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<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @basvandijk opened pull request #361 → Add protobuf dependency to packages that need the protoc compiler → https://git.io/fNWZg
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @basvandijk opened pull request #43867 → Fix build of haskell.packages.ghc822.tensorflow → https://git.io/fNWZ7
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar opened pull request #43868 → Drop geoclue1 → https://git.io/fNWZh
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<tertle||eltret> can someone show me a very simple config file so i can see how it works?
<tertle||eltret> im slow
<infinisil> tertle||eltret: How what works?
<samueldr> anything particular?
<tertle||eltret> i cant even figure how to install google chrome
<samueldr> installed as a systemPackages, you will need to enable unfree softare
<samueldr> ,unfree
<{^_^}> You cannot install your unfree software? See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/unfree
<samueldr> I don't have google-chrome in my systemPackages, but it would look like `environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ google-chrome /* and other packages */ ];`
<samueldr> do note that you cannot have two times the same option set in a single configuration file
<samueldr> so you cannot do `environment.systemPackages = [ /* ... */ ];` and later another `environment.systemPackages = [ /* ... */ ];`
<tertle||eltret> i like that one samuel
<tertle||eltret> i will try it
<tertle||eltret> i just wasnt sure what to do with the text that was already in the file
<samueldr> oh, that specific file isn't "complete", I have split my configuration file into many files
<samueldr> in this particular case, it only sets up common defaults
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<tertle||eltret> is there a simple one with some comments in it to help?
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: you recently installed your nixos system if I understand correctly?
<tertle||eltret> yes, im using the vbox appliance for now
<samueldr> ah, so you did not install using "nixos-generate-config"
<samueldr> I don't know how the default configuration.nix file in that case looks
<tertle||eltret> no, I havent done much at all
<samueldr> give me a sec I'm checking
<tertle||eltret> it was already built but ive deleted the old config file now
<tertle||eltret> it was just a template mainly
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #43869 → pkgs/*: remove unreferenced function arguments → https://git.io/fNWn6
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<samueldr> oh yeah
<samueldr> just booted to be 100% sure
<samueldr> that default configuration.nix file is... really minimal :)
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<tertle||eltret> im starting over with fresh applicance
<PyroLagus> i wonder if we will ever have nixos-unstable without week-long delays /o\
<tenten8401> PyroLagus: I've been waiting for a package too :P
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: if you want to see how the default "configuration.nix" generated for an install is, you can do this command "mkdir -p /tmp/nixos; nixos-generate-config --root /tmp/nixos/"
<samueldr> and inside /tmp/nixos/etc/nixos you will have a much more furnished sample
<PyroLagus> i heard nixos got better at that, but apparently it still isn't completely fixed
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: do note that if you rebuild switch into it, kde will go away, as it wouldn't have anything configuring it
<tenten8401> PyroLagus: it's mostly just the fact that a lot of the most commonly used packages are tested before it's updated (as I understand it)
<samueldr> PyroLagus: part of it is sometimes huge rebuilds, but other parts is things breaking :/
<samueldr> tenten8401: yeah, *everything* in the channel has to be rebuilt
<samueldr> so if a dependency at or near the root of the dependency tree changes... it takes a bit of time
<samueldr> and then if a test fails because of either that change or another change, it takes a bit more time until it's fixed
<tertle||eltret> okay, thank you samueldr
<tertle||eltret> or should i say Dr. Samuel
<samueldr> (though, how many other distros are integration and unit tested that much?)
<tenten8401> I know openSuse tries but I see some stuff sneak past pretty often
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: :) it's not a title, it stands for my last names
<tertle||eltret> oh i see
<samueldr> what would be fun, but also *harder to implement* would be to revert commits failing
<samueldr> *left as an exercise to the readers*
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<tertle||eltret> samueldr: so are you telling me that my config file isnt actually the config file my machine
<samueldr> (what is actually supposed to happen is better testing of changes, but uh, looks like nixpkgs is huge!)
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: do any programming? what languages?
<tertle||eltret> i mostly do networking stuff in routers and switches
<samueldr> oh
<tenten8401> yeah, nixpkgs is absolutely massive
<samueldr> (I would have tried to explain using parallels into another language)
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: the configuration.nix in the .ova is "importing" the contents of another file from nixpkgs
<tertle||eltret> is there a way to generate a file of how my system is currently configured?
<tertle||eltret> samueldr: i just realsized that
<samueldr> so what this means is that the *actual contents*, what does the configuration and everything is found in another file
<samueldr> so that's why there's so few things
<PyroLagus> now i wonder though. do we already have a mechanism to push through critical security updates while a huge rebuild is going on?
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<samueldr> PyroLagus: the idea is to not push "untested" changes
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<samueldr> to "test" (wrong term here) there is the staging branch
<samueldr> so stuff that is expected to break goes there first
<samueldr> but uh, sometimes stuff isn't expected to break!
<samueldr> and AFAIK, there is no way to cheat the system
<samueldr> (except doing things like reverting the change, pushing, rebuilding)
<PyroLagus> well, unless the security updates affects glibc, there wouldn't be too much to test. you could turn on a parallel test with just the patch
<samueldr> THOUGH, in critical infras, you could realistically follow unstable, apply the patches yourself, and build yourself
<tenten8401> I think the stable 18.03 channel got updated more recently than the unstable channel :(
<samueldr> PyroLagus: what often happens is that *something else* changed around the same time :(
<samueldr> tenten8401: that's expected
<samueldr> well, not really expected, but not unusual
<PyroLagus> samueldr: but you don't *have* to update that something else at the same time, right?
<samueldr> what's expected is that -stable shouldn't even fail
<PyroLagus> you could just push that aside
<tenten8401> I guess that's true
<samueldr> PyroLagus: first come, first served
<PyroLagus> heh
<samueldr> if PR for $someting merged before PR for $CVE, it's been stacked in there
<PyroLagus> sorry firefox zero day. supertuxkart's gotta compile first
<samueldr> PyroLagus: that's an interesting point though
<samueldr> maybe an RFC could be written up to have a faster-tracked security story
<samueldr> it's not a technical deficiency here, it's a process AFAIK
<PyroLagus> yeah. there should be some notion of priority for updates imo
<PyroLagus> not sure how to do that though
<samueldr> PyroLagus: the commits cannot be re-ordered by priority, it would make things harder
<tertle||eltret> samueldr: i guess i will start messing around installing it properly then
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: yeah, get the minimal or graphical iso, install it into virtualbox
<samueldr> that will be closer to a "real" installation
<samueldr> and may be more edifying
<samueldr> educamating
<samueldr> words
<samueldr> but, PyroLagus, it may be more realistic to figure out a process in which there is a middle-tier branch for "general stuff"
<PyroLagus> maybe
<samueldr> where critical stuff, and watever builds the minimal set (for those channels) always go to master/unstable, everything else into $middle-tier and breaking changes into $staging
<PyroLagus> but i'm not talking about commits though. if you're already following master, you can just manually set critical stuff to build first
<samueldr> "just"?
<PyroLagus> well, "just"
<PyroLagus> install the new package, then do an upgrade, i imagine
<samueldr> I'm not a hydra expert, but AFAIUI, it isn't really built in a way where something specific can be queued up
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<samueldr> (parts I don't know for sure will be enclosed in square brackets)
<PyroLagus> ah, well if you actually have your own hydra set up, that's more complicated
<samueldr> I'm thinking about the nixos hydra
<PyroLagus> right, and for that you don't have to reorder the commits, but how hydra decides what to build when
<samueldr> what happens is that [for each commit] pushed, hydra will start the process of building the whole world. For smaller changes, it can be as small as building the isos (commit hash has changed) and a couple packages
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<samueldr> so, even if you cancel the build for the supertuxcart commit, it still need to be built
<samueldr> though, [unless it's a *tested* package, even if it fails channel can advance]
<samueldr> it will still need to go through building everything that needs to be built until the channel itself advances
<PyroLagus> yeah
<samueldr> (-small has a smaller set of packages that needs to be built before it advances)
<PyroLagus> i think overlays were introduced to fix address that problem, but i'm not sure what's missing
<PyroLagus> nbp is the one who worked/works on that
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<{^_^}> #10851 (by nbp, open): Shipping Security Updates
<PyroLagus> doesn't seem like anything's been happening since march, but i dunno
<PyroLagus> i guess just having some github repo with critical security update overlays would be enough at the moment
<samueldr> yeah, that's the kind of "process" thing I was thinking about earlier, it's not really a technical issue I think
<PyroLagus> a bit hacky, but at least you'd be able to do a git pull, nixos-rebuild, to build the updates on your machine and install them
<PyroLagus> yeah
<sophiag> i just changed my stateVersion for the first time and upgraded on the slim chance it may fix a year+ old bug related to gpu switching and grub-install is reporting the error "/boot doesn't look like an EFI partition." fwiw, it had no problems with the i386 version. i feel like i've come across this before, but can't remember the fix
<samueldr> sophiag: by default, the nixos setup for grub assumes /boot is where the ESP is mounted
<sophiag> well, also because with stateVersion 16.09 Nix wouldn't upgrade beyond 1.11.6
<samueldr> updating stateVersion is always a "bit risky" (you need to at least take a look at some things)
<samueldr> ,stateVersion
<{^_^}> Setting stateVersion to the latest release doesn't update anything and can only break your setup at best. If you want to regardless, Ctrl-F for "stateVersion" in https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/release-notes.html to see things that need to be manually upgraded with the new value
<samueldr> (but seeing 16.09 I'm assuming it won't be an issue for you :))
<sophiag> well, i already did
<sophiag> i mean, it's the box i'm using now...
<sophiag> anyway, wrt to the ESP i thought boot.loader.grub.device set it?
<sophiag> ah... boot.loader.efi.efiSysMountPoint ?
<samueldr> hmm, I can't tell before I started really using nixos, but AFAIK for EFI it's expected to be nodev?
<samueldr> ah yeah
<sophiag> didn't realize we have a wiki again :p
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<acowley> What's going on with hydra and nixos-unstable? It looked like there was a good evaluation yesterday, but the channel didn't advance, and today it's hung on a handful of queued builds.
<samueldr> acowley: I was *just now* wondering
<samueldr> (I still have a hard time being sure about what I'm looking at with hydra)
<samueldr> sophiag: yes :) a couple users have been working on it since last year
<acowley> samueldr: It shouldn't be complicated, but it's been pretty rocky lately with things like OOM failures.
<samueldr> acowley: it's more like "I'm looking at "job nixos:unstable-small:tested", and there are tick marks... what other things are needed to finish before a channel would normally advance?"
<acowley> samueldr: click on the build id at the top, then click on the evaluation link, then check the "Queued jobs" tab
<acowley> To advance, you need all tests to pass (the check marks), and all builds to finish one way or another.
<samueldr> so uh, acowley, from https://hydra.nixos.org/build/77877146 , all check marks https://hydra.nixos.org/eval/1470097
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<tertle||eltret> its making a lot more sense now samueldr
<tertle||eltret> got to beone of the easiest text installs ever
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: do note that for EFI systems, there *may* be parts that are harder as they are not as well documented
<tertle||eltret> samueldr: i still dont really know what UEFI is?
<acowley> samueldr: Yes, it seems to all have gone pear shaped
<samueldr> (it all depends to general linux experience)
<samueldr> acowley: oh no!
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<samueldr> tertle||eltret: you know how your computer boot, in "the past" (up to mid to late 2000) it was all "bios" based; follows an oversimplified and wrong explanation
<acowley> samueldr: I think the people behind the curtain are all working very hard to improve things, so monitoring the channel march has dropped in priority for the moment.
<samueldr> acowley: I do know they're working hard on stuff :) it's still a "oh no" because they'll need to take some of their precious time to figure things out :(
<hodapp> hrm, why do my CMake builds always end up with -j1 on the actual make commandline?
<samueldr> the CPU loads the bios, which does some initial stuff [waves hands] and then loads the first sector from the boot media into memory, "jumps" to it to start the boot proces
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<samueldr> that is what may be called the "mbr", it then *does things* to then load your operating system...
<samueldr> (overly simplified and probably wrong at parts!)
<tertle||eltret> so are you sayting that EFI is superior?
<samueldr> for UEFI based systems, the "bios" is more complex, and can do more things
<samueldr> so instead of just loading the first (few?) sectors into memory and running it
<samueldr> it can do more complex stuff
<acowley> hodapp: Is enableParallelBuilding set to false on the derivation?
<samueldr> it will read files into a partition
<tertle||eltret> how do i know what i have? i just bought this sweet new PC?
<hodapp> acowley: isn't that true by default?
<hodapp> regardless, it's set true
<acowley> hodapp: Yes, it is
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: EFI isn't *strictly* superior, though it can do more complex things that the older scheme couldn't (due to technological advances since the first IBM PCs)
<samueldr> and if it' recent, like past 2012, it's pretty sure it's an UEFI based system
<hodapp> I even see "cmake: enabled parallel building"
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<tertle||eltret> yeah i cant seem to get the rebuild switch to build
<acowley> hodapp: Do you have NIX_BUILD_CORES set to something interesting in the environment?
<tertle||eltret> im on EFI then
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: if you're using virtualbox, it's almost 100% sure bios-based emulation/virtualisation
<tertle||eltret> samueldr: i switched to VMWare
<samueldr> oh!
<samueldr> then AFAIK it uses UEFI by default :)
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: what error do you see? (I'm not afraid of screenshots)
<tertle||eltret> well, i configured it for BIOS, so i need to start over anyways
<samueldr> :)
<tertle||eltret> i didnt know i had EFI
<tertle||eltret> lol
<samueldr> you could do both installs, look at how it differs
<acowley> hodapp: That can also be controlled in your configuration via `nix.buildCores = xxx;`
<PyroLagus> talking about virtualization. does kvm on nixos-unstable already have virtiogpu?
<sophiag> while everyone's discussing efi...my generated hardware config has `fileSystems."/" = {..}` but i can't just set `boot.loader.efi.efiSysMountPosition = "/"`. how do you generally handle this on nixos?
<samueldr> PyroLagus: maybe https://nixos.wiki/wiki/IGVT-g
<samueldr> (not sure if that is virtiogpu, but an article seems to say so?)
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<PyroLagus> that's not the same, but still cool
<hodapp> acowley: huh, apparently I just never set buildCores
<samueldr> PyroLagus: having trouble to find "upstream" info about virtiogpu
<PyroLagus> okay. it is still pretty new, so i'm not surprised
<tertle||eltret> samueldr: thats true, although EFI seems like only a few more commands
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: pretty much
<PyroLagus> didn't know about igvt though. looks like that would be better for intel integrated gpus
<tertle||eltret> do you guys get hung up when doing the installs much?
<tertle||eltret> i used gparted to partition
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<samueldr> PyroLagus: from a quick search, same author (kraxel) worked on both?
<PyroLagus> huh, cool
<d1rewolf> can someone share a working configuration.nix for i3-gaps? I have i3 working, but not gaps for some reason
<samueldr> but I'm not even sure about what I just said
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: other than always forgetting the grub specific "bios boot" partition on GPT for bios boot (not EFI) no, but I don't install often, don't have to!
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<acowley> hodapp: defaulting enableParallelBuilding to true and buildJobs to 1 is an interesting hedge.
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<sophiag> oh...it seems like i may have to reinstall the bootloader :( i'm currently booted in Legacy
<tertle||eltret> i should actualy go ahead and install it on my old 2600K now that I see how it works
<tertle||eltret> would be cool to ssh in and do it though
<tertle||eltret> i have it on a USB but idk if I wanna get started this late
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<nh2> can I query the flags that were given to a package?
<nh2> like I want to check what was given as `{ , curl , ...}`
<nh2> or do I have to `override` and put the required info into `passthru`?
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<nh2> hmm not sure how I can get at these arguments at all, it seems neither `override` nor `overrideAttrs` give them to me
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<sophiag> i would prefer to exhaust all alternatives before reinstalling the bootloader. does anyone else here have ESP on their root partition?
<samueldr> hm, unless your root is FAT32 (unlikely) or your bios can read $fs (ext4), it probably won't work?
<samueldr> (s/bios/uefi/)
<sophiag> it seems to be possible. the section here "Keeping kernels/initrd on the main partition": https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Bootloader
<samueldr> grub will still need to be installed into the ESP
<samueldr> the ESP, though, can be on another physical drive, if it helps
<sophiag> eh...not a long term fix. i typically don't mount my optical one
<sophiag> i was wondering if i could actually specify the same device for two fileSystems? e.g. fileSystems = { "/" = { device = "/dev/sda;" }; "/boot" = { device = "/dev/sda";}};
<sophiag> the installation docs weren't *that* bad a couple years ago that i can imagine screwing this up when i formatted the drives
<acowley> hodapp: defaulting enableParallelBuilding to true and buildJobs to 1 is an interesting hedge.
<acowley> Uh, sorry, emacs took over there
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nh2 opened pull request #43870 → Optional static libraries for krb5 and openssl → https://git.io/fNWWJ
<hodapp> uh... cool. "make: *** [Makefile:130: all] Error 2" with no actual error visible
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<sophiag> welp, i think i learned my lesson re: trying to boot off ext4 :(
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<samueldr> sophiag: your ESP *can* be at the end of your disk (with most UEFI implementations)
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<samueldr> so, if you resize/move partitions, you can skip the tedious resize+move and instead only resize any partition
<samueldr> if you intend to keep the kernels+initrd on your main partition, the ESP can be really small
<samueldr> with 6 generations, I am only using ~99M according to df
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @hcmensch opened pull request #43871 → vim-plugin-names/default.nix: data added for vim-ledger → https://git.io/fNWWi
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<sophiag> nice...after throwing my hands up, disabling efi support, and rebuilding i was thrown into a tty and can't start any window manager :p
<sophiag> at least the screen and keyboard seem to be working fine now?
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<samueldr> any logs for display-manager? (journalctl -b0 --unit display-manager)
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<samueldr> (unless it's lightdm, which still have it stored under /var/log :( )
<sophiag> if i'm to be totally honest, i'm trying to remember how to get out of irssi since i didn't detach it...
<samueldr> sophiag: use another tty? alt+F2
<nh2> sophiag: I booot off ext4 for 10 years I think, is that not supposed to work easily?
<sophiag> i have both gdm and lightdm installed, but have been using the former until i have this sort of stuff worked out
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<sophiag> samueldr: thanks :p
<sophiag> nh2: what do you have efiSysMountPoint set to?
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<nh2> sophiag: I was talking about my Ubuntu system when I mentioned the 10 years, but my NixOS 18.03 server also boots from ext4. I haven't set `efiSysMountPoint` so it should be the default (/boot)
<nh2> and my /boot is just a directory on /
<nh2> on the / partition
<samueldr> nh2: I from what was said, I think it's an upgrade from legacy boot to UEFI boot at issue here
<nh2> BIOS vs UEFI and GPT vs MBR is a total pain
<sophiag> except there's no reason it should have ever been installed as legacy boot :/
<nh2> also took me more than a day to figure out for the first time for the server
<samueldr> the things past $self do :)
<sophiag> anyway, journalctl shows it did launch XServer and then gdm keeps crashing after average 250ms
<sophiag> samueldr: lol
<samueldr> try enabling one of lightdm, sddm or slim instead of gdm
<nh2> so on my server, I use BIOS+GPT and a BIOS boot partition that grub uses
<samueldr> (it may help point out whether it's gdm or X at fault)
<sophiag> it is possible during about 24 hours of swearing and sleep deprivation i just screwed up my configuration.nix
<samueldr> nh2: yes, that biosboot partition I always forget about :D
<samueldr> (same situation bios+gpt on my home server)
<nh2> sophiag: I haven't read all discussion, which combination of (UEFI|BIOS)+(GPT|MBR) do you use?
<nh2> that is the most important thing to figure out and keep in mind when researching, otherwise it's easy to get confused with other solutions presented
<samueldr> if you're unsure of your partition scheme, you could use this to print it out: `nix-shell -p gptfdisk --run "sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda"`
<sophiag> nh2: so far BIOS and and i _think_ mbr
<sophiag> one sec
<samueldr> (IIRC gdisk handles mbr too)
<dhess> nh2: re: your cachix issue here: https://github.com/cachix/cachix/issues/55
<{^_^}> cachix#55 (by nh2, open): xz compression caps upload at ~3-5mbit/s
<dhess> nh2: are you enabling bbr on all of your servers?
<sophiag> my only confusion was whether "Disklabel = dos" == mbr as i assumed. yes?
<nh2> dhess: yes most
<dhess> nh2: any cases where you've seen it not perform well?
<samueldr> sophiag: yeah, disklabel dos 99% confident is "mbr"
<sophiag> samueldr: right. i checked that before screwing with any of this
<nh2> dhess: no
<samueldr> oh, looks like it's possible to convert MBR to GPT, but do know that in that case, you'll be left with an unbootable system until an ESP is set up correctly
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<nh2> dhess: here is an interesting presentation that shows that using BBR can be "unfair" to other users in the network: https://labs.apnic.net/presentations/store/2018-02-26-bbr.pdf
<dhess> nh2: cool, thanks!
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<dhess> Yeah I read that
<nh2> dhess: but I consider that "competitive advantage" :D
<dhess> for now anyway, until everyone turns it on :P
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<sophiag> samueldr: could that explain this problem i've ascribed to gpu switching for ~1yr now? just that i was trying to boot an mbr volume with bios?
<samueldr> no idea
<samueldr> though it's possible the firmware does different stuff for legacy boot vs. uefi boot
<sophiag> or it's possible bumping my stateVersion fixed that and now i'm left with this problem
<nh2> sophiag: so what did you change exactly that broke things? Sorry I'm still catching up
<sophiag> nh2: i disabled grub efi support...
<nh2> sophiag: and now you can't boot?
<sophiag> but i've had a problem having to roll back to a year old build every time i reboot that seems similar so am wondering if maybe this will fix it. i didn't roll back anything now
<sophiag> nh2: no, i just can't start a desktop manager. gdm keeps crashing repeatedly
<sophiag> this is actually maybe a little hopeful?
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<nh2> sophiag: that's odd. Usually if you manage to boot and get a shell you have already gone past all BIOS/UEFI/GPT/MBR related problems
<nh2> sophiag: if you start gdm manually from a shell, do you get output in the console?
<nh2> sophiag: otherwise, try SSH in with another computer and start gdm with `strace`
<sophiag> i'm told gdm isn't installed...
<nh2> if it isn't installed, how can it keep crashing?
<samueldr> looks like there are two issues, so it's best not to conflate them, 1. boot is weird (but working) 2. display-manager OR X broke; sophiag does this look like a good summary?
<samueldr> and sophiag, this is all after updating/upgrading, right?
<sophiag> yes. but it seems like i'm dealing with #2 now
<sophiag> and yes
<sophiag> i was able to boot into a tty on 18.09
<nh2> I have to go to bed now, good luck!
<sophiag> some display and keyboard issues for about a minute
<sophiag> nh2: thanks!
