<clever> -r--r--r-- 1 root root 557 Dec 31 1969 /home/clever/.nix-defexpr/channels_root/nixos/default.nix
<clever> thats what i have
<arahael> It does.
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<arahael> Mine's slightly larger, and is a year newer. ;)
<arahael> Erm, a day newer. ;)
<clever> a whole year? or a few hours?
<clever> yeah, timezones
<srhb> arahael: I always get so confused when I see unix 0 from US people :P
<clever> srhb: its actually unix 1
<srhb> Ah, yes..
<clever> 0 is treated as an error by some programs
<arahael> srhb: Of course it's US-centric(!)
<clever> arahael: all files are last modified at 12:00:01 jan 1st 1970 (1 second after midnight)
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<clever> arahael: but when timezones apply, that turns into a few hours before midnight, for people in utc-4 for ex
<arahael> fair enough, and as I'm in GMT+10, that moves it later, I guess.
<clever> yep
<arahael> ANyway, so that file exist, for me, and ultimately does 'import ./pkgs/top-level/impure.nix'
<clever> yeah, thats normal nixpkgs
<clever> i think its the unfree exception bug in nix-env
* arahael doesn't fully understand that language - what language is it?
<clever> nix has its own language
<arahael> What's it derived from?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rickynils merged pull request #41715 → nixos: Add option networking.networkmanager.dynamicHosts → https://git.io/vhg2B
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rickynils pushed 2 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/f94Zv
<Taneb> It's very much it's own thing... a lazy, dynamically typed, functional language
<arahael> Interesting.
<arahael> clever: So, what's this bug?
<srhb> arahael: It's actually incredibly well optimized for writing package descriptions imo.
<clever> arahael: if you dont have unfree packages enabled in config.nix, it will silently fail, rather then explaining how to enable them
<srhb> arahael: schemers disagreed and created guix :-P
<clever> arahael: nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A oraclejdk
<clever> that should give an error explaining how to enable unfree
<clever> no need to actually build the jdk
<arahael> srhb: What's guix? :)
<Lisanna> arahael the GNU implementation of Nix
<arahael> Lisanna: What?
<clever> arahael: it lacks all unfree software, so no more oraclejdk or google-chrome
<clever> and it uses a different language from nix, it uses guile
<arahael> Of course it does(!)
<srhb> arahael: Essentially nix with scheme instead of nix (the language)
<arahael> But interesting.
<srhb> Or, guile...
<arahael> Why didn't they just fork nix?
<arahael> It's GPL and all.
<srhb> (package (name "hello" ...
<arahael> I wouldn't mind scheme.
<Taneb> arahael: sometimes it's easier to start from scratch
<Lisanna> arahael *all* of guix is in guile. the tools and the expression language. Nix is written in a combination of C++, perl, and Nix
<arahael> Taneb: Just to remove a few non-free packages?
<Lisanna> forking wouldn't make sense - what code would you fork?
<Taneb> arahael: and to change the implementation language, and the language you use for writing package descriptions...
<Taneb> Someone at GNU really likes lisp
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ambrop72 opened pull request #42907 → vscode: 1.24.0 -> 1.24.1 → https://git.io/f9Rq9
<arahael> Taneb: As good as lisp can be, surely that's not the only reason!
<arahael> clever: Ah, so that's what the unfree bug is... But how does this relate to not being able to search?
<srhb> This is probably not the right place to fully understand their motivations anyway :-)
<arahael> clever: And suppose I don't actually /want/ unfree software anyway?
<clever> arahael: it may silently exit if the search passes over any unfree packages
<arahael> clever: Ok, that sounds like a bug indeed.
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<elvishjerricco> does nix have any way to help with GPL requirements?
<arahael> I think I'll just use nix-env -qaP
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<arahael> srhb: Sure. :)
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* arahael wonders what xorg is like on macos.
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<clever> $ nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A xlibs.xorgserver --argstr system x86_64-darwin
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<arahael> Apart from a few libraries and xorg stuff, there doesn't appear to be many GUI applications in nix (at least, for darwin). I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.
<clever> /nix/store/xw86a7239a95cp6qk6vbjrjdrm594nnq-xorg-server-1.18.4/bin/Xephyr: Mach-O 64-bit x86_64 executable, flags:<NOUNDEFS|DYLDLINK|TWOLEVEL|PIE>
<arahael> Purescript is in there(!)
<clever> $ nix-copy-closure --to /nix/store/xw86a7239a95cp6qk6vbjrjdrm594nnq-xorg-server-1.18.4
<clever> arahael: and this copies the darwin packages from my desktop to my mac
<arahael> Hmm, so is valgrind, which shouldn't work. :/
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<clever> arahael: valgrind does work
<clever> at least on linux
<arahael> clever: It does work on the mac?
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<clever> it claims to build
<arahael> Hmm, curious.
<clever> copying path '/nix/store/38bnaqmk0pihml5js8p5m4vyx4nn0dk4-valgrind-3.13.0' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
<arahael> In any case, looks like there is a lot of stuff to look into for me.
<clever> its already in been built by hydra
<arahael> clever: valgrind 'hello', then.
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<arahael> Ok, that's seriously neat: Just ran xeyes, just worked.
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<clever> thats strange, $DISPLAY isnt set on my mac
<clever> x shouldnt work...
<clever> Xephyr cannot open host display. Is DISPLAY set?
<arahael> Yes, I may have previously installed xquartz ages ago.
<arahael> Are there any objc and swift packages in nix?
<clever> dont know about those
<__monty__> arahael: Something to look into since you're on OSX is nix-darwin. Gets you as close as possible to nixos while still being on macos.
<arahael> Yeah, valgrind doesn't seem to work in macos.
<arahael> __monty__: I don't want to run without Apple's SMC
<clever> Michaels-iMac:~ clever$ /nix/store/38bnaqmk0pihml5js8p5m4vyx4nn0dk4-valgrind-3.13.0/bin/valgrind /nix/store/38bnaqmk0pihml5js8p5m4vyx4nn0dk4-valgrind-3.13.0/bin/valgrind --help
<clever> valgrind: mmap-FIXED(0x0, 253952) failed in UME (load_segment1) with error 12 (Cannot allocate memory).
<clever> it looks like valgrind needs fixed, but it appears to actually support darwin
<arahael> The moment it has to run an application, it dies, it seems.
<{^_^}> [nix] @Ma27 opened pull request #2265 → nix why-depends: render output into $PAGER → https://git.io/f9XmF
<__monty__> arahael: What does the SMC have to do with nix-darwin?
<arahael> __monty__: Without the SMC, I won't have the same performance/battery management as I have in macos.
<arahael> __monty__: And it's a user-space application.
<clever> arahael: nix-darwin still runs on the darwin kernel and the whole darwin ui
<clever> it just manages a few files in /etc/ via nix
<arahael> clever: The "whole darwin ui" being macos?
<clever> the ui is untouched
<arahael> clever: I thought you just meant the raw darwin kernel?
<arahael> (On it's own)
<clever> kernel is also untouched
<LnL> nix-darwin doesn't have anything to do with SMC or custom ui/kernels
<clever> nix-darwin is just a pipe of scripts that let you manage some things in a nixos like way
<clever> pile*
<arahael> Ah, ok.
<arahael> My interpretation was it was this whole separate OS that happens to use the open-sourced darwin kernel.
<infinisil> ,locate bin/swift
<{^_^}> Found in packages: swift
<clever> arahael: that is a different project that some people have been working on
<infinisil> arahael: yup, swift is there
<arahael> clever: Right, I thought it was a port to that project!
<LnL> you're thinking of something like pure darwin
<arahael> infinisil: I meant, projects /using/ swift.
<arahael> LnL: Indeed.
<infinisil> arahael: ah
<LnL> let me know if you have questions about it
<arahael> LnL: What's nix-darwin? :)
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<infinisil> arahael: Just checked, not a single package using the swift compiler
<arahael> infinisil: How did you check?
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<clever> arahael: i grepped all of nixpkgs, nothing refers to it
<arahael> infinisil: Btw, you're not allowed to use a non-standard swift compiler for iOS.
<arahael> I see.
<infinisil> rg -w swift -t nix
<infinisil> arahael: I'm not surprised by this
<arahael> That's the second time I've seen 'rg'.
<infinisil> It's really awesome, using it every day :D
<arahael> infinisil: Yeah, well, it's another example of a "difficult" platform. :) I like using iOS as an example of a complicated package to setup.
<arahael> I feel iOS is even harder to work with than windows.
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<infinisil> I'm glad to have given up on the apple ecosystem
<LnL> arahael: it brings a bunch of features that can be declaratively managed on nixos with configuration.nix to macOS, like config files in /etc, launchd services, and the nix/nix-daemon installation itself
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<arahael> LnL: Sounds intriguing, where should I read about it?
<arahael> infinisil: I'm happier with the apple ecosystem, though there are some sucky things about it. I find Anddroid far more annoying.
<arahael> *android.
<arahael> LnL: Thanks, I'll put that into my tabs as well! :)
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<infinisil> arahael: i mean if you are engulfed in apple (using macos and ios devices), then development is enjoyable (let's ignore xcode for now), but if you're not (e.g. on linux), it's incredibly more complex if even possible
<infinisil> i did really enjoy swift while i used it though, really a nice language (again, ignoring xcode..)
<arahael> infinisil: Yeah, but Swift's only FFI is ObjC. :(
<arahael> infinisil: Makes it tricky to use in Android.
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<infinisil> i'm pretty sure it supports C?
<arahael> infinisil: You can't call into Swift fromC.
<infinisil> @convention(c) or something like that iirc
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<arahael> Hmm, that must be new.
<arahael> (Or I must have missed it)
<infinisil> Yeah, it's been there for a while (Swift 2 apparently)
<arahael> What I thought was nuts, though, is that you can't compile swift as a static library (on iOS)
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<arahael> Ah @convention(c) seems to be only for closures. Still, that certainly makes it possible.
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<infinisil> Yeah, I'm not entirely sure how it all works though, never used it myself
<arahael> Too much work, I was looking at using Swift in a Java project. Ended up ruling it as infeasible.
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra merged pull request #2265 → nix why-depends: render output into $PAGER → https://git.io/f9XmF
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/f9M4V
<arahael> And ended up just recommending C++ as a common language. :)
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<ben> cruel
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<arahael> ben: Less cruel than using Swift, Java *and* C++.
