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<rotaerk> Ralith, hmm, I just manually exported the result of XDG_DATA_DIRS="$XDG_DATA_DIRS:${vulkan-validation-layers}", particularly XDG_DATA_DIRS="$XDG_DATA_DIRS:/nix/store/5qvswpi28x8ipwzmbzd6nbpdh00dig0j-vulkan-validation-layers-"
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<rotaerk> and then I ran my program: /nix/store/jzwr760zj74ln6ig8bi5v8d9iwramh6v-vulkanTest-main- --shaderspath='/nix/store/msr9vb2x9iqfmas4gzdvmpqb6z0i4rya-vulkanTest-shaders'
<rotaerk> and it still gave the error: Expected validation layers are not available: ["VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation"]
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<rotaerk> I figured that while it's not the way I'd do itt going forward, it should at least work this way...
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<rotaerk> (I'm *not* running under nix-shell, because I don't want my program to depend on that)
<Ralith> try vulkaninfo
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<infinisil> ,locate bin/vulkaninfo
<Ralith> it's probably failing to dlopen the actual layers
<{^_^}> Found in packages: vulkan-tools
<Ralith> add the validation layers to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
<Ralith> (the lib subdir, obv)
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<rotaerk> oh, nevermind, the path that has to be in XDG_DATA_DIRS is the share folder itself, not the root of vulkan-validation-layers
<rotaerk> changed it to that and it worked
<rotaerk> I realized that when I noticed all the OTHER paths in there ended in share
<Ralith> rotaerk: whoops, sorry for misleading you there
<Ralith> that'll teach me to retype instead of copypaste
<rotaerk> :P
<rotaerk> now that I know that works, time to modify my nix...
<rotaerk> I'm not sure how people normally setup their shell.nix files
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<rotaerk> where "main" is just the derivation for building my haskell project
<Ralith> there's a bunch of different approaches depending on your exact requirements
<Ralith> mine tend to be very simple because I'm building rust projects that aren't intended to become nix packages [any time soon]
<rotaerk> ah
<Ralith> so it's just `with import <nixpkgs> {}; let ... in stdenv.mkDerivation rec { ... }`
<Ralith> otoh, at work I have a whole fancy environment thing with a specialized callPackages
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<rotaerk> well, my approach to building, which I think clever came up with, is to have a derivation for my haskell project ("main"), a derivation for compiling my GLSL shaders into SPIR-V ("shaders"), and then something that writes a shell script that executions the haskell binary and passes in the path to the compiled shaders: https://github.com/Rotaerk/vulkanTest/blob/master/vulkanTest.nix#L61-L64
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<rotaerk> so to get the fullBuild to work, so I can just do result/bin/vulkanTest to run it, I just added the XDG_DATA_DIRS=... line within that shell script, just before the exec
<Ralith> are you trying to build a NixOS test that validates the usability of vulkan, or something?
<Ralith> this seems weirdly complicated
<Ralith> I don't know why you'd want the shader compilation to be a separate derivation
<rotaerk> this is me implementing the stuff from vulkan-tutorial.com, in order to teach myself vulkan
<Ralith> unless modern haskell has no way to cue external build steps?
<rotaerk> I wanted to be able to rebuild haskell without rebuilding the shaders, and vice versa
<Ralith> personally I just put together a nix-shell that has everything I need in it, and leave the rest up to my language tooling to drive, in the same manner as a developer on any other linux
<rotaerk> the approach I had used initially was to have the haskell compiler itself call that glslangValidator and injecting the result right into the haskell binaries
<rotaerk> but that had a few problems, so I dropped that approach
<rotaerk> oh, I don't just use nix to setup a shell and then use the language tooling; I mean, I do that, but I also want to be able to build with nix-build
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<Ralith> I don't bother with that unless I plan on automated builds or using Nix for distribution
<rotaerk> I see
<Ralith> with the way you have this setup, you have to either compile your shaders totally by hand or re-enter nix-shell every time you tweak them
<Ralith> what was wrong with having ghc invoke glslang directly?
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<rotaerk> Ralith, because it wouldn't notice that the shader files had changed. also, it requires rebuilding the haskell when you change the shaders; which doesn't mesh well with the idea of modding shaders (not that that really applies to my particular program)
<rotaerk> basically, if my shader files changed, I would have to touch the haskell file that they'd get injected into in order for that to get recompiled, and for them to get re-injected
<Ralith> ah, that's unfortunate
<Ralith> rust's tooling has specific support for adding arbitrary paths as build deps, and has adequate incremental compilation
<rotaerk> it might be possible to do that with cabal, but this approach seemed better to me for other reasons as well
<rotaerk> when I'm working within nix-shell, I made a sh script called "run" which does: exec <cabal buildoutput>/vulkanTest --shaderspath=$(nix-build --no-out-link ../vulkanTest.nix -A shaders)
<rotaerk> so I don't have to build them by hand
<Ralith> as far as game design goes I'm not big on overridable shaders, because running untrusted shaders is unsafe, and I like the idea of automatically downloading custom content, and automatically doing unsafe things is a no-go.
<rotaerk> interesting
<srk> last time I've managed to write my shaders in andromeda (https://github.com/jaredloomis/andromeda) cause I didn't want to distribute them separately and handle paths
<Ralith> most of the time you need paths for assets anyway
<Ralith> building small stuff into the binary is awfully nice though
<srk> yeah, this was for a simple plotting library with only two shaders
<srk> guess something similar could be done with vulcan shaders
<rotaerk> I could probably find a way to get the build process to work properly, and inject it into the binary
<Ralith> for an educational project, whatever works, works
<rotaerk> I should learn the approach you take with nix-shell
<rotaerk> minimal nix work, to get a dev environment up and running
<Ralith> "learn" is a bit generous since it's literally just doing the bare minimum you can get away with :D
<rotaerk> lol
<Ralith> btw, I double-checked and I am pretty sure you will need LD_LIBRARY_PATH in addition to XDG_DATA_DIRS if you want the layers to actually work
<rotaerk> I didn't have to specify that, for it to work when I ran my nix-build output
<rotaerk> well, wait, lemme add a bug to my vulkan code, which would trigger the layers, and see if that changes anything
<rotaerk> I get a triangle, at least
<Ralith> do you have the debug callback wired up
<rotaerk> yep
<Ralith> if you aren't getting any output, it's not working
<Ralith> the layers are pretty chatty
<rotaerk> oh wait... I didn't notice my output
<rotaerk> Validation Layer: libVkLayer_unique_objects.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
<rotaerk> hehe; k, I'll try adding the other path...
<Ralith> failure to load a layer is not a fatal error
<Ralith> (at least, an implicit layer)
<Ralith> I'm less sure if there's an elegant solution to having to specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH; having the loader try to guess absolute paths is dubious
<Ralith> patchelf is an option too but not really any prettier
<rotaerk> outside of nix, is that something that's generally automatically setup for you?
<rotaerk> or is the need to have these variables set common knowledge amongst those experienced with vulkan
<rotaerk> if the need to manually set them is peculiar to nix, it might be worth documenting somewhere
<rotaerk> okay, those errors went away, but still no debug callback being called, because I don't have a bug
<rotaerk> will add a bug to test
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<rotaerk> I'm probably just not using enough of the layers to make it chatty
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<rotaerk> k, validation layers worked \o/
<rotaerk> thanks for the help
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<Ralith> \o/
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #43061 → graalvm8: 1.0.0-rc1 -> 1.0.0-rc3 → https://git.io/fbp21
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<Ralith> rotaerk: if the layers aren't being very chatty, you may be initializing the debug callback too late or shutting it down too early (or discarding some messages)
<rotaerk> you sure you're not overestimating what my program actually does?
<rotaerk> it's just a triangle
<Ralith> it works best if it's the first thing you do after creating an instance/the last thing before destroying one
<rotaerk> yep, that's what I'm doing
<Ralith> if you've got a triangle in vulkan, you know as well as I do that it's difficult to overestimate how much work's involved :P
<rotaerk> haha
<Ralith> e.g. the object tracker should be noting every single create/destroy operation
<rotaerk> thing is, you control *which* layers you're using when you create the instance
<rotaerk> only one I have on is VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation
<Ralith> that's a meta-layer which grabs all of them
<rotaerk> oh
<rotaerk> oh right, you also control uh...
<rotaerk> yeah, the flags passed to the debug report callback
<Ralith> re: lib search: on non-NixOS everything gets dumped in /usr/lib or w/e so no manual config is needed; a setup hook might be defensible here on that basis
<rotaerk> are what I have
<Ralith> ah
<Ralith> yeah that's less chatty
<infinisil> rotaerk: What language are you using?
<Ralith> my vulkan bindings don't do memory management so I'm paranoid about memory leaks and have all the everything turned on
<rotaerk> haskell, infinisil
<infinisil> Ah very nice
<rotaerk> the vulkan bindings I'm using are low level
<Ralith> PERFORMANCE_WARNING's nice too
<Ralith> if they don't do memory management you should definitely enable info
<Ralith> easy to miss stuff
<rotaerk> k
<Ralith> especially if you're trying to be robust to exceptions
<infinisil> Looking at hackage there don't seem to be any non-C ones
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<rotaerk> is the one I use
<rotaerk> what do you mean "non-C ones"?
<infinisil> I see, just can't feel the vibe with those kind of libs...
<infinisil> That's most certainly autogenerated via the C api
<infinisil> IO and pointers everywhere
<gchristensen> sounds like high performance graphics programming
<rotaerk> oh, yeah, that's deliberate, because without going to that level, you can't get the full performance you might need
<infinisil> High performance doesn't disallow good compile time checking, which this library can't do
<rotaerk> can always build abstractions on top of that
<gchristensen> ahh
<rotaerk> but the bindings themselves should be low level
<infinisil> Yeah
<infinisil> I want that abstraction layer! It's horrible to code C in Haskell
<rotaerk> it does *some* type checking; for instance it has something that statically makes sure you fill out all the required fields of the CreateInfo structures
<rotaerk> but yeah, you're still dealing with pointers for stuff
<rotaerk> I want to build a higher level thing, but I don't know vulkan well enough to know what would be appropriate
<infinisil> For Rust there's vulkano: https://github.com/vulkano-rs/vulkano
<infinisil> (Haven't used either Rust nor Vulkan myself though)
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<infinisil> "Safe and rich Rust wrapper around the Vulkan API "
<rotaerk> this is what my tutorial implementation looks like so far
<infinisil> And that renders A TRIANGLE?
<rotaerk> yep lol
<infinisil> Holy
<rotaerk> a picture is worth a thousand lines
<infinisil> Here's the triangle thing with vulkanos api: https://github.com/vulkano-rs/vulkano-examples/blob/master/triangle/main.rs
<rotaerk> it's half as l-oh they're mostly comments
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<rotaerk> yeah that's a lot more high level :P
<infinisil> Makes me want to learn Rust, code something cool in Vulkan, and run it in a Wayland session
<rotaerk> I might look at that later for abstraction ideas
<infinisil> The future is here!
<joepie91> infinisil: rotaerk: http://rampantgames.com/blog/?p=7745 :P
<rotaerk> lol
<joepie91> incredibly relevant here, hehe :)
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<infinisil> Indeed! I'll remember this for the future
<infinisil> Btw, just found this: https://github.com/nmattia/snack - "Nix-based incremental Haskell build tool"
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<infinisil> I'll have to try this out, sounds really interesting
<rotaerk> hmm, yeah, hadn't heard of that
<srk> but upon completion you don’t have much to show for it only that more work can now proceed.
<srk> :D
<srk> pretty much
<infinisil> Similarly (but abandoned because it didn't work in the end): https://github.com/awakesecurity/ninja2nix
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* infinisil out
<tenten8401> This may seem like a dumb question, but if I need my NGINX location blocks in a certain order, how would I go about doing it?
<tenten8401> The Nextcloud NGINX config needs one section to be under another, but it keeps just throwing them in a seemingly random order
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<tenten8401> I'll see what I can do with that, thanks!
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<tenten8401> doesn't even seem to want to rebuild my config
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<tenten8401> yeah, mkOrder doesn't seem to make any difference, at least how I'm using it, which I could be using it wrong
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<tenten8401> Am I using it correctly like this? https://paste.ee/p/o2l7b
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<tenten8401> I don't think that's the right way at all
<tenten8401> looking at the wiki, I'm not even sure mkOrder is the right thing to use
<tenten8401> I have no clue
<samueldr> oh, not sure for attrsets (or whatever those are called)
<samueldr> I know they're right to use for lists
<tenten8401> so there's really no way to do an nginx config in a certain order?
<samueldr> maybe there is, there probably is
<samueldr> though, you could always define those location blocks using extraConfig at a higher level?
<rotaerk> I really don't understand the "Specifying dependencies" section of the nixpkgs manual
<tenten8401> I could define them with extraConfig, but that kind've feels like a workaround
<samueldr> tenten8401: what I think is happening here is that you're setting the order for extraConfig inside *that* location block
<samueldr> while you want *the whole block* to be ordered
<samueldr> right?
<tenten8401> yeah
* samueldr digs a bit more
<tenten8401> would i put mkOrder infront of the location name?