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<sophiag> i know i can reboot, rollback a year (i did delete builds in between at least), and get display managers to launch. but if i can actually launch them from here i may actually be able to fix this
<samueldr> yeah, fixing this shouldn't be impossible
<sophiag> i assumed it was (at least because i couldn't isolate whatever was causing it) because i'm using this gaming laptop that hardwires an nvidia chip to the display
<sophiag> i.e. you can't disable either integrated or nvidia...
<samueldr> those always add a bit of "fun" when dealing with those kind of issues :/
<samueldr> (I don't have any, so I don't have experience with configuration for them)
<sophiag> it certainly weighs on my decision when purchasing a new one (this is a hand me down)
<samueldr> using startx `nix-shell -p xlibs.xinit --run "startx"` does X start? if it doesn't, it's not the DM, but the X server that's at fault (probably)
<samueldr> sophiag: you may need to use ctrl+alt+f1/f2 to get back to a tty
<samueldr> under X, it's ctrl+alt and not only alt which is used to switch
<sophiag> startx also isn't installed (that at least _maybe_ makes sense considering i never call it manually?)
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<samueldr> using the command with nix-shell should work?
<sophiag> it should. i was just curious
<samueldr> yeah, it's normal to not have it installed globally
<samueldr> the nixos module will configure the services so X, gdm, everything is available to them
<samueldr> but not cluttering the user's environment
<sophiag> ah ok. that makes sense. obviously i'm not listing those as packages
<sophiag> i think i'm just so used to things disappearing every time i need to reboot!
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<tertle||eltret> its installing samueldr
<tertle||eltret> on my real machine
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: oh no, your sleep! ;)
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<sophiag> well, that was odd
<tertle||eltret> it sok, im off tommorow
<tertle||eltret> im drinknig kava and baskingin the moonlight
<samueldr> sophiag: what kind of odd?
<tertle||eltret> i have ot say, this is the first install oflinux ive done that actuially makes sense
<tertle||eltret> everything is in one file
<tertle||eltret> at least for now :P
<samueldr> that's not an install, that's a configuration!
<samueldr> ;) and that's probably why it "makes more sense"
<samueldr> (though there's some state left up to the admin, the partitioning mainly)
<tertle||eltret> its more than an install
<sophiag> samueldr: xstart launched a screen with a frozen cursor and three sort-of-windows with terminals in them
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<samueldr> sophiag: frozen cursor: weird, three sort-of-window, that's probably right
<samueldr> (iirc the defaults for startx are to start twm with three xterm)
<samueldr> (not nixos defaults, upstream defaults)
<sophiag> ha. yup sounds about right. and i did assume it wasn't XServer
<samueldr> and you weren't able to get back to a tty usint CTRL+alt+F1/F2 ?
<sophiag> no. so that was the annoying part
<sophiag> kind of expected tho
<samueldr> you said it: annoying :/
<samueldr> sophiag: anything about nvidia or nouveau in your configuration.nix?
<sophiag> oh, i forgot which driver i'm using now. i've tried both in the past
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<sophiag> one sec
<samueldr> sophiag: `lsmod | grep nouveau`
<samueldr> sophiag: `lsmod | grep ^nouveau` even
<tertle||eltret> ispoke toosoon
<samueldr> (though under nvidia [just checked] nothing about nouveau for me)
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: a mystery appeared?
<sophiag> nvidia currently. tried nouveau previously and it didn't fix this
<tertle||eltret> yes
<tertle||eltret> one thing failed and it boots into grub rescue
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: do you know what failed?
<tertle||eltret> something in the store
<tertle||eltret> clay3459781892756641
<tertle||eltret> something like that
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<tertle||eltret> any ideas?
<tertle||eltret> its BIOS boot
<tertle||eltret> at least i assume it is
<samueldr> when did you see "something fail"?
<tertle||eltret> during nixos-install
<tertle||eltret> at the end
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: when you booted the nixos usb drive, was there a background image to the options selection?
<samueldr> okay, uh, "something in the store" everything is in the store, and with a hashed path, so it's not much help :$
<tertle||eltret> like a picture?
<samueldr> yeah
<tertle||eltret> its blue
<samueldr> using bios-boot, it will boot using isolinux, which is configured with a blue background
<samueldr> using uefi boot, it is systemd-boot which is gray text on black
<samueldr> so you're indeed using bios-boot,
<sophiag> oh...that may help explain may issue: i still have systemd-boot enabled along with grub. nixos seems to default to systemd in that case
<tertle||eltret> this is it nix/store/clsy5znsm6mldz5ymbcszw9mibsmzfk5-nixos-system-nixos-18.03.132847.aec217852f2.drv'
<tertle||eltret> it says no space left on device/
<iqubic> Should I switch from systemd-boot to GRUB2?
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: did you mount your partitions?
<iqubic> I dual boot NixOS and Windows10.
<samueldr> that's a common cause of that error
<samueldr> you're installing the system inside the ramdisk
<samueldr> iqubic: both almost the same
<samueldr> so unless you need something from grub (which has more features) both are equivalent
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<samueldr> and those features are not nixos-specific
<tertle||eltret> mount /dev/disk/by-label/nixos /mnt thisone?
<samueldr> as far as nixos is concerned, both are equivalent
<tertle||eltret> mount /dev/1/nixos /mnt thisone?
<iqubic> tertle||eltret: Yes. That means you have mounted the drive.
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: that looks fine, verify (using ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/nixos) it's the drive you intend
<samueldr> (IIRC the installer's label is not nixos, but I'm not entirely sure)
<samueldr> uh, /dev/1/nixos ?
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<tertle||eltret> nevermind that
<tertle||eltret> my mistake
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<tertle||eltret> y is it only 4/
<tertle||eltret> that probably swap
<samueldr> it's possible you mixed that partition with another
<tertle||eltret> i did
<tertle||eltret> swap is 75
<samueldr> (I generally use cgdisk/cfdisk to manage partitions in TUI installers)
<tertle||eltret> ext 4 is 4gb
<tertle||eltret> damnit
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: you can probably use a swapfile instead
<samueldr> if you're using ext4
<tertle||eltret> what do u mean?
<samueldr> as far as the kernel is concerned, optimizations makes them strictly equivalent [citation needed]
<samueldr> the kernel can use a fil on a filesystem for swap, instead of a partition
<tertle||eltret> oh i see
<tertle||eltret> so i can just del the swap partition
<samueldr> partitions, these days, are mostly used when 1. the fs can't support swap files (btrfs, zfs?) 2. hibernate to disk is needed
<samueldr> I think there's a third case, but can't remember
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: yeah
<samueldr> swapfiles are much more convenient
<samueldr> you can resize them easily if needed
<iqubic> Should I create some swapfiles on my zfs formatted partition?
<iqubic> I have all of NixOS formatted with zfs.
<samueldr> iqubic: I don't know the state of swapfiles on zfs, sorry
<samueldr> I do have suspicions that swap on zfs has special needs
<iqubic> it does. yeah.
<tertle||eltret> say a prayer for me
<iqubic> I will.
<sophiag> i forgot the thing people say before toasting with kava :)
<sophiag> bula!
<tertle||eltret> yeah
<tertle||eltret> i drink way too much kava
<sophiag> i only tried it a couple months ago. my friends are all into it now
<sophiag> it's good for me because i stopped drinking a couple years ago. better social situation
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<tertle||eltret> i buy one of these every 2 daysd
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<sophiag> i'm in tty. but yeah i have a friend who goes through growlers
<sophiag> samueldr: you were suggesting i try launching gdm or lightdm from nix-shell?
<samueldr> I was suggesting changing it in configuration
<slickshoes> tertle||eltret is that a bag of wine?
<samueldr> n h 2 (don't want to wake them up) was suggesting in shell
<samueldr> gdm will probably ask to be ran as root though
<sophiag> yes. tried that
<sophiag> and i tried switching to lightdm in my config a while ago and still had this problem
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<tertle||eltret> how to enable wireless over terminal?
<samueldr> wpa_supplicant, as with most distros, will work
<samueldr> I personally prefer using network-manager and nmtui
<samueldr> only for convenience's sake
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<sophiag> okay, i think i have more information...gdm is always running in the background and restarts after i sigkill it. when it starts fresh, wayland starts and crashes repeatedly as well as gnome autostart. that appears to be causing the keyboard and screen to glitch. after a while those processes die and gdm is still running in the background crashing four times a second
<tertle||eltret> what options to iuse?
<sophiag> i think my problem is wayland
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<samueldr> sophiag: uh, didn't know nixos' gdm used wayland, but it makes sense if it does
<samueldr> try slim or sddm if you had issues with lightdm
<samueldr> (though slim is possibly going away as it's not maintained?)
<sophiag> i thought gdm has used wayland for quite a while now?
* samueldr is out of touch with gnome-land since a good while
<sophiag> my current hypothesis (and the first new one i've had on this issue for a while) is that wayland is the issue and something switching to it caused these problems
<sophiag> i'm not sure i feel okay going into #wayland and asking, "hey, do you guys know which packages don't use your project?"
<sophiag> i think this all occured much more recently than i assumed. googling on my phone i'm getting a ton of ubuntu users whining about it this year
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<sophiag> i can try turning it off in gdm, but from what i'm reading i don't expect that to work
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<sophiag> err...actually i can't write to that
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<tertle||eltret> im moving right along here
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<samueldr> tertle||eltret: so everything's going smoothly?
<samueldr> oh, missed the earlier question I think
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<tertle||eltret> yeah, except searching for packages
<tertle||eltret> isnt it -q?
<tertle||eltret> also, some graphical artifacts
<samueldr> you can now use `nix search` iirc
<samueldr> -q only will list your installed packages
<samueldr> I think it was -q with -a (-qa) to list all packages
<samueldr> --available, -a
<samueldr> The query operates on the derivations that are available in the active Nix expression.
<samueldr> and then often coupled with -P (-qaP) to also print their attribute paths
<tertle||eltret> oh i see
<tertle||eltret> trying to setuip x2go
<tertle||eltret> so i can use only opne keyboard
<sophiag> wow, i'm finding new issues about this across every display manager i can think of
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<sophiag> from what i can gather it required multiple patches. at least gdm+nvidia seems to have been merged into 17.09, though
<PyroLagus> so.. the chromium build failed because it timed out after 10 hours, huh
<PyroLagus> great
<infinisil> Huh a timeout? What timeout?
<PyroLagus> i understand why there's build timeouts, but chromium is huge. and now we have to wait at least yet another day for that build to succeed. rip
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #43872 → fix build with disallowed aliases → https://git.io/fNW4s
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #43873 → google-fonts: 2017-06-28 -> 2018-07-13 → https://git.io/fNW4n
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<sophiag> so, i think my entire issue should have been patched at 17.09 and i just never got it because i had my stateVersion pinned to 16.09. now after upgrading i'm in tty hell and somehow missing the symlink to my channels...
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<sophiag> it seems i'm only missing the root symlink, though. i'm able to rebuild switch as a user
<sophiag> oh...so that's a new bug
<sophiag> yup, i haven't upgraded in so long i didn't even know about per-user channels
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<tertle||eltret> is there any meta packagesf or Nix?
<tertle||eltret> liek KDE base or something?
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<sophiag> you shouldn't have to declare desktop manager packages
<srhb> sophiag: Uh oh
<srhb> sophiag: You should never be changing your state version unless you're told to in the release notes
<srhb> sophiag: Normally it does not prevent upgrades of any kinds
<sophiag> srhb: i've been told that before
<srhb> OK :)
<sophiag> well, not certain that warrants a smiley...
<srhb> Well, it's better that you knew already and went into it eyes open :)
<sophiag> true. the community is doing its job at least :)
<sophiag> i might be wrong about why i didn't get that patch. it was merged after i gave up on the issue
<srhb> I only just caught the end of this conversation...
<srhb> gdm and nvidia? hm
<sophiag> well, not just that
<sophiag> it seems to have affected multiple graphics drivers and display managers last year
<srhb> I see.
<sophiag> i'm hoping once i get the channels fixed gdm (or whatever, i'm not too attached) will not crash
<srhb> fwiw I've had very few problems with lightdm for years.
<sophiag> oh, and of course it ran out of space
<srhb> :(
<sophiag> yeah, people seem to like lightdm
<sophiag> but they also reported a similar problem with it last year
<sophiag> and slim. and etc...
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<srhb> Sounds very systemic.
<sophiag> shrb: are you up on the change to per-user channels?
<sophiag> that's what i'm trying to sort out now
<srhb> sophiag: I don't recall any changes, but I guess I know how it works now?
<sophiag> ha
<srhb> 16.09 might be one version before I started using NixOS :)
<srhb> What's the problem?
<sophiag> the multi-user symlink disappeared
<srhb> Never heard of such a thing indeed.
<sophiag> i figured i'd try rebuilding as a user for diagnostic purposes and it spent an hour copying paths...
<sophiag> now out of memory and i figure i shouldn't gc since it hasn't built
<srhb> iirc the default (on NixOS) is to have a system profile, a root (=default) profile and a profile for every user
<srhb> sophiag: That sounds like a sensible precaution
<sophiag> by profiles do you mean channel list?
<srhb> sophiag: So I guess the goal is to acquire a gc root for a system profile?
<srhb> sophiag: I mean /nix/var/nix/profiles
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<srhb> THings like per-user/sophiag which should reflect every thing you've nix-env'ed
<sophiag> oh, no. that's always been the case while i've used nixos
<sophiag> i mean users can have different channels
<srhb> Ah, OK
<srhb> And you lost your channels? That's far less bad
<sophiag> not quite. i think it just didn't change them when i upgraded nixos
<srhb> I wouldn't worry too much at gc'ing those away as long as your *profiles* are intact, so you don't lose important bootstrapping programs
<srhb> OK, what's sudo nix-channel --list and nix-channel --list ?
<sophiag> since you're presumably not stuck in a tty: i'm referring to issue #40165
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/40165 (by wizzup, open): warning: Nix search path entry '$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels' does not exist, ignoring
<sophiag> mnice
<sophiag> oops
<srhb> sophiag: Ah yes, I've seen that before.
<sophiag> my hypothesis is that this is why i was stuck with 17.09 packages on 18.09
<srhb> It shoudl be a symlink into /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/sarah/channels
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<sophiag> but do you still always rebuild from root?
<srhb> I would think that lacking it for your USER would make it default to root's channels
<srhb> nixos-rebuild? Yes
<sophiag> ah ok
<srhb> (Or, well, I don't use channels at all....)
<sophiag> same, obviously
<sophiag> and to be clear, the other way around: i had that warning in root
<srhb> But yes, the default is to use root's channel
<srhb> OK, that makes it sound like ~root/.nix-defexpr/channels does not exist?
<srhb> fwiw, here's how it looks on my system. ~root/.nix-defexpr/channels is a symlink into /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels and for my user s/root/sarah
<sophiag> yes. but the warning went away after i tried rebuilding from user (even if i didn't use `sudo -i`)
<srhb> What's your $NIX_PATH?
<sophiag> i'm gcing now. hoping afterwards i won't have the warning and can just update channels from root and rebuild
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<sophiag> i have to remember how to copy and paste in vi :p
<srhb> yy line copy, p paste
<sophiag> thanks :)
<srhb> I tried reproducing it by setting up channels for both root and my user, no luck...
<srhb> I feel like it might be your $NIX_PATH somehow
<srhb> According to the user you linked, and since we see a literal $HOME, it's like nixos-rebuild does not expand it, and somehow that path is erroneously on your $NIX_PATH
<srhb> Er, the ISSUE you linked
<srhb> More coffee.
<sophiag> i'm still here. the path looks normal...i should have just launched emacs instead of irssi
<sophiag> ok, that warning _is_ gone...
<srhb> I think the error is harmless if annoying, because later on in the NIX_PATH variable there should be a literal /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels
<srhb> sophiag: boggle
<srhb> Well, that's nice, though I can't explain why :D
<sophiag> yeah, it may have not even been the issue
<srhb> I doubt it was.
<srhb> By the way, the out of memory thing
<sophiag> i did have 17.09 in addition to unstable
<sophiag> so deleted that
<sophiag> oh, i gced and it finished
<srhb> That's usually a symptom of Nix 2.x having non-constant fetches
<srhb> That is, downloading bigger files takes up space proportional to the size of the download
<srhb> (Or something to that extent)
<srhb> Next release hopefully comes with a fix.
<sophiag> ah. that's good to know. what prompted me to change stateVersion was seeing that i was still on 1.11.6
<sophiag> which is pre-16.09 i think
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<srhb> It's probably mostly a good thing, but that bug is really annoying.
<srhb> I think that sounds like 17.09-territory as well
<srhb> 2.x / 1.23 was only with 18.03
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<srhb> Er, 2.x / 1.12
<sophiag> i suppose i should try and rebuild again
<srhb> No guts no glory
<sophiag> oh, i forgot...that warning is on update
<sophiag> so, yes, it's still there...
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<srhb> If you're not *too* annoyed with it, I think you can ignore it until there's a default fix.
<sophiag> if i had a low annoyance threshhold i don't think i'd be in this channel :)
<srhb> Did both your channels symlinks exist by the way?
<srhb> Because that's like the only way I can reproduce it, by nuking one of them :P
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl merged pull request #43535 → ocamlPackages.js_of_ocaml: 3.1.0 -> 3.2.0 → https://git.io/fNmDg
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl pushed 7 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWBr
<sophiag> do you mean both as in root and user? i deleted 17.09 so there's only unstable
<sophiag> rebuilding just yeilds that warning five times :/
<srhb> I mean the literal channels symlink, ~/.nix-defexpr/channels and ~root/.nix-defexpr/channels
<srhb> if I rm that, I can see at least one of those warnings
<sophiag> ah, so the root symlink is gone
<sophiag> but the user one is there
<srhb> You could try recreating it by hand, it should be harmless
<srhb> (there should still be a literal /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels in NIX_PATH, so that will get used anyway if earlier entries are not found)
<srhb> I can also reproduce it like this...
<srhb> NIX_PATH='$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels':$NIX_PATH nixos-rebuild build
<srhb> Which just seems like nixos-rebuild really doesn't understand to expand $HOME when it runs
<srhb> Is there a _literal_ unexpanded $HOME in your echo $NIX_PATH ?
<srhb> I should have a VM with a standard setup for debugging these things...
<sophiag> i think i'm confused about where the root symlink should be
<srhb> It should be...
<srhb> ln -s /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels ~root/.nix-defexpr/channels
<srhb> Where ~root expands to /root
<sophiag> oh...haha..
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<sophiag> hmm, still getting the warning
<srhb> Could you type out your $NIX_PATH? I know it's annoying in the console, but...
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<srhb> The weird thing is that the change affecting this shouldn't even be in 18.03 as far as I know.
<sophiag> 18.09
<srhb> AH!
<sophiag> i upgraded on unstable. perhaps not wise
<srhb> OK, then it makes sense
<srhb> I'm on unstable, it's fine, but that makes this far more expected :P
<sophiag> nice. i traded one awful patch i needed for a new one i can't get :p
<srhb> Well, "fine" in the "everything is fine (fire in background)" siense.
<sophiag> yeah, that would be good enough for me
<sophiag> my plans for today were "remember how to build ocaml projects so i can do work this weekend"
<sophiag> which turned into this
<srhb> Fun!
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<sophiag> i guess i should just switch to 18.03 and then upgrade
<srhb> You're unable to do the switch on 18.09?
<sophiag> well, my stateVersion is 18.03 and i'm definitely not changing that again
<srhb> Nono, no need to either.
<sophiag> so i should just be able to add the 18.03 channel and rebuild switch
<srhb> Yes.
<sophiag> my only question is whether i need to delete unstable?
<srhb> You don't
<srhb> By default nixos-rebuild will use the channel belonging to root names nixos, iirc
<srhb> named*
<srhb> Regardless of what other channels exist
<sophiag> well...unstable is called nixos
<srhb> Then you'll have to change that
<sophiag> and when i had 17.09 that was nixos-17.09
<sophiag> so that might explain a lot
<srhb> Here's the default nixPath on 18.03
<srhb> [ "nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs" "nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix" "/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels" ];
<srhb> The first entry is what nixos-rebuild will hit
<srhb> notice channels/nixos/nixpkgs
<sophiag> since unstable has a default name of "nixos" it will overwrite other channels
<sophiag> that's what happened...
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<srhb> As far as I can see from the path, rebuilding to 18.03 will also get rid of the warning for you
<srhb> At least after you close your terminal and get the fresh $NIX_PATH
<sophiag> oh right
<sophiag> i'm so glad you said that!
<sophiag> in tty i would have forgotten
<srhb> yay I'm useful
<sophiag> :D
<srhb> :)
<{^_^}> [nix] @volth opened pull request #2302 → prim_foldlStrict: call forceValue() before value is copied → https://git.io/fNWBp
<sophiag> and to be clear, with per-user channels should my user one still be called "nixpkgs"
<srhb> So it's really up to you. You'll be able to explicitly refer to each of those channels by name
<srhb> for instance, I'd call unstable literally "unstable"
<srhb> If you have no specific needs for extra channels, I find it easiest to just not HAVE any user channels.
<sophiag> yeah i usually god for nixos-unstable
<sophiag> i guess i'm not on darwin for work anymore so it's all the same
<srhb> The easiest mental model by far is to just have one channel on root which is used for everything.
<sophiag> same
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @megheaiulian opened pull request #43874 → avocode: 3.1.1 -> 3.2.0 → https://git.io/fNWBj
<sophiag> but i thought root is symlinked to my user now
<sophiag> at least with the hack i pulled
<srhb> Um, while you can do that that's not what I intended to make you do :D
<sophiag> well, it thought it was a soft link but the changes are persisting
<srhb> Again, my setup is as follows. /home/sarah/.nix-defexpr/channels is a symlink to /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/sarah/channels, while /root/.nix-defexpr/channels is a symlink to /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels
<srhb> That should be the default setup.
<srhb> However, what I'm advocating is that my user simply doesn't *have* any channels (nix-channel --list is empty) and root only has one, named nixos.
<sophiag> i agree. that's where i'm at now. my nix-path is still screwed up tho :/
<sophiag> i'm going to type it in here for visual comparison
<srhb> OK :)
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<srhb> Good to know where we are.
<sophiag> $HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels:nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos:nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix:/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels
<srhb> This is before rebuild-switch to 18.03?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @megheaiulian opened pull request #43875 → gitkraken: 3.6.4 -> 3.6.6 → https://git.io/fNWRI
<sophiag> i tried it and got the same error :|
<srhb> And is that a LITERAL $HOME?
<sophiag> yes, literally
<srhb> What error? The unknown search path?
<sophiag> oh, the warning i mean
<srhb> You should just ignore that for now.
<srhb> It will just ignore the first entry in $NIX_PATH
<srhb> We can also squelch it explicitly like this
<sophiag> it seems to have prevented it from installing anything
<srhb> sudo NIX_PATH=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels nixos-rebuild switch
<srhb> Now the ONLY place to go looking for nixpkgs is in roots channels
<sophiag> well, that'll do it
<sophiag> is that assuming i didn't manually create a symlink in /root?