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<arahael> Thanks for all the chat - I'm off to bed.
<infinisil> Night!
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<Lisanna> what's the right replacement for nix-build that won't build it but instead make sure that it *would* build?
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<Lisanna> (to check for errors before pushing to a remote server e.g.)
<clever> Lisanna: nix-instantiate?
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<Lisanna> clever oh, yeah, just plain nix-instantiate
<Lisanna> I was adding --eval and wasn't convinced that that was particularly useful
<ben> How'd you know it would build?
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<infinisil> Yeah it would only check for Nix evaluation errors, not build errors
<Lisanna> ben if it produces a .drv then that means it can attempt a build
<Lisanna> which is what I care about
<ben> oic
<Lisanna> to check for build errors you actually have to build it :p
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #42907 → vscode: 1.24.0 -> 1.24.1 → https://git.io/f9Rq9
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/f9A3L
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<disasm> is it possible to have multiple attributes in a shell.nix you can select with a single default? Something like nix-shell runs the default version and nix-shell -A foo runs the foo attr set
<clever> disasm: look at the shell.nix in iohk-ops, under passthru
<infinisil> disasm: Yeah, use passthru of the derivation
<infinisil> :p
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<booglewoogle> hey, is there a way to edit a file in the store? i've got a binary package with a config file there which i'd like to edit
<clever> booglewoogle: it has to be patched at build time to have the new config
<booglewoogle> i see
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<clever> booglewoogle: or patched to look for the config in a better location
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<booglewoogle> what's the function I'd have to add to my nix-expression to do that post compilation?
<booglewoogle> or, how would you go about it
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<booglewoogle> :p
<clever> booglewoogle: first, i would nix-shell into an env suitable for building the package, and run unpackPhase and patchPhase in the unpacked directory
<clever> booglewoogle: then copy the entire directory to src-orig
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<clever> booglewoogle: then edit the non-orig version, to look for the config elsewhere, maybe obey a $FOO_CONFIG_PATH var
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<clever> then make a patch with `diff src-orig src -u > foo.patch`
<clever> and then make an override to add that to patches
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<booglewoogle> okay, that's a mouthful. a problem here would be that I can't seem to build from a nix-shell I think I have setup to mimic the environment nix-build enters when building the expression. so for now i seem to be bound to edit the expression in some way
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<booglewoogle> but maybe I can infer from your description what steps I can take
<booglewoogle> thanks!
<clever> booglewoogle: i dont usually build it from a nix-shell
<clever> i only use that to get a copy of the src
<booglewoogle> oh i see
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<Lisanna> anyone have any writings / guides on optimizing hydra deployments to handle a large quantity of concurrent builds?
<{^_^}> [nix] @Ma27 opened pull request #2266 → nix search: allow `-a` for attribute-only searches → https://git.io/fHUiQ
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<Lisanna> I'm getting a lot of "DBI Connection failed: DBI connect(...) failed: FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections" messages in my hydra-queue-runner journal
<clever> Lisanna: you need to ensure postgres is running
<Lisanna> these aren't fatal errors
<Lisanna> the build is still making progress
<Lisanna> the database is just getting overloaded I think
<Lisanna> and the hydra web interface goes down for a few seconds periodically
<clever> ah
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<Lisanna> but always comes back
<clever> you may need to increase the connection count in postgresql then
<Lisanna> I'm throwing hundreds of build steps at it at a time
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<Lisanna> clever OK, do you know where that gets configured initially?
<clever> nope
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<Lisanna> alright, thanks for the pointer
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<avn> Folks, I have silly question -- is possible to delete damadged .drv file (my VM was out of space)
<clever> avn: nix-store --delete /nix/store/foo.drv
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<avn> ty. Then just looks like it take lot of time ;)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rickynils pushed to release-18.03 « nixos: Fix error in assertion (introduced by #41715) »: https://git.io/fHGYF
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<infinisil> avn: drv files are reasonably small, what would you get from deleting it?
<clever> infinisil: ext3 can loose the contents after an improper shutdown
<avn> infinisil: damadged, and prevent be to continue rebuild/switch ;)
<avn> but well, I do just version bump somewhere, and rebuild ;)
<infinisil> Oh I see, `nix-store --verify-path` might work also
<infinisil> and --repair-path
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<clever> .drv files cant be repaired
<infinisil> Oh
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<infinisil> How does a derivation output repair work in the first place?
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<clever> it rebuilds the derivation based on the directions in the .drv file
<clever> or re-fetches it from a binary cache
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<infinisil> Ah, so it just does a --delete && -r ?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ikervagyok opened pull request #42908 → warzone2100: fix build → https://git.io/fHGOm
<clever> infinisil: it builds it under a different path, remaping things with the sandbox, then does an atomic swap when its done the repair
<infinisil> I see, fancy
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #42269 → zfs: Improve import handling → https://git.io/fY1id
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fHGOi
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej merged pull request #42908 → warzone2100: fix build → https://git.io/fHGOm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej pushed commit from @ikervagyok to master « warzone2100: fix build after #41902 (#42908) »: https://git.io/fHnlO
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #42308 → moka-icon-theme: 5.3.6 -> 5.4.0, faba-icon-theme: 2016-09-13 -> 4.3 → https://git.io/fc4UW
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fHndW
<pie_> anyone know how to set up dnsmasq as a local caching server?
<pie_> i can cet it to set itself as the server but that seems to overwrite the stuff gained by dhcp
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej pushed to master « mpv: fix build with wayland after #41902 »: https://git.io/fH8ew
<pie_> so local dnsmasq will work but i cant actually succeed at any dns queries because there are no upstreams specified
<thblt> Hello, #nixos. I'm upgrading from 18.03 to nixos-unstable, by `sudo nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable nixos` (and nixos-rebuild etc). But I'm not sure I understand what I should do wrt 'system.nixos.stateVersion'? Leave it at '18.03'?
<clever> thblt: yes, leave it on the old value
<thblt> clever: thank you.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed 6 commits to master: https://git.io/fH4FK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.4.138 -> 4.4.139 »: https://git.io/fH4Aj
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.9.110 -> 4.9.111 »: https://git.io/fH4xi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.14.52 -> 4.14.53 »: https://git.io/fHBcI
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<pie_> clever, you know anything about this dnsmasq stuff?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej pushed to master « ivan: fix build after #41902 »: https://git.io/fHuCU
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #42898 → nixos/kerberos: update binary folder pointer → https://git.io/fSGsr
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fHuRi
<clever> pie_: ive only done similar with bind when i was on gentoo
<clever> pie_: it needs a custom dhcp hook to read the dns servers, generate some bind config, and reload bind
<pie_> im not sure if the issue is with dnsmasq per se or if its dealing with resolv.conf
<clever> there are 2 phases
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #42890 → ipmicfg: 1.27.1 -> 1.28 → https://git.io/fSGIA
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fHzYK
<pie_> ive noticed theres some openresolv.thing doing resolv.conf management
<clever> 1st is reading the dhcp config, and configuring dnsmasq to use the right dns servers (tricky with nix, since its not predictable)
<clever> 2nd, setting resolv.conf to, easy
<__monty__> Isn't resolv.conf managed by systemd-networkd?
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<clever> __monty__: networking.nameservers = [ "" ]; can bypass that
<pie_> right the second point seems to be covered by services.dnsmasq.resolveLocalQueries
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej pushed to master « ezquake: fix build after #41902 »: https://git.io/fH2en
<pie_> and actually since that exists that should mean it does it by itself so im a bit lost
<clever> yeah
<pie_> these files exist for me
<clever> pie_: double-check the contents of resolv.conf on your machine?
<pie_> # Generated by resolvconf
<pie_> nameserver
<pie_> ^ thats in dnsmasq-resolv.conf
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<pie_> resolv.conf just gets the setting
<pie_> but when i do host www.google.com it times out
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<clever> is dnsmasq running?
<pie_> it should be, let me rerun some stuff
<clever> check ps aux
<pie_> ok so the configs do match what i said
<pie_> it actually seems to be running twice
<pie_> /nix/store/wzd5bzfv9qvxwpbd6jaa01nzz8j7rdlp-dnsmasq-2.78/bin/dnsmasq --conf-file=/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.conf --leasefile-ro --dhcp-script=/nix/store/y34v7jb1s05glxlp8976knryiwhkw1s6-libvirt-3.6.0/libexec/libvirt_leaseshelper
<pie_> libvirt? is this even the right dnsmasq?
<clever> dig www.google.com @
<clever> what happens when you run this?
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* pie_ checks netstat
<pie_> that works fine
<clever> dig www.google.com @
<pie_> when rebuilding the following new units were started: NetworkManager-dispatcher.service, dnsmasq.service
<pie_> ^meant to quote that
<pie_> the second fails, also it doesnt look like i have anything listening on localhost:53
<clever> netstat -anp | grep 53
<pie_> thats what i did (well almost). one sec.
<eren> looks like dnsmasq is not running or running on a different port
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<pie_> the dnsmasq i listed was just the one for my virtual machine network apparently
<pie_> looks like it isnt actually running. weird
<pie_> journalctl seems to show some errors
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<eren> here you go =)
<eren> and for the record, I haven't got used to systemd. All I use is "journalctl -xe" and "service blah start"
<eren> things used to be much simpler :(
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<pie_> Jul 03 14:47:14 paradicsom dnsmasq-pre-start[22487]: dnsmasq: syntax check OK.
<pie_> Jul 03 14:47:14 paradicsom dnsmasq[22493]: dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address already in use
<pie_> Jul 03 14:47:14 paradicsom dnsmasq[22493]: failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address already in use
<pie_> wtf.
<clever> netstat -anp | grep 53
<pie_> clever, i have stuff listening but only on the VM interface...
<infinisil> pie_: Heh, I have some changes to nixpkgs which would allow the prevention of such errors
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<pie_> would that make it explode?
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<eren> vm interface?
<pie_> infinisil, well static port usage checking could be nice now that you mention it :p
<clever> pie_: you cant bind on if something else is already listening on
<pie_> clever, i imagine thats whats going on.
<clever> pie_: so you have to reconfigure dnsmasq to listen on
<pie_> eren, i have virtualbox installed
<eren> pie_: ah alright, as clever said, you can't bind to
<pie_> clever, wait a minute that doesnt sound right.