<rotaerk> like, what's a host platform vs a target platform
<rotaerk> or a host platform vs a build platform
<tenten8401> nope, mkOrder infront doesn't work
<rotaerk> oh, that's covered in the cross-compilation chapter... nm
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<tenten8401> Found some other guy's nextcloud config, looks like he re-wrote a part of it to not rely on the order it's in
<tenten8401> hope he won't mind me borrowing that section
<tenten8401> yeah, looks like you just have to rewrite that part of the config
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam opened pull request #43062 → poppler_utils: fix darwin build → https://git.io/fbpwZ
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej-nixos merged pull request #42351 → qt5: 5.11.0 -> 5.11.1 → https://git.io/flbnP
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej-nixos pushed commit from @averelld to master « qt5: 5.11.0 -> 5.11.1 (#42351) »: https://git.io/fbpw4
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<maurer> So, I'm trying to use nixos steam, and the game in question is a 64-bit ELF looking for a 64-bit libGL
<maurer> Nixos steam seems to be feeding it an ubuntu 32-bit libGL
<maurer> Ideas?
<joepie91> why is my hydra not picking up an update to the 18.03 channel...
<joepie91> I'm not sure how hydra decides whether to check out a git repo
<joepie91> but it doesn't seem to do it on the check interval? at least not for the nixpkgs-channels repo
<joepie91> it does for my own repo though
<joepie91> ah, hm, it does it after garbage collection
<joepie91> not sure why it doesn't get the change then
<joepie91> it seems stuck on a channel push from 5 days ago: https://hydra.cryto.net/jobset/morepkgs/master#tabs-evaluations
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam opened pull request #43063 → nodejs: 10.5.0 -> 10.6.0 → https://git.io/fbpwP
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<joepie91> unless the channel did update but there were just no changes to it to warrant a rebuild? I have no idea :D
<fragamus> something is stuck with channel updates
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<rotaerk> Ralith, happen to have seen this? symbol lookup error: /nix/store/11asls7i6l1qz9cm08is75xhgdc1b212-libGL-1.0.0/lib/libGL.so.1: undefined symbol: __GLXGL_CORE_FUNCTIONS
<rotaerk> when I nix-build my thing, it runs fine. when I nix-shell, build using my haskell tools directly, and run the result, I get that error
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<rotaerk> I made sure LD_LIBRARY_PATH and XDG_DATA_DIRS are set within shell.nix, and I've added vulkan-loader and vulkan-tools to my nativeBuildInputs
<rotaerk> I don't think it *doesn't see* libGL, it just fails to lookup something from it
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<fragamus> Can anyone give me a link to the status display for nixpkgs hydra build
<Ralith> rotaerk: what exactly did you set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to?
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<rotaerk> it's set to: /run/opengl-driver/lib:/run/opengl-driver-32/lib:/nix/store/5qvswpi28x8ipwzmbzd6nbpdh00dig0j-vulkan-validation-layers-
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<{^_^}> [nix] @volth opened pull request #2273 → lib.concatMap and lib.mapAttrs to be builtins → https://git.io/fbprI
<rotaerk> Ralith, though based on the strace, I don't see it failing to find a file or anything like that
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #43064 → lib: concatMap and mapAttrs to be builtins → https://git.io/fbprq
<rotaerk> though I just searched libGL.so.1 and found __GLXGL_CORE_FUNCTIONS in it >_>
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<joepie91> clever: nh2[m]: either of you around at the moment? having trouble with overlays, despite following the suggestions in https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/issues/893 it doesn't seem like my overlay actually works
<{^_^}> #893 (by nh2, open): machine configs ignore overlay
<rotaerk> it may be some weird thing specific to my setup though
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<joepie91> pkgs.morepkgs still does not exist even though it should be set by my overlay (and works on my local machine), even after setting nixpkgs.overlays in the default machine
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<Ralith> rotaerk: that seems in order, and I haven't encounterd a similar error myself in the past
<Ralith> my best hypothesis would be that something's getting the wrong libGL somehow
<Ralith> I'd see if you can find one that *does* define that symbol and work out where it might fit in
<rotaerk> vulkaninfo works fine
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<rotaerk> hmm k
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<rotaerk> ah, interesting. I straced my nix-build-built program, and did the same for the one built and run within nix-shell, and they ARE using different libGLs
<rotaerk> the nix-build one (the one that works) is using /run/opengl-driver/lib/libGL.so.1
<rotaerk> the one in nix-shell is using /nix/store/11asls7i6l1qz9cm08is75xhgdc1b212-libGL-1.0.0/lib/libGL.so.1
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<elvishjerricco> rotaerk: You should do `readlink -f /run/opengl-driver/lib/libGL.so.1` to see where that one's actually coming from.
<thefloweringash[> I haven't been following the cross compile stuff, but this has to be a typo right? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/1999d279ecd50e4020ef86cda179f3f86ef168ac/pkgs/development/libraries/ffmpeg/generic.nix#L151-L153
<rotaerk> elvishjerricco, hrm, weird. that command gives me: /nix/store/l2xrrg709dscys7b3dx38i22kb9a90x0-libglvnd-2016-12-22/lib/libGL.so.1.0.0
<rotaerk> oh, nm I guess that matches what I expected
<rotaerk> when I ls -l /run/opengl-driver/lib/libGL.so.1
<rotaerk> anyway, I'm stumped as to what this even tells me. I see that it's using different instances of this, but I don't understand why
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<rotaerk> the strace outputs aren't showing that one is searching the path that the other is using, and failing
<rotaerk> they're not even searching the same paths
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<rotaerk> only thing I can think of is that nix-build is passing different args to cabal
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fbpoI
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #32408 → arp-scan: 1.9 -> 1.9.5 → https://git.io/vbWUt
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #43057 → dwarf-fortress: Run legends-browser with a suitable working directory → https://git.io/fbpz3
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fbpoL
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<joepie91> !tofu
<{^_^}> To get a sha256 hash of a new source, you can use the Trust On First Use model: use probably-wrong hash (for example: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) then replace it with the correct hash Nix expected.
<vaibhavsagar> !ifd
<vaibhavsagar> !IFD
<samueldr> ,IFD
<{^_^}> import-from-derivation (IFD) is when you evaluate nix from a derivation result, for example `import (pkgs.writeText "n" "1 + 1")` will evaluate to 2
<joepie91> nice and consistent
<joepie91> lol
<samueldr> confusingly, all new commands are prefixed with a comma
<joepie91> ,tofu
<{^_^}> To get a sha256 hash of a new source, you can use the Trust On First Use model: use probably-wrong hash (for example: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) then replace it with the correct hash Nix expected.
<joepie91> ah
<samueldr> the bot is implemented in a distributed manner
<samueldr> there are two components which implement commands right now
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<joepie91> lol
<vaibhavsagar> why would I expect anything else from #nixos
<samueldr> but! the way it's implemented is awesome for making small programs that compose into the bot
<samueldr> e.g. the channels releases are a simple bash script, the PRs are another small program which listens to the github events
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<rotaerk> hmm I wonder if haskell builds in nixpkgs would be sped up if, for trivial Setup.hs files, it would just runghc Setup.hs, rather than compiling it first
<rotaerk> because I think one of the main reasons nix-build is slower than a cabal build is because it first compiles that Setup.hs
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<cocreature> rotaerk: cabal isn’t faster because it uses runghc afaik. it’s faster because for build-type: Simple it doesn’t use the Setup.hs at all and instead relies on the Cabal library that it was linked against
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<rotaerk> ah
<rotaerk> so I wonder if there's any reason that couldn't be done in nixpkgs
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gnidorah opened pull request #43065 → wine: build wineWow packages on hydra → https://git.io/fbpod
<rotaerk> also, screw it. done trying to figure this libGL thing out for tonight
<rotaerk> it's definitely the case that cabal build, from within my nix-shell, is producing a different output compared to the nix-build output
<rotaerk> and figuring out what that crucial difference is ... is a needle in a haystack as far as I can tell
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<rotaerk> think tomorrow I'll stash my changes and strace which libGL it used to use
<cocreature> rotaerk: I’m not sure how you would use that approach in nixpkgs short of switching to building packages using cabal-install
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<rotaerk> actually, I just stashed my changes, and straced. looks like the nix-shell-cabal-built one from before my changes was *also* using /run/opengl-driver/lib/libGL.so.1
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<rotaerk> so that's how it worked
<rotaerk> so something about my upgrade to the latest nixpkgs changed that
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<wilornel> I just resized my ec2 instance's storage. I need to extend the fs to that new size. I think nixos has a unique way of doing it. Should I just restart the instance?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej-nixos merged pull request #42383 → rstudio: fix build to use compatible boost version → https://git.io/f4yUf
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej-nixos pushed commit from @averelld to master « rstudio: fix build by using compatible boost version (#42383) »: https://git.io/fbpKX
<wilornel> I just did `growpart` on the partition and then `resize2fs` on the partition
<wilornel> I think it worked!
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<kalbasit> my venture to move to NixOS got blocked by Bazel, so now I'm moving back to Arch, but I want to manage packages by Nix as much as I can through user `nix-env`. Chrome is crashing on latest unstable (as of few minutes ago), Is this a bug or something wrong on my system? https://gist.github.com/kalbasit/24b23c466022f61b1bab1ebc474b650c
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<maurer> kalbasit: If you have installed nix single-user, you do not have permissions to set the root suid bit on applications
<maurer> kalbasit: Chrome/chromium uses a helper binary to do that
<maurer> err, which requires those permissions set
<maurer> So, your options are either to perform store surgery (to set the permisisons as described in the log)
<kalbasit> maurer: I see, so I installed this AUR package https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nix which sets env var `NIX_REMOTE=daemon` and I have enabled the socket
<kalbasit> so the package itself is installed in the system, not through curl command
<kalbasit> not sure if that's what it means 'single mode'
<maurer> kalbasit: OK, that should be multi-user. My next guess is that your AUR package made e.g. a nix user or something
<maurer> can you check what user owns /nix/store, and one concrete file in a package?
<kalbasit> it created nixbld group and `nixbld{1..10}` users
<kalbasit> sure
<maurer> (/nix/store should be owned by root, group nixbld, a concrete file should be root root)
<maurer> (it making nixbld1..10 is appropriate, I'm trying to figure out if the store is correctly root owned)
<kalbasit> ```$ ls -la /nix/store/1ixgd05w85v443w4nn4p4lyhzrcsqb1s-python2.7-setuptools-39.0.1/lib/python2.7/site-packages/easy-install.pth
<kalbasit> -r--r--r-- 1 root root 30 Dec 31 1969 /nix/store/1ixgd05w85v443w4nn4p4lyhzrcsqb1s-python2.7-setuptools-39.0.1/lib/python2.7/site-packages/easy-install.pth
<kalbasit> ```
<kalbasit> drwxrwxr-t 1 root nixbld 452242 Jul 4 22:46 /nix/store
<kalbasit> $ ls -ld /nix/store
<maurer> OK, that looks good
<maurer> hrm
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<kalbasit> ```ls -la /nix/store/9fwzw4f91l4di5s5lfggvf51mk152y6c-chromium-67.0.3396.87-sandbox/bin/__chromium-suid-sandbox
<kalbasit> -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 22664 Dec 31 1969 /nix/store/9fwzw4f91l4di5s5lfggvf51mk152y6c-chromium-67.0.3396.87-sandbox/bin/__chromium-suid-sandbox
<kalbasit> ```
<maurer> Oh, ick
<kalbasit> oh
<kalbasit> let me try that
<maurer> The problem is that I think that's a nixos-only thing
<maurer> Oh, another thread suggests that if you have CONFIG_USER_NS in your kernel, you do not need that binary to be suid
<kalbasit> I see, so custom kernel
<maurer> Well, it sounds more like arch is supplying weird kernels
<maurer> I think debian and ubuntu have been shipping with that on for a while now
<maurer> as does nixos
<kalbasit> I'll double check Arch's config
<kalbasit> hmm it's enabled
<kalbasit> ```
<kalbasit> ```zcat /proc/config.gz | grep CONFIG_USER_NS
<kalbasit> CONFIG_USER_NS=y
<kalbasit> ```
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<kalbasit> oops, sorry about that, muscle malfunction
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<kalbasit> maurer: so it's not the issue and yea the security one is nixos only.
<maurer> Well, then I don't know. CONFIG_USER_NS should mean you don't need the suid binary, and the security thing is how you get the suid binary on nixos
<maurer> you could just use magic root powers to go set suid (that 4755 mode)
<maurer> but you'd have to do it over and over
<maurer> which is ick
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<rprije> I'm trying to follow the example at https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-allow-unfree to specify an allowUnfreePredicate but I'm getting "undefined variable 'elem'"
<rprije> I suppose I need to import lists.nix somehow.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda closed pull request #43024 → coursera-dl: 0.10.0 -> 0.11.4 → https://git.io/fbpGU
<kalbasit> maurer: and error prone. It's fine, I have a lot of work to do to move my dotfiles over with all the dependencies. I'll get to it last. Thx anyway.
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<cfricke> Ahoy. Quick question: I have 2 Intel systems with besides the boot and user configuration identical configurations, both listening to the same unstable channel. However, on one, when installing a python package via nix, it attempts to build it, while on the other it simply fetches the package from the channel. Where would I start looking?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #42769 → atom, atom-beta: fixed #42730 → https://git.io/f4Nap
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<averell> Did you check that they point to the same revision? /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/ ?