<srhb> Regardless of whether or not we did. We're pointing directly at the target in /nix
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<sophiag> oh...so now i'm getting the warning for the reason stated in that issue. i don't have any root channels. i should delete that symlink
<srhb> The symlink makes no difference
<srhb> is sudo nix-channel --list empty?
<sophiag> no
<srhb> what
<sophiag> but that folder is
<srhb> :P
<srhb> Oh, then the symlink must be pointing the wrong place
<sophiag> yeah, not that i understand this better it definitely is...
<srhb> fwiw sudo nix-channel --update might recreate it for you on sufficiently new versions
<srhb> And make it point to the right place
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<juhe> Hehe, "nix-store --delete --ignore-liveness" is quite dangerous thing... Expected it to delete only one path, though it deletes stuff recursively. Is that intended?
<srhb> juhe: With or without a path argument?
<Dezgeg> yes, it will delete any dependents of the path as well, otherwise your store would be inconsistent
<srhb> Without, I think it is essentially equivalent to rm -rf /nix/store :P
<juhe> with
<srhb> OK, good :D
<srhb> Just recursive then.
<juhe> sudo nix-store --delete --ignore-liveness /nix/store/vkbh0lbkg8bm9d0dlcplkp9h0m95rz4r-python-2.7.15-env
<srhb> Essentially you are always better off using --query --roots than --ignore-liveness
<srhb> Get rid of the roots first, then delete without using --ignore-liveness
<Dezgeg> huh, I thought a path argument to nix-store --delete is required
<srhb> Nope.
<srhb> nix-store --delete is essentially nix-collect-garbage
<srhb> Or does that actually require --gc too
<srhb> It might. That would be better :P
<juhe> This is a nice lesson :-D, I'll need to reboot from usb stick to get the essential derivations back.
<srhb> No, indeed it doesn't.
<Dezgeg> I wouldn't think the system requires anything essential from python?
<juhe> polkit was one of the things that got nuked
<FRidh> nope, it doesn't
<Dezgeg> ah, hmm
<Dezgeg> I guess nixos-rebuild switch should still work
<juhe> without that I can't do sudo nor login as root
<Dezgeg> oh, okay
<srhb> does it really just traverse every dependency and ignores its liveness too? That's scary :D
<srhb> "hi nix, please delete arbitrary things, kthx."
<juhe> Maybe it makes sense to put a note in nix-store about that.
<juhe> :-D
<juhe> I mean nix-store man page.
<srhb> --ignore-liveness should just have a big "this is not what you want ever."
<srhb> Hmm, it does sya "however, the path still won't be deleted if there are other paths in the store that refer to it"
<juhe> yes... I was looking for a way how to invalidate derivation, so that it is rebuild next time I invoke the nixos-rebuild switch... Well, in the end I achieved what I wanted, and even more than I wanted :-D
<srhb> So I don't understand how you got into that situation
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<juhe> Well, it just deleted 14 other store paths besides the python-env. I did not expected that though. Never mind, lesson learned the hard way, which is OK-ish.
<sophiag> at what point did copying paths from cache.nixos.org become so slow?
<srhb> juhe: On the plus side you get to use nixos-enter woo
<srhb> sophiag: Sometimes amazon is having issues in a region
<sophiag> i didn't consider that
<srhb> sophiag: I get good speeds in northern europe currently.
<srhb> I wonder what the largest path we have cached is...
<srhb> Suggestions?
<sophiag> hmm
<tertle||eltret> samueldr:
<juhe> srhb: thanks for info about nixos-enter, though will it work without copying missing paths first? If it is "just" a chroot thing, I think it won't help.
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<srhb> juhe: Well, you're already root from the usb stick
<srhb> juhe: So if the rest of the machinery is still there, a chroot should be just what you need.
<juhe> right...
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<srhb> That was my thought at least :)
<juhe> ok, :-), I'll hopefully get back soon, going to get those missing paths back...
<srhb> juhe: Good luck
<juhe> srhb: thx
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<sphalerite> sophiag: Graham recently enabled something that improved speeds significantly for most of Asia and Oceania
<sphalerite> and apparently Amazon's geo-DNS thingy can be a bit wonky
<sphalerite> Maybe you're getting the wrong servers
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<juhe> Hi, I'm back. In the end it was not painfull, had over 100 generations, so booted into older one, run nixos-rebuild switch, and all is well again.
<srhb> Nice :)
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<sphalerite> srhb: ghc stuff is pretty big
<srhb> sphalerite: A single ghc is just 85 MiB
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<srhb> Or is it though...
<sphalerite> huh so what was this 1GB stuff that I was thinking of
<sphalerite> pretty sure it's involved with ghc *somehow*
<sphalerite> might be the ghc bootstrap packages?
<sphalerite> In any case it's big enough that I had great difficulty getting it imported on my chromebook
<srhb> sphalerite: I'm confused as well
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<srhb> sphalerite: these paths will be fetched (85.98 MiB download, 1117.17 MiB unpacked): /nix/store/xfhxsilhlrs38m4sjx0pnlkw54jqnj5n-ghc-8.2.2
<srhb> And then nix daemon is OOM :D
<sphalerite> aaaaah so it's crazy compressible?
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<sphalerite> oh yeah, the graphical iso could be pretty big too, and probably isn't as compressible
<sphalerite> the biggest store path on my server is vdrift's data, but that's not in the binary cache because of its size
<sphalerite> followed by a bunch of ghcs
<sphalerite> nix path-info -s --all | awk '{ print $2, $1 }' | sort -nr | less
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam opened pull request #43876 → dejagnu: 1.6 -> 1.6.1 → https://git.io/fNW0e
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<sophiag> sphalerite: thanks! it's finally building things now...fingers crossed
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti merged pull request #361 → Add protobuf dependency to packages that need the protoc compiler → https://git.io/fNWZg
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNW0I
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl merged pull request #43313 → boost167: Add lockfree next_prior patch → https://git.io/fNTpt
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl pushed commit from @marsam to staging « boost167: Add lockfree next_prior patch »: https://git.io/fNW0t
<sophiag> are you still guessing what the largest packages are? i thought of haskell stuff, but then realized that in most cases i'd be conflating build times with source
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<srhb> sophiag: I am :P I wanted to curl ONE big thing to see transfer rates.
<sophiag> it doesn't seem to be bandwith-limited. i think this was just a gigantic channel update for me
<srhb> Right right.
<sophiag> like now that i'm getting build errors, it's pretty fast
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti closed pull request #43867 → Fix build of haskell.packages.ghc822.tensorflow → https://git.io/fNWZ7
<sophiag> "no sources for skype for linux" like i care about that now?!
<srhb> :D
<srhb> I think skype has gone the way of the dodo
<sophiag> skype should be a greater lowest bound for nix
<sophiag> actually, maybe i should submit a pr so you can be like `shitPkg = _|_;`
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<sophiag> wow, i think the most important package for me rn is broken on 18.03
<srhb> What's rn?
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<sophiag> right now
<srhb> oh, I thoguht it was the package name xD
<sophiag> is it an americanism?
<srhb> Eh, probably my abbreviations are out of date.
<sophiag> i'm working with mostly people from better countries now so i have to act less provincial :)
* srhb snickers
<srhb> English is my second language, so it's hard to tell what's americanisms and what's just English.
<sophiag> better than not having a second language...
<srhb> I suppose.
<srhb> Danish is rather useless as a language though. Unless you live in Denmark.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl opened pull request #43877 → ocamlPackages.ppx_blob: 0.2 -> 0.4.0 → https://git.io/fNW0B
<srhb> What's the broken package?
<sophiag> not the one i thought
<srhb> :-)
<sophiag> dune/jbuilder
<sophiag> presumably shouldn't it always break one one, which leaves an error code towards the end?
<srhb> rebuild?
<sophiag> the problem is that one in this case is not _my_ dep
<sophiag> yes, rebuild
<srhb> I think the original error can be higher up. In reverse order: x broke because of failed dependency y broke because of ....
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<srhb> The last error will be the direct dependency, the first error will be the direct build error.
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<juhe> Hm, how can I debug the problem of a package providing python library not being included into python environment even though it is specified in python27.withPackages ?
<sophiag> srhb: thanks. different packages, but all from the same devs
<srhb> juhe: My favourite approach is this
<srhb> juhe: Paste the nix expression to #nixos and go Y U NO WORK
<FRidh> juhe: are these Python bindings?
<juhe> to be specific: (python27.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ kicad-unstable wxPython ]))
<FRidh> and I suppose the issue is with kicad?
<juhe> the kicad-unstable doesn't get into the python-2.7.15-env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
<FRidh> right
<juhe> FRidh: right
<FRidh> that's because it's not marked as providing Python modules
<FRidh> python.buildEnv has been changed to only consider packages that are explicitly marked as having modules
<FRidh> see python.pkgs.toPythonModule
<FRidh> basically, all Python bindings should be offered via python.pkgs
<juhe> FRidh: ok, thanks, I'll try it
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<sophiag> well, i better sure hope i don't need to switch channels again since that took two hours. and ironically 18.03 seems to have coincided with one company breaking most of their libraries :p
<srhb> sophiag: If you stay relatively up to date it's pretty fast!
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<infinisil> Imagine if nix were to have incremental updates somehow
<infinisil> Or maybe inter-derivation compression
<{^_^}> nix#1644 (by dezgeg, open): Strip out path references from NAR serializations
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<infinisil> Dezgeg: Whoa, nice idea!
<infinisil> Dezgeg++
<{^_^}> Dezgeg's karma got increased to 2
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<sphalerite> is it normal for https://hydra.nixos.org/project/nixos to take ages to load?
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<srhb> sphalerite: Yes.
<srhb> It's often slow. Sometimes it's fast.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Tomahna opened pull request #43878 → Mopidy-Iris: 3.21.3 -> 3.22.0 → https://git.io/fNW0H
<FRidh> currently it's quite fast
<infinisil> sphalerite: Yes.. 15 seconds..
<infinisil> Okay yeah now it's decently fast, but I counted up to 20secs at some point
<FRidh> no x86 linux jobs
<srhb> Darn, chromium build timed out? Didn't I increase that timeout...
<infinisil> "GC Warning: Failed to expand heap by 10737418240 bytes"
<infinisil> Hydra doesn't have enough memory?? :O
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lheckemann closed pull request #43805 → nixos/release: pass individual netboot files through → https://git.io/fNn8t
<FRidh> infinisil: which job?
<FRidh> there was an issue with a recent PR
<FRidh> but it got reverted
<FRidh> anyway, memory usage has been increasing
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Tomahna opened pull request #43879 → bloop: 1.0.0-M11 -> 1.0.0 → https://git.io/fNWEv
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43751 → mutt: 1.10.0 -> 1.10.1 → https://git.io/fNZRJ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWEf
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43750 → mrtg: 2.17.4 -> 2.17.7 → https://git.io/fNZ4X
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWEJ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43743 → playerctl: 0.6.0 -> 0.6.1 → https://git.io/fNZsG
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWET
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43746 → opensubdiv: 3.3.1 -> 3.3.2 → https://git.io/fNZnF
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWEk
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43747 → neomutt: 20180622 -> 20180716 → https://git.io/fNZWE
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWEI
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43875 → gitkraken: 3.6.4 -> 3.6.6 → https://git.io/fNWRI
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWEL
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43835 → mercurial: fix homepage → https://git.io/fNcQT
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWEt
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43876 → dejagnu: 1.6 -> 1.6.1 → https://git.io/fNW0e
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWEq
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43667 → python36: 3.6.5 -> 3.6.6 → https://git.io/fNstv
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/fNWEY
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43738 → s3cmd: 2.0.1 -> 2.0.2 → https://git.io/fNZTl
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWE3
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43793 → bfs: 1.2.2 -> 1.2.3 → https://git.io/fNnvL
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWEG
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43784 → commonsCompress: 1.16.1 -> 1.17 → https://git.io/fNZhk
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWEc
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43783 → commandergenius: 2.2.0 -> 2.2.2 → https://git.io/fNZpH
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWEW
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43780 → cups-filters: 1.20.3 -> 1.20.4 → https://git.io/fNZxe
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWE8
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @k0ral closed pull request #43579 → st: add derivation flags to enable some official patches → https://git.io/fNYBS
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed to master « cuter: Fix build »: https://git.io/fNWEB
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43779 → chibi: 0.7.3 -> 0.8 → https://git.io/fNZAZ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWER
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43777 → fwup: 1.2.1 -> 1.2.3 → https://git.io/fNZAJ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWE0
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43772 → esptool-ck: 0.4.11 -> 0.4.13 → https://git.io/fNZdQ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWEE
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43771 → guake: 3.3.0 -> 3.3.2 → https://git.io/fNZ56
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWEu
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43767 → krita: 4.1.0 -> 4.1.1 → https://git.io/fNZXe
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWEz
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43734 → rcm: 1.3.1 -> 1.3.3 → https://git.io/fNG5k
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWE2
<manveru> FRidh++
<{^_^}> FRidh's karma got increased to 1
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43668 → zimg: 2.7.4 -> 2.7.5 → https://git.io/fNssM
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWEV
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWEr
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43465 → nomacs: 3.10.0 -> 3.10.2 → https://git.io/fNtd9
<Izorkin> How to need to merge PR - https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/40686 ?
<{^_^}> #40686 (by Izorkin, open): ssh: custom config key types
<manveru> Izorkin: you'll need to find someone with merge rights :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43753 → libsvm: 3.22 -> 3.23 → https://git.io/fNZga
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWE6
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43753 → libsvm: 3.22 -> 3.23 → https://git.io/fNZga
<manveru> infinisil: you around?
<infinisil> I am
<manveru> can you take a look maybe?
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<manveru> seems like a really simple PR :)
* infinisil takes a look
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43837 → qiskit: 0.5.4 -> qiskit 0.5.7 → https://git.io/fNcbt
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWED
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43809 → pythonPackages.xgboost: fix build → https://git.io/fNnrA
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWEH
<srk> why the default with "+ssh-dss"?
<manveru> because that's the old default?
<manveru> i'd agree that adding ed25519 would be nicer :)
<srk> doubt so, dss is deprecated
<srk> Alternately if the specified value begins with a `+' character, then the specified key types will
<srk> be appended to the default set instead of replacing them.
<srk> makes more sense now :)
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<infinisil> I think it would be best to change the defaults in a different PR and use this one only for the added options
<manveru> it's still in the current config
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<manveru> changing the default is something we should do for 18.09...
<srk> ah, ok
<manveru> at least with this PR you can change to not accept it anymore :)
<srk> true :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43860 → treewide: remove unused 'inherit' in let blocks → https://git.io/fNChj
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWuU
<LnL> yeah, we could drop it with stateVersion 18.09 or later
<sophiag> is it possible to define hardware options in my configuration.nix? i'm getting an error on rebuild, but theoretically shouldn't edit hardware-configuration.nix
<srhb> sophiag: Sure.
<infinisil> sophiag: Any module is treated the same, configuration.nix and hardware-configuration.nix are no different
<sophiag> hmm. it must be hardware.nvidia then...
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43862 → [bot] treewide: remove unused 'args@' in lambdas → https://git.io/fNWeK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWuq
<srhb> sophiag: What do you need exactly?
<sophiag> i'm trying to add the snippet to use optimus from the end of issue #24711
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/24711 (by ghost, open): Nvidia, Bumblebee, Hybrid Graphics, Nothing Working on NixOS 17.03
<srhb> I have optimus running
<sophiag> holy shit
<srhb> Not prime though. What's that even
<srhb> I use bumblebee
<manveru> do you still have to restart X to switch cards?
<sophiag> no idea. i didn't try the snippet in the middle
<srhb> I don't switch cards, I just launch things with primusrun/optirun when I need the card
<manveru> ah
<sophiag> srhb: what do you have in services.xserver.videoDrivers?
<manveru> still got a notebook around with optimus, i put mint on it back then because bumblebee didn't work on nixos
<srhb> services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "intel" ]; hardware.bumblebee = { enable = true; pmMethod = "bbswitch"; driver = "nvidia"; group = "video"; };
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed to master « dxx-rebirth: Fix build »: https://git.io/fNWuG
<srhb> That's all I needed.
<sophiag> oh wow
<manveru> nice :)
<sphalerite> ah, the joys of writing a language I don't know…
<sphalerite> (perl)
<manveru> whatcha doing?
<sphalerite> sophiag: there are often hardware-specific quirks that stop it from being that simple though
<srhb> Works beautifully EXCEPT the card doesn't spin down its fan when I exit a game that uses it
<srhb> It's like the sensor goes offline too
<sophiag> sphalerite: "quirk" is far too polite at this point...
<srhb> So I have to do something like... optirun "sleep 200"
<srhb> So that it can throttle down with the card on.
<sphalerite> like I needed this obscure `boot.kernelParams = [ "acpi_rev_override=5" ];` in addition to what srhb said
<manveru> huh
<sphalerite> sophiag: how about "bullshit" then? :D
<sphalerite> I do agree
<etu> srhb: wow, yeah, running fans on max is something nvidia-cards likes to do whenever they don't get the driver
<sphalerite> manveru: editing the channel release scripts
<srhb> It is the only sensible thing to do if the fan is driver controlled, I guess
<srhb> So I can't really blame them :P
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 merged pull request #43871 → vim-plugin-names/default.nix: data added for vim-ledger → https://git.io/fNWWi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWuC
<srhb> I swear it used to work though, so I suspect another driver had access to the sensor/fan earlier.
<etu> I tried for a while to run a GTX 970 TURBO without driver to have PCI Passtrough with it. That damn thing was spinning away to the max TURBO speed of the fan all the time
<srhb> haha
<etu> (TURBO means "turbo sound" not performance, I learned that the hard way)
<srhb> etu: Note, that it's not max speed here
<srhb> It's "whatever speed was set when you card switched off"
<srhb> If I switch it off with fan off, fan stays off
<sphalerite> etu: placebos are real! :p
<etu> srhb: That's slightly better but still annoying :D
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<srhb> Yep.
<sophiag> i was also wondering whether i could just put "intel" in xserver and it would turn nvidia off (i don't have that option in bios)
<etu> sphalerite: hah :)
<srhb> Just give me the damn controls, nvidia :)
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<sphalerite> I bet many people would be impressed if they had a TURBO BUTTON for their graphics card that doesn't change anything besides spinning the fans up to full 😂
<srhb> sophiag: Hmm, if you don't have the BIOS option I'm not sure, but it's easy to check
<sophiag> i had to check the pci ports for optimus and the nvidia 960m is listed as "3D something" whereas intel is VGA...
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<etu> sphalerite: But the classic turbo-button was a button to clock down the CPU...
<srhb> sophiag: With my card off, I get this from lspci -vvv 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF108M [NVS 5400M] (rev ff) (prog-if ff)
<srhb> !!! Unknown header type 7f
<srhb> sophiag: With the card on, I get actual output instead of Unknown header type
<sphalerite> etu: I don't mean a turbo-button, I mean a TURBO BUTTON
<sphalerite> ®™
<sophiag> shrb: you mean if you turn it off you don't see it in lspci?
<srhb> I see its header, but not the full output. let me paste for comparison...
<sphalerite> huh, mine shows up in lspci even when off
<sphalerite> oh right
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<sphalerite> yeah same for me
<sophiag> srhb: still in tty, but it's fine :p
<srhb> Ah.. :P
<sophiag> with gdm i get xserver but nothing beyond that. with lightdm i get a black screen and cursor
<srhb> append /raw and curl :P
<sophiag> ha
<srhb> black screen and cursor sounds like "working as intended" in my WM, xmonad :P
<sophiag> i disabled xmonad while i'm dealing with this
<srhb> Sometimes I just sit there, waiting, wondering why login is so slow....
<srhb> Then I realize.
<srhb> "This is my life."
<srhb> Sorry :P
<sophiag> the "hardware.nvidia" error is maybe me not having the patch that was only merged to 18.03 a few weeks ago
<sophiag> or i may have been looking at the 18.09 one and 18.03 isn't merged yet?
<srhb> I thought you swithced to 18.03? Does that have a hardware.nvidia option?
<srhb> Indeed.
<sophiag> apparently not
<sophiag> but puffnfresh in the middle of that thread had it working with bumblebee
<manveru> srhb: i'd recommend unclutter to get rid of that cursor too :)
<sophiag> and personally...screw it. i don't care about the nvidia card vs. having a laptop that...works
<srhb> manveru: It was just for effect in the explanation. Actual world: /nix/store/xvn89n0gdah188w5zad0c5lrdd9adpns-unclutter-8/bin/unclutter &
<srhb> :P
<manveru> in home-manager `services.unclutter.enable = true` :)
<srhb> manveru: Ah, I still haven't transitioned entirely. Home manager writes my .xsession though
<srhb> manveru: I have weird issues like taffybar not being able to start with home-manager because of a race condition.
<Izorkin> LnL: infinisil: update PR, please recheck.
<sophiag> puffnfresh[m]: i'm in tty :(
<sophiag> going to try shrb's config, which is very similar to yours from that issue
<srhb> sophiag: WFM at least. :) And it's simple...
<sophiag> if not, i'll just try intel with lightdm and see if that works
<srhb> I actually also have this apparently, though: boot.blacklistedKernelModules = [ "nvidia-drm" "nvidia-modeset" ];
<srhb> I didn't pay myself enough heed to comment _why_ I have that.
<srhb> Thanks, past me.
<sophiag> woah
<sphalerite> :p
<sophiag> i was going to ask about modesetting
<infinisil> ,loga
<{^_^}> infinisil: Did you mean logs?
<puffnfresh[m]> I don't have any modules black liste
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed to master « signal-desktop: 1.14.3 -> 1.14.4 »: https://git.io/fNWug
<srhb> This is probably years-old cruft. no idea why it's there.
<sphalerite> infinisil: it's also in the topic :p
<sophiag> i should look at both before rebooting :/
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<sphalerite> sophiag: you won't break stuff more than it's already broken to the point of not being able to go back!
<sphalerite> ♥ boot-time rollback
<infinisil> sphalerite: am on my phone where i can't click on links in the topic :P
<infinisil> Am lazy
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0deaddict opened pull request #43881 → rshell: 0.0.14 → https://git.io/fNWua
<sphalerite> infinisil: oh the wonders of phone UIs
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 merged pull request #43523 → Fix Synergy building on macOS → https://git.io/fNmao
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWu6
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<sophiag> puffnfresh[m]: i copied that whole hash by hand between ttys and it's the same you posted on that issue! :D
<sophiag> i'm mainly confused as to why srhb 's works with just "intel" in xserver
<sphalerite> sophiag: use tmux so you can copy stuff?
<srhb> sophiag: That's how optimus is supposed to work iirc. intel drives the display, nvidia magic gets transferred through some magic means
<sphalerite> or screen
<sophiag> or emacs...