* pie_ checks what that dnsmasq config option does
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #42896 → nixos/gpsd-service: add services.gpsd.nowait option → https://git.io/fSGtb
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fHVOM
<pie_> ah ok i think i shot myself in the foot twice
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<eren> it happens, don't worry pie_ :p
<pie_> while i was debugging i removed the option that actuall tells the server to bind somewhere
<pie_> i dont think i have any binding declarations right now
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<eren> it's good to remember to make backup before edit
<eren> and "hostname" before reboot
<nlytend> Hi, i am running out of disk space when i run 'nixos-rebuild', how do i uograde my system?
<pie_> thats not a very good error checker though then. it said no syntax errors. and the error message is misleading.
* pie_ checks the contents of the config file
<eren> nlytend: I'd suggest installing "ncdu" and look what's consuming your space. I don't think you can upgrade your system without enough space
<sphalerite> Anyone know a pastebin like ix.io (but with known maintainers) and sprunge.us (but fully functioning)? Something I can paste to by just piping into a simple curl command?
<hyper_ch2> nlytend: also, you could clean out old generations and free space that way
<clever> sphalerite: gist -p or http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/
<nlytend> It's the /tmp dir getting filled
<hyper_ch2> sphalerite: mine :)
<sphalerite> clever: can I paste to the latter with a curl command?
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<sphalerite> a simple one
<clever> sphalerite: yes
<clever> $ <command> | curl -F 'text=<-' http://nixpaste.lbr.uno
<sphalerite> great thanks!
<clever> $ alias nixpaste="curl -F 'text=<-' http://nixpaste.lbr.uno"
<clever> sphalerite: it shows both of these right on the site
<sphalerite> derp
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<nlytend> I tried 'nix-collect-garbage -d' but it appears that's not enough
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<infinisil> nlytend: Did you run it with sudo?
<nlytend> My / is a 50GB partition
<booglewoogle> hey, how would I cleanly uninstall a custom package that's not known to nix-env or configuration.nix from the store?
<nlytend> Do i need 'sudo'?
<Taneb> booglewoogle: you can give nix-env the nix store path
<infinisil> nlytend: Well it can't free any system generations without sudo, which is probably what's taking up the most space. I recommend first not using -d, but rather `--delete-older-than 3d` or so
<clever> booglewoogle: nix-store --delete, and dont use force if it says its in use
<booglewoogle> nix-store --delete
<booglewoogle> ?
<booglewoogle> okay
<booglewoogle> that cleans anything not in the config? just so I roughly know what it does :D
<nlytend> Thanks, now i understand.
<infinisil> booglewoogle: Read the man page
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<booglewoogle> oh yeah.. sorry
<booglewoogle> and thanks again!
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<infinisil> no worries :)
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<nlytend> Infinisil so this will keep the drvs i built today or do i have to build everything again for 'nixos-rebuild'
<clever> nlytend: --delete-older-than 3d will delete generations from older then 3 days, then the normal GC deletes all garbage, including partial results from a recent nixos-rebuild
<infinisil> nlytend: I think unless you manually set `keep-derivations = true` in nix.conf it will remove them
<pie_> eren, that serverfault link doens tseem helpful. if im just doing server= that should be fine
<pie_> it still breaks with the same error :/
<nlytend> Ok, that is not an issue. Thanks
<sphalerite> Could someone with the appropriate access close https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/37 ?
<sphalerite> nlytend: --delete will only delete the paths you specify and their dependents
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<niksnut> it's already closed
<sphalerite> niksnut: looks open to me.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #42879 → rPackages.rhdf5: fix installation → https://git.io/fSYn7
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fHP6g
<niksnut> 'wmertens closed this on Nov 6, 2014'
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @roberth pushed to haskell-outputs-bin-etc-lib « haskellPackages.happy: fix circular reference caused by separate bin »: https://git.io/fHXUD
<infinisil> Looks also open to me
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<niksnut> ah, for some reason I was at #377
<pie_> ugh i think i also misinterpreted some stuff
<sphalerite> yeah I don't see that. I don't see anything from wmertens in it
<clever> also open here, and i dont see wmertens being mentioned
<sphalerite> aaah ok
<sphalerite> ty
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to staging « busybox: 1.28.4 -> 1.29.0 »: https://git.io/fHDtY
<pie_> clever, eren infinisil thanks for the help i think i got it to work.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fHyQj
<eren> pie_: cool, no problems
<eren> what was the issue then?
<pie_> except for some incomprehensible reason its listening on all interfaces (i changed the port number for testing) instead of obeying listen-address=::1,
<pie_> eren, im 90% sure it was the port collision
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #42909 → perlPackages: fix meta and fix build with perl-5.26 → https://git.io/fHSWr
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bkchr opened pull request #42910 → services.plasma5: Update start menu with an activationScript → https://git.io/fHSb0
<pie_> aaaand i accidentally noticed the explanation in the man page https://bpaste.net/show/e0ed63a3c114
<eren> where are the man pages of nix commands?
<eren> I am using nix package manager only and I miss man pages =
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<gchristensen> the `nix` command is still "beta" and may be missing man pages, but `man nix-build` / `man nix-shell` etc. should work?
<eren> gchristensen: nope
<clever> pie_: just use bind, its a lot less painful :P
<pie_> clever, I might. why is this so bad?
<eren> gchristensen: I think it has to do with $MANPATH
<pie_> clever, why is local dns stuff so bad?
<eren> gchristensen: if I can find the path, I can easily add but can't find it yet
<clever> eren: ~/.nix-profile/share/man for things in your local profile
<pie_> alternatively, bad = is not doing what pie_ wants :p
<eren> clever: there it is, thanks
<eren> export MANPATH=~/.nix-profile/share/man
<eren> does the trick
<pie_> there should probably be a wiki page on this
<pie_> (didnt see one yet)
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<infinisil> pie_: You could create one ;P
<pie_> yeah but not this week
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<pie_> awesome, now i can use my vpn dns.
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<pie_> infinisil, maybe you could also make some kind of check-ports tool that checks for bound ports not specified in the configuration?
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<infinisil> pie_: Eh, that's out of scope for nixos, and just checking journalctl does a much better job at that
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<infinisil> It's all dynamic at runtime
<infinisil> Or it *can* be at least
<infinisil> But if we have the info from the nixos modules, static checks can be done
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<pie_> i guess
<Myrl-saki> uh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #42859 → icicles: 2018-04-16 -> 2018-07-02 → https://git.io/f6jQd
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fH53w
<Myrl-saki> nix-store --realise '/nix/store/x9phdfanfjbqj7yvqbv1xj4ipkdqay7b-erlang-'
<Myrl-saki> What's the Nix 2 version?
<niksnut> nix build
<Myrl-saki> oh wtf.
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<Lisanna> err, why does builtins.hashString apparently produce a string with a string context?
<Lisanna> oh, nvm, I'm dumb
<Lisanna> wait, no I'm not
<Lisanna> wait, yes I am
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42913 → zstd: 1.3.4 -> 1.3.5 → https://git.io/fQLsI
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42914 → xl2tpd: -> 1.3.12 → https://git.io/fQLsW
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<cbarrett> hey manveru are you around?
<manveru> yeah
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<cbarrett> had a question last night about Ruby
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<cbarrett> it seems like I need to pass env.wrappedRuby in addition to env when using the shell.nix generated by bunfix
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<cbarrett> *bundix
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<manveru> yeah
<manveru> otherwise it'll have weird issues with the lookup path for gems
<cbarrett> is there a docs or bundix change?
<cbarrett> +needed
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<manveru> it would be good to mention it in the docs :)
<cbarrett> cool I will open a PR :)
<manveru> thanks man
<manveru> haven't gotten a lot of time to do ruby stuff lately, so it's not perfect atm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg opened pull request #42915 → pythonPackages.matrix-client: 0.2.0 -> 0.3.2 WIP → https://git.io/fQYtx
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @thoughtpolice pushed to master « foundationdb: add 5.2.5 release, and new 6.0.0 snapshot »: https://git.io/fQZ4k
<thoughtpolice> Alright, ideally I didn't break the tree for everyone this morning...
<ajs124> Why is nix.autoOptimiseStore off by default? I assume it uses more ressources and slows down some operations, but which ones and by how much?
<cbarrett> manveru: yw! I am happy to actually be helpful
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<manveru> ajs124: it runs when you install anything with nix or run the GC... basically trading install speed with disk size
<sir_guy_carleton> you can also set nix to optimise regularly as well, instead of each time you run nix
<sir_guy_carleton> so i got it to run twice daily at 10 AM/PM
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej merged pull request #42913 → zstd: 1.3.4 -> 1.3.5 → https://git.io/fQLsI
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « zstd: 1.3.4 -> 1.3.5 (#42913) »: https://git.io/fQ40D
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda opened pull request #42916 → qutebrowser: 1.3.3 -> 1.4.0 → https://git.io/fQRA3
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner pushed to master « vapoursynth: fix build »: https://git.io/fQEVl
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda opened pull request #42917 → python.pkgs.sip: 4.19.6 -> 4.19.8 → https://git.io/fQ6Bl
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #42866 → Fix buildPythonPackage example → https://git.io/f1Dnd
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed commit from @alyssais to master « manual: fix buildPythonPackage example (#42866) »: https://git.io/fQPI8
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau opened pull request #42918 → sage: fix build → https://git.io/fQPoL
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #41222 → nixos/firewall: per-interface port options → https://git.io/vh3VU
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fQ1v0
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mnacamura opened pull request #42919 → gauche: 0.9.5 -> 0.9.6 → https://git.io/fQ1rA
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @woffs opened pull request #42920 → nixos/zfs: backport import and encryption handling improvements → https://git.io/fQMn6
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #42860 → murmur service: prevent silent launch failure by waiting until network is available → https://git.io/fignh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fQMcL
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<infinisil> When I have a package definition { stdenv, foo }: ...
<infinisil> And an updates makes it so `foo` isn't needed anymore
<infinisil> Should the argument be removed, or should it be kept for backwards compatibility?
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<infinisil> I'm for removing it
<gchristensen> why would it be kept for bc?
<gchristensen> oh in case someone was explicitly passing foo?
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<samueldr> how good are the trace with deprecation warning patterns in nix/nixpkgs?
<infinisil> gchristensen: Yeah
<gchristensen> samueldr: not good / recommended
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<gchristensen> infinisil: I'd drop it.
<gchristensen> if we want to move to more bc there, we could start adding `, ...`
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<cocreature> is there a way to get "cabal2nix" (or callCabal2nix) to not add the editedCabalFile and revision lines when I run it on source fetched from github?