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<azarel> Hello everyone. I'm having trouble installing realtek wifi driver and i'm new to linux. The driver I require is rtl8723de. It's available in the extended branch of iwlfinger/rtlwifi_new github repo. So i used the following in my configuration.nix,
<azarel> boot.extraModulePackages = [(config.boot.kernelPackages.rtlwifi_new.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {rev="8c9eed49dd357d3e78f53354aa2827256fcd4d86"; sha256="06zqnvx1vymp8d175n0cq5mms48f3kwg1l2shg2jbcwnz1ky4bcm";}))];
<azarel> but there's no rtl723de(driver i need) and rtl8822be folder in,
<azarel> /run/current-system/kernel-modules/lib/modules/4.14.48/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtlwifi
<azarel> /nix/store/fkcbjrjpil7rla8j02s2ksak2118qbpp-rtlwifi_new-2018-02-17/lib/modules/4.14.48/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtlwifi
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<azarel> output of nix-shell -p nix-info --run nix-info is system: "x86_64-linux", multi-user?: no, version: nix-env (Nix) 2.0.4, nixpkgs: /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkg
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<cfricke> averell: yep, I did.
<andi-> azarel: I believe you have to override the src attribute of the rtlwifi_new driver not set the rev and sha256 attributes on the actual package
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #43063 → nodejs: 10.5.0 -> 10.6.0 → https://git.io/fbpwP
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/fbpXE
<averell> cfricke: maybe you can make a diff of "nix show-derivation nixpkgs.whatever"
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<cfricke> averell: good point, I'll check the output.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43035 → fonts/babestone-han: 11.0.2 -> 11.0.3 → https://git.io/fbpnG
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @volth to master « fonts/babestone-han: 11.0.2 -> 11.0.3 (#43035) »: https://git.io/fbpXD
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #43022 → pythonPackaes.grpcio-tools: init at 1.13.0 → https://git.io/fbxjG
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed commit from @mmlb to master « pythonPackaes.grpcio-tools: init at 1.13.0 (#43022) »: https://git.io/fbpXF
<saksham_> Hi people, trying to get nix to work on a machine where I don't have root. Went through https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nix_Installation_Guide#Installing_without_root_permissions
<saksham_> The nix-2.0 solution requires the nix-shell binary, where can I get it? The usual install script requires root.
<cfricke> averell: Absolutely no difference. This is very puzzling.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43038 → theme-jade1: 3.2 -> 3.3 → https://git.io/fbpng
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #43034 → createrepo_c: 0.10.0 -> 0.11.0 → https://git.io/fbpnf
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #42704 → graphicsmagick: 1.3.29 -> 1.3.30 → https://git.io/f4FTZ
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<Lisanna> so, does nix-channel just flat out not update the NIX_PATH anymore?
<Lisanna> i.e. it's basically a defunct program?
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<clever> Lisanna: the default NIX_PATH points to the dir nix-channel manages
<Lisanna> clever this is the default NIX_PATH: "nixpkgs=/root/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs"
<clever> not nixos?
<Lisanna> yeah, non-nixos
<clever> ah, id call that a bug then
<clever> [clever@system76:~]$ echo $NIX_PATH
<Lisanna> any extra channels added with nix-channel --add are basically unusable without additional special setup
<clever> nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs:nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix:/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels
<Lisanna> yeah, there's two github bugs filed on this
<Lisanna> old
<clever> on nixos, it can look under roots channels
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<Lisanna> any use of nix outside the very most common usecases kind of sucks in general I guess
<Lisanna> oh well, I'll just add an extra export line to manually configure the NIX_PATH
<cocreature> “nix-build: src/libstore/binary-cache-store.cc:219: virtual void nix::BinaryCacheStore::narFromPath(const Path&, nix::Sink&): Assertion `nar->size() % 8 == 0' failed.” welp that’s not good
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<puffnfresh> sphalerite: hey I found some IRC logs via Google about a Chromebook and ALSA UCM files
<puffnfresh> sphalerite: I have the same problem; a Chromebook without audio because ALSA needs some additional UCM files
<puffnfresh> did you solve this?
<puffnfresh> via system.replaceRuntimeDependencies?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43046 → pngquant: 2.11.7 -> 2.12.1 → https://git.io/fbpB3
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed to master « selfoss: clean up »: https://git.io/fbpHN
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43062 → poppler_utils: fix darwin build → https://git.io/fbpwZ
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #42886 → ocamlPackages.zarith: 1.4.1 -> 1.7 → https://git.io/fSGfA
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #42829 → ocamlPackages.ocaml-migrate-parsetree: 1.0.7 -> 1.0.11 → https://git.io/f2yLe
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @vbgl to master « ocamlPackages.ocaml-migrate-parsetree: 1.0.7 -> 1.0.11 (#42829) »: https://git.io/fbp7Z
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<manveru> hmm, seems like pgcli adds pg 9.6 into the $PATH, which is pretty annoying
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 closed pull request #43047 → sqlitebrowser: fix build → https://git.io/fbp0T
<vasiliy_san> Hi all. I am *learning about GADTs* and I will be very pleased to receive a few insights. Below is a small example. AFAIU I associated a "Phantom" type with a result of each data constructor and later I am able to use that "Phantom type" to declare a function `test` (which is capable of returning different results):
<vasiliy_san> ```
<vasiliy_san> AsInt :: Int -> I Int
<vasiliy_san> AsString :: Int -> I String
<vasiliy_san> data I a where
<vasiliy_san> test :: I a -> a
<vasiliy_san> test (AsInt x) = x
<vasiliy_san> test (AsString x) = show x
<vasiliy_san> ```
<vasiliy_san> I am wondering if it's possible to implement that mapping from a concrete constructor to a type without GADTs? Below is code which *doesn't compile* but I think it demonstrates my desire to create a type-level function which maps a Concrete constructor to some type
<vasiliy_san> ```
<vasiliy_san> data AB = A Int | B Int
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<vasiliy_san> Oh, wrong channel, sorry :(
<manveru> :D
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej-nixos pushed commit from @orivej to master « sqlitebrowser: list ma27 as the maintainer (from #43047) »: https://git.io/fbpxy
<ajs124> manveru, I noticed problems with that as well. My workaround was overriding postgresql to postgresql10. At least that solved my problem with an old libpq being used.
<manveru> i just moved postgresql100 before pgcli in the buildInputs
<manveru> luckily i don't need libpg for this
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43051 → patchwork-classic: fix typo in package name → https://git.io/fbpuZ
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner pushed to master « eprover: 2.0 -> 2.1 »: https://git.io/fbppj
<fresheyeball> hey out there
<fresheyeball> I am trying to do a thing like this in a shell script
<fresheyeball> ```
<fresheyeball> ugh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to master « hevea: 2.31 -> 2.32 »: https://git.io/fbphf
<fresheyeball> echo ${builtins.readFile path} > .newThing
<fresheyeball> which does not work
<fresheyeball> I tried
<fresheyeball> echo "${builtins.readFile path}" > .newThing
<fresheyeball> and that works ... better
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<fresheyeball> but when I read .newThing with haskell, I get "unexpected end of file"
<tilpner> What's wrong with cp ${path} .newThing?
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<fresheyeball> tilpner: the file is not available when the script runs
<fresheyeball> its availalbe at build time
<fresheyeball> its a config file, it needs to be there so I can deploy with nixops
<fresheyeball> the server is not going to just so happen to have the same file at the same place.
<tilpner> It will, if you use nix copy
<fresheyeball> tilpner: what is nix copy?
<tilpner> (Rather, if nixops does anything similar to nix copy)
<fresheyeball> its a systemd script
<fresheyeball> I am trying to embed config
<fresheyeball> that's it
<fresheyeball> I dont understand why my appoach doesn't work
<tilpner> Please try what I said, if you haven't already
<fresheyeball> kk
<infinisil> Why not use cat instead of echo? Echo has some quirks
<fresheyeball> infinisil: because I dont expect the file to be there on the server
<fresheyeball> note the "readFile"
<infinisil> When you do "${path}" is will import the file into the store and return a path to it
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fbphX
<fresheyeball> infinisil: `path` is not a derivation, its a string
<fresheyeball> the readFile works fine in the repl
<fresheyeball> tilpner: I got "no such file or directory"
<tilpner> fresheyeball - How do you define path?
<fresheyeball> as a string in the config of this module
<tilpner> Replace e.g. "/foo/bar" with /foo/bar
<fresheyeball> its an absolute path to a file I have locally
<tilpner> Good, just take the quotes off
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<fresheyeball> is there a types. for this?
<fresheyeball> I don't see types.filePath
<tilpner> types.path
<fresheyeball> testing
<fresheyeball> illelgal name
<fresheyeball> wtf
<fresheyeball> oh wait I remember
<fresheyeball> something about leading dots in file names
<infinisil> > builtins.path { path = "/var/lib/nixbot/state/nixpkgs"; name = "foobar"; }
<{^_^}> "/nix/store/kfjgp5xxy2fvrgs1pzxwp9sklqf903jr-foobar"
<tilpner> > ${/var/lib/nixbot/state/nixpkgs}
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected DOLLAR_CURLY, at (string):153:1
<tilpner> > "${/var/lib/nixbot/state/nixpkgs}"
<{^_^}> "/nix/store/9q08xjsl2rfv66wqa6killc51a9zalyn-nixpkgs"
<infinisil> Yeah, unquoted much easier
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner pushed to master « tokei: 7.0.0 -> 7.0.3 »: https://git.io/fbpjU
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43044 → write_stylus: init at 209 → https://git.io/fbplD
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fbpjt
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<fresheyeball> so just to confirm something
<fresheyeball> every time I use path notation, nix is make a derivation?
<infinisil> Not every time, only when you ultimately end up using them in strings via ${
<infinisil> E.g. `import ./foo` doesn't put foo in the store
<infinisil> And toString can transform it to a string that won't get imported
<fresheyeball> gotcha ok
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #43058 → babl: 0.1.50 -> 0.1.52 → https://git.io/fbpzC
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #43030 → debootstrap: 1.0.103 -> 1.0.105 → https://git.io/fbpZr
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fbhvk
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<Shoadi> Hello functional party people. I am trying to install NixOS minimal from the ISO in a VirtualBox. I followed the instruction - but when trying <nixos-install> it tells me that: "building the configuration in /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix... error: setting journal mode: database or disk is full (in '/mnt/nix/var/nix/db/db.sqlite'). Disk space is 8G so I don't really understand what it wants to tell me. Can anyone help me out?
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<infinisil> Shoadi: can you gist the output of running df?
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<adamt> During installation of NixOS on an EFI system, is it somehow possible to avoid setting the new installation as first boot device, but just add it to the end of the list?
<adamt> (I'm doing unintended installations with PXE, and right now the boot order gets messed up after installation, that is, the PXE device isn't top priority any more)
<Shoadi> infinisil: https://imgur.com/a/t5u7O2x
<infinisil> Shoadi: read the instructions to install nixos again, you forgot to mount your new filesystem to /mnt
<Shoadi> infinisil: oh.. how embarassing.. gr8 - thank you =)
<fresheyeball> so I got a deploy working to vbox with nixops
<fresheyeball> but it can't reach the internet
<fresheyeball> is there a thing I should know about?
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<LnL> Shados: that doesn't look like 8G :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis opened pull request #43066 → gimp: 2.10.2 -> 2.10.4 → https://git.io/fbhJV
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<Shados> LnL: ?
<fresheyeball> \quit
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<{^_^}> [nixops] @edolstra pushed to master « EC2CommonState.get_client(): Respect changes to the access key ID »: https://git.io/fbhkI
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<ma27> does anybody want to give feedback for the following PR: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/42398#issuecomment-402502734 ? %)
<{^_^}> #42398 (by Ma27, open): nixos/autorandr: make default target in systemd service configurable
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @kirelagin closed pull request #43017 → haskell: Split boot libraries into individual outputs → https://git.io/fbx98
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<infinisil> ma27: Hey :)
<ma27> infinisil: hey %)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #43032 → conan: 1.4.5 -> 1.5.1 → https://git.io/fbpZ7
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « conan: 1.4.5 -> 1.5.1 (#43032) »: https://git.io/fbhqE
<infinisil> ma27: I think an autorandr-unwrapped isn't needed really, you could just put it next to the autorandr derivation. There -unwrapped things are always a bit confusing imo
<ma27> infinisil: I added the `unwrapped` derivation to make overrides to the autorandr package itself easier
<ma27> just modify `autorandr-unwrapped` in an overlay and you don't have to care about the wrapper
<infinisil> Ah I see
<gchristensen> yikes
<gchristensen> IMO if we're modifying the service we should just express it in the Nix module instead
<ma27> gchristensen: am I wrong?
<gchristensen> instead of doing string substitution
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<infinisil> And where even does the derivations .service file even get included?
<infinisil> I just wondered about this before
<ma27> infinisil: systemd.packages can be used for this
<infinisil> Ohh I see
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<infinisil> And it correctly merges with the systemd.services.autorandr.wantedBy ?
<ma27> and the udev stuff is currently set up with services.udev.packages
<ma27> infinisil: from my understanding yes, but I'll recheck (sorry, it's a while ago that I filed this, so I'm not sure :D)
<ma27> gchristensen: so, patcihng .services files is a deal-breaker for you in this case, correct?