<sophiag> not like i can't just use the thing i normally do :p
<srhb> sophiag: If you use nvidia there, you'll be driving your display with the nvidia driver, always
<sophiag> that's what i've been doing...or rather failing at doing!
<sophiag> but he has "vesa" as well as intel
<srhb> Needs more black smoke, I bet.
<sphalerite> the vesa thing shouldn't have any effect
<sphalerite> since intel gets used
<sophiag> the thing does actually get hot enough i can't put it directly on my lap
<sophiag> okay, i'm going with your version. if i need to come back on here, i'll use emacs like an adult :/
* srhb wonders who "you" is
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<srhb> We're all you to you!
<srhb> oh well.
<sphalerite> x)
<Izorkin> infinisil: update PR, please recheck.
<infinisil> Izorkin I'll check it later again, and will merge it when nobody else did yet
<Izorkin> thanks
<infinisil> Now it's pizza time for me \o/
<Izorkin> Please recheck PR - https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/41792 ?
<{^_^}> #41792 (by Izorkin, open): sshd: add custom options
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<infinisil> No, now pizza time lol
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 merged pull request #40686 → ssh: custom config key types → https://git.io/vpNHc
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWzI
<infinisil> Izorkin: Oh that's a different pr, sry :P
<Izorkin> thanks to merge)
<infinisil> LnL Izorkin but now what happens when a list is empty?
<LnL> nothing
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<infinisil> No error with ssh?
<LnL> oh!
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh closed pull request #41792 → sshd: add custom options → https://git.io/vhaem
<Izorkin> infinisil: default PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-dss and HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-dss
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh closed pull request #43828 → stage: use fix' to allow deep overriding of `pkgs` from within Nixpkgs → https://git.io/fNczU
<infinisil> Yeah but when the list is empt it's just a line "PubkeyAcfeptedKeyTypes" without any value on the right, which might throw an error when used
<LnL> yeah, but you get a "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes " line in the config
<LnL> checking if that's ok
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<srhb> I think it is, and means "no pub key types are accepted"
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43749 → mate.mate-panel: 1.21.0 -> 1.21.1 → https://git.io/fNZlh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWzO
<Izorkin> FRidh: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/41798 this PR need to close?
<{^_^}> #41798 (by Izorkin, open): ssh: add custom options
<Izorkin> LnL: if pubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes = []; to result - "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes "
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<sophiag> sometimes i feel like using nixos is a form of self-harm
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<srhb> sophiag: You seem to be going through more pain than most of us, indeed.
<infinisil> It gets better over time :)
<srhb> Like a good cheese. Once the rot sets in.
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<infinisil> LnL: So is it a problem for ssh or not?
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<sophiag> if i just put intel instead of nvidia services.xserver i get a tty. no lightdm. the display doesn't glitch and the keyboard works immediately, which seems great. but then it starts displaying cpu stall messages if i try to do...anything. like i really broke my entire system. i'm on a ~15 month old build of 16.09 that works now
<srhb> sophiag: o_O
<srhb> What laptop is this?
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<sophiag> it's an asus "republic of games" (i didn't buy it)
<srhb> I wasn't about to judge you :P
<sophiag> ha
<sophiag> it's mostly just really heavy and gets no battery life
<sophiag> i should get a new one by the end of summer
<sophiag> but it makes me question those razors, which are still maybe better than the new macbook pros. i can't do apple now regardless
<srhb> Your config looks pretty minimal, but I'd still feel tempted to try once more with the absolute minimal configuration, just with an intel driver for the xserver...
<srhb> At some point :)
<sophiag> that's what this is
<sophiag> i commented most things out
<srhb> Oh well.
<srhb> No good ideas then.
<srhb> I want to get one of those core i9 hexacores, but... none of them are nice.
<sophiag> literally just this:
<sophiag> services.xserver = { enable = true; layout = "us"; xkbOptions = "ctrl:nocaps"; videoDriver = "intel"; displayManager.lightdm.enable = true; desktopManager.default = "gnome3"; desktopManager.gnome3 = { enable = true; sessionPath = [pkgs.gnome3.gnome_shell pkgs.gnome3.gnome-shell-extensions]; }; };
<sophiag> it must be a bootloader thing then?
<srhb> Doubt it.
<srhb> Well, hm..
<sophiag> that's just what i changed
<srhb> I don't know, you could try blacklisting all the nvidia modules just for kicks
<sophiag> but it works with nvidia!
<srhb> But at this point I really don't have any ideas.
<srhb> Oh
<sophiag> oh, i didn't try it with just nvidia i guess
<sophiag> oh, or no that was the one i was using most of the time
<sophiag> i'm exhausted now
<srhb> Understandable :)
<sophiag> at least i should have new packages
<infinisil> sophiag: whoa that's a small config
<sophiag> yes! and that's the most screwed up one
<sophiag> well, depending on your viewpoint
<sophiag> it gets to xterm
<sophiag> but then it's kind of scary
<sophiag> some kernel problems
<sophiag> i think i went through pinning kernel versions at some point
<sophiag> didn't do anything
<sophiag> srhb: i think the first laptop with an i9 hexa core was the new version of this one i'm using...
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<sophiag> oh, i bumped the stateVersion
<sophiag> i should go to sleep. that was obvious
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed to master « ssh: don't add empty PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes/HostKeyAlgorithms »: https://git.io/fNWzN
<LnL> infinisil: ^ good catch
<infinisil> :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @manveru opened pull request #43883 → gotools: 2017-08-08 -> 2018-07-20 → https://git.io/fNWzA
* LnL makes some more coffee
<zgrep> I feel like nixpkgs should have a recommended way of doing things, or some sort of style guide, because there are so many ways to do, well, everything.
<manveru> you can tell that eelco likes perl :)
<{^_^}> #41798 (by Izorkin, open): ssh: add custom options
<manveru> zgrep: that said, there's https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-conventions
<infinisil> zgrep: I agree, got a specific example?
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<manveru> i'm still hoping for a nix linter and formatter though
<sphalerite> manveru: from what specifically this time? :p
<sphalerite> oh right so many ways to do everything?
<manveru> yeah :)
<manveru> i still love the perl manpage
<infinisil> I'd like to have a library function for declaring a nixos service module, which creates a user, sets dataDi, declares options, conig file skeleton, etc.
<manveru> "Perl actually stands for Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister, but don't tell anyone I said that."
<manveru> or >> The Perl motto is "There's more than one way to do it." Divining how many more is left as an exercise to the reader.
<manveru> yeah
<manveru> that'd actually make it much easier to support different init systems...
<zgrep> infinisil: Currently I'm trying to package up https://www.sourcetrail.com/ , and the only way I've managed to get it working is a chroot/fhs env. So to figure out how to do what I need, I looked at its documentation, and through nixpkgs to see what others have done. I ended up mimicking what conda/common.nix does, because that seems to work. :/
<srk> there's some prior work to support different init systems
<zgrep> manveru: Obviously the linter and formatter should be written in perl. It's only natural.
<infinisil> zgrep: no source code available?
<{^_^}> #26067 (by copumpkin, open): Make a service abstraction layer
<{^_^}> #26075 (by copumpkin, open): [WIP] One way to do other types of services
<zgrep> infinisil: I believe not, it is a commercial endeavour.
<infinisil> > sourcetrail, a source code explorer – doesn't provide source code
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')', at (string):162:12
<zgrep> Haha.
<infinisil> Kind of ironic :P
<infinisil> srk: neat!
<zgrep> Yeah, it is ironic. :P I thought I'd try it out on a messy C++ codebase I need to do some stuff in.
<zgrep> And I accidentally ended up learning a bit about how to package things using nix.
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<manveru> is it just one executable?
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<infinisil> My first instinct when I discover a new cool program is to try package it for nix
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<zgrep> manveru: No, it pulls in Qt libraries and whatnot. I tried initially setting the rpath, but it wasn't happy with nix's version of Qt, or something like that. Their precompiled .so files that they shipped seem to not work if I add them to the rpath (maybe they expect things to follow the FHS?). So my next step was to wallow around a bit, and I ended up manually making a chroot and running it in that. Until I found out that nix can do
<zgrep> chroots too, which makes sense in retrospect.
<manveru> my favorite package is still steam :)
<manveru> even though it's hacky as hell
<manveru> it's amazing how well it works in practice
<srk> hehe, was looking at how it's done few days ago :)
<zgrep> Sourcetrail currently seems to run without problems. https://ahti.space/~zgrep/tmp/sourcetrail-wip.nix if people want to criticize my attempt at writing things.
<manveru> zgrep: if you like, you could add it to https://github.com/nix-community/NUR
<zgrep> Eeeh. Not yet, I don't think so. It'd be nice if I could figure out the necessary magic to have it download the right binaries for 32 bit, and possible even if I could make it do the right thing for macOS, seeing as how they have binaries for those. But that's some other time, probably.
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<sphalerite> zgrep: it's a start and it's more useful to other people in NUR than it is not in NUR, so I'm +1 for adding it :)
<manveru> well, that's what i do for my quick and dirty packages, so someone else can at least try them easily, until i get around to clean them up
<zgrep> Uh. Well. Uh. Sure, I guess.
<manveru> otherwise i'd suggest nixpkgs :D
<sphalerite> ^
<manveru> plus it's a fun exercise in distributed packaging
<infinisil> NUR is just a link to you repo really, gets updated automatically
<infinisil> Then you can just tell people to build nur.repos.infinisil.foo to get a package :)
<tilpner> Except you don't have a repo yet! :/
<infinisil> Yeah, i was just preparing one to add yesterday :)
<tilpner> And got stuck finishing the module PR?
<infinisil> Yes :D
<tilpner> Just testing it now
<infinisil> Neat, should be 100% compatible, only adds more possibilites
<tilpner> There's now nur.repos.tilpner.modules.auto-tinc, just have to figure out how to import it
<tilpner> (And without fetchTarball-ing NUR in every module)
<infinisil> Unfortunately that's not possible nicely
<infinisil> Yet
<tilpner> { pkgs, mod, local-nur, ... }: {
<tilpner> imports = [ local-nur.modules.auto-tinc ];
<tilpner> That one works well for me locally, but not for others
<infinisil> How does local-nur get there?
<tilpner> Exactly
<manveru> the same way you'd mix different nixpkgs versions... i just use fetchTarball
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<infinisil> Can't have it as an argument though
<infinisil> Pretty sure
<manveru> why not?
<infinisil> Infinite recursion
<infinisil> I can't test it right now though
<manveru> if you make it an optional arg it should work...
<infinisil> optional arg?
<Izorkin> LnL: infinisil: eerror switch configuration error: undefined variable 'PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes' at .../nixpkgs/nixos/modules/programs/ssh.nix:214:61 - https://pastebin.com/RZu5nGYk
<infinisil> How are you passing the arg to begin with?
<manveru> though i'm not sure if that makes it easy to use via packageOverrides, haven't tried that yet
<infinisil> The module system really likes to throw infinite recursion on nur, there's all kind of pitfalls
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<manveru> { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, nur ? pkgs.callPackage (import (builtins.fetchTarball { url = https://github.com/nix-community/NUR/archive/master.tar.gz; })) {}}:
<manveru> no clue about modules
<manveru> but you don't need those if you only use it for buildInputs, right?
<infinisil> Oh i thought you were talking about modules
<manveru> lol
<LnL> infinisil: that's not my commit is it?
<LnL> Izorkin: ^
<tilpner> infinisil - It imports and builds fine in a non-special-args situation too! Yay. tx0.co/1v
<LnL> hurh
<LnL> Izorkin: didn't commit what I tested
<Izorkin> LnL: need replace PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes "${concatStringsSep "," cfg.pubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes}"} to ''PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ${concatStringsSep "," cfg.pubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes}''}
<Izorkin> LnL: https://pastebin.com/RZu5nGYk - patch
<sphalerite> writing my first commits to hydra, wheeeee
<infinisil> tilpner: can't click that link lol
<tilpner> infinisil - Don't need to, it's not interesting
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed to master « ssh: fix 3572f89bbe154087d8ad83c36674d0c2499c0967 »: https://git.io/fNWgH
<infinisil> Ah right, typed it in, neat!
<infinisil> tilpner: actually, it can also work if you pass pkgs i think..
<infinisil> I might need to adjust the readme some more
* tilpner tries
<infinisil> Assuming the nur repo doesn't force evaluation of pkgs
<tilpner> You're correct, that builds
<tilpner> (Where "that" is tx0.co/1w )
<Izorkin> LnL: thanks, work
<Izorkin> LnL: infinisil: please check PR https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/41798 )
<{^_^}> #41798 (by Izorkin, open): ssh: add custom options
<tilpner> infinisil - But it only works with nurpkgs from NIX_PATH :(
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<tilpner> infinisil - It would be possible to replace nurpkgs with a mix of builtins and copied functions from nixpkgs/lib
<srk> is borken :( error: undefined variable 'PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes' at /etc/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/programs/ssh.nix:214:61
<infinisil> Yeah i thizght of that but not feasible for the future
<ghasshee> > stdenv.isLinux
<{^_^}> true
<LnL> Izorkin: looks fine, but I'm not sure if there's a good enough reason to add those
<srk> to unbreak master :D
* LnL hides
<ghasshee> > udev
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/24l0x89k3d77fw8asl6y428iy70nh4vp-systemd-238>"
<srk> no, that's something different
<d1rewolf__> guys, I sym link a file into my config directory (ln -s /home/d1rewolf/nixos-config/common/applications.nix /etc/nixos/applications.nix) and then import it from /etc/nixos/configuration.nix like imports = [./harware-configuration.nix ./applications.nix];
<srk> LnL: the quote need to be before Pubkey - ${optionalString (cfg.pubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes != []) PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes "${concatStringsSep "," cfg.pubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes}"}
<LnL> yes, 9d72403
<d1rewolf__> however, in this case, /etc/nixos/configuration.nix is also a symlinked file (ln -s /home/d1rewolf/nixos-config/machines/onemachine/configuration.nix /etc/nixos/configuration.nix). the problem is, at nixos-rebuild time, it tries to import applications.nix from /home/d1rewolf/nixos-config/machines/onemachine *instead* of /etc/nixos
<srk> LnL: ah, ok :
<d1rewolf__> so it tries to import from whatever directory configuration.nix lives in (really) and not its symlink..
<srk> :)
<d1rewolf__> how does one get around this or what's the better way of doing this?
<d1rewolf__> should I not use symlinks and simply copy my configs over to /etc/nixos each time?
<LnL> srk: I tested with build-vm but didn't add the quote changes before pushing -_-
<srk> happens :)
<{^_^}> nix#2109 (by Infinisil, open): imports don't resolve symlinks absolutely, leading to unexpected behaviour
<infinisil> ?
<d1rewolf__> infinisil, that looks about right. so it's a bug :-/
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<d1rewolf__> does anyone have a good simple example of keeping your configs modularized? I have about 5 machines I'll be running nix on occasionally, and the differences between machines are small compared to the commonalities in my environment I wish to have across them. I had started down the path of using symlinks, but apparently that's buggy
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<infinisil> d1rewolf__: well not necessarily bug, more like potentially unconvenient semantics
<d1rewolf__> infinisil, well, if I symlink into a directory, I'd expect nix to treat the symlink as if it were a real file...or a replacement for whatever file it's linked for. that doesn't seem to happen
<d1rewolf__> infinisil, how do you handle machine-specific configs?
<infinisil> d1rewolf__: i do, small how to: declare enable options for everything, use those instead of imports (import everthing by default to get the options available)
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<d1rewolf__> infinisil, do you have an example?
<d1rewolf__> thx
<infinisil> d1rewolf__: Can you comment on the issue with your motivation for changing it? Would probably help :)
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<d1rewolf__> infinisil, sure, but let me make sure I'm not misunderstanding. one sec
<d1rewolf__> infinisil, so this is the behavior I get: https://pastebin.com/xYKphLZi
<d1rewolf__> infinisil, instead of importing applications.nix from ~/nixos-config/common/appications.nix, it tries from ~/nixos-config/machines/holodeck/applications.nix. does that make sense?
<infinisil> Hmm no i think that makes sense
<infinisil> Wait what are your imports?
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<d1rewolf__> infinisil, import ./applications.nis
<d1rewolf__> er...
<infinisil> Yeah i think that's expected behaviour
<d1rewolf__> imports = [./hardware-configuration.nix ./applications.nix ];
<d1rewolf__> infinisil, so then what's the appropriate way to do what I'm trying to accomplish?
<{^_^}> [hydra] @lheckemann opened pull request #581 → Queue runner symlinks → https://git.io/fNW2M
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<infinisil> Abandon symlinks
<infinisil> Or only symlink configuration.nix
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<d1rewolf__> infinisil, o rly? ok. I'll look into that
<infinisil> Or use options for everything as mentioned earlier
<d1rewolf__> infinisil, is there a part of the manual that shows best practices for cross-machine modularization?
<infinisil> Not that i know of
<infinisil> I guess i could write a wiki page about that
<d1rewolf__> infinisil, enable options is new to me, tho most of nixos is as well. I'll dig into it
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<d1rewolf__> infinisil, would you consider your system repo a good starting framework for folks, or overly specific to you?
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<infinisil> It's a mess, but in general i don't think it's a bad example
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* d1rewolf__ gives infinisil a thumbs up
<d1rewolf__> thanks
<infinisil> I don't recommend using it as a starting point, definitely not
<infinisil> But maybe use it as a reference
<infinisil> Or so
<d1rewolf__> infinisil, I just want to find an example which shows a good way of doing it across machines but without symlinks
<d1rewolf__> infinisil, gotcha. thanks ;)
<infinisil> Yeah my repos does that :)
<d1rewolf__> infinisil, how do you hook all this in? do you import default.nix from configuration.nix on each machine?
<infinisil> I can explain it in more detail in an hour or so if you want to, when i have more time (and am not on my phone xD)
<d1rewolf__> infinisil, lol...cool. I'll be here ;)
<d1rewolf__> thx
<infinisil> There are some readmes
<d1rewolf__> infinisil, I'll start reading through. thanks
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mkaito opened pull request #43885 → gopass: 1.8.1 -> 1.8.2 → https://git.io/fNW29
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh opened pull request #43886 → vim_configurable: get rid of composableDerivation → https://git.io/fNW2Q
<sphalerite> d1rewolf__: one thing I'd suggest for cross-machine modularisation is not to do too much too soon.
<sphalerite> I made that mistake and it just results in a mess. Much more so than just keeping completely separate configs.
<d1rewolf__> sphalerite, yeah, that's what I was trying. my symlink approach seemed workable, until it wasn't :(
<d1rewolf__> maybe my answer for now is eliminating the relative import and importing with full path
<infinisil> You can also have a tree of imports, clever does that
<d1rewolf__> clever, when you're around, please share.
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<d1rewolf__> so importing the full path works, but I'd like to avoid symlinks to something in my home directory. is there anything wrong with storing it somewhere like /etc/nixos-setup?
<d1rewolf__> instead of /home/user/nixos-setup, as my user changes across machines?
<infinisil> You can just set nixos-config=/custom/path/configuration.nix in NIX_PATH btw
<d1rewolf__> or, perhaps it would be better to use the value of $HOME?
<sphalerite> d1rewolf__: here's the config tree for a bunch of machines I manage in case you're interested https://github.com/StrathTech/nixos-config
<d1rewolf__> hm....i'll look at that infinisil. thanks.
<d1rewolf__> sphalerite, I am ;)
<d1rewolf__> thanks
<d1rewolf__> sphalerite, how do you use this? what's the entry point?
<sphalerite> d1rewolf__: individual servers are in servers/
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/7ee55ebf162 (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
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<d1rewolf__> sphalerite, so do you "cp ~nixos-config/servers/kakuna.nix /etc/nixos/configuration.nix"?
<d1rewolf__> or something else?
<sphalerite> I have a symlink /etc/nixos/configuration.nix -> /nixos-config/servers/kakuna.nix
<d1rewolf__> sphalerite, k. so my approach isn't unusual...it's just that i'm using other symlinks besides configuration.nix, and nix only seems to support symlinking configuration.nix
<d1rewolf__> well, easily with relative imports
<sphalerite> why do you need multiple symlinks?
<infinisil> A symlinked file behaves like a file in the resulting place
<sphalerite> yep
<d1rewolf__> sphalerite, " guys, I sym link a file into my config directory (ln -s /home/d1rewolf/nixos-config/common/applications.nix /etc/nixos/applications.nix) and then import it from /etc/nixos/configuration.nix like imports = [./harware-configuration.nix ./applications.nix];"
<d1rewolf__> it was an attempt to let applications.nix vary across machines as well
<d1rewolf__> so that I could symlink in the appropriate one
<sphalerite> any reason why you wouldn't just have a single symlink into the repo?
<sphalerite> at that point I think it would make more sense to just have no separate applications.nix and put those in the individual machine files.
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<d1rewolf__> sphalerite, you mean use the entire repo as /etc/nixos?
<d1rewolf__> sphalerite, yeah, seems like the easiest way at the moment
<sphalerite> that, or the same way I use the nixos-config repo
<d1rewolf__> while I learn to walk ;)
<sphalerite> if the applications aren't the same across machines it doesn't make sense to have shared files for them :p
<d1rewolf__> sphalerite, yeah, perhaps I'm abstracting too much
<sphalerite> or another way of looking at it is: "applications" isn't a good abstraction.
<d1rewolf__> right
<d1rewolf__> ;)
<sphalerite> You want to look at the roles that the machines are fulfilling, not so much the things that get set as part of that role
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<d1rewolf__> sphalerite, got it. thanks
* d1rewolf__ smacks head
<d1rewolf__> I guess I could just play along with the way it's importing and do "import = [ ../../common/applications.nix]" instead
<d1rewolf__> same functionality, and avoids the symlink. that'd let me keep it simple for now. thanks guys ;)
<d1rewolf__> I am so freaking HAPPY with nixos so far. it's a far bit of work up front, but oh my GOD the pay off. It's what I've wished for for so long ;)
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<worldofpeace> Yay I got a 'working' pantheon session on nixos! https://i.imgur.com/OIBx0Tw.png
<d1rewolf__> anyone here using i3-gaps? can't seem to get gaps going on my machine...although i3 works fine
<iqubic> d1rewolf__: How did you install i3-gaps.
<d1rewolf__> iqubic, following the "unstable/master" approach here: https://github.com/Airblader/i3/wiki/Compiling-&-Installing
<iqubic> Did you actually manage to compile i3-gaps on NixOS?
<d1rewolf__> iqubic, you mean, does i3-gaps get installed? yes, I think so
<infinisil> It's in the cache anyways
<d1rewolf__> brb
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<iqubic> d1rewolf__: How are you telling your machine to run i3-gaps?
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<d1rewolf> iqubic, can confirm, using that page does get gaps installed
<d1rewolf> I'm running it now
<d1rewolf> iqubic, and gaps is actually working. I must've had a typo last night when I tried it
<d1rewolf> iqubic, so add this: https://pastebin.com/BCyhUVnr to your command line
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<iqubic> Is it possible to uninstall a package?