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<infinisil> gchristensen: ", ... considered harmful" though
<infinisil> Because something with arguments being ignored or so
<gchristensen> agreed
<infinisil> Oh
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<infinisil> How about changing `.override` to emit a useful warning when you try to override arguments that don't exist
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<gchristensen> does it not? :)
<infinisil> > hello.override { foo = 10; }
<{^_^}> anonymous function at /var/lib/nixbot/state/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/misc/hello/default.nix:1:1 called with unexpected argument 'foo', at /var/lib/nixbot/state/nixpkgs/lib/customisation.nix:74:12
<infinisil> Hmm I guess that's not too bad
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<infinisil> Ah right, I'm thinking of just making this a warning instead of a failure
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<infinisil> Oh, but that won't work, because
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<infinisil> > builtins.functionArgs ({ foo }: 1)
<{^_^}> { foo = false; }
<infinisil> > builtins.functionArgs ({ foo, ... }: 1)
<{^_^}> { foo = false; }
<infinisil> You can't differentiate between functions that have ... and those that do not
<clever> > builtins.functionArgs ({ foo, bar?42 }: 1)
<{^_^}> { bar = true; foo = false; }
<clever> but you can detect if it has a default
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<infinisil> That's of no use when you want to have a warning on unused arguments
<clever> yeah
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<infinisil> I wouldn't mind a `builtins.isVariadic ({ ... }: 1) == true` function
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<clever> > "${ { a, b, ... }: 42 }"
<{^_^}> cannot coerce a function to a string, at (string):151:2
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<clever> infinisil: so you can either abuse the toxml, or somehow call the show function
<clever> or just add what you said above
<clever> checking one more idea...
<infinisil> Am confused, how exactly do you want to detect ...?
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<infinisil> Ah, with toXML I see
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<tenten8401> is making massive modules (everything in config configurable) for NixOS frowned upon or something or do most people just take the easy way out with extraConfig?
<tenten8401> I know having an extraConfig is always good, but there are a lot of modules that use that exclusively
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar closed pull request #41215 → zoom-us: update && added new field to `meta` attributes → https://git.io/vh3c9
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<infinisil> > isVariadic = fun: builtins.isFunction fun && builtins.substring 72 1 (builtins.toXML fun) == " "
<{^_^}> isVariadic defined
<infinisil> > isVariadic ({ x }: 1)
<{^_^}> false
<infinisil> > isVariadic ({ x, ... }: 1)
<{^_^}> true
<infinisil> clever: Hehe, nice
<clever> infinisil: file a PR to nixpkgs/lib/!, lol
<Lisanna> can I refer to specific hydra build products in jobset inputs?
<Lisanna> i.e., items listed in $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
<infinisil> clever: Considering there's stuff like <nixpkgs/lib/attrsets.nix#L303> in there this might even be accepted :P
<samueldr> tenten8401: there is currently an issue when adding an astronomical amouint of options, it makes the overall modules system a tad bit slower per-option
<tenten8401> I'm adding like 15 I believe
<clever> Lisanna: this is how hydra fetches each input
<infinisil> tenten8401: Check out my #41467, in which I add a ton of decently safe flexibility to a NixOS module by only adding a single option
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/41467 (by Infinisil, open): [WIP] znc: more flexible module
<tenten8401> So it might be better to add a config = {} block for my options?
<samueldr> tenten8401: 15 shouldn't be an issue
<infinisil> tenten8401: The idea is to represent the services config as a Nix value instead of a string, which makes merging possible, syntax checks and it's more flexible
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to master « asciinema: 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1 »: https://git.io/f7eCA
<tenten8401> oh wait I see what you're talking about I think
<samueldr> tenten8401: when you said massive I was picturing hundreds
<tenten8401> nah
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<Lisanna> alright, I guess the answer is no
<Lisanna> alternately, how do I gate the success of an arbitrary job on the results of other jobs (like tests)
<clever> samueldr: i have a nixops deployment that is currently using 26gig of ram to eval
<clever> Lisanna: one sec
<Lisanna> e.g., if the job's normal output is a tar.gz or something
<infinisil> samueldr: tenten8401: *cough* #27958
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/27958 (by basvandijk, closed): nixos: add the strongswan-swanctl service
<infinisil> (1152 options..)
<Lisanna> that'd be preferable, actually
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<samueldr> clever: yeah :/ I hope you find some non-trivial but generic fix that fixes every memory issues with nix ever ;)
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<clever> samueldr: the heavy-fix-all idea i had, is to store every single Value in a hashtable, and check for duplicates at creation, and merge
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<foldingcookie> hash consing!
<tenten8401> this is what I'm currently doing for my module: https://hastebin.com/hinowuhahi.bash -- Looking at the ZNC PR it might be desirable to do something like that, but I'm still very new to this
<clever> Lisanna: pkgs.releaseTools.aggregate lets you create a new hydra job, that depends on many other jobs
<Lisanna> clever but that doesn't look like it has its own output?
<Lisanna> yeah, but I have other jobsets that I want to feed only tested build products into
<tenten8401> not sure how messy my module is due to the lack of experience but I'm sure there's someone cringing at it
<clever> Lisanna: use the test as an input, then the build will fail because a dep cant be built?
<clever> ah, if its in another jobset, that gets a bit tricky
<Lisanna> I just want a build for a thing to fail if a test in the same jobset fails
<infinisil> tenten8401: Yeah that's a good fit for what I'm doing with ZNC, you could allow the user to override all those options in the json value.
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<Lisanna> e.g.: src, src-tested, test1, test2
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<Lisanna> then in another jobset I want to use src-tested as an input
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<tenten8401> I have no clue how I'd do something like that but it's definently something I'll look into
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<infinisil> tenten8401: Want me to explain it in more detail?
<samueldr> infinisil: do I understand right that all under `.config` won't show up as-is as options in the manpage and options.html?
<infinisil> samueldr: Indeed
<tenten8401> infinisil: sure, if you'd like
<samueldr> ah, it's a drawback
<samueldr> though, infinisil, probably fixable
<tenten8401> would I have to make my own json exporter if I wanted to do something like that?
<samueldr> if more modules implemented semanticTypes-like things, a convention could be made to allow them to self-document?
<infinisil> samueldr: True, but the limited flexibility before was really annoying, me and other people had to PR every single thing that needed to change
<Lisanna> I could hack it together by touching $out/nix-support/failed, but if the output is not a directory then I'm screwed
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<infinisil> samueldr: What do you mean by self-document?
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* samueldr may have misunderstood a bit
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<Lisanna> hack it together by mutating src to src-tested, then conditionally touching $out/nix-support/failed
<infinisil> samueldr: The options you can set in there need to be looked up in the manual for the package
<Lisanna> s/mutating/copying
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<infinisil> samueldr: So the module also has the added benefit of being timeless, whatever new options get added to the package are automatically usable in your nixos config. Also, different version of packages are no problem
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @tadfisher opened pull request #42922 → zoom-us: 2.2.128100.0627 -> 2.2.128200.0702 → https://git.io/f7Ldv
<infinisil> There is less static checking though
<Lisanna> If releaseTools.aggregate could have an output that'd be fantastic
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<samueldr> I thought the znc/opts.nix file was describing all options, not that it's attrset→config "dumb" conversion
<samueldr> that the options in znc/opts.nix were under .znc.config.* in the options
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<infinisil> samueldr: Ah yeah that's just the legacy options, the new .config option can replace it fully (and it's even implemented via .config)
<samueldr> yes, that's what confused me a bit
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<samueldr> though, self-documentation: it could be possible to implement something that isn't used in the module for making the options, but only for listing available options
<infinisil> tenten8401: Not a json generator (there's builtins.toJSON for that), but probably some json type should be added, so that the value can be checked (probably a bit too hard for a beginner tbh)
<samueldr> so it doesn't affect eval performances for modules, but allows manual and options.html to at least document common needed options
<infinisil> samueldr: Hmm I see, how about a manual scraper from the package derivation :P
<infinisil> samueldr: Oh yeah: $out/nix-support/options.json
<infinisil> Every package can add that to its derivation and then you can use it to generate the docs in configuration.nix
<samueldr> I was thinking something that could also be hand-crafted, but easy to generate
<samueldr> because, infinisil, think about packages with different versions, which nix-support/options.json do you document?
<samueldr> though, now that I wrote that: all of them?
<infinisil> I mean, whatever package is used, that options.json will be used?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Gabriel439 opened pull request #42923 → Add `pkgs.haskell.lib.readDirectory` utility → https://git.io/f7mm9
<infinisil> This options.json is a build output of the package derivation
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<samueldr> infinisil: I'm thinking software where an option allows changing which package is used (e.g. postgresql)
<infinisil> Ah I see
<samueldr> so this in turn becomes an option
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<samueldr> which affect other options
<infinisil> Well the right solution for this would be to mode the module declaration to the package definition as well
<infinisil> s/mode/move
<infinisil> Detach it from NixOS
<samueldr> it may make it easier to adopt nix-managed software outside nixos
<infinisil> Indeed
<infinisil> Also enables deduplication over nixos/home-manager
<infinisil> But then there's the whole problem of importing modules from pkgs, similar to the recently discussed problem with NUR modules
<samueldr> one may realistially implement nixos-specifics as package definitions?
<infinisil> Probably
<infinisil> Alternative would be to keep nixos specific parts in nixpkgs/nixos
<infinisil> Not sure what the better thing would be
<samueldr> oh, they could still be, an overlay for nixpkgs with package definitions?
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/f73NV
<samueldr> (still inside nixpkgs)
<infinisil> The package definitions with the package module?
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<Lisanna> ugh... hydra is ignoring my build products for all of my successful builds
<infinisil> (Am a bit confused)
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<samueldr> ha, I was thinking out loud, but if configurations are moved inside package definitions, nixos could realistically be a bunch of packages, so to "enable" nixos it could also be implemented as an overlay on top of nixpkgs?
<infinisil> :O
* infinisil takes some time to digest that
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<samueldr> I don't know if I went all hollywood gooble-dee-gook or if what I said all made sense
<infinisil> > pkgs.nixos
<{^_^}> <LAMBDA>
<infinisil> I mean there's already this function to build a nixos system ^^
<infinisil> That would be cool, all of NixOS being just a bunch of modules in packages
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<infinisil> This might even work
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<infinisil> tenten8401: Oh also: Feel free to ping me when you open a PR for the module system, will gladly help you improve it
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<tenten8401> infinisil: the module I'm making?