<ma27> I'm not sure about this, I thought that it might be easier to just modify the existing service files rather than maintaining our own unit
<infinisil> Hmmm... He has a point, patching a systemd service file isn't really a good long-term solution
<ma27> optionally we could simply apply a patch with `substituteAll`, then it might be more obvious
<gchristensen> ma27: yeah I think it is a deal-breaker
<ma27> ack, then I'll fix this part of my change
<infinisil> On the other hand, I would like systemd service definitions to be nearer at the packages
<infinisil> Porting the .service file to nixos systemd.services.* might be cleaner, and makes it easy to override stuff
<ma27> I'm not a long-term nix(os) user, so I was simply not sure which of these options is the better choice in the long-term :D
<ma27> infinisil: ack
<infinisil> Should be fairly easy tbh, the file almost maps 1-1 to systemd.services.* :P
<infinisil> Sorry for the many critiques heh
<infinisil> I personally never dealt with these package-defined .service definitions
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<ma27> infinisil: that's perfectly fine, I guess that whenever code in a distro is changed, any kind of nit-picking is legit %)
<infinisil> I should build a .service file to systemd.service.* option converter :O
<infinisil> Eh, probably not worth it
<ma27> infinisil: shouldn't be too hard, most of the unit values can be directly applied to systemd.services.*.serviceConfig, right?
<infinisil> The Unit ones can't, only the Service ones belong in serviceConfig
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<infinisil> There's stuff like systemd.services.{after,description,wantedBy}
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to master « hipchat: -> »: https://git.io/fbhm7
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « hipchat: -> »: https://git.io/fbhmx
<infinisil> Hmm and maybe these StartLimit* ones
<infinisil> Yeah there's some other services that use serviceConfig.StartLimit..
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko opened pull request #43068 → libdigidoc, libdigidocpp, qdigidoc updates → https://git.io/fbhYS
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #42930 → xonsh: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8 → https://git.io/f5q8w
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « xonsh: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8 (#42930) »: https://git.io/fbh3e
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 opened pull request #43069 → python3Packages.termtosvg: init at 0.3.0 → https://git.io/fbh3b
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #42398 → nixos/autorandr: make default target in systemd service configurable → https://git.io/f4y2X
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fbhsE
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<gchristensen> gramahc :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @kirelagin opened pull request #43070 → haskell: Split boot libraries into individual outputs (take 2) → https://git.io/fbhnM
<Taneb> Nixpkgs has "agda-stdlib", is this put in a place where the agda executable can see it?
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/03928bebe99 (from 71 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
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<{^_^}> [nixos-org-configurations] @edolstra pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fbhcK
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #43071 → vampire: portability fixes → https://git.io/fbhCn
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<Taneb> Or is there an Agda-with-libraries thing?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #43066 → gimp: 2.10.2 -> 2.10.4 → https://git.io/fbhJV
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #42977 → ispc: llvm_4 -> llvm_6, fix luxcorerender → https://git.io/fbxCP
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 5 commits to staging: https://git.io/fbhlF
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<kisik21> Hello. How to make FHS env launch a certain program marked by absolute path instead of bash?
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<magnetophon> Hi, I keep getting "error: while setting up the build environment: getting attributes of path '/etc/hosts': Permission denied" when I try to rebuild. Any ideas? More info: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/41651#issuecomment-395987916
<{^_^}> #41651 (by magnetophon, open): error: while setting up the build environment: getting attributes of path '/etc/hosts': Permission denied
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<cfricke> Ahoy, quick question from earlier, under what circumstances would nix build a package rather than fetch the drv from the channel directly? I have two identical systems (configurations) and one fetches scikitlearn, whereas the other tries (and fails) to build it.
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<goibhniu> hi cfricke, what does `nix-info` say on both machines?
<infinisil> Taneb: Apparently there's agda.mkDerivation
<pie__> so im doing some haskell stuff and the qt5 that qtah seems to pull in or something, doesnt support jpg with qpixmap (but png does work)
<pie__> this is my command line:
<pie__> nix-shell -I "nixpkgs=https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable/nixexprs.tar.xz" -v -p 'haskellPackages.ghcWithHoogle (pkgs: [pkgs.qtah-qt5 pkgs.qtah-qt5.doc pkgs.wreq pkgs.s-cargot pkgs.unification-fd pkgs.pretty-show pkgs.xml-conduit])'
<pie__> i dont really know what to do about this
* pie__ nudges infinisil ?
<cfricke> goibhniu: hm, I was so certain that the channels were the same. But apparently they are not. However, nix-channel list both point to unstable. And when I run an update at the same time, the version numbers remain.
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<cfricke> goibhniu: One is pre142796, where as the other is pre14495.
<goibhniu> cfricke: are you updating the root channel too?
<goibhniu> same architecture?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner merged pull request #42693 → libndctl: 60.3 -> 61.1 → https://git.io/f4dxm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fbhRk
<cfricke> goibhniu: I update via `sudo -i nix-channel --update`. Same architecture.
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra merged pull request #2273 → [wip] lib.concatMap and lib.mapAttrs to be builtins → https://git.io/fbprI
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fbhRq
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<goibhniu> and how are you trying to install them?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner merged pull request #42696 → languagetool: 4.1 -> 4.2 → https://git.io/f4dhr
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fbhRY
<cfricke> goibhniu: I have a package override for a list of python packages.
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<infinisil> pie__: qpixmap doesn't seem to be in nixpkgs, so maybe you need to package it, or something, I don't have much qt experience
<goibhniu> I'm wondering if you have another channel which is used by a user profile
<goibhniu> cfricke: maybe give the output of nix-ino
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<cfricke> goibhniu: Yup, one moment. And thanks for your help!
<pie__> infinisil, its a class in qt. but i just realized i havent googled this issue much and qt does a lot of plugin-y stuff with shared objects, so maybe im missing a path variable somewhere
<goibhniu> sure, np!
* pie__ pokes around
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed to master « nodePackages_10_x.pnpm: init at 2.9.0 »: https://git.io/fbhR4
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner merged pull request #42914 → xl2tpd: -> 1.3.12 → https://git.io/fQLsW
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fbhRE
<cfricke> goibhniu: After re-running the channel update the root(channel) now just states "nixos". Trying to re-create the initial output.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner merged pull request #42945 → yaws: 2.0.5 -> 2.0.6 → https://git.io/fdG5O
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fbhRo
<cfricke> goibhniu: --host-os seems to do the trick.
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<cfricke> goibhniu: Only on one machine :-D Suspicious.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fbhRi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner merged pull request #42951 → shaarli: 0.9.6 -> 0.9.7 → https://git.io/fdKBG
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<cfricke> goibhniu: Ah, I think I found something. One of the system seems to have a user channel. I fiddled with that to get rid of the nix search path entry warning at some point.
<nlytend> o/
<goibhniu> cool, I thought it might be something like that
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<pie__> infinisil, do you know how i could do something like this with the above?: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/misc/keepassx/community.nix#L95 i dont wany any wrapping, just for that env var to get set
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<cfricke> I assume the pre###### numbers are increasing with release. So it must fall back to an earlier channel where scikitlearn was building. That would explain the currently lack of a derivative in the unstable channel.
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<nlytend> How do i mount an encrypted external hdd to my system declaratively? So that my system boots and mounts it when it's connected and skips it when disconnected.
<infinisil> pie__: Probably best to just write a shell.nix and add this env var as an attribute
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<magnetophon> goibhniu: hi! long time no see! How are you?
<boothead> Hi all, I'm still having major problems with my laptop and I want to try downgrading to 17.09. Is it just a case of chaning the nix-channel back?
<nlytend> Using nixos-generate-config handles everything except, 'nofail' in fstab
<goibhniu> cfricke: it's also easy to install the working version into your user profile on the other box, if you like
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<pie__> infinisil, ugh. i always forget how to write shell.nix :P
<infinisil> boothead: What are those problems?
<cfricke> goibhniu: You mean add the release channel?
<cfricke> Or move the drv?
<goibhniu> hiya magnetophon! I'm doing well cheers. Enjoying rural life in Ireland :D
<gchristensen> you can declare it in your filesystems and add the option "nofail" nlytend
<goibhniu> cfricke: nah, you do `nix-store -r /nix/store/somestuff-blah`
<boothead> I can't get X to work. If I enable X it doesn't start properly and I get lots of messages abou8t rcu_shed something or other
<gchristensen> boothead: (did you try dropping the CPU microcode update config option?)
<boothead> yup
<gchristensen> ( :( )
<infinisil> pie__: Just stick a `with import <nixpkgs> {};` at the top, `stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "foo"; }` follows, and that's all you need for a basic shell.nix :)
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<cfricke> goibhniu: reading the manual. thanks a lot!
<goibhniu> cfricke: glad to help!
<pie__> infinisil, ok thanks. where do i put what i have in the -p ?
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<infinisil> pie__: attributes in mkDerivation will be set as env vars
<nlytend> Bear with me here, i declared the filesystem."".options = ["nofail"], tht is correct usage?
<pie__> infinisil, yeah ive got that, but the ghcWithHoogle
<pie__> i never know if i put that into buildinputs or what
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<nlytend> hardware-config.nix has duplicate filesystem."".xyz in that case
<boothead> gchristensen: Is if possible to just change the channel and rebuild?
<infinisil> pie__: Ah yeah, add it to buildInputs
<gchristensen> nlytend: well, sorta, fileSystems."/wherever/you/want/it/mounted" = { device = "/dev/sdz1"; options = ["nofail"]; }
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<nlytend> Cool
<gchristensen> boothead: yeah, you can do that
<boothead> I see someone else is having the mdadm-shutdown.service problem too: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/40388
<{^_^}> #40388 (by Pauan, open): Completely freezes when shutting down / rebooting / logging out
<fragamus> When will hydra be unstuck
<nlytend> And why is "x-systemd.device-timeout=1" mean 10 secs
<infinisil> nlytend: It's 1 second?
<nlytend> I don't know then. It shows 10 sec on my screen
<infinisil> "Takes a unit-less value in seconds", quoting man systemd.automount
<infinisil> pie__: Parens
<nlytend> Thank you both
<pie__> infinisil, ugh i see it xD
<infinisil> > [ id 10 ]
<{^_^}> [ <CODE> 10 ]
<infinisil> > [ (id 10) ]
<{^_^}> [ <CODE> ]
<infinisil> What would be cool is for buildInputs to detect that and issue a warning!
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<infinisil> Wouldn't be too hard tbh
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<gchristensen> was talking to eelco about having Nix detect it on its own
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<magnetophon> ryantm: are you there? You showed intrest in my nixos-rebuild issue,and I'm getting a bit desparate...
<infinisil> gchristensen: How would that be possible? Because in general, lists can indeed take a mix of functions and non-functions as arguments
<pie__> infinisil, any suggestions on how to match the qt version used by the hackell packages? can i reach into their environment to get the value?
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<pie__> infinisil, or would i need to patch the haskell packages
<goibhniu> magnetophon: can you modify /etc/hosts as root?
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<infinisil> pie__: I'd just look what attribute the haskell package uses
<gchristensen> infinisil: well Nix can already tell when you're trying to use the contents of the list improperly, right?
<magnetophon> goibhniu:yes I can
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #42998 → hwinfo: 21.55 -> 21.56 → https://git.io/fbxRH
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fbhuY
<Taneb> infinisil: I'll have to experiment with agda.mkDerivation
<goibhniu> hrm
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<pie__> infinisil, yea thats what i did, it seems to work, thanks
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<infinisil> gchristensen: I mean that happens right when you're trying to use the value somewhere, but there isn't a trace back to "the point where the user touched the expression"
<gchristensen> infinisil: yeah, but Nix could probably do a smarter thing and provide a good error
<infinisil> Hold on I'll make this work
<gchristensen> is what we were talking about
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<infinisil> Hmm.. not sure how that would work still, but better error messages would always be nice
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<magnetophon> goibhniu: so you're out of ideas too, huh?
<goibhniu> yeah, I only had one idea ^_^
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @TomSmeets opened pull request #43072 → sixpair: init at 2007-04-18 → https://git.io/fbhu9
<magnetophon> goibhniu: thanks for trying though!
<goibhniu> np, that's an annoying issue :/
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<infinisil> gchristensen: Oh you know what, if Nix were to provide a `builtins.ast` expression that returns the ast of the argument (with file, line, column information) in a nix attribute, this could be used to have useful errors, without any nix syntax change
<infinisil> E.g. if buildInputs detects a function in its input, it could take values until it's not a function anymore, get the source code information and return an error "Did you mean to put brackets around `fun val val` in buildInputs?"
<infinisil> And efficiency doesn't matter in that case, because it errors anyways
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<pie__> infinisil, works great though, thanks
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<{^_^}> [nix] @volth opened pull request #2275 → [bugfix] lib.concatMap and lib.mapAttrs to be builtins → https://git.io/fbhau
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<keks> hey, I need `ld` for development work but can't find out which package i need to pull into my shell. {^_^} hints me to some mentorToolchain for arm, but I doubt that's what I need
<srk> keks: nix-shell -p stdenv ?
<srk> or binutils
<adisbladis[m]> keks: `ld` is in gcc
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<adisbladis[m]> Which is included in `stdenv`
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<keks> Ah, I though stdenv.cc.cc would be enough, thanks!