<d1rewolf> iqubic, yes. I think it's nix-env -e
<d1rewolf> nix-env -e pkgname (if you installed with nix-env
<d1rewolf> otherwise just remove package from config and nixos-rebuild
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<d1rewolf> I'm really surprised nixos hasn't take the world by storm yet. it's exactly what I want from an os
<iqubic> These are things I installed from a derivation.
<d1rewolf> can't wait to move my servers over....all four desktops moved in the last few days ;)
<infinisil> d1rewolf: It's getting there, slowly
<d1rewolf> infinisil, anyone working on a book? that sometimes legitimizes things in the public eye (right or wrong)
<infinisil> Not that I know of
<d1rewolf> infinisil, cool. maybe one day :)
<infinisil> ,fancy-uninstall = Fancy way to uninstall packages, needs fzf installed: nix-env -q | fzf | xargs -I{} nix-env -e {}
<{^_^}> fancy-uninstall defined
<Izorkin> LnL: infinisil: please check PR https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/41798 change to add only crypto options
<{^_^}> #41798 (by Izorkin, open): ssh: add crypto options
<infinisil> ,fancy-uninstall iqubic
<{^_^}> iqubic: Fancy way to uninstall packages, needs fzf installed: nix-env -q | fzf | xargs -I{} nix-env -e {}
<d1rewolf> I really have a little tear in my eye right now
<d1rewolf> that may be the kratom I ingested an hour or go, but I think it's more likely nixos ;)
<iqubic> infinisil: I kinda deleted the .nix files I used to install the packages that I now want to uninstall. What should I do?
<infinisil> Have you tried fancy-uninstall
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<iqubic> no.
<infinisil> then do that
<infinisil> d1rewolf: Haha
<infinisil> d1rewolf: There is a huge problem with NixOS though
<d1rewolf> infinisil, oh no
<d1rewolf> infinisil, wait....let me ride this wave of bliss for a few more seconds...
<d1rewolf> ok, I'm ready: tell me
<infinisil> d1rewolf: Which is that you won't be able to use any other distro without longing for NixOS' features
<srk> :))
<d1rewolf> infinisil, I'll take that risk! \o/ ;)
<d1rewolf> has anyone started using nix as a general purpose scripting language?
<d1rewolf> wondering ways to force myself to learn it more deeply
<infinisil> No, and for good reason, it's not a general purpose language
<d1rewolf> infinisil, k. I'll take that as sage wisdom ;)
<srk> d1rewolf: I've had the same feeling recently, like a new breeze since everbroken fedora/EL world
<infinisil> It's a language specifically designed to build derivations and it can't do anything besides that (by default at least)
<iqubic> Well, I really wish that I could have some swap on zfs.
<iqubic> nix daemon runs out of memory when the only change to configuration.nix I have made is to remove nodePackage.eslint and add fzf.
<srk> heh, how much ram?
<d1rewolf> srk, I've been running linux as my default desktop since 1998. over the past few years, I've had three linux laptops and one iMac. It really killed my productivity because each machine was different. I finally got rid of the iMac, so one huge productivity sink was gone (yes, I'm far more productive on linux).
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<srk> :)
<d1rewolf> but now nixos has given me consistency across machines. there is no going back
<iqubic> srk: 8G
<infinisil> I guess it would be possible to implement a RTS on top of Nix though lol
<iqubic> 8 gigs of ram.
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<srk> sounds plenty, do you have a lof of stuff/packages in configuration.nix?
<iqubic> Yes.
<iqubic> I do actually.
<srk> I've moved most of my user packages to ~/.config/nixpkgs as I rebuild the system frequently from master and didn't want to wait
<iqubic> I have a bunch of packages listed in systemPackages.
<iqubic> srk: Will that fix my current problem?
<infinisil> iqubic: why not just add some zvol swap?
<iqubic> zfs can have swap? I didn't think that was possible.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @leenaars opened pull request #43887 → ipgrep: init at 1.0 → https://git.io/fNWVv
<srk> don't know really, removal of eslint and addition of fzf doesn't sound like something that memory heavy
<infinisil> iqubic: Read the zpool manpage, section on "zpool create" with the -V flag
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<srk> but it depends, sometimes if you have tons of stuff in caches nix will fail to allocate enough mem
<srk> at first
<srk> then the system flushes some of that and it works again..
<infinisil> This memory fix should land in stable nix already damnit
<iqubic> infinisil: Don't I need to have some free space in order to make a swap partition?
<srk> you can use swap file as well
<iqubic> with zfs?!?!
<infinisil> iqubic: no need for partitioning, just use zfs
<srk> yeah, swap is pretty agnostic
<srk> swap file is just a regular file on the filesystem
<d1rewolf> manveru, you around?
<infinisil> Zfs zvols
<manveru> yeah
<infinisil> srk: i think i heard that zfs has problems with that though, not sure
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<iqubic> infinisil: I'm looking at man zpool, in the section where it talks about zpool create. I'm seeing nothing related to a -v flag.
<d1rewolf> manveru, I'm trying to decipher your polybar config. I currently use i3blocks by changing the i3 status_command parameter. I don't see you doing that (yet) for polybar. can you tell me where you hook polybar in?
<infinisil> iqubic: Big V
<d1rewolf> also, what fonts are you using (manveru)?
<infinisil> iqubic: or search for "zvol"
<manveru> d1rewolf: i start polybar in each machine differently, so for example there's one in kappa.nix
<manveru> home-manager has a service module for it
<iqubic> I just searched the zpool man page for the string "zvol" no results found.
<d1rewolf> manveru, ok, cool. not using home-manager yet but interested in a good starting polybar setup
<d1rewolf> guys, I notice that installing virtualbox doesn't install kernel modules. what's the appropriate way to do this on nix?
<sphalerite> d1rewolf: virtualisation.virtualbox.host.enable
<infinisil> iqubic: ohh sry it's the zfs man page
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<d1rewolf> sphalerite, do I also need it in my environment.systemPackages?
<sphalerite> d1rewolf: no, I think that should put it in
<d1rewolf> manveru, thank you!
<sphalerite> you can add it yourself but it would be redundant
<d1rewolf> sphalerite, I'm curious, for my own learning...how did you know in the case of virtualbox that you need this specific line instead of just installing it to systemPackages?
<d1rewolf> just experience?
<iqubic> infinisil: How is the -V flag supposed to help me?
<infinisil> iqubic: how about googling "zfs swap"
<sphalerite> d1rewolf: systemPackages is (roughly) just "stuff that's supposed to be in $PATH". Anything that needs further config like kernel modules needs to be modules
<infinisil> iqubic: you need to improve your googling skills
<d1rewolf> sphalerite, right, but as a user, when I'm looking for package "A", how do I know "A" needs more configuring than just being in the path?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ekleog opened pull request #43888 → matrix-synapse: bump to 0.33.0 → https://git.io/fNWVl
<iqubic> Can I decrease the size of zpool while my machine is running?
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<infinisil> d1rewolf: You have a point, it would be neat if there could be warnings "the option foo already adds bar to systemPackages, no need to do it in your config"
<sphalerite> d1rewolf: yeah I see what you mean
<sphalerite> d1rewolf: I guess one way to do it would be to always check if there's an option first
<sphalerite> but yeah it's not wonderful
<infinisil> iqubic: did you create a zvol now
<iqubic> no.
<infinisil> Then do that
<d1rewolf> sphalerite, what do you mean "check if there's an option first"? ho wwould I do that?
<iqubic> I'm not sure I have enough free space to do tha.
<infinisil> iqubic: try it and see
<sphalerite> d1rewolf: search for the name of the software in `man configuration.nix` or on https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#
<iqubic> All the guides I have seen online reference a swap command. I don't have that command available.
<infinisil> iqubic: create a zvol
<infinisil> Do it now
<infinisil> Use google if you don't know how
<iqubic> I will. Let me just look up how to do that.
<infinisil> Come on, I won't hold hands for every single thing, you gotta be able to stand on your own
<d1rewolf> sphalerite, I got you. thanks ;)
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<iqubic> infinisil: I'm actually looking up the relevant info now.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ekleog opened pull request #43889 → matrix-synapse: bump to 0.33.0 → https://git.io/fNWVu
<iqubic> How big do I want this swap space to be?
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<iqubic> Also, I think I want "zpool add" and not "zfs create -V"
<d1rewolf> iqubic, the general advice used to be that swap space is twice the size of physical ram, but I'm not sure that really holds up any more
<d1rewolf> I still often use it tho
<iqubic> so I'd want 16Gigs of swap? That sounds like a large amount.
<d1rewolf> iqubic, if you don't even know what size to make your swap, I'm wondering if you're pretty new to linux? If so, maybe zfs is a little too complicated right now? I don't know
<d1rewolf> iqubic, it's only a lot of if you don't end up using it
<d1rewolf> but yeah, i hear you. create it as 8GB for now. you can always change later
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<iqubic> infinisil: The internet tells me that I can't shrink a zfs pool once created. Does this mean that I can't create any swap right now?
<infinisil> iqubic: Alright this is my last reply to you: Learn to google (again), you want zfs create -V, and also you only want 1GB swap
<iqubic> infinisil: Why do you have to be so rude/
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<infinisil> iqubic: Because you're not learning anything and I don't have time to answer every question of yours multiple times, especially when you often just ignore the advice
<d1rewolf> iqubic, infinisil is giving good advice. he's teaching you to fish rather than just handing you a trout
<d1rewolf> ;)
<iqubic> So I created a new thing to my zfs set-up.
<iqubic> This article by oracle suggests that I use "swap -a"
<iqubic> But I can't because the "swap" command is not found.
<iqubic> termbin.com/b8v1
<iqubic> That's the result of "zfs list"
<infinisil> iqubic: GOOGLE
<infinisil> "swap command not found"
<infinisil> It's simple
<infinisil> Come on
<infinisil> The solution is that the command is swapon on linux
<d1rewolf> iqubic, you're reading a blog post which uses solaris
<iqubic> Oh.
<d1rewolf> as vsftab is specific to solaris
<d1rewolf> but truly, you're out of your depth. you're trying to fly an 777 by reading a few paragraph blog post
<d1rewolf> you *may* get it off the ground, but a crash will soon come. as infinisil stated, you really need to spend more time reading/googling about what you're doing
<iqubic> Will running "mkswap /dev/zvol/latitude-tank/swap" hose my system?
<d1rewolf> and I sure hope you're doing it in a vm so you don't kill your system
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<d1rewolf> iqubic, I think it's safe to say your system will be hosed soon unless you seek to understand what you're doing (no offense)
<iqubic> d1rewolf: I am working in a vm.
<d1rewolf> but if you've created a swap partition, and it's located there, then probably you'll be ok.
<iqubic> Which I cloned before starting this proccess.
<d1rewolf> iqubic, good ;)
<d1rewolf> so, I'm not using zfs, but if that's a real parition, then mkswap <partition path> and then swapon <partition path> should do it i think
<srk> yup
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<iqubic> At this point I'm not sure if it is a real partition or not.
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<d1rewolf> iqubic, what's "file /dev/zvol/latitude-tank/swap" tell you?
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<iqubic> block special (230/0)
<d1rewolf> iqubic, ok, so that gives you something to work with. good luck ;-)
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<iqubic> alright... So I have made a swap space. What is the right way to tell NixOS to add an entry to my fstab for that?
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<iqubic> specifically I want to add this to my fstab:
<iqubic> /dev/zvol/latitude-tank/swap none swap discard 0 0
<clever> swapDevices = [ { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/68bce3d2-cfc5-4400-ad8c-ddb751441beb"; } ];
<iqubic> clever: Can I tell it that my partition also supports discard to get added performance?
<clever> i dont see an option for that
<iqubic> Oh. I see.
<vaibhavsagar> how do I get all the build inputs of a derivation?
<vaibhavsagar> e.g. the contents of drv.env for a haskell derivation
<iqubic> clever: We should really add an option for that.
<d1rewolf> those of you using i3-gaps...do you occasionally see black boxes behind certain windows?
<sphalerite> vaibhavsagar: all the buildInputs -> drv.buildInputs
<sphalerite> vaibhavsagar: all the dependencies, I'm not sure
<d1rewolf> also, quick survey: what terminal are you using?
<manveru> ocharles_: you around?
<sphalerite> d1rewolf: st
<sphalerite> +tmux
<infinisil> d1rewolf: alacritty + tmux :)
<iqubic> emacs's eshell.
* d1rewolf uses terminator, but looking for a better alternative
<manveru> urxvt(d|c)
<iqubic> clever: Can I specify a device by path?
<iqubic> when setting up swap.
<d1rewolf> manveru, I've seen a number of folks using urxvt. I thought that was an older terminal which was aging. what's the appeal of it out of curiosity?
<clever> iqubic: thats what device is
<Dezgeg> urxvt has scripting capabilities
<manveru> well, it's super fast, can be scripted with perl, can make sure you don't paste dangerous stuff, works well with unicode, has server-client mode...
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to master « remove unused file »: https://git.io/fNWwt
<Dezgeg> I would love to find a terminal emulator that can be scripted in non-perl, though :P
<manveru> :D
<manveru> when i feel fancy i use cool-retro-term though
<infinisil> Dezgeg: Tbh every application should be server-client style with an open json protocol
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<srk> urxvt is nice but cannot display ligatures
<d1rewolf> Dezgeg, depends on what you're looking for, but terminator is written in python, so it may be possible to script
<Dezgeg> nah, nothx for doing IPC on every keystroke...
<infinisil> nothx?/
<infinisil> Oh no thanks
<TheBrayn> What are your thought about nixos on btrfs? Are there any btrfs features which might be interesting for nixos or should I just stick to LVM with ext4?
<d1rewolf> Dezgeg, can you explain further?
<d1rewolf> what you mean?
<Dezgeg> it was response to the "server-client style with an open json protocol"
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<infinisil> Dezgeg: Oh yeah that might be a bit slow..
<iqubic> there should really be a way to specify options for swap devices, like we do with other fileSystem stuff that we want to add our fstab
<d1rewolf> Dezgeg, ah, sry ;)
<sphalerite> Dezgeg: but there's already IPC on every keystroke (X11) ;)
<Dezgeg> x)
<d1rewolf> infinisil, how have you found alacritty? that's the one written in rust iirc?
<manveru> that input latency is the only thing i dislike about compton...
<infinisil> d1rewolf: Yeah, it's decent, few problems
<infinisil> but generally pretty good
<sphalerite> TheBrayn: btrfs features certainly make sense. I've heard a bunch of horror stories about it though. Personally I use zfs which has similar features without the history of data loss :p
* d1rewolf nods
<Dezgeg> doesn't look like terminator can do scripting
<d1rewolf> Dezgeg, manveru: I'm curious...what sort of things do you typically use the perl+urxvt capability?
* srk for url matching :D
<Dezgeg> I have a script that can open URLs with hotkeys without using the mouse
<d1rewolf> Dezgeg, ah, I see
<infinisil> Oh, tmux can implement lots of such functionality
<infinisil> It also has a plugin for opening urls iirc
<Dezgeg> hmm, that could work...
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<sphalerite> yeah I like tmux because it allows using the same features with or without X
<infinisil> I'll eventually make a tmux plugin manager with nix
<sphalerite> then a simple terminal like st just serves as a bridge between X and tmux
<manveru> d1rewolf: changing font size, copy/pasting, confirming pastes, search scrollback, and matcher... nothing too fancy
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<manveru> and i don't write any of those myself
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<TheBrayn> sphalerite: which features would you consider especially relevant for nixos?
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<TheBrayn> snapshots are pretty much irrelevant as far as I understand
<sphalerite> TheBrayn: they're as relevant as on any other OS
<sphalerite> just not for the nix store
<sphalerite> but they're still very useful for all the mutable data that isn't nix's/nixos's responsibility to manage
<sphalerite> e.g. your $HOME
<TheBrayn> hmm, true
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<TheBrayn> I guess I'll use that again
<d1rewolf> manveru, mind if I pm you an i3 question (since you're around an experienced with it)?
<sphalerite> resilience against silent data errors is very nice too
<sphalerite> and compression! I love my compression.
<manveru> d1rewolf: go ahead :)
<TheBrayn> d1rewolf: I have been using i3 for quite some time, maybe I can help
* sphalerite also uses i3
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<d1rewolf> well, ok: if I have four windows in vpslit (stacked on top of each other) and I select the bottom one, and then press $mod+s, it changes to stacked for all four windows (as if the parent container). I just want to set stacking for the bottom window. how can I do that?
<sphalerite> off-topic is usually welcome here, within reason. If there are on-topic discussions where it would get in the way there's always #nixos-chat
<d1rewolf> in other words, how can you cause operations to create a new container for the currently selected window and apply to that, instead of applying to the parent container?
<d1rewolf> sphalerite, last time, I promise ;)
<sphalerite> what I'm saying is it's fine to ask here :)
<d1rewolf> I did ask in #i3, if anyone cares to answer there
<d1rewolf> ah, k ;)
<TheBrayn> you can create a new container on the bottom one, move the one above down and then apply stacking to the container
<manveru> stacking always stacks at least 2, if i see right?
<d1rewolf> TheBrayn, maybe the "create new container" function is what I'm missing
<d1rewolf> TheBrayn, how does one create a new container? I typically just let i3 do that for me
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #43890 → Mingw fixes → https://git.io/fNWww
<d1rewolf> manveru, my problem is that I have one container with four windows, so if I change the mode of the bottom window, it applies to all the windows (changes to stacking for example for all windows)
<d1rewolf> what I want to do is leave the top three in splitv, and then make the bottom window stacked as I add others to it
<TheBrayn> mod+h
<d1rewolf> interestingly, if you're in splith, this seems to be the right behavior
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<d1rewolf> TheBrayn, $mod+h changes to splith for current container, right?
<TheBrayn> uhm
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<d1rewolf> so in splith, if you have three windows side by side [] [] [], and select the right most window, then lets
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<d1rewolf> say $mod+s to set the right most window to stacking, then go back to middle window and move it right, it goes into the stacked container on the right
<d1rewolf> that's what I want to do in a similar way in splitv
<iqubic> So I added the swap stuff to my configuration.nix, and it is taking a while too rebuild the system configuration.
<TheBrayn> I'm confused because my shortcuts are all diferent, I don't use qwerty
<iqubic> Wait, there it goes.
<d1rewolf> actually, it seems that it doesn't always work in splith either. hmm.
<d1rewolf> i'm missing something here
<sphalerite> d1rewolf: open empty workspace, open terminal, $mod+v, open terminal, $mod+h, open terminal, $mod+s
<sphalerite> d1rewolf: I think this does what you want?
<sphalerite> assuming default keybindings of course
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<iqubic> Adding swap to my machine fixed my nix daemon out of memory erros.
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<iqubic> Even just 2 gigs made a big difference.
<sphalerite> d1rewolf: maybe also $mod+w instead of $mod+s so you have the title bars taking up less space
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<iqubic> ,fancy-install
<{^_^}> iqubic: Did you mean fancy-uninstall?
<{^_^}> Fancy way to uninstall packages, needs fzf installed: nix-env -q | fzf | xargs -I{} nix-env -e {}
<d1rewolf> sphalerite, close, yes. let me play with that a bit. I more interested in when you have existing windows.
<d1rewolf> I guess what I'm looking for is the opposite of "select parent"
<iqubic> "select child?"
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Tomahna opened pull request #43891 → greenclip: 2.0.1 -> 3.0.2 → https://git.io/fNWwD
<d1rewolf> iqubic, the command appears to be "focus child" but I'm not sure it does what I need yet
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<sphalerite> d1rewolf: (with three vertically arranged windows) focus bottom window, $mod+h, $mod+l, $mod+shift+k, $mod+w
<sphalerite> ?
<d1rewolf> sphalerite, let me try that. my bindings are slightly different
<iqubic> What are we talking about here? What program are these bindings for?
<sphalerite> hsplit, focus up, move down, change to tabbed
<d1rewolf> iqubic, i3
<sphalerite> actually that's easier to write as well x)
<iqubic> fancy-uninstall is only giving me two options to select from when it gets to the fzf stage of the pipeline
<iqubic> ,fancy-uninstall
<{^_^}> Fancy way to uninstall packages, needs fzf installed: nix-env -q | fzf | xargs -I{} nix-env -e {}
<d1rewolf> sphalerite, that definite does it. thanks. however, I'm confused, as it appears sometimes when I select the bottom window, it appears to select the parent instead ($mod+h in your example ends up affecting parent container instead of just bottom window)
<iqubic> So IDK what's up wit that.
<sphalerite> how do you select the bottom window?
<d1rewolf> sphalerite, that's what I'm trying to figure out now. I'm wondering if when it's not worked in the past I've been selecting with the mouse
<iqubic> I'm really really confused now..
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Tomahna closed pull request #43891 → greenclip: 2.0.1 -> 3.0.2 → https://git.io/fNWwD
<d1rewolf> iqubic, plz ignore thx
<iqubic> If I run "nix-env -q" as root I get only two results.
<iqubic> Interesting. "nix-env -q" only lists things that you have installed with "nix-env -i"
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<d1rewolf> infinisil, do you have alacritty working with transparency?
<infinisil> If I do want transparency I use compton
<manveru> rxvt has transparency :)
<d1rewolf> infinisil, ah, maybe that's why my transparency isn't working across other terminals. so you need a compositor?
<manveru> but i still use compton for blurring
<infinisil> d1rewolf: Well transparency isn't a built in thing
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43883 → gotools: 2017-08-08 -> 2018-07-20 → https://git.io/fNWzA
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWrY
<d1rewolf> I am not using compton at all yet. I don't want to pollute this channel with more off-topic...I'm off to google compton+i3, but if you have any good links, feel free to pm them my way ;)
<d1rewolf> infinisil, i see an opacity setting in alacritty.yml
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<manveru> d1rewolf: see my config ;)
<infinisil> manveru: I have that fancy kawase blur compton version, but unfortunately it's suuuper laggy on my NVidia GTX 980Ti :( (It works just fine on my crappy laptop with intel hd graphics, lol)
<infinisil> d1rewolf: Ah, haven't heard of that :O
<d1rewolf> I am using an nvidia card, but not the nivida drivers because I get better battery life with the intel chipsets (I think this is a prime card). would nvidia drivers be required to use compton?
<infinisil> d1rewolf: Btw there's #nixos-chat for offtopic things :)
<d1rewolf> infinisil, joining now
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @periklis opened pull request #43892 → skhd: bump 0.1.1 to 0.2.2 → https://git.io/fNWrG
<d1rewolf> infinisil, I'll carry on the discussion in #nixos-chat
<zgrep> I'm trying to make my own nix channel, because why not, and I can't seem to get nix to work with it properly. I do nix-channel --add $url && nix-channel --update, and unlike nixpkgs which is in /nix/store/...-nixpkgs.../nixpkgs/default.nix, my things ends up being /nix/store/...-nameofchannel/default.nix. Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?