<tenten8401> will do
<infinisil> :)
<tilpner> samueldr - We were trying to use modules from https://github.com/nix-community/NUR yesterday. It is currently not possible to use pkgs.* in imports because pkgs is defined in a module
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<samueldr> tilpner: what was proposed would obviously mean a full overhaul, so also finding a solution that made 1) external modules easier to use 2) that issue a non-issue
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<samueldr> but I hadn't thought how if nixos is also an overlay of packages with modules, it would make external modules easier (probably) to work with
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<infinisil> tilpner: Oh I have an idea
<tilpner> samueldr - I would be interested in discussing about whatever may come out of that idea. There is need for a Nix2 nix-channel replacement, and this would go together well with general sources management
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<infinisil> Let the top-level nur definition be like { packages = pkgs: { ... }; modules = { foo = ...; }; }
<samueldr> I didn't think a half-thought table-corner napkin idea would attract thise much attention :o
<infinisil> Then modules doesn't depend on pkgs
<infinisil> Which is how it should be, because they really don't depend on them
<ryantm> Can people review and merge my change to fetchFromGitHub? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/42771 I would like to work on getting changelogs into nixpkgs-update/r-ryantm this U.S. holiday break
<infinisil> Or even better: top-level definition should be an attrset of values that can either take a pkgs argument or not
<tilpner> infinisil - https://tx0.co/1l inf-recs too, it's not really about removing pkgs
<tilpner> Every usage of nur would have to redefine it, or reimport it
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<infinisil> tilpner: I mean something like this: https://gist.github.com/aa4415b97a0961fe1a0b4d68ddf103fa
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<infinisil> s/modules/infinisil.modules
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<tilpner> infinisil - That's not pretty enough
<tilpner> :/
<infinisil> Use let nur = ...; in
<infinisil> Yeah it's not super pretty
<infinisil> But it works and doesn't have any quirks
<tilpner> What if I want to import nur modules from multiple of my own modules?
<tilpner> Sure, I could imports = [ (import <nur>).modules.foo ];, and that's almost okay
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<infinisil> tilpner: yeah that's the thing that's not very nice, but other than that it's decent
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<gchristensen> obadz: oy what was that network thing?
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<tnks> man... casting is so easy to get wrong: lib.hasPrefix builtins.storeDir ./. ~~> true; lib.hasPrefix builtins.storeDir (toString ./.) ~~> false
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<infinisil> tnks: It can be a bit confusing sometimes indeed
<LnL> yeah, paths/strings have a bunch of special semantics
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<infinisil> Just toString it as early as possible if you don't want it in the store
<tnks> infinisil: yeah, it's kind of infuriating. builtins.hasContext ./. does the "right thing" (error: value is a path while a string was expected)
<infinisil> > builtins.hasContext ./.
<{^_^}> value is a path while a string was expected, at (string):152:1
<tnks> but builtins.substring just silently converts the path to a string.
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<infinisil> Oh, but it kinda makes sense: hasContext can't operate on a path because it can't know how it's going to be used
<tnks> infinisil: how do I get the path in /nix/store associated with any given path?
<infinisil> > builtins.hasContext (toString ./.)
<{^_^}> false
<tnks> toString isn't it.
<infinisil> > builtins.hasContext "${./.}"
<{^_^}> access to path '/' is forbidden in restricted mode
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #42928 → [wip] Attempt to fix ARG_MAX issue in Haskell → https://git.io/f7AhR
<gchristensen> tnks: what is that question asking?
<infinisil> > "${./.}"
<{^_^}> access to path '/' is forbidden in restricted mode
<tnks> > builtins.substring 0 (builtins.stringLength "/nix/store") ./. == "/nix/store"
<{^_^}> access to path '/' is forbidden in restricted mode
<infinisil> > "${/var/lib/nixbot/state/nixpkgs}"
<cell> Hi, I'm trying to set up an iSCSI target on nixos, but it appears targetcli_fb has been removed: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/commit/cb7caad4e96550f5ea88a412c6e9d4f848ae5413
<{^_^}> "/nix/store/4mg323sq13rdnzvf47vhxrw778qjcipd-nixpkgs"
<gchristensen> tnks: what is your input, and what is your desired output?
<infinisil> tnks: Like that ^^
<tnks> wait a second... why is that working in my repl, but not here?
<cell> It was "outdated" apparently; does anyone know what its replacement is?
<infinisil> tnks: Restricted eval, so you can't access any paths (except /var/lib/nixbot/state/nixpkgs)
<tnks> oh, got it.
<infinisil> I should probably point nixbot to have its cwd at that path instead of the root /
<tnks> well, on my REPL, that gives me "true", which suggests that there's a way to convert a path to a respective destination in /nix/store.
<infinisil> tnks: Does the "${./.}" not do what you want?
<tnks> infinisil: oh, you're right.
<gchristensen> yay nix!
<tnks> I think I've taken all these path -> string conversions for granted, but now I want to understand the levers the wizard behind the curtain is pulling.
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<gchristensen> Nix will always put referenced files in to the store, unless you use tricks to tell it not to
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<infinisil> > ./.
<{^_^}> /var/lib/nixbot/state/nixpkgs
<gchristensen> * however, nix-repl exposes a weird behavior by default
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<tnks> gchristensen: what's that weird behavior?
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<tnks> I hate to convince myself of falsehoods by playing around in the REPL.
<tnks> also, I'm on the new "nix repl" with 2.0.
<infinisil> tnks: I should package this nixbot in here into a usable CLI. The way it works is much nicer than nix repl imo
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 opened pull request #42929 → gradle-completion: init at 1.3.1 → https://git.io/f5vlB
<gchristensen> tnks: nix's repl is exposing ./. in a way which is impossible to use in Nix without it first being converted in to a nix store path, or a trick to keep it as the string-path
<gchristensen> tnks: in other words, if you actually use `./.` anywhere in Nix, it'll be moved in to the nix store first.
<tnks> gchristensen: what's the trick not to put it in the store?
<gchristensen> toString ./.
<tnks> got it.
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<infinisil> Also, import doesn't put it into the store
<infinisil> > import ./. {}
<{^_^}> { AAAAAASomeThingsFailToEvaluate = <CODE>; AMB-plugins = <CODE>; AgdaSheaves = <CODE>; AgdaStdlib = <CODE>; CoinMP = <CODE>; DisnixWebService = <CODE>; EBTKS = <CODE>; EmptyEpsilon = <CODE>; Fabric = ...
<gchristensen> sure.
<infinisil> And the other path functions i guess
<gchristensen> imo that isn't material to the issue
<gchristensen> nix repl is making the syntax around ./. confusing
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<infinisil> What do you people think of having colored output in builders?
<samueldr> stdout normal stderr red?
<samueldr> bad idea: some software don't use stderr for errors
<samueldr> which may confuse the value of the messages
<infinisil> Nah, I'm thinking about enabling colors for cmake builds
<infinisil> The colors look nice, would it have something that wouldn't work with it?
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<samueldr> upstream colors = positive as long as it won't cause issues elsewhere
<infinisil> Maybe it'll mess up ofborg for example gchristensen
<infinisil> The colors would have to be enabled unconditionally, since the build can't detect where its logs will land (tty or something else)
<gchristensen> should be fine
<samueldr> for the log viewer, what would happen is that the escape codes would be in the output (I think) though IIRC there are libs which could handle those... though this may not work as expected with the way it's built
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<gchristensen> basically have to treat build output as maliciously arbitrary P
<gchristensen> :P
<samueldr> but stripping them isn't an issue, using them would be (just a bit)
<infinisil> Alright I'll open a PR then :D
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<infinisil> It will be easy to spot errors in a cmake build then
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<samueldr> (for those following at home, the logs are line-oriented, one DOM element per line, for different reasons...)
<gchristensen> might could add color support to the viewer
<samueldr> ^ gchristensen: what I was talking about
<gchristensen> yea
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<gchristensen> ofborg might strip the codes out
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<infinisil> There's also CLI's to strip colors
<infinisil> I think I recently saw a small command that could do it without any extra dependencies
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<gchristensen> I have a sed 1-liner
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42930 → xonsh: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8 → https://git.io/f5q8w
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42931 → urh: 2.1.1 -> 2.2.2 → https://git.io/f5q4f
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil opened pull request #42932 → cmake: enable colors → https://git.io/f5YIk
<infinisil> gchristensen: samueldr: ^^
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<acowley> When I call "cabal2nix cabal://lens-4.17" I get "cabal2nix: NoHackageTarballFound". I thought I'd used cabal2nix like this in the past to download cabal files automatically, but perhaps I'm misremembering. Is there any easy way to do so now?
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<acowley> Passing an https URL throws a variety of errors, too
<infinisil> gchristensen: Heh, aws-sdk-cpp is probably gonna time out, it's one of the larger builds
<gchristensen> https://logs.nix.ci/?key=nixos/nixpkgs.42932
<LnL> acowley: I think cabal2nix uses the tarball from ~/.cabal (created by cabal update)
<acowley> Downloading the file myself worked
<mpickering> works for me after "cabal update
<acowley> LnL: I see, thanks
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<infinisil> gchristensen: Ah nice, apparently it gets stripped already
<samueldr> watching remote builds this way is still... so weird
<samueldr> infinisil: isn't that cmake's own build?
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<infinisil> Oh
<gchristensen> samueldr: how so? :)
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<infinisil> Right
<samueldr> weird in a good way :) weird in a magical way
<gchristensen> aahh
<infinisil> Seems that they get stripped after all
<infinisil> (in ofborg)
<gchristensen> yeah ofborg strips anything that isn't valid utf8 from the log output
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 opened pull request #42933 → boost: disable system Python.framework detection → https://git.io/f5CiF
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed to master « quiterss: 0.18.11 -> 0.18.12 »: https://git.io/f5WyC
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed to master « androidStudioPackages.{dev,canary}: -> »: https://git.io/f50wW
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<infinisil> I should change the base branch to staging
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<infinisil> gchristensen: I'm conflicted: Using `export CLICOLOR_FORCE=1` in cmake's setup-hook.sh directly (it gets executed when sourced) makes the cmake build itself colored (because only the bootstrap phase is uncolored)
<infinisil> It doesn't look nice in the setup-hook.sh, but the output looks much nicer
<robstr> Is the documentation correct on nix installation ? first time installing it on mac and it directly creates the multi user version
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<samueldr> robstr: just to be sure, which doc are you referring to?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42934 → virtualbox: 5.2.12 -> 5.2.14 → https://git.io/f5E97
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42935 → xawtv: 3.104 -> 3.105 → https://git.io/f5upX
<samueldr> looking for an exact timeframe, robstr, but yeah, IIRC there's been a new installer script released which now defaults to multi-user
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<samueldr> looks like the documentation wasn't updated to match
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<robstr> samueldr: I'mean it is working nicely. Just strange :P
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<wucke13> samueldr: does that mean that `curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh` installs a multiuser installation?