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #43065 → wine: build wineWow packages on hydra → https://git.io/fbpod
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fbhVu
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra merged pull request #2275 → [bugfix] lib.concatMap and lib.mapAttrs to be builtins → https://git.io/fbhau
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fbhVV
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #42722 → bison2: Fix Darwin runtime crash → https://git.io/f4F46
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/fbhVK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ekleog opened pull request #43073 → josm: bump to jre10 → https://git.io/fbhVM
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #42187 → openjdk: fix build for !enableGnome2 → https://git.io/ffC9E
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fbhV9
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #43074 → Introduce "wrapCommand" builder → https://git.io/fbhrz
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner pushed to master « cvc4: 1.5 -> 1.6 »: https://git.io/fbhrM
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<Hylo> How can I check what versions of a specific Haskell package are available to me?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #43071 → vampire: portability fixes → https://git.io/fbhCn
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fbhKH
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<mupf> Hello guys, I need a more recent version of this: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/56fad146a12a6f934d1d5ef875eb729be1b19129/pkgs/development/compilers/emscripten/default.nix#L48 what is the correct way of updating it?
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<mupf> I'm quite new to NixOS
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<mupf> Simply updating the version number and sending a pull reuest to nixpkgs?
<goibhniu> mupf: you also need to change the sha256, then you can test the build locally
<mupf> goibhniu: how do I generate the sha256? and how to test the build?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #43076 → kitty: 0.10.1 -> 0.11.2 → https://git.io/fbh6b
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<goibhniu> mupf: `nix-build /path/to/your/clone/of/nixpkgs -A emacsripten`
<goibhniu> if you change a letter in the sha256, if will throw an error and tell you the correct hash
<mupf> thanks
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<mupf> If everything works out, I can send a pull request?
<goibhniu> that will create a ./result with the build output
<goibhniu> yeah, that would be great!
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<gadrabha> Hello! Shouldn't `nix-env -q | grep xmonad` display xmonad-contrib? How can I install it? I have only nixos-unstable as channel; should I have another one with extra packages, such as this one?
<mupf> goibhniu: what exactly are these result symlinks anyway? I find them quite annoying when they appear wherever I run nix-build
<goibhniu> that's how you can examine a build
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<mupf> ah
<goibhniu> you should delete them when you're done, so they can be garbage collected
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43061 → graalvm8: 1.0.0-rc1 -> 1.0.0-rc3 → https://git.io/fbp21
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @volth to master « graalvm8: 1.0.0-rc1 -> 1.0.0-rc3 (#43061) »: https://git.io/fbhiD
<mupf> but it is still installed globally, right?
<goibhniu> nope
<goibhniu> it's not installed at all
<goibhniu> you can use nix-env to install it in a user profile
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<mupf> ah
<mupf> Alright, now I got this:
<mupf> 1704 micha compilers % nix-build /home/micha/dev/nixpkgs/ -A emscripten
<mupf> error: invalid base-32 hash '2qyhjx5zza01vnwmj6qzxbkagxknn4kzb6gw12fqw5q8pa8fy4zy'
<mupf> (use '--show-trace' to show detailed location information)
<mupf> I updated the sha256 hash
<mupf> but still.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #42916 → qutebrowser: 1.3.3 -> 1.4.0 → https://git.io/fQRA3
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to master « qutebrowser: 1.3.3 -> 1.4.0 (#42916) »: https://git.io/fbhPv
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<goibhniu> you just changed the 1 at the start to a 2, right?
<mupf> Okay, I tried again. Changed a few letters and it seems to install something. I didn' get an error
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<mupf> at first, yes
<mupf> now i hanged several letters.
<goibhniu> it should throw an error which tells you the correct sha256
<mupf> It downloads stuff from nix cache
<mupf> That's odd
<goibhniu> maybe you randomly gave it another valid sha256?
<goibhniu> that would be pretty amazing ^_^
<mupf> I doubt that lol
<gchristensen> that is why ,tofu says "probably wrong" ;D
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<mupf> that's the one I tried to use
<mupf> I changed letter 2, 3 and 4 to abc
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<mupf> and changed the version number
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<mupf> It even downloads the release now
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<mupf> Ah now it failed. :)
<goibhniu> \o/
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rycee closed pull request #43075 → Josm 13996 → https://git.io/fbh6e
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rycee pushed commit from @Ekleog to master « josm: bump to jre10 »: https://git.io/fbh1e
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rycee closed pull request #43073 → josm: bump to jre10 → https://git.io/fbhVM
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<mupf> It's a bit sad. For a moment I believed I'm some kind of crazy genious who can guess sha256 hashes
<goibhniu> lol
<goibhniu> what a superpower to have!
<mupf> Indeed
<mupf> For some reason the movie Cube crossed my mind
<mupf> :D
<mupf> Better not.
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<SagnikS> So, I'm having this issue. When I add a software to my config.nix and rebuild and then reboot, the program can be launched through Konsole, but doesn't come up in the Application Menu (Start Menu)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to master « python.pkgs.flask-restful: fix tests »: https://git.io/fbh1H
<goibhniu> SagnikS: does running ` kbuildsycoca5` help?
<SagnikS> It did.
<goibhniu> nice! I noticed a PR yesterday, which does this automatically
<tenten8401_> Speaking of kbuildsycoca5, is there a way to run that on every rebuild?
<tenten8401_> ah, so it's already in there now, just not in the latest stable?
<goibhniu> I don't think it has been merged yet
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<infinisil> What's kbuildsycoca do?
<tenten8401_> rebuilds the KDE Plasma start menu cache
<infinisil> Ahh
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<infinisil> tenten8401_: You could just make a wrapper for nixos-rebuild that does that
<infinisil> Probably the easiest
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<infinisil> Hmm, although, activationPhase might be better
<SagnikS> Hmm
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<infinisil> Often activationScripts* isn't what you want, but in that case it sounds like that might work well
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<infinisil> a systemd service might work too
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<SagnikS> Yeah should work
<hyper_ch> dotlambda: thx for the flexget fix
<hyper_ch> orivej: got a minute? it's about https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/42351
<{^_^}> #42351 (by averelld, merged): qt5: 5.11.0 -> 5.11.1
<orivej> hyper_ch: yes
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<hyper_ch> orivej: ah, ok... already sovled.. I thought another package broke with that missing qt5_use_modules but upon closer inspection it was still sqlitebrowser
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<orivej> hyper_ch: afaik, sqlitebrowser builds now
<hyper_ch> orivej: yeah I know... it just looked for a moment that error now appears with system-config-printer package but I looked wrong
<orivej> ok
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<jgt> I know how to use a specific nixpkgs with fetchFromGitHub in a file, but how do I do the same thing on the command line? I want to do something like `nix-env -i` to install something, but with a specific nixpkgs commit
<hyper_ch> orivej: if multiple packages build at the same time and produce output it's very confusing for average computer users like me :)
<infinisil> jgt: -I nixpkgs=https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/archive/<commit or ref>.tar.gz
<infinisil> Is one way
<orivej> hyper_ch: i rarely use this feature, but with nix 2 you can run "nix log some.pkg" to get its log
<jgt> infinisil: do I still need to do the sha256 dance this way?
<infinisil> jgt: Nope
<jgt> infinisil: Nice. Thanks!
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<infinisil> It is similar to builtins.fetchTarball "https://..." which also doesn't require a sha256
<hyper_ch> orivej: do I have nix 2? :)
<infinisil> jgt: The disadvantage is that it only keeps it cached for 1 hour, after which it will redownload it
<mupf> goibhniu: everything worked out, the build inside ./result is fine. How can I install it now?
<orivej> hyper_ch: "nix" command only exists in nix 2
<jgt> infinisil: in my case, that's fine
<clever> infinisil: fetchTarball will use the last-modified and etag headers the remote server advertises to cache the reply
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<clever> infinisil: and nginx etag's are generated based on the filesize and last-mod timestamp, so nix's timestamp fudging can massively break it
<goibhniu> mupf: I'm not sure if nix-env -i ./result works ... otherwise get the store path of result (e.g. with ls -l) and `nix-env -i` that
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<mupf> thanks
<infinisil> clever: I see
<LnL> goibhniu: mupf: pretty sure nix-env -i ./result will resolve it for you
<goibhniu> cool!
<hyper_ch> clever did something clever again?
<orivej> hyper_ch: it's a bit confusing, try "nix log -f '<nixpkgs>' sqlitebrowser" or "nix log nixpkgs.sqlitebrowser"
<clever> hyper_ch: i helped somebody debug something a few days ago, where his channel was configured with nginx+nixos, and was hosting a tar directly from the store
<hyper_ch> orivej: nice, thx
<hyper_ch> clever: your nickname still suits you :)
<mupf> It worked. thanks
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<jgt> Damn :-/ My install is failing with the "Argument list too long" error
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<jgt> I tried doing: nix-env -i -I nixpkgs=https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/archive/7283740218a5178185a8c1bf0ecfa861f5f9f0f7.tar.gz stack2nix
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<jgt> oh right, thanks!
<clever> jgt: by default, nix-env will entirely ignore -I and $NIX_PATH
<clever> you would have to -f '<nixpkgs>' to make it search
<clever> and if the url is already in the cmd, just move it a bit
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<hyper_ch> clever: used your kexec on two more servers :) worked without hitch
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<clever> hyper_ch: nice
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<hyper_ch> in my installer script I should try to auto-guess/suggest the ethernet driver required for root encrypted zfs
<clever> 03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82583V Gigabit Network Connection
<clever> Kernel driver in use: e1000e
<clever> from `lspci -v`
<hyper_ch> I know... right now I have installer scripts for online.net and kimsufi servers
<hyper_ch> but the only thing I need to manually change is the ethernet driver to add to the initrd so you can ssh into the box for unlocking root zfs
<hyper_ch> I should do make it user configurable during installation with educated guess :)
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<hyper_ch> clever: curl -o "/mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sjau/nix-expressions/master/customIsoFiles/kimsufi_net_minimal_enczfs_configuration.nix" || ( printf "%s\n" "Couldn't scp the configuration.nix. Quitting."; exit 1)
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<hyper_ch> stupid me.... filename fault
<hyper_ch> now I fixed it
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<hakujin> hi folks. what's the correct way to get my hands on `uuidgen` on darwin? `utillinux` looks to be the canonical source and, obviously, won't work on darwin.
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<hakujin> maybe cc LnL ^
<clever> hakujin: oddly, utillinux can build on darwin
<clever> nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A utillinux --argstr system x86_64-darwin
<hakujin> hmmmmm
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<clever> hakujin: but that variant doesnt contain uuidgen
<clever> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 67 Dec 31 1969 col -> /nix/store/ngw4nhjjwmg516h2v6anhk2012s90jwd-col-1003.1-2008/bin/col
<clever> and it appears to be a buildenv called utillinux-compat-1003.1-2008, that collects other darwin packages together
<LnL> we have a shim that tries to throw together most binaries that are in utillinux
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<hakujin> clever: LnL: how do I go about using that? `utillinux-compat` doesn't seem to load here (or maybe I'm not sure how to use it?)
<clever> hakujin: its under the utillinux attribute
<hakujin> clever: like this? `nix-shell -p utillinux.compat`?
<clever> nix-shell -p utillinux
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<hakujin> ah, right, but like you mentioned that doesn't seem to contain the uuidgen binary
<LnL> it's not in there, seems like we don't have a package for it (yet)
<hakujin> ack. thanks for the info.
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<LnL> there is one on my system, so it's probably in one of the projects on opensource.apple.com
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<waynr> howdy folks
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<waynr> i'm having difficulty understanding how to install nix in single-user mode as anything other than root user or in multi-user mode as root, but maybe my problem is that it's just not possible to do this on a debian based system
<waynr> i did find this deb package on the hydra site: https://hydra.nixos.org/build/75164722
<clever> waynr: on debian, you just run the install script as a non-root user to do a single-user install
<clever> waynr: it has no multi-user mode
<waynr> clever: yeah that's the thing i can definitely get working
<waynr> the script fails if i try to run it as root
<clever> yeah, its not meant to work as root
<waynr> i want to run it as root because there are packages i'd like to install that need to be accessible to root
<waynr> or to other non-login users
<clever> you can convert the single-user install into a multi-user one, after its installed
<samueldr> (passing --daemon to the install script now works, clever) nix#2269
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/2269 (by samueldr, open): Manual: Updates install notes for one-liner
<samueldr> still, the new~ish installer *really* wants to be run as a non-root user
<waynr> yeah that's what i'm trying now
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<clever> samueldr: ah, nice
<waynr> i created a throw-away user called "nix-daemon"
<waynr> and i'm trying to run the script as that, but somehow files under /nix end up being owned as roto
<waynr> i guess that might be my ansible script's problem though
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mupfelofen-de opened pull request #43078 → emscripten: 1.37.16 -> 1.38.6, Add mupf to maintainer list → https://git.io/fbh7k
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<mupf> goibhniu: this is strange
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<LnL> you have to make sure /nix exists and is owned by the 'nix user' but other then that you don't need root/sudo
<mupf> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43078/files the diff I see here doesn't look like the change I made
<{^_^}> #43078 (by mupfelofen-de, open): emscripten: 1.37.16 -> 1.38.6, Add mupf to maintainer list
<mupf> I only changed the version number, the sha256 hash and added myself to maintainers
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #43079 → Rework stage.nix's extraPkgs → https://git.io/fbh7l
<waynr> ah i found the problem, i was creating the profiles directory as root after creating /nix as nix-daemon
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<goibhniu> mupf: it looks like you were on a different branch/revision ... you could reset the master branch to the same as upstream master and then add your changes again ... can I give you a hand with that?
<mupf> goibhniu: I would appreciate that but for now I better close the pull request, right?
<goibhniu> cool, yeah!