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<clever> zgrep: the nixpkgs channel has a nixpkgs subdir
<clever> in the tar itself
<zgrep> Hmm. It wasn't there when I downloaded it?
<clever> nixos-18.09pre145679.dae9cf6106d/nixos/release-small.nix
<clever> not actually nixpkgs, but nixos, hmmm
<clever> zgrep: what if you look in ~/.nix-defexpr/
<zgrep> curl -sL 'https://releases.nixos.org/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-18.09pre146471.d7d31fea7e7/nixexprs.tar.xz' | xz -d | tar -t | head # shows a default.nix for me.
<clever> zgrep: how does the layout in there differ?
<zgrep> clever: Err, I see nixpkgs as I'm supposed to, but I also see my entire repository has been symlinked per-file.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 7 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWrE
<clever> zgrep: look closer at the output of the command you gave, that default.nix is inside a directory
<clever> the entire tar is inside a single root directory
<zgrep> Yes, I do that too.
<clever> what is the URL to your channel?
<zgrep> curl -sL 'https://ahti.space/~zgrep/znur/nixexprs.tar.xz' | xz -d | tar -t
<clever> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 53 Dec 31 1969 /home/clever/.nix-defexpr/channels/znur -> /nix/store/4xj01s8kciim4kaigyd1yk95n9pndfcn-znur/znur
<clever> zgrep: works as expected on this end, one symlink to the dir, and all the files inside that
<zgrep> Hm. Could the fact that I'm running nix on Alpine Linux have something to do with it?
<clever> shouldnt
<clever> what do you get when you ls ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/ ?
<zgrep> W-well. It suddenly started working properly...
<zgrep> Hmmm. Maybe it was using something cached in /nix/store?
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<clever> the caching is based on a hash of the build directions
<clever> so it will always create the same contents
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43879 → bloop: 1.0.0-M11 -> 1.0.0 → https://git.io/fNWEv
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWrS
<zgrep> I deleted everything using "ls /nix/store | grep znur | xargs -I{} nix-store --delete /nix/store/{} --ignore-liveness", and... things worked. Before that I only tried running "nix-store --delete /nix/store/*-znur --ignore-liveness", and it did the wrong thing consistenly (and probably didn't delete the .drv file). As best as I can tell, that's the only thing that's changed.
<clever> if you --ignore-liveness, you risk seriously breaking the machine
<clever> it can delete the current nix-env profile, and basically uninstall ALL programs at once
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<clever> zgrep: and because of how nix works, deleting things like that is pointless, nix will perfectly recreate the exact same files at the same paths every time
<clever> thats the whole point of nix
<infinisil> zgrep: Yeah that's bad, you should a `sudo nix-store --verify --check-contents --repair` or so to fix any things you potentially broke
<clever> its far more likely, that you messed up the tar on your first test, and ~/.cache/nix/tarballs was caching the contents of the tar for 1 hour
<clever> and nix-channel was refusing to download the new tar until an hour had passed
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<zgrep> Aah.
<zgrep> That would be it, yes.
<sphalerite> infinisil: no, nix-store --delete is safe
<sphalerite> oh wait no
<sphalerite> I didn't see the --ignore-liveness
<clever> --ignore-liveness still wont corrupt the store, but it can delete important paths that leave the machine unusable
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43877 → ocamlPackages.ppx_blob: 0.2 -> 0.4.0 → https://git.io/fNW0B
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWoL
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43885 → gopass: 1.8.1 -> 1.8.2 → https://git.io/fNW29
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWoV
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<d1rewolf> ,free
<{^_^}> d1rewolf: Did you mean unfree?
<{^_^}> You cannot install your unfree software? See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/unfree
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<rotaerk> "Yes, I actually meant the exact opposite of what I said, thanks"
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWoF
<infinisil> Heh, it's based on levenshtein distance, which doesn't pay any regards to that :P
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #43894 → Adding ryantm to Haskell codeowners → https://git.io/fNWoN
<rotaerk> hehe
<clever> that reminds me, nixcon.com cant be registered, because of its edit distance from nixon.com
<clever> america wont let nix have the doman :P
<d1rewolf> clever, really or sarcasm?
<infinisil> clever: Lol
<rotaerk> huh, I didn't realize they blocked registration of domains *close to* existing ones
<d1rewolf> any of you using jetbrains toolbax on nixos? do you just manually download/install?
<infinisil> > builtins.attrNames pkgs.jetbrains
<{^_^}> [ "clion" "datagrip" "goland" "idea-community" "idea-ultimate" "jdk" "phpstorm" "pycharm-community" "pycharm-professional" "recurseForDerivations" "rider" "ruby-mine" "webstorm" ]
<clever> rotaerk: i think nixon is special, us president
<rotaerk> :P
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to master « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »: https://git.io/fNWKf
<d1rewolf> hmmm... nix-env -qaP '*.android-stu.*' shows android-studio, but putting this in user.users.d1rewolf.packages states "undefined variable android-studio". what should I use there in this case?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43869 → pkgs/*: remove unreferenced function arguments → https://git.io/fNWn6
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWKq
<clever> d1rewolf: the nix files need attribute paths, not names
<clever> hmmm, and android-studio is the attr path
<d1rewolf> clever, yeah, I though -qaP showed paths
<clever> do you have a with pkgs; nearby?
<d1rewolf> bingo
<clever> you can also do [ pkgs.android-studio ];
<d1rewolf> infinisil, interesting...even though I have free enabled, I don't see that jetbrains package
<d1rewolf> I just see a jetbrains.jdk
<tilpner> I might be asking a very-XY question, but is there a way to have a virtual set (one that is built on-demand, rather than item-per-item)?
<clever> d1rewolf: nix-env doesnt recurse into everyting on its own
<tilpner> (I'm hoping for something magic like __functor)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43874 → avocode: 3.1.1 -> 3.2.0 → https://git.io/fNWBj
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWKW
<d1rewolf> clever, what do you mean?
<infinisil> tilpner: Define "virtual set" and "built on demand"
<infinisil> A nix value?
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<infinisil> And derivations that only get built if you try to access its path?
<clever> d1rewolf: when you ask nix-env to search, it may not show all attributes within jetbrains, so jetbrains.jdk wont appear
<tilpner> infinisil - I want a set that has every possible key, each with the same value. Ideally without eating all memory
<clever> tilpner: dont think that is possible
<infinisil> Oh, yeah I don't think that's possible, need to generate it
<d1rewolf> clever, what I mean is that infinisil seems to have pointed to a pkgs.jetbrains package. I don't see that when I search.
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<clever> tilpner: a set is a strict list of keys and values, and all keys must be known before any can be accessed
<d1rewolf> I just see a jetbrains.jdk package
<tilpner> infinisil - Some languages (Lua) support that
<clever> d1rewolf: jetbrains is a set of packages, if you tell nix-env to install jetbrains, it will instead install everything inside jetbrains
<infinisil> tilpner: Pretty sure it consumes at least the memory if the attribute names though
<infinisil> s/if/of
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43895 → xmr-stak: 2.4.5 -> 2.4.7 → https://git.io/fNWKz
<tilpner> infinisil - Of which I can have infinitely many, theoretically :)
<tilpner> clever - Figures, but I guess it was worth asking :)
<d1rewolf> clever, if that's the case, how do I view sets of packages from the command line?
<infinisil> > p (lib.genAttrs (n: "value ${toString n}) (lib.range 1 10))
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting '"', at (string):162:41
<infinisil> > p (lib.genAttrs (n: "value ${toString n}") (lib.range 1 10))
<{^_^}> value is a function while a list was expected, at /var/lib/nixbot/state/nixpkgs/lib/attrsets.nix:283:18
<clever> d1rewolf: run `nix repl '<nixpkgs>'` then eval `jetbrains` inside there
<infinisil> > p (lib.genAttrs (lib.range 1 5) (n: "value ${toString n}"))
<{^_^}> value is an integer while a string was expected, at /var/lib/nixbot/state/nixpkgs/lib/attrsets.nix:283:5
<infinisil> Goddamnit
<d1rewolf> clever, If I add it to packages for my user, I get error: The option value `users.users.d1rewolf.packages.[definition 1-entry 2]' in `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix' is not of type `package'.
<infinisil> > p (lib.genAttrs (map toString (lib.range 1 5)) (n: "value ${n}"))
<{^_^}> "{ 1 = \"value 1\"; 2 = \"value 2\"; 3 = \"value 3\"; 4 = \"value 4\"; 5 = \"value 5\"; }"
<infinisil> tilpner: There we go ^^
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43873 → google-fonts: 2017-06-28 -> 2018-07-13 → https://git.io/fNW4n
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWKa
<d1rewolf> where packages = with pkgs; [ android-studio jetbrains];
<infinisil> You can do stuff like that, but attribute names are evaluated strictly
<clever> d1rewolf: jetbrains is not of type package, it is of type set
<tilpner> infinisil - That's just 5 though. I want string keys [a-z] of length >= 8!
<clever> d1rewolf: only nix-env supports installing a set, nix config files need you to give a list of packages
<tilpner> infinisil - It's not important, there's a less pretty alternative
<infinisil> tilpner: That's a lot of memory then
<infinisil> Well maybe not
<infinisil> Strings aren't thaaat big
<infinisil> Oh wait, 26^8 at least
<clever> tilpner: all strings being used as keys in sets are put into a global hash table, so the keys in the set are actually integers
<infinisil> That pretty big
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43896 → znc: 1.7.0 -> 1.7.1 → https://git.io/fNWKr
<clever> so when you try to lookup .foo.bar, it will find foo in the hash table, then use its index to search the set
<infinisil> clever: Doesn't that only happen with static attributes, not dynamic ones?
<clever> infinisil: it also happens with dynamic ones
<tilpner> clever - I'm not going to generate all possible keys (unless that can happen lazily). I was just wondering if there was an __index
<d1rewolf> clever, ok, so I think I follow. However, when I search for webstorm, it returns 'nixos.jetbrains.webstorm webstorm-2018.1.5'. However, searching for nix-env -qaP '.*jetbrains.*' doesn't return this package. so how can I match the jetbrains in nixos.jetbrains.webstorm when searching?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43895 → xmr-stak: 2.4.5 -> 2.4.7 → https://git.io/fNWKz
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNW6f
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<infinisil> tilpner: You can just use a function instead of an attrset if that works for you
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<clever> d1rewolf: i dont really use the nix-env search, i just tab-complete in nix repl
<d1rewolf> clever, ok, thx
<tilpner> infinisil - Not really. But it wouldn't matter much either way :)
<infinisil> tilpner: So what's the X in your question?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ekleog opened pull request #43897 → todiff: 0.5.0 -> 0.6.1 → https://git.io/fNW6L
<infinisil> clever: d1rewolf: Somewhat relevant recent PR btw: #43832
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43832 (by matthewbauer, open): Add recurse overlay
<infinisil> (jetbrains does get recursed into though, not sure why you can't find the packages, I can find them)
<tilpner> infinisil - I wanted local-nur.modules.* to evaluate to an empty module, as an eval-time optimisation (because eval here is two stages). Now I just pass the full local-nur for both stages, which is a little slower, but I'll manage. It was mostly a "I wonder if this is possible" question
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43896 → znc: 1.7.0 -> 1.7.1 → https://git.io/fNWKr
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNW6s
<d1rewolf> infinisil, what query do you use when you see them?
<infinisil> tilpner: I don't quiet get what you mean, but nevemind ;P
<infinisil> d1rewolf: nix-env -qaP | fzf
<infinisil> And I have allowUnfree = true in my config.nix
<infinisil> > jetbrains.pycharm.meta.license.unfree
<{^_^}> attribute 'pycharm' missing, at (string):162:1
<infinisil> > jetbrains.pycharm-community.meta.license.unfree
<{^_^}> attribute 'unfree' missing, at (string):162:1
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<infinisil> > jetbrains.pycharm-community.meta.license.free
<{^_^}> attribute 'free' missing, at (string):162:1
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<infinisil> Damnit
<infinisil> I guess it is not unfree
<Dezgeg> > jetbrains.pycharm-community.meta.license
<{^_^}> { fullName = "Apache License 2.0"; shortName = "asl20"; spdxId = "Apache-2.0"; url = <CODE>; }
<infinisil> Ah
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43807 → postman: fix icon not found → https://git.io/fNn2C
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNW6X
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43898 → toot: 0.18.0 -> 0.19.0 → https://git.io/fNW6D
<{^_^}> [nix] @volth opened pull request #2303 → parser.y: fix assoc of -> and < > <= >= → https://git.io/fNW6H
<d1rewolf> infinisil, I have unfree enabled as well :-/
<infinisil> What's nix-info output?
<d1rewolf> infinisil, interestingly, "nix-env -qaP | grep jetbrains" finds them. "nix-env -qaP ".*jetbrains.*" doesn't
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43861 → elvish: 0.11 -> 0.12 → https://git.io/fNCjB
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNW6A
<infinisil> Oh
<infinisil> Right
<infinisil> The regex thing is something conceptually totally different
<Mic92> d1rewolf: nix search jetbrains ?
<infinisil> The regex search uses derivation names, which are not the same as attr paths (as output by -P)
<infinisil> (-P outputs attr names on the left, derivation names on the right)
<d1rewolf> Mic92, yeah, that seems to work, although "nix search" is new to me. I've been told to use nix-env -qaP by others
<Mic92> d1rewolf: the nix command was added with nix 2.0
<d1rewolf> infinisil, ah, so it's matching the regex against names and not attributes.
<infinisil> Yeah
<d1rewolf> Mic92, ah, k. thanks
<infinisil> I never used the regex thing because it sucks imo
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<d1rewolf> infinisil, fzf seems well equipped
<infinisil> I'd recommend nix search or `nix-env -qaP | fzf`
<infinisil> But actually I always just rg the nixpkgs tree for stuff :P
<d1rewolf> sphalerite, and now I'm back with i3. I select a window, and press $mod+s, but it stacks the parent. /me scratches head
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<stratact> jD91mZM2: o/
<jD91mZM2> \o
<poapoa> Heya, trying my luck here - there was a repo that installed nixos alongside existing distro with an option to revert, but I can't remember it's name...
<stratact> Hi, what's the recommended way to update packages through nix? I'm using the nix package manager on gentoo.
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<jD91mZM2> There was something about nix-env -u updating using names instead of attributes, but I can't find it
<infinisil> poapoa: https://github.com/elitak/nixos-infect and there's another one I forgot the name of
<tilpner> poapoa - Could be https://github.com/jeaye/nixos-in-place , but I don't know how easy it is to revert
<infinisil> Oh yeah that one ^^
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<poapoa> Nisu! I think it's `infect`. Many thanks!
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<sphalerite> d1rewolf: try doing $mod+h or $mod+v first
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<sphalerite> d1rewolf: basically $mod+e and $mod+s and $mod+w all go up the tree a step to find a container to change the type of
<sphalerite> while $mod+h and $mod+v take the current window and put it in a *new* container
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43863 → [bot] nixos/*: remove unused arguments in lambdas → https://git.io/fNWT9
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWi0
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43899 → tlaplusToolbox: 1.5.6 -> 1.5.7 → https://git.io/fNWiu
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43776 → xfce4-13.mousepad: 0.4.0 -> 0.4.1 → https://git.io/fNZbK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWiV
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh opened pull request #43900 → php: get rid of composableDerivation → https://git.io/fNWiy
<sphalerite> stratact: nix-env -u will update packages in your user env to the latest versions (after updating your package info using nix-channel --update), but doesn't work well for all cases
<sphalerite> ,-A
<{^_^}> You'll usually want to use nix-env -i with -A. It's faster and more precise. See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/nix-env_-iA for details.
<sphalerite> ^ also mentions why nix-env -u might not work for you and what you might want to use instead
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<stratact> gotcha, thanks guys
<d1rewolf> sphalerite, interesting. so you always have to vsplit or hsplit first?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @periklis opened pull request #43901 → orgit: add git to native build inputs → https://git.io/fNWPf
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<sphalerite> d1rewolf: I think so. Unless `split tabbed` is a thing
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43826 → mattermost: 5.0.0 -> 5.1.0 → https://git.io/fNcW7
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWPZ
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43902 → tiled: 1.1.5 -> 1.1.6 → https://git.io/fNWPB
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<sphalerite> I want to add a method to FSAccessor in nix/src/libutil/fs-accessor.hh for fully resolving symlinks. I'm not sure how to return the various possible results though — there's either A, a final store path, B, a final path outside the store, or C, a loop. Anybody who knows C++ and nix's C++ style who could suggest the best way to do this?
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<sphalerite> (also posted to #nixos-dev)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @averelld opened pull request #43903 → fix pidgin-with-plugins build → https://git.io/fNWPw
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43904 → wireshark-gtk: 2.6.1 -> 2.6.2 → https://git.io/fNWPD
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<clever> sphalerite: splits exists within a tab on vim, so each tab has its own split layout
<sphalerite> clever: we were talking about i3
<clever> ah
<ghasshee> Does anyone know how to include libudev.h in a formal way ?
<ghasshee> I could figure out with locate but are there any variables to include libudev ?
<clever> ghasshee: i believe you just add libudev to the buildInputs and then #include <libudev.h>
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<sphalerite> ghasshee: for building stuff in nix what clever said will be enough. On non-nix systems you'll probably need to do some pkg-config stuff or something
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<mjrosenb> Is there a channel for haskell on nixos?
<mjrosenb> or, I guess in this case, nixpkgs
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<sphalerite> mjrosenb: this one ;)
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<ghasshee> clever: sphalerite: Thank you! I confused since I could not find it with `nix-env -qa '.*udev.*'`, and how to find it ?
<mjrosenb> so, I used cabal2nix to generate default.nix, then wrote test.nix which instantiated it, overriding some annoying stuff with heist. I ran nix-shell test.nix, got a shell, but now cabal build fails because it is missing a bunch of deps.
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<sphalerite> ghasshee: it's provided by systemd
<clever> mjrosenb: use nix-shell test.net -A env
<sphalerite> ghasshee: also, `nix search` is a lot nicer to use than nix-env -qa :)
<mjrosenb> well, I used nix-shell test.ni -A project, since that was the name of the thing where the output of default.nix was bundled.
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<ghasshee> sphalerite: wow, that is really nice!
<clever> mjrosenb: then you want nix-shell -A project.env
<ghasshee> Oh my, I wrote `buildINput` (with Capital N) in my shell.nix (funny
<mjrosenb> clever: ahh. danke.
<sphalerite> clever: any idea on my earlier nix C++ question maybe?
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<sphalerite> (why can't C++ just have easy tagged unions…)
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<clever> sphalerite: id just make a struct with a enum and union, or maybe a std::pair?
<clever> but thats kind of ugly also
<mjrosenb> whooo! it got further!
<mjrosenb> but nix installed a newer version of the package than the .cabal file wants
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bhipple opened pull request #43905 → pythonPackages.plaid-python: 2.3.0 -> 2.3.3 → https://git.io/fNWXi
<clever> mjrosenb: by default, nix ignores the versions in the cabal file
<clever> mjrosenb: the simplest thing is to run haskell.lib.doJailbreak over it, or just remove them from the cabal file
<clever> or adjust them to include nix's version
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<mjrosenb> clever: that may have worked this time. If the package doesn't work with the new version at all, do I have any recourse other than to upgrade thw project I'm trying to build?
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<clever> mjrosenb: you can add a package override to your test.nix to change the version of the other package
<mjrosenb> that is good to hear.
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<zduch4c> hullo
<tenten8401> Anyone know if there's a good way to manipulate a .nix file from the command line?
<tenten8401> for instance, changing or adding values to it
<tilpner> ed c.c
<zduch4c> when launching eolie, I get an error: ```ValueError: Namespace GtkSpell not available```. this is obviously because of a missing dependency, but there is no such package (python-gtkspell) in NixOS repos
<tenten8401> ed doesn't have actual parsing as far as I'm aware
<zduch4c> im not sure if a broken pacakge could land in stable repos, so this might be some other problem
<tilpner> tenten8401 - You were just asking about editing the text, not semantic editing support
<tenten8401> zduch4c: there's gtkspell2 and 3 as packages
<tilpner> tenten8401 - Consider manipulating JSON, importing that from your .nix, acting depending on imported value
<tilpner> JSON is easier to manipulate than Nix
<tilpner> If you really need to, look at hnix or Nix plugins
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<zduch4c> tenten8401: yes, I have tried installing them but it doesn't work still, there must be a python-gtkspell package or maybe its some other reason
<tenten8401> is there a way to convert Nix to JSON or would I have to make a configuration that parses the json and does it's thing?
<tilpner> > builtins.toJSON config
<{^_^}> "{\"allowUnfree\":true}"
<tenten8401> hmm... I might be able to work with that
<zduch4c> so... anyone have any lue?
<zduch4c> *clue
<tilpner> > builtins.fromJSON "{\"allowUnfree\":true}"
<{^_^}> { allowUnfree = true; }
<sphalerite> tenten8401: functions can't be serialised into json though
<tilpner> Which is probably okay
<sphalerite> tenten8401: your best bet if you want something properly powerful and reliable is probably hnix
<joepie91> [18:54] <sphalerite> tenten8401: functions can't be serialised into json though
<sphalerite> but yeah if you just need to manipulate plain data JSON is probably easiest :)
<joepie91> challenge accepted? :D
<sphalerite> joepie91: ok ok they can't be serialised trivially
<sphalerite> :p
<joepie91> hehe
<tenten8401> I was thinking of making a program that could manipulate a configuration.nix from a GUI of some sorts, would hnix be my best option for something like that or would exporting to json probably work alright?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43906 → subversion_1_10: 1.10.0 -> 1.10.2 → https://git.io/fNW1Z
* joepie91 has been considering a similar thing
<zduch4c> the only thing I can see about this is in some french site
<zduch4c> "Il manquait une dépendance dans le paquet."
<joepie91> tenten8401: so, there's one other option... depending on your requirements...
<zduch4c> from my broken french this seems to mean "missing dependency"
<joepie91> one sec
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<tilpner> tenten8401 - What would be the intended usage of such a program?