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<samueldr> so, wucke13, on macOS it does
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<robstr> samueldr: thank you
<wucke13> Then what would be the most straightforward way of installing a multiuser nix installation on a recent CentOS?
<gchristensen> oh one sec
<gchristensen> I think, curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh -s --daemon
<endformationage> Is there a way to know if a config option is at its default or not? I only want to create a dir if a config option's path is its default.
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<infinisil> endformationage: Yeah
<LnL> wait, --daemon is already in the live installer?
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<infinisil> > nixos.options.nix.nixPath.highestPriority
<{^_^}> attribute 'highestPriority' missing, at (string):152:1
<infinisil> > nixos.options.nix.nixPath.highestPrio
<{^_^}> 1500
<samueldr> LnL: been using it for what's going in production for august
<infinisil> endformationage: If this value is >= 1000 it's a default one
<samueldr> all staging and development machines seems to point towards it working great
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #42825 → llvm6: 6.0.0 -> 6.0.1 (18.03 edition) → https://git.io/fzjsh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 3 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/f56y8
<LnL> nice! I thought it was only in nix master
<endformationage> infinisil: Thanks!
<wucke13> gchristensen: that returns unsufficient right even so ran as root
<gchristensen> huh?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42936 → wire-desktop: 3.0.2816 -> 3.2.2840 → https://git.io/f5Pfi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gavinrogers opened pull request #42937 → Init holochain → https://git.io/f5Pzv
<wucke13> gchristensen: using the exact command you stated, it returns `(23) Failed writing body`
<gchristensen> ah, one sec
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gavinrogers closed pull request #42725 → init: holochain-go at 0.1.0-alpha → https://git.io/f4FKo
<gchristensen> wucke13: curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh -s -- --daemon
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #42938 → lib.generators.toPlist: add floats → https://git.io/f5MEm
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<wucke13> Thanks, that helps. It still complains about running as root. Can I circumvent that?
<gchristensen> don't run it as root?
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<gchristensen> it is annoying and I wish I had a better answer for you :P
<LnL> jeeze, how many versions of boost do we have...
<wucke13> I would like not to have to add a non root administrativ user to an existing system - but I will do it
<endformationage> infinisil: wups I think we're thinking of different things. I'm speaking of a default option in a nixos module.
<gchristensen> wucke13: ah, yeah, I'd like to support both cases
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<LnL> gchristensen: why does it not work as root?
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<gchristensen> because the installer complains about you being root ..... :)
<infinisil> endformationage: Yeah that's what I'm talking about too :)
<gchristensen> not sure if there are actual reasons
<LnL> the warning?
<infinisil> endformationage: You need to take an { options, ... }: argument at the top
<endformationage> Sorry, I'm just confused.
<endformationage> Ok
<infinisil> Let me know if it doesn't work for you
<samueldr> for the record, gchristensen, looks like the script is fine working as root (when voiding all warranties)
<gchristensen> samueldr: nice, good :)
<LnL> gchristensen: it works fine, except that --no-daemon won't create build users for you and a root owned store implies build separation
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/f5y4C
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat merged pull request #42925 → python3 distutils patch maintenance → https://git.io/f7rWK
<wucke13> Now it complains that there already is an installation of nix. Even so running the given rm ... command does not change that it is complaining about nix being installed already
<gchristensen> maybe close your shell and open a new one
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmlb opened pull request #42939 → grpcio-tools: init at 1.13.0 → https://git.io/f5y42
<gchristensen> if that doesn't work, please paste the full output
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<wucke13> Here is the output https://pastebin.com/vWGMzRgt
<samueldr> wucke13: the output of `type nix-env` please
<samueldr> (it *could* be because of how bash "hashes" PATH entries)
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<gchristensen> samueldr: <3 +1
<wucke13> The output is `nix-env ist /usr/bin/nix-env`
<samueldr> wucke13: how did you install previously that nix?
<gchristensen> oh fun
<samueldr> (yes fun!)
<wucke13> using the manual provided compiling it from source which resultet in a very broken nix cause of missing libsodium and various other things
<samueldr> oh, that's a bit worrysome, only for the fact that there's (AFAIK) no `make uninstall` so this'll need a bit of manual cleaning
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42940 → xapian: 1.4.5 -> 1.4.6 → https://git.io/f5Sfv
<samueldr> unless there's a way for RPM-based (like your centos) to do like on deb-based with checkinstall, where you would re-install from source, but using checkinstall, to track all files, force install then uninstall
<wucke13> I will try it manually. I will post results in a fet minutes ;)
<wucke13> It worked! Thank you a lot guys!
<wucke13> Is there any way to quickly check that it is a fully functional multiuser install?
<gchristensen> yay!
<gchristensen> nix-shell -p nix-info --run nix-info
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm closed pull request #42936 → wire-desktop: 3.0.2816 -> 3.2.2840 → https://git.io/f5Pfi
<samueldr> wucke13: I'm curious, how did you end up tracking files you needed to uninstall?
<samueldr> (may help others in the future)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42941 → xpra: 2.3.1 -> 2.3.2 → https://git.io/f5QDb
<wucke13> brute guessing... rm -rf /usr/bin/nix* /bin/nix*
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<wucke13> Unfortunately it states `multi-user?: no,`
<samueldr> (anyone from the future reading the logs, echo those expansions before deleting, and make sure it's all nix related!)
<ryantm> infinisil: thanks for approving https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/42771 now we just need someone to merge it :)
<infinisil> ryantm: I just got commit rights yesterday, I'll merge it in a day or so :D
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<endformationage> infinisil: OK, I reference my module options via a top level options arg, and would like to use attrByPath, but my option is within a submodule. How does that work? Do I just use `attrByPath ["<name>" mySubmodulePathOption] "" opts`?
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<ryantm> infinisil: grats
<endformationage> infinisil: OK, I reference my module options via a top level options arg, and would like to use attrByPath, but my option is within a submodule. How does that work? Do I just use `attrByPath ["<name>" mySubmodulePathOption] "" opts`?
<endformationage> infinisil: OK, I reference my module options via a top level options arg, and would like to use attrByPath, but my option is within a submodule. How does that work? Do I just use `attrByPath ["<name>" mySubmodulePathOption] "" opts`?
<endformationage> infinisil: OK, I reference my module options via a top level options arg, and would like to use attrByPath, but my option is within a submodule.
<infinisil> endformationage: Stop the spam please
<endformationage> Bleh wups
<samueldr> =issues with your IRC client?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42942 → you-get: 0.4.1077 -> 0.4.1099 → https://git.io/f5dlQ
<endformationage> buffer was scrolled up, appologies
<infinisil> endformationage: So what you do is use the options argument at the submodule definition: `type = types.submodule ({ options, ... }: { ...`
<wucke13> samueldr: does this mean that my installation now became a single user install?
<samueldr> wucke13: no idea
<samueldr> do you still have the scrollback buffer with all the installation text and noise?
<samueldr> maybe there's a clue whether it tried installing single or multi user
<samueldr> (I say maybe, there *will be* text saying it will install a systemd service)
<wucke13> Yes of course; here have a look https://pastebin.com/hk0Mt6Rj
<samueldr> wucke13: systemctl status nix-daemon
<gchristensen> run `systemctl status nix-daemon.socket` and....^
<samueldr> at least the output log makes me think services should be installed
<wucke13> Here you go: https://pastebin.com/yDqViNrQ
<gchristensen> great
<gchristensen> nix-shell -p nix-info --run "nix-info -d" and paste that log somewhere
<samueldr> gchristensen: something in the env maybe?
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<gchristensen> dunno :/ I've seen multi-userdetection go wrong due to Mysterious Errors so I'm hoping the `-d` exposes something
<wucke13> there it is: https://pastebin.com/U59qr0sB
<gchristensen> paste the output from nix-build --no-out-link /nix/store/hjbv2s4jcxpvq07lxl4dna860rsdd3qf-multiuser.nix -vvv
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<wucke13> Thats a lot... https://pastebin.com/hA4w3qN5
<fragamus> given a package that is installed and supplies libraries, what is the correct expression to get the path to those installed libraries so that I can link to them?
<{^_^}> [nix] @dtzWill opened pull request #2268 → tests/search.sh: minor fix to unbreak tests after search ux merge → https://git.io/fdeNf
<infinisil> > lib.makeLibraryPath [ libalsa ]
<{^_^}> undefined variable 'libalsa' at (string):152:23
<infinisil> > lib.makeLibraryPath [ libtiff ]
<{^_^}> "/nix/store/sxsvhg7wcmb54vwg58g7ssgzysyz3zzr-libtiff-4.0.9/lib"
<infinisil> > lib.makeLibraryPath [ libtiff libGL ]
<{^_^}> "/nix/store/sxsvhg7wcmb54vwg58g7ssgzysyz3zzr-libtiff-4.0.9/lib:/nix/store/11asls7i6l1qz9cm08is75xhgdc1b212-libGL-1.0.0/lib"
<infinisil> fragamus: ^^
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace opened pull request #42943 → wire-desktop: 3.0.2816 -> 3.2.2840 → https://git.io/fdv6q
<fragamus> > lib.makeLibraryPath [ hmetis ]
<{^_^}> undefined variable 'hmetis' at (string):152:23
<fragamus> : P
<gchristensen> wucke13: ...huh... it seems like it worked ...