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mupfelofen-de closed pull request #43078 → emscripten: 1.37.16 -> 1.38.6, Add mupf to maintainer list → https://git.io/fbh7k
<goibhniu> have you got any other changes locally that you'd like to keep?
<phry> hi. has 18.09pre accidentally been pushed to the 18.03 channel? nixos-rebuild switch puts me on 18.09 o_O
<mupf> I accidently dropped my changes a few seconds ago. So no, I only changed this
<mupf> Damn, I'm tired.
<clever> phry: what does nix-channel --list print?
<mupf> nothing
<phry> clever: forget it, I just noticed I messed with my NIX_PATH :/
<phry> although that was months ago, no idea why it just happened now o_O
<goibhniu> mupf: run `git fetch` to get all the lastest stuff, then `git reset --hard a04c9e2` to undo any local changes ... then edit the file again, commit etc.
<goibhniu> mupf: I'm assuming that your remote is nixos/nixpkgs and your branch is "master"
<mupf> yes
<mupf> https://github.com/mupfelofen-de/nixpkgs ah my changes are still on my own fork
<goibhniu> that explains it
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<mupf> but wait, I drop this too. I better start all over again.
<waynr> hmm, seems like it should be possible to put debian nix packages in release directories like this: https://nixos.org/releases/nix/nix-2.0.4/
<waynr> i think that would simplify my install process
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mnacamura opened pull request #43080 → cataclysm-dda{,-git}: move common attributes to common.nix → https://git.io/fbh5C
<waynr> i'd be willing to put in the work to make that happen, i'm assuming the automation is flexible enough to make it possible
<waynr> anyone know of any reason this wouldn't be accepted by maintainers?
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<{^_^}> [nixos-foundation] @rbvermaa pushed to master « Empty README.md »: https://git.io/fbh52
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<mupf> goibhniu: Alright, I have a clean fork now
<samueldr> there were .deb/.rpm packages before, but IIRC they were dropped since they weren't dogfooded, neither tested properly
<mupf> i must have accidently changed my local branch
<goibhniu> mupf: sweet, you know what to do from here, right?
<mupf> I guess I need to switch branches? probably release-18.03?
<goibhniu> a package upgrade would go on master
<waynr> samueldr: it looks like there .deb's being built: https://hydra.nixos.org/build/75164722, but they don't seem to be deposited in a release directory
<goibhniu> so you should be good. You can make your changes, push to your fork and then open a PR.
<mupf> to my own master branch too?
<goibhniu> yeah
<samueldr> oh, last time I checked, waynr, I couldn't find the .deb builds on hydra
<mupf> well, that was what I did in the first place.
<goibhniu> well, it doesn't matter what the branch in your fork is called
<samueldr> though the dogfooding/testing argument still stands AFAIK
<waynr> what kind of testing should be done?
<goibhniu> mupf: you seemed to have differences in your branch compared to nixos/nixpkgs master
<samueldr> it already was the case with the 1.11 series
<mupf> yes
<symphorien> waynr: there is a project to revamp .deb/.rpm generation https://github.com/Mic92/nix-fpm-multiuser
<symphorien> so maybe wait for this to settle down
<samueldr> waynr: ideally an installation test, tested through hydra, with a test verifying it works as expected once installed
<waynr> it looks like some kind of tests are run based on this console log: https://hydra.nixos.org/build/75164722/nixlog/1
<mupf> goibhniu: this is what makes me feel a bit unsure
<samueldr> and as for dogfooding, enough nix users which use the .deb/.rpm so it's known when things are going sour
<goibhniu> mupf: when you open the PR, you should see only your changes
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<goibhniu> mupf: what are you concerned about?
<waynr> symphorien: thanks for the link!
<LnL> waynr: those are the nix unittests
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<{^_^}> [nixos-foundation] @zimbatm pushed to minutes « first pass at documenting the foundation's goals »: https://git.io/fbh5N
<{^_^}> [nixos-foundation] @zimbatm opened pull request #2 → first pass at documenting the foundation's goals → https://git.io/fbh5p
<mupf> goibhniu: check my previous pull request. I only changed minor things from my branch, but the changes doesn't look so minor in comparison to nixpkgs's master branch
<goibhniu> mupf: ah ok, but you've reset it now
<waynr> LnL: oh i see, not running installed on a debian/ubuntu system
<waynr> i wonder how difficult it would be to run the tests using a nix installation in a docker image
<goibhniu> mupf: your fork is probably just out of date
<mupf> goibhniu: Yes, but I can't pull my changed files from release-18.03 to nixpkg's master
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<mupf> I just wanted to update the package to the most current version.
<symphorien> mupf: is your change only one commit ?
<goibhniu> mupf: I don't understand, why would you want to pull your changed files from the release?
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<samueldr> oh, the impression I got that they dropped all .deb/.rpm came from dropping debian8 (they still build for ubuntu)
<goibhniu> mupf: do you have changes in your branch that you want to keep?
<mupf> goibhniu: It wasn't my intention. It's the version I currently use on my system. I wasn't aware of the fact that the master branch is different.
<mupf> no
<goibhniu> ah! I see
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<waynr> is this release directory defunct? https://hydra.nixos.org/project/nix#tabs-releases i don't see any 2.X versions there
<goibhniu> mupf: anyway, that doesn't matter for the PR. You want to make changes on any branch and create the PR against master and then you should be good.
<gchristensen> waynr: correct, releases are no longer put there
<mupf> goibhniu: https://github.com/mupfelofen-de/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/compilers/emscripten/default.nix I don't even know how up-to-date the emscripten package from the master branch is.
<LnL> waynr: I think that's not used anymore
<waynr> ah, i see those and additional releases on nixos.org/releases/nix
<mupf> goibhniu: the emscripten package was only updated a month ago. I don't wanna screw with people's work
<goibhniu> mupf: aha! so you probably really just want to install the latest version of emacscripten
<{^_^}> [nixos-foundation] @zimbatm pushed to minutes « more »: https://git.io/fbhd1
<mupf> goibhniu: indeed.
<mupf> Guess I need to learn alot about NixOS.
<mupf> before contributing.
<goibhniu> well, you're learning ... and you almost opened a PR :D
<waynr> but the problem seems to still be that nothing after 1.11.2 has debs even though they're being built and as far as i can tell it looks like at least unit tests are run against the installed package (after taking a closer look)
<LnL> waynr: there are at least 3 different docker containers out there to run nix
<mupf> goibhniu: I opened and closed one.
<goibhniu> mupf: but for now, you have a few ways to install it. Do you use a user-profile?
<gchristensen> waynr: the deb and rpm installations methods have been removed because they're not supported
<goibhniu> (i.e. do you install things with nix-env)
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<mupf> goibhniu: yes, I use this file I forked from a friend: https://github.com/mupfelofen-de/config/blob/master/files/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<mupf> Unfortunately he can't teach me anymore.
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<goibhniu> mupf: cool, so you can go to hydra and search for emacscripten there
<mupf> hydra?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #42876 → recoll: Add support to build without QT → https://git.io/fyFDw
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fbhFL
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<waynr> hail hydra!
<waynr> :badjokeeel:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #43011 → flatpak: 0.99.1 -> 0.99.2 → https://git.io/fbxV8
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fbhFY
<mupf> either
<goibhniu> hehe ... TIL there's no emacs in emscripten ... I must have emacs on the brain
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #43040 → Darwin stdenv tweaks → https://git.io/fbpnA
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 6 commits to staging: https://git.io/fbhFZ
<mupf> emscripten-1.37.36
<goibhniu> mupf: see the "Output store paths"?
<goibhniu> you can use it like this: `nix-store -r /nix/store/572clln4zsg50d8fq6mdg7mmizz2b3dz-emscripten-1.37.36`
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<mupf> what is this for=
<mupf> ?
<goibhniu> it installs that version
<mupf> But I want version 1.38.6
<mupf> And probably any future version they release
<mupf> ;)
<goibhniu> oh :D
<mupf> I would even be happy to maintain the package so it gets updated.
<mupf> (same with a few others…)
<mupf> That was my initial intend
<mupf> :)
<mupf> Can I get back to you? Maybe on the weekend? I really need to go to bed now. lol
<mupf> Also: I really appreciate your tips
<goibhniu> mupf: sure, emscriptenVersion = "1.37.36" is defined in all-packages.nix, so that's where you'll want to look
<goibhniu> maybe there's a mechanism for overriding that too
<goibhniu> sleep well!
<clever> goibhniu: if thats in the set passed to callPackage, then .override can change it
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<goibhniu> nice!
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<phry> can I somehow wrap an i386 binary with libredirect on an amd64 system? I've got some misbehaving printer drivers :/
<clever> phry: use the i686 pkgs
<clever> > pkgsi686Linux.libredirect
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/2mmndhx34y97zjdb2sqlhjgy2w1xamxz-libredirect-0>"
<clever> thats 32bit
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<phry> clever: thx, gonne give it a try
<phry> w00p, it's printing!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Baughn opened pull request #43081 → Nix df → https://git.io/fbhAw
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko merged pull request #42775 → oauth2_proxy: add nginx vhost module → https://git.io/f4NPN
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fbhA5
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0deaddict opened pull request #43083 → pythonPackages.sounddevice: fixed portaudio library path → https://git.io/fbhxC
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<bpye> Does NixOS have a good way to setup hooks, ie. before a ZFS snapshot is taken my PostgreSQL database needs to be made consistent
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<clever> bpye: the systemd units are configured to run the command in zfsAutoSnap
<clever> bpye: which is the zfs-auto-snapshot binary in the autosnapPkg, which comes from an overridden zfstools
<clever> bpye: it may be best to modify zfs.nix to allow a pre and post snapshot comand
<bpye> Seems like a reasonable modification
<clever> bpye: using disabledModules, you can stop nixos from using the zfs.nix in nixpkgs
<clever> then you can add a copy of it via imports = [ ./zfs.nix ];
<clever> and freely modify the copy
<clever> and file a PR when its working good
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<bpye> Got it
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<bpye> Currently I'm just setting up what I intend to run in a VM as I can't really afford to have my backup share offline etc, then I'm planning to move from my Docker everything in containers approach to NixOS
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<bebarker> I've been looking at https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1559, as I need to install nix in a single user environment. Haven't tried. Is it possible? the possible need for the nixbuildx (x from 1 to 30) users is a concern
<{^_^}> #1559 (by Anton-Latukha, open): Nix single user install on Linux wants 'nixbld' group and workers, else - it fails
<clever> bebarker: if nix is ran without root, then it works without build users
<{^_^}> [nix] @dtzWill opened pull request #2276 → add support for specifying 'compression-level' for NAR's → https://git.io/fbhhI
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<bpye> Also, if I want to use nixops on a non NixOS OS I need to install Nix there first?
<bebarker> clever, ok cool
<clever> bpye: yeah
<bpye> clever Okay, currently I'm just pushing over my configuration.nix and using ssh to switch state, with NixOps I should be able avoid that though right?
<clever> bpye: yeah, nixops builds the config locally (ignoring the remote configuration.nix), then pushes the finished build over
<srk> you can achieve similar thing with nixos-rebuild --build-host and --target-host
<bpye> How does that work with hardware-configuration.nix or does NixOps just rely on the remote for that?
<srk> you need to reflect that manually
<clever> bpye: you have to specify all of that locally
<clever> bpye: the aws backend handles the hardware stuff automatically, but none requires it to be manually done
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<bpye> clever: So as in https://nixos.org/nixops/manual/#ex-physical-nixos.nix I still need to have everything from hardware config at the location I'm running nixops?
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<clever> bpye: yeah
<bpye> Ah awesome
<worldofpeace> How am i supposed to debug a wrapped program in gdb?
<clever> worldofpeace: read the wrapper script, manually run the export statements, then run gdb against the -wrapped binary
<worldofpeace> clever: thanks :)
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<bpye> So just to double check, for nixops I need to config manually to get ssh working, then I can do the rest from nixops? And I guess just be careful that I don't screw up the SSH config else I'll need to rollback
<clever> bpye: yeah
<tenten8401> I screwed up SSH once with nixops
<tenten8401> had to start another sshd on another port and deploy to that port
<clever> bpye: and also make sure it can still boot
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl opened pull request #43084 → ocamlPackages.janeStreet: 0.10 -> 0.11 → https://git.io/fbhh7
<bpye> clever: Right, but so long as it boots and can start the ssh daemon I should be good?
<clever> bpye: yep
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<worldofpeace> ,locate bin odjdump
<{^_^}> Unknown locate type bin
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<worldofpeace> ,locate bin/odjdump
<{^_^}> Couldn't find any packages
<worldofpeace> ,locate bin/objdump
<{^_^}> Found in packages: arduino, androidndk, gotools.bin, avrbinutils, arduino_core, gcc-arm-embedded, binutils-unwrapped, and 2 more
<infinisil> (removed ,locate bin <name>, because it's pretty much the same as bin/<name>)
<joepie91> ,locate objdump
<{^_^}> Found in packages: go, arduino, androidndk, gotools.bin, avrbinutils, arduino_core, gcc-arm-embedded, and 4 more
<infinisil> Although, actually it's not.. I'll add it again
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<testuser> Hi, my X crashed due to running some java program, is there a way to get the log of the crash or possibly set the X to store the logs in the future? Some linux distributions store those logs into /var/log/X.log.*, but I only see the /vag/log/X.0.log - where could I find the log of the X crashing?