<joepie91> tenten8401: this does some JS-to-Nix stuff, and I *believe* that it can also produce valid Nix source code from a structure declared in JS: https://www.npmjs.com/package/nijs -- however, afaik it has no Nix *parsing* capabilities, so it'd only work one-way
<tilpner> (I believe there's better options for all usecases I can imagine)
<tenten8401> tilpner: I don't quite know yet, but I was imagining it as like a YaST type thing for NixOS (YaST is from openSuse)
<sphalerite> zduch4c: yep seems like the packaging is wrong
<sphalerite> hang on
<tilpner> tenten8401 - Your goal is graphically editing a NixOS configuration. The big question is, if the resulting configuration should be ready to be taken over for manual editing when the user becomes comfortable enough with Nix
<tenten8401> joepie91: very interesting but it looks like development may be halted
<tenten8401> tilpner: I'd hope so eventually, either that or just having a section for the user to edit their own custom nix statements
<joepie91> I feel like the merging logic in nixpkgs would accommodate that pretty well
<tilpner> tenten8401 - You can go a very long way with just { config = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./config.json); }
<joepie91> by storing generated configuration separately
<joepie91> and just merging that low-prio with custom Nix config on top
<tenten8401> tilpner: yeah, I feel like the json route would be the way to go for something like this
<sphalerite> zduch4c: it seems that this bug has been fixed on master already, so you can install a working eolie with `nix-env -f channel:nixos-unstable -iA eolie`
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<joepie91> ie. there does not need to be a hard cut-off between 'use GUI' and 'write Nix yourself'
<tilpner> tenten8401 - I have thought about this too (and would be interested in further discussion/updates). One approach would be writing profiles and just managing imports from a GUI
<zduch4c> sphalerite: can I install unstable packages declaratively? like in users.users.<>.packages?
<zduch4c> also, if a package is broken, shouldn't this be also pushed to stable?
<sphalerite> zduch4c: yes, although it's a bit fiddly
<sphalerite> and yes, it should
<tenten8401> tilpner: as in making a bunch of JSON configs and managing the imports through the GUI?
<tilpner> tenten8401 - No, hand-writing various Nix modules, and managing the imports in a sensible manner (mutually-exlusive sets, optional ones, at-least-one-of-these sets) from a GUI
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<borodust> hi!
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #43907 → far2l: 2018-02-27 -> 2018-07-19 → https://git.io/fNW1X
<borodust> damn, just when i joined nixos-install unstuck
<borodust> i guess i should have joined earlier
<tenten8401> ahh, so doing a GUI managed basic JSON file, but then allowing users to import their own hand-written configs?
<sphalerite> zduch4c: jtojnar seems to have fixed it in fefbcbc55018e01a4a167dc465941930bb5c55fe
<tenten8401> or making the GUI manage hand-written modules exclusively?
<sphalerite> jtojnar: could you backport that to 18.03?
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<sphalerite> hm maybe since it's a browser the version bump (a276404d44bf6b5c11dc17621bfedfa7d6e8ab9c) should be backported too
<infinisil> borodust: Well it might just have unstuck *because* you joined!
<sphalerite> borodust: 😆
<sphalerite> borodust: this is a good place to be even if your nixos-install isn't stuck though ;)
<tilpner> tenten8401 - I don't think that's what I meant, but I don't want to clutter this channel with prolonged dicussion
<borodust> infinisil: yeah, my conclusion exactly ;p
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<sphalerite> why is ghc so enormous to build D:
<sphalerite> It's been at it for just over 48h now
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<sphalerite> tilpner: this is a fine place to disccuss it IMHO, plus I'm interested
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43838 → gtk-doc: support python3 → https://git.io/fNcxq
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWMv
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<tenten8401> is there a command to locally evaluate what a .toJSON would output? like whatever command the bot is running when using >
<tilpner> tenten8401 - nix repl
<samueldr> to start with with nixpkgs, `nix repl <nixpkgs>`
<tenten8401> ah I've been trying nix eval
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43906 → subversion_1_10: 1.10.0 -> 1.10.2 → https://git.io/fNW1Z
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWMf
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43908 → sidplayfp: 1.4.3 -> 1.4.4 → https://git.io/fNWMJ
<TheBrayn> is there no vim mode for the nixos config on the livecd?
<tilpner> tenten8401 - nix-instantiate --eval -E 'builtins.toJSON { foo.bar = 42; }' works too
<samueldr> (you may need to use '<nixpkgs>' otherwise bash will want to redirect stuff)
<tenten8401> yeah, zsh was having issues if I didn't put quotes around it
<tenten8401> repl is exactly what I was looking for, thanks
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<sphalerite> TheBrayn: no, but that would be nice to have!
<sphalerite> I might just make a PR for that :D
<TheBrayn> I'll check if there is an issue for that or a pr
<TheBrayn> can do
<sphalerite> or yeah if you can make it
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<takeda> is there a way for me to either get the original source directory or copy source to temporary mutable place. Basically before performing a build I need to cwd to the location and run script to obtain parameters, but it's possible that this script might download some dependencies and store them in CWD :(
<manveru> takeda: the original source directory of what?
<manveru> in a derivation?
<takeda> source code, I'm writing nix expression for python packaging that is extracting information from setup.py and creates derivation for python package
<manveru> for that i usually do something along the lines of `mkdir -p $out/tmp; cp -r $src $out/tmp; chmod -R +w $out/tmp; do_stuff; rm -rf $out/tmp`
<manveru> not pretty, but it works
<takeda> I have issues when setuptools_scm is used that gets package version through git describe
<manveru> even with fetchGit?
<Orbstheorem> Does anyone have a ctags grammar for the nix language?
<Orbstheorem> s/have/has
<clever> manveru: fetchGit deletes .git
<manveru> then fetchgit?
<manveru> one of those had an option to keep the .git
<Orbstheorem> I asked on universal-ctags, but still no answer :( https://github.com/universal-ctags/ctags/issues/261
<{^_^}> universal-ctags/ctags#261 (by blueyed, open): Support for the Nix expression language (Nix / NixOS)
<takeda> I also want to run it in local checked out directory
<clever> pkgs.fetchGit has the option, but it can cause problems
<manveru> though i think it wasn't deterministic
<juhe1> Is there a way to automagically copy already built closures from other machine over ssh specified on command line while runing nixos-rebuild command? I do not want to modify configuration.nix since there's not plan to do this very often. But sometimes it can be handy...
<manveru> juhe1: you can specify substituters
<takeda> "mkdir -p $out/tmp; cp -r $src $out/tmp; chmod -R +w $out/tmp; do_stuff; rm -rf $out/tmp" <- I guess this would work, but there's no nicer way?
<manveru> takeda: any nicer way would do the same thing, so i guess not
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @WilliButz opened pull request #43909 → nvtop: init at 0.2.2 → https://git.io/fNWMX
<takeda> manveru: good point :)
<manveru> you can't make $src writable because it's in the nix store
<manveru> and you can only write to $out...
<manveru> so yeah :)
<takeda> I see
<clever> the patchPhase runs after the stdenv has copied (and unpacked) $src to the working directory
<clever> and that allows you to patch the unpacked copy of the source before the configurePhase runs
<manveru> hmm
<manveru> so prePatch?
<clever> that also works
<manveru> i forgot about that :D
<manveru> clever++
<{^_^}> clever's karma got increased to 13
<takeda> clever: what I'm trying to do though is to generate derivation automatically by obtaining data from setup.py so that's even before derivation even exists
<clever> takeda: something like pypi2nix?
<clever> > pkgs.pypi2nix.meta.description
<{^_^}> "A tool that generates nix expressions for your python packages, so you don't have to."
<tilpner> tenten8401 - Oh, and there's this as an earlier attempt: https://github.com/matejc/nixui#screenshots
<tenten8401> does anyone know why it's trying to download a NixOS 16.09 image when I deploy from NixOps to virtualbox?
<takeda> clever: I'm writing my own, because I believe it can be done better :)
<tenten8401> tilpner: that's interesting
<clever> takeda: your tool will need to fetch the source and parse it as it generates the derivation
<tilpner> tenten8401 - The source confirms it's downloading 16.09. That may be just because nobody updated it though
<tilpner> (And there's file listing on the web server, so hard to tell what other vmdks are accessible, if any)
<tilpner> *no file listing
<FRidh> takeda: will you monkeypatch `setup` to retrieve the values that are passed in?
<takeda> clever: so far I didn't need to fetch the code, just communicate with PyPI to get extra information, the nix would be fetcing and parsing the code during building
<FRidh> or statically?
<nh2> man nix-store shows `nix-store --add-root /home/eelco/bla/result --indirect -r ` but `-r` isn't documented. What does it do?
<takeda> FRidh: there's setup.cfg which python seems to be moving toward which makes things so much better because it is deterministic, but setup.py has hooks to obtain information from it as well
<FRidh> takeda: setup.cfg is indeed easier, but way too few packages are using it
<takeda> yeah, the other method should work on any package that uses setuptools/distutils
<FRidh> the only way really is to execute python setup.py or you'll miss far too many requirements
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<takeda> FRidh: that's what I'm doing, but there are hooks that you can execute it without doing installation and obtain Distribution object where you can get information
<FRidh> Ah, right, nice.
<takeda> anyway once I have something that works well I will open source it
<samueldr> nh2: isn't it --realise?
<nh2> samueldr: oops you are right, my grep skills are poor today
<samueldr> :)
<nh2> thanks!
<clever> nix-store {--realise | -r} paths... [--dry-run]
<clever> the nix man pages can be a bit confusing
<samueldr> I don't blame you, I would lobby for NO SHORT FLAGS in man pages
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43908 → sidplayfp: 1.4.3 -> 1.4.4 → https://git.io/fNWMJ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWDf
<samueldr> (that's even worse considering how they elided the argument to -r)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43902 → tiled: 1.1.5 -> 1.1.6 → https://git.io/fNWPB
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWDU
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<nh2> clever: yeah I grepped for ' -r '
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43904 → wireshark-gtk: 2.6.1 -> 2.6.2 → https://git.io/fNWPD
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWDT
<zduch4c> we need ya jtojnar
<jtojnar> zduch4c: okay, am here
<zduch4c> [19:07] <sphalerite> jtojnar: could you backport that (fefbcbc55018e01a4a167dc465941930bb5c55fe) to 18.03?
<TheBrayn> I really like that the neo layout is included with the livecd
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @volth opened pull request #362 → libudev -> udev → https://git.io/fNWD8
<{^_^}> #41798 (by Izorkin, open): ssh: add crypto options
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 190 commits to staging-next: https://git.io/fNWDB
<clever> sphalerite: ok, something very fishy is going on with my desktop....
<clever> lately, nixos has been having a lot of overheating problems, going into thermal shutdown repeatedly
<clever> i powered up the motherboard monitoring software, and found that the cpu is drawing over 80 amps
<clever> without a baseline, i just assumed that was normal, it matches up with the watt rating and the voltage in the same util
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<clever> windows is pulling 10 amps at max load on all 8 cores...
<dejanr_> hi anyone using libvirt, and managed to passtrough gpu, when i use OVMF i only get UEFI shell, it want boot from drive or iso
<dejanr_> i was trying for few weeks now to setup gpu passtrough for windows, and its not working, always getting nvidia error 43 in windows guest
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<clever> dejanr_: ive had a lot of trouble getting gpu passthru to work, i had to use a special linux param to entirely blacklist linux from touching the pci device, which meant you dont even get a text console to login at
<clever> dejanr_: and even then, windows can only use the card once per boot, then the host has to do a full powercycle
<dejanr_> clever: i made that work, my second gpu has pci-vfio kernel driver loaded
<clever> so even with a linux host, your uptime is bounded by the stability of windows
<dhess> 80 amps? That can't be. That's more than an arc welder draws.
<dhess> not to residential mention circuit breakers max out at 20A, unless it's for a washer/dryer
<clever> dejanr_: its a 125 watt cpu, running at 0.8 volts right now
<clever> dhess: remember, this is 80 amps at about ~1 volt
<clever> 80 amps at 1v is very different from 80 amps at 120v
<clever> hmmm, its only at 0.86 volts on windows...
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<dhess> ohhhh I thought you were measuring this at the power supply :)
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<clever> dhess: the motherboard has some monitoring software that runs over usb, and lets me monitor the cpu amps, many voltages, fan speeds, and temps
<infinisil> Is there a symlinkJoin that warns when there are collisions?
<clever> infinisil: and buildEnv wont do?
<infinisil> Ohhhh
<clever> dhess: and you can remotely change the clock freqs
<infinisil> Thanks
<infinisil> clever: Oh actually, I need to link all files, not just specific dirs
<clever> dhess: heh, during shutdown it rises to 1.3 volts on the cpu
<clever> infinisil: buildEnv links everything by default
<infinisil> Ohhh, `pathsToLink ? ["/"]`
<infinisil> I see
<clever> infinisil: if only one thing provides a given directory, it links the directory, if 2 things provide a dir, it creates one, and links all of its contents
<infinisil> Yeah that's perfect
<takeda> clever: runCommand's $out is just a single file, is there a way to get a directory instead?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43901 → orgit: add git to native build inputs → https://git.io/fNWPf
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWDj
<clever> takeda: mkdir $out
<takeda> ah so I need to create it
<takeda> cool
<TheBrayn> does dualbooting windows work well with systemd-boot or do I need grub for that?
<jD91mZM2> I am dual booting windows without issues
<jD91mZM2> Automatically detects it as well
<clever> dhess: https://i.imgur.com/HmSZ1hu.png strange, windows idles at 0.86 volts, linux jumps up and down a lot
<dhess> which governor are you using?
<dejanr_> clever: i got mysel hp z820 20 cores, 2 gpus, a lot of ram and drives, i though with gpu passtrough i would finally have a great setup
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<clever> dhess: look at this insanity! https://i.imgur.com/piR9KwZ.png
<clever> dhess: thats from running `stress -c 8`
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<clever> dhess: and the cpu doesnt support dynamic clocking, so its always running at full clock
<clever> dhess: and measuring at the wall, it draws 100 watts more then cinebench in windows maxing it out
<dhess> These screenshots, this is some kind of remote monitoring software that runs on Windows and is talking to your Linux machine's motherboard?
<clever> dhess: yep
<dhess> oh over USB
<dhess> wow that is funky
<samueldr> (that's cool)
<dhess> that is pretty cool
<clever> it can also remotely under/over clock the motherboard
<samueldr> clever: same board which has that bios flashing thing via usb if it fails?
<clever> but underclocking has caused pulseaudio to hang
<clever> samueldr: yep
<clever> crosshair v formula-z motherboard
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<dhess> clever: what if you boot into the NixOS installer or some other kind of minimal distro, do you see the same CPU behavior?
<clever> dhess: i see similar spikes of up to 70 amps before the bios has even initialized the gpu, and when sitting idle at grub
<dhess> some kind of rescue ISO or something where there are very few processes running
<clever> dhess: the only thing running in linux right now is my vpn and synergy
<clever> %Cpu(s): 0.2 us, 0.2 sy, 0.0 ni, 99.6 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st
<clever> its under 10 amps at idle, but the voltage is jumping up&down a lot
<clever> windows refused to leave the low voltage, even at max load
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<mconstant> anybody else have trouble connecting to Starbucks wifi?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43864 → write_stylus: add desktop icon → https://git.io/fNWmc
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed commit from @oyren to master « write_stylus: add desktop icon (#43864) »: https://git.io/fNWyW
<zduch4c> whatcha using mconstant
<clever> dhess: giving this a try: nixos-rebuild boot -I nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels-62-link/nixos/
<clever> dhess: thats back from early june
<zduch4c> networkmanager, wpa_supplicant
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed to staging-next « fix Merge 8213ff161c461655aaff7d43984384dbca64b312 »: https://git.io/fNWyR
<mconstant> I'm not sure... will check the configuration.nix
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<dhess> clever: maybe also try disable ACPI from the kernel boot command line?
<mconstant> networkmanager
<clever> dhess: ok, build a downgrade to nixos-18.09pre140958.696c6bed4e8, though it may not be old enough...
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<mconstant> opening Firefox and clicking Open Network Login Page tries to go to a couple urls
<mconstant> first is a
<clever> dhess: chat logs show i started to have cpu overheat problems around june 10th, the above is june 6ths's nix-channel --update
<mconstant> https://sbux-portal with a whole bunch of parameters including the essid and the ip
<jtojnar> zduch4c: I cannot even test the backport
<jtojnar> the number of packages to download is enormous and I do not have enough free space
<clever> dhess: yeah, above channel still spikes to 80 amps
<zduch4c> lol jtojnar
<zduch4c> jtojnar: well it has something to do with python gtkspell in stable
<zduch4c> at least thats the error I get when running eolie
<jtojnar> zduch4c: I think you just need to add gobjectIntrospection for its setup hook
<juhe1> Hm, I run nix build, then ctrl+c, but nix-daemon still builds, is there a way to tell it to stop building?
<zduch4c> jtojnar: any way to test that out quickly? I'm not to keen on nix packaging, but I could test it for you
<clever> juhe1: is nix-daemon actually building?, check `ps -eH x` closely
<juhe1> clever: yes, it builds...
<clever> juhe1: strange, because it should be stopping
<clever> juhe1: can you pastebin the output of `ps -eH x` after you ctrl+c the build?
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<juhe1> clever: maybe it tries to finish the started build? Sure, give me minute...
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<jtojnar> zduch4c: this should work `nix build -f https://github.com/jtojnar/nixpkgs/archive/eolie-backport.tar.gz eolie`
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<zduch4c> jtojnar: still the same error https://i.imgur.com/1qPuxyy.png
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<infinisil> When I set `src = ./path/to/some/file.nix`, mkDerivation fails, because it doesn't know how to unpack it
<infinisil> Can I make it work regardless? unpack it if possible but don't do anything if that doesn't work?
<clever> infinisil: why is the src another nix file?
<infinisil> Well it's actually a .sh file
<infinisil> Just used the first extension that came to my mind :P
<clever> juhe1: what is process 20938?
<clever> infinisil: youll want to replace the default unpackPhase then, or just switch to runCommand
<infinisil> Hmm, I'll want to get the default unpack phase
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<infinisil> Oh, I guess I could runHook or so
<mconstant> zduch4c: still no luck. apparently sbux hates Linux
<clever> infinisil: the default unpackPhase only works for tars, zips, and directories, it wont know what to do with a file
<infinisil> Yeah, but I could || true it
<infinisil> So it hopefully won't fail
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<zduch4c> mconstant: it really should work, networkmanager should just make everythign work by default, it's probably fault on starbucks end
<clever> infinisil: what are you trying to actually do?
<zduch4c> hell they might be blocking any non-macintosh computers ;)_
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<jtojnar> zduch4c: will also need 79092439ca6a243e609319a0cf3514b5c4551c9d
<infinisil> clever: make a function that takes a source as input and have it extract all files of a certain extension to $out. It should also support a single file (source = ./path/to/file), to be put into $out/file
<infinisil> I have the extract part done by using $src
<zduch4c> jtojnar: hm?
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<clever> infinisil: then youll want a custom unpackPhase that will check $src, and decide if it should copy it directly, or run the original unpackPhase and filter it
<infinisil> Yeah makes sense, original unpack phase where?
<juhe1> clever: no such process runs... "ps ax | grep 20938" returns only the line with "20944 ? Ss 0:42 nix-daemon 20938"
<clever> juhe1: sounds like a bug in nix then, it should have terminated that process automatically
<juhe1> clever: ok, I'd guess the 20938 was the nix build command
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<jtojnar> zduch4c: gah, I hate release branch, as if weekends need more merge conflicts
<jtojnar> zduch4c: try now
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat pushed 4 commits to staging: https://git.io/fNWSW
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat merged pull request #43741 → pciutils: 3.6.0 -> 3.6.1 → https://git.io/fNZOo
<zduch4c> yup jtojnar, it does work now
<jtojnar> cool, I will push it
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed to release-18.03 « eolie: fix build »: https://git.io/fNWSR
<zduch4c> there's also an issue (at least for nvidia users) with webkitgtk not rendering anything, though this is probably more of a webkitgtk issue than a nix issue
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed to release-18.03 « gtkspell3: add gir »: https://git.io/fNWSz
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<jtojnar> zduch4c: yep, I think we have an issue open for that
<zduch4c> thats probably the biggest bummer, I'd use eolie/epiphany if not for that. i have to use chromium :~(
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<clever> dhess: trying nixos-18.03.git.d6c6c7f ...
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<zduch4c> jtojnar: whats funny is, i can easily see tabs rendered in the tab list of eolie, they dont show up in the main window though
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<jtojnar> zduch4c: IIRC it was possible to "fix" this by setting some environment variable
<jtojnar> to disable hardware compositioning or something
<zduch4c> yeah
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<clever> dhess: nixos-18.03 still fails
<{^_^}> #32580 (by etu, open): [WebkitGTK/NVIDIA] Epiphany sometimes doesn't display websites
<zduch4c> here's what eolie has to say when opening google.com and not rendering it: Cannot create EGL window surface: EGL_BAD_MATCH
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<zduch4c> and yeah, the switch does 'fix' everything
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<adelbertc> sphalerite: thanks for helping me w/ the docker issue a couple days ago - we found out what was causing it. this seems to fix it https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/38837 - our theory is since we were on a nixpkgs revision before that change, and because it's possible the docker daemon(s) in our k8s cluster run as non-root, when it untar's it untar's with the default umask which may have had insufficient permissions
<{^_^}> #38837 (by eonpatapon, merged): dockerTools.buildImage: add /nix/store with correct permissions
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<adelbertc> (since the ./nix entry was missing)
<juhe1> clever: btw, it is nix-2.0.2 version, and I am unable reproduce that issue anymore/yet
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43912 → powershell: 6.0.2 -> 6.0.3 → https://git.io/fNW97
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43913 → picard-tools: 2.18.9 -> 2.18.10 → https://git.io/fNWHL
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43914 → peru: 1.1.3 -> 1.1.4 → https://git.io/fNWHB
<TheBrayn> why is ruby 2.5.x not the default version for the ruby package?
<manveru> on unstable?
<TheBrayn> oh, I see
<manveru> we can probably bump it...
<TheBrayn> how stable is unstable?
<manveru> it's also 2.4 on unstable :)
<TheBrayn> is it mostly for developers like fedora rawhide or mostly just fine?
<manveru> i'm using 18.03 for my OS and unstable for projects
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43915 → poppler_utils: 0.66.0 -> 0.67.0 → https://git.io/fNWHS
<manveru> in nix you can just mix whatever channels you like
<manveru> zimbatm: would you mind bumping ruby to 2.5?
<manveru> don't really have time to test it properly atm
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43916 → pspg: 1.1.1 -> 1.2.1 → https://git.io/fNWHN
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<juhe1> manveru: thanks for pointing out the substituters thingie, took me a while to find and understand the stuff around it but it was worth of the effort
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/fNWQm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #43224 → [staging] substitute(): --subst-var was silently coercing to "" if the variable does not exist. → https://git.io/fNvj6
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<tertle||eltret> anyone been able to unstall x2goserver on Nix?
<tertle||eltret> install
<tertle||eltret> are there any package types that work with nixos?
<tertle||eltret> liek debs?
<tilpner> There are some packages built from .debs, but it's not automatic
<tilpner> (Usage is, creation isn't)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43917 → proselint: 0.8.0 -> 0.9.0 → https://git.io/fNWQK
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43918 → passExtensions.pass-import: 2.2 -> 2.3 → https://git.io/fNWQd
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43919 → ocamlPackages.utop: 2.1.0 -> 2.2.0 → https://git.io/fNW7O
<TheBrayn> is it possible to output the current xorg config which has been generated?