<gchristensen> try nix-info again :P
<infinisil> > :u
<wucke13> funny `system: "x86_64-linux", multi-user?: no, version: nix-env (Nix) 2.0.4, channels(root): "nixpkgs-18.09pre144939.14a9ca27e69", nixpkgs: /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixpkgs`
<{^_^}> Updated nixpkgs
<infinisil> > hmetis
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/708gzjwrzr5h4mcxicr763frzcric31l-hmetis-1.5>"
<infinisil> :D
<gchristensen> wucke13: try closing your terminal and opening a new one X|
<wucke13> Still a no (i did not close my terminal but reconnected, as I'm doing this on a headless server)
<fragamus> > lib.makeLibraryPath [ hmetis ]
<{^_^}> "/nix/store/708gzjwrzr5h4mcxicr763frzcric31l-hmetis-1.5/lib"
<fragamus> golly that's slick
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<gchristensen> samueldr: any ideas? :P
<samueldr> wucke13: this was run under your new non-root user or as root?
<wucke13> as root
<samueldr> gchristensen: would running nix as root bypass multi-user?
<gchristensen> mmmyep
<wucke13> samueldr: Running it as tempuser causes an error interestingly: `nix-shell -p nix-info --run nix-info
<wucke13> /nix/store/bcrwa5b8z54xrl95ipfrq6nqhb0530yi-stdenv-linux/setup: line 777: /run/user/0/env-vars: Permission denied
<wucke13> system: "x86_64-linux", multi-user?: no, version: nix-env (Nix) 2.0.4, channels(root): "nixpkgs-18.09pre144939.14a9ca27e69", nixpkgs: /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixpkgs
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed to staging « libiconv: use enableFeature for static/shared »: https://git.io/fdfBP
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmlb opened pull request #42944 → pythonPackages.grpcio: use correct license → https://git.io/fdkG6
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<wucke13> samueldr: gchristensen: Many thanks for your help, I got a huge step further!
<samueldr> glad we could help
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #42944 → pythonPackages.grpcio: use correct license → https://git.io/fdkG6
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed commit from @mmlb to master « pythonPackages.grpcio: use correct license (#42944) »: https://git.io/fdmJo
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<Baughn> Yuup. Every time I reboot my system, my bluetooth headphones stop working.
<Baughn> And I don't even know what gets them working again. :/
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmlb closed pull request #42939 → pythonPackages.grpcio-tools: init at 1.13.0 → https://git.io/f5y42
<Baughn> Repairing them doesn't do it. Restarting bluetooth.service doesn't do it. Rebuilding nixos with a new /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf that explicitly disables HSP seems to do it, but it breaks on reboot, and *removing* that file also seemed to do it.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #42938 → lib.generators.toPlist: add floats → https://git.io/f5MEm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fdG4x
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42945 → yaws: 2.0.5 -> 2.0.6 → https://git.io/fdG5O
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<joepie91> ah, the bluetooth-in-18.03 issue
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<joepie91> oh wait, this is a different one
<joepie91> not the suspend issue
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42946 → snd: 18.4 -> 18.5 →
<joepie91> Baughn: what's `journalctl -u bluetooth` show?
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<slabity[m]> Is there a recommended way to integrate home-manager into NixOS's configuration? Or is it recommended to keep it separate from the system configuration?
<elvishjerricco> slabity[m]: Just clone home-manager and add the path to this file to your `imports`: https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/blob/master/nixos/default.nix
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<Baughn> joepie91 http://ix.io/1fV4
<elvishjerricco> Gives you a `home-manager.<user>` option for roughly what you would normally put in a home-manager config
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<Baughn> joepie91: So a mixture of errors.
<leotaku_> slabity[m]: you can use it as a seperate thing from your system config or integrate it into it. Both have up and downsides.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42947 → timescaledb: 0.9.2 -> 0.10.0 → https://git.io/fdCB4
<elvishjerricco> How should I debug low framerates in X? Considering it's pretty much every window that's slow, I'm tempted to say it's a driver issue, but I'm not sure how to verify that.
<joepie91> Baughn: would recommend looking at system-wide journalctl around the time of bluetooth init to see whether it's conflicting with something
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #42942 → you-get: 0.4.1077 -> 0.4.1099 → https://git.io/f5dlQ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « you-get: 0.4.1077 -> 0.4.1099 (#42942) »: https://git.io/fdCB2
<infinisil> elvishjerricco: s/roughly/exactly regarding the HM thing
<infinisil> Unless I'm missing something
<joepie91> I've had some similar issues with an overexcited mtp daemon and a usb-to-serial
<Baughn> joepie91: I mean, it does connect to the headset... it just does so in HFP mode, and refuses to switch to A2DP.
<Baughn> But I'll try that.
<joepie91> where the mtpd was wrecking my serial connection :)
<joepie91> Baughn: also, I assume this is 18.03 and not unstable?
<elvishjerricco> infinisil: I wasn't sure if `home-manager.<user>` could be a module function like it's supposed to be in your home-manager config
<slabity[m]> That file in the repo seems to be exactly what I'm looking for. But is it available somewhere in nixpkgs? I'd prefer not to have to clone and keep it updated manually
<infinisil> elvishjerricco: Can indeed, it's a full fledged home manager submodule integrated
<Baughn> joepie91: This is unstable. I had the same problem on 18.03.
<slabity[m]> As in, can I access it like "${pkgs.homemanager}/nixos/default.nix" or whatever?
<Baughn> joepie91: This seems suspicious: ^
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42948 → shared-mime-info: 1.9 -> 1.10 → https://git.io/fdCBp
<joepie91> Baughn: hm. fwiw, I'd recommend pinning bluetooth to stable
<elvishjerricco> slabity[m]: You probably can not do `imports = ["${pkgs.homemanager}/nixos/default.nix"];`, because imports can modify `pkgs`, so the module system considers that a pradox
<joepie91> bluez is notoriously buggy
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<joepie91> and introduces lots of new bugs all the time
<elvishjerricco> s/pradox/paradox
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<Baughn> It doesn't work in stable, though. :P
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @roberth pushed 14 commits to haskell-outputs-bin-etc-lib: https://git.io/fdCRe
<joepie91> Baughn: right, just as a general tip :)
<joepie91> anyway, seems it may be breaking on PA's end?
<Baughn> I've got errors on PA's end too, yup.
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<elvishjerricco> slabity[m]: You'll either need the source checked out on your machine, or you'll need to use `builtins.fetchTarball` / `builtins.fetchGit` to get the source at eval time
<joepie91> as the cause of the sink deregistration I mean
<Baughn> Trying to ask about it just led to the bluez and pulseaudio developers pointing fingers at each other.
<joepie91> sec
<mpickering> Are recursive attribute sets an anti-pattern?
<joepie91> naturally
<elvishjerricco> mpickering: IMO, yes
<slabity[m]> Hmm... I might try it anyways
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<mpickering> I don't see why you would use one rather than use makeExtensible
<Baughn> It's very troublesome. I might have to switch back to windows. :/
<elvishjerricco> Sometimes its handy when you're just making a data structure. But anything you mean to later extend is a bad fit
<infinisil> mpickering: It's really useful sometimes
<joepie91> Baughn: have you set pulseaudioFull as your pulseaudio package?
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<Baughn> Yes.
<joepie91> hm.
<Baughn> With an bluetoothSupport=true override.
<elvishjerricco> mpickering: makeExtensible isn't such a great pattern either, though, IMO. It's basically mutable OOP in Nix
<joepie91> ah, I don't have that override
<joepie91> works for me though
<mpickering> Isn't that the point of nix?
<elvishjerricco> hm?
<joepie91> Baughn: how have you tried to set it to A2DP? pavucontrol?
<infinisil> mpickering: I'm often using it when I experiment with something, I just write a default.nix with `rec { foo = 10; bar = foo + 20; }`, I don't have to worry about structuring it nicely like this and can easily eval any variable
<Baughn> And pactl, and a2dp.py.
<joepie91> Baughn: what happens if you do it in pavucontrol?
<Baughn> The UI gives the appearance of switching, but nothing happens.
<joepie91> Baughn: go through this a few times: open pavucontrol, select A2DP, close pavucontrol
<joepie91> until it sticks
<joepie91> I had some issues with this as well
<mpickering> infinisil, how about if the language construct was `rec self: { foo = 10; bar = self.foo + 20; }`
<Baughn> I'll try it next time it breaks. Right now I don't want to break my system.
<joepie91> Baughn: (that's not a NixOS-specific issue btw)
<joepie91> once it sticks it sticks permanently
<mpickering> elvishjerricco: Overriding is a key concept of nix yes?
<Baughn> joepie91: Well, no, it breaks if I reboot.
<gchristensen> not nix-the-lang
<Baughn> Which I do a lot.
<mpickering> But the way you have to achieve it is so low level using fix points
<gchristensen> but could be
<elvishjerricco> mpickering: Yea, but I think the implementation should be very different
<mpickering> gchristensen: That's my point. The language should make it easier to express the key concepts.
<mpickering> To make a Haskell analogy, it's quite like having to directly write core all the time
<elvishjerricco> Rather than these dynamically typed attr sets with functions that alter the sets but have to remember to reinstall themselves and any other such functions, we should just have good data structures and `fix` them manually in the right places
<mpickering> It's very very expressive, too expressive perhaps but doesn't make it easy to do the right thing
<mpickering> what do you mean by "good data structures"?
<joepie91> Baughn: might be a different issue. would recommend pushing bluez/pulseaudio devs a bit more until one of them gives you a way to get a definitive answer to "whose fault is this" :)
<Baughn> It needs a type system. And better error messages.
<joepie91> though I am not at all surprised that you're getting ping-ponged back-and-forth, from what I know about the two projecfts
<joepie91> projects*
<elvishjerricco> mpickering: `nixpkgs`'s `overlays` concept is better than `haskellPackages.extend`, for instance, because it's not mutating a data structure.
<Baughn> I'm half tempted to switch to Android. :P
<{^_^}> [nix] @samueldr opened pull request #2269 → Manual: Updates install notes for one-liner → https://git.io/fdlUr
<mpickering> .extend isn't mutating anything either
<infinisil> mpickering: elvishjerricco: Would you two mind a separate Nix channel for Nix-the-language discussions? It's sometimes getting quiet crowded in here (as seen right now). #nix-lang would be it
<Baughn> In principle it should be possible to port the Android bluetooth stack to Linux, right?
<Baughn> ...maybe.
<elvishjerricco> #nixos-chat?
<joepie91> Baughn: you say that, but my android phone also had issues with A2DP...