<infinisil> testuser: I think that's in `journalctl -u display-manager -e`
<cocreature> am I supposed to be recompiling binutils when I’m on the nixos-unstable channel? I feel like if the channel is upgrade, that should be in cache
<cocreature> *upgraded
<clever> cocreature: it should be in the binary cache
<cocreature> clever: huh weird, I haven’t overridden anything that should matter here
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<bpye> Hm, is there any plan to support something other than datadog so widely as NixOps/NixOS currently has datadog integrated? Seems nice but the free version offers no alerts which is a bit of a blocker
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<clever> bpye: the free version also has a fairly low host count
<jessechaos> quick question; is Gnome fully supported? the description on the about page is likely severely outdated by this point - https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-homepage/blame/e51f72c50e953cb1b6c51083c169fdb62969366f/nixos/about.tt#L232-L234
<clever> bpye: i know somebody that uses prometheous heavily, but i havent seen how he configured it
<clever> bpye: but i have seen his alerts go off a few times
<bpye> Prometheus and Grafana seem like the way to go for OSS solutions. I've played with netdata but it's not really compatible with nixOS
<bpye> I want to monitor obvious things like load and storage, but also backups and network connectivity
<clever> bpye: prior to getting into nixos, i used cacti and net-snmp for everything
<clever> bpye: but the cacti ui has been getting worse lately, and a push based model is just simpler to use
<symphorien> jessechaos: here is what is supported: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#xserver.+manager
<bpye> Never used cacti but I have used rrdtool before in a pinch for some monitoring but that was a hacky thing I threw together
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<gchristensen> prom is pretty nice
<jessechaos> @symphorien thanks the options page didn't load properly for me the first time around.
<bpye> Hm, "bash <(curl https://nixos.org/nix/install)" doesn't love being run under WSL
<clever> bpye: my main issues with cacti currently, is that you have to configure what to graph at a central point, while push-based things like DD have that configured on the remote machines
<clever> bpye: and how cacti has been removing features i used to improve performance
<gchristensen> obadz: ping
<bpye> Silly question, where is nix.conf when installing as a regular user?
<clever> bpye: /etc/nix/nix.conf still
<gchristensen> aristid, civodul, cstrahan_, obadz, phreedom, pikajude, roconnor /!\ you're running out of time! https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/42761 /!\
<{^_^}> #42761 (by grahamc, open): Require 2FA for all committers
<pikajude> you're saying i have to check it *manually*?
<pikajude> preposterous
<cocreature> can I somehow search hydra for a specific derivation? e.g. nix-rebuild switch --upgrade tries to build "/nix/store/fn2w2psndgxplg9hh59k1s277ph9p36q-binutils-2.30.drv" and I’d like to check whether hydra has ever attempted to build that
<gchristensen> well you don't have to, but I can't run the thing which tellsme who is left -- only a few people can, and I've bugged them a lot today :)
<clever> cocreature: curl https://cache.nixos.org/HASH.narinfo
<clever> cocreature: using the hash from the output (cat the .drv file, its one of the first paths)
<clever> cocreature: in your case, curl cache.nixos.org/8kp1k26il5n08bqm3f18nhxm0p8qimjc.narinfo
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<civodul> gchristensen: thanks for the heads-up! i guess i'll officially no longer be part of the game :-)
<bpye> disasm: Awesome, thank yuo
<bpye> civodul: Any reason why a 2FA app on a phone wouldn't work for you?
<bpye> I'm just curious since I've been using 2FA everywhere I can for quite a while
<LnL> infinisil: ^ the bot probably shouldn't react if it's already a full url
<infinisil> I'm doing it for the meta info though
<civodul> bpye: i don't have a phone, but i no longer contribute to Nixpkgs anyway
<clever> cocreature: is the nixos cache in nix.conf?
<civodul> bpye: apparently a phone is not strictly required though
<roconnor> gchristensen: thanks for the heads up!
<gchristensen> roconnor: thank you!
<infinisil> LnL: Do you think the merge state, author and title isn't as useful? I quiet like it tbh
<samueldr> using a phone is the most common setup for 2FA, but what's actually important is to have software implementing the scheme
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<samueldr> (in this case)
<bpye> I've moved to a U2F key anyway, just wish more things supported it
<gchristensen> bpye: same :)
<cocreature> clever: thanks! I just noticed myself that I accidentally removed the nixos cache when I added a cachix cache. now that I’ve added it back, things seems to work as I expect them to!
<aristid> gchristensen: 2FA enabled
<gchristensen> thanks!
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<jgt> how do I install something into my profile, the same way `nix-env -i` would, when I build something with `nix-build`?
<gchristensen> nix-env -i ./result
<jgt> ah!
<jgt> thanks
<LnL> infinisil: hmm, well now I can't avoid it echoing me, with the previous format it's deliberate
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<aristid> gchristensen: thanks for the reminder here, i disabled e-mail notifications for nixpkgs a long time ago as it killed my email inbox speed :D
<infinisil> LnL: I'll remember it, let's see if I get any more complains about it
<gchristensen> aristid: haha understood
<{^_^}> [nixos-foundation] @grahamc pushed 27 commits to sfc-app: https://git.io/fbjUE
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<roconnor> gchristensen: done. Should I reply to the thread?
<gchristensen> no need
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar merged pull request #42922 → zoom-us: 2.2.128100.0627 -> 2.2.128200.0702 → https://git.io/f7Ldv
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar pushed commit from @tadfisher to master « zoom-us: 2.2.128100.0627 -> 2.2.128200.0702 (#42922) »: https://git.io/fbjUH
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<{^_^}> [nixos-foundation] @grahamc opened pull request #4 → Initial commit of the SFC application. → https://git.io/fbjUd
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<bpye> Can I tell nixops what key to use?
<bpye> I would rather it used my SSH agent
<infinisil> ,locate bin objdump
<{^_^}> Found in packages: gotools.bin, binutils-unwrapped
<infinisil> There we go, much nicer than ,locate bin/objdump
<bpye> Hm NixOps builds locally then pushes everything? Looks like I might have to do this under native Linux rather than WSL anyway as file IO perf kinda sucks on WSL
<gchristensen> oofta yeah nixops is probably going to be pretty tough on wsl
<bpye> Yeah just tried :)
<bpye> I guess it makes sense, I've worked on machines without external network access and building on the dev machine makes a lot of sense then
<bpye> Might actually try running NixOS on this laptop
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<gchristensen> do it!
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<bpye> Should setting resources.sshKeyPairs.ssh-key.publicKey be enough to get it to use my existing SSH key pair?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #43085 → Dwarf fortress tweaks → https://git.io/fbjLu
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<grp> I'm trying to create an overlay, but even with an empty definition (self: super: {}), I get a lot of weird derivations when I do a dry-build. How can I inspect wtf is going on?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Synthetica9 opened pull request #43086 → atom, atom-beta: 1.28.0 -> 1.28.1, 1.29.0-beta0 -> 1.29.0-beta1 → https://git.io/fbjtI
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<LnL> can you give an example? I have a feeling you're using them incorrectly
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar opened pull request #43087 → network-manager: 1.10.6 → 1.12.0 → https://git.io/fbjtd
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<grp> LnL: I've been trying to follow https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Overlays but options.nix.nixPath.default triggers an error so I left it out. Must be the root of this issue
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<grp> trying to get it working, inspecting stuff with nix repl, still haven't found what's going on
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<grp> What I'm trying to do is: create an overlay where I define some packages, modules and replace a module that's not working quite right (once I fix it I'll put a PR, but for now I need to hack around)
<grp> (it'd be soooooooooo much easier if I could break the rules and edit the nix store directly to hack around the channel's definitions)
<LnL> overlays only work for packages
<LnL> why? use a checkout and -I nixpkgs=/foo
<grp> ok, seems I was doing it the wrong way
<grp> will try that
<LnL> you're not forced to use channels, it's just the default
<grp> still want my overlay/channel to pack internal stuff across machines
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<grp> anyway, i've been getting X related derivations and I have no clue what's pulling them. Is there a way to inspect the dependencies solver?
<LnL> and you can get the revision of your current channel with something like this
<LnL> ls -la $(nix-instantiate --eval -E '<nixos>')
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<LnL> (last part of the store path)
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<LnL> but there's probably a better way to get that :)
<LnL> there's nix why-depends and nix-store -q --tree
<grp> yeah, add | tr './' '\t' | cut -f15 to that
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #42974 → mxt-app: 1.27 -> 1.28 → https://git.io/fbxCn
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fbjmG
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<hakujin> are patches listed in `patches` immutable? I'm trying to combine `prePatch` + some terrible `sed` to edit a patch.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #43088 → Get rid of 2 unneeded packages → https://git.io/fbjmE
<grp> LnL: why-depends seems nice, but it doesn't show what's pulling what from the current configuration.nix, or does it?
<grp> seems I'll have to iterate on it
<LnL> why-depends is only for runtime dependencies, I think you can make it resolve stuff for nixos given the right arguments
<LnL> let me try
<grp> just iterated over every package defined in the configuration.nix, and... none depends on xscreensaver. Guess I was right, the problem is I'm screwing up nixPath
<grp> ouch, 400MiB and counting... nixpkgs repo is hefty, should have trimmed revisions
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43072 → sixpair: init at 2007-04-18 → https://git.io/fbhu9
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @TomSmeets to master « sixpair: init at 2007-04-18 (#43072) »: https://git.io/fbjYe
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 6 commits to master: https://git.io/fbjYk
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #43079 → Rework stage.nix's extraPkgs → https://git.io/fbh7l
<testuser> infinisil, sorry for the late response, but the xorg log is not displayed by "journalctl -u display-manager -e"
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<testuser> infinisil, that seems to be the current X log, since the X is restarted automatically when it crashes.
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<LnL> grp: hrm, I get weird errors but I'd expect this to work: nix why-depends -f '<nixos/nixos>' system pkgs.bashInteractive
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43086 → atom, atom-beta: 1.28.0 -> 1.28.1, 1.29.0-beta0 -> 1.29.0-beta1 → https://git.io/fbjtI
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @Synthetica9 to master « atom, atom-beta: 1.28.0 -> 1.28.1, 1.29.0-beta0 -> 1.29.0-beta1 (#43086) »: https://git.io/fbjYl
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<grp> LnL: got just an error: error: the expression selected by the selection path 'pkgs.bashInteractive' should be a set but is a list
<LnL> yeah, I get something similar not sure why it freaks out
<grp> no worries though. Sooner or later I'll get everything right. Git just finished cloning so I'm going to hack around a bit
<phreedom> civodul: you can use 2FA without a phone, ping me if interested
<grp> I'll try my hand at overlays later
<phreedom> civodul: at least it's possible with github
<LnL> grp: anyway nix-store -q --tree /run/current-system works, but includes everything so you have to trace the tree yourself
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<grp> hohoho, it's not small. Nevermind, I'll convert it to nested lists or directories in a tmpfs and search the paths
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @elitak opened pull request #43089 → ipfs: initialConfig option + fixes → https://git.io/fbjYQ
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jwiegley pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fbjOv
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<phreedom> grahamc: I've enabled 2fa. effectively I assume the only security implication of this is that you no longer can push using login/password and have to use the ssh key and you can't easily change the ssh key using just the login/password combo
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #42875 → texlive: Propagate biber binary → https://git.io/fy1XE
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @Infinisil to master « texlive: Propagate biber binary (#42875) »: https://git.io/fbjOt
<gchristensen> pretty much, yeah, thanks phreedom
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<pikajude> can you get hub to default to ssh rather than https remotes
<pikajude> i'm sure you can
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<samueldr> https can work with a personal access token instead of user/password
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<phreedom> pikajude: I was using git+ssh, but the concern is that you can change the account ssh key using just the login/password combo, so 2fa plugs this hole as with 2fa the real password(2fa seed) is never transmitted, and in theory you could use an offline device to store that password(hw token, second high-security laptop)
<pikajude> oh you can
<pikajude> ok
<pikajude> i didn't know that
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<gchristensen> you sure can! including U2F support which is a hardware token
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<pikajude> hm
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<pikajude> i should get another hw token
<pikajude> i have one for work already but i don't think those things can do double duty
<gchristensen> if you have a u2f-capable token, it will work with many different things
<pikajude> oh, i have a yubikey
<pikajude> i don't think those are u2f-capable
<gchristensen> many of them are
<pikajude> well, yubico makes a u2f-capable one
<pikajude> but "u2f" is in the name
<pikajude> hmm
<pikajude> yeah i have a 4c nano
<pikajude> oh
<pikajude> "supported protocols: fido u2f"
<gchristensen> =)
<pikajude> i know about as much about security as i do about jet engines
<gchristensen> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/42761 see "Hardware" here about using u2f on nixos
<{^_^}> #42761 (by grahamc, open): Require 2FA for all committers
<pikajude> 1) hash a password before you store it and 2) don't jump directly into the turbine
<pikajude> that's the extent of my knowledge
<gchristensen> that is about all you need to know really
<pikajude> ok so how do i actually use this to auth to github
<gchristensen> well, 3) use 2fa as much as possible
<pikajude> thanks
<gchristensen> yep!
<pikajude> that's one of those questions where i type it out before thinking about it
<pikajude> because i could just google that
<sir_guy_carleton> gchristensen: is getting a yubico worth 'upgrading' over phone 2fa?