<TheBrayn> I have an old config which I want to port over but I'm not sure if things look the same
<tilpner> TheBrayn - services.xserver.exportConfiguration
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<TheBrayn> thanks
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl merged pull request #43919 → ocamlPackages.utop: 2.1.0 -> 2.2.0 → https://git.io/fNW7O
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl pushed commit from R. RyanTM to master « ocamlPackages.utop: 2.1.0 -> 2.2.0 »: https://git.io/fNW74
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43920 → ola: 0.10.6 -> 0.10.7 → https://git.io/fNW7r
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/c7ac94bd0c9 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar pushed commit from @dezgeg to staging « binutils-wrapper: Try to avoid adding unnecessary -L flags »: https://git.io/fNW7Q
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43921 → opencollada: 1.6.62 -> 1.6.63 → https://git.io/fNW7F
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<TheBrayn> the tearing on nvidia is really terrible right now
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 merged pull request #43561 → stdenv: cleanup darwin bootstrapping → https://git.io/fNYT5
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/fNW7j
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<infinisil> samueldr: Can you log #nixos-nur as well? :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43922 → owncloud-client: 2.4.1 -> 2.4.2 → https://git.io/fNW5C
<clever> dhess: ok, it doesnt appear to be a "recent" problem in nixos, even nixos-17.09 exibits the problem
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<samueldr> infinisil: done
<infinisil> samueldr: Thanks :)
<infinisil> samueldr++
<{^_^}> samueldr's karma got increased to 8
<TheBrayn> how do I force the reinstallation of the files into the boot partition? I changed the device for the boot partition
<joepie91> TheBrayn: that *should* happen automatically on a rebuild
<joepie91> if not, that's a bug
<ldlework> what's a nixos package that would let me record my screen
<ldlework> to make a youtube video or whatever
<infinisil> ldlework: ffmpeg :P
<TheBrayn> joepie91: boot failed to unmount so the device could not be changed
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<joepie91> infinisil: xvidcap? dunno
<joepie91> TheBrayn: err, hum
<joepie91> not sure
<TheBrayn> but it looks like it doesn't even copy over any files if I change it
<infinisil> joepie91: I think you meant ldlework
<infinisil> ldlework: Here's a script I once adjusted from online: https://gist.github.com/Infinisil/64dead49b7bd1df79def7bc8bd348256
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<TheBrayn> I can recommend this: https://github.com/carnager/teiler
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<joepie91> infinisil: oops, yes, I keep reading it as Idlework rather than as ldlework
* ldlework writes down the name "joepie91" on a clipboard next to the number #182334
<ldlework> TheBrayn: cool now just make a nix package for it
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer closed pull request #43825 → haskell: remove unused LDFLAGS in generic-builder → https://git.io/fNcCx
<joepie91> lol ldlework
<joepie91> I feel like you must miss a lot of highlights though
<ldlework> joepie91: i have it set to highlight on idlework too
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #43890 → Mingw fixes → https://git.io/fNWww
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 9 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWdU
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43924 → pari: 2.9.5 -> 2.11.0 → https://git.io/fNWdk
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWdm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #43141 → Lua: define packages for 5.3.x; update lpeg module → https://git.io/fNvcF
<sphalerite> adelbertc: aaah ok good to know!
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #43905 → pythonPackages.plaid-python: 2.3.0 -> 2.3.3 → https://git.io/fNWXi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed commit from @bhipple to master « pythonPackages.plaid-python: 2.3.0 -> 2.3.3 (#43905) »: https://git.io/fNWdc
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43925 → neovim-unwrapped: 0.3.0 -> 0.3.1 → https://git.io/fNWdr
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed to staging « libffi: don't check on darwin »: https://git.io/fNWFq
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #43926 → "rm $out/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache" -> hicolor-icon-theme setup-hook → https://git.io/fNWFZ
<hlolli> Hi, I made a fetchClojar function made mostly with fetchMaven, I need to use it for another derivation later on. I want to create a PR for it, into which directory would it make sens to add a fetchClojar derivation to?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #43927 → xfce4-13.xfce4-battery-plugin: init at 1.1.0 → https://git.io/fNWFB
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<hlolli> I go for /pkgs/development/tools/clojure/fetchClojars.nix see what response I get in PR comments...
<tilpner> hlolli - pkgs/build-support would be more appropriate AFAICT
<hlolli> @tilpner thanks, there are all the fetchx derivations to be found, makes sense!
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43928 → mopidy-gmusic: 2.0.0 -> 3.0.0 → https://git.io/fNWF2
<hlolli> and the camel case is out of style...
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<fresheyeball> so I am in a bad spot
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<fresheyeball> for some reason any interaction with nix-shell results in "error: writing to file: Broken pipe"
<fresheyeball> as well as installing new packages with nix-env -i
<fresheyeball> I rebooted, am at a total loss
<selfsymmetric-mu> Hey #nixos. My system is completely freezing every day or so. Nothing shows up in `journalctl/dmesg`. I have an AMD processor which doesn't support `mcelog` so I can't use that. Memory checks pass with flying colors. How can I diagnose further?
<sphalerite> fresheyeball: that sounds scary
<sphalerite> fresheyeball: could you try `strace -o /tmp/trace nix-shell -p hello` and share the log?
<fresheyeball> sphalerite: I just want my nix back :(
<fresheyeball> error: writing to file: Broken pipe
<sphalerite> for running strace..?
<fresheyeball> yes
<`_> Hold on
<`_> fresheyeball: /tmp/trace will be the relevant log
<sphalerite> oh yeah that
<sphalerite> selfsymmetric-mu: did you leave the memory test running for 2 days or so?
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<fresheyeball> it blorks out a mess of dubstep or something
<sphalerite> fresheyeball: that mess of dubstep could be helpful for working out what the issue is :)
<sphalerite> so if you could make a gist of it or something
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<sphalerite> selfsymmetric-mu: has this started occurring recently?
<selfsymmetric-mu> sphalerite: I left it running overnight, no issues. It's been happening since the first day.
<`_> Huh, TIL linux runs on dubstep
<selfsymmetric-mu> This is a new build.
<selfsymmetric-mu> I'm considering whether I should replace the CPU/mobo to Intel. At least I can rule out CPU issues that way (and I'll have `mcelog`).
<fresheyeball> I can see the bass drop in this file, somewhere around line 1497
<sphalerite> fresheyeball: hm ok that's not helpful so far :/ could you try adding -f to the strace command (before nix-shell) and pasting all the /tmp/trace.* files?
<sphalerite> if there's more than one
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43929 → mercurialFull: 4.5.2 -> 4.6.2 → https://git.io/fNWbJ
<sphalerite> selfsymmetric-mu: I think MCE should work on AMD CPUs too…
<fresheyeball> strace: exec: Permission denied
<sphalerite> `strace -fo /tmp/trace nix-shell -p hello` says that?
<fresheyeball> wrong order
<fresheyeball> my bad
<sphalerite> err actually 2 fs
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @hlolli opened pull request #43930 → add fetchclojar → https://git.io/fNWbk
<sphalerite> otherwise it interleaves the traces from all the processes and that's blargh to read
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<selfsymmetric-mu> Well speak of the devil. That was another crash.
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<sphalerite> the joys!
<sphalerite> not sure you saw my message then: mce should work on AMD CPUs too AFAIU
<selfsymmetric-mu> I don't think that's true, but hold on, I'll install it real quick.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar merged pull request #43926 → "rm $out/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache" -> hicolor-icon-theme setup-hook → https://git.io/fNWFZ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/fNWb3
<tertle||eltret> so whats the standard 'make' program?
<tertle||eltret> is it automake?
<tertle||eltret> all this stuff is usually installed already lol
<sphalerite> tertle||eltret: gnumake. But you don't want to install it
<sphalerite> for the same reason as you don't install libraries
<sphalerite> ,library
<{^_^}> Don't install libraries through nix-env or systemPackages. See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/Libraries for details.
<selfsymmetric-mu> While I'm building that (sorry, I triggered a full rebuild-switch), what does it means when I get an error like `Specified group 'render' unknown`? I'm trying to eliminate my highest-priority errors in `journalctl` just in case.
<sphalerite> tldr: use `nix-shell -p` to get a shell with make and a C compiler etc
<tertle||eltret> oh ok
<fresheyeball> solved it!
<sphalerite> fresheyeball: what was it?
<tertle||eltret> whats the diff between a library and a binary? why shouldnt i install it?
<nh2> infinisil: I didn't realise you are at ETH. Did we meet?
<sphalerite> tertle||eltret: it probably won't work correctly for various reasons I'm not entirely familiar with
<tertle||eltret> oh i see
<tertle||eltret> i still have a bit to learn about this stuff
<tertle||eltret> might have to install again after a few months, .....or years :/
<sphalerite> well that's a nice thing about nixos, you don't really have to reinstall it :D
<infinisil> nh2: No idea, I don't really show myself when I don't have to lol
<sphalerite> because you don't get all the stateful cruft accumulating that you typically do with other distros
<tertle||eltret> well what do you do when you screw it up royally ?
<infinisil> nh2: And eth is big!
<nh2> infinisil: did you come to ZuriHac?
<fresheyeball> sphalerite: I had tried to add a server to my nix-cache via configuration.nix
<infinisil> nh2: I did not
<fresheyeball> and failed to do so
<sphalerite> tertle||eltret: you roll back the changes
<nh2> infinisil: or any of the HaskellerZ meetups?
<selfsymmetric-mu> sphalerite: Here is what I get when I run `mcelog` on my machine https://pastebin.com/raw/aW8ACnES
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<infinisil> nh2: Nope :)
<sphalerite> fresheyeball: ooooh damn that was oone of the first htings I thought of. But then immediately forgot again >_>
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<fresheyeball> but after switching with a bad setup in configuration.nix, where I had nix caches pointed wrong
<nh2> infinisil: you should come to the meetups, I'll buy you a pizza or beverage of your choice for your help :D
<fresheyeball> I was able to restore functionality by using `nixos-rebuild switch --rollback` to get a config from before I mucked about
<infinisil> nh2: Heh thanks, that might be something
<tertle||eltret> i want to build and package this one https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:installation:x2goserver
<sphalerite> selfsymmetric-mu: ah right. Is the edac_mce_amd module loaded? (lsmod | grep edac)
<selfsymmetric-mu> sphalerite: I have `edac_mce_amd` and `edac_core` loaded.
<sphalerite> ok
<selfsymmetric-mu> Hmm.
<selfsymmetric-mu> Wait maybe I'm reading this wrong.
<selfsymmetric-mu> The used-by count is 0.
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<selfsymmetric-mu> Does that mean that the modules are deactivated?
<sphalerite> no yes they are loaded
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<nh2> infinisil: next one is on Thursday, I can probably make it https://www.meetup.com/HaskellerZ/
<sphalerite> just not referenced by other modules
<selfsymmetric-mu> Ah, alright.
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<sphalerite> selfsymmetric-mu: another thing to consider is that being a fatal error this might not be caught in the journal
<infinisil> nh2: Oh god are you serious
<nh2> infinisil: sure thing!
<infinisil> nh2: "A Tour of Dependent Types with Idris"
<infinisil> I love idris
<infinisil> !
<selfsymmetric-mu> sphalerite: Yeah, that's certainly a good point. What's the best practice with this sort of thing then?
<nh2> infinisil: lots of nix users at the Haskeller meetup!
<sphalerite> selfsymmetric-mu: if you can get hold of a serial console on that machine that would be the best option
<selfsymmetric-mu> A serial console?
<sphalerite> selfsymmetric-mu: failing that, you might be able to get an error message on the screen if you're in a text console while it crashes
<selfsymmetric-mu> sphalerite: Oh I see...that's an interesting strategy.
<sphalerite> selfsymmetric-mu: yes, RS232, good old bits across a wire :p
<nh2> infinisil: also a significant amount of commercial nix users in case you're close to finishing at ETH and looking for a fun job
<selfsymmetric-mu> But simply having a text console wouldn't be sufficient, right? Surely I'd have to be running something?
<sphalerite> selfsymmetric-mu: well if you have to run something to trigger the crash, yes
<sphalerite> if it happens spontaneously, no
<sphalerite> the kernel will dump messages there
<infinisil> nh2: I am indeed close to finishing, but I really need to study now, otherwise I'm out :(
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl opened pull request #43931 → ocamlPackages.base: 0.11.0 -> 0.11.1 → https://git.io/fNWb2
<selfsymmetric-mu> Is that so! Excellent. Which text console would you recommend? Also, it's strange that it would succeed in rendering the text, but not in dumping the crash info.
<selfsymmetric-mu> Is there something other than `journalctl` that might record fatal errors?
<infinisil> nh2: I probably won't go this soon, but maybe at a later date, I am a person who pretty much exclusively spends time on his own at home lol
<sphalerite> well journald runs in user space
<selfsymmetric-mu> Probably a silly question, but is there a kernel space analog?
<sphalerite> and if stuff goes so horribly wrong it's best not to touch the disk any more to avoid catastrophic data loss or whatever
<nh2> infinisil: if you come to the meetup you will get a free dinner and save time from making dinner yourself so it's a good time investment ^^
<sphalerite> no persistent log I know of
<selfsymmetric-mu> sphalerite: Ah, I understand completely now, thank you.
<selfsymmetric-mu> So the kernel tries to be careful.
<nh2> infinisil: many of us there spend a lot of time at home, as there are many working-from-home people (me included)
<selfsymmetric-mu> But it leaves me in the dark, unfortunately.
<sphalerite> but yeah if you can connect another machine up to that machine's serial port that would be the best way to get some info
<sphalerite> even on modern machines without a proper serial port there's still usually a header on the motherboard
<sphalerite> of course you need appropriate hardware for it :/
<selfsymmetric-mu> sphalerite: I like that idea. I'll see if I can do that.
<infinisil> nh2: That does sound pretty interesting, hold on, let's go to #nixos-chat
<selfsymmetric-mu> SMa
<nh2> ah I didn't know about that channel
<selfsymmetric-mu> Maybe somebody's built a dongle that just reads serial-port dumps.
<tertle||eltret> make isnt in bash shell
<sphalerite> But for a start, with no extra hardware, you can try just switching to tty1 and waiting for it to crash again to see if anything interesting pops up there
<selfsymmetric-mu> sphalerite: Yeah. I'll try keeping my monitors on and unlocked. Leave them for a while in tty1..
<sphalerite> selfsymmetric-mu: there are USB-RS232 adapters out there. Not sure about how to connect that up to the header on a motherboard though, or what that header looks like for that matter
<selfsymmetric-mu> Yeah, it's not a great situation. I appreciate you talking to me about it.
<selfsymmetric-mu> Another thing is I've heard `rasdaemon` recommended, but I don't think there's a nix package for it.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43932 → rdkafka: 0.11.4 -> 0.11.5 → https://git.io/fNWbi
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<sphalerite> never heard of that, and yeah doesn't seem to be packaged
<selfsymmetric-mu> Another possible strategy. I have _almost_ the same NixOS configuration on my work machine. I might swap the drives for a day, see how that changes things.
<selfsymmetric-mu> That might help disambiguate configuration problems from hardware problems.
<sphalerite> yeah, although I doubt a config difference would cause this
<selfsymmetric-mu> sphalerite: So you do suspect a hardware issue?
<selfsymmetric-mu> That's your gut feeling, anyway?
<sphalerite> oh yeah, you could also check for store corruption with nix verify --all --no-trust
<sphalerite> yes
<selfsymmetric-mu> sphalerite: Do I run that as superuser?
<selfsymmetric-mu> as sudo, I mean?
<sphalerite> nah you don't need to
<selfsymmetric-mu> Okay, cool. Running that now.
<sphalerite> if there are any corrupted paths you will need root to repair them though, sudo nix-store --repair-path <path>
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar merged pull request #43868 → Drop geoclue1 & geoclue2: 2.4.8 → 2.4.10 → https://git.io/fNWZh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWby
<selfsymmetric-mu> Only one corrupted path. It's from something I installed pretty recently (Emacs PDF Tools) so that can't be it.
<selfsymmetric-mu> I'll fix it up anyway though. :)
<sphalerite> but yeah I suspect hardware or a kernel bug
<sphalerite> oh yeah, are you using the latest kernel? That might also be worth trying
<sphalerite> boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest;
<selfsymmetric-mu> I'll give that a shot, thank you.
<selfsymmetric-mu> So if I want to throw money at the problem, the CPU is a good bet, yeah?
<sphalerite> not without further information I'd say
<selfsymmetric-mu> Oh, boo, looks like I already tried `pkgs.linuxPackages_latest`. No dice.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl pushed commit from @wizeman to master « why3: 0.88.3 -> 1.0.0 »: https://git.io/fNWNe
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl closed pull request #43819 → why3: 0.88.3 -> 1.0.0 → https://git.io/fNce2
<sophiag> all nix commands are currently giving me "error: cannot start daemon worker: current Nix store schema is version 10, but I only support 7"
<selfsymmetric-mu> sphalerite: Thanks for the ideas. I'll keep investigating.
<sphalerite> sophiag: did you say you rolled back to a 16.09 install earlier today?
<sophiag> sphalerite: yes, i was just about to provide that explanation :p
<sophiag> i'm not sure about store schema versions, but i'm on 1.11.6, which presumably is too old for my current channels (18.03 and unstable)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43933 → libfilezilla: 0.12.3 -> 0.13.0 → https://git.io/fNWNY
<sphalerite> yeah… I think the way to go in this case is to run nix-store --dump-db on the old nix, then nix-store --load-db with the output from it
<sphalerite> s/old/new/
<sophiag> oh, nice
<sphalerite> or ideally just use the new nix…
<sphalerite> but, well.
<sophiag> i have something like the cap theorem with current versions of nixos, this laptop's graphics chips, and the actual packages i need :(
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jfrankenau opened pull request #43934 → mpd: add nfs and smb support → https://git.io/fNWNW
<sophiag> sphalerite: i think for where i'm at right now (and being cautious wrt to time on rebuilds that leave me with just xterm) i'd prefer just udpating packages from 18.03 and _not_ upgrading nixos. it seems your recommendation should do that?
<sophiag> modulo having bumped the stateVersion...
<sphalerite> well you shouldn't really bump the stateVersion at all
<sphalerite> ever
<sphalerite> in principle
<sophiag> yes, i was aware before i did it the first time yesterday
<sophiag> i figured it couldn't be more broken and just wasted a ton of time going down that route
<sphalerite> ah ok
<sphalerite> lol
<sophiag> it's relevant now, though, because i probably want to change it _back_ in order to ensure this build works
<sphalerite> idk at this point I don't know.
<sophiag> did you mean to say i need to boot from one of my half-broken newer builds in order to dump the nix-store schema?
<sphalerite> I don't think so, you should be able to use /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-xyz-link/sw/bin/nix-store
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<sophiag> oh, so i can just pick one of the newer builds i rolled back from and load the schema from that?
<sphalerite> yeah that should work I think
<sphalerite> you might need to unset NIX_REMOTE for it
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam opened pull request #43935 → ibm-plex: 0.5.3 -> 1.0.2 → https://git.io/fNWNr
<sophiag> my guess is it will crash if i rebuild switch without changing the stateVersion back
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<sphalerite> I don't think so
<sphalerite> I think it's only ever used in version comparisons
<sophiag> oh, so since i'm not upgrading it's fine? it has no effect on package verions?
<sphalerite> yeah
<sophiag> that seems ideal then
<sphalerite> I mean, if you had any postgres databases or something they might be hosed? idk, don't blame me if anything is horribly broken :p
<sophiag> ha. i don't think you need to give that disclaimer in here :)
<sphalerite> I was under the impression that you were taking responsibility for any disasters occurring, but I did prefer to make sure ;)
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<sophiag> i'm not sure i'd go that far. i'm more like job
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<sophiag> anyway, fyi i just found this gist telling me exactly what you just did: https://github.com/domenkozar/nix-cookbook/blob/master/source/faq.rst
<sphalerite> Job? The lawnmower man?
<sphalerite> \o/
<hodapp> wut
<sophiag> omg, no one ever gets my lawnmower man jokes!
<sophiag> but no, in this case i meant as in biblical :)
<sphalerite> :')
<sophiag> as root i'm being told "error: you don't have sufficient rights to use this command"
<sophiag> `nix-store --load-db`
<sphalerite> try it with NIX_REMOTE=local
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<sophiag> oh right, thanks
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<epta> I'm trying to apply release.nix approach by Gabriel Gonzalez for referencing local dependency, and got strange error 'liba- is unusable due to missing dependencies' https://github.com/Gabriel439/haskell-nix/issues/56
<{^_^}> Gabriel439/haskell-nix#56 (by dmalikov, open): Referencing source dependencies lead to shadowed dependency error
<sphalerite> right it's really time I got some sleep
<sphalerite> good luck sophiag!
<sophiag> thanks. i'm still getting the same error :/
<tertle||eltret> this is fun
<tertle||eltret> im install nvidia driver now
<sophiag> tertle||eltret: you're still at it :)
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<tertle||eltret> yeah ive wasted my whole weekend on this lol
<sophiag> welcome to SunkCostOS :D
<tertle||eltret> lol
<Jason_Grossman> sophiag++
<{^_^}> sophiag's karma got increased to 1
<tertle||eltret> tertle||eltret: ++
<{^_^}> tertle||eltret:'s karma got increased to 1
<epta> epta: ++
<{^_^}> epta:'s karma got increased to 1
<epta> nice
<epta> Any idea what this shadowed dependency error is about from the link above?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pinktrink opened pull request #43936 → jenkins: 2.107.3 -> 2.121.2 → https://git.io/fNWAL
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<tertle||eltret> andn it actually worked
<tertle||eltret> this OS is interesting
<tertle||eltret> i think ill keep it
<sophiag> nice
<sophiag> (at this point just the word "nvidia" is like a pavlovian trigger for me)
<tertle||eltret> lol
<tertle||eltret> u start foaming?
<sophiag> more like nauseated
<sophiag> i'm roughly at the bargaining stage i'd say
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<tertle||eltret> y?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam opened pull request #43937 → ia-writer-duospace: init at 20180721 → https://git.io/fNWAR
<sophiag> i'm mostly joking. ironically nvidia appears to not be my problem. it's way _more_ screwed up if i have services.xserver.videoDriver = "intel"
<sophiag> im
<sophiag> oops...pretty sure if i could just disable integrated i'd be fine
<joepie91> there's a thing you don't hear every day
<joepie91> :)
<sophiag> which part? most people i know using nixos seem to have one or the other disabled
<sophiag> bumblebee doesn't seem to work on all hardware. i suppose i could be hopeful about the optimus patch that was recently merged in 18.09
<sophiag> ah, here it is: issue #24711
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/24711 (by ghost, open): Nvidia, Bumblebee, Hybrid Graphics, Nothing Working on NixOS 17.03
<sophiag> if my builds weren't so slow now i'd try upgrading to 18.09 for that
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