<infinisil> That's for actually offtopic things
<elvishjerricco> Oh didn't notice you recommended nix-lang
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<mpickering> We are on topic though heh
<mpickering> I would make this post on discourse but my posts don't seem to lead to any meaningful discussion
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<fragamus> im making a package for this thing but it asks questions when you download it http://scip.zib.de/download.php?fname=scipoptsuite-6.0.0.tgz
<fragamus> how do we handle that
<mpickering> What do you mean it asks questions? On the download page?
<fragamus> yes
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42949 → stellarium: 0.18.0 -> 0.18.1 → https://git.io/fdzRB
<mpickering> I don't think there is anything like that
<fragamus> One must acknowledge the type of use
<samueldr> fragamus: look at the URL it actually downloads from, and hope it'll work
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<mpickering> you will have to find a direct url
<samueldr> but note that it may mean you need to add that it's non-redistributable if it's for nixpkgs inclusion
<LnL> fragamus: if you can't download it with a direct link it's probably not redistributable, if that's the case requireFile should be used
<samueldr> an option is to look what other distros do, if they package it
<fragamus> ahhh requireFIle
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<slabity[m]> Thanks @elvishjerricco, homemanager is working now
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 opened pull request #42950 → pythonPackages.keyutils: fix build → https://git.io/fdaTM
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<ryantm> mpickering: Looks like your RFC didn't get many comments https://discourse.nixos.org/t/rfc-nix-support-for-running-haskell-plugins/399 It's still early days for our discourse though.
<mpickering> ryantm: That is quite an obscure post
<mpickering> I asked two more general questions that I expected some more responses too really
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42951 → shaarli: 0.9.6 -> 0.9.7 → https://git.io/fdKBG
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42952 → python27Packages.pyunbound: 1.6.0 -> 1.7.3 → https://git.io/fdKBr
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42953 → sonarr: -> → https://git.io/fdKRt
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dywedir opened pull request #42954 → libaom: 0.1.0 -> 1.0.0 → https://git.io/fdP0f
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42955 → strongswan: 5.6.3 -> 5.7.0dr4 → https://git.io/fdyXb
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @iblech opened pull request #42956 → supplicant: Fix tiny typo in the documentation → https://git.io/fd5S2
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<worldofpeace_> Hmm, why can't cmake see org.kde.kirigami-QMLModule? (kirigami2 is propagated)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #42956 → supplicant: Fix tiny typo in the documentation → https://git.io/fd5S2
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fdN4s
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42957 → spidermonkey_52: 52.8.1 -> 52.9.0 → https://git.io/fdN4G
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<worldofpeace_> Can someone review #42847 ?
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/42847 (by worldofpeace, open): multimc: create compatibility symlink to fix desktop icon (18.03)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #42943 → wire-desktop: 3.0.2816 -> 3.2.2840 → https://git.io/fdv6q
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fdA4u
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer closed pull request #42928 → [wip] Attempt to fix ARG_MAX issue in Haskell → https://git.io/f7AhR
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #42958 → riot-web: 0.15.5 -> 0.15.6 → https://git.io/fdxS8
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<worldofpeace_> thx infinisil :)
<infinisil> :D
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<samueldr> infinisil: it's the JDK brought in by dependencies which is unfree
<elvishjerricco> Does NixOS not have glxgears?
<worldofpeace_> infinisil: And I think pixmaps is just for application specific icons (like a plain old svg)
<worldofpeace_> elvishjerricco: It does
<worldofpeace_> elvishjerricco: glxinfo has it
<elvishjerricco> Ah, thanks
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<elvishjerricco> Strange. glxgears is reporting 60fps, but when it's running it slows all my windows to like 2 fps
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<elvishjerricco> I am using compton. Would that be able to screw with it?
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<infinisil> worldofpeace_: Me not using any kind of icons in pretty much all programs contributes to me not knowing about it :)
<worldofpeace_> infinisil: cli for life! :)
<infinisil> worldofpeace_: Have you tested this multimc package?
<worldofpeace_> elvishjerricco: glxgears like always says 60fps
<elvishjerricco> worldofpeace_: Why would it's report be different than reality?
<worldofpeace_> infinisil: other people have tested and merged the changes that are picked. I omitted a commit that fixed a build for qt5.11 because that's not in 18.03.
<worldofpeace_> infinisil: So not really
<infinisil> At least it was tested by somebody, good enough
<worldofpeace_> ^
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<philipwhite> Hey, I'm having some trouble using X11 libraries with Rust. "opening library failed(libX11.so.6...". Anybody know a work around?
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<philipwhite> My shell.nix has buildInputs = [ x11 xorg.libX11 ]
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #42847 → multimc: create compatibility symlink to fix desktop icon (18.03) → https://git.io/foOXf
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 3 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/fFY8C
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<elvishjerricco> Weird. If I hide all other windows, glxgears starts looking a lot better. Still definitely not 60fps though, despite its report on the command line that it is.
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<worldofpeace_> elvishjerricco: you're having graphics performance issues and you're using glxgears to debug?
<elvishjerricco> worldofpeace_: I don't know how to handle graphics issues :P
<elvishjerricco> Even scrolling in firefox has horrendously low FPS
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<elvishjerricco> Pretty much the only thing actually operating at 60fps is the cursor, and even that I'm not totally sure about
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<infinisil> gchristensen: How many users do I need to get into #nix-lang for it to be recognized as "official"? :P
<worldofpeace_> :P Graphics issues are my least favorite of all issues. But glxgears won't get you further than 'OpenGl is like slow`
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<elvishjerricco> Yea. No clue how to get further than that though
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<gchristensen> infinisil: I dunno, but you have a good start there :) its under the Nix group reg now, so go forth and grow
<worldofpeace_> elvishjerricco: You said something about compton?
<elvishjerricco> worldofpeace_: Yea I've got compton enabled, with a little bit of fanciness
<infinisil> gchristensen: Awesome thanks, could you maybe also add {^_^} to that channel? The nix eval would certainly be appreciated there
<gchristensen> oh sure
<samueldr> infinisil: adding it to the log
<gchristensen> hmm can I add afeature to {^_^} before you get frustrated about me not doing it yet ...
<infinisil> samueldr: Awesome!
<samueldr> (and as always, any nix-related channel that wants to be in the log, feel free to ask)
<infinisil> gchristensen: Sure, I mean it's still your backend ;)
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<worldofpeace_> elvishjerricco: your graphics card? Compton hasn't seen a code change since like 2016 though...
<infinisil> samueldr: #cachix #nixos-security
<infinisil> ,channels
<{^_^}> Largest Nix-related channels: #nixos, #nixos-dev, #nix-darwin, #nixos-chat, #nixos-aarch64, #nixos-wiki, #nixos-borg, #nixos-security, #nix-core
<gchristensen> infinisil: eh probably can't, esp. since my hands are in bad shape.
<infinisil> #nix-core is missing too
<infinisil> oh no it's not
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<samueldr> :)
<elvishjerricco> worldofpeace_: Ah. Yea disabling the faciness in my compton setup fixes everything right up
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<worldofpeace_> elvishjerricco: Yeah, not really maintained so tweaks can break it.
<elvishjerricco> worldofpeace_: Is there an alternative that's better maintained?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #41420 → haskell generic-builder: Use strictDeps always → https://git.io/vhlZy
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 22 commits to master: https://git.io/fFZ84
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<infinisil> gchristensen: What were you thinking of?
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<worldofpeace_> elvishjerricco: I don't think people are really interested in maintaining anything to do with X :P
<gchristensen> infinisil: I'd like to be able to have {^_^} +o / -o, and also join channels
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<elvishjerricco> worldofpeace_: How do people get stuff as basic as window shadows then?
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<infinisil> gchristensen: +o -o for doing kicking or so?
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<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> so I don't have to separately run `the` to handle spam
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<worldofpeace_> elvishjerricco: I think compton is like the only one that has problems with shadows. So like anything else
<elvishjerricco> worldofpeace_: I am unaware of "anything else." :P
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer closed pull request #42411 → treewide: make added libs optional → https://git.io/f4yH1
<worldofpeace_> elvishjerricco: Here's a whole list of em https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Window_manager (not all compositing like you want)
<elvishjerricco> worldofpeace_: Currently I'm using xmonad + compton. I will not give up xmonad :P
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<worldofpeace_> elvishjerricco: You could use xmonad in kde or xfce
<gchristensen> ..really?
<gchristensen> that is cool
<elvishjerricco> worldofpeace_: wait xfce is compositing?
<worldofpeace_> no
<elvishjerricco> I'm also already using xfce lol
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<worldofpeace_> xfwm has a compositor
<worldofpeace_> I think icewm and kde are already working fine
<elvishjerricco> But I'm guessing that doesn't help with xmonad?
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<worldofpeace_> I guess you can use xmonad in kde. https://wiki.haskell.org/Xmonad/Using_xmonad_in_KDE - The screenshot discourages me though
<elvishjerricco> I tried xmonad under kde at one point. I don't remember why, but it was a complete failure
<worldofpeace_> Yeah the guide looks there looks precisely like that
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<worldofpeace_> You could pray every night for this https://github.com/waymonad/waymonad and leave xmonad at the doorstep :D
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<infinisil> worldofpeace_: It's no where near as minimal as xmonad though :(
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<infinisil> xmonad - the window manager with ~2500 lines of code
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<mudri[m]> A Wayland thingy has to do a lot more though, right?
<samueldr> kwin does the compositing, pretty sure xmonad replaces kwin so you wouldn't get composition
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<infinisil> mudri[m]: Oh right, something about a responsibility shift, don't know exactly
<worldofpeace_> mudri[m]: Wayland is like mushing things into a package of more things (because we wanted them together)
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<mudri[m]> On that topic, I'm getting an odd error after updating to the most recent nixos-unstable. https://pastebin.com/WtqMhjpQ
<mudri[m]> Something to do with xwayland, which is weird because I don't mention wayland at all in my config.
<mudri[m]> But xfce does?
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<infinisil> mudri[m]: What nixpkgs version are you using?
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<mudri[m]> infinisil: nixos-unstable as of about half an hour ago.
<infinisil> I might actually be the one that broke that..
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<infinisil> mudri[m]: #41732
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/41732 (by Infinisil, closed): some overrideDerivation cleanups
<worldofpeace_> accountability
<mudri[m]> Oh, haha.
<Lears> xmonad is more like 50k lines, since everyone uses contrib.
<mudri[m]> Aah, it's a big change, which is why searching for “wayland” didn't bring anything up.
<infinisil> mudri[m]: Hmm, can you gist your configuration.nix?