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<pikajude> holy crepe
<pikajude> i just enabled yubikey login to my github
<pikajude> this changes everything
<gchristensen> I use my yubikey for a bunch of stuff and find it valuable, but the jump from "no 2fa" to "literally any 2fa" is way bigger than "any 2fa" to "u2f"
<pikajude> wait, so there's a u2f web api?
<gchristensen> yep
<pikajude> that's crazy
<pikajude> when i visit the login page my yubikey lights up
<samueldr> except the dubious SMS or phone call 2fa, while better than none, there is a major advantage to switching to other schemes
<pikajude> ok, 2fa confirmed no longer obnoxious to deal with
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<phreedom> sir_guy_carleton: a phone is probably less secure than your main laptop, so even upgrading to generating 2fa codes from cli on the same laptop helps ;)
<phreedom> sir_guy_carleton: if you are serious about your security, it makes sense to "invest" by keeping your old laptop around and turning it into an offline signing/2fa device
<pikajude> but having a separate hardware token is even better
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43060 → Asterisk xmpp support → https://git.io/fbpzp
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fbjsq
<andi-> did any of you follow those webusb vs web u2f api topic where websites could talk to the u2f device?
<phreedom> samueldr: oh that sms/phone "2fa" is just an excuse to violate your privacy. and idiotic google still requires it
<phreedom> samueldr: ok not really idiotic, but evil as you can safely rule out stupidity
<phreedom> in this case
<samueldr> I wouldn't go as far as ascribing malice for that requirement, when it once was deemed a safe method
<pie__> infinisil, ok sooo... if i want to make qtah-* build from my local repo, what do i do with https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/master/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix
<samueldr> though, _requiring_ it now is... bad
<phreedom> samueldr: it's malice, since google does support the proper 2fa implementation, but to enable it you first have to attach a phone number
<phreedom> samueldr: after you attach the phone number, you can see your 2fa seed
<joepie91> [00:42] <phreedom> sir_guy_carleton: a phone is probably less secure than your main laptop, so even upgrading to generating 2fa codes from cli on the same laptop helps ;)
<joepie91> I have to disagree with that
<joepie91> if it's the *same* laptop as you're logging in from
<phreedom> samueldr: and while I live in a country where you can buy phones that can easily change their imei and anonymous SIM cards I still refuse to sign up for this bullshit as I know what this eventually leads to
<infinisil> pie__: myhaskellpackages = pkgs.haskellPackages.override { overrides = self: super: { qtah... = super.qtah.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { src = ...
<joepie91> the point of 2fa is primarily to require compromising two environments instead of one, to compromise an account; if you generate codes from the same system as the one you log in from, it doesn't do that
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<joepie91> so even if SMS 2fa is pretty crappy, it's still better than not having a second environment at all :P
<phreedom> joepie91: if your main laptop is compromised, the attacker has access to your current session, to your current one-time code etc
<joepie91> of course, if you have a *separate* laptop for generating 2fa codes (separate from the one you log in on), this doesn't apply and it will be much better than SMS
<pie__> infinisil, hm. thanks. people need to come up with a nicer shortcut for that :p
<joepie91> phreedom: sessions have expiration; account credentials do not
<phreedom> joepie91: and a phone typically has an assortment of key loggers and other crap installed at the factory :(
<samueldr> joepie91: on the same laptop you're logging-in from still has security implications; a good chunk of attacks, especially automated attacks, can just not work if they somehow get your password
<pie__> infinisil, ugh, so how does this line relate to ghcWithHoogle?
<infinisil> Not sure, look up how ghcWithHoogle is defined
<joepie91> phreedom: sure, but even *with* keyloggers, it is still more secure as 'the party compromising your laptop' and 'the party who owns the keylogger' are not very likely to be the same party (unless you're targeted by a nation state, in which case just get a dedicated 2fa device)
<joepie91> in a 2fa scheme, two separate attackers having access to two different single factors is not a big deal so long as they don't collude
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<infinisil> pie__: Oh, well you can just use myhaskellpackages.ghcWithHoogle
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<pie__> infinisil, ah ok
<phreedom> joepie91: "nation state"/organized crime-level is usually the attacker you are concerned about. also it's quite usual to have your laptop and your phone substantially interconnected
<joepie91> phreedom: not really true; the most common attacker is 'partner'
<joepie91> (yes, really)
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<joepie91> or well, that's not strictly accurate
<joepie91> the most common *targeted* attacker
<joepie91> for automated attacks, sure, there's all the script kiddies
<gchristensen> I mean
<phreedom> joepie91: not sure what you mean by 'partner'. no people have easy physical access to my devices
<gchristensen> the attack vector I'm worried most about is not nation states or partners
<gchristensen> let's talk password reuse
<joepie91> phreedom: as in, partners, spouses, {boy,girl,other}friends
<gchristensen> let's talk "My password was pwned 10 yrs ago on myspace and I'm still using it"
<gchristensen> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Github/2018-06-28#Root_cause "The attacker gained access to a password of an organization administrator. Evidence collected suggests a password scheme where disclosure on one site made it easy to guess passwords for unrelated webpages. "
<pikajude> siiigh
<joepie91> gchristensen: right; in those cases device correlation is almost entirely irrelevant and 2fa almost literally anywhere will solve that
<gchristensen> yes
* infinisil has been using a single password for all websites until like 3 years ago
<phreedom> joepie91: I'm aware of that :) I guess my risk profile is skewed and atypical. regular people/cheap attacks pose little danger. one level above that phones become a security nightmare which is why I don't use them at all
<joepie91> also, I wish people stopped recommending 'password schemes' for security, it's terrible advice :/
<gchristensen> joepie91: that is why the github issue is "enable literally any 2fa" not "please use a TOTP app" or "we're buying everyone yubikeys"
<joepie91> phreedom: if your risk profile actually _is_ targeted nation state attacks, then yes, that is quite atypical :) but then just get a dedicated 2fa advice of some sort, preferably auditable
<pikajude> i use a password manager
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<joepie91> it's a valid threat model but not the one that most people have to deal with
<phreedom> joepie91: the biggest deal is that with TOTP 2fa the password is generated by the service, so it's always random and is never transmitted
<phreedom> joepie91: and a second device(which HAS to be substantially more secure to make it worth it) can be used to store the password
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<pie__> infinisil, dumb mistake again somewhere..complains about coercing a set to a string https://bpaste.net/show/59071ded6b0a
<phreedom> gchristensen: I've been using random passwords like for ever for all accounts I plan to keep
<gchristensen> I believe you
<joepie91> phreedom: are you talking nation-state-attacker threat model, or 2fa in general? because in the latter, it often doesn't matter (but sometimes does!) exactly how secure the 2fa device is, so long as it's a different environment from the first factor
<infinisil> pie__: You sure the error is in that paste?
<infinisil> Because I don't see anything totally wrong with that
<pie__> infinisil, yeah but ill make sure
<gchristensen> of the ~50 people who didn't already have 2fa enabled, I'd be surprised if many of them have considered a threat model
<joepie91> 'partner' threat model would be an exception for example, you'd want some minimal level of security on both environments to make it difficult for said partner to compromise both; after all, they have physical access
<LnL> phreedom: many people hopefully do, but if even one maintainer doesn't that could be a major problem
<pie__> infinisil, yes the error is in the paste
<gchristensen> ^
<LnL> and it's not something we can verify or require
<gchristensen> ^ :)
<gchristensen> <3
<samueldr> hi friends! while 2fa talk is important, moving #nixos-chat would help those with issues about nix/nixos :) thanks!
<gchristensen> samueldr++
<{^_^}> samueldr's karma got increased to 1
<gchristensen> :o that must be a bug
<phreedom> joepie91: in theory yes, in practice the gain can be quite negligible. cracking your laptop open to the point of being able to read root-only files, is a sophisticated attack and adding a second insecure device, that's interconnected with your main one is not how you mitigate that
<samueldr> and I dropped a `to`
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<infinisil> pie__: What's myGitPath?
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<pie__> infinisil, its a string
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<joepie91> phreedom: sure, but then we're talking locally hosted data and the whole idea of 2fa on services is no longer what we're talking about
<joepie91> but yes
<gchristensen> (please do, indeed, move to #nixos-chat joepie91 ^ phreedom)
<joepie91> #nixos-chat :)
<infinisil> pie__: Yeah that won't work, that way it will just be src = "foo/qtah"
<pie__> infinisil, oh does that need to be a fetchgit or what
<infinisil> Which won't get imported into the store
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<infinisil> Or just use /path/to/src instead of "/path/to/src"
<infinisil> So the error is indeed not in your paste :)
<pie__> infinisil, actually these are subdirectories of the git repo so fetchgit wouldnt really work...
<pie__> infinisil, huh i thought paths were just strings too
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<infinisil> Well, almost
<pie__> my bad :P
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<pie__> same coercion error with myGit = ./qtah;
<infinisil> Can you post the full file?
<fresheyeball> I did some reading
<pie__> or do i need to fix all quoted paths because it will coerce to string?
<fresheyeball> and people say they can solve this by using a different user
<fresheyeball> is there a general way to run a systemd service as a user other than root?
<infinisil> fresheyeball: The error isn't even in that paste
<pie__> infinisil, now it looks like this https://bpaste.net/show/9c5338d00e6a
<fresheyeball> infinisil: monit.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
<fresheyeball> its in there
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<infinisil> fresheyeball: That's just systemd trying to restart it and failing because it won't restart it too quickly
<infinisil> fresheyeball: Use journalctl -u <name> -e to view the full errors
<infinisil> scroll with vim bindings
<hakujin> what is the correct way to set environment variables for things like a haskell package's `check` phase? (does not support `checkFlags` from what I can tell)
<infinisil> pie__: myGitPath + "/qtah-cpp"
<hakujin> `set FOO=bar`?
<fresheyeball> infinisil: shnazzy, was working with journelctl -xe
<pie__> infinisil, same problem
<infinisil> pie__: And that doesn't give you an "myGitPath" not defined error?
<infinisil> Because I think this needs a rec after mkDerivation to even work
<fresheyeball> oic
<fresheyeball> infinisil: nevermind :)
<infinisil> pie__: Oh, I see the problem
<infinisil> pie__: You can't just use mkDerivation's attributes to define variables, all of those will get set as environment variables
<infinisil> hakujin: Also to you ^^ all attributes you set in a derivation will get set as environment variables
<infinisil> pie__: You need a let in
<pie__> infinisil, ugh. xD so i should have used let? (i almost did but figured its the same)
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<infinisil> Yee
<pie__> infinisil, same problem :p
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<infinisil> You sure?
<pie__> pretty sure
<infinisil> gist it again
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<pie__> yo usure you got your function arguments all right?
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<infinisil> Decently sure
<pie__> arguments/signatures
<infinisil> I meant a let in for myhaskellpackages
<infinisil> Oh and myGitPath too i guess
<pie__> lol
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<infinisil> But that won't cause an error because you set it to a string
<pie__> much better
* pie__ waits to run out of disk space
<infinisil> Need to clean the source
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<pikajude> hey, neat, so i could make my personal website require U2F authentication
<pikajude> that's useful
<obadz> gchristensen: alright, having a look now
<hakujin> infinisil: ah, okay, thank you. what if I want to create a dynamic value first and set that as an environment variable? e.g. a UUID
<infinisil> Probably best to set it in configurePhase
<hakujin> how?
<infinisil> With an export
<hakujin> ah
<hakujin> if I set it in the configurePhase will it persist through the checkPhase?
<hakujin> or should I export it in both?
<infinisil> Will persist, it's really just bash running all phases as functions in sequence
<hakujin> great. thank you.
<fresheyeball> anyone know how to find a pid file for a systemd unit?
<pie__> would be nice if compiling a haskell package could do checks for everything before compiling so it doesnt fail 3/4ths through :p
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @maggesi pushed to fix-maintainer-name-z77z « Change my "z77z" maintainer nickname into "maggesi" (my github account name). »: https://git.io/fbjZj
<fresheyeball> pie__: what kind of checks?
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<pie__> fresheyeball, *shrug* whatever it takes so that it fails fast for a bad import of something
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<{^_^}> [nix] @dtzWill opened pull request #2277 → [WIP] add support for zstd compression → https://git.io/fbjnK
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<pie__> qtah takes forever to rebuild :/
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli opened pull request #43090 → gocryptfs: 1.1.1 -> 1.5 → https://git.io/fbjck
<tenten8401> Has unstable failed to build for like 5 datys in a row for anyone else?
<tenten8401> I don't know if I'm just doing it wrong or if it's just refusing to build
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<tenten8401> I've just repeatedly been getting a "FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'setup.py'" error for quite some time, however I don't know if that's due to the package manager or what
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<{^_^}> [nix] @volth opened pull request #2278 → column internal representation of attrsets → https://git.io/fbjcW
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<dtz> nh2: <3 submitted some nix PR's you may be interested in.... ^_^
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<hakujin> this: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/generic-builder.nix#L359-L363 makes me think `postCheck` doesn't happen if tests fail.
<hakujin> is that ^ accurate? if so, what can I do about it?
<hakujin> ideally I'd like to guarantee cleanup of an allocated resource
<hakujin> this may not be The Correct Way
<infinisil> What are you thinking of?
<hakujin> in `preCheck` I create a postgres database with a unique name
<infinisil> Nix runs everything in a sandbox anyways (well if you enabled sandboxing, you should)
<hakujin> I'd like to clean it up after the tests run
<hakujin> yeah, hah, about that
<infinisil> Do turn on the sandbox..